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Teachers Students And The Learning Environment
Teachers conducting action research in there class Action research is a means through which an
educator stays informed of the on going trends in education with specific interest in individual content
areas or classroom management techniques. Teachers need to understand these trends to better serve
the students. By participating in these research activities, teachers embrace change in pedagogical
strategies and learn how to best understand their students and the learning environment. These in turn
opens avenues for differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction is a teaching strategy that varies
teaching techniques depending on individual student needs to meet the student at their points of need.
Meeting students at their points of need and teaching them required content based using the most
appropriate method should be the sole purpose for every educator. Therefore, teachers should conduct
action research in their own classrooms to be better educators. Action research in classrooms can also
yield new teaching and testing strategies. Action research project Problem statement, An action
research statement that I have considered in the past is; effective classroom instruction in inclusion
classes with students on the autism spectrum. It has been noted on the center of disease control
website that the prevalence of autism and other autism spectrum disorder is increasing. Part of the data
provided indicated that 1 in every 88 children have been diagnosed by a disorder on
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Examples Of Romanticism In The Great Gatsby
The book of The Great Gatsby, by author F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a story that has two parts in the
philosophy of the characters way of living. There is the type of character that opposes the other one in
a certain way. There are many types of philosophies in the characters, but the philosophies of
Romanticism and Realism are represented many times in The Great Gatsby. Although they never
specifically mention it, several characters in Great Gatsby experience signs of a Romanticist
Romanticism is defined as a literary, artistic, and philosophical movement characterized chiefly by a
reaction against neoclassicism and an emphasis on the imagination and emotions, and marked
especially in English literature by sensibility and the use ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In pg 76, the philosophy of Romanticism can be inferred from her reaction after reading the letter and
getting as drunk as a monkey the night before her wedding, leaving her in a state of confusion and
anguish. This leaves her deciding in what to do, which then she marries Tom. Eventually, she regrets
taking this decision after having the choice of having either one. Another example of Romanticism
represented by her, is when she cries after Gatsby shows his variety of shirts in pg. 92. Again, Daisy
falls into Gatsby s trap of him trying to impress her with his wealth. After 5 years lost, she begins to
regret marrying Tom, and wishing she had spent that time with Gatsby, which was impossible to do,
caused by Gatsby s time in war and studies in Oxford. This reunion in Gatsby s mansion, makes both
of them fantasize that they are together and makes them believe that there is still hope to live together
happily as a couple. From here, they begin to have affairs and this makes the romance and belief
stronger, which then leads to Gatsby accepting to face the problem: Tom. He believes that things must
be done the respectful way by talking to him like adults, but Daisy opposes that idea. Here, Daisy
shows Romanticism again, while Gatsby is being realistic. Unfortunately, the confrontation between
the love triangle leads to Gatsby s assassination after Myrtle, Tom s mistress and George Wilson s
wife, is hit by Gatsby s yellow car that Daisy was
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Alcohol-Related Driving Accidents
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is associated with both economic and social costs not
only to the offender but to society as a whole. Statistics show that alcohol is a factor is more than one
third of motor vehicles accidents in the US. In 2010, 40,000 individuals died as a result of alcohol
related driving accidents and of the 1,132 traffic deaths in children nearly 20% were due to an
impaired alcoholic driver. In addition, there were nearly 3.9 million people injured and over 24 million
vehicles which were damaged. The key reason for these statistics was drunk driving, speeding and
distracted driving.
In 2015, over 1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of a narcotic or alcohol.
And despite the seriousness of the situation, many drivers continue to get behind the wheel while
under the influence of alcohol.
Economic costs
Aside from pain and suffering, the cost of alcohol related car accidents is in hundreds of billions of
dollars. With such accidents, there is usually damage to the car and property; there is also a risk of
injury to pedestrians and passengers. In addition, there is an enormous waste of valuable resources
when an alcoholic is involved in a car crash. The road has to be cleared, the damage to the lights has
to be repaired, the pavement has to be redone and other structures have to be fixed. There may be long
traffic jams. Ambulances and helicopters have to be rushed to the scene when there are injuries.
Those who
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Punk Subculture
With the high pace of modernization since the 20th Century, people tend to be mechanized into living
where they live. Concerned with the erosion of identify and distinct ways of life, large quantities of
subculture emerged,especially in the late 1960s and 1970s. Bourdieu has already coined the term
cultural capital to explicate the cultural asserts available within society. As provided with unique
habitus and subcultural production, diverse subcultures often distinct through different subcultural
capitals. This essay will interpret the notion of subcultural capital thoroughly and analyses how it
assists subgroups differentiate themselves from other social groups, especially focusing on the punk
subcultural capital and its contemporary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Influenced by this punk subcultural capital, the punks distinguished themselves from the mainstream
code of behavior. The subcultural capital not only differentiated from the widely accepted popular
culture , but also discriminated themselves from the high culture as well. Hebdige (1976) has argued
that subcultural knowledge often include class consciousness. As a matter of fact, the assertion of
subcultural distinction partly bases on the ideal of classlessness (Thornton, 1995). Storey also points
out that the class divides indeed exist between the subculture and the elite culture (Forgan, 2002).
Opposite from the high culture, which is often appeal to the taste of the elite class, the subcultural
capital is always less class bound and concerned more about the interests of lower class. Therefore, it
shapes people s dispositions against the dominate stereotypes, such as class, gender and religion. As
an illustration, the punks can come from all works of life and the diversity help to develop the punk
tastes and contributes to the accumulation of subcultural capital, these tastes may give a guide to
punks preference. In this way, the subcultural capital assists to develop its uniqueness.
Last but not the least, the subcultural capital singularise the culture through practice on the subcultural
production, which mainly are the music, fashion, art and literature. The subculture always identified
by practice on these expressive forms under
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Comps Of Disneyland And Its Offerings
April Bullard
Professor Joshua Hussey
English 1101
14 September 2017
Disneyland and its Offerings
This is the place where every kid begs to go. This is the place where adults enjoy going also. It s the
place where dreams come true , Disneyland. Located in Anaheim, California, this popular amusement
park is known all over the world for its entertainment, park rides, Disney characters, and so much
more. Here, children laugh and play while adults enjoy tours or spend the day at the spa. Either way,
both parties will experience the time of their lives. There is so much scenery for the eyes to enjoy
here. From the bright lights, to the extravagant decorations, and to the tall castle buildings; its
elaborate factors cease to exist. This is what sets Disneyland apart from its fellow amusement parks.
The park continues to grow with new things each year. There are so many awesome things that
Disneyland rewards us with.
This tourist attraction was founded by Walt Disney in 1955 (Disneyland Amusement Park). When this
amusement park was first created it wasn t like other amusement parks at the time. Unlike traditional
parks, Walt Disney had a vision of not just having rides but making it a place where Disneyland is
known for its entertainment also. Walt Disney was a cartoon genius (Disneyland Amusement Park). A
lot of his works, most popular being Mickey Mouse, were brought into the theme of the park.
Bringing cartoons like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the amusement park brought in joy.
While walking through the park one may encounter costumes of, Tinker Bell and other Disney
characters. For children and adults, seeing these cartoon characters depicted in real life, reminds one
of happier times. This stood as a trademark for Disneyland. An atmosphere of optimism, patriotism,
and fun are three of the many goals Walt Disney set to achieve (Disneyland s History). With this in
mind things needed to be fixed and changes needed to be made. When the parked opened up in 1955,
there were many speculations that the heavy investment Disney put in to the park would not be
beneficial in return (Disneyland Amusement Park). Walt Disney spent a lot of money on his vision.
Disney projected that he would need eleven
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Grecia Research Papers
Dude did you know Judge Judy s net worth is 45 million dollars? Grecia dropped to the floor and
started sobbing. Grecia. Her show has ran for 20 seasons! Valentina fell alongside her and the two best
friends embraced each other s admiration over Judith for the next few minutes. After they collected
themselves they proceeded to learn more about their newfound idol. Their research led into the abyss
that is the world wide web. What came next was hours of buzzfeed articles and quizzes: Which dead
child star are you? , endless videos of puppies scaring themselves with their farts, and right and left
swipes. Those passing hours were filled with laughter, tears, and lust. Grecia yearned for Valentina s
company and decided to facetime her. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As she went her way she came upon a map of the park and in the corner and in small font read, Dog
Wedding Gazebo
Bingo. I found you, you son of a gun.
She was closer now and was running to the wedding at this point. With the dilemma Valentina was
stuck in, literally and Grecia running around trying to get help Marco was frustrated more than ever.
He was getting very annoyed at this point because he knew this was something he could expect from
her. The more angsty he got, the sooner he got to his decision to just start the wedding even though
there were no wedding bands in sight.
Now that both the bride and groom were in place and all the dog guests and their owners sat with
smiles on their faces, the wedding began. It was beautiful and the parents of both the bride and groom
couldn t help but shed a tear. Their babies were no longer pups. Today is a celebration. A celebration
of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two dogs who are in it for forever....
For dogs, Jasmine and Fitzgerald were filled with
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The Other Slavery Summary
Professor of History at the University of California, Davis Andres Resendez, constructs a detailed
portrait of Native American enslavement in The Other Slavery. Part historical synthesis, part original
research the monograph argues that decimated Native North American populations were a result of
mass slavery. This is not a running history of native enslavement in the Western Hemisphere, that
would require numerous volumes; this is a breadth approach outlining a missing piece of North
American history, adding to the limited number of works on Native American slavery. He is
attempting to demonstrate that Native Americans made up a significant portion of slaves, but beyond
the numerical value of enslavement, it irrevocably altered the course of Native history. ... Show more
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He demonstrates that Native American populations experienced a catastrophic decline from slavery, as
high as 90%, while the height of West Africa s was 20%. Yet the term slavery refers to Africans in the
Americas, as historical memory excludes Native enslavement. The structure is geographic, set in areas
which experienced intense other slavery: Caribbean, Mexico, and the American Southwest. It focuses
on moments in history with abundant evidence of slavery or when the traffic of slavery underwent a
significant change. The four traits used to determine native slavery are forcible removal and
relocation, inability to leave the workplace, working under threat, and little to no pay. That is why the
title is important, other references the issue of African slavery and different forms of
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Computers And The Pc Revolution
Today, 92% of all Americans have access to a computer(Anderson) in the form of a smartphone,
tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. The first analog computers were developed during WW2, and they
rapidly advanced into the 50s, and 60s. However, by the 70s the Digital Age was on the horizon.
Giants like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft pushed development through the 80s; the PC Revolution had
begun. The PC Revolution had a profound impact of millions of lives, transforming not only America
but the entire world by opening new sales markets, and changing the way they interact with other
Microsoft, IBM, Dell, and Hewlett Packard(HP) are now well known companies, producing PCs, PC
software, and other PC related products. However, they were not the first, nor were they the last
competitors to enter the grand world of personal computing. The rapid development of PCs opened up
new jobs fields in software development, IT management, computer systems analysis, and database
administration. Jobs in marketing and production related positions expanded as well. Last but not least
is the extreme growth and expansion the PC development brought economically.
In the beginning of the PC revolution companies such as, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry
Systems(MITS), and Commodore turned out small computers designed for hobbyists but not on a
large enough scale to be considered mass production. It wasn t until Bill Gates and Paul Allen
approached MITS founder Ed Roberts, offering an operating
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Student Ids In High Schools
Most schools in the country give their students student ids, which offer many benefits, such as
providing a safer and more organized environment. However, Montour does not offer these to their
students. Getting student Ids for all students in Montour High School would increase efficiency and
safety throughout the school.
Student ids can bring efficiency to the school in areas such as the library and cafeteria. Schools such
as Owensboro High School use student ids to use as public library cards, to buy lunches, to get into
athletic events, and even to check out books from the school library(Ramsey). If it was possible to
scan student ids, the lunch lines in the cafeteria would decrease in size. Also, it will ease the process to
get a public
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Ratio Analysis of Car Industry
gratitude and respect, we would like to extend our heartiest thanks to all of those who provided help
and guidance to make this project. No Project is ever the outcome of single individual s talent or
effort. This work is no exception. This project would not have been possible without the whole hearted
encouragement, support and co operation of our guide, friends and well wishers. Although it is not
possible for us to name and thank them all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
EBITDA margin measures the extent to which cash operating expenses use up revenue. Well the table
shows the decreasing rate in margin which is profitable for the company, because total income is in the
denominator if it increases margin will be starts falling. 2) RETURN ON ASSESTS ROA=NET
INCOME/TOTAL ASSETS In this table company ROA is following ratio | y1 | y2 | y3 | y4 | y5 | R0A |
2.297682 | 2.446802 | 3.004372 | 1.572779 | 1.514235 | Return on assets is an indicator of how
profitable a company is before leverage, and is compared with companies in the same industry. This
number tells us what the company can do with what it has, i.e. how many dollars of earnings they
derive from each dollar of assets they control. It s a useful number for comparing competing
companies in the same industry. The number will vary widely across different industries. Return on
assets gives an
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Respecting The Founding Fathers
Since the establishment of our nation, the founding fathers have been looked upon with veneration.
The numerous monuments throughout the country dedicated to these courageous men demonstrate
their lasting dignity in our society. These men were exceptional leaders who played a substantial role
in American history and tremendously shaped our country for the better. They gave us some of our
most beloved documents, led the way to our freedom from Great Britain, and provided us with the
foundations for our current government. These men dedicated their lives to the betterment of our
nation and deserve an accolade of admiration and honor. Our forefathers encouraged and highly
influenced the establishment of our nation. First of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Our forefathers dedicated their lives to the establishment of our nation, but what inspired these men to
do this? First, these men felt a responsibility to their country. George Washington said in his first
inaugural address I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration
and love... (Document C) Second, they were unhappy about Great Britain s brutality towards the
colonies. As stated by the founders in the Declaration of Independence, Great Britain was responsible
for cutting off our trade with other parts of the world and imposing taxes without our consent.
According to the founding fathers, Great Britain also plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned
our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. (Document N) These men thought the actions of
Great Britain were unfair and they needed to protect the rights of their people and stand up for their
country. Finally, they wanted freedom for themselves and for generations to come. In a letter to
Abigail Adams, John Adams writes I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to
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Training Day Essay
Among the array of cop movies out, there is one that has continued to stand out above the rest:
Training Day. Although it made its debut some time ago it became an instant award winning cop film.
Training day is a crime thriller film that follows Los Angeles Police Officer Jake Hoyt s first 24 hours
in training with the veteran, corrupt, Narcotics Detective Alonzo Harris. The film takes place on the
streets as Detective Harris shows Officer Hoyt s what a day in the life of a narcotics detective really
looks like. When it comes to cop movies, Training Day stands out above the rest with its array of
characters, crime thriller plot, urban street setting, and a lawless street justice theme. Although both of
the films main characters are police ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In many cop movies it is easy to distinguish the good from the evil but in this film it all depends on
what your definition of good is. The film is a journey deep within the LAPD s narcotics division and
exposes the darker side of law enforcement. For example, in one of the first scenes Detective Harris
tells Officer Hoyt that a good narcotics detective should have narcotics in their system and pressures
him smoke illicit drugs. Consequently, when Officer Hoyt refuses Detective Harris points a gun at him
and tells him if they were on the streets a drug dealer would have killed him, and tells him he doesn t
want him in his division. Officer Hoyt gives in to Detective Harris telling him he will do anything he
wants him to do and smokes the illicit drugs. Officer Hoyt in complete disbelief after just smoking
illicit drugs goes into culture shock when he begins to see that it was just an ordinary part of being in
narcotics. In a following scene Officer Hoyt states that it couldn t be true that all this corruption is part
of being in the narcotics division and Detective Harris responds that that s the only way to get the job
done. These first few scenes set the tone for how Detective Harris works with little disregard for the
laws he swore to uphold and make it difficult through the film to determine who really are the bad
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Dangerous Sugar Hazards Research Paper
Dangerous Sugar Hazards Ahead: Killer Candy
Bombs of sugar are hurled at you, the pins of grenades of artificial preservatives have been pulled,
bugs of all sort have surrounded you, no matter where you look these are all in the health killer called
candy. For instance candy upholds too much sugar; according to my calculations and the nutrition
facts from the Twix official packaging one minis Twix bar is 1.79 ounces yet about 10% (or 5 grams)
of the bar is pure sugar aside from the artificial ingredients in the rest of the bar. For some people
eating all that sugar from the chocolate, caramel, and cookie just overloads their mouth. In spite of
eating sugar, once you eat at least six Twix bars the sugar adds up to drinking a pop of soda.
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Religious Freedom Restoration Act
A war on freedom is brewing in Indiana because a law that ostracizes LGBTQ community members
has been passed. This law is akin to the infamous Jim Crow laws based on the fact it promotes
segregation between the LGBTQ and surrounding communities. On March 26, 2015, Indiana
Governor Mike Pence signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, better known as the Religious Freedom
Restoration Act, into place. Under this law, a person or business owner s exercise of religion is
protected from persecution by the government, a right everyone is entitled to, but bigoted business
owners have taken to refusing service to members of the LGBTQ community, claiming they violate
their religious beliefs. I believe that this gratuitous allowance of homophobia that infringes ... Show
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In the non fiction book Homophobia: A History, author Byrne Fone explains, In the last years of his
life, around 350 B.C.E., Plato wrote his final major work, the Laws, in which he [displays favor of]
the argument that homosexual behavior is unnatural (Fone 34). In addition to social persecution,
people who identify on the LGBTQ spectrum are at a higher risk of experiencing violence In 2010, the
FBI reported in a hate crime statistics report that 19.3% of hate crimes in that year were motivated by
a sexual orientation bias. Based on national statistics, more than 50% of transgendered youth will
attempt suicide at least once by the age of 20 Statistics About Youth Suicide . These numbers are
shocking, and it s baffling that these youth have to live under the pressure of violence and mental
illness all while being barred from the rights they
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Maple Leaf Consumer Foods
Maple Leaf Foods (MLF), a result of many mergers and amalgamations, has been in Canada for over
100 years. Its operations focus on three core areas: meat products, agribusiness and bakery products.
The meat product group is the largest, with sales to about $2.5 billion in 2000. Each business is made
up of independent operating companies (IOCs), with each IOC run by a president and encouraged to
follow a common set of values. Efforts are underway to optimize vertical coordination of the IOCs. A
major concern for the meat product division is the loss of market share in the hot dog industry where
average price per kilo is increasing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
MLF is losing market share due to proliferation of unsuccessful brands such as _Beef Dogs_, _Lean n
Lite_ and _Burns_. Having too many brands has spread corporate resources thin and has underutilized
the Maple Leaf brand name leading to lack of a national identity of their hot dog segment,
productivity problems and rising costs, both operational and production.
ALTERNATIVE 1: _Eliminate poor performing hot dog brands and re allocate the funds associated
with them to existing brands that are doing well in order to increase their sales._
The hot dogs that we are trying to improve sales for are: _Hygrade_, _Maple Leaf Originals_, _Top
Dogs_ and _Shopsy s_. This option involves reformulating _Top Dogs_ to make it taste better and
provide value for the consumers, without trying to make it a national brand. MLF will increase market
research in order to gain vital information to help properly position this brand in each of the different
regions. MLF can borrow money from other, more profitable IOCs
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James Berry Bentley
An ex con recently released from prison tries to ruin his brother s football career, blaming him for
turning him into the police.
BENTLEY (30 s) has just been released from prison. A mob boss tells JT to get him back in the
business stealing cars. Bentley s younger half brother, DAVID (23), isn t happy to see Bentley. A
friend, LIONEL (20 s) also isn t happy to see Bentley. He s the one who snitched on him.
Bentley has a grudge against David believing he turned him into the police after a liquor store robbery.
The gun is still hidden in the attic. David is thrilled to have signed with the New Orleans Saints
Football team.
When Bentley meets a psychic who tells him his future, Bentley is determined to reclaim his destiny.
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His life changes when he meets the psychic and he seems to think it s a message. One can see in a
comedy how this might work (think ANAYLZE THINK film). In a drama the psychic doesn t work.
Bentley has a big ego and he resents his brother. He feels cheated by life. He believes in destiny and
fate. He wants to be back on top. Because of the ambiguous tone, right now, Bentley isn t a likable
character. At the end, he becomes pitiful in the bridge scene.
David has an actionable goal to be on the football team. He s more serious about life. However, one
doesn t really feel they get to know David very well. He s not a character that stands out. His inner
conflict has to do with feeling guilty about Bentley. It s unclear who his father is. David has a lot at
risk, but he s not a proactive character. Find ways to make David more relatable to the audience. In a
comedy, find his comedic beats. David s character arc is also not well defined.
Of concern is that one doesn t really root for David, because he s not interesting enough and the
audience isn t invested in his career.
Lionel is more distinctive. He s child like, and he seems intimidated by Bentley. He has a difficult
time making decisions. For some reason it appears that he snitched years ago, but it s not clear
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Marx, Mill And Freud s Critique Of Political Economy And...
Describe and assess the explicit (and sometimes merely implicit) notions of freedom and unfreedom
we find in the texts we have read by Marx, Mill and Freud. Use the esoteric traditions we have
examined thus far (from the Book of Job to Plato) as a comparative yardstick, or point of reference,
but without letting them take over the foreground in your paper the latter should be reserved for these
three figures. Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and John Stuart Mill are three authors who tackle the topic
of freedom in unique ways, but their messages are fundamentally the same and continue the ideas that
we encountered in the esoteric texts as well as in The Matrix: . First, we have Karl Marx s Capital:
Critique of Political Economy and The Communist Manifesto, where we encounter the proletariat, or
the working class people regarded collectively. In these two texts, the latter of which was co authored
by Frederick Engels, we learn that the proletariat is enslaved just like the people in the matrix. And
just like the people in the matrix, the proletariat is oblivious to this limit on its freedom. That is why in
Karl Marx s view, unfreedom is what we are living in now. According to him, many people think that
abolishing private property through communism is what will infringe on our freedom, but that is not
the case. Specifically, in The Communist Manifesto Marx states, You are horrified at our intending to
do away with private property. But in your existing society, private
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The Attachment, Self Regulation, And Competency
The Attachment, Self Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework is a theoretically grounded,
evidence informed, promising practice used to treat complex trauma in children and adolescents
(Arvidson, 2011). This research shows how the application of the ARC model benefits inner city youth
who have been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The goal of this research is to
demonstrate that symptoms of ODD can be decreased by exposing inner city youth to ARC therapy
over a period of time. The target population is inner city youth in Chattanooga, TN who are diagnosed
with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. 50 students were chosen at random at inner city schools in the
area. 25 of the youth will be exposed to the therapy, while 25 will not be exposed and serve as the
control group. The 25 students will be exposed to ARC therapy over a span of 6 months. After the 6
month period, the behaviors will be rated again and compared to the control group that received no
treatment. Complex trauma results from exposure to severe stressors that occur within the caregiver
system or with another presumably responsible adult, are repetitive, and begin in childhood or
adolescence. As a result, many of these children and adolescents experience lifelong difficulties
related to self regulation, relationships, psychological symptoms, alterations in attention and
consciousness, self injury, identity, and cognitive distortions (Lawson, 2013). Exposure to ARC
therapy over a given time will lead to
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Chemical Warfare During The First World War
Chemical Warfare in the First World War The First World War, while engulfing Europe with four years
of death and destruction, also served as something of a testing ground, allowing nations to test and
deploy the newest and most high tech weapons in their arsenals. It is from these experiences, on the
bitter, mud drenched fields of Flanders, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere, that many technologies that
shape the modern battlefield today, such as the air plane or the tank, were first put to use on a grand
scale. It is here too, that another weapon was unleashed upon humanity for first time, but this one was
deemed so sinister that the nations of the world near unanimously agreed to ban once the war ended. A
weapon so awful that even today, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Its use, however, despite its non lethality, served to set a dangerous precedent for the war. German
planners wasted no time in developing their own incapacitating agents to retaliate with, and before
long something of a chemical weapons arms race was underway. The German chemical response
finally came that October, when British forces at Neuve Chapelle were hit with a wave of xylyl
bromide, and apparently the Germans like what they saw. In January, they decided to turn their new
weapon against the Russian army, in what they hoped would send their opponents running beneath a
thick cloud of tear gas. To create this cloud, nearly 20,000 shells were filled with teargas and
unleashed on the Russian positions west of Warsaw. Unfortunately for the Germans, however, they did
not take into account the frigid conditions that occur in Central Poland in July, and most of the gas
froze, the shells harmlessly falling to earth amongst a bewildered Czarist force. In light of the
developments on the Eastern Front, as well as the fact that xylyl bromide was found to corrode metals
and thus posed a logistics nightmare for the men transporting the shells, the German army began
looking for alternatives and finally
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The Campylobacter Report
It is believed that the first report about Campylobacter was back in 1886 by Escherich who observed
and described non culturable corkscrew shaped bacteria isolated from the colonic contents of infants
who had died as a result of cholera infantum (Escherich, 1886; Skirrow and Butzler, 2000; King and
Adams, 2008; Vandamme et al., 2010). Campylobacter identified for the first time in 1906 by John
McFadyean and Stewart Stockman, who reported the presence of large numbers of a peculiar
organism in the uterine mucus of a pregnant sheep (Skirrow, 2006; Zilbauer et al., 2008). After this in
1913, McFadyean and Stockman isolate these microorganisms from aborted bovine fetuses and
successfully cultured for the first time (McFadyean and Stockman, ... Show more content on
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Later in 1947, Vicent and his associates isolate the bacteria from pregnant women (Vincent et al.,
1947; Zilbauer et al., 2008).It was not until the 1950 s that Elizabeth King first suggested these vibrios
could be associated with the human enteric disease. King cultured them from the blood of infected
individuals and was the first to study this human disease causing Vibrio species in depth (King, 1957).
She observed that they grew at a distinctly higher optimum temperature than the other vibrios they
were grouped with and referred to this subgroup as related vibrios (King, 1957). Sebald and Véron
formally separated these related vibrios from the Vibrionaceae family and proposed the genus name
Campylobacter (Greek meaning, a curved rod) in 1963 (Sebald Véron, 1963). The differences which
lead to this separation were their requirement for microaerophilic growth conditions, the DNA being
of a low guanine and cytosine base composition, their non fermentative metabolism and their elevated
optimum growth temperature (Sebald Véron,
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Examples Of Internal Conflict In Macbeth
In Shakespeare s play Macbeth, internal conflict is used to examine Macbeth s character. As Macbeth
struggles with his own sense of self and is urged by his vaulting ambition to be king, Macbeth finds
himself easily influenced by the witches and his wife, and in situations where he cannot ponder on his
past actions. Macbeth s inner confusion is used by Shakespeare to explore the tragic consequences of
Macbeth s vaulting ambition. Macbeth fights with his inner self about the decisions he makes towards
his ambitions. These decisions were often influenced by Lady Macbeth and bring on hallucinations for
Macbeth. His decisions were made to ensure his place on the throne and that he needed to keep
moving and go to great lengths if he was to maintain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man, this alliteration is
used by Macbeth as he considers killing King Duncan, and it lets the audience know of Macbeth s fear
towards the murder. Macbeth questions his sense of self and loyalty while making his decision. Lady
Macbeth does not agree with Macbeth s refusal to kill King Duncan and influences his choice by
questioning his manhood with the use of a rhetorical question, Art thou afead to be the same in thine
own act and valour as thou art in desire? This gives the audience knowledge of Lady Macbeth s
attitude towards the murder and gets the audience thinking about why Macbeth chose not to kill the
King. Once hearing this question from Lady Macbeth, Macbeth rethinks his decision and ambition
finally drives Macbeth into killing King Duncan. The metaphor, to prick the sides of my intent but
only vaulting ambition which o erleaps itself and falls on the other, shows that Macbeth is driven by
ambition and that he makes his decisions to benefit his power. The inner conflict experienced by
Macbeth when making the decision to kill King Duncan changed his sense of self and his loyalty
towards King
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The Role Of Fate And Fate In Oedipus The King
In Oedipus king wrote by the dramatist and philosopher Sophocles, Oedipus is the only responsible of
his destiny. Oedipus was the one who held his fate and destiny in his hands. Because of his actions
that he made, the curse that he swore and the prophecy about him, he had to be punished for his
actions and sins.
Body paragraph 1
The most important thing about the destiny of Oedipus is the Prophecy about what he will become
because it where the novel start.
Oedipus is not innocent for his action at law and does in fact bear the responsibleness for the
outcomes that his action at law have caused him to endure.
In Hellene mythology, the future of someone is usually predetermined by the fate and prophecies.
The role of prognostication is very important in Hellene mythology and it mimics the beliefs of people
who believed that lot and destiny could not be avoided.
Because one s fate is already predetermined, Oedipus Rex could not have escaped the prognostication
of the oracle Teiresias.
Although Oedipus King cannot ascendancy what his future tense entail, he can control how he handle
his prophecy.
Rather than boldly accepting his predetermined fate, Oedipus cowardly tries to run away from his
curse, running to Thebes, away from Polybus and Merope believing he can counter his destiny.
Additionally, when King Oedipus meets Teiresias and learns more about his destiny, Oedipus cry the
prophesier a fool and believes that he can thwart his destiny.
Oedipus s acts of cowardice and profanation wind to his downfall and demise.
Apollo once announced that I am destined to mate with my mother, and shed my father s blood with
my own hand. P.54
Body paragraph 2
Oedipus is victim from his own innocence because of his mistake about leaving his adoptive family,
thinking he can no longer make the prophecy come true, he think he can do what he want to do like
marrying and ruling a kingdom. He don t realize what he did.
For example, he claims he was committing a deed of self defense when he killed the man who turned
out to be his father.
He also did not know that Jocaste was his female parent because he had campaign away from Merope,
who Oedipus believed was his real mother.
Also, Oedipus
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Downtown Atlanta Narrative Analysis
Cities, more often than not, tend to represent the prosperity and culture of the surrounding landscape.
Cultures and subcultures that exist in a given region tend to mold and frame the development of its
cities and towns. Atlanta however, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, had the
unique opportunity to mold and shape not only its own identity, but also the landscape that
surrounded. Two scholarly works, In the Mind s Eye: The Downtown as Visual Metaphor for the
Metropolis by Karen Luehrs and Timothy Crimmins, and The Sons of Henry Grady: Atlanta Boosters
in the 1920s by Charles Garofalo, characterizes the evolution of Atlanta during the turn of the century
into becoming the city that would continue to grow until the 1970s.
Both Luehrs and Crimmins provide a descriptive analysis of downtown s evolving appearance and the
varying development patterns from the reconstruction period to the roaring twenties. Combined with
Garofalo s comprehensive analysis of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Luehrs and Crimmins usage of quantitative research provides a sharp image of downtown Atlanta s
landscape during the reconstruction (through the 1920s), noting the diversity of structures and where
most business activities took place. In doing so, they create an extensive dossier of downtown Atlanta
s development patterns. In conjunction, Luehrs and Crimmins note the direction of civic engagement
that New South Advocates where pushing the city of Atlanta towards. What is interesting in Luehrs
and Crimmins analysis of downtown Atlanta s development is how they position the discourse of New
South Advocates against the reality of commercial patterns that were present during the time period.
Thus Luehrs and Crimmins argument here is not in the materiality of Atlanta s downtown, but instead
the effectiveness of early Atlanta
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The Revolutionary War Of Independence
The American Revolution which began as a War of Independence for American quickly transformed
into a civil battle between the American patriots and loyalists joined by Indian forces. This war of
independence, irrefutably, had a great effect on the citizens of America in varying degrees. The
revolution, of course, gave a free rein to unforeseen political revolutions which often spark social
revolutions. However, the American Revolution has foreseen the beginning of an abolitionist
movement for African American slaves, broaden the social roles of women, and diversified religious
life in American society. The Revolutionary War notably changed the framework of the government
and secured independence, but it also affected those that aren t mentioned in the Declaration of
Independence, African American slaves and women, and impacted the principle of the separation of
the church and state. America s war of independence was undeniably a war of social change which
overall redefined rights of American citizens. The Revolutionary War was an engine of change. The
Revolutionary War offered enslaved blacks fluctuating degrees of opportunities for freedom. America
s war of independence greatly impacted the lives of African American slaves. The world s first
Antislavery society was founded in 1775 by the Quakers of Philadelphia, the year the Revolution
began (ushistory.org). Pennsylvania quickly became America s most diverse colony which included
African Americans, Indians, and Dutch and
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Should Bae Be Removed From The English Language
The English language has transformed dramatically with influence of history, cultural changes, and
economic social classes. For instance, the term bae is now used often in today s youth and pop culture.
This term is often used as endearment. Bae should be removed from the English language because it
makes no sense and extremely annoying. After many Google searches and looking the Oxford English
dictionary, bae does not exist. However, the word bae in the Danish language means feces. This does
not explain why this word would be used as a term of endearment. According to the Urban dictionary,
bae is a word used by ghetto people to address their significant other because they have found
themselves too lazy to pronounce the entire
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Marketing Strategies for Bmw
Marketing Strategies for BMW
Paper covers Current Marketing Strategies Future Marketing Strategies
BMW Group, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is one of the most successful multi brand premium
automobile manufacturers in the world. The company manufactures, distributes and sells passenger
cars (including Sedans, Coupes, and Convertibles etc) and motorcycles. BMW operates three business
segments namely: Automobiles, Motorcycles and Financial Services. BMW is the parent company of
the Mini and Rolls Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover (car)/Rover. The company s slogans in
English are The Ultimate Driving Machine and Sheer Driving Pleasure . The company produces, and
markets, a varied range of higher end ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
1 Series: Audi A3, Volkswagen Golf, Alfa Romeo 147, 3 Series: Audi A4, Jaguar X Type, Mercedes C
Class, Lexus IS200, 5 Series: Audi A6, Mercedes E Class, Saab 9 5, Jaguar S Type, Volvo S80, 6
Series: Jaguar XK, Maserati 4200, Porsche 911, 7 Series: Audi A8 and S8, Jaguar XJ series, Lexus
LS400, Mercedes S Class, X3: Land Rover Freelander, X5: Range Rover, Mercedes M Class, Volvo
XC90, Porshe Cayenne, VW Touareg, Acura MDX, Lexus GX 470, Z4: Porsche Boxster, Audi TT,
Chrysler Sebring Convertible, Toyota Camry Solara, M Range: M3 Coupe Mercedes C55, Audi RS4,
M5 Mercedes E55, Audi RS6, MINI: Mercedes A Class, Peugeot 206 H/B, Volkswagen Polo, GTI,
Golf, Renault Clio, Ford Focus RS, Vauxhall Corsa and Toyota Yaris, Rolls Royce Phantom:
Mercedes Maybach, Bentley Arnage.
BMW still remains the world s most successful premium car brand with 11, 85,088 units sold in 2006
which beat the record of 2005 by 5.2% level increase in the sales. Major Key markets for BMW group
has approx. 68% sales in Italy, USA and Germany these three countries as compared to other
countries. Also below in figures it shows break down of sales figure for different segment in BMW
(Source Annual report of BMW 2006)
This philosophy, which runs through every BMW car, has been communicated through a number of
TV and print ads. The brand image has been built up by press advertisements, and more recently
through different television commercials. Throughout this
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Archeology In Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Definition of Archeology
Uninformed people might think that archaeology is the stuff of Indiana Jones, the character played by
Harrison Ford in the classic 1981 Movie entitled Raiders of the Lost Ark. In this movie, Jones was an
adventurer and so called archaeologist who sought a golden idol. Jones did not proceed in an orderly,
scientific fashion, nor record the surroundings, location, or precise measurements.
There are many different definitions for archeology, and here are a few: Archeology is the study of
human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other
physical remains says one source, It is an area of science that studies people and animals from the past
and the things they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This research uncovers the written records associated with the area of interest. In addition to primary
historical documents, archaeologists will look for site reports that have been prepared by other
archaeologists who have studied the area. These reports will often describe what was found in the area
during any previous archaeological investigations and will help guide the archeologists to new
discoveries. The archives today are stored on huge computer systems and can be recovered at anytime
thanks to easy navigation instead of having to look through thousands maybe even hundreds of
thousands of documents to find what your looking
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Taking a Look at the Original Sin
Original Sin In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ex nihilo (out of nothing). After
God created the earth he made the adam out of the dust of the earth and by breathing into his nostrils
made the man living. Everything God created was Good, the man was also good but only with woman
was man complete. God created woman from the rib of Adam. Both Adam and his partner Eve were
both placed in the Garden of Eden where they were to live and eat from, everything in the Garden
except from the Tree of Knowledge, Good, and Evil. However one day a serpent came to Eve and
asked made her question the command of not eating from the tree. The serpent told her that she could
have knowledge and become like God if she ate from the tree. Both Adam and Eve ate from the tree
and disobeyed God s divine command. God in turn cursed the serpent as well as Adam and Eve. He
told Adam that he would struggle and toil with the land and also that he will return to the dust just as
he was created from it. God had to punish Adam and Eve for the disobedient act from where human
corruption became apparent. After a British monk named Pelagius fled Italy in 409 to escape an
invasion and moved to Carthridge in North America, a clash between this monk and Saint Augustine
became inevitable. Both of these men who were teachers and involved with the church had two
completely opposite and opposing doctrines that were bound to class. This inevitable debate finally
occurred in what is known as the
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Euloph Gideon
While heading into the Indian Territory, we traveled through the endless plains of Missouri for days
until we found a small lake hidden by closely dense trees in Westport. Near the opposite of the lake sat
a man peacefully unaware of our presence as he carefully sketched a deer drinking by the lake. It was
such a serene moment that neither Gideon nor I was willing to shoot the deer for dinner. After several
minutes, the man noticed and beckoned us to come over to his side of the lake by waving food into the
air. Usually, we would never approach an eccentric man like him, but our diminishing supply of food
persuaded us to move our wagon and horses towards him. With his warming smile, he made space for
us by lake and introduced himself as Thomas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In reply, he laughed hysterically of my reasoning, and then joked that if I was only as inspired in art as
I was in writing, he would have gladly accepted me in his Hudson River school. Amused by my dream
to rival Cooper s talent in western adventure novels, he freely gave me a sketch of this lake as a
reminder of our meaningful conversation, whereas Gideon bought several sketches and paintings in
order to decorate his house back in Virginia. As a result, Cole contemplated whether if Gideon as an
aspired artist was crazier than me as an aspired writer. It was the meeting with Cole that motivated me
to begin my first chapter of my novel with a weary man contemplating about his bleak future by the
lake due to his life trapped into the fur trapping business. When I shared this chapter with Cole, he
emphasized, the most distinctive, and perhaps the most impressive, characteristic of American scenery
is its wildness, to remind me that wildness of the west would motivate me to complete my novel,
hence ending this journey. Once Gideon and I regained our strength, we parted ways with Cole and
headed out into the Indian
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New York City s Subway System
Nimesha Padman
The primary objective of the paper is to focus on the major transport systems of the two major
economic hubs of the 21st century being, Mumbai _(India) and New York city_ (United states of
America. It shall also talk about the need for an evolution for a dense transport system and its effect on
the two cities. This paper would mainly focus on the historic development dealing with the need for
evolution, process of design and technology and construction methods involved in the making of such
dense transport fabric. Facts, references and illustrations shall support the research.
New York City s subway system is among the busiest urban transit systems in the world. Domestic
transportation is a key factor for economic growth. Transportation issues and infrastructural delays
affect a nation s progress and India needs much faster and efficient transportation systems. Amitabh
Kant, CEO, Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). [1]
This helps in concluding that the rail network is a better, convenient and a more efficient mode of
By the discussions cited in the article and the statistics provided, irrespective of the different needs for
evolution, these wide spread rapid transport systems play a vital role in the connecting the major down
town areas and contribute the cities one of the major source of incomes balancing the major load on
the road traffic.
[1] The Economic Times Why transport infrastructure
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Coles Human Resources Management Report Essay
Coles Human Resource Management Evaluation Report
This report illustrates two key HRM strategies used by Coles Supermarkets Reward Management and
Performance Management. The core competence and business goal of Coles are elaborated and the
room for improvement have been identified, whereby Reward management and its implementation
have been critically analysed to bridge the gap between their operational loss (weakness) and optimum
performance (desired goal). Likewise, the method in which Performance Management is used by
Coles to lead their employees to work both efficiently and effectively has been analysed. Performance
Management is a useful tool to evaluate and ensure employee activities line up with the organisation s
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For example, in either recruit policies or retain policies of Coles, the Fair Work Act must be
considered. The second factor is the condition of whole economy such as Inflation, change in pay rates
and salaries. During the inflation stage, the increasing living cost will cause higher demand of income
to satisfy the living standard. So, now it is the time to change reward system to be more effective.
Meanwhile, the change of pay rates and salaries can affect the HRM as well. The third one is social
factors such as different cultures of employees. For instance, when an US company operates a division
in India, the HRM should be different than America s to ensure all employees with different cultures
can work well together. The fourth factor that can affect HRM is technological change. High quality
employees must be skilled in the latest technological devices because it can improve the efficiency of
work and help the achievement of the organization s goals. As a result, it will affect the organization s
recruit policies. The fifth factor is that can affect HRM is environmental factors such as harsh weather
conditions or greenfields. For Coles, if a supermarket operate in a greenfield area or in a harsh weather
conditions, the recruit and retain policies must be changed to attract more people to work there.The
last factor is legal which means any laws that can affect HRM. For example, the minimum wages set
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Safety Of Non Invasive Bp Monitoring System
Safety of non invasive BP monitoring System The BP monitoring system proposed in this paper will
comprise predominantly of three sensors and a focal facilitator; two PPG sensors, one on the ear flap,
another on the fingertips, with a temperature sensor and the focal organizer, in this manner shaping a
star network topology. The advantage of the star network is that a sensor can be just replaced without
the need to supplant the whole system when the sensor has blunders, so it is anything but difficult to
distinguish blames and to expel parts. A star network can likewise be effectively extended with more
sensors, similar to ECG, EEG sensors, to enhance the execution of the whole medical monitoring
system. The fact that the sensors are connected and powered by the central coordinator helps to reduce
the size of the sensors. The use of micro sensors and microprocessor in the coordinator will make a
wearable body sensor network possible, and which will not affect the patient s daily life. The two PPG
sensors will collect the pulse information and will sent the data individually via wire transmission to
the central coordinator. The PTT, with the temperature data collected by the temperature sensor, as
well as other predetermined information, such as body temperature, age, gender, BMI etc. will be
gathered and stored in the coordinator to compute the instant BP value. The wire transmission between
sensors and coordinator ensures a safe, stable and rapid data transmission. In the
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The Use of Computer Systems to Read the Handwriting of...
With a few modifications, computer systems that can read the handwriting of doctors and that
automatically check for medicinal conflicts for patients can be improved and provide immense benefit
to both physicians and patients. The principle problem with these systems is that sometimes doctors
do not log out and, when another doctor uses this system, medicine is prescribed for the wrong patient.
The first feature that can be added to such a computer system to prevent this issue from occurring is to
make it so that each time medicine is prescribed for a patient, doctors have to log in possibly by
utilizing the new OneID technology (Skelton, 2012). This way, doctors will readily identify
themselves before they prescribe medication, virtually assuring patients that they will not get the
medicine that a previous doctor prescribed to someone else. It is possible to change settings for
password requirements (Mitchell, no date) Although this system may become tedious for doctors who
are attempting to prescribe more than one medication for a particular patient, it will certainly correct
the greater wrong of patients getting incorrect medicine. An alternative solution to this problem, which
may not be as tedious as the first, would be for the computer system to require doctors to input the
name of the particular patient they are prescribing medicine for following the conclusion of ordering a
prescription. The implementation of this measure would also greatly reduce, if not
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  • 5. Punk Subculture With the high pace of modernization since the 20th Century, people tend to be mechanized into living where they live. Concerned with the erosion of identify and distinct ways of life, large quantities of subculture emerged,especially in the late 1960s and 1970s. Bourdieu has already coined the term cultural capital to explicate the cultural asserts available within society. As provided with unique habitus and subcultural production, diverse subcultures often distinct through different subcultural capitals. This essay will interpret the notion of subcultural capital thoroughly and analyses how it assists subgroups differentiate themselves from other social groups, especially focusing on the punk subcultural capital and its contemporary ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Influenced by this punk subcultural capital, the punks distinguished themselves from the mainstream code of behavior. The subcultural capital not only differentiated from the widely accepted popular culture , but also discriminated themselves from the high culture as well. Hebdige (1976) has argued that subcultural knowledge often include class consciousness. As a matter of fact, the assertion of subcultural distinction partly bases on the ideal of classlessness (Thornton, 1995). Storey also points out that the class divides indeed exist between the subculture and the elite culture (Forgan, 2002). Opposite from the high culture, which is often appeal to the taste of the elite class, the subcultural capital is always less class bound and concerned more about the interests of lower class. Therefore, it shapes people s dispositions against the dominate stereotypes, such as class, gender and religion. As an illustration, the punks can come from all works of life and the diversity help to develop the punk tastes and contributes to the accumulation of subcultural capital, these tastes may give a guide to punks preference. In this way, the subcultural capital assists to develop its uniqueness. Last but not the least, the subcultural capital singularise the culture through practice on the subcultural production, which mainly are the music, fashion, art and literature. The subculture always identified by practice on these expressive forms under ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Comps Of Disneyland And Its Offerings April Bullard Professor Joshua Hussey English 1101 14 September 2017 Disneyland and its Offerings This is the place where every kid begs to go. This is the place where adults enjoy going also. It s the place where dreams come true , Disneyland. Located in Anaheim, California, this popular amusement park is known all over the world for its entertainment, park rides, Disney characters, and so much more. Here, children laugh and play while adults enjoy tours or spend the day at the spa. Either way, both parties will experience the time of their lives. There is so much scenery for the eyes to enjoy here. From the bright lights, to the extravagant decorations, and to the tall castle buildings; its elaborate factors cease to exist. This is what sets Disneyland apart from its fellow amusement parks. The park continues to grow with new things each year. There are so many awesome things that Disneyland rewards us with. This tourist attraction was founded by Walt Disney in 1955 (Disneyland Amusement Park). When this amusement park was first created it wasn t like other amusement parks at the time. Unlike traditional parks, Walt Disney had a vision of not just having rides but making it a place where Disneyland is known for its entertainment also. Walt Disney was a cartoon genius (Disneyland Amusement Park). A lot of his works, most popular being Mickey Mouse, were brought into the theme of the park. Bringing cartoons like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to the amusement park brought in joy. While walking through the park one may encounter costumes of, Tinker Bell and other Disney characters. For children and adults, seeing these cartoon characters depicted in real life, reminds one of happier times. This stood as a trademark for Disneyland. An atmosphere of optimism, patriotism, and fun are three of the many goals Walt Disney set to achieve (Disneyland s History). With this in mind things needed to be fixed and changes needed to be made. When the parked opened up in 1955, there were many speculations that the heavy investment Disney put in to the park would not be beneficial in return (Disneyland Amusement Park). Walt Disney spent a lot of money on his vision. Disney projected that he would need eleven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Grecia Research Papers Dude did you know Judge Judy s net worth is 45 million dollars? Grecia dropped to the floor and started sobbing. Grecia. Her show has ran for 20 seasons! Valentina fell alongside her and the two best friends embraced each other s admiration over Judith for the next few minutes. After they collected themselves they proceeded to learn more about their newfound idol. Their research led into the abyss that is the world wide web. What came next was hours of buzzfeed articles and quizzes: Which dead child star are you? , endless videos of puppies scaring themselves with their farts, and right and left swipes. Those passing hours were filled with laughter, tears, and lust. Grecia yearned for Valentina s company and decided to facetime her. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As she went her way she came upon a map of the park and in the corner and in small font read, Dog Wedding Gazebo Bingo. I found you, you son of a gun. She was closer now and was running to the wedding at this point. With the dilemma Valentina was stuck in, literally and Grecia running around trying to get help Marco was frustrated more than ever. He was getting very annoyed at this point because he knew this was something he could expect from her. The more angsty he got, the sooner he got to his decision to just start the wedding even though there were no wedding bands in sight. Now that both the bride and groom were in place and all the dog guests and their owners sat with smiles on their faces, the wedding began. It was beautiful and the parents of both the bride and groom couldn t help but shed a tear. Their babies were no longer pups. Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two dogs who are in it for forever.... For dogs, Jasmine and Fitzgerald were filled with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. The Other Slavery Summary Professor of History at the University of California, Davis Andres Resendez, constructs a detailed portrait of Native American enslavement in The Other Slavery. Part historical synthesis, part original research the monograph argues that decimated Native North American populations were a result of mass slavery. This is not a running history of native enslavement in the Western Hemisphere, that would require numerous volumes; this is a breadth approach outlining a missing piece of North American history, adding to the limited number of works on Native American slavery. He is attempting to demonstrate that Native Americans made up a significant portion of slaves, but beyond the numerical value of enslavement, it irrevocably altered the course of Native history. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He demonstrates that Native American populations experienced a catastrophic decline from slavery, as high as 90%, while the height of West Africa s was 20%. Yet the term slavery refers to Africans in the Americas, as historical memory excludes Native enslavement. The structure is geographic, set in areas which experienced intense other slavery: Caribbean, Mexico, and the American Southwest. It focuses on moments in history with abundant evidence of slavery or when the traffic of slavery underwent a significant change. The four traits used to determine native slavery are forcible removal and relocation, inability to leave the workplace, working under threat, and little to no pay. That is why the title is important, other references the issue of African slavery and different forms of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Computers And The Pc Revolution Today, 92% of all Americans have access to a computer(Anderson) in the form of a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. The first analog computers were developed during WW2, and they rapidly advanced into the 50s, and 60s. However, by the 70s the Digital Age was on the horizon. Giants like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft pushed development through the 80s; the PC Revolution had begun. The PC Revolution had a profound impact of millions of lives, transforming not only America but the entire world by opening new sales markets, and changing the way they interact with other humans. Microsoft, IBM, Dell, and Hewlett Packard(HP) are now well known companies, producing PCs, PC software, and other PC related products. However, they were not the first, nor were they the last competitors to enter the grand world of personal computing. The rapid development of PCs opened up new jobs fields in software development, IT management, computer systems analysis, and database administration. Jobs in marketing and production related positions expanded as well. Last but not least is the extreme growth and expansion the PC development brought economically. In the beginning of the PC revolution companies such as, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems(MITS), and Commodore turned out small computers designed for hobbyists but not on a large enough scale to be considered mass production. It wasn t until Bill Gates and Paul Allen approached MITS founder Ed Roberts, offering an operating ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Student Ids In High Schools Most schools in the country give their students student ids, which offer many benefits, such as providing a safer and more organized environment. However, Montour does not offer these to their students. Getting student Ids for all students in Montour High School would increase efficiency and safety throughout the school. Student ids can bring efficiency to the school in areas such as the library and cafeteria. Schools such as Owensboro High School use student ids to use as public library cards, to buy lunches, to get into athletic events, and even to check out books from the school library(Ramsey). If it was possible to scan student ids, the lunch lines in the cafeteria would decrease in size. Also, it will ease the process to get a public ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Ratio Analysis of Car Industry PROJECT REPORT ON CAR INDUSTRY RATIO ANALYSIS SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED TO: NEHA SHAHI (JIML 11 93) Prof. DHEERAJ MISHRA NEHA SINGH (JIML 11 94) NEHA TIWARI (JIML 11 95) NIKHIL SINGH (JIMML 11 97) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With a sense of gratitude and respect, we would like to extend our heartiest thanks to all of those who provided help and guidance to make this project. No Project is ever the outcome of single individual s talent or effort. This work is no exception. This project would not have been possible without the whole hearted encouragement, support and co operation of our guide, friends and well wishers. Although it is not possible for us to name and thank them all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... EBITDA margin measures the extent to which cash operating expenses use up revenue. Well the table shows the decreasing rate in margin which is profitable for the company, because total income is in the denominator if it increases margin will be starts falling. 2) RETURN ON ASSESTS ROA=NET INCOME/TOTAL ASSETS In this table company ROA is following ratio | y1 | y2 | y3 | y4 | y5 | R0A | 2.297682 | 2.446802 | 3.004372 | 1.572779 | 1.514235 | Return on assets is an indicator of how profitable a company is before leverage, and is compared with companies in the same industry. This number tells us what the company can do with what it has, i.e. how many dollars of earnings they derive from each dollar of assets they control. It s a useful number for comparing competing companies in the same industry. The number will vary widely across different industries. Return on assets gives an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Respecting The Founding Fathers Since the establishment of our nation, the founding fathers have been looked upon with veneration. The numerous monuments throughout the country dedicated to these courageous men demonstrate their lasting dignity in our society. These men were exceptional leaders who played a substantial role in American history and tremendously shaped our country for the better. They gave us some of our most beloved documents, led the way to our freedom from Great Britain, and provided us with the foundations for our current government. These men dedicated their lives to the betterment of our nation and deserve an accolade of admiration and honor. Our forefathers encouraged and highly influenced the establishment of our nation. First of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Our forefathers dedicated their lives to the establishment of our nation, but what inspired these men to do this? First, these men felt a responsibility to their country. George Washington said in his first inaugural address I was summoned by my country, whose voice I can never hear but with veneration and love... (Document C) Second, they were unhappy about Great Britain s brutality towards the colonies. As stated by the founders in the Declaration of Independence, Great Britain was responsible for cutting off our trade with other parts of the world and imposing taxes without our consent. According to the founding fathers, Great Britain also plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. (Document N) These men thought the actions of Great Britain were unfair and they needed to protect the rights of their people and stand up for their country. Finally, they wanted freedom for themselves and for generations to come. In a letter to Abigail Adams, John Adams writes I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Training Day Essay Among the array of cop movies out, there is one that has continued to stand out above the rest: Training Day. Although it made its debut some time ago it became an instant award winning cop film. Training day is a crime thriller film that follows Los Angeles Police Officer Jake Hoyt s first 24 hours in training with the veteran, corrupt, Narcotics Detective Alonzo Harris. The film takes place on the streets as Detective Harris shows Officer Hoyt s what a day in the life of a narcotics detective really looks like. When it comes to cop movies, Training Day stands out above the rest with its array of characters, crime thriller plot, urban street setting, and a lawless street justice theme. Although both of the films main characters are police ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In many cop movies it is easy to distinguish the good from the evil but in this film it all depends on what your definition of good is. The film is a journey deep within the LAPD s narcotics division and exposes the darker side of law enforcement. For example, in one of the first scenes Detective Harris tells Officer Hoyt that a good narcotics detective should have narcotics in their system and pressures him smoke illicit drugs. Consequently, when Officer Hoyt refuses Detective Harris points a gun at him and tells him if they were on the streets a drug dealer would have killed him, and tells him he doesn t want him in his division. Officer Hoyt gives in to Detective Harris telling him he will do anything he wants him to do and smokes the illicit drugs. Officer Hoyt in complete disbelief after just smoking illicit drugs goes into culture shock when he begins to see that it was just an ordinary part of being in narcotics. In a following scene Officer Hoyt states that it couldn t be true that all this corruption is part of being in the narcotics division and Detective Harris responds that that s the only way to get the job done. These first few scenes set the tone for how Detective Harris works with little disregard for the laws he swore to uphold and make it difficult through the film to determine who really are the bad ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Dangerous Sugar Hazards Research Paper Dangerous Sugar Hazards Ahead: Killer Candy Bombs of sugar are hurled at you, the pins of grenades of artificial preservatives have been pulled, bugs of all sort have surrounded you, no matter where you look these are all in the health killer called candy. For instance candy upholds too much sugar; according to my calculations and the nutrition facts from the Twix official packaging one minis Twix bar is 1.79 ounces yet about 10% (or 5 grams) of the bar is pure sugar aside from the artificial ingredients in the rest of the bar. For some people eating all that sugar from the chocolate, caramel, and cookie just overloads their mouth. In spite of eating sugar, once you eat at least six Twix bars the sugar adds up to drinking a pop of soda. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Religious Freedom Restoration Act A war on freedom is brewing in Indiana because a law that ostracizes LGBTQ community members has been passed. This law is akin to the infamous Jim Crow laws based on the fact it promotes segregation between the LGBTQ and surrounding communities. On March 26, 2015, Indiana Governor Mike Pence signed Indiana Senate Bill 101, better known as the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, into place. Under this law, a person or business owner s exercise of religion is protected from persecution by the government, a right everyone is entitled to, but bigoted business owners have taken to refusing service to members of the LGBTQ community, claiming they violate their religious beliefs. I believe that this gratuitous allowance of homophobia that infringes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the non fiction book Homophobia: A History, author Byrne Fone explains, In the last years of his life, around 350 B.C.E., Plato wrote his final major work, the Laws, in which he [displays favor of] the argument that homosexual behavior is unnatural (Fone 34). In addition to social persecution, people who identify on the LGBTQ spectrum are at a higher risk of experiencing violence In 2010, the FBI reported in a hate crime statistics report that 19.3% of hate crimes in that year were motivated by a sexual orientation bias. Based on national statistics, more than 50% of transgendered youth will attempt suicide at least once by the age of 20 Statistics About Youth Suicide . These numbers are shocking, and it s baffling that these youth have to live under the pressure of violence and mental illness all while being barred from the rights they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Maple Leaf Consumer Foods ADMS 4900 GROUP PROJECT REPORT MAPLE LEAF CONSUMER FOODS FIXING HOT DOGS (A) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Maple Leaf Foods (MLF), a result of many mergers and amalgamations, has been in Canada for over 100 years. Its operations focus on three core areas: meat products, agribusiness and bakery products. The meat product group is the largest, with sales to about $2.5 billion in 2000. Each business is made up of independent operating companies (IOCs), with each IOC run by a president and encouraged to follow a common set of values. Efforts are underway to optimize vertical coordination of the IOCs. A major concern for the meat product division is the loss of market share in the hot dog industry where average price per kilo is increasing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... RESULTS OF SITUATION ANALYSIS MLF is losing market share due to proliferation of unsuccessful brands such as _Beef Dogs_, _Lean n Lite_ and _Burns_. Having too many brands has spread corporate resources thin and has underutilized the Maple Leaf brand name leading to lack of a national identity of their hot dog segment, productivity problems and rising costs, both operational and production. THE ALTERNATIVES THEIR ANALYSIS ALTERNATIVE 1: _Eliminate poor performing hot dog brands and re allocate the funds associated with them to existing brands that are doing well in order to increase their sales._ The hot dogs that we are trying to improve sales for are: _Hygrade_, _Maple Leaf Originals_, _Top Dogs_ and _Shopsy s_. This option involves reformulating _Top Dogs_ to make it taste better and provide value for the consumers, without trying to make it a national brand. MLF will increase market research in order to gain vital information to help properly position this brand in each of the different regions. MLF can borrow money from other, more profitable IOCs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. James Berry Bentley An ex con recently released from prison tries to ruin his brother s football career, blaming him for turning him into the police. BRIEF SYNOPSIS BENTLEY (30 s) has just been released from prison. A mob boss tells JT to get him back in the business stealing cars. Bentley s younger half brother, DAVID (23), isn t happy to see Bentley. A friend, LIONEL (20 s) also isn t happy to see Bentley. He s the one who snitched on him. Bentley has a grudge against David believing he turned him into the police after a liquor store robbery. The gun is still hidden in the attic. David is thrilled to have signed with the New Orleans Saints Football team. When Bentley meets a psychic who tells him his future, Bentley is determined to reclaim his destiny. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His life changes when he meets the psychic and he seems to think it s a message. One can see in a comedy how this might work (think ANAYLZE THINK film). In a drama the psychic doesn t work. Bentley has a big ego and he resents his brother. He feels cheated by life. He believes in destiny and fate. He wants to be back on top. Because of the ambiguous tone, right now, Bentley isn t a likable character. At the end, he becomes pitiful in the bridge scene. David has an actionable goal to be on the football team. He s more serious about life. However, one doesn t really feel they get to know David very well. He s not a character that stands out. His inner conflict has to do with feeling guilty about Bentley. It s unclear who his father is. David has a lot at risk, but he s not a proactive character. Find ways to make David more relatable to the audience. In a comedy, find his comedic beats. David s character arc is also not well defined. Of concern is that one doesn t really root for David, because he s not interesting enough and the audience isn t invested in his career. Lionel is more distinctive. He s child like, and he seems intimidated by Bentley. He has a difficult time making decisions. For some reason it appears that he snitched years ago, but it s not clear ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Marx, Mill And Freud s Critique Of Political Economy And... Describe and assess the explicit (and sometimes merely implicit) notions of freedom and unfreedom we find in the texts we have read by Marx, Mill and Freud. Use the esoteric traditions we have examined thus far (from the Book of Job to Plato) as a comparative yardstick, or point of reference, but without letting them take over the foreground in your paper the latter should be reserved for these three figures. Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and John Stuart Mill are three authors who tackle the topic of freedom in unique ways, but their messages are fundamentally the same and continue the ideas that we encountered in the esoteric texts as well as in The Matrix: . First, we have Karl Marx s Capital: Critique of Political Economy and The Communist Manifesto, where we encounter the proletariat, or the working class people regarded collectively. In these two texts, the latter of which was co authored by Frederick Engels, we learn that the proletariat is enslaved just like the people in the matrix. And just like the people in the matrix, the proletariat is oblivious to this limit on its freedom. That is why in Karl Marx s view, unfreedom is what we are living in now. According to him, many people think that abolishing private property through communism is what will infringe on our freedom, but that is not the case. Specifically, in The Communist Manifesto Marx states, You are horrified at our intending to do away with private property. But in your existing society, private ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Attachment, Self Regulation, And Competency The Attachment, Self Regulation, and Competency (ARC) Framework is a theoretically grounded, evidence informed, promising practice used to treat complex trauma in children and adolescents (Arvidson, 2011). This research shows how the application of the ARC model benefits inner city youth who have been diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The goal of this research is to demonstrate that symptoms of ODD can be decreased by exposing inner city youth to ARC therapy over a period of time. The target population is inner city youth in Chattanooga, TN who are diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder. 50 students were chosen at random at inner city schools in the area. 25 of the youth will be exposed to the therapy, while 25 will not be exposed and serve as the control group. The 25 students will be exposed to ARC therapy over a span of 6 months. After the 6 month period, the behaviors will be rated again and compared to the control group that received no treatment. Complex trauma results from exposure to severe stressors that occur within the caregiver system or with another presumably responsible adult, are repetitive, and begin in childhood or adolescence. As a result, many of these children and adolescents experience lifelong difficulties related to self regulation, relationships, psychological symptoms, alterations in attention and consciousness, self injury, identity, and cognitive distortions (Lawson, 2013). Exposure to ARC therapy over a given time will lead to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Chemical Warfare During The First World War Chemical Warfare in the First World War The First World War, while engulfing Europe with four years of death and destruction, also served as something of a testing ground, allowing nations to test and deploy the newest and most high tech weapons in their arsenals. It is from these experiences, on the bitter, mud drenched fields of Flanders, Eastern Europe, and elsewhere, that many technologies that shape the modern battlefield today, such as the air plane or the tank, were first put to use on a grand scale. It is here too, that another weapon was unleashed upon humanity for first time, but this one was deemed so sinister that the nations of the world near unanimously agreed to ban once the war ended. A weapon so awful that even today, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its use, however, despite its non lethality, served to set a dangerous precedent for the war. German planners wasted no time in developing their own incapacitating agents to retaliate with, and before long something of a chemical weapons arms race was underway. The German chemical response finally came that October, when British forces at Neuve Chapelle were hit with a wave of xylyl bromide, and apparently the Germans like what they saw. In January, they decided to turn their new weapon against the Russian army, in what they hoped would send their opponents running beneath a thick cloud of tear gas. To create this cloud, nearly 20,000 shells were filled with teargas and unleashed on the Russian positions west of Warsaw. Unfortunately for the Germans, however, they did not take into account the frigid conditions that occur in Central Poland in July, and most of the gas froze, the shells harmlessly falling to earth amongst a bewildered Czarist force. In light of the developments on the Eastern Front, as well as the fact that xylyl bromide was found to corrode metals and thus posed a logistics nightmare for the men transporting the shells, the German army began looking for alternatives and finally ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Campylobacter Report It is believed that the first report about Campylobacter was back in 1886 by Escherich who observed and described non culturable corkscrew shaped bacteria isolated from the colonic contents of infants who had died as a result of cholera infantum (Escherich, 1886; Skirrow and Butzler, 2000; King and Adams, 2008; Vandamme et al., 2010). Campylobacter identified for the first time in 1906 by John McFadyean and Stewart Stockman, who reported the presence of large numbers of a peculiar organism in the uterine mucus of a pregnant sheep (Skirrow, 2006; Zilbauer et al., 2008). After this in 1913, McFadyean and Stockman isolate these microorganisms from aborted bovine fetuses and successfully cultured for the first time (McFadyean and Stockman, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Later in 1947, Vicent and his associates isolate the bacteria from pregnant women (Vincent et al., 1947; Zilbauer et al., 2008).It was not until the 1950 s that Elizabeth King first suggested these vibrios could be associated with the human enteric disease. King cultured them from the blood of infected individuals and was the first to study this human disease causing Vibrio species in depth (King, 1957). She observed that they grew at a distinctly higher optimum temperature than the other vibrios they were grouped with and referred to this subgroup as related vibrios (King, 1957). Sebald and Véron formally separated these related vibrios from the Vibrionaceae family and proposed the genus name Campylobacter (Greek meaning, a curved rod) in 1963 (Sebald Véron, 1963). The differences which lead to this separation were their requirement for microaerophilic growth conditions, the DNA being of a low guanine and cytosine base composition, their non fermentative metabolism and their elevated optimum growth temperature (Sebald Véron, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Examples Of Internal Conflict In Macbeth In Shakespeare s play Macbeth, internal conflict is used to examine Macbeth s character. As Macbeth struggles with his own sense of self and is urged by his vaulting ambition to be king, Macbeth finds himself easily influenced by the witches and his wife, and in situations where he cannot ponder on his past actions. Macbeth s inner confusion is used by Shakespeare to explore the tragic consequences of Macbeth s vaulting ambition. Macbeth fights with his inner self about the decisions he makes towards his ambitions. These decisions were often influenced by Lady Macbeth and bring on hallucinations for Macbeth. His decisions were made to ensure his place on the throne and that he needed to keep moving and go to great lengths if he was to maintain ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man, this alliteration is used by Macbeth as he considers killing King Duncan, and it lets the audience know of Macbeth s fear towards the murder. Macbeth questions his sense of self and loyalty while making his decision. Lady Macbeth does not agree with Macbeth s refusal to kill King Duncan and influences his choice by questioning his manhood with the use of a rhetorical question, Art thou afead to be the same in thine own act and valour as thou art in desire? This gives the audience knowledge of Lady Macbeth s attitude towards the murder and gets the audience thinking about why Macbeth chose not to kill the King. Once hearing this question from Lady Macbeth, Macbeth rethinks his decision and ambition finally drives Macbeth into killing King Duncan. The metaphor, to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which o erleaps itself and falls on the other, shows that Macbeth is driven by ambition and that he makes his decisions to benefit his power. The inner conflict experienced by Macbeth when making the decision to kill King Duncan changed his sense of self and his loyalty towards King ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Role Of Fate And Fate In Oedipus The King Introduction: In Oedipus king wrote by the dramatist and philosopher Sophocles, Oedipus is the only responsible of his destiny. Oedipus was the one who held his fate and destiny in his hands. Because of his actions that he made, the curse that he swore and the prophecy about him, he had to be punished for his actions and sins. Body paragraph 1 The most important thing about the destiny of Oedipus is the Prophecy about what he will become because it where the novel start. Oedipus is not innocent for his action at law and does in fact bear the responsibleness for the outcomes that his action at law have caused him to endure. In Hellene mythology, the future of someone is usually predetermined by the fate and prophecies. The role of prognostication is very important in Hellene mythology and it mimics the beliefs of people who believed that lot and destiny could not be avoided. Because one s fate is already predetermined, Oedipus Rex could not have escaped the prognostication of the oracle Teiresias. Although Oedipus King cannot ascendancy what his future tense entail, he can control how he handle his prophecy. Rather than boldly accepting his predetermined fate, Oedipus cowardly tries to run away from his curse, running to Thebes, away from Polybus and Merope believing he can counter his destiny. Additionally, when King Oedipus meets Teiresias and learns more about his destiny, Oedipus cry the prophesier a fool and believes that he can thwart his destiny. Oedipus s acts of cowardice and profanation wind to his downfall and demise. Apollo once announced that I am destined to mate with my mother, and shed my father s blood with my own hand. P.54 Body paragraph 2 Oedipus is victim from his own innocence because of his mistake about leaving his adoptive family, thinking he can no longer make the prophecy come true, he think he can do what he want to do like marrying and ruling a kingdom. He don t realize what he did. For example, he claims he was committing a deed of self defense when he killed the man who turned out to be his father. He also did not know that Jocaste was his female parent because he had campaign away from Merope, who Oedipus believed was his real mother. Also, Oedipus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Downtown Atlanta Narrative Analysis Cities, more often than not, tend to represent the prosperity and culture of the surrounding landscape. Cultures and subcultures that exist in a given region tend to mold and frame the development of its cities and towns. Atlanta however, during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, had the unique opportunity to mold and shape not only its own identity, but also the landscape that surrounded. Two scholarly works, In the Mind s Eye: The Downtown as Visual Metaphor for the Metropolis by Karen Luehrs and Timothy Crimmins, and The Sons of Henry Grady: Atlanta Boosters in the 1920s by Charles Garofalo, characterizes the evolution of Atlanta during the turn of the century into becoming the city that would continue to grow until the 1970s. Both Luehrs and Crimmins provide a descriptive analysis of downtown s evolving appearance and the varying development patterns from the reconstruction period to the roaring twenties. Combined with Garofalo s comprehensive analysis of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Luehrs and Crimmins usage of quantitative research provides a sharp image of downtown Atlanta s landscape during the reconstruction (through the 1920s), noting the diversity of structures and where most business activities took place. In doing so, they create an extensive dossier of downtown Atlanta s development patterns. In conjunction, Luehrs and Crimmins note the direction of civic engagement that New South Advocates where pushing the city of Atlanta towards. What is interesting in Luehrs and Crimmins analysis of downtown Atlanta s development is how they position the discourse of New South Advocates against the reality of commercial patterns that were present during the time period. Thus Luehrs and Crimmins argument here is not in the materiality of Atlanta s downtown, but instead the effectiveness of early Atlanta ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Revolutionary War Of Independence The American Revolution which began as a War of Independence for American quickly transformed into a civil battle between the American patriots and loyalists joined by Indian forces. This war of independence, irrefutably, had a great effect on the citizens of America in varying degrees. The revolution, of course, gave a free rein to unforeseen political revolutions which often spark social revolutions. However, the American Revolution has foreseen the beginning of an abolitionist movement for African American slaves, broaden the social roles of women, and diversified religious life in American society. The Revolutionary War notably changed the framework of the government and secured independence, but it also affected those that aren t mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, African American slaves and women, and impacted the principle of the separation of the church and state. America s war of independence was undeniably a war of social change which overall redefined rights of American citizens. The Revolutionary War was an engine of change. The Revolutionary War offered enslaved blacks fluctuating degrees of opportunities for freedom. America s war of independence greatly impacted the lives of African American slaves. The world s first Antislavery society was founded in 1775 by the Quakers of Philadelphia, the year the Revolution began (ushistory.org). Pennsylvania quickly became America s most diverse colony which included African Americans, Indians, and Dutch and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Should Bae Be Removed From The English Language The English language has transformed dramatically with influence of history, cultural changes, and economic social classes. For instance, the term bae is now used often in today s youth and pop culture. This term is often used as endearment. Bae should be removed from the English language because it makes no sense and extremely annoying. After many Google searches and looking the Oxford English dictionary, bae does not exist. However, the word bae in the Danish language means feces. This does not explain why this word would be used as a term of endearment. According to the Urban dictionary, bae is a word used by ghetto people to address their significant other because they have found themselves too lazy to pronounce the entire ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Marketing Strategies for Bmw Marketing Strategies for BMW Paper covers Current Marketing Strategies Future Marketing Strategies [08/02/07] Dharmesh BMW Group, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is one of the most successful multi brand premium automobile manufacturers in the world. The company manufactures, distributes and sells passenger cars (including Sedans, Coupes, and Convertibles etc) and motorcycles. BMW operates three business segments namely: Automobiles, Motorcycles and Financial Services. BMW is the parent company of the Mini and Rolls Royce car brands, and, formerly, Rover (car)/Rover. The company s slogans in English are The Ultimate Driving Machine and Sheer Driving Pleasure . The company produces, and markets, a varied range of higher end ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1 Series: Audi A3, Volkswagen Golf, Alfa Romeo 147, 3 Series: Audi A4, Jaguar X Type, Mercedes C Class, Lexus IS200, 5 Series: Audi A6, Mercedes E Class, Saab 9 5, Jaguar S Type, Volvo S80, 6 Series: Jaguar XK, Maserati 4200, Porsche 911, 7 Series: Audi A8 and S8, Jaguar XJ series, Lexus LS400, Mercedes S Class, X3: Land Rover Freelander, X5: Range Rover, Mercedes M Class, Volvo XC90, Porshe Cayenne, VW Touareg, Acura MDX, Lexus GX 470, Z4: Porsche Boxster, Audi TT, Chrysler Sebring Convertible, Toyota Camry Solara, M Range: M3 Coupe Mercedes C55, Audi RS4, M5 Mercedes E55, Audi RS6, MINI: Mercedes A Class, Peugeot 206 H/B, Volkswagen Polo, GTI, Golf, Renault Clio, Ford Focus RS, Vauxhall Corsa and Toyota Yaris, Rolls Royce Phantom: Mercedes Maybach, Bentley Arnage. BMW still remains the world s most successful premium car brand with 11, 85,088 units sold in 2006 which beat the record of 2005 by 5.2% level increase in the sales. Major Key markets for BMW group has approx. 68% sales in Italy, USA and Germany these three countries as compared to other countries. Also below in figures it shows break down of sales figure for different segment in BMW cars. (Source Annual report of BMW 2006) This philosophy, which runs through every BMW car, has been communicated through a number of TV and print ads. The brand image has been built up by press advertisements, and more recently through different television commercials. Throughout this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Archeology In Raiders Of The Lost Ark Definition of Archeology Uninformed people might think that archaeology is the stuff of Indiana Jones, the character played by Harrison Ford in the classic 1981 Movie entitled Raiders of the Lost Ark. In this movie, Jones was an adventurer and so called archaeologist who sought a golden idol. Jones did not proceed in an orderly, scientific fashion, nor record the surroundings, location, or precise measurements. There are many different definitions for archeology, and here are a few: Archeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains says one source, It is an area of science that studies people and animals from the past and the things they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This research uncovers the written records associated with the area of interest. In addition to primary historical documents, archaeologists will look for site reports that have been prepared by other archaeologists who have studied the area. These reports will often describe what was found in the area during any previous archaeological investigations and will help guide the archeologists to new discoveries. The archives today are stored on huge computer systems and can be recovered at anytime thanks to easy navigation instead of having to look through thousands maybe even hundreds of thousands of documents to find what your looking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Taking a Look at the Original Sin Original Sin In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth ex nihilo (out of nothing). After God created the earth he made the adam out of the dust of the earth and by breathing into his nostrils made the man living. Everything God created was Good, the man was also good but only with woman was man complete. God created woman from the rib of Adam. Both Adam and his partner Eve were both placed in the Garden of Eden where they were to live and eat from, everything in the Garden except from the Tree of Knowledge, Good, and Evil. However one day a serpent came to Eve and asked made her question the command of not eating from the tree. The serpent told her that she could have knowledge and become like God if she ate from the tree. Both Adam and Eve ate from the tree and disobeyed God s divine command. God in turn cursed the serpent as well as Adam and Eve. He told Adam that he would struggle and toil with the land and also that he will return to the dust just as he was created from it. God had to punish Adam and Eve for the disobedient act from where human corruption became apparent. After a British monk named Pelagius fled Italy in 409 to escape an invasion and moved to Carthridge in North America, a clash between this monk and Saint Augustine became inevitable. Both of these men who were teachers and involved with the church had two completely opposite and opposing doctrines that were bound to class. This inevitable debate finally occurred in what is known as the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Euloph Gideon While heading into the Indian Territory, we traveled through the endless plains of Missouri for days until we found a small lake hidden by closely dense trees in Westport. Near the opposite of the lake sat a man peacefully unaware of our presence as he carefully sketched a deer drinking by the lake. It was such a serene moment that neither Gideon nor I was willing to shoot the deer for dinner. After several minutes, the man noticed and beckoned us to come over to his side of the lake by waving food into the air. Usually, we would never approach an eccentric man like him, but our diminishing supply of food persuaded us to move our wagon and horses towards him. With his warming smile, he made space for us by lake and introduced himself as Thomas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In reply, he laughed hysterically of my reasoning, and then joked that if I was only as inspired in art as I was in writing, he would have gladly accepted me in his Hudson River school. Amused by my dream to rival Cooper s talent in western adventure novels, he freely gave me a sketch of this lake as a reminder of our meaningful conversation, whereas Gideon bought several sketches and paintings in order to decorate his house back in Virginia. As a result, Cole contemplated whether if Gideon as an aspired artist was crazier than me as an aspired writer. It was the meeting with Cole that motivated me to begin my first chapter of my novel with a weary man contemplating about his bleak future by the lake due to his life trapped into the fur trapping business. When I shared this chapter with Cole, he emphasized, the most distinctive, and perhaps the most impressive, characteristic of American scenery is its wildness, to remind me that wildness of the west would motivate me to complete my novel, hence ending this journey. Once Gideon and I regained our strength, we parted ways with Cole and headed out into the Indian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. New York City s Subway System HISTORY By Nimesha Padman 1143364 Abstract The primary objective of the paper is to focus on the major transport systems of the two major economic hubs of the 21st century being, Mumbai _(India) and New York city_ (United states of America. It shall also talk about the need for an evolution for a dense transport system and its effect on the two cities. This paper would mainly focus on the historic development dealing with the need for evolution, process of design and technology and construction methods involved in the making of such dense transport fabric. Facts, references and illustrations shall support the research. New York City s subway system is among the busiest urban transit systems in the world. Domestic transportation is a key factor for economic growth. Transportation issues and infrastructural delays affect a nation s progress and India needs much faster and efficient transportation systems. Amitabh Kant, CEO, Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). [1] This helps in concluding that the rail network is a better, convenient and a more efficient mode of transportation. By the discussions cited in the article and the statistics provided, irrespective of the different needs for evolution, these wide spread rapid transport systems play a vital role in the connecting the major down town areas and contribute the cities one of the major source of incomes balancing the major load on the road traffic. [1] The Economic Times Why transport infrastructure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Coles Human Resources Management Report Essay Coles Human Resource Management Evaluation Report Abstract This report illustrates two key HRM strategies used by Coles Supermarkets Reward Management and Performance Management. The core competence and business goal of Coles are elaborated and the room for improvement have been identified, whereby Reward management and its implementation have been critically analysed to bridge the gap between their operational loss (weakness) and optimum performance (desired goal). Likewise, the method in which Performance Management is used by Coles to lead their employees to work both efficiently and effectively has been analysed. Performance Management is a useful tool to evaluate and ensure employee activities line up with the organisation s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, in either recruit policies or retain policies of Coles, the Fair Work Act must be considered. The second factor is the condition of whole economy such as Inflation, change in pay rates and salaries. During the inflation stage, the increasing living cost will cause higher demand of income to satisfy the living standard. So, now it is the time to change reward system to be more effective. Meanwhile, the change of pay rates and salaries can affect the HRM as well. The third one is social factors such as different cultures of employees. For instance, when an US company operates a division in India, the HRM should be different than America s to ensure all employees with different cultures can work well together. The fourth factor that can affect HRM is technological change. High quality employees must be skilled in the latest technological devices because it can improve the efficiency of work and help the achievement of the organization s goals. As a result, it will affect the organization s recruit policies. The fifth factor is that can affect HRM is environmental factors such as harsh weather conditions or greenfields. For Coles, if a supermarket operate in a greenfield area or in a harsh weather conditions, the recruit and retain policies must be changed to attract more people to work there.The last factor is legal which means any laws that can affect HRM. For example, the minimum wages set ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Safety Of Non Invasive Bp Monitoring System Safety of non invasive BP monitoring System The BP monitoring system proposed in this paper will comprise predominantly of three sensors and a focal facilitator; two PPG sensors, one on the ear flap, another on the fingertips, with a temperature sensor and the focal organizer, in this manner shaping a star network topology. The advantage of the star network is that a sensor can be just replaced without the need to supplant the whole system when the sensor has blunders, so it is anything but difficult to distinguish blames and to expel parts. A star network can likewise be effectively extended with more sensors, similar to ECG, EEG sensors, to enhance the execution of the whole medical monitoring system. The fact that the sensors are connected and powered by the central coordinator helps to reduce the size of the sensors. The use of micro sensors and microprocessor in the coordinator will make a wearable body sensor network possible, and which will not affect the patient s daily life. The two PPG sensors will collect the pulse information and will sent the data individually via wire transmission to the central coordinator. The PTT, with the temperature data collected by the temperature sensor, as well as other predetermined information, such as body temperature, age, gender, BMI etc. will be gathered and stored in the coordinator to compute the instant BP value. The wire transmission between sensors and coordinator ensures a safe, stable and rapid data transmission. In the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Use of Computer Systems to Read the Handwriting of... With a few modifications, computer systems that can read the handwriting of doctors and that automatically check for medicinal conflicts for patients can be improved and provide immense benefit to both physicians and patients. The principle problem with these systems is that sometimes doctors do not log out and, when another doctor uses this system, medicine is prescribed for the wrong patient. The first feature that can be added to such a computer system to prevent this issue from occurring is to make it so that each time medicine is prescribed for a patient, doctors have to log in possibly by utilizing the new OneID technology (Skelton, 2012). This way, doctors will readily identify themselves before they prescribe medication, virtually assuring patients that they will not get the medicine that a previous doctor prescribed to someone else. It is possible to change settings for password requirements (Mitchell, no date) Although this system may become tedious for doctors who are attempting to prescribe more than one medication for a particular patient, it will certainly correct the greater wrong of patients getting incorrect medicine. An alternative solution to this problem, which may not be as tedious as the first, would be for the computer system to require doctors to input the name of the particular patient they are prescribing medicine for following the conclusion of ordering a prescription. The implementation of this measure would also greatly reduce, if not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...