1. There is higher demand from countries than what is currently planned in the document of activities.
2. Countries expressed interest in certain priority areas and activities to focus on.
3. Some areas and activities may need to be launched later if demand exceeds current targets.
4. It is important to identify the types of outputs and results that are most needed by the countries.
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EU4Environment RA - Result 1 & 2
1. 1. Green economy ownership, policy coherence and cross-
sectorial coordination
2. Sectoral investment planning
3. Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact
4. Awareness, education and public acceptance of the Green
Economy transition
Result 1. Greener decision-making
(UN Environment and UNECE)
2. Result 1. Greener decision-making (UN Environment)
demand exceeds target demand in line with target demand behind target
Activites and indicators
Target (no.
unless stated
RESULT 1. Greener decision-making
1.1: Green economy ownership, policy coherence and cross-sectorial coordination
(UN Environment)
Activity 1.1.1: Survey and large-scale training of public sector employees NA 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries where training courses on green economy were introduced tbd
‒ Number of additional civil servants from line ministries able to apply GE concepts 40
Activity 1.1.2: Fitness tests of relevant policy documents and policy proposals NA 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of analytical documents produced in support of NPDs tbd
Activity 1.1.3: Facilitation of National Policy Dialogues on Green Economy 3 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Policy dialogue meetings and interministerial and cross-sectoral meetings conducted 16
‒ Number of countries with a functional green planning and decision-making system 3 (baseline 1)
1.2: Sectoral investment planning and comparative analysis of costs and benefits
(UN Environment)
Activity 1.2.1: Investment needs assessment in priority sectors 3 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of additional assessments of green economy investment needs conducted 3
Activity 1.2.2: Development of investment strategy proposals or action plans 3 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of additional countries with enhanced knowledge of green economy
1.4: Awareness, education and public acceptance of the Green Economy transition
(UN Environment)
Activity 1.4.1: Implementation of educational courses 3-6 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries participating in Green Economy courses (on-line and lecture 3-6
Activity 1.4.2: Awareness raising campaigns for general public 3 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries undertaking campaigns 3
‒ Number of people reached through communication campaigns 4 million
3. Result 1. Greener decision-making (UNECE)
demand exceeds target demand in line with target demand behind target
Activites and indicators
Target (no.
countries unless
stated otherwise)
RESULT 1. Greener decision-making
1.3: Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact
Assessment (UNECE)
Activity 1.3.1: Assistance for finalizing the legal reforms on SEA and on
transboundary EIA
4 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Legal drafting 4 4 tbc 1 1 1 1
‒ National awareness raising events for legislation 4 events 4 1 1 2 tbc tbc
Activity 1.3.2: Comprehensive capacity and institutional building 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Pilots on SEA (or on transboundary EIA) 5 pilots 10 1 1 2 3 2 1
‒ Sector/issue specific guidelines on SEA 6 guidelines 10 2 1 1 2 3 1
‒ Training workshops on SEA/national training
schemes on SEA and EIA
12 wokshops 12 tbc 3 2 3 3 1
‒ Awareness raising activities to promote the
application of SEA (and transboundary EIA)
6 4 tbc 1 1 tbc 1 1
‒ Sub-regional events to facilitate info exchange and
2 events 4 tbc tbc 1 tbc 1 2
‒ A model for a SEA database 1 model 6 tbc 1 1 tbc 2 2
4. Round table discussion
How to address higher demand expressed by countries compared
with the plans presented in the DoA?
Are there any specific priority areas/activities individual countries
wish to focus on?
What are the areas/activities that can be launched later?
What type of outputs/results are most needed?
5. 1. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production among SMEs
2. Concept and tools of the EU Single Market for Green Products
3. Green Public Procurement and tools
4. Use of strategic approaches on waste management
5. Reforms in priority green economy sectors
6. Ecological value-chain and product innovation
Result 2. Circular economy and new growth
(UNIDO and UN Environment)
7. 2.2: Concept and tools of the EU Single Market for Green Products
initiative (UNIDO)
8. Result 2. Circular economy and new growth opportunities (UN Environment)
Activites and indicators
Target (no.
countries unless
stated otherwise)
RESULT 2. Circular economy and new growth opportunities
‒ Number of new policies, strategies, and plans developed with EU4Environment support 4 policies
2.3: Green Public Procurement and complementary tools (UN Environment)
Activity 2.3.1: Conduct assessments and develop policies for SPP and eco-labelling systems 2 4 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries receiving advisory services on national eco-labeling or alignment with EU labels 2
Activity 2.3.2: Capacity development of business sectors to respond public tenders / eco-labelling 3 1 1 1
‒ Number of additional companies and authorities who received trainings on SPP and eco-
‒ Number of new pilot tenders launched ≥ 20 tenders
2.4: Use of strategic approaches on waste management (UN Environment)
Activity 2.4.1: Develop draft of action plan for national waste management 2 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of national action plans developed 2
‒ Number of municipalities that improved waste policies 2
Activity 2.4.2: Initiating the establishment of Extended Producers Responsibility schemes 3 6 1 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries who received assistance on EPR schemes for identified priority product groups 3
2.5: Reforms in priority green economy sectors (UN Environment)
Activity 2.5.1: Identify priority sectors for policy reform, suitable policy instruments and support needs 3 3 1 1 1
Activity 2.5.2: Support introduction/adjustment of policy tools 3 3 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries receiving support for enabling policies for GE transformation in priority sectors 3
2.6: Ecological value-chain and product innovation (UN Environment)
Activity 2.6.1: National trainings on sustainable production/eco-innovation approach 2 5 1 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries receiveing training workshops to enhance governments’ and companies’ capacity
on eco-innovation
Activity 2.6.2: Market assessment (selected sectors) & policy analysis to enhance eco-innovation potentials 2 4 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of countries where analyses of eco-innovation policies/instruments were conducted 2
Activity 2.6.3: Assess selected companies’ potential for eco-innovation & provide advisory services for business
strategies/plan development for eco-innovation
2 4 1 1 1 1
‒ Number of new assessments/reports for SMEs to evaluate/identify innovative solutions to strengthen
market positions and competitiveness
15 - 20
Activity 2.6.4: Awareness raising activities among business sector and government 2 4 1 1 1
demand exceeds target demand in line with target demand behind target
9. Round table discussion
How to address higher demand expressed by countries compared
with the plans presented in the DoA?
Are there any specific priority areas/activities individual countries
wish to focus on?
What are the areas/activities that can be launched later?
What type of outputs/results are most needed?