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Euthanasia For And Against Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Euthanasia For And Against" can be quite challenging due to
the sensitive nature of the subject. Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide or mercy killing, is
a highly debated and controversial issue with strong arguments on both sides. Crafting a well-
balanced essay requires a deep understanding of the ethical, moral, legal, and medical aspects
associated with euthanasia.
On one hand, advocates argue for the individual's right to choose when and how they die,
especially in cases of unbearable suffering or terminal illnesses. On the other hand, opponents
emphasize the sanctity of life and the potential for abuse or unintended consequences if
euthanasia were to be legalized.
To construct a comprehensive essay, one must delve into the historical context, philosophical
perspectives, medical considerations, and legal frameworks surrounding euthanasia. It's crucial to
present arguments for and against with clarity and fairness, acknowledging the complexity of the
Navigating through emotional and ethical dilemmas while maintaining a logical and coherent
structure poses an additional challenge. Balancing empathy with critical analysis is essential to
address the human aspect of the debate without losing sight of the broader implications.
In conclusion, tackling a "Euthanasia For And Against" essay requires extensive research, a
nuanced understanding of diverse viewpoints, and the ability to handle a sensitive topic with
empathy and objectivity. Crafting a well-informed and compelling essay on this subject demands
not only strong writing skills but also a deep engagement with the ethical complexities involved.
If you find yourself struggling with such essays, professional assistance is available, and similar
essays can be ordered on platforms like HelpWriting.net.
Euthanasia For And Against EssayEuthanasia For And Against Essay
The Black Hand And World War I
The Black Hand and World War I Sophia Reider
Ms. Beck
Honors World Cultures Period 3
19 May 2017 On July 28th, 103 years ago, the war of the nations, the great war, or
in other words, World War I began. To this day, it is still largely debated as to which
event initiated the beginning of the war. John Rohl, emeritus professor of history at
the University of Sussex, argues that World War Ibroke out as the result of a
conspiracy between the governments of imperial Germany and Austria Hungary to
bring about war. The purpose of bringing on the war was that the two countries
believed it would be better to go down fighting rather than to continue tolerating the
status quo. The countries also did so in opposition to Britain because of its ... Show
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The Turks called for parliamentary elections, and in result, doubt was placed in the
status of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The two provinces had been under Ottoman
sovereignty, but were administered by Austria Hungary since 1878. Serbiawanted to
unite with Bosnia and Herzegovina to form a large Serbian kingdom. In opposition,
Austria Hungary annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Balkans. Austria
Hungary teased Russia with a trade off, which promised that if Russia accepted the
annexation, Austria Hungary would open the Dardanelles to Russian warships.
Instead, Austria Hungary proceeded with counteraction.
The annexation left both Serbia and Russia outraged. Germany, too, demanded that
the Russians accept the annexation, or Germany would declare war. In response,
Russia increased comfort and aid to Serbia, and the two countries were determined
to never again back down in the Balkans. Between 1912 and 1913, the Balkans
fought two wars among themselves. These wars resulted in huge casualties; the
Bulgarians lost around 65,000 men, the Greeks 9,500, the Montenegrins 3,000, and
the Serbs at least 36,000. The wars caused the people in the Balkans to become
angrier as tensions among the Great Powers continued to grow. The instability in the
Balkans was initially attractive to the Great Powers because they wanted to gain
influence. However, the
Notes On Fingerprints And Fingerprints
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1Introduction to fingerprints
1.1.1 What are fingerprints?
Fingerprints are characterised by their individual detailing and patterns. They are
formed and individualized during the growth of the foetus in the womb, the process
in which this happens is unclear, however it is clear that once the fingerprints have
matured they stay the same throughout a person s life, they do not alter unless the
person has an incident resulting in a permanent scar, this scar will then still appear in
the fingerprint as the skin sheds and regenerates. Fingerprints are left behind when
the pad of the finger comes into contact with different surfaces. The details left
behind are caused by secretions of sweat from the eccrine glands ... Show more
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Patent fingerprints also known as visible fingerprints, they are fingerprints that
visible to the human eye with no need for development techniques. They are usually
found in fluids such as blood or ink and on surfaces like glass and door frames.
Plastic fingerprints are those which are impressed within a soft material or tissue after
being pressed into the material.
Full fingerprints are the fingerprints that are found which have the whole are of the
fingerprint. Partial fingerprints are just that, they are found and only part of the
fingerprint is present. 1.1.4 Fingerprints found at crime scenes Identification
When a fingerprint is found a crime scene, it needs to be recovered in order for it to
be matched and identified as belonging to a specific person. However having just
one fingerprint from a crime scene is not enough to match it to one person, there
needs to be a fingerprint to compare it to. There will need to be the fingerprint
recovered from the crime scene and a reference fingerprint, usually taken from a
suspect. They will then be compared to one another, during this comparison
fingerprints are examined for three levels of details. Level one detailing is the
pattern (loop, whorl, arch), the pattern itself cannot be used to match the fingerprints,
though it can be used to exclude a specific person of interest if the patterns are not
the same. The second level of detailing looked for is the minutiae detailing and
Hawaii Coral Reef
The purpose of this research is to apply the knowledge learned about the ecology of
the Hawaiian Coral Reef to a real life situation. The coral reef stretches over 1,000
miles in the Pacific Ocean. In the Pacific Ocean, near the 124 islands of Hawaii, is
the Hawaiian Coral Reef, which covers nearly 1,200 miles. Out of all the coral reefs
in the world, the Hawaiian reef consists of 85% of all reefs. Coral Reefs are made
of organisms, coral, and limestone skeletons. 25% of organisms are not existent
anywhere else in the world. Abiotic factors are nonliving things, and abiotic factors
of a coral reef are depth, light, wave motion, salinity, and temperature of the ocean.
Biotic factors, living factors, is the whole coral reef, ... Show more content on
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Primary producers produce their own nutrients, and make their own food through
photosynthesis. Those organisms are plankton and sea weeds. The second on
trophic levels are the secondary consumers such as smaller fish and sea urchins.
Third on the trophic levels are decomposers. Decomposers are lobsters and sea
turtles. Tertiary consumers are the top of the food chain, they are sharks and bigger
fish. Predation is major in a coral reef because there is so much food supply. Mimicry
is used to keep the predators away but wearing bright
The Funeral Banner Of Lady Dai
The Funeral Banner of Lady Dai has several different symbolisms hidden within the
paint and ink on the sink banner. The symbol hidden within the banner can mean
many things it just looked at by themselves and so many more if looked at as a group
instead of alone. The Funeral Banner of Lady Dai relates to the phenomenon of
interconnectedness between China, Korea, and Japan by unifying these three
countries by breaking geographic and language barriers and showing common
practices between them all. China was a big influence on both Japan and Korea, the
banner may have also had an influence on the art produced in both countries.
The Banner of Lady Dai banner was found in Lady Dai s tomb in 1972. The
Marquis of Dai died in 186 B.C.E. while the Lady Dai (his wife) and their son both
died in 163 B.C.E. The true function of funeral banners is debatable, so think they
have a connection to the afterlife. Funeral Banners were also thought to be name
banners to identify a person during mourning ceremonies, or shrouds to help soul
into the afterlife (McIntire) or attract the spirit of the deceased to their tomb where
they were to spend the rest of eternity in comfort. It is believed that banners like this
were carried in front of the funeral procession, then draped upon the deceased coffin
The Funeral Banner of Lady Dai is painted Silk in ink and color and was
commissioned most likely by family of Lady Dai. The artist of the banner is
unknown. The artist represented
Essay Keystone Species
A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment
relative to its abundance. Such an organism plays a role in its ecosystem that is
analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone feels the least
pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it. Similarly,
an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone speciesis removed, even
though that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or
productivity. It has become a very popular concept in conservation biology.
Notes on the definition
The definition given here is somewhat qualitative in nature because there is not yet an
accepted, rigorous definition. At issue is how to ... Show more content on
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The exact scenario changes in each example, but the central idea remains that through
a chain of interactions, a non abundant species has an outsized impact on ecosystem
Some starfish may perform this function by preying on sea urchins, mussels, and
other shellfish that have no other natural predators. If the sea star is removed from
the ecosystem, the mussel population explodes uncontrollably, driving out most other
species, while the urchin population annihilates coral reefs.
Similarly, sea otters in kelp forests keep sea urchins in check. Kelp roots are merely
anchors, and not the vast nutrient gathering networks of land plants. Thus the urchins
only need to eat the roots of the kelp, a tiny fraction of the plant s biomass, to remove
it from the ecosystem.
Domestic cats have taken the role of a keystone species in many environments,
including human habitations, where they control some rodent populations. Feral cats
are known to decimate native populations in many places in which they are
These creatures need not be apex predators. Sea stars are prey for sharks, rays, and
sea anemones. Cats and sea otters are prey for raptor birds.
In North America, the grizzly bear is a keystone species not as a predator but as
ecosystem engineers. They transfer nutrients from the oceanic ecosystem to the forest
ecosystem. The first stage of the transfer
The War Prayer Williams Dean Howell Analysis
Mark Twain The war prayer and Williams dean Howell Editha both compare their
stories to war; they were impelling the characters into something that can cause
death. Twain and Howell both contradicted they stories off war that really didn t
take places. The stories were both romanticism. Howells was very much opposed to
war and especially the Spanish American War, which he considered imperialistic.
The story impales Editha, who embodies all the nonsense about the heroic
romanticism of war and whose false sense of values drives her unfortunate fiancГ©
to a premature death in a questionable war. Howell made it story based off currently
everyday situation of manipulative. Twain War Prayer was devastating indictment of
war, and particularly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Editah was a woman who loved her country more than anything and willing to give
up anything. George however dislike in his portrayal of Editha, a thoughtless,
selfish lady idealistic but ignorant for wanting him to be processed in war. Editah
couldn t understand how George didn t think that war was important even thou she
got him to go. Her pressing him into war effect on other people mainly his mom
because he got soon he got to war. His mom speaks No, you didn t expect him to
get killed, Mrs. Gearson repeated. (Howell) I suppose you would have been glad
to die, such a brave person as you! I don t believe he was glad to die. He was
always a timid boy, that way; he was afraid of a good many things; but if he was
afraid he did what he made up his mind to. I suppose he made up his mind to go,
but I knew what it cost him by what it cost me when I heard of it. I had been
through one war before. When you sent, him you didn t expect he would get killed.
(Howell) His mom was very discouraging in Editah for send her son to get killed.
The war prayer depicts a man coming in to tell them that fighting war wasn t no
justification right. A country goes into war and church member call ups a meeting to
pray for the soldiers. They prayed to GOD to grant them victory and to protect their
troops. when an unexpected man comes on alone to tell them it s not right sending
them off
Pop Culture And Gender Stereotypes
How does pop culture perpetuate gender stereotypes? Popular culture is a broad
perspective of how society is perceived today. It plays a major role especially in
our youth, paints an image of how one should look, act, or perceive the world and
their surroundings; also persuading a group of individuals into accepting and
pursuing a financial way of living. Pop cultureis involved in our everyday life
whether we are aware or not, from watching television, listening to the radio, or even
surfing the internet, it s always here. Society tends to minimize what effect Pop has
negatively. The internet, one of the most influential to keep up with Pop culture,
television shows has influenced genderstereotypes in a way that it reinforces that men
should be the dominant gender and women should dress and act a certain way to be
Popular culture inspires youth the desire to be what they see in the media. Parents
feel the need to bring up their offspring in the utmost sophisticate way, though
obliviously allowing television to develop their understanding. Filled with fairy
tales featuring Princesses, heroes, and magics, these popular mythical characters
have become a major influence on younger children especially little girls. They
imagine becoming princesses hoping that one day they will be swept away by
their Prince Charming. As they progress in age, young girls begin to watch
sitcoms portraying how they should look, feel, and dress. In today s time, popular
culture is interpellated as to how the process of growing fast is eminent. From
baby girl to princess, from a princess to a young lady; all categorized by age
groups. Male characters are often portrayed to be a prince or a hero of such. Boys
are usually identified as the prince start as an adolescence swiftly growing into a
young adult. According to Stephanie Hanes, parents are having a hard time dealing
with it, they say that things they used to do aren t working; they say they re losing
control of what happens to their girls at younger ages. (pp 511) Pop culture creates
an image of how women should resemble themselves from the beginning of
childhood to the age of accountability by means of dolls, animated characters, and
kids digital games promoting
Suite E Major ( See Appendix B )
Suite in E Major (see Appendix B)
Arthur Foote, along with John Knowles Pain, George W. Chadwick, Horatio
Parker, Amy Beach, and Edward MacDowell, were a group of composers that
became known as the Second New England School (Crawford Hamberlin, 2013, p.
185). Foote was a well known educator as well who served as a guest lecturer at the
University of California, Berkeley in the summer of 1911, and also taught piano at
the New England Conservatory from 1921 until his death in 1927 (Cipolla, n.d.)
Foote began his music studies at the age of 12 and showed a lot of promise.
However, the entered Harvard in 1870 to study law, but continued to take music
courses. He was so encouraged by his music experiences in Harvard that he changed
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The third movement, as the title indicates, is a fugue and demonstrates many traits of
Foot s Romantic style. The movement is in the key of E minor, but borrows heavily
from E major tonality ending on the major tonic.
To a Wild Rose (see Appendix B)
Edward MacDowell was a popular composer who favored the late romantic
programmatic style over the classical German Romanticism that was popular among
his American contemporaries (Crawford Hamberlin, 2013). At the age of 16,
MacDowell began studying piano and composition in Europe where he had some of
his early compositions published. Upon returning to the United States he continued
teaching, composing and performing in the Boston area. After becoming on of the
nation s leading musicians, he began teaching at Columbia University. Prior to his
time at Columbia he wrote a few symphonic works, however his duties at the
university only allowed him to write smaller pieces (Crawford Hamberlin, 2013).
To a Wild Rose is the first of ten short pieces from MacDowell s Woodland
Sketches, which is based on scenes from the New England countryside (Crawford,
1996). The programmatic nature of this piece exemplifies MacDowell s idea that
modern harmonies could aid in creating music that is more expressive without the
need for words or scenery to describe an idea. The piece also demonstrates the
influence of Wagner s descriptive harmonic style while maintaining the
America Needs Internet Censorship Essay
Tears begin to fall down a child s face. Her body goes into shock out of fear. Her
mother warned her about watching inappropriate content, and there it was, right on
her computer screen. This could not have happened though. All she was doing was
casually browsing the internet before a pop up appeared. Although it may seem hard
to believe, the major cause of events such as this is the lack of censorshipon the
internet. Internet censorshiprelates to the removal of offensive, inappropriate, or
controversial content published online. The current problem with the internet is that
there are few restrictions on what can be published or viewed. Several sites on the
internet only offer a warning about inappropriate content that can easily be... Show
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As a matter of fact, those individuals with damaging thoughts are the ones that watch
and produce pornography. Additionally, exposure to obscene material correlates with
increased rapes, prostitution, child molestation, violent crime, the abuse of women,
and sex addiction in men (Hacker 5). Many of these correlations are a result of ideas
that pornography planted in minds. Pornography alone does not cause people to
commit a sexual crime, but it affects minds enough to influence people to act in an
unethical way.
Censoring the internet would also protect the minds of citizens from corrupt
propaganda. Propaganda that is placed by the government is generally misleading
and discourages deep thinking. An example is Obama s campaign in 2008. People
loved [Obama s campaign], but many did not understand what type of change he was
talking about. Such propaganda stirred passions and made people feel good, but it did
not allow people to think critically about the issues. Rather, Obama smartly played
off anti incumbent sentiment that was sweeping the nation (Snowball 71). Other
times, the government will place propaganda on the internet to influence citizens to
take a certain action. According to John Turner, voters are being misled by the
propaganda of think tanks and the Coalition. Propaganda serves as part of
government coercion. The propaganda seems to be an encouragement of action,
Social Problems In Sunflower County
A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community would
deem as being undesirable. A social problem is also a condition created by a
society that is can usually be alleviated or solved by society. According to our
textbook, Social Problems: Reading with Four Questions, there are three criteria
that a problem must meet in order to be a social problem. First of all, the problem
must be social in origin and caused by social factors. The more its causes are social,
the more it becomes a social problem. Next, the problem must be harmful to many
individuals. Finally, in order to be considered a social problem, it should harm
society in a sense that it threatens what we believe society should be. There are three
theoretical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Poverty would be considered a social problem because it affects a great number of
people and can be detrimental to society. The unemployment rate in Sunflower
County averaged at 12.4%, which is much higher than the overall unemployment
rate in Mississippi at 7.2%. Sunflower County is also one of the poorest counties in
the states and one of the poorest in the United States. 36.1% of people living in
Sunflower County are below the poverty level. This isn t counting those who are
struggling or those wavering right about the poverty line. The overall poverty rate
for Mississippi is 22.7%. One factor that could contribute to poverty in Sunflower
County is the lack of education. Many school districts in Sunflower County have
been put under the conservatorship of the Mississippi Department of Education due
to academic and financial reasons. 70.2% of Sunflower County residents graduate
from high school and only 13% have obtained their Bachelor s Degree. Another
factor could be that there are more white collar jobs than blue collar jobs.
Undereducated individuals would not qualify for many white collar jobs leaving
them without employment. There are many steps that could be taken to help prevent
or solve the poverty issue in Sunflower County. They could encourage residents to
graduate and further their education, whether it is in college or a certificate program.
If there are more white collar jobs, they will
Wearing The United States Army Uniform
It is being known that clothes make a man or a woman and by all means, this is a
true statement regarding the United States military. Soldier s uniforms symbolize
everything from branch, rank, position, loyalty, and prestigious. The image of a
sharp outfit creates a psychological, moral booster and spirit de corps of Soldiers. As
a general rule, Soldiers are identified by their uniforms. Each uniform has multiple
components that have a legacy and a history behind. Although Soldiers have pride in
wearing the United States Army Uniform, a few of them don t know the origin and
purpose of each part of the uniform. Every part has its purpose, and it was
strategically made based on the necessities in the battlefield.
Historical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Uniforms design, colors, and attributes were influenced of European armies.
The Camouflage
Historically, military uniforms were primarily about identity, pride, and recognition;
however, at the beginning of the twentieth century, military uniformsbecome less
decorative and more attuned to the need of the Soldiers This was the though when
it comes to camouflage. A Soldier s life might depend on it. Camouflage was first
understood by hunters as far as from prehistoric time. These hunters observed and
understood how an animal had a protection beyond just teeth and claws. They
discovered that most animals could mix it with a natural background such as trees,
leaves, and rocks, make them undetectable to other animals and humans. The
military has little used at the beginning of these techniques. There are few examples
of the use of camouflage in ancient and medieval warfare because camouflage was
rare at that time. A well known example of camouflage was during the 17th century
when William Shakespeare described the medieval warriors that were ready to march
on Macbeth at his fortress at Dunsinane (Newark, Newart, Borsarello, 1996).
The Headgear
The Director of the Non Commissioned Officer Heritage and Education Center, Mr.
Mark R. Henry, stated that historically, nations copy the design of the uniform from
the most successful units in combat and without a doubt, the United States Army did
The most
Argument Of An Open Source Visualisation Tool
Argument Visualisation tools
Argumentation is the area that studies the relation between a claim and any statement
that supports or opposes this claim.
Argument visualisation is the way to present the arguments, which make it easy way
to analysis and evaluate. There are many tools help to visualise arguments used
different type of visualisation, such as, network, tree, and table.
Argument graph is import to summarize the complex argument on documents, which
make all the argument s elements and relation clear and explicit. Also it can play
role in making decision. The decision can be taken after analysis the graph and find
solution for problems.
3.1.Network Visualisation:
It is type of visualisation which support directed and undirected graph. The graph
consists of nodes and lines.
3.1.1.CompendiumLD: is an open source visualisation tool that is usually used for
learning purposes [1]. It helps education s staff to organise their ideas, design
learning tutorials, and share relevant materials with students. CompendiumLD has
a clear layout as Fig. 1 shows. This tool consists of sets of icons. Users can simply
drag and drop the icons and use arrows to link between the icons and describe task
s direction between them. The icons are divide to groups according to their
objectives [2]. Some icons are used for learning design while other are used to
express conditional issues in the task. For example, if a student passes the
Civil War Globalization
Over many years of trading between different people, goods from one region of the
world can be employed and enjoyed in another. This process is called globalization.
There are some negative connotations revolving around the word, but those are
overpowered by all of its positive aspects. I believe globalization is good for society
because it helps countries win wars, impacts the economy for the better, and spreads
important technological advancements.
The Atlantic slave trade, although being extremely horrific, contributed to the success
of the northern United States during the Civil War. By helping to expand their
military, the flood of slaves going to the U.S during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries
greatly affected the outcome of the Civil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The creation of gunpowder was purely coincidental. It was invented inadvertently by
alchemists while trying to make a potion of immortality. Originally gunpowder was
used for fireworks and other entertainment purposes. By the end of the Tang Dynasty,
gunpowder was used by the military. Throughout the Song and Yuan Dynasties, many
wars drove the evolution of cannons, and fire arrows using gunpowder. ( Four
Inventions of Ancient China. ) This signified the beginning of the advanced
weaponry we use today to defend
The History Of Pigs
Pigs is any of the animals in the genus SUS, within the family of the even toed
ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian
wild boar, along with other species. They lived up eight years. Pigs eat many
different things including shrubs, weeds, bird eggs, snakes, grasshoppers, mice,
roots,even manure. Pigs are mammals with stocky bodies, flat snouts, small eyes
and large ears. Pigs are valuable to humans including pork, lard, leather, and a
variety of medicines. Pigs are a very highly intelligent, social animals, and are found
all over the world. Pigs were among the first animals to be domesticated, about six
thousand years ago in China. Pigs usually weigh between three hundred and seven
hundred lbs.
Essay Tess of the D Urbervilles by Hardy
SAC Out come 2 Literature
In Tess of the D Urbervilles Hardy does expose the social injustices and double
standards which prevail in the late nineteenth century.
These injustices and double standards are evident throughout the whole novel, and
Tess, the main character, is the one who suffers them.
This becomes evident from the first page when Parson Tringham meets Jack
Durbeyfield and refers to him as Sir John . With his whimsical comment, made from
the safety of a secure social position, the Parson begins the events which start the
destruction and downfall of the whole Durbeyfield family.
Logically the fact that Tesss family and their gentlefolk relatives have the same
descendents should mean that both sides of the ... Show more content on
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Not only this, it was a sin of which he too was guilty they both had a premarital
affair. This leads us to the hypocrisy in the different standards set for men and
women. True, this difference was common to the whole society, but Hardy does
appear to be a pioneer in highlighting the injustice. At the end of phase the fourth,
Angel admits to plunging into eight and fourty hours dissipation with a stranger
(page 225). Tess s forgiveness is immediate. She says: Oh, Angel I am almost glad
because now you can forgive me! (Page 225)
In her simplicity she believes all will be well but that is not the case. Phase the fifth
is titled The Woman Pays. Angel blames her for this very simplicity. He is not
willing to live with her and bring shame upon their future family. Angel can be
forgiven with a word, but not Tess. As Hardy points out The woman pays .
This is not only shown between Tess and Angel or Alex but by most of the men
throughout the book, starting with her father. When Jack Durbeyfield gets drunk at
The Pure Drop Tess is expected to do his work for him. While doing this she kills
Prince, which leads to her misfortunes at Trantridge. Tess not only has to work for
her father when he is drunk, she is expected to cover for his stupidity, as is her
mother. An example of this is when Jack rides past the May dance, everyone assumes
he is
Alcohol s Sedative Analysis
According Roehrs and his colleagues of their research, alcohol s sedative and
performance disruptive effects can be attenuated by enhancing the basal level of
alertness after alcohol consumption (Roehrs). It means that after drinking we would
experience sleepiness that makes an individual dangerous to drive. Alcoholaffects has
the same severity to some neurotransmitter systems and sedative drugs do (Roehrs).
For example, alcohol facilitates GABA mediated inhibition (acts as GABA agonist)
and reduces the release of acetylcholine (acts as acetylcholine antagonist).
Consequently, alcohol could mimic the effects of other sedative drugs (Roehrs).
Alcohol affects serotonin and glutamate; these two transmitters regulate sleep and
wakefulness. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is in charge of of sleep.
Glutamate is in charge of wakefulness. When alcohol have sedative effects, would
make it hard for a person to stay awake which is why law prohibits us to drink and
drive, because when we cannot stay focus driving under influence, it is not safe for
the driver and everyone else on the road (Roehrs).
Alcohol effects human brain, but it can harm the fetus even more. ... Show more
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It could have serious effects to the fetus development of the body and the brain that
lead to a series of physical, cognitive, and behavioral effects. These effects could
have negative impact to the fetus development such as heart, blood vessels, bones
muscles and the cellular and molecular structures. The most serious consequence to
the fetus is a series of symptoms cause by pregnancy alcohol consumption is fetal
alcohol syndrome, also known as FAS (Chen). The criteria for diagnosing FAS
include facial dysmorphology, growth retardation, and central nervous system (CNS)
Emerson s Metaphor Of Self Reliance
Through excellent metaphors, Emerson stresses that you must first trust yourself to
achieve greatness from your own genius, to realize your potential, and to be self
reliant. Your inner genius, when tapped into, allows you to build self reliance.
Some people might argue that you only need to depend on yourself. If you are
totally self reliant you re going to have a narrow perspective because you can only
pull from your own life experiences or from your own family s or community s
involvement. However, I am arguing that Emerson uses strong metaphors to show
that even with a belief in individualismand self reliance, one must also trustother
sources such as society and God.
You must believe in yourself first and foremost to achieve self reliance ... Show more
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The individual must also love Him. Emerson states, Love, which is the essence of
God, is not for levity, but for the total worth of man. (1518) You cannot love God
without loving yourself and vice versa. Where there is love, there is trust. God
created society; God created us; we must trust and love all of creation. My friends
have come to me unsought. The great God gave them to me, (1452) says Emerson.
A gift granted by God is worth as much love as one shows himself. I find them, or
rather, not I, but the Deity in me and in them, both deride and cancel the thick walls
of individual character. (1453) Society can become jovial and loving when the trust
and love transcends the physical and becomes part of God. When we are all in tune
and play our notes, the chords sound wonderful and a song plays
John Stuart Mill s Brand Of Utilitarianism
John Stuart Mill introduced his ideas of ethics in which he argued that the most
morale actions were the ones that provided the greatest amount of happiness to the
greatest number of people. His theory become known as Utilitarianism and gained
prominence in the 18th century and his ideas received much criticism when first
introduced because many thought that he promoted selfishness although he argued
that it was not an individual s happiness but the happiness of the group that truly
mattered. Mill s brand of Utilitarianismfocuses on a balance of happiness over
suffering and is an absolute principle. I will argue that Mill s theory tends to focus
more on the maximization of utility in the short term, and because of this there are
flaws in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this experiment it is assumed that the five patients each need a separate organ
and are waiting for transplants. It is pretty certain that each patient will die before
they have a chance to receive an organ based on their name on the transplant list.
The doctor happens to have a neighbor who is somehow a match for all 5 patients
and he knows that his neighbor is a jerk with no family. Therefore, since no one
would miss him and it would be a bad day for the neighbor, it would be argued that
the best option would be to kill the neighbor in order to save the 5 patients with his
organs. This would create the greatest good for the greatest number of people
because even though one innocent man dies, the other 5 innocent people are given
the chance to live. The pain is equal for either case and since the pain of the death
of one would be less than the pain of five the option is clear. What gives one the
right to take another innocent person s life? When this is viewed in a long term and
larger scale it contradicts utilitarianism and takes away from the utility of society
because it creates constant fear and pain in
Physical Aspects Of Physical Contact
Physical contact has a power unlike any other. The seemingly simple act of a touch is
an influential and universal language to humans; when a human being makes
physical contact with another, different emotions, such as love, happiness, gratitude,
fear, or even anger and disgust take over the senses. It can help communicate feelings
to another. Touch affects every type of relationship, whether it is a romantic
relationship, friendship, family, or even a complete stranger. Physical touch is a
powerful tool that is persuasive and hospitable. It can be used to get children to
behave, be the finishing touch to closing an important business deal or creating a new
The sense of touch is truly the first of the five senses developed. Physical touch
allows a newborn to completely take in their surroundings. With a light touch, an
individual is able to figure out the weight, size, shape, and temperature of a certain
object. It also teaches an individual about awareness of their own bones and muscles
in their body. Touch helps the bond between people and brings them closer together.
It has been proven that physical contact stimulates the orbitofrontal cortex in the
brain, which is connected to compassion and reward. The skin of the human body has
receptors that produce emotional responses, depending upon the type of touch or the
situation. They are the same receptors that can detect pain after an accident. It a
biological response, in fact there is support that shows that
Analysis Of Patricia Hill Collins s Critical Race Theory
The contributions of female thinkers have generally been overlooked thought out the
years, even though they have an understanding of theory and society similar to their
male counterparts. There are many women who have made a major contribution to
the development of modern day sociology. Patricia Collins is a well known
sociology professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her work focuses
on several issues concerning issues with feminismand genderin the African American
community. She has discussed topics on socioeconomic status, which ties into the
new racism . The new racism basically is disenfranchising voters and driving politics
by economic influence, which is neither in the hands of Blacks, but falls in the hands
of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She was influenced by Du Bois s writings, including The Philadelphia Nergo, the
New York Times articles and the Atlanta Studies (Morris, pg.72). Ovington began
studying the lives of African Americans living in New York at the time, which lead
her research and findings to writing Half a Man: The Status of Negro in New York. In
this book Ovington concentrated on economic status of black New Yorkers, carefully
examining their employment opportunities and working conditions (Morris, pg.72).
Ovington viewed racial discrimination in the labor market as a major issue in New
York, while focusing her attention closely to the conditions of black womans
economic and labor experiences comparing them to white woman. Mary White
Ovington s study tended to be descriptive given its reliance of secondary data, but it
was nonetheless a major contribution to the understanding of a northern black
community during the first decade of the twentieth century (Morris, pg.73). The
research done by Ovington captured Du Bois s attention and became an important
addition to the Atlanta s school offerings in urban and economic sociology.
Another important female who help contribute to the development of modern day
sociology is Lucy Craft Laney, who has been described as one of the most important
African American
Richard III Conscience Essay
Human beings behave with a conscience, an innate feeling of right and wrong. The
conscience prevents most people from committing horrific acts, and those who
commit such acts bear a guilty conscience. Richard starts out as the perfect
Machiavellian, but as Shakespeare s historical drama Richard III unfolds, he
becomes fallible due to his conscience. Richard s Machiavellian techniques allow
him to rise to the throne; the same tactics cause Richard s demise. Shakespeare
explicitly uses Richard s failure to demonstrate that Machiavelli s philosophy does
not work. According to Shakespeare the most important reason for the downfall of
Richard is his conscience, and Machiavelli s philosophy does not account for this
quality of human nature. In... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
His guilty conscience causes his once quick and witty mind that always knows the
next step in his master plan to spiral into a slow and unsure mind. Richard s guilt
causes him to use unnecessary and exorbitant force. For example, he sends Anne
[his] wife [to] bid the world good night (4.3 43), a death that has no political
necessity. The conscience consumes Richard as he dreams about a parade of the
ghosts of those he murdered. The dream sequence fulfills queen Margaret s
prophecy that the worm of conscience still begnaw [Richard s] soul . (1.3 233) The
eerie dream sequence sends Richard into a dialogue with himself exclaiming, O
coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! (5.3 191) This shows how Richard s
guilt consumes his mind, which leads Richard to lose the battle against Norfolk.
Machiavelli s teachings do not account for when the prince goes mad. Not once in
Machiavelli s The Prince does he use the word conscience . Shakespeare uses
Richard III to comment on the inhumane nature of Machiavelli s philosophy.
Shakespeare argues that the Machiavellian actions Richard took to claim the throne
of England do not lead to success, but rather end in disaster. Richard explicitly
follows Machiavelli s philosophy, yet the drama ends in his death. No human being
would be able to follow Machiavelli s guidelines without his conscience either
preventing him, or driving him
Cattle Farming Safe For All Humanity
As we know there are differences between locally grown, organic, and grass fed
beef, however, farmer working conditions are not so different. Grass fed farms
feed their cattle the closest they can to a natural diet of year round pasture grazing
and substitutes such as; alfalfa and hay in the offseason. On organic farms,
workers strive to follow the USDA guidelines and prepare for yearly inspections.
Local, also known as, independent farmers may choose to raise their cattle
organically, by natural grass feeding or mixed. These farms raise large herds but not
nearly as large as conventional factory farms. On Organic farms, long hours and hard
work are spent ensuring the land is certified organic, the cattle are served only
organic feed, and that the cattle graze every day, all year. On organic farms, there is
no use of hormones, antibiotics or other hazardous contributions. Deeming these
methods of cattle farming safe for all humanity. Independent farmers withstand long
hours and strenuous tasks to ensure cattle are raised humanely and the environment
is, for the most part, unharmed. It is very common for these farms to be family
owned and employed. Proper handling and safety methods become almost second
nature for family members. During the hiring process, background knowledge of
raising cattle and use of farm equipment are key. There is much work involved
maintaining a wide variety of heavy equipment including tractors, windmills, and
fences. Many of these farms grow their
I Sat Down For A Discussion With One Of The Attorneys
In August 2016, I sat down for a discussion with one of the attorneys at Hotze
Runkle, Justin Dunlap. Mr. Dunlap had just joined the firm a month earlier as part
of the firm s expansion into pharmaceutical litigation, an area of practice that he
has had years of experience prior to joining the firm. He graciously took the time
one afternoon to sit down and allow me to conduct an interview with him. First, I
asked him to discuss his educational background and how he began to practice law.
Mr. Dunlap, a native of the Dallas area, completed his undergraduate degree at the
University of Kansas where he studied history. He said that while he thoroughly
enjoyed his degree program s content, he did not see a future career for him with
history and given that many of his older family members, including his mother, were
practicing lawyers, law schoolseemed to him to be a natural next step for him. He
returned to Dallas to get his law degree from Southern Methodist University (SMU).
He said that, he felt extremely lucky that his parents were able to help finance his
legal education, so finances were not a major factor in his law school decision.
When I asked him how he came to choose SMU, he indicated that the two most
prominent factors were the location in the state he wished to practice and the school
s estimable reputation in Texas and the surrounding states. Mr. Dunlap told me that
once he got to law school, he was sure that he wanted to work for the JAG Corps
once he was
Totem Poles
People believe that totems originated around the Northwest Pacific Coast where
Native Americans had specific rules and traditions about how they were made and
used. Although no one knows for sure how long the Native Americans have been
living in the North America region, it is known that their culture is very much
centered around their spiritual beliefs as individual families and clans. Despite the
common belief that totem poles represent Native American gods, in many tribes
they were used to represent the beliefs and traits of the family who owned it. The
making of a totem pole is a long and complicated process. Before a totem pole is
carved a meeting of the elders, sponsors, and master carver is held and the master
carver designs a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If a totem was painted the colors would have symbolized directions. North was
represented by the color yellow. Blue was symbolic of the west. Red was the south
while the north was represented by white (Page 43). Totem poles were used for
different things in each tribe. For example, in the Lillooet tribe mortuary poles
were used to mark grave sites ( Lillooet American History). In the Haida totems
were used as a way of indicating rank in lineage ( Haida American History). For the
Tlingit tribe mortuary poles are given as wedding gifts to be placed outside the
home of the newlyweds ( Tlingit American History). Wood carving was probably
the preeminent Bella Coola art. Masks, entry poles, house frontal poles (with entry
through a gaping mouth), and carved posts were often painted and decorated with
crest figures. They had no fully developed totem pole ( Bella Coola American
History). The Kwakiutl were artists. Even in utilitarian items, visual art was joined
with rhetoric, mythology, and performance art to glorify the kin groups. Wooden
objects, such as massive house posts, totem and commemorative poles (non
aboriginal), masks, rattles, feast dishes, and other objects used for crest displays
were carved and/or painted ( Kwakiutl American History). When other cultures think
of Native Americans, part of what comes to mind is totem poles. Totem poles can
show lineage,
Company Provides Unique Solution For Hose, Tubing And...
Parflex is a parker division that designs and manufactures thermoplastic and
fluoropolymer hose, tubing and accessories for extreme applications. The company
provides unique solution to its customers for hose, tubing and related accessories.
Products that are offered by the company can be categorized in 5 major sections and
these are: Hose: Company offers wide variety of hose, whether it s industrial heavy
duty, specialized, hybrid and hydraulic hose. Some of the hose types in the ParFlex
product line are hose bundles, compact hose, constant working pressure hose,
fluoropolymer hose, general hydraulic thermoplastic hose, Industry standard
hydraulic hose, pre configured transfer and general purpose hose assemblies,
refrigeration hose,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These pre insulated, heat traced tubing bundles products are used in variety of
applications like process instrumentation applications, freeze protection; Company
offers lights steam traced, heavy steam traced bundles for freezer protection and
process temperature control. The company provides and efficient and effective
solutions in these products time and time again proving their expertise in the field.
Heat shrinking tubing: Heat shrinking tubing is designed and manufactured in many
forms like roll covers, double shrink and standard heat shrinking designs. Company
provides turnkey services, scoring, cutting, and customization services to its
customers. Plastic and fluoropolymer tubing: Company provides more than 30 types
of innovative design and solutions under this type of tubing. Company provides
largest selection of tubing under one roof. The solutions provided from the company
are for application for high purity applications, extreme temperatures, corrosion,
chemicals, abrasion and flexural fatigue resistance. Tubing can be manufactured and
arranged, bundled and formed with standard and specialty products. The products are
used in transportation, medical and variety of fields and products, some of the
notable products are airplane, rockets, high performance equipment s and heavy
construction vehicles. Fitting: Company offers variety of
Television s Impact On Teenagers Today
Palomar College
Televisions Impact on Teenagers Today
Shilpa Pryor
Digital Broadcasting Arts 100
Lisa Faas
3 May 2015
Shilpa Pryor
Professor Lisa Faas
Digital Broadcasting Arts 100
3 May 2015
Television s Impact on the Teenagers of Today
The way teens have been portrayed on television over the years has evolved quite
drastically. Now more than ever tv shows have catered towards this adolescent age
group. Young people consume hours of television shows over the week, and it s what
they are consuming that can be the cause of concern. How teenagers are represented
on television has an impact on the very teens who are watching these programs.
I want to look at how exposure to television content over the years has affected the ...
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Its influence on the masses was still something that was highly underestimated.
There is no doubt that television has played a large role in influencing the teenagers
of today. When television had first started in the United States there were only 3
channels available NBC, CBS and ABC. Any opportunity to show content targeted
toward teens was not really available at the time. When FOX came on the scene in
the 1980 s, they were able to cater to the younger generation with shows like BET
and MTV (Jamieson and Romer 18). Music was a key entry point; combined with
television, it became popular among teens. And as corporations realized the spending
power of teenagers, and the potential influence they could have on them, they started
targeting this new audience.
According to the Teen Health and the Media web site, American teenagers on
average spend about 20 hours a week watching television. This means that by the
age of 18 they will have been exposed to over 350,000 advertisements on television
and 100,000 of that would include alcohol ads. This means that teens are using a
third of their day to watch TV. (Teen Health and the Media). A great example of the
effectiveness of advertising is when Victor Strasburger from the American Academy
of Pediatrics shared a research study about the effects of advertising. A group of
children from the ages of 10 to 12 could recognize a Budweiser frog just as easily as
they could recognize the bugs bunny character
Black Sexual Politics By Patricia Hill Collins Essay
Some see gender as being Black and White and it is, literally. With numerous gender
ideologies, not only is there division between the Black (African Americans) and the
White (fair skinned Europeans), but between men and women as well. Generally,
white men and white men only hold most of the power in the world that there is to
possess and it has consciously been set up for them to do so. The technical name for
this global concept is hegemonic masculinity. This highly sexist and blatantly racist
model has been implemented by bigoted western agendas to then be culturally and
systematically carried out for centuries; sometimes without question. In her novel
Black Sexual Politics , Patricia Hill Collins masterfully highlights just how much
hegemonic masculinity altered the once blissful power structure, not just in the
western world but specifically within the homes of the Black community. She also
confers the several quintessential benchmarks within hegemonic masculinity that the
Black man must uphold in order for him to unambiguously maintain his dominant
status. If the benchmarks of hegemonic masculinity highlight everything it takes for
a Black man to be a man, The Moynihan Report, 1965 exposes the Black man for
everything he lacks. The benchmarks for hegemonic masculinity that Patricia Hill
Collins discuses are eerily connected to the covertly racist allegations of the report.
The Negro Family: The Case for National Action , also known as The Moynihan
Meniere s Disease And Exercise Study
Anytime an individual is asked to administer an exercise program for a client with a
major chronic disease, the practitioner must determine if the program will help
facilitate the management of disease or if exercise (or certain types of exercise) will
cause the condition to worsen. Table 2 justifies the use of exerciseand highlights the
importance of recommending exercise for patients with Meniere s disease, although
very little research has been conducted on the population directly. One cohort study,
found that as many as 50% of patients with Meniere s disease use some form of
exercise to help manage their condition (Kentala, 2013). While this study didn t
examine the effectiveness of exercise on Meniere s disease directly, it indirectly...
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Until conflicting evidence is found, general guidelines may be utilized for the
individual s with Meniere s, however, a few observations should be considered.
Individuals with Meniere s may benefit from exercise modalities that work in other
balance/coordination based ailments including: (1) Tai chi, (2) yoga, (3) video
games, (4) dance, (5) aquatic therapy and (6) balance/fail training (Е umec, 2015).
Rotational exercises have also been shown to effectively train balance abilities
(Brant, 2001, Nyabenda 2003). While free weights may improve coordination,
safety needs to be considered before incorporating them into your program. Safety
should also be considered before recommending water based activities because
directional disorientation could lead to drowning, if an attack occurred underwater.
Overall the personal trainer must consider the unique aspect of the Meniere s
sufferer s diagnosis, severity of symptoms, fitness level, and individual exercise
preferences before designing a training plan. It is imperative that safety precautions
be taken due to the increased risk of loss of
Abortion Is Murder
There are nearly 1.2 million abortions performed in the United States each year
(Operation Rescue, 2014). That was 1.2 million innocent lives that were ended
before they even had a chance to begin. Abortion has been legal for decades now,
and it is time to put a stop to all the murdering of unborn children. This senseless
killing of an unborn child needs to be recognized for what it truly is, and that is
legalized murder. Abortions should be made illegal in the United States because it is
taking the life of an innocent person, there are other options out there and lastly
abortions are not only harming the unborn child but also cause harm to the mother.
Abortions should be illegal because they are murder. The definition of Abortionis a
medical procured used to terminate a pregnancy and results in the death of the fetus,
or embryo (Webster, n.d.). The definition of murder is the crime of deliberate
killing of a human (Webster, n.d.). So there for getting an abortion is logically
murder. Science has proven that the life of a human begins at conception, so when a
surgeon performs an abortion it should be considered murder! If everyone else who
commits murder goes to jail, then why should not the doctors who perform the life
ending procedure? Or the mother that ok s the procedure? They are doing the same
thing as the person on the street who just shot and killed someone. They are both
ending a human life and both should face the same consequences.
The Russian Revolution Of 1917
The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar
Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. It
sparked the beginning of a new era in Russia that had effects on countries around the
In the years leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917, the country had a
succession of wars. These were, The Crimean War (1854 56), The Russo Turkish
War (1877 78), The Russo Japanese War (1904 1905), and World War I(1914 18). All
of these required a lot from the state, including tax dollars and manpower. Russia
suffered defeat in all, except against Turkey. This series of war caused great
discontent among the people and caused suffering in the country s economy and
Along with these wars, there were three major parties that contributed to the cause
of the revolution. First, there were the peasants, who maintained the majority of
the population in Russia. They were excessively poor and could barely escape
famine from harvest to harvest. The population boom in Russia from 1867 1896
was felt most drastically by the peasants. The increase of 30 million people in less
than 30 years was too great that the land to the peasants disposal did not increase
sufficiently. The government tried to help, but war took precedence. Second, there
was a rise of the industrial working class. These workers were employed in the
mines, factories and workshops of the major cities. They suffered low wages, poor
housing and many
Trac Tracy Turnblad Individuality In Songs
You can t stop the Beat by the Cast of Hairspray
I chose this song from the Broadway musical Hairspray because the whole show
discussed the Transcendentalist ideas of standing up for your rights if you see
something is unjust, not conforming to society, and being an individual. Tracy
Turnblad did not think it was fair that the African Americans and the Whites were
not allowed to dace together. Throughout the show she was lobbying on the
African Americans behalf. In addition to fighting against unjust laws Tracy also
embraced her individuality. Even though she did not look like the other girls on
the Corny Collins show it did not hold her back because she embraced her
individuality. In this song at the part where it goes, If you try to hold me down I m
gonna spit in your eye and say that you can t stop the beat! Tracy is saying that she
will not back down from her beliefs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Penny, Tracy s bestfriend, does not conform to society because she dates an African
American, which in the time the show takes place was not accepted by society.
Tracy s mom also embraces her individuality by not caring what other people think of
her. And if you don t like the way I look, well, I just don t give a da**.
I chose this song because the Transcendentalist principles are demonstrated in this
song but more importantly the whole show. I loved this Broadway show and after
learning about Transcendentalists, this whole show portrays the Transcendentalist
beliefs. Hairspray is one of my favorite Broadway shows and it also embraces being
an individual and standing up for what you feel is in just, which is why I chose this
song from the Hairspray Broadway
The Sound Of Silence By Simon And Garfunkel
The sound of silence The sound of silence was originally composed by Simon and
Garfunkel in 1964 and it was number one on billboard s hot 100 for a week.
Originally this song falls under the folk rock and soft rock genres. The two covers
I have choose are by Disturbed (2015) and Touch of Glass (2016). While many
older people have heard of the song sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkel most
of the younger generation have only heard of the song by Disturbed with many
people believing that disturbed wrote the song in the first place. Most people have
never heard of Touch of Glass let alone that they sung this cover. The most major
difference I have found between all 3 songs is the mood that artist gives off. With
Simon and Garfunkel giving off more of a upbeat and funky mood that makes the
song seem to have good feelings attached to it. Then Disturbed gives off more of a
dark and foreboding mood that leaves the listener feeling lonely. Then Touch of
Glass in my opinion gives off a more country and western mood that shows
hardship in life. Simon and Garfunkel is trying to show silence and darkness as
more of a friend that you are glad to see and to show that silence is not a bad thing
with their tone. Disturbed on the other hand is trying to show the sound of silence
and darkness as more of a old friend you would rather not meet until the very end.
Very similar with Disturbed s song the Touch of Glass they seem to try to tell you of
the hardship of silence and
How Did The Spanish Armada Fail In 1588
In 1588, King Philip sent his Spanish Armada to invade England for many reasons.
Firstly, Francis Drake had previously been raiding treasure ships returning to Spain.
Secondly, Philip was a very strong Catholic. After Mary, the previous English queen
(who was Catholic) had been beheaded, Elizabeth came to the throne. Philip was
angry when he heard the news so he decided to bring Englandback to being Catholic.
Thirdly, The Dutch rebelled against the Spanish in 1568. This battle went on for over
one hundred years and Elizabeth supported the Dutch.
Due to these factors, King Philip of Spain attacked England however there were
many different reasons for the failure of The Armada in the Summer of 1588. This
Essay will attempt to justify those reasons and decide whether defeat was down to
luck or mistakes. It will also hope to answer the all in all question: Why did the
Spanish Armada fail in 1588? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example according to a Spanish History Textbook, The Armada set out into the
Atlantic, but soon had some dreadful bad luck: A great storm damaged some of the
fleet and it had to go to Corunna for repairs. It also says, Our sailors were tricked
and our fleet sailed out into the open sea and scattered in the mist and fog.
Unfortunately a terrible wind from the south east beat down the waves. However
According to an English Textbook, The Armada was a failure. The Armada failed
because the English adopted a new method of fighting and the Spanish method of
fighting was too old fashioned to stand against it. This information is questionable
due to the fact that the Spanish say differently and that these textbooks could ve been
translated wrong or contain the wrong
And Polis In SophoclesAntigone And Oedipus The King
When we speak of men and women, what usually comes to mind? Most of the time,
society sees men as the head and the lead provider, whereas the woman represents a
lesser being than men, being labeled as inferior and only exist of having the sole
purpose of caring for the family/household and the offspring(s). This concept can be
traced back to the ancient Greek, where the terms Polis and Oikos essentially defined
both genders. Polis is described as the city state and how the city functioned, whereas
Oikos is seen as the family and how the household functions. When looking at both
SophoclesAntigone and Oedipusthe King, we can see characters that share and
conflict with the idea of these two concepts. The characters, Antigone, Creon, and
Oedipus all began to start getting involved in a complex web of events relating to
the concept of both oikos and polis, and how throughout the story, each whom then
threatens the existence or stability of one of the other of these spheres, by
neglecting or rejecting outright their respective claims, rules and duties. In
Antigone, we come across many conflicts and these conflicts divides the principles
of Oikos and Polis. The Dilemma between both sides of the family had resulted in
a complex web of events that contributes to the idea of both state law and family. In
the story, where Antigone(s) brother was not prepared a proper burial because of the
Arrogant Creon, the idea of Oikos was shown in Antigone, as her own free will had
The Importance Of Outdoor Education
Outdoor activities can have effects on different groups of people in several ways.
Armour and Sanford (2013) talked about how outdoor education helps with the
positive development of younger children. Whilst Cooley (2014) says how outdoor
education has positive effects on students in higher education and how group work
can be developed through outdoor education (2015)
My portfolio is going to reflect on the experience I gained from my trip to the
Priestley Centre and I will talk about how my experience from this residential can be
used in the future for different activities I may take part in. To start with I am going
to talk about group work and group dynamics by going into detail on Tuckman and
Jenson s (1977) forming, storming, norming and performing theory and the stages
of group development. I will then proceed to talk about learning styles and theories
as well as teaching styles and how these can be used within outdoor education,
talking more specifically about Kolb s Learning Cycle (1984) and Mosston s
Spectrum of Teaching Styles (1990). Moving on to talk about communication and
how this plays a huge role in outdoor activities, this will more specifically focus on
the Johari Window (1955). And then finally on leadershiptheories and how these
affect outdoor education and group work, relating this to Hersey and Blanchard s
situational leadership theory (1993).
One of the theories used in outdoor education is Tuckman and Jenson s (1977)
Dualist Theory Of Dualism
We all know that everything in the world isn t perfect; everything essentially has its
own flaws. The scientific understanding of our world has been ever changing, not
because we are unintelligent but because as time continues, we gather more
information and finding that correct past mistakes. The same goes for the theory of
dualism. There are gaps in this theory, but they have the potential of being found. It
might take more time and more discoveries in order to find these gaps; these gaps,
however, do not define whether the theory is true or false. Now how could
something nonphysical have affect on the physical world around it? This question is
one of the major fault in the theory of dualism. For something to physically move, a
force has to act upon an object, hence the formula mass divided by acceleration
equals force. The mind, believed by dualist, is a nonphysical thing that exists and
has affect on the world. However how is this possible if the mind has no mass nor
can produce a force. This is one of the main arguments physicalists has against the
dualist. Physicalists believe that because an object needs the ability to create a force
in order to have affect on reality, the mind has to be apart of the body, a physical
thing. Materialists, unlike dualist, believe that human beings are purely physical
beings, and that any mental state must be some state of the physical body.
Materialism has none of the problems of interactionism... Unlike interactionism, it
Tamayo El Hombre
The painting I selected is El Hombre. The medium is Vinyl with Pigment On Panel.
When I first saw this panting at the Dallas Museum of Arts it caught my eyes
because of how different it was. When I first looked at it I thought it was an animal
howling at the moon but then I saw the title El hombre which means man. I starred
at it for another 20 seconds then I could see the work of art, painted by Rufino
Tamayo, a Mexican painter, demonstrates a man with arms reached out toward the
sky and the stars. His legs, lit up more than whatever is left of his body, are covered
in the ground. Beside the man is a canine that is scarcely visible. The art work has
great use of line an obvious example is the stars as they connect to one another.
Also the man he is made up of lots of different lines. I don t see any form in this
painting. There are lots of shapes the mans body is made up of several different
shapes. The work of art appears somewhat serious as a result of the dim hues and
rakish appearance of the man. The colors used in this painting are different value of
blue and brown and also black, white. The art work shows mass by the mans legs in
comparison to the rest of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The element and research made me realize what this piece really meant and why
Tamayo painted it. He drew this mural because it was a perfect opportunity to fulfill
lifelong dream of the them the aspirations of mankind. The Dallas Museum of Arts
is an amazing place for the community because it is a great way to learn about
different cultures through there art work and sculptures. It has painting from around
the world and is open to anyone that wants to see. I think it s a great place and
everyone should go check it out at least
Biafra War Research Paper
The Biafra war began in Nigeria on the 6th of July 1967 after a period of tension
filled peace. This tensions arose as a result of tribalism brought about by a series of
coup de tat. Appointment into government roles became based on ethnic groups and
it was crystal clear that the government was owned by the northerners. While the
north owned military power, it lacked mineral resources and frequently extorted these
resources from the east forcefully, usually not giving anything back. Easterners led by
Lieutenant Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwufondly called Ojukwu began
to rally for the secession of eastern Nigeria. The north did not stand for this and
ceased business transactions in the east thereby blocking the source of food to the east.
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Papa still held his meetings but the number of people who came had trickled down.
Former supporters of Ojukwu including my grandma had begun to change their
beliefs. Ojukwu had led them to a war with no end in sight. A few months later,
news broke that the east was now a separate country from rest of Nigeria and this
country was called Biafra. Of course, papa, one of the few people who had stuck by
Ojukwu was overjoyed. According to mama he told everyone he saw and knew of
his loyalty to Ojukwu and how his belief and patience had finally saved them. This
period did not last long and soon the Nigerian military started coming to the east to
kill people and to burn down their houses. Again, the east was no longer safe for
the easterners and soon people started moving back to the cities and hiding in their
homes preferring to hide in plain sight. Among the people who moved back home
were my grandparents. Papa moved back to Lagos preferring to leave his other
wife in Anambara until the war was over for her own safety. While in Lagos, they
managed to move in with friends they had made while in the city. Life in Lagos
was a little more bearable as long as mama and papa avoided going out of the home
they lived in. Availability of food was no longer the issue but mama and papa had
no source of income and their children could not go to school. Soon news broke that
Ojukwu had flown out of the country the night before for fear of his life. The
easterners ultimately decide to retreat believing that without leader their cause was
lost. Many hated Ojukwu for not staying and fighting for them. However, many,
including Papa revere him still. Ojukwu later came back of course but the cause was
lost and he could not rally easterners to fight with him again. He later died on the
26th of November 2011 and was mourned around the country in the homes of the now
south east and south south including in my
Pros And Cons Of Shamanism
Shamanism is used in many places around the world especially in Siberia and
Northern Europe and is considered to be a religion that believes in unseen gods,
demons, and spirits that are only responsive to the shaman. The Shaman is who
holds all admission to what is good and evil. Throughout the video, Shamans of
Siberia, we learn the ways in which Shaman leaders are able to practice their beliefs
while assisting with healing of those around them. Throughout their rituals the
Shaman often invoke spirits to gain healing abilities. There is a specific wardrobe
they must wear through the rituals. Their eyes must be covered as it is considered to
keep the shaman safe along with preventing others to see his eyes. He wears another
garment with horns,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The mind of the shamans undergoes a change as he begins to chant and heal the
needy. From tests completed on shaman there shows significant changes happening
within the frontal lobe as the ritual begins. It is easy for the spirit to take over the
ceremonial process, therefore, it is said that an important part of these rituals is that
the shaman always keep the upper hand.
Within the diverse types of shaman throughout the video, there are clear definitions of
how they each live differently, yet their beliefs in what are important remain the
same. For instance, throughout all of the different locations the shamans are spread,
they cherish birch trees and the marking oneself and their territory. In one man s
story they explain the difference between black shamans and white ones. The black,
speak to the spirits through a ritual and play the tambourines, whereas the white,
speak with the gods and play canes with bells.
Watching a shaman in action was the most interesting aspect in my opinion. The
way they dress reminded me of Native American tribal costumes during a Powwow.
The way they walk after a spirit has entered their body also reminds me of the tribes
dancing around a fire, beating their drums and singing in beat with one
Hurricane Katrina Discrimination
Hurricane Katrina was a terrible Natural Disaster which swept away much of New
Orleans, Louisiana leaving little behind. Causes and outcomes with discrimination in
race and ethnicity after Hurricane Katrina.
When thinking of a certain town or city, people will remember what it is known for
or what they saw. When one is thinking of New Orleans, Louisiana they will more
than likely think of African Americans (Pg.90). The Latino population did not start to
appear in New Orleans until the late twentieth century (Hernandez Leon, Pg.90).
Following Hurricane Katrina, African Americans felt frivolous or at risk as Latino s
were receiving more attention (Pg.101). In fact, there are facts that prove why
African Americans have a right to feel this way.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The part of the city where poor African Americans resided was hit the hardest
(Fussell, Pg.95). Unfortunately, this neighborhood was the last on the list to be
cleaned up and rebuilt. The African Americanresidents were sent to the New
Orleans Superdome, where many were taken for shelter (Pg.110). Some New
Orleans citizens might say that Hurricane Katrina had a positive impact on their
lives, teaching them how to live and survive during such a terrible time as well as
the situation making them stronger however, this was not the case for African
Americans (Pg.109). Despite all of the horrific situations, the community of New
Orleans learned how to be prepared if there happens to be a next
A Short Note On The And Its Effects On Mexican Oregano
Two of the most outstanding secondary metabolites in Mexican oregano are the
isomers carvacrol and thymol (FIG.3) (76). Since the two are isomers, it is no
surprise that both compounds have similar properties such as: anti inflammatory,
anti oxidant, and anti fungal (76). Carvacrol is a thick, either colorless or yellow
liquid (77). Its IUPAC name is 2 methyl 5 propan 2 ylphenol and the molecular
weight is 150.2 g/mol (77).
Thymol is a large colorless crystal (78). Its IUPAC name is 5 methyl 2 propan 2
ylphenol and molecular weight is 150.2 g/mol (78). Thymol is a substituted phenol
that is acquired from thyme oil or another unstable oil (78 79). Thymol is used in a
variety of industries including: cosmetic, agriculture, medical, and food ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Another experiment was performed in Turkey to understand carvacrol s possible
shielding function in Type 1 diabetes (83). The researchers performed an in vivo
experiment utilizing rats induced with Type 1 diabetes by streptozotocin to examine
the defending role of carvacrol. The carvacrol used in this study was obtained from
essential oil of Origanum onites L., steam distilled and isolated using the fractional
distillation method. The researchers found a reduction in serum glucose level, serum
total cholesterol, and other enzymes in carvacrol treated rats in comparison to the
control rats. The authors of the study concluded that orogastric addition of carvacrol
to the diet of diabetic rats may have a moderate defensive role on enzymes found in
the liver (83).
Thymol, another compound found in Mexican oregano, is being researched
(especially using thyme essential oil; note that thymol is a compound found in
numerous plant species). In a study conducted with male albino rats, the researchers
investigated the effect of raw thyme oil (along with other raw oils such as fenugreek,
sesame, cod liver, and hazelnut) on serum glucose level and liver and kidney function
(84). The researchers found that thyme, fenugreek, organic olive, and cod liver oils
effectively prevented the side effects of diabetes on liver function. On the other hand,
thyme oil, along with the other
The Problem Of Social Media
In the wake of the recent attacks in Paris and increasing manmade and natural
disasters around the world, the ability to communicate with citizens during times
of crisis is more important than ever. It is no longer appropriate to limit the output
of emergency information to the traditional delivery methods. Social media use
continues to grow at a staggering pace. As of January 2014, 74% of online adults
use social networking sites (Pew Research Center, n.d.). The large percentage
adults who utilize social networks daily makes their use by government agencies
essential. It is no longer acceptable for Dane County Emergency Management not
have a social media presence. With our current messaging system and strategies,
we are being unheard by a large portion of our county s population. This is
particularly true with young adults who reside in our county, as their primary
source of information is through social media. By continuing our trend of no
social media use, our county is putting lives at risk in times of emergencies, when
rapid, accurate information dispersal is of the utmost importance. The strengths of
social media use are well documented. No longer can officials within the county
label its rise in usage as a trend. One of the most powerful attributes of social media
is its ability to be accessed with a mobile device. In regards to emergency
management, this is very beneficial, as most citizens will likely not be monitoring a
T.V. or radio station when a
Mathematics Has Become A Part Of Our Life
ABSTRACT: Mathematics has become part of our life. Graph Theory is a branch
of mathematics that plays a major role in every field of human being. In this paper
we define different matrices associated with the Graphs along with some properties
of a graph. And Rank of rank of an incidence matrix. Key Words: Adjacency matrix,
Incidence matrix, Degree matrix, Circuit matrix and Line graph. INTRODUCTION:
Incidence Matrix is one of methods of representing the graph. Let G = (V,E) be
graph whose vertices and edges are labeled as v_1,v_2,........v_n and
e_1,e_2,........e_m. An incidence matrix B associated with graph G of order nГ—m is
defined by b_ij={█(1 if v_i is incident with e_j@0 Otherwise )┤ [4] The graph
and its incidence matrix are shown as follows: The incidence matrix contains only
two elements 0 and 1. Such a matrix is called a binary matrix or (0 1) matrix. For a
given any geometric representation of a graph without self loops we can easily
write its corresponding incidence matrix. On the other hand if we were given an
incidence matrix B we can construct a graph without any difficulty. The graph and
its incidence matrix are simply two alternative ways of representing the same graph.
[1] PROPERTIES: Some observations of incidence matrix and it s graph. Since every
edge is incident on exactly two
How Is Rose O Neil Greenhow s Character Sketch During
Rose O Neil Greenhow was a renowned Confederate spy during the American Civil
War. A socialite in Washington D.C. during the period before the war, she moved
in important political circles and cultivated friendships with presidents, generals,
senators, and high ranking military officers. Historian Amy Taylor states,
Greenhow s access to leaders and the protective cover of her gender, made her an
ideal spy in the minds of the Confederates who recruited her in 1861. 6 She used
her connections to pass along key military information to the Confederacy at the
start of the war. In early 1861, she was given control of a pro Southern spy network
in Washington, D.C. by Thomas Jordan, then a captain in the Confederate Army. 7
She was credited by Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, with ensuring the
South s victory at the First Battle of the Bull Run in late July 1861.... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
We rely upon you for further information. The Confederacy owes you a debt.
(Signed) JORDAN, Adjutant General. 8 Captured by Union soldiers in August,
Greenhow was subject to house arrest. In 1862, found to have continued her
activities after an espionage hearing, she was imprisoned for nearly five months in
Washington, D.C. Deported to the Confederate States, she traveled to Richmond,
Virginia. Running the blockade, she sailed to Europe to represent the Confederacy
in a diplomatic mission to France and Britain from 1863 to 1864. In London, 1863,
she also wrote and published her memoir, which was popular in Britain. After her
returning ship ran aground in 1864 off Wilmington, North Carolina, she drowned
when her rowboat overturned as she tried to escape a Union gunboat. She was
honored with a Confederate military
Donald Trump s Immigration Debate
Donald Trump, a current US presidential candidate, is proposing an immigration plan
that is highly controversial and I personally do not agree with his plan. Although he
has many good ideas the way he plans to execute them are extremely unlawful and
will be protested by many Americans.
Trump has proposed that if he were elected he would build a wall on the border of
Mexico and the United States. In his opinion this is a good plan because it insures to
lessen the number of illegal immigrants per year dramatically, but it would also
create more jobs the US. But in reality there are much simpler and cheaper options
for this issue, such as create a simpler way to gain citizenship, this way people
would not feel like there only option is to do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
These two gals did not have legal status unlike their two other BFFs. Both these
girls were brought into the states illegally by their parents in order to give them a
better life . But not having legal status presented them with many obstacles, yet
they still managed to graduate from college, but could not have any of the jobs
offered to people who have the same level of education, since they were not US
citizens. If Trump were to oppose this act it would enable those like Marisela and
Yadira to have real jobs and use their college education.No matter what is done
there will always be people coming the the US illegally but if they work hard
enough to make it through 2 years of college then that should be proof that they are
deserving of citizenschip, and if they are denyed to join the work force we are
missing out on an oppourtunity that we should take advantage
Network Tunnel Rail Link Between Britain And
In 2007, Britain s first high speed railway was completed on time and within Budget,
This project was initially known as Channel tunnel Rail link and renamed HS1 in
November 2006. HS1 runs at a speed of 300km/h between the channel tunnel and
In this report, the writer will be discussing the various management features of the
HS1 and analyzing the management of the programme.
Objective of HS1 Program
To develop a national railway system effectively, it is essential to establish what it
was intended to achieve as a basis for investment and management (Bolden Harman,
2013). The program was initiated for the main purpose of providing rail link between
Britain and continental Europe for the purpose of enabling travel to more distant
destinations.HS1 was defined by the technology and business problem it aimed to
However to capture the maximum benefit, it has to be developed in an integrated
fashion with the surrounding environment (competition) and with the aim of creating
a major zone of 3rd tier activities hotels, retail, leisure, and offices.
Its developmental objectives was to enable easy access to the east Thames side,
thereby diverting the developmental pressure from west of London to the east of
The HS1 line was constructed and owned by London continental Railways (LCR), a
commercially owned consortium until the controversial period where a restructuring
crisis led to a governmental intervention in the form of capital
Website for Kudler Fine Foods
Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) mission is to provide customers the best produce, wines,
and associated needs in an unparalleled customer setting. Kudler brings its customers
the finest products from around the world. Kudler Fine Foods wants to improve the
functionality of their current website to be more competitive and to offer their unique
products to customers everywhere.
The founder of Kudler Fine Foods is Kathy Kudler; she brings knowledge from a
previous career as a vice president of marketing. As Kathy relieved her stress by
gourmet cooking, she found it hard to find all ingredients in one place. Kathy
recognizing a need for an upscale gourmet store in La Jolla, CA, she sought financing
with a business plan in hand, and opened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are very few specialty stores in the United States so the use of a website will
open a new business to web users to obtain gourmet foods delivered right to their
doorstep. In staying with their specialty branding, Kindler s executives and the sales
and marketing department are enthusiastic about the use of the e commerce website.
Detail Design
Kudler will need to implement an up to date server. We recommend that a server
be purchased and the current one scrapped. The server will also need to run a more
up to date version of the Windows operating system. I recommend Windows server
either 2003 or 2008. I chose the Windows server edition because of the company s
already existing familiarity with the Windows server operating system. I also believe
that learning the Linux operating system might slow down business operations and
this is why in this situation a newer version of Windows would be a more reliable
Windows Server 2008 R2 builds on the successes and strengths of its Windows Server
predecessors while delivering valuable new functionality and powerful improvements
to the base operating system. New Web tools, virtualization technologies, security
enhancements, and management utilities help save time, reduce costs, and provide a
solid foundation for the information technology (IT) infrastructure (Microsoft.com,
After the purchase of a server, and the launch of the website, we can keep the Kudler
Fine Food
Examples Of Foreshadowing In Shattered Air
In my novel, Shattered Air, their were numerous literary devices in the few pages I
read. Foreshadowing, Before they departed Glacier Point, Clu Cotter bought a
postcard showing a lightning bolt striking Half Dome (page 93 Madgic). The
reason why I choose this literary device is that the narrator has been talking about
how the sky s are starting to turn darker and darker. Even the park rangers put up
signs saying do not go up the summit if storm is on the way. Another reason why I
choose foreshadowing is Pippey brought his younger brothers, Hoog and Crozier, to
help steer them to the write path. Before they arrived, they had practice with CPR
and other procedure just in case something bad happened. On page 89, Hoog and
Crozier we re alike
How To Obtain A Bachelor s Degree In Education
After I earn my GED, my plan is to obtain my Bachelor s Degree in Education.
Once I ve earned my degree, I intend to ultimately become an elementary school
teacher at R.B. Hunt Elementary School in St. Augustine, Florida. This is my goal
because through volunteering at Woodlawn Elementary School I have found my
passion for helping children learn and grow. In order to realize this goal, my first step
is to earn my Associate s Degree at South Florida State Collegewhile simultaneously
volunteering at Woodlawn Elementary School. By volunteering at Woodlawn
Elementary, I will be able to gain experience in my desired field. I then intend to
enroll at Flagler College in St. Augustine. At Flagler, I will complete my Bachelor s
Degree in Education.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Johns County School District where R.B. Hunt Elementary is located. After
earning my Bachelor s Degree at Flagler, I plan to apply at R.B. Hunt Elementary
School for either a first or second grade teaching position. The starting salary for at
first year teacher with an Associate s Degree is $38,000 a year. The benefits of the
job include health insurance, holiday vacations, and a pension plan in the Florida
Retirement System after eight years of teaching. My back up plan if I cannot
teach in St. Augustine is to return to Sebring to teach at Woodlawn Elementary
School. Getting a job at Woodlawn Elementary is my back up plan because not
only have I volunteered at the school and established connections with the people
who work there, but it is also where my mother has been employed for the last eight
years. The benefits and salary at both Woodlawn Elementary and R.B. Hunt
Elementary are the same, this means the only major difference between the two
schools would be the location. My plan after completing the GED is to follow my
passion and become an elementary school teacher. The steps for me to reach my
goal are to earn my Associate s Degree, begin substituting in the St. Johns School
District, earn my Bachelor s Degree, and finally apply to R.B. Hunt Elementary
School as a first year

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  • 6. Essay Keystone Species A keystone species is a species that has a disproportionate effect on its environment relative to its abundance. Such an organism plays a role in its ecosystem that is analogous to the role of a keystone in an arch. While the keystone feels the least pressure of any of the stones in an arch, the arch still collapses without it. Similarly, an ecosystem may experience a dramatic shift if a keystone speciesis removed, even though that species was a small part of the ecosystem by measures of biomass or productivity. It has become a very popular concept in conservation biology. Notes on the definition The definition given here is somewhat qualitative in nature because there is not yet an accepted, rigorous definition. At issue is how to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The exact scenario changes in each example, but the central idea remains that through a chain of interactions, a non abundant species has an outsized impact on ecosystem functions. Predators Some starfish may perform this function by preying on sea urchins, mussels, and other shellfish that have no other natural predators. If the sea star is removed from the ecosystem, the mussel population explodes uncontrollably, driving out most other species, while the urchin population annihilates coral reefs. Similarly, sea otters in kelp forests keep sea urchins in check. Kelp roots are merely anchors, and not the vast nutrient gathering networks of land plants. Thus the urchins only need to eat the roots of the kelp, a tiny fraction of the plant s biomass, to remove it from the ecosystem. Domestic cats have taken the role of a keystone species in many environments, including human habitations, where they control some rodent populations. Feral cats are known to decimate native populations in many places in which they are introduced. These creatures need not be apex predators. Sea stars are prey for sharks, rays, and sea anemones. Cats and sea otters are prey for raptor birds. Engineers In North America, the grizzly bear is a keystone species not as a predator but as ecosystem engineers. They transfer nutrients from the oceanic ecosystem to the forest ecosystem. The first stage of the transfer
  • 7. The War Prayer Williams Dean Howell Analysis Mark Twain The war prayer and Williams dean Howell Editha both compare their stories to war; they were impelling the characters into something that can cause death. Twain and Howell both contradicted they stories off war that really didn t take places. The stories were both romanticism. Howells was very much opposed to war and especially the Spanish American War, which he considered imperialistic. The story impales Editha, who embodies all the nonsense about the heroic romanticism of war and whose false sense of values drives her unfortunate fiancГ© to a premature death in a questionable war. Howell made it story based off currently everyday situation of manipulative. Twain War Prayer was devastating indictment of war, and particularly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Editah was a woman who loved her country more than anything and willing to give up anything. George however dislike in his portrayal of Editha, a thoughtless, selfish lady idealistic but ignorant for wanting him to be processed in war. Editah couldn t understand how George didn t think that war was important even thou she got him to go. Her pressing him into war effect on other people mainly his mom because he got soon he got to war. His mom speaks No, you didn t expect him to get killed, Mrs. Gearson repeated. (Howell) I suppose you would have been glad to die, such a brave person as you! I don t believe he was glad to die. He was always a timid boy, that way; he was afraid of a good many things; but if he was afraid he did what he made up his mind to. I suppose he made up his mind to go, but I knew what it cost him by what it cost me when I heard of it. I had been through one war before. When you sent, him you didn t expect he would get killed. (Howell) His mom was very discouraging in Editah for send her son to get killed. The war prayer depicts a man coming in to tell them that fighting war wasn t no justification right. A country goes into war and church member call ups a meeting to pray for the soldiers. They prayed to GOD to grant them victory and to protect their troops. when an unexpected man comes on alone to tell them it s not right sending them off
  • 8. Pop Culture And Gender Stereotypes How does pop culture perpetuate gender stereotypes? Popular culture is a broad perspective of how society is perceived today. It plays a major role especially in our youth, paints an image of how one should look, act, or perceive the world and their surroundings; also persuading a group of individuals into accepting and pursuing a financial way of living. Pop cultureis involved in our everyday life whether we are aware or not, from watching television, listening to the radio, or even surfing the internet, it s always here. Society tends to minimize what effect Pop has negatively. The internet, one of the most influential to keep up with Pop culture, television shows has influenced genderstereotypes in a way that it reinforces that men should be the dominant gender and women should dress and act a certain way to be successful. Popular culture inspires youth the desire to be what they see in the media. Parents feel the need to bring up their offspring in the utmost sophisticate way, though obliviously allowing television to develop their understanding. Filled with fairy tales featuring Princesses, heroes, and magics, these popular mythical characters have become a major influence on younger children especially little girls. They imagine becoming princesses hoping that one day they will be swept away by their Prince Charming. As they progress in age, young girls begin to watch sitcoms portraying how they should look, feel, and dress. In today s time, popular culture is interpellated as to how the process of growing fast is eminent. From baby girl to princess, from a princess to a young lady; all categorized by age groups. Male characters are often portrayed to be a prince or a hero of such. Boys are usually identified as the prince start as an adolescence swiftly growing into a young adult. According to Stephanie Hanes, parents are having a hard time dealing with it, they say that things they used to do aren t working; they say they re losing control of what happens to their girls at younger ages. (pp 511) Pop culture creates an image of how women should resemble themselves from the beginning of childhood to the age of accountability by means of dolls, animated characters, and kids digital games promoting
  • 9. Suite E Major ( See Appendix B ) Suite in E Major (see Appendix B) Arthur Foote, along with John Knowles Pain, George W. Chadwick, Horatio Parker, Amy Beach, and Edward MacDowell, were a group of composers that became known as the Second New England School (Crawford Hamberlin, 2013, p. 185). Foote was a well known educator as well who served as a guest lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley in the summer of 1911, and also taught piano at the New England Conservatory from 1921 until his death in 1927 (Cipolla, n.d.) Foote began his music studies at the age of 12 and showed a lot of promise. However, the entered Harvard in 1870 to study law, but continued to take music courses. He was so encouraged by his music experiences in Harvard that he changed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third movement, as the title indicates, is a fugue and demonstrates many traits of Foot s Romantic style. The movement is in the key of E minor, but borrows heavily from E major tonality ending on the major tonic. To a Wild Rose (see Appendix B) Edward MacDowell was a popular composer who favored the late romantic programmatic style over the classical German Romanticism that was popular among his American contemporaries (Crawford Hamberlin, 2013). At the age of 16, MacDowell began studying piano and composition in Europe where he had some of his early compositions published. Upon returning to the United States he continued teaching, composing and performing in the Boston area. After becoming on of the nation s leading musicians, he began teaching at Columbia University. Prior to his time at Columbia he wrote a few symphonic works, however his duties at the university only allowed him to write smaller pieces (Crawford Hamberlin, 2013). To a Wild Rose is the first of ten short pieces from MacDowell s Woodland Sketches, which is based on scenes from the New England countryside (Crawford, 1996). The programmatic nature of this piece exemplifies MacDowell s idea that modern harmonies could aid in creating music that is more expressive without the need for words or scenery to describe an idea. The piece also demonstrates the influence of Wagner s descriptive harmonic style while maintaining the
  • 10. America Needs Internet Censorship Essay Tears begin to fall down a child s face. Her body goes into shock out of fear. Her mother warned her about watching inappropriate content, and there it was, right on her computer screen. This could not have happened though. All she was doing was casually browsing the internet before a pop up appeared. Although it may seem hard to believe, the major cause of events such as this is the lack of censorshipon the internet. Internet censorshiprelates to the removal of offensive, inappropriate, or controversial content published online. The current problem with the internet is that there are few restrictions on what can be published or viewed. Several sites on the internet only offer a warning about inappropriate content that can easily be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a matter of fact, those individuals with damaging thoughts are the ones that watch and produce pornography. Additionally, exposure to obscene material correlates with increased rapes, prostitution, child molestation, violent crime, the abuse of women, and sex addiction in men (Hacker 5). Many of these correlations are a result of ideas that pornography planted in minds. Pornography alone does not cause people to commit a sexual crime, but it affects minds enough to influence people to act in an unethical way. Censoring the internet would also protect the minds of citizens from corrupt propaganda. Propaganda that is placed by the government is generally misleading and discourages deep thinking. An example is Obama s campaign in 2008. People loved [Obama s campaign], but many did not understand what type of change he was talking about. Such propaganda stirred passions and made people feel good, but it did not allow people to think critically about the issues. Rather, Obama smartly played off anti incumbent sentiment that was sweeping the nation (Snowball 71). Other times, the government will place propaganda on the internet to influence citizens to take a certain action. According to John Turner, voters are being misled by the propaganda of think tanks and the Coalition. Propaganda serves as part of government coercion. The propaganda seems to be an encouragement of action,
  • 11. Social Problems In Sunflower County A social problem is a condition that at least some people in a community would deem as being undesirable. A social problem is also a condition created by a society that is can usually be alleviated or solved by society. According to our textbook, Social Problems: Reading with Four Questions, there are three criteria that a problem must meet in order to be a social problem. First of all, the problem must be social in origin and caused by social factors. The more its causes are social, the more it becomes a social problem. Next, the problem must be harmful to many individuals. Finally, in order to be considered a social problem, it should harm society in a sense that it threatens what we believe society should be. There are three theoretical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Poverty would be considered a social problem because it affects a great number of people and can be detrimental to society. The unemployment rate in Sunflower County averaged at 12.4%, which is much higher than the overall unemployment rate in Mississippi at 7.2%. Sunflower County is also one of the poorest counties in the states and one of the poorest in the United States. 36.1% of people living in Sunflower County are below the poverty level. This isn t counting those who are struggling or those wavering right about the poverty line. The overall poverty rate for Mississippi is 22.7%. One factor that could contribute to poverty in Sunflower County is the lack of education. Many school districts in Sunflower County have been put under the conservatorship of the Mississippi Department of Education due to academic and financial reasons. 70.2% of Sunflower County residents graduate from high school and only 13% have obtained their Bachelor s Degree. Another factor could be that there are more white collar jobs than blue collar jobs. Undereducated individuals would not qualify for many white collar jobs leaving them without employment. There are many steps that could be taken to help prevent or solve the poverty issue in Sunflower County. They could encourage residents to graduate and further their education, whether it is in college or a certificate program. If there are more white collar jobs, they will
  • 12. Wearing The United States Army Uniform Introduction It is being known that clothes make a man or a woman and by all means, this is a true statement regarding the United States military. Soldier s uniforms symbolize everything from branch, rank, position, loyalty, and prestigious. The image of a sharp outfit creates a psychological, moral booster and spirit de corps of Soldiers. As a general rule, Soldiers are identified by their uniforms. Each uniform has multiple components that have a legacy and a history behind. Although Soldiers have pride in wearing the United States Army Uniform, a few of them don t know the origin and purpose of each part of the uniform. Every part has its purpose, and it was strategically made based on the necessities in the battlefield. Historical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Uniforms design, colors, and attributes were influenced of European armies. The Camouflage Historically, military uniforms were primarily about identity, pride, and recognition; however, at the beginning of the twentieth century, military uniformsbecome less decorative and more attuned to the need of the Soldiers This was the though when it comes to camouflage. A Soldier s life might depend on it. Camouflage was first understood by hunters as far as from prehistoric time. These hunters observed and understood how an animal had a protection beyond just teeth and claws. They discovered that most animals could mix it with a natural background such as trees, leaves, and rocks, make them undetectable to other animals and humans. The military has little used at the beginning of these techniques. There are few examples of the use of camouflage in ancient and medieval warfare because camouflage was rare at that time. A well known example of camouflage was during the 17th century when William Shakespeare described the medieval warriors that were ready to march on Macbeth at his fortress at Dunsinane (Newark, Newart, Borsarello, 1996). The Headgear The Director of the Non Commissioned Officer Heritage and Education Center, Mr. Mark R. Henry, stated that historically, nations copy the design of the uniform from the most successful units in combat and without a doubt, the United States Army did that. The most
  • 13. Argument Of An Open Source Visualisation Tool Argument Visualisation tools 1.Abstract 2.Introduction Argumentation is the area that studies the relation between a claim and any statement that supports or opposes this claim. Argument visualisation is the way to present the arguments, which make it easy way to analysis and evaluate. There are many tools help to visualise arguments used different type of visualisation, such as, network, tree, and table. Argument graph is import to summarize the complex argument on documents, which make all the argument s elements and relation clear and explicit. Also it can play role in making decision. The decision can be taken after analysis the graph and find solution for problems. 3.Background 3.1.Network Visualisation: It is type of visualisation which support directed and undirected graph. The graph consists of nodes and lines. 3.1.1.CompendiumLD: is an open source visualisation tool that is usually used for learning purposes [1]. It helps education s staff to organise their ideas, design learning tutorials, and share relevant materials with students. CompendiumLD has a clear layout as Fig. 1 shows. This tool consists of sets of icons. Users can simply drag and drop the icons and use arrows to link between the icons and describe task s direction between them. The icons are divide to groups according to their objectives [2]. Some icons are used for learning design while other are used to express conditional issues in the task. For example, if a student passes the
  • 14. Civil War Globalization Over many years of trading between different people, goods from one region of the world can be employed and enjoyed in another. This process is called globalization. There are some negative connotations revolving around the word, but those are overpowered by all of its positive aspects. I believe globalization is good for society because it helps countries win wars, impacts the economy for the better, and spreads important technological advancements. The Atlantic slave trade, although being extremely horrific, contributed to the success of the northern United States during the Civil War. By helping to expand their military, the flood of slaves going to the U.S during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries greatly affected the outcome of the Civil ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The creation of gunpowder was purely coincidental. It was invented inadvertently by alchemists while trying to make a potion of immortality. Originally gunpowder was used for fireworks and other entertainment purposes. By the end of the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was used by the military. Throughout the Song and Yuan Dynasties, many wars drove the evolution of cannons, and fire arrows using gunpowder. ( Four Inventions of Ancient China. ) This signified the beginning of the advanced weaponry we use today to defend
  • 15. The History Of Pigs Pigs is any of the animals in the genus SUS, within the family of the even toed ungulates. Pigs include the domestic pig and its ancestor, the common Eurasian wild boar, along with other species. They lived up eight years. Pigs eat many different things including shrubs, weeds, bird eggs, snakes, grasshoppers, mice, roots,even manure. Pigs are mammals with stocky bodies, flat snouts, small eyes and large ears. Pigs are valuable to humans including pork, lard, leather, and a variety of medicines. Pigs are a very highly intelligent, social animals, and are found all over the world. Pigs were among the first animals to be domesticated, about six thousand years ago in China. Pigs usually weigh between three hundred and seven hundred lbs.
  • 16. Essay Tess of the D Urbervilles by Hardy 1 SAC Out come 2 Literature In Tess of the D Urbervilles Hardy does expose the social injustices and double standards which prevail in the late nineteenth century. These injustices and double standards are evident throughout the whole novel, and Tess, the main character, is the one who suffers them. This becomes evident from the first page when Parson Tringham meets Jack Durbeyfield and refers to him as Sir John . With his whimsical comment, made from the safety of a secure social position, the Parson begins the events which start the destruction and downfall of the whole Durbeyfield family. Logically the fact that Tesss family and their gentlefolk relatives have the same descendents should mean that both sides of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not only this, it was a sin of which he too was guilty they both had a premarital affair. This leads us to the hypocrisy in the different standards set for men and women. True, this difference was common to the whole society, but Hardy does appear to be a pioneer in highlighting the injustice. At the end of phase the fourth, Angel admits to plunging into eight and fourty hours dissipation with a stranger (page 225). Tess s forgiveness is immediate. She says: Oh, Angel I am almost glad because now you can forgive me! (Page 225) In her simplicity she believes all will be well but that is not the case. Phase the fifth is titled The Woman Pays. Angel blames her for this very simplicity. He is not willing to live with her and bring shame upon their future family. Angel can be forgiven with a word, but not Tess. As Hardy points out The woman pays . This is not only shown between Tess and Angel or Alex but by most of the men throughout the book, starting with her father. When Jack Durbeyfield gets drunk at The Pure Drop Tess is expected to do his work for him. While doing this she kills Prince, which leads to her misfortunes at Trantridge. Tess not only has to work for her father when he is drunk, she is expected to cover for his stupidity, as is her mother. An example of this is when Jack rides past the May dance, everyone assumes he is
  • 17. Alcohol s Sedative Analysis According Roehrs and his colleagues of their research, alcohol s sedative and performance disruptive effects can be attenuated by enhancing the basal level of alertness after alcohol consumption (Roehrs). It means that after drinking we would experience sleepiness that makes an individual dangerous to drive. Alcoholaffects has the same severity to some neurotransmitter systems and sedative drugs do (Roehrs). For example, alcohol facilitates GABA mediated inhibition (acts as GABA agonist) and reduces the release of acetylcholine (acts as acetylcholine antagonist). Consequently, alcohol could mimic the effects of other sedative drugs (Roehrs). Alcohol affects serotonin and glutamate; these two transmitters regulate sleep and wakefulness. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is in charge of of sleep. Glutamate is in charge of wakefulness. When alcohol have sedative effects, would make it hard for a person to stay awake which is why law prohibits us to drink and drive, because when we cannot stay focus driving under influence, it is not safe for the driver and everyone else on the road (Roehrs). Alcohol effects human brain, but it can harm the fetus even more. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It could have serious effects to the fetus development of the body and the brain that lead to a series of physical, cognitive, and behavioral effects. These effects could have negative impact to the fetus development such as heart, blood vessels, bones muscles and the cellular and molecular structures. The most serious consequence to the fetus is a series of symptoms cause by pregnancy alcohol consumption is fetal alcohol syndrome, also known as FAS (Chen). The criteria for diagnosing FAS include facial dysmorphology, growth retardation, and central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction
  • 18. Emerson s Metaphor Of Self Reliance Through excellent metaphors, Emerson stresses that you must first trust yourself to achieve greatness from your own genius, to realize your potential, and to be self reliant. Your inner genius, when tapped into, allows you to build self reliance. Some people might argue that you only need to depend on yourself. If you are totally self reliant you re going to have a narrow perspective because you can only pull from your own life experiences or from your own family s or community s involvement. However, I am arguing that Emerson uses strong metaphors to show that even with a belief in individualismand self reliance, one must also trustother sources such as society and God. You must believe in yourself first and foremost to achieve self reliance ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The individual must also love Him. Emerson states, Love, which is the essence of God, is not for levity, but for the total worth of man. (1518) You cannot love God without loving yourself and vice versa. Where there is love, there is trust. God created society; God created us; we must trust and love all of creation. My friends have come to me unsought. The great God gave them to me, (1452) says Emerson. A gift granted by God is worth as much love as one shows himself. I find them, or rather, not I, but the Deity in me and in them, both deride and cancel the thick walls of individual character. (1453) Society can become jovial and loving when the trust and love transcends the physical and becomes part of God. When we are all in tune and play our notes, the chords sound wonderful and a song plays
  • 19. John Stuart Mill s Brand Of Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill introduced his ideas of ethics in which he argued that the most morale actions were the ones that provided the greatest amount of happiness to the greatest number of people. His theory become known as Utilitarianism and gained prominence in the 18th century and his ideas received much criticism when first introduced because many thought that he promoted selfishness although he argued that it was not an individual s happiness but the happiness of the group that truly mattered. Mill s brand of Utilitarianismfocuses on a balance of happiness over suffering and is an absolute principle. I will argue that Mill s theory tends to focus more on the maximization of utility in the short term, and because of this there are flaws in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this experiment it is assumed that the five patients each need a separate organ and are waiting for transplants. It is pretty certain that each patient will die before they have a chance to receive an organ based on their name on the transplant list. The doctor happens to have a neighbor who is somehow a match for all 5 patients and he knows that his neighbor is a jerk with no family. Therefore, since no one would miss him and it would be a bad day for the neighbor, it would be argued that the best option would be to kill the neighbor in order to save the 5 patients with his organs. This would create the greatest good for the greatest number of people because even though one innocent man dies, the other 5 innocent people are given the chance to live. The pain is equal for either case and since the pain of the death of one would be less than the pain of five the option is clear. What gives one the right to take another innocent person s life? When this is viewed in a long term and larger scale it contradicts utilitarianism and takes away from the utility of society because it creates constant fear and pain in
  • 20. Physical Aspects Of Physical Contact Physical contact has a power unlike any other. The seemingly simple act of a touch is an influential and universal language to humans; when a human being makes physical contact with another, different emotions, such as love, happiness, gratitude, fear, or even anger and disgust take over the senses. It can help communicate feelings to another. Touch affects every type of relationship, whether it is a romantic relationship, friendship, family, or even a complete stranger. Physical touch is a powerful tool that is persuasive and hospitable. It can be used to get children to behave, be the finishing touch to closing an important business deal or creating a new relationship. The sense of touch is truly the first of the five senses developed. Physical touch allows a newborn to completely take in their surroundings. With a light touch, an individual is able to figure out the weight, size, shape, and temperature of a certain object. It also teaches an individual about awareness of their own bones and muscles in their body. Touch helps the bond between people and brings them closer together. It has been proven that physical contact stimulates the orbitofrontal cortex in the brain, which is connected to compassion and reward. The skin of the human body has receptors that produce emotional responses, depending upon the type of touch or the situation. They are the same receptors that can detect pain after an accident. It a biological response, in fact there is support that shows that
  • 21. Analysis Of Patricia Hill Collins s Critical Race Theory The contributions of female thinkers have generally been overlooked thought out the years, even though they have an understanding of theory and society similar to their male counterparts. There are many women who have made a major contribution to the development of modern day sociology. Patricia Collins is a well known sociology professor at the University of Maryland, College Park. Her work focuses on several issues concerning issues with feminismand genderin the African American community. She has discussed topics on socioeconomic status, which ties into the new racism . The new racism basically is disenfranchising voters and driving politics by economic influence, which is neither in the hands of Blacks, but falls in the hands of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was influenced by Du Bois s writings, including The Philadelphia Nergo, the New York Times articles and the Atlanta Studies (Morris, pg.72). Ovington began studying the lives of African Americans living in New York at the time, which lead her research and findings to writing Half a Man: The Status of Negro in New York. In this book Ovington concentrated on economic status of black New Yorkers, carefully examining their employment opportunities and working conditions (Morris, pg.72). Ovington viewed racial discrimination in the labor market as a major issue in New York, while focusing her attention closely to the conditions of black womans economic and labor experiences comparing them to white woman. Mary White Ovington s study tended to be descriptive given its reliance of secondary data, but it was nonetheless a major contribution to the understanding of a northern black community during the first decade of the twentieth century (Morris, pg.73). The research done by Ovington captured Du Bois s attention and became an important addition to the Atlanta s school offerings in urban and economic sociology. Another important female who help contribute to the development of modern day sociology is Lucy Craft Laney, who has been described as one of the most important African American
  • 22. Richard III Conscience Essay Human beings behave with a conscience, an innate feeling of right and wrong. The conscience prevents most people from committing horrific acts, and those who commit such acts bear a guilty conscience. Richard starts out as the perfect Machiavellian, but as Shakespeare s historical drama Richard III unfolds, he becomes fallible due to his conscience. Richard s Machiavellian techniques allow him to rise to the throne; the same tactics cause Richard s demise. Shakespeare explicitly uses Richard s failure to demonstrate that Machiavelli s philosophy does not work. According to Shakespeare the most important reason for the downfall of Richard is his conscience, and Machiavelli s philosophy does not account for this quality of human nature. In... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His guilty conscience causes his once quick and witty mind that always knows the next step in his master plan to spiral into a slow and unsure mind. Richard s guilt causes him to use unnecessary and exorbitant force. For example, he sends Anne [his] wife [to] bid the world good night (4.3 43), a death that has no political necessity. The conscience consumes Richard as he dreams about a parade of the ghosts of those he murdered. The dream sequence fulfills queen Margaret s prophecy that the worm of conscience still begnaw [Richard s] soul . (1.3 233) The eerie dream sequence sends Richard into a dialogue with himself exclaiming, O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me! (5.3 191) This shows how Richard s guilt consumes his mind, which leads Richard to lose the battle against Norfolk. Machiavelli s teachings do not account for when the prince goes mad. Not once in Machiavelli s The Prince does he use the word conscience . Shakespeare uses Richard III to comment on the inhumane nature of Machiavelli s philosophy. Shakespeare argues that the Machiavellian actions Richard took to claim the throne of England do not lead to success, but rather end in disaster. Richard explicitly follows Machiavelli s philosophy, yet the drama ends in his death. No human being would be able to follow Machiavelli s guidelines without his conscience either preventing him, or driving him
  • 23. Cattle Farming Safe For All Humanity As we know there are differences between locally grown, organic, and grass fed beef, however, farmer working conditions are not so different. Grass fed farms feed their cattle the closest they can to a natural diet of year round pasture grazing and substitutes such as; alfalfa and hay in the offseason. On organic farms, workers strive to follow the USDA guidelines and prepare for yearly inspections. Local, also known as, independent farmers may choose to raise their cattle organically, by natural grass feeding or mixed. These farms raise large herds but not nearly as large as conventional factory farms. On Organic farms, long hours and hard work are spent ensuring the land is certified organic, the cattle are served only organic feed, and that the cattle graze every day, all year. On organic farms, there is no use of hormones, antibiotics or other hazardous contributions. Deeming these methods of cattle farming safe for all humanity. Independent farmers withstand long hours and strenuous tasks to ensure cattle are raised humanely and the environment is, for the most part, unharmed. It is very common for these farms to be family owned and employed. Proper handling and safety methods become almost second nature for family members. During the hiring process, background knowledge of raising cattle and use of farm equipment are key. There is much work involved maintaining a wide variety of heavy equipment including tractors, windmills, and fences. Many of these farms grow their
  • 24. I Sat Down For A Discussion With One Of The Attorneys At... In August 2016, I sat down for a discussion with one of the attorneys at Hotze Runkle, Justin Dunlap. Mr. Dunlap had just joined the firm a month earlier as part of the firm s expansion into pharmaceutical litigation, an area of practice that he has had years of experience prior to joining the firm. He graciously took the time one afternoon to sit down and allow me to conduct an interview with him. First, I asked him to discuss his educational background and how he began to practice law. Mr. Dunlap, a native of the Dallas area, completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Kansas where he studied history. He said that while he thoroughly enjoyed his degree program s content, he did not see a future career for him with history and given that many of his older family members, including his mother, were practicing lawyers, law schoolseemed to him to be a natural next step for him. He returned to Dallas to get his law degree from Southern Methodist University (SMU). He said that, he felt extremely lucky that his parents were able to help finance his legal education, so finances were not a major factor in his law school decision. When I asked him how he came to choose SMU, he indicated that the two most prominent factors were the location in the state he wished to practice and the school s estimable reputation in Texas and the surrounding states. Mr. Dunlap told me that once he got to law school, he was sure that he wanted to work for the JAG Corps once he was
  • 25. Totem Poles People believe that totems originated around the Northwest Pacific Coast where Native Americans had specific rules and traditions about how they were made and used. Although no one knows for sure how long the Native Americans have been living in the North America region, it is known that their culture is very much centered around their spiritual beliefs as individual families and clans. Despite the common belief that totem poles represent Native American gods, in many tribes they were used to represent the beliefs and traits of the family who owned it. The making of a totem pole is a long and complicated process. Before a totem pole is carved a meeting of the elders, sponsors, and master carver is held and the master carver designs a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If a totem was painted the colors would have symbolized directions. North was represented by the color yellow. Blue was symbolic of the west. Red was the south while the north was represented by white (Page 43). Totem poles were used for different things in each tribe. For example, in the Lillooet tribe mortuary poles were used to mark grave sites ( Lillooet American History). In the Haida totems were used as a way of indicating rank in lineage ( Haida American History). For the Tlingit tribe mortuary poles are given as wedding gifts to be placed outside the home of the newlyweds ( Tlingit American History). Wood carving was probably the preeminent Bella Coola art. Masks, entry poles, house frontal poles (with entry through a gaping mouth), and carved posts were often painted and decorated with crest figures. They had no fully developed totem pole ( Bella Coola American History). The Kwakiutl were artists. Even in utilitarian items, visual art was joined with rhetoric, mythology, and performance art to glorify the kin groups. Wooden objects, such as massive house posts, totem and commemorative poles (non aboriginal), masks, rattles, feast dishes, and other objects used for crest displays were carved and/or painted ( Kwakiutl American History). When other cultures think of Native Americans, part of what comes to mind is totem poles. Totem poles can show lineage,
  • 26. Company Provides Unique Solution For Hose, Tubing And... Parflex is a parker division that designs and manufactures thermoplastic and fluoropolymer hose, tubing and accessories for extreme applications. The company provides unique solution to its customers for hose, tubing and related accessories. Products that are offered by the company can be categorized in 5 major sections and these are: Hose: Company offers wide variety of hose, whether it s industrial heavy duty, specialized, hybrid and hydraulic hose. Some of the hose types in the ParFlex product line are hose bundles, compact hose, constant working pressure hose, fluoropolymer hose, general hydraulic thermoplastic hose, Industry standard hydraulic hose, pre configured transfer and general purpose hose assemblies, refrigeration hose,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These pre insulated, heat traced tubing bundles products are used in variety of applications like process instrumentation applications, freeze protection; Company offers lights steam traced, heavy steam traced bundles for freezer protection and process temperature control. The company provides and efficient and effective solutions in these products time and time again proving their expertise in the field. Heat shrinking tubing: Heat shrinking tubing is designed and manufactured in many forms like roll covers, double shrink and standard heat shrinking designs. Company provides turnkey services, scoring, cutting, and customization services to its customers. Plastic and fluoropolymer tubing: Company provides more than 30 types of innovative design and solutions under this type of tubing. Company provides largest selection of tubing under one roof. The solutions provided from the company are for application for high purity applications, extreme temperatures, corrosion, chemicals, abrasion and flexural fatigue resistance. Tubing can be manufactured and arranged, bundled and formed with standard and specialty products. The products are used in transportation, medical and variety of fields and products, some of the notable products are airplane, rockets, high performance equipment s and heavy construction vehicles. Fitting: Company offers variety of
  • 27. Television s Impact On Teenagers Today Palomar College Televisions Impact on Teenagers Today Shilpa Pryor Digital Broadcasting Arts 100 Lisa Faas 3 May 2015 Shilpa Pryor Professor Lisa Faas Digital Broadcasting Arts 100 3 May 2015 Television s Impact on the Teenagers of Today The way teens have been portrayed on television over the years has evolved quite drastically. Now more than ever tv shows have catered towards this adolescent age group. Young people consume hours of television shows over the week, and it s what they are consuming that can be the cause of concern. How teenagers are represented on television has an impact on the very teens who are watching these programs. I want to look at how exposure to television content over the years has affected the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its influence on the masses was still something that was highly underestimated. There is no doubt that television has played a large role in influencing the teenagers of today. When television had first started in the United States there were only 3 channels available NBC, CBS and ABC. Any opportunity to show content targeted toward teens was not really available at the time. When FOX came on the scene in the 1980 s, they were able to cater to the younger generation with shows like BET and MTV (Jamieson and Romer 18). Music was a key entry point; combined with television, it became popular among teens. And as corporations realized the spending power of teenagers, and the potential influence they could have on them, they started targeting this new audience. According to the Teen Health and the Media web site, American teenagers on average spend about 20 hours a week watching television. This means that by the age of 18 they will have been exposed to over 350,000 advertisements on television and 100,000 of that would include alcohol ads. This means that teens are using a third of their day to watch TV. (Teen Health and the Media). A great example of the effectiveness of advertising is when Victor Strasburger from the American Academy of Pediatrics shared a research study about the effects of advertising. A group of children from the ages of 10 to 12 could recognize a Budweiser frog just as easily as they could recognize the bugs bunny character
  • 28. Black Sexual Politics By Patricia Hill Collins Essay Some see gender as being Black and White and it is, literally. With numerous gender ideologies, not only is there division between the Black (African Americans) and the White (fair skinned Europeans), but between men and women as well. Generally, white men and white men only hold most of the power in the world that there is to possess and it has consciously been set up for them to do so. The technical name for this global concept is hegemonic masculinity. This highly sexist and blatantly racist model has been implemented by bigoted western agendas to then be culturally and systematically carried out for centuries; sometimes without question. In her novel Black Sexual Politics , Patricia Hill Collins masterfully highlights just how much hegemonic masculinity altered the once blissful power structure, not just in the western world but specifically within the homes of the Black community. She also confers the several quintessential benchmarks within hegemonic masculinity that the Black man must uphold in order for him to unambiguously maintain his dominant status. If the benchmarks of hegemonic masculinity highlight everything it takes for a Black man to be a man, The Moynihan Report, 1965 exposes the Black man for everything he lacks. The benchmarks for hegemonic masculinity that Patricia Hill Collins discuses are eerily connected to the covertly racist allegations of the report. The Negro Family: The Case for National Action , also known as The Moynihan Report,
  • 29. Meniere s Disease And Exercise Study Anytime an individual is asked to administer an exercise program for a client with a major chronic disease, the practitioner must determine if the program will help facilitate the management of disease or if exercise (or certain types of exercise) will cause the condition to worsen. Table 2 justifies the use of exerciseand highlights the importance of recommending exercise for patients with Meniere s disease, although very little research has been conducted on the population directly. One cohort study, found that as many as 50% of patients with Meniere s disease use some form of exercise to help manage their condition (Kentala, 2013). While this study didn t examine the effectiveness of exercise on Meniere s disease directly, it indirectly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Until conflicting evidence is found, general guidelines may be utilized for the individual s with Meniere s, however, a few observations should be considered. Individuals with Meniere s may benefit from exercise modalities that work in other balance/coordination based ailments including: (1) Tai chi, (2) yoga, (3) video games, (4) dance, (5) aquatic therapy and (6) balance/fail training (Е umec, 2015). Rotational exercises have also been shown to effectively train balance abilities (Brant, 2001, Nyabenda 2003). While free weights may improve coordination, safety needs to be considered before incorporating them into your program. Safety should also be considered before recommending water based activities because directional disorientation could lead to drowning, if an attack occurred underwater. Overall the personal trainer must consider the unique aspect of the Meniere s sufferer s diagnosis, severity of symptoms, fitness level, and individual exercise preferences before designing a training plan. It is imperative that safety precautions be taken due to the increased risk of loss of
  • 30. Abortion Is Murder ABORTION IS MURDER There are nearly 1.2 million abortions performed in the United States each year (Operation Rescue, 2014). That was 1.2 million innocent lives that were ended before they even had a chance to begin. Abortion has been legal for decades now, and it is time to put a stop to all the murdering of unborn children. This senseless killing of an unborn child needs to be recognized for what it truly is, and that is legalized murder. Abortions should be made illegal in the United States because it is taking the life of an innocent person, there are other options out there and lastly abortions are not only harming the unborn child but also cause harm to the mother. Abortions should be illegal because they are murder. The definition of Abortionis a medical procured used to terminate a pregnancy and results in the death of the fetus, or embryo (Webster, n.d.). The definition of murder is the crime of deliberate killing of a human (Webster, n.d.). So there for getting an abortion is logically murder. Science has proven that the life of a human begins at conception, so when a surgeon performs an abortion it should be considered murder! If everyone else who commits murder goes to jail, then why should not the doctors who perform the life ending procedure? Or the mother that ok s the procedure? They are doing the same thing as the person on the street who just shot and killed someone. They are both ending a human life and both should face the same consequences.
  • 31. The Russian Revolution Of 1917 The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. It sparked the beginning of a new era in Russia that had effects on countries around the world. In the years leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917, the country had a succession of wars. These were, The Crimean War (1854 56), The Russo Turkish War (1877 78), The Russo Japanese War (1904 1905), and World War I(1914 18). All of these required a lot from the state, including tax dollars and manpower. Russia suffered defeat in all, except against Turkey. This series of war caused great discontent among the people and caused suffering in the country s economy and government. Along with these wars, there were three major parties that contributed to the cause of the revolution. First, there were the peasants, who maintained the majority of the population in Russia. They were excessively poor and could barely escape famine from harvest to harvest. The population boom in Russia from 1867 1896 was felt most drastically by the peasants. The increase of 30 million people in less than 30 years was too great that the land to the peasants disposal did not increase sufficiently. The government tried to help, but war took precedence. Second, there was a rise of the industrial working class. These workers were employed in the mines, factories and workshops of the major cities. They suffered low wages, poor housing and many
  • 32. Trac Tracy Turnblad Individuality In Songs You can t stop the Beat by the Cast of Hairspray I chose this song from the Broadway musical Hairspray because the whole show discussed the Transcendentalist ideas of standing up for your rights if you see something is unjust, not conforming to society, and being an individual. Tracy Turnblad did not think it was fair that the African Americans and the Whites were not allowed to dace together. Throughout the show she was lobbying on the African Americans behalf. In addition to fighting against unjust laws Tracy also embraced her individuality. Even though she did not look like the other girls on the Corny Collins show it did not hold her back because she embraced her individuality. In this song at the part where it goes, If you try to hold me down I m gonna spit in your eye and say that you can t stop the beat! Tracy is saying that she will not back down from her beliefs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Penny, Tracy s bestfriend, does not conform to society because she dates an African American, which in the time the show takes place was not accepted by society. Tracy s mom also embraces her individuality by not caring what other people think of her. And if you don t like the way I look, well, I just don t give a da**. I chose this song because the Transcendentalist principles are demonstrated in this song but more importantly the whole show. I loved this Broadway show and after learning about Transcendentalists, this whole show portrays the Transcendentalist beliefs. Hairspray is one of my favorite Broadway shows and it also embraces being an individual and standing up for what you feel is in just, which is why I chose this song from the Hairspray Broadway
  • 33. The Sound Of Silence By Simon And Garfunkel The sound of silence The sound of silence was originally composed by Simon and Garfunkel in 1964 and it was number one on billboard s hot 100 for a week. Originally this song falls under the folk rock and soft rock genres. The two covers I have choose are by Disturbed (2015) and Touch of Glass (2016). While many older people have heard of the song sound of silence by Simon and Garfunkel most of the younger generation have only heard of the song by Disturbed with many people believing that disturbed wrote the song in the first place. Most people have never heard of Touch of Glass let alone that they sung this cover. The most major difference I have found between all 3 songs is the mood that artist gives off. With Simon and Garfunkel giving off more of a upbeat and funky mood that makes the song seem to have good feelings attached to it. Then Disturbed gives off more of a dark and foreboding mood that leaves the listener feeling lonely. Then Touch of Glass in my opinion gives off a more country and western mood that shows hardship in life. Simon and Garfunkel is trying to show silence and darkness as more of a friend that you are glad to see and to show that silence is not a bad thing with their tone. Disturbed on the other hand is trying to show the sound of silence and darkness as more of a old friend you would rather not meet until the very end. Very similar with Disturbed s song the Touch of Glass they seem to try to tell you of the hardship of silence and
  • 34. How Did The Spanish Armada Fail In 1588 In 1588, King Philip sent his Spanish Armada to invade England for many reasons. Firstly, Francis Drake had previously been raiding treasure ships returning to Spain. Secondly, Philip was a very strong Catholic. After Mary, the previous English queen (who was Catholic) had been beheaded, Elizabeth came to the throne. Philip was angry when he heard the news so he decided to bring Englandback to being Catholic. Thirdly, The Dutch rebelled against the Spanish in 1568. This battle went on for over one hundred years and Elizabeth supported the Dutch. Due to these factors, King Philip of Spain attacked England however there were many different reasons for the failure of The Armada in the Summer of 1588. This Essay will attempt to justify those reasons and decide whether defeat was down to luck or mistakes. It will also hope to answer the all in all question: Why did the Spanish Armada fail in 1588? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example according to a Spanish History Textbook, The Armada set out into the Atlantic, but soon had some dreadful bad luck: A great storm damaged some of the fleet and it had to go to Corunna for repairs. It also says, Our sailors were tricked and our fleet sailed out into the open sea and scattered in the mist and fog. Unfortunately a terrible wind from the south east beat down the waves. However According to an English Textbook, The Armada was a failure. The Armada failed because the English adopted a new method of fighting and the Spanish method of fighting was too old fashioned to stand against it. This information is questionable due to the fact that the Spanish say differently and that these textbooks could ve been translated wrong or contain the wrong
  • 35. And Polis In SophoclesAntigone And Oedipus The King When we speak of men and women, what usually comes to mind? Most of the time, society sees men as the head and the lead provider, whereas the woman represents a lesser being than men, being labeled as inferior and only exist of having the sole purpose of caring for the family/household and the offspring(s). This concept can be traced back to the ancient Greek, where the terms Polis and Oikos essentially defined both genders. Polis is described as the city state and how the city functioned, whereas Oikos is seen as the family and how the household functions. When looking at both SophoclesAntigone and Oedipusthe King, we can see characters that share and conflict with the idea of these two concepts. The characters, Antigone, Creon, and Oedipus all began to start getting involved in a complex web of events relating to the concept of both oikos and polis, and how throughout the story, each whom then threatens the existence or stability of one of the other of these spheres, by neglecting or rejecting outright their respective claims, rules and duties. In Antigone, we come across many conflicts and these conflicts divides the principles of Oikos and Polis. The Dilemma between both sides of the family had resulted in a complex web of events that contributes to the idea of both state law and family. In the story, where Antigone(s) brother was not prepared a proper burial because of the Arrogant Creon, the idea of Oikos was shown in Antigone, as her own free will had
  • 36. The Importance Of Outdoor Education Introduction Outdoor activities can have effects on different groups of people in several ways. Armour and Sanford (2013) talked about how outdoor education helps with the positive development of younger children. Whilst Cooley (2014) says how outdoor education has positive effects on students in higher education and how group work can be developed through outdoor education (2015) My portfolio is going to reflect on the experience I gained from my trip to the Priestley Centre and I will talk about how my experience from this residential can be used in the future for different activities I may take part in. To start with I am going to talk about group work and group dynamics by going into detail on Tuckman and Jenson s (1977) forming, storming, norming and performing theory and the stages of group development. I will then proceed to talk about learning styles and theories as well as teaching styles and how these can be used within outdoor education, talking more specifically about Kolb s Learning Cycle (1984) and Mosston s Spectrum of Teaching Styles (1990). Moving on to talk about communication and how this plays a huge role in outdoor activities, this will more specifically focus on the Johari Window (1955). And then finally on leadershiptheories and how these affect outdoor education and group work, relating this to Hersey and Blanchard s situational leadership theory (1993). Discussion One of the theories used in outdoor education is Tuckman and Jenson s (1977)
  • 37. Dualist Theory Of Dualism We all know that everything in the world isn t perfect; everything essentially has its own flaws. The scientific understanding of our world has been ever changing, not because we are unintelligent but because as time continues, we gather more information and finding that correct past mistakes. The same goes for the theory of dualism. There are gaps in this theory, but they have the potential of being found. It might take more time and more discoveries in order to find these gaps; these gaps, however, do not define whether the theory is true or false. Now how could something nonphysical have affect on the physical world around it? This question is one of the major fault in the theory of dualism. For something to physically move, a force has to act upon an object, hence the formula mass divided by acceleration equals force. The mind, believed by dualist, is a nonphysical thing that exists and has affect on the world. However how is this possible if the mind has no mass nor can produce a force. This is one of the main arguments physicalists has against the dualist. Physicalists believe that because an object needs the ability to create a force in order to have affect on reality, the mind has to be apart of the body, a physical thing. Materialists, unlike dualist, believe that human beings are purely physical beings, and that any mental state must be some state of the physical body. Materialism has none of the problems of interactionism... Unlike interactionism, it does
  • 38. Tamayo El Hombre The painting I selected is El Hombre. The medium is Vinyl with Pigment On Panel. When I first saw this panting at the Dallas Museum of Arts it caught my eyes because of how different it was. When I first looked at it I thought it was an animal howling at the moon but then I saw the title El hombre which means man. I starred at it for another 20 seconds then I could see the work of art, painted by Rufino Tamayo, a Mexican painter, demonstrates a man with arms reached out toward the sky and the stars. His legs, lit up more than whatever is left of his body, are covered in the ground. Beside the man is a canine that is scarcely visible. The art work has great use of line an obvious example is the stars as they connect to one another. Also the man he is made up of lots of different lines. I don t see any form in this painting. There are lots of shapes the mans body is made up of several different shapes. The work of art appears somewhat serious as a result of the dim hues and rakish appearance of the man. The colors used in this painting are different value of blue and brown and also black, white. The art work shows mass by the mans legs in comparison to the rest of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The element and research made me realize what this piece really meant and why Tamayo painted it. He drew this mural because it was a perfect opportunity to fulfill lifelong dream of the them the aspirations of mankind. The Dallas Museum of Arts is an amazing place for the community because it is a great way to learn about different cultures through there art work and sculptures. It has painting from around the world and is open to anyone that wants to see. I think it s a great place and everyone should go check it out at least
  • 39. Biafra War Research Paper The Biafra war began in Nigeria on the 6th of July 1967 after a period of tension filled peace. This tensions arose as a result of tribalism brought about by a series of coup de tat. Appointment into government roles became based on ethnic groups and it was crystal clear that the government was owned by the northerners. While the north owned military power, it lacked mineral resources and frequently extorted these resources from the east forcefully, usually not giving anything back. Easterners led by Lieutenant Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwufondly called Ojukwu began to rally for the secession of eastern Nigeria. The north did not stand for this and ceased business transactions in the east thereby blocking the source of food to the east. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Papa still held his meetings but the number of people who came had trickled down. Former supporters of Ojukwu including my grandma had begun to change their beliefs. Ojukwu had led them to a war with no end in sight. A few months later, news broke that the east was now a separate country from rest of Nigeria and this country was called Biafra. Of course, papa, one of the few people who had stuck by Ojukwu was overjoyed. According to mama he told everyone he saw and knew of his loyalty to Ojukwu and how his belief and patience had finally saved them. This period did not last long and soon the Nigerian military started coming to the east to kill people and to burn down their houses. Again, the east was no longer safe for the easterners and soon people started moving back to the cities and hiding in their homes preferring to hide in plain sight. Among the people who moved back home were my grandparents. Papa moved back to Lagos preferring to leave his other wife in Anambara until the war was over for her own safety. While in Lagos, they managed to move in with friends they had made while in the city. Life in Lagos was a little more bearable as long as mama and papa avoided going out of the home they lived in. Availability of food was no longer the issue but mama and papa had no source of income and their children could not go to school. Soon news broke that Ojukwu had flown out of the country the night before for fear of his life. The easterners ultimately decide to retreat believing that without leader their cause was lost. Many hated Ojukwu for not staying and fighting for them. However, many, including Papa revere him still. Ojukwu later came back of course but the cause was lost and he could not rally easterners to fight with him again. He later died on the 26th of November 2011 and was mourned around the country in the homes of the now south east and south south including in my
  • 40. Pros And Cons Of Shamanism Shamanism is used in many places around the world especially in Siberia and Northern Europe and is considered to be a religion that believes in unseen gods, demons, and spirits that are only responsive to the shaman. The Shaman is who holds all admission to what is good and evil. Throughout the video, Shamans of Siberia, we learn the ways in which Shaman leaders are able to practice their beliefs while assisting with healing of those around them. Throughout their rituals the Shaman often invoke spirits to gain healing abilities. There is a specific wardrobe they must wear through the rituals. Their eyes must be covered as it is considered to keep the shaman safe along with preventing others to see his eyes. He wears another garment with horns,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The mind of the shamans undergoes a change as he begins to chant and heal the needy. From tests completed on shaman there shows significant changes happening within the frontal lobe as the ritual begins. It is easy for the spirit to take over the ceremonial process, therefore, it is said that an important part of these rituals is that the shaman always keep the upper hand. Within the diverse types of shaman throughout the video, there are clear definitions of how they each live differently, yet their beliefs in what are important remain the same. For instance, throughout all of the different locations the shamans are spread, they cherish birch trees and the marking oneself and their territory. In one man s story they explain the difference between black shamans and white ones. The black, speak to the spirits through a ritual and play the tambourines, whereas the white, speak with the gods and play canes with bells. Watching a shaman in action was the most interesting aspect in my opinion. The way they dress reminded me of Native American tribal costumes during a Powwow. The way they walk after a spirit has entered their body also reminds me of the tribes dancing around a fire, beating their drums and singing in beat with one
  • 41. Hurricane Katrina Discrimination Hurricane Katrina was a terrible Natural Disaster which swept away much of New Orleans, Louisiana leaving little behind. Causes and outcomes with discrimination in race and ethnicity after Hurricane Katrina. When thinking of a certain town or city, people will remember what it is known for or what they saw. When one is thinking of New Orleans, Louisiana they will more than likely think of African Americans (Pg.90). The Latino population did not start to appear in New Orleans until the late twentieth century (Hernandez Leon, Pg.90). Following Hurricane Katrina, African Americans felt frivolous or at risk as Latino s were receiving more attention (Pg.101). In fact, there are facts that prove why African Americans have a right to feel this way.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The part of the city where poor African Americans resided was hit the hardest (Fussell, Pg.95). Unfortunately, this neighborhood was the last on the list to be cleaned up and rebuilt. The African Americanresidents were sent to the New Orleans Superdome, where many were taken for shelter (Pg.110). Some New Orleans citizens might say that Hurricane Katrina had a positive impact on their lives, teaching them how to live and survive during such a terrible time as well as the situation making them stronger however, this was not the case for African Americans (Pg.109). Despite all of the horrific situations, the community of New Orleans learned how to be prepared if there happens to be a next
  • 42. A Short Note On The And Its Effects On Mexican Oregano Two of the most outstanding secondary metabolites in Mexican oregano are the isomers carvacrol and thymol (FIG.3) (76). Since the two are isomers, it is no surprise that both compounds have similar properties such as: anti inflammatory, anti oxidant, and anti fungal (76). Carvacrol is a thick, either colorless or yellow liquid (77). Its IUPAC name is 2 methyl 5 propan 2 ylphenol and the molecular weight is 150.2 g/mol (77). Thymol is a large colorless crystal (78). Its IUPAC name is 5 methyl 2 propan 2 ylphenol and molecular weight is 150.2 g/mol (78). Thymol is a substituted phenol that is acquired from thyme oil or another unstable oil (78 79). Thymol is used in a variety of industries including: cosmetic, agriculture, medical, and food ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another experiment was performed in Turkey to understand carvacrol s possible shielding function in Type 1 diabetes (83). The researchers performed an in vivo experiment utilizing rats induced with Type 1 diabetes by streptozotocin to examine the defending role of carvacrol. The carvacrol used in this study was obtained from essential oil of Origanum onites L., steam distilled and isolated using the fractional distillation method. The researchers found a reduction in serum glucose level, serum total cholesterol, and other enzymes in carvacrol treated rats in comparison to the control rats. The authors of the study concluded that orogastric addition of carvacrol to the diet of diabetic rats may have a moderate defensive role on enzymes found in the liver (83). Thymol, another compound found in Mexican oregano, is being researched (especially using thyme essential oil; note that thymol is a compound found in numerous plant species). In a study conducted with male albino rats, the researchers investigated the effect of raw thyme oil (along with other raw oils such as fenugreek, sesame, cod liver, and hazelnut) on serum glucose level and liver and kidney function (84). The researchers found that thyme, fenugreek, organic olive, and cod liver oils effectively prevented the side effects of diabetes on liver function. On the other hand, thyme oil, along with the other
  • 43. The Problem Of Social Media In the wake of the recent attacks in Paris and increasing manmade and natural disasters around the world, the ability to communicate with citizens during times of crisis is more important than ever. It is no longer appropriate to limit the output of emergency information to the traditional delivery methods. Social media use continues to grow at a staggering pace. As of January 2014, 74% of online adults use social networking sites (Pew Research Center, n.d.). The large percentage adults who utilize social networks daily makes their use by government agencies essential. It is no longer acceptable for Dane County Emergency Management not have a social media presence. With our current messaging system and strategies, we are being unheard by a large portion of our county s population. This is particularly true with young adults who reside in our county, as their primary source of information is through social media. By continuing our trend of no social media use, our county is putting lives at risk in times of emergencies, when rapid, accurate information dispersal is of the utmost importance. The strengths of social media use are well documented. No longer can officials within the county label its rise in usage as a trend. One of the most powerful attributes of social media is its ability to be accessed with a mobile device. In regards to emergency management, this is very beneficial, as most citizens will likely not be monitoring a T.V. or radio station when a
  • 44. Mathematics Has Become A Part Of Our Life ABSTRACT: Mathematics has become part of our life. Graph Theory is a branch of mathematics that plays a major role in every field of human being. In this paper we define different matrices associated with the Graphs along with some properties of a graph. And Rank of rank of an incidence matrix. Key Words: Adjacency matrix, Incidence matrix, Degree matrix, Circuit matrix and Line graph. INTRODUCTION: Incidence Matrix is one of methods of representing the graph. Let G = (V,E) be graph whose vertices and edges are labeled as v_1,v_2,........v_n and e_1,e_2,........e_m. An incidence matrix B associated with graph G of order nГ—m is defined by b_ij={в–€(1 if v_i is incident with e_j@0 Otherwise )┤ [4] The graph and its incidence matrix are shown as follows: The incidence matrix contains only two elements 0 and 1. Such a matrix is called a binary matrix or (0 1) matrix. For a given any geometric representation of a graph without self loops we can easily write its corresponding incidence matrix. On the other hand if we were given an incidence matrix B we can construct a graph without any difficulty. The graph and its incidence matrix are simply two alternative ways of representing the same graph. [1] PROPERTIES: Some observations of incidence matrix and it s graph. Since every edge is incident on exactly two
  • 45. How Is Rose O Neil Greenhow s Character Sketch During The... Rose O Neil Greenhow was a renowned Confederate spy during the American Civil War. A socialite in Washington D.C. during the period before the war, she moved in important political circles and cultivated friendships with presidents, generals, senators, and high ranking military officers. Historian Amy Taylor states, Greenhow s access to leaders and the protective cover of her gender, made her an ideal spy in the minds of the Confederates who recruited her in 1861. 6 She used her connections to pass along key military information to the Confederacy at the start of the war. In early 1861, she was given control of a pro Southern spy network in Washington, D.C. by Thomas Jordan, then a captain in the Confederate Army. 7 She was credited by Jefferson Davis, the Confederate president, with ensuring the South s victory at the First Battle of the Bull Run in late July 1861.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We rely upon you for further information. The Confederacy owes you a debt. (Signed) JORDAN, Adjutant General. 8 Captured by Union soldiers in August, Greenhow was subject to house arrest. In 1862, found to have continued her activities after an espionage hearing, she was imprisoned for nearly five months in Washington, D.C. Deported to the Confederate States, she traveled to Richmond, Virginia. Running the blockade, she sailed to Europe to represent the Confederacy in a diplomatic mission to France and Britain from 1863 to 1864. In London, 1863, she also wrote and published her memoir, which was popular in Britain. After her returning ship ran aground in 1864 off Wilmington, North Carolina, she drowned when her rowboat overturned as she tried to escape a Union gunboat. She was honored with a Confederate military
  • 46. Donald Trump s Immigration Debate Donald Trump, a current US presidential candidate, is proposing an immigration plan that is highly controversial and I personally do not agree with his plan. Although he has many good ideas the way he plans to execute them are extremely unlawful and will be protested by many Americans. Trump has proposed that if he were elected he would build a wall on the border of Mexico and the United States. In his opinion this is a good plan because it insures to lessen the number of illegal immigrants per year dramatically, but it would also create more jobs the US. But in reality there are much simpler and cheaper options for this issue, such as create a simpler way to gain citizenship, this way people would not feel like there only option is to do ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These two gals did not have legal status unlike their two other BFFs. Both these girls were brought into the states illegally by their parents in order to give them a better life . But not having legal status presented them with many obstacles, yet they still managed to graduate from college, but could not have any of the jobs offered to people who have the same level of education, since they were not US citizens. If Trump were to oppose this act it would enable those like Marisela and Yadira to have real jobs and use their college education.No matter what is done there will always be people coming the the US illegally but if they work hard enough to make it through 2 years of college then that should be proof that they are deserving of citizenschip, and if they are denyed to join the work force we are missing out on an oppourtunity that we should take advantage
  • 47. Network Tunnel Rail Link Between Britain And Continental... Introduction In 2007, Britain s first high speed railway was completed on time and within Budget, This project was initially known as Channel tunnel Rail link and renamed HS1 in November 2006. HS1 runs at a speed of 300km/h between the channel tunnel and London. In this report, the writer will be discussing the various management features of the HS1 and analyzing the management of the programme. Objective of HS1 Program To develop a national railway system effectively, it is essential to establish what it was intended to achieve as a basis for investment and management (Bolden Harman, 2013). The program was initiated for the main purpose of providing rail link between Britain and continental Europe for the purpose of enabling travel to more distant destinations.HS1 was defined by the technology and business problem it aimed to solve. However to capture the maximum benefit, it has to be developed in an integrated fashion with the surrounding environment (competition) and with the aim of creating a major zone of 3rd tier activities hotels, retail, leisure, and offices. Its developmental objectives was to enable easy access to the east Thames side, thereby diverting the developmental pressure from west of London to the east of London. Stakeholders The HS1 line was constructed and owned by London continental Railways (LCR), a commercially owned consortium until the controversial period where a restructuring crisis led to a governmental intervention in the form of capital
  • 48. Website for Kudler Fine Foods Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) mission is to provide customers the best produce, wines, and associated needs in an unparalleled customer setting. Kudler brings its customers the finest products from around the world. Kudler Fine Foods wants to improve the functionality of their current website to be more competitive and to offer their unique products to customers everywhere. History The founder of Kudler Fine Foods is Kathy Kudler; she brings knowledge from a previous career as a vice president of marketing. As Kathy relieved her stress by gourmet cooking, she found it hard to find all ingredients in one place. Kathy recognizing a need for an upscale gourmet store in La Jolla, CA, she sought financing with a business plan in hand, and opened ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are very few specialty stores in the United States so the use of a website will open a new business to web users to obtain gourmet foods delivered right to their doorstep. In staying with their specialty branding, Kindler s executives and the sales and marketing department are enthusiastic about the use of the e commerce website. Detail Design Kudler will need to implement an up to date server. We recommend that a server be purchased and the current one scrapped. The server will also need to run a more up to date version of the Windows operating system. I recommend Windows server either 2003 or 2008. I chose the Windows server edition because of the company s already existing familiarity with the Windows server operating system. I also believe that learning the Linux operating system might slow down business operations and this is why in this situation a newer version of Windows would be a more reliable choice. Windows Server 2008 R2 builds on the successes and strengths of its Windows Server predecessors while delivering valuable new functionality and powerful improvements to the base operating system. New Web tools, virtualization technologies, security enhancements, and management utilities help save time, reduce costs, and provide a solid foundation for the information technology (IT) infrastructure (Microsoft.com, 2009). After the purchase of a server, and the launch of the website, we can keep the Kudler Fine Food
  • 49. Examples Of Foreshadowing In Shattered Air In my novel, Shattered Air, their were numerous literary devices in the few pages I read. Foreshadowing, Before they departed Glacier Point, Clu Cotter bought a postcard showing a lightning bolt striking Half Dome (page 93 Madgic). The reason why I choose this literary device is that the narrator has been talking about how the sky s are starting to turn darker and darker. Even the park rangers put up signs saying do not go up the summit if storm is on the way. Another reason why I choose foreshadowing is Pippey brought his younger brothers, Hoog and Crozier, to help steer them to the write path. Before they arrived, they had practice with CPR and other procedure just in case something bad happened. On page 89, Hoog and Crozier we re alike
  • 50. How To Obtain A Bachelor s Degree In Education After I earn my GED, my plan is to obtain my Bachelor s Degree in Education. Once I ve earned my degree, I intend to ultimately become an elementary school teacher at R.B. Hunt Elementary School in St. Augustine, Florida. This is my goal because through volunteering at Woodlawn Elementary School I have found my passion for helping children learn and grow. In order to realize this goal, my first step is to earn my Associate s Degree at South Florida State Collegewhile simultaneously volunteering at Woodlawn Elementary School. By volunteering at Woodlawn Elementary, I will be able to gain experience in my desired field. I then intend to enroll at Flagler College in St. Augustine. At Flagler, I will complete my Bachelor s Degree in Education.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Johns County School District where R.B. Hunt Elementary is located. After earning my Bachelor s Degree at Flagler, I plan to apply at R.B. Hunt Elementary School for either a first or second grade teaching position. The starting salary for at first year teacher with an Associate s Degree is $38,000 a year. The benefits of the job include health insurance, holiday vacations, and a pension plan in the Florida Retirement System after eight years of teaching. My back up plan if I cannot teach in St. Augustine is to return to Sebring to teach at Woodlawn Elementary School. Getting a job at Woodlawn Elementary is my back up plan because not only have I volunteered at the school and established connections with the people who work there, but it is also where my mother has been employed for the last eight years. The benefits and salary at both Woodlawn Elementary and R.B. Hunt Elementary are the same, this means the only major difference between the two schools would be the location. My plan after completing the GED is to follow my passion and become an elementary school teacher. The steps for me to reach my goal are to earn my Associate s Degree, begin substituting in the St. Johns School District, earn my Bachelor s Degree, and finally apply to R.B. Hunt Elementary School as a first year