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Essays On Teamwork
Writing an essay on the topic of teamwork can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand,
teamwork is a broad and multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects, including
communication, collaboration, conflict resolution, and leadership. As a result, crafting a
comprehensive and insightful essay requires a deep understanding of these components and their
interplay within a team dynamic.
The difficulty arises from the need to balance theoretical concepts with practical examples and
personal insights. To effectively discuss teamwork, one must draw upon real-life experiences,
whether from personal involvement in teams or through extensive research. This necessitates the
ability to synthesize information, critically analyze situations, and articulate thoughts coherently.
Moreover, the challenge lies in presenting a nuanced perspective. Teamwork is not always
smooth sailing; conflicts and challenges are inevitable. Addressing these aspects requires finesse
in handling potentially sensitive topics, such as disagreements or the impact of individual
differences on team cohesion.
Another layer of complexity stems from the need to stay current with relevant literature on
teamwork, organizational psychology, and leadership. The field is dynamic, with new theories
and studies emerging regularly. A well-rounded essay should reflect an awareness of these
developments, showcasing a writer's ability to engage with contemporary discourse.
In addition, striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility is crucial. The essay
should appeal to a diverse audience, including those with varying levels of familiarity with the
topic. This requires effective communication skills to convey complex ideas in a clear and
engaging manner.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on teamwork may pose challenges, it offers an opportunity
for personal and intellectual growth. It demands a combination of research skills, critical
thinking, and the ability to communicate effectively. For those who find the task daunting,
seeking assistance is a viable option. Similar essays and more can be ordered on
HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide the support needed to navigate the
complexities of essay writing.
Essays On TeamworkEssays On Teamwork


Julia Identity
Through the film of Julie and Julia, the theme that allows me to get a sense of her
identity is cooking. I believe that the theme cooking gives off her identity in terms of
class identity. The film Julie and Julia demonstrates how the theme cooking gives
Julie a sense of purpose, but most importantly how that purpose affects her in terms of
class. Through the film, the actions that she performs in and surrounding cooking
have led me to believe that Julie would be part of a high/middle class. The film
shows her class through the theme of cooking by how Julie is privileged enough to
set a goal of completing a 365 day cooking journey from a Julia Child cookbook. This
gives off the impression to me that she is within a wealthier class because


Suicide Terrorism And Islamic Fundamentalism
Dying To Win, Robert A. Pape challenges the views about why suicide terrorists do
what they do and to whom. Pape is trying to convey that suicide terrorism is rising
around the world (Pape pg. 6). Since many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by
Muslim terrorist motivated by religious beliefs, it makes people think that Islamic
fundamentalism is the central cause. The connection between suicide terrorismand
Islamic fundamentalism is incorrect, and encourage foreign countries to harm many
Muslims people that are harmless. The author has assembled a database that accounts
every suicide bombing and attack around the globe from
1980 through 2003 (Pape pg. 7). There were 315 of terrorist suicide attacks at all.
Pape believes that the data proves that there is little connection between suicide
terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism. The main agitator of suicide attacks is the
Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a
Marxist Leninist group whose members are from Hindu families but who are
adamantly opposed to religion (Pape pg. 9). The Tamil Tigers committed 76 of the
315 suicide attacks. The author clearly and convincingly gets his message across by
supporting his ideas using a database of the suicide attacks. The database helps the
reader knows what all terrorist attacks have in common.
All suicide attacks have in common that terrorist want to force modern democracies
to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their
homeland (Pape pg. 9).


Stereotypes And Discrimination In The Workplace
Workplace discrimination happens every day, but is almost never openly admitted.
To believe without hesitation that the personal beliefs of a potential employee have
never been the reason to deny a person a job is naГЇve, or even a sign of ignorance.
Practically every job application has a comment about how race, religion, or having
a disability will not be a factor in determining eligibility for a position; I cannot say
the same about an individual who has tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications
having the same confirmations. People now have to make a conscience decision of
whether or not it is worth getting art on their body and express their individuality.
You may not be aware, but many student nursing programs, even the one offered by
Quinsigamond, require the students to have their... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
No one should have to deal with dirty looks, or being suspected of being a criminal
because they chose to display art, or express their personality. This type of
discrimination does however happen all the time, and it doesn t just apply to
tattoos. People may give you dirty looks because you wear a graphic T Shirt with
images or phrases that differ from their own beliefs. In this country especially
people should be able to go out in public and express themselves without feeling
discriminated against. Stereotyping a person by the color of their skin is
considered wrong, racist, and can provide a legal nightmare for employers or
individuals. Personal appearance of a person should be held to the same standard,
and someone s choice to express themselves is just that, their choice. As a society
we need to be less judgmental of the appearance of people, and their personal
preferences of ways to express themselves. We need to, as a society, allow people the
option to express themselves, and keep any judgment of them towards their actions


Strengths And Weaknesses Of Leadership
The first step to analyzing my personal leadership practices is to evaluate my
strengths and weaknesses as a leader. One of the tools used to evaluate my
leadership profile is the Seven Habits Profile, attached to this analysis.
After completing this Seven Habits profile, some of the leadership strengths and
weaknesses I knew I possessed were reinforced with the results of this survey. Scoring
highest, were my strengths of putting first things first and sharpening the saw. These
two strengths were followed closely by a third place tie of being in tune with my
emotional bank account and ability to be proactive. Scoring lowest were my two
greatest weaknesses, which are seeking first to understand and life balance. Tied in
third place as weaknesses are thinking win win and synergize.
One of my highest scoring strengths is my ability to put first things first. This came
to me as no surprise, as I see this dominant characteristic in almost every aspect of
my life. Whether professionally or personally, my ability to see what needs to get
done coupled with my drive to cross things off my to do list has been a strength of
mine as far back as I can remember. My personality is inclined to work first, play
later. I tend to enjoy work and personal life at a greater capacity when I know there
are no pressing matters to tend to.
Another strength identified in the Seven Habits Profile is my ability to sharpen the
saw. Personal growth in all aspects, including spiritual, physical, mental


Marketing Strategy For A New Service
Success in a New Service Demographic segment variables subdivides people based
on a wide variety of characteristics. This allows the business to decide what group
they will be targeting based on their desired target market. Because grocery shopping
is common, this business should not have limitations on genders or age. To increase
sales they may target families and also college students who have a vehicle. However,
the business should not restrict it to only these two entities. The business will not
depend on specific incomes to market to people. The business must differentiate itself
by emphasizing its drive through option, offering incentives, promoting ethical
values, and staying connected with the customers and employees. The... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This will give the business an idea of how many potential customers there are and
how to market to them. Once the business knows the percentage of possible
customers, they can begin placing them into the different categories available.
After the business has established their target group and placed them in the
categories, they will be able to use aggregated data (InfoGroup). When the two
entities respond or expresses an interest for the drive through grocery store, the
business will be able to offer the families and college students a way to sign up to
receive additional information. This allows the business to receive more
information about the customer which they may not had. The business must begin
by constructing a SWOT Analysis which will provide them with the necessary
tools to avoid problems and excel. A strength would be the availability for its
customers to use the drive through instead of walking in on busy days. A
weakness is this business will be a first mover in the area (the location will be held
at city with a population size of 60,000 or greater); it will be exposed to trial and
error, and their competitors will be able to see their mistakes and avoid them. The
business can increase their revenue by expanding the service (either increasing the
amount of employees or having a customer assistance button available for the


Ben Jerry s Essay
Ben Jerry s
Ben Jerry s Joy Gang
History: The Ben Jerry s Joy Gang was started in 1987 in response to the increasing
demands upon our employees. Our first Joy activities included pizza and 15 minute
massages for our manufacturing employees who were working 12 hour marathon
shifts. Jerry suggested that we should try to make fun an official part of our company
culture. The Joy Committee changed its name to the Joy Gang due to the fact that we
felt the word committee was too official.
Mission: To infuse joy into everything we do.
The Joy Gang approaches fun at work in 3 ways:
Joy Grants: cash grants of up to $500.00 to accommodate an idea that will bring
more joy to a particular department. (A hot cocoa machine ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Prizes are given for best and weirdest costumes, and a costume parade is held. A big
incentive for dressing up was offered once in 1991, when Ben Jerry s 6 6 Chief
Operating Officer promised to wear a pink ballerina s tu tu if at least 75 employees
wore costumes. The employees rose to meet the challenge and Chuck, our bearded
ballerina, danced across the front patio of our Waterbury plant.
Valentine s Day: The Joy Gang distributes any combination of carnations, chocolates,
candy conversation hearts and hand signed valentines to employees to let them
know how much we love them. Jungle Party: One year, a particularly wild group of
employees dressed up in whatever jungle outfits they had hanging in their closets and
went to a party featuring jungle music, limbo contests, and prizes such as a trip for
two to The Great Adventure ... all courtesy of the Joy
Elvis Presley Day: Our most popular event to date, complete with an Elvis look alike
contest, an
Elvis impersonator who serenaded the employees, an Elvis trivia contest, and Elvis
movie classics running on the VCR in the lunchroom.
Mask Making: Joy commissioned a local mask maker to come and show interested
employees how to make plaster casts of their faces and decorate them with all sorts
of bizarre and beautiful


Animal Violence And Animal Cruelty
We can learn a lot about a society and its future by the manner in which their children
behave. There are severe consequences of animal abuse when enacted or witnessed by
children (Ascione Arkow 1999). After reviewing much contradicting literature and
conducting several studies with violent criminals, researchers Christopher Hensley,
Suzanne E. Tallichet, and Erik L. Dutkiewicz found that most offenders used more
atrocious acts of maltreatment as children that called for intimate physical
interactions with the animals (Hensley, Tallichet, Dutkiewicz 2011). We must be
cautious of what children are replicating from not only their families, but from the
society around them because this is how animal cruelty in countries such as Romania,
is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Romania has demonstrated extreme levels of the severe consequences of the effects
of animal cruelty. This is mostly due to the lack of implementation and enforcement
of policies as well as an excess of violent ridden environments. After contemplating all
the destructive consequences that such violence is having on humanity today, we
must educate children on the horrors of animal cruelty, promote humane policies, and
work as a global community so that the cycle of violence is broken in not only
Romania, but in other countries as


In The Time Of The Butterflies Essay
The Dominican Republic s dictator Rafael Trujillo had thousands of people killed
because of their disobedience to him. From the 1930s to 1960s the country was
under the control of Trujillo. He had taken control of the Dominican Republic and
used his power against people who decided not to follow him and his laws. The four
Mirabal sisters, Minerva, Patria, Mate, and Dede were all risking their lives because
of their involvement in the underground, against their harsh dictator. In the book In
the time of the Butterflies, the four Mirabal sisters perspectives are impacted by the
underground movement against Trujillo because of each of their involvement with
the revolution. In the novel In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, Minerva...
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We must let the committee know the real situation or this hell will go on (Alvarez
244). She was willing to do anything to overturn their country s dictator, even if her
life was on the line. Ultimately, Minerva had very different beliefs with Trujillo and
his way of leadership which drastically affected her perspective. Throughout the
novel, Patria witnessed her younger sisters getting involved in the underground
movement against Trujillo, which later motivated her to get involved. It was very
difficult for Patria to get involved because, in the beginning, she had not wanted to
be a part of it. As the story progressed Patria decided to join the revolution. After she
had attended a retreat on the mountain she now saw what was truly going on with
their government. Patria now saw things differently, But then again, here in that
little room was the same Patria Mercedes, who wouldn t have hurt a butterfly,
shouting, Amen to the revolution (Alvarez 163 164). Patria was changed after the
retreat because of what she had seen. She had to be careful about joining the
revolution because she did not want her family to get hurt or in trouble. Patria had
been letting Minerva and the others meet in her and Pedrito s land for secret
meetings. Patria said at the end of a meeting Come inside now, ...I have something to
talk to you about...I was looking at the whole group, come on (Alvarez 165). She had
told them that she wanted to help because what she saw in the mountains


How the †Culture Industry’ had Profound Social
Impacts in...
Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer were two renowned Jewish representatives
of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory; they were particularly dominant during
the early 20th century, approximately around the time of the 1920 s to 1960s. They
took refuge in America after Adolf Hitler s rise in Germany. These to philosophers
developed the CultureIndustry Theory in the 1940s, in light of the disturbed society
they had seen during this time. They witnessed how Nazi Fascism used mass media
such as films, radio and newspapers to brainwash millions into partaking in this
ideology. Similarly they saw the rise of Capitalismin America, which also used mass
media such as Hollywood films and advertising to disseminate the masses into the...
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Adorno (1977) saw these elements as interchangeable without damaging the song.
When applied to the music industry in contemporary society artists such as Katy
Perry, Ke$ha, and Miley Cyrus sound exactly the same, they use the same chords as
each other. The use of standardisation in the culture industry is to foster the false
consciousness, passivity in order to easily manipulate society into consuming these
products and in the music industries case promote regressive listening and lead to
standardised reactions (Stratini, 2004). The ruling class maintain their power and
control over society through these practices. They create the false needs of society
and produce products to satisfy these needs, which leaves societies in a false satiated
state (Stratini, 2004).
Pseudo Individualism is the second process that produces reification (Adorno, 1977).
For the process of standardisation to be successful in manipulating society into
consumerism and a false consciousness, pseudo individualism is crucial. Pseudo
individualism maintains the appearance that a product is different and unique
(Satrini, 2004). Adorno believes that the principal of originality and individuality has
always been contradictory. The individual is a notion that masses are misleadingly
made to believe (Adorno, 1977). It gives the impression of free choice in an open
market when it is actually deceiving people into consuming standardised products of
the culture industry. This process


Rainbow Fish Greed
The book rainbow fish was published in 1992. It has been over 24 years since it was
originally published, but is still a book shared with many today.The Rainbow Fish
is about a fish that has rainbow scales and he wont let anyone have one of his scales
so no one is friends with him.
After a while of being alone he gives all but one of his shiny scales a way then the
fishes let him play with them. Marcus Pfister, illustrates the theme how greed can get
the best of you in the book The Rainbow Fish
Marcus Pfister show the Rainbow fish refusing to give even one scale to a fish that
just wanted to be shiny.The fish just wanted a shiny new scale to look cool and to
have some friends. But the selfish Rainbow fish acted like he was the king of the sea
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Get away from me! The Rainbow fish is acting like a rich man and questioning who
the fish thinks he is.This text evidence shows that the Rainbow fish is greedy and
selfish about the special scales.
When the Rainbow fish was wondering why no one is admiring his shiny scales.After
Rainbow fish refused to give a single shiny scale to a fish. Everyone has been
avoiding him and turning their heads to the Rainbow Fish. I really am beautiful. Why
doesn t anybody like me?
The Rainbow fish is confused why no one like him anymore.The Rainbow fish is
confused why no one will admire his shiny and special scales.
Marcus Pfister shows the Rainbow fish not willing to give his special scales away for
happiness.The Rainbow fish is choosing his special scales over people liking him.
The Rainbow fish cares more about the way he looks than the way people think of
him.Give away my scales?
My beautiful shining scales? Never. How could I ever be happy without them?The
Rainbow Fish was not giving into the idea of giving his special scales away. Which
shows how selfish he is that out of all of his special scales wont give even away.
The Rainbow fish selfishness is showing it self by questioning the question about
giving some of his shiny scales


Superior Supermarkets
Running Head: Superior Supermarkets Superior Supermarkets Davenport University
MKTG 610 Date Case Synopsis A quarterly review by Hall Consolidated is
scheduled to discuss performance in District III. District III includes fifteen Superior
Supermarkets located in Centralia, Missouri. The district manager for these stores,
Randall Johnson, has requested that these three locations implement an everyday low
pricing strategy since these stores are the highest priced supermarkets in the
Centralia market. His is concerned that because of increasing consumer price
consciousness, they may lose market share. Centralia store s sales have been below
budget for the last quarter of 2002 and this first quarter of 2003. Still, operating
margins... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
484 495). Harrison s was remodeled in 1999 and allots fifteen percent of its
footage to a large assortment of general merchandise. They have captured most of
the middle and upper income groups with annual incomes of over $40,000.
Harrison s is well managed, orderly, clean, and attractive with a balanced variety of
groceries, meats, and produce. Their promotional theme is Save on the Total,
focusing on everyday low prices. Customers perceive Harrison to have the best
overall prices, the best quality, and best variety of meat and produce (Kerin amp;
Peterson, 1998/2010, pp. 484 495). Centralia s Superior Supermarkets Each of
Superior s Centralia stores is older than their major competitors. Each is anchored
in a strip mall, owned by Hall Consolidated, which also house a drug store plus two
or three other shops. Sales have steadily increased since 2000 and operate with a
28.8 percent gross margin, higher than industry average of 26.4 percent. Below is
a breakdown of sales and gross margins for all three stores in Centralia (Kerin amp;
Peterson, 1998/2010, pp. 484 495). (Kerin amp; Peterson, 1998/2010, pp. 484 495)
Corporate believes that although Superior offers a more limited variety of
merchandise than its competitors, they carry a higher quality product particularly in
grocery and fresh produce. However, consumer acceptance of their fresh meat,
poultry, and seafood


Gender Wage Gap Essay
The Gender Wage Gap
In 2015, women made ninety cents for every dollar that their male peers earned.
The gender wage gap has been a problem for centuries. In the 1700s, But since the
1980s, it hasn t shifted much (Brown and Patten). Individuals like former President
Obama have attempted to minimize the pay gap between men and women by passing
pieces of legislation, but his attempts have done little to shift the wage gap. The
community of American citizens needs to unite as a whole in order to stop the gender
wage gap because it is unjust, special interest groups need to be made to lobby
government officials into signing pieces of legislation that could help the wage gap
decrease. The gender wage gap has plagued women ever since they ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the article of Institutional Bias Partially Explains the Gender Wage Gap , it
states, The research organization Catalyst, for example, found that among MBA
[master of business administration] grads on a traditional career track, women are
even more likely than men to seek out skill building experiences and training
opportunities and to make their achievements visible by asking for feedback and
promotions. Women also reported similar rates of negotiating as men: 47 percent
of women and 52 percent of men had asked for a higher salary during the hiring
process, and 14 percent of women and 15 percent of men had asked for a higher
position. No gap there . The studies conducted shows that women are more likely to
seek higher positions and salary than men. So one can deduce that there is no
ambition gap between women and men who work in the same place. There is bias,
even if one is afraid to call it out ( Institutional Bias ).
The gender gap is a problem today, there are individuals who have attempted to
reduce the gap. According to ACLU, in the article Some Things Change with Time
, it states, It s hard to believe it s been seven years since President Obama signed the
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act the first piece of legislation to become law during his
presidency (Lapidus). Barack Obama is an example of an individual who has tried to
do something about the gender wage gap. The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was
essentially a


Environmental Science Essay
SCIE210 Unit 5 Individual Project
Sandra Allen
American Intercontinental University
May 27, 2012
From the beginning of time, there has always been wildlife. The animals and
plants of our wildlife contribute to what makes this life so interesting. If all
wildlife were to go extinct, then we would not have a way to replenish the oxygen
to survive off of. All animals and plants are a part of our lifecycle and should be
respected as such.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was put in place to protect threatened and
endangered animals and plants. There are two agencies that equip this program, the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This act was dated official... Show more
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The Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 authorized the Secretary of
Interior to spend $15 million per year to purchase habitats for the species on the
endangered list. This act also required protection of these species on federal land.
All land belonging to the public that was not government was not required but
were encouraged to. Many benefits have come from these law acts that have been
set in place. Recovery plans have been put into place to help our animals and
plants replenish. While doing this, exemptions can and do occur. If there is a
project to be done within a habitat of a listed species, then the ESA must notify the
FWS and National Marine Fisheries Service. Once listed species reached a level of
stable existence again, they were delisted. As of 2011, fifty one species had been
delisted. Any kind of harming, wounding, or killing is considered to be a violation.
Violations of these laws have a variety of penalties. The maximum fine is up to
$50,000 or a year of imprisonment, possibly both. I do absolutely believe this law
has improved our societies and environments due to helping original life to be
sustained. These animals and plants were created to be on this earth. They did not
choose to be here and did not choose to be killed for human pleasure. This law has
given these listed species another chance.
Boorse, D. F. and Wright, R.T. (2011). Environmental Science: Toward a more


The Characteristics Of Classism In The Classical Period
The Classical period, sometimes called the Hellenic period, began in the 5th and
4th centuries BC. During the Classical period, Greece succeeded its maximum
level of success both culturally and economically. The ancient Greeks strode to
perfect both the body and mind. Classism has caused a significant amount of
changes in the art world which allowed them to express themselves through their
art spiritually. Classism s qualities still are featured throughout the artworks that
are being made today. Some of this movement s features would include how most
of the sculptures that are done are idealized. Idealism is when someone is painted,
or sculpted with the ideal body and face. Realism is another feature in Classical
Art. Realism is seeking truth through the artwork, they could no longer achieve the
look they were going for by just chiseling away at a block of stone. Therefore, they
based they techniques on modelling, by building first out of clay on new models
and then they would copy them into stone. One of the last main features in this
movement would be how mathematically correct everything is. Artists in these eras
were very conscious about correct proportions, measurements, and symmetry. That
is how those artists made it possible to create such perfect and idealized
masterpieces. A sculptural example of Classical Art is The Spear Bearer . This
entailed careful observation of a model as well as understanding of the mechanics of
anatomy of how a body shifts from a pose,


Little Albert, By John B. Watson
Psychology holds five core concepts; biological, cognitive, psychoanalytical, learning,
and sociocultural perspectives. So far, we as students, have delved our hands into
cognitive and biological aspects referencing several case studies and experiments to
aid our research. We have gone over the nature vs. nurture debate and even continued
our studies through learning social observation. These core concepts are implemented
throughout the Little Albert behavioral study conducted by John B. Watson, thus
assisting in providing knowledge on how emotional conditioning works.
Due to the curiosities of cognitive behavior and his previous interests in Ivan Pavlov s
condition in dog s experiment, John B. Watson commenced his studies on human
emotional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The sperm and ovum both consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes, one of which will be
the sex determiner. Passing through one generation to another, genes tend to
determine hereditary characteristics. These characteristics aid in physical
characteristics; a few examples are, height, eye colour, hair colour, c. whereas
Extrinsic influences can influence an individual s behavior, development, and even
maturation making parental affection, sibling association, and other relationships a
necessity. In psychology, these opposing meanings are defined as the nature vs.
nurture influence/debate. In the study, I hold a firm belief that Albert behaved the
way he did in his environment through extrinsic forces. His reaction to the noise that
the hammer made against the pipe, was one of the negative


Chihiro s Response To Sociology
Perhaps the most obvious example of change as a positive influence in the film
can be observed in Chihiro s maturation. Prior to entering the spirit realm, Chihiro
behaves as a typical, stubborn child unwilling to accept change; this can be
observed in the way she responds to seeing her new school as she and her parents
drive into town: sticking out her tongue as she says, It s gonna stink. I liked my
old school. During the same scene, Chihiro s responses to her parents even slightly
suggest that she is a bit spoiled as she complains how depressing it is that this is the
first time she has gotten a bouquet of flowers and it s a goodbye present. When her
mother reminds her that her father had gotten a rose for her birthday before, Chihiro


The Locality Guide System Website Essay
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW The Locality Guide System is
Online Website. Show Local area shops, Local area Shop Search, Items does can
be managed through the system. In the Website, Shops Location records can be
stored and Customer retrieved any time when ever required using person s
username and password. Customer can easy to shop items and search local area
shops. This System use to easy Order Items and Search location of his/her area
Shops. 1.2 OBJECTIVES пѓ Our main object is to make Shop Online and Search
available Shops Local area. пѓ So, They can more selling and marketing. Any user
can Buy a Product on Click and Search his/her area Shops on Click. 1.3 SCOPE The
Website is useful for Local Area Guide. This Website provides facility for to store
the shops record so that available Items can see that any time. The Website will be
very easy to use even for the Customer who is novice user to computer. 1.4
FRAMEWORK Hibernate framework simplifies the development of java application
to interact with the database. Hibernate is an open source, lightweight, ORM (Object
Relational Mapping) tool. An ORM tool simplifies the data creation, data
manipulation and data access. It is a programming technique that maps the object to
the data stored in the database. [Fig.1.1 The ORM tool internally uses the JDBC API
to interact with the database] пѓ HIBERNATE ARCHITECHTURE The Hibernate
architecture includes many objects


Teenage Girls And Girls With Pink And Little Boys
As we can see in the first set of advertisements above, there are toys that are
specifically intended to capture the interest in boys and girls separately. Here we
can see how certain features in the advertisements help aid in the socialization of
children in regards to gender. Over the last couple decades, it s been custom to
shower little girls with pink and little boys with blue while they are young, before
they learn to choose their own favorite colors. These colors of pink and blue then
become a part of genderidentification for the child and this is the reason why, in
the top article, that the left article is mostly pink to capture the attention of girls
and blue on the right to peek the interest of little boys. There also is a big
difference in the toys when it comes to nurturing. On the left advertisement at the
top the girls have toys that require more nurturing and gentle treatment. For
example the baby dolls need to be nurtured and gently played with as well as the
Barbie dolls needs are made for their hair to be brushed and different outfits to be
changed. Also one will notice that the toys for the girls are toys which are more
acceptable for playing indoors. On the other hand, the boys have toys that are not
expected to be gently handled, for instance, the Star wars sword and helicopter are
meant to be bashed and banged around. These toys for little boys are also made to
be played with more outside because toys like this can break things in a household.


Pliny The Elder Research Paper
A distinguished military veteran and dedicated historian, Pliny the Elder s work
provides us with aspects of everyday life in Ancient Rome, and is a valuable source
for knowledge on the state of science in that time. Gaius Plinius Secundus, better
known as Pliny the Elder to distinguish himself from his nephew, Gaius Plinius
Caecilius Secundus, wrote as a naturalist, biographer, and historian. Around 79 A.D,
Pliny died during the eruption of Vesuvius which decimated Pompeii and
Herculaneum, his nephew wrote of these events in his letters to Tacitus . Throughout
his lifetime, Pliny obtained many military positions in the government, including
administrator of Equestrian Rank and Procurator of Africa. Nero, whom Pliny did not
support and thoroughly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first printed edition appeared in 1469. Since then, editions vary widely in
what is omitted and how the Latin is translated . Most of his spare time was spent
personally investigating the information on geography and natural phenomena that
would be recorded in his encyclopaedia. Pliny had a set reader audience for Natural
History; evidence is found in his preface of the book, where he states that it is not
intended for the general reader and was designed for utility, not entertainment .
Pliny s purpose in writing the Natural History was to cover all learning and art so
far as they are connected with nature or draw their materials from nature. Pliny s
Natural History is still agreed on today to be a valuable anthropological source,
though most critics still focus on where Pliny obtained his sources than anything


Compare And Contrast Charlotte Russe Vs Forever 21
Charlotte Russe Vs. Forever 21
Charlotte Russe and Forever 21 are both trendy clothing and accessory stores that
target a younger demographic, teens to age 35 specifically. The prices have been
described as affordable luxury by an article published on Knoji.com. Personally I
believe the pricing is a little high because of the quality, but deals I find at stores like
Ross, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls may be to blame for why my anchoring prices may be
a little low.
Neither store offers high quality clothing in my opinion, most items are thin or
cheaply made, but they do the job, are trend, and great for going out.
Forever 21 stores tend to be the larger than Charlotte Russe stores according to their
website. The average store is 38,000 square ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
If I don t like something or the way it fits the return processes are a bit tedious.
When I visit both brands websites I tend to maximize my shopping experience with
more specific guidelines to what I am looking for. When I visit the stores, I am more
likely to settle for the satisficing solution.
Charlotte Russe does a better job of positioning their products in store I feel, their
more popular items were at the front of the store when I walked in, but Forever 21
makes you walk through the whole store. The way an associate explained it to me
was that they style each display after a specific personality, so if you don t like what
you see when you get to one spot, there is another display that markets to your style
Forever 21 s social media presence is crushing Charlotte Russe. According to
Knoji.com Forever 21 has 7,274,755 Facebook likes and 646,260 followers on
Twitter compared to Charlotte Russe s 1,674,937 Facebook likes and 58,273
followers on Twitter. I believe Forever 21 s marketingteam has done a better job
reaching their target market through social media, which benefits them because that s
where that age group spends most of their potential advertising


Globalised Financial System and Its Impact on Indian
National Seminar: Paper Presentation
Globalised Financial System and Impact on Indian Business
Miss. Reshma Ramesh Nirbhavane
Mr. Makarand M. Dharkar
Roll no. 15
Roll No. 13
First Year MMS/MBA Student
C.K Thakur Institute Management Studies,
New Panvel Navi Mumbai.
The global financial system (GFS) is the financial system consisting of institutions
and regulators that act on the international level, as opposed to those that act on a
national or regional level. The main players are the global institutions, such as
International Monetary Fund and Bank for International Settlements, national
agencies and government departments, e.g., central banks and finance ministries,
private ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These basic forces have shaped the evolution of international finance for centuries.
Global integration of money and capital markets is the essence of international
finance; through such channels purchasing power over real resources today is
transferred from areas of the world where expected rates of return are lower to areas
of the world where expected rates of return are higher. (At least that is the theory.)
This process, in turn, is facilitated in important respects by technical changes that
have helped to speed not only the flow of funds but also the flow of information about
investment opportunities.
India has a financial system that is regulated by independent regulators in the sectors
of banking, insurance, capital markets, competition and various services sectors. In a
number of sectors Government plays the role of regulator.
Ministry of Finance, Government of India looks after financial sector in India.
Finance Ministry every year presents annual budget on February 28 in the
Parliament. The annual budget proposes changes in taxes, changes in government
policy in almost all the sectors and budgetary and other allocations for all the
Ministries of Government of India. The annual budget is passed by the Parliament
after debate and takes the shape of law.
Reserve bank of India (RBI) established in 1935 is the Central bank. RBI is regulator
for financial and banking system, formulates monetary policy


Research Paper On The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
For thousands, maybe even millions, of years, marine debris has built up on these
little islands in the pacific ocean. However one may know it as the Great Pacific
Garbage Patch. ?The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans waters from the West Coast
of North America to Japan? (Great Pacific Garbage Patch). Marine Debris is litter that
ends up in oceans, and other large bodies of water. This in turn makes the Great
Pacific Garbage Patch.
The patch also includes the Western and Eastern regions between Hawaii and
California. There is also a convergence zone in which warm water and cool water
meet up from the South Pacific and the Arctic. In this zone, the debris moves from
warm water to cool water. So in turn the debris is able to move freely throughout
these zones. They are also able to travel through and into the Pacific ocean.
That leads us to our second topic, an ocean gyre. ?An ocean gyre is a system of
circular ocean currents formed by the Earth?s wind patterns and the forces created by
the rotation of the planet? (Great Pacific Garbage Patch). The gyre that we will be
talking about is the one in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. California, North
Equatorial, Kuroshiro, and North Pacific currents interact with the gyre. As ... Show
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( Connor, Microplastic Waste; This massive(tiny) threat to sea life is now in every
ocean). Microplastics can also range in size from invisible to millimeters in
diameters. Because of this, it is quite hard for scientists to identify. Although it is
also very easy for microplastics to stick together and make these islands. These tiny
plastics are also beginning to spread everywhere in the oceans. Because they are
everywhere that means they are also polluting the water and endangering marine


The Banking Industry and Customer Research
The Banking industry and Customer Research
Given the competitive atmosphere in banking and the need to interest and retain
clients, banks rely strongly on client s satisfaction and customer loyalty. This is
particularly so given today s slowing industry growth and tremendous pressure to
maintain and hold onto one s business. Traditional banks also today face competition
from online banks that can afford to offer customers attractive deposit products at low
rates and that provide attractive interest rates. Aside from that, traditional banks face
competition, too, from non banks, such as a Wal Mart, that open banks within their
stores. For all these reasons and more, the reputation and success of traditional banks
directly hinges on the extent to which they manage to retain their client s services and
please him to the extent that he will refer others to the bank. The better then that the
bank knows their individual clients and factors that they seek from the bank, the
better then will the bank succeed in pleasing these clients and attracting others.
Customer research, ipso facto, is a significant part of marketing in terms of enabling
the bank to maintain and enhance its portfolio. Customer research is all the more
effective when it characterizes an open door policy with the bank and when it uses
inbound marketing to reach customers outside the bank. In fact, given that banks
have a tough time to differentiate themselves from one another, they rely heavily on


Analysis Of The Song American Pie
Bye, Bye,
When my brother and I were younger our dad used to play his records for us. The
record player was an ugly plastic box, situated in the corner of our then unfinished
basement. More than anything else, I remember him playing the song American
Pie by Don McLean. To this day I can still sing the majority of the lyrics of the
eight and a half minute song from memory. According to my brother, we were the
ones repeatedly asking my dad to play it, but in my memory, it was always my dad
just playing it for us unprompted.
Something in the song awoke an exuberance in my brother, Spencer and I. We would
jump and dance on the couch during the fast parts, and sway and spin during the
slow. The lyrics were exciting, but also really tragic. ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
There are parts of American history that are shameful, tragic. The event that sparked
the writing of this song is one of those tragic moments. There are many parts of
American history that I can t be proud of. We have done, and continue to do terrible
acts. American Pie acknowledges the sadness of a terrible event, and I think that is
important. We are too quick to forget bad events and actions. Many Americans
believe that the past was somehow better than the present. We can t return to our
former glory if we never really had it in the first place.
On the other hand, a big part of American Pie for me is the nostalgia. I have good
memories attached to the song. American could be better, but on a more personal
level I love my home. I love my family and friends I and here with. I am not
personally patriotic in the original definition of the word. I don t love my country
because it is good, I love it because of the people here that I know to be good.
I confess, there are parts of this song I still don t understand. I still don t quite get
the meaning behind the chorus, or if it has a meaning beyond what is actually
written. What the deeper meanings of several of the verses still eludes me too. The
stories that it tells (that I mentioned earlier) are part of what characterizes American
Pie as the American Dream for me.
I am a storyteller at heart, I think. This song, more than almost any other for me,
made me imagine. Perhaps the writer s meaning


Gunther Schuller s Music For Brass Ensemble
In the second movement of his Music for Brass Quintet, Gunther Schuller utilizes
unique articulations, rhythmic variance, and different combinations of mutes
resulting in tension built from the swiftly changing textures. Throughout the
movement Schuller takes advantage of brass instruments ability to double and triple
tongue quickly. As seen in measure 3, he sets up the trumpet, horn, and trombone to
tongue at different speeds while raising in dynamic. Due to the similar timbre of these
instruments, the result is an unstable homophonic texture that sounds aggressive.
Schuller then has the instruments jump down to a piano dynamic. This decision is
risky, due to the fact that all of the instruments are entering, and that it will be difficult
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The first instance is in measure 46, where all but the horn removes their mutes. While
it would be assumed that the only muted voice would be the foreground of the
section, the opposite is presented here. The horn continues the ostinato figure from
the previous figure. Overall this allows for the rest of the ensemble to act as the solo
voices collectively, and allows the rhythmic variance they have against the horn to
stand out. In measure 68 we see the opposite combination used, where everyone is
muted except for the tuba. This was likely done so that the tuba would have a distinct
difference in color comparatively. This is necessary for its melodic line to cut through
the ensemble. The end of the piece features the only change in the muted horn in the
movement. In measure 73 Schuller marks the horn to play half muted. This technique
results in a hold unstable sound, perfect for summing up the themes of the movement.
In Gunther Schuller s second movement of his Music for Brass Quintet, he utilizes
brass instruments range, articulations, and muting abilities to create an unstable
rhythmically complex piece that still carries a melodic


Analysis Of The Film The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Artistically speaking, this film is beautiful. There was a lot of thought put into
every detail from the actors to the camera shots. The film seems to flow in
beautiful manner from one scene to the next. One piece of art in the film is the use
of symbols. Each symbol is delicately placed in order to make sense to any viewers
that can pick up on them. One symbol is Nick s obsession with his Peace Lily. It
represents his obsession with the job. It is the only other thing he cares for because
its needs are simple and by the books. When he breaks it, it is supposed to symbolize
his change of heart; that somebody has taken the place of the lily. Another symbol in
the filmis the number 3. There are 3 murders that take place before people believe
Nicholas. There are 3 people Nick tries to talk to in order to get out of being sent to
Sanford. Many lines are repeated 3 times over. This could be in reference to
fairytales always using the number 3, since this plot seems far fetched like a
fairytale. However, it could also be in reference to the trilogy of films that Wright
and Pegg made together. Then, there is the swan symbol. Swans typically symbolize
grace, beauty, and peace. In the film, though, the swans symbolize an overbearing
distraction. Nicholas is constantly surrounded by them in the hotel he stays at, which
is rightly called The Swan Hotel . He is also charged with the task of catching an
escaped swan. This causes him to miss many chances to catch the perpetrators of


The American Looking Jasmine And Aladdin
1. While the film Aladdin is set in a country of Arabic origin, many stereotypes and
racial views are still present. For example, as pointed out by Addison in Saving
Other Women all the other men except for Aladdin have facial hair and darker
skin. This facial hair represents power and sexuality. Aladdin, who represents the
lower social class, is lighter skinned and clean shaven. Aladdin and Jasmine both
have American accents as well. While many women have veiled faces, their bodies
are nowhere near as covered. Jasmine is an example of this as she bares her
stomach throughout the film, even though she is part of the royal family. This act
of veiling was intended to symbolize women s modesty and respectability and it
also represents the idea that men s and women s spheres are different (Abu
Lughod). Perhaps this is why Jasmine is also one of the only females featured
throughout the film. The American looking Jasmine and Aladdin challenge the
Arabian laws and Islamic culture. This, along with the U.S. military efforts in the
Persian Gulf War at the time of the movie s release matched the media s promotion
of straying away from barbaric traditions as an excuse to intervene in the Middle East
(Giroux). This film also misrepresents Arab culture as noted by Shaheen in Aladdin
Animated the Arabic since names are mispronounced and store signs are written in
scribbles. Even the word barbaric in the opening part of the film refers to the child
like speech they speak and also


Effects Of The Endocrine System
The main system that hypothyroidism has an effect on is the endocrine system since
the thyroid is an endocrine gland. The thyroid gland is located inferior to the thyroid
cartilage of the larynx and anterior to the trachea and it is the gland responsible for
regulating metabolism. The pituitary gland becomes a major player as well because
the thyroidgland can only release its hormones from hormones from the anterior
pituitary gland (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle, 2013).
The endocrine system works to control and regulate the body. It works by hormones
being released into the blood and carried to target cells and tissues. The control center
of the endocrine system is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has direct control
over the pituitary gland ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is divided into the upper gastrointestinal tract and the lower gastrointestinal tract.
The upper gastrointestinal tract is in the superior plane of the body and includes the
oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and the duodenum of the small intestine.
The lower gastrointestinal tract is located distaly to upper gastrointestinal tract in the
abdominopelvic cavity and includes the rest of the small intestine, large intestine, and
accesory organs (McKinley, et al,


Lighthouse Coffee Advertising Campaign
The purpose of the advertising campaign is to increase Lighthouse Coffee
awareness. to increase awareness a Facebook page, an app and a website. Since
these advertising strategies all include long term forms of digital media, they will all
exist for the remainder of the business s life. With the use of all these media types
the awareness of the business will increase.
On a slightly different note, the sales promotions will include online loyalty rewards
and premiums. The online loyalty program would include the use of the app and
website. For every $100 you spend online you will receive $5 of Lighthouse Rewards
and would continue to run as long as there is an app or website for the business. For
every large coffee you purchase you get a free cookie would serve as our premium
and would last from November 30th to January 31st. Although both of these
promotions are slightly different they both help in several ways because ... Show
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Females within the age range of twenty five to forty are the primary market. They
often stop for a drink and maybe a snack just to enjoy as they shop, or simply
because it is a daily habit. The secondary market contains two different sections of
people. Males within the ages of thirty and fifty. This section would be either
shopping with their wife or holiday shopping. Therefore, the section is rather small,
but there are enough people to target. The other section in this region includes
teenage girls ages thirteen to eighteen. These girls are at the mall regularly shopping
or hanging out with friends. They often buy drinks as they shop, which makes them
another portion of Lighthouse Coffee s target


Isoroku Yamamoto s Attack On Pearl Harbor
Japan was running low on resources, and they looked toward Southeast Asian
colonies. Americans knew about the plans Japan had for Asia. The United States
decoded one of Japan s secret messages. The United States though if Japan took
over European Colonies it could also threaten the United States controlled areas.
We sent troops over to China so we could strengthen the resistance against Japan.
Japan s leader Isoroku Yamamoto decided to attack the fleet in Hawaii because they
felt threatened by it. In the morning of December 7, 1941 the bombs were dropped
on Pearl Harbor by Japanese bombers. Pearl harbor is the headquarters for the United
StatesPacific Fleet. This attack was a total surprise. No one knew on this day that
bombs would... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2,403 people from the United States died in the bombings. The Japanese s codename
for the attack was Operation Z. The Japanese also sent in mini submarines to make
sure the ships were targeted. 29 Japanese bomber planes were shot down during the
attack. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese were also attacking Hong
Kong and Guam. After Japan captured the countries they marched into the
Phillippines. After three months of fighting Japan won the land. Japan kept
advancing and then they took Burma. The Japanese treated their captured soldiers
very badly. They treated the Allied soldiers the worst though. The Japanese made
their captured soldiers march 50 miles up a peninsula. The march was brutal and it
was called the Bataan death march. After these incidents seemed like they would
never be beat. The Allied powers wanted to strike back though, because of what
they did to Pearl Harbor. Lieutenant Doolittle started to bomb Tokyo and a few
other cities. These bombings made people believe that Japan was actually able to
beat. Some people living in Japan s confidence started to waver. One Japanese citizen
citizen according to the textbook said, We started to doubt that we were invincible .
After that the Allies slowly started


European Trade Routes 1100-1500 Essay
If there was ever an important period historians, and people could put a finger on,
this would be it. This is the important period where the world s countries, kingdoms,
and dynasties established trade routes. This is the period where countries were made
and countries were destroyed because of the importance of trade and the importance
of building a fundamental, religious, and economical way of life. This paper will
discuss the goals and functions of trades, and traders, and a historical analysisof world
trade. This paper will also get into world trade patterns, of The Americas, Sub Saharan
Africa, The Indian Ocean, The Silk routes, China and The South China Sea, Europe
and The Mediterranean, and The Atlantic Exploration.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Karl Polanyi, a historical anthropologist at Comlumbia University, argued that market
economies, private profit seeking, and capitalism were a peculiar and unnatural way
of structuring an economy. (The Worlds History, Spodek, ch.12, p.375) Polanyi also
discussed how back in ancient times, trading was meant to provide and benefit the
whole society, not personal benefit like the free market economy was. Another
historian, Philip Curtin, agreed with Polanyi is many ways; except that there was
historical proof there was individual, personal trading going on in ports and
throughout long distance routes back in the earliest times. (The Worlds History,
Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12)
Trade patterns in The South Americas included the Andes Mountains. When The
Incas controlled the land in the early 15th century, the people generated extensive
trade throughout the hundreds of miles north and south linking together a total of 32
million people. With so many mountains and zones to deal with, many products came
out of this to trade, including potatoes, maize, chili peppers, squash, beans and others.
Trade between these zones of the north and south, were controlled by semi divine
state rulers. In the Yucatan of Central and South America the Mayan people
blossomed from 200 900 B.C.E. By the time The Spanish came in the 1520 s the


Capital Expenditure Valuation Methods
Capital Expenditure Valuation Methods The payback period is the time it takes
for a project or investments cash outflows to be recovered by cash inflows
generated from the same project or investment. It is a very simple and commonly
used capital budgeting technique. The formula used to compute the payback period
is initial investment divided by cash inflow per period. You generally want to
choose the investment that provides the shortest payback period, because you will
get you cash back and it can be put toward other investments or projects. The longer
the payback period the riskier it is. Top management will normally have a target
payback period. They should select the project that offers a payback period less than
the target. There... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The project with the highest value should be accepted. Although, the internal rate of
return method is quite accurate, it does have some disadvantages. When uneven cash
flows are involved, the interactive process is inconvenient and time consuming. Also,
if there are fractional interest rates and a present value table doesn t account for this
then the internal rate of return will be difficult to determine. In some instances,
certain projects may have several rates of return that will make the net present value
of cash flows to equal zero. The modified internal rate of return is also the discount
rate at which the net present value of an investment equal zero, but it is an improved
version of the internal rate of return as it does not require the assumption that project
cash flows are reinvested as the internal rate of return but it determines a reinvestment
rate. If the modified internal rate of return is greater than the project s hurdle rate,
which is the rate of return specified as the lowest acceptable return on investment,
then the project should be accepted. If choosing between several projects, the one
with the highest rate would be the best option. The advantage of the modified internal
rate of return is that it solves some of the problems associated with the regular
internal rate of return. The modified rate of return considers that funds reinvested are


Effects Of Immigration In Australia
Immigration in Australia
An investigation into the effect Immigration to Australia has had on Australia s
religious landscape.
Immigration has had the most dramatic effect on the current religious landscape of
Australia, leading to an increase in some groups and the decline of others. The
origins of the decline of the first doctrines that came to Australia can be traced back
to the to the relaxation of the White Australia Policy. This in turn led to an increased
population of Immigrants in Australia from countries other than Britain, Italy, Ireland
and European countries in general.
Christianity as the major religious tradition.
Christianity has been the primary religion post 1945 to today. The British who first
came to Australia and inhabited it were mainly Christians. They formed a strong
Christian base in Australia before the country decided to let more immigrants
Australia. This base of Christians was split up into the 3 different types of
Christianity. Each of the 3 groups coming from their own unique origins; Anglican
which were the British colonist, Catholic made up of Irish/Italian settlers and
Orthodox who were the Greek settlers. In the census of 1947, out of the 7.5 million
people in Australia, 88 per cent of the population, not including the Aboriginals, said
they were Christian. The other 12 per cent was mainly made up from people who
didn t respond to the question.
With Christianity as the major religious tradition in Australia from 1945, today the


Why The Bluefin Should Be Banned
The Bluefin Tuna is a large fish that is commonly used in sushi. It is found in the
Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranian Sea. Due to it s buttery flavor it
is a very popular fish to eat and thus it is very popular among fishers. It is also
known to be one of the toughest fish to catch because of it s fighting spirit.
However, should fishing it actually be banned? This has apparently been an issue
for quite a while. The arguments for banning the fishing of the mighty Bluefin are
quite strong. According to several sources, the Bluefin is nearly extinct (Lynas,
Ellis). The reason? People are over fishing them because they are very tasty as sushi
and sashimi. Because of its taste and it being considered a very high quality... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Bluefin Tuna are so popular, that one man in japan bought one of the fish at an
aution for over 35,000 dollars! He aparently bought one just two years prior for over
a million dollars (Graif). Japan is also the leading Bluefin Tuna fishing country, with
over 80 percent of the bluefin fishing market in its pocket (Smith). Think of how
much its economy must rely on the Bluefin! In 2010, Japan even refused to join in on
the ban on international trading of the Bluefin, thus ignoring the ban altogether
(Jolly). Japan is also the leading importer of fish, making over 14 billion dollars with
just importing fish


How Nelson Mandela Encouraged His Country to Move On
C. S. Lewis once said, Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing
monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. Nelson
Mandela helped his country cross the monkey bars from apartheid to democracy,
from Once a left wing extremist, Mandela s 27 years in prison taught him that the
only way his country would survive and thrive was if his people learned to forgive
and move on. A willingness to forgive can be all it takes to unite a fiercely divided
The new South African government, led by President Mandela, addressed the need
for understanding but not for vengeance, a need for reparation but not for retaliation,
a need for ubuntu but not for victimisation (Volmink 191). Ubuntu, a Bantu word
meaning, I am because you are, expresses the concept that our humanity is inherently
bound up with one another. Volmink, argues that we can never be complete as
human beings as long as we are alienated from one another (191).
As part of the beginning of the post apartheid era, Nelson Mandela and the African
National Congress (ANC) established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(TRC), which promoted reconciliation as an ideal, not only for nation building, but
also for individual healing (Muiu 137). This idea for a safe environment in which
both victims and perpetrators could vent and share their stories without judgement
gave the commission it s power. All participants were guided toward reconciliation
and some were


Essay on Crew Resource Management (Aviation)
In this day Crew Resource Management (CRM) is strongly evident within the
aviation industry. Having developed a positive reputation over the years of its
application, it is highly recognised as an icon for safety practices among many
major operators. Airline operators and wider aviation industries adopt CRM, on a
global scale, to attain the desired goal of influencing flight crew members to operate
more safely and effectively as one co operative unit (rather than as individuals). The
positive application of crew resource management envisages minimised risks and
consequently, safer skies for all. One common definition of CRM can be... Show
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Fifty seconds after reaching their assigned altitude, Captain Loft required First
Officer Stockstill s assistance in removing the nose wheel indicator light assembly
to investigate the likeliness of a blown light bulb and hence, instructed him to
engage the autopilot at 2000 feet. For the next eighty seconds the plane
maintained level flight. Then it dropped one hundred feet (30 m), and then again
flew level for two more minutes, after which it began a descent so gradual it could
not be perceived by the crew. In the next seventy seconds, the plane lost only 250
feet (76 m), but this was enough to trigger the altitude warning C chord chime
located under the engineer s workstation. The engineer (or Second Officer) had
gone below deck following Loft s instructions, and there was no indication by the
pilot s voices recorded on the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) that the warning chime
was acknowledged. In another fifty seconds, the plane was at half its assigned
altitude. The CVR recorded the last few moments of conversation between the crew,
acknowledging the change in altitude: Stockstill: We did something to the altitude.
Loft: What? Stockstill: We re still at 2,000 feet, right? Loft: Hey what s happening
here? (NTSB, 1973) Official observations find a probable cause of this accident to be
the insufficiencies of flight crew to properly monitor flight instruments


Duddy Kravitz
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz The
Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a story about a young boy who is willing to
do anything to get what he wants. The novel shows how we live in a materialistic
society in which people are more concerned with achieving financial success rather
than living in a life guided by clear morals and fair values. The three characters in
the story that is more concerned with financial success rather than clear morals are:
Duddy Kravitz, Jerry Dingleman and Mr. Cohen. The first character in the story that
cares about financial success is Duddy Kravitz. Duddy shows this by ripping off Mr.
Cohen on the film, ripping off Virgil on the pinball machines and taking Virgil s...
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Cohen tries to take advantage of him. You go ahead and make me a film of Bernie
s bar mitzvah. If I like it I ll give you a thousand dollars for it. If not you can go and
burn it (p.122). Once Duddy learns a few things in the business world and finishes
the film, he goes back to Mr. Cohen to get more money. He tells Mr. Cohen that he
doesn t want to sell the film because it s too good to sell. I d cut you in for twenty
per cent of the net theatre profits... (p.151).Lastly, after Virgil is in an accident
Duddy goes and talks to Mr. Cohen. Mr Cohen tells him not to worry about it and
move on in life. Duddy, in my yard once there was an accident with the derrick and
a goy got killed... (p.271). This shows that Mr. Cohen cares more about money and
supporting his family than living life guided by clear morals. In Conclusion, the
three characters that are more concerned with achieving financial success rather
than living a life guided by clear morals and fair values are Duddy Kravitz, Jerry
Dingleman and Mr. Cohen. Duddy is constantly ripping people off to get as much
money as he can. Jerry Dingleman is a drug smuggler and Mr. Cohen does what s
best for him or his


St Patrick s Day Tradition
There are 4.75 million people that live in Ireland which is where my culture is
from. My culture affects me in two ways but I want to try Irish things. My family
celebrates St. Patrick s day and I have Irish characteristics but I want to learn some of
the Irish language.
My family celebrates St. Patrick s day because we are Irish. One way being Irish
affects me is we celebrate St. Patrick s day. For St. Patrick s day my familyhas dinner
together. For me learn more about Ireland and the Irish we could go to a parade for
Saint Patrick s day because that s what people that live in Ireland do. We could
celebrate but at the same time learn more about our heritage. Also people in Ireland
eat corned beef and cabbage for St Patrick s day, My family


An Investigation Of The Crime Scene Units
. Listed were searches on how to make homemade chloroform, how to do a fool
proof strangulation, and how to get rid of a body. (Casey Anthony Case, 2013) It
is not clear who actually made these searches. Cindy admits she was trying to look
up chlorophyll and ended up searching for chloroform by mistake. All in all, this
seemed unlikely to investigators but they did not have the definitive proof needed
to charge anyone. At this time they still only had Casey as a person of interest. The
entire family refused to take a polygraph test. It was nearly six months after Caylee
went missing before any new evidence was found. On December 11, 2008, meter
reader Roy Kronk decided to take a little break from work. He walked into the woods
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The clothing was similar to clothing from Caylee in size and description. Most
notable was the baby blanket. She could faintly make out the character Winnie the
Pooh. Photographs of Caylee s room and pictures of Caylee as an infant show here
laying on the same patterned blanket. Wrapped tightly around the skull were three
layers of duct tape. Dr. Garavaglia was able to note that this was done prior to any
decomposition of the body. This was because the mandible remained attached to the
skull after decomposition had occurred completely. (Casey Anthony Trial, 2011)
Usually, once the soft tissue breaks away, there is nothing holding the lower jaw to
the upper skull portion. The tape had held the mandible in place and all of the
baby teeth were still in place. This is fairly unusual because baby teeth are
temporary and do not have true roots holding them in once the tissue is gone.
(Casey Anthony Case, 2013) The tape had been wound through the child s hair and
was still clinging into the tape. Over the mouth area, there was a heart shaped
sticker. Investigators found similar stickers in Casey s room. This pointed even
more to the remains belonging to Caylee Anthony. Finally a definitive answer came
in. The DNA results finally came back. The findings were that the remains did in
fact belong to Caylee. Now it was Dr. Garavaglia s job to figure out how this young
girl lost her life.


The Night, The Side Of Paradise, And The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald, born in St. Paul, Minnesota, had many great works of the 1900
s. He was a well educated man earning his degree from Princeton University
(Werlock). His parents, Edward and Mary McQuillan Fitzgerald, were both Irish. The
Side of Paradise was a major deciding factor by the parents of Zelda Sayre of their
marriage on April 3, 1920. Although many people adore his works, Fitzgerald went
through a time of Writer s Block and became a major alcoholic. Fitzgerald died of a
heart attack on December 21, 1940 (Werlock). His most famous works are Tender is
the Night, The Side of Paradise, and The Great Gatsby.
F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby (1925) is about a man, Nick Carraway, who is
curious about his neighbor a rich man named Jay Gatsby who is searching the love of
his life, Daisy Buchanan. The novel beings in West Egg, Long Island with Nick
buying a new home, and is invited to a party by Gatsby. Gatsby later learns that
Daisy is Nick s cousin, therefore he later becomes good friends with Nick to try to
become closer to Daisy. After Daisy s husband finds out about Daisy and Gatsby s
affair, he confronts them, but Daisy decides that she loves Gatsby. Later, Daisy is
driving Gatsby s car and hit and murders a woman; the woman s husband figures
out that the car was Jay Gatsby s car and he murders Gatsby in his own home. F.
Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby (1925) is best interpreted by using a Marxists
reading strategy. Fitzgerald questions the


Public Schools Should Be Public School
Public schools are considered the normal thing to do for children. When one thinks
of where they see their child getting an education, it is typically a public school.
Most children and adolescents dread going to school anyway, but why? Teens
typically say they must go to school because they legally must. Even some parents
may believe this excuse, but there are other options. Of course, there are private
schools, home schools, charter schools, and even more options that could be better
for students if public schoolis not efficient enough. Firstly, it should be addressed
what is meant by the thought that one must legally go to school. Everyone has
human rights and these human rights are what all people have no matter what. The
twenty sixth is education. It is stated clearly that education should be free and that
technical and professional education should be readily available and accessible to
anyone. Education also must be focused on encouraging overall tolerance and
friendships. Parents also have a right to decide on the type of school a child will
utilize. (OHCHR) The key word here is type. Most people would think public
school is either their only or most obvious or easiest option and would choose that
over other possibilities. Everyone in the United States between the ages of six to 16
must receive an education in a public or state accredited private school with
exemptions for homeschoolingor online classes. (FindLaw) This means that any type
of education would


Kraft Foods Group Mission Statement
Kraft Foods Group is a top fortune 100 company founded by James L Kraft in
Chicago, Illinois 3 years ago. They specialize in food and beverage products
categorized by beverages, frozen and refrigerated meals, dairy products, and other
grocery items. Kraft products are known worldwide and can be found in almost
every home in the world. Even though Kraft brand has been around for decades Kraft
FoodsGroup is a type of business subsection that adheres separately to each
demographic in the world. Since they provide for over 170 countries, they must
divide and conquer to stay successful. Although the company has been very
successful they face many challenges including broad competition and target markets.
Mission Statement
Kraft Foods Group produces annual revenues of about $18 billion or more. CEO,
John T. Cahillore ensures that with the spirit of a startup and the soul of a
powerhouse, we are on a mission to be the best food and beverage company in North
America. Kraft exists around that statement and every decision made for the business
should reflect being a powerhouse in food and beverages. So far, this company s
strategies have made that statement true.
The company may now be known as just Kraft Foods Group but the slogans make
today delicious and the old statements about healthy enjoyable food still stands true.
Just like everything in life, things must adapt and grow with time. So being the best
food and beverage company means having healthy and delicious food.


A Service Facilitator Of Lucy Hill Services
On Tuesday July 7, 2015, at approximately 3:01 PM, Kiana Beekman, (MFCU
Investigator) (Beekman) received a call on the state office telephone from HILL,
Lucy (Service Facilitator of Lucy Hill Services (LHS). During the conversation,
Beekman asked HILL to clarify her role and responsibilities as a service facilitator, in
addition to the role and responsibilities of HARRIS, LaFrance as the Employer of
Records (EOR) for Medicaid Recipient DANIEL, Rose and MCGHEE, Inocencia as
DANIEL s aide. She was also asked to provide any documentation of training on
timesheet submission and approvals that she provided HARRIS and MCGHEE
under the Department of Medicaid Services (DMAS) Consumer Directed care aide
program. As a service facilitator,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After enrollment into the program was complete, HARRIS nor MCGHEE presented
HILL with any questions of how the program worked, timesheet approvals or
submissions. HILL monitored any changes in DANIEL s need for services through
face to face monthly visits which lasted about 40 minutes. Changes in the need for
services may be due to an admission to the hospital, a long term nursing facility or
relocation to another state.
During HILL s second home visit to HARRIS residence, she told both HARRIS and
MCGHEE that DANIEL could attend a local day care center that provides care for
adults 18 years and older with limited mobility and/or chronic illnesses called
JABA. JABA s caregivers specialize in dementia, and provide assistance with
Activities of Daily Living (ADL s) and personal care. HILL emphasized that if
DANIEL attended the program during the day, MCGHEE knew she was not to submit
any timesheets for care provided until DANIEL s returned home in the evening.
HILL identified that before JABA, MCGHEE submitted her hours of care for
DANIEL correctly. In April of 2013, DANIEL attended JABA Monday through
Friday, usually from morning until about 5:30 PM. Her morning arrival and evening
departure times varied, and she did not attend the center on days there was inclement


Ancient Greece And The Modern World
A society is ultimately defined by its values, customs, and traditions. Bathing, a
seemingly common practice for modern day inhabitants, is a process that shaped the
culture of Ancient Rome, and established a deeper insight into the way Ancient
Romans conducted their everyday lives. Originating from Ancient Greece, the
Romans took the concept of personal hygiene to a different, and more grandiose
level; and by doing so established a unique practice which set Romeapart from any
other ancient civilization at the time. The ideas and customs exhibited from the
bathing process lingered on to the modern world, as parallels between Rome and the
modern world are clearly evident. Bathing was a practice that was devised long
before the establishment of Ancient Rome. The earliest forms of western bathing
originated from Greece when Greeks began to utilize bathing practices by operating
small bathtubs, foot baths, and wash basins for their own cleanliness. Having
access to such instruments was considered to be luxurious, as the earliest of these
findings were found in palaces located in Crete and Santorini. Within gymnasium
complexes, public showers and baths were used for relaxation and hygiene. Besides
being used for personal hygiene, the Greeks believed that certain natural springs
were blessed by the Gods to cure disease, making certain pools considered to be
sacred. Bathing facilities were established around these pools and attracted those who
wished to be healed. Consequently,


Supernatural Character in Octavio Paz s Short Story, My...
Mexican born author, Octavio Paz, in his short story, My Life with the wave
suggests the protagonist is symbolic and then remains a supernatural character best
understood in literal terms. He supports his claim by showing the reader the
speakers difficulty of finding a place for the wave out of the ocean, how the
protagonist suffers imprisonment for a crime he did not commit, and of how
through the death of the wave the protagonist is able to free himself from the pain
and torment he faced when he was engaged in a relationship with the wave. Paz s
intention is to use the symbolism in order show the negative side of falling in love.
Octavio Pazadopts an intense tone for the somber reader. The short storyLife with the
Wave, written by Octavio Paz leads us through an intense relationship between a
simple man and a wave. Octavio Paz uses the wave to symbolize a woman. The
wave can also be seen as changing just as humans do, she was a white plume of
vapor then soon...fell in a fine rain (pg. 264). It seemed like love at first sight, she
refused to go back No, her decision was made. She couldn t go back. I tried
sweetness, hardness, irony. (pg.263) I explained to her that it was impossible, that
life in the city was not what she had been able to imagine with the ingenuousness of
a wave that had never left the sea. (pg. 263) She cried, screamed, hugged, and
threatened. I had to apologize. (pg.263) The wave is not a person; she is a thing with
human emotions. The


How Is Contrast Used in В‘Two Scavengers in a Truck,
The two poems I am comparing are В‘Two Scavengers in a truck, Two Beautiful
people in a Mercedes , written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, which shows the contrast
between rich and poor in San Francisco, and В‘Nothings Changed , written by
Tatamkhulu Afrika. В‘Nothing s Changed is an autobiographical poem about a man
returning to the town he grew up in as an adult, and how everything is still the same.
The tone of В‘Two Scavengers changes between sombre, when the poet is
describing the two garbage men, and a more relaxed, happy tone when he is talking
about the В‘Beautifuls . I think that he has done this to increase the effect of the
sympathy that he feels for the two garbage men, because as they are looking at the
two people in the Mercedes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The imagery used in В‘Two Scavengers is quite vivid. One of the garbage men is
described as a gargoyle Quasimodo , which gives you the image that he is old,
deformed and ugly. He also has grey iron hair , a metaphor which makes u imagine
his hair is dark grey and lifeless. The В‘Beautifuls seem to be perfect; the man is
wearing a hip three piece linen suit which seems much more luxurious than the red
plastic blazers the garbage men are wearing. The woman is described as casually
coifed, in a short skirt, and coloured stockings and, this, again, mentions luxurious
items that poorer people would probably not be able to afford. Casually coifed is
also alliteration, which makes is stand out more, and emphasises the luxury. There
is also a sense of irony in the poem, because the driver of the Mercedes has long
blond hair and sunglasses, yet so does one of the garbage men. This is ironic
because the two look fairly similar, but their lives are completely contrasting. In the
high seas of this democracy represents how everything is always changing, just like a
stormy sea.
The poem is written in Standard English; in some ways it is more like prose than
poetry. The language used highlights the contrast between the two couples, for
instance, the repetition of elegant for the В‘Beautifuls , and of scavengers for the


Essay About Winter Vacations In Ontario
Enjoy great winter vacations in Ontario
Ontario is your perfect winter fun wonderland for snowboarding and tubing or
downhill skiing. You can venture out and explore the pristine cross country ski and
snowshoe trails. Ontario is situated in a natural snow belt and it is blessed with lake
effect snowfalls all through the winter months. Ontario is about 45 minutes north of
Toronto and the area receives an approximated 100 inches of snow each year. The
powerful state of the art snow making and grooming facilities make your winter
vacations in Ontario a sublime one. The powder perfect alpine and Nordic
conditions make the winter season in this area one of the best you can find anywhere
in the world. The amazing runs and the hundreds of kilometers of trail; give you an
exciting opportunity to step up your winter fun!
If you truly want to beat the winter blues, you need to make your winter vacations in
Ontario. This amazing destination is an outdoor paradise for winter enthusiasts and it
also holds enchanting indoor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It can be an opportunity for you to have a bite of your favorite snack while soaking
the atmosphere that surrounds the game. The passion that goes into hockey has
made Canada one of the most celebrated places to get involved with the sport.
Besides the big games, there are other junior hockey teams that can give your family
something to cheer. All the games are usually fast paced and highly skilled; you have
nothing to lose when you choose to engage in this activity.
In the light of the activities that have been mentioned, it is important to state that
there are other activities that can make your winter vacations in Ontario iconic which
has not been listed. The key is to understand that Ontario holds the ace for anyone
who truly wants to beat the winter blues. Winter is no time to hibernate as there is
plenty to do in


Skinhead Subculture
Essentialism affects music in reference to race it sets an identity for ethnic groups of
people to act in. For instance Michael Jackson and Prince were boycotted by many
African American store owners because they didn t act a certain and were considered
too feminine. For instance many African American rappers usually have an
intimating image
2a) Subculture is a cultural group that s part of a larger culture, often having beliefs
or interests in opposition with those of the larger culture [1]. subcultures can be
political because of the things it s followers stand for, for example punk has ties with
skinhead subculture and influences it. Whereas with disco, can be seen political in
the sense that it catered to Black and Latino homosexuals ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Jay Z stated that I m not a biter I m a writer for myself and others/I say a B.I.G.
verse, I m only biggin up my brother/Biggin up my borough, I m big enough to do it
/I m that thorough, plus I know my own flow is foolish. [2] Explaining that when he
is sampling other artist s music he is doing it out of respect.
There are different ways an musician can sample a song sometimes, musicians
sample the beat of a song and play it as background music that way it is not very
recognizable by the listener, a good example of this is Sean Kingston s song
Beautiful Girls samples Ben E. King s Stand by me. Sometimes musicians sample
an entire song this is known as a cover Gym Class Heroes does this in their song
cupid s chokehold where they sample Supertramp s Breakfast in America.
Copyright lasts a very long time, musicians need to either get permission to sample
a song or look for a piece that is no longer protected under copyright laws. Works
published before 1923 are now in the public domain [3], meaning anyone can
sample a song that was published before that date. Works published after 1922 but
before 1978 are protected 95 years from publication date, however if the work was
published after 1978 it will be protected for the life of the author plus an additional 70


Agile, Scrum And Kanban
The Daily Stand Up
Agile, Scrum and Kanban
There has been a lot said in the last few years about Agile project management
methodologies, and I have found that the general feeling is that Agile although not
perfect tends to provide better results in software development projects than
waterfall and other methodologies. People tend to be very opinionated about it, and
in my experience there three dominant positions about Agile: you either love it, hate
it or you don t care, in other words, you do not believe in methodologies at all, you
think they are all a waste of time and effort.
I can see where the different of views come from, and in my experience I have been
successful working with Agile, specifically Scrum, in software projects, but ... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I personally really like Agile, and I have worked very well in teams using Scrum.
Yes, we did have problems too, customers with bugs and we also fell behind on the
schedule sometimes. But applying Scrum correctly has allowed us to be informed,
committed and react quickly to those issues. Everybody in the team is in sync and
knows what to expect, stakeholders feel informed and involved, and you can
measure progress and forecast releases with a certain degree of certainty. All this
with what I would consider very little friction, bureaucracy and with what I would
consider a short learning curve, especially compared to other methodologies and
frameworks such as Rational Unified Process (RUP).
Agile, Scrum, Kanban and other methodologies are not necessarily perfect nor
complete, but they may be a good match, especially if you are running a software
project. To be honest, after years writing critical path method (CPM) / Gantt based
project management software, I can see that there is a value for every methodology
and it depends heavily on the characteristics of the project, and I think you can apply
Agile methodologies to projects outside the software and IT industry. The Kanban
software development methodology is inspired by the Kanban


Research Paper On Diglossia
Diglossia The following research paper will give an introduction to an important
part of sociolinguistic that called Diglossia . The first part will be a theoretical
part explaining expressions and terms related to the topic. The aim of my research
is to explore which language is used by bunch of people in many different
situations. Diglossia definition: In many communities where people use two
varieties or more of the same language in various situations, comes a phenomenon
that called diglossia. The aim of this research paper is to talk about diglossia in
Arab countries. First to start with the term diglossia; it was presented into the
English language at first by Charles Ferguson; he first used this term in one of his
articles he wrote in 1959. According to Ferguson diglossia is one particular kind of
standardization where two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the
community and each one is used for different purposes, one is more standard variety
that called the high variety or (H) which is used for example in educational
institutions like lectures at universities. The other one is called the low variety or (L)
which is used in manly social interactions. The features of diglossia: The different
uses of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example when two speakers engage in trade and neither know the other s
language, the language used between them we call it pidgin, so it is a mix of
completely different languages. Creol on the other hand arises when a pidgin
becomes a native language of a new generation. These theories believed to cause
the language drift like for example if one Arab man married to non Arab woman it
would likely have led to communication using biginized form of Arabic and the
children who would be result of the marriage probably would have spoken creolised


Creation Myth Outline
Creation Myth Outline
1. Your origin myth will explain the origin or beginning of what?
My myth will explain why most of nature is green.
2. How does this origin myth relate to the people in your myth and their religion?
In my myth the reason nature is green is out of respect for the animals. Also, the
world is painted by a god.
3. What characters will appear in your myth?
In my myth there will be green animals and the god art.
4. Identify the elements of nature for which your creator is responsible.
My creator (god) is responsible for painting the universe will all colors.
5. For what are the other characters in our myth responsible?
One of my creators (multiple green animals) create the first god (god) and also help
the god create the


The Rocky Mountain Trail
However, as I led the group north in the direction of our unseen target the trail at
times would blend into the rocky terrain and become challenging to follow.
Silhouetted against the grayish sky to our immediate left were two rock strewn
peaks that spiked into view through the thick air above us. Stemming from the
main trail a faint path snaked its way to an area between and below the peaks and
gradually faded into the rugged terrain. From previous expeditions on the Sauk, I
knew the summit trail would continue and circle north on a ridge around a rocky
pinnacle directly above the west face. For a brief moment I was nearly fooled into
taking the path even though I felt a scramble to the summit would be too soon.
Feeling uncertain I continued ahead with no summit in my sights. I made a... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The voices I heard earlier in the day were a group of five with a couple of canines
making their way up the trail. After a few comments of the rain were exchanged, the
group passed to continue their ten or twelve minute journey to the top. Continuing
the descent and rounding the south ridge to the west side, a second group of three
approached on the trail below. In passing, I offered that our time from the top was
approximately twenty minutes at minimum, meaning they at least had twenty to
thirty minutes to the summit. Minutes later the trail delivered us to the familiar rock
wall embedded in the mountain, and it sliced under the rock continuing on a long
stretch to the second switchback leading down. After making the estimated 325
degree turn a third group could be seen below. The mountain, suddenly becoming
crowded, felt as if traversing the switchbacks and navigating the trail resembled
playing chicken with oncoming trekkers. Who has the right of way, and who will
step aside and relinquish the trail


Essay On Equipment And Service Sector
For firms in the equipment and service sector, they tend to discuss their efforts in the
field of sports and shareholders (See Figure 4.14). Although equipment and service
sector exhibits a high percentage of investments in both education, environment, and
health and disability, the unique filed of contributions are associated with sports. It is
perhaps that some equipment and service firms treat the sportas an important form of
community activity, and their investments in this area could build an impressive
image in the local community. For example, Helmerich Payne Inc (HP) supports the
construction of Tulsa s ONEOK Field baseball stadium ( Community Support , nd.,
para. 2). Moreover, like other oil and gas sectors, equipment and... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
1). Moreover, exploration and production sector tend to express more about their
employee welfare. The reason is perhaps that working in exploration and production
sector requires more time and energy, and hence the employee benefits packages are
used to encourage and retain employees who are the most valuable assets of the
firm. For example, Hess Corporation (HES) provides its comprehensive benefits
package and aims to help employees and their families take care of necessities and
provide meaningful extras. HES claims that We offer medical, dental, life insurance,
pension, savings and other programs, though the details vary based on job and
location. We promote employee health through a variety of health management
resources and tools focused on diet, nutrition, exercise, and condition management (
Excellent financial and health benefits , nd., para. 1).
For firms in the integrated oil and gas sector, they tend to present their efforts in the
field of education, environment, health and disability, product quality, product safety,
employee development, equal opportunity, and supplier (See Figure 4.14). Like
downstream sector, Integrated oil and gas sector also expresses their contributions to
product quality and employee development. The main reason is that integrated oil
and gas sector includes upstream, midstream, and downstream operations, which
means integrated oil and gas


Critical Analysis Of Amadeus
Perplexing, intriguing, and haunting, Amadeus leaves the viewer with an
impression of tragedy and mastery. While the film highlights the finest musical
qualities of its main character, Mozart, it primarily casts a dark and solemn tone
upon most of the story and eventually leads to his unfortunate fate. Because the
film features the point of view from the antagonist, Salieri, it attempts to cause the
viewer to sympathize with a flawed and broken character. Furthermore, the film
frustrates the viewer with the foolish decisions of Mozart, despite the best efforts
of his wife Costanza, and the lack of any moral conclusion or remorse from Salieri.
In doing this, it emphasizes realism and a brutal reality over an idealistic or hopeful
ending. In fact, those characteristics provide most of the primary merits that make
this film memorable to this day, even though the film differs vastly from actual
history. While Amadeus features a marvelous soundtrack taken from the writings of
Mozart himself and emphasizes the finest qualities of true talent, the melodies
themselves cannot dispel the final thoughts surrounding the tragic fates of both
Mozart and Salieri. While the movie contains complex twists and storyline, the plot
contains all the hallmarks of a powerful tragedy. Told from the perspective of
Salieri, the film gives his perspective on the life and death of Mozart. It shows how
Mozart rises from a child prodigy to one of the top composers in Vienna, despite his
childishness and


The Ring Of The Phone Momentarily Halted The Ever
The ring of the phone momentarily halted the ever present tears. Hello, I said
softly, Oh, hi. It had been at least a year since I had last spoken with my father and
I didn t quite know what to say. Trying to keep the crack out of my voice I told him
of the impending divorce. I love you, he said. I never knew, I replied. I could hear
the tears falling compassionately on the other end of the phone. I m sorry, I said. I
didn t mean to hurt you. I just never knew you loved me. Tears prevented either of
us from speaking. Then we shared a little more and hung up. A particular sadness
circled but I didn t want to reflect on it at the time. Throughout his life, in his own
way, my dad did loveme. Gone during the week, and home only on weekends, didn
t allow us to spend time alone with each other. Maybe I just don t remember. Isn t a
father just supposed to love his children? A lover of animals, my dad could not
stand to hear the painful wails of the dog next door tied to a tree so he went over and
brought her home. The neighborswent on vacation leaving their teenage son to care
for the dog which he did not. We named her Spooky and I guess the neighbors didn t
care as they never said a word. Spooky and my dad were buddies and if we went out
for an ice cream cone, Spooky went too, and was treated to her own cone. Another
evening, my parents were in the park across the street from our home waiting for the
Labor Day concert and pageant to begin


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  • 1. Essays On Teamwork Writing an essay on the topic of teamwork can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, teamwork is a broad and multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects, including communication, collaboration, conflict resolution, and leadership. As a result, crafting a comprehensive and insightful essay requires a deep understanding of these components and their interplay within a team dynamic. The difficulty arises from the need to balance theoretical concepts with practical examples and personal insights. To effectively discuss teamwork, one must draw upon real-life experiences, whether from personal involvement in teams or through extensive research. This necessitates the ability to synthesize information, critically analyze situations, and articulate thoughts coherently. Moreover, the challenge lies in presenting a nuanced perspective. Teamwork is not always smooth sailing; conflicts and challenges are inevitable. Addressing these aspects requires finesse in handling potentially sensitive topics, such as disagreements or the impact of individual differences on team cohesion. Another layer of complexity stems from the need to stay current with relevant literature on teamwork, organizational psychology, and leadership. The field is dynamic, with new theories and studies emerging regularly. A well-rounded essay should reflect an awareness of these developments, showcasing a writer's ability to engage with contemporary discourse. In addition, striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility is crucial. The essay should appeal to a diverse audience, including those with varying levels of familiarity with the topic. This requires effective communication skills to convey complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. In conclusion, while writing an essay on teamwork may pose challenges, it offers an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth. It demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to communicate effectively. For those who find the task daunting, seeking assistance is a viable option. Similar essays and more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide the support needed to navigate the complexities of essay writing. Essays On TeamworkEssays On Teamwork
  • 2. Julia Identity Through the film of Julie and Julia, the theme that allows me to get a sense of her identity is cooking. I believe that the theme cooking gives off her identity in terms of class identity. The film Julie and Julia demonstrates how the theme cooking gives Julie a sense of purpose, but most importantly how that purpose affects her in terms of class. Through the film, the actions that she performs in and surrounding cooking have led me to believe that Julie would be part of a high/middle class. The film shows her class through the theme of cooking by how Julie is privileged enough to set a goal of completing a 365 day cooking journey from a Julia Child cookbook. This gives off the impression to me that she is within a wealthier class because
  • 3. Suicide Terrorism And Islamic Fundamentalism Dying To Win, Robert A. Pape challenges the views about why suicide terrorists do what they do and to whom. Pape is trying to convey that suicide terrorism is rising around the world (Pape pg. 6). Since many terrorist attacks have been perpetrated by Muslim terrorist motivated by religious beliefs, it makes people think that Islamic fundamentalism is the central cause. The connection between suicide terrorismand Islamic fundamentalism is incorrect, and encourage foreign countries to harm many Muslims people that are harmless. The author has assembled a database that accounts every suicide bombing and attack around the globe from 1980 through 2003 (Pape pg. 7). There were 315 of terrorist suicide attacks at all. Pape believes that the data proves that there is little connection between suicide terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism. The main agitator of suicide attacks is the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka, a Marxist Leninist group whose members are from Hindu families but who are adamantly opposed to religion (Pape pg. 9). The Tamil Tigers committed 76 of the 315 suicide attacks. The author clearly and convincingly gets his message across by supporting his ideas using a database of the suicide attacks. The database helps the reader knows what all terrorist attacks have in common. All suicide attacks have in common that terrorist want to force modern democracies to withdraw military forces from territory that the terrorists consider to be their homeland (Pape pg. 9).
  • 4. Stereotypes And Discrimination In The Workplace Workplace discrimination happens every day, but is almost never openly admitted. To believe without hesitation that the personal beliefs of a potential employee have never been the reason to deny a person a job is naГЇve, or even a sign of ignorance. Practically every job application has a comment about how race, religion, or having a disability will not be a factor in determining eligibility for a position; I cannot say the same about an individual who has tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications having the same confirmations. People now have to make a conscience decision of whether or not it is worth getting art on their body and express their individuality. You may not be aware, but many student nursing programs, even the one offered by Quinsigamond, require the students to have their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No one should have to deal with dirty looks, or being suspected of being a criminal because they chose to display art, or express their personality. This type of discrimination does however happen all the time, and it doesn t just apply to tattoos. People may give you dirty looks because you wear a graphic T Shirt with images or phrases that differ from their own beliefs. In this country especially people should be able to go out in public and express themselves without feeling discriminated against. Stereotyping a person by the color of their skin is considered wrong, racist, and can provide a legal nightmare for employers or individuals. Personal appearance of a person should be held to the same standard, and someone s choice to express themselves is just that, their choice. As a society we need to be less judgmental of the appearance of people, and their personal preferences of ways to express themselves. We need to, as a society, allow people the option to express themselves, and keep any judgment of them towards their actions towards
  • 5. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Leadership The first step to analyzing my personal leadership practices is to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. One of the tools used to evaluate my leadership profile is the Seven Habits Profile, attached to this analysis. After completing this Seven Habits profile, some of the leadership strengths and weaknesses I knew I possessed were reinforced with the results of this survey. Scoring highest, were my strengths of putting first things first and sharpening the saw. These two strengths were followed closely by a third place tie of being in tune with my emotional bank account and ability to be proactive. Scoring lowest were my two greatest weaknesses, which are seeking first to understand and life balance. Tied in third place as weaknesses are thinking win win and synergize. One of my highest scoring strengths is my ability to put first things first. This came to me as no surprise, as I see this dominant characteristic in almost every aspect of my life. Whether professionally or personally, my ability to see what needs to get done coupled with my drive to cross things off my to do list has been a strength of mine as far back as I can remember. My personality is inclined to work first, play later. I tend to enjoy work and personal life at a greater capacity when I know there are no pressing matters to tend to. Another strength identified in the Seven Habits Profile is my ability to sharpen the saw. Personal growth in all aspects, including spiritual, physical, mental
  • 6. Marketing Strategy For A New Service Success in a New Service Demographic segment variables subdivides people based on a wide variety of characteristics. This allows the business to decide what group they will be targeting based on their desired target market. Because grocery shopping is common, this business should not have limitations on genders or age. To increase sales they may target families and also college students who have a vehicle. However, the business should not restrict it to only these two entities. The business will not depend on specific incomes to market to people. The business must differentiate itself by emphasizing its drive through option, offering incentives, promoting ethical values, and staying connected with the customers and employees. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This will give the business an idea of how many potential customers there are and how to market to them. Once the business knows the percentage of possible customers, they can begin placing them into the different categories available. After the business has established their target group and placed them in the categories, they will be able to use aggregated data (InfoGroup). When the two entities respond or expresses an interest for the drive through grocery store, the business will be able to offer the families and college students a way to sign up to receive additional information. This allows the business to receive more information about the customer which they may not had. The business must begin by constructing a SWOT Analysis which will provide them with the necessary tools to avoid problems and excel. A strength would be the availability for its customers to use the drive through instead of walking in on busy days. A weakness is this business will be a first mover in the area (the location will be held at city with a population size of 60,000 or greater); it will be exposed to trial and error, and their competitors will be able to see their mistakes and avoid them. The business can increase their revenue by expanding the service (either increasing the amount of employees or having a customer assistance button available for the
  • 7. Ben Jerry s Essay Ben Jerry s Ben Jerry s Joy Gang History: The Ben Jerry s Joy Gang was started in 1987 in response to the increasing demands upon our employees. Our first Joy activities included pizza and 15 minute massages for our manufacturing employees who were working 12 hour marathon shifts. Jerry suggested that we should try to make fun an official part of our company culture. The Joy Committee changed its name to the Joy Gang due to the fact that we felt the word committee was too official. Mission: To infuse joy into everything we do. The Joy Gang approaches fun at work in 3 ways: Joy Grants: cash grants of up to $500.00 to accommodate an idea that will bring more joy to a particular department. (A hot cocoa machine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Prizes are given for best and weirdest costumes, and a costume parade is held. A big incentive for dressing up was offered once in 1991, when Ben Jerry s 6 6 Chief Operating Officer promised to wear a pink ballerina s tu tu if at least 75 employees wore costumes. The employees rose to meet the challenge and Chuck, our bearded ballerina, danced across the front patio of our Waterbury plant. Valentine s Day: The Joy Gang distributes any combination of carnations, chocolates, candy conversation hearts and hand signed valentines to employees to let them know how much we love them. Jungle Party: One year, a particularly wild group of employees dressed up in whatever jungle outfits they had hanging in their closets and went to a party featuring jungle music, limbo contests, and prizes such as a trip for two to The Great Adventure ... all courtesy of the Joy Gang. Elvis Presley Day: Our most popular event to date, complete with an Elvis look alike contest, an Elvis impersonator who serenaded the employees, an Elvis trivia contest, and Elvis movie classics running on the VCR in the lunchroom. Mask Making: Joy commissioned a local mask maker to come and show interested employees how to make plaster casts of their faces and decorate them with all sorts of bizarre and beautiful
  • 8. Animal Violence And Animal Cruelty We can learn a lot about a society and its future by the manner in which their children behave. There are severe consequences of animal abuse when enacted or witnessed by children (Ascione Arkow 1999). After reviewing much contradicting literature and conducting several studies with violent criminals, researchers Christopher Hensley, Suzanne E. Tallichet, and Erik L. Dutkiewicz found that most offenders used more atrocious acts of maltreatment as children that called for intimate physical interactions with the animals (Hensley, Tallichet, Dutkiewicz 2011). We must be cautious of what children are replicating from not only their families, but from the society around them because this is how animal cruelty in countries such as Romania, is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Romania has demonstrated extreme levels of the severe consequences of the effects of animal cruelty. This is mostly due to the lack of implementation and enforcement of policies as well as an excess of violent ridden environments. After contemplating all the destructive consequences that such violence is having on humanity today, we must educate children on the horrors of animal cruelty, promote humane policies, and work as a global community so that the cycle of violence is broken in not only Romania, but in other countries as
  • 9. In The Time Of The Butterflies Essay The Dominican Republic s dictator Rafael Trujillo had thousands of people killed because of their disobedience to him. From the 1930s to 1960s the country was under the control of Trujillo. He had taken control of the Dominican Republic and used his power against people who decided not to follow him and his laws. The four Mirabal sisters, Minerva, Patria, Mate, and Dede were all risking their lives because of their involvement in the underground, against their harsh dictator. In the book In the time of the Butterflies, the four Mirabal sisters perspectives are impacted by the underground movement against Trujillo because of each of their involvement with the revolution. In the novel In the Time of the Butterflies, by Julia Alvarez, Minerva... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We must let the committee know the real situation or this hell will go on (Alvarez 244). She was willing to do anything to overturn their country s dictator, even if her life was on the line. Ultimately, Minerva had very different beliefs with Trujillo and his way of leadership which drastically affected her perspective. Throughout the novel, Patria witnessed her younger sisters getting involved in the underground movement against Trujillo, which later motivated her to get involved. It was very difficult for Patria to get involved because, in the beginning, she had not wanted to be a part of it. As the story progressed Patria decided to join the revolution. After she had attended a retreat on the mountain she now saw what was truly going on with their government. Patria now saw things differently, But then again, here in that little room was the same Patria Mercedes, who wouldn t have hurt a butterfly, shouting, Amen to the revolution (Alvarez 163 164). Patria was changed after the retreat because of what she had seen. She had to be careful about joining the revolution because she did not want her family to get hurt or in trouble. Patria had been letting Minerva and the others meet in her and Pedrito s land for secret meetings. Patria said at the end of a meeting Come inside now, ...I have something to talk to you about...I was looking at the whole group, come on (Alvarez 165). She had told them that she wanted to help because what she saw in the mountains
  • 10. How the †Culture Industry’ had Profound Social Impacts in... Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer were two renowned Jewish representatives of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory; they were particularly dominant during the early 20th century, approximately around the time of the 1920 s to 1960s. They took refuge in America after Adolf Hitler s rise in Germany. These to philosophers developed the CultureIndustry Theory in the 1940s, in light of the disturbed society they had seen during this time. They witnessed how Nazi Fascism used mass media such as films, radio and newspapers to brainwash millions into partaking in this ideology. Similarly they saw the rise of Capitalismin America, which also used mass media such as Hollywood films and advertising to disseminate the masses into the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adorno (1977) saw these elements as interchangeable without damaging the song. When applied to the music industry in contemporary society artists such as Katy Perry, Ke$ha, and Miley Cyrus sound exactly the same, they use the same chords as each other. The use of standardisation in the culture industry is to foster the false consciousness, passivity in order to easily manipulate society into consuming these products and in the music industries case promote regressive listening and lead to standardised reactions (Stratini, 2004). The ruling class maintain their power and control over society through these practices. They create the false needs of society and produce products to satisfy these needs, which leaves societies in a false satiated state (Stratini, 2004). Pseudo Individualism is the second process that produces reification (Adorno, 1977). For the process of standardisation to be successful in manipulating society into consumerism and a false consciousness, pseudo individualism is crucial. Pseudo individualism maintains the appearance that a product is different and unique (Satrini, 2004). Adorno believes that the principal of originality and individuality has always been contradictory. The individual is a notion that masses are misleadingly made to believe (Adorno, 1977). It gives the impression of free choice in an open market when it is actually deceiving people into consuming standardised products of the culture industry. This process
  • 11. Rainbow Fish Greed The book rainbow fish was published in 1992. It has been over 24 years since it was originally published, but is still a book shared with many today.The Rainbow Fish is about a fish that has rainbow scales and he wont let anyone have one of his scales so no one is friends with him. After a while of being alone he gives all but one of his shiny scales a way then the fishes let him play with them. Marcus Pfister, illustrates the theme how greed can get the best of you in the book The Rainbow Fish Marcus Pfister show the Rainbow fish refusing to give even one scale to a fish that just wanted to be shiny.The fish just wanted a shiny new scale to look cool and to have some friends. But the selfish Rainbow fish acted like he was the king of the sea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Get away from me! The Rainbow fish is acting like a rich man and questioning who the fish thinks he is.This text evidence shows that the Rainbow fish is greedy and selfish about the special scales. When the Rainbow fish was wondering why no one is admiring his shiny scales.After the Rainbow fish refused to give a single shiny scale to a fish. Everyone has been avoiding him and turning their heads to the Rainbow Fish. I really am beautiful. Why doesn t anybody like me? The Rainbow fish is confused why no one like him anymore.The Rainbow fish is confused why no one will admire his shiny and special scales. Marcus Pfister shows the Rainbow fish not willing to give his special scales away for happiness.The Rainbow fish is choosing his special scales over people liking him. The Rainbow fish cares more about the way he looks than the way people think of him.Give away my scales? My beautiful shining scales? Never. How could I ever be happy without them?The Rainbow Fish was not giving into the idea of giving his special scales away. Which shows how selfish he is that out of all of his special scales wont give even away. The Rainbow fish selfishness is showing it self by questioning the question about giving some of his shiny scales
  • 12. Superior Supermarkets Running Head: Superior Supermarkets Superior Supermarkets Davenport University MKTG 610 Date Case Synopsis A quarterly review by Hall Consolidated is scheduled to discuss performance in District III. District III includes fifteen Superior Supermarkets located in Centralia, Missouri. The district manager for these stores, Randall Johnson, has requested that these three locations implement an everyday low pricing strategy since these stores are the highest priced supermarkets in the Centralia market. His is concerned that because of increasing consumer price consciousness, they may lose market share. Centralia store s sales have been below budget for the last quarter of 2002 and this first quarter of 2003. Still, operating margins... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 484 495). Harrison s was remodeled in 1999 and allots fifteen percent of its footage to a large assortment of general merchandise. They have captured most of the middle and upper income groups with annual incomes of over $40,000. Harrison s is well managed, orderly, clean, and attractive with a balanced variety of groceries, meats, and produce. Their promotional theme is Save on the Total, focusing on everyday low prices. Customers perceive Harrison to have the best overall prices, the best quality, and best variety of meat and produce (Kerin amp; Peterson, 1998/2010, pp. 484 495). Centralia s Superior Supermarkets Each of Superior s Centralia stores is older than their major competitors. Each is anchored in a strip mall, owned by Hall Consolidated, which also house a drug store plus two or three other shops. Sales have steadily increased since 2000 and operate with a 28.8 percent gross margin, higher than industry average of 26.4 percent. Below is a breakdown of sales and gross margins for all three stores in Centralia (Kerin amp; Peterson, 1998/2010, pp. 484 495). (Kerin amp; Peterson, 1998/2010, pp. 484 495) Corporate believes that although Superior offers a more limited variety of merchandise than its competitors, they carry a higher quality product particularly in grocery and fresh produce. However, consumer acceptance of their fresh meat, poultry, and seafood
  • 13. Gender Wage Gap Essay The Gender Wage Gap In 2015, women made ninety cents for every dollar that their male peers earned. The gender wage gap has been a problem for centuries. In the 1700s, But since the 1980s, it hasn t shifted much (Brown and Patten). Individuals like former President Obama have attempted to minimize the pay gap between men and women by passing pieces of legislation, but his attempts have done little to shift the wage gap. The community of American citizens needs to unite as a whole in order to stop the gender wage gap because it is unjust, special interest groups need to be made to lobby government officials into signing pieces of legislation that could help the wage gap decrease. The gender wage gap has plagued women ever since they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the article of Institutional Bias Partially Explains the Gender Wage Gap , it states, The research organization Catalyst, for example, found that among MBA [master of business administration] grads on a traditional career track, women are even more likely than men to seek out skill building experiences and training opportunities and to make their achievements visible by asking for feedback and promotions. Women also reported similar rates of negotiating as men: 47 percent of women and 52 percent of men had asked for a higher salary during the hiring process, and 14 percent of women and 15 percent of men had asked for a higher position. No gap there . The studies conducted shows that women are more likely to seek higher positions and salary than men. So one can deduce that there is no ambition gap between women and men who work in the same place. There is bias, even if one is afraid to call it out ( Institutional Bias ). The gender gap is a problem today, there are individuals who have attempted to reduce the gap. According to ACLU, in the article Some Things Change with Time , it states, It s hard to believe it s been seven years since President Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act the first piece of legislation to become law during his presidency (Lapidus). Barack Obama is an example of an individual who has tried to do something about the gender wage gap. The Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was essentially a
  • 14. Environmental Science Essay SCIE210 Unit 5 Individual Project Sandra Allen American Intercontinental University May 27, 2012 From the beginning of time, there has always been wildlife. The animals and plants of our wildlife contribute to what makes this life so interesting. If all wildlife were to go extinct, then we would not have a way to replenish the oxygen to survive off of. All animals and plants are a part of our lifecycle and should be respected as such. The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was put in place to protect threatened and endangered animals and plants. There are two agencies that equip this program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This act was dated official... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966 authorized the Secretary of Interior to spend $15 million per year to purchase habitats for the species on the endangered list. This act also required protection of these species on federal land. All land belonging to the public that was not government was not required but were encouraged to. Many benefits have come from these law acts that have been set in place. Recovery plans have been put into place to help our animals and plants replenish. While doing this, exemptions can and do occur. If there is a project to be done within a habitat of a listed species, then the ESA must notify the FWS and National Marine Fisheries Service. Once listed species reached a level of stable existence again, they were delisted. As of 2011, fifty one species had been delisted. Any kind of harming, wounding, or killing is considered to be a violation. Violations of these laws have a variety of penalties. The maximum fine is up to $50,000 or a year of imprisonment, possibly both. I do absolutely believe this law has improved our societies and environments due to helping original life to be sustained. These animals and plants were created to be on this earth. They did not choose to be here and did not choose to be killed for human pleasure. This law has given these listed species another chance. References: Boorse, D. F. and Wright, R.T. (2011). Environmental Science: Toward a more
  • 15. The Characteristics Of Classism In The Classical Period The Classical period, sometimes called the Hellenic period, began in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. During the Classical period, Greece succeeded its maximum level of success both culturally and economically. The ancient Greeks strode to perfect both the body and mind. Classism has caused a significant amount of changes in the art world which allowed them to express themselves through their art spiritually. Classism s qualities still are featured throughout the artworks that are being made today. Some of this movement s features would include how most of the sculptures that are done are idealized. Idealism is when someone is painted, or sculpted with the ideal body and face. Realism is another feature in Classical Art. Realism is seeking truth through the artwork, they could no longer achieve the look they were going for by just chiseling away at a block of stone. Therefore, they based they techniques on modelling, by building first out of clay on new models and then they would copy them into stone. One of the last main features in this movement would be how mathematically correct everything is. Artists in these eras were very conscious about correct proportions, measurements, and symmetry. That is how those artists made it possible to create such perfect and idealized masterpieces. A sculptural example of Classical Art is The Spear Bearer . This entailed careful observation of a model as well as understanding of the mechanics of anatomy of how a body shifts from a pose,
  • 16. Little Albert, By John B. Watson Psychology holds five core concepts; biological, cognitive, psychoanalytical, learning, and sociocultural perspectives. So far, we as students, have delved our hands into cognitive and biological aspects referencing several case studies and experiments to aid our research. We have gone over the nature vs. nurture debate and even continued our studies through learning social observation. These core concepts are implemented throughout the Little Albert behavioral study conducted by John B. Watson, thus assisting in providing knowledge on how emotional conditioning works. Due to the curiosities of cognitive behavior and his previous interests in Ivan Pavlov s condition in dog s experiment, John B. Watson commenced his studies on human emotional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The sperm and ovum both consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes, one of which will be the sex determiner. Passing through one generation to another, genes tend to determine hereditary characteristics. These characteristics aid in physical characteristics; a few examples are, height, eye colour, hair colour, c. whereas Extrinsic influences can influence an individual s behavior, development, and even maturation making parental affection, sibling association, and other relationships a necessity. In psychology, these opposing meanings are defined as the nature vs. nurture influence/debate. In the study, I hold a firm belief that Albert behaved the way he did in his environment through extrinsic forces. His reaction to the noise that the hammer made against the pipe, was one of the negative
  • 17. Chihiro s Response To Sociology Perhaps the most obvious example of change as a positive influence in the film can be observed in Chihiro s maturation. Prior to entering the spirit realm, Chihiro behaves as a typical, stubborn child unwilling to accept change; this can be observed in the way she responds to seeing her new school as she and her parents drive into town: sticking out her tongue as she says, It s gonna stink. I liked my old school. During the same scene, Chihiro s responses to her parents even slightly suggest that she is a bit spoiled as she complains how depressing it is that this is the first time she has gotten a bouquet of flowers and it s a goodbye present. When her mother reminds her that her father had gotten a rose for her birthday before, Chihiro
  • 18. The Locality Guide System Website Essay CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW The Locality Guide System is Online Website. Show Local area shops, Local area Shop Search, Items does can be managed through the system. In the Website, Shops Location records can be stored and Customer retrieved any time when ever required using person s username and password. Customer can easy to shop items and search local area shops. This System use to easy Order Items and Search location of his/her area Shops. 1.2 OBJECTIVES пѓ Our main object is to make Shop Online and Search available Shops Local area. пѓ So, They can more selling and marketing. Any user can Buy a Product on Click and Search his/her area Shops on Click. 1.3 SCOPE The Website is useful for Local Area Guide. This Website provides facility for to store the shops record so that available Items can see that any time. The Website will be very easy to use even for the Customer who is novice user to computer. 1.4 TECHNOLOGY AND LITERATURE REVIEW пѓ JAVA п ѓ HIBERNATE FRAMEWORK Hibernate framework simplifies the development of java application to interact with the database. Hibernate is an open source, lightweight, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool. An ORM tool simplifies the data creation, data manipulation and data access. It is a programming technique that maps the object to the data stored in the database. [Fig.1.1 The ORM tool internally uses the JDBC API to interact with the database] пѓ HIBERNATE ARCHITECHTURE The Hibernate architecture includes many objects
  • 19. Teenage Girls And Girls With Pink And Little Boys As we can see in the first set of advertisements above, there are toys that are specifically intended to capture the interest in boys and girls separately. Here we can see how certain features in the advertisements help aid in the socialization of children in regards to gender. Over the last couple decades, it s been custom to shower little girls with pink and little boys with blue while they are young, before they learn to choose their own favorite colors. These colors of pink and blue then become a part of genderidentification for the child and this is the reason why, in the top article, that the left article is mostly pink to capture the attention of girls and blue on the right to peek the interest of little boys. There also is a big difference in the toys when it comes to nurturing. On the left advertisement at the top the girls have toys that require more nurturing and gentle treatment. For example the baby dolls need to be nurtured and gently played with as well as the Barbie dolls needs are made for their hair to be brushed and different outfits to be changed. Also one will notice that the toys for the girls are toys which are more acceptable for playing indoors. On the other hand, the boys have toys that are not expected to be gently handled, for instance, the Star wars sword and helicopter are meant to be bashed and banged around. These toys for little boys are also made to be played with more outside because toys like this can break things in a household. This
  • 20. Pliny The Elder Research Paper A distinguished military veteran and dedicated historian, Pliny the Elder s work provides us with aspects of everyday life in Ancient Rome, and is a valuable source for knowledge on the state of science in that time. Gaius Plinius Secundus, better known as Pliny the Elder to distinguish himself from his nephew, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, wrote as a naturalist, biographer, and historian. Around 79 A.D, Pliny died during the eruption of Vesuvius which decimated Pompeii and Herculaneum, his nephew wrote of these events in his letters to Tacitus . Throughout his lifetime, Pliny obtained many military positions in the government, including administrator of Equestrian Rank and Procurator of Africa. Nero, whom Pliny did not support and thoroughly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first printed edition appeared in 1469. Since then, editions vary widely in what is omitted and how the Latin is translated . Most of his spare time was spent personally investigating the information on geography and natural phenomena that would be recorded in his encyclopaedia. Pliny had a set reader audience for Natural History; evidence is found in his preface of the book, where he states that it is not intended for the general reader and was designed for utility, not entertainment . Pliny s purpose in writing the Natural History was to cover all learning and art so far as they are connected with nature or draw their materials from nature. Pliny s Natural History is still agreed on today to be a valuable anthropological source, though most critics still focus on where Pliny obtained his sources than anything
  • 21. Compare And Contrast Charlotte Russe Vs Forever 21 Charlotte Russe Vs. Forever 21 Charlotte Russe and Forever 21 are both trendy clothing and accessory stores that target a younger demographic, teens to age 35 specifically. The prices have been described as affordable luxury by an article published on Knoji.com. Personally I believe the pricing is a little high because of the quality, but deals I find at stores like Ross, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls may be to blame for why my anchoring prices may be a little low. Neither store offers high quality clothing in my opinion, most items are thin or cheaply made, but they do the job, are trend, and great for going out. Forever 21 stores tend to be the larger than Charlotte Russe stores according to their website. The average store is 38,000 square ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If I don t like something or the way it fits the return processes are a bit tedious. When I visit both brands websites I tend to maximize my shopping experience with more specific guidelines to what I am looking for. When I visit the stores, I am more likely to settle for the satisficing solution. Charlotte Russe does a better job of positioning their products in store I feel, their more popular items were at the front of the store when I walked in, but Forever 21 makes you walk through the whole store. The way an associate explained it to me was that they style each display after a specific personality, so if you don t like what you see when you get to one spot, there is another display that markets to your style needs. Forever 21 s social media presence is crushing Charlotte Russe. According to Knoji.com Forever 21 has 7,274,755 Facebook likes and 646,260 followers on Twitter compared to Charlotte Russe s 1,674,937 Facebook likes and 58,273 followers on Twitter. I believe Forever 21 s marketingteam has done a better job reaching their target market through social media, which benefits them because that s where that age group spends most of their potential advertising
  • 22. Globalised Financial System and Its Impact on Indian Business National Seminar: Paper Presentation On Globalised Financial System and Impact on Indian Business Miss. Reshma Ramesh Nirbhavane Mr. Makarand M. Dharkar Roll no. 15 Roll No. 13 First Year MMS/MBA Student C.K Thakur Institute Management Studies, New Panvel Navi Mumbai. Reshu87_19@yahoo.com GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM Definition The global financial system (GFS) is the financial system consisting of institutions and regulators that act on the international level, as opposed to those that act on a national or regional level. The main players are the global institutions, such as International Monetary Fund and Bank for International Settlements, national agencies and government departments, e.g., central banks and finance ministries, private ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These basic forces have shaped the evolution of international finance for centuries. Global integration of money and capital markets is the essence of international finance; through such channels purchasing power over real resources today is transferred from areas of the world where expected rates of return are lower to areas of the world where expected rates of return are higher. (At least that is the theory.) This process, in turn, is facilitated in important respects by technical changes that have helped to speed not only the flow of funds but also the flow of information about investment opportunities. ROLE OF FINANCIAL SYSTEM IN INDIA India has a financial system that is regulated by independent regulators in the sectors of banking, insurance, capital markets, competition and various services sectors. In a number of sectors Government plays the role of regulator. Ministry of Finance, Government of India looks after financial sector in India. Finance Ministry every year presents annual budget on February 28 in the Parliament. The annual budget proposes changes in taxes, changes in government policy in almost all the sectors and budgetary and other allocations for all the Ministries of Government of India. The annual budget is passed by the Parliament after debate and takes the shape of law. Reserve bank of India (RBI) established in 1935 is the Central bank. RBI is regulator for financial and banking system, formulates monetary policy
  • 23. Research Paper On The Great Pacific Garbage Patch PLASTIC ISLANDS IN THE OCEAN For thousands, maybe even millions, of years, marine debris has built up on these little islands in the pacific ocean. However one may know it as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. ?The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans waters from the West Coast of North America to Japan? (Great Pacific Garbage Patch). Marine Debris is litter that ends up in oceans, and other large bodies of water. This in turn makes the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The patch also includes the Western and Eastern regions between Hawaii and California. There is also a convergence zone in which warm water and cool water meet up from the South Pacific and the Arctic. In this zone, the debris moves from warm water to cool water. So in turn the debris is able to move freely throughout these zones. They are also able to travel through and into the Pacific ocean. That leads us to our second topic, an ocean gyre. ?An ocean gyre is a system of circular ocean currents formed by the Earth?s wind patterns and the forces created by the rotation of the planet? (Great Pacific Garbage Patch). The gyre that we will be talking about is the one in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. California, North Equatorial, Kuroshiro, and North Pacific currents interact with the gyre. As ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ( Connor, Microplastic Waste; This massive(tiny) threat to sea life is now in every ocean). Microplastics can also range in size from invisible to millimeters in diameters. Because of this, it is quite hard for scientists to identify. Although it is also very easy for microplastics to stick together and make these islands. These tiny plastics are also beginning to spread everywhere in the oceans. Because they are everywhere that means they are also polluting the water and endangering marine
  • 24. The Banking Industry and Customer Research The Banking industry and Customer Research Discussion Given the competitive atmosphere in banking and the need to interest and retain clients, banks rely strongly on client s satisfaction and customer loyalty. This is particularly so given today s slowing industry growth and tremendous pressure to maintain and hold onto one s business. Traditional banks also today face competition from online banks that can afford to offer customers attractive deposit products at low rates and that provide attractive interest rates. Aside from that, traditional banks face competition, too, from non banks, such as a Wal Mart, that open banks within their stores. For all these reasons and more, the reputation and success of traditional banks directly hinges on the extent to which they manage to retain their client s services and please him to the extent that he will refer others to the bank. The better then that the bank knows their individual clients and factors that they seek from the bank, the better then will the bank succeed in pleasing these clients and attracting others. Customer research, ipso facto, is a significant part of marketing in terms of enabling the bank to maintain and enhance its portfolio. Customer research is all the more effective when it characterizes an open door policy with the bank and when it uses inbound marketing to reach customers outside the bank. In fact, given that banks have a tough time to differentiate themselves from one another, they rely heavily on
  • 25. Analysis Of The Song American Pie Bye, Bye, When my brother and I were younger our dad used to play his records for us. The record player was an ugly plastic box, situated in the corner of our then unfinished basement. More than anything else, I remember him playing the song American Pie by Don McLean. To this day I can still sing the majority of the lyrics of the eight and a half minute song from memory. According to my brother, we were the ones repeatedly asking my dad to play it, but in my memory, it was always my dad just playing it for us unprompted. Something in the song awoke an exuberance in my brother, Spencer and I. We would jump and dance on the couch during the fast parts, and sway and spin during the slow. The lyrics were exciting, but also really tragic. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are parts of American history that are shameful, tragic. The event that sparked the writing of this song is one of those tragic moments. There are many parts of American history that I can t be proud of. We have done, and continue to do terrible acts. American Pie acknowledges the sadness of a terrible event, and I think that is important. We are too quick to forget bad events and actions. Many Americans believe that the past was somehow better than the present. We can t return to our former glory if we never really had it in the first place. On the other hand, a big part of American Pie for me is the nostalgia. I have good memories attached to the song. American could be better, but on a more personal level I love my home. I love my family and friends I and here with. I am not personally patriotic in the original definition of the word. I don t love my country because it is good, I love it because of the people here that I know to be good. I confess, there are parts of this song I still don t understand. I still don t quite get the meaning behind the chorus, or if it has a meaning beyond what is actually written. What the deeper meanings of several of the verses still eludes me too. The stories that it tells (that I mentioned earlier) are part of what characterizes American Pie as the American Dream for me. I am a storyteller at heart, I think. This song, more than almost any other for me, made me imagine. Perhaps the writer s meaning
  • 26. Gunther Schuller s Music For Brass Ensemble In the second movement of his Music for Brass Quintet, Gunther Schuller utilizes unique articulations, rhythmic variance, and different combinations of mutes resulting in tension built from the swiftly changing textures. Throughout the movement Schuller takes advantage of brass instruments ability to double and triple tongue quickly. As seen in measure 3, he sets up the trumpet, horn, and trombone to tongue at different speeds while raising in dynamic. Due to the similar timbre of these instruments, the result is an unstable homophonic texture that sounds aggressive. Schuller then has the instruments jump down to a piano dynamic. This decision is risky, due to the fact that all of the instruments are entering, and that it will be difficult ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first instance is in measure 46, where all but the horn removes their mutes. While it would be assumed that the only muted voice would be the foreground of the section, the opposite is presented here. The horn continues the ostinato figure from the previous figure. Overall this allows for the rest of the ensemble to act as the solo voices collectively, and allows the rhythmic variance they have against the horn to stand out. In measure 68 we see the opposite combination used, where everyone is muted except for the tuba. This was likely done so that the tuba would have a distinct difference in color comparatively. This is necessary for its melodic line to cut through the ensemble. The end of the piece features the only change in the muted horn in the movement. In measure 73 Schuller marks the horn to play half muted. This technique results in a hold unstable sound, perfect for summing up the themes of the movement. In Gunther Schuller s second movement of his Music for Brass Quintet, he utilizes brass instruments range, articulations, and muting abilities to create an unstable rhythmically complex piece that still carries a melodic
  • 27. Analysis Of The Film The Flies By F. Scott Fitzgerald Artistically speaking, this film is beautiful. There was a lot of thought put into every detail from the actors to the camera shots. The film seems to flow in beautiful manner from one scene to the next. One piece of art in the film is the use of symbols. Each symbol is delicately placed in order to make sense to any viewers that can pick up on them. One symbol is Nick s obsession with his Peace Lily. It represents his obsession with the job. It is the only other thing he cares for because its needs are simple and by the books. When he breaks it, it is supposed to symbolize his change of heart; that somebody has taken the place of the lily. Another symbol in the filmis the number 3. There are 3 murders that take place before people believe Nicholas. There are 3 people Nick tries to talk to in order to get out of being sent to Sanford. Many lines are repeated 3 times over. This could be in reference to fairytales always using the number 3, since this plot seems far fetched like a fairytale. However, it could also be in reference to the trilogy of films that Wright and Pegg made together. Then, there is the swan symbol. Swans typically symbolize grace, beauty, and peace. In the film, though, the swans symbolize an overbearing distraction. Nicholas is constantly surrounded by them in the hotel he stays at, which is rightly called The Swan Hotel . He is also charged with the task of catching an escaped swan. This causes him to miss many chances to catch the perpetrators of
  • 28. The American Looking Jasmine And Aladdin 1. While the film Aladdin is set in a country of Arabic origin, many stereotypes and racial views are still present. For example, as pointed out by Addison in Saving Other Women all the other men except for Aladdin have facial hair and darker skin. This facial hair represents power and sexuality. Aladdin, who represents the lower social class, is lighter skinned and clean shaven. Aladdin and Jasmine both have American accents as well. While many women have veiled faces, their bodies are nowhere near as covered. Jasmine is an example of this as she bares her stomach throughout the film, even though she is part of the royal family. This act of veiling was intended to symbolize women s modesty and respectability and it also represents the idea that men s and women s spheres are different (Abu Lughod). Perhaps this is why Jasmine is also one of the only females featured throughout the film. The American looking Jasmine and Aladdin challenge the Arabian laws and Islamic culture. This, along with the U.S. military efforts in the Persian Gulf War at the time of the movie s release matched the media s promotion of straying away from barbaric traditions as an excuse to intervene in the Middle East (Giroux). This film also misrepresents Arab culture as noted by Shaheen in Aladdin Animated the Arabic since names are mispronounced and store signs are written in scribbles. Even the word barbaric in the opening part of the film refers to the child like speech they speak and also
  • 29. Effects Of The Endocrine System The main system that hypothyroidism has an effect on is the endocrine system since the thyroid is an endocrine gland. The thyroid gland is located inferior to the thyroid cartilage of the larynx and anterior to the trachea and it is the gland responsible for regulating metabolism. The pituitary gland becomes a major player as well because the thyroidgland can only release its hormones from hormones from the anterior pituitary gland (McKinley, O Loughlin, Bidle, 2013). The endocrine system works to control and regulate the body. It works by hormones being released into the blood and carried to target cells and tissues. The control center of the endocrine system is the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has direct control over the pituitary gland ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is divided into the upper gastrointestinal tract and the lower gastrointestinal tract. The upper gastrointestinal tract is in the superior plane of the body and includes the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach and the duodenum of the small intestine. The lower gastrointestinal tract is located distaly to upper gastrointestinal tract in the abdominopelvic cavity and includes the rest of the small intestine, large intestine, and accesory organs (McKinley, et al,
  • 30. Lighthouse Coffee Advertising Campaign The purpose of the advertising campaign is to increase Lighthouse Coffee awareness. to increase awareness a Facebook page, an app and a website. Since these advertising strategies all include long term forms of digital media, they will all exist for the remainder of the business s life. With the use of all these media types the awareness of the business will increase. On a slightly different note, the sales promotions will include online loyalty rewards and premiums. The online loyalty program would include the use of the app and website. For every $100 you spend online you will receive $5 of Lighthouse Rewards and would continue to run as long as there is an app or website for the business. For every large coffee you purchase you get a free cookie would serve as our premium and would last from November 30th to January 31st. Although both of these promotions are slightly different they both help in several ways because ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Females within the age range of twenty five to forty are the primary market. They often stop for a drink and maybe a snack just to enjoy as they shop, or simply because it is a daily habit. The secondary market contains two different sections of people. Males within the ages of thirty and fifty. This section would be either shopping with their wife or holiday shopping. Therefore, the section is rather small, but there are enough people to target. The other section in this region includes teenage girls ages thirteen to eighteen. These girls are at the mall regularly shopping or hanging out with friends. They often buy drinks as they shop, which makes them another portion of Lighthouse Coffee s target
  • 31. Isoroku Yamamoto s Attack On Pearl Harbor Japan was running low on resources, and they looked toward Southeast Asian colonies. Americans knew about the plans Japan had for Asia. The United States decoded one of Japan s secret messages. The United States though if Japan took over European Colonies it could also threaten the United States controlled areas. We sent troops over to China so we could strengthen the resistance against Japan. Japan s leader Isoroku Yamamoto decided to attack the fleet in Hawaii because they felt threatened by it. In the morning of December 7, 1941 the bombs were dropped on Pearl Harbor by Japanese bombers. Pearl harbor is the headquarters for the United StatesPacific Fleet. This attack was a total surprise. No one knew on this day that bombs would... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2,403 people from the United States died in the bombings. The Japanese s codename for the attack was Operation Z. The Japanese also sent in mini submarines to make sure the ships were targeted. 29 Japanese bomber planes were shot down during the attack. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the Japanese were also attacking Hong Kong and Guam. After Japan captured the countries they marched into the Phillippines. After three months of fighting Japan won the land. Japan kept advancing and then they took Burma. The Japanese treated their captured soldiers very badly. They treated the Allied soldiers the worst though. The Japanese made their captured soldiers march 50 miles up a peninsula. The march was brutal and it was called the Bataan death march. After these incidents seemed like they would never be beat. The Allied powers wanted to strike back though, because of what they did to Pearl Harbor. Lieutenant Doolittle started to bomb Tokyo and a few other cities. These bombings made people believe that Japan was actually able to beat. Some people living in Japan s confidence started to waver. One Japanese citizen citizen according to the textbook said, We started to doubt that we were invincible . After that the Allies slowly started
  • 32. European Trade Routes 1100-1500 Essay If there was ever an important period historians, and people could put a finger on, this would be it. This is the important period where the world s countries, kingdoms, and dynasties established trade routes. This is the period where countries were made and countries were destroyed because of the importance of trade and the importance of building a fundamental, religious, and economical way of life. This paper will discuss the goals and functions of trades, and traders, and a historical analysisof world trade. This paper will also get into world trade patterns, of The Americas, Sub Saharan Africa, The Indian Ocean, The Silk routes, China and The South China Sea, Europe and The Mediterranean, and The Atlantic Exploration.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Karl Polanyi, a historical anthropologist at Comlumbia University, argued that market economies, private profit seeking, and capitalism were a peculiar and unnatural way of structuring an economy. (The Worlds History, Spodek, ch.12, p.375) Polanyi also discussed how back in ancient times, trading was meant to provide and benefit the whole society, not personal benefit like the free market economy was. Another historian, Philip Curtin, agreed with Polanyi is many ways; except that there was historical proof there was individual, personal trading going on in ports and throughout long distance routes back in the earliest times. (The Worlds History, Spodek, 2001, Ch. 12) Trade patterns in The South Americas included the Andes Mountains. When The Incas controlled the land in the early 15th century, the people generated extensive trade throughout the hundreds of miles north and south linking together a total of 32 million people. With so many mountains and zones to deal with, many products came out of this to trade, including potatoes, maize, chili peppers, squash, beans and others. Trade between these zones of the north and south, were controlled by semi divine state rulers. In the Yucatan of Central and South America the Mayan people blossomed from 200 900 B.C.E. By the time The Spanish came in the 1520 s the Yucatan
  • 33. Capital Expenditure Valuation Methods Capital Expenditure Valuation Methods The payback period is the time it takes for a project or investments cash outflows to be recovered by cash inflows generated from the same project or investment. It is a very simple and commonly used capital budgeting technique. The formula used to compute the payback period is initial investment divided by cash inflow per period. You generally want to choose the investment that provides the shortest payback period, because you will get you cash back and it can be put toward other investments or projects. The longer the payback period the riskier it is. Top management will normally have a target payback period. They should select the project that offers a payback period less than the target. There... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The project with the highest value should be accepted. Although, the internal rate of return method is quite accurate, it does have some disadvantages. When uneven cash flows are involved, the interactive process is inconvenient and time consuming. Also, if there are fractional interest rates and a present value table doesn t account for this then the internal rate of return will be difficult to determine. In some instances, certain projects may have several rates of return that will make the net present value of cash flows to equal zero. The modified internal rate of return is also the discount rate at which the net present value of an investment equal zero, but it is an improved version of the internal rate of return as it does not require the assumption that project cash flows are reinvested as the internal rate of return but it determines a reinvestment rate. If the modified internal rate of return is greater than the project s hurdle rate, which is the rate of return specified as the lowest acceptable return on investment, then the project should be accepted. If choosing between several projects, the one with the highest rate would be the best option. The advantage of the modified internal rate of return is that it solves some of the problems associated with the regular internal rate of return. The modified rate of return considers that funds reinvested are going
  • 34. Effects Of Immigration In Australia Immigration in Australia An investigation into the effect Immigration to Australia has had on Australia s religious landscape. Immigration has had the most dramatic effect on the current religious landscape of Australia, leading to an increase in some groups and the decline of others. The origins of the decline of the first doctrines that came to Australia can be traced back to the to the relaxation of the White Australia Policy. This in turn led to an increased population of Immigrants in Australia from countries other than Britain, Italy, Ireland and European countries in general. Christianity as the major religious tradition. Christianity has been the primary religion post 1945 to today. The British who first came to Australia and inhabited it were mainly Christians. They formed a strong Christian base in Australia before the country decided to let more immigrants Australia. This base of Christians was split up into the 3 different types of Christianity. Each of the 3 groups coming from their own unique origins; Anglican which were the British colonist, Catholic made up of Irish/Italian settlers and Orthodox who were the Greek settlers. In the census of 1947, out of the 7.5 million people in Australia, 88 per cent of the population, not including the Aboriginals, said they were Christian. The other 12 per cent was mainly made up from people who didn t respond to the question. With Christianity as the major religious tradition in Australia from 1945, today the
  • 35. Why The Bluefin Should Be Banned The Bluefin Tuna is a large fish that is commonly used in sushi. It is found in the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Mediterranian Sea. Due to it s buttery flavor it is a very popular fish to eat and thus it is very popular among fishers. It is also known to be one of the toughest fish to catch because of it s fighting spirit. However, should fishing it actually be banned? This has apparently been an issue for quite a while. The arguments for banning the fishing of the mighty Bluefin are quite strong. According to several sources, the Bluefin is nearly extinct (Lynas, Ellis). The reason? People are over fishing them because they are very tasty as sushi and sashimi. Because of its taste and it being considered a very high quality... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bluefin Tuna are so popular, that one man in japan bought one of the fish at an aution for over 35,000 dollars! He aparently bought one just two years prior for over a million dollars (Graif). Japan is also the leading Bluefin Tuna fishing country, with over 80 percent of the bluefin fishing market in its pocket (Smith). Think of how much its economy must rely on the Bluefin! In 2010, Japan even refused to join in on the ban on international trading of the Bluefin, thus ignoring the ban altogether (Jolly). Japan is also the leading importer of fish, making over 14 billion dollars with just importing fish
  • 36. How Nelson Mandela Encouraged His Country to Move On C. S. Lewis once said, Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward. Nelson Mandela helped his country cross the monkey bars from apartheid to democracy, from Once a left wing extremist, Mandela s 27 years in prison taught him that the only way his country would survive and thrive was if his people learned to forgive and move on. A willingness to forgive can be all it takes to unite a fiercely divided country. The new South African government, led by President Mandela, addressed the need for understanding but not for vengeance, a need for reparation but not for retaliation, a need for ubuntu but not for victimisation (Volmink 191). Ubuntu, a Bantu word meaning, I am because you are, expresses the concept that our humanity is inherently bound up with one another. Volmink, argues that we can never be complete as human beings as long as we are alienated from one another (191). As part of the beginning of the post apartheid era, Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which promoted reconciliation as an ideal, not only for nation building, but also for individual healing (Muiu 137). This idea for a safe environment in which both victims and perpetrators could vent and share their stories without judgement gave the commission it s power. All participants were guided toward reconciliation and some were
  • 37. Essay on Crew Resource Management (Aviation) In this day Crew Resource Management (CRM) is strongly evident within the aviation industry. Having developed a positive reputation over the years of its application, it is highly recognised as an icon for safety practices among many major operators. Airline operators and wider aviation industries adopt CRM, on a global scale, to attain the desired goal of influencing flight crew members to operate more safely and effectively as one co operative unit (rather than as individuals). The positive application of crew resource management envisages minimised risks and consequently, safer skies for all. One common definition of CRM can be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fifty seconds after reaching their assigned altitude, Captain Loft required First Officer Stockstill s assistance in removing the nose wheel indicator light assembly to investigate the likeliness of a blown light bulb and hence, instructed him to engage the autopilot at 2000 feet. For the next eighty seconds the plane maintained level flight. Then it dropped one hundred feet (30 m), and then again flew level for two more minutes, after which it began a descent so gradual it could not be perceived by the crew. In the next seventy seconds, the plane lost only 250 feet (76 m), but this was enough to trigger the altitude warning C chord chime located under the engineer s workstation. The engineer (or Second Officer) had gone below deck following Loft s instructions, and there was no indication by the pilot s voices recorded on the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) that the warning chime was acknowledged. In another fifty seconds, the plane was at half its assigned altitude. The CVR recorded the last few moments of conversation between the crew, acknowledging the change in altitude: Stockstill: We did something to the altitude. Loft: What? Stockstill: We re still at 2,000 feet, right? Loft: Hey what s happening here? (NTSB, 1973) Official observations find a probable cause of this accident to be the insufficiencies of flight crew to properly monitor flight instruments
  • 38. Duddy Kravitz The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz is a story about a young boy who is willing to do anything to get what he wants. The novel shows how we live in a materialistic society in which people are more concerned with achieving financial success rather than living in a life guided by clear morals and fair values. The three characters in the story that is more concerned with financial success rather than clear morals are: Duddy Kravitz, Jerry Dingleman and Mr. Cohen. The first character in the story that cares about financial success is Duddy Kravitz. Duddy shows this by ripping off Mr. Cohen on the film, ripping off Virgil on the pinball machines and taking Virgil s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cohen tries to take advantage of him. You go ahead and make me a film of Bernie s bar mitzvah. If I like it I ll give you a thousand dollars for it. If not you can go and burn it (p.122). Once Duddy learns a few things in the business world and finishes the film, he goes back to Mr. Cohen to get more money. He tells Mr. Cohen that he doesn t want to sell the film because it s too good to sell. I d cut you in for twenty per cent of the net theatre profits... (p.151).Lastly, after Virgil is in an accident Duddy goes and talks to Mr. Cohen. Mr Cohen tells him not to worry about it and move on in life. Duddy, in my yard once there was an accident with the derrick and a goy got killed... (p.271). This shows that Mr. Cohen cares more about money and supporting his family than living life guided by clear morals. In Conclusion, the three characters that are more concerned with achieving financial success rather than living a life guided by clear morals and fair values are Duddy Kravitz, Jerry Dingleman and Mr. Cohen. Duddy is constantly ripping people off to get as much money as he can. Jerry Dingleman is a drug smuggler and Mr. Cohen does what s best for him or his
  • 39. St Patrick s Day Tradition There are 4.75 million people that live in Ireland which is where my culture is from. My culture affects me in two ways but I want to try Irish things. My family celebrates St. Patrick s day and I have Irish characteristics but I want to learn some of the Irish language. My family celebrates St. Patrick s day because we are Irish. One way being Irish affects me is we celebrate St. Patrick s day. For St. Patrick s day my familyhas dinner together. For me learn more about Ireland and the Irish we could go to a parade for Saint Patrick s day because that s what people that live in Ireland do. We could celebrate but at the same time learn more about our heritage. Also people in Ireland eat corned beef and cabbage for St Patrick s day, My family
  • 40. An Investigation Of The Crime Scene Units . Listed were searches on how to make homemade chloroform, how to do a fool proof strangulation, and how to get rid of a body. (Casey Anthony Case, 2013) It is not clear who actually made these searches. Cindy admits she was trying to look up chlorophyll and ended up searching for chloroform by mistake. All in all, this seemed unlikely to investigators but they did not have the definitive proof needed to charge anyone. At this time they still only had Casey as a person of interest. The entire family refused to take a polygraph test. It was nearly six months after Caylee went missing before any new evidence was found. On December 11, 2008, meter reader Roy Kronk decided to take a little break from work. He walked into the woods ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The clothing was similar to clothing from Caylee in size and description. Most notable was the baby blanket. She could faintly make out the character Winnie the Pooh. Photographs of Caylee s room and pictures of Caylee as an infant show here laying on the same patterned blanket. Wrapped tightly around the skull were three layers of duct tape. Dr. Garavaglia was able to note that this was done prior to any decomposition of the body. This was because the mandible remained attached to the skull after decomposition had occurred completely. (Casey Anthony Trial, 2011) Usually, once the soft tissue breaks away, there is nothing holding the lower jaw to the upper skull portion. The tape had held the mandible in place and all of the baby teeth were still in place. This is fairly unusual because baby teeth are temporary and do not have true roots holding them in once the tissue is gone. (Casey Anthony Case, 2013) The tape had been wound through the child s hair and was still clinging into the tape. Over the mouth area, there was a heart shaped sticker. Investigators found similar stickers in Casey s room. This pointed even more to the remains belonging to Caylee Anthony. Finally a definitive answer came in. The DNA results finally came back. The findings were that the remains did in fact belong to Caylee. Now it was Dr. Garavaglia s job to figure out how this young girl lost her life.
  • 41. The Night, The Side Of Paradise, And The Great Gatsby By... F. Scott Fitzgerald, born in St. Paul, Minnesota, had many great works of the 1900 s. He was a well educated man earning his degree from Princeton University (Werlock). His parents, Edward and Mary McQuillan Fitzgerald, were both Irish. The Side of Paradise was a major deciding factor by the parents of Zelda Sayre of their marriage on April 3, 1920. Although many people adore his works, Fitzgerald went through a time of Writer s Block and became a major alcoholic. Fitzgerald died of a heart attack on December 21, 1940 (Werlock). His most famous works are Tender is the Night, The Side of Paradise, and The Great Gatsby. F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby (1925) is about a man, Nick Carraway, who is curious about his neighbor a rich man named Jay Gatsby who is searching the love of his life, Daisy Buchanan. The novel beings in West Egg, Long Island with Nick buying a new home, and is invited to a party by Gatsby. Gatsby later learns that Daisy is Nick s cousin, therefore he later becomes good friends with Nick to try to become closer to Daisy. After Daisy s husband finds out about Daisy and Gatsby s affair, he confronts them, but Daisy decides that she loves Gatsby. Later, Daisy is driving Gatsby s car and hit and murders a woman; the woman s husband figures out that the car was Jay Gatsby s car and he murders Gatsby in his own home. F. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby (1925) is best interpreted by using a Marxists reading strategy. Fitzgerald questions the
  • 42. Public Schools Should Be Public School Public schools are considered the normal thing to do for children. When one thinks of where they see their child getting an education, it is typically a public school. Most children and adolescents dread going to school anyway, but why? Teens typically say they must go to school because they legally must. Even some parents may believe this excuse, but there are other options. Of course, there are private schools, home schools, charter schools, and even more options that could be better for students if public schoolis not efficient enough. Firstly, it should be addressed what is meant by the thought that one must legally go to school. Everyone has human rights and these human rights are what all people have no matter what. The twenty sixth is education. It is stated clearly that education should be free and that technical and professional education should be readily available and accessible to anyone. Education also must be focused on encouraging overall tolerance and friendships. Parents also have a right to decide on the type of school a child will utilize. (OHCHR) The key word here is type. Most people would think public school is either their only or most obvious or easiest option and would choose that over other possibilities. Everyone in the United States between the ages of six to 16 must receive an education in a public or state accredited private school with exemptions for homeschoolingor online classes. (FindLaw) This means that any type of education would
  • 43. Kraft Foods Group Mission Statement Kraft Foods Group is a top fortune 100 company founded by James L Kraft in Chicago, Illinois 3 years ago. They specialize in food and beverage products categorized by beverages, frozen and refrigerated meals, dairy products, and other grocery items. Kraft products are known worldwide and can be found in almost every home in the world. Even though Kraft brand has been around for decades Kraft FoodsGroup is a type of business subsection that adheres separately to each demographic in the world. Since they provide for over 170 countries, they must divide and conquer to stay successful. Although the company has been very successful they face many challenges including broad competition and target markets. Mission Statement Kraft Foods Group produces annual revenues of about $18 billion or more. CEO, John T. Cahillore ensures that with the spirit of a startup and the soul of a powerhouse, we are on a mission to be the best food and beverage company in North America. Kraft exists around that statement and every decision made for the business should reflect being a powerhouse in food and beverages. So far, this company s strategies have made that statement true. The company may now be known as just Kraft Foods Group but the slogans make today delicious and the old statements about healthy enjoyable food still stands true. Just like everything in life, things must adapt and grow with time. So being the best food and beverage company means having healthy and delicious food.
  • 44. A Service Facilitator Of Lucy Hill Services On Tuesday July 7, 2015, at approximately 3:01 PM, Kiana Beekman, (MFCU Investigator) (Beekman) received a call on the state office telephone from HILL, Lucy (Service Facilitator of Lucy Hill Services (LHS). During the conversation, Beekman asked HILL to clarify her role and responsibilities as a service facilitator, in addition to the role and responsibilities of HARRIS, LaFrance as the Employer of Records (EOR) for Medicaid Recipient DANIEL, Rose and MCGHEE, Inocencia as DANIEL s aide. She was also asked to provide any documentation of training on timesheet submission and approvals that she provided HARRIS and MCGHEE under the Department of Medicaid Services (DMAS) Consumer Directed care aide program. As a service facilitator,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After enrollment into the program was complete, HARRIS nor MCGHEE presented HILL with any questions of how the program worked, timesheet approvals or submissions. HILL monitored any changes in DANIEL s need for services through face to face monthly visits which lasted about 40 minutes. Changes in the need for services may be due to an admission to the hospital, a long term nursing facility or relocation to another state. During HILL s second home visit to HARRIS residence, she told both HARRIS and MCGHEE that DANIEL could attend a local day care center that provides care for adults 18 years and older with limited mobility and/or chronic illnesses called JABA. JABA s caregivers specialize in dementia, and provide assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADL s) and personal care. HILL emphasized that if DANIEL attended the program during the day, MCGHEE knew she was not to submit any timesheets for care provided until DANIEL s returned home in the evening. HILL identified that before JABA, MCGHEE submitted her hours of care for DANIEL correctly. In April of 2013, DANIEL attended JABA Monday through Friday, usually from morning until about 5:30 PM. Her morning arrival and evening departure times varied, and she did not attend the center on days there was inclement
  • 45. Ancient Greece And The Modern World A society is ultimately defined by its values, customs, and traditions. Bathing, a seemingly common practice for modern day inhabitants, is a process that shaped the culture of Ancient Rome, and established a deeper insight into the way Ancient Romans conducted their everyday lives. Originating from Ancient Greece, the Romans took the concept of personal hygiene to a different, and more grandiose level; and by doing so established a unique practice which set Romeapart from any other ancient civilization at the time. The ideas and customs exhibited from the bathing process lingered on to the modern world, as parallels between Rome and the modern world are clearly evident. Bathing was a practice that was devised long before the establishment of Ancient Rome. The earliest forms of western bathing originated from Greece when Greeks began to utilize bathing practices by operating small bathtubs, foot baths, and wash basins for their own cleanliness. Having access to such instruments was considered to be luxurious, as the earliest of these findings were found in palaces located in Crete and Santorini. Within gymnasium complexes, public showers and baths were used for relaxation and hygiene. Besides being used for personal hygiene, the Greeks believed that certain natural springs were blessed by the Gods to cure disease, making certain pools considered to be sacred. Bathing facilities were established around these pools and attracted those who wished to be healed. Consequently,
  • 46. Supernatural Character in Octavio Paz s Short Story, My... Mexican born author, Octavio Paz, in his short story, My Life with the wave suggests the protagonist is symbolic and then remains a supernatural character best understood in literal terms. He supports his claim by showing the reader the speakers difficulty of finding a place for the wave out of the ocean, how the protagonist suffers imprisonment for a crime he did not commit, and of how through the death of the wave the protagonist is able to free himself from the pain and torment he faced when he was engaged in a relationship with the wave. Paz s intention is to use the symbolism in order show the negative side of falling in love. Octavio Pazadopts an intense tone for the somber reader. The short storyLife with the Wave, written by Octavio Paz leads us through an intense relationship between a simple man and a wave. Octavio Paz uses the wave to symbolize a woman. The wave can also be seen as changing just as humans do, she was a white plume of vapor then soon...fell in a fine rain (pg. 264). It seemed like love at first sight, she refused to go back No, her decision was made. She couldn t go back. I tried sweetness, hardness, irony. (pg.263) I explained to her that it was impossible, that life in the city was not what she had been able to imagine with the ingenuousness of a wave that had never left the sea. (pg. 263) She cried, screamed, hugged, and threatened. I had to apologize. (pg.263) The wave is not a person; she is a thing with human emotions. The
  • 47. How Is Contrast Used in В‘Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two... The two poems I am comparing are В‘Two Scavengers in a truck, Two Beautiful people in a Mercedes , written by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, which shows the contrast between rich and poor in San Francisco, and В‘Nothings Changed , written by Tatamkhulu Afrika. В‘Nothing s Changed is an autobiographical poem about a man returning to the town he grew up in as an adult, and how everything is still the same. The tone of В‘Two Scavengers changes between sombre, when the poet is describing the two garbage men, and a more relaxed, happy tone when he is talking about the В‘Beautifuls . I think that he has done this to increase the effect of the sympathy that he feels for the two garbage men, because as they are looking at the two people in the Mercedes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The imagery used in В‘Two Scavengers is quite vivid. One of the garbage men is described as a gargoyle Quasimodo , which gives you the image that he is old, deformed and ugly. He also has grey iron hair , a metaphor which makes u imagine his hair is dark grey and lifeless. The В‘Beautifuls seem to be perfect; the man is wearing a hip three piece linen suit which seems much more luxurious than the red plastic blazers the garbage men are wearing. The woman is described as casually coifed, in a short skirt, and coloured stockings and, this, again, mentions luxurious items that poorer people would probably not be able to afford. Casually coifed is also alliteration, which makes is stand out more, and emphasises the luxury. There is also a sense of irony in the poem, because the driver of the Mercedes has long blond hair and sunglasses, yet so does one of the garbage men. This is ironic because the two look fairly similar, but their lives are completely contrasting. In the high seas of this democracy represents how everything is always changing, just like a stormy sea. The poem is written in Standard English; in some ways it is more like prose than poetry. The language used highlights the contrast between the two couples, for instance, the repetition of elegant for the В‘Beautifuls , and of scavengers for the
  • 48. Essay About Winter Vacations In Ontario Enjoy great winter vacations in Ontario Ontario is your perfect winter fun wonderland for snowboarding and tubing or downhill skiing. You can venture out and explore the pristine cross country ski and snowshoe trails. Ontario is situated in a natural snow belt and it is blessed with lake effect snowfalls all through the winter months. Ontario is about 45 minutes north of Toronto and the area receives an approximated 100 inches of snow each year. The powerful state of the art snow making and grooming facilities make your winter vacations in Ontario a sublime one. The powder perfect alpine and Nordic conditions make the winter season in this area one of the best you can find anywhere in the world. The amazing runs and the hundreds of kilometers of trail; give you an exciting opportunity to step up your winter fun! If you truly want to beat the winter blues, you need to make your winter vacations in Ontario. This amazing destination is an outdoor paradise for winter enthusiasts and it also holds enchanting indoor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It can be an opportunity for you to have a bite of your favorite snack while soaking the atmosphere that surrounds the game. The passion that goes into hockey has made Canada one of the most celebrated places to get involved with the sport. Besides the big games, there are other junior hockey teams that can give your family something to cheer. All the games are usually fast paced and highly skilled; you have nothing to lose when you choose to engage in this activity. In the light of the activities that have been mentioned, it is important to state that there are other activities that can make your winter vacations in Ontario iconic which has not been listed. The key is to understand that Ontario holds the ace for anyone who truly wants to beat the winter blues. Winter is no time to hibernate as there is plenty to do in
  • 49. Skinhead Subculture Essentialism affects music in reference to race it sets an identity for ethnic groups of people to act in. For instance Michael Jackson and Prince were boycotted by many African American store owners because they didn t act a certain and were considered too feminine. For instance many African American rappers usually have an intimating image 2a) Subculture is a cultural group that s part of a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests in opposition with those of the larger culture [1]. subcultures can be political because of the things it s followers stand for, for example punk has ties with skinhead subculture and influences it. Whereas with disco, can be seen political in the sense that it catered to Black and Latino homosexuals ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jay Z stated that I m not a biter I m a writer for myself and others/I say a B.I.G. verse, I m only biggin up my brother/Biggin up my borough, I m big enough to do it /I m that thorough, plus I know my own flow is foolish. [2] Explaining that when he is sampling other artist s music he is doing it out of respect. There are different ways an musician can sample a song sometimes, musicians sample the beat of a song and play it as background music that way it is not very recognizable by the listener, a good example of this is Sean Kingston s song Beautiful Girls samples Ben E. King s Stand by me. Sometimes musicians sample an entire song this is known as a cover Gym Class Heroes does this in their song cupid s chokehold where they sample Supertramp s Breakfast in America. Copyright lasts a very long time, musicians need to either get permission to sample a song or look for a piece that is no longer protected under copyright laws. Works published before 1923 are now in the public domain [3], meaning anyone can sample a song that was published before that date. Works published after 1922 but before 1978 are protected 95 years from publication date, however if the work was published after 1978 it will be protected for the life of the author plus an additional 70
  • 50. Agile, Scrum And Kanban The Daily Stand Up Agile, Scrum and Kanban There has been a lot said in the last few years about Agile project management methodologies, and I have found that the general feeling is that Agile although not perfect tends to provide better results in software development projects than waterfall and other methodologies. People tend to be very opinionated about it, and in my experience there three dominant positions about Agile: you either love it, hate it or you don t care, in other words, you do not believe in methodologies at all, you think they are all a waste of time and effort. I can see where the different of views come from, and in my experience I have been successful working with Agile, specifically Scrum, in software projects, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I personally really like Agile, and I have worked very well in teams using Scrum. Yes, we did have problems too, customers with bugs and we also fell behind on the schedule sometimes. But applying Scrum correctly has allowed us to be informed, committed and react quickly to those issues. Everybody in the team is in sync and knows what to expect, stakeholders feel informed and involved, and you can measure progress and forecast releases with a certain degree of certainty. All this with what I would consider very little friction, bureaucracy and with what I would consider a short learning curve, especially compared to other methodologies and frameworks such as Rational Unified Process (RUP). Agile, Scrum, Kanban and other methodologies are not necessarily perfect nor complete, but they may be a good match, especially if you are running a software project. To be honest, after years writing critical path method (CPM) / Gantt based project management software, I can see that there is a value for every methodology and it depends heavily on the characteristics of the project, and I think you can apply Agile methodologies to projects outside the software and IT industry. The Kanban software development methodology is inspired by the Kanban
  • 51. Research Paper On Diglossia Diglossia The following research paper will give an introduction to an important part of sociolinguistic that called Diglossia . The first part will be a theoretical part explaining expressions and terms related to the topic. The aim of my research is to explore which language is used by bunch of people in many different situations. Diglossia definition: In many communities where people use two varieties or more of the same language in various situations, comes a phenomenon that called diglossia. The aim of this research paper is to talk about diglossia in Arab countries. First to start with the term diglossia; it was presented into the English language at first by Charles Ferguson; he first used this term in one of his articles he wrote in 1959. According to Ferguson diglossia is one particular kind of standardization where two varieties of a language exist side by side throughout the community and each one is used for different purposes, one is more standard variety that called the high variety or (H) which is used for example in educational institutions like lectures at universities. The other one is called the low variety or (L) which is used in manly social interactions. The features of diglossia: The different uses of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example when two speakers engage in trade and neither know the other s language, the language used between them we call it pidgin, so it is a mix of completely different languages. Creol on the other hand arises when a pidgin becomes a native language of a new generation. These theories believed to cause the language drift like for example if one Arab man married to non Arab woman it would likely have led to communication using biginized form of Arabic and the children who would be result of the marriage probably would have spoken creolised
  • 52. Creation Myth Outline Creation Myth Outline 1. Your origin myth will explain the origin or beginning of what? My myth will explain why most of nature is green. 2. How does this origin myth relate to the people in your myth and their religion? In my myth the reason nature is green is out of respect for the animals. Also, the world is painted by a god. 3. What characters will appear in your myth? In my myth there will be green animals and the god art. 4. Identify the elements of nature for which your creator is responsible. My creator (god) is responsible for painting the universe will all colors. 5. For what are the other characters in our myth responsible? One of my creators (multiple green animals) create the first god (god) and also help the god create the
  • 53. The Rocky Mountain Trail However, as I led the group north in the direction of our unseen target the trail at times would blend into the rocky terrain and become challenging to follow. Silhouetted against the grayish sky to our immediate left were two rock strewn peaks that spiked into view through the thick air above us. Stemming from the main trail a faint path snaked its way to an area between and below the peaks and gradually faded into the rugged terrain. From previous expeditions on the Sauk, I knew the summit trail would continue and circle north on a ridge around a rocky pinnacle directly above the west face. For a brief moment I was nearly fooled into taking the path even though I felt a scramble to the summit would be too soon. Feeling uncertain I continued ahead with no summit in my sights. I made a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The voices I heard earlier in the day were a group of five with a couple of canines making their way up the trail. After a few comments of the rain were exchanged, the group passed to continue their ten or twelve minute journey to the top. Continuing the descent and rounding the south ridge to the west side, a second group of three approached on the trail below. In passing, I offered that our time from the top was approximately twenty minutes at minimum, meaning they at least had twenty to thirty minutes to the summit. Minutes later the trail delivered us to the familiar rock wall embedded in the mountain, and it sliced under the rock continuing on a long stretch to the second switchback leading down. After making the estimated 325 degree turn a third group could be seen below. The mountain, suddenly becoming crowded, felt as if traversing the switchbacks and navigating the trail resembled playing chicken with oncoming trekkers. Who has the right of way, and who will step aside and relinquish the trail
  • 54. Essay On Equipment And Service Sector For firms in the equipment and service sector, they tend to discuss their efforts in the field of sports and shareholders (See Figure 4.14). Although equipment and service sector exhibits a high percentage of investments in both education, environment, and health and disability, the unique filed of contributions are associated with sports. It is perhaps that some equipment and service firms treat the sportas an important form of community activity, and their investments in this area could build an impressive image in the local community. For example, Helmerich Payne Inc (HP) supports the construction of Tulsa s ONEOK Field baseball stadium ( Community Support , nd., para. 2). Moreover, like other oil and gas sectors, equipment and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 1). Moreover, exploration and production sector tend to express more about their employee welfare. The reason is perhaps that working in exploration and production sector requires more time and energy, and hence the employee benefits packages are used to encourage and retain employees who are the most valuable assets of the firm. For example, Hess Corporation (HES) provides its comprehensive benefits package and aims to help employees and their families take care of necessities and provide meaningful extras. HES claims that We offer medical, dental, life insurance, pension, savings and other programs, though the details vary based on job and location. We promote employee health through a variety of health management resources and tools focused on diet, nutrition, exercise, and condition management ( Excellent financial and health benefits , nd., para. 1). For firms in the integrated oil and gas sector, they tend to present their efforts in the field of education, environment, health and disability, product quality, product safety, employee development, equal opportunity, and supplier (See Figure 4.14). Like downstream sector, Integrated oil and gas sector also expresses their contributions to product quality and employee development. The main reason is that integrated oil and gas sector includes upstream, midstream, and downstream operations, which means integrated oil and gas
  • 55. Critical Analysis Of Amadeus Perplexing, intriguing, and haunting, Amadeus leaves the viewer with an impression of tragedy and mastery. While the film highlights the finest musical qualities of its main character, Mozart, it primarily casts a dark and solemn tone upon most of the story and eventually leads to his unfortunate fate. Because the film features the point of view from the antagonist, Salieri, it attempts to cause the viewer to sympathize with a flawed and broken character. Furthermore, the film frustrates the viewer with the foolish decisions of Mozart, despite the best efforts of his wife Costanza, and the lack of any moral conclusion or remorse from Salieri. In doing this, it emphasizes realism and a brutal reality over an idealistic or hopeful ending. In fact, those characteristics provide most of the primary merits that make this film memorable to this day, even though the film differs vastly from actual history. While Amadeus features a marvelous soundtrack taken from the writings of Mozart himself and emphasizes the finest qualities of true talent, the melodies themselves cannot dispel the final thoughts surrounding the tragic fates of both Mozart and Salieri. While the movie contains complex twists and storyline, the plot contains all the hallmarks of a powerful tragedy. Told from the perspective of Salieri, the film gives his perspective on the life and death of Mozart. It shows how Mozart rises from a child prodigy to one of the top composers in Vienna, despite his childishness and
  • 56. The Ring Of The Phone Momentarily Halted The Ever Present... The ring of the phone momentarily halted the ever present tears. Hello, I said softly, Oh, hi. It had been at least a year since I had last spoken with my father and I didn t quite know what to say. Trying to keep the crack out of my voice I told him of the impending divorce. I love you, he said. I never knew, I replied. I could hear the tears falling compassionately on the other end of the phone. I m sorry, I said. I didn t mean to hurt you. I just never knew you loved me. Tears prevented either of us from speaking. Then we shared a little more and hung up. A particular sadness circled but I didn t want to reflect on it at the time. Throughout his life, in his own way, my dad did loveme. Gone during the week, and home only on weekends, didn t allow us to spend time alone with each other. Maybe I just don t remember. Isn t a father just supposed to love his children? A lover of animals, my dad could not stand to hear the painful wails of the dog next door tied to a tree so he went over and brought her home. The neighborswent on vacation leaving their teenage son to care for the dog which he did not. We named her Spooky and I guess the neighbors didn t care as they never said a word. Spooky and my dad were buddies and if we went out for an ice cream cone, Spooky went too, and was treated to her own cone. Another evening, my parents were in the park across the street from our home waiting for the Labor Day concert and pageant to begin