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Evaluation of the Harton
and Westoe commission
YouTube progress
My video managed to get 24 views which at the end is
still reaching out to people but I think I could of done
better of advertising the video by adding the YouTube
channel name on the posters I handed out maybe more
people would of checked it out. the video got 2
comments and 2 likes no one disliked it, which is a
positive but still the video needed more attention than
that to make sure the campaign was successful. Next
time I will Add the YouTube name to the poster as well
as the Instagram page.
Instagram page progress
My Instagram page done Quite well, I posted 7 of the pictures
on there website and it reached out to a few people Instagram
doesn't’t tell me how many unless I turn it into a business
account which I should of done for the campaign. What I did
get was a few comments asking about the club which has
clearly raised interest, I think it was the use of the hashtag on
boxing for that photo which did grab some attention by the 4
comments I got on that upload. My page managed to get 2
followers people who are interested in the club clearly but im
going to need more for the campaign to be successful the way
I'm going to do that in future is follow a lot of boxing fans to
improve my own following.
Poster progress
My poster was, a bit plain which I should of used more color
to attract the target audience but giving the address and
number of boxing place increased business a bit but I feel
the poster is the weakest part of the commission as it
doesn't cross platform very well apart from putting it on the
end of the promotional video apart from that I couldn't
chain it. This done well but not good enough for the
Strategies Used
The Strategies used in the campaign were primary
and secondary research. My primary research was
asking 16-18 year olds how much they know about
the boxing club and 100 percent said no so that gave
me an idea for the target audience to aim for. Then
after the commission I Asked the same question and
70 percent said yes. Which is a great improvement I
also asked how many saw the poster and all of them
did which meant the strategy of putting posters on
public transport since that’s what used in at that
age worked.
Cross-platform effect
The use of cross platforming was through 3 platforms
which were YouTube, Instagram and posters, I used
these 3 as I thought it would have the most impact to
my target audience, which it did as people who found
the Instagram page found the YouTube promo video
which then increased followers on both of the pages and
the Westoe Facebook page, which shows the link from
the platforms had a good effect on all of it and the
progress of the club.
Evaluation of the Commissions effect
This is there Facebook social blade, as you
can see everything has improved since my
commission, there post reach has improved by
432% which is huge as well as its post
engagements has shot up by 518% which
means more and more people are hearing
about the club every day. With a post reached
at 26k and post engagements at 20k that is
becoming a lot more successful. The page
reach has went up massively in the last 28
days by 15.2k, which is a huge improvement
as well as the page views go up by 2.1k, so my
commission must have had some effect to

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Evaluation of commision

  • 1. Evaluation of the Harton and Westoe commission
  • 2. YouTube progress My video managed to get 24 views which at the end is still reaching out to people but I think I could of done better of advertising the video by adding the YouTube channel name on the posters I handed out maybe more people would of checked it out. the video got 2 comments and 2 likes no one disliked it, which is a positive but still the video needed more attention than that to make sure the campaign was successful. Next time I will Add the YouTube name to the poster as well as the Instagram page.
  • 3. Instagram page progress My Instagram page done Quite well, I posted 7 of the pictures on there website and it reached out to a few people Instagram doesn't’t tell me how many unless I turn it into a business account which I should of done for the campaign. What I did get was a few comments asking about the club which has clearly raised interest, I think it was the use of the hashtag on boxing for that photo which did grab some attention by the 4 comments I got on that upload. My page managed to get 2 followers people who are interested in the club clearly but im going to need more for the campaign to be successful the way I'm going to do that in future is follow a lot of boxing fans to improve my own following.
  • 4. Poster progress My poster was, a bit plain which I should of used more color to attract the target audience but giving the address and number of boxing place increased business a bit but I feel the poster is the weakest part of the commission as it doesn't cross platform very well apart from putting it on the end of the promotional video apart from that I couldn't chain it. This done well but not good enough for the commission.
  • 5. Strategies Used The Strategies used in the campaign were primary and secondary research. My primary research was asking 16-18 year olds how much they know about the boxing club and 100 percent said no so that gave me an idea for the target audience to aim for. Then after the commission I Asked the same question and 70 percent said yes. Which is a great improvement I also asked how many saw the poster and all of them did which meant the strategy of putting posters on public transport since that’s what used in at that age worked.
  • 6. Cross-platform effect The use of cross platforming was through 3 platforms which were YouTube, Instagram and posters, I used these 3 as I thought it would have the most impact to my target audience, which it did as people who found the Instagram page found the YouTube promo video which then increased followers on both of the pages and the Westoe Facebook page, which shows the link from the platforms had a good effect on all of it and the progress of the club.
  • 7. Evaluation of the Commissions effect This is there Facebook social blade, as you can see everything has improved since my commission, there post reach has improved by 432% which is huge as well as its post engagements has shot up by 518% which means more and more people are hearing about the club every day. With a post reached at 26k and post engagements at 20k that is becoming a lot more successful. The page reach has went up massively in the last 28 days by 15.2k, which is a huge improvement as well as the page views go up by 2.1k, so my commission must have had some effect to this.