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Essay Writing Format For Bank
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Essay Writing Format For Bank ExamsEssay Writing Format For Bank Exams
Interview With Other Culture
I have a close family friend who moved here from the Philippines when she was twenty six. We
have lived next door to her and her family for over ten years and I never once took the time to
learn about her life before she moved to America. With this being said, before this interview, I had
no knowledge of the Philippine culture. Before this encounter I had no knowledge of the
proclamation of Martial Law placed over the Philippines. Estrellita, the woman I interviewed and
spent time with, explained how she was in her last year of nursing school when the President
enacted this law. She claimed that those were very hard times for the country, but she had to remain
strong and complete school. Once completing school she would be free to seek out an adventure in
another country. Some customs never change, and that is the case for one of the strongest held
customs of the Philippine culture. When... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This experience has given me the opportunity to learn from another culture. The interview with
my friend from the Philippines has influenced me to learn more about the cultures that differ from
my own. I am eager to learn about other cultures and gain knowledge of their values and beliefs.
From this cross cultural experience, I have gained a sense of ease when it comes to interacting
with different cultures. I have learned to be patient and listen well when speaking to a person who
has a thick accent.
Allow me to finish with a quotation from Nelson Mandela: No one is born hating another person
because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if
they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart
than it s opposite (Ozdowski, 2013). Diversity is such a wonderful thing, and this cross cultural
experience has shown me that we have so much to learn from cultures other than our
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Success By Malcolm Gladwell
In society, there is a common misconception that success simply arises from a combination of an
individual s innate talent and drive to acquire success. However, in the book Outliers The Story of
Success by Malcolm Gladwell, Gladwell introduces a new and different perspective of the
foundation of success, and proposes that other factors contribute to and can even determine the
likelihood of someone succeeding. Aspects such as hidden advantages, upbringing, timing, and
cultural legacies play a significant role in how well one will do in this world. The outliersof society
are the individuals who, because of their chance opportunities, have cultivated their inner talents
and abilities to become successful.
Hidden advantages play a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As Gladwell dives deeper into the success stories of notable figures, their stories all share a
common theme that their success was not just of their own making (67) but was a product of the
world in which they grew up in. (67) The special opportunities hidden in their lives allowed them
to achieve the 10,000 hours needed to master their craft, one of Gladwell s essential components
for the recipe to success. Bill Gates, a distinguished figure in the software world serves as a
prime example as a beneficiary of the hidden advantages received that launched him into a path
to success. Bill Gates sheer brilliance and ambition and guts (50) were not the only reasons for
his success. Gates success is owed to his opportunity to do real time programming as an eighth
grader in 1968 (51), essentially setting him up to become successful, as others did not have the
same opportunities as he did. If Bill Joy had not had an extraordinary, early opportunity to learn
programming (51) and the Beatles had not had the opportunity to perform for 270 nights on just
over a year and a half (50), would they have become just as successful? Through these cases,
Gladwell makes it evident that the role of chance opportunities is significant and vital to the
likelihood of one becoming successful.
An individual s chance of success is predetermined by their family background and upbringing. As
Gladwell investigates those who were successful and those
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Mary Shelly and the Romantic Era
The story written by Mary Shelly reflects the mood of the Romantic era in numerous ways. Some
of these themes include views on science, changes in the weather across Europe, mistrust of
advancements in science and the role of disease and death and the loneliness that resulted. The
experiences of Shelly and even the setting and location where she formed the idea for Frankenstein
display interesting themes of the time period. Disease and death were a common theme
throughout the Romantic era. Not only did it affect Shelly s life directly, the topic of personal
loss was evident throughout her novel. The murders of Victor s family and friends by the
monster displayed this theme but it was also on display early in the book with Victor s mother
catching the Scarlet Fever and dying after attending to Elizabeth during a bout of the same.
Disease, tragedy and death seemed to be a sad but very common part of life during this time
period. Interestingly, changes in the climate and weather of Europe were a key factor in the idea of
Frankenstein coming about. Due to this inclement weather, a period of time was spent indoors by
Mary, her husband and some of her friends. After discussions about ghost stories, gothic writings
and reanimated corpses, Mary s imagination rose to the occasion and after a nightmare one night
Frankenstein was born. As a side note, I also found the mood the Frankenstein book felt cold and
gloomy throughout. Although the scenery
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Jane Liebschutz Analysis
Doctor s Diaries showed the difficult and challenging life of doctors and how they can affect the
doctor s personal life and professional job. While watching the video, there were two occurrences
that stood out to me the most. The first example was the emotional connection a doctor can have
with a patient, and the second example was the difficulty of getting patients to open up to the
doctors In the first example, Dr. Jane Liebschutz became emotionally connected to an elderly
patient who was having surgery for the first time. The surgery involved removing some vein from
the leg, some vessels in the chest wall, and connecting them to the coronary arteries, which will
help pump blood to his heart. Before the surgery, Dr. Liebschutz met with the patient and talked
with him, reassuring him that the surgery would go well. Within six hours of performing the
surgery, the patient s heart had failed and he passed away. Getting emotional, Dr. Liebschutz cried
because she had never connected with a patient who suddenly passed away while having surgery.
Especially with a patient who passed away in front of her while she help assist during the surgery....
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When a doctor loses a patient that they have become emotionally connected with, it can make their
work a lot more difficult. After losing a patient a doctor still has the workload of informing the
family about the loss and sometimes even explaining to them why things happen the way they did.
They also have the workload of continuing their daily routine work without letting their emotions
mix in with their job as they see other patients. This, I find, is a challenging task to do because a
doctor has to do their best to not let their emotions influence their work and those around them as
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Foundations of Mythology Essay
Foundations of Mythology
June 25, 2013
Gayla Nelson
Foundations of Mythology
How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, It s a myth mean? In
contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in
your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words.
The word myth can be used in so many ways and it can also have so many different meaning based
on the contents of the word. It can have a religious tone to it, where it describes the foundations of
some people s belief system as most religions do. In an extreme case it can shape someone s way of
life. It can also be used as an escape from reality in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology
and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in
helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death.
The relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion is one that interweaved,
where religion, mythology and belief share the most in common, knowledge is just as
important. Mythology and religion intersect in their origins; because of the belief in mythology
religion grew. I don t believe you can really have one without the other. Most religions today at
least the big 3 rely on a foundation or a belief in a Supreme Being or deity that takes on mythical
status and is the bias of those religions. Without the belief in the myth the religions would fall
apart. And that leads us to the where they diverge, in to today society more and more people have
begun to question religion atheism is one of the fast growing problem facing modern day
religions. Where religion once relied and mythology for its origins in today day and age religion
itself is being categorized as mythology itself
How would you defend mythology s relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and
cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify
human experience.
In today s world mythology is divided, if you are a
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Baroque Vs. Baroque Renaissance
The style that followed the Renaissance is usually called Baroque . But, while it is easy to identify
the earlier style by definite marks of recognition, this is not so simple in the case of Baroque.
Baroque is considered to be one of the great periods of art history , and it is generally identified as
being developed by Caravaggio, Gianlorenzo Bernini and Annibale Carracci. The Baroqueperiod
developed in Europe in around 1600, and it can be seen partly as a reaction against the intricate
and formulaic Mannerism that dominated the Late Renaissance. Nevertheless, to see Baroque as
simply being a reaction against Renaissance ideals and norms is simplistic. Modern scholarship has
identified within the Baroque clear signs of a return to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By synthesising these elements, I will establish how the Baroque can be distinguished from its
The term Baroque , like many period designations, is not a complementary one. It had the
connotation of meaning bizarre taste that does not follow the rules of the classical. This provides
one basic definition of the Baroque; its contrast to classicism, despite the fact that Baroque was a
reaction to, and an adaption of, the classical tradition. The word Baroque was a term employed by
critics of a later period who fought against the tendencies of the seventeenth century, and wanted to
hold them up to ridicule. Baroque really means... grotesque, and it was used by men who insisted
that the forms of classical building should never have been used or combined except in the ways
adopted by the Greeks and Romans...
After the idealism of the Renaissance, and the slightly forced nature of Mannerism, Baroque above
all reflected the religious tensions of the age notably the desire of the Catholic Church in Rome (as
annunciated at the Council of Trent) to reassert itself in the wake of the Protestant Reformation.
Thus, Baroque art became synonymous with the Catholic Counter Reformation. Baroque art in
Catholic nations reflected the desire of Emperors and monarchs to strengthen their political position
and glorify their own divine grandeur. By comparison, Baroque art in
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Reverse Discrimination In The United States
Lately the United States media has been focused on the unfair treatment many people receive based
on their skin tone, whether it is the recent police brutality against African Americans or the focuses
the 2018 presidential election has put on illegal immigration. Unfortunately the media has avidly
avoided any subject that may be considered reverse discriminationalso known as reverse racism.
Reverse discrimination is a phenomenon in which members of majority groups receive unfair
treatment in attempt to remedy earlier discrimination against minorities. Many people believe that
reverse discrimination is becoming more prevalent part of modern society, by creating equal
opportunity s this issue can be easily reduced.
Reverse discrimination has become a joke with in many minority communities, approximately
seven in ten black (74%) and Hispanic Americans (70%) do not believe discrimination against
whites is as big of a problem as discrimination against other groups (Public Religion Research
Institute 38). This is because many people hold the opinion that only minorities can be
discriminated against. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Race ...
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According to a study conducted by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI):
More than four in ten (43%) Americans say that discrimination against whites has become as big a
problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities, while 55% disagree. Opinions about
reverse discrimination have remained fairly constant over the past few years. Half (50%) of white
Americans including 60% of white working class Americans agree that discrimination against
whites has become as big a problem today as discrimination against blacks and other minorities,
while fewer than three in ten Hispanic (29%) and black Americans (25%)
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Cormac Mccarthy The Road Survival
American Novelist, Cormac McCarthy, won the Pulitzer Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial
Prize for Fiction for his gripping novel, The Road (2006). The novel follows a man and his son who
are struggling to survive the burned America and the hardships that come with it. They face harsh
weather, starvation, dehydration, nature and even other people; however, they carry the fire which
brings them hope and reminds them not to follow evil. Throughout the novel, McCarthy conveys
the different types of surviving in the new apocalyptic world.
One type of survival that is portrayed in the burnt America is being the good guys who carry the
fire. The novel s main characters, the man and the boy (who go unnamed throughout the novel),
have been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The bad guy role is the second way of surviving the new world. There are many groups of people
the man and the boy meet on the road, all of them but three are bad. The bad guys rape, kill and
eat other humans, and everything they have, they got from stealing. The bad guys are made of
two kinds of people; the people who were always rotten inside and the people left with no choice.
The new world gave the rotten people an opportunity to rise and blossom without being
punishment by the law, for it does not exist anymore. The people who had no choice were good
guys who couldn t be good anymore, because if they remained good, they would die. A horrific
example of a group of bad guys, are the third people the man and the boy run into. The man woke
up one morning just in time to see the army of people coming towards them. He grabs the boy and
their supplies and drags them into the woods to hide. The man gives a detailed description of army
and what they own.
An army in tennis shoes. Carrying three foot lengths of pipe with leather wrappings [...] Bearded,
their breath smoking through their masks [...] Behind them wagons drawn, by slaves in harness
and piled with goods of war and after that the women, perhaps a dozen in number, some of them
pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites illclothed against the cold and fitted in
dog collars and yoked each to each. (McCarthy,
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The Black Crook, By Charles M. Barras
In the late 1860s, as post Civil War business boomed, there was a sharp increase in the number of
working and middle class people in New York, and the wealthier people desired entertainment.
Theaters became more popular, and Niblo s Garden, which had formerly hosted opera, began to
offer light comedy. The Black Crookwas at first simply a melodrama by Charles M. Barras that
retold the Faust story and borrowed liberally from other plays with similar plots and themes.
William Wheatley, who was the manager of Niblo s was concerned that the play would fail. The
script was poorly written and the acting was not much better. Then something oddly magical
happened. There was a theatre fire at the Academy of Music in New York. A French ballet
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The Black Crook took advantage of all of these changes.
Charles M. Barras, a gentleman remarkably well known in theater circles was born in 1826 and
in 1860 married Miss Sallie St. Clair, a popular danseuse and soubrette. In 1861 Mr. Barras was
the manager of Pike s Opera house, Cincinnati. Here he first attracted attention as an actor by an
admirable and original personation of Hypochondriac. In 1866, Mr. Barras s name was brought
before the American public in an extraordinary manner by the production of The Black Crook at
Niblo s Garden, of which drama he was the author. As a literary production, the Black Crook was
beneath criticism, but it ran for 465 consecutive nights and enabled its author to realize a fortune of
$250,000. This latter was accomplished by holding the copyright throughout the country, and
claiming a handsome royalty for each performance. Mr. Barras s other literary efforts have
obtained for him no reputation. As an actor, he is remembered from only one character and as an
author by one production, which, however, slight in its merits, stands immeasurably superior to any
of the spectacular plays, which have succeeded it.
The play The Black Crook tells the story of evil, wealthy Count Wolfenstein seeks to marry the
lovely village girl, Amina. With some help from Amina s scheming foster mother Barbara, the
Count arranges for Amina s fiancГ©, Rodolphe, an
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Locke And Descartes Argument Analysis
Everyone has their own beliefs about where ideas come from and how they are formed. Locke and
Descartes both had very different arguments about what the origin of these ideas was. Descartes
believed that the origin of ideas stemmed from imagination or reason and that we have been born
with all of the knowledgewe need; we just have to come to an experience or age where we will
know how to use it. Whereas Locke believed that the origin of ideas came from experience and we
have to learn everything we need to know. I agree with both arguments that these philosophers have
presented. Being an Education major and being required to study the ways in which children learn
and how their brains are formed has helped me see the flaws in their arguments,... Show more
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But in reality children aren t aware of the sky being blue because they have to learn colors when
they go to school for the first time. For instance, it is seen that people in society that don t attend
school only know as much as they have seen in life or have experienced. Individuals evolve
based on their environment. Furthermore, no one person is born knowing that the sky is blue,
all children are supposed to learn colors when they start school or if their parents start working
on colors with them before they start school. Descartes to some extent was right about his ideas
because we know when children are born they cry because the hospital room is cold. They also
cry when they have a full diaper. This proves that infants have a minor sense of communication,
even though they may not understand that they are actually calling to their parents for help. So, it
can be said that humans are born knowing how to cry as a technique to let their loved ones realize
that they are distressed. No one taught them how to cry, babies are just able to come out of the
womb with the ability to cry as a temporary substitute until they can learn how to
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Citizen Kane Research Paper
Citizen Kane Citizen Kane brought the aspects of a newspaper tycoon in the 1940 s to life in a
form of a dramatic narrative. This film is based on a true story of a newspaper magnate, William
Randolph Hearst and based off of some aspects of Orson Welles(Writer and Director). This filmed
has been named, The best American filmof all time due to the fact that, during the time of its
making, it was the first film to take on many new techniques of cinematography. Citizen Kaneis a
revolutionary film not only in the drama genre, but in filmmaking of all forms. Citizen Kane is the
story of the newspaper tycoon, Charles Foster Kane, and the meaning of his last words before he
died. A group of news reporters are determined to figure out what Kane... Show more content on
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Because of the content of this film, Hearst tried to prevent it from being released. Kane, who
was based on Hearst, was a very controversial newspaper tycoon. This makes the film more
dramatic people there are characters that either love Kane or hate him. When Kane is caught in
a love nest with s ainger, many more people disapprove of him. Another aspect of this film is that
it is in black and white. This gives it a serious tone. The lighting they used also gave a dramatic
effect. There is a scene where two gentlemen are talking but you can see Kane dancing in the
reflection of the window. This reminds the audience that he is still important to the scene even
though he isn t directly involved. This In Citizen Kane, Welles is attempting to expose the great
influential political and social power that someone has as the head of many newspaper chains.
This narrative drama explains the life of Kane and how different people viewed it. From the way
the way the characters were telling the story to the way shadows, lighting and the laco of color
was used, this film fits into the drama genre. Being the greatest film of all time , Citizen Kane
brings the the world of newspaper tycoons to
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Outline The Cyclic Nature Of The Sun
The sun produces three types of emissions that reach Earth electromagnetic radiation, solar wind,
and neutrinos.
The sun produces electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, with the visible spectrum being the
most intense wavelength range produced as the radiation peaks at this area of the EM spectrum.
The Earth s atmosphere absorbs most of this radiation but light and radio waves are able to
penetrate the atmosphere, as well as short wavelength infrared rays and long wavelength
microwaves. X rays and gamma rays are absorbed by the Earth s upper atmosphere.
Solar wind is a continuous stream of charged particles protons and electrons with some atomic
nuclei. It is produced by the hydrogen fusion reactions at the Sun s core with ... Show more content
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Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, believed the idea that the Earth was fixed at the centre of the
Universe and that the other planets were embedded in a series of concentric crystalline spheres
surrounding the Earth. He proposed that 56 different crystalline spheres rotated about the Earth at
different rates. Each planet, the Sun, and the moon were in their own sphere surrounding the Earth,
and the stars were placed on the largest sphere surrounding everything else.
About two centuries after Aristotle, Hipparchus showed that the model better predicted the motion
of the heavens if the Earth was placed slightly off the centre of rotation of the celestial spheres.
Apollonius also proposed that the planets changed their speed through the heavens and sometimes
stopped and travelled backwards.
This particular model of the universe mainly evolved around Aristotle s observational evidence of
the time in which he lived, which supported the idea demonstrated in the model. In this theory, the
motion of things naturally moves to the centre of the Earth and the only way to separate from it
was to have a force applied to the
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Kobe Bryant Is A Matter Of Fact
As a matter of fact, Kobe Bryant has literally gone from needing his parents to co sign his first
NBA contract, at 17, to being, as he put it, a triple OG . In other words, we have seen Kobe
essentially grow up in front of us. That is to say that Kobe has gone from rookie, to veteran
player to a well seasoned veteran the feels like a grandfather although the 37 yar old Bryant
knew all along that this would be his last season, is enjoying the role of elder statesman. Father
time has finally caught up with Kobe, 15 games into his unprecedented 20th NBA season (an
NBA record for the most seasons with one team), for this reason, in an eloquently written letter,
on the website The Players Tribune (co owned by Kobe Bryant and Derek Jeter) addressed to the
game of basketball, Bryant announced his retirement at the end of the 2015 16 season. http:/
/www.theplayerstribune.com/dear basketball/ Granted the retirement announcement did not
surprise many, in reality, Kobe Bryant, the highest paid player in the NBA s retirement occurred
on April 12, 2013, the 80th game of the year in the Lakers 118 116 win over the Golden State
Warriors on a night when the Black Mamba grounded by a ruptured his left Achilles tendon. To
say nothing of yet another career defining moment, on a torn Achilles, Kobe Bryant walked un
assisted to the charity stripe and knocked down two free throws, giving the Lakers a one game
lead over the Utah Jazz for the eight spot in the playoffs. By the same token, the fact
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Roberta Hill Longhouse Oneida Museum Summary
People can remember the smallest things but totally miss the bigger picture like what actually
happened in that memory. For example, they can remember the bright white shirt their cousin was
wearing and the smell of food cooking in the air but not that that was the day they all had a big
family reunion. Certain places can live on in a person s memorybecause of sensory details. In
Longhouse, Oneida museum by Roberta Hill the speaker remembers their childhood home. Those
nights when the throat of the furnace wheezed and rattled its regular death (MyPerspectives). The
speaker is reminiscing the sound of the furnace at night. The speaker must have been scared of it
so with that sound of the furnace rattling came fear. Here I could wake
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Production Of Production And Operation Management
The focus of any business is to provide needs of customer by providing military and supplies, and in
this procedure generate value for customers and solve their trouble. Production and operations
management talks about applying big business association and management concepts in formation
of supplies and military (1).
PRODUCT: A product is defined as the thing offered for deal. A product can be a facility or an
item. It can be material or in virtual form. Every product is made with some particular cost and
each is sold at a price. The price depends on the quality, marketing etc (2).
Product can be different object for different people like for customer product is mix of utilities
because customer expects some uses from product. For example Body wash can be identified by
cleanliness of body, health, fragrance and also freshness. For production manager the product is
multiplication of various operations and surfaces because he/she responsible for production of
product. For finance manager product can be mixing of various costs because he/she responsible
for profits of the product (3).
PRODUCTION: Production is a technical process which involves transformation of raw material
(input) into required product or service (output) by adding up economic cost (1). In other words it
is the step by step transformation of one form of material into another form through chemical or
mechanical processes (4).
PRODUCTION SYSTEM: The production system of a
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Summary Of Alexander The Great Journey To The End Of The...
Alexander The Great: Journey to the End of the Earth, by Norman F. Cantor. New York:
HarperCollins, 2005, 180 pages. Reviewed by Tyler E. Tatum The author Norman F. Cantor
wrote this book due to the increased attention the Middle east gained during American troop
deployment. This increased interest in the Middle East resulted in a renewed interest in
Alexander The Great. Cantor states that this book was ultimately written to construct a critical
and well rounded assessment of the man and the world in which he lived. (page xi) Cantor
begins the book in a great fashion by giving the reader an introduction to many aspects of the
different ways of life during Alexander s time period. This is a very helpful thing as the everyday
reader like myself probably has very limited knowledge pertaining to ancient Greece and... Show
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Cantor goes on to explain the powerful countries of the time as to fully understand Alexander
you must have at least some basic knowledge of every aspect of the time period. After explaining
the aspects of life Cantor begins telling about Alexander s father and who he was, which then
turns into Alexander as a child. Around this point in the book is when Cantor begins to sway off
of the path of effectiveness as he will at several points throughout the book break flow and go
back to another point in time to explain something. Sometimes this method of writing works and
others it can be very confusing and misleading to the reader. Also during this portion of the book
is when you see the major references to other books and pieces of information appear in the form
of tiny portions of these articles being inserted into the book. These inserts of information, for the
majority of the book, are helpful
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Essay on The Fate of the True Woman in The Blithedale...
The Fate of the True Woman in The Blithedale Romance
The female characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Blithedale Romance, Zenobia and Priscilla,
differ in their representations of womanhood. Zenobia begins as an independent character, whom
later surrenders to Hollingsworth s control, whereas Priscilla is ever submissive to his desires. This
determines how the male characters, Coverdale and Hollingsworth, view both women. Coverdale
and Hollingsworth are first enamored by Zenobia s charm, but both fall for Priscilla s docility.
Zenobia represents female independence and Priscilla embodies feminine subservience; the triumph
of Priscilla casts the male vote in this novel unanimously ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Coverdale describes her as being like a flower shrub that had done its best to blossom in too
scanty light (Hawthorne 27). The only time she appears truly aroused is when she hears Zenobia
and Coverdale discussing the idea of women in power, and distraught, asserts she cannot think this
is true and does not wish it so (Hawthorne 122). Priscilla is only agitated by one concept the
destruction of the True Woman.
In the beginning, both Hollingsworth and Coverdale are enamored by Zenobia Hollingsworth by
her wealth and Coverdale by her beauty. It is apparent that wealth is Hollingsworth s true
attraction to Zenobia since the realization that she is not rich is what drives them apart. She says
to him, I was willing to realize your dream . . . though it should prove the ruin of my fortune;
however, when she has no fortune to ruin he no longer wants her (Hawthorne 217).
Coverdale claims that he is attracted to Zenobia s intelligence and independence. When she relates
her plans to lecture on behalf of women s rights, he thinks it surely behoved [sic] Zenobia to be the
champion of her sex (Hawthorne 123). It seems, however, that he is mostly attracted to her physical
charms. He alludes to her beauty often, and even ventures to say that something in her manner,
irresistibly brought up a picture of that fine, perfectly developed figure in Eve s earliest garment
(Hawthorne 17). Such allusions, combined with his later betrayal, indicate that his attraction is
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Stanley Chernyshevsky s Eyes-Wide Shut
Chernyshevsky states that the first purpose of art is to reproduce nature and life, and this
applies to all works of art without exception (364). Eyes Wide Shut is a movie that was directed by
Stanley Kubrick in 1999. Additionally, it was his last film. He created a film version of Dream
Story, which is a fictional (Schnitzler). The lead roles are played by Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidmanand
Sydney Pollack. The time is set up at Christmas in New York. Stanley Kubrick directs a number of
successful and serious films. There is no doubt that Eyes Wide Shutis one of them. (Kubrick).
Kubrick uses visual aesthetics to express his point of view indirectly. Christmas products is used
to create a holiday atmosphere, which is full of consumption. In addition, mask and costume hide
the identity and individuality of people. Finally, the money that Bill, who is male main character
and acted by Tom Cruise spent, shows he is a customer. These three things convey the theme of
consuming in Eyes Wild Shut. People are shopping to prepare for Christmas; therefore, Christmas
products are related to buying and consuming. In the movie, Christmas products are almost
everywhere especially the Christmas tree. The colorful trees contrast sharply with the main tones
of the movie, which are blue and red. Kubrick keeps reminding audiences that it is Christmas. At
the end of this movie, Bill and Alice who is female main character Nicole Kidman are doing
Christmas shopping with their daughter Helena. In the mall, there are a lot of... Show more content
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Because metaphor is used frequently in the movie, it offers audiences a space to think over. In
spite of the fact that Kubrick has dead, the film still has current value such as the marriage, love
and sex. Most of his film works are worth to analyzes deeply; therefore, what the essay analysis is
just a small piece of Eyes Wild
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Essay on How Craft Changed Oreo Marketing Strategy in China
How Kraft Changed the Oreo and Its Global Marketing Strategy for Success in China
Gale Business Insights: Global Case Study Collection
Learning Objectives
After analyzing this case study, students should be able to do the following:
Explain at least three benefits of market research in product development for international and
emerging markets
Identify traditional and nontraditional strategies for increasing revenue through entering new
global markets
Appreciate the effect of cultural norms and tastes for firms expanding to new markets
Discuss how firms can focus products to local tastes while increasing brand value globally
One of the more popular strategies for firms to increase profits in the 21st century ... Show more
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Sales had been flat for the first five years of the 2000s and were in decline. In 2007, Kraft Foods
China was an unprofitable, $100 million business that was not growing, noted Sanjay Khosla, Kraft
Foods president of developing markets, in an interview published by the Boston Consulting Group.
Kraft was even thinking of pulling the product out of the Chinese market completely, due to poor
The company as a whole was performing poorly. This led to a shake up of executive
management in 2006, with Irene B. Rosenfeld installed as chief executive officer (CEO).
Rosenfeld had previously worked at Kraft for 22 years before leaving in 2003 to head Frito Lay
North America. In early 2007, Rosenfeld outlined a strategy to turn the company around that
included product quality, research and development (R amp;D), and acquisitions as critical to the
future growth of the company. Rosenfeld hired cutting edge business leaders such as Khosla to help
create the strategy that would change the way Kraft Foods Inc. does business.
Fewer, but Larger Bets: Growth Through Focus and the 5 10 10 Strategy at Kraft Foods
When Sanjay Khosla left Fonterra Group in 2007 to spearhead Kraft Foods business in developing
countries, he was tasked with discovering a way to realize the potential for growth in developing
markets that had eluded Kraft and so many other large, successful
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Management Information Systems and Its Importance
What you think Management of Information Systems is and why it is important in today s
business environment?
Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the
integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization. Modern
businesses have been leveraging on MIS to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes
and masses of information generated for various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business
processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed
strategic decisions. The development and management of information technology tools assists
executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the ... Show more content
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Expert organizations such as the Institute of MIS along with peer reviewed journals such as MIS
Quarterly continue to find and report new ways to use MIS to achieve business objectives.
Better Planning and Control:
MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors the
company s activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration among
employees (Obrien). This ensures better planning for all activities and better ways to measure
performance, manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government
regulations. Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and
vital information to employees, top management and business partners.
Core Competencies:
Every market leading enterprise will have at least one core competency that is, a function they
perform better than their competition. By building an exceptional management information system
into the enterprise it is possible to push out ahead of the competition. MIS systems provide the
tools necessary to gain a better understanding of the market as well as a better understanding of the
enterprise itself.
Enhance Supply Chain Management:
Improved reporting of business processes leads inevitably to a more streamlined production process.
With better information on the production process, comes the ability to improve the management of
the supply chain,
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A Thousand Peaks Vs. The Maids Of Honor
At first glance, the 17th century paintings of the Baroque period, India, and China may not have
much in common, but upon closer inspection there are relationships and divergences to consider
beyond the surface. These details can be seen between Bichitr s Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh
to Kings, Wang Hui s A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines, and Diego VelГ
Ўzquez s Las
Meninas (The Maids of Honor). While each carries the style of its own location of origin, they all
showcase influence and subject matter similarities and differences worth making note of, most
specifically the presence of duality in focus within the paintings.
The first painting is 17th century art from India, Bichitr s piece depicts Jahangiri being seated
among an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third of the paintings stemming from the Baroque period done by VelГЎzquez is one of his
many works for the court, setting the tone in the particular area, while not extending much further
(49, Bazin). The court employing VelГЎzquez was that of King Philip IV, with the focus of this
painting being the king s daughter. This particular piece has not only the artist himself depicted, the
children of the court scattered about, but also a mirror in the back showing the King and Queen
standing as the painter is depicted to be painting their portrait. Each point of attention draws way
from the former, then pushing to the next in a cycle of focus. Once VelГЎzquez started using
almost strictly the style of portraits, he mastered the art using the available means to the fullest. The
painting at hand in particular uses his mastery of portraiture to the fullest in varying who is being
painted and their positions on the canvas (59 60, Bazin).
Each painting draws influence from their individual location of origin, mostly in subject, to appeal
to the patrons of the time. While each piece was created within the 17th century, there are obvious
differences from place to place in how they were meant to be created. This is evident in the
materials used for the paintings, VelГЎzquez s piece being oil on canvas, Hui s being a hanging
scroll consisting of ink on paper, and
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Negative Costs
How frustrating it must have been for you and the family to endure a week of property damages
and maintenance in your home. This is a fantastic example in which we can learn a little more
about how cost plus pricing works (Thomas Maurice, 2010). Furthermore, let us consider this
discussion can enable you in the future to make better choices.
It has been my experience in a few cases that the insurance company will evaluate property damages
by the overall cost (Araujo, 2017). But in order to better understand what challenges you had with
your friend the contractor, let us create a fictitious example. First, the contractor figures out
materials cost, however, that cost does not stand alone. Secondly, the contractor will usually...
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According to Euchner Ganguly of Business Model Innovation in Practice, they explore how firms
study approaches to capturing the consumer, and realize that there is a potential risk involved
when setting prices Euchner Ganguly, 2014). So in order for the firm to make a profit, it will have
to determine where its marginal revenue will equal its marginal cost; as for the water heater
technician his marginal cost is $150 dollars then that is the lowest he can go, and he can only,
by all means strive to rise hire than that price for to go lower he place the firm in a
disequilibrium. It is imperative that the firm maximize its profit (Thomas Maurice, 2010). The
question Antonio is how much would you be willing to pay in addition to get that water heater
fixed to take care of yourself and love ones; would you pay $160, or 170 and even at night would
you pay $200 to get hot water running. The next step would be for the firm you call to say Well,
Mr. Antonio, with the distance that I ve traveled, and the time of night you called, well, it is going
to cost you about $2.... He stops, and then he changes the price as he hears your baby crying in the
distance, and says, that it will be $170 dollars. But why the sudden change of heart; because he
knows that from his profit maximization of $150 that his quote of $170 falls in line with of his
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Horatio And Hamlet Foils
Chidolue 1
Name: Chelsea Chidolue
Course Code: ENG4U 15
Teacher s Name: Dr. Riisa Walden
Date: Monday 24th, 2014
The Foils of Hamlet vs. My Life Experiences
In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, there are characters here that are obvious foils for
Hamlet. These foils have caused Hamlet a fortune. The young prince has to deal with the death of
his father and his mother s incestuous behavior and also his uncle s corruption. Hamlet is a man
who is driven by his deceased father, the king, to avenge his death and kill his uncle. But Hamlet
seems to be indecisive about it, probably because he does not want to kill his uncle, Claudius, or
because he is schemed against by various characters, who do not want him to succeed. These foils
have caused Hamlet a fortune. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Horatio and Hamlet have very similar characters, but there is still some contrast between them.
Horatio is a very sensible and reasonable character. When the ghost first appeared to Horatio, he
quickly runs to tell Hamlet about it, disregarding the dangers. Horatio was always there to guide
Hamlet. Horatio is a loyal, hardworking friend and is a reliable source of information. He cares so
much for Hamlet that he even wanted to drink out of the poisoned cup.
In the seventeen years of my life, none of my friends have thought of being ..... None of them have
ever gone of their way to do something nice for me or sacrifice something for
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Essay On Jewish Names
Names are defined as a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or
thing.Names are important in all aspects of life, and one of the major usages of names are for
identifaction purposes. Accrording to the book A person s name is thought to define and control
his or her soul and destiny (Ber. 7b). Therefore, the selection of an appropriate name is a critical
decision. In this paper we will be looking at the cultural aspect in relation to Jewish names.
In the Jewsish culture,it was with careful examination they gave names,since they believed it
would constitute to where or not the person is good or bad.They actually beliveied that the names
which which was chooosen had the power to determine later personality. Names were changed
based ones peronal status.For example if someone was adopted or they were married then on this
basis the name would change.
Until emancipation of the jews,they had no surnames.They used what is called patronymics, such
as David ben (son of) Joseph or Miriam bat (daughter of) Aaron. Names in that form are still used
in synagogue and in Jewish legal documents such as the ketubah. A person complete name would
include their first and middle name,then the patronymics son of daughter of Its said that if the
father was a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of these famous ones include EL which is a shortened version of Yyhvh, also versions such
as YAH were used.There have been many biblical chracters that has a had a change of name after a
divine encounter with God. So Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah, respectively, later on
the covenant symbolized by circumcision (Gen. 17:5, 15), and Jacob was renamed Israel after
wrestling with a mysterious man (Gen. 32:29). Surprisingly, Isaac, whose near sacrifice forever
altered his relationship with God, did not receive a new name after the
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Proof Of Eviction
If incarceration had come to define the lives of men from impoverished black neighborhoods,
eviction was shaping the lives of women. Poor black men were locked up. Poor black women were
locked out .2 Stability and housing, while considered to be separate aspects of one s life, are
deeply intertwined. Racehas invariably played a role in financial stability and obtaining housing as it
has impacted the distribution of housing through stringent eligibility requirements for tenancy and
preferential selection on part of shelter seekers.
Housing security is a significant predictor of employment security. In this causality dilemma, proof
of sufficient and verifiable income is required to obtain housing, but those who have experienced
evictions are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Even when Ned loses his job and his family is on the brink of eviction, his inherent proclivity
towards those of his own racial identity and frankly, detest for racial minorities is exhibited when
he remarks that he can live with the Mexicans. But not with the niggers. They re pigs .2
Ironically Pam, the mother of two biracial daughters, too, would have rather lived in a trailer park
with trashy white 2 people rather than the ghetto, one big black village 2. His unwitting social
commentary stems from a common misconception that many Americans have regarding welfare
distribution. While the highest percentage of welfare recipients (welfare includes SNAP, housing
assistance, SSI, TANF, and general assistance) are African Americans at a whopping 39.6% of the
US population3, the Caucasian race takes the lead in SNAP recipients with 40.2% of SNAP
recipients being Caucasian1. Their self selecting behavior is evidently guided by their principle of
racial supremacy, regardless of the degree to which they act upon their
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Analysis Of Life In The Woods
Henry David Thoreau s Life In The Woods is a self experiment that supplies a perfect
opportunity for Thoreau to segregate from society and to live several more lives. This essay is a
narrative of Thoreau s journey as he finds his true self while attempting to live a life of purpose
and intention in the woods. Despite mainly getting away from material necessities, Thoreau
wanted to distant himself from human nature, to find the main reason for human existence.
Correspondingly, Thoreau believes each human being was placed on this Earth for a purpose
and we should take advantage of our time here so that once we die we will actually feel as if we
lived. As Thoreau describes it, his scrutiny of his two years and two months of living in an... Show
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A few months later, my parents confessed that they have not signed me up for another summer
at Modin. Rather they wanted me to spend my summer in Israel. Their impression was that
spending a summer in Israel would possibly lead to seeing Aaron again before he began to serve.
Together with my parents, my younger sister was ecstatic when she heard this idea and was
jumping off the walls like a monkey. My parents conclusion was that my sister and I would both
travel that summer, which caused me to run to my room and begin to sob tremendously. After I
have bawled for hours, my pillow was so wet that it was as if someone just dipped it into a
bucket of water. My brother going to the army relates to Thoreau s quote because they both tried
something new and separated themselves from their community. My brother going to the army is
another life to live and it was something different them his particular routine. His excitement for
the army was as strong as Thoreau s new experience and just as Thoreau was questioned when he
returned he discovered that everyone s view towards his experiment was selfish. They cared about
the amount of charity he gave and unrelated things. Therefore, the outcome of his journey was not
so exciting. Just like when my brother was rejected from the army. Aaron s outcome was just as
dull as Thoreau s. On the first night of camp I met my best friend, this night was unforgettable. This
was the day that I realized
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Squatter Settlement in Kenya
EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS A. Squatter Settlement and Homelessness The term squatter is
defined is obtained from squat which means to live, build on, utilize, a property of a person without
his concern and his approval or without any document of ownership like allotment letter, lease letter
or the Title Deed. Dictionary.com defines a squatter as a person who settles on land or occupies
property without title, right or payment of rent. This means that where one has set a structure in
land which is not approved for that purpose, without legal documents like the lease letter, allotment
letter or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This has been seen in cases like Kiang ombe, around Wilson airport, and others where they have
been evicted through demolitions by city council, owners or even the state corporations like the
Kenya Airports Authority without giving them alternative areas for occupation. Figure 1 shows
some location of slums within Nairobi area. Source. Syaggah et al (2001: 142) B. The question of
squatter and slum upgrading (land acquired by Government, its role, Challenges e.g. corruption
and malpractices) The term slum lacks a common definition in that it is complex and varies from
one region to another and from one country to another. What can be considered a slum in Kenya
may not qualify in another country. In the 19th Century it was defined to mean a foul back street
of a city, especially one filled with a poor, dirty, degraded and often vicious population; any low
neighbourhood or dark retreat slums which are haunts for thieves (Dickens. The widely used
definition is by Cities Alliance Action Plan which means they are neglected parts cities where
housing and living conditions are appallingly poor. They can range from high density, squalid
central city tenements to spontaneous squatter settlements without legal recognition or rights,
sprawling at the edge of cities. The slums are characterised by lack of basic services (e.g. water,
electricity), substantial housing, overcrowding, Squatter and Slum
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ISIS Vs. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
ISIS is a government because it is an organization that uses terror to control a group of people
into following their rules. One example is the religious police who work for ISIS. The religious
police control people by forcing women to cover their hair and faces in public, and having shop
owners close their shop during the time for Muslim prayers. In addition, there are different
positions in this organization. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was the self proclaimed leader of ISIS, and
he has a leadership council, a cabinet, and local leaders that help him control his area. The area
that ISIS controls was gained by conquering other civilizations. Therefore, the state origin for ISIS
is the force theory. ISIS is also a state because it has a population,
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Hershey Chocolate Co-Marking Case Study
Both Hersey Chocolate and Betty Crocker both have a notoriety for being delectable sweets that
individuals love to enjoy. The way to co marking is to pick a brand that will best compliment or
improve your items as well as administrations. The marking association between the two is
presence of mind in light of the fact that the Hershey chocolate makes the cakes, treats and different
pastries taste a great deal more tasty. There are many advantages to building a co marked
relationship in illustration, both of the organizations fabricate validity, and helps pick up the
enthusiasm of each other s market, costs are part between the two gatherings. A fruitful co marking
relationship relies upon collaborations among brands, clearness to the buyer, simplicity of
conveyance of item or benefit and the capacity to adequately coordinate the brands business
Both of these organizations chose to take their most grounded components of some of their items
and consolidate them with the best correlative things from the other to offer new products and
ventures. With doing this they both expanded the potential worth of the items as opposed to ... Show
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General Mills made sense of that having a superior fixing will help offer a greater amount of their
item than rivals. Hershey s long standing notoriety of making great chocolate syrup along these
lines the co mark system works for them and Betty Crocker. In spite of the fact that this association
works out extremely well in this situation it could go terrible in others. Bloomberg Businessweek
states that a fixing was observed to be conflicting, or more terrible, or substandard quality, it could
discolor the essential brand. So co mark accomplice choice is vital. Eventually, being extremely
monotonous while picking a co marking accomplice is essential since it couldn t just crush the
entire undertaking yet it could discolor your image s
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Power Of Education In The Great Gatsby
October 5, 2014
For centuries, the world has favored those who are in possession of a higher intelligence.
Historically, ruling classes were composed of educated nobles or trained workers, the few who
had been able to receive an education. Education in developed countries is often included in the
basic rights to which every human should have access. Its importance has been the focal point of
countless movements, all petitioning for the opportunity of schooling for lower class citizens. The
United States of America, though it has experienced significant changes in regards to the literacy
of all citizens, did not do so without difficulty. The two most notable groups to fight for the right to
equal education had to struggle for years to obtain their goals. African Americans had little to no
rights until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865, and even then, only males were allowed to
read and write. Women did not begin attending college in equal numbers to men until as recently as
1980. The strong correlation between power and education makes possessing a sound education a
valuable asset and highly sought after. Education s role in society is a prevalent theme throughout
Scott F. Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby. Tom s supremacy through education and wealth contrasts
heavily with Gatsby s lack of knowledge, creating tension within the novel between the two
opposing men.
Tom Buchanan flaunts the power he holds over Daisy and Myrtle. Not only does he acquire
economic power, but
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EBP Research Essay
While many studies have examined the attitudes and barriers in implementing evidence based
practice (EBP), not many have examined which variables lead to increased practice, knowledge,
and attitudes. In a study described in the article Use, Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Evidence
Based Practice Among Nursing Staff, by White Williams et al. in 2013, these aspects were
examined at a large Magnet hospital. A questionnaire divided among three subscales (use,
knowledge, and attitudes) was used as the method. The results of this study demonstrated how
these aspects of EBP were positively impacted by several variables among the staff and how
awareness of EBP and implementation of educational programs is necessary in the hospital s
culture. These results can be used by hospitals to look at ways to improve evidence based
practices in the clinical setting. The study done by White Williams et al. (2013) recognized how
certain variables among the nursing staff affected their use, knowledge, and attitudes of EBP.
These variables were correlated with a higher overall score on the... Show more content on
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(2013) also examined if education, whether it was hands on workshops, research days, classes,
etc., had an impact on the use, knowledge, and attitudes of EBP among nursing staff. The overall
total score was greater for those that had some type of EBP education. Specifically, there was a
significantly increased total score in half (12/24) of the questions among those who had been
previously educated compared to those who had not been. Because those who had been educated
about EBP had overall significantly higher scores on the attitudes subscale, it shows the importance
of targeting attitude toward the use of EBP in changing behavior. Also, the more educated staff
found EBP fundamental to their practice. Gaining knowledge is crucial in understanding the
importance of the implementation of EBP. Knowledge is the second step in implementing EBP into
the clinical
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How My Vocabulary Influenced My Writing
I have always been more interested in the reading and writing sides of academia. Being able to
understand and craft intricate pieces of work using only language has and will always be an
appealing idea to me. For most of my childhood I was very much of the mindset that the more large
and obscure vocabulary one used in their writingand speaking, the more intelligent that person
was. This led to my younger self embarking on a quest to learn and incorporate as many of these
large complex words into everyday speech and prose as possible. I was always an incredibly
articulate, if not pretentious child that spoke often and loudly in order to display my wide
vocabulary to others in the hopes of impressing them. I have since been introduced to the idea that
there is a certain simplicity in using few words that can also convey a very intelligent aura. This is a
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I myself had most of my early writing experiences come from a place of sheer egoism. I wanted
to have the story that the teacher read out loud, or the poem that was hung on the wall for
everyone to see. Aesthetic enthusiasm is also a motive that I completely understand. I find that
this shows most in my writing not in the visual of the words on a page, but how it sounds when
read. I am very specific about the rhythm of my writing, overwhelmingly so with my poetry and
also in my prose. I have already mentioned my great historical impulse for writing. Research to
find the facts and then record them appeals to me and always has. I agree that a great many
authors write out of a place of political purpose in order to attempt to sway readers thought and
actions. However, I am still not completely aware of my political standing and believe that it
would be both unfair and ignorant to say that I have ever written because of this motive. I have not
experienced or learned about enough political turmoil to be fully aware of my place in the political
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Mask You Live In
The documentary The Mask You Live In by Jennifer Siebel Newsom s shows a wide array of
interviews and case studies of men and young boys showing them talking about the pressures of
masculinity in the American culture, then that of young girls. This documentary shows how they
handle and deal with the pressures and hardships of living up to this image of the American male.
From a young boy, they are told to Be a man! Don t cry! Stop with the emotion! and Man up! these
statements are meant to suppress their humanity, tell that what excites and dominance them and
displays for many of them from asking them What does it mean to be a man, exactly? Why shouldn
t boys cry? Why can t fathers share their emotions? Why are men allowed to communicate their
anger... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We see that masculinity is not a race or class issue it more than that, this documentary shows how
sexuality and masculinity are connected. But, this is ignored and leads more men to be
diagnosed with a behavior disorders and prescribed more stimulant medications and are more
likely to fail out of school from the pressures of having to live up to this image. While men tend
to be more utilitarian, objective, unsentimental and tough minded, young boys in our society don
t feel safe talking about emotions and personal struggles, this documentary highlights a
possibility for change towards a more open and loving form of masculinity for the future boys
and men in America. My personal connection to this documentary I read this CNN article a few
years ago that always stuck with me in how where rising boys in America was so much harder
than rising girls. That man are taught to be the breadwinners from an early age and American boys
are having a harder time living up to this, that they have dreams to, but a lot of what they want is
crushed due to society demands on
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mass commication and how it affects todays youth Essay
From Eminem s hardcore explicit lyrics, to Lil Kim s outrageous outfits to the late Tupac Shakur s
thug life image, the rap subculture has been under a lot of speculation. Many rappers lyrics contain
violent messages that parents fear are encouraging youth to become violent. The media has a field
day covering protests against rappers, such as Eminem about their explicit lyricstowards gays,
women and their promotion of violence. The main concern is how rap is influencing today,
particularly towards the youth community, and the answer can be found in the media. There are a
lot of articles, books, movies and documentaries written and produced each year with hip hop being
the main subject. This great plethora of media not only affects the... Show more content on
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The dance known as breaking, which was influenced by earlier dances know as locking and
popping (these dances required a lot of body control, mainly in the arms, legs, and torso) were
established in L.A. The dances received national exposure on the hit show Soul Train, and
ultimately swept the rap subculture (George, 133).
The next big wave in the subculture behind rap music itself was DJing. The ability to mix music
on a machine and scratch records was a phenomenon in itself. Rap music in the industry was
nothing without a beat, and in order for the song to be a hit, the beat must carry the lyrics. Many
of the beats at the time were fast pounding bah bum bah rhythms. DJing led to another culture in
rap, which was beat boxing. Beat boxing was when a person made their voice sound like the beat
in the song. Rhazzel, is not only famous for being a DJ, but also for beat boxing. Many times
during a concert, he would just stop the music and beat box the melody. As a result of this influx of
energy towards the rap subculture and its birth of many other cultures, Tricia Rose quotes:
It was not long before similarly marginalized
Black and Hispanic communities in other cities picked up on the t tenor and energy in New York
hip hop. Within a decade, Los Angles
County (especially Compton), Oakland, Detroit, Chicago, Houston
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Cormac Mccarthy The Road Setting
The Road Summer Reading Assignment
The Road is a fiction novel written by Cormac McCarthy. The Road takes place in a post
apocalyptic world, with a man and a boy who are not named. The timetable for this book lasts for
a few months, and is sort of like documentation for the journey of these two individuals. The
setting is hard to follow, and really adds depth to the book as the location and time can kind of
be imagined by the reader. The man often follows his dreams, which play a key role in the plot of
this book. The man and the boy are all that they have in this cruel, post apocalyptic world, and that
is what the journey is all about. The plot of The Road is about this man and this boy who are
trapped in a post apocalyptic era when there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The two form a huge and very unique bond as they make their way from one coast to another.
The man believes he has been sent by God to protect the boy, and thus does everything humanly
possible to look after the boy. The boy aspires to be a good person during their journey from
coast to coast, often worrying about the people and things that he sees along the way. The boy
is very emotionally attached to the small things in life, making him very fragile minded during
this cruel world. Ultimately throughout the entire novel, the man is suffering from a cough that
grows stronger as he grows weaker. By the end of the book, the man and the boy have been
through hell together. Sadly, the man dies and this leaves the boy feeling alone in this cold and
empty world. At the last moment before the book comes to an end, the boy is swept up by a
new group. This group hopes to inhabit a New World, and God is their motivation. The book
ends in suspense, with many questions unanswered. Overall, this is a very good. I enjoyed
reading this book, and I actually kind of aspire to read it once more. This book is an eye opener for
the potential of post apocalyptic books, and makes me want to read more. Not only is this book
very suspenseful, and overall fun to read, but it also teaches the reader lessons that can be used
within real life. I was very happy with the plot of this book, and all of its
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Family Dynamics In The World
1. In the world there are many different family structures and dynamics that exist. The book uses a
circle to help readers understand the dynamic structure between parent and child, parent and marital
relationship, and child and marital relationship. Different cultures have different family dynamics,
along with changes in their environment. For example, during the great depression many people
moved from small farms to cities in hopes of better pay jobs; technology has also changed the
familydynamic because many parents are relying on television to help raise their kids than ever
before. Adult lifestyles have also changed drastically over the decades, leaving many adults single
than ever before. The book gives this rise in single adults to the fact that more and more adults are
waiting to get married.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This simply means two individuals who are not married but leaving together in sin. This has also
drastically increased with 75 percent of adults live together before marriage (Santrock 447). This
lifestyle does not usually last long, with 1 out of 10 lasting longer than five years, but when there is
a break up it is not as messy as a divorce. I know when my husband and I were cohabiting we had
both parents nagging at us, his believed that it was not morally right to live together before
marriage, while my dad said that we should live in sin for a while before even thinking about
marriage; and many couples experience what my husband and I experienced. Cohabitating
before marriage sounds like a good idea because you can get a feel for how the person lives
when no one is watching, but cohabiting can actually be more harmful to your marriage than if
you were to move in together after marriage. A study conducted showed that cohabiters had a
higher divorce rate and lower martial satisfaction. The next adult life style is marriage. As
previously stated, marriage is on the decline and divorce rates are still on the
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Vhs, Dvd, And Television
Composition II
Jastaa Stubbs
DVD s During the years we have seen so much progress with technology, we have seen
advancements in the media aspect (VHS, DVD s, and television), cell phones and the internet. But
the one I find that isn t as recognized as most in my opinion would be DVD s. DVD s have
expanded so much since their release in 1996, they have become more detailed, high def, and
affordable compared to other technology costs. During this research I will try and help you
learn the history of the DVD, the knowledge of how DVD s were created, and the different types
of DVD s there are. When it comes to DVD s how many of us actually no the process of them
being made or when they were actually produced? Not many, we know that they have been
around for years and have progressed in different types of DVD s such as blu rays. But in the
early 90 s two high destiny optical storage standards were being developed: one was the
multimedia compact disk (MMCD) backed by Phillips and Sony, and the other was the super
density disk (SD), supported by Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi
Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and JVC. ( History ) Lou gerstner was acting as a matchmaker which
led to uniting the two camps behind a single standard. This resulted in a repeat of the cost format
war between VHS and Betamax in the 1980 s! While Phillips and Sony have their own ideas, the
abandoned the MMCD format and went with Toshiba s SD format which
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Identity Theory Of Social Class
Statement of the Problem Identity is a powerful force that shapes the way individuals interact with
the world (Burke Reitzes, 1981). As a result, scholars have devoted much time toward
understanding how identities such as gender, race, and sexual orientation influence the human
condition (Farr, Forssell, Patterson, 2010; Kerr Multon, 2015; Smith, Bowman, Hsu, 2007).
However, among this growing body of literature, the study of social class as an identityis relatively
scarce (Ostrove Cole, 2003). Rather than examining social class as an identity, many scholars
have instead chosen to treat it as a demographic variable (Aries, 2008; Aries Berman, 2013;
Lubrano, 2004; Mantsios, 2007; Park Denson, 2013). Perhaps this has occurred because social class
is such an elusive concept to describe (Lareau, 2008; Ostrove Cole, 2003). Although scholars
generally agree that there are distinct differences among the speech patterns, mannerisms, and...
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Identity theory is a theoretical framework that posits that individuals have many different identities
that intersect, such as social class, race, and gender (Burke Tully, 1977; Michalski Helmig, 2008;
Stryker, 1968; Stryker, 1987; Stryker, 2008). However, identity theory also acknowledges that
these varying identities tend to exist hierarchically (Stryker Burke, 2000). Therefore, identities that
are more central to a person s sense of self are more salient. That is, salient identities tend to be
higher on a person s salience hierarchy than other identities. For example, a person may identify as
a heterosexual woman, an African American, a Protestant, and a mother. However, if after
considering all of these identities, she were to indicate that her identity of being a mother was the
most important to her sense of self, and then researchers could infer that her mother identity would
be set highest on her salience
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The Effects Of Vaccination On Children And Children
published a controversial study in British journal Lancet where he linked MMR vaccination to
autism. (Should I include what his study was based on and results?) Years later, many other studies
proved it wrong but mistrust of science and mistrust of government is still there (2011). For
example, Phea Paul study stated that there is no evidence that autism is cause by any vaccineand
therefore no reason for parents to deny a child protection in today s vaccines offered (2009). His
study shows that if comparing risks mathematically of death or disability as a result of not
vaccinationa child which are small, to the risks of causing an autism spectrum disorder by
immunizing it increases significantly.
Despite the fact, that some people believe that vaccination is bad, majority of the population still
getting vaccinated yearly. One of the diseases children might experience is rotavirus which is
major cause of severe acute gastroenteritis or AGE. Previously it infected nearly every child in
United States by age of 5 years old until routine rotavirus vaccination on United States infants began
in 2006 (245). There were two studies conducted that proved that vaccination protects children from
certain diseases. (name of the study) provided many rated based on their study and it showed that
rotavirus vaccination had dramatically decreased rates of hospitalization for rotavirus infection
among children in United States countries (245). The study demonstrated a burden of severe
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Disney Corporate Strategy(a).Pdf
Olin Business School
Washington University
S 02 001
Published: 2002 Revised: 2009
Disney Corporate Strategy (A) Barbarians at the Magic Kingdom s Gate*
Introduction The next big takeover fight and it would be a beauty may involve Walt Disney
Productions. By the time you get this issue, Disney s defense strategy may already be unfolding.
But it will produce no quick victory for Disney even if a white knight comes along, and even if the
principle attacker, Saul Steinberg, can be bought off. One by one, Hollywood s great studios have
been plucked by the smart out of town moneymen. Paramount by the late Charles Bluhdorn.
Twentieth Century Fox by Marvin Davis and Marc Rich. MGMUnited Artists by Kirk Kerkorian.
Columbia by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first major success of this division was Seal Island, a nature film that won an Oscar in 1949.
Also in 1949, Disney formed a music company to create, produce and maintain control over the
music and songs featured in Disney productions but often performed by famous artists. Disney
later moved into live action features with Treasure Island in 1950. Disney continued to innovate
in the live action format by combining animation with live action in the film Mary Poppins. As
Disney s film library had grown, Disney brought distribution in house with the formation of
Buena Vista Distribution Co., in 1953. In films, Disney kept costs low by developing its own
talent pool. For cartoon features, characters were infinitely reusable and never required a salary,
while for live action features, Disney shied away from using well known and expensive talent.
Audiences were drawn because of the reputation Disney had established for providing quality,
reliable, and predictable family entertainment. In the early 1950s, Disney was quick to recognize
the growing medium of television to provide new outlets for Disney characters with The Wonderful
World of Disney first airing in 1953 and The Mickey Mouse Club in 1955. Disney s television
productions both the long running shows and features were quite successful. During the same time,
Walt Disney
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The Hunger Game Book Report
I m Holden, Holden Caulfield. If you really want to know about me, the first thing you ll
probably want to know is what I am reading right now. Though I m really not that literate type, I
read a lot. The Hunger Game, written by old Susanne Collins, is my recent reading one. The
Hunger Game is the book that got those crazy ideas. The people living in the book is divided to
12 districts leading by a centre called Capitol where is the gathering place of all those huge
snobs, phonies and morons. They always wear those old fashioned hat, clothing and thought
themselves to be so fashinable. That imagery really kills me. Really, you can imagine those old
ones with a thousand layers of clothing and makeup that definitely gonna make you sick as hell.
But, anyway, it is a story about this crazy goddam game, called The Hunger Game. In its game
regulation, each of the 12 districts has to provide two tribes. Those 24 tribes then go to the Capitol
to attend the killing game. Among those poor sacrifices, some, those snobs, volunteer for fame and
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She and her old Peeta win the game together and break the rules of the Hunger Game. The
Capitol leader must be angry as hell. Katniss Everness is a snob sometimes, like when she enjoys
the cheering from the phonies in the goddamn Capitol, but I ll say I kinda like her in the other
times. I really do. Not only because of her little sister, Prim Everness who reminded me a little
bit of old Phoebe. I guess old Prim is also quite skinny but not Roller skate skinny as Phoebe is. I
like Katniss maybe because she s like me. I really mean it. We all get the little sister that kills
you and a physic mom. But, Katniss life is a bit more interesting than mine. If I m in her place,
oh, I don t really care. And that old Peeta, a real moron. How funny that he doesn t even dare to
confess his love until he knows he s stepping to death. There s nothing to worry, Katniss is not
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Occupational Therapy Theory Paper
Theories are essential in occupational therapy (OT) practice as they provide a conceptual
foundation and framework for enhancing growth of clients, justifying reimbursement for care, and
validating intervention applications to family and patients (Baum, Bass, Christiansen, 2015).
Theories provide knowledge and an explanationfor how and why certain interventions would be
more beneficial than others. Theories can be used to support the understanding of a client s
symptoms and environmental impacts. The theories used in OT can be classified as models, frames
of reference, or paradigms (Baum, Bass, et al., 2015). After visiting Paxton Ministries and
interacting with several residents, I identified the following theories, models, and perspectives...
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Once a therapist gains trust, empathy, and insight with a resident, the occupational therapist can
evaluate and develop goals, in addition to a plan of care specific to their needs. At Paxton
Ministries, goal directed, exploratory, and planned actions can be used to address the residents
functional milestones and implement interventions to enhance their cognitive level (Baum,
Christiansen, Bass,
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Social Issues In The Incredibles
The Incredibles is an animated Pixar movie that focuses on two of Metroville s superheroes who
are married Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (add more) The government creates a law stating that
ALL superpower activities are prohibited. Consequently, they are obligated to conform to a
normal life in their society and wind up assimilating to suburban life with their children Violet,
Dash and Jack Jack. After 15 years of living as a civilian and insurance claims specialist, Mr.
Incredibledecides to take advantage of the opportunity to live the life of a superhero proposed by
a mysterious informant. However, it turns out to be a set up by an adversary who once idolized
him in his years as an adolescent. It s up to his family to save him and the world from any danger
that stands before them. In the movie, there are numerous ways the characters are portrayed as
based on their ethnicity and power. The film The Incrediblesdepict and display societal issues
through the family s inherited super powers, stereotypes in the movie, and what society defines a
hero as. The film The Incredibles depict and display societal issues through the family s inherited
super powers. Mr. Incredible is a man whom the civilians looked up to before any of the residual
damages were acknowledged. He is known for his super strength and durability.
Furthermore, his powers are metaphoric to being the supporter his family by obtaining an
occupation to establish a way of life. Elastigirl s superpower
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Negative Cognitive Schema
The patient has developed negative cognitive schemas that have culminated in social phobia. The
fundamental beliefs and assumptions (schemas) the patient has fostered through his life, are
negatively reinforced by his early dependency on his overprotective mother and dominant father
(Wedding Corsini, 2014, p. 239). The patient has used personalization, a cognitive distortion, which
he implements using an automatic thought process to explain his feelings of inferiority and why
he sees people avoiding him in public places (p. 241, 245).
Due to the patient s high level of social anxiety, I will be more directive in treatment to begin with,
yet collaboratively set the agenda and treatment goals for each week (p. 246). I will sensitively
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The Little Rock Nine Analysis
The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine African American students that were admitted to Central
High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, on September 4, 1957. The Supreme Court made the decision
of desegregating the schools. Carlotta Walls, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Jefferson Thomas,
Minnijean Brown, Melba Pattillo Beals, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Terrence Roberts, and Elizabeth
Eckford made history. They went through many tough situations just trying to get inside the school.
When the nine students made it inside, the struggle was then to survive with all the racist people
there to stop them from reaching their only goal. Superintendent Blossom told them that they could
not have a normal high schoolexperience. Torture was present everyday... Show more content on
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In A Mighty Long Way it states Carlotta, we must be patient with ignorance and never,ever
bring ourselves down to their level (Walls Lanier 17). My memorial is a blue rose. The color
blue represents peace. The red rose represents love. The best way to stop hate is with peace and
love. The author mentions ... for a black child, a little too much confidence, a joke, saying or
doing the wrong thing, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, or just being the wrong color could
cost him his life (Wall Lanier 40). They were very much aware of the cruelty all around them but
did not become apart of the negativity. The LIttle Rock Nine were strong and committed to
learning no matter what obstacle got in their way. I also chose a blue rose because of how
caring and loving they were to each other. Carlotta thinks about her friends as they are having a
meeting in Blossom s office. She comments I wondered how Ernie or the other guys in the room
must felt (Walls Lanier 60). She thought back to Emmett Till and compared him to Ernie. If they
did something at the wrong moment nobody knew what could happen. They all keep up with each
other and made sure that people are making a good representation of their name. In conclusion, A
blue rose represents the Little Rock nine in many ways. The Little Rock Nine are the reason that
we are all able to sit in school and learn
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Topdog Underdog Dialogue Essay
The topdog underdog dialogue is a technique I would use for Ellie to confront her opposing
thoughts about her father (Sommers Flanagan, Sommers Flanagan, 2015). Her father has
partially lead her to her perfectionist tendencies, yet has betrayed her mother in the past, while
Ellie is currently also alone in caring for him. While leading a dialogue between the divergences
within Ellie and as well between Ellie and her father, Ellie can take responsibility for her words
and actions and either come to terms about caring for her father, or that she truly needs help from
her sister as she cannot do it alone. Furthermore, this technique can be used with her sister as well,
as her sister is avoiding the responsibility of caring for her father and... Show more content on
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Ellie has patterns of behaviour from her childhood which she is transferring to her current life.
If it is working in a high paced environment a couple of months after having her children, or it is
in raising her child or being a good daughter and wife. From Ellie s description, I am inferring
that she is focused on her perfect behaviour without focusing on her emotions and what truly
fulfils her in a given moment. By revealing her hesitation to acknowledge her emotions or by
bringing her awareness to the current reality, regardless of the past, Ellie can integrate parts of
herself which she has been neglecting for years. Furthermore, if her husband is truly supportive
and is giving her the space to work on herself, yet he is also an imperfect human being and has
his surge of emotions occasionally, I would challenge Ellie s feelings of feeling like a child when
communicating with him. The topdog underdog dialogue would also be of aid in confronting
Ellie s childish feelings when her husband loses his temper. Throughout the entire therapy, I would
aim for Ellie to stay with the feeling (Sommers Flanagan, Sommers Flanagan, 2015). She is
disconnected from her emotions so Gestalt therapy is useful for her to become more aware of what
she feels at a given
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Stylistic Devices In The Kite Runner
Analysis of The Kite Runner
The book: The Kite Runner , (2003) by Khaled Hosseini, describes the life of Amir, whose
experience of growing up parallels the developments in his home country: Afghanistan. These
similarities are reflected in the bildungsroman through a variety of symbols and stylistic devices.
Specifically, the use of invective language Amir calling his half brother a Hazaara boy (Hosseini,
2003, p. 275) and the Taliban glorifying their crimes as ethnic cleansing (Hosseini, 2003, p. 261)
reveals a long standing history racism in society. In other words, the prominence of discrimination
in daily life is displayed through the clash between social classes on both a personal and a cultural
level. In my opinion, the embodiment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This link facilitates Hosseini s discussion of a range of topics in Afghan society, including, but not
limited to: increasing Americanisation and the loss of Afghan traditions, long lasting issues of
deception, aggression and class discrimination, as well as the emergence of religious fanaticism.
Therefore and in consideration of the fact that the novel is semi autobiographical The Kite Runner
may be seen as Hosseini s reflection on his childhood and youth in Afghanistan before his family
was granted political asylum in the United
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Essay Chaucers Canterbury Tales
Take any pilgrim whose tale we read and show Chaucer artfully matches the story to the teller.
Of the many stories he writes the tale told by the Wife of Bath is the most verbal and for its time
the most forthright exposition of the role women did not have but could have in that time period.
The wife of Bath s story is fairly general a man is accused of trying to rape a woman and the
sentence for this charge is to be hung. The mean pleads and pleads to be acquitted of his charge
so the queen of the time says he will not be hung if he finds the answer to a certain question. The
question is What is it women most desire. He is given one year and one day to find this answer
and until the day before his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Wife of Bath I see as being more the naГЇve, idealistic old hag. Another correlation is how sly
they both are and how they like to gossip.
I am pretty positive Chaucer meant for the Old Hag to be related to the Wife of Bath for the
different reasons I have explained. It is still odd how the character made it into Canterbury Tales but
interesting all the same; The Wife of Bath s story best describe whom she herself actually is.
Chaucer s portraits of the clergy and church related position show evidence of a religious system
full of corruption and hypocrisy. Examine in depth 2 or 3 of Chaucer s pilgrim portraits from the
prologue, illustrate or demonstrate how the medieval church was in need of reform.
The late 14th century church almost a disgrace to the meaning and reputation it was supposed to
be upholding. This was not true for all of the church as is true all of Chaucer s characters were
not exact remakes of their real life counterpart. The clergy (Monk and Prioress and Friar) and
other church related affiliates (Summoner and Pardoner) are made out to be corrupting the church.
The Friar was a member of the mendicants, who were a group that traveled from town to town
supposedly helping the poor this was however not what he did. The Summoner and pardoner were
both not qualified for the positions they held and were in a sense stealing money from those that
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Why Is Montresor Wrong
Has someone ever done something to you that angered you? Louis L Armour states Anger is a
killing thing. It kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had before it
takes something from him . In the story Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe, the main
character, Montresor, kills his friend because fortunato did him wrong. Nemo me impune lacessit
(Poe 289), says No one attacks me with impunity . This is the cause of Montresor s actions. In this
story Montresor lures his friend into a cell, where he starves him to death as revenge for being
insulted. This punishment is far too harsh for such a little crime. Although Montresor felt bad after
the death of his friend, it does not change the cruelness, hatred, and anger he holds.... Show more
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During the story, Montresor states Let us be gone (Poe 292), merely mocking Fortunato before his
death. As you can see, Montresor was cruel to Fortunato, even during the process of murdering him.
Although he had said something this mean, Montresor could not stop. He mocked fortunato with
cruel his voice, and laughed as he suffered. Not only is Montresor cruel, but he is full of hatred. In
the story, Montresor says The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when
he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge (Poe 286). This obviously shows the hatred Montresor
holds, and the lengths he will go to get revenge. This also shows that Fortunato had done something
to him, thus giving him a reason to hate Fortunato. Another part of the story showing Montresor
this way is when he says, I must not only punish him, but punish with impunity (Poe
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Designing A Carcase Table Using The Appropriate Woodwork...
Carcase Table Investigation
MYP Criteria A: Investigation
Harry Brown
Stuart House Mr. Riddell
Problem Statement
In this task I will design and create a carcase table using the appropriate woodwork skills. To
complete the task, the carcase table will be made out of wood and it will be designed according to
the specifications. First I will sketch and design my carcase table to make sure that it fits the right
specifications. Then I will construct it in the workshop using such machines as, the router, the drop
saw, and the band saw. Once it is constructed, it will be sanded to make sure it is nice and smooth
and it will be varnished with a particular finish. Once the carcase table is constructed and varnished
I will test it to see ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are many benefits of doing this project. I will learn how to use the different woodwork
tools and machines used to make wooden things like a carcase table. I may also learn about
marketing and how similar things can be produced and sold. I will learn some good life skills and
I will know how to construct wooden object using the different woodwork machines and tools.
To complete the task I will design my carcase table according to the correct specifications and
measurements. Once I have designed my carcase table I will create it in the workshop by first
cutting it out and gluing the appropriate pieces together. Once it is constructed I will sand it and
put a finish on it.
Existing Products
Description: A very modern Carcase table. It is very square and has curved legs. It would suit
someone with a modern life style.
Positives: It is very eye catching, and appeals to the target audience. It enhances the dГ©cor and
would look great in a modern home. The rectangular top of this carcase table would be quite easy
to make.
Negatives: The legs are curved and would be quite hard to make. The legs would all have to be
the exact same in size and volume which would be extremely hard to do. The knob used to pull the
draw in and out is metal, which is not aloud.
Description: An older style carcase table. It has a round top and curved legs.
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Career Information Processing Paper
Introduction: Career Information Processing
Year around students (undergraduate and graduate) are enrolled in colleges and universities across
the United States engaged in the pursuit of a degree. They are completing and in the process of
completing degree granting majors and programs. Completion of coursework and major
requirements results in graduation and the conferral of a degree. Although the majors and degree
programs may differ, there is one goal a great majority of students have in common, progression
along their chosen career path. The career development centers and offices on these college
campuses are often instrumental in aiding students with beginning and continuing along this path.
Career assistance areas have utilized a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1991, researchers from Florida State University s Career Center s Center for the Study of
Technology in Counseling and Career Development researchers created the Cognitive
Information Processing (CIP) Approach to Career Development and Services (Peterson,
Sampson Reardon, 1991). Gary W. Peterson, James P. Sampson, Jr., Robert C. Reardon, and
Janet G. Lenz developed the approach that is based on the Cognitive Information Processing
Theory (Reiser and Dempsey, 2012). The CIP approach serves as a blueprint for creating
modifiable delivery of services that assist students with developing effective skills needed for
career decision making and problem solving. With this approach, career selection and decision
making is an endeavor of focused resolution, problem solving (Gordon, 2006). Additionally, the
CIP approach is an exemplary representation of the first mission point that the National Association
of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has outlined for college and university career services. The
mission point is to develop self knowledge related to career choice and performance by identifying,
assessing and understanding their competencies, interests, values and personal characteristics
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Persuasive Essay On Spear Fishing
The Best Place for You to Go Spear Fishing
There are places all over the world for you to delve into the world of spear fishing. There are
fishing spots in Australia and South America. Pretty much anywhere the water is mostly clear,
you can find people enjoying the spear fishing sport. Especially in areas that the water
temperatures remain warm and perhaps it is also one of the main reasons Florida, especially near
the keys, is prime spear fishing area according to most.
In florida, it is possible to fish along the 120 miles of coast that is known as the keys. There are
many divers who venture into that area because of it being the only living coral reef in the United
States. It is warm waters and temperatures are always between 68 85 degrees
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Essay Writing Format For Bank Exams
Essay Writing Format For Bank Exams

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Essay Writing Format For Bank Exams

  • 1. Essay Writing Format For Bank Exams 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Essay Writing Format For Bank ExamsEssay Writing Format For Bank Exams
  • 2. Interview With Other Culture I have a close family friend who moved here from the Philippines when she was twenty six. We have lived next door to her and her family for over ten years and I never once took the time to learn about her life before she moved to America. With this being said, before this interview, I had no knowledge of the Philippine culture. Before this encounter I had no knowledge of the proclamation of Martial Law placed over the Philippines. Estrellita, the woman I interviewed and spent time with, explained how she was in her last year of nursing school when the President enacted this law. She claimed that those were very hard times for the country, but she had to remain strong and complete school. Once completing school she would be free to seek out an adventure in another country. Some customs never change, and that is the case for one of the strongest held customs of the Philippine culture. When... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This experience has given me the opportunity to learn from another culture. The interview with my friend from the Philippines has influenced me to learn more about the cultures that differ from my own. I am eager to learn about other cultures and gain knowledge of their values and beliefs. From this cross cultural experience, I have gained a sense of ease when it comes to interacting with different cultures. I have learned to be patient and listen well when speaking to a person who has a thick accent. Allow me to finish with a quotation from Nelson Mandela: No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than it s opposite (Ozdowski, 2013). Diversity is such a wonderful thing, and this cross cultural experience has shown me that we have so much to learn from cultures other than our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Success By Malcolm Gladwell In society, there is a common misconception that success simply arises from a combination of an individual s innate talent and drive to acquire success. However, in the book Outliers The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell, Gladwell introduces a new and different perspective of the foundation of success, and proposes that other factors contribute to and can even determine the likelihood of someone succeeding. Aspects such as hidden advantages, upbringing, timing, and cultural legacies play a significant role in how well one will do in this world. The outliersof society are the individuals who, because of their chance opportunities, have cultivated their inner talents and abilities to become successful. Hidden advantages play a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As Gladwell dives deeper into the success stories of notable figures, their stories all share a common theme that their success was not just of their own making (67) but was a product of the world in which they grew up in. (67) The special opportunities hidden in their lives allowed them to achieve the 10,000 hours needed to master their craft, one of Gladwell s essential components for the recipe to success. Bill Gates, a distinguished figure in the software world serves as a prime example as a beneficiary of the hidden advantages received that launched him into a path to success. Bill Gates sheer brilliance and ambition and guts (50) were not the only reasons for his success. Gates success is owed to his opportunity to do real time programming as an eighth grader in 1968 (51), essentially setting him up to become successful, as others did not have the same opportunities as he did. If Bill Joy had not had an extraordinary, early opportunity to learn programming (51) and the Beatles had not had the opportunity to perform for 270 nights on just over a year and a half (50), would they have become just as successful? Through these cases, Gladwell makes it evident that the role of chance opportunities is significant and vital to the likelihood of one becoming successful. An individual s chance of success is predetermined by their family background and upbringing. As Gladwell investigates those who were successful and those ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Mary Shelly and the Romantic Era The story written by Mary Shelly reflects the mood of the Romantic era in numerous ways. Some of these themes include views on science, changes in the weather across Europe, mistrust of advancements in science and the role of disease and death and the loneliness that resulted. The experiences of Shelly and even the setting and location where she formed the idea for Frankenstein display interesting themes of the time period. Disease and death were a common theme throughout the Romantic era. Not only did it affect Shelly s life directly, the topic of personal loss was evident throughout her novel. The murders of Victor s family and friends by the monster displayed this theme but it was also on display early in the book with Victor s mother catching the Scarlet Fever and dying after attending to Elizabeth during a bout of the same. Disease, tragedy and death seemed to be a sad but very common part of life during this time period. Interestingly, changes in the climate and weather of Europe were a key factor in the idea of Frankenstein coming about. Due to this inclement weather, a period of time was spent indoors by Mary, her husband and some of her friends. After discussions about ghost stories, gothic writings and reanimated corpses, Mary s imagination rose to the occasion and after a nightmare one night Frankenstein was born. As a side note, I also found the mood the Frankenstein book felt cold and gloomy throughout. Although the scenery ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Jane Liebschutz Analysis Doctor s Diaries showed the difficult and challenging life of doctors and how they can affect the doctor s personal life and professional job. While watching the video, there were two occurrences that stood out to me the most. The first example was the emotional connection a doctor can have with a patient, and the second example was the difficulty of getting patients to open up to the doctors In the first example, Dr. Jane Liebschutz became emotionally connected to an elderly patient who was having surgery for the first time. The surgery involved removing some vein from the leg, some vessels in the chest wall, and connecting them to the coronary arteries, which will help pump blood to his heart. Before the surgery, Dr. Liebschutz met with the patient and talked with him, reassuring him that the surgery would go well. Within six hours of performing the surgery, the patient s heart had failed and he passed away. Getting emotional, Dr. Liebschutz cried because she had never connected with a patient who suddenly passed away while having surgery. Especially with a patient who passed away in front of her while she help assist during the surgery.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When a doctor loses a patient that they have become emotionally connected with, it can make their work a lot more difficult. After losing a patient a doctor still has the workload of informing the family about the loss and sometimes even explaining to them why things happen the way they did. They also have the workload of continuing their daily routine work without letting their emotions mix in with their job as they see other patients. This, I find, is a challenging task to do because a doctor has to do their best to not let their emotions influence their work and those around them as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Foundations of Mythology Essay Foundations of Mythology Hum/105 June 25, 2013 Gayla Nelson Foundations of Mythology How is the word myth used popularly? For example, what does the statement, It s a myth mean? In contrast, how is the word myth used in the academic context? After considering the definition in your textbooks and course materials, write a definition in your own words. The word myth can be used in so many ways and it can also have so many different meaning based on the contents of the word. It can have a religious tone to it, where it describes the foundations of some people s belief system as most religions do. In an extreme case it can shape someone s way of life. It can also be used as an escape from reality in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is the relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion? Where do mythology and religion intersect? Where do they diverge? Think about the function of myth and religion in helping human beings cope with change, suffering, loss, and death. The relationship between belief, knowledge, mythology, and religion is one that interweaved, where religion, mythology and belief share the most in common, knowledge is just as important. Mythology and religion intersect in their origins; because of the belief in mythology religion grew. I don t believe you can really have one without the other. Most religions today at least the big 3 rely on a foundation or a belief in a Supreme Being or deity that takes on mythical status and is the bias of those religions. Without the belief in the myth the religions would fall apart. And that leads us to the where they diverge, in to today society more and more people have begun to question religion atheism is one of the fast growing problem facing modern day religions. Where religion once relied and mythology for its origins in today day and age religion itself is being categorized as mythology itself How would you defend mythology s relevance in contemporary culture? Think about familial and cultural traditions. Also, consider how mythology is used in the arts and in advertising to typify human experience. In today s world mythology is divided, if you are a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Baroque Vs. Baroque Renaissance The style that followed the Renaissance is usually called Baroque . But, while it is easy to identify the earlier style by definite marks of recognition, this is not so simple in the case of Baroque. Baroque is considered to be one of the great periods of art history , and it is generally identified as being developed by Caravaggio, Gianlorenzo Bernini and Annibale Carracci. The Baroqueperiod developed in Europe in around 1600, and it can be seen partly as a reaction against the intricate and formulaic Mannerism that dominated the Late Renaissance. Nevertheless, to see Baroque as simply being a reaction against Renaissance ideals and norms is simplistic. Modern scholarship has identified within the Baroque clear signs of a return to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By synthesising these elements, I will establish how the Baroque can be distinguished from its precursors. The term Baroque , like many period designations, is not a complementary one. It had the connotation of meaning bizarre taste that does not follow the rules of the classical. This provides one basic definition of the Baroque; its contrast to classicism, despite the fact that Baroque was a reaction to, and an adaption of, the classical tradition. The word Baroque was a term employed by critics of a later period who fought against the tendencies of the seventeenth century, and wanted to hold them up to ridicule. Baroque really means... grotesque, and it was used by men who insisted that the forms of classical building should never have been used or combined except in the ways adopted by the Greeks and Romans... After the idealism of the Renaissance, and the slightly forced nature of Mannerism, Baroque above all reflected the religious tensions of the age notably the desire of the Catholic Church in Rome (as annunciated at the Council of Trent) to reassert itself in the wake of the Protestant Reformation. Thus, Baroque art became synonymous with the Catholic Counter Reformation. Baroque art in Catholic nations reflected the desire of Emperors and monarchs to strengthen their political position and glorify their own divine grandeur. By comparison, Baroque art in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Reverse Discrimination In The United States Lately the United States media has been focused on the unfair treatment many people receive based on their skin tone, whether it is the recent police brutality against African Americans or the focuses the 2018 presidential election has put on illegal immigration. Unfortunately the media has avidly avoided any subject that may be considered reverse discriminationalso known as reverse racism. Reverse discrimination is a phenomenon in which members of majority groups receive unfair treatment in attempt to remedy earlier discrimination against minorities. Many people believe that reverse discrimination is becoming more prevalent part of modern society, by creating equal opportunity s this issue can be easily reduced. Reverse discrimination has become a joke with in many minority communities, approximately seven in ten black (74%) and Hispanic Americans (70%) do not believe discrimination against whites is as big of a problem as discrimination against other groups (Public Religion Research Institute 38). This is because many people hold the opinion that only minorities can be discriminated against. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Race ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to a study conducted by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI): More than four in ten (43%) Americans say that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities, while 55% disagree. Opinions about reverse discrimination have remained fairly constant over the past few years. Half (50%) of white Americans including 60% of white working class Americans agree that discrimination against whites has become as big a problem today as discrimination against blacks and other minorities, while fewer than three in ten Hispanic (29%) and black Americans (25%) ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Cormac Mccarthy The Road Survival American Novelist, Cormac McCarthy, won the Pulitzer Prize and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction for his gripping novel, The Road (2006). The novel follows a man and his son who are struggling to survive the burned America and the hardships that come with it. They face harsh weather, starvation, dehydration, nature and even other people; however, they carry the fire which brings them hope and reminds them not to follow evil. Throughout the novel, McCarthy conveys the different types of surviving in the new apocalyptic world. One type of survival that is portrayed in the burnt America is being the good guys who carry the fire. The novel s main characters, the man and the boy (who go unnamed throughout the novel), have been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The bad guy role is the second way of surviving the new world. There are many groups of people the man and the boy meet on the road, all of them but three are bad. The bad guys rape, kill and eat other humans, and everything they have, they got from stealing. The bad guys are made of two kinds of people; the people who were always rotten inside and the people left with no choice. The new world gave the rotten people an opportunity to rise and blossom without being punishment by the law, for it does not exist anymore. The people who had no choice were good guys who couldn t be good anymore, because if they remained good, they would die. A horrific example of a group of bad guys, are the third people the man and the boy run into. The man woke up one morning just in time to see the army of people coming towards them. He grabs the boy and their supplies and drags them into the woods to hide. The man gives a detailed description of army and what they own. An army in tennis shoes. Carrying three foot lengths of pipe with leather wrappings [...] Bearded, their breath smoking through their masks [...] Behind them wagons drawn, by slaves in harness and piled with goods of war and after that the women, perhaps a dozen in number, some of them pregnant, and lastly a supplementary consort of catamites illclothed against the cold and fitted in dog collars and yoked each to each. (McCarthy, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Black Crook, By Charles M. Barras In the late 1860s, as post Civil War business boomed, there was a sharp increase in the number of working and middle class people in New York, and the wealthier people desired entertainment. Theaters became more popular, and Niblo s Garden, which had formerly hosted opera, began to offer light comedy. The Black Crookwas at first simply a melodrama by Charles M. Barras that retold the Faust story and borrowed liberally from other plays with similar plots and themes. William Wheatley, who was the manager of Niblo s was concerned that the play would fail. The script was poorly written and the acting was not much better. Then something oddly magical happened. There was a theatre fire at the Academy of Music in New York. A French ballet ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Black Crook took advantage of all of these changes. Charles M. Barras, a gentleman remarkably well known in theater circles was born in 1826 and in 1860 married Miss Sallie St. Clair, a popular danseuse and soubrette. In 1861 Mr. Barras was the manager of Pike s Opera house, Cincinnati. Here he first attracted attention as an actor by an admirable and original personation of Hypochondriac. In 1866, Mr. Barras s name was brought before the American public in an extraordinary manner by the production of The Black Crook at Niblo s Garden, of which drama he was the author. As a literary production, the Black Crook was beneath criticism, but it ran for 465 consecutive nights and enabled its author to realize a fortune of $250,000. This latter was accomplished by holding the copyright throughout the country, and claiming a handsome royalty for each performance. Mr. Barras s other literary efforts have obtained for him no reputation. As an actor, he is remembered from only one character and as an author by one production, which, however, slight in its merits, stands immeasurably superior to any of the spectacular plays, which have succeeded it. The play The Black Crook tells the story of evil, wealthy Count Wolfenstein seeks to marry the lovely village girl, Amina. With some help from Amina s scheming foster mother Barbara, the Count arranges for Amina s fiancГ©, Rodolphe, an ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Locke And Descartes Argument Analysis Everyone has their own beliefs about where ideas come from and how they are formed. Locke and Descartes both had very different arguments about what the origin of these ideas was. Descartes believed that the origin of ideas stemmed from imagination or reason and that we have been born with all of the knowledgewe need; we just have to come to an experience or age where we will know how to use it. Whereas Locke believed that the origin of ideas came from experience and we have to learn everything we need to know. I agree with both arguments that these philosophers have presented. Being an Education major and being required to study the ways in which children learn and how their brains are formed has helped me see the flaws in their arguments,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But in reality children aren t aware of the sky being blue because they have to learn colors when they go to school for the first time. For instance, it is seen that people in society that don t attend school only know as much as they have seen in life or have experienced. Individuals evolve based on their environment. Furthermore, no one person is born knowing that the sky is blue, all children are supposed to learn colors when they start school or if their parents start working on colors with them before they start school. Descartes to some extent was right about his ideas because we know when children are born they cry because the hospital room is cold. They also cry when they have a full diaper. This proves that infants have a minor sense of communication, even though they may not understand that they are actually calling to their parents for help. So, it can be said that humans are born knowing how to cry as a technique to let their loved ones realize that they are distressed. No one taught them how to cry, babies are just able to come out of the womb with the ability to cry as a temporary substitute until they can learn how to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Citizen Kane Research Paper Citizen Kane Citizen Kane brought the aspects of a newspaper tycoon in the 1940 s to life in a form of a dramatic narrative. This film is based on a true story of a newspaper magnate, William Randolph Hearst and based off of some aspects of Orson Welles(Writer and Director). This filmed has been named, The best American filmof all time due to the fact that, during the time of its making, it was the first film to take on many new techniques of cinematography. Citizen Kaneis a revolutionary film not only in the drama genre, but in filmmaking of all forms. Citizen Kane is the story of the newspaper tycoon, Charles Foster Kane, and the meaning of his last words before he died. A group of news reporters are determined to figure out what Kane... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because of the content of this film, Hearst tried to prevent it from being released. Kane, who was based on Hearst, was a very controversial newspaper tycoon. This makes the film more dramatic people there are characters that either love Kane or hate him. When Kane is caught in a love nest with s ainger, many more people disapprove of him. Another aspect of this film is that it is in black and white. This gives it a serious tone. The lighting they used also gave a dramatic effect. There is a scene where two gentlemen are talking but you can see Kane dancing in the reflection of the window. This reminds the audience that he is still important to the scene even though he isn t directly involved. This In Citizen Kane, Welles is attempting to expose the great influential political and social power that someone has as the head of many newspaper chains. This narrative drama explains the life of Kane and how different people viewed it. From the way the way the characters were telling the story to the way shadows, lighting and the laco of color was used, this film fits into the drama genre. Being the greatest film of all time , Citizen Kane brings the the world of newspaper tycoons to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Outline The Cyclic Nature Of The Sun The sun produces three types of emissions that reach Earth electromagnetic radiation, solar wind, and neutrinos. The sun produces electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, with the visible spectrum being the most intense wavelength range produced as the radiation peaks at this area of the EM spectrum. The Earth s atmosphere absorbs most of this radiation but light and radio waves are able to penetrate the atmosphere, as well as short wavelength infrared rays and long wavelength microwaves. X rays and gamma rays are absorbed by the Earth s upper atmosphere. Solar wind is a continuous stream of charged particles protons and electrons with some atomic nuclei. It is produced by the hydrogen fusion reactions at the Sun s core with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, believed the idea that the Earth was fixed at the centre of the Universe and that the other planets were embedded in a series of concentric crystalline spheres surrounding the Earth. He proposed that 56 different crystalline spheres rotated about the Earth at different rates. Each planet, the Sun, and the moon were in their own sphere surrounding the Earth, and the stars were placed on the largest sphere surrounding everything else. About two centuries after Aristotle, Hipparchus showed that the model better predicted the motion of the heavens if the Earth was placed slightly off the centre of rotation of the celestial spheres. Apollonius also proposed that the planets changed their speed through the heavens and sometimes stopped and travelled backwards. This particular model of the universe mainly evolved around Aristotle s observational evidence of the time in which he lived, which supported the idea demonstrated in the model. In this theory, the motion of things naturally moves to the centre of the Earth and the only way to separate from it was to have a force applied to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Kobe Bryant Is A Matter Of Fact As a matter of fact, Kobe Bryant has literally gone from needing his parents to co sign his first NBA contract, at 17, to being, as he put it, a triple OG . In other words, we have seen Kobe essentially grow up in front of us. That is to say that Kobe has gone from rookie, to veteran player to a well seasoned veteran the feels like a grandfather although the 37 yar old Bryant knew all along that this would be his last season, is enjoying the role of elder statesman. Father time has finally caught up with Kobe, 15 games into his unprecedented 20th NBA season (an NBA record for the most seasons with one team), for this reason, in an eloquently written letter, on the website The Players Tribune (co owned by Kobe Bryant and Derek Jeter) addressed to the game of basketball, Bryant announced his retirement at the end of the 2015 16 season. http:/ /www.theplayerstribune.com/dear basketball/ Granted the retirement announcement did not surprise many, in reality, Kobe Bryant, the highest paid player in the NBA s retirement occurred on April 12, 2013, the 80th game of the year in the Lakers 118 116 win over the Golden State Warriors on a night when the Black Mamba grounded by a ruptured his left Achilles tendon. To say nothing of yet another career defining moment, on a torn Achilles, Kobe Bryant walked un assisted to the charity stripe and knocked down two free throws, giving the Lakers a one game lead over the Utah Jazz for the eight spot in the playoffs. By the same token, the fact ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Roberta Hill Longhouse Oneida Museum Summary People can remember the smallest things but totally miss the bigger picture like what actually happened in that memory. For example, they can remember the bright white shirt their cousin was wearing and the smell of food cooking in the air but not that that was the day they all had a big family reunion. Certain places can live on in a person s memorybecause of sensory details. In Longhouse, Oneida museum by Roberta Hill the speaker remembers their childhood home. Those nights when the throat of the furnace wheezed and rattled its regular death (MyPerspectives). The speaker is reminiscing the sound of the furnace at night. The speaker must have been scared of it so with that sound of the furnace rattling came fear. Here I could wake ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Production Of Production And Operation Management PRODUCTION OPERATION MANAGEMENT The focus of any business is to provide needs of customer by providing military and supplies, and in this procedure generate value for customers and solve their trouble. Production and operations management talks about applying big business association and management concepts in formation of supplies and military (1). PRODUCT: A product is defined as the thing offered for deal. A product can be a facility or an item. It can be material or in virtual form. Every product is made with some particular cost and each is sold at a price. The price depends on the quality, marketing etc (2). Product can be different object for different people like for customer product is mix of utilities because customer expects some uses from product. For example Body wash can be identified by cleanliness of body, health, fragrance and also freshness. For production manager the product is multiplication of various operations and surfaces because he/she responsible for production of product. For finance manager product can be mixing of various costs because he/she responsible for profits of the product (3). PRODUCTION: Production is a technical process which involves transformation of raw material (input) into required product or service (output) by adding up economic cost (1). In other words it is the step by step transformation of one form of material into another form through chemical or mechanical processes (4). PRODUCTION SYSTEM: The production system of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Summary Of Alexander The Great Journey To The End Of The... Alexander The Great: Journey to the End of the Earth, by Norman F. Cantor. New York: HarperCollins, 2005, 180 pages. Reviewed by Tyler E. Tatum The author Norman F. Cantor wrote this book due to the increased attention the Middle east gained during American troop deployment. This increased interest in the Middle East resulted in a renewed interest in Alexander The Great. Cantor states that this book was ultimately written to construct a critical and well rounded assessment of the man and the world in which he lived. (page xi) Cantor begins the book in a great fashion by giving the reader an introduction to many aspects of the different ways of life during Alexander s time period. This is a very helpful thing as the everyday reader like myself probably has very limited knowledge pertaining to ancient Greece and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cantor goes on to explain the powerful countries of the time as to fully understand Alexander you must have at least some basic knowledge of every aspect of the time period. After explaining the aspects of life Cantor begins telling about Alexander s father and who he was, which then turns into Alexander as a child. Around this point in the book is when Cantor begins to sway off of the path of effectiveness as he will at several points throughout the book break flow and go back to another point in time to explain something. Sometimes this method of writing works and others it can be very confusing and misleading to the reader. Also during this portion of the book is when you see the major references to other books and pieces of information appear in the form of tiny portions of these articles being inserted into the book. These inserts of information, for the majority of the book, are helpful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Essay on The Fate of the True Woman in The Blithedale... The Fate of the True Woman in The Blithedale Romance The female characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Blithedale Romance, Zenobia and Priscilla, differ in their representations of womanhood. Zenobia begins as an independent character, whom later surrenders to Hollingsworth s control, whereas Priscilla is ever submissive to his desires. This determines how the male characters, Coverdale and Hollingsworth, view both women. Coverdale and Hollingsworth are first enamored by Zenobia s charm, but both fall for Priscilla s docility. Zenobia represents female independence and Priscilla embodies feminine subservience; the triumph of Priscilla casts the male vote in this novel unanimously ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coverdale describes her as being like a flower shrub that had done its best to blossom in too scanty light (Hawthorne 27). The only time she appears truly aroused is when she hears Zenobia and Coverdale discussing the idea of women in power, and distraught, asserts she cannot think this is true and does not wish it so (Hawthorne 122). Priscilla is only agitated by one concept the destruction of the True Woman. In the beginning, both Hollingsworth and Coverdale are enamored by Zenobia Hollingsworth by her wealth and Coverdale by her beauty. It is apparent that wealth is Hollingsworth s true attraction to Zenobia since the realization that she is not rich is what drives them apart. She says to him, I was willing to realize your dream . . . though it should prove the ruin of my fortune; however, when she has no fortune to ruin he no longer wants her (Hawthorne 217). Coverdale claims that he is attracted to Zenobia s intelligence and independence. When she relates her plans to lecture on behalf of women s rights, he thinks it surely behoved [sic] Zenobia to be the champion of her sex (Hawthorne 123). It seems, however, that he is mostly attracted to her physical charms. He alludes to her beauty often, and even ventures to say that something in her manner, irresistibly brought up a picture of that fine, perfectly developed figure in Eve s earliest garment (Hawthorne 17). Such allusions, combined with his later betrayal, indicate that his attraction is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Stanley Chernyshevsky s Eyes-Wide Shut Chernyshevsky states that the first purpose of art is to reproduce nature and life, and this applies to all works of art without exception (364). Eyes Wide Shut is a movie that was directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1999. Additionally, it was his last film. He created a film version of Dream Story, which is a fictional (Schnitzler). The lead roles are played by Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidmanand Sydney Pollack. The time is set up at Christmas in New York. Stanley Kubrick directs a number of successful and serious films. There is no doubt that Eyes Wide Shutis one of them. (Kubrick). Kubrick uses visual aesthetics to express his point of view indirectly. Christmas products is used to create a holiday atmosphere, which is full of consumption. In addition, mask and costume hide the identity and individuality of people. Finally, the money that Bill, who is male main character and acted by Tom Cruise spent, shows he is a customer. These three things convey the theme of consuming in Eyes Wild Shut. People are shopping to prepare for Christmas; therefore, Christmas products are related to buying and consuming. In the movie, Christmas products are almost everywhere especially the Christmas tree. The colorful trees contrast sharply with the main tones of the movie, which are blue and red. Kubrick keeps reminding audiences that it is Christmas. At the end of this movie, Bill and Alice who is female main character Nicole Kidman are doing Christmas shopping with their daughter Helena. In the mall, there are a lot of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Because metaphor is used frequently in the movie, it offers audiences a space to think over. In spite of the fact that Kubrick has dead, the film still has current value such as the marriage, love and sex. Most of his film works are worth to analyzes deeply; therefore, what the essay analysis is just a small piece of Eyes Wild ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay on How Craft Changed Oreo Marketing Strategy in China How Kraft Changed the Oreo and Its Global Marketing Strategy for Success in China Gale Business Insights: Global Case Study Collection Learning Objectives After analyzing this case study, students should be able to do the following: Explain at least three benefits of market research in product development for international and emerging markets Identify traditional and nontraditional strategies for increasing revenue through entering new global markets Appreciate the effect of cultural norms and tastes for firms expanding to new markets Discuss how firms can focus products to local tastes while increasing brand value globally Introduction One of the more popular strategies for firms to increase profits in the 21st century ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sales had been flat for the first five years of the 2000s and were in decline. In 2007, Kraft Foods China was an unprofitable, $100 million business that was not growing, noted Sanjay Khosla, Kraft Foods president of developing markets, in an interview published by the Boston Consulting Group. Kraft was even thinking of pulling the product out of the Chinese market completely, due to poor sales. The company as a whole was performing poorly. This led to a shake up of executive management in 2006, with Irene B. Rosenfeld installed as chief executive officer (CEO). Rosenfeld had previously worked at Kraft for 22 years before leaving in 2003 to head Frito Lay North America. In early 2007, Rosenfeld outlined a strategy to turn the company around that included product quality, research and development (R amp;D), and acquisitions as critical to the future growth of the company. Rosenfeld hired cutting edge business leaders such as Khosla to help create the strategy that would change the way Kraft Foods Inc. does business. Fewer, but Larger Bets: Growth Through Focus and the 5 10 10 Strategy at Kraft Foods When Sanjay Khosla left Fonterra Group in 2007 to spearhead Kraft Foods business in developing countries, he was tasked with discovering a way to realize the potential for growth in developing markets that had eluded Kraft and so many other large, successful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Management Information Systems and Its Importance | What you think Management of Information Systems is and why it is important in today s business environment? Management Information Systems (MIS) is the term given to the discipline focused on the integration of computer systems with the aims and objectives on an organization. Modern businesses have been leveraging on MIS to manage, order, organize and manipulate the gigabytes and masses of information generated for various purposes. MIS helps businesses optimize business processes, address information needs of employees and various stakeholders and take informed strategic decisions. The development and management of information technology tools assists executives and the general workforce in performing any tasks related to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Expert organizations such as the Institute of MIS along with peer reviewed journals such as MIS Quarterly continue to find and report new ways to use MIS to achieve business objectives. Better Planning and Control: MIS has to be designed and managed in such way that it aggregates information, monitors the company s activities and operations and enhances communication and collaboration among employees (Obrien). This ensures better planning for all activities and better ways to measure performance, manage resources and facilitate compliance with industry and government regulations. Control helps in forecasting, preparing accurate budgets and providing the tools and vital information to employees, top management and business partners. Core Competencies: Every market leading enterprise will have at least one core competency that is, a function they perform better than their competition. By building an exceptional management information system into the enterprise it is possible to push out ahead of the competition. MIS systems provide the tools necessary to gain a better understanding of the market as well as a better understanding of the enterprise itself. Enhance Supply Chain Management: Improved reporting of business processes leads inevitably to a more streamlined production process. With better information on the production process, comes the ability to improve the management of the supply chain, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. A Thousand Peaks Vs. The Maids Of Honor At first glance, the 17th century paintings of the Baroque period, India, and China may not have much in common, but upon closer inspection there are relationships and divergences to consider beyond the surface. These details can be seen between Bichitr s Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaykh to Kings, Wang Hui s A Thousand Peaks and Myriad Ravines, and Diego VelГ Ўzquez s Las Meninas (The Maids of Honor). While each carries the style of its own location of origin, they all showcase influence and subject matter similarities and differences worth making note of, most specifically the presence of duality in focus within the paintings. The first painting is 17th century art from India, Bichitr s piece depicts Jahangiri being seated among an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Sullivan). The third of the paintings stemming from the Baroque period done by VelГЎzquez is one of his many works for the court, setting the tone in the particular area, while not extending much further (49, Bazin). The court employing VelГЎzquez was that of King Philip IV, with the focus of this painting being the king s daughter. This particular piece has not only the artist himself depicted, the children of the court scattered about, but also a mirror in the back showing the King and Queen standing as the painter is depicted to be painting their portrait. Each point of attention draws way from the former, then pushing to the next in a cycle of focus. Once VelГЎzquez started using almost strictly the style of portraits, he mastered the art using the available means to the fullest. The painting at hand in particular uses his mastery of portraiture to the fullest in varying who is being painted and their positions on the canvas (59 60, Bazin). Each painting draws influence from their individual location of origin, mostly in subject, to appeal to the patrons of the time. While each piece was created within the 17th century, there are obvious differences from place to place in how they were meant to be created. This is evident in the materials used for the paintings, VelГЎzquez s piece being oil on canvas, Hui s being a hanging scroll consisting of ink on paper, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Negative Costs Antonio, How frustrating it must have been for you and the family to endure a week of property damages and maintenance in your home. This is a fantastic example in which we can learn a little more about how cost plus pricing works (Thomas Maurice, 2010). Furthermore, let us consider this discussion can enable you in the future to make better choices. It has been my experience in a few cases that the insurance company will evaluate property damages by the overall cost (Araujo, 2017). But in order to better understand what challenges you had with your friend the contractor, let us create a fictitious example. First, the contractor figures out materials cost, however, that cost does not stand alone. Secondly, the contractor will usually... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Euchner Ganguly of Business Model Innovation in Practice, they explore how firms study approaches to capturing the consumer, and realize that there is a potential risk involved when setting prices Euchner Ganguly, 2014). So in order for the firm to make a profit, it will have to determine where its marginal revenue will equal its marginal cost; as for the water heater technician his marginal cost is $150 dollars then that is the lowest he can go, and he can only, by all means strive to rise hire than that price for to go lower he place the firm in a disequilibrium. It is imperative that the firm maximize its profit (Thomas Maurice, 2010). The question Antonio is how much would you be willing to pay in addition to get that water heater fixed to take care of yourself and love ones; would you pay $160, or 170 and even at night would you pay $200 to get hot water running. The next step would be for the firm you call to say Well, Mr. Antonio, with the distance that I ve traveled, and the time of night you called, well, it is going to cost you about $2.... He stops, and then he changes the price as he hears your baby crying in the distance, and says, that it will be $170 dollars. But why the sudden change of heart; because he knows that from his profit maximization of $150 that his quote of $170 falls in line with of his economic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Horatio And Hamlet Foils Chidolue 1 Name: Chelsea Chidolue Course Code: ENG4U 15 Teacher s Name: Dr. Riisa Walden Date: Monday 24th, 2014 The Foils of Hamlet vs. My Life Experiences In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, there are characters here that are obvious foils for Hamlet. These foils have caused Hamlet a fortune. The young prince has to deal with the death of his father and his mother s incestuous behavior and also his uncle s corruption. Hamlet is a man who is driven by his deceased father, the king, to avenge his death and kill his uncle. But Hamlet seems to be indecisive about it, probably because he does not want to kill his uncle, Claudius, or because he is schemed against by various characters, who do not want him to succeed. These foils have caused Hamlet a fortune. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Horatio and Hamlet have very similar characters, but there is still some contrast between them. Horatio is a very sensible and reasonable character. When the ghost first appeared to Horatio, he quickly runs to tell Hamlet about it, disregarding the dangers. Horatio was always there to guide Hamlet. Horatio is a loyal, hardworking friend and is a reliable source of information. He cares so much for Hamlet that he even wanted to drink out of the poisoned cup. In the seventeen years of my life, none of my friends have thought of being ..... None of them have ever gone of their way to do something nice for me or sacrifice something for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Essay On Jewish Names Names are defined as a word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing.Names are important in all aspects of life, and one of the major usages of names are for identifaction purposes. Accrording to the book A person s name is thought to define and control his or her soul and destiny (Ber. 7b). Therefore, the selection of an appropriate name is a critical decision. In this paper we will be looking at the cultural aspect in relation to Jewish names. In the Jewsish culture,it was with careful examination they gave names,since they believed it would constitute to where or not the person is good or bad.They actually beliveied that the names which which was chooosen had the power to determine later personality. Names were changed based ones peronal status.For example if someone was adopted or they were married then on this basis the name would change. Until emancipation of the jews,they had no surnames.They used what is called patronymics, such as David ben (son of) Joseph or Miriam bat (daughter of) Aaron. Names in that form are still used in synagogue and in Jewish legal documents such as the ketubah. A person complete name would include their first and middle name,then the patronymics son of daughter of Its said that if the father was a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of these famous ones include EL which is a shortened version of Yyhvh, also versions such as YAH were used.There have been many biblical chracters that has a had a change of name after a divine encounter with God. So Abram and Sarai became Abraham and Sarah, respectively, later on the covenant symbolized by circumcision (Gen. 17:5, 15), and Jacob was renamed Israel after wrestling with a mysterious man (Gen. 32:29). Surprisingly, Isaac, whose near sacrifice forever altered his relationship with God, did not receive a new name after the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Proof Of Eviction If incarceration had come to define the lives of men from impoverished black neighborhoods, eviction was shaping the lives of women. Poor black men were locked up. Poor black women were locked out .2 Stability and housing, while considered to be separate aspects of one s life, are deeply intertwined. Racehas invariably played a role in financial stability and obtaining housing as it has impacted the distribution of housing through stringent eligibility requirements for tenancy and preferential selection on part of shelter seekers. Housing security is a significant predictor of employment security. In this causality dilemma, proof of sufficient and verifiable income is required to obtain housing, but those who have experienced evictions are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even when Ned loses his job and his family is on the brink of eviction, his inherent proclivity towards those of his own racial identity and frankly, detest for racial minorities is exhibited when he remarks that he can live with the Mexicans. But not with the niggers. They re pigs .2 Ironically Pam, the mother of two biracial daughters, too, would have rather lived in a trailer park with trashy white 2 people rather than the ghetto, one big black village 2. His unwitting social commentary stems from a common misconception that many Americans have regarding welfare distribution. While the highest percentage of welfare recipients (welfare includes SNAP, housing assistance, SSI, TANF, and general assistance) are African Americans at a whopping 39.6% of the US population3, the Caucasian race takes the lead in SNAP recipients with 40.2% of SNAP recipients being Caucasian1. Their self selecting behavior is evidently guided by their principle of racial supremacy, regardless of the degree to which they act upon their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Life In The Woods Henry David Thoreau s Life In The Woods is a self experiment that supplies a perfect opportunity for Thoreau to segregate from society and to live several more lives. This essay is a narrative of Thoreau s journey as he finds his true self while attempting to live a life of purpose and intention in the woods. Despite mainly getting away from material necessities, Thoreau wanted to distant himself from human nature, to find the main reason for human existence. Correspondingly, Thoreau believes each human being was placed on this Earth for a purpose and we should take advantage of our time here so that once we die we will actually feel as if we lived. As Thoreau describes it, his scrutiny of his two years and two months of living in an... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A few months later, my parents confessed that they have not signed me up for another summer at Modin. Rather they wanted me to spend my summer in Israel. Their impression was that spending a summer in Israel would possibly lead to seeing Aaron again before he began to serve. Together with my parents, my younger sister was ecstatic when she heard this idea and was jumping off the walls like a monkey. My parents conclusion was that my sister and I would both travel that summer, which caused me to run to my room and begin to sob tremendously. After I have bawled for hours, my pillow was so wet that it was as if someone just dipped it into a bucket of water. My brother going to the army relates to Thoreau s quote because they both tried something new and separated themselves from their community. My brother going to the army is another life to live and it was something different them his particular routine. His excitement for the army was as strong as Thoreau s new experience and just as Thoreau was questioned when he returned he discovered that everyone s view towards his experiment was selfish. They cared about the amount of charity he gave and unrelated things. Therefore, the outcome of his journey was not so exciting. Just like when my brother was rejected from the army. Aaron s outcome was just as dull as Thoreau s. On the first night of camp I met my best friend, this night was unforgettable. This was the day that I realized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Squatter Settlement in Kenya UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Housing Policy Assignment NAME: KIMOSOP KEMBOI ANTHONY EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS A. Squatter Settlement and Homelessness The term squatter is defined is obtained from squat which means to live, build on, utilize, a property of a person without his concern and his approval or without any document of ownership like allotment letter, lease letter or the Title Deed. Dictionary.com defines a squatter as a person who settles on land or occupies property without title, right or payment of rent. This means that where one has set a structure in land which is not approved for that purpose, without legal documents like the lease letter, allotment letter or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This has been seen in cases like Kiang ombe, around Wilson airport, and others where they have been evicted through demolitions by city council, owners or even the state corporations like the Kenya Airports Authority without giving them alternative areas for occupation. Figure 1 shows some location of slums within Nairobi area. Source. Syaggah et al (2001: 142) B. The question of squatter and slum upgrading (land acquired by Government, its role, Challenges e.g. corruption and malpractices) The term slum lacks a common definition in that it is complex and varies from one region to another and from one country to another. What can be considered a slum in Kenya may not qualify in another country. In the 19th Century it was defined to mean a foul back street of a city, especially one filled with a poor, dirty, degraded and often vicious population; any low neighbourhood or dark retreat slums which are haunts for thieves (Dickens. The widely used definition is by Cities Alliance Action Plan which means they are neglected parts cities where housing and living conditions are appallingly poor. They can range from high density, squalid central city tenements to spontaneous squatter settlements without legal recognition or rights, sprawling at the edge of cities. The slums are characterised by lack of basic services (e.g. water, electricity), substantial housing, overcrowding, Squatter and Slum ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. ISIS Vs. Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi ISIS is a government because it is an organization that uses terror to control a group of people into following their rules. One example is the religious police who work for ISIS. The religious police control people by forcing women to cover their hair and faces in public, and having shop owners close their shop during the time for Muslim prayers. In addition, there are different positions in this organization. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi was the self proclaimed leader of ISIS, and he has a leadership council, a cabinet, and local leaders that help him control his area. The area that ISIS controls was gained by conquering other civilizations. Therefore, the state origin for ISIS is the force theory. ISIS is also a state because it has a population, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Hershey Chocolate Co-Marking Case Study Both Hersey Chocolate and Betty Crocker both have a notoriety for being delectable sweets that individuals love to enjoy. The way to co marking is to pick a brand that will best compliment or improve your items as well as administrations. The marking association between the two is presence of mind in light of the fact that the Hershey chocolate makes the cakes, treats and different pastries taste a great deal more tasty. There are many advantages to building a co marked relationship in illustration, both of the organizations fabricate validity, and helps pick up the enthusiasm of each other s market, costs are part between the two gatherings. A fruitful co marking relationship relies upon collaborations among brands, clearness to the buyer, simplicity of conveyance of item or benefit and the capacity to adequately coordinate the brands business frameworks. Both of these organizations chose to take their most grounded components of some of their items and consolidate them with the best correlative things from the other to offer new products and ventures. With doing this they both expanded the potential worth of the items as opposed to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... General Mills made sense of that having a superior fixing will help offer a greater amount of their item than rivals. Hershey s long standing notoriety of making great chocolate syrup along these lines the co mark system works for them and Betty Crocker. In spite of the fact that this association works out extremely well in this situation it could go terrible in others. Bloomberg Businessweek states that a fixing was observed to be conflicting, or more terrible, or substandard quality, it could discolor the essential brand. So co mark accomplice choice is vital. Eventually, being extremely monotonous while picking a co marking accomplice is essential since it couldn t just crush the entire undertaking yet it could discolor your image s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Power Of Education In The Great Gatsby October 5, 2014 For centuries, the world has favored those who are in possession of a higher intelligence. Historically, ruling classes were composed of educated nobles or trained workers, the few who had been able to receive an education. Education in developed countries is often included in the basic rights to which every human should have access. Its importance has been the focal point of countless movements, all petitioning for the opportunity of schooling for lower class citizens. The United States of America, though it has experienced significant changes in regards to the literacy of all citizens, did not do so without difficulty. The two most notable groups to fight for the right to equal education had to struggle for years to obtain their goals. African Americans had little to no rights until the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865, and even then, only males were allowed to read and write. Women did not begin attending college in equal numbers to men until as recently as 1980. The strong correlation between power and education makes possessing a sound education a valuable asset and highly sought after. Education s role in society is a prevalent theme throughout Scott F. Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby. Tom s supremacy through education and wealth contrasts heavily with Gatsby s lack of knowledge, creating tension within the novel between the two opposing men. Tom Buchanan flaunts the power he holds over Daisy and Myrtle. Not only does he acquire economic power, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. EBP Research Essay While many studies have examined the attitudes and barriers in implementing evidence based practice (EBP), not many have examined which variables lead to increased practice, knowledge, and attitudes. In a study described in the article Use, Knowledge, and Attitudes Toward Evidence Based Practice Among Nursing Staff, by White Williams et al. in 2013, these aspects were examined at a large Magnet hospital. A questionnaire divided among three subscales (use, knowledge, and attitudes) was used as the method. The results of this study demonstrated how these aspects of EBP were positively impacted by several variables among the staff and how awareness of EBP and implementation of educational programs is necessary in the hospital s culture. These results can be used by hospitals to look at ways to improve evidence based practices in the clinical setting. The study done by White Williams et al. (2013) recognized how certain variables among the nursing staff affected their use, knowledge, and attitudes of EBP. These variables were correlated with a higher overall score on the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2013) also examined if education, whether it was hands on workshops, research days, classes, etc., had an impact on the use, knowledge, and attitudes of EBP among nursing staff. The overall total score was greater for those that had some type of EBP education. Specifically, there was a significantly increased total score in half (12/24) of the questions among those who had been previously educated compared to those who had not been. Because those who had been educated about EBP had overall significantly higher scores on the attitudes subscale, it shows the importance of targeting attitude toward the use of EBP in changing behavior. Also, the more educated staff found EBP fundamental to their practice. Gaining knowledge is crucial in understanding the importance of the implementation of EBP. Knowledge is the second step in implementing EBP into the clinical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. How My Vocabulary Influenced My Writing I have always been more interested in the reading and writing sides of academia. Being able to understand and craft intricate pieces of work using only language has and will always be an appealing idea to me. For most of my childhood I was very much of the mindset that the more large and obscure vocabulary one used in their writingand speaking, the more intelligent that person was. This led to my younger self embarking on a quest to learn and incorporate as many of these large complex words into everyday speech and prose as possible. I was always an incredibly articulate, if not pretentious child that spoke often and loudly in order to display my wide vocabulary to others in the hopes of impressing them. I have since been introduced to the idea that there is a certain simplicity in using few words that can also convey a very intelligent aura. This is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I myself had most of my early writing experiences come from a place of sheer egoism. I wanted to have the story that the teacher read out loud, or the poem that was hung on the wall for everyone to see. Aesthetic enthusiasm is also a motive that I completely understand. I find that this shows most in my writing not in the visual of the words on a page, but how it sounds when read. I am very specific about the rhythm of my writing, overwhelmingly so with my poetry and also in my prose. I have already mentioned my great historical impulse for writing. Research to find the facts and then record them appeals to me and always has. I agree that a great many authors write out of a place of political purpose in order to attempt to sway readers thought and actions. However, I am still not completely aware of my political standing and believe that it would be both unfair and ignorant to say that I have ever written because of this motive. I have not experienced or learned about enough political turmoil to be fully aware of my place in the political ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Mask You Live In The documentary The Mask You Live In by Jennifer Siebel Newsom s shows a wide array of interviews and case studies of men and young boys showing them talking about the pressures of masculinity in the American culture, then that of young girls. This documentary shows how they handle and deal with the pressures and hardships of living up to this image of the American male. From a young boy, they are told to Be a man! Don t cry! Stop with the emotion! and Man up! these statements are meant to suppress their humanity, tell that what excites and dominance them and displays for many of them from asking them What does it mean to be a man, exactly? Why shouldn t boys cry? Why can t fathers share their emotions? Why are men allowed to communicate their anger... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We see that masculinity is not a race or class issue it more than that, this documentary shows how sexuality and masculinity are connected. But, this is ignored and leads more men to be diagnosed with a behavior disorders and prescribed more stimulant medications and are more likely to fail out of school from the pressures of having to live up to this image. While men tend to be more utilitarian, objective, unsentimental and tough minded, young boys in our society don t feel safe talking about emotions and personal struggles, this documentary highlights a possibility for change towards a more open and loving form of masculinity for the future boys and men in America. My personal connection to this documentary I read this CNN article a few years ago that always stuck with me in how where rising boys in America was so much harder than rising girls. That man are taught to be the breadwinners from an early age and American boys are having a harder time living up to this, that they have dreams to, but a lot of what they want is crushed due to society demands on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. mass commication and how it affects todays youth Essay From Eminem s hardcore explicit lyrics, to Lil Kim s outrageous outfits to the late Tupac Shakur s thug life image, the rap subculture has been under a lot of speculation. Many rappers lyrics contain violent messages that parents fear are encouraging youth to become violent. The media has a field day covering protests against rappers, such as Eminem about their explicit lyricstowards gays, women and their promotion of violence. The main concern is how rap is influencing today, particularly towards the youth community, and the answer can be found in the media. There are a lot of articles, books, movies and documentaries written and produced each year with hip hop being the main subject. This great plethora of media not only affects the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The dance known as breaking, which was influenced by earlier dances know as locking and popping (these dances required a lot of body control, mainly in the arms, legs, and torso) were established in L.A. The dances received national exposure on the hit show Soul Train, and ultimately swept the rap subculture (George, 133). The next big wave in the subculture behind rap music itself was DJing. The ability to mix music on a machine and scratch records was a phenomenon in itself. Rap music in the industry was nothing without a beat, and in order for the song to be a hit, the beat must carry the lyrics. Many of the beats at the time were fast pounding bah bum bah rhythms. DJing led to another culture in rap, which was beat boxing. Beat boxing was when a person made their voice sound like the beat in the song. Rhazzel, is not only famous for being a DJ, but also for beat boxing. Many times during a concert, he would just stop the music and beat box the melody. As a result of this influx of energy towards the rap subculture and its birth of many other cultures, Tricia Rose quotes: It was not long before similarly marginalized Black and Hispanic communities in other cities picked up on the t tenor and energy in New York hip hop. Within a decade, Los Angles County (especially Compton), Oakland, Detroit, Chicago, Houston Atlanta, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Cormac Mccarthy The Road Setting The Road Summer Reading Assignment The Road is a fiction novel written by Cormac McCarthy. The Road takes place in a post apocalyptic world, with a man and a boy who are not named. The timetable for this book lasts for a few months, and is sort of like documentation for the journey of these two individuals. The setting is hard to follow, and really adds depth to the book as the location and time can kind of be imagined by the reader. The man often follows his dreams, which play a key role in the plot of this book. The man and the boy are all that they have in this cruel, post apocalyptic world, and that is what the journey is all about. The plot of The Road is about this man and this boy who are trapped in a post apocalyptic era when there ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The two form a huge and very unique bond as they make their way from one coast to another. The man believes he has been sent by God to protect the boy, and thus does everything humanly possible to look after the boy. The boy aspires to be a good person during their journey from coast to coast, often worrying about the people and things that he sees along the way. The boy is very emotionally attached to the small things in life, making him very fragile minded during this cruel world. Ultimately throughout the entire novel, the man is suffering from a cough that grows stronger as he grows weaker. By the end of the book, the man and the boy have been through hell together. Sadly, the man dies and this leaves the boy feeling alone in this cold and empty world. At the last moment before the book comes to an end, the boy is swept up by a new group. This group hopes to inhabit a New World, and God is their motivation. The book ends in suspense, with many questions unanswered. Overall, this is a very good. I enjoyed reading this book, and I actually kind of aspire to read it once more. This book is an eye opener for the potential of post apocalyptic books, and makes me want to read more. Not only is this book very suspenseful, and overall fun to read, but it also teaches the reader lessons that can be used within real life. I was very happy with the plot of this book, and all of its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Family Dynamics In The World 1. In the world there are many different family structures and dynamics that exist. The book uses a circle to help readers understand the dynamic structure between parent and child, parent and marital relationship, and child and marital relationship. Different cultures have different family dynamics, along with changes in their environment. For example, during the great depression many people moved from small farms to cities in hopes of better pay jobs; technology has also changed the familydynamic because many parents are relying on television to help raise their kids than ever before. Adult lifestyles have also changed drastically over the decades, leaving many adults single than ever before. The book gives this rise in single adults to the fact that more and more adults are waiting to get married.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This simply means two individuals who are not married but leaving together in sin. This has also drastically increased with 75 percent of adults live together before marriage (Santrock 447). This lifestyle does not usually last long, with 1 out of 10 lasting longer than five years, but when there is a break up it is not as messy as a divorce. I know when my husband and I were cohabiting we had both parents nagging at us, his believed that it was not morally right to live together before marriage, while my dad said that we should live in sin for a while before even thinking about marriage; and many couples experience what my husband and I experienced. Cohabitating before marriage sounds like a good idea because you can get a feel for how the person lives when no one is watching, but cohabiting can actually be more harmful to your marriage than if you were to move in together after marriage. A study conducted showed that cohabiters had a higher divorce rate and lower martial satisfaction. The next adult life style is marriage. As previously stated, marriage is on the decline and divorce rates are still on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Vhs, Dvd, And Television Composition II Jastaa Stubbs 12/09/16 DVD s During the years we have seen so much progress with technology, we have seen advancements in the media aspect (VHS, DVD s, and television), cell phones and the internet. But the one I find that isn t as recognized as most in my opinion would be DVD s. DVD s have expanded so much since their release in 1996, they have become more detailed, high def, and affordable compared to other technology costs. During this research I will try and help you learn the history of the DVD, the knowledge of how DVD s were created, and the different types of DVD s there are. When it comes to DVD s how many of us actually no the process of them being made or when they were actually produced? Not many, we know that they have been around for years and have progressed in different types of DVD s such as blu rays. But in the early 90 s two high destiny optical storage standards were being developed: one was the multimedia compact disk (MMCD) backed by Phillips and Sony, and the other was the super density disk (SD), supported by Toshiba, Time Warner, Matsushita Electric, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer, Thomson, and JVC. ( History ) Lou gerstner was acting as a matchmaker which led to uniting the two camps behind a single standard. This resulted in a repeat of the cost format war between VHS and Betamax in the 1980 s! While Phillips and Sony have their own ideas, the abandoned the MMCD format and went with Toshiba s SD format which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Identity Theory Of Social Class Statement of the Problem Identity is a powerful force that shapes the way individuals interact with the world (Burke Reitzes, 1981). As a result, scholars have devoted much time toward understanding how identities such as gender, race, and sexual orientation influence the human condition (Farr, Forssell, Patterson, 2010; Kerr Multon, 2015; Smith, Bowman, Hsu, 2007). However, among this growing body of literature, the study of social class as an identityis relatively scarce (Ostrove Cole, 2003). Rather than examining social class as an identity, many scholars have instead chosen to treat it as a demographic variable (Aries, 2008; Aries Berman, 2013; Lubrano, 2004; Mantsios, 2007; Park Denson, 2013). Perhaps this has occurred because social class is such an elusive concept to describe (Lareau, 2008; Ostrove Cole, 2003). Although scholars generally agree that there are distinct differences among the speech patterns, mannerisms, and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Identity theory is a theoretical framework that posits that individuals have many different identities that intersect, such as social class, race, and gender (Burke Tully, 1977; Michalski Helmig, 2008; Stryker, 1968; Stryker, 1987; Stryker, 2008). However, identity theory also acknowledges that these varying identities tend to exist hierarchically (Stryker Burke, 2000). Therefore, identities that are more central to a person s sense of self are more salient. That is, salient identities tend to be higher on a person s salience hierarchy than other identities. For example, a person may identify as a heterosexual woman, an African American, a Protestant, and a mother. However, if after considering all of these identities, she were to indicate that her identity of being a mother was the most important to her sense of self, and then researchers could infer that her mother identity would be set highest on her salience ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Effects Of Vaccination On Children And Children published a controversial study in British journal Lancet where he linked MMR vaccination to autism. (Should I include what his study was based on and results?) Years later, many other studies proved it wrong but mistrust of science and mistrust of government is still there (2011). For example, Phea Paul study stated that there is no evidence that autism is cause by any vaccineand therefore no reason for parents to deny a child protection in today s vaccines offered (2009). His study shows that if comparing risks mathematically of death or disability as a result of not vaccinationa child which are small, to the risks of causing an autism spectrum disorder by immunizing it increases significantly. Despite the fact, that some people believe that vaccination is bad, majority of the population still getting vaccinated yearly. One of the diseases children might experience is rotavirus which is major cause of severe acute gastroenteritis or AGE. Previously it infected nearly every child in United States by age of 5 years old until routine rotavirus vaccination on United States infants began in 2006 (245). There were two studies conducted that proved that vaccination protects children from certain diseases. (name of the study) provided many rated based on their study and it showed that rotavirus vaccination had dramatically decreased rates of hospitalization for rotavirus infection among children in United States countries (245). The study demonstrated a burden of severe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Disney Corporate Strategy(a).Pdf Olin Business School Washington University S 02 001 Published: 2002 Revised: 2009 Disney Corporate Strategy (A) Barbarians at the Magic Kingdom s Gate* Introduction The next big takeover fight and it would be a beauty may involve Walt Disney Productions. By the time you get this issue, Disney s defense strategy may already be unfolding. But it will produce no quick victory for Disney even if a white knight comes along, and even if the principle attacker, Saul Steinberg, can be bought off. One by one, Hollywood s great studios have been plucked by the smart out of town moneymen. Paramount by the late Charles Bluhdorn. Twentieth Century Fox by Marvin Davis and Marc Rich. MGMUnited Artists by Kirk Kerkorian. Columbia by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first major success of this division was Seal Island, a nature film that won an Oscar in 1949. Also in 1949, Disney formed a music company to create, produce and maintain control over the music and songs featured in Disney productions but often performed by famous artists. Disney later moved into live action features with Treasure Island in 1950. Disney continued to innovate in the live action format by combining animation with live action in the film Mary Poppins. As Disney s film library had grown, Disney brought distribution in house with the formation of Buena Vista Distribution Co., in 1953. In films, Disney kept costs low by developing its own talent pool. For cartoon features, characters were infinitely reusable and never required a salary, while for live action features, Disney shied away from using well known and expensive talent. Audiences were drawn because of the reputation Disney had established for providing quality, reliable, and predictable family entertainment. In the early 1950s, Disney was quick to recognize the growing medium of television to provide new outlets for Disney characters with The Wonderful World of Disney first airing in 1953 and The Mickey Mouse Club in 1955. Disney s television productions both the long running shows and features were quite successful. During the same time, Walt Disney ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Hunger Game Book Report I m Holden, Holden Caulfield. If you really want to know about me, the first thing you ll probably want to know is what I am reading right now. Though I m really not that literate type, I read a lot. The Hunger Game, written by old Susanne Collins, is my recent reading one. The Hunger Game is the book that got those crazy ideas. The people living in the book is divided to 12 districts leading by a centre called Capitol where is the gathering place of all those huge snobs, phonies and morons. They always wear those old fashioned hat, clothing and thought themselves to be so fashinable. That imagery really kills me. Really, you can imagine those old ones with a thousand layers of clothing and makeup that definitely gonna make you sick as hell. But, anyway, it is a story about this crazy goddam game, called The Hunger Game. In its game regulation, each of the 12 districts has to provide two tribes. Those 24 tribes then go to the Capitol to attend the killing game. Among those poor sacrifices, some, those snobs, volunteer for fame and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She and her old Peeta win the game together and break the rules of the Hunger Game. The Capitol leader must be angry as hell. Katniss Everness is a snob sometimes, like when she enjoys the cheering from the phonies in the goddamn Capitol, but I ll say I kinda like her in the other times. I really do. Not only because of her little sister, Prim Everness who reminded me a little bit of old Phoebe. I guess old Prim is also quite skinny but not Roller skate skinny as Phoebe is. I like Katniss maybe because she s like me. I really mean it. We all get the little sister that kills you and a physic mom. But, Katniss life is a bit more interesting than mine. If I m in her place, oh, I don t really care. And that old Peeta, a real moron. How funny that he doesn t even dare to confess his love until he knows he s stepping to death. There s nothing to worry, Katniss is not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Occupational Therapy Theory Paper Theories are essential in occupational therapy (OT) practice as they provide a conceptual foundation and framework for enhancing growth of clients, justifying reimbursement for care, and validating intervention applications to family and patients (Baum, Bass, Christiansen, 2015). Theories provide knowledge and an explanationfor how and why certain interventions would be more beneficial than others. Theories can be used to support the understanding of a client s symptoms and environmental impacts. The theories used in OT can be classified as models, frames of reference, or paradigms (Baum, Bass, et al., 2015). After visiting Paxton Ministries and interacting with several residents, I identified the following theories, models, and perspectives... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once a therapist gains trust, empathy, and insight with a resident, the occupational therapist can evaluate and develop goals, in addition to a plan of care specific to their needs. At Paxton Ministries, goal directed, exploratory, and planned actions can be used to address the residents functional milestones and implement interventions to enhance their cognitive level (Baum, Christiansen, Bass, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Social Issues In The Incredibles The Incredibles is an animated Pixar movie that focuses on two of Metroville s superheroes who are married Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl (add more) The government creates a law stating that ALL superpower activities are prohibited. Consequently, they are obligated to conform to a normal life in their society and wind up assimilating to suburban life with their children Violet, Dash and Jack Jack. After 15 years of living as a civilian and insurance claims specialist, Mr. Incredibledecides to take advantage of the opportunity to live the life of a superhero proposed by a mysterious informant. However, it turns out to be a set up by an adversary who once idolized him in his years as an adolescent. It s up to his family to save him and the world from any danger that stands before them. In the movie, there are numerous ways the characters are portrayed as based on their ethnicity and power. The film The Incrediblesdepict and display societal issues through the family s inherited super powers, stereotypes in the movie, and what society defines a hero as. The film The Incredibles depict and display societal issues through the family s inherited super powers. Mr. Incredible is a man whom the civilians looked up to before any of the residual damages were acknowledged. He is known for his super strength and durability. Furthermore, his powers are metaphoric to being the supporter his family by obtaining an occupation to establish a way of life. Elastigirl s superpower ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Negative Cognitive Schema The patient has developed negative cognitive schemas that have culminated in social phobia. The fundamental beliefs and assumptions (schemas) the patient has fostered through his life, are negatively reinforced by his early dependency on his overprotective mother and dominant father (Wedding Corsini, 2014, p. 239). The patient has used personalization, a cognitive distortion, which he implements using an automatic thought process to explain his feelings of inferiority and why he sees people avoiding him in public places (p. 241, 245). Due to the patient s high level of social anxiety, I will be more directive in treatment to begin with, yet collaboratively set the agenda and treatment goals for each week (p. 246). I will sensitively implement ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Little Rock Nine Analysis The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine African American students that were admitted to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, on September 4, 1957. The Supreme Court made the decision of desegregating the schools. Carlotta Walls, Ernest Green, Thelma Mothershed, Jefferson Thomas, Minnijean Brown, Melba Pattillo Beals, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Terrence Roberts, and Elizabeth Eckford made history. They went through many tough situations just trying to get inside the school. When the nine students made it inside, the struggle was then to survive with all the racist people there to stop them from reaching their only goal. Superintendent Blossom told them that they could not have a normal high schoolexperience. Torture was present everyday... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In A Mighty Long Way it states Carlotta, we must be patient with ignorance and never,ever bring ourselves down to their level (Walls Lanier 17). My memorial is a blue rose. The color blue represents peace. The red rose represents love. The best way to stop hate is with peace and love. The author mentions ... for a black child, a little too much confidence, a joke, saying or doing the wrong thing, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, or just being the wrong color could cost him his life (Wall Lanier 40). They were very much aware of the cruelty all around them but did not become apart of the negativity. The LIttle Rock Nine were strong and committed to learning no matter what obstacle got in their way. I also chose a blue rose because of how caring and loving they were to each other. Carlotta thinks about her friends as they are having a meeting in Blossom s office. She comments I wondered how Ernie or the other guys in the room must felt (Walls Lanier 60). She thought back to Emmett Till and compared him to Ernie. If they did something at the wrong moment nobody knew what could happen. They all keep up with each other and made sure that people are making a good representation of their name. In conclusion, A blue rose represents the Little Rock nine in many ways. The Little Rock Nine are the reason that we are all able to sit in school and learn ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Topdog Underdog Dialogue Essay The topdog underdog dialogue is a technique I would use for Ellie to confront her opposing thoughts about her father (Sommers Flanagan, Sommers Flanagan, 2015). Her father has partially lead her to her perfectionist tendencies, yet has betrayed her mother in the past, while Ellie is currently also alone in caring for him. While leading a dialogue between the divergences within Ellie and as well between Ellie and her father, Ellie can take responsibility for her words and actions and either come to terms about caring for her father, or that she truly needs help from her sister as she cannot do it alone. Furthermore, this technique can be used with her sister as well, as her sister is avoiding the responsibility of caring for her father and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ellie has patterns of behaviour from her childhood which she is transferring to her current life. If it is working in a high paced environment a couple of months after having her children, or it is in raising her child or being a good daughter and wife. From Ellie s description, I am inferring that she is focused on her perfect behaviour without focusing on her emotions and what truly fulfils her in a given moment. By revealing her hesitation to acknowledge her emotions or by bringing her awareness to the current reality, regardless of the past, Ellie can integrate parts of herself which she has been neglecting for years. Furthermore, if her husband is truly supportive and is giving her the space to work on herself, yet he is also an imperfect human being and has his surge of emotions occasionally, I would challenge Ellie s feelings of feeling like a child when communicating with him. The topdog underdog dialogue would also be of aid in confronting Ellie s childish feelings when her husband loses his temper. Throughout the entire therapy, I would aim for Ellie to stay with the feeling (Sommers Flanagan, Sommers Flanagan, 2015). She is disconnected from her emotions so Gestalt therapy is useful for her to become more aware of what she feels at a given ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Stylistic Devices In The Kite Runner Analysis of The Kite Runner The book: The Kite Runner , (2003) by Khaled Hosseini, describes the life of Amir, whose experience of growing up parallels the developments in his home country: Afghanistan. These similarities are reflected in the bildungsroman through a variety of symbols and stylistic devices. Specifically, the use of invective language Amir calling his half brother a Hazaara boy (Hosseini, 2003, p. 275) and the Taliban glorifying their crimes as ethnic cleansing (Hosseini, 2003, p. 261) reveals a long standing history racism in society. In other words, the prominence of discrimination in daily life is displayed through the clash between social classes on both a personal and a cultural level. In my opinion, the embodiment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This link facilitates Hosseini s discussion of a range of topics in Afghan society, including, but not limited to: increasing Americanisation and the loss of Afghan traditions, long lasting issues of deception, aggression and class discrimination, as well as the emergence of religious fanaticism. Therefore and in consideration of the fact that the novel is semi autobiographical The Kite Runner may be seen as Hosseini s reflection on his childhood and youth in Afghanistan before his family was granted political asylum in the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Essay Chaucers Canterbury Tales Take any pilgrim whose tale we read and show Chaucer artfully matches the story to the teller. Of the many stories he writes the tale told by the Wife of Bath is the most verbal and for its time the most forthright exposition of the role women did not have but could have in that time period. The wife of Bath s story is fairly general a man is accused of trying to rape a woman and the sentence for this charge is to be hung. The mean pleads and pleads to be acquitted of his charge so the queen of the time says he will not be hung if he finds the answer to a certain question. The question is What is it women most desire. He is given one year and one day to find this answer and until the day before his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Wife of Bath I see as being more the naГЇve, idealistic old hag. Another correlation is how sly they both are and how they like to gossip. I am pretty positive Chaucer meant for the Old Hag to be related to the Wife of Bath for the different reasons I have explained. It is still odd how the character made it into Canterbury Tales but interesting all the same; The Wife of Bath s story best describe whom she herself actually is. Chaucer s portraits of the clergy and church related position show evidence of a religious system full of corruption and hypocrisy. Examine in depth 2 or 3 of Chaucer s pilgrim portraits from the prologue, illustrate or demonstrate how the medieval church was in need of reform. The late 14th century church almost a disgrace to the meaning and reputation it was supposed to be upholding. This was not true for all of the church as is true all of Chaucer s characters were not exact remakes of their real life counterpart. The clergy (Monk and Prioress and Friar) and other church related affiliates (Summoner and Pardoner) are made out to be corrupting the church. The Friar was a member of the mendicants, who were a group that traveled from town to town supposedly helping the poor this was however not what he did. The Summoner and pardoner were both not qualified for the positions they held and were in a sense stealing money from those that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Why Is Montresor Wrong Has someone ever done something to you that angered you? Louis L Armour states Anger is a killing thing. It kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had before it takes something from him . In the story Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe, the main character, Montresor, kills his friend because fortunato did him wrong. Nemo me impune lacessit (Poe 289), says No one attacks me with impunity . This is the cause of Montresor s actions. In this story Montresor lures his friend into a cell, where he starves him to death as revenge for being insulted. This punishment is far too harsh for such a little crime. Although Montresor felt bad after the death of his friend, it does not change the cruelness, hatred, and anger he holds.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the story, Montresor states Let us be gone (Poe 292), merely mocking Fortunato before his death. As you can see, Montresor was cruel to Fortunato, even during the process of murdering him. Although he had said something this mean, Montresor could not stop. He mocked fortunato with cruel his voice, and laughed as he suffered. Not only is Montresor cruel, but he is full of hatred. In the story, Montresor says The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge (Poe 286). This obviously shows the hatred Montresor holds, and the lengths he will go to get revenge. This also shows that Fortunato had done something to him, thus giving him a reason to hate Fortunato. Another part of the story showing Montresor this way is when he says, I must not only punish him, but punish with impunity (Poe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Designing A Carcase Table Using The Appropriate Woodwork... Carcase Table Investigation MYP Criteria A: Investigation Harry Brown Stuart House Mr. Riddell Problem Statement In this task I will design and create a carcase table using the appropriate woodwork skills. To complete the task, the carcase table will be made out of wood and it will be designed according to the specifications. First I will sketch and design my carcase table to make sure that it fits the right specifications. Then I will construct it in the workshop using such machines as, the router, the drop saw, and the band saw. Once it is constructed, it will be sanded to make sure it is nice and smooth and it will be varnished with a particular finish. Once the carcase table is constructed and varnished I will test it to see ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many benefits of doing this project. I will learn how to use the different woodwork tools and machines used to make wooden things like a carcase table. I may also learn about marketing and how similar things can be produced and sold. I will learn some good life skills and I will know how to construct wooden object using the different woodwork machines and tools. To complete the task I will design my carcase table according to the correct specifications and measurements. Once I have designed my carcase table I will create it in the workshop by first cutting it out and gluing the appropriate pieces together. Once it is constructed I will sand it and put a finish on it. Existing Products Description: A very modern Carcase table. It is very square and has curved legs. It would suit someone with a modern life style. Positives: It is very eye catching, and appeals to the target audience. It enhances the dГ©cor and would look great in a modern home. The rectangular top of this carcase table would be quite easy to make. Negatives: The legs are curved and would be quite hard to make. The legs would all have to be the exact same in size and volume which would be extremely hard to do. The knob used to pull the draw in and out is metal, which is not aloud. Description: An older style carcase table. It has a round top and curved legs. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Career Information Processing Paper Introduction: Career Information Processing Year around students (undergraduate and graduate) are enrolled in colleges and universities across the United States engaged in the pursuit of a degree. They are completing and in the process of completing degree granting majors and programs. Completion of coursework and major requirements results in graduation and the conferral of a degree. Although the majors and degree programs may differ, there is one goal a great majority of students have in common, progression along their chosen career path. The career development centers and offices on these college campuses are often instrumental in aiding students with beginning and continuing along this path. Career assistance areas have utilized a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1991, researchers from Florida State University s Career Center s Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development researchers created the Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Approach to Career Development and Services (Peterson, Sampson Reardon, 1991). Gary W. Peterson, James P. Sampson, Jr., Robert C. Reardon, and Janet G. Lenz developed the approach that is based on the Cognitive Information Processing Theory (Reiser and Dempsey, 2012). The CIP approach serves as a blueprint for creating modifiable delivery of services that assist students with developing effective skills needed for career decision making and problem solving. With this approach, career selection and decision making is an endeavor of focused resolution, problem solving (Gordon, 2006). Additionally, the CIP approach is an exemplary representation of the first mission point that the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) has outlined for college and university career services. The mission point is to develop self knowledge related to career choice and performance by identifying, assessing and understanding their competencies, interests, values and personal characteristics ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Persuasive Essay On Spear Fishing The Best Place for You to Go Spear Fishing There are places all over the world for you to delve into the world of spear fishing. There are fishing spots in Australia and South America. Pretty much anywhere the water is mostly clear, you can find people enjoying the spear fishing sport. Especially in areas that the water temperatures remain warm and perhaps it is also one of the main reasons Florida, especially near the keys, is prime spear fishing area according to most. In florida, it is possible to fish along the 120 miles of coast that is known as the keys. There are many divers who venture into that area because of it being the only living coral reef in the United States. It is warm waters and temperatures are always between 68 85 degrees ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...