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Expository Essay How To Make A
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Expository Essay How To Make A CakeExpository Essay How To Make A Cake


Internal Colonial Model Essay
A community builds from a group of people sharing particular characteristics such as goals, interest,
attitudes. In barrios and colonias chicano/as often stay within their ethnicity, and sharing a common
culture, never stepping outside the box. Therefore, the internal colonial model mocks a structured
community implementing the basic roles the community shadows driven oppressive forces. The
oppressive forces that chicano/as perceived powerless in the American society are due to
economic barriers, cultural, social and psychological. As American society depend of free labor
the chicano communities start to develop an economic barrier the internal colonial model imposes.
The forces imposed are the lower wages and have the right to little or no... Show more content on
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Culture is very important to the chicano communities, it is the foundation of forming a family and
etc. Yet being imposed to another culture integrates to a person living for a negative or positive
affect. The chicanos showing the zero of importance to employment and political power affect the
culture. Having the chicano/a communities to change and create a new culture, a culture where
chicanos do not feel less than the American Society. In the Mirande book, he mentions, According
to this view other immigrant groups also brought different cultural values with them, but these
values were discarded as they assimilated into the great melting pot (186). This is a visual example
of the internal colonial model, since the communities are not willing to step outside the box but
communities are willing to adapt and accept new cultures into their communities. Each factor
depends on one another the economic barriers impacts the culture barriers changing and forcing
the chicanos way of live, so living a typical American life in order to earn decent job that was once
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Quantitative Research Report Essay
Quantitative Research Report
M. Ellen Kingsley
Grand Canyon University
NRS 433V
May 06, 2011
The Quantitative Research that this student chose is titled; Interventions to Promote Physical
Activity in Chronically Ill Adults. Physical activity in chronically ill adults is a topic that is very
important to study, people, in general, do not realize the importance of exercise and if there is proof
that exercise is beneficial to people with long term illnesses then maybe, by nurses, the patients can
be persuaded to be involved in more exercise which would improve their health and quality of life,
including improving their illnesses without more medications. Nurses provide a lot of client ... Show
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This article used Meta analysis as a means of quantitatively synthesizing findings across many
research studies. This is inclusive of findings of 163 reports of different studies. The study design
is meta analysis. This brings findings from many studies and brings them together into one. This
allows nurses and educators the ability to look at one study and see many different results and to
learn many different things that could be passed on to the clients that they serve, including not only
the amount and intensity of exercise, but also the way to implement education of clients that would
be the most effective. Sampling and setting is different for each study and when this kind of article
is written about many studies, the samples vary with each study, as does the target population. This
does allow nurses to see many different studies in one. This article has different levels of findings,
and clearly states each level and the effects of different exercises and intensity of exercises. There
were many interventions used and studies and interventions that consisted of cognitive strategies
were less effective than other interventions. This had no effect on the success of promoting physical
activity. The limitations included the number and range of primary intervention trials that were
reported. Many trials that are done are not reported at all or are reported in very small venues. There
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All American Cheesecake Research
This week project the Roses Alpha Bakers is baking the an all American cheesecake .We start
with the first layer, which is red velvet cake for the red stripes,a cheesecake for the white and
finishing with blueberries topping laying on a Dreamy Creamy White Chocolate Frosting the name
really say it all.
I decide to start with making the cheesecake, which is absolutely my favorite cake to make, not to
much in the work yet very satisfying result.here s are the steps:
i than added the eggs some vanilla,salt and lemon juice beat them all till combine and added the
sour cream.after the sour cream was blended well, i poured the batter into the prepared 9 springs
form and than placed the and placed it on a bigger pan with a one inch hot water, ... Show more
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I made the Raspberry preserve coating, simply place raspberry preserve in the microwave and heat
till liquid, than press through a strainer , i also used cheese cloth since mine had seeds in the
If you really for an upgrade of your traditional cream cheese frosting, you want to make these
dreamy creamy white chocolate frosting. it have a delicate flavor and not overly sweet so it
make it very dangerous of consuming it in a small quantities. don t say i didn t warn you. to
make this, you ll need a really good white chocolate with a high percentage, other wise the frosting
will not harden properly. chopped it and melt it in the microwave, let it cool down.mean while in a
food processor, process the other ingredients till combined once done add the melted chocolate and
pulse till
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History And History Of The Arab Films
Do you think history is important? Why is it significant? And, does knowing the history of
everything in the life matter? Actually, these questions and many other questions have been asked
over many years all over the world and they have many different answers. Knowing the history of
many different things in the life is very important because of one sufficient and helpful reason;
knowing the history helps in understanding the present and in building the future. There are a lot of
subjects and things that people should know their history, such as the history of a country, the
history of a family, the history of arts, and the history of technology. Also, one of the most
important things that people should know its history is movies and the... Show more content on
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And with this growth came a wider variety of films. But, perhaps inevitably, it was not until the
political upheaval in the years following WWII and the onset of the Palestinian Israeli conflict that
Arab cinema took up more hard hitting themes. (Seymour 70). Therefore, the European colonization
of the Arab nations touched the industry of Arab films positively.
Nevertheless, the industry of films in the Arab nations was not able to fund programs and movies
in spite of the needs to new programs and films. According to Viola Shafik in the Arab Cinema
book, the Arab channels have been in need for new programs but there is no funds that can support
them. Two dozen Arab channels, including those of the Egyptian ERTU (Egyptian Radio and TV
Union), are run in the Arab world and Europe and in the last few years have multiplied the need for
new Arab programs. The film industry, however, is unable to profit from this development. (Shafik
Foreigners or European minorities who had immigrated to Arab countries owned the movies
theaters that were originally introduced in Arab nations. The same applied to film production,
which was originally dominated by investors who were non natives or foreigners. In evaluating the
development of the Cinema industry in Arab nations, Egypt would provide an ideal country
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Indo European Societies
The Indo European and Bantu peoples were great societies who advanced well during their years.
The articles, The Indo European Migrations and Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies
of sub Saharan Africa both featured in the book In Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective
on the Past by (Jerry Bentley) both explicate information about the two societies. Additional
information will also be applied by the book, World Civilizations: The Global Experience by (Peter
N. Stearns). Although the Bantu and Indo European Societies were in different locations, common
similarities occurred which allowed both societies to advance.
The Indo Europeans started off in their homeland, Eastern Europe (Ukraine and southern Russia)
and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of sub Saharan Africathe Bantus
shared a common language, although differentiated, this unified them as a society; likewise, the
Indo Europeans also shared a common language that had been branched off into different
subgroups. The article also reveals to us that After about 1000 BCE... Bantu peoples began to
produce iron tools and weapons, (Pg.6); According to the article The Indo European Migrations ,
the Hittites in the Indo European migration had also used iron to produce tools and weapons. Over
time, agriculture became more popular in Bantu speaking regions and was combined with
pastoralism; in relation, the Indo Europeans also included agriculture and pastoralism in their
society. According to the account Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of sub Saharan
Africa , the Bantu People used canoes to facilitate the conquering of others and as a reliable
transportation tool Canoes enable Bantu to travel rapidly up and down rivers, leapfrogging
established communities..encroaching territories occupied by forest peoples, (Pg.6). In similar
fashion, the Indo Europeans used horses to conquer others and for
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Ancient Egypt And Greece Similarities
Ancient Egypt vs Ancient Greece
Two ancient civilizations with rich history. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. They have also been
the center of my interest for the longest time. Said civilizations have many similarities and
differences. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece have many similarities. For example, they re both
countries that are still around today. Both civilizations had vast polytheistic mythologies that they
believed controlled the events and aspects of life, and offerings were to be made to appease them.
Both held hygiene in high regard, surprisingly. Also, the civilizations had breathtaking architecture
that was revolutionary. Ancient Egyptand Greece both created their very own writing system, both
of which were the basis of
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Public Service Announcement Project
Sometimes when you put off doing something you get hurt. I learned this while doing a project
in my eighth grade English class. We were assigned a Public Service Announcement project
during the last weeks of school. Everyone was required to choose from a list of topics for their
public service announcement. Our topic was on what people can do to save the environment. We
made the project with a mixture of photos from the internet and photos we personally captured.
Then, we added music and the project would be complete once we recorded. Two thirds of the
way done with our project, my group decided to slow down our pace. We stopped the project
altogether and we remembered the assignment once our teacher reminded us. She told us that it was
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Research Paper On My Little Sister
My Little Sister The youngest child gets everything. I could not agree any less with this phrase
when I first heard of it. Being the youngest in my family, I can openly relate. Every child would
know the kind of power their youngest sibling has over them. Therefore, I am guilty for taking
advantage of this privilege against my older brother and sister when I was little. To begin with, I
purposely placed both of them in trouble whenever they made me cry. Ideally, I was a spoiled
and stubborn child who treasured those moments whenever I was my family s center of
attention. Moreover, I used to believe my life was perfect, well that was before my parents told
me that I was going to have a younger sister. My immediate response to that appalling news is
shock mixed with anger, anguish, confusion and a sense of betrayal. I ve been the youngest in
my family for as long as I can remember and to have someone new enter that sense of
belongingness seemed unfitting to me. Other than that she was a girl, which meant that she would
be gaining twice the attention that I never received. At the same time, I will be the one
responsible to look after her in school. Apparently, I was the only who reacted this way because
my parents and siblings welcomed her with open arms. On the other hand, I felt hatred towards my
younger sister more than anyone I could possibly know or think of. Ever since my younger sister
came to our doorstep, the circumstances were never the same for me. My parents
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Gun Violence Argumentative Essay
Alyssa Alhadeff was a member of a travel soccer team, and attended a Jewish sleepaway camp
during her summers. She was described as a bright, outgoing girl with a love for athletics.
Alyssa was fourteen years old when she was fatally shot by an active shooter, Nikolas Cruz, at
her high school. The issue of gun violence is a very controversial issue that splits our country into
two opinions those who are for stricter gun control laws and those who are against them. The
conversations about this topic have increased significantly in the past year due to recent events.
The 2017 Las Vegas shooting and the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting were
two particular instances that shocked and outraged the nation. Gun violence is a fairly new concern
as far as problems in The United Statesgo, with seven of the eight deadliest shootings of U.S.
history having occurred after 1990. This is a key piece of information, because studies have shown
that while the number of shootings has not necessarily increased in recent years, the number of
fatalities within each has. Therefore, the actual root of this issue is the guns being used. These
weapons are continuing to become more and more advanced, yet the laws in regards to them are
not being changed in order to protect the general public. The longer The United States delays
attempts to fix this issue,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, depending on the state you re in, you can take a trip to your local WalMart and
purchase a semi automatic gun. One of the largest issues in regards to gun control is the lack of
restrictive laws against them. Though incidents such as mass shootings can occur anywhere in the
country, they tend to happen most frequently in states that are less strict about their laws in regards
to gun
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Bitcoin Essay
In the past few weeks the cryptocurrency BitCoin is on the rise. Many people are now investing
in Bitcoin because of this rise. It can be hard to get the coins but once you do you will not regret
it. The coin has reached 16 thousand dollars and that is just for one coin sounds interesting says
Howard Spencer. You can get these coins by mining them, gathering 100,000,000 satoshi or buy
them off of people. When you re just starting bitcoin, it can be overwhelming when you check try
to buy them or don t know how to mine them. Mining the coins can cost thousands of dollars
when you are looking for the software and computer to do it. Many people bite the bullet and buy
the things but then don t know how to use it. Some people will pay people... Show more content on
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The exchanges are simple as well. Before exchanging be sure you don t pay so much money that
you will go broke and you could not afford to lose. Pay and amount you are comfortable with and
will be ok if you lose the money (some people will require you to pay for the coins with PayPal).
When making the exchange do it privately with direct messaging and give the person your wallet
address (if using the btc.com wallet then you can find it under the transaction menu). Once you
pay for the coins and send the person your wallet address, the person will send the coins directly
to your wallet and the coins should arrive immediately. Make sure you understand what to do
with the coins from there and make sure you didn t just pay for some satoshi and you actually
paid for BitCoin. If you are trying to mine on your mobile phone,ipad, kindle etc, it will take a
long time. If your miner does not generate satoshi like mad then this may take over a year just to
get one coin. The amount of satoshi you will need is 100,000,000 to make 1 bitcoin. This will
take longer than regularly mining but you will not need a bunch of software an processors that
will add up to 15 thousand dollars That s too much money Says Joyce DeJohn. So if you do start
to mine on a mobile device then remember that it will take a long time to get one coin. If you
really want bitcoin then just buy some on an exchange website like coinbase or anything on the
surface web. When using bitcoin faucets, it can be
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Intelligent Design is a Fact, Not a Theory Essay
There are things in the universe and on the planet that point to an intelligent design and that God is
that Intelligent Designer. There are many unique items within animals, plants, and human beings.
These items are just too unique and complex to have just happened. The intelligent design of these
items points to an Intelligent Designer not just chance. Intelligent design is the study of patterns in
nature, animals, and human beings that are best explained as the result of intelligence. (Dembski.
2010) Intelligent design investigates the effect of intelligence not the Designer. Therefore,
intelligent design directly challenges Darwinism, Evolution, and other naturalistic approaches to the
origin of life. (Dembski.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The outer layer of the beak is not a solid structure. It is made up of layers of teeny, tiny hexagonal
plates that overlap like roof shingles. The interior is made of something completely different. It
is made of light, rigid foam made of little beams and membranes. The beak is also hollow is
some spots. John Eliot says that the beak of the toucan is ingeniously designed to be both strong
and light. The dictionary defines the word ingenious to mean marked by inventive skill and
imagination. Since evolution says there is no design to anything that everything just happened,
it cannot explain the unique, creative design of the toucan s beak that lies with the Designer.
(Butt. 2006) The third animal is the duck billed platypus. Evolutionists are astounded at the
myriad of varying structures found on the duck billed platypus. Its beak would imply a close
relationship to ducks; its tail might place it with beavers; its hair is similar to that of a bear; its
webbed feet imply that it would be an otter; and its claws are the likeness of a reptile s Evolution
has no explanation for the varying structures that are found on the platypus. The platypus has a
beak that is similar to a duck s. The platypus has a tail like a beaver s. The platypus s tail is furry
unlike the beavers. The platypus has five toes with on its foot with webbing like an otter s, but it
has claws like a reptile s. The platypus fur is similar
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The Declaration Of The United States
complete 16. The UN passed the Resolution 2065 which notified members of the organization to
end any form of colonialism 16. However after constant negotiations, nothing was ever done. If
anything, only confrontations began to surface. On March 26th, General Galtieri of Argentina
made the decision to invade the Falklands 4. On April 2nd, Argentinainvaded the islands breaking
off all relations with Britain. First, Argentine troops occupied the islands capital, Stanley, and
imprisoned the islanders for weeks until the arrival of the British troops4. With these attacks
happening, Britain s allies came in hand and showed support by announcing opposition towards
Argentina. On April 10th, the European Economic Community approved trade sanctions against
Argentina. Britain received support from America when President Ronald Reagan abandoned the
shuttle diplomacy that was once proposed between Britain and Argentina 4. After several actions of
resistance, the Argentines were defeated by the British and surrendered on June 14th 1982. As a
result of the war, nearly 1,000 lives were lost 4.
US vs. Latin America
After the war, the main priority for Britain was the reconstruction where it turned out to be quicker
than expected. As we saw the history of the dispute, US interests were in favor of Britain when both
Presidents Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan declared Argentina s actions as unlawful. However
according to the public, it seems that the Obama Administration have changed
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What Is Brazil Economic Indicators
Brazil is a large country which located in South America and has the second largest economy in
America, after the United states. Brazil s capital city is Brasilia and it has the largest population in
South America. As we will present in this paper, the two economic indicators: Gross domestic
product (GDP) per capita and the unemployment rate. And the two investment incentives, which are
two tax incentives: repes and reporto.
A very important economic indicator to know the health of an economy is the GDP, which is an
economic term that indicates measurement of the total value of goods and services produced in a
particular territorial area (usually a country) during a given period (GDP,wikipedia,n.d). the GDP
(gross domestic product), which is
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Electronic Medical Records ( Emr ) Implementation
In recent years with huge advances in information technology and health, the initiatives of
electronic medical records (EMR) implementation has become an on going and difficult process.
The computerization of medical practice is considered to be a new standard for medicine practice.
With the promotion of EMR s, the support for the implementation is supported by the government,
people who request higher quality care, and health organizations. This review will focus on the
implementation process of EMRs within the hospital setting. It is known that the paper system has
disadvantages that concerns the utilization of patient information in a quick, accessible, and
organized manner. The implementation of a hospital wide EMR however, is a extremely complex
matter that involves a range of external skills needed to successfully implement the system
(Boonstra, 2014). A hospital can not only rely on it s internal resources or staff to carry out the
implementation of a EMR system. With concerns of quality and costs, the long term plan of an
EMR systems could save billions of dollars from faster data communication, increase d patient care
with fewer errors, and in addition to improving the quality of health care. From the articles and
studies that this review will be referring to, a similar pattern of implementation process reoccurs.
None of the articles share the same stages of the implementation process, however I have concluded
that the main theme withinthese articles
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Death In The Age Of Innocence Essay
In her novel, The Age of Innocence, author Edith Wharton examines two different viewpoints of
death. Wharton specifically highlights the view of death as an escape and the view of death as
condemnation. Readers see these contrasting viewpoints through the impacts of the death of May
Welland on Newland Archer.
Readers have a pre established view on Archer s opinion of May s death from chapter 25. In chapter
25 Archer exemplifies what an inconvenience his wife s life is when he says: How young she is!
For what endless years this life will have to go on! (360). Rather than be glad his wife has
seemingly many years left, he dreads having to spend a lifetime with her. He refers to their life
together as being full of deadly monotony (176). Archer is also quoted in chapter 30: What if it
were she who was dead! If she were going to die to die soon and leave him free! (178). Wharton is
showing the emotional and mental bonds of an unhappy marriage. She is using May s life as a
trap for Archer and characterizes him in a way that makes it seem as if he is sworn into lifelong ...
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Wharton sets the scene in a manner that leaves readers anticipating the reunion of Archer and
Ellen. Readers see May s death as an escape only for a brief moment. Little is said of the
mourning process on Archer s part, only that he had honestly mourned her (208). However, in
the same paragraph it is mentioned that Archer also honored his own past and mourned for it
(208). Readers once again see Archer placing importance of his life over that of his wife s life.
We see his freedom from the restrictions of his marriage when he agrees to take a trip to Paris
with his son, Dallas. It is mentioned that May had disliked to move except for valid reasons and
she could imagine no other motive for leaving the house in Thirty Ninth Street
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The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great...
Lecture 11: The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain (The Standard of
Living Debate) and the Free Trade Era in Europe.
I.The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution: The Standard of Living Debate. What happened
to living standards during the Industrial Revolution? From today s perspective, over 200 years
later, most people would say that industrialization has raised living standards dramatically from
those that prevailed in the 1700s. In fact, there is general agreement among scholars that from 1850
forward, the standard of living in the West improved. The debate centers on what happened between
1760 and 1850.
PositiveNegative Higher wages due toDisplacement of higher productivity ... Show more content on
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A.Ricardo and comparative advantage. Suppose there are only two countries, Portugal and
England and two goods, wine and corn. The following table provides the yield per acre for each
good in each country:
Wine30 jugs15 jugs Corn60 bushels45 bushels
1.Portugal can produce more of both goods per acre than can England. So Portugal has the
absolute advantage in both goods: for a given amount of inputs, Portugal can achieve higher output
in wine (or corn) than can England. 2.Comparative advantage is determined by the price of one
good in terms of the other good within each country. 3.Law of comparative advantage: A country in
its trade with another country will export the good at which it has a comparative advantage in
producing and import the good in which it has a comparative disadvantage in producing. By trading
along the lines of comparative advantage, both countries can experience tgains. So by trading with
each other, both countries are able to push out their consumption frontiers. The aggregate
consumption of both goods can increase.
B.Where does a country s comparative advantage come from?
1. Technology differences. For the most part technology will diffuse across national
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Sds Lab Report
SDS page
Name: Shelby Clark
Lab Partners: Kaliah Goodman, Howsikan Kugathasan, and Suntesia Bowen
Date of Laboratory: September 21, 2016
Goal of Laboratory:
The goal of this laboratory was to successfully make a gel and to run an SDS PAGE and determine
molecular weight (MW) of an unknown protein sample by comparing it to Log10 of the migration
of molecular weight of the standards.
The purpose of SDS PAGEis to separate proteins according to their size, and no other physical
feature. SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) is a detergent (soap) that can dissolve hydrophobic
molecules but also has a negative charge (sulfate) attached to it. Therefore, if a cell is incubated
with SDS, the membranes will be dissolved, all the proteins will ... Show more content on
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Therefore, if we had many copies of two different proteins that were both 298 amino acids long,
they would travel together through the gel in a mixed band. As a result, we would not be able
to use SDS PAGE to separate these two proteins of the same molecular weight from each other.
Some possible errors that occurred during this lab include poorly executing inserting the MW
marker solution into the well of the gel. This caused not so clear bands as shown in figure 1.
Incorrect measurements of the migration could also lead to errors in the data. The molecular
weight of the protein was determined by plotting a graph of the Log MW vs migration (cm) and
generating a standard curve. The unknown sample molecular weight was calculated as 79.43 kD.
Experimental errors in this lab could be minimized by carefully loading the wells on the
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Persuasive Track Essay
After a long, challenging, and hopefully scenic walk, what better way to relax than by
rewarding yourself with some of the most stunning natural scenery in the world? But some
vistas can t be explored entirely by walking alone. One of these, though, should be a destination
on every journey aiming to witness as much of the landscape as possible in New Zealand.
Walking near to the coast, ramblers can discover sites not normally associated with walking,
such as Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound, along the famous Milford Track. Walking the
Milford Track Milford Track, New Zealand s most famous tramping route, is commonly known
as the finest walk in the world , spanning over fifty kilometres from Lake Te Anau to the fjord of
Milford Sound. It makes a huge difference when you decide to embark on your journey across
New Zealand; walking during the peak season (of late October to late April) is strictly regulated,
with no more than ninety walkers allowed to start the trail per day, and a time limit of four days to
complete the track, moving northwards only. It is definitely a challenging trek, but it s safer than
the off season when some bridges over wetland sections are removed to prevent damage. But
walking the trail rewards a persistent explorer with natural scenery that seems straight... Show more
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Once famously described as the eighth wonder of the world by Rudyard Kipling, Milford Sound
has cemented its position as the most famous tourist destination in New Zealand. Walking is
enough to bring you to the edges of the fjord, but to get the whole experience, and to provide a
welcome rest from your journey, touring the fjords by water can make a welcome change. It s
also more exciting to be able to feel the mist of the waterfalls from the deck of a
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Spanking As A Form Of Punishment
Every parent has had to face the question: how do I punish my child when they misbehave? Since
parenting does not come with a guidebook or set of rules, it is ultimately up to the parent to see that
bad behavior in their children is dealt with accordingly. For centuries, spanking has been the
ultimate choice of child punishment. However, there are many arguments against it today. Some
say corporal punishmentof children can affect their personalities later on in life. Some people view
physical punishment child abuse. Where does the line lay between abuse and punishment? Other
arguments say that physical punishment of a child has no effect at all to the child; it teaches them
neither right nor wrong. Spankingis seen as a form of punishment... Show more content on
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Spanking is okay, in moderation, and only when done in a loving matter. Spanking must be done
only for a means of discipline, not abuse because, discipline is instilled to have self control,...
whereas abuse is acting without any control in behavior (Prabhat). Now, to ensure that spanking is
done effectively and not to excess, people must be in control of their own emotions and not caught
up in a bout of anger. The point of spanking is to teach, not let off steam. According to an article in
Focus on the Family, The most effective approach to spanking children is using these seven steps:
Give the child a clear warning beforehand, make evident the child s responsibility for his/her
misbehavior, avoid embarrassing the child at all costs, let the child know your disappointment as a
parent, only swat with a flick of the wrist to avoid too much force (Ingram). All of this can be
accomplished with a healthy parent child relationship where authority is established in a healthy
manner. Incorporating different forms of punishment can also be useful in developing that parent
child relationship. Also, the punishment must be proportionate to the wrong doings of the child;
less naughty offenses should come with lighter consequences, while more unruly behavior should
come with harsher
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Downtown Cleveland Industry Analysis
Like many Midwest cities, Cleveland came of age during the rise of American industry. The city
grew an astounding 560 percent from 1880 to 1930, when it reached a population of 900,429. The
era also marks the golden age of banking and the building of countless, elaborate banks before the
Wall Street crash of 1929 that signaled the start of the Great Depression.
The former Ameritrust Tower and former Cleveland Trust rotunda were perfect examples of
American ruin porn. The once striking tower, designed by modernist master Marcel Breuer, was
rotting away in broad daylight. Next to it, the circa 1908 Cleveland Trust rotunda sat shuttered a
neoclassical temple to Cleveland s once great financial status and an embarrassing reminder of how
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Then, in September 2014, after years of vacancy and demolition threats, the former Ameritrust
Tower and former Cleveland Trust rotunda were finally brought to life again.
In just over 18 months, the Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower was transformed into the
luxury hotel, The Metropolitan at The 9. The hotel s $170 million redevelopment ranks among
downtown Cleveland s biggest and brightest symbols of revival.
Although the façade of the historic buildings hasn t changed much, the spaces inside of them got
a major facelift, igniting an area of Downtown Cleveland that has been dormant for such a long
time. The tower that was once vacant for over 20 years is now thriving and the place to be.
The Metropolitan at The 9 provides its guests and locals out of the box dining and entertainment
venues such as a theater, Mediterranean restaurant, rooftop bar, nightclub, indoor dog park, a
yoga studio and an art gallery. The locally owned grocery store, Heinen s Market, is located inside
the former Cleveland Trust rotunda. With the rotunda s Tiffany glass ceiling, guests may forget
they are in a grocery store. It is the first grocery store in the city that allows its guests to shop
without having to go
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Chimney Sweeper By William Blake Analysis
Sociologist Max Weber recognized that, as technology expands, as does the gap between the
lower class and rich. His studies came from watching the Industrial Revolution take place and
the social system change from feudalism to capitalism. Similarly, William Blake, who lived in
Industrial Revolution era England, witnessed this widening gap firsthand. Commenting on the
inhumane labor practices common to the poor in 19th century England, he wrote 2 versions of a
poem called The Chimney Sweeper in different collections Songs of Innocence (1789) and
Songs of Experience (1794). With these poems, Blake comments on the practice of using small
children as chimney sweepers, drawing attention to the inhumanity and immorality of the
practice and the way it s overlooked. In the Songs of Innocence version, Blake writes a narrative
from the point of view of a child laborer. The tone is full of youthful innocence, which harshly
contrasts the somber truth of the speaker s situation. The speaker is a young child, as implied in
clever onomatopoeia in line 4, Could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep! In these lines, the
speaker means both literally a weep, as well as the word sweep, which, if said by a young child,
may sound like weep. With this clever word choice, Blake invites readers to profoundly pity the
poor child, as he is so young that he cannot even speak properly, yet sent to his death anyway. The
child s innocence continues to be of presence, shaping the poem. In later
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Persuasive Essay On The 14th Amendment
The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is perhaps the most sweeping
and has likely impacted the general jurisprudence of the Supreme Court the most of any other
amendment. This is because, where all other right protecting amendments protect something
specific, the fourteenth amendment was designed to ensure that states guaranteed due process
rights, applied the law equally, and protected the privileges [and] immunities of citizens of the
United States. Because of this language, the Fourteenth Amendment appears to be and to some
extent is simply the application of the Fifth Amendment, and through selective incorporation, the
rest of the Bill of Rights. To that end, the Fourteenth Amendment possesses a fortuitous expansion
to the simple due process right: the right to equal protection of the laws. Laws that appear to violate
the Equal Protection Clause thusly receive the same kind of scrutiny that other fundamental rights
are given. The Fourteenth Amendment is relatively new compared to the Bill of Rights, having
been passed in 1868. The first major case that dealt with the amendment were the Slaughterhouse
Cases in 1872. In those cases, a group of slaughterhouses that were put out of business by a
Louisiana law creating a monopoly claimed that they were denied equal protection under the law.
Though the court ultimately denied their claim primarily on the basis that the Privileges and
Immunities Clause does not apply to the states, they also
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Group Owner Responsibilities
Define descriptively what kind of external partner is appropriate for these groups. We can also
control some of this system properties side with the defined email addresses (i.e. *partner.com),
however the list could be very long and possibly unmanageable so we might leave it undefined for
now. Require the group owners to take/pass some brief training on our internal security
requirements, managing an external group, and how to manage the partners access to the group.
Require a signed confidentiality/non disclosure agreement with the partners ( we need to still check
on the details around this one).
Anyone who wants to start an external access group will have to submit a support ticket or the
PrivateSecret group workflow needs to be changed to get routed to our governance team. If their
use case is approved, then the Private or Secret group would be activated by the Admin team for ...
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Two Group Owners Are Required to Monitor Content Posted
It s always a good idea to have two group owners, so one can cover when the other is not in the
office. For externally accessible groups this is a requirement. Both owners must have completed the
security training, and both must enable notifications and commit to review any content posted in
their group promptly. If anything inappropriate for viewing by group members gets posted, the
group owners must remove it immediately. Remove Access Promptly
When external contributors cease working with , their access to all groups must be promptly
removed. As the group owner Administrator, this vital security step is your responsibility. We will
periodically audit externally accessible groups to ensure compliance, and permissions to create
groups may be removed if the requirements for managing them securely have not been fulfilled.
Remind Group Members
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Speech On Save My World
1)Save my world, why won t you save my world?
a)Does this sound familiar to you? It is the lyrics to the song Save my World , which is an
initiative of the Saving Gaia project by Mediacorp (savinggaia.sg). You would probably have
heard the song countless of times on the television, radio and in public, but has it impacted you to
do your part in saving our world?
2)As such, you would probably have already correctly inferred that I will be talking about saving
our world, and specifically, through recycling.
a)First off, the topic my group and I chose for our Project Work in JC was recycling and we
researched for more than 6 months on this topic. As such, I hope that would prove my credibility on
this topic.
b)I will be talking about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
a)Drop your plastic bottles into the recycling bins around the campus when you are done with your
drinks and recycle your lecture notes or any paper you do not need.
b)All in all, recycle any recyclable items that you are ready to discard.
c)In fact, you can start now by recycling your speech outline!
1)In conclusion, I have told you about the need to recycle and how this need is relevant to you. I
also talked about my plan to encourage recycling among NUS students in campus, as well as its
practicality and how it is of benefit to you. Lastly, I appealed for you to start recycling from now, if
you have not already done so.
2)I would like to end off by saying that an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a recycled
item a day, would keep doomsday away. Start recycling now!
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Scarlet Letter Heroine Quotes
Hester is Woman: Hear Her Roar
In the 1850 s, America was undergoing a massive internal changes via the industrial revolution.
With this new era, American culture was drastically changed as women started to take a more
prominent role in American society. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts
to stimulate this change by illustrating the positive influence of a strong female character in a
Puritanical society through his heroine, Hester Prynne, by putting her in a scandalous situation
capable of drawing out the worst in people.
Hester displays acts of courage that portray her as a heroic character. Hester clearly suffers from
her punishment of having to wear the scarlet letter A in public as she attempts to maintain... Show
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An early example of this is how she handles her service to others. Even while being harassed by
the general public, Hester Prynne continues to make these sacrifices which are only rewarded
with hatred and insults. Hester foregoes her own pleasures, except for the lavish decoration of
her infant, and bestows the rest of her wealth on wretches less miserable than herself
(Hawthorne 75). She even continues to aid the poor despite the fact that they not unfrequently
insulted the hand that fed them (Hawthorne 75). Despite the fact that it was in Hester s best
interests not to aid those around her, she continued to do so. This evidences her sheer strength
of character as the heroine of the novel. Hester s loyalty is also magnified by her selfless nature,
as her willingness to sacrifice lends itself well to remaining loyal to others. Hester also selflessly
bears the burden of the entire community s sin. Hester perceives the hidden sin in other hearts
around her and because her sin has been uncovered, she alone bears the penalty for deviancy
(Taylor). A prime example of this is once again her refusal to reveal Dimmesdale as her child s
father. In resisting their efforts to uncover him, Hester states to the clergy: I might endure his
agony, as well as mine! (Hawthorne 63). Here, her loyalty is greatly supplemented by her
willingness to suffer in place
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What Is The Fashion Of Fashion In The 1960s
60s Fashion in America
The 1960s were a time of big change across the United States of America. Fashion was one of the
most memorable (parts) of the 60s. The 1950s sound was still popular and the waist tight skirts
and clean, sharp look was still worn by many. The style of fashion was new and unfamiliar to the
people who grew up in the 1940s and 50s. One of the most surprising trends was the box dresses
that women wore. They were very short and showed much more skin than the parents of the
teenagers in that era, would have liked. They were used to much more conservative types of clothing
. Fashion evolved, along with the new generation who inspired that fashion. Hairstyles and clothing
changed, due to a new era of icons and state of minds.
Hairstyles in the 50s were much more traditional and looked very conservative. They replicated the
styles of the 1930s and 40s. They had many more curls than the hairstyles of the 60s. The women
wore buffontants and flipped hair. Bouffants had hair above the crown of the head, covering the
ears and women who wore this style usually had shoulder length hair. Another popular women s
style was the flipped hair Usually worn with bouffants, the flipped hairstyle was one where the ends
of the hair were flipped in toward the face. Both hair styles were used in ads for clothes and
products during the 60s, spreading the look across America with the help of icons. Flips and
bouffants are most characterized by the 60s, making them the most
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The Synthesis Of 13 Butadienes
2.1 Synthesis of 1,3 butadienes
Dienes can be synthesised from aldehydes and ketones using the Wittig reaction. The Wittig
reaction facilitates the synthesis of new carbon carbon double bonds at specific locations in
aldehydes and ketones (Bernard Ford, 1983). The overall reaction mechanism is shown in Figure 1.
Protocols for synthesising 1,3 butadienes from aldehydes and ketones have been established in the
literature. The synthesis protocol proposed by Greatrex et al. (2014) was used and reactions using
several aldehydes (cinnamaldehyde, piperonaldehyde, and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) were
successfully performed to synthesise the required butadienes 1, 2, and 3, Scheme 2.
The general approach involved transforming the aldehydes at the site of the carbonyl group. Use of
an appropriate triphenylphosphonium halide (methyl for cinnamaldehyde, and allyl for piperonal
and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) afforded the correct 1,3 butadiene. Deprotonation of the
triphenylphosphonium halide was achieved using potassium tert butoxide reacted under an
atmosphere of nitrogen. An observable colour change was observed on addition of the
triphenylphosphonium halide to the solvent, and subsequently on the addition of an aldehyde.
Reactions were followed by thin liquid chromatography (TLC), and the butadienes were purified
via chromatography (1 and 2 via column chromatography, and 3 via dry flash chromatography).
Both the e and z isomers of the butadienes
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founding fathers book report
Joseph J. Ellis is a well known historian. He earned his Bachelor s degree from the college of
William and Mary, and his masters and Ph.D. at the University of Yale. Ellis is currently a full
time professor of the Commonwealth at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. In addition to
Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Ellis has written many books and editorials.
His books include; The New England Mind in Transition: Samuel Johnson of Connecticut (Yale
University Press, 1983), School For Soldiers: West Point and the Profession of Arms (Oxford
University Press, 1974), Passionate Sage: The Character and Legacy of John Adams(W.W Norton
and Company, 1993), After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture (W.W.
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Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation is a well written narrative about America s
founding fathers and the years that followed the Revolutionary War. Ellis s book is appealing to
anyone who is interested in learning about the roots of our founding brothers. The book is also
well written in the aspect of not being long and drawn out into one big story. Instead, Ellis breaks
the book down in to six stories that talk about different situations with American historical figures.
Ellis uses more than one type of historical writing throughout the six stories. He uses social,
economic and political types of history throughout this book.
Overall Joseph J. Ellis showed the significant role the leaders played in the founding of our country.
Each character that Ellis brings forth in a story had a great impact not only on America then, but
also where America s nation is concerned today. Ellis also shows the importance of knowing about
the roots of the founding fathers of our nation. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation is
not only informative, but also compelling in its stories to keep the reader intrigued.
Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. New York, NY: Vintage Books,
Shaeper, T.J. a review of Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary
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Legalization of Drugs Essay
The current hot topic debate about the legalization of marijuana for medical exposes the long
lasting debate about the economic viability of prohibiting certain kind of drugs considered illicit.
Many social costs to society are attributable to illicit drugs, along with tobacco, alcohol, and guns.
In fact, each of these vices is allegedly responsible for $200 billion annual expenditure in social
costs of the USA (Donohue, 2010). Interestingly, all these commodities mentioned above have
common characteristics: a sizeable proportion of consumers responsibly use each of them hence
virtually zero social externality; and a trivial subset of society individuals irresponsibly use each of
these commodity to create high social externalities. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Of course, their claim is relatively true because drug addicts produce negative externalities that
affect non market participants who include dependents of the drug addicts. This direct causal
relationship between drugs and crime is due to statistics that reveal a large proportion of the newly
incinerated convicts have recent prior drug use. One then could counter this premise with the
argument that energy drinks cause crimes in case criminals are found to have drunk energy drinks
just before committing crimes. This shallow assumption also excludes studies that reveal marijuana
as neither a gateway drug (its use leads to use of dangerous drugs like cocaine and Heroin) nor its
possession (which is a crime in itself) causes criminal tendencies. Their causal link relationship
between drugs and crime negates other factors that include demographics and socio economics.
Proponents of prohibition claim that it reduces demand and restrict supply, thereby diminishing
drugs use, and the costs of illness. Prohibition is certain to reduce the supply of drugs due to the
stiff penalties imposed on suppliers. However, their argument lacks authentic verification as
numerous studies within the USA and from other countries where these illicit drugs have been
criminalized paint a different picture.
Prohibition in this case refers to a government decree against the exchange of a good or a service
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Richard Benner s Theory Of Nurses Developing Skills And...
Gagandeep Sandhu
Samuel Merritt University
Patricia Benner s theory From Novice to Expert is based on the concept of nurses developing skills
and understanding of the patients care overtime which comes from their continued efforts towards
trying to achieve strong education and personal experience. The theory explains the five levels of
nursing experience: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. Starting from
novice where they don t have any experience and simply follow instructions, nurses finally reach
the expert level transitioning through different levels where they rely on their experience rather
than principles or guidelines to connect situations and determine actions. Their performance is
fluid, flexible, and highly proficient at this level. Benner stresses on skills through experience as a
prerequisite for becoming an expert nurse (Nursing world, 2013).
Benner s theory gives a hope to new nurses and nurse practitioners in a way that experience brings
expertise. Benner emphasizes on professional growth within the organization with increased
experience. This theory provides a useful structure for practice development and marks out the
difference between the functioning of novice and experienced nurses (Lyneham, Parkinson
Denholm (2009). It emphasizes on the power of expertise and empowers the nurse to expand her
knowledge. It validates the clinical
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The Gospel Of Judas, Tell Judas
A Gospel is a religious document that describes Jesus life from when he was born, until death and
the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus, himself, had 12 disciples, whom advised him and later grew
to the name, The 12 Apostles . Those of whom Jesus call his Apostles (Students) were: Simon
(Named Peter), Andrew ( Peters brother), James (Son of Zamebee), John (James brother), Phillip,
Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew (The Tax Collector), James (Son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon
(The Cananean) and lastly, Judas Iscariot. Of these Twelve Apostles, one presumably betrayed of
lord. His name, Judas Iscariot. The Gospel of Judas, tell Judas accounts of what is going on through
his point of view. It has been lost through time. But has been found. 1,600 years later in the caverns
of Egypt.
Gnostic Church s are the religious
Throughout all the other gospels, they claim that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ to the
Romans for a mass sum, of 30 pieces of silver. Now that may not sound like too much now, but
back then in 33AD, it was a large amount. Judas was a politician. Who played both Jews and
romans to use Jesus as leader of the revolution against the roman empire, in which was doubled
politic by Jews and the Rabbi and they get rid of both Jesus and Judas in one place. Once they
were united, Judas laid a kiss upon Jesus , cheek, telling the Romans; whom were watching, that
this is Jesus Christ. The Romans didn t believe Jesus to be the man whom he d heard stories about.
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The Importance Of Biodiversity
The 3.7 billion years of the earth s biological history can be summarized as follows: Organisms
convert energy into food, chemical elements perform their cycles, and species perform different
biological functions (niches) evolving in response to changes according to conditions
environmental impacts. This implies that today, every specieson the planet has gone through an
evolutionary process and that each individual performs their role in the ecosystem. Like the many
species in the world, we human beings (thanks to certain characteristics that allow us to adapt and
modify the environment) have been able to increase our chances of survival on earth and this has
led us to a gigantic population and economic growth, which we call Development. However, such a
development makes the degradation of natural resources increasingly fast, making it imperative and
necessary to establish conservation oriented guidelines, since biodiversityis of the utmost
importance for the functioning of the ecosystem.
Biodiversity or biological diversity is a term used very well to describe the richness and variety
of all living things in the world; from plants and animals to microorganisms and beings a
thousand times more complex. Thus, on biological diversity we can say that it is present in the
most varied places, from the cold glaciers of the Arctic to the volcanic regions of Chile. In Brazil,
this fact is not different, and this is the country that holds about 20% of the world s
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The Laos Culture
The Lao s culture, including their traditions, values, and shared identity continues to be passed
down to each generation. Laos descendants of prior generations have created traditions that
continue to be practiced within their way of living. How and what we consider valuable or the
norm within our cultureis not always similar to another individual s culture. Completing the
interviews and research on the Laosculture has given me an accurate understanding about the
differences and similarities that are shared amongst themselves and the Mexican culture. The Laos
traditional foods that are frequently consumed consist of papaya salad, chicken, and rice. The two
individuals I interviewed stated, almost every meal of the day includes a rice... Show more content
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Traditional Mexican clothing includes material that is colorful and designed to keep individuals
cool in hot climate. The traditional women s dresses are often made from simple cotton with
embroidery to incorporate color. The embroidery is often floral patterns and colorful images
which often have symbolic meanings. On the other hand, Laos women wear lively silk colors with
gold color detailed embroidery, which represents where the dress was made. In both cultures,
traditional dresses are typically worn during a special event or
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How Routine Data Collected Throughout Health And Social Care
d how routine data collected in health and social care informs the planning of care for
individuals 3.1 Explain the recordings and use of routine measures in health and social care In
health and social care recordings and use of measures are a vital signs for determine a patients
state of health. This is so important which will decide the appropriate treatment a patient need and
in which condition this patient health is at present. Nurses see the patient more than any other care
provider. For that reason. Nurses are in the best position to observe the patient s development,
finding problems early and judge what care is needed to resolve the problem. The care provider
always checks the charts and recordings before entering into the... Show more content on
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Visual Observation Visual Observation is observing a patient by listening to the patient s breathing,
look at his or her colour, and see whether the patient is awake. This will immediately tell the patient
s health problems if you see any indicators that the patient is having trouble breathing, is breathing
too fast, or his or her colour is unnaturally pale or reddish, or if the patient appears to be in distress.
It will suggests the problems to the nurse in duty or the doctor. But, when the patient is breathing,
colour, or position in the bed indicates unconsciousness rather than normal sleep, the nurse will try
to wake up the patient to provide the certain treatment. And visual observation is best for the
recordings while it can be useful to measure the breathing process. Another visual observation is via
talking to the patient to see if the patient is awake, to ask if they feel comfortable, about any pain,
treatment and medication already taken, whether the patient has been eating or drinking. Talking
with the patient will also indicate about the urinary, facial rejection, any previous medical
conditions and if the patient is able to speak and contribute information, about symptoms can be
found like fatigue, nausea and any other respiratory problems. Body Temperature Body temperature
is maintained within a fairly regular range by the hypothalamus that is found in the brain. The
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Boxing Day Australia
Boxing Day of Australia Boxing Day is commemorated as a holiday in many nations and
Australia is one of them as it is also a part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The tradition was
started in England. The employers give bonuses of money, leftover food or old clothing to their
employees. The loads on the other hand gave away agricultural tools and seeds for the coming
year to the tenants under them. Others relate the name to the box into which parishioners put
church donations. It was practiced that this donation box was opened on the Boxing Day and the
contents of all the donations were distributed to all the poor people of the parish. As the gifts were
presented in a box, some people believed that it was the reason for knowing the date of December
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Nurse Anesthetist
Working in the medical field has always been a popular job, but it s not an easy one. There are
many routines to uphold and if you aren t good with organization, then working in the hospital isn
t for you. I have chosen a career path to be a nurse anesthetist and this essay will tell you why.
Job characteristics for a general nurse anesthetist include: reviewing medical history, evaluating
patients and their accurate method of anesthesia, properly measuring and overseeing the level and
speed of the anesthesia being administered, keeping an eye on patient s vital signs, informing the
surgeon if patient becomes unstable, attending to the patient s needs before, during and after the
surgery, and checking on the patient s recovery from the anesthesia.
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The Legal System
To the legal system, the answer is clear: children have the requisite moral sense the ability to tell
right from wrong by age 7 to 15, depending on which state they live in, and so can be held
responsible for their actions. The Roman Catholic Church pegs it at the early end of that range:
children reach the age of reason by the tender age of 7, a milestone marked by their first
confession of sin and holy communion. Developmental psychologists and other researchers who
study the question are not so sure. How old a child must be to both know in his mind and feel in
his heart that lying, stealing, cheating, hurting let alone murdering are morally wrong is a matter of
scientific debate.
But the question of when is not nearly so fraught ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The reason is that empathy, the key emotion supporting a sense of right and wrong, emerges early
and, it seems, naturally. Babies cry in response to the wails of other babies, and not just because it
s a sound that upsets them, notes Carolyn Zahn Waxler of the National Institute of Mental Health.
They cry more in response to human cries than to other aversive sounds. Somehow, there s a built
in capacity to respond to the needs of others. Babies as young as 1 try to console others in distress.
Toddlers offer their security blanket to a teary eyed parent or a favorite toy to a distraught sibling,
as if understanding that the very object that brings them comfort will do the same to another.
Although there seems to be some heritable component to empathy identical twins, who have
identical genes, show more similarity in their response to others distress than fraternal twins do it
can be twisted, warped or crushed like a fragile sprout. Empathy means, at heart, the ability to
respond to another s distress in a way more appropriate to her situation than to your own. The
development of empathy has a lot to do with how children experience emotions and how people
respond to their emotional states, argues Berkowitz. It s not automatic. If a child s sadness is met
with stony silence rather than a hug, if her loneliness is met with continued abandonment,
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India s Foreign Direct Investment Essay
A Case on
Foreign Direct Investment: Growth and Prospects
Submitted to:
Prof. Dr. Devi Prasad Bedari
Submitted by:
Chanda Kiran Adhikari
Nabin Chapagain
Manisha Paneru
Raskin Maharjan Subigya Regmi
The visit of Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister to Nepal undoubtedly strengthened the ties
between the two nations. But, most importantly, it also provides Nepal with an avenue for
development through investment foreign direct investment.
Your rich water resources can be the powerhouse for India. Just by selling electricity to India, Nepal
can find a place in the developed nations of the world. Narendra Modi
After the Indian PM addressed the Nepalese parliament, less than a month and a half later, the
countries sat down and inked a deal said to be the largest foreign investment Nepal has received
until now. The Nepalese Investment Board signed a Project Development Agreement with GMR
Group, an Indian multinational firm regarding the construction of the Upper Karnali hydropower
estimated worth US $ 1.5 billion. The project will generate 900 megawatts of electricity; of which
Nepal will receive 12 per cent free energy, along with 27 per cent equity. GMR Group will hand
over the project to Nepal after operating it commercially for 25
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Snow Mountain Descriptive Writing
The sky is clear with a bright blue sky and puffy white clouds, and the crisp breeze is flowing
throughout the covered porch of our cabin. The trees covered with snow for as far as the eyes
can see, and the ground covered with inches of white,fluffy snow. This is my last family vacation
before my aunt, uncle, and cousins leave to go to Germany for the next five years. Today is the
day that we go snowtubing and skiing in Tennessee. The familywakes up at five in the morning and
we all start to pull on long sleeve shirts, wool leggings, and warm boots. The smell of bacon flows
throughout the cabin and the pitter patter of feet along the floor annonces that breakfast is ready.
Gathered around the table with intertwined hands, my family blesses... Show more content on
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I run to the line to hop onto the cart to bring us to the top of the mountain. Huffing and puffing
with a bright red nose and a cold burned face, I climb into the cart and await my ride up to the
top of the mountain. Finally, I exit the cart and walked onto the steep covered snow mountain. I
look around and just take in the view. Snow covered mountains for as far as the eyes can see and
a crisp smell of pine flows through the air. Blair, my cousin, and I finally gain enough courage to
get in line to ski down the slope. In one swift motion, I am off. My ski poles plunge into the
damp snow and the wind hits my face like an icy, cold wall. I glide through the snow as a
ballerina dances across the dance floor with poise and grace. I was on top of the world until
suddenly my ski poles were firmly stuck in the snow, but my body was still in motion. With no
warning, I tumbled down the mountain into the damp snow. I shivered and my clothes dripped
with water as I approached the bottom of the mountain. I emerged from the bottom of the
mountain with soaking wet clothes, a winded face, and blue lips. My family crowded around, but
I could do nothing but laugh. Then, I suddenly started to cry because this was the last vacation as a
family we were going to have for the next six years. I wanted to embrace this moment, but the
thought of my family leaving killed
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NHL Draft Game Analysis
The auction market occurs during the NHL draft. The draft lottery is a weighted system
implemented to determine the order of selection in the first round of the draft. The 14 teams that
missed the playoffs during the previous NHL season are awarded the first 14 picks. Teams 15
through 31 are set after the Stanley Cupplayoffs. They draft in order of the fewest points scored in
that season to the most points, subject to the results of the draft lottery. The Draft Lottery is
utilized to assign the top 3 drafting slots in the NHL draft, where 3 draws are held. The 1st lottery
draw will determine the club selecting first overall, the 2nd lottery draw will determine the club
selecting second overall and the 3rd lottery draw will determine... Show more content on
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Teams must select the perfect combination of skilled players and enforcers (Jones, Nadeau Walsh,
1997). In addition to battling other enforcers, these players try to limit the success of opposing
skill players. The study suggests that the rougher and more violent a player is, the higher his salary,
thus incentivizing violence in the game of hockey. A culture of violence is embraced, rather than
discouraged. This violence trickles down from the ice to the crowds and to younger generations in
amateur leagues (Jones, Ferguson Sunderman, 1996). In an analysis that reflected on the culture of
the NHL, the author argued the extraordinary amount of emphasis on winning helps, either directly
or indirectly, in promoting a violent culture in the game. He added that the NHL is perhaps the
only sport, professional or otherwise, that encourages the use of physical intimidation outside the
rules as a legitimate tactic (McMurtry, 1974). The attempt to sell hockey to a wide audience in the
U.S. is more easily undertaken because understanding a hockey brawl is easier than learning the
intricacies and finesse of the game (McMurtry,
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The National Rifle Association ( Nra )
Of the many interest groups that have a viable, unwavering presence in both the campaign and
election process and in the hands of its taxpaying voters is the National Rifle Association
(NRA). The nonprofit organization has a staunch and straightforward message: to advocate and
protect the second amendment. As of late, the NRA has received criticism by some candidate
who is running for presidency, and even the President himself, but this has not changed the
purpose or image of the organization through the eyes of the American people. Other candidates
can see this, and they are in full fledge of their support for the NRA, which is not only cohesive
but reciprocal, and has been one of the standing points for these candidates. Because of this,
Fortune magazine has recognized NRA as the most powerful lobbying force in the United States.
The National Rifle Association is an effective interest group because of its strong advocacy for
gun rights, its strong support from taxpayers and politicians, and its notable presence in policy
making and legislation. The NRA is a powerful organization that has a long, illustrious history of
advocating gun rights and the second amendment. The nonprofit organization was founded in
November of 1871 by William Conant Church and George Wood Wingate, and has educated and
informed its members on gun related legislation and policy since the mid 1930s after the first
federal gun control law was passed. By the mid 1970s, however, the NRA has directly
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What Is The Theme Of The Lay Of The Werewolf
In the story, The Lay of the Werewolf , a faithful husband gets dishonored by his wife after the
wife finds out that the husband is half werewolf. The story takes place in Ancient Greek, during
the Medieval Times, where the Greeks wrote that people could be transformed into werewolves.
As Murray states, it states that the poem demonstrates the kinds of friendship and love that exist
among the three protagonists. It mentions that the poem depicts how de France confronts her
readers with a story that raises a moral issue. It adds that many of de France s poems critique the
unchristian and uncharitable marriages. The story really gives off a good example, on how the
people who one think s can trust with one s life, especially in this case, can turn on one for the
money, fame, power, etc. The three themes that are shown in The Lay of the Werewolf are betrayal,
dishonor,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the wife finds out that her husband has been sneaking around, she questions. Without
hesitate the husband responds, Wife, I become Bisclavaret. I enter the forest, and live on prey
and roots, within the thickets of the wood (Page 597). Once the wife had finally found out why
her husband had been sneaking and disappearing from her sight for days, even weeks at a time,
she betrayed him, immediately, without a doubt. The secret that he has kept from his wife, the
husband has now told to his loving wife. Now, the wife being jealous sets out on her own
mission to become a werewolf. The writer states, she dared no longer to lie at his side and turned
over in her mind, this way and that, how best she could get her from / him (Page 598). After the
wife had found out that her husband is a werewolf, she immediately betrays him and tells the
knight, that was her secret lover. The wife knowing, that if anyone had found out that her husband
had become a werewolf at nighttime, that he would get in trouble by the
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Thesis Statement On The Evolution Of Electricity
Isaiah Moon Introduction
Background Information
Thesis Statement Electricity uproared due to inventors brilliant minds. The evolution of electricity
happened through Magnetism, DC, and to AC currents. Before DC evolution Known information
in the before the 1800s
They knew rubbing amber and jet would attract bits of stuff to start sticking (History of electricity).
Bioelectrical, and Electrical Current
Luigi discovered, what is called bioelectricity, that he could make a frog s muscles twitch when
touched with a metal knife (History of Electricity).
By the 17th century, many electricity related discoveries had been made, such as the early
electrostatic generator,difference between positive and negative currents (Tva Kids).
Hans Christian Orsted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although Micheal Faraday was one of the inventors of the electic motor, Nikola Teslaremastered
the motor in 1821 (History of electricity).
Nikola Tesla gave mass production, for without his electric motors, would be no mass production
(history of electricity).
Yeorge Westinghouse
Westinghouse was a famous american inventor and industrialist who purchased Nikola Tesla s
electric motor and devolped it to be used to generated Alternating current (History of electricity).
Yeorge Westinghouse was the one to build first generators at niagara falls and responsible for
creating the uprise of alternating current (history of electricity).
I feel like the importance of the electrictity age and the evolution of elecrticity is that electrictiy is
one of the inventions that changed the whole world from the age with oil lamps and without the
inventor that had created inventions, they re would be alot less other inventions in the
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Why Was Beethoven Important
Monica Rhein
Final Essay
Why Beethoven? Over the course of this class, one of the main questions that our learning has
consistently traced back to is the question of why we study Beethoven, and why his legacy has
stood the test of time. Regarded as a musical pioneer, Beethoven revolutionized the Classical era,
and his experimental capabilities and distinguishable sound paved the way for the Romantic era.
Although he composed almost 650 pieces, it is universally understood that Beethoven is revered
as far more than a composer. Rather, Beethoven s legacy is that of a performer, a poet, an icon of
his time and a precursor of the future. In this essay, I will discuss the aspects of Beethoven that
most strongly compel the study of his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Beethoven s childhood was arguably one of the most fascinating and influential periods of his
life. Young Ludwig was raised by an abusive alcoholic father and a neglectful mother. His father,
Johan Van Beethoven, was also his musical mentor, and never actualized Beethoven s potential as
a musician (1). His mother, Maria Magdalena Kerevich, often sent him to school looking so
disheveled that classmates assumed he had no mother (Suchet pg. 21). Despite her neglect,
Beethoven spoke very highly of his mother, and said that she taught him to give back to the world
despite what it may have neglected to give him (1). This empathetic spirit is visible in his music as
well, especially during his compositional period called The End of an Era. This was debatably
the darkest time of Beethoven s life, as he was completely deaf, depressed, and in a dry spell of
composing (1). His brother had also just been diagnosed with a terminal illness, so he took
custody of his nephew Karl, a relationship so tension filled that Karl attempted suicide in 1826 (3).
At this time, one would expect Beethoven to write music expressive of such hardship, but instead
he composed some of his most delightful and uplifting pieces such as Irish folksongs
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Nectar Of A Sieve By Kamala Munshi
Deeksha Bathini
The book, Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, was published in 1954, approximately
seven years after India gained independence from British colonial rule. Thus, it can be concluded
that the book is either took place during the Raj Period or shortly after gaining independence.
Rukmani, from a family of four daughters, was married off to a poor tenant farmer named Nathan
at the mere age of twelve. The first year of their marriage brought rich profusion and wealth. The
harvests were abundant, and Rukmani gave birth to a beautiful girl, Ira. As Rukmani and Nathan s
lives progressed, however, they faced adversity and challenges. First and foremost, Rukmani was
unable to conceive a son. Apprehensively and secretly, Rukmani solicited fertility treatments from
Kenny, an American doctor who spoke the Indian language. Ira was seven when Rukmani bore her
first son, Arjun. As the years progressed, Rukmani birthed four more boys: Thambi, Murugan, Raja,
and Selvam. As the family continued to face daily challenges of starvation, a tannery is built near
Rukmani s mud house. After careful consideration and the dissuasion of their parents, Arjun and
Thambi sought to find jobs in the tannery to earn money and support their families amidst the
starvation. However, both Arjun and Thambi were fired for protesting their measly wages. Luckily,
they both found well paying jobs in Ceylon on a tea plantation and never returned home again. Ira,
when reaching fourteen years of age,
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The Team Essay
That season had its ups and downs and despite a range of running abilities, every one of them
worked diligently to maximize their individual potentials. The one thing that they had brought
along for me from the previous team s mentality was the mantra that above all else, the team
came first. It was a mindset that I had hoped would exist and one that would provide a strong
foundation in the coming years, both in cross country and track. As the season progressed, the
confidence level rose and the team s success did as well. The dividends of a more sensible
training program were also evident as everyone on the team continued to improve and became more
and more accepting of these new training ideas. So much so, that during the middle of... Show more
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With only three runners that could finish near the top ten or twelve finishers, I knew unless the
rest of the team, who had never experienced the pressure of running in a state championship
could run over a minute faster than they had all year, we were unlikely to finish in first place.
Nonetheless, that didn t prevent me from looking to the future. For the top three runners, I set up
a race plan as if they actually had a chance to win the team title. I wanted them to mature and have
the experience of battling with the race leaders, so that next year, competing in a state
championship was almost like second nature. For the other three people on the team, I set up a
plan for them to hopefully run their best times of the year with absolutely no mention of winning
the team championship. In the back of my mind, I was also looking at gaining them experience
with handling the pressure of that level of competition. The results went about as planned. The top
three runners for the team finished in 9th (Billy Preston), 10th (Brian Laguerre), and 11th (Mike
Charron) while two of the other three set PR s for the distance. The team finished in third place
which immediately became the team s motivation for the following year. The other motivation to
achieve future success occurred for me during the pre race warmups and became my own personal
incentive. It is also
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Zootopian Themes
Traditionally, animated films have been made for and consumed by children, with the plotlines and
themes being relatively basic and forthright. However, recent years have seen the release of
animated films that s explore significantly more adult themes and thought provoking ideas. Perhaps
the most confronting example of adult themes in an animated filmis in 2016 s Zootopia . The film
forces viewers to think about concepts such as racial segregation, nature vs. nurture and the
debilitating effect of stereotyping. Although Zootopia features anthropomorphic animals, it is easy
to draw a connection between the films prey vs. predator narrative and racial divide in our own
In essence, this paper will outline three significant themes related ... Show more content on
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Examples of discrimination are prevalent throughout the entire narrative towards both predators
and prey. For example, Judy Hopps is consistently underestimated and ridiculed in her
endeavours to become the first bunny cop . However, the most blatant instance of discrimination
is illustrated in a flashback scene to the childhood of Nick Wilde. When we are introduced to
Nick, it is revealed he is a con artist and guilty of fraud. Essentially he embodies the shifty and
untrustworthy stereotypes that are linked to foxes. Although, during the second act we learn about
Nick s past as a young fox with dreams of joining the junior rangers troop. As a predator, the prey
dominant troop rejects Nick, shoving him too the ground and putting a muzzle on him, stating if
you thought we d ever trust a fox without a muzzle, you re even dumber then you look . Thus, from
that moment, Nick heads down a life of deviance. Nick divulges to Judy that the experience taught
him that if the world s only going to see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there is no point at trying
to be anything else . This scene stands out as the most emotional and effective scene in the film
through its utilization of sound, contrast, and flashback. Flashback is a popular film technique
employed by filmmakers to visually present events that
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Andy Warhol Pop Art
Pop art is a 20th century art movement. Pop Art got its name because of its deiversary imagery
taken from popular culture. It first started to move away from Abstract Expressionism, which was
a really popular style in the 50 s because of its color, shape, forms, emotion, ideas etc. But many
young artists of that generation didn t like abstract expressionism. So It first began in the 1950 s in
Europe when the European avant garde started getting to approach diverse art after the world War
II. According to Metropolitan Museum The term Pop Artwas first used around 1954 to describe a
group of British artists . Later pop art was embraced by Americans. In 1960 first exhibition was
shown in New York galleries called Pop Art.
Pop Art can be characterized by its themes and techniques that came from popular culture. Andy
Warhol, who is one of the famous Pop Art artists said, The pop artist did images that anybody
walking down Broadway could recognize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But In this paper I will talk about Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol is one of the most famous Pop
artists. He was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As a child Warhol was
diagnosed with a neurological disorder which is why he occasionally stayed home. While he
was at home his mother would give him drawing lesson. His mother was also an artist, so
naturally Warhol grew love for this medium. He continued to draw in his free time. He would
also read Hollywood magazines and cut out papers. From 1945 to 1949 he attended Carnegie
Institute of Technology. After graduating from art school, he went to New York City to pursue his
career as a commercial artist. He was a successful commercial artist. He worked with Tiffany Co
and many famous magazines such as Vogue, Harper s Bazaar etc. In 1952 he established himself as
a successful illustrator. He learned how to manipulate images and product
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The Irish Poetry and Postcolonialism
Ireland was a British colony for more than seven centuries, for this time it was hidden their native
identity, as well as their language. The British colonizers imposed not only their language but also
their culture. In 1922, it was signed the Treaty in which Ireland was considered a free state. As and
introduction to Heaney poems, I will use a poem of Yeats, who is the poet that starts to talk about
postcolonial themes. Maybe Yeats was one the most important figures in the reconstruction of the
Irish identity. He represents the relationship between Irelandand Britain in his poem Leda and the
Swan . The first publication of this poem was in the radical magazine To morrow in 1923. Some
years later it was republished in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore, the poet pretends it is to get back to his roots, as it is showed in line 15 16. By God, the
old man could handle a spade Just like his old man.
Both his father and his grandfather are working the land, that land which has a special meaning
to the Irish identity because it is the place were they were born and it was free of the British
control. The new potatoes in the poem represent the new expectation to Ireland. However, the
Irish identity is not the only interpretation of poem. It is also represented the opposition between
the cultural life and the life of hard work in the land. Heaney does not think he will be able to
use the spade like his and his grandfather, that means he is not going to dig with a spade but he is
going to dig into the historical present of Ireland with his pen which is the weapon that he uses
against the British colonization. In his poem A Northern hoard he talks about the Irish Great
Famine of 1845 , in which many Irish died and many other had to leave the country. In the first
part of the poem we can see which is entitled Roots makes reference to the old Gomorrah which
the town that was punished by God. This town was devastated for the Flood like Ireland was
devastated by the plague. In these four poems the author always uses the first person narrator who
gives a sense more personal of the poem. The poet
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The World Of Sports Arenas
In the world of sports arenas there is one that stands as a pivotal high point above almost all other
stadiums. The University of Southern California s mammoth of a stadium, the Los Angeles
Memorial Coliseum is one of the biggest sports stadiums in college football, and has been a
standard by which others are judge. Being declared a land mark by the state of California after
nearly 80 years of use, this structure has had many different uses other than its current purpose of
housing one of the most dominate teams in college football, the Trojans. Since its opening day the
stadium has set world record in attendance and then beaten the same records hosting some of the
most famous people in the world. (Coliseum History) Throughout the 92 years of the stadiums
existences many changes have taken place and the facility has had to adapt to the new century.
Advances in construction and design have allowed the Trojans to stay current and competitive with
the new stadiums. One thing remains, and that is the fact that USC Trojan fans love the unique feel
and history that has been made throughout the walls of the stadium.
History of facility Erected in 1923 the Trojans did not waste time until the first footballs game
was played. On October 6th the team faced off against Pomona College finding their first home
victory in the new stadium. In the first opening game the Trojans played in front of a 12,836
people which was a relatively small number of people considering they
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Long Day s Journey Into Night
In Long Day s Journey into Night, a four act play by Eugene O Neill, the audience/reader is
given a glimpse into a day in the life of the Tyrone Family. We are introduced to the mother Mary
, father James, oldest son Jamie and youngest son Edmund . The setting is the Tyrone s summer
home, of a day in August 1912. As typical in all his works, O Neill uses symbols throughout the
play as he weaves his story of the dysfunctional Tyrone family. These symbols include Mary s
hands, the fog, foghorn sounds, and Mary s weddingdress. In Act One, we meet Mary. She is a
woman of medium build in her mid fifties with white hair and wearing no make up. In addition
to her physical appearance what strikes one immediately is her extreme nervousness. Her hands
are never still. (p. 403). The audience learns that they were once beautiful hands, with long,
tapering fingers, but now they have an ugly crippled look. (p.403). It is revealed that as a young
girl, Mary attended convent school where she took piano lessons. Encouraged by the nuns, one
of her dreams was to become a concert pianist (p. ) but in the spring of her senior year she meets
and falls in love with James Tyrone and chooses to follow her heart and marry the handsome,
traveling actor. During the early years of their marriage, Mary tried to keep up her music (444),
but James traveled constantly from city to city, being on tour, which led Mary to resort to living in
hotel rooms. By
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Immigration Admission Of Japan And Singapore
Poli 328 Paper HUI TING LI 44785146 Apr.09.2015 Immigration admission of Japan and
Singapore Concerning Singapore and Japan, both countries are developed. But their
immigration admissions are different, which may result in different perceptions and impacts.
According to a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, regarding of democracy countries
ranking list in 2012, Japan had a high score 8.08, in the 20th position of 167 countries. Singapore
ranked at number 75. (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013) In 2013,The International Monetary
Fund estimated Singapore s GDP was $78,762 per capita, and Japan had $36,208 per
capita.(World Economic Outlook Database, 2014, ) Both countries obtain high democracy and
economy level, but their net migration rates are totally different. The World Factbook found out
that Singapore permits around 14.55 migrants per 1000 population but Japan was closely to
0.00. (World Factbook, 2012) In the past decades, Singapore encouraged foreigners to immigrate
that affected nearly 5.5 million people move into Singapore. In 2009, an estimated 40% of
foreigner residents are in Singapore who contributed up to 80% of the construction industry and
50% of the service industry. The immigrants play a significant role for Singapore development
especially the rapid growth of the GDP. (World Factbook, 2012) There is a statistic project that
predicts the population of Japan will drop to 95 million by 2025. (Statistics Bureau, 2014) In 2002,
there was
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Analysis of Friday Night Lights
Analysis of Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights is a good view of how footballenvelops the live
of everyone in the Texas town of Odessa. While it does use football as a main theme, I don t
believe it is a book mainly about sports. The story is mostly about the people in a town that has
nothing to look forward to except football. The story chronicles the lives of a few players and their
parents. The author describes their background, characteristics, and reactions to football and life...
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Odessa wasn t even integrated until the early 1980s. Even after it was integrated, the district
lines were drawn so that Permian would get most of the black students and Odessa High would
get the Mexicans students (105). Even with Permian getting the majority of African Americans,
there were only six black players on the team. Of those six, five of them started and one of them
was injured (107). The black players at Permian were usually regarded as the best on the field.
Even so, most coaches still considered them a lower class. Even Nate Hearne, a black coach that
usually dealt with the black players, described Boobie as just another dumb nigger if he couldn t
carry a football under his arm (18). The racism wasn t just within the town and the team, it was
affected other teams Permian played. When it came time to play the Carter Cowboys in the
quarterfinals, a meeting had to be set up to discuss the terms of the game. This was mostly due to
racism since over 90% of the Carter school was African American. The Permian coaches argued
over where the game would be held. A neutral location was chosen for the safety of the fans. After
the final pass of the game, player Clint Duncan knew it was incomplete when he looked up and
saw a bunch of cocky niggers jumping up and down (334). Male figures dominated Permian mostly
for the fact that they
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  • 4. All American Cheesecake Research This week project the Roses Alpha Bakers is baking the an all American cheesecake .We start with the first layer, which is red velvet cake for the red stripes,a cheesecake for the white and finishing with blueberries topping laying on a Dreamy Creamy White Chocolate Frosting the name really say it all. I decide to start with making the cheesecake, which is absolutely my favorite cake to make, not to much in the work yet very satisfying result.here s are the steps: i than added the eggs some vanilla,salt and lemon juice beat them all till combine and added the sour cream.after the sour cream was blended well, i poured the batter into the prepared 9 springs form and than placed the and placed it on a bigger pan with a one inch hot water, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I made the Raspberry preserve coating, simply place raspberry preserve in the microwave and heat till liquid, than press through a strainer , i also used cheese cloth since mine had seeds in the preserve If you really for an upgrade of your traditional cream cheese frosting, you want to make these dreamy creamy white chocolate frosting. it have a delicate flavor and not overly sweet so it make it very dangerous of consuming it in a small quantities. don t say i didn t warn you. to make this, you ll need a really good white chocolate with a high percentage, other wise the frosting will not harden properly. chopped it and melt it in the microwave, let it cool down.mean while in a food processor, process the other ingredients till combined once done add the melted chocolate and pulse till ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. History And History Of The Arab Films Do you think history is important? Why is it significant? And, does knowing the history of everything in the life matter? Actually, these questions and many other questions have been asked over many years all over the world and they have many different answers. Knowing the history of many different things in the life is very important because of one sufficient and helpful reason; knowing the history helps in understanding the present and in building the future. There are a lot of subjects and things that people should know their history, such as the history of a country, the history of a family, the history of arts, and the history of technology. Also, one of the most important things that people should know its history is movies and the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And with this growth came a wider variety of films. But, perhaps inevitably, it was not until the political upheaval in the years following WWII and the onset of the Palestinian Israeli conflict that Arab cinema took up more hard hitting themes. (Seymour 70). Therefore, the European colonization of the Arab nations touched the industry of Arab films positively. Nevertheless, the industry of films in the Arab nations was not able to fund programs and movies in spite of the needs to new programs and films. According to Viola Shafik in the Arab Cinema book, the Arab channels have been in need for new programs but there is no funds that can support them. Two dozen Arab channels, including those of the Egyptian ERTU (Egyptian Radio and TV Union), are run in the Arab world and Europe and in the last few years have multiplied the need for new Arab programs. The film industry, however, is unable to profit from this development. (Shafik 43). Foreigners or European minorities who had immigrated to Arab countries owned the movies theaters that were originally introduced in Arab nations. The same applied to film production, which was originally dominated by investors who were non natives or foreigners. In evaluating the development of the Cinema industry in Arab nations, Egypt would provide an ideal country ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Indo European Societies The Indo European and Bantu peoples were great societies who advanced well during their years. The articles, The Indo European Migrations and Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of sub Saharan Africa both featured in the book In Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past by (Jerry Bentley) both explicate information about the two societies. Additional information will also be applied by the book, World Civilizations: The Global Experience by (Peter N. Stearns). Although the Bantu and Indo European Societies were in different locations, common similarities occurred which allowed both societies to advance. The Indo Europeans started off in their homeland, Eastern Europe (Ukraine and southern Russia) and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of sub Saharan Africathe Bantus shared a common language, although differentiated, this unified them as a society; likewise, the Indo Europeans also shared a common language that had been branched off into different subgroups. The article also reveals to us that After about 1000 BCE... Bantu peoples began to produce iron tools and weapons, (Pg.6); According to the article The Indo European Migrations , the Hittites in the Indo European migration had also used iron to produce tools and weapons. Over time, agriculture became more popular in Bantu speaking regions and was combined with pastoralism; in relation, the Indo Europeans also included agriculture and pastoralism in their society. According to the account Bantu Migrations and Early Agricultural Societies of sub Saharan Africa , the Bantu People used canoes to facilitate the conquering of others and as a reliable transportation tool Canoes enable Bantu to travel rapidly up and down rivers, leapfrogging established communities..encroaching territories occupied by forest peoples, (Pg.6). In similar fashion, the Indo Europeans used horses to conquer others and for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Ancient Egypt And Greece Similarities Ancient Egypt vs Ancient Greece Two ancient civilizations with rich history. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. They have also been the center of my interest for the longest time. Said civilizations have many similarities and differences. Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece have many similarities. For example, they re both countries that are still around today. Both civilizations had vast polytheistic mythologies that they believed controlled the events and aspects of life, and offerings were to be made to appease them. Both held hygiene in high regard, surprisingly. Also, the civilizations had breathtaking architecture that was revolutionary. Ancient Egyptand Greece both created their very own writing system, both of which were the basis of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Public Service Announcement Project Sometimes when you put off doing something you get hurt. I learned this while doing a project in my eighth grade English class. We were assigned a Public Service Announcement project during the last weeks of school. Everyone was required to choose from a list of topics for their public service announcement. Our topic was on what people can do to save the environment. We made the project with a mixture of photos from the internet and photos we personally captured. Then, we added music and the project would be complete once we recorded. Two thirds of the way done with our project, my group decided to slow down our pace. We stopped the project altogether and we remembered the assignment once our teacher reminded us. She told us that it was scheduled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Research Paper On My Little Sister My Little Sister The youngest child gets everything. I could not agree any less with this phrase when I first heard of it. Being the youngest in my family, I can openly relate. Every child would know the kind of power their youngest sibling has over them. Therefore, I am guilty for taking advantage of this privilege against my older brother and sister when I was little. To begin with, I purposely placed both of them in trouble whenever they made me cry. Ideally, I was a spoiled and stubborn child who treasured those moments whenever I was my family s center of attention. Moreover, I used to believe my life was perfect, well that was before my parents told me that I was going to have a younger sister. My immediate response to that appalling news is shock mixed with anger, anguish, confusion and a sense of betrayal. I ve been the youngest in my family for as long as I can remember and to have someone new enter that sense of belongingness seemed unfitting to me. Other than that she was a girl, which meant that she would be gaining twice the attention that I never received. At the same time, I will be the one responsible to look after her in school. Apparently, I was the only who reacted this way because my parents and siblings welcomed her with open arms. On the other hand, I felt hatred towards my younger sister more than anyone I could possibly know or think of. Ever since my younger sister came to our doorstep, the circumstances were never the same for me. My parents ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Gun Violence Argumentative Essay Alyssa Alhadeff was a member of a travel soccer team, and attended a Jewish sleepaway camp during her summers. She was described as a bright, outgoing girl with a love for athletics. Alyssa was fourteen years old when she was fatally shot by an active shooter, Nikolas Cruz, at her high school. The issue of gun violence is a very controversial issue that splits our country into two opinions those who are for stricter gun control laws and those who are against them. The conversations about this topic have increased significantly in the past year due to recent events. The 2017 Las Vegas shooting and the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting were two particular instances that shocked and outraged the nation. Gun violence is a fairly new concern as far as problems in The United Statesgo, with seven of the eight deadliest shootings of U.S. history having occurred after 1990. This is a key piece of information, because studies have shown that while the number of shootings has not necessarily increased in recent years, the number of fatalities within each has. Therefore, the actual root of this issue is the guns being used. These weapons are continuing to become more and more advanced, yet the laws in regards to them are not being changed in order to protect the general public. The longer The United States delays attempts to fix this issue,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, depending on the state you re in, you can take a trip to your local WalMart and purchase a semi automatic gun. One of the largest issues in regards to gun control is the lack of restrictive laws against them. Though incidents such as mass shootings can occur anywhere in the country, they tend to happen most frequently in states that are less strict about their laws in regards to gun ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Bitcoin Essay In the past few weeks the cryptocurrency BitCoin is on the rise. Many people are now investing in Bitcoin because of this rise. It can be hard to get the coins but once you do you will not regret it. The coin has reached 16 thousand dollars and that is just for one coin sounds interesting says Howard Spencer. You can get these coins by mining them, gathering 100,000,000 satoshi or buy them off of people. When you re just starting bitcoin, it can be overwhelming when you check try to buy them or don t know how to mine them. Mining the coins can cost thousands of dollars when you are looking for the software and computer to do it. Many people bite the bullet and buy the things but then don t know how to use it. Some people will pay people... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The exchanges are simple as well. Before exchanging be sure you don t pay so much money that you will go broke and you could not afford to lose. Pay and amount you are comfortable with and will be ok if you lose the money (some people will require you to pay for the coins with PayPal). When making the exchange do it privately with direct messaging and give the person your wallet address (if using the btc.com wallet then you can find it under the transaction menu). Once you pay for the coins and send the person your wallet address, the person will send the coins directly to your wallet and the coins should arrive immediately. Make sure you understand what to do with the coins from there and make sure you didn t just pay for some satoshi and you actually paid for BitCoin. If you are trying to mine on your mobile phone,ipad, kindle etc, it will take a long time. If your miner does not generate satoshi like mad then this may take over a year just to get one coin. The amount of satoshi you will need is 100,000,000 to make 1 bitcoin. This will take longer than regularly mining but you will not need a bunch of software an processors that will add up to 15 thousand dollars That s too much money Says Joyce DeJohn. So if you do start to mine on a mobile device then remember that it will take a long time to get one coin. If you really want bitcoin then just buy some on an exchange website like coinbase or anything on the surface web. When using bitcoin faucets, it can be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Intelligent Design is a Fact, Not a Theory Essay There are things in the universe and on the planet that point to an intelligent design and that God is that Intelligent Designer. There are many unique items within animals, plants, and human beings. These items are just too unique and complex to have just happened. The intelligent design of these items points to an Intelligent Designer not just chance. Intelligent design is the study of patterns in nature, animals, and human beings that are best explained as the result of intelligence. (Dembski. 2010) Intelligent design investigates the effect of intelligence not the Designer. Therefore, intelligent design directly challenges Darwinism, Evolution, and other naturalistic approaches to the origin of life. (Dembski.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The outer layer of the beak is not a solid structure. It is made up of layers of teeny, tiny hexagonal plates that overlap like roof shingles. The interior is made of something completely different. It is made of light, rigid foam made of little beams and membranes. The beak is also hollow is some spots. John Eliot says that the beak of the toucan is ingeniously designed to be both strong and light. The dictionary defines the word ingenious to mean marked by inventive skill and imagination. Since evolution says there is no design to anything that everything just happened, it cannot explain the unique, creative design of the toucan s beak that lies with the Designer. (Butt. 2006) The third animal is the duck billed platypus. Evolutionists are astounded at the myriad of varying structures found on the duck billed platypus. Its beak would imply a close relationship to ducks; its tail might place it with beavers; its hair is similar to that of a bear; its webbed feet imply that it would be an otter; and its claws are the likeness of a reptile s Evolution has no explanation for the varying structures that are found on the platypus. The platypus has a beak that is similar to a duck s. The platypus has a tail like a beaver s. The platypus s tail is furry unlike the beavers. The platypus has five toes with on its foot with webbing like an otter s, but it has claws like a reptile s. The platypus fur is similar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Declaration Of The United States complete 16. The UN passed the Resolution 2065 which notified members of the organization to end any form of colonialism 16. However after constant negotiations, nothing was ever done. If anything, only confrontations began to surface. On March 26th, General Galtieri of Argentina made the decision to invade the Falklands 4. On April 2nd, Argentinainvaded the islands breaking off all relations with Britain. First, Argentine troops occupied the islands capital, Stanley, and imprisoned the islanders for weeks until the arrival of the British troops4. With these attacks happening, Britain s allies came in hand and showed support by announcing opposition towards Argentina. On April 10th, the European Economic Community approved trade sanctions against Argentina. Britain received support from America when President Ronald Reagan abandoned the shuttle diplomacy that was once proposed between Britain and Argentina 4. After several actions of resistance, the Argentines were defeated by the British and surrendered on June 14th 1982. As a result of the war, nearly 1,000 lives were lost 4. US vs. Latin America After the war, the main priority for Britain was the reconstruction where it turned out to be quicker than expected. As we saw the history of the dispute, US interests were in favor of Britain when both Presidents Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan declared Argentina s actions as unlawful. However according to the public, it seems that the Obama Administration have changed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. What Is Brazil Economic Indicators Brazil is a large country which located in South America and has the second largest economy in America, after the United states. Brazil s capital city is Brasilia and it has the largest population in South America. As we will present in this paper, the two economic indicators: Gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and the unemployment rate. And the two investment incentives, which are two tax incentives: repes and reporto. A very important economic indicator to know the health of an economy is the GDP, which is an economic term that indicates measurement of the total value of goods and services produced in a particular territorial area (usually a country) during a given period (GDP,wikipedia,n.d). the GDP (gross domestic product), which is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Electronic Medical Records ( Emr ) Implementation In recent years with huge advances in information technology and health, the initiatives of electronic medical records (EMR) implementation has become an on going and difficult process. The computerization of medical practice is considered to be a new standard for medicine practice. With the promotion of EMR s, the support for the implementation is supported by the government, people who request higher quality care, and health organizations. This review will focus on the implementation process of EMRs within the hospital setting. It is known that the paper system has disadvantages that concerns the utilization of patient information in a quick, accessible, and organized manner. The implementation of a hospital wide EMR however, is a extremely complex matter that involves a range of external skills needed to successfully implement the system (Boonstra, 2014). A hospital can not only rely on it s internal resources or staff to carry out the implementation of a EMR system. With concerns of quality and costs, the long term plan of an EMR systems could save billions of dollars from faster data communication, increase d patient care with fewer errors, and in addition to improving the quality of health care. From the articles and studies that this review will be referring to, a similar pattern of implementation process reoccurs. None of the articles share the same stages of the implementation process, however I have concluded that the main theme withinthese articles ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Death In The Age Of Innocence Essay In her novel, The Age of Innocence, author Edith Wharton examines two different viewpoints of death. Wharton specifically highlights the view of death as an escape and the view of death as condemnation. Readers see these contrasting viewpoints through the impacts of the death of May Welland on Newland Archer. Readers have a pre established view on Archer s opinion of May s death from chapter 25. In chapter 25 Archer exemplifies what an inconvenience his wife s life is when he says: How young she is! For what endless years this life will have to go on! (360). Rather than be glad his wife has seemingly many years left, he dreads having to spend a lifetime with her. He refers to their life together as being full of deadly monotony (176). Archer is also quoted in chapter 30: What if it were she who was dead! If she were going to die to die soon and leave him free! (178). Wharton is showing the emotional and mental bonds of an unhappy marriage. She is using May s life as a trap for Archer and characterizes him in a way that makes it seem as if he is sworn into lifelong ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wharton sets the scene in a manner that leaves readers anticipating the reunion of Archer and Ellen. Readers see May s death as an escape only for a brief moment. Little is said of the mourning process on Archer s part, only that he had honestly mourned her (208). However, in the same paragraph it is mentioned that Archer also honored his own past and mourned for it (208). Readers once again see Archer placing importance of his life over that of his wife s life. We see his freedom from the restrictions of his marriage when he agrees to take a trip to Paris with his son, Dallas. It is mentioned that May had disliked to move except for valid reasons and she could imagine no other motive for leaving the house in Thirty Ninth Street ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great... Lecture 11: The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain (The Standard of Living Debate) and the Free Trade Era in Europe. I.The Consequences of the Industrial Revolution: The Standard of Living Debate. What happened to living standards during the Industrial Revolution? From today s perspective, over 200 years later, most people would say that industrialization has raised living standards dramatically from those that prevailed in the 1700s. In fact, there is general agreement among scholars that from 1850 forward, the standard of living in the West improved. The debate centers on what happened between 1760 and 1850. PositiveNegative Higher wages due toDisplacement of higher productivity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A.Ricardo and comparative advantage. Suppose there are only two countries, Portugal and England and two goods, wine and corn. The following table provides the yield per acre for each good in each country: ] PortugalEngland Wine30 jugs15 jugs Corn60 bushels45 bushels 1.Portugal can produce more of both goods per acre than can England. So Portugal has the absolute advantage in both goods: for a given amount of inputs, Portugal can achieve higher output in wine (or corn) than can England. 2.Comparative advantage is determined by the price of one good in terms of the other good within each country. 3.Law of comparative advantage: A country in its trade with another country will export the good at which it has a comparative advantage in producing and import the good in which it has a comparative disadvantage in producing. By trading along the lines of comparative advantage, both countries can experience tgains. So by trading with each other, both countries are able to push out their consumption frontiers. The aggregate consumption of both goods can increase. B.Where does a country s comparative advantage come from? 1. Technology differences. For the most part technology will diffuse across national ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Sds Lab Report SDS page Name: Shelby Clark Lab Partners: Kaliah Goodman, Howsikan Kugathasan, and Suntesia Bowen Date of Laboratory: September 21, 2016 Goal of Laboratory: The goal of this laboratory was to successfully make a gel and to run an SDS PAGE and determine molecular weight (MW) of an unknown protein sample by comparing it to Log10 of the migration of molecular weight of the standards. Background: The purpose of SDS PAGEis to separate proteins according to their size, and no other physical feature. SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) is a detergent (soap) that can dissolve hydrophobic molecules but also has a negative charge (sulfate) attached to it. Therefore, if a cell is incubated with SDS, the membranes will be dissolved, all the proteins will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, if we had many copies of two different proteins that were both 298 amino acids long, they would travel together through the gel in a mixed band. As a result, we would not be able to use SDS PAGE to separate these two proteins of the same molecular weight from each other. Some possible errors that occurred during this lab include poorly executing inserting the MW marker solution into the well of the gel. This caused not so clear bands as shown in figure 1. Incorrect measurements of the migration could also lead to errors in the data. The molecular weight of the protein was determined by plotting a graph of the Log MW vs migration (cm) and generating a standard curve. The unknown sample molecular weight was calculated as 79.43 kD. Experimental errors in this lab could be minimized by carefully loading the wells on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Persuasive Track Essay After a long, challenging, and hopefully scenic walk, what better way to relax than by rewarding yourself with some of the most stunning natural scenery in the world? But some vistas can t be explored entirely by walking alone. One of these, though, should be a destination on every journey aiming to witness as much of the landscape as possible in New Zealand. Walking near to the coast, ramblers can discover sites not normally associated with walking, such as Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound, along the famous Milford Track. Walking the Milford Track Milford Track, New Zealand s most famous tramping route, is commonly known as the finest walk in the world , spanning over fifty kilometres from Lake Te Anau to the fjord of Milford Sound. It makes a huge difference when you decide to embark on your journey across New Zealand; walking during the peak season (of late October to late April) is strictly regulated, with no more than ninety walkers allowed to start the trail per day, and a time limit of four days to complete the track, moving northwards only. It is definitely a challenging trek, but it s safer than the off season when some bridges over wetland sections are removed to prevent damage. But walking the trail rewards a persistent explorer with natural scenery that seems straight... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once famously described as the eighth wonder of the world by Rudyard Kipling, Milford Sound has cemented its position as the most famous tourist destination in New Zealand. Walking is enough to bring you to the edges of the fjord, but to get the whole experience, and to provide a welcome rest from your journey, touring the fjords by water can make a welcome change. It s also more exciting to be able to feel the mist of the waterfalls from the deck of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Spanking As A Form Of Punishment Every parent has had to face the question: how do I punish my child when they misbehave? Since parenting does not come with a guidebook or set of rules, it is ultimately up to the parent to see that bad behavior in their children is dealt with accordingly. For centuries, spanking has been the ultimate choice of child punishment. However, there are many arguments against it today. Some say corporal punishmentof children can affect their personalities later on in life. Some people view physical punishment child abuse. Where does the line lay between abuse and punishment? Other arguments say that physical punishment of a child has no effect at all to the child; it teaches them neither right nor wrong. Spankingis seen as a form of punishment... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Spanking is okay, in moderation, and only when done in a loving matter. Spanking must be done only for a means of discipline, not abuse because, discipline is instilled to have self control,... whereas abuse is acting without any control in behavior (Prabhat). Now, to ensure that spanking is done effectively and not to excess, people must be in control of their own emotions and not caught up in a bout of anger. The point of spanking is to teach, not let off steam. According to an article in Focus on the Family, The most effective approach to spanking children is using these seven steps: Give the child a clear warning beforehand, make evident the child s responsibility for his/her misbehavior, avoid embarrassing the child at all costs, let the child know your disappointment as a parent, only swat with a flick of the wrist to avoid too much force (Ingram). All of this can be accomplished with a healthy parent child relationship where authority is established in a healthy manner. Incorporating different forms of punishment can also be useful in developing that parent child relationship. Also, the punishment must be proportionate to the wrong doings of the child; less naughty offenses should come with lighter consequences, while more unruly behavior should come with harsher ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Downtown Cleveland Industry Analysis Like many Midwest cities, Cleveland came of age during the rise of American industry. The city grew an astounding 560 percent from 1880 to 1930, when it reached a population of 900,429. The era also marks the golden age of banking and the building of countless, elaborate banks before the Wall Street crash of 1929 that signaled the start of the Great Depression. The former Ameritrust Tower and former Cleveland Trust rotunda were perfect examples of American ruin porn. The once striking tower, designed by modernist master Marcel Breuer, was rotting away in broad daylight. Next to it, the circa 1908 Cleveland Trust rotunda sat shuttered a neoclassical temple to Cleveland s once great financial status and an embarrassing reminder of how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then, in September 2014, after years of vacancy and demolition threats, the former Ameritrust Tower and former Cleveland Trust rotunda were finally brought to life again. In just over 18 months, the Marcel Breuer designed Ameritrust Tower was transformed into the luxury hotel, The Metropolitan at The 9. The hotel s $170 million redevelopment ranks among downtown Cleveland s biggest and brightest symbols of revival. Although the faГ§ade of the historic buildings hasn t changed much, the spaces inside of them got a major facelift, igniting an area of Downtown Cleveland that has been dormant for such a long time. The tower that was once vacant for over 20 years is now thriving and the place to be. The Metropolitan at The 9 provides its guests and locals out of the box dining and entertainment venues such as a theater, Mediterranean restaurant, rooftop bar, nightclub, indoor dog park, a yoga studio and an art gallery. The locally owned grocery store, Heinen s Market, is located inside the former Cleveland Trust rotunda. With the rotunda s Tiffany glass ceiling, guests may forget they are in a grocery store. It is the first grocery store in the city that allows its guests to shop without having to go ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Chimney Sweeper By William Blake Analysis Sociologist Max Weber recognized that, as technology expands, as does the gap between the lower class and rich. His studies came from watching the Industrial Revolution take place and the social system change from feudalism to capitalism. Similarly, William Blake, who lived in Industrial Revolution era England, witnessed this widening gap firsthand. Commenting on the inhumane labor practices common to the poor in 19th century England, he wrote 2 versions of a poem called The Chimney Sweeper in different collections Songs of Innocence (1789) and Songs of Experience (1794). With these poems, Blake comments on the practice of using small children as chimney sweepers, drawing attention to the inhumanity and immorality of the practice and the way it s overlooked. In the Songs of Innocence version, Blake writes a narrative from the point of view of a child laborer. The tone is full of youthful innocence, which harshly contrasts the somber truth of the speaker s situation. The speaker is a young child, as implied in clever onomatopoeia in line 4, Could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep! In these lines, the speaker means both literally a weep, as well as the word sweep, which, if said by a young child, may sound like weep. With this clever word choice, Blake invites readers to profoundly pity the poor child, as he is so young that he cannot even speak properly, yet sent to his death anyway. The child s innocence continues to be of presence, shaping the poem. In later ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Persuasive Essay On The 14th Amendment The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is perhaps the most sweeping and has likely impacted the general jurisprudence of the Supreme Court the most of any other amendment. This is because, where all other right protecting amendments protect something specific, the fourteenth amendment was designed to ensure that states guaranteed due process rights, applied the law equally, and protected the privileges [and] immunities of citizens of the United States. Because of this language, the Fourteenth Amendment appears to be and to some extent is simply the application of the Fifth Amendment, and through selective incorporation, the rest of the Bill of Rights. To that end, the Fourteenth Amendment possesses a fortuitous expansion to the simple due process right: the right to equal protection of the laws. Laws that appear to violate the Equal Protection Clause thusly receive the same kind of scrutiny that other fundamental rights are given. The Fourteenth Amendment is relatively new compared to the Bill of Rights, having been passed in 1868. The first major case that dealt with the amendment were the Slaughterhouse Cases in 1872. In those cases, a group of slaughterhouses that were put out of business by a Louisiana law creating a monopoly claimed that they were denied equal protection under the law. Though the court ultimately denied their claim primarily on the basis that the Privileges and Immunities Clause does not apply to the states, they also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Group Owner Responsibilities Define descriptively what kind of external partner is appropriate for these groups. We can also control some of this system properties side with the defined email addresses (i.e. *partner.com), however the list could be very long and possibly unmanageable so we might leave it undefined for now. Require the group owners to take/pass some brief training on our internal security requirements, managing an external group, and how to manage the partners access to the group. Require a signed confidentiality/non disclosure agreement with the partners ( we need to still check on the details around this one). Anyone who wants to start an external access group will have to submit a support ticket or the PrivateSecret group workflow needs to be changed to get routed to our governance team. If their use case is approved, then the Private or Secret group would be activated by the Admin team for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Two Group Owners Are Required to Monitor Content Posted It s always a good idea to have two group owners, so one can cover when the other is not in the office. For externally accessible groups this is a requirement. Both owners must have completed the security training, and both must enable notifications and commit to review any content posted in their group promptly. If anything inappropriate for viewing by group members gets posted, the group owners must remove it immediately. Remove Access Promptly When external contributors cease working with , their access to all groups must be promptly removed. As the group owner Administrator, this vital security step is your responsibility. We will periodically audit externally accessible groups to ensure compliance, and permissions to create groups may be removed if the requirements for managing them securely have not been fulfilled. Remind Group Members ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Speech On Save My World 1)Save my world, why won t you save my world? a)Does this sound familiar to you? It is the lyrics to the song Save my World , which is an initiative of the Saving Gaia project by Mediacorp (savinggaia.sg). You would probably have heard the song countless of times on the television, radio and in public, but has it impacted you to do your part in saving our world? 2)As such, you would probably have already correctly inferred that I will be talking about saving our world, and specifically, through recycling. a)First off, the topic my group and I chose for our Project Work in JC was recycling and we researched for more than 6 months on this topic. As such, I hope that would prove my credibility on this topic. b)I will be talking about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... a)Drop your plastic bottles into the recycling bins around the campus when you are done with your drinks and recycle your lecture notes or any paper you do not need. b)All in all, recycle any recyclable items that you are ready to discard. c)In fact, you can start now by recycling your speech outline! Conclusion 1)In conclusion, I have told you about the need to recycle and how this need is relevant to you. I also talked about my plan to encourage recycling among NUS students in campus, as well as its practicality and how it is of benefit to you. Lastly, I appealed for you to start recycling from now, if you have not already done so. 2)I would like to end off by saying that an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a recycled item a day, would keep doomsday away. Start recycling now! ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Scarlet Letter Heroine Quotes Hester is Woman: Hear Her Roar In the 1850 s, America was undergoing a massive internal changes via the industrial revolution. With this new era, American culture was drastically changed as women started to take a more prominent role in American society. In his novel The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to stimulate this change by illustrating the positive influence of a strong female character in a Puritanical society through his heroine, Hester Prynne, by putting her in a scandalous situation capable of drawing out the worst in people. Hester displays acts of courage that portray her as a heroic character. Hester clearly suffers from her punishment of having to wear the scarlet letter A in public as she attempts to maintain... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An early example of this is how she handles her service to others. Even while being harassed by the general public, Hester Prynne continues to make these sacrifices which are only rewarded with hatred and insults. Hester foregoes her own pleasures, except for the lavish decoration of her infant, and bestows the rest of her wealth on wretches less miserable than herself (Hawthorne 75). She even continues to aid the poor despite the fact that they not unfrequently insulted the hand that fed them (Hawthorne 75). Despite the fact that it was in Hester s best interests not to aid those around her, she continued to do so. This evidences her sheer strength of character as the heroine of the novel. Hester s loyalty is also magnified by her selfless nature, as her willingness to sacrifice lends itself well to remaining loyal to others. Hester also selflessly bears the burden of the entire community s sin. Hester perceives the hidden sin in other hearts around her and because her sin has been uncovered, she alone bears the penalty for deviancy (Taylor). A prime example of this is once again her refusal to reveal Dimmesdale as her child s father. In resisting their efforts to uncover him, Hester states to the clergy: I might endure his agony, as well as mine! (Hawthorne 63). Here, her loyalty is greatly supplemented by her willingness to suffer in place ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. What Is The Fashion Of Fashion In The 1960s 60s Fashion in America The 1960s were a time of big change across the United States of America. Fashion was one of the most memorable (parts) of the 60s. The 1950s sound was still popular and the waist tight skirts and clean, sharp look was still worn by many. The style of fashion was new and unfamiliar to the people who grew up in the 1940s and 50s. One of the most surprising trends was the box dresses that women wore. They were very short and showed much more skin than the parents of the teenagers in that era, would have liked. They were used to much more conservative types of clothing . Fashion evolved, along with the new generation who inspired that fashion. Hairstyles and clothing changed, due to a new era of icons and state of minds. Hairstyles in the 50s were much more traditional and looked very conservative. They replicated the styles of the 1930s and 40s. They had many more curls than the hairstyles of the 60s. The women wore buffontants and flipped hair. Bouffants had hair above the crown of the head, covering the ears and women who wore this style usually had shoulder length hair. Another popular women s style was the flipped hair Usually worn with bouffants, the flipped hairstyle was one where the ends of the hair were flipped in toward the face. Both hair styles were used in ads for clothes and products during the 60s, spreading the look across America with the help of icons. Flips and bouffants are most characterized by the 60s, making them the most ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Synthesis Of 13 Butadienes CHAPTER TWO RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1 Synthesis of 1,3 butadienes Dienes can be synthesised from aldehydes and ketones using the Wittig reaction. The Wittig reaction facilitates the synthesis of new carbon carbon double bonds at specific locations in aldehydes and ketones (Bernard Ford, 1983). The overall reaction mechanism is shown in Figure 1. Protocols for synthesising 1,3 butadienes from aldehydes and ketones have been established in the literature. The synthesis protocol proposed by Greatrex et al. (2014) was used and reactions using several aldehydes (cinnamaldehyde, piperonaldehyde, and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) were successfully performed to synthesise the required butadienes 1, 2, and 3, Scheme 2. The general approach involved transforming the aldehydes at the site of the carbonyl group. Use of an appropriate triphenylphosphonium halide (methyl for cinnamaldehyde, and allyl for piperonal and 2 chloro benzaldehyde) afforded the correct 1,3 butadiene. Deprotonation of the triphenylphosphonium halide was achieved using potassium tert butoxide reacted under an atmosphere of nitrogen. An observable colour change was observed on addition of the triphenylphosphonium halide to the solvent, and subsequently on the addition of an aldehyde. Reactions were followed by thin liquid chromatography (TLC), and the butadienes were purified via chromatography (1 and 2 via column chromatography, and 3 via dry flash chromatography). Both the e and z isomers of the butadienes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. founding fathers book report Joseph J. Ellis is a well known historian. He earned his Bachelor s degree from the college of William and Mary, and his masters and Ph.D. at the University of Yale. Ellis is currently a full time professor of the Commonwealth at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. In addition to Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Ellis has written many books and editorials. His books include; The New England Mind in Transition: Samuel Johnson of Connecticut (Yale University Press, 1983), School For Soldiers: West Point and the Profession of Arms (Oxford University Press, 1974), Passionate Sage: The Character and Legacy of John Adams(W.W Norton and Company, 1993), After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture (W.W. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation is a well written narrative about America s founding fathers and the years that followed the Revolutionary War. Ellis s book is appealing to anyone who is interested in learning about the roots of our founding brothers. The book is also well written in the aspect of not being long and drawn out into one big story. Instead, Ellis breaks the book down in to six stories that talk about different situations with American historical figures. Ellis uses more than one type of historical writing throughout the six stories. He uses social, economic and political types of history throughout this book. Overall Joseph J. Ellis showed the significant role the leaders played in the founding of our country. Each character that Ellis brings forth in a story had a great impact not only on America then, but also where America s nation is concerned today. Ellis also shows the importance of knowing about the roots of the founding fathers of our nation. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation is not only informative, but also compelling in its stories to keep the reader intrigued. Bibliography Books Ellis, Joseph J. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation. New York, NY: Vintage Books, 2002. Reviews Shaeper, T.J. a review of Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Legalization of Drugs Essay The current hot topic debate about the legalization of marijuana for medical exposes the long lasting debate about the economic viability of prohibiting certain kind of drugs considered illicit. Many social costs to society are attributable to illicit drugs, along with tobacco, alcohol, and guns. In fact, each of these vices is allegedly responsible for $200 billion annual expenditure in social costs of the USA (Donohue, 2010). Interestingly, all these commodities mentioned above have common characteristics: a sizeable proportion of consumers responsibly use each of them hence virtually zero social externality; and a trivial subset of society individuals irresponsibly use each of these commodity to create high social externalities. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Of course, their claim is relatively true because drug addicts produce negative externalities that affect non market participants who include dependents of the drug addicts. This direct causal relationship between drugs and crime is due to statistics that reveal a large proportion of the newly incinerated convicts have recent prior drug use. One then could counter this premise with the argument that energy drinks cause crimes in case criminals are found to have drunk energy drinks just before committing crimes. This shallow assumption also excludes studies that reveal marijuana as neither a gateway drug (its use leads to use of dangerous drugs like cocaine and Heroin) nor its possession (which is a crime in itself) causes criminal tendencies. Their causal link relationship between drugs and crime negates other factors that include demographics and socio economics. Proponents of prohibition claim that it reduces demand and restrict supply, thereby diminishing drugs use, and the costs of illness. Prohibition is certain to reduce the supply of drugs due to the stiff penalties imposed on suppliers. However, their argument lacks authentic verification as numerous studies within the USA and from other countries where these illicit drugs have been criminalized paint a different picture. Prohibition in this case refers to a government decree against the exchange of a good or a service ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Richard Benner s Theory Of Nurses Developing Skills And... BENNER S THEORY FROM NOVICE TO EXPERT AND ITS ROLE IN APRN PRACTICE Gagandeep Sandhu Samuel Merritt University Patricia Benner s theory From Novice to Expert is based on the concept of nurses developing skills and understanding of the patients care overtime which comes from their continued efforts towards trying to achieve strong education and personal experience. The theory explains the five levels of nursing experience: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. Starting from novice where they don t have any experience and simply follow instructions, nurses finally reach the expert level transitioning through different levels where they rely on their experience rather than principles or guidelines to connect situations and determine actions. Their performance is fluid, flexible, and highly proficient at this level. Benner stresses on skills through experience as a prerequisite for becoming an expert nurse (Nursing world, 2013). Benner s theory gives a hope to new nurses and nurse practitioners in a way that experience brings expertise. Benner emphasizes on professional growth within the organization with increased experience. This theory provides a useful structure for practice development and marks out the difference between the functioning of novice and experienced nurses (Lyneham, Parkinson Denholm (2009). It emphasizes on the power of expertise and empowers the nurse to expand her knowledge. It validates the clinical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Gospel Of Judas, Tell Judas A Gospel is a religious document that describes Jesus life from when he was born, until death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus, himself, had 12 disciples, whom advised him and later grew to the name, The 12 Apostles . Those of whom Jesus call his Apostles (Students) were: Simon (Named Peter), Andrew ( Peters brother), James (Son of Zamebee), John (James brother), Phillip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew (The Tax Collector), James (Son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon (The Cananean) and lastly, Judas Iscariot. Of these Twelve Apostles, one presumably betrayed of lord. His name, Judas Iscariot. The Gospel of Judas, tell Judas accounts of what is going on through his point of view. It has been lost through time. But has been found. 1,600 years later in the caverns of Egypt. Gnostic Church s are the religious Throughout all the other gospels, they claim that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus Christ to the Romans for a mass sum, of 30 pieces of silver. Now that may not sound like too much now, but back then in 33AD, it was a large amount. Judas was a politician. Who played both Jews and romans to use Jesus as leader of the revolution against the roman empire, in which was doubled politic by Jews and the Rabbi and they get rid of both Jesus and Judas in one place. Once they were united, Judas laid a kiss upon Jesus , cheek, telling the Romans; whom were watching, that this is Jesus Christ. The Romans didn t believe Jesus to be the man whom he d heard stories about. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Importance Of Biodiversity The 3.7 billion years of the earth s biological history can be summarized as follows: Organisms convert energy into food, chemical elements perform their cycles, and species perform different biological functions (niches) evolving in response to changes according to conditions environmental impacts. This implies that today, every specieson the planet has gone through an evolutionary process and that each individual performs their role in the ecosystem. Like the many species in the world, we human beings (thanks to certain characteristics that allow us to adapt and modify the environment) have been able to increase our chances of survival on earth and this has led us to a gigantic population and economic growth, which we call Development. However, such a development makes the degradation of natural resources increasingly fast, making it imperative and necessary to establish conservation oriented guidelines, since biodiversityis of the utmost importance for the functioning of the ecosystem. BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity or biological diversity is a term used very well to describe the richness and variety of all living things in the world; from plants and animals to microorganisms and beings a thousand times more complex. Thus, on biological diversity we can say that it is present in the most varied places, from the cold glaciers of the Arctic to the volcanic regions of Chile. In Brazil, this fact is not different, and this is the country that holds about 20% of the world s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Laos Culture The Lao s culture, including their traditions, values, and shared identity continues to be passed down to each generation. Laos descendants of prior generations have created traditions that continue to be practiced within their way of living. How and what we consider valuable or the norm within our cultureis not always similar to another individual s culture. Completing the interviews and research on the Laosculture has given me an accurate understanding about the differences and similarities that are shared amongst themselves and the Mexican culture. The Laos traditional foods that are frequently consumed consist of papaya salad, chicken, and rice. The two individuals I interviewed stated, almost every meal of the day includes a rice... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Traditional Mexican clothing includes material that is colorful and designed to keep individuals cool in hot climate. The traditional women s dresses are often made from simple cotton with embroidery to incorporate color. The embroidery is often floral patterns and colorful images which often have symbolic meanings. On the other hand, Laos women wear lively silk colors with gold color detailed embroidery, which represents where the dress was made. In both cultures, traditional dresses are typically worn during a special event or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. How Routine Data Collected Throughout Health And Social Care d how routine data collected in health and social care informs the planning of care for individuals 3.1 Explain the recordings and use of routine measures in health and social care In health and social care recordings and use of measures are a vital signs for determine a patients state of health. This is so important which will decide the appropriate treatment a patient need and in which condition this patient health is at present. Nurses see the patient more than any other care provider. For that reason. Nurses are in the best position to observe the patient s development, finding problems early and judge what care is needed to resolve the problem. The care provider always checks the charts and recordings before entering into the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Visual Observation Visual Observation is observing a patient by listening to the patient s breathing, look at his or her colour, and see whether the patient is awake. This will immediately tell the patient s health problems if you see any indicators that the patient is having trouble breathing, is breathing too fast, or his or her colour is unnaturally pale or reddish, or if the patient appears to be in distress. It will suggests the problems to the nurse in duty or the doctor. But, when the patient is breathing, colour, or position in the bed indicates unconsciousness rather than normal sleep, the nurse will try to wake up the patient to provide the certain treatment. And visual observation is best for the recordings while it can be useful to measure the breathing process. Another visual observation is via talking to the patient to see if the patient is awake, to ask if they feel comfortable, about any pain, treatment and medication already taken, whether the patient has been eating or drinking. Talking with the patient will also indicate about the urinary, facial rejection, any previous medical conditions and if the patient is able to speak and contribute information, about symptoms can be found like fatigue, nausea and any other respiratory problems. Body Temperature Body temperature is maintained within a fairly regular range by the hypothalamus that is found in the brain. The hypothalamus ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Boxing Day Australia Boxing Day of Australia Boxing Day is commemorated as a holiday in many nations and Australia is one of them as it is also a part of the Commonwealth of Nations. The tradition was started in England. The employers give bonuses of money, leftover food or old clothing to their employees. The loads on the other hand gave away agricultural tools and seeds for the coming year to the tenants under them. Others relate the name to the box into which parishioners put church donations. It was practiced that this donation box was opened on the Boxing Day and the contents of all the donations were distributed to all the poor people of the parish. As the gifts were presented in a box, some people believed that it was the reason for knowing the date of December ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Nurse Anesthetist Working in the medical field has always been a popular job, but it s not an easy one. There are many routines to uphold and if you aren t good with organization, then working in the hospital isn t for you. I have chosen a career path to be a nurse anesthetist and this essay will tell you why. Job characteristics for a general nurse anesthetist include: reviewing medical history, evaluating patients and their accurate method of anesthesia, properly measuring and overseeing the level and speed of the anesthesia being administered, keeping an eye on patient s vital signs, informing the surgeon if patient becomes unstable, attending to the patient s needs before, during and after the surgery, and checking on the patient s recovery from the anesthesia. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Legal System To the legal system, the answer is clear: children have the requisite moral sense the ability to tell right from wrong by age 7 to 15, depending on which state they live in, and so can be held responsible for their actions. The Roman Catholic Church pegs it at the early end of that range: children reach the age of reason by the tender age of 7, a milestone marked by their first confession of sin and holy communion. Developmental psychologists and other researchers who study the question are not so sure. How old a child must be to both know in his mind and feel in his heart that lying, stealing, cheating, hurting let alone murdering are morally wrong is a matter of scientific debate. But the question of when is not nearly so fraught ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The reason is that empathy, the key emotion supporting a sense of right and wrong, emerges early and, it seems, naturally. Babies cry in response to the wails of other babies, and not just because it s a sound that upsets them, notes Carolyn Zahn Waxler of the National Institute of Mental Health. They cry more in response to human cries than to other aversive sounds. Somehow, there s a built in capacity to respond to the needs of others. Babies as young as 1 try to console others in distress. Toddlers offer their security blanket to a teary eyed parent or a favorite toy to a distraught sibling, as if understanding that the very object that brings them comfort will do the same to another. Although there seems to be some heritable component to empathy identical twins, who have identical genes, show more similarity in their response to others distress than fraternal twins do it can be twisted, warped or crushed like a fragile sprout. Empathy means, at heart, the ability to respond to another s distress in a way more appropriate to her situation than to your own. The development of empathy has a lot to do with how children experience emotions and how people respond to their emotional states, argues Berkowitz. It s not automatic. If a child s sadness is met with stony silence rather than a hug, if her loneliness is met with continued abandonment, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. India s Foreign Direct Investment Essay NEPAL IS DEPRIEVED OF THE FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT HERE IS WHY; A Case on Foreign Direct Investment: Growth and Prospects Submitted to: Prof. Dr. Devi Prasad Bedari Submitted by: Chanda Kiran Adhikari Nabin Chapagain Manisha Paneru Raskin Maharjan Subigya Regmi The visit of Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister to Nepal undoubtedly strengthened the ties between the two nations. But, most importantly, it also provides Nepal with an avenue for development through investment foreign direct investment. Your rich water resources can be the powerhouse for India. Just by selling electricity to India, Nepal can find a place in the developed nations of the world. Narendra Modi After the Indian PM addressed the Nepalese parliament, less than a month and a half later, the countries sat down and inked a deal said to be the largest foreign investment Nepal has received until now. The Nepalese Investment Board signed a Project Development Agreement with GMR Group, an Indian multinational firm regarding the construction of the Upper Karnali hydropower estimated worth US $ 1.5 billion. The project will generate 900 megawatts of electricity; of which Nepal will receive 12 per cent free energy, along with 27 per cent equity. GMR Group will hand over the project to Nepal after operating it commercially for 25 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Snow Mountain Descriptive Writing The sky is clear with a bright blue sky and puffy white clouds, and the crisp breeze is flowing throughout the covered porch of our cabin. The trees covered with snow for as far as the eyes can see, and the ground covered with inches of white,fluffy snow. This is my last family vacation before my aunt, uncle, and cousins leave to go to Germany for the next five years. Today is the day that we go snowtubing and skiing in Tennessee. The familywakes up at five in the morning and we all start to pull on long sleeve shirts, wool leggings, and warm boots. The smell of bacon flows throughout the cabin and the pitter patter of feet along the floor annonces that breakfast is ready. Gathered around the table with intertwined hands, my family blesses... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I run to the line to hop onto the cart to bring us to the top of the mountain. Huffing and puffing with a bright red nose and a cold burned face, I climb into the cart and await my ride up to the top of the mountain. Finally, I exit the cart and walked onto the steep covered snow mountain. I look around and just take in the view. Snow covered mountains for as far as the eyes can see and a crisp smell of pine flows through the air. Blair, my cousin, and I finally gain enough courage to get in line to ski down the slope. In one swift motion, I am off. My ski poles plunge into the damp snow and the wind hits my face like an icy, cold wall. I glide through the snow as a ballerina dances across the dance floor with poise and grace. I was on top of the world until suddenly my ski poles were firmly stuck in the snow, but my body was still in motion. With no warning, I tumbled down the mountain into the damp snow. I shivered and my clothes dripped with water as I approached the bottom of the mountain. I emerged from the bottom of the mountain with soaking wet clothes, a winded face, and blue lips. My family crowded around, but I could do nothing but laugh. Then, I suddenly started to cry because this was the last vacation as a family we were going to have for the next six years. I wanted to embrace this moment, but the thought of my family leaving killed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. NHL Draft Game Analysis The auction market occurs during the NHL draft. The draft lottery is a weighted system implemented to determine the order of selection in the first round of the draft. The 14 teams that missed the playoffs during the previous NHL season are awarded the first 14 picks. Teams 15 through 31 are set after the Stanley Cupplayoffs. They draft in order of the fewest points scored in that season to the most points, subject to the results of the draft lottery. The Draft Lottery is utilized to assign the top 3 drafting slots in the NHL draft, where 3 draws are held. The 1st lottery draw will determine the club selecting first overall, the 2nd lottery draw will determine the club selecting second overall and the 3rd lottery draw will determine... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Teams must select the perfect combination of skilled players and enforcers (Jones, Nadeau Walsh, 1997). In addition to battling other enforcers, these players try to limit the success of opposing skill players. The study suggests that the rougher and more violent a player is, the higher his salary, thus incentivizing violence in the game of hockey. A culture of violence is embraced, rather than discouraged. This violence trickles down from the ice to the crowds and to younger generations in amateur leagues (Jones, Ferguson Sunderman, 1996). In an analysis that reflected on the culture of the NHL, the author argued the extraordinary amount of emphasis on winning helps, either directly or indirectly, in promoting a violent culture in the game. He added that the NHL is perhaps the only sport, professional or otherwise, that encourages the use of physical intimidation outside the rules as a legitimate tactic (McMurtry, 1974). The attempt to sell hockey to a wide audience in the U.S. is more easily undertaken because understanding a hockey brawl is easier than learning the intricacies and finesse of the game (McMurtry, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The National Rifle Association ( Nra ) Of the many interest groups that have a viable, unwavering presence in both the campaign and election process and in the hands of its taxpaying voters is the National Rifle Association (NRA). The nonprofit organization has a staunch and straightforward message: to advocate and protect the second amendment. As of late, the NRA has received criticism by some candidate who is running for presidency, and even the President himself, but this has not changed the purpose or image of the organization through the eyes of the American people. Other candidates can see this, and they are in full fledge of their support for the NRA, which is not only cohesive but reciprocal, and has been one of the standing points for these candidates. Because of this, Fortune magazine has recognized NRA as the most powerful lobbying force in the United States. The National Rifle Association is an effective interest group because of its strong advocacy for gun rights, its strong support from taxpayers and politicians, and its notable presence in policy making and legislation. The NRA is a powerful organization that has a long, illustrious history of advocating gun rights and the second amendment. The nonprofit organization was founded in November of 1871 by William Conant Church and George Wood Wingate, and has educated and informed its members on gun related legislation and policy since the mid 1930s after the first federal gun control law was passed. By the mid 1970s, however, the NRA has directly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. What Is The Theme Of The Lay Of The Werewolf In the story, The Lay of the Werewolf , a faithful husband gets dishonored by his wife after the wife finds out that the husband is half werewolf. The story takes place in Ancient Greek, during the Medieval Times, where the Greeks wrote that people could be transformed into werewolves. As Murray states, it states that the poem demonstrates the kinds of friendship and love that exist among the three protagonists. It mentions that the poem depicts how de France confronts her readers with a story that raises a moral issue. It adds that many of de France s poems critique the unchristian and uncharitable marriages. The story really gives off a good example, on how the people who one think s can trust with one s life, especially in this case, can turn on one for the money, fame, power, etc. The three themes that are shown in The Lay of the Werewolf are betrayal, dishonor,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the wife finds out that her husband has been sneaking around, she questions. Without hesitate the husband responds, Wife, I become Bisclavaret. I enter the forest, and live on prey and roots, within the thickets of the wood (Page 597). Once the wife had finally found out why her husband had been sneaking and disappearing from her sight for days, even weeks at a time, she betrayed him, immediately, without a doubt. The secret that he has kept from his wife, the husband has now told to his loving wife. Now, the wife being jealous sets out on her own mission to become a werewolf. The writer states, she dared no longer to lie at his side and turned over in her mind, this way and that, how best she could get her from / him (Page 598). After the wife had found out that her husband is a werewolf, she immediately betrays him and tells the knight, that was her secret lover. The wife knowing, that if anyone had found out that her husband had become a werewolf at nighttime, that he would get in trouble by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Thesis Statement On The Evolution Of Electricity Outline Isaiah Moon Introduction Background Information Thesis Statement Electricity uproared due to inventors brilliant minds. The evolution of electricity happened through Magnetism, DC, and to AC currents. Before DC evolution Known information in the before the 1800s They knew rubbing amber and jet would attract bits of stuff to start sticking (History of electricity). Inventions Bioelectrical, and Electrical Current Luigi discovered, what is called bioelectricity, that he could make a frog s muscles twitch when touched with a metal knife (History of Electricity). By the 17th century, many electricity related discoveries had been made, such as the early electrostatic generator,difference between positive and negative currents (Tva Kids). Hans Christian Orsted ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although Micheal Faraday was one of the inventors of the electic motor, Nikola Teslaremastered the motor in 1821 (History of electricity). Nikola Tesla gave mass production, for without his electric motors, would be no mass production (history of electricity). Yeorge Westinghouse Westinghouse was a famous american inventor and industrialist who purchased Nikola Tesla s electric motor and devolped it to be used to generated Alternating current (History of electricity). Yeorge Westinghouse was the one to build first generators at niagara falls and responsible for creating the uprise of alternating current (history of electricity). Conclusion importance I feel like the importance of the electrictity age and the evolution of elecrticity is that electrictiy is one of the inventions that changed the whole world from the age with oil lamps and without the inventor that had created inventions, they re would be alot less other inventions in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Why Was Beethoven Important Monica Rhein Final Essay 12/12/15 Why Beethoven? Over the course of this class, one of the main questions that our learning has consistently traced back to is the question of why we study Beethoven, and why his legacy has stood the test of time. Regarded as a musical pioneer, Beethoven revolutionized the Classical era, and his experimental capabilities and distinguishable sound paved the way for the Romantic era. Although he composed almost 650 pieces, it is universally understood that Beethoven is revered as far more than a composer. Rather, Beethoven s legacy is that of a performer, a poet, an icon of his time and a precursor of the future. In this essay, I will discuss the aspects of Beethoven that most strongly compel the study of his ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Beethoven s childhood was arguably one of the most fascinating and influential periods of his life. Young Ludwig was raised by an abusive alcoholic father and a neglectful mother. His father, Johan Van Beethoven, was also his musical mentor, and never actualized Beethoven s potential as a musician (1). His mother, Maria Magdalena Kerevich, often sent him to school looking so disheveled that classmates assumed he had no mother (Suchet pg. 21). Despite her neglect, Beethoven spoke very highly of his mother, and said that she taught him to give back to the world despite what it may have neglected to give him (1). This empathetic spirit is visible in his music as well, especially during his compositional period called The End of an Era. This was debatably the darkest time of Beethoven s life, as he was completely deaf, depressed, and in a dry spell of composing (1). His brother had also just been diagnosed with a terminal illness, so he took custody of his nephew Karl, a relationship so tension filled that Karl attempted suicide in 1826 (3). At this time, one would expect Beethoven to write music expressive of such hardship, but instead he composed some of his most delightful and uplifting pieces such as Irish folksongs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Nectar Of A Sieve By Kamala Munshi Deeksha Bathini The book, Nectar in a Sieve by Kamala Markandaya, was published in 1954, approximately seven years after India gained independence from British colonial rule. Thus, it can be concluded that the book is either took place during the Raj Period or shortly after gaining independence. Rukmani, from a family of four daughters, was married off to a poor tenant farmer named Nathan at the mere age of twelve. The first year of their marriage brought rich profusion and wealth. The harvests were abundant, and Rukmani gave birth to a beautiful girl, Ira. As Rukmani and Nathan s lives progressed, however, they faced adversity and challenges. First and foremost, Rukmani was unable to conceive a son. Apprehensively and secretly, Rukmani solicited fertility treatments from Kenny, an American doctor who spoke the Indian language. Ira was seven when Rukmani bore her first son, Arjun. As the years progressed, Rukmani birthed four more boys: Thambi, Murugan, Raja, and Selvam. As the family continued to face daily challenges of starvation, a tannery is built near Rukmani s mud house. After careful consideration and the dissuasion of their parents, Arjun and Thambi sought to find jobs in the tannery to earn money and support their families amidst the starvation. However, both Arjun and Thambi were fired for protesting their measly wages. Luckily, they both found well paying jobs in Ceylon on a tea plantation and never returned home again. Ira, when reaching fourteen years of age, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Team Essay That season had its ups and downs and despite a range of running abilities, every one of them worked diligently to maximize their individual potentials. The one thing that they had brought along for me from the previous team s mentality was the mantra that above all else, the team came first. It was a mindset that I had hoped would exist and one that would provide a strong foundation in the coming years, both in cross country and track. As the season progressed, the confidence level rose and the team s success did as well. The dividends of a more sensible training program were also evident as everyone on the team continued to improve and became more and more accepting of these new training ideas. So much so, that during the middle of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With only three runners that could finish near the top ten or twelve finishers, I knew unless the rest of the team, who had never experienced the pressure of running in a state championship could run over a minute faster than they had all year, we were unlikely to finish in first place. Nonetheless, that didn t prevent me from looking to the future. For the top three runners, I set up a race plan as if they actually had a chance to win the team title. I wanted them to mature and have the experience of battling with the race leaders, so that next year, competing in a state championship was almost like second nature. For the other three people on the team, I set up a plan for them to hopefully run their best times of the year with absolutely no mention of winning the team championship. In the back of my mind, I was also looking at gaining them experience with handling the pressure of that level of competition. The results went about as planned. The top three runners for the team finished in 9th (Billy Preston), 10th (Brian Laguerre), and 11th (Mike Charron) while two of the other three set PR s for the distance. The team finished in third place which immediately became the team s motivation for the following year. The other motivation to achieve future success occurred for me during the pre race warmups and became my own personal incentive. It is also ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Zootopian Themes Traditionally, animated films have been made for and consumed by children, with the plotlines and themes being relatively basic and forthright. However, recent years have seen the release of animated films that s explore significantly more adult themes and thought provoking ideas. Perhaps the most confronting example of adult themes in an animated filmis in 2016 s Zootopia . The film forces viewers to think about concepts such as racial segregation, nature vs. nurture and the debilitating effect of stereotyping. Although Zootopia features anthropomorphic animals, it is easy to draw a connection between the films prey vs. predator narrative and racial divide in our own society. In essence, this paper will outline three significant themes related ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Examples of discrimination are prevalent throughout the entire narrative towards both predators and prey. For example, Judy Hopps is consistently underestimated and ridiculed in her endeavours to become the first bunny cop . However, the most blatant instance of discrimination is illustrated in a flashback scene to the childhood of Nick Wilde. When we are introduced to Nick, it is revealed he is a con artist and guilty of fraud. Essentially he embodies the shifty and untrustworthy stereotypes that are linked to foxes. Although, during the second act we learn about Nick s past as a young fox with dreams of joining the junior rangers troop. As a predator, the prey dominant troop rejects Nick, shoving him too the ground and putting a muzzle on him, stating if you thought we d ever trust a fox without a muzzle, you re even dumber then you look . Thus, from that moment, Nick heads down a life of deviance. Nick divulges to Judy that the experience taught him that if the world s only going to see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there is no point at trying to be anything else . This scene stands out as the most emotional and effective scene in the film through its utilization of sound, contrast, and flashback. Flashback is a popular film technique employed by filmmakers to visually present events that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Andy Warhol Pop Art Pop art is a 20th century art movement. Pop Art got its name because of its deiversary imagery taken from popular culture. It first started to move away from Abstract Expressionism, which was a really popular style in the 50 s because of its color, shape, forms, emotion, ideas etc. But many young artists of that generation didn t like abstract expressionism. So It first began in the 1950 s in Europe when the European avant garde started getting to approach diverse art after the world War II. According to Metropolitan Museum The term Pop Artwas first used around 1954 to describe a group of British artists . Later pop art was embraced by Americans. In 1960 first exhibition was shown in New York galleries called Pop Art. Pop Art can be characterized by its themes and techniques that came from popular culture. Andy Warhol, who is one of the famous Pop Art artists said, The pop artist did images that anybody walking down Broadway could recognize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But In this paper I will talk about Andy Warhol. Andy Warhol is one of the most famous Pop artists. He was born on August 6, 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As a child Warhol was diagnosed with a neurological disorder which is why he occasionally stayed home. While he was at home his mother would give him drawing lesson. His mother was also an artist, so naturally Warhol grew love for this medium. He continued to draw in his free time. He would also read Hollywood magazines and cut out papers. From 1945 to 1949 he attended Carnegie Institute of Technology. After graduating from art school, he went to New York City to pursue his career as a commercial artist. He was a successful commercial artist. He worked with Tiffany Co and many famous magazines such as Vogue, Harper s Bazaar etc. In 1952 he established himself as a successful illustrator. He learned how to manipulate images and product ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. The Irish Poetry and Postcolonialism Ireland was a British colony for more than seven centuries, for this time it was hidden their native identity, as well as their language. The British colonizers imposed not only their language but also their culture. In 1922, it was signed the Treaty in which Ireland was considered a free state. As and introduction to Heaney poems, I will use a poem of Yeats, who is the poet that starts to talk about postcolonial themes. Maybe Yeats was one the most important figures in the reconstruction of the Irish identity. He represents the relationship between Irelandand Britain in his poem Leda and the Swan . The first publication of this poem was in the radical magazine To morrow in 1923. Some years later it was republished in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, the poet pretends it is to get back to his roots, as it is showed in line 15 16. By God, the old man could handle a spade Just like his old man. Both his father and his grandfather are working the land, that land which has a special meaning to the Irish identity because it is the place were they were born and it was free of the British control. The new potatoes in the poem represent the new expectation to Ireland. However, the Irish identity is not the only interpretation of poem. It is also represented the opposition between the cultural life and the life of hard work in the land. Heaney does not think he will be able to use the spade like his and his grandfather, that means he is not going to dig with a spade but he is going to dig into the historical present of Ireland with his pen which is the weapon that he uses against the British colonization. In his poem A Northern hoard he talks about the Irish Great Famine of 1845 , in which many Irish died and many other had to leave the country. In the first part of the poem we can see which is entitled Roots makes reference to the old Gomorrah which the town that was punished by God. This town was devastated for the Flood like Ireland was devastated by the plague. In these four poems the author always uses the first person narrator who gives a sense more personal of the poem. The poet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The World Of Sports Arenas Introduction In the world of sports arenas there is one that stands as a pivotal high point above almost all other stadiums. The University of Southern California s mammoth of a stadium, the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum is one of the biggest sports stadiums in college football, and has been a standard by which others are judge. Being declared a land mark by the state of California after nearly 80 years of use, this structure has had many different uses other than its current purpose of housing one of the most dominate teams in college football, the Trojans. Since its opening day the stadium has set world record in attendance and then beaten the same records hosting some of the most famous people in the world. (Coliseum History) Throughout the 92 years of the stadiums existences many changes have taken place and the facility has had to adapt to the new century. Advances in construction and design have allowed the Trojans to stay current and competitive with the new stadiums. One thing remains, and that is the fact that USC Trojan fans love the unique feel and history that has been made throughout the walls of the stadium. History of facility Erected in 1923 the Trojans did not waste time until the first footballs game was played. On October 6th the team faced off against Pomona College finding their first home victory in the new stadium. In the first opening game the Trojans played in front of a 12,836 people which was a relatively small number of people considering they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Long Day s Journey Into Night In Long Day s Journey into Night, a four act play by Eugene O Neill, the audience/reader is given a glimpse into a day in the life of the Tyrone Family. We are introduced to the mother Mary , father James, oldest son Jamie and youngest son Edmund . The setting is the Tyrone s summer home, of a day in August 1912. As typical in all his works, O Neill uses symbols throughout the play as he weaves his story of the dysfunctional Tyrone family. These symbols include Mary s hands, the fog, foghorn sounds, and Mary s weddingdress. In Act One, we meet Mary. She is a woman of medium build in her mid fifties with white hair and wearing no make up. In addition to her physical appearance what strikes one immediately is her extreme nervousness. Her hands are never still. (p. 403). The audience learns that they were once beautiful hands, with long, tapering fingers, but now they have an ugly crippled look. (p.403). It is revealed that as a young girl, Mary attended convent school where she took piano lessons. Encouraged by the nuns, one of her dreams was to become a concert pianist (p. ) but in the spring of her senior year she meets and falls in love with James Tyrone and chooses to follow her heart and marry the handsome, traveling actor. During the early years of their marriage, Mary tried to keep up her music (444), but James traveled constantly from city to city, being on tour, which led Mary to resort to living in hotel rooms. By ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Immigration Admission Of Japan And Singapore Poli 328 Paper HUI TING LI 44785146 Apr.09.2015 Immigration admission of Japan and Singapore Concerning Singapore and Japan, both countries are developed. But their immigration admissions are different, which may result in different perceptions and impacts. According to a report from The Economist Intelligence Unit, regarding of democracy countries ranking list in 2012, Japan had a high score 8.08, in the 20th position of 167 countries. Singapore ranked at number 75. (Economist Intelligence Unit, 2013) In 2013,The International Monetary Fund estimated Singapore s GDP was $78,762 per capita, and Japan had $36,208 per capita.(World Economic Outlook Database, 2014, ) Both countries obtain high democracy and economy level, but their net migration rates are totally different. The World Factbook found out that Singapore permits around 14.55 migrants per 1000 population but Japan was closely to 0.00. (World Factbook, 2012) In the past decades, Singapore encouraged foreigners to immigrate that affected nearly 5.5 million people move into Singapore. In 2009, an estimated 40% of foreigner residents are in Singapore who contributed up to 80% of the construction industry and 50% of the service industry. The immigrants play a significant role for Singapore development especially the rapid growth of the GDP. (World Factbook, 2012) There is a statistic project that predicts the population of Japan will drop to 95 million by 2025. (Statistics Bureau, 2014) In 2002, there was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Analysis of Friday Night Lights Analysis of Friday Night Lights Friday Night Lights is a good view of how footballenvelops the live of everyone in the Texas town of Odessa. While it does use football as a main theme, I don t believe it is a book mainly about sports. The story is mostly about the people in a town that has nothing to look forward to except football. The story chronicles the lives of a few players and their parents. The author describes their background, characteristics, and reactions to football and life... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Odessa wasn t even integrated until the early 1980s. Even after it was integrated, the district lines were drawn so that Permian would get most of the black students and Odessa High would get the Mexicans students (105). Even with Permian getting the majority of African Americans, there were only six black players on the team. Of those six, five of them started and one of them was injured (107). The black players at Permian were usually regarded as the best on the field. Even so, most coaches still considered them a lower class. Even Nate Hearne, a black coach that usually dealt with the black players, described Boobie as just another dumb nigger if he couldn t carry a football under his arm (18). The racism wasn t just within the town and the team, it was affected other teams Permian played. When it came time to play the Carter Cowboys in the quarterfinals, a meeting had to be set up to discuss the terms of the game. This was mostly due to racism since over 90% of the Carter school was African American. The Permian coaches argued over where the game would be held. A neutral location was chosen for the safety of the fans. After the final pass of the game, player Clint Duncan knew it was incomplete when he looked up and saw a bunch of cocky niggers jumping up and down (334). Male figures dominated Permian mostly for the fact that they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...