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Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation
                       Earth’s History
Biogenesis            vs.      Spontaneous
 Definition: All living       Definition: Living things
  (biotic) things come          can arise (come
  from other living things.     from)nonliving (abiotic)
 Common sense today,           things.
  not believed in the 17th     Observations that
  century.                      supported the belief:
 Experiments conducted         Maggots appeared on
  to prove biogenesis.          rotting meat, fish
                                appeared in seasonal
Francesco Redi - 1668
 Addressed maggots appearing on meat.
 Initial observation: Maggots appear on meat after flies
  have landed.
 Hypothesis: Maggots come from flies NOT meat.
 Experiment: Placed meat in an open jar and in a jar that
  was covered with cheese cloth.

 Control Group

 Experimental Group
More Proof Needed…
 Microscope was invented around same time as Redi’s
 Scientists began observing ‘tiny creatures’.
 Accepted Redi’s conclusion but not for microscopic
 Believed microorganisms arise spontaneously from a
  “vital force” in the air.
Lazzaro Spallanzani(1729 -1799)
 Initial observation: Microorganisms grow easily in
 Hypothesis: Microorganisms formed not from air but
  from other microorganisms.
 Experiment: Placed broth in two flasks, boiled broth,
  one flask left open, the other sealed closed.
 Control Group:

 Experimental Group:
Still not convinced…..
 Spallanzani concluded that the boiled broth became
  contaminated only when microorganisms from the air
  entered the flask.
 Opponents objected to his method and disregarded
  his conclusion.
 Opponents claimed that Spallanzani had heated the
  flasks too long and destroyed the “vital force” in the air
  inside the flasks.
 Belief in spontaneous generation continued for
  another 100 years. Until………
Controversy grows Fierce!
 By mid-1800’s the arguments over S.G. were fierce.
 Paris Academy of Science offered a prize (equivalent to
  $1 million today) to anyone who could clear up the
  issue once and for all.
 The winner: Louis Pasteur.
 Why is that name familiar to you?
Evolution introduction
Pasteur’s Experiment
 Observations and hypothesis were the same as
   To answer the objections to Spallanzani’s experiment,
    Pasteur made a curve-necked flask.
   Air from outside can mix with inside.
   Curve in the neck prevented solid particles, such as
    microorganisms, from entering the body of the flask
    with the broth.
   Finally, BIOGENESIS became a cornerstone of biology.
Earth’s History
Formation of Earth
 Earth is believed to be 4.56 billion years old.
 Earth took 400 million years to form from gas, dust
    and debris circling the sun.
   Earth grew as it was bombarded with debris.
   Each collision released enough energy to melt the
    surface of the forming planet.
   Estimates of Earth’s age made from studying layers of
    sediment in the crust.
   Accurate estimate through radioactive dating.
Radioactive (Radiometric) Dating
 Isotopes: atoms of the same element (same atomic
    number or number of protons) but differ in number of
   Mass number = protons + neutrons
   Is0topes are designated by chemical name followed by
    their mass number.
    Example: carbon -12 and carbon- 14.
   Radioactive Decay: isotopes with unstable nuclei
    (protons and neutrons in center) tend to release
    particles or radiate energy (decay)
Radioactive Dating cont.
 Rates of decay of many radioactive isotopes have been
 Half-life: the length of time it takes for ½ of any size
  sample of an isotope to decay.
 Can range from fraction of a second to billions of years
  but is specific to each isotope.
 Age of material is determined by measuring amount of
  a particular radioactive isotope it contains and
  comparing it to the amount of some other substance in
  the sample that remains constant.
Radioactive Dating cont.
 http://science.discovery.com/videos/100-greatest-
 If the history of the earth were condensed to a 24 hour
  clock, how long have humans been on the planet?
First Organic Compounds
 All elements found in organic compounds are thought
  to have existed on Earth and in the rest of the Solar
  System when Earth formed.
 How and where did these elements assemble into
  organic compounds found in life?
 Oparin hypothesized in 1923, Urey and Miller
  experimented in 1953 to test Oparin’s hypothesis.
 http://science.discovery.com/videos/100-greatest-
The first cells.
 Little to no oxygen gas when they first arose so…….
 The first cells were anaerobic.
 Small size of the oldest microfossils indicate the first
  cells were prokaryotes (no nucleus).
 First cells were heterotrophs, consuming organic
  molecules from their environment.
 Autotrophs evolved due to strong pressure in the
  environment (competition for food).
 First autotrophs performed chemosynthesis.
Photosynthesis and Aerobic
 Photosynthesizing autotrophs evolved and put oxygen
  into the atmosphere (around 3.5 billion years ago).
 Took billions of years for oxygen gas to reach today’s
 Oxygen was dangerous to many early organisms
  because it could destroy coenzymes essential to cell
 Oxygen bonded to other compounds in some
  organisms, preventing damage, this was the first step
  to aerobic respiration.
The first eukaryotes.
 2 to 1.5 billion years ago.
 Small aerobic prokaryote entered and began to live and
    reproduce inside larger, anaerobic prokaryotes.
   Mutually beneficial relationship – endosymbiosis
   Small aerobic prokaryote = today’s mitochondria
    (remember they have their own DNA)
   Similar situation for chloroplast in photosynthetic cells.
   http://videos.howstuffworks.com/discovery/29535-

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Evolution introduction

  • 1. Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation Earth’s History
  • 2. Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation  Definition: All living  Definition: Living things (biotic) things come can arise (come from other living things. from)nonliving (abiotic)  Common sense today, things. not believed in the 17th  Observations that century. supported the belief:  Experiments conducted Maggots appeared on to prove biogenesis. rotting meat, fish appeared in seasonal ponds.
  • 3. Francesco Redi - 1668  Addressed maggots appearing on meat.  Initial observation: Maggots appear on meat after flies have landed.  Hypothesis: Maggots come from flies NOT meat.  Experiment: Placed meat in an open jar and in a jar that was covered with cheese cloth.  Control Group  Experimental Group
  • 4. More Proof Needed…  Microscope was invented around same time as Redi’s experiment.  Scientists began observing ‘tiny creatures’.  Accepted Redi’s conclusion but not for microscopic organisms.  Believed microorganisms arise spontaneously from a “vital force” in the air.
  • 5. Lazzaro Spallanzani(1729 -1799)  Initial observation: Microorganisms grow easily in food.  Hypothesis: Microorganisms formed not from air but from other microorganisms.  Experiment: Placed broth in two flasks, boiled broth, one flask left open, the other sealed closed.  Control Group:  Experimental Group:
  • 6. Still not convinced…..  Spallanzani concluded that the boiled broth became contaminated only when microorganisms from the air entered the flask.  Opponents objected to his method and disregarded his conclusion.  Opponents claimed that Spallanzani had heated the flasks too long and destroyed the “vital force” in the air inside the flasks.  Belief in spontaneous generation continued for another 100 years. Until………
  • 7. Controversy grows Fierce!  By mid-1800’s the arguments over S.G. were fierce.  Paris Academy of Science offered a prize (equivalent to $1 million today) to anyone who could clear up the issue once and for all.  The winner: Louis Pasteur.  Why is that name familiar to you?
  • 9. Pasteur’s Experiment  Observations and hypothesis were the same as Spallanzani’s.  To answer the objections to Spallanzani’s experiment, Pasteur made a curve-necked flask.  Air from outside can mix with inside.  Curve in the neck prevented solid particles, such as microorganisms, from entering the body of the flask with the broth.  Finally, BIOGENESIS became a cornerstone of biology.
  • 11. Formation of Earth  Earth is believed to be 4.56 billion years old.  Earth took 400 million years to form from gas, dust and debris circling the sun.  Earth grew as it was bombarded with debris.  Each collision released enough energy to melt the surface of the forming planet.  Estimates of Earth’s age made from studying layers of sediment in the crust.  Accurate estimate through radioactive dating.
  • 12. Radioactive (Radiometric) Dating  Isotopes: atoms of the same element (same atomic number or number of protons) but differ in number of neutrons.  Mass number = protons + neutrons  Is0topes are designated by chemical name followed by their mass number.  Example: carbon -12 and carbon- 14.  Radioactive Decay: isotopes with unstable nuclei (protons and neutrons in center) tend to release particles or radiate energy (decay)
  • 13. Radioactive Dating cont.  Rates of decay of many radioactive isotopes have been determined.  Half-life: the length of time it takes for ½ of any size sample of an isotope to decay.  Can range from fraction of a second to billions of years but is specific to each isotope.  Age of material is determined by measuring amount of a particular radioactive isotope it contains and comparing it to the amount of some other substance in the sample that remains constant.
  • 14. Radioactive Dating cont.  http://science.discovery.com/videos/100-greatest- discoveries-shorts-radiometric-dating.html  If the history of the earth were condensed to a 24 hour clock, how long have humans been on the planet?
  • 15. First Organic Compounds  All elements found in organic compounds are thought to have existed on Earth and in the rest of the Solar System when Earth formed.  How and where did these elements assemble into organic compounds found in life?  Oparin hypothesized in 1923, Urey and Miller experimented in 1953 to test Oparin’s hypothesis.  http://science.discovery.com/videos/100-greatest- discoveries-shorts-origin-of-life.html
  • 16. The first cells.  Little to no oxygen gas when they first arose so…….  The first cells were anaerobic.  Small size of the oldest microfossils indicate the first cells were prokaryotes (no nucleus).  First cells were heterotrophs, consuming organic molecules from their environment.  Autotrophs evolved due to strong pressure in the environment (competition for food).  First autotrophs performed chemosynthesis.
  • 17. Photosynthesis and Aerobic Respiration  Photosynthesizing autotrophs evolved and put oxygen into the atmosphere (around 3.5 billion years ago).  Took billions of years for oxygen gas to reach today’s levels.  Oxygen was dangerous to many early organisms because it could destroy coenzymes essential to cell function.  Oxygen bonded to other compounds in some organisms, preventing damage, this was the first step to aerobic respiration.
  • 18. The first eukaryotes.  2 to 1.5 billion years ago.  Small aerobic prokaryote entered and began to live and reproduce inside larger, anaerobic prokaryotes.  Mutually beneficial relationship – endosymbiosis  Small aerobic prokaryote = today’s mitochondria (remember they have their own DNA)  Similar situation for chloroplast in photosynthetic cells.  http://videos.howstuffworks.com/discovery/29535- assignment-discovery-prokaryotes-the-first-cells- video.htm