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The Spy and The Bravo
Spy fiction is defined as a genre of literature that focuses on the activities of spies and the world of
espionage. The genre dates back to the mid to late 19th century. An early example of a spy novel is by
an American novelist James Fenimore Cooper; The spy (1821) and The Bravo (1831). Spy fiction
would mostly be influenced by events that have occurred in the real world such as, the Cold War,
which will be discussed in this essay and how it became to influence the writing of spy fiction and
how it built its popularity in the literature world. The Cold War emerged in 1946 due to the tension
between the western powers (USA, UK, Europe and Canada) and the Soviet Union, which included
the Russian communist. Shortly after the Second World War ended, the Soviet Union refused to
remove its forces in areas of Europe that they have taken over during the war. This caused the crisis of
the Cuban Missile Crisis and Berlin wall, being just some of the issue raised at that time. The Soviet
Union broke up in 1991. The most enduring motif about the Cold War is the storytelling about spies,
agent and assassins living a double life that included secrecy so they could infiltrate their enemies.
The US and USSR spent a large amount of time and money to train spies and agents during the Cold
War to deploy them around the world. The main purpose of espionage is to gather information from
their enemy and as their technology or gadgets were not advanced as it is now, they would send spies
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Refugee Challenges For Refugees
The current refugee scene is facing many complications. The challenges these individuals face while
moving to a new country has encouraged us to focus our project on providing refugees with the
assistance they need to succeed. Exploring different areas such as connections and services through an
interview process has given us a better insight into what path to take to better accommodate refugees
with the challenges in their current country. When conducting interviews our group kept in mind the
practicality of the refugee s situation. Since for many individuals, this time in their lives is emotional
we decided to reach out to the individuals that help refugees. When deciding who to contact for
interviews we kept all our options open, communicating with immigration officers, program
managers, University of Waterloo volunteers and teachers etc. First, we created a target list of many
individuals that we were interested to hear from. Our first point of contact was email, with some
participants they emailed their answers to us, however with others they preferred to communicate
through the phone. In the end, all of the interviews we collected were completed through phone calls
and emails. Our project is based around a relatively touchy subject because in many cases, refugees
have been forced from their country for their own safety. If people ask how life was like before and
what made them leave their home, they may feel uncomfortable and out of place like the new kid on
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A Brief Note On The Internal Revenue Service
The Internal Revenue Service is trying to preserve and protect the availability, confidentiality,
integrity, authentication, authorization and security controls of all employees and also the taxpayers.
In the context of IRS information security, availability is generally expressed as the amount of time
users can use a system, application and data, where user refers employees and taxpayers. Integrity
refers the validity and accuracy of data. For IRS, data and information are intellectual property assets.
Unauthorized changes can undermine the data s values which be a serious threat to an organizations.
Similarly, confidentiality protecting information from everyone except those with rights to it. IRS is
making online communication with users and employees in terms of enter private data into IRS web
site. A security control is something an organization does to help reduce those risk.
Introduction of IRS The main mission of IRS is to make sure that all tax payers have access to all the
required documents and resources to obey with the tax laws, in order to do that the security controls
play vital role on organizations. Laws requires organization to use security controls to protect
consumers private data. The objectives of the Internal Revenue Service is based on its electronic
communications, physical and network security, operations management, policy violations and so on.
Security program, risk management plan, and operational programs are the three main objectives of
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The Balance Scorecard
SFU The Balance Scorecard Initiative BUS 322 Written Case Miranda Zhang 7/29/2014 Executive
Summary This report provides the analysis of case study given to me. Gail Palmer Ashton Graduate
School of Business ranks among the top schools of USA but the dean of the institute feels that the
school has deviated from its foundations. This analysis proposes implementation of the balanced
scorecard and performance metrics in order to achieve the four strategic goals of the institution. Even
the ranking is consistent and high the institute needs performance standards devised along the lines of
end goals. A balanced scorecard has four perspectives and this report gives the complete exploration
of financial, internal, customer and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
So in that case performance measures should be selected to end goals of a particular institute. Solution
Proposing a balanced scorecard Balanced scorecard is a set of measures, which give the complete
view of any business performance. Kaplan and Norton (1995) explained balanced scorecard in
following words: The balanced scorecard should translate a business unit s mission and strategy into
tangible objectives and measures. The measures represent a balance between external measures for
shareholders and customers and internal measures of critical business processes, innovation and
learning and growth. The measures are balance between outcome measures, the results of past efforts,
and the measures that drive future performance. And the scorecard is balanced between objective,
easily quantified outcome measures and subjective, somewhat judgmental, performance... Following
are the strategic performance measures of any balanced scorecard: Financial performance: it deals
with how the current and potential stakeholders see a particular business. Customer performance: This
measure tells the company about the view of customers regarding the company/institute Business and
production process performance: This measure proposes set of businesses at which a
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Salt Lake Research Paper
The Dells are part of the Driftless Area, meaning it was untouched by glacial ice. However, glaciers in
other parts of the state melted, forming Glacial Lake Wisconsin; which was about 150 feet deep and
the size of Utah s Great Salt Lake. 14,000 years ago, the last ice dam holding back this large lake gave
way, causing a great flood. The floodwaters poured through the area cutting out gorges, likely within
days or weeks, and leaving behind the towering sandstone Dells as we see them today. The waters also
tore out a channel and flooded the Wisconsin River valley, one of our tour guides, Sophia, stated while
we were on the journey to reach our designated shore landing. Ethan pointed out that though the water
of the Wisconsin River looks dirty, it is actually very clean. The river is colored ... Show more content
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Native Americans used to rub tannic acid on animal skins to tan or preserve them. Finally, we reached
our destination. Witches Gulch, a gorge through which a trout stream flows and continues to carve
new patterns into the sandstone. A stunning narrow canyon full of nature. The site has no shortage of
picturesque scenery waiting for a snapshot. Witches Gulch is a spectacular and spooky walk through a
narrow canyon carved by wind and water filled with fern glens, shadowy passages, and hidden
whirlpool chambers. A glen of mysterious passageways, such as Spooky Lane awaited our visit. Prior
to the mid 1800s, debris and a waterfall blocked access to the area. However, a clever photographer
named Henry Hamilton Bennett visited the Gulch during winter on ice skates and chiseled his way
through. He partnered with a local steamboat captain to build walkways into the area that have been in
use, and updated, since 1875. Walking onto the rock filled solid surface, I look up in amazement. The
sandstone is cool and damp to the touch, and the rock formations are awe inspiring.
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Why Is Affordable Housing Important
Affordable housing is housing which is deemed affordable to those with a median household income
as rated by the national government or a local government by a recognized housing affordability
index. The New York City Housing Authority was created in 1935 to provide affordable housing for
New Yorkers with low and moderate income. The New York City Housing Authority is one of the
largest public housing authorities in North America and are homes to 400,000 New Yorkers who
reside across the City s five boroughs. The NYCHA provides homes to 1 in 14 New Yorkers who
provide services which are essential to our city, including those who are employed as teachers, police
officers, and nurses. Being able to have affordable housing is very important. Affordable ... Show
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Affordable housing is a key issue in New York City because affordable housing doesn t address the
needs of lower and middle income households. The people who do need affordable housing don t
qualify for it based on governmental standards and majority of the population aren t able to buy
houses at the market price. Affordable housing programs are an essential need to many hard working
New Yorkers. Affordable housing aids adults, children, and seniors in feeling secure and stable and
contributes to the mental and physical well being of New Yorkers. Something I can do to aid in the
fight for affordable housing is spread the word about it and the issues surrounding it. By spreading
information about affordable housing I d be educating my fellow New Yorkers on the housing crisis in
our state. I d also inform individuals who want to fix it how to do so through word of mouth, social
media, volunteering and maybe even fundraising. Everyone needs a place to live. Having a safe,
decent, affordable home should be a right for all, not a privilege for select few. We all need housing to
be better and more affordable in this country, if it not for ourselves and our neighbors, then for our
economy and for generations to come. And there s no better time than
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Examples Of Ambition In Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar Essay
In the book Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the darker sides of human nature are exposed such
as jealousy, deceitfulness, desire for revenge, and ambition or arrogance. The most important themes
that are shown throughout this book are revenge, jealousy, and ambition. Revenge is evident from
Mark Antony while he tries to avenge his friend Julius Caesar. All the violence represents his revenge
as he gets an army to defeat the conspirators. Jealousy is evident from a variety of characters in the
book as they are jealous of Julius Caesar s power. Also, ambition is clearly identified in the story
because of the acts of Julius Caesar and Cassius. Revenge, jealousy, and ambition all play big impacts
in this story.
Revenge is a very important trait in Julius Caesar. The character in the book that best represents this
trait is Mark Antony. Antony acts to avenge the death of his good friend, Julius Caesar. Antony ...
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Cassius is starting to grow feelings about Julius Caesar as he gets really jealous of him and wants to
murder him. In a way Cassius started to feel a little threatened. Cassius says, Ye gods! It doth amaze
me; a man of such a feeble temper should, so get the start of the majestic, and bear the palm alone.
(Insert page # and quotes). Most of the conspirators except Brutus, want to kill Caesar because the
amount of power he holds and they want to take it from him. Even with everyone telling Caesar to not
go to the Capulet, he still does not listen. Many have told him bad things will happen to him and even
with all the things that have been said to him but he still wants to go. What mean you, Caesar? Think
you to walk forth? You shall not stir out of your house to day said Calpurnia. Casca is also another
character in the book that is extremely jealous of Caesar s power and what he is able to do. Mere
foolery said Casca. Jealousy is a very important theme in this
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The Biblical Texts Of The Jewish People
For the Jewish people, Jerusalem has long been regarded as a special city, chosen by God as he chose
the people of Israel. The importance of Jerusalem in the Jewish religious tradition can be traced back
to the Hebrew Bible, in which narratives describe the events which make the city sacred. However,
these events alone do not make Jerusalem a sacred place; the biblical texts also work together to
portray the importance and holiness of Yahweh, the God of Israel. The concept of sacredness is also
highlighted by Mircea Eliade, who theorized about how a sacred place comes into existence. The
biblical texts support Eliade s ideas of the sacred by narrating repeated hierophanies and promises,
working together to reveal the importance of the divine to the people of ancient Israel. Eliade s
primary concept is that of the axis mundi, around which everything else revolves. An axis mundi is a
connection between earth and the supernatural, where humans and the cosmic can come together
(Eliade, 37). Becoming sacred, according to Eliade, is made possible through a hierophany, an
experience through which the divine manifests itself (21). This hierophany sets a place apart, creating
a break in homogeneity that separates it from the profane (Eliade, 63). He also emphasizes the idea
that sacredness makes a place real, and becomes a fixed point, a point of reference that people align
their whole world to (Eliade, 22). A hierophany opens up the very possibility of a connection with the
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The Rhetorical Analysis Of The King s Speech
In the film The King s Speech , written by David Seidler and released on November 26, 2010, the
filmmaker portrays Albert being constantly under pressure for speaking correctly, by comparing his
speech to great broadcasters who are anything but great leaders. The pressure that comes from Albert s
father, King George V, results in more frustration for the both of them, without either of them realising
that to lead a country into greatness depends more on just speaking well. Throughout the film, there
had been ideal speech models like Hitler, David, and King George V, shown in order to compare their
speech to Albert s and to show what a great speaker has to sound in order to gain the public s support.
Ironically, all of those speech perfect models turned out to be egocentric individuals and the least
egotistical leader, Albert, is the one with the impaired speech. I argue that in The King s Speech , the
characters who serve as models of ideal speech are figures of oppression, therefore the author is
implying that the idea of having ideal speech does not live up to it s praise.
Oppressive leaders like Hitler have used public speaking in order to bring destruction to the world like
war. In the scene when the royal family is watching him on the projector, Hitler is controlling a mass
army while speaking with a powerful tone in a fast and concise pace. Hitler s body language also
represents the intensity of his message to his country by pointing his fingers vigorously. The
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Shrek Personal Narrative
As Shrek, from the 2001 movie Shrek, once said, Onions have many layers. The first thing that comes
to my mind whenever I hear the word onion, is not the vegetable, or the tears that normally come with
said vegetable. Instead, I think of my best friend Onion. Onion, of course, is not his real name, just
some nickname whose origins have been lost through years of use. People are not always what one
first expects them to be, which leads to many surprises in life, both pleasant and unpleasant. I had
moved to a new town in a different state at the beginning of my seventh grade year. There was no one
I knew at my new school, so I sat in my first class and did not talk to anyone, fearing that I would not
make any friends. That is when I met Onion. Onion was shorter than me, which means he was
unbelievably short, and he was right in the peak of his emo phase. I had just come from a string of
private, Christian schools and no one I knew ever wore so much dark clothing. Naturally, I was
terrified of him. He sat right next to me and said I don t know you. Are you new? I told him I was new
and he immediately introduced himself and the only other person sitting near us. I had been so afraid
that he would be mean and such a dark and cynical person, instead of the ray of sunshine he actually
is. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our English teacher was making us choose partners for a project, and then the burden of choosing fell
to me. The only person I considered a friend, at that point, had already been chosen. I tried to tell the
teacher I did not know anyone so I was unable to choose, but she told me that I had to choose
somebody. That is when Onion started waving his hands like a madman and yelling Pick me! Pick me!
He could not have been more than five feet away, but he still made such a big show of telling me to
choose him that I knew then and there that he would be an important person in my
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Natural Language Processing And Machine Learning Techniques
The manuscript at hand presents a framework that implements Natural language processing (NLP) and
machine learning techniques to extract synthesis parameters of metal oxides from a large set of
published articles. The manuscript also presents insights into the key synthesis parameters using
machine learning algorithms. NLP technique is of broad and current interest in many research areas
and it is being extensively used to extract information on a large scale, which is otherwise not feasible
via manual exploration. In the field of chemistry/materials, NLP holds immense promise to extract
useful information the literature, such as extraction of materials properties, processes, and various
synthesis details. However, NLP has not been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I believe the current manuscript holds the merit to be published in a high quality journal, and my
recommendation is to accept the manuscript to be published in Chemistry of Materials. The authors
may want to address the following list of minor issues to further improve the manuscript: 1. Logistic
regression classifier is applied to distinguish paragraphs that are related to synthesis from other non
synthesis related paragraphs. Applying logistic regression to classify the paragraphs is an elegant way
to determine the synthesis details, however, it might have errors in the classification (95% accuracy in
the current manuscript). A simpler way to classify would be to search for section titles like Methods ,
Materials , Methods and materials , etc., and then classify the text in this section as synthesis
paragraphs. It will be worth considering this approach and comparing it with the logistic regression
approach. However, the former technique might not work if the search paper is a review article. 2.
From the description presented in the manuscript, it appears that the data is extracted from the
paragraphs. However, there are articles where the information is presented in the form of
tables/figures. A discussion on the scope of data extraction from tables/figures would be of significant
interest to the chemistry community as large amount of chemical/materials data is published in this
format. 3. It would be helpful to have an explanation of the
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Individualism And Society In Anthem By Ayn Rand
Society in a Different World
Have you ever thought of living in a place where everyone is the same and no one is different? Boring,
right. In the book Anthem, Ayn Rand fully expresses her thoughts about the role of individualism and
society. Anthem is a dystopian novella, written in 1937 and published in England in 1938. The book is
about a society, in which there is no I and only we is allowed. The dictatorship of Anthem tries to keep
the members of society brainwashed by focusing on the importance of obedience and equality which
justifies restricting people from pursuing individual freedom and limiting their knowledge and
vocabulary. Anthem is a critique of the political movements of Fascism and Communism in Europe
during the 1930 s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You shall do that which the Council of Vocations shall prescribe for you. (Rand 22). In the book, Rand
describes how the Council keeps its subjects manipulated, maintaining obedience through their strict
teaching. The main character Equality 7 2521 demonstrates how people are not allowed to follow their
own path and are victims of a repressive system, which rewards complacency and discourages
freethinking. In this society everyone must be just like everyone else. According to Equality 7 2521,
individuals have no identity of their own. In this society no one is allowed to choose what they do
with their lives, or even to think about what they want to do in the future. The Council of Vocations
punishes Equality 7 2521 for being different, which means being intelligent and loving science.
Instead of being made a scholar, which is what he really wants, Equality 7 2521 is made a street
sweeper. The irony is that Equality 7 2521 would better serve society as a scholar because of his great
intellectual gifts, but that would make individuals capable of distinguishing and separating themselves
from the Council. In another instance, Rand emphasizes the idea of control over knowledge and
vocabulary since We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One,
indivisible and forever (Rand 19). All names are
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Case Study Of Eco-Feminism
Women Empowerment and Eco feminism: Two case studies of India; Bihar in perspective Ssubmitted
By: Rai Dhingra A6030115038
Abstract Eco feminism grows from the idea that a woman s ethic are closer and in sync with the nature
than a man s .Eco feminists address and treat woman s right on natural resources as human right. But
woman have no control and right on natural resources. The history of woman s land right in India and
other country of South Asia has been and will continue to be a history of contestation and struggle at
every level i.e. legal administrative, social and ideological. Cultivated land, forest and water are, and
will be the most crucial form of property in rural India. Women direct ownership of land and control
over natural resources can be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Economic theory proposes that there should be a strong link between economic activity and stock
prices, given that its price is the discounted present value of the firm s payout. If this payout is finally
a function of real activity, such a link should exist.
There are several theoretical propositions suggesting how stock prices can have a direct impact on
economic output, which further strengthens the link amongst these two variables.
1. The first link was proposed by Tobin in 1969. The focus is on the impact that share prices have on
the cost of capital. The coefficient that captures this is called Tobin s Q, which is given by the ratio of
market value of current capital to the cost of replacement capital. When the prices of shares are high,
the value of the firm to the replacement cost of its capital is also high i.e., the Tobin s Q is also high.
Furthermore, this leads to rise in investment expenditure and thus causes a rise in the aggregate
economic output as for firms it is easier to finance their investment expenditures. This is because
investment would be simpler as it would require a lower share offering in a situation of a higher price
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Argumentative Essay On Memorials
Memorializing events in the history of the world for any purpose has it s positives as well as the
negatives. Ranging from a memorial of a popular United States president from a loved one of a family,
memorials have generally served as a purpose of remembrance from the past of said event. The
purpose of the memorial is usually associated with a positive, uplifting feeling towards the deceased
individual or past event. While this is more or less simply defining what memorials are for, what is the
meaning behind them? What purpose do they serve besides the simplicity that they are? Important
messages from a few varied sources will give a differing viewpoint on memorials from one to another.
The first thought of memorials is the simple, generic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Memorials are meant to be striking in the sense that you will notice said memorial and donate some
attention to it. The views of these see this attention capturing as exceedingly high for some purposes.
Some memorials are outstanding in their craftsmanship and aesthetics. This makes people wonder
what could be lurking inside the memorial, or what is near that memorial. What we ve got here is a
formula, striking looks of the monument is almost guaranteed to attract some form of attention.
According to Source G, the analogy of tainting the planet with specific memorials are ridiculous, I
imagined taking a knife and cutting into the earth, opening it up, an initial violence and pain that in
time would heal. The grass would grow back, but the initial cut would remain a pure flat surface in the
earth with a polished, mirrored surface, much like the surface on a geode when you cut it and polish
the edge. The need for the names to be on the memorial would become the memorial; there was no
need to embellish the design further. The people and their names would allow everyone to respond and
remember. The ideals of such nonsensical placements of the memorials are just irritable at the
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Jealousy, Love, And Death
Shakespeare is known for his use of recurring themes, particularly those of betrayal, love, and death.
These themes are present in Othello. However, the most dynamic of themes in this play is jealousy.
White describes jealousy as a complex of thoughts, feelings, and actions which follow threats to self
esteem and/or threats to the existence or quality of a relationship (qtd in UK essays par 1). Two types
of jealousy are presented to the audience in Othello; the kind of jealousy that is fear of losing what one
has, and the kind that is envious of what others have. Jealousy is a prevalent theme in Othello; it is
rooted by love and hope, and it leads to betrayal and death. Because of the evil nature of jealousy, the
play unfolds under the authority of Iago, who uses jealousy to drive the characters actions, and
ultimately concludes in the downfall of a noble man (UK Essays par 1). The audience is presented
with examples of both forms of jealousy as themes in Othello. The two themes of jealousy differ, but
are also quite similar. The envious jealousy is portrayed by two of the main characters, Roderigo and
Iago. Both men are willing to do anything it takes to get what they want. In the beginning of the play,
Roderigo, a rich gentleman, and Iago, the villain, are introduced to the audience. Iago is envious of
Cassio, who was chosen by Othello to be his lieutenant. Roderigo is jealous of Othello marrying
Desdemona, with whom Roderigo is in love. Iago s jealousy leads him to
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Hot Tub Research Paper
When the weather turns cold, conventional wisdom prescribes preparing your outdoor items for the
winter. Does that include your hot tub? According to Hot Tub Outlet, Southwest Littleton s favorite
source for premium hot tubs at affordable prices, they suggest leaving your hot tub running throughout
the winter with a few smart preparations. But the choice is ultimately yours, and if you decide to drain
it, you must take special care to winterize it properly. No matter which option you choose, here are
three things you must do for your hot tub as winter rolls around: Check For Leaks Damage: Cracks in
the hot tub can allow critters seeking refuge from the cold to move in, which is not only a nuisance it
also puts your equipment at risk. Rodents can cause damage by chewing wires and other expensive
parts, leaving you to foot the repair bill. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If it s time for a new filter, take this opportunity to change it. Consult the friendly Hot Tub Outlet staff
for guidance. Check pH Levels: pH measures the relative alkalinity of your hot tub s water, in which
7.0 is a perfectly neutral level. The ideal pH level should stay between 7.2 and 7.8, even throughout
the winter, to prevent corrosion and other expensive damage. Keep the Hot Tub Filled Or Winterize
Carefully: The Hot Tub Outlet team recommends keeping water in your hot tub throughout the year to
prevent leaks or cracks in the pipes. But if you must empty your hot tub, be sure it is fully winterized.
That means draining the tub and pipes thoroughly, as even a small amount of water can burst a pipe.
To learn more about how to keep your hot tub happy all winter long, call Hot Tub Outlet in Southwest
Littleton at (720) 296 2518 or visit the
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Analysis Of Charles Chesnutt s The House Behind The...
Talia Kaufmann
Literature II
Prof. Logan Esdale
5th October 2016
The Question of Racial Identity
Set at the dawn of the Reconstruction period, a time of supposed national renewal and modernization,
Charles Chesnutt s The House Behind the Cedars exposes the reality of an utterly medieval post Civil
War South. Chesnutt explores the role of race in shaping one s true identity through the experiences of
two bi racial siblings, John and Rena Walden, as they transcend the biological color barrier. Inspired
by her older brother s decade of splendid success living as an apparently pure white man, an existence
free of all the restrictions she encounters as a bi racial individual, Rena agrees to abandon and reject
her black identity with devastating consequences. A largely didactic novel, driven by Chesnutt s
motivation to explore the nuances of racial identity in an era in which racial identity was presumed to
be a biological certainty, Rena s character and the devastating conflicts she faces are his vehicle to
portray his own deeply personal journey of self identification. The House Behind the Cedars serves as
a metaphor for Chesnutt s own life and the internal struggles he faced as a biracial individual.
Chesnutt achieves both a certain omnipresence and intimacy in his writing through the integration of
elements of his personal biography into the novel. Much of the novel and its mulatto protagonists,
Rena and John, are based on Chesnutt s life as a bi racial
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Dwight Schrute s The Office
Situational comedies draw connections between the realm of television life and reality. These shows
are successful due to the realistic scenarios and mishaps that shape the lives of each individual
character. The Office is a mockumentary , or parody documentary, that follows a small paper company
in Scranton, Pennsylvania that is led by narcissistic boss, Michael Scott (Steve Carrell). Episode 12 of
season 2, The Injury is a summary of the overall show, as it exhibits Michael s desire to feel wanted
and Dwight Schrute s (Rainn Wilson) longing for his superior s approval. Throughout the entirety of
the show s nine seasons, Michael continues to go to outlandish lengths for public approval, and
Dwight continues to do equally embarrassing things ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through the use of the mockumentary style, The Office highlights humor in the American workplace,
and it provides a platform to discuss the deeper meanings behind societal beliefs and actions. The star
driven talent of Michael Scott represents those in society that seek the approval of others. While
Michael has successfully become manager of his branch and continues to report extremely high
quarterly sales, he lacks a sense of accomplishment. Continually, he seeks attention through rambling
and joking with nearly every member of his office. As the axial character, Steve Carrell follows the
traditional situational comedy style with his performance based representation of Michael. As an
example, he exemplifies a narcissistic personality in The Injury, when he phones into work with a
seemingly severe injury. The mockumentary style of the television show provides a reality within The
Office that allows viewers to feel involved. While Michael only has a miniscule burn on his foot from
an accident involving a Gary Coleman Grill, his reaction causes the coworkers and viewers to believe
he is in critical condition. The A plot of the episode begins as Michael attempts to survive a day at the
office with his new impairment. As he hobbles
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Garbage Dreams Sociology
One of the most striking observations I examined was the way in which culture was used to beautify
and extol ethnic heritage during my first visit to downtown Holyoke. I witnessed culture functioning
as an emblematic tool that was memorializing the Puerto Rican community through art murals, blaring
salsa music [which dominated the air resonance] and other manifestations that showcased Boricua
ethos. Those same cultural cues remained during my second trip, but as I engaged more intimately
with the residents and the commercial industries and governmental offices, these emblems revealed
another meaningful purpose. These symbols of reconstructed nationalism were used to assert
ownership over geographical space while challenging socioeconomic place. Similar to the Zabbaleen
in Cairo whose social and economic position remains endangered, the Puerto Rican community in
Holyoke is experiencing an immediate threat to their geographic space due to their socioeconomic
place and threats of gentrification. Both cultures, which are distinctly unique and ethnically
regionalized as a result, are thousands of miles apart spatially, but closely bounded due to the ability to
use their culture as an instrument to combat the usage of socioeconomic place as an ideological
weapon to regulate geographic space. In the movie Garbage Dreams, the Zabbaleen, which literally
translates to the garbage people , experience a variety of spatial challenges that are abstract in thought,
but very real in
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Access Controls And Access Control Security Essay
As the use of computers, databases, and technology in general, security has grown to be a powerful
tool that has to be used. The threat of outside sources intruding and exploiting crucial information is a
threat that is present on a daily basis. As a part of creating and implementing a security policy, a user
must consider access control. Access Control is a security tool that is used to control who can use or
gain access to the protected technology. Access control security includes two levels; logical and
physical. Though database intrusions can happen at any moment, access control provides another
security barrier that is needed. Access control has been in use before the growth of the technology
world. It could involve a simple action as locking a door. A person locks a door to prevent entry to
those who are not allowed or authorize to do so. The same can be said about the security involving
databases and the controlling of who can have access and what can be accessed. As far as database
security is concerned, there are various categories that are involved in access control. The four main
categories of access control include: Discretionary, Mandatory, Role based, and Rule based access
control. According to Rouse (2006), Computer databases typically contain aggregations of data
records or files, such as sales transactions, product catalogs and inventories, and customer profiles
(Rouse, 2006). Databases can hold a sufficient of information that are deemed valuable by
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Write An Alternate Ending To Jane Eyre
Please, let it be cholera.
Emma Bertrand pressed a hand against the churning in her stomach and forced herself to move one
foot in front of the other. As silent as possible, she crept along the dark hallway toward her mother s
bedchamber. Her father said the sickroom was no place for a twelve year old girl, but she had to know
for certain if her suspicions were true.
The only light filtering up the wide spiral staircase came from the gas lamps in one of the rooms on
the first floor. The unlit chandelier above the foyer tinkled softly as the wind outside seeped through
the cracks and crevices of the mansion on St. Charles. Muted voices drifted from somewhere below.
Her father and uncle discussing business, most likely. The few servants still ... Show more content on
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The description of symptoms and treatments of all the different diseases fascinated her, but she also
learned what the doctor s accusations had meant.
She watched her mother s sleeping form. Did she suffer from cholera? Or was she being poisoned like
Grandpère? Emma needed know for sure.
Arsenic poisoning and cholera shared many of the same symptoms, but there were a few differences.
She should check the chamber pot cholera would make the contents pale and watery; blood might
indicate arsenic but she couldn t bring herself to look inside. Not yet, anyway. She d search for other
signs first. Inching onto the edge of the mattress, she leaned over to check her mother s breath for any
hint of garlic another sign of arsenic.
The floorboard in the hallway creaked again. Emma flew off the bed and dashed for cover behind the
silk dressing screen. Her heart pounded. Sweat trickled down the side of her face. Trembling, she
peeked around the edge of the screen and watched as a tall figure entered the room. When he stepped
into the light of the fireplace, her hand flew to her mouth to silence the gasp. It could not be him. He
would never poison her mother. Would
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The Murder Of Amanda And Rafaela
.Amanda and Rafaela Questioned
Police questioned Amanda and Rafaela several times over the next several days and on November 6,
authorities arrested Amanda and Rafaela taking them to are the police station where police held Knox
for five days. During the time at the station, police observed Knox doing some very bizarre activities.
For example, at one point, authorities allowed Knox to sit on Sollecito s lap and authorities observe
him kissing and hugging on her. In her memoir, Knox claims this behavior was not odd, but just
Soilecito s way of trying to calm her down. At another point, seated across the table from each other
Rafaela and Amanda are making faces at each other. Amanda insists that these behaviors were not
odd, because she had ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is suing Amanda, claiming that the false imprisonment cost him his business that the police
demanded stay closed insisting it was part of an active crime scene.
Guede Arrested
On November 20, the same day that authorities released Lumumba from prison, police, in Germany,
arrested Guede, near Mainz, for traveling by train without a ticket. With the evidence that Guede s
fingerprints were all over Margaret s bedroom and apartment, authorities quickly sent Guede back to
Perugia. Initially, Guede admitted being in the apartment when Margaret was killed, but he was in the
bathroom playing games on his iPod while suffering with food poisoning. He says that Margaret s
screams finally filtered through the headphones that he was using and that he emerged to find Rafaela
in the apartment. He insists that Rafaela told him that he must keep quiet because everyone would
believe that the man of color had committed the crime. Guede insists that he heard Amanda in the
apartment but did not see her. He then says that he saw Meredith s dead body, panicked and fled the
Meredith s Funeral
Friends held a memorial service at Croydon Parish Church on December 14, 2007. The family later
interred at Croydon t Mitcham Road Cemetery.
Guede Sentenced
On Oct. 28, 2008, using Italy s fast track method, authorities convicted Guede of sexual assault along
with the murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Chooses Full Jury Duty
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The Political Reform Of A Democracy Essay
The basis of a democracy goes back as far as 507 B.C. It was introduced by Ancient Athens first
leader Cleisthenes. His primary mean was to ensure equality among his people; however, Cleisthenes
equality declaration only spread so far and accomplished so much. Only forty thousand men over the
age of eighteen were allowed to be part of Athens political affairs. This Athenian democracy was
separated into three parts: the ekklesia a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated
foreign policy; the boule a council of representatives from the ten Athenian tribes; and the dikasteria
the popular courts in which citizens argued cases before a group of lottery selected jurors. Cleisthenes
democracy only survived for two centuries. However, his political reform of a democracy is one of
Ancient Greece s best contributions to the entire world. Democracy is defined as a form of
government in which the supreme power is vested in the people, and exercised directly by them or by
their elected agents under a free electoral system. It is also defined as a state of democracy
characterized by formal equality of rights at privileges. In short terms, a democracy is ran for the
people, by the people. It is primarily focused on the equality among people, and those same people are
able to control who holds the power in their economy. We, the United States, run as a democracy.
Though, the electoral votes are those that are only accounted for in the election, our vote
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Chuck Jones
Chuck Jones was and still is a pioneer of animation, contributing to over 300 films animated films. He
redfeined character development and storytelling. There are three methods that Chuck employed to his
animations. Firstly, the jokes. Many people remember The Looney Tunes not only for the characters,
but the jokes. Chuck Jones installed a two part structure to every episode. The first part leads you to
make an assumption and the second part proves it wrong. However, the amount of work put into every
single character is what truly set the films apart, leading us to the second method creating relatable
characters. Chuck Jones wanted to make the characters relatable to audiences he wasn t just looking
for jokes, he wanted these characters ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It helps to have the dialogue, but the dialogue is not the thing that makes it work. The story should tell
itself by the way it moves. Now that we know what the character wants and how they move to get it,
we can then add in the personality of the character to the assumption. On the flipside, there is danger
to this method and you can easily get trapped in a formula. In order to counteract this, Chuck Jones
disciplined himself. Discipline is our third method because animating always you to do whatever you
want, so you have to think about what you won t do. For example, Bugs bunny never instigated a
fight, he only retaliates when others start it. Chuck Jones did this because if he did not, Bugs Bunny
would appear as a bully. Chuck Jones also applied discipline to how character expressed themselves.
In earlier years, they tended to go through a slew of expressions in a couple of seconds, but over time
Chuck Jones stuck to using the smallest possible gestures and that made the jokes funnier. But the
most important lesson that Chuck Jones has taught us, is to be inspired by everyday life because it is
no good to draw if you have nothing to
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Effects Of Residential Schools In Canada
Residential schools were a place where thousands of Indigenous children would go to learn but instead
get abused very badly. Residential schools existed about a hundred years ago. These tragic schools
were established because European people wanted the Indigenous people of Canada to be assimilated
into Euro Canadian. The European people thought that their civilization was the greatest human
achievement. A lot of residential schools opened within Canada s provinces. Life at residential schools
was very cruel because the students got limited time to learn and more time to do exhausting chores.
The children also got brutally abused for various things including if they offend the nuns and priests
working in the schools. By the time the children had finished attending the residential schools they
had almost forgotten everything about their culture and traditions. Residential schools treated children
very poorly which caused some long lasting effects that still impact Indigenous people today. There
were a lot of residential schools in Canada and there were a variety of reasons why and how these
schools had opened. European settlers thought that the first habitants of Canada (the Indigenous
people) were ignorant, and like children they needed guidance. The first prime minister of Canada Sir
John A. McDonald commissioned a journalist and politician Nicholas Flood Davin to study industrial
schools, for the indigenous children, in the United States. Nicholas Flood Davin found
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Complications and Prevalence of Diabetes
Diabetes is a chronic disease where in there is high sugar level in blood either due to insufficient
insulin production or to the inability of cells to respond to insulin. Diabetes can cause a lot of long
term complications that affect different parts of the body. It can cause eye complications such as
glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and blindness. Foot complications that can lead to
amputation can also result from uncontrolled diabetes. Skin infections and disorders are more
common to people with diabetes. It also causes heart problems, ischemia, stroke, kidney failure, and
nerve damage. Diabetes during pregnancy can also cause birth defects (Nordqvist, 2010). Diabetes can
affect any person. Type I diabetes occurs equally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most studied plant families for their hypoglycemic effects are Leguminoseae, Araliaceae,
Liliaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Moraceae, Asteracea, Rosaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Lamiaceae (Chauhan,
2010). Bioactive drugs isolated from different plants having hypoglycemic effects showed antidiabetic
activity. Most of these plants are more potent than known synthetic oral hypoglycemic agents
(Chauhan, 2010). Therefore, herbal plants have potential hypoglycemic activity that should be studied
in order to produce diabetes drugs that are safe, economical, and effective. Gynura Procumbens
Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is locally known as Sambung
Nyawa or Sabungai. It is an evergreen shrub with medicinal properties widely distributed in South
East Asia. The leaves of Gynura procumbens are ovate elliptic or lanceolate. Leaf size ranges from 3.5
to 8 cm long and 0.8 to 3.5 cm wide. The flowering heads are panicled, narrow, yellow, and 1 to 1.5
cm long (Sekar, 2014). It has been used by rural communities in Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines
to treat various ailments including diabetes. This plant is reported to be useful for hypertension, anti
inflammation, anti herpes simplex virus, prevention of rheumatism, and treatment of eruptive fevers,
kidney troubles, colon cancer, hemorrhoids and diabetes. The leaves of this
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Pepsi Cola Rhetorical Analysis
A video guaranteed to grab someone s attention consists of pleasing visual elements as well as some
aural techniques. The Pepsi Max commercial titled Chain Reaction does just that and nothing less.
Pepsi Cola displayed a complex experiment in their Pepsi Max commercial consisting of a
combination of visual and aural rhetoric to advertise a message that influences the audience to buy
their product. The commercial is very interesting and fun to watch, keeping the audience entertained
while the product is being advertised. Pepsi Cola does a good job at making their commercial
enjoyable. The display of logos throughout the commercial seems in some way sarcastic. Pepsi Cola s
chain reaction, showed in the commercial, was very complex and complicated.
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Cloud Computing Security
INTRODUCTION The guidance provided herein is the third version of the Cloud Security Alliance
document, Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing, which was originally
released in April 2009. The permanent archive locations for these documents are:
http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/csaguide.v3.0.pdf (this document)
http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/csaguide.v2.1.pdf (version 2 guidance)
http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/csaguide.v1.0.pdf (version 1 guidance) In a departure
from the second version of our guidance, each domain was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
45 Domain 5: Information Management and Data Security
..................................................................................................... 50 Domain 6: Interoperability and
Portability .......................................................................................................................... 64 Section III.
Operating in the Cloud
...................................................................................................................................... 73 Domain 7:
Traditional Security, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery
..................................................................... 74 Domain 8: Data Center Operations
...................................................................................................................................... 89 Domain 9:
Incident Response
.............................................................................................................................................. 93 Domain
10: Application Security
........................................................................................................................................ 103 Domain 11:
Encryption and Key Management
.................................................................................................................. 129 Domain 12: Identity,
Entitlement, and Access Management
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Women Still Can T Have It All By Anne-Marie Slaughter
Women can have it all is an abstract that has been pushed heavily in recent feminist movements.
Although, some believe that women do have the ability to have it all, with a family and career but,
Anne Marie Slaughter, president of New American Foundation, disagrees saying women can still not
have it all. She believes that women are still having to choose between a successful career and family.
Anne Marie Slaughter uses her own narration to prove her point, as well, as support from other news
sources and government officials. In Why Women Still Can t Have It All by Anne Marie Slaughter,
she used narration, a variety of voice, and style to make her argument, but, the narration made the
article seem opinionated, more than factual. First in this article, Slaughter presented her story of being
a director of policy planning, and how this motivated her to write the article. She explains her
experience with balancing family, work, and her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The readers could get lost very quickly into the authors story instead of the message at hand.
Although, this is an op ed genre which is usually characterized by more opinionated than factual but, it
would have been a more convincing argument if the author had used some logos, instead of just
having her narration and incorporating a few other successful people in Washington that stepped
down, because of family matters. Anne Marie Slaughter in the article Women can t have it all created
an admirable, and stylish, presentation of the abstract, but it did not create the most effective argument
to the thesis. The narration even though, it included example of people with similar problems, it still
seem biased because, of just the explanation of her experience. It could ve included women from all
walks of life to improve the argument that society needs to be changed to make it so women can have
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Fmc Course Netherland
Financial Management Control IM07CC CEMS
Dr. Marcel van Rinsum Associate Professor RSM Erasmus University Department Accounting
Control mrinsum@rsm.nl Introduction Financial Management Control Systems (FMCS) form the
bridge between the organization s strategy and its operations. Their purpose is to align managerial
behaviour and decision making with organizational goals. Although management controls are
typically embedded in the organization s financial management and accounting systems, their design
and use should be based on a thorough understanding of how managerial behaviour is influenced by
typical control system elements, such as target setting, performance measurement and rewarding.
Indeed, while the proper design of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hand in case notes (20%). Cases are solved by teams of students; 3. Written exam (60%; to pass the
course a minimum grade for the exam of 5.0 is required. The other grades will only count when you
pass this threshold). This is an individual test. Presence is required for the lectures. The written exam
will be based on the literature discussed during the lectures, additional material presented during
theme discussions and lectures (made available on Black Board), and a selection of the cases
discussed. More information on groups, lectures and contents will be made available on Blackboard
Course literature Articles cases. (see course program).
The course program for Financial Management Control is as follows: Topics 1. Financial
Management Control: Introduction Date Oct. 27 Literature Readings 1
2. The Economics and Psychology of Financial Management Control
Nov. 3
Readings 2 and 3 Case 1
3. Financial Management Control: Measurement and Organizational structure Nov. 10
Readings 4 and 5 Case 2
4. Financial Management Control: Myopia
Nov. 17
Readings 6 and 7 Case 3
5. Financial Management Control: Subjectivity
Nov. 24
Readings 8 Case 4
6. Financial Management Control: Controllership, Environment Culture
Dec. 1
Readings 9 Wrap up
7. Extra session
Dec. 8
The required readings are as follows: 1. Merchant,
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The Importance Of A Goodnight Book Kansas
I am writing on behalf of the 8th Grade Class at Monticello Trails Middle School to prove that Kansas
needs a Goodnight book. We want a nice book that can show kids that Kansas isn t boring. This is to
prove Kansas is just as good as any state. We deserve this because every other state has a Goodnight
book but Kansas.
There are books for every other state but not ours, so I believe that it s only fair if we get a book too.
Kansas has activities that anyone can do like, celebrate with us that our team the Royals had won the
World Series. Publishing this book would be good for the children when they learn about the history
of our state. Kids would be able to learn about their own state and understand the basis of it. Kids in
Kansas will be able to get a heads up on some known items. This will be able to make you a good
amount of money while teaching the basis of Kansas to kids all over the United States. I know you
don t take submissions but, Kansas can offer much more than you think. We have Verrückt the tallest
water slide and we also have the actual bumpy hills of Flint Hills. Also nothing can beat our beautiful
orange, red, and purple sunset. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Creating this book could change the face of your company. Young children would be ecstatic about
this so would I. I certainly hope to hear back from you soon. Our 8th grade class would appreciate if
you considered this book to go into production. If you have any questions you can contact me or the
school using the information above or below. Thank you for looking at this and I hope to hear from
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Extrapolation Lab Report
section{Measurement of oxygen consumption} The methods to measure oxygen consumption either
directly or by extrapolation can be classified into invasive and non invasive methods.
subsection{Invasive methods of measurement of oxygen consumption}
1. Bedside measure: 
I will discuss Lactate, $PCO_{2}$ difference, and mixed venous oxygen saturation. 
A. textit{Lactate}:
Normal arterial serum lactate ranges between 0 and 2 mmol/L. The production of lactate occurs when
tissues have insufficient supply of oxygen. The glycolysis for energy production is not optimal in
these low perfusion / low oxygen states. The body is forced to produce ATP (albeit inefficiently) by
anaerobic pathways. The end product of this anaerobic reaction is Lactate. Hence, an increase in
lactate can be a marker of low perfusion or low oxygen states. 
B. textit{Mixed venous oxygen saturation}:
The true mixed venous oxygen saturation is measured from a pulmonary artery catheter placed in the
main pulmonary arterial trunk. Blood returning to the right side of the heart contains the residual
oxygen after utilisation by the tissues. This makes the $MxVenO_{2}$ an indirect measure of whole
body tissue oxygen consumption. Acute ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In paediatric intensive care non invasive techniques are preferred for measurement of oxygen
extraction. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a popular method used in large research units.
Another variant is the functional MRI (fMRI) with blood oxygen level dependent effect (BOLD). This
technique has been widely used in the neuroscience department.cite{Carlier:2006hg} Scientists are
also able to measure oxygen consumption in the brain in animal models by using fluorescence
microscopy.cite{Dmitriev:2012kb} The only available technique for use as a bedside non invasive
measure in the paediatric intensive care setting is Near InfraRed Spectroscopy
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Chimpanzees Essay
Chimpanzee Droppings Lead Scientists to
Evolutionary Discovery by Erica F. Kosal, Biology Department, North Carolina Wesleyan College
Part I Chimpanzee Behavior
Far in the remote western African jungles of Cameroon, Dr. Beatrice
Hahn and her team of scientists from the University of Alabama have been examining chimpanzee
droppings. Members of the great ape family, chimpanzees typically travel in groups of  to 
animals, forming smaller subgroups to forage during the day and then coming together again to sleep
in trees at night. Communities lack a definite leader and are usually split into a number of subgroups,
often when the animals go to forage. These subgroups (referred to as fusion fission groups ) are
temporary and change in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Using test tubes containing a preservative, the scientists collected  fecal samples from  forest
sites and later analyzed them in Dr. Hahn s laboratory.
The team was interested in tracing the evolution of hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) to investigate
the origins of hiv/aids. There is a simian virus known as siv (simian immunodeficiency virus) that is
closely related to hiv and has been found in  species of African primates, ranging from various
species of monkey (e.g., Blue monkey, L Hoest monkey) to mangabeys (e.g., red capped mangabey),
colobus, baboons, mandrills, and chimpanzees.
Both hiv and siv are considered to be retroviruses, containing rna instead of dna as their genetic
Because the virus must insert its genetic material into a host cell to take over that host cell, a retrovirus
has to convert its rna back into dna form. Only after this backstep (hence the term retro ) occurs, can
the virus successfully insert its genetic material (now in dna form) into the host s dna. rna is slightly
different from dna. rna contains only one genetic strand, whereas dna is a doubly stranded molecule.
In addition, the sugars of these molecules are slightly different. dna contains the sugar deoxyribose
while rna contains the sugar ribose. In both cases, the sugars act as the backbone for the molecule and
provide a place for the bases to attach. The bases determine the order of amino acids and thus
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Hair Mask Research Paper
Hair Mask (hair mask) a complete hair care products for your hair is dry and you can put life into
lifeless hair, make your hair strong and shiny, and may have saved you from symptoms like Dandruff .
Today, in this post you are one of those who know best homemade hair mask recipes (homemade hair
mask recipe), which would be particularly useful for your hair. The Ingrediants good amount of
moisturizing hair mask is used. To nourish your hair with softness and good growth with the hair mask
(hair mask) and hair damage and loss of control that is useful in solving problems.
Today everyone is long, thick and strong hair wants. But you know, when our hair, our hair s outer
layer is Damage become lifeless and dry. There are several reasons for
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Marine Debris Research Paper
What is Marine Debris?
Every potato chip bag thrown on the floor, every balloon released into the air, and every gum wrapper
discarded on the sidewalk has an affect on our planet. In the short term we view these acts as
miniscule and irrelevant, but what most of us fail to understand is that every act of pollution has a
snowball effect that only harms us and our environment. Unfortunately, most of the plastic waste we
throw on the floor ends up on our beaches, in our waterways, and in our oceans. Especially in Florida,
where everyone is at most 45 mins from the beach, it is not difficult for trash to find its way to our
oceans. Marine debris, ocean trash or ocean pollution, regardless of its many names the rhetoric still
stands; every piece of litter has a ripple effect that ultimately makes it to our oceans.
What are the challenges with Marine Debris? Causes: The causes for Marine Debris are not very
complicated. Any man made object that intentionally or unintentionally ends up in our oceans is
considered marine debris ( Trash pollution, 2015) . This can be cigarette buds, plastic containers or
beer glasses. According to an article published by the Ocean Health ... Show more content on
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( Impacts, n.d.)Areas with beautiful beaches, such as Florida, can loose tourism due to blemish marine
debris can leave on the shoreline. Furthermore, the environment and wildlife are both affected by
marine debris. Coral reefs can become polluted and eventually die, and marine life often ingests or
becomes entangled in the debris. Also, debris can be hidden under the surface of the water, and
because of this boats can damage their engines and propellers if they fail to see the trash and end up
boating over the debris. Additionally, invasive species can attach to debris and drift thousands of miles
into foreign habitats. ( Impacts,
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A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold Analysis
In part II of A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold continues to talk about Wisconsin, but also talks
about other various places across North America he has visited. I think his experiences across North
America have influenced his philosophy toward nature and management because Leopold traveled
North America, as he shows in part II he has walked its mountains and crossed its swamps. As a result
Leopold observed firsthand the interdependence of the world, because when he opens part II about the
cranes of Wisconsin then later he talks about Sandhill Cranes when he recounts his trip in the Gulf of
the Colorado River located in Sonora, Mexico. Looking at my National Geographic field guide for
birds I can see that Sandhill Cranes summer breeding ground reaches into southern Wisconsin and its
winter non breeding ground is around the USA Mexico border, so he likely has witnessed the
differences in their behavior during the breeding and the non breeding season. ... Show more content
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As a result Leopold knew from his travels that one can learn from the mistakes of what happened to
animals like the passenger pigeon throughout North America and the bear in Escudilla things that
happen locally can have a non local effect like causing the deer population to rise. Leopold has not yet
sufficiently talked about his opinion on manage for me to know with certainty what he thinks about
management, it does look as though he will talk more about that in part III. Right now I would not be
surprised to see him in favor of protection for animals and plants, because of the way he talks of the
Passenger Pigeon and its monument, also the way he talks of the Wisconsin marshlands and the efforts
of government via the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) during FDR s administration to restore the
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Memory and the Brain Essay
How does memory work? Is it possible to improve your memory? In order to answer these questions,
one must look at the different types of memory and how memory is stored in a person s brain.Memory
is the mental process of retaining and recalling information or experiences. (1) It is the process of
taking events, or facts and storing them in the brain for later use. There are three types of memory:
sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory.
Sensory memories are momentary recordings of information in our sensory systems. They are
memories evoked through a person s five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. Although
sensory memory is very brief, different sensory memories last for different amounts of time. Iconic ...
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Some scientists believe that parts of long term memory are permanent while others will eventually
weaken over time. (3) Long term memory can be divided into three sections: procedural memory,
declarative memory, and remote memory. Procedural memory includes motor skills such as learning
how to ride a bike or how to drive a car. Such memories are slow to acquire but more resistant to
change or loss. (4) Declarative memory is used to remember facts, such as names, dates and places. It
is easy to learn but also easy to lose. Finally there is episodic memory, which is the record of events
that a person stores throughout his or her experience. Recent studies show that these events, as soon as
they occur, are sent to a temporary part of the brain called the hippocampus, and that over time they
are moved to the neocortex for permanent storage. (5).
When speaking about memory, one needs to look at the parts of the brain that are involved in memory
storage. The hippocampus is a place in the brain that is used to
transfer memories from short term to long term memory . (1) It also helps store spatial memories with
the thalamus. The thalamus is a collection of nuclei that relays sensory information from the lower
centers to the cerebral cortex . (7) In addition to spatial memories, the thalamus helps store emotional
memories with the
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Shamanism In China Research Paper
An American s Shamanic Adventures in China
I was like most Americans back in 2006. I had a job, a wife and an apartment. However, unlike most
Americans, I was living in Changchun, the capital of Jilin province in Northeastern China. I found
myself sitting in my apartment participating in an underground Buddhist séance session performed by
my Chinese wife. She started out by burning incense in front of a decorative red cloth that listed all of
the names of the ancient Buddhist spirits who help her. Fruit, chicken and cigarettes are placed in
ornamental bronze containers as symbolic gifts for the spiritual visitor. The female client is solemnly
attentive; her male counterpart is skeptically condescending.
My Chinese wife sits cross legged and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I studied tai chi and kung fu in different parks. I earned my acupuncture license through the
Changchun Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) College. I taught myself Mandarin through reading
books like The Art of War, the Dao De Jing and the Analects of Confucius. Needless to say, my
interests were a mood killer for most Chinese people who were more interested in the NBA, business
news or getting a promotion. Therefore, I was always keen to engage anyone who had interest or
knowledge of history, religion and culture. For example, I took a 30 hour train ride to the Vietnam
border from Changchun, which is near North Korea. I spent an entire day chatting with a nurse who
had served the Chinese army during the Korean
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The Call Of The Wild Summary
In the book the call of the wild is a theme in the Yukon and Alaska. The characters in this book are
Buck, John Thornton, Splitz, Francois, Perrault, Hal, Mercedes, Charles, Dave, Sol leks, Curly, Judge
Miller, and Manuel. Men in 1897 during the Klondike strike had found a yellow metal in the
Northland causing thousands of men to rush there, the men going to the Northlands needed heavy
dogs with strong muscles. In Santa Clara Valley was a dog named Buck, Buck was this type of dog
that had been on adventures and had escorted the Judge s daughters. The Judge was at a meeting of the
raisin growers association, he was busy, as Manuel took Buck to a little flag station where he clinked
money between another man, this man took Buck away and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I really enjoyed the author s way of writing and expressing the many events that occurred, his
description of the Alaskan terrain is incredible. It is a straightforward tale of a dog that gradually
returns to a wilder state after being forced from a content life in the civilized world. Along the way
there are adventures and scrapes with various humans and animals, which make the story interesting,
as is the transformation of the main
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Women s Heart Center At The Bakersfield Heart Hospital
I ve been hired as a Program Coordinator at Women s Heart Center at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital
who has been ask to research the social and behavioral aspects of Cardiovascular Disease in Women
and make recommendations about changes in social and behavioral factors that will lead to a decrease
in this public health issue.
The Women s Heart Center at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital is devoted to screening and educating
women on understanding in decreasing their risk of cardiovascular disease. The Women s Heart
Center strives to continually provide and update the medical community on information concerning
female cardiovascular risk factors and the treatments that optimize the care of women (Women s Heart
Center, 2017).
The Women s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
More than one out of five women will have some form of cardiovascular disease (Women s Heart
Center, 2017) (Disparities in Health Heart Disease in African American Women, 2017).
Heart disease claims the lives of more women than men each year, yet women only make up 25% of
participants in heart related research studies. While this is improving, women remain under
represented in many studies that have set the standard for detection and treatment of cardiovascular
disease. Even though valuable information about heart disease has been gathered, the model of
detecting cardiovascular disease has been based on and designed for men. Not all the data have been
applicable to women so this is hard to narrow down (Women s Heart Center, 2017) (Disparities in
Health Heart Disease in African American Women, 2017).
The age adjusted rate of heart disease for African American women is 72% higher than for white
women, while African American women ages 55 64 are twice as likely as white women to have a heart
attack and 35% more likely to suffer from coronary disease (Women s Heart Center, 2017) (Disparities
in Health Heart Disease in African American Women, 2017).
The age adjusted rate of heart disease for African American women is 72% higher than for white
women, while African American women ages 55 64 are twice as likely as white women to have a heart
attack and 35% more likely to suffer from coronary disease. Women who smoke risk having a heart
attack 19 years earlier than a
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The Genetic Disorder of Down Syndrome
Noo Why my baby, this mother has just been given the news that her child has been diagnosed with
Down Syndrome. Her child was one of many who will have trouble reading out loud or to even
communicate. Who will grow up with not knowing if today will be a good day or not. Down
Syndrome is just one case of genetic disorder. There are so many all over in the world and many
doctors still don t even know what to call them. Some don t even know they have a disease in them till
its too late, or other know all there lives and some learn to live with the disease and others live every
day in fear of getting even more sick and hurt.
Genetic disorders are very common some more than others. Its all has to do with our 46 chromosomes.
Genetic disorders can occur to anyone. Many people believe genetic disorders only happen to those
who have family cases with genetic disorders but, it s not something you can truly control. When a
cell is going through Meiosis the outcome should be that every gametes should have 23 chromosomes
which carry your genetic code. At the beginning of Meiosis each homologous chromosomes pairs up
with another homologous chromosome and then they start exchanging genetic code. This process is
called Crossing Over. During this process there is a small chance that the exchange didn t happen
properly and not all the genetic code was transfer from one another. Which can later result in your
genetic code failure.
Another Cause of a genetic disorder is if there aren t
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A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men is a 1992 American drama film directed by Rob Reiner and starring Tom Cruise,
Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore. It was adapted for the screen by Aaron Sorkin from his play of the
same name. A courtroom drama, the film revolves around the court martial of two U.S.
Marinescharged with the murder of a fellow Marine and the tribulations of their lawyer as he prepares
a case to defend his clients.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Daniel Danny Kaffee (Tom Cruise) is an inexperienced U.S. Navy Judge
Advocate General s Corps lawyer who leads the defense in the court martial of two U.S. Marines,
Private First Class Louden Downey (James Marshall) and Lance Corporal Harold Dawson (Wolfgang
Bodison), who are accused of having murdered a fellow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the course of the trial, it is established that code reds are standard in Guantanamo Bay as a means of
enforcing discipline and getting sloppy Marines to follow procedure. Kaffee especially goes after
Kendrick, particularly over the fact that he denied Dawson a promotion after the latter helped out a
fellow Marine who was under what could be seen as a code red.
Lieutenant Colonel Markinson has gone absent without leave since the incident, but he resurfaces in
Kaffee s car during the trial, revealing that Jessep never intended to transfer Santiago off the base as
previously claimed but created the transfer orders as part of a cover up long after Santiago s death.
Kaffee is unable to find evidence corroborating these claims and announces his intention to have
Markinson testify. Rather than publicly dishonor himself and the Marine Corps, Markinson sends a
letter to Santiago s parents, blaming his own weakness for the loss of their son, outfits himself in full
Dress Blue A uniform and commits suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with his service pistol.
Without Markinson s crucial testimony, Kaffee believes that the case is lost and returns home after a
drunken stupor, having come to regret that he fought the case instead of considering the plea bargain.
Galloway, however, convinces Kaffee to take the great risk of calling Colonel Jessep as a
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Analysis Of Stolen By Lucy Christopher
No one ever thinks in their lifetime they will be kidnapped. For Gemma this nightmare became her
reality. Except for her it was not a fight for her life it was a mental fight. Stolen written by Lucy
Christopher takes place in Australia. Where the main Character Gemma is kidnapped by Tyler who
through the past years has watched her and developed feelings for Gemma. Throughout the story
Gemma starts to realize perspective from Tyler s eyes and developes feelings for him. Those feelings
cause Gemma to have an internal battle with herself. Stolen by Lucy Christopher reflects the
characteristics of an internal battle with the idea of staying or leaving, turning Ty in or letting him free,
or to even trust or not. Most people in their life will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most famous people get money for just sitting around doing nothing. In the story Stolen Gemma
is found and is famous because her parents are well known. If it was not for her parents fame no one
would have known about her disappearance. And the apartment complex couldn t refuse the money
Dad offered for keeping things quiet (Christopher 290). Money gets people everywhere they need. If
someone with less money got kidnapped and somehow their story got out to the public making that
person famous when they were found they would not have the luxury of privacy after everything they
just went through. I realize much more how much this world has been corrupted because of
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Best Whey Protein Powder
Protein powder is normally utilized by jocks and others attempting to improve their bulk. Serious
quality instructional meetings put a colossal request on the body for superb protein that can be utilized
to repair muscle tissue and reinforce the muscle to handle the following session better. This is the
manner by which muscle is increased, fat is scorched, and that pumped up, solid physical shape is
created. Protein may likewise be utilized by those attempting to get more fit, since the protein makes
satiety without requiring a high admission of calories.
Regardless of what you might need to utilize your protein for, you should locate the best whey protein
powder available in the event that you need to boost comes about. There are a great deal of powders to
look over right now, so utilize the accompanying criteria to disengage the best alternative for your
objectives. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the off chance that it just says whey protein, you are not taking a gander at the best powder for
your objectives. You need to discover a powder that utilizations whey protein disconnects as the
establishment of the recipe. These items will offer more protein in each serving. This implies less fat
and cholesterol in each serving.
The 100% Whey Gold Standard recipe made by Optimum Nutrition is an awesome case of a powder
that uses the most astounding quality whey protein segregates for higher protein content in each
serving. You take in five grams of BCAAs and 23 grams of protein in each
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How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Change The World
When you think of an emperor, or a military general, you most likely think of leaders rather than men
who have been exiled from their country. However, that s exactly what happened to Napoleon
Bonaparte. Bonaparte had great ambitions that changed the world forever. In May of 1804, Napoleon
Bonaparte proclaimed himself the Emperor of France. He remained emperor from 1804 to 1814 and
briefly again in 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte was regarded as a prominent man in Western civilization.
Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica, a French island in the Mediterranean Sea.
Napoleon Bonaparte had two wives. He first married Josephine de Beauharnais, a widower, who
already had two children. Josephine was unable to give Napoleon a son, so in 1810, Napoleon
arranged for an annulment so he could marry eighteen year old Marie Louise. The couple had a son,
Napoleon II, on March 20, 1811 (A E). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bonaparte was the fourth child of Carlo Bonaparte, a lawyer, and his wife, Letizia Ramolino.
Napoleon Bonaparte was the second child out of four to actually survive.
Before Napoleon Bonaparte could join the military college of Brienne, he was enabled to enroll in
France s College d Autun. Napoleon s father, Carlo, was appointed assessor of the judicial district of
Ajaccio in 1771, a job that allowed his sons, Napoleon and Joseph, to go to college. Napoleon then
entered the military college of Brienne, where he studied for five years, before going to another
military academy in Paris (A E).
Carlo passed away from stomach cancer while Napoleon Bonaparte was at the academy. Napoleon
Bonaparte assumed the role of head of family, so he graduated early from the academy and returned to
Corsica in 1786 as second lieutenant of artillery. Napoleon Bonaparte ranked 42nd of 58 in the
regiment of La Fere, a training
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Professional Presentation Analysis
One of my personal strength regarding professional presentation is that I like to be very organized and
keep everything plain, simple and straight to the point. I also enjoy having fun while giving
professional presentations. I know that speaking to others need to be short and educational because
some people tend to get impatience and bored. One method to continue improving these methods are
to use short handout and utilize slides with wise content and colorful background. Keeping in mind
that slides should be elaborated and illustrate the main key point of the presentations. In addition,
brainstorming and develop at least 3 4 goals and objective (Sherman, 2012). With these, audience will
have clear idea about what to expect during the presentation
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Color And Symbolism In Doctor Zhivago Film
Doctor Zhivago Unlike The Grand Budapest Hotel where the filmmakers are banking on additional
viewings, Doctor Zhivago decides to use color sparingly, but effectively, on the first viewing. By
doing this, the filmmakers of Doctor Zhivago are ensuring that everyone who watches the film leaves
with an understanding of the color choices; one doesn t have to watch the film multiple times to get it .
The goal of Doctor Zhivago was to illustrate that eternal love and hope amidst war and strife is
possible which is reinforced by connecting war with neutral colors. However, even amongst saddening
times, perseverance will bring about moments of color and positivity. In addition, color can also
symbolize one s emotions in regard to the eruption of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even though Yuri s surroundings are usually neutral, the filmmakers demonstrate Design as
Punctuation in regards to Lara because her surroundings always have one patch of high contrast area,
mostly flowers, standing out amongst the drab and the gray (Srivastava, p. 10). In the same way how
the yellow stands out visually, the audience is able to make the connection that Lara stands out to Yuri
despite the chaos in Moscow. As Yuri looks at the field of daffodils, he himself is reminded of Lara
and smiles. The shot then slowly fades out from the daffodils and transitions onto Lara s face. The
color yellow symbolizes the pulsation of life that has figured throughout the story which ties into how
Zhivago means life (The Art of Film, p. 72 73). In such a war torn setting, these little daffodils
symbolize love, hope, and life among the neutrals and the chaos. The film successfully communicates
the importance of perseverance through the color yellow by slowly slowly sprinkling it throughout the
film, allowing yellow to [acquire] emotional meaning in sequence and in time (The Art of Film, p. 72
73). Even at his grave there are daffodils which symbolizes how their connection will live on forever.
In fact, the entirety of the story is built on their daughter, Tanya, listening to their love story. Their
love lives on through
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Disadvantages Of Nose Hair Trimrs
Advantages of using nose hair trimmers over scissors
Nose hairs main function is to stop dirt from entering your body. But they become a nuisance when
they grow too long and start protruding through the nose, thereby affecting your appearance. The Best
Nose Hair Trimmer will do a good job of maintaining the length of your nose hair. It will not remove
all the hairs but trim just the hairs that can be seen.
Scissors have to be handled carefully to avoid the risk of injuring the nose. Whereas, nose hair
trimmers have many features that make the job of trimming nose hair easy and fast without the risk of
hurting or damaging the sensitive delicate skin of your nose interior.
A nose hair trimmer is specifically designed for nose hair trimming ... Show more content on
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Therefore no headache of operating the nose hair trimmer or adjusting it. They can t trim the hairs any
shorter than required but trim the nasal hairs to a standard length.
You don t have to determine what length of hair to leave in your nose. The nose trimmers are designed
to trim nasal hair to a standard length. So you don t need to worry about the length of nasal hair to
leave, your job is to use the device as designed.
Nose hair trimmers are designed to fit easily and comfortably into the nostrils. Don t reach out and try
and trim deep non protruding hairs. Just trim what is a nuisance to look at.
On the other hand, scissors are not specifically designed for trimming nasal hairs. They are
multipurpose tools. You have to be careful when selecting sizes and designs to fit the job of nasal hair
Nose hair trimmers are easy to maintain clean them and store them
Most scissors are just basic since they are manufactured for general use. On the other hand, nose hair
trimmers are designed specifically for trimming nasal hair, they have many features that make them
easy to maintain, clean and store. At home or during travel. They are designed to trim noses
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  • 8. Examples Of Ambition In Julius Caesar Julius Caesar Essay In the book Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, the darker sides of human nature are exposed such as jealousy, deceitfulness, desire for revenge, and ambition or arrogance. The most important themes that are shown throughout this book are revenge, jealousy, and ambition. Revenge is evident from Mark Antony while he tries to avenge his friend Julius Caesar. All the violence represents his revenge as he gets an army to defeat the conspirators. Jealousy is evident from a variety of characters in the book as they are jealous of Julius Caesar s power. Also, ambition is clearly identified in the story because of the acts of Julius Caesar and Cassius. Revenge, jealousy, and ambition all play big impacts in this story. Revenge is a very important trait in Julius Caesar. The character in the book that best represents this trait is Mark Antony. Antony acts to avenge the death of his good friend, Julius Caesar. Antony ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cassius is starting to grow feelings about Julius Caesar as he gets really jealous of him and wants to murder him. In a way Cassius started to feel a little threatened. Cassius says, Ye gods! It doth amaze me; a man of such a feeble temper should, so get the start of the majestic, and bear the palm alone. (Insert page # and quotes). Most of the conspirators except Brutus, want to kill Caesar because the amount of power he holds and they want to take it from him. Even with everyone telling Caesar to not go to the Capulet, he still does not listen. Many have told him bad things will happen to him and even with all the things that have been said to him but he still wants to go. What mean you, Caesar? Think you to walk forth? You shall not stir out of your house to day said Calpurnia. Casca is also another character in the book that is extremely jealous of Caesar s power and what he is able to do. Mere foolery said Casca. Jealousy is a very important theme in this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Biblical Texts Of The Jewish People For the Jewish people, Jerusalem has long been regarded as a special city, chosen by God as he chose the people of Israel. The importance of Jerusalem in the Jewish religious tradition can be traced back to the Hebrew Bible, in which narratives describe the events which make the city sacred. However, these events alone do not make Jerusalem a sacred place; the biblical texts also work together to portray the importance and holiness of Yahweh, the God of Israel. The concept of sacredness is also highlighted by Mircea Eliade, who theorized about how a sacred place comes into existence. The biblical texts support Eliade s ideas of the sacred by narrating repeated hierophanies and promises, working together to reveal the importance of the divine to the people of ancient Israel. Eliade s primary concept is that of the axis mundi, around which everything else revolves. An axis mundi is a connection between earth and the supernatural, where humans and the cosmic can come together (Eliade, 37). Becoming sacred, according to Eliade, is made possible through a hierophany, an experience through which the divine manifests itself (21). This hierophany sets a place apart, creating a break in homogeneity that separates it from the profane (Eliade, 63). He also emphasizes the idea that sacredness makes a place real, and becomes a fixed point, a point of reference that people align their whole world to (Eliade, 22). A hierophany opens up the very possibility of a connection with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Rhetorical Analysis Of The King s Speech In the film The King s Speech , written by David Seidler and released on November 26, 2010, the filmmaker portrays Albert being constantly under pressure for speaking correctly, by comparing his speech to great broadcasters who are anything but great leaders. The pressure that comes from Albert s father, King George V, results in more frustration for the both of them, without either of them realising that to lead a country into greatness depends more on just speaking well. Throughout the film, there had been ideal speech models like Hitler, David, and King George V, shown in order to compare their speech to Albert s and to show what a great speaker has to sound in order to gain the public s support. Ironically, all of those speech perfect models turned out to be egocentric individuals and the least egotistical leader, Albert, is the one with the impaired speech. I argue that in The King s Speech , the characters who serve as models of ideal speech are figures of oppression, therefore the author is implying that the idea of having ideal speech does not live up to it s praise. Oppressive leaders like Hitler have used public speaking in order to bring destruction to the world like war. In the scene when the royal family is watching him on the projector, Hitler is controlling a mass army while speaking with a powerful tone in a fast and concise pace. Hitler s body language also represents the intensity of his message to his country by pointing his fingers vigorously. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Shrek Personal Narrative As Shrek, from the 2001 movie Shrek, once said, Onions have many layers. The first thing that comes to my mind whenever I hear the word onion, is not the vegetable, or the tears that normally come with said vegetable. Instead, I think of my best friend Onion. Onion, of course, is not his real name, just some nickname whose origins have been lost through years of use. People are not always what one first expects them to be, which leads to many surprises in life, both pleasant and unpleasant. I had moved to a new town in a different state at the beginning of my seventh grade year. There was no one I knew at my new school, so I sat in my first class and did not talk to anyone, fearing that I would not make any friends. That is when I met Onion. Onion was shorter than me, which means he was unbelievably short, and he was right in the peak of his emo phase. I had just come from a string of private, Christian schools and no one I knew ever wore so much dark clothing. Naturally, I was terrified of him. He sat right next to me and said I don t know you. Are you new? I told him I was new and he immediately introduced himself and the only other person sitting near us. I had been so afraid that he would be mean and such a dark and cynical person, instead of the ray of sunshine he actually is. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our English teacher was making us choose partners for a project, and then the burden of choosing fell to me. The only person I considered a friend, at that point, had already been chosen. I tried to tell the teacher I did not know anyone so I was unable to choose, but she told me that I had to choose somebody. That is when Onion started waving his hands like a madman and yelling Pick me! Pick me! He could not have been more than five feet away, but he still made such a big show of telling me to choose him that I knew then and there that he would be an important person in my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Natural Language Processing And Machine Learning Techniques The manuscript at hand presents a framework that implements Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to extract synthesis parameters of metal oxides from a large set of published articles. The manuscript also presents insights into the key synthesis parameters using machine learning algorithms. NLP technique is of broad and current interest in many research areas and it is being extensively used to extract information on a large scale, which is otherwise not feasible via manual exploration. In the field of chemistry/materials, NLP holds immense promise to extract useful information the literature, such as extraction of materials properties, processes, and various synthesis details. However, NLP has not been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I believe the current manuscript holds the merit to be published in a high quality journal, and my recommendation is to accept the manuscript to be published in Chemistry of Materials. The authors may want to address the following list of minor issues to further improve the manuscript: 1. Logistic regression classifier is applied to distinguish paragraphs that are related to synthesis from other non synthesis related paragraphs. Applying logistic regression to classify the paragraphs is an elegant way to determine the synthesis details, however, it might have errors in the classification (95% accuracy in the current manuscript). A simpler way to classify would be to search for section titles like Methods , Materials , Methods and materials , etc., and then classify the text in this section as synthesis paragraphs. It will be worth considering this approach and comparing it with the logistic regression approach. However, the former technique might not work if the search paper is a review article. 2. From the description presented in the manuscript, it appears that the data is extracted from the paragraphs. However, there are articles where the information is presented in the form of tables/figures. A discussion on the scope of data extraction from tables/figures would be of significant interest to the chemistry community as large amount of chemical/materials data is published in this format. 3. It would be helpful to have an explanation of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Individualism And Society In Anthem By Ayn Rand Society in a Different World Have you ever thought of living in a place where everyone is the same and no one is different? Boring, right. In the book Anthem, Ayn Rand fully expresses her thoughts about the role of individualism and society. Anthem is a dystopian novella, written in 1937 and published in England in 1938. The book is about a society, in which there is no I and only we is allowed. The dictatorship of Anthem tries to keep the members of society brainwashed by focusing on the importance of obedience and equality which justifies restricting people from pursuing individual freedom and limiting their knowledge and vocabulary. Anthem is a critique of the political movements of Fascism and Communism in Europe during the 1930 s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You shall do that which the Council of Vocations shall prescribe for you. (Rand 22). In the book, Rand describes how the Council keeps its subjects manipulated, maintaining obedience through their strict teaching. The main character Equality 7 2521 demonstrates how people are not allowed to follow their own path and are victims of a repressive system, which rewards complacency and discourages freethinking. In this society everyone must be just like everyone else. According to Equality 7 2521, individuals have no identity of their own. In this society no one is allowed to choose what they do with their lives, or even to think about what they want to do in the future. The Council of Vocations punishes Equality 7 2521 for being different, which means being intelligent and loving science. Instead of being made a scholar, which is what he really wants, Equality 7 2521 is made a street sweeper. The irony is that Equality 7 2521 would better serve society as a scholar because of his great intellectual gifts, but that would make individuals capable of distinguishing and separating themselves from the Council. In another instance, Rand emphasizes the idea of control over knowledge and vocabulary since We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, One, indivisible and forever (Rand 19). All names are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Case Study Of Eco-Feminism Women Empowerment and Eco feminism: Two case studies of India; Bihar in perspective Ssubmitted By: Rai Dhingra A6030115038 Abstract Eco feminism grows from the idea that a woman s ethic are closer and in sync with the nature than a man s .Eco feminists address and treat woman s right on natural resources as human right. But woman have no control and right on natural resources. The history of woman s land right in India and other country of South Asia has been and will continue to be a history of contestation and struggle at every level i.e. legal administrative, social and ideological. Cultivated land, forest and water are, and will be the most crucial form of property in rural India. Women direct ownership of land and control over natural resources can be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... THE LINK BETWEEN STOCK PRICES AND THE ECONOMY Economic theory proposes that there should be a strong link between economic activity and stock prices, given that its price is the discounted present value of the firm s payout. If this payout is finally a function of real activity, such a link should exist. There are several theoretical propositions suggesting how stock prices can have a direct impact on economic output, which further strengthens the link amongst these two variables. 1. The first link was proposed by Tobin in 1969. The focus is on the impact that share prices have on the cost of capital. The coefficient that captures this is called Tobin s Q, which is given by the ratio of market value of current capital to the cost of replacement capital. When the prices of shares are high, the value of the firm to the replacement cost of its capital is also high i.e., the Tobin s Q is also high. Furthermore, this leads to rise in investment expenditure and thus causes a rise in the aggregate economic output as for firms it is easier to finance their investment expenditures. This is because investment would be simpler as it would require a lower share offering in a situation of a higher price for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Argumentative Essay On Memorials Memorializing events in the history of the world for any purpose has it s positives as well as the negatives. Ranging from a memorial of a popular United States president from a loved one of a family, memorials have generally served as a purpose of remembrance from the past of said event. The purpose of the memorial is usually associated with a positive, uplifting feeling towards the deceased individual or past event. While this is more or less simply defining what memorials are for, what is the meaning behind them? What purpose do they serve besides the simplicity that they are? Important messages from a few varied sources will give a differing viewpoint on memorials from one to another. The first thought of memorials is the simple, generic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Memorials are meant to be striking in the sense that you will notice said memorial and donate some attention to it. The views of these see this attention capturing as exceedingly high for some purposes. Some memorials are outstanding in their craftsmanship and aesthetics. This makes people wonder what could be lurking inside the memorial, or what is near that memorial. What we ve got here is a formula, striking looks of the monument is almost guaranteed to attract some form of attention. According to Source G, the analogy of tainting the planet with specific memorials are ridiculous, I imagined taking a knife and cutting into the earth, opening it up, an initial violence and pain that in time would heal. The grass would grow back, but the initial cut would remain a pure flat surface in the earth with a polished, mirrored surface, much like the surface on a geode when you cut it and polish the edge. The need for the names to be on the memorial would become the memorial; there was no need to embellish the design further. The people and their names would allow everyone to respond and remember. The ideals of such nonsensical placements of the memorials are just irritable at the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Jealousy, Love, And Death Shakespeare is known for his use of recurring themes, particularly those of betrayal, love, and death. These themes are present in Othello. However, the most dynamic of themes in this play is jealousy. White describes jealousy as a complex of thoughts, feelings, and actions which follow threats to self esteem and/or threats to the existence or quality of a relationship (qtd in UK essays par 1). Two types of jealousy are presented to the audience in Othello; the kind of jealousy that is fear of losing what one has, and the kind that is envious of what others have. Jealousy is a prevalent theme in Othello; it is rooted by love and hope, and it leads to betrayal and death. Because of the evil nature of jealousy, the play unfolds under the authority of Iago, who uses jealousy to drive the characters actions, and ultimately concludes in the downfall of a noble man (UK Essays par 1). The audience is presented with examples of both forms of jealousy as themes in Othello. The two themes of jealousy differ, but are also quite similar. The envious jealousy is portrayed by two of the main characters, Roderigo and Iago. Both men are willing to do anything it takes to get what they want. In the beginning of the play, Roderigo, a rich gentleman, and Iago, the villain, are introduced to the audience. Iago is envious of Cassio, who was chosen by Othello to be his lieutenant. Roderigo is jealous of Othello marrying Desdemona, with whom Roderigo is in love. Iago s jealousy leads him to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Hot Tub Research Paper When the weather turns cold, conventional wisdom prescribes preparing your outdoor items for the winter. Does that include your hot tub? According to Hot Tub Outlet, Southwest Littleton s favorite source for premium hot tubs at affordable prices, they suggest leaving your hot tub running throughout the winter with a few smart preparations. But the choice is ultimately yours, and if you decide to drain it, you must take special care to winterize it properly. No matter which option you choose, here are three things you must do for your hot tub as winter rolls around: Check For Leaks Damage: Cracks in the hot tub can allow critters seeking refuge from the cold to move in, which is not only a nuisance it also puts your equipment at risk. Rodents can cause damage by chewing wires and other expensive parts, leaving you to foot the repair bill. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If it s time for a new filter, take this opportunity to change it. Consult the friendly Hot Tub Outlet staff for guidance. Check pH Levels: pH measures the relative alkalinity of your hot tub s water, in which 7.0 is a perfectly neutral level. The ideal pH level should stay between 7.2 and 7.8, even throughout the winter, to prevent corrosion and other expensive damage. Keep the Hot Tub Filled Or Winterize Carefully: The Hot Tub Outlet team recommends keeping water in your hot tub throughout the year to prevent leaks or cracks in the pipes. But if you must empty your hot tub, be sure it is fully winterized. That means draining the tub and pipes thoroughly, as even a small amount of water can burst a pipe. To learn more about how to keep your hot tub happy all winter long, call Hot Tub Outlet in Southwest Littleton at (720) 296 2518 or visit the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Analysis Of Charles Chesnutt s The House Behind The... Talia Kaufmann Literature II Prof. Logan Esdale 5th October 2016 The Question of Racial Identity Set at the dawn of the Reconstruction period, a time of supposed national renewal and modernization, Charles Chesnutt s The House Behind the Cedars exposes the reality of an utterly medieval post Civil War South. Chesnutt explores the role of race in shaping one s true identity through the experiences of two bi racial siblings, John and Rena Walden, as they transcend the biological color barrier. Inspired by her older brother s decade of splendid success living as an apparently pure white man, an existence free of all the restrictions she encounters as a bi racial individual, Rena agrees to abandon and reject her black identity with devastating consequences. A largely didactic novel, driven by Chesnutt s motivation to explore the nuances of racial identity in an era in which racial identity was presumed to be a biological certainty, Rena s character and the devastating conflicts she faces are his vehicle to portray his own deeply personal journey of self identification. The House Behind the Cedars serves as a metaphor for Chesnutt s own life and the internal struggles he faced as a biracial individual. Chesnutt achieves both a certain omnipresence and intimacy in his writing through the integration of elements of his personal biography into the novel. Much of the novel and its mulatto protagonists, Rena and John, are based on Chesnutt s life as a bi racial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Dwight Schrute s The Office Situational comedies draw connections between the realm of television life and reality. These shows are successful due to the realistic scenarios and mishaps that shape the lives of each individual character. The Office is a mockumentary , or parody documentary, that follows a small paper company in Scranton, Pennsylvania that is led by narcissistic boss, Michael Scott (Steve Carrell). Episode 12 of season 2, The Injury is a summary of the overall show, as it exhibits Michael s desire to feel wanted and Dwight Schrute s (Rainn Wilson) longing for his superior s approval. Throughout the entirety of the show s nine seasons, Michael continues to go to outlandish lengths for public approval, and Dwight continues to do equally embarrassing things ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the use of the mockumentary style, The Office highlights humor in the American workplace, and it provides a platform to discuss the deeper meanings behind societal beliefs and actions. The star driven talent of Michael Scott represents those in society that seek the approval of others. While Michael has successfully become manager of his branch and continues to report extremely high quarterly sales, he lacks a sense of accomplishment. Continually, he seeks attention through rambling and joking with nearly every member of his office. As the axial character, Steve Carrell follows the traditional situational comedy style with his performance based representation of Michael. As an example, he exemplifies a narcissistic personality in The Injury, when he phones into work with a seemingly severe injury. The mockumentary style of the television show provides a reality within The Office that allows viewers to feel involved. While Michael only has a miniscule burn on his foot from an accident involving a Gary Coleman Grill, his reaction causes the coworkers and viewers to believe he is in critical condition. The A plot of the episode begins as Michael attempts to survive a day at the office with his new impairment. As he hobbles ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Garbage Dreams Sociology One of the most striking observations I examined was the way in which culture was used to beautify and extol ethnic heritage during my first visit to downtown Holyoke. I witnessed culture functioning as an emblematic tool that was memorializing the Puerto Rican community through art murals, blaring salsa music [which dominated the air resonance] and other manifestations that showcased Boricua ethos. Those same cultural cues remained during my second trip, but as I engaged more intimately with the residents and the commercial industries and governmental offices, these emblems revealed another meaningful purpose. These symbols of reconstructed nationalism were used to assert ownership over geographical space while challenging socioeconomic place. Similar to the Zabbaleen in Cairo whose social and economic position remains endangered, the Puerto Rican community in Holyoke is experiencing an immediate threat to their geographic space due to their socioeconomic place and threats of gentrification. Both cultures, which are distinctly unique and ethnically regionalized as a result, are thousands of miles apart spatially, but closely bounded due to the ability to use their culture as an instrument to combat the usage of socioeconomic place as an ideological weapon to regulate geographic space. In the movie Garbage Dreams, the Zabbaleen, which literally translates to the garbage people , experience a variety of spatial challenges that are abstract in thought, but very real in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Access Controls And Access Control Security Essay As the use of computers, databases, and technology in general, security has grown to be a powerful tool that has to be used. The threat of outside sources intruding and exploiting crucial information is a threat that is present on a daily basis. As a part of creating and implementing a security policy, a user must consider access control. Access Control is a security tool that is used to control who can use or gain access to the protected technology. Access control security includes two levels; logical and physical. Though database intrusions can happen at any moment, access control provides another security barrier that is needed. Access control has been in use before the growth of the technology world. It could involve a simple action as locking a door. A person locks a door to prevent entry to those who are not allowed or authorize to do so. The same can be said about the security involving databases and the controlling of who can have access and what can be accessed. As far as database security is concerned, there are various categories that are involved in access control. The four main categories of access control include: Discretionary, Mandatory, Role based, and Rule based access control. According to Rouse (2006), Computer databases typically contain aggregations of data records or files, such as sales transactions, product catalogs and inventories, and customer profiles (Rouse, 2006). Databases can hold a sufficient of information that are deemed valuable by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Write An Alternate Ending To Jane Eyre Please, let it be cholera. Emma Bertrand pressed a hand against the churning in her stomach and forced herself to move one foot in front of the other. As silent as possible, she crept along the dark hallway toward her mother s bedchamber. Her father said the sickroom was no place for a twelve year old girl, but she had to know for certain if her suspicions were true. The only light filtering up the wide spiral staircase came from the gas lamps in one of the rooms on the first floor. The unlit chandelier above the foyer tinkled softly as the wind outside seeped through the cracks and crevices of the mansion on St. Charles. Muted voices drifted from somewhere below. Her father and uncle discussing business, most likely. The few servants still ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The description of symptoms and treatments of all the different diseases fascinated her, but she also learned what the doctor s accusations had meant. She watched her mother s sleeping form. Did she suffer from cholera? Or was she being poisoned like Grandpère? Emma needed know for sure. Arsenic poisoning and cholera shared many of the same symptoms, but there were a few differences. She should check the chamber pot cholera would make the contents pale and watery; blood might indicate arsenic but she couldn t bring herself to look inside. Not yet, anyway. She d search for other signs first. Inching onto the edge of the mattress, she leaned over to check her mother s breath for any hint of garlic another sign of arsenic. The floorboard in the hallway creaked again. Emma flew off the bed and dashed for cover behind the silk dressing screen. Her heart pounded. Sweat trickled down the side of her face. Trembling, she peeked around the edge of the screen and watched as a tall figure entered the room. When he stepped into the light of the fireplace, her hand flew to her mouth to silence the gasp. It could not be him. He would never poison her mother. Would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Murder Of Amanda And Rafaela .Amanda and Rafaela Questioned Police questioned Amanda and Rafaela several times over the next several days and on November 6, authorities arrested Amanda and Rafaela taking them to are the police station where police held Knox for five days. During the time at the station, police observed Knox doing some very bizarre activities. For example, at one point, authorities allowed Knox to sit on Sollecito s lap and authorities observe him kissing and hugging on her. In her memoir, Knox claims this behavior was not odd, but just Soilecito s way of trying to calm her down. At another point, seated across the table from each other Rafaela and Amanda are making faces at each other. Amanda insists that these behaviors were not odd, because she had ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is suing Amanda, claiming that the false imprisonment cost him his business that the police demanded stay closed insisting it was part of an active crime scene. Guede Arrested On November 20, the same day that authorities released Lumumba from prison, police, in Germany, arrested Guede, near Mainz, for traveling by train without a ticket. With the evidence that Guede s fingerprints were all over Margaret s bedroom and apartment, authorities quickly sent Guede back to Perugia. Initially, Guede admitted being in the apartment when Margaret was killed, but he was in the bathroom playing games on his iPod while suffering with food poisoning. He says that Margaret s screams finally filtered through the headphones that he was using and that he emerged to find Rafaela in the apartment. He insists that Rafaela told him that he must keep quiet because everyone would believe that the man of color had committed the crime. Guede insists that he heard Amanda in the apartment but did not see her. He then says that he saw Meredith s dead body, panicked and fled the scene. Meredith s Funeral Friends held a memorial service at Croydon Parish Church on December 14, 2007. The family later interred at Croydon t Mitcham Road Cemetery. Guede Sentenced On Oct. 28, 2008, using Italy s fast track method, authorities convicted Guede of sexual assault along with the murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Chooses Full Jury Duty ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Political Reform Of A Democracy Essay The basis of a democracy goes back as far as 507 B.C. It was introduced by Ancient Athens first leader Cleisthenes. His primary mean was to ensure equality among his people; however, Cleisthenes equality declaration only spread so far and accomplished so much. Only forty thousand men over the age of eighteen were allowed to be part of Athens political affairs. This Athenian democracy was separated into three parts: the ekklesia a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated foreign policy; the boule a council of representatives from the ten Athenian tribes; and the dikasteria the popular courts in which citizens argued cases before a group of lottery selected jurors. Cleisthenes democracy only survived for two centuries. However, his political reform of a democracy is one of Ancient Greece s best contributions to the entire world. Democracy is defined as a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people, and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. It is also defined as a state of democracy characterized by formal equality of rights at privileges. In short terms, a democracy is ran for the people, by the people. It is primarily focused on the equality among people, and those same people are able to control who holds the power in their economy. We, the United States, run as a democracy. Though, the electoral votes are those that are only accounted for in the election, our vote ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Chuck Jones Chuck Jones was and still is a pioneer of animation, contributing to over 300 films animated films. He redfeined character development and storytelling. There are three methods that Chuck employed to his animations. Firstly, the jokes. Many people remember The Looney Tunes not only for the characters, but the jokes. Chuck Jones installed a two part structure to every episode. The first part leads you to make an assumption and the second part proves it wrong. However, the amount of work put into every single character is what truly set the films apart, leading us to the second method creating relatable characters. Chuck Jones wanted to make the characters relatable to audiences he wasn t just looking for jokes, he wanted these characters ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It helps to have the dialogue, but the dialogue is not the thing that makes it work. The story should tell itself by the way it moves. Now that we know what the character wants and how they move to get it, we can then add in the personality of the character to the assumption. On the flipside, there is danger to this method and you can easily get trapped in a formula. In order to counteract this, Chuck Jones disciplined himself. Discipline is our third method because animating always you to do whatever you want, so you have to think about what you won t do. For example, Bugs bunny never instigated a fight, he only retaliates when others start it. Chuck Jones did this because if he did not, Bugs Bunny would appear as a bully. Chuck Jones also applied discipline to how character expressed themselves. In earlier years, they tended to go through a slew of expressions in a couple of seconds, but over time Chuck Jones stuck to using the smallest possible gestures and that made the jokes funnier. But the most important lesson that Chuck Jones has taught us, is to be inspired by everyday life because it is no good to draw if you have nothing to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Effects Of Residential Schools In Canada Residential schools were a place where thousands of Indigenous children would go to learn but instead get abused very badly. Residential schools existed about a hundred years ago. These tragic schools were established because European people wanted the Indigenous people of Canada to be assimilated into Euro Canadian. The European people thought that their civilization was the greatest human achievement. A lot of residential schools opened within Canada s provinces. Life at residential schools was very cruel because the students got limited time to learn and more time to do exhausting chores. The children also got brutally abused for various things including if they offend the nuns and priests working in the schools. By the time the children had finished attending the residential schools they had almost forgotten everything about their culture and traditions. Residential schools treated children very poorly which caused some long lasting effects that still impact Indigenous people today. There were a lot of residential schools in Canada and there were a variety of reasons why and how these schools had opened. European settlers thought that the first habitants of Canada (the Indigenous people) were ignorant, and like children they needed guidance. The first prime minister of Canada Sir John A. McDonald commissioned a journalist and politician Nicholas Flood Davin to study industrial schools, for the indigenous children, in the United States. Nicholas Flood Davin found ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Complications and Prevalence of Diabetes Diabetes is a chronic disease where in there is high sugar level in blood either due to insufficient insulin production or to the inability of cells to respond to insulin. Diabetes can cause a lot of long term complications that affect different parts of the body. It can cause eye complications such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, and blindness. Foot complications that can lead to amputation can also result from uncontrolled diabetes. Skin infections and disorders are more common to people with diabetes. It also causes heart problems, ischemia, stroke, kidney failure, and nerve damage. Diabetes during pregnancy can also cause birth defects (Nordqvist, 2010). Diabetes can affect any person. Type I diabetes occurs equally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most studied plant families for their hypoglycemic effects are Leguminoseae, Araliaceae, Liliaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Moraceae, Asteracea, Rosaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Lamiaceae (Chauhan, 2010). Bioactive drugs isolated from different plants having hypoglycemic effects showed antidiabetic activity. Most of these plants are more potent than known synthetic oral hypoglycemic agents (Chauhan, 2010). Therefore, herbal plants have potential hypoglycemic activity that should be studied in order to produce diabetes drugs that are safe, economical, and effective. Gynura Procumbens Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is locally known as Sambung Nyawa or Sabungai. It is an evergreen shrub with medicinal properties widely distributed in South East Asia. The leaves of Gynura procumbens are ovate elliptic or lanceolate. Leaf size ranges from 3.5 to 8 cm long and 0.8 to 3.5 cm wide. The flowering heads are panicled, narrow, yellow, and 1 to 1.5 cm long (Sekar, 2014). It has been used by rural communities in Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines to treat various ailments including diabetes. This plant is reported to be useful for hypertension, anti inflammation, anti herpes simplex virus, prevention of rheumatism, and treatment of eruptive fevers, kidney troubles, colon cancer, hemorrhoids and diabetes. The leaves of this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Pepsi Cola Rhetorical Analysis A video guaranteed to grab someone s attention consists of pleasing visual elements as well as some aural techniques. The Pepsi Max commercial titled Chain Reaction does just that and nothing less. Pepsi Cola displayed a complex experiment in their Pepsi Max commercial consisting of a combination of visual and aural rhetoric to advertise a message that influences the audience to buy their product. The commercial is very interesting and fun to watch, keeping the audience entertained while the product is being advertised. Pepsi Cola does a good job at making their commercial enjoyable. The display of logos throughout the commercial seems in some way sarcastic. Pepsi Cola s chain reaction, showed in the commercial, was very complex and complicated. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Cloud Computing Security SECURITY GUIDANCE FOR CRITICAL AREAS OF FOCUS IN CLOUD COMPUTING V3.0 SECURITY GUIDANCE FOR CRITICAL AREAS OF FOCUS IN CLOUD COMPUTING V3.0 INTRODUCTION The guidance provided herein is the third version of the Cloud Security Alliance document, Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing, which was originally released in April 2009. The permanent archive locations for these documents are: http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/csaguide.v3.0.pdf (this document) http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/csaguide.v2.1.pdf (version 2 guidance) http://www.cloudsecurityalliance.org/guidance/csaguide.v1.0.pdf (version 1 guidance) In a departure from the second version of our guidance, each domain was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 45 Domain 5: Information Management and Data Security ..................................................................................................... 50 Domain 6: Interoperability and Portability .......................................................................................................................... 64 Section III. Operating in the Cloud ...................................................................................................................................... 73 Domain 7: Traditional Security, Business Continuity, and Disaster Recovery ..................................................................... 74 Domain 8: Data Center Operations ...................................................................................................................................... 89 Domain 9: Incident Response .............................................................................................................................................. 93 Domain 10: Application Security ........................................................................................................................................ 103 Domain 11: Encryption and Key Management .................................................................................................................. 129 Domain 12: Identity, Entitlement, and Access Management ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Women Still Can T Have It All By Anne-Marie Slaughter Women can have it all is an abstract that has been pushed heavily in recent feminist movements. Although, some believe that women do have the ability to have it all, with a family and career but, Anne Marie Slaughter, president of New American Foundation, disagrees saying women can still not have it all. She believes that women are still having to choose between a successful career and family. Anne Marie Slaughter uses her own narration to prove her point, as well, as support from other news sources and government officials. In Why Women Still Can t Have It All by Anne Marie Slaughter, she used narration, a variety of voice, and style to make her argument, but, the narration made the article seem opinionated, more than factual. First in this article, Slaughter presented her story of being a director of policy planning, and how this motivated her to write the article. She explains her experience with balancing family, work, and her ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The readers could get lost very quickly into the authors story instead of the message at hand. Although, this is an op ed genre which is usually characterized by more opinionated than factual but, it would have been a more convincing argument if the author had used some logos, instead of just having her narration and incorporating a few other successful people in Washington that stepped down, because of family matters. Anne Marie Slaughter in the article Women can t have it all created an admirable, and stylish, presentation of the abstract, but it did not create the most effective argument to the thesis. The narration even though, it included example of people with similar problems, it still seem biased because, of just the explanation of her experience. It could ve included women from all walks of life to improve the argument that society needs to be changed to make it so women can have it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Fmc Course Netherland Financial Management Control IM07CC CEMS Dr. Marcel van Rinsum Associate Professor RSM Erasmus University Department Accounting Control mrinsum@rsm.nl Introduction Financial Management Control Systems (FMCS) form the bridge between the organization s strategy and its operations. Their purpose is to align managerial behaviour and decision making with organizational goals. Although management controls are typically embedded in the organization s financial management and accounting systems, their design and use should be based on a thorough understanding of how managerial behaviour is influenced by typical control system elements, such as target setting, performance measurement and rewarding. Indeed, while the proper design of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hand in case notes (20%). Cases are solved by teams of students; 3. Written exam (60%; to pass the course a minimum grade for the exam of 5.0 is required. The other grades will only count when you pass this threshold). This is an individual test. Presence is required for the lectures. The written exam will be based on the literature discussed during the lectures, additional material presented during theme discussions and lectures (made available on Black Board), and a selection of the cases discussed. More information on groups, lectures and contents will be made available on Blackboard Course literature Articles cases. (see course program). 2 The course program for Financial Management Control is as follows: Topics 1. Financial Management Control: Introduction Date Oct. 27 Literature Readings 1 2. The Economics and Psychology of Financial Management Control Nov. 3 Readings 2 and 3 Case 1 3. Financial Management Control: Measurement and Organizational structure Nov. 10 Readings 4 and 5 Case 2 4. Financial Management Control: Myopia Nov. 17 Readings 6 and 7 Case 3
  • 32. 5. Financial Management Control: Subjectivity Nov. 24 Readings 8 Case 4 6. Financial Management Control: Controllership, Environment Culture Dec. 1 Readings 9 Wrap up 7. Extra session Dec. 8 T.B.D. The required readings are as follows: 1. Merchant, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Importance Of A Goodnight Book Kansas I am writing on behalf of the 8th Grade Class at Monticello Trails Middle School to prove that Kansas needs a Goodnight book. We want a nice book that can show kids that Kansas isn t boring. This is to prove Kansas is just as good as any state. We deserve this because every other state has a Goodnight book but Kansas. There are books for every other state but not ours, so I believe that it s only fair if we get a book too. Kansas has activities that anyone can do like, celebrate with us that our team the Royals had won the World Series. Publishing this book would be good for the children when they learn about the history of our state. Kids would be able to learn about their own state and understand the basis of it. Kids in Kansas will be able to get a heads up on some known items. This will be able to make you a good amount of money while teaching the basis of Kansas to kids all over the United States. I know you don t take submissions but, Kansas can offer much more than you think. We have Verrückt the tallest water slide and we also have the actual bumpy hills of Flint Hills. Also nothing can beat our beautiful orange, red, and purple sunset. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Creating this book could change the face of your company. Young children would be ecstatic about this so would I. I certainly hope to hear back from you soon. Our 8th grade class would appreciate if you considered this book to go into production. If you have any questions you can contact me or the school using the information above or below. Thank you for looking at this and I hope to hear from you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Extrapolation Lab Report section{Measurement of oxygen consumption} The methods to measure oxygen consumption either directly or by extrapolation can be classified into invasive and non invasive methods. subsection{Invasive methods of measurement of oxygen consumption} 1. Bedside measure: I will discuss Lactate, $PCO_{2}$ difference, and mixed venous oxygen saturation. A. textit{Lactate}: Normal arterial serum lactate ranges between 0 and 2 mmol/L. The production of lactate occurs when tissues have insufficient supply of oxygen. The glycolysis for energy production is not optimal in these low perfusion / low oxygen states. The body is forced to produce ATP (albeit inefficiently) by anaerobic pathways. The end product of this anaerobic reaction is Lactate. Hence, an increase in lactate can be a marker of low perfusion or low oxygen states. B. textit{Mixed venous oxygen saturation}: The true mixed venous oxygen saturation is measured from a pulmonary artery catheter placed in the main pulmonary arterial trunk. Blood returning to the right side of the heart contains the residual oxygen after utilisation by the tissues. This makes the $MxVenO_{2}$ an indirect measure of whole body tissue oxygen consumption. Acute ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In paediatric intensive care non invasive techniques are preferred for measurement of oxygen extraction. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a popular method used in large research units. Another variant is the functional MRI (fMRI) with blood oxygen level dependent effect (BOLD). This technique has been widely used in the neuroscience department.cite{Carlier:2006hg} Scientists are also able to measure oxygen consumption in the brain in animal models by using fluorescence microscopy.cite{Dmitriev:2012kb} The only available technique for use as a bedside non invasive measure in the paediatric intensive care setting is Near InfraRed Spectroscopy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Chimpanzees Essay Chimpanzee Droppings Lead Scientists to Evolutionary Discovery by Erica F. Kosal, Biology Department, North Carolina Wesleyan College Part I Chimpanzee Behavior Far in the remote western African jungles of Cameroon, Dr. Beatrice Hahn and her team of scientists from the University of Alabama have been examining chimpanzee droppings. Members of the great ape family, chimpanzees typically travel in groups of  to  animals, forming smaller subgroups to forage during the day and then coming together again to sleep in trees at night. Communities lack a definite leader and are usually split into a number of subgroups, often when the animals go to forage. These subgroups (referred to as fusion fission groups ) are temporary and change in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Using test tubes containing a preservative, the scientists collected  fecal samples from  forest sites and later analyzed them in Dr. Hahn s laboratory. The team was interested in tracing the evolution of hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) to investigate the origins of hiv/aids. There is a simian virus known as siv (simian immunodeficiency virus) that is closely related to hiv and has been found in  species of African primates, ranging from various species of monkey (e.g., Blue monkey, L Hoest monkey) to mangabeys (e.g., red capped mangabey), colobus, baboons, mandrills, and chimpanzees. Both hiv and siv are considered to be retroviruses, containing rna instead of dna as their genetic material. Because the virus must insert its genetic material into a host cell to take over that host cell, a retrovirus has to convert its rna back into dna form. Only after this backstep (hence the term retro ) occurs, can the virus successfully insert its genetic material (now in dna form) into the host s dna. rna is slightly different from dna. rna contains only one genetic strand, whereas dna is a doubly stranded molecule. In addition, the sugars of these molecules are slightly different. dna contains the sugar deoxyribose while rna contains the sugar ribose. In both cases, the sugars act as the backbone for the molecule and provide a place for the bases to attach. The bases determine the order of amino acids and thus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Hair Mask Research Paper Hair Mask (hair mask) a complete hair care products for your hair is dry and you can put life into lifeless hair, make your hair strong and shiny, and may have saved you from symptoms like Dandruff . Today, in this post you are one of those who know best homemade hair mask recipes (homemade hair mask recipe), which would be particularly useful for your hair. The Ingrediants good amount of moisturizing hair mask is used. To nourish your hair with softness and good growth with the hair mask (hair mask) and hair damage and loss of control that is useful in solving problems. Today everyone is long, thick and strong hair wants. But you know, when our hair, our hair s outer layer is Damage become lifeless and dry. There are several reasons for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Marine Debris Research Paper What is Marine Debris? Every potato chip bag thrown on the floor, every balloon released into the air, and every gum wrapper discarded on the sidewalk has an affect on our planet. In the short term we view these acts as miniscule and irrelevant, but what most of us fail to understand is that every act of pollution has a snowball effect that only harms us and our environment. Unfortunately, most of the plastic waste we throw on the floor ends up on our beaches, in our waterways, and in our oceans. Especially in Florida, where everyone is at most 45 mins from the beach, it is not difficult for trash to find its way to our oceans. Marine debris, ocean trash or ocean pollution, regardless of its many names the rhetoric still stands; every piece of litter has a ripple effect that ultimately makes it to our oceans. What are the challenges with Marine Debris? Causes: The causes for Marine Debris are not very complicated. Any man made object that intentionally or unintentionally ends up in our oceans is considered marine debris ( Trash pollution, 2015) . This can be cigarette buds, plastic containers or beer glasses. According to an article published by the Ocean Health ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ( Impacts, n.d.)Areas with beautiful beaches, such as Florida, can loose tourism due to blemish marine debris can leave on the shoreline. Furthermore, the environment and wildlife are both affected by marine debris. Coral reefs can become polluted and eventually die, and marine life often ingests or becomes entangled in the debris. Also, debris can be hidden under the surface of the water, and because of this boats can damage their engines and propellers if they fail to see the trash and end up boating over the debris. Additionally, invasive species can attach to debris and drift thousands of miles into foreign habitats. ( Impacts, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold Analysis In part II of A Sand County Almanac Aldo Leopold continues to talk about Wisconsin, but also talks about other various places across North America he has visited. I think his experiences across North America have influenced his philosophy toward nature and management because Leopold traveled North America, as he shows in part II he has walked its mountains and crossed its swamps. As a result Leopold observed firsthand the interdependence of the world, because when he opens part II about the cranes of Wisconsin then later he talks about Sandhill Cranes when he recounts his trip in the Gulf of the Colorado River located in Sonora, Mexico. Looking at my National Geographic field guide for birds I can see that Sandhill Cranes summer breeding ground reaches into southern Wisconsin and its winter non breeding ground is around the USA Mexico border, so he likely has witnessed the differences in their behavior during the breeding and the non breeding season. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result Leopold knew from his travels that one can learn from the mistakes of what happened to animals like the passenger pigeon throughout North America and the bear in Escudilla things that happen locally can have a non local effect like causing the deer population to rise. Leopold has not yet sufficiently talked about his opinion on manage for me to know with certainty what he thinks about management, it does look as though he will talk more about that in part III. Right now I would not be surprised to see him in favor of protection for animals and plants, because of the way he talks of the Passenger Pigeon and its monument, also the way he talks of the Wisconsin marshlands and the efforts of government via the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) during FDR s administration to restore the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Memory and the Brain Essay How does memory work? Is it possible to improve your memory? In order to answer these questions, one must look at the different types of memory and how memory is stored in a person s brain.Memory is the mental process of retaining and recalling information or experiences. (1) It is the process of taking events, or facts and storing them in the brain for later use. There are three types of memory: sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory. Sensory memories are momentary recordings of information in our sensory systems. They are memories evoked through a person s five senses: sight, smell, sound, taste, and touch. Although sensory memory is very brief, different sensory memories last for different amounts of time. Iconic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some scientists believe that parts of long term memory are permanent while others will eventually weaken over time. (3) Long term memory can be divided into three sections: procedural memory, declarative memory, and remote memory. Procedural memory includes motor skills such as learning how to ride a bike or how to drive a car. Such memories are slow to acquire but more resistant to change or loss. (4) Declarative memory is used to remember facts, such as names, dates and places. It is easy to learn but also easy to lose. Finally there is episodic memory, which is the record of events that a person stores throughout his or her experience. Recent studies show that these events, as soon as they occur, are sent to a temporary part of the brain called the hippocampus, and that over time they are moved to the neocortex for permanent storage. (5). When speaking about memory, one needs to look at the parts of the brain that are involved in memory storage. The hippocampus is a place in the brain that is used to transfer memories from short term to long term memory . (1) It also helps store spatial memories with the thalamus. The thalamus is a collection of nuclei that relays sensory information from the lower centers to the cerebral cortex . (7) In addition to spatial memories, the thalamus helps store emotional memories with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Shamanism In China Research Paper An American s Shamanic Adventures in China I was like most Americans back in 2006. I had a job, a wife and an apartment. However, unlike most Americans, I was living in Changchun, the capital of Jilin province in Northeastern China. I found myself sitting in my apartment participating in an underground Buddhist séance session performed by my Chinese wife. She started out by burning incense in front of a decorative red cloth that listed all of the names of the ancient Buddhist spirits who help her. Fruit, chicken and cigarettes are placed in ornamental bronze containers as symbolic gifts for the spiritual visitor. The female client is solemnly attentive; her male counterpart is skeptically condescending. My Chinese wife sits cross legged and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I studied tai chi and kung fu in different parks. I earned my acupuncture license through the Changchun Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) College. I taught myself Mandarin through reading books like The Art of War, the Dao De Jing and the Analects of Confucius. Needless to say, my interests were a mood killer for most Chinese people who were more interested in the NBA, business news or getting a promotion. Therefore, I was always keen to engage anyone who had interest or knowledge of history, religion and culture. For example, I took a 30 hour train ride to the Vietnam border from Changchun, which is near North Korea. I spent an entire day chatting with a nurse who had served the Chinese army during the Korean ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Call Of The Wild Summary In the book the call of the wild is a theme in the Yukon and Alaska. The characters in this book are Buck, John Thornton, Splitz, Francois, Perrault, Hal, Mercedes, Charles, Dave, Sol leks, Curly, Judge Miller, and Manuel. Men in 1897 during the Klondike strike had found a yellow metal in the Northland causing thousands of men to rush there, the men going to the Northlands needed heavy dogs with strong muscles. In Santa Clara Valley was a dog named Buck, Buck was this type of dog that had been on adventures and had escorted the Judge s daughters. The Judge was at a meeting of the raisin growers association, he was busy, as Manuel took Buck to a little flag station where he clinked money between another man, this man took Buck away and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I really enjoyed the author s way of writing and expressing the many events that occurred, his description of the Alaskan terrain is incredible. It is a straightforward tale of a dog that gradually returns to a wilder state after being forced from a content life in the civilized world. Along the way there are adventures and scrapes with various humans and animals, which make the story interesting, as is the transformation of the main ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Women s Heart Center At The Bakersfield Heart Hospital I ve been hired as a Program Coordinator at Women s Heart Center at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital who has been ask to research the social and behavioral aspects of Cardiovascular Disease in Women and make recommendations about changes in social and behavioral factors that will lead to a decrease in this public health issue. The Women s Heart Center at the Bakersfield Heart Hospital is devoted to screening and educating women on understanding in decreasing their risk of cardiovascular disease. The Women s Heart Center strives to continually provide and update the medical community on information concerning female cardiovascular risk factors and the treatments that optimize the care of women (Women s Heart Center, 2017). The Women s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More than one out of five women will have some form of cardiovascular disease (Women s Heart Center, 2017) (Disparities in Health Heart Disease in African American Women, 2017). Heart disease claims the lives of more women than men each year, yet women only make up 25% of participants in heart related research studies. While this is improving, women remain under represented in many studies that have set the standard for detection and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Even though valuable information about heart disease has been gathered, the model of detecting cardiovascular disease has been based on and designed for men. Not all the data have been applicable to women so this is hard to narrow down (Women s Heart Center, 2017) (Disparities in Health Heart Disease in African American Women, 2017). The age adjusted rate of heart disease for African American women is 72% higher than for white women, while African American women ages 55 64 are twice as likely as white women to have a heart attack and 35% more likely to suffer from coronary disease (Women s Heart Center, 2017) (Disparities in Health Heart Disease in African American Women, 2017). The age adjusted rate of heart disease for African American women is 72% higher than for white women, while African American women ages 55 64 are twice as likely as white women to have a heart attack and 35% more likely to suffer from coronary disease. Women who smoke risk having a heart attack 19 years earlier than a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Genetic Disorder of Down Syndrome Noo Why my baby, this mother has just been given the news that her child has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome. Her child was one of many who will have trouble reading out loud or to even communicate. Who will grow up with not knowing if today will be a good day or not. Down Syndrome is just one case of genetic disorder. There are so many all over in the world and many doctors still don t even know what to call them. Some don t even know they have a disease in them till its too late, or other know all there lives and some learn to live with the disease and others live every day in fear of getting even more sick and hurt. Genetic disorders are very common some more than others. Its all has to do with our 46 chromosomes. Genetic disorders can occur to anyone. Many people believe genetic disorders only happen to those who have family cases with genetic disorders but, it s not something you can truly control. When a cell is going through Meiosis the outcome should be that every gametes should have 23 chromosomes which carry your genetic code. At the beginning of Meiosis each homologous chromosomes pairs up with another homologous chromosome and then they start exchanging genetic code. This process is called Crossing Over. During this process there is a small chance that the exchange didn t happen properly and not all the genetic code was transfer from one another. Which can later result in your genetic code failure. Another Cause of a genetic disorder is if there aren t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. A Few Good Men A Few Good Men is a 1992 American drama film directed by Rob Reiner and starring Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and Demi Moore. It was adapted for the screen by Aaron Sorkin from his play of the same name. A courtroom drama, the film revolves around the court martial of two U.S. Marinescharged with the murder of a fellow Marine and the tribulations of their lawyer as he prepares a case to defend his clients. Lieutenant Junior Grade Daniel Danny Kaffee (Tom Cruise) is an inexperienced U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General s Corps lawyer who leads the defense in the court martial of two U.S. Marines, Private First Class Louden Downey (James Marshall) and Lance Corporal Harold Dawson (Wolfgang Bodison), who are accused of having murdered a fellow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the course of the trial, it is established that code reds are standard in Guantanamo Bay as a means of enforcing discipline and getting sloppy Marines to follow procedure. Kaffee especially goes after Kendrick, particularly over the fact that he denied Dawson a promotion after the latter helped out a fellow Marine who was under what could be seen as a code red. Lieutenant Colonel Markinson has gone absent without leave since the incident, but he resurfaces in Kaffee s car during the trial, revealing that Jessep never intended to transfer Santiago off the base as previously claimed but created the transfer orders as part of a cover up long after Santiago s death. Kaffee is unable to find evidence corroborating these claims and announces his intention to have Markinson testify. Rather than publicly dishonor himself and the Marine Corps, Markinson sends a letter to Santiago s parents, blaming his own weakness for the loss of their son, outfits himself in full Dress Blue A uniform and commits suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with his service pistol. Without Markinson s crucial testimony, Kaffee believes that the case is lost and returns home after a drunken stupor, having come to regret that he fought the case instead of considering the plea bargain. Galloway, however, convinces Kaffee to take the great risk of calling Colonel Jessep as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Analysis Of Stolen By Lucy Christopher No one ever thinks in their lifetime they will be kidnapped. For Gemma this nightmare became her reality. Except for her it was not a fight for her life it was a mental fight. Stolen written by Lucy Christopher takes place in Australia. Where the main Character Gemma is kidnapped by Tyler who through the past years has watched her and developed feelings for Gemma. Throughout the story Gemma starts to realize perspective from Tyler s eyes and developes feelings for him. Those feelings cause Gemma to have an internal battle with herself. Stolen by Lucy Christopher reflects the characteristics of an internal battle with the idea of staying or leaving, turning Ty in or letting him free, or to even trust or not. Most people in their life will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most famous people get money for just sitting around doing nothing. In the story Stolen Gemma is found and is famous because her parents are well known. If it was not for her parents fame no one would have known about her disappearance. And the apartment complex couldn t refuse the money Dad offered for keeping things quiet (Christopher 290). Money gets people everywhere they need. If someone with less money got kidnapped and somehow their story got out to the public making that person famous when they were found they would not have the luxury of privacy after everything they just went through. I realize much more how much this world has been corrupted because of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Best Whey Protein Powder Protein powder is normally utilized by jocks and others attempting to improve their bulk. Serious quality instructional meetings put a colossal request on the body for superb protein that can be utilized to repair muscle tissue and reinforce the muscle to handle the following session better. This is the manner by which muscle is increased, fat is scorched, and that pumped up, solid physical shape is created. Protein may likewise be utilized by those attempting to get more fit, since the protein makes satiety without requiring a high admission of calories. Regardless of what you might need to utilize your protein for, you should locate the best whey protein powder available in the event that you need to boost comes about. There are a great deal of powders to look over right now, so utilize the accompanying criteria to disengage the best alternative for your objectives. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the off chance that it just says whey protein, you are not taking a gander at the best powder for your objectives. You need to discover a powder that utilizations whey protein disconnects as the establishment of the recipe. These items will offer more protein in each serving. This implies less fat and cholesterol in each serving. The 100% Whey Gold Standard recipe made by Optimum Nutrition is an awesome case of a powder that uses the most astounding quality whey protein segregates for higher protein content in each serving. You take in five grams of BCAAs and 23 grams of protein in each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. How Did Napoleon Bonaparte Change The World When you think of an emperor, or a military general, you most likely think of leaders rather than men who have been exiled from their country. However, that s exactly what happened to Napoleon Bonaparte. Bonaparte had great ambitions that changed the world forever. In May of 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself the Emperor of France. He remained emperor from 1804 to 1814 and briefly again in 1815. Napoleon Bonaparte was regarded as a prominent man in Western civilization. Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in Ajaccio, Corsica, a French island in the Mediterranean Sea. Napoleon Bonaparte had two wives. He first married Josephine de Beauharnais, a widower, who already had two children. Josephine was unable to give Napoleon a son, so in 1810, Napoleon arranged for an annulment so he could marry eighteen year old Marie Louise. The couple had a son, Napoleon II, on March 20, 1811 (A E). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bonaparte was the fourth child of Carlo Bonaparte, a lawyer, and his wife, Letizia Ramolino. Napoleon Bonaparte was the second child out of four to actually survive. Before Napoleon Bonaparte could join the military college of Brienne, he was enabled to enroll in France s College d Autun. Napoleon s father, Carlo, was appointed assessor of the judicial district of Ajaccio in 1771, a job that allowed his sons, Napoleon and Joseph, to go to college. Napoleon then entered the military college of Brienne, where he studied for five years, before going to another military academy in Paris (A E). Carlo passed away from stomach cancer while Napoleon Bonaparte was at the academy. Napoleon Bonaparte assumed the role of head of family, so he graduated early from the academy and returned to Corsica in 1786 as second lieutenant of artillery. Napoleon Bonaparte ranked 42nd of 58 in the regiment of La Fere, a training ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Professional Presentation Analysis One of my personal strength regarding professional presentation is that I like to be very organized and keep everything plain, simple and straight to the point. I also enjoy having fun while giving professional presentations. I know that speaking to others need to be short and educational because some people tend to get impatience and bored. One method to continue improving these methods are to use short handout and utilize slides with wise content and colorful background. Keeping in mind that slides should be elaborated and illustrate the main key point of the presentations. In addition, brainstorming and develop at least 3 4 goals and objective (Sherman, 2012). With these, audience will have clear idea about what to expect during the presentation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Color And Symbolism In Doctor Zhivago Film Doctor Zhivago Unlike The Grand Budapest Hotel where the filmmakers are banking on additional viewings, Doctor Zhivago decides to use color sparingly, but effectively, on the first viewing. By doing this, the filmmakers of Doctor Zhivago are ensuring that everyone who watches the film leaves with an understanding of the color choices; one doesn t have to watch the film multiple times to get it . The goal of Doctor Zhivago was to illustrate that eternal love and hope amidst war and strife is possible which is reinforced by connecting war with neutral colors. However, even amongst saddening times, perseverance will bring about moments of color and positivity. In addition, color can also symbolize one s emotions in regard to the eruption of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though Yuri s surroundings are usually neutral, the filmmakers demonstrate Design as Punctuation in regards to Lara because her surroundings always have one patch of high contrast area, mostly flowers, standing out amongst the drab and the gray (Srivastava, p. 10). In the same way how the yellow stands out visually, the audience is able to make the connection that Lara stands out to Yuri despite the chaos in Moscow. As Yuri looks at the field of daffodils, he himself is reminded of Lara and smiles. The shot then slowly fades out from the daffodils and transitions onto Lara s face. The color yellow symbolizes the pulsation of life that has figured throughout the story which ties into how Zhivago means life (The Art of Film, p. 72 73). In such a war torn setting, these little daffodils symbolize love, hope, and life among the neutrals and the chaos. The film successfully communicates the importance of perseverance through the color yellow by slowly slowly sprinkling it throughout the film, allowing yellow to [acquire] emotional meaning in sequence and in time (The Art of Film, p. 72 73). Even at his grave there are daffodils which symbolizes how their connection will live on forever. In fact, the entirety of the story is built on their daughter, Tanya, listening to their love story. Their love lives on through ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Disadvantages Of Nose Hair Trimrs Advantages of using nose hair trimmers over scissors Nose hairs main function is to stop dirt from entering your body. But they become a nuisance when they grow too long and start protruding through the nose, thereby affecting your appearance. The Best Nose Hair Trimmer will do a good job of maintaining the length of your nose hair. It will not remove all the hairs but trim just the hairs that can be seen. Scissors have to be handled carefully to avoid the risk of injuring the nose. Whereas, nose hair trimmers have many features that make the job of trimming nose hair easy and fast without the risk of hurting or damaging the sensitive delicate skin of your nose interior. A nose hair trimmer is specifically designed for nose hair trimming ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore no headache of operating the nose hair trimmer or adjusting it. They can t trim the hairs any shorter than required but trim the nasal hairs to a standard length. You don t have to determine what length of hair to leave in your nose. The nose trimmers are designed to trim nasal hair to a standard length. So you don t need to worry about the length of nasal hair to leave, your job is to use the device as designed. Nose hair trimmers are designed to fit easily and comfortably into the nostrils. Don t reach out and try and trim deep non protruding hairs. Just trim what is a nuisance to look at. On the other hand, scissors are not specifically designed for trimming nasal hairs. They are multipurpose tools. You have to be careful when selecting sizes and designs to fit the job of nasal hair trimming. Nose hair trimmers are easy to maintain clean them and store them Most scissors are just basic since they are manufactured for general use. On the other hand, nose hair trimmers are designed specifically for trimming nasal hair, they have many features that make them easy to maintain, clean and store. At home or during travel. They are designed to trim noses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...