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Essays On Hockey
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essays on Hockey" can be both challenging and rewarding.
While the subject matter itself might seem straightforward, delving into the intricacies of hockey
requires a comprehensive understanding of the sport, its history, rules, and cultural significance.
Moreover, capturing the essence of hockey in a written form demands the ability to convey the
excitement, passion, and nuances of the game.
One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between providing factual information
and infusing the essay with a compelling narrative. You need to weave together a coherent and
engaging storyline that not only educates the reader about the sport but also ignites a genuine
interest in the topic. Addressing the evolution of hockey, its impact on communities, and the
experiences of players and fans adds layers of complexity to the writing process.
Furthermore, ensuring that the essay remains cohesive while exploring various aspects of hockey
requires meticulous planning and organization. From discussing the historical milestones to
analyzing the current state of the sport, every section should seamlessly connect to create a
comprehensive and insightful narrative.
In addition to content challenges, there's the task of maintaining an appropriate tone and style
throughout the essay. The language should be accessible to a broad audience while still
reflecting a depth of knowledge about hockey. Striking this balance requires a keen awareness
of your target audience and a proficiency in adapting your writing style accordingly.
Despite the challenges, writing an essay on "Essays on Hockey" offers a unique opportunity to
showcase your passion for the sport and demonstrate your research and analytical skills. It's a
chance to convey the richness of hockey culture and the profound impact it has on individuals
and communities.
If you find yourself struggling with this task, remember that assistance is available. Services like
HelpWriting.net provide support for a variety of essay topics, including those related to
hockey. Whether you need guidance on structuring your essay, refining your arguments, or
simply want a professionally crafted piece, such platforms can offer valuable help to ensure your
essay on hockey is not just informative but also compelling.
Essays On Hockey Essays On Hockey
Legal Underpinnings Of Business Law
Legal Underpinnings of Business Law
Shalanda Burgess
Bus670: Legal Environment
Instructor Gary Gentry
September 14, 2014 Introduction
In this paper I will measure how liability exposure differs amongst each business
level when business owners and leaders are face with litigation. Tinkers Home
Security Service business is being sued by a former client due to a breach of contract.
Business Forms
According to Seaquist (2012) the most common forms of businesses are Sole
proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited partnerships, Corporations, and Limited
liability companies (LLCs). (para. 1). These five business structures are based on the
number of owners and the type of service or product that will be offered.
1. Sole proprietorship. A business owned and operated by only one individual.
2. Partnership. A popular business relationship owned by two or more people for
3. Limited partnership is an entity that is created by permission of the state whose
ownership is represented by stockholders.
4. Corporation is a separate entity from its owners the shareholders, that handles the
responsibility of the business.
5. LLCs. A business formed by permission of the secretary of state s office. Its
owners are referred as members. Each member report profit and loss on their own
personal tax return. LLCs are not a separate tax entity.
Under each business entity there are potential internal and external challenges and
risks that are associated. Businesses may face economy
Impact of Pregnancy Cortisol Levels on High and Low...
Impact of Pregnancy Cortisol Levels on High and Low Working Memory Capacity
The terms baby brain and maternal amnesia are informally used to describe the
perceived memory loss and inattentiveness many women report suffering during
pregnancy (Cuttler, Graf, Pawluski Galea, 2010). Previous studies have suggested
that this perceived memory loss may be associated with temporary exhaustion of
working memory capacity (WMC) (Casey, 2000).
In 1971, Marian Diamond and collegues did extensive research on pregnant and non
pregnant rats and demonstrated for the first time that pregnancy reshapes the brain
(Diamond, Johnson Ingham, 1971). Their findings suggest that pregnancy in rats
increases dendritic spine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The ability to supersede sensory capture differs greatly between individuals, but
working memory typically has a functional capacity of seven chunks of information
(plus or minus two) (Miller, 1956). Individuals with high attentional control have
greater working memory capacity (WMC) and thus, are less distracted and better able
to focus only on relevant stimuli (Chabris Simons, 2010). Those with low attentional
control have a limited ability to disregard sensory capture resulting in unnecessary
storage of information in WM, ensuing poorer attention to the pertinent task. In the
current research proposal, the general goal is to examine the extent to which cortisol
levels affect working memory throughout pregnancy. An additional, more specific
goal is to assess whether individuals with high attentional control may be able to
compensate for working memory deficiencies more adaptively than those with low
attentional control.
Review of Previous Research
Results from previous research comparing pregnant and non pregnant women on
different aspects of memory have found more null results than objective deficits
(Cuttler et al., 2000). However, respondents consistently report adversely affected
cognitive functioning during pregnancy, despite evidence that suggests otherwise.
The inconsistency of results may be due to the heterogeneity between the participants
sampled (Henry Rendell, 2007). Participants involved in previous studies
Neal Shusterman s Unwind
Former President John F. Kennedy said, Efforts and courage are not enough
without purpose and direction. Leadership is a quality found in many characters of
writer. In Neal Shusterman s Unwind, Connor is a main character that found
direction and became a great leader. Unwind is a story that takes place in future
America. The unwinding process takes place from the ages of thirteen to eighteen.
During this time, kids are able to be unwound and harvested for their body parts.
Kids will not die but they will live in a divided state. Connor is one of the main
characters in Unwind. From the moment Connor was introduced, he was a ticking
time bomb that could explode at anytime. As the story progressed, however, he
learned to control these emotions,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Connor has had many attributes needed to become a leader before he met Risa and
Lev, but he never touched into them. From the moment Connor was on the highway,
he showed us his leadership qualities. As Connor carries Lev into the woods
following Risa, he stops Risa saying, Whatever you re running from, you won t get
away unless we work together. (38) When they are around the campfire later, Risa
says I wouldn t be here if it wasn t for Connor. (42) Connor was able to come up
with a plan to take down the juve cop in a short amount of time with a girl he had
never met before. When the Unwinds revolt against the admiral and destroy the
Graveyard, Connor is nowhere to be found. By the time he gets back, the place is
complete chaos. This, however, does not stop Connor as he is able to get everyone
s attention. Shusterman uses words like obediently (252) to show Connor s power
over the kids. After Connor gets Risa and the Admiral out of the jet, he assigns
Hayden to calm everyone down. The way it goes from complete chaos to order and
control right as Connor gets there is astonishing. Even Roland realizes this when
they come back to the Graveyard and all the attention is on Connor and everyone
listens to him. Roland thinks to himself, all his support was gone, (259) and that he
had become an outsider. (259) At the very end of the story, Connor ends up running
the Graveyard. He makes eye contact with
A Rhetorical Analysis on Nineteen Eighty-Four
Running Head: NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR Nineteen Eighty Four: A Critical Essay
on Rhetoric Bereket Kifle Composition 12 Honors Abstract George Orwell employs
the usage of different rhetoric throughout 1984. The rhetoric differs from describing
the human body and its struggle to survive to the different crimes and how the
citizens felt about them. Also, within 1984 lies a warning from Orwell: to eliminate
the caustic consequences of a communist government. While Orwell served as part of
the Indian Imperial Police in Burma during the 1920s, he examined the faults of the
communist government. This phenomenon inspired Orwell to warn governments
world wide to stay on the right path to a safe and free rule.... Show more content on
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Logos Presented in 1984 This dictator, Big Brother, has lost all respect for the
humble earnings of a single household family. The despicable actions prophesized
by Orwell s warning message leads to an important question: why do dictators steal
from the poor and give to themselves? The state is responsible for the organization
and direction of the economic life of the country, in accordance with a central
social and economic development plan , (Gale Research group, 1998). Orwell
knew this and talked about it quite a bit in his novel, which established logos; he
knew that installing fear within the minds of the citizens he watched over would
lead, whether they wanted it or not, to their safety. Stability is safety. Less
knowledge is safety. When the Party is questioned less, there are fewer
opportunities for the Party to be wrong. This is why the mere thought of hating Big
Brother earns anyone a front row seat to death. Big Brother s opinions are strict
very strict. They are so strict that there are oversized cameras called telescreens
installed everywhere throughout Oceania. The telescreens ensure that nothing is said
about Oceania s perfect leader. This device is installed as a reminder that Big
Brother is always watching (Orwell, 1949). In
El Filibusterismo Fo Research Paper
Fo s family consisted of his parents, brother, sister, and maternal grandfather. His
grandfather lived in Lomellina, on a farm that Fo often visited. Fo first experienced
narrative rhythm and the idea of theatrics from his grandfather s stories, often told to
costumers to try and make them purchase items being sold. 2
His father, a socialist, was also an amateur actor. Since Fo s father s day job was a
station manager, the family often moved on the drop of a dime. This didn t stop the
yearning Fo had for stories; he was often found in the local piazzes, listening to the
tales of locals, who in the oral tradition of the fabulatore would swap tall tales,
steeped in pungent political satire ( Dario Fo Biographical. Nobelprize.org. ... Show
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When he wrote Il ditto nell occhio, mounted by Fo to [take] advantage of a slight
relaxation in censorship to attack those myths in Italian life which, as he said,
Fascism has imposed and Christian Democracy has preserved . This was before
1959. During the production time of Il ditto nell occhio, Dario Fo was influenced by
and learned from Jaques Lecoq, who had moved to Italy and staged his first
pantomimes at the university theatre in Padua, while in the city markets he
discovered Commedia dell Arte .4
Il ditto nell occhio was the first in a series of pieces which drew on French farce.
This spectacle made the authorities nervous the police were frequently at
performances, following the scripts with pocket torches to ensure that there were no
departures from the officially approved text 6.
Dario Fo s wife, Franca Rame, was an actress who met him at the same company,
who Fo thought [was] her beyond his reach. She, however, felt attracted to this
drab looking, lanky young man. One evening, she pushed him against a wall
backstage and kissed him. They married in 1954 and their son, Jacopo, was born
the following year. 7 When Fo accepted his Nobel Prize, he called Rome his muse 8
and shared the medal with
Provisional Government Essay
Provisional Government
The Provisional Government had attempted to keep its power over Russian affairs
during the trouble that followed the abdication of the tsar in February 1917, and as
events would show, they were largely unsuccessful in doing so. This may have been
because of Kerensky s mistakes, the government s lack of political power, or its
failure to solve the problems of Russia s peasant majority. The Bolsheviks were quick
to take advantage of time of weakness, although whether or not they succeeded
because the Provisional Government failed needs to be assessed.
The primary weakness of the Provisional Government was that it was essentially
powerless. Primarily this was because the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries had great political power, starting from
the Petrograd Soviet and reaching out to control in the soviets established in the other
Russian cities.
The Great War also made a large problem for the Provisional Government, especially
after it mistakenly decided that it would be best to continue fighting in the war. While
at first succeeding in a campaign against Austria, continued failures afterwards led
soldiers and sailors to mutiny. The failed campaigns demoralized the nation and
unwittingly increased support for the anti war Bolsheviks. By attempting to send
some units of the Petrograd garrison to the front, the government made situations
worse, eventually escalating to chaotic desertions of army garrisons. Paradoxically,
the Provisional Government had rallied the offensive in the war in order to create a
sense of civic patriotism that hopefully would end the conflict and bring peace to
The Provisional Government failed to solve much of the issues that racked the
nation, especially the ever present problem of lack of food and the redistribution of
the land that the peasants wanted. In this way the Bolshevik party appealed to the
masses, using attractive slogans such as Peace, Bread and Land! and All Power to the
Soviets! Whether or not they would fulfil their promises meant little as
Washington Square Quotes
Washington Square
In Putt s book Henry James: A Readers Guide, he speaks in a chapter about
Washington Square. Within this chapter he goes over the role that Catherine plays in
the story. She ultimately chooses spinsterhood, and not to defy her father, and to be
the good daughter. The theme of avoidance o f marriage, spinsterhood, is something
that is focused on by James in much of his work (Putt 46). Putt dwells on the fact that
the father was a cruel man, and gives extraneously long quotes from James s original
text to make a small point. I think that this author would have been much more
effective if he would have narrowed down his thought in this chapter. Putt touches on
a lot of things concerning Washington Square, such as the ... Show more content on
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In Donald Hall s Afterword of Washington Square, he argues that in spite of the
limited number of characters and simplicity of plot, the novel still presents a
complicated moral conflict. At the heart of this conflict is Dr. Sloper, The moral
force of this novel lies in the paradox of Dr. Sloper s wrong rightness (224). This
paradox, of course, assumes that Dr. Sloper is not only right about Morris
Townsend s intentions as primarily a fortune hunter who will bring unhappiness to
Catherine, but also that Dr. Sloper is wrong to deny his daughter an inheritance
based on her intentions to marry Morris Townsend. Assuming these two elements
are present in the novel, the moral paradox indeed occurs and Mr. Hall is correct in
claiming that the book is not morally simple (224). However, Dr. Sloper might not
be completely right about Morris Townsend. And if he isn t right in assuming the
worst for Morris, then clearly Dr. Sloper is the one sided villain of the novel.
There is enough evidence in the text to assume that Morris Townsend has great
interest in the fortune of Catherine. He readily admits it. As Dr. Sloper inquires of
Townsend s sister of the young man s character, it seems that the marriage would be
a mistake for Catherine. This issue is crucial to the moral meaning of the book, for it
makes us certain that Catherine s marriage to Morris
Performance Management Platform
Performance Management Platform A Pivotal Foundation for Breakthrough
Ravee Ramamoothie
University of Liverpool
Strategy execution is a topic of practical importance and its success depends on how
an organization integrates and aligns the business units and the employee
performance to the strategic goals of the organization. However, many organizations
find that their strategic goals realization is not optimized.
One of the key issues is that the strategy and the performance goals of an organization
are often disconnected with the performance management platform, a function of the
strategic HR in managing employee performance.
Ramamoothie (2012) conducted a case study based research on how a ... Show more
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Apple is one organization that has in recent times represented this fact. Its leader s
enormous influence in the organization has built a culture of excellence within the
organization, where the output of sophistication
(Margulus, 2005), ecosystem (McGirt, 2006) and technology are to be marveled at
and are enjoyed by the masses (Peterson, 2007). The foundation was in its human
element that was spurred by a major cultural shift (Palmer et al., 2009).
Improving human performance in organizations has become a crucial factor, and
leaders have to focus on this to successfully steer through the current hyper
competitive era. However, the pursuit of improvement of human performance hinges
on the performance management capability of an organization, which Mithas,
Ramasubbu and Sambamurthy (2009, pg.240) infer is pivotal to enable firms to
continuously evaluate strategy and refine actions towards optimum performance.
This capability directly links the
Ravee Ramamoothie ravee@kpisoft.com Page 2
organization s ability to deliver superior customer service, as well as enhanced
financial and overall organizational effectiveness.
What are the key management principles for an Organization to be on the path of
breakthrough performance?
In their recent book Alignment Kaplan and Norton (2006) describe through their
research how they found
Juvenile Delinquency Theory
1.In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel
and Brandon C. Welsh, chapter 7 talks about Gender and Delinquency. According
to chapter 7, 3 facts about the connection between delinquency and abuse for girls
are one that girls are more traumatized by child abuse. According to the text, studies
have showed that girls who were victims of child abuse are at a high risk of
participating in antisocial behaviors (258). Another fact is that girls that are victims
of child abuse often suffer from bad childhoods. In addition, some girls are forced
to leave their homes and are left on the streets to protect, defend, and shelter
themselves (258). Many girls who are forced to leave their homes often participate in
sexual altercations in order to support themselves as well because they have no...
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In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and
Brandon C. Welsh, chapter 8 talks about the family and delinquency (277). Two
examples of the possible connection between Family Breakup and delinquency are
children who parents breakup are at risk of displaying antisocial behavior (284).
According to the text, studies have shown that married couples can produce
children who are confident and dependable (283). In addition, research has shown
that if a child is being raised with one or neither of their parents, they are at a high
risk of participating in antisocial behaviors (283). However, when problems start to
occur within the home, often time s children are free to explore in delinquent
behaviors (282). Another example is Divorce and Delinquency. According to the
text, family breakups can play a role in the influence on delinquent behaviors (284).
Parents and child relationships can be affected by family breakups (285). For
instance, Sara Jaffee and her assistances observed the values of marriages and
concluded that fathers were away from their children, the more delinquent behaviors
their child were involved in
Blogging Can Be For Leisure And Also For Business
Blogging can be for leisure and also for business. Many bloggers use their blog as a
means to making money and supporting that blog and some even are full time
bloggers making thousands of dollars in a year. The first step to making money from
blogging is to start blogging on a consistent basis. Once this is established, advertise
the blogto the audience it is aimed towards. This will increase viewership in
preparation for the next step. Once there are viewers and blogging has become a
routine, it is time to look at what companies pay bloggers. Google AdSense Google
is the king of advertising on the internet. Almost any website that plans to make
any money has a Google Ad on it somewhere. This Google Ad is created by the
owner of the website using Google AdSense. The coding for the ad is placed in the
blog html so that is appears on the sidebar, top, or bottom of a page. Many bloggers
are also putting ads in the actual posts of their blog. The amazing thing about
Google AdSense is that is automatically determines what types of ads to place on
the website or blog by what type of content is already being published on the
website or blog. This makes making money much simpler as the owner makes
money by how often the ads are clicked on. It is important to have a strong
viewership when using Google AdSense. Swagbucks Many recent articles have
trashed Swagbucks for being an inefficient way of making money online. The easiest
way to make money through Swagbucks is through
Thinking Ahead Contingency Planning And Managing The...
Thinking ahead contingency planning and managing the unexpected are core skills
for a perioperative nurse. Alfredsdottir and Bjornsdottir (2008) describe how
prevention is a core component of the perioperative nurses work. Perioperative nurses
consider how the background of their patient may contribute to their susceptibility
and instability and how these may be risk factors during their patients surgery, this
means trying to imagine everything that could go wrong and taking reasonable steps
to manage these scenarios.
In this case study Mr Knight, a 55 year old man is presenting to the operating room
to undergo an exploratory laparoscopy for a suspected bowel obstruction, with his
history of body mass index (BMI) of 35, Type 2 diabetes ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
These conditions can have a negative affect on surgical outcomes (Bellanger Bray,
2005). Obesity also has surgical implications largely around wounds and their
management. As an obese patient Mr Knight is at an increased risk of having his
laparoscopic operation converted to an open procedure, largely due to expose and
dissection problems (Makino, Shukla, Rubino, Milsom, 2012).
Knowing Mr Knights previous surgical history is particularly important when
preparing for laparoscopic abdominal surgery, this is because previous abdominal
surgery creates adhesions. Adhesions are a known risk factor for laparoscopic
procedures being converted to open, this risk is increased when the patient is obese
(Barleben et al., 2009). There are a number of risk factors that may contribute to the
predictability of a laparoscopic procedure converting to open these include patient
comorbidities, type of surgery, illness pathology, and surgeon skill (Tekkis, Senagore,
Delaney, 2005).
Patient positioning is an integral part of surgical preparedness; the whole
perioperative team has a responsibility towards the patients regarding surgical
positioning. Mr Knights position will depend on the type of laparoscopic surgery
being performed and the surgeons preference for this procedure, positioning is often
a compromise between surgical access, airway management and patient safety. The
very act of surgical positioning can lead to injury and with laparoscopic surgery
Uncle Toms Cabin Quotes
Daniela Islas In Uncle Tom s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe defines slavery as
inhumane and unjust, in her book she provides real life stories of how faith,
sacrifice, and cruelty, come together to demonstrate a real life vision of the terrible
systems of slavery and how they affected many people. Stowe wrote this book with
the solemn purpose of informing future readers about the particular ways of
slavery and how it associated with poor treatment. In the format she composes the
book, she entitles to several examples at a time in which slavery is seen to take
over people s lives whether good or bad. In the book, Stow refers to faith as one of
the very few things African Americans trusted upon and uses it as a central point in
her book. For example, Tom was a very faithful man who never did anything that
would go against his faith. After he was beat nearly to death by Mr. Legree s
servants he refuged under his strong faith and pardon all those who hurt him and
only wished good in God s land. Tom is used as a very symbolic figure in the book
because of his sincere dedication to his faith. In addition, Stow also introduces us
to Evangeline, a young girl whose faith only allows her to see the good on
everyone s eyes. In a very disastrous moment Topsy reveals out of control and
cannot be brought into reason, Topsy is described as a character who lacks love and
attention. Eva on the other hand is identified as unprejudiced and sees everyone
black and white as equals, her
Value Of Social Policy Analysis
Social policies are the laws, rules, and regulations that govern the benefits and
services provided by the government and private organizations to assist people in
meeting their needs (Chapin, 2014, p. 2). Social policies are created to reflect the
study of human wellbeing, identify social relations that are essential for the human
wellbeing, and build systems that promote the wellbeing of individuals, families,
and groups. Social policies can promote social justice and improve the quality of life
for a client, family, or group that is oppressed or vulnerable. Social worker students
must understand social policies, because the social welfaresystem, social policy, and
social workers are linked together and influence one another greatly. Social policy
ultimately dictate the services offered by social workers through social programs
(Chapin, 2014, p.4). Social policy determines the type of services that can be
provided to individuals and groups, who has access to services, and who can provide
specific services. There are social policies in almost all areas of the social work
profession. In addition, social workers have an ethical obligation to combat injustice
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The involvement of the client allows the client to be empowered to create the change
in social policy that will improve the quality of their own life. In addition, the
strengths perspective considers the strengths and resources the community has and
needs to meet the needs of the client rather than focusing on the individual deficits or
placing blame on the client. The strengths perspective demands that we shift our
perspective, attitude, and language to focus on the possibility and opportunity and the
potential of the individual, who has strengths as well as needs (Chapin, 2014,
The Grafin von Schonfeld with her Daughter by Elizabeth Louise Vigee LeBrun
In the University Of Arizona Museum Of Art, the Pfeiffer Gallery is displaying
many art pieces of oil on canvas paintings. These paintings are mostly portraits of
people, both famous and not. They are painted by a variety of artists of European
decent and American decent between the mid 1700 s and the early 1900 s. The
painting by Elizabeth Louise Vigee Lebrun caught my eye and drewme in to look
closely at its composition.
The Grafin von Scholfeld with her Daughter is oil on canvas art piece painted in
1793. It is a painting of a woman holding her daughter on her lap, the ... Show more
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The little girl s dress gives the texture of lightness and seems like airy fabric that
would be thin and translucent. The time in this piece is very accurate of the late
1700 s and when viewing it, the time seems classic. The emphasis of this piece is
mainly the mother and the daughter, however when looking at them you are drawn
into looking at their realistic eyes. The eyes seem like the focal point which draws
the viewer in to the picture.
The relationship in the painting between the mother and daughter give it a definite
asymmetrical balance and maybe a little radial balance. A radial balance because of
their eyes being the central focus, then the faces, then the holding of each other, then
where they are placed on the canvas, and then the bench and the landscape. The
colors used by the painter, also creates balance with in the picture. The wine
colored dress of the mother, red sash of the daughter s dress, ruby lips, and the rosy
cheeks give a warm feeling to the central focus of the mother and daughter. The
cool color of the sky is the same as the women s eyes as well as the trees and green
on the mother s dress. These balances give unity or a unifying feeling to the painting,
especially between the mother and daughter.
The idea of this piece is to show the connection between mother and daughter being
painted. It shows the time and the classic style of the
Stephen Kings Why We Crave Horror Films Essay
As I was lying in bed recalling the event happened an hour before I was thinking to
myself that I will never look at lightning the same way again. Thunder and lightning
was still present in the night sky as I lay there in bed thanking God I was alive and
well. Each flash of lightning lit the entire room and each clap of thunder rattled the
windows of my hotel room. Lightning can seem much more terrifying when you re up
20,000 ft in the mountains, and the thunder sounds a lot louder too. The sound of
nature s fury seemed to slowly descend as the night went on, but my nervesdid not. I
was still stunned and in shock of being stuck in a lightning storm high in the
mountains. I never thought about the power and damage lightning can inflict... Show
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Soon the moonlight illuminated the scenery. As I was standing on the balcony
admiring the scenery something finally went wrong, a huge black cloud covered the
moon. I soon heard the thunder. It seemed to be nothing to worry about, so I didn t
acknowledge it. A few hours later the thunder grew louder and I could see the flashes
of lightning headed our way. I went inside to inform my parents of the weather, but
they didn t seem to worry about it much until the cloud was almost over the lodge.
My family and I left the reception alone while everyone else stayed in cover; they
were the smart ones I thought.
We left quickly walking fast and practically running toward the gondolas so we
wouldn t be stuck on the mountain all night long. By now the storm was close and
so was the lightning. The people at the station loaded the four of us into a gondola
and we slowly worked our way down the mountain. Hanging in this tiny box of
metal by a hook on a wire cable was not the most reassuring thing. I looked out the
window hoping to see the ground, but it was too dark. I could barely see the hand
in front my own face. Lightning would flash, and all I could make out were the
tops of trees. Paranoia overwhelmed me. My breaths seemed to become further and
further apart as time slowed. As I was trying to relieve my mind of worst case
scenario, a big flash and enormous rumble sounded. We stopped moving. Our gondola
The Impact Of Ffp Regulations On The Competitive
S/NO: 9327588
The UEFA Financial Fair Play (FFP) Regulations have come to terms in 2009 and it
has been widely discussed due to the nature of the rules that was imposed on the
clubs. The aim of this essay is to discuss the impacts of FFP Regulations on the
competitive balance in European Football. The first section of this essay is an
introduction to the UEFA FFP Regulations. Secondly, introduction of the Fort and
Quirk Model will be used to analyse the effects of competitive balance. Thirdly,
summaries of sports economists view on the FFP Regulations are reported. The final
section will be a conclusion on the effects of UEFA FFP Regulations on the
competitive balance of the leagues.
UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations
The UEFA FFP Regulations is about improving the financial health of European
football club (UEFA, 2014). The regulation was implemented at the end of 2012
season where all clubs had to abide to the rules and regulations to obtain the license
to play in the UEFA Champions League(UEFA, 2010). Deloitte (2014a, p. 2) refers
the FFP break even requirement as a change potentially as profound as that brought
about by the Bosman ruling.
The main objectives are being documented in UEFA s 2014 Club Licensing and
Financial Fair Play Regulations handbook (refer to Appendix). The break even rule
will prevent clubs from spending more than what they could earn. Clubs have to
adhere to aggregate
Angel investing
Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions What is an Angel Investor? An angel
investor is a high net worth individual who invests his or her own money directly into
an early stage company, in return for equity (ownership) in the company. In addition
to providing financial capital, angel investors mentor and coach their portfolio
companies, and help fill in functional or skill gaps in the company. They introduce the
companies to other investors, and to colleagues who may be able to increase the
company s value. Most angel investors are entrepreneurs who have exited one or
more businesses. They often invest in companies for reasons that go beyond
monetary return. This may include staying in touch with new business developments,
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In the Philadelphia region, angel groups syndicate deals on a regular basis, sharing
due diligence as well as terms. What Makes a Company a Good Candidate for
Angel Investment? 1. The company has a must have product or service with a
unique competitive advantage. The company s product must identify a significant
need among a large and clearlydefined target market. Investors use the term pain
point to describe the problem that the product will solve and the company needs to
relieve the customer s pain in a unique and compelling way. It needs to be a must
have rather than a nice to have product for its target market. Robin Hood Ventures
Angel Investing FAQs 2 12/3/2010 Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions
2. The company has a working prototype of its product or service, and at least one
paying client. Essentially, the product needs to be ready to go. If the product is
just an idea, it is too soon for angel investors to get involved. Likewise, if the
company is already a successful business looking to expand its market, it may be
ready for the larger resources that venture capitalists can provide. In the case of life
science companies, the product should be either in clinical trials, or ready to begin
this process. 3. The company has a detailed and well thought out business plan.
Entrepreneurs should be prepared for detailed,
Analysis Of Yiyun Li s A Thousand Years Of Good Prayers
Yiyun Li s A Thousand Years of Good Prayers has a recurring theme among its
protagonists. Several characters have not met certain emotional needs which leaves
them searching for ways to meet these needs wherever possible. Oftentimes,
characters enter a one sided relationship and give themselves completely to a person
with nothing in return because it fulfills whatever needs the character has. These
relationships are most evident in Extra and A Thousand Years of Good Prayers
In Extra, Granny Lin s emotional deficit comes from her lack of relationships
throughout her life. Her whole life she was never married, never had any children,
and cooped up in a factory all day. After Granny lin was forced to retire, Auntie Wang
arranged ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The one sidedness of the relationship is physical as well. Granny Lin looks out for
Kang by supplying him with socks to save him embarrassment (Li 19).
The way Granny Lin describes her relationship with Kang also shows how she has
been deprived of romantic love her whole life. She wonders if this is the love she
missed in her younger years, hand and hand with a dear boy and in the closing lines
of the story she calls her time with Kang her brief love story (Li 18, 22).
While I concede that Granny Lin s relationship with Kang is problematic given the
age difference, I contend that, knowing what the reader knows about Granny Lin s
lonely past, the relationship takes on a new light. The life Granny Lin led prior to
her factory retirement left her emotionally starved and put her romantic and
emotional desires in a state of dormancy. These buried and dormant desires were
awoken by Old Tang, the object around which her feelings were able to manifest.
After Tang s death, those feelings may have left Granny Lin feeling even more
empty because now she was aware of them but had nobody to love. Her relationship
with Kang arose because they were both the most vulnerable in the school. She was
vulnerable due to her emotional and romantic cavities, while Kang was vulnerable
because of his familial issues. Some might call Granny Lin s love for Kang
predatory, but it comes
Descriptive Essay About Tea Shop
Nestled between Starbucks and Supdogs on Franklin Street sits the newly
constructed Tama Tea. The shop, known for its over fifty tea flavors, has recently
become a common site for college students to study and eat between classes.
Constructed to represent a tropical, relaxed theme, the employees of Tama Tea
attempt to create an aesthetic and ambient atmosphere in order to market their
brand towards young adults. The tea shop is identifiable by its rustic, brick
exterior, with Tama Tea etched in large white letters above the doors. Outside the
door sits a sign enticing customers to enter the shop and try the coffees because the
we [the employees] love you a lotte . Glancing inside the large windows, people can
always be seen either studying or conversing with their friends as they sip tea and
coffee. Upon entering, I was faced with a large display table with candles and tea
cups. To my right was a teal wall with six shelves containing an assortment of teas
which sat below words used to categorize the tea such as premium and fruity. By the
tea shelves there was also a table with a window seat, facing Franklin St. The left
wall was the same rustic brick that decorated the exterior of the shop, and the only...
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First a black woman in her mid 40`s walks in with her heels clacking and purple
jacket being zipped off. She stands in front of the menu and contemplates her order
before ordering a meal and a frappuccino. She pays with her debit card and sits at
the low table next to me. Quickly, she pulls out glasses and begins scrolling
through her phone. After sitting on her phone for a few minutes, she packs up her
food and leaves. In walks a black college student dressed in a black jacket, gloves,
and boots. She quickly orders and rushes to the bathroom. Upon returning she
retrieves her drink, sits on the large sofa, and pulls out her phone. She leaves ten
minutes later with her drink in
Why We Absorb Bath Bombs
Bubbling Bath Bombs
What makes bath bombs fizz and bubble? Will a bath bomb containing lime juice
rather than citric acid dissolve faster? I think there is a chemical reaction within the
bath bomb that makes it fizz, but I am not sure what things are reacting. I also think
that if I substitute lime juice for citric acid in one half of the bath bomb, the half with
citric acid will dissolve quicker. This is because it is pure citric acid, unlike lime juice
which has other things as well as citric acid in it.
Bath bombs are composed of several ingredients that are molded into a shape. They
begin to fizz and dissolve once they touch water. Bath bombs come in a large variety
of different colors, scents, shapes, and sizes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
water, 2 tsp. coconut oil, about 15 drops essential oil, and a few drops of food
coloring (depending on the color I wanted), Вј cup Epsom salt, 5 bowls, and molds to
put the mixture into. To create the different halves, I took half of each ingredient into
separate bowls and added either Вј cup lime juice or Вј cup citric acid. First, I
combined the baking soda, corn starch, and Epsom salt into a bowl. If I was using
the citric acid, I combined that into the same bowl. Next, I combined my water,
coconut oil, essential oil (optional), and food coloring (optional) into a different
bowl. If I was using the lime juice instead of the citric acid, I would combine it into
this bowl. It is very important you keep your wet and dry ingredients separate.
Then, I slowly put a few drops of the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stirred.
You want to put a few drops, then stir; add a few more, and stir again. You must do
this step slowly to prevent any reactions happening between the citric acid and the
baking soda. During this step, I discovered that the side with lime juice was much
moister than the other side with citric acid. This made it difficult to mold the halves
together because a slight reaction was occurring when I put them together. Next, I
put the different mixtures into half a mold and stuck the halves together into the
freezer for 2 hours. Then, I took the bath bomb and put it into a bowl full of warm
water. Finally, I watched the reaction and recorded my
Drug Testing Welfare Recipients
In 2010, 17.5% of unemployed adults collecting some sort of welfare failed drug
tests. In 2011, 23.8% of welfare recipients admitted to using illegal drugs, including
marijuana. The problem the United States if facing is that welfare recipients are
using the cash they are given to purchase illegal drugs. Many of these people
purchasing illegal drugs had prior illegal drug abuseproblems and some of these
people believe that since they are given this free money, they can continue on with
these addictions instead of finding the help they need to get back onto their own
two feet. Many employers ask all of their job applicants for a drug test to even be
considered for the job, so why shouldn t the government ask the same for people
looking... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Arizona was the first state to establish a temporary requirement for the fiscal year
of 2011 2012 followed by Florida and Missouri. There are a lot of companies that
require any job applicant to submit a drug test. According to the 2010 National
Survey on Drug Use and Health, 66% of substance abusers age 18 and older were
employed. Employers spend between thirty and fifty dollars per test per person.
Employees find that substance abusers increase employee turnover which end up
costing them more money in the long run because of the cost of training. The
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration conducted a study in
2007 that said substance abusers change jobs as often as three times a year.
Employers that require drug testing saw a 16% decrees in employee turnover rates.
Another reason an employer may require drug testing is because people with no
substance abuse problems are more productive. People with substance abuse
problems are also 2.5 times more likely to call into work. Companies who require
drug testing also saw a 50% decrease in workers compensation clams. So in the
long run, employers end up saving a lot of time and money by drug testing all job
applicants. If 60% of employers are requiring job applicants who pay thousands of
dollars a year in taxes to take a drug test, shouldn t the government be requiring the
same drug testing for people who are receiving welfare money? Many tax
Analysis Of Under The Persimmon Tree
(AGG) The loss of somebody or someone can lead to PTSD, which can later lead to
other effects, and it is said that up to 20% of all adults in America who have
experienced some type of loss develops PTSD ( PTSD Statistics ). (BS 1) Towards
the beginning of the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, there is a character named
Najmah who loses the ability to speak and loses controlof her life, as a result of Mada
jan and Habib s loss. (BS 2) As an effect of Baba jan and Nur missing from her life,
Najmah changes her mindset and the decisions she makes from then on. (BS 3)
Najmah s relationships with others and voice is altered, this happens once she meets
Nusrat and she adjusts due to her losses. (TS) Throughout the novel Under the
Persimmon Tree, we see a character named Najmah who is ultimately shaped through
the people who are missing in her life.
(MIP 1) Firstly, Najmah is altered due to the fact that Mada jan and Habib are missing
from her life. (SIP A) Due to Mada jan and Habib s loss, Najmah loses the ability to
speak. (STEWE 1) Before Najmah witnessed her mother and brother s bombing she
can be seen speaking willingly. I thought it was the Pashtun Talib, I say. I don t
want them to steal the animals (58). Najmah s reaction shows her awareness and
will to speak freely compared to later in the novel, when she doesn t speak freely and
overall loses the ability to speak. (STEWE 2) Later, Najmah loses the ability to
speak and this can be seen when she witnesses their death, My
Landmine Research Paper
Landmines If one is fortunate enough to be an United States citizen, the notion of
landmines in combat may seem like primitive warfare technology. But, for the
people in war torn Africa, one mistep has become a death sentence. Suprisingly, the
United Nations estimates that 2 to 5 million new landmines are put into the ground
each year. This statistic shows that landmines are the exact oppostite of primitive
technology. On top of all that, as if the traditional variation was not enoough, they
now manufacture plastic landmines. Which, of course, are even more difficult to
detect. There are many barriers that prevent the clearing of landmines around the
world, specifically, Africa. One of these barriers is the fact that landmines are so
efficient. If they weren t so effective of as a weapon of murder, millions would not
be buried into the ground today. Another major barrier is the fact that removal of
landmines is labor entensive, as well as, inefficiant. In fact, it takes more than a day
to clear over 50 kilometers of land. At that rate, it is estimated it will take over one
thousand years to clear the rest of the mines left in the world. Also, landmines are
now made out of plastic, therefore invisible to metal detectors which makes removal
that much more difficult. Another... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In southern Africa specifically, innocent civilians have been murdered and maimed
over the last thirty years. It is estimated that 20,000 victims are either severly injured
or killed by landmines every single year. Of those victims, a vast majority are
innocent children. The mere threat of landmines prevents civilians from plowing
their fields or even roaming around their own land. It also prevents the sale of land
and homes which further cripples a country s economy. The people who live in these
landmine infested areas, truly live knowing that any moment, their next step could be
Definition Of Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Submitted by
Thesis Statement4
What Is Total Quality Management4
Definitions of TQM5
The Concept of Continuous Improvement by TQM7
Total Quality Management Principles8
1.Customer focus8
2.Employee skills development9
3.Operations improvement9
4.Integrated system9
5.Strategic Approach10
6.Constant change10
7.Strengthen leadership10
8.Effectiveness in communication11
Implementation of TQM11
Executives responsibility:11
Operational Management12
Design of the product12
Employee integration12
Customer satisfaction and involvement12
Total Quality Management
The last decade of the twentieth century brought great development to the world and
especially it has introduced new techniques and ideas to improve the business world.
Subsequently, in the decade of 1990s the business world was revolutionized with the
quality management technique in business. It was the time when the businesses
started to embrace the concept of quality and so they started to use it as a competitive
advantage (Abusa, 2013).
In the past business practices as most of the business was working on the base of
supply and demand and consumer behavior were also making their decision on the
base of the availability of the product. However with the development the consumer
behavior also changed as the technological development changed the rules and
patterns of business
Dramatic Monologue And Symbolism In William
Shakespeare s...
Language features such as dramatic monologue and symbolism are a key
component in understanding significant messages of a play, as well as expressing
the Author s overall purpose in a text. The Merchant Of Venice , by William
Shakespeare demonstrates a number of key ideas, one being to teach us the concept
of mercybeing righteous and morally acceptable than justice. Shakespeare does this
explicitly by modelling his characters to represent this idea through forms of language
features, in specific dramatic monologue.
Shakespeare demonstrates the importance of the concept of mercy being a morally
acceptable path than justice, through the technique of a Jewish characters (Shylock s)
dramatic monologue. If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not
laugh?... And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?....If a Jew wrong a Christian,
what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his
sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. This quote helps portraying
how Shylock believes that before the religions we place our faith in we are
humans who are not all that different from each other. Shylock s dramatic
monologue can also be seen as a trigger which builds his hate towards the
unfairness he has experienced being discriminated against because of the religion
he follows. This is significant to the play, because at first we are convinced that
Shylock is the victim. Through the use of dramatic monologue we are able to
empathise with Shylock and his need to seek justice. Our empathy for Shylock in a
sense contradicts Shakespeare s portrayal of Shylock who is supposedly an Evil soul
, faithless Jew , Cruel devil , Dog Jew . However despite this portrayal, the technique
of dramatic monologue enables us to create sentimental connections with the
character and how we feel about his personality. Although Shylock s dramatic
monologue has us feeling sympathetic towards him, it also shows that justice can
easily be corruptible. Justice is often good and executed for the right reasons.
However, Shakespeare demonstrates that justice can turn hateful when our purpose
for wanting to see fairness becomes selfish. As someone who personally finds Justice
being the better option
The Impact Of Mass Communication On Our Society
Mass Communication is the study of how people receive information through what
is known as Mass Media to a large crowd of the population at the same time. Or they
can also say that Mass Communication is a process of which a person, group of
people, or an organization send and receive messages through a channel of
communication to a large of unknown and heterogeneous people and organizations.
You can think of a large group of unknown and heterogeneous people as either the
general public. The sender of the message is usually a professional communicator that
often represents an organization.
TO MASS COMMMUNICATION: In more than one way, ICT came to be a blessing
to our society because it facilitates complements and supplements the proceedings of
Mass Communication. A few examples that would be driving this point home.
FEEDBACK: there are proceedings that the communication to the advancement
which is incomplete without a feedback and ICT facilities is in an important stage,
both in the electronic and in the print media. In broadcasting, ICT has put a bridge
between the gulf and broadcasters and their audience or a viewer as far as feedback
is there. For example, mobile phones, made it easier for many broadcast audience or
viewers to help on air programs through the expression of opinion, grievances, and
commendations. These technologies also enlighten the audiences to send short text
messages to broadcast stations for
Environmental Factors That Affect The Growth And
Microorganisms have developed multiple direct and indirect mechanisms that protect
them against the environmental stresses they encounter. One of the most severe and
widespread problems facing crop production is the degradation of soil quality due
to desiccation and salinity, and almost 40% of the world s land surface is affected
by salinity related problems (Zahran 1999, Veron, 2006). Water, and its availability, is
one of the most vital environmental factors to affect the growth and survival of
microorganisms (Potts 1994).
Within the soil environment, indirect protection of cellular structures and contents
can be provided by cell surface coating with clay minerals or close association with
organic substances. Some bacteria (Bacillus spp. and Actinobacteria) form heat
resistant spores to withstand dry conditions and high temperatures, while other
microorganisms encase individual cells or aggregates of cells with polymeric
substances or slime layers to form an extensive exopolymeric matrix or biofilms.
These outer structures enable them to adhere to inorganic (e.g. soil pore walls,
water conduits, mineral surfaces) or organic (e.g. roots) surfaces to insulate the
entire microbial community against effects of high temperature and the associated
lack of available water (Jozefaciuk et al., 2006; Berendsen et al., 2012; Rolli et al.,
2015). Despite the potential physiological and lifestyle adaptations to desiccation
available to soil microorganisms, many microbes yield to heat
Christian Bible Research Paper
The Christian Bible, in all of its glory and mystery, is the book with the most
translations than any other book ever written. Translated into nearly 400 different
languages and has well over 100 different versions within the English language
alone, it s hard to think of another book so widely known. But why is it so
controversial? Many people do not truly believe the words that live between these
pages. However, according to the world clock, there are currently around 2.3 billion
Christians today out of the nearly 7.5 billion people roaming the earth. When
calculated, this comes to about 31% of the planet self identifying as Christ
followers. That s quite a lot of people, and though we are currently the largest
religion, we are slowly shrinking in size and Islam, currently at 23% of the
population, is slowly growing in numbers.
Christianity is considered monotheistic. Monotheism, in short, is the belief that there
is one supreme being who is sovereign over all other beings. In Christianity and
Judaism our Abba Father, Yahweh is the one true God
. Another way to say this is
through grammar. In monotheism we capitalize the G in God. However in ... Show
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In fact, in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 17 the scripture says,
16 All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and
training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped
for every good work.
This is significant because it tells us what to do with the Bible and how important
of a tool it really is. We are called to use the word to instruct others in the way of
living a fulfilling life and to lead people to do good in the world. Also in the Bible
is Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be
satisfied. Matthew 5:6. We are dead without God in our lives and, therefore, must
strive towards getting to know the one who created us in His image, in the Imago
Police Law Enforcement Protection And Citizen s Civil...
In 1991, nearly 10% of all United States murders occurred in New York City (La
Vorgna, 2012). The United States civil liberties grant citizen s rights and freedoms as
determined by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Every citizen has the right to walk
their streets without being racially targeted by police. They also have the right to
roam these streets without being mugged or killed. Both are civil liberties. Amidst
times of racial and ethnic animosity, this country faces a problem between law
enforcement protection and citizen s civil liberties. Stop and frisk is a policing
tactic where officers stop, question, and frisk a civilian based on reasonable
suspicion of criminal activity. Many argue the New York Police Department s
(NYPD) use of stop and frisk is an obvious violation of the Constitution and is
based on racial discrimination. The Supreme Court of the United States
(SCOTUS) has heard many controversial cases dealing with this exact problem.
Cases such as Terry v. Ohio and Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin s partial ruling of
Floyd v. City of New York have greatly impacted both law enforcement tactics and
the meanings of certain civil liberties. An analysis of the United States judicial
history and the biased decisions of Judge Scheindlin shows the NYPD s use of stop
and frisk tactic is not only constitutionally reasonable, but a non discriminatory way
of reducing crime. During 1968, Terry v. Ohio established the legal precedence for
stop and frisk. The fourth
A Peaceful New Religion Movement
909 Found dead in Jonestown,Guyana South America from Kool aid flavored
cyanide, screams headline news November, 18 1979.What seems to be a peaceful
New religion movement started in California for People in search for Hope and
relief in Desperate Times from the Social inequalities, Unjust Killing, poverty ,and
despair during the late seventies to early eighties.In the beginning people promise
utopia a perfect society tens to hundreds of single mothers ,blacks, homosexuals
and families all alike dropped their lives to flocking onto planes for a vision of the
good life. Over a thousand people joined the Peoples Temple. This entire Religious
Movement was run by one man said to be the by followers Deliver of Peace
,Shepherd of his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Barrels of cyanide laced Kool aid bought from the American government for gold
cleaning was voluntary drunk,and forcefully injected to the People s Temple
members . Some killed themselves with rifles or pistols, many were shot who tried
to flee.Over one third of the dead on that day where children and infant that were
dragged into this without choice.Pets like dogs and cats were also killed in the
progress for all who pass will be saved . For Jim Jones speculation that he shot
himself, but after investigating the crime scene the weapon thought to be used was
found over 40 feet away from Jones body so the case still speculates. Upon return
of the congressmen ,and United States Army was surprised to see upon arrival a
mass suicide took place counted nine hundred nine confirmed deaths caused by
cyanide laced Kool aid.for the survivors of the massacre whether it be from under
dosage or faking their own death
Liberals Victory in the 1906 Election Essay
Liberals Victory in the 1906 Election
There are various reasons given as to why the Liberals succeeded in winning the
1906 elections, decline in support towards the Conservative party, a new Liberal
attitude which enabled its members to reunite instead of seeing their seperate ways
which is what lead to their initial collapse.
The Conservative Party like the Liberal Party split over the issue of Free Trade and
failed to reunite, unlike the Liberals which did so and remained so. With the
Liberals being reunited regarding the issues they believed in and campaigned for
enabled them to attack the Conservatives more easily. The Liberals unlike the
Conservative Party weren t affected and too ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Despite already having begun the war, the general public caused controversy over
many things, Lord Kitcheners concentration camps, they were atrocious and
deplorable and unheard of methods in dealing with the people there. By this time
Britain was also becomin very isolated and unpopular to other countries in the
world. Chinese slavery was also seen as being awful as they were employed cheaply
and was seen as an injustice to them.
Not only did the was effect the decline of the Consevative Party but due to their
strong laissez faire attitude they failed to pay attention to society, especially the
working class, as the Conservatives were of middle class beliefs, very traditional and
aristocratic. They failed to introduce social reforms such as housing, improvement of
factory conditions, wage increases and the disgraceful liveing conditions due to
poverty throughout the nation.
The Conservatives also came to disputes and disagreements regardin a major issue,
the Tariff Reforms. Should taxes or duties be imposed on foreign imports as Britain
faced ever increasing competition from major powers at the time such as Germany
and USA. There were two main figures with two fairly different ideas, Arthur Balffour
The Impact Of The Allies In World War II
World War II, the second time of the world war, lasted from September 1th, 1939 to
September 2th 1945. There were two difference alliances in the WWII, the Axis and
Anti fascist Alliance. The winner of the WWII was Allies, and there are many
reasons that can explain why Allies can win it. The most important reason is that
Allies gained most support from the public and citizens because Allies represented
the justice side. However, there is also a crucial factor that helps the Allies to win
the WWII which is the new invention and technology. Inventors made new weapons
such as tanks, proximity fuses and atom bomb. The impacts of these weapons were
positive to Allies in WWII and those new inventions make a big step of human
progress. Tanks were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Atom bomb is a new bomb invention during the WWII. Begin in 1944, some
young Japanese men chose to become kamikaze pilots who undertook suicide
missions, crashing their explosive laden airplanes into American warships (Ellis
Esler 588). Because of this team, Japan won a lot of battles and it made the United
States angry. Some scientists offered a new way to end of the war. They invented
a new bomb, this new bomb was super powerful than any bomb before, and this
project is called the Manhattan Project. In July 1945, American successfully tested
the first atom bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Then they told president about
this project, during that time, the president of America is Harry Truman. And he
found that atom bomb was a really useful weapon to end the war, so he decided to
use it to against Japan. They gave Japan a warning about that surrender or complete
destruction and utter devastation . But Japan even didn t care about this. Then, the
hell was coming. On August6, 1945, American dropped the first atom bomb little
boy over the city of Hiroshima. The bomb flattened four square miles and instantly
killed more than 70,000 people (Ellis Esler 589). We can find that the atom bomb
was a definitely destruct weapon, it killed 70,000 people at the same time. We turned
back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful cloud...
Business Texting
Reach Customers Easy and Fast with Business Texting
According to Forbes Magazine, mobile marketing is the future of customer
communication. Forbes cites that over 80 percent of adults own a phone and over
90 percent of adults keep their phone within arm s reach. In fact, over half of mobile
searches lead to a sale. Therefore, business texting is essential to business success.
Here are three reasons why business texting is critical to your marketing plan. http:/
/www.forbes.com/sites/cherylsnappconner/2013/11/12/fifty essential mobile
marketing facts/ Business Texting is Optional
Mass marketing relies on the principles of saturating a target demographic or random
members of the public with advertising. However, business texting is an opt in
service. That is, consumers voluntarily provide their phone number and are free to
opt out at any time. Therefore, the target audience will be consumers who are already
familiar with the product or service. As a result, you can reduce wasted marketing
costs while accurately reaching your target market. Keep in mind that business
texting will always rely on traditional advertising forms to establish and maintain and
customer texting database.
It Increases Consumer Engagement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When it comes to email, consumers are tired of dealing with spam and banner ads.
Since texting spam is still in the infancy stage, phone users aren t as jaded as they
are compared with traditional email. In addition to this, text messages are quicker,
shorter and easier to read. Keep in mind that 25 percent of adults only have a
smartphone to access the Internet. Therefore, the conversion process and rates for a
business text is much higher. Business texting is also an excellent opportunity to
directly engage consumers in conversation while improving the Customer
Relationship Management (CRM)
Marketing New Product
Marketing New Product Assignment
Case 1
This case is largely based on Vanessa O Connell, Food for Thought: How Campbell
Saw a Breakthrough Menu Turn into Leftovers, the goals we need to reach is to gain
the understanding of this company, why they can get the innovation and how they can
manage it, also we can learn the experience of this company.
The back ground of the company: In 1990, Campbell Soup was the undisputed leader
among U.S. soup manufacturers, with a market share of over 75 percentages. Soup
consumption, however, was levelling off, and top management was looking for
opportunities for growth in related markets. Competitors such as ConAgra ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By fall 1997, Campbell announced plans to sell IQ Meals. For using the correct
strategy, in 2012, Campbell announced plans to buy Bolthouse Farms, a maker of
juices, salad dressings and baby carrots, for $1.55 billion. Analysts saw this as an
attempt to reach younger, more affluent consumers.
Reference: Collins, Douglas (1994). America s Favorite Food: The Story of
Campbell Soup Company. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Shea, Martha Esposito, and Mathis,
Mike (2002). Images of America: Campbell Soup Company. Arcadia Publishing.
Wikipedia,Campbell Soup Company. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
/Campbell_Soup_Company#Recalls case 2:
In this case, you and your classmates play the role of the marketing department in a
firm involved in new product development. This case we link each other in different
department and position. We have different duties. How to coordinate our ideas in
Background of the company:
My firm is struggling with instituting team based product development, and over the
last several months several of the marketing staff has been placed on product teams
with personnel from engineering, design, and manufacturing.
We need find the way to get more solutions. All open about their opinions and
participate in the discussion of the views of others. This way .they will strive to
come up with solutions that are actually workable, and weed out the pie in the sky
The Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana
One of the main focusing points of America s War on Drugs is the drug marijuana.
Marijuana is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the world. Thousands of
people are arrested every year because of marijuana. However, even with marijuana
s bad reputation, the benefits that it offers definitely outweigh its disadvantages.
Marijuana can help alleviate many ailments and several symptoms associated with
cancer and Aids. While Marijuana is a very effective medicine, it is also a huge
cash crop. In addition to this the legalization of marijuana would clear up many
problems with the criminal justice system. If marijuana was made legal for medical
and recreational use, it could help many people in the form of medicine, help boost
the economy, and it would separate the marijuana users from criminals.... Show more
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For decades marijuana has been used as a recreational drug in various parts of the
world. This plant is mostly made up of a chemical known as tetrahydrocannabinol.
Commonly addressed as THC, this is what causes a person to experience
physiological effects. While most drugs fall under a category of stimulant, depressant,
or hallucinogen; cannabis contains properties of all of these, giving it its own class.
Many different forms of marijuana commonly referred to as strains exist. While
some strains can make someone feel energetic, others can cause users to feel drowsy
What I Really Like About America Is Freedom
What I really like about America is Freedom I always wanted a freedom in my life
because in My country not everything is really free like girls can t work and not all
girls go to school. If we say specific womans doesn t have a lot of freedoms. When I
was living in afghanistan and going to school girl s couldn t come without cover
our body and hair I couldn t go outside to play or see my friends.
I think that education in America is really good for childrens and adults. I always
wanted a really good education for me and my sisters and brothers. Sometimes I
wanted to tell to stop and let your kids go to school and let them have a good
education let them make the world better for their future and others future let them
learn about something great for their future. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I love history so i think history is really important in a country. America have a
really good export and it is the biggest i think america have the biggest export in the
world i think it is really
The First Time A Girl
The first time a girl gets her period is a defining moment in her life. It marks
significant biological changes in her body and means she is now able to conceive a
child. Each month when you get your period, also known as menstruation, your body
sheds the lining of the uterus. The menstrual blood flows through the cervix and out
of the body through the vagina. A typical period lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days.
Here are some important things to know about your periods, for both young women
just learning about menstruation and those who are experiencing changes in their
typical cycle. пїј Why You Get Your Periods Every month, an egg begins to grow in
one of your ovaries. After it is fully developed, it leaves the ovary and travels to the...
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Some might not even notice they are bleeding more than they usually do in a
particular cycle, and they are using more sanitary products than they normally
would. Some women s periods may last longer than the typical 3 to 7 days, but
they may discount the importance of that as well. However, heavy bleeding during
periods and cycles that stretch beyond 7 or 8 days might be indicative of a fibroid
growth. A fibroid is a noncancerous, fibrous and muscular growth that appears in or
around the uterus. Heavy and prolonged bleeding is the most commonly reported
symptom among women suffering from fibroids, according to a 2014 study
published in The International Journal of Women s Health. Occasionally, you may
also notice the presence of blood clots in your menstrual flow. This, too, can be a
sign of fibroids. пїј Excessive Menstrual Pain may Indicate Endometriosis Abdominal
pain and cramps are common complaints during period cycles when the uterine wall
is shedding itself. During periods, the endometrium produces prostaglandin, a
hormone that induces inflammation and pain. However, severely debilitating pain in
the lower abdominal region and pelvic area that affects your ability to carry out daily
activities in a major way can be indicative of endometriosis. Endometriosis is an
inflammatory disorder in which the uterine tissue, that is typically supposed to grow
and stay inside the uterus, grows outside the uterus. This tissue also forms the uterine
Essay on Eliminating Abbreviations Errors in the Medical...
How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors?
The use of abbreviations shortens length of many words thus really help healthcare
professionals in saving time spent in writing notes. Abbreviations however do not
always provide positive contributions due to misconceptions, misunderstandings, and
misinterpretations leading to commitment of errors in the practice. Similarities in
abbreviations for instance could root to a grave mistake. For instance the q.d. which
an inscriber would like to indicate as every day could be erroneously interpreted as
q.i.d. which means four times a day. Such error could result to over dosage when a
certain medication is taken four times in a day instead of just once. Though some
abbreviations can be easily ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Policies would need to provide lists of accepted abbreviations and their standard
meaning. That would be one of the best ways of preventing creation of
abbreviations or assigning different meaning on a certain standard abbreviation.
Despite of universal standard policies on the use of abbreviations, organizations
would know better the strength and flaws of using abbreviations in particular
healthcare facility. Organizational policies should therefore be also developed
which would include the universal standard policies and organizational policies
believed to maintain safety practice. The policy should clearly specify the
abbreviations that can be safely used and their standard meanings in the
organizations and those that should not be used providing the common errors
generated. The policy must also indicate the forms of written paper that allows
using abbreviations. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices for instance has
provided lists of abbreviations that should never be used to communicate medical
information (ISMP, 2007). Policies should also provide simple yet concise
guidelines on the use of abbreviations. The methodologies of quality control such as
through periodic audit on proper usage of abbreviations should be also specified.
The persons authorized to use abbreviations should be also clearly specified. The
policy would need regular updating and should therefore clearly specify the dates. If
necessary, consequences of non obedience to the policy
What Are The Exages And Disadvantages Of 3D Printing
Advantages and Disadvantages of 3D Printing
Ability to Customize Products
Customization is a standard for 3D printing. With any raw materials that you desire,
blueprints and a 3D printer, you can create any object you want, with your own
specifications and design.
Rapid Production of Prototypes
3D printing lets us quickly produce any prototypes or small versions of the original
product. This helps researchers and engineers plan the actual object and look for
flaws may affect quality and functionality.
Low Production Cost
Although the cost of setting up a 3D printer is high, overall savings of labor costs,
time saved, and equal effort for small scale and mass manufacturing ensures that the
cost of production is relatively low.
Elimination of Storage Cost
Mass production is a problem for storage but printing small scale ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Uses of 3D Printing
Industry (Business)
Manufacturing and Cost
In the industry, manufacturing products takes time, money and lots of materials.
Businessmen want to advertise their products to large companies. But how can they
present their products in an instant? This is where 3D printing comes in; using this
technology for business can help businessmen win their businesses with companies.
Manufacturing prototypes with 3D printers costs are low compared to other
manufacturing companies. We can increase the production of goods faster, cheaper
and even strengthen the durability of the product. 3D printers may cost high but look
at the benefits that it can give to society.
In a consumer s perspective, 3D printers are convenient to anyone. People don t have
to go to stores or online to buy parts for their machines. They only need the materials
and blueprints in order to create anything they want. This technology helps people to
save time, energy and money.
Personal Essay About Breaking Asthma
Breaking Asthma.
Life is not a spectator sport. In order to live to the fullest, you must overcome
obstacles to achieve happiness and success. Millions of people break barriers every
day, like Jackie Robinson and myself. I would like to share the story of how I broke
my biggest personal barrier.
I was diagnosed with asthma when I was five years old. Asthma is often defined as a
Chronic disease of the airways that in extreme cases may be life threatening. Of
course when I was five I didn t know this, so when I woke up at 3:00am crying and
unable to breath I thought I was dying. My mom instantly took me to the hospital
where my fears of dying were assuaged, but in the hospital the nurse delivered the
worst news of my life. Not only did I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I took two puffs of my inhaler and continued running. I tried to be brave, but a little
voice in my head was telling me that I was going to collapse and that only added to
my growing anxiety. Then I realized that courage is not being fearless, that s
impossible, courage is a little guy in your heart fighting off that annoying voice in
your head. Courage is the heart telling the body to keep going even if you think it s
impossible. I kept going, determination in my bones and bravery in my blood. I
finished fifth out of twelve kids and I felt extremely proud. At the end of the day
you should always do what you are determined to do even if it s difficult. The next
evening I opened my letter which announced I was in the basketball
Peace in the Middle East Essays
The text begins its history with the Middle East around the time of Muhammad and
the creation of Islam. From that time forth uprisings, demonstrations and acts of
violence were commonplace and have continued to be since that time. To dig a
little deeper and go back a little further in Middle East history one will find that this
pattern of unrest stems from as far back as proof provides. To see a timeline of
significant wars or battles of the Middle East, the picture is better illustrated on just
how long this territory of earth has been in domestic or national conflict.
The text briefly touches base on societal life before Islam when explaining how
villages handled domestic disputes or punishments for crime. According to times
then, it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Frequent discussions about the possibility of peace in the Middle East often route
into the subject of Islam and the inability or lack of desire of the Middle East
countries to separate state from religion. It is common to hear arguments blame
Islamic extremists for the unsettled atmosphere of the Middle East. Where in some
instances this may be accurate, it is highly inaccurate in most cases; but I would
like to emphasize the word some. Going back to the timeline of the Middle East
disputes, we can see that majority of these battles were not established out of
religious means. Most were catapulted from land, tax, and regime issues. Take the
Wars of the Hellenistic Monarchies in Syria in 318 170 B.C. for example. This is
a demonstration of generations of war between the Seleucids and Ptolemy s in an
effort to gain control of Syria. Does this differ in comparison to the decades long
Palestinian/Israeli war? Not much. The only difference is that peace is on the
world s radar as something to strive for and ultimately achieve. As the Middle East
continues to repeat history for very similar principles, the rest of the world is left
wondering when it will all end; when in fact, the rest of the world s countries and
continents have all had a very similar history of conflict as well.
Although the Middle East represents one of the oldest territories in the world,
comparison of timeline battles to other countries is a bit
The Sea Kingdom As A Fairy Tale
The elder wolf was shocked the thing she found was a map to a lost kingdom in the
sea she rushed over to his son and showed him the map theo was shocked and so
were his friends they thought the lost city in the sea was a fairy tale but it was real
and hopefully the ocean gem was real to because the ocean gem can control all of
the seas they were excited to go the the sea kingdom so theo asked gina and barry
that they can go with but they refused they had to go home they are the future king
and queen of their lands so theo,tiny,and lilly followed the map and came to the
savanna lands there were animals they had never seen to snakes,giraffes, porcupines,
lions, hippos and rhinos and cheetahs but the animals seemed mad as they were
chanting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Well that s how it always tastes but we scrape of the outer layer of the seaweed and
store it for later. The second layer is the edible part so try it again lilly tried it again
and it had a good tasted to it and then she ate the rest of it and said it tastes like
salted lettuce okay we are getting off track now let s head to the castle now said
Theo as they headed off to the castle and
Examples Of Lies And Deception In Much Ado About
Lies and cheating is ever present in Much Ado About Nothing... but the characters
never expect it. This is one gullible crew.
Deception appears as the tool of villains to spread chaos and unhappiness. However,
it s also a device used by friends to improve each other s lives. Everyone from
scoundrels to nice daddy s girls to clergymen use deviousness so deception doesn t
come with a value judgment, it s neither absolutely good or absolutely bad. Whether
deception is okay or not depends on the intentions of the deceivers if the intention is
to promote happiness, then the deceiver is a good friend, but if the deceiver intends
harm, then he s a nasty jerk.
Questions About Lies and Deceit
1.Is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All of the major plots are actually set in motion by the characters susceptibility to
suggestion. They only see what they want to, and they are no more misled than they
allow themselves to be.
Deception is inherently bad. It is used in this play to sometimes bring out positive
results, but those outcomes are actually artificial, and easily undone.
Ah l amour.
Love in Much Ado About Nothing is a super complicated topic. First of all, none of
the characters explicitly seek love out love is always second to something else in this
play. Love might be the inadvertent result of hatred, or the incidental fact of marriage.
Though the play is about romance, the plot seems to highlight the fact that love is
only one of many factors that goes into a love affair. Love often comes with difficulty
or complication from outside circumstances (like a scheming villain), but it s just as
often thwarted by lovers themselves.
Questions About Love
1.How does loyalty in the play work as a kind of love? Which characters are loyal,
and to whom?
2.When Claudio says that he should ve known friendship wouldn t be able to stand
up to love (when he thinks that Don Pedro has stolen Hero from him), is he
projecting his own weak allegiances and inability to love both friends and
Imagery In Street Of Crocodiles
The book Street of Crocodiles is a series of short stories depicting the life of a small
family and the town they live in. These short stories are in no chronological order, but
develop intense imagery throughout the entire novel. One of the most prominent
characters of the book is the Father, who seems to be crazy. The father goes on a
rollercoaster of emotions and ideas into an uncontrollable descent into insanity
throughout the stories, altering the ways in which reality seems to be. In a couple of
these chapters the author, Bruno Schulz, develops the character of the father through
imagery that helps show how his reality is shifted between something humanand
something a little more animalistic.
In the chapter Birds, the father is beginning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
At the beginning of the chapter, the father is no longer with the family because he
had apparently died. The only thing left of the father is a stuffed bird from his
previous craze which happened to be the condor. Its coat of feathers was in many
places moth eaten...its eyes had fallen out and sawdust scattered from the washed
out tear stained sockets (73, Schulz). This description of the dead bird relates to
the late father because in many ways the father was battered and somewhat lifeless
at times. However other times he was vibrant and full of ideas which the condor
also represented by its powerful beak and the bald neck that gave its senile head a
solemnly hieratic air (73, Schulz). Before the father s disappearance, the house the
family lives in became infested with cockroaches. To try and kill the little creatures
he would leap from one chair to another with a javelin (75, Schulz) in his hands
stabbing at the ground while emitting screams of terror (75, Schulz). In a sense he
had grown wild (75, Schulz) attempting to rid the house of the invasion. His hatred
for the cockroaches created a permeant petrified tragic mask (75, Schulz) on his
face and the constant anticipation of a cockroach running by made the father go
perpetually insane. He could no longer resist the intense loathing for the
cockroaches causing him to fall prey to madness and become completely subjected
to it (75, Schulz). This shows how the fathers reality has been completely altered to
the point of insanity, he can no longer go about normal human activities because of
his uncontrollable need to kill the cockroaches. Still he fought to obtain the reality
he is losing ever so quickly, but eventually he lost the sense of who he is and control
over his own body. Finally, one night he lay on the floor naked, stained with black
totem spots, the lines of his ribs
Weightlifting In Greece, Ancient Greeks And Ancient Greece
We have many sports such as baseball, football. and basketball but all of these
sports have one thing in common, they all have another sport within themselves.
Weightlifting is one of the most common used practices in almost every sport. This
practice, weightlifting or in other terms lifting heavy objects. It has been a part of
life since the beginning of time. Even the earliest of human civilizations had
records of some type of weightlifting. The Chinese Zhou Dynasty, Ancient
Egyptians and The Greeks. From these civilizations we have what weightlifting is
today. These civilizations used weightlifting in several different ways. The Chinese
would have recruits do tests of strength to prove that they could prove themselves
useful on the battlefield. One of the main tests was a 400 lb. stone that the recruits
had to lift off of the ground in order to be accepted into their military
ranks.(Basictraining.us) The Egyptians had many sports and activities that they
would do that included Archery, Swimming, chariot racing. They would use bags
to put sand in to lift over their head. The Egyptians use those sand bags to lift over
their heads to build strength. There was no way of knowing how heavy those sand
bags where but from some research the said they heaviest they could have gotten was
me 95 lb. just for the fact of the sack not being able to support the weight of the sand.
(Basictraining.us) Mesoptamia Artwork left behind by the Sumerians, the first people
to leave
Persuasive Essay On The Fifth Amendment
As we sit and watch some of your favorite television shows, Blue Bloods, Criminal
Minds, and The Blacklist, we can catch the prominent phrases, right to remain silent...
and/or I plead the fifth in one or two scenes leading to interrogation. Although the
television shows are fiction, the statements are factual and are part of the U.S.
Constitution to protect a person against self incrimination. Self incrimination plays a
vast part of the Bill of Right, specifically the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment
has protected many Americans from punishment. Yet, this Amendment also has made
it possible for guilty verdicts in criminal cases. This was possible with the historical
adoption of the Fifth Amendment, the implementation of the five different clauses,
and numerous criminal cases that established the strength of the Fifth Amendment.
The philosophies behind the Fifth Amendment traced back to Magna Carta, 1215. The
Magna Carta specified that No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law ... . Although England s King John did not agree to the
term willingly, the Magna Carta was signed in hope to build a relationship between
the King and the nobles and keep the peace. Unfortunately, the signed Magna Carta
annulled by Pope Innocent II. In 1613, Sir Edward Coke also advocated for the
Magna Carta as part of his approach toward the power struggle of the courts. Coke
argued that all matters needed to be addressed through the law of the
Family Diversity In The United States Essay
A topic that was covered in class that I found to be very interesting is family
diversity in the United States. Family diversity has changed and evolved since the
past leading to new definitions and examples of the ideal family, family structure,
household types, and marriage. One thing I learned about familydiversity in the
United Statesis the history of the ideal family and how the ideal family structure has
changed since World War II. In the 1950s after the war, a concept emerged to the
American society, coined as the typical family . This typical family described the
ideal family structure with two married parents, a working father, and a stay at
home mother who served as a caregiver to the children. I was not aware that the
concept of a typical family did not exist so prominently in the United States until it
was promoted and broadcasted after World War II. I learned that this concept was
promoted during this period of grief after the war to motivate people and... Show
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Stephanie Coontz touched base on many factors that contributed to this change such
as the historical context of marriage and why fewer people are getting married at an
early age. I learned that historically, people get married to gain connections and
alliance and love was not a vital factor in this decision. Arranged marriages were
common in the past for economical connections and alliances to form between two
families. Nowadays, people have higher expectations of love and more women are
entering the workforce, so marriage gets pushed back to a later time. Men and
women are high expectations of potential partners nowadays and are waiting time
out to find someone who they feel intimacy and passion towards. There are also
increasingly more people who do not marry than in the past because the goal for
marriage is no longer about gaining
The University Of South Florida Contemporary Art
Museum Essay
In order to compose this assignment, I visited the University of South Florida
Contemporary Art Museum (CAM). The USF Contemporary Art Museum is a
compact museum on campus located near the Dance buildings and the Theatres. The
museum opened its establishment in 1989 and has offered a wide range of art from
around the world including the United States, Africa, Europe, and Latin America
(usfcam.usf.edu). In order to keep students engaged in the art, the museumchanges its
exhibits a couple times a year. Currently, the exhibition on display is entitled
Extracted and incorporates the extraction and circulation of natural resources around
the globe (Megan Voeller). Despite the museum being not large in size, I was able to
attain a sense of nature through photographs, sculptures, video messages, and banners
produced from artists including Otobang Nkanga, Marina Zurkow, Claire Pentecost,
Mary Mattingly and Daniel Shiffman. The social angle most strongly related to the
exhibit on display at this time is nature and culture. Extracted was motivated by
relationships between humans and the environment referring to complex technical
processes behind oil drilling and mining or industrial agriculture (Megan Voeller).
Most of the artists focus their work on nature including the environment, ecosystems,
and life itself. One artists in particular whose work stood out to me was Claire
Pentecost with her work Soil erg. This distinct exposition was located in the hearth of
The Road At The Intersection Of S.h
Although driving to and from places is a normal part of many people s daily
routine, it is often forgotten that driving is a dangerous task that demands all
attention of a driver for the safety of the occupants of a vehicle. For our safety,
cities must provide the best roads and intersections to keep driving a safeguarded
activity. As a resident of Tomball and a driver on the roads, I have noticed that the
feeder roadat the intersection of S.H. 249 and F.M. 2920 located next to Lowe s
and Chase Bank has caused big issues for drivers. Ever since S.H. 249 became a
toll road, many Tomball residents have avoided paying high fees for driving short
distances by taking this service road. This has caused much more traffic, especially,
during rush hour around this area. Many businesses such as Ross, Target, Academy,
and Chick Fil A are located here, and are contributing factors to the congestion. I
myself have had a few close calls at this intersection. However, the issue did not
become apparent to me until my best friend was in an accident at this intersection.
Fortunately, she walked away from the accident unharmed, but her brand new car was
totalled. Losing anyone at this intersection would be devastating for myself and my
S.H. 249 South is the main problem, it often gets backed up past the entire Lowe s
parking lot. This road consists of three lanes: the far left lane being a turn only lane,
the middle lane being a lane that turns left and goes straight, and the far
Understanding and critically Evaluating Entry Modes of...
Business s choice of entry modes in international market and its advantages and
disadvantages Introduction Well known companies like Nike, Microsoft, Sony, Shell
Group are just some of the big companies that went global and expanded their trading
around the world, they are large businesses that operate internationally in many
countries. Development of worldwide integration urges companies to reach out
international markets and interact with foreign customers. Businesses focus on
fulfilling the demand of the market by its products or services, besides their target is
increasing profit, in order achieve these goals they favor to expand their work in a
foreign market. Other reasons to internationalize their business may be to become...
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How these modes were established and by whom will be defined in the following
part. In 1977 Swedish researchers at Uppsala University came up with a model
/theory how businesses should grow their activities in foreign market, this model
explains that companies should select an entry mode by taking into consideration
their own resources and exploring costs, and risks based on market nature. (Johanson
and Vahnle, 2009) Researchers at Uppsala University in their empirical study found
that Swedish firms mostly started their process of internationalization by exporting,
initially companies had agents that represented them in foreign market, but these
firms exported in countries that had little differentiation in culture, language and
political systems from their home country, this was labeled in their model as
physically close countries. Uppsala Model considers two types of knowledge
objective and experience based knowledge, the model describes that after first
entrance in foreign market businesses understands how to work in external country,
and later they step by step increase level of internationalization to physically distant
countries. (Johanson and Vahnle, 2009) But, can Uppsala model be applied to
services? This model was mainly reliable for manufacturing industries; a paper with
contrary arguments was published in 2008, providing two variables; environment
related and service specific, to question whether Uppsala model can be used for
Occupational Therapy Essay
An occupational therapist is a trained and licensed health care professional who can
make a complete evaluation of the impact of disease on the activities of the patient at
home and in work situations. Hobbies and recreational activities are considered when
an assessment is made. The most generally accepted definition of occupationaltherapy
is that it is an activity, physical or mental, that aids in a patient s recovery from
disease or injury.
The Occupational therapist takes a history from the patient by conducting a thorough
interview. Questions are asked about hygiene, eating, dressing, getting in and out of
bed, driving, cleaning, working and the patients sex life. A physical examination is
conducted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As technical writers, we will use evaluation reports, daily progress notes, summary
reports and discharge plans. Accuracy and attention to detail in the content of these
reports is essential in treating and determining the progress of our patients.
Documentation is the means by which we communicate our treatment to other health
professionals and third party payers. In most cases, it is necessary to communicate
effectively to others, orally and in writing the status of the patient. In addition,
documentation is an important aspect of our field because it conveys the status and
condition of the patient and our plan and evaluation of said condition to other
caregivers. Medical records will be read by the doctors, nurses and in some cases by
those submitting payment to the insurance companies. It is important that as
occupational therapy students we develop documentation skills early and continue to
refine these skills throughout our careers.
In order to implement the guidelines for excellent technical communication, we need
to remember the three major reasons to be honest as a communicator. First, we must
keep in mind that technical communication is not about using words and pictures to
mislead or lie to people. It is about helping people understand how to make wise
choices. If you lie or mislead, people can be hurt (Markell 12). Secondly, a patient
can worsen in condition if
Essays On Hockey. My Chosen Sport is Hockey - PHDessay.com
Essays On Hockey. My Chosen Sport is Hockey - PHDessay.com
Essays On Hockey. My Chosen Sport is Hockey - PHDessay.com
Essays On Hockey. My Chosen Sport is Hockey - PHDessay.com
Essays On Hockey. My Chosen Sport is Hockey - PHDessay.com

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Essays On Hockey. My Chosen Sport is Hockey - PHDessay.com

  • 1. Essays On Hockey Crafting an essay on the topic of "Essays on Hockey" can be both challenging and rewarding. While the subject matter itself might seem straightforward, delving into the intricacies of hockey requires a comprehensive understanding of the sport, its history, rules, and cultural significance. Moreover, capturing the essence of hockey in a written form demands the ability to convey the excitement, passion, and nuances of the game. One of the difficulties lies in striking the right balance between providing factual information and infusing the essay with a compelling narrative. You need to weave together a coherent and engaging storyline that not only educates the reader about the sport but also ignites a genuine interest in the topic. Addressing the evolution of hockey, its impact on communities, and the experiences of players and fans adds layers of complexity to the writing process. Furthermore, ensuring that the essay remains cohesive while exploring various aspects of hockey requires meticulous planning and organization. From discussing the historical milestones to analyzing the current state of the sport, every section should seamlessly connect to create a comprehensive and insightful narrative. In addition to content challenges, there's the task of maintaining an appropriate tone and style throughout the essay. The language should be accessible to a broad audience while still reflecting a depth of knowledge about hockey. Striking this balance requires a keen awareness of your target audience and a proficiency in adapting your writing style accordingly. Despite the challenges, writing an essay on "Essays on Hockey" offers a unique opportunity to showcase your passion for the sport and demonstrate your research and analytical skills. It's a chance to convey the richness of hockey culture and the profound impact it has on individuals and communities. If you find yourself struggling with this task, remember that assistance is available. Services like HelpWriting.net provide support for a variety of essay topics, including those related to hockey. Whether you need guidance on structuring your essay, refining your arguments, or simply want a professionally crafted piece, such platforms can offer valuable help to ensure your essay on hockey is not just informative but also compelling. Essays On Hockey Essays On Hockey
  • 2. Legal Underpinnings Of Business Law Legal Underpinnings of Business Law Shalanda Burgess Bus670: Legal Environment Instructor Gary Gentry September 14, 2014 Introduction In this paper I will measure how liability exposure differs amongst each business level when business owners and leaders are face with litigation. Tinkers Home Security Service business is being sued by a former client due to a breach of contract. Business Forms According to Seaquist (2012) the most common forms of businesses are Sole proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited partnerships, Corporations, and Limited liability companies (LLCs). (para. 1). These five business structures are based on the number of owners and the type of service or product that will be offered. 1. Sole proprietorship. A business owned and operated by only one individual. 2. Partnership. A popular business relationship owned by two or more people for profit. 3. Limited partnership is an entity that is created by permission of the state whose ownership is represented by stockholders. 4. Corporation is a separate entity from its owners the shareholders, that handles the responsibility of the business. 5. LLCs. A business formed by permission of the secretary of state s office. Its owners are referred as members. Each member report profit and loss on their own personal tax return. LLCs are not a separate tax entity. Under each business entity there are potential internal and external challenges and risks that are associated. Businesses may face economy
  • 3. Impact of Pregnancy Cortisol Levels on High and Low... PROJECT DESCRIPTION Impact of Pregnancy Cortisol Levels on High and Low Working Memory Capacity The terms baby brain and maternal amnesia are informally used to describe the perceived memory loss and inattentiveness many women report suffering during pregnancy (Cuttler, Graf, Pawluski Galea, 2010). Previous studies have suggested that this perceived memory loss may be associated with temporary exhaustion of working memory capacity (WMC) (Casey, 2000). In 1971, Marian Diamond and collegues did extensive research on pregnant and non pregnant rats and demonstrated for the first time that pregnancy reshapes the brain (Diamond, Johnson Ingham, 1971). Their findings suggest that pregnancy in rats increases dendritic spine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The ability to supersede sensory capture differs greatly between individuals, but working memory typically has a functional capacity of seven chunks of information (plus or minus two) (Miller, 1956). Individuals with high attentional control have greater working memory capacity (WMC) and thus, are less distracted and better able to focus only on relevant stimuli (Chabris Simons, 2010). Those with low attentional control have a limited ability to disregard sensory capture resulting in unnecessary storage of information in WM, ensuing poorer attention to the pertinent task. In the current research proposal, the general goal is to examine the extent to which cortisol levels affect working memory throughout pregnancy. An additional, more specific goal is to assess whether individuals with high attentional control may be able to compensate for working memory deficiencies more adaptively than those with low attentional control. Review of Previous Research Results from previous research comparing pregnant and non pregnant women on different aspects of memory have found more null results than objective deficits (Cuttler et al., 2000). However, respondents consistently report adversely affected cognitive functioning during pregnancy, despite evidence that suggests otherwise. The inconsistency of results may be due to the heterogeneity between the participants sampled (Henry Rendell, 2007). Participants involved in previous studies
  • 4. Neal Shusterman s Unwind Former President John F. Kennedy said, Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. Leadership is a quality found in many characters of writer. In Neal Shusterman s Unwind, Connor is a main character that found direction and became a great leader. Unwind is a story that takes place in future America. The unwinding process takes place from the ages of thirteen to eighteen. During this time, kids are able to be unwound and harvested for their body parts. Kids will not die but they will live in a divided state. Connor is one of the main characters in Unwind. From the moment Connor was introduced, he was a ticking time bomb that could explode at anytime. As the story progressed, however, he learned to control these emotions,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Connor has had many attributes needed to become a leader before he met Risa and Lev, but he never touched into them. From the moment Connor was on the highway, he showed us his leadership qualities. As Connor carries Lev into the woods following Risa, he stops Risa saying, Whatever you re running from, you won t get away unless we work together. (38) When they are around the campfire later, Risa says I wouldn t be here if it wasn t for Connor. (42) Connor was able to come up with a plan to take down the juve cop in a short amount of time with a girl he had never met before. When the Unwinds revolt against the admiral and destroy the Graveyard, Connor is nowhere to be found. By the time he gets back, the place is complete chaos. This, however, does not stop Connor as he is able to get everyone s attention. Shusterman uses words like obediently (252) to show Connor s power over the kids. After Connor gets Risa and the Admiral out of the jet, he assigns Hayden to calm everyone down. The way it goes from complete chaos to order and control right as Connor gets there is astonishing. Even Roland realizes this when they come back to the Graveyard and all the attention is on Connor and everyone listens to him. Roland thinks to himself, all his support was gone, (259) and that he had become an outsider. (259) At the very end of the story, Connor ends up running the Graveyard. He makes eye contact with
  • 5. A Rhetorical Analysis on Nineteen Eighty-Four Running Head: NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR Nineteen Eighty Four: A Critical Essay on Rhetoric Bereket Kifle Composition 12 Honors Abstract George Orwell employs the usage of different rhetoric throughout 1984. The rhetoric differs from describing the human body and its struggle to survive to the different crimes and how the citizens felt about them. Also, within 1984 lies a warning from Orwell: to eliminate the caustic consequences of a communist government. While Orwell served as part of the Indian Imperial Police in Burma during the 1920s, he examined the faults of the communist government. This phenomenon inspired Orwell to warn governments world wide to stay on the right path to a safe and free rule.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Logos Presented in 1984 This dictator, Big Brother, has lost all respect for the humble earnings of a single household family. The despicable actions prophesized by Orwell s warning message leads to an important question: why do dictators steal from the poor and give to themselves? The state is responsible for the organization and direction of the economic life of the country, in accordance with a central social and economic development plan , (Gale Research group, 1998). Orwell knew this and talked about it quite a bit in his novel, which established logos; he knew that installing fear within the minds of the citizens he watched over would lead, whether they wanted it or not, to their safety. Stability is safety. Less knowledge is safety. When the Party is questioned less, there are fewer opportunities for the Party to be wrong. This is why the mere thought of hating Big Brother earns anyone a front row seat to death. Big Brother s opinions are strict very strict. They are so strict that there are oversized cameras called telescreens installed everywhere throughout Oceania. The telescreens ensure that nothing is said about Oceania s perfect leader. This device is installed as a reminder that Big Brother is always watching (Orwell, 1949). In
  • 6. El Filibusterismo Fo Research Paper Fo s family consisted of his parents, brother, sister, and maternal grandfather. His grandfather lived in Lomellina, on a farm that Fo often visited. Fo first experienced narrative rhythm and the idea of theatrics from his grandfather s stories, often told to costumers to try and make them purchase items being sold. 2 His father, a socialist, was also an amateur actor. Since Fo s father s day job was a station manager, the family often moved on the drop of a dime. This didn t stop the yearning Fo had for stories; he was often found in the local piazzes, listening to the tales of locals, who in the oral tradition of the fabulatore would swap tall tales, steeped in pungent political satire ( Dario Fo Biographical. Nobelprize.org. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When he wrote Il ditto nell occhio, mounted by Fo to [take] advantage of a slight relaxation in censorship to attack those myths in Italian life which, as he said, Fascism has imposed and Christian Democracy has preserved . This was before 1959. During the production time of Il ditto nell occhio, Dario Fo was influenced by and learned from Jaques Lecoq, who had moved to Italy and staged his first pantomimes at the university theatre in Padua, while in the city markets he discovered Commedia dell Arte .4 Il ditto nell occhio was the first in a series of pieces which drew on French farce. This spectacle made the authorities nervous the police were frequently at performances, following the scripts with pocket torches to ensure that there were no departures from the officially approved text 6. Dario Fo s wife, Franca Rame, was an actress who met him at the same company, who Fo thought [was] her beyond his reach. She, however, felt attracted to this drab looking, lanky young man. One evening, she pushed him against a wall backstage and kissed him. They married in 1954 and their son, Jacopo, was born the following year. 7 When Fo accepted his Nobel Prize, he called Rome his muse 8 and shared the medal with
  • 7. Provisional Government Essay Provisional Government The Provisional Government had attempted to keep its power over Russian affairs during the trouble that followed the abdication of the tsar in February 1917, and as events would show, they were largely unsuccessful in doing so. This may have been because of Kerensky s mistakes, the government s lack of political power, or its failure to solve the problems of Russia s peasant majority. The Bolsheviks were quick to take advantage of time of weakness, although whether or not they succeeded because the Provisional Government failed needs to be assessed. The primary weakness of the Provisional Government was that it was essentially powerless. Primarily this was because the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries had great political power, starting from the Petrograd Soviet and reaching out to control in the soviets established in the other Russian cities. The Great War also made a large problem for the Provisional Government, especially after it mistakenly decided that it would be best to continue fighting in the war. While at first succeeding in a campaign against Austria, continued failures afterwards led soldiers and sailors to mutiny. The failed campaigns demoralized the nation and unwittingly increased support for the anti war Bolsheviks. By attempting to send some units of the Petrograd garrison to the front, the government made situations worse, eventually escalating to chaotic desertions of army garrisons. Paradoxically, the Provisional Government had rallied the offensive in the war in order to create a sense of civic patriotism that hopefully would end the conflict and bring peace to Russia. The Provisional Government failed to solve much of the issues that racked the nation, especially the ever present problem of lack of food and the redistribution of the land that the peasants wanted. In this way the Bolshevik party appealed to the masses, using attractive slogans such as Peace, Bread and Land! and All Power to the Soviets! Whether or not they would fulfil their promises meant little as
  • 8. Washington Square Quotes Washington Square In Putt s book Henry James: A Readers Guide, he speaks in a chapter about Washington Square. Within this chapter he goes over the role that Catherine plays in the story. She ultimately chooses spinsterhood, and not to defy her father, and to be the good daughter. The theme of avoidance o f marriage, spinsterhood, is something that is focused on by James in much of his work (Putt 46). Putt dwells on the fact that the father was a cruel man, and gives extraneously long quotes from James s original text to make a small point. I think that this author would have been much more effective if he would have narrowed down his thought in this chapter. Putt touches on a lot of things concerning Washington Square, such as the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Donald Hall s Afterword of Washington Square, he argues that in spite of the limited number of characters and simplicity of plot, the novel still presents a complicated moral conflict. At the heart of this conflict is Dr. Sloper, The moral force of this novel lies in the paradox of Dr. Sloper s wrong rightness (224). This paradox, of course, assumes that Dr. Sloper is not only right about Morris Townsend s intentions as primarily a fortune hunter who will bring unhappiness to Catherine, but also that Dr. Sloper is wrong to deny his daughter an inheritance based on her intentions to marry Morris Townsend. Assuming these two elements are present in the novel, the moral paradox indeed occurs and Mr. Hall is correct in claiming that the book is not morally simple (224). However, Dr. Sloper might not be completely right about Morris Townsend. And if he isn t right in assuming the worst for Morris, then clearly Dr. Sloper is the one sided villain of the novel. There is enough evidence in the text to assume that Morris Townsend has great interest in the fortune of Catherine. He readily admits it. As Dr. Sloper inquires of Townsend s sister of the young man s character, it seems that the marriage would be a mistake for Catherine. This issue is crucial to the moral meaning of the book, for it makes us certain that Catherine s marriage to Morris
  • 9. Performance Management Platform Performance Management Platform A Pivotal Foundation for Breakthrough Performance Ravee Ramamoothie University of Liverpool Abstract Strategy execution is a topic of practical importance and its success depends on how an organization integrates and aligns the business units and the employee performance to the strategic goals of the organization. However, many organizations find that their strategic goals realization is not optimized. One of the key issues is that the strategy and the performance goals of an organization are often disconnected with the performance management platform, a function of the strategic HR in managing employee performance. Ramamoothie (2012) conducted a case study based research on how a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Apple is one organization that has in recent times represented this fact. Its leader s enormous influence in the organization has built a culture of excellence within the organization, where the output of sophistication (Margulus, 2005), ecosystem (McGirt, 2006) and technology are to be marveled at and are enjoyed by the masses (Peterson, 2007). The foundation was in its human element that was spurred by a major cultural shift (Palmer et al., 2009). Improving human performance in organizations has become a crucial factor, and leaders have to focus on this to successfully steer through the current hyper competitive era. However, the pursuit of improvement of human performance hinges on the performance management capability of an organization, which Mithas, Ramasubbu and Sambamurthy (2009, pg.240) infer is pivotal to enable firms to continuously evaluate strategy and refine actions towards optimum performance. This capability directly links the Ravee Ramamoothie ravee@kpisoft.com Page 2 organization s ability to deliver superior customer service, as well as enhanced financial and overall organizational effectiveness. What are the key management principles for an Organization to be on the path of breakthrough performance? In their recent book Alignment Kaplan and Norton (2006) describe through their research how they found
  • 10. Juvenile Delinquency Theory 1.In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and Brandon C. Welsh, chapter 7 talks about Gender and Delinquency. According to chapter 7, 3 facts about the connection between delinquency and abuse for girls are one that girls are more traumatized by child abuse. According to the text, studies have showed that girls who were victims of child abuse are at a high risk of participating in antisocial behaviors (258). Another fact is that girls that are victims of child abuse often suffer from bad childhoods. In addition, some girls are forced to leave their homes and are left on the streets to protect, defend, and shelter themselves (258). Many girls who are forced to leave their homes often participate in sexual altercations in order to support themselves as well because they have no... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the text Juvenile Delinquency Theory, Practice and Law by Larry J. Sigel and Brandon C. Welsh, chapter 8 talks about the family and delinquency (277). Two examples of the possible connection between Family Breakup and delinquency are children who parents breakup are at risk of displaying antisocial behavior (284). According to the text, studies have shown that married couples can produce children who are confident and dependable (283). In addition, research has shown that if a child is being raised with one or neither of their parents, they are at a high risk of participating in antisocial behaviors (283). However, when problems start to occur within the home, often time s children are free to explore in delinquent behaviors (282). Another example is Divorce and Delinquency. According to the text, family breakups can play a role in the influence on delinquent behaviors (284). Parents and child relationships can be affected by family breakups (285). For instance, Sara Jaffee and her assistances observed the values of marriages and concluded that fathers were away from their children, the more delinquent behaviors their child were involved in
  • 11. Blogging Can Be For Leisure And Also For Business Blogging can be for leisure and also for business. Many bloggers use their blog as a means to making money and supporting that blog and some even are full time bloggers making thousands of dollars in a year. The first step to making money from blogging is to start blogging on a consistent basis. Once this is established, advertise the blogto the audience it is aimed towards. This will increase viewership in preparation for the next step. Once there are viewers and blogging has become a routine, it is time to look at what companies pay bloggers. Google AdSense Google is the king of advertising on the internet. Almost any website that plans to make any money has a Google Ad on it somewhere. This Google Ad is created by the owner of the website using Google AdSense. The coding for the ad is placed in the blog html so that is appears on the sidebar, top, or bottom of a page. Many bloggers are also putting ads in the actual posts of their blog. The amazing thing about Google AdSense is that is automatically determines what types of ads to place on the website or blog by what type of content is already being published on the website or blog. This makes making money much simpler as the owner makes money by how often the ads are clicked on. It is important to have a strong viewership when using Google AdSense. Swagbucks Many recent articles have trashed Swagbucks for being an inefficient way of making money online. The easiest way to make money through Swagbucks is through
  • 12. Thinking Ahead Contingency Planning And Managing The... Thinking ahead contingency planning and managing the unexpected are core skills for a perioperative nurse. Alfredsdottir and Bjornsdottir (2008) describe how prevention is a core component of the perioperative nurses work. Perioperative nurses consider how the background of their patient may contribute to their susceptibility and instability and how these may be risk factors during their patients surgery, this means trying to imagine everything that could go wrong and taking reasonable steps to manage these scenarios. In this case study Mr Knight, a 55 year old man is presenting to the operating room to undergo an exploratory laparoscopy for a suspected bowel obstruction, with his history of body mass index (BMI) of 35, Type 2 diabetes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These conditions can have a negative affect on surgical outcomes (Bellanger Bray, 2005). Obesity also has surgical implications largely around wounds and their management. As an obese patient Mr Knight is at an increased risk of having his laparoscopic operation converted to an open procedure, largely due to expose and dissection problems (Makino, Shukla, Rubino, Milsom, 2012). Knowing Mr Knights previous surgical history is particularly important when preparing for laparoscopic abdominal surgery, this is because previous abdominal surgery creates adhesions. Adhesions are a known risk factor for laparoscopic procedures being converted to open, this risk is increased when the patient is obese (Barleben et al., 2009). There are a number of risk factors that may contribute to the predictability of a laparoscopic procedure converting to open these include patient comorbidities, type of surgery, illness pathology, and surgeon skill (Tekkis, Senagore, Delaney, 2005). Patient positioning is an integral part of surgical preparedness; the whole perioperative team has a responsibility towards the patients regarding surgical positioning. Mr Knights position will depend on the type of laparoscopic surgery being performed and the surgeons preference for this procedure, positioning is often a compromise between surgical access, airway management and patient safety. The very act of surgical positioning can lead to injury and with laparoscopic surgery injuries
  • 13. Uncle Toms Cabin Quotes Daniela Islas In Uncle Tom s Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe defines slavery as inhumane and unjust, in her book she provides real life stories of how faith, sacrifice, and cruelty, come together to demonstrate a real life vision of the terrible systems of slavery and how they affected many people. Stowe wrote this book with the solemn purpose of informing future readers about the particular ways of slavery and how it associated with poor treatment. In the format she composes the book, she entitles to several examples at a time in which slavery is seen to take over people s lives whether good or bad. In the book, Stow refers to faith as one of the very few things African Americans trusted upon and uses it as a central point in her book. For example, Tom was a very faithful man who never did anything that would go against his faith. After he was beat nearly to death by Mr. Legree s servants he refuged under his strong faith and pardon all those who hurt him and only wished good in God s land. Tom is used as a very symbolic figure in the book because of his sincere dedication to his faith. In addition, Stow also introduces us to Evangeline, a young girl whose faith only allows her to see the good on everyone s eyes. In a very disastrous moment Topsy reveals out of control and cannot be brought into reason, Topsy is described as a character who lacks love and attention. Eva on the other hand is identified as unprejudiced and sees everyone black and white as equals, her
  • 14. Value Of Social Policy Analysis Social policies are the laws, rules, and regulations that govern the benefits and services provided by the government and private organizations to assist people in meeting their needs (Chapin, 2014, p. 2). Social policies are created to reflect the study of human wellbeing, identify social relations that are essential for the human wellbeing, and build systems that promote the wellbeing of individuals, families, and groups. Social policies can promote social justice and improve the quality of life for a client, family, or group that is oppressed or vulnerable. Social worker students must understand social policies, because the social welfaresystem, social policy, and social workers are linked together and influence one another greatly. Social policy ultimately dictate the services offered by social workers through social programs (Chapin, 2014, p.4). Social policy determines the type of services that can be provided to individuals and groups, who has access to services, and who can provide specific services. There are social policies in almost all areas of the social work profession. In addition, social workers have an ethical obligation to combat injustice ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The involvement of the client allows the client to be empowered to create the change in social policy that will improve the quality of their own life. In addition, the strengths perspective considers the strengths and resources the community has and needs to meet the needs of the client rather than focusing on the individual deficits or placing blame on the client. The strengths perspective demands that we shift our perspective, attitude, and language to focus on the possibility and opportunity and the potential of the individual, who has strengths as well as needs (Chapin, 2014,
  • 15. ART CRITICISM PAPER ART CRITICISM PAPER The Grafin von Schonfeld with her Daughter by Elizabeth Louise Vigee LeBrun In the University Of Arizona Museum Of Art, the Pfeiffer Gallery is displaying many art pieces of oil on canvas paintings. These paintings are mostly portraits of people, both famous and not. They are painted by a variety of artists of European decent and American decent between the mid 1700 s and the early 1900 s. The painting by Elizabeth Louise Vigee Lebrun caught my eye and drewme in to look closely at its composition. The Grafin von Scholfeld with her Daughter is oil on canvas art piece painted in 1793. It is a painting of a woman holding her daughter on her lap, the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The little girl s dress gives the texture of lightness and seems like airy fabric that would be thin and translucent. The time in this piece is very accurate of the late 1700 s and when viewing it, the time seems classic. The emphasis of this piece is mainly the mother and the daughter, however when looking at them you are drawn into looking at their realistic eyes. The eyes seem like the focal point which draws the viewer in to the picture. The relationship in the painting between the mother and daughter give it a definite asymmetrical balance and maybe a little radial balance. A radial balance because of their eyes being the central focus, then the faces, then the holding of each other, then where they are placed on the canvas, and then the bench and the landscape. The colors used by the painter, also creates balance with in the picture. The wine colored dress of the mother, red sash of the daughter s dress, ruby lips, and the rosy cheeks give a warm feeling to the central focus of the mother and daughter. The cool color of the sky is the same as the women s eyes as well as the trees and green on the mother s dress. These balances give unity or a unifying feeling to the painting, especially between the mother and daughter. The idea of this piece is to show the connection between mother and daughter being painted. It shows the time and the classic style of the
  • 16. Stephen Kings Why We Crave Horror Films Essay As I was lying in bed recalling the event happened an hour before I was thinking to myself that I will never look at lightning the same way again. Thunder and lightning was still present in the night sky as I lay there in bed thanking God I was alive and well. Each flash of lightning lit the entire room and each clap of thunder rattled the windows of my hotel room. Lightning can seem much more terrifying when you re up 20,000 ft in the mountains, and the thunder sounds a lot louder too. The sound of nature s fury seemed to slowly descend as the night went on, but my nervesdid not. I was still stunned and in shock of being stuck in a lightning storm high in the mountains. I never thought about the power and damage lightning can inflict... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Soon the moonlight illuminated the scenery. As I was standing on the balcony admiring the scenery something finally went wrong, a huge black cloud covered the moon. I soon heard the thunder. It seemed to be nothing to worry about, so I didn t acknowledge it. A few hours later the thunder grew louder and I could see the flashes of lightning headed our way. I went inside to inform my parents of the weather, but they didn t seem to worry about it much until the cloud was almost over the lodge. My family and I left the reception alone while everyone else stayed in cover; they were the smart ones I thought. We left quickly walking fast and practically running toward the gondolas so we wouldn t be stuck on the mountain all night long. By now the storm was close and so was the lightning. The people at the station loaded the four of us into a gondola and we slowly worked our way down the mountain. Hanging in this tiny box of metal by a hook on a wire cable was not the most reassuring thing. I looked out the window hoping to see the ground, but it was too dark. I could barely see the hand in front my own face. Lightning would flash, and all I could make out were the tops of trees. Paranoia overwhelmed me. My breaths seemed to become further and further apart as time slowed. As I was trying to relieve my mind of worst case scenario, a big flash and enormous rumble sounded. We stopped moving. Our gondola had
  • 17. The Impact Of Ffp Regulations On The Competitive Balance... BMAN31391 ECONOMICS OF SPORTS S/NO: 9327588 Introduction The UEFA Financial Fair Play (FFP) Regulations have come to terms in 2009 and it has been widely discussed due to the nature of the rules that was imposed on the clubs. The aim of this essay is to discuss the impacts of FFP Regulations on the competitive balance in European Football. The first section of this essay is an introduction to the UEFA FFP Regulations. Secondly, introduction of the Fort and Quirk Model will be used to analyse the effects of competitive balance. Thirdly, summaries of sports economists view on the FFP Regulations are reported. The final section will be a conclusion on the effects of UEFA FFP Regulations on the competitive balance of the leagues. UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations The UEFA FFP Regulations is about improving the financial health of European football club (UEFA, 2014). The regulation was implemented at the end of 2012 season where all clubs had to abide to the rules and regulations to obtain the license to play in the UEFA Champions League(UEFA, 2010). Deloitte (2014a, p. 2) refers the FFP break even requirement as a change potentially as profound as that brought about by the Bosman ruling. The main objectives are being documented in UEFA s 2014 Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play Regulations handbook (refer to Appendix). The break even rule will prevent clubs from spending more than what they could earn. Clubs have to adhere to aggregate
  • 18. Angel investing Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions What is an Angel Investor? An angel investor is a high net worth individual who invests his or her own money directly into an early stage company, in return for equity (ownership) in the company. In addition to providing financial capital, angel investors mentor and coach their portfolio companies, and help fill in functional or skill gaps in the company. They introduce the companies to other investors, and to colleagues who may be able to increase the company s value. Most angel investors are entrepreneurs who have exited one or more businesses. They often invest in companies for reasons that go beyond monetary return. This may include staying in touch with new business developments, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Philadelphia region, angel groups syndicate deals on a regular basis, sharing due diligence as well as terms. What Makes a Company a Good Candidate for Angel Investment? 1. The company has a must have product or service with a unique competitive advantage. The company s product must identify a significant need among a large and clearlydefined target market. Investors use the term pain point to describe the problem that the product will solve and the company needs to relieve the customer s pain in a unique and compelling way. It needs to be a must have rather than a nice to have product for its target market. Robin Hood Ventures Angel Investing FAQs 2 12/3/2010 Angel Investing: Frequently Asked Questions 2. The company has a working prototype of its product or service, and at least one paying client. Essentially, the product needs to be ready to go. If the product is just an idea, it is too soon for angel investors to get involved. Likewise, if the company is already a successful business looking to expand its market, it may be ready for the larger resources that venture capitalists can provide. In the case of life science companies, the product should be either in clinical trials, or ready to begin this process. 3. The company has a detailed and well thought out business plan. Entrepreneurs should be prepared for detailed,
  • 19. Analysis Of Yiyun Li s A Thousand Years Of Good Prayers Yiyun Li s A Thousand Years of Good Prayers has a recurring theme among its protagonists. Several characters have not met certain emotional needs which leaves them searching for ways to meet these needs wherever possible. Oftentimes, characters enter a one sided relationship and give themselves completely to a person with nothing in return because it fulfills whatever needs the character has. These relationships are most evident in Extra and A Thousand Years of Good Prayers . In Extra, Granny Lin s emotional deficit comes from her lack of relationships throughout her life. Her whole life she was never married, never had any children, and cooped up in a factory all day. After Granny lin was forced to retire, Auntie Wang arranged ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The one sidedness of the relationship is physical as well. Granny Lin looks out for Kang by supplying him with socks to save him embarrassment (Li 19). The way Granny Lin describes her relationship with Kang also shows how she has been deprived of romantic love her whole life. She wonders if this is the love she missed in her younger years, hand and hand with a dear boy and in the closing lines of the story she calls her time with Kang her brief love story (Li 18, 22). While I concede that Granny Lin s relationship with Kang is problematic given the age difference, I contend that, knowing what the reader knows about Granny Lin s lonely past, the relationship takes on a new light. The life Granny Lin led prior to her factory retirement left her emotionally starved and put her romantic and emotional desires in a state of dormancy. These buried and dormant desires were awoken by Old Tang, the object around which her feelings were able to manifest. After Tang s death, those feelings may have left Granny Lin feeling even more empty because now she was aware of them but had nobody to love. Her relationship with Kang arose because they were both the most vulnerable in the school. She was vulnerable due to her emotional and romantic cavities, while Kang was vulnerable because of his familial issues. Some might call Granny Lin s love for Kang predatory, but it comes
  • 20. Descriptive Essay About Tea Shop Nestled between Starbucks and Supdogs on Franklin Street sits the newly constructed Tama Tea. The shop, known for its over fifty tea flavors, has recently become a common site for college students to study and eat between classes. Constructed to represent a tropical, relaxed theme, the employees of Tama Tea attempt to create an aesthetic and ambient atmosphere in order to market their brand towards young adults. The tea shop is identifiable by its rustic, brick exterior, with Tama Tea etched in large white letters above the doors. Outside the door sits a sign enticing customers to enter the shop and try the coffees because the we [the employees] love you a lotte . Glancing inside the large windows, people can always be seen either studying or conversing with their friends as they sip tea and coffee. Upon entering, I was faced with a large display table with candles and tea cups. To my right was a teal wall with six shelves containing an assortment of teas which sat below words used to categorize the tea such as premium and fruity. By the tea shelves there was also a table with a window seat, facing Franklin St. The left wall was the same rustic brick that decorated the exterior of the shop, and the only... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First a black woman in her mid 40`s walks in with her heels clacking and purple jacket being zipped off. She stands in front of the menu and contemplates her order before ordering a meal and a frappuccino. She pays with her debit card and sits at the low table next to me. Quickly, she pulls out glasses and begins scrolling through her phone. After sitting on her phone for a few minutes, she packs up her food and leaves. In walks a black college student dressed in a black jacket, gloves, and boots. She quickly orders and rushes to the bathroom. Upon returning she retrieves her drink, sits on the large sofa, and pulls out her phone. She leaves ten minutes later with her drink in
  • 21. Why We Absorb Bath Bombs Bubbling Bath Bombs Hypothesis What makes bath bombs fizz and bubble? Will a bath bomb containing lime juice rather than citric acid dissolve faster? I think there is a chemical reaction within the bath bomb that makes it fizz, but I am not sure what things are reacting. I also think that if I substitute lime juice for citric acid in one half of the bath bomb, the half with citric acid will dissolve quicker. This is because it is pure citric acid, unlike lime juice which has other things as well as citric acid in it. Research Bath bombs are composed of several ingredients that are molded into a shape. They begin to fizz and dissolve once they touch water. Bath bombs come in a large variety of different colors, scents, shapes, and sizes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... water, 2 tsp. coconut oil, about 15 drops essential oil, and a few drops of food coloring (depending on the color I wanted), Вј cup Epsom salt, 5 bowls, and molds to put the mixture into. To create the different halves, I took half of each ingredient into separate bowls and added either Вј cup lime juice or Вј cup citric acid. First, I combined the baking soda, corn starch, and Epsom salt into a bowl. If I was using the citric acid, I combined that into the same bowl. Next, I combined my water, coconut oil, essential oil (optional), and food coloring (optional) into a different bowl. If I was using the lime juice instead of the citric acid, I would combine it into this bowl. It is very important you keep your wet and dry ingredients separate. Then, I slowly put a few drops of the wet mixture into the dry mixture and stirred. You want to put a few drops, then stir; add a few more, and stir again. You must do this step slowly to prevent any reactions happening between the citric acid and the baking soda. During this step, I discovered that the side with lime juice was much moister than the other side with citric acid. This made it difficult to mold the halves together because a slight reaction was occurring when I put them together. Next, I put the different mixtures into half a mold and stuck the halves together into the freezer for 2 hours. Then, I took the bath bomb and put it into a bowl full of warm water. Finally, I watched the reaction and recorded my
  • 22. Drug Testing Welfare Recipients In 2010, 17.5% of unemployed adults collecting some sort of welfare failed drug tests. In 2011, 23.8% of welfare recipients admitted to using illegal drugs, including marijuana. The problem the United States if facing is that welfare recipients are using the cash they are given to purchase illegal drugs. Many of these people purchasing illegal drugs had prior illegal drug abuseproblems and some of these people believe that since they are given this free money, they can continue on with these addictions instead of finding the help they need to get back onto their own two feet. Many employers ask all of their job applicants for a drug test to even be considered for the job, so why shouldn t the government ask the same for people looking... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Arizona was the first state to establish a temporary requirement for the fiscal year of 2011 2012 followed by Florida and Missouri. There are a lot of companies that require any job applicant to submit a drug test. According to the 2010 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 66% of substance abusers age 18 and older were employed. Employers spend between thirty and fifty dollars per test per person. Employees find that substance abusers increase employee turnover which end up costing them more money in the long run because of the cost of training. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration conducted a study in 2007 that said substance abusers change jobs as often as three times a year. Employers that require drug testing saw a 16% decrees in employee turnover rates. Another reason an employer may require drug testing is because people with no substance abuse problems are more productive. People with substance abuse problems are also 2.5 times more likely to call into work. Companies who require drug testing also saw a 50% decrease in workers compensation clams. So in the long run, employers end up saving a lot of time and money by drug testing all job applicants. If 60% of employers are requiring job applicants who pay thousands of dollars a year in taxes to take a drug test, shouldn t the government be requiring the same drug testing for people who are receiving welfare money? Many tax
  • 23. Analysis Of Under The Persimmon Tree (AGG) The loss of somebody or someone can lead to PTSD, which can later lead to other effects, and it is said that up to 20% of all adults in America who have experienced some type of loss develops PTSD ( PTSD Statistics ). (BS 1) Towards the beginning of the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, there is a character named Najmah who loses the ability to speak and loses controlof her life, as a result of Mada jan and Habib s loss. (BS 2) As an effect of Baba jan and Nur missing from her life, Najmah changes her mindset and the decisions she makes from then on. (BS 3) Najmah s relationships with others and voice is altered, this happens once she meets Nusrat and she adjusts due to her losses. (TS) Throughout the novel Under the Persimmon Tree, we see a character named Najmah who is ultimately shaped through the people who are missing in her life. (MIP 1) Firstly, Najmah is altered due to the fact that Mada jan and Habib are missing from her life. (SIP A) Due to Mada jan and Habib s loss, Najmah loses the ability to speak. (STEWE 1) Before Najmah witnessed her mother and brother s bombing she can be seen speaking willingly. I thought it was the Pashtun Talib, I say. I don t want them to steal the animals (58). Najmah s reaction shows her awareness and will to speak freely compared to later in the novel, when she doesn t speak freely and overall loses the ability to speak. (STEWE 2) Later, Najmah loses the ability to speak and this can be seen when she witnesses their death, My
  • 24. Landmine Research Paper Landmines If one is fortunate enough to be an United States citizen, the notion of landmines in combat may seem like primitive warfare technology. But, for the people in war torn Africa, one mistep has become a death sentence. Suprisingly, the United Nations estimates that 2 to 5 million new landmines are put into the ground each year. This statistic shows that landmines are the exact oppostite of primitive technology. On top of all that, as if the traditional variation was not enoough, they now manufacture plastic landmines. Which, of course, are even more difficult to detect. There are many barriers that prevent the clearing of landmines around the world, specifically, Africa. One of these barriers is the fact that landmines are so efficient. If they weren t so effective of as a weapon of murder, millions would not be buried into the ground today. Another major barrier is the fact that removal of landmines is labor entensive, as well as, inefficiant. In fact, it takes more than a day to clear over 50 kilometers of land. At that rate, it is estimated it will take over one thousand years to clear the rest of the mines left in the world. Also, landmines are now made out of plastic, therefore invisible to metal detectors which makes removal that much more difficult. Another... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In southern Africa specifically, innocent civilians have been murdered and maimed over the last thirty years. It is estimated that 20,000 victims are either severly injured or killed by landmines every single year. Of those victims, a vast majority are innocent children. The mere threat of landmines prevents civilians from plowing their fields or even roaming around their own land. It also prevents the sale of land and homes which further cripples a country s economy. The people who live in these landmine infested areas, truly live knowing that any moment, their next step could be their
  • 25. Definition Of Total Quality Management Assignment On Total Quality Management Submitted by Dated Contents Introduction3 Thesis Statement4 What Is Total Quality Management4 Definitions of TQM5 The Concept of Continuous Improvement by TQM7 Total Quality Management Principles8 1.Customer focus8 2.Employee skills development9 3.Operations improvement9 4.Integrated system9 5.Strategic Approach10 6.Constant change10 7.Strengthen leadership10 8.Effectiveness in communication11 Implementation of TQM11 Executives responsibility:11 Operational Management12 Design of the product12 Employee integration12 Customer satisfaction and involvement12 Conclusion13 Bibliography14 Total Quality Management Introduction The last decade of the twentieth century brought great development to the world and especially it has introduced new techniques and ideas to improve the business world. Subsequently, in the decade of 1990s the business world was revolutionized with the quality management technique in business. It was the time when the businesses started to embrace the concept of quality and so they started to use it as a competitive advantage (Abusa, 2013). In the past business practices as most of the business was working on the base of supply and demand and consumer behavior were also making their decision on the base of the availability of the product. However with the development the consumer behavior also changed as the technological development changed the rules and patterns of business
  • 26. Dramatic Monologue And Symbolism In William Shakespeare s... Language features such as dramatic monologue and symbolism are a key component in understanding significant messages of a play, as well as expressing the Author s overall purpose in a text. The Merchant Of Venice , by William Shakespeare demonstrates a number of key ideas, one being to teach us the concept of mercybeing righteous and morally acceptable than justice. Shakespeare does this explicitly by modelling his characters to represent this idea through forms of language features, in specific dramatic monologue. Shakespeare demonstrates the importance of the concept of mercy being a morally acceptable path than justice, through the technique of a Jewish characters (Shylock s) dramatic monologue. If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh?... And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?....If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. This quote helps portraying how Shylock believes that before the religions we place our faith in we are humans who are not all that different from each other. Shylock s dramatic monologue can also be seen as a trigger which builds his hate towards the unfairness he has experienced being discriminated against because of the religion he follows. This is significant to the play, because at first we are convinced that Shylock is the victim. Through the use of dramatic monologue we are able to empathise with Shylock and his need to seek justice. Our empathy for Shylock in a sense contradicts Shakespeare s portrayal of Shylock who is supposedly an Evil soul , faithless Jew , Cruel devil , Dog Jew . However despite this portrayal, the technique of dramatic monologue enables us to create sentimental connections with the character and how we feel about his personality. Although Shylock s dramatic monologue has us feeling sympathetic towards him, it also shows that justice can easily be corruptible. Justice is often good and executed for the right reasons. However, Shakespeare demonstrates that justice can turn hateful when our purpose for wanting to see fairness becomes selfish. As someone who personally finds Justice being the better option
  • 27. The Impact Of Mass Communication On Our Society Mass Communication is the study of how people receive information through what is known as Mass Media to a large crowd of the population at the same time. Or they can also say that Mass Communication is a process of which a person, group of people, or an organization send and receive messages through a channel of communication to a large of unknown and heterogeneous people and organizations. You can think of a large group of unknown and heterogeneous people as either the general public. The sender of the message is usually a professional communicator that often represents an organization. {INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY} AS AN ADVANTAGE TO MASS COMMMUNICATION: In more than one way, ICT came to be a blessing to our society because it facilitates complements and supplements the proceedings of Mass Communication. A few examples that would be driving this point home. FEEDBACK: there are proceedings that the communication to the advancement which is incomplete without a feedback and ICT facilities is in an important stage, both in the electronic and in the print media. In broadcasting, ICT has put a bridge between the gulf and broadcasters and their audience or a viewer as far as feedback is there. For example, mobile phones, made it easier for many broadcast audience or viewers to help on air programs through the expression of opinion, grievances, and commendations. These technologies also enlighten the audiences to send short text messages to broadcast stations for
  • 28. Environmental Factors That Affect The Growth And Survival... Microorganisms have developed multiple direct and indirect mechanisms that protect them against the environmental stresses they encounter. One of the most severe and widespread problems facing crop production is the degradation of soil quality due to desiccation and salinity, and almost 40% of the world s land surface is affected by salinity related problems (Zahran 1999, Veron, 2006). Water, and its availability, is one of the most vital environmental factors to affect the growth and survival of microorganisms (Potts 1994). Within the soil environment, indirect protection of cellular structures and contents can be provided by cell surface coating with clay minerals or close association with organic substances. Some bacteria (Bacillus spp. and Actinobacteria) form heat resistant spores to withstand dry conditions and high temperatures, while other microorganisms encase individual cells or aggregates of cells with polymeric substances or slime layers to form an extensive exopolymeric matrix or biofilms. These outer structures enable them to adhere to inorganic (e.g. soil pore walls, water conduits, mineral surfaces) or organic (e.g. roots) surfaces to insulate the entire microbial community against effects of high temperature and the associated lack of available water (Jozefaciuk et al., 2006; Berendsen et al., 2012; Rolli et al., 2015). Despite the potential physiological and lifestyle adaptations to desiccation available to soil microorganisms, many microbes yield to heat
  • 29. Christian Bible Research Paper The Christian Bible, in all of its glory and mystery, is the book with the most translations than any other book ever written. Translated into nearly 400 different languages and has well over 100 different versions within the English language alone, it s hard to think of another book so widely known. But why is it so controversial? Many people do not truly believe the words that live between these pages. However, according to the world clock, there are currently around 2.3 billion Christians today out of the nearly 7.5 billion people roaming the earth. When calculated, this comes to about 31% of the planet self identifying as Christ followers. That s quite a lot of people, and though we are currently the largest religion, we are slowly shrinking in size and Islam, currently at 23% of the population, is slowly growing in numbers. Christianity is considered monotheistic. Monotheism, in short, is the belief that there is one supreme being who is sovereign over all other beings. In Christianity and Judaism our Abba Father, Yahweh is the one true God . Another way to say this is through grammar. In monotheism we capitalize the G in God. However in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In fact, in 2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 17 the scripture says, 16 All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. This is significant because it tells us what to do with the Bible and how important of a tool it really is. We are called to use the word to instruct others in the way of living a fulfilling life and to lead people to do good in the world. Also in the Bible is Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Matthew 5:6. We are dead without God in our lives and, therefore, must strive towards getting to know the one who created us in His image, in the Imago
  • 30. Police Law Enforcement Protection And Citizen s Civil... In 1991, nearly 10% of all United States murders occurred in New York City (La Vorgna, 2012). The United States civil liberties grant citizen s rights and freedoms as determined by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Every citizen has the right to walk their streets without being racially targeted by police. They also have the right to roam these streets without being mugged or killed. Both are civil liberties. Amidst times of racial and ethnic animosity, this country faces a problem between law enforcement protection and citizen s civil liberties. Stop and frisk is a policing tactic where officers stop, question, and frisk a civilian based on reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. Many argue the New York Police Department s (NYPD) use of stop and frisk is an obvious violation of the Constitution and is based on racial discrimination. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has heard many controversial cases dealing with this exact problem. Cases such as Terry v. Ohio and Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin s partial ruling of Floyd v. City of New York have greatly impacted both law enforcement tactics and the meanings of certain civil liberties. An analysis of the United States judicial history and the biased decisions of Judge Scheindlin shows the NYPD s use of stop and frisk tactic is not only constitutionally reasonable, but a non discriminatory way of reducing crime. During 1968, Terry v. Ohio established the legal precedence for stop and frisk. The fourth
  • 31. A Peaceful New Religion Movement 909 Found dead in Jonestown,Guyana South America from Kool aid flavored cyanide, screams headline news November, 18 1979.What seems to be a peaceful New religion movement started in California for People in search for Hope and relief in Desperate Times from the Social inequalities, Unjust Killing, poverty ,and despair during the late seventies to early eighties.In the beginning people promise utopia a perfect society tens to hundreds of single mothers ,blacks, homosexuals and families all alike dropped their lives to flocking onto planes for a vision of the good life. Over a thousand people joined the Peoples Temple. This entire Religious Movement was run by one man said to be the by followers Deliver of Peace ,Shepherd of his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Barrels of cyanide laced Kool aid bought from the American government for gold cleaning was voluntary drunk,and forcefully injected to the People s Temple members . Some killed themselves with rifles or pistols, many were shot who tried to flee.Over one third of the dead on that day where children and infant that were dragged into this without choice.Pets like dogs and cats were also killed in the progress for all who pass will be saved . For Jim Jones speculation that he shot himself, but after investigating the crime scene the weapon thought to be used was found over 40 feet away from Jones body so the case still speculates. Upon return of the congressmen ,and United States Army was surprised to see upon arrival a mass suicide took place counted nine hundred nine confirmed deaths caused by cyanide laced Kool aid.for the survivors of the massacre whether it be from under dosage or faking their own death
  • 32. Liberals Victory in the 1906 Election Essay Liberals Victory in the 1906 Election There are various reasons given as to why the Liberals succeeded in winning the 1906 elections, decline in support towards the Conservative party, a new Liberal attitude which enabled its members to reunite instead of seeing their seperate ways which is what lead to their initial collapse. The Conservative Party like the Liberal Party split over the issue of Free Trade and failed to reunite, unlike the Liberals which did so and remained so. With the Liberals being reunited regarding the issues they believed in and campaigned for enabled them to attack the Conservatives more easily. The Liberals unlike the Conservative Party weren t affected and too ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Despite already having begun the war, the general public caused controversy over many things, Lord Kitcheners concentration camps, they were atrocious and deplorable and unheard of methods in dealing with the people there. By this time Britain was also becomin very isolated and unpopular to other countries in the world. Chinese slavery was also seen as being awful as they were employed cheaply and was seen as an injustice to them. Not only did the was effect the decline of the Consevative Party but due to their strong laissez faire attitude they failed to pay attention to society, especially the working class, as the Conservatives were of middle class beliefs, very traditional and aristocratic. They failed to introduce social reforms such as housing, improvement of factory conditions, wage increases and the disgraceful liveing conditions due to poverty throughout the nation. The Conservatives also came to disputes and disagreements regardin a major issue, the Tariff Reforms. Should taxes or duties be imposed on foreign imports as Britain faced ever increasing competition from major powers at the time such as Germany and USA. There were two main figures with two fairly different ideas, Arthur Balffour
  • 33. The Impact Of The Allies In World War II World War II, the second time of the world war, lasted from September 1th, 1939 to September 2th 1945. There were two difference alliances in the WWII, the Axis and Anti fascist Alliance. The winner of the WWII was Allies, and there are many reasons that can explain why Allies can win it. The most important reason is that Allies gained most support from the public and citizens because Allies represented the justice side. However, there is also a crucial factor that helps the Allies to win the WWII which is the new invention and technology. Inventors made new weapons such as tanks, proximity fuses and atom bomb. The impacts of these weapons were positive to Allies in WWII and those new inventions make a big step of human progress. Tanks were... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Atom bomb is a new bomb invention during the WWII. Begin in 1944, some young Japanese men chose to become kamikaze pilots who undertook suicide missions, crashing their explosive laden airplanes into American warships (Ellis Esler 588). Because of this team, Japan won a lot of battles and it made the United States angry. Some scientists offered a new way to end of the war. They invented a new bomb, this new bomb was super powerful than any bomb before, and this project is called the Manhattan Project. In July 1945, American successfully tested the first atom bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Then they told president about this project, during that time, the president of America is Harry Truman. And he found that atom bomb was a really useful weapon to end the war, so he decided to use it to against Japan. They gave Japan a warning about that surrender or complete destruction and utter devastation . But Japan even didn t care about this. Then, the hell was coming. On August6, 1945, American dropped the first atom bomb little boy over the city of Hiroshima. The bomb flattened four square miles and instantly killed more than 70,000 people (Ellis Esler 589). We can find that the atom bomb was a definitely destruct weapon, it killed 70,000 people at the same time. We turned back to look at Hiroshima. The city was hidden by that awful cloud...
  • 34. Business Texting Reach Customers Easy and Fast with Business Texting According to Forbes Magazine, mobile marketing is the future of customer communication. Forbes cites that over 80 percent of adults own a phone and over 90 percent of adults keep their phone within arm s reach. In fact, over half of mobile searches lead to a sale. Therefore, business texting is essential to business success. Here are three reasons why business texting is critical to your marketing plan. http:/ /www.forbes.com/sites/cherylsnappconner/2013/11/12/fifty essential mobile marketing facts/ Business Texting is Optional Mass marketing relies on the principles of saturating a target demographic or random members of the public with advertising. However, business texting is an opt in service. That is, consumers voluntarily provide their phone number and are free to opt out at any time. Therefore, the target audience will be consumers who are already familiar with the product or service. As a result, you can reduce wasted marketing costs while accurately reaching your target market. Keep in mind that business texting will always rely on traditional advertising forms to establish and maintain and customer texting database. It Increases Consumer Engagement ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When it comes to email, consumers are tired of dealing with spam and banner ads. Since texting spam is still in the infancy stage, phone users aren t as jaded as they are compared with traditional email. In addition to this, text messages are quicker, shorter and easier to read. Keep in mind that 25 percent of adults only have a smartphone to access the Internet. Therefore, the conversion process and rates for a business text is much higher. Business texting is also an excellent opportunity to directly engage consumers in conversation while improving the Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • 35. Marketing New Product Marketing New Product Assignment Case 1 Introduction: This case is largely based on Vanessa O Connell, Food for Thought: How Campbell Saw a Breakthrough Menu Turn into Leftovers, the goals we need to reach is to gain the understanding of this company, why they can get the innovation and how they can manage it, also we can learn the experience of this company. The back ground of the company: In 1990, Campbell Soup was the undisputed leader among U.S. soup manufacturers, with a market share of over 75 percentages. Soup consumption, however, was levelling off, and top management was looking for opportunities for growth in related markets. Competitors such as ConAgra ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By fall 1997, Campbell announced plans to sell IQ Meals. For using the correct strategy, in 2012, Campbell announced plans to buy Bolthouse Farms, a maker of juices, salad dressings and baby carrots, for $1.55 billion. Analysts saw this as an attempt to reach younger, more affluent consumers. Reference: Collins, Douglas (1994). America s Favorite Food: The Story of Campbell Soup Company. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Shea, Martha Esposito, and Mathis, Mike (2002). Images of America: Campbell Soup Company. Arcadia Publishing. Wikipedia,Campbell Soup Company. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /Campbell_Soup_Company#Recalls case 2: Introduction: In this case, you and your classmates play the role of the marketing department in a firm involved in new product development. This case we link each other in different department and position. We have different duties. How to coordinate our ideas in company, Background of the company: My firm is struggling with instituting team based product development, and over the last several months several of the marketing staff has been placed on product teams with personnel from engineering, design, and manufacturing. We need find the way to get more solutions. All open about their opinions and participate in the discussion of the views of others. This way .they will strive to come up with solutions that are actually workable, and weed out the pie in the sky
  • 36. The Benefits Of Legalizing Marijuana One of the main focusing points of America s War on Drugs is the drug marijuana. Marijuana is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the world. Thousands of people are arrested every year because of marijuana. However, even with marijuana s bad reputation, the benefits that it offers definitely outweigh its disadvantages. Marijuana can help alleviate many ailments and several symptoms associated with cancer and Aids. While Marijuana is a very effective medicine, it is also a huge cash crop. In addition to this the legalization of marijuana would clear up many problems with the criminal justice system. If marijuana was made legal for medical and recreational use, it could help many people in the form of medicine, help boost the economy, and it would separate the marijuana users from criminals.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For decades marijuana has been used as a recreational drug in various parts of the world. This plant is mostly made up of a chemical known as tetrahydrocannabinol. Commonly addressed as THC, this is what causes a person to experience physiological effects. While most drugs fall under a category of stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen; cannabis contains properties of all of these, giving it its own class. Many different forms of marijuana commonly referred to as strains exist. While some strains can make someone feel energetic, others can cause users to feel drowsy and
  • 37. What I Really Like About America Is Freedom What I really like about America is Freedom I always wanted a freedom in my life because in My country not everything is really free like girls can t work and not all girls go to school. If we say specific womans doesn t have a lot of freedoms. When I was living in afghanistan and going to school girl s couldn t come without cover our body and hair I couldn t go outside to play or see my friends. I think that education in America is really good for childrens and adults. I always wanted a really good education for me and my sisters and brothers. Sometimes I wanted to tell to stop and let your kids go to school and let them have a good education let them make the world better for their future and others future let them learn about something great for their future. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I love history so i think history is really important in a country. America have a really good export and it is the biggest i think america have the biggest export in the world i think it is really
  • 38. The First Time A Girl The first time a girl gets her period is a defining moment in her life. It marks significant biological changes in her body and means she is now able to conceive a child. Each month when you get your period, also known as menstruation, your body sheds the lining of the uterus. The menstrual blood flows through the cervix and out of the body through the vagina. A typical period lasts anywhere from 3 to 7 days. Here are some important things to know about your periods, for both young women just learning about menstruation and those who are experiencing changes in their typical cycle. пїј Why You Get Your Periods Every month, an egg begins to grow in one of your ovaries. After it is fully developed, it leaves the ovary and travels to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some might not even notice they are bleeding more than they usually do in a particular cycle, and they are using more sanitary products than they normally would. Some women s periods may last longer than the typical 3 to 7 days, but they may discount the importance of that as well. However, heavy bleeding during periods and cycles that stretch beyond 7 or 8 days might be indicative of a fibroid growth. A fibroid is a noncancerous, fibrous and muscular growth that appears in or around the uterus. Heavy and prolonged bleeding is the most commonly reported symptom among women suffering from fibroids, according to a 2014 study published in The International Journal of Women s Health. Occasionally, you may also notice the presence of blood clots in your menstrual flow. This, too, can be a sign of fibroids. пїј Excessive Menstrual Pain may Indicate Endometriosis Abdominal pain and cramps are common complaints during period cycles when the uterine wall is shedding itself. During periods, the endometrium produces prostaglandin, a hormone that induces inflammation and pain. However, severely debilitating pain in the lower abdominal region and pelvic area that affects your ability to carry out daily activities in a major way can be indicative of endometriosis. Endometriosis is an inflammatory disorder in which the uterine tissue, that is typically supposed to grow and stay inside the uterus, grows outside the uterus. This tissue also forms the uterine
  • 39. Essay on Eliminating Abbreviations Errors in the Medical... How can eliminating abbreviations reduce errors? The use of abbreviations shortens length of many words thus really help healthcare professionals in saving time spent in writing notes. Abbreviations however do not always provide positive contributions due to misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations leading to commitment of errors in the practice. Similarities in abbreviations for instance could root to a grave mistake. For instance the q.d. which an inscriber would like to indicate as every day could be erroneously interpreted as q.i.d. which means four times a day. Such error could result to over dosage when a certain medication is taken four times in a day instead of just once. Though some abbreviations can be easily ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Policies would need to provide lists of accepted abbreviations and their standard meaning. That would be one of the best ways of preventing creation of abbreviations or assigning different meaning on a certain standard abbreviation. Despite of universal standard policies on the use of abbreviations, organizations would know better the strength and flaws of using abbreviations in particular healthcare facility. Organizational policies should therefore be also developed which would include the universal standard policies and organizational policies believed to maintain safety practice. The policy should clearly specify the abbreviations that can be safely used and their standard meanings in the organizations and those that should not be used providing the common errors generated. The policy must also indicate the forms of written paper that allows using abbreviations. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices for instance has provided lists of abbreviations that should never be used to communicate medical information (ISMP, 2007). Policies should also provide simple yet concise guidelines on the use of abbreviations. The methodologies of quality control such as through periodic audit on proper usage of abbreviations should be also specified. The persons authorized to use abbreviations should be also clearly specified. The policy would need regular updating and should therefore clearly specify the dates. If necessary, consequences of non obedience to the policy
  • 40. What Are The Exages And Disadvantages Of 3D Printing Advantages and Disadvantages of 3D Printing Advantages Ability to Customize Products Customization is a standard for 3D printing. With any raw materials that you desire, blueprints and a 3D printer, you can create any object you want, with your own specifications and design. Rapid Production of Prototypes 3D printing lets us quickly produce any prototypes or small versions of the original product. This helps researchers and engineers plan the actual object and look for flaws may affect quality and functionality. Low Production Cost Although the cost of setting up a 3D printer is high, overall savings of labor costs, time saved, and equal effort for small scale and mass manufacturing ensures that the cost of production is relatively low. Elimination of Storage Cost Mass production is a problem for storage but printing small scale ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Uses of 3D Printing Industry (Business) Manufacturing and Cost In the industry, manufacturing products takes time, money and lots of materials. Businessmen want to advertise their products to large companies. But how can they present their products in an instant? This is where 3D printing comes in; using this technology for business can help businessmen win their businesses with companies. Manufacturing prototypes with 3D printers costs are low compared to other manufacturing companies. We can increase the production of goods faster, cheaper and even strengthen the durability of the product. 3D printers may cost high but look at the benefits that it can give to society. Consumer In a consumer s perspective, 3D printers are convenient to anyone. People don t have to go to stores or online to buy parts for their machines. They only need the materials and blueprints in order to create anything they want. This technology helps people to save time, energy and money.
  • 41. Personal Essay About Breaking Asthma Breaking Asthma. Life is not a spectator sport. In order to live to the fullest, you must overcome obstacles to achieve happiness and success. Millions of people break barriers every day, like Jackie Robinson and myself. I would like to share the story of how I broke my biggest personal barrier. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was five years old. Asthma is often defined as a Chronic disease of the airways that in extreme cases may be life threatening. Of course when I was five I didn t know this, so when I woke up at 3:00am crying and unable to breath I thought I was dying. My mom instantly took me to the hospital where my fears of dying were assuaged, but in the hospital the nurse delivered the worst news of my life. Not only did I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I took two puffs of my inhaler and continued running. I tried to be brave, but a little voice in my head was telling me that I was going to collapse and that only added to my growing anxiety. Then I realized that courage is not being fearless, that s impossible, courage is a little guy in your heart fighting off that annoying voice in your head. Courage is the heart telling the body to keep going even if you think it s impossible. I kept going, determination in my bones and bravery in my blood. I finished fifth out of twelve kids and I felt extremely proud. At the end of the day you should always do what you are determined to do even if it s difficult. The next evening I opened my letter which announced I was in the basketball
  • 42. Peace in the Middle East Essays The text begins its history with the Middle East around the time of Muhammad and the creation of Islam. From that time forth uprisings, demonstrations and acts of violence were commonplace and have continued to be since that time. To dig a little deeper and go back a little further in Middle East history one will find that this pattern of unrest stems from as far back as proof provides. To see a timeline of significant wars or battles of the Middle East, the picture is better illustrated on just how long this territory of earth has been in domestic or national conflict. The text briefly touches base on societal life before Islam when explaining how villages handled domestic disputes or punishments for crime. According to times then, it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Frequent discussions about the possibility of peace in the Middle East often route into the subject of Islam and the inability or lack of desire of the Middle East countries to separate state from religion. It is common to hear arguments blame Islamic extremists for the unsettled atmosphere of the Middle East. Where in some instances this may be accurate, it is highly inaccurate in most cases; but I would like to emphasize the word some. Going back to the timeline of the Middle East disputes, we can see that majority of these battles were not established out of religious means. Most were catapulted from land, tax, and regime issues. Take the Wars of the Hellenistic Monarchies in Syria in 318 170 B.C. for example. This is a demonstration of generations of war between the Seleucids and Ptolemy s in an effort to gain control of Syria. Does this differ in comparison to the decades long Palestinian/Israeli war? Not much. The only difference is that peace is on the world s radar as something to strive for and ultimately achieve. As the Middle East continues to repeat history for very similar principles, the rest of the world is left wondering when it will all end; when in fact, the rest of the world s countries and continents have all had a very similar history of conflict as well. Although the Middle East represents one of the oldest territories in the world, comparison of timeline battles to other countries is a bit
  • 43. The Sea Kingdom As A Fairy Tale The elder wolf was shocked the thing she found was a map to a lost kingdom in the sea she rushed over to his son and showed him the map theo was shocked and so were his friends they thought the lost city in the sea was a fairy tale but it was real and hopefully the ocean gem was real to because the ocean gem can control all of the seas they were excited to go the the sea kingdom so theo asked gina and barry that they can go with but they refused they had to go home they are the future king and queen of their lands so theo,tiny,and lilly followed the map and came to the savanna lands there were animals they had never seen to snakes,giraffes, porcupines, lions, hippos and rhinos and cheetahs but the animals seemed mad as they were chanting... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Well that s how it always tastes but we scrape of the outer layer of the seaweed and store it for later. The second layer is the edible part so try it again lilly tried it again and it had a good tasted to it and then she ate the rest of it and said it tastes like salted lettuce okay we are getting off track now let s head to the castle now said Theo as they headed off to the castle and
  • 44. Examples Of Lies And Deception In Much Ado About Nothing MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING THEME OF LIES AND DECEIT Lies and cheating is ever present in Much Ado About Nothing... but the characters never expect it. This is one gullible crew. Deception appears as the tool of villains to spread chaos and unhappiness. However, it s also a device used by friends to improve each other s lives. Everyone from scoundrels to nice daddy s girls to clergymen use deviousness so deception doesn t come with a value judgment, it s neither absolutely good or absolutely bad. Whether deception is okay or not depends on the intentions of the deceivers if the intention is to promote happiness, then the deceiver is a good friend, but if the deceiver intends harm, then he s a nasty jerk. Questions About Lies and Deceit 1.Is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All of the major plots are actually set in motion by the characters susceptibility to suggestion. They only see what they want to, and they are no more misled than they allow themselves to be. Deception is inherently bad. It is used in this play to sometimes bring out positive results, but those outcomes are actually artificial, and easily undone. MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING THEME OF LOVE Ah l amour. Love in Much Ado About Nothing is a super complicated topic. First of all, none of the characters explicitly seek love out love is always second to something else in this play. Love might be the inadvertent result of hatred, or the incidental fact of marriage. Though the play is about romance, the plot seems to highlight the fact that love is only one of many factors that goes into a love affair. Love often comes with difficulty or complication from outside circumstances (like a scheming villain), but it s just as often thwarted by lovers themselves. Questions About Love 1.How does loyalty in the play work as a kind of love? Which characters are loyal, and to whom? 2.When Claudio says that he should ve known friendship wouldn t be able to stand up to love (when he thinks that Don Pedro has stolen Hero from him), is he projecting his own weak allegiances and inability to love both friends and
  • 45. Imagery In Street Of Crocodiles The book Street of Crocodiles is a series of short stories depicting the life of a small family and the town they live in. These short stories are in no chronological order, but develop intense imagery throughout the entire novel. One of the most prominent characters of the book is the Father, who seems to be crazy. The father goes on a rollercoaster of emotions and ideas into an uncontrollable descent into insanity throughout the stories, altering the ways in which reality seems to be. In a couple of these chapters the author, Bruno Schulz, develops the character of the father through imagery that helps show how his reality is shifted between something humanand something a little more animalistic. In the chapter Birds, the father is beginning ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the beginning of the chapter, the father is no longer with the family because he had apparently died. The only thing left of the father is a stuffed bird from his previous craze which happened to be the condor. Its coat of feathers was in many places moth eaten...its eyes had fallen out and sawdust scattered from the washed out tear stained sockets (73, Schulz). This description of the dead bird relates to the late father because in many ways the father was battered and somewhat lifeless at times. However other times he was vibrant and full of ideas which the condor also represented by its powerful beak and the bald neck that gave its senile head a solemnly hieratic air (73, Schulz). Before the father s disappearance, the house the family lives in became infested with cockroaches. To try and kill the little creatures he would leap from one chair to another with a javelin (75, Schulz) in his hands stabbing at the ground while emitting screams of terror (75, Schulz). In a sense he had grown wild (75, Schulz) attempting to rid the house of the invasion. His hatred for the cockroaches created a permeant petrified tragic mask (75, Schulz) on his face and the constant anticipation of a cockroach running by made the father go perpetually insane. He could no longer resist the intense loathing for the cockroaches causing him to fall prey to madness and become completely subjected to it (75, Schulz). This shows how the fathers reality has been completely altered to the point of insanity, he can no longer go about normal human activities because of his uncontrollable need to kill the cockroaches. Still he fought to obtain the reality he is losing ever so quickly, but eventually he lost the sense of who he is and control over his own body. Finally, one night he lay on the floor naked, stained with black totem spots, the lines of his ribs
  • 46. Weightlifting In Greece, Ancient Greeks And Ancient Greece We have many sports such as baseball, football. and basketball but all of these sports have one thing in common, they all have another sport within themselves. Weightlifting is one of the most common used practices in almost every sport. This practice, weightlifting or in other terms lifting heavy objects. It has been a part of life since the beginning of time. Even the earliest of human civilizations had records of some type of weightlifting. The Chinese Zhou Dynasty, Ancient Egyptians and The Greeks. From these civilizations we have what weightlifting is today. These civilizations used weightlifting in several different ways. The Chinese would have recruits do tests of strength to prove that they could prove themselves useful on the battlefield. One of the main tests was a 400 lb. stone that the recruits had to lift off of the ground in order to be accepted into their military ranks.(Basictraining.us) The Egyptians had many sports and activities that they would do that included Archery, Swimming, chariot racing. They would use bags to put sand in to lift over their head. The Egyptians use those sand bags to lift over their heads to build strength. There was no way of knowing how heavy those sand bags where but from some research the said they heaviest they could have gotten was me 95 lb. just for the fact of the sack not being able to support the weight of the sand. (Basictraining.us) Mesoptamia Artwork left behind by the Sumerians, the first people to leave
  • 47. Persuasive Essay On The Fifth Amendment As we sit and watch some of your favorite television shows, Blue Bloods, Criminal Minds, and The Blacklist, we can catch the prominent phrases, right to remain silent... and/or I plead the fifth in one or two scenes leading to interrogation. Although the television shows are fiction, the statements are factual and are part of the U.S. Constitution to protect a person against self incrimination. Self incrimination plays a vast part of the Bill of Right, specifically the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment has protected many Americans from punishment. Yet, this Amendment also has made it possible for guilty verdicts in criminal cases. This was possible with the historical adoption of the Fifth Amendment, the implementation of the five different clauses, and numerous criminal cases that established the strength of the Fifth Amendment. The philosophies behind the Fifth Amendment traced back to Magna Carta, 1215. The Magna Carta specified that No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ... . Although England s King John did not agree to the term willingly, the Magna Carta was signed in hope to build a relationship between the King and the nobles and keep the peace. Unfortunately, the signed Magna Carta annulled by Pope Innocent II. In 1613, Sir Edward Coke also advocated for the Magna Carta as part of his approach toward the power struggle of the courts. Coke argued that all matters needed to be addressed through the law of the
  • 48. Family Diversity In The United States Essay A topic that was covered in class that I found to be very interesting is family diversity in the United States. Family diversity has changed and evolved since the past leading to new definitions and examples of the ideal family, family structure, household types, and marriage. One thing I learned about familydiversity in the United Statesis the history of the ideal family and how the ideal family structure has changed since World War II. In the 1950s after the war, a concept emerged to the American society, coined as the typical family . This typical family described the ideal family structure with two married parents, a working father, and a stay at home mother who served as a caregiver to the children. I was not aware that the concept of a typical family did not exist so prominently in the United States until it was promoted and broadcasted after World War II. I learned that this concept was promoted during this period of grief after the war to motivate people and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Stephanie Coontz touched base on many factors that contributed to this change such as the historical context of marriage and why fewer people are getting married at an early age. I learned that historically, people get married to gain connections and alliance and love was not a vital factor in this decision. Arranged marriages were common in the past for economical connections and alliances to form between two families. Nowadays, people have higher expectations of love and more women are entering the workforce, so marriage gets pushed back to a later time. Men and women are high expectations of potential partners nowadays and are waiting time out to find someone who they feel intimacy and passion towards. There are also increasingly more people who do not marry than in the past because the goal for marriage is no longer about gaining
  • 49. The University Of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum Essay In order to compose this assignment, I visited the University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum (CAM). The USF Contemporary Art Museum is a compact museum on campus located near the Dance buildings and the Theatres. The museum opened its establishment in 1989 and has offered a wide range of art from around the world including the United States, Africa, Europe, and Latin America (usfcam.usf.edu). In order to keep students engaged in the art, the museumchanges its exhibits a couple times a year. Currently, the exhibition on display is entitled Extracted and incorporates the extraction and circulation of natural resources around the globe (Megan Voeller). Despite the museum being not large in size, I was able to attain a sense of nature through photographs, sculptures, video messages, and banners produced from artists including Otobang Nkanga, Marina Zurkow, Claire Pentecost, Mary Mattingly and Daniel Shiffman. The social angle most strongly related to the exhibit on display at this time is nature and culture. Extracted was motivated by relationships between humans and the environment referring to complex technical processes behind oil drilling and mining or industrial agriculture (Megan Voeller). Most of the artists focus their work on nature including the environment, ecosystems, and life itself. One artists in particular whose work stood out to me was Claire Pentecost with her work Soil erg. This distinct exposition was located in the hearth of
  • 50. The Road At The Intersection Of S.h Although driving to and from places is a normal part of many people s daily routine, it is often forgotten that driving is a dangerous task that demands all attention of a driver for the safety of the occupants of a vehicle. For our safety, cities must provide the best roads and intersections to keep driving a safeguarded activity. As a resident of Tomball and a driver on the roads, I have noticed that the feeder roadat the intersection of S.H. 249 and F.M. 2920 located next to Lowe s and Chase Bank has caused big issues for drivers. Ever since S.H. 249 became a toll road, many Tomball residents have avoided paying high fees for driving short distances by taking this service road. This has caused much more traffic, especially, during rush hour around this area. Many businesses such as Ross, Target, Academy, and Chick Fil A are located here, and are contributing factors to the congestion. I myself have had a few close calls at this intersection. However, the issue did not become apparent to me until my best friend was in an accident at this intersection. Fortunately, she walked away from the accident unharmed, but her brand new car was totalled. Losing anyone at this intersection would be devastating for myself and my community. S.H. 249 South is the main problem, it often gets backed up past the entire Lowe s parking lot. This road consists of three lanes: the far left lane being a turn only lane, the middle lane being a lane that turns left and goes straight, and the far
  • 51. Understanding and critically Evaluating Entry Modes of... Business s choice of entry modes in international market and its advantages and disadvantages Introduction Well known companies like Nike, Microsoft, Sony, Shell Group are just some of the big companies that went global and expanded their trading around the world, they are large businesses that operate internationally in many countries. Development of worldwide integration urges companies to reach out international markets and interact with foreign customers. Businesses focus on fulfilling the demand of the market by its products or services, besides their target is increasing profit, in order achieve these goals they favor to expand their work in a foreign market. Other reasons to internationalize their business may be to become... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How these modes were established and by whom will be defined in the following part. In 1977 Swedish researchers at Uppsala University came up with a model /theory how businesses should grow their activities in foreign market, this model explains that companies should select an entry mode by taking into consideration their own resources and exploring costs, and risks based on market nature. (Johanson and Vahnle, 2009) Researchers at Uppsala University in their empirical study found that Swedish firms mostly started their process of internationalization by exporting, initially companies had agents that represented them in foreign market, but these firms exported in countries that had little differentiation in culture, language and political systems from their home country, this was labeled in their model as physically close countries. Uppsala Model considers two types of knowledge objective and experience based knowledge, the model describes that after first entrance in foreign market businesses understands how to work in external country, and later they step by step increase level of internationalization to physically distant countries. (Johanson and Vahnle, 2009) But, can Uppsala model be applied to services? This model was mainly reliable for manufacturing industries; a paper with contrary arguments was published in 2008, providing two variables; environment related and service specific, to question whether Uppsala model can be used for service
  • 52. Occupational Therapy Essay An occupational therapist is a trained and licensed health care professional who can make a complete evaluation of the impact of disease on the activities of the patient at home and in work situations. Hobbies and recreational activities are considered when an assessment is made. The most generally accepted definition of occupationaltherapy is that it is an activity, physical or mental, that aids in a patient s recovery from disease or injury. The Occupational therapist takes a history from the patient by conducting a thorough interview. Questions are asked about hygiene, eating, dressing, getting in and out of bed, driving, cleaning, working and the patients sex life. A physical examination is conducted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As technical writers, we will use evaluation reports, daily progress notes, summary reports and discharge plans. Accuracy and attention to detail in the content of these reports is essential in treating and determining the progress of our patients. Documentation is the means by which we communicate our treatment to other health professionals and third party payers. In most cases, it is necessary to communicate effectively to others, orally and in writing the status of the patient. In addition, documentation is an important aspect of our field because it conveys the status and condition of the patient and our plan and evaluation of said condition to other caregivers. Medical records will be read by the doctors, nurses and in some cases by those submitting payment to the insurance companies. It is important that as occupational therapy students we develop documentation skills early and continue to refine these skills throughout our careers. In order to implement the guidelines for excellent technical communication, we need to remember the three major reasons to be honest as a communicator. First, we must keep in mind that technical communication is not about using words and pictures to mislead or lie to people. It is about helping people understand how to make wise choices. If you lie or mislead, people can be hurt (Markell 12). Secondly, a patient can worsen in condition if