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Essay On My Favourite Game
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Essay On My Favourite Game Essay On My Favourite Game
Justice In Fury
Fury is the latest movie from director David Ayer, who also directed the films: End of Watch,
Sabotage, and Street Kings. Fury is defined as a wild or violent anger, or a spirit of punishment from
Greek Mythology. After seeing this movie, I now have a slightly different interpretation. I now define
fury as the uncontrollable rage of anger from a righteous man attempting to achieve justice for the lost
and the departed. In Fury a 5 man Sherman tank unit from the United States embarks on a mission into
Germany during World War II to protect a supply line from an advancing Nazi SS unit on a collision
course with them. The M4 Sherman Tank was rushed into production in October 1941 as a response to
the fall of France in only a matter of weeks to Germany s Nazi soldiers. At this time the U.S. had
fallen behind in tank technology, as no immediate threat seemed imminent to the U.S. after World War
I. The design of the Sherman tank emphasized speed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is where Private Norman, brought to fragile life by Logan Lerman (Noah, Percy Jackson: Sea of
Monsters, and The Perks of Being a Wallflower), is assigned to be the new assistant driver for Fury.
Norman has only been in the army for 8 weeks, has never been inside of a tank, or killed a single
enemy in combat. Fury s strength comes from her crew having been together the longest. They think,
act, and battle as one; but now Norman is about to put all of that into jeopardy. The strength of the
movie is not in the vast and beautiful landscapes of Europe; it is not in the highly visual battle scenes
and the raw presentation of war; but it is in the fact that people when faced with insurmountable odds
must band together as brothers and do the impossible. This process is typically painful, just like the
birth of a child; but after all of the screaming stops, something pure and beautiful can be
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College Campus Rape Culture
Certain things are a given about college life. New opportunities, new friends, new living situations,
but also, new dangers. No matter what college, what area, whether it is a notorious party school or not,
there is always a danger that comes with placing hormonal youths in close contact with drugs, alcohol,
and each other. Yet, few parents are afraid for the safety their young sons. Many parents fear for the
safety of their daughters, in an environment where drugs and alcohol are the norm. The college party
culture has been renowned for placing shame and blame on young girls who are the victims of rape
and sexual assault. So, I created a model for a poster which protests this campus, and also nationwide
rape culture.
The first element of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is not misandry, it is just historical fact. A 1997 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics study showed
that 91% of rape victims are female... and 99% of arrestees for rape are male. Many rapes are
underreported or played down as mistakes , lapses in judgement , etc. This excusing of rape is central
to rape culture, especially that of campus rape. This trend can be seen in the way that Brock Turner s
father tried to explain away his son s rape of the Stanford rape victim, as 20 minutes of action out of
his 20 plus years of life. This could be the understatement of the year! Those 20 minutes of action
made a huge and permanent impact on the victim, and that act should not be trivialized. Unfortunately
this is characteristic of male rape culture. This concept of a man taking what he wants, when he wants
is so toxic, yet so inherent to rae culture. That is why I chose to have the male sign completely merge
with the letter U . This macho man trope is so overused that it is basically a given. Therefore, my use
of the male sign and its placement have deliberate meanings that symbolize the prevalence of male
rapists and sympathizers (such as Brock Turner s father), and how closely they are woven into modern
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Reality of Sleep Paralysis Essay
The concept of sleep paralysis is not necessarily a concept, it is a reality. I have had this occur to me
numerous times for the better part of the past twenty years. What makes this a concept is why and how
it occurs. I do not believe it is not spoken of enough, and I sincerely believe that more people would
be interested in knowing what exactly this condition is.
The conditon known as sleep paralysis is defined as the momentary inability to move one s limbs,
trunk and head despite being fully conscious. This can happen while falling asleep (hypogogic sleep)
or when waking up (hypnopompic sleep). In my case, hypnopompic sleep is when I suufer this
condition. Hypnopompic sleep is when a person becomes aware before REM has finished, ... Show
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I did in fact fall back to sleep, and I didn t mention it to anyone, because for all I knew, no one else
had ever felt this.
While researching the topic of sleep paralysis I learned that it is not a new kind of disorder, brought on
by cell phones, smog, or global warming it has been around for centuries. Sleep paralysis was once
attributed to evil presences, and it was even referred to as old hag in Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet.
I learned that, in most cases, it is simply a sign that a person s body is not moving smoothly through
sleep (http://www.webmd.com/sleep disorders/sleep paralysis). Most cases refers to hypnogogic sleep,
whereas it happens to me when I am coming out of REM sleep.
There is not at this moment a known cure for sleep paralysis, yet there are symptoms that are
attributed to causing it. I found in Scientific American that factors include: going to sleep while lying
on the back, and also when feeling stressed or experiencing a disruption in normal sleep patterns (jet
la attributed g, caffeine, alcohol). I found on Stanford University s website that good sleep hygiene
may prevent sleep paralysis. These preventive measures include: getting enough sleep, reduction of
stress, exercise regularly (but not too close to bedtime), and also keep a regular sleep schedule
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Probability Vs Statistic Study
1) List what you consider are the most important concepts you have learned in this course.
Understanding the difference between a parameter and a statistic. Understanding what each type of
probability or statistic means in terms of the data. Having the tools to translate real life scenarios into a
simple statistical model and make some inferences on the population. Understanding that there are
many solutions or distribution models for the sample problems and each has their own individual
usefulness or quality. 2) What study tips would you give to students who enroll in this class next term?
You can discuss whatever you think might be useful: time management tips, what to study, how to
study, what to do, or what not to do. Read all reading
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Compare And Contrast Looking For Alibrandi
Melina Marchetta s 1993 novel, Looking for Alibrandi, is based on the story of an Italian teenage girl
living in Australia during the early 1990 s in Sydney. Kate Woods motion picture interpretation of the
book creates similarities and differences between the two texts. By comparing the relationships within
the characters of Josephine Alibrandi, Katia Alibrandi and Ivy Lloyd or Poison Ivy /Carly Bishop in
both texts, the audience is able to identify the likeness and contrasts among the film and novel.
Firstly, one of the characters that represents the similarities and differences between the two texts is
the narrator of the story, Josephine Alibrandi or Josie. The stubborn Italian teenager shares multiple
similarities within both texts and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Poison Ivy and Carly are introduced differently in the novel. Ivy is the intelligent school captain of St
Martha s and Josie s rival. Carly is one of the pretentious try hards in the world (pg. 81) with a stuck
up and racist attitude. Both characters clash with Josie when it involves John Barton, Josie s crush, or
racism. One type of racist comment in the novel that Josie receives is: ...and you re more than a wog,
if you know what I mean. (pg. 82). This comment not only speaks of racism but Josie s illegitimacy
which earns Carly a hit in the face with one of Josie s text books which similarly occurs in both texts.
Carly s personality is also revealed in the film when Josie narrates: because at St Martha s it s all
about money, prestige and what your father does for a living. Carly, it seems, was brought up among
wealthy racists and therefore affecting her behaviour. Furthermore, Carly and Poison Ivy may share
similarities to their combined character in the film but this creates differences with the character
development in the novel. One of the significant differences between the two texts is that the film
combines the characters of Carly and Ivy. Thus, creating an antagonist who is John Barton s friend,
high level of intelligence, the role of school captain, a racist mindset and Josie s biggest rival. In the
novel, however, Josie and Ivy are able to form a bond because of John s suicide. This is evident when
Josie offers to Ivy: If we go to the same university and we bump into each other one day, let s have a
cappuccino and talk. (pg. 242). In contrary, after John s death in the film, a cold Carly questions Josie
and her group of friends: What is it with wogs? This obviously not being the beginning to a friendship
that eventually exists in the novel. Therefore, Carly and Ivy are two
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Buying A Home Essay
Luxury is a divisive word; it is a satisfaction and not a necessity lavish and expensive, great ease and
comfort, these are all adjectives that define luxury.
Luxury in the new context is the enjoyment of the best in life.
Owning a home that doesn t leave a negative impact on the community, and brings in positive
meaning is a major attraction to wealthy buyers. The demand for healthy and sustainable
environments has placed great emphasis on conscious living.
We re all aware of the fact that real estate in India is expensive and are now selling at prices that are
practically unaffordable for anyone who wants to buy a home to live in. But how expensive is
expensive, that needs to be answered. Expenses depend from city to city metropolitans ... Show more
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The high end home segment is witnessing inclusion and growth with new areas emerging in pockets
close to the existing ones. Poes Garden, Boat Club Road, and Rutland Gate have been the prominent
pockets in Chennai but the city is now witnessing the emergence of a new luxury precinct Alwarpet,
Kotturpuram, Egmore, Bishop Garden, and Perumbur.
A luxury home in the heart of the Central Business District can cost anywhere between Rs.7.5 crore
and Rs.10 crore, as quoted by builders developing high end properties in the Egmore Nungambakkam
area. A similar home with matching features can come at a lower price elsewhere in the city. This is
testimony to the importance that location holds in the sector.
The Pune market has also shown a strong rise in the mid segment where the capital values have risen
28%, second highest rise after Bangalore where the capital value appreciation is
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Speech On Importance Of A Seat Belt
The Importance of a Seat belt There are many factors that are included in a vehicle to keep everyone
safe. One of these, is the seat belt. Safety comes first when someone gets in a vehicle. Seat belts save
the lives of many people everyday. When seat belts were invented, they were put into every vehicle to
keep people from flying out a window when involved in a wreck. There are statistics that show that
wearing a seat belt decreases the possibility of being injured to the point of death.
A seat belt is a long strap attached to a car seat, this tool was designed to keep the passenger in place
when in a collision. According to, Traffic with a smile, Today, the seat belt serves to protect drivers
and passengers from injury during any type of collision. Tnsafety.org says, More than 50% of vehicle
occupants killed in crashes in Tennessee were not wearing seat belts. There are many people that die
everyday, because they had a collision and were not wearing a seatbelt.
The seat belt is neatly made up of many materials such as polyester, fiber materials and coating
materials. It is woven this way so that the passenger will feel comfortable when wearing a seatbelt.
According to TAKATA, The width of the webbing is about 48mm and has a tensile strength sufficient
to support approximately three metric tons. The seat belt is built to support any height, body structure,
and weight. To make the seat belt move it has a built in retractor. The retractor helps it move
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Toyota Car Manufacturing Essay
Toyota Car Manufacturing
The owner and founder of Toyota is Sakichi Toyoda is born 1867, and In 1890 he invented the Toyoda
wooden hand loom, Sakichi Toyoda in 1896 invented the power Loom, invents the circular Loom and
in 1924 Sakichi Toyoda, invents toyoda Automatic Loom, Type G with Non Stop shuttle change
motion, In 1926 Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, LTD now become Toyota Industries Corporation
and established to manufacture and market Automatic Loom invented by Sakichi Toyota.
In 1933 Automobile department set up to manufacture automobile and a proto type engine completed
in 1934. The Toyota Precepts established in 1935 the first prototype of models A1 passenger car
In 1933 a Japanese man named Kiichiro Toyoda traveled ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In some months, for example, the company produced vehicles worth a total of ¥350 million while
income from sales reached only ¥250 million. In the absence of credit sources to bridge the imbalance,
Toyota soon was facing a severe liquidity crisis. In large part because of wartime regulations and
controls, Toyota had come to place strong emphasis on the production end of the business, so that in
the early postwar years not enough attention had been paid to the proper balance between production
and sales. The Japanese economy at that time was suffering from a severe depression, and because the
Toyota dealers were unable to sell cars in sufficient quantities, these dealers had no choice but to pay
Toyota in long term promissory notes as inventories kept accumulating.
In subsequent years Japan s gross national product expanded rapidly, contributing to the impressive
growth in auto sales to the Japanese public. The Toyota Corolla, which went on sale in 1966, quickly
became Japan s most popular family car and led the market for autos of its compact size. Toyota
continued to make major investments in new plants and equipment to prepare for what it believed
would be a higher market demand. In 1971 the government removed controls on capital investment. In
the wake of this move, several Japanese automakers formed joint ventures or affiliations with U.S.
Two years later, the 1973 Middle East War erupted and the world s economy was shaken
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Japanese American Internment Essay
Human rights they are an ongoing issue in the world today, with the constant struggle against
violation. The United Nations has accepted 30 articles on human rights, which help protect millions
from political, social, and legal abuses (UDHR). Even with the insistence from the world s leaders to
follow and honor these rights, violation is common and provides a serious threat to people all over the
world. One example of a violation of human rights such as equality and safety in possessions is shown
through the issue of Japanese American internment camps (UDHR). First, the problem of Japanese
American internment began in the 1940 s, when World War II left it s mark on America (Ng xi). On
December 7th, 1941, the Japanese Empire bombed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Article 9 was also very seriously violated. This article declares that humans should not be subject to
arbitrary arrest, or be detained against their will with no valid reason (UDHR). This was disregarded
by forcing the internees to evacuate and go to camps, and then keeping them there against their will
(JARDA). Likewise, Article 12 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no one shall be
subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence , was violated
through the act of evacuating them from their homes (JARDA). These violations of the human rights
were the suffering of the Japanese Americans, until resolution came. Finally, a resolution to the
disaster of the internment camps came, after 3 years of suffering (Ng xxii). The end of the terrible
event started in December of 1944, when President Roosevelt finally revoked the Executive Order
9066 (JARDA). The events leading up to this included a protest at Manzanar Reception Center, the
plans to re accept Japanese into the army, and the close of a select few reception centers (Ng xii). With
the momentum of these advances, and the cancellation of Executive Order 9066, the War Relocation
Authority began a six month process of releasing and relocating internees (JARDA). By 1946, all of
the camps were closed and all internees were released, and the violation was resolved (Ng xxi). In
conclusion, the evidence presented forth clearly shows that the human rights
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Radio Waves and Electromagnetic Fields Essay examples
PHY112 Lab 9 Worksheet
When you go to the simulation you will have a choice to either run the simulation or download the
simulation. Run may not work on all computers. If it does not run, download the simulation and work
from there.
When the simulation opens, play with the controls and buttons to become familiar with how the
simulation works.
Note: A formal lab report is not required for this activity. You may cut and paste this worksheet to a
new Word document and adjust the spacing to fit your needs.
Open the simulation.
Explain how the radiating electric field (or electromagnetic signal) is produced when radio stations
A radio wave (radiating electric field) propagates out from the ... Show more content on
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True or False: The electron in the receiving antenna oscillates at a lower frequency than the electron in
the transmitting antenna because of the distance between the two antennas.
False: when the transmitting antenna s electron oscillates, it sets up on an electromagnetic wave that
oscillates at the same frequency. This wave causes the electron in the receiver to oscillate at the same
frequency. Electrons, therefore, in both the transmitter and receiver (antennas) oscillate at identical
True or False: If the frequency of oscillation increases but the amplitude of the electron oscillation
remains the same, then the electron in the transmitting antenna is experiencing larger accelerations
(recall what you know about acceleration and motion).
True: electrons must move faster as they oscillate back and forth in order for the frequency to increase
while the amplitude remains the same. Delta velocity / time is a measure of the average acceleration. A
larger change in velocity than at the old frequency if the electron is ovine faster towards its peak
height than away from its peak height at the new frequency. Moreover, the time for this change is
velocity to be seen is less than for the old frequency. These changes indicate acceleration is larger.
True or False: If the amplitude increases but frequency remains the same, the electron at the receiving
antenna experiences larger peak forces but oscillates at the same frequency as before.
True: the
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Persuasive Essay For Year Round Education
Vote YES! To Year Round Education Though school might be a pain to some students, their health and
learning abilities can be effectively productive with year round education, or YRE. In contrast to the
U.S., Japan uses a 220 day year round school calendar, and Japanese students consistently test higher
than students in the United States ( Year Round School ). Putting students in YRE can help them in the
long run when it comes down to maintaining knowledge for the real world. YRE generally operates on
a 180 day schedule that includes a reduced summer vacation and frequent short breaks throughout the
school year (Chittom et al.). Failing tests and quizzes after coming back from breaks are the last thing
anyone wants to happen.
While attending schools that use balanced scheduling, the breaks that are implemented throughout the
school year may be shorter, but you get a broad variety of breaks for various occasions. YRE, or the
balanced calendar, helps to minimize the months worth of learning loss that students tend to
experience during a typical summer break (Chittom et al.). The focus of implementing a year round
school calendar is a convenient way to ignore larger problems concerning the educational system that
are not easily solved. Among year round education you retain more knowledge, get more breaks
throughout the year, and score higher and your assessments. The student health and learning abilities
are key to having success while getting classes done. With that being said, one of the most beneficial
points of year round education is student capability.
Though student benefits can be a broad range of subject, there are enough pros to cancel out the
equilibrium of the cons. Students socialization skills would be more likely to increase due to the
amount of days in the year. In YRE the students may be divided up into tracks. Single track students
and staff will go on vacations at the same time. Multi track is where a certain group/track of students
or staff take a vacation while others are at school. Matthew Lynch, from Education Week, stated The
main benefit with dividing schools in multi track and single track is for those who need extra or
remedial help. Students would be able to go back onto the
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Consumerism In Brave New World Essay
Consumerism is one of the main themes in the book Brave New World, but it is also becoming big in
modern society. In Brave New World, consumerism is a main factor of the lifestyle. In our society,
consumerism is becoming a big factor of our lifestyle too. Brave New World depicts a life where you
are essentially made to earn money, then spend it to gain satisfaction. In modern society, spending
money on products and services is very relevant. Advertisements are constantly everywhere
persuading people to purchase something. Consumerism has essentially become a life goal in our
society today. In both of these societies, consumerism is depicted in very similar ways. The book
Brave New World and modern society both depict similarities related ... Show more content on
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While primarily done as a way to reduce worker turnover, Ford also recognized that by paying his
workers more, they would become greater consumers (Cloer, 2013). The assembly line created a mass
production of goods to be sold to earn a profit. Paying workers more money also contributes to the
workers buying more. The God of Brave New World is Ford for he invented the assembly line, the
ability to mass produce, and the vision that everyone could own a car (Boyle, 2013). Henry Ford in
Brave New World is seen as the god of this society. People worship and praise him and this is due to
his invention of the assembly line. Both the book and modern life has this in common because Ford
did contribute to consumerism in America by creating the assembly line as well as paying workers
more money so that they will spend more. Advertisements also play a big role in both the World State
and modern life. In the book, Hypnopaedia serves as a form of advertisement that teaches people to
want to buy more. In modern society, advertisements are everywhere, from television commercials to
radio, to newspapers, to billboards. Both of these advertisements serve the purpose to make consumers
want to spend money on their product or
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Assignment 2 Database Management Systems
Assignment 2 Database Management Systems
General Database Concepts
1. Describe the types of facility you would expect to be provided in a multi user DBMS.
Data Storage, Retrieval and Update.
A User Accessible Catalog.
Transaction Support.
Concurrency Control Services.
Recovery Services.
Authorization Services.
Support for Data Communication.
Integrity Services.
Services to Promote Data Independence.
Utility Services.
2. Discuss the differences between DDL and DML? What operations would you typically expect to be
available in each language?
Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the database design or schema while
Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used to manage data with Schema objects.
In DDL, we have operations like
CREATE: To create objects in database.
ALTER: Alter the structure of the database.
DROP: Delete objects from database.
TRUNCATE: Removing all records from the table.
COMMENT: Add comments to the data dictionary.
RENAME: rename the object.
In DML, we have operations like
SELECT: Retrieve data from the database.
INSERT: Insert data into the table.
UPDATE: Updates existing table.
DELETE: Deletes all the records from the table, the space for the record remain.
MERGE: UPSERT operation (insert or update)
CALL: Call a PL/SQL or java program.
3. Name four object based data models.
Object and Object identifier
Attributes and methods
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Physical Security Paper
Physical Security
August 12, 2013
Physical Security
It is important for all organizations to have physical security. Physical security protects the
organization in every way. Every individual needs to be aware of the importance of physical security.
Not only is important for the individual to be aware of the importance physical security has in an
organization but to be able to understand how physical security works within the organization. In this
paper the writer will be describing the core concepts of physical security. Additionally the writer
would be writing about the security assessments. Last the writing would be writing about the basic
physical controls.
The physical security is when security involves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The basic physical control is the implementation of security measures in a defined structure used to
deter or prevent unauthorized access to sensitive material ( 1.2.1. Physical Controls , n.d.). Also
physical controls are safeguards to avoid and minimize any security risk the organization have that
involving computer software or even personal property. Some examples of physical control are fences,
security guards, access cards, surveillance cameras, biometrics and locks. Cameras are very important
in an organization. Depending on governing law and the prevailing corporate culture, many companies
have policies which prohibit the taking of pictures on the premises (Seese, 2009). Organization
prohibits the taking of pictures on the premises because when an individual is taking pictures he or she
might be planning on doing harm to the organization. He or she might want to rob the organization
and wants to know how the organization layout looks like from the inside and the outside. Another
reason why taking pictures is prohibited in organization is because the individual could learn where
the surveillance cameras are located, individual could even take pictures with his or her cell phone,
that is why in some organization there is security walking around to prevent any picture to be taken.
There are different kinds of biometrics technologies. One category is physiological and another
category is
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Appmath Chapter 5
Chapter 5 word problems (final answers in bold) 5 12 In 1955 an antique car that originally cost
$3,668 is valued today at $62,125 if in excellent condition, which is 1¾ times as much as a car in very
nice condition if you can find an owner willing to part with one for any price, What would be the
value of the car in very nice condition? Let x = value of the car in very nice condition 1¾x = 62125
7x/4 = 62125 (multiply by 4) 7x = 248500 (divide by 7) X = 35,500 $35000 = value of the car in very
nice condition 5 14 Nanda Yueh and Lane Zuriff sell homes for ERA Realty. Over the past 6 months
they sold 120 homes. Nanda sold 3 times as many homes as Lane. How many homes did each sell?
Let x = Number of homes sold by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In December, Wal Mart s total sales were $1200. Customers bought 7 times as many thermometers as
hot water bottles. How many of each did Wal Mart sell? Check your answer. Let x = number of
thermometers sold Let Y = number of hot water bottles sold 7Y = X 2x + 6y = 1200 (simplify)
X+3y=600 (substitute) 7y + 3y = 600 10y = 600 (divide by 10) Y = 60 X= 7y X= 7(60) X = 420 420 =
number of thermometers sold 60 = number of hot water bottles sold Check: 7y = x 7(60) = 420
(correct) 2x+6y = 1200 2(420) + 6(60) = 1200 (correct) 5 40 Kent Christy is organizing a fundraiser
for the pool he manages. He bought ice cream cones ($.75) and ice cream sandwiches ($1.00) to sell.
His total bill was $225. (a) If he ordered twice the number of ice cream cones than ice
creamsandwiches, how many of each did he buy? (b) What did he spend for ice cream cones? (c)
What did he spend for ice cream sandwiches? (a) Let x = number of ice cream cones bought Let y =
number of ice cream sandwiches bought X = 2y .75x + y = 225 .75(2y) = 225 1.5y + y = 225 2.5y =
225 (divide by 2.5) Y = 90 X = 2y X = 180 180 = number of ice cream cones bought 90 = number of
ice cream sandwiches bought (b) 180 x $.75 $135 = amount spent for ice cream cones (c) 90 x $1.00
$90 =
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What Led to the Decline of Indentured Servitude and the...
The decline of indentured servitude and the rise of chattel slavery were caused by economic factors of
the English settlers in the late 17th century. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony.
The head right system was to give the indentured servant a method of becoming independent after a
number of years of service. Colonists chiefly relied on Indentured Servitude, in order to facilitate their
need for labor. The decreasing population combined with a need for a labor force, led colonists to
believe that African slaves were the most efficient way to acquire a labor force that would satisfy their
Before the 1680 s, indentured servitude was the primary source of labor in the newly developed
colonies. There ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though Bacon died before anything could happen, the threat of such a biracial alliance
challenging the power of the master class prompted the colony s elite to switch to an enslaved black
labor force. The demand for black slaves rose and this caused an increase of Africans into the
colonies. By the 1700 s, slavery was deep rooted in the colonies government.#
Planters had an abundance of land and a shortage of labor.
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Essay On Sports Coaches
Athletic Coach or Scout Coaches teach amateur and professional athletes the skills they need to
succeed at their sport. Scouts look for new players, evaluating their skills and likelihood for success at
the college, amateur, or professional level. Many coaches are also involved in scouting potential
Coaches typically do the following:
Plan, organize, and conduct practice sessions
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of individual athletes and opposing teams
Plan strategies and choose team members for each game
Provide direction, encouragement, and motivation to prepare athletes for games
Call plays and make decisions about strategy and player substitutions during games
Plan and direct physical conditioning programs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Certification often requires coaches to be a minimum age of at least 18 years old and be trained in
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. Some states also require coaches to attend classes
related to sports safety and coaching fundamentals prior to becoming certified. Although most public
high school coaches need to meet these state requirements in order to become a coach, certification
may not be required for coaching and sports instructor jobs in private schools. Some schools may
require coaches to have a teaching license and complete a background check. Certification
requirements for college coaching positions also vary. Additional certification may be highly desirable
or even required in order to become an instructor in scuba diving, tennis, golf, karate, or other
individual sports. There are many certifying organizations specific to the various sports, and their
requirements vary. To reach the ranks of professional coaches, a candidate usually needs years of
coaching experience and a winning record at a college. Some coaches may not have previous coaching
experience but are nevertheless hired at the professional level due to their success as an athlete in that
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Monologue On The American Ambush
How have you been? I hope life is going well. How is mom doing? Are you and her eating and
sleeping well? I want to be very honest in this letter. Please do not tell mother what I am about to tell
you. I don t want to worry her. I don t want to worry you too but you re stronger than mom. What I am
about to tell you please take it into consideration but also don t worry as much. Do you remember
Lieutenant Carroll? Lieutenant Carroll was the closest to heaven that we will ever get but that night
we were in hell. There was an ambush. When an ambush occurs you don t ever know what will
happen. Everything is unexpected and you might make some mistakes. I made plenty mistakes during
an ambush. During the ambush I was firing at the enemy trying to kill them and protect our man.
Carroll was near me. When I turned around I seen Carroll get hit near the armpit. Me and the men
tried to rush to the hospital to Chu Lai but it was too late. Carroll shortly died after arriving. Kenny I
wish you would have met him. I believed that Carroll was the only one who really cared for us since
the start. He was the only person I really trusted other than Peewee but I really couldn t talk to Peewee
about personal and serious stuff. Everyone loved Carroll. I remember when I first met ... Show more
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Give her a kiss too. The kiss would be from the both of us. Tell her that I have seen the letter she wrote
to Peewee. Even though the letter was short I still loved it. Tell her to write to me though. I want her to
write to me personally. I love you Kenny, I will always love you and mom. Stay healthy and live your
life. I will talk to another time when I get the chance. Do well in school and be nice to mom. Kiss and
hug more everyday and say that you re are thankful. Do it for me too. It hurts that I can t see y all right
now. Please, take an advantage that you re with
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Athenian Democracy and Divination Essay
Athenian Democracy and Divination
Divination was a prevalent feature in Archaic Greece, as it provided objective advice, to assist people
in making appropriate decisions in problematic predicaments. In certain situations its ambiguity
allowed decisions to be postponed, or blame to be assigned to others. Divination was also used to
explain matters that seemed unexplainable, such as crop failure or drought. This is illustrated in the
Homeric epics, which depicts numerous oracle interpreters, such as Calchas, consulting oracles on
domestic, as well as, military decisions. Divination was a guiding authority in ancient society.
However, during the fifth and fourth century BC, the democratic ... Show more content on
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Furthermore, when the Athenians suggest to the Melians that they should become allies with them,
against the Spartans, the Melians state:
…We trust that the gods will give us fortune as good as yours… [3]
In contrast, the Athenians dismiss the protection of the gods, and state:
This kind of attitude is not going to be of much help to you in your absurd conquest for safety at the
moment .[4]
Thucydides portrays the Athenians in an arrogant light, which suggests that they will get their
comeuppance for such sacrilegious opinions. Furthermore, Thucydides also highlights the scientific
approach that the Athenians have towards their domination of the Peloponnese, suggesting that it is
the law of nature , that they should conquer as much as they can. The rise of freethinking, that the
democracy had established, had lead to the neglect of the gods. In comparison, Xerxes, in his conquest
to dominate Greece, complies with a dream that is sent from the gods, which indicates to him and
Artabanus that he should continue with the Persian wars.[5] Herodotus, writing in the early fifth
century, highlights the importance of following divination, whereas, Thucydides, writing in the later
fifth century, focuses on decisions made by the people.
The Sicilian expedition, from 415BC,
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The Day After The Superbowl Essay
Should The Day After The SuperBowl Be A National Holiday Did you know that the day after the
SuperBowl, a reported 10.5 million people called in sick , and 7.5 million went in to work late? Or
that ⅓ of the country watches the biggest sporting event in history, this huge sporting event? People
are debating about whether everyone should have off of school and work on February 5th, the day
after the SuperBowl. Some people say that their child is just too tired to learn, or that they can t go to
work because they can t stay awake. Opposers say we have to go, it s just another Monday to those
who don t watch the SuperBowl, but many people are too tired to go. This is due to people calling out
of work, which causes the U.S. losing about 1 billion dollars every year due to the lack of productivity
and 16 million kids skip school the day after the SuperBowl, causing more than half of school s
students being out, and the kids who are actually in school are too tired to learn anything. Schools and
businesses should close the day after the SuperBowl because schools have virtually no students come
to school and big businesses lose money. School should be closed the Monday after the SuperBowl
because so many workers take off ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Acorrding to http://www.nola.com/education/index.ssf/2010/01/school_officials_weigh_cancell.html,
one school reported marked 8,800 students absent on Monday, compared to 3,500 on a typical day in
the 44,000 student system. This is pretty serious because so many kids are absent so teachers really
can t start anything new. Also, the very few population of kids actually at school are too tired to learn
anything which hurts their education. We don t won t students in school if their bodies can t handle it
so this is why we should have school off on this
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Study Guide Stoichiometry Student Editable
Section 11.1 What is stoichiometry?
In your textbook, read about stoichiometry and the balanced equation.
For each statement below, write true or false.
_______true___________ 1. The study of the quantitative relationships between the amounts of
reactants used and the amounts of products formed by a chemical reaction is called stoichiometry.
________true__________ 2. Stoichiometry is based on the law of conservation of mass.
_________false_________ 3. In any chemical reaction, the mass of the products is less than the mass
of the reactants.
________true__________ 4. The coefficients in a chemical equation represent not only the number of
individual particles but also the number of moles of particles. ... Show more content on
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2.15 mol O2  . 2 mol H2O/1 mol O2, 4.30  ________________ mol H2O 5. How many moles of
water are needed for 0.100 mol of sodium peroxide to react completely in this reaction?
0.100 mol Na2O2  2 mol H2O/2 mol Na2O2, 0.100  ________________ mol H2O 6. How many
moles of oxygen are produced if the reaction produces 0.600 mol sodium hydroxide?
0.600 mol NaOH  . 1 mol O2/4 mol NaOH, 0.150  ________________ mol O2
Section 11.2 continued
In your textbook, read about mole to mass and mass to mass conversions.
Solving a mass to mass problem requires the four steps listed below. The equations in the boxes show
how the four steps are used to solve an example problem. After you have studied the example, solve
the problems below, using the four steps.
Example problem: How many grams of carbon dioxide are produced when 20.0 g acetylene (C2H2) is
Step 1 Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction.
Step 2 Determine the number of moles of the known substance, using mass to mole conversion.
Step 3 Determine the number of moles of the unknown substance, using mole to mole conversion.
Step 4 Determine the mass of the unknown substance, using mole to mass conversion. 7. In some
mole to mass conversions, the number of moles of the known substance is given. In those conversions,
which step of the above solution is not necessary? __________Step 2__________ 8. In a blast
furnace, iron and carbon monoxide are produced from the reaction of
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Explain Why I Want To Be An Obstetrician
Have you thought about your career in the future? Most people in my school know what they want
their career for them to be. For example, my cousin who is now a senior, decided that he wanted to go
to the military, like many other young men. Even I, a twelve year old girl, knows and planned what
she wants to do in the future. I will try really hard to become obstetrician, a type a doctor who delivers
babies. The reason for my choice is because of many things about them except the money. That is why
I always try really hard in school and it pays off. I chose my career, now it is your turn.
One of the reasons I want to be an obstetrician is because I, as any other person, admire there work. I
do not care how much money I will get paid because the only reason I want to be an obstetrician is
because I have always admired them because they are the people who help bring new life into our
world. They also delivered me, and my whole family so I should be thankful for that. If it was not for
them I would not have been on this world and neither would other people and that would not be a
happy world. I also admire them because at any time, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I would be proud because I would be the person who helped many weeks, months, and days just to get
a little and precious human being to the world. For example, in my house I am proud of most of my
grades and helping out my mom with the kids and chores around the house. If I am proud just doing
that cannot imagine how I will feel when I complete my career in the future. I will be satisfied with
the care I give my patients because I as a doctor worked really hard just to deliver a little human being
and made my patients happier by giving them a new person in the family. An example is when I am
satisfied with just have A s and B s on my report card then I will be even more satisfied when I helped
deliver a human
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Conservation Of Mass Lab
The law of conservation of mass states that matter can be changed from one form into another,
mixtures can be separated or made, and or substances can be decomposed, but the total amount of
mass remains constant. Taking this law from a different view we can state that the total mass of the
universe remains constant. Whenever matter undergoes change the total mass of the products will be
the same as the total mass of the reactants. For example, in this experiment sodium hydroxide and
copper sulfate, the reactants have a total mass of 21.4 grams. The total mass of the products, copper
hydroxide and sodium sulfate, was 21.13 grams. The 0.27 grams was a result of the solution staying
on the thermometer that was used to measure the temperature. This law was formulated in the end of
the 18th Century. It marked the beginning of modern history. ... Show more content on
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The most noticeable of them was oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. It was also known then that when a
metal was heated in the air it became and oxide, this change was accompanied by an increase in mass.
An example of an oxide is magnesium oxide. This happens when magnesium, a metal, reacts with the
oxygen when it burns. An example calculation is when the mass of the reactant, magnesium, is 2.39
grams and the product, magnesium oxide (MgO) is 3.78 grams. (LearnChemistry) We can see a
noticeable change in the mass. It must therefore mean that oxygen from the air must have been
absorbed. The total amount of oxygen absorbed is 1.39 grams. This reaction can be reversed by
heating the magnesium which releases the oxygen and returning the metal, magnesium, into a pure
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The Theme Of Inequality In The United States
Some people experience life harder than others. Many people have to work extra hard to get the same
recognition or respect than their peers. Whether someone has a disadvantage due to their race, sex,
economic position, religious affiliation, disability, employment status, etc., they suffer prejudice due to
this and, therefore, must find a way to get their voices heard and flee from bigoted hate. While this
prevailed more during the last centuries and decreased since the 1960 s, intolerance still exists on a
worldwide level, especially anti black racism in the USA. It prevailed as one of the most predominant
types of inequality in the USA. As a result, many African Americans tried as hard as they could to get
recognized and demonstrate that they provided enough capability to triumph similarly to their white ...
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And his tune is heard on the distant hill means that even though the bird continues as a prisoner,
someone manages to listen to his melody; many even hear it from far away. For the caged bird sings
of freedom , the final line of the stanza, establishes what the bird sings about, he wants freedom. Most
of the African American literature consisted on the horrors of slavery and segregation, and it lasted up
to the 60 s (racism stayed as relevant during present day but slavery and segregation are outlawed);
many writers even doubled as civil activists. Despite this, people consider their literature as
masterpieces nowadays. They represent the caged bird, with their opportunities limited and a free
world they could only dream of. However, their voices managed to get heard and their pleas received
answers. They managed to get allies throughout the world to help them in their
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Chebyshev’s Theorem and the Empirical Rule
Chebyshev s Theorem and The Empirical Rule
Suppose we ask 1000 people what their age is. If this is a representative sample then there will be very
few people of 1 2 years old just as there will not be many 95 year olds. Most will have an age
somewhere in their 30 s or 40 s. A list of the number of people of a certain age may look like this:
|Age |Number of people |
|0 |1 |
|1 |2 |
|2 |3 |
|3 |8 |
|.. |.. |
|.. |.. |
|30 |45 |
|31 |48 |
|.. |.. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Summarizing the above we get the following table:
|Interval |k |[pic] |% |
|[pic] |2 |[pic] |75 |
|[pic] |3 |[pic] |88.9 |
|[pic] |4 |[pic] |93.75 |
|[pic] |5 |[pic] |96 |
|[pic] |6 |[pic] |97.2 |
Do we have to restrict ourselves to whole numbers as values for k? No, we may take any value for k
as long as it larger than 1. For instance, for k = 2.5 we get the result that [pic] in the interval [pic]
Example 1:
Students Who Care is a student volunteer program in which college students donate work time in
community centers for homeless people. Professor Gill is the faculty sponsor for this student volunteer
program. For several years Dr. Gill has kept a record of the total number of work hours volunteered by
s student in the program each semester. For students in the program, for each semester the mean
number of hours was 29.1 hours with a standard deviation of 1.7 hours. Find an interval for the
number of hours volunteered in which at least 88.9% of the students in this program would fit.
From the table above we see that a percentage of 88.9 will coincide with an interval of [pic] hours.
This can be rewritten as an interval from 24 to 34.2 hours volunteered each semester.
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Effects Of Italian American Internment
Italian American Internment
The internment of non citizens by the United States during World War II included Italians. Unlike
Japanese Americans, the Italians never received reparations. But unlike Japanese Americans, who
were rounded up whether citizens or not, only non citizen Italians faced internment. At the outbreak of
World War II, Italians over the age of fourteen who were not born in the United States and had not
become naturalized were deemed enemy aliens. These included Italian businessmen, diplomats, and
international students studying in the United States. In some cases, temporary residents (such as
diplomats) were expelled or given a chance to leave the country when war was declared. Some were
interned, as were Italian merchant seamen stranded at U.S. ports after their ships were impounded
when war ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The WRA authorized the removal from designated areas of persons whose removal is necessary in the
interests of national security. It did not distinguish between native born Americans and citizens of
other nations living in the United States; the orders simply said persons. Historian Lawrence DeStasi
cites a number of such cases of mistreatment and internment of Italian Americans, although he
apparently defines Italian American as anyone within the Italian community, be they native born U.S.
citizens or Italian born non U.S. citizens. In October 1942, the 600,000 non naturalized Italians living
in the United States were freed from the stigma of being alien enemies. Members of the Italian
community could now travel freely, own cameras and firearms, and were not required to carry ID
cards. Italy s surrender on September 8, 1943 brought about the release of most of the Italian
American internees by year s
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This case study is based on Patricia, a Spanish national in her twenties who is in her last year studying
an Economics degree course. She is also a student on the Elementary course at the British Language
Centre. Patricia s started learning English at the bi lingual school she attended. She learnt English for
3 years but did not take any official examinations, but sees this as a possibility for the future. At
school she learnt English because it was obligatory. The only other language she speaks is Spanish.
She started attending the British Language Centre (which she still attends) to help her find a job in an
international company and to prepare her for her visit to Eastbourne, East Sussex (UK) in July. She
will be staying with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Refer to Appendix example 3). The meaning changes slightly from expression to expression. In
Spanish this word is not used in the same way. A solution and practice to this would be to present all
of the words to the student within a real context, through a reading or writing exercise.
2 Problems and Possible Solutions with Pronunciation.
Morphemes that have more than one pronunciation present a problem relating to the sound of words.
(Refer to Appendix example 4). Both problems relate to rhythm when speaking, Spanish rhythm is
syllable timed, whereas, English rhythm is stressed timed. (Spanish also has a narrower pitch range
than English). Both problems can be directly related to language interference. Solutions include
instant and planned remedial. The best procedure in addressing these problems is to draw attention to
the problematic sound or pattern. Get them to pronounce it in isolation and explain how the pattern or
sound is formed, and drill the student ensuring they have a record.
The learner skills strengths and weaknesses:
Speaking: The student is very comfortable speaking on a one to one basis and has no qualms about
making mistakes. She articulates and forms her sentences well. Her main problem in fluency speaking
is hesitation, something that she is fully aware of. She takes time to work things out in her mind before
speaking, and this pause is evident in class, for example, when a teacher asks her a question. The more
complicated the
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Ayn Rand s The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
Watching movies is an enjoyable and entertaining pass time that can be enjoyed alone, with family, or
with friends. With a plethora of genres to choose from and even more movies within those genres,
picking a movie that s enjoyable can be difficult. So, whenever anyone asks, what movie they should
watch I would suggest The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The Lord of the Rings has extraordinary
character development, focuses greatly on friendship, and the amount of effort that was put into
making the movie, which is why it s my all time favorite movie. Character development is highly
important element of any story. Whether the character is good or bad, character development is needed
to create a story more interesting, relatable, and adds new dimension ... Show more content on
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Frodo s not going anywhere without me. showing that as friends he was also going to endure the
hardships Frodo s going to go through. Again in The Two Towers (2002), Sam and Frodo were having
a conversation to lighten up the mood. Sam was talking about how their journey would go down in
history and how he would one day tell the story to his children about how Frodo was courageous and
the most famous Hobbit. In return Frodo then said, You ve left out one of the chief characters Samwise
the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn t have got far without Sam. Near the end of
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003) had many scenes exhibiting Sam and Frodo s
friendship. Most of which are when one of them are struggling. Frodo for example comforts by
hugging Sam saying, I m glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things. when
Sam started to cry after thinking about the life he left behind to travel with Frodo. Another example
was when Frodo was going to be attacked by an Orc, Sam stabbed him from behind saying, Not if I
stick you first. saving Frodo s life. Or when Sam carries Frodo up Mount Doom despite being tired
from climbing the mountain
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Portfolio Performance And Hedging Options
Portfolio Performance and Hedging options Cheuk Yin Lam 6865175 Introduction This is an equity
fund manager tasked with the responsibility of managing a portfolio. The portfolio comprises of
largest UK stocks and thus bases the FTSE100 index (Battalio and Schultz 2011, Pp 45). There is
much concern that sharp correction in equities might take place in the next 3 month. The main purpose
of this report is to present the hedging choices that they have. Portfolio Setup a. Price Data (for index
and futures) Price data in this case is between 11/05/2016 to 22/05/2016 Data below is an indication of
the price index and futures for the company Date Price Open High Low Vol. Change % May 20, 2016
2050.00 2038.75 2055.50 2037.25 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Risks faced and hedging Research has shown that there are a number of
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Homelessness Is A Year Round Issue
Homelessness is a year round issue that needs to be addressed. People that are homeless will most
likely commit to crime, because it is almost impossible for homeless people get a job. Think about it, a
job application requires a home address, phone number to get in contact with and social insurance
number. Those are all things a homeless person lacks. The origin of homelessness can be traced all the
way back to colonial America. Homelessness arise during the American Revolution and Civil War. It
is still an ongoing issue today in the City of Philadelphia. It has become a problem today due to
factors such as, unemployment, insecure jobs, low incomes, addictions, and mental issues.
There are specific statistics that illustrates the magnitude of the issue. According to Penn Current,
there are approximately five thousand individuals that are homeless in Philadelphia. An article written
by RRI, mentioned that there are one point five million people living in Philadelphia and almost
twenty six percent are below poverty level. Newswork provided the statistic showing forty percent
homeless youths are LGBT. As for adults, about thirty five percent are homeless due to lost of job,
nine percent are due to alcohol or drug addictions, ten percent are disabled or suffering from mental
illness, ten percent are due to change in family status, another ten percent are due to incarceration,
fifteen percent are due to inability to pay bills, and eleven percent are due to abuse. As a
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Essay on The Comanche Indians
The Comanche Indians
The Comanche have most recently been found in the Southern Plains, which stretches from Nebraska
to the northern part of Texas. They were fully in Texas by the 1700 s. It is believed that the Comanche
derived from the Shoshone Indians, found in Wyoming. The language spoken by the Comanche is
actually a form of Uto Aztecan language that when compared to the Shoshone language, the two are
very similar. The Comanche s were great warriors and did not really indulge in religious practices too
much nor did they use folktales or legends very often. The Comanche s economy was mostly based on
their lifestyle. Comanche s were bands, not tribes, who would raid neighboring villages. This is one of
the reasons why ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They migrated from a mountainous region to the plains were they were frequently encountered with
the Jumano, Pueblo and Apache Indians along with the Spanish. The Comanche were such skilled
warriors, that they were able to push the Indian groups further south and further west, they kept the
Spanish in the southern part of Texas and prevented them from venturing north, and they also gave
American settlers a very difficult time. The Comanche were very skilled horsemen. They were the
most feared Indians on horses. It is actually said that the Comanche were the best Indian horsemen
warriors ever. They had remarkable ability and skill on horses. The Comanche first met the Spanish
around the late 1600 s. The most prominent contribution from the Spanish was the horse. The horse
helped strengthen the Comanche. The Spanish would not benefit too much from trading with the
Comanche. Most of the trading done was usually for things or persons stolen by the Comanche, which
the Spanish wanted back. Most of the time it was people. The Comanche would also encounter some
American and German settlers in the late 1700 s early 1800 s. However, the Comanche didn t really
trade with them, they would just steal horses, cattle, possessions and women and children, which they
would sell back to the settlers of course. Traditionally the homeland of the Comanche was the northern
part of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and New Mexico. Currently most
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Analysis Of Plato s Republic And Aristotle s Nicomachean...
Upon application for university, hearts are heavy with the uncertainty for the future. An overwhelming
hope to become the person we are meant to be. This journey, called university, provides the inverse; a
worldly creation where past and future are intertwined. A place for discovery. A place of reflection.
Leisure, sport and recreation are culpable in cultivating thyself in preparation for true reflection,
whose telos is knowledge of thyself. This paper will explore this notion of the journey to true
reflection through various historical and present day ideologies. Context will be provided via personal
experiences of each phase, as the yellow brick road, leading up to reflection. Only then, true
discoveries of thyself can be uncovered. Leisure, sport, and recreation provide the opportunity for
growth of mind and body. Both Plato s Republic and Aristotle s Nicomachean Ethics conceptualize
this growth through games and sport. What is meant by growth? What is development in relation to
the self? Once sufficiently developed, leisure, sport, recreation become agents for one to experience
thyself in relation to others. Here, socio spatial boundaries become other dimensional and the self
becomes a collection of photos. What does it mean to be an individual? What identity does the
individual give to their community? Pat Power s notions or creative play, Luc Robene and Dominique
Bodin, among many philosophers, thoroughly explore this interconnectivity that distinguishes the
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Essay on Narrative Style and Structure of James and the...
Narrative Style and Structure of James and the Giant Peach
The books that Roald Dahl has written have very interesting narrative styles. In the story James and
the Giant Peach, Dahl uses vivid imagination. He uses many imaginary situations but yet at the same
time encompasses enough realistic situations that the reader can still relate to it. In James and the
Giant Peach, it starts out introducing a boy named James Henry Trotter who lives with his loving
mother and father. The narrator of the book tells us, the readers, that James and his family s dream is
to sail to New York City and climb all the way to the top of the Empire State Building. This
introduction makes us think that this story is realistic, because the ... Show more content on
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These bugs carry on many different human like characteristics, which help make Dahl s imaginative
story seem somewhat realistic. All of these bugs talk to James about how they hate life on the hill and
a bug eats away the stem of the peach and they go rolling down the hill. Throughout the story the
peach, with all of the characters inside, is on a dangerous adventure. After going through oceans and
winds, the peach lands them on the top of the Empire State Building. The bugs help capture the evil
aunts and they live happily together.
This story is told in the third person point of view, which helps the reader understand the whole story
and not just one character s side. If the story was told by just one character s point of view, the story
could be similar but one would only see the view of that character. By Dahl using third person point of
view, this allows the readers to see each characters views and thoughts of what is happening in the
Also, throughout the book Dahl has the narrator asking many questions to make the reader imagine
what is going to happen next. Usually the question comes toward the end of a page so the reader has to
wonder or is caught in suspense until the page is flipped. This gives the reader a chance to use their
imagination and guess what happens next. I believe this sort of writing helps Dahl pull his
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The Cost Of An Electronic Medical Record ( Emr )
The expense of implementing an electronic medical record (EMR) will be one of the most costly
expenses a healthcare organization will encounter regardless of the size of the organization. The
organization will face many ethical and legal challenges with the implementation of EMR and
depending on the size of the organization may experience many organizational issues as well. The
Affordable Care Act is pushing for national EMR implementation. In order to accomplish goal, it will
be necessary to work through the many ethical, legal, and organizational challenges healthcare
systems will face implementing EMR.
The cost of an EMR system is an ongoing expense with a significant initial cost. There are many
financial considerations involved in implementing an integrated EMR similar to the EMR utilized by
Mayo Clinic. A fully integrated system will include costs for each facility, as well as the central costs
at corporate headquarters.
The CIO Consortium (2011) completed a cost study of evaluating, deploying, and operating an EMR
system at a 25 facility chain providing nursing care and rehabilitation services. While the fees in this
cost study may be different from what is required at another type of facility, the cost study includes
many financial considerations. The type of implementation will determine the central cost fees. One
option is the software as a service option. This would involve central headquarters contracting directly
with the EMR vendor, costing an annual
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Ellie Working Dogs
Ellie is a German Shepard and is trained to be a search and rescue dog. Ellie and comfort dogs are
both example of working dogs. Commonly, dogs are used as domestic pets at home. A lot people
sometimes have multiple dogs as pets at once. Both types of working dogs are helpful to humans.
Both type of working dogs make wonderful working dogs for many reasons. Some of these reasons
are similar while others are quite distinct. First, Ellie a search and rescue dog and a comfort dog both
work in similar and different ways. Both dogs work requires them to travel to wherever they are
needed as for a comfort dog wherever there is a crisis. This means they spend most of their time out
exploring different situations. Comfort dogs are used to give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Both dogs know exactly what to do with certain commands are given to them. Comfort dogs are
trained to remain calm during distraught situations they are taught to help bring tranquility to people
who just went through a crisis. Ellie a search and rescue dog is trained to follow a smell of a person,
clothing or anything and show the officer where it is at. This command can help find someone in
danger or even an Alzheimer patient who has wandered off. This can also even bring the criminal into
an officer path so the criminal can be taken in and charged. Secondly, both type of dogs love to be
around people. Like Ellie understood his purpose as a search and rescue dog finding people and being
rewarded after. Comfort dogs loves comforting people anywhere it being a hospital, retirement home,
school or a disaster area. Also, both dogs require some type of care like being fed, brushed, walked
and played with. Yet sometimes these dogs are so trained and become very independent. Lastly, Ellie a
search and rescue dog or a comfort dog or any working dog come in traditional breeds like a German
Shepard, Labradors, and Golden Retrievers. Nowadays the use of unusual breeds has been use, such as
a Mastiff are used for mobility work. Chihuahuas are used for diabetic or seizure alert dogs. They all
come in different sizes small or
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Baron Von Steuben Thesis
Frederick Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben was formerly known was Baron Von
Steuben was born on September 17,1730 in Germany. He went to school at Jesuit school, he was a
Prussian officer. At 14 he started military training and not to much longer at 16 he join the Prussian
army. He served the 7 years of war also suffered 2 injuries and then later on got promoted to
lieutenant. Later he was taken to prison and when he got back from prison he was promoted to
quartermaster general and adjutant general. In 1763 Steuben got released from the Prussian army for
being homosexual or an inconsiderate step and an implacable person enemy. He later found interest at
the court of Honhenzollern Hechingen at being grand marshall and held that position for 10 years. He
tried to join several different armies in foreign countries but couldn t have any. But later on he heard
that Benjamin Franklin was in France and he might be able to join the American Continental Army.
Finally in Paris on 1777 Baron von Steuben met Franklin. He talked to Franklin but Franklin hated ...
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He only asked for reimbursement for his debt and to be payed at the end of the war whatever amount.
Congress rapidly accepted his offer and sent him Valley Forge to meet George Washington. He didn t
know any english so he had translators so he had General Nathaniel Greene, Alexander Hamilton and
Washington s aid John Laurens help as translators. Washington gave him the objective of training the
soldiers, the soldiers didn t know much and didn t have much before Steuben stepped into the picture.
While the soldiers had no uniform Steuben marched back and fourth in full military uniform cursing
and yelling at the soldiers while they were translating Steuben. Washington s aids and Steuben wrote a
book called The Blue Book that stayed with them until the Mexican war in the
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The Automation And Its Effects On The Environment
If the automation in use does not demand a certain level of interaction or has presented several failures
of operation to the specific aviator in the past, the operator is prone to a more significant negative
event occurring in the future. This is due to the reliance and trust placed on the automation to
complete the task as designed (Geiselman et al., 2013). Consistent with the model is the idea that the
most likely scenario for complacency in the cockpit is prior to a very reliable system failing for the
first time (Parasuraman Manzey, 2010). Similar to complacency in automation is bias. Bias breeds the
misuse of automation through errors of omission and commission errors. Errors of omission are in
reference to the aircrew not taking action as directed by automation, while commission errors are
incorrect instructions provided by the automation that are acknowledged and followed by the operator
as directed (Parasuraman Manzey, 2010). Several human factors of bias exist that make it a difficult
problem to fix. The most common being that humans are typically drawn to situations that bias toward
automation is natural, such as; choosing a path requiring less effort, natural trust in a system that has
not failed previously, and the psychological effect of delegating tasks in a shared responsibility
environment (Parasuraman Manzey, 2010). Compounding on the issue is that bias does not appear to
be resolved by experience of the operator as it influences the natural human
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Analysis Of The Movie Iron Jawed Angels By Martin...
There have been many great activist in history, fighting against the oppression of African Americans.
Martin Luther King Jr is famous for his I have a dream speech that took place on August 28, 1963. Dr.
King led to the ending of the legal segregation among black and white people. In Dr. Kings essay
Three ways of Responding to Oppression, he clearly states three ways to deal with oppression. Dr.
King believed the best defense against oppression being that of nonviolent resistance. The film Iron
Jawed Angels (IJA) is also great example of oppression with the struggle to women rights in the
United States. Mr. King stated that there are three ways of oppression that oppressed people deal with,
acquiescence, physical violence, and nonviolent resistance. One must come out of their comfort zone
in order to see new and in most cases better outcomes. Mr. King said, In every movement towards
freedom some of the oppressed prefer to remain oppressed . This is exactly what happens in some
cases, where the person prefers to continue with the unjust being done just because they know no
other way or because they have become so accustom to that life style. For example, slaves started to
get so use to being just slaves that they would not protest to try to have a better life style. Some did not
think that they could have a better life, or even thought they did not deserve a better life since they had
been told so many times. In the film IJA, they give a great example with the senators
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The Four Theories of Government Essay
Akira Simmons 3/5/09 Government There were fourdifferent theories of governments, the force
theory, the evolutionary rule, the divine right theory, and social contract theory. The Force theory was
when one person or group of people gained control of the area and forced others to submit to their
rule. The evolutionary Rule basically said that the states would develop naturally out of family clans,
tribes, ect. The divine right theory said that the state was created by God and God gave people of royal
birth the divine right to rule . The social contract theory was created by Thomas Hobbes and he
believed that before the state people were British. People lived poorly and to improve their lives
people could enter into a social contract ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
God gave people of the royal birth the divine right to rule , but not all people believe in the same
religion or God. Not only would religion be an issue but also the royal family factor. In the United
States, there are no royal families, but there are wealthy, middle class, and the low class. The divine
right to rule is not used in the United States because of the different religions. This theory would not
be best fit for the United States because the United States does not rule based on religion and there are
no royal families. The Social contract theory was created by Thomas Hobbes and he basically stated
that the state people were British. People were poor and to improve their lives people would enter into
a social contract where one superior person ruled over the rest. This would not be a best fit form of
government for the United States today because not everybody lives poor in every state. Each state has
a different group of lower class, middle class, and upper class. This also would not be good
government for the U.S. because with one superior person ruling there would be no democracy. The
United States does not use the social contract today because of these reasons. The four theories of
forms of government were all different from one another. These theories are should not be used in the
United States today because it s a different time
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Comparing Goldilocks And Bill Cleaver s Where The Lilies...
The novel, Where the Lilies Bloom has a striking similarity to the tale of Goldilocks and the Three
Bears. When you take a look at Where the Lilies Bloom, by Vera and Bill Cleaver, the comparison
becomes eminent very quickly. Within the first couple of chapters, the characters in Where the Lilies
Bloom begin to resemble characters in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Kiser Peace, an uneducated
and superstitious man, takes the role of the bear in this story. Mary Call Luther, an intelligent young
girl who has become the head of the household after her father s death, and Romey, Mary Call s 10
year old brother, start to both represent Goldilocks. Goldilocks and the Three Bears is definitely
comparable to Where the Lilies Bloom. This first quote can make it easier to see how these two books
coincide. Romey and Mary Call are outside of Kiser s house when Romey says, It s not latched. You
reckon it d be all right if we just went in (Cleaver 20)? If that s not enough later, Mary Call says, Let s
just step inside a minute, Romey (Cleaver 21). In the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears,
Goldilocks enters the bear s house without their permission. This quote clearly depicts how related
these books are. It is easy to see the resemblance here but there is much more evidence to back this up.
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Romey and Mary Call are inside of Kisers house when Mary Call tells us, He didn t put any amount
on it, just listed things we took from the basement: a ham, four frozen chickens, four pounds of frozen
butter, two quarts of honey, a peck of red yams (Cleaver 35). In Goldilocks and the Three Bears, while
Goldilocks is in the house she steals some porridge. This certainly illustrates Romey and Mary Call
stealing food from Kiser Peace s house, like Goldilocks did from the bears. Without a doubt, these
books show a lot of
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  • 10. Japanese American Internment Essay Human rights they are an ongoing issue in the world today, with the constant struggle against violation. The United Nations has accepted 30 articles on human rights, which help protect millions from political, social, and legal abuses (UDHR). Even with the insistence from the world s leaders to follow and honor these rights, violation is common and provides a serious threat to people all over the world. One example of a violation of human rights such as equality and safety in possessions is shown through the issue of Japanese American internment camps (UDHR). First, the problem of Japanese American internment began in the 1940 s, when World War II left it s mark on America (Ng xi). On December 7th, 1941, the Japanese Empire bombed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Article 9 was also very seriously violated. This article declares that humans should not be subject to arbitrary arrest, or be detained against their will with no valid reason (UDHR). This was disregarded by forcing the internees to evacuate and go to camps, and then keeping them there against their will (JARDA). Likewise, Article 12 from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence , was violated through the act of evacuating them from their homes (JARDA). These violations of the human rights were the suffering of the Japanese Americans, until resolution came. Finally, a resolution to the disaster of the internment camps came, after 3 years of suffering (Ng xxii). The end of the terrible event started in December of 1944, when President Roosevelt finally revoked the Executive Order 9066 (JARDA). The events leading up to this included a protest at Manzanar Reception Center, the plans to re accept Japanese into the army, and the close of a select few reception centers (Ng xii). With the momentum of these advances, and the cancellation of Executive Order 9066, the War Relocation Authority began a six month process of releasing and relocating internees (JARDA). By 1946, all of the camps were closed and all internees were released, and the violation was resolved (Ng xxi). In conclusion, the evidence presented forth clearly shows that the human rights ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Radio Waves and Electromagnetic Fields Essay examples PHY112 Lab 9 Worksheet Directions When you go to the simulation you will have a choice to either run the simulation or download the simulation. Run may not work on all computers. If it does not run, download the simulation and work from there. When the simulation opens, play with the controls and buttons to become familiar with how the simulation works. Note: A formal lab report is not required for this activity. You may cut and paste this worksheet to a new Word document and adjust the spacing to fit your needs. Procedures Open the simulation. Explain how the radiating electric field (or electromagnetic signal) is produced when radio stations broadcast. A radio wave (radiating electric field) propagates out from the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... True or False: The electron in the receiving antenna oscillates at a lower frequency than the electron in the transmitting antenna because of the distance between the two antennas. False: when the transmitting antenna s electron oscillates, it sets up on an electromagnetic wave that oscillates at the same frequency. This wave causes the electron in the receiver to oscillate at the same frequency. Electrons, therefore, in both the transmitter and receiver (antennas) oscillate at identical frequencies. True or False: If the frequency of oscillation increases but the amplitude of the electron oscillation remains the same, then the electron in the transmitting antenna is experiencing larger accelerations (recall what you know about acceleration and motion). True: electrons must move faster as they oscillate back and forth in order for the frequency to increase while the amplitude remains the same. Delta velocity / time is a measure of the average acceleration. A larger change in velocity than at the old frequency if the electron is ovine faster towards its peak height than away from its peak height at the new frequency. Moreover, the time for this change is velocity to be seen is less than for the old frequency. These changes indicate acceleration is larger. True or False: If the amplitude increases but frequency remains the same, the electron at the receiving antenna experiences larger peak forces but oscillates at the same frequency as before. True: the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Persuasive Essay For Year Round Education Vote YES! To Year Round Education Though school might be a pain to some students, their health and learning abilities can be effectively productive with year round education, or YRE. In contrast to the U.S., Japan uses a 220 day year round school calendar, and Japanese students consistently test higher than students in the United States ( Year Round School ). Putting students in YRE can help them in the long run when it comes down to maintaining knowledge for the real world. YRE generally operates on a 180 day schedule that includes a reduced summer vacation and frequent short breaks throughout the school year (Chittom et al.). Failing tests and quizzes after coming back from breaks are the last thing anyone wants to happen. While attending schools that use balanced scheduling, the breaks that are implemented throughout the school year may be shorter, but you get a broad variety of breaks for various occasions. YRE, or the balanced calendar, helps to minimize the months worth of learning loss that students tend to experience during a typical summer break (Chittom et al.). The focus of implementing a year round school calendar is a convenient way to ignore larger problems concerning the educational system that are not easily solved. Among year round education you retain more knowledge, get more breaks throughout the year, and score higher and your assessments. The student health and learning abilities are key to having success while getting classes done. With that being said, one of the most beneficial points of year round education is student capability. Though student benefits can be a broad range of subject, there are enough pros to cancel out the equilibrium of the cons. Students socialization skills would be more likely to increase due to the amount of days in the year. In YRE the students may be divided up into tracks. Single track students and staff will go on vacations at the same time. Multi track is where a certain group/track of students or staff take a vacation while others are at school. Matthew Lynch, from Education Week, stated The main benefit with dividing schools in multi track and single track is for those who need extra or remedial help. Students would be able to go back onto the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Consumerism In Brave New World Essay Consumerism is one of the main themes in the book Brave New World, but it is also becoming big in modern society. In Brave New World, consumerism is a main factor of the lifestyle. In our society, consumerism is becoming a big factor of our lifestyle too. Brave New World depicts a life where you are essentially made to earn money, then spend it to gain satisfaction. In modern society, spending money on products and services is very relevant. Advertisements are constantly everywhere persuading people to purchase something. Consumerism has essentially become a life goal in our society today. In both of these societies, consumerism is depicted in very similar ways. The book Brave New World and modern society both depict similarities related ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While primarily done as a way to reduce worker turnover, Ford also recognized that by paying his workers more, they would become greater consumers (Cloer, 2013). The assembly line created a mass production of goods to be sold to earn a profit. Paying workers more money also contributes to the workers buying more. The God of Brave New World is Ford for he invented the assembly line, the ability to mass produce, and the vision that everyone could own a car (Boyle, 2013). Henry Ford in Brave New World is seen as the god of this society. People worship and praise him and this is due to his invention of the assembly line. Both the book and modern life has this in common because Ford did contribute to consumerism in America by creating the assembly line as well as paying workers more money so that they will spend more. Advertisements also play a big role in both the World State and modern life. In the book, Hypnopaedia serves as a form of advertisement that teaches people to want to buy more. In modern society, advertisements are everywhere, from television commercials to radio, to newspapers, to billboards. Both of these advertisements serve the purpose to make consumers want to spend money on their product or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Assignment 2 Database Management Systems Assignment 2 Database Management Systems General Database Concepts 1. Describe the types of facility you would expect to be provided in a multi user DBMS. Data Storage, Retrieval and Update. A User Accessible Catalog. Transaction Support. Concurrency Control Services. Recovery Services. Authorization Services. Support for Data Communication. Integrity Services. Services to Promote Data Independence. Utility Services. 2. Discuss the differences between DDL and DML? What operations would you typically expect to be available in each language? Data Definition Language (DDL) statements are used to define the database design or schema while Data Manipulation Language (DML) statements are used to manage data with Schema objects. In DDL, we have operations like CREATE: To create objects in database. ALTER: Alter the structure of the database. DROP: Delete objects from database. TRUNCATE: Removing all records from the table. COMMENT: Add comments to the data dictionary. RENAME: rename the object. In DML, we have operations like SELECT: Retrieve data from the database. INSERT: Insert data into the table. UPDATE: Updates existing table. DELETE: Deletes all the records from the table, the space for the record remain. MERGE: UPSERT operation (insert or update) CALL: Call a PL/SQL or java program. 3. Name four object based data models.
  • 15. Object and Object identifier Attributes and methods Class Class ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Physical Security Paper Physical Security SEC/410 August 12, 2013 Physical Security It is important for all organizations to have physical security. Physical security protects the organization in every way. Every individual needs to be aware of the importance of physical security. Not only is important for the individual to be aware of the importance physical security has in an organization but to be able to understand how physical security works within the organization. In this paper the writer will be describing the core concepts of physical security. Additionally the writer would be writing about the security assessments. Last the writing would be writing about the basic physical controls. The physical security is when security involves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The basic physical control is the implementation of security measures in a defined structure used to deter or prevent unauthorized access to sensitive material ( 1.2.1. Physical Controls , n.d.). Also physical controls are safeguards to avoid and minimize any security risk the organization have that involving computer software or even personal property. Some examples of physical control are fences, security guards, access cards, surveillance cameras, biometrics and locks. Cameras are very important in an organization. Depending on governing law and the prevailing corporate culture, many companies have policies which prohibit the taking of pictures on the premises (Seese, 2009). Organization prohibits the taking of pictures on the premises because when an individual is taking pictures he or she might be planning on doing harm to the organization. He or she might want to rob the organization and wants to know how the organization layout looks like from the inside and the outside. Another reason why taking pictures is prohibited in organization is because the individual could learn where the surveillance cameras are located, individual could even take pictures with his or her cell phone, that is why in some organization there is security walking around to prevent any picture to be taken. There are different kinds of biometrics technologies. One category is physiological and another category is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Appmath Chapter 5 Chapter 5 word problems (final answers in bold) 5 12 In 1955 an antique car that originally cost $3,668 is valued today at $62,125 if in excellent condition, which is 1¾ times as much as a car in very nice condition if you can find an owner willing to part with one for any price, What would be the value of the car in very nice condition? Let x = value of the car in very nice condition 1¾x = 62125 7x/4 = 62125 (multiply by 4) 7x = 248500 (divide by 7) X = 35,500 $35000 = value of the car in very nice condition 5 14 Nanda Yueh and Lane Zuriff sell homes for ERA Realty. Over the past 6 months they sold 120 homes. Nanda sold 3 times as many homes as Lane. How many homes did each sell? Let x = Number of homes sold by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In December, Wal Mart s total sales were $1200. Customers bought 7 times as many thermometers as hot water bottles. How many of each did Wal Mart sell? Check your answer. Let x = number of thermometers sold Let Y = number of hot water bottles sold 7Y = X 2x + 6y = 1200 (simplify) X+3y=600 (substitute) 7y + 3y = 600 10y = 600 (divide by 10) Y = 60 X= 7y X= 7(60) X = 420 420 = number of thermometers sold 60 = number of hot water bottles sold Check: 7y = x 7(60) = 420 (correct) 2x+6y = 1200 2(420) + 6(60) = 1200 (correct) 5 40 Kent Christy is organizing a fundraiser for the pool he manages. He bought ice cream cones ($.75) and ice cream sandwiches ($1.00) to sell. His total bill was $225. (a) If he ordered twice the number of ice cream cones than ice creamsandwiches, how many of each did he buy? (b) What did he spend for ice cream cones? (c) What did he spend for ice cream sandwiches? (a) Let x = number of ice cream cones bought Let y = number of ice cream sandwiches bought X = 2y .75x + y = 225 .75(2y) = 225 1.5y + y = 225 2.5y = 225 (divide by 2.5) Y = 90 X = 2y X = 180 180 = number of ice cream cones bought 90 = number of ice cream sandwiches bought (b) 180 x $.75 $135 = amount spent for ice cream cones (c) 90 x $1.00 $90 = ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. What Led to the Decline of Indentured Servitude and the... The decline of indentured servitude and the rise of chattel slavery were caused by economic factors of the English settlers in the late 17th century. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony. The head right system was to give the indentured servant a method of becoming independent after a number of years of service. Colonists chiefly relied on Indentured Servitude, in order to facilitate their need for labor. The decreasing population combined with a need for a labor force, led colonists to believe that African slaves were the most efficient way to acquire a labor force that would satisfy their needs. Before the 1680 s, indentured servitude was the primary source of labor in the newly developed colonies. There ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though Bacon died before anything could happen, the threat of such a biracial alliance challenging the power of the master class prompted the colony s elite to switch to an enslaved black labor force. The demand for black slaves rose and this caused an increase of Africans into the colonies. By the 1700 s, slavery was deep rooted in the colonies government.# Planters had an abundance of land and a shortage of labor. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Essay On Sports Coaches Athletic Coach or Scout Coaches teach amateur and professional athletes the skills they need to succeed at their sport. Scouts look for new players, evaluating their skills and likelihood for success at the college, amateur, or professional level. Many coaches are also involved in scouting potential athletes. Coaches typically do the following: Plan, organize, and conduct practice sessions Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of individual athletes and opposing teams Plan strategies and choose team members for each game Provide direction, encouragement, and motivation to prepare athletes for games Call plays and make decisions about strategy and player substitutions during games Plan and direct physical conditioning programs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Certification often requires coaches to be a minimum age of at least 18 years old and be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid. Some states also require coaches to attend classes related to sports safety and coaching fundamentals prior to becoming certified. Although most public high school coaches need to meet these state requirements in order to become a coach, certification may not be required for coaching and sports instructor jobs in private schools. Some schools may require coaches to have a teaching license and complete a background check. Certification requirements for college coaching positions also vary. Additional certification may be highly desirable or even required in order to become an instructor in scuba diving, tennis, golf, karate, or other individual sports. There are many certifying organizations specific to the various sports, and their requirements vary. To reach the ranks of professional coaches, a candidate usually needs years of coaching experience and a winning record at a college. Some coaches may not have previous coaching experience but are nevertheless hired at the professional level due to their success as an athlete in that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Monologue On The American Ambush How have you been? I hope life is going well. How is mom doing? Are you and her eating and sleeping well? I want to be very honest in this letter. Please do not tell mother what I am about to tell you. I don t want to worry her. I don t want to worry you too but you re stronger than mom. What I am about to tell you please take it into consideration but also don t worry as much. Do you remember Lieutenant Carroll? Lieutenant Carroll was the closest to heaven that we will ever get but that night we were in hell. There was an ambush. When an ambush occurs you don t ever know what will happen. Everything is unexpected and you might make some mistakes. I made plenty mistakes during an ambush. During the ambush I was firing at the enemy trying to kill them and protect our man. Carroll was near me. When I turned around I seen Carroll get hit near the armpit. Me and the men tried to rush to the hospital to Chu Lai but it was too late. Carroll shortly died after arriving. Kenny I wish you would have met him. I believed that Carroll was the only one who really cared for us since the start. He was the only person I really trusted other than Peewee but I really couldn t talk to Peewee about personal and serious stuff. Everyone loved Carroll. I remember when I first met ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Give her a kiss too. The kiss would be from the both of us. Tell her that I have seen the letter she wrote to Peewee. Even though the letter was short I still loved it. Tell her to write to me though. I want her to write to me personally. I love you Kenny, I will always love you and mom. Stay healthy and live your life. I will talk to another time when I get the chance. Do well in school and be nice to mom. Kiss and hug more everyday and say that you re are thankful. Do it for me too. It hurts that I can t see y all right now. Please, take an advantage that you re with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Athenian Democracy and Divination Essay Athenian Democracy and Divination Divination was a prevalent feature in Archaic Greece, as it provided objective advice, to assist people in making appropriate decisions in problematic predicaments. In certain situations its ambiguity allowed decisions to be postponed, or blame to be assigned to others. Divination was also used to explain matters that seemed unexplainable, such as crop failure or drought. This is illustrated in the Homeric epics, which depicts numerous oracle interpreters, such as Calchas, consulting oracles on domestic, as well as, military decisions. Divination was a guiding authority in ancient society. However, during the fifth and fourth century BC, the democratic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, when the Athenians suggest to the Melians that they should become allies with them, against the Spartans, the Melians state: …We trust that the gods will give us fortune as good as yours… [3] In contrast, the Athenians dismiss the protection of the gods, and state: This kind of attitude is not going to be of much help to you in your absurd conquest for safety at the moment .[4] Thucydides portrays the Athenians in an arrogant light, which suggests that they will get their comeuppance for such sacrilegious opinions. Furthermore, Thucydides also highlights the scientific approach that the Athenians have towards their domination of the Peloponnese, suggesting that it is the law of nature , that they should conquer as much as they can. The rise of freethinking, that the democracy had established, had lead to the neglect of the gods. In comparison, Xerxes, in his conquest to dominate Greece, complies with a dream that is sent from the gods, which indicates to him and Artabanus that he should continue with the Persian wars.[5] Herodotus, writing in the early fifth century, highlights the importance of following divination, whereas, Thucydides, writing in the later fifth century, focuses on decisions made by the people. The Sicilian expedition, from 415BC, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Day After The Superbowl Essay Should The Day After The SuperBowl Be A National Holiday Did you know that the day after the SuperBowl, a reported 10.5 million people called in sick , and 7.5 million went in to work late? Or that ⅓ of the country watches the biggest sporting event in history, this huge sporting event? People are debating about whether everyone should have off of school and work on February 5th, the day after the SuperBowl. Some people say that their child is just too tired to learn, or that they can t go to work because they can t stay awake. Opposers say we have to go, it s just another Monday to those who don t watch the SuperBowl, but many people are too tired to go. This is due to people calling out of work, which causes the U.S. losing about 1 billion dollars every year due to the lack of productivity and 16 million kids skip school the day after the SuperBowl, causing more than half of school s students being out, and the kids who are actually in school are too tired to learn anything. Schools and businesses should close the day after the SuperBowl because schools have virtually no students come to school and big businesses lose money. School should be closed the Monday after the SuperBowl because so many workers take off ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Acorrding to http://www.nola.com/education/index.ssf/2010/01/school_officials_weigh_cancell.html, one school reported marked 8,800 students absent on Monday, compared to 3,500 on a typical day in the 44,000 student system. This is pretty serious because so many kids are absent so teachers really can t start anything new. Also, the very few population of kids actually at school are too tired to learn anything which hurts their education. We don t won t students in school if their bodies can t handle it so this is why we should have school off on this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Study Guide Stoichiometry Student Editable Stoichiometry Section 11.1 What is stoichiometry? In your textbook, read about stoichiometry and the balanced equation. For each statement below, write true or false. _______true___________ 1. The study of the quantitative relationships between the amounts of reactants used and the amounts of products formed by a chemical reaction is called stoichiometry. ________true__________ 2. Stoichiometry is based on the law of conservation of mass. _________false_________ 3. In any chemical reaction, the mass of the products is less than the mass of the reactants. ________true__________ 4. The coefficients in a chemical equation represent not only the number of individual particles but also the number of moles of particles. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2.15 mol O2  . 2 mol H2O/1 mol O2, 4.30  ________________ mol H2O 5. How many moles of water are needed for 0.100 mol of sodium peroxide to react completely in this reaction? 0.100 mol Na2O2  2 mol H2O/2 mol Na2O2, 0.100  ________________ mol H2O 6. How many moles of oxygen are produced if the reaction produces 0.600 mol sodium hydroxide? 0.600 mol NaOH  . 1 mol O2/4 mol NaOH, 0.150  ________________ mol O2 Section 11.2 continued In your textbook, read about mole to mass and mass to mass conversions. Solving a mass to mass problem requires the four steps listed below. The equations in the boxes show how the four steps are used to solve an example problem. After you have studied the example, solve the problems below, using the four steps. Example problem: How many grams of carbon dioxide are produced when 20.0 g acetylene (C2H2) is burned? Step 1 Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Step 2 Determine the number of moles of the known substance, using mass to mole conversion. Step 3 Determine the number of moles of the unknown substance, using mole to mole conversion. Step 4 Determine the mass of the unknown substance, using mole to mass conversion. 7. In some mole to mass conversions, the number of moles of the known substance is given. In those conversions, which step of the above solution is not necessary? __________Step 2__________ 8. In a blast furnace, iron and carbon monoxide are produced from the reaction of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Explain Why I Want To Be An Obstetrician Have you thought about your career in the future? Most people in my school know what they want their career for them to be. For example, my cousin who is now a senior, decided that he wanted to go to the military, like many other young men. Even I, a twelve year old girl, knows and planned what she wants to do in the future. I will try really hard to become obstetrician, a type a doctor who delivers babies. The reason for my choice is because of many things about them except the money. That is why I always try really hard in school and it pays off. I chose my career, now it is your turn. One of the reasons I want to be an obstetrician is because I, as any other person, admire there work. I do not care how much money I will get paid because the only reason I want to be an obstetrician is because I have always admired them because they are the people who help bring new life into our world. They also delivered me, and my whole family so I should be thankful for that. If it was not for them I would not have been on this world and neither would other people and that would not be a happy world. I also admire them because at any time, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I would be proud because I would be the person who helped many weeks, months, and days just to get a little and precious human being to the world. For example, in my house I am proud of most of my grades and helping out my mom with the kids and chores around the house. If I am proud just doing that cannot imagine how I will feel when I complete my career in the future. I will be satisfied with the care I give my patients because I as a doctor worked really hard just to deliver a little human being and made my patients happier by giving them a new person in the family. An example is when I am satisfied with just have A s and B s on my report card then I will be even more satisfied when I helped deliver a human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Conservation Of Mass Lab The law of conservation of mass states that matter can be changed from one form into another, mixtures can be separated or made, and or substances can be decomposed, but the total amount of mass remains constant. Taking this law from a different view we can state that the total mass of the universe remains constant. Whenever matter undergoes change the total mass of the products will be the same as the total mass of the reactants. For example, in this experiment sodium hydroxide and copper sulfate, the reactants have a total mass of 21.4 grams. The total mass of the products, copper hydroxide and sodium sulfate, was 21.13 grams. The 0.27 grams was a result of the solution staying on the thermometer that was used to measure the temperature. This law was formulated in the end of the 18th Century. It marked the beginning of modern history. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most noticeable of them was oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen. It was also known then that when a metal was heated in the air it became and oxide, this change was accompanied by an increase in mass. An example of an oxide is magnesium oxide. This happens when magnesium, a metal, reacts with the oxygen when it burns. An example calculation is when the mass of the reactant, magnesium, is 2.39 grams and the product, magnesium oxide (MgO) is 3.78 grams. (LearnChemistry) We can see a noticeable change in the mass. It must therefore mean that oxygen from the air must have been absorbed. The total amount of oxygen absorbed is 1.39 grams. This reaction can be reversed by heating the magnesium which releases the oxygen and returning the metal, magnesium, into a pure metal. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Theme Of Inequality In The United States Some people experience life harder than others. Many people have to work extra hard to get the same recognition or respect than their peers. Whether someone has a disadvantage due to their race, sex, economic position, religious affiliation, disability, employment status, etc., they suffer prejudice due to this and, therefore, must find a way to get their voices heard and flee from bigoted hate. While this prevailed more during the last centuries and decreased since the 1960 s, intolerance still exists on a worldwide level, especially anti black racism in the USA. It prevailed as one of the most predominant types of inequality in the USA. As a result, many African Americans tried as hard as they could to get recognized and demonstrate that they provided enough capability to triumph similarly to their white ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And his tune is heard on the distant hill means that even though the bird continues as a prisoner, someone manages to listen to his melody; many even hear it from far away. For the caged bird sings of freedom , the final line of the stanza, establishes what the bird sings about, he wants freedom. Most of the African American literature consisted on the horrors of slavery and segregation, and it lasted up to the 60 s (racism stayed as relevant during present day but slavery and segregation are outlawed); many writers even doubled as civil activists. Despite this, people consider their literature as masterpieces nowadays. They represent the caged bird, with their opportunities limited and a free world they could only dream of. However, their voices managed to get heard and their pleas received answers. They managed to get allies throughout the world to help them in their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Chebyshev’s Theorem and the Empirical Rule Chebyshev s Theorem and The Empirical Rule Suppose we ask 1000 people what their age is. If this is a representative sample then there will be very few people of 1 2 years old just as there will not be many 95 year olds. Most will have an age somewhere in their 30 s or 40 s. A list of the number of people of a certain age may look like this: |Age |Number of people | |0 |1 | |1 |2 | |2 |3 | |3 |8 | |.. |.. | |.. |.. | |30 |45 | |31 |48 | |.. |.. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Summarizing the above we get the following table: |Interval |k |[pic] |% | |[pic] |2 |[pic] |75 | |[pic] |3 |[pic] |88.9 | |[pic] |4 |[pic] |93.75 | |[pic] |5 |[pic] |96 | |[pic] |6 |[pic] |97.2 | Do we have to restrict ourselves to whole numbers as values for k? No, we may take any value for k as long as it larger than 1. For instance, for k = 2.5 we get the result that [pic] in the interval [pic] years Example 1: Students Who Care is a student volunteer program in which college students donate work time in community centers for homeless people. Professor Gill is the faculty sponsor for this student volunteer program. For several years Dr. Gill has kept a record of the total number of work hours volunteered by s student in the program each semester. For students in the program, for each semester the mean number of hours was 29.1 hours with a standard deviation of 1.7 hours. Find an interval for the number of hours volunteered in which at least 88.9% of the students in this program would fit. Solution:
  • 28. From the table above we see that a percentage of 88.9 will coincide with an interval of [pic] hours. This can be rewritten as an interval from 24 to 34.2 hours volunteered each semester. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Effects Of Italian American Internment Italian American Internment The internment of non citizens by the United States during World War II included Italians. Unlike Japanese Americans, the Italians never received reparations. But unlike Japanese Americans, who were rounded up whether citizens or not, only non citizen Italians faced internment. At the outbreak of World War II, Italians over the age of fourteen who were not born in the United States and had not become naturalized were deemed enemy aliens. These included Italian businessmen, diplomats, and international students studying in the United States. In some cases, temporary residents (such as diplomats) were expelled or given a chance to leave the country when war was declared. Some were interned, as were Italian merchant seamen stranded at U.S. ports after their ships were impounded when war ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The WRA authorized the removal from designated areas of persons whose removal is necessary in the interests of national security. It did not distinguish between native born Americans and citizens of other nations living in the United States; the orders simply said persons. Historian Lawrence DeStasi cites a number of such cases of mistreatment and internment of Italian Americans, although he apparently defines Italian American as anyone within the Italian community, be they native born U.S. citizens or Italian born non U.S. citizens. In October 1942, the 600,000 non naturalized Italians living in the United States were freed from the stigma of being alien enemies. Members of the Italian community could now travel freely, own cameras and firearms, and were not required to carry ID cards. Italy s surrender on September 8, 1943 brought about the release of most of the Italian American internees by year s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Celta This case study is based on Patricia, a Spanish national in her twenties who is in her last year studying an Economics degree course. She is also a student on the Elementary course at the British Language Centre. Patricia s started learning English at the bi lingual school she attended. She learnt English for 3 years but did not take any official examinations, but sees this as a possibility for the future. At school she learnt English because it was obligatory. The only other language she speaks is Spanish. She started attending the British Language Centre (which she still attends) to help her find a job in an international company and to prepare her for her visit to Eastbourne, East Sussex (UK) in July. She will be staying with a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Refer to Appendix example 3). The meaning changes slightly from expression to expression. In Spanish this word is not used in the same way. A solution and practice to this would be to present all of the words to the student within a real context, through a reading or writing exercise. 2 Problems and Possible Solutions with Pronunciation. Morphemes that have more than one pronunciation present a problem relating to the sound of words. (Refer to Appendix example 4). Both problems relate to rhythm when speaking, Spanish rhythm is syllable timed, whereas, English rhythm is stressed timed. (Spanish also has a narrower pitch range than English). Both problems can be directly related to language interference. Solutions include instant and planned remedial. The best procedure in addressing these problems is to draw attention to the problematic sound or pattern. Get them to pronounce it in isolation and explain how the pattern or sound is formed, and drill the student ensuring they have a record. The learner skills strengths and weaknesses: Speaking: The student is very comfortable speaking on a one to one basis and has no qualms about making mistakes. She articulates and forms her sentences well. Her main problem in fluency speaking is hesitation, something that she is fully aware of. She takes time to work things out in her mind before speaking, and this pause is evident in class, for example, when a teacher asks her a question. The more complicated the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Ayn Rand s The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Watching movies is an enjoyable and entertaining pass time that can be enjoyed alone, with family, or with friends. With a plethora of genres to choose from and even more movies within those genres, picking a movie that s enjoyable can be difficult. So, whenever anyone asks, what movie they should watch I would suggest The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. The Lord of the Rings has extraordinary character development, focuses greatly on friendship, and the amount of effort that was put into making the movie, which is why it s my all time favorite movie. Character development is highly important element of any story. Whether the character is good or bad, character development is needed to create a story more interesting, relatable, and adds new dimension ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Frodo s not going anywhere without me. showing that as friends he was also going to endure the hardships Frodo s going to go through. Again in The Two Towers (2002), Sam and Frodo were having a conversation to lighten up the mood. Sam was talking about how their journey would go down in history and how he would one day tell the story to his children about how Frodo was courageous and the most famous Hobbit. In return Frodo then said, You ve left out one of the chief characters Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn t have got far without Sam. Near the end of The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003) had many scenes exhibiting Sam and Frodo s friendship. Most of which are when one of them are struggling. Frodo for example comforts by hugging Sam saying, I m glad to be with you, Samwise Gamgee, here at the end of all things. when Sam started to cry after thinking about the life he left behind to travel with Frodo. Another example was when Frodo was going to be attacked by an Orc, Sam stabbed him from behind saying, Not if I stick you first. saving Frodo s life. Or when Sam carries Frodo up Mount Doom despite being tired from climbing the mountain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Portfolio Performance And Hedging Options Portfolio Performance and Hedging options Cheuk Yin Lam 6865175 Introduction This is an equity fund manager tasked with the responsibility of managing a portfolio. The portfolio comprises of largest UK stocks and thus bases the FTSE100 index (Battalio and Schultz 2011, Pp 45). There is much concern that sharp correction in equities might take place in the next 3 month. The main purpose of this report is to present the hedging choices that they have. Portfolio Setup a. Price Data (for index and futures) Price data in this case is between 11/05/2016 to 22/05/2016 Data below is an indication of the price index and futures for the company Date Price Open High Low Vol. Change % May 20, 2016 2050.00 2038.75 2055.50 2037.25 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Risks faced and hedging Research has shown that there are a number of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Homelessness Is A Year Round Issue Homelessness is a year round issue that needs to be addressed. People that are homeless will most likely commit to crime, because it is almost impossible for homeless people get a job. Think about it, a job application requires a home address, phone number to get in contact with and social insurance number. Those are all things a homeless person lacks. The origin of homelessness can be traced all the way back to colonial America. Homelessness arise during the American Revolution and Civil War. It is still an ongoing issue today in the City of Philadelphia. It has become a problem today due to factors such as, unemployment, insecure jobs, low incomes, addictions, and mental issues. There are specific statistics that illustrates the magnitude of the issue. According to Penn Current, there are approximately five thousand individuals that are homeless in Philadelphia. An article written by RRI, mentioned that there are one point five million people living in Philadelphia and almost twenty six percent are below poverty level. Newswork provided the statistic showing forty percent homeless youths are LGBT. As for adults, about thirty five percent are homeless due to lost of job, nine percent are due to alcohol or drug addictions, ten percent are disabled or suffering from mental illness, ten percent are due to change in family status, another ten percent are due to incarceration, fifteen percent are due to inability to pay bills, and eleven percent are due to abuse. As a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Essay on The Comanche Indians The Comanche Indians The Comanche have most recently been found in the Southern Plains, which stretches from Nebraska to the northern part of Texas. They were fully in Texas by the 1700 s. It is believed that the Comanche derived from the Shoshone Indians, found in Wyoming. The language spoken by the Comanche is actually a form of Uto Aztecan language that when compared to the Shoshone language, the two are very similar. The Comanche s were great warriors and did not really indulge in religious practices too much nor did they use folktales or legends very often. The Comanche s economy was mostly based on their lifestyle. Comanche s were bands, not tribes, who would raid neighboring villages. This is one of the reasons why ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They migrated from a mountainous region to the plains were they were frequently encountered with the Jumano, Pueblo and Apache Indians along with the Spanish. The Comanche were such skilled warriors, that they were able to push the Indian groups further south and further west, they kept the Spanish in the southern part of Texas and prevented them from venturing north, and they also gave American settlers a very difficult time. The Comanche were very skilled horsemen. They were the most feared Indians on horses. It is actually said that the Comanche were the best Indian horsemen warriors ever. They had remarkable ability and skill on horses. The Comanche first met the Spanish around the late 1600 s. The most prominent contribution from the Spanish was the horse. The horse helped strengthen the Comanche. The Spanish would not benefit too much from trading with the Comanche. Most of the trading done was usually for things or persons stolen by the Comanche, which the Spanish wanted back. Most of the time it was people. The Comanche would also encounter some American and German settlers in the late 1700 s early 1800 s. However, the Comanche didn t really trade with them, they would just steal horses, cattle, possessions and women and children, which they would sell back to the settlers of course. Traditionally the homeland of the Comanche was the northern part of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado and New Mexico. Currently most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of Plato s Republic And Aristotle s Nicomachean... Upon application for university, hearts are heavy with the uncertainty for the future. An overwhelming hope to become the person we are meant to be. This journey, called university, provides the inverse; a worldly creation where past and future are intertwined. A place for discovery. A place of reflection. Leisure, sport and recreation are culpable in cultivating thyself in preparation for true reflection, whose telos is knowledge of thyself. This paper will explore this notion of the journey to true reflection through various historical and present day ideologies. Context will be provided via personal experiences of each phase, as the yellow brick road, leading up to reflection. Only then, true discoveries of thyself can be uncovered. Leisure, sport, and recreation provide the opportunity for growth of mind and body. Both Plato s Republic and Aristotle s Nicomachean Ethics conceptualize this growth through games and sport. What is meant by growth? What is development in relation to the self? Once sufficiently developed, leisure, sport, recreation become agents for one to experience thyself in relation to others. Here, socio spatial boundaries become other dimensional and the self becomes a collection of photos. What does it mean to be an individual? What identity does the individual give to their community? Pat Power s notions or creative play, Luc Robene and Dominique Bodin, among many philosophers, thoroughly explore this interconnectivity that distinguishes the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Essay on Narrative Style and Structure of James and the... Narrative Style and Structure of James and the Giant Peach The books that Roald Dahl has written have very interesting narrative styles. In the story James and the Giant Peach, Dahl uses vivid imagination. He uses many imaginary situations but yet at the same time encompasses enough realistic situations that the reader can still relate to it. In James and the Giant Peach, it starts out introducing a boy named James Henry Trotter who lives with his loving mother and father. The narrator of the book tells us, the readers, that James and his family s dream is to sail to New York City and climb all the way to the top of the Empire State Building. This introduction makes us think that this story is realistic, because the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These bugs carry on many different human like characteristics, which help make Dahl s imaginative story seem somewhat realistic. All of these bugs talk to James about how they hate life on the hill and a bug eats away the stem of the peach and they go rolling down the hill. Throughout the story the peach, with all of the characters inside, is on a dangerous adventure. After going through oceans and winds, the peach lands them on the top of the Empire State Building. The bugs help capture the evil aunts and they live happily together. This story is told in the third person point of view, which helps the reader understand the whole story and not just one character s side. If the story was told by just one character s point of view, the story could be similar but one would only see the view of that character. By Dahl using third person point of view, this allows the readers to see each characters views and thoughts of what is happening in the story. Also, throughout the book Dahl has the narrator asking many questions to make the reader imagine what is going to happen next. Usually the question comes toward the end of a page so the reader has to wonder or is caught in suspense until the page is flipped. This gives the reader a chance to use their imagination and guess what happens next. I believe this sort of writing helps Dahl pull his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Cost Of An Electronic Medical Record ( Emr ) The expense of implementing an electronic medical record (EMR) will be one of the most costly expenses a healthcare organization will encounter regardless of the size of the organization. The organization will face many ethical and legal challenges with the implementation of EMR and depending on the size of the organization may experience many organizational issues as well. The Affordable Care Act is pushing for national EMR implementation. In order to accomplish goal, it will be necessary to work through the many ethical, legal, and organizational challenges healthcare systems will face implementing EMR. The cost of an EMR system is an ongoing expense with a significant initial cost. There are many financial considerations involved in implementing an integrated EMR similar to the EMR utilized by Mayo Clinic. A fully integrated system will include costs for each facility, as well as the central costs at corporate headquarters. The CIO Consortium (2011) completed a cost study of evaluating, deploying, and operating an EMR system at a 25 facility chain providing nursing care and rehabilitation services. While the fees in this cost study may be different from what is required at another type of facility, the cost study includes many financial considerations. The type of implementation will determine the central cost fees. One option is the software as a service option. This would involve central headquarters contracting directly with the EMR vendor, costing an annual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Ellie Working Dogs Ellie is a German Shepard and is trained to be a search and rescue dog. Ellie and comfort dogs are both example of working dogs. Commonly, dogs are used as domestic pets at home. A lot people sometimes have multiple dogs as pets at once. Both types of working dogs are helpful to humans. Both type of working dogs make wonderful working dogs for many reasons. Some of these reasons are similar while others are quite distinct. First, Ellie a search and rescue dog and a comfort dog both work in similar and different ways. Both dogs work requires them to travel to wherever they are needed as for a comfort dog wherever there is a crisis. This means they spend most of their time out exploring different situations. Comfort dogs are used to give ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both dogs know exactly what to do with certain commands are given to them. Comfort dogs are trained to remain calm during distraught situations they are taught to help bring tranquility to people who just went through a crisis. Ellie a search and rescue dog is trained to follow a smell of a person, clothing or anything and show the officer where it is at. This command can help find someone in danger or even an Alzheimer patient who has wandered off. This can also even bring the criminal into an officer path so the criminal can be taken in and charged. Secondly, both type of dogs love to be around people. Like Ellie understood his purpose as a search and rescue dog finding people and being rewarded after. Comfort dogs loves comforting people anywhere it being a hospital, retirement home, school or a disaster area. Also, both dogs require some type of care like being fed, brushed, walked and played with. Yet sometimes these dogs are so trained and become very independent. Lastly, Ellie a search and rescue dog or a comfort dog or any working dog come in traditional breeds like a German Shepard, Labradors, and Golden Retrievers. Nowadays the use of unusual breeds has been use, such as a Mastiff are used for mobility work. Chihuahuas are used for diabetic or seizure alert dogs. They all come in different sizes small or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Baron Von Steuben Thesis Frederick Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben was formerly known was Baron Von Steuben was born on September 17,1730 in Germany. He went to school at Jesuit school, he was a Prussian officer. At 14 he started military training and not to much longer at 16 he join the Prussian army. He served the 7 years of war also suffered 2 injuries and then later on got promoted to lieutenant. Later he was taken to prison and when he got back from prison he was promoted to quartermaster general and adjutant general. In 1763 Steuben got released from the Prussian army for being homosexual or an inconsiderate step and an implacable person enemy. He later found interest at the court of Honhenzollern Hechingen at being grand marshall and held that position for 10 years. He tried to join several different armies in foreign countries but couldn t have any. But later on he heard that Benjamin Franklin was in France and he might be able to join the American Continental Army. Finally in Paris on 1777 Baron von Steuben met Franklin. He talked to Franklin but Franklin hated ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He only asked for reimbursement for his debt and to be payed at the end of the war whatever amount. Congress rapidly accepted his offer and sent him Valley Forge to meet George Washington. He didn t know any english so he had translators so he had General Nathaniel Greene, Alexander Hamilton and Washington s aid John Laurens help as translators. Washington gave him the objective of training the soldiers, the soldiers didn t know much and didn t have much before Steuben stepped into the picture. While the soldiers had no uniform Steuben marched back and fourth in full military uniform cursing and yelling at the soldiers while they were translating Steuben. Washington s aids and Steuben wrote a book called The Blue Book that stayed with them until the Mexican war in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Automation And Its Effects On The Environment If the automation in use does not demand a certain level of interaction or has presented several failures of operation to the specific aviator in the past, the operator is prone to a more significant negative event occurring in the future. This is due to the reliance and trust placed on the automation to complete the task as designed (Geiselman et al., 2013). Consistent with the model is the idea that the most likely scenario for complacency in the cockpit is prior to a very reliable system failing for the first time (Parasuraman Manzey, 2010). Similar to complacency in automation is bias. Bias breeds the misuse of automation through errors of omission and commission errors. Errors of omission are in reference to the aircrew not taking action as directed by automation, while commission errors are incorrect instructions provided by the automation that are acknowledged and followed by the operator as directed (Parasuraman Manzey, 2010). Several human factors of bias exist that make it a difficult problem to fix. The most common being that humans are typically drawn to situations that bias toward automation is natural, such as; choosing a path requiring less effort, natural trust in a system that has not failed previously, and the psychological effect of delegating tasks in a shared responsibility environment (Parasuraman Manzey, 2010). Compounding on the issue is that bias does not appear to be resolved by experience of the operator as it influences the natural human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Analysis Of The Movie Iron Jawed Angels By Martin... There have been many great activist in history, fighting against the oppression of African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr is famous for his I have a dream speech that took place on August 28, 1963. Dr. King led to the ending of the legal segregation among black and white people. In Dr. Kings essay Three ways of Responding to Oppression, he clearly states three ways to deal with oppression. Dr. King believed the best defense against oppression being that of nonviolent resistance. The film Iron Jawed Angels (IJA) is also great example of oppression with the struggle to women rights in the United States. Mr. King stated that there are three ways of oppression that oppressed people deal with, acquiescence, physical violence, and nonviolent resistance. One must come out of their comfort zone in order to see new and in most cases better outcomes. Mr. King said, In every movement towards freedom some of the oppressed prefer to remain oppressed . This is exactly what happens in some cases, where the person prefers to continue with the unjust being done just because they know no other way or because they have become so accustom to that life style. For example, slaves started to get so use to being just slaves that they would not protest to try to have a better life style. Some did not think that they could have a better life, or even thought they did not deserve a better life since they had been told so many times. In the film IJA, they give a great example with the senators ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Four Theories of Government Essay Akira Simmons 3/5/09 Government There were fourdifferent theories of governments, the force theory, the evolutionary rule, the divine right theory, and social contract theory. The Force theory was when one person or group of people gained control of the area and forced others to submit to their rule. The evolutionary Rule basically said that the states would develop naturally out of family clans, tribes, ect. The divine right theory said that the state was created by God and God gave people of royal birth the divine right to rule . The social contract theory was created by Thomas Hobbes and he believed that before the state people were British. People lived poorly and to improve their lives people could enter into a social contract ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... God gave people of the royal birth the divine right to rule , but not all people believe in the same religion or God. Not only would religion be an issue but also the royal family factor. In the United States, there are no royal families, but there are wealthy, middle class, and the low class. The divine right to rule is not used in the United States because of the different religions. This theory would not be best fit for the United States because the United States does not rule based on religion and there are no royal families. The Social contract theory was created by Thomas Hobbes and he basically stated that the state people were British. People were poor and to improve their lives people would enter into a social contract where one superior person ruled over the rest. This would not be a best fit form of government for the United States today because not everybody lives poor in every state. Each state has a different group of lower class, middle class, and upper class. This also would not be good government for the U.S. because with one superior person ruling there would be no democracy. The United States does not use the social contract today because of these reasons. The four theories of forms of government were all different from one another. These theories are should not be used in the United States today because it s a different time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Comparing Goldilocks And Bill Cleaver s Where The Lilies... The novel, Where the Lilies Bloom has a striking similarity to the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. When you take a look at Where the Lilies Bloom, by Vera and Bill Cleaver, the comparison becomes eminent very quickly. Within the first couple of chapters, the characters in Where the Lilies Bloom begin to resemble characters in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Kiser Peace, an uneducated and superstitious man, takes the role of the bear in this story. Mary Call Luther, an intelligent young girl who has become the head of the household after her father s death, and Romey, Mary Call s 10 year old brother, start to both represent Goldilocks. Goldilocks and the Three Bears is definitely comparable to Where the Lilies Bloom. This first quote can make it easier to see how these two books coincide. Romey and Mary Call are outside of Kiser s house when Romey says, It s not latched. You reckon it d be all right if we just went in (Cleaver 20)? If that s not enough later, Mary Call says, Let s just step inside a minute, Romey (Cleaver 21). In the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Goldilocks enters the bear s house without their permission. This quote clearly depicts how related these books are. It is easy to see the resemblance here but there is much more evidence to back this up. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Romey and Mary Call are inside of Kisers house when Mary Call tells us, He didn t put any amount on it, just listed things we took from the basement: a ham, four frozen chickens, four pounds of frozen butter, two quarts of honey, a peck of red yams (Cleaver 35). In Goldilocks and the Three Bears, while Goldilocks is in the house she steals some porridge. This certainly illustrates Romey and Mary Call stealing food from Kiser Peace s house, like Goldilocks did from the bears. Without a doubt, these books show a lot of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...