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Europe’s Government


• A confederation is a group of states or
communities that come together to support
each other and to work on common problems.
• A confederation is usually formed by a
treaty, which may be replaced later with a
• In a confederation, the participants are
voluntary, equal members.
• They have to meet with each other before
taking action on an issue.
• Confederations are usually just the first step
toward creating a more powerful government.


Unitary System
• In a unitary government, the central government has
all the power.
• This type of government has a constitution that
outlines the duties, powers, and people of the central
• The central government can give power to or create
lower levels of government, like states or communities.
This power may be changed or taken back at any time.
• France has a unitary form of government.
• The unitary system and the federal system both have a


The Federal System
• The federal system has a constitution.
• This constitution explains the rights, responsibilities, and
duties of the central government and the states.
• In this way, the power is divided between the central
government and the lower levels of government.
• Unlike the unitary system, the central government cannot
take back the power of the states, choose the state’s
leaders, or do away with these lower levels of government.
• Germany is an example of a European country that is a federal
system. Germany has a federal central government.
• The country is divided into sixteen federal states.
• The document that divides and explains the powers of the
central government and of the state governments is called the
Basic Law.


Citizen Participation in Autocratic,
Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments
• Autocratic governments have a single ruler
• They have unlimited power for the ruler
• Citizens have no choice in selecting a ruler
because no one can vote.
• No citizen can participate in elections because
no elections are held.


Citizen Participation in
Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic

• In a Oligarchic form of government a small
group of people rule.
• The group answers only to each other
• No one outside the ruling group can be
elected. The rulers are selected by the group.
• No citizen is allowed to vote. Leaders are
chosen from within the ruling group and by
the group.


Citizen Participation in
Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic

• In a democratic form of government the
citizens rule the country.
• The voters hold the power.
• Any citizen can be elected . There are some
restrictions like age, not in jail, etc.)
• Any citizen can vote as long as they are 18
years or older, and have not served any jail


Parliamentary and Presidential Forms
of Government
• In Europe, there are two main types of democratic
government. These are parliamentary government and
presidential government.
• The parliamentary system is common in Europe and
Presidential democracies are common in the Americas.
• The head of state is the chief representative of the country to
other countries.
• The United Kingdom’s queen has ceremonial duties and
serves as a symbol for the country.
• Queen Elizabeth II is officially The Queen of the United
Kingdom and other Commonwealth Realms.
• The United kingdoms prime minister is responsible for the
day to day operations of the country.
• The prime minister serves as chief executive.


Parliamentary and Presidential Forms
of Government
• In Germany, the person most like a prime
minister is the chancellor.
• The members of the legislature choose the
• Representatives of the legislature and
representatives of the states choose the
president of Germany.
• The president’s role is to be the ceremonial
head of state.


Parliamentary and Presidential Forms
of Government
• In the United States, the president serves as
head of state and chief executive.
• The president of the U.S. is the symbol of the
country and serves as a ceremonial leader in
dealing with other countries.
• The president of the U.S. also has the job of
running the U.S. government on a day-tobasis.


Parliamentary and Presidential Forms
of Government
• In France, the prime minister runs the
government but is chosen by the president.
The president is elected by the people to
serve as head of state and has the power to
deal with other countries.


Parliamentary System of the
United Kingdom
• Parliament is the lawmaking body of the United Kingdom.
• It is composed of the House of Lords and the House of
• The monarch is considered a part of parliament too.
• Lords are elected by the House or are appointed to office by
the monarch.
• The House of Lords has little power. Instead, it can make
suggestions of ways to improve a bill that is on its way to
becoming a law.
• The citizens of the United Kingdom elect the members of the
house of Commons in a general election.
• The power from the House of Commons comes from its
control of the budget.


Parliamentary and Presidential Forms
of Government
• After the election, the leader of the political party with the most members
in the House of Commons is asked by the queen to become prime
• The prime minister is the head of the government, or chief executive, and
runs the government on a day-to-day basis.
• The monarch is the official head of state. The monarch is a symbol of t he
• The monarch is sometimes referred to as “the crown.”
• The monarch’s duties are mostly ceremonial.
• The monarch’s role is restricted by the constitution of the United Kingdom.
• Citizens in the United Kingdom have personal freedoms like those in the
United States.
• All citizens are treated equally and have the right to worship as they
• British citizens have freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, the right ot
own property, and the right to security.


The Federal System of Germany
• The German parliament is made up of two houses: the Bundestag
and the Bundesrat.
• The more powerful of the two is the lower house, called the
• The citizens of each German state elect its members.
• The Bundestag also selects the chancellor. The chancellor is the
chief executive of the German government and head of the
• The president is the head of state. The president’s role is mostly
ceremonial and symbolic.
• The Bundesrat, the upper house of parliament, represents the
interests of the state governments. Each state government
selects representatives for the Bundesrat.
• The sixteen states each have differing numbers of
representatives, depending on their population.


The Federal System of Germany
• The Bundesrat is mainly concerned with law that affects the sates,. Such as
education and local government issues.
• The constitution of Germany is called the Basic Law.
• Germany is a representative democracy and operates under the federal system.
• Power is divided between member states and the central government.
• Citizens have freedom of religion and expression.
• All are viewed as equal before the law.
• Germans have the same basic freedoms as citizens of the United Kingdom.
• They have equality, freedom of the press, and protection of the family.
• The Basic law also states that Germany is a welfare state.
• A welfare state means that the government guarantees people certain benefits
when they are unemployed, poor, disabled, old, or sick.


Federation System of the Russian
• The Russian Federation is governed under a constitution.
• The head of state is the president, who is elected by the
• The president selects the prime minister.
• The president can also disband the legislature, or Federal
• The Federal Assembly is divided into two parts: the
Federation Council and the State Duma.
• The federation council has two representatives from each of
the states.
• The states appoint the council’s members; they are not
elected directly by the people. So, the Council represents
the government of the states.


Federation System of the Russian
• One of the Council’s important duties is to approve the president’s
choices of people to fill different government jobs.
• The state Duma is larger than the Council. It has 450 members, who
are elected by the people.
• This group controls the budget and makes the laws. They approve
the president’s choice for prime minister. The day-to-day running of
the government is split between the prime minister and the
president of Russia.
• Russia’s constitution guarantees human ad civil rights for its citizens.
All people are equal in the eyes of the law. Russians have the right
to life and dignity, freedom of speech, and the right to privacy.


• Twenty-seven countries are members of the European Union, or
• The purpose of the EU is for its members to work together for
advantages that would be out of their reach if each were
working alone.
• The EU nations believe that when countries work together they
are a more powerful force in the world because they involve
more people, more money, and more land area.
• This helps make the smaller countries of Europe more
competitive in the world market.
• One result of the EU is the creation of the euro. Just as the
United States has dollars, the European countries have their
own currencies.
• The euro is the currency of most of the EU.


• Member countries can choose to give up their own
currencies and exchange them for euros.
• France used to have French francs as currency.
Germany used to have German marks. Today, both
countries use the euro.
• This makes trade between the countries much easier
and less expensive.
• The United Kingdom uses the British pound, however.
• Citizens in the U.K. have decided to keep their own
currency even though they are in the EU. Twelve EU
countries do not use the euro.


• The GDP or Gross Domestic Product is the combined value of
the goods and services produced in a country each year.
• The EU does not handle all the government business for the
member countries.
• Each country still makes its own laws, has its own military, and
elects its own leaders.
• The EU works to improve trade, education, farming, and
industry among the members.
• There are no tariffs between countries in the EU.
• A free-trade zone is when citizens of one country can freely
move to another country. They can live and work in any other
EU nation. They can even vote in local elections even if they
arn’t citizens of the country.

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  • 2. • A confederation is a group of states or communities that come together to support each other and to work on common problems. • A confederation is usually formed by a treaty, which may be replaced later with a constitution. • In a confederation, the participants are voluntary, equal members. • They have to meet with each other before taking action on an issue. • Confederations are usually just the first step toward creating a more powerful government.
  • 3. Unitary System • In a unitary government, the central government has all the power. • This type of government has a constitution that outlines the duties, powers, and people of the central government. • The central government can give power to or create lower levels of government, like states or communities. This power may be changed or taken back at any time. • France has a unitary form of government. • The unitary system and the federal system both have a constitution.
  • 4. The Federal System • The federal system has a constitution. • This constitution explains the rights, responsibilities, and duties of the central government and the states. • In this way, the power is divided between the central government and the lower levels of government. • Unlike the unitary system, the central government cannot take back the power of the states, choose the state’s leaders, or do away with these lower levels of government. • Germany is an example of a European country that is a federal system. Germany has a federal central government. • The country is divided into sixteen federal states. • The document that divides and explains the powers of the central government and of the state governments is called the Basic Law.
  • 5. Citizen Participation in Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments • Autocratic governments have a single ruler • They have unlimited power for the ruler • Citizens have no choice in selecting a ruler because no one can vote. • No citizen can participate in elections because no elections are held.
  • 6. Citizen Participation in Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments • In a Oligarchic form of government a small group of people rule. • The group answers only to each other • No one outside the ruling group can be elected. The rulers are selected by the group. • No citizen is allowed to vote. Leaders are chosen from within the ruling group and by the group.
  • 7. Citizen Participation in Autocratic, Oligarchic, and Democratic Governments • In a democratic form of government the citizens rule the country. • The voters hold the power. • Any citizen can be elected . There are some restrictions like age, not in jail, etc.) • Any citizen can vote as long as they are 18 years or older, and have not served any jail time.
  • 8. Parliamentary and Presidential Forms of Government • In Europe, there are two main types of democratic government. These are parliamentary government and presidential government. • The parliamentary system is common in Europe and Presidential democracies are common in the Americas. • The head of state is the chief representative of the country to other countries. • The United Kingdom’s queen has ceremonial duties and serves as a symbol for the country. • Queen Elizabeth II is officially The Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth Realms. • The United kingdoms prime minister is responsible for the day to day operations of the country. • The prime minister serves as chief executive.
  • 9. Parliamentary and Presidential Forms of Government • In Germany, the person most like a prime minister is the chancellor. • The members of the legislature choose the chancellor. • Representatives of the legislature and representatives of the states choose the president of Germany. • The president’s role is to be the ceremonial head of state.
  • 10. Parliamentary and Presidential Forms of Government • In the United States, the president serves as head of state and chief executive. • The president of the U.S. is the symbol of the country and serves as a ceremonial leader in dealing with other countries. • The president of the U.S. also has the job of running the U.S. government on a day-tobasis.
  • 11. Parliamentary and Presidential Forms of Government • In France, the prime minister runs the government but is chosen by the president. The president is elected by the people to serve as head of state and has the power to deal with other countries.
  • 12. Parliamentary System of the United Kingdom • Parliament is the lawmaking body of the United Kingdom. • It is composed of the House of Lords and the House of Commons. • The monarch is considered a part of parliament too. • Lords are elected by the House or are appointed to office by the monarch. • The House of Lords has little power. Instead, it can make suggestions of ways to improve a bill that is on its way to becoming a law. • The citizens of the United Kingdom elect the members of the house of Commons in a general election. • The power from the House of Commons comes from its control of the budget.
  • 13. Parliamentary and Presidential Forms of Government • After the election, the leader of the political party with the most members in the House of Commons is asked by the queen to become prime minister. • The prime minister is the head of the government, or chief executive, and runs the government on a day-to-day basis. • The monarch is the official head of state. The monarch is a symbol of t he country. • The monarch is sometimes referred to as “the crown.” • The monarch’s duties are mostly ceremonial. • The monarch’s role is restricted by the constitution of the United Kingdom. • Citizens in the United Kingdom have personal freedoms like those in the United States. • All citizens are treated equally and have the right to worship as they choose. • British citizens have freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, the right ot own property, and the right to security.
  • 14. The Federal System of Germany • The German parliament is made up of two houses: the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. • The more powerful of the two is the lower house, called the Bundestag. • The citizens of each German state elect its members. • The Bundestag also selects the chancellor. The chancellor is the chief executive of the German government and head of the military. • The president is the head of state. The president’s role is mostly ceremonial and symbolic. • The Bundesrat, the upper house of parliament, represents the interests of the state governments. Each state government selects representatives for the Bundesrat. • The sixteen states each have differing numbers of representatives, depending on their population.
  • 15. The Federal System of Germany • The Bundesrat is mainly concerned with law that affects the sates,. Such as education and local government issues. • The constitution of Germany is called the Basic Law. • Germany is a representative democracy and operates under the federal system. • Power is divided between member states and the central government. • Citizens have freedom of religion and expression. • All are viewed as equal before the law. • Germans have the same basic freedoms as citizens of the United Kingdom. • They have equality, freedom of the press, and protection of the family. • The Basic law also states that Germany is a welfare state. • A welfare state means that the government guarantees people certain benefits when they are unemployed, poor, disabled, old, or sick.
  • 16. Federation System of the Russian Federation • The Russian Federation is governed under a constitution. • The head of state is the president, who is elected by the people. • The president selects the prime minister. • The president can also disband the legislature, or Federal Assembly. • The Federal Assembly is divided into two parts: the Federation Council and the State Duma. • The federation council has two representatives from each of the states. • The states appoint the council’s members; they are not elected directly by the people. So, the Council represents the government of the states.
  • 17. Federation System of the Russian Federation • One of the Council’s important duties is to approve the president’s choices of people to fill different government jobs. • The state Duma is larger than the Council. It has 450 members, who are elected by the people. • This group controls the budget and makes the laws. They approve the president’s choice for prime minister. The day-to-day running of the government is split between the prime minister and the president of Russia. • Russia’s constitution guarantees human ad civil rights for its citizens. All people are equal in the eyes of the law. Russians have the right to life and dignity, freedom of speech, and the right to privacy.
  • 18. THE PURPOSE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF ITS MEMBERS • Twenty-seven countries are members of the European Union, or EU. • The purpose of the EU is for its members to work together for advantages that would be out of their reach if each were working alone. • The EU nations believe that when countries work together they are a more powerful force in the world because they involve more people, more money, and more land area. • This helps make the smaller countries of Europe more competitive in the world market. • One result of the EU is the creation of the euro. Just as the United States has dollars, the European countries have their own currencies. • The euro is the currency of most of the EU.
  • 19. THE PURPOSE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF ITS MEMBERS • Member countries can choose to give up their own currencies and exchange them for euros. • France used to have French francs as currency. Germany used to have German marks. Today, both countries use the euro. • This makes trade between the countries much easier and less expensive. • The United Kingdom uses the British pound, however. • Citizens in the U.K. have decided to keep their own currency even though they are in the EU. Twelve EU countries do not use the euro.
  • 20. THE PURPOSE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF ITS MEMBERS • The GDP or Gross Domestic Product is the combined value of the goods and services produced in a country each year. • The EU does not handle all the government business for the member countries. • Each country still makes its own laws, has its own military, and elects its own leaders. • The EU works to improve trade, education, farming, and industry among the members. • There are no tariffs between countries in the EU. • A free-trade zone is when citizens of one country can freely move to another country. They can live and work in any other EU nation. They can even vote in local elections even if they arn’t citizens of the country.