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European Law Essay Competition
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European Law Essay Competition European Law Essay Competition
Parental Neglect By Roald Dahl s Matilda And Neil Gaiman...
Child abuse, in any form, is cause for outrage. This makes the question of whether neglect, benign
or otherwise, is better than violence hard to consider. According to Canada s Public Health Agency,
parental neglect, at 34% of cases, is the most commonly reported form of child maltreatment (31).
In Roald Dahls Matilda and Neil Gaiman s Coraline, parental neglect is contrasted against
violence as both are shown to be psychologically detrimental to a child, while the impact of these
imperfect parents is able to help a child redefine their sense of self.
The overt neglect of her prodigal intellect experienced by Matilda leaves her feeling
misunderstood and an outsider in her family which differs from the perceived neglect which
leaves Coraline struggling with her sense of self. Born to parents described as gormless (Dahl
4), Matilda is both blessed and cursed with a prodigal intellect. Causing Matilda to crave
knowledge, it is her intellect that leads her at the age of four years and three months (9), to defy
her parents and everyday walk to the library. Matilda admits to this neglect to Mrs. Phelps, the
librarian, when she tells her of her mother, She doesn t encourage reading books. Nor does my
father (10). With this statement Matilda shows how her parents have neglected to foster her
intellect. Matilda s eagerness to digest information, and the fact that the only book in the
Wormwood home is her mother s cookbook, elaborates how she differs from her parents.
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Bullying At A Young Age
Have you ever been called a nasty name? Or even made fun because of your hair, or even your
clothes? Or have you have made fun of someone because of their hair or clothes? Bullying is
something that is active across the world, and it doesn t just happen in schools, it can happen
anywhere at any time to anyone. We can all always do our best to prevent it but the outcome is
very low.
Statistics show that between the ages of 5 and 7 is when bullying is very hot. In the article Bullying
at a young age it states that between these ages is when children are maturing and starting to
realize new things about others children do not intend to pick on one another they just simply
do don t know how to be polite about the situation. When bullying is in action most of the time
other tend to believe the parents are not connected with their children as much as they should be.
Sometimes a person begins to bully others because of their situation and lifestyle at home. We all
know things at home can sometimes get a little out of hand, in all families. A child may come
from a single parent home or their parents may have just recently split up. In other instances, a
person may live in a poor neighborhood and their parents or guardians may not be handling the
responsibility of being a parent in a way that they should. The most popular reason for a bully to
start bullying in the first place usually is a cry for help.
If a person comes from a place where everything is negative, and there
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Brief Summary Of The Lego Company
Brief Summary of the Lego Case
The Lego Company, was founded in 1916, by Ole Kirk Christiansen in Billund, Denmark. The
company quickly expanded, producing double digit sales. Then, with the development of social
media Lego appeared to hit a brick wall when faced with the challenge of how to market their Lego
Bricks on the social web. Jack McKee, a former social media practitioner at Lego, was able to help
change the culture within the organization, so they could use the social web to build relationships
with customers, generate new product ideas by sharing propriety information, and better understand
their customers.
A strategy was put into place to help understand customer behavior. The social media strategies
enabled Lego to create personas to segment their markets. This was accomplished by the use of six
distinct personas to categorize customers, according to purchase and usage rate. This was a huge
contributor to Lego becoming one of the most successful toy manufactures.
Question #1: Which of the three personas does the Lego Group spend the most social media
marketing time and effort? It is likely that different personas will emerge from the Lego Group over
time? Explain.
The first three personas spend a great amount of time on social media interaction. However, of the
three personas the Lead Users of Lego are the most involved with the production. They play a vital
role because they help shape product design. Though they have the fewest members they are
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Claude Mckay Enslaved
Have you ever thought about how life would be like if you were a slave? Getting tired of
people controlling your life and wanting to seek your revenge? In Enslaved by Claude McKay,
it talks about a hatred world where white men treated African Americans unkind. African
Americans rarely had any time to spend with their families, couldn t afford to give them a variety
of foods. They felt oppressed, angry, denied; they wanted to seek revenge. Feeling the urge to
have equal rights with every race in the world. In contrast, they hated slavery; felt racial
prejudice against the world; wanted to seek revenge for their own freedom.
In this poem he uses an abundance of rhyme. Which means, a sound between words or at
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Oh when I think of
my long suffering race, For weary centuries despised, oppressed, Enslaved and lynched, denied a
human place In the great life line of the Christian West. (Mckay). He uses rhyme to get his point
across that, everyone was mistreated during slavery and disinherited. The long suffering race
(McKay). refers to his own reference. Mckays life was a disaster during the 1800 s. Not only did
he wish to have a better life but others did as well.
Mckay also uses simile in his poem. A figure of speech using like or as . African
Americans compared their lives to a different issue to get their point across. My heart grows
sick with hate, becomes as lead. (Mckay). He is explaining that his heart turned soft while being
destroyed; never had enough money to feed himself or to support his family. Imagine living life
under someone s dictate all day everyday.
Another literary device he uses is metaphor. A figure of speech in which a word is
applied to an object or action which is not literally applicable. He describes his heart turning into
hate when the heart can t physically or emotionally do that. My heart grows sick
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The Impact Of Sports And Sports In Elizabethan England
There were many sports that made popular by citizens in Elizabethan England. Nobles most often
participated in sports such as archery, bowling, dice, hammer throwing and most known tennis (
Alchin Elizabethan Sports ). These nobles watched wrestling and blood sports including bear and
bull baiting and dog and cock fighting. The queen often appeared at these events (Alchin
Elizabethan Bear Bull Baiting ). Sports began to come from other countries and continents as
people would travel to england. Tennis was the most popular sport by the upper classes and
originated in medieval France.
Sports presented an opportunity as a release for England s people. The most popular sport was bear
baiting which first became business in the mid 1500s. People s lives involved bull baiting and
arenas formed to host these spectacles. Philip Henslowe established dedicated animal fighting
arenas in Thames (Alchin Elizabethan Bear Bull Baiting ). The noisy, blood arenas were
popular, and considered the main competition to the plays put on at theaters. These spectacles
gave people a place to get away and watch a beloved event (Andrews). Golf s popularity was short
lived. King James VI of Scotland made it popular while he reined (Baker 86). Believed to have
been popular solely for the reason of the King playing it along with his mother.
The cruel sports had multiple effects on the people of England. People were at awe with these
bloody sports. An Italian merchant who watched one of these
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Yuma Case Study
In the beginning, Yuma was a just a small town that would continuously be flooding. Yuma wanted
to make something out of the small floodplain town so they decided to try to control the Colorado
river flow. Yuma county thought about what they could do... in 1912, they built a dam to regulate
the flow of water to the Yuma Valley. Many corporations helped with the redirect of the water flow.
I m not sure if the Yuma people realized that with the construction of the dam, their small town
would soon be booming. Yuma wanted to become this area of agricultural greatness, so they came
together with other corporations to achieve this goal of theirs. From that day Yuma has been
working and being involved with the agricultural business. Before Yuma... Show more content on
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The dams prevented the transportation of steamboats from going upriver. The dams made the
water levels fluctuate and made the use of steamboat transporting goods unsafe and making it
unsafe because there wasn t enough clearance for the boats to move through without knowing if
you were going to make it through. To turn this around a few positive effects on Yuma County
was in 1931 the California Seven Party Agreement that states that Yuma County would be given
water to use for their crops. The 1931 California Seven Party Agreement states that the Palo
Verde Irrigation District, the Imperial Irrigation District, the Yuma Project and lands in Imperial
and Coachella valleys are to be served by the All American Canal. After the siphon was built and
the farms were prospering settlers came, the area was expanding and so was Yuma. The whole
idea was to claim the West by ensuring a stable water supply to irrigate crops and for towns to
grow. Since these deals were being made to direct water to Yuma, the Yuma Siphon has been
distributing water to Yuma County for over one hundred years! The water that flows through the
siphon helps irrigate about 50,000 acres of fertile farmland in all of the Yuma valley. The siphon
was such a great engineering breakthrough, it s still used today! Nearly 100 years later, water still
flows through the underground passageway on its way to irrigate
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A Look Into Germany s Economy Essay
Natalie Retzlaff, Blake Otte, Cameron Bancroft, Claudia Navarro
Economics 2110 CRN 10232
A Look into Germany s Economy
When looking at a map of Europe and asked to identify a country with one of the best economically
sound counties, many people would say Germany. According to the UK German connection
Voyage, Germanyis a republic with a parliamentary democracy and a bicameral system of
government. The Federal Government consists of the Chancellor and his or her ministers who
are drawn from the members of the Bundestag. The ministers usually belong to the parties who
form the ruling coalition. Germany is also said to have the largest national economy in Europe.
Germany s economy is also the fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world (EW World
Economy Team). As stated by the website German Culture, Germany s economy is labeled as a
Social Market Economy otherwise known in German as the soziale Marktwirtschaft. For years
Germany has been seen as one of the leaders of economy in Europe and around the world, but
that doesn t always mean the country is stable. Germany has a long and treacherous history of
being labeled unstable. . From the time Hitler dominated Germany in 1933 to the time of the
Berlin Wall in 1961 Germany has struggled in the past with their own people and their economy.
However, if a person would look at Germany s economy today they would find a very different
picture. According to Make it in Germany, Germany has been a stable democracy for the past
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British Colonies And The New England Colonies
Throughout the New World many British colonies were established for various reasons. A few of
those reasons being for religious freedom, farming, and gold. The way that certain colonies would
succeed and develop depended on geographical factors. Eventually some colonies would flourish
through farming, seaport trade, or industry. In the New England colonies such as Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, their economy succeeded through shipbuilding
and trading. The soil up north was very rocky and the New England colonies experienced long
winters short summers, which didn t create ideal farming land. Despite the flawed farming
elements, colonists managed to subsistence farm within the short growing season. This means that
the colonists grew just enough crops to provided to their families. ( New England Colonies. New
England Colonies. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.) Although New England didn t have the best
farming conditions the colonies had an abundant amount of trees. The trees were cut down and then
used as lumber and timber for shipbuilding. Since the New England colonies were in a close
proximity of the sea the colonies depended heavily on trade and fishing. New England participated
in the Triangular Trade, exporting goods such as lumber, fish, horses and flour then in return the
West Indies would supply the colonies with sugar, molasses, and rum. (Shmoop Editorial Team.
Economy in Colonial New England. Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc.,
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SWOT Analysis Of Activision Blizzard
Advancements in information and technology have been the driving force behind some of the
successful companies in the world. Businesses are leveraging this development to build
competitive strategies by which they can make and sell their products and services. One of the
companies that are leveraging technology to sell their services is ActivisionBlizzard, which makes
and sells video game. Activision Blizzardhas managed to establish five different business units, all
of which are in the entertainment industry. The success of the company has seen it establish itself
as one of the largest company in the United States and Europe in terms of its market capitalization
and revenue. In an industry that has seen many other companies emerging, Activision Blizzard has
the responsibility of making and adjusting its operational strategies to remain ahead of the
competition. One of the approaches that it can use in the achievement of this important goal is
using a SWOT analysis tool. By doing the SWOT, Activision Blizzard can identify weaknesses and
threats in its operations and device strategies for working on them to remain relevant and
competitive in the market.
Team Organization External (SWOT) for Activision Blizzard
The SWOT analysis for Activision Blizzard can be summarized below. Helms and Nixon (2010)
say that the SWOT remains an important tool in doing a company analysis. Activision Blizzard s
SWOT analysis is shown;
In the recent past, Activision Blizzard has
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Evelyn Taft Research Paper
Evelyn Taft Bio, Wiki, Age, Net worth, Wedding, Baby, Husband and Pregnant Evelyn Taft is well
known journalist, meteorologist, news anchor and director. She is an active member of National
Weather Association. Evelyn Taft was born in 1984 which makes her current age 33. She
celebrates her birthday 24th of August in every year. She took birth in Bay Region, San Francisco,
California, USA to the Russian Jewish parents. She spent her childhood in France, Israel and
London. Evelyn joined Menlo school of Atherton, California for her high school education. Then,
she attended Annerberg School of Journalism of the University of Southern California and
graduated in 2006. Later she attended the Mississippi State University and received degree in
Meteorology.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She stands at the height of 5 feet 4 inches with a perfect body shape. She is capable of speaking
four languages including Russian, English, Hebrew and French. Career and Net worth At the
age of 16 only, Evelyn Taft started hosting in her own TV show on Travel and Entertainment.
She worked for KCAL as a weather anchor and reporter along with three other reporters; Rick
Garcia, Sharon Tay and Stephanie Simmons. Before working for KCAL TV channel 9 station,
she worked at KRON4 in San Francisco as a presenter of weather forecast. She also worked at
KCOY, a CBS affiliate as a weather anchor and reporter. At present, she is chief weeknight
meteorologist for the KCAL TV channel 9 stations in Los Angeles. She is a member of National
Weather Association and granted with Seal of Approval. She has worked with the best programs
and channels so there are no doubt that she is receiving a high amount of salary. It also boosts
net worth of Evelyn Taft. The net worth of Evelyn Taft is not yet revealed to the surface of the
media however it is assumed to be high as she is working for the top news programs. Is Evelyn Taft
married? Who is her
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The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time India Critical...
Check Your Privilege: Rearden s Insight on Confronting Socioeconomic Privilege Though
Greenhill prides itself on acting as a microcosm of a diverse society, its role as an esteemed, albeit
costly, private school lends itself to the erasure of socioeconomic status from discussions of
diversity and inclusion. Through reading Alexie s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time
Indian, the reality of povertytakes center stage, through Arnold s narrative perspective. Alexie s
nuanced description of life as an impoverished Native American student provided me innumerable
insights into the life of poverty, from not being able to afford gas money, to drinking flavored
water for breakfast, or not being able to keep a pet alive. While Arnold s perspective provided me
a depth of the impoverished perspective, I constantly found myself most impacted by
socioeconomic statusin scenes of confronted privilege by both the white students at Rearden high
school, and Arnold himself. These scenes reinforced the powerof confronting privilege as a means
to help others, and as reflective tools to put high school experiences in a broader perspective.
Penelope, Roger, Arnold, and the Rearden community s confrontation of privilege and subsequent
character development highlight the healing power of transcending socioeconomic barriers with
empathy and support.
The most profound confrontation of privilege in the text is Arnold s remarkable realization that
despite winning the basketball game for
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Better America
Building a Better America One
Wealth Quintile at a Time
Perspectives on Psychological Science
6(1) 9 12
ВЄ The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1745691610393524
http://pps.sagepub.com Michael I. Norton1 and Dan Ariely2
Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, and 2Department of Psychology, Duke University, Durham,
Disagreements about the optimal level of wealth inequality underlie policy debates ranging from
taxation to welfare. We attempt to insert the desires of regular Americans into these debates, by
asking a nationally representative online panel to estimate the current distribution of wealth in the
United States and to build a better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Norton, Harvard Business School, Soldiers Field Road, Boston,
MA 02163, or Dan Ariely, Duke University, One Towerview Road, Durham,
NC 27708
E mail: mnorton@hbs.edu or dandan@duke.edu
Norton and Ariely
Building a Better America
Fig. 1. Relative preference among all respondents for three distributions: Sweden (upper left), an
equal distribution (upper right), and the United States (bottom). Pie charts depict the percentage of
wealth possessed by each quintile; for instance, in the United States, the top wealth quintile owns
84% of the total wealth, the second highest 11%, and so on.
Americans Prefer Sweden
For the first task, we created three unlabeled pie charts of wealth distributions, one of which
depicted a perfectly equal distribution of wealth. Unbeknownst to respondents, a second distribution
reflected the wealth distribution in the United
States; in order to create a distribution with a level of inequality that clearly fell in between these
two charts, we constructed a third pie chart from the income distribution of Sweden
(Fig. 1).2 We presented respondents with the three pairwise combinations of these pie charts (in
random order) and asked them to choose which nation they would rather join given a
Rawls constraint for determining a just society (Rawls,
1971): In considering this question, imagine that if you joined this nation, you would be randomly
assigned to a place in the
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An Analysis of Personality Theory
An Analysis of Personality Theory by for Everyone has a personality, of course, but until fairly
recently, there were no personality theories available to help understand what factors contribute to
its development. In recent years, though, personality theories such as McCrae and Costa s Big
Five and Schwartz s theory of basic values have been advanced for these purposes. To gain some
deeper insights into these issues, this paper presents a review of the relevant peer reviewed and
scholarly literature to provide a definition of personality and an examination of theoretical
approaches to studying personality. Finally, an analysis of those factors that may influence an
individual s personality development is followed by a summary of the research and important
findings concerning personality theory in the conclusion. Review and Analysis Definition of
Personality An individual s personality is comprised of several factors, some of which may be more
prominent at some times than others. The dictionary entry personality defines it as, the complex of
characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or group; especially the totality of an
individual s behavioral and emotional characteristics (Merriam Webster, 2001, p. 1687). In this
regard, Barrick and Mount (1999) advise that, Personality may to advantage be broadly analyzed
into five distinguishable but separate factors, namely intellect, character, temperament, disposition
and temper (p. 2). Examination of
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The Development Of South Korea
Survival for the fittest has been the slogan that is used in describing this world. Modernization
theories, as well as growth theories, have become prominent. Dependency theory is what has seen
some countries develop especially the South Korea. As other countries grow, some continue to
become poor. On the other hand, many countries wonder why South Koreagrew despite being the
center stage of the war. South Korea was faced with the division of territory, Japan s colonial
occupation, Korean Warand U.S military force s occupation. Existence of the mentioned factors
could not promote development of any country. South Korea being a developing country, dedicated
itself to develop after the war, majorly through industrialization.
Park Chung Hee also contributed to the economic growth of South Korea by implementing unique
leadership strategies. South Korea s Human Development Index is at 15, and it is part of the
Organization for the Economic Co operation and Development membership. These developments
in South Korea whereas a result of not concentrating in the past. Rather, focuses on how to
improve the present and to make the future better. This paper, therefore, explains what happened
in 1960s to 1990s under Chun Doo Hwan (1980 1988) and the Par Chung Hee (1961 1979)
rulings. They set the foundation for the fame South Korea of the present. The strategies and
policies that were championed during the Park s regime paved the way for the development of
South Korea. Park s
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Factors And Impacts Of Dissolution Of Aceh
Impacts Of Dissolution Of Acheh
According to Nazamuddin (2008) explained that the oil and natural gas dollar from Aceh were
controlled fully by a centralized authority in Jakarta for many years. Only three per cent f the total
revenues from Aceh s oil and natural gas included all related taxes returned in the form of central
government s transfers to the poor province. Then only in 2002 when the earlier special autonomy
law took effect that Aceh received a seventy per cent of oil share and natural gas revenues.
Infrastructure in Aceh was and remained poor. 25 per cent of the population lives below the poverty
line. They were rich in natural resources however with poor infrastructure and public services and
centralized authorities added with poverty and lack of opportunities have been the factors of the
conflict. Some of these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a result, some foods are scarce and food prices have risen drastically. Part of the reason for the
scarcity is a series of attacks on the truck that brings food from neighbouring Medan province to
Aceh. According to Acehnese academic Dr Yusny Saby, those most affected by the military
offensive are the villagers of eastern Aceh, where most of the fighting has taken place.
According to Saby (2003) the food situation should soon improve because military escorts now
provided to the supply convoys. However, the military presence could also increase the food prices
still further, because of the soldier that guarding the supply trucks would need paying too. The
situation is likely to have grown worse since the martial law declared on May 19, 2003 and once
again on November 6. Since the resumption of the government s military offensive in Aceh, the
international media and humanitarian organizations have been restricted to the capital Banda Aceh.
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The Journey of Ty Cobb in Cobb by Al Stump Essay
The book Cobb by Al Stump is a look into the late 19th century and early into the 20th through
the eyes of Ty Cobb. The historical biography of Tyrus Raymond Cobb follows his path from
classroom screwaraound and fighter to the greatest hitter to ever grace the major leagues. Ty
Cobb. Growing up in Royston, GA, Cobb was the oldest of 3 siblings and the son of a
schoolteacher, principal, newspaper publisher, state senator, and county school commissioner who
wanted him to do nothing but study. Cobb didn t listen, he practiced his way to making the bigs,
shortly before leaving his dad told him {italicize} don t return a failure. There was no looking back
for the future Hall of Famer though. Ty Cobbwas raised in a world very different from... Show more
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An ugly man was pig face or ratface. The Royston Rooster(Cobb) learned of a player s weakness,
and in a high screech made sure the crowd knew of it. (82) By modern day s courtesy standards
Cobb would ve been hit, fined, and booed into submission, but back in the day he was able to
trudge on through any abuse he recieved. In the story Cobb influences a well renowned sports
analysist by sending him letters from fake people, different addresses, and different handwriting
styles. Over time and many letters stating how good Cobb was and how he was practically
setting the world on fire there was nothing to do but note how good Cobb was in one of his
articles. In the modern day one could pull up youtube and find out if the accusations were
correct and if Cobb was found out he d probably serve jail time. Back in the day he hardly
recieved a slap on the wrist though. However the attention drawn by this article grabbed the
Detroit Tigers association s attention, which later led to Ty becoming their starting, hall of fame,
centerfielder. Tyrus Raymond Cobb was an arrogant, rude, hostile young boy who blossomed into
a talented, arrogant, rude, hostile man. Cobb would do anything to reach the top: beat up
comparable players, jeer, and kick their legs into bloody masses of flesh. One cannot scoff at his
skill and dedication though, in addition to him being dedicated enough to be the greatest player the
game has ever seen, Ty became a captain in world war one
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The Effects Of Positive And Negative Police Relations
The Effect of Positive and Negative Police Community Relations
Anastasia Allen
American Public Community System
An understanding of police community relations is crucial because both positive and negative
police relations can greatly impact policing. Positive or negative police community relations can
result from a variety of factors including cooperation, race issues, corruption, fear or assurance of
police, and violence. When the community and police relations are positive, the police better
understand the community s needs and the community is more inclined to report crimes and aid the
police. When community and police relations are negative, the police do not understand the
community s needs which leads the pubic, especially those who experience high levels of crime, to
feel that the police do more harm than good.
Throughout the 20th century there have been major issues relating to poor police community
relationships. In more recent years they have been numerous problems with the police community
relations that have led to difficult situations including the Rodney King beating and the 1992 LA
riots, the Timothy Thomas shooting and the 2001 Cincinnati riots, as well as the more recent
Michael Brown shooting and 2014 Ferguson riots. In all of these situations the police community
relationship was strained and after a final straw event, rioting erupted to force a change. As seen
with these examples, many of the most explosive events resulting from poor
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Jelly Fish Swarms
One day you decide to go on a boat ride into the ocean. Once you are out you see hundreds of
jellyfish. This can actually happen, it s called a swarm. Jellyfish are very pretty but they can
cause lots of damage. People and business are being affected by swarms of jellyfish but there are
ways to control them. What is a swarm of jellyfish? Jellyfish normally travel in groups called
swarms, when these groups multiply that s when issues arrive. Steve Hay, a plankton ecologist
said, Science data shows that over the past few years there has been an increase in swarms of
jellyfish. When these swarms form they eat tons of larva and fisheggs. There has also been reports
of them clogging filters. Beaches have also been made to close when the swarms
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The Asian American Culture Of America
The culture that I chose to present is the Asian American culture. It is one of the fastest formed
ethnic groups that had their population grow 63% from 1990 to 2000 (Nguyen, 1). The history of
the first Asian immigrants started around the gold rush in California. Many Asian immigrants
wanted to pursue fortunes in America because of economic hardships in China. Many Chinese
started moving to the United Statesin hopes to get some of the gold in California. Many Chinese
were also contracted to work on the railroads in the United States where they worked in very poor
conditions for little money and recognition for their hard work. The Chinese even demanded high
wages for their work in these poor conditions, but ultimately they were shot... Show more content
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(Le, 1) The term Asian Americanrefers to anyone that is living in the United States with a
background or heritage with peoples of far east Asia, Southeast Asia and India (Chen, 2). In this
culture, there are many different types of ethnicities inside the race of Asian Americans. This group
includes Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Cambodian, and
Indians that are a part of the continent of Asia. The language of Asian Americans can differ from
the type of background that they grew up in. They can chose to adopt the English language in order
to better communicate with their surroundings. Asian Americans do not have a primary location in
the United States. When the gold rush took place in California, many Asian Americans set up china
towns in and around that state. The highest populated area of Asian Americans is in California with
over 4.2 million inhabitants. They are a very diverse culture and many have different reasons for
moving to the United States from searching for a better life to escaping war times. Some Asian
Americans that immigrated to the United States need to adopt the norms that society has that is
called acculturation. (Zhang, 752) One characteristic of the culture is that in Asian cultures, most
people share a high power distance between one another. This means that there is a sensitivity when
speaking with people in a higher position in relation to one another. Children are taught to
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Minors Committing Violent Crimes and Being Tried as Adults
Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults?
Sylvia B. McCrorey
Strayer University
Professor Catherine Cousar
Research Writing
October 17, 2012
The reason I selected this topic is because I feel that today s generation of youth and children have
been led mainly because of peer pressure which sometimes cause them to make bad choices. This
usually causes minors to do some things that are wrong before they think about the consequences.
They should be given consideration based on their age and all aspects of their background should
be looked at before sentencing them for violent crimes.
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This belief is anchored in the large disparity in crime rates between whites and blacks. However, a
closer look at the data shows that the real variable is not race but family structure and all that it
implies in commitment and love between adults. The incidence of broken families is much higher
in the black community. Douglas Smith and G. Roger Jarjoura, in a major 1988 study of 11,000
individuals, found that the percentage of single parent households with children between the ages
of 12 and 20 is significantly associated with rates of violent crime and burglary. The same study
makes clear that the widespread popular assumption that there is an association between race and
crime is false. Illegitimacy is the key factor. It is the absence of marriage, and the failure to form
and maintain intact families, that explains the incidence of high crime in a neighborhood among
whites as well as blacks. This contradicts conventional wisdom. (Fagan, 1995)
It is stated and quoted: Today s children are bombarded with images of violence in cartoons, news
reports, television shows, computer games, movies, and other media. In growing numbers, they are
also exposed to real life violence in their own homes and communities as witnesses, victims, and,
increasingly, perpetrators. Too often, children learn that violence is an acceptable way to resolve
conflict. Yet even
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Greek Gods And Their Influence On Greek Religion And Culture
Leuzinger 1
The Greek Gods
Throughout history it is easy to see that religion has a big deal to do with culture, but what if
religion played such a big part in our society that we were constantly afraid of being zapped by
lightning, or losing the entire sun? From the beginning of written history gods have dictated the
ideas of peoples and cultures, shaping the majority of our world as we know it today. Such effects
can be seen even in our federal law system in America. For example the Ten Commandments had a
lot to do with the writing of the constitution. The Greeks were no exception to this. If anything the
gods influenced the Greeks more than most cultures. The Greeks entire civilization was centered
around the gods they worshipped. Part of the reason for the Greeks fascination with supernatural
beings was because of the powers they believed they possessed. This power possessed by the gods
made the Greeks fear them greatly. This fear then turned into worship and devotion that shaped
their entire culture. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Each one of these gods had their own realm of control, for example one god was in control of
love, another the underworld, and some, controlled the elements. Most prominent of all the gods
was Zeus. Not only was he the god of lightning, Zeus was also the ruler of the gods. He ruled
from mount Olympus, keeping all the other gods in check along with regulating the humans
below. Because of his power and prestige, Zeus was the most worshiped god. Along side of him
were many other gods who received worship mainly depending on the humans need. If a fisherman
wanted a particularly successful fishing trip, he would make a sacrifice to Poseidon, the god of the
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Differences And Similarities Between The Chesapeake And...
While the Chesapeake and New England colonies were similarly the earliest successful English
colonies in North America, the colonies developed quite independently of each other. When looking
at the differences and similarities in the development of these colonies, it seems as though the
differences far outweigh the similarities. These colonies varied in regards to their religious beliefs,
their societal organization, culture, economy, and relationships with local American Indians. The
differences and similarities between the colonies can be further understood by analyzing the
individual colonies geography, economy, religious beliefs, and cultural practices.
The Chesapeake and New England colonies, although clearly quite different, do boast some
similarities. The two colonies were founded in the early 17th century and started off with a
demographic that primarily consisted of young white European men. The differences between the
colonies are easier to pinpoint. The New England colony, which is located in the North, has long
winters and short growing seasons. This is contrary to the Chesapeake colony which is more to
the South than the New England colony. The Chesapeake colony was known for its fertile land,
long growing season, and large swaths of land that were perfect or farming. These geographical
differences directly impacted the economies as these two distinct colonies developed. The New
England colonies focused on fishing, shipbuilding, and growing a distinct class of
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Planning And Implementing Curriculum Accommodation
Planning and implementing curriculum accommodation in content areas Many students with LD
experience trouble with reading abilities that are significantly below grade level. Consequently, the
high school text book in history and other social studies classes will represent a problem. If students
have problems with interpreting what is seen, they may have difficulties with timelines, graphs,
maps, charts and other visual display that frequently used to explain information in social studies.
Steele (2007) demonstrated that modification can be implemented to help students with learning
difficulties succeed in social studies. Textbooks are usually hard for students with learning
difficulties, it is better to utilize supplementary readingmaterial, for example, historical fiction,
easier textbookand resources from the internet. For instance, websites that have many timelines and
clear description of historical events, newspapers can contain information that related to social
studies topics to students lives and communities, establish readingabilities, boost critical thinking
skills and integrate concepts across social studies topics.
These resources might explain topics, themes, and abstract ideas that are too hard to understand in
the textbooks (Steele, 2007). To make students with learning problems more successful, the teacher
can provide lesson about a particular book, discuss part of the textbook like glossary sections,
appendixes, chapters heading, maps questions,
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Mouse Body
All animals used in this study were treated according to the U.S Public Health Service Policy on
Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The procedure in the study was performed
under the approval of Drexel University Institutional AnimalCare and Use Committee. Ten female
C57BL6/J mice at the age of 6 weeks were purchased from JAX vendor (Jackson Laboratory, Bar
Harbor, ME). Under controlled environment of temperature, humidity, ventilation with 12 hour light
dark cycle, three to four mice were housed per cage with unlimited access to water and standard
chow ad libitum.
The mice were allowed to adapt to the environment of animal facility for ... Show more content on
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Anxiety behavior of these mice was tested using EPM under two trials with one week apart.
Under the environment of 23 Celsius and incandescent light, the mice were tested between 10
a.m. to 11 a.m. in the morning. Using the same path for both trials, the mice were brought to the
behavioral room from the animal facility and allowed to acclimate for 15 minutes prior testing.
During acclimation, the stainless steel EPM was set up for the experiment. The EPM consisted
of two opposing open arms (35X5 cm) and two close arms (35X5X15 cm) with a center platform
(5X5cm) in junction with all four arms. Supporting each arm of the maze was a stainless steel
leg, facilitating the elevation of the EPM to 60cm above the ground. After putting the whole
EPM apparatus together, the maze was situated inside a kiddy pool to prevent the mice from
running off if they fell off during the test. An iPad was used as a video tracking device was set
up at an angle to put the EPM in full view of the four arms including the center platform. Figure 1
illustrated how the EPM apparatus was set up and how the mouse was initially placed on the
center platform facing either side of the open arms. Following being placed in the maze, the video
tracking device recorded the mouse behavior for 5 minutes. Then, the mouse was removed and
placed back to its home cage. The procedure was repeated after the
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Overconfidence In Into Thin Air
Multiple people died on Everest in the spring of 1996, but there were many causes to the deaths
of those climbers. One of the main causes was the overconfidence by multiple people on the
mountain. The book Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer states, One of the first people I passed when
I started moving again was Scott Fischer s sirdar, Lopsang Jangbu, kneeling in the snow over a
pile of vomit . . . His feeble state, moreover, had been compounded by his insistence on short
roping the celebrity amateur, Sandy Pittman . . . (Krakauer 176). In this quote from the book, it
says that Lopsang chooses to short rope Sandy Hill Pittman, and because of this he gets sick. He
was overconfident in his abilities, and this caused him not to set the fixed ropes at the Hillary...
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This lead to a big problem on the mountain, as well. People who believe differently might say that
Rob knew that this was their only chance to summit, so he wanted to do it no matter what. But if
that is true, then Rob should have known the right thing to do as a veteran of the mountain was not
to have too much confidence in his and his team s abilities. Finally, the last evidence we found was
in the movie Everest. While watching, it depicted how Scott Fischer was overconfident in his skill.
He went down and up the mountain too fast (KormГЎkur), and this made him sick. Because he was
a guide, he thought he had the competence to do it. If Scott had taken his time, he could have
helped Rob with making crucial decisions like now it is time to turn back . However, Scott was
overconfident in his capacity. Therefore, he basically killed himself and many others by not being
there to help. All in all, there were multiple reasons why eight people died on the mountain, yet the
main reason was the overconfidence in multiple climbers on May 10 and 11 of
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Hydraulic Civilizations and the Philanthropic Industrialists
1. Historical Origins
For many planners and historians the origin of ancient cities has been a source of fascination and
the cause for much research and debate. One theory developed by the German American historian
Karl Wittfogel was that of hydraulic civilizations (Minnery 2010a). Hydraulic civilizations were
described as those whose agricultural system was reliant upon significant government directed
water systems for irrigation and flood management (Encyclopædia Britannica 2010). Wittfogel
listed that Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, Northern China and pre Columbian Mexico and Peru were
examples of hydraulic civilizations (Minnery 2010a). This paper will focus on the theories of the
Wittfogel s hydraulic civilization and then try to draw ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One other dissimilarity is that of Brisbane s environment. It isn t arid or semi arid in fact it was
once lined with sand covered beaches and the water was clear and blue (Our Indooroopilly 2002).
Therefore it is difficult to prove that Brisbane has similar qualities to that of a hydraulic civilization
and Wittfogel s theories can be left in the past with the Old World . 3. The Philanthropic Industrialist
The United Kingdom in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century was home to the bustling and
demanding Industrial Revolution. Factories emerged all over the country as technology advanced
into an era of mass production. In many of these factories the conditions were unclean, unsafe and
ultimately appalling. Some factory owners however, sought out to improve the quality of life for
their workers. These few are recognised as the Philanthropic Industrialists . They implemented
what has become known as the company town which saw the social and economic qualities of the
township under the control of the industrialist (Pollard 1964). This paper will discuss one UK
example in the town of New Lanark, in particular the philanthropy of Robert Owen and will
examine whether this town and Owen s theories have been influential up until the present day.
New Lanark in Scotland was initially founded by David Dale in 1785 (The Open University 2009).
The Clyde River which ran along New Lanark s location provided water to power the four
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Passenger Injured
Three Reasons a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident Needs an Attorney
If you were a passenger in a car that was involved in an accident and you have sustained injuries,
you are best served by contacting a personal injury attorney. Although it may seem straightforward
to file a claim, the situation may be complex. The following are three examples of this.
There is more than one car involved
If there are two cars involved, then you must decide who is at fault to file a claim. But you may
not have been paying attention, so you are not a witness. And the accident may not be one where
there is a clear case of fault. Even a police report may not shed enough light on the accident to make
a clear determination. In addition, the vehicle that hit you may be blaming another car for hitting
them first. This is common with several cars that rear end each other. It is best for an injured
passenger to have a personal injury attorney sort everything out.
There was no other car involved
It the driver of the car hits a stationary object like a fence or a telephone pole and you are injured,
you will want to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Insurance policies only cover passenger injuries up to a certain amount, and if there is more than
one person hurt, this money will be divided up. However, your injury may be worse than others,
so you are entitled to a larger share. Also, the driver at fault is not completely protected by his or
her insurance. If the amount of compensation you are entitled to is beyond the amount of the
policy, it may be possible to bring a civil suit against the driver for additional compensation.
If you have been in a car accident as a passenger, your first course of action is to get medical
attention. After this, you should contact a personal injury attorney. Never make assumptions about
who is financially responsible for your
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Analysis Of A P By John Updike
John Updike s A P , is about a young man s struggle with morality, authority, and freedom.
Through a series of events Sammy witnessed injustice in his workplace leading him to quit his
job. When Sammy quit his job he was taking a stand against authority because he longed for
freedom from the A P and his manager. Sammy made the leap from an adolescent, knowing little
about life, into a man facing the consequences from his actions. John Updike s use of language
and actions reveal the internal struggles and relationships of a young man growing into
adulthood. Status is the social or professional standing of a person, and it is often a unifying
factor which John Updike uses to show comparisons of several different characters. Through
Sammy s point of view, several comparisons are shown between the employees of the A P, even
though their ages are different. Firstly, Lengel and Sammy assume the girls are ignorant and
incompetent. Sammy s demeaning view is viewed when he says, Poor kids, I began to feel
sorry for them, they couldn t help it. In Sammy s mind he saw the girls as helpless prey that had
walked into a trap he needed to save them from. The manager saw the way they were dressed and
proceeded to scold them the way a principal in a school scolds disruptive students. Another
parallel between the two men is they both objectify the girls. Lengel is shown to look the girls
up and down before he passes his judgement. Sammy s defense of the girls, while it seems
honorable, has ulterior motives. His hope is the girls hear him quit his job so that he can
impress them; this action further objectifies the girls making them passive objects of passion. In
the A P there is another comparison between some of the repressed customers; the group of
women he calls houseslaves and the trio of girls. Houseslaves are women whose only job was to
cook, clean, and care for children. When the trio passed by these women there is a moment of
shock from the girl s appearance, but they look a second time possibly out of envy for the
freedom they lack. The women in this story seem to all lack a voice and in the 1960s that was not
uncommon; men in this time were still seen as the ultimate providers for the households. Queenie,
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Skepticism About a Refutation of Skepticism Essay
Skepticism about a Refutation of Skepticism
In The Refutation of Skepticism , Jonathan Vogel establishes an Inference to the Best Explanation
(hereafter, IBE ) as a means to refute skepticism about the external world. In this refutation, Vogel
acknowledges that skepticism about IBE still remains a possibility, but that this kind of skepticism
would be rather outlandish in character and thus could be ignored. This paper shall both establish
and evaluate Vogel s reasoning as to why he confidently dismisses any skepticism pertaining to his
IBE, and furthermore will illuminate some points as to why Vogel may have mischaracterized
potential threats to his method, leaving his refutation of skepticism vulnerable to doubt that is not as
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So how is this supposed to serve as a successful refutation of skepticism? To make sense of this, it
should first be understood exactly how IBE qualifies its requirement for simplicity, and also what
Vogel understands both mundane propositions and skeptical arguments to be comprised of. The
assumption that the world works in ways that are simple, implied from the principle of induction, is
construed by Vogel to mean that the better explanation would be the beliefinvolving the fewest
complexities and least number of parts to argue. Vogel is under the impression that skeptical
arguments involve much more complexity in order to make them parallel the ordinary beliefs
they aim to compete with, and cites the example that for ordinary properties such as shape and
location that could be involved in a mundane proposition, the skeptic would have to invoke a
much more elaborate explanation for why we are experiencing pseudo shapes and pseudo
locations. This leaves the skeptical argument at a major disadvantage when assessed by IBE s
requirement for simplicity, allowing for the mundane proposition to be deemed the better
explanation because of its capability to explain things as they are instead of why they appear to be
as they are but really are
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Playboy Research Paper
I was raised and I think it probably was a cause and effect correlation here in a very Puritan home
and there were very few hugs and kisses in my home. No education or conversation about sex. I
grew up believing in fairly traditional views and values about sex. I didn t have sexual
intercourse for the first time until I was out of college and I had spent two years in the army and
it was with the girl I was planning on marrying. And she was my first wife. I believe that was
typical of my peers. My friends and classmates and chums were all pretty much the same. It was
the typical Midwestern, middle class life. Very different than life today ( Hugh Hefner Discusses
Playboy s Legacy, par. 3). Those are the words of Hugh M. Hefner, an American adult publisher
who was just the average Puritan raised fellow before his sexually driven Playboy enterprise took
the world by storm in the 1950s. But this out of the box... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first televised production from the Playboy Enterprises was a short run series called
Playboy s Penthouse. Another Hefner featured series came about a decade later called Playboy
After Dark, which shared the same premise as the previous program. The numerous amounts of
ladies on the show, Playmates, would share the bachelor pad staged set weekly and discuss
various topics with Hefner ( Hugh Hefner Biography, par. 13). The women on the show were
shown more so as objects to set the mood of the seductive programming, unlike Hefner s 21st
century television comeback The Girls Next Door. This time around, the women on the show were
given more value as Hefner openly obtains a relationship with leading Playboy Bunnies Holly
Madison, Kendra Wilkinson, and Bridget Marquardt (par. 23). Unlike the 20th century, The Girls
Next Door became a global smash hit and turned the featured beauties into household names in
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How Is Napoleon Similar To Joseph Stalin In Animal Farm
In Animal Farm many of the characters can be related back into everyday life around the world.
This is due to the fact that Ian Wooldridge creates the characters to represent dictators around the
world. In Animal Farm You can see that Ian Wooldridge relates the characters to dictators by two of
the main characters being Napoleon to Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky.
Joseph Stalin was the dictator and leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Between the years of 1929 1953 the USSR became a global military heavyweight underneath the
control of Stalin. He used his power and ruled by terror he did not care about the people of the
USSR as many of his innocent sullivans died during his power and time as leader.
In Animal Farm Napoleon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are many points that can confirm this. Including that in the USSR and Animal Farm they
are both duel leaders as Stalin has Trotsky, and Napoleon has Snowball. Each Stalin and
Napoleon have defenders and protectors of some type of to enforce their power in Animal Farm
Napoleon has the guard dogs and Stalin has the secret police force.
Leon Trotsky was a communist theorist and activist he was in charge of the Russian October
Revolution. He was the officer for foreign affairs under Lenin, but he resigned after conflicting
with Lenin s believes. He then come to be the red army leader and led to victory in the Russian
Civil War. After Lenin s death, he has a lack of allies to support him while Stalin has many to
support from several people. He was banished from the Soviet Union after losing in a struggle
against Stalin and he was murdered under Stalin s directions.
Ian Wooldridge introduces us to Snowball when the other pigs decide to spread Old Major s
message throughout the farm. He s a more vicious pig than Napoleon, he is much smarter he can
speak more fluently and write, whereas napoleon cannot. He was not considered to have the same
impact of character. The animals were fooled by Snowball s appearance because he s friendly and
lively, they assume that he s not as smart as he is and is stupid compared to the other
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Enders Game Movie Vs Book
For this summer of 2015 I read Enders Game for my summer reading. The author of this best
seller is Orson Scott Card. This book won the 1985 Nebula award for best novel and the 1986
Hugo award for best novel. This famous novel was made into a major motion picture and in
theaters during 2013. I choose Enders Game because either I had read every other book on the
list or the other books did not interest me. Also Enders Game was available to me at the time so
it was also convenient. Since the movie of this book seemed to be well known and popular I
assumed it would be an even better book and I was right. Another reason I choose this book is
because it is a fantasy fiction novel and fiction is very intriguing to me. This book was fascinating
for me to read and enjoy.
Enders Game is a military science fiction novel. Set in Earths future, this book is based on life on
Earth and space after two warlike conflicts with an insectoid alien species, the buggers and Earth.
While the people of Earth are preparing for a third invasion, children everywhere are raised and
trained from a very young age to fight . The government prepares these selected children with
increasingly difficult games including some resembling a battle in a space like environment with
zero gravity. In these games is when Ender s genius in battle is revealed to the government. Ender
Wiggin, the main character is the third child in his family. In his family a cruel brother four years
older, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This book is in an exciting trilogy. It is very interesting and stimulating. Every time you think his
life could be normal again something new happens and it is trilling, making you want to read
on. Most people like Ender because you might be able to relate to him. By reading this book you
can t really learn any real facts but you can learn things about life and people. I learned how bad
and good choices can affect someone s
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Remy Kennel Club Research Paper
Thank you for your interest in hosting an Remy Kennel Club (RKC) sanctioned show. This packet
includes all information, application to host an event and the rules regulations needed to become a
show host. Please read carefully. Putting on the best event possible is one of the greatest challenges
for any individual/club/kennel. Establishing a show committee correctly enables the hosting club
/kennel to meet this challenge. The show committee should be large enough to give attention to all
details, but small enough to accomplish tasks without one person having to do everything. The
RKC Representative s primary responsibility is to man the registration table. The RKC
Representative is to have the senior judge in attendance seated behind the rep from the time the
event opens until registration closes for the second show. The senior judge is available to answer
any questions a patron may have. The RKC Representative is only to assist in filling out registration
and permanent registration and issue temp licensing. The RKC Representative is responsible for
taking the temp numbers and money from the temp numbers home at the end of the day and turn
those all into the RKC office within 10 days. The RKC Representative also transfers event
registration documents onto win sheets for each judge and then hands over registration documents
to each judge.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Senior Judges Have FULL AUTHORITY at RKC Sanctioned Events, It is their responsibility to
maintain a professional and orderly show to act as quality control to maintain a level of excellence
at all RKC
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Being An International Student Essay
Being accepted into a U.S university is obviously more challenging for a foreign student like you
planning to study in America than for a U.S citizen. However, being a foreign (or international )
student does mean you have a different perspective that schools in the USA are valuable than the
ones in your country.
International students create a significant contribution to US campus life, as well as to college and
university revenues. Consequently, USA colleges and universities admit and welcome international
Which means that, although, you might want to overcome some obstacles as a way to study in
America, international students can be seen as a valuable commodity here. U.S government needs
you and your money to develop the country. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Unfortunately, this choice is not immediately open to foreign students /international students
studying in the United States on the student visa.
Note: Working On Campus with a Student Visa: No Work Permit Needed for a Foreign Student
/International Student
Many US universities provide work study programs to foreign students / international students.
These jobs usually entail manning at the school help desk, working with the university library, or
maybe even mowing the campus lawns.
Payments from these jobs are generally low, but every dollar can help when it s time to purchase
another textbook or if you intent to buy more foods to cook than eating microwave popcorn every
Foreign students / international students are limited to working 20 hours weekly, off or on campus
(although off campus needs a special international student work permit and is available once after
the 1st academic year), so you shouldn t depend on work study program to provide you with much
money throughout the school year.
During holidays and schools vacation, however, a foreign student / international student using the
proper paperwork can work unlimited hours on campus, so you could probably earn a reasonable
amount over the summer
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Health Care Delivery System Essay
The health care delivery system in U.S. has multiple components that enable people to receive
health care. It is unique and not simple system with decentralized group of health care services that
are sometimes lack of coordination, standardization, and planning. Also the system has overpriced
services, multiple insurers, selective access, and imperfect market. These are outcomes of lack a
single national entity or set of policies guiding the health care system. Often happens that doctors
and hospitals who practicing in the same community and caring for the same patients are not
connected to each other. The U.S. current healthcare payment model it is a mix of private insurers
and public programs where each have own set of rules and payment algorithms that brings problem
of waste and high administrative costs. However U.S. health care system use the most advanced...
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It is why in our days Medicare and Medicaid Programs present at health care delivery system.
Those programs guarantee access to health insurance for Americans with low income and who
ages 65 and older. Also in U.S. The State Children s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) or the
Children s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides matching funds to states for health
insurance to families with children and covering uninsured children in families with incomes that
are modest but too high to qualify for Medicaid. (Wikipedia) The latest improvement of the Health
care delivery system in U.S. is the Affordable Care Act. The ACA was enacted to increase the
quality and affordability of health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and
private insurance coverage, and reduce the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government.
(Wikipedia) The Affordable Care Act provides opportunity for delivery system reform such
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Sleep And Dreaming Open Book Assessment
Sleep and Dreaming Open Book Assessment
Use two approaches to explain the following case study of the sleep disorders experienced by Mrs
One approach to explain Mrs A s sleep disorder is by using the Biological approach which
believes us to be as a consequence of our genetics and physiology. It is the only approach in
psychology that examines thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a biological and thus physical
point of view. Mrs A. is experiencing Insomnia due to disturbing her Circadian rhythmwhich are a
variety of behavioural and physiological functions synchronised to the 24 cycle of light and dark
These include heart rate, breathing, alertness, excretion and a metabolic rae. These reach a
maximum level in the late afternoon and early evening and a minimum level in the early morning.
The circadian sleep waking rhythm determines our alertness and activity levels during the day and
night. So by Mrs. A waking up and increasing her alertness and activity levels by using her ipad she
is disrupting her circadian rhythm and thus the endogenous pacemakers or internal body clock of
the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the pineal gland which humans use to regulate this are further
being disrupted due to her Circadian rhythm being out of sync.
Humans have a natural rhythm of 25 hours of sleep and wakefulness, in order to reset this the brain
plays an important role with the suprachiasmatic nucleus which is a cluster of neurons in the medial
hypothalamus of the brain. The SCN
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Shame, By Tim O Brian
Throughout this quarter we have read many books and many genres, at first glance they don t seem
to have any intertwining themes or ideas. Yet when you dig deeper than face value you can see that
there is many underlying themes that the average reader might easily overlook. Shame is an overall
human element that is seen all throughout; The Things They Carried, the Fifth Child, and Pocatello.
Shameis the key to good literature, it is what drives the other emotions, and without shame
people would not be people. The Things They Carried, was riddled with the idea of shame. One
simple example is when Tim O Brian was drafted and he wanted to run away to Canada to be
safe from the U.S. military. This was an important internal battle for him, which he ultimately
decided to fight against and join the army, as law required. Shame was important in this piece of
literature to bring out the soldiers feelings and their true intentions. Shame also came out in the
burning of First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross letters from his sweetheart, Martha, after a man in his
company died. He felt shame. He hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as
a consequence Lavender was now dead. He burned the letters because he was ashamed that he let
the letters get to him and distract him from, what he decided was more important, the war. Ben
had to deal with a kinds of shame, he had his family ashamed of him and he was ashamed of
himself. His whole family was disgraced the way he look and
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1.Executive summary:
The main purpose of the following report is to provide information about the profile of The
Bolivarian Republican of Venezuela; in order to study the current situation of the country for further
investigations in the future that may help to understand the opportunities and risk involve in
importing and opening new markets in Venezuela.
The analysis includes reviews and an extensive research about: First the geography and global
information to introduce the country; second, the History since the arrival of the Spaniards. The
Political analysis will be explained as much detailed as possible due to its specifics characteristics
in the recent decades with the Hugo Chavez s government. He report draws special ... Show more
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Life expectancy (2009) 73.94 years.
Ethnic groups: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African, Amerindian.
Source: INE
According to the 2001 census, almost 80% of the population lives in urban areas. The Capital is the
Metropolitan Caracas, the country s largest city, that has an estimated of 5.2 million inhabitants.
Venezuela is proud of its tradition as a melting pot, and the majority of its citizens have a mixed
racial heritage of Caucasian, African, and American Indian elements. Other major cities are
Maracaibo, Valencia, Barquisimeto, Maracay, Merida, Ciudad Bolivar.
The country is well known for its Misses, having the record guiness of the most beauty contest
awards, 6 Miss Universes and several Miss worlds, it is also famous because of the soap operas
(telenovelas) and baseball players.
Varies from tropical to temperate, depending the elevation. There are mainly two seasons, the rainy
from July to November and the dry one the rest of the year.
Figure 6: Map of Venezuela. Source: http://www.mapsofworld.com
Before the arrival of Christopher Colombus who landed in Venezuela in 1498, the population was
composed by Indians Timotocuicas, Arawaks, Wayuu, Caribes and others, not as advance as the
Incas or Mayas Civilizations for example in some others parts of the continent. The real Spanish
Colonization started 38 years after that. From 1925 to 1938 The King
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The Circadian Sunlight
The Circadian Rhythm, Sleep, and Effects of Sunlight
Hanna M. MaciД…giewicz
Wright College
This paper will demonstrate
The circadian rhythm is a psychological and physical pattern that each human experiences in order
to maintain homeostasis. The circadian rhythm can manifest in mental alertness, the sensitivity to
pain, various hormone secretions, and most obviously, the sleep wake cycle. In Latin, circadian
rhythm translates to about and day . Examples of circadian rhythms in action are sensitivity and
dullness to pain, fluctuations of body temperatures, the brains most alert and calm state, and degree
of sleepiness along with highest
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Review Of Alan Brinkley s The Unfinished Nation
Section 1: Identification and Evaluation The investigation question: What were the limitations of
the programs presented in the first New Deal? will focus between the years 1933 to 1935, as the
nation, with FDR s guidance, slowly attempted to dig its way out of the Depression. Analysis will
be made regarding the purpose of the programs and what they lacked in gaining success. Though
some of his first few domestic programs garnered success, Roosevelt s first New Dealhad not fully
provided the country with the solace it needed. The first source evaluated was Alan Brinkley s
The Unfinished Nation, published in 2004. This source is valuable in its origin because
Brinkley, a professor Columbia University, specializes in twentieth century American history. He
has won several awards for his works, was chair of the Department of History, and later became
University Provost. Brinkley s 45 years as a historian, as well as the fact that his scholarship
focuses mainly on the period of the Great Depression, indicates extensive knowledge on the
subject. The purpose is valuable in that Brinkley s The Unfinished Nation is a historical textbook
used widely in colleges and high schools with AP classes, indicating the validity of the work. The
second source evaluated was Ira Katznelson s Fear Itself, published in 2014. This source is
valuable in its origin because Katznelson is an Americanist a specialist in American culture and
history allowing him to be knowledgeable in most, if not
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Gun Control Laws Are Protect Women From Domestic Abusers...
More gun control laws are needed to protect women from domestic abusers and stalkers. Five
women are killed with firearms consistently in the United States. A lady s danger of being killed
increments 500% if a weapon is available amid a local question. Amid the Iraq and Afghanistan
wars, 5,364 US warriors were murdered in real life between Oct. 7, 2001 and Jan. 28, 2015;
somewhere around 2001 and 2012 6,410 ladies were slaughtered with a firearmby a close
accomplice in the United States. A 2003 investigation of 23 crowded high pay nations found that
86% of ladies killed by guns were in the United States and American ladies are 11.4 times more
inclined to be the casualties of firearm crimes 57% of mass shootings included aggressive
behavior at home. For instance, the 2011 mass shooting at a Seal Beach, CA hair salon
supposedly started in view of the shooter s guardianship fight with his ex who was a hairdresser at
the salon. 31 states don t forbid indicted offense stalkers from owning weapons and 41 states don t
compel sentenced local abusers from surrendering firearmsthey as of now own.76% of ladies killed
and 85% of ladies who survived a murder endeavor by a private accomplice were stalked in the year
prior to the murder or murder endeavor.
Gun control laws, especially those that try to ban assault weapons, infringe upon the right to own
guns for hunting and sport. In 2011, there were 13.7 million seekers 16 years of age or more
seasoned in the United States, and
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Pine Barrens Research Papers
What is the Pine Barrens? The Pine Barrens is a region of land filled with wildlife, and many
important industries that contribute to everyday life. This miraculous area is found in New Jersey,
in the United States, and it covers 22% of the state. Lots of animals and many different varieties of
plants call this massive area home. Trees, such as the pitch pine, have adapted to the fire hazard
area by the way their appearance is. Many other animals and plants have also done the same to
adapt to this environment. This past May, I (along with my whole sixth grade), took a trip to
Camp Ockanickon and spent three days there in the cabins that were separated by boys and girls.
We were assigned activities each day and there were a variety of lessons... Show more content on
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If you take a close look at this area, you ll find many other animal species and habitats that will
leave you speechless wondering how they could survive in a habitat. In fact, in the Pine Barrens,
there is a total of 39 species of mammals, 299 birds, 59 reptiles, and 91 fish that have been
spotted. All of these animals contribute to the ecosystem by participating in the food chain, and
even some individual animals help us as well. Bees suck in a type of liquid called nectar from a
flower blossom, and store it in what s known as the honey stomach, which differs from their food
stomach. Once they have a full load, they bring it back to their hive. Next time when you see a
bee flying around you, or near a flower, don t swat at it. Instead, watch and see how it collects the
pollen we use for honey. Worms are another example of animals that can be found in the Pine
Barrens that helps the ecosystem as well. They help aerate (which means to allow air into) the soil
so that the roots of plants can have access to better oxygen that they need in order to survive. All
around you in the Pine Barrens, you see tons of trees. You can thank a couple forgetful squirrels
for those. Each year, these squirrels carelessly drop acorns or stash their supply throughout yards
and forests of the Pine Barrens ecosystem. Eventually, those seeds will sprout into a tree that will
continue to grow and adapt to be part of the ecosystem over time. Nature relies on this process from
squirrels to continuously drop and stash more acorns to keep the growth of trees continuing, since
the acorns canВґt move on their own to be
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Papyrus Essay
During biblical times especially in the New Testament era, producing an epistle or letter was
laborious, costly, and timely undertaking. In order to produce letters, epistles, or writings, many
writers would use skilled scribes or amanuenses to compose the information on papyrus. According
to D.A. Carson and Douglas Moo, the method employed by an amanuensis greatly differed
contingent upon the skills of the scribe and the relationship between the writer and amanuensis.
However, the technique and freedom inherited in this role allowed the amanuenses flexibility in
scripting the author s views. The standard material used in writingwas reed pen and ink, and
transcribed on papyrus. Thomas Lea and David Black shares depending on the size of the letters,
each sheet could hold 150 250 words. If the writings are longer than one sheet, the pages were
joined at the edges to form a scroll.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There were many biblical manuscripts produced in the names of ancient canonical figures such as
Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Enoch, Ezra, and Moses. The Christian movement did not end this
manufacturing of pseudonymous works as many scholars question the authenticity of Ephesians,
the Pastoral Epistles, 2 Peter, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, and 1 Peter. It can be easily inferred that
the New Testament Christians used some pseudepigraphic method in their writings. In 1 and 2
Thessalonians there are differences of opinions on the apocalyptic signs of the arrival of Christ.
First Thessalonians allude to the event happening as like a thief in the night, while 2 Thessalonians
share that signs will come before the arrival of the Parousia. Further, there is uncertainties in Paul
writing of Colossians, since he had not visited the city prior to writing the letter. Therefore, it is
possible that this letter could have been written under the penmanship of another writer, but
attributed to
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Essay Baltimore
The beautiful city of Baltimore, Maryland, nicknamed Charm City is full of historical cites and
landmarks. It was founded July 30, 1729, and it was named after Lord Baltimore, the first
proprietary governor of the Province of Maryland1. It was founded to serve the economic needs of
18th century farmers2. The waterways in Baltimorehave been a passage for ships carrying
commercial cargo and new citizens since the 1600s. Baltimore became the second leading port of
entry for immigrants to the United States during the 1800s. Shipbuilding was one of the earliest
industries in Baltimore, and it increased during the Revolution and the War of 1812. When the
British controlled Philadelphia in 1777, Baltimore became the meeting place of the... Show more
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Just prior to the Civil War, Marylandwas a southern slave state, and during the war, they became
part of the union but still kept slavery legal. The Pro southern sentiment led to the Baltimore riot of
1861, when Union soldiers marched through the city. After the riot Union troops occupied
Baltimore, and the whole state of Maryland came under direct federal administration until the end
of the war in 1865. This was a very vital move by the union because they did not want Washington,
D.C. to become completely surrounded by seceded Confederate territory. The case Ex parte
Merryman, written by the Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, dealt with the habeas corpus
rights of Marylanders jailed by the Abraham Lincoln Administration and strongly reprimanded
Lincoln for his actions. Baltimore s overseas trade was principally with the Caribbean Islands and
South America, regions undergoing economic and social changes. At the same time, the American
frontier was pushing even farther west, threatening to leave Baltimore behind in its economic wake.
The State of Maryland concentrated its efforts on completing the Chesapeake Ohio Canal, designed
to link the Potomac and Ohio River valleys, but the city of Baltimore supported an overland link in
the form of the Baltimore Ohio
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Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Analysis
Philip K. Dick s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? provides a deep, insightful
commentary on the real meaning of humanity through the refreshing context of a disconcerting
depiction of the future. By utilizing the internal conflict of android bounty hunter Rick Deckard, the
novel is able to bring into question the very way humans define humanity, suggesting that society s
moral principles apply even to non living beings. Primarily, Deckard s changing thoughts
concerning the humanity of the androids he sought to kill portray to the reader that the sanctity of
life is not limited to biological creatures alone. In the novel s beginning, Deckard had little reason
to question the morality of his job of retiring androids. Through the
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The Causes Of The Stock Market Crash Of 2008
In Frontline s The Meltdown, the causes of the stock market crash of 2008 came into discussion.
The topics regarding Bear Stearns, the Lehman Brothers and their collapse, and the huge bailout
made in results to the market crash. There were great points being made on the mistakes Henry
Paulson and Ben Bernanke did not view from their perspective, which in turns were the problems
that made up the crash.
It was not until 2007 when foreclosures occurred more and became prominent, especially since the
last market crash during the Great Depression. As Gretchen Morgenson of the New York Times
discusses, Bear Stearns was known for his great plays with mortgages on Wall Street. People
who believed Stearns would pull the right decisions became scared as the values of their assets
were decreasing. This created a necessitated attitude towards money since their was money being
borrowed fighting against the collaterals, in turns the assets. When the assets started to decline,
you need to start paying back money to those you have borrowed from. Roughly $1.6 billion was
discarded in Stearns decisions, which was the start to the stress he would obtain from the crash.
This enabled the world to see how weak the market was, especially those who had a role within
the market. When banks also saw the weakness mortgage companies had developed, they decided
to raise the cost of borrowing money from them, creating doubts if these mortgage firms, such as
Stearns, would be able to solve this
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Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Utilization
Power Electronics Application in Renewable Energy Utilization Kyle Felthauser
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, United States of America kyle.felthauser@ttu.edu Abstract This paper covers the need
and use of power electronics in the application of renewable energy utilization. Covered in this
paper is wind energy with variable speed drives and their controlling power electronics. Solar
energy, specifically photovoltaics and their controlling power electronics. High voltage direct
current transmission lines and the power electronics that allow for this technology to exist.
Keywords Power Electronics; Wind Energy; Solar Energy, High Voltage Direct Current
Energy demands are on the rise across the world and in many modernized countries the push for
renewable energy is rising. Two of the main renewable energy sources that are getting a lot of
attention are wind and solar. One of the difficulties presented with some renewable energy sources
are their inherent inconsistency. Wind intensities change from hour to hour and from one season to
the next. Solar radiation can be strong one minute and be nearly blocked out the next by a cloud.
To make renewable energy more reliable and coincide with strict utility standards the use of power
electronics is needed. The advancement in power electronics has also greatly improved in
efficiency and allows more energy to be captured by natural resources. Another difficulty with
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Colonial Period To Civil War Dbq
Civil War Colonial Times 1607 1775 1. From 1600 1763, several European nations vied for control
of the North American continent. Why did England win the struggle? (73) 2. In the seventeenth
century, New England Puritans tried to create a model society. What were their aspirations, and to
what extent were those aspirations fulfilled during the seventeenth century? (83) 3. In the two
decades before the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, there was a profound shift in the
way many Americans thought and felt about the British government and their colonial
governments. Assess the validity of this statement in view of the political and... Show more content
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(2003) 26. Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic,
this development often faced serious opposition. Compare the motives and effectiveness of
those opposed to the growing power of the national government in TWO of the following.
Whiskey Rebellion, 1794 Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions, 1798 1799 Hartford Convention,
1814 1815 Nullification Crisis, 1832 1833 (2003B) 27. Analyze the impact of the American
Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from 1775 1800. (2004) 28.
To what extent was the United States Constitution a radical departure from the Articles of
Confederation? (2005B) Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1825 29. The Era of Good Feeling
(1816 1824) marked the appearance of issues that transformed American politics in the next 20
years. Assess the validity of this generalization. (75) 30. Early United States foreign policy was
primarily a defensive reaction to perceived or actual threats from Europe. Assess the validity of
this generalization with reference to United States foreign policy on TWO major issues during the
period from 1789 1825. (83) Jackson and American Life 1825 1860 31. Andrew Jackson s election
as President marked the beginning of a new age in American political history. Assess the validity of
this generalization. (71) 32. Account for the emergence of utopian communities from the mid 1820
s through the 1840 s and evaluate
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Statement Of Purpose In Microbiology
From the very beginning of my student life, I loved biology. When I was in my lower secondary
school, I still remember that day when my science teacher told me the story of microbes and the
day after showed and taught applications of microscope, my interest in microbiology started to take
its shape. I became even intensely interested when he told us that bacteriaand virus are invisible to
your naked eyes, however they can cause you disease and some might kill you. After the
completion of my high schoolas a science major student, my parents wanted me to join medical
school and become a doctor. But I had already encrypted curiosity of microbiology inside my
mind. So, I began my journey into the world of microbiology. I secretly joined microbiology
without telling my parents and told them that I am not shortlisted in MBBS exam.
My interest in microbiology deepened during my bachelors degree while studing Medical
Microbiology at Trichandra college. While in bachelors degree, I learned how to manage time in
stressful conditions besides laying a firm base on the basics of Microbiology and lab practices. I
tutored high school level students as a part time tutor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I am particularly interested in the ongoing research in the lab of prof. Dr. Diana Fagan. I have
contacted her and she encouraged me to apply for a position in his lab. Understanding immune
response and applying it to prevent diseases is of paramount importance in developing novel and
effective therapeutics. By doing so, billions of dollars and countless lives can be saved around the
globe. My second, and personal, goal is to convey the in depth understanding and love of
microbiology and immunology to the students I teach. My long term goal is to be a part of
transformation in understanding the immunulogy, mechanism of infection, antibiotic resistance and
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Police Department And The Law Enforcement
The police department and the law enforcement sector as a whole has been thought of having
myriad challenges with regards to situations of the breaking of law. This is mainly because an
officer is not always aware of what type of situation he/ she is going to encounter next in the
course of maintaining law and order which is their basic mandate; having said that, it is an all too
familiar situation to the law enforcement officers that any particular situation is entirely different
from another. With respect to that, an officer may encounter some breaking of the law in one
particular street; in such a street or state, the citizens may be having a very good record as far as
observing the law is concerned. On the other hand, the same policeofficer may encounter a
situation whereby a citizen has gone contrary to the law in a street infamous for the breach of
law and order. In both cases, police discretion is highly advised. It would not be a surprise to see
the officer acting harsh on the latter scenario as a result of the pre formed mindset as far as
history of a particular area of jurisdiction is concerned. It is for that reason that police discretion
appears to be quite a challenging issue of concern in any typical society as a result of controversies
which tend to occur in the process of exercising police discretion as asserted by Ross, (2012).
Police discretion
Police discretion in this context refers to the ability of a law enforcement officer to make a quick
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Iran Current Event
Suraj Shrestha
PSCI 2000
Current event assignment
Professor Grace Cheng
18th Feb 2016
Situation of the present Iran Iran was known as Persia before 1935 and was the ultimate empires
of the olden period. When the monarchy system ended in 1979, Iran became an Islamic republic
and the political system was under the control of the supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Now it is
known as the Islamic republic of Iran. The Iranian revolution was the finish line for the Shah rule
that had isolated affective political and religious powers with programme linked to Westernization
and modernization connected with huge oppression of rebellion. Totalitarian refers that all the
powers are in the hands of the state controlling all the aspects of society ... Show more content on
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In parliament, members and representatives are not voted or elected democratically by the
people of the country. The chief council chooses them who follow their criteria of judgment
rather than coming up with their own decision. Also president do not have political power,
which results the entire power to the supreme leader of the country. The Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps are there to protect the military power of the leader at all times. The reason for the
violence by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are due to fact that in dictatorship power
beats and power is only gained when there is persecution of the society. The Iranian secret service
are the ones that terrorize the homes of people of Iran and also abroad. They have been very
terrorizing as we could see in the 2009 post election by the civilian clothed officers exploiting and
defecating the opposition parties. Further more they also monitor the exiled Iranian living outside
the border of Iran making sure they do not play any opposition part from outside. Taking all the
above points and claims into consideration, we now know that the twentieth century, the totalitarian
dictatorship were the two wrong subject named the German National Socialism and Stalinism
whereas, in the 21st century Islamism is the third deceptive subject which rules human nature and
their desire to be free. Rights have been deprived from them; families have been threatened
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Paul Cezanne Essay
Post Impressionism, as the name would suggest, is the art movement that directly followed
Impressionism. One artist, who led the Post Impressionism movement, was French artist, Paul
CГ©zanne. Much of his early work was pure Impressionism and, although he was introduced to the
style and guided by Camille Pissarro, CГ©zanne s works showed a distinctive uniqueness.
CГ©zanne broke away from Impressionism because of the lack of composition; he felt the desire
to depict subjects in the third dimension as well as appearing flat. CГ©zanne did not agree with the
Impressionistic trait of portraying the world through light, instead, he built up images by a
generous use of colour. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He did not have the same attraction towards light as did many Impressionist, he believed that the
structure of objects should be portrayed through colour, not light, quot;I seek to render
perspective only through colour quot;. CГ©zanne created the illusion of depth in his works by
adding numerous layers of colour to distinguish the form of his subjects. He would perfect the
design in his works by distorting objects and having multiple viewpoints on the same object. In
quot;Still Life with Apples and Peaches quot; (1905), the table is seen from two different sides, as
well as from above and some of the objects on the table are viewed front on, while others are
viewed from above.
CГ©zanne would create a 3D effect in his works by giving each object many planes he would
add to this effect with his vast use of colours. He took advantage of how warm colours (reds and
oranges) and cool colours (blues and greens) draw the eye closer or push it away. An example of
this is in quot;Mont Ste. Victoire Seen from Bibemus Quarry quot; (1898 1906), the mountain in
the background use blues and greys to emphasise its position in relation to other objects. The
boulders in the foreground demonstrate CГ©zanne s use of planes; the areas that protrude are in
blocks of red, whereas the areas that are sunken in are in blocks of orange or yellow, giving the
impression that it has many faces.
CГ©zanne s later works
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Essay On Liver Cancer
For decades, liquid air, carbonic snow and iced saline solutions were used to destroy advance
malignancies for palliative purposes [5]. Now, there is a significantly increasing demand for novel,
minimally invasive treatments as the need for tumour detection rises. When surgery is not feasible,
other therapeutic alternatives including chemotherapy, thermal ablation, systemic therapies and
intra arterial interventions are used [6]. Unfortunately, no systemic therapy has been proven
effective. While chemotherapy and RFA have shown to relieve pain, decrease liver size and
improve liver function tests, it also affects the normal liver as well as tumorous tissues, limiting
their usefulness [5]. CA which is based on the non toxic nature of cold... Show more content on
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It has been shown that the blood vessels of tumour are more sensitive to heat than normal
vasculature [8]. A study carried out by Zhao et al. demonstrated the heating effect of thermal
significant blood vessels in CA [9]. Further research has been done on the effects of large blood
vessels on the transient temperature field during CA for four different arrangements between
tumour and blood vessel [10]. Wang et al. in their study coupled the heat transfer and fluid flow
model established in a three dimensional space consisting of tumour, normal tissue and vascular
network [8] . This model was used to predict the effect of vascular network on IIF, tumour
destruction and thermal history during treatment. The numerical approaches to the
multidimensional freezing problem during CA may generally be divided to the finite difference
method (FDM) and the finite element method (FEM). A comparison done showed that FEM is
more suitable for irregular boundaries which is often the case for tumour tissues [9] . For
example, Zhang et al. generated a three dimensional model directly from the MRI images of a real
prostate which was analysed using FEM to predict heat transfer in prostate cancer CA [11].
Literature written shows that the structures of natural systems may have the fractal tree like
branched structure which ensures minimal dissipation and can be space
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The Central Auditory System
The receptive organ for audition is the organ of Corti, located on the basilar membrane (Carlson
Birkett, 2017). The inner hair cells form synapses with the dendrites of the bipolar neurons whose
axons give rise to the cochlear branch of the eighth cranial nerve. The central auditory system
involves several brain stem nuclei, including the cochlear nuclei, superior olivary complexes, and
inferior colliculi. The medial geniculate nucleus relays auditory information to the primary auditory
cortex on the medial surface of the temporal lobe. The primary auditory cortex contains three
separate tonotopic representations of auditory information and is surrounded by two levels of
auditory association cortex: the belt region, which contains seven
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European Law Essay Competition
European Law Essay Competition

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European Law Essay Competition

  • 1. European Law Essay Competition 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. European Law Essay Competition European Law Essay Competition
  • 2. Parental Neglect By Roald Dahl s Matilda And Neil Gaiman... Child abuse, in any form, is cause for outrage. This makes the question of whether neglect, benign or otherwise, is better than violence hard to consider. According to Canada s Public Health Agency, parental neglect, at 34% of cases, is the most commonly reported form of child maltreatment (31). In Roald Dahls Matilda and Neil Gaiman s Coraline, parental neglect is contrasted against violence as both are shown to be psychologically detrimental to a child, while the impact of these imperfect parents is able to help a child redefine their sense of self. The overt neglect of her prodigal intellect experienced by Matilda leaves her feeling misunderstood and an outsider in her family which differs from the perceived neglect which leaves Coraline struggling with her sense of self. Born to parents described as gormless (Dahl 4), Matilda is both blessed and cursed with a prodigal intellect. Causing Matilda to crave knowledge, it is her intellect that leads her at the age of four years and three months (9), to defy her parents and everyday walk to the library. Matilda admits to this neglect to Mrs. Phelps, the librarian, when she tells her of her mother, She doesn t encourage reading books. Nor does my father (10). With this statement Matilda shows how her parents have neglected to foster her intellect. Matilda s eagerness to digest information, and the fact that the only book in the Wormwood home is her mother s cookbook, elaborates how she differs from her parents. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Bullying At A Young Age Have you ever been called a nasty name? Or even made fun because of your hair, or even your clothes? Or have you have made fun of someone because of their hair or clothes? Bullying is something that is active across the world, and it doesn t just happen in schools, it can happen anywhere at any time to anyone. We can all always do our best to prevent it but the outcome is very low. Statistics show that between the ages of 5 and 7 is when bullying is very hot. In the article Bullying at a young age it states that between these ages is when children are maturing and starting to realize new things about others children do not intend to pick on one another they just simply do don t know how to be polite about the situation. When bullying is in action most of the time other tend to believe the parents are not connected with their children as much as they should be. Sometimes a person begins to bully others because of their situation and lifestyle at home. We all know things at home can sometimes get a little out of hand, in all families. A child may come from a single parent home or their parents may have just recently split up. In other instances, a person may live in a poor neighborhood and their parents or guardians may not be handling the responsibility of being a parent in a way that they should. The most popular reason for a bully to start bullying in the first place usually is a cry for help. If a person comes from a place where everything is negative, and there ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Brief Summary Of The Lego Company Brief Summary of the Lego Case The Lego Company, was founded in 1916, by Ole Kirk Christiansen in Billund, Denmark. The company quickly expanded, producing double digit sales. Then, with the development of social media Lego appeared to hit a brick wall when faced with the challenge of how to market their Lego Bricks on the social web. Jack McKee, a former social media practitioner at Lego, was able to help change the culture within the organization, so they could use the social web to build relationships with customers, generate new product ideas by sharing propriety information, and better understand their customers. A strategy was put into place to help understand customer behavior. The social media strategies enabled Lego to create personas to segment their markets. This was accomplished by the use of six distinct personas to categorize customers, according to purchase and usage rate. This was a huge contributor to Lego becoming one of the most successful toy manufactures. Question #1: Which of the three personas does the Lego Group spend the most social media marketing time and effort? It is likely that different personas will emerge from the Lego Group over time? Explain. The first three personas spend a great amount of time on social media interaction. However, of the three personas the Lead Users of Lego are the most involved with the production. They play a vital role because they help shape product design. Though they have the fewest members they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Claude Mckay Enslaved Have you ever thought about how life would be like if you were a slave? Getting tired of people controlling your life and wanting to seek your revenge? In Enslaved by Claude McKay, it talks about a hatred world where white men treated African Americans unkind. African Americans rarely had any time to spend with their families, couldn t afford to give them a variety of foods. They felt oppressed, angry, denied; they wanted to seek revenge. Feeling the urge to have equal rights with every race in the world. In contrast, they hated slavery; felt racial prejudice against the world; wanted to seek revenge for their own freedom. In this poem he uses an abundance of rhyme. Which means, a sound between words or at the end ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oh when I think of my long suffering race, For weary centuries despised, oppressed, Enslaved and lynched, denied a human place In the great life line of the Christian West. (Mckay). He uses rhyme to get his point across that, everyone was mistreated during slavery and disinherited. The long suffering race (McKay). refers to his own reference. Mckays life was a disaster during the 1800 s. Not only did he wish to have a better life but others did as well. Mckay also uses simile in his poem. A figure of speech using like or as . African Americans compared their lives to a different issue to get their point across. My heart grows sick with hate, becomes as lead. (Mckay). He is explaining that his heart turned soft while being destroyed; never had enough money to feed himself or to support his family. Imagine living life under someone s dictate all day everyday. Another literary device he uses is metaphor. A figure of speech in which a word is
  • 6. applied to an object or action which is not literally applicable. He describes his heart turning into hate when the heart can t physically or emotionally do that. My heart grows sick ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Impact Of Sports And Sports In Elizabethan England There were many sports that made popular by citizens in Elizabethan England. Nobles most often participated in sports such as archery, bowling, dice, hammer throwing and most known tennis ( Alchin Elizabethan Sports ). These nobles watched wrestling and blood sports including bear and bull baiting and dog and cock fighting. The queen often appeared at these events (Alchin Elizabethan Bear Bull Baiting ). Sports began to come from other countries and continents as people would travel to england. Tennis was the most popular sport by the upper classes and originated in medieval France. Sports presented an opportunity as a release for England s people. The most popular sport was bear baiting which first became business in the mid 1500s. People s lives involved bull baiting and arenas formed to host these spectacles. Philip Henslowe established dedicated animal fighting arenas in Thames (Alchin Elizabethan Bear Bull Baiting ). The noisy, blood arenas were popular, and considered the main competition to the plays put on at theaters. These spectacles gave people a place to get away and watch a beloved event (Andrews). Golf s popularity was short lived. King James VI of Scotland made it popular while he reined (Baker 86). Believed to have been popular solely for the reason of the King playing it along with his mother. The cruel sports had multiple effects on the people of England. People were at awe with these bloody sports. An Italian merchant who watched one of these ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Yuma Case Study In the beginning, Yuma was a just a small town that would continuously be flooding. Yuma wanted to make something out of the small floodplain town so they decided to try to control the Colorado river flow. Yuma county thought about what they could do... in 1912, they built a dam to regulate the flow of water to the Yuma Valley. Many corporations helped with the redirect of the water flow. I m not sure if the Yuma people realized that with the construction of the dam, their small town would soon be booming. Yuma wanted to become this area of agricultural greatness, so they came together with other corporations to achieve this goal of theirs. From that day Yuma has been working and being involved with the agricultural business. Before Yuma... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The dams prevented the transportation of steamboats from going upriver. The dams made the water levels fluctuate and made the use of steamboat transporting goods unsafe and making it unsafe because there wasn t enough clearance for the boats to move through without knowing if you were going to make it through. To turn this around a few positive effects on Yuma County was in 1931 the California Seven Party Agreement that states that Yuma County would be given water to use for their crops. The 1931 California Seven Party Agreement states that the Palo Verde Irrigation District, the Imperial Irrigation District, the Yuma Project and lands in Imperial and Coachella valleys are to be served by the All American Canal. After the siphon was built and the farms were prospering settlers came, the area was expanding and so was Yuma. The whole idea was to claim the West by ensuring a stable water supply to irrigate crops and for towns to grow. Since these deals were being made to direct water to Yuma, the Yuma Siphon has been distributing water to Yuma County for over one hundred years! The water that flows through the siphon helps irrigate about 50,000 acres of fertile farmland in all of the Yuma valley. The siphon was such a great engineering breakthrough, it s still used today! Nearly 100 years later, water still flows through the underground passageway on its way to irrigate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. A Look Into Germany s Economy Essay Germany Natalie Retzlaff, Blake Otte, Cameron Bancroft, Claudia Navarro Economics 2110 CRN 10232 A Look into Germany s Economy When looking at a map of Europe and asked to identify a country with one of the best economically sound counties, many people would say Germany. According to the UK German connection Voyage, Germanyis a republic with a parliamentary democracy and a bicameral system of government. The Federal Government consists of the Chancellor and his or her ministers who are drawn from the members of the Bundestag. The ministers usually belong to the parties who form the ruling coalition. Germany is also said to have the largest national economy in Europe. Germany s economy is also the fourth largest by nominal GDP in the world (EW World Economy Team). As stated by the website German Culture, Germany s economy is labeled as a Social Market Economy otherwise known in German as the soziale Marktwirtschaft. For years Germany has been seen as one of the leaders of economy in Europe and around the world, but that doesn t always mean the country is stable. Germany has a long and treacherous history of being labeled unstable. . From the time Hitler dominated Germany in 1933 to the time of the Berlin Wall in 1961 Germany has struggled in the past with their own people and their economy. However, if a person would look at Germany s economy today they would find a very different picture. According to Make it in Germany, Germany has been a stable democracy for the past ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. British Colonies And The New England Colonies Throughout the New World many British colonies were established for various reasons. A few of those reasons being for religious freedom, farming, and gold. The way that certain colonies would succeed and develop depended on geographical factors. Eventually some colonies would flourish through farming, seaport trade, or industry. In the New England colonies such as Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, their economy succeeded through shipbuilding and trading. The soil up north was very rocky and the New England colonies experienced long winters short summers, which didn t create ideal farming land. Despite the flawed farming elements, colonists managed to subsistence farm within the short growing season. This means that the colonists grew just enough crops to provided to their families. ( New England Colonies. New England Colonies. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Sept. 2014.) Although New England didn t have the best farming conditions the colonies had an abundant amount of trees. The trees were cut down and then used as lumber and timber for shipbuilding. Since the New England colonies were in a close proximity of the sea the colonies depended heavily on trade and fishing. New England participated in the Triangular Trade, exporting goods such as lumber, fish, horses and flour then in return the West Indies would supply the colonies with sugar, molasses, and rum. (Shmoop Editorial Team. Economy in Colonial New England. Shmoop.com. Shmoop University, Inc., ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. SWOT Analysis Of Activision Blizzard Advancements in information and technology have been the driving force behind some of the successful companies in the world. Businesses are leveraging this development to build competitive strategies by which they can make and sell their products and services. One of the companies that are leveraging technology to sell their services is ActivisionBlizzard, which makes and sells video game. Activision Blizzardhas managed to establish five different business units, all of which are in the entertainment industry. The success of the company has seen it establish itself as one of the largest company in the United States and Europe in terms of its market capitalization and revenue. In an industry that has seen many other companies emerging, Activision Blizzard has the responsibility of making and adjusting its operational strategies to remain ahead of the competition. One of the approaches that it can use in the achievement of this important goal is using a SWOT analysis tool. By doing the SWOT, Activision Blizzard can identify weaknesses and threats in its operations and device strategies for working on them to remain relevant and competitive in the market. Team Organization External (SWOT) for Activision Blizzard The SWOT analysis for Activision Blizzard can be summarized below. Helms and Nixon (2010) say that the SWOT remains an important tool in doing a company analysis. Activision Blizzard s SWOT analysis is shown; Strengths In the recent past, Activision Blizzard has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Evelyn Taft Research Paper Evelyn Taft Bio, Wiki, Age, Net worth, Wedding, Baby, Husband and Pregnant Evelyn Taft is well known journalist, meteorologist, news anchor and director. She is an active member of National Weather Association. Evelyn Taft was born in 1984 which makes her current age 33. She celebrates her birthday 24th of August in every year. She took birth in Bay Region, San Francisco, California, USA to the Russian Jewish parents. She spent her childhood in France, Israel and London. Evelyn joined Menlo school of Atherton, California for her high school education. Then, she attended Annerberg School of Journalism of the University of Southern California and graduated in 2006. Later she attended the Mississippi State University and received degree in Meteorology.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She stands at the height of 5 feet 4 inches with a perfect body shape. She is capable of speaking four languages including Russian, English, Hebrew and French. Career and Net worth At the age of 16 only, Evelyn Taft started hosting in her own TV show on Travel and Entertainment. She worked for KCAL as a weather anchor and reporter along with three other reporters; Rick Garcia, Sharon Tay and Stephanie Simmons. Before working for KCAL TV channel 9 station, she worked at KRON4 in San Francisco as a presenter of weather forecast. She also worked at KCOY, a CBS affiliate as a weather anchor and reporter. At present, she is chief weeknight meteorologist for the KCAL TV channel 9 stations in Los Angeles. She is a member of National Weather Association and granted with Seal of Approval. She has worked with the best programs and channels so there are no doubt that she is receiving a high amount of salary. It also boosts net worth of Evelyn Taft. The net worth of Evelyn Taft is not yet revealed to the surface of the media however it is assumed to be high as she is working for the top news programs. Is Evelyn Taft married? Who is her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time India Critical... Check Your Privilege: Rearden s Insight on Confronting Socioeconomic Privilege Though Greenhill prides itself on acting as a microcosm of a diverse society, its role as an esteemed, albeit costly, private school lends itself to the erasure of socioeconomic status from discussions of diversity and inclusion. Through reading Alexie s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, the reality of povertytakes center stage, through Arnold s narrative perspective. Alexie s nuanced description of life as an impoverished Native American student provided me innumerable insights into the life of poverty, from not being able to afford gas money, to drinking flavored water for breakfast, or not being able to keep a pet alive. While Arnold s perspective provided me a depth of the impoverished perspective, I constantly found myself most impacted by socioeconomic statusin scenes of confronted privilege by both the white students at Rearden high school, and Arnold himself. These scenes reinforced the powerof confronting privilege as a means to help others, and as reflective tools to put high school experiences in a broader perspective. Penelope, Roger, Arnold, and the Rearden community s confrontation of privilege and subsequent character development highlight the healing power of transcending socioeconomic barriers with empathy and support. The most profound confrontation of privilege in the text is Arnold s remarkable realization that despite winning the basketball game for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Better America Building a Better America One Wealth Quintile at a Time Perspectives on Psychological Science 6(1) 9 12 ВЄ The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1745691610393524 http://pps.sagepub.com Michael I. Norton1 and Dan Ariely2 1 Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, and 2Department of Psychology, Duke University, Durham, NC Abstract Disagreements about the optimal level of wealth inequality underlie policy debates ranging from taxation to welfare. We attempt to insert the desires of regular Americans into these debates, by asking a nationally representative online panel to estimate the current distribution of wealth in the United States and to build a better ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Norton, Harvard Business School, Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02163, or Dan Ariely, Duke University, One Towerview Road, Durham, NC 27708 E mail: mnorton@hbs.edu or dandan@duke.edu 10 Norton and Ariely Building a Better America Fig. 1. Relative preference among all respondents for three distributions: Sweden (upper left), an equal distribution (upper right), and the United States (bottom). Pie charts depict the percentage of wealth possessed by each quintile; for instance, in the United States, the top wealth quintile owns 84% of the total wealth, the second highest 11%, and so on. Americans Prefer Sweden For the first task, we created three unlabeled pie charts of wealth distributions, one of which depicted a perfectly equal distribution of wealth. Unbeknownst to respondents, a second distribution reflected the wealth distribution in the United States; in order to create a distribution with a level of inequality that clearly fell in between these two charts, we constructed a third pie chart from the income distribution of Sweden (Fig. 1).2 We presented respondents with the three pairwise combinations of these pie charts (in
  • 15. random order) and asked them to choose which nation they would rather join given a Rawls constraint for determining a just society (Rawls, 1971): In considering this question, imagine that if you joined this nation, you would be randomly assigned to a place in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. An Analysis of Personality Theory An Analysis of Personality Theory by for Everyone has a personality, of course, but until fairly recently, there were no personality theories available to help understand what factors contribute to its development. In recent years, though, personality theories such as McCrae and Costa s Big Five and Schwartz s theory of basic values have been advanced for these purposes. To gain some deeper insights into these issues, this paper presents a review of the relevant peer reviewed and scholarly literature to provide a definition of personality and an examination of theoretical approaches to studying personality. Finally, an analysis of those factors that may influence an individual s personality development is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning personality theory in the conclusion. Review and Analysis Definition of Personality An individual s personality is comprised of several factors, some of which may be more prominent at some times than others. The dictionary entry personality defines it as, the complex of characteristics that distinguishes an individual or a nation or group; especially the totality of an individual s behavioral and emotional characteristics (Merriam Webster, 2001, p. 1687). In this regard, Barrick and Mount (1999) advise that, Personality may to advantage be broadly analyzed into five distinguishable but separate factors, namely intellect, character, temperament, disposition and temper (p. 2). Examination of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Development Of South Korea Survival for the fittest has been the slogan that is used in describing this world. Modernization theories, as well as growth theories, have become prominent. Dependency theory is what has seen some countries develop especially the South Korea. As other countries grow, some continue to become poor. On the other hand, many countries wonder why South Koreagrew despite being the center stage of the war. South Korea was faced with the division of territory, Japan s colonial occupation, Korean Warand U.S military force s occupation. Existence of the mentioned factors could not promote development of any country. South Korea being a developing country, dedicated itself to develop after the war, majorly through industrialization. Park Chung Hee also contributed to the economic growth of South Korea by implementing unique leadership strategies. South Korea s Human Development Index is at 15, and it is part of the Organization for the Economic Co operation and Development membership. These developments in South Korea whereas a result of not concentrating in the past. Rather, focuses on how to improve the present and to make the future better. This paper, therefore, explains what happened in 1960s to 1990s under Chun Doo Hwan (1980 1988) and the Par Chung Hee (1961 1979) rulings. They set the foundation for the fame South Korea of the present. The strategies and policies that were championed during the Park s regime paved the way for the development of South Korea. Park s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Factors And Impacts Of Dissolution Of Aceh Impacts Of Dissolution Of Acheh Economic According to Nazamuddin (2008) explained that the oil and natural gas dollar from Aceh were controlled fully by a centralized authority in Jakarta for many years. Only three per cent f the total revenues from Aceh s oil and natural gas included all related taxes returned in the form of central government s transfers to the poor province. Then only in 2002 when the earlier special autonomy law took effect that Aceh received a seventy per cent of oil share and natural gas revenues. Infrastructure in Aceh was and remained poor. 25 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line. They were rich in natural resources however with poor infrastructure and public services and centralized authorities added with poverty and lack of opportunities have been the factors of the conflict. Some of these ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a result, some foods are scarce and food prices have risen drastically. Part of the reason for the scarcity is a series of attacks on the truck that brings food from neighbouring Medan province to Aceh. According to Acehnese academic Dr Yusny Saby, those most affected by the military offensive are the villagers of eastern Aceh, where most of the fighting has taken place. According to Saby (2003) the food situation should soon improve because military escorts now provided to the supply convoys. However, the military presence could also increase the food prices still further, because of the soldier that guarding the supply trucks would need paying too. The situation is likely to have grown worse since the martial law declared on May 19, 2003 and once again on November 6. Since the resumption of the government s military offensive in Aceh, the international media and humanitarian organizations have been restricted to the capital Banda Aceh. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Journey of Ty Cobb in Cobb by Al Stump Essay The book Cobb by Al Stump is a look into the late 19th century and early into the 20th through the eyes of Ty Cobb. The historical biography of Tyrus Raymond Cobb follows his path from classroom screwaraound and fighter to the greatest hitter to ever grace the major leagues. Ty Cobb. Growing up in Royston, GA, Cobb was the oldest of 3 siblings and the son of a schoolteacher, principal, newspaper publisher, state senator, and county school commissioner who wanted him to do nothing but study. Cobb didn t listen, he practiced his way to making the bigs, shortly before leaving his dad told him {italicize} don t return a failure. There was no looking back for the future Hall of Famer though. Ty Cobbwas raised in a world very different from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An ugly man was pig face or ratface. The Royston Rooster(Cobb) learned of a player s weakness, and in a high screech made sure the crowd knew of it. (82) By modern day s courtesy standards Cobb would ve been hit, fined, and booed into submission, but back in the day he was able to trudge on through any abuse he recieved. In the story Cobb influences a well renowned sports analysist by sending him letters from fake people, different addresses, and different handwriting styles. Over time and many letters stating how good Cobb was and how he was practically setting the world on fire there was nothing to do but note how good Cobb was in one of his articles. In the modern day one could pull up youtube and find out if the accusations were correct and if Cobb was found out he d probably serve jail time. Back in the day he hardly recieved a slap on the wrist though. However the attention drawn by this article grabbed the Detroit Tigers association s attention, which later led to Ty becoming their starting, hall of fame, centerfielder. Tyrus Raymond Cobb was an arrogant, rude, hostile young boy who blossomed into a talented, arrogant, rude, hostile man. Cobb would do anything to reach the top: beat up comparable players, jeer, and kick their legs into bloody masses of flesh. One cannot scoff at his skill and dedication though, in addition to him being dedicated enough to be the greatest player the game has ever seen, Ty became a captain in world war one ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Effects Of Positive And Negative Police Relations The Effect of Positive and Negative Police Community Relations Anastasia Allen American Public Community System An understanding of police community relations is crucial because both positive and negative police relations can greatly impact policing. Positive or negative police community relations can result from a variety of factors including cooperation, race issues, corruption, fear or assurance of police, and violence. When the community and police relations are positive, the police better understand the community s needs and the community is more inclined to report crimes and aid the police. When community and police relations are negative, the police do not understand the community s needs which leads the pubic, especially those who experience high levels of crime, to feel that the police do more harm than good. Throughout the 20th century there have been major issues relating to poor police community relationships. In more recent years they have been numerous problems with the police community relations that have led to difficult situations including the Rodney King beating and the 1992 LA riots, the Timothy Thomas shooting and the 2001 Cincinnati riots, as well as the more recent Michael Brown shooting and 2014 Ferguson riots. In all of these situations the police community relationship was strained and after a final straw event, rioting erupted to force a change. As seen with these examples, many of the most explosive events resulting from poor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Jelly Fish Swarms One day you decide to go on a boat ride into the ocean. Once you are out you see hundreds of jellyfish. This can actually happen, it s called a swarm. Jellyfish are very pretty but they can cause lots of damage. People and business are being affected by swarms of jellyfish but there are ways to control them. What is a swarm of jellyfish? Jellyfish normally travel in groups called swarms, when these groups multiply that s when issues arrive. Steve Hay, a plankton ecologist said, Science data shows that over the past few years there has been an increase in swarms of jellyfish. When these swarms form they eat tons of larva and fisheggs. There has also been reports of them clogging filters. Beaches have also been made to close when the swarms ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Asian American Culture Of America The culture that I chose to present is the Asian American culture. It is one of the fastest formed ethnic groups that had their population grow 63% from 1990 to 2000 (Nguyen, 1). The history of the first Asian immigrants started around the gold rush in California. Many Asian immigrants wanted to pursue fortunes in America because of economic hardships in China. Many Chinese started moving to the United Statesin hopes to get some of the gold in California. Many Chinese were also contracted to work on the railroads in the United States where they worked in very poor conditions for little money and recognition for their hard work. The Chinese even demanded high wages for their work in these poor conditions, but ultimately they were shot... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Le, 1) The term Asian Americanrefers to anyone that is living in the United States with a background or heritage with peoples of far east Asia, Southeast Asia and India (Chen, 2). In this culture, there are many different types of ethnicities inside the race of Asian Americans. This group includes Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Cambodian, and Indians that are a part of the continent of Asia. The language of Asian Americans can differ from the type of background that they grew up in. They can chose to adopt the English language in order to better communicate with their surroundings. Asian Americans do not have a primary location in the United States. When the gold rush took place in California, many Asian Americans set up china towns in and around that state. The highest populated area of Asian Americans is in California with over 4.2 million inhabitants. They are a very diverse culture and many have different reasons for moving to the United States from searching for a better life to escaping war times. Some Asian Americans that immigrated to the United States need to adopt the norms that society has that is called acculturation. (Zhang, 752) One characteristic of the culture is that in Asian cultures, most people share a high power distance between one another. This means that there is a sensitivity when speaking with people in a higher position in relation to one another. Children are taught to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Minors Committing Violent Crimes and Being Tried as Adults Should minors who commit violent crimes be tried as adults? Sylvia B. McCrorey Strayer University Professor Catherine Cousar Research Writing October 17, 2012 INTRODUCTION: The reason I selected this topic is because I feel that today s generation of youth and children have been led mainly because of peer pressure which sometimes cause them to make bad choices. This usually causes minors to do some things that are wrong before they think about the consequences. They should be given consideration based on their age and all aspects of their background should be looked at before sentencing them for violent crimes. REASONS WHY CHILDREN SHOULD NOT BE TRIED AS ADULTS In reading an article published ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This belief is anchored in the large disparity in crime rates between whites and blacks. However, a closer look at the data shows that the real variable is not race but family structure and all that it implies in commitment and love between adults. The incidence of broken families is much higher in the black community. Douglas Smith and G. Roger Jarjoura, in a major 1988 study of 11,000 individuals, found that the percentage of single parent households with children between the ages of 12 and 20 is significantly associated with rates of violent crime and burglary. The same study makes clear that the widespread popular assumption that there is an association between race and crime is false. Illegitimacy is the key factor. It is the absence of marriage, and the failure to form and maintain intact families, that explains the incidence of high crime in a neighborhood among whites as well as blacks. This contradicts conventional wisdom. (Fagan, 1995) CONCLUSION It is stated and quoted: Today s children are bombarded with images of violence in cartoons, news reports, television shows, computer games, movies, and other media. In growing numbers, they are also exposed to real life violence in their own homes and communities as witnesses, victims, and, increasingly, perpetrators. Too often, children learn that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflict. Yet even ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Greek Gods And Their Influence On Greek Religion And Culture Leuzinger 1 The Greek Gods Throughout history it is easy to see that religion has a big deal to do with culture, but what if religion played such a big part in our society that we were constantly afraid of being zapped by lightning, or losing the entire sun? From the beginning of written history gods have dictated the ideas of peoples and cultures, shaping the majority of our world as we know it today. Such effects can be seen even in our federal law system in America. For example the Ten Commandments had a lot to do with the writing of the constitution. The Greeks were no exception to this. If anything the gods influenced the Greeks more than most cultures. The Greeks entire civilization was centered around the gods they worshipped. Part of the reason for the Greeks fascination with supernatural beings was because of the powers they believed they possessed. This power possessed by the gods made the Greeks fear them greatly. This fear then turned into worship and devotion that shaped their entire culture. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each one of these gods had their own realm of control, for example one god was in control of love, another the underworld, and some, controlled the elements. Most prominent of all the gods was Zeus. Not only was he the god of lightning, Zeus was also the ruler of the gods. He ruled from mount Olympus, keeping all the other gods in check along with regulating the humans below. Because of his power and prestige, Zeus was the most worshiped god. Along side of him were many other gods who received worship mainly depending on the humans need. If a fisherman wanted a particularly successful fishing trip, he would make a sacrifice to Poseidon, the god of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Differences And Similarities Between The Chesapeake And... While the Chesapeake and New England colonies were similarly the earliest successful English colonies in North America, the colonies developed quite independently of each other. When looking at the differences and similarities in the development of these colonies, it seems as though the differences far outweigh the similarities. These colonies varied in regards to their religious beliefs, their societal organization, culture, economy, and relationships with local American Indians. The differences and similarities between the colonies can be further understood by analyzing the individual colonies geography, economy, religious beliefs, and cultural practices. The Chesapeake and New England colonies, although clearly quite different, do boast some similarities. The two colonies were founded in the early 17th century and started off with a demographic that primarily consisted of young white European men. The differences between the colonies are easier to pinpoint. The New England colony, which is located in the North, has long winters and short growing seasons. This is contrary to the Chesapeake colony which is more to the South than the New England colony. The Chesapeake colony was known for its fertile land, long growing season, and large swaths of land that were perfect or farming. These geographical differences directly impacted the economies as these two distinct colonies developed. The New England colonies focused on fishing, shipbuilding, and growing a distinct class of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Planning And Implementing Curriculum Accommodation Planning and implementing curriculum accommodation in content areas Many students with LD experience trouble with reading abilities that are significantly below grade level. Consequently, the high school text book in history and other social studies classes will represent a problem. If students have problems with interpreting what is seen, they may have difficulties with timelines, graphs, maps, charts and other visual display that frequently used to explain information in social studies. Steele (2007) demonstrated that modification can be implemented to help students with learning difficulties succeed in social studies. Textbooks are usually hard for students with learning difficulties, it is better to utilize supplementary readingmaterial, for example, historical fiction, easier textbookand resources from the internet. For instance, websites that have many timelines and clear description of historical events, newspapers can contain information that related to social studies topics to students lives and communities, establish readingabilities, boost critical thinking skills and integrate concepts across social studies topics. These resources might explain topics, themes, and abstract ideas that are too hard to understand in the textbooks (Steele, 2007). To make students with learning problems more successful, the teacher can provide lesson about a particular book, discuss part of the textbook like glossary sections, appendixes, chapters heading, maps questions, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Mouse Body All animals used in this study were treated according to the U.S Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Guidelines for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. The procedure in the study was performed under the approval of Drexel University Institutional AnimalCare and Use Committee. Ten female C57BL6/J mice at the age of 6 weeks were purchased from JAX vendor (Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME). Under controlled environment of temperature, humidity, ventilation with 12 hour light dark cycle, three to four mice were housed per cage with unlimited access to water and standard chow ad libitum. The mice were allowed to adapt to the environment of animal facility for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Anxiety behavior of these mice was tested using EPM under two trials with one week apart. Under the environment of 23 Celsius and incandescent light, the mice were tested between 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the morning. Using the same path for both trials, the mice were brought to the behavioral room from the animal facility and allowed to acclimate for 15 minutes prior testing. During acclimation, the stainless steel EPM was set up for the experiment. The EPM consisted of two opposing open arms (35X5 cm) and two close arms (35X5X15 cm) with a center platform (5X5cm) in junction with all four arms. Supporting each arm of the maze was a stainless steel leg, facilitating the elevation of the EPM to 60cm above the ground. After putting the whole EPM apparatus together, the maze was situated inside a kiddy pool to prevent the mice from running off if they fell off during the test. An iPad was used as a video tracking device was set up at an angle to put the EPM in full view of the four arms including the center platform. Figure 1 illustrated how the EPM apparatus was set up and how the mouse was initially placed on the center platform facing either side of the open arms. Following being placed in the maze, the video tracking device recorded the mouse behavior for 5 minutes. Then, the mouse was removed and placed back to its home cage. The procedure was repeated after the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Overconfidence In Into Thin Air Multiple people died on Everest in the spring of 1996, but there were many causes to the deaths of those climbers. One of the main causes was the overconfidence by multiple people on the mountain. The book Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer states, One of the first people I passed when I started moving again was Scott Fischer s sirdar, Lopsang Jangbu, kneeling in the snow over a pile of vomit . . . His feeble state, moreover, had been compounded by his insistence on short roping the celebrity amateur, Sandy Pittman . . . (Krakauer 176). In this quote from the book, it says that Lopsang chooses to short rope Sandy Hill Pittman, and because of this he gets sick. He was overconfident in his abilities, and this caused him not to set the fixed ropes at the Hillary... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This lead to a big problem on the mountain, as well. People who believe differently might say that Rob knew that this was their only chance to summit, so he wanted to do it no matter what. But if that is true, then Rob should have known the right thing to do as a veteran of the mountain was not to have too much confidence in his and his team s abilities. Finally, the last evidence we found was in the movie Everest. While watching, it depicted how Scott Fischer was overconfident in his skill. He went down and up the mountain too fast (KormГЎkur), and this made him sick. Because he was a guide, he thought he had the competence to do it. If Scott had taken his time, he could have helped Rob with making crucial decisions like now it is time to turn back . However, Scott was overconfident in his capacity. Therefore, he basically killed himself and many others by not being there to help. All in all, there were multiple reasons why eight people died on the mountain, yet the main reason was the overconfidence in multiple climbers on May 10 and 11 of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Hydraulic Civilizations and the Philanthropic Industrialists 1. Historical Origins For many planners and historians the origin of ancient cities has been a source of fascination and the cause for much research and debate. One theory developed by the German American historian Karl Wittfogel was that of hydraulic civilizations (Minnery 2010a). Hydraulic civilizations were described as those whose agricultural system was reliant upon significant government directed water systems for irrigation and flood management (EncyclopГ¦dia Britannica 2010). Wittfogel listed that Egypt, India, Mesopotamia, Northern China and pre Columbian Mexico and Peru were examples of hydraulic civilizations (Minnery 2010a). This paper will focus on the theories of the Wittfogel s hydraulic civilization and then try to draw ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One other dissimilarity is that of Brisbane s environment. It isn t arid or semi arid in fact it was once lined with sand covered beaches and the water was clear and blue (Our Indooroopilly 2002). Therefore it is difficult to prove that Brisbane has similar qualities to that of a hydraulic civilization and Wittfogel s theories can be left in the past with the Old World . 3. The Philanthropic Industrialist The United Kingdom in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century was home to the bustling and demanding Industrial Revolution. Factories emerged all over the country as technology advanced into an era of mass production. In many of these factories the conditions were unclean, unsafe and ultimately appalling. Some factory owners however, sought out to improve the quality of life for their workers. These few are recognised as the Philanthropic Industrialists . They implemented what has become known as the company town which saw the social and economic qualities of the township under the control of the industrialist (Pollard 1964). This paper will discuss one UK example in the town of New Lanark, in particular the philanthropy of Robert Owen and will examine whether this town and Owen s theories have been influential up until the present day. New Lanark in Scotland was initially founded by David Dale in 1785 (The Open University 2009). The Clyde River which ran along New Lanark s location provided water to power the four ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Passenger Injured Three Reasons a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident Needs an Attorney If you were a passenger in a car that was involved in an accident and you have sustained injuries, you are best served by contacting a personal injury attorney. Although it may seem straightforward to file a claim, the situation may be complex. The following are three examples of this. There is more than one car involved If there are two cars involved, then you must decide who is at fault to file a claim. But you may not have been paying attention, so you are not a witness. And the accident may not be one where there is a clear case of fault. Even a police report may not shed enough light on the accident to make a clear determination. In addition, the vehicle that hit you may be blaming another car for hitting them first. This is common with several cars that rear end each other. It is best for an injured passenger to have a personal injury attorney sort everything out. There was no other car involved It the driver of the car hits a stationary object like a fence or a telephone pole and you are injured, you will want to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Insurance policies only cover passenger injuries up to a certain amount, and if there is more than one person hurt, this money will be divided up. However, your injury may be worse than others, so you are entitled to a larger share. Also, the driver at fault is not completely protected by his or her insurance. If the amount of compensation you are entitled to is beyond the amount of the policy, it may be possible to bring a civil suit against the driver for additional compensation. If you have been in a car accident as a passenger, your first course of action is to get medical attention. After this, you should contact a personal injury attorney. Never make assumptions about who is financially responsible for your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Analysis Of A P By John Updike John Updike s A P , is about a young man s struggle with morality, authority, and freedom. Through a series of events Sammy witnessed injustice in his workplace leading him to quit his job. When Sammy quit his job he was taking a stand against authority because he longed for freedom from the A P and his manager. Sammy made the leap from an adolescent, knowing little about life, into a man facing the consequences from his actions. John Updike s use of language and actions reveal the internal struggles and relationships of a young man growing into adulthood. Status is the social or professional standing of a person, and it is often a unifying factor which John Updike uses to show comparisons of several different characters. Through Sammy s point of view, several comparisons are shown between the employees of the A P, even though their ages are different. Firstly, Lengel and Sammy assume the girls are ignorant and incompetent. Sammy s demeaning view is viewed when he says, Poor kids, I began to feel sorry for them, they couldn t help it. In Sammy s mind he saw the girls as helpless prey that had walked into a trap he needed to save them from. The manager saw the way they were dressed and proceeded to scold them the way a principal in a school scolds disruptive students. Another parallel between the two men is they both objectify the girls. Lengel is shown to look the girls up and down before he passes his judgement. Sammy s defense of the girls, while it seems honorable, has ulterior motives. His hope is the girls hear him quit his job so that he can impress them; this action further objectifies the girls making them passive objects of passion. In the A P there is another comparison between some of the repressed customers; the group of women he calls houseslaves and the trio of girls. Houseslaves are women whose only job was to cook, clean, and care for children. When the trio passed by these women there is a moment of shock from the girl s appearance, but they look a second time possibly out of envy for the freedom they lack. The women in this story seem to all lack a voice and in the 1960s that was not uncommon; men in this time were still seen as the ultimate providers for the households. Queenie, like ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Skepticism About a Refutation of Skepticism Essay Skepticism about a Refutation of Skepticism In The Refutation of Skepticism , Jonathan Vogel establishes an Inference to the Best Explanation (hereafter, IBE ) as a means to refute skepticism about the external world. In this refutation, Vogel acknowledges that skepticism about IBE still remains a possibility, but that this kind of skepticism would be rather outlandish in character and thus could be ignored. This paper shall both establish and evaluate Vogel s reasoning as to why he confidently dismisses any skepticism pertaining to his IBE, and furthermore will illuminate some points as to why Vogel may have mischaracterized potential threats to his method, leaving his refutation of skepticism vulnerable to doubt that is not as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... So how is this supposed to serve as a successful refutation of skepticism? To make sense of this, it should first be understood exactly how IBE qualifies its requirement for simplicity, and also what Vogel understands both mundane propositions and skeptical arguments to be comprised of. The assumption that the world works in ways that are simple, implied from the principle of induction, is construed by Vogel to mean that the better explanation would be the beliefinvolving the fewest complexities and least number of parts to argue. Vogel is under the impression that skeptical arguments involve much more complexity in order to make them parallel the ordinary beliefs they aim to compete with, and cites the example that for ordinary properties such as shape and location that could be involved in a mundane proposition, the skeptic would have to invoke a much more elaborate explanation for why we are experiencing pseudo shapes and pseudo locations. This leaves the skeptical argument at a major disadvantage when assessed by IBE s requirement for simplicity, allowing for the mundane proposition to be deemed the better explanation because of its capability to explain things as they are instead of why they appear to be as they are but really are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Playboy Research Paper I was raised and I think it probably was a cause and effect correlation here in a very Puritan home and there were very few hugs and kisses in my home. No education or conversation about sex. I grew up believing in fairly traditional views and values about sex. I didn t have sexual intercourse for the first time until I was out of college and I had spent two years in the army and it was with the girl I was planning on marrying. And she was my first wife. I believe that was typical of my peers. My friends and classmates and chums were all pretty much the same. It was the typical Midwestern, middle class life. Very different than life today ( Hugh Hefner Discusses Playboy s Legacy, par. 3). Those are the words of Hugh M. Hefner, an American adult publisher who was just the average Puritan raised fellow before his sexually driven Playboy enterprise took the world by storm in the 1950s. But this out of the box... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first televised production from the Playboy Enterprises was a short run series called Playboy s Penthouse. Another Hefner featured series came about a decade later called Playboy After Dark, which shared the same premise as the previous program. The numerous amounts of ladies on the show, Playmates, would share the bachelor pad staged set weekly and discuss various topics with Hefner ( Hugh Hefner Biography, par. 13). The women on the show were shown more so as objects to set the mood of the seductive programming, unlike Hefner s 21st century television comeback The Girls Next Door. This time around, the women on the show were given more value as Hefner openly obtains a relationship with leading Playboy Bunnies Holly Madison, Kendra Wilkinson, and Bridget Marquardt (par. 23). Unlike the 20th century, The Girls Next Door became a global smash hit and turned the featured beauties into household names in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. How Is Napoleon Similar To Joseph Stalin In Animal Farm In Animal Farm many of the characters can be related back into everyday life around the world. This is due to the fact that Ian Wooldridge creates the characters to represent dictators around the world. In Animal Farm You can see that Ian Wooldridge relates the characters to dictators by two of the main characters being Napoleon to Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Joseph Stalin was the dictator and leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Between the years of 1929 1953 the USSR became a global military heavyweight underneath the control of Stalin. He used his power and ruled by terror he did not care about the people of the USSR as many of his innocent sullivans died during his power and time as leader. In Animal Farm Napoleon ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many points that can confirm this. Including that in the USSR and Animal Farm they are both duel leaders as Stalin has Trotsky, and Napoleon has Snowball. Each Stalin and Napoleon have defenders and protectors of some type of to enforce their power in Animal Farm Napoleon has the guard dogs and Stalin has the secret police force. Leon Trotsky was a communist theorist and activist he was in charge of the Russian October Revolution. He was the officer for foreign affairs under Lenin, but he resigned after conflicting with Lenin s believes. He then come to be the red army leader and led to victory in the Russian Civil War. After Lenin s death, he has a lack of allies to support him while Stalin has many to support from several people. He was banished from the Soviet Union after losing in a struggle against Stalin and he was murdered under Stalin s directions. Ian Wooldridge introduces us to Snowball when the other pigs decide to spread Old Major s message throughout the farm. He s a more vicious pig than Napoleon, he is much smarter he can speak more fluently and write, whereas napoleon cannot. He was not considered to have the same impact of character. The animals were fooled by Snowball s appearance because he s friendly and lively, they assume that he s not as smart as he is and is stupid compared to the other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Enders Game Movie Vs Book For this summer of 2015 I read Enders Game for my summer reading. The author of this best seller is Orson Scott Card. This book won the 1985 Nebula award for best novel and the 1986 Hugo award for best novel. This famous novel was made into a major motion picture and in theaters during 2013. I choose Enders Game because either I had read every other book on the list or the other books did not interest me. Also Enders Game was available to me at the time so it was also convenient. Since the movie of this book seemed to be well known and popular I assumed it would be an even better book and I was right. Another reason I choose this book is because it is a fantasy fiction novel and fiction is very intriguing to me. This book was fascinating for me to read and enjoy. Enders Game is a military science fiction novel. Set in Earths future, this book is based on life on Earth and space after two warlike conflicts with an insectoid alien species, the buggers and Earth. While the people of Earth are preparing for a third invasion, children everywhere are raised and trained from a very young age to fight . The government prepares these selected children with increasingly difficult games including some resembling a battle in a space like environment with zero gravity. In these games is when Ender s genius in battle is revealed to the government. Ender Wiggin, the main character is the third child in his family. In his family a cruel brother four years older, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This book is in an exciting trilogy. It is very interesting and stimulating. Every time you think his life could be normal again something new happens and it is trilling, making you want to read on. Most people like Ender because you might be able to relate to him. By reading this book you can t really learn any real facts but you can learn things about life and people. I learned how bad and good choices can affect someone s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Remy Kennel Club Research Paper Thank you for your interest in hosting an Remy Kennel Club (RKC) sanctioned show. This packet includes all information, application to host an event and the rules regulations needed to become a show host. Please read carefully. Putting on the best event possible is one of the greatest challenges for any individual/club/kennel. Establishing a show committee correctly enables the hosting club /kennel to meet this challenge. The show committee should be large enough to give attention to all details, but small enough to accomplish tasks without one person having to do everything. The RKC Representative s primary responsibility is to man the registration table. The RKC Representative is to have the senior judge in attendance seated behind the rep from the time the event opens until registration closes for the second show. The senior judge is available to answer any questions a patron may have. The RKC Representative is only to assist in filling out registration and permanent registration and issue temp licensing. The RKC Representative is responsible for taking the temp numbers and money from the temp numbers home at the end of the day and turn those all into the RKC office within 10 days. The RKC Representative also transfers event registration documents onto win sheets for each judge and then hands over registration documents to each judge.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Senior Judges Have FULL AUTHORITY at RKC Sanctioned Events, It is their responsibility to maintain a professional and orderly show to act as quality control to maintain a level of excellence at all RKC ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Being An International Student Essay Being accepted into a U.S university is obviously more challenging for a foreign student like you planning to study in America than for a U.S citizen. However, being a foreign (or international ) student does mean you have a different perspective that schools in the USA are valuable than the ones in your country. International students create a significant contribution to US campus life, as well as to college and university revenues. Consequently, USA colleges and universities admit and welcome international students. Which means that, although, you might want to overcome some obstacles as a way to study in America, international students can be seen as a valuable commodity here. U.S government needs you and your money to develop the country. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Unfortunately, this choice is not immediately open to foreign students /international students studying in the United States on the student visa. Note: Working On Campus with a Student Visa: No Work Permit Needed for a Foreign Student /International Student Many US universities provide work study programs to foreign students / international students. These jobs usually entail manning at the school help desk, working with the university library, or maybe even mowing the campus lawns. Payments from these jobs are generally low, but every dollar can help when it s time to purchase another textbook or if you intent to buy more foods to cook than eating microwave popcorn every night! Foreign students / international students are limited to working 20 hours weekly, off or on campus (although off campus needs a special international student work permit and is available once after the 1st academic year), so you shouldn t depend on work study program to provide you with much money throughout the school year. During holidays and schools vacation, however, a foreign student / international student using the proper paperwork can work unlimited hours on campus, so you could probably earn a reasonable amount over the summer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Health Care Delivery System Essay The health care delivery system in U.S. has multiple components that enable people to receive health care. It is unique and not simple system with decentralized group of health care services that are sometimes lack of coordination, standardization, and planning. Also the system has overpriced services, multiple insurers, selective access, and imperfect market. These are outcomes of lack a single national entity or set of policies guiding the health care system. Often happens that doctors and hospitals who practicing in the same community and caring for the same patients are not connected to each other. The U.S. current healthcare payment model it is a mix of private insurers and public programs where each have own set of rules and payment algorithms that brings problem of waste and high administrative costs. However U.S. health care system use the most advanced... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is why in our days Medicare and Medicaid Programs present at health care delivery system. Those programs guarantee access to health insurance for Americans with low income and who ages 65 and older. Also in U.S. The State Children s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) or the Children s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) provides matching funds to states for health insurance to families with children and covering uninsured children in families with incomes that are modest but too high to qualify for Medicaid. (Wikipedia) The latest improvement of the Health care delivery system in U.S. is the Affordable Care Act. The ACA was enacted to increase the quality and affordability of health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reduce the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government. (Wikipedia) The Affordable Care Act provides opportunity for delivery system reform such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Sleep And Dreaming Open Book Assessment Sleep and Dreaming Open Book Assessment Use two approaches to explain the following case study of the sleep disorders experienced by Mrs A. One approach to explain Mrs A s sleep disorder is by using the Biological approach which believes us to be as a consequence of our genetics and physiology. It is the only approach in psychology that examines thoughts, feelings, and behaviors from a biological and thus physical point of view. Mrs A. is experiencing Insomnia due to disturbing her Circadian rhythmwhich are a variety of behavioural and physiological functions synchronised to the 24 cycle of light and dark These include heart rate, breathing, alertness, excretion and a metabolic rae. These reach a maximum level in the late afternoon and early evening and a minimum level in the early morning. The circadian sleep waking rhythm determines our alertness and activity levels during the day and night. So by Mrs. A waking up and increasing her alertness and activity levels by using her ipad she is disrupting her circadian rhythm and thus the endogenous pacemakers or internal body clock of the suprachiasmatic nucleus and the pineal gland which humans use to regulate this are further being disrupted due to her Circadian rhythm being out of sync. Humans have a natural rhythm of 25 hours of sleep and wakefulness, in order to reset this the brain plays an important role with the suprachiasmatic nucleus which is a cluster of neurons in the medial hypothalamus of the brain. The SCN ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Shame, By Tim O Brian Throughout this quarter we have read many books and many genres, at first glance they don t seem to have any intertwining themes or ideas. Yet when you dig deeper than face value you can see that there is many underlying themes that the average reader might easily overlook. Shame is an overall human element that is seen all throughout; The Things They Carried, the Fifth Child, and Pocatello. Shameis the key to good literature, it is what drives the other emotions, and without shame people would not be people. The Things They Carried, was riddled with the idea of shame. One simple example is when Tim O Brian was drafted and he wanted to run away to Canada to be safe from the U.S. military. This was an important internal battle for him, which he ultimately decided to fight against and join the army, as law required. Shame was important in this piece of literature to bring out the soldiers feelings and their true intentions. Shame also came out in the burning of First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross letters from his sweetheart, Martha, after a man in his company died. He felt shame. He hated himself. He had loved Martha more than his men, and as a consequence Lavender was now dead. He burned the letters because he was ashamed that he let the letters get to him and distract him from, what he decided was more important, the war. Ben had to deal with a kinds of shame, he had his family ashamed of him and he was ashamed of himself. His whole family was disgraced the way he look and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Illy 1.Executive summary: The main purpose of the following report is to provide information about the profile of The Bolivarian Republican of Venezuela; in order to study the current situation of the country for further investigations in the future that may help to understand the opportunities and risk involve in importing and opening new markets in Venezuela. The analysis includes reviews and an extensive research about: First the geography and global information to introduce the country; second, the History since the arrival of the Spaniards. The Political analysis will be explained as much detailed as possible due to its specifics characteristics in the recent decades with the Hugo Chavez s government. He report draws special ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Life expectancy (2009) 73.94 years. Ethnic groups: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arab, German, African, Amerindian. Source: INE According to the 2001 census, almost 80% of the population lives in urban areas. The Capital is the Metropolitan Caracas, the country s largest city, that has an estimated of 5.2 million inhabitants. Venezuela is proud of its tradition as a melting pot, and the majority of its citizens have a mixed racial heritage of Caucasian, African, and American Indian elements. Other major cities are Maracaibo, Valencia, Barquisimeto, Maracay, Merida, Ciudad Bolivar. The country is well known for its Misses, having the record guiness of the most beauty contest awards, 6 Miss Universes and several Miss worlds, it is also famous because of the soap operas (telenovelas) and baseball players. 2.4Climate: Varies from tropical to temperate, depending the elevation. There are mainly two seasons, the rainy from July to November and the dry one the rest of the year. 2.5Map: Figure 6: Map of Venezuela. Source: http://www.mapsofworld.com 3History: Before the arrival of Christopher Colombus who landed in Venezuela in 1498, the population was composed by Indians Timotocuicas, Arawaks, Wayuu, Caribes and others, not as advance as the Incas or Mayas Civilizations for example in some others parts of the continent. The real Spanish Colonization started 38 years after that. From 1925 to 1938 The King ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Circadian Sunlight The Circadian Rhythm, Sleep, and Effects of Sunlight Hanna M. MaciД…giewicz Wright College THE CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, SLEEP, AND EFFECTS OF SUNLIGHT Abstract This paper will demonstrate The circadian rhythm is a psychological and physical pattern that each human experiences in order to maintain homeostasis. The circadian rhythm can manifest in mental alertness, the sensitivity to pain, various hormone secretions, and most obviously, the sleep wake cycle. In Latin, circadian rhythm translates to about and day . Examples of circadian rhythms in action are sensitivity and dullness to pain, fluctuations of body temperatures, the brains most alert and calm state, and degree of sleepiness along with highest ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Review Of Alan Brinkley s The Unfinished Nation Section 1: Identification and Evaluation The investigation question: What were the limitations of the programs presented in the first New Deal? will focus between the years 1933 to 1935, as the nation, with FDR s guidance, slowly attempted to dig its way out of the Depression. Analysis will be made regarding the purpose of the programs and what they lacked in gaining success. Though some of his first few domestic programs garnered success, Roosevelt s first New Dealhad not fully provided the country with the solace it needed. The first source evaluated was Alan Brinkley s The Unfinished Nation, published in 2004. This source is valuable in its origin because Brinkley, a professor Columbia University, specializes in twentieth century American history. He has won several awards for his works, was chair of the Department of History, and later became University Provost. Brinkley s 45 years as a historian, as well as the fact that his scholarship focuses mainly on the period of the Great Depression, indicates extensive knowledge on the subject. The purpose is valuable in that Brinkley s The Unfinished Nation is a historical textbook used widely in colleges and high schools with AP classes, indicating the validity of the work. The second source evaluated was Ira Katznelson s Fear Itself, published in 2014. This source is valuable in its origin because Katznelson is an Americanist a specialist in American culture and history allowing him to be knowledgeable in most, if not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Gun Control Laws Are Protect Women From Domestic Abusers... More gun control laws are needed to protect women from domestic abusers and stalkers. Five women are killed with firearms consistently in the United States. A lady s danger of being killed increments 500% if a weapon is available amid a local question. Amid the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, 5,364 US warriors were murdered in real life between Oct. 7, 2001 and Jan. 28, 2015; somewhere around 2001 and 2012 6,410 ladies were slaughtered with a firearmby a close accomplice in the United States. A 2003 investigation of 23 crowded high pay nations found that 86% of ladies killed by guns were in the United States and American ladies are 11.4 times more inclined to be the casualties of firearm crimes 57% of mass shootings included aggressive behavior at home. For instance, the 2011 mass shooting at a Seal Beach, CA hair salon supposedly started in view of the shooter s guardianship fight with his ex who was a hairdresser at the salon. 31 states don t forbid indicted offense stalkers from owning weapons and 41 states don t compel sentenced local abusers from surrendering firearmsthey as of now own.76% of ladies killed and 85% of ladies who survived a murder endeavor by a private accomplice were stalked in the year prior to the murder or murder endeavor. Gun control laws, especially those that try to ban assault weapons, infringe upon the right to own guns for hunting and sport. In 2011, there were 13.7 million seekers 16 years of age or more seasoned in the United States, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Pine Barrens Research Papers What is the Pine Barrens? The Pine Barrens is a region of land filled with wildlife, and many important industries that contribute to everyday life. This miraculous area is found in New Jersey, in the United States, and it covers 22% of the state. Lots of animals and many different varieties of plants call this massive area home. Trees, such as the pitch pine, have adapted to the fire hazard area by the way their appearance is. Many other animals and plants have also done the same to adapt to this environment. This past May, I (along with my whole sixth grade), took a trip to Camp Ockanickon and spent three days there in the cabins that were separated by boys and girls. We were assigned activities each day and there were a variety of lessons... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If you take a close look at this area, you ll find many other animal species and habitats that will leave you speechless wondering how they could survive in a habitat. In fact, in the Pine Barrens, there is a total of 39 species of mammals, 299 birds, 59 reptiles, and 91 fish that have been spotted. All of these animals contribute to the ecosystem by participating in the food chain, and even some individual animals help us as well. Bees suck in a type of liquid called nectar from a flower blossom, and store it in what s known as the honey stomach, which differs from their food stomach. Once they have a full load, they bring it back to their hive. Next time when you see a bee flying around you, or near a flower, don t swat at it. Instead, watch and see how it collects the pollen we use for honey. Worms are another example of animals that can be found in the Pine Barrens that helps the ecosystem as well. They help aerate (which means to allow air into) the soil so that the roots of plants can have access to better oxygen that they need in order to survive. All around you in the Pine Barrens, you see tons of trees. You can thank a couple forgetful squirrels for those. Each year, these squirrels carelessly drop acorns or stash their supply throughout yards and forests of the Pine Barrens ecosystem. Eventually, those seeds will sprout into a tree that will continue to grow and adapt to be part of the ecosystem over time. Nature relies on this process from squirrels to continuously drop and stash more acorns to keep the growth of trees continuing, since the acorns canВґt move on their own to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Papyrus Essay During biblical times especially in the New Testament era, producing an epistle or letter was laborious, costly, and timely undertaking. In order to produce letters, epistles, or writings, many writers would use skilled scribes or amanuenses to compose the information on papyrus. According to D.A. Carson and Douglas Moo, the method employed by an amanuensis greatly differed contingent upon the skills of the scribe and the relationship between the writer and amanuensis. However, the technique and freedom inherited in this role allowed the amanuenses flexibility in scripting the author s views. The standard material used in writingwas reed pen and ink, and transcribed on papyrus. Thomas Lea and David Black shares depending on the size of the letters, each sheet could hold 150 250 words. If the writings are longer than one sheet, the pages were joined at the edges to form a scroll.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There were many biblical manuscripts produced in the names of ancient canonical figures such as Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Enoch, Ezra, and Moses. The Christian movement did not end this manufacturing of pseudonymous works as many scholars question the authenticity of Ephesians, the Pastoral Epistles, 2 Peter, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, and 1 Peter. It can be easily inferred that the New Testament Christians used some pseudepigraphic method in their writings. In 1 and 2 Thessalonians there are differences of opinions on the apocalyptic signs of the arrival of Christ. First Thessalonians allude to the event happening as like a thief in the night, while 2 Thessalonians share that signs will come before the arrival of the Parousia. Further, there is uncertainties in Paul writing of Colossians, since he had not visited the city prior to writing the letter. Therefore, it is possible that this letter could have been written under the penmanship of another writer, but attributed to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Essay Baltimore The beautiful city of Baltimore, Maryland, nicknamed Charm City is full of historical cites and landmarks. It was founded July 30, 1729, and it was named after Lord Baltimore, the first proprietary governor of the Province of Maryland1. It was founded to serve the economic needs of 18th century farmers2. The waterways in Baltimorehave been a passage for ships carrying commercial cargo and new citizens since the 1600s. Baltimore became the second leading port of entry for immigrants to the United States during the 1800s. Shipbuilding was one of the earliest industries in Baltimore, and it increased during the Revolution and the War of 1812. When the British controlled Philadelphia in 1777, Baltimore became the meeting place of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just prior to the Civil War, Marylandwas a southern slave state, and during the war, they became part of the union but still kept slavery legal. The Pro southern sentiment led to the Baltimore riot of 1861, when Union soldiers marched through the city. After the riot Union troops occupied Baltimore, and the whole state of Maryland came under direct federal administration until the end of the war in 1865. This was a very vital move by the union because they did not want Washington, D.C. to become completely surrounded by seceded Confederate territory. The case Ex parte Merryman, written by the Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, dealt with the habeas corpus rights of Marylanders jailed by the Abraham Lincoln Administration and strongly reprimanded Lincoln for his actions. Baltimore s overseas trade was principally with the Caribbean Islands and South America, regions undergoing economic and social changes. At the same time, the American frontier was pushing even farther west, threatening to leave Baltimore behind in its economic wake. The State of Maryland concentrated its efforts on completing the Chesapeake Ohio Canal, designed to link the Potomac and Ohio River valleys, but the city of Baltimore supported an overland link in the form of the Baltimore Ohio ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep Analysis Philip K. Dick s novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? provides a deep, insightful commentary on the real meaning of humanity through the refreshing context of a disconcerting depiction of the future. By utilizing the internal conflict of android bounty hunter Rick Deckard, the novel is able to bring into question the very way humans define humanity, suggesting that society s moral principles apply even to non living beings. Primarily, Deckard s changing thoughts concerning the humanity of the androids he sought to kill portray to the reader that the sanctity of life is not limited to biological creatures alone. In the novel s beginning, Deckard had little reason to question the morality of his job of retiring androids. Through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Causes Of The Stock Market Crash Of 2008 In Frontline s The Meltdown, the causes of the stock market crash of 2008 came into discussion. The topics regarding Bear Stearns, the Lehman Brothers and their collapse, and the huge bailout made in results to the market crash. There were great points being made on the mistakes Henry Paulson and Ben Bernanke did not view from their perspective, which in turns were the problems that made up the crash. It was not until 2007 when foreclosures occurred more and became prominent, especially since the last market crash during the Great Depression. As Gretchen Morgenson of the New York Times discusses, Bear Stearns was known for his great plays with mortgages on Wall Street. People who believed Stearns would pull the right decisions became scared as the values of their assets were decreasing. This created a necessitated attitude towards money since their was money being borrowed fighting against the collaterals, in turns the assets. When the assets started to decline, you need to start paying back money to those you have borrowed from. Roughly $1.6 billion was discarded in Stearns decisions, which was the start to the stress he would obtain from the crash. This enabled the world to see how weak the market was, especially those who had a role within the market. When banks also saw the weakness mortgage companies had developed, they decided to raise the cost of borrowing money from them, creating doubts if these mortgage firms, such as Stearns, would be able to solve this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Power Electronics For Renewable Energy Utilization Power Electronics Application in Renewable Energy Utilization Kyle Felthauser Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas Tech University Lubbock, United States of America kyle.felthauser@ttu.edu Abstract This paper covers the need and use of power electronics in the application of renewable energy utilization. Covered in this paper is wind energy with variable speed drives and their controlling power electronics. Solar energy, specifically photovoltaics and their controlling power electronics. High voltage direct current transmission lines and the power electronics that allow for this technology to exist. Keywords Power Electronics; Wind Energy; Solar Energy, High Voltage Direct Current I.INTRODUCTION Energy demands are on the rise across the world and in many modernized countries the push for renewable energy is rising. Two of the main renewable energy sources that are getting a lot of attention are wind and solar. One of the difficulties presented with some renewable energy sources are their inherent inconsistency. Wind intensities change from hour to hour and from one season to the next. Solar radiation can be strong one minute and be nearly blocked out the next by a cloud. To make renewable energy more reliable and coincide with strict utility standards the use of power electronics is needed. The advancement in power electronics has also greatly improved in efficiency and allows more energy to be captured by natural resources. Another difficulty with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Colonial Period To Civil War Dbq A SELECTION OF PAST AP U.S. FREE RESPONSE QUESTIONS: Part 1: Colonial Period to Civil War Colonial Times 1607 1775 1. From 1600 1763, several European nations vied for control of the North American continent. Why did England win the struggle? (73) 2. In the seventeenth century, New England Puritans tried to create a model society. What were their aspirations, and to what extent were those aspirations fulfilled during the seventeenth century? (83) 3. In the two decades before the outbreak of the American Revolutionary War, there was a profound shift in the way many Americans thought and felt about the British government and their colonial governments. Assess the validity of this statement in view of the political and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2003) 26. Although the power of the national government increased during the early republic, this development often faced serious opposition. Compare the motives and effectiveness of those opposed to the growing power of the national government in TWO of the following. Whiskey Rebellion, 1794 Virginia/Kentucky Resolutions, 1798 1799 Hartford Convention, 1814 1815 Nullification Crisis, 1832 1833 (2003B) 27. Analyze the impact of the American Revolution on both slavery and the status of women in the period from 1775 1800. (2004) 28. To what extent was the United States Constitution a radical departure from the Articles of Confederation? (2005B) Jeffersonian Democracy 1800 1825 29. The Era of Good Feeling (1816 1824) marked the appearance of issues that transformed American politics in the next 20 years. Assess the validity of this generalization. (75) 30. Early United States foreign policy was primarily a defensive reaction to perceived or actual threats from Europe. Assess the validity of this generalization with reference to United States foreign policy on TWO major issues during the period from 1789 1825. (83) Jackson and American Life 1825 1860 31. Andrew Jackson s election as President marked the beginning of a new age in American political history. Assess the validity of this generalization. (71) 32. Account for the emergence of utopian communities from the mid 1820 s through the 1840 s and evaluate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Statement Of Purpose In Microbiology From the very beginning of my student life, I loved biology. When I was in my lower secondary school, I still remember that day when my science teacher told me the story of microbes and the day after showed and taught applications of microscope, my interest in microbiology started to take its shape. I became even intensely interested when he told us that bacteriaand virus are invisible to your naked eyes, however they can cause you disease and some might kill you. After the completion of my high schoolas a science major student, my parents wanted me to join medical school and become a doctor. But I had already encrypted curiosity of microbiology inside my mind. So, I began my journey into the world of microbiology. I secretly joined microbiology without telling my parents and told them that I am not shortlisted in MBBS exam. My interest in microbiology deepened during my bachelors degree while studing Medical Microbiology at Trichandra college. While in bachelors degree, I learned how to manage time in stressful conditions besides laying a firm base on the basics of Microbiology and lab practices. I tutored high school level students as a part time tutor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I am particularly interested in the ongoing research in the lab of prof. Dr. Diana Fagan. I have contacted her and she encouraged me to apply for a position in his lab. Understanding immune response and applying it to prevent diseases is of paramount importance in developing novel and effective therapeutics. By doing so, billions of dollars and countless lives can be saved around the globe. My second, and personal, goal is to convey the in depth understanding and love of microbiology and immunology to the students I teach. My long term goal is to be a part of transformation in understanding the immunulogy, mechanism of infection, antibiotic resistance and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Police Department And The Law Enforcement The police department and the law enforcement sector as a whole has been thought of having myriad challenges with regards to situations of the breaking of law. This is mainly because an officer is not always aware of what type of situation he/ she is going to encounter next in the course of maintaining law and order which is their basic mandate; having said that, it is an all too familiar situation to the law enforcement officers that any particular situation is entirely different from another. With respect to that, an officer may encounter some breaking of the law in one particular street; in such a street or state, the citizens may be having a very good record as far as observing the law is concerned. On the other hand, the same policeofficer may encounter a situation whereby a citizen has gone contrary to the law in a street infamous for the breach of law and order. In both cases, police discretion is highly advised. It would not be a surprise to see the officer acting harsh on the latter scenario as a result of the pre formed mindset as far as history of a particular area of jurisdiction is concerned. It is for that reason that police discretion appears to be quite a challenging issue of concern in any typical society as a result of controversies which tend to occur in the process of exercising police discretion as asserted by Ross, (2012). Police discretion Police discretion in this context refers to the ability of a law enforcement officer to make a quick decision ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Iran Current Event Suraj Shrestha PSCI 2000 Current event assignment Professor Grace Cheng 18th Feb 2016 Situation of the present Iran Iran was known as Persia before 1935 and was the ultimate empires of the olden period. When the monarchy system ended in 1979, Iran became an Islamic republic and the political system was under the control of the supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini. Now it is known as the Islamic republic of Iran. The Iranian revolution was the finish line for the Shah rule that had isolated affective political and religious powers with programme linked to Westernization and modernization connected with huge oppression of rebellion. Totalitarian refers that all the powers are in the hands of the state controlling all the aspects of society ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In parliament, members and representatives are not voted or elected democratically by the people of the country. The chief council chooses them who follow their criteria of judgment rather than coming up with their own decision. Also president do not have political power, which results the entire power to the supreme leader of the country. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are there to protect the military power of the leader at all times. The reason for the violence by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are due to fact that in dictatorship power beats and power is only gained when there is persecution of the society. The Iranian secret service are the ones that terrorize the homes of people of Iran and also abroad. They have been very terrorizing as we could see in the 2009 post election by the civilian clothed officers exploiting and defecating the opposition parties. Further more they also monitor the exiled Iranian living outside the border of Iran making sure they do not play any opposition part from outside. Taking all the above points and claims into consideration, we now know that the twentieth century, the totalitarian dictatorship were the two wrong subject named the German National Socialism and Stalinism whereas, in the 21st century Islamism is the third deceptive subject which rules human nature and their desire to be free. Rights have been deprived from them; families have been threatened ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Paul Cezanne Essay PAUL CГ‰ZANNE Post Impressionism, as the name would suggest, is the art movement that directly followed Impressionism. One artist, who led the Post Impressionism movement, was French artist, Paul CГ©zanne. Much of his early work was pure Impressionism and, although he was introduced to the style and guided by Camille Pissarro, CГ©zanne s works showed a distinctive uniqueness. CГ©zanne broke away from Impressionism because of the lack of composition; he felt the desire to depict subjects in the third dimension as well as appearing flat. CГ©zanne did not agree with the Impressionistic trait of portraying the world through light, instead, he built up images by a generous use of colour. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He did not have the same attraction towards light as did many Impressionist, he believed that the structure of objects should be portrayed through colour, not light, quot;I seek to render perspective only through colour quot;. CГ©zanne created the illusion of depth in his works by adding numerous layers of colour to distinguish the form of his subjects. He would perfect the design in his works by distorting objects and having multiple viewpoints on the same object. In quot;Still Life with Apples and Peaches quot; (1905), the table is seen from two different sides, as well as from above and some of the objects on the table are viewed front on, while others are viewed from above. CГ©zanne would create a 3D effect in his works by giving each object many planes he would add to this effect with his vast use of colours. He took advantage of how warm colours (reds and oranges) and cool colours (blues and greens) draw the eye closer or push it away. An example of this is in quot;Mont Ste. Victoire Seen from Bibemus Quarry quot; (1898 1906), the mountain in the background use blues and greys to emphasise its position in relation to other objects. The boulders in the foreground demonstrate CГ©zanne s use of planes; the areas that protrude are in blocks of red, whereas the areas that are sunken in are in blocks of orange or yellow, giving the impression that it has many faces. CГ©zanne s later works ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Essay On Liver Cancer For decades, liquid air, carbonic snow and iced saline solutions were used to destroy advance malignancies for palliative purposes [5]. Now, there is a significantly increasing demand for novel, minimally invasive treatments as the need for tumour detection rises. When surgery is not feasible, other therapeutic alternatives including chemotherapy, thermal ablation, systemic therapies and intra arterial interventions are used [6]. Unfortunately, no systemic therapy has been proven effective. While chemotherapy and RFA have shown to relieve pain, decrease liver size and improve liver function tests, it also affects the normal liver as well as tumorous tissues, limiting their usefulness [5]. CA which is based on the non toxic nature of cold... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It has been shown that the blood vessels of tumour are more sensitive to heat than normal vasculature [8]. A study carried out by Zhao et al. demonstrated the heating effect of thermal significant blood vessels in CA [9]. Further research has been done on the effects of large blood vessels on the transient temperature field during CA for four different arrangements between tumour and blood vessel [10]. Wang et al. in their study coupled the heat transfer and fluid flow model established in a three dimensional space consisting of tumour, normal tissue and vascular network [8] . This model was used to predict the effect of vascular network on IIF, tumour destruction and thermal history during treatment. The numerical approaches to the multidimensional freezing problem during CA may generally be divided to the finite difference method (FDM) and the finite element method (FEM). A comparison done showed that FEM is more suitable for irregular boundaries which is often the case for tumour tissues [9] . For example, Zhang et al. generated a three dimensional model directly from the MRI images of a real prostate which was analysed using FEM to predict heat transfer in prostate cancer CA [11]. Literature written shows that the structures of natural systems may have the fractal tree like branched structure which ensures minimal dissipation and can be space ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. The Central Auditory System The receptive organ for audition is the organ of Corti, located on the basilar membrane (Carlson Birkett, 2017). The inner hair cells form synapses with the dendrites of the bipolar neurons whose axons give rise to the cochlear branch of the eighth cranial nerve. The central auditory system involves several brain stem nuclei, including the cochlear nuclei, superior olivary complexes, and inferior colliculi. The medial geniculate nucleus relays auditory information to the primary auditory cortex on the medial surface of the temporal lobe. The primary auditory cortex contains three separate tonotopic representations of auditory information and is surrounded by two levels of auditory association cortex: the belt region, which contains seven ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...