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Essay Romulus My Father
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Essay Romulus My Father Essay Romulus My Father


The Work Life of Ben Hamper
For Ben Hamper it was inevitable that he would end up working in the General Motors factory
in Flint, Michigan. He was a third generation shop rat following in the footsteps of his family
and extended family. Working on the Rivet Line for General Motors was far from what Hamper
wanted to do with his life. Unfortunately for Hamper this was the only job where he was receiving
good pay and was able to drink throughout his day. Hamper faced many ups and downs being an
American autoworker; the working conditions, labor management relations and psychological
problems to name a few. It would eventually be the psychological issues that would lead Hamper
away from General Motors and the auto industry. Hamper did not start out with a... Show more
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People were spending money again and buying automobiles. Hamper and his work partner
developed a scheme they called doubling up . This was a way for Hamper and his partner to
take longer breaks and do less work throughout the day. Things were looking up for the factory
and its workers, until management claimed there was going to be a change in the way things
were done. Hamper would have to put in more work, which then lead to another recession
hitting, and to people getting laid off. This set the General Motor factory back into a downward
spiral. There was an announcement, given by Roger Smith, stating that many of the General
Motors factories would be closing down. Hamper describes it as My beleaguered hometown was
like some banged up middleweight resting its rump on the ropes, covering up its soft belly,
hoping to only last out the round (68). The town of Flint was facing yet another recession, and in
the process of becoming the poorest town in Michigan. For Hamper, it was either stay in Flint
where there were no jobs, or relocate to Pontiac, Michigan and commute for work. Prior to
transferring to Pontiac, he would be laid off for about nine months. Hamper collected
unemployment and quickly found that he was getting more money by collecting rather than
working. Finally the time came for him to commute to Pontiac. Hamper finishes working in
Pontiac and moves back to working for General Motors in
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Fidel Castro Research Paper
In attempt to push Cuban nationalist Fidel Castro out of power, in April of 1961 the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) launched full scale invasion of the BahГa de Cochinos in Cuba that was
unfortunately not a success and failed miserably within 24 hours. After two years of trying to
remove Castro from his political position America was very optimistic about this final strike.
However, between being outnumbered by Castro s troops and almost immediately surrendering the
invasion was not effective. In 1959, Fidel Castrocame into power by overthrowing Cuban dictator
Fulgencio Batista and from that moment on the United States was very skeptical about him. They
felt this way because they were very much aware of Castro s relationship with the leader... Show
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The CIA initiated the training process by setting up training camps in Guatemala and trained
counter revolutionary Cubans serving as the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front,
known as Brigade 2506 (The Bay of Pigs Invasion and its Aftermath). Soon, by November the
United States had prepared a small army to perform assault landing and guerilla warfare. If the
invasion turned out to be a success a former member of Castro s government, JosГ© MirГі
Cardona, was going to take the presidential position of Cuba. However, the plan was already in
trouble by October of 1960 when Castro found out about the guerilla training camps that were based
in Guatemala. Once John F. Kennedy became president, one of his first decisions in office was
authorizing the plan in February of 1961. Although Castro was aware of the United States
intentions, President Kennedy still put in effort to keep the U.S. support disguised. One of the
ways he attempted to do this was by assigning The Bay of Pigs as the landing point. The site was
a remote swampy area on the southern coast of Cuba, where a night landing might bring a force
ashore against little resistance and help to hide any United States involvement (The Bay of
Pigs). The down side to this was that the Bay of Pigs was 80 miles from refuge in Cuba s
Escambray Mountains, giving us an excessive distance which would be a problem if we were
faced with an
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Mobile Technology
Mobile Technology amp; Applications Effect on Rental Car Companies By Aubrey A Maloney
IS535 Managerial Applications of Information Technology DeVry University OCT 8, 2010
Abstract Mobile technology and applications are the future of business. With this technology it
will make it easier to automate a business such as a rental company and help cut costs. With
almost every phone created theses days being Smartphone/PDA and application ready, it will
quickly be a more convenient way for the customer that rent cars to be checked in or out of
vehicles. It also will help the internal operations of the business flow more quickly for an example,
when you have a mobile alert from your phone application that a certain car... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Enterprise currently purchases 7 percent of all new automobiles sold in the United States. The
Enterprise brand has a fleet of over 904,000 vehicles, more than 7,000 branches and over 66,000
employees. The reason I chose this company is, because this is the company I currently work for
and have experience with. (WikiJob), (Enterprise Holding) Current Business Issues Using
mobile technology via mobile applications will help automate the rental process and rental
internal operations more quickly. In order to meet its efficiency objectives the rental company
would need to solve many complex issues related to: * Coordinating schedules of many
resources (Drivers, Cars, Multiple Delivery amp; Collections), * Pool resources (cars amp;
drivers) between stations to ensure maximum efficiency, * Quickly re plan in real time based on
coming events (e.g. driver is early or late, reservation is changed or cancelled) * Quickly handing
online reservations through internal website or other vendors (Expedia, Orbit, etc..) * Regular car
maintenance schedule (Oil changes every 5000 miles) * Automating payment system through
mobile applications * Handling customers complaints via email or mobile application complaint
screen * Scheduling damaged vehicles for repair via mobile alert or email sent to body shops that
will be stored in a fleet maintenance details file using data entry via handheld mobile application *
Making easy for
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Anne Of The Indies
There has been much romanticizing of pirates in media over the years. Honorable and dashing
men pitted against evil and cruel pirate captains, etc. Some films offer a more accurate portrayal
of piracy life than others. The 1951 Jacques Tourneur film, Anne Of The Indies is such a film. The
film centers around a woman captain who is fooled into trusting a captured prisoner, Pierre, as he
secretly tries to capture her for arrest. While the filmis entertaining in itself it also provides us with
some historical insight on women s interaction with piracy, Captain Blackbeard, and general life of
a pirate crewman. .
The main character of the film, Captain Anne Providence was a peculiar character. Her name might
strike the thought of Anne Bonny, a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The over romanticization that follows the genre was not as heavy. Yes, there was a love story
but it wasn t the usual, repeated love story. Which let the characters to be explored with. Anne
proved to be a lass capable of her own decisions much like the women in history who led ships
themselves. Blackbeard had uncommon characteristic not usually found in his portrayals that
might have actually given the audience more insight in the struggle of a pirate. As well as a man
more than just his myths. There is of course films, tv shows, and such that provide a more
accurate description of life as a pirate than Anne Of The Indies. The history in the movie proved to
be fairly accurate with only a few creative decisions here and there. At least they avoided the
traditional sawing of the leg scene and only had one eyepatch. Got to give them
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The Is A Efficient Mode Of Transportation
Over the years, cycling has been proven to be the cleanest and most efficient mode of
transportation, which explains the increasing demand to further develop its sustainability (Tripodi
2015, p. 143). Bike sharing systems have provided a means of transportation in dense cities with
their minor infrastructure requirements and promise of a cleaner future. Public bicycleprograms
have grown in popularity in recent years because of their initiatives to increase cycle usage, the
benefit of connectivity without the troubles of personal vehicles, and the decrease of
environmental impacts as a result of our transport activities (DeMaio 2009, p. 41). The original
concept of these systems had many flaws, but as technology has developed to improve the
tracking system, rapid expansion continues throughout Europe and across the globe. With
growing climate change and the dependence on oil becoming more of a problem, people are
beginning to look towards more responsible ways of living (Vidalis, et al. 2010, p. 1). Driving less
is one of the easiest ways to reduce one s carbon footprint, and is a key factor in the success
surrounding increased cycling. In the U.S., over 50 percent of all car trips are five miles or less
(Vidalis, et al. 2010, p. 3). By cutting down on unnecessary car trips, the release of air pollutants
such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and lead could be drastically reduced in
larger cities. The environmental benefits, along with the health aspect
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Socrates Statement Of An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living
In this post it is my goal to analyze Plato s The Apology showing that Socrates statement of an
unexamined life is not worth living stands as Socrates statement of his own worth, wisdom, and
place in Athenian society. Socrates is brought to trial to address two charges: the first is the fruit of
a legacy of embarrassment he has inflicted on the intelligentsia of Athens and the second is the
accusation of atheism and corrupting the youth brought to the court by Meletus, Anytus and Lycon.
It can be assumed through reading of the footnotes, this trial comes on the heels of a political
ordeal in which Athens was briefly ruled by an Oligarchy known as The Thirty Tyrants in 404
BCE. This appears to set the stage for a round of trials and convictions of Athenians who
sympathized with the Spartan occupation, the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In regards to the first accusation Socrates states that his primary life s goal has been to investigate
those who claim to have wisdom via rhetorical dialogue and he has come to find the subjects of
his investigation lacking in actual wisdom. This, he posits, is why Apollo (or the Delphi Oracle as
he refers to the god) has named him the wisest man in Athens. Socrates conjectures that it is
because of his questioning of the wise and the powerful that he has come to make enemies of many
Athenians who themselves possess power and clout. The result, he claims, is the trial that The
Apology concerns. The second and more prescient charge is that of corrupting the youth, making
weaker arguments the stronger, and of denying the existence of the gods. Socrates considers this
charge to be the current fruits of the former charge and spurious as well. He cross examines
Meletus and, through a line of questioning regarding the charges against him, shows that Meletus is
logically flawed in his condemnation of Socrates. He
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Summary Of Dennis Baron s Methods To Pencils
As technology has progressed so has our composing practices. Dennis Baron, a linguist who
studies literacy and communication technologies, wrote From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of
Literacy Technologies, a paper about how writing has progressed as a result of the progression of
writing technology, for example the pencil and computer. Grabill et. Al, a collaboration of
professors and assistant professors, wrote From Pencils to Pixels: The Stages of Literacy
Technologies, a paper about the writingtechnologies that students use most, and there importance
to the student. The Grabill et. Al paper demonstrates how students have moved toward computers
and away from paper for writing. Technology has greatly affected composing practices as it has
progressed and developed. Baron states The computer, the latest development in writing technology,
promises, or threatens, to change literacy practices for better or worse, depending on your point of
view. (Baron, 691) Baron believes that the computer is the biggest technological advancement, and
that it has changed writing more than any other technological advancement has previously. Grabill
et. Al agrees that the computer has had a huge affect on writing stating Writing practices and...
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Al, 725) demonstrating how people have come to rely almost solely on computers for their writing.
Baron states old technologies become automatic and invisible (Baron, 706) meaning that once new
technologies overtime become the norm and what we are used to and what is expected to be used.
Computers at first were new technologies that were new strange to people, but as they grew used to
computers as a writing technology, the computer became automatic and
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Richard Branson Essay
The Leadership of Sir Richard Branson
The Leadership of Sir Richard Branson
GET Cheap CUSTOM ESSAYS at http://www.accnerd.com/products/custom essay service
Every individual expresses unique leadership traits and behaviors that define the way they interact
with their followers. Few business leaders have managed to make an impact on the world like that
of Sir Richard Branson. His leadership style has been analyzed by experts, and copied by managers
who wish to duplicate his success. With his unique approach to management, he has been a driving
factor in the growth of Virgin Group Ltd into a leading multinational company. In terms of
situational leadership, Branson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is the leader s responsibility to keep the followers focused on the ultimate goal. Sir Richard
Branson could improve his leadership style by preparing for situations when the mission of the
company has become more or less than exciting.
Branson s Leadership in Space Tourism
One of the most exciting and innovative projects in the world today is global space tourism.
Fittingly, the Virgin Group is at the forefront of development in this exciting new industry. Finding
success in this highly unknown frontier will surely require exceptional leadership skill and
planning (Hawn 2006). Branson would tackle this challenge by communicating his vision to his
team and continually reminding them of it throughout the duration of the project. He is the type of
leader that strives to bring his team members personal satisfaction from the success of a project.
Therefor, I believe he would make an effort to give strong positive recognition to his followers as
each major milestone in the project is reached.
Perhaps his most valuable leadership trait, Branson is excellent at communicating his vision. A
project like space tourism requires a clear and achievable vision, because no other similar project
has been successfully completed in the past. There is no leadership precedent to draw upon,
making this ambitious goal an exceptionally challenging one. Branson will need to use his
delegating skills to acquire the
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The Causes for the Rebellion of 1837-1838 Essay
The Causes for the Rebellion of 1837 1838
The rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada were in the interests of self government but were
doomed to failure from their beginning. Each of these two colonies encountered a great deal of
problems right from the institution of the Constitution Act of 1791 and the problems continually
got worse until the only choice to some seem to be rebellion. There were several problems that lead
to the rebellions of 1837 38. In Lower Canada there was the agricultural crisis that caused a large
number of starvations, to the French and English political and social problems within the colony.
There were several different reasons that caused the rebellion in Upper Canada but these caused
were mainly rooted in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The next major issue was that of immigration which brought tens of millions of people from
Europe. These people would be heading to the United States, Upper Canada or Lower Canada.
When these immigrants came they would land in Quebec and with them they would bring disease
that killed a large amount of French Canadians. This aggravated the French people because they
saw this as a plot of the English to get rid of the French Canadians . Adding to these problems was
the establishment of the British America Land Company. This new land company was given over
500 acres of Lower Canada s prime land. The company would not allow French people to buy this
land; only the English and Americans could purchase the land. The French people found it
increasingly difficult to get land and the government wasn t doing anything about this. All of these
problems lead to the assembly issuing the ninety two resolutions that had two main points that were
responsible government and control of money. The ruling English class didn t want the French
people to gain this power because they wanted to French to remain oppressed and out of the upper
class The Chateau Clique in Lower Canada wanted to prevent the French from winning complete
control over the government and English speaking people would be under the control of the French.
The response to the ninety two resolutions was the issuing of the ten resolutions from Britain that
stated that there would be no
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History, Final Notes
Review Questions for Wyoming History Final Exam, December 6, 2011, 10:15 a.m. The exam
will consist of three parts: PART I: Short Identifications (50 points total) You will asked to select
FIVE names/terms from a list of eight or nine choices. You will write a paragraph identifying the
name/term and provide additional information about the significance of the name/term to Wyoming
history. Some possible terms are listed under questions in Part III (below). PART II: Two Book
Questions (25 points total) One question on each of the two books Davis, John W. Wyoming Range
War: The Infamous Invasion of Johnson County. Western, Sam. Pushed Off the Mountain, Sold
Down the River: Wyoming s Search for Its Soul.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Rockefeller, Sr. Salt Creek oil field Cy Iba Standard Oil Refinery (Casper) Capt. B. L. E.
Bonneville and oil Big Muddy oilfield and UW U. S. S. Wyoming Harry Sinclair John B.
Kendrick Warren G. Harding Edward Doheny Albert Fall Leslie Miller 6. What was Project
Wagonwheel ? Who were the major participants in the controversy? What sides of the issue did
each represent? What was the final result? Atomic Energy Commission Wagonwheel Information
Committee El Paso Natural Gas Company nuclear explosions WILDERNESS 7. Identify the three
ideological positions in environmentalism. Describe the primary principles of each. Also, in
reference to each, identify and describe the following: Preservation Conservation Development a).
at least one specific federal agency identified with each position b). at least one specific individual
in history identified with each position c). at least one specific identifiable groups possibly
associated with each position (HINT: This refers to conservation, preservation and development).
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William Shakespeare s Macbeth
One of the most astounding themes William Shakespeare incorporates in his widely prominent
story of, Macbeth, is the utterly sheer shift in Macbeth s personality throughout the piece. It is
commonly debated that the rapidly altering deposition of Macbeth had since served as the
underlying facets and influences behind his ultimate collapse. However, Arthur Kirsch, Writer of
Macbeths Suicide, insists that perhaps Macbeth did not develop a sense of insanity, but he was
murdering out of confidence in his future. On the other hand, In Miguel Bernad Article, The Five
Tragedies in Macbeth , Bernarddescribes that Macbeth s ever changing deposition and lust for
bloodshed was linked to this downfall. A variety of factors influenced Macbeth to... Show more
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Revealing that he is aware that there is no significant reason to kill Duncan other than for personal
gain, this quote can be utilized to pinpoint a significant divulgence in the beginning of Macbeth s
developing insanity while also displaying his overbearing ambitious nature. While in Bernad s
article The Five Tragedies in Macbeth, the author asserts that Macbeth was prompted by inner
ambitions and external urgings he murders the king and assumes the crown... Since to be thus is
nothing but to be safely thus , he plunges into an orgy of crime which eventually loses him his
queen, his crown and his life. (Bernad 1) This quote best supports the common ideology that
Macbeth s overbearing ambition ultimately resulted in his emerging insanity. This inadequate
everlasting sense of eagerness bestowed Macbeth with additional complications. For example,
because of Macbeth s driving impulse to successfully become king, he developed the urge to
achieve his goals by any means possible. Bernad believes that In desperation, Macbeth seeks solace
in blood. But it brings him no peace. (Bernad 51). This quote can be utilized to exploit the general
idea that Macbeth persistently attempts to achieve indisputable serenity throughout the devious,
innocent murders. Thus, providing context as one primary
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Marketing And Competitive Analysis Of London Sports Games
sales are bound to increase, further running the economy. As the majority of students do not have a
lot of disposable income, the free admission for students will be a huge competitive advantage.
Attending sports games is a very social activity that people tend to do in groups rather than alone,
this is very beneficial to our marketing campaign as for every person we market too, a small group
finds out about the event. By increasing attendance, we are generating a social hub which will be
appealing for people considering attending due to a fun atmosphere. Furthermore, as young adults
tend to post their activities on social media, this is a potential for free advertisement.
With investments in high quality ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With over 150 student organized clubs many of which are sports related, this is a large potential
market. Also, although club meetings are mandatory, clubs are typically searching for events to do
Consumer analysis
Alumni: With alumni making up the large majority of the fan base at Westerns varsity games, we
already have a very large and loyal following. With successful marketing in this target market,
Morton should focus his attention on ensuring that alumni continue to return yearly by offering
new events to keep the alumni interested.
Upper year students: Upper year students make up the large majority of the Western population, but
as they are further in their education they have reached a point where their education is their
priority. Despite having less disposable income, as upper year students will be going out less often
(due to their busy schedules), they will be more willing to spend money on a more luxury night.
First year students: With 4566 first year students they are the longest term potential clients, and are
arguably the most social. First year students living in residence are often likely to attend events in
large groups , there s also a large concentration of these students in just 9 buildings. Also, these
students often have to purchase food on a daily basis and tend to have the most disposable income.
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Alcoholism Is Not A New Topic
Alcoholism is not a new topic. Dependence and abuse of alcohol has been the source of constant
study and research for years now. Even less unknown is alcoholism among teenagers today. The
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism report that more adolescents use alcohol than
cigarettes or marijuana, and that a national survey in 2014 reveals how 8.7 million young people
ages 12 20 reported that they drank alcoholbeyond just a few sips in the past month. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention report that while adults drink more often than youth, underage
drinkers consume more drinks per drinking occasion than adult drinkers. They also discovered that
excessive drinking is responsible for more than 4,300 deaths among... Show more content on
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Becoming pretty and the operation itself represents alcohol, and the lesions, alcoholism. Scott
further explores this link through the two most prominent characters, Tally Youngblood and her
friend Shay.
Tally Youngblood cannot wait to turn sixteen and get the operation that will turn her from an ugly
into a pretty, where she can move into Pretty Town and worry only about having fun. However, her
friend Shay decides she would rather stay ugly and runs away before she gets the operation herself.
The authorities known as Specials and led by Dr. Cable tell Tally that she can either find Shay and
bring her back or stay ugly forever. Initially choosing to bring Shay in, Tally realizes that she was
sent not just to find Shay, but an entire settlement of people who decided to stay ugly, dubbed the
Smoke. It is there that she also learns about the lesions, and armed with this knowledge decides to
turn her back on her old dreams of turning pretty. It is unfortunately too little too late though, and
the Specials come and destroy the settlement. The Smoke itself lives to fight another day, but Tally
and Shay are taken back to their city and made pretty.
In the second book, Tally is living it up in Pretty Town. She hangs out with her friend Shay and a
new gang called the Crims in a constant world of partying. Tally is not sure she is Crim material
though; she constantly feels echoes of discomfort with her life as is. The story then takes a sudden
turn as Tally remembers the
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A Good Man Is Hard To Find Violence Analysis
Flannery O Conner is known for her Southern Gothic stories and the Violence that occurs in them.
This prestigious author uses violence to create an intense rising action, a twisted climax, and also
an unforgettable falling action. In the story A Good Man is Hard to Find , O Conner grasp the
readers attention by setting a dark tone and setting that keeps the reader interested until the end of
the story. This story shows its violence when the family crashes the car, again when the misfit
shows up, and also when he shoots the grandmother in the end. Flannery uses the rising action to
start of the violence in her story. This action begins when the cat brought by the grand mother
jumps onto Baileys shoulder causing him to crash in the middle... Show more content on
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When Flannery says, she sank down in the ditch with her legs twisted under her (O Conner 433).
This makes it seem like the grand mother has about given up and accepted her inevitable fate to
meet with death. When the grandmother tries to confront the Misfit is when the climax of the
story happens. She then tries to reach toward him and then The Misfit sprang back as if a snake
had bitten him and shot her three times through the chest (O Conner 433). This sudden act of
violence was surprising due to the way Flannery changed the mood to a more sentimental
moment. The murder is perhaps a vicious attempt at a self slaughter (Sloan 119). This guilt that
the misfit has is due to the grandmother changing his views on how he could be a good person.
The Misfit wants to destroy his chances of believing, the reason for this is he cannot find the
pleasure he does in religion that he finds in murder (Sloan 119). The Lord tests the righteous, but
his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence (Psalm 11:5). This bible verse helps
describe the Misfit because he knows there is good within him but his wicked ways can t be
changed and his violent ways wont be accepted by the hand of God, this is why the Misfit reacts
the way he does to the grandmother. Then on top of this Flannery describes how the grandmother
is half sat and half lay in a puddle of blood (O Conner 433). This last detailed scene of the violence
is left by O Conner to create a conclusion that the violence is over and that the story is coming to an
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Analysis Of The Marketing Ethics Of California Fitness
Fitness clubs usually have positive images since exercising is good for our health. The healthy
images might lower people s alertness towards their promotion practices. California Fitness is a
well known fitness gym and health club, it is the second large fitness chain store in Hong Kong.
The company has caused controversies because of their marketingactivities. News articles reported
that the Consumer Council received a great number of complaints about California Fitness s sales
practice. In this essay, I will discuss one of California Fitness s marketing activities that involve
marketing ethical issues. I will apply the ethical values set by The American Marketing Association
(AMA) in the discussion.
Ferrell (2004) suggested that when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, there would be other external charges and service charges. The advertisement is false
and misleading, it deceptive about pricing or credit terms. The customers have the right to be
informed, California Fitness fails to tell the truth in all situations and all times and did not offer the
price of the product offered in their advertisement, it is unethical and
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History of the Refrigerator Essay
History of the Refrigerator
Back in time a long time ago, around 500 B.C. the Egyptians and Indians made ice on cold nights
by setting water out in earthenware pots and keeping the pots wet. In the 18th century England,
servants collected ice in the winter and put it into icehouses, where the sheets of ice were packed in
salt, wrapped in strips of flannel and stored underground to keep them frozen until summer. Before
the refrigerator or ice box was introduced people used snow and ice to keep their food cool, which
was either found locally or brought down from the mountains. Cellars and caves were also used to
refrigerate food. Meat and fish were preserved in warm weather by salting or smoking. The first
cellars were holes dug ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Compressed ether machines were built in Pennsylvania by Oliver Evans in 1805 and in Australia
by James Harrison in 1855, and Dr. John Gorrie in Florida built an expanding air cooling machine
in 1844. In 1851 Dr. John Gorrie created the first commercial ice making machine to cool the air
for his yellow fever patients. Soon thereafter, refrigeration and freezing became popular methods
of preserving foods for transport or storage, and in place where natural ice was not available.
Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from an enclosed space, or from a substance, to
lower its temperature. A refrigerator uses the evaporation of a liquid to absorb heat. The liquid, or
refrigerant used in a refrigerator evaporates at an extremely low temperature creating freezing
temperatures inside the refrigerator.
William Cullen at the University of Glasgow demonstrated the first known artificial refrigeration in
1748. However, he did not use his discovery for any practical purpose. In 1805, an American
inventor, Oliver Evans, designed the first refrigerator machine.
The development of mechanical refrigeration systems began in the early19th century and arose
mainly from the needs of meat producers in the USA, South America, Australia and New Zealand,
who were facing many difficulties in shipping their produce to their export markers in Europe.
Many experimental systems were built in the 1830s, utilizing the cooling effect produced by the
expansion of
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Ltcc Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module
LTCC Interposer Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module
Atanu Dutta, Simon Ang, and Zhong Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA
Abstract In this paper, a low temperature co fired ceramic (LTCC) interposer based high voltage (13
kV) half bridge power module is proposed. The proposed power module utilized multi layer LTCC
interposers to perform 3 D stack, which provides series connection between devices to achieve high
voltage rating of the power module. The proposed 3 D stack can be implemented through wafer
level packaging using silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (SiC) devices where paralleling of multiple
devices is required to achieve high current. In the proposed high voltage package design, through
hole vias are implemented to form electrical connections between multi layer self aligned LTCC
interposers. The LTCC interposers also provide excellent high voltage breakdown insulation for the
proposed package design. The package exhibits lower parasitic inductance compared to the
traditional wire bonded counterpart. In this paper, the feasibility of the proposed power module
design was simulated.
Index Terms High voltage power module, wafer level packaging, 3 D power module, wire bondless
power module
High power modules require multiple power semiconductor devices to be connected in series and
parallel to achieve both high voltage and current rating. There are several challenges associated
with packaging of
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Continuity And Changes In Ancient Civilization
Many ancient civilizations have changed the way we live today. Sumerians invented the first
language, Hammurabi invented the first set of laws, Egyptians created pyramids, and so many
other ways that ancient people made the building blocks of the way our society lives today. It
amazes me how God gave us brains to figure out ways to make life so much easier!
In Mesopotamia, people had no money so they traded barley, pottery, fish, and other foods and
inventions they made. They needed a way to keep up with what they traded, so Sumerians created
the first form of writing over 5000 years ago which they called Cuneiform. They used Cuneiform
for business dealings such as trading barley, keeping records, and new ideas changed between
different generations.
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The Effect Of Wankel Engines And Four Stroke Engines
Have you ever wondered how engines work? That is exactly what this paper is about, engines. I
will explain how Wankel engines, Diesel engines, turbojet engines, Gnome rotary engines, two
stroke engines, and four stroke engines work. I will also explain their histories. Some times when
you look at an engine it looks like a mess and you wonder how it could make anything move. The
two stroke engine was very popular in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Two stroke engines
were used in cars, tractors, and ships. One reason for their popularity was their simple design. The
two stroke engine has a lower cost to rebuild and maintain than most other engines, which is why
the two stroke engine was very popular. The reason why most two stroke... Show more content on
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While this is happening a crankcase compression is happening beneath the piston. The two
stroke engine fires on every circle of the piston. Because of this they are more powerful than the
four stroke engine of equivalent size. Two stroke engines also have lighter and simpler
construction. These two reasons are, why they are used in motorcycles chain saws, line
trimmers and outboard motors. Sadly two stroke engines cause a lot of pollution because some
of exhaust gasses are expelled from the exhaust part of the cycle. The four stroke engines are
used in lawn mowers, garden tractors, tillers, and washers. There is more than one type of four
stroke engines. They are the horizontal camshaft, side valve engine and the vertical camshaft, side
valve engine. Both of these types use four cycles four cycles in one full cycle. four stroke engine
The four stroke engine is the now the most popular engine for cars. The first thing that happens is
that the intake piston moves down drawing in a fresh charge fuel and air mixture into the cylinder.
As the piston rises the intake valve is forced shut by increased cylinder pressure. As the piston rises,
the intake valve is forced shut by the increased cylinder pressure. Flywheel momentum drives the
piston upward, compressing the fuel and air mixture. At the top of the compression stroke, the spark
plug fires, igniting the compressed fuel. As the fuel burns it expands driving the piston down. When
the piston reaches the
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Conventional Three Level Discontinuous Pulse Width...
Generalized Discontinuous PWM for Three Level T NPC Inverters Operating at Low
Modulation Index with Variable Power Factor
Subhadeep Bhattacharya, Student Member, IEEE, Diego Mascarella, Member, IEEE, Geza Joos,
Fellow, IEEE, and Jianhong Xu, Member, IEEE
Abstract Conventional three level discontinuous pulse width modulation (DPWM) techniques are
typically employed in variable frequency drive applications to reduce inverter switching losses and
provide maximum benefit for load power factor angles in the range from 30В° lagging to 30В°
leading. This paper proposes a series of DPWM templates for lower power factors and a
generalized DPWM strategy for three level T NPC inverters operating with modulation indices
lower than 0.5. With a change in the power factor, the proposed strategy adapts the inverter pulse
sequence by combining different portions of the proposed DPWM templates within one
fundamental cycle and ensures minimum switching instances during transitions. Consequently, the
strategy perfectly aligns the no switching durations of the inverter pulse patterns with the
respective load current peaks, achieving a 50% switching loss reduction for all operating power
factor angles (90В° lagging to 90В° leading) at modulation indices lower than 0.5. The paper
provides an analytical evaluation of the proposed strategy on the three level T NPC inverter
switching losses. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the
proposed three level generalized
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Urban Poverty, Crime and Ethnic Violence in Papua New...
In Papua New Guinea (PNG), the growing trend of urban migration is leading to a rapid increase
in the urban population. As a result, the country has the greatest numbers of people living in
squatter and informal settlements in the Pacific Region (Jones 2012, p. 8). This is most evident in
the capital of PNG, Port Moresby (population 400,000), where about 45% of the city s total
population lives in settlements (Jones 2012, p. 9). As in other parts of the world, these settlements
are characterized by a deficiency in planning, poor infrastructure and a lack of urban services. This
in turn is creating a set of complex development planning challenges for the city.
This paper will discuss urbanisation as one of the most significant ... Show more content on
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However, national policies relating to the issues have not been fully implemented, or even
developed in some cases.
Admittedly, there is recognition of urban poverty in the National Urbanisation Policy, the National
Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Medium Term Development Strategy of PNG (Storey 2010, p.
11). However, there is limited consensus on what constitutes urban poverty, or how it should be
measured. Proposed methods on how it should be tackled has proven inadequate over time, with
reality obstructing the expectations set in the plans. While the above strategies have been adopted,
a coalition of support for change and implementation has not been built or maintained. Among the
critical factors is how the local urban government lacks financial and management capacities to
respond to the challenge of urban poverty (UN HABITAT 2010).
Added to the existing trepidations in this urban melting pot, city and settlement dwellers are also
experiencing ethnic clashes and a rapid increase in crime and violence (Storey 2010, p. 8 10). This
has resulted from the unplanned growth and expansion of squatter settlements, income disparities,
high youth unemployment rates, an erosion of cultural values that assist with conflict resolution,
and the abuse of the wantok system, people from the same language group helping each other (UN
HABITAT 2007, 2010).
Crime is exacerbated by
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Mind Map Analysis
I found this activity very interesting because it was more creative than some of our other
discussion board assignments. The mind map expanded significantly just from one idea, which
shows the strength of the word Terrorism and the problems that have occurred because of it. It
was interesting to see a collective train of thought amongst many people. I noticed that a lot of
people mentioned the countless shootings that have been reported recently in the news. While
there were many shootings before this school year, I thought of Parkland while looking at the
mind map. One of my classmates graduated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and is
friends with many of the older siblings of the students that died in the shooting. His mother also
works at the school, and while she survived without any injuries, it must be terrifying knowing that
she was there. This was unfortunately the first time I had a connection to a school shooting I
could not imagine the stress and fear that my peer must have endured. I also saw a bubble with
KKK written inside of it. This stood out to me because I go to school in Charlottesville, which is
now famously known... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A bubble that stood out to me was Middle East. While many people may think of the Middle
East when the word terrorism is in mind, it puts a negative connotation on the entire region. This
goes for other places that have had shootings and traumatic events. No one will ever hear the
words Columbine, Parkland or Charlottesville without thinking about violence and crime. Going
back to the events in Charlottesville, the riots made it slightly difficult to go back to school. I
had already completed one year of school and had an overall positive opinion of the city. The
current reputation is racist and violent; while I don t agree with this, it has made me question
where I am, if I am safe, and what kind of people are around
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Race As A Social Construction
Alisha Sparks
Dr. Stanley
24 November 2015
Race as a Social Construction
When we talk about race, what are we really talking about? The issue of race is a complex issue,
with socially ambiguous undertones that have plagued our society for decades. Race has been a
marker and maker of stereotypes. Race has been used as a justification for injustice. Whether
slavery, Japanese internment, or social and economic exclusion, race has given an avenue for those
in power to exclude ones deemed other . In the following paragraphs I will examine the premise of
race and try to demonstrate why it is a social construct.
After extensive study by scientists, it was concluded that there are no distinct biological
characteristics of the race. Instead race, as the modern world had come to understand it, is a set of
arbitrary distinctions of groups of people that genetically have no significance. Race is a relatively
new concept. Coined by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach during the age of enlightenment around the
late 18th century. The idea was expounded upon by Arthur de Gobineau in the mid 1800s.
Gobineau theorized that there were three primary races (black, white, and yellow) and that certain
races where purer than others. This type of rhetoric and thinking would lead people to justify their
actions in the name of race.
The United States has a history of divisive racial policies that is older than the nation itself. Bacon s
Rebellion in Virginia, circa 1676, was a joint rebellion by
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Analysis Of Sergei Prokofiev s Symphony
Andrew Burden
Allison Smith (TA)
Music 101
Sergei Prokofiev s Symphony No.1, Classical Symphony, a favorite to many, is a major piece of
the orchestral repertoire. The piece was composed from 1916 to 1917 and was in a new genre; neo
classism. This new genre was due the reaction to the expressionism and the perceived formlessness
of the late romantic music during the time period (Whittall). In fact, the Classical Symphony is one
of the earliest works of music using the aesthetic of the neo classical movement, and it is possibly
the earliest symphony to do so (Green). Despite being written in the early 20th century during the
midst of the Russian revolution, Prokfiev stayed true to the important aspects of pre romantic
instrumentation and structural, harmonic, and melodic styles. As previously stated, the Classical
Symphony was written in the midst of the Russian Revolutions in 1917. These revolutions were
the cause of major turning points in Russian history and Prokofiev was stuck at the heart of it in
Petrograd, the current day Saint Petersburg. Trouble during this period would begin with protests
of thousands , escalating with food fights and fires until tsar Nicholas was abdicated (Nice, 130).
During this chain of events, Prokofiev would find himself taking refuge from time to time behind
projecting walls when the shooting became too intense (Nice, 130). Lenin s return, massive strikes
and the first of the Bolsheviks attempts to seize power in July
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Essay about Rich Manufacturing
Rich Manufacturing
Saint Leo University
MBA 540
Sep 8, 2011
Why do many firms use cost plus pricing for supply contracts?
Firms use cost plus pricing in order to cover their operating costs. Cost plus means they can
increase the price to their customers with whom they have contracts when the operating costs rise.
Operating costs can rise for many reasons and cost plus pricing allows firms the flexibility to
manage operating costs. This flexibility is often needed when the price of a service or good is not
known or hard to predict in advance (Magloff, 2011).
What potential problems do you envision with cost plus pricing?
Potential problems may occur if there is no contract between the firm and its customers for ... Show
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In the short term, it may be beneficial to complete the contract with Bhagat and for long term
planning, find another supplier with a more competitive price. She can use the short run cost
curves to determine her near term pricing and production requirements. The long run cost curve
can be used to determine if a new plant or new supplier is necessary to decrease operating costs.
How will a $3 increase in the price of machine parts affect Gina s own production decisions?
The three dollar increase will be added on to Rich Manufacturing s product price. In order to
lessen customer anger over increased prices, Gina can suggest an increase in the marketing budget
to minimize the price increase. She also may want to take into consider the long term plans. For
example, if in the long term they can decrease the price while increasing production (perhaps with a
new supplier); they may want to absorb the current increase in price instead of passing it on to their
customers. In the short term, money may be lost, but with successful long term planning they can
increase profits and maintain customer loyalty (by not increasing price).
Brickley, J., Smith, C. Zimmerman, J. (2009). Managerial Economics and Organizational
Architecture. (5th Ed.). New York, NY. McGraw Hill and Irwin.
Magloff, L. (2011). What Is Cost Plus Pricing Strategy? Demand Media. Retrieved from:


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Trespass Voucher Codes
Save money by using the voucher codes Only in light of the fact that we are buying a finest
marked item doesn t mean we need to pay the outstanding cost for it. In the matter of the
acquiring of the item from a prestigious store or any online entrance we can t deal with the cost.
Nonetheless, with the assistance of the voucher codes and the rebate codes we can spare a lot
of cash without dealing. By utilizing the Trespass Voucher Codes we can profit incredible
discounts on the elite dress for the games persons including both men and ladies. You can spare
an awesome measure of cash utilizing these voucher codes and will feel cheerful by the day s
end. With the Trespass Voucher Codes you can get powerful offers on games shirts, easygoing
shirts, swimwear, ski coats, waterproof trousers and so forth. Trespass offers extraordinary open
air dress, wools, coats for the skiers, explorers, campers or for the individuals who adoration
enterprise. The items are accessible for men, ladies, and kids for all shapes and sizes. Their items
hit a flawless parity with design, procedure and custom. So on the off chance that you are intrigued
with the thought of climbing, trekking, outdoors, skiing and so forth you can win money back
prizes alongside the considerable arrangements. So every time you need to purchase any
sportswear or games frill... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With a boundless cluster of marked garments from Diesel, Tommy Hilfiger, Mishmash, French
Connection, Melissa, Moda in Pelle, one can t avoid himself or herself to purchase these garments.
Installment can be made utilizing MasterCard, Paypal, Visa, Visa Eletron and Maestro. Other than
the garments for men and ladies, you can likewise choose in vogue clothing types for the children
too extending from dresses to denims and
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Brunswick Corona Lanes City Of Corona
Purpose The purpose of this memorandum is to recognize a new business, the Brunswick
Corona Lanes to the City of Corona, CA. Based off a variety of different demographics, a
bowling alley is an ideal business to add to the city that would appeal to the majority of residents
living in the community. Brunswick Corona Lanes The residents in the City of Corona want a
new business that is located in a convenient place in the community. Located right in the middle
of downtown Corona, the Brunswick Corona Lanes is the place where residents can come to
test out their cosmic bowing skills. Brunswick Corona Lanes will consist of a total of 50
bowling lanes, an arcade, as well as a variety of billiards and pool tables. This bowling alley will
be filled with flat screen TVs, music, a place where kids can hang out, and a sports bar.
Brunswick Corona Lanes main goal is offer residents with endless opportunities of fun by
providing a state of the art, well maintained, and family friendly facility. Special Promotions
Brunswick Corona Lanes is a great place to come together with family and friends to have some
fun at a low affordable price, including discounted games and shoe rentals. Each week on Monday
and Wednesday nights, the Brunswick Corona Lanes will be holding bowling leagues that are
designated to certain age groups that take up 20 bowling lanes; therefore leaving 30 other bowling
lanes open for cosmic bowling. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, Brunswick Corona Lanes will be
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How Factors in the External Business Environment Influence...
Using an organisation you are familiar with; explain how factors in the external business
environment influence marketing strategies and outcomes
Betfair betting exchange processes more than seven million transactions a day that s more than all
European stock exchanges combined. (Betfair, 2011) With this sentence we can observe the
magnitude and growth that an online gambling company like Betfair.com has achieved. To reach
this point they have dealt with many issues in their external environment and they have overcome
these problems through intelligence in their marketing strategies.
Marketing is the management process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer
requirements profitably (CIM, 2011). Almost any company has to... Show more content on
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What Betfair says is that these restrictions are against what customers want and that they lead to
market failure.
As Solomon et al (2009: 60) states ...global marketers must understand more complex political
issues that can affect how they do business and their potential for success . The German example
is only one of the many different legislations which Betfair have to deal with, therefore when they
market their products in one specific country they have to know perfectly what kind of services
are prohibited in those countries to avoid legal issues with governments and consumers. When
deciding on international expansion they also need a sensitive analysis of the legislation in that
country as it might not be profitable to operate there if either their gross profit tax is very high, or
if many products like online casino are banned, or if betting large amounts of money are prohibited.
When Betfair segment their market they might do it by geography. This is where the socio
cultural environment will affect their decisions and where a differentiated marketing strategy will
be necessary in each country. In many countries gambling is illegal and in more of them it is seen
as evil because people might get addicted and lose their resources via these betting companies, that
is why ethics becomes a topic of great importance to Betfair
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The Lemon Test
The court case resulted in the establishment of a set of legal criteria for determining whether a law
violates the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The
Establishment Clause in the First Amendment states that the United States Congress cannot permit
a law that establishes religion or forbids the free speech thereof. This set of legal criteria was later
referred to as the Lemon Test . The Lemon Test consisted of three rules: First, the statute must have
a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither
advances nor inhibits religion; finally, the statute must not foster an excessive government
entanglement with religion (Allison). In 1981, the National... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
al v. Roman Stearns et. al. This refusal caused a policy that stated that particular courses from
religious high schools were unsatisfactory for admission to college to remain in effect (American
Association of University Professors). In 2012, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam passed a law,
which critics nicknamed the Monkey Bill , that enabled the teaching of creationism by stating that
the teaching of certain scientific subjects, such as the theories of evolution and creationism, could
possibly result in the creation of controversy and that teachers were permitted to assist students in
the understanding and critiquing of objective subjects to strengthen the intelligence and
understanding of students (Wing). One year later, the Texas Board of Education approved the usage
of biology textbooks that contained evolutionary content
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Let Us Start With Brown V. Buhman
The supreme court sees generally to be ignored on the vast majority of its cases that it holds.
Some cases hold a particular interest from the public because of publicity due to the topics they
address but it is no secret that the vast majority of these cases are ignored by people in their
everyday life. It can be seen with some examples from cases like Brown v. Buhman, Spokeo v.
Robbins, Fisher v. University of Texas that the decision made in these cases can have an impact on
the lives of all or many citizens that generally ignore their outcomes holding no regard for the
standings of the supreme court. Let us start with Brown v. Buhman as the first example for why
the average citizen should care about the supreme court. This case covers an issue with the
Brown family a group of polygamists regarding a statute in Utah. This case brings up a few
important things to be recognized. Primarily the case regards standing and mootness of a case,
these are both important aspects of law to understand. For a case to continue and take place it
has to be relevant and there has to be a reason for the case to be brought up. In the case of Brown
v. Buman if part of the statute was deemed unconstitutional then the case would no longer be
needed as it would solve the issue. Now although most people may feel that on the outside an
understanding of this case is irrelevant to them as it handles a case of polygamy it holds many
important considerations. One of which is free exercise
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Swastika Meaning
The Swastika symbol is predominantly identified as a representation of the Nazi party and/or
Adolf Hitler. Therefore, it is not a symbol that is considered positive by the majority of the
population. The swastika has come to represent racial hatred in our world. Personally, I associate
this symbol with one of the worst events in our world s history. This symbol brings to mind
images of death and torture of so many people due to nothing more than the color of their skin and
other physical features. After all these years, it is still hard to comprehend how people could be so
evil. How can one man s beliefs condemn thousands to death? These are all the thoughts and
questions that enter my mind when seeing this symbol. The barbarity of... Show more content on
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I have always heard this symbol represented witches and satanism but never really gave it much
thought. This paper gave me the opportunity to explore a symbol and understand its meaning.
Wicca is defined as a religion influenced by pre Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe
that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities
who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles. (Merriam
Webster Dictionary, n.d.) Wicca is commonly practiced by modern day witches. The Wiccan
religion, along with paganism and satanism, use the Pentagram as their symbol. The Pentagram has
5 points that intersect and forms a star inside a circle. Wiccans believe the points of the star
represent the five elements which are fire, earth, water, air and ether. As the previous symbols, the
Pentagrams did not originate as the Wiccan symbol. It was first used around 3000 B.C. in
Mesopotamian writings. (Chambers Dictionary, 2007) This symbol through the years has
represented different faiths such as Christianity, Latter Day Saints, and Satanism. It has also been
used in mathematics and as a symbols for different organizations. It was not until recently that the
Pentagram became the religious symbol of the Wiccans. Although, many disagree what the points
of the star represent most can agree that the Pentagram symbolizes
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Bohr Lab
Draft Monday Oct 20
The Ways of the Chemist Chemist Bohr
Current event White light emitting diodes lamps save energy Investigation
a. Background
i. Bohr [From Purdue article (includes assumptions, equation, what Bohr showed, limits) http:/
From Purdue article (includes assumptions, equation, what Bohr showed, limits) http:/
UTK incl experiment Balmer Rydberg http://www.phys.utk.edu/labs/modphys/balmerseries.pdf
i. The Bohr equation and calculations of wavelength
Bohr postulated that there were different energy levels in the orbits of electrons of atoms.
The energy of an electron in an orbit of the nth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this model, electrons move in fixed orbits at fixed distances from the nucleus. Each of these
orbits represents a certain quantity of energy. The outer orbits have more energy than the inner
orbits. Atoms do not emit radiation, such as light, when the electrons are in the fixed orbit, but an
electron can move to a different orbit. If an electron moves down to an orbit with less energy,
energy is released in the form of radiation a light quantum. If the electron moves from an orbit
closer to the nucleus to one farther from the nucleus, energy is absorbed. The frequencies and
wavelengths of the light quanta are unique for each atom. In addition to creating a model, Bohr s
formula and associated calculations correlated the spectral lines observed for the hydrogen atom
with electron energy levels for electrons in the Bohr hydrogen atom model. This indicated that the
emission spectrum resulted from emission of small amounts of energy when electrons moved
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Qantas Airways, South, And Northern Territory Aerial Services
Qantas Airways
Qantas was found in Winton, Queensland on 16 November 1920 as Queensland and northern
territory aerial services limited by Paul McGuinness, Hudson Fysh, Fergus McMaster and Arthur
Baird. The airlines first aircraft was an Avro 504K. The aircraft has a cruising speed of 105
kilometres per hour and carried one pilot and two passenger. 84 years old Alexander Kennedy was
the first passenger receiving ticket number one. The airline operated air mail services subsidised by
the Australian government, linking railheads in western Queensland.
Qantas Airways Ltd. is Australia s number one domestic airline and a leader in the Asia Pacific
region. It is one of the ten largest airlines in the world and is considered to be the second ... Show
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Qantas is divided into three closely related groups, Commercial, Customer and Marketing, and
Operations. The Commercial group includes sales and distribution, commercial planning,
QantasLink and alliances. Customer and Marketing includes customer experience, cabin crew,
inflight services and marketing. The Operations group comprises engineering, airports, catering,
flight operations, operations planning and control and Qantas Aviation Services. Jetstar, the
Group s low fares airline also manages the Jetstar Asia operations based in Singapore. In addition
to the airline brands, the Qantas Group operates Qantas Frequent Flyer and Qantas Freight. The
Group has additional equity interests in airline and airline related businesses, including a 27 per
cent stake in Vietnam s Jetstar Pacific; a 46 per cent interest in Air Pacific and an interest in Jetset
Travelworld Group. Qantas is also a partner with Australia Post in two jointly controlled entities:
Australian air Express, a domestic air freight operator; and Star Track Express, a national road
freight business.
Between 1926 and 1928 they built seven de Havillanddh.50 and a single DH9. In 1928 a
chartered Qantas aircraft made the inaugural flight of the royal flying doctor service of Australia.
In 1934 Qantas limited formed a new company with Britain s Imperial airways and the name of the
airline was, Qantas Empire Airways Limited (QEA). Each partner held 49% and
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Martin Luther, And His Concept Of Christianity
This is an essay about Martin Luther, and his concept of Christianity. As a student and a unbiased
Christian, I enjoy studying all types of religions, and elements that encompass them. Luther began
his religious career as an Augustinian Monk in the Roman Catholic Church. So, Luther was
initially loyal to the papacy, and even after many theological conflicts, he attempted to bring about
his understanding with the Church. But this was a contradiction not to suffer because in his later
years, Luther waged a continual battle with the papacy. Luther was to become a professor of
biblical exegesis at Wittenberg where, in 1957, he posted his critique of the Roman Catholic
Church s teachings and practices. This is otherwise known as The Ninety Five Theses, which is
usually considered to be the original document of the Reformation. The Reformation was very
controversial then, and, from a historical viewpoint, it still is today. Luther played a large part in
the movement, and I was interested I doing a research to uncover what was the issue with religion.
Basically, this document was an indictment of the venality of the Roman Catholic Church,
particularly the widespread practice of selling indulgences in association with the sacrament of
penance. Luther s beliefs on the matter were that after confession, absolution relied upon the sinner
s faith and God s Divine Grace rather than the intervention of a priest. Martin Luther was a man that
made a huge impact not only on those in
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Taking a Look at Linkedin
LinkedIn is the largest professional social networking site in the world, focused on business. It
made its first official appearance on the internet in May of 2003. Within a month after its launch,
LinkedIn had successfully gained close to 5,000 members (LinkedIn, Corp. 2014). Today, LinkedIn
has over 300 million members looking to improve their employment options. This success can be
largely attributed to the characteristics or features offered through membership, benefits members
attain with interacting with other members, their ability to tap into the underlying reasons
individuals can be motivated to join and their ability to create a successful online community.
According to LinkedIn s webpage they offer a variety of features that they have sorted into the
following three different categories: Identity, Insights Everywhere (LinkedIn, Corp, 2014). Under
Identity members can develop elaborate profiles that show what businesses or other members they
are connected to, recommendations and of course a virtual resume. Members can also search job
listings, make endorsements and research skills that are prevalent within a particular field of work
or find individuals that have a specific desired skill. It can also link members with groups or
individuals that have the same skillsets
Within Insights members can access their own personal homepage with information that is
important to them. Anything from news, photos and updates to other member profiles is available as
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Elements Of Realism In Red Kayik
Drowning in a river, going to jail, and hurting your friends, this is the hard reality that Brady, a
main character in Red Kayak, just happens to be going through. Brady has to deal with Ben, a
young child of the DiAngelos, a family who just moved in. Brady was Ben s babysitter and he had
dealt with him in a traumatic situation, his death caused by drowning (which Brady s friends took
part in.) This contributes to the fact that this novel, Red Kayak, is realistic fiction. Realistic fiction
is a story that may happen in reality and the five elements are credible events, authentic
characters, real settings, true to life themes, and believable dialogue. Red Kayak is an excellent
example of realistic fiction because it includes three elements like real setting, authentic
characters, and true to life themes. First, Red Kayak, is an excellent example of realistic fiction
because it has real settings. The setting that takes place in the novel is on the Corsica river as well
as the Chesapeake Bay. For example, on pg. 5 it states, ItВґs a pretty river the Corsica. It also states
on the back summary of the book, Brady loves his life on the Chesapeake Bay. In conclusion, Red
Kayak, is an example of realistic fiction since it is dealing with one of the elements, real setting....
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The characters that are involved in the book are Digger, Brady, and J.T, but keep in mind there are
of course more characters. For example on pg.106 it states, Digger was in his front yard and,
shooting baskets with his little brother, Hank, when I skidded to a holt on my bike. This evidence
supports the topic because it shows the characters actions in their environment which are most
similar to ours. In summary, Red Kayak has elements of realistic fiction including authentic
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Destruction In Lord Of The Flies
Destruction by humans has always played a part in the distinct ecological change blemishing
nature and morality. The adventure novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding
provides many symbols, which encompass transitions between the light and dark on a remote isle.
For further support, literary criticisms, Ecocritical Reading of William Golding s Lord of the
Flies analyzed by Rohitash Thapliyal and Shakuntala Kunwar along with Children s Literature
Review, Vol.130 explained by L.L. Dickson argue the switch in the area s wildlife and the youthful
boys personalities. Because of the aircraft accident due to the progressing nuclear war, the group of
immature survivors is stuck on an isolated island. They scout the expanse and discover... Show
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In the primary source, Lord of the Flies and the two secondary sources the ironic symbol of the
island become more prominent throughout the writing; additionally, all the authors of the works
showcase the conversion of the differentiating settings to discriminate light and dark sceneries.
Within the small island world, the locale is changed from a glorious island to a place enriched with
chaos caused by the shift of mannerly boys to rambunctious savages. Nature is a stunning treasure
when untouched and a secret from the rest of the
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Live Migration Is The Process Of Moving A Running Virtual...
INTRODUCTION Live migration is the process of moving a running virtual machine or an
application between different physical machines without disconnecting the client/application.
Memory, storage and network connectivity of the virtual machine is transferred from the original to
the destination host machine.
VM Memory migration
The Two techniques for moving the memory state of virtual machine from the source to destination
are: 1.pre copy memory migration and 2.post copy memory migration.
Pre copy memory migration
Warm up phase
The Hypervisor copies all the memory pages from source to destination while the VM is still
running on the source. If some memory pages change or become dirty when the process is going
on, they will be re copied until the rate of re copied pages is not less than page dirtying rate.
Stop and copy phase
After the warm up phase, the VM will be stopped on the original host and the remaining dirty
pages will be copied to the destination, and the VM will be resumed on the destination. The time
between stopping the VM on the original host and resuming it on destination is called down time
,which ranges from a few milliseconds to seconds according to the memory size and applications
running on the VM.
Post copy memory migration
Post copy VM migration is done by suspending the VM at the source and a minimal subset of the
execution state of the VM (CPU state, registers and non pageable memory) is transferred to the
target. . The project will make
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Samaid Meals Analysis
A 43 year old woman lies about her age and falls for a younger man who doesn t know the truth.
SALAD DAYS is a script that presents with an enjoyable, high concept premise. The idea of an
older woman pretending to be a younger woman and lying to her boyfriend/husband is a great
setup for comedy, conflict, and character development. One can envision the antics and capers the
protagonist will endure to keep her age a secret. Plenty of humor can be generated.
The script has the opportunity to examine themes about ageless love and the age gap between men
and women.
While the concept is solid, the first act requires more development.
The first act sets up the ordinary world of the protagonist, Suzy. She works for a candy company,...
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It s unclear why Suzy would say: Don t you have a girlfriend?
The conversation on page 29 isn t very compelling: Do you find me desirable?
On page 30, it s not clear why Valentino would ask, What dating site? given they met on a dating
The scene in the hospital with the baby works better without the added dialogue. Just the visual of
Suzy holding the baby is needed, vs. Valentino asking her Want a baby too?
Create a separate scene about being evicted versus the same scene with them in the car.
Suzy is sweet. She s definitely good hearted and likable. She s insecure and this makes her
vulnerable. She has inner conflict about her age. She has good potential to be a comedic
character, but continue to develop her comedic side by showing how she covers up the truth about
her age. Make sure to identify how she grows as a character and how her feelings about her age
Bob and Diane are both great sidekicks. They sound and act like natural comedic characters.
Valentino is more likable when he s a bit on edge. Don t make him too nice. There s no tension in
that. To create tension and chemistry there has to be resistance. He becomes way too immature and
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Essay on The Kite Runner Relationship and Symbolism
How does Hosseini use symbolism in The Kite Runner to present key relationships? You should
consider different reader responses and the extent to which your critical approach assists your
interpretation. In Khaled Hosseini s novel, The Kite Runner , it is often thought that symbols and
metaphors are used as visual representations to reinforce and put emphasis on important stages in
the novel. In can be seen that symbols are used in the novel to highlight particular moments in key
relationships. For example Kites, the Pomegranate tree, Scars and the Slingshot are each used to put
emphasis on specific moments in the relationships between Amir and Hassan and Amir and Baba.
Through using symbolism and metaphor to present these key... Show more content on
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At the end of the novel, the roles are swapped. Amir acts as the kite runner, whereas Sorhab
(Hassan s son who represents Hassan at this point) is the kite flyer. This could be symbolic of
Amir completing his journey of redemption and him re establishing his relationship with Hassan.
In particular, I feel that in chapter 7, the Blue Kite is used as a symbol of Hassan s loyalty
towards Amir. Hassan will not give up the blue kite which he ran for Amir after winning the kite
tournament, even when he is faced with rape as he is afraid that giving up the kite will
jeopardize his friendship with Amir. This could be seen as symbolic of the protection and
dedication which Hassan shows towards Amir. The blue kite is an object which is in between
Hassan and Assef in chapter seven, in the same way that in chapter five, Amir is in between
Hassan and Assef. Hassan won t let the blue kite get torn or damaged by Assef in the same way
that he wouldn t let Assef hurt Amir in chapter 5, in my opinion the blue kite is clearly a symbol
of Hassan s dedication and devotion towards Amir; he would rather endure rape than disappoint
him. Secondly the Pomegranate tree can be seen as a symbol of Amir and Hassan friendship,
childhood innocence and shelter. The tree is presented to the reader in two different states. When
the tree appears in the first part of the story, in chapter 4, the tree is shown as being fruitful and
blooming with blood red
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White Horse Character Analysis
White Horse
This novel by Alex Adams is based around a main character Zoe. She is a single 30 year old
woman who leads a normal life until a deadly virus kills 90% of the human population and
genetically changes those who survive the virus. Zoe s part time occupation is being a janitor at a
pharmaceutical company. Her goal is to make enough money to return to college one day. Zoe
finds out she is pregnant and takes herself on a journey to save her unborn baby and find the man
she loves.
The main character in the text made me feel Sad that she had to leave her family but also worried
about what Zoe was going to experience on the way to find the man she loves. I could relate
with the ideas in this text as I have experienced moving away for the people I love. When I had
to move leaving my friends/family was the hardest this I have ever done. I grew up with them.
The main character was effected by this because she had never left her home town she was about
to embark herself on a journey half way across the world to find the man she loves. She doesn t
even know if he is still alive. I couldn t understand why the main ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
But now she was determined to find him as Zoe wanted her unborn baby to have a farther. Just a
cold, I think maybe I m pregnant . This part of the novel was important to the rest of the novel
because if Zoe didn t find out she was pregnant she would have stopped on her journey and
would never know if the love of her life was still alive. The author make this part in the novel
tense because she needed something a reason to her to keep her going. Finding out she was
pregnant made me want to keep reading the novel because I wanted to find out if her unborn
baby was going to survive while this virus they called White Horse is on a rampage around the
globe, and if she was going to reach the love of her
... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...

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  • 11. History, Final Notes Review Questions for Wyoming History Final Exam, December 6, 2011, 10:15 a.m. The exam will consist of three parts: PART I: Short Identifications (50 points total) You will asked to select FIVE names/terms from a list of eight or nine choices. You will write a paragraph identifying the name/term and provide additional information about the significance of the name/term to Wyoming history. Some possible terms are listed under questions in Part III (below). PART II: Two Book Questions (25 points total) One question on each of the two books Davis, John W. Wyoming Range War: The Infamous Invasion of Johnson County. Western, Sam. Pushed Off the Mountain, Sold Down the River: Wyoming s Search for Its Soul.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Rockefeller, Sr. Salt Creek oil field Cy Iba Standard Oil Refinery (Casper) Capt. B. L. E. Bonneville and oil Big Muddy oilfield and UW U. S. S. Wyoming Harry Sinclair John B. Kendrick Warren G. Harding Edward Doheny Albert Fall Leslie Miller 6. What was Project Wagonwheel ? Who were the major participants in the controversy? What sides of the issue did each represent? What was the final result? Atomic Energy Commission Wagonwheel Information Committee El Paso Natural Gas Company nuclear explosions WILDERNESS 7. Identify the three ideological positions in environmentalism. Describe the primary principles of each. Also, in reference to each, identify and describe the following: Preservation Conservation Development a). at least one specific federal agency identified with each position b). at least one specific individual in history identified with each position c). at least one specific identifiable groups possibly associated with each position (HINT: This refers to conservation, preservation and development). Nathaniel ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. William Shakespeare s Macbeth One of the most astounding themes William Shakespeare incorporates in his widely prominent story of, Macbeth, is the utterly sheer shift in Macbeth s personality throughout the piece. It is commonly debated that the rapidly altering deposition of Macbeth had since served as the underlying facets and influences behind his ultimate collapse. However, Arthur Kirsch, Writer of Macbeths Suicide, insists that perhaps Macbeth did not develop a sense of insanity, but he was murdering out of confidence in his future. On the other hand, In Miguel Bernad Article, The Five Tragedies in Macbeth , Bernarddescribes that Macbeth s ever changing deposition and lust for bloodshed was linked to this downfall. A variety of factors influenced Macbeth to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Revealing that he is aware that there is no significant reason to kill Duncan other than for personal gain, this quote can be utilized to pinpoint a significant divulgence in the beginning of Macbeth s developing insanity while also displaying his overbearing ambitious nature. While in Bernad s article The Five Tragedies in Macbeth, the author asserts that Macbeth was prompted by inner ambitions and external urgings he murders the king and assumes the crown... Since to be thus is nothing but to be safely thus , he plunges into an orgy of crime which eventually loses him his queen, his crown and his life. (Bernad 1) This quote best supports the common ideology that Macbeth s overbearing ambition ultimately resulted in his emerging insanity. This inadequate everlasting sense of eagerness bestowed Macbeth with additional complications. For example, because of Macbeth s driving impulse to successfully become king, he developed the urge to achieve his goals by any means possible. Bernad believes that In desperation, Macbeth seeks solace in blood. But it brings him no peace. (Bernad 51). This quote can be utilized to exploit the general idea that Macbeth persistently attempts to achieve indisputable serenity throughout the devious, innocent murders. Thus, providing context as one primary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Marketing And Competitive Analysis Of London Sports Games sales are bound to increase, further running the economy. As the majority of students do not have a lot of disposable income, the free admission for students will be a huge competitive advantage. SOCIAL: Attending sports games is a very social activity that people tend to do in groups rather than alone, this is very beneficial to our marketing campaign as for every person we market too, a small group finds out about the event. By increasing attendance, we are generating a social hub which will be appealing for people considering attending due to a fun atmosphere. Furthermore, as young adults tend to post their activities on social media, this is a potential for free advertisement. TECHNOLOGICAL: With investments in high quality ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With over 150 student organized clubs many of which are sports related, this is a large potential market. Also, although club meetings are mandatory, clubs are typically searching for events to do together2. Consumer analysis Alumni: With alumni making up the large majority of the fan base at Westerns varsity games, we already have a very large and loyal following. With successful marketing in this target market, Morton should focus his attention on ensuring that alumni continue to return yearly by offering new events to keep the alumni interested. Upper year students: Upper year students make up the large majority of the Western population, but as they are further in their education they have reached a point where their education is their priority. Despite having less disposable income, as upper year students will be going out less often (due to their busy schedules), they will be more willing to spend money on a more luxury night. First year students: With 4566 first year students they are the longest term potential clients, and are arguably the most social. First year students living in residence are often likely to attend events in large groups , there s also a large concentration of these students in just 9 buildings. Also, these students often have to purchase food on a daily basis and tend to have the most disposable income. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Alcoholism Is Not A New Topic Alcoholism is not a new topic. Dependence and abuse of alcohol has been the source of constant study and research for years now. Even less unknown is alcoholism among teenagers today. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism report that more adolescents use alcohol than cigarettes or marijuana, and that a national survey in 2014 reveals how 8.7 million young people ages 12 20 reported that they drank alcoholbeyond just a few sips in the past month. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that while adults drink more often than youth, underage drinkers consume more drinks per drinking occasion than adult drinkers. They also discovered that excessive drinking is responsible for more than 4,300 deaths among... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Becoming pretty and the operation itself represents alcohol, and the lesions, alcoholism. Scott further explores this link through the two most prominent characters, Tally Youngblood and her friend Shay. Tally Youngblood cannot wait to turn sixteen and get the operation that will turn her from an ugly into a pretty, where she can move into Pretty Town and worry only about having fun. However, her friend Shay decides she would rather stay ugly and runs away before she gets the operation herself. The authorities known as Specials and led by Dr. Cable tell Tally that she can either find Shay and bring her back or stay ugly forever. Initially choosing to bring Shay in, Tally realizes that she was sent not just to find Shay, but an entire settlement of people who decided to stay ugly, dubbed the Smoke. It is there that she also learns about the lesions, and armed with this knowledge decides to turn her back on her old dreams of turning pretty. It is unfortunately too little too late though, and the Specials come and destroy the settlement. The Smoke itself lives to fight another day, but Tally and Shay are taken back to their city and made pretty. In the second book, Tally is living it up in Pretty Town. She hangs out with her friend Shay and a new gang called the Crims in a constant world of partying. Tally is not sure she is Crim material though; she constantly feels echoes of discomfort with her life as is. The story then takes a sudden turn as Tally remembers the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. A Good Man Is Hard To Find Violence Analysis Flannery O Conner is known for her Southern Gothic stories and the Violence that occurs in them. This prestigious author uses violence to create an intense rising action, a twisted climax, and also an unforgettable falling action. In the story A Good Man is Hard to Find , O Conner grasp the readers attention by setting a dark tone and setting that keeps the reader interested until the end of the story. This story shows its violence when the family crashes the car, again when the misfit shows up, and also when he shoots the grandmother in the end. Flannery uses the rising action to start of the violence in her story. This action begins when the cat brought by the grand mother jumps onto Baileys shoulder causing him to crash in the middle... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Flannery says, she sank down in the ditch with her legs twisted under her (O Conner 433). This makes it seem like the grand mother has about given up and accepted her inevitable fate to meet with death. When the grandmother tries to confront the Misfit is when the climax of the story happens. She then tries to reach toward him and then The Misfit sprang back as if a snake had bitten him and shot her three times through the chest (O Conner 433). This sudden act of violence was surprising due to the way Flannery changed the mood to a more sentimental moment. The murder is perhaps a vicious attempt at a self slaughter (Sloan 119). This guilt that the misfit has is due to the grandmother changing his views on how he could be a good person. The Misfit wants to destroy his chances of believing, the reason for this is he cannot find the pleasure he does in religion that he finds in murder (Sloan 119). The Lord tests the righteous, but his soul hates the wicked and the one who loves violence (Psalm 11:5). This bible verse helps describe the Misfit because he knows there is good within him but his wicked ways can t be changed and his violent ways wont be accepted by the hand of God, this is why the Misfit reacts the way he does to the grandmother. Then on top of this Flannery describes how the grandmother is half sat and half lay in a puddle of blood (O Conner 433). This last detailed scene of the violence is left by O Conner to create a conclusion that the violence is over and that the story is coming to an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Analysis Of The Marketing Ethics Of California Fitness Fitness clubs usually have positive images since exercising is good for our health. The healthy images might lower people s alertness towards their promotion practices. California Fitness is a well known fitness gym and health club, it is the second large fitness chain store in Hong Kong. The company has caused controversies because of their marketingactivities. News articles reported that the Consumer Council received a great number of complaints about California Fitness s sales practice. In this essay, I will discuss one of California Fitness s marketing activities that involve marketing ethical issues. I will apply the ethical values set by The American Marketing Association (AMA) in the discussion. Ferrell (2004) suggested that when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, there would be other external charges and service charges. The advertisement is false and misleading, it deceptive about pricing or credit terms. The customers have the right to be informed, California Fitness fails to tell the truth in all situations and all times and did not offer the price of the product offered in their advertisement, it is unethical and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. History of the Refrigerator Essay History of the Refrigerator Back in time a long time ago, around 500 B.C. the Egyptians and Indians made ice on cold nights by setting water out in earthenware pots and keeping the pots wet. In the 18th century England, servants collected ice in the winter and put it into icehouses, where the sheets of ice were packed in salt, wrapped in strips of flannel and stored underground to keep them frozen until summer. Before the refrigerator or ice box was introduced people used snow and ice to keep their food cool, which was either found locally or brought down from the mountains. Cellars and caves were also used to refrigerate food. Meat and fish were preserved in warm weather by salting or smoking. The first cellars were holes dug ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Compressed ether machines were built in Pennsylvania by Oliver Evans in 1805 and in Australia by James Harrison in 1855, and Dr. John Gorrie in Florida built an expanding air cooling machine in 1844. In 1851 Dr. John Gorrie created the first commercial ice making machine to cool the air for his yellow fever patients. Soon thereafter, refrigeration and freezing became popular methods of preserving foods for transport or storage, and in place where natural ice was not available. Refrigeration is the process of removing heat from an enclosed space, or from a substance, to lower its temperature. A refrigerator uses the evaporation of a liquid to absorb heat. The liquid, or refrigerant used in a refrigerator evaporates at an extremely low temperature creating freezing temperatures inside the refrigerator. William Cullen at the University of Glasgow demonstrated the first known artificial refrigeration in 1748. However, he did not use his discovery for any practical purpose. In 1805, an American inventor, Oliver Evans, designed the first refrigerator machine. The development of mechanical refrigeration systems began in the early19th century and arose mainly from the needs of meat producers in the USA, South America, Australia and New Zealand, who were facing many difficulties in shipping their produce to their export markers in Europe. Many experimental systems were built in the 1830s, utilizing the cooling effect produced by the expansion of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Ltcc Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module LTCC Interposer Based High Voltage 3 D Power Module Atanu Dutta, Simon Ang, and Zhong Chen Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA Abstract In this paper, a low temperature co fired ceramic (LTCC) interposer based high voltage (13 kV) half bridge power module is proposed. The proposed power module utilized multi layer LTCC interposers to perform 3 D stack, which provides series connection between devices to achieve high voltage rating of the power module. The proposed 3 D stack can be implemented through wafer level packaging using silicon (Si) and silicon carbide (SiC) devices where paralleling of multiple devices is required to achieve high current. In the proposed high voltage package design, through hole vias are implemented to form electrical connections between multi layer self aligned LTCC interposers. The LTCC interposers also provide excellent high voltage breakdown insulation for the proposed package design. The package exhibits lower parasitic inductance compared to the traditional wire bonded counterpart. In this paper, the feasibility of the proposed power module design was simulated. Index Terms High voltage power module, wafer level packaging, 3 D power module, wire bondless power module I.INTRODUCTION High power modules require multiple power semiconductor devices to be connected in series and parallel to achieve both high voltage and current rating. There are several challenges associated with packaging of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Continuity And Changes In Ancient Civilization Many ancient civilizations have changed the way we live today. Sumerians invented the first language, Hammurabi invented the first set of laws, Egyptians created pyramids, and so many other ways that ancient people made the building blocks of the way our society lives today. It amazes me how God gave us brains to figure out ways to make life so much easier! In Mesopotamia, people had no money so they traded barley, pottery, fish, and other foods and inventions they made. They needed a way to keep up with what they traded, so Sumerians created the first form of writing over 5000 years ago which they called Cuneiform. They used Cuneiform for business dealings such as trading barley, keeping records, and new ideas changed between different generations. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Effect Of Wankel Engines And Four Stroke Engines Have you ever wondered how engines work? That is exactly what this paper is about, engines. I will explain how Wankel engines, Diesel engines, turbojet engines, Gnome rotary engines, two stroke engines, and four stroke engines work. I will also explain their histories. Some times when you look at an engine it looks like a mess and you wonder how it could make anything move. The two stroke engine was very popular in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Two stroke engines were used in cars, tractors, and ships. One reason for their popularity was their simple design. The two stroke engine has a lower cost to rebuild and maintain than most other engines, which is why the two stroke engine was very popular. The reason why most two stroke... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While this is happening a crankcase compression is happening beneath the piston. The two stroke engine fires on every circle of the piston. Because of this they are more powerful than the four stroke engine of equivalent size. Two stroke engines also have lighter and simpler construction. These two reasons are, why they are used in motorcycles chain saws, line trimmers and outboard motors. Sadly two stroke engines cause a lot of pollution because some of exhaust gasses are expelled from the exhaust part of the cycle. The four stroke engines are used in lawn mowers, garden tractors, tillers, and washers. There is more than one type of four stroke engines. They are the horizontal camshaft, side valve engine and the vertical camshaft, side valve engine. Both of these types use four cycles four cycles in one full cycle. four stroke engine The four stroke engine is the now the most popular engine for cars. The first thing that happens is that the intake piston moves down drawing in a fresh charge fuel and air mixture into the cylinder. As the piston rises the intake valve is forced shut by increased cylinder pressure. As the piston rises, the intake valve is forced shut by the increased cylinder pressure. Flywheel momentum drives the piston upward, compressing the fuel and air mixture. At the top of the compression stroke, the spark plug fires, igniting the compressed fuel. As the fuel burns it expands driving the piston down. When the piston reaches the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Conventional Three Level Discontinuous Pulse Width... пЂ Generalized Discontinuous PWM for Three Level T NPC Inverters Operating at Low Modulation Index with Variable Power Factor Subhadeep Bhattacharya, Student Member, IEEE, Diego Mascarella, Member, IEEE, Geza Joos, Fellow, IEEE, and Jianhong Xu, Member, IEEE Abstract Conventional three level discontinuous pulse width modulation (DPWM) techniques are typically employed in variable frequency drive applications to reduce inverter switching losses and provide maximum benefit for load power factor angles in the range from 30В° lagging to 30В° leading. This paper proposes a series of DPWM templates for lower power factors and a generalized DPWM strategy for three level T NPC inverters operating with modulation indices lower than 0.5. With a change in the power factor, the proposed strategy adapts the inverter pulse sequence by combining different portions of the proposed DPWM templates within one fundamental cycle and ensures minimum switching instances during transitions. Consequently, the strategy perfectly aligns the no switching durations of the inverter pulse patterns with the respective load current peaks, achieving a 50% switching loss reduction for all operating power factor angles (90В° lagging to 90В° leading) at modulation indices lower than 0.5. The paper provides an analytical evaluation of the proposed strategy on the three level T NPC inverter switching losses. The simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed three level generalized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Urban Poverty, Crime and Ethnic Violence in Papua New... In Papua New Guinea (PNG), the growing trend of urban migration is leading to a rapid increase in the urban population. As a result, the country has the greatest numbers of people living in squatter and informal settlements in the Pacific Region (Jones 2012, p. 8). This is most evident in the capital of PNG, Port Moresby (population 400,000), where about 45% of the city s total population lives in settlements (Jones 2012, p. 9). As in other parts of the world, these settlements are characterized by a deficiency in planning, poor infrastructure and a lack of urban services. This in turn is creating a set of complex development planning challenges for the city. This paper will discuss urbanisation as one of the most significant ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, national policies relating to the issues have not been fully implemented, or even developed in some cases. Admittedly, there is recognition of urban poverty in the National Urbanisation Policy, the National Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Medium Term Development Strategy of PNG (Storey 2010, p. 11). However, there is limited consensus on what constitutes urban poverty, or how it should be measured. Proposed methods on how it should be tackled has proven inadequate over time, with reality obstructing the expectations set in the plans. While the above strategies have been adopted, a coalition of support for change and implementation has not been built or maintained. Among the critical factors is how the local urban government lacks financial and management capacities to respond to the challenge of urban poverty (UN HABITAT 2010). Added to the existing trepidations in this urban melting pot, city and settlement dwellers are also experiencing ethnic clashes and a rapid increase in crime and violence (Storey 2010, p. 8 10). This has resulted from the unplanned growth and expansion of squatter settlements, income disparities, high youth unemployment rates, an erosion of cultural values that assist with conflict resolution, and the abuse of the wantok system, people from the same language group helping each other (UN HABITAT 2007, 2010). Crime is exacerbated by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Mind Map Analysis I found this activity very interesting because it was more creative than some of our other discussion board assignments. The mind map expanded significantly just from one idea, which shows the strength of the word Terrorism and the problems that have occurred because of it. It was interesting to see a collective train of thought amongst many people. I noticed that a lot of people mentioned the countless shootings that have been reported recently in the news. While there were many shootings before this school year, I thought of Parkland while looking at the mind map. One of my classmates graduated from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and is friends with many of the older siblings of the students that died in the shooting. His mother also works at the school, and while she survived without any injuries, it must be terrifying knowing that she was there. This was unfortunately the first time I had a connection to a school shooting I could not imagine the stress and fear that my peer must have endured. I also saw a bubble with KKK written inside of it. This stood out to me because I go to school in Charlottesville, which is now famously known... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A bubble that stood out to me was Middle East. While many people may think of the Middle East when the word terrorism is in mind, it puts a negative connotation on the entire region. This goes for other places that have had shootings and traumatic events. No one will ever hear the words Columbine, Parkland or Charlottesville without thinking about violence and crime. Going back to the events in Charlottesville, the riots made it slightly difficult to go back to school. I had already completed one year of school and had an overall positive opinion of the city. The current reputation is racist and violent; while I don t agree with this, it has made me question where I am, if I am safe, and what kind of people are around ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Race As A Social Construction Alisha Sparks Dr. Stanley POLS 24 November 2015 Race as a Social Construction When we talk about race, what are we really talking about? The issue of race is a complex issue, with socially ambiguous undertones that have plagued our society for decades. Race has been a marker and maker of stereotypes. Race has been used as a justification for injustice. Whether slavery, Japanese internment, or social and economic exclusion, race has given an avenue for those in power to exclude ones deemed other . In the following paragraphs I will examine the premise of race and try to demonstrate why it is a social construct. After extensive study by scientists, it was concluded that there are no distinct biological characteristics of the race. Instead race, as the modern world had come to understand it, is a set of arbitrary distinctions of groups of people that genetically have no significance. Race is a relatively new concept. Coined by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach during the age of enlightenment around the late 18th century. The idea was expounded upon by Arthur de Gobineau in the mid 1800s. Gobineau theorized that there were three primary races (black, white, and yellow) and that certain races where purer than others. This type of rhetoric and thinking would lead people to justify their actions in the name of race. The United States has a history of divisive racial policies that is older than the nation itself. Bacon s Rebellion in Virginia, circa 1676, was a joint rebellion by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Analysis Of Sergei Prokofiev s Symphony Andrew Burden 4/24/16 Allison Smith (TA) Music 101 Sergei Prokofiev s Symphony No.1, Classical Symphony, a favorite to many, is a major piece of the orchestral repertoire. The piece was composed from 1916 to 1917 and was in a new genre; neo classism. This new genre was due the reaction to the expressionism and the perceived formlessness of the late romantic music during the time period (Whittall). In fact, the Classical Symphony is one of the earliest works of music using the aesthetic of the neo classical movement, and it is possibly the earliest symphony to do so (Green). Despite being written in the early 20th century during the midst of the Russian revolution, Prokfiev stayed true to the important aspects of pre romantic instrumentation and structural, harmonic, and melodic styles. As previously stated, the Classical Symphony was written in the midst of the Russian Revolutions in 1917. These revolutions were the cause of major turning points in Russian history and Prokofiev was stuck at the heart of it in Petrograd, the current day Saint Petersburg. Trouble during this period would begin with protests of thousands , escalating with food fights and fires until tsar Nicholas was abdicated (Nice, 130). During this chain of events, Prokofiev would find himself taking refuge from time to time behind projecting walls when the shooting became too intense (Nice, 130). Lenin s return, massive strikes and the first of the Bolsheviks attempts to seize power in July ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay about Rich Manufacturing Rich Manufacturing Saint Leo University MBA 540 Sep 8, 2011 Why do many firms use cost plus pricing for supply contracts? Firms use cost plus pricing in order to cover their operating costs. Cost plus means they can increase the price to their customers with whom they have contracts when the operating costs rise. Operating costs can rise for many reasons and cost plus pricing allows firms the flexibility to manage operating costs. This flexibility is often needed when the price of a service or good is not known or hard to predict in advance (Magloff, 2011). What potential problems do you envision with cost plus pricing? Potential problems may occur if there is no contract between the firm and its customers for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the short term, it may be beneficial to complete the contract with Bhagat and for long term planning, find another supplier with a more competitive price. She can use the short run cost curves to determine her near term pricing and production requirements. The long run cost curve can be used to determine if a new plant or new supplier is necessary to decrease operating costs. How will a $3 increase in the price of machine parts affect Gina s own production decisions? The three dollar increase will be added on to Rich Manufacturing s product price. In order to lessen customer anger over increased prices, Gina can suggest an increase in the marketing budget to minimize the price increase. She also may want to take into consider the long term plans. For example, if in the long term they can decrease the price while increasing production (perhaps with a new supplier); they may want to absorb the current increase in price instead of passing it on to their customers. In the short term, money may be lost, but with successful long term planning they can increase profits and maintain customer loyalty (by not increasing price). References Brickley, J., Smith, C. Zimmerman, J. (2009). Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture. (5th Ed.). New York, NY. McGraw Hill and Irwin. Magloff, L. (2011). What Is Cost Plus Pricing Strategy? Demand Media. Retrieved from:
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  • 28. Trespass Voucher Codes Save money by using the voucher codes Only in light of the fact that we are buying a finest marked item doesn t mean we need to pay the outstanding cost for it. In the matter of the acquiring of the item from a prestigious store or any online entrance we can t deal with the cost. Nonetheless, with the assistance of the voucher codes and the rebate codes we can spare a lot of cash without dealing. By utilizing the Trespass Voucher Codes we can profit incredible discounts on the elite dress for the games persons including both men and ladies. You can spare an awesome measure of cash utilizing these voucher codes and will feel cheerful by the day s end. With the Trespass Voucher Codes you can get powerful offers on games shirts, easygoing shirts, swimwear, ski coats, waterproof trousers and so forth. Trespass offers extraordinary open air dress, wools, coats for the skiers, explorers, campers or for the individuals who adoration enterprise. The items are accessible for men, ladies, and kids for all shapes and sizes. Their items hit a flawless parity with design, procedure and custom. So on the off chance that you are intrigued with the thought of climbing, trekking, outdoors, skiing and so forth you can win money back prizes alongside the considerable arrangements. So every time you need to purchase any sportswear or games frill... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a boundless cluster of marked garments from Diesel, Tommy Hilfiger, Mishmash, French Connection, Melissa, Moda in Pelle, one can t avoid himself or herself to purchase these garments. Installment can be made utilizing MasterCard, Paypal, Visa, Visa Eletron and Maestro. Other than the garments for men and ladies, you can likewise choose in vogue clothing types for the children too extending from dresses to denims and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Brunswick Corona Lanes City Of Corona Purpose The purpose of this memorandum is to recognize a new business, the Brunswick Corona Lanes to the City of Corona, CA. Based off a variety of different demographics, a bowling alley is an ideal business to add to the city that would appeal to the majority of residents living in the community. Brunswick Corona Lanes The residents in the City of Corona want a new business that is located in a convenient place in the community. Located right in the middle of downtown Corona, the Brunswick Corona Lanes is the place where residents can come to test out their cosmic bowing skills. Brunswick Corona Lanes will consist of a total of 50 bowling lanes, an arcade, as well as a variety of billiards and pool tables. This bowling alley will be filled with flat screen TVs, music, a place where kids can hang out, and a sports bar. Brunswick Corona Lanes main goal is offer residents with endless opportunities of fun by providing a state of the art, well maintained, and family friendly facility. Special Promotions Brunswick Corona Lanes is a great place to come together with family and friends to have some fun at a low affordable price, including discounted games and shoe rentals. Each week on Monday and Wednesday nights, the Brunswick Corona Lanes will be holding bowling leagues that are designated to certain age groups that take up 20 bowling lanes; therefore leaving 30 other bowling lanes open for cosmic bowling. On Tuesday and Thursday nights, Brunswick Corona Lanes will be hosting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. How Factors in the External Business Environment Influence... Using an organisation you are familiar with; explain how factors in the external business environment influence marketing strategies and outcomes Betfair betting exchange processes more than seven million transactions a day that s more than all European stock exchanges combined. (Betfair, 2011) With this sentence we can observe the magnitude and growth that an online gambling company like Betfair.com has achieved. To reach this point they have dealt with many issues in their external environment and they have overcome these problems through intelligence in their marketing strategies. Marketing is the management process of anticipating, identifying and satisfying customer requirements profitably (CIM, 2011). Almost any company has to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What Betfair says is that these restrictions are against what customers want and that they lead to market failure. As Solomon et al (2009: 60) states ...global marketers must understand more complex political issues that can affect how they do business and their potential for success . The German example is only one of the many different legislations which Betfair have to deal with, therefore when they market their products in one specific country they have to know perfectly what kind of services are prohibited in those countries to avoid legal issues with governments and consumers. When deciding on international expansion they also need a sensitive analysis of the legislation in that country as it might not be profitable to operate there if either their gross profit tax is very high, or if many products like online casino are banned, or if betting large amounts of money are prohibited. When Betfair segment their market they might do it by geography. This is where the socio cultural environment will affect their decisions and where a differentiated marketing strategy will be necessary in each country. In many countries gambling is illegal and in more of them it is seen as evil because people might get addicted and lose their resources via these betting companies, that is why ethics becomes a topic of great importance to Betfair ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Lemon Test The court case resulted in the establishment of a set of legal criteria for determining whether a law violates the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The Establishment Clause in the First Amendment states that the United States Congress cannot permit a law that establishes religion or forbids the free speech thereof. This set of legal criteria was later referred to as the Lemon Test . The Lemon Test consisted of three rules: First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion; finally, the statute must not foster an excessive government entanglement with religion (Allison). In 1981, the National... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... al v. Roman Stearns et. al. This refusal caused a policy that stated that particular courses from religious high schools were unsatisfactory for admission to college to remain in effect (American Association of University Professors). In 2012, Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam passed a law, which critics nicknamed the Monkey Bill , that enabled the teaching of creationism by stating that the teaching of certain scientific subjects, such as the theories of evolution and creationism, could possibly result in the creation of controversy and that teachers were permitted to assist students in the understanding and critiquing of objective subjects to strengthen the intelligence and understanding of students (Wing). One year later, the Texas Board of Education approved the usage of biology textbooks that contained evolutionary content ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Let Us Start With Brown V. Buhman The supreme court sees generally to be ignored on the vast majority of its cases that it holds. Some cases hold a particular interest from the public because of publicity due to the topics they address but it is no secret that the vast majority of these cases are ignored by people in their everyday life. It can be seen with some examples from cases like Brown v. Buhman, Spokeo v. Robbins, Fisher v. University of Texas that the decision made in these cases can have an impact on the lives of all or many citizens that generally ignore their outcomes holding no regard for the standings of the supreme court. Let us start with Brown v. Buhman as the first example for why the average citizen should care about the supreme court. This case covers an issue with the Brown family a group of polygamists regarding a statute in Utah. This case brings up a few important things to be recognized. Primarily the case regards standing and mootness of a case, these are both important aspects of law to understand. For a case to continue and take place it has to be relevant and there has to be a reason for the case to be brought up. In the case of Brown v. Buman if part of the statute was deemed unconstitutional then the case would no longer be needed as it would solve the issue. Now although most people may feel that on the outside an understanding of this case is irrelevant to them as it handles a case of polygamy it holds many important considerations. One of which is free exercise ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Swastika Meaning The Swastika symbol is predominantly identified as a representation of the Nazi party and/or Adolf Hitler. Therefore, it is not a symbol that is considered positive by the majority of the population. The swastika has come to represent racial hatred in our world. Personally, I associate this symbol with one of the worst events in our world s history. This symbol brings to mind images of death and torture of so many people due to nothing more than the color of their skin and other physical features. After all these years, it is still hard to comprehend how people could be so evil. How can one man s beliefs condemn thousands to death? These are all the thoughts and questions that enter my mind when seeing this symbol. The barbarity of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I have always heard this symbol represented witches and satanism but never really gave it much thought. This paper gave me the opportunity to explore a symbol and understand its meaning. Wicca is defined as a religion influenced by pre Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles. (Merriam Webster Dictionary, n.d.) Wicca is commonly practiced by modern day witches. The Wiccan religion, along with paganism and satanism, use the Pentagram as their symbol. The Pentagram has 5 points that intersect and forms a star inside a circle. Wiccans believe the points of the star represent the five elements which are fire, earth, water, air and ether. As the previous symbols, the Pentagrams did not originate as the Wiccan symbol. It was first used around 3000 B.C. in Mesopotamian writings. (Chambers Dictionary, 2007) This symbol through the years has represented different faiths such as Christianity, Latter Day Saints, and Satanism. It has also been used in mathematics and as a symbols for different organizations. It was not until recently that the Pentagram became the religious symbol of the Wiccans. Although, many disagree what the points of the star represent most can agree that the Pentagram symbolizes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Bohr Lab Draft Monday Oct 20 The Ways of the Chemist Chemist Bohr Current event White light emitting diodes lamps save energy Investigation a. Background i. Bohr [From Purdue article (includes assumptions, equation, what Bohr showed, limits) http:/ /chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch6/bohr.html] From Purdue article (includes assumptions, equation, what Bohr showed, limits) http:/ /chemed.chem.purdue.edu/genchem/topicreview/bp/ch6/bohr.htmlf UTK incl experiment Balmer Rydberg http://www.phys.utk.edu/labs/modphys/balmerseries.pdf i. The Bohr equation and calculations of wavelength Bohr postulated that there were different energy levels in the orbits of electrons of atoms. The energy of an electron in an orbit of the nth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this model, electrons move in fixed orbits at fixed distances from the nucleus. Each of these orbits represents a certain quantity of energy. The outer orbits have more energy than the inner orbits. Atoms do not emit radiation, such as light, when the electrons are in the fixed orbit, but an electron can move to a different orbit. If an electron moves down to an orbit with less energy, energy is released in the form of radiation a light quantum. If the electron moves from an orbit closer to the nucleus to one farther from the nucleus, energy is absorbed. The frequencies and wavelengths of the light quanta are unique for each atom. In addition to creating a model, Bohr s formula and associated calculations correlated the spectral lines observed for the hydrogen atom with electron energy levels for electrons in the Bohr hydrogen atom model. This indicated that the emission spectrum resulted from emission of small amounts of energy when electrons moved between ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Qantas Airways, South, And Northern Territory Aerial Services Qantas Airways Qantas was found in Winton, Queensland on 16 November 1920 as Queensland and northern territory aerial services limited by Paul McGuinness, Hudson Fysh, Fergus McMaster and Arthur Baird. The airlines first aircraft was an Avro 504K. The aircraft has a cruising speed of 105 kilometres per hour and carried one pilot and two passenger. 84 years old Alexander Kennedy was the first passenger receiving ticket number one. The airline operated air mail services subsidised by the Australian government, linking railheads in western Queensland. Qantas Airways Ltd. is Australia s number one domestic airline and a leader in the Asia Pacific region. It is one of the ten largest airlines in the world and is considered to be the second ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Qantas is divided into three closely related groups, Commercial, Customer and Marketing, and Operations. The Commercial group includes sales and distribution, commercial planning, QantasLink and alliances. Customer and Marketing includes customer experience, cabin crew, inflight services and marketing. The Operations group comprises engineering, airports, catering, flight operations, operations planning and control and Qantas Aviation Services. Jetstar, the Group s low fares airline also manages the Jetstar Asia operations based in Singapore. In addition to the airline brands, the Qantas Group operates Qantas Frequent Flyer and Qantas Freight. The Group has additional equity interests in airline and airline related businesses, including a 27 per cent stake in Vietnam s Jetstar Pacific; a 46 per cent interest in Air Pacific and an interest in Jetset Travelworld Group. Qantas is also a partner with Australia Post in two jointly controlled entities: Australian air Express, a domestic air freight operator; and Star Track Express, a national road freight business. Between 1926 and 1928 they built seven de Havillanddh.50 and a single DH9. In 1928 a chartered Qantas aircraft made the inaugural flight of the royal flying doctor service of Australia. In 1934 Qantas limited formed a new company with Britain s Imperial airways and the name of the airline was, Qantas Empire Airways Limited (QEA). Each partner held 49% and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Martin Luther, And His Concept Of Christianity This is an essay about Martin Luther, and his concept of Christianity. As a student and a unbiased Christian, I enjoy studying all types of religions, and elements that encompass them. Luther began his religious career as an Augustinian Monk in the Roman Catholic Church. So, Luther was initially loyal to the papacy, and even after many theological conflicts, he attempted to bring about his understanding with the Church. But this was a contradiction not to suffer because in his later years, Luther waged a continual battle with the papacy. Luther was to become a professor of biblical exegesis at Wittenberg where, in 1957, he posted his critique of the Roman Catholic Church s teachings and practices. This is otherwise known as The Ninety Five Theses, which is usually considered to be the original document of the Reformation. The Reformation was very controversial then, and, from a historical viewpoint, it still is today. Luther played a large part in the movement, and I was interested I doing a research to uncover what was the issue with religion. Basically, this document was an indictment of the venality of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly the widespread practice of selling indulgences in association with the sacrament of penance. Luther s beliefs on the matter were that after confession, absolution relied upon the sinner s faith and God s Divine Grace rather than the intervention of a priest. Martin Luther was a man that made a huge impact not only on those in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Taking a Look at Linkedin LinkedIn is the largest professional social networking site in the world, focused on business. It made its first official appearance on the internet in May of 2003. Within a month after its launch, LinkedIn had successfully gained close to 5,000 members (LinkedIn, Corp. 2014). Today, LinkedIn has over 300 million members looking to improve their employment options. This success can be largely attributed to the characteristics or features offered through membership, benefits members attain with interacting with other members, their ability to tap into the underlying reasons individuals can be motivated to join and their ability to create a successful online community. According to LinkedIn s webpage they offer a variety of features that they have sorted into the following three different categories: Identity, Insights Everywhere (LinkedIn, Corp, 2014). Under Identity members can develop elaborate profiles that show what businesses or other members they are connected to, recommendations and of course a virtual resume. Members can also search job listings, make endorsements and research skills that are prevalent within a particular field of work or find individuals that have a specific desired skill. It can also link members with groups or individuals that have the same skillsets Within Insights members can access their own personal homepage with information that is important to them. Anything from news, photos and updates to other member profiles is available as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Elements Of Realism In Red Kayik Drowning in a river, going to jail, and hurting your friends, this is the hard reality that Brady, a main character in Red Kayak, just happens to be going through. Brady has to deal with Ben, a young child of the DiAngelos, a family who just moved in. Brady was Ben s babysitter and he had dealt with him in a traumatic situation, his death caused by drowning (which Brady s friends took part in.) This contributes to the fact that this novel, Red Kayak, is realistic fiction. Realistic fiction is a story that may happen in reality and the five elements are credible events, authentic characters, real settings, true to life themes, and believable dialogue. Red Kayak is an excellent example of realistic fiction because it includes three elements like real setting, authentic characters, and true to life themes. First, Red Kayak, is an excellent example of realistic fiction because it has real settings. The setting that takes place in the novel is on the Corsica river as well as the Chesapeake Bay. For example, on pg. 5 it states, ItВґs a pretty river the Corsica. It also states on the back summary of the book, Brady loves his life on the Chesapeake Bay. In conclusion, Red Kayak, is an example of realistic fiction since it is dealing with one of the elements, real setting.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The characters that are involved in the book are Digger, Brady, and J.T, but keep in mind there are of course more characters. For example on pg.106 it states, Digger was in his front yard and, shooting baskets with his little brother, Hank, when I skidded to a holt on my bike. This evidence supports the topic because it shows the characters actions in their environment which are most similar to ours. In summary, Red Kayak has elements of realistic fiction including authentic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Destruction In Lord Of The Flies Destruction by humans has always played a part in the distinct ecological change blemishing nature and morality. The adventure novel, Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding provides many symbols, which encompass transitions between the light and dark on a remote isle. For further support, literary criticisms, Ecocritical Reading of William Golding s Lord of the Flies analyzed by Rohitash Thapliyal and Shakuntala Kunwar along with Children s Literature Review, Vol.130 explained by L.L. Dickson argue the switch in the area s wildlife and the youthful boys personalities. Because of the aircraft accident due to the progressing nuclear war, the group of immature survivors is stuck on an isolated island. They scout the expanse and discover... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the primary source, Lord of the Flies and the two secondary sources the ironic symbol of the island become more prominent throughout the writing; additionally, all the authors of the works showcase the conversion of the differentiating settings to discriminate light and dark sceneries. Within the small island world, the locale is changed from a glorious island to a place enriched with chaos caused by the shift of mannerly boys to rambunctious savages. Nature is a stunning treasure when untouched and a secret from the rest of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Live Migration Is The Process Of Moving A Running Virtual... INTRODUCTION Live migration is the process of moving a running virtual machine or an application between different physical machines without disconnecting the client/application. Memory, storage and network connectivity of the virtual machine is transferred from the original to the destination host machine. VM Memory migration The Two techniques for moving the memory state of virtual machine from the source to destination are: 1.pre copy memory migration and 2.post copy memory migration. Pre copy memory migration Warm up phase The Hypervisor copies all the memory pages from source to destination while the VM is still running on the source. If some memory pages change or become dirty when the process is going on, they will be re copied until the rate of re copied pages is not less than page dirtying rate. Stop and copy phase After the warm up phase, the VM will be stopped on the original host and the remaining dirty pages will be copied to the destination, and the VM will be resumed on the destination. The time between stopping the VM on the original host and resuming it on destination is called down time ,which ranges from a few milliseconds to seconds according to the memory size and applications running on the VM. Post copy memory migration Post copy VM migration is done by suspending the VM at the source and a minimal subset of the execution state of the VM (CPU state, registers and non pageable memory) is transferred to the target. . The project will make ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Samaid Meals Analysis A 43 year old woman lies about her age and falls for a younger man who doesn t know the truth. STORY COMMENTS SALAD DAYS is a script that presents with an enjoyable, high concept premise. The idea of an older woman pretending to be a younger woman and lying to her boyfriend/husband is a great setup for comedy, conflict, and character development. One can envision the antics and capers the protagonist will endure to keep her age a secret. Plenty of humor can be generated. The script has the opportunity to examine themes about ageless love and the age gap between men and women. While the concept is solid, the first act requires more development. The first act sets up the ordinary world of the protagonist, Suzy. She works for a candy company,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It s unclear why Suzy would say: Don t you have a girlfriend? The conversation on page 29 isn t very compelling: Do you find me desirable? On page 30, it s not clear why Valentino would ask, What dating site? given they met on a dating site. The scene in the hospital with the baby works better without the added dialogue. Just the visual of Suzy holding the baby is needed, vs. Valentino asking her Want a baby too? Create a separate scene about being evicted versus the same scene with them in the car. Suzy is sweet. She s definitely good hearted and likable. She s insecure and this makes her vulnerable. She has inner conflict about her age. She has good potential to be a comedic character, but continue to develop her comedic side by showing how she covers up the truth about her age. Make sure to identify how she grows as a character and how her feelings about her age changes. Bob and Diane are both great sidekicks. They sound and act like natural comedic characters. Valentino is more likable when he s a bit on edge. Don t make him too nice. There s no tension in that. To create tension and chemistry there has to be resistance. He becomes way too immature and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Essay on The Kite Runner Relationship and Symbolism How does Hosseini use symbolism in The Kite Runner to present key relationships? You should consider different reader responses and the extent to which your critical approach assists your interpretation. In Khaled Hosseini s novel, The Kite Runner , it is often thought that symbols and metaphors are used as visual representations to reinforce and put emphasis on important stages in the novel. In can be seen that symbols are used in the novel to highlight particular moments in key relationships. For example Kites, the Pomegranate tree, Scars and the Slingshot are each used to put emphasis on specific moments in the relationships between Amir and Hassan and Amir and Baba. Through using symbolism and metaphor to present these key... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the end of the novel, the roles are swapped. Amir acts as the kite runner, whereas Sorhab (Hassan s son who represents Hassan at this point) is the kite flyer. This could be symbolic of Amir completing his journey of redemption and him re establishing his relationship with Hassan. In particular, I feel that in chapter 7, the Blue Kite is used as a symbol of Hassan s loyalty towards Amir. Hassan will not give up the blue kite which he ran for Amir after winning the kite tournament, even when he is faced with rape as he is afraid that giving up the kite will jeopardize his friendship with Amir. This could be seen as symbolic of the protection and dedication which Hassan shows towards Amir. The blue kite is an object which is in between Hassan and Assef in chapter seven, in the same way that in chapter five, Amir is in between Hassan and Assef. Hassan won t let the blue kite get torn or damaged by Assef in the same way that he wouldn t let Assef hurt Amir in chapter 5, in my opinion the blue kite is clearly a symbol of Hassan s dedication and devotion towards Amir; he would rather endure rape than disappoint him. Secondly the Pomegranate tree can be seen as a symbol of Amir and Hassan friendship, childhood innocence and shelter. The tree is presented to the reader in two different states. When the tree appears in the first part of the story, in chapter 4, the tree is shown as being fruitful and blooming with blood red ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. White Horse Character Analysis White Horse This novel by Alex Adams is based around a main character Zoe. She is a single 30 year old woman who leads a normal life until a deadly virus kills 90% of the human population and genetically changes those who survive the virus. Zoe s part time occupation is being a janitor at a pharmaceutical company. Her goal is to make enough money to return to college one day. Zoe finds out she is pregnant and takes herself on a journey to save her unborn baby and find the man she loves. The main character in the text made me feel Sad that she had to leave her family but also worried about what Zoe was going to experience on the way to find the man she loves. I could relate with the ideas in this text as I have experienced moving away for the people I love. When I had to move leaving my friends/family was the hardest this I have ever done. I grew up with them. The main character was effected by this because she had never left her home town she was about to embark herself on a journey half way across the world to find the man she loves. She doesn t even know if he is still alive. I couldn t understand why the main ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But now she was determined to find him as Zoe wanted her unborn baby to have a farther. Just a cold, I think maybe I m pregnant . This part of the novel was important to the rest of the novel because if Zoe didn t find out she was pregnant she would have stopped on her journey and would never know if the love of her life was still alive. The author make this part in the novel tense because she needed something a reason to her to keep her going. Finding out she was pregnant made me want to keep reading the novel because I wanted to find out if her unborn baby was going to survive while this virus they called White Horse is on a rampage around the globe, and if she was going to reach the love of her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...