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Essay Scam
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Scam" presents a unique set of challenges that extend
beyond the typical academic hurdles. The irony inherent in the topic adds an extra layer of
complexity, as one must navigate the thin line between informing and potentially perpetuating
the very issue being discussed. The dilemma arises from the need to maintain a balanced
perspective while shedding light on deceptive practices that undermine the integrity of academic
Researching the topic can be a daunting task in itself. The vast array of online platforms offering
essay-writing services, both legitimate and fraudulent, creates a labyrinth of information to
navigate. Distinguishing reliable sources from those designed to deceive adds an additional layer
of difficulty. Furthermore, one must tread carefully to avoid falling victim to misinformation and
ensure that the content reflects a nuanced understanding of the subject.
The challenge intensifies when attempting to address the motivations behind essay scams.
Delving into the ethical implications requires a delicate touch, as it is essential to explore the root
causes without inadvertently glamorizing or endorsing unethical practices. Balancing a critical
analysis of the industry with a call to action for academic integrity demands a nuanced approach
to maintain the essay's credibility.
Moreover, the writing process becomes more intricate when considering the potential backlash
from individuals or entities involved in essay scams. Striking a balance between presenting a
compelling argument against these practices and avoiding legal or ethical pitfalls requires
meticulous attention to detail and careful choice of language.
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay Scam" in an essay proves to be a challenging
endeavor that demands a high level of research, critical thinking, and ethical consideration. The
writer must navigate a complex landscape of information, delicately address ethical concerns,
and maintain a balanced perspective. Successfully navigating these challenges will result in an
essay that not only informs but also contributes to the ongoing dialogue surrounding academic
If you find such tasks overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance for various essay topics
and more can be sought through professional services like HelpWriting.net. These platforms
offer a range of writing services to help students and individuals with their academic and
professional writing needs.
Essay Scam Essay Scam


Slavery And The Removal Of The Indians
Without slavery and a proper way to control native americans living on american
land then there can be no stable economy. America is based upon land and what can
be gained from it. Slaves work the land and indians run amuck on the land. So to
justify both slavery and the removal of the indians: Slavery is the basis of the
revenue from the south, and to abolish slaverywill lead to a destabilization of the
economy and destroy the freedoms that are trying to be achieved. Native Americans
are uncontrollable and dangerous without proper enforcement from the american
government. Frederick Douglas lived his life in slavery and witnessed the cruelty of
a slave s life. White slave masters are power hungry and vicious.
Before the arguments are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Western europe needs America for trade. A Lot of the food that is used by the
europeans is grown by the south. And so without Slavery Western europe will starve.
(Fitzhugh, Canibals, 3)
Now it might be said that it would be easier and more humane to free the slaves
and pay them. But the answer for that is simple. Slaves are seen as Capital there is
no need say in an economic downturn to get rid of slaves as there would be for paid
workmen. To turn out a slave is to lose money. (Fitzhugh, Sociology, 1) Then there
is the fact that a lot of Americans lower class white men are in poverty. They do not
have enough food, enough clothing, or enough shelter. The condition of these
people is worse than the slaves. Slaves are brought from the wild confines of
Africa to live in comfort in America. (Fitzhugh, Sociology, 2) Slaves are hard
workers, the are better at working in the climate of the south than those europeans
that try and work the land. Sure it would be better to free them and pay them if we
were in a place like england which has little land and lots of people. But in America
it is opposite, there is tons of land and little people. If slaves are free what is to stop
them from going and finding their own land? If that happens it will destroy the
economy. It is better to have 1 plantation with 100 workers rather than have 100
plantations with 1 worker. The latter example will gain less income and the economy
will fail destroying


Hannah Arendt s The Human Condition
The Human Condition
Hannah Arendt s book, The Human Condition, examines the vita activa and it s
relation to three fundamental human activities: labor, work and action. Arendt holds
that these three activities correspond to one of the basic conditions under which life
on earth has been given to man and make up politics (7). Throughout the book Arendt
ultimately makes the point that our main political job is to discover other people s
opinions about political life and to then go forward and examine these opinions
together. Differing viewpoints and opinions are inevitable and through politics we
examine these opinions and should be able to find agreements within the
discrepancies. In Arendt s opinion examining opinions together is doing ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Labor and work can be easily distinguished between by the products length of stay
in the world. These things are unnatural, or artificial. Products, such as houses,
desks and phones are examples of things constructed through work. The activity of
work provides for a stable world and serves the purpose of creating durability.
Unlike labor, works sole relation to providing viable living conditions results in
the view of every thing and every person as a means to make the object. Through
the activity of work, the end justifies the means. This results in people being treated
as a means to an end instead of a unique person. In the world of work, one person is
in charge and violence is acceptable. Arendt justifies the use of violence, particularly
in relation to nature, by saying the end justifies the violence done to nature to win the
material, as the wood justifies killing the tree and the table justifies destroying the
wood . Because products of work are so durable and have a long lifespan, they
provide continuity with the past. Although work does not directly connect to the
human condition of life, it does provide some rewards. Work provides pride and a
sense of accomplishment. According to Arendt, work can provide self assurance
and satisfaction, and can even become a source of self confidence throughout life
(140). People are able to master nature and therefore master oneself. The highest
reward of work however is the work of art. While it is


Essay about Effective Communication and Team Building
Making a Change
The leader has to learn and develop a sound knowledge in communication skill which
will enable him or her to build an excellent team in his organization because without
effective communication, they will be description in organizational goal, stress,
confusion and frustration between the leader and the members of the team and can
lead to reduction in organizational success. The leader has to have open
communication skill to facilitate and support the change process because every staff
will react differently to any organizational change. As this time, provide excellent
training and make ensure every members of the team are pulling in the same
direction because The major role of a leader is to guide and lead according to ... Show
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Despite the leaders best efforts to present the organizational changes in a positive
way, they might encounter some challenges and resistance within team members
because every team members might not perceive the organizational change the same
way. As a result, the leader has to actively involving the team members who resist
change by incorporating some of their input and feedback in the change process. This
will help reduce their resistance, according to Dianna (2006).
Application of Change Theory
Due to recent problem identified in national staffing association Inc. (NSA) is a
break in communication, that lead to lack of continuation of care some of the
clients we serve. There was a change in clients plan of care (POC) as the Medicaid
continue to titrate or reduce clients benefit that is ongoing now in any organization,
the director of nursing (DON) got the intake from Lisa that is Medicaid
representative, pass the information to case manager, pass it to case coordinator
where it got lost. This vital information was never pass to the nursing supervisor,
visiting nurse none home health aide (HHA) who will assist this client for activities
of daily living (ADL). This problem was on unit client family called the Medicaid
office and Lisa called the office. It was during the


Romeo And Juliet Essay On Death
Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows Romeo s infatuation
with two things: death, and Juliet, one overpowering the other. Romeo is suicidal;
everything related to eternal rest peaks his interest. Juliet causes Romeo to die
which reveals that Juliet did what death itself could not. She helped Romeo forget
about the harsh realities of the world, whereas death allowed Romeo an option in
the end where he could be alongside his one and only true love. Whether it be in
hell or heaven, Romeo would have followed Juliet anywhere. Despite Romeo s
obsession with death, his constant references to Juliet suggests that it is not true.
From the first time Romeo lays his eyes on Juliet, he was entranced by her beauty
and falls in love... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I am content, so thou wilt have it so/Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so
(3.5.17 18 and 24). Romeo is content with dying if Juliet wills it so. This brings
light to the fact that Romeo does not worry about himself or about anything other
than Juliet when he is with her. When he goes to Mantua, Romeo quickly becomes
depressed. He complains that, heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and
dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, live here in heaven and may look on
her, but Romeo may not (3.3.29 32). Romeo reveals that anywhere outside Verona
is a place of purgatory if the unworthiest of creatures are able to gaze upon Juliet s
beauty while he is stuck in Mantua. As a result, he believes that the banishment is
worse than dying as he is tortured by the fact that he may never be able to see her
again without the risk of being killed. The only way for Romeo to be together with
Juliet is through the means of dying. As Romeo heard of Juliet s deceasement, he
rushes to go to Verona despite the evident threat to his life, with poison, to kill
himself alongside Juliet. He kills himself just before Juliet woke up. Juliet then
kills herself so that they may be together in the afterlife regardless of if it is hell or
heaven. Suicide is considered an utmost sin in Christianity and by killing himself, he
rescinded his beliefs and religion to be with the one he loved. They both revoke their
religion in order to be with each other, neither of them caring


Why Is King Henry Viii Important
King Henry VIII of England was desperate for ultimate power and for his name to be
carried on throughout generations. He changed world history by beginning the
separation of the English government from the church hoping to establish the concept
of secular governments.
Henry Tudor was born on June 28, 1491 in the Greenwich Palace. He is the son of
Henry VII of England and Elizabeth York. After his father s death, Henry became
known as king of England. He married six different women (Catherine Parr, Catherine
Howard, Anne of Cleves, Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn, and Catherine of Aragon) in
the time of his reign. His marriages are most familiar in the mnemonic device,
divorced, beheaded, died/divorced, beheaded, survived , talking about his wives.
Henry had six siblings, yet only three survived: Arthur, Margaret, and Mary. Arthur
was expected to take the throne considering he is older than Henry, but he died at
the age of 15, four months after his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Henry was
offered to the family alliance of Spain by his father to Arthur s widow. At the age of
17, he had married Catherine.
King Henry was only a teenager when taking the throne, not even an adult. He had a
short attention span and no inclination to accomplish any hard work. Henry had
known about all the issues and new information ... Show more content on
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Henry was Roman Catholic and Roman Catholic s believed in marriage for life, this
put him in a tough position. The pope could excommunicate him, meaning his soul
could never get to Heaven. Henry had the Archbishop grant him a divorce so he
could marry Anne Boleyn. He declared himself as the supreme head of the Church of
England after the Christian church separated, in 1534, by the Act of Parliament. This
made the church separated from the pope and not under Rome s power anymore. This
started the English


Skin Deep Analysis
The article Skin Deep written by Nina G. Jablonski and George Chaplin discusses the
evolution of skin color. Right from the beginning of the article, Jablonski and Chaplin
debunked the existing theory that darker skin color evolved to protect humans
against skin cancer. As a matter of fact, evidence has shown that skin color in humans
is the product of natural selection. Skin Deep also discusses topics like melanin, skin
cancer, and how humanmigrations took an important role in the evolutionof skin
color. In From Hirsute to Hairless , Jablonski and Chaplin state that the evolution of
human skin color is also linked with the evolution of hairlessness. Furthermore, they
assume that hair loss came before the development of... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Different types of environments were encountered during that period of time. Since
some of those environment didn t receive as much radiation, natural sunscreen could
have been harmful. The skin had to adapt to the environmental conditions that the
new different regions had to offer. Recently, the evolution of skin color has been
influenced by cultural behaviors. For example, people living around the Arabic
Peninsula tend to be covered by wearing protective clothing. If they didn t wear
protective clothing perhaps their skin would start to darken. Towards the end of Skin
Deep, Jablonski and Chaplin state that our survival depends on of the ability of skin
color to adapt to different types of environments. Skin Deep focuses on the evolution
of skin color. The authors, Jablonski and Chaplin, also talk about how early humans
got rid of their hair, melanin, skin cancer, culture influences and how migrations took
an important role in the evolution of skin color. Skin pigmentation has now come a
long way. The point of this article was to explain and teach that the evolution of
human skin color is caused by the adaptation to new environments through natural


The Role Of Industrialization Of America In The 1920 s
From 1865 throughout the 1920 s a new economic and social era struck the United
States forever changing its government, its priorities, and its people which would
eventually lead to the gilded age and modern America. During this time the
industrialization of America lead to multiple miracles of engineering including the
construction of skyscrapers, bridges and highways and the creation of machines like
airplanes, automobiles ,tractors and many more like them . Its innovations and
inventions like these that will change American agriculture forever and lead small
farmers to improve their statues socially, economically, and as farmers in general.
Before 1865 ninety percent of American farmers believed the American southwest to
be the Great American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the Great Plains, there was a startling lack of wood to use as building supplies.
The farmers on the plains found solutions for many of the problems that they
encountered due to the lack of building supplies like building their houses from
mud and burning dry grass as fuel for their fires but one problem still remained.
They were unable to build fences for their livestock. But in 1873 a farmer named
Joseph Glidden created type of fence with points affixed to twisted strands of wire
which then became known as barbed wire. This new type of fence could span for
miles with a low number of wooden posts in between. The barbs on the wire
deterred the farmer s livestock from trying to get free and it also deterred unwanted
predators from trying to get in. This was one of the most important inventions for
farmers at this time it outlined their homestead and their property and prevented their
valuable livestock from roaming. Barb wire became known as The Wire That
Fenced the West and it became a true necessity for farmers in the Great


Techniques Used by Clarinet Players
Technique is very important for all musicians of all types, especially for Clarinet
players. Many of the techniques are vital for a great musician to understand. Things
such as embouchure, vibrato and tone effects are all things that are required by the
musician. I will be investigating the embouchure and how a correct one will
substantially increase your prowess as a woodwind, particularly clarinet, player. The
clarinet is a woodwind instrument that has a single reed mouthpiece. Johann
Christoph Denner invented the clarinet in Germany around the turn of the 18th
century by adding a register key to the earlier Chalumea. Having a correct
embouchure is vitally important to playing woodwind instruments.
2.Different types of embouchures in different people.
3.Research into different kinds of embouchure and how other people do it.
4.Synthesis of why it is very important to have an good embouchure.
With the woodwinds, the sound is generated by a reed and not with the lips. The
embouchure is therefore based on sealing the area around the reed and the
mouthpiece. This makes sure that there is no air escaping from either side of the
mouthpiece when the musician is blowing. A reed instrument works by having the
musician blowing a steady breath of air over the reed and through the mouthpiece.
The vibrations of the reed are what produce the sound that makes up the notes. The
harder or stronger the air is passing over the reed the higher the pitch of the


Essay about Golden Age Go
Go is a fascinating game that, although created in China, gained popularity and
permanence in Japan. Go planted its roots in the Heian Period and grew from there.
The Heian Period, known as the Golden Age of Japan, was a very stable time with
the imperial court at the height of its reign, especially in its early and middle years.
Go provided a leisurely pastime and an opportunity for casual conversation that was
not only entertaining in a stimulating way, but at the same time maintained the
cultivated decorum of the ruling elite of the time which were among its most
common players: courtiers. Since Go s beginnings in the Heian court, the construct of
decorum, the diet, and the dress of the court served to facilitate its acceptance and...
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Oh the other hand, it is still possible that Kibi sparked the popularity of Go in the
court. However, there are many aspects of Heian life that would have facilitated
the acceptance of Go. Two unexpected factors of the popularity of Go in the Heian
court were the diet and the dress of the courtiers. The diet of the court was poor,
causing medical problems that stemmed from malnourishment; and it has been
speculated that the diet of the courtiers may have been at least partially responsible
for the passivity and pessimism that bulk so large in Heian history and literature
(Shively and McCullough 398). Because of this pessimism and lethargy that so
plagued the court, it makes sense that a game like Go, that requires no physical
activity, became popular. The dress of courtiers would have highly restricted
movement, making pastimes that required activity very difficult and therefore
impractical. The members of the court wore ensembles that included in addition to
[a] short outer jacket and long train prescribed for women on formal occasions, as
many as twenty or more identically cut robes... (Shively and McCullough 395).
Such an idea of extravagant dress is echoed in many the works of prose that came
out in the era. One example of a scene in which dress is commented on comes from
The Pillow Book by Sei ShЕЌnagon that states ...one could see the varied colours of
their many layered


Barn Burning Literary Analysis
The Barn Burning a short story wriiten by William Faulkner in which the protagonist
Young Colonel Sartoris Snopes is left to watch in constant disbelief of his farther
often explosive anger which manifests itself into destroying other peoples property.
This story exemplifies the old adages that speak out against anger and warn people
about the dangers of letting your emotions control you. Unlike th countless parables
warning the farther of his misguided anger the farther does not learn from these
messages and falls victim to his uncontrolled sin. The Barn Burningis a parable
warning against the unchecked emotion of anger and how it can negatively affect bot
only yourself but those you love round you. The story revolves around a young...
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Snopes is given a second chance. With this second chance he is able to avoid legal
ramifications, move out of town and start life over hopefully having learned from
his mistakes. But like most characters in a allegory rthee is a lesson to be learned
from them and in this case Mr. Snopes does not learn from his previous mistakes.
In a sense of total disregard for others property Mr. Snopes soils his new boss s rug
and is forced to clean it. Instead of thoroughly and carefully cleaning the rug he
ruins it and trys to return it to his boss. When his boss orders him to pay for the
rug Mr.Snopes becomes enraged and reverts back to old habits. Mr.Snopes is
depicted as a man who will not hesitate to evoke the power of fire against those
who impose him (Lodges 44) .This statement gives a clear view into the kind of
devious and anger provoked actions Mr.Snopes is willing to undertake in order to
get revenge on those he feels have wronged him.This statement also shows the
kind o fangry attitude which will ultimately be Mr.Snopes downfall. Mr. Snopes
enlist his son to help him burn down his bosses barn but young Snopes does not
want to partake in any more of Mr. Snopes destructive fits of anger. In a panicked
mental state young Snopes warns one of the servants at the boss s house and help is
sent out to stop Mr.snopes. The boss and the serant ran out to the barn and killed
Mr.Snopes. The sin of anger had comeback and


Analysis Of The Article The Pelican Brief
The Wetlands In Grisham s novel, The Pelican Brief, he presents a case where an
organization attempts to protect the coastal marshes of Louisiana against the selfish
oil companies and citizens that wish to destroy it for money. This is a tremendous
concern that people deal with in America. John Grisham wrote The Pelican Brief, in
1992 and it was one of his best selling books. Louisiana s marshes are being
destroyed and are suffering greatly because of humans. Grisham shows extensive
knowledge of the wetlands as well as the wildlife through discussing the endangered
Brown Pelican and how humans have brought it to the brink of extinction.
Numberless amounts of waterfowl, birds, and countless species that call Louisiana
home are now being terrorized thanks to non native species, humans and a numerous
amount of different causes. The Brown Pelican, Louisiana s state bird, has been
endangered until 1995, and about half of all the geese in North America spend the
winter in the coastal marshes (Elliott, Charles). Additionally, Louisiana is the
leading state for the number of wintering ducks (ВЁSGPВЁ). The marshes are
extremely important to the fowl that live there year round and for the ones that do
not. The Bobwhite Quail, that live there year round, have suffered huge losses to
their population. From 1966 they have declined 75%, primarily due to habitat
degradation (ВЁSGPВЁ). One of the reasons populations of fowl have been going
down is the result of invasive species. The common


Should The Government Have A Duty To Monitor The
In my opinion, the United States government should have a minimal duty to monitor
internet content. Also, I believe the state and local governments in particular should
not have any duty to monitor what is happening on the internet. The United States
government should have minimal duty to monitor the internet because it is an
invasion of privacy, restricts citizens’ freedom, and should only be needed in
extreme cases. Knowing that the governmentcould see everything that I do on the
internet including my text messages, emails, and listening to my phone calls leaves
me with a very unsettling feeling. Back in April, President Donald Trump signed a
bill that releases internet service providers from having to protect consumer data.
This means that our information is being put out for anyone to see if they really
wanted to. Many of the first ten amendments in the Constitution give privacy to the
citizens of the United States. Amendments such as the first, third, fourth, and fifth
protect us and provides us with privacy from certain things. Specifically, the Ninth
Amendment states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights,
shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”
This means that we have other rights that exist, even if they are not clearly mentioned
in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many governments put limit of content, block websites, and take control over
internet service providers. There are many restrictions on the internet that we do not
even realize and are unable to notice. These are clear violations of the first
amendment in the Bill of Rights. Also, knowing that people could be watching what I
am doing on the internet, makes me nervous as I do not want to accidentally do
something or search something that could get me in a lot of unwanted or unwarranted


Correlation Between Alcohol And Alcohol
Results The amount of hours a person works a week is negatively correlated to an
individual s dependency to alcohol. The less hours a person works per week the
more they will be dependent on alcohol. On average, the individuals in the sample
worked a low amount of hours a week (M = 11.31, SD = 14.9) and had a
moderately low dependency on alcohol (M = 31.11, SD = 14.26). In addition, the
confidence intervals looking at the amount of hours worked per week indicated that
the participants continued to work low hours (95% CI = [8.96, 13.83]). Along with,
both the upper and lower bounds of the alcohol decency score showing reaming
consistent with a modestly low dependency on alcohol (95% CI = [29.02, 33.58]).
When a Spearman s correlation analysis was used a negative correlation was found
indicating that a the less amount of hours a person worked a week the higher their
dependency on alcohol is. This correlation supported the hypotheses. A Spearman s
correlation was used because thee out of the four test for a normally distributed
population were violated and the sample size was over 100. However, the correlation
was not significant rs = .114, n = 152, p = .08 (one tailed).
The amount of hours worked in a week had an extremely small effect on a person s
dependency to alcohol r2 = .01. This incredibly small effect size is consistent with the
results of the significance test. With the correlation having no significance then it is
accurate to say that a person s work hours had


Fig Lab Report
It is visible in Fig.~ref{ededhe3c} that the missing mass distributions for two
energies have a peak at the $omega$ meson mass 0.7827~GeV/c$^2$, on top of a
continuous background.
The peak positions for two energies are at the correct $omega$ mass, indicating that
the energy reconstruction is done properly.
The background of the missing mass distributions ends at different values because of
the different phase space of the two energies.
The two phase space distributions are useful for systematic studies of the background
subtraction, as discussed in Chapter~ref{ch5}.
The steep rise in both histograms, between 0.60~GeV/c$^2$ and 0.65~GeV/c$^2$, is
due to the combined effect of the double and triple pion production phase spaces (see
% ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The background of the multi pion production is subtracted to extract the $omega$
meson peak, as discussed in the next section.
The $omega$ meson, including all $omega$ decays, is tagged via the missing mass
of the proton, deuteron and $^3$He system, calculated from the $^3$He particles
using Equation~ref{mmeq}.
The missing mass distribution is called inclusive because it represents the missing
mass after
$^3$He selection only which includes all decays of the $omega$ meson.
In order to count the number of $omega$ mesons in the data, the smooth background
from the direct pion production must be subtracted by fitting the spectra.
The Monte Carlo simulated phase spaces of the multi pion production is used to fit
background in the data.


The Onset Of Bulimia Nervosa
The purpose of the study is to identify what may be the onset of bulimia nervosa
and whether or not it is related to a person being subjected to criticism based on
their weight/ shape and eating habits. This is the first of studies that take a look at
a year prior to having bulimia nervosa. This study was conducted through a control
case study which is a study that looks at both a group that does have a disorder and
a group that does not have the disorder. It also determines if a factor affects either of
the groups and how that factor affects it. The study observed three separate group of
women. The women with eating disorders were recruited from eating disorder
treatment settings, which were women who were previously diagnosed with bulimia
nervosa. The healthy women along with women with a psychiatric diagnosis were
recruited from high schools and university campuses. A total of 180 women were
observed. The first group of sixty women was women who had bulimia nervosa
and ranged between the ages of 15 38. The second group, which were the healthy
women, their age ranged from 15 39. The healthy women reported not being
diagnosed with any disorder. The last group of sixty women s ages ranged from 14
38 and they were diagnosed as having psychiatric disorders. The study was done on
all Caucasian women. Women were excluded if they were pregnant, had physical
conditions or psychosis (mental disorder). For the healthy women, they were first
evaluated with the DSM IV to determine no


The Use Of Anticoagulant Therapy And Its Effects On The...
Epistaxis is defined as the occurrence of haemorrhage from the nose, which is
relatively common and does not always need professional medical attention.
However, prolonged or repeated events of nosebleeds, also known as recurrent
idiopathic epistaxis may indicate certain bleeding disorders or potential adverse
effects from the use of anticoagulant therapy. Warfarin (Coumadin) is a common
anticoagulant that affects clotting factors that are produced in the liver. It is often
administered after an myocardial infarction in order to prevent thrombosis and
thromboemobolism which could lead to the development of a stroke, most of which
are ischemic in origin. Despite its effectiveness, warfarin has been implicated in 50 ...
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His laboratory tests showed an abnormal coagulation profile, which is perhaps
attributed to his daily medication regime. Prothrombin time(PT) was significantly
prolonged, whereas partial thromoboplastin time(PTT) was only mildly prolonged.
The tests also revealed a lower than normal haematocrit, that being a direct result of
prolonged bleeding. Also, his stool sample was tested positive for blood.
Homeostasis of Hemostasis
Blood coagulation is the process whereby a blood clot (thrombus) is formed. The
formation of a thrombus represents the second stage of hemostasis, following
vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation at the site of injury. The clotting process is
very complex and its role is to maintain vascular integrity and to induce rapid clot
formation after a vascular injury. It is vital to be able to regulate the production of
thrombin, in order to prevent thrombosis, as well as maintaining normal blood
As shown by figure 1, the coagulation cascade is a protein based system which is
initiated through the activation of two separate pathways designated extrinsic and
intrinsic. These two pathways proceed through the common pathway of coagulation
until fibrin is formed. The extrinsic pathway is generally the first pathway to be
activated, and it is stimulated by tissue factor thromboplastin coming into direct
contact with factor VII. Factor VII is


Intro to Nat Turner
Introduction to Nat Turner
Around 1790, there were 700,000 slaves in the United States. And by 1860, the
number of slaves moved up to 4 million (lecture). The reason why the numbers had
changed so drastically was because of the cotton boom. The cotton growing was
concentrated on plantations rather than the small farms. Around 75% of slaves lived
in groups of around 10 or more slaves, which made changes in the African American
slave communities and culture (lecture). With the slave communities developing,
they were very unstable. Around 1 million slaves migrated from the upper to lower
south, which split the communities and families apart. Since the slave communities
were growing, Southern African American communities were... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
The rate for picking cotton was around 150 pounds per day. The strong hard
working slaves were at least 1 thousand dollars per slave. But because of the hard
working conditions and the poor dieting, the slaves aged faster (lecture). The
African slaves in ways recreated Africa in the New World. Slave owners would help
retain the culture by referring to the slaves by their African origin. Ritual scarring of
African individuals continued to be practiced in America. Religion gives another
window into African slavery. A lot of the families continued to practice various
African religions. Christianity wasn t instructed in the early 18th century because it
was assumed that they were not under control to learn about Christianity. Slaves did
not make a cultural break from their culture but rather merged the culture with new
American and European customs. There was a sense of equality when the blacks
and whites worshiped together. Blacks were actually able to respond to Christianity
with African American roots (lecture). With the slave trade in Africa, African rulers
controlled it. As shown in Sacred Hunger, few European adventurers went inland.
The slave traders holds were referred to factories. During the African slave trade,
Africa was a major market for European goods such as textiles and guns. The slave
trade on the African West coast became central to wealth for the leaders in Africa. The


Foie Gras Ethical Differences
For us to understand foie gras ethicality better, I would like to tell you about the
anatomy of a duck or a goose which will produced for foie gras. The behavior of the
ducks is an intriguing part as their subjected to the foie gras production process. To us
humans the idea of shoving a long plastic tube down into our throat is a rather
uncomfortable one. The most importantly we must not compare the animalsto us, they
have an entirely different bodily functions and anatomy.
First of all let s think about the bird itself. Foie gras is commonly produced from
Moulard ducks. The Moulard are a special breed of which is created by a Muscovie
male and Pekin female. We must compare these different ducks to understand what
production process does to the bird and how it affects it s body. Firstly, let s analyze
the Muscovie duck. The Muscovie breed are especially tough. They are native from
South America. This might let people think that their natural habitat are ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Muscovie ducks have been reported to survive major climate changes and sub zero
conditions. This makes the bird also non migratory. In a farmers point of view this
means that they don t consume as much as migratory birds since they have no need
store excess fat for a long period without food. They are praised for their flavorful and
lean meat. Their sturdy nature and adaptability makes them ideal for farming.
Now about the Pekin. Pekin as the name may implicate are native from China.
They were breeded from wild mallards. Thus, Pekins will have all the natural
instincts of migratory bird. Interestingly, they are very social birds and will often
stand very close to each other, whether they have room to roam about free or not.
The following years specialized breeding have made their wing smaller and their
breasts plumper. Because of the breeding they can no longer fly nor jump very high.
But they still share the same innards and metabolism of an migratory


The Mentality Of Cliques In The Marine Corps
Merriam Webster defines cliques as, A narrow exclusive circle or group of persons
(n.d.). A clique that I was part of while in the Marine Corps was my unit. We were a
small group of individuals who had our focus placed on radio communications, and
were in a shop away from the majority of other units. Part of the mentality of the unit
stemmed from the definition of a clique, because we spent a large majority of our time
together. My unit only included those within the unit when it came to physical
training, regular work tasks, going into the field for training, and activities outside of
work meant to build trust amongst those in the unit.
Overall, the purpose that the clique had, did not always accomplish the overall
purpose to bring the


Carolina Elephant Tokens
Elephant tokens, with their exotic type, have never ceased to fascinate researchers in
Early American coins. This article will bring to the attention of researchers an
overlooked source that may hold the key to the origin of the Carolina elephant
tokens, and to discuss a possible explanation for their existence.
We will begin with a review of the previous research and highlight the findings of
particular importance. Hyman Montagu seems to have been the first to record that
the London elephant tokens according to him, both the GOD PRESERVE
LONDON and the LONDON types appear overstruck on copper halfpence of
Charles II. In U.S. auction catalogs, the first appearance of an Elephant token with a
visible undertype is New Netherlands 60th ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Newman also discussed the different dies in the series. Hodder, when cataloging
the Norweb Collection, identified the dies and assigned them a numbering system.
The London and Carolina and New England reverses are die linked among each
other, as are the two obverse dies. Hodder also noted the variation in the preparation
of the planchets. Out of the eleven coins in the Norweb collection, Hodder identified
four as struck on planchets cut from rolled strip, and five as struck on cast planchets.
Breen, following up on Crosby s observation, noted that there were multiple weight
standards. This article can confirm that there were two weight standards. The
weights of 72 different coins were collected and analyzed in a frequency table. The
result is two peaks: one that corresponds to a light standard of about 143 grains (49
to the pound), and a second to a heavy standard of about 234 grains (30 to the
pound). Breen stated that the coins were struck at five different weight standards: 30,
40, 46, 52 and 60 to the pound; but the evidence currently available does not support
this assertion.
[***Insert Chart around here,


George Orwell s Treatment Of Women In 1984
George Orwell s 1984 written in 1948 displays the dangers of a totalitarian
government through the dystopian society of Oceania set in the year 1984.
Through the eyes of the main character Winston Smith the audience is thrusted into
a world where there is no trust, passion, or a true sense friendship. The land of
Oceania is not every man for himself, but every man for the Party. Through this
same perspective, the social group of women are portrayed in a negative light.
This may be a result of Winston s past experiences with women and the social
conditioning he underwent simply by living within Oceania. Within the first 20
pages of the text it is made obvious to the audience that Winston is not fond of the
female gender, claiming that He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young
and pretty ones describing them as ...the most bigoted adherents of the Party, (10).
Winston even goes as far to describe a twisted fantasy he had in regards to a female
Party member Vivid, beautiful hallucinations flashed through his mind. He would
flog her to death with a rubber... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Big Brother and the Party needed impregnable loyalty so over time they
systematically tore the ties between lovers and family. We [The Party] have cut the
links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and
woman, No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. (267). A
government like Oceania s is dependant on no loyalty, except loyalty toward the
Party so they created a system that creates Party loyalty as the only reliable option.
Winston s life is merely an example of the Party s plan in action. Due to this system
the two main genders were heavily separated creating stigma between the two adding
to why Winston dislikes


Biography of Chinua Achebe
Chinua Achebe: Africa most beloved author
The Prominent Igbo writer, famous for his novels describing the effects of western
customs and values on traditional African society. Achebe s satire and his keen ear
for spoken language have made him one of the most highly esteemed African writers
in English. Chinua Achebe was born in eastern Nigeria on November 16, 1930 Isaiah
and Janet Achebe (Bucker pars.1). Isaiah Okafor Achebe was a catechist for the
Church Missionary Society and his wife to traveled Eastern Nigeria evangelist
before settling in ogidi, Isaiah s ancestral Igbo village, and five years after Chinua
Achebe s birth (Bucker pars 2). Growing up in Ogidi, Achebe he began to learn
English at the age of eight and had contact with ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This helped him master the subtle nuances between written and spoken language, a
skill that helped him later to write realistic dialogue. In 1956, Achebe was chosen
for training in London at a staff school run by the British Broadcast Corporation
(BBC) (Chinua pars 1). His first trip out of Nigeria was to advance his technical
production skill. In the same year Things fall apart was published, Achebe got
promoted at the NBS and put in charge of network s eastern region coverage
(Achebe par 5). He to moved Enugu and began work on his administrative duties. It
was there he met a woman named Christie Okoli, who had grown up in the area
and joined the NBS staff when he arrived (Achebe par 5). They first conversed
when she brought to his attention a pay discrepancy; a friend of hers found that,
although they had been hired simultaneously, Christie had been rated lower and
offered a lower wage (Achebe pars 5). She was sent to the hospital for an
appendectomy soon afterwards, she was pleasantly surprised when Achebe visited
her with gifts and magazines (Achebe pars 6). Achebe and Okoli grew closer in the
following years, and on September 10, 1961 were married in the Chapel of
Resurrection on the campus of the University of Ibadan. Christie Achebe has
described their marriage as one of trust and mutual understanding; some tension arose
early in their union, due to conflicts about


Jp Morgan Chase Essay
I chose JP Morgan Chase because they are one of the oldest leading financial
institutions within the Unites States. Their history dated back to over 200 years. This
financial institution leads global financial services with assets totaling approximately
$2.5 trillion. They have operations in over 60 countries and an estimated 240,000
employees. JP Morgan Chasealso has stocks in one of the components of Dow Jones
(Morgan). JP Morgan Chase s principles are maintained on how they can strengthen,
provide safety, and continue to grow within their industry now and in the future.
Their focus on these principles is what is predicted to be the best and most respected
in the banking industry. JP Morgan Chase has four main areas that they focus their
attention. One area is exceptional client services. Serving clients is JP Morgan Chase
s top priority in which they strive to exceed their expectations through actively
listening to their clients (Morgan). They offer their clients high quality and
competitive product pricing as well as great services. They are also field and client
driven by the financial institution s size, strength, time management that helps them...
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Although the families were reimbursed, JP Morgan Chase failed to protect their
customers and caused itself to have a negative impact on its reputation. Another
weakness is their inadequate IT infrastructure for the use of business operations. I
think that it is common sense for the institution to have used an organization that
specializes in IT, such as IBM or Microsoft. JP Morgan Chase had to cancel its
outsourcing on top of its employees being put on IBM s payroll. The employees
became increasingly upset due to this matter, causing JP Morgan Chase s
productivity to suffer severely when they decided to hire new consultants to take over


A Summary Of Asian American Assimilation
Asian American Assimilation, Incorporation, and Intermarriage Asian immigrants
and their offspring encounter vastly different assimilation experiences in the United
States compared to early European immigrants, mainly due to their non white status
(Portes and Zhou 1993; Neckerman et al. 1999). Portes and Zhou (1993) consider this
racial and phenotypical distinctiveness of post 1965 immigrants in the segmented
assimilation theory, which provides three possible paths of integration for immigrants
straight line, selective, and downward assimilation. Most Asian immigrants and their
children experience selective assimilation, where they achieve rapid socioeconomic
mobility while holding onto ethnic and immigrant community values and solidarity.
The scholarly merits and scientific contributions of the segmented assimilation theory
in explaining differing integration patterns of the new immigrants of post 1965
Immigration and Naturalization Act cannot be understated. Nonetheless, Portes and
Zhou do not directly address the role of intra Asian diversity in diverging paths of
assimilation. Rather, they simply state that children of nonwhite immigrants may not
even have the opportunity of gaining access to middle class white society, no matter
how acculturated they become (Portes and Zhou 1993, p.96). Moreover, they
emphasized the role of co ethnic communities in dealing with blocked mobility as
well as racial and ethnic discrimination and prejudice. However, more recent research


Discuss The Problems Edward Faced During The Reign Of...
How effectively did Edward deal with the problems he faced during the first part of
his reign, 1042 1053?
When Edward came into power in 1042, England was in a poor state financially
and also because of threats of an invasion and this made the first few years of his
rule difficult. Edward was faced with many problems which he had to overcome.
These problems involved; powerful Earls, (especially the Godwine s), the foreign
policy and the domestic policy. Edward both failed and succeeded in these problems
due to a number of factors. These include a lack of knowledge about his kingdom
and some may argue that he was naГЇve in his decisions. With some evaluation, we
will be able to judge if Edward was a successful King or not.
One of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By 1051, Edward had managed to appoint Normans as bishops, and eventually half
were filled by Englishmen and the other half by Normans and other foreigners;
Godwine and English Earls hated this. In 1050, the Archbishop of Canterbury died
and instead of Godwine s relative Aelfric being appointed, he made Robert of
Jumieges Archbishop instead. The witans supported this decision, this may have
been because Godwine was in such a strong position that the other Earls were
jealous. So overall,Edward had not been a complete success with regards to gaining
power over Godwine as he hadn t managed to appoint all the positions to Normans
and only got one up on Godwine when appointing archbishop as there was rivalry
between the Earls.
However, even though Edward had got one up on Godwine, Godwine was still
responsible for the murder of his brother Alfred. Godwine had arrested Alfred and
killed some of his followers, he was then taken out of Godwine s hands and but on
board a ship where soon afterwards he soon died. In 1046, Godwin s eldest son
Sweyn abducted a nun and used her as a sex slave, when this was put to light he
was sent into exile to Flaunders and Denmark and his land was shared between his
brother Harold and his cousin Beorn. As Godwine was unable to prevent this, its
shows how King


The Solubility And Temperature Of Ammonium Nitrate
The Solubility and Temperature Experiment was performed to find the relationship
between the solubility and temperature of Potassium Nitrate. This experiment was
done to analyze the effect if water temperature on the amount of dissolved phosphates
and nitrates in solution, which are two major pollutants that cause fish death. Below
is the results of the experiment. Test Tube Mass (g)
Temperature of Crystallization (В°C)
76.5 Based on the data, solubility of Potassium Nitrate and temperature are directly
proportional. This is indicated in the results of the experiment because as the amount
of solute in the solution increases, the solubility of the solution increases. As the
solubility increases, the temperature also increases, meaning that the relationship is
directly proportional. Most of the fish death occurred in the month of December,
when water temperature was relatively cold compared to other months in the year.
Because it was experimentally determined that solubility and temperature is directly
proportional, if the water temperature is low, this means that the solubility is also
low. By analyzing the solubility curves of Ammonium Nitrate and Ammonium
Phosphate, it can be concluded that enough Ammonium Nitrate or Ammonium
Phosphate can be dissolved in the river water during December that would be
dangerous to the fish.
However, by looking at the data of the Nitrate and Phosphate Concentrations in the
White River during the First 16


Themes In The Rape Of Lucrece
In The Rape of Lucrece, there is one theme throughout the poem, and that is to
conquer. The themes of war, violence, and the evidence of Tarquin s sexual
conquest remain constant. However, this is present specifically with the physical
rape of Lucrece itself and the parading of her body around Rome after her death. The
constant air of sex and power dominates this poem. Lucrece is used as a political
symbol that must be conquered throughout the entirety of the reading. The Rape of
Lucrecedisplays the idea of male dominance and female silence in Tarquin s
powerful rage and Lucrece s ability to be dominated.
In the time of the Renaissance society, men often held positions of power over
women. Women were not seen as having an independent voice, as they were often
seen as property of their fathers before they were married. In The Rape of Lucrece,
Tarquin is able to control Lucrece and silence her. The physical act of raping her is
able to dominate her physically and emotionally, and that is what remains constant
throughout this poem. If Lucrece has anything, it is her chastity which holds great
power, and that is stolen from her in such a grotesque way.
However, before the physical act can occur there are several obstacles that must be
conquered before Lucrece herself can be taken. This adds to the idea constant idea
of war and power through conquest. The locks between her chamber and his will,
each one by him enforced, retired his ward; But as they open they all rate his ill.
Which drives the creeping thief to some regard. The threshold grates the door to
have him heard (302 306). This scene is the first obstacle that must be overcome in
the attempt to proceed with his final act. The locks to her door are squeaky as they
open, threatening to reveal Tarquin. The threshold rubs against the opening of the
door, also attempting to make his presence known. Through little vents and crannies
of the place the wind wars with his torch to make him stay, and blows the smoke of
it into his face (310 312). Here, a second challenge is presented. His torch is
extinguished, which will make him unable to see in the dark night, but he moves
forward, determined to conquer each of these new obstacles.


Rh-Null Syndrome
There are several genetic variants that give rise to rare D phenotypes. The Rh null
syndrome (also called Rh deficiency syndrome) is the result of a mutation that results
in a lack of all Rh antigens. Since these antigens function to maintain the RBC
membrane, individuals with this syndrome have abnormally shaped RBCs, leaving
them at risk for hemolytic anemia. Rh null patients are capable of forming antibodies
to Rh antigens that can cause transfusion reactions; therefore they must receive blood
from other Rh null individuals.
Individuals having the weak D phenotype (Du) have low levels of expression of the
D antigen. This phenotype is the result of an amino acid substitution that affects the
insertion of the protein into the RBC membrane. However, all epitopes are present,
so these individuals are not in danger of antibody formation following transfusion
with D positive blood. In contrast, in persons having the partial D phenotype, a
hybrid protein that lacks several epitopes is produced. Therefore, if those having the
partial D phenotype receive D positive blood, they may produce an immune response
to the missing epitope, causing a transfusion reaction.
Testing for ABO and D Antigens and Antibodies
Determination of an individual s blood type is use for forensic, paternity, blood
donations and clinical purposes. ABO typing ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In a labeled glass tube, two drops of the suspension are mixed with one drop each
of commercially prepared anti A, anti B and anti D. After mixing, the tubes are
centrifuges at low speed in a serofuge, the tubes are gently rocked/shaken so that
the fluid flows across the pelleted RBCs. The pellet is observed carefully for
agglutination using a magnified mirror. The reverse typing is accomplished in the
same manner using two drops of patient serum and one drop of commercially
prepared A1 cells and B cells. Figure 3 shows the criteria used for macroscopic
grading of agglutination


Iron Jawed Angels
Title: Summary, Reaction, and Analysis Paper #1: Iron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed
Angels is a story of two women fighting for women s rights. They led the struggle for
the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution which gave women the right to
vote. These two women along with others petitioned, campaigned, and picketed to
publicize the issue. After being arrested for traffic violations a group of women spent
time in Occoquan Workhouse. Here they went on a hunger strike to protest being
imprisoned for demanding equal voting rights. After not eating the prisoners had to
be force fed, here they earned the nickname iron jawed angels. This became a
headline in the news and ultimately forced Woodrow Wilson, the president, to... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By women achieving more freedom and rights their views, their opinions, and
ideas can be expressed. It is more acceptable for women to in general have an
opinion after the 19th amendment was passed. Iron Jawed Angels, an inspirational
story that withholds perhaps one of the most important movements in time. Until I
viewed this movie I did not fully comprehend the depths of the struggles of the
woman s suffrage movement. This movie contains a powerful message about what
women can do using their rights and skills in organizational leadership.
Determination which one woman carried, and many supported allowed a national
change to take place. Before watching this movie I had heard of Susan B. Anthony,
but never of Alice Paul or the other suffragists. I also never realized how hard it
was for a woman to get ready; we take our pre bought makeup for much granted.
The parade that takes place is an extremely important event. It shows the many
different types of women and how far they ve come. It also shows how many
people were interested in the topic that no one showed up to the see Woodrow
Wilson, because everyone was at the parade. Not alone his lack of knowledge of the
subject, since he himself did not attend. It shows the intense anger that people felt
against this issue, and how the government failed to offer protection during the
parade; that men were


The Concept Of Jesus Being Fully Man
The concept of Jesus being fully man but also fully God at the same time has been
debated amongst scholars, both Christians and non Christians alike for centuries. The
doctrine and study surrounding the person of Jesus is known as Christology, and
after extensive and often hostile debates the Church gave a concluding definition of
its Christology in 451 CE at the Council of Chalcedon. It was stated that they
affirmed the belief in Jesus Christ as one Person in two natures, which are united
without confusion. The early church was adamant that the Incarnation was one of the
most important truths of the Christian faith.
Maurice Wiles, an Oxford patristic scholar summarised the Chalcedons s aims as
On the other hand was the conviction that a saviour must be fully divine; on the other
hand was the conviction that what is not assumed is not healed. Or, to put the matter
in other words, the source of salvation must be God; the locus of salvation must be
humanity. It is quite clear that these two principles often pulled in opposite
directions. The Council of Chalcedon was the church s attempt to resolve, or
perhaps rather to agree to live with, that tension. This essay will examine and
critically analyse this stance alongside answering the question of would it matter if
Jesus were not fully God and fully human? Five specific points will be looked at;
Jesus is God, Jesus is man, Jesus is a sinless man, Jesus will be fully God and man
forever, and


The Power Of Isis Through Social Media Essay
The Power of ISIS Through Social Media As social media has become more
prevalent in our society, terrorist groups, such as ISIS, presence through platforms
such as Twitter or Facebook has increased as well. Over 46,000 accounts on Twitter
were ISIS supporters as of 2015 (Merchant). These type of extremist accounts
target users by promoting the dignifying aspect of ISIS instead of the gory details
about their jihadist culture. This strategy is very effective on younger generations
who appeal to the struggle of the messages displayed by the Islamic State. Since
social media apps such as, Twitter or Facebook, are so accessible, these terrorist
organizations have an even easier time taking advantage of the opportunity
propagated by the companies. Social Media provides an outlet for terrorist groups
because it gives them a medium to recruit people worldwide and implements and
system where they can become untraceable. ISIS is constantly changing but, the
surplus of western recruits ISIS has access to through social media is constant.
Most terrorist groups only have a small effect on social media, while ISIS
...execution videos received tens of thousands of views within hours of going
online (Hong). These amounts of views are what give ISIS the power to spread
their message to vulnerable minds in the West. Youtube provides a great outlet for
ISIS s videos, especially since they are worldwide. On the other hand, terrorist
organizations like Al Qaeda, who was mostly silenced by


Informative Speech About Movie Theatre
Have you ever thought about your experience at a movie theatre? Like really
thought about it, broken it down? Well that s what we re going to do as I talk to
you about Musicals. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in
musicals. It s a big passion and love of mine. I even broke my Scooby Doo umbrella
while watching Mary Poppins when I was 4 because I have put too many stuffed
animals underneath it and was leaning into it too much. :)
Musicals are becoming more and more popular again, whether you may have
realized it or not they are and effect all of us. La La Land, which came out last year
in 2016, was a musical, and ended up doing better than many people probably
Musicals are timeless. They will never go away, ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
While you ponder that I m going to end by sharing some of the Top Musicals of All
Time Current Ones. The variety of musicals that either went from screen to stage
or stage to screen is amazing. Author Michael Hoffman explains in his article titled,
The Musical Film Genre: Capturing the Magic of the Stage on the Screen , that
throughout the 1960s, the adaptation for stage material for screen remained a
popular trend in Hollywood due to its success . West Side Story (1961), My Fair
Lady (1964), The Sound of Music (1965), and Oliver! (1968) were all adapted
from Broadway hits and each won the Academy award for Best Picture. According
to newworldencyclopedia.org, Rodgers and Hammerstein s Oklahoma! Was the
first blockbuster Broadway show in the 1940s. They also created famous classics like
Carousel (1945), South Pacific (1949), The King and I (1951), and The Sound of
Music (1959). Classics like these will never get old., they will always be in theatre
history and be remembered as some of the greats. As the rise of musicals is taking
off again you may recognize some of these titles. Have any of you seen the movie
Anastasia? According to ibdb.com, Internet Broadway Database, it is one of the
newest Broadway shows right now, it first previewed on March 23, 2017 and has
had 224 performances since. In August 2015, Hamilton, An American Musical, was
released and became a huge hit winning the 2016 Tony Award for Best Musical and


Persuasive Essay For The Best Summer Wedding
The Best Summer Wedding Outfits for Guests in 2017
Who doesn t enjoy a good wedding? Love is in the air, everyone is upbeat and
happy because they re celebrating the ultimate display of commitment. Whether you
are single and looking to mingle, hoping for a proposal soon, or you re already
married it s a special day that you want to look your absolute best for. There are so
many styles out there, though, it s difficult to know where to start the search for the
ultimate outfit. Let us help you out.
Maxi Dresses
There s nothing quite like a floral maxi dress to capture summer, stay cool and
comfortable and look stunning. Go for the black floral print to be the best dressed
wedding guest of 2017.
Jacquard Dress
The beauty of this style is that it is dressy enough for a wedding, but casual enough
to wear again and again. Choose a bright colour to capture the summer and pair with
even brighter jewellery to take it to the next level.
Stretch Cotton Dress
It s a comfortable fit and comes in plenty of beautiful floral prints, and like the
Jacquard Dress it s an excellent option for a plethora of occasions.
The Backless Maxi
Yes, there is more than one type of maxi dressand opting for a backless number with
a front slit is the optimum way to capture a flirty style that is sure to turn heads
(without distracting from the bride too much).
Gingham Print
Is it back? Or did it ever really go away? This summer is all about gingham, so why
not opt for a graphic print dress!


Comparing The Characters Of Adaline And Dog
Main Characters The main characters are Adaline and Dog. Adaline is a young
woman who is half Arapaho and half white. Adaline is brave and very adventurous.
She knows a lot about Arapaho customs and is fine being alone. Dog is Adaline s
companion. He is faithful,loyal, and trustworthy. On the other hand Adeline says
he is very ugly and sneezes too much. Setting This story takes place in the end of
the 1800 s in the midwest. Much of the story take place in Adaline s aunt Opal s
house. Adaline often stayed in the back of the kitchen where the slave lived.
Another important place in the story was the wilderness. Adaline and Dog started
in a canoe on the Mississippi river. When they lost their canoe they walked to a
steamboat on the great Missouri River. Summary What I will start with, with my
summary a girl name Adaline,when her Ma died her Pa Kit Carson took her to live
with her aunt,uncle,cousin Opal,cousin Silas,and a slave named Caddie. Before
Adaline s Ma died she gave her a ma doll.It is a doll that when Adaline needs her Ma
she can talk to her throught it,Her Pa has to leave Adaline behind... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her aunt and uncle did not know she was half Indian ,so they are very angry about
it. They take away her Indian clothes and make her wear slave clothes instead.
They are very mean to her like demanding her to do things like a slave and treating
like she is very stupid. They always refer to her as a dumb injun or a half breed.
During her time with them she chose not to speak at all too. Adaline gets fed up
with this nonsense and decides to run away to St.Louis where she hopes to find
her Pa. On the way she finds Dog. She definitely knows she is NOT keeping the
dog but during the adventure dog is really helpful. Dog helps her by keeping her
warm at night. helps find a canoe and keeps her safe when she has a fever. He stays
with her until she gets to St.louis and finds her


The Marketing Of Evian Mineral Waters
This is a world of advertising. The commercials that one sees on T.V. are made to
grab their attention and sale them information on a product or service. T.V.
commercials have a broad reach. Most commercials can reach seventy percent of
the national population in a day. This means most people watching T.V. will see ads
about food, toys and even water. and they will immediately want the product they
see on T.V. In the case of Evian Mineral Waters commercial Spiderman: The
Amazing Baby Me, the company is targeting younger viewers and others who are
interested in Spiderman. The ad shows viewers Spiderman seeing him younger self in
a window.
The character seeing his younger self points to the water having rejuvenating
properties, and if they can get people to view it, they will see a flash of the
companies product, enticing them to go buy the product and live younger. I believe
this ad to be an accurate portrayal of the companies product.. Evian Mineral Waters is
a company that produces some of the best bottled water. It is owned by Danone Water
company which was established in 1972. The product that Evian markets is a
bottled water that is said to be the best in the world. Evian s source for water is
Source Cachat where the water rises up out of a passage in the mountain at fifty two
degrees fahrenheit. The source is bolstered from the snow soften and rain that
channels from the Vinzier Level, in excess of fifteen years, through icy sand. The
frigid sand is encompassed by


Activities In Delaware
What kinds of outdoor activities are available to teens in Delaware? Well let me
tell you that there are multiple activities for a teenager to get involved in. There
are programs to get involved in, volunteering opportunities and educational
opportunities for them to partake in. Teens should be going out for some of these
activities so they can grow and learn from these experiences. Some of these
activities include FFA, 4 H, YMCA of Delaware, summer camps, boy scouts, and
State Parks. FFA stands for Future Farmers of America and is not just for students
that want to be farmers it is open to anyone. It helps by providing a path to achieve
leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. 4 H
is a program that you can get involved in that is available at places like in your
school, at camp, in your community or at the University of Delaware. It provides
the opportunity for students to get exposed to many different careers and get to
learn new skills that they can use in life. Some examples are growing and taking care
of animals or plants and a skill is getting to practice cooking. YMCA of Delaware is a
place where you can go to learn how to swim and can go through experiences that...
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The pond was created in the late 1700s as a source of power for the harvest of
baldcypress from the area. Later in the 1930s the Federal Government purchased
the pond and surrounding farmland and the Civilian Conservation Corps used the
area for recreation. Trap Pond became one of Delaware s first state parks in 1951.
At Trap Pond visitors get to see natural beauty in the wetland forest, can see animals
and there are hiking trails that surround the pond. So there are different things you
can do at Trap Pond from hiking to bird watching to


Comparing Two Different Types Of English Riding
In the competitive world of horseback riding, there are two distinct styles: english
and western. Even though both sports require a horse, there are differences in the
equipment you ride in, the type of horse, and the basics of the sport.
The first difference is the type of equipment used in the sport. When riding, you
use a saddle of course, but saddles are made a hundred different ways for certain
types of activity. For example, the saddle you use. For a barrel racer, which is
western, the saddle you use has a longer horn for the ability to grab it when turning
the barrels. The saddle is also heavier and thicker so it allows the barrel racer to sit
deep in the seat when going fast. For a jumper, which is english riding, the saddle
has no horn and is extremely light. The saddle is so light because the horse can jump
higher and the only weight that needs to be on the horse is the rider itself. ... Show
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Different breeds of horses have different body structures, different speeds, and
different temperaments that fit with the sport they are used in. In all western
sports quarter horses are mainly used even though other types are used. Quarter
horses are usually short and have very muscular hindquarters and they also have
the ability to reach top speed at a quarter of a mile, hence the name quarter horse .
Western sports are timed events but the fastest time wins, which is why this short
and fast little horse is used primarily in the western world of horseback riding. If
you attend any english riding sport, the horses you see are usually tall. For example
you wouldn t see a short quarter horse in the jumping arena trying to jump the high
jumps. Thoroughbreds are a common breed spotted in the english arena because of
their build. They are quite tall and that also allows them to be used in racing because
of their high


Korean Pop
Korea had become trendy because it provided what the youth wanted throughout the
region. The phenomenon can be partially explained by noting how Korean popular
culture catapulted forward during the 1990s, leaving much of Asia behind as it
abandoned conservatism and censorship, diversifying, appropriating, absorbing and
innovating. In its fusions, it created an Asian equivalent of European and American
pop. Japanese pop, of course, had long had this function throughout the region, but
the 1990s was a time for re examining the Pacific War s legacy, and Korea offered a
less tainted alternative to Japan. Keith Howard Background of the StudyThe global
world widely perceives modern mass media. With the recent technology... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fandoms are usually implied to be those crazy, raving fans, mostly female ones,
who always stalk (in Korean pop vocabulary, *spazz) their Korean pop idols. They
are usually thought of as obsessive, brainless and foolish people. People who
criticize them just do not know how passionate these fandoms are. Although they
are known for showing their support through watching their Korean pop idols and
buying Korean pop merchandise, they go beyond than that; these fandoms also
organize parties and charitable events to help the needy and at the same time, to
mingle with their fellow KPop fans. Through this, it can be observed that Filipinos
form these groups so that they can socialize with other people who also have the
same inclinations, as demonstrated by the subculture of KPop fans, in the
country, flamed by activities of fandoms. More than a recreation and hobby, for
KPop fans, it is their happiness and fulfillment to support their idols. Through a
brief research, it has been observed that the Korean wave is popular among many
Filipino teenagers because it offers a fresh cultural aspect, encourages self
expression and serves as a psychological and social urgency. Significance of the
Study This study was done primarily because of the researcher s own interest in the
subject matter. She was surprised to observe that the Korean Wave already
established its name globally for only a short span of time. While she has her
personal views and


Wind Vs. Dirt By Birdbrain Science
Weathering and Erosion
First, wind is a very powerful thing that can carry sediments. Wind can even break
down trees! According to the article Wind vs Dirt by Birdbrain Science it states
This is the wind blowing a little bit of sand. Sandstorms happen when the wind
carries lots of sand into the air and whips it across the desert. To explain, wind can
create storms with sand and other sediments. Sandstorms are like tornadoes of
sand it s dangerous to be near them. In the article Wind vs Dirt by Birdbrain
Science it states Dust storms happen when the earth gets very dry and wind carries
a lot of dust into the air. The dirt can get in people s eyes and mouths, and it can kill
crops. This means that, wind can be very dangerous not only to the areas it affects
but the people in that area. According to, BirdBrain Science, Wind is usually the one
thing that causes weathering. It starts to break apart rocks and chip. Wind is strong
enough to smash rocks up against other rocks.That is why wind is a very powerful
Secondly, ice can change the earth by, getting water... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
When I observed the stream table I noticed that, the water was moving the sediments
so powerful and it made a deep path through the sediments.To explain, the water was
powerful enough to move something in seconds while for most children, it takes
minutes to even make a distinguished hole in the sand. Also, in the stream table I
observed that, the water created a small delta in the stream .This means, that even in
a small classroom experiment it created a small version of a landform.Adding on, in
my stream table observations I also noticed that even though there wasn t much water
so much happened with the sediments.To explain, when Mrs.Rodis poured the water
at first it was a very small amount but it impacted the sediments so fast.Water is a
very powerful resource it can impact through both weathering and


Examples Of Alienation In The Thin Red Line
For instance in James Jones s novel The Thin Red Line (1962), the inhuman and
brutal acts , such as the disinterring of a Japanese corpse for fun, the extraction of
their corpses gold teeth, and the summary execution of Japanese prisoners, all of
these explore the idea that each soldier suffers the emotional and physical
predicament of war by himself. However, some readers will be grateful to an author
who has honestly attempted to tell the truth in his own artistic way. One such person
was Romain Gary who expressed his appreciation of the novelin his April 22, 1962,
letter to Jones.
The Thin Red Line, the line between man and beast, so easily crossed, is a realistic
fable, symbolic without symbols, mythological and yet completely factual, a sort of
Moby Dick without the white whale, deeply philosophical without any
philosophizing whatsoever. . . . The book belongs to that vein of poetical realism
which is the rarest and to me the most precious thing in the whole history of the
novel , it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Wright has exposed the human predicaments of his individualism through his
characters with their sufferings that they underwent due to their color, as well as
he exposed the reality by bringing out the hidden pain of the blacks. The effects of
alienation in a society can be noted through the novels of Wright such as, Black
Boy and Native Son. In the novel Black Boy, Richard Wright had a constant feeling
of alienation. Richard expresses his physical or emotional hunger, his disagreements
with injustice, or his unwillingness to conform, he always felt this way. Racism
plays a strong role in Wright s Black Boy, due to the fact that this thought was very
popular in this time period. Richard struggled to liberate himself from the alienation
of white people and the working system because it was strongly looked down upon
by whites and


Essay About Peace In Cologeria
Given the tumultuous political environment in Colombia during this period, it may
come as a surprise that a third round of peace talks commenced in 1998. The FARC,
having reached its peak during this time, was waging an all out insurgency against
the state. The push for peace came at the behest of the citizenry rather than the state.
In a strong display of unity, 10 million Colombians voted to for the Mandate of
Peace in October of 1997 in a popular vote. Thus the governmentunder the Pastrana
administration initiated peace negotiations amidst a brutal warwith the FARC.
President Pastrana took office under the promise of implementing two initiatives: the
first was to negotiate with the guerrillas and paramilitaries in an effort to... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through the public hearings, 25,000 delegates participated in presenting various
proposals for peace. This process was also unique in that various international actors,
including European, Latin American, and Canadian governments as well as
representatives from the United Nations, participated either directly or indirectly.
U.S. support for the negotiations was weakened, however, by the fact that the FARC
had recently abducted and killed three American activists. This had the effect of
weakening the overall peace process. Nonetheless, the third peace process had begun.
The agenda for negotiation in May of 1999 included a variety of different topics,
focusing on 12 main issues and 48 sub issues. These issues included: human rights,
agrarian policy (the distribution of lands bought with drug money and the substitution
of illicit crops), natural resources, the revision of the economic and social
development model, reform of the Justice system and the state, accords on
International Humanitarian Law (IHL), the redefinition of the peace time role of the
armed forces, and international agreements and the democratic mechanisms
legitimizing these. Efforts were made on behalf of both parties to build confidence.
Among these efforts was the initiation of ceasefires during Christmas and the New
Year in 1999/2000. It is important to note that, though each side was continuing in the
peace process, there was no overarching


Brat Camp Case Study
James (18) was one of our few self referred clients that have come through the
program. His mother called our admissions team and reported that James was
suffering from depression since his father had passed away last year. James and his
father had a very distant relationship anyway and spent very little time together
since his parents separated when he was 8. James wanted to attend the program
after seeing an episode of Brat Camp saying that he would find it beneficial as long as
the program was not a boot camp.
James was positive and a big thinker during the program. He wanted to hike very
far distances in the beginning so that he could get back into shape as he is a black
belt in karate but has not attended training for over a year. After a long hike James
was frustrated with the program leaders saying they were ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
He mentioned that his sister and mother were to blame for most problems since they
made him feel like he couldn t live in his own house.
The program leaders connected with James large scale thinking but worried that he
missed the smaller picture at times. During a day hike up a mountain three wedge
tail eagles flew over the group causing the group to stop and gasp in wonder. James
huffed and said, Oh what s the point?!
As the trip continued, James began to further connect with the program leaders
and asked about the things he could do at home to help bring in the peace. James
was a gifted storyteller and enjoyed writing about how he sees the world a bit
differently than those around him. He asked about meditation as a spiritual practice
and said that he wanted to feel more centred and less burdened by the scale of
everything in his life. This was especially important to him as he prepared to begin a
psychology degree at university.
Community Service


Restoration Of Restoration And Conservation
Everyday, our history and the visions of artists are threatened by time. Left alone,
paint will fade, old buildings will fall and the history associated with them will
perish. As time goes by the need to preserve and restore this history becomes
increasingly important. Generations to come should not have to miss out on these
priceless pieces of history simply because these artifacts were left in ruin. When it
comes to cleaning and restoring historic art, there is always the risk of altering the
work from its original state or even worse, ruining it beyond repair; yet time and the
elements put these masterpieces at risk every day. Action must be taken in order to
preserve our history. The need for restoration and conservation is strong, however, the
results of restoring works of art history can come with heavy criticism. The team
selected to restore the Sistine chapel ceiling, between 1980 and 1999 (Beck pg. 64),
very well know this to be true. Before moving into the controversy surrounding the
cleaning of the Sistine chapelceiling, it is imperative to understand the origin of this
grand work of art. During the fifteenth century, the location of the Pope s Roman
residence had moved from the Lateran Palace to the Vatican. Sometime after this
transition occurred, Pope Sixtus IV of the Della Rovere family erected several new
structures, including a new papal chapel that was named the Sistine. In 1503 when
Giuliano Della Rovere, better known as Julius II, became Pope, he


The Consequences Of The National Debt
If there is one thing that is known about the national debt, it is that it goes hand in
hand with Millennials. It is a shame to think that our country s debt will be forced
onto the younger generation, and we will ultimately be the ones who have to fix the
situation or deal with the consequences. To be clear, the term millennial usually
refers to someone who is in the 18 to 34 age bracket. Millennials are also the first
generation after the baby boomers. We are now facing a time when the national debtis
growing faster than the American population, and this affects everyone.
To put this into perspective, the national debt crisis will have some effect on most
college students. Young adults who are trying to find their first job and begin their


Essay on Comparison of Jackson s Short Story The Lottery...
Almost every person in the world holds a set of traditions which have been
established and practiced for a long period of time. However, some traditions often
cause us to not see the rationality despite of the destructive nature it may have. In
Shirley Jackson s short story, The Lottery , a sacrifice of one s life becomes the
jackpot of an annual event held in a small town. This society s traditions have caused
the people to do away with their rational thoughts and the values of their lives as they
have become so stuck in their own cultural beliefs.
In the short story, The Lottery , Jackson s use of symbols reveals a twisting plot that
isn t recognizable until nearly at the end of the story. Her use of third person point of
view is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Here in this village, the lottery only takes about two hours with the 300 residents that
currently live there. In some towns, the lottery takes nearly two days and must be
started on the 26th. Jackson writes it could begin at ten o clock in the morning and
still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner (156). This
states that they want to get this completed so they can return home with their families
and have a family lunch. Relaying no emotion to the fact that death is the outcome of
this whole ordeal.
In the film The Lottery the setting is more modern and appears to be in the 1960 s
even. You are able to identify this due to the articles of clothing they possess, the
way the towns people do their hair and make up in some sort. Another clue is the
shops out front of the town square, compared to the short story; it was led to
believe as if none of that had come into place at the time. Also the area seems to be
more industrialized than a rural town would be i.e. automobiles. It is never clear as
to what day it may be until the characters give dialogue of the other towns having to
start the lottery a day ahead June 27th. The town s people seem to have much more
concern and empathy in the film rather than the short story because of the emphasis
they put on the characters faces and their dialogue. Mrs. Hutchinson when called out
as the winner of


The Setting in Hound of the Baskervilles and The
The Setting in Hound of the Baskervilles and The Signalman
The Hound of the Baskervilles was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1902
carrying the genre of a horror story, whilst The Signalman was written by Charles
Dickens in 1860, carrying the genre of a ghost story.
Both writers use the same type of setting throughout the novels which is dismal,
shadowy and perspirating.
At the time when both novels were written, the readers who read both of the novels
believed that ghosts and huge hounds which prowled moonless, glum heaths actually
existed. This had a greater effect on the reader in the late nineteenth to the early
twentieth century than it does today because not many people living ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Grimpen Mire is a place where A false step yonder means death to man or beast
compared to The Signalman which is set in the same place the whole way through
the text. This leads the reader to think that the writer has created a character which
is lonely and therefore might be going mad as a consequence. The Signalman is a
partially gothic tale which deals with strange, ghostly appearances whilst the main
body of the story is being narrated by the traveller who is involved by Dickens only
tell the reader the story by questioning the signalman the whole way through which is
the only purpose for the traveller being there.
The three main settings in The Hound of the Baskervilles are Baker Street which is
Sherlock Holmes place of residence, Dartmoor and Baskerville Hall whereas in The
Signalman the main setting is the signal box and the entrance to the tunnel. The
writers don t seem to vary the settings in both novels which convey to the reader that
the writer is keeping the setting in the same place so that the reader gets to know the
characteristics of the setting in detail.
Conan Doyle s creation of Sherlock Holmes is very important to the detective horror
story genre because he satisfies most readers in terms of the personality of Sherlock
Holmes by the way that he is a brilliant


The 10 Stages Of Production For Gap Inc. Jeans
Figure 1 demonstrates the 10 stages of production for Gap Inc. Jeans, from the raw
material all the way through to the consumer as an end product. The first stage is
the supply chain for the production of jeans is to source cotton. Gap has a
sustainability and environmental issue when sourcing cotton. Gap Inc. scored a
0.5 out of a scale of 0 to 19.5 on cotton ranking, conducted by Rank a Brand. Which
assessed their cotton policy, sourcing and traceability based on publicly available
information . Besides the sustainability concern, gap has an environmental issue.
Sourcing unstainable cotton uses a tremendous amount of water, as It takes more
than 5,000 gallons of water to make enough cotton for just a T shirt and a pair of
jeans . It is also unclear to the consumer in which countries the cotton is sourced.
As some countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan tend to be much more risk
prone for child labor, during the cotton picking season. The second stage of the
production for GAP is the weaving of the fabric. Gap does not provide any public
information on which weaving mills they use or where these mills are located
geographically. From a SEERS point of view this is a responsibility issue. Because
Gap should be able to release this information to the public. So that the consumers can
be assured that there are no social issues within the supply chain. The third stage of
production otherwise known as tier 2 suppliers has four connections for making the
jeans. These consist


Bat Vs Wood Bat Essay
What if Major League Baseball (MLB) used aluminum bats instead of wood bats?
Would the type of bat change the game? Would it affect the safety of the players?
MLB will most likely never use aluminum bats for several reasons, but three that
stand out are the increased batter performance, the safety to the players, and the
durability of the bats.
When the NCAA approved the use of aluminum bats by college baseball, team batting
averages increased by 20% and home runs close to doubled. In 2009, the statistics
of college baseball showed that runs batted in (RBIs) increased by 14% and the
home run rate increased by 38% when using aluminum bats. When a ball is hit with
a wood bat it compresses to nearly half of its original diameter and loses up to 75%
of its initial energy. However, when an aluminum bat strikes a ball it essentially has
the opposite effect. The energy is stored inside the barrel of the aluminum bat and is
then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even today, people continue to argue that aluminum bats are safer than wood bats
even with scientific studies proving this argument false. Yes wood bats can break
and potentially injure someone, but aluminum bats can be much more dangerous
because of the speed at which the ball leaves the bat. For instance, when a ball is
pitched at 90 mph, it comes off the bat at 108 mph reaching the pitcher s mound in
.375 seconds. With pitchers throwing at speeds up to 100 mph, the pitcher only has
0.030 seconds or less to react to a ball coming straight back at them. According to
studies, it takes a person 0.095 seconds to blink an eye; this proves it s impossible
for a pitcher to react to the potential speed of a ball being hit by an aluminum bat.
This could lead to horrific injuries such as fractured skulls, broken jaws, comas, and
even death. In 2009, 108,976 baseball players were reported hospitalized due to
injuries related to the use of aluminum


Oral Piercings And Its Effects
Oral piercings have become more and more popular among the past couple of
decades, especially with younger groups of people.1 They get these piercings
because they think it will make them more popular in their social groups or because
they think it looks good to get their tongue or lip pierced.2 Years ago, people got
piercings because of their certain religious practices or different ethnic groups, but
today oral piercings are becoming increasingly popular with the general population
regardless of their cultural beliefs.3 The most common places to get piercings in the
mouthare the tongueand the lips.4 Over the years, though, the tongue has become
very popular.3 With piercings becoming more prevalent, research is finding that
there and many complications and risk factors involved. One of the risk factors
from getting an oral piercing is infective endocarditis. This is especially significant
for someone who has heart disease because he is more prone to getting infections.5
Furthermore, Oral piercings are not to be considered a simple procedure that can be
done by anyone, they should actually be considered a surgery that is to be done by
professionals because of the complications that can arise from them.6 Some of the
early complications from getting oral piercings include pain, swelling of the piercing
site, bleeding, and infections.7 Following, late complications consist of localized
periodontitis, irreversible gingival recession, fractured or chipped teeth, and difficulty


United States Involvement In WWII
Despite the disadvantageous effects of Japanese s surprise attack, this event directly
correlates with the United States involvement in World War II, in turn, providing a
strong contributing arm to the Allied forces. Although the war began with Nazi
Germany s attack on Poland in September 1939, the United Statesdid not enter the
war until 1941, after the Japanese bombed the American army fleet in Pearl Harbor
(Tames, 2006, 28). Conversely, President Franklin D. Rooseveltworked hard to
prepare Americans for a conflict, which he regarded as inevitable, before formally
being involved. (Tames, 2006, 28). The Japanese believed that a surprise attack
would eliminate America from joining the war, the attack had been rehearsed for a
year, practising on a model mock up until they... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The sleeping giant had been awoken, and in America, a sense of fury now
accompanied the mobilisation for war of the world s most powerful economy
(History.co Staff, 2015). The losses at Pearl Harbor would soon be more than
made good, and used to take a terrible vengeance on Japan (History.co Staff, 2015).
Japan failed to destroy America s aircraft carriers, this soon became an error the
nation would pay for (Bard, 2004, 133). The United States rallied their forces and
prepared for war, all previous discussions against joining the war were forgotten.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt prepared his nation for battle and announced, We
will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God. (Roosevelt, 1941). From that
point forward, America s capacity to produce hundreds of thousands of tanks,
airplanes, and ships for itself and its allies proved a crucial factor in Allied success
(Taylor, 2001). Despite the carnage of Pearl Harbor, the United States involvement in
war was initiated by the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and without the U.S. World
War II would have had a differing, negative outcome for the Allied


Night Book Critique
Sarah Coleman
May 3, 2017
Period 5
Western Civ. 12
Night Book Critique Night, by Elie Wiesel, is a story about a Jewish boy growing
up during World War II. The main character in the book, Eliezer Wiesel, talks about
the different experiences he had during World War II. He started off by talking
about how everything was normal, and no one was too worried about the war that
was going on. One man, Moishe the Beadle, was taken off to another country, and
when he managed to get back, he warned everyone what would happened if they did
not leave. A few people listened to him, but not Eliezer s parents. A couple years
later, when the war sounded like it was almost over, Germans entered the town that
Eliezer s family were living in. After this, the ... Show more content on
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I would suggest that no one reads the book before they are seniors, maybe juniors,
in high school. I would recommend it to students younger, but some of the stories
are slightly too graphic, like the one where the little boy is being hung, but is not
heavy enough to die right away so he just hung there for a while until he finally
died. I feel that everyone reads the book because it gives people a better insight
into what people experienced in the camps. I knew that the prisoners had a really
rough life in the camps, but this book really opened my eyes to how bad it really
was. People who are planning on being history majors or are going into politics
should read this book at least twice. This would be so that they make sure that
something like this does not happen again. Also, more so for the history majors, to
teach other people the effects that living in the camps had on people. One example
that really showed the effect of the camp was at the end when Eliezer looked at
himself in the mirror and did not recognize himself. These are the main reasons I
would recommend everyone read Night at least


Locke Vs Berkeley
In the Mind or In the World? Do objects exist in the Physical world? This discussion
has been around for generations. Philosophers like John Locke and George Berkeley
have presented their theories about the basics of human understanding, but both ideas
are contradicting. Although both Locke and Berkeley proved their position on
whether primary qualities and secondary qualities exist in the real world, Locke has
provided a more coherent argument. In Locke s essay, An Essay Concerning Human
Understanding, he explains where and how one s knowledge was formed. He
reiterates that Whatsoever the Mindperceives in it self, or is the immediate object of
Perception, Thought, or Understanding, that I call Idea; and the Power to produce in
any Idea... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He as well said that humans are like objects when it comes to existence, God s idea.
Berkeley said, This perceiving, active being is what I call mind, spirit, soul or
myself (Berkeley, 55). Since he believes that everything exists in the mind, Locke s
primary and secondary qualities are only a collection of idea. Berkeley says,
...Colours and tastes exist only in the mind...and to prove the same thing of
extension, figure and motion (Berkeley, 57). Berkeley argues that ... Various
sensations, or ideas imprinted on the sense, however blended or combined together,
cannot exist otherwise in a mind perceiving them (Berkeley, 55). He explains that
ideas can only resemble ideas, therefore, external objects does not exist since it
cannot create perception. When we think about a certain object, to Berkeley, it is not
that he thinks that it does not exist, rather he believes that it is merely a collection of


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  • 1. Essay Scam Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay Scam" presents a unique set of challenges that extend beyond the typical academic hurdles. The irony inherent in the topic adds an extra layer of complexity, as one must navigate the thin line between informing and potentially perpetuating the very issue being discussed. The dilemma arises from the need to maintain a balanced perspective while shedding light on deceptive practices that undermine the integrity of academic writing. Researching the topic can be a daunting task in itself. The vast array of online platforms offering essay-writing services, both legitimate and fraudulent, creates a labyrinth of information to navigate. Distinguishing reliable sources from those designed to deceive adds an additional layer of difficulty. Furthermore, one must tread carefully to avoid falling victim to misinformation and ensure that the content reflects a nuanced understanding of the subject. The challenge intensifies when attempting to address the motivations behind essay scams. Delving into the ethical implications requires a delicate touch, as it is essential to explore the root causes without inadvertently glamorizing or endorsing unethical practices. Balancing a critical analysis of the industry with a call to action for academic integrity demands a nuanced approach to maintain the essay's credibility. Moreover, the writing process becomes more intricate when considering the potential backlash from individuals or entities involved in essay scams. Striking a balance between presenting a compelling argument against these practices and avoiding legal or ethical pitfalls requires meticulous attention to detail and careful choice of language. In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay Scam" in an essay proves to be a challenging endeavor that demands a high level of research, critical thinking, and ethical consideration. The writer must navigate a complex landscape of information, delicately address ethical concerns, and maintain a balanced perspective. Successfully navigating these challenges will result in an essay that not only informs but also contributes to the ongoing dialogue surrounding academic integrity. If you find such tasks overwhelming, it's worth noting that assistance for various essay topics and more can be sought through professional services like HelpWriting.net. These platforms offer a range of writing services to help students and individuals with their academic and professional writing needs. Essay Scam Essay Scam
  • 2. Slavery And The Removal Of The Indians Without slavery and a proper way to control native americans living on american land then there can be no stable economy. America is based upon land and what can be gained from it. Slaves work the land and indians run amuck on the land. So to justify both slavery and the removal of the indians: Slavery is the basis of the revenue from the south, and to abolish slaverywill lead to a destabilization of the economy and destroy the freedoms that are trying to be achieved. Native Americans are uncontrollable and dangerous without proper enforcement from the american government. Frederick Douglas lived his life in slavery and witnessed the cruelty of a slave s life. White slave masters are power hungry and vicious. Before the arguments are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Western europe needs America for trade. A Lot of the food that is used by the europeans is grown by the south. And so without Slavery Western europe will starve. (Fitzhugh, Canibals, 3) Now it might be said that it would be easier and more humane to free the slaves and pay them. But the answer for that is simple. Slaves are seen as Capital there is no need say in an economic downturn to get rid of slaves as there would be for paid workmen. To turn out a slave is to lose money. (Fitzhugh, Sociology, 1) Then there is the fact that a lot of Americans lower class white men are in poverty. They do not have enough food, enough clothing, or enough shelter. The condition of these people is worse than the slaves. Slaves are brought from the wild confines of Africa to live in comfort in America. (Fitzhugh, Sociology, 2) Slaves are hard workers, the are better at working in the climate of the south than those europeans that try and work the land. Sure it would be better to free them and pay them if we were in a place like england which has little land and lots of people. But in America it is opposite, there is tons of land and little people. If slaves are free what is to stop them from going and finding their own land? If that happens it will destroy the economy. It is better to have 1 plantation with 100 workers rather than have 100 plantations with 1 worker. The latter example will gain less income and the economy will fail destroying
  • 3. Hannah Arendt s The Human Condition The Human Condition Hannah Arendt s book, The Human Condition, examines the vita activa and it s relation to three fundamental human activities: labor, work and action. Arendt holds that these three activities correspond to one of the basic conditions under which life on earth has been given to man and make up politics (7). Throughout the book Arendt ultimately makes the point that our main political job is to discover other people s opinions about political life and to then go forward and examine these opinions together. Differing viewpoints and opinions are inevitable and through politics we examine these opinions and should be able to find agreements within the discrepancies. In Arendt s opinion examining opinions together is doing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Labor and work can be easily distinguished between by the products length of stay in the world. These things are unnatural, or artificial. Products, such as houses, desks and phones are examples of things constructed through work. The activity of work provides for a stable world and serves the purpose of creating durability. Unlike labor, works sole relation to providing viable living conditions results in the view of every thing and every person as a means to make the object. Through the activity of work, the end justifies the means. This results in people being treated as a means to an end instead of a unique person. In the world of work, one person is in charge and violence is acceptable. Arendt justifies the use of violence, particularly in relation to nature, by saying the end justifies the violence done to nature to win the material, as the wood justifies killing the tree and the table justifies destroying the wood . Because products of work are so durable and have a long lifespan, they provide continuity with the past. Although work does not directly connect to the human condition of life, it does provide some rewards. Work provides pride and a sense of accomplishment. According to Arendt, work can provide self assurance and satisfaction, and can even become a source of self confidence throughout life (140). People are able to master nature and therefore master oneself. The highest reward of work however is the work of art. While it is
  • 4. Essay about Effective Communication and Team Building Efforts Making a Change The leader has to learn and develop a sound knowledge in communication skill which will enable him or her to build an excellent team in his organization because without effective communication, they will be description in organizational goal, stress, confusion and frustration between the leader and the members of the team and can lead to reduction in organizational success. The leader has to have open communication skill to facilitate and support the change process because every staff will react differently to any organizational change. As this time, provide excellent training and make ensure every members of the team are pulling in the same direction because The major role of a leader is to guide and lead according to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite the leaders best efforts to present the organizational changes in a positive way, they might encounter some challenges and resistance within team members because every team members might not perceive the organizational change the same way. As a result, the leader has to actively involving the team members who resist change by incorporating some of their input and feedback in the change process. This will help reduce their resistance, according to Dianna (2006). Application of Change Theory Due to recent problem identified in national staffing association Inc. (NSA) is a break in communication, that lead to lack of continuation of care some of the clients we serve. There was a change in clients plan of care (POC) as the Medicaid continue to titrate or reduce clients benefit that is ongoing now in any organization, the director of nursing (DON) got the intake from Lisa that is Medicaid representative, pass the information to case manager, pass it to case coordinator where it got lost. This vital information was never pass to the nursing supervisor, visiting nurse none home health aide (HHA) who will assist this client for activities of daily living (ADL). This problem was on unit client family called the Medicaid office and Lisa called the office. It was during the
  • 5. Romeo And Juliet Essay On Death Throughout the play Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare shows Romeo s infatuation with two things: death, and Juliet, one overpowering the other. Romeo is suicidal; everything related to eternal rest peaks his interest. Juliet causes Romeo to die which reveals that Juliet did what death itself could not. She helped Romeo forget about the harsh realities of the world, whereas death allowed Romeo an option in the end where he could be alongside his one and only true love. Whether it be in hell or heaven, Romeo would have followed Juliet anywhere. Despite Romeo s obsession with death, his constant references to Juliet suggests that it is not true. From the first time Romeo lays his eyes on Juliet, he was entranced by her beauty and falls in love... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I am content, so thou wilt have it so/Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so (3.5.17 18 and 24). Romeo is content with dying if Juliet wills it so. This brings light to the fact that Romeo does not worry about himself or about anything other than Juliet when he is with her. When he goes to Mantua, Romeo quickly becomes depressed. He complains that, heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, live here in heaven and may look on her, but Romeo may not (3.3.29 32). Romeo reveals that anywhere outside Verona is a place of purgatory if the unworthiest of creatures are able to gaze upon Juliet s beauty while he is stuck in Mantua. As a result, he believes that the banishment is worse than dying as he is tortured by the fact that he may never be able to see her again without the risk of being killed. The only way for Romeo to be together with Juliet is through the means of dying. As Romeo heard of Juliet s deceasement, he rushes to go to Verona despite the evident threat to his life, with poison, to kill himself alongside Juliet. He kills himself just before Juliet woke up. Juliet then kills herself so that they may be together in the afterlife regardless of if it is hell or heaven. Suicide is considered an utmost sin in Christianity and by killing himself, he rescinded his beliefs and religion to be with the one he loved. They both revoke their religion in order to be with each other, neither of them caring
  • 6. Why Is King Henry Viii Important King Henry VIII of England was desperate for ultimate power and for his name to be carried on throughout generations. He changed world history by beginning the separation of the English government from the church hoping to establish the concept of secular governments. Henry Tudor was born on June 28, 1491 in the Greenwich Palace. He is the son of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth York. After his father s death, Henry became known as king of England. He married six different women (Catherine Parr, Catherine Howard, Anne of Cleves, Jane Seymour, Anne Boleyn, and Catherine of Aragon) in the time of his reign. His marriages are most familiar in the mnemonic device, divorced, beheaded, died/divorced, beheaded, survived , talking about his wives. Henry had six siblings, yet only three survived: Arthur, Margaret, and Mary. Arthur was expected to take the throne considering he is older than Henry, but he died at the age of 15, four months after his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. Henry was offered to the family alliance of Spain by his father to Arthur s widow. At the age of 17, he had married Catherine. King Henry was only a teenager when taking the throne, not even an adult. He had a short attention span and no inclination to accomplish any hard work. Henry had known about all the issues and new information ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Henry was Roman Catholic and Roman Catholic s believed in marriage for life, this put him in a tough position. The pope could excommunicate him, meaning his soul could never get to Heaven. Henry had the Archbishop grant him a divorce so he could marry Anne Boleyn. He declared himself as the supreme head of the Church of England after the Christian church separated, in 1534, by the Act of Parliament. This made the church separated from the pope and not under Rome s power anymore. This started the English
  • 7. Skin Deep Analysis The article Skin Deep written by Nina G. Jablonski and George Chaplin discusses the evolution of skin color. Right from the beginning of the article, Jablonski and Chaplin debunked the existing theory that darker skin color evolved to protect humans against skin cancer. As a matter of fact, evidence has shown that skin color in humans is the product of natural selection. Skin Deep also discusses topics like melanin, skin cancer, and how humanmigrations took an important role in the evolutionof skin color. In From Hirsute to Hairless , Jablonski and Chaplin state that the evolution of human skin color is also linked with the evolution of hairlessness. Furthermore, they assume that hair loss came before the development of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Different types of environments were encountered during that period of time. Since some of those environment didn t receive as much radiation, natural sunscreen could have been harmful. The skin had to adapt to the environmental conditions that the new different regions had to offer. Recently, the evolution of skin color has been influenced by cultural behaviors. For example, people living around the Arabic Peninsula tend to be covered by wearing protective clothing. If they didn t wear protective clothing perhaps their skin would start to darken. Towards the end of Skin Deep, Jablonski and Chaplin state that our survival depends on of the ability of skin color to adapt to different types of environments. Skin Deep focuses on the evolution of skin color. The authors, Jablonski and Chaplin, also talk about how early humans got rid of their hair, melanin, skin cancer, culture influences and how migrations took an important role in the evolution of skin color. Skin pigmentation has now come a long way. The point of this article was to explain and teach that the evolution of human skin color is caused by the adaptation to new environments through natural
  • 8. The Role Of Industrialization Of America In The 1920 s From 1865 throughout the 1920 s a new economic and social era struck the United States forever changing its government, its priorities, and its people which would eventually lead to the gilded age and modern America. During this time the industrialization of America lead to multiple miracles of engineering including the construction of skyscrapers, bridges and highways and the creation of machines like airplanes, automobiles ,tractors and many more like them . Its innovations and inventions like these that will change American agriculture forever and lead small farmers to improve their statues socially, economically, and as farmers in general. Before 1865 ninety percent of American farmers believed the American southwest to be the Great American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Great Plains, there was a startling lack of wood to use as building supplies. The farmers on the plains found solutions for many of the problems that they encountered due to the lack of building supplies like building their houses from mud and burning dry grass as fuel for their fires but one problem still remained. They were unable to build fences for their livestock. But in 1873 a farmer named Joseph Glidden created type of fence with points affixed to twisted strands of wire which then became known as barbed wire. This new type of fence could span for miles with a low number of wooden posts in between. The barbs on the wire deterred the farmer s livestock from trying to get free and it also deterred unwanted predators from trying to get in. This was one of the most important inventions for farmers at this time it outlined their homestead and their property and prevented their valuable livestock from roaming. Barb wire became known as The Wire That Fenced the West and it became a true necessity for farmers in the Great
  • 9. Techniques Used by Clarinet Players Technique is very important for all musicians of all types, especially for Clarinet players. Many of the techniques are vital for a great musician to understand. Things such as embouchure, vibrato and tone effects are all things that are required by the musician. I will be investigating the embouchure and how a correct one will substantially increase your prowess as a woodwind, particularly clarinet, player. The clarinet is a woodwind instrument that has a single reed mouthpiece. Johann Christoph Denner invented the clarinet in Germany around the turn of the 18th century by adding a register key to the earlier Chalumea. Having a correct embouchure is vitally important to playing woodwind instruments. Structure 1.Embouchure. 2.Different types of embouchures in different people. 3.Research into different kinds of embouchure and how other people do it. 4.Synthesis of why it is very important to have an good embouchure. With the woodwinds, the sound is generated by a reed and not with the lips. The embouchure is therefore based on sealing the area around the reed and the mouthpiece. This makes sure that there is no air escaping from either side of the mouthpiece when the musician is blowing. A reed instrument works by having the musician blowing a steady breath of air over the reed and through the mouthpiece. The vibrations of the reed are what produce the sound that makes up the notes. The harder or stronger the air is passing over the reed the higher the pitch of the
  • 10. Essay about Golden Age Go Go is a fascinating game that, although created in China, gained popularity and permanence in Japan. Go planted its roots in the Heian Period and grew from there. The Heian Period, known as the Golden Age of Japan, was a very stable time with the imperial court at the height of its reign, especially in its early and middle years. Go provided a leisurely pastime and an opportunity for casual conversation that was not only entertaining in a stimulating way, but at the same time maintained the cultivated decorum of the ruling elite of the time which were among its most common players: courtiers. Since Go s beginnings in the Heian court, the construct of decorum, the diet, and the dress of the court served to facilitate its acceptance and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oh the other hand, it is still possible that Kibi sparked the popularity of Go in the court. However, there are many aspects of Heian life that would have facilitated the acceptance of Go. Two unexpected factors of the popularity of Go in the Heian court were the diet and the dress of the courtiers. The diet of the court was poor, causing medical problems that stemmed from malnourishment; and it has been speculated that the diet of the courtiers may have been at least partially responsible for the passivity and pessimism that bulk so large in Heian history and literature (Shively and McCullough 398). Because of this pessimism and lethargy that so plagued the court, it makes sense that a game like Go, that requires no physical activity, became popular. The dress of courtiers would have highly restricted movement, making pastimes that required activity very difficult and therefore impractical. The members of the court wore ensembles that included in addition to [a] short outer jacket and long train prescribed for women on formal occasions, as many as twenty or more identically cut robes... (Shively and McCullough 395). Such an idea of extravagant dress is echoed in many the works of prose that came out in the era. One example of a scene in which dress is commented on comes from The Pillow Book by Sei ShЕЌnagon that states ...one could see the varied colours of their many layered
  • 11. Barn Burning Literary Analysis The Barn Burning a short story wriiten by William Faulkner in which the protagonist Young Colonel Sartoris Snopes is left to watch in constant disbelief of his farther often explosive anger which manifests itself into destroying other peoples property. This story exemplifies the old adages that speak out against anger and warn people about the dangers of letting your emotions control you. Unlike th countless parables warning the farther of his misguided anger the farther does not learn from these messages and falls victim to his uncontrolled sin. The Barn Burningis a parable warning against the unchecked emotion of anger and how it can negatively affect bot only yourself but those you love round you. The story revolves around a young... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Snopes is given a second chance. With this second chance he is able to avoid legal ramifications, move out of town and start life over hopefully having learned from his mistakes. But like most characters in a allegory rthee is a lesson to be learned from them and in this case Mr. Snopes does not learn from his previous mistakes. In a sense of total disregard for others property Mr. Snopes soils his new boss s rug and is forced to clean it. Instead of thoroughly and carefully cleaning the rug he ruins it and trys to return it to his boss. When his boss orders him to pay for the rug Mr.Snopes becomes enraged and reverts back to old habits. Mr.Snopes is depicted as a man who will not hesitate to evoke the power of fire against those who impose him (Lodges 44) .This statement gives a clear view into the kind of devious and anger provoked actions Mr.Snopes is willing to undertake in order to get revenge on those he feels have wronged him.This statement also shows the kind o fangry attitude which will ultimately be Mr.Snopes downfall. Mr. Snopes enlist his son to help him burn down his bosses barn but young Snopes does not want to partake in any more of Mr. Snopes destructive fits of anger. In a panicked mental state young Snopes warns one of the servants at the boss s house and help is sent out to stop Mr.snopes. The boss and the serant ran out to the barn and killed Mr.Snopes. The sin of anger had comeback and
  • 12. Analysis Of The Article The Pelican Brief The Wetlands In Grisham s novel, The Pelican Brief, he presents a case where an organization attempts to protect the coastal marshes of Louisiana against the selfish oil companies and citizens that wish to destroy it for money. This is a tremendous concern that people deal with in America. John Grisham wrote The Pelican Brief, in 1992 and it was one of his best selling books. Louisiana s marshes are being destroyed and are suffering greatly because of humans. Grisham shows extensive knowledge of the wetlands as well as the wildlife through discussing the endangered Brown Pelican and how humans have brought it to the brink of extinction. Numberless amounts of waterfowl, birds, and countless species that call Louisiana home are now being terrorized thanks to non native species, humans and a numerous amount of different causes. The Brown Pelican, Louisiana s state bird, has been endangered until 1995, and about half of all the geese in North America spend the winter in the coastal marshes (Elliott, Charles). Additionally, Louisiana is the leading state for the number of wintering ducks (ВЁSGPВЁ). The marshes are extremely important to the fowl that live there year round and for the ones that do not. The Bobwhite Quail, that live there year round, have suffered huge losses to their population. From 1966 they have declined 75%, primarily due to habitat degradation (ВЁSGPВЁ). One of the reasons populations of fowl have been going down is the result of invasive species. The common
  • 13. Should The Government Have A Duty To Monitor The Internet In my opinion, the United States government should have a minimal duty to monitor internet content. Also, I believe the state and local governments in particular should not have any duty to monitor what is happening on the internet. The United States government should have minimal duty to monitor the internet because it is an invasion of privacy, restricts citizens’ freedom, and should only be needed in extreme cases. Knowing that the governmentcould see everything that I do on the internet including my text messages, emails, and listening to my phone calls leaves me with a very unsettling feeling. Back in April, President Donald Trump signed a bill that releases internet service providers from having to protect consumer data. This means that our information is being put out for anyone to see if they really wanted to. Many of the first ten amendments in the Constitution give privacy to the citizens of the United States. Amendments such as the first, third, fourth, and fifth protect us and provides us with privacy from certain things. Specifically, the Ninth Amendment states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” This means that we have other rights that exist, even if they are not clearly mentioned in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many governments put limit of content, block websites, and take control over internet service providers. There are many restrictions on the internet that we do not even realize and are unable to notice. These are clear violations of the first amendment in the Bill of Rights. Also, knowing that people could be watching what I am doing on the internet, makes me nervous as I do not want to accidentally do something or search something that could get me in a lot of unwanted or unwarranted
  • 14. Correlation Between Alcohol And Alcohol Results The amount of hours a person works a week is negatively correlated to an individual s dependency to alcohol. The less hours a person works per week the more they will be dependent on alcohol. On average, the individuals in the sample worked a low amount of hours a week (M = 11.31, SD = 14.9) and had a moderately low dependency on alcohol (M = 31.11, SD = 14.26). In addition, the confidence intervals looking at the amount of hours worked per week indicated that the participants continued to work low hours (95% CI = [8.96, 13.83]). Along with, both the upper and lower bounds of the alcohol decency score showing reaming consistent with a modestly low dependency on alcohol (95% CI = [29.02, 33.58]). When a Spearman s correlation analysis was used a negative correlation was found indicating that a the less amount of hours a person worked a week the higher their dependency on alcohol is. This correlation supported the hypotheses. A Spearman s correlation was used because thee out of the four test for a normally distributed population were violated and the sample size was over 100. However, the correlation was not significant rs = .114, n = 152, p = .08 (one tailed). The amount of hours worked in a week had an extremely small effect on a person s dependency to alcohol r2 = .01. This incredibly small effect size is consistent with the results of the significance test. With the correlation having no significance then it is accurate to say that a person s work hours had
  • 15. Fig Lab Report It is visible in Fig.~ref{ededhe3c} that the missing mass distributions for two energies have a peak at the $omega$ meson mass 0.7827~GeV/c$^2$, on top of a continuous background. The peak positions for two energies are at the correct $omega$ mass, indicating that the energy reconstruction is done properly. The background of the missing mass distributions ends at different values because of the different phase space of the two energies. The two phase space distributions are useful for systematic studies of the background subtraction, as discussed in Chapter~ref{ch5}. % % The steep rise in both histograms, between 0.60~GeV/c$^2$ and 0.65~GeV/c$^2$, is due to the combined effect of the double and triple pion production phase spaces (see Appendix~ref{backphasespace}). % ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... % The background of the multi pion production is subtracted to extract the $omega$ meson peak, as discussed in the next section. The $omega$ meson, including all $omega$ decays, is tagged via the missing mass of the proton, deuteron and $^3$He system, calculated from the $^3$He particles using Equation~ref{mmeq}. The missing mass distribution is called inclusive because it represents the missing mass after $^3$He selection only which includes all decays of the $omega$ meson. In order to count the number of $omega$ mesons in the data, the smooth background from the direct pion production must be subtracted by fitting the spectra. The Monte Carlo simulated phase spaces of the multi pion production is used to fit background in the data.
  • 16. The Onset Of Bulimia Nervosa The purpose of the study is to identify what may be the onset of bulimia nervosa and whether or not it is related to a person being subjected to criticism based on their weight/ shape and eating habits. This is the first of studies that take a look at a year prior to having bulimia nervosa. This study was conducted through a control case study which is a study that looks at both a group that does have a disorder and a group that does not have the disorder. It also determines if a factor affects either of the groups and how that factor affects it. The study observed three separate group of women. The women with eating disorders were recruited from eating disorder treatment settings, which were women who were previously diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. The healthy women along with women with a psychiatric diagnosis were recruited from high schools and university campuses. A total of 180 women were observed. The first group of sixty women was women who had bulimia nervosa and ranged between the ages of 15 38. The second group, which were the healthy women, their age ranged from 15 39. The healthy women reported not being diagnosed with any disorder. The last group of sixty women s ages ranged from 14 38 and they were diagnosed as having psychiatric disorders. The study was done on all Caucasian women. Women were excluded if they were pregnant, had physical conditions or psychosis (mental disorder). For the healthy women, they were first evaluated with the DSM IV to determine no
  • 17. The Use Of Anticoagulant Therapy And Its Effects On The... Introduction Epistaxis is defined as the occurrence of haemorrhage from the nose, which is relatively common and does not always need professional medical attention. However, prolonged or repeated events of nosebleeds, also known as recurrent idiopathic epistaxis may indicate certain bleeding disorders or potential adverse effects from the use of anticoagulant therapy. Warfarin (Coumadin) is a common anticoagulant that affects clotting factors that are produced in the liver. It is often administered after an myocardial infarction in order to prevent thrombosis and thromboemobolism which could lead to the development of a stroke, most of which are ischemic in origin. Despite its effectiveness, warfarin has been implicated in 50 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His laboratory tests showed an abnormal coagulation profile, which is perhaps attributed to his daily medication regime. Prothrombin time(PT) was significantly prolonged, whereas partial thromoboplastin time(PTT) was only mildly prolonged. The tests also revealed a lower than normal haematocrit, that being a direct result of prolonged bleeding. Also, his stool sample was tested positive for blood. Homeostasis of Hemostasis Blood coagulation is the process whereby a blood clot (thrombus) is formed. The formation of a thrombus represents the second stage of hemostasis, following vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation at the site of injury. The clotting process is very complex and its role is to maintain vascular integrity and to induce rapid clot formation after a vascular injury. It is vital to be able to regulate the production of thrombin, in order to prevent thrombosis, as well as maintaining normal blood circulation. As shown by figure 1, the coagulation cascade is a protein based system which is initiated through the activation of two separate pathways designated extrinsic and intrinsic. These two pathways proceed through the common pathway of coagulation until fibrin is formed. The extrinsic pathway is generally the first pathway to be activated, and it is stimulated by tissue factor thromboplastin coming into direct contact with factor VII. Factor VII is
  • 18. Intro to Nat Turner Introduction to Nat Turner Around 1790, there were 700,000 slaves in the United States. And by 1860, the number of slaves moved up to 4 million (lecture). The reason why the numbers had changed so drastically was because of the cotton boom. The cotton growing was concentrated on plantations rather than the small farms. Around 75% of slaves lived in groups of around 10 or more slaves, which made changes in the African American slave communities and culture (lecture). With the slave communities developing, they were very unstable. Around 1 million slaves migrated from the upper to lower south, which split the communities and families apart. Since the slave communities were growing, Southern African American communities were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The rate for picking cotton was around 150 pounds per day. The strong hard working slaves were at least 1 thousand dollars per slave. But because of the hard working conditions and the poor dieting, the slaves aged faster (lecture). The African slaves in ways recreated Africa in the New World. Slave owners would help retain the culture by referring to the slaves by their African origin. Ritual scarring of African individuals continued to be practiced in America. Religion gives another window into African slavery. A lot of the families continued to practice various African religions. Christianity wasn t instructed in the early 18th century because it was assumed that they were not under control to learn about Christianity. Slaves did not make a cultural break from their culture but rather merged the culture with new American and European customs. There was a sense of equality when the blacks and whites worshiped together. Blacks were actually able to respond to Christianity with African American roots (lecture). With the slave trade in Africa, African rulers controlled it. As shown in Sacred Hunger, few European adventurers went inland. The slave traders holds were referred to factories. During the African slave trade, Africa was a major market for European goods such as textiles and guns. The slave trade on the African West coast became central to wealth for the leaders in Africa. The
  • 19. Foie Gras Ethical Differences For us to understand foie gras ethicality better, I would like to tell you about the anatomy of a duck or a goose which will produced for foie gras. The behavior of the ducks is an intriguing part as their subjected to the foie gras production process. To us humans the idea of shoving a long plastic tube down into our throat is a rather uncomfortable one. The most importantly we must not compare the animalsto us, they have an entirely different bodily functions and anatomy. First of all let s think about the bird itself. Foie gras is commonly produced from Moulard ducks. The Moulard are a special breed of which is created by a Muscovie male and Pekin female. We must compare these different ducks to understand what production process does to the bird and how it affects it s body. Firstly, let s analyze the Muscovie duck. The Muscovie breed are especially tough. They are native from South America. This might let people think that their natural habitat are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Muscovie ducks have been reported to survive major climate changes and sub zero conditions. This makes the bird also non migratory. In a farmers point of view this means that they don t consume as much as migratory birds since they have no need store excess fat for a long period without food. They are praised for their flavorful and lean meat. Their sturdy nature and adaptability makes them ideal for farming. Now about the Pekin. Pekin as the name may implicate are native from China. They were breeded from wild mallards. Thus, Pekins will have all the natural instincts of migratory bird. Interestingly, they are very social birds and will often stand very close to each other, whether they have room to roam about free or not. The following years specialized breeding have made their wing smaller and their breasts plumper. Because of the breeding they can no longer fly nor jump very high. But they still share the same innards and metabolism of an migratory
  • 20. The Mentality Of Cliques In The Marine Corps Merriam Webster defines cliques as, A narrow exclusive circle or group of persons (n.d.). A clique that I was part of while in the Marine Corps was my unit. We were a small group of individuals who had our focus placed on radio communications, and were in a shop away from the majority of other units. Part of the mentality of the unit stemmed from the definition of a clique, because we spent a large majority of our time together. My unit only included those within the unit when it came to physical training, regular work tasks, going into the field for training, and activities outside of work meant to build trust amongst those in the unit. Overall, the purpose that the clique had, did not always accomplish the overall purpose to bring the
  • 21. Carolina Elephant Tokens Elephant tokens, with their exotic type, have never ceased to fascinate researchers in Early American coins. This article will bring to the attention of researchers an overlooked source that may hold the key to the origin of the Carolina elephant tokens, and to discuss a possible explanation for their existence. We will begin with a review of the previous research and highlight the findings of particular importance. Hyman Montagu seems to have been the first to record that the London elephant tokens according to him, both the GOD PRESERVE LONDON and the LONDON types appear overstruck on copper halfpence of Charles II. In U.S. auction catalogs, the first appearance of an Elephant token with a visible undertype is New Netherlands 60th ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Newman also discussed the different dies in the series. Hodder, when cataloging the Norweb Collection, identified the dies and assigned them a numbering system. The London and Carolina and New England reverses are die linked among each other, as are the two obverse dies. Hodder also noted the variation in the preparation of the planchets. Out of the eleven coins in the Norweb collection, Hodder identified four as struck on planchets cut from rolled strip, and five as struck on cast planchets. Breen, following up on Crosby s observation, noted that there were multiple weight standards. This article can confirm that there were two weight standards. The weights of 72 different coins were collected and analyzed in a frequency table. The result is two peaks: one that corresponds to a light standard of about 143 grains (49 to the pound), and a second to a heavy standard of about 234 grains (30 to the pound). Breen stated that the coins were struck at five different weight standards: 30, 40, 46, 52 and 60 to the pound; but the evidence currently available does not support this assertion. [***Insert Chart around here,
  • 22. George Orwell s Treatment Of Women In 1984 George Orwell s 1984 written in 1948 displays the dangers of a totalitarian government through the dystopian society of Oceania set in the year 1984. Through the eyes of the main character Winston Smith the audience is thrusted into a world where there is no trust, passion, or a true sense friendship. The land of Oceania is not every man for himself, but every man for the Party. Through this same perspective, the social group of women are portrayed in a negative light. This may be a result of Winston s past experiences with women and the social conditioning he underwent simply by living within Oceania. Within the first 20 pages of the text it is made obvious to the audience that Winston is not fond of the female gender, claiming that He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones describing them as ...the most bigoted adherents of the Party, (10). Winston even goes as far to describe a twisted fantasy he had in regards to a female Party member Vivid, beautiful hallucinations flashed through his mind. He would flog her to death with a rubber... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Big Brother and the Party needed impregnable loyalty so over time they systematically tore the ties between lovers and family. We [The Party] have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman, No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. (267). A government like Oceania s is dependant on no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party so they created a system that creates Party loyalty as the only reliable option. Winston s life is merely an example of the Party s plan in action. Due to this system the two main genders were heavily separated creating stigma between the two adding to why Winston dislikes
  • 23. Biography of Chinua Achebe Chinua Achebe: Africa most beloved author The Prominent Igbo writer, famous for his novels describing the effects of western customs and values on traditional African society. Achebe s satire and his keen ear for spoken language have made him one of the most highly esteemed African writers in English. Chinua Achebe was born in eastern Nigeria on November 16, 1930 Isaiah and Janet Achebe (Bucker pars.1). Isaiah Okafor Achebe was a catechist for the Church Missionary Society and his wife to traveled Eastern Nigeria evangelist before settling in ogidi, Isaiah s ancestral Igbo village, and five years after Chinua Achebe s birth (Bucker pars 2). Growing up in Ogidi, Achebe he began to learn English at the age of eight and had contact with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This helped him master the subtle nuances between written and spoken language, a skill that helped him later to write realistic dialogue. In 1956, Achebe was chosen for training in London at a staff school run by the British Broadcast Corporation (BBC) (Chinua pars 1). His first trip out of Nigeria was to advance his technical production skill. In the same year Things fall apart was published, Achebe got promoted at the NBS and put in charge of network s eastern region coverage (Achebe par 5). He to moved Enugu and began work on his administrative duties. It was there he met a woman named Christie Okoli, who had grown up in the area and joined the NBS staff when he arrived (Achebe par 5). They first conversed when she brought to his attention a pay discrepancy; a friend of hers found that, although they had been hired simultaneously, Christie had been rated lower and offered a lower wage (Achebe pars 5). She was sent to the hospital for an appendectomy soon afterwards, she was pleasantly surprised when Achebe visited her with gifts and magazines (Achebe pars 6). Achebe and Okoli grew closer in the following years, and on September 10, 1961 were married in the Chapel of Resurrection on the campus of the University of Ibadan. Christie Achebe has described their marriage as one of trust and mutual understanding; some tension arose early in their union, due to conflicts about
  • 24. Jp Morgan Chase Essay I chose JP Morgan Chase because they are one of the oldest leading financial institutions within the Unites States. Their history dated back to over 200 years. This financial institution leads global financial services with assets totaling approximately $2.5 trillion. They have operations in over 60 countries and an estimated 240,000 employees. JP Morgan Chasealso has stocks in one of the components of Dow Jones (Morgan). JP Morgan Chase s principles are maintained on how they can strengthen, provide safety, and continue to grow within their industry now and in the future. Their focus on these principles is what is predicted to be the best and most respected in the banking industry. JP Morgan Chase has four main areas that they focus their attention. One area is exceptional client services. Serving clients is JP Morgan Chase s top priority in which they strive to exceed their expectations through actively listening to their clients (Morgan). They offer their clients high quality and competitive product pricing as well as great services. They are also field and client driven by the financial institution s size, strength, time management that helps them... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the families were reimbursed, JP Morgan Chase failed to protect their customers and caused itself to have a negative impact on its reputation. Another weakness is their inadequate IT infrastructure for the use of business operations. I think that it is common sense for the institution to have used an organization that specializes in IT, such as IBM or Microsoft. JP Morgan Chase had to cancel its outsourcing on top of its employees being put on IBM s payroll. The employees became increasingly upset due to this matter, causing JP Morgan Chase s productivity to suffer severely when they decided to hire new consultants to take over its
  • 25. A Summary Of Asian American Assimilation Asian American Assimilation, Incorporation, and Intermarriage Asian immigrants and their offspring encounter vastly different assimilation experiences in the United States compared to early European immigrants, mainly due to their non white status (Portes and Zhou 1993; Neckerman et al. 1999). Portes and Zhou (1993) consider this racial and phenotypical distinctiveness of post 1965 immigrants in the segmented assimilation theory, which provides three possible paths of integration for immigrants straight line, selective, and downward assimilation. Most Asian immigrants and their children experience selective assimilation, where they achieve rapid socioeconomic mobility while holding onto ethnic and immigrant community values and solidarity. The scholarly merits and scientific contributions of the segmented assimilation theory in explaining differing integration patterns of the new immigrants of post 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act cannot be understated. Nonetheless, Portes and Zhou do not directly address the role of intra Asian diversity in diverging paths of assimilation. Rather, they simply state that children of nonwhite immigrants may not even have the opportunity of gaining access to middle class white society, no matter how acculturated they become (Portes and Zhou 1993, p.96). Moreover, they emphasized the role of co ethnic communities in dealing with blocked mobility as well as racial and ethnic discrimination and prejudice. However, more recent research
  • 26. Discuss The Problems Edward Faced During The Reign Of... How effectively did Edward deal with the problems he faced during the first part of his reign, 1042 1053? When Edward came into power in 1042, England was in a poor state financially and also because of threats of an invasion and this made the first few years of his rule difficult. Edward was faced with many problems which he had to overcome. These problems involved; powerful Earls, (especially the Godwine s), the foreign policy and the domestic policy. Edward both failed and succeeded in these problems due to a number of factors. These include a lack of knowledge about his kingdom and some may argue that he was naГЇve in his decisions. With some evaluation, we will be able to judge if Edward was a successful King or not. One of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By 1051, Edward had managed to appoint Normans as bishops, and eventually half were filled by Englishmen and the other half by Normans and other foreigners; Godwine and English Earls hated this. In 1050, the Archbishop of Canterbury died and instead of Godwine s relative Aelfric being appointed, he made Robert of Jumieges Archbishop instead. The witans supported this decision, this may have been because Godwine was in such a strong position that the other Earls were jealous. So overall,Edward had not been a complete success with regards to gaining power over Godwine as he hadn t managed to appoint all the positions to Normans and only got one up on Godwine when appointing archbishop as there was rivalry between the Earls. However, even though Edward had got one up on Godwine, Godwine was still responsible for the murder of his brother Alfred. Godwine had arrested Alfred and killed some of his followers, he was then taken out of Godwine s hands and but on board a ship where soon afterwards he soon died. In 1046, Godwin s eldest son Sweyn abducted a nun and used her as a sex slave, when this was put to light he was sent into exile to Flaunders and Denmark and his land was shared between his brother Harold and his cousin Beorn. As Godwine was unable to prevent this, its shows how King
  • 27. The Solubility And Temperature Of Ammonium Nitrate The Solubility and Temperature Experiment was performed to find the relationship between the solubility and temperature of Potassium Nitrate. This experiment was done to analyze the effect if water temperature on the amount of dissolved phosphates and nitrates in solution, which are two major pollutants that cause fish death. Below is the results of the experiment. Test Tube Mass (g) Temperature of Crystallization (В°C) 2.0 34.1 4.0 47.9 6.0 59.5 8.0 76.5 Based on the data, solubility of Potassium Nitrate and temperature are directly proportional. This is indicated in the results of the experiment because as the amount of solute in the solution increases, the solubility of the solution increases. As the solubility increases, the temperature also increases, meaning that the relationship is directly proportional. Most of the fish death occurred in the month of December, when water temperature was relatively cold compared to other months in the year. Because it was experimentally determined that solubility and temperature is directly proportional, if the water temperature is low, this means that the solubility is also low. By analyzing the solubility curves of Ammonium Nitrate and Ammonium Phosphate, it can be concluded that enough Ammonium Nitrate or Ammonium Phosphate can be dissolved in the river water during December that would be dangerous to the fish. However, by looking at the data of the Nitrate and Phosphate Concentrations in the White River during the First 16
  • 28. Themes In The Rape Of Lucrece In The Rape of Lucrece, there is one theme throughout the poem, and that is to conquer. The themes of war, violence, and the evidence of Tarquin s sexual conquest remain constant. However, this is present specifically with the physical rape of Lucrece itself and the parading of her body around Rome after her death. The constant air of sex and power dominates this poem. Lucrece is used as a political symbol that must be conquered throughout the entirety of the reading. The Rape of Lucrecedisplays the idea of male dominance and female silence in Tarquin s powerful rage and Lucrece s ability to be dominated. In the time of the Renaissance society, men often held positions of power over women. Women were not seen as having an independent voice, as they were often seen as property of their fathers before they were married. In The Rape of Lucrece, Tarquin is able to control Lucrece and silence her. The physical act of raping her is able to dominate her physically and emotionally, and that is what remains constant throughout this poem. If Lucrece has anything, it is her chastity which holds great power, and that is stolen from her in such a grotesque way. However, before the physical act can occur there are several obstacles that must be conquered before Lucrece herself can be taken. This adds to the idea constant idea of war and power through conquest. The locks between her chamber and his will, each one by him enforced, retired his ward; But as they open they all rate his ill. Which drives the creeping thief to some regard. The threshold grates the door to have him heard (302 306). This scene is the first obstacle that must be overcome in the attempt to proceed with his final act. The locks to her door are squeaky as they open, threatening to reveal Tarquin. The threshold rubs against the opening of the door, also attempting to make his presence known. Through little vents and crannies of the place the wind wars with his torch to make him stay, and blows the smoke of it into his face (310 312). Here, a second challenge is presented. His torch is extinguished, which will make him unable to see in the dark night, but he moves forward, determined to conquer each of these new obstacles.
  • 29. Rh-Null Syndrome There are several genetic variants that give rise to rare D phenotypes. The Rh null syndrome (also called Rh deficiency syndrome) is the result of a mutation that results in a lack of all Rh antigens. Since these antigens function to maintain the RBC membrane, individuals with this syndrome have abnormally shaped RBCs, leaving them at risk for hemolytic anemia. Rh null patients are capable of forming antibodies to Rh antigens that can cause transfusion reactions; therefore they must receive blood from other Rh null individuals. Individuals having the weak D phenotype (Du) have low levels of expression of the D antigen. This phenotype is the result of an amino acid substitution that affects the insertion of the protein into the RBC membrane. However, all epitopes are present, so these individuals are not in danger of antibody formation following transfusion with D positive blood. In contrast, in persons having the partial D phenotype, a hybrid protein that lacks several epitopes is produced. Therefore, if those having the partial D phenotype receive D positive blood, they may produce an immune response to the missing epitope, causing a transfusion reaction. Testing for ABO and D Antigens and Antibodies Determination of an individual s blood type is use for forensic, paternity, blood donations and clinical purposes. ABO typing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a labeled glass tube, two drops of the suspension are mixed with one drop each of commercially prepared anti A, anti B and anti D. After mixing, the tubes are centrifuges at low speed in a serofuge, the tubes are gently rocked/shaken so that the fluid flows across the pelleted RBCs. The pellet is observed carefully for agglutination using a magnified mirror. The reverse typing is accomplished in the same manner using two drops of patient serum and one drop of commercially prepared A1 cells and B cells. Figure 3 shows the criteria used for macroscopic grading of agglutination
  • 30. Iron Jawed Angels Title: Summary, Reaction, and Analysis Paper #1: Iron Jawed Angels Iron Jawed Angels is a story of two women fighting for women s rights. They led the struggle for the passage of the 19th amendment to the constitution which gave women the right to vote. These two women along with others petitioned, campaigned, and picketed to publicize the issue. After being arrested for traffic violations a group of women spent time in Occoquan Workhouse. Here they went on a hunger strike to protest being imprisoned for demanding equal voting rights. After not eating the prisoners had to be force fed, here they earned the nickname iron jawed angels. This became a headline in the news and ultimately forced Woodrow Wilson, the president, to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By women achieving more freedom and rights their views, their opinions, and ideas can be expressed. It is more acceptable for women to in general have an opinion after the 19th amendment was passed. Iron Jawed Angels, an inspirational story that withholds perhaps one of the most important movements in time. Until I viewed this movie I did not fully comprehend the depths of the struggles of the woman s suffrage movement. This movie contains a powerful message about what women can do using their rights and skills in organizational leadership. Determination which one woman carried, and many supported allowed a national change to take place. Before watching this movie I had heard of Susan B. Anthony, but never of Alice Paul or the other suffragists. I also never realized how hard it was for a woman to get ready; we take our pre bought makeup for much granted. The parade that takes place is an extremely important event. It shows the many different types of women and how far they ve come. It also shows how many people were interested in the topic that no one showed up to the see Woodrow Wilson, because everyone was at the parade. Not alone his lack of knowledge of the subject, since he himself did not attend. It shows the intense anger that people felt against this issue, and how the government failed to offer protection during the parade; that men were
  • 31. The Concept Of Jesus Being Fully Man Introduction The concept of Jesus being fully man but also fully God at the same time has been debated amongst scholars, both Christians and non Christians alike for centuries. The doctrine and study surrounding the person of Jesus is known as Christology, and after extensive and often hostile debates the Church gave a concluding definition of its Christology in 451 CE at the Council of Chalcedon. It was stated that they affirmed the belief in Jesus Christ as one Person in two natures, which are united without confusion. The early church was adamant that the Incarnation was one of the most important truths of the Christian faith. Maurice Wiles, an Oxford patristic scholar summarised the Chalcedons s aims as follows: On the other hand was the conviction that a saviour must be fully divine; on the other hand was the conviction that what is not assumed is not healed. Or, to put the matter in other words, the source of salvation must be God; the locus of salvation must be humanity. It is quite clear that these two principles often pulled in opposite directions. The Council of Chalcedon was the church s attempt to resolve, or perhaps rather to agree to live with, that tension. This essay will examine and critically analyse this stance alongside answering the question of would it matter if Jesus were not fully God and fully human? Five specific points will be looked at; Jesus is God, Jesus is man, Jesus is a sinless man, Jesus will be fully God and man forever, and
  • 32. The Power Of Isis Through Social Media Essay The Power of ISIS Through Social Media As social media has become more prevalent in our society, terrorist groups, such as ISIS, presence through platforms such as Twitter or Facebook has increased as well. Over 46,000 accounts on Twitter were ISIS supporters as of 2015 (Merchant). These type of extremist accounts target users by promoting the dignifying aspect of ISIS instead of the gory details about their jihadist culture. This strategy is very effective on younger generations who appeal to the struggle of the messages displayed by the Islamic State. Since social media apps such as, Twitter or Facebook, are so accessible, these terrorist organizations have an even easier time taking advantage of the opportunity propagated by the companies. Social Media provides an outlet for terrorist groups because it gives them a medium to recruit people worldwide and implements and system where they can become untraceable. ISIS is constantly changing but, the surplus of western recruits ISIS has access to through social media is constant. Most terrorist groups only have a small effect on social media, while ISIS ...execution videos received tens of thousands of views within hours of going online (Hong). These amounts of views are what give ISIS the power to spread their message to vulnerable minds in the West. Youtube provides a great outlet for ISIS s videos, especially since they are worldwide. On the other hand, terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda, who was mostly silenced by
  • 33. Informative Speech About Movie Theatre Have you ever thought about your experience at a movie theatre? Like really thought about it, broken it down? Well that s what we re going to do as I talk to you about Musicals. For as long as I can remember I have been interested in musicals. It s a big passion and love of mine. I even broke my Scooby Doo umbrella while watching Mary Poppins when I was 4 because I have put too many stuffed animals underneath it and was leaning into it too much. :) Musicals are becoming more and more popular again, whether you may have realized it or not they are and effect all of us. La La Land, which came out last year in 2016, was a musical, and ended up doing better than many people probably expected. Musicals are timeless. They will never go away, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While you ponder that I m going to end by sharing some of the Top Musicals of All Time Current Ones. The variety of musicals that either went from screen to stage or stage to screen is amazing. Author Michael Hoffman explains in his article titled, The Musical Film Genre: Capturing the Magic of the Stage on the Screen , that throughout the 1960s, the adaptation for stage material for screen remained a popular trend in Hollywood due to its success . West Side Story (1961), My Fair Lady (1964), The Sound of Music (1965), and Oliver! (1968) were all adapted from Broadway hits and each won the Academy award for Best Picture. According to newworldencyclopedia.org, Rodgers and Hammerstein s Oklahoma! Was the first blockbuster Broadway show in the 1940s. They also created famous classics like Carousel (1945), South Pacific (1949), The King and I (1951), and The Sound of Music (1959). Classics like these will never get old., they will always be in theatre history and be remembered as some of the greats. As the rise of musicals is taking off again you may recognize some of these titles. Have any of you seen the movie Anastasia? According to ibdb.com, Internet Broadway Database, it is one of the newest Broadway shows right now, it first previewed on March 23, 2017 and has had 224 performances since. In August 2015, Hamilton, An American Musical, was released and became a huge hit winning the 2016 Tony Award for Best Musical and
  • 34. Persuasive Essay For The Best Summer Wedding The Best Summer Wedding Outfits for Guests in 2017 Who doesn t enjoy a good wedding? Love is in the air, everyone is upbeat and happy because they re celebrating the ultimate display of commitment. Whether you are single and looking to mingle, hoping for a proposal soon, or you re already married it s a special day that you want to look your absolute best for. There are so many styles out there, though, it s difficult to know where to start the search for the ultimate outfit. Let us help you out. Maxi Dresses There s nothing quite like a floral maxi dress to capture summer, stay cool and comfortable and look stunning. Go for the black floral print to be the best dressed wedding guest of 2017. Jacquard Dress The beauty of this style is that it is dressy enough for a wedding, but casual enough to wear again and again. Choose a bright colour to capture the summer and pair with even brighter jewellery to take it to the next level. Stretch Cotton Dress It s a comfortable fit and comes in plenty of beautiful floral prints, and like the Jacquard Dress it s an excellent option for a plethora of occasions. The Backless Maxi Yes, there is more than one type of maxi dressand opting for a backless number with a front slit is the optimum way to capture a flirty style that is sure to turn heads (without distracting from the bride too much). Gingham Print Is it back? Or did it ever really go away? This summer is all about gingham, so why not opt for a graphic print dress!
  • 35. Comparing The Characters Of Adaline And Dog Main Characters The main characters are Adaline and Dog. Adaline is a young woman who is half Arapaho and half white. Adaline is brave and very adventurous. She knows a lot about Arapaho customs and is fine being alone. Dog is Adaline s companion. He is faithful,loyal, and trustworthy. On the other hand Adeline says he is very ugly and sneezes too much. Setting This story takes place in the end of the 1800 s in the midwest. Much of the story take place in Adaline s aunt Opal s house. Adaline often stayed in the back of the kitchen where the slave lived. Another important place in the story was the wilderness. Adaline and Dog started in a canoe on the Mississippi river. When they lost their canoe they walked to a steamboat on the great Missouri River. Summary What I will start with, with my summary a girl name Adaline,when her Ma died her Pa Kit Carson took her to live with her aunt,uncle,cousin Opal,cousin Silas,and a slave named Caddie. Before Adaline s Ma died she gave her a ma doll.It is a doll that when Adaline needs her Ma she can talk to her throught it,Her Pa has to leave Adaline behind... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her aunt and uncle did not know she was half Indian ,so they are very angry about it. They take away her Indian clothes and make her wear slave clothes instead. They are very mean to her like demanding her to do things like a slave and treating like she is very stupid. They always refer to her as a dumb injun or a half breed. During her time with them she chose not to speak at all too. Adaline gets fed up with this nonsense and decides to run away to St.Louis where she hopes to find her Pa. On the way she finds Dog. She definitely knows she is NOT keeping the dog but during the adventure dog is really helpful. Dog helps her by keeping her warm at night. helps find a canoe and keeps her safe when she has a fever. He stays with her until she gets to St.louis and finds her
  • 36. The Marketing Of Evian Mineral Waters This is a world of advertising. The commercials that one sees on T.V. are made to grab their attention and sale them information on a product or service. T.V. commercials have a broad reach. Most commercials can reach seventy percent of the national population in a day. This means most people watching T.V. will see ads about food, toys and even water. and they will immediately want the product they see on T.V. In the case of Evian Mineral Waters commercial Spiderman: The Amazing Baby Me, the company is targeting younger viewers and others who are interested in Spiderman. The ad shows viewers Spiderman seeing him younger self in a window. The character seeing his younger self points to the water having rejuvenating properties, and if they can get people to view it, they will see a flash of the companies product, enticing them to go buy the product and live younger. I believe this ad to be an accurate portrayal of the companies product.. Evian Mineral Waters is a company that produces some of the best bottled water. It is owned by Danone Water company which was established in 1972. The product that Evian markets is a bottled water that is said to be the best in the world. Evian s source for water is Source Cachat where the water rises up out of a passage in the mountain at fifty two degrees fahrenheit. The source is bolstered from the snow soften and rain that channels from the Vinzier Level, in excess of fifteen years, through icy sand. The frigid sand is encompassed by
  • 37. Activities In Delaware What kinds of outdoor activities are available to teens in Delaware? Well let me tell you that there are multiple activities for a teenager to get involved in. There are programs to get involved in, volunteering opportunities and educational opportunities for them to partake in. Teens should be going out for some of these activities so they can grow and learn from these experiences. Some of these activities include FFA, 4 H, YMCA of Delaware, summer camps, boy scouts, and State Parks. FFA stands for Future Farmers of America and is not just for students that want to be farmers it is open to anyone. It helps by providing a path to achieve leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. 4 H is a program that you can get involved in that is available at places like in your school, at camp, in your community or at the University of Delaware. It provides the opportunity for students to get exposed to many different careers and get to learn new skills that they can use in life. Some examples are growing and taking care of animals or plants and a skill is getting to practice cooking. YMCA of Delaware is a place where you can go to learn how to swim and can go through experiences that... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The pond was created in the late 1700s as a source of power for the harvest of baldcypress from the area. Later in the 1930s the Federal Government purchased the pond and surrounding farmland and the Civilian Conservation Corps used the area for recreation. Trap Pond became one of Delaware s first state parks in 1951. At Trap Pond visitors get to see natural beauty in the wetland forest, can see animals and there are hiking trails that surround the pond. So there are different things you can do at Trap Pond from hiking to bird watching to
  • 38. Comparing Two Different Types Of English Riding In the competitive world of horseback riding, there are two distinct styles: english and western. Even though both sports require a horse, there are differences in the equipment you ride in, the type of horse, and the basics of the sport. The first difference is the type of equipment used in the sport. When riding, you use a saddle of course, but saddles are made a hundred different ways for certain types of activity. For example, the saddle you use. For a barrel racer, which is western, the saddle you use has a longer horn for the ability to grab it when turning the barrels. The saddle is also heavier and thicker so it allows the barrel racer to sit deep in the seat when going fast. For a jumper, which is english riding, the saddle has no horn and is extremely light. The saddle is so light because the horse can jump higher and the only weight that needs to be on the horse is the rider itself. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Different breeds of horses have different body structures, different speeds, and different temperaments that fit with the sport they are used in. In all western sports quarter horses are mainly used even though other types are used. Quarter horses are usually short and have very muscular hindquarters and they also have the ability to reach top speed at a quarter of a mile, hence the name quarter horse . Western sports are timed events but the fastest time wins, which is why this short and fast little horse is used primarily in the western world of horseback riding. If you attend any english riding sport, the horses you see are usually tall. For example you wouldn t see a short quarter horse in the jumping arena trying to jump the high jumps. Thoroughbreds are a common breed spotted in the english arena because of their build. They are quite tall and that also allows them to be used in racing because of their high
  • 39. Korean Pop Korea had become trendy because it provided what the youth wanted throughout the region. The phenomenon can be partially explained by noting how Korean popular culture catapulted forward during the 1990s, leaving much of Asia behind as it abandoned conservatism and censorship, diversifying, appropriating, absorbing and innovating. In its fusions, it created an Asian equivalent of European and American pop. Japanese pop, of course, had long had this function throughout the region, but the 1990s was a time for re examining the Pacific War s legacy, and Korea offered a less tainted alternative to Japan. Keith Howard Background of the StudyThe global world widely perceives modern mass media. With the recent technology... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fandoms are usually implied to be those crazy, raving fans, mostly female ones, who always stalk (in Korean pop vocabulary, *spazz) their Korean pop idols. They are usually thought of as obsessive, brainless and foolish people. People who criticize them just do not know how passionate these fandoms are. Although they are known for showing their support through watching their Korean pop idols and buying Korean pop merchandise, they go beyond than that; these fandoms also organize parties and charitable events to help the needy and at the same time, to mingle with their fellow KPop fans. Through this, it can be observed that Filipinos form these groups so that they can socialize with other people who also have the same inclinations, as demonstrated by the subculture of KPop fans, in the country, flamed by activities of fandoms. More than a recreation and hobby, for KPop fans, it is their happiness and fulfillment to support their idols. Through a brief research, it has been observed that the Korean wave is popular among many Filipino teenagers because it offers a fresh cultural aspect, encourages self expression and serves as a psychological and social urgency. Significance of the Study This study was done primarily because of the researcher s own interest in the subject matter. She was surprised to observe that the Korean Wave already established its name globally for only a short span of time. While she has her personal views and
  • 40. Wind Vs. Dirt By Birdbrain Science Weathering and Erosion First, wind is a very powerful thing that can carry sediments. Wind can even break down trees! According to the article Wind vs Dirt by Birdbrain Science it states This is the wind blowing a little bit of sand. Sandstorms happen when the wind carries lots of sand into the air and whips it across the desert. To explain, wind can create storms with sand and other sediments. Sandstorms are like tornadoes of sand it s dangerous to be near them. In the article Wind vs Dirt by Birdbrain Science it states Dust storms happen when the earth gets very dry and wind carries a lot of dust into the air. The dirt can get in people s eyes and mouths, and it can kill crops. This means that, wind can be very dangerous not only to the areas it affects but the people in that area. According to, BirdBrain Science, Wind is usually the one thing that causes weathering. It starts to break apart rocks and chip. Wind is strong enough to smash rocks up against other rocks.That is why wind is a very powerful resource Secondly, ice can change the earth by, getting water... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When I observed the stream table I noticed that, the water was moving the sediments so powerful and it made a deep path through the sediments.To explain, the water was powerful enough to move something in seconds while for most children, it takes minutes to even make a distinguished hole in the sand. Also, in the stream table I observed that, the water created a small delta in the stream .This means, that even in a small classroom experiment it created a small version of a landform.Adding on, in my stream table observations I also noticed that even though there wasn t much water so much happened with the sediments.To explain, when Mrs.Rodis poured the water at first it was a very small amount but it impacted the sediments so fast.Water is a very powerful resource it can impact through both weathering and
  • 41. Examples Of Alienation In The Thin Red Line For instance in James Jones s novel The Thin Red Line (1962), the inhuman and brutal acts , such as the disinterring of a Japanese corpse for fun, the extraction of their corpses gold teeth, and the summary execution of Japanese prisoners, all of these explore the idea that each soldier suffers the emotional and physical predicament of war by himself. However, some readers will be grateful to an author who has honestly attempted to tell the truth in his own artistic way. One such person was Romain Gary who expressed his appreciation of the novelin his April 22, 1962, letter to Jones. The Thin Red Line, the line between man and beast, so easily crossed, is a realistic fable, symbolic without symbols, mythological and yet completely factual, a sort of Moby Dick without the white whale, deeply philosophical without any philosophizing whatsoever. . . . The book belongs to that vein of poetical realism which is the rarest and to me the most precious thing in the whole history of the novel , it is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wright has exposed the human predicaments of his individualism through his characters with their sufferings that they underwent due to their color, as well as he exposed the reality by bringing out the hidden pain of the blacks. The effects of alienation in a society can be noted through the novels of Wright such as, Black Boy and Native Son. In the novel Black Boy, Richard Wright had a constant feeling of alienation. Richard expresses his physical or emotional hunger, his disagreements with injustice, or his unwillingness to conform, he always felt this way. Racism plays a strong role in Wright s Black Boy, due to the fact that this thought was very popular in this time period. Richard struggled to liberate himself from the alienation of white people and the working system because it was strongly looked down upon by whites and
  • 42. Essay About Peace In Cologeria Given the tumultuous political environment in Colombia during this period, it may come as a surprise that a third round of peace talks commenced in 1998. The FARC, having reached its peak during this time, was waging an all out insurgency against the state. The push for peace came at the behest of the citizenry rather than the state. In a strong display of unity, 10 million Colombians voted to for the Mandate of Peace in October of 1997 in a popular vote. Thus the governmentunder the Pastrana administration initiated peace negotiations amidst a brutal warwith the FARC. President Pastrana took office under the promise of implementing two initiatives: the first was to negotiate with the guerrillas and paramilitaries in an effort to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the public hearings, 25,000 delegates participated in presenting various proposals for peace. This process was also unique in that various international actors, including European, Latin American, and Canadian governments as well as representatives from the United Nations, participated either directly or indirectly. U.S. support for the negotiations was weakened, however, by the fact that the FARC had recently abducted and killed three American activists. This had the effect of weakening the overall peace process. Nonetheless, the third peace process had begun. The agenda for negotiation in May of 1999 included a variety of different topics, focusing on 12 main issues and 48 sub issues. These issues included: human rights, agrarian policy (the distribution of lands bought with drug money and the substitution of illicit crops), natural resources, the revision of the economic and social development model, reform of the Justice system and the state, accords on International Humanitarian Law (IHL), the redefinition of the peace time role of the armed forces, and international agreements and the democratic mechanisms legitimizing these. Efforts were made on behalf of both parties to build confidence. Among these efforts was the initiation of ceasefires during Christmas and the New Year in 1999/2000. It is important to note that, though each side was continuing in the peace process, there was no overarching
  • 43. Brat Camp Case Study EXISTENTIAL James (18) was one of our few self referred clients that have come through the program. His mother called our admissions team and reported that James was suffering from depression since his father had passed away last year. James and his father had a very distant relationship anyway and spent very little time together since his parents separated when he was 8. James wanted to attend the program after seeing an episode of Brat Camp saying that he would find it beneficial as long as the program was not a boot camp. James was positive and a big thinker during the program. He wanted to hike very far distances in the beginning so that he could get back into shape as he is a black belt in karate but has not attended training for over a year. After a long hike James was frustrated with the program leaders saying they were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He mentioned that his sister and mother were to blame for most problems since they made him feel like he couldn t live in his own house. The program leaders connected with James large scale thinking but worried that he missed the smaller picture at times. During a day hike up a mountain three wedge tail eagles flew over the group causing the group to stop and gasp in wonder. James huffed and said, Oh what s the point?! As the trip continued, James began to further connect with the program leaders and asked about the things he could do at home to help bring in the peace. James was a gifted storyteller and enjoyed writing about how he sees the world a bit differently than those around him. He asked about meditation as a spiritual practice and said that he wanted to feel more centred and less burdened by the scale of everything in his life. This was especially important to him as he prepared to begin a psychology degree at university. EXISTENTIAL EXPERIMENTS Community Service
  • 44. Restoration Of Restoration And Conservation Everyday, our history and the visions of artists are threatened by time. Left alone, paint will fade, old buildings will fall and the history associated with them will perish. As time goes by the need to preserve and restore this history becomes increasingly important. Generations to come should not have to miss out on these priceless pieces of history simply because these artifacts were left in ruin. When it comes to cleaning and restoring historic art, there is always the risk of altering the work from its original state or even worse, ruining it beyond repair; yet time and the elements put these masterpieces at risk every day. Action must be taken in order to preserve our history. The need for restoration and conservation is strong, however, the results of restoring works of art history can come with heavy criticism. The team selected to restore the Sistine chapel ceiling, between 1980 and 1999 (Beck pg. 64), very well know this to be true. Before moving into the controversy surrounding the cleaning of the Sistine chapelceiling, it is imperative to understand the origin of this grand work of art. During the fifteenth century, the location of the Pope s Roman residence had moved from the Lateran Palace to the Vatican. Sometime after this transition occurred, Pope Sixtus IV of the Della Rovere family erected several new structures, including a new papal chapel that was named the Sistine. In 1503 when Giuliano Della Rovere, better known as Julius II, became Pope, he
  • 45. The Consequences Of The National Debt If there is one thing that is known about the national debt, it is that it goes hand in hand with Millennials. It is a shame to think that our country s debt will be forced onto the younger generation, and we will ultimately be the ones who have to fix the situation or deal with the consequences. To be clear, the term millennial usually refers to someone who is in the 18 to 34 age bracket. Millennials are also the first generation after the baby boomers. We are now facing a time when the national debtis growing faster than the American population, and this affects everyone. To put this into perspective, the national debt crisis will have some effect on most college students. Young adults who are trying to find their first job and begin their
  • 46. Essay on Comparison of Jackson s Short Story The Lottery... Almost every person in the world holds a set of traditions which have been established and practiced for a long period of time. However, some traditions often cause us to not see the rationality despite of the destructive nature it may have. In Shirley Jackson s short story, The Lottery , a sacrifice of one s life becomes the jackpot of an annual event held in a small town. This society s traditions have caused the people to do away with their rational thoughts and the values of their lives as they have become so stuck in their own cultural beliefs. In the short story, The Lottery , Jackson s use of symbols reveals a twisting plot that isn t recognizable until nearly at the end of the story. Her use of third person point of view is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here in this village, the lottery only takes about two hours with the 300 residents that currently live there. In some towns, the lottery takes nearly two days and must be started on the 26th. Jackson writes it could begin at ten o clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner (156). This states that they want to get this completed so they can return home with their families and have a family lunch. Relaying no emotion to the fact that death is the outcome of this whole ordeal. In the film The Lottery the setting is more modern and appears to be in the 1960 s even. You are able to identify this due to the articles of clothing they possess, the way the towns people do their hair and make up in some sort. Another clue is the shops out front of the town square, compared to the short story; it was led to believe as if none of that had come into place at the time. Also the area seems to be more industrialized than a rural town would be i.e. automobiles. It is never clear as to what day it may be until the characters give dialogue of the other towns having to start the lottery a day ahead June 27th. The town s people seem to have much more concern and empathy in the film rather than the short story because of the emphasis they put on the characters faces and their dialogue. Mrs. Hutchinson when called out as the winner of
  • 47. The Setting in Hound of the Baskervilles and The Signalman... The Setting in Hound of the Baskervilles and The Signalman The Hound of the Baskervilles was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1902 carrying the genre of a horror story, whilst The Signalman was written by Charles Dickens in 1860, carrying the genre of a ghost story. Both writers use the same type of setting throughout the novels which is dismal, shadowy and perspirating. At the time when both novels were written, the readers who read both of the novels believed that ghosts and huge hounds which prowled moonless, glum heaths actually existed. This had a greater effect on the reader in the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century than it does today because not many people living ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Grimpen Mire is a place where A false step yonder means death to man or beast compared to The Signalman which is set in the same place the whole way through the text. This leads the reader to think that the writer has created a character which is lonely and therefore might be going mad as a consequence. The Signalman is a partially gothic tale which deals with strange, ghostly appearances whilst the main body of the story is being narrated by the traveller who is involved by Dickens only tell the reader the story by questioning the signalman the whole way through which is the only purpose for the traveller being there. The three main settings in The Hound of the Baskervilles are Baker Street which is Sherlock Holmes place of residence, Dartmoor and Baskerville Hall whereas in The Signalman the main setting is the signal box and the entrance to the tunnel. The writers don t seem to vary the settings in both novels which convey to the reader that the writer is keeping the setting in the same place so that the reader gets to know the characteristics of the setting in detail. Conan Doyle s creation of Sherlock Holmes is very important to the detective horror story genre because he satisfies most readers in terms of the personality of Sherlock Holmes by the way that he is a brilliant
  • 48. The 10 Stages Of Production For Gap Inc. Jeans Figure 1 demonstrates the 10 stages of production for Gap Inc. Jeans, from the raw material all the way through to the consumer as an end product. The first stage is the supply chain for the production of jeans is to source cotton. Gap has a sustainability and environmental issue when sourcing cotton. Gap Inc. scored a 0.5 out of a scale of 0 to 19.5 on cotton ranking, conducted by Rank a Brand. Which assessed their cotton policy, sourcing and traceability based on publicly available information . Besides the sustainability concern, gap has an environmental issue. Sourcing unstainable cotton uses a tremendous amount of water, as It takes more than 5,000 gallons of water to make enough cotton for just a T shirt and a pair of jeans . It is also unclear to the consumer in which countries the cotton is sourced. As some countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan tend to be much more risk prone for child labor, during the cotton picking season. The second stage of the production for GAP is the weaving of the fabric. Gap does not provide any public information on which weaving mills they use or where these mills are located geographically. From a SEERS point of view this is a responsibility issue. Because Gap should be able to release this information to the public. So that the consumers can be assured that there are no social issues within the supply chain. The third stage of production otherwise known as tier 2 suppliers has four connections for making the jeans. These consist
  • 49. Bat Vs Wood Bat Essay What if Major League Baseball (MLB) used aluminum bats instead of wood bats? Would the type of bat change the game? Would it affect the safety of the players? MLB will most likely never use aluminum bats for several reasons, but three that stand out are the increased batter performance, the safety to the players, and the durability of the bats. When the NCAA approved the use of aluminum bats by college baseball, team batting averages increased by 20% and home runs close to doubled. In 2009, the statistics of college baseball showed that runs batted in (RBIs) increased by 14% and the home run rate increased by 38% when using aluminum bats. When a ball is hit with a wood bat it compresses to nearly half of its original diameter and loses up to 75% of its initial energy. However, when an aluminum bat strikes a ball it essentially has the opposite effect. The energy is stored inside the barrel of the aluminum bat and is then ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even today, people continue to argue that aluminum bats are safer than wood bats even with scientific studies proving this argument false. Yes wood bats can break and potentially injure someone, but aluminum bats can be much more dangerous because of the speed at which the ball leaves the bat. For instance, when a ball is pitched at 90 mph, it comes off the bat at 108 mph reaching the pitcher s mound in .375 seconds. With pitchers throwing at speeds up to 100 mph, the pitcher only has 0.030 seconds or less to react to a ball coming straight back at them. According to studies, it takes a person 0.095 seconds to blink an eye; this proves it s impossible for a pitcher to react to the potential speed of a ball being hit by an aluminum bat. This could lead to horrific injuries such as fractured skulls, broken jaws, comas, and even death. In 2009, 108,976 baseball players were reported hospitalized due to injuries related to the use of aluminum
  • 50. Oral Piercings And Its Effects Oral piercings have become more and more popular among the past couple of decades, especially with younger groups of people.1 They get these piercings because they think it will make them more popular in their social groups or because they think it looks good to get their tongue or lip pierced.2 Years ago, people got piercings because of their certain religious practices or different ethnic groups, but today oral piercings are becoming increasingly popular with the general population regardless of their cultural beliefs.3 The most common places to get piercings in the mouthare the tongueand the lips.4 Over the years, though, the tongue has become very popular.3 With piercings becoming more prevalent, research is finding that there and many complications and risk factors involved. One of the risk factors from getting an oral piercing is infective endocarditis. This is especially significant for someone who has heart disease because he is more prone to getting infections.5 Furthermore, Oral piercings are not to be considered a simple procedure that can be done by anyone, they should actually be considered a surgery that is to be done by professionals because of the complications that can arise from them.6 Some of the early complications from getting oral piercings include pain, swelling of the piercing site, bleeding, and infections.7 Following, late complications consist of localized periodontitis, irreversible gingival recession, fractured or chipped teeth, and difficulty
  • 51. United States Involvement In WWII Despite the disadvantageous effects of Japanese s surprise attack, this event directly correlates with the United States involvement in World War II, in turn, providing a strong contributing arm to the Allied forces. Although the war began with Nazi Germany s attack on Poland in September 1939, the United Statesdid not enter the war until 1941, after the Japanese bombed the American army fleet in Pearl Harbor (Tames, 2006, 28). Conversely, President Franklin D. Rooseveltworked hard to prepare Americans for a conflict, which he regarded as inevitable, before formally being involved. (Tames, 2006, 28). The Japanese believed that a surprise attack would eliminate America from joining the war, the attack had been rehearsed for a year, practising on a model mock up until they... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The sleeping giant had been awoken, and in America, a sense of fury now accompanied the mobilisation for war of the world s most powerful economy (History.co Staff, 2015). The losses at Pearl Harbor would soon be more than made good, and used to take a terrible vengeance on Japan (History.co Staff, 2015). Japan failed to destroy America s aircraft carriers, this soon became an error the nation would pay for (Bard, 2004, 133). The United States rallied their forces and prepared for war, all previous discussions against joining the war were forgotten. President Franklin D. Roosevelt prepared his nation for battle and announced, We will gain the inevitable triumph. So help us God. (Roosevelt, 1941). From that point forward, America s capacity to produce hundreds of thousands of tanks, airplanes, and ships for itself and its allies proved a crucial factor in Allied success (Taylor, 2001). Despite the carnage of Pearl Harbor, the United States involvement in war was initiated by the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and without the U.S. World War II would have had a differing, negative outcome for the Allied
  • 52. Night Book Critique Sarah Coleman May 3, 2017 Period 5 Western Civ. 12 Night Book Critique Night, by Elie Wiesel, is a story about a Jewish boy growing up during World War II. The main character in the book, Eliezer Wiesel, talks about the different experiences he had during World War II. He started off by talking about how everything was normal, and no one was too worried about the war that was going on. One man, Moishe the Beadle, was taken off to another country, and when he managed to get back, he warned everyone what would happened if they did not leave. A few people listened to him, but not Eliezer s parents. A couple years later, when the war sounded like it was almost over, Germans entered the town that Eliezer s family were living in. After this, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I would suggest that no one reads the book before they are seniors, maybe juniors, in high school. I would recommend it to students younger, but some of the stories are slightly too graphic, like the one where the little boy is being hung, but is not heavy enough to die right away so he just hung there for a while until he finally died. I feel that everyone reads the book because it gives people a better insight into what people experienced in the camps. I knew that the prisoners had a really rough life in the camps, but this book really opened my eyes to how bad it really was. People who are planning on being history majors or are going into politics should read this book at least twice. This would be so that they make sure that something like this does not happen again. Also, more so for the history majors, to teach other people the effects that living in the camps had on people. One example that really showed the effect of the camp was at the end when Eliezer looked at himself in the mirror and did not recognize himself. These are the main reasons I would recommend everyone read Night at least
  • 53. Locke Vs Berkeley In the Mind or In the World? Do objects exist in the Physical world? This discussion has been around for generations. Philosophers like John Locke and George Berkeley have presented their theories about the basics of human understanding, but both ideas are contradicting. Although both Locke and Berkeley proved their position on whether primary qualities and secondary qualities exist in the real world, Locke has provided a more coherent argument. In Locke s essay, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, he explains where and how one s knowledge was formed. He reiterates that Whatsoever the Mindperceives in it self, or is the immediate object of Perception, Thought, or Understanding, that I call Idea; and the Power to produce in any Idea... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He as well said that humans are like objects when it comes to existence, God s idea. Berkeley said, This perceiving, active being is what I call mind, spirit, soul or myself (Berkeley, 55). Since he believes that everything exists in the mind, Locke s primary and secondary qualities are only a collection of idea. Berkeley says, ...Colours and tastes exist only in the mind...and to prove the same thing of extension, figure and motion (Berkeley, 57). Berkeley argues that ... Various sensations, or ideas imprinted on the sense, however blended or combined together, cannot exist otherwise in a mind perceiving them (Berkeley, 55). He explains that ideas can only resemble ideas, therefore, external objects does not exist since it cannot create perception. When we think about a certain object, to Berkeley, it is not that he thinks that it does not exist, rather he believes that it is merely a collection of