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Gen Z-1995-2012
The Kids Are Not ALL Right
Stanger 2019
Dr. Louise Stanger
About Dr. Louise
www.http://allaboutinterventions.com 619-507-1699
To describe and explain Gen Z
To highlight the differences
between Gen Z and
To explore the problems of
Anxiety and Depression in this

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Youth Resiliency & Mental Health Workshop - Dr. Jean Clinton
Youth Resiliency & Mental Health Workshop - Dr. Jean ClintonYouth Resiliency & Mental Health Workshop - Dr. Jean Clinton
Youth Resiliency & Mental Health Workshop - Dr. Jean Clinton

A full day workshop will examine current research and best practices that strengthen youth resiliency and young people's ability to manage mental health issues.

Dealing with teenagers
Dealing with teenagersDealing with teenagers
Dealing with teenagers

The document discusses strategies for dealing with teenagers in the 21st century. It notes that teens today experience earlier physical and cultural maturation compared to previous generations. Parents are encouraged to practice positive parenting by providing nurturing support and clear rules, spending quality time with their teens, monitoring their activities, and maintaining open communication. Following these strategies can help teens develop better social skills, academic performance, and mental wellbeing compared to teens who do not receive such support from parents.

Teen depression
Teen depressionTeen depression
Teen depression

This document discusses teen depression, dispelling myths and providing facts. It begins with an introduction by the school counselor and prompts students to think about what depression looks like. The agenda includes defining depression, discussing diagnostic criteria like duration and intensity of symptoms, potential causes like genetics and life stressors, a wide range of signs and symptoms, preventative strategies like healthy lifestyle habits, ways to help a depressed friend through compassionate listening, treatment options including therapy and medication, and resources for further information. The presentation encourages feedback and questions.

Describe and Discuss major
Gen Z issues :
Bullying, Cutting, Vaping,
Texting ,Self Harm
Teen Suicide
Alcohol, Marijuana and Other
Drug Use
Offer Tips to Parents and
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
The World Is Dangerous-
I am Not Safe
Born at the time of the Columbine
Witnesses World Towers fall in slow
Experienced Economic Recession of 2008
Traumatized by Sandy Hook shootings
2012 & more recently Parkland, Florida
Intergenerational stress-Parents try to
Control Children More
There has been about one school shooting
a month or other type since Columbine
Gen Z
High Levels of Loneliness
Substitution of social media
for true friendship network
Constant bombardment of
negative self-comparisons
A narrowing definition of life
success leading to destructive
perfectionism all or nothing

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Suicide Among Teenagers
Suicide Among TeenagersSuicide Among Teenagers
Suicide Among Teenagers

Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Malaysians aged 15 to 34. 90% of those who contemplate suicide face problems in relationships, adapting to new environments, financial insecurity, or pressure to perform well in studies. The remaining 10% attempt suicide due to mental illness. Warning signs of teen suicide include running away, lack of motivation, alcohol abuse, and rebellious behavior. Those who are suicidal suffer privately and inexpressibly, leaving family and friends to deal with immense loss, confusion, and devastation in its aftermath. Suicide contributes greatly to disability and suffering in Malaysia each year.


Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers. Most suicides are planned and can be prevented by recognizing warning signs and getting help. Teenagers may experience suicidal thoughts during temporary periods of depression, low self-esteem, substance abuse, or in response to trauma, abuse or losses. Common warning signs include preoccupation with death, giving away possessions, and statements suggesting hopelessness. It is important to take suicidal thoughts seriously, get help from professionals, and understand that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems.

Social media and young people's mental health and wellbeing
Social media and young people's mental health and wellbeingSocial media and young people's mental health and wellbeing
Social media and young people's mental health and wellbeing

Social media has revolutionised the way we connect with each other. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are now used by one in four people worldwide.1 The use of social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives, connecting them with friends, family and strangers from across the globe.

Gen Z- The Instant
Communicates with images
Uses multiple channels at one time
Takes in information immediately
and loses interest instantly
“I can simultaneously create a
document, edit it, post a photo on
instagram , all from the user
friendly I phone “ Hannah NY
The 8 second wonder
Gen Z & Social Media
Use for Research
HDVideo is the Norm
Global Friends
Less is More
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Snapchat, U-Tube, Vine Camera,
Reddit, Pintrest, ASk.fmTumbler,
Flickr, Google
EPOXY.tv-Share Video
buffer.com, Sproutsocial,
WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram
Treat Others the Way They Want to Be Treated
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z

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Mental health disorders in students
Mental health disorders in studentsMental health disorders in students
Mental health disorders in students

One in five students has a diagnosable mental illness such as depression or anxiety, though only about 40% seek help. Mental illnesses can be inherited genetically from parents or developed due to abuse, trauma, or life stressors. Common symptoms include feelings of sadness, lack of energy, changes in appetite or sleep, and lack of interest in activities. If left untreated, mental illness can lead students to harm themselves or consider suicide, which is a leading cause of death among students. Maintaining physical and mental health through exercise, spending time in nature, and engaging in enjoyable activities can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

How To Talk To Your Children About Sex Sexuality Education For Parents
How To Talk To Your Children About Sex   Sexuality Education For ParentsHow To Talk To Your Children About Sex   Sexuality Education For Parents
How To Talk To Your Children About Sex Sexuality Education For Parents

The document discusses how parents should talk to their children about sexuality and sex. It recommends that parents be open, honest and provide accurate information to their children. Parents should look for natural teachable moments and make themselves approachable so their children will feel comfortable coming to them. The key is open communication between parents and children about sexuality from a young age.

Peer pressure
Peer pressurePeer pressure
Peer pressure

This document discusses peer pressure and how it can influence adolescents. It defines peer pressure as influence from a peer group to change one's values or behaviors. Peer pressure can be positive if it encourages good behaviors, but is often negative and dangerous if it pushes wrong behaviors. Examples of risks from negative peer pressure include internet addiction, violence, substance abuse, and breaking rules. The main reason adolescents feel peer pressure is a desire to be accepted by friends or peers. The document provides tips for dealing with peer pressure, such as making your own decisions, finding other activities, and learning refusal skills like making excuses or recruiting allies.

teenagepeer pressure
Meet The Parents of
Gen Z
Prize Practicality and Self Reliance
Digitally Literate
Heightened concern for safety
Concerned with practical benefits of
what a higher education can do
Demand Professionalism and
Skeptical and Price Conscious
They pick and choose when to attack
Stealth Bombers
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z

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Youth problems (1)
Youth problems (1)Youth problems (1)
Youth problems (1)

The document discusses the problems facing modern youth and the qualities needed to build a successful life. It notes that youth face challenges of social adaptation in times of social and spiritual crisis. Rising generations need to be educated to meet the needs of society while considering the needs of individuals. The key personal qualities needed include high communication skills, an ability to form an individual lifestyle, strong business acumen, internal stability, and high moral and spiritual values. Groups can positively influence youth development by satisfying needs, helping solve problems, and overcoming issues, but youth must be actively engaged in self-expression and self-improvement.

Youth problems
Youth problemsYouth problems
Youth problems

The document discusses several problems facing Pakistani youth, including issues with the education system like low enrollment and unqualified teachers, as well as social issues like child labor, drug abuse, mental abuse, suicide, and negative media effects. It provides an overview of each topic and lists factors contributing to the problems. Suggestions to address the issues include controlling emotions, knowing responsibilities, having confidence, working hard, finding spiritual peace through religion, and being responsible members of society.

Youth lifestyle, problems, needs and challenges
Youth lifestyle, problems, needs and challengesYouth lifestyle, problems, needs and challenges
Youth lifestyle, problems, needs and challenges


Alcohol- Marijuana and Other Drugs
GEN Z-Marijuana, Alcohol
40 yo study says Gen Z avoids sex, alcohol and driving at
record rates -slow life strategy- Twenge
Suicide rate has passed that of millennials
Daily marijuana use surpassed that of alcohol industry
Politically Millennials and Gen Z favor legalization of
Gen Z follow millennials in usage-spend $62.35 as compared to
millennials spent $72.94per month and baby boomers $89.24
Shame, Addiction &Family Mapping
Louise Stanger Ed.D, LCSW, CDWF, CIP

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Preventing Suicide: National Suicide Prevention Week
Preventing Suicide: National Suicide Prevention WeekPreventing Suicide: National Suicide Prevention Week
Preventing Suicide: National Suicide Prevention Week

Check out this presentation to understand the severity and causes of suicide and learn what you can do to help people with suicidal tendencies.

national suicide prevention weekpreventing suicide
Suicide a detailed project
Suicide a detailed projectSuicide a detailed project
Suicide a detailed project

this ppt was made in order to make the people learn about the suicides in india and the world. A complete info about the suiciders and hoe to deal with them.

Adolescent suicide
Adolescent suicideAdolescent suicide
Adolescent suicide

The document discusses adolescent suicide, including what it is, common causes like family and relationship problems, mental illness and substance abuse, behavioral signs to watch for, and prevention through family and social support, counseling, and developing coping skills. Risk factors include biological, psychological, and social/environmental influences. Prevention is important and can be aided by education to recognize warning signs and seeking help from responsible adults.

Meet Clark
Adopted FAS- Learning Disabilities
Loved Sports but short
Parents Marital Discord
Sells & Abuses Drugs
Graduating Senior
Meet Milly
14 yo Fraternal Twin
Mother Actively Abusing
Substances-Parents Divorcing
Stops playing tennis, isolates
Gains 45 pounds in 3 months
Starts Cutting
Has to go to a New school
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Clark and Milly are Not
Over 3 million teenagers experienced a major depressive
disorder in the past year
20% of all American teenagers struggle with depression
6.3 million teenagers have been diagnosed with an anxiety
2013 Ottawa public Health- Teens who use social media
sites for more then 2 hours a day are more likely to
experience anxiety and depression

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Suicide prevention and awareness
Suicide prevention and awareness Suicide prevention and awareness
Suicide prevention and awareness

Suicide is a major public health concern. Generating awareness can help prevent suicide and save lives

suicidesuicide attemptcommitted suicide
Mental health
Mental healthMental health
Mental health

The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted mental health worldwide. Social isolation and stress about the virus, health, jobs and financial security have increased anxiety, depression, and exacerbated existing mental illness. Accessing mental health services has also become more difficult due to social distancing. Coping strategies include exercising, connecting with others virtually, getting enough sleep, and avoiding drugs/alcohol. However, the Philippines lacks sufficient mental healthcare resources as there is less than one provider per 100,000 people.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Youth: Underage Drinking & Mental Health
The Impact of COVID-19 on Youth: Underage Drinking & Mental HealthThe Impact of COVID-19 on Youth: Underage Drinking & Mental Health
The Impact of COVID-19 on Youth: Underage Drinking & Mental Health

Objectives Describe and Discuss major  Gen  Z issues : Isolation Bullying, Cutting,   Vaping, Texting ,Self Harm Teen Suicide Alcohol, Marijuana and Other  Drug Use Tips for Parents and Counselors 

mental healthunderage drinkinggen z
Best Approaches to Buffer
Stress/Anxiety/ depression
Teach better coping skills through mindfulness, breathing,
meditation, yoga, self acceptance
Develop and cultivate close friendships in “real’ time and space
Engage in meaningful actions to address societal sources of
Family communication helps. When Parents Listen Children
will talk
Listen to ask for help. You are Not alone
The new nicotine
A new epidemic-3.6 million
teens -1 in 5 high school students
Vaping is leading teens to try e-
cigarettes- increase in nicotine
Vaping marijuana according to
Stanford psychologist Bonnie-
Halpern Fisher “damage brain
Tips for Parents
Be calm, listen , avoid criticism
Ask questions, with interest
Set Tobacco free examples
Choose what you will and will not pay for
Develop parental alliances in the
Set healthy boundaries
Remember you are the Parent and you do
not have to pay for bad habits
Keep the dialogue open

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Foster care youth resource sheet may 2012
Foster care youth resource sheet may 2012Foster care youth resource sheet may 2012
Foster care youth resource sheet may 2012

Foster youth are at an increased risk of suicidal behaviors compared to other youth. Risk factors for foster youth include trauma, abuse, neglect, mental illness, substance abuse and family dysfunction. Warning signs of imminent suicide risk include threats or talk of self-harm, seeking access to lethal means, depression, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. If a youth expresses suicidal thoughts or exhibits warning signs, caregivers should take them seriously, ask directly about suicidal plans, stay with the youth, remove lethal means and contact a mental health professional for help.

Suicide prevention
Suicide preventionSuicide prevention
Suicide prevention

Major causes of suicide include untreated mental illness, depression, and the inability to cope with problems. Nearly 1 million people commit suicide each year globally, with suicide being the second leading cause of death among those aged 10-24. Warning signs include self-harm, reckless behavior, verbalizations of suicide, and feelings of hopelessness. It is important to prevent suicide by treating mental illness, talking openly about feelings, and getting help from crisis resources and healthcare professionals.

13 reasons why parent presentation (2)
13 reasons why  parent presentation (2)13 reasons why  parent presentation (2)
13 reasons why parent presentation (2)

This presentation provides information to parents about the Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" which depicts the story of a teenage girl's suicide. Key points of concern with the show include graphic depictions of rape, violence, and substance abuse. Professionals warn the show may glorify suicide or influence vulnerable youth. However, students say the issues aren't as common as adults think. The presentation covers suicide statistics, warning signs, risk factors, and actions parents and schools can take to prevent suicide and encourage help-seeking behavior.

Self Harm
20-25% of adolescent girls and
10-14% of adolescent boys
report self injury
Bully and sexual trauma are
seen as drivers for self injury
LGBTQ+ teens are twice as
likely to self injure
Self Injury
Is a way in which teens struggling with their own emotions can
find relief in suffering and emotional pain
Soothes emotions that often originate from feeling poorly
understood in family, friendships, relationships, interpersonal strife
Have the capacity to become habitual
Can increase in severity or frequency when self injury susessfully
helps to manage suffering
Often a behavior that accompanies psychological diagnosis
Jim Holsomback M.A., McLean Hospital
Self -Injury in General is
A Direct Path to Suicide
Successfully Treated by Medicine ( therapy and support more successful in treating
A cry for help-often initial incidents of self injury are done without others knowing
A painful way to punish or engage others
If a child had a better way to self regulate they would
Don’t let shame prevent anyone from getting treatment
Parents benefit from support groups as well

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Teen Dating Violence Prevention
Teen Dating Violence PreventionTeen Dating Violence Prevention
Teen Dating Violence Prevention

Teen Dating Violence Prevention presentation by Tracy Vahle, Family Violence Prevention Specialist, Interface Children and Family Services

teen dating violencetracy vahlevcsca
elementary school suicide prevention training powerpoint.ppt
elementary school suicide prevention training powerpoint.pptelementary school suicide prevention training powerpoint.ppt
elementary school suicide prevention training powerpoint.ppt

This document provides an overview of a presentation on youth suicide given by two psychiatrists from Denver Health. It discusses risk and protective factors, warning signs, statistics on youth suicide nationally and in Colorado, and recommendations for what schools and individuals should do if a youth is exhibiting warning signs of suicide. The presentation aims to educate about youth suicide and how to identify at-risk youth so that lives can be saved through prevention and intervention efforts.

Bullying presentation pps 6022
Bullying presentation pps 6022Bullying presentation pps 6022
Bullying presentation pps 6022

Bullying is unwanted aggressive behavior among school-aged children involving a power imbalance that can cause physical and psychological harm. It includes verbal threats, spreading rumors, attacks, and social exclusion. Bullying occurs in different forms like verbal, social, physical, and cyberbullying. Children who are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying are at risk for issues like depression, poor school performance, substance abuse, and in rare cases, suicide or violence. Recognizing the warning signs of bullying is important to address the problem and support victims.

Parent Talk:
How to Respond
BE CALM- Easier said then
done - Your teen is
communicating which is great-
Do Not Overreact
Shut UP and LISTEN!
FOCUS ON GOALS - provide
professional help
Direct - bullying that occurs in the
presence of another youth
Indirect-spreading rumors etc
Four types- physical, verbal, relational
(hurting reputations) and damage to
Cyberbullying - 9% of students grades
15% of HS students say they have been
electronically cyperbullied
55.2% of LGBTQ report cyberbullying
What we know
Between 1-4 US students say they have been bullied
28% if US students grade 6-12
20% of US students 9-12
70.6% of young people report they have sen bullying in schools
70.4 % of staff, 62% witnessed bullying 2 or more times
When bystanders intervene , bullying stops within 10 sec 57% of the time
Most bullying happens in middle school
Children who are perceived as different are more likely to be bullied
Bullies - children who are aggressive easily frustrated. have less parental involvement, think badly of
others, have difficulty following rules, view violence in a positive way, have friends who bully others
The More We Know
There is not a single profile of a young person involved
in bullying
Disconnect between adults and youth-Adults don’t know
exactly what to do about bullying
Most bullying takes place in schools or online and cell

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Problems of well being, Bullying
Problems of well being, Bullying Problems of well being, Bullying
Problems of well being, Bullying

Bullying causes serious physical, emotional, and social harm in both children and adults. It can lead to depression, anxiety, poor school performance, substance abuse, and even criminal behavior or suicide. Bullying violates human rights and healthy development. It is important to identify and support both bullies and victims early to promote positive relationships. Adults must work to prevent and address bullying through education, encouraging children to speak up, and creating safe environments where all children feel included.

Causes of teenagers sucide in bangladesh
Causes of teenagers sucide in bangladeshCauses of teenagers sucide in bangladesh
Causes of teenagers sucide in bangladesh

Teenage suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, particularly among those aged 15-24. Suicide rates are higher among females than males. Common risk factors for teen suicide include depression, substance abuse, family history of mental illness, physical or sexual abuse, stress, and feelings of hopelessness. Warning signs can include changes in behavior, sleep, interests and talk of suicide. Prevention efforts should encourage communication, ensure access to mental healthcare, and remove means of self-harm.

Suicide faculty presentation
Suicide faculty presentationSuicide faculty presentation
Suicide faculty presentation

This document provides information and guidance for recognizing and responding to students who may be at risk of suicide. It outlines key warning signs and risk factors, as well as steps staff should take to ensure the student's safety and notify parents and mental health professionals. These steps include supervising the student, conducting a risk assessment if trained to do so, informing administrators, and documenting all actions. The document emphasizes that asking a suicidal student if they are thinking of suicide does not increase risk and stresses the importance of not keeping a student's suicidal thoughts confidential.

Respond to Bullying
Do Intervene-Its ok to ask an adult for help
Separate kids involved
Make sure all are sake
Tend to any immediate medical mental health needs
Stay Calm
Bullying and Suicide
The relationship between bullying and suicide is complex
It is not accurate and potentially dangerous to present bullying as cause
or reason for suicide
Media should NOT use word “BULLYCIDE”
Persistent bullying can lead to isolation, rejection, exclusion and despair
Vast majority of teens who are bullied do not become suicidal
Most young people who die by suicide have multiple risk factors-
Some youth (LGBTQ) are at increased risk for suicide without bullying
Avoid These Common
Do not ignore-thinking kids can work out on their own
Don’t immediately try to sort out the facts
Don’t force kids to say publicly what they saw
Don’t question kids in front of other kids
Don’t talk to kids involved together, talk separately
Don’t make kids involved or patch up relationships on the spot.
If a weapon is involved, threats of physical harm, serious bodily harm, sexual
abuse, anyone accused of an illegal act such as robbery or extortion using force
to get money, property or services immediately get medical and police help
Help kids Understand Bullying
Keep communication Open-
speak to a trusted adult
Encourage Kids to Do what
they Love
Model How to Treat Others

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Bullying suicide-translation-final-a
Bullying suicide-translation-final-aBullying suicide-translation-final-a
Bullying suicide-translation-final-a

Bullying and suicide are closely related public health issues. Youth involved in bullying in any way, whether as the target, perpetrator, or witness, are at higher risk of negative mental health outcomes like depression and suicidal thoughts. While bullying does not directly cause suicide, it is one risk factor that may contribute to feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Schools can help address this issue by fostering connectedness, teaching coping skills, supporting all students involved in bullying, empowering bystanders, and adopting comprehensive anti-bullying policies and programs. Ongoing research seeks to better understand these complex issues to guide prevention efforts.

Don't be invisible
Don't be invisibleDon't be invisible
Don't be invisible

A Slideshow Presentation on Bullying made for an assignment on AC-1201 UBD, Ugh some of the font is messed up. There were 9 slideshow altogether, but I decided to compile all of them in one. The first slide was suppose to have hyperlinks to the rest of the slides.

ac-1201bullyinguniversity brunei darussalam
Articles on parenting and adolescence
Articles on parenting and adolescenceArticles on parenting and adolescence
Articles on parenting and adolescence

The document discusses several challenges facing teenagers including mood swings, peer pressure, unhealthy eating habits, lack of sleep, depression, anxiety, and stress from high expectations. It recommends that parents get help immediately if their teen shows signs of anxiety or depression, look out for signs of stress and address them, help teens manage anxiety and build self-esteem, and show appreciation and love.

Suicide rates increased 33% between 1999
and 2014
Males are mo4 times more likely to
Suicide rates for females doubled from
20017-2017 )ages 10-14) compared with
other age groups (hanging and suffocation)
There are 25 attempts to 1 completed
Females have higher rates of suicide
ideation and are more likely to attempt
Firearms are used in over half
Warning Signs
Sense of hopelessness
Social Withdrawal and Isolation
Feelings of Failure
Being a Burden to Others
Preoccupation with Death and Dying
Lack of Future Goals
Drop in School Grades
Giving Away Prized Possessions
Significant Life Events
Loss of a love object
History of suicide in family
Recent suicide of a friend
Negative parental attitude
toward teen
Disharmony in family

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Educating 7th Graders About Abuse
Educating 7th Graders About AbuseEducating 7th Graders About Abuse
Educating 7th Graders About Abuse

Facilitating an open discussion about abuse with 7th grade students. All too often abuse remains in shameful shadows. Information is power when informing students about abuse in a positive, sensitive way.

open discussionmiddle school studentsabuse

This document discusses intimate partner abuse, also known as domestic violence. It defines intimate partner abuse as a pattern of behavior using power and control within an intimate relationship that threatens a person's well-being. Intimate partner abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, financial, sexual, or psychological abuse. The document also provides statistics on the prevalence of intimate partner abuse in the United States.

Students Against Violence and what causes bullying.docx
Students Against Violence and what causes bullying.docxStudents Against Violence and what causes bullying.docx
Students Against Violence and what causes bullying.docx

Bullying is a widespread problem that can have serious negative consequences. It is often caused by social factors like an imbalance of power between the bully and victim. Common types of bullying include physical, verbal, and cyber bullying. Effective anti-bullying programs involve creating a supportive environment at home and school, establishing clear rules against bullying, and consistently enforcing negative consequences for bullies. While bullying can never be fully eliminated, well-designed prevention programs have been shown to significantly reduce incidents of bullying.

Other Causes
Poor Academic Performance
Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse
Unhealthy relationships, physical, sexual abuse
Feelings of Guilt and Shame-targets of Bullying
Feelings of Anger
Physical or Mental Health issues
Sibling Rivalry
Types of Teen Suicide
Alcohol or other drug
Electric Shock
Talking with Teens
The suicidal teen may not talk
directly about suicidal plans or
It is OK to ask : “Are you
thinking about killing
yourself ?”
It is a myth that talking about
suicide to a distressed
individual can lead to suicide
Suicidal Teens are Often in
a Confused State
Talking helps clarify internal
Teen may express verbally , by
gesture or expression
You have to try and
understand Implied feelings
and restate and reflect back

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Escalating rates of teen dating violence nationwide is reason for concern and intervention. When Love Hurts is a campaign created by four NC State Graduate students with the intent of empowering teens to become educated so they can end the epidemic.

teens dating violence relationships love

This document provides information about bullying, including definitions, types, where and when it occurs, who is at risk, and the effects on those involved. It defines bullying as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children involving a real or perceived power imbalance that is repeated over time or has the potential to be repeated. There are three main types of bullying: verbal, social, and physical. Bullying can occur in school, on the way to/from school, and online. Children who are bullied, bully others, or witness bullying are more likely to experience negative physical, school, and mental health issues. It is important for adults to respond quickly and consistently to bullying to prevent its negative effects.

Teen Dating Violence
Teen Dating ViolenceTeen Dating Violence
Teen Dating Violence

Thousands of teens are involved in unhealthy relationships and are being severely abused. Learn how to put a stop to violence in your relationship.

Dos and Don’ts of
Suicide Prevention
Do Assess for Risk. If risk appears grave then the teen
needs to be taken to hospital
5150 hold for 72 hours
Do Inform parents or guardians of teen suicidal crisis
Do Ensure Follow up by appropriate person
Do not put on your super woman or man cape and think
you alone can save
Do not sound shock or say suicide would be an
Do not engage in philosophical debate . You may not
only lose the debate but the suicidal teenager
Crisis Interview Model
Present as concerned, effective
Focus on teens emotion and
encourage expression
Empathize with teens expressed
Identify problems with teens
Review mutually determined
strategy with teen and seek
Confront them in calm , warm manner, “when someone is
feeling extremely upset, they may have thoughts of
suicide. Is this something you have been thinking about?
Always ask are you thinking about killing yourselves? the
answer will tell you if teen has a plan etc.
If teen has a plan use SAL
How Specific is the plan
Is there a method Available to carry out the threat
How Lethal is the proposed method

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Essay- The Roots to Teens Making Their Own Decisions
Essay- The Roots to Teens Making Their Own DecisionsEssay- The Roots to Teens Making Their Own Decisions
Essay- The Roots to Teens Making Their Own Decisions

Teenagers face many problems as they transition from childhood to adulthood including underage pregnancy, peer pressure, and substance abuse. During puberty, teens experience physical and mental changes that can negatively impact their self-esteem. Peer influence can also affect teen behavior and lead them to engage in risky acts. Family dynamics additionally play a role, as teens from dysfunctional families may suffer from poor mental health and engage in dangerous behaviors. Overall, teenagers would benefit from guidance on dealing with problems, understanding consequences, and making safe decisions during this developmental period.

How to Ride a Bicycle Backwards And Other Innovative Strategies
How to Ride a Bicycle Backwards And Other Innovative StrategiesHow to Ride a Bicycle Backwards And Other Innovative Strategies
How to Ride a Bicycle Backwards And Other Innovative Strategies

Learn about Treatment Without Walls. We help individuals AND families navigate life’s challenges. We work in home – to provide support in the family’s environment. We create healthy long-term dynamics. We tailor programs that work toward results-oriented living. We are fully bespoke. We are there for you and your family, wherever and whenever. We collaborate with the best behavioral health specialists and centers across the globe.

interventionsdrug interventionalcohol intervention
Addiction In The Family
Addiction In The Family Addiction In The Family
Addiction In The Family

This is the guidebook I wish I had when I was first learning about addiction and mental health disorders when I was a young woman. It’s the book I give to every client who walks through my door. It is Family Focused, Practical, Hopeful and full of real life examples to help you understand and have the courage to change your experience.

addictionbehavioral healthinterventions
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Teen Texting
Common Texts
LOL-Laugh out loud
IRL=In real Life
TYVM=Thank you very much
J/K=Just Kidding
NP= No Problem
WYD=what’s you doing
53x= Sneaky way to type sex
KMS= Kill myself
LH6=Lets have sex
KYS=Kill Yourself
MOS=Moms Over the shoulder
POS=Parents over the shoulder
CD9=Parents Around GNOC=Get Naked on Camera
99=Parents are gone
IWSN-I want to have sex now

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Final trick, treat, trauma
Final trick, treat, traumaFinal trick, treat, trauma
Final trick, treat, trauma

At the end of the presentation, you will be able to: Identify, Describe and Discuss, How Clients and Families Come to your Practice Identify Describe and Discuss Addiction, Mental Health, Trauma, Chronic Pain and Process Disorders Identify how Trauma, Shame, Guilt, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Grief and Loss Effect Ones Story about themselves Identify how Growing Up in An Alcoholic Family can effect one Review evidence based strategies Identify and Differentiate trauma as both objective and subjective and how it effects people over the life span Recognize how trauma can be precipitating factor which leads to a substance use disorder and vice versa the activities one engages in the midst of a substance use disorder can be traumatic Identify and Describe Addiction per ASAM new definition Describe and Discuss Qualitative Methods of Inquiry and Family Mapping as a Way into Story

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Demonstrate, Recognize, Define and Identify what we mean by aging Describe Substance Use Disorders (Marijuna, Alcohol & Opioids) Identify Mental Health Issues (Depression & Anxiety, Grief and Loss, Suicide )

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Secrets To Make COVID-19 Holidays BrightSecrets To Make COVID-19 Holidays Bright
Secrets To Make COVID-19 Holidays Bright

OBJECTIVES Identify, Describe and Discuss Trauma and Collective Trauma Describe and Discuss how Holidays are being altered by Covid 19 Identify and Describe How to deal with Holiday Stress

Texting and Driving
South Dakota ranks #2 for Distracted
Hand held Ban-No
All Cell Phone Ban-No
Novice drivers-Drivers with learner or
intermediate license. Secondary Law
Text Messing Ban-Secondary Ban
Peer to Peer Guide Governors Traffic
Safety https://www.ghsa.org/sites/
64% of South Dakota teens admit to texting behind wheel
The Oymoron
89% of all teens have smart
phones (2016, Pew Report)
Jean Twenge reports the
relationships diminish based
on increase of screen
time.Computers etc are used
in school, for homework etc.
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z

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University of Wisconsin Continuing Studies - Addiction, Trauma & Mental Health
University of Wisconsin Continuing Studies - Addiction, Trauma & Mental HealthUniversity of Wisconsin Continuing Studies - Addiction, Trauma & Mental Health
University of Wisconsin Continuing Studies - Addiction, Trauma & Mental Health

Identify Describe and Discuss Addiction, Mental Health, Trauma, Chronic Pain and Process Disorders Identify how Trauma, Shame, Guilt, Humiliation, Embarrassment, Grief and Loss Effect Ones Story about themselves Identify how Growing Up in An Alcoholic Family can effect one Review evidence based strategies

continuing studiesaddictiontrauma
Welcome to Family Mapping
Welcome to Family MappingWelcome to Family Mapping
Welcome to Family Mapping

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: Identify and define their philosophical orientation Become Acquainted with Appreciative Inquiry Identify Intergenerational patterns in their clients Assess the value of Portraiture as a qualitative mode of inquiry to gain valuable data about an individual and family themes as a nonjudgemental way into story Demonstrate pictorially family resilience and wounds and use this as broad map for clinical interventions ( in private practice, in interventions and in behavioral health centers

behavioral healthaddictionmental health
How i met anxiety at age 7
How i met anxiety at age 7How i met anxiety at age 7
How i met anxiety at age 7

Exploring how anxiety and trauma can find us at any age and how we can learn to thrive with them in our lives.

Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Screen Time and Teens
Kasier, Pew , Berkley Science for the
Greater Good
Screen Time Can Effect
Sleep Patterns
Eating Patterns- Obesity
Loneliness-Interferes with social
with TV’s in Bedroom do worse
Marijuana Use

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Discovering joy and gratitude
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Discovering joy and gratitude

How do you discover joy and gratitude and move forward in life with purpose and hope? We explore these and other issues related to addiction, mental health, chronic pain, and trauma.

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Suicide Medical Conference Oct 2019
Suicide Medical Conference Oct 2019Suicide Medical Conference Oct 2019
Suicide Medical Conference Oct 2019

OBJECTIVES: Examine the history of suicide in the medical professional and how that differs from other groups Look at variables which contribute to physician burn out Describe and Discuss Depression, Stress and Anxiety in the Medical Community Describe how Addiction, Depression and Anxiety and Suicide Effect Families

suicidebehavioral healthmedicine
Why? Falling Up
Why? Falling Up Why? Falling Up
Why? Falling Up

OBJECTIVES -Who-s Your Family? Describe and Define using Family Maps -Learn how to have open ended Conversations through the Art & Science of Portraiture -Teach the us of Memoir as a way to learn to live with Possibility & Affirm Resilience.

behavioral healthaddiction professionalsaddiction
From Screen Time
To Playing Board Games
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Strategies to Limit Teens
Screen Time
Make Screen Time A Privilege
Role Model Healthy Habits-Limit Your own Screen Time
Discourage Multi-tasking
Establish Clear Rules About Electronics
Encourage Physical Activity
No Screen Time in Car
No digital devices during
family meals
No Screen Time in Car
No Screens on Bedrooms
Develop Alliances with other
Parents, Schools and
Community Groups

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Post Traumatic Growth Symposium
Post Traumatic Growth SymposiumPost Traumatic Growth Symposium
Post Traumatic Growth Symposium

OBJECTIVES - Identify, Describe How Clients and Families Come to your Practice - Identify , Describe and Discuss Addiction, Mental Health , Chronic Pain and Process Disorders -Identify how Trauma, Shame ,Guilt, Humiliation, Embarrassment , Grief and Loss Effect Ones Story about Themselves -Identify how we as clinicians, behavioral health care professionals identify our clients

addiction professionalsaddictiontrauma
Going Home - 5 Phases of Recovery
Going Home - 5 Phases of RecoveryGoing Home - 5 Phases of Recovery
Going Home - 5 Phases of Recovery

The document outlines 5 phases of recovery after returning home from treatment: 1) Change agreements work both ways, expectations need adjusting on both sides. 2) Excitement about being cured quickly turns to questioning when life isn't perfect. 3) A daily routine of meetings, work/school, sponsors, and service helps adjustment. 4) Cooperating with a higher power, setting reasonable goals, and accepting what can't be changed aids progress. 5) Turning complaints into gratitude and accepting what can't be changed leads to final acceptance.

addiction professionalsaddictionrecovery issues
Finding Joy
Finding JoyFinding Joy
Finding Joy

OBJECTIVES: Learning how to care for ourselves and not being attached to the problem to find joy in recovery. Letting Go of what we cannot control. Learning about SA, MH, CP and other Disorders and how they effect us all.

behavioral healthaddiction professionalsaddiction
Educate About Media- Discuss
Advertisements and what they do,
Discuss the dangers of too much
exposure to violence in the news and in
Don’t allow Electronics During
Create Screen Free Days
Schedule Family Activities that Do Not
involve Electronics
Hold Family Meetings to Discuss
Screen time
Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z
Stanger L.& Weber, L (Ed). (2018) The Definitive
Guide To Addiction Intervention-A Collective
Strategy. New York, Ruthledge
Stanger, L.& Porter, R (ed)(2016) Meet the Parents -
Helicopters, Submarines and You. A Sober World.
Stanger, L.& Porter, R. The Latest Trend in Gen Z-Anxiety and
Depression. 2019 The Sober World.
Stanger, L.(2019) 6 Fears That Drive Snow Plow Parents. Thrive Global
Stanger, L. (2018) Hopping on the Vape Train-What are Teens and
Parents to do .Thrive Global
Stanger, L. Teen Vaping. From Flavored to Marijuana , An Alarming
Epidemic Grows (Feb. 2019) Thrive Global
time-teen-vaping-marijuana-parenting-with-dr-louise-stanger april 2019

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Virginia 2019 - The Uninvited Guests
Virginia 2019 - The Uninvited GuestsVirginia 2019 - The Uninvited Guests
Virginia 2019 - The Uninvited Guests

OBJECTIVES: Identify, Describe How Clients and Families Come to your Practice Identify , Describe and Discuss Addiction, Mental Heath , Trauma , Chronic Pain and Process Disorders Identify how Trauma, Shame ,Guilt, Humiliation, Embarrassment , Grief and Loss Effect Ones Story about Themselves

behavioral healthaddiction professionalsaddiction
The Silver Tsunami
The Silver TsunamiThe Silver Tsunami
The Silver Tsunami

This document provides an overview of aging-related issues for seniors in Virginia. It discusses several topics: - The increasing senior population in the US and changing views of aging - Common health concerns among seniors like chronic pain, mental health issues, and substance abuse - Signs of potential substance abuse or addiction among seniors - Challenges seniors face related to isolation, loss, and medical issues - Strategies for supporting seniors' well-being through treatment, education, and engaging activities.

behavioral healthaddiction
Gen Z - the kids are not all right
Gen Z - the kids are not all rightGen Z - the kids are not all right
Gen Z - the kids are not all right

OBJECTIVES: To describe and explain Gen Z To highlight the differences between Gen Z and Millennials To explore the problems of Anxiety and Depression in this group

gen zanxietydepression
Howe, N (2016).Meet Mr. and Mrs Gen X: A New
Parent Generation
Hibbs, Janet PHD &Rostain, Anthony MD, Helping Your
Kids Survive Their College Years, ResourcesPress,2019.
Most Us Teens See Anxiety & Depression as a Major
Problem Among Their Peers-Pew Research 2019

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Is your client in chronic pain?
Is your client in chronic pain?Is your client in chronic pain?
Is your client in chronic pain?

This document discusses chronic pain and strategies for clinicians to help clients dealing with chronic pain. It begins by outlining the prevalence and types of chronic pain, noting it affects over 100 million Americans. It then discusses how chronic pain is not just a physical problem, but also involves mental health and emotional factors. The document presents evidence-based strategies clinicians can use, such as cognitive techniques, exercise, and complementary therapies. It emphasizes the impact of chronic pain on families and provides tips for clinicians to help clients support their loved ones. Overall, the summary emphasizes a biopsychosocial approach to chronic pain that addresses physical, mental, and social factors.

chronic painopioids
Jocelyn center health and wellness fair
Jocelyn center health and wellness fairJocelyn center health and wellness fair
Jocelyn center health and wellness fair

Dr. Louise Stanger gave a presentation at the 2019 Jocelyn Center Health & Wellness Fair. She shared discoveries from experiencing life as a woman, including no longer being able to get pregnant or have periods, and speaking her mind freely. She encouraged attendees to take care of themselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually, set healthy boundaries, make mistakes and learn from them, engage with others, and expect good things. Dr. Stanger's presentation focused on resilience, growth, and self-care.

issues in aging
Creating sustainable family programs
Creating sustainable family programsCreating sustainable family programs
Creating sustainable family programs

This document discusses creating sustainable family programs. It begins with introducing the speaker, Dr. Louise Stanger. The objectives of the talk are then outlined, which include describing and defining family programs, identifying the purpose and mission of programming, reviewing philosophical underpinnings, and discussing evaluation. Key aspects of developing a family program are then covered in more depth, such as defining family, identifying family needs and assumptions, discussing family dynamics, the purpose of programs, qualifications of staff, and desired outcomes. Recommendations and resources are provided at the end.

GenZ is too Busy to Drink or Do Drugs. Vice UK
study-2017-9. Business Insider
To Contact Dr. Stanger

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Exploring Anxiety & Depression in Gen Z

  • 1. Gen Z-1995-2012 The Kids Are Not ALL Right Stanger 2019
  • 4. Objectives To describe and explain Gen Z To highlight the differences between Gen Z and Millennials To explore the problems of Anxiety and Depression in this group
  • 5. Objectives Describe and Discuss major Gen Z issues : Bullying, Cutting, Vaping, Texting ,Self Harm Teen Suicide Alcohol, Marijuana and Other Drug Use Offer Tips to Parents and Counselors
  • 7. The World Is Dangerous- I am Not Safe Born at the time of the Columbine Massacre Witnesses World Towers fall in slow motion Experienced Economic Recession of 2008 Traumatized by Sandy Hook shootings 2012 & more recently Parkland, Florida Intergenerational stress-Parents try to Control Children More There has been about one school shooting a month or other type since Columbine
  • 8. Gen Z High Levels of Loneliness Substitution of social media for true friendship network Constant bombardment of negative self-comparisons A narrowing definition of life success leading to destructive perfectionism all or nothing thinking
  • 9. Gen Z- The Instant Generation Communicates with images Uses multiple channels at one time Takes in information immediately and loses interest instantly “I can simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on instagram , all from the user friendly I phone “ Hannah NY Times The 8 second wonder
  • 10. Gen Z & Social Media Use for Research HDVideo is the Norm 4DLifestyle Emotes/Emojis FOMO Global Friends Less is More Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Snapchat, U-Tube, Vine Camera, Peach, Reddit, Pintrest, ASk.fmTumbler, Flickr, Google EPOXY.tv-Share Video buffer.com, Sproutsocial, Hootsuite-SMM WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram (Facebook) Treat Others the Way They Want to Be Treated
  • 13. Meet The Parents of Gen Z Prize Practicality and Self Reliance Digitally Literate Heightened concern for safety Concerned with practical benefits of what a higher education can do Demand Professionalism and Communication Skeptical and Price Conscious They pick and choose when to attack Stealth Bombers
  • 17. Alcohol- Marijuana and Other Drugs
  • 18. GEN Z-Marijuana, Alcohol Etc 40 yo study says Gen Z avoids sex, alcohol and driving at record rates -slow life strategy- Twenge Suicide rate has passed that of millennials Daily marijuana use surpassed that of alcohol industry Politically Millennials and Gen Z favor legalization of marijuana Gen Z follow millennials in usage-spend $62.35 as compared to millennials spent $72.94per month and baby boomers $89.24
  • 19. Shame, Addiction &Family Mapping Louise Stanger Ed.D, LCSW, CDWF, CIP
  • 21. Meet Clark Adopted FAS- Learning Disabilities Loved Sports but short Bullied Parents Marital Discord Sells & Abuses Drugs Graduating Senior Feisty-Argumentative Depression
  • 22. Meet Milly 14 yo Fraternal Twin Mother Actively Abusing Substances-Parents Divorcing Stops playing tennis, isolates Gains 45 pounds in 3 months weight Starts Cutting Has to go to a New school
  • 24. Clark and Milly are Not Alone Over 3 million teenagers experienced a major depressive disorder in the past year 20% of all American teenagers struggle with depression 6.3 million teenagers have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder 2013 Ottawa public Health- Teens who use social media sites for more then 2 hours a day are more likely to experience anxiety and depression
  • 25. Best Approaches to Buffer Stress/Anxiety/ depression Teach better coping skills through mindfulness, breathing, meditation, yoga, self acceptance Develop and cultivate close friendships in “real’ time and space Engage in meaningful actions to address societal sources of stress Family communication helps. When Parents Listen Children will talk Listen to ask for help. You are Not alone
  • 27. Vaping A new epidemic-3.6 million teens -1 in 5 high school students Vaping is leading teens to try e- cigarettes- increase in nicotine addiction Vaping marijuana according to Stanford psychologist Bonnie- Halpern Fisher “damage brain function’ “ONCE MARAJUNA IS INT
  • 28. Tips for Parents Be calm, listen , avoid criticism Ask questions, with interest Set Tobacco free examples Choose what you will and will not pay for Develop parental alliances in the community Set healthy boundaries Remember you are the Parent and you do not have to pay for bad habits Keep the dialogue open
  • 30. Cutting 20-25% of adolescent girls and 10-14% of adolescent boys report self injury Bully and sexual trauma are seen as drivers for self injury LGBTQ+ teens are twice as likely to self injure
  • 31. Self Injury Is a way in which teens struggling with their own emotions can find relief in suffering and emotional pain Soothes emotions that often originate from feeling poorly understood in family, friendships, relationships, interpersonal strife Have the capacity to become habitual Can increase in severity or frequency when self injury susessfully helps to manage suffering Often a behavior that accompanies psychological diagnosis Jim Holsomback M.A., McLean Hospital
  • 32. Self -Injury in General is not A Direct Path to Suicide Successfully Treated by Medicine ( therapy and support more successful in treating A cry for help-often initial incidents of self injury are done without others knowing A painful way to punish or engage others KNOWTHAT If a child had a better way to self regulate they would Don’t let shame prevent anyone from getting treatment Parents benefit from support groups as well
  • 33. Parent Talk: How to Respond BE CALM- Easier said then done - Your teen is communicating which is great- Do Not Overreact Shut UP and LISTEN! FOCUS ON GOALS - provide professional help PUNISHMENT IS A POOR AGENT OF CHANGE
  • 34. Bullying Direct - bullying that occurs in the presence of another youth Indirect-spreading rumors etc Four types- physical, verbal, relational (hurting reputations) and damage to property Cyberbullying - 9% of students grades 61-12 15% of HS students say they have been electronically cyperbullied 55.2% of LGBTQ report cyberbullying
  • 35. What we know Between 1-4 US students say they have been bullied 28% if US students grade 6-12 20% of US students 9-12 70.6% of young people report they have sen bullying in schools 70.4 % of staff, 62% witnessed bullying 2 or more times When bystanders intervene , bullying stops within 10 sec 57% of the time Most bullying happens in middle school Children who are perceived as different are more likely to be bullied Bullies - children who are aggressive easily frustrated. have less parental involvement, think badly of others, have difficulty following rules, view violence in a positive way, have friends who bully others
  • 36. The More We Know There is not a single profile of a young person involved in bullying Disconnect between adults and youth-Adults don’t know exactly what to do about bullying Most bullying takes place in schools or online and cell phones
  • 37. Respond to Bullying Do Intervene-Its ok to ask an adult for help Separate kids involved Make sure all are sake Tend to any immediate medical mental health needs Stay Calm
  • 38. Bullying and Suicide The relationship between bullying and suicide is complex It is not accurate and potentially dangerous to present bullying as cause or reason for suicide Media should NOT use word “BULLYCIDE” Persistent bullying can lead to isolation, rejection, exclusion and despair Vast majority of teens who are bullied do not become suicidal Most young people who die by suicide have multiple risk factors- Some youth (LGBTQ) are at increased risk for suicide without bullying
  • 39. Avoid These Common Mistakes Do not ignore-thinking kids can work out on their own Don’t immediately try to sort out the facts Don’t force kids to say publicly what they saw Don’t question kids in front of other kids Don’t talk to kids involved together, talk separately Don’t make kids involved or patch up relationships on the spot. If a weapon is involved, threats of physical harm, serious bodily harm, sexual abuse, anyone accused of an illegal act such as robbery or extortion using force to get money, property or services immediately get medical and police help
  • 40. Prevention Help kids Understand Bullying Keep communication Open- speak to a trusted adult Encourage Kids to Do what they Love Model How to Treat Others https://www.stopbullying.gov/ prevention/index.html
  • 42. Statistics Suicide rates increased 33% between 1999 and 2014 Males are mo4 times more likely to complete Suicide rates for females doubled from 20017-2017 )ages 10-14) compared with other age groups (hanging and suffocation) There are 25 attempts to 1 completed suicide Females have higher rates of suicide ideation and are more likely to attempt Firearms are used in over half
  • 43. Warning Signs Sense of hopelessness Social Withdrawal and Isolation Helplessness Feelings of Failure Being a Burden to Others Preoccupation with Death and Dying Lack of Future Goals Drop in School Grades Giving Away Prized Possessions
  • 44. Significant Life Events Loss of a love object History of suicide in family Recent suicide of a friend Negative parental attitude toward teen Disharmony in family
  • 45. Other Causes Poor Academic Performance Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse Unhealthy relationships, physical, sexual abuse Feelings of Guilt and Shame-targets of Bullying Feelings of Anger Physical or Mental Health issues Sibling Rivalry
  • 46. Types of Teen Suicide Firearms Hanging Alcohol or other drug overdose Drowning Suffocation Electric Shock
  • 47. Talking with Teens The suicidal teen may not talk directly about suicidal plans or wishes It is OK to ask : “Are you thinking about killing yourself ?” It is a myth that talking about suicide to a distressed individual can lead to suicide
  • 48. Suicidal Teens are Often in a Confused State Talking helps clarify internal states Teen may express verbally , by gesture or expression You have to try and understand Implied feelings and restate and reflect back
  • 49. Dos and Don’ts of Suicide Prevention Do Assess for Risk. If risk appears grave then the teen needs to be taken to hospital 5150 hold for 72 hours Do Inform parents or guardians of teen suicidal crisis Do Ensure Follow up by appropriate person
  • 50. DON’TS Do not put on your super woman or man cape and think you alone can save Do not sound shock or say suicide would be an embarrassment Do not engage in philosophical debate . You may not only lose the debate but the suicidal teenager
  • 51. Crisis Interview Model Present as concerned, effective helper Focus on teens emotion and encourage expression Empathize with teens expressed affect Identify problems with teens Review mutually determined strategy with teen and seek agreement
  • 52. Confront them in calm , warm manner, “when someone is feeling extremely upset, they may have thoughts of suicide. Is this something you have been thinking about? Always ask are you thinking about killing yourselves? the answer will tell you if teen has a plan etc. If teen has a plan use SAL How Specific is the plan Is there a method Available to carry out the threat How Lethal is the proposed method
  • 55. Common Texts LOL-Laugh out loud GR8=Great IRL=In real Life TYVM=Thank you very much J/K=Just Kidding L8R=Later NP= No Problem WYD=what’s you doing
  • 56. TEXTS 53x= Sneaky way to type sex KMS= Kill myself LH6=Lets have sex KYS=Kill Yourself MOS=Moms Over the shoulder POS=Parents over the shoulder CD9=Parents Around GNOC=Get Naked on Camera 99=Parents are gone IWSN-I want to have sex now https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/2017/05/21/sneaky-teen-texting-codes-what-they-mean- when-worry/101844248/
  • 57. Texting and Driving South Dakota ranks #2 for Distracted Driving Hand held Ban-No All Cell Phone Ban-No Novice drivers-Drivers with learner or intermediate license. Secondary Law Text Messing Ban-Secondary Ban https://www.ghsa.org/index.php/state- laws/issues/distracted%20driving Peer to Peer Guide Governors Traffic Safety https://www.ghsa.org/sites/ default/files/2019-04/peer-to- peer-2019.pdf 64% of South Dakota teens admit to texting behind wheel
  • 58. The Oymoron 89% of all teens have smart phones (2016, Pew Report) Jean Twenge reports the relationships diminish based on increase of screen time.Computers etc are used in school, for homework etc.
  • 63. Screen Time and Teens Kasier, Pew , Berkley Science for the Greater Good
  • 64. Screen Time Can Effect Sleep Patterns Eating Patterns- Obesity Loneliness-Interferes with social Activities School-Educational-Children with TV’s in Bedroom do worse academically Anxiety-Depression Marijuana Use
  • 65. From Screen Time To Playing Board Games
  • 67. Strategies to Limit Teens Screen Time Make Screen Time A Privilege Role Model Healthy Habits-Limit Your own Screen Time Discourage Multi-tasking Establish Clear Rules About Electronics Encourage Physical Activity No Screen Time in Car
  • 68. Strategies No digital devices during family meals No Screen Time in Car No Screens on Bedrooms Develop Alliances with other Parents, Schools and Community Groups
  • 69. Strategies Educate About Media- Discuss Advertisements and what they do, Discuss the dangers of too much exposure to violence in the news and in games Don’t allow Electronics During Mealtimes Create Screen Free Days Schedule Family Activities that Do Not involve Electronics Hold Family Meetings to Discuss Screen time
  • 71. Resources Stanger L.& Weber, L (Ed). (2018) The Definitive Guide To Addiction Intervention-A Collective Strategy. New York, Ruthledge Stanger, L.& Porter, R (ed)(2016) Meet the Parents - Helicopters, Submarines and You. A Sober World.
  • 72. Resources Stanger, L.& Porter, R. The Latest Trend in Gen Z-Anxiety and Depression. 2019 The Sober World. Stanger, L.(2019) 6 Fears That Drive Snow Plow Parents. Thrive Global Stanger, L. (2018) Hopping on the Vape Train-What are Teens and Parents to do .Thrive Global Stanger, L. Teen Vaping. From Flavored to Marijuana , An Alarming Epidemic Grows (Feb. 2019) Thrive Global .http://thatsoberguy.libsyn.com/tsg-ep259-managing-your-kids-screen- time-teen-vaping-marijuana-parenting-with-dr-louise-stanger april 2019
  • 73. Resources https://www.keystoneacademic.com/news/ communicating-with-generation-z-everything-you-need- to-know Howe, N (2016).Meet Mr. and Mrs Gen X: A New Parent Generation https://www.faie.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Next- Generation-Marketing-to-Gen-Z-and-Their-Parents.pdf
  • 74. Resources https://thriveglobal.com/stories/90-of-generation-z-says- they-re-stressed-out-here-s-why/? utm_source=Newsletter_AH&utm_medium=Thrive Hibbs, Janet PHD &Rostain, Anthony MD, Helping Your Kids Survive Their College Years, ResourcesPress,2019. https://www.pewinternet.org/2018/11/28/teens-social- media-habits-and-experiences/pi_2018-11-28_teens-social- media_0-01/
  • 75. Resources Most Us Teens See Anxiety & Depression as a Major Problem Among Their Peers-Pew Research 2019 https://www.stopbullying.gov/what-you-can-do/teens/ index.html https://www.stopbullying.gov/what-you-can-do/teens/ index.html https://www.stopbullying.gov/laws/index.html
  • 78. Resources GenZ is too Busy to Drink or Do Drugs. Vice UK https://www.businessinsider.com/generation-z-sex-alcohol-driving- study-2017-9. Business Insider https://www.insidesources.com/more-sober-than-millennials-generation-z- could-dramatically-affect-alcohol-market/ https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/millennials-generation-x-and- gen-z-are-all-unanimous-in-their-position-to-legalize-marijuana-2019-03-12 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/24/us/california-today-marijuana- consumers-by-the-numbers.html
  • 79. To Contact Dr. Stanger 619-507-1699 DrStanger@allaboutintervetio ns.com www.http:// allaboutinterventions.com