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Essay On The Matrix
Crafting an essay on the subject of "The Matrix" can be both challenging and intriguing. The
film, known for its complex narrative, philosophical undertones, and groundbreaking visual
effects, demands a comprehensive understanding of various themes such as reality, artificial
intelligence, and the blurred lines between the virtual and the actual world.
One of the primary difficulties lies in dissecting the intricate layers of the movie's plot. "The
Matrix" is not a straightforward narrative; it delves into the realms of existentialism and
simulation theory, requiring the essayist to carefully navigate through these abstract concepts.
Ensuring clarity in explaining the film's philosophical underpinnings while maintaining a
coherent structure can be a daunting task.
Moreover, analyzing the film's impact on popular culture and its contribution to the science
fiction genre adds another layer of complexity. Exploring how "The Matrix" has influenced other
works and shaped perceptions of reality in the digital age requires a nuanced understanding of
cultural dynamics and artistic movements.
In addition, addressing the technical aspects of the film, such as its groundbreaking special
effects and innovative cinematography, adds another dimension to the writing process.
Describing these elements with precision while connecting them to the broader themes of the
narrative demands a careful blend of technical expertise and analytical prowess.
Despite the challenges, crafting an essay on "The Matrix" provides an opportunity for intellectual
exploration and critical thinking. The essayist must navigate the maze of ideas presented in the
film, engaging with both the narrative and its broader cultural implications.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on "The Matrix" requires a balanced blend of cinematic analysis,
philosophical reflection, and cultural contextualization. Successfully unraveling the layers of this
iconic film is not only a test of writing skills but also a journey into the realm of thought-
provoking concepts. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring diverse topics,
professional writing services like HelpWriting.net offer a convenient avenue to access well-
researched and expertly crafted content.
Essay On The Matrix Essay On The Matrix
Poop Pills And Cockroaches Research Paper
Scientists have tried to come up with ways that seem to work on everything. If you
have a sickness or disease sooner or later there will be a solution on it. But what
they come up with is it really safe? They give you possibilities but they leave off
the facts of what it s made up of or if it dont work what the results could be.
Medical professionals should not be using questionable cures like poop pills and
cockroaches. Poop pills are pills that try to help you have a bowel movement. The
pill contains other people s intestines to build up yours. The donors have got to be
young, healthy, and free of STDS. If you gag or vomit then you could inhale fecal
matter. If it doesn t help then your health could end up worse than it was. It isn t
guaranteed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They can help out a lot of people but others may have a reaction. This surprised a
lot of people because roaches are the most nastiest animals. They crawl on dead
tissue, sewage, and drainage areas. Scientists don t know what is in their brains,
but whatever it is it could be a life saver, even though sugar can t help that meal go
down. Some people say that if they work they should be tried, or given a chance. If
it cures, then we may can find things that cures others diseases as well. No matter
how nasty it is, others will take the chance if it could make them live longer. When
they try it they could be one of the lucky ones to survive but then again they could
not and leave in worse health. But the chance of surviving it is not for everyone.
People take poop pills and roaches to cure diseases, or a illness. No matter how
nasty they are they would take a chance on surviving. They both have things that
could cure something that you might have, and some people may say if it works go
ahead and take it. But you may not be one of the survivors. So I do not think that
doctors should use questionable cures like poop pills and
The Sorrowful Woman By Gail Godwin
When it comes to marriage, we expect the fairy tale story that we grew up watching
on tv and reading in books; stories such as Cinderella, Snow White, or Aladdin. We
re convinced that marriage will solve our problems. We have the false conception
that marriage will bring us the perfect white picket fence, 2.4 kids and a nice dog;
that our husband/wife will be ideal, and that we ll live happily ever after. In the
story The Sorrowful Woman by Gail Godwin; modern marriage is portrayed as the
perfect fairytale that went horribly wrong. Godwin s protagonist The wife and
mother can be described as selfish and self centered due to her unwillingness to
conform to the fairytale that she finds herself resenting.
In a structured family each person has their own role in order for the family as a
whole to function properly. The wife is often referred to as the Angel in the house
. Her designated role is to be the nurturer. A good mother is expected to contribute
her whole life to her family. Mothers are expected to be the glue that holds a family
together. It is their responsibility to provide the loving care and support needed for
raising children, making her husband feel loved, and taking care of household
chores and preparing daily meals. In the household the father also has a fundamental
role. They play the breadwinner , their position in the marriage/ family is to care for
the needs of their family by providing shelter, food, and safety. Neither the wife nor
husband is
Hierarchical Vs Congregational Church
After going through different types research observing and analyzing hierarchical and
congregational church structures, a conclusion that the two churches are basically
completely different. Hierarchical are run by people s level of authority or rank, and
in congregational churches the church makes the decisions as a whole. In a
Hierarchical church the members have no say in how they worship, unlike a
congregational church when they have a say in matters of the sort. The two both
have strengths and weaknesses that make them into the kind of church they are today.
In a Hierarchical church the level of power and importance comes from the top
down. Therefore the person with the most power is the head of the church or religion
and people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Congregational churches can confuse the roles of deacons and elders, in a way that
people may question is his function to serve or as a person who goes to board
meeting. For a congregational structure is a difficult function in a large church. With
this form of church government members can reject or question any form of church
leadership and authority. This can lead to the churches getting rid of its pastors or
people from the church board. Some of the decisions of the church are made from
the vocal feelings of one person s convincing feelings, instead of thought out
considerations. Also people who are not trained, dedicated or capable may influence
the decision of the entire church. Prejudice and favoritism can easily alter the final
decision, or even split the church. There is an assumption that in congregational
churches the majority is always right. In reality the largest vote is the majority now
whether it right or wrong is another
Albert Durer s Whore Of Babylon
Albert Durer s Whore of Babylon, from the Apocalypse
The Whore of Babylon woodcut by Albert Durer was one of fifteen woodcuts in
his famous series, The Apocalypse which was published in 1498. This woodcut
series portrays scenes from the book of Revelation in the bible, concerning the end
of the world. It was created at a time when Europe anticipated the Last Judgement ,
as Germany was experiencing plagues, religious debates, and peasant movements
towards the end of the 15th century. Durer became wealthy and rapidly well known
across Europe because of this series. He began working on these woodcuts on his
trip to Italy in 1494 1495, and the first two editions were published in 1498 in
Nuremberg, Germany, in both German and Latin. He later ... Show more content on
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This is due to the use of a tool, a burin, to create extremely thin and subtle lines in an
engraving. The medium used for an engraving is metal and is created using an
intaglio method. Unlike the relief process of printmaking, this process is a positive
one. The artist scratches the image onto the metal plate, inks the surface of it, and
wipes it clean. As a result, ink is placed into the carved out drawing. Next, the plate
is run through a roller press which causes the ink to absorb to the paper. The
difference in appearance between a relief print and an intaglio print is because of
essentially drawing the image to be created onto the metal plate for an intaglio
print. Also cross hatching, the use of fine parallel lines to create the illusion of
shade, allowed for more subtle shading in the engraving. This engraving portrays
the melancholy personality of artists and Durer, himself. It is suggested that the
winged figure represents Durer because of the location of his monogram or logo
underneath the bench that figure is sitting on. Her pondering stance represents an
artistic genius who is looking for inspiration, but cannot find it, therefore
experiences despair in her/himself. The winged child sitting to the left of the
winged female, represents anxiety that the uninspired artist could be experiencing.
In addition, in the upper left corner, a bat is found with the words melencholia
beside it. The bat represents melancholy because it only appears or comes out at
night and is linked with the darkness. Durer contrasts melancholy and the light of
inspiration by associating this bat in the dark sky with rays of light. Essentially,
because of the wood medium used in the Whore Of Babylon, lines appear broader,
whereas using metal as a medium allowed the Melencollia engraving to display more
subtle lines and
The Sniper Essay, Liam O Flaherty
The Sniper Commentary The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty is a short story about a
sniper, set in the Irish Civil War. The author uses characterization, symbolism and
third person limited point of view to develop the central theme of the horrors of
war. The main character in the story is the mysterious Sniper, who is serving active
duty in the Irish Civil War for the Republicans. The story opens with the Sniper
attempting to eat on a rooftop, when an enemy sniper opens fire on him. He
retaliates and manages to take down the enemy sniper and his informant, a frail old
woman. During the course of this, his arm is wounded by fire from another Free
State sniper. Unable to hold on to his rifle, he draws his revolver and kill the enemy
with it,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Turning to symbolism, another key element, used by the author to tie together plot
and showcase how the war detrimentally affects the lives of people living in the
warring nations. In the narrative, the two warring factions, the Free Staters and
Republicans are both comprised of Irishmen, who are fighting each other because
they want civil things. This internal conflict is shown on a smaller scale with the
Sniper and his brother. The conflict between the brothers and the Free Staters and
the Republicans is internal conflict, a mirrored conflict of sorts. The two warring
factions in the Irish civil wars both happen to be Irish, they ve picked up arms
against their brothers. The Sniper felt a sudden curiosity as to the identity of the
enemy sniper whom he had killed. He decided that he was a good shot, whoever he
was. [...] The sniper darted across the street. [...] He threw himself downward beside
the corpse. The machine gun stopped. Then the sniper turned over the dead body
and looked into his brother s face. This excerpt relates back to the first point that was
made, both the sniper and his brother were excellent shots, both had advantageous
vantage points, the sniper s brother was an extension of his own being. This scenario
symbolizes the futility of a war like the Irish civil war, in which brother fights brother
and Irishmen fights Irishmen. Furthermore, the theme of the horrors of war is further
Mexican American War And The Mexican War
The Mexican American war better known as the Mexican war, was a conflict
between The united states of America and Mexico. from 1846 to 1848. It followed
in the wake of the 1845 US annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its
territory, despite the 1836 Texas revolution. After its independence in 1821 and brief
experiment with monarchy, Mexicobecame a republic in 1824, characterized by
considerable instability, so that when war broke out in 1846, Mexico was ill
prepared for this conflict. The war with the United Statesfollowed in the wake of
decades of Indian raids in the sparsely settled north of Mexico, which prompted the
Mexican government to sponsor American migration to the Mexican province of
Texasto act as a buffer. Americans and some Mexicans revolted against the
Mexican government in the 1836 Texas Revolution, creating a republic not
recognized by Mexico, which still claimed it as its national territory. The 1845
expansion of US territory with its annexation of Texas escalated the dispute between
the United States and Mexico to open war. In 1844 James K. Polk, the newly
elected president, made a proposition to the Mexican government to purchase the
disputed lands between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande. When that offer was
rejected, troops from the United States commanded by Major General Zachary
Taylor were moved into the disputed territory of Coahuila. These troops were then
attacked by Mexican troops, killing 12 American troops and taking 52
Essay Frank McCourts Angelas Ashes
Frank McCourts Angelas Ashes Frank McCourt s Angela s Ashes is a powerful and
emotional memoir of his life from childhood through early adulthood. This book is a
wonderfully inspired piece of work that emotionally attaches the reader through
McCourt s life experiences. Its effectiveness is primarily due to McCourts evolving
innocent eye narrative technique. He allows the reader to experience his own lifein a
changeable form. Through this unique story telling technique, the reader is able to
watch Frank grow and evolve. Between the ages of four, eleven and fourteen changes
in his writing can be easily identified. It is evident that the written text, McCourt s
thoughts, and the resultant relationship with the reader evolve and... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
For instance, he refers to his family standing in the kitchen as big people (106). He
is easily confused and does not understand complex concepts: ...He can have
Malachy and the twins for brothers. He can t have Margaret anymore because she s
like the dog in the street that was taken away. I don t know why she was taken
away (43). Concepts such as death and religion are especially difficult for a child
to understand. Mam tells us, That s the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I want to know
why the man s heart is on fire and why doesn t He throw water on it? (67).
A unique relationship forms between the author and the reader through McCourt s
effective show and tell narrative method. This gives the reader more involvement and
greater emotional attachment. During the first part of this book, he shows the reader,
through innocent misunderstandings, that interpretation is needed in order to fully
understand the context: Sometimes he [Mr. Leibowitz] speaks to Mrs. Leibowitz and
I don t understand because strange sounds come from his mouth. Freddie
understands...smiles back and makes the strange sounds (38). Here the reader knows
that the strange sounds are the Leibowitz s speaking another language. Frank does
not understand that there are different languages that people speak other than just
English, but the mature reader is informed.
Proceeding into the section of the book where McCourt is eleven years old, the
Dream Script Essay
representations, which leads to imagination. The dream script is created by both
migrants and host societies who dream of having a better life, or providing a better
life for immigrants. This dream script is the essence of the what if? game. In the
dream script, Orgad highlights how celebrities are used to help us to imagine how
one could make it too. One example Orgad uses is Shakira. The Colombian musician
is the ideal when it comes to immigrants searching for a better life. She is popular,
talented and famous, but did not have to give up her cultural background. This
dialectic construction of Shakira the migrant who transcends identity boundaries and
at the same time reproduces those boundaries contributes to her... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Nightmare I wants migrants to imagine a live of people being afraid of you because
the script says people will associate an immigrant with violence. The second
nightmare highlights the injustice, extreme hardships, discrimination and racism
that migrants experience. (Orgad, 2012) The migrants create this script and its
purpose is to show what life will actually be like. However, this second nightmare
has a hard time finding the light of media representations as it often gets
misconstrued. Orgad demonstrates this by saying, in today s environment of media
representations, the lines between the factual and the fictional increasingly blur.
(Orgad, 2012) When looking beyond dreams and nightmares, Orgad finds that
immigrants are ambivalent and their imagination is incomplete. This imagination
is governed by uncertainty and confusion, a mix of hope and anxiety, desire for a
better, but unknown, future, and grief of over the loss of soon to become former
lives. (Orgad, 2012) Essentially, the fear of migration is real, as it is impossible to
know where you will fall. Through a growing amount of globalization, we again see
representation grow. As they grow more people are able to imagine. In this case, the
more representations of a
Henry David Thoreau s On Living The Good Life
Henry David Thoreau philosophized about living the good life. According to him,
the good life is reached through what can be interpreted as an ever evolving soul.
The ever evolving soul matures and begins to tune in to spiritual instinct.
Epistemologically, Thoreau argues that spiritual instincts are sentiments or feelings
that act as a life compass and distinguish the metaphysical aspect of higher laws
from the world of being. In order to live the best life, according to Thoreau, one must
avoid being overwhelmed by material possessions and practice economy. Which leads
ethically to a spiritual evolution. In accumulating various material possessions we
waste valuable time that could be spent with family and friends, traveling or
expanding our personal interests. On July 4, 1845 Thoreau declared his independence
from American society and moved into a cabin that he built next to WaldenPond in his
home state of Massachusetts. After two years, two days and two months he returned
home. By immersing himself in nature, Thoreau hoped to gain a more objective
understanding of society through personal introspection. Simple livingand self
sufficiency were some of Thoreau s other philosophical precepts. In April of 1992 a
recent graduate of Emory University named Christopher McCandless, set into the
Alaskan wilderness, far away from civilization, to practice an extreme example of
economy. It can be said that within the fateful story of McCandless and the
philosophy of Thoreau certain
Essay on Lahiri s the Namesake
Anna Mantzaris
English 1B
08 March 2013
Gogol Versus Nikhil Gogol grapples with his name throughout the majority of the
novel, yet this tension was in the makings even before his birth. Ashoke and Ashima
being immigrants set Gogol up to live in two different cultures, American and
Bengali. Many children of immigrants may feel like Gogol, having one foot in each
world. Gogol framed his struggle with cultural identity through something tangible,
his name. In Jhumpa Lahiri s novel, The Namesake, Gogol s struggle with cultural
identity is exposed most greatly by the name others call him and his reaction to it.
On Gogol s first day of school, he gets his first taste of the cultural tension that his
name and good name generate in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reader is convinced that Gogol has had many experiences of his name being
said with hesitation and lack of ease that normal American names are pronounced
with. Gogol must often compare himself to his peers via how teachers and other
authorities handle his unique name. Furthermore, Gogol himself is consumed with
doubt in regards to his name, what it means, and how it ties him to his heritage in a
way he in unsure how to accept. However pleased Gogol may have been with Mr.
Lawson s approach, everything changes when the class reads The Overcoat by
Nikolai Gogol. With growing dread and a feeling of slight nausea, he watches as Mr.
Lawson distributes the books...the sight of it [ Gogol ] printed in capital letters
on the crinkly page upsets him viscerally (89). Gogol wants nothing to do with his
name at this point, even the book it is printed in is particularly battered, the corner
blunted, the cover spotted as if by a whitish mold, (89). The confusion Gogol
associates with his own name infects him and things around him, just like the
warmth [that] spreads from the back of Gogol s neck to his cheeks and his ears,
(91). The rest of his classmates, begin to moan in unison, (92), and Gogol feels
betrayed, (91). Gogol takes the class s negative reaction to the Russian author s
biographical information as a personal assault. It reinforces his rejection to his own
name as each time the name
Essay on Flannery O Connor
Love Always Converge
Flannery O Conner was born in Georgia. Her Southern Catholic views on racial
issues and religion gives O Conner her name. She continued to express her views on
the decaying south up to her death. Everything That Rises Must Converge was one
of O Connor s last pieces before lupus took her life. The title Everything That Rises
Must Converge is borrowed from the works of Teilhard de Chardin. The religion
philosopher explains the ideal of everything and everyone will be joined at the end of
the geologic time. (179) The author uses this theme to explain in the story how the
old south and the new south emerge creating one south. The author s agenda in the
short story is to explore the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The thought of blacks becoming a part of her society disturb her, It s simply not
realistic. They should rise, yes but on their own side of the fence. (207)
Julian , a recent graduated tries to show is mom that the old south has died. The
author uses Julian view of the decaying mansion as a symbol of the south. Julian
recalls the mansion, the double stairways had rotted and been torn down (207) as his
mom views the mansion as a high kingdom. Though out the ride Julian encounter
with several black passengers. He tries to talk to them but fails.
A mother s love overpowers any tradition or belief. Julian is far too self absorbed to
appreciate the many sacrifices his mother has made for him in the beginning.
Julian only thinks of ways to educate her bleak view of the world, True culture is in
the mind, the mind...and tapped his head, the mind, (208). Every dollar goes to
her beloved son. When its time for her to buy something, like a hat for herself she
feels guilty. She allows her own teeth to rot to afford him braces. Through all Julian
ungratefulness, she does not give up on him like she doesn t give up on the return
of the old south. Ms. Cheeny constantly gives him encouragement, I think you re
doing fine, you ve only been out of school a year. Rome wasn t built in a day. (206)
Nevertheless, Julian tears symbolize a rebirth of his appreciation for is mother. His
guilt hunts him; The tide of darkness seemed
Mulvey s Gaze
From a cinematography perspective, elements of Mulvey s essay persist
throughout the film, specifically, the idea of the male gaze upon females who are
meant to be looked at. However, in line with the homosexual themes in Carol, this
gaze is manipulated to be a female to female gaze. On their quest for a Christmas
tree, Therese s gazes are followed by broken down, close up shots of Carol s
gloved hands on the steering wheel and red lips as she smile back at Therese. Then
from the car, Therese photographs Carol without her knowledge, the ultimate form of
Mulvey s scopophilia, or gaining pleasure by looking suggestively, however it does
not derive from the herterosexual male s perspective. Hayne s challenging of
traditional depictions of sexuality in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Conventional elements of sexualitiy in Carol are complicated further by the power
dynamics between Carol and Therese expressed through cinematographic
elements. While Carol is wiser and more experienced than Therese and is often
framed with low angle shots making her appear large, confident, and strong. The
complexity of Carol s character is further explored as she simultaneously appears
as having power over Therese but is also the subject of Therese s objectifying gaze.
Therese, who is often captured through high angle shots giving viewers a sense of
looking down on her, possess a gaze which often frames Carol seductively as she
photographs and stares at Carol flaunting her feminine glamour and sexuality. Just
as the scene in which they first met, Therese is often obscured, hidden behind the
lense of her camera, and Carol is the subject of awe, attention, and desire. In the
dark, Therese stares at Carol under her red covers as she sleeps. Through parts of her
are obscured throughout the film, Therese is the holder of Mulvey s powerful gaze
and thus gives new meaning to this
Church Council Controversy
Church history has been marked by good times and by bad, and these periods were
heavily influenced by the decisions of the popes and Church councils, as well as the
examples set by the saints. The papacy has been tainted throughout the ages with the
pope s lust for power and wealth, but even in the worst of times for the Church,
excellent papal leaders emerged. The Church councils also struggled at times to
properly address issues in the Church, but out of most of the Church councils came
important lessons for the Church and founding doctrines that would make the Church
stronger. Saints, the pillars of Christianitywho all people should strive to be like,
influenced the Church through the examples of their holy lives. St. Athanasius is an...
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Athanasius, Pope Leo XIII, and the Council of Florence all have had significant
impacts on the Church throughout history. St. Athanasius aided in the eradication of
Arianism, an early Church heresy that taught that Jesus was not divine, and The Life
of Saint Anthony was a key component to establishing monasticism in the Church.
Pope Leo XIII promoted Catholic social teaching by encouraging increased social
justice among Catholics and all people of the world. He also moved the Church into
the modern era, preparing it for the aggiornamento movement of the Second Vatican
Council, in his encyclical Rerum novarum. The Council of Florence addressed the
split between the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic Churches, and although the
reunification result was brief, the Church had successfully performed ecumenism for
the first time since 1054. Additionally, several doctrines and Church beliefs of the
Council of Florence that pertained to the future Reformation would be used in the
Counter Reformation movement at the Council of Trent. The practices developed in
the council and the examples of these two remarkable people provide us with a
strong set of principles on which we should base our lives to better the
Fundamental Problems of Economic System
In this unit you will get acquainted with the fundamental problems of the economy.
The understanding of the concept will help you bring closer to the basic idea of the
economy s problems as well as remedies of such problems. In this unit you will get
detailed description of what is an economic system, problems of economic system,
factors of production, concept of production possibility curve, and the fundamental of
allocation of resources in different types of economies.
Before we further move on we have to know about the sources of economic problems
and a brief about the economic system.
1.2.1 Scarce Means and Unlimited Wants
Want is Want is an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Production process is an end to end activity which means that there is a relational
pedagogy between input and output. Factors of production also known as productive
inputs are the resources employed to produce goods and services, thus it constitutes
the input part of the production process. Factors of production involve in the
production process and improves the working of the process but do not form the
ultimate part of the product. Factors of production can be broadly classified as: 1.
Land 2. Labour 3. Capital 4. Entrepreneurship
1.3.1 Land
In economics, land includes all natural resources which are free gift of nature. Thus,
by land economists do not mean only agricultural soil, but also other natural
resources such as minerals, water, climate and forests. Payment for use of land per
period is called Rent.
Land as factor of production implies the ground used to built and start the production
moreover it serves as a pool of various minerals and valuable natural resources which
facilitates the human mankind. Land is a fixed factor of production and thus it is not
possible to increase. Land helps to facilitate the production only if the efficient
workforce is used to generate the maximum output out of the limited resource. This
means optimum utilisation of resources.
1.3.2 Labour
Labour represents all physical and mental abilities which people can make available
for production of
First Phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress
First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress
First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress Inform ative researched article
on First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress
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Iron Age in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ignorant of the misery of the s common people, the moderates followed the policy of
constitutionalism. They only wanted the s right to self government, which would
strengthen their own position in the field of administration. Moreover the delegates
of the Indian National Congress were mostly drawn from the cities and hardly any
direct contact with the common run of men. The congress leaders were full of
admiration for the British history and culture. It was their essential faith that the
British rule in India had some positive effects on the s land and culture of India.
Henceforth they looked upon the British Government not as an antagonist but as their
ally. Therefore they believed in the policy of constitutionalism in order to seek their
rights and liberties from the British Government. In the course of time they believed
that the British Government would help them to acquire the capacity of self
government in the pattern of the west. Thus these educated intellectuals strongly
believed that the chief
First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress obstacle in the way of India`s
progress was not the British colonial rule but the socioeconomic backwardness of the
British government. Not the independence, rather the socioeconomic progress of
India was the sole motto of the moderate leaders of the INC, during the firsts phase.
The moderate
Cell Cycle Analysis Paper
Cell cycle analysis. PC3 (8Г—104 cells/well) and LNCaP (3Г—105 cells/well) cells
were seeded in 6 well plates in 1.5 mL of complete growth media. Cells were treated
with 2.5 ОјM of free sorafenib or an equivalent sorafenib concentration of SMA Sor,
3 ОјM of free nilotinib or an equivalent nilotinib concentration of SMA Nilo, DMSO
or SMA for 48 h. Cell cycle distribution was assessed using propidium iodide
staining, as previously described {Somers Edgar, 2011 #82}. Samples were analysed
using a FACScalibur flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) and the
proportion of cells in each of G0/G1 , S and G2/M phases were determined using
CellQuest Pro software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). Apoptosis analysis.
PC3 (8Г—104 cells/well)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The cells were washed with PBS and then incubated in serum free media and treated
with 2.5 ОјM of free sorafenib or an equivalent sorafenib concentration of SMA Sor,
3 ОјM of free nilotinib or an equivalent nilotinib concentration of SMA Nilo,
DMSO or SMA for 48 h. Following treatment, media was collected, centrifuged to
remove cell debris, and freeze dried for 12 h. Samples were rehydrated and mixed
with loading buffer (0.4 M Tris, pH 6.8, 5% SDS, 20% glycerol, 0.03%
bromophenol blue). For zymography, samples were loaded on a 10% SDS
polyacrylamide gel containing 1 mg/mL of gelatin. After electrophoresis, the gels
were incubated in renaturing solution (2.5% Triton X 100 (w/v)) for 30 min at
room temperature and then for 24 h at 37В°C in a developing buffer containing 50
mM Tris, pH 7.5, 200 mM NaCl, 4 mM CaCl2, and 0.02% NP40. The gels were
then stained with Coomassie blue R250, and regions without staining were
indicative of gelatin lysis. The gels were briefly rinsed and scanned. For MMP 9 and
isthmin 1 secretion, samples were loaded on a 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel, and
the expression of MMP 9 and isthmin 1 assessed by western blotting using anti MMP
9 (D6O3H, Cell Signaling) and anti isminth 1 antibodies (Biorbyt, San Francisco, CA,
Iran Imperialism
Maslow s law of the instrument states that if all you have is a hammer, everything
looks like a nail, but what if it works alongside a sickle? As a key player of the
Cold War (1947 1991), the United States (US) has had a dual role in the nuclear
proliferation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Consequently, this conflict of
imperialism has had major implications for Iranian relations to the present day. Even
with the support of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the
European Union (EU); Irans path towards peaceful nuclear energy still faces
opposition from the US. In summation, from the nativity of the Second Red Scare in
1947 to the present day, a mix of political and strategic interests has lead to the
formation of the Joint... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The USSR s spread its ideology of communism in the Azerbaijani region, the
Kurdish people in the region, and would see to the establishment of the communist
Tudeh Party of Iran that would play a vital role in the next decade. With the
communist ideology fueling their nationalism and help from the USSR, the people
of Azerbaijan and the Kurds formed the People s Republic of Azerbaijan and the
Kurdish People s Republic in late 1945. This would culminate to the Iran crisis of
1946 where from November 1945 15 December 1946, the USSR used these
separatist states to engage in fighting with Iranian forces until the dissolution at the
end of the conflict. These events did not go unnoticed as people familiar with Soviet
policy knew its purpose was to establish the expansion of communism, with Moscow
at its
Prayer At Sporting Events Essay
Prayer in Sporting Events
The Government is too preoccupied with pleasing a select few by removing prayer
from sporting events than they are with running the country. This is a problem that
can be fixed and should be.
The reason for student led prayers at sporting events is for a God they believe in to
grant the safety of the players on the field and the fans going home. After all,
Christians are in the majority. It s a thirty second prayer that isn t going to hurt a
single person. (Gholson) At Celina High School, Celina, Texas, the students and
administration completely ignored the ruling of the courts by continuing to have
student led prayers before football games. The ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Worth, Texas. Why God, why? Help me please!
What s wrong with the world today? That we can t pray at a football game, but
cussing the ref. is okay? (Goodson) This country was founded by people who were
tired of the way their government was telling them how to worship God. And that
is exactly what is happening now. Our government doesn t want the atheists to get
offended so they hurt the majority of the people by going against our own God
and telling us not to pray for the safety of some people. The Bible tells us to pray
without cease. And why should we stop? The prayer is even asking for the safety
of the atheists. We don t say the prayer, Please God keep all the Christians safe from
injury. We pray for the safety of EVERYBODY.
If the government would be a little less involved in our religious beliefs or non
beliefs, we might have a balanced budget or less of a debt. The constitution grants us
the right to freedom of religion. We re not asking that atheists be converted
Christians. If they don t want to participate, they can go to the bathroom or put on
some headphones. As an ex atheist and recently converted Christian, a prayer never
offended me. They shouldn t be offended either.
Prayer in Sporting Events
1. Times Record News. Nick Gholson, Wichita Falls High School
2. Texas Coach, The Prayer of a Christian Teen . February
Social Differentiation And Separation Of Latin American...
Cities have been traditionally seen as the breeding grounds for citizenship, the latter
usually framed in terms of dwellers having specific rights, duties, some sort of
political participation and frequent interactions with each other. Yet, urbanization can
also present many challenges that further disenfranchise and marginalize residents.
As the most urbanized region in the world, Latin American cities highlight both of
these sceneries. Industrialization and neoliberal economic policies led to the
continent s rapid urbanization, introducing large developments but also deeply
segregated urban centers, characterised by strong tensions between their formal and
informal dimensions. Latin American leaders efforts to tackle this issue have
presented both setbacks and opportunities to transform the cityinto a more integrated
space, and set the path to recognize every dwellers right to the city: to be in it, to
enjoy it, and to build it.
Social differentiation and separation have been frequent characteristics of Latin
American cities, in both physical, psychological and cultural terms. As Teresa
Caldeira indicates in City of Walls, the pattern of segregation in Latin America
traditionally obeyed the center periphery model where the middle and upper classes
lived in legalized neighborhood in the center of the cities, while the poor inhabited
the mostly illegal precarious fringe. For most of the 20th century, social housing
estates outside of the metropolis were believed to be
The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari Comparative Essay
Through watching many of Burton s films and that of the German Expressionist era,
it is clear that there are many visual similarities. One of Burton s earliest works is a
animated short he made while working at Disney. Vincent was a five minute, black
and white, stop motion animation based on a poem that Burton had wrote previously.
The filmas some similarities to Expressionist film; the black and white setting and
several visuals such as the London street, the staircase to Vincent s bedroom and
the slanted doorway (fig 5) (video 2) fig 5: video stills from Vincent (left) vs The
Cabinet of Dr Caligari (right)
The fact that Burton chose to create this piece in black and white rather than colour
could be a direct link to the Expressionist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bottom Edward Scissorhands .
Showing the contrast of the world the main character lives in.
Throughout this film, there are many links to The Cabinet of Dr Caligari , possibly
most notably, the difference between the dark Gothic castle which Edward is found
in, and the almost sickly setting where the residents of the neighbourhood live,
based upon Burton s childhood in Burbank, California. The contrast between these
two worlds is very similar to the world which Francis recalls in his flashback and that
of the asylum in The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (fig 8).
Another piece of Expressionism which features in Burton s work, often alongside
his use of contrast, is his use of shadows. Expressionist film included shadows as a
way of showing what was happening but without having the actual character on
screen, this added to the mysterious horror narrative but also allowed for scenes
which may have been considered too graphic otherwise, for example the scene in
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari where Alan is attacked in his bed (fig 9). This technique
can also be used for emphasising something about a character, as famously done in
Nosferatu with Count Orlok (fig 10). fig 9: Alan s death scene in The Cabinet of Dr
Social And Gender Roles In Dracula By Bram Stoker
Dracula by Bram Stoker is the original vampire book, the one that started it all.
From it derived the now so beloved and famous teen romance vampire genre, with
novels like Twilight. However, Dracula is not remotely like the sparkle in the
sunlight, falling in love with mortals vampire any more than Harry Potter is like the
Wicked Witch of the West. Dracula
is a gothic horror novel set in Transylvania and
England during the Victorian Era. Letters, diary entries, and newspaper clippings
from the viewpoint of several characters tell the story, allowing for a wide variety of
viewpoints that highlight happenings in Draculaas well as present the social issues
pertained within. While it contains action, suspense, horror, and romance, it also
displays the corruption within the everyday society. The way the women are
presented, interacted with, and how Count Dracula affects them brings forth the
issues within the Victorian society, especially the men s treatment of women and the
different social and gender roles, which Stoker uses to highlight the situational irony
found within the novel. The reader s first real introduction to the Victorian society
and the women within is through Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray s letters to each
other. The letters reveal both of their characters and in their diary entries, the way the
men act towards them. This reveals the society s view of women, often thinking of
them as being below men, silly and childlike. When Lucy is introduced, she comes off
Shakira s Night Analysis
Shakira s Night With Consequences
When Shakira awoke she was in a ditch on the side of the road. All she remembers
from last night was lying to her parents saying she was going to a sleepover at
Zacquisha. When she really went to a party where Zacquisha gave her a drink and
some pills. She had no idea where she was. She looked around trying to remember
how she had gotten there and what the heck had happened last night. She then
decided to walk she went to call an Uber when realizes she did not have her phone
or her purse. She began to walk and noticed a street sign and her stomach sank. She
realized she was on the west side of town. She then was afraid of what might
happen to her, if she was found out here in the hood all alone. She then noticed her
her great grandmother s watch was missing. An heirloom of four generations gone.
She started walking but kept her head down. She had finally crossed the river when
she had noticed a police officer had begun ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
She then is put in a room and given an IV. They do a full body examination and
notice bruising and cuts all over her body. Her genitals feel sore so they do a rape kit.
She is so embarrassed that any of this is happening. Her parents arrive at the hospital
and start screaming questions and demanding answers. Lieutenant Linzie pulls both
of them out of the room and explains that she is a trauma victim and it is highly
inappropriate to be demanding this from her. The parents start crying and Shakira is
crying it is a disaster. The physiatrist and social worker at the hospital hear about this
so they go to help. But they get into an argument whether she need therapy or if she
has a mental illness. The attending physician of the hospital comes in the room with
the toxicology screening results. Which came back positive for alcohol,
flunitrazepam (date rape drug), and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy). Her
parents are
Theme Of Neoplatonism In The Princess Bride
In William Goldman s 1973 classic, The Princess Bride, many characters have
opinions about love. Many characters have opinions about beauty, too, and they all
agree that Princess Buttercup is the most beautiful person they have ever seen.
Princess Buttercup decides that Westley is the most beautiful person she has ever
seen, and she describes him as Kind of flawless. More or less magnificent . . .
Rather on the ideal side. Similar to Buttercup, post Renaissance poets described
their lovers as flawless in beauty, a play on Plato s philosophy of ideal beauty mixed
with early Reformation Christianity in a school of thought called Neoplatonism.
Shakespeare was one to try his hand at praising Neoplatonic beauty, as was Edmund
Spenser. However, Shakespeare s Neoplatonism... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
While Neoplatonism attributes eternal beauty to being similar to God, Shakespeare
attributes his subject s immortality to his own poetry. Shakespeare states that the
reason for his subject s eternal beauty is because of Shakespeare s own poems,
which immortalize his subject in a state of beauty. The heroic couplet in this case
is more arrogant than anything else; building on the line before, When in eternal
lines to time thou grow st, which means the subject will live forever in
Shakespeare s poems, the couplet declares that as long as people are alive and can
read, Shakespeare s poems will survive and therefore so will the subject. His
correctness does not make the line less self centered, especially since he spent
most of the sonnet discussing the flaws of summer and forgot to describe his
subject s actual beauty. His subject will eternally live on as the person who more
beautiful than summer, but also as a person we know nothing about. By disregarding
his subject s actual beauty and ending the poem by bragging of his own timelessness,
Shakespeare failed to make Sonnet 18 a true example of
Essay on Lysistrata
Lysistrata is a play written in 411 BC by Aristophanes. At that time in Greek history,
the city states were constantly warring with one another. Consequently, the women
were left at home. One woman, Lysistrata, was so fed up with the fighting that she
called all of the women of Greece to a meeting. When they finally showed up,
Lysistrata presented her plan for peace: no sex until the wars ceased. She eventually
convinced all of the other women that this was the only way to bring peace to the
The men were miserable and ultimately they negotiated a treaty to stop the hostilities.
This play has its merits and its downfalls. As a whole, however, it is well written,
humorous, and most importantly, it has a purpose. On first glance, the ... Show more
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At the opening of the play, Lysistrata has called a meeting of all the women and is
impatiently waiting for them. She says that she has spent long, sleepless nights
agonizing over the solution to the wars. She tells Kalonike, quot;Only we women can
save Greece! quot; As the rest of the women arrive, she informs them of her plan. The
women are resistant to the idea of no sex at first. They then realize that what
Lysistrata says is true.
The women take an oath and swear to one another that they will have nothing to do
with their husbands until the wars cease. Aristophanes use of women as the
peacemakers shows the natural role of women as nurturers. He is displaying how
life should be, without war. In times of peace, men are working at home alongside
their wives. When war comes about, women are left to do all the work, domestic and
This upsets the balance of daily life. Aristophanes is urging his fellow Greeks to
restore peace and therefore life as they once knew it. As the play progresses, the men
are in extreme pain and agony from the withholding of sexual activities. They come to
the conclusion, grudgingly, that the women are indeed correct. To renew Greece, the
fighting must end. And they are the ones with whom it has to begin.
The men arrange a treaty and then celebrate with the others, Athenian and Spartan
alike. But, as I can imagine, all, women and men, are anxious to get home. With this
Importance Of Naturalism In An Episode Of War And The...
Naturalism is a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from
natural properties and causes. A Naturalist is a person who practices naturalism in art
or literature. Stephen Crane is a famous writer during the Naturalism movement, and
best develops Naturalist beliefs throughout his stories. Naturalists believe an
individual s life is determined by environment, chance, and heredity. They also
believe free will is an illusion, survival of the fittest and natural selection govern
people as well as nature, and people resort to the animal within during crisis
situations. Naturalists also believe people should endure their suffering with quiet
dignity. Stephen Craneuses characters, setting, plot, and conflictto develop Naturalist
themes in An Episode of War, and A Mystery of Heroism. In An Episode of War, the
setting of the story is a battlefield during the Civil War. The outcome of being shot on
the battlefield is unpredictable, which enhances the Naturalist s belief that life is
determined by chance. When the lieutenant gets shot in An Episode of War, he reacts
rather slowly to the situation, and tries to help himself. His companions were offering
to help him, and One timidly presented his shoulder and asked the lieutenant if he
cared to lean upon it, but the latter waved him away mournfully. (510) The lieutenant
portrays the Naturalist belief that people should endure their suffering with quiet
dignity when he does not accept help from his
Inconvenient Truth Montage
an inconvenient truth is a 2006 documentary film on climate change/global warming
by al gore, aimed at alerting the public to an increasing planetary emergency due to
global warming, and demonstrations re enacted incidents from his life story which
influenced his concerns about environmental issues. Al goreis adopting the main
documentary techniques; montage, the voice of narration and archival footage and to
reinforce his bias that we as humans have been contributing to the issue of climate
in an inconvenient truth , the main technique that al gore utilized throughout his
documentary. Is the application of montage. A montage is a sequence of related or
semi related images that are selectively edited together to promote an emotive
meaning and the film maker s bias. An example of montage ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Filmmakers often use pre recorded film or photograph from different sources as
archival footage; such as from other documentaries or black and white film this is
usually denoted to provide some sort of perspective on previous events. Al gore
exemplifies an old piece of black and white film as he reflects on his childhood and
him growing up on a tobacco farm. Which is quite ironic since gore has implemented
legislation against carbon emission which smoking has a contributing factor,
although is negligent, merely setting aside the pollution produced in making cigars
and cigarettes. Albert selectively utilizes an edit of a factory in the background
producing smoke and/or pollution. As he is talking about the effect of global warming
is having on the earth and the process at which it is occurring; he is using this
association to directly flip the blame back onto the industry for being a supposed
major factor in the contribution to the co2 emissions. The technique of archival
footage that gore is signifying throughout his documentary that we have some
contribution to the effect of global
Cis 111 Complete Course Cis111Complete Course
CIS 111 Complete Course CIS111Complete Course
Click Link for the Answer: http://workbank247.com/q/cis 111 complete course
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CIS 111 Week 1 Discussion
Business Rules in Data Modeling Please respond to the following: * Per the text,
when databases are developed, they are modeled around business rules, so they
accurately support a business function or operation. * Based on your experiences,
identify one (1) example of a business function / operation. Explain the business
function / operation in the context of business data models. * Identify the business
rules associated with your selected business function / ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Check with your professor for any additional instructions. * Include a cover page
containing the title of the assignment, the student s name, the professor s name, the
course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: *
Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing
organizational data and information. * Compose conceptual data modeling techniques
to capture the information requirements. * Use technology and information resources
to research issues in database systems. * Write clearly and concisely about relational
database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style
CIS 111 Week 3 Discussion
Entity Relationship Modeling Please respond to the following: * As explained
throughout this course, entity relationship modeling is a critical element of database
design. If the database is not properly modeled, it is unlikely that the database will
be properly developed. Using this knowledge, explain the key reasons why entity
relationship modeling is important, and determine at least (1) way in which it impacts
the overall development of the database. * Analyze the key ways that entity
relationship modeling helps database developers overcome potential design
challenges and
The Exclusionary Rule
To determine whether or not the admission of evidence is constitutionally
permissible can be a very tough decision. There are many laws and regulations that
must be adhered to in order for evidence to be admissible to ensure that a defendant s
right are not violated. One of the most important rules that help protect against illegal
evidence being admitted into evidence is the Exclusionary rule. This rule helps to
ensure that evidence which is admissible into criminal prosecutions are not only
relevant and reliable, but have not violated the fourth or fifth amendment due to
misconduct. Specifically, the exclusionary rule forbids evidence obtained by
violating a defendant s constitutional rights to be introduced by the prosecution for
the purpose of proving direct guilt Gardner Anderson, 2013, pg. 218 219).Police
misconduct often leads to evidence that can either be obtained legally through the use
of illegal evidence, evidence that is illegally obtained through violations of other
rules, regulations, a defendants rights, or evidence that is obtained illegally but falls
under one of the exclusionary rule exceptions such as the plain view doctrine(Gardner
Anderson, 2013, pg. 219 221).
Based upon the facts, it is evident that the evidence obtained by Manning is
admissible evidence due to plain (open) view doctrine. The plain (open) doctrine
states that if a law officer is where he or she has a right to be and sees evidence or
contraband in plain view, then the evidence
Unit 2 Compare And Contrast Learning And Home School
There are 2 types of home learning first is where a child is educated at home
instead of sending them to a school and secondly is more for the older children
which is considered as distance learning, this is a way of learning remotely without
being in regular face to face contact with a teacher in the classroom. The difference in
home schooland home learning is with home school, a tutor will come into your
home to teach you on a one to one. Home learning involves no tutors, no teachers,
just the individual having to do their own research via different resources such as the
internet or books. More often than not, children are homeschooled because their
parents feel they can give their child a better educationthan the local school can.
Parents... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ways to overcome barriers with the parent s involvement and ways to support and
promote positive home learning:
Allow enough time for focused and persistent outreach to ensure that vulnerable
families in targeted areas of need are included.
Take the service to the parent where necessary support in the home is particularly
helpful in reaching the most vulnerable parents.
Provide services in responsive and flexible ways and at flexible times.
Tailor activities to make them appealing to parents who make less use of early years
provision, for instance fathers.
Respond to the support needs of individual parents other issues, such as financial
worries or depression, may need to be addressed before, or at the same time as,
helping parents to support their children as learners.
Use the expertise of voluntary organisations that have links within the local
Career Goals For Registered Nurses
Outlining Your Career Goals Registered nurses work alongside physicians
providing patient care in a variety of ways. A few examples of what nurses are
responsible for include: administering medications, tracking patient s vital signs,
helping to diagnose and properly treat patient aliments and educating the patient and
their family on their condition and the course of treatment. Depending on what area
of medicine a nurse works in will determine more generalized and specific duties
and responsibilities. There are many different areas a nurse may work in. Some areas
include: obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, emergency room, and many more.
Nurses can work in a variety of settings, these can include: hospitals, urgent cares,
doctors office, nursing homes and home health. Someone wishing to become a nurse
must obtain a degree or diploma from an accredited nursing school. Once they have
completed their educational requirements, they are then able to sit for the nursing
licensure exam. After completing nursing school you must sit for this test to become
licensed, graduating from nursing school does not automatically make you a
registered nurse. There are three paths that someone can take in order to fulfill their
education requirements. The three paths are a diploma in nursing, an associates
degree in nursing or a bachelors degree in nursing, after which you can then sit for
your licensing test. Nurses who have their bachelors degree with be offered a more
Essay on Dracula and Women in Bram Stoker s Dracula
In the 19th century Bram Stoker wrote the infamous novel, Dracula. This novel was
composed in the style of letters, journal entries, newspaper articles and telegrams in
order to convey to the reader a realistic story. The story of Dracula is about an
ancient vampire who moves to London from his native country of Transylvania. In
London, Draculaseduces and bites a young woman by the name of Lucy Westenra.
When Lucy falls sick, no one knows how to help her because while Draculahas bitten
her many times she has always been in a trance. Lucy?s friends decide to join
together to combat what ever is ailing Lucy. In hopes of some help, Lucy?s friend
Dr. Seward asks an old mentor of his by the name of Dr. Van Helsing to come to
London... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During the many times that Dracula visits Lucy he never shows his human form.
On one occasion Lucy says ?The air seems full of specks, floating and circling in
the draught from the window, and the lights burn blue and dim? (Stoker 158). This
is Dracula and for Lucy this would be even more terrifying because she doesn?t
know what has happened to her in the first place. However because the reader
knows what Dracula is, it makes his character all the more evil and horrifying
which is exactly what Stoker was aiming for. While the absence of Dracula?s
character does convey him to be frightening it also makes him dangerous because
you do not know when or where he will strike next. Bram Stoker makes Dracula
such a mysteriously evil creature lurking in the shadows, yet Dracula is always the
focus of the novel. Another example of this would be when Mina is staying in Dr.
Seward?s insane asylum while the men are out trying to destroy Dracula. At this
point in the story Dracula?s main focus is getting to Mina, which she doesn?t
know. At one point during the night Mina notices the window is open when she is
positive she shut it. Right away she sees a kind of mist that floats into the room.
Then she notices that it ?got thicker and thicker, till it seemed as if it became
concentrated into a sort of pillar of cloud in the room through the top of which I
could see the light of the gas shining like a red eye?
Money and Banking
What is MONEY?3
Characteristics of money3
Measurements of money4
Money and the economy6
Relationship between Prices and Inflation6
Why Money Supply Matters7
General History8
History in United States8
Banking basics9
Other Financial Institutions9
International Banks10
Structure of banking industry in U.S.10
Interest Rates11
Banking Business11
Liquidity management by banks11
Multiple Deposit Creation14
Banking services16
Banking Quiz20
Learning Objectives
On successful completion of this lesson you will be able to:
Understand the role of money and its impact on the economy and measurement of
money in an economy. History of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, digital cash is much easier to transport than paper money because it is
transferred digitally. This makes transferring money across border a lot easier, which
means money from illegal sources (such as drug money) can be easily transmitted out
of the country.
Measurements of money
Money is considered an important determinant of the condition of the economy of a
country. In the eye of the federal government, there is a broader measure of what
money is in the U.S and in other parts of the world imply.
There are 3 general measures of money used by the U.S. government (or more
specifically the Federal Reserve System): M1, M2 and M3. These are often referred to
in the context of inflation, recession and interest rate changes.
I m sure it sounds familiar. Allan Greenspan s, the US Treasury Secretary s,
announcements on changes in the Fed interest rate during the last two years is now
well known felt even in India.
(i) M1
M1 is the narrowest measure of money. It includes the following items:
Note:1. Traveler s checks issued by banks are grouped under demand deposits. 2.
Some examples of interest bearing checking accounts are NOW (negotiable order of
withdrawal), ATS (automatic transfer from savings), and credit union share drafts.
M1 is considered by the Federal Reserve as transaction balances. In other words, they
are perfectly
Classic Themes In Blood Wedding By Gabriel Garcia Lorca
The tragic play Blood Wedding (Bodas de Sangre ) written by Federico GarcГa Lorca
a Spanish poet and playwright in 1932. Is a tale of two young men who are in love
with the same women . Lorca tells a story of a family vendetta that is based on a
real life crime. The use of classic themes star crossed lovers, deception are revealed
throughout the play as well as a powerful desire for one another. This then leads to
the character s tragic demise. The performance had a mix of dancing and singing
along with acting. It was performed in the University Theater, Directed by Marla
Ladd, and Choreographed by Sarah Cashmore. One of the main characters of the
play is the groom which is a young happy man and last surviving child to his mother.
Leonardo is the bride s first and only love, he is also short tempered and irrational.
The bride is a young woman who loves Leonardo but wants to make her father
happy. The groom s mother is an elderly woman who is old fashioned, her husband
and son were murdered by a knife. The bride s father is an elderly wealthy
conservative man. The bride s servant is someone who is constantly giving her
advice and making sure she is happy. Then there is the bride s cousin naive women
that don t know what Leonardo feels for her cousin. The play Blood Wedding is a
tragedy about young women and two men are in love with her. Leonardo and the
bride first fall in love but things don t work out. He later marries the bride s cousin
and they
Essay on Manhattan Project
Thesis: The research for the first Atomic bomb was done in the United States, by a
group of the best scientists; this research was given the name of amp;quot;The
Manhattan Project amp;quot;. On Monday July 16th, 1945, a countdown for the
detonation of the first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This
atomic bomb testing would forever change the meaning of war. As the atomic bomb
was detonated it sent shock waves all over the world. There was endless research
done on the bomb in the United States. The research was called amp;quot;The
ManhattanEngineer District Projectamp;quot; but it was more commonly known as
quot;The Manhattan Project. quot;1 The Manhattan Project was brought by fear of
Germany and it s atomic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then he went to teach at Berkley University.4 Another main person in the research
project was Enrico Fermi. Fermi was a graduate of the University of Pisa, where he
received his Ph.D. Fermi then went to the University of Rome teaching chemistry
and biology. Fermi played a major role in the development of the bomb by creating a
sustained nuclear fission chain reaction, which was critical to making the atomic
bomb.4 Richard Feyman was another scientist which worked on the atomic bomb.
Feyman graduated from Princeton where he excelled in physics and other
scientific studies. Feyman s big duty on the Manhattan Project was to break big
problems into smaller easier to do problems.4 The Manhattan Project, also had to
have facilities for the research and testing of the atomic bomb. Some of the
facilities built by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers included: power stations, factories,
steel works, hospitals, laboratories, and housing for everybody that worked on the
project.. Other facilities that were built for the construction of the bomb were plants
to make the radioactive material needed to construct the bomb. Oak Ridge,
Tennessee was used to make uranium which was used as an explosive to react with
plutonium. The plutonium itself was made in Hanford, Washington.5 To make this
explosion possible, a piece of uranium was fired at another piece of uranium to make
the critical mass that was needed for an explosion. Critical mass is the exact amount
Initial Public Offering Paper
The focus of this paper is to examine and research the financing issues that an
organization must face when going public. The team has selected Chipotle Mexican
Grill, Inc. as the organization which has had an initial public offering in the last three
years. The learning team will address registration, disclosure, and compliance issues
and cost of issuance. In addition, the team will examine the impact on ownership
control and return as well as the source and application of funds.
Financing Issues that an Organization Faces When Going PublicAn Initial Public
Offering (IPO), is extremely expensive for organizations. It is common for a small
business to pay between $50,000 and $250,000 to organize and publicize an offering.
According to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
(Disclosure ,2008) In Chipotle s SEC filing they disclosed the prospectus
statement, financial data, and future plans. Through there prospectus statement
Chipotle makes it clear that they are set apart from other chains by serving Food
with Integrity . However, there are risks involved in investing, they are as follows:
the number of new stores rapidly being established, lack of independent operating
history, ability to continue to grow and profit, and health and safety concerns
regarding the ingredients used among others. Although the risk factors are in
place, Chipotle s financial data provides more assurance of returned profit on
investment. In their Rapidly Improving Financial Performance section of the SEC
filing they state a 130% increase in revenue in 2004 of 470.7 million up from 2002
and 49% up from 2003. And, average sales in new restaurants after 90 trading days
increased 24.9% a total of $303,390. From 2002 2004 Chipotle opened a total of
237 stores. Their increased financial growth is attributed to word of mouth sales
and quicker implementation of Chipotle culture in the area of the new restaurant.
Also, more people are aware of Chipotle, thus increasing average opening sales.(
Form S 1/A ,2005) The future plans of Chipotle is to expand operations and sales by
opening new stores. They forecast opening a total of 75 stores in 2005 of which 58
were already opened at the time of the SEC filing. In order to expand sales they plan
College Tuition Cost So Much Essay
The need for a baccalaureate degree has become more crucial in the ongoing era of an
increasingly global economy. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in
Americans 25 and older with a high school diploma had an average salary of $35,984
for the
year; those with a bachelor s degree had an average salary of $60,112. This means that
Americans with a bachelor s degree currently earn 40 percent more than those citizens
stopped their formal education after graduating from high school. As the demand for
degrees has
increased, so has the cost of higher education. The higher education system has had a
fair share
of problems throughout the past decades, and they have not gone unnoticed by
members of the
general public. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This reality can have a snowball
effect largely impacting the students. The government needs to spend its money more
wisely on
higher education so that students can have a more successful undergraduate
In the article, The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much , Paul F. Campos of
The New York Times explains why we have witnessed the cost of college spike so
high over the
years. Campos simplifies the issue for the audience, stating that, the astonishing rise
in college
tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher
education. Today,
more people than ever are attending college. The population has increased by 50
percent since
1995, according to Campos. Since this increase has taken place, appropriations per
have also risen. State funding for higher education has skyrocketed, but all of that
public money
did not reduce the cost of college. According to Campos, the increase in spending did
not go to
the professor (instruction). The average salary for professors in higher education is
lower than it was in 1970. An increasing proportion of university expenditures are
Army Where of Uniform
The army physical training uniform is made up of many different parts. The most
commonly used is the summer wear. The summer wear consists of a short sleeve
shirt, black running shorts, reflective vest, white socks, and running shoes. The cold
weather physical training uniform consists of improved running jacket, improved
running pants, long sleeve physical training shirt, black running shorts, reflective
vest, white socks, a black fleece cap, black gloves, and running shoes. Soldiers may
not mix or match PFU and IPFU items. When soldiers wear either the PFU or IPFU
as a complete uniform, they will keep the sleeves down on the sweatshirt or jacket,
the legs down on the pants, and they will tuck the T shirt inside the trunks. Soldiers
may... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The patrol cap should be placed on the head in such a manner that the front and the
rear and the top edge former unbroken line in the silhouette, and the bottom of the
cap is parallel to the ground while standing at the position of attention. Personnel
will not crush or shape the patrol cap to form peaks in the front or rear of the cap.
The rank and the insignia on the beret and patrol cap are different for officers and
enlisted personnel. The beret for officers and warrant officers wear a non subdued
grade insignia centered on the beret flash. Enlisted personnel were their distinctive
unit insignia (DUI) centered on the beret flash. On the patrol cap officers and
warrant officers were non subdued grade insignia on a patrol cap in garrison
environments, and subdued grade insignia in field environments. Enlisted personnel,
wear subdued grade insignia of the patrol cap in garrison, also in the field
environments. The black beret is the standard headgear unless assigned to units or
positions authorized the tan, green, or maroon beret. Soldiers are issued beret up on
assignment to their first duty assignment after completion of advanced individual
training or officer basic courses. The beret is the basic headgear for utility uniforms in
a garrison environment. The beret is not worn in the field, in a training environment,
or environments that the berets are impractical. The beret is not worn on
deployments unless authorized by the commander. The
12 Angry Men Character Analysis Essay
In the movie, Twelve Angry Men, all of the characters have their own specific
personalities. Jurors 1 through 12 all have gone through different life situations and
come from different beginnings. On a certain level, the jurors are all connected to
each other in one way or another. That would be the strength of the justice system. It
brings people together that no one would have ever thought were compatible to work
with each other.
Juror 10 has a very specific personality that can be described in many ways. His
character traits are shown in Figure 1. He is very harsh towards the other jurors and
doesn t care for any of them, making the best shape to describe him a triangle.
Secondly, Juror 10 is a hateful person and never likes when anyone ... Show more
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Juror 8 was the only member on the jury that voted not guilty from the very
beginning. For instance, he states, There were eleven votes for guilty. It s not so
easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to die (Twelve Angry Men). In
saying this, he shows that he actually cares about what happens to the boy and
wants to give him the chance of reasonable doubt. Secondly, he was very level
headed during all of the arguments and never got unhinged, making the perfect shape
for his personality a square. Next, the color of his figure (green) represents that he
was a loyal and unchanging with his opinion. After the 3rd time voting, he states,
Not guilty (Twelve Angry Men). A square, the shape of his personality, would
appear to show that juror 8 is level headed and sure of himself. Since Juror 8 was so
important, his shape size had to correlate. Also, he had a gargantuan effect on all
of the other characters throughout the whole storyline. Juror 8 didn t force his
opinion onto all of the other jurors, he just suggested and challenged their
statements. For instance, after the first time voting, Juror 8 says, I don t want to
change your mind. I just want to talk for awhile. Look, this boy s been kicked
around all his life. You know, living in a slum, his mother dead since he was nine.
That s not a very good head start. He s a tough, angry kid. You know why slum kids
get that way? Because we knock
Music Appreciation
Music Appreciation Report The concert, Masterpieces by American Women
Composers!, was held in the Horace C. Cabe Great Hall Regional Arts Center. The
concert was a semiformal event with about 30 people in attendance. The pianist who
performed that night was Dr. Linda Holzer, who is a professor of musicat the
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and she performed on a baby grand piano. She
is from Chicago and has many degrees in piano performance from three different
University s, the Northwestern University, the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, and Florida State University. Dr. Holzer has performed in many different
countries including China, Slovakia, Australia, and New York. The pieces that Dr.
Holzer performed that night... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
McPartland was born in 1918 in England. She showed musical talent when she was
young, because of this McPartland began to take violin lessons; she also studied
the piano on her own. McPartland went to the London s Guildhall school of music
to train classically. Once she graduated, she went on to have an international career
as a jazz pianist and as a composer. Later in her life, McPartland began a record
company which was named Halcyon Records. To write Twilight World,
McPartland partnered with Jonny Mercer, which became a hit. She died when she
was 95 in 2013. I personally enjoyed Twilight World. Margaret Bonds, who was
trained in piano classically and was a composer, composed Troubled Water. Bonds
was born in 1913 in Chicago and she studied at two colleges, Northwestern
University and Juilliard, after which she moved to Los Angeles during the 60s.
Shortly after she moved, Bonds began to work as the music director at the Inner
City Repertory Theatre. All the while she kept up her solo and duo pianist career.
Bonds piece, Troubled Water, was based upon the spiritual Wade in the Water. I like
Essay On National Steel Car
With over one hundred years of excellence in engineering, manufacturing and a
commitment to quality,Natiional Steel Car has earned a reputation as North America
s leading railroad,freight and tank car manufacturer. It was originally named
Imperial Steel Car but the name changed to National Steel Car before 1912.It is one
of the few rail vehicle manufacturers left in Canada .Greg Aziz is the chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of the company.
Founded in 1912 National Steel Car is the largest manufacturer of rolling stock based
on Hamiliton,Canada.Rolling stock includes locpmotives,railroad cars,coaches and
wagons. National Steel Car has a sense of purpose:
пЃ¶To honor the traditions of its past.
пЃ¶To move forward with determination.
пЃ¶ ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
пЃ¶To always lead.
The first few years when it wad founded the National Steel Car surpassed the
expectations of its investors. It began large number orders from Canadian Northern
Railway.Bussiness was booming and successful until the great depression of
1930s.The company was falling behind in terms of diversity in comparison to its
competitors and suffered a severe lack of orders. It resorted to producing motor
boats ,bus bodies and outboard motor boats ;just so as they had orders to fill.
The World War renewed its business. In the first world war:
пѓ The National Steel Car joined the war effort, fabricating steel bodies for trucks
used in
Leadership In The Aeneid
The Aeneid is an epic poem about the man whose descendants will found Rome.
Aeneas, is portrayed as a warrior and leader to his people and, as his name
represents, stayed duty bound to his destiny to get to Italy to found Rome. Aeneas
first exhibits many great qualities as a leader, he is probably not a perfect leader but
he has the best leadership skills out of all the other characters in the Aeneid. In other
words, Aeneasbecomes the golden standard for leadership that Virgilportrays. Second,
although Aeneas often seems to stray from his path or become disheartened, he
remains duty bound to his task and is readily able to rally his men and make allies.
Even though Aeneas makes mistakes or loses heart, he still is able to perform the role
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For example, Aeneas is able to put others before himself many times which allows
for his goals to get accomplished and the overall happiness of his men. Other
characters with leadership positions often do not showcase this quality. Jupiter, for
one, does not seem to be the type to suffer for the sake of his underlings. First of
all, he is a god which could make him immune to suffering. And second, he simply
does not seem to care enough about the world to make an effort to change it too
much. Jupiter, of course, does act in the mortal world by making destinies for
mortals. However, because of his lack of leadership over the other gods, the fate
Jupiter sets out for mortals often becomes a tangled mess due to interference from
the gods. Jupiter, king of the gods, does not showcase a willingness to put others
before himself to accomplish his goals. He simply procrastinates and allows those
under him to take charge. Additionally, Aeneas makes a mistake to fall in love with
Queen Dido of Carthage. He quickly becomes comfortable in Carthage and is quite
content to stay when the gods tell him he must leave because Aeneas s destiny is not
to settle in Carthage, but in Italy. Aeneas is able to leave, reluctantly, and continue
with his destiny to found Rome in Italy. Even though Aeneas blunders in his travels,
he is
Nt1330 Unit 4 Exercise 1
Chapter 4 Describe the impact on users of migrating from a small single server
based network to a directory based network with multiple servers in different roles.
Also describe the impact on network designers and administrators.
When you have a single server, users will have to login to their local machines via a
local account. Any data that they would need access to on the network will need to be
authenticated via a set of credentials on the server itself. The user in this case will be
using two different set of credentials to access all of their data. When you move into
a directory based network with multiple servers in different roles, things become very
easy for both the users and the administrators. The administrators will need to connect
each computer to the domain that way the computer will become trusted and the
user accounts will be able to be authenticated by the domain controller. Both the
local computer logins as well as access to all of the data on each and every server will
be the same and configured from just one location. This makes it easier for the ...
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The network currently has three Novell NetWare 3.2 servers. You have Windows
clients that access the NetWare servers through a Windows 2000 Server running
GSNW. You plan to replace the NetWare servers with new servers, eventually
removing the NetWare servers from the network. What type of authentication is used
between the Windows 2000 Server and the NetWare servers? What network centric
directory structure, if any, is currently being used?
When you are dealing with both a Windows 2000 server and a NetWare server you
can authenticate via Kerberos. This would allow a very easy transition for the future
when the Novell servers are phased out. Another option that can be done is by setting
up a radius server that can connect to the Novell Netware servers and pulls its
information from the Active Directory
Freewill Essay
Many have wondered whether free will exists or not. Some argue yes, some argue
no. For now, I will say no. I will begin my argument with a scenario. Say a man has
an enemy that he hates very strongly. One day this guy makes a conscious decision
to kill his enemy. He calculates every move he needs to make to kill his enemy and
succeeds in doing so. Clearly, this man is guilty of murder. The question is, should
blame fall on this man for killing another?
Currently, all societies in the world are built around some moral basis that holds a
person responsible for their actions. A determinist, however, would disagree and say
that people are not free, and therefore are not at fault for their actions. Human acts are
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There are certain variables, like baking a cake, which are accounted for such as
being late, the rush it gives, or just because the wind feels good.
Whatever the case may be, the act is caused. In the eyes of a determinist, caused acts
have only one option. If there is only one option, then there is no freedom. So, the
question arises, are all acts caused? To answer this question we must first look at the
human brain and mind. Historically, when we talk about human acts we seem to be
able to predict why a human acted the way they did. For example, while watching
something like Montel, the host attempts to reason why a person s problem
occurred. The audience then makes suggestions on how to remedy the situation. If
the topic is about relationships, then the show leads to questions about relationships
and why they occur. Just about every time a guest asks a question about an abusive
boyfriend, the host asks what their family life was like. The overwhelming
response is that people who enter into abusive relationships had abusive families. If
we relate this back to the human brain and say an abusive family is a variable for an
abusive boyfriend, we find that this act can be predicted.
The human mind/brain appears to be broken into two parts. The first we will call
instinct. The human instinct consists of all things that are embedded in the human
mind for survival, like the need
Common Safety Issues Related to Food Purchase, Storage,...
Beware! Do you know what is in your food?
Common safety issues related to food purchase, storage, and preparation Recently
there has been a rise in food borne illnesses in both homes and restaurant settings. It is
important that everyone knows the appropriate ways to prevent such conditions.
Preventing food borne illnesses like salmonella, norovirus, and staphylococcus aureus
are not as difficult as one might think, but it is essential that appropriate precautions
are taken to minimize the risks of infection. Although some people only experience
gastrointestinal distress from food borne illnesses, others (particularly children and
the elderly) can experience more serious complications. Salmonella, for example, can
produce fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps that are very severe (Questions and
Answers about foodborne illness, 2012, CDC). It is transmitted through the intestines
of birds, reptiles and mammals and humans can contract it by consuming infected
foods (Questions and Answers about foodborne illness, 2012, CDC). Norovirus can
cause acute gastrointestinal illness, usually with more vomiting than diarrhea, that
generally resolves within three days (Questions and Answers about foodborne illness,
2012, CDC). Unlike salmonella, it is difficult to detect and therefore to track with
testing, but it is also less likely to cause serious, lingering aftereffects. Unlike most
other food borne illnesses, humans are the primary transmitters of norvovirus,
My Experience With Severe Anxiety
When I reflect on everything that has happened thus far in my lifetime, I am
amazed at how far I have come. I was born on May 31st, 1998. My mom was in
college when she had me, and my father worked two jobs to support the family.
They worked incredibly hard to make sure that I had a good and comfortable life.
They never gave up, even when they were loaded with their many responsibilities,
because they cared so much for me and my future. I truly admire them for that.
They instilled the value of preserving, and never giving up, no matter how tough
your challenges in life are. This value is very important to me, and I believe that I
would not be where I am today if I didn t stay true to this value. This value has been
especially important when I have had to deal with severe anxiety.
I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. The anxiety became especially intense during
my freshman year of high school. It began to severely interfere with my schooling, to
the point where I could not even attend school. I many attempts to continue to attend
school, but these attempts would often end with me having a severe panic attack. This
constant failure to attend school sent me into a bout of depression. All of these
factors led to the decision for me to be put into home hospital, where I would do all
my schoolwork at home, and work with a teacher who came to my house for an
hour each day. This would allow me to focus on receiving professional help with my
anxiety. I met with a therapist
We Need A Quick Fix Of Caffeine Essay
Ordinarily, in the mornings, some people need a quick fix of caffeine before
dragging themselves to work or school. But one coffee shop in particular has
something unique. Dunn Brothers Coffee roasts all of its beans in store. The
baristas are something else entirely, full of personality, with no lack of sass either.
A casual and cozy store, located in Minneapolis, on 50th and Xerxes Ave., it has
drawn a large customer base over the years. It all started with Ed and Dan Dunn,
who opened their first store in St. Paul. The franchise quickly expanded all over
Minnesota with 17 locations, and even into North Dakota with two locations in
Fargo. City Pages readers even rated Dunn Bros Coffeethe best cup of coffee in the
Twin Cities over ten times. The shops fabulous baristas, and welcoming
environment continue to draw in many customers to this day. Walking into the
shop on a typical day, the second someone opens the door, the smell of roasting
coffee and hot chocolate invades the nose. A crowd of exhausted and sullen faced,
office and retail workers start off the day, looking for something to help them stay
awake to survive the work day. Then comes in the students, who at that point, are
probably late for class, but do not care anymore. Even in the winter the store
becomes warm from the large amount of people waiting in line for their turn to get
fresh brewed coffee or tea from one of the baristas, either Jess or Steve. Possibly
along with one of the many pastries offered,
40 Hour Famine
The 40 hour famine, an organisation founded by world vision, is done to raise
money for people living in developing countries that cannot afford the luxuries we
take for granted. People around the world participate by giving up something
important to them for 40 hours (World Vision, 2015). This is an important issue in
today s community as the money raised goes to tackling the problem of povertyand
foodshortage in third world countries. Global hunger is the world s biggest health
risk, making children sick and taking away their chance at a better future. By putting
posters up around the community, creating a website and sending out a survey we
have been able to educate many people in the community. These are all ways that can
help to reduce... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hunger and malnutrition is the number one health risk stopping the mental
development of children. One in eight people goes to bed hungry every night with
850 million people around the world not having enough food to be healthy and
lead an active life (World Vision, 2015). For our health promoting activity we
created posters and hung them in the five sub schools (Appendix 1). This has
helped to educate many of the year 8 s and 9 s on this topic. We also sent many
people a survey which gave us insight into what people knew and also gave us a
way of educating more people (Appendix 2). Another thing we did to educate
people was by creating a website with information about the foundation and a link
to the World Vision website where people can donate to the cause (Appendix 3).
By educating people on this topic we have expanded their knowledge on the cause.
More people will be able to participate and donate to the cause knowing that they
will be helping many people around the world. Other ways to promote this
organisation can be creating a Facebook page, raising money, having guest speakers,
handing out brochures and creating a petition. These people will also be able to raise
more awareness themselves and educate many other
The Role of Women in Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart
More than those of any other African writer, Chinua Achebe s writings have helped
to develop what is known as African literature today. And the single book which has
helped him to launch his revolution is the classic, Things Fall Apart. The focus of
this essay includes: 1) Achebe s portraiture of women in his fictional universe, the
existing sociocultural situation of the period he is depicting, and the factors in it that
condition male attitudes towards women; 2) the consequences of the absence of a
moderating female principle in his fictions; 3) Achebes progressively changing
attitudetowards women s roles; and 4) feminist prospects for African women. In the
context of this study, the Igbo people whom Achebe describes will... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Things Fall Apart is significant because it began the vogue of African novels of
cultural contact and conflict. It has been translated into over twenty major world
languages. Commensurate with its popularity, images of women receive attention.
In a style that is expository rather than prescriptive, Achebe s novel mirrors the
sociocultural organization existing in the Africa of the era he describes. Like Zora
Neale Hurston s Janie Mae Crawford (when married to Jody Starks), Achebe s
women are voiceless. But where even Janie is highly visible, his women are virtually
In Of Woman Born (1977), Adrienne Rich unwittingly captures all the nuances of the
African traditional social milieu when she describes patriarchy as:
the power of the fathers: a familial, social, ideological, and political system in which,
by direct pressure or through tradition, law and language, customs, etiquette,
education, and division of labor men determine
The Role Of Johnathon In Bram Stoker s Dracula
Dracula is a horror novel is set in London and Transylvania in the mid 1800 s. The
book starts with Johnathon Harker heading to Transylvania on a business trip to sell
Dracula, a wealthy count in Transylvania, some real estate in London. After some
strange incidents of Count Dracula attempting to suck Johnathon s blood, and
imprison him, Johnathon escapes. The novel then switches to Mina Murray,
Johnathon s fiancГ© s, and her friend, Lucy Westenra s, points of view through
their letters. Its mostly just gossip, but there are several references to Johnathon.
Next, it shifts to Dr. John Seward, sometimes referred to as Jack s, dairy with a
description of Renfield who is a patient at Jack s asylum. After this, it alternates
points of view, with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She is throughout the book described as both intelligent and compassionate. In many
ways Johnathon becomes Mina s foil because after he comes back Johnathon is
paranoid and superstitious, whereas Mina is level headed and calm. Mina also
becomes Dracula s victim and is hence left in the dark about how close the group is
to catching Dracula, because Dracula can read her mind.
Dr. John Seward, sometimes called Jack by his friends, is a doctor who runs a
lunatic asylum. He is a scientific person, so he does not believe in vampires at
first. He is largely motivated by his love of Lucy, Dracula s first Victim, who is
already engaged to someone else. Seward struggles with believing in van Helsing s
stories of vampires, until he come face to face with the undead Lucy. Afterwards,
Jack is seeking revenge whilst trying to find Renfield, a patient in his asylum s
connection to Dracula.
Dr. van Helsing is a medical doctor and the group s expert on vampires, he has
multiple contacts that he makes use of throughout the book. He knows many
superstitions and the occult. He is a major member of the group, yet not much is
known about his personal life, he has multiple different doctorates, seems to have
some previous connection to Jack, and may love Mina. This general mysteriousness
about him is amplified by the fact that the book is almost never told from his
Statement Of Purpose Of Robots
Statement of Purpose
Robots are going to be new citizens in the human society. Day by day it proved its
capabilities and capacity, starting from very sophisticated Medical Surgeries to
versatile and simple pick and place application. New and innovative concepts like
Origami Robots, Spatial Manipulators, Biological Robots and many such have
justified their importance. The core aspect of all such robots and families is their
peculiar Kinematics and Dynamics. So, at the heart of all such innovation, it requires
fundamental excellence and knowledge in this field. Stanford University stands for
legacy in Innovation and Robotics. It is always a preference to work in kinematics in
this university. Various labs like Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Laboratory
and Stanford Robotics Laboratory Inspires me a lot. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
During master of technology at IIT Bombay l took courses like kinematics and
dynamics of machines, which was an extension of an undergraduate course, a course
of Computer Simulation of Machines was an excellent exercise on developing our
own code to simulate the mechanisms and a course of advanced engineering
Dynamics had provided an insight into Non Linear systems. I took a Seminar on
Kinematics and Dynamics of Tensegrity Mechanism. During all these academic
exercises, I developed the sense of Kinematics and Dynamics. It was the parallel
practice of Physics, Mathematics, Imagination, and Art. Based on this only, in my
master s thesis work a new spatial parallelogram mechanism was invented and
undergone intellectual property rights. At Stanford, courses like Advance
Kinematics(Me330) and Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Me 331) will be
compelling with my
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  • 1. Essay On The Matrix Crafting an essay on the subject of "The Matrix" can be both challenging and intriguing. The film, known for its complex narrative, philosophical undertones, and groundbreaking visual effects, demands a comprehensive understanding of various themes such as reality, artificial intelligence, and the blurred lines between the virtual and the actual world. One of the primary difficulties lies in dissecting the intricate layers of the movie's plot. "The Matrix" is not a straightforward narrative; it delves into the realms of existentialism and simulation theory, requiring the essayist to carefully navigate through these abstract concepts. Ensuring clarity in explaining the film's philosophical underpinnings while maintaining a coherent structure can be a daunting task. Moreover, analyzing the film's impact on popular culture and its contribution to the science fiction genre adds another layer of complexity. Exploring how "The Matrix" has influenced other works and shaped perceptions of reality in the digital age requires a nuanced understanding of cultural dynamics and artistic movements. In addition, addressing the technical aspects of the film, such as its groundbreaking special effects and innovative cinematography, adds another dimension to the writing process. Describing these elements with precision while connecting them to the broader themes of the narrative demands a careful blend of technical expertise and analytical prowess. Despite the challenges, crafting an essay on "The Matrix" provides an opportunity for intellectual exploration and critical thinking. The essayist must navigate the maze of ideas presented in the film, engaging with both the narrative and its broader cultural implications. In conclusion, tackling an essay on "The Matrix" requires a balanced blend of cinematic analysis, philosophical reflection, and cultural contextualization. Successfully unraveling the layers of this iconic film is not only a test of writing skills but also a journey into the realm of thought- provoking concepts. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring diverse topics, professional writing services like HelpWriting.net offer a convenient avenue to access well- researched and expertly crafted content. Essay On The Matrix Essay On The Matrix
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  • 4. Hierarchical Vs Congregational Church After going through different types research observing and analyzing hierarchical and congregational church structures, a conclusion that the two churches are basically completely different. Hierarchical are run by people s level of authority or rank, and in congregational churches the church makes the decisions as a whole. In a Hierarchical church the members have no say in how they worship, unlike a congregational church when they have a say in matters of the sort. The two both have strengths and weaknesses that make them into the kind of church they are today. thesis In a Hierarchical church the level of power and importance comes from the top down. Therefore the person with the most power is the head of the church or religion and people ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Congregational churches can confuse the roles of deacons and elders, in a way that people may question is his function to serve or as a person who goes to board meeting. For a congregational structure is a difficult function in a large church. With this form of church government members can reject or question any form of church leadership and authority. This can lead to the churches getting rid of its pastors or people from the church board. Some of the decisions of the church are made from the vocal feelings of one person s convincing feelings, instead of thought out considerations. Also people who are not trained, dedicated or capable may influence the decision of the entire church. Prejudice and favoritism can easily alter the final decision, or even split the church. There is an assumption that in congregational churches the majority is always right. In reality the largest vote is the majority now whether it right or wrong is another
  • 5. Albert Durer s Whore Of Babylon Albert Durer s Whore of Babylon, from the Apocalypse The Whore of Babylon woodcut by Albert Durer was one of fifteen woodcuts in his famous series, The Apocalypse which was published in 1498. This woodcut series portrays scenes from the book of Revelation in the bible, concerning the end of the world. It was created at a time when Europe anticipated the Last Judgement , as Germany was experiencing plagues, religious debates, and peasant movements towards the end of the 15th century. Durer became wealthy and rapidly well known across Europe because of this series. He began working on these woodcuts on his trip to Italy in 1494 1495, and the first two editions were published in 1498 in Nuremberg, Germany, in both German and Latin. He later ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is due to the use of a tool, a burin, to create extremely thin and subtle lines in an engraving. The medium used for an engraving is metal and is created using an intaglio method. Unlike the relief process of printmaking, this process is a positive one. The artist scratches the image onto the metal plate, inks the surface of it, and wipes it clean. As a result, ink is placed into the carved out drawing. Next, the plate is run through a roller press which causes the ink to absorb to the paper. The difference in appearance between a relief print and an intaglio print is because of essentially drawing the image to be created onto the metal plate for an intaglio print. Also cross hatching, the use of fine parallel lines to create the illusion of shade, allowed for more subtle shading in the engraving. This engraving portrays the melancholy personality of artists and Durer, himself. It is suggested that the winged figure represents Durer because of the location of his monogram or logo underneath the bench that figure is sitting on. Her pondering stance represents an artistic genius who is looking for inspiration, but cannot find it, therefore experiences despair in her/himself. The winged child sitting to the left of the winged female, represents anxiety that the uninspired artist could be experiencing. In addition, in the upper left corner, a bat is found with the words melencholia beside it. The bat represents melancholy because it only appears or comes out at night and is linked with the darkness. Durer contrasts melancholy and the light of inspiration by associating this bat in the dark sky with rays of light. Essentially, because of the wood medium used in the Whore Of Babylon, lines appear broader, whereas using metal as a medium allowed the Melencollia engraving to display more subtle lines and
  • 6. The Sniper Essay, Liam O Flaherty The Sniper Commentary The Sniper by Liam O Flaherty is a short story about a sniper, set in the Irish Civil War. The author uses characterization, symbolism and third person limited point of view to develop the central theme of the horrors of war. The main character in the story is the mysterious Sniper, who is serving active duty in the Irish Civil War for the Republicans. The story opens with the Sniper attempting to eat on a rooftop, when an enemy sniper opens fire on him. He retaliates and manages to take down the enemy sniper and his informant, a frail old woman. During the course of this, his arm is wounded by fire from another Free State sniper. Unable to hold on to his rifle, he draws his revolver and kill the enemy with it,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Turning to symbolism, another key element, used by the author to tie together plot and showcase how the war detrimentally affects the lives of people living in the warring nations. In the narrative, the two warring factions, the Free Staters and Republicans are both comprised of Irishmen, who are fighting each other because they want civil things. This internal conflict is shown on a smaller scale with the Sniper and his brother. The conflict between the brothers and the Free Staters and the Republicans is internal conflict, a mirrored conflict of sorts. The two warring factions in the Irish civil wars both happen to be Irish, they ve picked up arms against their brothers. The Sniper felt a sudden curiosity as to the identity of the enemy sniper whom he had killed. He decided that he was a good shot, whoever he was. [...] The sniper darted across the street. [...] He threw himself downward beside the corpse. The machine gun stopped. Then the sniper turned over the dead body and looked into his brother s face. This excerpt relates back to the first point that was made, both the sniper and his brother were excellent shots, both had advantageous vantage points, the sniper s brother was an extension of his own being. This scenario symbolizes the futility of a war like the Irish civil war, in which brother fights brother and Irishmen fights Irishmen. Furthermore, the theme of the horrors of war is further
  • 7. Mexican American War And The Mexican War The Mexican American war better known as the Mexican war, was a conflict between The united states of America and Mexico. from 1846 to 1848. It followed in the wake of the 1845 US annexation of Texas, which Mexico considered part of its territory, despite the 1836 Texas revolution. After its independence in 1821 and brief experiment with monarchy, Mexicobecame a republic in 1824, characterized by considerable instability, so that when war broke out in 1846, Mexico was ill prepared for this conflict. The war with the United Statesfollowed in the wake of decades of Indian raids in the sparsely settled north of Mexico, which prompted the Mexican government to sponsor American migration to the Mexican province of Texasto act as a buffer. Americans and some Mexicans revolted against the Mexican government in the 1836 Texas Revolution, creating a republic not recognized by Mexico, which still claimed it as its national territory. The 1845 expansion of US territory with its annexation of Texas escalated the dispute between the United States and Mexico to open war. In 1844 James K. Polk, the newly elected president, made a proposition to the Mexican government to purchase the disputed lands between the Nueces River and the Rio Grande. When that offer was rejected, troops from the United States commanded by Major General Zachary Taylor were moved into the disputed territory of Coahuila. These troops were then attacked by Mexican troops, killing 12 American troops and taking 52
  • 8. Essay Frank McCourts Angelas Ashes Frank McCourts Angelas Ashes Frank McCourt s Angela s Ashes is a powerful and emotional memoir of his life from childhood through early adulthood. This book is a wonderfully inspired piece of work that emotionally attaches the reader through McCourt s life experiences. Its effectiveness is primarily due to McCourts evolving innocent eye narrative technique. He allows the reader to experience his own lifein a changeable form. Through this unique story telling technique, the reader is able to watch Frank grow and evolve. Between the ages of four, eleven and fourteen changes in his writing can be easily identified. It is evident that the written text, McCourt s thoughts, and the resultant relationship with the reader evolve and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, he refers to his family standing in the kitchen as big people (106). He is easily confused and does not understand complex concepts: ...He can have Malachy and the twins for brothers. He can t have Margaret anymore because she s like the dog in the street that was taken away. I don t know why she was taken away (43). Concepts such as death and religion are especially difficult for a child to understand. Mam tells us, That s the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I want to know why the man s heart is on fire and why doesn t He throw water on it? (67). A unique relationship forms between the author and the reader through McCourt s effective show and tell narrative method. This gives the reader more involvement and greater emotional attachment. During the first part of this book, he shows the reader, through innocent misunderstandings, that interpretation is needed in order to fully understand the context: Sometimes he [Mr. Leibowitz] speaks to Mrs. Leibowitz and I don t understand because strange sounds come from his mouth. Freddie understands...smiles back and makes the strange sounds (38). Here the reader knows that the strange sounds are the Leibowitz s speaking another language. Frank does not understand that there are different languages that people speak other than just English, but the mature reader is informed. Proceeding into the section of the book where McCourt is eleven years old, the
  • 9. Dream Script Essay representations, which leads to imagination. The dream script is created by both migrants and host societies who dream of having a better life, or providing a better life for immigrants. This dream script is the essence of the what if? game. In the dream script, Orgad highlights how celebrities are used to help us to imagine how one could make it too. One example Orgad uses is Shakira. The Colombian musician is the ideal when it comes to immigrants searching for a better life. She is popular, talented and famous, but did not have to give up her cultural background. This dialectic construction of Shakira the migrant who transcends identity boundaries and at the same time reproduces those boundaries contributes to her... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nightmare I wants migrants to imagine a live of people being afraid of you because the script says people will associate an immigrant with violence. The second nightmare highlights the injustice, extreme hardships, discrimination and racism that migrants experience. (Orgad, 2012) The migrants create this script and its purpose is to show what life will actually be like. However, this second nightmare has a hard time finding the light of media representations as it often gets misconstrued. Orgad demonstrates this by saying, in today s environment of media representations, the lines between the factual and the fictional increasingly blur. (Orgad, 2012) When looking beyond dreams and nightmares, Orgad finds that immigrants are ambivalent and their imagination is incomplete. This imagination is governed by uncertainty and confusion, a mix of hope and anxiety, desire for a better, but unknown, future, and grief of over the loss of soon to become former lives. (Orgad, 2012) Essentially, the fear of migration is real, as it is impossible to know where you will fall. Through a growing amount of globalization, we again see representation grow. As they grow more people are able to imagine. In this case, the more representations of a
  • 10. Henry David Thoreau s On Living The Good Life Henry David Thoreau philosophized about living the good life. According to him, the good life is reached through what can be interpreted as an ever evolving soul. The ever evolving soul matures and begins to tune in to spiritual instinct. Epistemologically, Thoreau argues that spiritual instincts are sentiments or feelings that act as a life compass and distinguish the metaphysical aspect of higher laws from the world of being. In order to live the best life, according to Thoreau, one must avoid being overwhelmed by material possessions and practice economy. Which leads ethically to a spiritual evolution. In accumulating various material possessions we waste valuable time that could be spent with family and friends, traveling or expanding our personal interests. On July 4, 1845 Thoreau declared his independence from American society and moved into a cabin that he built next to WaldenPond in his home state of Massachusetts. After two years, two days and two months he returned home. By immersing himself in nature, Thoreau hoped to gain a more objective understanding of society through personal introspection. Simple livingand self sufficiency were some of Thoreau s other philosophical precepts. In April of 1992 a recent graduate of Emory University named Christopher McCandless, set into the Alaskan wilderness, far away from civilization, to practice an extreme example of economy. It can be said that within the fateful story of McCandless and the philosophy of Thoreau certain
  • 11. Essay on Lahiri s the Namesake Anna Mantzaris English 1B 08 March 2013 Gogol Versus Nikhil Gogol grapples with his name throughout the majority of the novel, yet this tension was in the makings even before his birth. Ashoke and Ashima being immigrants set Gogol up to live in two different cultures, American and Bengali. Many children of immigrants may feel like Gogol, having one foot in each world. Gogol framed his struggle with cultural identity through something tangible, his name. In Jhumpa Lahiri s novel, The Namesake, Gogol s struggle with cultural identity is exposed most greatly by the name others call him and his reaction to it. On Gogol s first day of school, he gets his first taste of the cultural tension that his name and good name generate in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reader is convinced that Gogol has had many experiences of his name being said with hesitation and lack of ease that normal American names are pronounced with. Gogol must often compare himself to his peers via how teachers and other authorities handle his unique name. Furthermore, Gogol himself is consumed with doubt in regards to his name, what it means, and how it ties him to his heritage in a way he in unsure how to accept. However pleased Gogol may have been with Mr. Lawson s approach, everything changes when the class reads The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol. With growing dread and a feeling of slight nausea, he watches as Mr. Lawson distributes the books...the sight of it [ Gogol ] printed in capital letters on the crinkly page upsets him viscerally (89). Gogol wants nothing to do with his name at this point, even the book it is printed in is particularly battered, the corner blunted, the cover spotted as if by a whitish mold, (89). The confusion Gogol associates with his own name infects him and things around him, just like the warmth [that] spreads from the back of Gogol s neck to his cheeks and his ears, (91). The rest of his classmates, begin to moan in unison, (92), and Gogol feels betrayed, (91). Gogol takes the class s negative reaction to the Russian author s biographical information as a personal assault. It reinforces his rejection to his own name as each time the name
  • 12. Essay on Flannery O Connor Love Always Converge Flannery O Conner was born in Georgia. Her Southern Catholic views on racial issues and religion gives O Conner her name. She continued to express her views on the decaying south up to her death. Everything That Rises Must Converge was one of O Connor s last pieces before lupus took her life. The title Everything That Rises Must Converge is borrowed from the works of Teilhard de Chardin. The religion philosopher explains the ideal of everything and everyone will be joined at the end of the geologic time. (179) The author uses this theme to explain in the story how the old south and the new south emerge creating one south. The author s agenda in the short story is to explore the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The thought of blacks becoming a part of her society disturb her, It s simply not realistic. They should rise, yes but on their own side of the fence. (207) Julian , a recent graduated tries to show is mom that the old south has died. The author uses Julian view of the decaying mansion as a symbol of the south. Julian recalls the mansion, the double stairways had rotted and been torn down (207) as his mom views the mansion as a high kingdom. Though out the ride Julian encounter with several black passengers. He tries to talk to them but fails. A mother s love overpowers any tradition or belief. Julian is far too self absorbed to appreciate the many sacrifices his mother has made for him in the beginning. Julian only thinks of ways to educate her bleak view of the world, True culture is in the mind, the mind...and tapped his head, the mind, (208). Every dollar goes to her beloved son. When its time for her to buy something, like a hat for herself she feels guilty. She allows her own teeth to rot to afford him braces. Through all Julian ungratefulness, she does not give up on him like she doesn t give up on the return of the old south. Ms. Cheeny constantly gives him encouragement, I think you re doing fine, you ve only been out of school a year. Rome wasn t built in a day. (206) Nevertheless, Julian tears symbolize a rebirth of his appreciation for is mother. His guilt hunts him; The tide of darkness seemed
  • 13. Mulvey s Gaze From a cinematography perspective, elements of Mulvey s essay persist throughout the film, specifically, the idea of the male gaze upon females who are meant to be looked at. However, in line with the homosexual themes in Carol, this gaze is manipulated to be a female to female gaze. On their quest for a Christmas tree, Therese s gazes are followed by broken down, close up shots of Carol s gloved hands on the steering wheel and red lips as she smile back at Therese. Then from the car, Therese photographs Carol without her knowledge, the ultimate form of Mulvey s scopophilia, or gaining pleasure by looking suggestively, however it does not derive from the herterosexual male s perspective. Hayne s challenging of traditional depictions of sexuality in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Conventional elements of sexualitiy in Carol are complicated further by the power dynamics between Carol and Therese expressed through cinematographic elements. While Carol is wiser and more experienced than Therese and is often framed with low angle shots making her appear large, confident, and strong. The complexity of Carol s character is further explored as she simultaneously appears as having power over Therese but is also the subject of Therese s objectifying gaze. Therese, who is often captured through high angle shots giving viewers a sense of looking down on her, possess a gaze which often frames Carol seductively as she photographs and stares at Carol flaunting her feminine glamour and sexuality. Just as the scene in which they first met, Therese is often obscured, hidden behind the lense of her camera, and Carol is the subject of awe, attention, and desire. In the dark, Therese stares at Carol under her red covers as she sleeps. Through parts of her are obscured throughout the film, Therese is the holder of Mulvey s powerful gaze and thus gives new meaning to this
  • 14. Church Council Controversy Church history has been marked by good times and by bad, and these periods were heavily influenced by the decisions of the popes and Church councils, as well as the examples set by the saints. The papacy has been tainted throughout the ages with the pope s lust for power and wealth, but even in the worst of times for the Church, excellent papal leaders emerged. The Church councils also struggled at times to properly address issues in the Church, but out of most of the Church councils came important lessons for the Church and founding doctrines that would make the Church stronger. Saints, the pillars of Christianitywho all people should strive to be like, influenced the Church through the examples of their holy lives. St. Athanasius is an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Athanasius, Pope Leo XIII, and the Council of Florence all have had significant impacts on the Church throughout history. St. Athanasius aided in the eradication of Arianism, an early Church heresy that taught that Jesus was not divine, and The Life of Saint Anthony was a key component to establishing monasticism in the Church. Pope Leo XIII promoted Catholic social teaching by encouraging increased social justice among Catholics and all people of the world. He also moved the Church into the modern era, preparing it for the aggiornamento movement of the Second Vatican Council, in his encyclical Rerum novarum. The Council of Florence addressed the split between the Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic Churches, and although the reunification result was brief, the Church had successfully performed ecumenism for the first time since 1054. Additionally, several doctrines and Church beliefs of the Council of Florence that pertained to the future Reformation would be used in the Counter Reformation movement at the Council of Trent. The practices developed in the council and the examples of these two remarkable people provide us with a strong set of principles on which we should base our lives to better the
  • 15. Fundamental Problems of Economic System UNIT 1 FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 1.1 INTRODUCTION In this unit you will get acquainted with the fundamental problems of the economy. The understanding of the concept will help you bring closer to the basic idea of the economy s problems as well as remedies of such problems. In this unit you will get detailed description of what is an economic system, problems of economic system, factors of production, concept of production possibility curve, and the fundamental of allocation of resources in different types of economies. 1.2 AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM Before we further move on we have to know about the sources of economic problems and a brief about the economic system. 1.2.1 Scarce Means and Unlimited Wants Want is Want is an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1.3 FACTORS OF PRODUCTION Production process is an end to end activity which means that there is a relational pedagogy between input and output. Factors of production also known as productive inputs are the resources employed to produce goods and services, thus it constitutes the input part of the production process. Factors of production involve in the production process and improves the working of the process but do not form the ultimate part of the product. Factors of production can be broadly classified as: 1. Land 2. Labour 3. Capital 4. Entrepreneurship 1.3.1 Land In economics, land includes all natural resources which are free gift of nature. Thus, by land economists do not mean only agricultural soil, but also other natural resources such as minerals, water, climate and forests. Payment for use of land per period is called Rent. Land as factor of production implies the ground used to built and start the production moreover it serves as a pool of various minerals and valuable natural resources which facilitates the human mankind. Land is a fixed factor of production and thus it is not possible to increase. Land helps to facilitate the production only if the efficient workforce is used to generate the maximum output out of the limited resource. This means optimum utilisation of resources. 1.3.2 Labour Labour represents all physical and mental abilities which people can make available for production of
  • 16. First Phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress 3/4/13 First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress Inform ative researched article on First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress Sign in | Register Now History of India Art Culture | Entertainment | Health | Reference | Sports | Society | Travel in Articles Go Forum | Free E magazine | RSS Feeds History of India : Sources of History of India | Ancient History of India | Medieval History of India | Modern History of India | Indian Historical Dynasties | Indian Battles | Sepoy Mutiny 1857 | Indian Rulers | History of India | Indian Freedom Struggle | Indian Governor Generals | British Indian Acts | Post Independence India | Iron Age in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ignorant of the misery of the s common people, the moderates followed the policy of constitutionalism. They only wanted the s right to self government, which would strengthen their own position in the field of administration. Moreover the delegates of the Indian National Congress were mostly drawn from the cities and hardly any direct contact with the common run of men. The congress leaders were full of admiration for the British history and culture. It was their essential faith that the British rule in India had some positive effects on the s land and culture of India. Henceforth they looked upon the British Government not as an antagonist but as their ally. Therefore they believed in the policy of constitutionalism in order to seek their rights and liberties from the British Government. In the course of time they believed that the British Government would help them to acquire the capacity of self government in the pattern of the west. Thus these educated intellectuals strongly believed that the chief www.indianetzone.com/24/first_phase_foundation_indian_national_congress.htm 1/3 3/4/13
  • 17. First phase of Foundation of Indian National Congress obstacle in the way of India`s progress was not the British colonial rule but the socioeconomic backwardness of the British government. Not the independence, rather the socioeconomic progress of India was the sole motto of the moderate leaders of the INC, during the firsts phase. The moderate
  • 18. Cell Cycle Analysis Paper Cell cycle analysis. PC3 (8Г—104 cells/well) and LNCaP (3Г—105 cells/well) cells were seeded in 6 well plates in 1.5 mL of complete growth media. Cells were treated with 2.5 ОјM of free sorafenib or an equivalent sorafenib concentration of SMA Sor, 3 ОјM of free nilotinib or an equivalent nilotinib concentration of SMA Nilo, DMSO or SMA for 48 h. Cell cycle distribution was assessed using propidium iodide staining, as previously described {Somers Edgar, 2011 #82}. Samples were analysed using a FACScalibur flow cytometer (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) and the proportion of cells in each of G0/G1 , S and G2/M phases were determined using CellQuest Pro software (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). Apoptosis analysis. PC3 (8Г—104 cells/well)... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The cells were washed with PBS and then incubated in serum free media and treated with 2.5 ОјM of free sorafenib or an equivalent sorafenib concentration of SMA Sor, 3 ОјM of free nilotinib or an equivalent nilotinib concentration of SMA Nilo, DMSO or SMA for 48 h. Following treatment, media was collected, centrifuged to remove cell debris, and freeze dried for 12 h. Samples were rehydrated and mixed with loading buffer (0.4 M Tris, pH 6.8, 5% SDS, 20% glycerol, 0.03% bromophenol blue). For zymography, samples were loaded on a 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel containing 1 mg/mL of gelatin. After electrophoresis, the gels were incubated in renaturing solution (2.5% Triton X 100 (w/v)) for 30 min at room temperature and then for 24 h at 37В°C in a developing buffer containing 50 mM Tris, pH 7.5, 200 mM NaCl, 4 mM CaCl2, and 0.02% NP40. The gels were then stained with Coomassie blue R250, and regions without staining were indicative of gelatin lysis. The gels were briefly rinsed and scanned. For MMP 9 and isthmin 1 secretion, samples were loaded on a 10% SDS polyacrylamide gel, and the expression of MMP 9 and isthmin 1 assessed by western blotting using anti MMP 9 (D6O3H, Cell Signaling) and anti isminth 1 antibodies (Biorbyt, San Francisco, CA,
  • 19. Iran Imperialism Maslow s law of the instrument states that if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, but what if it works alongside a sickle? As a key player of the Cold War (1947 1991), the United States (US) has had a dual role in the nuclear proliferation of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Consequently, this conflict of imperialism has had major implications for Iranian relations to the present day. Even with the support of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the European Union (EU); Irans path towards peaceful nuclear energy still faces opposition from the US. In summation, from the nativity of the Second Red Scare in 1947 to the present day, a mix of political and strategic interests has lead to the formation of the Joint... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The USSR s spread its ideology of communism in the Azerbaijani region, the Kurdish people in the region, and would see to the establishment of the communist Tudeh Party of Iran that would play a vital role in the next decade. With the communist ideology fueling their nationalism and help from the USSR, the people of Azerbaijan and the Kurds formed the People s Republic of Azerbaijan and the Kurdish People s Republic in late 1945. This would culminate to the Iran crisis of 1946 where from November 1945 15 December 1946, the USSR used these separatist states to engage in fighting with Iranian forces until the dissolution at the end of the conflict. These events did not go unnoticed as people familiar with Soviet policy knew its purpose was to establish the expansion of communism, with Moscow at its
  • 20. Prayer At Sporting Events Essay Prayer in Sporting Events The Government is too preoccupied with pleasing a select few by removing prayer from sporting events than they are with running the country. This is a problem that can be fixed and should be. The reason for student led prayers at sporting events is for a God they believe in to grant the safety of the players on the field and the fans going home. After all, Christians are in the majority. It s a thirty second prayer that isn t going to hurt a single person. (Gholson) At Celina High School, Celina, Texas, the students and administration completely ignored the ruling of the courts by continuing to have student led prayers before football games. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Worth, Texas. Why God, why? Help me please! What s wrong with the world today? That we can t pray at a football game, but cussing the ref. is okay? (Goodson) This country was founded by people who were tired of the way their government was telling them how to worship God. And that is exactly what is happening now. Our government doesn t want the atheists to get offended so they hurt the majority of the people by going against our own God and telling us not to pray for the safety of some people. The Bible tells us to pray without cease. And why should we stop? The prayer is even asking for the safety of the atheists. We don t say the prayer, Please God keep all the Christians safe from injury. We pray for the safety of EVERYBODY. If the government would be a little less involved in our religious beliefs or non beliefs, we might have a balanced budget or less of a debt. The constitution grants us the right to freedom of religion. We re not asking that atheists be converted Christians. If they don t want to participate, they can go to the bathroom or put on some headphones. As an ex atheist and recently converted Christian, a prayer never offended me. They shouldn t be offended either. Prayer in Sporting Events 1. Times Record News. Nick Gholson, Wichita Falls High School 2. Texas Coach, The Prayer of a Christian Teen . February
  • 21. Social Differentiation And Separation Of Latin American... Cities have been traditionally seen as the breeding grounds for citizenship, the latter usually framed in terms of dwellers having specific rights, duties, some sort of political participation and frequent interactions with each other. Yet, urbanization can also present many challenges that further disenfranchise and marginalize residents. As the most urbanized region in the world, Latin American cities highlight both of these sceneries. Industrialization and neoliberal economic policies led to the continent s rapid urbanization, introducing large developments but also deeply segregated urban centers, characterised by strong tensions between their formal and informal dimensions. Latin American leaders efforts to tackle this issue have presented both setbacks and opportunities to transform the cityinto a more integrated space, and set the path to recognize every dwellers right to the city: to be in it, to enjoy it, and to build it. Social differentiation and separation have been frequent characteristics of Latin American cities, in both physical, psychological and cultural terms. As Teresa Caldeira indicates in City of Walls, the pattern of segregation in Latin America traditionally obeyed the center periphery model where the middle and upper classes lived in legalized neighborhood in the center of the cities, while the poor inhabited the mostly illegal precarious fringe. For most of the 20th century, social housing estates outside of the metropolis were believed to be
  • 22. The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari Comparative Essay Through watching many of Burton s films and that of the German Expressionist era, it is clear that there are many visual similarities. One of Burton s earliest works is a animated short he made while working at Disney. Vincent was a five minute, black and white, stop motion animation based on a poem that Burton had wrote previously. The filmas some similarities to Expressionist film; the black and white setting and several visuals such as the London street, the staircase to Vincent s bedroom and the slanted doorway (fig 5) (video 2) fig 5: video stills from Vincent (left) vs The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (right) The fact that Burton chose to create this piece in black and white rather than colour could be a direct link to the Expressionist ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bottom Edward Scissorhands . Showing the contrast of the world the main character lives in. Throughout this film, there are many links to The Cabinet of Dr Caligari , possibly most notably, the difference between the dark Gothic castle which Edward is found in, and the almost sickly setting where the residents of the neighbourhood live, based upon Burton s childhood in Burbank, California. The contrast between these two worlds is very similar to the world which Francis recalls in his flashback and that of the asylum in The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (fig 8). Another piece of Expressionism which features in Burton s work, often alongside his use of contrast, is his use of shadows. Expressionist film included shadows as a way of showing what was happening but without having the actual character on screen, this added to the mysterious horror narrative but also allowed for scenes which may have been considered too graphic otherwise, for example the scene in The Cabinet of Dr Caligari where Alan is attacked in his bed (fig 9). This technique can also be used for emphasising something about a character, as famously done in Nosferatu with Count Orlok (fig 10). fig 9: Alan s death scene in The Cabinet of Dr
  • 23. Social And Gender Roles In Dracula By Bram Stoker Dracula by Bram Stoker is the original vampire book, the one that started it all. From it derived the now so beloved and famous teen romance vampire genre, with novels like Twilight. However, Dracula is not remotely like the sparkle in the sunlight, falling in love with mortals vampire any more than Harry Potter is like the Wicked Witch of the West. Dracula is a gothic horror novel set in Transylvania and England during the Victorian Era. Letters, diary entries, and newspaper clippings from the viewpoint of several characters tell the story, allowing for a wide variety of viewpoints that highlight happenings in Draculaas well as present the social issues pertained within. While it contains action, suspense, horror, and romance, it also displays the corruption within the everyday society. The way the women are presented, interacted with, and how Count Dracula affects them brings forth the issues within the Victorian society, especially the men s treatment of women and the different social and gender roles, which Stoker uses to highlight the situational irony found within the novel. The reader s first real introduction to the Victorian society and the women within is through Lucy Westenra and Mina Murray s letters to each other. The letters reveal both of their characters and in their diary entries, the way the men act towards them. This reveals the society s view of women, often thinking of them as being below men, silly and childlike. When Lucy is introduced, she comes off
  • 24. Shakira s Night Analysis Shakira s Night With Consequences When Shakira awoke she was in a ditch on the side of the road. All she remembers from last night was lying to her parents saying she was going to a sleepover at Zacquisha. When she really went to a party where Zacquisha gave her a drink and some pills. She had no idea where she was. She looked around trying to remember how she had gotten there and what the heck had happened last night. She then decided to walk she went to call an Uber when realizes she did not have her phone or her purse. She began to walk and noticed a street sign and her stomach sank. She realized she was on the west side of town. She then was afraid of what might happen to her, if she was found out here in the hood all alone. She then noticed her her great grandmother s watch was missing. An heirloom of four generations gone. She started walking but kept her head down. She had finally crossed the river when she had noticed a police officer had begun ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She then is put in a room and given an IV. They do a full body examination and notice bruising and cuts all over her body. Her genitals feel sore so they do a rape kit. She is so embarrassed that any of this is happening. Her parents arrive at the hospital and start screaming questions and demanding answers. Lieutenant Linzie pulls both of them out of the room and explains that she is a trauma victim and it is highly inappropriate to be demanding this from her. The parents start crying and Shakira is crying it is a disaster. The physiatrist and social worker at the hospital hear about this so they go to help. But they get into an argument whether she need therapy or if she has a mental illness. The attending physician of the hospital comes in the room with the toxicology screening results. Which came back positive for alcohol, flunitrazepam (date rape drug), and Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (ecstasy). Her parents are
  • 25. Theme Of Neoplatonism In The Princess Bride In William Goldman s 1973 classic, The Princess Bride, many characters have opinions about love. Many characters have opinions about beauty, too, and they all agree that Princess Buttercup is the most beautiful person they have ever seen. Princess Buttercup decides that Westley is the most beautiful person she has ever seen, and she describes him as Kind of flawless. More or less magnificent . . . Rather on the ideal side. Similar to Buttercup, post Renaissance poets described their lovers as flawless in beauty, a play on Plato s philosophy of ideal beauty mixed with early Reformation Christianity in a school of thought called Neoplatonism. Shakespeare was one to try his hand at praising Neoplatonic beauty, as was Edmund Spenser. However, Shakespeare s Neoplatonism... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While Neoplatonism attributes eternal beauty to being similar to God, Shakespeare attributes his subject s immortality to his own poetry. Shakespeare states that the reason for his subject s eternal beauty is because of Shakespeare s own poems, which immortalize his subject in a state of beauty. The heroic couplet in this case is more arrogant than anything else; building on the line before, When in eternal lines to time thou grow st, which means the subject will live forever in Shakespeare s poems, the couplet declares that as long as people are alive and can read, Shakespeare s poems will survive and therefore so will the subject. His correctness does not make the line less self centered, especially since he spent most of the sonnet discussing the flaws of summer and forgot to describe his subject s actual beauty. His subject will eternally live on as the person who more beautiful than summer, but also as a person we know nothing about. By disregarding his subject s actual beauty and ending the poem by bragging of his own timelessness, Shakespeare failed to make Sonnet 18 a true example of
  • 26. Essay on Lysistrata Lysistrata is a play written in 411 BC by Aristophanes. At that time in Greek history, the city states were constantly warring with one another. Consequently, the women were left at home. One woman, Lysistrata, was so fed up with the fighting that she called all of the women of Greece to a meeting. When they finally showed up, Lysistrata presented her plan for peace: no sex until the wars ceased. She eventually convinced all of the other women that this was the only way to bring peace to the land. The men were miserable and ultimately they negotiated a treaty to stop the hostilities. This play has its merits and its downfalls. As a whole, however, it is well written, humorous, and most importantly, it has a purpose. On first glance, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the opening of the play, Lysistrata has called a meeting of all the women and is impatiently waiting for them. She says that she has spent long, sleepless nights agonizing over the solution to the wars. She tells Kalonike, quot;Only we women can save Greece! quot; As the rest of the women arrive, she informs them of her plan. The women are resistant to the idea of no sex at first. They then realize that what Lysistrata says is true. The women take an oath and swear to one another that they will have nothing to do with their husbands until the wars cease. Aristophanes use of women as the peacemakers shows the natural role of women as nurturers. He is displaying how life should be, without war. In times of peace, men are working at home alongside their wives. When war comes about, women are left to do all the work, domestic and otherwise. This upsets the balance of daily life. Aristophanes is urging his fellow Greeks to restore peace and therefore life as they once knew it. As the play progresses, the men are in extreme pain and agony from the withholding of sexual activities. They come to the conclusion, grudgingly, that the women are indeed correct. To renew Greece, the fighting must end. And they are the ones with whom it has to begin. The men arrange a treaty and then celebrate with the others, Athenian and Spartan alike. But, as I can imagine, all, women and men, are anxious to get home. With this play,
  • 27. Importance Of Naturalism In An Episode Of War And The... Naturalism is a philosophical viewpoint according to which everything arises from natural properties and causes. A Naturalist is a person who practices naturalism in art or literature. Stephen Crane is a famous writer during the Naturalism movement, and best develops Naturalist beliefs throughout his stories. Naturalists believe an individual s life is determined by environment, chance, and heredity. They also believe free will is an illusion, survival of the fittest and natural selection govern people as well as nature, and people resort to the animal within during crisis situations. Naturalists also believe people should endure their suffering with quiet dignity. Stephen Craneuses characters, setting, plot, and conflictto develop Naturalist themes in An Episode of War, and A Mystery of Heroism. In An Episode of War, the setting of the story is a battlefield during the Civil War. The outcome of being shot on the battlefield is unpredictable, which enhances the Naturalist s belief that life is determined by chance. When the lieutenant gets shot in An Episode of War, he reacts rather slowly to the situation, and tries to help himself. His companions were offering to help him, and One timidly presented his shoulder and asked the lieutenant if he cared to lean upon it, but the latter waved him away mournfully. (510) The lieutenant portrays the Naturalist belief that people should endure their suffering with quiet dignity when he does not accept help from his
  • 28. Inconvenient Truth Montage an inconvenient truth is a 2006 documentary film on climate change/global warming by al gore, aimed at alerting the public to an increasing planetary emergency due to global warming, and demonstrations re enacted incidents from his life story which influenced his concerns about environmental issues. Al goreis adopting the main documentary techniques; montage, the voice of narration and archival footage and to reinforce his bias that we as humans have been contributing to the issue of climate change. in an inconvenient truth , the main technique that al gore utilized throughout his documentary. Is the application of montage. A montage is a sequence of related or semi related images that are selectively edited together to promote an emotive meaning and the film maker s bias. An example of montage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Filmmakers often use pre recorded film or photograph from different sources as archival footage; such as from other documentaries or black and white film this is usually denoted to provide some sort of perspective on previous events. Al gore exemplifies an old piece of black and white film as he reflects on his childhood and him growing up on a tobacco farm. Which is quite ironic since gore has implemented legislation against carbon emission which smoking has a contributing factor, although is negligent, merely setting aside the pollution produced in making cigars and cigarettes. Albert selectively utilizes an edit of a factory in the background producing smoke and/or pollution. As he is talking about the effect of global warming is having on the earth and the process at which it is occurring; he is using this association to directly flip the blame back onto the industry for being a supposed major factor in the contribution to the co2 emissions. The technique of archival footage that gore is signifying throughout his documentary that we have some contribution to the effect of global
  • 29. Cis 111 Complete Course Cis111Complete Course CIS 111 Complete Course CIS111Complete Course Click Link for the Answer: http://workbank247.com/q/cis 111 complete course cis111complete course/22359 http://workbank247.com/q/cis 111 complete course cis111complete course/22359 CIS 111 Week 1 Discussion Business Rules in Data Modeling Please respond to the following: * Per the text, when databases are developed, they are modeled around business rules, so they accurately support a business function or operation. * Based on your experiences, identify one (1) example of a business function / operation. Explain the business function / operation in the context of business data models. * Identify the business rules associated with your selected business function / ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Check with your professor for any additional instructions. * Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student s name, the professor s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: * Describe the role of databases and database management systems in managing organizational data and information. * Compose conceptual data modeling techniques to capture the information requirements. * Use technology and information resources to research issues in database systems. * Write clearly and concisely about relational database management systems using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. CIS 111 Week 3 Discussion Entity Relationship Modeling Please respond to the following: * As explained throughout this course, entity relationship modeling is a critical element of database design. If the database is not properly modeled, it is unlikely that the database will be properly developed. Using this knowledge, explain the key reasons why entity relationship modeling is important, and determine at least (1) way in which it impacts the overall development of the database. * Analyze the key ways that entity relationship modeling helps database developers overcome potential design challenges and
  • 30. The Exclusionary Rule To determine whether or not the admission of evidence is constitutionally permissible can be a very tough decision. There are many laws and regulations that must be adhered to in order for evidence to be admissible to ensure that a defendant s right are not violated. One of the most important rules that help protect against illegal evidence being admitted into evidence is the Exclusionary rule. This rule helps to ensure that evidence which is admissible into criminal prosecutions are not only relevant and reliable, but have not violated the fourth or fifth amendment due to misconduct. Specifically, the exclusionary rule forbids evidence obtained by violating a defendant s constitutional rights to be introduced by the prosecution for the purpose of proving direct guilt Gardner Anderson, 2013, pg. 218 219).Police misconduct often leads to evidence that can either be obtained legally through the use of illegal evidence, evidence that is illegally obtained through violations of other rules, regulations, a defendants rights, or evidence that is obtained illegally but falls under one of the exclusionary rule exceptions such as the plain view doctrine(Gardner Anderson, 2013, pg. 219 221). Based upon the facts, it is evident that the evidence obtained by Manning is admissible evidence due to plain (open) view doctrine. The plain (open) doctrine states that if a law officer is where he or she has a right to be and sees evidence or contraband in plain view, then the evidence
  • 31. Unit 2 Compare And Contrast Learning And Home School There are 2 types of home learning first is where a child is educated at home instead of sending them to a school and secondly is more for the older children which is considered as distance learning, this is a way of learning remotely without being in regular face to face contact with a teacher in the classroom. The difference in home schooland home learning is with home school, a tutor will come into your home to teach you on a one to one. Home learning involves no tutors, no teachers, just the individual having to do their own research via different resources such as the internet or books. More often than not, children are homeschooled because their parents feel they can give their child a better educationthan the local school can. Parents... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ways to overcome barriers with the parent s involvement and ways to support and promote positive home learning: Allow enough time for focused and persistent outreach to ensure that vulnerable families in targeted areas of need are included. Take the service to the parent where necessary support in the home is particularly helpful in reaching the most vulnerable parents. Provide services in responsive and flexible ways and at flexible times. Tailor activities to make them appealing to parents who make less use of early years provision, for instance fathers. Respond to the support needs of individual parents other issues, such as financial worries or depression, may need to be addressed before, or at the same time as, helping parents to support their children as learners. Use the expertise of voluntary organisations that have links within the local
  • 32. Career Goals For Registered Nurses Outlining Your Career Goals Registered nurses work alongside physicians providing patient care in a variety of ways. A few examples of what nurses are responsible for include: administering medications, tracking patient s vital signs, helping to diagnose and properly treat patient aliments and educating the patient and their family on their condition and the course of treatment. Depending on what area of medicine a nurse works in will determine more generalized and specific duties and responsibilities. There are many different areas a nurse may work in. Some areas include: obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, emergency room, and many more. Nurses can work in a variety of settings, these can include: hospitals, urgent cares, doctors office, nursing homes and home health. Someone wishing to become a nurse must obtain a degree or diploma from an accredited nursing school. Once they have completed their educational requirements, they are then able to sit for the nursing licensure exam. After completing nursing school you must sit for this test to become licensed, graduating from nursing school does not automatically make you a registered nurse. There are three paths that someone can take in order to fulfill their education requirements. The three paths are a diploma in nursing, an associates degree in nursing or a bachelors degree in nursing, after which you can then sit for your licensing test. Nurses who have their bachelors degree with be offered a more competitive
  • 33. Essay on Dracula and Women in Bram Stoker s Dracula In the 19th century Bram Stoker wrote the infamous novel, Dracula. This novel was composed in the style of letters, journal entries, newspaper articles and telegrams in order to convey to the reader a realistic story. The story of Dracula is about an ancient vampire who moves to London from his native country of Transylvania. In London, Draculaseduces and bites a young woman by the name of Lucy Westenra. When Lucy falls sick, no one knows how to help her because while Draculahas bitten her many times she has always been in a trance. Lucy?s friends decide to join together to combat what ever is ailing Lucy. In hopes of some help, Lucy?s friend Dr. Seward asks an old mentor of his by the name of Dr. Van Helsing to come to London... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the many times that Dracula visits Lucy he never shows his human form. On one occasion Lucy says ?The air seems full of specks, floating and circling in the draught from the window, and the lights burn blue and dim? (Stoker 158). This is Dracula and for Lucy this would be even more terrifying because she doesn?t know what has happened to her in the first place. However because the reader knows what Dracula is, it makes his character all the more evil and horrifying which is exactly what Stoker was aiming for. While the absence of Dracula?s character does convey him to be frightening it also makes him dangerous because you do not know when or where he will strike next. Bram Stoker makes Dracula such a mysteriously evil creature lurking in the shadows, yet Dracula is always the focus of the novel. Another example of this would be when Mina is staying in Dr. Seward?s insane asylum while the men are out trying to destroy Dracula. At this point in the story Dracula?s main focus is getting to Mina, which she doesn?t know. At one point during the night Mina notices the window is open when she is positive she shut it. Right away she sees a kind of mist that floats into the room. Then she notices that it ?got thicker and thicker, till it seemed as if it became concentrated into a sort of pillar of cloud in the room through the top of which I could see the light of the gas shining like a red eye?
  • 34. Money and Banking MONEY AND BANKING CONTENTS What is MONEY?3 Characteristics of money3 Measurements of money4 Money and the economy6 Relationship between Prices and Inflation6 Why Money Supply Matters7 Banking8 General History8 History in United States8 Banking basics9 Other Financial Institutions9 International Banks10 Structure of banking industry in U.S.10 Interest Rates11 Banking Business11 Liquidity management by banks11 Multiple Deposit Creation14 Banking services16 Summary18 References19 Banking Quiz20 Learning Objectives On successful completion of this lesson you will be able to: Understand the role of money and its impact on the economy and measurement of money in an economy. History of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, digital cash is much easier to transport than paper money because it is transferred digitally. This makes transferring money across border a lot easier, which means money from illegal sources (such as drug money) can be easily transmitted out of the country. Measurements of money Money is considered an important determinant of the condition of the economy of a country. In the eye of the federal government, there is a broader measure of what money is in the U.S and in other parts of the world imply. There are 3 general measures of money used by the U.S. government (or more specifically the Federal Reserve System): M1, M2 and M3. These are often referred to in the context of inflation, recession and interest rate changes. I m sure it sounds familiar. Allan Greenspan s, the US Treasury Secretary s, announcements on changes in the Fed interest rate during the last two years is now
  • 35. well known felt even in India. (i) M1 M1 is the narrowest measure of money. It includes the following items: Note:1. Traveler s checks issued by banks are grouped under demand deposits. 2. Some examples of interest bearing checking accounts are NOW (negotiable order of withdrawal), ATS (automatic transfer from savings), and credit union share drafts. M1 is considered by the Federal Reserve as transaction balances. In other words, they are perfectly
  • 36. Classic Themes In Blood Wedding By Gabriel Garcia Lorca The tragic play Blood Wedding (Bodas de Sangre ) written by Federico GarcГa Lorca a Spanish poet and playwright in 1932. Is a tale of two young men who are in love with the same women . Lorca tells a story of a family vendetta that is based on a real life crime. The use of classic themes star crossed lovers, deception are revealed throughout the play as well as a powerful desire for one another. This then leads to the character s tragic demise. The performance had a mix of dancing and singing along with acting. It was performed in the University Theater, Directed by Marla Ladd, and Choreographed by Sarah Cashmore. One of the main characters of the play is the groom which is a young happy man and last surviving child to his mother. Leonardo is the bride s first and only love, he is also short tempered and irrational. The bride is a young woman who loves Leonardo but wants to make her father happy. The groom s mother is an elderly woman who is old fashioned, her husband and son were murdered by a knife. The bride s father is an elderly wealthy conservative man. The bride s servant is someone who is constantly giving her advice and making sure she is happy. Then there is the bride s cousin naive women that don t know what Leonardo feels for her cousin. The play Blood Wedding is a tragedy about young women and two men are in love with her. Leonardo and the bride first fall in love but things don t work out. He later marries the bride s cousin and they
  • 37. Essay on Manhattan Project Thesis: The research for the first Atomic bomb was done in the United States, by a group of the best scientists; this research was given the name of amp;quot;The Manhattan Project amp;quot;. On Monday July 16th, 1945, a countdown for the detonation of the first atomic bomb took place near Los Alamos, New Mexico. This atomic bomb testing would forever change the meaning of war. As the atomic bomb was detonated it sent shock waves all over the world. There was endless research done on the bomb in the United States. The research was called amp;quot;The ManhattanEngineer District Projectamp;quot; but it was more commonly known as quot;The Manhattan Project. quot;1 The Manhattan Project was brought by fear of Germany and it s atomic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then he went to teach at Berkley University.4 Another main person in the research project was Enrico Fermi. Fermi was a graduate of the University of Pisa, where he received his Ph.D. Fermi then went to the University of Rome teaching chemistry and biology. Fermi played a major role in the development of the bomb by creating a sustained nuclear fission chain reaction, which was critical to making the atomic bomb.4 Richard Feyman was another scientist which worked on the atomic bomb. Feyman graduated from Princeton where he excelled in physics and other scientific studies. Feyman s big duty on the Manhattan Project was to break big problems into smaller easier to do problems.4 The Manhattan Project, also had to have facilities for the research and testing of the atomic bomb. Some of the facilities built by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers included: power stations, factories, steel works, hospitals, laboratories, and housing for everybody that worked on the project.. Other facilities that were built for the construction of the bomb were plants to make the radioactive material needed to construct the bomb. Oak Ridge, Tennessee was used to make uranium which was used as an explosive to react with plutonium. The plutonium itself was made in Hanford, Washington.5 To make this explosion possible, a piece of uranium was fired at another piece of uranium to make the critical mass that was needed for an explosion. Critical mass is the exact amount of
  • 38. Initial Public Offering Paper The focus of this paper is to examine and research the financing issues that an organization must face when going public. The team has selected Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. as the organization which has had an initial public offering in the last three years. The learning team will address registration, disclosure, and compliance issues and cost of issuance. In addition, the team will examine the impact on ownership control and return as well as the source and application of funds. Financing Issues that an Organization Faces When Going PublicAn Initial Public Offering (IPO), is extremely expensive for organizations. It is common for a small business to pay between $50,000 and $250,000 to organize and publicize an offering. According to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Disclosure ,2008) In Chipotle s SEC filing they disclosed the prospectus statement, financial data, and future plans. Through there prospectus statement Chipotle makes it clear that they are set apart from other chains by serving Food with Integrity . However, there are risks involved in investing, they are as follows: the number of new stores rapidly being established, lack of independent operating history, ability to continue to grow and profit, and health and safety concerns regarding the ingredients used among others. Although the risk factors are in place, Chipotle s financial data provides more assurance of returned profit on investment. In their Rapidly Improving Financial Performance section of the SEC filing they state a 130% increase in revenue in 2004 of 470.7 million up from 2002 and 49% up from 2003. And, average sales in new restaurants after 90 trading days increased 24.9% a total of $303,390. From 2002 2004 Chipotle opened a total of 237 stores. Their increased financial growth is attributed to word of mouth sales and quicker implementation of Chipotle culture in the area of the new restaurant. Also, more people are aware of Chipotle, thus increasing average opening sales.( Form S 1/A ,2005) The future plans of Chipotle is to expand operations and sales by opening new stores. They forecast opening a total of 75 stores in 2005 of which 58 were already opened at the time of the SEC filing. In order to expand sales they plan to
  • 39. College Tuition Cost So Much Essay The need for a baccalaureate degree has become more crucial in the ongoing era of an increasingly global economy. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 Americans 25 and older with a high school diploma had an average salary of $35,984 for the year; those with a bachelor s degree had an average salary of $60,112. This means that Americans with a bachelor s degree currently earn 40 percent more than those citizens who stopped their formal education after graduating from high school. As the demand for degrees has increased, so has the cost of higher education. The higher education system has had a fair share of problems throughout the past decades, and they have not gone unnoticed by members of the general public. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This reality can have a snowball effect largely impacting the students. The government needs to spend its money more wisely on higher education so that students can have a more successful undergraduate experience. In the article, The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much , Paul F. Campos of The New York Times explains why we have witnessed the cost of college spike so high over the years. Campos simplifies the issue for the audience, stating that, the astonishing rise in college tuition correlates closely with a huge increase in public subsidies for higher education. Today, more people than ever are attending college. The population has increased by 50 percent since
  • 40. 1995, according to Campos. Since this increase has taken place, appropriations per student have also risen. State funding for higher education has skyrocketed, but all of that public money did not reduce the cost of college. According to Campos, the increase in spending did not go to the professor (instruction). The average salary for professors in higher education is actually lower than it was in 1970. An increasing proportion of university expenditures are allocated
  • 41. Army Where of Uniform The army physical training uniform is made up of many different parts. The most commonly used is the summer wear. The summer wear consists of a short sleeve shirt, black running shorts, reflective vest, white socks, and running shoes. The cold weather physical training uniform consists of improved running jacket, improved running pants, long sleeve physical training shirt, black running shorts, reflective vest, white socks, a black fleece cap, black gloves, and running shoes. Soldiers may not mix or match PFU and IPFU items. When soldiers wear either the PFU or IPFU as a complete uniform, they will keep the sleeves down on the sweatshirt or jacket, the legs down on the pants, and they will tuck the T shirt inside the trunks. Soldiers may... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The patrol cap should be placed on the head in such a manner that the front and the rear and the top edge former unbroken line in the silhouette, and the bottom of the cap is parallel to the ground while standing at the position of attention. Personnel will not crush or shape the patrol cap to form peaks in the front or rear of the cap. The rank and the insignia on the beret and patrol cap are different for officers and enlisted personnel. The beret for officers and warrant officers wear a non subdued grade insignia centered on the beret flash. Enlisted personnel were their distinctive unit insignia (DUI) centered on the beret flash. On the patrol cap officers and warrant officers were non subdued grade insignia on a patrol cap in garrison environments, and subdued grade insignia in field environments. Enlisted personnel, wear subdued grade insignia of the patrol cap in garrison, also in the field environments. The black beret is the standard headgear unless assigned to units or positions authorized the tan, green, or maroon beret. Soldiers are issued beret up on assignment to their first duty assignment after completion of advanced individual training or officer basic courses. The beret is the basic headgear for utility uniforms in a garrison environment. The beret is not worn in the field, in a training environment, or environments that the berets are impractical. The beret is not worn on deployments unless authorized by the commander. The
  • 42. 12 Angry Men Character Analysis Essay In the movie, Twelve Angry Men, all of the characters have their own specific personalities. Jurors 1 through 12 all have gone through different life situations and come from different beginnings. On a certain level, the jurors are all connected to each other in one way or another. That would be the strength of the justice system. It brings people together that no one would have ever thought were compatible to work with each other. Juror 10 has a very specific personality that can be described in many ways. His character traits are shown in Figure 1. He is very harsh towards the other jurors and doesn t care for any of them, making the best shape to describe him a triangle. Secondly, Juror 10 is a hateful person and never likes when anyone ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Juror 8 was the only member on the jury that voted not guilty from the very beginning. For instance, he states, There were eleven votes for guilty. It s not so easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy off to die (Twelve Angry Men). In saying this, he shows that he actually cares about what happens to the boy and wants to give him the chance of reasonable doubt. Secondly, he was very level headed during all of the arguments and never got unhinged, making the perfect shape for his personality a square. Next, the color of his figure (green) represents that he was a loyal and unchanging with his opinion. After the 3rd time voting, he states, Not guilty (Twelve Angry Men). A square, the shape of his personality, would appear to show that juror 8 is level headed and sure of himself. Since Juror 8 was so important, his shape size had to correlate. Also, he had a gargantuan effect on all of the other characters throughout the whole storyline. Juror 8 didn t force his opinion onto all of the other jurors, he just suggested and challenged their statements. For instance, after the first time voting, Juror 8 says, I don t want to change your mind. I just want to talk for awhile. Look, this boy s been kicked around all his life. You know, living in a slum, his mother dead since he was nine. That s not a very good head start. He s a tough, angry kid. You know why slum kids get that way? Because we knock
  • 43. Music Appreciation Music Appreciation Report The concert, Masterpieces by American Women Composers!, was held in the Horace C. Cabe Great Hall Regional Arts Center. The concert was a semiformal event with about 30 people in attendance. The pianist who performed that night was Dr. Linda Holzer, who is a professor of musicat the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, and she performed on a baby grand piano. She is from Chicago and has many degrees in piano performance from three different University s, the Northwestern University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Florida State University. Dr. Holzer has performed in many different countries including China, Slovakia, Australia, and New York. The pieces that Dr. Holzer performed that night... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... McPartland was born in 1918 in England. She showed musical talent when she was young, because of this McPartland began to take violin lessons; she also studied the piano on her own. McPartland went to the London s Guildhall school of music to train classically. Once she graduated, she went on to have an international career as a jazz pianist and as a composer. Later in her life, McPartland began a record company which was named Halcyon Records. To write Twilight World, McPartland partnered with Jonny Mercer, which became a hit. She died when she was 95 in 2013. I personally enjoyed Twilight World. Margaret Bonds, who was trained in piano classically and was a composer, composed Troubled Water. Bonds was born in 1913 in Chicago and she studied at two colleges, Northwestern University and Juilliard, after which she moved to Los Angeles during the 60s. Shortly after she moved, Bonds began to work as the music director at the Inner City Repertory Theatre. All the while she kept up her solo and duo pianist career. Bonds piece, Troubled Water, was based upon the spiritual Wade in the Water. I like Troubled
  • 44. Essay On National Steel Car NATIONAL STEEL CAR With over one hundred years of excellence in engineering, manufacturing and a commitment to quality,Natiional Steel Car has earned a reputation as North America s leading railroad,freight and tank car manufacturer. It was originally named Imperial Steel Car but the name changed to National Steel Car before 1912.It is one of the few rail vehicle manufacturers left in Canada .Greg Aziz is the chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company. Founded in 1912 National Steel Car is the largest manufacturer of rolling stock based on Hamiliton,Canada.Rolling stock includes locpmotives,railroad cars,coaches and wagons. National Steel Car has a sense of purpose: пЃ¶To honor the traditions of its past. пЃ¶To move forward with determination. пЃ¶ ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... пЃ¶To always lead. HISTORY OF THE NATIONAL STEEL CAR The first few years when it wad founded the National Steel Car surpassed the expectations of its investors. It began large number orders from Canadian Northern Railway.Bussiness was booming and successful until the great depression of 1930s.The company was falling behind in terms of diversity in comparison to its competitors and suffered a severe lack of orders. It resorted to producing motor boats ,bus bodies and outboard motor boats ;just so as they had orders to fill. The World War renewed its business. In the first world war: пѓ The National Steel Car joined the war effort, fabricating steel bodies for trucks used in
  • 45. Leadership In The Aeneid The Aeneid is an epic poem about the man whose descendants will found Rome. Aeneas, is portrayed as a warrior and leader to his people and, as his name represents, stayed duty bound to his destiny to get to Italy to found Rome. Aeneas first exhibits many great qualities as a leader, he is probably not a perfect leader but he has the best leadership skills out of all the other characters in the Aeneid. In other words, Aeneasbecomes the golden standard for leadership that Virgilportrays. Second, although Aeneas often seems to stray from his path or become disheartened, he remains duty bound to his task and is readily able to rally his men and make allies. Even though Aeneas makes mistakes or loses heart, he still is able to perform the role ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, Aeneas is able to put others before himself many times which allows for his goals to get accomplished and the overall happiness of his men. Other characters with leadership positions often do not showcase this quality. Jupiter, for one, does not seem to be the type to suffer for the sake of his underlings. First of all, he is a god which could make him immune to suffering. And second, he simply does not seem to care enough about the world to make an effort to change it too much. Jupiter, of course, does act in the mortal world by making destinies for mortals. However, because of his lack of leadership over the other gods, the fate Jupiter sets out for mortals often becomes a tangled mess due to interference from the gods. Jupiter, king of the gods, does not showcase a willingness to put others before himself to accomplish his goals. He simply procrastinates and allows those under him to take charge. Additionally, Aeneas makes a mistake to fall in love with Queen Dido of Carthage. He quickly becomes comfortable in Carthage and is quite content to stay when the gods tell him he must leave because Aeneas s destiny is not to settle in Carthage, but in Italy. Aeneas is able to leave, reluctantly, and continue with his destiny to found Rome in Italy. Even though Aeneas blunders in his travels, he is
  • 46. Nt1330 Unit 4 Exercise 1 Chapter 4 Describe the impact on users of migrating from a small single server based network to a directory based network with multiple servers in different roles. Also describe the impact on network designers and administrators. When you have a single server, users will have to login to their local machines via a local account. Any data that they would need access to on the network will need to be authenticated via a set of credentials on the server itself. The user in this case will be using two different set of credentials to access all of their data. When you move into a directory based network with multiple servers in different roles, things become very easy for both the users and the administrators. The administrators will need to connect each computer to the domain that way the computer will become trusted and the user accounts will be able to be authenticated by the domain controller. Both the local computer logins as well as access to all of the data on each and every server will be the same and configured from just one location. This makes it easier for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The network currently has three Novell NetWare 3.2 servers. You have Windows clients that access the NetWare servers through a Windows 2000 Server running GSNW. You plan to replace the NetWare servers with new servers, eventually removing the NetWare servers from the network. What type of authentication is used between the Windows 2000 Server and the NetWare servers? What network centric directory structure, if any, is currently being used? When you are dealing with both a Windows 2000 server and a NetWare server you can authenticate via Kerberos. This would allow a very easy transition for the future when the Novell servers are phased out. Another option that can be done is by setting up a radius server that can connect to the Novell Netware servers and pulls its information from the Active Directory
  • 47. Freewill Essay Freewill Many have wondered whether free will exists or not. Some argue yes, some argue no. For now, I will say no. I will begin my argument with a scenario. Say a man has an enemy that he hates very strongly. One day this guy makes a conscious decision to kill his enemy. He calculates every move he needs to make to kill his enemy and succeeds in doing so. Clearly, this man is guilty of murder. The question is, should blame fall on this man for killing another? Currently, all societies in the world are built around some moral basis that holds a person responsible for their actions. A determinist, however, would disagree and say that people are not free, and therefore are not at fault for their actions. Human acts are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are certain variables, like baking a cake, which are accounted for such as being late, the rush it gives, or just because the wind feels good. Whatever the case may be, the act is caused. In the eyes of a determinist, caused acts have only one option. If there is only one option, then there is no freedom. So, the question arises, are all acts caused? To answer this question we must first look at the human brain and mind. Historically, when we talk about human acts we seem to be able to predict why a human acted the way they did. For example, while watching something like Montel, the host attempts to reason why a person s problem occurred. The audience then makes suggestions on how to remedy the situation. If the topic is about relationships, then the show leads to questions about relationships and why they occur. Just about every time a guest asks a question about an abusive boyfriend, the host asks what their family life was like. The overwhelming response is that people who enter into abusive relationships had abusive families. If we relate this back to the human brain and say an abusive family is a variable for an abusive boyfriend, we find that this act can be predicted. The human mind/brain appears to be broken into two parts. The first we will call instinct. The human instinct consists of all things that are embedded in the human mind for survival, like the need
  • 48. Common Safety Issues Related to Food Purchase, Storage,... Beware! Do you know what is in your food? Common safety issues related to food purchase, storage, and preparation Recently there has been a rise in food borne illnesses in both homes and restaurant settings. It is important that everyone knows the appropriate ways to prevent such conditions. Preventing food borne illnesses like salmonella, norovirus, and staphylococcus aureus are not as difficult as one might think, but it is essential that appropriate precautions are taken to minimize the risks of infection. Although some people only experience gastrointestinal distress from food borne illnesses, others (particularly children and the elderly) can experience more serious complications. Salmonella, for example, can produce fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps that are very severe (Questions and Answers about foodborne illness, 2012, CDC). It is transmitted through the intestines of birds, reptiles and mammals and humans can contract it by consuming infected foods (Questions and Answers about foodborne illness, 2012, CDC). Norovirus can cause acute gastrointestinal illness, usually with more vomiting than diarrhea, that generally resolves within three days (Questions and Answers about foodborne illness, 2012, CDC). Unlike salmonella, it is difficult to detect and therefore to track with testing, but it is also less likely to cause serious, lingering aftereffects. Unlike most other food borne illnesses, humans are the primary transmitters of norvovirus, spreading
  • 49. My Experience With Severe Anxiety When I reflect on everything that has happened thus far in my lifetime, I am amazed at how far I have come. I was born on May 31st, 1998. My mom was in college when she had me, and my father worked two jobs to support the family. They worked incredibly hard to make sure that I had a good and comfortable life. They never gave up, even when they were loaded with their many responsibilities, because they cared so much for me and my future. I truly admire them for that. They instilled the value of preserving, and never giving up, no matter how tough your challenges in life are. This value is very important to me, and I believe that I would not be where I am today if I didn t stay true to this value. This value has been especially important when I have had to deal with severe anxiety. I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. The anxiety became especially intense during my freshman year of high school. It began to severely interfere with my schooling, to the point where I could not even attend school. I many attempts to continue to attend school, but these attempts would often end with me having a severe panic attack. This constant failure to attend school sent me into a bout of depression. All of these factors led to the decision for me to be put into home hospital, where I would do all my schoolwork at home, and work with a teacher who came to my house for an hour each day. This would allow me to focus on receiving professional help with my anxiety. I met with a therapist
  • 50. We Need A Quick Fix Of Caffeine Essay Ordinarily, in the mornings, some people need a quick fix of caffeine before dragging themselves to work or school. But one coffee shop in particular has something unique. Dunn Brothers Coffee roasts all of its beans in store. The baristas are something else entirely, full of personality, with no lack of sass either. A casual and cozy store, located in Minneapolis, on 50th and Xerxes Ave., it has drawn a large customer base over the years. It all started with Ed and Dan Dunn, who opened their first store in St. Paul. The franchise quickly expanded all over Minnesota with 17 locations, and even into North Dakota with two locations in Fargo. City Pages readers even rated Dunn Bros Coffeethe best cup of coffee in the Twin Cities over ten times. The shops fabulous baristas, and welcoming environment continue to draw in many customers to this day. Walking into the shop on a typical day, the second someone opens the door, the smell of roasting coffee and hot chocolate invades the nose. A crowd of exhausted and sullen faced, office and retail workers start off the day, looking for something to help them stay awake to survive the work day. Then comes in the students, who at that point, are probably late for class, but do not care anymore. Even in the winter the store becomes warm from the large amount of people waiting in line for their turn to get fresh brewed coffee or tea from one of the baristas, either Jess or Steve. Possibly along with one of the many pastries offered,
  • 51. 40 Hour Famine The 40 hour famine, an organisation founded by world vision, is done to raise money for people living in developing countries that cannot afford the luxuries we take for granted. People around the world participate by giving up something important to them for 40 hours (World Vision, 2015). This is an important issue in today s community as the money raised goes to tackling the problem of povertyand foodshortage in third world countries. Global hunger is the world s biggest health risk, making children sick and taking away their chance at a better future. By putting posters up around the community, creating a website and sending out a survey we have been able to educate many people in the community. These are all ways that can help to reduce... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hunger and malnutrition is the number one health risk stopping the mental development of children. One in eight people goes to bed hungry every night with 850 million people around the world not having enough food to be healthy and lead an active life (World Vision, 2015). For our health promoting activity we created posters and hung them in the five sub schools (Appendix 1). This has helped to educate many of the year 8 s and 9 s on this topic. We also sent many people a survey which gave us insight into what people knew and also gave us a way of educating more people (Appendix 2). Another thing we did to educate people was by creating a website with information about the foundation and a link to the World Vision website where people can donate to the cause (Appendix 3). By educating people on this topic we have expanded their knowledge on the cause. More people will be able to participate and donate to the cause knowing that they will be helping many people around the world. Other ways to promote this organisation can be creating a Facebook page, raising money, having guest speakers, handing out brochures and creating a petition. These people will also be able to raise more awareness themselves and educate many other
  • 52. The Role of Women in Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart Essay More than those of any other African writer, Chinua Achebe s writings have helped to develop what is known as African literature today. And the single book which has helped him to launch his revolution is the classic, Things Fall Apart. The focus of this essay includes: 1) Achebe s portraiture of women in his fictional universe, the existing sociocultural situation of the period he is depicting, and the factors in it that condition male attitudes towards women; 2) the consequences of the absence of a moderating female principle in his fictions; 3) Achebes progressively changing attitudetowards women s roles; and 4) feminist prospects for African women. In the context of this study, the Igbo people whom Achebe describes will... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Things Fall Apart is significant because it began the vogue of African novels of cultural contact and conflict. It has been translated into over twenty major world languages. Commensurate with its popularity, images of women receive attention. In a style that is expository rather than prescriptive, Achebe s novel mirrors the sociocultural organization existing in the Africa of the era he describes. Like Zora Neale Hurston s Janie Mae Crawford (when married to Jody Starks), Achebe s women are voiceless. But where even Janie is highly visible, his women are virtually inconsequential. In Of Woman Born (1977), Adrienne Rich unwittingly captures all the nuances of the African traditional social milieu when she describes patriarchy as: the power of the fathers: a familial, social, ideological, and political system in which, by direct pressure or through tradition, law and language, customs, etiquette, education, and division of labor men determine
  • 53. The Role Of Johnathon In Bram Stoker s Dracula Dracula is a horror novel is set in London and Transylvania in the mid 1800 s. The book starts with Johnathon Harker heading to Transylvania on a business trip to sell Dracula, a wealthy count in Transylvania, some real estate in London. After some strange incidents of Count Dracula attempting to suck Johnathon s blood, and imprison him, Johnathon escapes. The novel then switches to Mina Murray, Johnathon s fiancГ© s, and her friend, Lucy Westenra s, points of view through their letters. Its mostly just gossip, but there are several references to Johnathon. Next, it shifts to Dr. John Seward, sometimes referred to as Jack s, dairy with a description of Renfield who is a patient at Jack s asylum. After this, it alternates points of view, with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She is throughout the book described as both intelligent and compassionate. In many ways Johnathon becomes Mina s foil because after he comes back Johnathon is paranoid and superstitious, whereas Mina is level headed and calm. Mina also becomes Dracula s victim and is hence left in the dark about how close the group is to catching Dracula, because Dracula can read her mind. Dr. John Seward, sometimes called Jack by his friends, is a doctor who runs a lunatic asylum. He is a scientific person, so he does not believe in vampires at first. He is largely motivated by his love of Lucy, Dracula s first Victim, who is already engaged to someone else. Seward struggles with believing in van Helsing s stories of vampires, until he come face to face with the undead Lucy. Afterwards, Jack is seeking revenge whilst trying to find Renfield, a patient in his asylum s connection to Dracula. Dr. van Helsing is a medical doctor and the group s expert on vampires, he has multiple contacts that he makes use of throughout the book. He knows many superstitions and the occult. He is a major member of the group, yet not much is known about his personal life, he has multiple different doctorates, seems to have some previous connection to Jack, and may love Mina. This general mysteriousness about him is amplified by the fact that the book is almost never told from his
  • 54. Statement Of Purpose Of Robots Statement of Purpose Robots are going to be new citizens in the human society. Day by day it proved its capabilities and capacity, starting from very sophisticated Medical Surgeries to versatile and simple pick and place application. New and innovative concepts like Origami Robots, Spatial Manipulators, Biological Robots and many such have justified their importance. The core aspect of all such robots and families is their peculiar Kinematics and Dynamics. So, at the heart of all such innovation, it requires fundamental excellence and knowledge in this field. Stanford University stands for legacy in Innovation and Robotics. It is always a preference to work in kinematics in this university. Various labs like Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Laboratory and Stanford Robotics Laboratory Inspires me a lot. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During master of technology at IIT Bombay l took courses like kinematics and dynamics of machines, which was an extension of an undergraduate course, a course of Computer Simulation of Machines was an excellent exercise on developing our own code to simulate the mechanisms and a course of advanced engineering Dynamics had provided an insight into Non Linear systems. I took a Seminar on Kinematics and Dynamics of Tensegrity Mechanism. During all these academic exercises, I developed the sense of Kinematics and Dynamics. It was the parallel practice of Physics, Mathematics, Imagination, and Art. Based on this only, in my master s thesis work a new spatial parallelogram mechanism was invented and undergone intellectual property rights. At Stanford, courses like Advance Kinematics(Me330) and Kinematic Synthesis of Mechanisms (Me 331) will be compelling with my