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Essay On Pollution In Hindi
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Essay On Pollution In Hindi Wikipedia Essay On Pollution In Hindi Wikipedia


Diffusion And Diffusion Lab Report
For part one of the State Lab we prepared to build a model cell using a false membrane to test
diffusion which is the process by which the collisions between molecules cause them to separate
out for simple sugar which is glucose and starch. The first thing we did was create a cell and we
did this by first taking a dialysis tube and put it under warm tap water for a few minutes until it
can gently be pull out of the end. Then, when we get it open we seal on part of the the tube by
folding it over and with a piece of string. After, add Вј glucose solution then add enough starch
solution halfway through the tube. After all of the solutions are then added lock the other end of
the tube by tying it with another pair of string. We then got a beaker and filled it up with water and
added starch... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The process that is occurring that we would see is osmosis is a special type of diffusion which is
when the molecules are moving from a high concentration of water to a low concentration of water
to have a water balance. The first thing we did was put a piece of onion on a slide with tap water
and then under a microscope and analysis how the cell looks which was clear to see the cell
wall as well as the cell membrane and the cytoplasm. Then, we added the salt water solution on
the onion and put it under the microscope and let it sit for a few. By adding salt water it would
make the water move out of the cell because the surrounding area is hypertonic. After a few we
check back with the onion and noticed that the cell was shrinking and the cell membrane was
becoming a curve and cytoplasm began to shrink, therefore, we conclude that if a cell is placed in
solution with different concentration it would either shrink or swell it s all depending on the place
where there is a low concentration that the water can move
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America s Freedom Rings Through The Liberty Bell
Shockingly, words convey multiple stories and ideas. Within each word lies an abundant amount of
perspectives, treasures, and unknowns. Restoration means to return something to its original state
or condition. However, deeper ideas apply. Historically, the United States developed into a place
of freedom of speech and a home of many; a symbol of America s freedom rings through the
Liberty Bell. Independence solidified after the United Statesdefeated Britain, which exhibits the
restored beliefs of the citizens as a whole. Men became unified, conflict faded to the backdrop, and
people viewed their home differently.
In nature, restoration still shines. Continuously illuminating the day, the sun stays overhead; the
rays greet people with
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The Formation of In-groups
The author of this piece is Dr. Gordon Allport. He is the former head of Harvard s Department of
Psychology as well as the founding father of social psychology. Allport published many books
including The Nature of Prejudice (1954). The purpose of the article is to inform the audience
that in groups are everywhere and identity is based on our in groups. This essay is an excerpt from
the book The Nature of Prejudice in 1954 and is a credible sourcebecause the principles Allport
discussed are still studied by psychologists and researchers today. In the essay, Allport speaks of
reference groups and how it relates to in groups. According to Allport reference groups are the
group that an individual wishes to be apart of, but an in group is... Show more content on
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This article One and Done is an excerpt from her book One and Only and the reviews of this
book come from extremely credible sources such as the New York Times, therefore establishing
her credibility. The author s purpose for writing this piece is to argue that having one child is
not detrimental to the child psychologically, and only children are not different than kids with
siblings. This piece was written July 7, 2010 so the research and studies are very up to date. The
main points of this article started out with the argument of why Sandler herself decided to have
one child, and this is based on how the economy is sluggish... and raising kids cost a bundle. She
describes the effects of the recession on the number of children women bear, and points out that
women are having less and less children because of their high costs. Sandler then goes on to
discuss why people urge families to have more than one child, and she uses personal experience
of a cashier in a store to exemplify the pressure of having more kids. Sandler investigates why
there is such an aversion to have only one child, single children are perceived as spoiled, selfish,
solitary misfits, because this is such a believable stereotype, parents are pressured to have multiple
children because they don t want to do that to their child. Sandler uses the study by Granville
Stanley Hall to act as a counterargument
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Victor Frankenstein Film Analysis
Victor Frankenstein 2015
Victor Frankenstein 2015 is a science fiction, thriller and horror film that is based on the 1818
novel by Mary Shelley. The film was directed by Paul Mcguian and starred Daniel Radcliffe as
Igor and James McAvoy as Victor Frankenstein (McGuigan). Unlike other film adaptations based
on the same novel, the film is narrated from Igor s perspective. Igor is a young assistant who is
working closely with his over ambitious friend Victor. Victor is also a young medical student who
will stop at nothing to achieve his scientific goals.
The director lets the film rolls from Igor s perspective in order to allow the audience to understand
and appreciate the emergence of Frankenstein as scientists that the audience knows to ... Show more
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He proves this when conversing with Igor in the lab when the latter says, Victor, you promised me
that this was all about life , Victor remarks in awe that it was about so much more than life
The film was written by Max Landis and is significantly different from most versions of the same
story (Coming to Life). It attempts to take a third person perspective in order to reflect on the
temperament of the main character, Victor Frankenstein. Using third person narration, Max
manages to vilify Victor s character by shining a light on his recklessness. This is particularly
important given that the Mary s novel allowed the audience to empathize with Victor due to the
loss of his family members and fiancГ©.
In this adaptation, the writer ensures that Victor is unhinged and carefree but a loyal friend to
Igor and other people in his life. In addition to being brash, Victor is humorous in most of the
scenes. This is implied when Igor pleads with him to rethink the experiments since the police
were after the duo. While his friend Igor wanted to make a world a better place and hopefully be
remembered for inventing new ways of healing the sick, Victor seeks to redefine the meaning of
life and death. From the writing, it is clear that Victor did not really intend to get anybody hurt. His
character is simply deranged and he ends up risking the lives of the people around him. The writer
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The Hills And Rocky Creags
She felt right at home, living in her Seanmhair s cottage and with Scotland, as her new address.
Scotland had actually always been her second home. It s going to take time to get acclimated to
her new living arrangement and the Scots way of life. Aileana decided she should take a walk
into town to see if any of her friends might be out and about. It was a magnificent sunny day, now
that the morning mist had burned off. As she walked along the sidewalk in town, the smell of the
ocean and green hills made her feel so wonderful and content. She could genuinely appreciate the
splendor of the country here, she loved that you were able to see the rolling hills and rocky creags.
It was so different from the San Fernando Valley where she... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Aileana hoped all the married men would be home enjoying their off time with their wives and
family. The testosterone level was quite high in the pub as the men were all bragging about one
thing or another. She could hear a group of rowdy men laughing about some off color story one
of the oil riggers was revealing. The room had a friendly vibe, lots of beer drinking and cheerful
men. Aileana walked over to the bar to place her order for the sampler platter of shrimp, scallops
and mussels in white wine, butter, and garlic broth. The platter was served with a chunk of
warm dark Scottish oat bread with a generous portion of soft creamy butter. She decided to go
with a white wine since her seafood platter came in a wine broth. Aileana thought it s a good
thing she had been getting her walks in the morning and surfing an hour or so in the afternoons.
Or else she wouldn t be able to get through the pub doors. Just as she got ready to take a seat
towards the back of the pub; so she could watch all the local action. She noticed one of the men
who was the size of a mountain, and as solid as a block wall; who played a mean game of darts
with his cohorts and seemed to fill the tavern. Dart man backed up and bumped her glass of
Sauvignon Blanc which splashed down the front of her green plaid woolen Pendleton shirt. The
big beast of a man had been laughing with his buddies and was unaware she walked behind him.
He spun around and started to
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Community In The Deaf Community
The Deaf community is comprised of people of a variety of ethnicities and backgrounds, as
Deafness prevails around the world; discriminating against none. The Deaf community grows
continually. As a hearing person learning about the community, it s distinctive culture and how to
communicate in ASL, I am developing myself and discovering my fairly new position within the
Deaf community. Firstly, I feel that the community itself is important in learning societal
expectations and background knowledge. For this, I feel I am beginning to understand the true
nature of the community, and why it is the way it is. For instance, the Deaf community is
collective, unlike the hearing community, which is individualistic. While I understand this as a fact,
it is difficult to adjust and truly understand this idea and the implications it may hold. In addition, I
have noticed a sort of hierarchy within the Deaf community, wherein certain members tend to be
cherished to a higher degree, despite Deaf people generally not bothering to hold a candle to one
another s careers, economic ranking, etc. to determine ranking. I feel that these cherished members
are strong leaders and advocates in the Deaf community. Hearing members of the community do not
appear to have much in the way of ranking instead, they use their position to voice Deaf people s
positions, and point the media towards Deaf members of the community. As well, there are Social
Behaviour topics within the Deaf community. While the
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Descriptive Essay About Football Day
Beep! Beep! Beep! It s a normal Saturday morning as my alarm goes off at 11:45. I have an alarm
for every saturday morning at 11:45 so I can get up and watch Rutgers football. But first I have to
get out of bed and that s always a struggle in the morning. I don t think their has ever been a
morning where I feel good and refreshed. Whenever I wake up it s always groggy and awful but I
cause that because I stay out late on Friday nights. I finally get myself out of bed but i feel like I
got no sleep. As i m walkingdown my hallway my 22 year old immature brother comes out of
nowhere and pushes me to the ground. I was still half asleep so by the time I got up my brother is
already downstairs. I wantto attack him for pushing me to the... Show more content on
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We struggle to get Fritz to drop the mouse but we eventually get him to. Matt and I start walking
back to the house talking about how bad Rutgers is. So, about 15 minutes pass Matt, Brian and I
are sitting in the driveway getting ready to go golf when my pager goes off. My brother and I
Volunteer firefighters and station 38. We get a decent amount of fire calls but almost all of
them are false alarms. But when that pager goes off there s nothing better then the adrenalin
rush that you get. There was only one problem, and that was that Matt was with us and he was
not a firefighter so he could not go with us. My brother kicks us out of his car and turns on his
lights and speeds down the street. I look at Matt and he knew that I wanted to go so he said yeah
i ll go home. Matt leaves but now I have no ride to the firehouse so I hop on my bike and start
riding as fast as I can. I m riding so fast that I can t feel my legs because they burn so much. I
eventually get to tired so I just ride casually and check my phone. My friends at the firehouse are
texting in the group chat saying that it is the big one. Once I see that, I stand up and start riding
fast again. It s only about a 4 minute bike ride but it feels like it has been 30 minutes. I finally get
to the firehouse and throw my bike to the side and run into the door. Im one of
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Stereotypes In The Outsiders
Stereotype; a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of
person or thing. In the realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, and in the short story,
Geeks Bearing Gifts , written by Ron Koertge, stereotypes are defied by ordinary people. In The
Outsiders, Johnny Cade and Darry Curtis face many struggles throughout their lives. Their town in
separated into two: the rich and dangerous Socs, and the quiet, tough Greasers. For them, living
dangerously is a reality. As a result of their lifestyle, Johnny has become fearful and Darry is
considered the toughest man in the gang. In Geeks Bearing Gifts aspiring journalist, Renee,
interviews her fellow classmates who are classified as outcasts. After meeting several students, she
realizes her assumptions were incorrect about them. After reading both of these stories, the reader
learns that our thoughts about others often revolve around stereotypes and assumptions, but most
of these ideas that we have about other peopleare proven wrong.
In The Outsiders, Johnny and Darry find themselves struggling with the stereotype society has
labeled them with. While in the park, Johnny and his friend Ponyboy are jumped by five Socs.
Unexpectedly, Johnny stands up for himself and protects his friend. On page 56, the text states,
I killed him, he said slowly. I killed that boy . Bob the handsome Soc, was lying there in the
moonlight, doubled up and still. This demonstrates that although Johnny is considered a timid
and innocent person, he proves that how he acts in the gang is different from how he acts in the
outside world. This is unexpected because Johnny is always the one being cared for in the gang.
However, he protected his friend by killing someone. Johnny s actions prove that our assumptions
about others are wrong. This matters because society needs to realize that based on stereotypes,
we incorrectly judge others before getting to know them. Johnny is a clear example of what
happens when one is judged based on assumptions. Another example of this theme is reflected
when Darry breaks down at a hospital after finding out that his younger brother, Ponyboy, is going
to be okay. On pages 98 99, the text states, Darry,
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Target s Marketing Strategy
Target was found in 1902 and the first store opened in 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota, which
provided convenient shopping at discount prices. Due to the company s success, Target is now
the second largest retailer in America and is the most visited retail website today ( Winning the
Back to College Sales Season , 2016). Target s brand promise is to Expect More. Pay Less. In
addition, their core values consist of designing, celebrating diversity and inclusion, offering great
shopping anytime, anywhere, having a fun and rewarding place to work, and offering their
customers more for their money. The company s mission statement, which is mentioned as its
Promise Beliefs states, We fulfill the needs and fuel the potential of our guests. That... Show more
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As of 2016, Target s revenue is worth $69.5 billion, they have reached $69,495 million in sales,
and today, their stock is worth $58.99. Target s marketing mix consists of price, product, place,
and promotion strategies. In terms of placement, Target has 1,800 plus stores and 39 distribution
centers in the U.S. In addition, Target has over 320,000 team members across the world and they
have over 2,500 team members in Bangalore, India, which is their other headquarters other than
their Minneapolis location. Target also has an online business other than their physical ones,
which is Target.com. In terms of product, Target has a wide and diverse range of merchandise
which consists of apparel, shoes, home dГ©cor, electronics, toys, and food for example. Of these
products, Target has exclusive and owned brands. Target uses several pricing policies to offer good
bargain prices. According to marketing 91.com, Target uses an economy policy, which prices goods
at discounted and low prices and Target uses a bundling pricing policy, which encourages bulk sales
through incentives. In terms of promotions, Target uses electronic and print media ad campaigns to
promote their products and special offers, which consists of coupons, flyers, newspapers,
magazines, and television
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Marketing Plan on Gyms
Jim Active Gym Marketing Plan.
Liam Mullins: 3052944
Jackson Behan: 3051421
Li Pham: 3034902
Tutors Name: John Lawson
Contents page Executive Summary | 4| Business Overview/ Purpose of plan| 4| Product/ Service
Information| 4| Implementation| 5| Cost of Implementation| 5| The Company| 6| Mission Statement|
6| Stakeholders| 6| Organisation Structure| 6| Corporate Strategy| 6| Summary of Objectives | 7| The
Macro Environment| 8| Economic| 8| Political/Legal| 8| Technological Environment | 8| Socio
Cultural / Global Trends| 8| The Macro Environment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jim Active wants to help local athletes and sporting teams achieve their goals.
JAG will be looking to support its local charities, community events and health awareness. Jag will
be encouraging young people to become active by marketing the benefits of exercise and a healthy
Jim Active Owner
Clients (members)
Organisation Structure
JAG well consist of 12 employees. Consisting of 9 personal trainers (5 full time and 4 part time)
and 3 casual reception staff. Jim Active (owner) well be taking a hands on approach to ownership
and well be working as one of the full time personal trainers. Jim well handle all administrative
duties and the personal trainers well train their respective clients according to the schedules


provided by the receptionists. The receptionists well be responsible for all front desk duties and
cleaning the gym.
At all times Jim wants to have at least 2 personal trainers working and at least 2 receptionists to
ensure that all clients needs are met.
Corporate strategy
Additional corporate objectives for Jim Active Gym are as follows;
Create goodwill
Achieve and appeal to customer goals
Summary of Objectives
The key objectives for Jim Active Gym are;
(1) To gain market share and make a healthy profit for its owner.
(2)To develop the gyms class programs and expand to clients needs. During the first year have a
series of group training such as fat camp . This group training camps are to
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Odysseus is Not a Hero for the Modern Age Essay
Many would argue that Odysseus is more of a villain nowadays, for every instance of his
wiliness or feats of strength there are several of venality, vice, cruelty, or selfishness. The
episode of the Sirens,(Book 12), is one example. The only reason Odysseus ties himself up to the
mast, when instead he could have simply plugged his ears with wax like the rest of his crew, is
that he chooses the jeopardous choice, wanting to go down in the books by being the first man to
ever listen to the Sirens song and live. In consequence he possibly endangers the rest of his crew
from safely reaching home by endangering himself. While Odysseus many adventures are very
exciting, he spends a considerable amount of time cheating on his wife (with... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In the time of the so called Heroic Age (roughly the Mycenaean Age, the time of the Trojan War
1200 1100 BCE or thereabouts) standards were much, much different, and some of them, at
least, for very good reasons. Probably by those standards (or the standards of Homer s time,
some 400 years later) Odysseus was considerably closer to a hero than he would be in our eyes
today. Perhaps, what might now be seen as grotesquely excessive blood letting, would then have
been seen as an understandable or even necessary act of retribution
Again, Odysseus darker and immoral acts could be viewed could viewed as metaphors for and/or
accurate reflections of the imperfection of the human race. Characteristics that show that heroes too
are flawed. A hero who has some shortcomings is a more believable character, they may be godly
in the sense that they do what no one else can, but that they are still only human. Drawing on this,
Odysseus can be considered a hero for modern times. He possesses admiral skills, such as
commitment and knowledge, which are still considered heroic today. He uses these traits to protect
himself and his crew as they make the long journey home. Although Odysseus is renowned for his
expertise in fighting, he is
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A Comparison Of My Fair Lady And My Fair Lady
After reading Ovid s original myth Pygmalion and Galatea , Shaw was disappointed with it and
decided to take pen to paper and create his own version of the story, thus Shaw s Pygmalion was
created. The story follows the quest of a young girl, Eliza Doolittle, to transform into a lady
because of a bet made by Henry Higgins, a gentleman who is knowledgeable in phonetics. Eliza is
successfully able to shape herself into a lady however, the book does not end with happy union of
Higgins and Eliza rather a deep animosity between them. In George Cukors musical My Fair Lady
diverges from Shaw s original play, and has Higgins and Eliza end up together. Therefore ending of
My Fair Lady is a vulgar travesty of the play s design, as Nicholas Grene writes because it
undermines Eliza s transformation and it is not a logical ending.
Eliza s transformation is something that happens of the course of the play in order for that
transformation to hold true Eliza needed to decide not to marry Higgins. Shaw even calls the
play a romance in five acts because of Eliza s transformation. After the ambassador s garden
party, the bet is deemed a success because the host and the guests of the party believe that she is
a lady. Even Nepommuck, Higgins apprentice who has surpassed him, firmly believes that Eliza
produces an air of divine light... [and that] She is a princess (Shaw 72). The host and hostess
both agree on this, which is meant to signify the success of Eliza s transformation. However,
Eliza s success at the garden party is not the true ending of her transformation. The true ending of
her transformation is when Eliza stands up for herself and defies Higgins thus becoming a true
lady. During the entirety of Eliza s six months of training under Higgins, he treats her
atrociously. Upon her arrival, he threatens to kick her out and assaulted her with a barrage of
insults such as squashed cabbage leaf and guttersnipe . He did not treat Eliza like a lady, as a result,
she did not feel like a lady. On the other hand, Pickering always treated her like a lady and she
gained self respect from that. Eliza explains that the difference between a flower girl and a maiden
is how she s treated because Pickering always treats
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San Diego Drought
How does the California drought affect local ecotourism in San Diego? Water has been around for
almost as long the Earth has been around, approximately 4.6 billion years ago. In some shape or
form, water has continued to be an important resource since the formation of Earth and continues to
be today as well. Water being a finite abundant substance, it covers up approximately 70 percent of
the Earth s surface. It is without a doubt an essential resource needed to sustain life on Earth.
Nonetheless, not only is water an important resource for all living organisms for subsistence, but it
also serves other purposes: agriculture purposes, medical and health purposes, tourism and much
more. However, with the recent emergence of the issue surrounding... Show more content on
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California is a geographically dry area and water shortage has been a serious issue affecting the
state since 2012. California has the highest water consumption compared to all the other states
and this partly due to the reason that roughly eighty percent of the state s water is used towards
agriculture; California being the largest agricultural export distributor in the country (Green).
Since of 2012, California has been on a severe four year drought and has had immediate plans
and regulations in order to reduce the impact it has. According to California Water Science
Center, 2014 was the third driest year on record and following that, 2015 [was] the warmest year
on record. The recent record breaking climate has contributed to the drought of California and as a
result has had detrimental impacts to the environment. Severe climate during a shortage of water
can lead to drastic problems because it can lead to an increase of evapotranspiration and increase of
precipitation falling as rain rather than snow. Having precipitation falling more often as rain rather
than snow during warm weather can lead to early snowmelt which can unbalance the water supply
demands (Causes of Drought). During a drought, occasionally humans are impacted, but more
importantly the environment experiences the impacts harshly. Wildlife habitat lost, inadequate food
and water
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Learning Experiences And Assessment Opportunities For...
Introduction Schools provide learning experiences and assessment opportunities for their students
based on work programs approved by the QCAA Assessment forms an integral part of both
education and real life, assessment of understanding, peer feedback, and self assessment form a
central part of social processes and therefore mediate the development of intellectual abilities,
construction of knowledge, and formation of a students identity (Shepard, 2000). Assessment of
learning also provides a metacognitive awareness for the student and creates accountability for
pedagogical strategies and curriculum policies. Therefore, assessment is also an integral part of the
Australian Professional Teaching Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student
learning (AITSL, 2011). The assessment for this task was designed in accordance with the
Mathematics 10A Syllabus. The assessment in this task provided valuable feedback to the students
and formed a part of the cumulative information on which levels of achievement in the area of
Measurement and Geometry are determined. The students content knowledge is also challenged
while ensuring the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and content descriptions for the
Mathematics 10 and 10A achievements also match the standards elaborations (SEs) developed from
the proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning (Queensland
Cirriculum Assessment Authority, QCAA 2015a, QCAA 2015b) The school is
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Todd s Original Culture And The Mainstream Culture
1.Todd is facing challenges between both worlds, for his original culture and the mainstream
culture are exceedingly different from one another. Todd s original culture, ZuГ±i, is a culture
in which one is considered a private people. They tend to display fewer emotions/feelings in
public; however, that doesn t mean they don t love each other. ZuГ±i people show their love
through actions such as helping one another, by caring for the people we love when they need
us. Therefore, Todd expresses his love to his family by possibly helping the family cook or
getting a job to support his family. Todd is used to keeping his feelings to himself and not showing
his true self in public. ZuГ±i believes in self control; thus, they are very... Show more content on
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It is a necessity to be able to understand the cultural background of someone else because society
as a whole takes things from each other. For instance, through the influence of the development
jobs and trading of resources, many similar beliefs are borrowed and practiced within different
groups of people. This is very useful in a workplace, for one will know how to handle and
approach another person with a different culture without coming off as disrespectful or ignorant in
a negative aspect. This can be applied with a Christian approaching a Muslim or vice versa.
Knowing this skill can allow them to have a successful conversation.
3.Having a global awareness can help one as a public speaker, for it allows the speaker to be
familiar with what s going on in the world. With this awareness, the speaker is able to connect his
speeches to real life crisis/issues that are currently happening today. His audience may feel truly
affected in certain issues in the world today such as Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter has
black family members that may have lost their lives due to unlawful killing from the police. Thus,
this caused the family to become very emotional when hearing about these tragic events. Provided
that the public speaker speaks about motivation from this unfortunate event, then the speaker will
be able to get the audience s attention. With this attention, the audience will
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Corona Borealis Research Paper
For this essay, I chose the constellation Corona Borealis. It was one of 48 constellations listed by
Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century. Its Latin name is translated as Northern Crown , due
to its crown like shape. The brightest star in the constellation is Alpha Coronae Borealis, and is a
magnitude 2.2 star. Other notable stars in the constellation include R Coronae Borealis, a yellow
supergiant, and T Coronae Borealis, also known as the Blaze Star, which is a recurrent supernova.
Corona Borealis covers 179 square degrees (0.433% of the sky), placing it 73rd in size of the 88
recognized constellations. It is positioned in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere, and is surrounded
by Hercules (to the east), Boötes (to the north),... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The tales of her beauty, even at a young age, spread far and wide, and her father was forced to
place her in a cottage in the most secluded part of a deep forest for her protection from those who
would harm or kidnap her for her beauty. Elyana lived only with an old woman, Mathilde, as her
caretaker. Elyana grew in the forest, and was loved and respected by the creatures who lived
there. Eventually, the King of the Fairies learned of the extraordinary maid who lived in the
middle of the forest. He decided to visit her and, using enchantment to disguise himself as a
human, the King called upon the cottage. Immediately, the King and Elyana feel deeply in love.
The King, however, knew they could not be together. He could not hold the human form forever,
and he had a duty to lead and protect the Fairy Kingdom. Elyana, being human, could not become
a fairy. Their union could not be. As the King confessed these things to Elyana, her tears fell fast
on his shoulder. As they fell, each tear became a beautiful jewel. The King used fairy magic to
fashion a crown out of the jewels the most beautiful crown, fit for the maid who held the heart of
the Fairy King. As he left her, the King promised to look for magic that would allow them to be
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Analysis Of The Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text that is very crucial to the historical background of the
Hindu religion. Hinduism is the most prevalent religion in India and the Bhagavad Gita is an epic
that those who follow the religion hold dear to their culture. The Bhagavad Gita is a section of a
large Indian epic called The Mahabharata, which is essentially a long epic vital to the Indian
culture. Much like most religious texts, the Bhagavad Gita is a story with multiple morals and
symbolic situations that people who follow the Hindu religion can use to follow their religion
and better themselves as people. It also goes over the ways one should go about working with a
calm mind and sense of purpose and how when you work you should go into it with a positive
mindset. These are a few of the major lessons from throughout the story of this epic.
The Bhagavad Gita has two main protagonists, Krishna and Arjuna, who are actually cousins with
each other through Kunti. Arjuna is a Pandava Prince and Krishna is actually a Hindu deity who
goes by the name of Vishnu. Krishna is a deity disguised as a human who befriends Arjuna within
the story. Despite one character being a god and the other being a mortal, there isn t a lot of
personality dissonance between the two. Arjuna depended on Krishna, who agreed to be his chariot
driver during the war, for guidance. He held nothing but respect for Krishna and Krishna respected
him back.
During the story, Arjuna is doing all he can he can
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Essay On Cuban Embargo
Embargoes are restrictions on trade between countries used to achieve some kind of goal. The
United States has imposed an embargo on Cuba to encourage the Cuban government to change the
way they run themselves because the United States does not agree with the system of government
they have in place. This embargo enacts total restrictions on trade and travel between the United
Statesand Cuba. The United States embargo against Cuba should be lifted because it is doing more
harm than good to both countries involved.
To start, embargoes in the United States started with Jefferson s Embargo of 1807 ( The
Embargo of 1807 ). Embargoes are put in place by countries in hopes to maintain or restore peace
between countries ( Sanctions, Embargoes and Restrictions ). They can be enacted for a number of
different reasons including moral, political, or environmental objections or concerns (Berkheimer).
Embargoes seek to encourage a country to change the regimes or groups that have allowed the
behavior from which the concerns arise. They do this by way of bans on certain things like travel,
arms, or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both of these problems created by the embargo leave ordinary citizens to suffer, not their
government. Because of the wholesale ban on trade, American food and related supplies cannot be
exported to Cuba. Many of the Cuban citizens are malnourished which leads to medical problems
Cubans do not have the resources to handle. Malnourishment also means pregnant women cannot
receive what their bodies need during pregnancies, leading to a high infant mortality rate for a
developed country. Due to trade restrictions Cuba cannot get any significant number of water
treatment chemicals to purify water for drinking. This has led to a decrease in the amount of safe
drinking water that is available to Cuban citizens ( Denial of
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The Evolution Of Tattoos Essay
The Evolution of Tattoos They re what you see on your friends, family and people walking on
the streets. This growing debate on tattoos brings me to the point of the evolution of tattoos.
Tattoos were once believed to be a risky trend and are now becoming more of the norm. As we
know it tattoos are not as unusual as they once were. There are many different reasons behind why
people get tattoos, for example personal losses, symbolism, or just the concept of it being art. Most
believe tattooing is just another medium of art and it should be respected along with the tattooartist
who give them. A lot of people differ in opinion behind what, where, and how people should get
their tattoos. A strong topic to think about is what to get as a... Show more content on
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So tattoos were used in a symbolic manner. As seen on television, movies about old Egyptian
times embrace their characters with tattoos all over their bodies. But it seems as if in reality old
Egyptians used tattoos as rituals for the gods to help them get something they wanted. The word
tattoo comes from the Polynesian word ta which means to strike something and the Tahitian
word tatau which means to mark something (DBoom). Both ways of saying it make sence and
still do explain how modern day tattoos are done. In 1991 a mummie called Otzi the Ice Man
was found in a mountain range between Italy and Austria, this mummie had to be 5000 years old.
The mummie consisted of 57 tattoos around the knees, kidneys, and the ankles. All the tattoos
were either vertical or parallel lines and most likely had to do with therapeutic reasons. The
supposed reasoning behind the tattoos were some sort of treatment for arthritis. Compared to now
and the past, the past usage for tattoos usually had to do with some symbolic reasoning. The
Scythians were an ancient people whose graves were found in the Altai mountains of Southern
Siberia. The graves were made of solid ice so the corpses were preserved very well (MSU). These
corpses had tattoos on them of totems and game animals. These tattoos were symbolic because the
game animals let us know that the Scythians liked to hunt. During the late 1700 s
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Compare And Contrast The Day Of The Dead Vs Halloween
Day of the Dead, Halloween, they re all the same right? Wrong. Although these two holidays are
both in the autumn season, they differentiate in many ways. Day of the Dead is a celebration for
the homecoming of ancestors who have died. In which Halloween is a holiday where people
dress up in costumes and collect candy from complete strangers. Pretty different, trust me I know
but to prove it to you even more, I have 3 reasons why Day of the Dead or Dia Le Los Muertos
and Halloween differentiate; such as, the way they emphasize spirits, colors they use, and the food
they eat.
Let s start off with the way each holiday emphasizes spirits. Halloween originated from the Celtic
festival known as Samhain. During this festival, people made bonfires ... Show more content on
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Halloween night, kids, and even adults (but not most) go walk around after dark in costumes
knocking on stranger s doors for food. But not any food. Candy. In the medieval times, kids used
to knock on doors and ask for food, money, and ale. Then the food given began a tradition and
inherited candy. So people all ages eat free candy for the whole night. Day of the Dead it s a
little different. They feast on meals, meals in which their ancestors loved, to remember them and
keep their presence inside of them. They eat al pan de muerto (bread of the dead) for the
celebration, and usually el mole (spicy chocolate sauce) because it s a traditional spanish sauce in
which a lot of people enjoyed. So as you now know, Day of the Dead and Halloween differentiate
even by the foods they eat.
Day of the Dead, Halloween, they re different right? Yes. They are very different from each other
even though they might have some similarities. There are many more things to compare between
the two holidays, but I just pointed out some of the obvious ones, colors/decorations, food, and the
way they emphasize
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The Future of Outsourcing Essay
The Future of Outsourcing In this extremely technically diverse twenty first century, where
businesses have become able to meet more and more of the needs of people and other businesses,
it is often amazing to think of all the individually operating parts which together make the business
a success. Often if even one part of that great machine falters, progress is halted. Thus it is crucial
to any company to be as healthy and efficient as possible. As demandsfor flexibilityfor customers
and increased profit for administration continue to grow, more and more businesses are turning to
outsourcingfor the creation of certain products and services. This is one way to alleviate pressure
from businesses workers, allowing them to do their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite his enthusiasm about not being laid off, Joseph s workload had increased ten fold in
response to the company trying to sustain its present levels of product production and customer
satisfaction despite now employing only three quarters of the work force it formally had.
Joseph is working longer hours, thus spending less time with his family and getting less sleep.
His general impression of his job (employee satisfaction) is quickly dropping. All this contributes
to his decreasing quality of work. Thankfully, after a few months, Joseph s good friend Bill (who
has a strong hand in how things work at Microsoft) notices Joseph s declining quality of work
and general unhappiness and decides to make some changes. They decide to outsource many of
the more menial jobs that were once performed by lower level employees; those jobs which
coincidentally now are the responsibility of Joseph. With these other tasks taken care of
elsewhere, Joseph is back to enjoying his job and designing some of the highest quality product
produced by the Microsoft Corporation. It is clear from this scenario how employee satisfaction
plays a large role in overall company efficiency as well.
When a business makes the decision to outsource there are numerous factions affected. First and
foremost is the person or team from within the company who are charged with the task of deciding
who they will choose to outsource them. They are termed the buyers . Being a buyer is perhaps
one of the
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Examples Of Escapism In The Veldt
One of the styles used in The Veldt is gothic literature. Gothic literature depicts spiritual bankruptcy
and behavioral dissipation as keys to character decline... In gothic extremes, the creeping demands
of escapism gradually costume the personality, reducing a normal being into a derelict, addict,
psychotic, or monster (Snodgrass). The author is explaining the definition of gothic literature and
how it can affect the characters in the story. An example of Gothic literature used in The Veldt is,
You didn t know what to do with yourself in this house, either. You smoke a little more every
morning and drink a little more every afternoon, and you are taking more pills to help you sleep at
night. You re beginning to feel unnecessary... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Science fiction deals with the impact of imagined science upon society or individuals. Science
fiction stories are often set in the future, but they don t have to be ( The Veldt ). The author is
explaining the definition of science fiction. The Veldt (1950), set in a near future when the
technology exists to create holographic duplicates of real world situations (D Ammassa). The
following quote is an example of science fiction used in The Veldt . They walked down the hall
of their HappyLife Home, which had cost them thirty thousand dollars with everything included.
This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to
them. Their approach was sensed by a hidden switch and the nursery light turned on when they
came within ten feet of it. Similarly, behind them, in the halls, lights went on and off automatically
as they left them behind (Bradbury). This quote portrays the science fiction in the story by
showing how technologically advanced the HappyLife house is and how much it does for the
Hadley family. Bradbury uses science fiction to show how easy the Hadleys have it because their
house basically does everything for
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The State Of The Wichita State University
Kansas has been ranked 17th in the nation for proportion of students taking on debt. Along with the
already high average, Kansas legislature has continued to make cuts on the budget of universities in
the state. With the cuts, universities in Kansas are forced to find income to replace the
deplenishing government funds. Previous attempts to solve this problem have been made, such as
raising tuition and the cost of programs. Students and parents alike are affected and concerned over
the rapidly increasing cost of this hometown school. Students come to Wichita State University for
not only the in state tuition but also to get a quality degree. With tuition on a rise due to Kansas
Legislature continuing to cut general funds to Wichita State University, the school must search
for revenue else where. The loss of potential exposure and revenue of Wichita State University
can be solved by the recreation of the Wichita State Football team. With millennial already
consisting of the highest amount of people out of work in a given generation according to a
study done by USA Today; students and parents have reason to be concerned. If the price of the
college continues to rise, those who are trying to face the obstacle of getting a quality education
without the out of state cost will be forced to search for an education elsewhere, if not go out of
state entirely. This problem is solvable as athletics for most universities makes the college
thousands. For example, the University of
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The Challenges Of Command Structure In Operation Anaconda
In early January 2002, American intelligence received evidence of a large volume of enemy forces
assembling in the Shahi Kot Valley in Eastern Afghanistan. Central Command (CENTCOM), led by
General Tommy R. Franks, was directing combat operations in Afghanistan through the Coalition
Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) and Coalition Forces Air Component Command
(CFACC). As the interest in assaulting the Shahi Kot Valley amplified, General Franks reached a
conclusion that a U.S. tactical commander was a need in Afghanistan. The decision was to assign
the 10th Mountain DivisionCommander, Major General (MG) Franklin Hagenbeck, as the tactical
commander. In an effort to strengthen MG Hagenbeck s command authority, CENTCOM named
his headquarters Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) Mountain and gave it command and control
authority over Operation Anaconda. By having command and control authority, MG Hagenbeck
would encounter challenges with the command structure. The challenges of command structure
were due to CJTF Mountain not having tactical control (TACON) of multiple Special Operation
Forces, the Joint Special Operations Air Component (JSOAC), and friendly Afghanistan forces.
These misunderstandings were resolved during the execution phase, but rectifying the command
relationships prior would have avoided lost time and resources needed on enemy forces and
positions. In this paper, I will identify the challenges of command structure during Operation
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Ingroups, Outgroups, and Their Affects on Behaviors
Ingroups, Outgroups, and Their
Affect on Behaviors
We as humans tend to relate to those that are similar to us, and tend to alienate those that we deem
as different than us. Whether it is by race, gender, culture, or religion, it is something that is almost
always present in human interactions, and often times can be completely subconscious. In our
textbook Interpersonal Communication by Kory Floyd, an ingroup is defined as A group of people
with whom one identifies. An outgroup is conversely defined as A group of people whom one
does not identify. Henri Tajfel first coined this terminology while he was working to devise his
social identity theory. These ideas of classifying people into ingroups and outgroups can lead to
many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In matches between the two groups of football teams, the teams from the same state as the
umpires received more favorable decisions than the other teams did by a margin of 11% for the
171 games studied. In situations where the umpires had to allocate rewards to members of a
group they identified with competing against a group they did not identify with they clearly
favored their ingroup. This study helped proved the theory that intergroup competition is a
prevalent reason why ingroup favoritism is often exhibited in society. This idea is completely
embedded into the entire sporting culture of our society today. We group ourselves together with
the home team or the ingroup. We prefer for that group, as well as ourselves by association, to
be successful. The second explanation that is usually offered is the idea that people will have a
better opinion of people in their ingroup in order to boost their own self esteem by association.
Robert Cialdini conducted a very interesting study on a concept called Basking in Reflected Glory
(BIRG) at several different universities. In order to study how self esteem was a determinant of
ingroup bias, Cialdini and his team researched the behavior of students after victories and losses of
the school s football teams. Their results Demonstrated the BIRG phenomenon by showing a
greater tendency for university students to wear
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Global Markets
DQ 1: Summarize the most important benefits and risks associated with diversification into global
There are benefits and there are risks associated with diversification into global markets.
Diversification into global markets means a company is seeking to have the control in one central
area instead of in many different areas because ultimately they are seeking to control their costs.
The main advantage of a global market is that a company does not need to make a lot of variations
of a product. They can instead just make one quality standardized product, which means it is easier
for the company to keep everyone on the same page in regard to any changes or innovations to their
products. Ultimately having a global market means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the creators of Sesame Street have not only tailored their show to be in different
languages depending upon where it s aired, but they have also tailored the shows characters and
their experiences for the specific market. The article also mentioned how Google adapts its
interface for the specific market that it is accessed in especially when it featured the characters
from Sesame Street on its interface. I found it pretty interesting that these two companies would go
to such great lengths to adapt to the local markets.
A quick example of local adaptation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2013, from International
Business and Strategy Blog: http://internationalbs.wordpress.com/2009/11/16/a quick example of
local adaptation/
(2012). Chapter 7: International Strategy. In G. G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, A. B. Eisner, G.
McNamara, Strategic Management (pp. 257, 259 260). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin.
DQ 3: According to Theodore Levitt, what are the three assumptions that favor the pursuit of a pure
global strategy? Briefly provide counterarguments to each assumption?
According to Theodore Levitt there are three assumptions that favor the pursuit of pure global
strategy. The first one is that customers worldwide are starting to all want the same things. If this
were true, I d be able to buy the same things that I can buy in the United States in
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Is Mormonism Really A Cult
Mormonism Is it really a cult?
Many people see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as LDS or
Mormonism, as a cult. But are they really a cult? Again others see them as a valid denomination of
Christianity. Which of these is more correct?
A great deal of people consider Mormonism to be a cult. They think that they have strange customs,
such as not eating fruit. It is true that Mormonism is different in many ways from most Christianity,
but does that really make it a cult? To quote the textbook: A cult represents a distinct break from
other traditions . So by that definition, all religion is cultist in nature. One major difference between
Mormonism and most Christianity is Baptism of the Dead. Mormons believe that
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Informative Speech On Cs Lewis
Clive Staples Lewis Have you ever heard of Clive Staples Lewis? If you haven t he has had good
and bad things happen in his career of writing. C.S. Lewis has been around for a while and I bet if
you don t know him you will know the book or books he has made. Have you ever heard of the
Book Narnia? Well, he didn t make it, Just kidding he did make that book. And in his class, he was
the brainiac. I want you to read some of Lewis s books because he made over two million copies of
his books. Clive Staples Lewis was born November 29, 1898, Belfast, Ireland (Shackel). As a child,
Clive was nicknamed jack. He was nicknamed Jack because his grandpa was named Jack. When
C.S. was ten years old his mom died. His mom died of cancer when he was ten (Griffin). Reading
and education were every big factors in Clive s life. Reading and education were so important
because dad wanted them to be very good at it when they grow up. Lewis and his brother wanted
to go to English boarding schools as a kid(Shackel). They saved up enough money to go to
boarding schools. As a midlife child Lewis got his degree in reading and language(Pettinger)....
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He went into the war because his great grandpa was in the war and he wanted to serve for his
grandpa. After being in the war for quite some time he got injured. After the war, Lewis taught
English at magdalen college(Pettinger). Lewis married an American woman by Joy Davidman
Gresham. He married her because he had strong feelings towards her. After quite sometime
Lewis and his wife got a divorce. She has fallen in love with someone else who she said to him is
a bigger better wealthier and better writer than you are. Six months after the divorce Joy was
diagnosed with advanced cancer. After a couple months with advanced cancer, she died. Lewis
was an author of about 40 books(shackle). 2 million plus copies sold out of his
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The Concept Of Heteronormativity Is The Belief That It Is...
The concept of heteronormativity is the belief that it is only normal natural and universal to have
two different genders. In addition to these two genders it would only be normal if there were clear
and distinct differences between the two. This would include ones biological sex, ones gender
identity, and ones genderrole in society. This would also mean it would be considered normal if
these two different genders sexuality were heterosexual. Meaning a normal sexual orientation
would only be between one male and one female. Our society defines these norms through
institutionalizing these concepts in our civilization. This concept of heteronormativityis considered a
basic social institution because it has been... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This reminded me a lot about Doing Gender because we learned that we view doing gender as an
accomplishment. This is similar to heteronormativity because in society we do gender and learn
gender based off of these heteronormativity ideals and norms . These are examples of how
heterosexuality can be viewed as normative through culture. An example of compulsory
heteronormativity or something that questions this institution structure, is Drag Queens. A drag
queen is a person, typically male, who dresses and acts with exaggerated womanliness and
portrays feminine gender roles. Drag shows have the potential to arouse powerful desires that
people perceive as contrary to their sexual identities people thinking about the boundaries of
heterosexuality. (Taylor and Rupp, p.4, 2006) This could be viewed as compulsory
heteronormativity because it s almost necessary and unavoidable in this situation to question the
heteronormativity of the setting. Another example of this is the media has been better about
showing exceptions to what is considered normal for example in shows like Modern Family and
Orange is the New Black were they have main characters with different sexual orientations, like
gay and lesbian. With these clear and distinct two different genders our society created it would
also make since if we also had two different expectations and roles for each gender. Gender roles are
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Different Types of Ducks
There were many different types of ducks in these locations but there were only a few I was
able to recognize: Ruddy ducks dive for their food Very easy to spot these ducks because the
male has a bright blue bill, the bottom of their head is white and the top is black. The female is
not as easy to recognize but the top of its head is a darker brown whereas the bottom is a lighter
brown/ white. Mallard dabbling These ducks are the most common ducks found around New
York state. They have a yellow bill with a green head and a white band around its neck. Common
goldeneye dive for their food The reason why this duck is called the goldeneye, is because it
actually has gold colored eyes. The male ducks have a shiny green head with a white circle on
its cheek. Its body is black and white. The female, like every there female, does not have as
many colors. The head is brown and like the male, has golden eyes. The body is grey/white. 2. a)
Flamingo: Its feet are long, skinny and webbed.They have 4 toes in total, three toes pointing
towards the front and one smaller toe in the back. This is because these birds are almost always
in the water and using their webbed feet for swimming and stirring up food from the bottom.
Their beak is hooked shaped, and their lower bill is much thicker than the top. This allows for the
flamingo to be filter feeders, looking for tiny shrimp. Heron: The heron s feet have three long toes,
two in the front and one behind to support their body when
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Essay On The Day I Became A Manuscript
The Day I Became A Manuscript I m under no illusion I m no music aficionado, partly because I
treat mainstream listening like a take away container, I sniff it, flip the curved edge cardboard top
off, dive in with a fork make some agreeable noises and then send the container off to recycling
utopia. After that, I rarely think about it. Unfortunately, I did pay attention to the download charts
in recent weeks in preparation for such a question. You may ve heard of them, the chart with the
most up to date download stats available to man said, as if you genuinely care... ah, the wonders of
download technology. As one of the pioneers of the digital age, namely getting the strong coffees
and testing buffer speeds / encryptions and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sign the walls of your Labyrinth... What an odious task that sounds like, errr, hardly jovial Y es,
labyrinths are via nature irregular irksome networks, they exist only in fiction, too meticulous to
make them a reality. Furthermore, I profess, wall signing presumably is a means to find your
way out again mindfully of course; yep, worth noting that, pens are available, allegedly. I cradle
myself in anguish with the poetry so called creative terminology indeed, I can be sure, Despacito
s purpose is to make your whole body a manuscript; written in Latin; well we don t want to pay
witness to English translation on a daily basis by looking in the mirror, staring at oneself,
thinking: I wish the manuscript made sense. meh, last time, I get kiss stripped by Daddy
Yankee. During those hazy days of pretending to Brazillian aupairs, I missed rhythm classes at
school, and the only salsa I knew was a spicy dip, that line got me more than I bargained for. I
now find the Latin vibe somewhat nostalgic; thus, I engage in a smidgen of slipper tapping under
the desk; Beiber style. Summer inspires a plethora of heart y tunes... I recall the tender depth an
office trousered, clean living Sharkey managed to muster. A man in his physical prime informing
us e number scally wags... a good heart is hard to find... True love, the lasting kind. What a
learning curve that was, more time for Commodore 64 code ... not
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The Detrimental Effects of Smoking Essay
One can have the necessary servings of fruit and vegetables, or exercise daily but healthy actions
mean little if one continues to smoke. The message, don t smoke, it s bad might be a clichГ© now,
but not everyone has given it the attention it requires. When one puts the killing thing in their
mouth, and lights it, they are giving the cigarette the power to do the killing. Smokingis one of the
greatest causes of disease and death worldwide due to the infinite amount of harsh, and injurious
chemicals inhaled. There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobaccosmoke, many of which are
poisonous and a minimum of 60 of those chemicals are cancerous. When the tobacco smoke is
exhaled, there is some tar that is placed in the lungs and the tiny hair... Show more content on
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The researchers were also focusing on explaining why secondhand smoking has half the risk of
smoking 20 cigarettes per day and it s correlation with heart disease. The researchers carried out
five sets of analyses using published data. First, they analyzed 19 acceptable studies on the risk
of ischaemic heart disease in lifelong non smokers who live with a smoker and those who don t
live with a smoker. They saw that non smokers who live with smokers increased their exposure
both inside and outside the home. The researchers divided statistics on the never smokers
according to whether their spouses currently smoked or had never smoked, disregarding ex
smoker spouses. They calculated the average risk according to age and sex. Furthermore, to
determine the risk associated with low dosage of smoking, the researchers analyzed the dose
response relation between smoking and ischaemic heart disease from studies of men who were
selected due to their large size. In each study, the smoker had been divided into three or four
categories according to the number of cigarettes smoked. In the third analysis, the researchers
determined how much of the excess risk of ischaemic heart disease is reversible many years after
stopping smoking. Fourthly, because people exposed to environmental tobacco smoke eat less fruit
and vegetables, this is associated with an increased risk of ischaemic heart disease. Finally, platelet
aggregation was another actor that could ve had an impact on the
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The Teenage Girl
The Teenage Girl To most people, Metal music is what they listen to when they re pissed off, or
working out, or something involving aggression, and a lot of people just wont listen to it. To
me, Metal is the complete opposite. A crushing guitar riff, backed by an intricate drum beat, and
all topped off with vocals that can be a blanket of emotions around the listener. When I listen to a
favorite band, or group, I am overcome with emotion. I sit and listen to a brutal riff with an
insane drum part, and I can just feel the stampede running through my ears. It is the most
satisfying feeling in the world. So for me to get to go to my first Metal concert a few years ago,
you can imagine there was no happier guy on earth that day.... Show more content on
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I thought that time was done mocking me, seeings how its today, i m here. I was sadly mistaken.
I didn t realize that the wait in line would drag on slower than a one legged turtle trying to get
across a muddy cornfield. I will tell you right now, that it was far beyond worth the wait when
finally, down the street I see several tour busses heading our way. I apologize if my language
offends you here, but i almost shit myself with excitement when They pulled up. The clock
could finally stop staring at me with that devilish smirk, and I could finally take my rightful
place as ruler of the front row. The big doors to the venue,which proudly I stood directly in front
of, slowly creaked open, as if asking are you sure you re ready? , and we all started scampering
in like dogs that had been left outside in the rain all day. I proudly handed the first ticket over to
the burly dude collecting tickets, and immediately ran to the front of the stage. I guess I forgot
about Ty and Dillon, but they ended up making their way up to the front anyway. Standing there,
you could feel the thick anticipation in the air, and smell the musty, sweaty bodies that had been
waiting outside all day. I didn t notice on my way up, probably due to being overly excited, but
your shoes stuck to the ground like the floor was made of duct tape. There was apparently a concert
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Pedagogy Of The Oppressed, Joel Spring And Jane Martin s...
Education is referred as the profusion of knowledge that is acquired by an individual when or after
studying specific subject matters or having an experience in life lessons that provides and
understanding of a certain concept. It requires instructions from composed literature or an
individual. Most familiar forms of educationresult from several years of schooling that integrates
studies of various subjects. Education provides learners with knowledge about the globe. It
enables the learners to acquire good career. It assists in building character of individuals. Education
leads to enlightenment and lays a firm foundation of a strong country. It makes a human being to
be complete. Philosophers urge that the fact that education enriches the individual s understanding
of themselves; it is also an investment and can have a huge impact on a nation s development and
growth (Jackson , 2012). This paper in a wider view will analyze the concept of education
following Paulo FreirePedagogy of the Oppressed, Joel Spring and Jane Martin s The Educated
Person perspectives. It will analyze the purpose of education according to these three sources.
Pedagogy of the Oppressed remains to be the widely known work of Paulo Freire. The books
analyze the struggle for equity and justice within the educational system and it proposes a new
pedagogy. In regard to education, Paulo Freire argues that words consists a radical interaction
between actions and reflection. He insists that true words
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The Emirates Based Aviation Group Essay
The Emirates Group, a UAE based aviation group whom owns Emirates Airlines also known as
Fly Emirates and Emirates Sky Cargo, that was founded on the year 1985. The organization
started off with only two aircrafts, flying from Dubai to Karachi. Now, Fly Emirates is the
largest airline in the Middle East and the second largest airline in the world by schedule revenue
miles flown, carrying around 1990 passengers per week and operating approximately 3600 flight
per week (EMIRATES 2016). The services are internationally known to be of a high class, comfort
in the skies with reasonable air fares, gaining the tittle as the Best Passenger Airline and the Most
Valuable Airline, in the world (EMIRATES 2016). Emirates operates its networks from its hub,
Dubai International Airport to more than 125 destinations throughout 6 continents. The airline
owns many aircrafts, including the Airbus A380, Boeing 777 300ER and the latest, Boeing 777 9.
Similarly, the organization has approximately 68000 employees, from 101 nations. Likewise,
Emirates Airlines has a sister company called Emirates Sky Cargo which handles the air freight,
internationally. Cargo operations commenced in the year 1989 and like Emirates Airlines,
Emirates Sky Cargo is equally branded by the people (EMIRATES 2016).
The SWOT analysis is a study that can determine Emirates Airline s Strengths, Weakness as well as
the Opportunities and the Threats. This report will clearly analyze Emirates Airlines using the
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Persuasive Speech On Replacement Window Project
If you ve recently completed a replacement window project, you probably aren t dreading winter
s arrival because you know there won t be any more cold, draft corners. Maybe you are even one
of those people who anxiously waits for the first snowfall? This year you can relax in front of the
picture window and enjoy the landscape as it silently transforms from dull to dazzling without
dreading the heating bill. Is it beautiful. Fresh snowblankets the lawn with a clean, sparkly surface
that just makes some of us smile from our pointy little toes to the tip of our toboggan topped
head. But, after a week of shoveling, blowing and packing, that inner song of joy can turn into a
moaning chorus of Oh! My aching back! Skip the aches and pains with this Renewal by Andersen
of New Jersey New York Metro blog post packed with tips gleaned from professional snow removal
experts and physicians who treat patients with back and muscle injuries.
Here s the snow removal scoop on the proper way to protect your back in 8 easy to remember tips.
1. Embrace the exercise. Did you know that 15 minutes of snow shoveling burns the same
amount of calories a walking a 15 minute mile or stair climbing for 15 minutes 150 calories.
When done properly, you can get in a workout without even going to the gym! While shoveling is
great exercise, people who are normally sedentary may be at risk for a heart attack if you dive
right in. Check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for snow
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The Education System Of India
Education system in India dates back to the Indus Valley civilization which saw the birth of new
culture. This period is referred as the Vedic age, as the Vedas were composed during this time. The
Ramayana and the Mahabharata gives lot of information on the life of the people and the education
system. We learn in the Vedas about the gurukul system which played an important role during that
A child was sent to the gurukul at a tender age of 7 where he learnt different aspects of education,
warfare etc. the education system also throws light on the relationship between the guru(teacher)
and the shishya(student). The students were very obedient to their gurus. The education was free
of cost and purely residential. In return the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Indian students never have intellectual courage because they are in an environment of those
thoughts which they are compelled to learn. Thus they lose their ideas and never knowing the
perspective of their growth. I would like to highlight a situation where a student was forced to
take up engineering which was not his cup of tea. He had a passion for fashion designing which
was not liked by his parents reason being a social status. Here it is important that the parents think
beyond society, social status and respect all professions equally as every profession has its own
pros and cons.
The government schools in India is an important point of concern as these schools were leading
once upon a time. The debate continues regarding the education system to be government or
private. The increasing privatization of schools has led to the decrease in the number of students
enrolled in government schools. The reason being private schools have better infrastructure,
facilities and well certified teachers in comparison to government schools. People below poverty
line also prefer private schools thinking that the child would support them in future. The future of
government engineering colleges is also pathetic though there are many facilities important being
RESERVATION . Inspite of this the students focus themselves on private colleges because of the
quality of education, good faculty, proper infrastructure, labs and spacious campus.
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The Ghost Dance Movement
Throughout the settlement of Western America, Native Americans were culturally assimilated.
This was an attempt by the Americans to transform the Natives culture and civilize them through
white education and living on reservations. However, the Natives preserved their cultures, tribal
identities, and even developed self sustaining economic practices. First, The Ghost Dance
Movement was a revival of Native beliefs that further helped them regain hope through religion.
Specifically, it was a religion of the late 1880s and early 1890s that combined elements of
Christianity and traditional Native American religion. It fostered the Plains Indians hope that they
could resurrect the great bison herds and call up a storm to drive whites back across
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How To Write A Good Research Paper
A Research Paper is a type of academic writing that needs more theoretical, significant and
methodical level of question. Although a research paper is a kind of term paper, some term
papers don t require academic research. Not all research papers can be considered as term papers.
An objective of writing a researchpaperis to allow people to read the work selectively.
In order to make an impression over the reader, in other words to make a paper readable following
some points should be noted:
Print or type using a 12 point standard font, such as Times, Geneva, Bookman, Helvetica, etc.
Text should be double spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with 1 inch margins, single sided
Number the pages consecutively
Start each new section on a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is impossible to use active voice when writing methods without using first person. This could
divert reader s attention on the researcher rather than the work. Therefore when writing up the
methods third person passive voice should be used. Normal prose should be used in each and
every section of research paper. Informal lists should be avoided. And make use of complete
sentences. Last but not least is the result part of the research conducted by the researcher. The
page length of result section is set by the amount and types of data to be reported. Continue to be
concise, using figures and table to present results are the most effective means of conveying final
results. The purpose of a results section is to present and illustrate researcher s findings.
To write a good research paper, there is a need to be specific about the topic. The content in the
topic must be specific, clear n short. The content should make an impact on the mind of the
readers. Following are the ten steps which should be considered while writing a good research paper.
Choose Your Topic. Some important points should be considered when choosing a topic. Choose a
topic that is of a wide interest. Attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort
and enthusiasm the researcher puts while doing the research. There should be sufficient
information about the topic. If topic is too broad, there can be difficulty of completing the number
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Research Paper On Sweetheart Asya
* * .. In this particular circumstance, regarding myself, I feel so much more improved when waking
up in the early morning hours, since I m getting to bed a lot earlier, than when staying up very late
into the nighttime hours. * * .. In fact, my dearest cherished housewife Sweetheart Asya , last night
I explicitly had a surprisingly interesting venturesome dream of curiously driving around with my
vehicle, visiting intriguing, unusual imaginative marvelous places particularly traveling the
compelling network of roadways among a city community, magnificent country superb rolling
farmlands beautiful, dazzling forested areas, including inside of undistinguished splendid buildings,
that I, actually never been to or actually... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Now, as my unmapped dream is proceeding along, I suddenly come across my former retail
supervisor Debbie, that I haven t seen for several years in my real life experiences. * .. Uniquely,
as I m browsing among the exquisite store s sale s floor merchandise fixture spacious aisle
layouts, I ve shortly discovered her working as the store s supervisor in this sizable upscale
fashionable contemporary department store at the Shopping Mall establishment, as markedly part
of my charming dream s theatrical backdrop, that doesn t even exist in real life, it s chiefly only
elegantly scripted as part of my ongoing expressive storyline narrative dream, my dearest cherished
housewife Sweetheart Asya . * .. Indeed, I had an interesting, informative dialogue talks with her, as
you so gracefully truly help me with developing during a real life internet interaction with you.
Regarding specifically to her interesting present work experiences, at this trendsetting store.
Afterward, getting helpful travel directions from her to continue on with the dream s saga to my
next fantasy journey s destination.
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Why Is Mark Twain Famous
People all over the world enjoy the writings and stories of Mark Twain. Stories such as
Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and the Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calveras County have long
delighted people of all ages. Notwithstanding, most people do not know the man behind the
stories, as it often is with celebrities. They know and revere him for his stories but do not know
how he came to be famous or his thoughts as he did so.
The fans that Mark Twainhas acquired only grows with each person who reads his remarkable
stories. However, he had to go through a lot of trials in order to publish those stories. One of those
trials was a man named Mr. Carleton who, when Twain came to sell his book, gestured around the
room at the bookshelves and said ...look
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Philosophy Of Ubuntu
With its origin in the Nguni language of the Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele people, the word Ubuntu can
be loosely translated to mean Humanity , but the true power and meaning of the philosophy can be
found in the summary of the phrase Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu , which can be translated to mean
A person is a person through other persons. or I am because we are.
The basic principal of Ubuntu is that a the success of a person is measured by the success of his
community and the people around him, meaning that if your community is healthy and prospering
than the individual is also healthy and prospering.
Although the concept is a wonderful ideal and could have been more easily achieved in the past,
the current social economic environment poses many challenges to the cultures who find their
identities in Ubuntu.
The origin of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The interconnectedness of all things is at the heart of the philosophy, the concept that all living
things are connected and that the wellbeing and stability of the collective depends on the how the
individual functions within the community, and how the community functions around the
individual (Washington, 2010). A powerful idea in theory and an amazing ideal, if it could be put
into practice in its entirety, it could have the ability to change the current socio political landscape
of the entire continent, if not globally.
Aside from the being a value system practised within African culture it can also be described as the
essence of being human. A person who is generous, caring, hospitable, respectful and compassionate
is said to have Ubuntu (Murithi, 2006). Ubuntu in a person is measured by their relationship with
and their actions towards others in society.
Xhosa Culture and
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Wearing Seatbelts In Australia
The issue of should seatbelts be compulsory fittings for all cars is a problem debated among
Australians. A seatbelt is a belt or strap that is used to secure a person into a seat of a car,
airplane, bus, etc. The seatbelt secures around the waist or diagonally across the midsection of the
person. In 2013, 20% or 150 people killed in crashes were not wearing any form of seatbelts.
Graph 1: Vehicle occupants killed that were unbelted in metro and rural area.
Arguments for
Newtons first law of motion states that An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays
in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. (
Newton s First Law ) In this situation, when a car crashes into an ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Car safety will need to be improved to keep up with the pace of technology. Currently in America
some cars are fitted with automatic seatbelts that click into place when the key is put into the
ignition. The engine wont start unless the seatbelts are secured. This could be used in Australia to
ensure seatbelts are being worn at all times. Ford are currently creating inflatable seatbelts so
when the car senses a crash the seat belt fills with air creating more protection for the passengers.
Although there are no new laws being discussed in Australia, different American states have
decided to enforce the laws that drivers, passengers in the front seat and children under the age of
16 have to wear seatbelts.
I believe that wearing seatbelts should be compulsory throughout the world. After observing all
the facts, it is clear that wearing a seatbelt would be more beneficial, less fatal and less fatalities.
In accordance with Newtons laws of motion, seatbelts act as an unbalanced force in order to bring
a person to rest whilst reducing the force that acts upon the person by increasing the time for
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The Grain of the Voice
The Grain Cinema audience often finds the connection to a film by experiencing what actors or
actresses are portraying, mainly through relating with the emotions being projected on screen.
These emotions can be presented in many forms in the realm of acting, but the voice plays the
biggest role in all of this. This could be the reason why many stars are being hailed for their
voices throughout the history of film. When discussing about voices, one could only come to
the conclusion of defining it as the spoken language; words that are released from one s mouth.
However, voices are more than just language, in fact voices and language are so different that
Barthes seeks to find and explore the gap between these two elements in his essay The Grain of
the Voice. It is this displacement that I want to outline, not with regard to the whole of music
but simply to a part of vocal music (lied or melodie): the very precise space (genre) of the
encounter between a language and a voice. I shall straightaway give a name to this signifier at
the level of which, I believe, the temptation of ethos can be liquidated (and thus the adjective
banished): the grain, the grain of the voice when the latter is in a dual posture, a dual production
of language and of music. (1977: 181) As the statement above suggest, the grain is a place where
language and voice meet, the place where both intertwine creating a new space, as Barthes would
explain, the fringe of contact between voices and language.
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How Is Diction Used In Literature
A character s usage of words can create not only emotions for others, but for their own as well.
Throughout Indian and Pakistani literature, a character s emotions on him or herself is expressed
throughout the experience of the past. Through their literature, authors wrote their stories through
the 1900s, where certain events occurred at the time. which makes an impact due to their
experiences through those time. Accordingly, India s authors and their stories express different
types of diction where they use, repetition, emotional, and abstract diction through their literature,
to gather an individual s awareness of how a character is alone. Furthermore, a theme of loneliness
is expressed throughout diction, expressing to a reader what words... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
People may speak out words in life that may affect themselves and other after losing someone that
was significant, which can connect to Indian and Pakistani literature. All parts of a struggle
coming back to a character facing the past being alone in life can create emotions overall. Readers
must comprehend that people in society today can relate to Indian and Pakistani literature where
one feels alone. A reader who looks at Indian and Pakistani literature can understand that people
with struggles in India or Pakistan countries can go through a lot with their emotional past. For the
most part, the significance of Indian and Pakistani literature is to make a reader acknowledge how
going through a tough situation can cause circumstances that get emotional for a character s self
and others around them. In today s society, people may associate to this literature to distinguish a
relationship with people being alone through the countries India and
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High Priority Issues For Southcom And Partner Nations
High priority issues for SOUTHCOM and partner nations can differ despite their long history of
working together. For SOUTHCOM, a heavy focus is on ensuring that the limited funds made
available are used wisely. In contrast, the partner nations would like to see: (1) the establishment of
regional impunity commissions with the highest priority nations being in El Salvadorand Honduras,
where everyone is charged with crimes and those found guilty could be held accountable regardless
of their political affiliation; (2) the reformation of political institutions to increase governability due
to corrupt executive, judicial, and legislative branches that are driving armed non state actors to
gain territorial control away from each nation state... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Immigration and Customs Enforcement s (ICE) Operation CITADEL, which targeted the
smuggling of migrants from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America into the United States
. As a result of the operation, large scale criminal networks were dismantled and unaccompanied
children were rescued. (3) In concert with our law enforcement, intelligence community, diplomatic,
and regional partners, the focus is on countering transnational organized crime (CTOC); (4) Joint
Interagency Task ForceSouth (JIATF S) at forefront of effort to combat the illicit drug trade and to
illuminate the networks engaged in this nefarious activity disrupting three times the amount of
cocaine seized at or within U.S. borders; (5) In response to the insecurity that drove last year s
unaccompanied children crisis, capacity building efforts in the Northern Tier of Central America
became high priority; (6) through equipment support, infrastructure projects, counterdrug training,
and aggressive information sharing, there has been significant improvement in improving partners
maritime interdiction and border security capabilities; (7) Marine component deployed a Special
Purpose Marine, Air, Ground Task Force (SPMAGTF) to help partner nations extend state presence
and security in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize. Working alongside Honduran
military and government officials,
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Management Accounting
1. a) What is the rationale of founders of (product) Red?
Their main reason for creating Product Red was to raise awareness and money for the Global
Fund by teaming up with the world s most iconic brands to products that would be sold. A
percentage of each product sold would be donated to the Global Fund to help women and children
affected by pandemics such HIV/AIDS and malaria. A basket of consumer goods were launched to
this effect which included Product Red American express card, vintage t shirts, Motorola handsets,
converse wear, apple iPod, Emperio Armani and also an edition of the Independent.
The Red manifesto, clearly outlined the core reason as, we believe that when consumers are offered
this choice and the products meet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The author also raises the point that despite numerous charitable efforts towards Africa in the last
five decades, Africa has gone from poor to poorer. This gives the impression that social
responsibility, as it were, is not being done ethically. The author is also of the thought that a free
market capitalism on its own has done far much better in alleviating poverty in the developing
world/countries if it is left to act on its own without marketing forces and humanitarian groups
working in counter parallelism.
The author is also of the thought that the two initiatives (that is, Product Red and Red Gap) are
deviating from their main mission of company profitability maximization which compromises
shareholder value, as these companies are now against the idea of capitalism which they view as
immoral and they hence believe a profit making end should be expiated by an occasional show of
real goodness (donating to charity).
Campaigns as Product Red according to the author, accommodate the belief that globalization is an
evil business practice, of which the author thinks to the contrary.
The author also highlights that it s not private companies prerogative to pursue charitable causes at
the expense of shareholder value maximization, as this is
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The Correlation Between The Value Of Time Series Of...
Autocorrelation is defined as the correlation between the value of time series at a specific time
and previous values of the same series (Reference). In other words, with time series what happens
in time t contains information about what will happen at time t+1. Autocorrelation plots are a
commonly used tool for checking randomness in a data set. This randomness is ascertained by
computing autocorrelations for data values at varying time lags. If random, such autocorrelations
should be near zero for any and all time lag separations. If non random, then one or more of the
autocorrelations will be significantly non zero. The autocorrelation plots can provide answers to
questions such as are the data random? Is an observation related to an adjacent observation? Is the
observed time series white noise, sinusoidal or autoregressive? They help in understanding the
underlying relationship between the data points. The autocorrelation plots of 4 time series of
heating operating system are as follows :
a. Supply temperature setpoint : The plot starts with a high correlation at lag 1 which is slightly less
than 1 and slowly declines. It continues to decrease until it becomes negative and starts showing an
increasing negative correlation. The decreasing autocorrelation is generally linear with little noise.
Such a pattern in the autocorrelation plot is a signature of strong autocorrelation , which in turn
provides high predictability if modeled properly. b. System
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Driving Under The Influence
Driving under the influence, also known as DUI , is the one of the most common criminal
offenses in the United States (12). Nearly a million people are arrested every year for a
DUI or , the crime or offense of any driver operating any vehicle while impaired by alcohol, drugs,
recreational drugs or even prescribed drugs that render the driver from operating their vehicle safely
(Alcohol). While DUI s come with a hefty punishment, an act of public humiliation must be tacked
onto these consequences in order to prevent so many cases of the nation s most common criminal
Every driver, that is under the influence, is putting every life around them in danger. Any person
that operates any vehicle with any faulted perception from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
This act of public humiliation would make people think twice before gambling on driving under the
influence. People would just put on
DRIVING UNDER EMBARRASSMENT 9 their plate after purchasing the required neon yellow
plate. If the suspect gets caught while not using their neon yellow plate, they shall be sentenced to
one year in a state prison.
When someone gets another DUI their tag color turns into a lime green; this tag will cost
1000 dollars. The lime green tag will be rare among cars and cause even more unwanted attention.
Suspects would purchase and apply this tag just like a normal tag. If the suspect is caught without
their lime green tag, the vehicle will be forfeited immediately and the subject will serve two to three
years in a state prison. Arguments against both tags consist of one main argument being, this is
cruel and unfair punishment on people. Complaints and petty quarrels
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Trisha Brown Research Paper
Trisha Brown was born in Aberdeen, Washington on November 25th, 1936 and received her B.A.
degree in dance from Mills College in 1958. She later received a D.F.A. from Bates College in
2000. For many summers, she studied with Louis Horst at the American Dance Festival, which was
then held at Connecticut College.
Trisha moved to New York Cityto study composition with Robert Dunn, who had taught a class at
Merce Cunningham s studio. This studio was based on John Cage s theories of chance. Brown
rejected aspects of it but also maintained great admiration for him and his work. In 1961 she trained
with dancer Anna Halprin and became a founding member of the avant garde Judson Dance
Theater in 1962. There she worked with experimental dancers Steve Paxton, Twyla Tharp,
Lucinda Childs, Yvonne Rainer, and David Gordon. In the late 1960s, Brown created her own
works which attempted to defy gravity using equipment such as harnesses and ropes, which
allowed dancers to walk on or down walls to experiment with the dynamics of stability. These
equipment pieces were the first dances to comprise a distinct series in what would become a
working method for her as she went on to create various cycles of dances throughout her career.
In 1970, Brown cofounded the Grand Union, which was an experimental dance collective, and then
founded the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her style has evolved from carefully built up, repetitive gesture to its current fluid virtuosity. She
has done a mirror duet drawn from a solo in 1994 called If You Couldn t See Me (1994), in
which Brown performed entirely with her back to the audience, it is performed to ten minutes of
an electronic sound score on a bare stage. In December of 2012, at age 76, Brown announced that
her next two dances would be her last. The influence of Trisha Brown will forever be a major
impact of not only modern, but of all aspects of
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Children Act 2005 Essay
The Children Act 1989 set out principles to guide the work of local authorities and courts, and also
defined significant harm and a child in need of intervention it put a duty on LAs to promote
/ safeguard the welfare of children in need in their area. The Act ensures that the welfare of children
is foremost; and identifies the responsibilities of parents and those who work with children to
guarantee the safety of the child. Its main aims were to: Achieve a balance between protecting
children and the rights of parents to challenge state intervention Encourage partnership between
statutory authorities and parents Restructure the framework of the courts, in particular with regard
to family proceedings Redefine the concept of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter agency working to safeguard and
promote the welfare of children (March 2010) makes it clear that the responsibility for
safeguarding children/young people is a shared responsibility. The guide makes the point that
effective information sharing underpins integrated working and is a vital element of both early
intervention and safeguarding. It set out how organisations and individuals should work together
to safeguard children and local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) were established through
local authorities. The Working Together to Safeguard Children Guide specifies the general
responsibilities which apply to all organisations. All organisations that provide services or work
with children should: Have senior managers committed to children s and young people s welfare
and safety Be clear about people s responsibilities to safeguard and promote children s and young
people s welfare Check that there are no known reasons why particular adult couldn t work with
children Have procedures for handling allegations of abuse against staff Make sure staff get
training in
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What Is The Worst Hurricane Katrina
Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29, 2005. It is know as the third worst hurricane
ever to hit the US. The worst hurricane was the Great Galveston hurricane which took place in
1900. Katrina was the worst destructive storm ever in US history.
This storm had a Category 3 rating on the Saffir Simpson Hurricane Scale. It had great winds of
100 140 miles per hour, and stretched about 400 miles across. This hurricane destroyed many towns
across the gulf coast mostly in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama causing more than $100 billion
in damage. (History.com, 2009)
This storm started forming over the Bahamas on August 23. Many people knew right away that
this was going to be a bad hurricane, and were able to some what prepare themselves.
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Essay On Pollution In Hindi Wikipedia


Essay On Pollution In Hindi Wikipedia


Essay On Pollution In Hindi Wikipedia

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Essay On Pollution In Hindi Wikipedia

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  • 2. Diffusion And Diffusion Lab Report For part one of the State Lab we prepared to build a model cell using a false membrane to test diffusion which is the process by which the collisions between molecules cause them to separate out for simple sugar which is glucose and starch. The first thing we did was create a cell and we did this by first taking a dialysis tube and put it under warm tap water for a few minutes until it can gently be pull out of the end. Then, when we get it open we seal on part of the the tube by folding it over and with a piece of string. After, add Вј glucose solution then add enough starch solution halfway through the tube. After all of the solutions are then added lock the other end of the tube by tying it with another pair of string. We then got a beaker and filled it up with water and added starch... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The process that is occurring that we would see is osmosis is a special type of diffusion which is when the molecules are moving from a high concentration of water to a low concentration of water to have a water balance. The first thing we did was put a piece of onion on a slide with tap water and then under a microscope and analysis how the cell looks which was clear to see the cell wall as well as the cell membrane and the cytoplasm. Then, we added the salt water solution on the onion and put it under the microscope and let it sit for a few. By adding salt water it would make the water move out of the cell because the surrounding area is hypertonic. After a few we check back with the onion and noticed that the cell was shrinking and the cell membrane was becoming a curve and cytoplasm began to shrink, therefore, we conclude that if a cell is placed in solution with different concentration it would either shrink or swell it s all depending on the place where there is a low concentration that the water can move ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. America s Freedom Rings Through The Liberty Bell Shockingly, words convey multiple stories and ideas. Within each word lies an abundant amount of perspectives, treasures, and unknowns. Restoration means to return something to its original state or condition. However, deeper ideas apply. Historically, the United States developed into a place of freedom of speech and a home of many; a symbol of America s freedom rings through the Liberty Bell. Independence solidified after the United Statesdefeated Britain, which exhibits the restored beliefs of the citizens as a whole. Men became unified, conflict faded to the backdrop, and people viewed their home differently. In nature, restoration still shines. Continuously illuminating the day, the sun stays overhead; the rays greet people with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Formation of In-groups The author of this piece is Dr. Gordon Allport. He is the former head of Harvard s Department of Psychology as well as the founding father of social psychology. Allport published many books including The Nature of Prejudice (1954). The purpose of the article is to inform the audience that in groups are everywhere and identity is based on our in groups. This essay is an excerpt from the book The Nature of Prejudice in 1954 and is a credible sourcebecause the principles Allport discussed are still studied by psychologists and researchers today. In the essay, Allport speaks of reference groups and how it relates to in groups. According to Allport reference groups are the group that an individual wishes to be apart of, but an in group is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This article One and Done is an excerpt from her book One and Only and the reviews of this book come from extremely credible sources such as the New York Times, therefore establishing her credibility. The author s purpose for writing this piece is to argue that having one child is not detrimental to the child psychologically, and only children are not different than kids with siblings. This piece was written July 7, 2010 so the research and studies are very up to date. The main points of this article started out with the argument of why Sandler herself decided to have one child, and this is based on how the economy is sluggish... and raising kids cost a bundle. She describes the effects of the recession on the number of children women bear, and points out that women are having less and less children because of their high costs. Sandler then goes on to discuss why people urge families to have more than one child, and she uses personal experience of a cashier in a store to exemplify the pressure of having more kids. Sandler investigates why there is such an aversion to have only one child, single children are perceived as spoiled, selfish, solitary misfits, because this is such a believable stereotype, parents are pressured to have multiple children because they don t want to do that to their child. Sandler uses the study by Granville Stanley Hall to act as a counterargument ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Victor Frankenstein Film Analysis Victor Frankenstein 2015 Victor Frankenstein 2015 is a science fiction, thriller and horror film that is based on the 1818 novel by Mary Shelley. The film was directed by Paul Mcguian and starred Daniel Radcliffe as Igor and James McAvoy as Victor Frankenstein (McGuigan). Unlike other film adaptations based on the same novel, the film is narrated from Igor s perspective. Igor is a young assistant who is working closely with his over ambitious friend Victor. Victor is also a young medical student who will stop at nothing to achieve his scientific goals. The director lets the film rolls from Igor s perspective in order to allow the audience to understand and appreciate the emergence of Frankenstein as scientists that the audience knows to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He proves this when conversing with Igor in the lab when the latter says, Victor, you promised me that this was all about life , Victor remarks in awe that it was about so much more than life (Frankenstein). The film was written by Max Landis and is significantly different from most versions of the same story (Coming to Life). It attempts to take a third person perspective in order to reflect on the temperament of the main character, Victor Frankenstein. Using third person narration, Max manages to vilify Victor s character by shining a light on his recklessness. This is particularly important given that the Mary s novel allowed the audience to empathize with Victor due to the loss of his family members and fiancГ©. In this adaptation, the writer ensures that Victor is unhinged and carefree but a loyal friend to Igor and other people in his life. In addition to being brash, Victor is humorous in most of the scenes. This is implied when Igor pleads with him to rethink the experiments since the police were after the duo. While his friend Igor wanted to make a world a better place and hopefully be remembered for inventing new ways of healing the sick, Victor seeks to redefine the meaning of life and death. From the writing, it is clear that Victor did not really intend to get anybody hurt. His character is simply deranged and he ends up risking the lives of the people around him. The writer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. The Hills And Rocky Creags She felt right at home, living in her Seanmhair s cottage and with Scotland, as her new address. Scotland had actually always been her second home. It s going to take time to get acclimated to her new living arrangement and the Scots way of life. Aileana decided she should take a walk into town to see if any of her friends might be out and about. It was a magnificent sunny day, now that the morning mist had burned off. As she walked along the sidewalk in town, the smell of the ocean and green hills made her feel so wonderful and content. She could genuinely appreciate the splendor of the country here, she loved that you were able to see the rolling hills and rocky creags. It was so different from the San Fernando Valley where she... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aileana hoped all the married men would be home enjoying their off time with their wives and family. The testosterone level was quite high in the pub as the men were all bragging about one thing or another. She could hear a group of rowdy men laughing about some off color story one of the oil riggers was revealing. The room had a friendly vibe, lots of beer drinking and cheerful men. Aileana walked over to the bar to place her order for the sampler platter of shrimp, scallops and mussels in white wine, butter, and garlic broth. The platter was served with a chunk of warm dark Scottish oat bread with a generous portion of soft creamy butter. She decided to go with a white wine since her seafood platter came in a wine broth. Aileana thought it s a good thing she had been getting her walks in the morning and surfing an hour or so in the afternoons. Or else she wouldn t be able to get through the pub doors. Just as she got ready to take a seat towards the back of the pub; so she could watch all the local action. She noticed one of the men who was the size of a mountain, and as solid as a block wall; who played a mean game of darts with his cohorts and seemed to fill the tavern. Dart man backed up and bumped her glass of Sauvignon Blanc which splashed down the front of her green plaid woolen Pendleton shirt. The big beast of a man had been laughing with his buddies and was unaware she walked behind him. He spun around and started to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Community In The Deaf Community The Deaf community is comprised of people of a variety of ethnicities and backgrounds, as Deafness prevails around the world; discriminating against none. The Deaf community grows continually. As a hearing person learning about the community, it s distinctive culture and how to communicate in ASL, I am developing myself and discovering my fairly new position within the Deaf community. Firstly, I feel that the community itself is important in learning societal expectations and background knowledge. For this, I feel I am beginning to understand the true nature of the community, and why it is the way it is. For instance, the Deaf community is collective, unlike the hearing community, which is individualistic. While I understand this as a fact, it is difficult to adjust and truly understand this idea and the implications it may hold. In addition, I have noticed a sort of hierarchy within the Deaf community, wherein certain members tend to be cherished to a higher degree, despite Deaf people generally not bothering to hold a candle to one another s careers, economic ranking, etc. to determine ranking. I feel that these cherished members are strong leaders and advocates in the Deaf community. Hearing members of the community do not appear to have much in the way of ranking instead, they use their position to voice Deaf people s positions, and point the media towards Deaf members of the community. As well, there are Social Behaviour topics within the Deaf community. While the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Football Day Beep! Beep! Beep! It s a normal Saturday morning as my alarm goes off at 11:45. I have an alarm for every saturday morning at 11:45 so I can get up and watch Rutgers football. But first I have to get out of bed and that s always a struggle in the morning. I don t think their has ever been a morning where I feel good and refreshed. Whenever I wake up it s always groggy and awful but I cause that because I stay out late on Friday nights. I finally get myself out of bed but i feel like I got no sleep. As i m walkingdown my hallway my 22 year old immature brother comes out of nowhere and pushes me to the ground. I was still half asleep so by the time I got up my brother is already downstairs. I wantto attack him for pushing me to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We struggle to get Fritz to drop the mouse but we eventually get him to. Matt and I start walking back to the house talking about how bad Rutgers is. So, about 15 minutes pass Matt, Brian and I are sitting in the driveway getting ready to go golf when my pager goes off. My brother and I Volunteer firefighters and station 38. We get a decent amount of fire calls but almost all of them are false alarms. But when that pager goes off there s nothing better then the adrenalin rush that you get. There was only one problem, and that was that Matt was with us and he was not a firefighter so he could not go with us. My brother kicks us out of his car and turns on his lights and speeds down the street. I look at Matt and he knew that I wanted to go so he said yeah i ll go home. Matt leaves but now I have no ride to the firehouse so I hop on my bike and start riding as fast as I can. I m riding so fast that I can t feel my legs because they burn so much. I eventually get to tired so I just ride casually and check my phone. My friends at the firehouse are texting in the group chat saying that it is the big one. Once I see that, I stand up and start riding fast again. It s only about a 4 minute bike ride but it feels like it has been 30 minutes. I finally get to the firehouse and throw my bike to the side and run into the door. Im one of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Stereotypes In The Outsiders Stereotype; a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. In the realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton, and in the short story, Geeks Bearing Gifts , written by Ron Koertge, stereotypes are defied by ordinary people. In The Outsiders, Johnny Cade and Darry Curtis face many struggles throughout their lives. Their town in separated into two: the rich and dangerous Socs, and the quiet, tough Greasers. For them, living dangerously is a reality. As a result of their lifestyle, Johnny has become fearful and Darry is considered the toughest man in the gang. In Geeks Bearing Gifts aspiring journalist, Renee, interviews her fellow classmates who are classified as outcasts. After meeting several students, she realizes her assumptions were incorrect about them. After reading both of these stories, the reader learns that our thoughts about others often revolve around stereotypes and assumptions, but most of these ideas that we have about other peopleare proven wrong. In The Outsiders, Johnny and Darry find themselves struggling with the stereotype society has labeled them with. While in the park, Johnny and his friend Ponyboy are jumped by five Socs. Unexpectedly, Johnny stands up for himself and protects his friend. On page 56, the text states, I killed him, he said slowly. I killed that boy . Bob the handsome Soc, was lying there in the moonlight, doubled up and still. This demonstrates that although Johnny is considered a timid and innocent person, he proves that how he acts in the gang is different from how he acts in the outside world. This is unexpected because Johnny is always the one being cared for in the gang. However, he protected his friend by killing someone. Johnny s actions prove that our assumptions about others are wrong. This matters because society needs to realize that based on stereotypes, we incorrectly judge others before getting to know them. Johnny is a clear example of what happens when one is judged based on assumptions. Another example of this theme is reflected when Darry breaks down at a hospital after finding out that his younger brother, Ponyboy, is going to be okay. On pages 98 99, the text states, Darry, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Target s Marketing Strategy Target was found in 1902 and the first store opened in 1962 in Roseville, Minnesota, which provided convenient shopping at discount prices. Due to the company s success, Target is now the second largest retailer in America and is the most visited retail website today ( Winning the Back to College Sales Season , 2016). Target s brand promise is to Expect More. Pay Less. In addition, their core values consist of designing, celebrating diversity and inclusion, offering great shopping anytime, anywhere, having a fun and rewarding place to work, and offering their customers more for their money. The company s mission statement, which is mentioned as its Promise Beliefs states, We fulfill the needs and fuel the potential of our guests. That... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As of 2016, Target s revenue is worth $69.5 billion, they have reached $69,495 million in sales, and today, their stock is worth $58.99. Target s marketing mix consists of price, product, place, and promotion strategies. In terms of placement, Target has 1,800 plus stores and 39 distribution centers in the U.S. In addition, Target has over 320,000 team members across the world and they have over 2,500 team members in Bangalore, India, which is their other headquarters other than their Minneapolis location. Target also has an online business other than their physical ones, which is Target.com. In terms of product, Target has a wide and diverse range of merchandise which consists of apparel, shoes, home dГ©cor, electronics, toys, and food for example. Of these products, Target has exclusive and owned brands. Target uses several pricing policies to offer good bargain prices. According to marketing 91.com, Target uses an economy policy, which prices goods at discounted and low prices and Target uses a bundling pricing policy, which encourages bulk sales through incentives. In terms of promotions, Target uses electronic and print media ad campaigns to promote their products and special offers, which consists of coupons, flyers, newspapers, magazines, and television ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Marketing Plan on Gyms Jim Active Gym Marketing Plan. Liam Mullins: 3052944 Jackson Behan: 3051421 Li Pham: 3034902 Tutors Name: John Lawson JIM ACTIVE GYM MARKETING PLAN CANBERRA, ACT, CIVIC PREPARED BY LIAM MULLINS JACKSON BEHAN amp; LI PHAM Contents page Executive Summary | 4| Business Overview/ Purpose of plan| 4| Product/ Service Information| 4| Implementation| 5| Cost of Implementation| 5| The Company| 6| Mission Statement| 6| Stakeholders| 6| Organisation Structure| 6| Corporate Strategy| 6| Summary of Objectives | 7| The Macro Environment| 8| Economic| 8| Political/Legal| 8| Technological Environment | 8| Socio Cultural / Global Trends| 8| The Macro Environment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jim Active wants to help local athletes and sporting teams achieve their goals. JAG will be looking to support its local charities, community events and health awareness. Jag will be encouraging young people to become active by marketing the benefits of exercise and a healthy life. Stakeholders Jim Active Owner Staff Clients (members) Organisation Structure JAG well consist of 12 employees. Consisting of 9 personal trainers (5 full time and 4 part time) and 3 casual reception staff. Jim Active (owner) well be taking a hands on approach to ownership and well be working as one of the full time personal trainers. Jim well handle all administrative duties and the personal trainers well train their respective clients according to the schedules
  • 12. provided by the receptionists. The receptionists well be responsible for all front desk duties and cleaning the gym. At all times Jim wants to have at least 2 personal trainers working and at least 2 receptionists to ensure that all clients needs are met. Corporate strategy Additional corporate objectives for Jim Active Gym are as follows; Create goodwill Achieve and appeal to customer goals Summary of Objectives The key objectives for Jim Active Gym are; (1) To gain market share and make a healthy profit for its owner. (2)To develop the gyms class programs and expand to clients needs. During the first year have a series of group training such as fat camp . This group training camps are to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Odysseus is Not a Hero for the Modern Age Essay Many would argue that Odysseus is more of a villain nowadays, for every instance of his wiliness or feats of strength there are several of venality, vice, cruelty, or selfishness. The episode of the Sirens,(Book 12), is one example. The only reason Odysseus ties himself up to the mast, when instead he could have simply plugged his ears with wax like the rest of his crew, is that he chooses the jeopardous choice, wanting to go down in the books by being the first man to ever listen to the Sirens song and live. In consequence he possibly endangers the rest of his crew from safely reaching home by endangering himself. While Odysseus many adventures are very exciting, he spends a considerable amount of time cheating on his wife (with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the time of the so called Heroic Age (roughly the Mycenaean Age, the time of the Trojan War , 1200 1100 BCE or thereabouts) standards were much, much different, and some of them, at least, for very good reasons. Probably by those standards (or the standards of Homer s time, some 400 years later) Odysseus was considerably closer to a hero than he would be in our eyes today. Perhaps, what might now be seen as grotesquely excessive blood letting, would then have been seen as an understandable or even necessary act of retribution Again, Odysseus darker and immoral acts could be viewed could viewed as metaphors for and/or accurate reflections of the imperfection of the human race. Characteristics that show that heroes too are flawed. A hero who has some shortcomings is a more believable character, they may be godly in the sense that they do what no one else can, but that they are still only human. Drawing on this, Odysseus can be considered a hero for modern times. He possesses admiral skills, such as commitment and knowledge, which are still considered heroic today. He uses these traits to protect himself and his crew as they make the long journey home. Although Odysseus is renowned for his expertise in fighting, he is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. A Comparison Of My Fair Lady And My Fair Lady After reading Ovid s original myth Pygmalion and Galatea , Shaw was disappointed with it and decided to take pen to paper and create his own version of the story, thus Shaw s Pygmalion was created. The story follows the quest of a young girl, Eliza Doolittle, to transform into a lady because of a bet made by Henry Higgins, a gentleman who is knowledgeable in phonetics. Eliza is successfully able to shape herself into a lady however, the book does not end with happy union of Higgins and Eliza rather a deep animosity between them. In George Cukors musical My Fair Lady diverges from Shaw s original play, and has Higgins and Eliza end up together. Therefore ending of My Fair Lady is a vulgar travesty of the play s design, as Nicholas Grene writes because it undermines Eliza s transformation and it is not a logical ending. Eliza s transformation is something that happens of the course of the play in order for that transformation to hold true Eliza needed to decide not to marry Higgins. Shaw even calls the play a romance in five acts because of Eliza s transformation. After the ambassador s garden party, the bet is deemed a success because the host and the guests of the party believe that she is a lady. Even Nepommuck, Higgins apprentice who has surpassed him, firmly believes that Eliza produces an air of divine light... [and that] She is a princess (Shaw 72). The host and hostess both agree on this, which is meant to signify the success of Eliza s transformation. However, Eliza s success at the garden party is not the true ending of her transformation. The true ending of her transformation is when Eliza stands up for herself and defies Higgins thus becoming a true lady. During the entirety of Eliza s six months of training under Higgins, he treats her atrociously. Upon her arrival, he threatens to kick her out and assaulted her with a barrage of insults such as squashed cabbage leaf and guttersnipe . He did not treat Eliza like a lady, as a result, she did not feel like a lady. On the other hand, Pickering always treated her like a lady and she gained self respect from that. Eliza explains that the difference between a flower girl and a maiden is how she s treated because Pickering always treats ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. San Diego Drought How does the California drought affect local ecotourism in San Diego? Water has been around for almost as long the Earth has been around, approximately 4.6 billion years ago. In some shape or form, water has continued to be an important resource since the formation of Earth and continues to be today as well. Water being a finite abundant substance, it covers up approximately 70 percent of the Earth s surface. It is without a doubt an essential resource needed to sustain life on Earth. Nonetheless, not only is water an important resource for all living organisms for subsistence, but it also serves other purposes: agriculture purposes, medical and health purposes, tourism and much more. However, with the recent emergence of the issue surrounding... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... California is a geographically dry area and water shortage has been a serious issue affecting the state since 2012. California has the highest water consumption compared to all the other states and this partly due to the reason that roughly eighty percent of the state s water is used towards agriculture; California being the largest agricultural export distributor in the country (Green). Since of 2012, California has been on a severe four year drought and has had immediate plans and regulations in order to reduce the impact it has. According to California Water Science Center, 2014 was the third driest year on record and following that, 2015 [was] the warmest year on record. The recent record breaking climate has contributed to the drought of California and as a result has had detrimental impacts to the environment. Severe climate during a shortage of water can lead to drastic problems because it can lead to an increase of evapotranspiration and increase of precipitation falling as rain rather than snow. Having precipitation falling more often as rain rather than snow during warm weather can lead to early snowmelt which can unbalance the water supply demands (Causes of Drought). During a drought, occasionally humans are impacted, but more importantly the environment experiences the impacts harshly. Wildlife habitat lost, inadequate food and water ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Learning Experiences And Assessment Opportunities For... Introduction Schools provide learning experiences and assessment opportunities for their students based on work programs approved by the QCAA Assessment forms an integral part of both education and real life, assessment of understanding, peer feedback, and self assessment form a central part of social processes and therefore mediate the development of intellectual abilities, construction of knowledge, and formation of a students identity (Shepard, 2000). Assessment of learning also provides a metacognitive awareness for the student and creates accountability for pedagogical strategies and curriculum policies. Therefore, assessment is also an integral part of the Australian Professional Teaching Standard 5 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning (AITSL, 2011). The assessment for this task was designed in accordance with the Mathematics 10A Syllabus. The assessment in this task provided valuable feedback to the students and formed a part of the cumulative information on which levels of achievement in the area of Measurement and Geometry are determined. The students content knowledge is also challenged while ensuring the Australian Curriculum achievement standard and content descriptions for the Mathematics 10 and 10A achievements also match the standards elaborations (SEs) developed from the proficiency strands Understanding, Fluency, Problem solving and Reasoning (Queensland Cirriculum Assessment Authority, QCAA 2015a, QCAA 2015b) The school is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Todd s Original Culture And The Mainstream Culture 1.Todd is facing challenges between both worlds, for his original culture and the mainstream culture are exceedingly different from one another. Todd s original culture, ZuГ±i, is a culture in which one is considered a private people. They tend to display fewer emotions/feelings in public; however, that doesn t mean they don t love each other. ZuГ±i people show their love through actions such as helping one another, by caring for the people we love when they need us. Therefore, Todd expresses his love to his family by possibly helping the family cook or getting a job to support his family. Todd is used to keeping his feelings to himself and not showing his true self in public. ZuГ±i believes in self control; thus, they are very... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is a necessity to be able to understand the cultural background of someone else because society as a whole takes things from each other. For instance, through the influence of the development jobs and trading of resources, many similar beliefs are borrowed and practiced within different groups of people. This is very useful in a workplace, for one will know how to handle and approach another person with a different culture without coming off as disrespectful or ignorant in a negative aspect. This can be applied with a Christian approaching a Muslim or vice versa. Knowing this skill can allow them to have a successful conversation. 3.Having a global awareness can help one as a public speaker, for it allows the speaker to be familiar with what s going on in the world. With this awareness, the speaker is able to connect his speeches to real life crisis/issues that are currently happening today. His audience may feel truly affected in certain issues in the world today such as Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter has black family members that may have lost their lives due to unlawful killing from the police. Thus, this caused the family to become very emotional when hearing about these tragic events. Provided that the public speaker speaks about motivation from this unfortunate event, then the speaker will be able to get the audience s attention. With this attention, the audience will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Corona Borealis Research Paper For this essay, I chose the constellation Corona Borealis. It was one of 48 constellations listed by Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century. Its Latin name is translated as Northern Crown , due to its crown like shape. The brightest star in the constellation is Alpha Coronae Borealis, and is a magnitude 2.2 star. Other notable stars in the constellation include R Coronae Borealis, a yellow supergiant, and T Coronae Borealis, also known as the Blaze Star, which is a recurrent supernova. Corona Borealis covers 179 square degrees (0.433% of the sky), placing it 73rd in size of the 88 recognized constellations. It is positioned in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere, and is surrounded by Hercules (to the east), BoГ¶tes (to the north),... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The tales of her beauty, even at a young age, spread far and wide, and her father was forced to place her in a cottage in the most secluded part of a deep forest for her protection from those who would harm or kidnap her for her beauty. Elyana lived only with an old woman, Mathilde, as her caretaker. Elyana grew in the forest, and was loved and respected by the creatures who lived there. Eventually, the King of the Fairies learned of the extraordinary maid who lived in the middle of the forest. He decided to visit her and, using enchantment to disguise himself as a human, the King called upon the cottage. Immediately, the King and Elyana feel deeply in love. The King, however, knew they could not be together. He could not hold the human form forever, and he had a duty to lead and protect the Fairy Kingdom. Elyana, being human, could not become a fairy. Their union could not be. As the King confessed these things to Elyana, her tears fell fast on his shoulder. As they fell, each tear became a beautiful jewel. The King used fairy magic to fashion a crown out of the jewels the most beautiful crown, fit for the maid who held the heart of the Fairy King. As he left her, the King promised to look for magic that would allow them to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Analysis Of The Bhagavad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text that is very crucial to the historical background of the Hindu religion. Hinduism is the most prevalent religion in India and the Bhagavad Gita is an epic that those who follow the religion hold dear to their culture. The Bhagavad Gita is a section of a large Indian epic called The Mahabharata, which is essentially a long epic vital to the Indian culture. Much like most religious texts, the Bhagavad Gita is a story with multiple morals and symbolic situations that people who follow the Hindu religion can use to follow their religion and better themselves as people. It also goes over the ways one should go about working with a calm mind and sense of purpose and how when you work you should go into it with a positive mindset. These are a few of the major lessons from throughout the story of this epic. The Bhagavad Gita has two main protagonists, Krishna and Arjuna, who are actually cousins with each other through Kunti. Arjuna is a Pandava Prince and Krishna is actually a Hindu deity who goes by the name of Vishnu. Krishna is a deity disguised as a human who befriends Arjuna within the story. Despite one character being a god and the other being a mortal, there isn t a lot of personality dissonance between the two. Arjuna depended on Krishna, who agreed to be his chariot driver during the war, for guidance. He held nothing but respect for Krishna and Krishna respected him back. During the story, Arjuna is doing all he can he can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay On Cuban Embargo Embargoes are restrictions on trade between countries used to achieve some kind of goal. The United States has imposed an embargo on Cuba to encourage the Cuban government to change the way they run themselves because the United States does not agree with the system of government they have in place. This embargo enacts total restrictions on trade and travel between the United Statesand Cuba. The United States embargo against Cuba should be lifted because it is doing more harm than good to both countries involved. To start, embargoes in the United States started with Jefferson s Embargo of 1807 ( The Embargo of 1807 ). Embargoes are put in place by countries in hopes to maintain or restore peace between countries ( Sanctions, Embargoes and Restrictions ). They can be enacted for a number of different reasons including moral, political, or environmental objections or concerns (Berkheimer). Embargoes seek to encourage a country to change the regimes or groups that have allowed the behavior from which the concerns arise. They do this by way of bans on certain things like travel, arms, or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both of these problems created by the embargo leave ordinary citizens to suffer, not their government. Because of the wholesale ban on trade, American food and related supplies cannot be exported to Cuba. Many of the Cuban citizens are malnourished which leads to medical problems Cubans do not have the resources to handle. Malnourishment also means pregnant women cannot receive what their bodies need during pregnancies, leading to a high infant mortality rate for a developed country. Due to trade restrictions Cuba cannot get any significant number of water treatment chemicals to purify water for drinking. This has led to a decrease in the amount of safe drinking water that is available to Cuban citizens ( Denial of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Evolution Of Tattoos Essay The Evolution of Tattoos They re what you see on your friends, family and people walking on the streets. This growing debate on tattoos brings me to the point of the evolution of tattoos. Tattoos were once believed to be a risky trend and are now becoming more of the norm. As we know it tattoos are not as unusual as they once were. There are many different reasons behind why people get tattoos, for example personal losses, symbolism, or just the concept of it being art. Most believe tattooing is just another medium of art and it should be respected along with the tattooartist who give them. A lot of people differ in opinion behind what, where, and how people should get their tattoos. A strong topic to think about is what to get as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So tattoos were used in a symbolic manner. As seen on television, movies about old Egyptian times embrace their characters with tattoos all over their bodies. But it seems as if in reality old Egyptians used tattoos as rituals for the gods to help them get something they wanted. The word tattoo comes from the Polynesian word ta which means to strike something and the Tahitian word tatau which means to mark something (DBoom). Both ways of saying it make sence and still do explain how modern day tattoos are done. In 1991 a mummie called Otzi the Ice Man was found in a mountain range between Italy and Austria, this mummie had to be 5000 years old. The mummie consisted of 57 tattoos around the knees, kidneys, and the ankles. All the tattoos were either vertical or parallel lines and most likely had to do with therapeutic reasons. The supposed reasoning behind the tattoos were some sort of treatment for arthritis. Compared to now and the past, the past usage for tattoos usually had to do with some symbolic reasoning. The Scythians were an ancient people whose graves were found in the Altai mountains of Southern Siberia. The graves were made of solid ice so the corpses were preserved very well (MSU). These corpses had tattoos on them of totems and game animals. These tattoos were symbolic because the game animals let us know that the Scythians liked to hunt. During the late 1700 s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Compare And Contrast The Day Of The Dead Vs Halloween Day of the Dead, Halloween, they re all the same right? Wrong. Although these two holidays are both in the autumn season, they differentiate in many ways. Day of the Dead is a celebration for the homecoming of ancestors who have died. In which Halloween is a holiday where people dress up in costumes and collect candy from complete strangers. Pretty different, trust me I know but to prove it to you even more, I have 3 reasons why Day of the Dead or Dia Le Los Muertos and Halloween differentiate; such as, the way they emphasize spirits, colors they use, and the food they eat. Let s start off with the way each holiday emphasizes spirits. Halloween originated from the Celtic festival known as Samhain. During this festival, people made bonfires ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Halloween night, kids, and even adults (but not most) go walk around after dark in costumes knocking on stranger s doors for food. But not any food. Candy. In the medieval times, kids used to knock on doors and ask for food, money, and ale. Then the food given began a tradition and inherited candy. So people all ages eat free candy for the whole night. Day of the Dead it s a little different. They feast on meals, meals in which their ancestors loved, to remember them and keep their presence inside of them. They eat al pan de muerto (bread of the dead) for the celebration, and usually el mole (spicy chocolate sauce) because it s a traditional spanish sauce in which a lot of people enjoyed. So as you now know, Day of the Dead and Halloween differentiate even by the foods they eat. Day of the Dead, Halloween, they re different right? Yes. They are very different from each other even though they might have some similarities. There are many more things to compare between the two holidays, but I just pointed out some of the obvious ones, colors/decorations, food, and the way they emphasize ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Future of Outsourcing Essay The Future of Outsourcing In this extremely technically diverse twenty first century, where businesses have become able to meet more and more of the needs of people and other businesses, it is often amazing to think of all the individually operating parts which together make the business a success. Often if even one part of that great machine falters, progress is halted. Thus it is crucial to any company to be as healthy and efficient as possible. As demandsfor flexibilityfor customers and increased profit for administration continue to grow, more and more businesses are turning to outsourcingfor the creation of certain products and services. This is one way to alleviate pressure from businesses workers, allowing them to do their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite his enthusiasm about not being laid off, Joseph s workload had increased ten fold in response to the company trying to sustain its present levels of product production and customer satisfaction despite now employing only three quarters of the work force it formally had. Joseph is working longer hours, thus spending less time with his family and getting less sleep. His general impression of his job (employee satisfaction) is quickly dropping. All this contributes to his decreasing quality of work. Thankfully, after a few months, Joseph s good friend Bill (who has a strong hand in how things work at Microsoft) notices Joseph s declining quality of work and general unhappiness and decides to make some changes. They decide to outsource many of the more menial jobs that were once performed by lower level employees; those jobs which coincidentally now are the responsibility of Joseph. With these other tasks taken care of elsewhere, Joseph is back to enjoying his job and designing some of the highest quality product produced by the Microsoft Corporation. It is clear from this scenario how employee satisfaction plays a large role in overall company efficiency as well. When a business makes the decision to outsource there are numerous factions affected. First and foremost is the person or team from within the company who are charged with the task of deciding who they will choose to outsource them. They are termed the buyers . Being a buyer is perhaps one of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Examples Of Escapism In The Veldt One of the styles used in The Veldt is gothic literature. Gothic literature depicts spiritual bankruptcy and behavioral dissipation as keys to character decline... In gothic extremes, the creeping demands of escapism gradually costume the personality, reducing a normal being into a derelict, addict, psychotic, or monster (Snodgrass). The author is explaining the definition of gothic literature and how it can affect the characters in the story. An example of Gothic literature used in The Veldt is, You didn t know what to do with yourself in this house, either. You smoke a little more every morning and drink a little more every afternoon, and you are taking more pills to help you sleep at night. You re beginning to feel unnecessary... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Science fiction deals with the impact of imagined science upon society or individuals. Science fiction stories are often set in the future, but they don t have to be ( The Veldt ). The author is explaining the definition of science fiction. The Veldt (1950), set in a near future when the technology exists to create holographic duplicates of real world situations (D Ammassa). The following quote is an example of science fiction used in The Veldt . They walked down the hall of their HappyLife Home, which had cost them thirty thousand dollars with everything included. This house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them. Their approach was sensed by a hidden switch and the nursery light turned on when they came within ten feet of it. Similarly, behind them, in the halls, lights went on and off automatically as they left them behind (Bradbury). This quote portrays the science fiction in the story by showing how technologically advanced the HappyLife house is and how much it does for the Hadley family. Bradbury uses science fiction to show how easy the Hadleys have it because their house basically does everything for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The State Of The Wichita State University Kansas has been ranked 17th in the nation for proportion of students taking on debt. Along with the already high average, Kansas legislature has continued to make cuts on the budget of universities in the state. With the cuts, universities in Kansas are forced to find income to replace the deplenishing government funds. Previous attempts to solve this problem have been made, such as raising tuition and the cost of programs. Students and parents alike are affected and concerned over the rapidly increasing cost of this hometown school. Students come to Wichita State University for not only the in state tuition but also to get a quality degree. With tuition on a rise due to Kansas Legislature continuing to cut general funds to Wichita State University, the school must search for revenue else where. The loss of potential exposure and revenue of Wichita State University can be solved by the recreation of the Wichita State Football team. With millennial already consisting of the highest amount of people out of work in a given generation according to a study done by USA Today; students and parents have reason to be concerned. If the price of the college continues to rise, those who are trying to face the obstacle of getting a quality education without the out of state cost will be forced to search for an education elsewhere, if not go out of state entirely. This problem is solvable as athletics for most universities makes the college thousands. For example, the University of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The Challenges Of Command Structure In Operation Anaconda In early January 2002, American intelligence received evidence of a large volume of enemy forces assembling in the Shahi Kot Valley in Eastern Afghanistan. Central Command (CENTCOM), led by General Tommy R. Franks, was directing combat operations in Afghanistan through the Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) and Coalition Forces Air Component Command (CFACC). As the interest in assaulting the Shahi Kot Valley amplified, General Franks reached a conclusion that a U.S. tactical commander was a need in Afghanistan. The decision was to assign the 10th Mountain DivisionCommander, Major General (MG) Franklin Hagenbeck, as the tactical commander. In an effort to strengthen MG Hagenbeck s command authority, CENTCOM named his headquarters Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) Mountain and gave it command and control authority over Operation Anaconda. By having command and control authority, MG Hagenbeck would encounter challenges with the command structure. The challenges of command structure were due to CJTF Mountain not having tactical control (TACON) of multiple Special Operation Forces, the Joint Special Operations Air Component (JSOAC), and friendly Afghanistan forces. These misunderstandings were resolved during the execution phase, but rectifying the command relationships prior would have avoided lost time and resources needed on enemy forces and positions. In this paper, I will identify the challenges of command structure during Operation Anaconda. Multiple ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Ingroups, Outgroups, and Their Affects on Behaviors Ingroups, Outgroups, and Their Affect on Behaviors We as humans tend to relate to those that are similar to us, and tend to alienate those that we deem as different than us. Whether it is by race, gender, culture, or religion, it is something that is almost always present in human interactions, and often times can be completely subconscious. In our textbook Interpersonal Communication by Kory Floyd, an ingroup is defined as A group of people with whom one identifies. An outgroup is conversely defined as A group of people whom one does not identify. Henri Tajfel first coined this terminology while he was working to devise his social identity theory. These ideas of classifying people into ingroups and outgroups can lead to many ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In matches between the two groups of football teams, the teams from the same state as the umpires received more favorable decisions than the other teams did by a margin of 11% for the 171 games studied. In situations where the umpires had to allocate rewards to members of a group they identified with competing against a group they did not identify with they clearly favored their ingroup. This study helped proved the theory that intergroup competition is a prevalent reason why ingroup favoritism is often exhibited in society. This idea is completely embedded into the entire sporting culture of our society today. We group ourselves together with the home team or the ingroup. We prefer for that group, as well as ourselves by association, to be successful. The second explanation that is usually offered is the idea that people will have a better opinion of people in their ingroup in order to boost their own self esteem by association. Robert Cialdini conducted a very interesting study on a concept called Basking in Reflected Glory (BIRG) at several different universities. In order to study how self esteem was a determinant of ingroup bias, Cialdini and his team researched the behavior of students after victories and losses of the school s football teams. Their results Demonstrated the BIRG phenomenon by showing a greater tendency for university students to wear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Global Markets DQ 1: Summarize the most important benefits and risks associated with diversification into global markets. There are benefits and there are risks associated with diversification into global markets. Diversification into global markets means a company is seeking to have the control in one central area instead of in many different areas because ultimately they are seeking to control their costs. The main advantage of a global market is that a company does not need to make a lot of variations of a product. They can instead just make one quality standardized product, which means it is easier for the company to keep everyone on the same page in regard to any changes or innovations to their products. Ultimately having a global market means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the creators of Sesame Street have not only tailored their show to be in different languages depending upon where it s aired, but they have also tailored the shows characters and their experiences for the specific market. The article also mentioned how Google adapts its interface for the specific market that it is accessed in especially when it featured the characters from Sesame Street on its interface. I found it pretty interesting that these two companies would go to such great lengths to adapt to the local markets. References A quick example of local adaptation. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2013, from International Business and Strategy Blog: http://internationalbs.wordpress.com/2009/11/16/a quick example of local adaptation/ (2012). Chapter 7: International Strategy. In G. G. Dess, G. T. Lumpkin, A. B. Eisner, G. McNamara, Strategic Management (pp. 257, 259 260). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin. DQ 3: According to Theodore Levitt, what are the three assumptions that favor the pursuit of a pure global strategy? Briefly provide counterarguments to each assumption? According to Theodore Levitt there are three assumptions that favor the pursuit of pure global strategy. The first one is that customers worldwide are starting to all want the same things. If this were true, I d be able to buy the same things that I can buy in the United States in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Is Mormonism Really A Cult Mormonism Is it really a cult? Many people see The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, also known as LDS or Mormonism, as a cult. But are they really a cult? Again others see them as a valid denomination of Christianity. Which of these is more correct? A great deal of people consider Mormonism to be a cult. They think that they have strange customs, such as not eating fruit. It is true that Mormonism is different in many ways from most Christianity, but does that really make it a cult? To quote the textbook: A cult represents a distinct break from other traditions . So by that definition, all religion is cultist in nature. One major difference between Mormonism and most Christianity is Baptism of the Dead. Mormons believe that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Informative Speech On Cs Lewis Clive Staples Lewis Have you ever heard of Clive Staples Lewis? If you haven t he has had good and bad things happen in his career of writing. C.S. Lewis has been around for a while and I bet if you don t know him you will know the book or books he has made. Have you ever heard of the Book Narnia? Well, he didn t make it, Just kidding he did make that book. And in his class, he was the brainiac. I want you to read some of Lewis s books because he made over two million copies of his books. Clive Staples Lewis was born November 29, 1898, Belfast, Ireland (Shackel). As a child, Clive was nicknamed jack. He was nicknamed Jack because his grandpa was named Jack. When C.S. was ten years old his mom died. His mom died of cancer when he was ten (Griffin). Reading and education were every big factors in Clive s life. Reading and education were so important because dad wanted them to be very good at it when they grow up. Lewis and his brother wanted to go to English boarding schools as a kid(Shackel). They saved up enough money to go to boarding schools. As a midlife child Lewis got his degree in reading and language(Pettinger).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He went into the war because his great grandpa was in the war and he wanted to serve for his grandpa. After being in the war for quite some time he got injured. After the war, Lewis taught English at magdalen college(Pettinger). Lewis married an American woman by Joy Davidman Gresham. He married her because he had strong feelings towards her. After quite sometime Lewis and his wife got a divorce. She has fallen in love with someone else who she said to him is a bigger better wealthier and better writer than you are. Six months after the divorce Joy was diagnosed with advanced cancer. After a couple months with advanced cancer, she died. Lewis was an author of about 40 books(shackle). 2 million plus copies sold out of his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Concept Of Heteronormativity Is The Belief That It Is... The concept of heteronormativity is the belief that it is only normal natural and universal to have two different genders. In addition to these two genders it would only be normal if there were clear and distinct differences between the two. This would include ones biological sex, ones gender identity, and ones genderrole in society. This would also mean it would be considered normal if these two different genders sexuality were heterosexual. Meaning a normal sexual orientation would only be between one male and one female. Our society defines these norms through institutionalizing these concepts in our civilization. This concept of heteronormativityis considered a basic social institution because it has been... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This reminded me a lot about Doing Gender because we learned that we view doing gender as an accomplishment. This is similar to heteronormativity because in society we do gender and learn gender based off of these heteronormativity ideals and norms . These are examples of how heterosexuality can be viewed as normative through culture. An example of compulsory heteronormativity or something that questions this institution structure, is Drag Queens. A drag queen is a person, typically male, who dresses and acts with exaggerated womanliness and portrays feminine gender roles. Drag shows have the potential to arouse powerful desires that people perceive as contrary to their sexual identities people thinking about the boundaries of heterosexuality. (Taylor and Rupp, p.4, 2006) This could be viewed as compulsory heteronormativity because it s almost necessary and unavoidable in this situation to question the heteronormativity of the setting. Another example of this is the media has been better about showing exceptions to what is considered normal for example in shows like Modern Family and Orange is the New Black were they have main characters with different sexual orientations, like gay and lesbian. With these clear and distinct two different genders our society created it would also make since if we also had two different expectations and roles for each gender. Gender roles are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Different Types of Ducks There were many different types of ducks in these locations but there were only a few I was able to recognize: Ruddy ducks dive for their food Very easy to spot these ducks because the male has a bright blue bill, the bottom of their head is white and the top is black. The female is not as easy to recognize but the top of its head is a darker brown whereas the bottom is a lighter brown/ white. Mallard dabbling These ducks are the most common ducks found around New York state. They have a yellow bill with a green head and a white band around its neck. Common goldeneye dive for their food The reason why this duck is called the goldeneye, is because it actually has gold colored eyes. The male ducks have a shiny green head with a white circle on its cheek. Its body is black and white. The female, like every there female, does not have as many colors. The head is brown and like the male, has golden eyes. The body is grey/white. 2. a) Flamingo: Its feet are long, skinny and webbed.They have 4 toes in total, three toes pointing towards the front and one smaller toe in the back. This is because these birds are almost always in the water and using their webbed feet for swimming and stirring up food from the bottom. Their beak is hooked shaped, and their lower bill is much thicker than the top. This allows for the flamingo to be filter feeders, looking for tiny shrimp. Heron: The heron s feet have three long toes, two in the front and one behind to support their body when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay On The Day I Became A Manuscript The Day I Became A Manuscript I m under no illusion I m no music aficionado, partly because I treat mainstream listening like a take away container, I sniff it, flip the curved edge cardboard top off, dive in with a fork make some agreeable noises and then send the container off to recycling utopia. After that, I rarely think about it. Unfortunately, I did pay attention to the download charts in recent weeks in preparation for such a question. You may ve heard of them, the chart with the most up to date download stats available to man said, as if you genuinely care... ah, the wonders of download technology. As one of the pioneers of the digital age, namely getting the strong coffees and testing buffer speeds / encryptions and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sign the walls of your Labyrinth... What an odious task that sounds like, errr, hardly jovial Y es, labyrinths are via nature irregular irksome networks, they exist only in fiction, too meticulous to make them a reality. Furthermore, I profess, wall signing presumably is a means to find your way out again mindfully of course; yep, worth noting that, pens are available, allegedly. I cradle myself in anguish with the poetry so called creative terminology indeed, I can be sure, Despacito s purpose is to make your whole body a manuscript; written in Latin; well we don t want to pay witness to English translation on a daily basis by looking in the mirror, staring at oneself, thinking: I wish the manuscript made sense. meh, last time, I get kiss stripped by Daddy Yankee. During those hazy days of pretending to Brazillian aupairs, I missed rhythm classes at school, and the only salsa I knew was a spicy dip, that line got me more than I bargained for. I now find the Latin vibe somewhat nostalgic; thus, I engage in a smidgen of slipper tapping under the desk; Beiber style. Summer inspires a plethora of heart y tunes... I recall the tender depth an office trousered, clean living Sharkey managed to muster. A man in his physical prime informing us e number scally wags... a good heart is hard to find... True love, the lasting kind. What a learning curve that was, more time for Commodore 64 code ... not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Detrimental Effects of Smoking Essay One can have the necessary servings of fruit and vegetables, or exercise daily but healthy actions mean little if one continues to smoke. The message, don t smoke, it s bad might be a clichГ© now, but not everyone has given it the attention it requires. When one puts the killing thing in their mouth, and lights it, they are giving the cigarette the power to do the killing. Smokingis one of the greatest causes of disease and death worldwide due to the infinite amount of harsh, and injurious chemicals inhaled. There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobaccosmoke, many of which are poisonous and a minimum of 60 of those chemicals are cancerous. When the tobacco smoke is exhaled, there is some tar that is placed in the lungs and the tiny hair... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The researchers were also focusing on explaining why secondhand smoking has half the risk of smoking 20 cigarettes per day and it s correlation with heart disease. The researchers carried out five sets of analyses using published data. First, they analyzed 19 acceptable studies on the risk of ischaemic heart disease in lifelong non smokers who live with a smoker and those who don t live with a smoker. They saw that non smokers who live with smokers increased their exposure both inside and outside the home. The researchers divided statistics on the never smokers according to whether their spouses currently smoked or had never smoked, disregarding ex smoker spouses. They calculated the average risk according to age and sex. Furthermore, to determine the risk associated with low dosage of smoking, the researchers analyzed the dose response relation between smoking and ischaemic heart disease from studies of men who were selected due to their large size. In each study, the smoker had been divided into three or four categories according to the number of cigarettes smoked. In the third analysis, the researchers determined how much of the excess risk of ischaemic heart disease is reversible many years after stopping smoking. Fourthly, because people exposed to environmental tobacco smoke eat less fruit and vegetables, this is associated with an increased risk of ischaemic heart disease. Finally, platelet aggregation was another actor that could ve had an impact on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Teenage Girl The Teenage Girl To most people, Metal music is what they listen to when they re pissed off, or working out, or something involving aggression, and a lot of people just wont listen to it. To me, Metal is the complete opposite. A crushing guitar riff, backed by an intricate drum beat, and all topped off with vocals that can be a blanket of emotions around the listener. When I listen to a favorite band, or group, I am overcome with emotion. I sit and listen to a brutal riff with an insane drum part, and I can just feel the stampede running through my ears. It is the most satisfying feeling in the world. So for me to get to go to my first Metal concert a few years ago, you can imagine there was no happier guy on earth that day.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I thought that time was done mocking me, seeings how its today, i m here. I was sadly mistaken. I didn t realize that the wait in line would drag on slower than a one legged turtle trying to get across a muddy cornfield. I will tell you right now, that it was far beyond worth the wait when finally, down the street I see several tour busses heading our way. I apologize if my language offends you here, but i almost shit myself with excitement when They pulled up. The clock could finally stop staring at me with that devilish smirk, and I could finally take my rightful place as ruler of the front row. The big doors to the venue,which proudly I stood directly in front of, slowly creaked open, as if asking are you sure you re ready? , and we all started scampering in like dogs that had been left outside in the rain all day. I proudly handed the first ticket over to the burly dude collecting tickets, and immediately ran to the front of the stage. I guess I forgot about Ty and Dillon, but they ended up making their way up to the front anyway. Standing there, you could feel the thick anticipation in the air, and smell the musty, sweaty bodies that had been waiting outside all day. I didn t notice on my way up, probably due to being overly excited, but your shoes stuck to the ground like the floor was made of duct tape. There was apparently a concert the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Pedagogy Of The Oppressed, Joel Spring And Jane Martin s... Education is referred as the profusion of knowledge that is acquired by an individual when or after studying specific subject matters or having an experience in life lessons that provides and understanding of a certain concept. It requires instructions from composed literature or an individual. Most familiar forms of educationresult from several years of schooling that integrates studies of various subjects. Education provides learners with knowledge about the globe. It enables the learners to acquire good career. It assists in building character of individuals. Education leads to enlightenment and lays a firm foundation of a strong country. It makes a human being to be complete. Philosophers urge that the fact that education enriches the individual s understanding of themselves; it is also an investment and can have a huge impact on a nation s development and growth (Jackson , 2012). This paper in a wider view will analyze the concept of education following Paulo FreirePedagogy of the Oppressed, Joel Spring and Jane Martin s The Educated Person perspectives. It will analyze the purpose of education according to these three sources. Pedagogy of the Oppressed remains to be the widely known work of Paulo Freire. The books analyze the struggle for equity and justice within the educational system and it proposes a new pedagogy. In regard to education, Paulo Freire argues that words consists a radical interaction between actions and reflection. He insists that true words ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Emirates Based Aviation Group Essay Introduction The Emirates Group, a UAE based aviation group whom owns Emirates Airlines also known as Fly Emirates and Emirates Sky Cargo, that was founded on the year 1985. The organization started off with only two aircrafts, flying from Dubai to Karachi. Now, Fly Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East and the second largest airline in the world by schedule revenue miles flown, carrying around 1990 passengers per week and operating approximately 3600 flight per week (EMIRATES 2016). The services are internationally known to be of a high class, comfort in the skies with reasonable air fares, gaining the tittle as the Best Passenger Airline and the Most Valuable Airline, in the world (EMIRATES 2016). Emirates operates its networks from its hub, Dubai International Airport to more than 125 destinations throughout 6 continents. The airline owns many aircrafts, including the Airbus A380, Boeing 777 300ER and the latest, Boeing 777 9. Similarly, the organization has approximately 68000 employees, from 101 nations. Likewise, Emirates Airlines has a sister company called Emirates Sky Cargo which handles the air freight, internationally. Cargo operations commenced in the year 1989 and like Emirates Airlines, Emirates Sky Cargo is equally branded by the people (EMIRATES 2016). The SWOT analysis is a study that can determine Emirates Airline s Strengths, Weakness as well as the Opportunities and the Threats. This report will clearly analyze Emirates Airlines using the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Persuasive Speech On Replacement Window Project If you ve recently completed a replacement window project, you probably aren t dreading winter s arrival because you know there won t be any more cold, draft corners. Maybe you are even one of those people who anxiously waits for the first snowfall? This year you can relax in front of the picture window and enjoy the landscape as it silently transforms from dull to dazzling without dreading the heating bill. Is it beautiful. Fresh snowblankets the lawn with a clean, sparkly surface that just makes some of us smile from our pointy little toes to the tip of our toboggan topped head. But, after a week of shoveling, blowing and packing, that inner song of joy can turn into a moaning chorus of Oh! My aching back! Skip the aches and pains with this Renewal by Andersen of New Jersey New York Metro blog post packed with tips gleaned from professional snow removal experts and physicians who treat patients with back and muscle injuries. Here s the snow removal scoop on the proper way to protect your back in 8 easy to remember tips. 1. Embrace the exercise. Did you know that 15 minutes of snow shoveling burns the same amount of calories a walking a 15 minute mile or stair climbing for 15 minutes 150 calories. When done properly, you can get in a workout without even going to the gym! While shoveling is great exercise, people who are normally sedentary may be at risk for a heart attack if you dive right in. Check with your doctor to make sure you are healthy enough for snow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Education System Of India Education system in India dates back to the Indus Valley civilization which saw the birth of new culture. This period is referred as the Vedic age, as the Vedas were composed during this time. The Ramayana and the Mahabharata gives lot of information on the life of the people and the education system. We learn in the Vedas about the gurukul system which played an important role during that period. A child was sent to the gurukul at a tender age of 7 where he learnt different aspects of education, warfare etc. the education system also throws light on the relationship between the guru(teacher) and the shishya(student). The students were very obedient to their gurus. The education was free of cost and purely residential. In return the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Indian students never have intellectual courage because they are in an environment of those thoughts which they are compelled to learn. Thus they lose their ideas and never knowing the perspective of their growth. I would like to highlight a situation where a student was forced to take up engineering which was not his cup of tea. He had a passion for fashion designing which was not liked by his parents reason being a social status. Here it is important that the parents think beyond society, social status and respect all professions equally as every profession has its own pros and cons. The government schools in India is an important point of concern as these schools were leading once upon a time. The debate continues regarding the education system to be government or private. The increasing privatization of schools has led to the decrease in the number of students enrolled in government schools. The reason being private schools have better infrastructure, facilities and well certified teachers in comparison to government schools. People below poverty line also prefer private schools thinking that the child would support them in future. The future of government engineering colleges is also pathetic though there are many facilities important being RESERVATION . Inspite of this the students focus themselves on private colleges because of the quality of education, good faculty, proper infrastructure, labs and spacious campus. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Ghost Dance Movement Throughout the settlement of Western America, Native Americans were culturally assimilated. This was an attempt by the Americans to transform the Natives culture and civilize them through white education and living on reservations. However, the Natives preserved their cultures, tribal identities, and even developed self sustaining economic practices. First, The Ghost Dance Movement was a revival of Native beliefs that further helped them regain hope through religion. Specifically, it was a religion of the late 1880s and early 1890s that combined elements of Christianity and traditional Native American religion. It fostered the Plains Indians hope that they could resurrect the great bison herds and call up a storm to drive whites back across ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. How To Write A Good Research Paper A Research Paper is a type of academic writing that needs more theoretical, significant and methodical level of question. Although a research paper is a kind of term paper, some term papers don t require academic research. Not all research papers can be considered as term papers. An objective of writing a researchpaperis to allow people to read the work selectively. In order to make an impression over the reader, in other words to make a paper readable following some points should be noted: Print or type using a 12 point standard font, such as Times, Geneva, Bookman, Helvetica, etc. Text should be double spaced on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with 1 inch margins, single sided Number the pages consecutively Start each new section on a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is impossible to use active voice when writing methods without using first person. This could divert reader s attention on the researcher rather than the work. Therefore when writing up the methods third person passive voice should be used. Normal prose should be used in each and every section of research paper. Informal lists should be avoided. And make use of complete sentences. Last but not least is the result part of the research conducted by the researcher. The page length of result section is set by the amount and types of data to be reported. Continue to be concise, using figures and table to present results are the most effective means of conveying final results. The purpose of a results section is to present and illustrate researcher s findings. To write a good research paper, there is a need to be specific about the topic. The content in the topic must be specific, clear n short. The content should make an impact on the mind of the readers. Following are the ten steps which should be considered while writing a good research paper. Choose Your Topic. Some important points should be considered when choosing a topic. Choose a topic that is of a wide interest. Attitude towards the topic may well determine the amount of effort and enthusiasm the researcher puts while doing the research. There should be sufficient information about the topic. If topic is too broad, there can be difficulty of completing the number ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Research Paper On Sweetheart Asya * * .. In this particular circumstance, regarding myself, I feel so much more improved when waking up in the early morning hours, since I m getting to bed a lot earlier, than when staying up very late into the nighttime hours. * * .. In fact, my dearest cherished housewife Sweetheart Asya , last night I explicitly had a surprisingly interesting venturesome dream of curiously driving around with my vehicle, visiting intriguing, unusual imaginative marvelous places particularly traveling the compelling network of roadways among a city community, magnificent country superb rolling farmlands beautiful, dazzling forested areas, including inside of undistinguished splendid buildings, that I, actually never been to or actually... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now, as my unmapped dream is proceeding along, I suddenly come across my former retail supervisor Debbie, that I haven t seen for several years in my real life experiences. * .. Uniquely, as I m browsing among the exquisite store s sale s floor merchandise fixture spacious aisle layouts, I ve shortly discovered her working as the store s supervisor in this sizable upscale fashionable contemporary department store at the Shopping Mall establishment, as markedly part of my charming dream s theatrical backdrop, that doesn t even exist in real life, it s chiefly only elegantly scripted as part of my ongoing expressive storyline narrative dream, my dearest cherished housewife Sweetheart Asya . * .. Indeed, I had an interesting, informative dialogue talks with her, as you so gracefully truly help me with developing during a real life internet interaction with you. Regarding specifically to her interesting present work experiences, at this trendsetting store. Afterward, getting helpful travel directions from her to continue on with the dream s saga to my next fantasy journey s destination. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Why Is Mark Twain Famous People all over the world enjoy the writings and stories of Mark Twain. Stories such as Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and the Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calveras County have long delighted people of all ages. Notwithstanding, most people do not know the man behind the stories, as it often is with celebrities. They know and revere him for his stories but do not know how he came to be famous or his thoughts as he did so. The fans that Mark Twainhas acquired only grows with each person who reads his remarkable stories. However, he had to go through a lot of trials in order to publish those stories. One of those trials was a man named Mr. Carleton who, when Twain came to sell his book, gestured around the room at the bookshelves and said ...look ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Philosophy Of Ubuntu Introduction With its origin in the Nguni language of the Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele people, the word Ubuntu can be loosely translated to mean Humanity , but the true power and meaning of the philosophy can be found in the summary of the phrase Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu , which can be translated to mean A person is a person through other persons. or I am because we are. The basic principal of Ubuntu is that a the success of a person is measured by the success of his community and the people around him, meaning that if your community is healthy and prospering than the individual is also healthy and prospering. Although the concept is a wonderful ideal and could have been more easily achieved in the past, the current social economic environment poses many challenges to the cultures who find their identities in Ubuntu. Ubuntu The origin of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The interconnectedness of all things is at the heart of the philosophy, the concept that all living things are connected and that the wellbeing and stability of the collective depends on the how the individual functions within the community, and how the community functions around the individual (Washington, 2010). A powerful idea in theory and an amazing ideal, if it could be put into practice in its entirety, it could have the ability to change the current socio political landscape of the entire continent, if not globally. Page1 Aside from the being a value system practised within African culture it can also be described as the essence of being human. A person who is generous, caring, hospitable, respectful and compassionate is said to have Ubuntu (Murithi, 2006). Ubuntu in a person is measured by their relationship with and their actions towards others in society. Xhosa Culture and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Wearing Seatbelts In Australia The issue of should seatbelts be compulsory fittings for all cars is a problem debated among Australians. A seatbelt is a belt or strap that is used to secure a person into a seat of a car, airplane, bus, etc. The seatbelt secures around the waist or diagonally across the midsection of the person. In 2013, 20% or 150 people killed in crashes were not wearing any form of seatbelts. Graph 1: Vehicle occupants killed that were unbelted in metro and rural area. Arguments for Newtons first law of motion states that An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. ( Newton s First Law ) In this situation, when a car crashes into an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Car safety will need to be improved to keep up with the pace of technology. Currently in America some cars are fitted with automatic seatbelts that click into place when the key is put into the ignition. The engine wont start unless the seatbelts are secured. This could be used in Australia to ensure seatbelts are being worn at all times. Ford are currently creating inflatable seatbelts so when the car senses a crash the seat belt fills with air creating more protection for the passengers. Although there are no new laws being discussed in Australia, different American states have decided to enforce the laws that drivers, passengers in the front seat and children under the age of 16 have to wear seatbelts. I believe that wearing seatbelts should be compulsory throughout the world. After observing all the facts, it is clear that wearing a seatbelt would be more beneficial, less fatal and less fatalities. In accordance with Newtons laws of motion, seatbelts act as an unbalanced force in order to bring a person to rest whilst reducing the force that acts upon the person by increasing the time for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Grain of the Voice The Grain Cinema audience often finds the connection to a film by experiencing what actors or actresses are portraying, mainly through relating with the emotions being projected on screen. These emotions can be presented in many forms in the realm of acting, but the voice plays the biggest role in all of this. This could be the reason why many stars are being hailed for their voices throughout the history of film. When discussing about voices, one could only come to the conclusion of defining it as the spoken language; words that are released from one s mouth. However, voices are more than just language, in fact voices and language are so different that Barthes seeks to find and explore the gap between these two elements in his essay The Grain of the Voice. It is this displacement that I want to outline, not with regard to the whole of music but simply to a part of vocal music (lied or melodie): the very precise space (genre) of the encounter between a language and a voice. I shall straightaway give a name to this signifier at the level of which, I believe, the temptation of ethos can be liquidated (and thus the adjective banished): the grain, the grain of the voice when the latter is in a dual posture, a dual production of language and of music. (1977: 181) As the statement above suggest, the grain is a place where language and voice meet, the place where both intertwine creating a new space, as Barthes would explain, the fringe of contact between voices and language. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. How Is Diction Used In Literature A character s usage of words can create not only emotions for others, but for their own as well. Throughout Indian and Pakistani literature, a character s emotions on him or herself is expressed throughout the experience of the past. Through their literature, authors wrote their stories through the 1900s, where certain events occurred at the time. which makes an impact due to their experiences through those time. Accordingly, India s authors and their stories express different types of diction where they use, repetition, emotional, and abstract diction through their literature, to gather an individual s awareness of how a character is alone. Furthermore, a theme of loneliness is expressed throughout diction, expressing to a reader what words... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People may speak out words in life that may affect themselves and other after losing someone that was significant, which can connect to Indian and Pakistani literature. All parts of a struggle coming back to a character facing the past being alone in life can create emotions overall. Readers must comprehend that people in society today can relate to Indian and Pakistani literature where one feels alone. A reader who looks at Indian and Pakistani literature can understand that people with struggles in India or Pakistan countries can go through a lot with their emotional past. For the most part, the significance of Indian and Pakistani literature is to make a reader acknowledge how going through a tough situation can cause circumstances that get emotional for a character s self and others around them. In today s society, people may associate to this literature to distinguish a relationship with people being alone through the countries India and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. High Priority Issues For Southcom And Partner Nations High priority issues for SOUTHCOM and partner nations can differ despite their long history of working together. For SOUTHCOM, a heavy focus is on ensuring that the limited funds made available are used wisely. In contrast, the partner nations would like to see: (1) the establishment of regional impunity commissions with the highest priority nations being in El Salvadorand Honduras, where everyone is charged with crimes and those found guilty could be held accountable regardless of their political affiliation; (2) the reformation of political institutions to increase governability due to corrupt executive, judicial, and legislative branches that are driving armed non state actors to gain territorial control away from each nation state... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Immigration and Customs Enforcement s (ICE) Operation CITADEL, which targeted the smuggling of migrants from the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and Latin America into the United States . As a result of the operation, large scale criminal networks were dismantled and unaccompanied children were rescued. (3) In concert with our law enforcement, intelligence community, diplomatic, and regional partners, the focus is on countering transnational organized crime (CTOC); (4) Joint Interagency Task ForceSouth (JIATF S) at forefront of effort to combat the illicit drug trade and to illuminate the networks engaged in this nefarious activity disrupting three times the amount of cocaine seized at or within U.S. borders; (5) In response to the insecurity that drove last year s unaccompanied children crisis, capacity building efforts in the Northern Tier of Central America became high priority; (6) through equipment support, infrastructure projects, counterdrug training, and aggressive information sharing, there has been significant improvement in improving partners maritime interdiction and border security capabilities; (7) Marine component deployed a Special Purpose Marine, Air, Ground Task Force (SPMAGTF) to help partner nations extend state presence and security in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Belize. Working alongside Honduran military and government officials, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Management Accounting 1. a) What is the rationale of founders of (product) Red? Their main reason for creating Product Red was to raise awareness and money for the Global Fund by teaming up with the world s most iconic brands to products that would be sold. A percentage of each product sold would be donated to the Global Fund to help women and children affected by pandemics such HIV/AIDS and malaria. A basket of consumer goods were launched to this effect which included Product Red American express card, vintage t shirts, Motorola handsets, converse wear, apple iPod, Emperio Armani and also an edition of the Independent. The Red manifesto, clearly outlined the core reason as, we believe that when consumers are offered this choice and the products meet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The author also raises the point that despite numerous charitable efforts towards Africa in the last five decades, Africa has gone from poor to poorer. This gives the impression that social responsibility, as it were, is not being done ethically. The author is also of the thought that a free market capitalism on its own has done far much better in alleviating poverty in the developing world/countries if it is left to act on its own without marketing forces and humanitarian groups working in counter parallelism. The author is also of the thought that the two initiatives (that is, Product Red and Red Gap) are deviating from their main mission of company profitability maximization which compromises shareholder value, as these companies are now against the idea of capitalism which they view as immoral and they hence believe a profit making end should be expiated by an occasional show of real goodness (donating to charity). Campaigns as Product Red according to the author, accommodate the belief that globalization is an evil business practice, of which the author thinks to the contrary. The author also highlights that it s not private companies prerogative to pursue charitable causes at the expense of shareholder value maximization, as this is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Correlation Between The Value Of Time Series Of... Autocorrelation Autocorrelation is defined as the correlation between the value of time series at a specific time and previous values of the same series (Reference). In other words, with time series what happens in time t contains information about what will happen at time t+1. Autocorrelation plots are a commonly used tool for checking randomness in a data set. This randomness is ascertained by computing autocorrelations for data values at varying time lags. If random, such autocorrelations should be near zero for any and all time lag separations. If non random, then one or more of the autocorrelations will be significantly non zero. The autocorrelation plots can provide answers to questions such as are the data random? Is an observation related to an adjacent observation? Is the observed time series white noise, sinusoidal or autoregressive? They help in understanding the underlying relationship between the data points. The autocorrelation plots of 4 time series of heating operating system are as follows : a. Supply temperature setpoint : The plot starts with a high correlation at lag 1 which is slightly less than 1 and slowly declines. It continues to decrease until it becomes negative and starts showing an increasing negative correlation. The decreasing autocorrelation is generally linear with little noise. Such a pattern in the autocorrelation plot is a signature of strong autocorrelation , which in turn provides high predictability if modeled properly. b. System ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Driving Under The Influence Driving under the influence, also known as DUI , is the one of the most common criminal offenses in the United States (12). Nearly a million people are arrested every year for a DUI or , the crime or offense of any driver operating any vehicle while impaired by alcohol, drugs, recreational drugs or even prescribed drugs that render the driver from operating their vehicle safely (Alcohol). While DUI s come with a hefty punishment, an act of public humiliation must be tacked onto these consequences in order to prevent so many cases of the nation s most common criminal offense. Problem Every driver, that is under the influence, is putting every life around them in danger. Any person that operates any vehicle with any faulted perception from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This act of public humiliation would make people think twice before gambling on driving under the influence. People would just put on DRIVING UNDER EMBARRASSMENT 9 their plate after purchasing the required neon yellow plate. If the suspect gets caught while not using their neon yellow plate, they shall be sentenced to one year in a state prison. When someone gets another DUI their tag color turns into a lime green; this tag will cost 1000 dollars. The lime green tag will be rare among cars and cause even more unwanted attention. Suspects would purchase and apply this tag just like a normal tag. If the suspect is caught without their lime green tag, the vehicle will be forfeited immediately and the subject will serve two to three years in a state prison. Arguments against both tags consist of one main argument being, this is cruel and unfair punishment on people. Complaints and petty quarrels ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Trisha Brown Research Paper Trisha Brown was born in Aberdeen, Washington on November 25th, 1936 and received her B.A. degree in dance from Mills College in 1958. She later received a D.F.A. from Bates College in 2000. For many summers, she studied with Louis Horst at the American Dance Festival, which was then held at Connecticut College. Trisha moved to New York Cityto study composition with Robert Dunn, who had taught a class at Merce Cunningham s studio. This studio was based on John Cage s theories of chance. Brown rejected aspects of it but also maintained great admiration for him and his work. In 1961 she trained with dancer Anna Halprin and became a founding member of the avant garde Judson Dance Theater in 1962. There she worked with experimental dancers Steve Paxton, Twyla Tharp, Lucinda Childs, Yvonne Rainer, and David Gordon. In the late 1960s, Brown created her own works which attempted to defy gravity using equipment such as harnesses and ropes, which allowed dancers to walk on or down walls to experiment with the dynamics of stability. These equipment pieces were the first dances to comprise a distinct series in what would become a working method for her as she went on to create various cycles of dances throughout her career. In 1970, Brown cofounded the Grand Union, which was an experimental dance collective, and then founded the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her style has evolved from carefully built up, repetitive gesture to its current fluid virtuosity. She has done a mirror duet drawn from a solo in 1994 called If You Couldn t See Me (1994), in which Brown performed entirely with her back to the audience, it is performed to ten minutes of an electronic sound score on a bare stage. In December of 2012, at age 76, Brown announced that her next two dances would be her last. The influence of Trisha Brown will forever be a major impact of not only modern, but of all aspects of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Children Act 2005 Essay The Children Act 1989 set out principles to guide the work of local authorities and courts, and also defined significant harm and a child in need of intervention it put a duty on LAs to promote / safeguard the welfare of children in need in their area. The Act ensures that the welfare of children is foremost; and identifies the responsibilities of parents and those who work with children to guarantee the safety of the child. Its main aims were to: Achieve a balance between protecting children and the rights of parents to challenge state intervention Encourage partnership between statutory authorities and parents Restructure the framework of the courts, in particular with regard to family proceedings Redefine the concept of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (March 2010) makes it clear that the responsibility for safeguarding children/young people is a shared responsibility. The guide makes the point that effective information sharing underpins integrated working and is a vital element of both early intervention and safeguarding. It set out how organisations and individuals should work together to safeguard children and local safeguarding children boards (LSCBs) were established through local authorities. The Working Together to Safeguard Children Guide specifies the general responsibilities which apply to all organisations. All organisations that provide services or work with children should: Have senior managers committed to children s and young people s welfare and safety Be clear about people s responsibilities to safeguard and promote children s and young people s welfare Check that there are no known reasons why particular adult couldn t work with children Have procedures for handling allegations of abuse against staff Make sure staff get training in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. What Is The Worst Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29, 2005. It is know as the third worst hurricane ever to hit the US. The worst hurricane was the Great Galveston hurricane which took place in 1900. Katrina was the worst destructive storm ever in US history. This storm had a Category 3 rating on the Saffir Simpson Hurricane Scale. It had great winds of 100 140 miles per hour, and stretched about 400 miles across. This hurricane destroyed many towns across the gulf coast mostly in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama causing more than $100 billion in damage. (History.com, 2009) This storm started forming over the Bahamas on August 23. Many people knew right away that this was going to be a bad hurricane, and were able to some what prepare themselves. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...