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St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon

     Higher Education Department

             S. Y. 2011-2012

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Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 1


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

        My Target
        At the end of this activity, I should be able to explain the concepts, nature and purposes of the
curriculum and how these are translated into the school community.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 1 – Look deeper into the concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum
Focused on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the
               school community
                          EXEMPLARY             SUPERIOR          SATISFACTORY        UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                   3                    2                    1
Observation/          All tasks were       All or nearly all    Nearly all tasks     Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with            tasks were done      were done with       tasks were done;
                      outstanding          with high quality    acceptable quality or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                  met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                        quality
                                4                   3                    2                    1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
                      were answered        were answered        were not             were not answered
                      completely; in       completely           answered
                      depth answers                             completely           Grammar and
                      thoroughly           Clear connection                          spelling
                      grounded on          with theories        Vaguely related to unsatisfactory
                      theories                                  the theories
Exemplary            Grammar and           Grammar and
                    grammar and          spelling are          spelling
                    spelling             superior              acceptable
                             4                     3                    2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection            Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are        statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not        shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported     supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences        experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode      the episode           experiences from
                                                                                     the episode
                              4                   3                     2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is          Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,      incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized        supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most              documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting            organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation         lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                     2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline           A day after the       Two days or more
                                                               deadline              after the deadline
                             4                   3                      2                      1

Over-all Score                                       Rating:
                                                     (Based on

 ____________________________________                        ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                          Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                         Score          Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                12-13     -     2.50     - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                11        -     2.75     - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                10        -     3.00     - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                8-9        -    3.5      - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                7-below   -     5.00     - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Tools
        Accomplish the H Chart. Interview an administrator or a faculty member. Get their ides/views of
the curriculum. Write the differences on both sides and the similarities at the center and then write your
personal insights.

        Traditional                                                             Progressive
        Curriculum                                                              Curriculum

       Lack of instruct-                                                > They are updated
        tional materials                   Similarities                  > Gives all the learner’s
       Crowded classroom                                                  needs and interest
       Lack of chairs,                   Both of them                  > Introduces new strate-
        equipments/                          teach the students            gies in teaching
        facilities, and                      with their needs.           > they are now globally
        books                             Wants to                        competetive
       The teachers don’t                   accomplish a        > It      has a total learning
        have enough                                                        experiences among the
                                             certain goal.
        knowledge on                                                       students/learners
        technologies for                  Gives the students            > Gives opportunities
        effective and                        a good process of             to develop a high order
         meaningful teaching                 learning style.               thinking skills
       There are some                                                   > used modern instruct-
        obsolete ideas                                                     tional materials that
                                                                           are suited to the needs
                                                                           of the learners

                 My Personal Insights
                      Traditional curriculum is really far if we
              compared this to progressive curriculum. In
              progressive curriculum, there is a quality of
              education – the teachers are competitive and ready
              to compete to our globally competitive world.

                      The students in progressive curriculum, and
              eager to learn unlike in traditional curriculum.
My Enriching Activities
      If you are to design a curriculum for your own school, what are the things you need to consider?
Accomplish the graphic organizer below.

                                           Methods to
                                            be used

                  Best                                                   The support of
             instructional                                                my personnel,
             materials for                                                teachers and
                                        Things I Need to                other staff of my
                                         Do to Consider
                                        in Preparing My

                    The learner’s                               The school’s
                     needs and                                 Vision, Mission
                      interest                                and Core Values

                           My Analysis
            1. Why do we need to consider the traditional and progressive points of
            view of curriculum?

                   So that we should transfer the traditional one to
            progressive. Nowadays, there is really a need to have a
            progressive curriculum because today’s generation is far
            different from that of the past. We must need to suit the
            needs of the time. Everything is changing yet it has a good
            outcome for everyone.
2. How do the different educational philosophies relate to the curriculum in the
schools you visited? Cite examples/situations.

       Educational philosophies are related to the school I’ve been
observed for they have a quality education. They are PAASCU
accredited. Aside from engaging to activities that enhance the
learning of the students, the teachers also mold them to be good
citizens through Vincentian formation.

3. Why is there a need to revise the curriculum from time to time?

       There is a need to revise the curriculum from time to time for
us to suit the needs of time. We should go on with the flow of life
and we should revise the it now because curriculum in the past is not
anymore very effective or suited for today’s generation.

       My Reflections/ My Insights

       Language is dynamic as well as the curriculum. We have different
curriculum in the past and in the present. We are now in a globally
competitive world. A world that also needs competitive teachers and
students. So, how will you become competitive if your curriculum is
traditional? And if it doesn’t aware of the new learnings of today?
       Students now are fond of using computers. They will probably
choose going to the computer shop than going to school. As a teacher,
what will you do? Don’t be a boring teacher! An effective way of solving
this kind of phenomena is that the teachers must use technology in
teaching. Make it as your partner in delivering a lesson so that the
students will not get bored. Make a teaching-learning process lively and
My Portfolio
Exploring the curriculum(fs4)
Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 2


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

        My Target
        At the end of this activity, I should be able to identify the components of the curriculum and
curricular approaches.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 2 – What’s the curriculum made of?
Focused on: The components of the curriculum and curricular approaches.
                          EXEMPLARY              SUPERIOR       SATISFACTORY           UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                     3                2                       1
Observation/          All tasks were        All or nearly all Nearly all tasks        Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with             tasks were done   were done with          tasks were done;
                      outstanding           with high quality acceptable quality      or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                   met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                         quality
                                4                     3                2                       1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions        Analysis questions
                      were answered         were answered     were not                were not answered
                      completely; in        completely        answered
                      depth answers                           completely              Grammar and
                      thoroughly            Clear connection                          spelling
                      grounded on           with theories     Vaguely related to      unsatisfactory
                      theories                                the theories
                      Exemplary             Grammar and
                      grammar and           spelling are      Grammar and
spelling             superior                spelling
                             4                     3                      2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection              Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are          statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not          shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported       supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences          experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode        the episode           experiences from
                                                                                       the episode
                              4                   3                       2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is            Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,        incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized          supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most                documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting              organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation           lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                       2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline             A day after the       Two days or more
                                                                 deadline              after the deadline
                               4                    3                     2                      1

Over-all Score                                          Rating:
                                                        (Based on

 ____________________________________                         ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                           Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                            Score       Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                   12-13     - 2.50        - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                   11        - 2.75        - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                   10        - 3.00        - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                   8-9        - 3.5        - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                   7-below   - 5.00        - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Map
   For this concept, go through the following steps.

                                                           2. Interview a school
1. Visit a school and find out
                                                        administrator/faculty about
how they attain the aims of
                                                         how they concretize their
 elementary, secondary and
                                                       school's vision and goals into
     tertiary education.
                                                              the curriculum.

                                                         3. Record the different
  4. Interview one or two
                                                       methods/startegies that they
students and ask them their
                                                        employed to attain their
  school's vision/mission.
                                                           school's objectives.
My Tools
       For this Episode, visit a school/university or get a copy of the school brochure. Copy the
school/university’s vision, mission and goals on this page.

 I         •The St. Louise de Marrillac College of Sorsogon of the St. Louise de
 S          Marrilac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity is an
            audacious Christ-centered ministry commited to empowering
 I          communitiesto learners into inner-directed Vincentian leaders and
            advocates of persons who are poor.

             •At St. Louise de Marrilac College of Sorsogon we commit
  M           ourselves to:
             •Courageously pursue value innovative educational programs and
  I           services rooted in Christ.

  S          •Interdependently accelerate leadership and professional
              development through continuing education and intensive
  S           Vincentian Formatin.
             •Synergistically facilitate the integral development of the learners
  I           towards transformation through current researchers, relevant
  O           currircular offerings and responsive community extension services.
             •Relentlessly generate a new breed of self-directed, global and
  N           environmentally caring Vincentian leaders.
             •Ardently support one another in sustaining the shared mission.

           •CORE VALUES
 G         •Advocacy for persons who are poor.
           •Respect for human dignity and integrity of creation.
 O         •Compassionate Service.
 A         •Co-responsibility.
 L         •Commitment to Excellence.
 S         •Social Commitment.
My Analysis
1. How important is the school’s vision, mission and goals in designing the curriculum?

      It is important in designing the curriculum because it will serve as trademark of
the school. These are what the school needs to accomplish. They have vision, mission
and goals so that the school will be able to maintain their objectives and standards in

2. What methods and strategies were employed by the school community to realize these goals?

       The methods and strategies were employed is through activities that suited to
the vision, mission and goals of the school. The school community does their best just
to make sure that the curriculum of their school should be effective to the students.
And to achieve this, they will serve first as the model to the students. They are the
one who will first apply the vision, mission and goals of the school in their day-to-day

3. How did the students manifest that they have internalized their vision, mission and goals?

       Through engaging themselves in the different activities that the school has
implemented. If they follow the rules and regulations of the school that even though
they are outside of the school, or they are already graduated, still they did not forget
the vision, mission and goals that they previous school had. And if the students still
apply these thing in real-life situation, not only inside the classroom or campus.

                      My Reflections/ My Insights

                     The school should have its vision, mission and goals so
              that the students have a rule to be followed. This helps the
              students to be morally upright. In this institution, there are
              lots of things that I’ve learned. This is the type of school that
              has a quality of education. As a student, there are lots of
              Do’s and Don’ts to be followed. And this made me become a
              better person.
Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 3


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

       My Target
       At the end of this activity, I should be able to discuss the teaching and learning process.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 3– What’s New In Teaching and Learning?
Focused on: The teaching and learning process in curriculum.
                          EXEMPLARY            SUPERIOR         SATISFACTORY            UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                   3                  2                        1
Observation/          All tasks were      All or nearly all   Nearly all tasks         Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with           tasks were done     were done with           tasks were done;
                      outstanding         with high quality   acceptable quality       or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                    met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                          quality
                                4                   3                  2                        1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions         Analysis questions
                      were answered       were answered       were not                 were not answered
                      completely; in      completely          answered
                      depth answers                           completely               Grammar and
                      thoroughly          Clear connection                             spelling
                      grounded on         with theories       Vaguely related to       unsatisfactory
                      theories                                the theories
                      Exemplary           Grammar and
                      grammar and         spelling are        Grammar and
                      spelling            superior            spelling
                             4                     3                    2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection            Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are        statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not        shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported     supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences        experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode      the episode           experiences from
                                                                                     the episode
                              4                   3                     2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is          Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,      incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized        supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most              documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting            organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation         lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                     2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline           A day after the       Two days or more
                                                               deadline              after the deadline
                             4                   3                      2                      1

Over-all Score                                       Rating:
                                                     (Based on

 ____________________________________                        ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                          Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                         Score          Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                12-13     -     2.50     - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                11        -     2.75     - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                10        -     3.00     - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                8-9        -    3.5      - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                7-below   -     5.00     - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Map
In order to reach my target I should do the following steps using the given pyramid.

                                     3. Write
                                  your insights
                                on teaching and

                          2. Observe a class.

          1. Write your ideas on teaching and
My Tools
      For this episode, I will use the activity from given below.

Interview a teacher. Ask if they perform these series of actions in the teaching process.

            • Includes decisions about:
 P          •the needs of the learners

 L          •the aschievable goals and objectives to meet the needs
            •the selection of the content to be taught
 A          •the motivation to carry out the goals
 N          •the strategies that are suited to carry out the goals/objectives
            •the evaluation process to measure learning outcomes.

 L          •requires the teacher to implement what has been planned. based on
 E           the objectives, implementation means to put into action the
             different activities in order to achieve the goals through the subject
 M           matter.
  A         •a match of the objectives with the learning outcomes will be made.
  L          the kind of information should be determined so that the type of
  U          evaluation should be chosen to fit the purpose.
            • it will answer the question if the plans and implementation has been
  A          succesfully achieved.
Observe a class, record the situations where these behavioral learning theories are applied in real
classroom work.

          Behavioral Learning Theories – emphasize
          observable behavior such as new skills,
          knowledge or attitudes which can be

                           When the teacher gives activity such as research
                    work, experimentations, demonstration of a certain thing
                    and the like. This will help the teacher to examine the
                    learner’s behavior for the certain activity.

            Cognitive Learning Theories – unobservable
            mental processes are used to learn and
            remember new information or acquire skills.

                        This is seen during recitation, quizzes, exams,
               projects, etc. wherein, the teacher could be able to
               measure the learning capacity of an individual.
Discovery Learning – individual
learns from his discovery of the

                            Learning by Doing. This is seen during the
                      experimentation, thesis, research and the like.
                      Wherein the students are able to explore and
                      could get ideas out of what they saw in their

      Reception Learning – learners are actively
     involved in their own learning.

                              We could say that it will be seen
                      during performances like drama, role plays,
                      poem, reciting, singing, etc. The learners
                      are actively participating and learn a lot
                      through mingling with others.

                              If the activities are on their needs or
                      their capacity to do such thing. And if it is
                      based on their skills and abilities.
My Analysis
1. Explain why teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum.

        Teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum because this is
the process wherein the teacher and the students interact with each other
interchangeably or vice versa. If there is an effective teaching-learning process, it’s
really a big help to the curriculum. It’s a big honor because each complements and
supplements each other. The value placed in teaching will reap the same value in
learning. Thus, a good curriculum can be judged by the kind if teaching and the quality
of learning derived from it.

2. Discuss why the deluge of information poses a great challenge to both teaching and learning.

      The curriculum seems to be overloaded since it has too many subjects to cover,
too many topics to be discuss. Sometimes, the curriculum is fragmented or is simply
bowed. Unfortunately, the learner’s life is not compartmentalized.

                     My Reflections/ My Insights
                                  I LIKE TEACHING BECAUSE...

                     For me this is a very challenging and exiting
             profession of all. Teaching is the noblest of all profession.
             I like teaching because It molds the hearts, minds and
             hands of students. If you are really an effective and
             efficient teacher, you could touch your student’s lives.
             You will be their inspiration and they will never forget you
             for the rest of their lives.
Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 4


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

        My Target
          At the end of this activity, I should be able to differentiate the different curriculum design

           My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 4 – Let’s craft the curriculum
Focused on: The different curriculum design models.
                          EXEMPLARY               SUPERIOR            SATISFACTORY          UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                      3                     2                      1
Observation/          All tasks were         All or nearly all      Nearly all tasks       Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with              tasks were done        were done with         tasks were done;
                      outstanding            with high quality      acceptable quality     or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                        met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                              quality
                                4                      3                     2                      1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions         Analysis questions     Analysis questions
                      were answered          were answered          were not               were not answered
                      completely; in         completely             answered
                      depth answers                                 completely             Grammar and
                      thoroughly             Clear connection                              spelling
                      grounded on            with theories          Vaguely related to     unsatisfactory
                      theories                                      the theories
                      Exemplary              Grammar and
                      grammar and            spelling are           Grammar and
                      spelling               superior               spelling
                             4                     3                    2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection            Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are        statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not        shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported     supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences        experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode      the episode           experiences from
                                                                                     the episode
                              4                   3                     2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is          Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,      incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized        supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most              documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting            organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation         lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                     2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline           A day after the       Two days or more
                                                               deadline              after the deadline
                             4                   3                      2                      1

Over-all Score                                       Rating:
                                                     (Based on

 ____________________________________                        ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                          Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                         Score          Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                12-13     -     2.50     - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                11        -     2.75     - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                10        -     3.00     - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                8-9        -    3.5      - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                7-below   -     5.00     - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Map
To reach my target, I should do these steps.

                    Observe a class.

                                       Identify the curriculum
                         2             design used by schools.

                                                     Reflect and write my
                                               3     insights/learning gained
                                                     from the activities.
My Analysis

1. Examine the Basic Education Curriculum. What aspects do you want to modify. Why?

       I want t modify the English subject in Secondary Education Curriculum. This
was said that in English, this addresses the communicative needs of students by
adopting a communicative, interactive, collaborative approach to learning as well as
reflection and introspection with the aim in view of developing autonomous language
learners aware of and able to cope with global trends.

2. What curriculum models do you prefer? Why?

       I will choose Learner-Centered Design because among the progressive
educational psychologists, the learner is the center of the educative process. This
emphasis is very strong in the elementary level, however, more concern has been placed
on the secondary and even the tertiary levels.
My Reflections/ My Insights

            Subject – Centered                          Problem-Center
              Design Model                              Design Model

 This model focuses on the content of      Draws on social problems, needs,
the curriculum.                                 interests, and abilities of the
                                                learners. Various problems are
 Correspondents mostly to                              given emphasis.
the textbook, written for     What do I
the specific subject             like                   Content cuts across
                            best in these               subject boundaries and
                                                       must be based on the needs,
                             curriculum                 concerns and abilities of the
                              designs?                  students.

                               Design Model

            The learner is the center of the educative process.
            It focuses on the learners, their needs and the learnings
  that they should acquire from the teachers and from their activities
  and experiences as well.

                 Exploring the Curriculum

 Episode 5                      Learner-Centered
                                  Design Model

Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

        My Target
        At the end of this activity, I should be able to cite the dimensions of curriculum design.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 5 – what’s the basic of the curriculum?
Focused on: Cite the dimensions of curriculum design.
                          EXEMPLARY              SUPERIOR           SATISFACTORY         UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                     3                    2                     1
Observation/          All tasks were        All or nearly all     Nearly all tasks      Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with             tasks were done       were done with        tasks were done;
                      outstanding           with high quality     acceptable quality    or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                     met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                           quality
                                4                     3                    2                     1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions       Analysis questions    Analysis questions
                      were answered         were answered         were not              were not answered
                      completely; in        completely            answered
                      depth answers                               completely            Grammar and
                      thoroughly            Clear connection                            spelling
                      grounded on           with theories         Vaguely related to    unsatisfactory
                      theories                                    the theories
                      Exemplary             Grammar and
                      grammar and           spelling are          Grammar and
                      spelling              superior              spelling
                              4                       3                    2                      1
My Reflection        Reflection             Reflection            Reflection            Reflection
                     statements are         statements are        statements are        statements are
                     profound and           clear, but not        shallow;              unclear and
                     clear, supported       clearly supported     supported by          shallow and are
                     by experiences         by experiences        experiences from      not supported by
                     from the episode       from the episode      the episode           experiences from
                                                                                        the episode
                              4                      3                     2                      1
My Portfolio         Portfolio is           Portfolio is          Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
complete, clear,      complete, clear,      incomplete;           lacking
                      well-organized        well-organized        supporting            components; is
                      and all supporting    and most              documentation is      unorganized and
                      documentation         supporting            organized but is      unclear
                      are located in        documentation         lacking
                      sections clearly      are available
                      designated            and/or in logical
                                            and clearly
                                            marked locations.
                              4                      3                     2                      1
Submission            Before deadline       On deadline           A day after the       Two days or more
                                                                  deadline              after the deadline
                               4                    3                      2                      1

Over-all Score                                          Rating:
                                                        (Based on

 ____________________________________                           ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                             Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                            Score          Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                   12-13     -     2.50     - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                   11        -     2.75     - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                   10        -     3.00     - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                   8-9        -    3.5      - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                   7-below   -     5.00     - below
14      - 2.25      - 84

         My Map

To hit my target, I must do the following task.
Identify the                        Give some
                     dimensions                           situation
Examine a
                        of the                           samples of
                      curriculum                             each
                        design                           dimension

   My Tools

              Vertical repetition and recurring approaches of the content provide
Continuity    continuity.
Examples of topics in a subject area where content is organized in a spiral fashion increasing in breadth
and depth.

      For example in English, the topic is part of speech. So, to discuss all the parts
of speech, you should organize fist the first part of speech to be discussed. Example,
here are the sequence, discuss first the noun, followed by pronoun, next is verb,
followed by adjective and so forth.

                My Analysis

1. Why is there a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school?

       There is a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school that
there is a connection between the lower level and the next level. So that if the
students are entering high school, they will not be surprised because the lessons s still
related when they are in elementary. As a teacher, you should discuss the lesson from
step by step, the lesson should be organized. The teacher must not jump into another
topic without finishing the previous one.
My Reflections/ My Insights
As a teacher, I need to understand fully well the dimensions of
curriculum design because…

       This is really needed when you are in the teaching
profession. This must be followed to avoid confusion in the
part of the students. The teacher should be aware of these
things so that whenever/whatever schools she will be
assigned, she had already had the knowledge about the
dimensions of curriculum design. And in order for her to
also understand the curriculum she belongs, for her to
respect the curriculum of the school that she presently
Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 6


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

       My Target
        At the end of this activity, I should be able to enumerate the six (6) features of a curriculum.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 6 – Tell Me Your Features
Focused on: The six (6) features of a curriculum.
                          EXEMPLARY              SUPERIOR           SATISFACTORY         UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                     3                    2                     1
Observation/          All tasks were        All or nearly all     Nearly all tasks      Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with             tasks were done       were done with        tasks were done;
                      outstanding           with high quality     acceptable quality    or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                     met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                           quality
                                4                     3                    2                     1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions       Analysis questions    Analysis questions
                      were answered         were answered         were not              were not answered
                      completely; in        completely            answered
                      depth answers                               completely            Grammar and
                      thoroughly            Clear connection                            spelling
                      grounded on           with theories         Vaguely related to    unsatisfactory
                      theories                                    the theories
                      Exemplary             Grammar and
                      grammar and           spelling are          Grammar and
                      spelling              superior              spelling
4                     3                    2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection            Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are        statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not        shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported     supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences        experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode      the episode           experiences from
                                                                                     the episode
                              4                   3                     2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is          Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,      incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized        supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most              documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting            organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation         lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                     2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline           A day after the       Two days or more
                                                               deadline              after the deadline
                             4                   3                      2                      1

Over-all Score                                       Rating:
                                                     (Based on

 ____________________________________                        ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                          Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                         Score       Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                12-13     - 2.50         - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                11        - 2.75         - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                10        - 3.00         - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                8-9        - 3.5         - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                7-below   - 5.00         - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Map
To get on task, I should know the answers to these questions.


                                                 do teachers teach?

                                                 do teachers teach?

                                                 do teachers teach?

                                                 much of the teachers?
                                                 lessons were learned?

                                                 do we teach?
My Tools
Interview a teacher in the school you visited and inquire how they have utilized their parents as school
partners in education.

                           I interviewed Mrs. Lea Gabad a teacher from
                   Matnog National High School which I conducted an
                   actual examination in her class as part of our
                   requirements in Assessment of Learning 1 under Mr.
                   Ruel Frago. According to her, parents are really
                   important as one of the partners of the school in
                   education because parents play a big part in education.
                   At the beginning of the school year, during the Brigada
                   Eskwela, parents are the person invited to help the
                   school by means of cleaning in the entire school. All of
                   the parents are helping each other for the good of the
                   school and for the good of their children. They want to
                   help the school because this is the second home of their
                   children having teachers as a second parents.
My Analysis
1. As a future teacher, I need to know and understand the six (6) features of the curriculum because...

             These are really important for me to become an effective
             and efficient teacher someday. For me, to be able to
             know the things I should do for the good of my students,
             and to my curriculum as well.

                     My Reflections/ My Insights

                     Be a well-developed teacher!

                   As a future teacher, this is a big challenge to me. Could I
             become an effective and efficient teacher someday? Could I
             effectively use my head, hearts and hands in helping my students to
             be better? According to Dr. Koo the teacher should use the 3H’s in
             teaching the students. Head—teaching lots of ideas to learning, by
             molding them academically; Hearts—helps them if they have a
             problem/s, be a compassionate teacher; and Hands—be helpful, be
             approachable, we should not help the students through financial
             aspects but we could help them through giving advices and support.
Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 7


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

        My Target
        At the end of this activity, I should be able to identify the contribution of students in enhancing
and assessing the curriculum.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 7 – The Wh- of the curriculum
Focused on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the
school community.
                          EXEMPLARY             SUPERIOR        SATISFACTORY       UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                    3                 2                   1
Observation/          All tasks were       All or nearly all  Nearly all tasks    Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with            tasks were done    were done with      tasks were done;
                      outstanding          with high quality  acceptable quality or most objectives
                      quality; work                                               met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                     quality
                                4                    3                 2                   1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions
                      were answered        were answered      were not            were not answered
                      completely; in       completely         answered
                      depth answers                           completely          Grammar and
                      thoroughly           Clear connection                       spelling
                      grounded on          with theories      Vaguely related to unsatisfactory
                      theories                                the theories
                      Exemplary            Grammar and
                      grammar and          spelling are       Grammar and
spelling             superior                spelling
                             4                     3                      2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection              Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are          statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not          shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported       supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences          experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode        the episode           experiences from
                                                                                       the episode
                              4                   3                       2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is            Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,        incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized          supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most                documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting              organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation           lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                       2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline             A day after the       Two days or more
                                                                 deadline              after the deadline
                               4                    3                     2                      1

Over-all Score                                          Rating:
                                                        (Based on

 ____________________________________                         ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                           Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                            Score       Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                   12-13     - 2.50        - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                   11        - 2.75        - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                   10        - 3.00        - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                   8-9        - 3.5        - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                   7-below   - 5.00        - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Map
To attain my target, I should do the following:

  1. Identify the various
  implementations of the              2. State the role of
   curriculum.                          technology in        3. Explain the
                                      delivering the         different ways of
                                      curriculum             assessing the
                  .                                          curriculum.
My Portfolio

Write an acronym for curriculum assessment.

              A                      • ttainable

              S                      • pecific

              S                      • tudent-centered

              E                      • nvironmental-concerned

              S                      • tandardized

              S                      • yntactic correctnesss

             M                       • easurable

              E                      • valuative

             N                       • orm-reference

              T                      • ime bound
My Tools
1. explain ways on how to effectively implement the curriculum. Interview the school

                                      by being a good
                                      follower of the
                                         rules of a
                                                                        Faculty Menbers:
      by supporting
                                                                        by having unity to
      their children
                                                                           each other.
       to engage in
                                                                            teach the
        whatever                                                        children the Do's
       activities of                                                       and Don'ts.


      by making rules
                                                                        they are partners
      and regualtions
                                                                         of the school.
     that will help the
                                                                          They give also
       children to be
                                                                         support to the
     better personds.
                                           Other                             school.
                                          help the
                                      curriculum to be
                                       more effective
                                           for the
                                      improvement of
2. Visit the Learning Resource Center of a school. Interview the media/learning resource staff. How does
technology help in delivery the curriculum?

                             Technology is a big help. It is the symbol of how
                     the curriculum is progressive. If the schools have lots of
                     technologies/ high-tech for a better teaching, this will
                     entertain the students to stay in the school. Through
                     technologies, it helps the students to acquire knowledge
                     from them.

3. Interview a faculty member or an administrator. Ask what criteria they use in evaluating their school

                               I’ve asked one faculty member, she said that every
                       year the administration give evaluation sheets and lets the
                       students answer it. so that they will know if they will
                       change some of strategies of a curriculum.
Exploring the Curriculum

   Episode 8


Name of FS Student         Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________
Course         BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education         Year & Section III___
Resource Teacher     Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________
Cooperating School   St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________

       My Target
       At the end of this activity, I should be able to discuss different curricular issues and concerns.

         My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)
Field Study 4, Episode 8 – What’s New in the Curriculum?
Focused on: Curricular issues and concerns
                          EXEMPLARY             SUPERIOR           SATISFACTORY          UNSATISFACTORY
                                4                    3                    2                      1
Observation/          All tasks were       All or nearly all     Nearly all tasks       Fewer than half of
Documentation:        done with            tasks were done       were done with         tasks were done;
                      outstanding          with high quality     acceptable quality     or most objectives
                      quality; work                                                     met but with poor
                      exceeds                                                           quality
                                4                    3                    2                      1
My Analysis           Analysis questions Analysis questions      Analysis questions     Analysis questions
                      were answered        were answered         were not               were not answered
                      completely; in       completely            answered
                      depth answers                              completely             Grammar and
                      thoroughly           Clear connection                             spelling
                      grounded on          with theories         Vaguely related to     unsatisfactory
                      theories                                   the theories
                      Exemplary            Grammar and
                      grammar and          spelling are          Grammar and
                      spelling             superior              spelling
4                     3                    2                      1
My Reflection       Reflection           Reflection            Reflection            Reflection
                    statements are       statements are        statements are        statements are
                    profound and         clear, but not        shallow;              unclear and
                    clear, supported     clearly supported     supported by          shallow and are
                    by experiences       by experiences        experiences from      not supported by
                    from the episode     from the episode      the episode           experiences from
                                                                                     the episode
                              4                   3                     2                      1
My Portfolio        Portfolio is         Portfolio is          Portfolio is          Portfolio has many
                    complete, clear,     complete, clear,      incomplete;           lacking
                    well-organized       well-organized        supporting            components; is
                    and all supporting   and most              documentation is      unorganized and
                    documentation        supporting            organized but is      unclear
                    are located in       documentation         lacking
                    sections clearly     are available
                    designated           and/or in logical
                                         and clearly
                                         marked locations.
                            4                     3                     2                      1
Submission          Before deadline      On deadline           A day after the       Two days or more
                                                               deadline              after the deadline
                             4                   3                      2                      1

Over-all Score                                       Rating:
                                                     (Based on

 ____________________________________                        ___________________________
         Signature of FS Teacher                                          Date
           above Printed Name

Transmutation of score to grade/rating
Score     Grade                                         Score       Grade
20      - 1.0       - 99                                12-13     - 2.50         - 81
18-19 - 1.25        - 96                                11        - 2.75         - 78
17      - 1.5       - 93                                10        - 3.00         - 75
16      - 1.75      - 90                                8-9        - 3.5         - 72
15      - 2.00      - 87                                7-below   - 5.00         - below
14      - 2.25      - 84
My Map
To attain my target, I should do the following:

        3. Write insights/reflections on these innovations.

         • 2. Interview faculty members on the merits and
                    demerits of these innovations.

      1. Visit DepEd or interview school administrators on
              various curricular issues and concerns
My Enriching Activities
   Select one innovation and complete the discussion web below. Interview Education students to get their
   ideas on curricular innovations.

                      YES                                                         NO

1) So far so good. I would be for                                    1) Not now, we need to solve
beneficial for those who would                                       first our current educational
be graduating to land a good                                         problems before
job. There will be a tech-                        Do we              implementing the K + 12.
vocational program Senior High                    really
School.                                          need to
2) Yes because it will be of great              (K + 12)
jobs help to youth who will look
for in the future.

                            My Conclusions
                        Yes, we really need to innovate.
                  To change for a better not for worst.
                  We innovate to come up with which is
                  something new, more pleasant, and to
                  improve the quality of teaching here in
                  our country.

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Exploring the curriculum(fs4)

  • 1. St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon Higher Education Department S. Y. 2011-2012 Submitted by: JUSHABETH G. GARCERA BSEd-III Submitted to: DR. BELEN DOMINGUIANO Instructor
  • 2. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 1 LOOK DEEPER INTO THE CONCEPTS, NATURE AND PURPOSES OF THE CURRICULUM Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to explain the concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the school community. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 1 – Look deeper into the concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum Focused on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the school community EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories
  • 3. Exemplary Grammar and Grammar and grammar and spelling are spelling spelling superior acceptable 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 4. My Tools Accomplish the H Chart. Interview an administrator or a faculty member. Get their ides/views of the curriculum. Write the differences on both sides and the similarities at the center and then write your personal insights. Traditional Progressive Curriculum Curriculum  Lack of instruct- > They are updated tional materials Similarities > Gives all the learner’s  Crowded classroom needs and interest  Lack of chairs,  Both of them > Introduces new strate- equipments/ teach the students gies in teaching facilities, and with their needs. > they are now globally books  Wants to competetive  The teachers don’t accomplish a > It has a total learning have enough experiences among the certain goal. knowledge on students/learners technologies for  Gives the students > Gives opportunities effective and a good process of to develop a high order meaningful teaching learning style. thinking skills  There are some > used modern instruct- obsolete ideas tional materials that are suited to the needs of the learners My Personal Insights Traditional curriculum is really far if we compared this to progressive curriculum. In progressive curriculum, there is a quality of education – the teachers are competitive and ready to compete to our globally competitive world. The students in progressive curriculum, and eager to learn unlike in traditional curriculum.
  • 5. My Enriching Activities If you are to design a curriculum for your own school, what are the things you need to consider? Accomplish the graphic organizer below. Strategies/ Methods to be used Best The support of instructional my personnel, materials for teachers and Things I Need to other staff of my teaching institution Do to Consider in Preparing My School’s Curriculum The learner’s The school’s needs and Vision, Mission interest and Core Values My Analysis 1. Why do we need to consider the traditional and progressive points of view of curriculum? So that we should transfer the traditional one to progressive. Nowadays, there is really a need to have a progressive curriculum because today’s generation is far different from that of the past. We must need to suit the needs of the time. Everything is changing yet it has a good outcome for everyone.
  • 6. 2. How do the different educational philosophies relate to the curriculum in the schools you visited? Cite examples/situations. Educational philosophies are related to the school I’ve been observed for they have a quality education. They are PAASCU accredited. Aside from engaging to activities that enhance the learning of the students, the teachers also mold them to be good citizens through Vincentian formation. 3. Why is there a need to revise the curriculum from time to time? There is a need to revise the curriculum from time to time for us to suit the needs of time. We should go on with the flow of life and we should revise the it now because curriculum in the past is not anymore very effective or suited for today’s generation. My Reflections/ My Insights Language is dynamic as well as the curriculum. We have different curriculum in the past and in the present. We are now in a globally competitive world. A world that also needs competitive teachers and students. So, how will you become competitive if your curriculum is traditional? And if it doesn’t aware of the new learnings of today? Students now are fond of using computers. They will probably choose going to the computer shop than going to school. As a teacher, what will you do? Don’t be a boring teacher! An effective way of solving this kind of phenomena is that the teachers must use technology in teaching. Make it as your partner in delivering a lesson so that the students will not get bored. Make a teaching-learning process lively and meaningful.
  • 9. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 2 WHAT’S THE CURRICULUM MADE OF? Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to identify the components of the curriculum and curricular approaches. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 2 – What’s the curriculum made of? Focused on: The components of the curriculum and curricular approaches. EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and
  • 10. spelling superior spelling acceptable 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 11. My Map For this concept, go through the following steps. 2. Interview a school 1. Visit a school and find out administrator/faculty about how they attain the aims of how they concretize their elementary, secondary and school's vision and goals into tertiary education. the curriculum. 3. Record the different 4. Interview one or two methods/startegies that they students and ask them their employed to attain their school's vision/mission. school's objectives.
  • 12. My Tools For this Episode, visit a school/university or get a copy of the school brochure. Copy the school/university’s vision, mission and goals on this page. V I •The St. Louise de Marrillac College of Sorsogon of the St. Louise de S Marrilac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity is an audacious Christ-centered ministry commited to empowering I communitiesto learners into inner-directed Vincentian leaders and advocates of persons who are poor. O N •At St. Louise de Marrilac College of Sorsogon we commit M ourselves to: •Courageously pursue value innovative educational programs and I services rooted in Christ. S •Interdependently accelerate leadership and professional development through continuing education and intensive S Vincentian Formatin. •Synergistically facilitate the integral development of the learners I towards transformation through current researchers, relevant O currircular offerings and responsive community extension services. •Relentlessly generate a new breed of self-directed, global and N environmentally caring Vincentian leaders. •Ardently support one another in sustaining the shared mission. •CORE VALUES G •Advocacy for persons who are poor. •Respect for human dignity and integrity of creation. O •Compassionate Service. A •Co-responsibility. •Solidarity. L •Commitment to Excellence. S •Social Commitment. •Simplicity
  • 13. My Analysis 1. How important is the school’s vision, mission and goals in designing the curriculum? It is important in designing the curriculum because it will serve as trademark of the school. These are what the school needs to accomplish. They have vision, mission and goals so that the school will be able to maintain their objectives and standards in school. 2. What methods and strategies were employed by the school community to realize these goals? The methods and strategies were employed is through activities that suited to the vision, mission and goals of the school. The school community does their best just to make sure that the curriculum of their school should be effective to the students. And to achieve this, they will serve first as the model to the students. They are the one who will first apply the vision, mission and goals of the school in their day-to-day lives. 3. How did the students manifest that they have internalized their vision, mission and goals? Through engaging themselves in the different activities that the school has implemented. If they follow the rules and regulations of the school that even though they are outside of the school, or they are already graduated, still they did not forget the vision, mission and goals that they previous school had. And if the students still apply these thing in real-life situation, not only inside the classroom or campus. My Reflections/ My Insights The school should have its vision, mission and goals so that the students have a rule to be followed. This helps the students to be morally upright. In this institution, there are lots of things that I’ve learned. This is the type of school that has a quality of education. As a student, there are lots of Do’s and Don’ts to be followed. And this made me become a better person.
  • 14. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 3 WHAT’S NEW IN TEACHING AND LEARNING? Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to discuss the teaching and learning process. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 3– What’s New In Teaching and Learning? Focused on: The teaching and learning process in curriculum. EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling superior spelling
  • 15. acceptable 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 16. My Map In order to reach my target I should do the following steps using the given pyramid. 3. Write your insights on teaching and learning. 2. Observe a class. 1. Write your ideas on teaching and learning.
  • 17. My Tools For this episode, I will use the activity from given below. Interview a teacher. Ask if they perform these series of actions in the teaching process. • Includes decisions about: P •the needs of the learners L •the aschievable goals and objectives to meet the needs •the selection of the content to be taught A •the motivation to carry out the goals N •the strategies that are suited to carry out the goals/objectives •the evaluation process to measure learning outcomes. I M P L •requires the teacher to implement what has been planned. based on E the objectives, implementation means to put into action the different activities in order to achieve the goals through the subject M matter. E N T E V A •a match of the objectives with the learning outcomes will be made. L the kind of information should be determined so that the type of U evaluation should be chosen to fit the purpose. • it will answer the question if the plans and implementation has been A succesfully achieved. T E
  • 18. Observe a class, record the situations where these behavioral learning theories are applied in real classroom work. Behavioral Learning Theories – emphasize observable behavior such as new skills, knowledge or attitudes which can be demonstrated. When the teacher gives activity such as research work, experimentations, demonstration of a certain thing and the like. This will help the teacher to examine the learner’s behavior for the certain activity. Cognitive Learning Theories – unobservable mental processes are used to learn and remember new information or acquire skills. This is seen during recitation, quizzes, exams, projects, etc. wherein, the teacher could be able to measure the learning capacity of an individual.
  • 19. Discovery Learning – individual learns from his discovery of the environment. Learning by Doing. This is seen during the experimentation, thesis, research and the like. Wherein the students are able to explore and could get ideas out of what they saw in their surroundings/environment. Reception Learning – learners are actively involved in their own learning. We could say that it will be seen during performances like drama, role plays, poem, reciting, singing, etc. The learners are actively participating and learn a lot through mingling with others. If the activities are on their needs or their capacity to do such thing. And if it is based on their skills and abilities.
  • 20. My Analysis 1. Explain why teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum. Teaching and learning give life and meaning to the curriculum because this is the process wherein the teacher and the students interact with each other interchangeably or vice versa. If there is an effective teaching-learning process, it’s really a big help to the curriculum. It’s a big honor because each complements and supplements each other. The value placed in teaching will reap the same value in learning. Thus, a good curriculum can be judged by the kind if teaching and the quality of learning derived from it. 2. Discuss why the deluge of information poses a great challenge to both teaching and learning. The curriculum seems to be overloaded since it has too many subjects to cover, too many topics to be discuss. Sometimes, the curriculum is fragmented or is simply bowed. Unfortunately, the learner’s life is not compartmentalized. My Reflections/ My Insights I LIKE TEACHING BECAUSE... For me this is a very challenging and exiting profession of all. Teaching is the noblest of all profession. I like teaching because It molds the hearts, minds and hands of students. If you are really an effective and efficient teacher, you could touch your student’s lives. You will be their inspiration and they will never forget you for the rest of their lives.
  • 21. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 4 LET’S CRAFT THE CURRICULUM Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to differentiate the different curriculum design models. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 4 – Let’s craft the curriculum Focused on: The different curriculum design models. EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling superior spelling
  • 22. acceptable 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 23. My Map To reach my target, I should do these steps. Observe a class. 1 Identify the curriculum 2 design used by schools. Reflect and write my 3 insights/learning gained from the activities.
  • 24. My Analysis 1. Examine the Basic Education Curriculum. What aspects do you want to modify. Why? I want t modify the English subject in Secondary Education Curriculum. This was said that in English, this addresses the communicative needs of students by adopting a communicative, interactive, collaborative approach to learning as well as reflection and introspection with the aim in view of developing autonomous language learners aware of and able to cope with global trends. 2. What curriculum models do you prefer? Why? I will choose Learner-Centered Design because among the progressive educational psychologists, the learner is the center of the educative process. This emphasis is very strong in the elementary level, however, more concern has been placed on the secondary and even the tertiary levels.
  • 25. My Reflections/ My Insights Subject – Centered Problem-Center Design Model Design Model This model focuses on the content of Draws on social problems, needs, the curriculum. interests, and abilities of the learners. Various problems are Correspondents mostly to given emphasis. the textbook, written for What do I the specific subject like Content cuts across best in these subject boundaries and must be based on the needs, curriculum concerns and abilities of the designs? students. Learner-Centered Design Model The learner is the center of the educative process. It focuses on the learners, their needs and the learnings that they should acquire from the teachers and from their activities and experiences as well. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 5 Learner-Centered Design Model
  • 26. WHAT’S THE BASIC OF THE CURRICULUM? Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to cite the dimensions of curriculum design. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 5 – what’s the basic of the curriculum? Focused on: Cite the dimensions of curriculum design. EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling superior spelling acceptable 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many
  • 27. complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84 My Map To hit my target, I must do the following task.
  • 28. Identify the Give some dimensions situation Examine a of the samples of curriculum curriculum each design dimension My Tools Vertical repetition and recurring approaches of the content provide Continuity continuity.
  • 29. Examples of topics in a subject area where content is organized in a spiral fashion increasing in breadth and depth. For example in English, the topic is part of speech. So, to discuss all the parts of speech, you should organize fist the first part of speech to be discussed. Example, here are the sequence, discuss first the noun, followed by pronoun, next is verb, followed by adjective and so forth. My Analysis 1. Why is there a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school? There is a need to articulate the lessons from grade school to high school that there is a connection between the lower level and the next level. So that if the students are entering high school, they will not be surprised because the lessons s still related when they are in elementary. As a teacher, you should discuss the lesson from step by step, the lesson should be organized. The teacher must not jump into another topic without finishing the previous one.
  • 30. My Reflections/ My Insights As a teacher, I need to understand fully well the dimensions of curriculum design because… This is really needed when you are in the teaching profession. This must be followed to avoid confusion in the part of the students. The teacher should be aware of these things so that whenever/whatever schools she will be assigned, she had already had the knowledge about the dimensions of curriculum design. And in order for her to also understand the curriculum she belongs, for her to respect the curriculum of the school that she presently teaching.
  • 31. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 6 TELL ME YOUR FEATURES Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to enumerate the six (6) features of a curriculum. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 6 – Tell Me Your Features Focused on: The six (6) features of a curriculum. EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling superior spelling acceptable
  • 32. 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 33. My Map To get on task, I should know the answers to these questions. teaches? do teachers teach? do teachers teach? do teachers teach? much of the teachers? lessons were learned? do we teach?
  • 34. My Tools Interview a teacher in the school you visited and inquire how they have utilized their parents as school partners in education. I interviewed Mrs. Lea Gabad a teacher from Matnog National High School which I conducted an actual examination in her class as part of our requirements in Assessment of Learning 1 under Mr. Ruel Frago. According to her, parents are really important as one of the partners of the school in education because parents play a big part in education. At the beginning of the school year, during the Brigada Eskwela, parents are the person invited to help the school by means of cleaning in the entire school. All of the parents are helping each other for the good of the school and for the good of their children. They want to help the school because this is the second home of their children having teachers as a second parents.
  • 35. My Analysis 1. As a future teacher, I need to know and understand the six (6) features of the curriculum because... These are really important for me to become an effective and efficient teacher someday. For me, to be able to know the things I should do for the good of my students, and to my curriculum as well. My Reflections/ My Insights Be a well-developed teacher! As a future teacher, this is a big challenge to me. Could I become an effective and efficient teacher someday? Could I effectively use my head, hearts and hands in helping my students to be better? According to Dr. Koo the teacher should use the 3H’s in teaching the students. Head—teaching lots of ideas to learning, by molding them academically; Hearts—helps them if they have a problem/s, be a compassionate teacher; and Hands—be helpful, be approachable, we should not help the students through financial aspects but we could help them through giving advices and support.
  • 36. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 7 THE WH- OF THE CURRICULUM Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to identify the contribution of students in enhancing and assessing the curriculum. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 7 – The Wh- of the curriculum Focused on: The concepts, nature and purposes of the curriculum and how these are translated into the school community. EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and
  • 37. spelling superior spelling acceptable 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 38. My Map To attain my target, I should do the following: 1. Identify the various implementations of the 2. State the role of curriculum. technology in 3. Explain the delivering the different ways of curriculum assessing the . curriculum. .
  • 39. My Portfolio Write an acronym for curriculum assessment. A • ttainable S • pecific S • tudent-centered E • nvironmental-concerned S • tandardized S • yntactic correctnesss M • easurable E • valuative N • orm-reference T • ime bound
  • 40. My Tools 1. explain ways on how to effectively implement the curriculum. Interview the school administrator/principal. Learner: by being a good follower of the rules of a curriculum. Parents: Faculty Menbers: by supporting by having unity to their children each other. to engage in teach the whatever children the Do's activities of and Don'ts. curriculum. Curriculum Implentation Community Administrators: Members: by making rules they are partners and regualtions of the school. that will help the They give also children to be support to the better personds. Other school. Stakeholders: help the curriculum to be more effective for the improvement of it.
  • 41. 2. Visit the Learning Resource Center of a school. Interview the media/learning resource staff. How does technology help in delivery the curriculum? Technology is a big help. It is the symbol of how the curriculum is progressive. If the schools have lots of technologies/ high-tech for a better teaching, this will entertain the students to stay in the school. Through technologies, it helps the students to acquire knowledge from them. 3. Interview a faculty member or an administrator. Ask what criteria they use in evaluating their school curriculum. I’ve asked one faculty member, she said that every year the administration give evaluation sheets and lets the students answer it. so that they will know if they will change some of strategies of a curriculum.
  • 42. Exploring the Curriculum FIELD STUDY Episode 8 WHAT’S NEW IN THE CURRICULUM? Name of FS Student Jushabeth G. Garcera________________________________ Course BSEd (Bachelor of Secondary Education Year & Section III___ Resource Teacher Mrs. Pamela Abecia_______ Signature ___________ Date ________ Cooperating School St. Louise de Marillac College of Sorsogon (BED)___________ My Target At the end of this activity, I should be able to discuss different curricular issues and concerns. My Performance (How I Will Be Rated) Field Study 4, Episode 8 – What’s New in the Curriculum? Focused on: Curricular issues and concerns EXEMPLARY SUPERIOR SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY TASKS 4 3 2 1 Observation/ All tasks were All or nearly all Nearly all tasks Fewer than half of Documentation: done with tasks were done were done with tasks were done; outstanding with high quality acceptable quality or most objectives quality; work met but with poor exceeds quality expectations 4 3 2 1 My Analysis Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions Analysis questions were answered were answered were not were not answered completely; in completely answered depth answers completely Grammar and thoroughly Clear connection spelling grounded on with theories Vaguely related to unsatisfactory theories the theories Exemplary Grammar and grammar and spelling are Grammar and spelling superior spelling acceptable
  • 43. 4 3 2 1 My Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection Reflection statements are statements are statements are statements are profound and clear, but not shallow; unclear and clear, supported clearly supported supported by shallow and are by experiences by experiences experiences from not supported by from the episode from the episode the episode experiences from the episode 4 3 2 1 My Portfolio Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio is Portfolio has many complete, clear, complete, clear, incomplete; lacking well-organized well-organized supporting components; is and all supporting and most documentation is unorganized and documentation supporting organized but is unclear are located in documentation lacking sections clearly are available designated and/or in logical and clearly marked locations. 4 3 2 1 Submission Before deadline On deadline A day after the Two days or more deadline after the deadline 4 3 2 1 Over-all Score Rating: (Based on transmutation) ____________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of FS Teacher Date above Printed Name Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score Grade Score Grade 20 - 1.0 - 99 12-13 - 2.50 - 81 18-19 - 1.25 - 96 11 - 2.75 - 78 17 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 75 16 - 1.75 - 90 8-9 - 3.5 - 72 15 - 2.00 - 87 7-below - 5.00 - below 14 - 2.25 - 84
  • 44. My Map To attain my target, I should do the following: 3. Write insights/reflections on these innovations. • 2. Interview faculty members on the merits and demerits of these innovations. 1. Visit DepEd or interview school administrators on various curricular issues and concerns
  • 45. My Enriching Activities Select one innovation and complete the discussion web below. Interview Education students to get their ideas on curricular innovations. YES NO 1) So far so good. I would be for 1) Not now, we need to solve beneficial for those who would first our current educational be graduating to land a good problems before job. There will be a tech- Do we implementing the K + 12. vocational program Senior High really School. need to innovate? 2) Yes because it will be of great (K + 12) jobs help to youth who will look for in the future. My Conclusions Yes, we really need to innovate. To change for a better not for worst. We innovate to come up with which is something new, more pleasant, and to improve the quality of teaching here in our country.