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Essays On Dogs
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Dogs" might seem deceptively simple at first
glance, given the seemingly endless array of topics one could cover. However, delving into the
intricacies of this theme can quickly reveal the complexities that lie beneath the surface.
Firstly, the challenge arises from the vastness of the topic itself. "Dogs" encompass a myriad of
breeds, each with its unique characteristics, histories, and roles in human society. Attempting to
encapsulate the essence of dogs in a single essay requires a careful selection of focal points to
avoid becoming overwhelmed by the sheer breadth of the subject matter.
Moreover, striking the right balance between providing factual information and infusing the
essay with a personal touch is crucial. It's not merely about presenting a catalogue of canine facts
but also about connecting with the reader on an emotional level, perhaps by sharing personal
anecdotes, experiences, or reflections on the profound relationships humans share with their
furry companions.
Another challenge stems from avoiding clichГ©s or overly simplistic portrayals of dogs. It's easy
to fall into the trap of employing generic statements about loyalty, playfulness, and unconditional
love. To stand out, the essay must offer a fresh perspective, perhaps by exploring less-discussed
aspects of canine behavior, the impact of dogs on mental health, or the evolving roles they play
in contemporary society.
Additionally, research becomes a critical component. While personal experiences and
observations provide valuable insights, a well-rounded essay necessitates delving into scientific
studies, historical accounts, and cultural perspectives to enrich the narrative and lend it a more
comprehensive perspective.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the expansive topic of "Essays on Dogs" demands a delicate
balance between breadth and depth, personal and objective perspectives, and originality and
convention. It's an intricate task that requires meticulous planning, thorough research, and a
nuanced approach to truly capture the multifaceted nature of humanity's relationship with our
canine companions.
And remember, if the task seems too daunting or time-consuming, professional assistance is
always available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where
experienced writers can help you navigate the complexities of your chosen topic with expertise
and finesse.
Essays On Dogs Essays On Dogs
William Sumner And Jane Addams
Is it true that social class in the United States is still a major problem? Some
individuals would like to believe that we are a nation that no longer has social
classes, and that everyone is much better off than they were many years ago.
William Sumner and Jane Addams were two talented writers, who had different
outlooks on social class. William Graham Sumner wrote What Social Classes Owe
to Each Other in 1883. Sumner essential question that he asking is, What do social
classes owe to each other? he is ultimately saying that they owe each other nothing.
In the book he asks vital important questions, which makes you ponder. Sumner was
a sociologist at Yale University and a great individual of classical laissez faire. In
this book Sumner is tackling the attempt to adjust economy and improve social
problems. On the other hand, Jane Addams is known as a peace activist. She
published Democracy and Social Ethics in 1902. This book indicates the issues
that delay the capability of all individuals of society to establish their own comfort.
Addams came from a privileged family and dedicated her life to other women. She
advocated for women s rights, and labor rights, and she was among the first
generation of college educated women in the United States. This essay will analyze
the important aspects of comparing and contrasting social inequality, poverty, and
education. Social inequality is the reality of unequal chances and rewards for diverse
social positions or categories
Rastafari Religion
The presence of Supreme Being, one that is believed to be the giver of life to the
living has been recognized by many religions. In the list of the religions, Rastafari
is one of them. Its belief and originality is believed to have originated from the land
of Ethiopia where the recognized savior was King Haile Selassie (Wittmann, 2011).
The religionhas unique belief in the ability of the Supreme Being to control, the world
and that He has the supreme powers that no one can compete with.
The believers growing dreadlocks characterize the culture of the religion and they
consider smoking of cannabis as sacred. Any member that purports to be a
Rastafarian thus need not to cut his/her hair as everyone tries to emulate their savior
King Haile Selassie
Is Natural Law the Best Approach to Abortion Essay
Is Natural Law the best approach to abortion
Natural Law says that abortion is wrong because life is a valuable gift from God and
therefore only he can take it away. A believer of the natural law would say that the
unborn foetus should have the same status as a born human being because life starts
at the moment of conception which means that no matter how long the foetus has
been growing, abortion is murder. This point ties in with the right to life and other
religious approaches. Under Natural Law, abortion is the stealing of innocent life
going against one of the Primary precepts. Abortion undermines the Primary precept
which encourages society to reproduce and grown. All these objections come down to
one point. Man s ultimate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This approach is strong as it s flexible; each situation can be measured using the
Hedonic Calculus. The mother can reach a decision by herself, she becomes
independent. But it also takes into account the fathers feelings, other family
members etc it looks at the family situation a baby would be born into. However,
you also don t know what the outcome of a situation will be. E.g. A woman may
choose to have an abortion because she has too many children and knows it would
affect them. After having an abortion she may become depressed and will be in no
better state to look after them.
Kant was a deontological thinker and according to his theory of the Categorical
Imperative, one must find a maxim in respect to abortion which they could
universalize in order to discover what to do when faced with unwanted pregnancy. He
doesn t tackle this problem but he could have argued that abortion is immoral in all
circumstances as he strongly believed that human life was of infinite value and that
it should be protected. Furthermore, he also believed that one of the universal laws
was do not murder. Having an abortion would break this universal law and end a
valuable life. However, he might also have argued that all people should have the
right to determine what happens to their own body. In this case, a universal maxim
might permit abortion on the
How Is Alex Ferguson My Autobiography
Alex Ferguson My Autobiography talks about the hardships Alex Ferguson had to
face starting from his childhood all the way to the end of his days as a manager. By
conducting an assessment of the book from a psychologist s perspective one realizes
how strong willed Ferguson is and how he has surmounted one challenge after
another in order to get to the position he is in today. Alex Fergusonwas born in
Glasgow, Scotland to parents of Scottish decent. As a boy Alex love playing
football and went on to play the role of striker for local club Queen s Park while
simultaneously running a bar. He made his name as a manager when he guided
Scottish side Aberdeen FC to European glory. It was then that he got the call to
manage Manchester United FC and accepted the job in 1986. He also is married to
a loving wife named Cathy and has three sons named Darren, Jason and Mark. This
book explains about not only Sir... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He explains that managers or coaches should learn to criticize, but balance out the
criticism with encouragement.
The above are methods employed by managers even today, now we will look at some
of the methods that were employed specifically by Sir Alex.
Every year, when a season was half way through, Sir Alex would convince the
media that Manchester United would do better in the second half of the season.
These words not only convinced the media but also convinced the players at the
club. It gave a huge boost in form to the squad an even at times made the opposition
play worse.
Perhaps the most famous of all his mind games was his Watch tapping technique. He
used this technique towards the end of every match Manchester United played. He
believed that it put the feeling of fear in the opposing team and hence there would
be a loss in form. It also improved the overall playing style of his squad. This
technique worked more often than
Negative Influence Of Rap Music
Turn that off! I don t like the language in that song! Music containing explicit lyrics
is becoming the new normal for teens these days. Genres of music such as rap and
hip hop have received negative criticism about their music due to its lyrics talking
about drugs, sex, violence and alcohol. Along with that, hatred towards women, gays,
lesbians, and minorities have also been exposed in various songs. Little do these
artists know that their music is affecting the youth in destructive ways. Teens look at
artists and idolize them for their great work.
Along with the explicit music, comes the explicit music videos. Many music
videos in the rap and hip hop world contain graphic images of half naked women,
drugs, and alcohol. The reason as to why these things are put in artists videos is
because it attracts people to watch it and the views on their videos go up. Parents
have been fighting with the music industry because they feel as if there should be
more of a regulation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As of October 23rd, 2006, the Parental Advisory Program went into effect. According
to the Recording Industry Assassination of America (RIAA), The Parental Advisory
is a notice to consumers that recordings identified by this logo may contain language
or depictions of violence, sex, or substance abuse. Parental discretion is advised.
(RIAA, Parental Advisory) This label is a warning sign to parents to let them know
that there will be explicit language and profanity within this certain track or song.
Some people argue that the explicit lyrics label actually boosts the sales by drawing
attention to the labeled album. (123Helpme) Parents should discuss with their
children that the things said and done in music videos are not appropriate and are not
right. Also, a way a parent can stop their child from listening to this vulgar music is
by monitoring what their child purchases or downloads from the
Sexual Revolution, By Beth Bailey
Kirsten Kershbaumer
2321 001
Bailey, Beth. Sex in the Heartland. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England:
Harvard University Press, 1999.
In the book Sex in the Heartland, the author Beth Bailey provides the reader with a
distinct, detailed, and informative read of the impact in which the sexual revolution
had on American culture during the 1960 s.This revolution took place in the town
of Lawrence, Kansas, which Bailey refers to as the heartland of America. As Bailey
states in her introduction, Kansas is the quintessential heartland state (4). The
overall themes Bailey introduces are the dynamics of social change, as well as
sexual change. Bailey argues throughout the course of the book that there was in
fact, a sexual revolution. Reflecting of this change, Bailey writes, What were long
term events resulted in gradual trends (2). These events are what make up the sex
revolution discussed throughout Bailey s book. The purpose of Sex in the Heartland
is to assess the ongoing change in cultural normalcies, and the impact the sexual
revolution had on university towns such as Lawrence. Bailey encourages readers to
gain a deeper understanding of what the revolution was in the eyes of the 1960 s
American society.
Throughout the book, Bailey argues that in cities around the country in the 1960 s,
the ordinary person battled the constant struggle of both private and public sexual
behaviors, which came to follow post WWII in America. Throughout the text, Bailey
Limpus V. London General Omnibus Co
Introduction A contract of employment imposes on employers a Donoghue v
Stevenson duty to take reasonable care to secure the safety of their employees or
anyone connected to their undertakings and prevent them from suffering physical or
psychiatric harm, loss and injury. Their vicarious liability arises, where the employer
has no direct responsibility but it can be established, the employee acted within the
course of employment when committing a delict. However, in certain situations it is
rather difficult to determine. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide better
understanding by critically analysing case law concerning the interpretations that
courts given to the criteria of acting within the course of employment when
establishing vicarious liability of employers. Vicarious Liability and the Course of
Employment Before analysing the foresaid... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In Limpus v London General Omnibus Co a driver of the defendant company
deliberately crashed into the pursuer s omnibus claiming he acted in the best
interest of his employers regardless he has been given the specific instructions of
not to interfere with any other omnibuses. The judges concluded, the driver s
conduct fell within the course of his employment as although wrongfully and
contrary to prohibitions, but he believed to be acting for the sole benefit of his
employers. In Rose v Plenty the judges applied this decision where a 13 year old
boy was injured while assisting a milk roundsman in performing his duties who
employed his help contrary to the prohibition to hire children as helpers. The
employer were nevertheless vicariously liable for the negligence of the milkman.
The fact that he ignored the prohibition did not take his conduct outside the course
of his employment as he did not act for his own purposes but to serve the sole
interest of the employer s
Parents Keep Child s Gender Secret By Jayme Poisson
In Parents Keep Child s Gender Secret, Jayme Poisson describes how one family
choses to raise their child genderless. They are also keeping the child s sex a secret,
although it is not clear if they are trying to allow the child to define its sex. Gender
and sex are two different distinctions that are often mistakenly seen as the same thing.
Society places genderexpectations based on sex, so it s easy to see why they are
looked at as the same thing. It s important to remember that gender represents a
choice, while sex is determined before you are born. The option of choosing is
important when considering the ethics of raising a child. It s why I believe that it is
ethical to allow a child to define their gender and unethical to allow a child to define
their sex.
There are three common arguments against allowing a child to define their gender.
The first common argument is that the child will bullied and may not be mature
enough to handle it. Unfortunately, children can be bullied for a number of reasons
regardless of their gender. Parents do not allow bullying to affect other decisions and
they should not allow bullying to interfere with who their child wants to be either. It
is he one doing the bullying that has a problem, not their child.
The second common argument against allowing a child to define their gender is that
friends and family will disapprove. However, there is always someone who will
disapprove of any decision you make. Voting, eating meat, sexual
My Organization s Programs Promote And Impact The
Professional Development Grant
Please state your organization s mission and describe how your organization s
programs directly promote and impact the healthy development of children and
youth. Include the number of Indiana youth served and briefly discuss program
The mission of Kankakee Valley High Schoolis to provide a rigorous academic
training that is relevant and transferrable to students future learning and success.
As a teacher, I am responsible for the development of students academically as well
as socially. I prepare them to be productive citizens while in high school and after
graduation. If they are planning to attend any postsecondary training, it is my duty to
make sure they are adequately prepared. As an advisor of the Council of Student
Leaders, it is my purpose to put my students on the path to being great leaders. In
order to achieve this, I provide them with activities that promote the healthy
development of their social skills, making healthy connections and relationships with
others, breaking down barriers, eliminating stereotypes, empowering their fellow
students, and inclusion for everyone in our school.
In our school, we have roughly 1,100 students in grades 9 12. However, my students
have contact with other student leaders from all over the state of Indiana through
various state leadership conventions and workshops. What I am able to impart on
them will trickle down throughout the rest of the state as more of my students have
The Association Between Quebeckers And How Much The...
This paper will explore the association between Quebeckers and how much the
average Quebecker really likes Canada on a scale from really dislike (0) to really
like (100). This association is relevant because the history of division between
Quebec and the rest of Canada has resulted in many referendums and resentment
that thrives today as much as it did in the past. The results may not be shocking,
but the empirical data analysis shows that the average Quebecker does not really
like Canada when the threshold for really like is set at 80 or more out of 100. The
rest of this paper will thoroughly look at the steps that it took to reach this conclusion
including a descriptive summary of the methodological considerations, a detailed...
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The former variables is ranked from 0 100 where 0 is really dislike and 100 is
really like, while the latter is simply a nominal variable used for filtering cases.
This means that the province variable was used to narrow the data into Quebec
only results to allow the comparison between the two. They were specifically
chosen because they best fit the direction of the research where I wanted to
explore the relationship between overall feelings towards Canada in a particular
province: Quebec. Neither variable was recoded because it showed to be
unnecessary, in the case of provinces, and illogical for the PES11_11, a scale
variable (highest level of measurement). Since this is a scale variable, I was able to
calculate all the measures of central tendency (measures that tell us the most typical
values) and dispersion (how typical these typical central values are). These statistics
are relevant to calculate because they allow for more meaningful calculations that
allow us to draw more specific and accurate conclusions about claims such as the
standard error, confidence intervals, z scores and statistical significance.
The bar chart in Figure 1 shows the frequency that each Quebecker chose their
feelings about Canada. It shows that a majority of respondents falls at 50 or above
with the most frequent value is 100. Table 1 shows a collection of all statistics
calculated to test the
Herb Kelleher Essay
Herb Kelleher: An Inspiring Leader
In 2007, Herbert Herb David Kelleher, co founder and former CEO of Southwest
Airlines was ranked #5 on USA Today s 25 Most Influential Business Leaders in
large part for his personality, work ethic, management strategy and genuine concern
for his employees. Throughout this paper you will read about Kelleher from a
young child developing a work ethic to a man who came up with a new business
plan most people would of thought of as impossible.
Herbert Kelleher s Childhood and Career
Born on March 12, 1931 in Camden, New Jersey, Herbert Herb David Kelleher
(Kelleher) was a part of a close family and the youngest child of four to his parents
Harry and Ruth Kelleher. Kelleher s father was the General Manager ... Show more
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With his brothers and sister going their separate ways and his father passing away,
Kelleher became very close with his mother. The biggest influence in developing
Kelleher s work ethic is attributed to his mother, Ruth Kelleher. Sitting at the dining
room table, the two of them would have conversations all night long discussing
business, politics, and ethics (Belden, 2003).
Ruth Kelleher made sure to drive the importance of treating people with respect. She
also made sure to drive the importance of judging on merit rather than appearance
(Belden, 2003). Herb Kelleher told Fortune Magazine that his mother could not have
been more correct in what she taught him. He told Fortune on May 28, 2001:
There was this very dignified gentleman in our neighborhood, the president of a local
savings and loan, who used to stroll along in a very regal way up until he was
indicted and convicted of embezzlement. My mother said that positions and titles
signify absolutely nothing. They re just endorsements; they don t represent the
substance of anybody (Benten, 2003).
Herb Kelleher used the advice he received from his mother in his everyday life
including life at Haddon Heights High
The Problems Of Philosophy By Bertrand Russell, Ayn
While the use and understanding of philosophy goes widely unknown by a majority
of the population today, a selective few have recognized its potential and utilized it to
its fullest. In the following essay, three prominent philosophers; Bertrand Russell,
Ayn Rand, and Christopher Hitchens. Each gives their insight to three important
topics; the value of philosophy, using philosophy and its value, and the importance of
freedom of speech. All of whom will be discussed, and agreement or disagreement
will also be concluded and supported.
Bertrand Russell s essay The Problems of Philosophy , is in most ways an argument
for the continuation of the practice of philosophy. To summarize Russell s argument,
it is a vindication of the practice of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
While it is clear that Bertrand Russell wished for the continuation of the practice of
philosophy, he acknowledges most people have no idea what philosophy is, outside
of the idea of a group of people thinking about life. With this writing while giving
some of the products that have come from philosophy, he also warns that not all
answers can be gained from the philosophy. While definite answers can be gained
through the sciences, philosophic study only raises more uncertainty.
Bertrand Russell supports his arguments with insight that comes from teaching,
practicing, and seeing the effects of philosophy both within himself and the people
around him. While studying philosophy Russell will only intensify the uncertainty
about the world around us and the inner workings of our mind. Likewise in support of
Russell s argument, the study of sciences that is aforementioned such as; Phycology,
Astronomy, and Physics which were originally pondered by philosophers has moved
from philosophical theory to scientific study.
Likewise with the pursuit and study of philosophy, the likelihood of the student
holding on to the dogmatism, and predigests that is set forth by society and past
experiences. Along with this the aforementioned Practical Man Russell supports his
argument with a description, The practical man who recognizes only material needs,
who realizes men must have food for the body, but is
Personal Journey Of Equality In Ayn Rand s Anthem
Anthem by Ayn Rand is a narrative about a young man, named Equality 7 2521,
who lives in a collectivist society. This book is about the personal journey of
Equality 7 2521 in a future version of our society. In this novel, the reader reads
about an environment in which everyone is considered as one, meaning that no one
is meant to be an individual. Each person in this society is assigned a certain job to
benefit their brothers and is expected to follow a certain order throughout their
lifetime. Helping their fellow members is also an important rule to their society
because it promotes the concept of selflessness. Anthem by Ayn Randportrays three
different themes that the reader acknowledges; selflessness, order, and equality.
When one is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Individuality is not tolerated by the society because it represents inequality, which
the society does not wish to be associated with. We are nothing. Mankind is all. By
the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. (Rand 21). Throughout the
novel, the reader starts to realize how their society is kept equal through most of
the dialogue and feelings towards the other men. Another example of equality
shown in the novel is that all of the people in the society are expected to follow the
rules and have a part in the same activities as one another. We are one in all and all
in one... only the great WE... (Rand 19). Here the reader starts to understand that
their nation accepts the purpose of their society which is to exhibit equality by
treating everyone equal to the other members. ... there is no transgression blacker
than to do or think alone. (Rand 17). Readers evaluate how the members of the
society treat each other equal by acknowledging the transgression of individuality.
Their society believes that individualism is dangerous to their community which
results with everything in their life being based on plurals. For example, everyone in
their society is meant to address themselves with the pronoun we instead of I because
the pronoun I represent individuality. Everyone in this society is meant to be treated
as equals and they are currently keeping that rule in
Gertrude Betrayal In Hamlet Essay
Betrayal is an unforgivable act against one s family that leaves destruction in its
wake. In Denmark, the queen, Gertrude, and her son, Hamlet, experience the sting of
betrayal. Gertrude betrays her son through her many pernicious actions and decisions
for the duration of the play. The queen deludes Hamletwhen she concedes to the
pressure of those around her and grants them permission to spy on her son, thus
damaging his trust in her. In Hamlet, the role of Gertrude, the queen, symbolizes the
antagonistic purpose of a cunning villain s betrayal to the protagonist in the play, her
son, Hamlet.
Although Hamlet was the ultimate perpetrator in Polonius death, Gertrude did
inadvertently cause his death by allowing the old man spy on Hamlet. In the play,
Hamlet begins to act mad, and though he merely meant to pretend, his actions become
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When Hamlet discovers that she, along with many of the characters in the film, are
spying on him, Hamlet is deeply offended. Although Gertrude is hesitant and argues
against spying on her son she periodically complies throughout the play to spy on
him, and each and every time Hamlet discovers their surveillance of him and
reprimands them. When Guildenstern and Rosencrantz admit that the king and queen
sent them to spy on Hamlet by the king and queen after Hamlet repeatedly demands
that the two, ...be even and direct with me whether / you were sent for or no (2.2.303
304). The pair confess their intentions and it angers Hamlet that his mother is
repeatedly sending people to watch him, no matter what her intentions may be. In one
scene, Gertrude allows Polonius to conceal himself behind the curtain in order to
listen to the conversation between her and Hamlet following the play that rattles
King Claudius. Gertrude s betrayal to Hamlet is her constant spying and distrust she
places in his mental stability repeatedly throughout the
Driving Down The Road
Imagine you are driving down the highway on a warm summer day. It s nice
outside, your window is rolled down, the wind is blowing in your hair, and your
sibling is in the passenger seat. In mid thought, you slam on your brakes and
swerve to miss a deer. Your car goes down the hill and hits a tree. No one is around.
You check on your brother, he looks unconscious. You are okay, but have a few
minor scrapes and bruises. You dial 911, hoping that maybe they could understand
what you were saying. You leave your phone on in case they can track your
location. When you start walking up the hill, a car pulls off to the side of the road.
The person jumps out of the car and runs up to you, appearing very concerned.
When you try signing to the girl, she does not understand what you are saying to her.
This could very well be a situation that happens in real life. If the person who would
have found you and your sibling would have known American Sign Language, they
might have been able to help you out in a crisis like this. In society today, we have
to be able to communicate with people about anything and everything we do
(Kivett). Learning American Sign Language, or ASL, will help every individual
that learns it. In order to determine why there is a problem with very few signers,
we have to investigate why people don t want to learn the language, what problems
that creates, and what we can do to create solutions to help everyone as a whole.
Many people in the United States do not know
Anderson s No-Blinking
For the light a scene assignment it was decided to recreate the lighting from a scene
in Paul Thomas Anderson s: The Master . The infamous No Blinking scene focuses
on the processing of Freddy Quell (Joaquin Phoenix) by The Master (Phillip Seymour
Hoffman). It mimics the style of an interegation with its minimal lighting, which may
appear as simple yet extremely effective in creating a ominous atmosphere throughout
the scene.
The No Blinking scene is extremely similar to an interrogation and this is refelcted in
the lighting (See Fig 1).To create this feeling the scene relies upon lighting empahises
on the face contrasted with the heavy shadows in the background (See Fig 2 3).
Overall, with this lighting this focus is placed upon ... Show more content on
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The allure of the scene was that the lighting in the scene placed strong emphasis on
the face yet it was so heavily contrasted against the background of the scene.
However, recreating the lighing did prove to be more challanging than expected.
A single LED light was placed to the subjects side but it was noticed that only one
side of the fact was lit, while the other side was in complete shadows. Compared to
the refrence scene it was noticed that while the actor did have one side that was in
shade, there is a slight hitting the side of the nose and cheenk. While a fill light
was considered, it was ultimately decided to use a bouncer to relect the existing
LED light to the side of the face. As the results from the use of a bouncer created a
visually striking light on the subject, it was also deciced to incoporate the use of a
second bouncer (See Fig 5 8). With this one, the LED light was faced the opposite
direction to the subject onto a bouncer, which relfected the light back onto the
subject (See Fig 9). Ulimately, with the use of a single LED light and two bouncers,
the No Blinking scene from Paul Thomas Andersons The Master was able to be
successfully recreated (See Fig
Chapter 9-Review Questions
Erin Allbritton BIO103 4/5/17 Professor Van Brekulen
Chapter 9 Review Questions
1.What is urbanization? Which countries are the most urbanized? The least
urbanized? What is the urbanization trend today in largely rural nations?
Urbanization is a process in which people increasingly move from rural areas to
densely populated cities.
2.What is an urban agglomeration? Give an example. An urban agglomeration is a
urbanized core region that consists of several adjacent cities or megacities and their
surrounding developed suburbs. Las Vegas, Nevada is an example of an urban
3.What are some of the problems brought on by rapid urbanization?
4.How can a city system be analyzed from an ecosystem
Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence Analysis
The author J.D. Salinger was able to represent the theme: the loss of childhood
innocence, by describing the internal as well as the external characteristics of the
main protagonist Holden Caulfield. Holden is portrayed as innocent due to his lousy
vocabulary and also his childish mannerisms. His constant use of the term boy is
ironic when Holden himself is a boy at heart. While internally Holden Caulfieldmay
appear to be naive; this representation contrasts with his external appearance. Holden
is struggling internally to be himself and is clinging on to his innocence, at a time
where his body is continuing to become more mature and transitioning out of
adolescence. The reader is able to note his struggle because of Holden Caulfield s...
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In this excerpt Salinger was able to highlight the loss of innocence as Holden
Caulfield struggled with the realization that his roommate Stradlater may have
taken away the innocence of his long term childhood friend, Jean Gallagher.
Holden is in a mindset believing that he can remain innocent indefinitely as well as
allow his childhood friends, if they continue to be behave similarly to children. He
is unwilling to accept the fact that he must one day reach adulthood which
contradicts from Stradlater s ideology. Stradlater is more than willing to advance
into adulthood and uses women as tools to gain experience; in hopes of reaching it
sooner. This is supported by Holden s comments to Stradlater I told him he thought
he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn t even care if a
girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, (....) You don t even know if her first
name is Jane or Jean, ya goddam moron! , showing that Stradlater valued a woman
s body rather than her name or ethics and values. Holden believed that Jean was a
girl that kept all her kings in the back row meaning that she preferred the security of
playing safe. Thus, Holden is shocked and even nervous by the possibilities that
could have occurred within Ed Banky s car making him hostile to Stradlater. He is
unwilling to comprehend that Jane Gallagher, the girl who always played it safe, may
have transitioned into
Mcdonald s Production and Operations Management
Mcdonald s Use of Teams in Production and Operations Management
Strategies are important for all businesses, regardless of the products or services that
they offer. Through strategic management and operations, companies are able to
integrate new and effective means of running their respective businesses. In turn,
these strategies results in an increased profit of sales, stable market position and
greater levels of customer loyalty. In the fast food industry, businesses such as
McDonald s must establish certain business and marketing strategies. Primarily, the
main goal of McDonald s, just like any other organization is to sustain their
competitive advantage in the global market. Overview of the Company ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Despite some issues being raised against the company and the changing of
marketing strategies, McDonald s has remained in the status of being one the
most successful big companies during this recession. On May 9, 2012, the fast
food giant posted February sales results that most chains would envy (Adamy,
2009). Even in this tough economy, McDonald s was able to maintain profitability
with it cheap dollar menu. Part of its business strategy is its plan to phase out
certain items to try to create a healthier image for itself. The company is also
planning other menu changes such as switching the size of some of its menu
items. All of these changes in the menu are part of its strategy to provide a range
of choices that supports a balanced lifestyle. McDonald s also has a diverse market
to include not only fast food but also children s wear. The McKid s products include
footwear, videos, toys and casual clothes. Strategies in other areas of the organization
were also made, such as the three wheeled vehicle that is used to collect discarded
cups and burger wrapping in the neighborhoods around some of the restaurant
locations. McDonald s developed three core strategies for sustaining the competitive
advantage. These are customer convenience, customer value, and optimal operations.
Together with new innovative digital strategies, McDonald s creates new and bold
ideas for the company. Currently the major focus areas are nutrition
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Plastics
Normally polymers do not conduct electricity. It is the same insulating property
made them attractive in many industrial applications. The vast development in the
electrical field would not have been possible in the absences of plastic. One can not
imagine of electrical cables without polymer insulations. Even the fitting devices like
switches, holders, pin, double pole (DP) boxes etc. are all made from plastic.
In these entire applications polymer played important but supportive role and the
main work of electrical conduction was done by metals. However attempts were
made to impart electrical conductivity to polymer films and fibers by several different
methods, with the aim of developing flexible conductive materials.
In this regard conducting plastics have been prepared by mixing metallic powders
with non conducting plastics for a long time [6, 7]. Graphite powders mixed with
natural as well as artificial rubber gave conductive rubber. Similarly conducting
polyvinylchlorides were prepared by adding finely powdered copper and aluminum
[8]. It is also possible to prepare conductive paints or resins of these plastic by mixing
it with platinum, gold, silver or graphite. Such paints can be used for electrical
measurements and also for antistatic coating, electromagnetic shielding etc.
Advantages of making such conductive plastic ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The further researches in this area lead to the invention of conductive polymers like
polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene etc. All this research work has provided the
fundamental understanding of the chemistry, physics and material science and the
industrial development of conducting polymer products. The impact of the field on
science in general was recognized in 2000 by the awarding of the Noble Prize for
Chemistry to the three discoverers of conducting polymers: Alan MacDiarmid, Alan
Heeger and Hideki
Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films Essay
Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films For over 20 years Jackie Chan has been the
biggest action star in most of the world. First becoming popular in his native Hong
Kong in the early 80s, his popularity slowly spread across the globe, and finally hit
the U.S. with the 1996 release of Rumble In The Bronx (1994.) Since then Chan has
made three highly successful films with American studois and several more with the
Hong Kong studio Golden Harvest. He is easily one of the most recognizable Asian
movie stars or all time. Jackie Chan s movies are famous for their over the top stunts
and hilarious but amazing fightscenes, so much so that the actual plotsof the films are
sometimes forgotten. However, if one lookspast the all the fights and... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jackie Chan, as the real life Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hung, stops the British
along with their Chinese cohorts from stealing the artifacts, saving the country s
heritage for generations to come. Despite the fact that Wong Fei Hung is a real
person, this sequence of events never happened. It is no coincidence, however, that
the person responsible for stopping the devious British colonials in the film, as
well as many other films that do not feature Jackie Chan, is Fei Hung. Wong Fei
Hung is China s greatest hero, so much so that he is China, and to a lesser extent
he is Hong Kong, representing many of Hong Kong s basic beliefs, such as
Confucian virtue and Cantonese tradition (Fore 124.) Hong Kong cinema has had
a longstanding affair with Wong Fei Hung, with over 100 films about him having
been made in the past 50 years (Logan 10.) He represents many Chinese ideals, so his
small victory over the British colonials can easily be read as a Chinese victory over
the British. Because of Britain s occupation of Hong Kong at the time, it is easy to
see why Hong Kong citizens would like to see the British be defeated by someone
who holds Chinese beliefs so sacred, and by someone who is held so sacred in Hong
If Wong Fei Hung represents the best of China, the villains in the film
The Effect Of Neural Reflexes On The Gastrointestinal...
ows neural reflexes to occur solely in the gastrointestinal tract, independent of the
brain and spinal cord (Widmaier et al. 2014).
Within the tubular gastrointestinal tract, the ENS is formed by various interconnected
networks, called plexuses, of enteric neurons, glial cells, and axons (Widmaier et al.
2014). The majority of these nerve cells are found within two different arrangements
of ganglia (Fig. 1): the myenteric (Auerbach s) plexus and the submucosal (Meissner
s) plexus (Furness 2006; Guyton and Hall 2006). The nerve cells axons either synapse
with additional neurons in the plexus or innervate the smooth muscle of digestive
organs (Furness 2006). Neural activity in one plexus can affect activity in the other
since some axons in one plexus synapse with neurons in the other (Fig. 1) (Widmaier
et al. 2014). Extrinsic nerve fibers from the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems
can also synapse with neurons in each of the two plexuses (Fig. 1) (Guyton and Hall
2006). Though the ENS can function without these nerve pathways, the subsystems
of the ANS can influence gastrointestinal activity (Guyton and Hall 2006; Widmaier
et al. 2014). An example would include either inhibiting or enhancing the GI tract s
motility and secretory activity through the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
(Widmaier et al. 2014).
The myenteric and submucosal plexuses each have different physiological functions.
The myenteric plexus spans the length of the intestinal wall and consists of
The Day That Changed My Life Forever
The Day That Changed My Life Forever It was a bone chilling January night; my
mom received a call at about 11:15 PM, a call that changed my life forever. My
Aunt June was on the other line. She was crying so hard my mother could barely
understand her. Through the sobbing my mom finally understood that Brian, my
cousin, had been in a horrible accident and she didn t know how bad it was. My
mother jumped out of the bed after she hung up the phone. She screamed up the
stairs at my sister and me; it was a nerve shrilling scream. I could hear fear in her
voice. My mom was always yelling at us growing up if we forgot to do something.
She would even get us out of bed to finish something that wasn t done completely.
This particular... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The phone rang again. Hoping for good news, yet again I was disappointed. It was
my mom; she said she was following our pastor to my grandmother s house. She
said, We are going to tell Grandma he s gone . I knew this would be one of the
hardest things to do; it was her birthday after all. The three of us jumped in the car.
We drove up to Grandma s house. I remember Tosha running into the house and
falling into her arms. Everyone tried to pull themselves together, but how could
this be? This had never happened to us before. The wheel was broken. I do not
clearly remember the next few days leading up to the funeral. I know no one was
sleeping and emotions were running high. On the day of the funeral, we all were
allowed to see him for the first time since the accident. We were instructed to look,
but do not touch him no matter what. The accident mangled him so badly on the
inside that just one touch and his body would cave in. As I looked upon him, just
barely 23, I was in complete denial. I looked him over and over. It s not him , I said
to myself. After the family left, they closed the casket; he would not be open for
the public. At one o clock, January 16, 2001, his funeral began. I remember each part
of the service. I remember every word that was spoken and every song that was sung.
As the last song played, Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces , four people in black
walked down the aisle toward the casket. The looks in their faces were
Casino Game Roulette
Roulette is a casino game where The House or also known as the Dealer, rolls
marbles around a spinning circle that is slanted known as a roulette wheel. The
wheel consists of 38 slots. The marble rolls and will then eventually land on one of
38 red or black slots, numbered from 0 to 36 with there being two zeros. The idea of
the game is to guess where it s going to land. The lower the chance of you guessing
right, the higher the possible payout can be. Everyone places their bets on where
they think the marble could possibly land. The dealer then closes the table to betting
and the marble is rolled.
There area couple possibilities for winning. You can guess the exact number the
marble will land on, you can split the bet to use select multiple possibilities of
winning the round. which one of the three thirds it will land on, the bottom or the
top portion of the the wheel, a black, or red number, and last the number could be
even or odd. Every ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The probability that the marble will land on a black number between 19 and 36 is
Вј. The payout of each of those is 2 to 1 because there is a ВЅ chance that you guess
If you guess a single number, the probability of guessing right is 1/38, so the payout
is 38 to 1. The choices that have a ВЅ chance of winning are low risk but also the
lowest reward. Betting on a singular number can either lose you your money or you
can leave with 38 times as much money. 1 in 38 is a 2% chance, so it would be very
unlikely you guess right.
Probability is everywhere. Probability is just about everything in the world. It s in
the games that we played with our families as kids, and it in the games that we
might play when we are older. Probability is something that is very important to how
we make our decisions and ultimately make or break
Life Experiences In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
F. Scott Fitzgerald is a well known author wrote multiple novels during the Jazz
Age which reflected his life experiences. The Jazz Age was a period of time in
America during the 1920 s where many Americans thought of new ideas and wore
new styles. The Jazz Age began with World War 1 and ended with the Great
Depression in 1929. (abebooks.com). Fitzgerald is best known for his novel The
Great Gatsbywhich is about this time period. Many other novels written by
Fitzgerald were also based on his own life experiences. F. Scott Fitzgeraldwas born on
September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His parents, Edward and Mary
Fitzgerald, named him after Francis Scott Key. Francis was his second cousin who
wrote the Star Spangled Banner. His mother Mary was from an Irish Catholic
family and worked as a wholesale grocer. His father Edward worked many jobs but
failed to succeed at a job. They moved many times between Minnesota and Upstate
New York, finally moving back to St. Paul when he was 12. (bio.com).... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Scott Fitzgerald attended St. Paul Academy where his first paper was published in
the school newspaper. When he was 15, his parents sent him to a preparatory
Catholic School in New Jersey called the Newman School. His parents wanted F.
Scott Fitzgerald to get the best education possible hoping he would have a better a
future than their own. At the Newman School, he met a priest named Father
Sigourney Fay who inspired him. Fitzgerald was so inspired by the Father he decided
to pursue his literary ambition and attend Princeton University.
(catholiceduaction.org). While studying at Princeton University, Fitzgerald wrote
many scripts for musicals and stories for the Nassau Literary Magazine. He later
began to not care about his grades which put him on academic probation.
The Critique Of The Three Sisters By Anton Chekhov
One of Russia s best short story writers as well as dramatists, Anton Chekhov is the
playwright of The Three Sisters, which was first produced in 1901 by the Moscow
Art Theatre. Act 1: Act I takes place in Olga, Masha, Irina and Andrey s (the three
sisters + their brother) (character) house (time and place) Olga the second oldest is
a teacher, Masha is the middle sister, Irina is the youngest and Andrey is the oldest.
The four siblings are now orphans. Tuzenbakh baron and lieutenant in the army,
Chebutykin an army doctor and Soleni the captain accompany them. Irina misses
working along side Tuzenbakh while Chebutykin objects. Irina: A man must work...
for that is the meaning and object of his life, his happiness, his enthusiasm. (pg.3)
Tuzenbakh: How well I understand that craving for work... Chebutykin I shan t
work (pg.4) A little while later Masha decides to leave. Olga: You re not very bright
to day, Masha... Where are you of to?... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
[Pause] I don t know. Of course, habit counts for a great deal. After father s death,
for instance, it took us a long time to get used to the absence of orderlies...(19) Do
you like emotional, dramatic and traumatic plays? The three sisters is a deep and
moving play telling the story of three sisters and there new life after they left
Moscow. The three characters all miss Moscow and want to go back, they are un
happy with their life, but don t complain. This play takes place in Russia, you can
tell because of there names and that the currency is in rubles( which is the name of a
dollar in Russia). The names of the three sisters are Olga, Masha and Irina, they also
have a brother named Andrey but he isn t very significant to the plot. The three
sisters and brother have tension between them because the three girls aare often mean
Plato And Augustine Of Hippo
Some of the most famous people of the ancient world were philosophers. These
certain individuals became more well known than many war heroes and kings
because of the ways in which they thought about, and perceived the world. Historians
along with other people became fascinated with their ideas. This resulted in their
ideas becoming the foundation for the ways in the world thinks today. Some of these
people include Plato, and Augustine of Hippo. These men thought about the ways of
the world unlike any others had before them. They were not satisfied with the
knowledge that world gave them, and so they continued to ask questions and dig
deeper until they were able to find an answer. These two men both lived in times
where the people around them were very confused. This lead to both of them being
very influential in their separate times. Plato s way of thinking came from his
teacher, another great Greek philosopher, Socrates. Plato was born in 427 B.C. and
was member of a very wealthy, upper class family in the Greek city state of Athens.
He was given the opportunity to study under Socrates and became his disciple.
Socrates taught Plato much of his knowledge and wisdom, which resulted in him
also becoming a great philosopher. Socrates didn t do any of his own writings, so
we can learn about him from what Plato writes about him. Plato was very similar to
Socrates in the way that he thought but unlike Socrates, Plato was a teacher as well
as a philosopher. He created the
Hierarchy of Teepees
A tipi (also tepee and teepee) is a Lakota name for a conical tent traditionally made
of animal skins and wooden poles used by the nomadic tribes and sedentary tribal
dwellers (when hunting) of the Great Plains. Tipis are stereotypically associated with
Native Americans in general but Native Americans from places other than the Great
Plainsmostly used different types of dwellings. The term wigwam (a domed
structure) is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to a tipi.
The tipi was durable, provided warmth and comfort in winter, was dry during
heavy rains, and was cool in the heat of summer. Tipis could be disassembled and
packed away quickly when a tribe decided to move and could be reconstructed
quickly upon settling in a new area. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One end of this lashing rope is left dangling from the tie point, long enough to
reach the base of the poles. These tripod poles are stood upright, with their
unfastened ends spaced apart on the ground to form a triangle, each pole s base the
skin s radius from its neighbors. A dozen more long poles are laid onto the three
primary poles. Their upper ends rest on the lashing of the first three, and the lower
ends are evenly spaced to form a circle on the ground which includes the original
three poles. The lashing rope is then walked around the whole structure three times
and pulled tight. This ties the placed poles to the tripod at the crown of the tipi.
The canvas skin is tied to another pole, lifted up and the top of the pole is rested
where all the poles meet. The skin is pulled around the pole framework. The
overlap seam is closed with wooden lacing pins which are thin sticks about 10
inches long with one or both ends tapered. Sometimes a door is attached to one of
the bottom lacing pins. In old tipis of hide or early cloth, the door was where the two
sides came together in the front. A blanket, hide or cloth door was put over the
opening to secure the entrance.
The base of the skin is pegged to the ground. Traditionally pegs were placed in slits
at the bottom of the cover. As canvas or cloth came into use loops were sewn into the
bottom or, in an emergency smooth
Examples Of Inventions During The European Industrial...
Inventions during the European Industrial Revolution
There are many inventions during the European Industrial Revolution that impacts
society for Europeans. There are inventions that made other inventions better and
also inventions that revolutionized inventions that we already possessed. A man
named James Kay in 1733 invented one of the inventions called the Flying Shuttle.
He built it, supposedly, with nothing more that a pocketknife and his tool. The
flying shuttle improved on the old hand loom. A worker pulled a cord rope back
and forth to send a small piece of canoe shaped wood, or shuttle, flying across a
wood frame through threads to weave cloth. The flying shuttle was a small
improvement and was still powered by man other than coal, wind, water. Nonetheless
it began the crucial process by which unskilled workers could produce more cloth
with machines that skilled workers could produce by hand. This invention in my
opinion made a big impact to the European Industrial Revolution. I think just about all
of these inventions are very good for society, and changed the world as we know it
Starting in the 1760s, the spinning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Steam Engine was the energy behind the most advanced textile inventions, such
as the spinning mule and the power loom. It symbolized the transition from human
power in homes to machine power in factories. The steam engine was originally
invented in England to pull water out of coal mines. For thousands of years, wood
from local forests had been the main fuel in England, as well as the main material for
shipbuilding and housing construction. By the end of the seventeenth century few
forests remained. By the early seventeen hundreds, the easy to open coal pits were
gone, and mine shafts as deep as two hundred feet were dug to find it. Finally, in
1708, Thomas Newcomen invented a simple engine that used steam to pump water
out of
Investigating My Personal Experience Through A
My research will be conducted through autoethnography, since it aims to investigate
my personal experience while immersed in the land, and create a narrative generated
through photographic texts. These images aim to present the encounter between
photographer and the land. They reveal traces from both the land and the
photographer, they mirror this moment when this both actors became united. It shows
both the eye of the photographer and all his studium , while present also the eyes of
the land, looking at me.
The exposition of this personal experience extend our understand about creative
practices and the land, this immersion, this methodology, this creative practice and
reflection will also contribute for a more broad social ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Practice led researcher in the field of Art Design usually requires practitioners to
analyse their creative practice and to investigate the processes that are research
components and the responsable elements that helps to flourish new knowledge. This
brings ethnography to the spotlight, and Pace (2012, p.2) states that gaining
momentum as a research method within the creative and performing arts, partly
because of the opportunity it provides for writers, artists, performers and others to
reflect critically upon their personal and professional creative experiences.
Landspace and authoethnography
This research seeks to discover a personal experience, a unique relationship between
the researcher s self and land codified in an image, presented through an evocative
authoethnographic photowriting narrative . It is concerned with an evocative form
of the methodology because it focuses with the photographers experience in the land,
and according to evocative autoethnography aims toward researchers introspection on
a particular topic to allow readers to make a connection with the researchers feelings
and experiences.
It asks the potential of photographs to represent a bond between the photographer s
self and the land with photographic texts that
Why I Want To Be A Mechanical Engineer Essay
Mechanical engineer Mechanical engineer is something great to look into because
they make good money. There a good things about being a mechanical engineer
because you go to school for two year at RCC. There a change that you can work it
a shop with AC in there and heat for the winter. If you re great at mechanical
engineer you can tell your people what they re doing wrong and right thing.
Mechanical engineer works on cars, trucks, dirt bikes and four wheelers they can
work on all them thing because they all got motors that what they learn about in
school. Mechanical engineer got the avers house they work 5 day and 40 hours a
week that good if you got a good paying job. Mechanical engineers get paid weekly
and they make 20 dollars and up a hour they being home about 1000 or a little over.
Mechanical engineer make about 78,741 a year if they went to school and got
there high school diploma and went to college for two years. Mechanical engineer
is great if you get a little side job making about 11 dollars hour you work weekend
and week nights. Side job are good working at motorcycle shop and four wheeler
shop you can have a part time or a full time too. Mechanical engineer working
environment there are shop with AC and there shop with no AC just a big slow fan.
There are people that work in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Computer will find the problem when you hook the wires to the motor. Designing
is big for mechanical engineer because they can build a new product for the car
and designing will help you make that. Mechanical engineers are going to school to
learn the new thing about the car and were every thing at on the cars. Mechanical
engineers are having a big problem with their time working all day then going to
school at night it s hard for them to stay awake for a 3 hour
What Is The Relationship Between Purple Kush And The...
My experience with Purple Kush and the Suicide Squad
Like most of the people I was looking forward to DC launching its own cinematic
universe. I was really upset with the BVS s idiotic story, but never the less had high
hopes for the next installment The Suicide Squad. Sadly, the movie didn t live up to
my expectations, but there were some highlights. The Purple Lamborghini song and
the Purple Kush I hit not long before visiting the movies.
At least I laughed a lot at Jared Leto s inanely forced performance.
Well, the marijuana strain was the highlight of the film. It certainly made the
experience more memorable. At least I laughed a lot at Jared Leto s inanely forced
performance. OMG, it clearly was Leto playing Leto playing the Joker.
The Corporate Strategy Of Pepsico
Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy can be characterized as the procedure of
deciding an association s essential targets and developing strategies that will
accomplish these goals . A Corporate strategy assumes a basic part in guaranteeing
long haul development of the business. PepsiCo statement of purpose has been
worded by CEO Indra Nooyi as Performance with Purpose and this standard is firmly
incorporated within the corporate strategy decided for the organization. The PepsiCo
approach in this matter consists of seven policies and/or strategies. Initially,
worldwide business development technique through mergers and acquisitions.
Mergers and acquisitions can offer the upsides of obtaining entrance to new skills,
resources and framework, diminishing direct expenses and overheads and
accomplishing natural development. As of late, PepsiCo has occupied with vital
mergers and acquisitions, for example, procurement of juice and journal organizations
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The company has the largest market share in the US beverage at 39%, and snack
food market at 25%. Such brand dominance insures loyalty and repetitive sales
which contributes to over $15 million in annual sales for the company
Diversification PepsiCo s diversification is obvious in that the fact that each of its
top 18 brands generates annual sales of over $1,000 million. PepsiCo s arsenal
also includes ready to drink teas, juice drinks, bottled water, as well as breakfast
cereals, cakes and cake mixes.This broad product base plus a multi channel
distribution system serve to help insulate PepsiCo from shifting business climates.
The company delivers its products directly from manufacturing plants and
warehouses to customer warehouses and retail stores. This is part of a three pronged
approach which also includes employees making direct store deliveries of snacks and
beverages and the use of third party distribution
Synopsis Of Kathy s Short Story
Prologue Kathy is your normal everyday teenager who just happened to have a
football captain boyfriend named Jason. She lives in Cape Cod, and keeps up to
date with social media, Along with getting straight A s in school. Kathy has blond
hair and green eyes with tanned skin. Kathy s mom died when she was 3 so Kathy
knows nothing about her. But her dad, Dan and her sister Lacy are living normal
lives where as on the inside Kathy is in chaos. Kathy has turned into a recluse as
she has gotten older. Growing up without her mom has hurt Kathy emotionally.
She stays in her room all day she talks to no one and she just gets on her phone and
checks Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine. Her sister, Lacy always comes to check on
her, but Kathy just pushes her away and says I m busy. But Lacy always makes
sure she eats, sleeps, and stays healthy since Kathy s the only other girl in the
house since their mom died. Lacy is also a teenager who just got her license and
she is full of happiness and love. She plays for the school volleyball team and does
community service in Cape Cod. She had brown hair and green eyes.She is the
best sister anyone could ever ask for she helps out anyone and everyone. But she
thinks something is wrong with Kathy, because ever since she could remember
Kathy would always try to be alone and sometimes would even go so far as to lock
her door. But their dad, Dan is no help he is hurting too, but doesn t show it, he
understands there is nothing he can do now
Symbolism In Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm Brother s Little...
Everything is a Symbol He told me that he was going to kill all the girls with blue
eyes and that when he died we d be together. (Willett), some people take being a fan
too seriously. Looking just a little deeper in a seemingly simple story can often
lead to a load of symbolism and deeper meaning. Symbolism which is defined as
the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a
symbolic meaning or character. (Dictionary.com). In the Jacob and Wilhelm
Grimm brother s story Little Snow White is a young princess, when her step
mother becomes jealous of her beauty; she tries to kill Snow White multiple times,
but every time Snow White is saved by a group of dwarfs she befriends or a prince,
who marries her and kills the queen. The story uses objects throughout the story to
symbolize Snow Whites best traits; purity and goodness, while the queen had
symbols that helped confirm her role as the evil person of the story, the symbolism
in the story strongly supports the feelings of the times. Snow White is a walking
testament to purity in the early 19th century. Snow is white and unsoiled, making
it relatable to purity, Snow white s name has snow in it, also she is constantly
described as white as snow (Grimm) showing her purity. After Snow White eats
the apple, the dwarfs put her in a glass coffin. They said, We cannot bury her in the
black earth, and they had a transparent glass coffin made, so she could be seen
from all sides. They laid her inside, and with golden letters wrote on it her name,
and that she was a princess. (Grimm). The glass is transparent with nothing to hide,
as Snow White being a pure virgin had nothing to hide. Also, after she placed in the
coffin The animals too came and mourned for Snow white, first an owl, then a
raven, and finally a dove. (Grimm). The dove is an animal that symbolizes purity as
well, with a dove visiting her and mourning for her would symbolizing that Snow
White was as pure as the bird. The goodness of Snow White is heavily emphasized in
the story even though she is only said to be 7 years old at the time. When she was
seven years old she was as beautiful as the light of day, (Grimm). For someone so
young to already be so good and
Myrtle Beach Experience
Myrtle beach The time that we went to myrtle beach was a rollercoaster of
emotions considering that I was already having one of those I hate everything so
just leave me alone days and neither of our vehicles had really never been reliable
but they never failed us on vacations until when we went to myrtle beach and the
van we were driving started to pidder padder which I struggled to understand why
because we had spent allot of money getting the house and everything else
including getting the van fixed it s like life is a box of chocolates and mine was
the shady crusty one in a dark dank ally with one coconut chocolate that was moldy
and has magots on it. After the van broke down we and I mean my dad because I
tend to struggle to understand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Anyways we went with my family, which allowed us to carpool and get a rental car
in the meantime I road with my aunt and uncle to the beautiful house which had a
pool and one of those so beautiful I want to lay there for hours balconies with a
beautiful view. During the vacation my family had fun. My other uncle rented a
golf cart just because he felt like it and, we went to the beach a lot and had a lot of
fun. Something weird about the beach though, was that some days it was burning
hot that it would burn your feet, which I never knew it got that way so when I
walked to the beach because it was in walking distance the ground got hotter as I
got on the sand I didn t know that there was burning sand. So when I finally found
my family when my little brother was throwing a fit because it was hot out and my
mom said you re not going to burst into flames.I went into the water running across
the burning sand, closing my eyes. And taking a deep breath and with a splash I
was completely submerged hot out. Other than the Beach we went to 3 buffets one
of which was a seafood buffet one was a Chinese one and I had sushi there my
favorite was the California roll which was a creamy, salty, spicy, and sweet all in
one bite which is a little bit of a struggle to comprehend but that s what I
Essay On Carbon Clearance Assay
Carbon clearance assay Administration of PE(100 and 150 mg/kg p.o) increased
the clearance of carbon particles from blood as indicated by a significant increase
in phagocytic index when compared with control group as shown in table II.The
levamisol (50 mg/kg p.o) also show any significant effect on the phagocytic index
in the carbon clearance assay. Delayed type hypersensitivity responses
Administration of PE (100 and 150 mg/kg p.o) increased the Delayed Type
Hypersensitivity Responses significantly in terms of increase in the mean difference
of paw thickness when compared with control group. The levamisol (50 mg/kg p.o)
also show significant effect on the in Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Responses. DTH
requires the specific... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Free radical components have a relevant pathophysiological role in several types of
autoimmune human diseases such as heart failure, shock, atherosclerosis, etc[27]. It
is essential to counteract this oxidative stress and thereby enhance immunity of body
system. The immunomodulatory agents are being used as adjuvant therapy in
oxidative stress induced various diseases or vice versa. A very few modern medicines
are available to treat the oxidative stress and immunesenescence; which are costly and
posses serious side effect. On the contrary, the natural antioxidants are safer choice in
the treatment of oxidative stress and immunesenescence. Immunological agents of
plant origin enhance the immune responsiveness of an organism against a pathogen
by non specifically activating the immune system. Natural antioxidants can act as
potential therapeutic agents against many diseases resulting from oxidative stress.
Nowadays there has been increasing interest in the investigation of medicinal plants
for the discovery of new antimicrobial,immunomodulatory and antioxidant agents[28].
In this study, in vitro antioxidant and anti inflammatory activity of different extracts
of Juniperus squamata were tested for their antioxidant activity using DPPH,H2O2,
OH and lipid peroxidation. Immunomodulatory activity was determined by Carbon
clearance and DTH assay. The evaluate antioxidant
Criminal Liability Of The Scottish Legal System
Mens rea, defined by Glanville Williams as The mental element necessary for a
particular crime, plays a crucial role in determining the criminal liability of the
accused in the Scottish legal system, particularly as the mens rea for a crime may
not always be wicked as the previously used term dole inferred. The mens reamust
usually be established in order to convict. Motive however, defined by The Oxford
Dictionary as a reason for doing something, is not necessarily a compulsory factor,
although it is useful, when deciding whether or not an individual is criminally
liable, excluding crimes such as sexual offences where motive is a required factor.
In order to consider the significance of these terms in the development of criminal
liability in Scots law one must first determine the origin and different types of mens
rea, and the relevance of these roots and varieties in the current meaning of mens rea.
Additionally, one must determine the relevance of motive, particularly regarding
sexual offences. Mens rea must also be considered alongside the actus reus; the
behavioral element of a crime. It must be stated that on some occasions it is
unnecessary to prove the mens rea, however this is only relevant in specific
circumstances, such as in strict liability offences. Whilst determining motive is not
essential, it may have the effect of mitigating the sentence in practice, and it is
important that this is duly recognized. Lastly, one must acknowledge that mens rea
Accidental Death Of An Anarchist Analysis
31 OCTOBER 2014
QUESTION Discuss Accidental Death of an Anarchist as a political satire?
ANSWER Dario Fo has written and performed in many important and immediate
political causes of his time (malik 1)In his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist
Dario Fo has used the satire purposely to reveal the true picture of the Italian
government, which is corrupted by the people who make and safeguard the law that
is the judges and the police officers.
In this play there are many incidents which show how police officers and the judges
help each other in their fallacious activity. This incident portrays how the police
officers use their authority to manipulate the people and cause corruption in the
society. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They don`t want the people to be aware about the wrong happening around them.
These things were very well portrayed in the play. In the play when the reporter
Miss Maria Feletti comes to meet the inspector and to interview him about the
suicide the inspector was so worried. He did not want any interview to take place as
it may reveal the true picture of the case .But when the mad man says that if they
refuse the reporter, she might be upset and may write some defamatory article about
him. This made the inspector to call the reporter and give her the interview. This also
shows the guilt, the inspector had on killing the anarchist. He doesn t want the
reporter to reveal the true incident that happened, in front of the public.
The act written by Dari Fo Accidental Death of an Anarchist have brilliantly portrayed
the political satire at that time. It has shown the corruptly working government of Italy
and how they manipulate the innocent public. It had sediment the feeling of anger in
public against the Italian government in a very dramatic
Concept Of Read Aloud
Does the discourse on children s experience with literacy focus just on their abilities
to understand formal reading and writing. Does it look beyond and explore how
children construct knowledge and new ideas which are essential to their learning
process. Therefore can reading be one of the essential process to inculcate the habit
which are important to help build concepts and processes essential to learning
.Therefore when one focuses on concepts of read aloud, it emphasis the need to be
able to entice the reader to help develop a love for reading. Interactive read aloud
through dialogues can help increase their involvement in the reading sessions
.Historically read aloud have been a common activity at homes and schools for
To What Extent was President Reagan’s Personal Role
in the...
A.Plan of Investigation
The investigation assesses the extent of significance of President Reagan s role in
the Iran Contra affair in the 1980 s. Reagan s role will be looked at while aiding
the Nicaraguan Contras, releasing American hostages, both which led to the Iran
Contra affair, and during the cover up, in America and partly in Iran. An
investigation account and American history are mostly used to evaluate Reagan s
role. Two of the sources used in this essay, Firewall: The Iran Contra conspiracy and
cover up written by Lawrence E. Walsh and The Age of Reagan by Sean Wilentz will
then be evaluated for their origins, purposes, values, and limitations.
B.Summary of Evidence
Prior to the Iran Contra affair, Reagan was in the last ... Show more content on
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Also, Oliver North was ordered to teach the Contras military tactics and raised
money for them. As Reagan and his private officials went about on doing this
secretly, publicity had a way to find what was going on. Congress was lied to as a
cover up by Reagan so they would not intervene. After his reelection, Reagan
supported another covert program: an attempt to release hostages in Lebanon. This
would soon turn into the Iran Contra Affair. In 1984 a Shiite Islamic group that was
loyal to Iran s Ayatollah Khomeini had captured and held seven Americans hostage
in Lebanon. The President was very much concerned for the Americans well being.
An Israeli foreign minister, David Kimche, insisted that since Iran and Iraq were at
war with each other, Iran would need more weapons, and because Israel would also
gain monetary benefits, they could help with persuasion to release the officials. All
the U.S. needed to do was to approve a small shipment of armaments to Iran. Reagan
then agreed to this deal, to sell arms to Iran through Israel, which would induce the
kidnappers in releasing the hostages. Even though Reagan stated before that America
will never make concessions to terrorists, the transferring of arms violated that
statement and the Arms Export Control Act since congress was not informed and
didn t give consent. The secret request, hidden from congress would not only help
free the hostages, but also
Language, Not Politics Or History Essay
Brian Friel correctly claims that Translations is a play that emphasizes language,
not politics or history. This story takes place in a rural Gaelic speaking town in
Ireland and focuses on the interactions between Irish and English folk. These
conversations end up to be a series of mistranslations . Throughout the plot of this
play, Friel proves that a person s identity comes from language alone. Understanding
the politics and history of a play merely explains the factual framework of the story,
but does not facilitate the reader to make inferences about the underlying meaning
and purpose of the play like language does.
The setting lends an important historical context to the play, but language tied with
culture helps to unravel the meaning behind the play. This play is set in 1833, a time
when, an Irish town, Ballybeg, is in the beginning phases of British colonization. The
British imperial rule introduces the Ordnance Survey, which is mapped by Lieutenant
Yolland ... [Royal Engineer]... (405) in the story, to anglicize Ireland. Yolland, a
British Royal Engineer, is a dynamic character who is a paragon for proving that
language is an integral part of one s identity. Though knowing this historical context
of the war sheds light on Yolland s background and occupation (factual information),
it does not give insight on his true feelings for his job and cultural heritage. He is a
British soldier who originally works with the East India Company but
Physiology Assignment
Short term responses
One short term response when playing basketball is when your face starts to go
red, this happens because the body gets too hot and it tries to cool the body down by
bringing blood to the surface of the skin to let some heat out and the skin also
produces sweat to let out heat, therefore the skin surface goes red. Another short term
response to physical activity is that your breathing rate and heart rate increases, the
reason this occurs is because the muscles are being made to work harder and as a
result of that the muscles need more oxygen so therefore you need to breathe in more
oxygen and breathe out more carbon dioxide to keep the muscles going. Another short
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The increase in oxidative capacity is achieved by an increase in the number of
mitochondria (An organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the
biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.) within the muscle
cells, an increase in the supply of ATP and an increase in the quantity of enzymes
involved in respiration. Another long term change that occurs due to training is that
the heart gets larger; the result in the change is due to increased stress on the heart.
The extra work of pumping blood against the increased pressure causes the heart
wall to thicken over time, the same way a body muscle increases in mass in
response to weightlifting. A long term change in the cardiovascular system as a
result of training is that the resting heart rate gets lower, the cardiovascular
response happens because a person that has been training for a long time has a
lower heart rate because through exercise, they have a stronger heart; meaning that
an athlete s heart can pump more blood and more oxygen out with one pump than
a non athlete s heart could. Another long term response in the cardiovascular
system is that the blood supply increases, this change is due to your body needing
more oxygen because you are exercising, your muscles and all your body organs
are needing more energy and oxygen, this is because your body is working more
than usual. Your body needs to do many things such as sweat, which helps you cool
down, and to
Archimedes Accomplishments
The year is 287 B.C.E, Alexander the Great Has been dead for fifty years and the
kingdom he left to his generals has begun to fracture. Around 300 B.C.E the Punic
Wars began, throwing Greece into disarray. The Hellenistic Age is coming to a
close. However, at least one good thing came of this year. One of the greatest
engineers in history is born. His name is Archimedesand he will change the world.
Archimedes life, achievements, and effect on the modern world of engineering make
him one of the most prominent and important figures in the ancient world.
Unfortunately little is known about the life of Archimedes. In 287 B.C.E he was
born in Syracuse. His father was an astronomer named Pheidias and as a man he
traveled to Alexandria to study... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Law of the Lever is one of Archimedes more prestigious discoveries. When he
made his discovery the fulcrum was already in use. However Archimedes was the
first to discover that a longer lever made lifting easier. Storys say that Archimedes
once said, Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I will move the world. Another
extremely important innovation by Archimedes was the pulley. He created a
complex system of pulleys that allowed him to lift almost anything. Another story
says that a team of men, after great effort dragged a trireme onto the beach.The
men all boarded the ship along with their animals and Archimedes was able to lift
the ship and move it easily by himself. The Archimedes Screw was another
impressive invention by Archimedes. The screw is massive and capable of lifting
water from the ground. It is still used today in some third world countries.Other
inventions by Archimedes included, the concept of buoyancy. He proved that, when
building boats, the material does not matter so much as how spread out it is.
Archimedes was also the first person to accurately estimate the value of pi. These are
only a few of Archimedes most prestigious achievements. As previously stated, many
of the works of Archimedes have been lost, however imagine what other incredible
feats of engineering this man may have
The Book Control Officer On Ft Riley
As the Book Control Officer on Ft Riley, I am required to issue, receive and train
officers and their lower enlisted soldiers on how to maintain accountability for meal
card books; which is a control item. At one point the Meal Card Control Officer
requested that he Meal Card Controllers be giving a class on how to maintain
accountability of control books. While giving the verbal block of instructions no one
asked any question. Once I completed the verbal portion of the class, a
demonstration of the process was also implemented in class. Afterward, I asked were
there any question; no question was asked. Therefore, I assumed that everyone was
ready for the hand on a portion of the class.
Therefore, I pared the soldiers, two by two; one was to issue the card and the other
one was to receive the card. However, they all fail miserably. They assumed that all
army s forms are self explanatory. Therefore, we did it together step by step. Each
group was given the military form (DA Form 4809) the issuer filed out block a, b,
d and gave the form to the receiver for signature. Upon signing the DA Form 4809
and the DD Form 714; which completed that transaction. The second go around the
receiver stated that they lost the card. Therefore, the issuer had to go to the next
line, fill out block c, d, have the receiver sign, make a copy of the DA Form 4809 and
close out the copied form then place it in the inactive folder. The original copy was
to go to the next line fill out
Strategic Operational Plan Proposal
I am a member of a multi agency Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which lead
agency is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). As a part of this task force,
that consists of members from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI),
Homeland Security (HLS), Department of Defense (DOD), National Security
Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Drug Enforcement Agency
(DEA) and local law enforcement I have been selected as the lead planner of the
task force to develop a Strategic Operational Plan Proposal (SOPP). Now, the
purpose of this plan is to eliminate a terrorist group known as al Qaeda from
attempting to infiltrate the United Statesalong the border of Mexico and the United
States with two terror cells that consist of 12 individuals... Show more content on
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Furthermore, the National Security Agency (NSA) has reported that SIGINT
between the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and a Miami based Russian
OC has identified the transfer of two low yield nuclear devices, therefore causing
The Department of Homeland Security (HLS) to increase the threat level of the
United States to an elevated level. Therefore, causing the Chicago based FBI to
conduct an analysis on the threat level of O Hare and Midway International
Airports, the McCormick Place Convention Center, and the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago in order to determine if they are potential targets for the low yield
nuclear weapons. It has also been determine by the DEA and passed on to the FBI
that there is a possibility that the GB gas could be used by the second terrorist cell
against the Outfit. However, it is believed that the Russian gang is not aware that
they are cooperating with al Qaeda and that they may be in control of a nuclear
device that could have catastrophic implications on their plan to take over The Outfit.
Therefore, as the operations officer for the Joint TerrorismTask Force (JTTF) it is my
job to create a plan in order to stop these groups from causing major chaos as well as
Biography of Joseph Patrick Kennedy Essay
Biography of Joseph Patrick Kennedy
Joseph Patrick Kennedy was a very successful banker and film executive, born in
Boston, Massachusetts, on September 6, 1888. Considered by many to be America s
version of the royal family, the Kennedy s of Boston, Massachusetts have enjoyed
triumphs and seen tragedy during the 20th century. As the family patriarch, Joseph
Patrick Kennedy instilled values of commitment to public service, determination to
succeed, and loyalty to family.
His father, Patrick Joseph, was a prosperous saloonkeeper. Patrick also was active in
Boston politics, as Irish ward boss, a five time state representative, and state senator.
Kennedy s parents were anxious for their son to succeed, however in the Boston social
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Kennedy was extremely financially shrewd. He showed an entrepreneurial spirit
and an appreciation for money at an early age, and held a number of jobs as an
adolescent, including candy vendor, newspaper merchant, and play producer. He also
performed jobs for Orthodox Jews, whose faith prohibited them from working on
their holy days. During his student days at Harvard, he and a friend bought a bus and
began operating sightseeing tours. Kennedy negotiated with another tour operator to
share working hours. He was successful at this, earning $5,000 over the course of
several summers.
In 1914, two years after his graduation, Kennedy accepted a job as president of
Columbia Trust Company Bank. At 25 years of age, he was the youngest bank
president in the United States. During that same year, he married Rose Fitzgerald,
daughter of Boston s mayor. Kennedy and Rose bought a small home in Brookline,
Massachusetts, and started their family. In all, they had nine children: Joseph Jr.,
John (Jack), Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert (Bobby), Jean, and
Edward (Ted). Several of his children went on to develop distinguished political
careers, including two U.S. senators and one U.S. president.
Kennedy supported his large family through numerous successful business ventures.
He joined an investment banking firm, bought a chain of New England movie
theaters, gained control of a film production company, bought and sold many
Developing Professional Practice
Developing Professional Practice
Introduction and terms of reference
This report will demonstrate my understanding of what is required to be an effective
and efficient HR professional and apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and
review a personal development plan.
The report will discuss the CIPD HR Profession Map and how the framework and
standards within it define a HR professional. The professional areas, the bands and
the behaviours will be outlined and the two core professional areas as well as two
behaviours will be evaluated to explain how they uphold the concept of HR
Professionalism. Examples from the knowledge and activities in band 2 will be used
in support.
The four concentric circles of HR Professionalism will also ... Show more content on
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The HR Profession map outlines that HR professionals need to apply sound people
management practices to build high performing teams (2.4.2 HRPM) This required
activity is key to upholding HR Professionalism within any organisation as high
performing teams are critical for productivity, performance and achieving results.
Note the word build , it is unlikely that you will have high performing teams across
any organisation at all times as they are complex and hard to sustain. A HR
professional will keep reviewing progress within the team and always consider what
they could do differently to maintain and improve standards and expectations.
People Management systems such as performance appraisals, quality circles, cascade
briefings, 360 degree feedback, and internal communications will help you get the
best from your employees. (www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk)
Therefore it is vital HR professionals know methods for managing and evaluating
team performance. (2.21.2 HRPM) Again harking back to the continuous professional
development of the organisation, employees and HR professionals themselves.
A behaviour defined in the HR Profession Map that a HR Professional needs to
carry out their role is to be curious. The CIPD define this as future focused,
inquisitive and open minded; seeks out evolving and innovative ways to add value to
A Clean Well-Lighted Place By Ernest Hemmingway
A Clean Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemmingway brings to light how youth makes
us ignorant of the true value of time. Written almost 100 years ago, there is still much
relevance in how young adults view their time as superior to others and how they are
more concerned about convenience for themselves than others around them,
preferring to get as much done in as little timepossible, even at the sake of the
feelings of others.
What is an hour? More to me than to him. (Hemmingway 155). The convenience
for one s self is put above that of others in many young adults. It is stated earlier in
A Clean Well Lighted Place that the old man prefers to come out enjoying the
quiet, possibly because he does not feel as though he is missing out on the world
that he can t hear around him. However, the young waiter would rather be sleeping.
What is more convenient and enjoyable for the old man is an inconvenience and a
nuisance to the young waiter, who is being compensated for his time. The young
waiter goes so far as to force the old man ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I wouldn t want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing. (Hemmingway 154).
This younger waiter believes that once a certain point in life is achieved it is not
worth staying alive, even though there may be many more years left in life. In his
ignorance he goes as far as telling the old man he should have killed himself.
Though it is not stated directly in the story, the overall tone gives the impression
that the waiter believes if the old man had succeeded in killing himself the week
prior, the waiter could be going home at a decent time that night. He lacks empathy
for the pain the old man must have been experiencing the week before when he
attempted suicide. Instead of giving some of his time to talk to the old man about
the suicide attempt or allow him a safe place to be at night, he cuts him off and
forces him to leave. Simply because the waiter does not care for the elderly or their
Essay on The Seven Deadly Sins in One Hundred Years of...
When reading forum after forum, you can t help but give in to the fact that biblical
allusions do, in fact, exists in Gabriel Garcia Marquez s One Hundred Years of
Solitude. According to Diane Andrews Henningfeld, an associate professor at Adrian
College who has studied this novel and its ties to history and myths, some of the
biblical allusions include the Garden of Eden, the story of Noah s Ark, and certain
characters being portrayed as archetypes. As I was going through different biblical
aspects, one very interesting thought occurred to me. Why would an author include
seven different generations of characters in a book? Representation. I believe that
Marquez used certain characters in One Hundred Years of Solitude to represent the...
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The character that I believe represents this is Arcadio of the third generation. He
originally was an educator at a recently built school, a man who was sought to
bring along a caring nature On frequent trips to the capital of the province he
succeeded in getting the government to build a school so that Arcadio, who had
inherited the educational enthusiasm of his grandfather, could take charge of it
(p40). Though following the absence of Colonel Aureliano Buendia, he was
assigned leader of Macondo. With this new position that offered access to immense
amounts of power and authority, Arcadio became corrupted. He was driven by this
supremacy to turn his student population into a small force army and eventually
becomes a brutal dictator of Macondo. The consequence he faced due to his greed
for order was being killed by the Conservatives when they decide to retake their
village. Envy is the feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another s
advantages, success, possessions, etc. The person who displayed envy the best is
Amaranta, the third child of the patriarchs of the Buendia family, Ursula Iguaran and
Jose Arcadio Buendia. Jealousy flowed throughout her veins the moment Pietro
Crespi agreed to marry her adopted sister. Amaranta pretended to accept
Color Bar Research Paper
Why is the color bar so important in the salon? One of the many reasons why it s so
important is because color is a hair treatment that continually brings people into the
salon. you ll will see a guest two more times a year than someone that comes into get
just a haircut. The color bar helps make loyal costumers daily. Every costumer that
comes in to get their haircolored have to make appointments after their first hair color
to make sure they keep the color refreshed and get root touchups. Hair color is one
of the more expensive treatments that people get done with their hair . Color sales
are in the billions. Having a good color system and good stylists that are good at
color not only make more money for the stylist but also brings in

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Essays On Dogs

  • 1. Essays On Dogs Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essays on Dogs" might seem deceptively simple at first glance, given the seemingly endless array of topics one could cover. However, delving into the intricacies of this theme can quickly reveal the complexities that lie beneath the surface. Firstly, the challenge arises from the vastness of the topic itself. "Dogs" encompass a myriad of breeds, each with its unique characteristics, histories, and roles in human society. Attempting to encapsulate the essence of dogs in a single essay requires a careful selection of focal points to avoid becoming overwhelmed by the sheer breadth of the subject matter. Moreover, striking the right balance between providing factual information and infusing the essay with a personal touch is crucial. It's not merely about presenting a catalogue of canine facts but also about connecting with the reader on an emotional level, perhaps by sharing personal anecdotes, experiences, or reflections on the profound relationships humans share with their furry companions. Another challenge stems from avoiding clichГ©s or overly simplistic portrayals of dogs. It's easy to fall into the trap of employing generic statements about loyalty, playfulness, and unconditional love. To stand out, the essay must offer a fresh perspective, perhaps by exploring less-discussed aspects of canine behavior, the impact of dogs on mental health, or the evolving roles they play in contemporary society. Additionally, research becomes a critical component. While personal experiences and observations provide valuable insights, a well-rounded essay necessitates delving into scientific studies, historical accounts, and cultural perspectives to enrich the narrative and lend it a more comprehensive perspective. In conclusion, writing an essay on the expansive topic of "Essays on Dogs" demands a delicate balance between breadth and depth, personal and objective perspectives, and originality and convention. It's an intricate task that requires meticulous planning, thorough research, and a nuanced approach to truly capture the multifaceted nature of humanity's relationship with our canine companions. And remember, if the task seems too daunting or time-consuming, professional assistance is always available. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where experienced writers can help you navigate the complexities of your chosen topic with expertise and finesse. Essays On Dogs Essays On Dogs
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  • 4. Is Natural Law the Best Approach to Abortion Essay Is Natural Law the best approach to abortion Natural Law says that abortion is wrong because life is a valuable gift from God and therefore only he can take it away. A believer of the natural law would say that the unborn foetus should have the same status as a born human being because life starts at the moment of conception which means that no matter how long the foetus has been growing, abortion is murder. This point ties in with the right to life and other religious approaches. Under Natural Law, abortion is the stealing of innocent life going against one of the Primary precepts. Abortion undermines the Primary precept which encourages society to reproduce and grown. All these objections come down to one point. Man s ultimate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This approach is strong as it s flexible; each situation can be measured using the Hedonic Calculus. The mother can reach a decision by herself, she becomes independent. But it also takes into account the fathers feelings, other family members etc it looks at the family situation a baby would be born into. However, you also don t know what the outcome of a situation will be. E.g. A woman may choose to have an abortion because she has too many children and knows it would affect them. After having an abortion she may become depressed and will be in no better state to look after them. Kant was a deontological thinker and according to his theory of the Categorical Imperative, one must find a maxim in respect to abortion which they could universalize in order to discover what to do when faced with unwanted pregnancy. He doesn t tackle this problem but he could have argued that abortion is immoral in all circumstances as he strongly believed that human life was of infinite value and that it should be protected. Furthermore, he also believed that one of the universal laws was do not murder. Having an abortion would break this universal law and end a valuable life. However, he might also have argued that all people should have the right to determine what happens to their own body. In this case, a universal maxim might permit abortion on the
  • 5. How Is Alex Ferguson My Autobiography Alex Ferguson My Autobiography talks about the hardships Alex Ferguson had to face starting from his childhood all the way to the end of his days as a manager. By conducting an assessment of the book from a psychologist s perspective one realizes how strong willed Ferguson is and how he has surmounted one challenge after another in order to get to the position he is in today. Alex Fergusonwas born in Glasgow, Scotland to parents of Scottish decent. As a boy Alex love playing football and went on to play the role of striker for local club Queen s Park while simultaneously running a bar. He made his name as a manager when he guided Scottish side Aberdeen FC to European glory. It was then that he got the call to manage Manchester United FC and accepted the job in 1986. He also is married to a loving wife named Cathy and has three sons named Darren, Jason and Mark. This book explains about not only Sir... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He explains that managers or coaches should learn to criticize, but balance out the criticism with encouragement. The above are methods employed by managers even today, now we will look at some of the methods that were employed specifically by Sir Alex. Every year, when a season was half way through, Sir Alex would convince the media that Manchester United would do better in the second half of the season. These words not only convinced the media but also convinced the players at the club. It gave a huge boost in form to the squad an even at times made the opposition play worse. Perhaps the most famous of all his mind games was his Watch tapping technique. He used this technique towards the end of every match Manchester United played. He believed that it put the feeling of fear in the opposing team and hence there would be a loss in form. It also improved the overall playing style of his squad. This technique worked more often than
  • 6. Negative Influence Of Rap Music Turn that off! I don t like the language in that song! Music containing explicit lyrics is becoming the new normal for teens these days. Genres of music such as rap and hip hop have received negative criticism about their music due to its lyrics talking about drugs, sex, violence and alcohol. Along with that, hatred towards women, gays, lesbians, and minorities have also been exposed in various songs. Little do these artists know that their music is affecting the youth in destructive ways. Teens look at artists and idolize them for their great work. Along with the explicit music, comes the explicit music videos. Many music videos in the rap and hip hop world contain graphic images of half naked women, drugs, and alcohol. The reason as to why these things are put in artists videos is because it attracts people to watch it and the views on their videos go up. Parents have been fighting with the music industry because they feel as if there should be more of a regulation ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As of October 23rd, 2006, the Parental Advisory Program went into effect. According to the Recording Industry Assassination of America (RIAA), The Parental Advisory is a notice to consumers that recordings identified by this logo may contain language or depictions of violence, sex, or substance abuse. Parental discretion is advised. (RIAA, Parental Advisory) This label is a warning sign to parents to let them know that there will be explicit language and profanity within this certain track or song. Some people argue that the explicit lyrics label actually boosts the sales by drawing attention to the labeled album. (123Helpme) Parents should discuss with their children that the things said and done in music videos are not appropriate and are not right. Also, a way a parent can stop their child from listening to this vulgar music is by monitoring what their child purchases or downloads from the
  • 7. Sexual Revolution, By Beth Bailey Kirsten Kershbaumer 2321 001 Bailey, Beth. Sex in the Heartland. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England: Harvard University Press, 1999. In the book Sex in the Heartland, the author Beth Bailey provides the reader with a distinct, detailed, and informative read of the impact in which the sexual revolution had on American culture during the 1960 s.This revolution took place in the town of Lawrence, Kansas, which Bailey refers to as the heartland of America. As Bailey states in her introduction, Kansas is the quintessential heartland state (4). The overall themes Bailey introduces are the dynamics of social change, as well as sexual change. Bailey argues throughout the course of the book that there was in fact, a sexual revolution. Reflecting of this change, Bailey writes, What were long term events resulted in gradual trends (2). These events are what make up the sex revolution discussed throughout Bailey s book. The purpose of Sex in the Heartland is to assess the ongoing change in cultural normalcies, and the impact the sexual revolution had on university towns such as Lawrence. Bailey encourages readers to gain a deeper understanding of what the revolution was in the eyes of the 1960 s American society. Throughout the book, Bailey argues that in cities around the country in the 1960 s, the ordinary person battled the constant struggle of both private and public sexual behaviors, which came to follow post WWII in America. Throughout the text, Bailey
  • 8. Limpus V. London General Omnibus Co Introduction A contract of employment imposes on employers a Donoghue v Stevenson duty to take reasonable care to secure the safety of their employees or anyone connected to their undertakings and prevent them from suffering physical or psychiatric harm, loss and injury. Their vicarious liability arises, where the employer has no direct responsibility but it can be established, the employee acted within the course of employment when committing a delict. However, in certain situations it is rather difficult to determine. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide better understanding by critically analysing case law concerning the interpretations that courts given to the criteria of acting within the course of employment when establishing vicarious liability of employers. Vicarious Liability and the Course of Employment Before analysing the foresaid... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Limpus v London General Omnibus Co a driver of the defendant company deliberately crashed into the pursuer s omnibus claiming he acted in the best interest of his employers regardless he has been given the specific instructions of not to interfere with any other omnibuses. The judges concluded, the driver s conduct fell within the course of his employment as although wrongfully and contrary to prohibitions, but he believed to be acting for the sole benefit of his employers. In Rose v Plenty the judges applied this decision where a 13 year old boy was injured while assisting a milk roundsman in performing his duties who employed his help contrary to the prohibition to hire children as helpers. The employer were nevertheless vicariously liable for the negligence of the milkman. The fact that he ignored the prohibition did not take his conduct outside the course of his employment as he did not act for his own purposes but to serve the sole interest of the employer s
  • 9. Parents Keep Child s Gender Secret By Jayme Poisson In Parents Keep Child s Gender Secret, Jayme Poisson describes how one family choses to raise their child genderless. They are also keeping the child s sex a secret, although it is not clear if they are trying to allow the child to define its sex. Gender and sex are two different distinctions that are often mistakenly seen as the same thing. Society places genderexpectations based on sex, so it s easy to see why they are looked at as the same thing. It s important to remember that gender represents a choice, while sex is determined before you are born. The option of choosing is important when considering the ethics of raising a child. It s why I believe that it is ethical to allow a child to define their gender and unethical to allow a child to define their sex. There are three common arguments against allowing a child to define their gender. The first common argument is that the child will bullied and may not be mature enough to handle it. Unfortunately, children can be bullied for a number of reasons regardless of their gender. Parents do not allow bullying to affect other decisions and they should not allow bullying to interfere with who their child wants to be either. It is he one doing the bullying that has a problem, not their child. The second common argument against allowing a child to define their gender is that friends and family will disapprove. However, there is always someone who will disapprove of any decision you make. Voting, eating meat, sexual
  • 10. My Organization s Programs Promote And Impact The Healthy... Professional Development Grant Please state your organization s mission and describe how your organization s programs directly promote and impact the healthy development of children and youth. Include the number of Indiana youth served and briefly discuss program outcomes. The mission of Kankakee Valley High Schoolis to provide a rigorous academic training that is relevant and transferrable to students future learning and success. As a teacher, I am responsible for the development of students academically as well as socially. I prepare them to be productive citizens while in high school and after graduation. If they are planning to attend any postsecondary training, it is my duty to make sure they are adequately prepared. As an advisor of the Council of Student Leaders, it is my purpose to put my students on the path to being great leaders. In order to achieve this, I provide them with activities that promote the healthy development of their social skills, making healthy connections and relationships with others, breaking down barriers, eliminating stereotypes, empowering their fellow students, and inclusion for everyone in our school. In our school, we have roughly 1,100 students in grades 9 12. However, my students have contact with other student leaders from all over the state of Indiana through various state leadership conventions and workshops. What I am able to impart on them will trickle down throughout the rest of the state as more of my students have
  • 11. The Association Between Quebeckers And How Much The... This paper will explore the association between Quebeckers and how much the average Quebecker really likes Canada on a scale from really dislike (0) to really like (100). This association is relevant because the history of division between Quebec and the rest of Canada has resulted in many referendums and resentment that thrives today as much as it did in the past. The results may not be shocking, but the empirical data analysis shows that the average Quebecker does not really like Canada when the threshold for really like is set at 80 or more out of 100. The rest of this paper will thoroughly look at the steps that it took to reach this conclusion including a descriptive summary of the methodological considerations, a detailed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The former variables is ranked from 0 100 where 0 is really dislike and 100 is really like, while the latter is simply a nominal variable used for filtering cases. This means that the province variable was used to narrow the data into Quebec only results to allow the comparison between the two. They were specifically chosen because they best fit the direction of the research where I wanted to explore the relationship between overall feelings towards Canada in a particular province: Quebec. Neither variable was recoded because it showed to be unnecessary, in the case of provinces, and illogical for the PES11_11, a scale variable (highest level of measurement). Since this is a scale variable, I was able to calculate all the measures of central tendency (measures that tell us the most typical values) and dispersion (how typical these typical central values are). These statistics are relevant to calculate because they allow for more meaningful calculations that allow us to draw more specific and accurate conclusions about claims such as the standard error, confidence intervals, z scores and statistical significance. The bar chart in Figure 1 shows the frequency that each Quebecker chose their feelings about Canada. It shows that a majority of respondents falls at 50 or above with the most frequent value is 100. Table 1 shows a collection of all statistics calculated to test the
  • 12. Herb Kelleher Essay Herb Kelleher: An Inspiring Leader In 2007, Herbert Herb David Kelleher, co founder and former CEO of Southwest Airlines was ranked #5 on USA Today s 25 Most Influential Business Leaders in large part for his personality, work ethic, management strategy and genuine concern for his employees. Throughout this paper you will read about Kelleher from a young child developing a work ethic to a man who came up with a new business plan most people would of thought of as impossible. Herbert Kelleher s Childhood and Career Born on March 12, 1931 in Camden, New Jersey, Herbert Herb David Kelleher (Kelleher) was a part of a close family and the youngest child of four to his parents Harry and Ruth Kelleher. Kelleher s father was the General Manager ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With his brothers and sister going their separate ways and his father passing away, Kelleher became very close with his mother. The biggest influence in developing Kelleher s work ethic is attributed to his mother, Ruth Kelleher. Sitting at the dining room table, the two of them would have conversations all night long discussing business, politics, and ethics (Belden, 2003). Ruth Kelleher made sure to drive the importance of treating people with respect. She also made sure to drive the importance of judging on merit rather than appearance (Belden, 2003). Herb Kelleher told Fortune Magazine that his mother could not have been more correct in what she taught him. He told Fortune on May 28, 2001: There was this very dignified gentleman in our neighborhood, the president of a local savings and loan, who used to stroll along in a very regal way up until he was indicted and convicted of embezzlement. My mother said that positions and titles signify absolutely nothing. They re just endorsements; they don t represent the substance of anybody (Benten, 2003). Herb Kelleher used the advice he received from his mother in his everyday life including life at Haddon Heights High
  • 13. The Problems Of Philosophy By Bertrand Russell, Ayn Rand,... While the use and understanding of philosophy goes widely unknown by a majority of the population today, a selective few have recognized its potential and utilized it to its fullest. In the following essay, three prominent philosophers; Bertrand Russell, Ayn Rand, and Christopher Hitchens. Each gives their insight to three important topics; the value of philosophy, using philosophy and its value, and the importance of freedom of speech. All of whom will be discussed, and agreement or disagreement will also be concluded and supported. Bertrand Russell s essay The Problems of Philosophy , is in most ways an argument for the continuation of the practice of philosophy. To summarize Russell s argument, it is a vindication of the practice of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While it is clear that Bertrand Russell wished for the continuation of the practice of philosophy, he acknowledges most people have no idea what philosophy is, outside of the idea of a group of people thinking about life. With this writing while giving some of the products that have come from philosophy, he also warns that not all answers can be gained from the philosophy. While definite answers can be gained through the sciences, philosophic study only raises more uncertainty. Bertrand Russell supports his arguments with insight that comes from teaching, practicing, and seeing the effects of philosophy both within himself and the people around him. While studying philosophy Russell will only intensify the uncertainty about the world around us and the inner workings of our mind. Likewise in support of Russell s argument, the study of sciences that is aforementioned such as; Phycology, Astronomy, and Physics which were originally pondered by philosophers has moved from philosophical theory to scientific study. Likewise with the pursuit and study of philosophy, the likelihood of the student holding on to the dogmatism, and predigests that is set forth by society and past experiences. Along with this the aforementioned Practical Man Russell supports his argument with a description, The practical man who recognizes only material needs, who realizes men must have food for the body, but is
  • 14. Personal Journey Of Equality In Ayn Rand s Anthem Anthem by Ayn Rand is a narrative about a young man, named Equality 7 2521, who lives in a collectivist society. This book is about the personal journey of Equality 7 2521 in a future version of our society. In this novel, the reader reads about an environment in which everyone is considered as one, meaning that no one is meant to be an individual. Each person in this society is assigned a certain job to benefit their brothers and is expected to follow a certain order throughout their lifetime. Helping their fellow members is also an important rule to their society because it promotes the concept of selflessness. Anthem by Ayn Randportrays three different themes that the reader acknowledges; selflessness, order, and equality. When one is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Individuality is not tolerated by the society because it represents inequality, which the society does not wish to be associated with. We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. (Rand 21). Throughout the novel, the reader starts to realize how their society is kept equal through most of the dialogue and feelings towards the other men. Another example of equality shown in the novel is that all of the people in the society are expected to follow the rules and have a part in the same activities as one another. We are one in all and all in one... only the great WE... (Rand 19). Here the reader starts to understand that their nation accepts the purpose of their society which is to exhibit equality by treating everyone equal to the other members. ... there is no transgression blacker than to do or think alone. (Rand 17). Readers evaluate how the members of the society treat each other equal by acknowledging the transgression of individuality. Their society believes that individualism is dangerous to their community which results with everything in their life being based on plurals. For example, everyone in their society is meant to address themselves with the pronoun we instead of I because the pronoun I represent individuality. Everyone in this society is meant to be treated as equals and they are currently keeping that rule in
  • 15. Gertrude Betrayal In Hamlet Essay Betrayal is an unforgivable act against one s family that leaves destruction in its wake. In Denmark, the queen, Gertrude, and her son, Hamlet, experience the sting of betrayal. Gertrude betrays her son through her many pernicious actions and decisions for the duration of the play. The queen deludes Hamletwhen she concedes to the pressure of those around her and grants them permission to spy on her son, thus damaging his trust in her. In Hamlet, the role of Gertrude, the queen, symbolizes the antagonistic purpose of a cunning villain s betrayal to the protagonist in the play, her son, Hamlet. Although Hamlet was the ultimate perpetrator in Polonius death, Gertrude did inadvertently cause his death by allowing the old man spy on Hamlet. In the play, Hamlet begins to act mad, and though he merely meant to pretend, his actions become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When Hamlet discovers that she, along with many of the characters in the film, are spying on him, Hamlet is deeply offended. Although Gertrude is hesitant and argues against spying on her son she periodically complies throughout the play to spy on him, and each and every time Hamlet discovers their surveillance of him and reprimands them. When Guildenstern and Rosencrantz admit that the king and queen sent them to spy on Hamlet by the king and queen after Hamlet repeatedly demands that the two, ...be even and direct with me whether / you were sent for or no (2.2.303 304). The pair confess their intentions and it angers Hamlet that his mother is repeatedly sending people to watch him, no matter what her intentions may be. In one scene, Gertrude allows Polonius to conceal himself behind the curtain in order to listen to the conversation between her and Hamlet following the play that rattles King Claudius. Gertrude s betrayal to Hamlet is her constant spying and distrust she places in his mental stability repeatedly throughout the
  • 16. Driving Down The Road Imagine you are driving down the highway on a warm summer day. It s nice outside, your window is rolled down, the wind is blowing in your hair, and your sibling is in the passenger seat. In mid thought, you slam on your brakes and swerve to miss a deer. Your car goes down the hill and hits a tree. No one is around. You check on your brother, he looks unconscious. You are okay, but have a few minor scrapes and bruises. You dial 911, hoping that maybe they could understand what you were saying. You leave your phone on in case they can track your location. When you start walking up the hill, a car pulls off to the side of the road. The person jumps out of the car and runs up to you, appearing very concerned. When you try signing to the girl, she does not understand what you are saying to her. This could very well be a situation that happens in real life. If the person who would have found you and your sibling would have known American Sign Language, they might have been able to help you out in a crisis like this. In society today, we have to be able to communicate with people about anything and everything we do (Kivett). Learning American Sign Language, or ASL, will help every individual that learns it. In order to determine why there is a problem with very few signers, we have to investigate why people don t want to learn the language, what problems that creates, and what we can do to create solutions to help everyone as a whole. Many people in the United States do not know
  • 17. Anderson s No-Blinking For the light a scene assignment it was decided to recreate the lighting from a scene in Paul Thomas Anderson s: The Master . The infamous No Blinking scene focuses on the processing of Freddy Quell (Joaquin Phoenix) by The Master (Phillip Seymour Hoffman). It mimics the style of an interegation with its minimal lighting, which may appear as simple yet extremely effective in creating a ominous atmosphere throughout the scene. The No Blinking scene is extremely similar to an interrogation and this is refelcted in the lighting (See Fig 1).To create this feeling the scene relies upon lighting empahises on the face contrasted with the heavy shadows in the background (See Fig 2 3). Overall, with this lighting this focus is placed upon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The allure of the scene was that the lighting in the scene placed strong emphasis on the face yet it was so heavily contrasted against the background of the scene. However, recreating the lighing did prove to be more challanging than expected. A single LED light was placed to the subjects side but it was noticed that only one side of the fact was lit, while the other side was in complete shadows. Compared to the refrence scene it was noticed that while the actor did have one side that was in shade, there is a slight hitting the side of the nose and cheenk. While a fill light was considered, it was ultimately decided to use a bouncer to relect the existing LED light to the side of the face. As the results from the use of a bouncer created a visually striking light on the subject, it was also deciced to incoporate the use of a second bouncer (See Fig 5 8). With this one, the LED light was faced the opposite direction to the subject onto a bouncer, which relfected the light back onto the subject (See Fig 9). Ulimately, with the use of a single LED light and two bouncers, the No Blinking scene from Paul Thomas Andersons The Master was able to be successfully recreated (See Fig
  • 18. Chapter 9-Review Questions Erin Allbritton BIO103 4/5/17 Professor Van Brekulen Chapter 9 Review Questions 1.What is urbanization? Which countries are the most urbanized? The least urbanized? What is the urbanization trend today in largely rural nations? Urbanization is a process in which people increasingly move from rural areas to densely populated cities. 2.What is an urban agglomeration? Give an example. An urban agglomeration is a urbanized core region that consists of several adjacent cities or megacities and their surrounding developed suburbs. Las Vegas, Nevada is an example of an urban agglomeration. 3.What are some of the problems brought on by rapid urbanization? 4.How can a city system be analyzed from an ecosystem
  • 19. Holden Caulfield Loss Of Innocence Analysis The author J.D. Salinger was able to represent the theme: the loss of childhood innocence, by describing the internal as well as the external characteristics of the main protagonist Holden Caulfield. Holden is portrayed as innocent due to his lousy vocabulary and also his childish mannerisms. His constant use of the term boy is ironic when Holden himself is a boy at heart. While internally Holden Caulfieldmay appear to be naive; this representation contrasts with his external appearance. Holden is struggling internally to be himself and is clinging on to his innocence, at a time where his body is continuing to become more mature and transitioning out of adolescence. The reader is able to note his struggle because of Holden Caulfield s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this excerpt Salinger was able to highlight the loss of innocence as Holden Caulfield struggled with the realization that his roommate Stradlater may have taken away the innocence of his long term childhood friend, Jean Gallagher. Holden is in a mindset believing that he can remain innocent indefinitely as well as allow his childhood friends, if they continue to be behave similarly to children. He is unwilling to accept the fact that he must one day reach adulthood which contradicts from Stradlater s ideology. Stradlater is more than willing to advance into adulthood and uses women as tools to gain experience; in hopes of reaching it sooner. This is supported by Holden s comments to Stradlater I told him he thought he could give the time to anybody he felt like. I told him he didn t even care if a girl kept all her kings in the back row or not, (....) You don t even know if her first name is Jane or Jean, ya goddam moron! , showing that Stradlater valued a woman s body rather than her name or ethics and values. Holden believed that Jean was a girl that kept all her kings in the back row meaning that she preferred the security of playing safe. Thus, Holden is shocked and even nervous by the possibilities that could have occurred within Ed Banky s car making him hostile to Stradlater. He is unwilling to comprehend that Jane Gallagher, the girl who always played it safe, may have transitioned into
  • 20. Mcdonald s Production and Operations Management Mcdonald s Use of Teams in Production and Operations Management Introduction Strategies are important for all businesses, regardless of the products or services that they offer. Through strategic management and operations, companies are able to integrate new and effective means of running their respective businesses. In turn, these strategies results in an increased profit of sales, stable market position and greater levels of customer loyalty. In the fast food industry, businesses such as McDonald s must establish certain business and marketing strategies. Primarily, the main goal of McDonald s, just like any other organization is to sustain their competitive advantage in the global market. Overview of the Company ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite some issues being raised against the company and the changing of marketing strategies, McDonald s has remained in the status of being one the most successful big companies during this recession. On May 9, 2012, the fast food giant posted February sales results that most chains would envy (Adamy, 2009). Even in this tough economy, McDonald s was able to maintain profitability with it cheap dollar menu. Part of its business strategy is its plan to phase out certain items to try to create a healthier image for itself. The company is also planning other menu changes such as switching the size of some of its menu items. All of these changes in the menu are part of its strategy to provide a range of choices that supports a balanced lifestyle. McDonald s also has a diverse market to include not only fast food but also children s wear. The McKid s products include footwear, videos, toys and casual clothes. Strategies in other areas of the organization were also made, such as the three wheeled vehicle that is used to collect discarded cups and burger wrapping in the neighborhoods around some of the restaurant locations. McDonald s developed three core strategies for sustaining the competitive advantage. These are customer convenience, customer value, and optimal operations. Together with new innovative digital strategies, McDonald s creates new and bold ideas for the company. Currently the major focus areas are nutrition
  • 21. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Plastics Normally polymers do not conduct electricity. It is the same insulating property made them attractive in many industrial applications. The vast development in the electrical field would not have been possible in the absences of plastic. One can not imagine of electrical cables without polymer insulations. Even the fitting devices like switches, holders, pin, double pole (DP) boxes etc. are all made from plastic. In these entire applications polymer played important but supportive role and the main work of electrical conduction was done by metals. However attempts were made to impart electrical conductivity to polymer films and fibers by several different methods, with the aim of developing flexible conductive materials. In this regard conducting plastics have been prepared by mixing metallic powders with non conducting plastics for a long time [6, 7]. Graphite powders mixed with natural as well as artificial rubber gave conductive rubber. Similarly conducting polyvinylchlorides were prepared by adding finely powdered copper and aluminum [8]. It is also possible to prepare conductive paints or resins of these plastic by mixing it with platinum, gold, silver or graphite. Such paints can be used for electrical measurements and also for antistatic coating, electromagnetic shielding etc. Advantages of making such conductive plastic ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The further researches in this area lead to the invention of conductive polymers like polyaniline, polypyrrole, polythiophene etc. All this research work has provided the fundamental understanding of the chemistry, physics and material science and the industrial development of conducting polymer products. The impact of the field on science in general was recognized in 2000 by the awarding of the Noble Prize for Chemistry to the three discoverers of conducting polymers: Alan MacDiarmid, Alan Heeger and Hideki
  • 22. Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films Essay Colonialism in Jackie Chan Films For over 20 years Jackie Chan has been the biggest action star in most of the world. First becoming popular in his native Hong Kong in the early 80s, his popularity slowly spread across the globe, and finally hit the U.S. with the 1996 release of Rumble In The Bronx (1994.) Since then Chan has made three highly successful films with American studois and several more with the Hong Kong studio Golden Harvest. He is easily one of the most recognizable Asian movie stars or all time. Jackie Chan s movies are famous for their over the top stunts and hilarious but amazing fightscenes, so much so that the actual plotsof the films are sometimes forgotten. However, if one lookspast the all the fights and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jackie Chan, as the real life Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hung, stops the British along with their Chinese cohorts from stealing the artifacts, saving the country s heritage for generations to come. Despite the fact that Wong Fei Hung is a real person, this sequence of events never happened. It is no coincidence, however, that the person responsible for stopping the devious British colonials in the film, as well as many other films that do not feature Jackie Chan, is Fei Hung. Wong Fei Hung is China s greatest hero, so much so that he is China, and to a lesser extent he is Hong Kong, representing many of Hong Kong s basic beliefs, such as Confucian virtue and Cantonese tradition (Fore 124.) Hong Kong cinema has had a longstanding affair with Wong Fei Hung, with over 100 films about him having been made in the past 50 years (Logan 10.) He represents many Chinese ideals, so his small victory over the British colonials can easily be read as a Chinese victory over the British. Because of Britain s occupation of Hong Kong at the time, it is easy to see why Hong Kong citizens would like to see the British be defeated by someone who holds Chinese beliefs so sacred, and by someone who is held so sacred in Hong Kong. If Wong Fei Hung represents the best of China, the villains in the film
  • 23. The Effect Of Neural Reflexes On The Gastrointestinal... ows neural reflexes to occur solely in the gastrointestinal tract, independent of the brain and spinal cord (Widmaier et al. 2014). Within the tubular gastrointestinal tract, the ENS is formed by various interconnected networks, called plexuses, of enteric neurons, glial cells, and axons (Widmaier et al. 2014). The majority of these nerve cells are found within two different arrangements of ganglia (Fig. 1): the myenteric (Auerbach s) plexus and the submucosal (Meissner s) plexus (Furness 2006; Guyton and Hall 2006). The nerve cells axons either synapse with additional neurons in the plexus or innervate the smooth muscle of digestive organs (Furness 2006). Neural activity in one plexus can affect activity in the other since some axons in one plexus synapse with neurons in the other (Fig. 1) (Widmaier et al. 2014). Extrinsic nerve fibers from the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems can also synapse with neurons in each of the two plexuses (Fig. 1) (Guyton and Hall 2006). Though the ENS can function without these nerve pathways, the subsystems of the ANS can influence gastrointestinal activity (Guyton and Hall 2006; Widmaier et al. 2014). An example would include either inhibiting or enhancing the GI tract s motility and secretory activity through the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers (Widmaier et al. 2014). The myenteric and submucosal plexuses each have different physiological functions. The myenteric plexus spans the length of the intestinal wall and consists of
  • 24. The Day That Changed My Life Forever The Day That Changed My Life Forever It was a bone chilling January night; my mom received a call at about 11:15 PM, a call that changed my life forever. My Aunt June was on the other line. She was crying so hard my mother could barely understand her. Through the sobbing my mom finally understood that Brian, my cousin, had been in a horrible accident and she didn t know how bad it was. My mother jumped out of the bed after she hung up the phone. She screamed up the stairs at my sister and me; it was a nerve shrilling scream. I could hear fear in her voice. My mom was always yelling at us growing up if we forgot to do something. She would even get us out of bed to finish something that wasn t done completely. This particular... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The phone rang again. Hoping for good news, yet again I was disappointed. It was my mom; she said she was following our pastor to my grandmother s house. She said, We are going to tell Grandma he s gone . I knew this would be one of the hardest things to do; it was her birthday after all. The three of us jumped in the car. We drove up to Grandma s house. I remember Tosha running into the house and falling into her arms. Everyone tried to pull themselves together, but how could this be? This had never happened to us before. The wheel was broken. I do not clearly remember the next few days leading up to the funeral. I know no one was sleeping and emotions were running high. On the day of the funeral, we all were allowed to see him for the first time since the accident. We were instructed to look, but do not touch him no matter what. The accident mangled him so badly on the inside that just one touch and his body would cave in. As I looked upon him, just barely 23, I was in complete denial. I looked him over and over. It s not him , I said to myself. After the family left, they closed the casket; he would not be open for the public. At one o clock, January 16, 2001, his funeral began. I remember each part of the service. I remember every word that was spoken and every song that was sung. As the last song played, Dixie Chicks Wide Open Spaces , four people in black walked down the aisle toward the casket. The looks in their faces were
  • 25. Casino Game Roulette Roulette Roulette is a casino game where The House or also known as the Dealer, rolls marbles around a spinning circle that is slanted known as a roulette wheel. The wheel consists of 38 slots. The marble rolls and will then eventually land on one of 38 red or black slots, numbered from 0 to 36 with there being two zeros. The idea of the game is to guess where it s going to land. The lower the chance of you guessing right, the higher the possible payout can be. Everyone places their bets on where they think the marble could possibly land. The dealer then closes the table to betting and the marble is rolled. There area couple possibilities for winning. You can guess the exact number the marble will land on, you can split the bet to use select multiple possibilities of winning the round. which one of the three thirds it will land on, the bottom or the top portion of the the wheel, a black, or red number, and last the number could be even or odd. Every ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The probability that the marble will land on a black number between 19 and 36 is Вј. The payout of each of those is 2 to 1 because there is a ВЅ chance that you guess right. If you guess a single number, the probability of guessing right is 1/38, so the payout is 38 to 1. The choices that have a ВЅ chance of winning are low risk but also the lowest reward. Betting on a singular number can either lose you your money or you can leave with 38 times as much money. 1 in 38 is a 2% chance, so it would be very unlikely you guess right. Probability is everywhere. Probability is just about everything in the world. It s in the games that we played with our families as kids, and it in the games that we might play when we are older. Probability is something that is very important to how we make our decisions and ultimately make or break
  • 26. Life Experiences In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald F. Scott Fitzgerald is a well known author wrote multiple novels during the Jazz Age which reflected his life experiences. The Jazz Age was a period of time in America during the 1920 s where many Americans thought of new ideas and wore new styles. The Jazz Age began with World War 1 and ended with the Great Depression in 1929. (abebooks.com). Fitzgerald is best known for his novel The Great Gatsbywhich is about this time period. Many other novels written by Fitzgerald were also based on his own life experiences. F. Scott Fitzgeraldwas born on September 24, 1896 in St. Paul, Minnesota. His parents, Edward and Mary Fitzgerald, named him after Francis Scott Key. Francis was his second cousin who wrote the Star Spangled Banner. His mother Mary was from an Irish Catholic family and worked as a wholesale grocer. His father Edward worked many jobs but failed to succeed at a job. They moved many times between Minnesota and Upstate New York, finally moving back to St. Paul when he was 12. (bio.com).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Scott Fitzgerald attended St. Paul Academy where his first paper was published in the school newspaper. When he was 15, his parents sent him to a preparatory Catholic School in New Jersey called the Newman School. His parents wanted F. Scott Fitzgerald to get the best education possible hoping he would have a better a future than their own. At the Newman School, he met a priest named Father Sigourney Fay who inspired him. Fitzgerald was so inspired by the Father he decided to pursue his literary ambition and attend Princeton University. (catholiceduaction.org). While studying at Princeton University, Fitzgerald wrote many scripts for musicals and stories for the Nassau Literary Magazine. He later began to not care about his grades which put him on academic probation.
  • 27. The Critique Of The Three Sisters By Anton Chekhov One of Russia s best short story writers as well as dramatists, Anton Chekhov is the playwright of The Three Sisters, which was first produced in 1901 by the Moscow Art Theatre. Act 1: Act I takes place in Olga, Masha, Irina and Andrey s (the three sisters + their brother) (character) house (time and place) Olga the second oldest is a teacher, Masha is the middle sister, Irina is the youngest and Andrey is the oldest. The four siblings are now orphans. Tuzenbakh baron and lieutenant in the army, Chebutykin an army doctor and Soleni the captain accompany them. Irina misses working along side Tuzenbakh while Chebutykin objects. Irina: A man must work... for that is the meaning and object of his life, his happiness, his enthusiasm. (pg.3) Tuzenbakh: How well I understand that craving for work... Chebutykin I shan t work (pg.4) A little while later Masha decides to leave. Olga: You re not very bright to day, Masha... Where are you of to?... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... [Pause] I don t know. Of course, habit counts for a great deal. After father s death, for instance, it took us a long time to get used to the absence of orderlies...(19) Do you like emotional, dramatic and traumatic plays? The three sisters is a deep and moving play telling the story of three sisters and there new life after they left Moscow. The three characters all miss Moscow and want to go back, they are un happy with their life, but don t complain. This play takes place in Russia, you can tell because of there names and that the currency is in rubles( which is the name of a dollar in Russia). The names of the three sisters are Olga, Masha and Irina, they also have a brother named Andrey but he isn t very significant to the plot. The three sisters and brother have tension between them because the three girls aare often mean to
  • 28. Plato And Augustine Of Hippo Some of the most famous people of the ancient world were philosophers. These certain individuals became more well known than many war heroes and kings because of the ways in which they thought about, and perceived the world. Historians along with other people became fascinated with their ideas. This resulted in their ideas becoming the foundation for the ways in the world thinks today. Some of these people include Plato, and Augustine of Hippo. These men thought about the ways of the world unlike any others had before them. They were not satisfied with the knowledge that world gave them, and so they continued to ask questions and dig deeper until they were able to find an answer. These two men both lived in times where the people around them were very confused. This lead to both of them being very influential in their separate times. Plato s way of thinking came from his teacher, another great Greek philosopher, Socrates. Plato was born in 427 B.C. and was member of a very wealthy, upper class family in the Greek city state of Athens. He was given the opportunity to study under Socrates and became his disciple. Socrates taught Plato much of his knowledge and wisdom, which resulted in him also becoming a great philosopher. Socrates didn t do any of his own writings, so we can learn about him from what Plato writes about him. Plato was very similar to Socrates in the way that he thought but unlike Socrates, Plato was a teacher as well as a philosopher. He created the
  • 29. Hierarchy of Teepees A tipi (also tepee and teepee) is a Lakota name for a conical tent traditionally made of animal skins and wooden poles used by the nomadic tribes and sedentary tribal dwellers (when hunting) of the Great Plains. Tipis are stereotypically associated with Native Americans in general but Native Americans from places other than the Great Plainsmostly used different types of dwellings. The term wigwam (a domed structure) is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to a tipi. The tipi was durable, provided warmth and comfort in winter, was dry during heavy rains, and was cool in the heat of summer. Tipis could be disassembled and packed away quickly when a tribe decided to move and could be reconstructed quickly upon settling in a new area. This ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One end of this lashing rope is left dangling from the tie point, long enough to reach the base of the poles. These tripod poles are stood upright, with their unfastened ends spaced apart on the ground to form a triangle, each pole s base the skin s radius from its neighbors. A dozen more long poles are laid onto the three primary poles. Their upper ends rest on the lashing of the first three, and the lower ends are evenly spaced to form a circle on the ground which includes the original three poles. The lashing rope is then walked around the whole structure three times and pulled tight. This ties the placed poles to the tripod at the crown of the tipi. The canvas skin is tied to another pole, lifted up and the top of the pole is rested where all the poles meet. The skin is pulled around the pole framework. The overlap seam is closed with wooden lacing pins which are thin sticks about 10 inches long with one or both ends tapered. Sometimes a door is attached to one of the bottom lacing pins. In old tipis of hide or early cloth, the door was where the two sides came together in the front. A blanket, hide or cloth door was put over the opening to secure the entrance. The base of the skin is pegged to the ground. Traditionally pegs were placed in slits at the bottom of the cover. As canvas or cloth came into use loops were sewn into the bottom or, in an emergency smooth
  • 30. Examples Of Inventions During The European Industrial... Inventions during the European Industrial Revolution There are many inventions during the European Industrial Revolution that impacts society for Europeans. There are inventions that made other inventions better and also inventions that revolutionized inventions that we already possessed. A man named James Kay in 1733 invented one of the inventions called the Flying Shuttle. He built it, supposedly, with nothing more that a pocketknife and his tool. The flying shuttle improved on the old hand loom. A worker pulled a cord rope back and forth to send a small piece of canoe shaped wood, or shuttle, flying across a wood frame through threads to weave cloth. The flying shuttle was a small improvement and was still powered by man other than coal, wind, water. Nonetheless it began the crucial process by which unskilled workers could produce more cloth with machines that skilled workers could produce by hand. This invention in my opinion made a big impact to the European Industrial Revolution. I think just about all of these inventions are very good for society, and changed the world as we know it today. Starting in the 1760s, the spinning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Steam Engine was the energy behind the most advanced textile inventions, such as the spinning mule and the power loom. It symbolized the transition from human power in homes to machine power in factories. The steam engine was originally invented in England to pull water out of coal mines. For thousands of years, wood from local forests had been the main fuel in England, as well as the main material for shipbuilding and housing construction. By the end of the seventeenth century few forests remained. By the early seventeen hundreds, the easy to open coal pits were gone, and mine shafts as deep as two hundred feet were dug to find it. Finally, in 1708, Thomas Newcomen invented a simple engine that used steam to pump water out of
  • 31. Investigating My Personal Experience Through A Narrative... Introdution My research will be conducted through autoethnography, since it aims to investigate my personal experience while immersed in the land, and create a narrative generated through photographic texts. These images aim to present the encounter between photographer and the land. They reveal traces from both the land and the photographer, they mirror this moment when this both actors became united. It shows both the eye of the photographer and all his studium , while present also the eyes of the land, looking at me. The exposition of this personal experience extend our understand about creative practices and the land, this immersion, this methodology, this creative practice and reflection will also contribute for a more broad social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Practice led researcher in the field of Art Design usually requires practitioners to analyse their creative practice and to investigate the processes that are research components and the responsable elements that helps to flourish new knowledge. This brings ethnography to the spotlight, and Pace (2012, p.2) states that gaining momentum as a research method within the creative and performing arts, partly because of the opportunity it provides for writers, artists, performers and others to reflect critically upon their personal and professional creative experiences. Landspace and authoethnography This research seeks to discover a personal experience, a unique relationship between the researcher s self and land codified in an image, presented through an evocative authoethnographic photowriting narrative . It is concerned with an evocative form of the methodology because it focuses with the photographers experience in the land, and according to evocative autoethnography aims toward researchers introspection on a particular topic to allow readers to make a connection with the researchers feelings and experiences. It asks the potential of photographs to represent a bond between the photographer s self and the land with photographic texts that
  • 32. Why I Want To Be A Mechanical Engineer Essay Mechanical engineer Mechanical engineer is something great to look into because they make good money. There a good things about being a mechanical engineer because you go to school for two year at RCC. There a change that you can work it a shop with AC in there and heat for the winter. If you re great at mechanical engineer you can tell your people what they re doing wrong and right thing. Mechanical engineer works on cars, trucks, dirt bikes and four wheelers they can work on all them thing because they all got motors that what they learn about in school. Mechanical engineer got the avers house they work 5 day and 40 hours a week that good if you got a good paying job. Mechanical engineers get paid weekly and they make 20 dollars and up a hour they being home about 1000 or a little over. Mechanical engineer make about 78,741 a year if they went to school and got there high school diploma and went to college for two years. Mechanical engineer is great if you get a little side job making about 11 dollars hour you work weekend and week nights. Side job are good working at motorcycle shop and four wheeler shop you can have a part time or a full time too. Mechanical engineer working environment there are shop with AC and there shop with no AC just a big slow fan. There are people that work in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Computer will find the problem when you hook the wires to the motor. Designing is big for mechanical engineer because they can build a new product for the car and designing will help you make that. Mechanical engineers are going to school to learn the new thing about the car and were every thing at on the cars. Mechanical engineers are having a big problem with their time working all day then going to school at night it s hard for them to stay awake for a 3 hour
  • 33. What Is The Relationship Between Purple Kush And The... My experience with Purple Kush and the Suicide Squad Like most of the people I was looking forward to DC launching its own cinematic universe. I was really upset with the BVS s idiotic story, but never the less had high hopes for the next installment The Suicide Squad. Sadly, the movie didn t live up to my expectations, but there were some highlights. The Purple Lamborghini song and the Purple Kush I hit not long before visiting the movies. At least I laughed a lot at Jared Leto s inanely forced performance. Well, the marijuana strain was the highlight of the film. It certainly made the experience more memorable. At least I laughed a lot at Jared Leto s inanely forced performance. OMG, it clearly was Leto playing Leto playing the Joker.
  • 34. The Corporate Strategy Of Pepsico Corporate Strategy Corporate strategy can be characterized as the procedure of deciding an association s essential targets and developing strategies that will accomplish these goals . A Corporate strategy assumes a basic part in guaranteeing long haul development of the business. PepsiCo statement of purpose has been worded by CEO Indra Nooyi as Performance with Purpose and this standard is firmly incorporated within the corporate strategy decided for the organization. The PepsiCo approach in this matter consists of seven policies and/or strategies. Initially, worldwide business development technique through mergers and acquisitions. Mergers and acquisitions can offer the upsides of obtaining entrance to new skills, resources and framework, diminishing direct expenses and overheads and accomplishing natural development. As of late, PepsiCo has occupied with vital mergers and acquisitions, for example, procurement of juice and journal organizations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The company has the largest market share in the US beverage at 39%, and snack food market at 25%. Such brand dominance insures loyalty and repetitive sales which contributes to over $15 million in annual sales for the company Diversification PepsiCo s diversification is obvious in that the fact that each of its top 18 brands generates annual sales of over $1,000 million. PepsiCo s arsenal also includes ready to drink teas, juice drinks, bottled water, as well as breakfast cereals, cakes and cake mixes.This broad product base plus a multi channel distribution system serve to help insulate PepsiCo from shifting business climates. The company delivers its products directly from manufacturing plants and warehouses to customer warehouses and retail stores. This is part of a three pronged approach which also includes employees making direct store deliveries of snacks and beverages and the use of third party distribution
  • 35. Synopsis Of Kathy s Short Story Prologue Kathy is your normal everyday teenager who just happened to have a football captain boyfriend named Jason. She lives in Cape Cod, and keeps up to date with social media, Along with getting straight A s in school. Kathy has blond hair and green eyes with tanned skin. Kathy s mom died when she was 3 so Kathy knows nothing about her. But her dad, Dan and her sister Lacy are living normal lives where as on the inside Kathy is in chaos. Kathy has turned into a recluse as she has gotten older. Growing up without her mom has hurt Kathy emotionally. She stays in her room all day she talks to no one and she just gets on her phone and checks Instagram, Snapchat, and Vine. Her sister, Lacy always comes to check on her, but Kathy just pushes her away and says I m busy. But Lacy always makes sure she eats, sleeps, and stays healthy since Kathy s the only other girl in the house since their mom died. Lacy is also a teenager who just got her license and she is full of happiness and love. She plays for the school volleyball team and does community service in Cape Cod. She had brown hair and green eyes.She is the best sister anyone could ever ask for she helps out anyone and everyone. But she thinks something is wrong with Kathy, because ever since she could remember Kathy would always try to be alone and sometimes would even go so far as to lock her door. But their dad, Dan is no help he is hurting too, but doesn t show it, he understands there is nothing he can do now
  • 36. Symbolism In Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm Brother s Little... Everything is a Symbol He told me that he was going to kill all the girls with blue eyes and that when he died we d be together. (Willett), some people take being a fan too seriously. Looking just a little deeper in a seemingly simple story can often lead to a load of symbolism and deeper meaning. Symbolism which is defined as the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. (Dictionary.com). In the Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm brother s story Little Snow White is a young princess, when her step mother becomes jealous of her beauty; she tries to kill Snow White multiple times, but every time Snow White is saved by a group of dwarfs she befriends or a prince, who marries her and kills the queen. The story uses objects throughout the story to symbolize Snow Whites best traits; purity and goodness, while the queen had symbols that helped confirm her role as the evil person of the story, the symbolism in the story strongly supports the feelings of the times. Snow White is a walking testament to purity in the early 19th century. Snow is white and unsoiled, making it relatable to purity, Snow white s name has snow in it, also she is constantly described as white as snow (Grimm) showing her purity. After Snow White eats the apple, the dwarfs put her in a glass coffin. They said, We cannot bury her in the black earth, and they had a transparent glass coffin made, so she could be seen from all sides. They laid her inside, and with golden letters wrote on it her name, and that she was a princess. (Grimm). The glass is transparent with nothing to hide, as Snow White being a pure virgin had nothing to hide. Also, after she placed in the coffin The animals too came and mourned for Snow white, first an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove. (Grimm). The dove is an animal that symbolizes purity as well, with a dove visiting her and mourning for her would symbolizing that Snow White was as pure as the bird. The goodness of Snow White is heavily emphasized in the story even though she is only said to be 7 years old at the time. When she was seven years old she was as beautiful as the light of day, (Grimm). For someone so young to already be so good and
  • 37. Myrtle Beach Experience Myrtle beach The time that we went to myrtle beach was a rollercoaster of emotions considering that I was already having one of those I hate everything so just leave me alone days and neither of our vehicles had really never been reliable but they never failed us on vacations until when we went to myrtle beach and the van we were driving started to pidder padder which I struggled to understand why because we had spent allot of money getting the house and everything else including getting the van fixed it s like life is a box of chocolates and mine was the shady crusty one in a dark dank ally with one coconut chocolate that was moldy and has magots on it. After the van broke down we and I mean my dad because I tend to struggle to understand... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Anyways we went with my family, which allowed us to carpool and get a rental car in the meantime I road with my aunt and uncle to the beautiful house which had a pool and one of those so beautiful I want to lay there for hours balconies with a beautiful view. During the vacation my family had fun. My other uncle rented a golf cart just because he felt like it and, we went to the beach a lot and had a lot of fun. Something weird about the beach though, was that some days it was burning hot that it would burn your feet, which I never knew it got that way so when I walked to the beach because it was in walking distance the ground got hotter as I got on the sand I didn t know that there was burning sand. So when I finally found my family when my little brother was throwing a fit because it was hot out and my mom said you re not going to burst into flames.I went into the water running across the burning sand, closing my eyes. And taking a deep breath and with a splash I was completely submerged hot out. Other than the Beach we went to 3 buffets one of which was a seafood buffet one was a Chinese one and I had sushi there my favorite was the California roll which was a creamy, salty, spicy, and sweet all in one bite which is a little bit of a struggle to comprehend but that s what I
  • 38. Essay On Carbon Clearance Assay Carbon clearance assay Administration of PE(100 and 150 mg/kg p.o) increased the clearance of carbon particles from blood as indicated by a significant increase in phagocytic index when compared with control group as shown in table II.The levamisol (50 mg/kg p.o) also show any significant effect on the phagocytic index in the carbon clearance assay. Delayed type hypersensitivity responses Administration of PE (100 and 150 mg/kg p.o) increased the Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Responses significantly in terms of increase in the mean difference of paw thickness when compared with control group. The levamisol (50 mg/kg p.o) also show significant effect on the in Delayed Type Hypersensitivity Responses. DTH requires the specific... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Free radical components have a relevant pathophysiological role in several types of autoimmune human diseases such as heart failure, shock, atherosclerosis, etc[27]. It is essential to counteract this oxidative stress and thereby enhance immunity of body system. The immunomodulatory agents are being used as adjuvant therapy in oxidative stress induced various diseases or vice versa. A very few modern medicines are available to treat the oxidative stress and immunesenescence; which are costly and posses serious side effect. On the contrary, the natural antioxidants are safer choice in the treatment of oxidative stress and immunesenescence. Immunological agents of plant origin enhance the immune responsiveness of an organism against a pathogen by non specifically activating the immune system. Natural antioxidants can act as potential therapeutic agents against many diseases resulting from oxidative stress. Nowadays there has been increasing interest in the investigation of medicinal plants for the discovery of new antimicrobial,immunomodulatory and antioxidant agents[28]. In this study, in vitro antioxidant and anti inflammatory activity of different extracts of Juniperus squamata were tested for their antioxidant activity using DPPH,H2O2, OH and lipid peroxidation. Immunomodulatory activity was determined by Carbon clearance and DTH assay. The evaluate antioxidant
  • 39. Criminal Liability Of The Scottish Legal System Mens rea, defined by Glanville Williams as The mental element necessary for a particular crime, plays a crucial role in determining the criminal liability of the accused in the Scottish legal system, particularly as the mens rea for a crime may not always be wicked as the previously used term dole inferred. The mens reamust usually be established in order to convict. Motive however, defined by The Oxford Dictionary as a reason for doing something, is not necessarily a compulsory factor, although it is useful, when deciding whether or not an individual is criminally liable, excluding crimes such as sexual offences where motive is a required factor. In order to consider the significance of these terms in the development of criminal liability in Scots law one must first determine the origin and different types of mens rea, and the relevance of these roots and varieties in the current meaning of mens rea. Additionally, one must determine the relevance of motive, particularly regarding sexual offences. Mens rea must also be considered alongside the actus reus; the behavioral element of a crime. It must be stated that on some occasions it is unnecessary to prove the mens rea, however this is only relevant in specific circumstances, such as in strict liability offences. Whilst determining motive is not essential, it may have the effect of mitigating the sentence in practice, and it is important that this is duly recognized. Lastly, one must acknowledge that mens rea may
  • 40. Accidental Death Of An Anarchist Analysis DOLVI OSWAL CATHERINE THOMAS ENGLISH 31 OCTOBER 2014 QUESTION Discuss Accidental Death of an Anarchist as a political satire? ANSWER Dario Fo has written and performed in many important and immediate political causes of his time (malik 1)In his play Accidental Death of an Anarchist Dario Fo has used the satire purposely to reveal the true picture of the Italian government, which is corrupted by the people who make and safeguard the law that is the judges and the police officers. In this play there are many incidents which show how police officers and the judges help each other in their fallacious activity. This incident portrays how the police officers use their authority to manipulate the people and cause corruption in the society. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They don`t want the people to be aware about the wrong happening around them. These things were very well portrayed in the play. In the play when the reporter Miss Maria Feletti comes to meet the inspector and to interview him about the suicide the inspector was so worried. He did not want any interview to take place as it may reveal the true picture of the case .But when the mad man says that if they refuse the reporter, she might be upset and may write some defamatory article about him. This made the inspector to call the reporter and give her the interview. This also shows the guilt, the inspector had on killing the anarchist. He doesn t want the reporter to reveal the true incident that happened, in front of the public. The act written by Dari Fo Accidental Death of an Anarchist have brilliantly portrayed the political satire at that time. It has shown the corruptly working government of Italy and how they manipulate the innocent public. It had sediment the feeling of anger in public against the Italian government in a very dramatic
  • 41. Concept Of Read Aloud Does the discourse on children s experience with literacy focus just on their abilities to understand formal reading and writing. Does it look beyond and explore how children construct knowledge and new ideas which are essential to their learning process. Therefore can reading be one of the essential process to inculcate the habit which are important to help build concepts and processes essential to learning .Therefore when one focuses on concepts of read aloud, it emphasis the need to be able to entice the reader to help develop a love for reading. Interactive read aloud through dialogues can help increase their involvement in the reading sessions .Historically read aloud have been a common activity at homes and schools for centuries
  • 42. To What Extent was President Reagan’s Personal Role in the... A.Plan of Investigation The investigation assesses the extent of significance of President Reagan s role in the Iran Contra affair in the 1980 s. Reagan s role will be looked at while aiding the Nicaraguan Contras, releasing American hostages, both which led to the Iran Contra affair, and during the cover up, in America and partly in Iran. An investigation account and American history are mostly used to evaluate Reagan s role. Two of the sources used in this essay, Firewall: The Iran Contra conspiracy and cover up written by Lawrence E. Walsh and The Age of Reagan by Sean Wilentz will then be evaluated for their origins, purposes, values, and limitations. B.Summary of Evidence Prior to the Iran Contra affair, Reagan was in the last ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also, Oliver North was ordered to teach the Contras military tactics and raised money for them. As Reagan and his private officials went about on doing this secretly, publicity had a way to find what was going on. Congress was lied to as a cover up by Reagan so they would not intervene. After his reelection, Reagan supported another covert program: an attempt to release hostages in Lebanon. This would soon turn into the Iran Contra Affair. In 1984 a Shiite Islamic group that was loyal to Iran s Ayatollah Khomeini had captured and held seven Americans hostage in Lebanon. The President was very much concerned for the Americans well being. An Israeli foreign minister, David Kimche, insisted that since Iran and Iraq were at war with each other, Iran would need more weapons, and because Israel would also gain monetary benefits, they could help with persuasion to release the officials. All the U.S. needed to do was to approve a small shipment of armaments to Iran. Reagan then agreed to this deal, to sell arms to Iran through Israel, which would induce the kidnappers in releasing the hostages. Even though Reagan stated before that America will never make concessions to terrorists, the transferring of arms violated that statement and the Arms Export Control Act since congress was not informed and didn t give consent. The secret request, hidden from congress would not only help free the hostages, but also
  • 43. Language, Not Politics Or History Essay Brian Friel correctly claims that Translations is a play that emphasizes language, not politics or history. This story takes place in a rural Gaelic speaking town in Ireland and focuses on the interactions between Irish and English folk. These conversations end up to be a series of mistranslations . Throughout the plot of this play, Friel proves that a person s identity comes from language alone. Understanding the politics and history of a play merely explains the factual framework of the story, but does not facilitate the reader to make inferences about the underlying meaning and purpose of the play like language does. The setting lends an important historical context to the play, but language tied with culture helps to unravel the meaning behind the play. This play is set in 1833, a time when, an Irish town, Ballybeg, is in the beginning phases of British colonization. The British imperial rule introduces the Ordnance Survey, which is mapped by Lieutenant Yolland ... [Royal Engineer]... (405) in the story, to anglicize Ireland. Yolland, a British Royal Engineer, is a dynamic character who is a paragon for proving that language is an integral part of one s identity. Though knowing this historical context of the war sheds light on Yolland s background and occupation (factual information), it does not give insight on his true feelings for his job and cultural heritage. He is a British soldier who originally works with the East India Company but unfortunately...misse[s]
  • 44. Physiology Assignment Physiology Assignment Physiology Assignment Short term responses One short term response when playing basketball is when your face starts to go red, this happens because the body gets too hot and it tries to cool the body down by bringing blood to the surface of the skin to let some heat out and the skin also produces sweat to let out heat, therefore the skin surface goes red. Another short term response to physical activity is that your breathing rate and heart rate increases, the reason this occurs is because the muscles are being made to work harder and as a result of that the muscles need more oxygen so therefore you need to breathe in more oxygen and breathe out more carbon dioxide to keep the muscles going. Another short ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The increase in oxidative capacity is achieved by an increase in the number of mitochondria (An organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.) within the muscle cells, an increase in the supply of ATP and an increase in the quantity of enzymes involved in respiration. Another long term change that occurs due to training is that the heart gets larger; the result in the change is due to increased stress on the heart. The extra work of pumping blood against the increased pressure causes the heart wall to thicken over time, the same way a body muscle increases in mass in response to weightlifting. A long term change in the cardiovascular system as a result of training is that the resting heart rate gets lower, the cardiovascular response happens because a person that has been training for a long time has a lower heart rate because through exercise, they have a stronger heart; meaning that an athlete s heart can pump more blood and more oxygen out with one pump than a non athlete s heart could. Another long term response in the cardiovascular system is that the blood supply increases, this change is due to your body needing more oxygen because you are exercising, your muscles and all your body organs are needing more energy and oxygen, this is because your body is working more than usual. Your body needs to do many things such as sweat, which helps you cool down, and to
  • 45. Archimedes Accomplishments The year is 287 B.C.E, Alexander the Great Has been dead for fifty years and the kingdom he left to his generals has begun to fracture. Around 300 B.C.E the Punic Wars began, throwing Greece into disarray. The Hellenistic Age is coming to a close. However, at least one good thing came of this year. One of the greatest engineers in history is born. His name is Archimedesand he will change the world. Archimedes life, achievements, and effect on the modern world of engineering make him one of the most prominent and important figures in the ancient world. Unfortunately little is known about the life of Archimedes. In 287 B.C.E he was born in Syracuse. His father was an astronomer named Pheidias and as a man he traveled to Alexandria to study... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Law of the Lever is one of Archimedes more prestigious discoveries. When he made his discovery the fulcrum was already in use. However Archimedes was the first to discover that a longer lever made lifting easier. Storys say that Archimedes once said, Give me a lever and a place to stand, and I will move the world. Another extremely important innovation by Archimedes was the pulley. He created a complex system of pulleys that allowed him to lift almost anything. Another story says that a team of men, after great effort dragged a trireme onto the beach.The men all boarded the ship along with their animals and Archimedes was able to lift the ship and move it easily by himself. The Archimedes Screw was another impressive invention by Archimedes. The screw is massive and capable of lifting water from the ground. It is still used today in some third world countries.Other inventions by Archimedes included, the concept of buoyancy. He proved that, when building boats, the material does not matter so much as how spread out it is. Archimedes was also the first person to accurately estimate the value of pi. These are only a few of Archimedes most prestigious achievements. As previously stated, many of the works of Archimedes have been lost, however imagine what other incredible feats of engineering this man may have
  • 46. The Book Control Officer On Ft Riley As the Book Control Officer on Ft Riley, I am required to issue, receive and train officers and their lower enlisted soldiers on how to maintain accountability for meal card books; which is a control item. At one point the Meal Card Control Officer requested that he Meal Card Controllers be giving a class on how to maintain accountability of control books. While giving the verbal block of instructions no one asked any question. Once I completed the verbal portion of the class, a demonstration of the process was also implemented in class. Afterward, I asked were there any question; no question was asked. Therefore, I assumed that everyone was ready for the hand on a portion of the class. Therefore, I pared the soldiers, two by two; one was to issue the card and the other one was to receive the card. However, they all fail miserably. They assumed that all army s forms are self explanatory. Therefore, we did it together step by step. Each group was given the military form (DA Form 4809) the issuer filed out block a, b, d and gave the form to the receiver for signature. Upon signing the DA Form 4809 and the DD Form 714; which completed that transaction. The second go around the receiver stated that they lost the card. Therefore, the issuer had to go to the next line, fill out block c, d, have the receiver sign, make a copy of the DA Form 4809 and close out the copied form then place it in the inactive folder. The original copy was to go to the next line fill out
  • 47. Strategic Operational Plan Proposal I am a member of a multi agency Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF), which lead agency is the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). As a part of this task force, that consists of members from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), Homeland Security (HLS), Department of Defense (DOD), National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and local law enforcement I have been selected as the lead planner of the task force to develop a Strategic Operational Plan Proposal (SOPP). Now, the purpose of this plan is to eliminate a terrorist group known as al Qaeda from attempting to infiltrate the United Statesalong the border of Mexico and the United States with two terror cells that consist of 12 individuals... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Furthermore, the National Security Agency (NSA) has reported that SIGINT between the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) and a Miami based Russian OC has identified the transfer of two low yield nuclear devices, therefore causing The Department of Homeland Security (HLS) to increase the threat level of the United States to an elevated level. Therefore, causing the Chicago based FBI to conduct an analysis on the threat level of O Hare and Midway International Airports, the McCormick Place Convention Center, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in order to determine if they are potential targets for the low yield nuclear weapons. It has also been determine by the DEA and passed on to the FBI that there is a possibility that the GB gas could be used by the second terrorist cell against the Outfit. However, it is believed that the Russian gang is not aware that they are cooperating with al Qaeda and that they may be in control of a nuclear device that could have catastrophic implications on their plan to take over The Outfit. Therefore, as the operations officer for the Joint TerrorismTask Force (JTTF) it is my job to create a plan in order to stop these groups from causing major chaos as well as
  • 48. Biography of Joseph Patrick Kennedy Essay Biography of Joseph Patrick Kennedy Joseph Patrick Kennedy was a very successful banker and film executive, born in Boston, Massachusetts, on September 6, 1888. Considered by many to be America s version of the royal family, the Kennedy s of Boston, Massachusetts have enjoyed triumphs and seen tragedy during the 20th century. As the family patriarch, Joseph Patrick Kennedy instilled values of commitment to public service, determination to succeed, and loyalty to family. His father, Patrick Joseph, was a prosperous saloonkeeper. Patrick also was active in Boston politics, as Irish ward boss, a five time state representative, and state senator. Kennedy s parents were anxious for their son to succeed, however in the Boston social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kennedy was extremely financially shrewd. He showed an entrepreneurial spirit and an appreciation for money at an early age, and held a number of jobs as an adolescent, including candy vendor, newspaper merchant, and play producer. He also performed jobs for Orthodox Jews, whose faith prohibited them from working on their holy days. During his student days at Harvard, he and a friend bought a bus and began operating sightseeing tours. Kennedy negotiated with another tour operator to share working hours. He was successful at this, earning $5,000 over the course of several summers. In 1914, two years after his graduation, Kennedy accepted a job as president of Columbia Trust Company Bank. At 25 years of age, he was the youngest bank president in the United States. During that same year, he married Rose Fitzgerald, daughter of Boston s mayor. Kennedy and Rose bought a small home in Brookline, Massachusetts, and started their family. In all, they had nine children: Joseph Jr., John (Jack), Rosemary, Kathleen, Eunice, Patricia, Robert (Bobby), Jean, and Edward (Ted). Several of his children went on to develop distinguished political careers, including two U.S. senators and one U.S. president. Kennedy supported his large family through numerous successful business ventures. He joined an investment banking firm, bought a chain of New England movie theaters, gained control of a film production company, bought and sold many properties
  • 49. Developing Professional Practice Developing Professional Practice Introduction and terms of reference This report will demonstrate my understanding of what is required to be an effective and efficient HR professional and apply CPD techniques to construct, implement and review a personal development plan. The report will discuss the CIPD HR Profession Map and how the framework and standards within it define a HR professional. The professional areas, the bands and the behaviours will be outlined and the two core professional areas as well as two behaviours will be evaluated to explain how they uphold the concept of HR Professionalism. Examples from the knowledge and activities in band 2 will be used in support. The four concentric circles of HR Professionalism will also ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The HR Profession map outlines that HR professionals need to apply sound people management practices to build high performing teams (2.4.2 HRPM) This required activity is key to upholding HR Professionalism within any organisation as high performing teams are critical for productivity, performance and achieving results. Note the word build , it is unlikely that you will have high performing teams across any organisation at all times as they are complex and hard to sustain. A HR professional will keep reviewing progress within the team and always consider what they could do differently to maintain and improve standards and expectations. People Management systems such as performance appraisals, quality circles, cascade briefings, 360 degree feedback, and internal communications will help you get the best from your employees. (www.nibusinessinfo.co.uk) Therefore it is vital HR professionals know methods for managing and evaluating team performance. (2.21.2 HRPM) Again harking back to the continuous professional development of the organisation, employees and HR professionals themselves. Curious A behaviour defined in the HR Profession Map that a HR Professional needs to carry out their role is to be curious. The CIPD define this as future focused, inquisitive and open minded; seeks out evolving and innovative ways to add value to the
  • 50. A Clean Well-Lighted Place By Ernest Hemmingway A Clean Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemmingway brings to light how youth makes us ignorant of the true value of time. Written almost 100 years ago, there is still much relevance in how young adults view their time as superior to others and how they are more concerned about convenience for themselves than others around them, preferring to get as much done in as little timepossible, even at the sake of the feelings of others. What is an hour? More to me than to him. (Hemmingway 155). The convenience for one s self is put above that of others in many young adults. It is stated earlier in A Clean Well Lighted Place that the old man prefers to come out enjoying the quiet, possibly because he does not feel as though he is missing out on the world that he can t hear around him. However, the young waiter would rather be sleeping. What is more convenient and enjoyable for the old man is an inconvenience and a nuisance to the young waiter, who is being compensated for his time. The young waiter goes so far as to force the old man ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I wouldn t want to be that old. An old man is a nasty thing. (Hemmingway 154). This younger waiter believes that once a certain point in life is achieved it is not worth staying alive, even though there may be many more years left in life. In his ignorance he goes as far as telling the old man he should have killed himself. Though it is not stated directly in the story, the overall tone gives the impression that the waiter believes if the old man had succeeded in killing himself the week prior, the waiter could be going home at a decent time that night. He lacks empathy for the pain the old man must have been experiencing the week before when he attempted suicide. Instead of giving some of his time to talk to the old man about the suicide attempt or allow him a safe place to be at night, he cuts him off and forces him to leave. Simply because the waiter does not care for the elderly or their
  • 51. Essay on The Seven Deadly Sins in One Hundred Years of... When reading forum after forum, you can t help but give in to the fact that biblical allusions do, in fact, exists in Gabriel Garcia Marquez s One Hundred Years of Solitude. According to Diane Andrews Henningfeld, an associate professor at Adrian College who has studied this novel and its ties to history and myths, some of the biblical allusions include the Garden of Eden, the story of Noah s Ark, and certain characters being portrayed as archetypes. As I was going through different biblical aspects, one very interesting thought occurred to me. Why would an author include seven different generations of characters in a book? Representation. I believe that Marquez used certain characters in One Hundred Years of Solitude to represent the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The character that I believe represents this is Arcadio of the third generation. He originally was an educator at a recently built school, a man who was sought to bring along a caring nature On frequent trips to the capital of the province he succeeded in getting the government to build a school so that Arcadio, who had inherited the educational enthusiasm of his grandfather, could take charge of it (p40). Though following the absence of Colonel Aureliano Buendia, he was assigned leader of Macondo. With this new position that offered access to immense amounts of power and authority, Arcadio became corrupted. He was driven by this supremacy to turn his student population into a small force army and eventually becomes a brutal dictator of Macondo. The consequence he faced due to his greed for order was being killed by the Conservatives when they decide to retake their village. Envy is the feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another s advantages, success, possessions, etc. The person who displayed envy the best is Amaranta, the third child of the patriarchs of the Buendia family, Ursula Iguaran and Jose Arcadio Buendia. Jealousy flowed throughout her veins the moment Pietro Crespi agreed to marry her adopted sister. Amaranta pretended to accept
  • 52. Color Bar Research Paper Why is the color bar so important in the salon? One of the many reasons why it s so important is because color is a hair treatment that continually brings people into the salon. you ll will see a guest two more times a year than someone that comes into get just a haircut. The color bar helps make loyal costumers daily. Every costumer that comes in to get their haircolored have to make appointments after their first hair color to make sure they keep the color refreshed and get root touchups. Hair color is one of the more expensive treatments that people get done with their hair . Color sales are in the billions. Having a good color system and good stylists that are good at color not only make more money for the stylist but also brings in