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Essay On My Toy In Hindi
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Essay On My Toy In HindiEssay On My Toy In Hindi
Bayou Farewell By Mike Tidwell
In Bayou Farewell by Mike Tidwell, Tidwell explores how the Cajuns in Southern Louisiana have
been impacted by climate change. Tidwell brings to attention that Louisiana has 40% of the
United States wetlands, but people do not realize all of the economic benefits and ecosystem
services that these wetlands provide. Sadly, these wetlands are being submerged and destroyed at
the rate of over a football field an hour. The main causes of Louisianas wetlands disappearing are
the levees that prevent the Mississippi from dropping rich sediment at the mouth of the river to
create barrier islands, and the careless actions of oil and gas companies (creating pipelines
everywhere and frequent oil spills).
The discoveries that Mike Tidwell made in Bayou
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paul hoang answers
Paul Hoang and IBID Press
Business Management Answer Book
Important message from the author
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for purchasing my textbook and for the encouraging words that many of you have
passed on from around the world.
In the final installment, I have put together answers/solutions to all 217 case studies. I hope you
will find these solutions as a useful starting point. As with all B M mark schemes, the solutions in
this Answer
Book should be used with caution and flexibility. Students who take an alternative approach to the
suggested solutions should still be credited where appropriate; teachers should use their
professional judgment in such cases.
Since the Answer Book is 178 pages long, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
[1 2 marks]
The answer is vague and/or descriptive. There may be no distinction made between the influences
on training and recruitment.
Paul Hoang and IBID Press
Definition of conflict should be given. The possible solutions will depend on the cause(s) of
conflict within the department. For instance:
Poor communication channels lead to misunderstandings; look into improving communications
within the department, e.g. regular team briefings.
Lack of promotional opportunities; perhaps investigate the possibility of delegating responsibility
to allow subordinates to gain valuable experiences.
Given the culture, the new HOD might be expected to be more democratic in his/her approach to
conflict management, e.g. perhaps by using forms of empowerment.
Conflict may also arise if the Principal uses external recruitment to appoint the new HOD.
Any conflict between subordinates will most likely to be dealt with by the HOD, i.e. conflict is
resolved within the department.
The new HOD will therefore need to have good interpersonal and communications skills. S/he may
also need to develop situational management styles with clear goals and objectives for the
[5 6 marks]
There is a thorough examination of the various ways in which different sources of conflict can be
handled by the Head of Department. Appropriate terms are used with good application.
[3 4 marks]
The examination
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The Four Contemporary Approaches To Management
Sociotechnical Systems Theory, Quantitative Management, Organizational Behavior, and Systems
Theory are The Four Contemporary Approaches to Management.
The contemporary approach to job designs that attempts to redesign tasks to optimize operation of a
new technology while preserving employees interpersonal relationships and other human aspects of
the work is called sociotechnical systems theory. It is relevant in to the internal environment
because it focuses on employees and their knowledge, training, and tools.
Another contemporary approach that emphasizes the application of quantitative analysis to
managerial decisions and problems are called quantitative management. It is also relevant to the
internal environment, competitive, and macro environment, because it uses data from all
environment for analysis.
One of the contemporary approach that studies and identifies management activities that promotes
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It is relevant in to the internal environment because it focuses on employees and their knowledge,
training, and tools.
Another contemporary approach that emphasizes the application of quantitative analysis to
managerial decisions and problems are called quantitative management. It is also relevant to the
internal environment, competitive, and macro environment, because it uses data from all
environment for analysis.
One of the contemporary approach that studies and identifies management activities that promotes
employee effectiveness by examining the complex and dynamic nature of individual, group, and
organizational process is called organizational process. This Sociotechnical Systems Theory,
Quantitative Management, Organizational Behavior, and Systems Theory are The Four
Contemporary Approaches to
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Defining Good and Evil
Good and evil are more connected to each other than what people give them credit for. Good
coexists with evil and there can be no good unless there is also an evil. Something that benefits a
society would be considered good. On the other hand, if it does not benefit a society, it would be
considered evil. The term good and evilcan be associated with whatever a person sets their moral
to be. When a person finds joy in something, they call it good. On the other hand, if it brings
them agony, they call it evil. Good and evil can mean whatever people want you to think they
mean. What is good to one person can be evil to another person. For instance, a soldier that goes to
war for his country will be viewed as a hero. But the wives... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I see it as a test to see who is and who is not worthy.
Evil can also mean many just like good. Evil is a selfish person who only cares for himself. Evil
isn t the opposite of good; however, it is more like a virus. It is far too dependent on good. The
only intention evil has is to hurt and destroy everything in its path. Evil can only be defined by
the good it can take from everyone. The point I am trying to make is that without good evil is
absolutely nothing but another word. Many think that evil people are heartless because of the
things they do. It is kind of hard to truly judge someone until you put yourself in their shoes.
Everyone that does something evil does not just do it out of the blue. Something causes them to
just want to be hurtful to other people. Some one that is evil has to have little to no morals.
What is good to some may be evil to someone else, and what is evil to someone could be good in
another person s eyes. With that being said someone who is evil in everyone eyes are a special
kind of person. Not for the fact that they are evil, but because of whatever event happened in their
life to make them evil. Take Ted Bundy for example. Many people thought that he would turn out
to be a great politician and lawyer. Turns out he killed thirty six plus women and was the most
notorious serial killer in American history. He had a rough childhood but all his problems started
when he first fell in love.
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Mandatory Sentencing Laws For Repeat Offenders
In the 1990s, states began to execute mandatory sentencing laws for repeat offenders. This
statute became known as three strike laws . The three strikes law increases prison sentence for
people convicted of a felony. If you have two or more violent crimes or serious felonies, it limits
the ability that offenders have to receive a punishment other than life sentencing. By 2003 over
half of the states and federal government had enacted the three strike laws . The expectation
behind it was to get career criminals off the street for the good of the public. However, the laws
have their connoisseurs who charge sentences that are often excessive to the crimes committed and
that incarcerate of three strike inmates for 25 years to life. Nevertheless, the US Supreme Court
has upheld three strike laws and had rejected the fact that they amount to cruel and unusual
punishment. The state of Washington passed the first three strikes law in 1993. Anyone convicted
of three separate violent felonies must be sentenced to life in prison without a chance for parole.
Then on March 8th, 1994, California followed by enacting the law that sanctioned a sentence of
25 years to life for a third felony conviction. Contrary to Washington, the California law counts
nonviolent felonies, such as burglary and theft as strike offences; by 2001, over 50,000 criminals
had been penalized under the new law, far more than any other state, with almost a quarter of the
prisoners facing a minimum of 25 years
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Essay about Greggs Plc
Greggs plc (Greggs) is a UK based bakery products retailing company. Through its subsidiaries,
the company produces and retails takeaway foods that include savouries, sandwiches and fresh
bakery food products. It also offers health range and regional products with lower fat, calorie and
salt quantities. The bakery food products offered by the company comprise pasties and sausage
rolls, pies, doughnuts and drinks. It also offers health range and regional products. Greggs operates
1,400 stores across the country and serves approximately six million customers each week. The
company is headquartered in Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK
Strategic Corporate Development History of Greggs Plc:
Greggs was a small, local ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By 1994 a significant year in the company s history Greggs consisted of more than 500 stores
operating in seven regional divisions. The stature of the company at this point was about to
increase substantially, providing a fitting tribute to the company s tenth year as a publicly traded
concern. In mid 1994, Greggs acquired the retail baking interests belonging to Allied Bakeries
Limited. The transaction nearly doubled the size of the company, adding 424 shops and a new
brand to the company s portfolio, Bakers Oven.
The acquisition of Allied Bakeries added a new dimension to Greggs business strategy, one that
contrasted and complemented the company s operations. Unlike the shops operating under the
Greggs banner, the Bakers Oven shops featured in store bakeries. Rather than assimilate the
acquired units into the company s network of large central bakeries that served a cluster of retail
shops, Darrington and his management team decided to develop Bakers Oven as a separate
brand, a decision that opened new markets for the company s expansion. Through Bakers Oven
shops and their in store bakeries, the company was able to establish a presence in markets with
lower population densities than the Greggs units demanded. For the Greggs model of a central
bakery serving satellite shops to make financial sense, numerous retail outlets needed to be in close
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Cultural And Historical Significance Of The Film 12 Years...
The Cultural and Historical Significance of the Film 12 Years A Slave The cultural and
historical significance of the film has changed and reshaped the views and cultures of African
Americans with the roles that they have as a race in society as a result of the racial formation
and performance portrayed in the film. The movie presents a verifiable and precise account of
the collective experience of slaves in the United States of America in the late 18th century. The
basic facts of the movie from the start to the finish concern events about the places, the time, and
the practices that took place during the slave era in detail. The movie is inspired by a book
written by David Wilson about the narrative events of Solomon Northup as a slave. Both the
book and the movie share the same title. In the book, he speaks with a lot of authority on all
subjects especially enslavement of black Americans and in the process, he names popular
leaders as well as several other landmarks without fear of contradiction because we understand
that public records have enough knowledge to defend his position. In the movie, the slave trader
is accused of keeping slaves as captive in a slave pen in Washington DC. Not only is the name of
the slave and the slaver mentioned, but also their accomplices in addition to the location where the
slave pen is located, the structure of the slave pen, an all details that allow one to imagine the
scenario that of the poor slaves had to undergo, all stacked together
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Best Buy Is A Company Essay
Best Buy is a US based multinational company that deals in consumer electronics goods.
Headquarter of this company is in Richfield, Minnesota. This company operates in Canada and
Mexico too. The specialty of the company is it works as a retailer that deals in consumer electronics
goods, personal computers, entertainment software and appliances (City, 2010).
The company was established in 1966 and that time it was Sound of Music and that time it is a
public company and in 1983 it made Best Buy Co. Superstores and its founder was Richard
M.Schulze. The numbers of its outlets are 1.050 in worldwide. The company earnings are
$42.568 billion and its operating income is $2.375billion and the amount of its assets are around
$14.421 billion and the amount of its total equity is $4.977 billion and around 125,000 people are
working in its stores.
Corporate Business of the firm
Operations of the company
Best Buy sells the electronics goods and various type of merchandize like that are used by
common people like home appliances(like washing machines, refrigerators, and dryers) along with
these items they also sell variety of different goods like software, video games, video cameras,
music items, VHS and VCRs cassettes, car stereos, mobile phones and digital cameras. This
company provides different kind of non commissioned environment for the sale of their products.
Best Buy deals under the brand Greek Squad and provide the facility of computer repairing,
warranty service, and also
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Devry Consumer Behavior Week 7
Case Study: Giving and Receiving on Freecycle.org Freecycle.org or as nicknamed by users,
Freebay is a great way for individuals to give away items that they no longer want. It is very
apparent that this website has achieved such high levels of success and growth in such a short
period of time, due to the fact that they are different from all other sites. Everyone has become
accustomed to a world where nothing is free. Human beings are used to to having to pay for
anything they receive. Most people are even leery of the fact of receiving something for free. The
common question behind something being given away for free is what s the catch? The same is
true for websites. As consumers, we are programmed to believe that when... Show more content on
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This particular website actually refers people to various free sites, including Freecycle.org. This
site provides shoppers another means for purchasing items, without spending money. Therefore,
by providing another means for people to receive products, their purchasing habits may change.
Other businesses and websites such as eBay, could possibly benefit from the freecycling
business. Many Americans are actually in full support of going green , but not everyone does it;
presumably because they either don t think about it or because there aren t enough businesses
supporting it. This is especially true when it comes to making purchases. As previously stated,
consumers are accustomed to having to spend money to receive items in return. So, the concept of
giving things away and receiving things for free do not necessarily resonate easily, without
reminders. Furthermore, consumers may not realize just how wasteful they really are and how
they could actually help save the society by giving things away, instead of throwing them in the
trash. In 2010, AOL News provided an article called, Many Americans Believe in Going Green;
Fewer Actually Do It . The article discusses how a survey was conducted at Yale University and
George Mason University, showing that Americans feel it s important to conserve energy and help
the environment, but they just aren t doing it. This demonstrates not only the lack of action of those
supposedly in support of
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Quality Of Work Performance Assessment
Results of the above BARS Assessment
The results of an evaluation done by my colleague were the following.
Quality of Work 3
The quality of my work is above the standard of those in similar positions. This means that there is
little to be done in improving my quality of work, which is at a reasonable level.
Organizational Commitment 2
I can be relied on to carry out my assignments. The level of my involvement and identification with
the job is on par with others in similar positions. However, this may be an area for improvement to
reach higher levels.
Professional Knowledge 4
My professional knowledge in my job is up to date, comprehensive and exceptionally high standard.
This is highly acceptable, and the emphasis is placed on maintaining ... Show more content on
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Secondly, the BARS method acts as a tool of motivation for employees within an organization.
Also, with the help of empirical methods used while comparing BARS to other traditional rating
scales, for example, the graphic rating scale, it was found out that BARS contain more errors than
other methods of appraisal. Other studies have discovered that BARS ratings are neither better nor
worse than other scales, whereas some studies have shown the relative superiority of BARS on
rating errors (Kingstrom Bass,
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Replacement Windows and Home Security Upgrades Essay
Homeowners in Virginia and the Washington, DC area often consider aesthetics and price as the
main factors driving decisions. While we understand the importance of finding windows that match
your home s architecture and complement your overall design scheme, at Renewal by Andersen we
think security and safety are important, too.
Based on FBI projections, more than three percent of all homes in the United States will be
burglarized this coming year. There were almost 4000 burglaries in the DC area in 2012. Criminals
look for easy access and quick entrance opportunities.
One proven way to reduce your chances of becoming a victim to home invasions is to upgrade your
old windows.
Technological advances and new glass designs make glass ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Depending on your personal preference and window location, you might use this style for alley
facing windows or to add privacy in bedrooms and bathroom.
Added Safety Features
There are many glass styles and strengths for homeowners to choose from when upgrading their
windows in the DC area. Along with stronger glass, replacement windows from Renewal of
Anderson have tamper resistant locks. Strategically recessed pick resistant locks are easy to access
from inside your home, while preventing unwanted tampering from outside. Multiple locks for
large windows and sash stops give you additional layers of protection.
There are several different styles of window locks. Here are three options that improve security.
Unison locks have multiple locking mechanisms operated with a single handle. Automatic locking
windows self lock every time the window is closed securely. Key lock mechanisms require a key to
manually lock and unlock windows and doors.
Security System Upgrades
Renewal by Andersen replacement windows have many added features and benefits to improve
home security in your Virginia or DC home. One question you might have is how new windows
will impact other home security systems.
If you already have a home security system in place that you are pleased with, our experienced
window specialists will help you explore options based on your current equipment and services.
If you are thinking about installing a new
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Tetrahymena Lab Report
In order to test the rate of phagocytosis in tetrahymena, the tetrahymena need to ingest particles
that are visible under a light microscope. The substance used in this experiment was India ink.
India ink is deep black colored ink containing dispersed carbon particles. The trethymena treat the
India ink as if it were food and ingest it. There were three concentrations of India ink that were
fed to the eukaryotes The percent s that were used are: 1%, 5% and 10% of India ink. After
certain time intervals, the tetrahymena were fixed with a compound called 3% paraformaldehyde
(PFA).On the first day six different mixtures of tetrahymena and ink concentrations were made to
test which conditions would express the best rate of phagocytosis. The well fed tetrahymena were
fed with 1% India ink, the another group was fed 5% India ink, the last group was fed 10% India
ink. Then the starved tetrahymena were fed in the same manner as the well fed tetrahymena. After
adding the ink to the microcentrifuge, we prepared a slide for each mixture at the following time
intervals 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My partner and I choose glucose, colchicine, cold temperature (0 degrees Celsius), and warm
temperature (37 degrees Celsius) as the addition factors. The tetrahymena were exposed exposed to
their condition for ten minutes before the India ink was placed in their microcentrifuge. The
tertrahymena were fixed on a slide every ten minutes after the ink was placed in the
microcentrifuge. In this experiment there are two controls. There is positive control and a negative
control. The untreated sample is tetrahymena that did not have any other conditions besides the ink.
Then before the sample was placed on the slide they were fixed. The treated sample was tetrahymen
mixed with
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Technicolor Monologue
Tra and la! I am smiling a big adopted orphan smile as I write this. I am embarrassed at how
happy I am, like some Technicolor comic of a teenage girl talking on the phone with my hair in
a ponytail, the bubble above my head saying: I met a boy! But I did. This is a technical,
empirical truth. I met a boy, a great, gorgeous dude, a funny, cool ass guy. Let me set the scene,
because it deserves setting for posterity (no, please, I m not that far gone, posterity! feh). But
still. It s not New Year s, but still very much the new year. It s winter: early dark, freezing cold.
Carmen, a newish friend semi friend, barely friend, the kind of friend you can t cancel on has
talked me into going out to Brooklyn, to one of her writers parties. Now,... Show more content on
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I have lost Carmen to her host beau they are having an intense discussion in a corner of the
kitchen, the two of them hunching their shoulders, their faces toward each other, the shape of a
heart. Good. I think about eating to give myself something to do besides standing in the center
of the room, smiling like the new kid in the lunchroom. But almost everything is gone. Some
potato chip shards sit in the bottom of a giant Tupperware bowl. A supermarket deli tray full of
hoary carrots and gnarled celery and a semeny dip sits untouched on a coffee table, cigarettes
littered throughout like bonus vegetable sticks. I am doing my thing, my impulse thing: What if
I leap from the theater balcony right now? What if I tongue the homeless man across from me
on the subway? What if I sit down on the floor of this party by myself and eat everything on that
deli tray, including the cigarettes? Please don t eat anything in that area, he says. It is him (bum
bum BUMMM!), but I don t yet know it s him (bum bum bummm). I know it s a guy who will
talk to me, he wears his cockiness like an ironic T shirt, but it fits him better. He is the kind of guy
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Electrolysis Essay
Electrolysis is the direct passing of an electric current that follows through an ionic substance that
is molten or dissolved in a suitable solvent, which makes electrodes and separated materials.
Electrolysis begins when an electrical current flows out of one pole of energy into one electrode,
which is called the cathode. Electrolysisoccurs when electrical energy is used to produce a
chemical change. Sulfuric acid, also known as ( H2SO4) , is commonly used in Electrolysis (Net
Industries). Electrolysis can only be produced by energy being pumped or pulled into water. A best
known example of Electrolysis is decomposition of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen (Net
Industries). When an electrical current passes through a water current, hydrogen bubbles are
produced. Every two water molecules have been decomposed into two hydrogen molecules, after
Electrolysis have turned an ionic substance into a dissolved, suitable substance. ( Net Industries).
Water must be dissolved in salt to be made an electrode. An electrode is a conductor through which
electricity enters or leaves an object or a substance. The net result of two electrode reactions added
together is ( H + ions + 4 OH ions ). An ion is an atom or a molecule in which the total number of
electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom or molecule a positive or
negative electrical charge. Ions can be created either chemically or physically. The cathode, the
negatively charged electrode by which
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Demise of the Weimar Republic
The demise of the Weimar Republic did not occur due to one sole reason, but because of a number
of short and long term factors. The economic, political and international pressure placed on the
people of Germany ensured the loathing of the forced governmental rule. The immediate impact of
the Great Depression of 1929, which has been debated and considered by most historians to be the
dominant factor in the downfall of the democratic experiment which subsequently led to continuous
political instability ultimately saw the collapse of the first democratic government of Germany.
Some historians generally blame the fall of the Republic on president von Hindenburg s abuse of
constitutional powers. Historian David Martin states that the ... Show more content on
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Before the US dollar has been 4.2 marks, by 1920 it was worth 64.8 marks thus German taxation
increased. Anyone with access to even a few pounds became a trillionaires over night. The
losers of the hyperinflation were those with a fixed income, the working class, people living off
their savings and wage earners. By June 1923, the government had lost control of the economy, as
strikes swepped the country as workers protested about the rising unemployment and the failure of
their wages to keep up with the cost of living. In August, the govenment finally fell, with
President Ebert called for the leader of the German people party, Streseman, to form a new party.
He formed the great coalition which brought together left and right wing. In the next six years,
German society picked up with the induction into the League of Nations, the Dawes plan of 1924
which provided foreign loans to Germany and the Young Plan which saw the reduction in Germany
s reparation figure by 95 million. The downside of Germany s new economic prosperity meant that
society was living off borrowed money and was over dependant on foreign loans and investment.
The economic power was concentrated in the hands of influential industrialists and bankers and
employment was still on the rise. Within these six years, the Weimar republicsurprisingly enjoyed a
period of relative political stability.
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Pro and Con of Liberalized Gambling in Texas
Efforts are once again underway in the legislature to bring casino style gambling to Texas. It s an
idea that has failed in recent legislative sessions, but backers are hoping they ve found the right
formula for success in 2009.
There are many appealing arguments on the side of pro gambling groups. Keeping gambling money
that is now going to Louisiana and Oklahoma in Texas is one popular idea. Reviving the state s
horse raising industry by allowing slot machines at racetracks is another. Some advocates want to
help struggling Indian tribes develop their economies through gambling.
Opponents generally cite moral grounds for their hostility to gambling legislation. There are,
however, many fiscal arguments against gambling as well. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Additionally, this session is the first for new Texas House of Representatives Speaker Joe Straus,
who has family ties to the horse raising industry. This creates a potential conflict of interest should
any bills related to casinos at horse racing tracks come before the House. To deflect criticism,
Straus has peremptorily recused himself from any role in considering such legislation.
However, Straus created the committees which will oversee gambling issues, assigned members to
them and selected which bills are referred to which committees. So far, most of the gambling
legislation filed in the Texas House has been referred to committee. That filed in the Texas Senate,
where Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst presides, has not been referred.
To his credit, Straus did not pack any of the committees dealing with gambling. The Licensing and
Administration Committee, through which most gambling goes, retains roughly the same
percentage of members for and against gambling as the previous committee under Speaker Tom
Craddick. In both cases, the committee leaned slightly toward expanding gambling.
Current Legislation.
Full blown Casinos: House Bill 1724 by Jose Menendez (R San Antonio) and Jim Pitts (R
Waxahachie), as well as its Senate version by Sen. Rodney Ellis (D Houston) would establish full
blown casino
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Slavery In The Twentieth Century
It has been over one hundred and fifty years since African Americans have been liberated from the
hardships of slavery. Even though the United States of America and its citizens have undergone
many modern changes since slavery and its abolition, the effects of enslavement and oppression
are still evident today. Many works such as Rituals of Blood: The Consequences of Slaveryin Two
American Cities, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, and Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and Its
Legacy all explain a common conclusion; the chattel enslavement of African Americans left a
profound effect on former slaves and their descenders. In 1903, W.E.B. DuBois wrote in The Souls
of Black Folk, the problem of the Twentieth century is the color line . The problem... Show more
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The most popular physical appearance rivalries were the differences in skin tone and hair
texture. The house slave seemed to have a much better lifestyle than the slave who was forced
to work in the field from sunup to sundown. As a result, this initiated a feeling of jealousy in the
field slave and sense of arrogance in the house slave. Mostly the house slave was fair skinned
with closer to straight textured hair because they were usually a product of the master s affairs
with his property. While the field slave was a much darker tone and hair texture closer to their
African roots . Therefore, colorism in the African American culture developed. Black peopleof a
lighter tone thought of themselves as better than anyone
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Memory And Erasure On Willamette s Campus Analysis
Inscribed in the very study of history is memory. Orienting our every action in this realm, whether
consciously or subconsciously, it is our memory that each human clings to. As humans establish
groups, groups form collectives, and collectives constitute institutions, memories are legitimated,
solidified, or erased entirely. While reading an individual memoir often reveals the depth of human
sentimentality, studying collective memoryoften illuminates the fundamental relationship between
powerful institutions and the knowledge it immortalizes or obfuscates. Examining sites of memory
and erasure on Willamette s Campus, the LARC grant proposed by Professor Eisenberg, provides
an excellent opportunity to form a case study of this relationship.
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Humorous Speeches
I am honored to have trained you this far however the question is are you ready for this? Are you
prepared to face your worst enemy, are you prepared to face someone who wants it more than
you, who will do anything to get what he wants. He s going to be worse than your own shadow.
This is your moment right now to change that on that vary field. If your waiting for the perfect
moment, for that impeccable minute that flawless chance to let it happen by itself, that s not
going to happen! You need to make that minute worth it, you need to make is happen and make it
count. one second to late or to early and you miss it, then you ll think twice about it. As Jim Rohn
said time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and spend... Show more content
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Listen to these wise words from Eric Tomas he once said that when you wantto succeed as bad as
you want to breathe, then you will be successful . You have to be willing to sacrifice it all, go all
the way to the end don t stop don t look back, when you begin feeling it s too hard or I can t do it
no more, recall each one of those individuals sitting out there that told you, you couldn t do it,
you re just an ordinary athlete. But you said no I will prove you wrong I will win, this is why I
have recurred you out here. Stick together as a team, draw all your energy put it together, to
make yourselves and your bond more stronger so nobody can get passed you, as a team, we need
to think as one .Paving the way to this moment ponder who are you, consider how far you have
needed this minute, those incalculable hours in the gym and on the field, working day and night,
working beyond your limits, this is your time, and your time to shine together. Get out there and
show everyone how hard you have been preparing for this day. I believe in each and every one of
you individuals, we will win, and we will take the trophy home, gets
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The Influence Of Ethnic Identity
Second of all, to understand if ethnic play a major influence on the status of an individual we need
to know what ethnic really means. According to the textbook, positive ethnic identity is an
important aspect to have a sense of personal identification with an ethnic group so that means that
the values and cultural traditions are shared among that ethnic group(Sigelman Rider). Every human
being has a distinct personality which is the primary building block for the formation of identity.
The personality characterizes how a person behaves and view things. The personality is developed
way before identity, during the early infancy. The personality defines the unique characteristic of
the thoughts, behaviors and feelings of a person which helps to develop the self identity. The self
identity being of an ethnic group begins during the infancy when the babies notice the difference
among the people. In the article, Stages of Ethnic Identity Development in Minority Group
Adolescents, it was mentioned that the process of identification development among the ethnic
group can be similar but the issues that they face can be very different (Phinney, 1). Ethnic group
plays a major role on how people talk, dress or view their status in the society. Stereotypes are also
a common problem that influences the identity formation. Stereotypes are based on personal point
of view and attitude toward a subject matter. Stereotyping is commonly visible among the societies
which often alter the
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The Most Significant Changes to the Laws of Iraq after the...
The Most Significant Changes to the laws of Iraq after the War in 2003. Iraqi laws have seen
constant changes. Many old laws have been replaced by a new legislation, and other laws have
been amended; first by the US Civil Administrator Paul Bremer, and later by the government of
Iraq. And this happened after the fall of Saddam Hussain`s regime and the occupation of Iraqby the
American and the British forces on 9th April 2003. Paul Bremer issued more than 100 laws and
regulations within one year changing and repealing long established civil and commercial laws.
And most of these laws are not devoid of interest. The U.S. preference at the expense of the
Iraqis and their national sovereignty the most important is the investment law and corporate
law. Then it exempt companies from providing capital to run their branches and this (Capital)
resource strengthens of the national economy and national income and other measures were
useful in the old law. Not only that, but it has canceled many of the articles in the penal code and
has replaced it with other laws, as well as in criminal law and personal status law and other laws.
One of the most significant foreign personnel are exempted from Iraqi jurisdiction , from Iraqi
civil and penal laws. This Order applies to all civil and military personnel of the Authority,
Foreign Liaison Missions, as well as all non Iraqi personnel of contractors and sub contractors
supplying goods or services to or on
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Crime And Punishment And The Idiot Analysis
Everyone is the same, only different. People need the same things to survive, such as food, water,
shelter, and clothing, so in that sense, everyone is the same. Their differences come from their own
unique dispositions and temperaments. Crime and Punishment and The Idiot, two of Dostoevsky s
novels, have two very seemingly similar protagonists, creating an illusion for the readers. When in
reality, the characters can be labeled as being near opposites. Through the use of the novels of
Crime and Punishment and The Idiot, Dostoevsky creates the protagonists of each novel similarly,
but alters their destinies to differentiate them. It seems that Dostoevsky has created a pattern in his
novels, as they concern themselves with behavioral... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Alienation occurs to both protagonists of Crime and Punishment and The Idiot. Alienation can be
defined as the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity. For both
Raskolnikov and Myshkin, they are both isolated from society, whether society isolates them or
they isolate themselves from society. Raskolnikov isolates himself from society early on in the
novel because of his presumptuous mentality and theories. His extraordinary man theory dictates
his life and motivates him to commit a murder. In an explanation of his theory to Porfiry
Petrovich, the murder investigator, Raskolnikov says: I only believe in my leading idea that men
are in general divided by a law of nature into two categories, inferior (ordinary), that is, so to say,
material that serves only to reproduce its kind, and men who have the gift or the talent to utter a
new word. (Crime 141) He labels those men who have these gifts and talents as extraordinary men
and places himself into that category. He believes that he is the best and better than everyone else
in the world. After murdering Alyona Ivanovna, something unexplainable happens to Raskolnikov:
Something was happening to him entirely new, sudden and unknown. It was not that he understood,
but he felt clearly with all the intensity of sensation that he could never more appeal to these people
in the police office with sentimental effusions like his recent outburst, or with anything whatever;
and that if they had been his own
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Mel Gibson s Tragic Depiction In The Passion Of The Christ
There s something fundamentally wrong with this world. Judeo Christians blame sin and man s
sinful nature. Because of man s imperfection, we get death, deceit, and destruction. Everyone
would agree the effects are monstrous, and deliverance from the world s depravity seems to be
everyone s pursuit, yet we all fail at achieving it. Which is why JesusChrist came to die for our
sins, because the wages of sin is death; to be a vicarious sacrifice, the death of Christ had to be
and was a gruesome event. But, how gruesome? And is the film The Passion of the Christa
sagacious depiction? Film critics have charged Mel Gibson, the director of The Passion of The
Christ, for being unnecessarily morbid depicting the crucifixion and left out the achievement that
Christ s offering brought to mankind. Others defend Gibson s portrayal; by arguing one must
understand his Catholic background so as to shed light on his macabre depiction. Steven
Greydanus, from the National Catholic Register, is a defender of Gibson s work. In his article
Understanding the Catholic Meaning of The Passion of the Christ, he ultimately argues that
interpreting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Scott, from The New York Times, was one who felt disturbed by the film saying it has the feel of
a horror movie. (Scott) This is because The Passion of the Christ is so relentlessly focused on
the savagery of Jesus final hours that this film seems to arise less from love than from wrath
(Ibid) As a rhetorical structure, A.O. Scott uses the motif of Christ s sacrifice of love for
humanity and Gibson s depiction of the event as the perversion of the events that transpired. A
viewer, particularly one who accepts the theological import of the story, is thus caught in a
sadomasochistic paradox (Ibid). Gibson s desire to make a realistic film about the passion is taken
to account, but the style and tone of The Passion are far from what is ordinarily meant by realism,
causing the film to have the feel of a horror movie
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Burial Customs In America Essay
According to an article submitted to the Berkeley Planning Journal, approximately 800,000 gallons
of formaldehyde is buried in the United States every year. To put the amount of this hazardous
chemical that Americans use to bury their people in perspective, it is enough to fill one and a
quarter Olympic sized swimming pools each year (Calderone). Unfortunately, this is only one of the
many issues that is hurting the environment and has arised from modern burials. Because of the
negative environmental effects that modern burial customs are causing, Americans should switch
back to natural burials in order to decrease the impact that modern burial practices have left on
Earth. In antebellum America, burial customs were onced a personal family issue. As custom, the
families of early Americans were expected to wash and dress their loved ones in family parlors and
would... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Up until the Civil War, Gary Laderman, the Professor of American Religious History and
Cultures at Emory University, explains that, ...most Americans had no knowledge of the
[preserving] procedure and abhorred any unnatural intervention of the body. But during and after
the Civil War, families needed to delay the natural decaying process in order to have sufficient
time to identify their loved ones who lost their lives during the war.. Because transportation in the
mid 1800 s is nowhere near as good as modern transportation, families had to wait several days,
even weeks, to receive the body of their loved one. Therefore, the Civil War was responsible for the
emergence of the embalming process in the United States. In the 1850 s, Dr. Thomas Holmes had
experimented with the French method of arterial embalming and soon created his own embalming
fluid to which he was then hired to embalm the corpses of dead Union officers (Kelly). As a result
of the growing popularity of embalming, Laderman explains that the number of undertakers was
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Reproductive Rights And Human Rights
Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights In 1973, the US Supreme Court declared abortion a
nationwide fundamental right through a trial called Roe vs. Wade and protected this right
underneath the Fourteenth Amendment, more specifically, the right to privacy. A basic human
right, especially one outlined by the Supreme Court, must never run at risk or threat chiefly because
not everyone agrees with it. Under no circumstances should a pregnancy ever adjudge mandatory.
Abortionis a Constitutional right and as a nation we must fight to give the right and freedom of safe
abortions to women all around the nation, make birth control and sex education accessible to
women, and raise awareness about the topic itself. (LawCornell)
In the United States, per year, twenty million unsafe abortions and sixty eight thousand deaths
from them occur, (Odyssey) while the average death risk for a safe abortion is less than .01
percent. An illegal and unsafe abortion should never result as the last resort, but it tends to
because of a lack of access to safe ones. Morals, usually drawn from religious beliefs, tend to play
a part in one s opinion towards abortion. More than three fourths of Americans consider
themselves as Christians. This means that more than three fourths of Americans believe that it is
morally wrong to undergo an abortion and a person should not hold the right to take someone else
s life away. While a moral belief, based on religion, is something all people are free to have,
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Analysis Of Michael Lewis s Liar Poker
Financial journalist and New York Times best seller, Michael Lewis is the author of many
published books on various subjects ranging from politics to Wall Street. 2008 global financial
meltdown with the build up the housing and credit bubble during the 2000s are the main topics
of some of his best sellers books: Flash Boys , The Big Short , and Boomerang . Rare storyteller s
ability to make the virtually any subject, lucid and compelling is the main reason of his popularity.
He received an MSc in economics from the London School of Economics. After graduation, he
worked for three years as an investment banker for Salomon Brothers before leaving to write his
first book. Liar s Poker was based partially on his own experience at Solomon Brothers.
His most current work includes columnist writing for Bloomberg News as well as contributing
writer for Vanity Fair magazine. His freelance articles were published in The New York Times
Magazine, The New Yorker , Gourmet , Slate , Sports Illustrated , Foreign Affairs , and Poetry
Magazine . Mr. Lewis worked as editor and columnist for the British Weekly The Spectator and
for The New Republic as senior editor and campaign correspondent. Mr. Lewis gained experience
in television. For ABC TV s Nightline; he filmed and narrated short pieces. For British
Broadcasting Corporation, he created and presented a four part documentary on the social
consequences of the internet. Recently Mr. Lewis recorded stories for the
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Unorthodox Of Women In Jane Eyre
Women have a long history of being considered idle objects rather than humans with souls.
Victorian society is exemplary of the objectivity women endure in a world ruled by patriarchs. An
ideal Victorian woman is expected to be beautiful and reserved. Educated in roles that pertain to
femininity, a Victorian woman is bred for a life of domesticity to accompany her role of
inferiority. The ultimate achievement of an ideal Victorian woman is to marry a man that can
provide her with financial security. Charlotte Bronte introduces Jane Eyre, a young woman who
struggles to reconcile the unorthodox side of herself and the Victorian side. As a girl, Jane Eyre is
ridiculed for her lower class status and her plainness; however, she is adamant about seeking
fairness and using her mature intellect to combat the injustice brought upon her. Young Jane
expresses her opinions whether it s blatant and explicative, or reserved and Victorian, which is a
quality she carries into adulthood. During her adolescence, Jane easily succumbs to the unorthodox
side of her persona and betrays societal norms; however, her maturation into womanhood and her
relationship with Rochester provokes her ability to fulfill Victorian expectation.
Jane s relationship with the Reeds exemplifies her unorthodox persona during the Victorian era. The
Reeds are a wealthy family who despise Jane s existence. Mrs. Reed and her son John use their
status to assert their authority and justify the abuse and neglect they
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Marx Vs Freud
Marx and Freud are two thinkers of roughly the same time period, mostly the 19th century, into the
20th for Freud. Comparing and contrasting their theories provides for a deeper understanding of
both of their philosophies. Marx s theory of human nature stresses the idea that people are
inherently social. He saw that most of an individual s behavior is dependent on the actions of
others, and noted that even the most mundane aspects of human existence are socially learned.
Additionally, he believed that a person s society determines their behavior, noting differences
among cultures and the fact that there is no one, unified way of thinking that all cultures subscribe
to. This ties in well with his materialist theory of history, which places tremendous... Show more
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Although I like Marx s ideas about community and harmony among people in a society, I question
whether a system like communism could ever work effectively. I also agree with his opinions on
capitalism, as I find it very limiting, disheartening, and unfulfilling. With regard to Freud, I find his
ideas about childhood sexuality very interesting and persuasive. However, only with the
acknowledgement that a child does not experience sexuality or sexual desire in accordance with the
adult definition. Although his ideas about the unconscious and repression are interesting, but I do
not know if I believe they are true. While neither of these philosophies are perfect, they both contain
interesting and worthwhile
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Color And The Perception Of Color
Color and the Perception of Color
Cynthia Xu
Stoller Middle School
Perception. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through one of the five senses
(Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell, 2000). In other words, it is the process of interpreting and organizing
sensory information. Perception must be understood according to figure ground, similarity,
proximity, continuity, and other organizing principles. At work in the interpretation of sensory
stimuli are other perceptual phenomena such as perceptual constancy, a phenomenon which occurs
in the perception of size, shape, color, and brightness; depth perception, another phenomenon based
on binocular and monocular cues; and the perception of motion (Wood, 2008). One of the brain s
primary functions is to obtain biologically important information from the various sensory inputs.
The brain of a human is provided with sufficient information about a variety of things such as light,
sound, the atmosphere s chemical composition, temperature, and things such as head orientation,
limb position, the chemical composition of the bloodstream, among other things. Specialized
sensors project signals into the brain when they detect sensory modalities. Light sensitive neurons
in the retina of the eye, vibration sensitive neurons in the cochlea of the ear, along with the
pressure sensitive neurons in the skin are all specialized receptor cells of which each sensory system
begins with. The axons of the sensory receptor
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Bronze Age Catastrophes
The Bronze Age started around 2300 BC in Europe and it consisted of the new found material of
bronze. It was an important development in many cities during the time. Bronze was used for a
multitude of items including weapons, chariot parts, tools, decorative objects, and ritual vessels.
The bronze age eventually came to an end because of four major catastrophes that came around
1200 BC that help shape the first millennium. Climate change, migration, new technology, and
administrative innovations was the origin of this change. One of the first catastrophe that came and
helped end the bronzeage was climate change. Around 1200 BC many regions in Afro Eurasia were
used to having rapid population growth and prospering agriculture life. During... Show more content
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Although many tragedies happened because of climate change and migration, kingdoms that failed
paved the way for others to come up and exceed in the iron age. Many kingdoms were able to
improve their military with the metalworking of new popular metal, iron and agriculture was also
able to have improvement with iron tools. There were many negatives that came out of the the
ending to the bronze age but it became a new start for new kingdoms. Humanity was able to evolve
and grow within their cities. Communications had improved with empires establishing roads
throughout territory, also helping populations grow. Climate change, migration, New technology,
and administrative innovation helped bring down the bronze age but build the iron age in
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Toulmin Analysis of Attraction Essay
Toulmin Analysis of Attraction
In The Mystery of Attraction, Harville Hendrix claims that attraction between human beings is
based on a number of factors that ultimately leave human beings baffled on exactly how humans
experience such intense emotions as seen in romantic love and why so many couples tend to have
complementary characteristics. He supports this claim by explaining several theories of attraction.
His biological theory of courtship states that we instinctively select mates who will enhance the
survival of the species (483). This theory suggests instinctive evolutionary attraction such as a
female s rosy cheeks on a slender frame and a male s muscular physique ... Show more content on
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The backing for his warrants takes the form of a list which depicts ten main characteristics of a
marriage. Most of the characteristics are based around the subconscious mind of humans, placing
much emphasis on the basic needs and desires of a person. The results of a poll are also included
at the end of the essay which reinforces the author s exchange theory.
As a qualifier, Hendrix states that Although these three theories help explain some aspects of
romantic love, we are still left with our original questions (484). He says that despite a plentitude of
research, the answers remain a mystery.
Critique: I found this essay to be enlightening in several ways. Not only was the information
presented in an organized way, but it was also very interesting. I agree with the author s statements
about the trials and tribulations of relationships, and I find myself agreeing most with his
biological theory of attraction. I especially liked the psychological direction of the essay, as it
remained fairly objective and scientific while still presenting new and different ideas as witnessed
by his inclusion of historical facts with the addition of his own unique analysis and commentary
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Hearst And Yellow Journalism
Yellow Journalism The term yellow journalism was born in the 1890 and was a style of
journalism that used hyperboles and personal biases in newspapers for political purposes.
According to PBS the use of yellow journalism was credited to Joseph Pulitzer the author of The
New York World, and William Randolph Hearst the owner of The New York Journal began
using Pulitzer same style. Also PBS states the rivalry of the two newspapers relied on headlines
that would catch the media s attention, which would allow both to sell millions of newspapers.
The use of yellow journalism is found in the document that was about the Maine ship sinking.
The purpose of Hearst using yellow journalism, allowed him to make his views public and he
gained political status. William Hearst put a lot of his views in the papers his team of great
journalists wrote. As stated by Jeff By. Hearst hired the best Journalist of the time which were
Jack London, Mark Twain, Richard Harding Davis, Ambrose Bierce, and Stephen Crane. Hearst
used his papers to make his haltered of minorities, a concern in the American media. According to
Jeff, By. Hearst portrayed Mexicans as violent, degenerate, job stealers and marijuana smokers, his
hatred may have been caused by him losing around 800,000 acres of timber land to the... Show
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The headlines of the document pull at Americans to wonder what caused the explosion of the ship.
The way it states Bomb or Torpedo being the reason the ship exploded causes the media to side
more with the thought of an attack. This caused the American media to want war. As stated by PBS
some historians say that the Spanish American war was the first press driven war. Also Stated by
PBS without the yellow journalism the view that the media had for Cuban intention may have been
different. The use of yellow journalism had a great effect on the American
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Response To Krakauer Summary
In the editorial, Response to Krakauer, Anatoli Boukreev comments on the topic of their high
altitude journey on Mount Everest. He addresses that he did everything possible to making their
summit safe since he was experienced and Krakauer had some mistaken comments on what
happened in those weeks on Mount Everest. To begin with, Boukreeve was upset with Krakauer
because he didn t accept his intelligence of mountain climbing, Boukreeve was authorized by Scott
Fischer. So by Krakauer doubting his experience and knowledge he really did not agree with
everything that because Boukreev has summited seven of the world s largest and he also summited
mount Everest three times. Krakauer also stated that Boukreev was not really attentive of his clients
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How Liberals Are Ruining College
My Thoughts on How Liberals are Ruining College This to me can be summed up in one word:
sad. It s truly saddening to me that we ve become this way. Where everything is taken to the most
extreme levels and assumed to be hate speech or that it of course must be meant in the worst
possible way. There are of course times where people do take things too far and mean them in the
worst of ways. Although, that is not what this is about. This is about the destruction of free speech
to the extent of teaching people to might as well not have free thinking. We might as well go
around apologizing to one another for the things we thoughtor even almost thought. Not to mention
if we almost, or almost though about, them being said? Wouldn t that be... Show more content on
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It can almost be frightening. I know who I am and the things I say sometimes. After reading this
I know certain things I say or joke about would not be tolerated. Although I only ever talk to my
family and my small, sphere of friends who all mostly think the same way I do. It makes me
want to check the policies for the school I plan to go to. I hadn t even read NWACC s until a
good three or four weeks into the school year. Some might say that it would have been smart to
do this sooner, but I always thought if I used a little common sense I wouldn t end up
somewhere I wouldn t want to be. I ve survive this far, but obviously, that s what a lot of these
schools or professors were thinking as well. The worst part is that some of these schools, where
these incidents have happened, already had numerous policies and rules in place discriminating
against these things. Yet people still accidently said something that set someone off! There s no
end! The punishment is even more asinine than the act at times. There are occasions when there s
an outcry over a simple statement that was misunderstood and it is dealt with easily. For
example, in one case another email was sent out disregarding the last one and apologizing. In
other cases, they are removed, fired, or banned for a year. Over what is offending anywhere from
one person to an entire class. I don t understand how they live with themselves. How can they go
outside if they re
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Memorial Hall Essay
Memorial Hall
When walking through Boston s renowned Harvard Yard, one may scope out the mixture of
architecture throughout its landscape. From the traditional Memorial Hall influenced by
Romanesque churches, to the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard Yard is like a salad
bowl of architecture. Perhaps because I am a lover of Victorian style structures, or maybe because
of its interior s beauty and richness, Memorial Hall intrigued my interest most of all.
Memorial Hall, which was originally a civil war monument, is now a theater and student union for
Harvard University. The 19th century architects Robert Ware and Henry Van Brunt designed this
building to resemble the Victorian Gothic Romanesque churches of the time. ... Show more content
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This window also allows a colorful light inside the memorial of the building. The interior of
Memorial Hall differs from the gothic structures that the building resembles from the outside. While
gothic structures were composed mostly of stone, Memorial Hall is decorated with walnut. The
vaulting, which traditionally would be made of stone, is made of wood. There is a repeated use of
the rosette, trefoil, quatrefoil, and cross motifs that help connect the exterior with the interior of the
building. These details are found in the wood carvings of Sanders Theater, the great transept doors,
the sandstone frieze that surrounds the exterior, the columns and wrought iron gates, the buttress,
the stained glass windows, and the chandeliers. Also there is ornamental ironwork that outlines the
roof if Sanders Theater and crowns the four subsidiary towers. Another feature of Memorial Hall
that captures the mood of its exterior is the layout of the remaining original furnishings throughout
the building. The materials used to construct the interior and exterior of Memorial Hall create a
defined space in which the building captivates.
When I walked through Memorial Hall I became instantly drawn into the structure. The marble
floors, the dark wood moldings, and the gold, maroon, and green d #233;cor are qualities
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Essay on Science vs. Religion
Religion versus science, the debates and conflicts have been on for centuries. For both religious
and scientific ideals, the faith people have drives them. In this paper, I will examine the story of
The Eye of Apollo by G.K. Chesterton, and the episode House vs. God of House, M.D., in order
to question this conflict. The main character Father Brown in The Eye of Apollo combines his
reasoning with his religious ideals and beliefs, or we can say his faithin God leads him to the truth
of the crime. However, if we try to have a deeper look at the both the rational and religious sides of
Father Brown, his perspectives on the immortality and justice are similar to Dr House, who
interprets his rationality based on science. Thus both the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Father Brown finally points out the truth that Kalon kills Pauline with his setup based on Miss
Stacey being blind in order to get her money. Miss Pauline s sister, Joan Pauline, is also part of
the crime according to Father Brown, who has also taken advantage of her sister s blindness and
played trick on the will. We can easily find Father Brown s interpretation about truths . People
apparently will recognize him as a rational and religious person who is a skeptic of pure sciences ,
however, not necessarily the scientific methodology. Upon learning the new religionmentioned by
Flambeau, Father Brown holds his doubts about the religion of Apollo: he doubts seriously on
whether it can cure the one spiritual disease . Father Brown actually has found Kalon is the
murderer before he learns what is the tragedy. As he says: there came a crash and a scream down
the street, and the priest of Apollo did not start or look around... I know that he was expecting it
(The Eye of Apollo). This kind of distrust as presented by him conveys his skeptical approach to
things. Father Brown s skepticism for and tendency to reject the Apollo religion reflect his belief:
the pure science and the new religion are both considered as superstitions. On the other side, the
reasons lying behind the crimes, according to Father brown, are driven by the inner desires of
human, or we can say, it is the devil that made
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Apple Case Study
Question 1: What, historically, have been Apple s competitive advantage?
Historically, Apple s competitive advantage has been product differentiation and premium pricing
strategy. Apple is known for offering high end innovative products. Mike Markkula, investor and
entrepreneur, was able to attract a lot of venture capital which allowed Apple to place a significant
investment into R D in order to create its premium products. Unlike other Wintel firms that
manufacture only hardware, Apple controls both hardware and software placing it into a unique
position of providing consumers with a complete desktop solution. Their competitive advantage
was driven by software such as Aldus Pagemaker and peripherals such as laser printers. ... Show
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Right before they had acquired NeXT, a software company created by Steve Jobs that gave them the
resources they needed to advance their OS, Apple had almost gone bankrupt.
Question 3: How sustainable is Apple s competitive position in PCs, MP3 players, and
smartphones? Apple s long term competitive advantage will be sustained because of their
differentiation and pricing strategies. Apple nested the concept of the digital hub where Mac could
be the preferred hub to control and integrate all its products. They followed a very aggressive
distribution strategy to penetrate the market and increase their reach to the consumers. Their retail
stores will enable increased sales by letting the consumers experience their software and products
first hand. Apple placed the ads in popular fashion magazines as opposed to just general computer
publications. Through their initiatives of the digital hub comprising of iTunes, iPhoto, iWeb, they
have been successful in practicing the strategy of bundling. Using this approach they create a
perception of providing consumers the value for their money; however they extract the consumer
surplus which results in positive economic profits Appx. 1, 1.1.
Apple will continue to sustain its target market in the PC world, which are the home consumers and
the education industry. They value design, mobility and wireless
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Rating Transformation Of Digital Time
Rating Transformation in Digital time
Fei Yang (Kurt)
2.When Rentrak and ComScore meet Nielsen
a)Company Information
b)Different measurements in digital rating market.
Nielsen s tracking process: Total audience measurement
Rentrak and ComScore s tracking process
3.Conclusion: The future of digital rating and room for competitors On September 29th Rentrak
and ComScore announced their merge. According to the deal the companies have an equity value
of about $2.4 billion while Nielsen has a market capitalization of about $16.7 billion. Still, Nielsen
dominates the rating market, however, is Rentrak and ComScore a strong competitor? What is
Nielsen doing in digital rating business?
1.Company Information
Rentrak is a company focusing on measuring what people are watching on television with set top
boxes and ComScore has been measuring people s use of online media since 1999. Combined, the
two companies are seeking to provide a new rating currency which shows people s watching habits
across TV, web, tablet, mobile and more. It s an ideal combination to deal with the offline and
online measurement issues our clients and both legacy and new media owners face, Serge Matta,
chief executive of comScore, who will lead the combined company said in an email on the merging
2.Different Tracking Processes
a)Nielsen s tracking process: Total audience measurement
Since the 1950s, Nielsen has dominated television ratings with its measurement
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My Life At The Medical School
When I started observing life, I was grandson of a carpenter, son of a businessman and a house
wife, brother of a veterinarian and two sisters. I found everyone loving and caring for me. They
equipped me with every single tool to make my way smooth toward my goal. I worked hard,
stayed focused and got admission in medical school. Being a medical student was more interesting
than what I imagined before going to the medical school. I found medical sciences dynamic and
versatile. I studied well and enjoyed every single aspect of my life at the medical school.
On the last day of my 4th year in medical school, I received a call from my brother about my
nephew. My nephew lost consciousness due to vomiting and dehydration with pneumonia at the
age of 1 year. I rushed to hospital and when I reached, I saw my nephew was in coma. I found it
hard to bear the tears in the eyes of my brother and rest of my family. He was diagnosed with
ketoacidosis due to type 1 diabetes. He opened his eyes on 7th day of his admission with
manifestations of severe cerebral insult. After the discharge, he had several similar episodes with
normal blood sugar levels and it was described as honeymoon period for the disease. During an
episode, we took him to another tertiary care facility where he was diagnosed with organic
academia. The pediatric Gastroenterologist Human Arshad and pediatric Neurologist Akbar Malik
took special interest and helped us to recover from the episode. Unfortunately no diagnostic
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Evaluation Of A Model Of Memory Whilst Weighing Up The...
This essay aims to make an appraisal of two models of memory whilst weighing up the strengths
and limitations of each. The two models of memory I will be evaluating are the Multy store Model
of Memory (MSM) and Level of Processing Model.
Memory is defined as the mental process of encoding, then storing and retrieving information. To
enable us to store any information out memory first needs to encode information. This require three
types of encoding which are semantic encoding, which is encoding information through the
information s meaning; acoustic encoding, which is encoding information through sound; and
visual encoding which interprets information through visual images, McDermott Roediger III
This process allows us to interpret and organise the information ready to be stored in our
memories. The second stage is the storage stage where the information enters the memory and is
maintained there for a period of time. The final stage is the retrieval stage which involves where
information that is stored in the memory being located and used, Study.com (2003 2015).
There are limits to the short term memory (STM) span, which is the longest number of items or
digits a person can recall and instantly repeat back in the correct order. Most adults can store
between 5 and 9 items in their short term memory. This notion was put forward by Miller (1956)
and he called it the magic number 7, McLeod (2009). He thought that STM could hold 7 (plus or
minus 2 items) because it
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The Pros And Cons Of The Seebeck Effect
Energy loss is a problem encountered in every industrial process and everyday technology take
power stations for example. Electricity is generated by heat engines by which gas or steam
powered turbines convert the heat to mechanical energy then into electricity, however 70% of this
energy is lost as heat energy. Similarly in all electronics devices energy is lost through heat.
So we know that electricity creates heat mainly because or electrical devices warm up during its
use. But imagine how useful it would be to generate electricity from this heat created, in other
words using this lost energy which is in the form of heat to generate electricity so eventually you
d be using every bit of energy to generate electric power. This objective can be reached by applying
the Seebeck Effect.
The seebeck effect is a phenomenon by which a temperature difference between two conductors or
semiconductors of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It all started in 1981 when a German physicist called Thomas Johann Seebeck accidently found that
a compass magnet would deflect when a circuit with two different metals with different temperature
junction. He concluded that that there is an induced electric current in the circuit that deflected the
magnet according to ampere s law. So the voltage that was due to the difference in temperature
drives the current in a closed circuit.
In order To measure this voltage, a second conductor material which generates a different voltage
under the same temperature gradient must be used. Otherwise, if the same material is used for
measurement, the voltage generated by the measuring conductor would simply cancel that of the
first conductor. The voltage difference generated by the two materials can then be measured and
related to the corresponding temperature gradient. It is thus clear that, based on Seebeck s
principle; thermocouples can only measure temperature differences and need a known reference
temperature to yield the absolute
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John Winthrop s Sermon, On The Model Of Christian Charity...
The call of John Winthrop for the Massachusetts Bay colony to be a City on a Hill literally meant
for the members of the colony to be a spiritual example and guide for others, but also implies the
ontological statement of exceptionalism through capital gain. In this paper, the reader will discover
the connection between John Winthrop and mercantilism, which is a branch of capitalism that
focuses on merchants trading using the government to help regulate the expansion of capital. In
addition, the content of this paper will extrapolate on the pragmatic implications of this economic
system and its effects on the people involved. John Winthrop s sermon, On the Model of Christian
Charity, establishes a pre capitalist ideology through the presupposition of Winthrop s personal
/political beliefs, Puritanthought, and the manifestation of these thoughts actualized in the
marginalization of Native Americans. Firstly, John Winthrop earned the reputation of a
compassionate and just judge over a decade of service, but he came to realize that it would be
impossible to reach fame and fortune in England without substituting his Puritan values. In 1629,
stockholders came together and elected John Winthrop as lead of the company, which existed due
to the vast amount of opposition that the Anglican Church received from the Puritan community.
John Winthrop believed that his fellow Englishmen should join him in his idea that the company
must subsist bound together with mutual consent to be
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Struggles In Haiti Earthquake
Struggles in Haitin I bet all of you think that going to school is a pain but that is nowhere close to
all the problems Haiti is going through. Haiti has been going through many problems such as a
failing economy, natural disasters, and degrading environment. Most of Haiti s problems start with
the natural disasters such as the earthquakes and the hurricanes. The junior scholastic notes that the
hurricane Mathews hit Haitilast October carrying winds of 145 miles per hour. This hurricane
carried away almost everything in its path. It killed 1000 and left 175000 people home less,
mentions the junior scholastic. Meanwhile the earthquakewas no different, the junior scholastic
states that the earthquake of 2010 killed 316000 and displaced 1.5 million people.The earthquake
and hurricane are only some natural disasters that have hit Haiti. Haiti has faced a lot more because
of its location.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Most Haitians were slaves brought by the French. The slaves rebelled and in 1804 declared
independence. In exchange of their freedom, they had to pay a 23 billion dollar debt. They were
still paying the debt even after world war two. The pressure of paying off the debt kept Haiti from
investing in building the country. The Haitians also have had no president since February, 2015.
``Corruption and violence caused the postponement of the election to October 9, but hurricane
Matthews hit Haiti and the election was further postponed to November 20 says the junior
scholastic . The scholastic further says, ``Not having a president can increase the government s
inability to provide basic services . The Haitians have to do something before Haiti becomes a failed
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Damnation of a Canyon Essay
The Damnation of a Canyon
Not many people know of the used to be 150 mile excursion that the Glen Canyon had to offer.
Not many people know how to sail a raft down a river for a week. Not many people know how to
interact with nature and the animals that come with it. We seem to come from a world that is
dependent on time and consumed in money. Edward Abbey is what you would call an extreme
environmentalist. He talks about how it was an environmental disaster to place a dam in which to
create Lake Powell, a reservoir formed on the border of Utah and Arizona. He is one of the few that
have actually seen the way Glen Canyon was before they changed it into a reservoir. Today, that
lake is used by over a million people, and is one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He stated that it was the difference between life and death. Glen Canyon was alive. Lake Powell
is a graveyard. He really seems to be going out on a limb in saying this extreme of a statement. I
think that he is wrong in saying that. I feel that he is only looking at one side of the story. I
would say the opposite, but for a rhetorical analysis proposes only, I will come from his point of
view in researching that he came to that conclusion under the assumption that the wildlife and
nature was more alive then the life outside of the dam. Lake Powell is a graveyard in such that
there is nothing natural about it. The rocks are pretty and the water is blue. Abbey talks of a
term called bathtub ring , it is left on the canyon walls, after each drawdown of the water level.
The park rangers in Glen Canyon consider it to be not of great importance, and that is one of the
only illusions that you look at upon a natural lake. To some people seeing that effect is more
then they have seen or may ever see in their life when it comes to nature. People come from
places where there isn t a lot of wildlife around them. The closest they get seeing that might just
be from a book or a video they saw in school. So what if they dump a ton of striped bass and
rainbow trout into the lake every year. One of those fishes could be the first one ever
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Major Depressive Disorder And Major Depression
Major Depressive Disorder and Major Depressive Episodes affect many across the country in
various forms and degrees. Though many are affected by MDD/MDE most do not receive the
help they need. A group that may not always be acknowledged in suffering from major depressive
disorder/major depressive episodes are adolescents. Consequently, more often than not, adolescents
do not receive a diagnosis or support with their struggles. Mental illness symptoms in adolescents
may be dismissed for various of reasons, but can have a serious impact on various aspects of their
lives.The struggles could be mitigated and managed by a public health approach. Public health
approach may help to first collect the information on the extent of the issue. The... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The National Survey on Drug use and Health found in 2014, 11. 4 percent of adolescents aged 12
to 17 (2. 8 million adolescents) had an MDE during the past year (SAMSHA). The pressures and
struggles of being an adolescent can only be exacerbated by major depressive episodes or even a
diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Adolescents require support for their experiences and
attention needs to be brought to their trials. . Major depression not only affects adolescents social
and academic lives, but influence, directly, their actions and decisions as well. Adolescents can
partake in numerous actions to cope with their feelings of depression such as taking drugs. The
National Survey on Drug use and Health found that, Youths with a past year MDE in 2014 also
were more likely than those without an MDE to be users of marijuana, nonmedical users of
psychotherapeutics, users of inhalants, and users of hallucinogens in the past year (SAMSHA).
The survey shows that MDE can put adolescents at a vulnerability to participate in risky
behaviors. The world of drugs can be an outlet to deal with depression. This outlet though may
even lead to a struggle with the very substances used to cope with their depression. The National
Survey on Drug use and Health found as well that, An estimated 340,000 adolescents aged 12 to
17 in 2014 had a co occurring MDE and an SUD [substance use disorder] in the past year in 2014
(SAMSHA). The correlation of drug use and
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Sumerian Empire Vs English Settle America
The two lesson plans I selected are the The Achievements of the Sumerian Empire and The English
Settle America to evaluate. Yes, both lessons connect new subject matter in ELLs background, with
their experience and prior learning. Special activities build vocabulary related to specific content as
well as to general academic language. ELLs at the beginning of language proficiency level because
they are just learningEnglish language at this level will listen and comprehend at this stage.
Background knowledge all ELLs students have learned about the world. Both lesson plans use
shared pairs group learning, for instance; the teacher will ask students to discuss and ask students
for assistance. Yes, academic vocabulary addressed will allow
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  • 11. Devry Consumer Behavior Week 7 Case Study: Giving and Receiving on Freecycle.org Freecycle.org or as nicknamed by users, Freebay is a great way for individuals to give away items that they no longer want. It is very apparent that this website has achieved such high levels of success and growth in such a short period of time, due to the fact that they are different from all other sites. Everyone has become accustomed to a world where nothing is free. Human beings are used to to having to pay for anything they receive. Most people are even leery of the fact of receiving something for free. The common question behind something being given away for free is what s the catch? The same is true for websites. As consumers, we are programmed to believe that when... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This particular website actually refers people to various free sites, including Freecycle.org. This site provides shoppers another means for purchasing items, without spending money. Therefore, by providing another means for people to receive products, their purchasing habits may change. Other businesses and websites such as eBay, could possibly benefit from the freecycling business. Many Americans are actually in full support of going green , but not everyone does it; presumably because they either don t think about it or because there aren t enough businesses supporting it. This is especially true when it comes to making purchases. As previously stated, consumers are accustomed to having to spend money to receive items in return. So, the concept of giving things away and receiving things for free do not necessarily resonate easily, without reminders. Furthermore, consumers may not realize just how wasteful they really are and how they could actually help save the society by giving things away, instead of throwing them in the trash. In 2010, AOL News provided an article called, Many Americans Believe in Going Green; Fewer Actually Do It . The article discusses how a survey was conducted at Yale University and George Mason University, showing that Americans feel it s important to conserve energy and help the environment, but they just aren t doing it. This demonstrates not only the lack of action of those supposedly in support of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Quality Of Work Performance Assessment Results of the above BARS Assessment The results of an evaluation done by my colleague were the following. Quality of Work 3 The quality of my work is above the standard of those in similar positions. This means that there is little to be done in improving my quality of work, which is at a reasonable level. Organizational Commitment 2 I can be relied on to carry out my assignments. The level of my involvement and identification with the job is on par with others in similar positions. However, this may be an area for improvement to reach higher levels. Professional Knowledge 4 My professional knowledge in my job is up to date, comprehensive and exceptionally high standard. This is highly acceptable, and the emphasis is placed on maintaining ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Secondly, the BARS method acts as a tool of motivation for employees within an organization. Also, with the help of empirical methods used while comparing BARS to other traditional rating scales, for example, the graphic rating scale, it was found out that BARS contain more errors than other methods of appraisal. Other studies have discovered that BARS ratings are neither better nor worse than other scales, whereas some studies have shown the relative superiority of BARS on rating errors (Kingstrom Bass, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Replacement Windows and Home Security Upgrades Essay Homeowners in Virginia and the Washington, DC area often consider aesthetics and price as the main factors driving decisions. While we understand the importance of finding windows that match your home s architecture and complement your overall design scheme, at Renewal by Andersen we think security and safety are important, too. Based on FBI projections, more than three percent of all homes in the United States will be burglarized this coming year. There were almost 4000 burglaries in the DC area in 2012. Criminals look for easy access and quick entrance opportunities. One proven way to reduce your chances of becoming a victim to home invasions is to upgrade your old windows. Technological advances and new glass designs make glass ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Depending on your personal preference and window location, you might use this style for alley facing windows or to add privacy in bedrooms and bathroom. Added Safety Features There are many glass styles and strengths for homeowners to choose from when upgrading their windows in the DC area. Along with stronger glass, replacement windows from Renewal of Anderson have tamper resistant locks. Strategically recessed pick resistant locks are easy to access from inside your home, while preventing unwanted tampering from outside. Multiple locks for large windows and sash stops give you additional layers of protection. There are several different styles of window locks. Here are three options that improve security. Unison locks have multiple locking mechanisms operated with a single handle. Automatic locking windows self lock every time the window is closed securely. Key lock mechanisms require a key to manually lock and unlock windows and doors. Security System Upgrades Renewal by Andersen replacement windows have many added features and benefits to improve home security in your Virginia or DC home. One question you might have is how new windows will impact other home security systems. If you already have a home security system in place that you are pleased with, our experienced window specialists will help you explore options based on your current equipment and services. If you are thinking about installing a new
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  • 15. Tetrahymena Lab Report In order to test the rate of phagocytosis in tetrahymena, the tetrahymena need to ingest particles that are visible under a light microscope. The substance used in this experiment was India ink. India ink is deep black colored ink containing dispersed carbon particles. The trethymena treat the India ink as if it were food and ingest it. There were three concentrations of India ink that were fed to the eukaryotes The percent s that were used are: 1%, 5% and 10% of India ink. After certain time intervals, the tetrahymena were fixed with a compound called 3% paraformaldehyde (PFA).On the first day six different mixtures of tetrahymena and ink concentrations were made to test which conditions would express the best rate of phagocytosis. The well fed tetrahymena were fed with 1% India ink, the another group was fed 5% India ink, the last group was fed 10% India ink. Then the starved tetrahymena were fed in the same manner as the well fed tetrahymena. After adding the ink to the microcentrifuge, we prepared a slide for each mixture at the following time intervals 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My partner and I choose glucose, colchicine, cold temperature (0 degrees Celsius), and warm temperature (37 degrees Celsius) as the addition factors. The tetrahymena were exposed exposed to their condition for ten minutes before the India ink was placed in their microcentrifuge. The tertrahymena were fixed on a slide every ten minutes after the ink was placed in the microcentrifuge. In this experiment there are two controls. There is positive control and a negative control. The untreated sample is tetrahymena that did not have any other conditions besides the ink. Then before the sample was placed on the slide they were fixed. The treated sample was tetrahymen mixed with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Technicolor Monologue Tra and la! I am smiling a big adopted orphan smile as I write this. I am embarrassed at how happy I am, like some Technicolor comic of a teenage girl talking on the phone with my hair in a ponytail, the bubble above my head saying: I met a boy! But I did. This is a technical, empirical truth. I met a boy, a great, gorgeous dude, a funny, cool ass guy. Let me set the scene, because it deserves setting for posterity (no, please, I m not that far gone, posterity! feh). But still. It s not New Year s, but still very much the new year. It s winter: early dark, freezing cold. Carmen, a newish friend semi friend, barely friend, the kind of friend you can t cancel on has talked me into going out to Brooklyn, to one of her writers parties. Now,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I have lost Carmen to her host beau they are having an intense discussion in a corner of the kitchen, the two of them hunching their shoulders, their faces toward each other, the shape of a heart. Good. I think about eating to give myself something to do besides standing in the center of the room, smiling like the new kid in the lunchroom. But almost everything is gone. Some potato chip shards sit in the bottom of a giant Tupperware bowl. A supermarket deli tray full of hoary carrots and gnarled celery and a semeny dip sits untouched on a coffee table, cigarettes littered throughout like bonus vegetable sticks. I am doing my thing, my impulse thing: What if I leap from the theater balcony right now? What if I tongue the homeless man across from me on the subway? What if I sit down on the floor of this party by myself and eat everything on that deli tray, including the cigarettes? Please don t eat anything in that area, he says. It is him (bum bum BUMMM!), but I don t yet know it s him (bum bum bummm). I know it s a guy who will talk to me, he wears his cockiness like an ironic T shirt, but it fits him better. He is the kind of guy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Electrolysis Essay Electrolysis is the direct passing of an electric current that follows through an ionic substance that is molten or dissolved in a suitable solvent, which makes electrodes and separated materials. Electrolysis begins when an electrical current flows out of one pole of energy into one electrode, which is called the cathode. Electrolysisoccurs when electrical energy is used to produce a chemical change. Sulfuric acid, also known as ( H2SO4) , is commonly used in Electrolysis (Net Industries). Electrolysis can only be produced by energy being pumped or pulled into water. A best known example of Electrolysis is decomposition of water to produce hydrogen and oxygen (Net Industries). When an electrical current passes through a water current, hydrogen bubbles are produced. Every two water molecules have been decomposed into two hydrogen molecules, after Electrolysis have turned an ionic substance into a dissolved, suitable substance. ( Net Industries). Water must be dissolved in salt to be made an electrode. An electrode is a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves an object or a substance. The net result of two electrode reactions added together is ( H + ions + 4 OH ions ). An ion is an atom or a molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom or molecule a positive or negative electrical charge. Ions can be created either chemically or physically. The cathode, the negatively charged electrode by which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Demise of the Weimar Republic The demise of the Weimar Republic did not occur due to one sole reason, but because of a number of short and long term factors. The economic, political and international pressure placed on the people of Germany ensured the loathing of the forced governmental rule. The immediate impact of the Great Depression of 1929, which has been debated and considered by most historians to be the dominant factor in the downfall of the democratic experiment which subsequently led to continuous political instability ultimately saw the collapse of the first democratic government of Germany. Some historians generally blame the fall of the Republic on president von Hindenburg s abuse of constitutional powers. Historian David Martin states that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before the US dollar has been 4.2 marks, by 1920 it was worth 64.8 marks thus German taxation increased. Anyone with access to even a few pounds became a trillionaires over night. The losers of the hyperinflation were those with a fixed income, the working class, people living off their savings and wage earners. By June 1923, the government had lost control of the economy, as strikes swepped the country as workers protested about the rising unemployment and the failure of their wages to keep up with the cost of living. In August, the govenment finally fell, with President Ebert called for the leader of the German people party, Streseman, to form a new party. He formed the great coalition which brought together left and right wing. In the next six years, German society picked up with the induction into the League of Nations, the Dawes plan of 1924 which provided foreign loans to Germany and the Young Plan which saw the reduction in Germany s reparation figure by 95 million. The downside of Germany s new economic prosperity meant that society was living off borrowed money and was over dependant on foreign loans and investment. The economic power was concentrated in the hands of influential industrialists and bankers and employment was still on the rise. Within these six years, the Weimar republicsurprisingly enjoyed a period of relative political stability. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Pro and Con of Liberalized Gambling in Texas Efforts are once again underway in the legislature to bring casino style gambling to Texas. It s an idea that has failed in recent legislative sessions, but backers are hoping they ve found the right formula for success in 2009. There are many appealing arguments on the side of pro gambling groups. Keeping gambling money that is now going to Louisiana and Oklahoma in Texas is one popular idea. Reviving the state s horse raising industry by allowing slot machines at racetracks is another. Some advocates want to help struggling Indian tribes develop their economies through gambling. Opponents generally cite moral grounds for their hostility to gambling legislation. There are, however, many fiscal arguments against gambling as well. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, this session is the first for new Texas House of Representatives Speaker Joe Straus, who has family ties to the horse raising industry. This creates a potential conflict of interest should any bills related to casinos at horse racing tracks come before the House. To deflect criticism, Straus has peremptorily recused himself from any role in considering such legislation. However, Straus created the committees which will oversee gambling issues, assigned members to them and selected which bills are referred to which committees. So far, most of the gambling legislation filed in the Texas House has been referred to committee. That filed in the Texas Senate, where Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst presides, has not been referred. To his credit, Straus did not pack any of the committees dealing with gambling. The Licensing and Administration Committee, through which most gambling goes, retains roughly the same percentage of members for and against gambling as the previous committee under Speaker Tom Craddick. In both cases, the committee leaned slightly toward expanding gambling. Current Legislation. Full blown Casinos: House Bill 1724 by Jose Menendez (R San Antonio) and Jim Pitts (R Waxahachie), as well as its Senate version by Sen. Rodney Ellis (D Houston) would establish full blown casino ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Slavery In The Twentieth Century It has been over one hundred and fifty years since African Americans have been liberated from the hardships of slavery. Even though the United States of America and its citizens have undergone many modern changes since slavery and its abolition, the effects of enslavement and oppression are still evident today. Many works such as Rituals of Blood: The Consequences of Slaveryin Two American Cities, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, and Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy all explain a common conclusion; the chattel enslavement of African Americans left a profound effect on former slaves and their descenders. In 1903, W.E.B. DuBois wrote in The Souls of Black Folk, the problem of the Twentieth century is the color line . The problem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most popular physical appearance rivalries were the differences in skin tone and hair texture. The house slave seemed to have a much better lifestyle than the slave who was forced to work in the field from sunup to sundown. As a result, this initiated a feeling of jealousy in the field slave and sense of arrogance in the house slave. Mostly the house slave was fair skinned with closer to straight textured hair because they were usually a product of the master s affairs with his property. While the field slave was a much darker tone and hair texture closer to their African roots . Therefore, colorism in the African American culture developed. Black peopleof a lighter tone thought of themselves as better than anyone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Memory And Erasure On Willamette s Campus Analysis Inscribed in the very study of history is memory. Orienting our every action in this realm, whether consciously or subconsciously, it is our memory that each human clings to. As humans establish groups, groups form collectives, and collectives constitute institutions, memories are legitimated, solidified, or erased entirely. While reading an individual memoir often reveals the depth of human sentimentality, studying collective memoryoften illuminates the fundamental relationship between powerful institutions and the knowledge it immortalizes or obfuscates. Examining sites of memory and erasure on Willamette s Campus, the LARC grant proposed by Professor Eisenberg, provides an excellent opportunity to form a case study of this relationship. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Humorous Speeches I am honored to have trained you this far however the question is are you ready for this? Are you prepared to face your worst enemy, are you prepared to face someone who wants it more than you, who will do anything to get what he wants. He s going to be worse than your own shadow. This is your moment right now to change that on that vary field. If your waiting for the perfect moment, for that impeccable minute that flawless chance to let it happen by itself, that s not going to happen! You need to make that minute worth it, you need to make is happen and make it count. one second to late or to early and you miss it, then you ll think twice about it. As Jim Rohn said time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it and spend... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Listen to these wise words from Eric Tomas he once said that when you wantto succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful . You have to be willing to sacrifice it all, go all the way to the end don t stop don t look back, when you begin feeling it s too hard or I can t do it no more, recall each one of those individuals sitting out there that told you, you couldn t do it, you re just an ordinary athlete. But you said no I will prove you wrong I will win, this is why I have recurred you out here. Stick together as a team, draw all your energy put it together, to make yourselves and your bond more stronger so nobody can get passed you, as a team, we need to think as one .Paving the way to this moment ponder who are you, consider how far you have needed this minute, those incalculable hours in the gym and on the field, working day and night, working beyond your limits, this is your time, and your time to shine together. Get out there and show everyone how hard you have been preparing for this day. I believe in each and every one of you individuals, we will win, and we will take the trophy home, gets ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Influence Of Ethnic Identity Second of all, to understand if ethnic play a major influence on the status of an individual we need to know what ethnic really means. According to the textbook, positive ethnic identity is an important aspect to have a sense of personal identification with an ethnic group so that means that the values and cultural traditions are shared among that ethnic group(Sigelman Rider). Every human being has a distinct personality which is the primary building block for the formation of identity. The personality characterizes how a person behaves and view things. The personality is developed way before identity, during the early infancy. The personality defines the unique characteristic of the thoughts, behaviors and feelings of a person which helps to develop the self identity. The self identity being of an ethnic group begins during the infancy when the babies notice the difference among the people. In the article, Stages of Ethnic Identity Development in Minority Group Adolescents, it was mentioned that the process of identification development among the ethnic group can be similar but the issues that they face can be very different (Phinney, 1). Ethnic group plays a major role on how people talk, dress or view their status in the society. Stereotypes are also a common problem that influences the identity formation. Stereotypes are based on personal point of view and attitude toward a subject matter. Stereotyping is commonly visible among the societies which often alter the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Most Significant Changes to the Laws of Iraq after the... The Most Significant Changes to the laws of Iraq after the War in 2003. Iraqi laws have seen constant changes. Many old laws have been replaced by a new legislation, and other laws have been amended; first by the US Civil Administrator Paul Bremer, and later by the government of Iraq. And this happened after the fall of Saddam Hussain`s regime and the occupation of Iraqby the American and the British forces on 9th April 2003. Paul Bremer issued more than 100 laws and regulations within one year changing and repealing long established civil and commercial laws. And most of these laws are not devoid of interest. The U.S. preference at the expense of the Iraqis and their national sovereignty the most important is the investment law and corporate law. Then it exempt companies from providing capital to run their branches and this (Capital) resource strengthens of the national economy and national income and other measures were useful in the old law. Not only that, but it has canceled many of the articles in the penal code and has replaced it with other laws, as well as in criminal law and personal status law and other laws. One of the most significant foreign personnel are exempted from Iraqi jurisdiction , from Iraqi civil and penal laws. This Order applies to all civil and military personnel of the Authority, Foreign Liaison Missions, as well as all non Iraqi personnel of contractors and sub contractors supplying goods or services to or on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Crime And Punishment And The Idiot Analysis Everyone is the same, only different. People need the same things to survive, such as food, water, shelter, and clothing, so in that sense, everyone is the same. Their differences come from their own unique dispositions and temperaments. Crime and Punishment and The Idiot, two of Dostoevsky s novels, have two very seemingly similar protagonists, creating an illusion for the readers. When in reality, the characters can be labeled as being near opposites. Through the use of the novels of Crime and Punishment and The Idiot, Dostoevsky creates the protagonists of each novel similarly, but alters their destinies to differentiate them. It seems that Dostoevsky has created a pattern in his novels, as they concern themselves with behavioral... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alienation occurs to both protagonists of Crime and Punishment and The Idiot. Alienation can be defined as the state or experience of being isolated from a group or an activity. For both Raskolnikov and Myshkin, they are both isolated from society, whether society isolates them or they isolate themselves from society. Raskolnikov isolates himself from society early on in the novel because of his presumptuous mentality and theories. His extraordinary man theory dictates his life and motivates him to commit a murder. In an explanation of his theory to Porfiry Petrovich, the murder investigator, Raskolnikov says: I only believe in my leading idea that men are in general divided by a law of nature into two categories, inferior (ordinary), that is, so to say, material that serves only to reproduce its kind, and men who have the gift or the talent to utter a new word. (Crime 141) He labels those men who have these gifts and talents as extraordinary men and places himself into that category. He believes that he is the best and better than everyone else in the world. After murdering Alyona Ivanovna, something unexplainable happens to Raskolnikov: Something was happening to him entirely new, sudden and unknown. It was not that he understood, but he felt clearly with all the intensity of sensation that he could never more appeal to these people in the police office with sentimental effusions like his recent outburst, or with anything whatever; and that if they had been his own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Mel Gibson s Tragic Depiction In The Passion Of The Christ There s something fundamentally wrong with this world. Judeo Christians blame sin and man s sinful nature. Because of man s imperfection, we get death, deceit, and destruction. Everyone would agree the effects are monstrous, and deliverance from the world s depravity seems to be everyone s pursuit, yet we all fail at achieving it. Which is why JesusChrist came to die for our sins, because the wages of sin is death; to be a vicarious sacrifice, the death of Christ had to be and was a gruesome event. But, how gruesome? And is the film The Passion of the Christa sagacious depiction? Film critics have charged Mel Gibson, the director of The Passion of The Christ, for being unnecessarily morbid depicting the crucifixion and left out the achievement that Christ s offering brought to mankind. Others defend Gibson s portrayal; by arguing one must understand his Catholic background so as to shed light on his macabre depiction. Steven Greydanus, from the National Catholic Register, is a defender of Gibson s work. In his article Understanding the Catholic Meaning of The Passion of the Christ, he ultimately argues that interpreting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Scott, from The New York Times, was one who felt disturbed by the film saying it has the feel of a horror movie. (Scott) This is because The Passion of the Christ is so relentlessly focused on the savagery of Jesus final hours that this film seems to arise less from love than from wrath (Ibid) As a rhetorical structure, A.O. Scott uses the motif of Christ s sacrifice of love for humanity and Gibson s depiction of the event as the perversion of the events that transpired. A viewer, particularly one who accepts the theological import of the story, is thus caught in a sadomasochistic paradox (Ibid). Gibson s desire to make a realistic film about the passion is taken to account, but the style and tone of The Passion are far from what is ordinarily meant by realism, causing the film to have the feel of a horror movie ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Burial Customs In America Essay According to an article submitted to the Berkeley Planning Journal, approximately 800,000 gallons of formaldehyde is buried in the United States every year. To put the amount of this hazardous chemical that Americans use to bury their people in perspective, it is enough to fill one and a quarter Olympic sized swimming pools each year (Calderone). Unfortunately, this is only one of the many issues that is hurting the environment and has arised from modern burials. Because of the negative environmental effects that modern burial customs are causing, Americans should switch back to natural burials in order to decrease the impact that modern burial practices have left on Earth. In antebellum America, burial customs were onced a personal family issue. As custom, the families of early Americans were expected to wash and dress their loved ones in family parlors and would... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Up until the Civil War, Gary Laderman, the Professor of American Religious History and Cultures at Emory University, explains that, ...most Americans had no knowledge of the [preserving] procedure and abhorred any unnatural intervention of the body. But during and after the Civil War, families needed to delay the natural decaying process in order to have sufficient time to identify their loved ones who lost their lives during the war.. Because transportation in the mid 1800 s is nowhere near as good as modern transportation, families had to wait several days, even weeks, to receive the body of their loved one. Therefore, the Civil War was responsible for the emergence of the embalming process in the United States. In the 1850 s, Dr. Thomas Holmes had experimented with the French method of arterial embalming and soon created his own embalming fluid to which he was then hired to embalm the corpses of dead Union officers (Kelly). As a result of the growing popularity of embalming, Laderman explains that the number of undertakers was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Reproductive Rights And Human Rights Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights In 1973, the US Supreme Court declared abortion a nationwide fundamental right through a trial called Roe vs. Wade and protected this right underneath the Fourteenth Amendment, more specifically, the right to privacy. A basic human right, especially one outlined by the Supreme Court, must never run at risk or threat chiefly because not everyone agrees with it. Under no circumstances should a pregnancy ever adjudge mandatory. Abortionis a Constitutional right and as a nation we must fight to give the right and freedom of safe abortions to women all around the nation, make birth control and sex education accessible to women, and raise awareness about the topic itself. (LawCornell) In the United States, per year, twenty million unsafe abortions and sixty eight thousand deaths from them occur, (Odyssey) while the average death risk for a safe abortion is less than .01 percent. An illegal and unsafe abortion should never result as the last resort, but it tends to because of a lack of access to safe ones. Morals, usually drawn from religious beliefs, tend to play a part in one s opinion towards abortion. More than three fourths of Americans consider themselves as Christians. This means that more than three fourths of Americans believe that it is morally wrong to undergo an abortion and a person should not hold the right to take someone else s life away. While a moral belief, based on religion, is something all people are free to have, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Analysis Of Michael Lewis s Liar Poker Financial journalist and New York Times best seller, Michael Lewis is the author of many published books on various subjects ranging from politics to Wall Street. 2008 global financial meltdown with the build up the housing and credit bubble during the 2000s are the main topics of some of his best sellers books: Flash Boys , The Big Short , and Boomerang . Rare storyteller s ability to make the virtually any subject, lucid and compelling is the main reason of his popularity. He received an MSc in economics from the London School of Economics. After graduation, he worked for three years as an investment banker for Salomon Brothers before leaving to write his first book. Liar s Poker was based partially on his own experience at Solomon Brothers. His most current work includes columnist writing for Bloomberg News as well as contributing writer for Vanity Fair magazine. His freelance articles were published in The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker , Gourmet , Slate , Sports Illustrated , Foreign Affairs , and Poetry Magazine . Mr. Lewis worked as editor and columnist for the British Weekly The Spectator and for The New Republic as senior editor and campaign correspondent. Mr. Lewis gained experience in television. For ABC TV s Nightline; he filmed and narrated short pieces. For British Broadcasting Corporation, he created and presented a four part documentary on the social consequences of the internet. Recently Mr. Lewis recorded stories for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Unorthodox Of Women In Jane Eyre Women have a long history of being considered idle objects rather than humans with souls. Victorian society is exemplary of the objectivity women endure in a world ruled by patriarchs. An ideal Victorian woman is expected to be beautiful and reserved. Educated in roles that pertain to femininity, a Victorian woman is bred for a life of domesticity to accompany her role of inferiority. The ultimate achievement of an ideal Victorian woman is to marry a man that can provide her with financial security. Charlotte Bronte introduces Jane Eyre, a young woman who struggles to reconcile the unorthodox side of herself and the Victorian side. As a girl, Jane Eyre is ridiculed for her lower class status and her plainness; however, she is adamant about seeking fairness and using her mature intellect to combat the injustice brought upon her. Young Jane expresses her opinions whether it s blatant and explicative, or reserved and Victorian, which is a quality she carries into adulthood. During her adolescence, Jane easily succumbs to the unorthodox side of her persona and betrays societal norms; however, her maturation into womanhood and her relationship with Rochester provokes her ability to fulfill Victorian expectation. Jane s relationship with the Reeds exemplifies her unorthodox persona during the Victorian era. The Reeds are a wealthy family who despise Jane s existence. Mrs. Reed and her son John use their status to assert their authority and justify the abuse and neglect they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Marx Vs Freud Marx and Freud are two thinkers of roughly the same time period, mostly the 19th century, into the 20th for Freud. Comparing and contrasting their theories provides for a deeper understanding of both of their philosophies. Marx s theory of human nature stresses the idea that people are inherently social. He saw that most of an individual s behavior is dependent on the actions of others, and noted that even the most mundane aspects of human existence are socially learned. Additionally, he believed that a person s society determines their behavior, noting differences among cultures and the fact that there is no one, unified way of thinking that all cultures subscribe to. This ties in well with his materialist theory of history, which places tremendous... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although I like Marx s ideas about community and harmony among people in a society, I question whether a system like communism could ever work effectively. I also agree with his opinions on capitalism, as I find it very limiting, disheartening, and unfulfilling. With regard to Freud, I find his ideas about childhood sexuality very interesting and persuasive. However, only with the acknowledgement that a child does not experience sexuality or sexual desire in accordance with the adult definition. Although his ideas about the unconscious and repression are interesting, but I do not know if I believe they are true. While neither of these philosophies are perfect, they both contain interesting and worthwhile ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Color And The Perception Of Color Color and the Perception of Color Cynthia Xu Stoller Middle School Perception. The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through one of the five senses (Kandel, Schwartz, Jessell, 2000). In other words, it is the process of interpreting and organizing sensory information. Perception must be understood according to figure ground, similarity, proximity, continuity, and other organizing principles. At work in the interpretation of sensory stimuli are other perceptual phenomena such as perceptual constancy, a phenomenon which occurs in the perception of size, shape, color, and brightness; depth perception, another phenomenon based on binocular and monocular cues; and the perception of motion (Wood, 2008). One of the brain s primary functions is to obtain biologically important information from the various sensory inputs. The brain of a human is provided with sufficient information about a variety of things such as light, sound, the atmosphere s chemical composition, temperature, and things such as head orientation, limb position, the chemical composition of the bloodstream, among other things. Specialized sensors project signals into the brain when they detect sensory modalities. Light sensitive neurons in the retina of the eye, vibration sensitive neurons in the cochlea of the ear, along with the pressure sensitive neurons in the skin are all specialized receptor cells of which each sensory system begins with. The axons of the sensory receptor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Bronze Age Catastrophes The Bronze Age started around 2300 BC in Europe and it consisted of the new found material of bronze. It was an important development in many cities during the time. Bronze was used for a multitude of items including weapons, chariot parts, tools, decorative objects, and ritual vessels. The bronze age eventually came to an end because of four major catastrophes that came around 1200 BC that help shape the first millennium. Climate change, migration, new technology, and administrative innovations was the origin of this change. One of the first catastrophe that came and helped end the bronzeage was climate change. Around 1200 BC many regions in Afro Eurasia were used to having rapid population growth and prospering agriculture life. During... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although many tragedies happened because of climate change and migration, kingdoms that failed paved the way for others to come up and exceed in the iron age. Many kingdoms were able to improve their military with the metalworking of new popular metal, iron and agriculture was also able to have improvement with iron tools. There were many negatives that came out of the the ending to the bronze age but it became a new start for new kingdoms. Humanity was able to evolve and grow within their cities. Communications had improved with empires establishing roads throughout territory, also helping populations grow. Climate change, migration, New technology, and administrative innovation helped bring down the bronze age but build the iron age in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Toulmin Analysis of Attraction Essay Toulmin Analysis of Attraction In The Mystery of Attraction, Harville Hendrix claims that attraction between human beings is based on a number of factors that ultimately leave human beings baffled on exactly how humans experience such intense emotions as seen in romantic love and why so many couples tend to have complementary characteristics. He supports this claim by explaining several theories of attraction. His biological theory of courtship states that we instinctively select mates who will enhance the survival of the species (483). This theory suggests instinctive evolutionary attraction such as a female s rosy cheeks on a slender frame and a male s muscular physique ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The backing for his warrants takes the form of a list which depicts ten main characteristics of a marriage. Most of the characteristics are based around the subconscious mind of humans, placing much emphasis on the basic needs and desires of a person. The results of a poll are also included at the end of the essay which reinforces the author s exchange theory. As a qualifier, Hendrix states that Although these three theories help explain some aspects of romantic love, we are still left with our original questions (484). He says that despite a plentitude of research, the answers remain a mystery. Critique: I found this essay to be enlightening in several ways. Not only was the information presented in an organized way, but it was also very interesting. I agree with the author s statements about the trials and tribulations of relationships, and I find myself agreeing most with his biological theory of attraction. I especially liked the psychological direction of the essay, as it remained fairly objective and scientific while still presenting new and different ideas as witnessed by his inclusion of historical facts with the addition of his own unique analysis and commentary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Hearst And Yellow Journalism Yellow Journalism The term yellow journalism was born in the 1890 and was a style of journalism that used hyperboles and personal biases in newspapers for political purposes. According to PBS the use of yellow journalism was credited to Joseph Pulitzer the author of The New York World, and William Randolph Hearst the owner of The New York Journal began using Pulitzer same style. Also PBS states the rivalry of the two newspapers relied on headlines that would catch the media s attention, which would allow both to sell millions of newspapers. The use of yellow journalism is found in the document that was about the Maine ship sinking. The purpose of Hearst using yellow journalism, allowed him to make his views public and he gained political status. William Hearst put a lot of his views in the papers his team of great journalists wrote. As stated by Jeff By. Hearst hired the best Journalist of the time which were Jack London, Mark Twain, Richard Harding Davis, Ambrose Bierce, and Stephen Crane. Hearst used his papers to make his haltered of minorities, a concern in the American media. According to Jeff, By. Hearst portrayed Mexicans as violent, degenerate, job stealers and marijuana smokers, his hatred may have been caused by him losing around 800,000 acres of timber land to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The headlines of the document pull at Americans to wonder what caused the explosion of the ship. The way it states Bomb or Torpedo being the reason the ship exploded causes the media to side more with the thought of an attack. This caused the American media to want war. As stated by PBS some historians say that the Spanish American war was the first press driven war. Also Stated by PBS without the yellow journalism the view that the media had for Cuban intention may have been different. The use of yellow journalism had a great effect on the American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Response To Krakauer Summary In the editorial, Response to Krakauer, Anatoli Boukreev comments on the topic of their high altitude journey on Mount Everest. He addresses that he did everything possible to making their summit safe since he was experienced and Krakauer had some mistaken comments on what happened in those weeks on Mount Everest. To begin with, Boukreeve was upset with Krakauer because he didn t accept his intelligence of mountain climbing, Boukreeve was authorized by Scott Fischer. So by Krakauer doubting his experience and knowledge he really did not agree with everything that because Boukreev has summited seven of the world s largest and he also summited mount Everest three times. Krakauer also stated that Boukreev was not really attentive of his clients ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. How Liberals Are Ruining College My Thoughts on How Liberals are Ruining College This to me can be summed up in one word: sad. It s truly saddening to me that we ve become this way. Where everything is taken to the most extreme levels and assumed to be hate speech or that it of course must be meant in the worst possible way. There are of course times where people do take things too far and mean them in the worst of ways. Although, that is not what this is about. This is about the destruction of free speech to the extent of teaching people to might as well not have free thinking. We might as well go around apologizing to one another for the things we thoughtor even almost thought. Not to mention if we almost, or almost though about, them being said? Wouldn t that be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can almost be frightening. I know who I am and the things I say sometimes. After reading this I know certain things I say or joke about would not be tolerated. Although I only ever talk to my family and my small, sphere of friends who all mostly think the same way I do. It makes me want to check the policies for the school I plan to go to. I hadn t even read NWACC s until a good three or four weeks into the school year. Some might say that it would have been smart to do this sooner, but I always thought if I used a little common sense I wouldn t end up somewhere I wouldn t want to be. I ve survive this far, but obviously, that s what a lot of these schools or professors were thinking as well. The worst part is that some of these schools, where these incidents have happened, already had numerous policies and rules in place discriminating against these things. Yet people still accidently said something that set someone off! There s no end! The punishment is even more asinine than the act at times. There are occasions when there s an outcry over a simple statement that was misunderstood and it is dealt with easily. For example, in one case another email was sent out disregarding the last one and apologizing. In other cases, they are removed, fired, or banned for a year. Over what is offending anywhere from one person to an entire class. I don t understand how they live with themselves. How can they go outside if they re ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Memorial Hall Essay Memorial Hall When walking through Boston s renowned Harvard Yard, one may scope out the mixture of architecture throughout its landscape. From the traditional Memorial Hall influenced by Romanesque churches, to the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, Harvard Yard is like a salad bowl of architecture. Perhaps because I am a lover of Victorian style structures, or maybe because of its interior s beauty and richness, Memorial Hall intrigued my interest most of all. Memorial Hall, which was originally a civil war monument, is now a theater and student union for Harvard University. The 19th century architects Robert Ware and Henry Van Brunt designed this building to resemble the Victorian Gothic Romanesque churches of the time. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This window also allows a colorful light inside the memorial of the building. The interior of Memorial Hall differs from the gothic structures that the building resembles from the outside. While gothic structures were composed mostly of stone, Memorial Hall is decorated with walnut. The vaulting, which traditionally would be made of stone, is made of wood. There is a repeated use of the rosette, trefoil, quatrefoil, and cross motifs that help connect the exterior with the interior of the building. These details are found in the wood carvings of Sanders Theater, the great transept doors, the sandstone frieze that surrounds the exterior, the columns and wrought iron gates, the buttress, the stained glass windows, and the chandeliers. Also there is ornamental ironwork that outlines the roof if Sanders Theater and crowns the four subsidiary towers. Another feature of Memorial Hall that captures the mood of its exterior is the layout of the remaining original furnishings throughout the building. The materials used to construct the interior and exterior of Memorial Hall create a defined space in which the building captivates. When I walked through Memorial Hall I became instantly drawn into the structure. The marble floors, the dark wood moldings, and the gold, maroon, and green d #233;cor are qualities ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Essay on Science vs. Religion Religion versus science, the debates and conflicts have been on for centuries. For both religious and scientific ideals, the faith people have drives them. In this paper, I will examine the story of The Eye of Apollo by G.K. Chesterton, and the episode House vs. God of House, M.D., in order to question this conflict. The main character Father Brown in The Eye of Apollo combines his reasoning with his religious ideals and beliefs, or we can say his faithin God leads him to the truth of the crime. However, if we try to have a deeper look at the both the rational and religious sides of Father Brown, his perspectives on the immortality and justice are similar to Dr House, who interprets his rationality based on science. Thus both the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Father Brown finally points out the truth that Kalon kills Pauline with his setup based on Miss Stacey being blind in order to get her money. Miss Pauline s sister, Joan Pauline, is also part of the crime according to Father Brown, who has also taken advantage of her sister s blindness and played trick on the will. We can easily find Father Brown s interpretation about truths . People apparently will recognize him as a rational and religious person who is a skeptic of pure sciences , however, not necessarily the scientific methodology. Upon learning the new religionmentioned by Flambeau, Father Brown holds his doubts about the religion of Apollo: he doubts seriously on whether it can cure the one spiritual disease . Father Brown actually has found Kalon is the murderer before he learns what is the tragedy. As he says: there came a crash and a scream down the street, and the priest of Apollo did not start or look around... I know that he was expecting it (The Eye of Apollo). This kind of distrust as presented by him conveys his skeptical approach to things. Father Brown s skepticism for and tendency to reject the Apollo religion reflect his belief: the pure science and the new religion are both considered as superstitions. On the other side, the reasons lying behind the crimes, according to Father brown, are driven by the inner desires of human, or we can say, it is the devil that made ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Apple Case Study Question 1: What, historically, have been Apple s competitive advantage? Historically, Apple s competitive advantage has been product differentiation and premium pricing strategy. Apple is known for offering high end innovative products. Mike Markkula, investor and entrepreneur, was able to attract a lot of venture capital which allowed Apple to place a significant investment into R D in order to create its premium products. Unlike other Wintel firms that manufacture only hardware, Apple controls both hardware and software placing it into a unique position of providing consumers with a complete desktop solution. Their competitive advantage was driven by software such as Aldus Pagemaker and peripherals such as laser printers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Right before they had acquired NeXT, a software company created by Steve Jobs that gave them the resources they needed to advance their OS, Apple had almost gone bankrupt. Question 3: How sustainable is Apple s competitive position in PCs, MP3 players, and smartphones? Apple s long term competitive advantage will be sustained because of their differentiation and pricing strategies. Apple nested the concept of the digital hub where Mac could be the preferred hub to control and integrate all its products. They followed a very aggressive distribution strategy to penetrate the market and increase their reach to the consumers. Their retail stores will enable increased sales by letting the consumers experience their software and products first hand. Apple placed the ads in popular fashion magazines as opposed to just general computer publications. Through their initiatives of the digital hub comprising of iTunes, iPhoto, iWeb, they have been successful in practicing the strategy of bundling. Using this approach they create a perception of providing consumers the value for their money; however they extract the consumer surplus which results in positive economic profits Appx. 1, 1.1. Apple will continue to sustain its target market in the PC world, which are the home consumers and the education industry. They value design, mobility and wireless ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Rating Transformation Of Digital Time Rating Transformation in Digital time Fei Yang (Kurt) 0740261 Content 1. 2.When Rentrak and ComScore meet Nielsen a)Company Information b)Different measurements in digital rating market. Nielsen s tracking process: Total audience measurement Rentrak and ComScore s tracking process 3.Conclusion: The future of digital rating and room for competitors On September 29th Rentrak and ComScore announced their merge. According to the deal the companies have an equity value of about $2.4 billion while Nielsen has a market capitalization of about $16.7 billion. Still, Nielsen dominates the rating market, however, is Rentrak and ComScore a strong competitor? What is Nielsen doing in digital rating business? 1.Company Information Rentrak is a company focusing on measuring what people are watching on television with set top boxes and ComScore has been measuring people s use of online media since 1999. Combined, the two companies are seeking to provide a new rating currency which shows people s watching habits across TV, web, tablet, mobile and more. It s an ideal combination to deal with the offline and online measurement issues our clients and both legacy and new media owners face, Serge Matta, chief executive of comScore, who will lead the combined company said in an email on the merging day. 2.Different Tracking Processes a)Nielsen s tracking process: Total audience measurement Since the 1950s, Nielsen has dominated television ratings with its measurement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. My Life At The Medical School When I started observing life, I was grandson of a carpenter, son of a businessman and a house wife, brother of a veterinarian and two sisters. I found everyone loving and caring for me. They equipped me with every single tool to make my way smooth toward my goal. I worked hard, stayed focused and got admission in medical school. Being a medical student was more interesting than what I imagined before going to the medical school. I found medical sciences dynamic and versatile. I studied well and enjoyed every single aspect of my life at the medical school. On the last day of my 4th year in medical school, I received a call from my brother about my nephew. My nephew lost consciousness due to vomiting and dehydration with pneumonia at the age of 1 year. I rushed to hospital and when I reached, I saw my nephew was in coma. I found it hard to bear the tears in the eyes of my brother and rest of my family. He was diagnosed with ketoacidosis due to type 1 diabetes. He opened his eyes on 7th day of his admission with manifestations of severe cerebral insult. After the discharge, he had several similar episodes with normal blood sugar levels and it was described as honeymoon period for the disease. During an episode, we took him to another tertiary care facility where he was diagnosed with organic academia. The pediatric Gastroenterologist Human Arshad and pediatric Neurologist Akbar Malik took special interest and helped us to recover from the episode. Unfortunately no diagnostic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Evaluation Of A Model Of Memory Whilst Weighing Up The... This essay aims to make an appraisal of two models of memory whilst weighing up the strengths and limitations of each. The two models of memory I will be evaluating are the Multy store Model of Memory (MSM) and Level of Processing Model. Memory is defined as the mental process of encoding, then storing and retrieving information. To enable us to store any information out memory first needs to encode information. This require three types of encoding which are semantic encoding, which is encoding information through the information s meaning; acoustic encoding, which is encoding information through sound; and visual encoding which interprets information through visual images, McDermott Roediger III (2015). This process allows us to interpret and organise the information ready to be stored in our memories. The second stage is the storage stage where the information enters the memory and is maintained there for a period of time. The final stage is the retrieval stage which involves where information that is stored in the memory being located and used, Study.com (2003 2015). There are limits to the short term memory (STM) span, which is the longest number of items or digits a person can recall and instantly repeat back in the correct order. Most adults can store between 5 and 9 items in their short term memory. This notion was put forward by Miller (1956) and he called it the magic number 7, McLeod (2009). He thought that STM could hold 7 (plus or minus 2 items) because it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Pros And Cons Of The Seebeck Effect Energy loss is a problem encountered in every industrial process and everyday technology take power stations for example. Electricity is generated by heat engines by which gas or steam powered turbines convert the heat to mechanical energy then into electricity, however 70% of this energy is lost as heat energy. Similarly in all electronics devices energy is lost through heat. So we know that electricity creates heat mainly because or electrical devices warm up during its use. But imagine how useful it would be to generate electricity from this heat created, in other words using this lost energy which is in the form of heat to generate electricity so eventually you d be using every bit of energy to generate electric power. This objective can be reached by applying the Seebeck Effect. The seebeck effect is a phenomenon by which a temperature difference between two conductors or semiconductors of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It all started in 1981 when a German physicist called Thomas Johann Seebeck accidently found that a compass magnet would deflect when a circuit with two different metals with different temperature junction. He concluded that that there is an induced electric current in the circuit that deflected the magnet according to ampere s law. So the voltage that was due to the difference in temperature drives the current in a closed circuit. In order To measure this voltage, a second conductor material which generates a different voltage under the same temperature gradient must be used. Otherwise, if the same material is used for measurement, the voltage generated by the measuring conductor would simply cancel that of the first conductor. The voltage difference generated by the two materials can then be measured and related to the corresponding temperature gradient. It is thus clear that, based on Seebeck s principle; thermocouples can only measure temperature differences and need a known reference temperature to yield the absolute ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. John Winthrop s Sermon, On The Model Of Christian Charity... The call of John Winthrop for the Massachusetts Bay colony to be a City on a Hill literally meant for the members of the colony to be a spiritual example and guide for others, but also implies the ontological statement of exceptionalism through capital gain. In this paper, the reader will discover the connection between John Winthrop and mercantilism, which is a branch of capitalism that focuses on merchants trading using the government to help regulate the expansion of capital. In addition, the content of this paper will extrapolate on the pragmatic implications of this economic system and its effects on the people involved. John Winthrop s sermon, On the Model of Christian Charity, establishes a pre capitalist ideology through the presupposition of Winthrop s personal /political beliefs, Puritanthought, and the manifestation of these thoughts actualized in the marginalization of Native Americans. Firstly, John Winthrop earned the reputation of a compassionate and just judge over a decade of service, but he came to realize that it would be impossible to reach fame and fortune in England without substituting his Puritan values. In 1629, stockholders came together and elected John Winthrop as lead of the company, which existed due to the vast amount of opposition that the Anglican Church received from the Puritan community. John Winthrop believed that his fellow Englishmen should join him in his idea that the company must subsist bound together with mutual consent to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Struggles In Haiti Earthquake Struggles in Haitin I bet all of you think that going to school is a pain but that is nowhere close to all the problems Haiti is going through. Haiti has been going through many problems such as a failing economy, natural disasters, and degrading environment. Most of Haiti s problems start with the natural disasters such as the earthquakes and the hurricanes. The junior scholastic notes that the hurricane Mathews hit Haitilast October carrying winds of 145 miles per hour. This hurricane carried away almost everything in its path. It killed 1000 and left 175000 people home less, mentions the junior scholastic. Meanwhile the earthquakewas no different, the junior scholastic states that the earthquake of 2010 killed 316000 and displaced 1.5 million people.The earthquake and hurricane are only some natural disasters that have hit Haiti. Haiti has faced a lot more because of its location.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most Haitians were slaves brought by the French. The slaves rebelled and in 1804 declared independence. In exchange of their freedom, they had to pay a 23 billion dollar debt. They were still paying the debt even after world war two. The pressure of paying off the debt kept Haiti from investing in building the country. The Haitians also have had no president since February, 2015. ``Corruption and violence caused the postponement of the election to October 9, but hurricane Matthews hit Haiti and the election was further postponed to November 20 says the junior scholastic . The scholastic further says, ``Not having a president can increase the government s inability to provide basic services . The Haitians have to do something before Haiti becomes a failed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Damnation of a Canyon Essay The Damnation of a Canyon Not many people know of the used to be 150 mile excursion that the Glen Canyon had to offer. Not many people know how to sail a raft down a river for a week. Not many people know how to interact with nature and the animals that come with it. We seem to come from a world that is dependent on time and consumed in money. Edward Abbey is what you would call an extreme environmentalist. He talks about how it was an environmental disaster to place a dam in which to create Lake Powell, a reservoir formed on the border of Utah and Arizona. He is one of the few that have actually seen the way Glen Canyon was before they changed it into a reservoir. Today, that lake is used by over a million people, and is one of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He stated that it was the difference between life and death. Glen Canyon was alive. Lake Powell is a graveyard. He really seems to be going out on a limb in saying this extreme of a statement. I think that he is wrong in saying that. I feel that he is only looking at one side of the story. I would say the opposite, but for a rhetorical analysis proposes only, I will come from his point of view in researching that he came to that conclusion under the assumption that the wildlife and nature was more alive then the life outside of the dam. Lake Powell is a graveyard in such that there is nothing natural about it. The rocks are pretty and the water is blue. Abbey talks of a term called bathtub ring , it is left on the canyon walls, after each drawdown of the water level. The park rangers in Glen Canyon consider it to be not of great importance, and that is one of the only illusions that you look at upon a natural lake. To some people seeing that effect is more then they have seen or may ever see in their life when it comes to nature. People come from places where there isn t a lot of wildlife around them. The closest they get seeing that might just be from a book or a video they saw in school. So what if they dump a ton of striped bass and rainbow trout into the lake every year. One of those fishes could be the first one ever ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Major Depressive Disorder And Major Depression Major Depressive Disorder and Major Depressive Episodes affect many across the country in various forms and degrees. Though many are affected by MDD/MDE most do not receive the help they need. A group that may not always be acknowledged in suffering from major depressive disorder/major depressive episodes are adolescents. Consequently, more often than not, adolescents do not receive a diagnosis or support with their struggles. Mental illness symptoms in adolescents may be dismissed for various of reasons, but can have a serious impact on various aspects of their lives.The struggles could be mitigated and managed by a public health approach. Public health approach may help to first collect the information on the extent of the issue. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The National Survey on Drug use and Health found in 2014, 11. 4 percent of adolescents aged 12 to 17 (2. 8 million adolescents) had an MDE during the past year (SAMSHA). The pressures and struggles of being an adolescent can only be exacerbated by major depressive episodes or even a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. Adolescents require support for their experiences and attention needs to be brought to their trials. . Major depression not only affects adolescents social and academic lives, but influence, directly, their actions and decisions as well. Adolescents can partake in numerous actions to cope with their feelings of depression such as taking drugs. The National Survey on Drug use and Health found that, Youths with a past year MDE in 2014 also were more likely than those without an MDE to be users of marijuana, nonmedical users of psychotherapeutics, users of inhalants, and users of hallucinogens in the past year (SAMSHA). The survey shows that MDE can put adolescents at a vulnerability to participate in risky behaviors. The world of drugs can be an outlet to deal with depression. This outlet though may even lead to a struggle with the very substances used to cope with their depression. The National Survey on Drug use and Health found as well that, An estimated 340,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17 in 2014 had a co occurring MDE and an SUD [substance use disorder] in the past year in 2014 (SAMSHA). The correlation of drug use and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Sumerian Empire Vs English Settle America The two lesson plans I selected are the The Achievements of the Sumerian Empire and The English Settle America to evaluate. Yes, both lessons connect new subject matter in ELLs background, with their experience and prior learning. Special activities build vocabulary related to specific content as well as to general academic language. ELLs at the beginning of language proficiency level because they are just learningEnglish language at this level will listen and comprehend at this stage. Background knowledge all ELLs students have learned about the world. Both lesson plans use shared pairs group learning, for instance; the teacher will ask students to discuss and ask students for assistance. Yes, academic vocabulary addressed will allow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...