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E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
● 25 questions in the quiz. Each question carries 10 points.
● Marks will be equally divided in case a question has more than one part.
● Please fill in your answers in the G-Form only. Please don't type out the
answers in the YouTube live chat or whatsapp group.
● We will have a re-run at the end. G-Form closes 1 minute after the re-run
● Q5, Q10, Q15, Q20 and Q25 are star marked questions. They will be used to
settle ties.
● No Googling. It would lead to disqualification.
● Happy Quizzing!
In the twentieth century, this two-word phrase X was developed to represent the economic and social
situations of Central American nations of the time.
A specific fruit firm owned much of the land and resources in these countries, giving them sway over
local governing bodies. The economy was entirely dependent on the export of a certain fruit, and
collusion between the government and the fruit company resulted in further exploitation of the working
class for the profit of the private fruit company.
All of this created conditions for the working class to rebel and overthrow the democratically elected
governments in these nations.
Identify the term X.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
The author of the renowned book X has been widely criticized for his anecdotal guidance, which provides
no actual advise. He has repeatedly claimed, both in seminars and in his books, that higher education is
ineffective for achieving financial success, even referring to college students as "suckers."
In the late 2000s, he was exposed for the frauds his firm was perpetrating by propagating false and often
illegal financial advice to "get rich quick."
Several participants have also sued him, claiming that his lectures were unimpressive and that they
encouraged illegal practises. He referred to his books as "advertisements" for his highly priced seminars.
His firm, which held these seminars, declared bankruptcy in 2012.
ID the famous 4-word book title which was also the name of his company.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
Last year, on the special day of 24th September, X India had nothing to say - literally!
X lovers were in for a quiet surprise, as the brand celebrated the day across special outlets in the
country. Choosing a path of ‘Action Over Words’ to spread awareness and acceptance, the brand aptly
demonstrated their commitment towards strengthening gender and ability parity with the X Kshamata
“Our founder firmly believed that everyone had a seat at his table and his values & beliefs continue to
inspire us even today. We have always been committed to enhancing inclusivity for this community.
What better way to start conversation around inclusivity than helping spread awareness ourselves on this
Identify the company X and what did they do on 24th September?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
When we think about medical advances, X is not generally the first thing that comes to mind. Developed
in the mid-nineteenth century, its discovery not only changed surgery but medicine as a whole. Initially,
the method was despised by the “church” and surgeons alike, and unfortunately such convictions exist
even today.
At the time it was most notably used by Queen Victoria to aid in the birth of her baby. She described the
experience as - “the effect was soothing, quiet-ing, delightful”
X was voted as the most significant discovery of the past 200 years by numerous doctors in a survey
conducted by an English science journal.
What is X, which is used before almost all surgical procedures?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
Mondo is an Italian company who has supplied their products for 12 olympics now. “We innovate. You
win” is the motto the company lives by as their product is used by many athletes at the olympics
regardless of their nationality or sponsorship deals. They offer the same equal quality product to every
user - even you and me! But of course, the athletes make better use of it.
Designed for speed, it has “three-dimensional rubber granules” with a “selected polymeric system
integrated into the top layer.” Runner Kyron McMaster said it better : “I felt my legs were just turning
What product of Mondo, a complex engineering marvel finely tuned for Tokyo, is being talked about
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
After having a stellar year in 2020 in terms of new customers, 2021 wasn’t like that for X. They even
failed to meet their own estimate of adding new customers. In later part of January of this year X’s
stock price plummeted by over 20%. 60% of its revenue comes from non - US markets. CEO of X
expressed his disappointment with the India in recent earnings call as they received underwhelming
response from the Indian market.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
A certain lady from Guatemala came up with the idea of combining small food items to help mothers
who visited X with their children.
An American businessman saw this and spoke with the proprietors of X, who wanted to improve the
dining experience for families with young children. He believed that if we could offer youngsters their
own neatly wrapped food, they would cease nibbling from the table. He watched his little kid being
drawn to flashy cereal boxes and thought, why not do the same with X? Everyone would be happy.
What was introduced thus?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
In a period of high inflation people are discouraged to hold large amounts of cash because its value
deteriorates quickly relative to the rising prices in the economy.
As a result, people tend to hold most of their money in a bank account and keep only very small amounts
of cash with them. This causes them to make regular trips to their bank to withdraw cash to pay for
goods and services. These regular trips adds to the costs, thus creating a ‘X cost’ signifying the what
exactly is being worned out in these regular trips.
The X cost is now used more generally to describe all the costs associated with having to hold small
amounts of cash.
Identify X.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
X and Y have been engaged in a long-standing feud since the duo first worked together in 2009. The
decade-long rivalry has played out in the form of ‘workplace’ pranks and social media trolling.
In 2019, they decided to end their twitter 'war' it by making up on a video.
In a YouTube video titled 'Truce', the two are sitting next to each other, stating that they decided to do
cross promotions for each other's beverage brands.
In the hilarious video, X made a sincere promotional ad for Y, while Y kept the joke going by calling X
names and pouring out X’s product on to a table.
Identify X and Y. Brownie points for the name of their beverage brands!
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman
During World War II, India faced a shortage of rice. Xs were an immediate casualty of this short supply,
since rice is a key ingredient. Enter an innovative chef, the founder of Y.
He experimented with other ingredients that were easily available and found that he could make
excellent X by replacing rice with semolina. Soon, these new Xs became very popular, and they also
greatly enhanced the popularity of the Y brand.
Today, while these new Xs continue to be the signature dish, Y has also become a well known brand
which produces and markets a wide range of packaged foods.
Identify X - product and Y - company.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
X - Idli, Y - Mavalli Tiffin Rooms
X, established in 1949 by two friends who met on a tour initially to sell construction materials. Later
they changed to different product and opened several branches across the Northeastern United States
with corporate office in New York. In 2009, the manager of its most profitable branch quit along with
some other employees and formed a rival company Y which later merged with X.
In 2009, another company bought X but in 2012 this company dissolved and it became X again.
Identify X and Y.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
X : Dunder Mifflin
Y : Michael Scott Paper Company
Indians are known for their creative ideas and innovations. In 2016, Saif Siddiqui also came up with an
innovative idea.
He designed a clothing item with a certain 'unique property' and was inspired from a component on a
bike. About the clothing item and why he chose it, he replied "_______ are the perfect accessory. It suits
everyone and is designed to go with any outfit."
This item is also called 'paparazzi-proof' as it helps celebrities to avoid unwanted pictures of them to be
taken, especially at night.
What is the clothing item and what was unique about it?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
It was originally created in Thailand and was popular among blue collar workers such as truck drivers.
During a trip to Thailand, an Austrian businessman tried it and discovered that it was pleasantly
refreshing and helped him recover from jet lag. He partnered with the original creator to help make the
brand a global success. The original inexpensive version was marketed in Thailand, while the newer,
more fashionable version was marketed in Austrian ski resorts, with price being the primary differential.
As a result, the corporation commanded both sides of the economic spectrum.
In the last decade, the company paid $13 million for a misleading advertising claim that many mistook
for the petitioner's inability to grow musculoskeletal protrusions, but it was actually due to their
misleading promises of performance enhancement.
What product/company are we talking about?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
The largest - of its kind - telescope on earth is the Large Zenith Telescope.
Of its kind? Let me explain. The mirror in the Zenith Telescope is made from X and it rotates at a rate of
about 8.5 revolutions per minute. Creating telescopes with X is much cheaper than using glass mirror
lenses that have to be ground down and shaped to form the correct curvature.
However, because the mirror is made from X which has a certain unique property, the telescope can
only be pointed straight upwards, hence the name zenith, which literally means "path above the head".
If it was tilted in any direction, X would just be wasted.
What is this telescope’s mirror made from? Ie Identify X.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
(liquid glass mirror)
This Indian multinational company X, headquartered in Mumbai was established in 1897. One of the
founders was a lawyer Y who practised in Africa and later left his profession. Initially, they made
scissors and other surgical equipments for a British company but the deal broke as they weren’t able to
come to an agreement as Y wanted the product to have Made in India logo. Then, X launched another
product which took the market by storm and it came with a guarantee letter which wasn’t the case with
other companies. In 1902, they launched another product and the brand became synonymous with this
They also manufactured something which was majorly used in the first Indian elections in 1952.
Identify X and the product they manufactured for the elections.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
X- Godrej
Manufactured Ballot Boxes for the
In 1990s, Pepsi came out with Crystal Pepsi, a non-caffeinated drink with less sugar. Unlike the
red-brown cola, these drinks were clear liquids, riding on the idea that clear liquids were good for
The drink was an initial hit with record sales. Coca-Cola in an effort to stop it came up with a kamikaze
plan and launched Tab Clear, a rival to Crystal Pepsi.
The plan was successful, in under 6 months, both the drinks were out of the market.
What was the advertising or marketing strategy that confused the consumers which ultimately led to
failure of both the products?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
Tab Clear was marketed as a diet
People assumed that since Tab Clear
is a rival of Crystal Pepsi, so Crystal
Pepsi was also a diet drink.
In the early months of Covid pandemic in India in 2020, a group of artisans from a specific area in
Jharkhand modified their traditional artform to prepare X.
They had started working on this artform quite early for their use in April for the traditional New Year
celebrations, but since the pandemic was declared, there work would have been a waste if not for
redesigning them to be used as X.
Since the artform traditionally depicts the triumph of good over evil, it is quite apt that it came up as
the weapon in the war against the virus.
Identify X and which artform are we talking about?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
This is the story of how X reinvented their marketing strategy by doing it wrongly!
Because of a customized product made the customers feel special, they started posting it on social
media platforms. X, hence, got a free marketing from their customers.
People soon got bored as it became common among the customers. X observed that as well as and
thought if it has got common, why not do it incorrectly for a change?
It worked!! Customers got eager to post these deliberate mistakes on social media & even new
customers were attracted to see it! So X did the wrong rightly!
Identify the company X and what strategy of theirs is being talked about here?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
One of the first X patents is US3285228, which was filed on 19 May 1965. It can be used at altitudes up to
12,500 feet, without the help of gravity, at any angle, at the operating temperatures range of −34 to 121
°C and has an estimated shelf life of 100 years.
An urban legend around X is that US spent a large amount of money to develop it while the Soviets just
used a trivial version - as was also suggested by a certain idiot.
Reality was far from it as US also used the trivial version before the development of X. But due its fragile
flammable nature, dangers that dust posed to electronics and the inadequate quality documentation
produced by this trivial version, a better solution was needed.
Identify X.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
X first arrived in Western Europe in the late 1500s and became a fashionable status symbol for wealthy
Dutch merchants. They had unpredictable "broken" colors, which were highly prized due to their rarity.
As techniques improved, more people began collecting and speculating on X. Eventually, even stock
traders joined the game, pushing the average price of a single X to the point where it exceeded the
annual income of a skilled worker and cost more than some houses at the time.
Eventually, prices peaked, and then drastically collapsed over the course of a week, causing many
hoarders to lose their fortunes. This event was termed as Xmania and is a model for the general cycle of
a financial Y : it rises and grows exponentially till one day when it suddenly collapses.
Identify X and Y.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
After the 1952 Olympics, X got its distinctive feature by trading two bottles of whiskey and some money.
X has long been a preferred source to teams and individuals playing in a variety of professional sports.
The Olympic Committee restricted X from displaying its distinctive feature in the early 2000s owing to
complaints from rival brands that the feature exceeded the branding area mandated by the committee.
X protested that it was a design component rather than a brand mark, yet it was nevertheless
prohibited. As a result, X used the number "3" instead.
Since the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, X has been linked with stereotyped Russian gang members
who drink a lot of vodka and listen to hardbass.
ID X and their distinctive feature.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
This is a bizarre sponsorship incident from UFC. With the fighters wearing minimal clothes in a fight (for
obvious mobility reasons duh!), sponsors often end up crowding the poor shorts with their logos.
With summer in full swing, Y wanted to capitalize on this and had a brilliant innovative (or at least they
thought it was) idea. They asked their pale fighter to showcase their product with the help of his body.
The UFC officials were sternly against it. Though the fighter wasn’t reprimanded for this stunt, UFC
definitely wasn't humoured by this loophole. The fight did have more highlights though - a 49 sec KO and
possibly the worst walk off music in “Hey, Soul Sister” - all making the incident even more memorable.
How were they showcasing their product?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
#PerfectTan tanned across the chest
of Sam Alvey
A 7ft tall bronze statue of X has been erected on New York City’s Wall Street to “represent the millions
who struggle under a capitalist system.”⠀
The organisers, founders of Sapien.Network said they put the statue up to show that Wall Street has
become completely out of touch with the needs of everyday people. 10,000 bananas surrounded the
statue to make a point about wealth disparity.
Identify X, who first made headlines in 2016.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
When the set decorator saw the design for this prop, he knew it would
become the symbol for the whole series.
There were several hurdles in actually making it work. The crew tried
some special effects with flashlights but it wasn’t good enough. Somehow
they just couldn’t get the handle right. Then one day while buying
camera equipment, out of desperation they asked the store manager for
something they could use as a handle. He pointed them to some boxes
and the very first box that they opened had these camera handles as
shown on the right. They put some rubber around it and this was it.
Which prop are we talking about?
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
"The Death of Irony" is a term used by many cultural critics to describe the current situation - anything
ironical now can be co-opted by institutional giants before it actually creates any meaningful ripple or
This happened with a certain ironic song criticizing capitalism and its product. Weirdly, it soon turned
into a reel trend on social media where influencers are using it to actually talk about themselves in a
way unironical way. The hook of the trend : one shows their childhood photo in comparison to their
current-age photo, and that's supposed to be in some way inspirational.
The subject of the song can tomorrow use this song over a clip of him flying in space and nobody will bat
an eye. Why? Because the culture has already consumed it, unironically.
Identify the subject of the song.
E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022
Thank You!!

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E-Summit 2022 | B-Quiz | 26th March 2022

  • 2. ● 25 questions in the quiz. Each question carries 10 points. ● Marks will be equally divided in case a question has more than one part. ● Please fill in your answers in the G-Form only. Please don't type out the answers in the YouTube live chat or whatsapp group. ● We will have a re-run at the end. G-Form closes 1 minute after the re-run ends. ● Q5, Q10, Q15, Q20 and Q25 are star marked questions. They will be used to settle ties. ● No Googling. It would lead to disqualification. ● Happy Quizzing! Rules
  • 3. In the twentieth century, this two-word phrase X was developed to represent the economic and social situations of Central American nations of the time. A specific fruit firm owned much of the land and resources in these countries, giving them sway over local governing bodies. The economy was entirely dependent on the export of a certain fruit, and collusion between the government and the fruit company resulted in further exploitation of the working class for the profit of the private fruit company. All of this created conditions for the working class to rebel and overthrow the democratically elected governments in these nations. Identify the term X. Q1
  • 6. The author of the renowned book X has been widely criticized for his anecdotal guidance, which provides no actual advise. He has repeatedly claimed, both in seminars and in his books, that higher education is ineffective for achieving financial success, even referring to college students as "suckers." In the late 2000s, he was exposed for the frauds his firm was perpetrating by propagating false and often illegal financial advice to "get rich quick." Several participants have also sued him, claiming that his lectures were unimpressive and that they encouraged illegal practises. He referred to his books as "advertisements" for his highly priced seminars. His firm, which held these seminars, declared bankruptcy in 2012. ID the famous 4-word book title which was also the name of his company. Q2
  • 9. Last year, on the special day of 24th September, X India had nothing to say - literally! X lovers were in for a quiet surprise, as the brand celebrated the day across special outlets in the country. Choosing a path of ‘Action Over Words’ to spread awareness and acceptance, the brand aptly demonstrated their commitment towards strengthening gender and ability parity with the X Kshamata program. “Our founder firmly believed that everyone had a seat at his table and his values & beliefs continue to inspire us even today. We have always been committed to enhancing inclusivity for this community. What better way to start conversation around inclusivity than helping spread awareness ourselves on this day?” Identify the company X and what did they do on 24th September? Q3
  • 11. A3
  • 12. When we think about medical advances, X is not generally the first thing that comes to mind. Developed in the mid-nineteenth century, its discovery not only changed surgery but medicine as a whole. Initially, the method was despised by the “church” and surgeons alike, and unfortunately such convictions exist even today. At the time it was most notably used by Queen Victoria to aid in the birth of her baby. She described the experience as - “the effect was soothing, quiet-ing, delightful” X was voted as the most significant discovery of the past 200 years by numerous doctors in a survey conducted by an English science journal. What is X, which is used before almost all surgical procedures? Q4
  • 15. Mondo is an Italian company who has supplied their products for 12 olympics now. “We innovate. You win” is the motto the company lives by as their product is used by many athletes at the olympics regardless of their nationality or sponsorship deals. They offer the same equal quality product to every user - even you and me! But of course, the athletes make better use of it. Designed for speed, it has “three-dimensional rubber granules” with a “selected polymeric system integrated into the top layer.” Runner Kyron McMaster said it better : “I felt my legs were just turning over”. What product of Mondo, a complex engineering marvel finely tuned for Tokyo, is being talked about here? Q5
  • 18. After having a stellar year in 2020 in terms of new customers, 2021 wasn’t like that for X. They even failed to meet their own estimate of adding new customers. In later part of January of this year X’s stock price plummeted by over 20%. 60% of its revenue comes from non - US markets. CEO of X expressed his disappointment with the India in recent earnings call as they received underwhelming response from the Indian market. ID X Q6
  • 21. A certain lady from Guatemala came up with the idea of combining small food items to help mothers who visited X with their children. An American businessman saw this and spoke with the proprietors of X, who wanted to improve the dining experience for families with young children. He believed that if we could offer youngsters their own neatly wrapped food, they would cease nibbling from the table. He watched his little kid being drawn to flashy cereal boxes and thought, why not do the same with X? Everyone would be happy. What was introduced thus? Q7
  • 24. In a period of high inflation people are discouraged to hold large amounts of cash because its value deteriorates quickly relative to the rising prices in the economy. As a result, people tend to hold most of their money in a bank account and keep only very small amounts of cash with them. This causes them to make regular trips to their bank to withdraw cash to pay for goods and services. These regular trips adds to the costs, thus creating a ‘X cost’ signifying the what exactly is being worned out in these regular trips. The X cost is now used more generally to describe all the costs associated with having to hold small amounts of cash. Identify X. Q8
  • 27. Q9 X and Y have been engaged in a long-standing feud since the duo first worked together in 2009. The decade-long rivalry has played out in the form of ‘workplace’ pranks and social media trolling. In 2019, they decided to end their twitter 'war' it by making up on a video. In a YouTube video titled 'Truce', the two are sitting next to each other, stating that they decided to do cross promotions for each other's beverage brands. In the hilarious video, X made a sincere promotional ad for Y, while Y kept the joke going by calling X names and pouring out X’s product on to a table. Identify X and Y. Brownie points for the name of their beverage brands!
  • 29. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman A9
  • 30. During World War II, India faced a shortage of rice. Xs were an immediate casualty of this short supply, since rice is a key ingredient. Enter an innovative chef, the founder of Y. He experimented with other ingredients that were easily available and found that he could make excellent X by replacing rice with semolina. Soon, these new Xs became very popular, and they also greatly enhanced the popularity of the Y brand. Today, while these new Xs continue to be the signature dish, Y has also become a well known brand which produces and markets a wide range of packaged foods. Identify X - product and Y - company. Q10
  • 32. X - Idli, Y - Mavalli Tiffin Rooms A10
  • 33. X, established in 1949 by two friends who met on a tour initially to sell construction materials. Later they changed to different product and opened several branches across the Northeastern United States with corporate office in New York. In 2009, the manager of its most profitable branch quit along with some other employees and formed a rival company Y which later merged with X. In 2009, another company bought X but in 2012 this company dissolved and it became X again. Identify X and Y. Q11
  • 35. X : Dunder Mifflin Y : Michael Scott Paper Company A11
  • 36. Indians are known for their creative ideas and innovations. In 2016, Saif Siddiqui also came up with an innovative idea. He designed a clothing item with a certain 'unique property' and was inspired from a component on a bike. About the clothing item and why he chose it, he replied "_______ are the perfect accessory. It suits everyone and is designed to go with any outfit." This item is also called 'paparazzi-proof' as it helps celebrities to avoid unwanted pictures of them to be taken, especially at night. What is the clothing item and what was unique about it? Q12
  • 39. It was originally created in Thailand and was popular among blue collar workers such as truck drivers. During a trip to Thailand, an Austrian businessman tried it and discovered that it was pleasantly refreshing and helped him recover from jet lag. He partnered with the original creator to help make the brand a global success. The original inexpensive version was marketed in Thailand, while the newer, more fashionable version was marketed in Austrian ski resorts, with price being the primary differential. As a result, the corporation commanded both sides of the economic spectrum. In the last decade, the company paid $13 million for a misleading advertising claim that many mistook for the petitioner's inability to grow musculoskeletal protrusions, but it was actually due to their misleading promises of performance enhancement. What product/company are we talking about? Q13
  • 42. The largest - of its kind - telescope on earth is the Large Zenith Telescope. Of its kind? Let me explain. The mirror in the Zenith Telescope is made from X and it rotates at a rate of about 8.5 revolutions per minute. Creating telescopes with X is much cheaper than using glass mirror lenses that have to be ground down and shaped to form the correct curvature. However, because the mirror is made from X which has a certain unique property, the telescope can only be pointed straight upwards, hence the name zenith, which literally means "path above the head". If it was tilted in any direction, X would just be wasted. What is this telescope’s mirror made from? Ie Identify X. Q14
  • 45. This Indian multinational company X, headquartered in Mumbai was established in 1897. One of the founders was a lawyer Y who practised in Africa and later left his profession. Initially, they made scissors and other surgical equipments for a British company but the deal broke as they weren’t able to come to an agreement as Y wanted the product to have Made in India logo. Then, X launched another product which took the market by storm and it came with a guarantee letter which wasn’t the case with other companies. In 1902, they launched another product and the brand became synonymous with this product. They also manufactured something which was majorly used in the first Indian elections in 1952. Identify X and the product they manufactured for the elections. Q15
  • 47. X- Godrej Manufactured Ballot Boxes for the elections. A15
  • 48. In 1990s, Pepsi came out with Crystal Pepsi, a non-caffeinated drink with less sugar. Unlike the red-brown cola, these drinks were clear liquids, riding on the idea that clear liquids were good for health. The drink was an initial hit with record sales. Coca-Cola in an effort to stop it came up with a kamikaze plan and launched Tab Clear, a rival to Crystal Pepsi. The plan was successful, in under 6 months, both the drinks were out of the market. What was the advertising or marketing strategy that confused the consumers which ultimately led to failure of both the products? Q16
  • 50. Tab Clear was marketed as a diet drink. People assumed that since Tab Clear is a rival of Crystal Pepsi, so Crystal Pepsi was also a diet drink. A16
  • 51. In the early months of Covid pandemic in India in 2020, a group of artisans from a specific area in Jharkhand modified their traditional artform to prepare X. They had started working on this artform quite early for their use in April for the traditional New Year celebrations, but since the pandemic was declared, there work would have been a waste if not for redesigning them to be used as X. Since the artform traditionally depicts the triumph of good over evil, it is quite apt that it came up as the weapon in the war against the virus. Identify X and which artform are we talking about? Q17
  • 54. This is the story of how X reinvented their marketing strategy by doing it wrongly! Because of a customized product made the customers feel special, they started posting it on social media platforms. X, hence, got a free marketing from their customers. People soon got bored as it became common among the customers. X observed that as well as and thought if it has got common, why not do it incorrectly for a change? It worked!! Customers got eager to post these deliberate mistakes on social media & even new customers were attracted to see it! So X did the wrong rightly! Identify the company X and what strategy of theirs is being talked about here? Q18
  • 57. One of the first X patents is US3285228, which was filed on 19 May 1965. It can be used at altitudes up to 12,500 feet, without the help of gravity, at any angle, at the operating temperatures range of −34 to 121 °C and has an estimated shelf life of 100 years. An urban legend around X is that US spent a large amount of money to develop it while the Soviets just used a trivial version - as was also suggested by a certain idiot. Reality was far from it as US also used the trivial version before the development of X. But due its fragile flammable nature, dangers that dust posed to electronics and the inadequate quality documentation produced by this trivial version, a better solution was needed. Identify X. Q19
  • 60. X first arrived in Western Europe in the late 1500s and became a fashionable status symbol for wealthy Dutch merchants. They had unpredictable "broken" colors, which were highly prized due to their rarity. As techniques improved, more people began collecting and speculating on X. Eventually, even stock traders joined the game, pushing the average price of a single X to the point where it exceeded the annual income of a skilled worker and cost more than some houses at the time. Eventually, prices peaked, and then drastically collapsed over the course of a week, causing many hoarders to lose their fortunes. This event was termed as Xmania and is a model for the general cycle of a financial Y : it rises and grows exponentially till one day when it suddenly collapses. Identify X and Y. Q20
  • 62. X - TULIP Y - BUBBLE A20
  • 63. After the 1952 Olympics, X got its distinctive feature by trading two bottles of whiskey and some money. X has long been a preferred source to teams and individuals playing in a variety of professional sports. The Olympic Committee restricted X from displaying its distinctive feature in the early 2000s owing to complaints from rival brands that the feature exceeded the branding area mandated by the committee. X protested that it was a design component rather than a brand mark, yet it was nevertheless prohibited. As a result, X used the number "3" instead. Since the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, X has been linked with stereotyped Russian gang members who drink a lot of vodka and listen to hardbass. ID X and their distinctive feature. Q21
  • 66. This is a bizarre sponsorship incident from UFC. With the fighters wearing minimal clothes in a fight (for obvious mobility reasons duh!), sponsors often end up crowding the poor shorts with their logos. With summer in full swing, Y wanted to capitalize on this and had a brilliant innovative (or at least they thought it was) idea. They asked their pale fighter to showcase their product with the help of his body. Literally! The UFC officials were sternly against it. Though the fighter wasn’t reprimanded for this stunt, UFC definitely wasn't humoured by this loophole. The fight did have more highlights though - a 49 sec KO and possibly the worst walk off music in “Hey, Soul Sister” - all making the incident even more memorable. How were they showcasing their product? Q22
  • 68. #PerfectTan tanned across the chest of Sam Alvey A22
  • 69. A 7ft tall bronze statue of X has been erected on New York City’s Wall Street to “represent the millions who struggle under a capitalist system.”⠀ The organisers, founders of Sapien.Network said they put the statue up to show that Wall Street has become completely out of touch with the needs of everyday people. 10,000 bananas surrounded the statue to make a point about wealth disparity. Identify X, who first made headlines in 2016. Q23
  • 72. When the set decorator saw the design for this prop, he knew it would become the symbol for the whole series. There were several hurdles in actually making it work. The crew tried some special effects with flashlights but it wasn’t good enough. Somehow they just couldn’t get the handle right. Then one day while buying camera equipment, out of desperation they asked the store manager for something they could use as a handle. He pointed them to some boxes and the very first box that they opened had these camera handles as shown on the right. They put some rubber around it and this was it. Which prop are we talking about? Q24
  • 75. "The Death of Irony" is a term used by many cultural critics to describe the current situation - anything ironical now can be co-opted by institutional giants before it actually creates any meaningful ripple or point. This happened with a certain ironic song criticizing capitalism and its product. Weirdly, it soon turned into a reel trend on social media where influencers are using it to actually talk about themselves in a way unironical way. The hook of the trend : one shows their childhood photo in comparison to their current-age photo, and that's supposed to be in some way inspirational. The subject of the song can tomorrow use this song over a clip of him flying in space and nobody will bat an eye. Why? Because the culture has already consumed it, unironically. Identify the subject of the song. Q25