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Example Of Dbq Essay For Ap
World History
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Example Of Dbq Essay For Ap World HistoryExample Of Dbq Essay For Ap World History
Sarbanes Oxley Act, An Overview Essay
As your financial Adviser I am legally obligated to act in your best interest, which means to advise
and explain to you some important changes in the accounting field relating to Sarbanes Oxley Act,
also called SOX. In July 2002, The US Congress enacted the Sarbanes Oxley Act, Also known as the
Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act (in the Senate) and Corporate and
AuditingAccountability and Responsibility Act (in the House). Co authored by U.S. Sen. Paul
Sarbanes of Maryland and U.S. Rep. Michael Oxley of Ohio. (Slaughter, 2015).
This legislation requires help curb financial abuses at companies that issue their stock to the public.
SOX requires that these public companies apply both accounting oversight and stringent internal
controls. The desired results include more transparency, accountability, and truthfulness in reporting
transactions . (Wild, 2015, pg. 12).
The Sarbanes Oxley Act is considered the most important piece of security legislation since the
formation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1934. It requires the managers
and auditors of companies, whose stock is traded on an exchange to document and certify the
system of internal controls. The landmark Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was implemented in
response to a series of high profile financial scandals that happened in the early 2000s at companies
such as Enron, WorldCom and Tyco that abused the rule based accounting practices that resulted in
lack of
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King Jason Research Paper
Jason was a true friend and hero. Life was challenging for him because his childhood life was
rough, he had to get the golden fleece, and ruling as a king. Jason was a leader in Argonautic
Expedition in getting the Golden Fleece. His Father was king Iolcus. Jason received all his genes
from his father and hardly anything from his mother.
One of the main reasons why Jason s life was complex is that he endured a rough childhood. He
was the son of king Iolcus, Jason was more like his father than his mother. When he was born his
uncle Pelias killed every sibling in his family. His uncle took over as king, and Jason went and
lived in the woods with Centaur Chiron. Which he was raised by Centaur Chiron until adulthood.
Another reason why Jason
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Anti-Bias Indentity Practices In Early Childhood Education
Early childhood educators is based on the idea that every child should be respected and it is with
that comforting and respectable atmosphere that the possibilty of engagement and progress
becomes possible. Every child has a culture and the acceptance and respect of their unique culture is
central to learning. It plays a role not only in communicating and receiving information, but also
shaping the thinking process of a classroom environment and individual children. Culturally
Responsive Teaching is a pedagogy that stresses the importance of including student s cultural
differences in all aspects of learning. Effective teaching requires a mastery of content knowledge
and knowledge of student populations as well. The educational system provides early intervention
for students who have developmental disabilities or delays and the purpose is to give those students
the possibility to minimize or eliminate being behind their peers academically. Although these
students have laws protecting them and making special educationmainstream we must also look at
the manner that early childhood education and education in general has created a groundwork for
its importance while other issues of gender identity have been sidelined in our society and
educational system. THroughout this text we will explore the anti bias disability and gender
indentity practices in early childhood education.
2.Controversies challenges involved
One of the biggest controversial issues in culturally
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Biscuit Short Story
One more time, I said to my sister. It would be the fourth one more time that night, but she would
still read to me again. My sister is eight years older than I am and always took on the secondary
mom role in my life. As I sat in her lap, I stared at the pastel colored pictures while she read to me
the story of Biscuit s New Trick. The pages were of a double thickness so my tiny hands could
grasp the children s book with ease as I held it in front of her. I remember her hands running
through my thin hair as she read the three or four lines per page over my shoulder. I first
memorized the plot, then the order of the pictures. After a week of listening to Biscuit every
night, and countless one more times, I knew the story. I knew what was going to happen before
she turned each page. I knew the inflection of which the words would be read before the sounds
ever left the surface of her lips. I would say it to myself when I woke up and before I went to
bed: a ritual to never forget how the story went. I saw myself in the insubordinate dog who could
not fetch the ball and decided to do the things he wanted to do instead. It was so difficult for
Biscuit to learn to fetch a ball, something I thought was so simple that everyone knew how to do.
I associated Biscuit s struggle to learn a new trick with my inability to learn how to read. I gazed
up to my mom and told her that I knew how to read now, because I could reiterate the lines of the
book. Her cheeks wrinkled up with
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Annotated Bibliography For Homeschooling
Annotated Bibliography for Homeschooling
Education in our society is a very important factor in shaping our future. One s future is depended
on the education they receive and everyone is somehow affected by this. Children from the ages of
kindergarteners to seniors in high school, college graduates, and stay at home mothers, are all
shaped by the education the government provides us. There are many different ways to acquire an
education some through private schools, public, charter, and being homeschooled. However,
homeschooling is growing more in popularity than it has ever been.
Brown, Dave F. Why America s Public Schools Are the Best Place for Kids: Reality vs. Negative
Perceptions. Lanham, Md., Rowman Amp; Littlefield Education, 2012.
In Brown s book, he goes into complete detail of how the service of public schools came into our
lives and why it is so important. Our founding fathers insisted that the government provide thirteen
years of education to every individual. Public schooling has come a long way and it provides all
students the insightful education that is desired . Teacher who teach at public schools provide the
correct incentives and learning experiences to engage all students throughout their thirteen years of
education. This free service the government provides us should not be taken for granted, realizing
that other countries do not provide thirteen years of free education. He states that everyone should
honor and preserve the gift they have of public
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Spanish In Texas
Spanish is a huge part of the Texan culture, so when I found out I had to take a foreign language
class in high school I figured Spanish would be the best. I have never even vacationed outside the
state of Texas, which leaves me with a lot of Texas culture. However, I still was missing Spanish in
both ways; knowing the language and the influence in Texas.
I now have that part of Texan culture in my life. It s been helpful in history, communicating with
other people that don t speak very fluent English, and understanding what a Texan is. In school
there are even other students who ask for my help. When I teach them it reminds me of the struggle
I went through to be able to understand the Spanish language.
My teacher was a good teacher at heart, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He was also the teacher s best student because he had the highest grade and wasn t scared to
answer a question. I can t remember ever getting one wrong.
I eventually let him know that I had a serious problem with learning Spanish from our teacher and
if I didn t get I was going to fail. My biggest problems were the eighteen different conjugations we
had to use and how to structure a sentence. There are four present tense, four past tense, three
futures, four conditionals, one simple, and three preterite tenses. He first taught me how to use all
of the conjugations because without those I could never learn how to structure a sentence
appropriately. Once he taught me how to structure a sentence I never felt so confident in my ability
to speak Spanish.
The final eventually came along and I was nervous but not as nervous as I was before. I walked
out of Spanish 1 with an 80 which was far better than my 55 that I started my year with. Though I
was there to learn Spanish; I walked out realizing that it isn t always the student that s at fault for
not understanding a subject. The teacher plays a huge part in making sure the student will
understand. With my teacher; I had a communication barrier that prevented me from understanding
what she was talking about. So whenever a kid looks up to me for help I either do my best to
explain it to them or refer them to someone
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Thomas Jefferson And George Washington Compare And Contrast
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were very paramount to the success of colonial
America in the Revolutionary War. Despite both being very excellent leaders, they were both very
different; Jefferson resided on political issues while Washington preferred working with actual
conflict. George Washington liked to be in the thick of things, in the heat of battle. He would often
ride out into the middle of gunfire on a trusty stead with little to no hesitation. His bravery was
astonishing, but what was even more incredible was his military strategizing and planning. He
maintained strict regiment over all soldiers under his jurisdiction, rarely losing any battles.
Jefferson, however, was very different.
Thomas Jefferson may have lacked the bravery
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Quality Assurance in Health Care
Pursuing to meet customer expectations is a critical and strategic decision. It is not something an
organization does simply to satisfy a standard but it is something does to stay in the business.
Meeting customer expectations should be the ultimate goal. Although profit and revenues are very
important, this is nothing compare the results of fulfilling customer needs and expectations.
Everyone must involve in meeting customer expectations. All personnel should have the capability
to meet what the customers expect them to do. Customers are only satisfied if their expectations
are consistently met. To be competitive, expectations of customers must meet in a timely and cost
effective manner.
As for the National Health ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is based on the belief that everything in the organization and business can be improved.
As explained by Christina Saint Martin, in house expert in implementing Kaizen system within
healthcare organizations, Kaizen is a method of working which will help us all to identify and
eliminate waste and improve the quality of the processes that are part of the healthcare experience.
It also ensures that our staffs are supported to deliver the highest quality and safest patient care
(Wirral University Teaching Hospital, 2010). Kaizen is a big help in NHS because it is the method
essential in maintaining and exceeding the level of care that the clients or the patients expecting
from the NHS to provide.
Kaizen s principle aims for improvement, effectiveness, safety, and waste reduction and those
who follow the approach often find a whole lot more in return (Torrington and Hall, 1995).
Inventory is used more efficiently as are employee skills and more people are satisfied as they
have direct impact on the process. Team members are more satisfied and most likely to commit
doing a good job, thus satisfied customers are more likely to stay. It focuses on identifying
problems at their source, solving them at their source, and changing standards to ensure the
problem stays solved.
Although Kaizen s principle is for change and continuous improvement, its consensus can take a
long time to reach. It is difficult to start or to introduce a new system because they know where
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Ryanair Leadership Strategy Report
Leading in a Complex World
Strategy Report
Strategic Recommendations (one page)
Ryanair has been one of the Britain s best low cost airlines for around 25 years since being
established in 1985 by the Ryan family. Ryanair have always aimed to show their customers their
statistics and monthly reports;
Ryanair believe that any worthwhile passenger service commitment must involve a commitment on
both pricing and punctuality, that s why Ryanair is committed to publishing Customer Service
Statistics each month and these confirm that Ryanair is No. 1 for Customer Service with
unbeatable prices and punctuality. [ (Ryanair, About us, 2010) ]
Although according to the figures Ryanair is the World s favourite low cost airline, in the ... Show
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Ground support, catering and luggage equipment is constant and consistent.| Environmentally
Friendly:| Modern fuel efficient aircraft and high seat occupancy, resulting in the lowest emissions
per passenger mile ratios compared to other carriers. Ryanair has minimised and continues to reduce
fuel burn and CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre. This has been achieved through the
combination of: numerous fuel saving measures (including the use of the latest aircraft and engine
technology, e.g., winglets); and commercial measures aimed at maximising passenger numbers per
flight in order to spread the fuel use and CO2 emissions over the greatest number of passengers
(efficient seat configuration and high load factors). (Ryanair, Europes Greenest Airline, 2006)|
Weaknesses| Weakness| Evidence / argument| Bad Press:| As a company Ryanair has had its fair
share of bad press in the past few years. It has received bad press in many instances. Ryanair are
regularly criticised for all the hidden extra charges, such as ВЈ5 online check in fee per flight and a
ВЈ5 per flight credit card fee. This can result in a ВЈ20 addition per person to advertised price for a
return journey. Ryanair also receive a lot of bad press due to their chief executive, Michael O
Leary because he comes across as rather arrogant in press interviews and television documentaries.
Mr O Leary has never
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Plant Cell Centrioles
Nucleus: it s a double membrane that is closed all around and sends messages to the cytosol via
numerous nuclear pores, that is near the nucleus. The nucleus contains the DNA. Some cells genes
can be turned off because of what type of cell it is.
Nucleolus:the organelle inside of the nucleus. It creates ribosomes and transfers it out of the nucleus.
Cytosol: The protein within the cytosol helps control the cell metabolism.
Centrosome:It where most of the microtubules are made. Plant and animal cells centrosomes have
almost the same jobs during a cell s division. Only difference is that plants cell centrosomes does
not contain centrioles.
Centriole: Has nine groups of fused microtubules, with three in each group, in a shape of a ring. A
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You see them mostly in animal cells, but if found in plant cells then it s in the vacuole.
Peroxisome:In plant cells it has the job of turning fatty acids into sugars and many other jobs.
While in animal cells, peroxisomes kills the toxic hydrogen peroxide that the cell has made.
Secretory Vesicles: the secretory vesicles moves the cell secretions that was inside of the golgi, to
the cell surface and let it go
Cell membrane: closes the cell all the way around. It also has two layers of phospholipids. One the
phospholipids is hydrophilic. The hydrophilic is exposed and it can touch water. Another one is
hydrophobic and can t touch water. The cell membrane protects it from any water that you can t
control. It has many proteins that are important for the cell to do other things
Mitochondria:It creates energy for the cell to do anything.
Vacuole: Helps with intracellular digestion and throws out the waste products in the cell. The plant
vacuole is bigger than the vacuole in a animal cell. The plant vacuole plays many jobs, such as
storing nutrients and waste products, helps the cell grow bigger, and controls turgor pressure in the
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The Ecstasy Of Themes In The Lion King
The Lion King film exposes an array of themes. Discuss.
The Lion King animation by Walt Disney reveals a variety of themes. Simba experiences
intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict. Due to this conflict three important themes loss, family
and change are emphasized.
An important theme The Lion King exposes is loss. To confirm this, Simba gets caught in gorge
during the wildebeest stampede. Scar tells Mufasa. Mufasa runs to save his son. Scar causes his
death and then blames Simba. Simba what have you done?... it was an accident I didn t mean for
it to happen. . Simba losing his father clarifies death of a parent is a difficult thing to deal with.
In addition, when Simba returns to Pride Rock he has to battle Scar to become king. As Simba is
forced over the cliff edge, Scar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To begin with, after Simba leaves Pride Rock he gets exhausted after a long walk in the desert
and wakes up next to two strangers who have saved his life. Not long after he wakes up Timon
and Pumba introduce themselves to Simba. So where you from kid...who cares anyway I can t go
back. . Not long after that Timon and Pumba walk Simba to their humble home and when they get
there Simba is surprised because of how beautiful the whole place is.Timon and Pumba introduced
Simba to bugs and he is disgusted but he learns to eat them. When Simba leaves Pride Rock this
illustrates that sometimes people need to enter a new environment. Furthermore, when Simba is all
grown up, one afternoon he hears Timon and Pumba screaming because of a big, crazy lion is
chasing them to eat them. He runs to help his friends and all of a sudden a couple of seconds later
Simba and the big, crazy lion start fighting. Simba is pinned to the ground and then Simba is
surprised when he finds out it is Nala. Nala is that you?... . Simba has to change and return to Pride
Rock. Simba changing determines that sometimes you need to confront your past. Undoubtedly, the
film reveals
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Eye Of The Beholder Analysis
Thesis (talks about similarities, differences, and themes) In The Birthmark and Eye of the
Beholder , two writers provide opinions on beauty and perfection. While the messages, provided by
the literary devices, are similar, the end results are very different. Hawthorn uses metaphors,
allusions, and symbolism to show that rejecting imperfection in life to obtain true beauty will lead
to death either identically, physically or both; while the Twilight Zone episode uses repetition,
idioms, and metaphors to show that the individual should appreciate their own beauty and not rely
on society s standards to tell them what is perfect. Subject 1 The Birthmark: Nothing is perfect as
nature has made every living thing with a mark of imperfection.... Show more content on
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Smith tells Miss Tyler to say this to herself over and over again. This not only helps to build
Miss Tyler s self esteem as her society forces her to be segregated to a ghetto but also undermines
the teaching of that society. Her government believes in conformity and lack of individualism,
this idiom encourages people to look at the world from their own perspective and not the one
laid out by the government. Beauty is a social construct as true beauty weather mentally, as the
piece suggests, or physically is based on the perception of the observer. This is idea is reinforced
when we learn that Miss Tyler is actually beautiful by the audience s standards but is deemed
ugly by the show s standards. While we may see her as perfection the world which she lives in
sees her as a grotesque mistake created by nature. While society and science try to correct this
mistake, like that in The Birthmark, it also fails to obtain true perfection. This leads the reader to
believe that true beauty is not when the world accepts a person as beautiful but when a person
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Professional Work Experience Paper
Diploma with honors (magna cum laude) May 2004, St. Petersburg High School, St. Petersburg,
Florida United States USA.
Bachelor of Arts in English with honors (cum laude), minors: (1) Family, Youth, and Community
Sciences (FYCS) (2) Organizational Leadership for Non Profits (NPO) May 2010, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida United States USA.
Victim Witness Services Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) 2010, Florida Office
of the Attorney General Bureau of Criminal Justice Programs, Tallahassee, Florida United States
Certificate of Completion Pre Law Program 2012, Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana United States USA.
Professional Work Experience
USA citizen employment status from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Knowledge of United States federal healthcare laws, federal privacy rules, client s right to choose to
refuse or accept healthcare services, and legal referral services. Obtained client s permission before
providing optional referral information to clients with a severe health conditions and/or a severe
mental health diagnosis to a qualified healthcare facility, counselor, and social service agency
within the United States. Approached by victims/witnesses of crimes requesting advocacy support
services and referral information for United States social service organizations. Reviewed advocacy
information, victimology information, crisis counseling information with victims of sexual
violence/sexual assault, and types of various crimes. Obtained the client s permission to offer
referral information about United States governmental agencies, court advocates, healthcare
facilities, non profits, legal aid organizations over the telephone, mail letter correspondence, in
person, and through electronic mail
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Mr Van Daan Essay
My representation of Mr. Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank (play version) was somewhat
accurate, and somewhat not. Research shows that Mr. Van Daan was optimistic and kept a
sense of humor, while in the play, they portrayed Mr. Van Daan as a grumpy, greedy old man
who was always putting people down, only cared for himself, and didn t get along with Anne.
Mr. Van Daan, whose real name is Herman Van Pels, was born in March 31, 1898, born in
Gehrde near Germany. On December 5, 1925, he marries Auguste Röttgen, called Mrs. Van
Daan in the play. One year later, on November 8th 1926, their son Peter Van Pels was born. Mr.
Van Daan was one of the eight people hiding in the secret annex with his family, the Franks, and
Dussel. Mr. Van Daan was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Van Daan was always in a bad mood when having no cigarettes, but based on history, Mr. Van
Daan tried to stay optimistic, gave advice, had a sense of humor, and always did what s best for
all of them. One example of Mr. Van Daan doing what s best for everyone and trying to protect
everyone is during a scary situation when burglars were robbing the building which the Secret
Annex was located. According to Anne s diary, Without thinking, Mr. van Daan yelled Police!
Hurried footsteps outside; the burglars had fled. The board was put back in the door so the
police wouldn t notice the gap, but then a swift kick from outside sent it flying to the floor
(Frank). This diary entry shows that instead of hiding and trying and letting Otto Frank attempt
to protect them like the play displays, he is brave and tries to scare the burglars away. The play
exaggerates how selfish Mr. Van Daan is, if he was at all. The play probably exaggerates Mr. Van
Daan s selfishness to create drama in the Annex, making the play more enjoyable. Furthermore,
while Mr. Van Daan was portrayed incorrectly for being selfish, he was portrayed correctly for not
getting along with Anne in the play, as the diary has many entries about their
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Importance Of Cognitively Based Attitudes
Attitudes are evaluations of people, objects, and ideas. (Akert, 2013) Cognitively based attitudes
are based on thoughts and beliefs one has about an object, and this attitude provides pros and
cons of an object, so we can decide if we want to be associated with it or not. Affectively based
attitudes are based more on people s feelings and values than on their beliefs about the nature of an
attitude object. (Akert, 2013) The elaboration likelihood modelis the umbrella for this topic, because
it explains the two ways in which persuasioncan change someone attitude. The two ways are
persuasion through the central route and the persuasion through the peripheral route. The
elaboration likelihood model refers to processing the message which is related to the cognitively
based attitudes. Persuasive communication is most successful in changing attitudes when going
through the central route because the audience is motivated, whereas with the peripheral route the
audience is not motivated. Now I am going to discuss the routes of persuasion through
advertisements in detail.
The case in which people elaborate on a persuasive communication, listening carefully to and
thinking about the arguments, which occurs when people have both ability, and the motivation to
listen carefully to communication is defined as the central route to persuasion. (Akert, 2013) For
my example, I found an advertisement about Rihanna s new long wearing, shine proof, makeup
line. Her message is, having 40
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Pine Tree Inc. Case Study
Pine Tree, Inc. Case TEAM 5 Nataly Santos, Asad Waseer, Christian Morfin , Ali Almutairi,
Zhano Kirakosyan Class #13385 Due; Monday, April 18th MEMORANDUM DATE: April 18,
2016 TO: Daniel Martinez, Manager of Risk Management Department FROM: Team 5
SUBJECT: Pine Tree, Inc. Mr. Martinez: Our firm has analyzed the Pine Tree Inc. case
concerning analysis regarding the fire that took place at one of the Burger Ranch restaurants in
Canoga Hills, Gould. Our firm s focus was to review the financial data provided by Mr.
Washington on the issue of liability for damages of lost profits. Our firm consisted of
experienced entities that looked over topics such as legal matters, statistics that provided all the
necessary knowledge in analyzing the facts and issues of the case. Our findings include future
recommendations and strategic considerations that will assist in precluding a similar situation
from arising. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the information provided.
It was a pleasure working with you and we hope to work with you again in the future. Regards,
Team 5 In deciding if Pine Trees was liable for the damages to Burger Ranch, first it must be
determined whether or not their contract was valid. In order to determine if their contract was
valid, it must be determined if there was an offer and acceptance. First, Burger Ranch submitted a
purchase order to Pine Trees Inc. for 137 decorated
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Cursive Letters
Catholic schools tend to emphasize teaching cursive to their students for its historical roots and its
fluidity. As a result, in third grade, my teachers spent weeks teaching my peers and I to write in
cursive. Today I write in script properly, if not often, unlike many of my classmates from public
schools. Although I rarely think of this superfluous skill as an asset, it comes in handy when I need
to write under a time restraint. My cursiveletters are quick and slanted; ink flowing in fast loops
and lines as I hurry to get out my message, the side of my hand never leaving the page in my
rush. I feel personally responsible for the uncorking of hundreds of bottles of red wine and the
undue exhalation of gallons of CO2 as my teachers struggle... Show more content on
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It will attempt to alleviate the sufferings and better the lives of thousands, however, the emphasis
of my efforts will not be on the quantity, but on the lives themselves. My relentless drive and
open mindedness will cause great change in the world. I want to break down negative, close
minded prejudices and make way for newer, purer methods. Everyone in the world should
choose happiness over hate, every time, and I will work all my life to persuade or allow people
to do so, although I realize this is an implausible standard to always uphold. But impossibility is
no excuse not to work for something. Working hard to complete an impossible goal must yield
some positive effects for today s people, as well as a foundation for later generations to build on.
The problems I am most passionate about solving include the rapidly deteriorating environment,
the inequality and hatred of women and certain races or religions in parts the world, and the lack
of rights and choices for citizens living under dictatorial governments. Only with relentless work
can anything be done to alleviate these ills, and I am willing to dedicate my life to any of these
purposes. Most people are not even aware of the severity of many of these problems, and among
those who do realize the extent of these issues, many do not or do not know how to make a
difference. Although I do not strictly adhere to all of the values instilled in me by my Catholic
education, the most important principles I learned from Catholicism are the same ones that are so
often overlooked by society: The crucialness of toleration, duty to our fellow human beings, and
responsibility for the Earth we all share. I seek any solution for these issues; they necessitate
creative problem solving and intensive thought. I am willing to take charge of my ideas and
implement them, directing others to do so as well if possible, or
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The Gospel Of Matthew, The Pardoner s Tale, And Julian Of...
To the extent of this class so far, we have had the opportunity to read the Gospel of Matthew, The
Pardoner s Tale, and Julian of Norwich. In these publications, the primary focus of each is to reach
the Kingdom of God. In the Gospel of Matthew, written between A.D. 60 65, Jesus shares directions
for living in his kingdom, especially during the Sermon on the Mount. By using Jesuswords, we
become capable of formulating what the Kingdom of God is and determining whether or not
others uphold or undermine the ideal of the Kingdom. In The Pardoner s Tale, the Pardoner
undermines the ideal of the Kingdom of God and takes townspeople s money out of greed. In
Julian of Norwich, written A.D. 1413, Julian upholds the ideal of the Kingdom of God... Show more
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My NIV Life Application Study Bible, shares beneficial information pertaining to the Sermon on
the Mount pg. 1651:
Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount on a hillside near Capernaum. This sermon probably covered
several days of preaching. In it, Jesus proclaimed his attitude toward the law. Position, authority, and
money are not important in his kingdom what matters is faithful obedience from the heart. The
Sermon on the Mount challenged the proud and legalistic religious leaders of the day. It called
them back to the messages of the Old Testamentprophets who, like Jesus, taught that heartfelt
obedience is more important than legalistic observance. With Jesus announcement that the kingdom
was near. People were naturally asking, How do I qualify to be in God s kingdom? Jesus said that
God s kingdom is organized differently from worldly kingdoms. In the kingdom of heaven, wealth
and power and authority are unimportant. Kingdom people seek different blessings and benefits,
and they have different attitudes.
Jesus was talking about the way things should be instead of how they were. He disclosed some
of the principles and requirements of approaching the Kingdom of God. The idea of an upside
down kingdom wasn t suitable for all because those who had many worldly possessions had much
to lose. For this reason, Jesus was accepted by many, and rejected by others. Jesus only glimpse of
what their eternities could appear to be.
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The Importance Of Selfless Service
When one sees the word selfless service, he or she literally sees the words self and less, followed
by service. Self refers to an individual (in this case, it refers to one s own interests) and less
indicates a lack of, or without. Service can be a synonym of the word volunteering or duty.
Therefore, the term selfless service must literally mean the lack of the pursuit of one s own
interests for the betterment of others. There is no measurement of selfless service. No matter
what the scenario or who is involved, everyone who is involved benefits from one s selfless acts.
The one who shows selflessness may benefit by receiving a thank you, or even just a good
feeling of helping others. Of course, the ones who receive the selfless acts benefit from obvious
reasons. Selfless service can be shown by anyone and everyone, including a soldier putting his
/her life on the line to save a fallen comrade, a husband and father protecting and spending time
with his wife and children, someone donating his/her time by volunteering as a tutor or with the
American Red Cross or some other goodwill charity, and the teamwork of two or more athletes.
Those four examples provide different scales in which selfless service can be displayed. Selfless
service can be displayed in regards to one s nation/military, one s family, one s community, and any
team sport.
The U.S. Army s definition of selfless service is to put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and
your subordinates before your own
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The New Product Is Gap Inc.
The new product is Gap Inc. own line of Handbags. This current does not exist within this Brand.
The new extension to this Brand and its new product (Handbags) will be called simple Handbags
but each bag will have its own name. For example there will have a satchel bag style and it will be
called settle . There will also be a duffel bag style and it will be called Bohemian
Situation Analysis
This Marketing Plan will layout the launch of Gap Inc. new handbags for women and men that will
be an add accessory that all fashionista need in the closet. The handbag
Market Summary Handbag brands must differentiate themselves by their high end traits, quality
heritage of craftsmanship, style and design, global reputation, unique design and ... Show more
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It as being said that women are having more disposable income and handbags are the preferred
accessory to purchase amongst women and men. Handbags are considered to be the key statement
Market Needs
The market needs for quality hand bags have grown in recent years. Mom, students and
professional that are on the go and need that trendy handbag to care their necessities but will also
add style to what they are wearing is now a necessity amongst women and men consumers. Men
are increasingly purchasing man bags. Woman and men alike look for handbags that are stylish and
trendy, durable and eye catching. Man and women like to make a statement and need a handbag
that will help them to do so.
Market Trend
Value and price consciousness, ethics trends, role of the internet 37% population purchase online
and particular features. Market Growth
In the past twenty years the economic has been on an emotional and financial roller coaster. Just
when consumers feel they are on top of the world the recession hit and major adjustments and cuts
had to be made. Now the economy is bouncing back with more sounding savvy consumer who are
been smarter with their spending chooses and handbags purchases are increasing due to that. The
handbag market has grown increasingly steady by 30% over the past decade.
Swot Analysis
High Quality
Well known
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The Effects Of A Single Parent Home On A Child s Behavior...
The Effects on Children Who Have Been Raised in a Single Parent Household
Single parent house hold s can have many different social, mental, and emotional effects on the
children who are raised in this kind of household. The effects of children raised by a single parent
in the household, whether it is the mother or the father, are often negative effects. These negative
effects include facing Economic Hardship, lack of support from family, and other emotional and
social distress. Stress is a common factor of these kind of effects. Stress can affect a child and
make it hard for them to succeed in various situations that are crucial to their future. I will be
looking at research and exploring more into the effects of being raised by a single parent.
For this paper I will be reviewing three scholarly sources on this topic; a research strategy finding a
Website, study: The Effects of a Single Parent Home on a child s behavior by Marine Kunz
published on April 15, 2015, a piece for a magazine titled Parent Child by Lawrence Kutner, and a
scholarly article journal, Negotiating Relationships in single mother household: Perspectives of
Children and Mothers by Elizabeth Nixon, Shelia Greene and Diane M Hogan published on
February of 2012.
Through my research, I will explore more upon what are the effects and the struggles for growing
children; as well as, the different effects of having only a mother or a father present in the
household. Website
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Tim Thomas
Directed by Gabriele Muccino, Seven Pounds recounts Tim Thomas journey of redemption as
he transforms the lives of seven strangers. In the 2008 drama film, Thomas carelessly texts while
driving, causing a fatal car accident that took the lives of his fiancГ©e and six others. He says, In
seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine. The number seven is a
recurring theme, but after further analyzing the film, its title alludes to The Merchant of Venice. In
this Shakespearean play, when a loan goes unpaid, a moneylender is entitled to a pound of the
debtor s flesh as payment. To atone for the deaths in the tragic car crash, Thomas repays his debts,
with his actual flesh, in the form of seven pounds worth of vital... Show more content on
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Critic Ian Freer argues that the movie fails to engage and illuminate and does not emphasize guilt
and redemption. Freer says that the movie is not coherent or satisfying despite its strong moments
and interesting visuals . Though there was no targeted group, the modern ethics aims to make its
audience invest in it emotionally; some were crying by the end. Those who enjoy this movie focus
on Tim Thomas journey of self discipline. However, one negative review brings up how the movie
portrays suicide as a noble solution. Romanticizing suicide on the big screen could increase these
numbers; research shows that portraying those who take their lives as heroic or romantic may
encourage vulnerable people to identify with the victim and even contribute to copycat suicides, the
anonymous user
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How Religious Figures Are Depicted
How Religious Figures are Depicted in Films
Religion often plays an important role in Hollywood films, but do Hollywood films play an
important role in religion? Perhaps the better question is, Does film play an important role in the
way people understand religious concepts?
Although the best reasons for going to the movies are to be entertained and eat popcorn,
understanding a film is actually quite complex. Movies are not only a reflection of life, they also
have the capability of shaping our norms, values, attitudes, and perception of life. Through the
media of film, one can find stories of practically anything imaginable and some things
unimaginable. Movie makers use their art to entertain, to promote political agendas, to educate, and
to present life as it is, was, or could be. They can present truth, truth as they interpret it, or simply
ignore truth altogether. A movie can be a work of fiction, non fiction, or anything in between. A
film is an artist s interpretation. What one takes away from a film depends upon how one interprets
what has been seen and heard. Understanding film is indeed difficult.
Understanding religion is also complex. In American society, Christianityis the largest religion;
however, there are vast differences among Christians, as to what one is to believe and how one s
beliefs are to be put into practice. It s the mixture of beliefs and practices of other religions and the
absence of any religious belief. America is indeed a melting pot when
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Hot Rollers
The hot rollers are a great way to change the way your hair looks by curling your hair. They are
easy to use and very efficient, but most women still don;t know how exactly to use them in order
to achieve the best results. For this reason, we will offer you some tips that will guide you in using
the hot rollers every time you wantto change you look.
Heat the Rollers The first thing you have to do is to plug in the hot rollers in order to reach the
proper heat level for optimal results. Also, make sure you follow the manufacturer s specification
every time you use the rollers in order to avoid any inconveniences.
Make Sure Your Hairis Dry If you use the rollers on a dry hair, the curls won t hold up, so after
you wash the hair, make sure you dry it thoroughly with the hair blower. Then, you have to add
volume to the hair, so the trick is to use mousse or styling gel and apply it from the roots ... Show
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Start working with each section at a time and clip the others for more convenience. After you
finish, you re ready to use the rollers which should be hot enough by now.
Start Rolling the Hair Being with the middle section and use a comb to divide the hair into small
sections of hair and them comb the hair to make sure there are not tangles or knots. The size of
the hair sections should depend on how you want the curls to be and if you don t want uniform
curls, you can role the hair in various directions. After you finish rolling, secure the hair with a
roller pin to stay in place. Repeat the action until there s no hair left to roll.
Let the Curls Set After you finish the rolling procedure, you have to let the curls set until they are
cool. The cooling time be differentiate from one set to another, so you should read the instructions
to see for how long you have to keep
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Essay On The Lovely Bones Book Vs Movie
The Lovely Bones
The movie The Lovely Bones was directed by Peter Jackson, a well known director, producer, and
writer of the films The lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Jackson was born on October 31, 1961,
since he was little he was inspired to rewrite films such as King kong. Some major writers that he
worked with where Alice Sebold and J.R.R. Tolkien. Peter Jackson won three Oscar s, one being
the Best Director award. The movie The Lovely Bones is a remake of the book The Lovely Bones
written by Alice Sebold. The book itself was written and published in 2002, but the movie was not
directed until 2009. The actor that plays the main character Susie Salmon is named Saoirse Ronan.
She is a well known actor and has been in movies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I set my expectations high because I had thought the movie would be scary or considered a
horror movie. I expected it to be very suspenseful. After watching the movie the expectations I
had were completely changed. I believe that it excelled my expectations in the best way possible
and made the movie better than I thought it would be. The movie did however fulfill my
expectation of being suspenseful but besides that it was completely different in a great way. I
believe this movie was a great example of what families go through in situation like that of one
in The Lovely Bones. The movie The Lovely Bones is about the murder of a young 14 year old
girl named Susie Salmon. She is stuck somewhere in between the real world and heaven trying to
find out who her murderer was. In the movie they repeatedly stated that the murderer had to be
someone very close to her. To the audience it was very obvious who the murder was but the family
had no idea. Throughout her young life Susie loved to take pictures of just about anything. During
the movie this interest of hers helped not just her but her family realize the truth. As the movie
goes on she slowly starts to give up and decides to accept the fact that she is in fact dead. Her
family is completely devastated and Susie s death causes great complications between the
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The Green Light In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald
The passage above is situated on the last page of Chapter Nine from the Great Gatsby written by
F.Scott Fitzgerald. The extract deals with Nick standing at daisy s dock and describing the
green light. Nick believed that Gatsby was the only one who saw the green light, was optimistic
about the future and still believed that he had a chance with his golden girl Daisy even after all
they had been through which included Daisy being married to Tom. Fitzgerald implicates one of
the major themes in the novel The American Dream through Gatsby s love for Daisy after all
several years. According to Nick s analysis, the more Gatsby moved towards his dreams, the more
he was driven closer the wrongs in his past which lead to his obliteration. Fitzgerald focuses on
human beings struggling to achieve their goals by surpassing and re creating their past . Yet he
thinks that humans have proven to forget and move forward from their past.. The primary function
of this paragraph is to shine light on who Gatsby exactly is through Nick s eyes. This passage also
implicated one of the major themes in the novel the American dream through Gatsby s hope. ...
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One of the major symbols is part of the extract above: the green light. The color green symbolizes
hope. The green light at the end of Daisy s dock is a significant symbol within the book. To
Gatsby, it represents his dream , which is Daisy. To attain her would be completing his American
Dream. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. This
describes Gatsby s inability to move on from the past. Everything he does in the novel is to
surpass and exhilarate his past. In the metaphor used above which is also the quote from the
extract , Gatsby tries to goes against the currents or time to reach the green light or his dream. And
as in the quote, the green light which represents his dream, recedes like waves year by
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Essay Doing Business in Mexico
General Information on Mexico
Mexico is located in the western hemisphere on the continent North America. The United States of
America borders Mexico in its entirety to the north. Two countries, Guatemala and Belize, border
Mexico to the south. The language of Mexico is Spanish and Mexico has the largest population of
Spanish speakers in the world (History). The capital is Mexico City. The estimated population as of
July 2010 was 112,468,855 with an annual population growth rate of 1.118% (US). People of
Mexico are of Mexican ethnicity.
There are various religions in Mexico but those of prominence are Roman Catholic and Protestant
which account for approximately 76.5% and 6.3% of the population, respectively. (US). The climate
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Mexican Music has many genres and today there are many types of music within Mexican music
such as pop, rap, and rock. Many of the beats and rhythms of current day music in Mexico stem
from traditional Mexican music called ranchero. Ranchero music is commonly played by musicians
called mariachi. The themes within that style often have common themes such as love, patriotism,
and nature (History).
The most popular sport in the world, Football, is also the most popular sport in Mexico. Football
is known as soccer in the United States. Mexicans also enjoy other sports that are common
world wide such as boxing and baseball. One sport that is popular in Mexico that is not as
common in the rest of the world is Bullfighting. Bullfighting has been popular in Mexico for the
last 400 years (History). The largest bullfighting ring in the world holds 45,000 spectators. It is
called Plaza de Toros and is located in Mexico City (DeLange).
Mexico celebrates a variety of holidays that are a mixture of religious, cultural, and patriotic.
Celebrations that are not religious based include Cinco de Mayo, May fifth. This celebration
memorializes the Battle of Puebla when the Mexicans defeated the French in 1862 (MexInsider).
Another celebration that is patriotic is Mexican Independence day on the night of September
fifteenth and the date of September sixteenth. There are often reenactments of
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Automotive Industry Financial Analysis
Financial Analysis of General Motors and Ford Motor Company
Advanced Finance (FN)
Due date: June 01, 2009
Table of Contents
Executive Summary3 Introduction4Porter Five Forces Analysis Model5 Competitive rivalry within
the industry5 Barriers to Entry6 Threats of Substitutes and Complements6 Bargaining Power of
Customers6 Bargaining Power of Suppliers7SWOT Analysis7 GM SWOT Analysis7 Strengths7
Weaknesses8 Opportunities9 Threats10 Ford SWOT Analysis10 Strengths11 Weaknesses11
Opportunities11 Threats11 Ratio Analysis12 Recommendations13 Conclusion13 Appendix A
Financial Ratio s14 Appendix ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I choose this topic as it indirectly affects the company that I work for, as we are in the
aftermarket truck accessories business. This report will concentrate on two of the three major
auto makers in North America. The third company has already filed chapter 11 in the bankruptcy
court in New York, Chrysler LLC. At the onset of 2009 all three of the auto makers were in very
poor financial positions; that is when the stimulus packages were introduced by the U.S. president
Mr. Barrack Obama. Chrysler LLC was the first to accept the stimulus package with General Motors
not far behind. Ford Motor Company still has not accepted any stimulus money from the U.S.
Government. What is so different between General Motors and Ford that one had to get help from
the government and the other did not? The differences in product and financial strategies along
with listening to what the customers want could be some of the major differences between the two
surviving companies.
Porter s Five Forces Analysis
Michael Porter identified five forces that influence an industry. These forces are:
1.Degree of rivalry,
2.Threat of substitutes,
3.Barriers to entry,
4.Bargaining power of customers, and
5.Bargaining power of suppliers.
Like other industries operating under free market, capitalistic systems, viewing the automotive
industry through the lens of Porter s five
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Summary Of Similes By Armst Bryant
Bryant, an adolescence in the year 1811, wrote a poem that shows how he views the world, but
was he a protegee of philosophy or was he just following the hip new thing? Bryant uses
figurative language, a store of information and imagery that has only one purpose, to compare
two things to make a point. Similes and metaphors are most commonly used, although there are
alternative types of figurative language. Firstly, we will look at metaphors he uses in his poem,
secondly, the similes we are examined, and finally, I will explain how they further Bryant s
purposes for the poem. Bryant chisels figurative language into his poem, like a well seasoned
craftsman, chisels a long awaited for work of art. But to what purpose does he use it; why do we
have this poem? Bryant uses figurative language to comfort his reader and bids them to accept the
eventuality of their own death. Bryant almost immediately starts Thanatopsis with a metaphor that
introduces the reader to the themes of this poem. Metaphors are relating to unrelated things to
elaborate on a point. It takes an effort to find metaphors in poems because they are often on
abstract ideas. Bryant uses the metaphor, not to abstract, but to express an idea. Bryant uses the
image of a woman to symbolize Mother Earth. She has a voice of gladness, and a smile/ and
eloquence of beauty; and she glides/ into his darker musings, with a mild/ and healing sympathy
that steals away their sharpness ere he is aware... This metaphor
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A Discussion On Sexuality And Sexually Transmitted...
The end of this week marks another week down which leaves only two more to go. With this
week coming to a close, I am another step to closing out my bachelors and hopefully starting my
Masters in Cybersecurity with Excelsior in October. Despite the heavy workload with class I
think this will be a good preparation for me as I get myself in the frame of mind to start on the
Masters. However, I have to first make it through these last two weeks. This week focused was
on sexually transmitted infections/diseases and sexual development throughout life. As usual,
there were multiple assignments. We had our normal issue from the Taking Sides text, though it
was only one this week, a discussion on sexuality in later life, the quiz and this wonderful three
page reflection paper. Additionally our annotated bibliography was due this week. As usual, I
will start with this week s reading from the Taking Sides text. This week was slightly different in
that we were given only one topic to read and discuss. The article discussed opposing views on
whether or not sexting was considered safe sex. For my initial opinion on the topic, it seemed
obvious to me that it was not a form of safe sex. In my mind people would have to be able to
physically touch one another to actually have sex. Sexting is no different than reading an adult
magazine or watching an adult movie or better yet phone sex. In essence you are doing it as a
prelude to masturbationor in lieu of actually having sex. When I
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Oscar Romero s Religious Beliefs Affected His Work For...
Explain how Oscar Romero s religious beliefs affected his work for social change
I will not tire of declaring that if we truly want an effective end to the violence, we must
eliminate the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, the
exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression, Oscar Romero said in his
sermon on the 23rd September 1979. Six months later, Romero was shot and killed. During the
1970 s and 80 s the El Salvadorian public experienced a brutal campaign of repression by the
military government, which claimed thousands of lives. The leader of the church, Oscar Romero
began to speak out on behalf of the victims and on the 23rd of March 1980, he made a ... Show
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He was admitted into a seminary at 14 and then was eventually, in 1942 at the age of 25,
ordained a priest. Romero then managed to convince 5 radio stations to broadcast his Sunday
sermon allowing Romero s words to reach peasant farmers who did not believe they were
welcome in church. In 1977 Romero became Archbishop of Santiago de Maria. Then, On 12
March 1977, Fr. Rutilio Grande and two people Romero is travelling with are shot and killed.
Asa result of this, Romero cancels all Masses the next Sunday except for one, which was in front
of the cathedral for 100,000 people. He then refuses to attend any government event until the
murder is solved. Later that same year Romero became Archbishop of San Salvador, the capital
city. Thousands of people were going missing. The president of El Salvador failed to investigate
these killings, even after Romero demanded that he should.
In 1979 Romero presented the pope with seven reports of kidnapping, torture and murder. By this
time the amount of people being killed was more than 3000 per month and Romero could offer no
more to El Salvador than hope and faith.
On March 23, 1980, Romero began to speak out to the soldiers: I beg you, I implore you, I order
you... in the name of God, stop the repression! The evening after saying this, a paid assassin shot
Romero while giving Mass in the Divine Providence Hospital. Romero became a martyr and is now
regarded as saint in El Salvador. He remains a symbol of hope to
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The Odyssey Coffee CafГ© Project
Introductionp. 1
Odyssey Coffee CafГ©
(I) Name of cafГ© p. 3
(II) Sort of CafГ© p. 3
(III) Theme of CafГ© p. 3
(IV) Locationsp. 4
(V) SWOT Analysisp. 6 Conclusionp.7
Bibliographyp. 8
It is wildly believed that coffee cafГ© seem to become a familiar feature of people s life,
especially in the United Kingdom. Most people seem to spend their tea time in cafГ© for meeting
friends and relaxed themselves. Yorkcity is the beautiful city in the United Kingdom that many
tourists tend to travel. Thus, there are a number of cafГ© in this city. However, lack of these
cafГ© which open after 6pm at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, there are many kinds of beverage and snack e such as coffee, milk, tea and wrap.
Moreover, this cafГ© will provide free Wi Fi and reading corner. The customers can bring a
notebook or tablet to work here. Sometimes, students have an appointment with their friends to
complete their project work because odyssey coffee cafГ© open till 10am at night which other
cafГ©s close easier than odyssey coffee cafГ©. Thus, students can work assignment here after their
(IV) Locations
There are four locations have been suggested to fix the cafГ© business that the main factors to be
considered are * Customer availability * Competitor * How to own the shop * Logistics and
According to the above facts, the most appropriate location is location 3 on Stonegate because
this area is too near city centre so that most people can pass this location. In addition, this
location is close to York Minster that is very famous Minster. Tourist and local people often visit
here. Sometimes, there are some activities at night so people can come to the odyssey coffee
cafe after they finish activities because this cafe open such a longer time than others. Moreover,
the space for parking is quite large that is so convenient to park vehicles. Blackwell (2011)
explains that the shops should have parking for customers because nowadays most people like to
go outside with family and friends so they often drive a car for their
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Analysis Of The Chinese Armillary
The Chinese armillary is a sculpture that is installed behind Cudahy Science Hall and can in front
of the west quad. This bronze sculpture was installed on Loyola s campus in February 2013 and is
a replica of the Chinese armillaries that is are on display at the Beijing Observatory. It is displayed
on Loyola s campus due the piece s connection the Jesuits but it depicting the celestial orbits of the
time that the Jesuit missionary, Matteo Ricci, was in China in the 17th century. While this sculpture
is not depicting a figure in a position that can be seen in Roman sculptures, this piece is relevant
to the topics and themes of Art of the Roman World due to it being both a duplicate as well as it
being a bronze sculpture. This duplicate was
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Why I Want To Go Back To College
College can be scary and intimidating. I have said that many times. Therefore, a lot of people
rely on friends and people from their high school when they arrive to college because this is
comfortable to them. They are familiar with these people, and it is easy to talk to them and be
around them. A lot of people are scared to be on their own or talk to new people. A lot of people
are absolutely terrified of change. Independency is intimidating and so is branching out to new
people. However, if you re looking for a chance to change and start something new, freshman
year is the time and the place. Everything is new, and going into it entirely single and on my own
allowed for so much freedom in my life. I wasn t focused on someone else and was able to do
things for myself. I was entirely focused on who I wanted to be, which lead to showing me who I
wanted to be around and what I look for in another person. I now know the kind of person I see
myself with in the future. I feel very confident however that I would not have been able to dedicate
so much time to myself and learn these things... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You are basically living in a giant house with all of them if you think about it, and you re going to
want them to have at the end of the day. You ll be there for them on rough nights, and they ll be
there for you, too. You always have each other s backs, you ll have deep talks, and you ll make
so many memories and have lots of laughs. I love my friends from my floor this year, and I have
already cried multiple times the past couple days just thinking about leaving all of them. They
make me laugh more than anyone else and it has been one of my favorite things hanging out
together throughout the year. I feel so much closer with them than a lot of my other friends. If
any of you are reading this, you will always have a special place in my heart, and I am definitely
making you all come over next year for floor dinners with Megan and
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How Does Barton Create A Perfect American Society
Comparing Utopian Works of Cavendish and Bacon
Like everyone, Sir Francis Bacon and Margaret Cavendish had differing opinions of a perfect,
utopian society. For Bacon, his utopia is a society whose culture venerates science and scientists.
Where science is not at odds with religion, and scientific advancement is very rapid. Bacon s
society is also vastly Christian, with the only non Christian being Bartholomew, a father of
Solomon s House who s Jewish. Cavendish, who also appreciates the scientific method doesn t put
as much focus on it as Bacon does. Cavendish s society put s far more focus on society who exalts
their monarch with almost the same respect as a deity, social unification through said monarch and
a nondenominational god.
Bacon s utopia in The New Atlantis, he puts the most emphasis on empirical science and reason,
and discovering natures mysteries while also applying these new discoveries to his utopian
society. This is very clearly stated by the head of Solomon s House when he s explaining his
organization his guests, The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes and secret motions
of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of the human empire, to the effecting of all things
possible this idea is the foundation of Solomon s House and play s a massive role in the society of
In Contrast to Bacon, Cavendish focuses her utopia more on the unification of a society rather than
the technological advancements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
or Bacon, his utopia is mainly Christian, though there is one Jewish person on the island. This
shows the reader that in Bacon s ideal world everyone should be Christian, though even if thet are
not Christian they may still be treated as equal such as the case of Joabin the Jew. Joabin s case
shows us the freedom of religion that bacon believed in, that people of other religions wouldn t be
persecuted (by the state or the people) for their
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Defence Policy And Military Strategy
strategies. For the military, an overhaul of the whole concept of Defence has gradually changed as
cyber security is streamlined into defence policy coupled with economic influence and
globalisation. In the military, information and intelligence operations, routine administrative
functions, and a wide array of everyday jobs have been increasingly developed and transformed
with the support of interconnected electro electronic devices .
Defence policy and military strategy go hand in hand and Defence policy have been directly linked
to current economic state of the present government and since UK economy was in recession in
2008 prior to the release of the CSS, the question of funding becomes unavoidable. Both the Armed
forces and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although the thesis does not take this line of enquiry but concentrates on the partnership with the
police force, it is work noting that the relationship that exists in this partnership as recognised by
the new doctrine will reflect how the current regular force will view their role in future. The
Armed forces are required through the official secret Act to adhere to strict confidentiality, the
survey was not intended to divulge any state secrets but to reveal how cyber priorities and
training has been received and practice at grass root. With this reduction, the MOD released a
Joint Doctrine Publication 0 01 (JDP 0 01) (5th Edition), dated November 2014 that draws on the
lessons of history, upon original thinking and from experiences gained from training and
operations. It sets out the fundamental principles of the future military force which is depleted
from what it used to be. The new doctrine takes into consideration of the following strategy;
International Defence Engagement Strategy; New Operating Model: How Defence Works ; and
DCDC s Global Strategic Trends Programme.
The policy is steeped in utilising
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Example Of Class President
Class president In 9th and 10th grade, I was chosen as a class president. I used to take account of
students attendance, as well as their participation in activities. Science club Our science club
mainly focuses on Olympiads and I have been a member since 7th grade. I usually spend 7 hours
per week, but when Olympiads come near, this number can go up to 16 hours. Most students aren
t interested in our club because to most people when they hear Hobby school, the first thing that
comes into their mind is Debate Club, but I still am trying my best to appeal to other students and
give them hope. Preparing for Olympiad is really tough and takes a long time. For example, I start
my preparation for the national Olympiad from winter,
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Brewster Island
http://www.history.com/this day in history/battle of brewster island summary of eventsho
http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2014/07/31/throwback thursday battles boston light
/ alternate summary
http://www.newenglandlighthouses.net/boston light history.html in depth summary of events that
occurred on Greater Brewster Island
More repairs to the lighthouse were in the works when the American Revolution intervened. In July
1775, Boston Harbor and the lighthouse were under the control of the British. On July 20,
American troops under Major Joseph Vose landed at the lighthouse and took lamps, oil, and some
gunpowder, and burned the wooden parts of the tower. After leaving the island they had to outrun
an armed British schooner, and two Americans were wounded. An eyewitness described the flames
of the lighthouse ascending up to Heaven, like grateful incense, and the ships wasting their powder.
As the British worked to repair the tower, 300 American soldiers under Major Benjamin Tupper
landed at the island on July 31. They easily defeated the British guard and again burned the
lighthouse. As they tried to leave, they found their boats stranded because the tide had gone out.
This gave British vessels time to reach the scene. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
American troops at Nantasket in Hull helped by firing a cannon at the British boats, landing a
direct hit on one. This turned the tide of battle and the Americans escaped with only one soldier
having been killed. General George Washington praised the men: The General thanks Major
Tupper and the Officers and Soldiers under his Command, for their gallant and soldierlike
behaviour in possessing themselves of the enemy s post at the Light House, and for the Number of
Prisoners they took there, and doubts not, but the Continental Army, will be as famous for their
mercy as for their
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Economic Development
Introduction Governments the world over have long been investing in infrastructure in the hope
of boosting economic development of their country. To study the relationship between
infrastructure and economic development, we compared two journals; Infrastructure and Local
Economic Development by Rives, J amp; Heaney, M. (1995) and Infrastructure and Economic
Growth: The Nigeria Experience 1980 2006 by Enimola, S (2010). We chose these journals as
the journal by Rives, J looked at the approach on a community/state level whereas the journal by
Enimola, S looked at it at a national level. Hence, we were able to look at the topic at a micro and
macro level. We compared the objectives of both journals, along with the methodological... Show
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DEVELOP = a + b1 INFRA + b2ln DSCITY + b3ln DSINT + b4 TOTAX + b5 EDUCATE + B6
MANEMP + b7 ln POP + E INFRA average sewer capacity, average water plant capacity, state
highway and national highway. DEVELOP median household income, percent of the labour force
employed, population change, assessed valuation per capita (property valuation) DSINT Distance
to an interstate highway DSCITY Shortest distance to the nearest regional centre TOTAX Property
tax rate. This is measured because there is a negative relationship between tax rate and economic
development as firms tend to move to regions where the tax rate is lower. EDUCATE Percent of
high school and college graduates. This measure is taken to account for the human capital stock of
the community. MANEMP is the proportion employed in manufacturing. This is to account for the
agglomeration in the community. This is because agglomeration have been known to promote
economic growth through greater division of labor, cost saving in bulk purchases, better
communication and relationship between managers and the availability of alternative technologies.
POP accounts for the size of the
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Timeline and World War I Study Guide Essay
Birth of a Nation D.W. Griffin is a movie based on a play with the setting during the civil war. It is
about to opposite families living in the Northern states and the Southern states.
Black Jack Pershing, also name John J. Pershing was a general of the army during the WWI. He
holds the record of the highest rank in the army.
Anthracite Coal Strike was a kind of violent protest against mine owners. It was basically over the
pay wages and hours worked.
Article X was basically a document created to link nations together. It was unsuccessful in ratifying
because of politicians opinions.
Ballinger Pinchot Affair was a feud that separated republican politicians because of revenue being
made separate from legal transactions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Great White Fleet was the U.S. Navy s exploration of the world. This was a voyage that was told
to be taken by Roosevelt for interaction with the world.
Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty was an agreement between the U.S. and the founders of the Panama
Canal. It basically gave the United States permission to help create and construct the Panama Canal.
Henry Cabot Lodge was against immigration. He was a republican senator.
Insular Cases were decisions made on territory from the Spanish American war. This basically
established islands off the south coast of Florida. insurgent s revolt was the revolution for the
Philippines. It was violent protest for Philippine independence.
International Workers of the World was basically a workers union. It was to help everyone in need
of job help.
Irreconcilables were the people that opposed the Treaty of Versailles. These were the people that try
their best not to get the treaty passed.
Keating Owen Child Labor Act was an act that mainstreamed child labor. It was to help child labor
League of Nations was a agreement to end the first world war. It was mainly to make calm was at
the time chaotic.
Moral Diplomacy was an organized way to invest into a country that was just like them. Only to
benefit themselves though.
New Freedom was created by the President Wilson. It was a campaign strategy. It was said to
create a weak involvement of the government.
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How Does Gilgamesh Relate To Immortality
Athanasia: Human Impermanence and the Journey for Eternal Life in the Epic of Gilgamesh
Will you too die as Enkidu did? Will grief become your food? Will we both fear the lonely hills,
so vacant? I now race from place to place, dissatisfied with whereever I am and turn my step
toward Utnapishtim, godchild of Ubaratutu (Jackson Gilgamesh Tablet IX 4 9) Gilgamesh so much
feared death that he threw away his honor as a warrior in order to obtain immortality. For centuries
there have existed individuals who yearn for everlasting life. A journey that so many have
traversed, but have failed in the attempt. The ideology surrounding immortality transcends time and
a plethora of cultures. The theme, immortality appears in stories from the... Show more content on
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The life that he once lived is shattered into pieces and he finds it difficult to return to his former
glorious self; this is the first time in Gilgamesh s life that he has ever felt the emotions of fear.
Gilgamesh is afraid to die. The inevitable fate that has plagued humanity for ages, death, has now
become the greatest barrier that he must overcome. The immense scope that separates death from
eternal life is breached, this crossover leads to a paramount connection between the supernatural
and mortal universe. Gilgamesh, two thirds god, and one third human is left at the intermediary.
His metamorphosis will establish a sense of restitution in his life. Along these lines, even though
Gilgamesh existed thousands of years ago, he remains immortal in a sense that we still refer to
him and his story (Sadigh 85). Enkidu is a primary character in the epic, his death dramatically
changes the personality of Gilgamesh. His metamorphosis and death makes evident the innate
rhythm of life, which represents the link that he has with nature. With love, and self realization,
Enkidu eventually becomes a friend to Gilgamesh. Readers are able to see the merging of
Gilgamesh s divine stature with Enkidu s wild nature, which in turn changes Enkidu from a simple
beast to a figure that is larger than life (Harris 122). He essentially becomes an equal to Gilgamesh.
Enkidu undergoes the following transformation: From the barbarian man that he once was,
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Archaic Word Choice And Run-On Sentences
From of Plymouth Plantation : Archaic Word Choice and Run On Sentences
Daniel J Boorstin once said, By reading we discover our world, or history and ourselves. Although
reading history can be very difficult for some people due to archaic language and run on sentences.
These factors make grasping the authors point very difficult, and problematic to the average
person. The document From of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford was extremely difficult
to read due to his use of uncommon words, run on sentences, and choppy paragraphs. These things
may cause the reader to lose interest or have a hard time comprehending Bradford s writing.
In this document, William Bradford uses very uncommon words that can be hard to comprehend ...
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An example of the run on sentences is, Being thus passed the vast ocean, and a sea of troubles
before in their preparation (as may be remembered by that which went before), they had now no
friends to welcome them, nor inns to entertain or refresh their weather beaten bodies, no houses
or much less towns to repair to, to seek for succor, (60). This line is a run on sentence because the
entire sentence is a paragraph long which could easily confuse the reader. Another example, And
for the season it was winter and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp
and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms, dangerous to travel to known places much more
to search an unknown coast, (61). This is another example of a run on sentence would be this
because this sentence goes on for four lines and could be found quite frustrating to the modern
reader. The last example, And of these in the time most distress, there was but 6 or 7 sound persons,
who, to their great commendations be it spoken, spared no pains, night nor day, but with abundance
of toll and hazard of their own health, fetched them wood, made them fires, dressed them meat,
made their beds, washed their loathsome clothes, clothed and unclothed them: in a word did all the
homely and necessary offices for them which dainty and queasy stomachs cannot endure to hear
named; and
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Roller Coasters Research Paper
Introduction Life is like a roller coaster. If you don t get on you can t experience the adventure.
Mariah Carey. Riding roller coasters is different for everyone, it can be a very exhilarating
experience, but for others not so much. The first time I went on a roller coaster with a loop, I
learned that I am definitely not made for roller coasters. It was a bright sunny day, the sun was
shining through my hotel window. I got up and stretched my arms and yawned very loudly. My
mom was already up and down at the breakfast buffet. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair,
and took the elevator down to the buffet. My brother, being him, was obviously still asleep. He
eventually met us down at the buffet. As soon as we had finished our breakfast, we were already at
Disneyland having fun. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Come on Daryn! , yelled my brother and mom.
Fine , I said as I walked over to my family. We all walked over to the California Screamin ride.
Daryn, let s go on this ride! , my brother screeched.
Uh, ok , I said. I was wearing a wristband that the staff at Disneyland would have to scan in order to
ride the roller coaster. I walked up to scan my wristband, All set , the man who was scanning
wristbands said. We were in line for a while, then it was our turn. When I got on my seat, all I
could look at was the loop. The instructor was talking about safety, but all I heard was, Blah blah
blah . My eye s were still looking at the loop, I could not pay attention to anything.
What have I got myself into!? , I said to myself.
Whoosh! The roller coaster took off.
AHH , I screamed.
The roller coaster went up and down then, it was time... As we approached the loop my legs
literally started their yearly hibernation. We were finally at the loop. My eyes slowly started to shut
as if someone had turned the lights out.
Turn the lights back on please! I said to
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Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper Essay
Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper
In the Victorian Times, smog was a big problem. It made visibility extremely bad, so the murders
would have been harder to witness. There were lots of prostitutes because there weren t many
jobs available for woman, so they were forced on the streets. Most turned to alcohol. The people
out at the time of the murder would have been tramps and drunks, not reliable witnesses. The East
End streets were maze like, and easy to escape from. These were a few of the problems the police
Jack the Ripper was extremely clever to be able to evade the police the whole period in which he
committed his murders. He chose different locations for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Theories were on whom the murderer might be, causing tension in the Whitechapel area and
creating more racial hatred. The press received lots of letters from the murderer but held them
back. Like the Dear Boss letter, They didn t give it to the police for a few days, slowing down any
action that could have been taken.
The police had only just been set up when the murders occurred, so had no previous experience.
The only way to prove someone committed a murder was to catch them in the act or get a
confession. Though they increased the number of officers, they only ever came across the
bodies, warm. There was more than one police force operating in London at the time, which
meant that there was a lack of communication. In fact, the superior officers told their subordinates
to not reveal any evidence they retrieved to their rival force, each police force wanting the glory
of catching the Whitechapel murderer. The Metropolitan police force was responsible for all of
London, except the city of London, which had its own separate, City Police force. They were both
working on the case because one of the murders had been committed in the area where the City
Police operated, as opposed to the other ones which occurred in the Metropolitan police forces area.
The Detective methods were not
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The Causes And Effects Of Indirect Rule In Nigeria
Indirect rule is a system that was put into place by imperialist who did not have the manpower to
rule a country by force. It is an ingenious system that allowed countries to come into Africa and
impose their rules and influences over the natives without fully taking over. According to W. R.
Cocker, Sir Fredrick Lugard was given the position of High Commissioner in Northern Nigeria.
His objective was to bring Nigeria under British rule. This was no easy task because the native
population outnumbered the amount of men they could bring to enforce British rule and
government. So what Sir Lugard did, as did many other imperialist, left most of the power in the
hands of the natives. In Lugard s case, the land was under the control of the Fulani Emirate, which
he found their administrative set up to be respectable. Not left with much of a choice, he left the
Emirates in charge and set in place British rule which governed alongside side the natives. Thus
indirect rule was brought to Africa. There were lots of criticism that came with indirect rule. They
mainly came after Lugard s book, Dual Mandate, came out. Many of the men that were enlisted at
the time became arrogant after this book came out. They thought they were makers of history. This
being said they lost a lot of their old values. Religious groups cut them off from making anymore
scriptures. To which they referred to them as the interpretation of which was their own monopoly.
Another criticism that came from
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Summary Of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002
The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was designed to create oversight and decrease the amount of
corruption in the accounting industry. The Article includes a number of provisions dealing with
financial reporting, conflicts of interest, corporate ethics and the oversight of the accounting
profession, as well as establishing new civil and criminal penalties. The Institute of Management
Accountants (IMA) code of ethics is a set of ethical standards of for management accountants.
Management accountants have a moral obligation to perform their services at the highest ethical
level possible. The four main principles of standards are competence, confidentiality, integrity, and
objectivity. Variable cost are expenses that vary with production. Electricity
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Boston Beer Company Essay
Boston Beer Company Case Analysis
You are the investment banker assigned with the task of setting the IPO price for Boston Beer
Company (BBC). Prepare a research report to support your recommendation. As you prepare
this report, you may find that you would like to have more field information than what the case
offers you. However, the case contains critical information that gives you a reasonable basis to
compute its valuation. In addition use the following information for 1995.1 Sales ($ millions)
Redhook Pete s BBC 25.89 59.17 151.31 EPS .75 .25 .40 Book value/share 7.70 4.33 3.00 Price
27.00 24.75 ?
Also, use the following information for BBC for 1996. Make additional assumptions as necessary
(and state any additional assumptions) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Use the information here in your analysis.
2. Business description and a brief history of the company. Does the company have any unique
strategic positioning within the industry? One paragraph 3. Present a qualitative assessment of the
future outlook for the company. For example, are there any new products in the pipeline? Do you
anticipate any competitive threats? Based on these developments, do you expect BBC s growth
and profitability to improve deteriorate, or stay about the same as in the past? 4. Revenue
Forecasts and Free cash flow forecasts for the next ten years Specifically explain if you are
forecasting revenue and FCF growths and profit margins that are significantly different from the
company s historical experience and why. 5. Present a DCF analysis and determine BBC s
intrinsic value. Assume that BBC s Enterprise Value/ NOPLAT will be 18 ten years from now
(check for sensitivities by assuming a multiple of either 15 or 20). 6. Present a valuation based on
valuation ratios (P/B, P/E, P/S) for comparable firms. What price would you recommend based on
these valuation ratios? Based on your recommended price, is BBC s P/B ratio bigger or smaller
than that of Redhook? Of Pete s? Can you justify this difference? Do the same analysis for P/E
and P/S ratios. (Note: Suppose a particular valuation ratio for one firm is 25 and you recommend a
corresponding valuation multiple of
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Essay On Being A Drug Agent
In a day and age of technology and progression the world keeps turning and pushing forward, but
we somehow seem to be grounded in the past. Why? Well, as this is advancing, scientist s invented
new creations yet, we are still trapped in the world where drugs are acceptable and our generation
has grown up to live with the misconception that consuming drugs in any way is normal . Drug
induced deaths have exponentially increased throughout the past years , an extensive amount of
those death are overdoses cause by prescribed medication. This is something that has and will
continue to affect our society and its crime rate. A Drug Enforcement AdministrationAgent is
someone who has the authority to make a change and help not only people but... Show more content
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You must see things many normal civilians don t and put in long hours. You must be in control of
yourself at times of extreme stress working in a team environment. The work may be long and
hard, but the effort spent will pay off.
The average salary for a DEA Agent in the United States is in between approximately 40,000
55,000 a year. So, the reward is bountiful. I will be able to comfortably take care of my family
and my loved ones without having to be worried about them having what they need and want in
life. The high wages will also enable me to better save and help my future children through college.
I asked a local lawyer, by the name of Michael Cooper, What is some advice you would give
someone going into this field? His response was Always look the other way. Some Agents may be
facing injury and danger while on the job. Therefore, your skill metrics should stay clean, fresh and
up to speed. Within a moment anything can change and happen. Gandhi once said, An ounce of
practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Without action and constant stimulation, mental and
physical, your skills can become tainted or slightly off. In this line of work if anything is off it can
cause myself or even my teammates danger or their life. Keeping constant check of my health,
physique, and protocols is imperative in keeping each mission or job running
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Mental Health Advantages And Disadvantages
DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual it is used by mental health professionals to
provide a clear and concise diagnostic description for a variety of mental disorders. There are
five axes, and each is assigned to a different mental disorder. The five axes are: Axis I, Axis II,
Axis III, Axis IV, and Axis V. Each category of DSM IV provides mental health professionals
with a description that assists in the determining if someone is or is not suffering from a
disorder. With every diagnosis manual there is advantages and disadvantages. Some of the
disadvantages are over diagnosis, and confusing mental disorders with everyday problems. On the
other hand, diagnostic manuals can have its advantages some of them are reliable diagnosis and
create accurate and effective treatments for those that suffer from different mental disorders. The
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual has its weakness and benefits, but when used correctly it can
make mental health professional jobs easier and more accurate when it comes to treating or
classifying their patients. The purpose of axis I is to represent the acute symptoms that need
treatment, this is the top level of the DSM (DeepDiveAdmin,2015). The three most well known
disorders are: panic attacks, major depression and schizophrenic (DeepDiveAdmin,2015). Major
depression is one of the most usual form of depressions is commonly linked to Bipolar Disorder
(Lane,2017). Major depression is feelings of sadness, or low esteem that persist and
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  • 7. Spanish In Texas Spanish is a huge part of the Texan culture, so when I found out I had to take a foreign language class in high school I figured Spanish would be the best. I have never even vacationed outside the state of Texas, which leaves me with a lot of Texas culture. However, I still was missing Spanish in both ways; knowing the language and the influence in Texas. I now have that part of Texan culture in my life. It s been helpful in history, communicating with other people that don t speak very fluent English, and understanding what a Texan is. In school there are even other students who ask for my help. When I teach them it reminds me of the struggle I went through to be able to understand the Spanish language. My teacher was a good teacher at heart, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was also the teacher s best student because he had the highest grade and wasn t scared to answer a question. I can t remember ever getting one wrong. I eventually let him know that I had a serious problem with learning Spanish from our teacher and if I didn t get I was going to fail. My biggest problems were the eighteen different conjugations we had to use and how to structure a sentence. There are four present tense, four past tense, three futures, four conditionals, one simple, and three preterite tenses. He first taught me how to use all of the conjugations because without those I could never learn how to structure a sentence appropriately. Once he taught me how to structure a sentence I never felt so confident in my ability to speak Spanish. The final eventually came along and I was nervous but not as nervous as I was before. I walked out of Spanish 1 with an 80 which was far better than my 55 that I started my year with. Though I was there to learn Spanish; I walked out realizing that it isn t always the student that s at fault for not understanding a subject. The teacher plays a huge part in making sure the student will understand. With my teacher; I had a communication barrier that prevented me from understanding what she was talking about. So whenever a kid looks up to me for help I either do my best to explain it to them or refer them to someone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Thomas Jefferson And George Washington Compare And Contrast Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were very paramount to the success of colonial America in the Revolutionary War. Despite both being very excellent leaders, they were both very different; Jefferson resided on political issues while Washington preferred working with actual conflict. George Washington liked to be in the thick of things, in the heat of battle. He would often ride out into the middle of gunfire on a trusty stead with little to no hesitation. His bravery was astonishing, but what was even more incredible was his military strategizing and planning. He maintained strict regiment over all soldiers under his jurisdiction, rarely losing any battles. Jefferson, however, was very different. Thomas Jefferson may have lacked the bravery ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Quality Assurance in Health Care INTRODUCTION Pursuing to meet customer expectations is a critical and strategic decision. It is not something an organization does simply to satisfy a standard but it is something does to stay in the business. Meeting customer expectations should be the ultimate goal. Although profit and revenues are very important, this is nothing compare the results of fulfilling customer needs and expectations. Everyone must involve in meeting customer expectations. All personnel should have the capability to meet what the customers expect them to do. Customers are only satisfied if their expectations are consistently met. To be competitive, expectations of customers must meet in a timely and cost effective manner. As for the National Health ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is based on the belief that everything in the organization and business can be improved. As explained by Christina Saint Martin, in house expert in implementing Kaizen system within healthcare organizations, Kaizen is a method of working which will help us all to identify and eliminate waste and improve the quality of the processes that are part of the healthcare experience. It also ensures that our staffs are supported to deliver the highest quality and safest patient care (Wirral University Teaching Hospital, 2010). Kaizen is a big help in NHS because it is the method essential in maintaining and exceeding the level of care that the clients or the patients expecting from the NHS to provide. Kaizen s principle aims for improvement, effectiveness, safety, and waste reduction and those who follow the approach often find a whole lot more in return (Torrington and Hall, 1995). Inventory is used more efficiently as are employee skills and more people are satisfied as they have direct impact on the process. Team members are more satisfied and most likely to commit doing a good job, thus satisfied customers are more likely to stay. It focuses on identifying problems at their source, solving them at their source, and changing standards to ensure the problem stays solved. Although Kaizen s principle is for change and continuous improvement, its consensus can take a long time to reach. It is difficult to start or to introduce a new system because they know where ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Ryanair Leadership Strategy Report Leading in a Complex World Strategy Report Strategic Recommendations (one page) Ryanair has been one of the Britain s best low cost airlines for around 25 years since being established in 1985 by the Ryan family. Ryanair have always aimed to show their customers their statistics and monthly reports; Ryanair believe that any worthwhile passenger service commitment must involve a commitment on both pricing and punctuality, that s why Ryanair is committed to publishing Customer Service Statistics each month and these confirm that Ryanair is No. 1 for Customer Service with unbeatable prices and punctuality. [ (Ryanair, About us, 2010) ] Although according to the figures Ryanair is the World s favourite low cost airline, in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ground support, catering and luggage equipment is constant and consistent.| Environmentally Friendly:| Modern fuel efficient aircraft and high seat occupancy, resulting in the lowest emissions per passenger mile ratios compared to other carriers. Ryanair has minimised and continues to reduce fuel burn and CO2 emissions per passenger kilometre. This has been achieved through the combination of: numerous fuel saving measures (including the use of the latest aircraft and engine technology, e.g., winglets); and commercial measures aimed at maximising passenger numbers per flight in order to spread the fuel use and CO2 emissions over the greatest number of passengers (efficient seat configuration and high load factors). (Ryanair, Europes Greenest Airline, 2006)| Weaknesses| Weakness| Evidence / argument| Bad Press:| As a company Ryanair has had its fair share of bad press in the past few years. It has received bad press in many instances. Ryanair are regularly criticised for all the hidden extra charges, such as ВЈ5 online check in fee per flight and a ВЈ5 per flight credit card fee. This can result in a ВЈ20 addition per person to advertised price for a return journey. Ryanair also receive a lot of bad press due to their chief executive, Michael O Leary because he comes across as rather arrogant in press interviews and television documentaries. Mr O Leary has never ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Plant Cell Centrioles Nucleus: it s a double membrane that is closed all around and sends messages to the cytosol via numerous nuclear pores, that is near the nucleus. The nucleus contains the DNA. Some cells genes can be turned off because of what type of cell it is. Nucleolus:the organelle inside of the nucleus. It creates ribosomes and transfers it out of the nucleus. Cytosol: The protein within the cytosol helps control the cell metabolism. Centrosome:It where most of the microtubules are made. Plant and animal cells centrosomes have almost the same jobs during a cell s division. Only difference is that plants cell centrosomes does not contain centrioles. Centriole: Has nine groups of fused microtubules, with three in each group, in a shape of a ring. A complete ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You see them mostly in animal cells, but if found in plant cells then it s in the vacuole. Peroxisome:In plant cells it has the job of turning fatty acids into sugars and many other jobs. While in animal cells, peroxisomes kills the toxic hydrogen peroxide that the cell has made. Secretory Vesicles: the secretory vesicles moves the cell secretions that was inside of the golgi, to the cell surface and let it go Cell membrane: closes the cell all the way around. It also has two layers of phospholipids. One the phospholipids is hydrophilic. The hydrophilic is exposed and it can touch water. Another one is hydrophobic and can t touch water. The cell membrane protects it from any water that you can t control. It has many proteins that are important for the cell to do other things Mitochondria:It creates energy for the cell to do anything. Vacuole: Helps with intracellular digestion and throws out the waste products in the cell. The plant vacuole is bigger than the vacuole in a animal cell. The plant vacuole plays many jobs, such as storing nutrients and waste products, helps the cell grow bigger, and controls turgor pressure in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Ecstasy Of Themes In The Lion King The Lion King film exposes an array of themes. Discuss. The Lion King animation by Walt Disney reveals a variety of themes. Simba experiences intrapersonal and interpersonal conflict. Due to this conflict three important themes loss, family and change are emphasized. An important theme The Lion King exposes is loss. To confirm this, Simba gets caught in gorge during the wildebeest stampede. Scar tells Mufasa. Mufasa runs to save his son. Scar causes his death and then blames Simba. Simba what have you done?... it was an accident I didn t mean for it to happen. . Simba losing his father clarifies death of a parent is a difficult thing to deal with. In addition, when Simba returns to Pride Rock he has to battle Scar to become king. As Simba is forced over the cliff edge, Scar ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To begin with, after Simba leaves Pride Rock he gets exhausted after a long walk in the desert and wakes up next to two strangers who have saved his life. Not long after he wakes up Timon and Pumba introduce themselves to Simba. So where you from kid...who cares anyway I can t go back. . Not long after that Timon and Pumba walk Simba to their humble home and when they get there Simba is surprised because of how beautiful the whole place is.Timon and Pumba introduced Simba to bugs and he is disgusted but he learns to eat them. When Simba leaves Pride Rock this illustrates that sometimes people need to enter a new environment. Furthermore, when Simba is all grown up, one afternoon he hears Timon and Pumba screaming because of a big, crazy lion is chasing them to eat them. He runs to help his friends and all of a sudden a couple of seconds later Simba and the big, crazy lion start fighting. Simba is pinned to the ground and then Simba is surprised when he finds out it is Nala. Nala is that you?... . Simba has to change and return to Pride Rock. Simba changing determines that sometimes you need to confront your past. Undoubtedly, the film reveals ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Eye Of The Beholder Analysis Thesis (talks about similarities, differences, and themes) In The Birthmark and Eye of the Beholder , two writers provide opinions on beauty and perfection. While the messages, provided by the literary devices, are similar, the end results are very different. Hawthorn uses metaphors, allusions, and symbolism to show that rejecting imperfection in life to obtain true beauty will lead to death either identically, physically or both; while the Twilight Zone episode uses repetition, idioms, and metaphors to show that the individual should appreciate their own beauty and not rely on society s standards to tell them what is perfect. Subject 1 The Birthmark: Nothing is perfect as nature has made every living thing with a mark of imperfection.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Smith tells Miss Tyler to say this to herself over and over again. This not only helps to build Miss Tyler s self esteem as her society forces her to be segregated to a ghetto but also undermines the teaching of that society. Her government believes in conformity and lack of individualism, this idiom encourages people to look at the world from their own perspective and not the one laid out by the government. Beauty is a social construct as true beauty weather mentally, as the piece suggests, or physically is based on the perception of the observer. This is idea is reinforced when we learn that Miss Tyler is actually beautiful by the audience s standards but is deemed ugly by the show s standards. While we may see her as perfection the world which she lives in sees her as a grotesque mistake created by nature. While society and science try to correct this mistake, like that in The Birthmark, it also fails to obtain true perfection. This leads the reader to believe that true beauty is not when the world accepts a person as beautiful but when a person accepts ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Professional Work Experience Paper Education Diploma with honors (magna cum laude) May 2004, St. Petersburg High School, St. Petersburg, Florida United States USA. Bachelor of Arts in English with honors (cum laude), minors: (1) Family, Youth, and Community Sciences (FYCS) (2) Organizational Leadership for Non Profits (NPO) May 2010, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida United States USA. Victim Witness Services Florida Crime Prevention Training Institute (FCPTI) 2010, Florida Office of the Attorney General Bureau of Criminal Justice Programs, Tallahassee, Florida United States USA. Certificate of Completion Pre Law Program 2012, Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge, Louisiana United States USA. Professional Work Experience USA citizen employment status from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Knowledge of United States federal healthcare laws, federal privacy rules, client s right to choose to refuse or accept healthcare services, and legal referral services. Obtained client s permission before providing optional referral information to clients with a severe health conditions and/or a severe mental health diagnosis to a qualified healthcare facility, counselor, and social service agency within the United States. Approached by victims/witnesses of crimes requesting advocacy support services and referral information for United States social service organizations. Reviewed advocacy information, victimology information, crisis counseling information with victims of sexual violence/sexual assault, and types of various crimes. Obtained the client s permission to offer referral information about United States governmental agencies, court advocates, healthcare facilities, non profits, legal aid organizations over the telephone, mail letter correspondence, in person, and through electronic mail ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Mr Van Daan Essay My representation of Mr. Van Daan in The Diary of Anne Frank (play version) was somewhat accurate, and somewhat not. Research shows that Mr. Van Daan was optimistic and kept a sense of humor, while in the play, they portrayed Mr. Van Daan as a grumpy, greedy old man who was always putting people down, only cared for himself, and didn t get along with Anne. Mr. Van Daan, whose real name is Herman Van Pels, was born in March 31, 1898, born in Gehrde near Germany. On December 5, 1925, he marries Auguste RГ¶ttgen, called Mrs. Van Daan in the play. One year later, on November 8th 1926, their son Peter Van Pels was born. Mr. Van Daan was one of the eight people hiding in the secret annex with his family, the Franks, and Dussel. Mr. Van Daan was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Van Daan was always in a bad mood when having no cigarettes, but based on history, Mr. Van Daan tried to stay optimistic, gave advice, had a sense of humor, and always did what s best for all of them. One example of Mr. Van Daan doing what s best for everyone and trying to protect everyone is during a scary situation when burglars were robbing the building which the Secret Annex was located. According to Anne s diary, Without thinking, Mr. van Daan yelled Police! Hurried footsteps outside; the burglars had fled. The board was put back in the door so the police wouldn t notice the gap, but then a swift kick from outside sent it flying to the floor (Frank). This diary entry shows that instead of hiding and trying and letting Otto Frank attempt to protect them like the play displays, he is brave and tries to scare the burglars away. The play exaggerates how selfish Mr. Van Daan is, if he was at all. The play probably exaggerates Mr. Van Daan s selfishness to create drama in the Annex, making the play more enjoyable. Furthermore, while Mr. Van Daan was portrayed incorrectly for being selfish, he was portrayed correctly for not getting along with Anne in the play, as the diary has many entries about their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Importance Of Cognitively Based Attitudes Attitudes are evaluations of people, objects, and ideas. (Akert, 2013) Cognitively based attitudes are based on thoughts and beliefs one has about an object, and this attitude provides pros and cons of an object, so we can decide if we want to be associated with it or not. Affectively based attitudes are based more on people s feelings and values than on their beliefs about the nature of an attitude object. (Akert, 2013) The elaboration likelihood modelis the umbrella for this topic, because it explains the two ways in which persuasioncan change someone attitude. The two ways are persuasion through the central route and the persuasion through the peripheral route. The elaboration likelihood model refers to processing the message which is related to the cognitively based attitudes. Persuasive communication is most successful in changing attitudes when going through the central route because the audience is motivated, whereas with the peripheral route the audience is not motivated. Now I am going to discuss the routes of persuasion through advertisements in detail. The case in which people elaborate on a persuasive communication, listening carefully to and thinking about the arguments, which occurs when people have both ability, and the motivation to listen carefully to communication is defined as the central route to persuasion. (Akert, 2013) For my example, I found an advertisement about Rihanna s new long wearing, shine proof, makeup line. Her message is, having 40 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Pine Tree Inc. Case Study Pine Tree, Inc. Case TEAM 5 Nataly Santos, Asad Waseer, Christian Morfin , Ali Almutairi, Zhano Kirakosyan Class #13385 Due; Monday, April 18th MEMORANDUM DATE: April 18, 2016 TO: Daniel Martinez, Manager of Risk Management Department FROM: Team 5 SUBJECT: Pine Tree, Inc. Mr. Martinez: Our firm has analyzed the Pine Tree Inc. case concerning analysis regarding the fire that took place at one of the Burger Ranch restaurants in Canoga Hills, Gould. Our firm s focus was to review the financial data provided by Mr. Washington on the issue of liability for damages of lost profits. Our firm consisted of experienced entities that looked over topics such as legal matters, statistics that provided all the necessary knowledge in analyzing the facts and issues of the case. Our findings include future recommendations and strategic considerations that will assist in precluding a similar situation from arising. Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the information provided. It was a pleasure working with you and we hope to work with you again in the future. Regards, Team 5 In deciding if Pine Trees was liable for the damages to Burger Ranch, first it must be determined whether or not their contract was valid. In order to determine if their contract was valid, it must be determined if there was an offer and acceptance. First, Burger Ranch submitted a purchase order to Pine Trees Inc. for 137 decorated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Cursive Letters Catholic schools tend to emphasize teaching cursive to their students for its historical roots and its fluidity. As a result, in third grade, my teachers spent weeks teaching my peers and I to write in cursive. Today I write in script properly, if not often, unlike many of my classmates from public schools. Although I rarely think of this superfluous skill as an asset, it comes in handy when I need to write under a time restraint. My cursiveletters are quick and slanted; ink flowing in fast loops and lines as I hurry to get out my message, the side of my hand never leaving the page in my rush. I feel personally responsible for the uncorking of hundreds of bottles of red wine and the undue exhalation of gallons of CO2 as my teachers struggle... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It will attempt to alleviate the sufferings and better the lives of thousands, however, the emphasis of my efforts will not be on the quantity, but on the lives themselves. My relentless drive and open mindedness will cause great change in the world. I want to break down negative, close minded prejudices and make way for newer, purer methods. Everyone in the world should choose happiness over hate, every time, and I will work all my life to persuade or allow people to do so, although I realize this is an implausible standard to always uphold. But impossibility is no excuse not to work for something. Working hard to complete an impossible goal must yield some positive effects for today s people, as well as a foundation for later generations to build on. The problems I am most passionate about solving include the rapidly deteriorating environment, the inequality and hatred of women and certain races or religions in parts the world, and the lack of rights and choices for citizens living under dictatorial governments. Only with relentless work can anything be done to alleviate these ills, and I am willing to dedicate my life to any of these purposes. Most people are not even aware of the severity of many of these problems, and among those who do realize the extent of these issues, many do not or do not know how to make a difference. Although I do not strictly adhere to all of the values instilled in me by my Catholic education, the most important principles I learned from Catholicism are the same ones that are so often overlooked by society: The crucialness of toleration, duty to our fellow human beings, and responsibility for the Earth we all share. I seek any solution for these issues; they necessitate creative problem solving and intensive thought. I am willing to take charge of my ideas and implement them, directing others to do so as well if possible, or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Gospel Of Matthew, The Pardoner s Tale, And Julian Of... To the extent of this class so far, we have had the opportunity to read the Gospel of Matthew, The Pardoner s Tale, and Julian of Norwich. In these publications, the primary focus of each is to reach the Kingdom of God. In the Gospel of Matthew, written between A.D. 60 65, Jesus shares directions for living in his kingdom, especially during the Sermon on the Mount. By using Jesuswords, we become capable of formulating what the Kingdom of God is and determining whether or not others uphold or undermine the ideal of the Kingdom. In The Pardoner s Tale, the Pardoner undermines the ideal of the Kingdom of God and takes townspeople s money out of greed. In Julian of Norwich, written A.D. 1413, Julian upholds the ideal of the Kingdom of God... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My NIV Life Application Study Bible, shares beneficial information pertaining to the Sermon on the Mount pg. 1651: Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount on a hillside near Capernaum. This sermon probably covered several days of preaching. In it, Jesus proclaimed his attitude toward the law. Position, authority, and money are not important in his kingdom what matters is faithful obedience from the heart. The Sermon on the Mount challenged the proud and legalistic religious leaders of the day. It called them back to the messages of the Old Testamentprophets who, like Jesus, taught that heartfelt obedience is more important than legalistic observance. With Jesus announcement that the kingdom was near. People were naturally asking, How do I qualify to be in God s kingdom? Jesus said that God s kingdom is organized differently from worldly kingdoms. In the kingdom of heaven, wealth and power and authority are unimportant. Kingdom people seek different blessings and benefits, and they have different attitudes. Jesus was talking about the way things should be instead of how they were. He disclosed some of the principles and requirements of approaching the Kingdom of God. The idea of an upside down kingdom wasn t suitable for all because those who had many worldly possessions had much to lose. For this reason, Jesus was accepted by many, and rejected by others. Jesus only glimpse of what their eternities could appear to be. Specifically, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Importance Of Selfless Service When one sees the word selfless service, he or she literally sees the words self and less, followed by service. Self refers to an individual (in this case, it refers to one s own interests) and less indicates a lack of, or without. Service can be a synonym of the word volunteering or duty. Therefore, the term selfless service must literally mean the lack of the pursuit of one s own interests for the betterment of others. There is no measurement of selfless service. No matter what the scenario or who is involved, everyone who is involved benefits from one s selfless acts. The one who shows selflessness may benefit by receiving a thank you, or even just a good feeling of helping others. Of course, the ones who receive the selfless acts benefit from obvious reasons. Selfless service can be shown by anyone and everyone, including a soldier putting his /her life on the line to save a fallen comrade, a husband and father protecting and spending time with his wife and children, someone donating his/her time by volunteering as a tutor or with the American Red Cross or some other goodwill charity, and the teamwork of two or more athletes. Those four examples provide different scales in which selfless service can be displayed. Selfless service can be displayed in regards to one s nation/military, one s family, one s community, and any team sport. The U.S. Army s definition of selfless service is to put the welfare of the nation, the Army, and your subordinates before your own ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The New Product Is Gap Inc. The new product is Gap Inc. own line of Handbags. This current does not exist within this Brand. The new extension to this Brand and its new product (Handbags) will be called simple Handbags but each bag will have its own name. For example there will have a satchel bag style and it will be called settle . There will also be a duffel bag style and it will be called Bohemian Situation Analysis This Marketing Plan will layout the launch of Gap Inc. new handbags for women and men that will be an add accessory that all fashionista need in the closet. The handbag Market Summary Handbag brands must differentiate themselves by their high end traits, quality heritage of craftsmanship, style and design, global reputation, unique design and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It as being said that women are having more disposable income and handbags are the preferred accessory to purchase amongst women and men. Handbags are considered to be the key statement piece. Market Needs The market needs for quality hand bags have grown in recent years. Mom, students and professional that are on the go and need that trendy handbag to care their necessities but will also add style to what they are wearing is now a necessity amongst women and men consumers. Men are increasingly purchasing man bags. Woman and men alike look for handbags that are stylish and trendy, durable and eye catching. Man and women like to make a statement and need a handbag that will help them to do so. Market Trend Value and price consciousness, ethics trends, role of the internet 37% population purchase online and particular features. Market Growth In the past twenty years the economic has been on an emotional and financial roller coaster. Just when consumers feel they are on top of the world the recession hit and major adjustments and cuts had to be made. Now the economy is bouncing back with more sounding savvy consumer who are been smarter with their spending chooses and handbags purchases are increasing due to that. The handbag market has grown increasingly steady by 30% over the past decade. Swot Analysis Strength Craftsmanship High Quality History Sustainability Well known ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Effects Of A Single Parent Home On A Child s Behavior... The Effects on Children Who Have Been Raised in a Single Parent Household Introduction Single parent house hold s can have many different social, mental, and emotional effects on the children who are raised in this kind of household. The effects of children raised by a single parent in the household, whether it is the mother or the father, are often negative effects. These negative effects include facing Economic Hardship, lack of support from family, and other emotional and social distress. Stress is a common factor of these kind of effects. Stress can affect a child and make it hard for them to succeed in various situations that are crucial to their future. I will be looking at research and exploring more into the effects of being raised by a single parent. For this paper I will be reviewing three scholarly sources on this topic; a research strategy finding a Website, study: The Effects of a Single Parent Home on a child s behavior by Marine Kunz published on April 15, 2015, a piece for a magazine titled Parent Child by Lawrence Kutner, and a scholarly article journal, Negotiating Relationships in single mother household: Perspectives of Children and Mothers by Elizabeth Nixon, Shelia Greene and Diane M Hogan published on February of 2012. Through my research, I will explore more upon what are the effects and the struggles for growing children; as well as, the different effects of having only a mother or a father present in the household. Website ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Tim Thomas Directed by Gabriele Muccino, Seven Pounds recounts Tim Thomas journey of redemption as he transforms the lives of seven strangers. In the 2008 drama film, Thomas carelessly texts while driving, causing a fatal car accident that took the lives of his fiancГ©e and six others. He says, In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine. The number seven is a recurring theme, but after further analyzing the film, its title alludes to The Merchant of Venice. In this Shakespearean play, when a loan goes unpaid, a moneylender is entitled to a pound of the debtor s flesh as payment. To atone for the deaths in the tragic car crash, Thomas repays his debts, with his actual flesh, in the form of seven pounds worth of vital... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Critic Ian Freer argues that the movie fails to engage and illuminate and does not emphasize guilt and redemption. Freer says that the movie is not coherent or satisfying despite its strong moments and interesting visuals . Though there was no targeted group, the modern ethics aims to make its audience invest in it emotionally; some were crying by the end. Those who enjoy this movie focus on Tim Thomas journey of self discipline. However, one negative review brings up how the movie portrays suicide as a noble solution. Romanticizing suicide on the big screen could increase these numbers; research shows that portraying those who take their lives as heroic or romantic may encourage vulnerable people to identify with the victim and even contribute to copycat suicides, the anonymous user ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. How Religious Figures Are Depicted How Religious Figures are Depicted in Films Religion often plays an important role in Hollywood films, but do Hollywood films play an important role in religion? Perhaps the better question is, Does film play an important role in the way people understand religious concepts? Although the best reasons for going to the movies are to be entertained and eat popcorn, understanding a film is actually quite complex. Movies are not only a reflection of life, they also have the capability of shaping our norms, values, attitudes, and perception of life. Through the media of film, one can find stories of practically anything imaginable and some things unimaginable. Movie makers use their art to entertain, to promote political agendas, to educate, and to present life as it is, was, or could be. They can present truth, truth as they interpret it, or simply ignore truth altogether. A movie can be a work of fiction, non fiction, or anything in between. A film is an artist s interpretation. What one takes away from a film depends upon how one interprets what has been seen and heard. Understanding film is indeed difficult. Understanding religion is also complex. In American society, Christianityis the largest religion; however, there are vast differences among Christians, as to what one is to believe and how one s beliefs are to be put into practice. It s the mixture of beliefs and practices of other religions and the absence of any religious belief. America is indeed a melting pot when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Hot Rollers The hot rollers are a great way to change the way your hair looks by curling your hair. They are easy to use and very efficient, but most women still don;t know how exactly to use them in order to achieve the best results. For this reason, we will offer you some tips that will guide you in using the hot rollers every time you wantto change you look. Heat the Rollers The first thing you have to do is to plug in the hot rollers in order to reach the proper heat level for optimal results. Also, make sure you follow the manufacturer s specification every time you use the rollers in order to avoid any inconveniences. Make Sure Your Hairis Dry If you use the rollers on a dry hair, the curls won t hold up, so after you wash the hair, make sure you dry it thoroughly with the hair blower. Then, you have to add volume to the hair, so the trick is to use mousse or styling gel and apply it from the roots ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Start working with each section at a time and clip the others for more convenience. After you finish, you re ready to use the rollers which should be hot enough by now. Start Rolling the Hair Being with the middle section and use a comb to divide the hair into small sections of hair and them comb the hair to make sure there are not tangles or knots. The size of the hair sections should depend on how you want the curls to be and if you don t want uniform curls, you can role the hair in various directions. After you finish rolling, secure the hair with a roller pin to stay in place. Repeat the action until there s no hair left to roll. Let the Curls Set After you finish the rolling procedure, you have to let the curls set until they are cool. The cooling time be differentiate from one set to another, so you should read the instructions to see for how long you have to keep ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Essay On The Lovely Bones Book Vs Movie The Lovely Bones The movie The Lovely Bones was directed by Peter Jackson, a well known director, producer, and writer of the films The lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Jackson was born on October 31, 1961, since he was little he was inspired to rewrite films such as King kong. Some major writers that he worked with where Alice Sebold and J.R.R. Tolkien. Peter Jackson won three Oscar s, one being the Best Director award. The movie The Lovely Bones is a remake of the book The Lovely Bones written by Alice Sebold. The book itself was written and published in 2002, but the movie was not directed until 2009. The actor that plays the main character Susie Salmon is named Saoirse Ronan. She is a well known actor and has been in movies ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I set my expectations high because I had thought the movie would be scary or considered a horror movie. I expected it to be very suspenseful. After watching the movie the expectations I had were completely changed. I believe that it excelled my expectations in the best way possible and made the movie better than I thought it would be. The movie did however fulfill my expectation of being suspenseful but besides that it was completely different in a great way. I believe this movie was a great example of what families go through in situation like that of one in The Lovely Bones. The movie The Lovely Bones is about the murder of a young 14 year old girl named Susie Salmon. She is stuck somewhere in between the real world and heaven trying to find out who her murderer was. In the movie they repeatedly stated that the murderer had to be someone very close to her. To the audience it was very obvious who the murder was but the family had no idea. Throughout her young life Susie loved to take pictures of just about anything. During the movie this interest of hers helped not just her but her family realize the truth. As the movie goes on she slowly starts to give up and decides to accept the fact that she is in fact dead. Her family is completely devastated and Susie s death causes great complications between the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Green Light In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald THE GREAT GATSBY The passage above is situated on the last page of Chapter Nine from the Great Gatsby written by F.Scott Fitzgerald. The extract deals with Nick standing at daisy s dock and describing the green light. Nick believed that Gatsby was the only one who saw the green light, was optimistic about the future and still believed that he had a chance with his golden girl Daisy even after all they had been through which included Daisy being married to Tom. Fitzgerald implicates one of the major themes in the novel The American Dream through Gatsby s love for Daisy after all several years. According to Nick s analysis, the more Gatsby moved towards his dreams, the more he was driven closer the wrongs in his past which lead to his obliteration. Fitzgerald focuses on human beings struggling to achieve their goals by surpassing and re creating their past . Yet he thinks that humans have proven to forget and move forward from their past.. The primary function of this paragraph is to shine light on who Gatsby exactly is through Nick s eyes. This passage also implicated one of the major themes in the novel the American dream through Gatsby s hope. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the major symbols is part of the extract above: the green light. The color green symbolizes hope. The green light at the end of Daisy s dock is a significant symbol within the book. To Gatsby, it represents his dream , which is Daisy. To attain her would be completing his American Dream. So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. This describes Gatsby s inability to move on from the past. Everything he does in the novel is to surpass and exhilarate his past. In the metaphor used above which is also the quote from the extract , Gatsby tries to goes against the currents or time to reach the green light or his dream. And as in the quote, the green light which represents his dream, recedes like waves year by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Essay Doing Business in Mexico General Information on Mexico Mexico is located in the western hemisphere on the continent North America. The United States of America borders Mexico in its entirety to the north. Two countries, Guatemala and Belize, border Mexico to the south. The language of Mexico is Spanish and Mexico has the largest population of Spanish speakers in the world (History). The capital is Mexico City. The estimated population as of July 2010 was 112,468,855 with an annual population growth rate of 1.118% (US). People of Mexico are of Mexican ethnicity. There are various religions in Mexico but those of prominence are Roman Catholic and Protestant which account for approximately 76.5% and 6.3% of the population, respectively. (US). The climate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mexican Music has many genres and today there are many types of music within Mexican music such as pop, rap, and rock. Many of the beats and rhythms of current day music in Mexico stem from traditional Mexican music called ranchero. Ranchero music is commonly played by musicians called mariachi. The themes within that style often have common themes such as love, patriotism, and nature (History). The most popular sport in the world, Football, is also the most popular sport in Mexico. Football is known as soccer in the United States. Mexicans also enjoy other sports that are common world wide such as boxing and baseball. One sport that is popular in Mexico that is not as common in the rest of the world is Bullfighting. Bullfighting has been popular in Mexico for the last 400 years (History). The largest bullfighting ring in the world holds 45,000 spectators. It is called Plaza de Toros and is located in Mexico City (DeLange). Mexico celebrates a variety of holidays that are a mixture of religious, cultural, and patriotic. Celebrations that are not religious based include Cinco de Mayo, May fifth. This celebration memorializes the Battle of Puebla when the Mexicans defeated the French in 1862 (MexInsider). Another celebration that is patriotic is Mexican Independence day on the night of September fifteenth and the date of September sixteenth. There are often reenactments of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Automotive Industry Financial Analysis Financial Analysis of General Motors and Ford Motor Company FNCE442 Advanced Finance (FN) Professor: Due date: June 01, 2009 Table of Contents Executive Summary3 Introduction4Porter Five Forces Analysis Model5 Competitive rivalry within the industry5 Barriers to Entry6 Threats of Substitutes and Complements6 Bargaining Power of Customers6 Bargaining Power of Suppliers7SWOT Analysis7 GM SWOT Analysis7 Strengths7 Weaknesses8 Opportunities9 Threats10 Ford SWOT Analysis10 Strengths11 Weaknesses11 Opportunities11 Threats11 Ratio Analysis12 Recommendations13 Conclusion13 Appendix A Financial Ratio s14 Appendix ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I choose this topic as it indirectly affects the company that I work for, as we are in the aftermarket truck accessories business. This report will concentrate on two of the three major auto makers in North America. The third company has already filed chapter 11 in the bankruptcy court in New York, Chrysler LLC. At the onset of 2009 all three of the auto makers were in very poor financial positions; that is when the stimulus packages were introduced by the U.S. president Mr. Barrack Obama. Chrysler LLC was the first to accept the stimulus package with General Motors not far behind. Ford Motor Company still has not accepted any stimulus money from the U.S. Government. What is so different between General Motors and Ford that one had to get help from the government and the other did not? The differences in product and financial strategies along with listening to what the customers want could be some of the major differences between the two surviving companies. Porter s Five Forces Analysis Michael Porter identified five forces that influence an industry. These forces are: 1.Degree of rivalry, 2.Threat of substitutes, 3.Barriers to entry, 4.Bargaining power of customers, and 5.Bargaining power of suppliers. Like other industries operating under free market, capitalistic systems, viewing the automotive industry through the lens of Porter s five
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  • 31. Summary Of Similes By Armst Bryant Bryant, an adolescence in the year 1811, wrote a poem that shows how he views the world, but was he a protegee of philosophy or was he just following the hip new thing? Bryant uses figurative language, a store of information and imagery that has only one purpose, to compare two things to make a point. Similes and metaphors are most commonly used, although there are alternative types of figurative language. Firstly, we will look at metaphors he uses in his poem, secondly, the similes we are examined, and finally, I will explain how they further Bryant s purposes for the poem. Bryant chisels figurative language into his poem, like a well seasoned craftsman, chisels a long awaited for work of art. But to what purpose does he use it; why do we have this poem? Bryant uses figurative language to comfort his reader and bids them to accept the eventuality of their own death. Bryant almost immediately starts Thanatopsis with a metaphor that introduces the reader to the themes of this poem. Metaphors are relating to unrelated things to elaborate on a point. It takes an effort to find metaphors in poems because they are often on abstract ideas. Bryant uses the metaphor, not to abstract, but to express an idea. Bryant uses the image of a woman to symbolize Mother Earth. She has a voice of gladness, and a smile/ and eloquence of beauty; and she glides/ into his darker musings, with a mild/ and healing sympathy that steals away their sharpness ere he is aware... This metaphor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. A Discussion On Sexuality And Sexually Transmitted... The end of this week marks another week down which leaves only two more to go. With this week coming to a close, I am another step to closing out my bachelors and hopefully starting my Masters in Cybersecurity with Excelsior in October. Despite the heavy workload with class I think this will be a good preparation for me as I get myself in the frame of mind to start on the Masters. However, I have to first make it through these last two weeks. This week focused was on sexually transmitted infections/diseases and sexual development throughout life. As usual, there were multiple assignments. We had our normal issue from the Taking Sides text, though it was only one this week, a discussion on sexuality in later life, the quiz and this wonderful three page reflection paper. Additionally our annotated bibliography was due this week. As usual, I will start with this week s reading from the Taking Sides text. This week was slightly different in that we were given only one topic to read and discuss. The article discussed opposing views on whether or not sexting was considered safe sex. For my initial opinion on the topic, it seemed obvious to me that it was not a form of safe sex. In my mind people would have to be able to physically touch one another to actually have sex. Sexting is no different than reading an adult magazine or watching an adult movie or better yet phone sex. In essence you are doing it as a prelude to masturbationor in lieu of actually having sex. When I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Oscar Romero s Religious Beliefs Affected His Work For... Explain how Oscar Romero s religious beliefs affected his work for social change I will not tire of declaring that if we truly want an effective end to the violence, we must eliminate the violence that lies at the root of all violence: structural violence, social injustice, the exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression, Oscar Romero said in his sermon on the 23rd September 1979. Six months later, Romero was shot and killed. During the 1970 s and 80 s the El Salvadorian public experienced a brutal campaign of repression by the military government, which claimed thousands of lives. The leader of the church, Oscar Romero began to speak out on behalf of the victims and on the 23rd of March 1980, he made a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He was admitted into a seminary at 14 and then was eventually, in 1942 at the age of 25, ordained a priest. Romero then managed to convince 5 radio stations to broadcast his Sunday sermon allowing Romero s words to reach peasant farmers who did not believe they were welcome in church. In 1977 Romero became Archbishop of Santiago de Maria. Then, On 12 March 1977, Fr. Rutilio Grande and two people Romero is travelling with are shot and killed. Asa result of this, Romero cancels all Masses the next Sunday except for one, which was in front of the cathedral for 100,000 people. He then refuses to attend any government event until the murder is solved. Later that same year Romero became Archbishop of San Salvador, the capital city. Thousands of people were going missing. The president of El Salvador failed to investigate these killings, even after Romero demanded that he should. In 1979 Romero presented the pope with seven reports of kidnapping, torture and murder. By this time the amount of people being killed was more than 3000 per month and Romero could offer no more to El Salvador than hope and faith. On March 23, 1980, Romero began to speak out to the soldiers: I beg you, I implore you, I order you... in the name of God, stop the repression! The evening after saying this, a paid assassin shot Romero while giving Mass in the Divine Providence Hospital. Romero became a martyr and is now regarded as saint in El Salvador. He remains a symbol of hope to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Cafe The Odyssey Coffee CafГ© Project Contents Introductionp. 1 Odyssey Coffee CafГ© (I) Name of cafГ© p. 3 (II) Sort of CafГ© p. 3 (III) Theme of CafГ© p. 3 (IV) Locationsp. 4 (V) SWOT Analysisp. 6 Conclusionp.7 Bibliographyp. 8 Introduction It is wildly believed that coffee cafГ© seem to become a familiar feature of people s life, especially in the United Kingdom. Most people seem to spend their tea time in cafГ© for meeting friends and relaxed themselves. Yorkcity is the beautiful city in the United Kingdom that many tourists tend to travel. Thus, there are a number of cafГ© in this city. However, lack of these cafГ© which open after 6pm at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, there are many kinds of beverage and snack e such as coffee, milk, tea and wrap. Moreover, this cafГ© will provide free Wi Fi and reading corner. The customers can bring a notebook or tablet to work here. Sometimes, students have an appointment with their friends to complete their project work because odyssey coffee cafГ© open till 10am at night which other cafГ©s close easier than odyssey coffee cafГ©. Thus, students can work assignment here after their class. (IV) Locations There are four locations have been suggested to fix the cafГ© business that the main factors to be considered are * Customer availability * Competitor * How to own the shop * Logistics and employees According to the above facts, the most appropriate location is location 3 on Stonegate because this area is too near city centre so that most people can pass this location. In addition, this location is close to York Minster that is very famous Minster. Tourist and local people often visit here. Sometimes, there are some activities at night so people can come to the odyssey coffee cafe after they finish activities because this cafe open such a longer time than others. Moreover, the space for parking is quite large that is so convenient to park vehicles. Blackwell (2011) explains that the shops should have parking for customers because nowadays most people like to
  • 35. go outside with family and friends so they often drive a car for their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Analysis Of The Chinese Armillary The Chinese armillary is a sculpture that is installed behind Cudahy Science Hall and can in front of the west quad. This bronze sculpture was installed on Loyola s campus in February 2013 and is a replica of the Chinese armillaries that is are on display at the Beijing Observatory. It is displayed on Loyola s campus due the piece s connection the Jesuits but it depicting the celestial orbits of the time that the Jesuit missionary, Matteo Ricci, was in China in the 17th century. While this sculpture is not depicting a figure in a position that can be seen in Roman sculptures, this piece is relevant to the topics and themes of Art of the Roman World due to it being both a duplicate as well as it being a bronze sculpture. This duplicate was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Why I Want To Go Back To College College can be scary and intimidating. I have said that many times. Therefore, a lot of people rely on friends and people from their high school when they arrive to college because this is comfortable to them. They are familiar with these people, and it is easy to talk to them and be around them. A lot of people are scared to be on their own or talk to new people. A lot of people are absolutely terrified of change. Independency is intimidating and so is branching out to new people. However, if you re looking for a chance to change and start something new, freshman year is the time and the place. Everything is new, and going into it entirely single and on my own allowed for so much freedom in my life. I wasn t focused on someone else and was able to do things for myself. I was entirely focused on who I wanted to be, which lead to showing me who I wanted to be around and what I look for in another person. I now know the kind of person I see myself with in the future. I feel very confident however that I would not have been able to dedicate so much time to myself and learn these things... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You are basically living in a giant house with all of them if you think about it, and you re going to want them to have at the end of the day. You ll be there for them on rough nights, and they ll be there for you, too. You always have each other s backs, you ll have deep talks, and you ll make so many memories and have lots of laughs. I love my friends from my floor this year, and I have already cried multiple times the past couple days just thinking about leaving all of them. They make me laugh more than anyone else and it has been one of my favorite things hanging out together throughout the year. I feel so much closer with them than a lot of my other friends. If any of you are reading this, you will always have a special place in my heart, and I am definitely making you all come over next year for floor dinners with Megan and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. How Does Barton Create A Perfect American Society Comparing Utopian Works of Cavendish and Bacon Like everyone, Sir Francis Bacon and Margaret Cavendish had differing opinions of a perfect, utopian society. For Bacon, his utopia is a society whose culture venerates science and scientists. Where science is not at odds with religion, and scientific advancement is very rapid. Bacon s society is also vastly Christian, with the only non Christian being Bartholomew, a father of Solomon s House who s Jewish. Cavendish, who also appreciates the scientific method doesn t put as much focus on it as Bacon does. Cavendish s society put s far more focus on society who exalts their monarch with almost the same respect as a deity, social unification through said monarch and a nondenominational god. Bacon s utopia in The New Atlantis, he puts the most emphasis on empirical science and reason, and discovering natures mysteries while also applying these new discoveries to his utopian society. This is very clearly stated by the head of Solomon s House when he s explaining his organization his guests, The end of our foundation is the knowledge of causes and secret motions of things; and the enlarging of the bounds of the human empire, to the effecting of all things possible this idea is the foundation of Solomon s House and play s a massive role in the society of Bensalem. In Contrast to Bacon, Cavendish focuses her utopia more on the unification of a society rather than the technological advancements ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... or Bacon, his utopia is mainly Christian, though there is one Jewish person on the island. This shows the reader that in Bacon s ideal world everyone should be Christian, though even if thet are not Christian they may still be treated as equal such as the case of Joabin the Jew. Joabin s case shows us the freedom of religion that bacon believed in, that people of other religions wouldn t be persecuted (by the state or the people) for their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Defence Policy And Military Strategy strategies. For the military, an overhaul of the whole concept of Defence has gradually changed as cyber security is streamlined into defence policy coupled with economic influence and globalisation. In the military, information and intelligence operations, routine administrative functions, and a wide array of everyday jobs have been increasingly developed and transformed with the support of interconnected electro electronic devices . Defence policy and military strategy go hand in hand and Defence policy have been directly linked to current economic state of the present government and since UK economy was in recession in 2008 prior to the release of the CSS, the question of funding becomes unavoidable. Both the Armed forces and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although the thesis does not take this line of enquiry but concentrates on the partnership with the police force, it is work noting that the relationship that exists in this partnership as recognised by the new doctrine will reflect how the current regular force will view their role in future. The Armed forces are required through the official secret Act to adhere to strict confidentiality, the survey was not intended to divulge any state secrets but to reveal how cyber priorities and training has been received and practice at grass root. With this reduction, the MOD released a Joint Doctrine Publication 0 01 (JDP 0 01) (5th Edition), dated November 2014 that draws on the lessons of history, upon original thinking and from experiences gained from training and operations. It sets out the fundamental principles of the future military force which is depleted from what it used to be. The new doctrine takes into consideration of the following strategy; International Defence Engagement Strategy; New Operating Model: How Defence Works ; and DCDC s Global Strategic Trends Programme. The policy is steeped in utilising ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Example Of Class President Class president In 9th and 10th grade, I was chosen as a class president. I used to take account of students attendance, as well as their participation in activities. Science club Our science club mainly focuses on Olympiads and I have been a member since 7th grade. I usually spend 7 hours per week, but when Olympiads come near, this number can go up to 16 hours. Most students aren t interested in our club because to most people when they hear Hobby school, the first thing that comes into their mind is Debate Club, but I still am trying my best to appeal to other students and give them hope. Preparing for Olympiad is really tough and takes a long time. For example, I start my preparation for the national Olympiad from winter, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Brewster Island http://www.history.com/this day in history/battle of brewster island summary of eventsho http://www.bostonmagazine.com/news/2014/07/31/throwback thursday battles boston light / alternate summary http://www.newenglandlighthouses.net/boston light history.html in depth summary of events that occurred on Greater Brewster Island More repairs to the lighthouse were in the works when the American Revolution intervened. In July 1775, Boston Harbor and the lighthouse were under the control of the British. On July 20, American troops under Major Joseph Vose landed at the lighthouse and took lamps, oil, and some gunpowder, and burned the wooden parts of the tower. After leaving the island they had to outrun an armed British schooner, and two Americans were wounded. An eyewitness described the flames of the lighthouse ascending up to Heaven, like grateful incense, and the ships wasting their powder. As the British worked to repair the tower, 300 American soldiers under Major Benjamin Tupper landed at the island on July 31. They easily defeated the British guard and again burned the lighthouse. As they tried to leave, they found their boats stranded because the tide had gone out. This gave British vessels time to reach the scene. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... American troops at Nantasket in Hull helped by firing a cannon at the British boats, landing a direct hit on one. This turned the tide of battle and the Americans escaped with only one soldier having been killed. General George Washington praised the men: The General thanks Major Tupper and the Officers and Soldiers under his Command, for their gallant and soldierlike behaviour in possessing themselves of the enemy s post at the Light House, and for the Number of Prisoners they took there, and doubts not, but the Continental Army, will be as famous for their mercy as for their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Economic Development Introduction Governments the world over have long been investing in infrastructure in the hope of boosting economic development of their country. To study the relationship between infrastructure and economic development, we compared two journals; Infrastructure and Local Economic Development by Rives, J amp; Heaney, M. (1995) and Infrastructure and Economic Growth: The Nigeria Experience 1980 2006 by Enimola, S (2010). We chose these journals as the journal by Rives, J looked at the approach on a community/state level whereas the journal by Enimola, S looked at it at a national level. Hence, we were able to look at the topic at a micro and macro level. We compared the objectives of both journals, along with the methodological... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DEVELOP = a + b1 INFRA + b2ln DSCITY + b3ln DSINT + b4 TOTAX + b5 EDUCATE + B6 MANEMP + b7 ln POP + E INFRA average sewer capacity, average water plant capacity, state highway and national highway. DEVELOP median household income, percent of the labour force employed, population change, assessed valuation per capita (property valuation) DSINT Distance to an interstate highway DSCITY Shortest distance to the nearest regional centre TOTAX Property tax rate. This is measured because there is a negative relationship between tax rate and economic development as firms tend to move to regions where the tax rate is lower. EDUCATE Percent of high school and college graduates. This measure is taken to account for the human capital stock of the community. MANEMP is the proportion employed in manufacturing. This is to account for the agglomeration in the community. This is because agglomeration have been known to promote economic growth through greater division of labor, cost saving in bulk purchases, better communication and relationship between managers and the availability of alternative technologies. POP accounts for the size of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Timeline and World War I Study Guide Essay Timeline Birth of a Nation D.W. Griffin is a movie based on a play with the setting during the civil war. It is about to opposite families living in the Northern states and the Southern states. Black Jack Pershing, also name John J. Pershing was a general of the army during the WWI. He holds the record of the highest rank in the army. Anthracite Coal Strike was a kind of violent protest against mine owners. It was basically over the pay wages and hours worked. Article X was basically a document created to link nations together. It was unsuccessful in ratifying because of politicians opinions. Ballinger Pinchot Affair was a feud that separated republican politicians because of revenue being made separate from legal transactions. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Great White Fleet was the U.S. Navy s exploration of the world. This was a voyage that was told to be taken by Roosevelt for interaction with the world. Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty was an agreement between the U.S. and the founders of the Panama Canal. It basically gave the United States permission to help create and construct the Panama Canal. Henry Cabot Lodge was against immigration. He was a republican senator. Insular Cases were decisions made on territory from the Spanish American war. This basically established islands off the south coast of Florida. insurgent s revolt was the revolution for the Philippines. It was violent protest for Philippine independence. International Workers of the World was basically a workers union. It was to help everyone in need of job help. Irreconcilables were the people that opposed the Treaty of Versailles. These were the people that try their best not to get the treaty passed. Keating Owen Child Labor Act was an act that mainstreamed child labor. It was to help child labor period. League of Nations was a agreement to end the first world war. It was mainly to make calm was at the time chaotic. Lusitanian Moral Diplomacy was an organized way to invest into a country that was just like them. Only to benefit themselves though. New Freedom was created by the President Wilson. It was a campaign strategy. It was said to create a weak involvement of the government. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. How Does Gilgamesh Relate To Immortality Athanasia: Human Impermanence and the Journey for Eternal Life in the Epic of Gilgamesh Will you too die as Enkidu did? Will grief become your food? Will we both fear the lonely hills, so vacant? I now race from place to place, dissatisfied with whereever I am and turn my step toward Utnapishtim, godchild of Ubaratutu (Jackson Gilgamesh Tablet IX 4 9) Gilgamesh so much feared death that he threw away his honor as a warrior in order to obtain immortality. For centuries there have existed individuals who yearn for everlasting life. A journey that so many have traversed, but have failed in the attempt. The ideology surrounding immortality transcends time and a plethora of cultures. The theme, immortality appears in stories from the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The life that he once lived is shattered into pieces and he finds it difficult to return to his former glorious self; this is the first time in Gilgamesh s life that he has ever felt the emotions of fear. Gilgamesh is afraid to die. The inevitable fate that has plagued humanity for ages, death, has now become the greatest barrier that he must overcome. The immense scope that separates death from eternal life is breached, this crossover leads to a paramount connection between the supernatural and mortal universe. Gilgamesh, two thirds god, and one third human is left at the intermediary. His metamorphosis will establish a sense of restitution in his life. Along these lines, even though Gilgamesh existed thousands of years ago, he remains immortal in a sense that we still refer to him and his story (Sadigh 85). Enkidu is a primary character in the epic, his death dramatically changes the personality of Gilgamesh. His metamorphosis and death makes evident the innate rhythm of life, which represents the link that he has with nature. With love, and self realization, Enkidu eventually becomes a friend to Gilgamesh. Readers are able to see the merging of Gilgamesh s divine stature with Enkidu s wild nature, which in turn changes Enkidu from a simple beast to a figure that is larger than life (Harris 122). He essentially becomes an equal to Gilgamesh. Enkidu undergoes the following transformation: From the barbarian man that he once was, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Archaic Word Choice And Run-On Sentences From of Plymouth Plantation : Archaic Word Choice and Run On Sentences Daniel J Boorstin once said, By reading we discover our world, or history and ourselves. Although reading history can be very difficult for some people due to archaic language and run on sentences. These factors make grasping the authors point very difficult, and problematic to the average person. The document From of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford was extremely difficult to read due to his use of uncommon words, run on sentences, and choppy paragraphs. These things may cause the reader to lose interest or have a hard time comprehending Bradford s writing. In this document, William Bradford uses very uncommon words that can be hard to comprehend ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An example of the run on sentences is, Being thus passed the vast ocean, and a sea of troubles before in their preparation (as may be remembered by that which went before), they had now no friends to welcome them, nor inns to entertain or refresh their weather beaten bodies, no houses or much less towns to repair to, to seek for succor, (60). This line is a run on sentence because the entire sentence is a paragraph long which could easily confuse the reader. Another example, And for the season it was winter and they that know the winters of that country know them to be sharp and violent, and subject to cruel and fierce storms, dangerous to travel to known places much more to search an unknown coast, (61). This is another example of a run on sentence would be this because this sentence goes on for four lines and could be found quite frustrating to the modern reader. The last example, And of these in the time most distress, there was but 6 or 7 sound persons, who, to their great commendations be it spoken, spared no pains, night nor day, but with abundance of toll and hazard of their own health, fetched them wood, made them fires, dressed them meat, made their beds, washed their loathsome clothes, clothed and unclothed them: in a word did all the homely and necessary offices for them which dainty and queasy stomachs cannot endure to hear named; and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Roller Coasters Research Paper Introduction Life is like a roller coaster. If you don t get on you can t experience the adventure. Mariah Carey. Riding roller coasters is different for everyone, it can be a very exhilarating experience, but for others not so much. The first time I went on a roller coaster with a loop, I learned that I am definitely not made for roller coasters. It was a bright sunny day, the sun was shining through my hotel window. I got up and stretched my arms and yawned very loudly. My mom was already up and down at the breakfast buffet. I got dressed, brushed my teeth and hair, and took the elevator down to the buffet. My brother, being him, was obviously still asleep. He eventually met us down at the buffet. As soon as we had finished our breakfast, we were already at Disneyland having fun. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Come on Daryn! , yelled my brother and mom. Fine , I said as I walked over to my family. We all walked over to the California Screamin ride. Daryn, let s go on this ride! , my brother screeched. Uh, ok , I said. I was wearing a wristband that the staff at Disneyland would have to scan in order to ride the roller coaster. I walked up to scan my wristband, All set , the man who was scanning wristbands said. We were in line for a while, then it was our turn. When I got on my seat, all I could look at was the loop. The instructor was talking about safety, but all I heard was, Blah blah blah . My eye s were still looking at the loop, I could not pay attention to anything. What have I got myself into!? , I said to myself. Whoosh! The roller coaster took off. AHH , I screamed. The roller coaster went up and down then, it was time... As we approached the loop my legs literally started their yearly hibernation. We were finally at the loop. My eyes slowly started to shut as if someone had turned the lights out. Turn the lights back on please! I said to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper Essay Why the Police were Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper In the Victorian Times, smog was a big problem. It made visibility extremely bad, so the murders would have been harder to witness. There were lots of prostitutes because there weren t many jobs available for woman, so they were forced on the streets. Most turned to alcohol. The people out at the time of the murder would have been tramps and drunks, not reliable witnesses. The East End streets were maze like, and easy to escape from. These were a few of the problems the police encountered. Jack the Ripper was extremely clever to be able to evade the police the whole period in which he committed his murders. He chose different locations for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Theories were on whom the murderer might be, causing tension in the Whitechapel area and creating more racial hatred. The press received lots of letters from the murderer but held them back. Like the Dear Boss letter, They didn t give it to the police for a few days, slowing down any action that could have been taken. The police had only just been set up when the murders occurred, so had no previous experience. The only way to prove someone committed a murder was to catch them in the act or get a confession. Though they increased the number of officers, they only ever came across the bodies, warm. There was more than one police force operating in London at the time, which meant that there was a lack of communication. In fact, the superior officers told their subordinates to not reveal any evidence they retrieved to their rival force, each police force wanting the glory of catching the Whitechapel murderer. The Metropolitan police force was responsible for all of London, except the city of London, which had its own separate, City Police force. They were both working on the case because one of the murders had been committed in the area where the City Police operated, as opposed to the other ones which occurred in the Metropolitan police forces area. The Detective methods were not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Causes And Effects Of Indirect Rule In Nigeria Indirect rule is a system that was put into place by imperialist who did not have the manpower to rule a country by force. It is an ingenious system that allowed countries to come into Africa and impose their rules and influences over the natives without fully taking over. According to W. R. Cocker, Sir Fredrick Lugard was given the position of High Commissioner in Northern Nigeria. His objective was to bring Nigeria under British rule. This was no easy task because the native population outnumbered the amount of men they could bring to enforce British rule and government. So what Sir Lugard did, as did many other imperialist, left most of the power in the hands of the natives. In Lugard s case, the land was under the control of the Fulani Emirate, which he found their administrative set up to be respectable. Not left with much of a choice, he left the Emirates in charge and set in place British rule which governed alongside side the natives. Thus indirect rule was brought to Africa. There were lots of criticism that came with indirect rule. They mainly came after Lugard s book, Dual Mandate, came out. Many of the men that were enlisted at the time became arrogant after this book came out. They thought they were makers of history. This being said they lost a lot of their old values. Religious groups cut them off from making anymore scriptures. To which they referred to them as the interpretation of which was their own monopoly. Another criticism that came from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Summary Of The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Of 2002 The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 was designed to create oversight and decrease the amount of corruption in the accounting industry. The Article includes a number of provisions dealing with financial reporting, conflicts of interest, corporate ethics and the oversight of the accounting profession, as well as establishing new civil and criminal penalties. The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) code of ethics is a set of ethical standards of for management accountants. Management accountants have a moral obligation to perform their services at the highest ethical level possible. The four main principles of standards are competence, confidentiality, integrity, and objectivity. Variable cost are expenses that vary with production. Electricity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Boston Beer Company Essay Boston Beer Company Case Analysis You are the investment banker assigned with the task of setting the IPO price for Boston Beer Company (BBC). Prepare a research report to support your recommendation. As you prepare this report, you may find that you would like to have more field information than what the case offers you. However, the case contains critical information that gives you a reasonable basis to compute its valuation. In addition use the following information for 1995.1 Sales ($ millions) Redhook Pete s BBC 25.89 59.17 151.31 EPS .75 .25 .40 Book value/share 7.70 4.33 3.00 Price 27.00 24.75 ? Also, use the following information for BBC for 1996. Make additional assumptions as necessary (and state any additional assumptions) ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Use the information here in your analysis. 1 2. Business description and a brief history of the company. Does the company have any unique strategic positioning within the industry? One paragraph 3. Present a qualitative assessment of the future outlook for the company. For example, are there any new products in the pipeline? Do you anticipate any competitive threats? Based on these developments, do you expect BBC s growth and profitability to improve deteriorate, or stay about the same as in the past? 4. Revenue Forecasts and Free cash flow forecasts for the next ten years Specifically explain if you are forecasting revenue and FCF growths and profit margins that are significantly different from the company s historical experience and why. 5. Present a DCF analysis and determine BBC s intrinsic value. Assume that BBC s Enterprise Value/ NOPLAT will be 18 ten years from now (check for sensitivities by assuming a multiple of either 15 or 20). 6. Present a valuation based on valuation ratios (P/B, P/E, P/S) for comparable firms. What price would you recommend based on these valuation ratios? Based on your recommended price, is BBC s P/B ratio bigger or smaller than that of Redhook? Of Pete s? Can you justify this difference? Do the same analysis for P/E and P/S ratios. (Note: Suppose a particular valuation ratio for one firm is 25 and you recommend a corresponding valuation multiple of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Essay On Being A Drug Agent In a day and age of technology and progression the world keeps turning and pushing forward, but we somehow seem to be grounded in the past. Why? Well, as this is advancing, scientist s invented new creations yet, we are still trapped in the world where drugs are acceptable and our generation has grown up to live with the misconception that consuming drugs in any way is normal . Drug induced deaths have exponentially increased throughout the past years , an extensive amount of those death are overdoses cause by prescribed medication. This is something that has and will continue to affect our society and its crime rate. A Drug Enforcement AdministrationAgent is someone who has the authority to make a change and help not only people but... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You must see things many normal civilians don t and put in long hours. You must be in control of yourself at times of extreme stress working in a team environment. The work may be long and hard, but the effort spent will pay off. The average salary for a DEA Agent in the United States is in between approximately 40,000 55,000 a year. So, the reward is bountiful. I will be able to comfortably take care of my family and my loved ones without having to be worried about them having what they need and want in life. The high wages will also enable me to better save and help my future children through college. I asked a local lawyer, by the name of Michael Cooper, What is some advice you would give someone going into this field? His response was Always look the other way. Some Agents may be facing injury and danger while on the job. Therefore, your skill metrics should stay clean, fresh and up to speed. Within a moment anything can change and happen. Gandhi once said, An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching. Without action and constant stimulation, mental and physical, your skills can become tainted or slightly off. In this line of work if anything is off it can cause myself or even my teammates danger or their life. Keeping constant check of my health, physique, and protocols is imperative in keeping each mission or job running ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Mental Health Advantages And Disadvantages DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual it is used by mental health professionals to provide a clear and concise diagnostic description for a variety of mental disorders. There are five axes, and each is assigned to a different mental disorder. The five axes are: Axis I, Axis II, Axis III, Axis IV, and Axis V. Each category of DSM IV provides mental health professionals with a description that assists in the determining if someone is or is not suffering from a disorder. With every diagnosis manual there is advantages and disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are over diagnosis, and confusing mental disorders with everyday problems. On the other hand, diagnostic manuals can have its advantages some of them are reliable diagnosis and create accurate and effective treatments for those that suffer from different mental disorders. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual has its weakness and benefits, but when used correctly it can make mental health professional jobs easier and more accurate when it comes to treating or classifying their patients. The purpose of axis I is to represent the acute symptoms that need treatment, this is the top level of the DSM (DeepDiveAdmin,2015). The three most well known disorders are: panic attacks, major depression and schizophrenic (DeepDiveAdmin,2015). Major depression is one of the most usual form of depressions is commonly linked to Bipolar Disorder (Lane,2017). Major depression is feelings of sadness, or low esteem that persist and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...