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Essay Writing BlogspotEssay Writing Blogspot


Essay on Using the Power of both Phonics and Whole Language
Whichever way you learned to read, chances are you never knew what the terms phonics or whole
language meant. However, these are the terms that are at opposite ends of an on going debate over
the best way to teach children how to read. Simply stated, supporters of the whole language
approach think children s literature, writing activities, and communication activities can be used
across the curriculum to teach reading; backers of phonics instruction insist that a direct, sequential
modeof teaching enables students to master reading in an organized way (Cromwell, 1997).
Critics of phonics claim that the curriculum is too boring, that the endless worksheets will turn
children away from the joy that could be reading and writing. ... Show more content on
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Children learn, memorize, and apply rules, formulas, and patterns of reading and speech (Curtis,
1997; Wiber, 2002). This approach has also been called a bottom up approach because the teachers
believe that by focusing on the smaller parts and equipping children with the ability to figure out
new words, meaning and comprehension will follow. The strong supporters on this side of the
debate want phonics taught in an intensive and systematic manner (Strickland, 1998). These
phonics supporters criticize whole language, claiming that the approach is too disorganized and
phonics taught in such an incidental manner that some children will never have the right tools to
learn to read well (Cromwell, 1997).
There are many advantages to using phonics. Children who learn to read by using phonics
generally have better pronunciation, spelling, and word recognition. They have been given a tool
that can be used over and over again while reading and writing, without having to memorize
vocabulary and spelling of the words (Curtis, 1997). There are also many examples of how
explicit, intensive and systematic phonics can work well in classrooms. One of these examples is
the reading program developed in California. After years of implementing whole language
instruction in their classrooms, reading scores in the state dropped to be among the nation s worst.
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The Well Being Aristotle And Human Happiness
Our Well Being: Aristotle and Human Happiness What is the purpose of a human being? Happiness
is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence (Nicomachean
Ethics). When one thinks about happiness, these words said by Aristotle allow us to understand its
significance. Through Aristotle s teachings, he made it clear that the point of life is to be happy.
Aristotle uses the word happinessas having to do with a person s life as a whole, and not as the
constant desire of wanting to experience pleasure (Aristotle s Ethics). People tend view happiness
as an emotion that is not long lasting, while it is really about accumulating the good experienced an
entire lifetime. To Aristotle, happiness is about flourishing, virtues, focusing on our well being, and
self sufficiency. Aristotle is an ancient Greek philosopher who has played a part in subjects such as
mathematics and ethics. As a known student of Plato, Aristotle s knowledge on various topics
immensely affected people s philosophical views. For Aristotle, his definitions of humanhappiness
and a good life consist of being virtuous all throughout life. Happiness comes from being an
overall good person; this is the best way to lead a life and give it meaning (Psychology Today).
According to Aristotle, happiness is a continuing achievement. Happiness is more a question of
behavior and of habit of virtue than of luck; a person who cultivates such behaviors and habits is
able to bear his
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Beyonce Narrative
Sorry, I ain t sorry, sorry, I ain t sorry this is how my BeyoncГ© filled night started. My sister and
I bumping in the car (listening to sorry) in our matching BeyoncГ© outfits, on our way to The
Formation World Tour. As we were rolling down the drive way, I went through a check list in
my mind. Phone? Check! Charger? Check! Glasses? Check! Tickets? Check! We were all set! I
had been waiting for months, counting down the days. I was finally going to see her, the one and
only BeyoncГ© Knowles! On the way there, lots of emotions and thought s went through my mind
being that this was my first concert. I had no clue what to expect! What if I lose my sister and don
t know where I am at? What if something was wrong with our tickets? When... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
She was wearing a black one piece jump suit covered in jewels. Her hair was long and wavy. Her
voice was exactly how it sounded on the album. With every word she spoke, she preached like a
pastor on Sunday giving his sermon showing passion and commitment. The show presented
itself in a very women empowering way. She spoke with wisdom and honesty telling the truth
about what women in our county go through on a day to day basis. BeyoncГ© spoke about the
double standards that women face and the despicable way some men treat women. She sent out
a message that all women in today s society need to hear. At the end of the day, it is not about
equal rights, it is how we think. We need to reshape our own perception of how we view
ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead, ~ BeyoncГ© Knowles. The closure of
the show was epic! She sang Halo and in the back fireworks busted into the air leaving beautiful
gold sparks chasing after it. The crowd applauded and cheers rang out! Confetti blasted into the
sky coming down like snow on a winter s day. The beautiful BeyoncГ© Knowles ended the show
by saying she loved us and thanking Chicago for coming to see her. Overall, I had an amazing time
and this will go down as the best moment in my life thus
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The Beginning Of Watsons Career Essay
The beginning of Watsons career is a little more familiar to people than they realize. IBM
research developed Watson to compete on a well known TV game show. Watson competed as a
contestant on Jeopardy. It took a team of twenty researchers and three years to get Watson to the
desired level of human expertise. Researchers capitalized of the knowledge they gained from
Jeopardy and altered Watson to be even smarter. The researchers created all the necessary
functions in Watson to alter research methods in such a way the human race has never been
exposed to. Watson can be used in research of medical and business knowledge. Watson can even
answer basic everyday questions like those we have in day to day conversations. Watson doesn t
just take in information in English but explores document in numerous languages. The
increasingly important urge to create a computer system that could hold and comprehend the
more broad area of relevance. Computers before Watson have had the ability to research
documents using key words or by popularity. This poses a problem when the topic of discussion
is not popular. Now the IBM system Watson can be used to make important decisions in many
career fields with a limited time frame. Jeopardy requires contestants to compete quickly and
accurately in a non perfect environment. The complexity of a computer system playing Jeopardy
lies within the ability to risk answering incorrectly or to not answer at all. This skill takes precision
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Technology Negative Essay
Defined as the purposeful application of information in the design, production, and utilization of
goods and services, and in the organization of human activities , technology has many applications
in today s world (WebFinance, Inc.). Whether the newest cellular device, video gaming console or
tablet, or even some new vaccine or cure for a disease, technology is meant to make humans lives
easier, faster, less stressful, more enjoyable and ultimately better, and make society a better place.
Technology grows with humans and their needs and wants. When humans needed some sort of way
to protect themselves, gather resources more easily, and farm, humans developed stone tools and
weapons to use. Windmills, steam engines, use of petroleum, and the harnessing of electricity made
life easier, faster and less stressful whether that energy is used for textiles, metallurgy, agriculture, or
transport, the harnessing of wind, steam, petroleum and electricity truly helped society grow and
the individual prosper. Later, militaries had better weapons to fight with and technology to use
(radar, sonar) to use against their opponents, and hospitals had pharmaceuticals, anesthetics,
antiseptics, and better examination techniques (X Rays, radiation therapy, blood transfusions).
While it can be useful, many question the usefulness and application of technology that seemingly
does not help society and the individual and instead are a detriment. After World War II, some
questioned the
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Comparing Everyday Use By Alice Walker And Two Kinds By...
Society today often stereotypes people into groups by things such as age, gender, cultural
background, ethnicity, income and so on. In both short stories, Everyday Use , written by Alice
Walker and Two Kinds , composed by Amy Tan, three major factors of the mothers stood out,
which allowed me to compare one story to the other. The factors that set Jing Mei s (June) mother,
Suyuan apart from Maggie s mother, Mama were power, class and status.
First, in the short story Two Kinds , Amy Tan describes Jing Mei s mother, Suyuan as a middle
aged Chinese women who had an extremely difficult life in China causing her lose everything and
everyone dear to her. Hoping for a new beginning and for a better life and future for her and her
daughter Jing Mei, she fled the country to live in America. Being a middle class chinese immigrant,
Suyuan worked alongside her daughter as a part time maid cleaning the houses ... Show more
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Suyuan had very high expectations and envisions of what she felt Jing Mei should become in
order to make make it in America. Suyuan became obsessed with the fact that she could give her
daughter the chance to experience the american dream; which in result caused her to start to
compare Jing Mei to Waverly, the daughter of her friend, who coincidentally was a chess prodigy.
Suyuan did everything in her capability to give Jing Mei the opportunity to become an excellent
pianist. Jing Mei s mother offered to clean the house of a retired piano teacher, Mr. Chong, in
exchange for piano lessons for Jing Mei. Everyday, Suyuan pressured Jing Mei to practice the piano
even though Jing Mei had no interest. Not until after Jing
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Accounting 540, Investment Analysis
Investment Analysis
Investment Analysis
In 1965, Pepsi Co was created through a merger of two companies Pepsi Cola and Frito Lay by
Donald M. Kendall, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pepsi Cola and Herman W. Lay,
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Frito Lay. Pepsi was originally founded in 1898 by
Caleb Bradham, a New Bern, North Carolina, druggist, who first formulated Pepsi Cola. Today,
Pepsi is part of a portfolio of drinks that includes carbonated and non carbonated drinks such as
soft drinks, juices and juice drinks, ready to drink teas and coffee drinks, isotonic sports drinks,
bottled water and enhanced waters. PepsiCo operates in four major fields. These fields include:
PepsiCo Americas Beverages, PepsiCo Americas... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Coca Cola is a much better balance sheet than Pepsico, even managing to have more cash on hand
than debt during much of this time frame (SeekingAlpha.com, 2012).
After comparing the two it is companies, I would recommend that Coca Cola is the better pick as
far as who to invest in if given the opportunity to invest in one or the other. Through analyzing the
many ratios and utilizing the components to accurately rationalize the status of the financial
stability of the two companies Coca Cola has proved to have a higher financial accountability.
There are many factors that brought me to this conclusion. Just look at the statements you can see
that Pepsi Co. has more liabilities than Coca Cola and that would generally be the case since Pepsi
Co. has monies invested in other products and Cola does not have any other involvements in other
Investorguide.com (2012). Can Pepsi (PEP) Follow Coca Cola s (KO)Lead? Retrieved December
15, 2012 from, http://www.stocksinthefuture.org/general/currentNews?a=1
PepsiCo.com (2012). Historical Price Lookup. Retrieved December 15, 2012 from, http:/
/www.pepsico.com/Investors/Stock Information/Historical Price Lookup.html SeekingAlpha.com
(2012). Coca Cola Vs. Pepsico: Which Is The Better Investment? Retreived December
15, 2012 from http://seekingalpha.com/article/1037631 coca cola vs pepsico which is the
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The Sorrows Of Young Werther Analysis
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe s tragic masterpiece The Sorrows of Young Werther explores the
mind of a young artist who fell in love with a woman Charlotte who had already picked someone
who was deserving of her. The novel consisting of letters wrote by the protagonist captures a
characteristic of the very essence of the Romantic movement: Nature. Since in the book, the
quality of Werther s love for Lotte is based in nature and not Enlightenment principles, his moods
and emotions are reflected by the fact that he is an individual thinker and an analysis of different
nature or art symbols. The German literary movement known as Strum und Drang translated into
storm and stress is a reaction against the Enlightenment cult of rationalism and is an important
precursor to Romanticism. Unlike the enlightenment thinkers, they see irrational urges as the
defining characteristic of a human being. It highlights the limits of reason, believing that while a
man is capable of knowing the difference between right or wrong, his emotional nature may
compel him to act irrationally. The young Werther is not a logical person, he is led by his
emotions and desires. He prefers feeling over thinking, and being passionate rather than
reasonable. The state of nature appears before governments and the creation of civic societies. It
stresses natural rights and the complete liberty to do whatever humans desire. Characterized as an
individual thinker, the young Werther is unmotivated to conform to the norms of society. Goethe
s smart choice of using the illusion of nature in order to mirror Werther s state of heart really
portrayed for his readers an excellent idea of the many questions about love and death people
experience. Felling empathy towards the character, this method convinced me of his troubled
thoughts. Nature is not simply plants or animals, but symbolizes emotions and inspiration as well.
Werther s first few letters were filled with a natural flavor that confirms his love for nature. He
wrote while the lovely valley teams with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the
impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, [I lie in]
the tall grass by the trickling stream...
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Prejudice And Stereotypes In American Society
Prejudice and stereotypes occur in all societies. Thus, yes, I have seen it take place in American
society plenty of times actually. I can recall an instance when I ve heard others call African
Americans good athletes, Asians bad drivers, Mexicans poor, and the list goes on. I ve heard these
assumptions at school, sport s practice, in the news, and even with friends and families. While
prejudiceand stereotypes happen everywhere, I was inevitably and surely going to encounter it. I
ve been told that I eat dogs because I am filipino however, I don t ever recall eating it lol. : ) I
remember a conversation with my coworker: You are filipino? That means you sing, right? Well, I
can t exactly be upset since he was actually right. But his assumption
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Cloning Individualism
Results May Vary: Adam Phillips s Theory of Cloning and The Paradoxical Apotheosis of
Individualism Adam Phillips s essay Sameness Is All takes the form of a dialogue with two
children to introduce the fantasy of cloning in which everyone is identical. Specifically, Phillips
observes that cloning is a denial of difference and dependence which leads to a refusal of need
(92). However, Phillip remains mindful that such fantasy of physical or psychological sameness is
implausible as everyone is different even clones. One then questions the significance of such
wanting of sameness, or if the sense of sameness serves any purpose. Using the concept of Selfand
Otherthat Joanne Finkelstein examines in The Self as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reader sees that the Self and the Other appear to exist in an obligate symbiotic relationship,
where both the Self and Other are dependent on each other for continued existence, and elucidates
the reader on the interdependency of the Self and Other.
After highlighting the interdependency of the Self and Other, Finkelstein uses this association
between Self and Other to delineate the adverse consequences of this symbiotic relationship. By
identifying the halo effect as a source of social pressure to conform, Finkelstein allows the reader
to see Phillip s theory of cloning as a feasible solution to the inherent issues of social injustice and
despair in this concept:
DeJong and Kleck (1986:66) maintain that...the overweight not only do not have an acceptable
physical appearance but are also perceived as characterologically flawed..the halo effect, which
explains why attractive people are gratuitously assigned other valued attributes, can be seen to work
in reverse for the overweight who are instead attributed with deficits of character. (181)
The halo effect mentioned by DeJong and Kleck refers to individuals being perceived as having
socially desirable personality traits on the basis of desirable physical attributes, and thus
gratuitously assigned other valued attributes. Conversely, an unattractive individual will be
perceived as having socially
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Similarities And Differences Between My Last Duchess And...
Lover and or Last
(A analysis of the similarities and differences in My Last Duchess and Porphyria s Lover)
Murders always have rational motives for murder, and murders always have some kind of personal
relation with their victim (Schmid). It is both horrifying and interesting that the majority of victims
have a close, personal correlation with their murderers. In My Last Duchess by Robert Browning is
a dramatic monologue in which a Duke addresses the agent of a Count about the possible
marriage between him and the Count s daughter. However, before the Duke can make the
decision to marry or not to marry the Count s daughter he briefs the agent of the Count about his
last Duchess. The Duke wants to make sure that the next woman he will marry will be submissive
and won t give him any trouble, unlike his last Duchess. In Porphyria s Lover by Robert Browning
is another dramatic monologue where a very upset man is sitting in his cottage in the outskirts of
town, with the fire out, and waits for his girlfriend Porphyria to return home from a ... Show more
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In My Last Duchess and in Porphyria s Lover both speakers have a very unstable and disturbing
mental state. In My Last Duchess and in Porphyria s Lover both speakers demonstrate no remorse
for the immoral acts they committed. In My Last Duchess the Duke does not directly admit that
he has murdered his last Duchess; however, in Porphyria s Lover, Porphyria s lover directly
admits that he strangled and murdered Porphyria in their cottage. Do you believe these two
speakers have a disturbing mental state? Is there a difference between love and obsession? Can
someone become so obsessed with another that they feel that if they are not with them, then they
deserve to be with no one else? While, in this case, the attraction proves less than fatal
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Essay about Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou is one of the most influential and talented African American writers of our modern
day. Those who read Angelou s works should not pass the thought of where her influence came
from. Maya Angelou s work has been heavily affected by the era in which she began to write. The
fifties and sixties were a tumultuous time for most African Americans in the US. The civil rights
movement, led by the National Associationfor the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), the
National Urban League, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, was instrumental in securing
legislation, notably the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights
Act of 1965.
Prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, schools, employment, and voting for ... Show
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In 1957, Ku Klux Klansmen accused Alabama grocery chain truck driver Willie Edwards, 25, of
having made remarks to a white woman and forced him at pistol point January 23 to jump to his
death from a bridge into the Alabama River. His body was found down river in late April.
In 1959, Atlanta integrated its buses on January 21, but the governor of Georgia asked citizens to
continue quot;voluntary quot; segregation. In 1963, four black Alabama schoolchildren were killed
and nineteen people injured September 15 when a bomb exploded at Birmingham s 16th Street
Baptist Church while 200 were attending Sunday services. The deaths provoked racial riots where
police dogs were used to attack civil rights demonstrators. In 1964, an Atlanta restaurateur closed his
restaurant rather than submit to federal government orders that he serve blacks as well as whites.
His opposition to integration propelled him into the governorship of Georgia in 1967, and when he
was unable to succeed himself, he continued as lieutenant governor.
He passed out pickax handles on the street in front of his restaurant to partisans who would strike
any blacks who try to enter.
This is the world in which Maya Angelou grew up. She was born Marguerite Johnson in St. Louis,
Missouri. In the sixties, at
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Emotions In Marjane Satrapi s The Complete Persepolis
In the graphic novel The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, the graphic novelist, cartoonist,
and illustrator portrays her emotions through her panels. Throughout the novel Satrapi s emotions
change constantly because of the current situation and state of emotion that she is in. Persepolis is
about Marjane Satrapis life as a child in Tehranand during this time the Islamic Revolution is
beginning and new laws were being enforced. This also played a huge part in her change of
emotions which is portrayed throughout the book as the angles and in the absence of background
in the images. This novel progresses from Marjane s childhood to her adolescent life and her
stages of emotions. Such as how at first when she is a child she isn t bothered by anything, but then
everything that is happening in her life began to bother her as a... Show more content on
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It has a slight bird s eye view from a corner, it emphasizes her loneliness while walking down a
street the day after her city is bombed. She states that everyone has fled Tehran since it is under
attack but her and her parents stayed because they has fate that the french revolution would
eventually rule, once again Marjane is acquiring a french education so she has different
perspectives on the topics happening throughout this time period in her life. Throughout
Persepolis she continues to use slightly similar angles, some show her surrounded by people or
either her being extremely lonely. When Satrapi is dreaming of the Revolutionary Anarchist
Party we are shown how she thought that it is going to be from a frontal point of view it shows
her rage and anger towards the Bourgeoisie and how she wanted the Bakunin to rule during this
time. (209) This is shown as a full page to portray to us how she is seeing this event happen and
how she thinks it will
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Strategic Management at Brewery Industries
Global forces and the European brewing industry
This case is centred on the European brewing industry and examines how the increasingly
competitive pressure of operating within global markets is causing consolidation through
acquisitions, alliances and closures within the industry. This has resulted in the growth of the
brewers reliance upon super brands.
In the first decade of the twenty first century, European brewers faced a surprising paradox. The
traditional centre of the beer industry worldwide, and still the largest regional market, Europe, was
turning off beer. Beer consumption was falling in the largest markets of Germany and the United
Kingdom, while burgeoning in emerging markets around the world. China, with 7 ... Show more
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Table 3 The World s Top Ten Breweries by Volume (2005)
Company Share of Global Volume(%) Country of Origin
InBev 10.8% Brazil Belgium
Anhauser Busch 9.4 USA
Saab Miller 7.3 South Africa [relocated to UK]
Heineken 5.7 Netherlands
Morelo 2.9 Mexico
Carlsberg 2.9 Denmark
Coors 2.6 USA
Tsingtao 2.4 China
Baltic Brewery 2.2 Denmark UK
Asahi 2.1 JapanFour brewing companies
Heineken (The Netherlands)
Heineken is the biggest of the European brewery businesses, and has three quarters of its sales in
the region. Total sales in 2006 11.8bn euro (ВЈ8bn). About 5 per cent of sales are in Asia Pacific
and 17 per cent of sales are in the Americas. The company s biggest brands are Heineken itself and
Amstel. The company remains a family controlled business, which it claims gives it the stability
and independence to pursue steady growth internationally.
Heineken s strategy overseas is to use locally acquired
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Writing Signs
Remembering as a little girl my mother and I used to drive down the road and she would always
point out signs so I could visually see them and learn how to spell them too. Passing through our
small town spelling words as simple as R I T E A I D to spelling words like J A L A P E N O S and
her going through my phase of always asking why. Why does the J sound like a H Mommy? She
always said learninghow to read and write is going to be your most powerful weapon. My earliest
memories about reading and writingwere very pleasant for me. In a way I guess, you could even
say that some of these experiences were even significate to me. It was the first time in my life
that I can truly remember feeling amusing about learning. It was the little things she did. Mom
would purchase picture book and check some out in the library as well. She would come into my
room to read to me every night; she influenced me through the sound of her voice how strong and
soft her words would hit the surface before I went into a deep sleep.
Waking up to a new not promised day is always special. I would jump out of bed say my prayers
and every time I got into the car with my Mom it was like an automatic game we would play,
pushing the resume button to continue spelling the places, but also to learn my colors, numbers,
and directions. We would travel forever in my mind. Mom words were, getting lost is half the fun.
She made learning fun it was never a dull moment. My Mom is not a dull person she has
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Former Tenant Case Study
Hi Goutham,
I hope you are doing well.
I understand that the Tenant s LEASE officially ended on July 15th, but did the Tenant give you the
payment on June 15th (a month before the last day)? If the former Tenant has already paid on June
15th, there will not be any further payments owed by them.
However, another way you can possibly challenge the security deposit is if you notice any
damages beyond typical normal wear and tear at the Premises. If you notice excessive wear and
tear or damages, you can document this in writing for the former Tenant to repair, or simply deduct
estimated amount from the security deposit.
However, unless there is significant wear and tear within Suit #1205, OR if the former Tenant did
not pay rent payment
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The Dalit Movement
Dalit Movement In Modern India
All those people of distinct castes and sub castes among the depressed classes who were
traditionally subjected to invidious discriminations on grounds of untouchability, and categorized as
the downtrodden, untouchables, depressed classes, exterior classes or Scheduled Castes were
called Dalits.
Dalit movement can be defined as institutional or organizational efforts made by Dalit leaders for
the liberation of the downtrodden masses. It is a movement of protest against untouchability,
casteism and superstitions. It aims at uplifting Dalits to the level of non Dalits.
The Bhakti movement was a reformative Hindu religious movement of the medieval period and it
promoted the belief that salvation can be attained by everyone. The movement is closely related to
Islamic Sufism, which appeared around the same time.
Since Hindu society was caste ridden society ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It preceded the modern Dalit Movement by around 600 years.
Thus, the Bhakti movement served the Indian society in two ways firstly, it tried to bridge the gulf
between Hinduism and Islam, and secondly, it created a philosophical base for social equality and
set in motion a new trend toward social and spiritual equality.
The Bhakti Movement in South India was spearheaded by the Alwars and Nayanars of the fifth
century AD. Some of the Bhakti leaders like Kanaka Dasa and Purandara Dasa of Karnataka
contributed to literature. Sants Chaitanya, Kabir, Tulsi Das, Vallabha, Meera Bai Tukaram, and
others led the movement in the North. They taught that people could cast aside the rituals and caste
considerations and express their overwhelming love for God. Even though an untouchable ,
Chokamela achieved sanctity and a place among the Bhakti pantheon of saints. Eknath, a Brahman,
worked for equality among the true
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Adoption In Haiti
Haiti Case
In January 2010, Haiti was struck by a massive earthquake, killing thousands of people and
misplacing hundreds.20 A disaster of this kind often leads to the separation of a large group of
people within a community including separating parents from children. In the desolation, chaos
and widespread panic followed, a surge in child exploitation and trafficking was inevitable just as
it was after for the 2004 Indonesia tsunami and how it is constantly happening in Guatemala.21 22
In the 1st two months, children were pooched by greedy westernized vultures without checking if
they had any living relatives and the proper documentations.21 22 Just a few days after the
catastrophe, children were already in the final stages of adoption and ... Show more content on
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It is not only the involvement of two families but two countries. I think before any international
adoption should proceed, the adoptive parents must make the effort to know the child s
homeland. They must also demonstrate that they are willing to protect the rights of the child
against any threat. I think in that way the child won t lose part of his cultural and ethnic identity.
The sending country should make sure the international adoption is the last option after visiting
the other options such as extended families that might be able to take care of the child or
orphanage agencies or even domestic adoption. Only after these options have been exhausted,
only then international adoption should be considered. Once it is done, they need to assure the
child is guaranteed to have a better future. I don t think it should stop at a simple background
check or to check if the adopters are good citizens. It should go beyond that; like take for instance
the case of Carleton Gajdusek; he was an extraordinary scientist and he received a Nobel prize
for his research. Given his background and how he was perceived in society, Gajdusek was given
the opportunity to bring back with him in the US 56 children from New Guinea. Parents trusted
the scientist and believe that he will offer those kids a higher education. However, he was later
accused of molesting those kids. Shouldn t this be a lesson to society? Therefore, I
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Why George W Bush Was A Successful President Essay
Why George W. Bush was a successful president.
Once every four years American citizens who are at least 18 years old can vote for President of
the United States. The candidate who receives the most Electoral College votes wins. A president
cannot serve more than two terms or eight years. President George W. Bushwas elected as the 43rd
President of the United States in 2001 ( George W. Bush ). According to The White House
biography George W. Bush he graduated from Yale University and received a business degree
from Harvard. He also excelled in both sports and his studies. Based upon his environment,
education, and health care policies, President George W. Bush was a successful president.
President George W. Bush s policies on the environment helped make a great president. He made
a call to reduce arsenic from drinking waters, and also lessened the amount of air pollution from
diesel trucks. He decided to remove arsenic from drinking waters to help make us healthier and
keep the bad chemicals out of our bodies. During Bush s presidency the country had faced an
energy supply crisis. He came up with a plan to add to the amount of oil production for the crisis
helping us get through that time. His next plan was to slow down or possibly stop the amount of
pollution, with the hope of saving endangered animals. He came ... Show more content on
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Bush a successful president. He started The no child left behind policy in 2001. Bush also
reauthorized both elementary and secondary education. It included Title 1 provisions, applying to
disadvantaged students. The bill passed congress and with an overwhelming amount of bipartisan
supports Walsh, Bryan . The next thing he started was what he called The Bush Education
Agenda to help poor kids learn to read. He placed $272 million to help states and school districts
use technology for education. Also to his policies on education, Bush was a great leader because of
his ideas for health
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How Did Philosophy Influence Ancient Greek Society
Greek Philosophy has not only shaped western civilization today, but it influenced ancient Greek
society as well. With the Philosophers emerged a new type of citizen, someone who wanted to
contribute to society and better themselves through study. Greek philosophers such as Plato and
Aristotle transformed how people thought, and many modern philosophers continue to ponder the
same questions that they asked, today. Greek philosophychanged ancient Greek society because it
helped start and develop democracy, it set certain social expectations, and it shaped Greek culture.
The foundation of democratic thought is the idea that all men are equal. A big part of this equality
was that all citizens could voice their own opinions. Speech was vital... Show more content on
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Pythagoras s approach combined sciences and religion, he also invented the Pythagorean theorem
and deductive reasoning (Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). People began to re approach
traditional questions that had previously been answered through religion and superstition.
Furthermore, Socrates started a new approach by focusing entirely on moral and psychological
questions, rather than questions about the tangible world (Violatti, Ancient History
Encyclopedia). A major advance was the discovery of Astrology. Ptolemy thought that the Earth
stood fixed at the center of the universe, with crystalline spheres within spheres whirling around
it. In balance, the universe had a vast influence on earthly events, which was the basis for the
belief in Astrology (Ptolemy, b.k. I.II 3 7). In that ideal world of ideas, one can experience the real
forms, which are perfect and universal. Our world is an imperfect parody of the Platonic flawless
and superior world of Ideas (Plato, The Republic, 4.1, 419 34). As people strived to get to the ideal
world they came up with many inventions in areas such as astrology, mathematics, and the sciences
as well as more philosophical questions (Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). Asking and
answering these questions helped the Greeks understand the world around them. The influential
philosopher Aristotle made the idea of logic and reason a trademark of ancient Greek culture
(Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). Aristotle s logic system consists of five treatises known
as the Organon, and although it does not exhaust all logic, it was a pioneering one, revered for
centuries and regarded as the ultimate solution to logic and reference for science. Philosophy in the
ancient world not only changed Greek society but also influenced future
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Driving Habits Affect Your Transmission
How Your Driving Habits Affect Your Transmission
Believe it or not, how your drive your vehicle play a part in how long it last. Not only does it
play a part in the life span of your car but in the transmission its self. If a person is a smooth and
attentive driver there transmission is going to last ten times longer than someone who could care
less. However, they will be caring when their transmission breaks down due to their driving.
Transmission repairs can be costly. That alone is a good reason to be a better driver. In this post
you will learn a few different driving habits to prevent in order to keep your transmission and car in
top running condition.
Excessive Speeding
Not only is speeding against the law and dangerous to other, but it is also very hard on your
transmission. When you are speeding your transmission is working double time in order to
provide so much power to your wheels. There is a difference in speeding and doing high speeds
on the highway. When you are on the highway you stay at a steady speed without excessive
accelerating. When you sand speeding in and out of traffic you never know when you will have to
slow down and speed up. this causes your transmission to work more than necessary and can
shorten the transmission s life span. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Little do they know that this is not a requirement and it is harming the transmission more than it is
helping. Downshifting is when the driver shifts into a lower gear to slow the vehicle. This bad
driving habit can cause the gears to grind and eventually wear down causing them to need to be
replaced. Downshifting causes major strain and damage to the transmission and shorten the life
span of the transmission dramatically.
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Reaching Mastery Should Be An Important Part Of Most...
Reaching mastery should be an important part of most people s lives. There are things to consider
when trying to achieve and master something important. Daniel Pink wrote the book Imagine
talking about what really motivates us. I would like to focus mainly on chapter five out of the
book, Mastery. The main points in this chapter Pink covers are engagement, flow and the three laws
of mastery.
In order to make progress there needs to be meaningful feedback, this is known as autonomy.
The desire to be self directed and a lead to engagement, Only engagement can produce mastery
(Pink 109). The point Daniel Pink is trying to make is that in order for success and mastery, there
absolutely needs to be engagement. Humans have developed a way of doing things in which
they feel programed to do tasks in routine. In order for individuals to solve difficult tasks and
problems, it is important for them to be willing to experiment different ways of doing things.
This is where engagement comes in because it is important and essential for people to come up
with new solutions and it is the key to mastery. The amount of disengagement in work places has
been costing about 300 billion dollars a year just in the United States. Pink also believes that in
order to live a satisfying life we need to meet more than just simple demands, We have way too
much compliance and way too little engagement (Pink 110). Jonah Lehrer gives us a preview of
how the Pixar studio engages with their work, in his
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A Note On Leadership And Management Essay
Scenario 1: First, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the staff for your hard
work in our company. As you know, the business has wound down because of the recent sluggish
economy, and this would result in a workforce reduction. So, the board of directors and
management of the corporation have to make a difficult and challenging decision that we need
to lay 20% staff off to continue growing the company. We will consider carefully and make the
appropriate decision, and this layoff does not show that the listed people are not good. For the
recent cuts, we shall be pleased to offer any useful assistance to your prospective employer to
prove your ability and worth. Please let us know if you need any help, and thank you for your
contribution to our company. Scenario 2: Today, I want to share my perspectives on the topic of
leadership with you. As the pacesetter of a team, leader is an essential position that can direct,
manage, coordinate, and motivate the team in order to lead the team to glory. In addition, a leader
not only needs to be professional in the field, but also needs to balance the relationship between all
team members. A good leader needs to succeed the following qualities: Strong independent working
skills The ability to withstand the high working pressure Responsibility and patience Good
communication skill The ability to listen and understand members? opinion The ability of judgment
and the ability to teach the staff The ability
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Everyman Play Essay
1.Text one: EVERYMAN
Question: What is the most moving moment of the play? Why?
This play was so moving and touching, it represented life in general and how everyone should
view it. The part that touched me the most was when death came and said to Everyman that he will
take the pilgrimage of the soul and stand before God. Then, Everyman begs to be released and
delay just one day, but death tells Everyman he has come for everyone and God has sent him.
This moment moved me so much because, it is so true when the angel of death comes to take
someone s soul, even if that person begs to stay he will die. Also, nothing will matter at that time
not your friends, family, and material possessions will be there for you, nobody can take the final
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A Magnificent Catastrophe Summary
Critical Book Review: A Magnificent Catastrophe In the book A Magnificent Catastrophe, the
author, Edward J. Larson, depicts a story or stories of the unimaginably eccentric elections that
have occurred in the United States of America. The author goes on to write and explain the
details that happened in the First Presidential Campaign in the 1800 s. Larson builds a strong
case to explain the ideas that the John Adams/Thomas Jefferson battle of 1800 brought to the
table in accordance to each of their beliefs and how the newly free country should be governed.
There were the Federalists, who were led by John Adams, who viewed their America as having a
strong government and led by the guiding principles of power to the president and society s elite.
On the other hand, there were the Republicans who were led by Vice President, Thomas Jefferson;
he believed that the government should be egalitarian and allow power to its people,. The
presidential campaigns were the first in American history and helped form the ideals of a stable
government, which controlled the future for the America we live in today. It is effectively
important to notice that Larson explains that, The longtime friends had become... Show more
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The reader can ask, what Catastrophe? The author could of added the ideals that Adams and
Jefferson had as when they weren t rivals. Maybe they could have hoped for a better government
together but their differences made them turn against what they believed. The book added much
knowledge to my understanding and seeing the slight differences that there was then in
compression to today. Also, some things that the author could have added could have been the
reasons as to why Adams and Jefferson saw the ideas of how the nation should be driven
differently. Essentially, the fights with deep social and political issues reflecting the differing
meaning of the democracy back
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Literature Review On Glass Ceiling
Literature Review: A lot of previous studies show that the women are intentionally stopped from
achieving higher level positions in the organizations. This is called glass ceiling. In my study the
Glass Ceiling is my independent variable and I am trying to see its affect on the two dependent
variables of my study which are Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment . There comes a
mediating variable between glass ceilingand job satisfaction which is Job performance . Because
when employees job performance gets affected by the practices of glass ceiling in the organization
badly then ultimately their satisfaction level decreases. Glass ceiling also includes the gender
discrimination but my main focus would be gender... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
8, No. 6; 2013) The article is based on the findings of a structured questionnaire which was
developed according to previous studies relating this topic of glass ceiling (Bergman Bodil 2003,
Dimovski Skerlavaj and Man 2010, Smith and Crimes 2007). This study includes Organizational
Practices , Male Culture Family and Social Commitments as the independent variables and their
affect was shown on Women Career Progress which is the primary dependent variable of the study.
The study was conducted on the mid aged Jordanian female managers employed in different
sections of the different organizations. Researchers received 117 useable responses of those
structured questionnaires. This research was an exploratory and analytical study. Reason for calling
it an analytical study is that its interest is finding the factors that influence women career progress.
A simple regression test s results showed that the first, second and third hypotheses were confirmed
as expected earlier but when the researcher applied a multiple regression test the results supported
the fourth hypothesis of the study. The study further shows the strong and significant relation of
male culture and organizational practices with the women career progress. Women family
commitments had the weakest positive relation with the women career progress. In this study
ANOVA results confirmed the impact of glass ceiling barrier on the women
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Health Care Reform In Canada
Health care reform has been the main factor of parting between Canada and the United States, with
the different political systems of the countries influencing how the molding of the system occurs. A
Social Democratic Third Party in Canada had created the foundation of reform, the influence that a
third party had on the government of Canadawas significant (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The working
class banded together to support the third party in Canada to push for their rights in a way that the
major two parties were unable to do and unconcerned with doing, the third party that was supported
created essentially a voice that gave the working class a prominent position in their country with
concern to reform in health benefits. Within the United States... Show more content on
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Beginning in Saskatchewan with the help of the Co Operative Commonwealth Federation in
coalition with the New Democratic Party holding control in the province of Sasakachwan and
acquiring great influence through the support of labour workers in other provinces they were
able to pressure the government towards reform and grasp the attention of the working class
(Maioni, 1997, p.415). The joining of an organization like the CCF and the political party of
NDP created great influence that led to the formation of universal health care by means of a third
party. As opposed to the United States who were unable to convince the organization nor the
political party to get involved in the reforms of health services, this stood in the way of reform,
the inability to form a coalition between these two groups and inability to convince them of
reforms in healthcare led to the rejection (Maioni, 1997, p.420). It was not solely an issue of the
lack of third party representation rather that health care reform was not an idea that had an
opportunity to be tested in a state under a trial basis therefore they were unable to weigh the
benefits or consequences as had happened in Saskatchewan, in which they essentially had senn how
the system worked and drew up the conclusion that that universal health care would be a benefit to
Canada (Maioni, 1997, p.421).
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How To Write A Personal Memo
Ms. Murdock,
The reason behind this written memo is inform you of my personal background, career goals,
course study, and interests in learning technical communication.
Personal Background
I grew up in Leavenworth, Kansas. This is where I was born. I ve lived in Kansas all my life. I
ve only moved once. In middle school, my family and I moved to the city next to Leavenworth,
which is called Lansing, Kansas. The population of this town is very small and everyone knows
everyone. The schools were better and more advanced. The advanced curriculum helped prepare me
for college.
Course Study
When I first started college, I didn t start at the University of Kansas. I, instead started at Kansas
City Community College. The goal of my college career
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Lighting Of The Dark Knight
Intro: Lighting as we know, creates the atmosphere for the setting, it establishes the overall tone for
what the audience sees. Lighting is key in filming, as it can change tones from scene to scene to
create a certain subliminal meaning. For instance the contrasting light from character to character to
allow the viewer to understand the differences. Throughout the movie The Dark Knightwe are able
to see how the lighting allows for the directors subliminal meaning to seek through; darkness
within. As the name of the movie suggests Dark Knight the movies overall tone is set in the
darkness. This dark atmosphere allows for an eerie feeling, tension to build up and an anxiety
feeling for the viewer. To understand the underlining meaning behind the lighting choices within the
film, it ll be shown by the protagonist, antagonist and the overall atmosphere within the movie.
Protagonist: In regards to the protagonist group, the lighting is used to highlight the good within
them. Their characters personality and actions are reinforced with their lighting setup. Therefore
the protagonists consist of Bruce Wayne, Batman, Harvey Dent and Jim Gordon. Bruce Wayne s
lighting allows him to be seen as a bright character. The high key setup allows for a heroic essence
to his character and allows the audience to not fear him, and more importantly side with his actions
above all other. He is the alter ego of the Batman, which allows us to understand the back story and
personality of
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China s Reform And Opening Up
As the three FIE Laws were introduced at the start of China s reform and opening up, they serve
as fundamental laws for foreign investment issues in China for almost 40 years. However,
because of the rapid and deeper development of China s economy in recent years, these laws face
a number of issues. 1.1.Conflicts with the Company Law Under current relevant laws and
regulation, foreign investors have several options to set up their businesses in China. They can
establish corporations in the form of EJVs, CJVs or WFOEs under the EJV law, CJV law or
WFOE law respectively. In addition, they can set up limited liability companies ( LLC ) under the
Company Law as well. Generally, Company Law is focus on regulating domestic enterprises instead
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These supervisors should be appointed or elected by shareholders and employees. As the FIE
laws do not mention this matter, limited liability FIEs like EJVs should also comply with
Article 52. However, under the FIE laws, shareholders meeting is not regarded as an
authoritative body and therefore there is no provision or framework for FIEs to deal with the
shareholders voting procedures. Although the board of directors, which is the highest authority
under the FIE laws, can appoint supervisors, the appointment would be inappropriate and
doubtable because supervisors responsibility is to supervise those directors . 1.2.Excessive
regulation of foreign invested enterprises According to the current FIE laws, a case by case
approval system is applied to all FIEs. Obtaining of positive approvals for investment projects
from National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ) is the first step; Afterwards,
approval for establishment should be acquired from MOFCOM; In order to operate the firm, a
business license, which is granted by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce ( SAIC
), is required . Approvals are also required on every significant issues such as the transfer of
controlled capital or shares, merger and acquisition, liquidation and so on. In the case Qingyue
Gao v Shicai Chen , the two foreign parties had signed two contracts in respect of 70% shares
transferring from the plaintiff to defendant in 2006. The
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Examples Of Logical Fallacies
The vast majority of people would not like to admit that they use many different forms of logical
fallacies on a day to day basis. To better explain, fallacies as a definition are faulty arguments,
which at first glance appear to be correct (Boss, 137). It troubles me to say, that some days I
perform more than one fallacy in an attempt to try and get my points across. That being said, the
three that stood out to me the most were Ad Hominem Fallacy, Popular Appeal, and Appeal to Pity
(Boss, 141 146). People carry out an ad hominem fallacy when they attack the moral nature or
characteristics of a person instead of the argument itself (Boss, 141). I saw this a great deal
throughout the presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and the President elect Donald Trump.
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To better explain, sometimes when I am out with friends and a topic is brought up that I do not
like, I tend to start verbally attacking my friend s moral values instead of developing a logical
argument against the topic that is being discussed. Moving on, another fallacy that is commonly
executed is the popular appeal. Popular appeal is used in an argument when someone reaches a
conclusion because it is the popular opinion (Boss, 146). Finally, the last fallacy that is
commonly used is the appeal to pity fallacy. An example of this fallacy is when an individual
uses a sob story in an attempt to get out of trouble. For example, when a person arrives late to
work he or she could state that they were late in light of the fact that they were up all night with a
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Sexism In King Lear
Emotions: The Real Villain There is a misconception that those who show their emotions are
weaker than those who hide them. Women are thought to be fragile due to this fallacy, which is
revealed through the play, King Lear. William Shakespeare s King Lear is about a king who is
stripped of his power by two of his daughters, Goneril and Regan, that deceive him by professing
their love for him. King Leareventually realizes his mistake of banishing his other daughter,
Cordelia, who does not vocalize her love for him. Soon after, he becomes insane from the shock
of the betrayal he faces. Shakespeare presents ideas of internalized sexism and exploitation in
this play, to show the tendency towards misogyny. He uses the motifs of body and animals to
illustrate that women are portrayed as lesser than men because of the stigma of their emotional
vulnerability. Internalized sexism reveals how Goneril uses masculine characteristics to hide
her sensitivity, attempting to reach for power. Goneril expresses fake love to King Lear to obtain
land and plans to eliminate Lear, so she can have more power. After Goneril forces Lear to leave
her castle, unless he reduces the number of his knights, the Fool states that the hedge sparrow fed
the cuckoo [for] so long / [t]hat it had [its] head bit off by it[s] young (1.4.212 213). The Fool
refers to Lear as a hedge sparrow and Goneril as a cuckoo to exemplify one of the first acts of
betrayal that Lear faces. A cuckoo generally lays its
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The Hellenized Rome Essay
The Hellenized Rome The Roman Empire began as a small colony, in the city of Rome, and
eventually, became one of the largest empires that the world has ever known before its ultimate
demise. Because of the vast size of their territory, and the number of cultures they consumed
throughout their existence, the Romans were heavily influenced by the Greeks and other
Hellenistic civilizations. Two different groups of professors argue this point. Professors Matthews,
Platt, and Noble argue this influence is reflected by Roman music, philosophy, literature,
architecture, art, culture/government, and technology and science; and Professor Weber argues this
is reflected in the areas of government/law, the influence and effects of conquests,... Show more
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continue their discourse of Hellenistic influence in philosophy. Matthews et al. state that philosophy
in the early and late Roman world was indebted to the conquered Hellenistic civilizations. In the
early Roman Empire, Greek Skepticism appealed to many Romans after the Greek philosopher,
Carneades, had been brought to Rome in 155 BCE.iii They state that Skepticism faded after
Carneades death, but was revived in the late empire, and eventually, became a permanent influence
of western thought. The later popularity of Greek Stoicism influenced a number of people
including Emperor Marcus Aurelias (Commodus). Finally, they argue that Romans synthesized the
various Greek schools of philosophy (Stoicism, Platonism, etc.) to create a new school of thought
known as Neoplatonism.iv Matthews et al. argue that Romans gained significantly from Hellenistic
civilizations with respect to literature. Their argument includes mentioning the famed library of
Alexandria, which contained more than 700,000 volumes of books.v They argue that much of
early Roman literature was noteworthy for its strong Greek flavour; many early writers wrote in
Greek because they found Latin inferior for high art. Further, they state that Romans used the
Greek writing style for history, lyric and epic poetry, comedy, and tragedy before creating their
own styles. Roman writers took plots from old Hellenistic tales and breathed new life into them
(such as Plautus who borrowed from the
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Citizen Kane Research Paper
Citizen Kane Citizen Kane brought the aspects of a newspaper tycoon in the 1940 s to life in a
form of a dramatic narrative. This film is based on a true story of a newspaper magnate, William
Randolph Hearst and based off of some aspects of Orson Welles(Writer and Director). This filmed
has been named, The best American filmof all time due to the fact that, during the time of its
making, it was the first film to take on many new techniques of cinematography. Citizen Kaneis a
revolutionary film not only in the drama genre, but in filmmaking of all forms. Citizen Kane is the
story of the newspaper tycoon, Charles Foster Kane, and the meaning of his last words before he
died. A group of news reporters are determined to figure out what Kane... Show more content on
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Because of the content of this film, Hearst tried to prevent it from being released. Kane, who
was based on Hearst, was a very controversial newspaper tycoon. This makes the film more
dramatic people there are characters that either love Kane or hate him. When Kane is caught in
a love nest with s ainger, many more people disapprove of him. Another aspect of this film is that
it is in black and white. This gives it a serious tone. The lighting they used also gave a dramatic
effect. There is a scene where two gentlemen are talking but you can see Kane dancing in the
reflection of the window. This reminds the audience that he is still important to the scene even
though he isn t directly involved. This In Citizen Kane, Welles is attempting to expose the great
influential political and social power that someone has as the head of many newspaper chains.
This narrative drama explains the life of Kane and how different people viewed it. From the way
the way the characters were telling the story to the way shadows, lighting and the laco of color
was used, this film fits into the drama genre. Being the greatest film of all time , Citizen Kane
brings the the world of newspaper tycoons to
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Driving Under the Influence Essay
Drunk driving is an issue that effects many people across our nation. People do not realize the
affects alcohol can have on the body and mind that slow decision making while driving. This
issue begins in the home. Children see their parents, or other adults figures, have a beer or a
cocktail and get in the car. Thus, making it seem like it is acceptable to drink and drive. One in
three people will be involved in an alcohol related crash in their lifetime (MADD).
Driving under the influence is measured by a person s blood alcohol level (BAC). BAC is
determined by the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream. Individual counties and states have
their own legal level on blood alcohol percentages that they measure a person s ... Show more
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Alcohol impaired driving fatalities were 1,028 in 2008 for the state of California (Century
Council). Of those deaths, 68% of the drivers were considered Hardcore Drunk Drivers ; drivers
who had a BAC level of 0.15+ (Century Council). Unfortunately, the drivers who got behind the
wheel of those vehicles now have to deal with the fact that they slaughtered a person(s), because
they made the choice to drive their car when they knew they had consumed alcohol.
Not so fun fact: In 2009, According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA), drunk driving fatalities accounted for 32% of all traffic deaths last year, that is, on
average someone is killed in an alcohol impaired driving crash every 45 minutes in the U.S.
(National Highway). Doesn t that just make you want to get in your car and go on road trip?!
It seems odd to me that people would get behind the wheel after drinking. However, that is what
alcohol does. Our brains are altered with a false sense of security. Alcohol impairs our thinking,
making us have irrational thoughts or views. Yet, I also believe that individuals who choose to
drive drunk have been brought up in a home where they witnessed a parent drive a car after
consuming an adult beverage. Giving them a false idea that my parents have been doing it and
they are fine kind of attitude. For myself, I do believe that a child who grows up in a home where
they are exposed to parents drinking and driving will follow
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EXIT Huls Real Farmland Case Study
Farmland can be a very lucrative investment, especially in Iowa where having a career in
agriculture is common. Many times buying and owning a piece of rural real estate allows those
with a farming occupation to conveniently live and work in one place. It can be difficult finding
the perfect farmland to build a profitable future on, but an expert real estate agent from EXIT
Huls Realty can help. With a varied inventory of properties throughout Central Iowa, EXIT Huls
Realty is able to find clients exactly they want and need in their next land purchase. There are
several different types of jobs that can be held in Iowa s agricultural industry. Farmers and ranchers
are probably the first that come to mind. They are responsible mainly for operating
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Organizational Culture and the Development of...
One of the significant elements while discussing about organization development is to discuss its
own existing culture as the culture itself is part of organization behavior that gives significant role
in shaping organizational sustainability.
Above all there is a need to recognize the right culture for any organization to achieve excellence.
Peters and Waterman (1982) clearly described organizational cultureas the human side of an
organization with managers key role being to shape culture by making meaning for employees out
of the confusing place that some organization can be. It is no doubt one of the absolute function of
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While preparing the planned change, an organization must be able to identify its own culture.
According to Md Zabid Abdul Rashid, Sambasivan and Azmawani Abdul Rahman (2003)
organizational culture is associated with attitudes towards organizational change. Different types of
organizational culture have different level of acceptance on attitude towards organizational change.
Organizational culture gives impacts on organizational change process. While referring to the
transformational type of change, there is no doubt that the transformation process, which regarded
as the most complex and comprehensive type of change process requires radical shift that covers
change in culture, behaviour and mindset of all the components within the organization.
Thus it is clearly understood here that complete understanding of organizational culture will lead to
and rightful approaches to tackle any organizational development and change process.
Organizational culture decides the way its members make decisions, the way they make
interpretation, manage and operate. In other words, organizational culture affects organization s
competitive position. Inability to manage organizational culture will give negative consequences on
organization s performance.
Understanding organizational culture means to know what, how
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Humor In A Modest Proposal
The purpose of humor is to create happiness and relief. We use humor to talk about
uncomfortable situations or topics, some of us use it for self deprecation. While satire reveals
social flaws, things that need to be addressed, and serious problems within our society, humor
just relieves pain or sadness in the form of laughter. Because there are so many different kinds of
humor there are so many different ways it can be included in everyday things. Many different
people, movies, t.v. shows, books, and other writings use humor. People like Kevin Hart, t.v.
shows like the office, and writings like A Modest Proposal . Humor is a vital part of life as stated
by de Botton. The text A Modest Proposal uncovered Ireland s problems in 1729. Jonathan Swift
writes a satire. Showing the problems within their society. It shows the ugly truth by shedding light
on social flaws. Without satire, like this piece, we would have to be blunt, it would be harsh. Humor
is used to talk about uncomfortable situations, to bring relief, and help us. In the end the world
wouldn t function properly without either of these balancing each other out.... Show more content
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One of the types of humor he uses is self deprecation. He is a short man, and one way he deals
with that is making jokes about it himself before anyone else can so that he doesn t get his
feelings hurt or made fun of by others. He also uses sad but true humor. He makes jokes about
things that are maybe more uncomfortable for some people. He uses the things that makes us
different like skin tone, weight, height, age, and many other things so that we can laugh at them.
This example shows how without humor it would be easier to be made fun of or to be hurt by
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Betrayal And Deception In Macbeth
Betray a friend, and you ll often find you ruined yourself, once said Aesop. There are
consequences of betraying and deceiving a friend, and it will change one s life for the worse. One
author who emphasizes the ideal of betrayal and deception is Shakespeare, and it can be seen
throughout the play Macbeth. In the play, Macbeth was an honored and respected high ranking
noble in King Duncan s eyes, and betrayed his king to gain power. Macbeth and his fellow, Banquo
were told by mysterious witches that Macbeth would be crowned king. The prediction from the
witches gave Macbeth and Lady Macbeth a dangerous dose of ambition, which led to them killing
the ones closest to them to become king, including King Duncan and Banquo. Throughout Macbeth,
Shakespeare illustrates the concept... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Human nature is centered covering up one s flaws and Macbeth s ambition for power lead him
to kill King Duncan s servants to cover up his own murder, O, yet I do repent me fof my fury,
that I did kill them (Shakespeare II.3.106 107) Macbeth admitted. He admitted to killing the
servants because they killed King Duncan only to cover up his deed, shows his acts of deceit.
Along with covering flaws, human nature emphasizes on the positives of a bad choice and blocks
out the negatives. Macbeth killed Banquo to make sure no one is in the way of him gaining
power, and looked beyond betraying and hurting his best friend and Macbeth tells the murders, It is
concluded. Banquo, thy soul s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight (Shakespeare III.2.
140 141) expresses Macbeth. Another characteristic of human nature is to hurt ones who support
someone you hate, even if they are innocent or have done no wrong. Macbeth decided to murder
MacDuff s family out of fear and hatred. Human nature can be scary and deceitful, as shown
through Macbeth and his choices that betrayed people close to
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Role Of Justice And The State Of The Athenian Statesman Essay
Although Solon is recognized as an eminent figure in developing the early stages of Athenian
democracy, writings and other accounts of the life and beliefs of the Athenian statesman and
writer are relatively sparse. As a poet, Solon merged political theory with forceful expression to
craft poems centered on the role of justice and the state. Of the scarce secondary descriptions of
Solon, Herodotus s account in The Histories ranks most significant, in which Solon emerges as a
sagely but transient advisor to the myopic monarch Croesus. While Solon s appearance is short
lived, the pith of his words echoes throughout the parable of not only Croesus, but The Histories as
a whole. In juxtaposing these connected works, a clearer image of Solon comes into focus. He is a
man obsessively concerned with complex, interrelated social paradigms authority, happiness, and
prosperity, particularly as their manifestation in society conflicts with his own understanding of
justice and morality. Solon s diagnosis of Athenian society paints a bleak picture of a society
founded upon . The citizens are witless , bent on ruining their great city , while the rulers are
unjust in mind , arrogant, greedy, and unconcerned with the greater good (Solon Fr 4.5 7).
Parallel to Athens and its woes is Sardis. Sardis is a warlike city ruled by Croesus, a zealous and
power thirsty monarch willing to attack neighboring cities under pretexts substantive or trivial ,
(Herodotus 1.26) in doing so
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Vitamin D and Athletic Performance Essay
Good nutrition and its role in positively affecting athletic performance has become more and more
evident almost daily. Specific macro and micronutrients are better understood as to their specific
functions within the body and from that how they can influence the body s ability to perform while
under duress. An example of such would be the stress of athletic performance. Vitamin D, which is
also referred to as cholecalciferol, is one of the fat soluble vitamins that have been attributed to
influencing athletic performance. However, vitamin D is not as much a performance enhancing
nutrient in the sense that when taken in higher amounts it will aid athletic performance, but rather
when in deficient amounts it can hinder athletic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many factors influence how much sunlight exposure individuals receive and thus impact the
amount of Vitamin D that the body can synthesize. Latitude, season of the year, time of day,
sunblock, melanin content of the skin, age, and clothing are a few of these factors. Cannell and
associates describes that individuals who train and/or compete above the 35 degree latitude
marker, which is half of the United States and all of Canada and Europe, do not receive enough
sun exposure to synthesize enough Vitamin D, especially during the fall and winter seasons 2.
Others who are at risk are those who engage in indoor sports or train primarily indoors, such as
gymnasts, indoor track and field athletes, basketball players, and wrestlers to name a few. There is
also a surprisingly high amount of Vitamin D deficiency described in Miami, Florida because of
the extensive use of sunblock 3.
Vitamin D Deficiency The definition of Vitamin D deficiency is changed almost yearly, as the
laboratory levels which determine what is an adequate or inadequate level of vitamin D in the
blood serum are changing as well 2, 4. Recent research studies have determined that ideal levels
of vitamin D are at or above 50 ng·mL 1 from 30 ng·mL 1, which was previously thought to
be adequate levels within the blood. This is problematic for several reasons, but one of the most
critical reasons is that the number of diseases caused at least in part by vitamin D are on the rise and
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Grecia Research Papers
Dude did you know Judge Judy s net worth is 45 million dollars? Grecia dropped to the floor and
started sobbing. Grecia. Her show has ran for 20 seasons! Valentina fell alongside her and the
two best friends embraced each other s admiration over Judith for the next few minutes. After
they collected themselves they proceeded to learn more about their newfound idol. Their
research led into the abyss that is the world wide web. What came next was hours of buzzfeed
articles and quizzes: Which dead child star are you? , endless videos of puppies scaring
themselves with their farts, and right and left swipes. Those passing hours were filled with
laughter, tears, and lust. Grecia yearned for Valentina s company and decided to facetime her.
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As she went her way she came upon a map of the park and in the corner and in small font read, Dog
Wedding Gazebo
Bingo. I found you, you son of a gun.
She was closer now and was running to the wedding at this point. With the dilemma Valentina was
stuck in, literally and Grecia running around trying to get help Marco was frustrated more than
ever. He was getting very annoyed at this point because he knew this was something he could
expect from her. The more angsty he got, the sooner he got to his decision to just start the wedding
even though there were no wedding bands in sight.
Now that both the bride and groom were in place and all the dog guests and their owners sat with
smiles on their faces, the wedding began. It was beautiful and the parents of both the bride and
groom couldn t help but shed a tear. Their babies were no longer pups. Today is a celebration. A
celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two dogs who are in it for
For dogs, Jasmine and Fitzgerald were filled with
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The Importance Of Play With Toys
With the amount of time children spend playing with toys, every parent or legal guardian of a
child should be more prudent with the toys their children to play with. Playing is important to
children. Play is one of the main ways children learn and toys are tools that help encourage that.
Play with toys is extremely beneficial in ways people fail to realize. For example toys help teach
motor skills and social skills and help them build creativity and exercise their muscles. Creativity
in children is also developed during play. Children who get time off other duties to play become
more attentive especially in their schoolwork. Leaving children to initiate their own kind of
games, gives them room to become more creative as opposed to when they are supervised by an
adult (Goldstein, 2012, p.13). The toys children play with affect their own interests and skills as
a person during childhood, which influences their characteristics as a person in adulthood. First
and foremost, play is essential to a child s development. Play is so important to optimal child
development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human
Rights as a right of every child (Play and Childrens, n.d.). Believe it or not play has been proven
to be extremely beneficial for children of all ages. It contributes to the cognitive, physical, social
and emotional well being of the child (Ginsburg, 2007, ). Play lets children exercise their creativity
while developing their
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The Expanding Discourse Summary
The introduction to The Expanding Discourse and Reclaiming Female Agency: Feminist Art
History After Postmodernism as well as the interview A Dialogue with Linda Nochlin, the Maverick
She all provide a discourse on feminist art history through several decades that is enlightening and
somewhat startling. These essays explore some of the intricacies and changes within the history of
this relatively new methodology of art historyand, though these essays do not go into great detail,
they do offer a helpful survey that is brief, yet informative, for this particular discipline of art
The introduction of The Expanding Discourse discusses the evolution of the different
methodologies of feminist art historians whose diverse methodologies ... Show more content on
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What is clear is that feminist art history is not meant to sway art history solely towards the feminist
perspective, but to add it to the art historical canon to even out any inequalities. By continuously
questioning any theories of both traditional art history, but also those of postmodernism, the
evolution of feminist art history continues to develop, hopefully to its benefit. Clearly, feminist art
history has come a long way in a comparatively short time; however, this does not mean that there is
not room for improvement. Indeed, after reading these essays, there is a distinctly obvious need to
take action to advance feminist art history so that, in turn, other methodologies of art history can
develop to become more effective, influential, and inclusive. It is astonishing to learn how
complicated that feminist art history truly is, for there are so many factors that must be taken into
consideration, and the span of these factors only continues to
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Detox Tea Essay
Why Drink Our Detox Tea?
one page for Why drink detox tea and one page for why drink slimming tea
use image detox teatox on the left hand side, with ingredients and images on the right
Our Detox tea blend has been lovingly formulated to reinforce a Zen Lifestyle with the greatest
detoxification effects.
Each and every natural ingredient helps to promote bodily cleansing, relaxation and healthy balance.
GOJI BERRIES http://www.canstockphoto.com/goji berries lycium barbarum isolated
5926955.html Goji Berries have been considered Tibet s national treasure and key to eternal youth
for over 3,000 years. Benefits include liver detoxification and regeneration, high blood pressure,
weight loss, chronic fatigue, immunity, longevity, and stress relief.
They help restore strengths, energy levels, and stamina, eliminate toxins, promotes blood
oxygenation, improve digestions, increase metabolism, reduce sugar craving, burn fats. The thyroid,
pituitary, thymus and adrenal glands are also balanced with the help of goji berries.
DANDELION http://www.canstockphoto.com/dandelion whit leafs 13939525.html Dandelion is
truly the Princess of the Herbal Kingdom. They have amazing detoxifying and liver protecting
properties as well as diuretic effects to help reduce bodily bloating.
The high flavonoid content makes dandelion an exceptional blood purifier . But unlike other
diuretic herbs, dandelion is rich in vitamins, potassium, calcium, and other minerals, which help
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The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is...
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is one of the most widely researched
aptitude tests available in this country. It is used extensively in the military, but also has been
made available to students in secondary and post secondary education (Whiston, 2013, p. 176). It
is a group administered, multiple aptitude battery that has been used since 1976. The ASVAB is
required upon being admitted into any of the Armed Services, and was created as an instrument
specifically for those who choose to join the Armed Forces. Additionally, the ASVAB is frequently
used in schools where career counseling is available. The ASVAB has application outside of the
military, and is often given to students in combination with the Find... Show more content on
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However, in 1950, the Services returned to using a single test, the Armed Forces Qualification
Test (AFQT). This test was developed and modeled after the AGCT, and was the first test used
in the military as a screening instrument. It measured the individual s general ability to grasp
military training within in the necessary allotted time, and it also offered a uniform measure of
the individual s potential performance in the military. Also, tests like The Army Classification
Battery and the Navy Basic Test Battery were used to classify recruits into service specific jobs.
In 1968, the ASVAB was introduced as a part of the Student Testing Program. The Air Force was
the first to use the ASVAB in 1973, followed by the Marine Corps in 1974. However, the Army
and Navy did not adopt the ASVAB until 1976, after the Department of Defense decided that all
Services should use it for the purpose of screening enlistees and placing them in military jobs. The
AFQT has been mostly retained and is now a subtest of the ASVAB. Since the introduction and
adoption of the ASVAB, it has undergone many changes as far as content and scoring.
Scoring for the ASVAB uses the IRT model. The model underlying the ASVAB scoring is a three
parameter logistic (3PL) ( ASVAB Scoring , n.d.). The 3PL model essentially represents the
probability that an examinee with a certain degree of
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How Did Thomas Edison Impact The World
When one thinks of a famous inventor from the past, who is the first person that comes to mind?
Most would say Thomas Edison, who died in 1931, but is still living in a way. Even in the 21st
century, he is surrounding us with his inventions, such as functional incandescent light bulbs, and
even the cell phone you have in your pocket right now. Born in 1847 in Canal Town, Milan, Edison
had a long and successful career as an inventor up until the time of his death in 1931, at the age of
81. He was married to Mary Stilwell until her death in 1884. Shorly after, he married Mina Miller. A
well known American innovator, his most significant and famous inventions include the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long lasting practical electric light bulb. Thanks to
his inventions, Thomas Edisongreatly impacted the world we live in today.... Show more content on
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Despite the common belief that Thomas Edison was the original inventor of the lightbulb, in
actuality he re invented it. Lightbulbs had been around for many years before him, but they were
very unreliable and short lived ( Thomas Edison s most famous inventions ). Thomas Edison s
version of light bulbs were more affordable, and convenient to use. Edison s simple invention of the
lightbulb lead him to inventing the entire electric utility system, which enabled him to power all
the light bulbs, motors and other appliances that he also created ( Thomas Edison s most famous
inventions ). Edison revolutionized indoor lighting and forever separated light from fire ( Thomas
Edison ). When Edison brought the incandescent light bulb to the world, little did he know the
enormous impact it would
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  • 9. The Sorrows Of Young Werther Analysis Johann Wolfgang von Goethe s tragic masterpiece The Sorrows of Young Werther explores the mind of a young artist who fell in love with a woman Charlotte who had already picked someone who was deserving of her. The novel consisting of letters wrote by the protagonist captures a characteristic of the very essence of the Romantic movement: Nature. Since in the book, the quality of Werther s love for Lotte is based in nature and not Enlightenment principles, his moods and emotions are reflected by the fact that he is an individual thinker and an analysis of different nature or art symbols. The German literary movement known as Strum und Drang translated into storm and stress is a reaction against the Enlightenment cult of rationalism and is an important precursor to Romanticism. Unlike the enlightenment thinkers, they see irrational urges as the defining characteristic of a human being. It highlights the limits of reason, believing that while a man is capable of knowing the difference between right or wrong, his emotional nature may compel him to act irrationally. The young Werther is not a logical person, he is led by his emotions and desires. He prefers feeling over thinking, and being passionate rather than reasonable. The state of nature appears before governments and the creation of civic societies. It stresses natural rights and the complete liberty to do whatever humans desire. Characterized as an individual thinker, the young Werther is unmotivated to conform to the norms of society. Goethe s smart choice of using the illusion of nature in order to mirror Werther s state of heart really portrayed for his readers an excellent idea of the many questions about love and death people experience. Felling empathy towards the character, this method convinced me of his troubled thoughts. Nature is not simply plants or animals, but symbolizes emotions and inspiration as well. Werther s first few letters were filled with a natural flavor that confirms his love for nature. He wrote while the lovely valley teams with vapour around me, and the meridian sun strikes the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, [I lie in] the tall grass by the trickling stream... ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Prejudice And Stereotypes In American Society Prejudice and stereotypes occur in all societies. Thus, yes, I have seen it take place in American society plenty of times actually. I can recall an instance when I ve heard others call African Americans good athletes, Asians bad drivers, Mexicans poor, and the list goes on. I ve heard these assumptions at school, sport s practice, in the news, and even with friends and families. While prejudiceand stereotypes happen everywhere, I was inevitably and surely going to encounter it. I ve been told that I eat dogs because I am filipino however, I don t ever recall eating it lol. : ) I remember a conversation with my coworker: You are filipino? That means you sing, right? Well, I can t exactly be upset since he was actually right. But his assumption ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Cloning Individualism Results May Vary: Adam Phillips s Theory of Cloning and The Paradoxical Apotheosis of Individualism Adam Phillips s essay Sameness Is All takes the form of a dialogue with two children to introduce the fantasy of cloning in which everyone is identical. Specifically, Phillips observes that cloning is a denial of difference and dependence which leads to a refusal of need (92). However, Phillip remains mindful that such fantasy of physical or psychological sameness is implausible as everyone is different even clones. One then questions the significance of such wanting of sameness, or if the sense of sameness serves any purpose. Using the concept of Selfand Otherthat Joanne Finkelstein examines in The Self as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reader sees that the Self and the Other appear to exist in an obligate symbiotic relationship, where both the Self and Other are dependent on each other for continued existence, and elucidates the reader on the interdependency of the Self and Other. After highlighting the interdependency of the Self and Other, Finkelstein uses this association between Self and Other to delineate the adverse consequences of this symbiotic relationship. By identifying the halo effect as a source of social pressure to conform, Finkelstein allows the reader to see Phillip s theory of cloning as a feasible solution to the inherent issues of social injustice and despair in this concept: DeJong and Kleck (1986:66) maintain that...the overweight not only do not have an acceptable physical appearance but are also perceived as characterologically flawed..the halo effect, which explains why attractive people are gratuitously assigned other valued attributes, can be seen to work in reverse for the overweight who are instead attributed with deficits of character. (181) The halo effect mentioned by DeJong and Kleck refers to individuals being perceived as having socially desirable personality traits on the basis of desirable physical attributes, and thus gratuitously assigned other valued attributes. Conversely, an unattractive individual will be perceived as having socially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Similarities And Differences Between My Last Duchess And... Lover and or Last (A analysis of the similarities and differences in My Last Duchess and Porphyria s Lover) Murders always have rational motives for murder, and murders always have some kind of personal relation with their victim (Schmid). It is both horrifying and interesting that the majority of victims have a close, personal correlation with their murderers. In My Last Duchess by Robert Browning is a dramatic monologue in which a Duke addresses the agent of a Count about the possible marriage between him and the Count s daughter. However, before the Duke can make the decision to marry or not to marry the Count s daughter he briefs the agent of the Count about his last Duchess. The Duke wants to make sure that the next woman he will marry will be submissive and won t give him any trouble, unlike his last Duchess. In Porphyria s Lover by Robert Browning is another dramatic monologue where a very upset man is sitting in his cottage in the outskirts of town, with the fire out, and waits for his girlfriend Porphyria to return home from a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In My Last Duchess and in Porphyria s Lover both speakers have a very unstable and disturbing mental state. In My Last Duchess and in Porphyria s Lover both speakers demonstrate no remorse for the immoral acts they committed. In My Last Duchess the Duke does not directly admit that he has murdered his last Duchess; however, in Porphyria s Lover, Porphyria s lover directly admits that he strangled and murdered Porphyria in their cottage. Do you believe these two speakers have a disturbing mental state? Is there a difference between love and obsession? Can someone become so obsessed with another that they feel that if they are not with them, then they deserve to be with no one else? While, in this case, the attraction proves less than fatal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Essay about Maya Angelou Maya Angelou is one of the most influential and talented African American writers of our modern day. Those who read Angelou s works should not pass the thought of where her influence came from. Maya Angelou s work has been heavily affected by the era in which she began to write. The fifties and sixties were a tumultuous time for most African Americans in the US. The civil rights movement, led by the National Associationfor the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP), the National Urban League, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, was instrumental in securing legislation, notably the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Prohibiting discrimination in public accommodations, schools, employment, and voting for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1957, Ku Klux Klansmen accused Alabama grocery chain truck driver Willie Edwards, 25, of having made remarks to a white woman and forced him at pistol point January 23 to jump to his death from a bridge into the Alabama River. His body was found down river in late April. In 1959, Atlanta integrated its buses on January 21, but the governor of Georgia asked citizens to continue quot;voluntary quot; segregation. In 1963, four black Alabama schoolchildren were killed and nineteen people injured September 15 when a bomb exploded at Birmingham s 16th Street Baptist Church while 200 were attending Sunday services. The deaths provoked racial riots where police dogs were used to attack civil rights demonstrators. In 1964, an Atlanta restaurateur closed his restaurant rather than submit to federal government orders that he serve blacks as well as whites. His opposition to integration propelled him into the governorship of Georgia in 1967, and when he was unable to succeed himself, he continued as lieutenant governor. He passed out pickax handles on the street in front of his restaurant to partisans who would strike any blacks who try to enter. This is the world in which Maya Angelou grew up. She was born Marguerite Johnson in St. Louis, Missouri. In the sixties, at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Emotions In Marjane Satrapi s The Complete Persepolis In the graphic novel The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi, the graphic novelist, cartoonist, and illustrator portrays her emotions through her panels. Throughout the novel Satrapi s emotions change constantly because of the current situation and state of emotion that she is in. Persepolis is about Marjane Satrapis life as a child in Tehranand during this time the Islamic Revolution is beginning and new laws were being enforced. This also played a huge part in her change of emotions which is portrayed throughout the book as the angles and in the absence of background in the images. This novel progresses from Marjane s childhood to her adolescent life and her stages of emotions. Such as how at first when she is a child she isn t bothered by anything, but then everything that is happening in her life began to bother her as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has a slight bird s eye view from a corner, it emphasizes her loneliness while walking down a street the day after her city is bombed. She states that everyone has fled Tehran since it is under attack but her and her parents stayed because they has fate that the french revolution would eventually rule, once again Marjane is acquiring a french education so she has different perspectives on the topics happening throughout this time period in her life. Throughout Persepolis she continues to use slightly similar angles, some show her surrounded by people or either her being extremely lonely. When Satrapi is dreaming of the Revolutionary Anarchist Party we are shown how she thought that it is going to be from a frontal point of view it shows her rage and anger towards the Bourgeoisie and how she wanted the Bakunin to rule during this time. (209) This is shown as a full page to portray to us how she is seeing this event happen and how she thinks it will ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Strategic Management at Brewery Industries Global forces and the European brewing industry This case is centred on the European brewing industry and examines how the increasingly competitive pressure of operating within global markets is causing consolidation through acquisitions, alliances and closures within the industry. This has resulted in the growth of the brewers reliance upon super brands. In the first decade of the twenty first century, European brewers faced a surprising paradox. The traditional centre of the beer industry worldwide, and still the largest regional market, Europe, was turning off beer. Beer consumption was falling in the largest markets of Germany and the United Kingdom, while burgeoning in emerging markets around the world. China, with 7 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Table 3 The World s Top Ten Breweries by Volume (2005) Company Share of Global Volume(%) Country of Origin InBev 10.8% Brazil Belgium Anhauser Busch 9.4 USA Saab Miller 7.3 South Africa [relocated to UK] Heineken 5.7 Netherlands Morelo 2.9 Mexico Carlsberg 2.9 Denmark Coors 2.6 USA Tsingtao 2.4 China Baltic Brewery 2.2 Denmark UK Asahi 2.1 JapanFour brewing companies Heineken (The Netherlands) Heineken is the biggest of the European brewery businesses, and has three quarters of its sales in the region. Total sales in 2006 11.8bn euro (ВЈ8bn). About 5 per cent of sales are in Asia Pacific and 17 per cent of sales are in the Americas. The company s biggest brands are Heineken itself and Amstel. The company remains a family controlled business, which it claims gives it the stability and independence to pursue steady growth internationally. Heineken s strategy overseas is to use locally acquired ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Writing Signs Remembering as a little girl my mother and I used to drive down the road and she would always point out signs so I could visually see them and learn how to spell them too. Passing through our small town spelling words as simple as R I T E A I D to spelling words like J A L A P E N O S and her going through my phase of always asking why. Why does the J sound like a H Mommy? She always said learninghow to read and write is going to be your most powerful weapon. My earliest memories about reading and writingwere very pleasant for me. In a way I guess, you could even say that some of these experiences were even significate to me. It was the first time in my life that I can truly remember feeling amusing about learning. It was the little things she did. Mom would purchase picture book and check some out in the library as well. She would come into my room to read to me every night; she influenced me through the sound of her voice how strong and soft her words would hit the surface before I went into a deep sleep. Waking up to a new not promised day is always special. I would jump out of bed say my prayers and every time I got into the car with my Mom it was like an automatic game we would play, pushing the resume button to continue spelling the places, but also to learn my colors, numbers, and directions. We would travel forever in my mind. Mom words were, getting lost is half the fun. She made learning fun it was never a dull moment. My Mom is not a dull person she has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Former Tenant Case Study Hi Goutham, I hope you are doing well. I understand that the Tenant s LEASE officially ended on July 15th, but did the Tenant give you the payment on June 15th (a month before the last day)? If the former Tenant has already paid on June 15th, there will not be any further payments owed by them. However, another way you can possibly challenge the security deposit is if you notice any damages beyond typical normal wear and tear at the Premises. If you notice excessive wear and tear or damages, you can document this in writing for the former Tenant to repair, or simply deduct estimated amount from the security deposit. However, unless there is significant wear and tear within Suit #1205, OR if the former Tenant did not pay rent payment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Dalit Movement Dalit Movement In Modern India All those people of distinct castes and sub castes among the depressed classes who were traditionally subjected to invidious discriminations on grounds of untouchability, and categorized as the downtrodden, untouchables, depressed classes, exterior classes or Scheduled Castes were called Dalits. Dalit movement can be defined as institutional or organizational efforts made by Dalit leaders for the liberation of the downtrodden masses. It is a movement of protest against untouchability, casteism and superstitions. It aims at uplifting Dalits to the level of non Dalits. The Bhakti movement was a reformative Hindu religious movement of the medieval period and it promoted the belief that salvation can be attained by everyone. The movement is closely related to Islamic Sufism, which appeared around the same time. Since Hindu society was caste ridden society ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It preceded the modern Dalit Movement by around 600 years. Thus, the Bhakti movement served the Indian society in two ways firstly, it tried to bridge the gulf between Hinduism and Islam, and secondly, it created a philosophical base for social equality and set in motion a new trend toward social and spiritual equality. The Bhakti Movement in South India was spearheaded by the Alwars and Nayanars of the fifth century AD. Some of the Bhakti leaders like Kanaka Dasa and Purandara Dasa of Karnataka contributed to literature. Sants Chaitanya, Kabir, Tulsi Das, Vallabha, Meera Bai Tukaram, and others led the movement in the North. They taught that people could cast aside the rituals and caste considerations and express their overwhelming love for God. Even though an untouchable , Chokamela achieved sanctity and a place among the Bhakti pantheon of saints. Eknath, a Brahman, worked for equality among the true ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Adoption In Haiti Haiti Case In January 2010, Haiti was struck by a massive earthquake, killing thousands of people and misplacing hundreds.20 A disaster of this kind often leads to the separation of a large group of people within a community including separating parents from children. In the desolation, chaos and widespread panic followed, a surge in child exploitation and trafficking was inevitable just as it was after for the 2004 Indonesia tsunami and how it is constantly happening in Guatemala.21 22 In the 1st two months, children were pooched by greedy westernized vultures without checking if they had any living relatives and the proper documentations.21 22 Just a few days after the catastrophe, children were already in the final stages of adoption and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is not only the involvement of two families but two countries. I think before any international adoption should proceed, the adoptive parents must make the effort to know the child s homeland. They must also demonstrate that they are willing to protect the rights of the child against any threat. I think in that way the child won t lose part of his cultural and ethnic identity. The sending country should make sure the international adoption is the last option after visiting the other options such as extended families that might be able to take care of the child or orphanage agencies or even domestic adoption. Only after these options have been exhausted, only then international adoption should be considered. Once it is done, they need to assure the child is guaranteed to have a better future. I don t think it should stop at a simple background check or to check if the adopters are good citizens. It should go beyond that; like take for instance the case of Carleton Gajdusek; he was an extraordinary scientist and he received a Nobel prize for his research. Given his background and how he was perceived in society, Gajdusek was given the opportunity to bring back with him in the US 56 children from New Guinea. Parents trusted the scientist and believe that he will offer those kids a higher education. However, he was later accused of molesting those kids. Shouldn t this be a lesson to society? Therefore, I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Why George W Bush Was A Successful President Essay Why George W. Bush was a successful president. Once every four years American citizens who are at least 18 years old can vote for President of the United States. The candidate who receives the most Electoral College votes wins. A president cannot serve more than two terms or eight years. President George W. Bushwas elected as the 43rd President of the United States in 2001 ( George W. Bush ). According to The White House biography George W. Bush he graduated from Yale University and received a business degree from Harvard. He also excelled in both sports and his studies. Based upon his environment, education, and health care policies, President George W. Bush was a successful president. President George W. Bush s policies on the environment helped make a great president. He made a call to reduce arsenic from drinking waters, and also lessened the amount of air pollution from diesel trucks. He decided to remove arsenic from drinking waters to help make us healthier and keep the bad chemicals out of our bodies. During Bush s presidency the country had faced an energy supply crisis. He came up with a plan to add to the amount of oil production for the crisis helping us get through that time. His next plan was to slow down or possibly stop the amount of pollution, with the hope of saving endangered animals. He came ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bush a successful president. He started The no child left behind policy in 2001. Bush also reauthorized both elementary and secondary education. It included Title 1 provisions, applying to disadvantaged students. The bill passed congress and with an overwhelming amount of bipartisan supports Walsh, Bryan . The next thing he started was what he called The Bush Education Agenda to help poor kids learn to read. He placed $272 million to help states and school districts use technology for education. Also to his policies on education, Bush was a great leader because of his ideas for health ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. How Did Philosophy Influence Ancient Greek Society Greek Philosophy has not only shaped western civilization today, but it influenced ancient Greek society as well. With the Philosophers emerged a new type of citizen, someone who wanted to contribute to society and better themselves through study. Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle transformed how people thought, and many modern philosophers continue to ponder the same questions that they asked, today. Greek philosophychanged ancient Greek society because it helped start and develop democracy, it set certain social expectations, and it shaped Greek culture. The foundation of democratic thought is the idea that all men are equal. A big part of this equality was that all citizens could voice their own opinions. Speech was vital... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pythagoras s approach combined sciences and religion, he also invented the Pythagorean theorem and deductive reasoning (Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). People began to re approach traditional questions that had previously been answered through religion and superstition. Furthermore, Socrates started a new approach by focusing entirely on moral and psychological questions, rather than questions about the tangible world (Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). A major advance was the discovery of Astrology. Ptolemy thought that the Earth stood fixed at the center of the universe, with crystalline spheres within spheres whirling around it. In balance, the universe had a vast influence on earthly events, which was the basis for the belief in Astrology (Ptolemy, b.k. I.II 3 7). In that ideal world of ideas, one can experience the real forms, which are perfect and universal. Our world is an imperfect parody of the Platonic flawless and superior world of Ideas (Plato, The Republic, 4.1, 419 34). As people strived to get to the ideal world they came up with many inventions in areas such as astrology, mathematics, and the sciences as well as more philosophical questions (Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). Asking and answering these questions helped the Greeks understand the world around them. The influential philosopher Aristotle made the idea of logic and reason a trademark of ancient Greek culture (Violatti, Ancient History Encyclopedia). Aristotle s logic system consists of five treatises known as the Organon, and although it does not exhaust all logic, it was a pioneering one, revered for centuries and regarded as the ultimate solution to logic and reference for science. Philosophy in the ancient world not only changed Greek society but also influenced future ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Driving Habits Affect Your Transmission How Your Driving Habits Affect Your Transmission Believe it or not, how your drive your vehicle play a part in how long it last. Not only does it play a part in the life span of your car but in the transmission its self. If a person is a smooth and attentive driver there transmission is going to last ten times longer than someone who could care less. However, they will be caring when their transmission breaks down due to their driving. Transmission repairs can be costly. That alone is a good reason to be a better driver. In this post you will learn a few different driving habits to prevent in order to keep your transmission and car in top running condition. Excessive Speeding Not only is speeding against the law and dangerous to other, but it is also very hard on your transmission. When you are speeding your transmission is working double time in order to provide so much power to your wheels. There is a difference in speeding and doing high speeds on the highway. When you are on the highway you stay at a steady speed without excessive accelerating. When you sand speeding in and out of traffic you never know when you will have to slow down and speed up. this causes your transmission to work more than necessary and can shorten the transmission s life span. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Little do they know that this is not a requirement and it is harming the transmission more than it is helping. Downshifting is when the driver shifts into a lower gear to slow the vehicle. This bad driving habit can cause the gears to grind and eventually wear down causing them to need to be replaced. Downshifting causes major strain and damage to the transmission and shorten the life span of the transmission dramatically. Short ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Reaching Mastery Should Be An Important Part Of Most... Reaching mastery should be an important part of most people s lives. There are things to consider when trying to achieve and master something important. Daniel Pink wrote the book Imagine talking about what really motivates us. I would like to focus mainly on chapter five out of the book, Mastery. The main points in this chapter Pink covers are engagement, flow and the three laws of mastery. In order to make progress there needs to be meaningful feedback, this is known as autonomy. The desire to be self directed and a lead to engagement, Only engagement can produce mastery (Pink 109). The point Daniel Pink is trying to make is that in order for success and mastery, there absolutely needs to be engagement. Humans have developed a way of doing things in which they feel programed to do tasks in routine. In order for individuals to solve difficult tasks and problems, it is important for them to be willing to experiment different ways of doing things. This is where engagement comes in because it is important and essential for people to come up with new solutions and it is the key to mastery. The amount of disengagement in work places has been costing about 300 billion dollars a year just in the United States. Pink also believes that in order to live a satisfying life we need to meet more than just simple demands, We have way too much compliance and way too little engagement (Pink 110). Jonah Lehrer gives us a preview of how the Pixar studio engages with their work, in his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. A Note On Leadership And Management Essay Scenario 1: First, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the staff for your hard work in our company. As you know, the business has wound down because of the recent sluggish economy, and this would result in a workforce reduction. So, the board of directors and management of the corporation have to make a difficult and challenging decision that we need to lay 20% staff off to continue growing the company. We will consider carefully and make the appropriate decision, and this layoff does not show that the listed people are not good. For the recent cuts, we shall be pleased to offer any useful assistance to your prospective employer to prove your ability and worth. Please let us know if you need any help, and thank you for your contribution to our company. Scenario 2: Today, I want to share my perspectives on the topic of leadership with you. As the pacesetter of a team, leader is an essential position that can direct, manage, coordinate, and motivate the team in order to lead the team to glory. In addition, a leader not only needs to be professional in the field, but also needs to balance the relationship between all team members. A good leader needs to succeed the following qualities: Strong independent working skills The ability to withstand the high working pressure Responsibility and patience Good communication skill The ability to listen and understand members? opinion The ability of judgment and the ability to teach the staff The ability ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Everyman Play Essay 1.Text one: EVERYMAN Question: What is the most moving moment of the play? Why? This play was so moving and touching, it represented life in general and how everyone should view it. The part that touched me the most was when death came and said to Everyman that he will take the pilgrimage of the soul and stand before God. Then, Everyman begs to be released and delay just one day, but death tells Everyman he has come for everyone and God has sent him. This moment moved me so much because, it is so true when the angel of death comes to take someone s soul, even if that person begs to stay he will die. Also, nothing will matter at that time not your friends, family, and material possessions will be there for you, nobody can take the final journey ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. A Magnificent Catastrophe Summary Critical Book Review: A Magnificent Catastrophe In the book A Magnificent Catastrophe, the author, Edward J. Larson, depicts a story or stories of the unimaginably eccentric elections that have occurred in the United States of America. The author goes on to write and explain the details that happened in the First Presidential Campaign in the 1800 s. Larson builds a strong case to explain the ideas that the John Adams/Thomas Jefferson battle of 1800 brought to the table in accordance to each of their beliefs and how the newly free country should be governed. There were the Federalists, who were led by John Adams, who viewed their America as having a strong government and led by the guiding principles of power to the president and society s elite. On the other hand, there were the Republicans who were led by Vice President, Thomas Jefferson; he believed that the government should be egalitarian and allow power to its people,. The presidential campaigns were the first in American history and helped form the ideals of a stable government, which controlled the future for the America we live in today. It is effectively important to notice that Larson explains that, The longtime friends had become... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reader can ask, what Catastrophe? The author could of added the ideals that Adams and Jefferson had as when they weren t rivals. Maybe they could have hoped for a better government together but their differences made them turn against what they believed. The book added much knowledge to my understanding and seeing the slight differences that there was then in compression to today. Also, some things that the author could have added could have been the reasons as to why Adams and Jefferson saw the ideas of how the nation should be driven differently. Essentially, the fights with deep social and political issues reflecting the differing meaning of the democracy back ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Literature Review On Glass Ceiling Literature Review: A lot of previous studies show that the women are intentionally stopped from achieving higher level positions in the organizations. This is called glass ceiling. In my study the Glass Ceiling is my independent variable and I am trying to see its affect on the two dependent variables of my study which are Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment . There comes a mediating variable between glass ceilingand job satisfaction which is Job performance . Because when employees job performance gets affected by the practices of glass ceiling in the organization badly then ultimately their satisfaction level decreases. Glass ceiling also includes the gender discrimination but my main focus would be gender... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 8, No. 6; 2013) The article is based on the findings of a structured questionnaire which was developed according to previous studies relating this topic of glass ceiling (Bergman Bodil 2003, Dimovski Skerlavaj and Man 2010, Smith and Crimes 2007). This study includes Organizational Practices , Male Culture Family and Social Commitments as the independent variables and their affect was shown on Women Career Progress which is the primary dependent variable of the study. The study was conducted on the mid aged Jordanian female managers employed in different sections of the different organizations. Researchers received 117 useable responses of those structured questionnaires. This research was an exploratory and analytical study. Reason for calling it an analytical study is that its interest is finding the factors that influence women career progress. A simple regression test s results showed that the first, second and third hypotheses were confirmed as expected earlier but when the researcher applied a multiple regression test the results supported the fourth hypothesis of the study. The study further shows the strong and significant relation of male culture and organizational practices with the women career progress. Women family commitments had the weakest positive relation with the women career progress. In this study ANOVA results confirmed the impact of glass ceiling barrier on the women ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Health Care Reform In Canada Health care reform has been the main factor of parting between Canada and the United States, with the different political systems of the countries influencing how the molding of the system occurs. A Social Democratic Third Party in Canada had created the foundation of reform, the influence that a third party had on the government of Canadawas significant (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The working class banded together to support the third party in Canada to push for their rights in a way that the major two parties were unable to do and unconcerned with doing, the third party that was supported created essentially a voice that gave the working class a prominent position in their country with concern to reform in health benefits. Within the United States... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Beginning in Saskatchewan with the help of the Co Operative Commonwealth Federation in coalition with the New Democratic Party holding control in the province of Sasakachwan and acquiring great influence through the support of labour workers in other provinces they were able to pressure the government towards reform and grasp the attention of the working class (Maioni, 1997, p.415). The joining of an organization like the CCF and the political party of NDP created great influence that led to the formation of universal health care by means of a third party. As opposed to the United States who were unable to convince the organization nor the political party to get involved in the reforms of health services, this stood in the way of reform, the inability to form a coalition between these two groups and inability to convince them of reforms in healthcare led to the rejection (Maioni, 1997, p.420). It was not solely an issue of the lack of third party representation rather that health care reform was not an idea that had an opportunity to be tested in a state under a trial basis therefore they were unable to weigh the benefits or consequences as had happened in Saskatchewan, in which they essentially had senn how the system worked and drew up the conclusion that that universal health care would be a benefit to Canada (Maioni, 1997, p.421). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. How To Write A Personal Memo Ms. Murdock, The reason behind this written memo is inform you of my personal background, career goals, course study, and interests in learning technical communication. Personal Background I grew up in Leavenworth, Kansas. This is where I was born. I ve lived in Kansas all my life. I ve only moved once. In middle school, my family and I moved to the city next to Leavenworth, which is called Lansing, Kansas. The population of this town is very small and everyone knows everyone. The schools were better and more advanced. The advanced curriculum helped prepare me for college. Course Study When I first started college, I didn t start at the University of Kansas. I, instead started at Kansas City Community College. The goal of my college career ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Lighting Of The Dark Knight Intro: Lighting as we know, creates the atmosphere for the setting, it establishes the overall tone for what the audience sees. Lighting is key in filming, as it can change tones from scene to scene to create a certain subliminal meaning. For instance the contrasting light from character to character to allow the viewer to understand the differences. Throughout the movie The Dark Knightwe are able to see how the lighting allows for the directors subliminal meaning to seek through; darkness within. As the name of the movie suggests Dark Knight the movies overall tone is set in the darkness. This dark atmosphere allows for an eerie feeling, tension to build up and an anxiety feeling for the viewer. To understand the underlining meaning behind the lighting choices within the film, it ll be shown by the protagonist, antagonist and the overall atmosphere within the movie. Protagonist: In regards to the protagonist group, the lighting is used to highlight the good within them. Their characters personality and actions are reinforced with their lighting setup. Therefore the protagonists consist of Bruce Wayne, Batman, Harvey Dent and Jim Gordon. Bruce Wayne s lighting allows him to be seen as a bright character. The high key setup allows for a heroic essence to his character and allows the audience to not fear him, and more importantly side with his actions above all other. He is the alter ego of the Batman, which allows us to understand the back story and personality of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. China s Reform And Opening Up As the three FIE Laws were introduced at the start of China s reform and opening up, they serve as fundamental laws for foreign investment issues in China for almost 40 years. However, because of the rapid and deeper development of China s economy in recent years, these laws face a number of issues. 1.1.Conflicts with the Company Law Under current relevant laws and regulation, foreign investors have several options to set up their businesses in China. They can establish corporations in the form of EJVs, CJVs or WFOEs under the EJV law, CJV law or WFOE law respectively. In addition, they can set up limited liability companies ( LLC ) under the Company Law as well. Generally, Company Law is focus on regulating domestic enterprises instead ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These supervisors should be appointed or elected by shareholders and employees. As the FIE laws do not mention this matter, limited liability FIEs like EJVs should also comply with Article 52. However, under the FIE laws, shareholders meeting is not regarded as an authoritative body and therefore there is no provision or framework for FIEs to deal with the shareholders voting procedures. Although the board of directors, which is the highest authority under the FIE laws, can appoint supervisors, the appointment would be inappropriate and doubtable because supervisors responsibility is to supervise those directors . 1.2.Excessive regulation of foreign invested enterprises According to the current FIE laws, a case by case approval system is applied to all FIEs. Obtaining of positive approvals for investment projects from National Development and Reform Commission ( NDRC ) is the first step; Afterwards, approval for establishment should be acquired from MOFCOM; In order to operate the firm, a business license, which is granted by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce ( SAIC ), is required . Approvals are also required on every significant issues such as the transfer of controlled capital or shares, merger and acquisition, liquidation and so on. In the case Qingyue Gao v Shicai Chen , the two foreign parties had signed two contracts in respect of 70% shares transferring from the plaintiff to defendant in 2006. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Examples Of Logical Fallacies The vast majority of people would not like to admit that they use many different forms of logical fallacies on a day to day basis. To better explain, fallacies as a definition are faulty arguments, which at first glance appear to be correct (Boss, 137). It troubles me to say, that some days I perform more than one fallacy in an attempt to try and get my points across. That being said, the three that stood out to me the most were Ad Hominem Fallacy, Popular Appeal, and Appeal to Pity (Boss, 141 146). People carry out an ad hominem fallacy when they attack the moral nature or characteristics of a person instead of the argument itself (Boss, 141). I saw this a great deal throughout the presidential debates between Hillary Clinton and the President elect Donald Trump. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To better explain, sometimes when I am out with friends and a topic is brought up that I do not like, I tend to start verbally attacking my friend s moral values instead of developing a logical argument against the topic that is being discussed. Moving on, another fallacy that is commonly executed is the popular appeal. Popular appeal is used in an argument when someone reaches a conclusion because it is the popular opinion (Boss, 146). Finally, the last fallacy that is commonly used is the appeal to pity fallacy. An example of this fallacy is when an individual uses a sob story in an attempt to get out of trouble. For example, when a person arrives late to work he or she could state that they were late in light of the fact that they were up all night with a sick ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Sexism In King Lear Emotions: The Real Villain There is a misconception that those who show their emotions are weaker than those who hide them. Women are thought to be fragile due to this fallacy, which is revealed through the play, King Lear. William Shakespeare s King Lear is about a king who is stripped of his power by two of his daughters, Goneril and Regan, that deceive him by professing their love for him. King Leareventually realizes his mistake of banishing his other daughter, Cordelia, who does not vocalize her love for him. Soon after, he becomes insane from the shock of the betrayal he faces. Shakespeare presents ideas of internalized sexism and exploitation in this play, to show the tendency towards misogyny. He uses the motifs of body and animals to illustrate that women are portrayed as lesser than men because of the stigma of their emotional vulnerability. Internalized sexism reveals how Goneril uses masculine characteristics to hide her sensitivity, attempting to reach for power. Goneril expresses fake love to King Lear to obtain land and plans to eliminate Lear, so she can have more power. After Goneril forces Lear to leave her castle, unless he reduces the number of his knights, the Fool states that the hedge sparrow fed the cuckoo [for] so long / [t]hat it had [its] head bit off by it[s] young (1.4.212 213). The Fool refers to Lear as a hedge sparrow and Goneril as a cuckoo to exemplify one of the first acts of betrayal that Lear faces. A cuckoo generally lays its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Hellenized Rome Essay The Hellenized Rome The Roman Empire began as a small colony, in the city of Rome, and eventually, became one of the largest empires that the world has ever known before its ultimate demise. Because of the vast size of their territory, and the number of cultures they consumed throughout their existence, the Romans were heavily influenced by the Greeks and other Hellenistic civilizations. Two different groups of professors argue this point. Professors Matthews, Platt, and Noble argue this influence is reflected by Roman music, philosophy, literature, architecture, art, culture/government, and technology and science; and Professor Weber argues this is reflected in the areas of government/law, the influence and effects of conquests,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... continue their discourse of Hellenistic influence in philosophy. Matthews et al. state that philosophy in the early and late Roman world was indebted to the conquered Hellenistic civilizations. In the early Roman Empire, Greek Skepticism appealed to many Romans after the Greek philosopher, Carneades, had been brought to Rome in 155 BCE.iii They state that Skepticism faded after Carneades death, but was revived in the late empire, and eventually, became a permanent influence of western thought. The later popularity of Greek Stoicism influenced a number of people including Emperor Marcus Aurelias (Commodus). Finally, they argue that Romans synthesized the various Greek schools of philosophy (Stoicism, Platonism, etc.) to create a new school of thought known as Neoplatonism.iv Matthews et al. argue that Romans gained significantly from Hellenistic civilizations with respect to literature. Their argument includes mentioning the famed library of Alexandria, which contained more than 700,000 volumes of books.v They argue that much of early Roman literature was noteworthy for its strong Greek flavour; many early writers wrote in Greek because they found Latin inferior for high art. Further, they state that Romans used the Greek writing style for history, lyric and epic poetry, comedy, and tragedy before creating their own styles. Roman writers took plots from old Hellenistic tales and breathed new life into them (such as Plautus who borrowed from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Citizen Kane Research Paper Citizen Kane Citizen Kane brought the aspects of a newspaper tycoon in the 1940 s to life in a form of a dramatic narrative. This film is based on a true story of a newspaper magnate, William Randolph Hearst and based off of some aspects of Orson Welles(Writer and Director). This filmed has been named, The best American filmof all time due to the fact that, during the time of its making, it was the first film to take on many new techniques of cinematography. Citizen Kaneis a revolutionary film not only in the drama genre, but in filmmaking of all forms. Citizen Kane is the story of the newspaper tycoon, Charles Foster Kane, and the meaning of his last words before he died. A group of news reporters are determined to figure out what Kane... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of the content of this film, Hearst tried to prevent it from being released. Kane, who was based on Hearst, was a very controversial newspaper tycoon. This makes the film more dramatic people there are characters that either love Kane or hate him. When Kane is caught in a love nest with s ainger, many more people disapprove of him. Another aspect of this film is that it is in black and white. This gives it a serious tone. The lighting they used also gave a dramatic effect. There is a scene where two gentlemen are talking but you can see Kane dancing in the reflection of the window. This reminds the audience that he is still important to the scene even though he isn t directly involved. This In Citizen Kane, Welles is attempting to expose the great influential political and social power that someone has as the head of many newspaper chains. This narrative drama explains the life of Kane and how different people viewed it. From the way the way the characters were telling the story to the way shadows, lighting and the laco of color was used, this film fits into the drama genre. Being the greatest film of all time , Citizen Kane brings the the world of newspaper tycoons to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Driving Under the Influence Essay Drunk driving is an issue that effects many people across our nation. People do not realize the affects alcohol can have on the body and mind that slow decision making while driving. This issue begins in the home. Children see their parents, or other adults figures, have a beer or a cocktail and get in the car. Thus, making it seem like it is acceptable to drink and drive. One in three people will be involved in an alcohol related crash in their lifetime (MADD). Driving under the influence is measured by a person s blood alcohol level (BAC). BAC is determined by the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream. Individual counties and states have their own legal level on blood alcohol percentages that they measure a person s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Alcohol impaired driving fatalities were 1,028 in 2008 for the state of California (Century Council). Of those deaths, 68% of the drivers were considered Hardcore Drunk Drivers ; drivers who had a BAC level of 0.15+ (Century Council). Unfortunately, the drivers who got behind the wheel of those vehicles now have to deal with the fact that they slaughtered a person(s), because they made the choice to drive their car when they knew they had consumed alcohol. Not so fun fact: In 2009, According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drunk driving fatalities accounted for 32% of all traffic deaths last year, that is, on average someone is killed in an alcohol impaired driving crash every 45 minutes in the U.S. (National Highway). Doesn t that just make you want to get in your car and go on road trip?! It seems odd to me that people would get behind the wheel after drinking. However, that is what alcohol does. Our brains are altered with a false sense of security. Alcohol impairs our thinking, making us have irrational thoughts or views. Yet, I also believe that individuals who choose to drive drunk have been brought up in a home where they witnessed a parent drive a car after consuming an adult beverage. Giving them a false idea that my parents have been doing it and they are fine kind of attitude. For myself, I do believe that a child who grows up in a home where they are exposed to parents drinking and driving will follow ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. EXIT Huls Real Farmland Case Study Farmland can be a very lucrative investment, especially in Iowa where having a career in agriculture is common. Many times buying and owning a piece of rural real estate allows those with a farming occupation to conveniently live and work in one place. It can be difficult finding the perfect farmland to build a profitable future on, but an expert real estate agent from EXIT Huls Realty can help. With a varied inventory of properties throughout Central Iowa, EXIT Huls Realty is able to find clients exactly they want and need in their next land purchase. There are several different types of jobs that can be held in Iowa s agricultural industry. Farmers and ranchers are probably the first that come to mind. They are responsible mainly for operating ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Organizational Culture and the Development of... ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE 1. INTRODUCTION One of the significant elements while discussing about organization development is to discuss its own existing culture as the culture itself is part of organization behavior that gives significant role in shaping organizational sustainability. Above all there is a need to recognize the right culture for any organization to achieve excellence. Peters and Waterman (1982) clearly described organizational cultureas the human side of an organization with managers key role being to shape culture by making meaning for employees out of the confusing place that some organization can be. It is no doubt one of the absolute function of any ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While preparing the planned change, an organization must be able to identify its own culture. According to Md Zabid Abdul Rashid, Sambasivan and Azmawani Abdul Rahman (2003) organizational culture is associated with attitudes towards organizational change. Different types of organizational culture have different level of acceptance on attitude towards organizational change. Organizational culture gives impacts on organizational change process. While referring to the transformational type of change, there is no doubt that the transformation process, which regarded as the most complex and comprehensive type of change process requires radical shift that covers change in culture, behaviour and mindset of all the components within the organization. Thus it is clearly understood here that complete understanding of organizational culture will lead to and rightful approaches to tackle any organizational development and change process. Organizational culture decides the way its members make decisions, the way they make interpretation, manage and operate. In other words, organizational culture affects organization s competitive position. Inability to manage organizational culture will give negative consequences on organization s performance. 4. FACTORS SHAPING CULTURE IN ORGANIZATION Understanding organizational culture means to know what, how ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Humor In A Modest Proposal The purpose of humor is to create happiness and relief. We use humor to talk about uncomfortable situations or topics, some of us use it for self deprecation. While satire reveals social flaws, things that need to be addressed, and serious problems within our society, humor just relieves pain or sadness in the form of laughter. Because there are so many different kinds of humor there are so many different ways it can be included in everyday things. Many different people, movies, t.v. shows, books, and other writings use humor. People like Kevin Hart, t.v. shows like the office, and writings like A Modest Proposal . Humor is a vital part of life as stated by de Botton. The text A Modest Proposal uncovered Ireland s problems in 1729. Jonathan Swift writes a satire. Showing the problems within their society. It shows the ugly truth by shedding light on social flaws. Without satire, like this piece, we would have to be blunt, it would be harsh. Humor is used to talk about uncomfortable situations, to bring relief, and help us. In the end the world wouldn t function properly without either of these balancing each other out.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the types of humor he uses is self deprecation. He is a short man, and one way he deals with that is making jokes about it himself before anyone else can so that he doesn t get his feelings hurt or made fun of by others. He also uses sad but true humor. He makes jokes about things that are maybe more uncomfortable for some people. He uses the things that makes us different like skin tone, weight, height, age, and many other things so that we can laugh at them. This example shows how without humor it would be easier to be made fun of or to be hurt by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Betrayal And Deception In Macbeth Betray a friend, and you ll often find you ruined yourself, once said Aesop. There are consequences of betraying and deceiving a friend, and it will change one s life for the worse. One author who emphasizes the ideal of betrayal and deception is Shakespeare, and it can be seen throughout the play Macbeth. In the play, Macbeth was an honored and respected high ranking noble in King Duncan s eyes, and betrayed his king to gain power. Macbeth and his fellow, Banquo were told by mysterious witches that Macbeth would be crowned king. The prediction from the witches gave Macbeth and Lady Macbeth a dangerous dose of ambition, which led to them killing the ones closest to them to become king, including King Duncan and Banquo. Throughout Macbeth, Shakespeare illustrates the concept... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Human nature is centered covering up one s flaws and Macbeth s ambition for power lead him to kill King Duncan s servants to cover up his own murder, O, yet I do repent me fof my fury, that I did kill them (Shakespeare II.3.106 107) Macbeth admitted. He admitted to killing the servants because they killed King Duncan only to cover up his deed, shows his acts of deceit. Along with covering flaws, human nature emphasizes on the positives of a bad choice and blocks out the negatives. Macbeth killed Banquo to make sure no one is in the way of him gaining power, and looked beyond betraying and hurting his best friend and Macbeth tells the murders, It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight (Shakespeare III.2. 140 141) expresses Macbeth. Another characteristic of human nature is to hurt ones who support someone you hate, even if they are innocent or have done no wrong. Macbeth decided to murder MacDuff s family out of fear and hatred. Human nature can be scary and deceitful, as shown through Macbeth and his choices that betrayed people close to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Role Of Justice And The State Of The Athenian Statesman Essay Although Solon is recognized as an eminent figure in developing the early stages of Athenian democracy, writings and other accounts of the life and beliefs of the Athenian statesman and writer are relatively sparse. As a poet, Solon merged political theory with forceful expression to craft poems centered on the role of justice and the state. Of the scarce secondary descriptions of Solon, Herodotus s account in The Histories ranks most significant, in which Solon emerges as a sagely but transient advisor to the myopic monarch Croesus. While Solon s appearance is short lived, the pith of his words echoes throughout the parable of not only Croesus, but The Histories as a whole. In juxtaposing these connected works, a clearer image of Solon comes into focus. He is a man obsessively concerned with complex, interrelated social paradigms authority, happiness, and prosperity, particularly as their manifestation in society conflicts with his own understanding of justice and morality. Solon s diagnosis of Athenian society paints a bleak picture of a society founded upon . The citizens are witless , bent on ruining their great city , while the rulers are unjust in mind , arrogant, greedy, and unconcerned with the greater good (Solon Fr 4.5 7). Parallel to Athens and its woes is Sardis. Sardis is a warlike city ruled by Croesus, a zealous and power thirsty monarch willing to attack neighboring cities under pretexts substantive or trivial , (Herodotus 1.26) in doing so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Vitamin D and Athletic Performance Essay Good nutrition and its role in positively affecting athletic performance has become more and more evident almost daily. Specific macro and micronutrients are better understood as to their specific functions within the body and from that how they can influence the body s ability to perform while under duress. An example of such would be the stress of athletic performance. Vitamin D, which is also referred to as cholecalciferol, is one of the fat soluble vitamins that have been attributed to influencing athletic performance. However, vitamin D is not as much a performance enhancing nutrient in the sense that when taken in higher amounts it will aid athletic performance, but rather when in deficient amounts it can hinder athletic... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many factors influence how much sunlight exposure individuals receive and thus impact the amount of Vitamin D that the body can synthesize. Latitude, season of the year, time of day, sunblock, melanin content of the skin, age, and clothing are a few of these factors. Cannell and associates describes that individuals who train and/or compete above the 35 degree latitude marker, which is half of the United States and all of Canada and Europe, do not receive enough sun exposure to synthesize enough Vitamin D, especially during the fall and winter seasons 2. Others who are at risk are those who engage in indoor sports or train primarily indoors, such as gymnasts, indoor track and field athletes, basketball players, and wrestlers to name a few. There is also a surprisingly high amount of Vitamin D deficiency described in Miami, Florida because of the extensive use of sunblock 3. Vitamin D Deficiency The definition of Vitamin D deficiency is changed almost yearly, as the laboratory levels which determine what is an adequate or inadequate level of vitamin D in the blood serum are changing as well 2, 4. Recent research studies have determined that ideal levels of vitamin D are at or above 50 ngО‡mL 1 from 30 ngО‡mL 1, which was previously thought to be adequate levels within the blood. This is problematic for several reasons, but one of the most critical reasons is that the number of diseases caused at least in part by vitamin D are on the rise and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Grecia Research Papers Dude did you know Judge Judy s net worth is 45 million dollars? Grecia dropped to the floor and started sobbing. Grecia. Her show has ran for 20 seasons! Valentina fell alongside her and the two best friends embraced each other s admiration over Judith for the next few minutes. After they collected themselves they proceeded to learn more about their newfound idol. Their research led into the abyss that is the world wide web. What came next was hours of buzzfeed articles and quizzes: Which dead child star are you? , endless videos of puppies scaring themselves with their farts, and right and left swipes. Those passing hours were filled with laughter, tears, and lust. Grecia yearned for Valentina s company and decided to facetime her. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As she went her way she came upon a map of the park and in the corner and in small font read, Dog Wedding Gazebo Bingo. I found you, you son of a gun. She was closer now and was running to the wedding at this point. With the dilemma Valentina was stuck in, literally and Grecia running around trying to get help Marco was frustrated more than ever. He was getting very annoyed at this point because he knew this was something he could expect from her. The more angsty he got, the sooner he got to his decision to just start the wedding even though there were no wedding bands in sight. Now that both the bride and groom were in place and all the dog guests and their owners sat with smiles on their faces, the wedding began. It was beautiful and the parents of both the bride and groom couldn t help but shed a tear. Their babies were no longer pups. Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two dogs who are in it for forever.... For dogs, Jasmine and Fitzgerald were filled with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. The Importance Of Play With Toys With the amount of time children spend playing with toys, every parent or legal guardian of a child should be more prudent with the toys their children to play with. Playing is important to children. Play is one of the main ways children learn and toys are tools that help encourage that. Play with toys is extremely beneficial in ways people fail to realize. For example toys help teach motor skills and social skills and help them build creativity and exercise their muscles. Creativity in children is also developed during play. Children who get time off other duties to play become more attentive especially in their schoolwork. Leaving children to initiate their own kind of games, gives them room to become more creative as opposed to when they are supervised by an adult (Goldstein, 2012, p.13). The toys children play with affect their own interests and skills as a person during childhood, which influences their characteristics as a person in adulthood. First and foremost, play is essential to a child s development. Play is so important to optimal child development that it has been recognized by the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights as a right of every child (Play and Childrens, n.d.). Believe it or not play has been proven to be extremely beneficial for children of all ages. It contributes to the cognitive, physical, social and emotional well being of the child (Ginsburg, 2007, ). Play lets children exercise their creativity while developing their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Expanding Discourse Summary The introduction to The Expanding Discourse and Reclaiming Female Agency: Feminist Art History After Postmodernism as well as the interview A Dialogue with Linda Nochlin, the Maverick She all provide a discourse on feminist art history through several decades that is enlightening and somewhat startling. These essays explore some of the intricacies and changes within the history of this relatively new methodology of art historyand, though these essays do not go into great detail, they do offer a helpful survey that is brief, yet informative, for this particular discipline of art history. The introduction of The Expanding Discourse discusses the evolution of the different methodologies of feminist art historians whose diverse methodologies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is clear is that feminist art history is not meant to sway art history solely towards the feminist perspective, but to add it to the art historical canon to even out any inequalities. By continuously questioning any theories of both traditional art history, but also those of postmodernism, the evolution of feminist art history continues to develop, hopefully to its benefit. Clearly, feminist art history has come a long way in a comparatively short time; however, this does not mean that there is not room for improvement. Indeed, after reading these essays, there is a distinctly obvious need to take action to advance feminist art history so that, in turn, other methodologies of art history can develop to become more effective, influential, and inclusive. It is astonishing to learn how complicated that feminist art history truly is, for there are so many factors that must be taken into consideration, and the span of these factors only continues to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Detox Tea Essay Why Drink Our Detox Tea? one page for Why drink detox tea and one page for why drink slimming tea use image detox teatox on the left hand side, with ingredients and images on the right Our Detox tea blend has been lovingly formulated to reinforce a Zen Lifestyle with the greatest detoxification effects. Each and every natural ingredient helps to promote bodily cleansing, relaxation and healthy balance. GOJI BERRIES http://www.canstockphoto.com/goji berries lycium barbarum isolated 5926955.html Goji Berries have been considered Tibet s national treasure and key to eternal youth for over 3,000 years. Benefits include liver detoxification and regeneration, high blood pressure, weight loss, chronic fatigue, immunity, longevity, and stress relief. They help restore strengths, energy levels, and stamina, eliminate toxins, promotes blood oxygenation, improve digestions, increase metabolism, reduce sugar craving, burn fats. The thyroid, pituitary, thymus and adrenal glands are also balanced with the help of goji berries. DANDELION http://www.canstockphoto.com/dandelion whit leafs 13939525.html Dandelion is truly the Princess of the Herbal Kingdom. They have amazing detoxifying and liver protecting properties as well as diuretic effects to help reduce bodily bloating. The high flavonoid content makes dandelion an exceptional blood purifier . But unlike other diuretic herbs, dandelion is rich in vitamins, potassium, calcium, and other minerals, which help ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is... The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is one of the most widely researched aptitude tests available in this country. It is used extensively in the military, but also has been made available to students in secondary and post secondary education (Whiston, 2013, p. 176). It is a group administered, multiple aptitude battery that has been used since 1976. The ASVAB is required upon being admitted into any of the Armed Services, and was created as an instrument specifically for those who choose to join the Armed Forces. Additionally, the ASVAB is frequently used in schools where career counseling is available. The ASVAB has application outside of the military, and is often given to students in combination with the Find... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, in 1950, the Services returned to using a single test, the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). This test was developed and modeled after the AGCT, and was the first test used in the military as a screening instrument. It measured the individual s general ability to grasp military training within in the necessary allotted time, and it also offered a uniform measure of the individual s potential performance in the military. Also, tests like The Army Classification Battery and the Navy Basic Test Battery were used to classify recruits into service specific jobs. In 1968, the ASVAB was introduced as a part of the Student Testing Program. The Air Force was the first to use the ASVAB in 1973, followed by the Marine Corps in 1974. However, the Army and Navy did not adopt the ASVAB until 1976, after the Department of Defense decided that all Services should use it for the purpose of screening enlistees and placing them in military jobs. The AFQT has been mostly retained and is now a subtest of the ASVAB. Since the introduction and adoption of the ASVAB, it has undergone many changes as far as content and scoring. Scoring for the ASVAB uses the IRT model. The model underlying the ASVAB scoring is a three parameter logistic (3PL) ( ASVAB Scoring , n.d.). The 3PL model essentially represents the probability that an examinee with a certain degree of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. How Did Thomas Edison Impact The World When one thinks of a famous inventor from the past, who is the first person that comes to mind? Most would say Thomas Edison, who died in 1931, but is still living in a way. Even in the 21st century, he is surrounding us with his inventions, such as functional incandescent light bulbs, and even the cell phone you have in your pocket right now. Born in 1847 in Canal Town, Milan, Edison had a long and successful career as an inventor up until the time of his death in 1931, at the age of 81. He was married to Mary Stilwell until her death in 1884. Shorly after, he married Mina Miller. A well known American innovator, his most significant and famous inventions include the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long lasting practical electric light bulb. Thanks to his inventions, Thomas Edisongreatly impacted the world we live in today.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite the common belief that Thomas Edison was the original inventor of the lightbulb, in actuality he re invented it. Lightbulbs had been around for many years before him, but they were very unreliable and short lived ( Thomas Edison s most famous inventions ). Thomas Edison s version of light bulbs were more affordable, and convenient to use. Edison s simple invention of the lightbulb lead him to inventing the entire electric utility system, which enabled him to power all the light bulbs, motors and other appliances that he also created ( Thomas Edison s most famous inventions ). Edison revolutionized indoor lighting and forever separated light from fire ( Thomas Edison ). When Edison brought the incandescent light bulb to the world, little did he know the enormous impact it would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...