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Evening Of Dance
Evening of Dance was performed by students of Booker T. Washington High School for the
Performing and Visual Arts in Repertory Dance Company I, Repertory Dance Company II, and
World Dance Ensemble. The show was put on in the beautiful Montgomery Arts Theater on
Wednesday, November 9. The show featured a variety of different pieces, keeping the audience on
the edge of their seats throughout the whole show. The show opened with World Dance Ensemble's
(Title of Piece), choreographed by (choreographer). This piece was the most visually appealing out
of the whole show. The dancers were in Pilipino inspired costumes, half in a deep purple and half in
a lime green with a soloist in cream. It starts on with the dancers in purple holding bamboo ... Show
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The piece (title of piece) was choreographed by Andy Noble. This piece really stood out among the
others because of the high energy, and the use of ramps. Three ramps of different sizes were placed
on stage right. Throughout the piece, dancers ran off of and danced on them. It is so exhilarating to
watch the partnering on the ramps because everything seems to be constantly off balance. I would
characterize the first half of the piece as organized chaos. All of the sudden, everyone runs off the
stage leaving their shoes behind. The second half of the piece brought along an entirely different
feeling. With the shoes still strewn across the floor, Taylor Hennings and Todd Baker performed an
exquisite duet. The duet really completed the whole storyline of the piece. The story being conveyed
is that the first section is a war zone. Everyone is fighting and trying to survive. Then the reality hits
and they lose the battle. Two villagers come back and see all the destruction that took place, with all
the leftover shoes signaling the lives that were lost. The duet is about how important it is to hold
your over ones close and you never know when you will loose them. I think the piece overall is
amazing. I may be a bit biased, but I feel that if I was in the audience, I would be on the edge of my
seat with my mouth open throughout the entire piece. I know Andy would be proud of how far this
piece has
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Marathon
Last One Standing Various painters use their works of art as a representation of feelings. They
include symbols, figures, and expression to reveal their emotions through the form of art. Philip
Evergood's painting Dance Marathon illustrates the desperate times surrounding the Great
Depression. In the scene, dancers compete for a cash prize as they see who can dance the longest.
He portrays the cruelty of the time through this vulgar setting. The painting easily captures the
viewer's attention mostly from the use of color, figure, spatial effects, and other techniques created
by the artist. The size of Dance Marathon is not oversized, but it is relatively large and invites the
spectator to look at the painting. The perspective ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Red appears to dominate the painting and serves as an eye–catching color. The use of intensely
saturated colors draws the attention to the front couple. Additionally, the red color plays with the
mind of the onlooker without them thinking about it. It suggests deep passion, anger, and struggle.
The artist intends to relay his feelings about the event to the viewer. His outlook consists of disgust
towards the great depression that leaves many taken advantage of due to desperation.
The couple positioned in the front appears very large to make the painting 3–D. The relative size of
the dancers drastically shifts to create a window into the painting. The viewer can imagine being a
part of the event and watching the poverty–stricken dancers. The angle that the painting is at appears
to be almost a bird's eye view. This adds to the effect of feeling as part of the audience. Spatial
features are also added with overlap making figures look even more distant. Almost everything can
be seen all the way to the back of the painting as the lighting in Dance Marathon spreads equally
throughout the painting. Many lamps hang from the ceiling to give it a sense of many sources of
light and to distribute the light evenly.
Dance Marathon as the title brings clear understanding to the artwork. Marathon means an event that
lasts longer than normal and requires great endurance. The audience recognizes that the people
struggle to move because
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Analysis
I cannot say enough how much of an honor it is to dance here at Towson. I have changed as a dancer
and as an individual. I have always been hard on myself in everything I do especially dance. When I
make a mistake I unconsciously beat myself up and push myself to work harder. Dr. Sue sat me
down one day and told me "you have to believe that you are more than enough." She was basically
telling me that I was hindering myself from reaching my fullest potential. I was running myself
down by working the wrong body part. I has pushing myself physically but what really needed to
change was my mental image I had of myself. Once I was able recognize where I was and that it
was ok to be there I saw greater improvement in my dancing. Watching the final ... Show more
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In a nut shell I realized I had become complacent. I was used to doing well and was expecting to do
well because I had been having a good week. However, I was not in a place to receive. As dancers I
believe it important to be flexible and able to be taught be anyone, however sometimes as
individuals we resist. I felt the resistance even with Mrs. Candace's class. The first month of this
semester modern was very difficult for me, not because I was incapable but because I was not in a
mental place to receive. Once I change my way of thinking my dancing changed completely. After
Mr. Greenstein's class I made these connections. As a dancer I want to work on discovering how to
avoid resisting a new style. I want to learn how to approach something I do not know in the most
positive way. Sometime we can't control our reactions, so what can I do be accepting.
I am excited for my next year at Towson. This yea I felt I was put in a position to be successful. I
had to re build my foundation and go from there. I am excited to go to dance theater of Harlem this
summer, I do not think I would be as ready as I feel if I was not a dance major here at Towson. Over
the summer I want to work on control and point work. Because I have learned so much on flat I will
be able to translate that to
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Evaluation
Dance is significant to our society; the aspects of Modern/Contemporary Dance have adjusted the
viewpoint of the society to view it as a perpetual embryonic form of art. The evaluation exhibited in
this document will contain concise interpretations of the pieces performed by the "Mark Morris
Dance Group", followed by a comprehensive examination of the pieces "A Forest", "Pure Dance
Items", "Serenade", and "Dancing Honeymoon."
The first performance piece was "A Forest", which the title featured a particular image at the
beginning of the piece. At the beginning, the performers arms and fingers were stretched out over
their heads, corresponding to the branches of a tree. Moreover, the piece resembled a modern
method of dance because it contained a clear majority of the dancers running like they were animals,
then walking like were they hunters, and then jumping like they were deer throughout the piece.
Also, my interpretation of the piece resembled the performers as deer's when they pranced around
the stage shifting from toe, ball, and heel repetitively. Another example of my ... Show more content
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The performance Dancing Honeymoon was based on dance movements that contained the tossing of
folded chairs on the stage, energetic movements, properly 20th century music with lots of strong
beats. The bright yellow, beige, and white costumes accompanied the visual aspect of the piece. The
analysis of the costumes represented happiness and contentment. Also, enthusiastically shifting the
lighting throughout the performance to resemble the outdoors was a noticeable feature presented in
the piece. This piece theme of happiness was clearly stated throughout the performance. All the
fundamentals of lighting, costume, music, and movements seemed to transport the theme proposed
by the heading, "Dancing Honeymoon". This dance was a piece that primarily demonstration the
procedures of happiness, rather than a definite idea or a perception of
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Evening Of Dance
The Importance Of Dance
I have always loved to dance. When I was in my younger years I used to frequent dances. I was even
involved in my high school's show choir and my high school's musical every year. So, it's a no
brainer that I include dance as part of my exercise when I'm fulfilling my twice a week, 30 minutes
of activity. Walking your dog or sprinting around your house can get boring so I use dancing as a
way to shake it up and have fun with my exercise. Because I love to dance so much, I wanted to
dive deeper into how beneficial it really is for my body and possibly my mind.
By the time I'm done with 30 minutes of dancing I can tell that I've done some sort of workout; I'm
sweating, my heart rate is up, and my energy level is up. It turns out I'm not just thinking I'm getting
a decent workout, I am actually getting a decent workout. According to John Porcari, Ph.D., "Dance
cardio like Zumba and other popular forms we've studied, it tends to be a pretty good moderate– to
vigorous–intensity workout," (Abbate). It's good to note though, you should be including things like
lunges and core exercises to get the most out a dance session workout. Also, you must make sure
you are moving at a fast–enough pace to get your heart beat up. You aren't going to get much out of
it if you are moving side to side very slowly. Using dance as an exercise is good for your heart, it
makes you stronger, and it can help with balance and coordination. Participating in a supervised 30–
minute dance class can actually
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Reflection
Obviously, the goal for the team every year is to win, but we also like to have fun. Natalie Meloche
elaborates on how she feels about spending countless hours at the studio perfecting her routines,
"Going to dance class is my favorite part of my day because I can always escape whatever is going
on in my life and just let loose and dance. I also love to see my friends and teachers as well." In fact,
three of the four girls I got answers from said they enjoyed going to class while the fourth had
mixed feeling about it. Although for the majority of the girls, being in class was their favorite part.
My favorite part was all of the team bonding that we did. Outside of the practice rooms, the team
went to the movies together, painted pottery, played laser tag, and took trips to the cider mill.
Every year, the older girls on the team are paired with one of the younger girls as a mentor. The goal
as a "big buddy" is to show your "little buddy" that dance was not just about how well you place at
awards, that dance is about expressing yourself in a way that builds your confidence and helps you
realize that hard work pays off. You just have to be willing to take the comments given to you.
Claire Binguit recalled the moment when a critique changed her outlook on everything: "the most
memorable feedback I've ever gotten was from ms carol saying "if you weren't so lazy you could be
great step it up I know you have the potential and I believe in you"". Aleah Soliman, a member of
the teen team, recalls a recent time when a teacher's comment boosted her confidence, "my teacher
told me how good my solo looked after just a couple weeks doing it". From my experience in my
own solo and my many many years of listening to comments from judges and teachers, I have
learned that although some comments can be extremely hard to hear, they are meant to make you
better and will help you in the long run. Everyone at the studio is actively applying their comments
which results in better scores, which results in wins at competitions, which again is the main goal of
being on the competitive team.
Ever since the competition team was started, there has been a contract that every year each dancer
and their parent/guardian sign the contract
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Aesthetics
"Oww," I winced as my knee buckled for about the millionth time that day as I tried to practice my
pirouettes for the dance audition starting in a couple of minutes. "Come on" I thought to myself
wondering why my knee chose this exact time, this was important, I needed to nail this audition so
that I could earn myself a spot in Company 2 this year. It was heart wrenching to think that I could
be in Company 1 in 7th grade! "Get in order according to your number," the dance teacher noted and
I did as fast as I could,everyone knew that auditions were a non nonsense matter.Finally, the
audition started, the Dance Instructor lead the stretching routine and then told us to go across the
floor, he taught us what we needed to show and turned on the music. I thought to myself ,"run, run
arms rounded in first when you run; a brush ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At that point my knee felt fine and I was dancing my hardest. Then it was time to learn a
combination, this was the hardest part because you had to know the dance, the counts, do the steps ,
and stay on the right timing because if you got all jumbled up and forgot the choreography, it was
pretty challenging to recover. "Groups!" The Dance Teacher yelled and we divided ourselves into
four groups. "Group 1 on the floor!" "Here I go," I thought, as I stepped onto the dance floor, now
was my time to do the routine full out because I had extra space since there were less people
dancing, but also if I messed up, I would stick out like a sore thumb! I went through the counts and
steps in my head, then the music started. I danced and followed the steps, now it was time for a
double pirouette which is super easy, but then my leg buckled it was stick straight, that's when I fell
out of my pirouette and the music sounded muffled, my vision, foggy. I snapped back into it even
though the pain was harsh, but that few seconds where I didn't know what ,to do I looked so
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Is An Art? : Is Dance A Sport?
Is dance an art? Is dance a sport? According to Google, dance is not considered an official sport, but
it does have many sport like qualities and competitions. Many people would disagree with Google's
definition, however just as many would agree. In my recent survey 64% of the people surveyed
believed dance was a sport, and 54% had participated in dance. So should dance be considered an
official sport?
According the Encyclopedia Britannica, the definition of dance is: The movement of the body in a
rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or
emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself. According to Google, the
definition of a sport is: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or
team competes against another or others for entertainment. But Is it possible that these two
definitions can somehow co–exist together in one activity... the activity of dance? To answer this
question, we need to look at both sides of the arguments.
Many dancers, and dance advocates would say that dance is absolutely a sport. Dance advocates
would point out that dance is a competitive activity that involves physical ability and skill. Maybe
everyone can "dance" but not everyone can dance well, or competitively. It takes skill, talent,
flexibility, long hours of practice, determination, and physical strength to be a dancer. Dancers need
to be strong in the upper and lower body because
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Evening Of Dance
Dance and Fashion
Danceable Fashion or Fashionable Dance: Either way, it works!
A Concept Paper Presented to Prof. Robert Rodriguez
Division of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences
University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Course in Communications 2
Nohr Malynne Tabares
February 5, 2013
There's an exciting fashion trend happening – dance. The dance and fashion industries seem to be
increasingly joining forces, with dance companies commissioning high profile designers and fashion
labels turning to dancers to optimally show off their clothes. The collision of the worlds of fashion
and dance creates alchemy beyond the reach of either one alone. Fashion is made to move in the ...
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It is also a reliable source of income. So many people do not believe they can dance. They think they
are uncoordinated, have no rhythm and most of all, they assume the ability to dance is either
something you have or you don't. They see dancers as members of an unattainable and exclusive
club of good posture, hours of practice and perfect young bodies with plenty of technique.
Dancers are often called the 'athletes of the arts' and like athletes they undergo years of hard
physical training in pursuit of excellence. It is exhilarating watching human beings perform
extraordinary and courageous physical feats. In dance, this energy is used to tell stories and convey
ideas, creating very powerful experiences that can be dramatic, moving and even funny. (The
Autralian Ballet, 2010) However, if you are one of those people who have always thought you had
two left feet, or are just starting out, don't allow any negative thoughts deprive you of the happiness
that dancing brings. No matter what style: jazz, ballroom, belly dance or just plain shaking it to your
favorite tune, dancing is one of the greatest joys in life. It can transform your attitude in a second
and transport you into pure bliss. Dancing is for everyone.
On the other side of the coin, being a supermodel is somewhat the same as being a dancer wherein
there are certain challenges that need to be surpassed and most importantly you should've the skills
to become one.
Gracing the covers of
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Community
The dance community that surrounds me has been the most impactful in my life. My mother first
signed me up for dance classes when I was only four years old, and now almost fifteen years later I
am still dancing. I started out at a dance studio in Gresham, Oregon, where I then danced for ten
years. I took classes, performed, and started competing against other dancers and studios around
when I was nine years old. It didn't hit me that I enjoyed performing until I started dancing in more
and more shows. Dance was a struggle for many years at this specific studio. There was a lot of
moves that I couldn't do, and I got left behind, as the other dancers my age improved and became
more flexible. I felt like I owed the teachers, staff, and other ... Show more content on
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I knew two people at this studio and I was definitely farther behind than all the dancers my age. It
made me feel like I didn't want to dance. My entire freshman year I felt like I was just trying to fit in
and get involved in the studio. At my old studio, people had known me for six–plus years, and at the
new studio no one knew me. I rarely got any compliments and only critiques that entire first year.
The summer before my sophomore year I took classes and started really focusing on improving my
technique as I didn't have the distractions of the school year. I started getting compliments and
started gaining knowledge and skills in my tap classes. I auditioned for the competition team that the
studio had my sophomore year and I got cast in a specific role that was made just for me. It was at
this point where I started focusing on dance and only tried out for the school musicals instead of
every show during the school year because I knew I could still be performing in my acting classes,
but my dance needed the most improvement, so in order to help me for my future career I decided
that the best thing was to pursue dance in every way I could. I started going to conventions and
doing solo routines as well as my group routines with the other dancers in the studio at competitions,
and I actually wasn't doing half–bad. I began receiving compliments and growing closer to the girls
I now call family. I danced with this studio for four years, and when I left for college, I know I left a
little part of me
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Obstacles
The beginning of class was a bit challenging because it has been so long since I have actually
practiced dance and stretched. The workout and warm up for the first two weeks kept my body in
great shape capable of feeling relaxed and muscles moving. The warm up made the dances a bit
easier to actually keep up, but still was a challenge. The way the stretches are handled are great
because it is a new routine my body has not gone through. It is quiet the challenge because my left
leg is stronger than my right, but I push through to have the equal exposure. I am a dancer who
learns by seeing the movement being taught step by step then I expose myself to the new step
procedure. I have difficulty with copying and mirroring because my mind cannot process different
directions. It gets easily as I continue the step and actually slowly do it myself, but I build up the
pace as I actually get the steps myself. I also notice my body is stiff and that has always been one of
the challenges I noticed being a dancer. When I learn something new I create this tension that
stiffens my spine and it only becomes relaxed once I clearly know the passages myself. The carving
through space is a new exposure to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I became a leader that communicated through the body. I was never in the position of dancing as the
leader I would follow along or copy, but to take charge was a bit odd because I was not so sure if I
was right. I have lack of confidence and if I demonstrated that more I would be able to present these
leadership qualities more even outside of the dance setting. I think it is because I have a smaller
chest I make myself believe I do not have the representation of being a leader, but I deliver my
partners move well. It all is smoothly done and I easily get the movements down when you explain
in detail. I learn from observing and moving into it slowly it is what allows me to present a similar
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Evening Of Dance
Definition Of Dance
Society has been greatly influenced by song and movement. There is no documented time when
dance was first discovered, since it has been around for more than any person remember. There are
millions of types and definitions of dance in the world, and it can be performed or interpreted in
many different ways. The dictionary most commonly defines dance as moving rhythmically to
music, typically following a sequence of steps. But dance is so much more than justs the simple
movement, it is an escape from reality, the opportunity to meet great new people, and a message to
be read.
Dance is an escape from reality. For instance, if I just had one of those frustrating days, and nothing
went my way, just showing up to dance helps me to forget about ... Show more content on
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Dance is a way to forget and escape the hard and frustrating things in life. A way to meet many
fascinating new people that can give you different views and ideas. Dance is a message to be read
and interpreted in many amazing ways. Choreographer Martha Graham once mentioned "Dance is
the hidden voice of the soul." In reality nobody can truly understand the voice, because everybody
has different views and perspectives, but for me dance is my hidden
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Evening Of Dance
Dance In The Witches Dance
Bursting with mysterious storytelling, the importance of family, and incredible dancing, Big Fish is
the musical theatre dance that the entire family must–see. But be forewarned, Big Fish is full of
mysterious and believable stories told by the charming and charismatic Edward Bloom that will
keep you on the edge of your seat all evening long. Big Fish is set in Alabama during the time
Edward Bloom becomes ill so his son William returns home to once again be surrounded by his
fathers exaggerated stories about his life. William finally decides he is going to investigate his
father's tales and soon begins to understand his father and the meanings behind his storytelling. The
more important dancers in the play include; the ill father, Edward Bloom ... Show more content on
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The Witches Dance is a modern dance that has a lot of free movement mostly shown by the smooth
mysterious arm movements. In the context of the play, the dance takes place in a swamp where
Edward Bloom is told his future by a witch. First, the dance steps and movements were way to slow
which made the dance drag–on and not look skillful. Throughout the dance, the main witch simply
walked around the stage slowly waving her hands back and forth which is not impressive to watch
because one assumes anyone would be able to perform that movement. Furthermore, I understand
that the scene was supposed to be slow and mysterious, but I think more skillful maneuvers such as
slow controlled spinning could have added to the impressiveness of this dance piece. However, I
think the dancers did do a great job in the extension of their arms and legs from their body. Each of
the witches had long capes connecting to the end of their arms so the long extension looked really
impressive and really dramatized the mysteriousness of the dance. I think the main witch did the
greatest job of extending her arms with the crystal ball which alluded to the significance of the
crystal ball. All in all, the dancers in The Witches Dance were disappointing because they did not
use fast speeds, turns, or any other skilled movements to create an impressive
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Observation
The show started off with two male dancers. I was impressed by the way they moved. Especially
because they didn't have any music. Everything was nice and practiced. They managed to perform
each move exactly the same. It looked like a mimicry, but at the same time each move they did have
their own style. Sometimes it was their hands posture, other times was the way they move their
pelvis. They did a lot of jumps. Something that changed the dance was that one pointed his toes and
sometimes the other one wouldn't. I think it depend on the dancer however they felt more
conformable. That proves my point; there is no such thing and perfect mimicry in dancing. I don't
think it's possible for people to do a certain move exactly the same. There is always something that
changes. With practice, the techniques get better and it looks more ... Show more content on
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The allegro and alignment had its purpose, and I think they did great in general. Most of their moves
had a perfect assemble, finishing them with attitude and personality. They always started facing the
front (towards the audience), but ended in different directions. Throughout the performance they
made their front different sides of their performance space their front. Something I noticed that their
moved weren't only modern dance related. They had ballet, hip–hop, and even cheerleading moves.
The techniques they used to jumped and land are the same ballerinas and cheerleaders use. Even the
hand movement, and the way they pointed their toes too. I also said hip–hop because sometimes the
way they moved their bodies, with rolls and hard hits. Their posture was beautiful. The neck was
nice and long, back straight, and their used all their space. They never lost beat nor balance. They
clapped to make their own sound throughout their
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Stereotypes
Are you tired of seeing your son sitting on the sofa playing video games, watching TV, or throwing
a ball around? Here's an idea, enroll them in dance. Now, you may be thinking why dance, Dance is
for girls. Right? But, there are multiple reasons why enrolling your son in dance at a young age
could be a great choice. Society is changing everyday and as people of this society we need to
change with it and move past gender stereotypes. Currently, girls are leading the dance world but
this needs to change. As parents you need to stop the stereotypes and let your children experiment.
Your little one could be so talented at dance and you may just never know because "only girls
dance." Society as a whole is preventing your kid from doing something they could possibly love, ...
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Historically, dance has been going on forever with male involvement. Research shows that during
the renaissance times males participating in dance was, nothing but normal. They almost outshined
the females in the system of dance as a whole. But, at a specific time in history the gender roles of
dance changed. It was now up to women to lead the system of dance, bringing men down to the
bottom of the dance chain. Slowly as this change occurred in the system of dance it became out of
place for males to pursue a career in dance and more normal for males to participate only in sports.
Research states "Dance study has always been seen as an appropriate and viable career path for
girls, but often not for boys."(Risner) This became the public eyes perception of male enrollment in
dance. The public started just associating the word dance with girl. Boys that pushed back on the
system even when they knew it wasn't the norm were called names that people don't even use
anymore. This was a huge struggle for males. One boy named Gene talks about his experience as a
male dancer in the past. The text quotes 'Pussy, pussy.' Gene was only ten
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Evening Of Dance
Hard Work Pays Off
Our coaches had told us since the beginning that the months and months we would spend preparing
for one particular day would all be worth it in the end. Taking place at New Castle Fieldhouse in
early March 2015, I competed in the IHSDTA Dance team competition with my fellow teammates
and members of the NHS dance team. We walked into the vast, expansive Fieldhouse knowing that
it was the largest High School Fieldhouse in the Nation. The anticipation in the air was electric and
full of excited chatter of girls who had been preparing for months for this one day... actually for
these two minutes.
We were a pom and hip–hop team. Because this was Noblesville's first year competing, opposing
teams arrived with low expectations for us, and they also showed a polite disregard for our team. I
was to dance that day, but only once. I understood the privilege, for I was a freshman on a varsity
team. And though I was used to performing, I was not prepared for the criticizing looks, ... Show
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You guys look better when you don't look tired," I replied.
The fact that I was not dancing had somehow made me responsible for providing helpful criticism. I
was afraid I might have forgotten to tell her something important, that they may not look together on
the court, but it seems as though I had forgotten that birds of feather flock together. On the court, the
music started, and they danced perfectly. They look so good! How come they don't practice like
that? I wondered. They performed, were given a loud applause, then ran off the court. Ten minutes
later, we were already getting ready for the next dance, the one I was to perform.
"I'm going to play the music once, and you're going to close your eyes and think about the dance.
Ready?" Kaitlyn said while we were still waiting in the dressing
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Autobiography
When I was little the earliest memories I had was in the Lori Allen Dance Company. When I was
three my mom put me in dance class to not only strengthen my muscles, but to get me to be more
social. Even though I was still very young, my mom was very scared that I would grow up and
never open up to anyone else, but her. The first day of dance class I remember like it was yesterday.
I walked in and a bunch of little girls were putting on their ballet shoes. My mom walked me in and
sat down on the floor. She knew that if she were to leave me there in that room I would run out
screaming and crying. For the first couple of dance practices I wouldn't take my eyes off my mom. I
wanted to make sure that she didnt abandoned me. After about ten practices
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Interventions
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the health benefits of dance interventions on the aging
population, particularly those with Parkinson disease (PD). Studies have suggested the various
motor benefits of dance interventions in people with PD. This research was conducted primarily to
find the results of dance interventions in older adults and in PD. Also, to describe limitations of
dance within these populations, and to identify the direction for further future studies. With there
being approximately 1.5 million Americans with PD, it is shown exercise improves motor
impairments in aging populations, especially vital in people with PD due to the emerging studies
supporting potential neurologic/neuroplasticity effects. The goal of this study ... Show more content
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Dance is an accessible and socially engaging physical form of activity that provides measurable
benefits in the aging population and adults with PD. Dance can provide specific external cues for
facilitating movement and task–specific training such as turning around, walking backwards,
dynamic strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The researchers searched controlled, peer–
reviewed studies from scientific literature reporting the effects of dance interventions on measures
of physical function in older adults and those with PD. Twenty studies in older adults and seven
studies in PD were included in this research. The majority of dance research of PD was focused on
tango given it targets the PD–specific impairments as in walking, turning, etc. Dance studies in older
adults included less of tango and more of the traditional folkloristic dance. These similarities and
differences between the two different populations can impact different motor function, inferring the
importance of developing a community based dance programs for seniors and for people with PD.
The researchers compared the results of each literature of the participants, duration and intensity,
PD–specific outcomes, functional strength, endurance, cardiovascular
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Evening Of Dance
Sophia Luci Dance, Dance And Dance
Sophia Lucia
Have you ever been so determined that you would do anything to accomplish it?Well
Sophia Lucia is just that she is determined and will do anything to accomplish her goals ever since
she was 2 also the age she started dancing.At the age of 4 it got more serious.She is now 13 and is a
professional dancer,she's worked hard and is teaching master classes,and even been on
TV, talk shows,movies, and has world record of 55 consecutive pirouettes.
Sophia Lucia started dancing at age 2 and was a regular dancer at San Diego Dance
Center.When she was 4 she started working on correct methods of dance movement, stretching and
proper technique to prevent injuries. Sophia now is trying to be the best in the dance industry. She
wants people to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sophia Lucia is an inspiration to many people and has a potential that has her going to the top of the
dance industry. She wants to be the best,and will accomplish her goal being the best someday
soon.Her World Record of 55 consecutive pirouettes has inspired young dancers to make their goals
as big as their dreams.Dancers everywhere are trying Harding accomplishing more and focusing on
dance more than ever,when a dancer has an inspiration like Sophia Lucia they become more
involved with dance,and their dreams.But the person she is didn't just happen it took time and
effort,she's was not born flexible or this incredible dancer,she worked hard and beloved in
herself.She's won many awards and has done many things,but she still works hard and doesn't use it
as an excuse.
Sophia Lucia is a dancer that doesn't stop and believes in herself.Sophia is proud
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Evening Of Dance
Dance A Sport
Is Dance Considered a Sport? Three laps around the gym, minute long planks, crunches, sit–ups, and
pushups in a matter of thirty minutes. As a dancer, experiencing and realizing the strength that needs
to be present in order for an athlete to grow is vital. We go through long hours of choreography
sessions, pain and strain on our bodies, and vigorous training. Many people will disagree on the
status of if dance is a sport or not. Both Mary– Elizabeth Esquibel, in her article "Why Dance Will
Always Be a Sport" and the infographic entitled "Is Dance a Sport?" attack this controversial
dilemma. Even though these arguments use different formats, they use rhetoric similarly.
In Esquibel's article, she battles with the use of ethos. Her article is created on a site called "The
Odyssey", which is a tool for college students to upload essays. Many people would argue the fact
the Mary–Elizabeth isn't credible because she doesn't pertain a profession or have a degree in the
works of which she's talking about such as dance. If she was trying to convince the audience with
her own words, it should not be biased based on her own experiences. The article reads, "I was a
competitive dancer for 13 years and I know the strength and grace that dancers must have while
dealing with the pain and strain that their bodies are going through"( Esquibel 1). This may cause
the readers to feel as if the author, Mary–Esquibel, is trying to make herself sound more–
knowledgeable than anyone else
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Is A Sport
What is the definition of a sport? A game played with a ball or someone running around in tight,
little shorts? What about "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or
team competes against one another or others for enjoyment"? That is the true definition of a sport.
Not only does football, baseball, basketball, and soccer fit this definition, but so does dance.
Just like any other sport, there are many different groups inside of the dance community. You can
treat dance as doing it for fun, a club, a hobby, a serious passion or a career. You can do the same
thing with all other sports as well.
So, if the International Olympic Committee recognizes dance, then why isn't it considered a sport to
other people? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Dancers must have strong core muscles, strong arms, strong legs, and so on. Dr. McNitt–Gray said,
"Dancers are some of the toughest athletes in the world."
As everyone continues to ask "How can dance be a sport? You can't judge on time and the scoring is
personal." Just like figure skaters (an Olympic sport), competitive dancers are judged on technique,
posture, timing, formation, hold, pose, togetherness, musicality, and expression, presentation, power,
foot and legwork, shape, and travel space. Dancers have a lot on their minds while performing on
stage. Some of the thoughts are "Is my foot pointed? Am I extending my arms correctly? Is my
technique clear? Is my head turned the right way?" That's a lot to think about while under enough
pressure by being on stage.
Some think dance involves little endurance versus sports like cross–country running. Although,
dancers exert forces through their hands, legs, arms and head in all different directions. Dance is a
cardiovascular, aerobic, difficult sport. It fits all requirements in the definition of a sport, and has the
physical and mental challenges as
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Dance Ethnography
If one has ever been fortunate enough to see a live ballet then I'm sure at some point during the
performance they found themselves wondering how much time, effort, and skill the dancers devote
prior to the performance. While there are many factors contributing to the outcome of the show, as
long as the dancer learns the choreography and has a great dress rehearsal, the audience is
guaranteed to love the show! In order to master the choreography it is essential to bring a notebook
to class and take specific notes regarding precise details and counts. This way when one is at home
reviewing he or she's notes as well as the dance, it's as if having the company of a teacher to remind
you of important details that he or she would not necessarily
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Evening Of Dance
Shakespeare's Dance : The Swan Dance And The Sleeping Dance
Contemporary dance is a dance performance genre that developed during the mid–twentieth century
it incorporates elements from many styles of dance. And due to its technical similarities, it is often
perceived to be closely related to modern dance, ballet and other classical concert dance styles. It
was originally developed as a reaction against the more rigid techniques of ballet. The Sleeping
Beauty, ballet was first performed in 1890. The music was composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
and the choreographer of the original production was Marius Petipa. Having given bold
contemporized dance–theatre makeovers to both The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, Matthew Bourne
started turning his attention, in 2011, to that other great 1890s Tchaikovsky/Petipa ballet, The
Sleeping Beauty. The result detailed sets and costumes, evocative lighting and a story line that
transports the audience in time from the halcyon days of the late Edwardian era through to the
modern day. In a world full of magic, fairies, vampires, love and romance. This essay will outline
the choreographic intent of this dance being intentionally stunning especially in the genre of classic
story turned modern. This piece of dance plays a tremendously important role in the overall
explanation of the entire narrative. It does an impressive job at introducing and communicating the
characters of the all the main characters of the story, it also effectively heightens the mood and
effects the emotion of the viewers. The dance
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Evening Of Dance
The Power Of Dance
The Power of Dance
Dance has been a natural movement form since the beginning of time. The origin of dance is
unknown, just as the knowledge of the benefits of dance are unknown to many in our society. Many
people do not enjoy dancing and also do not fully understand the positive benefits that come from
dancing. Researchers such as Edwards, Duberg, and many more have found countless mental and
emotional benefits of dance that originate from movement patterns, brain connections, and even
expressions of emotion. Many are aware of the physical benefits of dance, but beyond the physical
benefits of dance, there are also emotional and mental benefits that come from dance as well.
This paper explores my main question, "how does movement through dance affect the mental and
emotional dimensions of wellness?" I will explore the many unknown benefits that come from
dance as well as share expressions of my personal thoughts on the subject. I will also share my
personal experiences as well as others' experiences with dance. In the research portion of my paper,
I will cite studies supporting both the mental and emotional benefits of dance. This paper will also
explore the perspective of a professor of dance, as well as the lived experiences of actual dance
students. My interview will support my paper as it reinforces the findings in literature. I will discuss
my future plans on the subject of mental and emotional dance; stressing the need for individuals to
dance as the benefits can be
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Appreciation : The Dance
In one my classes; Dance Appreciation, I had an assignment to view a dance piece on YouTube. The
dance that I viewed was called "She without arm, he without leg, Hand in Hand". The dance was not
only informative, but it was enlightening to watch.
I liked the dance piece because the dancers were limited physically in their bodies, but their dancing
was beyond limited and astounding. At first, I was a bit doubtful and sceptical before watching the
dance because I thought the dancers were going to perform with very minimal and stiff movements.
But to my surprise, the dancers moved gracefully on stage. The two dancers used quite a lot of
space. The dancers used all levels of space from low to high. For example, the dancers executed
amazing leaps, jumps and lifts in their performance that represented as high levels of space. The
dancers movements were grand; however, they were also whimsical, sharp, circular, and clean. The
dancers utilized most parts of the stage. The pattern of the space that performers used was more
curved than linear. There were two dancers in this piece, the male dancer that had only one leg and
the female dancer that had only one arm. The genre of dance that was performed was a ballet;
though, in my observations the dance seemed to be more contemporary than ballet. For instance, the
tempo of the dance was slower and had less rhythm than most classical ballets I've observed. Also,
there were a couple of pauses and rests during the performance. The dance
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Dance Monologue
Closing my eyes, I replay the whole dance in my head. It's my first performance of the night, and
I'm excited but extremely nervous. I recall every single detail of it, from the smallest petit développé
to the biggest leap.
At that moment, my mind flashes back to a lesson a few weeks ago. I'm in the dance studio again
with everyone else, practicing our routine for the umpteenth time. As I look around, I can see Kah
Yin's back that's drenched in sweat, my cousin Ashley trying to stifle a yawn and my sister licking
her dry lips. I feel the stinging pain in my stomach, reminding me that I haven't eaten since lunch.
We've been here since 5pm, coming straight after school, and five hours later, everyone is
"Cheryl, lengthen your spine! Don't slouch! Lift your body! Straighten your legs! Push your ... Show
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Anyone who has done ballet would know that it's a tremendously physically challenging activity.
We have to keep our weight forward over our toes but make it look like we're standing flat foot,
keep our knees completely straight when they're not meant to be bent, turn out from our hip all the
way to the tip of our toes, tuck our hips under us, engage our core, keep our chest down, ribs tucked,
collarbones presenting, flat back, shoulders down, elbows up, arms curved at the perfect angle,
wrists elevated, fingers placed properly, toes pointed, long neck and chin up. All while making it
look effortless and seeming as we're light as a feather. Anyone who gives any less than their 100% is
completely unacceptable. While the things Ms Carmen tells us might be hurtful, we know it's the
truth. And we understand that she's doing it for our own good, for us to be better at this activity that
we choose to invest our time and effort in. It's just like what she always tells us – "If you're not
going to give ballet a 101%, get out of my class. I refuse to teach a child who doesn't try their
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Evening Of Dance
Cuban Dances
Cuban dances undergo major role in the culture of Latin America. Many of the dances that
originated from Cuba of Latin America have become popular around the world as well as Latin
America. Other cultures learn how these Latin dances have a flair and other unique qualities that are
specific to Latin America and its culture. The three most popular dances many people know that
have spread around the world include the Cha–Cha, the Salsa, and the Mambo.
The Cha–Cha originated in Cuba around the 1940's. To Latin Americans, the Cha–Cha is known to
be a rather flamboyant and playful dance. The feel of the Cha–Cha gives it a unique sense of fun and
individuality that demonstrates the culture of Latin American dance. This dance was originally
known as the Cha–Cha–Cha and gained its popularity around the 1950's; however, the Cha–Cha is
an offshoot from a popular dance known as the Mambo. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Mambo is known to be a product of Cuba's popular danzon dance along with some African
rhythms and steps. The Mambo, in its earlier times, was a bit of a freeform dance. Although the
Mambo first gained its popularity in Cuba, it branched over to New York when and developed more
of its unique sense of style. The Mambo craze did not last long; however, its biggest contribution to
Latin American dance was that it led to the creation of another dance known as the Cha–Cha. This
dance has special meaning and history to the name, for it is believed to have gotten its name from
"voodoo priests who used to think they could send dancers into hypnotic states". Around the 1950's
and 1960's the Mambo was at its most popular point in its time. Nevertheless, those golden years
were overcome by the development of the
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Evening Of Dance
Dance: Basics Of Dance
Is one example of Theatrical or Spectacular Dance. It refers to a series of solo and concerted dances
in which poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures accompanied by music and scenic
accessories expressive of a dramatic story theme or atmosphere. Ballet serves as backbone for many
other style of dance since many other dance genres were based on ballet. Ballet dancers wear tights
and leotards during class or rehearsals while TUTOS or ballet skirts are reserved for performances.
Learning the poses and steps of ballet most of them have French names. It's because, King Louis
XIV of France started the first ballet school namely The Royal Academy of Dance in 1661.
JAZZ– Is a fun dance style that relies heavily on originality and improvisation. Most, usually
dancers of Jazz mix different styles in their dancing, incorporating their own expression. It often
uses dramatic body of movements, including body isolations and contraction. It showcases the
individual style and originality of dancers, the interpretation and execution of steps in their own
way, that is why it consist of unique moves because the dancers make the moves base on their own.
Jazz clothes requires clothing that you are comfortable to move, you are free to select your own
clothing as long as it is relaxing and allows you to move. The dancers ... Show more content on
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Dancers use their feet like drums to create rhythmic patterns and timely beats. It is named Tap
Dancing since sounds are produced by tapping the small metal plates on the dancer's shoes touch on
the floor. A common style of tap dancing is called Classical Tap. Dancers of this type use their arms
and upper bodies to blend movements of ballet or jazz into their tap routines. Hoofers use every part
of their shoe to make their feet sound like drums. Tap dance also like ballet is one of example of
Theatrical or Spectacular
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Evening Of Dance
Dance History
Dance has been an important part of my life since I was 5 years old. I will never forget the first
dance class I went to with my cousins when we lived in the Bronx. That first class opened the doors
to all the opportunities I have been offered as a dancer today. When I moved to Somers in 1st grade,
I decided to continue dancing since I enjoyed it so much. I danced at a small studio which was really
just for fun, until I wanted to get more serious as a dancer. In 6th grade I switched to a different
studio that has changed me not only as a dancer but as a person. I started off taking not many
classes, but shortly after that I wanted to push myself to take a lot more. My goal was always to be
in a dance company, and that is what I wanted to
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Ethnography
Today, our third choreography day, my group was assessed by our peers. We did not finish the piece
before the review, which I believe did contribute to some unusual mistakes. This contributed to
many areas where we may had been forgetful and off time from each other simply because we were
working before hand at a pace faster than our brains could comprehend, just to finish the dance.
Realizing this, I definitely know that it is more beneficial to progress at a slower rate and remember
the piece, than to vigorously finish the piece and tarnish all of our previous rehearsal time trying to
remember other sections. Our peers had identified a very obvious flaw during the presentation: lack
of expression. Again, I believe that because our minds were
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Evening Of Dance
Into The Dance Moms
Prime Time
Women, grandmothers, girls, boys, grandfathers, and men are all depicted in the media differently
every day. Each television show, movie, football game, commercial, and broadcast contains at least
one of the individuals mentioned above. My main focus will be on how men and women are
depicted in the media. Ultimately, I do not watch much television but, lucky for me two of my
favorite shows that I do get the chance to watch, air back to back on Thursday evenings. I was able
to watch both of them within the two hour time period requirement for this particular assignment.
The television shows I chose were, Grey's Anatomy, on ABC and Dance Moms, on the lifetime
channel. I am going to use these two shows to investigate further into the ... Show more content on
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Although. I have noticed a pattern occurring while watching Dance moms, and it is within the
commercials. I have noticed that the commercials being played are almost the same type of setting
as the show. For example a commercial came on about the Little Women of LA, which again the
starring roles in this show are all female. Another commercial was of a mom cleaning her home and
adding a touch of Fra breeze to the finished product, which goes along with the role of the women
playing a house wife like in dance moms, while sewing their girls' costumes and doing their hair and
make–up. Most commercials for this show are directed toward women
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Evening Of Dance
Dance In Contemporary Dance
Contemporary dance techniques
There is a lot of confusion when you are asking about the contemporary dance as a lot of people
even the dancers don't know what the actual dance form is. Actually, the dance form changes from
time to time so it is not easy to adapt as you have to change with time. Every now and then there are
new experiments and discoveries in the field of contemporary dance. A lot of people and schools are
there who claim to have expertise on the contemporary dance but they usually teach other forms of
dance like ballroom, salsa or some jazz styles. So it is not about the dancing style but shape you're in
while your movement in dancing which indicates a proper technique of contemporary dance.
So in the training, the focus must be on the positions and shape rather than the styles while attending
the classes to learn the contemporary style of dancing. Every lesson will surprise you as it will be
very different from the previously taken lesson. These dancing classes are very good for the
preparation of a huge range of movements possible in a student like dynamics, various forms, and
the qualities. That is the only reason contemporary dancers are seen ... Show more content on
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The major difference which draws a line between contemporary dance and other dance techniques is
the relaxed movement which you can see only in contemporary dance. It has different names in
different places, some call it "Release Technique". The dancing is very different from a gym
workout as it can be done in a very relaxed way and keeps you away from unnecessary tension. The
execution of movement is very essential while performing a contemporary dance as it enhances the
self–awareness of the dancer. The dancing form allows the freedom of the well being of a dancer
rather than just some physical training exercises which help to improve a dancer in both mind and
body. Professional dancers love this technique a lot as it is very pleasant to work
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Ethnography
The music played a large role in determining the style of the pieces in the show by Koresh Dance
Company. It set the theme and mood for the dances. Also, the choreography was dependent on the
beats and variations in the music. This basis added to the themes of the dances as well. The theme of
the pieces reflected the type of music. The music by John Levis in the first piece, "Inner Sun," was
tribal–like in my opinion. I thought the dancers were in the same tribe. When they danced
individually, it reminded of me of how each person plays their own role in contributing to society.
The dancers even demonstrated the arguments everyday people have by yelling and pushing each
other. However, they forgave each other and came back together to dance as one in the end. ... Show
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The music throughout most of the piece, "Bolero," was repetitive and reminded me of elevator
music. It seems like background music that plays as time just passes by. Movements in the dance
were reflective of this and reminded me of clocks. The dancers performed many moves that swung
back and forth like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. As one example, the dancers' hands were
on the floor and their legs were in second position. They swung one leg at a time in the air and
alternated back and forth. At the end of the piece, the music switched from the repetitive rhythm to
be more variant and captivating. The dancers also broke free and danced individually and performed
large movements at a fast pace. This piece reminded me of a firework show. Throughout most of the
show, fireworks are shot up systematically one at a time. At the end of the show, there is a finale
where many exciting fireworks
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Evening Of Dance
The Power Of Dance: The NY Dance
The students from the NY dance Institute gained knowledge about different aspects around the
world.It expose them to new Ideas about cultural exchanges.They learned how to work together and
how to have respect for one another,and about timing and spacing,and learned to express their
feelings from the practices,and rehearsals,and how to express their self,and tell a story while they
danced. From the video The power of dance I learned something new about the dance style
Ballet.Ballet expresses an atmosphere of strength,and grace;ballet allows the dancer to express
feelings throughout dancing.Ballet has been russia center of classical dance,and originated In
Italty.The dance style Bhangra Is a spiritually and spiritual dance.the dance Is danced
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Essay
It has been observed by a pensive and inquisitive mind that most people in this world view their
surroundings as though they were merely glancing at the cover of a glossy magazine while hurriedly
exiting a supermarket: people tend to look quickly, figure out the general concept of the magazine
issue, and then proceed to neatly tuck away the memory of that magazine cover in their mind as they
trot on down the check out isle. They never pick up the journal, never thoroughly read the articles
contained within that shiny bit of paper, never really understand what is going on inside of it.
This depiction of the overwhelming tendency of individuals to formulate opinions of people, places
and things solely based on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which raises another point: why are men interested in buying the right to look upon a woman naked
and to pay for the privilege of spending time with her? The reasons go far beyond wanting to
indulge their desire for the sheer pleasure and excitement that is sparked by viewing a naked
woman. Customers can be drawn to patronize a club for a whole multitude of reasons, ranging from
the innocent (coming to the club merely to relax and to gaze harmlessly at the women who dance
there) to the sinister ( wanting to pay a woman for her time because one could then force her to do
as he pleased, putting him in a hugely dominating position over her).
Assuming that there are men who enter a club with the intention of degrading and objectifying them
women who dance in that establishment, then let me pose a question: how does a man's
objectification of a dancer affect that woman's life and self image? Is it possible for a woman to
work in a field where she knows that she is constantly viewed as somehow less than human, viewed
as a body who can be commanded to do whatsoever a man pleases, to maintain a normal and healthy
Over the course of this paper, I hope to share with the reader what I have learned about
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Monologue
For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with dance, especially ballet. As a
child I would stand in front of the TV, watching ballerinas in tutus twirl across the stage, attempting
to copy their leaps and pirouettes. I dreamed about the possibility of that dancer being me one day. I
had no idea how much that dream would eventually shape my life.
In sixth grade, I began ballet. I had no idea how challenging ballet could be, but I also had no idea
how much I would grow to love it. And that love is what gave me the determination to keep
growing, and keep advancing, no matter how hard it got.
Once I entered high school I would often spend 20+ hours a week at my dance studio teaching
classes, taking as many classes as I could, and training by myself whenever the studio was open. I
joined a dance performance company, and each year I trained for the Royal Academy of Dance
dance examinations. Ballet became a huge part of my life, and it taught me many more lessons than
just how to plié or pirouette. It taught me determination, commitment, and what it means to follow a
passion. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These were the days that it would have been easier to stay at home, or to only give ten percent in
class. These were also the days that defined my determination and character. Would I be the person
in life always looking for an excuse to quit, or would I be the one to work harder the harder it
became? This is a lesson that has shaped the person I am today, even outside of the dance room. I
always want to be someone who gives one hundred percent to everything I set my mind to, even
when it gets
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Now Dance Analysis
On Feb 6, 2016 I attended a play that called Dance Now and the play located at the creative art
center. The play started at 2:00 pm and finished at 4:00 pm. From the name of the play I realized
that it ill include a dance show. Moreover, the play included twelve dances which I really found it
interesting. Also, the name of the dances were, Ophidia, Bravado, Sound of Silence, Through Time,
Paris, Bossa Nova Body, Battle Of The Mind, Market Run, Untitled, Trapped, 2+3 and finally Blab
Blab Blab. Each dance wasn't related to another dance. Moreover, each dance represented different
things. For example, some of the dances represented a dance of a country like Paris. On the other
hand, some dances represented totally different thing like a Hip ... Show more content on
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There are several reasons why I loved this one. The first reason, because the background music
touched my heart because it reminded of my father. Also, I the reason that made me like this dance
because a lot of dancers participated in this dance and how they were very well organized and they
were moving together and their movement wasn't distracted at all. The costumes of the dancers were
incredibly perfect as the dancers looked like angels. Moreover, the light was amazing. Also, another
dance that I really liked called Paris this dance surprised me. I had mix emotions at the same time
while I was watching this dance. Now, what surprised that it was performed by Dr. Yoav Kaddar and
Maureen Mansfield and Dr Kaddar is the director of the Dance Now performance and he's also
director of the Dance program. The background music reminded me when I was in Paris and a lot of
good memories there. The dancers were awesome as you I saw two old dancers dance like as they
were very young dancers and they were connected to each other and their facial expression was very
good and was suitable with the background music. Moreover, I liked the idea that Dr. Kaddar and
Mansfield because the other dances was performed by young dancers but, this act was totally
different and
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Dance Monologue
I remember the time I started dancing like it was yesterday. I was in 7th grade when I first joined a
dance team. Dance became important to my life, due to the fact that when I was younger I would
constantly get hurt a lot by being bullied, and also had my parents fight all the time until they
reached a point they wanted to get a divorce. I got tired of it , and I started looking for horrible ways
to blow away the pain I felt inside, finally I found the appropriate way to do so. Dancing was the
perfect way to escape from all the pain that was holding me down. I look back so many times to the
day I first did a solo;It felt like the wind was blowing towards my face every pirouette I did. It felt
like if I was a bird flying free in the sky. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I am still that little girl who felt freedom as she danced along the floor. I am that little girl who never
gave up on herself even if I wanted to do so a billion times. I am that girl who never stopped
believing in herself, yet many people told her to stop. I grew, and thanks to "Dance" I survived. I
became a strong independent women. Now, I am close to ending my last season in dance as a high
school student. One more year and it will all be over, and all that hard work will be worth it when I
walk out of that stage on graduation day, and say "I did it , I passed through the pain that stopped me
from living, from achieving". I am now proud of the girl I am today, and no matter what happens
next I will always feel love for that dancer and the person I now
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Evening Of Dance
Dance Reflection
1) What you learned in dance:
Dance class this year was an incredible experience. I learned a lot of technique, amazing
choreography (courtesy to Ms.P), and how to become a better performer. However, I believe that the
most important aspect I received from this class was how to choreograph a piece you envision only
in your mind at first. Throughout the Elements of Dance project and the ISP, I had the opportunity to
work with different people to choreograph a dance piece with a story behind it. As a choreographer,
I learned that when working as a group it is very important to use every individual's strength in the
piece to make it stronger overall. These projects taught me how to tell a story through movement,
facial expression, and spacing that would be successfully passed on to the audience. I was also very
happy with myself this semester because I felt that the lyrical unit especially, really helped me
improve my facial expressions, and my acting skills when it came to portraying a certain character
and their life story through dance.
2) How you grew as a student and dancer. Be specific and also include if you reached all of the
goals that you set at the beginning of the semester.
I set myself concrete goals at the beginning of the semester in this class, and I feel that even though
I have not reached all of them yet, I am on the right path. I grew as a dancer and student through my
dancing technique, flexibility, and performance skills. In terms of flexibility, I
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Evening Of Dance

  • 1. Evening Of Dance Evening of Dance was performed by students of Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts in Repertory Dance Company I, Repertory Dance Company II, and World Dance Ensemble. The show was put on in the beautiful Montgomery Arts Theater on Wednesday, November 9. The show featured a variety of different pieces, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats throughout the whole show. The show opened with World Dance Ensemble's (Title of Piece), choreographed by (choreographer). This piece was the most visually appealing out of the whole show. The dancers were in Pilipino inspired costumes, half in a deep purple and half in a lime green with a soloist in cream. It starts on with the dancers in purple holding bamboo ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The piece (title of piece) was choreographed by Andy Noble. This piece really stood out among the others because of the high energy, and the use of ramps. Three ramps of different sizes were placed on stage right. Throughout the piece, dancers ran off of and danced on them. It is so exhilarating to watch the partnering on the ramps because everything seems to be constantly off balance. I would characterize the first half of the piece as organized chaos. All of the sudden, everyone runs off the stage leaving their shoes behind. The second half of the piece brought along an entirely different feeling. With the shoes still strewn across the floor, Taylor Hennings and Todd Baker performed an exquisite duet. The duet really completed the whole storyline of the piece. The story being conveyed is that the first section is a war zone. Everyone is fighting and trying to survive. Then the reality hits and they lose the battle. Two villagers come back and see all the destruction that took place, with all the leftover shoes signaling the lives that were lost. The duet is about how important it is to hold your over ones close and you never know when you will loose them. I think the piece overall is amazing. I may be a bit biased, but I feel that if I was in the audience, I would be on the edge of my seat with my mouth open throughout the entire piece. I know Andy would be proud of how far this piece has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Dance Marathon Last One Standing Various painters use their works of art as a representation of feelings. They include symbols, figures, and expression to reveal their emotions through the form of art. Philip Evergood's painting Dance Marathon illustrates the desperate times surrounding the Great Depression. In the scene, dancers compete for a cash prize as they see who can dance the longest. He portrays the cruelty of the time through this vulgar setting. The painting easily captures the viewer's attention mostly from the use of color, figure, spatial effects, and other techniques created by the artist. The size of Dance Marathon is not oversized, but it is relatively large and invites the spectator to look at the painting. The perspective ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Red appears to dominate the painting and serves as an eye–catching color. The use of intensely saturated colors draws the attention to the front couple. Additionally, the red color plays with the mind of the onlooker without them thinking about it. It suggests deep passion, anger, and struggle. The artist intends to relay his feelings about the event to the viewer. His outlook consists of disgust towards the great depression that leaves many taken advantage of due to desperation. The couple positioned in the front appears very large to make the painting 3–D. The relative size of the dancers drastically shifts to create a window into the painting. The viewer can imagine being a part of the event and watching the poverty–stricken dancers. The angle that the painting is at appears to be almost a bird's eye view. This adds to the effect of feeling as part of the audience. Spatial features are also added with overlap making figures look even more distant. Almost everything can be seen all the way to the back of the painting as the lighting in Dance Marathon spreads equally throughout the painting. Many lamps hang from the ceiling to give it a sense of many sources of light and to distribute the light evenly. Dance Marathon as the title brings clear understanding to the artwork. Marathon means an event that lasts longer than normal and requires great endurance. The audience recognizes that the people struggle to move because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Dance Analysis I cannot say enough how much of an honor it is to dance here at Towson. I have changed as a dancer and as an individual. I have always been hard on myself in everything I do especially dance. When I make a mistake I unconsciously beat myself up and push myself to work harder. Dr. Sue sat me down one day and told me "you have to believe that you are more than enough." She was basically telling me that I was hindering myself from reaching my fullest potential. I was running myself down by working the wrong body part. I has pushing myself physically but what really needed to change was my mental image I had of myself. Once I was able recognize where I was and that it was ok to be there I saw greater improvement in my dancing. Watching the final ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In a nut shell I realized I had become complacent. I was used to doing well and was expecting to do well because I had been having a good week. However, I was not in a place to receive. As dancers I believe it important to be flexible and able to be taught be anyone, however sometimes as individuals we resist. I felt the resistance even with Mrs. Candace's class. The first month of this semester modern was very difficult for me, not because I was incapable but because I was not in a mental place to receive. Once I change my way of thinking my dancing changed completely. After Mr. Greenstein's class I made these connections. As a dancer I want to work on discovering how to avoid resisting a new style. I want to learn how to approach something I do not know in the most positive way. Sometime we can't control our reactions, so what can I do be accepting. I am excited for my next year at Towson. This yea I felt I was put in a position to be successful. I had to re build my foundation and go from there. I am excited to go to dance theater of Harlem this summer, I do not think I would be as ready as I feel if I was not a dance major here at Towson. Over the summer I want to work on control and point work. Because I have learned so much on flat I will be able to translate that to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Dance Evaluation Dance is significant to our society; the aspects of Modern/Contemporary Dance have adjusted the viewpoint of the society to view it as a perpetual embryonic form of art. The evaluation exhibited in this document will contain concise interpretations of the pieces performed by the "Mark Morris Dance Group", followed by a comprehensive examination of the pieces "A Forest", "Pure Dance Items", "Serenade", and "Dancing Honeymoon." The first performance piece was "A Forest", which the title featured a particular image at the beginning of the piece. At the beginning, the performers arms and fingers were stretched out over their heads, corresponding to the branches of a tree. Moreover, the piece resembled a modern method of dance because it contained a clear majority of the dancers running like they were animals, then walking like were they hunters, and then jumping like they were deer throughout the piece. Also, my interpretation of the piece resembled the performers as deer's when they pranced around the stage shifting from toe, ball, and heel repetitively. Another example of my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The performance Dancing Honeymoon was based on dance movements that contained the tossing of folded chairs on the stage, energetic movements, properly 20th century music with lots of strong beats. The bright yellow, beige, and white costumes accompanied the visual aspect of the piece. The analysis of the costumes represented happiness and contentment. Also, enthusiastically shifting the lighting throughout the performance to resemble the outdoors was a noticeable feature presented in the piece. This piece theme of happiness was clearly stated throughout the performance. All the fundamentals of lighting, costume, music, and movements seemed to transport the theme proposed by the heading, "Dancing Honeymoon". This dance was a piece that primarily demonstration the procedures of happiness, rather than a definite idea or a perception of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Importance Of Dance I have always loved to dance. When I was in my younger years I used to frequent dances. I was even involved in my high school's show choir and my high school's musical every year. So, it's a no brainer that I include dance as part of my exercise when I'm fulfilling my twice a week, 30 minutes of activity. Walking your dog or sprinting around your house can get boring so I use dancing as a way to shake it up and have fun with my exercise. Because I love to dance so much, I wanted to dive deeper into how beneficial it really is for my body and possibly my mind. By the time I'm done with 30 minutes of dancing I can tell that I've done some sort of workout; I'm sweating, my heart rate is up, and my energy level is up. It turns out I'm not just thinking I'm getting a decent workout, I am actually getting a decent workout. According to John Porcari, Ph.D., "Dance cardio like Zumba and other popular forms we've studied, it tends to be a pretty good moderate– to vigorous–intensity workout," (Abbate). It's good to note though, you should be including things like lunges and core exercises to get the most out a dance session workout. Also, you must make sure you are moving at a fast–enough pace to get your heart beat up. You aren't going to get much out of it if you are moving side to side very slowly. Using dance as an exercise is good for your heart, it makes you stronger, and it can help with balance and coordination. Participating in a supervised 30– minute dance class can actually ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Dance Reflection Obviously, the goal for the team every year is to win, but we also like to have fun. Natalie Meloche elaborates on how she feels about spending countless hours at the studio perfecting her routines, "Going to dance class is my favorite part of my day because I can always escape whatever is going on in my life and just let loose and dance. I also love to see my friends and teachers as well." In fact, three of the four girls I got answers from said they enjoyed going to class while the fourth had mixed feeling about it. Although for the majority of the girls, being in class was their favorite part. My favorite part was all of the team bonding that we did. Outside of the practice rooms, the team went to the movies together, painted pottery, played laser tag, and took trips to the cider mill. Every year, the older girls on the team are paired with one of the younger girls as a mentor. The goal as a "big buddy" is to show your "little buddy" that dance was not just about how well you place at awards, that dance is about expressing yourself in a way that builds your confidence and helps you realize that hard work pays off. You just have to be willing to take the comments given to you. Claire Binguit recalled the moment when a critique changed her outlook on everything: "the most memorable feedback I've ever gotten was from ms carol saying "if you weren't so lazy you could be great step it up I know you have the potential and I believe in you"". Aleah Soliman, a member of the teen team, recalls a recent time when a teacher's comment boosted her confidence, "my teacher told me how good my solo looked after just a couple weeks doing it". From my experience in my own solo and my many many years of listening to comments from judges and teachers, I have learned that although some comments can be extremely hard to hear, they are meant to make you better and will help you in the long run. Everyone at the studio is actively applying their comments which results in better scores, which results in wins at competitions, which again is the main goal of being on the competitive team. Ever since the competition team was started, there has been a contract that every year each dancer and their parent/guardian sign the contract ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Dance Aesthetics "Oww," I winced as my knee buckled for about the millionth time that day as I tried to practice my pirouettes for the dance audition starting in a couple of minutes. "Come on" I thought to myself wondering why my knee chose this exact time, this was important, I needed to nail this audition so that I could earn myself a spot in Company 2 this year. It was heart wrenching to think that I could be in Company 1 in 7th grade! "Get in order according to your number," the dance teacher noted and I did as fast as I could,everyone knew that auditions were a non nonsense matter.Finally, the audition started, the Dance Instructor lead the stretching routine and then told us to go across the floor, he taught us what we needed to show and turned on the music. I thought to myself ,"run, run arms rounded in first when you run; a brush ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At that point my knee felt fine and I was dancing my hardest. Then it was time to learn a combination, this was the hardest part because you had to know the dance, the counts, do the steps , and stay on the right timing because if you got all jumbled up and forgot the choreography, it was pretty challenging to recover. "Groups!" The Dance Teacher yelled and we divided ourselves into four groups. "Group 1 on the floor!" "Here I go," I thought, as I stepped onto the dance floor, now was my time to do the routine full out because I had extra space since there were less people dancing, but also if I messed up, I would stick out like a sore thumb! I went through the counts and steps in my head, then the music started. I danced and followed the steps, now it was time for a double pirouette which is super easy, but then my leg buckled it was stick straight, that's when I fell out of my pirouette and the music sounded muffled, my vision, foggy. I snapped back into it even though the pain was harsh, but that few seconds where I didn't know what ,to do I looked so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Dance Is An Art? : Is Dance A Sport? Is dance an art? Is dance a sport? According to Google, dance is not considered an official sport, but it does have many sport like qualities and competitions. Many people would disagree with Google's definition, however just as many would agree. In my recent survey 64% of the people surveyed believed dance was a sport, and 54% had participated in dance. So should dance be considered an official sport? According the Encyclopedia Britannica, the definition of dance is: The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself. According to Google, the definition of a sport is: an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment. But Is it possible that these two definitions can somehow co–exist together in one activity... the activity of dance? To answer this question, we need to look at both sides of the arguments. Many dancers, and dance advocates would say that dance is absolutely a sport. Dance advocates would point out that dance is a competitive activity that involves physical ability and skill. Maybe everyone can "dance" but not everyone can dance well, or competitively. It takes skill, talent, flexibility, long hours of practice, determination, and physical strength to be a dancer. Dancers need to be strong in the upper and lower body because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Dance and Fashion Danceable Fashion or Fashionable Dance: Either way, it works! A Concept Paper Presented to Prof. Robert Rodriguez Division of Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences University of the Philippines in the Visayas, Miagao, Iloilo In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Course in Communications 2 By Nohr Malynne Tabares February 5, 2013 There's an exciting fashion trend happening – dance. The dance and fashion industries seem to be increasingly joining forces, with dance companies commissioning high profile designers and fashion labels turning to dancers to optimally show off their clothes. The collision of the worlds of fashion and dance creates alchemy beyond the reach of either one alone. Fashion is made to move in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is also a reliable source of income. So many people do not believe they can dance. They think they are uncoordinated, have no rhythm and most of all, they assume the ability to dance is either something you have or you don't. They see dancers as members of an unattainable and exclusive club of good posture, hours of practice and perfect young bodies with plenty of technique. Dancers are often called the 'athletes of the arts' and like athletes they undergo years of hard physical training in pursuit of excellence. It is exhilarating watching human beings perform extraordinary and courageous physical feats. In dance, this energy is used to tell stories and convey ideas, creating very powerful experiences that can be dramatic, moving and even funny. (The Autralian Ballet, 2010) However, if you are one of those people who have always thought you had two left feet, or are just starting out, don't allow any negative thoughts deprive you of the happiness that dancing brings. No matter what style: jazz, ballroom, belly dance or just plain shaking it to your favorite tune, dancing is one of the greatest joys in life. It can transform your attitude in a second and transport you into pure bliss. Dancing is for everyone. On the other side of the coin, being a supermodel is somewhat the same as being a dancer wherein there are certain challenges that need to be surpassed and most importantly you should've the skills to become one. Gracing the covers of
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  • 20. Dance Community The dance community that surrounds me has been the most impactful in my life. My mother first signed me up for dance classes when I was only four years old, and now almost fifteen years later I am still dancing. I started out at a dance studio in Gresham, Oregon, where I then danced for ten years. I took classes, performed, and started competing against other dancers and studios around when I was nine years old. It didn't hit me that I enjoyed performing until I started dancing in more and more shows. Dance was a struggle for many years at this specific studio. There was a lot of moves that I couldn't do, and I got left behind, as the other dancers my age improved and became more flexible. I felt like I owed the teachers, staff, and other ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I knew two people at this studio and I was definitely farther behind than all the dancers my age. It made me feel like I didn't want to dance. My entire freshman year I felt like I was just trying to fit in and get involved in the studio. At my old studio, people had known me for six–plus years, and at the new studio no one knew me. I rarely got any compliments and only critiques that entire first year. The summer before my sophomore year I took classes and started really focusing on improving my technique as I didn't have the distractions of the school year. I started getting compliments and started gaining knowledge and skills in my tap classes. I auditioned for the competition team that the studio had my sophomore year and I got cast in a specific role that was made just for me. It was at this point where I started focusing on dance and only tried out for the school musicals instead of every show during the school year because I knew I could still be performing in my acting classes, but my dance needed the most improvement, so in order to help me for my future career I decided that the best thing was to pursue dance in every way I could. I started going to conventions and doing solo routines as well as my group routines with the other dancers in the studio at competitions, and I actually wasn't doing half–bad. I began receiving compliments and growing closer to the girls I now call family. I danced with this studio for four years, and when I left for college, I know I left a little part of me ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Dance Obstacles The beginning of class was a bit challenging because it has been so long since I have actually practiced dance and stretched. The workout and warm up for the first two weeks kept my body in great shape capable of feeling relaxed and muscles moving. The warm up made the dances a bit easier to actually keep up, but still was a challenge. The way the stretches are handled are great because it is a new routine my body has not gone through. It is quiet the challenge because my left leg is stronger than my right, but I push through to have the equal exposure. I am a dancer who learns by seeing the movement being taught step by step then I expose myself to the new step procedure. I have difficulty with copying and mirroring because my mind cannot process different directions. It gets easily as I continue the step and actually slowly do it myself, but I build up the pace as I actually get the steps myself. I also notice my body is stiff and that has always been one of the challenges I noticed being a dancer. When I learn something new I create this tension that stiffens my spine and it only becomes relaxed once I clearly know the passages myself. The carving through space is a new exposure to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I became a leader that communicated through the body. I was never in the position of dancing as the leader I would follow along or copy, but to take charge was a bit odd because I was not so sure if I was right. I have lack of confidence and if I demonstrated that more I would be able to present these leadership qualities more even outside of the dance setting. I think it is because I have a smaller chest I make myself believe I do not have the representation of being a leader, but I deliver my partners move well. It all is smoothly done and I easily get the movements down when you explain in detail. I learn from observing and moving into it slowly it is what allows me to present a similar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Definition Of Dance Society has been greatly influenced by song and movement. There is no documented time when dance was first discovered, since it has been around for more than any person remember. There are millions of types and definitions of dance in the world, and it can be performed or interpreted in many different ways. The dictionary most commonly defines dance as moving rhythmically to music, typically following a sequence of steps. But dance is so much more than justs the simple movement, it is an escape from reality, the opportunity to meet great new people, and a message to be read. Dance is an escape from reality. For instance, if I just had one of those frustrating days, and nothing went my way, just showing up to dance helps me to forget about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dance is a way to forget and escape the hard and frustrating things in life. A way to meet many fascinating new people that can give you different views and ideas. Dance is a message to be read and interpreted in many amazing ways. Choreographer Martha Graham once mentioned "Dance is the hidden voice of the soul." In reality nobody can truly understand the voice, because everybody has different views and perspectives, but for me dance is my hidden ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Dance In The Witches Dance Bursting with mysterious storytelling, the importance of family, and incredible dancing, Big Fish is the musical theatre dance that the entire family must–see. But be forewarned, Big Fish is full of mysterious and believable stories told by the charming and charismatic Edward Bloom that will keep you on the edge of your seat all evening long. Big Fish is set in Alabama during the time Edward Bloom becomes ill so his son William returns home to once again be surrounded by his fathers exaggerated stories about his life. William finally decides he is going to investigate his father's tales and soon begins to understand his father and the meanings behind his storytelling. The more important dancers in the play include; the ill father, Edward Bloom ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Witches Dance is a modern dance that has a lot of free movement mostly shown by the smooth mysterious arm movements. In the context of the play, the dance takes place in a swamp where Edward Bloom is told his future by a witch. First, the dance steps and movements were way to slow which made the dance drag–on and not look skillful. Throughout the dance, the main witch simply walked around the stage slowly waving her hands back and forth which is not impressive to watch because one assumes anyone would be able to perform that movement. Furthermore, I understand that the scene was supposed to be slow and mysterious, but I think more skillful maneuvers such as slow controlled spinning could have added to the impressiveness of this dance piece. However, I think the dancers did do a great job in the extension of their arms and legs from their body. Each of the witches had long capes connecting to the end of their arms so the long extension looked really impressive and really dramatized the mysteriousness of the dance. I think the main witch did the greatest job of extending her arms with the crystal ball which alluded to the significance of the crystal ball. All in all, the dancers in The Witches Dance were disappointing because they did not use fast speeds, turns, or any other skilled movements to create an impressive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Dance Observation The show started off with two male dancers. I was impressed by the way they moved. Especially because they didn't have any music. Everything was nice and practiced. They managed to perform each move exactly the same. It looked like a mimicry, but at the same time each move they did have their own style. Sometimes it was their hands posture, other times was the way they move their pelvis. They did a lot of jumps. Something that changed the dance was that one pointed his toes and sometimes the other one wouldn't. I think it depend on the dancer however they felt more conformable. That proves my point; there is no such thing and perfect mimicry in dancing. I don't think it's possible for people to do a certain move exactly the same. There is always something that changes. With practice, the techniques get better and it looks more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The allegro and alignment had its purpose, and I think they did great in general. Most of their moves had a perfect assemble, finishing them with attitude and personality. They always started facing the front (towards the audience), but ended in different directions. Throughout the performance they made their front different sides of their performance space their front. Something I noticed that their moved weren't only modern dance related. They had ballet, hip–hop, and even cheerleading moves. The techniques they used to jumped and land are the same ballerinas and cheerleaders use. Even the hand movement, and the way they pointed their toes too. I also said hip–hop because sometimes the way they moved their bodies, with rolls and hard hits. Their posture was beautiful. The neck was nice and long, back straight, and their used all their space. They never lost beat nor balance. They clapped to make their own sound throughout their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Dance Stereotypes Are you tired of seeing your son sitting on the sofa playing video games, watching TV, or throwing a ball around? Here's an idea, enroll them in dance. Now, you may be thinking why dance, Dance is for girls. Right? But, there are multiple reasons why enrolling your son in dance at a young age could be a great choice. Society is changing everyday and as people of this society we need to change with it and move past gender stereotypes. Currently, girls are leading the dance world but this needs to change. As parents you need to stop the stereotypes and let your children experiment. Your little one could be so talented at dance and you may just never know because "only girls dance." Society as a whole is preventing your kid from doing something they could possibly love, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Historically, dance has been going on forever with male involvement. Research shows that during the renaissance times males participating in dance was, nothing but normal. They almost outshined the females in the system of dance as a whole. But, at a specific time in history the gender roles of dance changed. It was now up to women to lead the system of dance, bringing men down to the bottom of the dance chain. Slowly as this change occurred in the system of dance it became out of place for males to pursue a career in dance and more normal for males to participate only in sports. Research states "Dance study has always been seen as an appropriate and viable career path for girls, but often not for boys."(Risner) This became the public eyes perception of male enrollment in dance. The public started just associating the word dance with girl. Boys that pushed back on the system even when they knew it wasn't the norm were called names that people don't even use anymore. This was a huge struggle for males. One boy named Gene talks about his experience as a male dancer in the past. The text quotes 'Pussy, pussy.' Gene was only ten ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. IHSDA Dance Hard Work Pays Off Our coaches had told us since the beginning that the months and months we would spend preparing for one particular day would all be worth it in the end. Taking place at New Castle Fieldhouse in early March 2015, I competed in the IHSDTA Dance team competition with my fellow teammates and members of the NHS dance team. We walked into the vast, expansive Fieldhouse knowing that it was the largest High School Fieldhouse in the Nation. The anticipation in the air was electric and full of excited chatter of girls who had been preparing for months for this one day... actually for these two minutes. We were a pom and hip–hop team. Because this was Noblesville's first year competing, opposing teams arrived with low expectations for us, and they also showed a polite disregard for our team. I was to dance that day, but only once. I understood the privilege, for I was a freshman on a varsity team. And though I was used to performing, I was not prepared for the criticizing looks, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You guys look better when you don't look tired," I replied. The fact that I was not dancing had somehow made me responsible for providing helpful criticism. I was afraid I might have forgotten to tell her something important, that they may not look together on the court, but it seems as though I had forgotten that birds of feather flock together. On the court, the music started, and they danced perfectly. They look so good! How come they don't practice like that? I wondered. They performed, were given a loud applause, then ran off the court. Ten minutes later, we were already getting ready for the next dance, the one I was to perform. "I'm going to play the music once, and you're going to close your eyes and think about the dance. Ready?" Kaitlyn said while we were still waiting in the dressing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Dance Autobiography When I was little the earliest memories I had was in the Lori Allen Dance Company. When I was three my mom put me in dance class to not only strengthen my muscles, but to get me to be more social. Even though I was still very young, my mom was very scared that I would grow up and never open up to anyone else, but her. The first day of dance class I remember like it was yesterday. I walked in and a bunch of little girls were putting on their ballet shoes. My mom walked me in and sat down on the floor. She knew that if she were to leave me there in that room I would run out screaming and crying. For the first couple of dance practices I wouldn't take my eyes off my mom. I wanted to make sure that she didnt abandoned me. After about ten practices ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Dance Interventions The purpose of this study is to evaluate the health benefits of dance interventions on the aging population, particularly those with Parkinson disease (PD). Studies have suggested the various motor benefits of dance interventions in people with PD. This research was conducted primarily to find the results of dance interventions in older adults and in PD. Also, to describe limitations of dance within these populations, and to identify the direction for further future studies. With there being approximately 1.5 million Americans with PD, it is shown exercise improves motor impairments in aging populations, especially vital in people with PD due to the emerging studies supporting potential neurologic/neuroplasticity effects. The goal of this study ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dance is an accessible and socially engaging physical form of activity that provides measurable benefits in the aging population and adults with PD. Dance can provide specific external cues for facilitating movement and task–specific training such as turning around, walking backwards, dynamic strength, endurance, balance and flexibility. The researchers searched controlled, peer– reviewed studies from scientific literature reporting the effects of dance interventions on measures of physical function in older adults and those with PD. Twenty studies in older adults and seven studies in PD were included in this research. The majority of dance research of PD was focused on tango given it targets the PD–specific impairments as in walking, turning, etc. Dance studies in older adults included less of tango and more of the traditional folkloristic dance. These similarities and differences between the two different populations can impact different motor function, inferring the importance of developing a community based dance programs for seniors and for people with PD. The researchers compared the results of each literature of the participants, duration and intensity, PD–specific outcomes, functional strength, endurance, cardiovascular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Sophia Luci Dance, Dance And Dance Sophia Lucia Have you ever been so determined that you would do anything to accomplish it?Well Sophia Lucia is just that she is determined and will do anything to accomplish her goals ever since she was 2 also the age she started dancing.At the age of 4 it got more serious.She is now 13 and is a professional dancer,she's worked hard and is teaching master classes,and even been on TV, talk shows,movies, and has world record of 55 consecutive pirouettes. Sophia Lucia started dancing at age 2 and was a regular dancer at San Diego Dance Center.When she was 4 she started working on correct methods of dance movement, stretching and proper technique to prevent injuries. Sophia now is trying to be the best in the dance industry. She wants people to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sophia Lucia is an inspiration to many people and has a potential that has her going to the top of the dance industry. She wants to be the best,and will accomplish her goal being the best someday soon.Her World Record of 55 consecutive pirouettes has inspired young dancers to make their goals as big as their dreams.Dancers everywhere are trying Harding accomplishing more and focusing on dance more than ever,when a dancer has an inspiration like Sophia Lucia they become more involved with dance,and their dreams.But the person she is didn't just happen it took time and effort,she's was not born flexible or this incredible dancer,she worked hard and beloved in herself.She's won many awards and has done many things,but she still works hard and doesn't use it as an excuse. Sophia Lucia is a dancer that doesn't stop and believes in herself.Sophia is proud ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Dance A Sport Is Dance Considered a Sport? Three laps around the gym, minute long planks, crunches, sit–ups, and pushups in a matter of thirty minutes. As a dancer, experiencing and realizing the strength that needs to be present in order for an athlete to grow is vital. We go through long hours of choreography sessions, pain and strain on our bodies, and vigorous training. Many people will disagree on the status of if dance is a sport or not. Both Mary– Elizabeth Esquibel, in her article "Why Dance Will Always Be a Sport" and the infographic entitled "Is Dance a Sport?" attack this controversial dilemma. Even though these arguments use different formats, they use rhetoric similarly. In Esquibel's article, she battles with the use of ethos. Her article is created on a site called "The Odyssey", which is a tool for college students to upload essays. Many people would argue the fact the Mary–Elizabeth isn't credible because she doesn't pertain a profession or have a degree in the works of which she's talking about such as dance. If she was trying to convince the audience with her own words, it should not be biased based on her own experiences. The article reads, "I was a competitive dancer for 13 years and I know the strength and grace that dancers must have while dealing with the pain and strain that their bodies are going through"( Esquibel 1). This may cause the readers to feel as if the author, Mary–Esquibel, is trying to make herself sound more– knowledgeable than anyone else ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Dance Is A Sport What is the definition of a sport? A game played with a ball or someone running around in tight, little shorts? What about "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against one another or others for enjoyment"? That is the true definition of a sport. Not only does football, baseball, basketball, and soccer fit this definition, but so does dance. Just like any other sport, there are many different groups inside of the dance community. You can treat dance as doing it for fun, a club, a hobby, a serious passion or a career. You can do the same thing with all other sports as well. So, if the International Olympic Committee recognizes dance, then why isn't it considered a sport to other people? ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dancers must have strong core muscles, strong arms, strong legs, and so on. Dr. McNitt–Gray said, "Dancers are some of the toughest athletes in the world." As everyone continues to ask "How can dance be a sport? You can't judge on time and the scoring is personal." Just like figure skaters (an Olympic sport), competitive dancers are judged on technique, posture, timing, formation, hold, pose, togetherness, musicality, and expression, presentation, power, foot and legwork, shape, and travel space. Dancers have a lot on their minds while performing on stage. Some of the thoughts are "Is my foot pointed? Am I extending my arms correctly? Is my technique clear? Is my head turned the right way?" That's a lot to think about while under enough pressure by being on stage. Some think dance involves little endurance versus sports like cross–country running. Although, dancers exert forces through their hands, legs, arms and head in all different directions. Dance is a cardiovascular, aerobic, difficult sport. It fits all requirements in the definition of a sport, and has the physical and mental challenges as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Dance Ethnography If one has ever been fortunate enough to see a live ballet then I'm sure at some point during the performance they found themselves wondering how much time, effort, and skill the dancers devote prior to the performance. While there are many factors contributing to the outcome of the show, as long as the dancer learns the choreography and has a great dress rehearsal, the audience is guaranteed to love the show! In order to master the choreography it is essential to bring a notebook to class and take specific notes regarding precise details and counts. This way when one is at home reviewing he or she's notes as well as the dance, it's as if having the company of a teacher to remind you of important details that he or she would not necessarily ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Shakespeare's Dance : The Swan Dance And The Sleeping Dance Contemporary dance is a dance performance genre that developed during the mid–twentieth century it incorporates elements from many styles of dance. And due to its technical similarities, it is often perceived to be closely related to modern dance, ballet and other classical concert dance styles. It was originally developed as a reaction against the more rigid techniques of ballet. The Sleeping Beauty, ballet was first performed in 1890. The music was composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and the choreographer of the original production was Marius Petipa. Having given bold contemporized dance–theatre makeovers to both The Nutcracker and Swan Lake, Matthew Bourne started turning his attention, in 2011, to that other great 1890s Tchaikovsky/Petipa ballet, The Sleeping Beauty. The result detailed sets and costumes, evocative lighting and a story line that transports the audience in time from the halcyon days of the late Edwardian era through to the modern day. In a world full of magic, fairies, vampires, love and romance. This essay will outline the choreographic intent of this dance being intentionally stunning especially in the genre of classic story turned modern. This piece of dance plays a tremendously important role in the overall explanation of the entire narrative. It does an impressive job at introducing and communicating the characters of the all the main characters of the story, it also effectively heightens the mood and effects the emotion of the viewers. The dance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Power Of Dance The Power of Dance Dance has been a natural movement form since the beginning of time. The origin of dance is unknown, just as the knowledge of the benefits of dance are unknown to many in our society. Many people do not enjoy dancing and also do not fully understand the positive benefits that come from dancing. Researchers such as Edwards, Duberg, and many more have found countless mental and emotional benefits of dance that originate from movement patterns, brain connections, and even expressions of emotion. Many are aware of the physical benefits of dance, but beyond the physical benefits of dance, there are also emotional and mental benefits that come from dance as well. This paper explores my main question, "how does movement through dance affect the mental and emotional dimensions of wellness?" I will explore the many unknown benefits that come from dance as well as share expressions of my personal thoughts on the subject. I will also share my personal experiences as well as others' experiences with dance. In the research portion of my paper, I will cite studies supporting both the mental and emotional benefits of dance. This paper will also explore the perspective of a professor of dance, as well as the lived experiences of actual dance students. My interview will support my paper as it reinforces the findings in literature. I will discuss my future plans on the subject of mental and emotional dance; stressing the need for individuals to dance as the benefits can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Dance Appreciation : The Dance In one my classes; Dance Appreciation, I had an assignment to view a dance piece on YouTube. The dance that I viewed was called "She without arm, he without leg, Hand in Hand". The dance was not only informative, but it was enlightening to watch. I liked the dance piece because the dancers were limited physically in their bodies, but their dancing was beyond limited and astounding. At first, I was a bit doubtful and sceptical before watching the dance because I thought the dancers were going to perform with very minimal and stiff movements. But to my surprise, the dancers moved gracefully on stage. The two dancers used quite a lot of space. The dancers used all levels of space from low to high. For example, the dancers executed amazing leaps, jumps and lifts in their performance that represented as high levels of space. The dancers movements were grand; however, they were also whimsical, sharp, circular, and clean. The dancers utilized most parts of the stage. The pattern of the space that performers used was more curved than linear. There were two dancers in this piece, the male dancer that had only one leg and the female dancer that had only one arm. The genre of dance that was performed was a ballet; though, in my observations the dance seemed to be more contemporary than ballet. For instance, the tempo of the dance was slower and had less rhythm than most classical ballets I've observed. Also, there were a couple of pauses and rests during the performance. The dance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Dance Monologue Closing my eyes, I replay the whole dance in my head. It's my first performance of the night, and I'm excited but extremely nervous. I recall every single detail of it, from the smallest petit développé to the biggest leap. At that moment, my mind flashes back to a lesson a few weeks ago. I'm in the dance studio again with everyone else, practicing our routine for the umpteenth time. As I look around, I can see Kah Yin's back that's drenched in sweat, my cousin Ashley trying to stifle a yawn and my sister licking her dry lips. I feel the stinging pain in my stomach, reminding me that I haven't eaten since lunch. We've been here since 5pm, coming straight after school, and five hours later, everyone is exhausted. "Cheryl, lengthen your spine! Don't slouch! Lift your body! Straighten your legs! Push your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Anyone who has done ballet would know that it's a tremendously physically challenging activity. We have to keep our weight forward over our toes but make it look like we're standing flat foot, keep our knees completely straight when they're not meant to be bent, turn out from our hip all the way to the tip of our toes, tuck our hips under us, engage our core, keep our chest down, ribs tucked, collarbones presenting, flat back, shoulders down, elbows up, arms curved at the perfect angle, wrists elevated, fingers placed properly, toes pointed, long neck and chin up. All while making it look effortless and seeming as we're light as a feather. Anyone who gives any less than their 100% is completely unacceptable. While the things Ms Carmen tells us might be hurtful, we know it's the truth. And we understand that she's doing it for our own good, for us to be better at this activity that we choose to invest our time and effort in. It's just like what she always tells us – "If you're not going to give ballet a 101%, get out of my class. I refuse to teach a child who doesn't try their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Cuban Dances Cuban dances undergo major role in the culture of Latin America. Many of the dances that originated from Cuba of Latin America have become popular around the world as well as Latin America. Other cultures learn how these Latin dances have a flair and other unique qualities that are specific to Latin America and its culture. The three most popular dances many people know that have spread around the world include the Cha–Cha, the Salsa, and the Mambo. The Cha–Cha originated in Cuba around the 1940's. To Latin Americans, the Cha–Cha is known to be a rather flamboyant and playful dance. The feel of the Cha–Cha gives it a unique sense of fun and individuality that demonstrates the culture of Latin American dance. This dance was originally known as the Cha–Cha–Cha and gained its popularity around the 1950's; however, the Cha–Cha is an offshoot from a popular dance known as the Mambo. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Mambo is known to be a product of Cuba's popular danzon dance along with some African rhythms and steps. The Mambo, in its earlier times, was a bit of a freeform dance. Although the Mambo first gained its popularity in Cuba, it branched over to New York when and developed more of its unique sense of style. The Mambo craze did not last long; however, its biggest contribution to Latin American dance was that it led to the creation of another dance known as the Cha–Cha. This dance has special meaning and history to the name, for it is believed to have gotten its name from "voodoo priests who used to think they could send dancers into hypnotic states". Around the 1950's and 1960's the Mambo was at its most popular point in its time. Nevertheless, those golden years were overcome by the development of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Dance: Basics Of Dance KINDS OF DANCE BALLET– Is one example of Theatrical or Spectacular Dance. It refers to a series of solo and concerted dances in which poses and steps are combined with light flowing figures accompanied by music and scenic accessories expressive of a dramatic story theme or atmosphere. Ballet serves as backbone for many other style of dance since many other dance genres were based on ballet. Ballet dancers wear tights and leotards during class or rehearsals while TUTOS or ballet skirts are reserved for performances. Learning the poses and steps of ballet most of them have French names. It's because, King Louis XIV of France started the first ballet school namely The Royal Academy of Dance in 1661. JAZZ– Is a fun dance style that relies heavily on originality and improvisation. Most, usually dancers of Jazz mix different styles in their dancing, incorporating their own expression. It often uses dramatic body of movements, including body isolations and contraction. It showcases the individual style and originality of dancers, the interpretation and execution of steps in their own way, that is why it consist of unique moves because the dancers make the moves base on their own. Jazz clothes requires clothing that you are comfortable to move, you are free to select your own clothing as long as it is relaxing and allows you to move. The dancers ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dancers use their feet like drums to create rhythmic patterns and timely beats. It is named Tap Dancing since sounds are produced by tapping the small metal plates on the dancer's shoes touch on the floor. A common style of tap dancing is called Classical Tap. Dancers of this type use their arms and upper bodies to blend movements of ballet or jazz into their tap routines. Hoofers use every part of their shoe to make their feet sound like drums. Tap dance also like ballet is one of example of Theatrical or Spectacular ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. Dance History Dance has been an important part of my life since I was 5 years old. I will never forget the first dance class I went to with my cousins when we lived in the Bronx. That first class opened the doors to all the opportunities I have been offered as a dancer today. When I moved to Somers in 1st grade, I decided to continue dancing since I enjoyed it so much. I danced at a small studio which was really just for fun, until I wanted to get more serious as a dancer. In 6th grade I switched to a different studio that has changed me not only as a dancer but as a person. I started off taking not many classes, but shortly after that I wanted to push myself to take a lot more. My goal was always to be in a dance company, and that is what I wanted to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. Dance Ethnography Today, our third choreography day, my group was assessed by our peers. We did not finish the piece before the review, which I believe did contribute to some unusual mistakes. This contributed to many areas where we may had been forgetful and off time from each other simply because we were working before hand at a pace faster than our brains could comprehend, just to finish the dance. Realizing this, I definitely know that it is more beneficial to progress at a slower rate and remember the piece, than to vigorously finish the piece and tarnish all of our previous rehearsal time trying to remember other sections. Our peers had identified a very obvious flaw during the presentation: lack of expression. Again, I believe that because our minds were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 62. Into The Dance Moms Prime Time Women, grandmothers, girls, boys, grandfathers, and men are all depicted in the media differently every day. Each television show, movie, football game, commercial, and broadcast contains at least one of the individuals mentioned above. My main focus will be on how men and women are depicted in the media. Ultimately, I do not watch much television but, lucky for me two of my favorite shows that I do get the chance to watch, air back to back on Thursday evenings. I was able to watch both of them within the two hour time period requirement for this particular assignment. The television shows I chose were, Grey's Anatomy, on ABC and Dance Moms, on the lifetime channel. I am going to use these two shows to investigate further into the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although. I have noticed a pattern occurring while watching Dance moms, and it is within the commercials. I have noticed that the commercials being played are almost the same type of setting as the show. For example a commercial came on about the Little Women of LA, which again the starring roles in this show are all female. Another commercial was of a mom cleaning her home and adding a touch of Fra breeze to the finished product, which goes along with the role of the women playing a house wife like in dance moms, while sewing their girls' costumes and doing their hair and make–up. Most commercials for this show are directed toward women ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. Dance In Contemporary Dance Contemporary dance techniques There is a lot of confusion when you are asking about the contemporary dance as a lot of people even the dancers don't know what the actual dance form is. Actually, the dance form changes from time to time so it is not easy to adapt as you have to change with time. Every now and then there are new experiments and discoveries in the field of contemporary dance. A lot of people and schools are there who claim to have expertise on the contemporary dance but they usually teach other forms of dance like ballroom, salsa or some jazz styles. So it is not about the dancing style but shape you're in while your movement in dancing which indicates a proper technique of contemporary dance. So in the training, the focus must be on the positions and shape rather than the styles while attending the classes to learn the contemporary style of dancing. Every lesson will surprise you as it will be very different from the previously taken lesson. These dancing classes are very good for the preparation of a huge range of movements possible in a student like dynamics, various forms, and the qualities. That is the only reason contemporary dancers are seen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The major difference which draws a line between contemporary dance and other dance techniques is the relaxed movement which you can see only in contemporary dance. It has different names in different places, some call it "Release Technique". The dancing is very different from a gym workout as it can be done in a very relaxed way and keeps you away from unnecessary tension. The execution of movement is very essential while performing a contemporary dance as it enhances the self–awareness of the dancer. The dancing form allows the freedom of the well being of a dancer rather than just some physical training exercises which help to improve a dancer in both mind and body. Professional dancers love this technique a lot as it is very pleasant to work ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 66. Dance Ethnography The music played a large role in determining the style of the pieces in the show by Koresh Dance Company. It set the theme and mood for the dances. Also, the choreography was dependent on the beats and variations in the music. This basis added to the themes of the dances as well. The theme of the pieces reflected the type of music. The music by John Levis in the first piece, "Inner Sun," was tribal–like in my opinion. I thought the dancers were in the same tribe. When they danced individually, it reminded of me of how each person plays their own role in contributing to society. The dancers even demonstrated the arguments everyday people have by yelling and pushing each other. However, they forgave each other and came back together to dance as one in the end. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The music throughout most of the piece, "Bolero," was repetitive and reminded me of elevator music. It seems like background music that plays as time just passes by. Movements in the dance were reflective of this and reminded me of clocks. The dancers performed many moves that swung back and forth like the pendulum of a grandfather clock. As one example, the dancers' hands were on the floor and their legs were in second position. They swung one leg at a time in the air and alternated back and forth. At the end of the piece, the music switched from the repetitive rhythm to be more variant and captivating. The dancers also broke free and danced individually and performed large movements at a fast pace. This piece reminded me of a firework show. Throughout most of the show, fireworks are shot up systematically one at a time. At the end of the show, there is a finale where many exciting fireworks ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 68. The Power Of Dance: The NY Dance The students from the NY dance Institute gained knowledge about different aspects around the world.It expose them to new Ideas about cultural exchanges.They learned how to work together and how to have respect for one another,and about timing and spacing,and learned to express their feelings from the practices,and rehearsals,and how to express their self,and tell a story while they danced. From the video The power of dance I learned something new about the dance style Ballet.Ballet expresses an atmosphere of strength,and grace;ballet allows the dancer to express feelings throughout dancing.Ballet has been russia center of classical dance,and originated In Italty.The dance style Bhangra Is a spiritually and spiritual dance.the dance Is danced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. Dance Essay It has been observed by a pensive and inquisitive mind that most people in this world view their surroundings as though they were merely glancing at the cover of a glossy magazine while hurriedly exiting a supermarket: people tend to look quickly, figure out the general concept of the magazine issue, and then proceed to neatly tuck away the memory of that magazine cover in their mind as they trot on down the check out isle. They never pick up the journal, never thoroughly read the articles contained within that shiny bit of paper, never really understand what is going on inside of it. This depiction of the overwhelming tendency of individuals to formulate opinions of people, places and things solely based on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which raises another point: why are men interested in buying the right to look upon a woman naked and to pay for the privilege of spending time with her? The reasons go far beyond wanting to indulge their desire for the sheer pleasure and excitement that is sparked by viewing a naked woman. Customers can be drawn to patronize a club for a whole multitude of reasons, ranging from the innocent (coming to the club merely to relax and to gaze harmlessly at the women who dance there) to the sinister ( wanting to pay a woman for her time because one could then force her to do as he pleased, putting him in a hugely dominating position over her). Assuming that there are men who enter a club with the intention of degrading and objectifying them women who dance in that establishment, then let me pose a question: how does a man's objectification of a dancer affect that woman's life and self image? Is it possible for a woman to work in a field where she knows that she is constantly viewed as somehow less than human, viewed as a body who can be commanded to do whatsoever a man pleases, to maintain a normal and healthy lifestyle? Over the course of this paper, I hope to share with the reader what I have learned about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Dance Monologue For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with dance, especially ballet. As a child I would stand in front of the TV, watching ballerinas in tutus twirl across the stage, attempting to copy their leaps and pirouettes. I dreamed about the possibility of that dancer being me one day. I had no idea how much that dream would eventually shape my life. In sixth grade, I began ballet. I had no idea how challenging ballet could be, but I also had no idea how much I would grow to love it. And that love is what gave me the determination to keep growing, and keep advancing, no matter how hard it got. Once I entered high school I would often spend 20+ hours a week at my dance studio teaching classes, taking as many classes as I could, and training by myself whenever the studio was open. I joined a dance performance company, and each year I trained for the Royal Academy of Dance dance examinations. Ballet became a huge part of my life, and it taught me many more lessons than just how to plié or pirouette. It taught me determination, commitment, and what it means to follow a passion. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These were the days that it would have been easier to stay at home, or to only give ten percent in class. These were also the days that defined my determination and character. Would I be the person in life always looking for an excuse to quit, or would I be the one to work harder the harder it became? This is a lesson that has shaped the person I am today, even outside of the dance room. I always want to be someone who gives one hundred percent to everything I set my mind to, even when it gets ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Dance Now Dance Analysis On Feb 6, 2016 I attended a play that called Dance Now and the play located at the creative art center. The play started at 2:00 pm and finished at 4:00 pm. From the name of the play I realized that it ill include a dance show. Moreover, the play included twelve dances which I really found it interesting. Also, the name of the dances were, Ophidia, Bravado, Sound of Silence, Through Time, Paris, Bossa Nova Body, Battle Of The Mind, Market Run, Untitled, Trapped, 2+3 and finally Blab Blab Blab. Each dance wasn't related to another dance. Moreover, each dance represented different things. For example, some of the dances represented a dance of a country like Paris. On the other hand, some dances represented totally different thing like a Hip ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are several reasons why I loved this one. The first reason, because the background music touched my heart because it reminded of my father. Also, I the reason that made me like this dance because a lot of dancers participated in this dance and how they were very well organized and they were moving together and their movement wasn't distracted at all. The costumes of the dancers were incredibly perfect as the dancers looked like angels. Moreover, the light was amazing. Also, another dance that I really liked called Paris this dance surprised me. I had mix emotions at the same time while I was watching this dance. Now, what surprised that it was performed by Dr. Yoav Kaddar and Maureen Mansfield and Dr Kaddar is the director of the Dance Now performance and he's also director of the Dance program. The background music reminded me when I was in Paris and a lot of good memories there. The dancers were awesome as you I saw two old dancers dance like as they were very young dancers and they were connected to each other and their facial expression was very good and was suitable with the background music. Moreover, I liked the idea that Dr. Kaddar and Mansfield because the other dances was performed by young dancers but, this act was totally different and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Dance Monologue I remember the time I started dancing like it was yesterday. I was in 7th grade when I first joined a dance team. Dance became important to my life, due to the fact that when I was younger I would constantly get hurt a lot by being bullied, and also had my parents fight all the time until they reached a point they wanted to get a divorce. I got tired of it , and I started looking for horrible ways to blow away the pain I felt inside, finally I found the appropriate way to do so. Dancing was the perfect way to escape from all the pain that was holding me down. I look back so many times to the day I first did a solo;It felt like the wind was blowing towards my face every pirouette I did. It felt like if I was a bird flying free in the sky. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I am still that little girl who felt freedom as she danced along the floor. I am that little girl who never gave up on herself even if I wanted to do so a billion times. I am that girl who never stopped believing in herself, yet many people told her to stop. I grew, and thanks to "Dance" I survived. I became a strong independent women. Now, I am close to ending my last season in dance as a high school student. One more year and it will all be over, and all that hard work will be worth it when I walk out of that stage on graduation day, and say "I did it , I passed through the pain that stopped me from living, from achieving". I am now proud of the girl I am today, and no matter what happens next I will always feel love for that dancer and the person I now ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 78. Dance Reflection 1) What you learned in dance: Dance class this year was an incredible experience. I learned a lot of technique, amazing choreography (courtesy to Ms.P), and how to become a better performer. However, I believe that the most important aspect I received from this class was how to choreograph a piece you envision only in your mind at first. Throughout the Elements of Dance project and the ISP, I had the opportunity to work with different people to choreograph a dance piece with a story behind it. As a choreographer, I learned that when working as a group it is very important to use every individual's strength in the piece to make it stronger overall. These projects taught me how to tell a story through movement, facial expression, and spacing that would be successfully passed on to the audience. I was also very happy with myself this semester because I felt that the lyrical unit especially, really helped me improve my facial expressions, and my acting skills when it came to portraying a certain character and their life story through dance. 2) How you grew as a student and dancer. Be specific and also include if you reached all of the goals that you set at the beginning of the semester. I set myself concrete goals at the beginning of the semester in this class, and I feel that even though I have not reached all of them yet, I am on the right path. I grew as a dancer and student through my dancing technique, flexibility, and performance skills. In terms of flexibility, I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...