This document provides an introduction to TensorFlow. It discusses key concepts like TensorFlow's architecture, variables, placeholders, gradients, and optimization. It also covers how to assemble and execute a TensorFlow graph with sessions. The presenter provides an overview of their background and links to TensorFlow user groups in Malaysia. The goal is to enable people to build and deploy their own deep learning models using TensorFlow and other libraries.
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2. Disclaimer: The views and opinions
expressed in this slides are those of
the author and do not necessarily
reflect the official policy or position of
ASEAN Data Analytics Exchange
(ADAX). Examples of analysis
performed within this slides are only
examples. They should not be utilized
in real-world analytic products as they
are based only on very limited and
dated open source information.
Assumptions made within the analysis
are not reflective of the position of
5. TensorFlow & Deep Learning Malaysia Group
The TensorFlow & Deep Learning
Malaysia group's aims are:
• To enable people to create and deploy
their own Deep Learning models built
using primarily TensorFlow or other
Deep Learning libraries.
• To build the key skill sets for this group
from the combination of both beginner
and intermediate models as well as
advancing to the next level
• A knowledge sharing and presentations
platform in relation to the cutting edge
deep learning research papers and
11. What is TensorFlow?
• URL:
• Released under the open source license on
November 9, 2015
• Current version 1.2
• Open source software library for
numerical computation using data flow
• Originally developed by Google Brain Team
to conduct machine learning and deep
neural networks research
• General enough to be applicable in a wide
variety of other domains as well
• TensorFlow provides an extensive suite of
functions and classes that allow users to
build various models from scratch.
14. CPU - GPU
• In TensorFlow, the supported
device types
are CPU and GPU. They are
represented as strings. For
• "/cpu:0": The CPU of your
• "/gpu:0": The GPU of
your machine, if you have one.
• "/gpu:1": The second
GPU of your machine, etc.
19. TensorFlow Graph
• To get the value of a
• Create a session, assign it to variable ‘sess’ so we can call it later
• Within the session, evaluate the graph to fetch the value of a
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.add(3, 5)
sess = tf.Session()
print (
• A Session object encapsulates the environment in which Operation objects are executed,
and Tensor objects are evaluated.
22. Placeholder
• A placeholder is simply
a variable that will be
assigned data to at a
later date.
• It allows operations to
be created and
computation graph to
be built, without
needing the data.
26. TensorFlow Models
• adversarial_crypto: protecting communications with adversarial neural cryptography.
• adversarial_text: semi-supervised sequence learning with adversarial training.
• attention_ocr: a model for real-world image text extraction.
• autoencoder: various autoencoders.
• cognitive_mapping_and_planning: implementation of a spatial memory based mapping
and planning architecture for visual navigation.
• compression: compressing and decompressing images using a pre-trained Residual GRU
• differential_privacy: privacy-preserving student models from multiple teachers.
• domain_adaptation: domain separation networks.
• im2txt: image-to-text neural network for image captioning.
• inception: deep convolutional networks for computer vision.
28. Take away
• There are 4 steps:
• Step 1: Assemble the graph –
• 1. Define placeholders for input and output
• 2. Define the weights
• 3. Define the inference model
• 4. Define loss function
• 5. Define optimizer
• Step 2: Train the Model
• Step 3: Optimize the Model
The world has too many problems and not enough
people solving them.