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Sample size calculations
design: part 5
Let’s move on to
sample size
How many
samples do you
I know this one!
You always do 3
experiments! Am I
OK, do you do
experiments until
your data are
No. You do a calculation
before you start based
on your hypothesis and
experiment design
What if I am doing a
descriptive study?
Sample size
calculations are for
when you are
formally testing a
Exploratory studies don’t
need them, but without the
stats to back up your data you
won’t be able to make strong
Step 1:
Identify your
Step 2:
Pick the right test
(sounds scary, isn’t
Step 3:
Plug some numbers
into a calculator
Sample size
calculations are
actually not too
hard… 3 steps
Let’s briefly talk about
The good news is that you
usually should be planning
your experiment in a way
that makes your stats as
simple as possible
To be able to calculate
sample size you will need a
good idea of what test you
plan to run in the end
Oh, dear!
If your plan is complex, then
you definitely should get
some expert help
Let’s have a quick look at
some of the common tests
Before we move on, let’s
consider an experiment
where you have more than
one hypothesis to test
The sample size calculation
you do will be based on the
primary outcome measure
I always consider the
primary outcome to be the
real reason I did the
How do I know
which is the
Secondary outcomes are
bonus information, or
details that help explain the
Dependent/Outcome: What you actually measure
Independent/Factor: The bits you control, how your samples
are grouped
Types of Variable
Class of Variable
Discrete answers:
Answers can be anything
Height, weight, age
Speed, distance, power,
For your
experiment, first
identify what class
your variables will
fall into
Then look up the
type of test that is
appropriate for
those combinations
For both types of
variable, there are
two classes:
categorical and
The tests that you decide to use
will ultimately depend on
whether your data are normally
distributed or not
You’ll need to formally test for
normality once you have your
However, for the purposes of
experimental design, I usually
base my calculations on the data
being normally distributed
Normal Distribution Non-Normal Distribution
simplifies things and
means you only need
to choose between
about half as many
I’m not
convinced I’m
OK, on to the
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Hypothesis: mice carrying the
green transgene are more likely
to be female than male
Control Transgenic
Chi Squared
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Control Transgenic
Chi squared will test how
likely the observed
proportions will have arisen
by chance
Your data is simply the number
of animals in each group
Chi Squared
Chi Squared
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
You can use Chi square with
multiple categories in both
outcome and factor variables
Do you call
those Chi
No, Conro!
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
if you planned to
compare the weights of
your 2 transgenic lines
I find it helps if you
imagine the graphs
your data will generate
Note: use T tests for
comparing 2 groups
T tests
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Independent or paired
T test?
If your groups are
unrelated, then you will use
the independent T test?
Independent T tests
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
If you are measuring the
response in the same
individuals, use a paired
T test
+ Treatment 1
Reading 1
Reading 2
Treatment 2
Paired T tests
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
T tests are good for
comparing 2 groups, but if
you are going to have 3 or
more you’ll likely to need
These are pretty common:
for example comparing wild-
type, heterozygous and
homozygous mice
Or if you have untreated,
control treatment(s) and test
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Like for T tests, there are
different types of ANOVA
depending on whether your
samples are independent of not
A one-way ANOVA is for
independent samples,
like our mice line
A repeated measures
ANOVA is for multiple
paired samples
1 way or repeated
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
If you break the factor variables
into two , you will need a 2-way
For example, if you plan to
analyse your data looking at
genotype AND gender effects
then you will need a 2-way
-/-+/-+/+ -/-+/-+/+
Male Female
2 way ANOVA
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Ok, let’s move on to situations
where you are looking to see if
your two variables are
The most common test here is
Pearson’s regression or
Pearson’s correlation
Pearson’s Regression
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Categorical (usually binary)
A different form of regression,
the logistic regression is used
for categorical outcome data
with continuous factor data
An example might be if you
want to see if there is a
correlation between the age
of your donor and whether a
disease is present or not
Logistic Regression
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Multiple Continuous
Last one (of the
common ones!). The
This is a special type of
ANOVA where you have
more than one outcome
Classic examples are
when you are
comparing lots of
different mRNAs in the
same sample
Or lots of different
clinical details in the
same patient
Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3
NB – all 3 genes measured in same animal
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Multiple Continuous
If you plan do multiple
ANOVAs or T tests in this
situation you will
underestimate your sample
The MANOVA is specifically
designed for these multiple
comparison tests
NB – all 3 genes measured in same animal
Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Types of Variable
Multiple Continuous
Having multiple
comparisons will increase
the sample size you need.
This is another time for
you to consider; do you
really want to ask lots of
NB – all 3 genes measured in same animal
Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3
Remember though when
you do your power analysis
it is based only on the
primary outcome
This means that you may
only have one outcome
variable as far as power
analysis goes
The secondary outcomes will not be
as robustly tested, but you can still
report the data.
BUT, make it clear when you write
up your results that you have not
accounted for multiple comparisons
for these variables
Oh, no. I’m
You’re doing a clinical
trial of a new drug that
decreases blood pressure
Blood pressure
measurements are your
primary outcome
Secondary outcomes might be
other clinical measurements
like heart rate, white cell
count, reflexes, blood sugars
The secondary outcomes are
interesting but you aren’t
designing the trial to test
them, they’re not part of your
sample calculations.
However, if you need
multiple variables to
answer your question
then you need a
There are other tests for more
complex designs, but get help
for those!
Time for you to do
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACat + CatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACon
Con Con
Con 2+
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as “reduced”, “same” or “increased”
First identify the variables
and classify them as
categorical or continuous
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Cat + Cat
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACon
Con Con
Con 2+
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as “reduced”, “same” or “increased”
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
reduced/ same/ increase
Cancer / no cancer
Cat + Cat
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACon
Con Con
Con 2+
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255
Let’s test the hypothesis
in a different way
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Cat + Cat
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACon
Con Con
Con 2+
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Signal intensity
Cancer / no cancer
Cat + Cat
Paired T test
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACon
Con Con
Con 2+
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255.
We also want to determine if patients with high staining
intensity have also developed metastasis
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Let’s add a little more
Cat + Cat
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACon
Con Con
Con 2+
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Signal intensity
No cancer / cancer no metastasis / cancer
with metastasisCat + Cat
Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255.
We also want to determine if patients with high staining
intensity have also developed metastasis
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is
increased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma
tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin
Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated
and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to
determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for
protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is
decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma
tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin
Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated
and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to
determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for
protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Continuous x 2
mRNA for Protein A
mRNA for Protein B
Cancer / no cancer
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is
decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma
tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin
Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated
and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to
determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for
protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript. Ratio of
mRNA A to mRNA B determined for each tissue
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
You might be interested
in the ratio of A to B
rather than absolute
levels of both
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is
decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma
tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin
Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated
and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to
determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for
protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript. Ratio of
mRNA A to mRNA B determined for each tissue
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Cancer / no cancer
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B
display increased invasion compared with control treated cells.
Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express
protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto
either a skin substitute or onto pure collagen. After 48 hours the
distance migrated into each substrate will be measured
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
Last one!
Chi Square
T Test
1 way ANOVA
Outcome Factor
Cat Cat
Cat (2 only)
2 way ANOVACatCon
Con Con
Con 2+
Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B
display increased invasion compared with control treated cells.
Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express
protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto
either a skin substitute or onto pure collagen. After 48 hours the
distance migrated into each substrate will be measured
Outcome Variables:
Factor Variables:
distance migrated
Categorical: Untreated,
+Protein B or +control protein C
skin substitute or pure collagen
Right, now I know what test I
am going to do, how do I
decide on sample sizes!
It’s quite easy
You can use an
I like:
Pick the appropriate test and fill in
the details it asks for
You’ll need to know some terms
about what to put where so we’ll
quickly cover the big ones and what
they mean
It’s asking for a
type I error rate, a
What’s that?
This is your critical p value written as
a percentage
P =0.05 = 5%
This number represents the
probability that you would have
observed the effect even though no
effect exists
The P value will ultimately measure of
how confident you can be that you
haven’t got a false positive
How likely is it that this
difference could have
occurred by chance?
Everyone uses p<0.05 right? So I
want 5% here.
5% is a common cut off but it
doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for
your study!
You might want 1% or even 0.1% if
the impact of a false positive would
be problematic such as in a drug
safety trial
How likely is it that this
difference could have
occurred by chance?
It’s asking for a
Power, 1- b
What’s that?
The power refers to the
false negative rate
It’s the probability that you
would have observed a
difference if there actually
is a difference
This number is written as a fraction of
1 but usually described as a
So, 0.8 would be described as 80%
The higher the better for this
number, but again make it fit your
How likely is it that you
could have detected a
difference if there actually
was one?
OK, back to the calculator.
It’s asking for means and
standard deviations
Yes, the calculator needs a
prediction for what you are
going to see
You’ll need two predictions:
The effect size.
What the means of your different
populations will be
Mean A
Mean B
Effect size
And an estimate of the
variation within each
Sample A
Distribution curve
Let’s have a quick look at why
you need those numbers, what
they mean with respect to power
and p values
Mean A
Mean B
Effect size
Sample A
Distribution curve
Ideal situation: no overlap
between groups. You can be
quite confident that the result
hasn’t occurred by chance
population means
If the difference between groups is
small, or the variation is large you
will be less confident about your
P values higher, less power
ariation between
variation between
The sample size calculator
will tell you how many
samples you will need to
decrease your p value and
increase your power to the
limits that you have chosen
population means
variation between
Increased sample
The effect of increasing
sample size decreases with
each addition.
There comes a point where
adding samples is a waste of
time, effort, money and
ethically wrong
Where do the effect size and
variation numbers come
Look at all this
juicy pilot data
You could have a 1000 samples
and see a really small difference
but it might not matter in the
grand scheme of things
The effect size should be chosen
not just on what you will be able
to see but also based on real-
world importance of the effect
Look at all this
juicy pilot data
Variation and predictions for
effect size will ideally come from
pilot data
Sometimes this won’t be
possible, in which case you
should turn to published work
You won’t be able to find your
exact experiment but you should
be able to find something similar
enough to make a prediction
Hopefully you spotted an
important point in the last little
If you can reduce the variation
between your experimental units,
you will need less samples or be
more confident with the same
number of samples
This is one of the goals of your pilot
experiments. To get the
experimental conditions as tight as
possible so that you limit the
variation between samples to true
biological variability
What about technical
repeats? How many of them
do you need?
Good question!
Do you remember why you
do technical repeats?
Experiment #1 Final analysis
They increase the accuracy
of measurement for each
Yes, by decreasing the intra-
individual variability you
should get a more accurate
Experiment #1 Final analysis
Outliers or mistakes will have
a smaller effect the more
technical repeats you do
There will therefore be
less overall variability in
your final sample
So should I do as many as
Final analysis
No, not necessarily, that
would be a waste of time
and money.
You need to consider
where the variability in
your experiments will be
and how much value each
technical repeat adds
Probably going to want
examples here!
Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies
against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal
tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient.
Staining intensity scored as “reduced”, “same” or “increased”
Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of
squamous cell carcinoma cancers
The question to ask yourself
is how variable will the data
be when I test the same
sample, and how does that
compare to the between
sample variability?
Cancers vary a lot between
Our data should be pretty clear for
each sample, though there will be
variations within each sample
It’s really a cost vs reward
analysis. How much do each
tech repeats cost (time,
money and ethics) vs how
much value they add
Between Samples Variability
Within sample Variability
Tech repeats Sample processing:
low number OK
Not much value from
technical repeats, better to
just increase sample
The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is
decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma
tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin
Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated
and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to
determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for
protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript
Here the samples are the
same as last time, so
again high inter-sample
The technique this time also
has more variability within it
RNA degradation during
storage, RNA isolation steps
and pipetting errors during
reverse transcription and qPCR
So, we know we will
need a large number
of samples
Between Samples Variability
Within sample Variability
So we probably need
more technical
repeats as well
The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is
decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma
tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin
Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated
and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to
determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for
protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript
Between Samples Variability
Within sample Variability
Sample availability might
mean we don’t have the
opportunity to repeat at
the whole tissue level
But, logistically,
there might be
You want the repeats to
address the areas with the
highest variability: the
tissue extraction level
Tech repeats Sample processing +
Between Samples Variability
Within sample Variability
Tech repeats
Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B
display increased invasion compared with control treated cells.
Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express
protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto
either a skin substitute. After 48 hours the distance migrated
into each substrate will be measured
Let’s assume here you are
using cells from only one
donor (e.g. an immortalised
cell line)
So variability will come from
what condition the cells are in
And maybe different levels
of protein expression
Between Samples Variability
Within sample Variability
Tech repeats
Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B
display increased invasion compared with control treated cells.
Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express
protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto
a skin substitute. After 48 hours the distance migrated into each
substrate will be measured
The assay itself should be
quite tight. You will have
the option of measuring lots
of cells
Probably don’t need many
technical repeats per assay,
rather doing more biological
repeats would be a better
use of resources
Between Samples Variability
Within sample Variability
Tech repeats
Note that you might disagree
with some of the previous
And really, it will be your data
that tells you what you need to
But be aware, that adding lots of
technical repeats may not be
worth the time and money you
invest in doing them
OK, got it.
Ethics, Cost and Feasibility
Once you have done your sample
size calculation you have three
important decisions to make
Ethics, Cost and Feasibility
1. Can I ethically justify using these numbers of
• Does the end justify the means?
• Will I be able to obtain ethical approval?
Ethics, Cost and Feasibility
2. Can I afford to process that number of
Ethics, Cost and Feasibility
3. Is it feasible to process that number of
• Will I be able to recruit enough participants?
• Will I be able to do the experiments within my study
Ethics, Cost and Feasibility
What do you do if the
answer to these questions is
Well, first you should be pleased
that you asked the question
before wasting loads of time
doing the experiment!
Secondly you can go back and
see if you can tighten up your
research question or modify your
experimental design
Ethics, Cost and Feasibility
You can reduce the number of
samples required by:
Reducing variability in your
samples, possibly by controlling for
Or, reducing the number of
comparisons being made.
Remember, its better to
answer one question well
rather than adding lots of extra
small questions
Final Checks
Don’t jump in too soon!
3 final questions
1. Consider the ethics again.
Are you fully satisfied that you are going to
do the least amount of harm to effectively
answer your question?
2. What would the devil’s advocate say about
your experimental design?
Are your controls sufficient to rule out
alternative interpretations? Is your
randomisation technique truly random? Are
your experimental units truly independent?
3. Have you had someone else’s input?
Before you jump in, get someone
independent to have a look. They might
come up with additional confounders or spot
ways where you can generate more robust
It’s worth spending time on
experimental planning
Making sure things are right
will help make sure you
generate useful data
Hopefully this series of videos
should have helped you
identify what to think about.
Part 5 Recap.
Don’t be put off by sample size determination. It
will stop you wasting time and money with
poorly planned experiments
Identify whether your variables are continuous or
categorical, and the rest is easy.
Use your pilot studies to reduce variabilities in your
experiment and to provide the numbers you need to
perform power analysis
Don’t be afraid to redesign your experiment if you have any
qualms about research ethics or the likelihood of generating
meaningful data.

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Experimental design cartoon part 5 sample size

  • 2. Let’s move on to sample size determination How many samples do you need? I know this one! You always do 3 experiments! Am I right? Nope. OK, do you do experiments until your data are significant? No. You do a calculation before you start based on your hypothesis and experiment design
  • 3. What if I am doing a descriptive study? Sample size calculations are for when you are formally testing a hypothesis Exploratory studies don’t need them, but without the stats to back up your data you won’t be able to make strong conclusions
  • 4. Step 1: Identify your variables Step 2: Pick the right test (sounds scary, isn’t really) Step 3: Plug some numbers into a calculator Sample size calculations are actually not too hard… 3 steps
  • 5. Let’s briefly talk about stats The good news is that you usually should be planning your experiment in a way that makes your stats as simple as possible To be able to calculate sample size you will need a good idea of what test you plan to run in the end Oh, dear! If your plan is complex, then you definitely should get some expert help Let’s have a quick look at some of the common tests Phew!
  • 6. Before we move on, let’s consider an experiment where you have more than one hypothesis to test The sample size calculation you do will be based on the primary outcome measure I always consider the primary outcome to be the real reason I did the experiment How do I know which is the primary hypothesis? Secondary outcomes are bonus information, or details that help explain the data
  • 7. Dependent/Outcome: What you actually measure Independent/Factor: The bits you control, how your samples are grouped Types of Variable Class of Variable Categorical: Discrete answers: yes/no, male/female, Small/medium/large Continuous: Answers can be anything Height, weight, age Speed, distance, power, concentration For your experiment, first identify what class your variables will fall into Then look up the type of test that is appropriate for those combinations Reminder For both types of variable, there are two classes: categorical and continuous Simple!
  • 8. The tests that you decide to use will ultimately depend on whether your data are normally distributed or not You’ll need to formally test for normality once you have your data However, for the purposes of experimental design, I usually base my calculations on the data being normally distributed Normal Distribution Non-Normal Distribution This simplifies things and means you only need to choose between about half as many tests I’m not convinced I’m normal! OK, on to the tests!!
  • 9. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Categorical Hypothesis: mice carrying the green transgene are more likely to be female than male Male Female Control Transgenic Example please! Chi Squared
  • 10. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Categorical Male Female Control Transgenic 4 4 2 6 Chi squared will test how likely the observed proportions will have arisen by chance Your data is simply the number of animals in each group Chi Squared
  • 11. Chi Squared Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Categorical Male Female -/- You can use Chi square with multiple categories in both outcome and factor variables +/-+/+ Do you call those Chi rectangles? No, Conro!
  • 12. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Weight Measurements -/- +/+ Continuous if you planned to compare the weights of your 2 transgenic lines I find it helps if you imagine the graphs your data will generate Example please! Note: use T tests for comparing 2 groups only! T tests
  • 13. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Continuous: Independent or paired T test? If your groups are unrelated, then you will use the independent T test? Independent T tests
  • 14. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Continuous: If you are measuring the response in the same individuals, use a paired T test A + Treatment 1 Measurement B + Baseline Reading 1 Baseline Reading 2 Treatment 2 Measurement A B Paired T tests
  • 15. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Continuous T tests are good for comparing 2 groups, but if you are going to have 3 or more you’ll likely to need ANOVA These are pretty common: for example comparing wild- type, heterozygous and homozygous mice -/- +/- +/+ Or if you have untreated, control treatment(s) and test treatments ANOVA
  • 16. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Continuous: Like for T tests, there are different types of ANOVA depending on whether your samples are independent of not A one-way ANOVA is for independent samples, like our mice line examples -/- +/- +/+ A B A repeated measures ANOVA is for multiple paired samples 1 way or repeated measures ANOVA
  • 17. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical Continuous If you break the factor variables into two , you will need a 2-way ANOVA For example, if you plan to analyse your data looking at genotype AND gender effects then you will need a 2-way ANOVA -/-+/-+/+ -/-+/-+/+ Male Female 2 way ANOVA
  • 18. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Continuous Ok, let’s move on to situations where you are looking to see if your two variables are correlated Continuous OutcomeVariable The most common test here is Pearson’s regression or Pearson’s correlation Pearson’s Regression
  • 19. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Categorical (usually binary) A different form of regression, the logistic regression is used for categorical outcome data with continuous factor data Continuous An example might be if you want to see if there is a correlation between the age of your donor and whether a disease is present or not Logistic Regression
  • 20. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Multiple Continuous Last one (of the common ones!). The MANOVA Categorical This is a special type of ANOVA where you have more than one outcome variable Classic examples are when you are comparing lots of different mRNAs in the same sample Or lots of different clinical details in the same patient Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 NB – all 3 genes measured in same animal MANOVA
  • 21. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Multiple Continuous Categorical If you plan do multiple ANOVAs or T tests in this situation you will underestimate your sample size The MANOVA is specifically designed for these multiple comparison tests NB – all 3 genes measured in same animal Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 MANOVA
  • 22. Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Types of Variable Multiple Continuous Categorical Having multiple comparisons will increase the sample size you need. This is another time for you to consider; do you really want to ask lots of questions? NB – all 3 genes measured in same animal Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 MANOVA
  • 23. Remember though when you do your power analysis it is based only on the primary outcome This means that you may only have one outcome variable as far as power analysis goes MANOVA Or ANOVA The secondary outcomes will not be as robustly tested, but you can still report the data. BUT, make it clear when you write up your results that you have not accounted for multiple comparisons for these variables Oh, no. I’m confused!
  • 24. MANOVA Or ANOVA You’re doing a clinical trial of a new drug that decreases blood pressure Blood pressure measurements are your primary outcome Secondary outcomes might be other clinical measurements like heart rate, white cell count, reflexes, blood sugars etc. The secondary outcomes are interesting but you aren’t designing the trial to test them, they’re not part of your sample calculations. ANOVA is OK
  • 25. MANOVA Or ANOVA However, if you need multiple variables to answer your question then you need a MANOVA
  • 26. There are other tests for more complex designs, but get help for those! Time for you to do something! Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACat + CatCon Con Con Con Con 2+
  • 27. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACon Con Con Con Con 2+ Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as “reduced”, “same” or “increased” First identify the variables and classify them as categorical or continuous Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Cat + Cat
  • 28. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACon Con Con Con Con 2+ Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as “reduced”, “same” or “increased” Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Categorical: reduced/ same/ increase Categorical: Cancer / no cancer Cat + Cat
  • 29. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACon Con Con Con Con 2+ Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255 Let’s test the hypothesis in a different way Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Cat + Cat
  • 30. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACon Con Con Con Con 2+ Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255 Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Continuous Signal intensity Categorical: Cancer / no cancer Cat + Cat Paired T test
  • 31. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACon Con Con Con Con 2+ Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255. We also want to determine if patients with high staining intensity have also developed metastasis Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Let’s add a little more Cat + Cat
  • 32. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACon Con Con Con Con 2+ Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Continuous Signal intensity Categorical: No cancer / cancer no metastasis / cancer with metastasisCat + Cat Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as signal intensity 0-255. We also want to determine if patients with high staining intensity have also developed metastasis
  • 33. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACatCon Con Con Con Con 2+ The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is increased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript Outcome Variables: Factor Variables:
  • 34. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACatCon Con Con Con Con 2+ The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Continuous x 2 mRNA for Protein A mRNA for Protein B Categorical: Cancer / no cancer
  • 35. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACatCon Con Con Con Con 2+ The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript. Ratio of mRNA A to mRNA B determined for each tissue Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: You might be interested in the ratio of A to B rather than absolute levels of both
  • 36. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACatCon Con Con Con Con 2+ The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript. Ratio of mRNA A to mRNA B determined for each tissue Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Continuous mRNA A : mRNA B Categorical: Cancer / no cancer Repeated measures
  • 37. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACatCon Con Con Con Con 2+ Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B display increased invasion compared with control treated cells. Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto either a skin substitute or onto pure collagen. After 48 hours the distance migrated into each substrate will be measured Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Last one!
  • 38. Chi Square T Test 1 way ANOVA Spearman Logistic MANOVA Outcome Factor Cat Cat Cat (2 only) Cat Cat Cat Con Con 2 way ANOVACatCon Con Con Con Con 2+ Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B display increased invasion compared with control treated cells. Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto either a skin substitute or onto pure collagen. After 48 hours the distance migrated into each substrate will be measured Outcome Variables: Factor Variables: Continuous distance migrated Categorical: Untreated, +Protein B or +control protein C Categorical: skin substitute or pure collagen
  • 39. Right, now I know what test I am going to do, how do I decide on sample sizes! It’s quite easy actually! You can use an online calculators I like: www.powerandsamplesize.com Pick the appropriate test and fill in the details it asks for You’ll need to know some terms about what to put where so we’ll quickly cover the big ones and what they mean
  • 40. It’s asking for a type I error rate, a What’s that? This is your critical p value written as a percentage P =0.05 = 5% This number represents the probability that you would have observed the effect even though no effect exists The P value will ultimately measure of how confident you can be that you haven’t got a false positive How likely is it that this difference could have occurred by chance?
  • 41. Everyone uses p<0.05 right? So I want 5% here. 5% is a common cut off but it doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for your study! You might want 1% or even 0.1% if the impact of a false positive would be problematic such as in a drug safety trial How likely is it that this difference could have occurred by chance?
  • 42. It’s asking for a Power, 1- b What’s that? The power refers to the false negative rate It’s the probability that you would have observed a difference if there actually is a difference This number is written as a fraction of 1 but usually described as a percentage So, 0.8 would be described as 80% power The higher the better for this number, but again make it fit your question. How likely is it that you could have detected a difference if there actually was one?
  • 43. OK, back to the calculator. It’s asking for means and standard deviations Yes, the calculator needs a prediction for what you are going to see You’ll need two predictions: The effect size. What the means of your different populations will be Mean A Mean B Effect size A B And an estimate of the variation within each population Sample A Distribution curve
  • 44. Let’s have a quick look at why you need those numbers, what they mean with respect to power and p values Mean A Mean B Effect size A B Sample A Distribution curve
  • 45. Big Differences between populations Small variation within samples Small variation within samples Smaller Differences between populations Ideal situation: no overlap between groups. You can be quite confident that the result hasn’t occurred by chance Big Differences between population means Larger variation within samples If the difference between groups is small, or the variation is large you will be less confident about your interpretation. P values higher, less power
  • 46. Big Differences between populations Small ariation between samples Small variation between samples Smaller Differences between populations The sample size calculator will tell you how many samples you will need to decrease your p value and increase your power to the limits that you have chosen Big Differences between population means Larger variation between samples Increased sample size The effect of increasing sample size decreases with each addition. There comes a point where adding samples is a waste of time, effort, money and ethically wrong
  • 47. Where do the effect size and variation numbers come from? Look at all this juicy pilot data You could have a 1000 samples and see a really small difference but it might not matter in the grand scheme of things The effect size should be chosen not just on what you will be able to see but also based on real- world importance of the effect
  • 48. Look at all this juicy pilot data Variation and predictions for effect size will ideally come from pilot data Sometimes this won’t be possible, in which case you should turn to published work You won’t be able to find your exact experiment but you should be able to find something similar enough to make a prediction
  • 49. Hopefully you spotted an important point in the last little bit If you can reduce the variation between your experimental units, you will need less samples or be more confident with the same number of samples This is one of the goals of your pilot experiments. To get the experimental conditions as tight as possible so that you limit the variation between samples to true biological variability
  • 50. What about technical repeats? How many of them do you need? Good question! Do you remember why you do technical repeats? Experiment #1 Final analysis
  • 51. They increase the accuracy of measurement for each sample Yes, by decreasing the intra- individual variability you should get a more accurate measurement Experiment #1 Final analysis Outliers or mistakes will have a smaller effect the more technical repeats you do There will therefore be less overall variability in your final sample numbers
  • 52. So should I do as many as possible? Final analysis No, not necessarily, that would be a waste of time and money. You need to consider where the variability in your experiments will be and how much value each technical repeat adds Probably going to want examples here!
  • 53. Paired normal and cancer tissues probed with antibodies against protein B. Compare staining intensity in the normal tissue against the cancer tissue from the same patient. Staining intensity scored as “reduced”, “same” or “increased” Protein B expression is increased in more than 50% of squamous cell carcinoma cancers The question to ask yourself is how variable will the data be when I test the same sample, and how does that compare to the between sample variability? Cancers vary a lot between individuals Our data should be pretty clear for each sample, though there will be variations within each sample It’s really a cost vs reward analysis. How much do each tech repeats cost (time, money and ethics) vs how much value they add Between Samples Variability Within sample Variability High Low Tech repeats Sample processing: low number OK Not much value from technical repeats, better to just increase sample numbers
  • 54. The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript Here the samples are the same as last time, so again high inter-sample variability The technique this time also has more variability within it RNA degradation during storage, RNA isolation steps and pipetting errors during reverse transcription and qPCR So, we know we will need a large number of samples Between Samples Variability Within sample Variability High High So we probably need more technical repeats as well
  • 55. The mRNA for protein A is decreased and mRNA for protein B is decreased In RNA extracted from squamous cell carcinoma tissue compared to RNA isolated normal skin Paired normal skin and cancer tissues obtained, RNA isolated and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Quantitative PCR used to determine abundance of mRNA for protein B and mRNA for protein A, measured relative to a reference transcript Between Samples Variability Within sample Variability High Sample availability might mean we don’t have the opportunity to repeat at the whole tissue level High But, logistically, there might be challenges You want the repeats to address the areas with the highest variability: the tissue extraction level Tech repeats Sample processing + RT-PCR and qPCR
  • 56. Between Samples Variability Within sample Variability Tech repeats Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B display increased invasion compared with control treated cells. Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto either a skin substitute. After 48 hours the distance migrated into each substrate will be measured Let’s assume here you are using cells from only one donor (e.g. an immortalised cell line) So variability will come from what condition the cells are in And maybe different levels of protein expression Med
  • 57. Between Samples Variability Within sample Variability Tech repeats Squamous cell carcinoma cells induced to overexpress protein B display increased invasion compared with control treated cells. Squamous cell carcinoma cells will either be induced to express protein B, a control protein “C”, or not treated then seeded onto a skin substitute. After 48 hours the distance migrated into each substrate will be measured The assay itself should be quite tight. You will have the option of measuring lots of cells Med Probably don’t need many technical repeats per assay, rather doing more biological repeats would be a better use of resources Low Low
  • 58. Between Samples Variability Within sample Variability Tech repeats Note that you might disagree with some of the previous assertions And really, it will be your data that tells you what you need to do But be aware, that adding lots of technical repeats may not be worth the time and money you invest in doing them OK, got it.
  • 59. Ethics, Cost and Feasibility Once you have done your sample size calculation you have three important decisions to make
  • 60. Ethics, Cost and Feasibility 1. Can I ethically justify using these numbers of patients/animals? • Does the end justify the means? • Will I be able to obtain ethical approval?
  • 61. Ethics, Cost and Feasibility 2. Can I afford to process that number of samples?
  • 62. Ethics, Cost and Feasibility 3. Is it feasible to process that number of samples? • Will I be able to recruit enough participants? • Will I be able to do the experiments within my study timeframe?
  • 63. Ethics, Cost and Feasibility What do you do if the answer to these questions is no? Well, first you should be pleased that you asked the question before wasting loads of time doing the experiment! Secondly you can go back and see if you can tighten up your research question or modify your experimental design
  • 64. Ethics, Cost and Feasibility You can reduce the number of samples required by: Reducing variability in your samples, possibly by controlling for confounders Or, reducing the number of comparisons being made. Remember, its better to answer one question well rather than adding lots of extra small questions
  • 66. Don’t jump in too soon! 3 final questions 1. Consider the ethics again. Are you fully satisfied that you are going to do the least amount of harm to effectively answer your question?
  • 67. 2. What would the devil’s advocate say about your experimental design? Are your controls sufficient to rule out alternative interpretations? Is your randomisation technique truly random? Are your experimental units truly independent?
  • 68. 3. Have you had someone else’s input? Before you jump in, get someone independent to have a look. They might come up with additional confounders or spot ways where you can generate more robust data
  • 69. It’s worth spending time on experimental planning Making sure things are right will help make sure you generate useful data Hopefully this series of videos should have helped you identify what to think about.
  • 70. Part 5 Recap. Don’t be put off by sample size determination. It will stop you wasting time and money with poorly planned experiments Identify whether your variables are continuous or categorical, and the rest is easy. Use your pilot studies to reduce variabilities in your experiment and to provide the numbers you need to perform power analysis Don’t be afraid to redesign your experiment if you have any qualms about research ethics or the likelihood of generating meaningful data.