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Essay Themen Philosophie
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Essay Themen PhilosophieEssay Themen Philosophie
The Effects Of Self Deception In Macbeth
Throughout Macbeth, things are never what they appear to be. Macbeth, similar to other works of
Shakespeare, is a story of pain and tragedy. At the start, King Duncan has a brave and loyal Thane
called Macbeth. After three witches prophesize that Macbeth is destined to become king himself,
Macbeth is overwhelmed with ambition and greed. Reinforced by the prophecy and his wife s
encouragement, he takes the throne by murdering King Duncan. Eventually, Macbeths paranoia, and
guilt lead him to conduct multiple murders to maintain his power. His trust in the witches results in
his defeat and overthrow as he is murdered by those he has wronged. In this play Shakespeare uses
language, conflict, and the supernatural to illustrate deception and the effects of self deception.
Shakespeare s use of language in select scenes reveals Lady Macbeth s characters intentions. Lady
Macbeth is devious when it comes to persuading others, like her husband, into believing things that
are not true. This is shown through the lines, Your hand, your tongue. Look like th innocent flower,
/ But be the serpent under t. (I.v. 56 57). This is spoken to Macbeth and shows how she is
manipulating him into something he is not by telling him he must act innocent but be corrupt on
the inside. Lady Macbeth later decides that she can use this manipulation to push her husband s
ambition to be king. Shakespeare ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Shakespeare revealed that deception ends in immense guilt, which results in insanity. Lady
Macbeth and Macbeth try to use denial towards their actions to deceive themselves which result in
their loss to insanity. As one can see, deception (along with self deception) is a major part of
Macbeth. Shakespeare is able to show the audience that deceiving others and yourself, is not ethical
nor the way to achieve what you
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Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new
and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which
completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism s characteristics in a particular
way. In my opinion, it may very well be a great improvement, but it should only be used when
necessary. If I were a parent of a child under 12 years of age, I would not sign up for the
First of all, genetic engineering is simply a way of altering oneself. The enhancement may bring
great skills to have, but unfortunately this is not only changing the child s mind completely, it is
also giving them no self actualization ability. I agree with Baylis and Robert s idea of,
Enhancement technologies having a deleterious impact on the genetic variability characteristic of
the human gene pool (Baylis and Robert) because every human is different and unique in many
aspects. This process literally weakens the authenticity of one s accomplishments and diversity
throughout society. It holds that the engineered person s abilities and talents are no longer his or
her own, but are simply because of the alteration. Children are supposed to be different in order to
find their struggles and strengths, building themselves. If they are accelerated in everything
possible, they will never find their paths in life. According to Baylis and Robert, The essence of
humans is to nurture and protect the natural
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News Media Satire Essay
News media today has traded in their hats from informing the citizens to telling the people what
they want to hear. It seems whatever news channel you watch or article you read, there is always
a biased political agenda the journalists are pushing onto you. Media is a business, their main
concern is their profit margins and viewership not in telling the cold hard facts. Not all news
journalists and reporters are biased but the unbiased one are few and far between. The
inappropriate fit between the country s major media and the country s political system has starved
voters of relevant information, leaving them at the mercy of pair political propaganda that is close
to meaningless and often worse. It has eroded the central requirement of the... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
News media was required to give multiple perspectives while giving citizens the story This would
in due course eliminate bias and partisan news outlets. Though it sounds reasonable, many people
argue of that the government s role should be minimal when it comes to regulating anyone s
freedom of speech (Fletcher) . [The Fairness Doctrine is] an assault on the First Amendment. Sean
Hannity. With so much controversy I don t see the Fairness Doctrine passing in Congress anytime
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Observation And Analysis Of A Hispanic Infant
Observation and Analysis of a Hispanic Infant Our Lady of the Lake University SOWK 7328
I)Introduction Jace is the pseudonym the parents chose for the anonymity of this youth. Jace
means healing in Spanish and was chosen because every time the youth smiles his mother says
it heals her and makes her happy no matter what. Jace was born in 2015 to a mixed family, his
father is half Hispanic and half African American and the mother is half African American and
half Caucasian, but Jace definitely takes after his father. Jace looks almost identical to the
pictures of his father at the same age, Jace will be one year old this month. Prior to this
observation research was done into the developmental stages of an infant and upon observation
Jace seems to fit the normal progressive state of birth to one year old would go through. He is
smart, charismatic, creative, happy, but maybe a little spoiled as he is the baby of the family.
Jace was the last baby to be born and the third male out of the other five siblings. Anthony has
two other children from a previous relationship who live with their mother, one child is an
eighteen year old male and the other is a seventeen year old female. The other four siblings live
in the home with Jace, he has an older brother who is sixteen, a sister who is thirteen, a brother
who is eleven, and another sister who is eight years old. Anthony and Jeanine are the parents of
Jace and who were in the room during Jace s
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Pharmacy Improvement Service at Cvs
Case Write up #1: Pharmacy Service Improvement at CVS
After reading the two articles by Ramias and Wilkins on Performance Metrics, what metrics, if any
would you identify that are essential to managing the prescription fulfillment process at CVS.
Ramias and Wilkens state that the starting point in developing metrics is to understand the
expectation of the customer. Upon review of the data compiled by the PSI team, customers expect
accuracy and timeliness. Therefore, most of the metrics developed below focus on measuring the
two expectations and, I believe, are essential to managing the prescription fulfillment process at
CVS. 1. Processing time prescriptions filled per unit of time. A major customer complaint was time
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yone at CVS felt that the DUR was an essential part of good pharmacy operations and customer
service and that the automated review should be a very careful and conservative
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Facial Neuroanatomy Research Paper
Painful facial and oral conditions are common reasons for patients to visit their physicians.
Although much of what we know about facial analgesia stems from the dental literature, it is easily
extrapolated to the family practice or urgent care setting. Even a basic understanding of dental and
facial neuroanatomy can be extremely useful.
Regional anesthesia allows infiltration of a peripheral nerve with a local anesthetic agent in order to
block sensory input. Although direct wound infiltration (local anesthesia) is safe and commonly
used, regional anesthesia, or nerve blocks , are advantageous in that they usually causes minimal
discomfort, are better tolerated than local anesthesia and often require the use of less of the
anesthetic agent. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Imagine an imaginary line between the pupil and the corner of the mouth. The infraorbital foramen
is located 1cm below the infraorbital rim along this imaginary line.
Next, retract the upper lip with the thumb of the non injecting hand and locate the mucobuccal fold
over the first pre molar (one tooth lateral to the canine).
With the bevel oriented toward the bone, insert the needle at the height of the mucobuccal fol,
making sure to keep the needle parallel to the long axis of the tooth. Aim towards the infraorbital
foramen that you are still papating with your index finger.
Continue to advance the needle until it contacts the roof of the infraorbital foramen (approximate
depth of 1.0 1.5cm). Aspirate and slowly inject 1 2cc of anesthetic agent.
Optional: Exert pressure over the foramen with your finger for 1 minute to encourage anesthetic
propagation through the foramen.
If the patient complains of pain on insertion, or the needle is difficult to advance, pull back and
redirect the needle laterally and slowly re advance. As with any procedure, there is a potential risk
of bleeding, infection, edema, allergic reaction, neurovascular damage or accidental intravascular
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Theories of Patriarchy Feminist Ideology
Assess the claim that gender inequalities in the domestic and occupational divisions of labour are
best understood with reference to the concept of patriarchy. You should illustrate your answer with
reference to a range of feminist perspectives.
Western female thought through the centuries has identified the relationship between patriarchy
and gender as crucial to the women s subordinate position. For two hundred years, patriarchy
precluded women from having a legal or political identity and the legislation and attitudes
supporting this provided the model for slavery. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries suffrage
campaigners succeeded in securing some legal and political rights for women in the UK. By the
middle of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The household has a different structure to other institutional forms, e.g., the workplace. This is an
important point because if feminist theories of patriarchy are to stand they must show that
patriarchy operates to the same end in both the private and public sphere, even if it uses different
strategies, otherwise it could not be the main reason for the continuing inequality of women in both
the private and public sphere.
Walby shows that within the private structure and the public structures, patriarchy does use
different strategies to maintain gender inequality and these strategies both achieve the
subordination of women. The household strategy is considered to be exclusionary and the public
structures strategy as segregationist.
The exclusionary strategy in the private arena is based on household production. Application of this
strategy in the domestic sphere depends on individual patriarchs controlling women in the private
world of the home. The male patriarch in the household is both the oppressor and recipient of
women s subordination. This strategy is direct В– women are oppressed on a personal and
individual basis by the individual patriarchs who share their lives.
The segregationist strategy used in the public patriarchy actively excludes women from the public
arena using various structures to subordinate them. Application depends on controlling access to
public arenas (Golombok and Fivush, 1995). This strategy
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The Vietnamese Of The Vietnam
Situated on the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the eastern most country
bordered by China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, the Gulf of Tonkin and the South
China Sea to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the south. Prior to the conquest of Indochina by
the French, Vietnam was ruled by the Chinese for more than eight centuries. However, after several
years of resistance the Vietnamese overthrew the Chinese kingdom in their country and thus
became independent. In spite of gaining freedom, the Vietnamese rulers continued to uphold the
Chinese system of governance, policy making and also its culture. In fact, most of the Vietnamese
were largely influenced by the Chinese culture and religion, mainly Taoism, Buddhism and
The French troops entered the land of Vietnam in the year 1858 and by the mid 1880s they had
established a firm grip over the northern region. After the defeat of China in the Franco Chinese war
(1884 85), the French assumed complete supremacy over the central Vietnam
(Annam), the northern Vietnam (Tonkin), the southern Vietnam (Cochinchina) along with Laos
and Cambodia, which they collectively called French Indo china that was formed in the year 1887.
However, France gained control over the southern Vietnam only after it had signed a peace treaty,
the Treaty of Saigon on July 5th, 1862.
The real motive behind the French colonization was profit, economic exploitation and political
supremacy. The demand for
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Childhood Obesity Policy Essay
One Health and Social Care Policy which I am going to critically review is the childhood obesity
policy. The 2010 2015 government policy: Obesity and Healthy Eating was updated in May 2015
and states many ways for improvements to be made. The purpose of this policy is to try to reduce
the amount of unhealthy foods children eat in the UK.
A key factor of health in later life is childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a medical condition
where excess body fat negatively affects a child s health or well being. Medical conditions are not
the only factor which causes children to be obese it is the parental/family influences as well.
Family influences on children are a huge factor because when children are younger they eat what
the parent s eats which can determine what the child ends up eating.
Obesity in childhood happens when a child weighs over the ... Show more content on
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The graph below shows the prevalence of obesity among children split into five equal sized groups
by household income level. The graph shows a general trend of increasing obesity occurrences
with decreasing household income. For both girls and boys, obesity frequency was significantly
higher in the lowest income quintile than among those in the highest. The figure below shows the
frequency of obesity among children (aged 2 to 15) by equalised household income quintile:
Health Survey for England, 2004 2008.
In Croydon, 23.7% of reception class pupils are classed as either obese or overweight, which is just
above the London average of 22.9% and the national average of 22.6%. Of these, 10.9% fall into
the obese category, which is identical to the London average and just above the national average
of 9.6%. Similarly, a further 12.8% are classed as overweight compared to 12% in London and 13%
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Compare And Contrast Dracula And Parable Of The Sower
Similarly to Dracula, in Parable of the Sower, Lauren is initially condescended by more
dominant males, including her father, Harry, Bankhole, and Travis. Her religion has not taken
full form and she cannot yet present it in a compelling and coherent manner to convince people
to join her community. She is somewhat fantastical about venturing beyond her housing wall
and fully forming her religion. She literally lives surrounded by walls, symbolizing a cave that
shields her from all that the outside world has to offer. Even if the exterior of the wall only
presents her with danger, violence, and a crumbling society, it is reality and a dangerous reality
is safer than the illusion of safety. Once she is forced to exist and live on her own, she structures
Earthseed, her religion, and becomes able to fend for herself. Parable of the Sower takes place
in a dystopian california in the not too distant future. At first, Lauren resides in the relative
safety of a walled community of eleven homes, but her community is burned to the ground and
she is forced to undergo a change. As she enters the real world and leaves her home, she gains
knowledge and knowledge is powerful. Her change is apparent in both her actions and excerpts
from her religion. Lauren exclaims, There has to be more that we can do, a better destiny that we
can shape. Another place. Another way. Something! (151). Here, she haphazardly searches for
something. She cannot even identify what she is looking for. Her desires are unclear and she
presents them immaturely. It is a very youthful manner in trying to solve problems; irrationally
looking for something, anything, to help, but refusing to step back and analyze the situation in a
methodical way to discover what actually needs to be done. She had dreams of moving north, but
never actually implemented or underwent a plan to relocate to a better living condition. Logging
accounts of the annihilation of her neighborhood, lauren writes, Last night, when I escaped from
the neighborhood, it was burning. The houses, the trees, the people: burning (153). She is then
forced to escape and develop a new life. She approaches her trip in a very practical manner, taking
note of her funds, food
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The Pros And Cons Of Altruism
Imagine yourself stumbling upon a horrendous scene. A young woman is seen sprawled on the
ground, her face is bloodied and bruised, and her right leg is twisted at a grotesque angle, evidently
broken. What would you do? Obviously, you help. But why would you help? Undoubtedly, you
wanted to alleviate her distress. But why? Helping others in need and having the urge of wanting to
help somebody who is in need is something that happens at least once in everybody s life. It is a
common thing that even animals help one another mutually, though they expect to gain something
in return. But in some circumstances, helping somebody is not connected to receiving immediate
benefits or these are considered non existent. This prosocial behaviour has caught... Show more
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Numeral studies have shown how individuals would help a family member, relative, or someone
they can mirror themselves with, rather than somebody that they have no relation to or does not
have a connection with. (Rushton, 1991) It is fathomable how helping a family, relative or
somebody we are more attached to is a normal reaction. But it is incomprehensible to explain when
humans show compassion towards complete strangers. This altruistic behaviour seemingly suggests
that true altruism could undeniably exist.
Empathy Altruism Model argues that altruism does exist and explains why people help others
even though they are not related. The Empathy Altruism Model, is established on the idea that
emotional response of empathy is produced when an individual is seen to be in need. It could be
argued that the individual feels empathy for the other person who is in need, and being able to
feel and take into consideration of another s feelings, directs the helping behaviour at relieving the
person who is in need and therefore altruism is produced by altruistic reasons . (Cialdini, Brown,
Lewis, Luce, Neuberg,
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Hamstring Cramps
Your hamstrings are muscle group located on the rear of each upper thigh. It s common to
experience tight, strained or cramped hamstrings, which can occur for several reasons. Upon
dealing with hamstring cramps, take steps to prevent them from occurring again. Before trying any
new exercise or treatment, talk to your doctor and have your condition properly diagnosed.
Muscle Fatigue
Hamstring cramps are common among people who are unconditioned and those who participate in
seasonal intense sports, reports the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. During strenuous
bouts of exercise, your hamstring muscles can fatigue and cramp due to the muscles not getting
enough oxygen. When they lack oxygen, your hamstring muscles will contract and spasm
involuntarily. Thorough stretching, and then starting out slowly and gradually working up to a
more intense level of exercise, can help avoid these types of cramps.
Muscle Tightness ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
People who are sedentary can find their hamstring muscles feel tight or hard. Hamstring cramps
due to tight muscles can happen when you are active, sitting or lying down. A daily program of
general stretching or a program geared to your sport can often help you prevent hamstring cramps.
It is equally important to properly warm up before and cool down after any activity.
Heat and Humidity
Exercising in hot, humid conditions can lead to hamstring cramps. When your body loses too
much fluid through excessive sweating, you can also develop an electrolyte imbalance. Substances
such as calcium, potassium and others are necessary to help your muscles contract properly. If
your body is low in any of these substances either through a poor diet or dehydration your muscles
can involuntarily contract and spasm. Drinking enough water and eating healthily before and after
exercise can help resolve these kinds of cramps.
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Observation Of Parent Infant Interaction
Observational study of parent infant interaction Infants are a special cohort of a population in
the society. Children between the ages of five months to two years are at a stage where they
start familiarizing with their surroundings and have different reactions to situations. The
surrounding where an infant grows greatly determines his or her development. The primary
determinant of the development of infants is the parent infant interaction (Crain, 2015). The
first bond or relation of a child is with its biological parents or guardians in the case of orphaned
children. In this paper, I will analyze the parent infant interaction of a family of four members
comprising of father, mother and two daughters. The mother is a physician in the referral
hospital. The mother is a hardworking woman who is obsessed with perfection. She is
specialized in pediatrics hence aware of many developmental milestones in infants. The
youngest daughter is one and a half years old whereas the firstborn daughter is four years old.
For this assignment, an observation of the younger kid was done in the apartment where the
family lives. According to the observation, the younger child is scared of strangers based on her
reaction when carried by other people who are not part of the family. She cries a lot and seems
scared of the unfamiliar faces. She is in particular resistant to the male individuals. She is
slightly friendly to the females who carry her but remains calm. The reaction was prominent
when one family visited during the observation. The friend was a bearded young man. His hair
was frightening to the kid as she could cry loudly when being carried by him. The positive
attitude towards the female was recognized after the wife of the visiting family carried the kid.
The reaction can be related to the child s preference for gender. The behavior disturbs the mother
as she thinks this might have a negative impact on her child s sexuality. She is worried that the
kid even at her old age is more likely to have a preference for female individuals than male
individuals. Furthermore, based on the observation, the kid is highly attracted to brightly colored
patterns as opposed to dull or darker shades of colors. According to the mom,
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Ashes Of Ham The Muslim Brotherhood
The novel Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria attempts to bridge the gap of
knowledge towards the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood through an objectively comprehensive
examination of the political, historical, and ideological evolution of the party. RaphaГ«l LefГЁvre
attempts to rectify the lack of concrete knowledge through accessing the memoirs of two former
Syrian jihadists (Mutafa Setmarian Nasar and Ayman al Shorbaj) and creates a clear narrative of the
events in chronological order. This novel is essential for anyone seeking to understand the current
Syrian conflict through the lens of the development of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ashes of Hama:
The Muslim Brotherhood in Syriaexplores the internal dynamics of the Syrian Brotherhood... Show
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The first section, Politicizing Islam, focuses on the framework of political Islam up to 1963 that
allows for the development of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and their early days. The second
section entitled The Islamic Opposition to Ba athism, goes in depth into the political, economic,
and ideological subtleties fueling opposition between Islam and the Syrian Ba ath party. The
proceeding third segment, The rise of Jihadism in later 1970s Syria, examines the political and
ideological circumstances that gave rise to the jihadist trend in regards to the Brotherhood itself.
The fourth and final segmentation of the novel titled Ashes of Hama: The Syrian Islamist
Movement since 1982, is devoted to the consequences of the exile of the Muslim Brotherhoods
after the Hama massacre, and how it then evolved to become the regimes most powerful political
The infamous Hama Massacre occurred in February 1982 in the Syrian city of Hama. The Syrian
government forcibly crushed an uprising of Muslim rebels largely consisting of members of the
Muslim Brotherhood. The hostilities had augmented throughout the 1960s and 1970s with the
Muslim Brotherhood harassing the regime with hit and run style guerilla tactics and assassinations.
The 1982 massacre marked the position of the Muslim Brotherhood when they stood their ground
against the regime in order
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Sas Hr Policy
Founded in 1976 by Dr. James Goodnight and Dr. John Sall, both professors at North Carolina
State University, SAS Institute, Inc. provides business intelligence (BI) software and services at
more than 40,000 customer sites worldwide, including 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies.
SAS, which stands for statistical analysis software, is headquartered in Cary, North Carolina. It
is the world s largest privately held software company, having over 100 offices worldwide with
approximately 10,000 employees. With an unbroken record of growth and profitability, SAS had
revenue of $1.18 billion in 2002 and invested about 25 percent of revenues into research and
development. (1) The phenomenal success story of SAS is, in no small part, due to... Show more
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Satisfied employees make for satisfied customers, and satisfied customers make for an ongoing
stream of revenue and profits for SAS. SAS s leaders recognize both the benefits and costs
associated with keeping employees satisfied. One of the most significant benefits for SAS is a
very low annual turnover rate. The company s turnover rate is less than four percent, as
compared to approximately 25 percent for the industry as a whole. This low turnover saves the
company about $70 million annually in employee replacement costs. (14) On the cost side, of
course, is the company s monetary outlay for the various programs. David Russo, the human
resources director, argues that the employee replacement cost savings more than pays for the
company s generous benefits. That s the beauty of it, says Russo. There s no way I could spend
all the money we save. (15) Perhaps of more concern on the cost side is the potential for
employees failing to perform. In commenting on the company s performance expectations for
employees, Goodnight says: I like to be around happy people, but if they don t get that next
release out, they re not going to be very happy. (16) Pondering the likelihood that SAS employees
would take advantage of the company s relaxed atmosphere, John Sall, co owner of SAS,
observes: I can t imagine that playing Ping Pong would be more interesting than work. (17) David
Russo adds
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Leadership Theory And Organizational Culture
The role of leadership has evolved over the years. Early leadership theories focused on the
characteristics of the leader and have shifted to focus on the leader s behavior, skills and style.
Emerging leadership theories continued to shift focus to team leadership and subordinate
motivation. Organizational culture is exists in all organizations and influences the work
environment. Researchers have studied leadership and organizational culture individually; however
there have been less focus on gaining an understanding of the relationship leadership and
organizational culture.
In this paper, I will explore various leadership theories and relationship with organization culture. I
will also reflect on the type of leadership style that promotes a positive organizational culture.
Leaders set the tone for the organization while Organizational culture sets the values that influence
the work environment. There needs to be some clarity on whether leadership influences
organizational culture or does organizational culture influence leadership. In order to understand the
relationship between leadership and organizational culture, we must first define them.
Leadership defined
Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a
common goal. (Northouse, 2013). Leadership involves establishing clear visions, communicating
the vision to followers, and developing strategies to achieve those goals. Leaders are
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Privatization Of The NHS
In the post war reconstruction, due to squalors and diseases. The National Health Service (NHS)
was established on 5 July 1948. It was thought that all sectors in health service should be under one
umbrella due to advancement in medicine and pharmaceutical industry, creating new drugs such as
Antibiotics, better Anaesthetic agents, Cortisone and drugs for the treatment of Mental illness and
other ailments. The creation of NHS was a momentous achievement despite earlier professional
opposition to some of the details.
Principles of NHS
The NHS was created out of the ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of
wealth. When it was launched by the then minister of health, Aneurin Bevan, on ... Show more
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Believe that the NHS should not to be privatised but reformed to meet the challenges of the 21st
century while remaining in the public sector. She pointed out that across the country, the NHS is
selling off its land and buildings and closing its services. This is happening at an unprecedented
rate which is switching NHS funds and services away from NHS services to the private sector. The
total debt is ВЈ50bn rising to ВЈ90bn and will lock in future governments and future taxpayers for
many decades to come. The NHS currently pays ВЈ0.5bn pounds a year in PFI charges and this
debt is set to quadruple to ВЈ2.3bn a year by 2010. The beneficiaries are the banks, the shareholders
and the venture capitalists, the construction industry and facilities management. The losers are the
service users, staff and the British public. (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2007/oct
I believe the NHS should be privatised as the service (NHS) needs help. Partial or full privatisation
can provide the service with well deserve funds it needs to improve the service.
People are living longer, population is increasing by the day. Public spending is insufficient hence
the infusion of private funds can assist in providing the 1st class health service that the people
Government must however put in place some safety net for check and balances. example protection
of jobs
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A Feasibility Study Example
A respectable business is always looking for ways to better serve their customers, especially a
cooperative, but this is sometimes easier said than done. To help determine how achievable a
better service would be for a business a feasibility study is often preformed. The Farmers
Cooperative Association of Snyder, OK is interested in purchasing an automatic truckprobe as well
as building an additional receiving pit and leg to attach to the existing wheat tanks. So, a
feasibility study was preformed to determine if either option would be a practical investment. The
first step for this process was to get a couple of quotes for an automatic truck probe. After some
research on different brands the manager contacted J.A. King Precision... Show more content on
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It would also allow for samples to be taken from several different locations on the truck.
Furthermore, having an automatic probe takes out an employ which allows for that money to
benefit the membership of the co op thus allowing the co op to give better service to the customers.
The main risk in this investment would be the ability to afford the cost of a probe. With the wheat
market deteriorating the possibility going into the hole on this investment increases drastically.
Damage to the probe is also a possibility, and a additional expense that could make the probe less
profitable. But in this case the benefits seem to outweigh the risks making this investment one to
consider to better serve the customer. After some research was done on the automatictruck probe
the focus was shifted to the addition of a new receiving pit and leg. Pitcock Supply Inc. was
contacted by the intern for a quote and they sent out an agent to take measurements for the
location and get all the specifics. The quote allowed for a 15,000 BPH Schlagel conveyor,
concrete pit, concrete pad, and a Schlagel distributer. The total which included labor, misc.
equipment, rentals, paint, freight, a crane, and insurance came to $304,698.55. An investment of
this size usually comes with risks to match, therefor it is imperative to consider. Looking at the
figure above, it is easy to see what an enormous risk this would be for the co op. If the cost was
depreciated out it would take roughly
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Science Study Of The Natural World
Science study of the natural world
Inference logical deduction based on evidence
Controlled Experiment an experiment that only tests one variable
Theory a supported group of ideas to explain something
Homeostasis The ability for an organism to maintain a stable internal environment
TEM a microscope that transmits beam of electrons through a sample
Centrifuge a machine that rotates a container to separate substances
Evolution the process where organisms slowly develop and adapt
Extrapolate to make predictions by extending known facts
Metabolism chemical processes in an organism needed to survive
Atom the smallest unit of matter
Isotope an element that has a different amount of neutrons
Adhesion the attraction that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
ganic matter in an area
Biodiversity the variety of organisms on Earth
Biogeochemical dealing with living and nonliving things in an ecosystem
Percolation the process where liquid goes down a filter
Sedimentation the process where materials settle to the bottom of a liquid
Limiting Nutrient a nutrient that limits an organisms development
Fossil Fuel a fuel made of dead organisms
Climate the weather in a specified location over a long period of time
Symbiotic a relationship between two different species where they live together
Limnology study of freshwater bodies of water
Microclimate the local climate of a tiny area
Zonation division of an area
Benthos organisms that live in the Benthic zone near the bottom of a body of water
Diligence being careful and putting in effort
Mitigation to make less harmful
Reclamation creation of land from bodies of water
Upwelling the process where liquid rises
Deduction finding a conclusion based on known facts
Exponential Growth growth that increases proportional to its size
Carrying Capacity the maximum amount of organisms that a habitat can hold
Demographics statistical data based on human population
Emigration leaving a region to migrate to another region
Geographic Distribution the arrangement of organisms in a given area
Demographic Transition the transition to high death and birth rates to low death and birth rates
Monoculture an area where only one type of crop is planted
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An Organization Customer Support, Finance, Accounting,...
Change Proposal In an organization customer support, finance, accounting, sales, marketing, and
operations are some of the different divisions that many businesses consist of. In this report it will
display the proposal modifications that will affect the sales division at the Kudler s Fine Foods
organization. The purpose of this report is to examine the structure and operation of the sales
department at Kudler s Fine Foods and obtain the authorization to implement a certain types of
changes which will help the sales department operate more effectively. The first area of this report
will explain why a change is required and how the proposed changes will benefit the organization.
Then, this report will examine the four areas of change managementand how each area s purpose
relates to the problems faced by the company. After that, the report will provide a summary of how
company management will use the projected changes to make adjustments in the work
environment. Lastly, this report will support the change proposalsposition by demonstrating
information regarding the company s expected return on investment
Need for Change Implementing a change management program at Kudler Fine Foods will assist
management as they seek to appropriately control the change within their organization (Leban
Stone, 2015). The change management program s main purpose is to ensure that upper
management employees accept and understand the types of changes that are needed to maximize
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Resistance To Civil Government Thoreau Summary
In the essay Resistance to Civil Government, Thoreau, the writer, begins by saying he agrees with
the motto That government is best which governs least. Thoreau says that one day men will be able
to go without the government since the government isn t useful and better when it s not there.
Thoreau presents an effective argument by explaining what is injustice with our governmentand
how we should fix it. The three things that Thoreau wants the readers of his essay to do is to
fight for what is right, to not be associated with something that is wrong and to obey your own
laws and try to flourish them in your own way. The first thing that Thoreau wants the readers to
do is to fight for what is right. Thoreau goes on by saying how unjust the laws are. He states that
the Mexican War is an illegal war so by the government forcing Thoreau to pay the poll taxes that
go to support the illegal war is unjust. Thoreau believes in doing what is right over what the
government tells us to do. Thoreau also talks about the farmers who are letting the government
control them instead of protesting against the government. the government makes unjust laws that
people should cease to associate with. In fact, Thoreau says the American people would have been
even more successful in these endeavors had government been even less involved (SparkNotes
Editors). The next thing Thoreau wants the readers to stand up for is slavery. There is the
enslavement of one sixth of the population. For there to
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Myocardil Effusion
The aim of this essay is to explore an acute deterioration in the health of an adult I have encountered
during a clinical placement, in an acute care setting. The essay will begin with a definition of acute
care, followed by the introduction of my patient and predisposing factors. This essay will include an
explanation of the significant pathophysiological changes and related clinical manifestations and a
critical analysis of the nursing interventions implemented during the acute episode of care, focusing
on holistic care, rationale and evidence base. It will then describe the actual deterioration in the
patient s condition, and discuss the nurse s role in the recognition and assessment of the actual
deteriorating condition following the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to the framework, CHD is common frequently preventable and largely fatal (CHD
NSF 2006), it is responsible for more 84,600 deaths in England in 2009, including 26.4 per
100,000 under the age of 75. Age is important as the target for reduction in mortality from CHD,
stroke and related disorders of 40% of the year 2010, established in Saving Lives: Our Healthier
Nation (DoH 1999), referred to the under 75 age group. The key areas identified for intervention in
the national service framework are: reducing smoking, promoting healthy eating, promoting
physical activity and reducing obesity, although several other factors are known to contribute to the
development of CHD. Smoking has long been known to be a factor in the development of CHD.
According to Smeltzer and Bare (2000), smoking decreases blood flow to the extremities and
increases heart rate and pressure via stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, causing
vasoconstriction. In addition, it raises the chances of clot formation by increasing the aggregation
of platelets. Campbell (2006) suggests that the toxic components of cigarette smoke damage the
endothelial lining of the blood vessels, which may initiate the development of atherosclerosis.
Because carbon dioxide from the cigarette burns readily with haemoglobin, it deprives oxygen of
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Modelling And Verification Of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Essay
Modelling and Verification of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks
Anvay Kumar
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand akmu584@aucklanduni.ac.nz Abstract A step towards the research of
wireless time triggered networks was taken with the development of a new safety critical wireless
protocol called the Time Triggered New Zigbee (TTNZ) protocol. The methodology for
developing the TTNZ protocol involved Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and a tool called
TimeMe which is an IEC 61499 standard compliant software. MDE overcomes the limitations of the
traditional approach which does not guarantee consistent performance during the design and
development phases of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) [1]. This safety critical wireless
protocol, TTNZ, does not take into consideration the irregularities of the physical (PHY) layer. The
current project is undertaken to consider the issue of timeliness with PHY layer abnormalities and
accordingly use a measurement or testing based approach to verify timeliness.
Index Terms TTNZ, Timeliness in Wireless Sensor Networks, PHY layer abnormalities. Introduction
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are revolutionizing the way people interact with the physical
world. The use of WSNs is rapidly growing in various types of applications. Some of these
applications have strong timeliness constraints [2]. Timeliness is a crucial factor in safety critical
applications. In general terms, timeliness refers to the
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Portugal And Brazil Essay
Both Brazil and Portugal share an intense bond with Africa. Portugal held African colonies since the
era of overseas exploration. The first violent occupation from the Portuguese took place in Ceuta in
1415, in the north of the African continent, however, the real discovery of the continent took place
little over the 15th century, expanding also to the Latin America (Brazil) and Asia (China and India).
In the 17th century, the British, French and Deutsch expelled the Portuguese from the best coastal
areas in order to pursue the slave trade. Portugaland Spain kept some of the old colonies like
Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, and SГЈo TomГ© e PrГncipe. Portugal sent
Portuguese families to stablish colonies in African soil, with... Show more content on
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With the end of the war and the independence of these countries in 1975, the white Portuguese
colonizers, who had built their life in African territory, had to return. This exodus was called The
Returned although, this word was received with discontent, being a taboo to this day. Some of
the people returning from the African colonies, had not been in Portugal for many years or were
second, third generation, so the term Returned is not as well accepted for those who had never
stepped foot in Portuguese soil. However, what many people may not know, is that the first wave
of the Returned were in fact black Portuguese, who were looking for a new way of life, many of
them who had never seen Portugal
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Organizational Commitment
Organizational Commitment and Communication Paper Week 3
Introduction A look at an organization s communication and leadership styles can say a lot about
the organization as a whole. Google has a relaxed atmosphere, where management allows workers
to create their own schedules; and fosters creativity by allowing and encouraging their workers to
explore side projects (Google Culture, 2011). What would happen if the leadership style were to
change? This is one of the elements this paper will explore. A look will also be taken at: sources of
power within the organization, the employee s commitment to Google, how communication within
Google relates to the worker, other motivational theories which would work at Google ... Show
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Google has on site gymnasiums, chefs, laundry service, and shuttles (Google culture, 2011). By
providing for employees, Google works towards establishing an emotional attachment. Open
communication is encouraged and ideas are rewarded showing employees they have value in the
eyes of Google. This communication is necessary to create a sense of freedom at work and allow
for an open exchange of ideas.
Different Motivational Theories Google could benefit from the use of self determination theory as
they look to empower their employees. This theory suggests workers want to feel they have free
will in choosing their work activities and take joy in what they do without feeling it has become
an obligation (Robbins, 2011). Communication plays an integral part in the application of this
theory. Workers need to know they have choices within the work they do and that managers are
available for discussion of changing roles or work activities. Google is a corporation that wants it
employees to interact at all levels and across teams. This environment may be excellent for
reinforcement theory, as this theory looks to reward positive actions immediately to ensure they are
repeated and also to punish negative actions to ensure they are not repeated (Robbins, 2011). If
open communication is encouraged
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A New Set Of National Patient Safety Essay
In health care settings across the country patient care is compromised by various preventable
mistakes. Health care workers (HCW) are continuously pushing the boundaries of time constraints.
As these demands are increased the possibility for poor patient outcomes also increase. Prevention
is the first line of defense and promotes healthy practices for HCW and patients. The Joint
Commission (TJC) collects data pertaining to the incidences, information surrounding each case
and establishes a national quality and safety standard. TJC accredits thousands of health care
establishments with the goal to provide safety and increase the quality of care provided in each
setting. In 2016 TJC released a new set of National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG). The goals are
meant to bring awareness to the accredited facilities and HCW of concerning hazards that need to
be focused on. For instance, using two identifiers when identifying a patient to prevent medical
errors, and preforming hand hygiene to reduce the risk of infections.
Accuracy of Patient Identification
The Joint Commission, NPSG.01.01.01 is the goal for improvement of accurately identifying a
patient. The use of two patient identifiers such as name, date of birth, or a type of security number
that will assure the right patient gets the right treatment, care, or service. Complications that arise
from misidentification of a patient may range from mild to Sentinel event. One could consider an
occurrence such
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The Issue Of Abortion During World War II
Abortion is one of those topics that most people feel very strongly about, and it s also something
that not a lot of people enjoy talking about. Under the communist rule of Nicolae Ceausescu,
abortion was illegal in Romania. The import of contraceptives was halted as well because
Ceausescu believed that increasing the number of babies born in Romania during his rule meant
more Socialist citizens. While this was true, abortiondid not become obsolete during his regime. In
fact, abortions were still performed at alarming rates. When the Soviet Union fell and Ceausescu
was no longer in power, abortion and contraception use were legalized. Despite the increase in
availability, legalization of abortion and contraceptives after the fall of Ceausescu in post socialist
Romania has not resulted in a change of the abortion culture. This is because of the lack of sex
education, misconceptions about contraception, and a poor economy. In order to understand this, a
basic understanding of socialism is necessary, as is general knowledge of the history of Romania
and the Soviet Union. During World War II, Romanian leaders main concern was to avoid being
overrun by the Communist army, or the Red Army. Unfortunately for them, the Red Army invaded
and took over Bucharest, the capitol of Romania, in late August of 1944 (Turnock, Latham and
Hitchins). This marked the beginning of Communist Romania. The foundation of a dictatorial
administration was laid from 1948 to1960. During the 1960s, the
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Comcast Universal Merger Case Study
Company and Situation
In December 2009, Comcast announced its intent to acquire a majority stake in the media
conglomerate NBC Universal from General Electric (GE). The planned acquisition was subject to
scrutiny from activists and government officials; their concerns primarily surrounded the potential
effects of the vertical integration that the acquisition could create, as Comcast is also heavily
involved in cable television and internet services in many media markets. The deal went through,
resulting in Comcast owning 51% of the company until March 2013, when GE divested its stake to
give Comcast sole ownership.
Comcast CEO Brian L. Roberts described the deal as a perfect fit for the company, as Comcast
would be able to bolster its role as a creator and distributor of content, with a particular emphasis on
multiplatform anytime, anywhere media that American consumers are demanding ; increasing
access to NBC owned content through various platforms. The deal would also add Comcast s own
cable channels to NBCU s existing suite of cable networks, contributing to 82% of the merged
company s total revenue. Despite the focus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ownership remained split at 51% to 49% for four years. Then, on February 12, 2013, Comcast
announced its intention to complete the purchase all at once and assume 100% ownership of the
company by the end of March.
The acquisition was completed March 19, 2013. The video marketplace has changed structurally
with or without Comcast NBC acquisition. More and more videos, programs and advertisements
are displayed on the Internet, not the traditional media channel, television. The video business
model has gradually changed as time goes by. Comcast has reached such a significant scale that it
now owns a huge large amount of media and entertainment properties. However, facing the
uncertainty of video marketplace, many people proposed their
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Tyler Farr Analysis
Off The Rails
The lights would turn off, a song would start playing and everyone would cheer for the new
singer.Those are the memories of my very first concert. Tyler Farr,Rodney Atkins and Miranda
Lambert were the best 3 out of 7.
Tyler Farr s song Redneck Crazy started to play and i screamed my head off.At the time Redneck
Crazy was my favorite song by Tyler Farr. After a couple songs he looked at the crowd with a big
grin on his face he then explained So I have a new song and I like ya ll so much that I think i m
going to sing it for ya ll.Nobody has ever heard it but ya ll. So don t judge me if it s not very good.
He sang the song and it was amazing.The lights turned on and he walked off the stage.
After one more person Rodney Atkins
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The Springfield 1908 Race Riots
Springfield s history is a long and eventful one. Although there was one event that has seemed to
haunt the citizens of Springfield for generations upon generations. This event is commonly
referred to as the Springfield 1908 race riots. The race riots are remembered as a dark and
painful part of springfield s history. On June first, a single black man named Joe James jumped
off a freight train entering springfield, and began a streak of partying. He had been arrested soon
after, and was sentenced for 50 days in the jail, but was allowed to run errands while on parole.
WHile on parole on June 3rd, he left and didn t come back. While drunk, he had entered Clergy
Ballard s house the night before, and had slashed the neck of Clergy after attempting to sexually
assault his daughter. The next day, after waking up on a park bench, multiple of Clergy s
relatives and neighbors ganged up on James and beat him senseless until police arrived to arrest
James. They hauled him off to the town jail until shipped off to a court case. On August 14, over
a month later, a newspaper reported that Mabel Hallam had been raped by George Richardson.
She claimed that in the middle of the night while in her backyard, a black man came to her and
allegedly raped her. There was no evidence, but George was convicted anyway. Sadly, this isn t the
first instance of racism in springfield. Racial tensions had long been an issue in the midwest, and
even in the rest of the country. Springfield was an
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The Battle Of The Peloponnesian War
What a society considers fighting, and dying, for says a lot about that society. Homer s The Iliad,
and Thucydides The History of the Peloponnesian War are both centered on some of the largest
wars that their authors knew about. In the case of The Iliad, this war started when Paris offended
the honor of the Spartan king, Menelaus, by taking Helen, the king s wife. This is just an example
of the culture of the times because, right from the start, the Greeks of Homer fight for their honor.
Thucydides lived during the Peloponnesian War, hundreds of years after Homer. During those
hundreds of years, war itself had fundamentally changed. In The History of the Peloponnesian War,
honor was still important, but the war s main purpose was much more tangible. The main cause of
the Peloponnesian War was Athens desire for more land, more tribute states, and, most importantly,
more power. Both of the works deal largely with why the people in them think the wars are worth
fighting. In the case of The Iliad, the battles, both for the states and the people fighting, are fought
for honor, while in The History of the Peloponnesian War, Athens fights for the power of her empire.
In Homer s work, the Trojan Waris fought not for conquest or wealth but for the honor of the
Spartan king Menelaus after he had his wife taken by Paris of Troy. In the eyes of the Greeks,
this was a slight on his honor worthy of war. Early on in the work, Helen despairs at being the
cause of the war. She laments
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Analysis Of Shakespeare s The Winter s Tale
Though the idea that women should be subservient is pervasive in Renaissance literature,
Shakespeare challenges this concept in The Winter s Tale by providing evidence to the contrary.
His female characters are able to gain power using different techniques according to their situations.
However, these methods vary greatly between the court of the shepherd in Bohemia and Leontes
court in Sicilia. While women in the royal court gain influence through their use of effective rhetoric
, Shakespeare describes that Perdita s power in the shepherd s court stems mostly from her beauty.
From this juxtaposition, Shakespeare claims that women in a lower class setting are empowered by
their appearance while women in an upper class setting use language to affect change. Furthermore,
Shakespeare also expresses his contention that men believe in an opposite system of empowerment
according to their social class. He argues that gentlemen associate power with appearance and view
rhetoric as unimportant while lower class men put more emphasis on language as a means of
empowerment. Overall, Shakespeare provides an argument that women are empowered through
different methods depending on their socioeconomic standing. Conversely, Shakespeare also
expresses the notion that men do not follow the same pattern as women.
Shakespeare conveys his belief that women gain influence in the royal court through the use of
language by displaying Paulina s ability to control men using her speech. After Hermione
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Analysis Of Lose Your Mother
Often the most important trait a person can posses is to be aware of their surroundings. If
someone is aware of their surroundings on a physical, mental and emotional level, they have the
power to fully immerse themselves in their experience, without hesitation or limitation. In
Saidiya Hartman s memoir Lose Your Mother, the reader is presented with an orator who lacks
complete awareness of their surroundings, which later translates to a lack of self awareness,
while in both Jamaica Kincaid s and Caryl Phillips respective memoirs the reader is presented
with authors who are fully aware of their surroundings and thus self aware as well. Immediately
the reader is made aware that Hartman is physically aware of her surroundings in Ghana, I chose
Ghana because it possessed more dungeons, prisons and slave pens than any other country in West
Africa.. (Hartman 7). Hartman is physically aware of her purpose in Ghana: she is here because it
contains the most physical remnants of the slave trade than most other countries in West Africa.
Hartman know where she will travel while in Ghana, Elmina, Salaga, Gwolu, and she knows she
will find the physical remnants of the slave trade in these places: slave forts, markets, roads and
castles. Hartman finds these physical remains of slaveryin Elmina, the castle that once held slaves
before they entered the middle passage, Salaga, the largest slave market, and Gwolu, the wall that
was used to keep slave traders away. Both Kincaid in her memoir A Small Place and Phillips in his
memoir The Atlantic Sound are similar to Hartman in this way, as both possess intense awareness
of their physical surroundings. Kincaids memoir, although dealing with Antigua and not Ghana,
contains awareness from the perspective of a native, Antigua is beautiful. Antigua is too beautiful.
Sometimes the beauty of it seems unreal (Kincaid 76). Kincaid additionally addresses the physical
remnants of slavery in Antigua, like Hartman, In the Antigua that I knew we lived on a street
named after a maritime criminal Horatio Nelson...In the middle of High Street was the Barclays
Bank... [who] were slave traders (Kincaid 24 26). Phillips also provides insight to the tangible
pieces of slavery, when discussing
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How Did Benito Mussolini Rise To Power
Born on July 29, 1883, in Dovia di Predappio, Forlì, Italy, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini
was the eldest of three children. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and a socialist who
spent most of his time on politics and his money on his mistress. Mussolini s mother, Rosa, was a
Catholic schoolteacher who provided their family with stability and income. While he was
younger, Benito Mussolini showed intelligence, but was disobedient. His father instilled in him a
passion for socialist politics and defiance against authority. Although he was expelled from several
schools for bullying and defying school authorities, he eventually obtained a teaching certificate in
1901 and, for a short time, worked as a schoolmaster. Mussolini traveled to... Show more content on
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People were drawn to vote for those who are in favor of creating a better life for their country.
Mussolini s leadership demonstrated use of clever methods of gaining support. Others could
also be blamed for his rise of power; Giovanni Giolitti, King Victor Emmanuel III, and Pope Pius
XI all whom anticipated in the growth of Mussolini. The Fascist Party had some power, but not
enough to control the government. The Socialists was open to more. This didn t sit well with
Mussolini, so he gathered his followers, dressed in black shirts, and threatened to march on Rome
if he wasn t given control of the government. At first, the government ignored him, and then he
marched through Rome with his people and forced the King to name him the leader of the
government. The Fascist movement he started could have easily been prevented if the
government had intervened early. They failed to utilize their forces that were all at their disposal.
However, Mussolini took this to his advantage and seized control of Italy. It was a perfect storm;
Italy was going through tough times economically, socially and politically and Mussolini seemed
like the only hope to millions of Italians. He told the people what they wanted to
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Essay On Jewish Names
Names are defined as a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or
thing.Names are important in all aspects of life, and one of the major usages of names are for
identifaction purposes. Accrording to the book A person s name is thought to define and control
his or her soul and destiny (Ber. 7b). Therefore, the selection of an appropriate name is a critical
decision. In this paper we will be looking at the cultural aspect in relation to Jewish names.
In the Jewsish culture,it was with careful examination they gave names,since they believed it
would constitute to where or not the person is good or bad.They actually beliveied that the names
which which was chooosen had the power to determine later personality. Names were changed
based ones peronal status.For example if someone was adopted or they were married then on this
basis the name would change.
Until emancipation of the jews,they had no surnames.They used what is called patronymics, such
as David ben (son of) Joseph or Miriam bat (daughter of) Aaron. Names in that form are still used
in synagogue and in Jewish legal documents such as the ketubah. A person complete name would
include their first and middle name,then the patronymics son of daughter of Its said that if the
father was a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of these famous ones include EL which is a shortened version of Yyhvh, also versions such
as YAH were used.There have been many biblical chracters that has a had a change of name after a
divine encounter with God. So Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah, respectively, later on
the covenant symbolized by circumcision (Gen. 17:5, 15), and Jacob was renamed Israel after
wrestling with a mysterious man (Gen. 32:29). Surprisingly, Isaac, whose near sacrifice forever
altered his relationship with God, did not receive a new name after the
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Family Health Assessment Essay
Running head: Family Health Assessment
Joy Ebomwonyi
Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion: NRS 429v
August 26, 2012
Open Minded Family focused Questions
I interview a family who were willing to answer the questions as long as they remained anonymous
when the paper is written. I will not be using the name of the family that I interviewed for this
The interview was based on the all the Gordon s eleven functional health patterns.
Health perception/health management: 1. What is your past medical and surgical history? 2. Are
you currently taking any prescription medications? 3. Can you discuss your religion affiliation or
1. Are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They also take daily dose of multivitamins but no food supplements. The husband is allergic to
strawberries because it causes his throat to itch and runny nose. The couple stated that as they
are getting older, they are sleeping less compared to when they were very young. They sleep an
average of 6 to 7 hours a day sometimes, less than that. The husband complained of laying awake
especially when something is bothering him both does not use any sleeping aid but the wife
sometimes uses benadryl to help her sleep for a longer period of time. The elimination pattern
describes characteristics of regularity and control of the family s excretory functions (Edelman,
2010). They do not have any problem with bladder or bowel elimination. They eat lots of
vegetables and fruits which help with their regularity therefore do not take any medications to aid
in their bowel or bladder elimination. The activity exercise pattern represents family characteristics
that require energy expenditure (Edelman, 2010). The couple does not any particular exercise
routine. They are actively engaged in mowing the lawn in their yard and cultivating their vegetable
garden in their backyard. Whenever they go to the grocery store, they park their car far away from
the store entrance so they can walk some distances before getting into the store. The
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Exposing the Real Jasmine Essay examples
The prominent characteristic of postcolonial writing is the incorporation of writing back or
rewriting history into the narrative from the point of view of the colonized. Postcolonial narratives
speak out and attempt to expose the injustices of dominant culture often within their own cultural
system. Within this framework, many female authors give agency to the once silenced female voice
of the colonized. By employing their own narratives, many postcolonial female authors demystify
the prescribed ideologies thrust upon them by a patriarchal culturewhile at the same time expressing
their own sense of loss of cultural identity. Therefore, postcolonial literatureapplies a
counterdiscourse that depicts the realities and struggles of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In Hindu culture, the sex of a baby is more significant than in western cultures. In eastern
countries, boys are revered and cherished while girls are considered curses since being born a
girl brought to the father the burden of paying a dowry. This type of gender hierarchy is
exemplified in Mukherjee s novel by Jasmine s statement, I had a ruby red choker of a bruise
around my neck and a sapphire fingerprints on my collarbone after my birth. When I revealed this
to Taylor s wife, [...] she missed the point and shrieked at my foremothers [...]. My mother was a
sniper. She wanted to spare me the pain of a dowryless bride (Mukherjee 40). Mukherjee utilizes
Jasmine s nonchalant description of her near death experience coupled with her rationalization to
show that the brutal treatment of baby girls is a common occurrence in her culture. Conversely,
the reaction of Taylor s wife is a metaphor for the western perception that the conduct of Jasmine s
mother is a form of barbarism. By using Jasmine s birth, Mukherjee exposes the realties of a male
patriarchal society in which girls bring considered dilemmas to families.
Many postcolonial writers include how the natives land was overtaken by force and as a result, the
natives had to change their identity to conform to the colonial power. While Jasmine relates her
story about living in the native village Hasnapur, she tells the reader that she is married at the age
of fourteen
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Planet Of The Apes Film Analysis
Beginning a theme of taking older films and recreating them in his own style, Planet of the Apes
was based off Pierre Boulle s 1963 novel and a 1968 film version. The premise was about an
American man that landed on a planet ruled by apes, which was released in 2001. Although the
film has a rather shaky reputation, it forever changed Burton s life. While filming, actress Helena
Bonham Carter, who was playing one of the lead characters, caught Tim s eye. The two would
later start a professional relationship, with her starring in many of his films like Depp, as well as a
personal relationship. Although they never married, they lived like had and they have two children
together; Billy Raymond and Nell. However, the pair split in 2014, but are... Show more content on
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Personally, I believe the reason is the same as to why so many people love him and his films. He
s different, and in a very good, yet odd way. Nobody has really seen anything like what he has
envisioned and brought to the table. Not only is he extremely unique, but he is also very
relatable to anyone who has ever felt like an outsider or that they were weird or even rejected by
the world. In this way, his audience can really connect with his films, even though they are out
of this world imaginative. Honestly, Burton is my all time favorite director, and for the same
reasons as anyone else, I can identify with his art. One person s craziness is another person s
reality he has said. Not all of his work is mind blowing or even amazing, but you can t deny that
when you watch one of his films you feel just a little bit transported to another world. He has
transformed modern cinema with his Burtonesque style and has also inspired many other
directors, actors, artists, films, and shows. He s also given actors dozens of opportunities to
start up and expand their careers. Maybe his films aren t everybody s cup of tea , but there s just
no denying his glittering talent. It is inspiring to see someone come from such a rough beginning
to come out on top, giving hope to many. Tim Burton has truly left his stamp on the world of film,
as I believe to be one of history s best directors, and changed the world of cinema and art
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The Pearl Harbor Essay
The Pearl Harbor Spies On 7 December 1941, the Japan Naval fleet launched a precise and
devastating bombing of Pearl Harbor, which stunned the United States. The Japanese attacked
Pearl Harbor to neutralize the U.S. Pacific Naval Fleet, so they could advance into Malaya and the
Dutch East Indies to access natural resources to further their war effort. However, the Pearl Harbor
bombing became an everlasting memory to Americans. Two little known contributors to this event
had a profound effect on the planning and execution of the attack. This paper will explore the
actions of Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn and Takeo Yoshikawa, two spies who initially went
undetected to collect intelligence on the U.S. Naval fleet, and how their actions affected the U.S.
Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn served as a midshipman in the German Navy during World War I and
was a member of the German Navy s secret police from 1928 through 1930. Kuehn also studied
to become a physician after World War I. When the Nazi party took control in Germany, Dr.
Kuehn became a minor official in the Nazi secret police, or Gestapo, and formed close ties with
the head of the organization, Heinrich Himmler. Kuehn was married to Friedel Kuehn and had two
children, Hans Joachim, six years old, and Suzie Ruth, seventeen years old (Jamison, 2014). At the
age of 17, Ruth was a very beautiful, which caught the attention of the Nazi Propaganda Minister
Joseph Goebbels. Soon after, Ruth became a mistress to the
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Princess Blobfish Short Story
In the middle of Nowhere (Nowhere is the neighboring town to Shroom Land,) Lightning struck
Nowhere town and sent it into burning hot flames. All but one fled town and he placed a chest on
a pedestal in the middle of the flames and he was engulfed in flames, and all thought he was dead.
No one dared to head back to the town.
On a sunny but cold day, Princess Blobfish marked another day off the golden calendar. She was a
kind, sweet girl who knew when not to argue. Two more days til my B day. she squealed excitedly.
Clop clop clop.The princess looked out of her window and saw a white horse running wild, and
watched the skinny villager riding it tug at the horse s reins. Yet another day in her kingdom. She
began to make her way to the dining hall when a familiar voice beckoned Princess, your father
needs you. The butler said. Again? the princess questioned and started to walk to the king s chair.
Yes father? A loud voice boomed and she flinched Stay in your room until the sun goes down. The
king called. The princess knew not to argue and went to her room where she spent most of her time.
A minute later, the king left his chair and hopped on a horse in the courtyard. He was feisty and
demanding, fat, and VERY curious. Let s be off. the king said. He left the large kingdom headed
to all the shops to find a present for his daughter, but no shops had any goods. He was angry and
told everyone to restock immediately. And with that, he headed off to the kingdom
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Research Paper On Buying A Home
If you ve decided it s time to take the jump into buying a home due to interest rates hanging at
historically low rates, you aren t the only one. When the time comes, purchasing a home is a life
changing event as well as a stressful decision. In order to make the process much more fluid,
there are a few tips to take into consideration when seeking to purchase a home. One of the
biggest concerns when buying a home is finances. Before you begin to house hunt, the best
possible thing to do is to sort out your finances such as checking your FICO score. Most lenders
tend to use your FICO score as a factor in your loans and loan rate. The next step in order to be
financially prepared would be to meet with a financial advisor and having them... Show more
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When searching, ask locals questions about the safety of the neighborhoods and constantly
check the local crime data with the police department. If you have children or plan to have a
family, local public school districts and school ranking should be considered. Amenities in the
area matter when searching for the perfect location such as the if the commuting time from work
and other places is convenient for you. As soon as you ve narrowed down to a specific
neighborhood, it s useful to create a list of your must haves when choosing a house. Keeping an
open mind and being flexible will help decide which home best fits you. Your non negotiable list
will help you cut down the number of houses you are interested in, such as if you re a pet owner
it may be essential to have a large backyard. Realtors suggest when choosing a home, consider
how easily you could resell it. Homes being a good rental properties are known to be a bonus. It
is a key component that after you ve chosen the best house for you, to be certain to get it
inspected for hidden problems before purchasing. Many imply to get recommendations for
independent, licensed contractors or inspectors to inspect your home, especially if it is an older or
historical home. No matter the age of the home you are purchasing, be certain to review property
taxes, fault lines, and HOA costs and include these in your budget and financial plans. At last,
before you agree to sign the contract, be sure you
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Johnnie Guilbert Research Paper
What is your coping method for when you re feeling upset or sad? What do you do to make
yourself feel better? What do you think you could do with your life to help you survive your
own thoughts and emotions? Johnnie is a well known YouTuber who has been making videos
for about three years. He is so well known that he goes on tours and has over 250,000 subscribers
on YouTube. I met him and a few other YouTubers at Warped Tour. Before Johnnie started
making videos he was just another average teenager who did normal things with his life, like
every other teenager. Johnnie Guilbert is one of the survivors, YouTubers, and songwriters who
inspire me the most. He has been through a lot in his life such as death of a loved one, bullying,
depression, and addictions. In spite of all this, he made it, and I believe I can as well.... Show more
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Though he and his dad were very close he was too young to understand what death was.
Therefore, he didn t know how to react to his loss. The years passed, Johnnie got older, and he
started understanding more of the real world. He realized that his dad is never coming back. As
a result, Johnnie got depressed and he started dressing differently that the other kids. He dyed
his hair black, wore black clothing, and had a lot of bracelets on his arms. Because he looked
unordinary, he started getting bullied by the other kids. Throughout school, Johnnie got bullied
immensely. He got to the point where he started to not care about anything. His grades began to
decrease and he spent most of his time alone. His dad s death, bullying, and bad grades lead to a
deeper depression. Johnnie began to self harm and stay in his room all of the time. Because he
isolated himself in his bedroom, he started watching YouTube videos and getting into rock music.
He found out about Warped Tour. That is where is where rock bands play once a year in the capital
of most states, and even in different
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Summary Of The Documentary Go Back To Where You Came From
The documentary, Go Back to Where You Came From plunges six Australians participants into the
intense fear and desperate situations that forces them to confront their attitudes towards the refugee
seeking experience. In such a powerful social experiment, using the Survivor and Big Brother
modes of reality television, powerful emotions erupt. The documentary mixes real life with
constructed situations to produce emotional breaking points around an audience s attitudes,
especially in the heartfelt interactions with refugeefamilies thus privileging immigrants. An
audience experience the borderline minds of the participants and the unstable world of refugees for
themselves. They get caught up in the turbulent emotions and crises that are inflicted by the
documentary through the clever use of evidence, rhetorical questions, inclusive language and
sensationalism. The author rebuts the prevailing misrepresentation of immigrants as freeloaders by
providing living testimonies of so called once, boat peoplenow living in Australiawho are not only
grateful but are willing to relinquish all they have for Australia s sake because of the act of
benevolence Australia has showed to them and their families. This is evident in the following
quotes of Andrew, They came here to be more effective in the society.... Amar without a doubt is
the kind of refugee we want and in Amar s quotes, If they want to go fight, to protect Australia, I
will go......Australia gives us a lot, so easy
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The Pros And Cons Of Teens
Man, there is just nothing to do around here anymore. If someone is from a small town, they know
this feeling. In most small towns there are not many things for people to do, especially young
people. Most of the time, young people in a small town have to drive thirty to forty minutes to get
to a place with entertainment for their age. When there is nothing for teens to do, they usually end
up getting into trouble. A solution to this problem would be to bring in new businessor reopen old
ones that have shut down in the past. Doing this allows teens to have something to do in their free
time, gives young people more job opportunities, and gives the local economy a boost.
Small towns have many advantages, such as everyone knows and takes care of each other, low
crime rate, and few traffic problems. There are many disadvantages as well. There is little
privacy, few things to do on a night out, and the economy often stagnates. When the economy is
down new businesses struggle to survive. When a new place opens it normally is focused to one
group of people, either young kids or older adults. There are multiple reasons that focusing on the
teens could be a successful business plan. Teens are constantly wanting to be out and doing
something. They are old enough to drive, but too young to go far from home. To get this plan into
action petitions could be signed to get people to agree it would be a good investment for the
community or get a fundraiser for someone to reopen the
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Barbara Mulalanicki Research Paper
Britain s Fashion Queen
Barbara was a light constantly shining, and providing glow to see new ideas for the fashion
industry. Barbara Hulanicki started new trends that changed the fashion world in Britain the 60s.
She was famous for her store Biba, it was the center of Britain s fashion world. Barbara was one of
the most famous and influential fashion designers during the 1960s, because she opened one of the
most famous stores during the 60s, she designed lots of different clothing, and created the classic
fashion look of the 60s.
In 1964 Barbara Hulanicki opened a store called Biba, her store grew in popularity very quickly.
Barbara opened the store with her husband, Stephen Fitz Simon. Biba, the name of her store,
started out as a small mail order clothing company. Her store grew very popular very quickly
(Ferrier). After Biba grew very popular, Barbara decided that she needed to expand so she bought a
rundown Art Deco department store. She soon opened her new and improved store and called it
Big Biba. Big Biba was a massive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Biba was one of the first modern fashion brands(Crocker). Biba had all of the latest fashion,
which she created, and all of the products you needed for your daily life(Oosterhoff). In Every
city, street, and corner in Britain, you would find girls wearing Barbara s clothing. The Friday
night television show Ready, Steady, Go was part of making Barbara s store such a success.
Whatever Biba outfit the show s host wore on the Friday night was available to girls the next
day(Oosterhoff). Another thing that made Barbara a triumph was the Big Biba store. Big Biba was
a Willy Wonka factory for fashion, and an spectacular display of interior design and intelligent
marketing(Oosterhoff). Both of these were factors that made Barbaras store and clothing so
prominent. Altogether, Barbaras unique and affordable clothing line expressed the fashion in the
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Power Factor Correction Using Boost Converters For Single...
The development of power electronic converters is marked by demands for a simultaneous
reduction in Size , losses and power related costs. Historically diode bridge rectifiers with a laSrge
capacitor at the dc bus have been used to convert the ac voltage to a dc voltage. But diode bridge
rectifiers draw a very high peak current from the ac utility, which is rich in harmonics and thus
gives a very poor power factor. Modern AC DC power supplies utilize power factor correction in
order to minimize the harmonics in the input current drawn fiom the utility. The Boost topology is
the most popular topology used for power factor correction today. In this paper, power factor
correction using boost converters in single phase diode bridge rectifiers is presented.
1. Introduction
In recent years, conversion of ac line voltages from utilities has been dominated by using a single
phase diode rectifier followed by a single switch boost stage. Designers have embraced the
usefulness of this topology since it draws a sinusoidal input current and maintains a unity input
power factor under varying load
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Joseph II An Enlightened Despot
Joseph II of Austria (1741 1790) is portrayed as an enlightened despot because he improved the
lives of the landowners and peasants with many of his Josephinisms, his own domestic policies,
like advanced tools, religious freedom, and tax reduction. However, he was also battling the
clergy because his morals took power away from them and, at some points, Joseph lost sight of
his enlightened self and made decisions to gain political power. The image depicting him
plowing a peasant s field was published with hopes of advertising his integrity and good
intentions to all. However, Joseph II could not be truly enlightened if the power does not reside in
the people. His intentions were selfish and his priorities, besides helping the people, were to
maintain his absolute power by doing what he wanted to do.... Show more content on
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These new ideas which he adopted from the Enlightenment were for the welfare of [his] subjects
(Letters of Joseph II). He realized the economic burden on the lower class was unfair and taxes
needed to be fixed. Among other advancements, he granted religious toleration, and removed the
yoke that had oppressed the Protestants for centuries (Letters of Joseph II). Tolerance was not only
for Christians; Joseph granted equal civil rights to the Jews (Palmer 331). People felt a sense of
religious freedom which they never had before. This new tolerance was due to Joseph s secular
outlook; he wanted his people to pay more attention to social, and educational reforms inspired by
the Enlightenment rather than the church. The Enlightenment was human reason, an interest in
science, advertising religious toleration. Joseph took these political and cultural changes and
applied them to his reign which made him seem enlightened. He implemented the main ideas from
the philosophes of the Enlightenment, promoting progress through his secular
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Shakespeare s Most Famous Soliloquy With A Mark Of Their...
Actors interpret Shakespeare s most famous soliloquy with a mark of their own artistry.
In films and on stage, actors who play Hamlet exhibit various degrees of emotion and pacing
speed. It is difficult to evaluate the soliloquy on its own because the way the play is performed in
its entirety gives meaning to the soliloquy while the soliloquy also illuminates a special
interpretation in the play. However, I argue that the soliloquy has a musical structure a sonata
form, specifically that can serve as a framework under which performances can be analyzed.
Even though they were viewed discretely from their entire play, there are performances of the
soliloquy that may be considered more effective than others under the framework examined
under the sonata form.
The sonata form usually has three main parts: the exposition, the development, and the
recapitulation. In the exposition, the composer introduces a theme that will set the groundwork
for the entire work. Once the theme is introduced, it is often played in a different key but in a
parallel structure. Hamlet s soliloquy begins with the theme of the uncertainty of death: To be
or not to be, that is the question. The rest of the soliloquy expands on this central theme as it
clearly sets the groundwork for Hamlet s internal struggle. A repeat of this theme is heard when
Hamlet speaks, To die: to sleep; No more. Now instead of considering the difficulties and
possibly the nobler act of
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The Inner Surface Temperature Against Time And Tile Thickness
From Fig.2, it shows that the inner surface temperature against time and tile thickness. On the right
hand side, it is shown that the Forward and the Dufort Frankel method are very unstable. Both
methods had an infinite inner surface temperature at start, which is not ideal. For Backward and
Crank Nicolson methods, both of them had a smooth curve and did not have much fluctuation.
On the left hand side, it shows the temperature at the inner surface against time. Forward and
Dufort Frankel deviated very soon after the tile get heated. This time, the Backward method moved
away from the starting temperature which is a sign of unstable. Therefore, Crank Nicolson was
selected to be the most appropriate method to solve this problem.
In theory, forward differencing and Dufort Frankel methods were explicit method, and backward
differencing and Crank Nicolson were implicit methods. It was suggested that the implicit method
was more stable than the explicit as it solved the equation involving both the current state and the
next step rather than just using the current state.
The dx, dt were found using Fig.2. dt was found where the Crank Nicolson line started to fluctuate
heavily at around 14s (Fig.3), and dx was found when the line started to bend on the right hand side.
Using the maximum temperature and tile thickness, the parameters, nt and nx, were calculated and
used in the shuttle function.
The left hand side of Fig.4 shows that the inner surface temperature across a range
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Loren Hall Character Analysis
It seems as if nearly everyone goes through a difficult mission at least once in their life. Walt
Master s, for example, his task was saving Loren Hall s claim from the stampeders . Farah Ahmedi,
she undertook the mission of escaping from her war torn country with her mother. While the
narrator from, the cremationof Sam McGee , made a promise to his (now dead) friend that he would
cremate his last remains. Though these characters all have very different stories, they all have
shown that they have the perseverance to succeed in their quest and help those around them.
Walt masters is a young boy who lives in Klondike. While his neighbor ,Loren Hall, was away
walking to Dawson, Walt agreed to watch over his claim. Unfortunately trouble ... Show more
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This was enough to impel ,her and her mother, to take risks to escape. Ahmedi and her mother
decide to flee their home in Kabul in search of a better life (Intro). Only thanks to Ghulam Ali
and his wife, did she and her mother get around the Afghanistan border. The woman told us that
her husband, Ghulam Ali, had gone to look for another way across the border (par. 7). The
astonishing thing is that Ahmedi was able to undertake this mission and persevered even though
she had her own difficulties. Perhaps my mother s problems distracted me from my own. That
might account for it. Perhaps desperation gave me energy and made me forget the rigor of the
climb (par. 12). By helping her mother she inevitably helped herself, distracted by her mother s
bigger problems she was able to forget her own and persevere through the journey.
The Speaker and his Friend Sam McGee are miners from Tennessee who want to strike it rich in
the Klondike. Although, not to long after the start of their journey Sam McGee falls ill and
makes The Speaker promise him something. Sam McGee asked that once he died he would be
cremated in irony of his icy death. So I want you to swear that, foul or fair, you ll cremate my
last remains (line 24). The Speaker, knowing the harsh and surreal code of the klondike, wandered
on through the cold to fulfill his promise. Now a promise made is a debt unpaid, and the trail has
its own stern code, In the days to come, though my lips were dumb, in
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Low Mass Stars Research Paper
Since we first gazed upon the heavens, man has been perplexed over where the bright lights in
the sky have come from. This report will provide information for the birth and death of both low
and high mass stars that is supported by scientifically proven statements and observations. It is
the long held belief of many, that molecular clouds are the nurseries of stars. These dense clouds
of gas are most often found in the spiral arms of galaxies. Obviously, smaller cloud produce low
mass stars while large clouds produce high mass stars which collapse much faster than their
smaller siblings during the protostar phase ( Washington). At this point, the cloud is cool with very
low pressure. Once these clouds of gas become dense enough, they collapse to create the
beginnings of a starknow... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These clumps are shaped into disks and, after approximately one million years, a protostar will
form in its center. Protostars continue to run off the same gravitational energy that was released by
the initial collapse and continue to suck in dusty material from the space around itself. Once
protostars are hot and dense enough to burn Hydrogen and Helium in their core they enter the main
sequence period of their lives (NASA). Now, we can classify these stars further based on their
Low mass stars are exactly what you think. They are the creation of smaller molecular gas clouds
and the subsequent protostars. Our very own Sun comes from this family and has relatively low
luminosity and temperature. Thankfully, the smaller a star is the less fuel it needs to consume.
This means that it will also have a longer lifetime before exhausting it energy supply in the core.
But, once it has eaten though all of its gas the star will grow redder, larger, and more luminous
(NASA).If we continue to track the life of a star like our Sun, we can see that next
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Functionalism In The Film Mean Girls
Functionalist theory states that everyone in a society serve a purpose that helps that society
function. All individuals of a society have certain social roles that when working together allows
them to form a society, this allows for there to be inequality amongst individuals (Anderson, Para
3). Functionalism also says that social order is maintained through public consensus (Anderson,
Para 4). So in other words the adjustments that some individuals make in response to any behavior
that isn t part or the normal norms or deviant behavior, allows for change. In the film Mean Girls,
functionalist would look at all of the different groups in this movie as important and even necessary
to the proper function of the high school (Anderson, Para 3).
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Theme Of Allusion In Grass And English Con Salsa
History and Allusion in grass and English con salsa According to Kennedy and Dana, an allusion
is where a person, place or thing is referred to indirectly, either by text or as an illustration
(Kennedy and Dana 408). When allusions are used in a poem, it is assumed that the poet and the
reader share a common body of knowledge. The poems grass by Carl Sandburg and English con
salsa by Gina ValdГЁs are both similar in the sense that they both employ allusions in their
narratives. Furthermore, the allusions in these poems discusses history and reflecting on the role of
a person in history. The poem grass has five allusions which are Austerlitz, Waterloo, Gettysburg,
Ypres, and Verdun. On the other hand, English con salsa alludes to Xochicalco, Tuxpan River,
Benito Juarez, George Washington, Donald Duck, Batman, Teocaltiche, UruapГn, Oaxacan,
JuchitГ n, Zapotec, Nahuatl, Santa Tristeza, Santa Alegria, Santo Todolopuede, Lake PГtzcuaro,
Jalisco, Santee, and La Jolla. Interestingly, both poems discuss renowned history through the
illusions. In grass, line 1 in the first stanza states that Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo
(Sandburg 126). The use of the word Austerlitz points out to the historic Battle of Austerlitz.
Historically, the Battle of Austerlitz occurred in 1805 involving armies from French, Austria, and
Russia. There was a high number of casualties in the battle, which the phrase discusses by stating
pile the bodies high (Sandburg 126). Similarly,
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Organizational Culture And Its Functions
Organizational culture involves systems of beliefs and values that guide the behavior of individuals
within the organization and how they shape behavior (Kummerow, 2013). Organizational
structures, on the other hand, dictate the assignment, coordination and control of roles and
responsibilities to achieve organizational goals (Pathak 2011). For a company to perform
effectively it needs to grow, organizational development is one element of growth that focuses on
practice an research focused in expanding effectiveness and the knowledge of individuals. In order
to grow, a firm needs to transfer, create ad retain knowledge within its staff members and people
affiliated to it through organizational. The aim of this paper is to analyze the concepts of
organizational, culture, structure, development, and learning and evaluate how this concept relates
to Jaguar Company.
According to Kummerow and Kirby (2013), organizational culture is patterns of shared values,
beliefs and assumptions developed by an organization as it looks for ways to cope with issues of
internal integration and external adaptation. Consequently, it will govern how individual behave
within the organization and the culture is tough to any new member of the organization so that
they know the correct way to think, feel and perceive issues within the organization. Culture is an
important part of any company, it provides and controls the way staff members behave in
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Essay Themen Philosophie
Essay Themen Philosophie

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Essay Themen Philosophie

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  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is currently a growing field in which people are obsessing over. This is new and upcoming technology that combines genetic and Nanotechnological enhancements, which completes the direct manipulation of DNA to alter an organism s characteristics in a particular way. In my opinion, it may very well be a great improvement, but it should only be used when necessary. If I were a parent of a child under 12 years of age, I would not sign up for the enhancement. First of all, genetic engineering is simply a way of altering oneself. The enhancement may bring great skills to have, but unfortunately this is not only changing the child s mind completely, it is also giving them no self actualization ability. I agree with Baylis and Robert s idea of, Enhancement technologies having a deleterious impact on the genetic variability characteristic of the human gene pool (Baylis and Robert) because every human is different and unique in many aspects. This process literally weakens the authenticity of one s accomplishments and diversity throughout society. It holds that the engineered person s abilities and talents are no longer his or her own, but are simply because of the alteration. Children are supposed to be different in order to find their struggles and strengths, building themselves. If they are accelerated in everything possible, they will never find their paths in life. According to Baylis and Robert, The essence of humans is to nurture and protect the natural ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. News Media Satire Essay News media today has traded in their hats from informing the citizens to telling the people what they want to hear. It seems whatever news channel you watch or article you read, there is always a biased political agenda the journalists are pushing onto you. Media is a business, their main concern is their profit margins and viewership not in telling the cold hard facts. Not all news journalists and reporters are biased but the unbiased one are few and far between. The inappropriate fit between the country s major media and the country s political system has starved voters of relevant information, leaving them at the mercy of pair political propaganda that is close to meaningless and often worse. It has eroded the central requirement of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... News media was required to give multiple perspectives while giving citizens the story This would in due course eliminate bias and partisan news outlets. Though it sounds reasonable, many people argue of that the government s role should be minimal when it comes to regulating anyone s freedom of speech (Fletcher) . [The Fairness Doctrine is] an assault on the First Amendment. Sean Hannity. With so much controversy I don t see the Fairness Doctrine passing in Congress anytime soon ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Observation And Analysis Of A Hispanic Infant Observation and Analysis of a Hispanic Infant Our Lady of the Lake University SOWK 7328 I)Introduction Jace is the pseudonym the parents chose for the anonymity of this youth. Jace means healing in Spanish and was chosen because every time the youth smiles his mother says it heals her and makes her happy no matter what. Jace was born in 2015 to a mixed family, his father is half Hispanic and half African American and the mother is half African American and half Caucasian, but Jace definitely takes after his father. Jace looks almost identical to the pictures of his father at the same age, Jace will be one year old this month. Prior to this observation research was done into the developmental stages of an infant and upon observation Jace seems to fit the normal progressive state of birth to one year old would go through. He is smart, charismatic, creative, happy, but maybe a little spoiled as he is the baby of the family. Jace was the last baby to be born and the third male out of the other five siblings. Anthony has two other children from a previous relationship who live with their mother, one child is an eighteen year old male and the other is a seventeen year old female. The other four siblings live in the home with Jace, he has an older brother who is sixteen, a sister who is thirteen, a brother who is eleven, and another sister who is eight years old. Anthony and Jeanine are the parents of Jace and who were in the room during Jace s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Pharmacy Improvement Service at Cvs Case Write up #1: Pharmacy Service Improvement at CVS After reading the two articles by Ramias and Wilkins on Performance Metrics, what metrics, if any would you identify that are essential to managing the prescription fulfillment process at CVS. Ramias and Wilkens state that the starting point in developing metrics is to understand the expectation of the customer. Upon review of the data compiled by the PSI team, customers expect accuracy and timeliness. Therefore, most of the metrics developed below focus on measuring the two expectations and, I believe, are essential to managing the prescription fulfillment process at CVS. 1. Processing time prescriptions filled per unit of time. A major customer complaint was time ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... yone at CVS felt that the DUR was an essential part of good pharmacy operations and customer service and that the automated review should be a very careful and conservative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Facial Neuroanatomy Research Paper Painful facial and oral conditions are common reasons for patients to visit their physicians. Although much of what we know about facial analgesia stems from the dental literature, it is easily extrapolated to the family practice or urgent care setting. Even a basic understanding of dental and facial neuroanatomy can be extremely useful. Regional anesthesia allows infiltration of a peripheral nerve with a local anesthetic agent in order to block sensory input. Although direct wound infiltration (local anesthesia) is safe and commonly used, regional anesthesia, or nerve blocks , are advantageous in that they usually causes minimal discomfort, are better tolerated than local anesthesia and often require the use of less of the anesthetic agent. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Imagine an imaginary line between the pupil and the corner of the mouth. The infraorbital foramen is located 1cm below the infraorbital rim along this imaginary line. Next, retract the upper lip with the thumb of the non injecting hand and locate the mucobuccal fold over the first pre molar (one tooth lateral to the canine). With the bevel oriented toward the bone, insert the needle at the height of the mucobuccal fol, making sure to keep the needle parallel to the long axis of the tooth. Aim towards the infraorbital foramen that you are still papating with your index finger. Continue to advance the needle until it contacts the roof of the infraorbital foramen (approximate depth of 1.0 1.5cm). Aspirate and slowly inject 1 2cc of anesthetic agent. Optional: Exert pressure over the foramen with your finger for 1 minute to encourage anesthetic propagation through the foramen. Pitfalls If the patient complains of pain on insertion, or the needle is difficult to advance, pull back and redirect the needle laterally and slowly re advance. As with any procedure, there is a potential risk of bleeding, infection, edema, allergic reaction, neurovascular damage or accidental intravascular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Theories of Patriarchy Feminist Ideology Assess the claim that gender inequalities in the domestic and occupational divisions of labour are best understood with reference to the concept of patriarchy. You should illustrate your answer with reference to a range of feminist perspectives. Introduction Western female thought through the centuries has identified the relationship between patriarchy and gender as crucial to the women s subordinate position. For two hundred years, patriarchy precluded women from having a legal or political identity and the legislation and attitudes supporting this provided the model for slavery. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries suffrage campaigners succeeded in securing some legal and political rights for women in the UK. By the middle of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The household has a different structure to other institutional forms, e.g., the workplace. This is an important point because if feminist theories of patriarchy are to stand they must show that patriarchy operates to the same end in both the private and public sphere, even if it uses different strategies, otherwise it could not be the main reason for the continuing inequality of women in both the private and public sphere. Walby shows that within the private structure and the public structures, patriarchy does use different strategies to maintain gender inequality and these strategies both achieve the subordination of women. The household strategy is considered to be exclusionary and the public structures strategy as segregationist. The exclusionary strategy in the private arena is based on household production. Application of this strategy in the domestic sphere depends on individual patriarchs controlling women in the private world of the home. The male patriarch in the household is both the oppressor and recipient of women s subordination. This strategy is direct В– women are oppressed on a personal and individual basis by the individual patriarchs who share their lives. The segregationist strategy used in the public patriarchy actively excludes women from the public arena using various structures to subordinate them. Application depends on controlling access to public arenas (Golombok and Fivush, 1995). This strategy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Vietnamese Of The Vietnam Situated on the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia, Vietnam is the eastern most country bordered by China to the north, Laos and Cambodia to the west, the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the south. Prior to the conquest of Indochina by the French, Vietnam was ruled by the Chinese for more than eight centuries. However, after several years of resistance the Vietnamese overthrew the Chinese kingdom in their country and thus became independent. In spite of gaining freedom, the Vietnamese rulers continued to uphold the Chinese system of governance, policy making and also its culture. In fact, most of the Vietnamese were largely influenced by the Chinese culture and religion, mainly Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. The French troops entered the land of Vietnam in the year 1858 and by the mid 1880s they had established a firm grip over the northern region. After the defeat of China in the Franco Chinese war (1884 85), the French assumed complete supremacy over the central Vietnam (Annam), the northern Vietnam (Tonkin), the southern Vietnam (Cochinchina) along with Laos and Cambodia, which they collectively called French Indo china that was formed in the year 1887. However, France gained control over the southern Vietnam only after it had signed a peace treaty, the Treaty of Saigon on July 5th, 1862. The real motive behind the French colonization was profit, economic exploitation and political supremacy. The demand for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Childhood Obesity Policy Essay One Health and Social Care Policy which I am going to critically review is the childhood obesity policy. The 2010 2015 government policy: Obesity and Healthy Eating was updated in May 2015 and states many ways for improvements to be made. The purpose of this policy is to try to reduce the amount of unhealthy foods children eat in the UK. A key factor of health in later life is childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is a medical condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child s health or well being. Medical conditions are not the only factor which causes children to be obese it is the parental/family influences as well. Family influences on children are a huge factor because when children are younger they eat what the parent s eats which can determine what the child ends up eating. Obesity in childhood happens when a child weighs over the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The graph below shows the prevalence of obesity among children split into five equal sized groups by household income level. The graph shows a general trend of increasing obesity occurrences with decreasing household income. For both girls and boys, obesity frequency was significantly higher in the lowest income quintile than among those in the highest. The figure below shows the frequency of obesity among children (aged 2 to 15) by equalised household income quintile: Health Survey for England, 2004 2008. In Croydon, 23.7% of reception class pupils are classed as either obese or overweight, which is just above the London average of 22.9% and the national average of 22.6%. Of these, 10.9% fall into the obese category, which is identical to the London average and just above the national average of 9.6%. Similarly, a further 12.8% are classed as overweight compared to 12% in London and 13% across ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Compare And Contrast Dracula And Parable Of The Sower Similarly to Dracula, in Parable of the Sower, Lauren is initially condescended by more dominant males, including her father, Harry, Bankhole, and Travis. Her religion has not taken full form and she cannot yet present it in a compelling and coherent manner to convince people to join her community. She is somewhat fantastical about venturing beyond her housing wall and fully forming her religion. She literally lives surrounded by walls, symbolizing a cave that shields her from all that the outside world has to offer. Even if the exterior of the wall only presents her with danger, violence, and a crumbling society, it is reality and a dangerous reality is safer than the illusion of safety. Once she is forced to exist and live on her own, she structures Earthseed, her religion, and becomes able to fend for herself. Parable of the Sower takes place in a dystopian california in the not too distant future. At first, Lauren resides in the relative safety of a walled community of eleven homes, but her community is burned to the ground and she is forced to undergo a change. As she enters the real world and leaves her home, she gains knowledge and knowledge is powerful. Her change is apparent in both her actions and excerpts from her religion. Lauren exclaims, There has to be more that we can do, a better destiny that we can shape. Another place. Another way. Something! (151). Here, she haphazardly searches for something. She cannot even identify what she is looking for. Her desires are unclear and she presents them immaturely. It is a very youthful manner in trying to solve problems; irrationally looking for something, anything, to help, but refusing to step back and analyze the situation in a methodical way to discover what actually needs to be done. She had dreams of moving north, but never actually implemented or underwent a plan to relocate to a better living condition. Logging accounts of the annihilation of her neighborhood, lauren writes, Last night, when I escaped from the neighborhood, it was burning. The houses, the trees, the people: burning (153). She is then forced to escape and develop a new life. She approaches her trip in a very practical manner, taking note of her funds, food ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Pros And Cons Of Altruism Imagine yourself stumbling upon a horrendous scene. A young woman is seen sprawled on the ground, her face is bloodied and bruised, and her right leg is twisted at a grotesque angle, evidently broken. What would you do? Obviously, you help. But why would you help? Undoubtedly, you wanted to alleviate her distress. But why? Helping others in need and having the urge of wanting to help somebody who is in need is something that happens at least once in everybody s life. It is a common thing that even animals help one another mutually, though they expect to gain something in return. But in some circumstances, helping somebody is not connected to receiving immediate benefits or these are considered non existent. This prosocial behaviour has caught... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Numeral studies have shown how individuals would help a family member, relative, or someone they can mirror themselves with, rather than somebody that they have no relation to or does not have a connection with. (Rushton, 1991) It is fathomable how helping a family, relative or somebody we are more attached to is a normal reaction. But it is incomprehensible to explain when humans show compassion towards complete strangers. This altruistic behaviour seemingly suggests that true altruism could undeniably exist. Empathy Altruism Model argues that altruism does exist and explains why people help others even though they are not related. The Empathy Altruism Model, is established on the idea that emotional response of empathy is produced when an individual is seen to be in need. It could be argued that the individual feels empathy for the other person who is in need, and being able to feel and take into consideration of another s feelings, directs the helping behaviour at relieving the person who is in need and therefore altruism is produced by altruistic reasons . (Cialdini, Brown, Lewis, Luce, Neuberg, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Hamstring Cramps Your hamstrings are muscle group located on the rear of each upper thigh. It s common to experience tight, strained or cramped hamstrings, which can occur for several reasons. Upon dealing with hamstring cramps, take steps to prevent them from occurring again. Before trying any new exercise or treatment, talk to your doctor and have your condition properly diagnosed. Muscle Fatigue Hamstring cramps are common among people who are unconditioned and those who participate in seasonal intense sports, reports the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. During strenuous bouts of exercise, your hamstring muscles can fatigue and cramp due to the muscles not getting enough oxygen. When they lack oxygen, your hamstring muscles will contract and spasm involuntarily. Thorough stretching, and then starting out slowly and gradually working up to a more intense level of exercise, can help avoid these types of cramps. Muscle Tightness ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People who are sedentary can find their hamstring muscles feel tight or hard. Hamstring cramps due to tight muscles can happen when you are active, sitting or lying down. A daily program of general stretching or a program geared to your sport can often help you prevent hamstring cramps. It is equally important to properly warm up before and cool down after any activity. Heat and Humidity Exercising in hot, humid conditions can lead to hamstring cramps. When your body loses too much fluid through excessive sweating, you can also develop an electrolyte imbalance. Substances such as calcium, potassium and others are necessary to help your muscles contract properly. If your body is low in any of these substances either through a poor diet or dehydration your muscles can involuntarily contract and spasm. Drinking enough water and eating healthily before and after exercise can help resolve these kinds of cramps. Medical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Observation Of Parent Infant Interaction Observational study of parent infant interaction Infants are a special cohort of a population in the society. Children between the ages of five months to two years are at a stage where they start familiarizing with their surroundings and have different reactions to situations. The surrounding where an infant grows greatly determines his or her development. The primary determinant of the development of infants is the parent infant interaction (Crain, 2015). The first bond or relation of a child is with its biological parents or guardians in the case of orphaned children. In this paper, I will analyze the parent infant interaction of a family of four members comprising of father, mother and two daughters. The mother is a physician in the referral hospital. The mother is a hardworking woman who is obsessed with perfection. She is specialized in pediatrics hence aware of many developmental milestones in infants. The youngest daughter is one and a half years old whereas the firstborn daughter is four years old. For this assignment, an observation of the younger kid was done in the apartment where the family lives. According to the observation, the younger child is scared of strangers based on her reaction when carried by other people who are not part of the family. She cries a lot and seems scared of the unfamiliar faces. She is in particular resistant to the male individuals. She is slightly friendly to the females who carry her but remains calm. The reaction was prominent when one family visited during the observation. The friend was a bearded young man. His hair was frightening to the kid as she could cry loudly when being carried by him. The positive attitude towards the female was recognized after the wife of the visiting family carried the kid. The reaction can be related to the child s preference for gender. The behavior disturbs the mother as she thinks this might have a negative impact on her child s sexuality. She is worried that the kid even at her old age is more likely to have a preference for female individuals than male individuals. Furthermore, based on the observation, the kid is highly attracted to brightly colored patterns as opposed to dull or darker shades of colors. According to the mom, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Ashes Of Ham The Muslim Brotherhood The novel Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria attempts to bridge the gap of knowledge towards the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood through an objectively comprehensive examination of the political, historical, and ideological evolution of the party. RaphaГ«l LefГЁvre attempts to rectify the lack of concrete knowledge through accessing the memoirs of two former Syrian jihadists (Mutafa Setmarian Nasar and Ayman al Shorbaj) and creates a clear narrative of the events in chronological order. This novel is essential for anyone seeking to understand the current Syrian conflict through the lens of the development of the Muslim Brotherhood. Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syriaexplores the internal dynamics of the Syrian Brotherhood... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first section, Politicizing Islam, focuses on the framework of political Islam up to 1963 that allows for the development of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood and their early days. The second section entitled The Islamic Opposition to Ba athism, goes in depth into the political, economic, and ideological subtleties fueling opposition between Islam and the Syrian Ba ath party. The proceeding third segment, The rise of Jihadism in later 1970s Syria, examines the political and ideological circumstances that gave rise to the jihadist trend in regards to the Brotherhood itself. The fourth and final segmentation of the novel titled Ashes of Hama: The Syrian Islamist Movement since 1982, is devoted to the consequences of the exile of the Muslim Brotherhoods after the Hama massacre, and how it then evolved to become the regimes most powerful political opponent. The infamous Hama Massacre occurred in February 1982 in the Syrian city of Hama. The Syrian government forcibly crushed an uprising of Muslim rebels largely consisting of members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The hostilities had augmented throughout the 1960s and 1970s with the Muslim Brotherhood harassing the regime with hit and run style guerilla tactics and assassinations. The 1982 massacre marked the position of the Muslim Brotherhood when they stood their ground against the regime in order ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Sas Hr Policy Founded in 1976 by Dr. James Goodnight and Dr. John Sall, both professors at North Carolina State University, SAS Institute, Inc. provides business intelligence (BI) software and services at more than 40,000 customer sites worldwide, including 90 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. SAS, which stands for statistical analysis software, is headquartered in Cary, North Carolina. It is the world s largest privately held software company, having over 100 offices worldwide with approximately 10,000 employees. With an unbroken record of growth and profitability, SAS had revenue of $1.18 billion in 2002 and invested about 25 percent of revenues into research and development. (1) The phenomenal success story of SAS is, in no small part, due to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Satisfied employees make for satisfied customers, and satisfied customers make for an ongoing stream of revenue and profits for SAS. SAS s leaders recognize both the benefits and costs associated with keeping employees satisfied. One of the most significant benefits for SAS is a very low annual turnover rate. The company s turnover rate is less than four percent, as compared to approximately 25 percent for the industry as a whole. This low turnover saves the company about $70 million annually in employee replacement costs. (14) On the cost side, of course, is the company s monetary outlay for the various programs. David Russo, the human resources director, argues that the employee replacement cost savings more than pays for the company s generous benefits. That s the beauty of it, says Russo. There s no way I could spend all the money we save. (15) Perhaps of more concern on the cost side is the potential for employees failing to perform. In commenting on the company s performance expectations for employees, Goodnight says: I like to be around happy people, but if they don t get that next release out, they re not going to be very happy. (16) Pondering the likelihood that SAS employees would take advantage of the company s relaxed atmosphere, John Sall, co owner of SAS, observes: I can t imagine that playing Ping Pong would be more interesting than work. (17) David Russo adds ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Leadership Theory And Organizational Culture Abstract The role of leadership has evolved over the years. Early leadership theories focused on the characteristics of the leader and have shifted to focus on the leader s behavior, skills and style. Emerging leadership theories continued to shift focus to team leadership and subordinate motivation. Organizational culture is exists in all organizations and influences the work environment. Researchers have studied leadership and organizational culture individually; however there have been less focus on gaining an understanding of the relationship leadership and organizational culture. In this paper, I will explore various leadership theories and relationship with organization culture. I will also reflect on the type of leadership style that promotes a positive organizational culture. Introduction Leaders set the tone for the organization while Organizational culture sets the values that influence the work environment. There needs to be some clarity on whether leadership influences organizational culture or does organizational culture influence leadership. In order to understand the relationship between leadership and organizational culture, we must first define them. Leadership defined Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (Northouse, 2013). Leadership involves establishing clear visions, communicating the vision to followers, and developing strategies to achieve those goals. Leaders are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Privatization Of The NHS NHS PRIVATIZATION INTRODUCTION In the post war reconstruction, due to squalors and diseases. The National Health Service (NHS) was established on 5 July 1948. It was thought that all sectors in health service should be under one umbrella due to advancement in medicine and pharmaceutical industry, creating new drugs such as Antibiotics, better Anaesthetic agents, Cortisone and drugs for the treatment of Mental illness and other ailments. The creation of NHS was a momentous achievement despite earlier professional opposition to some of the details. Principles of NHS The NHS was created out of the ideal that good healthcare should be available to all, regardless of wealth. When it was launched by the then minister of health, Aneurin Bevan, on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Believe that the NHS should not to be privatised but reformed to meet the challenges of the 21st century while remaining in the public sector. She pointed out that across the country, the NHS is selling off its land and buildings and closing its services. This is happening at an unprecedented rate which is switching NHS funds and services away from NHS services to the private sector. The total debt is ВЈ50bn rising to ВЈ90bn and will lock in future governments and future taxpayers for many decades to come. The NHS currently pays ВЈ0.5bn pounds a year in PFI charges and this debt is set to quadruple to ВЈ2.3bn a year by 2010. The beneficiaries are the banks, the shareholders and the venture capitalists, the construction industry and facilities management. The losers are the service users, staff and the British public. (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2007/oct /04/thenewprofiteers) CONCLUSION I believe the NHS should be privatised as the service (NHS) needs help. Partial or full privatisation can provide the service with well deserve funds it needs to improve the service. People are living longer, population is increasing by the day. Public spending is insufficient hence the infusion of private funds can assist in providing the 1st class health service that the people required. Government must however put in place some safety net for check and balances. example protection of jobs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. A Feasibility Study Example A respectable business is always looking for ways to better serve their customers, especially a cooperative, but this is sometimes easier said than done. To help determine how achievable a better service would be for a business a feasibility study is often preformed. The Farmers Cooperative Association of Snyder, OK is interested in purchasing an automatic truckprobe as well as building an additional receiving pit and leg to attach to the existing wheat tanks. So, a feasibility study was preformed to determine if either option would be a practical investment. The first step for this process was to get a couple of quotes for an automatic truck probe. After some research on different brands the manager contacted J.A. King Precision... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It would also allow for samples to be taken from several different locations on the truck. Furthermore, having an automatic probe takes out an employ which allows for that money to benefit the membership of the co op thus allowing the co op to give better service to the customers. The main risk in this investment would be the ability to afford the cost of a probe. With the wheat market deteriorating the possibility going into the hole on this investment increases drastically. Damage to the probe is also a possibility, and a additional expense that could make the probe less profitable. But in this case the benefits seem to outweigh the risks making this investment one to consider to better serve the customer. After some research was done on the automatictruck probe the focus was shifted to the addition of a new receiving pit and leg. Pitcock Supply Inc. was contacted by the intern for a quote and they sent out an agent to take measurements for the location and get all the specifics. The quote allowed for a 15,000 BPH Schlagel conveyor, concrete pit, concrete pad, and a Schlagel distributer. The total which included labor, misc. equipment, rentals, paint, freight, a crane, and insurance came to $304,698.55. An investment of this size usually comes with risks to match, therefor it is imperative to consider. Looking at the figure above, it is easy to see what an enormous risk this would be for the co op. If the cost was depreciated out it would take roughly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Science Study Of The Natural World Science study of the natural world Inference logical deduction based on evidence Controlled Experiment an experiment that only tests one variable Theory a supported group of ideas to explain something Homeostasis The ability for an organism to maintain a stable internal environment TEM a microscope that transmits beam of electrons through a sample Centrifuge a machine that rotates a container to separate substances Evolution the process where organisms slowly develop and adapt Extrapolate to make predictions by extending known facts Metabolism chemical processes in an organism needed to survive Atom the smallest unit of matter Isotope an element that has a different amount of neutrons Adhesion the attraction that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ganic matter in an area Biodiversity the variety of organisms on Earth Biogeochemical dealing with living and nonliving things in an ecosystem Percolation the process where liquid goes down a filter Sedimentation the process where materials settle to the bottom of a liquid Limiting Nutrient a nutrient that limits an organisms development Fossil Fuel a fuel made of dead organisms Climate the weather in a specified location over a long period of time Symbiotic a relationship between two different species where they live together Limnology study of freshwater bodies of water Microclimate the local climate of a tiny area Zonation division of an area Benthos organisms that live in the Benthic zone near the bottom of a body of water Diligence being careful and putting in effort Mitigation to make less harmful Reclamation creation of land from bodies of water Upwelling the process where liquid rises Deduction finding a conclusion based on known facts Exponential Growth growth that increases proportional to its size Carrying Capacity the maximum amount of organisms that a habitat can hold Demographics statistical data based on human population Emigration leaving a region to migrate to another region Geographic Distribution the arrangement of organisms in a given area Demographic Transition the transition to high death and birth rates to low death and birth rates Monoculture an area where only one type of crop is planted Deforestation
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  • 22. An Organization Customer Support, Finance, Accounting,... Change Proposal In an organization customer support, finance, accounting, sales, marketing, and operations are some of the different divisions that many businesses consist of. In this report it will display the proposal modifications that will affect the sales division at the Kudler s Fine Foods organization. The purpose of this report is to examine the structure and operation of the sales department at Kudler s Fine Foods and obtain the authorization to implement a certain types of changes which will help the sales department operate more effectively. The first area of this report will explain why a change is required and how the proposed changes will benefit the organization. Then, this report will examine the four areas of change managementand how each area s purpose relates to the problems faced by the company. After that, the report will provide a summary of how company management will use the projected changes to make adjustments in the work environment. Lastly, this report will support the change proposalsposition by demonstrating information regarding the company s expected return on investment Need for Change Implementing a change management program at Kudler Fine Foods will assist management as they seek to appropriately control the change within their organization (Leban Stone, 2015). The change management program s main purpose is to ensure that upper management employees accept and understand the types of changes that are needed to maximize ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Resistance To Civil Government Thoreau Summary In the essay Resistance to Civil Government, Thoreau, the writer, begins by saying he agrees with the motto That government is best which governs least. Thoreau says that one day men will be able to go without the government since the government isn t useful and better when it s not there. Thoreau presents an effective argument by explaining what is injustice with our governmentand how we should fix it. The three things that Thoreau wants the readers of his essay to do is to fight for what is right, to not be associated with something that is wrong and to obey your own laws and try to flourish them in your own way. The first thing that Thoreau wants the readers to do is to fight for what is right. Thoreau goes on by saying how unjust the laws are. He states that the Mexican War is an illegal war so by the government forcing Thoreau to pay the poll taxes that go to support the illegal war is unjust. Thoreau believes in doing what is right over what the government tells us to do. Thoreau also talks about the farmers who are letting the government control them instead of protesting against the government. the government makes unjust laws that people should cease to associate with. In fact, Thoreau says the American people would have been even more successful in these endeavors had government been even less involved (SparkNotes Editors). The next thing Thoreau wants the readers to stand up for is slavery. There is the enslavement of one sixth of the population. For there to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Myocardil Effusion The aim of this essay is to explore an acute deterioration in the health of an adult I have encountered during a clinical placement, in an acute care setting. The essay will begin with a definition of acute care, followed by the introduction of my patient and predisposing factors. This essay will include an explanation of the significant pathophysiological changes and related clinical manifestations and a critical analysis of the nursing interventions implemented during the acute episode of care, focusing on holistic care, rationale and evidence base. It will then describe the actual deterioration in the patient s condition, and discuss the nurse s role in the recognition and assessment of the actual deteriorating condition following the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the framework, CHD is common frequently preventable and largely fatal (CHD NSF 2006), it is responsible for more 84,600 deaths in England in 2009, including 26.4 per 100,000 under the age of 75. Age is important as the target for reduction in mortality from CHD, stroke and related disorders of 40% of the year 2010, established in Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation (DoH 1999), referred to the under 75 age group. The key areas identified for intervention in the national service framework are: reducing smoking, promoting healthy eating, promoting physical activity and reducing obesity, although several other factors are known to contribute to the development of CHD. Smoking has long been known to be a factor in the development of CHD. According to Smeltzer and Bare (2000), smoking decreases blood flow to the extremities and increases heart rate and pressure via stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, causing vasoconstriction. In addition, it raises the chances of clot formation by increasing the aggregation of platelets. Campbell (2006) suggests that the toxic components of cigarette smoke damage the endothelial lining of the blood vessels, which may initiate the development of atherosclerosis. Because carbon dioxide from the cigarette burns readily with haemoglobin, it deprives oxygen of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Modelling And Verification Of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Essay Modelling and Verification of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks Anvay Kumar Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand akmu584@aucklanduni.ac.nz Abstract A step towards the research of wireless time triggered networks was taken with the development of a new safety critical wireless protocol called the Time Triggered New Zigbee (TTNZ) protocol. The methodology for developing the TTNZ protocol involved Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and a tool called TimeMe which is an IEC 61499 standard compliant software. MDE overcomes the limitations of the traditional approach which does not guarantee consistent performance during the design and development phases of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) [1]. This safety critical wireless protocol, TTNZ, does not take into consideration the irregularities of the physical (PHY) layer. The current project is undertaken to consider the issue of timeliness with PHY layer abnormalities and accordingly use a measurement or testing based approach to verify timeliness. Index Terms TTNZ, Timeliness in Wireless Sensor Networks, PHY layer abnormalities. Introduction Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are revolutionizing the way people interact with the physical world. The use of WSNs is rapidly growing in various types of applications. Some of these applications have strong timeliness constraints [2]. Timeliness is a crucial factor in safety critical applications. In general terms, timeliness refers to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Portugal And Brazil Essay Both Brazil and Portugal share an intense bond with Africa. Portugal held African colonies since the era of overseas exploration. The first violent occupation from the Portuguese took place in Ceuta in 1415, in the north of the African continent, however, the real discovery of the continent took place little over the 15th century, expanding also to the Latin America (Brazil) and Asia (China and India). In the 17th century, the British, French and Deutsch expelled the Portuguese from the best coastal areas in order to pursue the slave trade. Portugaland Spain kept some of the old colonies like Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, and SГЈo TomГ© e PrГncipe. Portugal sent Portuguese families to stablish colonies in African soil, with... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the end of the war and the independence of these countries in 1975, the white Portuguese colonizers, who had built their life in African territory, had to return. This exodus was called The Returned although, this word was received with discontent, being a taboo to this day. Some of the people returning from the African colonies, had not been in Portugal for many years or were second, third generation, so the term Returned is not as well accepted for those who had never stepped foot in Portuguese soil. However, what many people may not know, is that the first wave of the Returned were in fact black Portuguese, who were looking for a new way of life, many of them who had never seen Portugal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Organizational Commitment Organizational Commitment and Communication Paper Week 3 COM/530 10/27/2011 Introduction A look at an organization s communication and leadership styles can say a lot about the organization as a whole. Google has a relaxed atmosphere, where management allows workers to create their own schedules; and fosters creativity by allowing and encouraging their workers to explore side projects (Google Culture, 2011). What would happen if the leadership style were to change? This is one of the elements this paper will explore. A look will also be taken at: sources of power within the organization, the employee s commitment to Google, how communication within Google relates to the worker, other motivational theories which would work at Google ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Google has on site gymnasiums, chefs, laundry service, and shuttles (Google culture, 2011). By providing for employees, Google works towards establishing an emotional attachment. Open communication is encouraged and ideas are rewarded showing employees they have value in the eyes of Google. This communication is necessary to create a sense of freedom at work and allow for an open exchange of ideas. Different Motivational Theories Google could benefit from the use of self determination theory as they look to empower their employees. This theory suggests workers want to feel they have free will in choosing their work activities and take joy in what they do without feeling it has become an obligation (Robbins, 2011). Communication plays an integral part in the application of this theory. Workers need to know they have choices within the work they do and that managers are available for discussion of changing roles or work activities. Google is a corporation that wants it employees to interact at all levels and across teams. This environment may be excellent for reinforcement theory, as this theory looks to reward positive actions immediately to ensure they are repeated and also to punish negative actions to ensure they are not repeated (Robbins, 2011). If open communication is encouraged ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. A New Set Of National Patient Safety Essay Introduction In health care settings across the country patient care is compromised by various preventable mistakes. Health care workers (HCW) are continuously pushing the boundaries of time constraints. As these demands are increased the possibility for poor patient outcomes also increase. Prevention is the first line of defense and promotes healthy practices for HCW and patients. The Joint Commission (TJC) collects data pertaining to the incidences, information surrounding each case and establishes a national quality and safety standard. TJC accredits thousands of health care establishments with the goal to provide safety and increase the quality of care provided in each setting. In 2016 TJC released a new set of National Patient Safety Goals (NPSG). The goals are meant to bring awareness to the accredited facilities and HCW of concerning hazards that need to be focused on. For instance, using two identifiers when identifying a patient to prevent medical errors, and preforming hand hygiene to reduce the risk of infections. Accuracy of Patient Identification The Joint Commission, NPSG.01.01.01 is the goal for improvement of accurately identifying a patient. The use of two patient identifiers such as name, date of birth, or a type of security number that will assure the right patient gets the right treatment, care, or service. Complications that arise from misidentification of a patient may range from mild to Sentinel event. One could consider an occurrence such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Issue Of Abortion During World War II Abortion is one of those topics that most people feel very strongly about, and it s also something that not a lot of people enjoy talking about. Under the communist rule of Nicolae Ceausescu, abortion was illegal in Romania. The import of contraceptives was halted as well because Ceausescu believed that increasing the number of babies born in Romania during his rule meant more Socialist citizens. While this was true, abortiondid not become obsolete during his regime. In fact, abortions were still performed at alarming rates. When the Soviet Union fell and Ceausescu was no longer in power, abortion and contraception use were legalized. Despite the increase in availability, legalization of abortion and contraceptives after the fall of Ceausescu in post socialist Romania has not resulted in a change of the abortion culture. This is because of the lack of sex education, misconceptions about contraception, and a poor economy. In order to understand this, a basic understanding of socialism is necessary, as is general knowledge of the history of Romania and the Soviet Union. During World War II, Romanian leaders main concern was to avoid being overrun by the Communist army, or the Red Army. Unfortunately for them, the Red Army invaded and took over Bucharest, the capitol of Romania, in late August of 1944 (Turnock, Latham and Hitchins). This marked the beginning of Communist Romania. The foundation of a dictatorial administration was laid from 1948 to1960. During the 1960s, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Comcast Universal Merger Case Study Company and Situation In December 2009, Comcast announced its intent to acquire a majority stake in the media conglomerate NBC Universal from General Electric (GE). The planned acquisition was subject to scrutiny from activists and government officials; their concerns primarily surrounded the potential effects of the vertical integration that the acquisition could create, as Comcast is also heavily involved in cable television and internet services in many media markets. The deal went through, resulting in Comcast owning 51% of the company until March 2013, when GE divested its stake to give Comcast sole ownership. Comcast CEO Brian L. Roberts described the deal as a perfect fit for the company, as Comcast would be able to bolster its role as a creator and distributor of content, with a particular emphasis on multiplatform anytime, anywhere media that American consumers are demanding ; increasing access to NBC owned content through various platforms. The deal would also add Comcast s own cable channels to NBCU s existing suite of cable networks, contributing to 82% of the merged company s total revenue. Despite the focus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ownership remained split at 51% to 49% for four years. Then, on February 12, 2013, Comcast announced its intention to complete the purchase all at once and assume 100% ownership of the company by the end of March. The acquisition was completed March 19, 2013. The video marketplace has changed structurally with or without Comcast NBC acquisition. More and more videos, programs and advertisements are displayed on the Internet, not the traditional media channel, television. The video business model has gradually changed as time goes by. Comcast has reached such a significant scale that it now owns a huge large amount of media and entertainment properties. However, facing the uncertainty of video marketplace, many people proposed their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Tyler Farr Analysis Off The Rails The lights would turn off, a song would start playing and everyone would cheer for the new singer.Those are the memories of my very first concert. Tyler Farr,Rodney Atkins and Miranda Lambert were the best 3 out of 7. Tyler Farr s song Redneck Crazy started to play and i screamed my head off.At the time Redneck Crazy was my favorite song by Tyler Farr. After a couple songs he looked at the crowd with a big grin on his face he then explained So I have a new song and I like ya ll so much that I think i m going to sing it for ya ll.Nobody has ever heard it but ya ll. So don t judge me if it s not very good. He sang the song and it was amazing.The lights turned on and he walked off the stage. After one more person Rodney Atkins ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Springfield 1908 Race Riots Springfield s history is a long and eventful one. Although there was one event that has seemed to haunt the citizens of Springfield for generations upon generations. This event is commonly referred to as the Springfield 1908 race riots. The race riots are remembered as a dark and painful part of springfield s history. On June first, a single black man named Joe James jumped off a freight train entering springfield, and began a streak of partying. He had been arrested soon after, and was sentenced for 50 days in the jail, but was allowed to run errands while on parole. WHile on parole on June 3rd, he left and didn t come back. While drunk, he had entered Clergy Ballard s house the night before, and had slashed the neck of Clergy after attempting to sexually assault his daughter. The next day, after waking up on a park bench, multiple of Clergy s relatives and neighbors ganged up on James and beat him senseless until police arrived to arrest James. They hauled him off to the town jail until shipped off to a court case. On August 14, over a month later, a newspaper reported that Mabel Hallam had been raped by George Richardson. She claimed that in the middle of the night while in her backyard, a black man came to her and allegedly raped her. There was no evidence, but George was convicted anyway. Sadly, this isn t the first instance of racism in springfield. Racial tensions had long been an issue in the midwest, and even in the rest of the country. Springfield was an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Battle Of The Peloponnesian War What a society considers fighting, and dying, for says a lot about that society. Homer s The Iliad, and Thucydides The History of the Peloponnesian War are both centered on some of the largest wars that their authors knew about. In the case of The Iliad, this war started when Paris offended the honor of the Spartan king, Menelaus, by taking Helen, the king s wife. This is just an example of the culture of the times because, right from the start, the Greeks of Homer fight for their honor. Thucydides lived during the Peloponnesian War, hundreds of years after Homer. During those hundreds of years, war itself had fundamentally changed. In The History of the Peloponnesian War, honor was still important, but the war s main purpose was much more tangible. The main cause of the Peloponnesian War was Athens desire for more land, more tribute states, and, most importantly, more power. Both of the works deal largely with why the people in them think the wars are worth fighting. In the case of The Iliad, the battles, both for the states and the people fighting, are fought for honor, while in The History of the Peloponnesian War, Athens fights for the power of her empire. In Homer s work, the Trojan Waris fought not for conquest or wealth but for the honor of the Spartan king Menelaus after he had his wife taken by Paris of Troy. In the eyes of the Greeks, this was a slight on his honor worthy of war. Early on in the work, Helen despairs at being the cause of the war. She laments ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis Of Shakespeare s The Winter s Tale Though the idea that women should be subservient is pervasive in Renaissance literature, Shakespeare challenges this concept in The Winter s Tale by providing evidence to the contrary. His female characters are able to gain power using different techniques according to their situations. However, these methods vary greatly between the court of the shepherd in Bohemia and Leontes court in Sicilia. While women in the royal court gain influence through their use of effective rhetoric , Shakespeare describes that Perdita s power in the shepherd s court stems mostly from her beauty. From this juxtaposition, Shakespeare claims that women in a lower class setting are empowered by their appearance while women in an upper class setting use language to affect change. Furthermore, Shakespeare also expresses his contention that men believe in an opposite system of empowerment according to their social class. He argues that gentlemen associate power with appearance and view rhetoric as unimportant while lower class men put more emphasis on language as a means of empowerment. Overall, Shakespeare provides an argument that women are empowered through different methods depending on their socioeconomic standing. Conversely, Shakespeare also expresses the notion that men do not follow the same pattern as women. Shakespeare conveys his belief that women gain influence in the royal court through the use of language by displaying Paulina s ability to control men using her speech. After Hermione ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Analysis Of Lose Your Mother Often the most important trait a person can posses is to be aware of their surroundings. If someone is aware of their surroundings on a physical, mental and emotional level, they have the power to fully immerse themselves in their experience, without hesitation or limitation. In Saidiya Hartman s memoir Lose Your Mother, the reader is presented with an orator who lacks complete awareness of their surroundings, which later translates to a lack of self awareness, while in both Jamaica Kincaid s and Caryl Phillips respective memoirs the reader is presented with authors who are fully aware of their surroundings and thus self aware as well. Immediately the reader is made aware that Hartman is physically aware of her surroundings in Ghana, I chose Ghana because it possessed more dungeons, prisons and slave pens than any other country in West Africa.. (Hartman 7). Hartman is physically aware of her purpose in Ghana: she is here because it contains the most physical remnants of the slave trade than most other countries in West Africa. Hartman know where she will travel while in Ghana, Elmina, Salaga, Gwolu, and she knows she will find the physical remnants of the slave trade in these places: slave forts, markets, roads and castles. Hartman finds these physical remains of slaveryin Elmina, the castle that once held slaves before they entered the middle passage, Salaga, the largest slave market, and Gwolu, the wall that was used to keep slave traders away. Both Kincaid in her memoir A Small Place and Phillips in his memoir The Atlantic Sound are similar to Hartman in this way, as both possess intense awareness of their physical surroundings. Kincaids memoir, although dealing with Antigua and not Ghana, contains awareness from the perspective of a native, Antigua is beautiful. Antigua is too beautiful. Sometimes the beauty of it seems unreal (Kincaid 76). Kincaid additionally addresses the physical remnants of slavery in Antigua, like Hartman, In the Antigua that I knew we lived on a street named after a maritime criminal Horatio Nelson...In the middle of High Street was the Barclays Bank... [who] were slave traders (Kincaid 24 26). Phillips also provides insight to the tangible pieces of slavery, when discussing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. How Did Benito Mussolini Rise To Power Born on July 29, 1883, in Dovia di Predappio, ForlГ¬, Italy, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the eldest of three children. His father, Alessandro, was a blacksmith and a socialist who spent most of his time on politics and his money on his mistress. Mussolini s mother, Rosa, was a Catholic schoolteacher who provided their family with stability and income. While he was younger, Benito Mussolini showed intelligence, but was disobedient. His father instilled in him a passion for socialist politics and defiance against authority. Although he was expelled from several schools for bullying and defying school authorities, he eventually obtained a teaching certificate in 1901 and, for a short time, worked as a schoolmaster. Mussolini traveled to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... People were drawn to vote for those who are in favor of creating a better life for their country. Mussolini s leadership demonstrated use of clever methods of gaining support. Others could also be blamed for his rise of power; Giovanni Giolitti, King Victor Emmanuel III, and Pope Pius XI all whom anticipated in the growth of Mussolini. The Fascist Party had some power, but not enough to control the government. The Socialists was open to more. This didn t sit well with Mussolini, so he gathered his followers, dressed in black shirts, and threatened to march on Rome if he wasn t given control of the government. At first, the government ignored him, and then he marched through Rome with his people and forced the King to name him the leader of the government. The Fascist movement he started could have easily been prevented if the government had intervened early. They failed to utilize their forces that were all at their disposal. However, Mussolini took this to his advantage and seized control of Italy. It was a perfect storm; Italy was going through tough times economically, socially and politically and Mussolini seemed like the only hope to millions of Italians. He told the people what they wanted to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay On Jewish Names Names are defined as a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing.Names are important in all aspects of life, and one of the major usages of names are for identifaction purposes. Accrording to the book A person s name is thought to define and control his or her soul and destiny (Ber. 7b). Therefore, the selection of an appropriate name is a critical decision. In this paper we will be looking at the cultural aspect in relation to Jewish names. In the Jewsish culture,it was with careful examination they gave names,since they believed it would constitute to where or not the person is good or bad.They actually beliveied that the names which which was chooosen had the power to determine later personality. Names were changed based ones peronal status.For example if someone was adopted or they were married then on this basis the name would change. Until emancipation of the jews,they had no surnames.They used what is called patronymics, such as David ben (son of) Joseph or Miriam bat (daughter of) Aaron. Names in that form are still used in synagogue and in Jewish legal documents such as the ketubah. A person complete name would include their first and middle name,then the patronymics son of daughter of Its said that if the father was a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of these famous ones include EL which is a shortened version of Yyhvh, also versions such as YAH were used.There have been many biblical chracters that has a had a change of name after a divine encounter with God. So Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah, respectively, later on the covenant symbolized by circumcision (Gen. 17:5, 15), and Jacob was renamed Israel after wrestling with a mysterious man (Gen. 32:29). Surprisingly, Isaac, whose near sacrifice forever altered his relationship with God, did not receive a new name after the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Family Health Assessment Essay Running head: Family Health Assessment Joy Ebomwonyi Grand Canyon University: Family Centered Health Promotion: NRS 429v August 26, 2012 Open Minded Family focused Questions I interview a family who were willing to answer the questions as long as they remained anonymous when the paper is written. I will not be using the name of the family that I interviewed for this assignment. The interview was based on the all the Gordon s eleven functional health patterns. Health perception/health management: 1. What is your past medical and surgical history? 2. Are you currently taking any prescription medications? 3. Can you discuss your religion affiliation or practice? Nutrition: 1. Are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They also take daily dose of multivitamins but no food supplements. The husband is allergic to strawberries because it causes his throat to itch and runny nose. The couple stated that as they are getting older, they are sleeping less compared to when they were very young. They sleep an average of 6 to 7 hours a day sometimes, less than that. The husband complained of laying awake especially when something is bothering him both does not use any sleeping aid but the wife sometimes uses benadryl to help her sleep for a longer period of time. The elimination pattern describes characteristics of regularity and control of the family s excretory functions (Edelman, 2010). They do not have any problem with bladder or bowel elimination. They eat lots of vegetables and fruits which help with their regularity therefore do not take any medications to aid in their bowel or bladder elimination. The activity exercise pattern represents family characteristics that require energy expenditure (Edelman, 2010). The couple does not any particular exercise routine. They are actively engaged in mowing the lawn in their yard and cultivating their vegetable garden in their backyard. Whenever they go to the grocery store, they park their car far away from the store entrance so they can walk some distances before getting into the store. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Exposing the Real Jasmine Essay examples The prominent characteristic of postcolonial writing is the incorporation of writing back or rewriting history into the narrative from the point of view of the colonized. Postcolonial narratives speak out and attempt to expose the injustices of dominant culture often within their own cultural system. Within this framework, many female authors give agency to the once silenced female voice of the colonized. By employing their own narratives, many postcolonial female authors demystify the prescribed ideologies thrust upon them by a patriarchal culturewhile at the same time expressing their own sense of loss of cultural identity. Therefore, postcolonial literatureapplies a counterdiscourse that depicts the realities and struggles of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Hindu culture, the sex of a baby is more significant than in western cultures. In eastern countries, boys are revered and cherished while girls are considered curses since being born a girl brought to the father the burden of paying a dowry. This type of gender hierarchy is exemplified in Mukherjee s novel by Jasmine s statement, I had a ruby red choker of a bruise around my neck and a sapphire fingerprints on my collarbone after my birth. When I revealed this to Taylor s wife, [...] she missed the point and shrieked at my foremothers [...]. My mother was a sniper. She wanted to spare me the pain of a dowryless bride (Mukherjee 40). Mukherjee utilizes Jasmine s nonchalant description of her near death experience coupled with her rationalization to show that the brutal treatment of baby girls is a common occurrence in her culture. Conversely, the reaction of Taylor s wife is a metaphor for the western perception that the conduct of Jasmine s mother is a form of barbarism. By using Jasmine s birth, Mukherjee exposes the realties of a male patriarchal society in which girls bring considered dilemmas to families. Many postcolonial writers include how the natives land was overtaken by force and as a result, the natives had to change their identity to conform to the colonial power. While Jasmine relates her story about living in the native village Hasnapur, she tells the reader that she is married at the age of fourteen ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Planet Of The Apes Film Analysis Beginning a theme of taking older films and recreating them in his own style, Planet of the Apes was based off Pierre Boulle s 1963 novel and a 1968 film version. The premise was about an American man that landed on a planet ruled by apes, which was released in 2001. Although the film has a rather shaky reputation, it forever changed Burton s life. While filming, actress Helena Bonham Carter, who was playing one of the lead characters, caught Tim s eye. The two would later start a professional relationship, with her starring in many of his films like Depp, as well as a personal relationship. Although they never married, they lived like had and they have two children together; Billy Raymond and Nell. However, the pair split in 2014, but are... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Personally, I believe the reason is the same as to why so many people love him and his films. He s different, and in a very good, yet odd way. Nobody has really seen anything like what he has envisioned and brought to the table. Not only is he extremely unique, but he is also very relatable to anyone who has ever felt like an outsider or that they were weird or even rejected by the world. In this way, his audience can really connect with his films, even though they are out of this world imaginative. Honestly, Burton is my all time favorite director, and for the same reasons as anyone else, I can identify with his art. One person s craziness is another person s reality he has said. Not all of his work is mind blowing or even amazing, but you can t deny that when you watch one of his films you feel just a little bit transported to another world. He has transformed modern cinema with his Burtonesque style and has also inspired many other directors, actors, artists, films, and shows. He s also given actors dozens of opportunities to start up and expand their careers. Maybe his films aren t everybody s cup of tea , but there s just no denying his glittering talent. It is inspiring to see someone come from such a rough beginning to come out on top, giving hope to many. Tim Burton has truly left his stamp on the world of film, as I believe to be one of history s best directors, and changed the world of cinema and art ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Pearl Harbor Essay The Pearl Harbor Spies On 7 December 1941, the Japan Naval fleet launched a precise and devastating bombing of Pearl Harbor, which stunned the United States. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to neutralize the U.S. Pacific Naval Fleet, so they could advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies to access natural resources to further their war effort. However, the Pearl Harbor bombing became an everlasting memory to Americans. Two little known contributors to this event had a profound effect on the planning and execution of the attack. This paper will explore the actions of Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn and Takeo Yoshikawa, two spies who initially went undetected to collect intelligence on the U.S. Naval fleet, and how their actions affected the U.S. Background Bernard Julius Otto Kuehn served as a midshipman in the German Navy during World War I and was a member of the German Navy s secret police from 1928 through 1930. Kuehn also studied to become a physician after World War I. When the Nazi party took control in Germany, Dr. Kuehn became a minor official in the Nazi secret police, or Gestapo, and formed close ties with the head of the organization, Heinrich Himmler. Kuehn was married to Friedel Kuehn and had two children, Hans Joachim, six years old, and Suzie Ruth, seventeen years old (Jamison, 2014). At the age of 17, Ruth was a very beautiful, which caught the attention of the Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Soon after, Ruth became a mistress to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Princess Blobfish Short Story In the middle of Nowhere (Nowhere is the neighboring town to Shroom Land,) Lightning struck Nowhere town and sent it into burning hot flames. All but one fled town and he placed a chest on a pedestal in the middle of the flames and he was engulfed in flames, and all thought he was dead. No one dared to head back to the town. On a sunny but cold day, Princess Blobfish marked another day off the golden calendar. She was a kind, sweet girl who knew when not to argue. Two more days til my B day. she squealed excitedly. Clop clop clop.The princess looked out of her window and saw a white horse running wild, and watched the skinny villager riding it tug at the horse s reins. Yet another day in her kingdom. She began to make her way to the dining hall when a familiar voice beckoned Princess, your father needs you. The butler said. Again? the princess questioned and started to walk to the king s chair. Yes father? A loud voice boomed and she flinched Stay in your room until the sun goes down. The king called. The princess knew not to argue and went to her room where she spent most of her time. A minute later, the king left his chair and hopped on a horse in the courtyard. He was feisty and demanding, fat, and VERY curious. Let s be off. the king said. He left the large kingdom headed to all the shops to find a present for his daughter, but no shops had any goods. He was angry and told everyone to restock immediately. And with that, he headed off to the kingdom ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Research Paper On Buying A Home If you ve decided it s time to take the jump into buying a home due to interest rates hanging at historically low rates, you aren t the only one. When the time comes, purchasing a home is a life changing event as well as a stressful decision. In order to make the process much more fluid, there are a few tips to take into consideration when seeking to purchase a home. One of the biggest concerns when buying a home is finances. Before you begin to house hunt, the best possible thing to do is to sort out your finances such as checking your FICO score. Most lenders tend to use your FICO score as a factor in your loans and loan rate. The next step in order to be financially prepared would be to meet with a financial advisor and having them... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When searching, ask locals questions about the safety of the neighborhoods and constantly check the local crime data with the police department. If you have children or plan to have a family, local public school districts and school ranking should be considered. Amenities in the area matter when searching for the perfect location such as the if the commuting time from work and other places is convenient for you. As soon as you ve narrowed down to a specific neighborhood, it s useful to create a list of your must haves when choosing a house. Keeping an open mind and being flexible will help decide which home best fits you. Your non negotiable list will help you cut down the number of houses you are interested in, such as if you re a pet owner it may be essential to have a large backyard. Realtors suggest when choosing a home, consider how easily you could resell it. Homes being a good rental properties are known to be a bonus. It is a key component that after you ve chosen the best house for you, to be certain to get it inspected for hidden problems before purchasing. Many imply to get recommendations for independent, licensed contractors or inspectors to inspect your home, especially if it is an older or historical home. No matter the age of the home you are purchasing, be certain to review property taxes, fault lines, and HOA costs and include these in your budget and financial plans. At last, before you agree to sign the contract, be sure you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Johnnie Guilbert Research Paper What is your coping method for when you re feeling upset or sad? What do you do to make yourself feel better? What do you think you could do with your life to help you survive your own thoughts and emotions? Johnnie is a well known YouTuber who has been making videos for about three years. He is so well known that he goes on tours and has over 250,000 subscribers on YouTube. I met him and a few other YouTubers at Warped Tour. Before Johnnie started making videos he was just another average teenager who did normal things with his life, like every other teenager. Johnnie Guilbert is one of the survivors, YouTubers, and songwriters who inspire me the most. He has been through a lot in his life such as death of a loved one, bullying, depression, and addictions. In spite of all this, he made it, and I believe I can as well.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though he and his dad were very close he was too young to understand what death was. Therefore, he didn t know how to react to his loss. The years passed, Johnnie got older, and he started understanding more of the real world. He realized that his dad is never coming back. As a result, Johnnie got depressed and he started dressing differently that the other kids. He dyed his hair black, wore black clothing, and had a lot of bracelets on his arms. Because he looked unordinary, he started getting bullied by the other kids. Throughout school, Johnnie got bullied immensely. He got to the point where he started to not care about anything. His grades began to decrease and he spent most of his time alone. His dad s death, bullying, and bad grades lead to a deeper depression. Johnnie began to self harm and stay in his room all of the time. Because he isolated himself in his bedroom, he started watching YouTube videos and getting into rock music. He found out about Warped Tour. That is where is where rock bands play once a year in the capital of most states, and even in different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Summary Of The Documentary Go Back To Where You Came From The documentary, Go Back to Where You Came From plunges six Australians participants into the intense fear and desperate situations that forces them to confront their attitudes towards the refugee seeking experience. In such a powerful social experiment, using the Survivor and Big Brother modes of reality television, powerful emotions erupt. The documentary mixes real life with constructed situations to produce emotional breaking points around an audience s attitudes, especially in the heartfelt interactions with refugeefamilies thus privileging immigrants. An audience experience the borderline minds of the participants and the unstable world of refugees for themselves. They get caught up in the turbulent emotions and crises that are inflicted by the documentary through the clever use of evidence, rhetorical questions, inclusive language and sensationalism. The author rebuts the prevailing misrepresentation of immigrants as freeloaders by providing living testimonies of so called once, boat peoplenow living in Australiawho are not only grateful but are willing to relinquish all they have for Australia s sake because of the act of benevolence Australia has showed to them and their families. This is evident in the following quotes of Andrew, They came here to be more effective in the society.... Amar without a doubt is the kind of refugee we want and in Amar s quotes, If they want to go fight, to protect Australia, I will go......Australia gives us a lot, so easy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Pros And Cons Of Teens Man, there is just nothing to do around here anymore. If someone is from a small town, they know this feeling. In most small towns there are not many things for people to do, especially young people. Most of the time, young people in a small town have to drive thirty to forty minutes to get to a place with entertainment for their age. When there is nothing for teens to do, they usually end up getting into trouble. A solution to this problem would be to bring in new businessor reopen old ones that have shut down in the past. Doing this allows teens to have something to do in their free time, gives young people more job opportunities, and gives the local economy a boost. Small towns have many advantages, such as everyone knows and takes care of each other, low crime rate, and few traffic problems. There are many disadvantages as well. There is little privacy, few things to do on a night out, and the economy often stagnates. When the economy is down new businesses struggle to survive. When a new place opens it normally is focused to one group of people, either young kids or older adults. There are multiple reasons that focusing on the teens could be a successful business plan. Teens are constantly wanting to be out and doing something. They are old enough to drive, but too young to go far from home. To get this plan into action petitions could be signed to get people to agree it would be a good investment for the community or get a fundraiser for someone to reopen the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Barbara Mulalanicki Research Paper Britain s Fashion Queen Barbara was a light constantly shining, and providing glow to see new ideas for the fashion industry. Barbara Hulanicki started new trends that changed the fashion world in Britain the 60s. She was famous for her store Biba, it was the center of Britain s fashion world. Barbara was one of the most famous and influential fashion designers during the 1960s, because she opened one of the most famous stores during the 60s, she designed lots of different clothing, and created the classic fashion look of the 60s. In 1964 Barbara Hulanicki opened a store called Biba, her store grew in popularity very quickly. Barbara opened the store with her husband, Stephen Fitz Simon. Biba, the name of her store, started out as a small mail order clothing company. Her store grew very popular very quickly (Ferrier). After Biba grew very popular, Barbara decided that she needed to expand so she bought a rundown Art Deco department store. She soon opened her new and improved store and called it Big Biba. Big Biba was a massive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Biba was one of the first modern fashion brands(Crocker). Biba had all of the latest fashion, which she created, and all of the products you needed for your daily life(Oosterhoff). In Every city, street, and corner in Britain, you would find girls wearing Barbara s clothing. The Friday night television show Ready, Steady, Go was part of making Barbara s store such a success. Whatever Biba outfit the show s host wore on the Friday night was available to girls the next day(Oosterhoff). Another thing that made Barbara a triumph was the Big Biba store. Big Biba was a Willy Wonka factory for fashion, and an spectacular display of interior design and intelligent marketing(Oosterhoff). Both of these were factors that made Barbaras store and clothing so prominent. Altogether, Barbaras unique and affordable clothing line expressed the fashion in the swinging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Power Factor Correction Using Boost Converters For Single... POWER FACTOR CORRECTION USING BOOST CONVERTERS IN SINGLE PHASE DIODE BRIDGE RECTIFIERS Shrinivas Reddy Dept. of EEE,PDACEG, GULBARGA Abstract The development of power electronic converters is marked by demands for a simultaneous reduction in Size , losses and power related costs. Historically diode bridge rectifiers with a laSrge capacitor at the dc bus have been used to convert the ac voltage to a dc voltage. But diode bridge rectifiers draw a very high peak current from the ac utility, which is rich in harmonics and thus gives a very poor power factor. Modern AC DC power supplies utilize power factor correction in order to minimize the harmonics in the input current drawn fiom the utility. The Boost topology is the most popular topology used for power factor correction today. In this paper, power factor correction using boost converters in single phase diode bridge rectifiers is presented. 1. Introduction In recent years, conversion of ac line voltages from utilities has been dominated by using a single phase diode rectifier followed by a single switch boost stage. Designers have embraced the usefulness of this topology since it draws a sinusoidal input current and maintains a unity input power factor under varying load ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Joseph II An Enlightened Despot Joseph II of Austria (1741 1790) is portrayed as an enlightened despot because he improved the lives of the landowners and peasants with many of his Josephinisms, his own domestic policies, like advanced tools, religious freedom, and tax reduction. However, he was also battling the clergy because his morals took power away from them and, at some points, Joseph lost sight of his enlightened self and made decisions to gain political power. The image depicting him plowing a peasant s field was published with hopes of advertising his integrity and good intentions to all. However, Joseph II could not be truly enlightened if the power does not reside in the people. His intentions were selfish and his priorities, besides helping the people, were to maintain his absolute power by doing what he wanted to do.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These new ideas which he adopted from the Enlightenment were for the welfare of [his] subjects (Letters of Joseph II). He realized the economic burden on the lower class was unfair and taxes needed to be fixed. Among other advancements, he granted religious toleration, and removed the yoke that had oppressed the Protestants for centuries (Letters of Joseph II). Tolerance was not only for Christians; Joseph granted equal civil rights to the Jews (Palmer 331). People felt a sense of religious freedom which they never had before. This new tolerance was due to Joseph s secular outlook; he wanted his people to pay more attention to social, and educational reforms inspired by the Enlightenment rather than the church. The Enlightenment was human reason, an interest in science, advertising religious toleration. Joseph took these political and cultural changes and applied them to his reign which made him seem enlightened. He implemented the main ideas from the philosophes of the Enlightenment, promoting progress through his secular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Shakespeare s Most Famous Soliloquy With A Mark Of Their... Actors interpret Shakespeare s most famous soliloquy with a mark of their own artistry. In films and on stage, actors who play Hamlet exhibit various degrees of emotion and pacing speed. It is difficult to evaluate the soliloquy on its own because the way the play is performed in its entirety gives meaning to the soliloquy while the soliloquy also illuminates a special interpretation in the play. However, I argue that the soliloquy has a musical structure a sonata form, specifically that can serve as a framework under which performances can be analyzed. Even though they were viewed discretely from their entire play, there are performances of the soliloquy that may be considered more effective than others under the framework examined under the sonata form. The sonata form usually has three main parts: the exposition, the development, and the recapitulation. In the exposition, the composer introduces a theme that will set the groundwork for the entire work. Once the theme is introduced, it is often played in a different key but in a parallel structure. Hamlet s soliloquy begins with the theme of the uncertainty of death: To be or not to be, that is the question. The rest of the soliloquy expands on this central theme as it clearly sets the groundwork for Hamlet s internal struggle. A repeat of this theme is heard when Hamlet speaks, To die: to sleep; No more. Now instead of considering the difficulties and possibly the nobler act of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Inner Surface Temperature Against Time And Tile Thickness From Fig.2, it shows that the inner surface temperature against time and tile thickness. On the right hand side, it is shown that the Forward and the Dufort Frankel method are very unstable. Both methods had an infinite inner surface temperature at start, which is not ideal. For Backward and Crank Nicolson methods, both of them had a smooth curve and did not have much fluctuation. On the left hand side, it shows the temperature at the inner surface against time. Forward and Dufort Frankel deviated very soon after the tile get heated. This time, the Backward method moved away from the starting temperature which is a sign of unstable. Therefore, Crank Nicolson was selected to be the most appropriate method to solve this problem. In theory, forward differencing and Dufort Frankel methods were explicit method, and backward differencing and Crank Nicolson were implicit methods. It was suggested that the implicit method was more stable than the explicit as it solved the equation involving both the current state and the next step rather than just using the current state. The dx, dt were found using Fig.2. dt was found where the Crank Nicolson line started to fluctuate heavily at around 14s (Fig.3), and dx was found when the line started to bend on the right hand side. Using the maximum temperature and tile thickness, the parameters, nt and nx, were calculated and used in the shuttle function. The left hand side of Fig.4 shows that the inner surface temperature across a range ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Loren Hall Character Analysis It seems as if nearly everyone goes through a difficult mission at least once in their life. Walt Master s, for example, his task was saving Loren Hall s claim from the stampeders . Farah Ahmedi, she undertook the mission of escaping from her war torn country with her mother. While the narrator from, the cremationof Sam McGee , made a promise to his (now dead) friend that he would cremate his last remains. Though these characters all have very different stories, they all have shown that they have the perseverance to succeed in their quest and help those around them. Walt masters is a young boy who lives in Klondike. While his neighbor ,Loren Hall, was away walking to Dawson, Walt agreed to watch over his claim. Unfortunately trouble ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was enough to impel ,her and her mother, to take risks to escape. Ahmedi and her mother decide to flee their home in Kabul in search of a better life (Intro). Only thanks to Ghulam Ali and his wife, did she and her mother get around the Afghanistan border. The woman told us that her husband, Ghulam Ali, had gone to look for another way across the border (par. 7). The astonishing thing is that Ahmedi was able to undertake this mission and persevered even though she had her own difficulties. Perhaps my mother s problems distracted me from my own. That might account for it. Perhaps desperation gave me energy and made me forget the rigor of the climb (par. 12). By helping her mother she inevitably helped herself, distracted by her mother s bigger problems she was able to forget her own and persevere through the journey. The Speaker and his Friend Sam McGee are miners from Tennessee who want to strike it rich in the Klondike. Although, not to long after the start of their journey Sam McGee falls ill and makes The Speaker promise him something. Sam McGee asked that once he died he would be cremated in irony of his icy death. So I want you to swear that, foul or fair, you ll cremate my last remains (line 24). The Speaker, knowing the harsh and surreal code of the klondike, wandered on through the cold to fulfill his promise. Now a promise made is a debt unpaid, and the trail has its own stern code, In the days to come, though my lips were dumb, in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Low Mass Stars Research Paper Since we first gazed upon the heavens, man has been perplexed over where the bright lights in the sky have come from. This report will provide information for the birth and death of both low and high mass stars that is supported by scientifically proven statements and observations. It is the long held belief of many, that molecular clouds are the nurseries of stars. These dense clouds of gas are most often found in the spiral arms of galaxies. Obviously, smaller cloud produce low mass stars while large clouds produce high mass stars which collapse much faster than their smaller siblings during the protostar phase ( Washington). At this point, the cloud is cool with very low pressure. Once these clouds of gas become dense enough, they collapse to create the beginnings of a starknow... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These clumps are shaped into disks and, after approximately one million years, a protostar will form in its center. Protostars continue to run off the same gravitational energy that was released by the initial collapse and continue to suck in dusty material from the space around itself. Once protostars are hot and dense enough to burn Hydrogen and Helium in their core they enter the main sequence period of their lives (NASA). Now, we can classify these stars further based on their masses. Low mass stars are exactly what you think. They are the creation of smaller molecular gas clouds and the subsequent protostars. Our very own Sun comes from this family and has relatively low luminosity and temperature. Thankfully, the smaller a star is the less fuel it needs to consume. This means that it will also have a longer lifetime before exhausting it energy supply in the core. But, once it has eaten though all of its gas the star will grow redder, larger, and more luminous (NASA).If we continue to track the life of a star like our Sun, we can see that next ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Functionalism In The Film Mean Girls Functionalist theory states that everyone in a society serve a purpose that helps that society function. All individuals of a society have certain social roles that when working together allows them to form a society, this allows for there to be inequality amongst individuals (Anderson, Para 3). Functionalism also says that social order is maintained through public consensus (Anderson, Para 4). So in other words the adjustments that some individuals make in response to any behavior that isn t part or the normal norms or deviant behavior, allows for change. In the film Mean Girls, functionalist would look at all of the different groups in this movie as important and even necessary to the proper function of the high school (Anderson, Para 3). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Theme Of Allusion In Grass And English Con Salsa History and Allusion in grass and English con salsa According to Kennedy and Dana, an allusion is where a person, place or thing is referred to indirectly, either by text or as an illustration (Kennedy and Dana 408). When allusions are used in a poem, it is assumed that the poet and the reader share a common body of knowledge. The poems grass by Carl Sandburg and English con salsa by Gina ValdГЁs are both similar in the sense that they both employ allusions in their narratives. Furthermore, the allusions in these poems discusses history and reflecting on the role of a person in history. The poem grass has five allusions which are Austerlitz, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Ypres, and Verdun. On the other hand, English con salsa alludes to Xochicalco, Tuxpan River, Benito Juarez, George Washington, Donald Duck, Batman, Teocaltiche, UruapГn, Oaxacan, JuchitГ n, Zapotec, Nahuatl, Santa Tristeza, Santa Alegria, Santo Todolopuede, Lake PГtzcuaro, Jalisco, Santee, and La Jolla. Interestingly, both poems discuss renowned history through the illusions. In grass, line 1 in the first stanza states that Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and Waterloo (Sandburg 126). The use of the word Austerlitz points out to the historic Battle of Austerlitz. Historically, the Battle of Austerlitz occurred in 1805 involving armies from French, Austria, and Russia. There was a high number of casualties in the battle, which the phrase discusses by stating pile the bodies high (Sandburg 126). Similarly, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Organizational Culture And Its Functions INTRODUCTION Organizational culture involves systems of beliefs and values that guide the behavior of individuals within the organization and how they shape behavior (Kummerow, 2013). Organizational structures, on the other hand, dictate the assignment, coordination and control of roles and responsibilities to achieve organizational goals (Pathak 2011). For a company to perform effectively it needs to grow, organizational development is one element of growth that focuses on practice an research focused in expanding effectiveness and the knowledge of individuals. In order to grow, a firm needs to transfer, create ad retain knowledge within its staff members and people affiliated to it through organizational. The aim of this paper is to analyze the concepts of organizational, culture, structure, development, and learning and evaluate how this concept relates to Jaguar Company. ORGANIZATIONAL CULTUREAND ITS FUNCTIONS According to Kummerow and Kirby (2013), organizational culture is patterns of shared values, beliefs and assumptions developed by an organization as it looks for ways to cope with issues of internal integration and external adaptation. Consequently, it will govern how individual behave within the organization and the culture is tough to any new member of the organization so that they know the correct way to think, feel and perceive issues within the organization. Culture is an important part of any company, it provides and controls the way staff members behave in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...