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Extended Essay Clockwork
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Extended Essay Clockwork Orange Extended Essay Clockwork Orange
Comparative Analysis of Ariel by Sylvia Plath and The...
Plath in Ariel and Larkin in The Whitsun Weddings both explore ideas about love and
relationships. The Whitsun Weddings explores the theme of love and relationships by capturing
the journey that takes place prior to marriage; the poem was written about Larkin s observation of
marriage parties on whit Sunday (now known as May Day) which was a public holiday and was
traditionally the day on which people would get married. The Whitsun Weddings takes on a
somewhat cynical tone which is emblematic of Larkin s negative views regarding marriageand long
term relationships. The Applicant by Plath presents the reader with a critique of marriage by
depicting the selection process that men and women alike have to go through when it comes to
marriage.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This quote demonstrates the superficial nature of marriage and its lack of true meaning. The use
of anatomical imagery gives the poem an eerie aspect and leads the reader to wonder whether
marriage is really about love or in fact about meeting a set criteria and conforming to society s
view on acceptable relationships which during the sixties was somewhat narrow, although it
was post sexual revolution there was still a lot more work to be done in terms of eradicating
stigma. The use of the first person plural our in the first line suggests to the reader that the
persona is not one entity but perhaps, the voice and the collective conscience of society. In the
Whitsun Weddings Larkin documents his observations whilst aboard a train on Whit Sunday (a
day on which it was common for people to get married). Larkin conveys his ideas about
relationships from the poem s inception; That Whitsun I was late getting away . The use of the
first person pronoun I suggests that Larkin was planning a get away by himself and is happy in his
own company, which may be viewed as somewhat strange considering that bank holidays are often
times to go away with family or significant others; this ties into his lack of interest in marriage and
traditional family structures
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A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro
A Family Supper by Kazuo Ishiguro
Theme: is the conflict between generations in changing Japan. Meaning 
the ways of past
generations are giving way to new values that have not been fully developed in the younger
generations. One exanple of this being that suicide, carried out in the face of defeat have now lost
of its meaning and honor in younger generations.
His mom is the ghost
The fugu fish and the story of Mr. Watanabe and his family are subtle hints about the end of the
story, foreshadowing.
Are you moving to California THEME
Symbols: Fish, mom, ghost
Fugu is a fish caught off the Pacific shores of Japan. The fish has held a special significance for
me ever since my mother died after eating one. The poison resides in the sex ... Show more content
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As I say, I m not sure what my plans are.
I ve come to believe now that there were no evil intentions in your mind, my father continued. You
were swayed by certain...influences. Like so many others.
Perhaps we should forget it, as you suggest.
As you will. More tea?
Just then a girl s voice came echoing through the house.
At last. My father rose to his feet. Kikuko has arrived.
Despite our difference in years, my sister and I had always been close. Seeing me again seemed
to make her excessively excited, and for a while she did nothing but giggle nervously. But she
calmed down somewhat when my father started to question her about Osaka and her university.
She answered him with short, formal replies. She in turn asked me a few questions, but she
seemed inhibited by the fear that the questions might lead to awkward topics. After a while, the
conversation had become even sparser than prior to Kikuko s arrival. Then my father stood up,
saying: I must attend to the supper. Please excuse me for being burdened by such matters. Kikuko
will look after you.
My sister relaxed quite visibly once he had left the room. Within a few minutes, she was chatting
freely about her friends in Osaka and about her classes at university. Then quite suddenly she
decided we should walk in the garden and went striding out onto the veranda. We put on some straw
sandals that had been
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Adrienne Rich Education Rich Analysis
Poet Adrienne Rich gave an inspiring speech during a convocation at Douglass College in 1977.
Even though this was quite a few decades ago, her words are still relevant today. Education is still
not taken as seriously as it should be and this is disappointing because it is the most important tool
that leads to a successful life. Rich s speech describes how to claim an educationrather than simply
receive one, and this is something that all students need to take into consideration.
Most students take a passive approach to their education. In other words, they do the bare minimum
needed in order to get by and receive their diploma. However, what they don t understand is that this
is hurting them more than helping them. From what I read in the posts from my fellow ... Show
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It is difficult to balance extracurricular activities, family and friends, and a part time job while
staying on top of schoolwork. Unfortunately, out of these five things, it is schoolwork that suffers
the most. I was one of these students. I was a cheerleader all four years of high school and I was
involved in numerous clubs and organizations. I also worked 3 4 shifts a week as a waitress from
my sophomore to senior year. I started out taking all honors/AP classes my freshman year but the
more clubs and activities I became involved in, the less advanced classes I was taking. I did not
take advantage of the free education I was given and I didn t realize how big of a deal it was that I
was offered college classes in high school. I was more than capable of taking the higher level
classes, but I was just too lazy. I regret the decisions I made and I always encourage my family and
friends that are still in grade school to take all of the classes they can because it will pay off. I
did not have anyone encouraging me to go the extra mile so I simply just didn t. I have always
been surrounded by people that believe that men are superior to women,
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Artificial Intelligence Is Identified By Many Aspects
AI: Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is identified by many aspects. Some would say that
it is the ability to mimic or resemble human behavior in all of its forms (Unknown, 2016). What
would the implications of Artificial Intelligence mean to the existing definitions and moral
conundrums people find themselves in. These simple processes to us raise many questions. How is
humanity defined? The ability to communicate ideas, thoughts, or feelings help define humanity
and the perceptions held by them. Lying is the unique ability specific to humanity and is universally
understood as not telling the truth. Note that there are different variations of lies that require some
level of conceptual processing. White Lies are a good example of this, as they represent many
different facets of human thought and emotion. Should the ability to deviate from factual
information be given to Artificial Intelligence and what would the ramifications that can befall a lie.
This is a question that humanity should ask itself, as it should not be left to one person or sect to
decide. By teaching software to lie it can potentially give birth to something that may not be able to
understand the social concept of right and wrong. It only measures information by black and white,
fact or fiction, or navigating the gray area of morality. It would use a hypothetical algorithm that
would determine the information s potential risk. The detrimental implications that Artificial
Intelligence has the
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Rat Behavior Lab Report
PURPOSE The main goal of experiment three was to test a rat s ability to be conditioned to
perform a behavior, and then relearn the same behavior after an extinction period. After ensuring
that the rat was conditioned on a continuous reinforcement schedule (CRF), the next goal in the
experiment was to extinct the previously learned behavior of lever pressing and receiving a food
pellet. Once the behavior was extinct, the rat was reconditioned to lever press on a conditioned
reinforcement schedule. The goal of the experiment was to demonstrate that a behavior could be
learned, extinct, and then relearned. It was hypothesized that the rat would have a difficult time
relearning the behavior after the initial behavior was extinct. PROCEDURE The... Show more
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In other words, it took her 5 minutes and 30 seconds to understand that she would not be
rewarded a food pellet for pressing the lever. Trials 17 19 were the trials in which she
demonstrated a response of zero. She had an average of 1.26 lever presses for each 30 second
trial. This average lever press of 1.26 in comparison to the conditioning lever response time of 2.8
signified that the rat figured out that a lever press during the extinction phase of the experiment
was less successful than a lever press in the conditioning phase of the experiment. Rat 22A did not
seem to express any characteristics similar to an extinction burst during the
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Dimethyl Methyl Polysiloxanes
Column one was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm 5% diphenyl and 95% dimethyl
polysiloxane (RtxВ® 5). Column two was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm midpolarity
phase consisting of 50% phenyl and 50% dimethyl polysiloxane (RxiВ® 17sil). Column three was
a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coating with 0.5 Ојm film of 100% trifluoropropyl methyl
polysiloxane (RtxВ® 200). The separation was performed using the same temperature program
on all these stationary phases. The temperature program used for separation was consisted of an
initial temperature hold at 80 В°C for 1.0 min, ramped up to 300 В°C at a rate of 30 В°C/min, held
at 300 В°C for 0.5 min then ramped to 340В°C at a rate of 5.0 В°C/min and held at 340 В°C for
5.0 min with a total run 21 min. (TP1). Column four was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coated
with 0.5 Ојm film of midpolarity phase consisting of 35% phenyl and... Show more content on
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There is an extensive overlap and co elution of the JWH 018 and 5 (1 naphthoyl) 1 pentylindole
(compound 4) on Rtx 200. The separation is completely resolved with full baseline resolution on
Rtx 5 and Rtx 17Sil. However, the last four peaks showed slightly tailing but this tailing does not
affect the quality of the separation. On the other hand, the run time was increased on the Rxi 35Sil
column to allow for the complete elution of sample components. It takes more than thirty minute to
get a complete separation with slow upward baseline shift. Otherwise, the separation was excellent
with slightly tailing in the last four compounds but this tailing does not affect the quality of the
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Thomas Edison And The Western Society And Mankind
When looking back at the people in history the one name that always seems to stand out is
Thomas Alva Edison. In this essay I will talk about Thomas Edison and his great contributions to
the Western Society and mankind. Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan,
Ohio, son to Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr and Nancy Matthews Elliott (Frost). Edison s mother
taught him the three R s because he only had three months of formal education. Eventually,
Edison began to favor in independent self instruction because of his poor hearing. Edison in his
younger years took to reading books to learn about the arts, the histories, and the sciences
(Beals). At a very young age Edison became an adult (Beals). He had talked his parents into
letting him sell newspapers, snacks, and candy at the railroad; he had also started a separate
business on selling fruits and vegetables. When learning about Edison in his childhood, one can
understand he was not the average kid growing up. He had a different approach to life in which
he craved for knowledge and obtained a hard work ethic in his young years. In his mid teens he
saved the son of the railroad stationmaster from a box cart and the grateful father taught Edison
how to master Morse code and the telegraph. This allowed him to get a job as a telegraph operator
(Beals). This opened the way for Edison s experimenting with technology and how to further
enhance it. After working as a telegraph operator he created his first invention, the
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Essay About Peace In Cologeria
Given the tumultuous political environment in Colombia during this period, it may come as a
surprise that a third round of peace talks commenced in 1998. The FARC, having reached its peak
during this time, was waging an all out insurgency against the state. The push for peace came at the
behest of the citizenry rather than the state. In a strong display of unity, 10 million Colombians
voted to for the Mandate of Peace in October of 1997 in a popular vote. Thus the governmentunder
the Pastrana administration initiated peace negotiations amidst a brutal warwith the FARC.
President Pastrana took office under the promise of implementing two initiatives: the first was to
negotiate with the guerrillas and paramilitaries in an effort to... Show more content on
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Through the public hearings, 25,000 delegates participated in presenting various proposals for
peace. This process was also unique in that various international actors, including European, Latin
American, and Canadian governments as well as representatives from the United Nations,
participated either directly or indirectly. U.S. support for the negotiations was weakened, however,
by the fact that the FARC had recently abducted and killed three American activists. This had the
effect of weakening the overall peace process. Nonetheless, the third peace process had begun.
The agenda for negotiation in May of 1999 included a variety of different topics, focusing on 12
main issues and 48 sub issues. These issues included: human rights, agrarian policy (the distribution
of lands bought with drug money and the substitution of illicit crops), natural resources, the revision
of the economic and social development model, reform of the Justice system and the state, accords
on International Humanitarian Law (IHL), the redefinition of the peace time role of the armed
forces, and international agreements and the democratic mechanisms legitimizing these. Efforts
were made on behalf of both parties to build confidence. Among these efforts was the initiation of
ceasefires during Christmas and the New Year in 1999/2000. It is important to note that, though
each side was continuing in the peace process, there was no overarching
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St. Jude Children s Research Hospital
St. Jude Children s Research Hospital, Inc.
Norma J. Roberson
Non Profit Research Paper
Instructor: Dr. Nathan Heller
Author Note
Executive Summary4
Hospital Background5
Marketing Management7
Marketing and Information Technology8
Data Analysis9
IT Implementation11
Executive Summary
Since 1962 St. Jude Children s Research Hospital has been the second largest hospital to help
children that suffer from catastrophic pediatric diseases such as cancer and AIDS. I will be
discussing how developing and launching new offerings caused this organization to move forward
with a program called Cure4Kids. You will see how an idea was generated and tested to use IT to
transfer medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jude Children Research Hospital has been building online learning through a program called
Cure4Kids. This is an International Outreach Program that helps countries with limited resources
develop treatment centers to treat children with catastrophic disease such as AIDS and pediatric
cancer (Cure4Kids St. Jude Children s Research Hospital). This is a network that delivers
medical education to doctors and nurses to provide tools for communications and collaborations
among individuals on pediatric cancer and AIDS. The website for Cure4Kids is
(www.cure4kids.org) and it contains lectures, seminars, video streaming, and power points with
audio that is accessible to health care professional, nurse s, and doctors free of charge. These
lectures are also available in multiple languages so they are truly hitting their target market by
providing information to many countries. With this website in place there are online conferencing
tools used for delivering live lectures with images, power point slides, and collaborative white
boarding. There is also audio conferencing for group discussions by just using the Internet and a
computer with speakers and microphone (Cure4Kids St. Jude Children s Research Hospital). The
results from this development are that it has grown to over 500 users in the first six months of
operation with 75% of these users coming from international countries. Spanish is the main
language being used even though 89% of the users can read and speak English but
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Getting Rid Of The Criminals
getting rid of the criminals. But, he can also be seen as a villain due to his cold blooded
behavior in eliminating criminals. The Punisher s biggest belief is that the law is unreliable and
criminals cannot be changed. But, is the Punisher a hero or villain? Like Batman, the Punisher
is a vigilante. He chose to take the law into his own hands and the loss of his family is his
driving force that makes him unstoppable and stubborn. It is also forgotten that his special
operation training contributes to instinct to take lives (Norkey). But in our world and the
character s world, both Batman and the Punisher are looked up to by many despite their gray
areas. Many can relate to his crushing loss or mentality, whether or not they consider him a hero
or villain. The Punisher is not held down by this sense of goodness and mercy which is why it is
easy for him to permanently eliminate criminals (Norkey). He can be seen as a hero because he
left the good people in his city to live lives with less fear of criminals coming back to hurt them.
The way he takes out criminals is a significant grey area in who is character is (which usually
involves a gun) because he finds pleasure or ease in spilling the blood of these criminals.
Whether he is a necessary evil or not he has still helped to eliminate some of the worst threats in
society. Those in which he saves in his world find peace and new found happiness when the
Punisher renews their sense of safety. The difficulty in deciding
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Ice Cream Cone Persuasive Analysis
Not all pleasures are created equal. So in the case of how to spend a billion dollars of government
money, a new school for one thousand children is the more moral choice . Buying one million ice
cream cones for one million children may bring them the most pleasure in that moment, but for the
long term it raises the least amount of happinessand pleasure. In the long run a schoolwill bring
more pleasure and happiness. By providing a place for children to learn and grow they will have
more opportunities as an adult, and be better equipped to deal with everyday life. Raising their
chances at happiness and accomplishment, which defines some pleasures.
The ice cream cone may bring more immediate joy, surely the children will find more pleasure ...
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And for each of us they are different. But we all have two kinds, two categories. The simple
pleasures, like bubblegum for the brain. It doesn t engage you, not really, but it occupies you.
And the need for deeper pleasures, one that engages more of your facets. People need to be
challenged so they can grow and feel whole. Many higher pleasures engage you in a deeper
academic aspects, they make you think and wonder they leave you different then you were when
you began. Hence why learning would be much more beneficial then trying for diabetes. While ice
cream makes you feel good, releases endorphins and makes you happy, education makes you feel
good in a completely different way. Self esteem, confidence, assurance , belonging these are
emotions that are probably rarely found while eating ice cream. However, in education you find
your interests, your niche. And when you can engage, be in flow, and get lost in your own world,
to feel completely safe and secure, this is a pleasure much deeper than simply feeling good .
While you can describe them both the same way you feeling good only one is rooted much deeper.
One connects with your soul, the other is merely physical.
But that brings us to a different argument entirely. Who s to say what pleasure means more to
someone? And what pleasures are
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Virtual Schooling Is A Viable Entity For Educating Students
Virtual Schooling is a viable entity for educating students ranging from kindergarten to graduate
school. The benefits of virtual schooling are continuously being realized as additional avenues for
educating students. Additionally, having virtual schooling as a choice, rather than a requirement
for all classes, enables educational institutions to maintain and, in some cases, increase their
retention and graduation rates. Recent trends in school reporting data supporting the benefits of
virtual schooling prove that educating students through distance learning can provide significant
benefits, including to those students that learn in a traditional setting. In Michigan, online learning
is increasing at an incredible rate. In 2015, over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Today, online learning is used in the K 12 setting to provide courses the local school is unable to
offer, to benefit student scheduling, and to help learners with specific needs, including
accelerated learners as well as those who don t thrive in traditional classes. As virtual schooling
increases and access to technology grows, the areas of need that it addresses continue to expand..
There are several key steps that must be addressed in order for successful virtual schooling to take
place: Be realistic about technology. Outdated computer labs are not going to support virtual
schooling. Technology has to be up to date in order to support the online learner, including
computers and internet service. Programs will not be able to run on computers with outdated
browsers. Even if you have to bring in two to four updated computers, that will at least give you a
start. Prepare the students. Offer an orientation on online learning skills. Virtual schooling requires
a different type of skill set than traditional classrooms. This includes comfort with the needed
technology as well as soft skills such as time management, independence, and self motivation.
Students who lack or have never been introduced to this skill set will not be successful in an online
learning platform. Provide opportunities for collaboration. Just because students are learning online
doesn t mean they have to miss out on class discussion and collaboration with peers. Courses must
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Meursault s Dichotomy
In the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, Meursault, the protagonist narrator, is an absurdist,
detached and deathly honest man who refuses to lie about himself to save his life. He is an
independent man, one who will not accept God, or any of society s formulas for happiness. In
developing this character, Camus needed to sustain the distant tone used to develop the plot and
Meursault s character. However, further development of this character required more than just the
distant tone. Camus developed Meursault through the use and creation of minor characters with
roles important to no aspect of the plot and who serve no purpose other than the development of
Meursault s character. In his novelThe Stranger, Camus uses the roles of minor... Show more
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Camus creation of the boss portrays the archetype of a typical, run of the mill man in Meursault
s world. Several encounters with his boss reveal a strict dichotomy and harsh disconnect
between the mentality of Meursault and the concerns of the outside world. In the early stages of
the novel, Meursault rants to the reader about the hand washing experience at his workplace. He
explains that before leaving for lunch each day at midday, he takes care and makes certain to
wash his hands; he enjoys performing this action and even looks forward to doing so everyday. In
light of the importance of this ritual to Meursault, he explains that the experience in the evenings
is regrettably not of similar quality. In stark contrast to the delightful experience of washing his
hands at midday, he describes the experience in the evening as being less pleasant, as the roller
towel, after being used by so many people, is usually sopping wet by the time Meursault gets to use
it. Meursault is so bothered by this circumstance that he even brings it to his employer s notice.
Although his boss agrees that this saga is regrettable, he explains to Meursault that to his mind, it is
really but a minor detail (Camus 25). This encounter reveals that outsiders deem Meursault s
motivations mere, minor, and unworthy. Camus inclusion of this tale also shows the reader that
Meursault is not the paradigm male that existed in the setting; although Meursault supports his
argument very well, others don t care enough to change it. For others, the fact that one towel has to
last the whole day (25) is a mere detail unworthy of change; however, to Meursault, this is the one
detail he takes issue and initiative with. With this story, Camus reveals a stark disconnect between
Meursault and the outside world. Further, in another episode with his boss, Camus again develops
this dichotomy and shows how
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Mr Darcy Irony
At the beginning of the novel, Elizabeth is unaware of Mr. Darcy s affection for her because of
his hostile manner. Mr. Darcy comes off as rude and prideful to Lizzy when she overhears Mr.
Darcy refer to her as tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me (Austen 13) to Mr.
Bingley. Elizabeth is thinking Mr. Darcy was merely insulting her looks, and creates a premature
opinion about his character. This is an example of dramatic irony because Austen hints to readers
Darcy s feeling towards Lizzy, and it is recognizable that Darcy is just trying to deny and cover up
his interest towards her. The irony can give readers a feeling of excitement because they posses
knowledge that the protagonist and other characters do not. The irony also adds
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Kootney Bicycle Case
Case Study:
Kootenay Bicycle Company
Prepared for:
Cam Shackelton
Feb 13, 2007
Kootenay Bicycles (Kootenay) build custom frame or bike in a large metropolitan area in western
Canada since 2002. Although sales have been steadily increasing since inception, it has not been
successfully translated to profits. Signs of operational inefficiencies, lack of financing and limited
expandability limits its growth.
This report analyzes Kootenay s current strategic alternatives, with a diagnosis of the company at
all levels to formulate the best strategic direction the company should undertake. As a result, the
following strategic options were considered and Kootenay is recommended to: ... Show more
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External Environment Multiple alternatives have surfaced for Kootenay including facility
expansion, financing and channel distribution. These opportunities can assist Kootenay to address
the growing demand in Canada and North American for high quality customized frame bicycle
market. Externally, Kootenay must compete with the low cost mass manufacturer, custom bike
makers at all levels and unexpected demands in the market.
Financial Analysis As shown in Exhibit, profitability has been a concern to Kootenay gross
margins are below industry average of 28 50% for its complete bike products (EntrГ©e; 0.83%,
Dlux; 7.76%, and Ultra; 6.73%) where materials have represented a high percentage of the costs
(58 74%). Selling frame alone has shown stronger profitability (23.33%) but overall returns
needs to be improved (ROA/ROE are 14%/ 22%). Activity ratio has shown the benefit of order to
make or no overstocking of selling products (inventory turnover is 13.07 days) but Kootenay has
an extended collection period (18.96 days). Its shortage of cash ($780) discourages any short tem
obligations. As for its coverage ratios, a large part of the equity is financed through owner s
investment. Also, the allocation of 100% salary to direct labour cost has masked any labour that
should be regarded as manufacturing overhead.
Mission Statement Owners Preference Currently, Kootenay does not have a
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Research Review Of New Horizons
Research Paper A Trip to Pluto
Synopsis: New Horizons is the first probe to get within 8000 miles of Pluto. We currently think
our best shot at finding extraterrestrial life is Mars or Europa, but if New Horizon were to send us
signs of life from Pluto, it would drastically change goals for the future of space exploration. A
manned mission to Pluto might go from a distant dream to a top priority, but the challenges of such
a journey are immense. The spacecraft must be able to travel to the outer reaches of the solar
system safely and swiftly and life support must be able to keep the crew alive and well, both in
transit and once they reach the planet. My story follows a manned mission to Pluto with a crew of
4 astronauts, and covers the technology needed to overcome the technical challenges of reaching
the distant, icy dwarf planet.
The topic I m focusing on for the purposes of this paper is propulsion and orbital mechanics,
specifically, gravity assists, fusion engines and propulsive landers.
One of the biggest problems with travelling to Pluto is simply summed up by the fact that it is
very, very far away. Pluto has a highly elliptical orbit, so at different points in time it s closer and
then further away from us (and the sun). In terms of distance from the sun, it s about 29.7 AU at
the closest part of its orbit (the perihelion) and 49.3 AU at the furthest part (aphelion), leading to
an average of 39.5 AU. [1] We only recently managed to get a spacecraft within flyby
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Labor Relations Paper
A union is an organization of workers who join together in order to have a voice in improving
their jobs and the quality of work within the organization. In many occasions, unions help
employees of an organization negotiate pay, benefits, flexible hours and other work conditions
that may arise. Unions have a role because some degree of conflict is inevitable between workers
and management (Noe, 2003). In this paper, I will be discussing the impact of unions and labor
relations within an organization. Labor Unions Labor unions represent workers interests and the
collective bargaining process provides a way to manage the conflict (Noe,... Show more content on
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A union steward is actually an employee of the organization that is elected by the union members
to represent them and investigate complaints and help them file grievances if an employee feels
that his/her union contract was violated in any way. Union stewards will fight to avoid
disciplinary action for the employee s behavior. Union officials and union stewards are voted in
by the union members. One disadvantage of being part of a union is that the employee must pay
to be represented by the union. Different unions have different pay rates. At Kaiser Permanente
employees need to contribute 2% percent of his/her annual pay to the union. Union fees are
usually withdrawn from the employee s paycheck on a bi weekly basis. Labor Relations Labor
relations purpose is to minimize costly employee and organization conflicts and try to always find a
win win solution to issues that arise. Labor relations strategies, negotiating contracts and
administering contracts are the three levels of decision that are involved within labor relations.
Kaiser Permanente is an organization that is successful in dealing with labor relations. In today s
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Slave Narratives
Slave Narratives generally took the form of an autobiography in which the writer described his
life from bondage to freedom. It discussed how slaves were captured and treated during the time
of slavery. American slaves had to write those autobiographies in order to show to the readers
that slaves are human and they are able to write their experiences in an reliable way. (Blight,
2004, para.1).Due to several reasons, this genre was considered as unique and important as well.
It gave the contemporary readers the chance to explore one of the worst epochs in the United
States and also to learn from the faults of the old generations. Like any literary genre, Slave
narratives has its leaders, its head writers who contributed a lot in the
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Colin Powell Speech
In Colin Powell s speech at the Colgate University, he states that the role of a leader is to put
people, real human beings in the best possible environment to achieve the purpose of the
organization that you are a part of. (2009). Essentially, what this means is, that the role and
responsibility of a leader is to take care of the people that they are in charge of. Furthermore, the
role of a leader is creating a positive work environment that employees want to go to work to. The
way a person that is serving as a leader can see to it that the needs of the organization are met by
having a since of purpose (2009), and that everyone in the organization know and understands the
purpose. Colin Powell furthermore goes on to state that taking
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Homeschooling Disadvantages
George Bernard Shaw, an influential Irish writer, once said, My schooling not only failed to teach
me what it professed to be teaching but prevented me from being educated to an extent which
infuriates me when I think of all I might have learned at home by myself. Many parents have
latched onto Shaw s beliefs and have made the audacious decision to home educate. Currently, there
are approximately 1,642,027 homeschooled children in the U.S.A. alone. Home educating is an
alternative to mainstream public schooling, and it is performed within the home through
curriculums, co ops, or online educationsystems. Homeschoolingis advantageous because
homeschooled children are proven to perform better academically, they can avoid inimical
mainstream schoolsituations, and parents can specialize curriculum in the best interest of their child
First and foremost, when a student has a positive environment to be surrounded in, they are able to
perform better academically. To start, when children are homeschooled, they continuously have
access to highly encouraging parents who push them to do their best. In an article by Johnna Burns,
Meehan and Stephenson stated that kids tend to achieve greatly as homeschoolers because the
parents are highly encouraging. They also accomplish more socially and academically because
adults typically view their children as advanced in comparison to other kids, causing children to
live up to that expectation (7). Because parents see their
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Twelve Angry Men Character Analysis
The way one person treats another is often a direct reflection of how they view themselves.
People with poor self images are often quick to judge, demean, belittle, and rebuke others for their
mistakes, shortcomings and flaws, simply out of spite or to protect their own reputation. This is
true even in the 1957 MGM film Twelve Angry Men, where eleven of the twelve jurors attempt to
convict a young man not based off of sound evidence, but off of personal prejudiceand self
righteousness alone. It was the leadership of the eighth juror, however, that convinced the other
jurors to set aside their personal biases to acquit the young man accused of killing his father. In the
film, the eighth juror, Mr. Davis, analyzes the self images of the other eleven jurors and displays
the core values of humility, patience and mercy in order to lead the group to the consensus that the
accused is not guilty.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines humility as the quality or state of being humble and
freedom from pride or arrogance . Humility, simply put, is the opposite of prejudice. In the film,
many of the jurors enter the room with preconceived notions, falsified beliefs and irrational ideas
about the accused. Others enter the room unsure of their vote and to protect their pride,
immediately side with the jurors who believe the young man is guilty. Examples of this include
how several of the jurors stereotype the accused on the basis of race and how the third juror in
particular forms a bias against the young man simply because of his
age and the fact that the young man reminds him of his son. Mr. Davis, however, takes another
stance. In the book The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing and Take Command of
Your Life, Dr. Bernard Roth states that true mindfulness is seeing without judging (Roth 205). Mr.
Davis perfectly models this quote as he approaches the issue with sympathy towards the young
man in regard to his upbringing. On an analytical level, the screenplay convincingly moves the
audience to side with Mr. Davis through the use of honest dialogue that allows viewers to put their
trust in what Mr. Davis says. The validity of Mr. Davis claims also stems from the profile of his
character crafted by the
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Fred Deluca Research Paper
Fred Deluca Fred Deluca was a business entrepreneur who co founded the restaurant chain called
Subway. He was born in in Brooklyn, New York on October 3, 1947. He wanted to go to college
to study medicine. He was encouraged by family friend Dr. Peter Buck to make money for
college. His business started in 1965 when he borrowed money to start a business so he could
pay for college. He didn t succeed at first but he kept trying and was worth 3.5 billion dollars. He
died from leukemia in September, 2015. Fred Deluca was born in 1947 to Carmela and Salvatore
Deluca in Brooklyn. When He was ten he and his parents moved to Amsterdam,New York where
they became friends with Dr. Peter Buck. Then he moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut where he
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Essay on Motion for Summary Judgment
Corey Lightner, Attorney at Law
Bar No. 85 455
Miami, Florida 33176
305 456 7890
Plaintiff,CIVIL DIVISION vs. CASE: 13 2014 159753 DEPT. NO: XVII DOCKET NO:
1 5 DOES,
attorney of record, Corey Lightner, Esq.. of YOUNG S LAW FIRM, and hereby files their Motion
for Summary Judgment. The rule governing this matter is Rule 1.510(c) of ... Show more content on
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Plaintiff held onto the safety bar located just outside of the shower with her left hand, reached
backwards with the right arm to grasp the right armrest of the wheelchair, which had been left in
the same spot as when she entered the shower, and began to feel the wheelchair roll backwards
away from her. With one hand still on the safety bar and the other on the armrest of the
wheelchair, Plaintiff was unable to upright herself and instead, began to fall towards the floor.
Plaintiff lost grip of the safety bar and fell on the floor at which time, Plaintiff suffered immediate
pain in her back and lower bottom. Plaintiff, screaming in pain, was unable to get up and because
of Plaintiff s location on the floor, the nurse call button was out of reach. Plaintiff was eventually
found by medical staff on the floor of the bathroom approximately 8:33am. See Defendant s
Response to Plaintiff s Request for Admissions No. 15.
After several X rays, it was determined that Plaintiff suffered a fractured vertebrae of the L4
vertebrae. See Defendant s Response to Plaintiff s Request for Admissions No. 17, Exhibit No. 5,
Plaintiff s Medical Chart/Notes dated February 11, 2014 and Exhibit 8, Plaintiff s back X ray dated
February 11, 2014.
As a direct and proximate result of Plaintiff s fall from the unsecured wheelchair, Plaintiff s
suffered severe pain and injury to her spine. As a direct and proximate result of
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Hospitality Industry Leader
Running Head: Hospitality Industry Leader
Hospitality Industry Leader
Richard B Hope
Nassau Community College
Introduction: The Hotel General Manager is someone who works in a hotel. He or she works as a
head of the department to coordinate and monitor the progress of business strategies in a large hotel.
In medium hotels, the General Manager is responsible for day to day running of the hotel,
including carrying out reception duties. A Hotel General Manager is also the person who handles
the everyday function and management of the hotel. He or she is responsible for the day to day
management of a hotel and its staff and has commercial accountability for planning, organizing and
directing all hotel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These, along with the growing importance of the sustainability agenda will define success in the
near future.
8. What are the major functional areas in a lodging setting? Hotels are generally divided into three
major functional areas. They are the Rooms Division, Food and Beverage Department and Staff
Support Departments.
Rooms Division Includes Front Desk, Reservations, Uniform Services (Security, etc.), and
Housekeeping Food and Beverage department Includes Restaurants, Bars, Banquets and Room
Service Staff and support departments Includes Accounting, Engineering, Marketing, Human
Resources, and Contracted areas
9. Discuss career options for working in the hospitality industry. As a vast, dynamic and growing
industry, hospitality provides tremendous opportunity for ambitious students who enjoy working
with people. The hospitality and tourism industry operates in a highly competitive environment.
Hospitality Industry represents a broad range of career opportunities in industries that include:
hotels and resorts
restaurants and commercial food service
airlines, cruises and other transportation
environmentally sustainable and cultural tourism development
10. Discuss the economics of the hotel business. The hotel business is cyclical. It is also highly
capital intensive, with, depending on the economy, varying sources and levels of capital flowing
into the industry. One factor that is typically considered in analyzing the financial
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Male Dominance In The Color Purple Research Paper
Male Dominance in The Color Purple
In the 1900s, the father figure in the average family played a humongous part on the way people
went about their daily lives. Women had few rights and the males were considered the most
important role in a female s life. Often the power held by males were taken advantage of. The
Color Purple is a book based in 1900s and it describes how an average black female went in that
time period. It also exhibits many hardships caused by dominant male roles.The main character
Celie goes through many ups and downs as does her step son Harpo, and Harpo s wife Sophia. In
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the violent actions committed by dominant male roles affect
others emotions and reactions through the characters Celie, ... Show more content on
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The novel introduces the troubles of the main character Celie immediately. He never had a kine
word to say to me...then he push his thing inside my pussy...I cry (Walker 1). In the very
beginning of the book, Celie is raped by someone who she refers to as Pa. Then, it says that she
gets beat. He beat me today cause I winked at a boy...I didn t wink...I don t even look at mens...I
look at women, tho, cause I m not scared of them (Walker 5). Through Celie s words, Walker
shows one of the first effects in a female s life when a dominant man abuses his power. Celie s
traumatic experiences with men effects her; she is so used to being abused by men that it causes
her to be scared of them. The second effect the traumatic experience caused Celie is numbness.
When Celie gets beaten or raped she describes it as making herself a tree or doing his business and
not feeling anything at all (Walker 23). And, according to the Joyful Heart Foundation, one of the
common emotional effects of rape is numbness and fear (Joyful Heart Foundation). So, when Celie
is beaten, instead of defending herself, she does not do anything unlike other characters in the
novel. Celie tends to act submissive and accept everything that comes to
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Categories Of Deviance
What is deviance? Deviance is the perpetual nature of behavior that strays from the societal norms
based on psychological, social and sociological aspect of a human being. Deviant behavior is
known to contribute an aspect of criminal behavior and actions. Based on the written literature of
Max Weber, there are three different types of regularities in sociology; charismatic, traditional and
legal rational. Each of these types of regularities capture the contemporary aspect of society. It is
believed that deviant behavior makes a vital contribution to the fabric of society because it
allows different forms of society to work together and conceive a consensus. There are many
different examples of regularities, such as; people tend to marry within their own class, people
who are 18 and over can vote and only people with licenses can drive.the consequences of not
conforming to different types of regularities differ from imprisonment to legal fines. The
difference between customary norms and obligatory norms are the severity of social backlash
and federal consequences. Customary norms are generally things like, tipping waiters above
15% or wearing seatbelts when driving; whereas, obligatory norms follow the example of
obeying the law. The two different types of legitimate orders are based upon who they come
from, one example would be from a police officer and another example would be from a parent.
The first has a legal obligation and the second has a social hierarchy.
Becker and Erikson both conceive deviance as a collective social process whereas people of
different societal norms and classes create their own boundaries based on these communities.
The community of African Americans have subsequently been categorized as a deviant group of
people by society. Their behavior in society is collectively misunderstood as deviant behavior
whether they are committing actual crimes or just selling lemonade on the sidewalk. This group
responds to being a labelled as a deviant group in a negative way, african americans have created
movements that stand to remove the embellished stereotypes they are labeled with. Black people
have been categorized as a deviant group of people since they were captured and sold on to slave
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Noncommissioned Officer Essay
Good Morning, Officers, Non Commissioned Officers, distinguished guest and family
members; Welcome... to the graduation ceremony of the Basic Leader Course, Class 001 16. It
is an honor to address you on this special occasion, share the satisfaction of completing a step in
your careers as Soldiers, and the beginning of your careers as Non Commissioned
Officers...LEADERS!!!. Basic Leader Course is the first step in the Noncommissioned Officer
Education System and represent a Soldier s first return to formal schooling after Advance
Individual Training (AIT). The NCOES has undergone tremendous transformations in support of
the Army s goals to develop agile leaders and afford NCOs an opportunity to acquire skills, and
knowledge needed to perform more complex... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For some.... it was a challenging experience. For others, it was a great learning experience,
but....for ALL.... there were moments of tolerance....respect, and understanding of the diversity of
characters and personalities that comprise this group. This diversity is what makes us respected as
Soldiers and valued as LEADERS. Leadership has nothing to do with the position or title. You can
demonstrate leadership with your interpersonal relationships. You must be able fulfill promises,
listen, be honest in everything you do, foster respect and achieve lasting relationships of trust by
being loyal and trustworthy. Always act with passion, optimism and motivation while you value
your Soldiers. Take care of them; demonstrate your leadership by providing correct example and
mentorship. To the new leaders, remember, knowledge is power..... Never permit that negative
comments stop your performance; use those comments as tools to improve and always strive to be
a better human being, a better Soldier, but most of all.... a true LEADER. Pride yourself by
demonstrating your excellence and hard
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Hospital Birth Defects
Birth Defects Associated With Out Of Hospital Births
At a point in history, Homebirths and Midwives were prevalent when delivering. However; the use
of these two methods plateaued as many people were concerned with the health of the infants and
the mothers. The ultimate goal of delivery is the safety and protection of both the mother and the
child. For a time, and still to this day, women turned to hospitals to ensure that safety. However, as a
new wave of feminism has empowered mothers to take control of the natural birthing process, more
and more women are reverting back to the home birth method. Though homebirth goes smoothly for
most mothers, there is always the potential for complications that many mothers are not prepared to
handle. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, the best choice should be the one that achieves the ultimate goal of the safe delivery.
The statistics hold the records and can be paramount for a mother who wants to make the decision.
The figures indicate that birth at home is risky when compared to birth in the hospital mostly
where there are a delivery complications, and emergency services are needed. According to the
Federal birth registers, out of a thousand babies born at home, 3.9 would likely to have birth defects
mostly associated with delivery emergency and complications. On the other hand, the same
statistics claim that for the hospital based deliveries, only 1.8 of one thousand babies faced birth
related defects (Mathews, Curtin through Friday, 2015). The statists also point out that there is a
high risk of deficiency when the baby is born at home than when born in the hospital environment.
The defects as result of childbirth related complication are high in midwives attended birth than
those delivery process carried out in hospital when there is an emergency. Statisticians document 7
defects per one thousand deliveries that have associated birth complications with deliveries
attended by midwives. According to the statistics done in the years 2016 by the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention, the home delivery has gained favors than hospital delivery in the recent
time. This implies that as more birth
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Baptism and the Holy Spirit
Baptism and the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
Water Baptism vs Baptized with the Spirit and Power
The book of Acts begins with Jesus parting words to His apostles before His ascension to the right
hand of God the Father. In His opening statement Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, and He does this
by distinguishing the coming of the Spirit from the baptism of John. For John truly baptized with
water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. (Acts 1:5) John had
testified the same of his baptism, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is
coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you
with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11, also in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But the following two consideration indicate that the unique baptism of the Holy Spirit which
accompanied the apostle s ministry is not normative for the Lord s church.
в—Џ First, not everyone who was baptized (with water) later received the baptism of the Spirit.
In fact, of the (at least) nine occurrences of water baptism in the book of Acts, two are followed
by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and one is preceded by the Holy Spirit precedes baptism by
water (Acts 10). Pentecost is a unique instance where three thousand are baptized with water
after the Apostles were baptized by the Holy Spirit. So we see that already in the book of Acts
that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not the normal and regular form of baptism. On the other
hand, every convert to the Holy Church in Acts is baptized with water. This is why the church has
taught that the baptism of water in the name of the Holy Trinity is a sacrament which works faith
and gives the forgiveness of all sin, while the unique baptism of the Holy Spirit is not a sacrament,
but a sign of the unique office of Jesus (ascended to the right hand of God) and of the apostles
(sent by Jesus to teach His Word).
в—Џ Second, as just mentioned, the signs that accompanied Jesus ministry also accompany the
apostolic preaching, showing that their word was pure. (See Acts 2:22; Hebrews 2:4)
St Peter preached in his first sermon, Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man
attested to you by
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The Barbaric Nature Of The Atomic Bomb
January 31, 1943, Germany finally surrendered to the Soviet Union. A major victory for the
Allies, but WWII is not over yet. The battle with Japan is about to reach its end, the Manhattan
project was a top secret US government project that produced the atomic bomb. President truman
determined the atomic bombs could be used against Japan to lower the cost and US casualties for
the war. And with Japanese unhappy response to the Allies Postdam Declaration they sealed their
fate. The air raids for WWII formally targeted only military bases and factories, the brutality of the
war stretched to the home fronts the air raids targeted major towns and cities to cripple their
opponents. This strategy for the atomic bombs were to force Japan to surrender,... Show more
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WWII had taken the Allies four long years to defeat Germany, while the US faced Japan for two
years. Ever country was running low on resources and exhausted from the back to back battles,
the defeat of Japan needed to happen and fast. The allies devised a plan to make bombs for air
raids that lowered the destructive power and increased the accuracy and efficiency, as to allow
planes to carry more and hit all their targets. They also used means of psychological warfare to
defeat Japan quicker and to show other countries how powerful they are, It was agreed that
psychological factors in the target selection were of great importance. Two aspects of this are (1)
obtaining the greatest psychological effect against Japan and (2) making the initial use sufficiently
spectacular for the importance of the weapon to be internationally recognized when publicity on it
is released. (Target Committee,Los Alamos, May 10 11, 1945) The decision also helped shorten
the war, and for all countries that is the ultimate goal. To gain victory as fast as possible to limit the
lives lost and resources used in the war. Another concurrent argument supporting the use of the
bomb is that it achieved its primary objective of shortening the war. The bombs were dropped on
August 6 and 9. The next day, the Japanese requested a halting of the war. On August 14 Emperor
Hirohito announced to the Japanese people that they
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Joseph Stalin vs. Maximilien Robespierre Essays
Robespierre is known as possibly the greatest leader of the French Revolution. Stalin is known as
one of Russia s greatest leaders. There are many differences and similarities in each of their reigns
as leaders. Both used economic plans and total war effort as a campaign to further there revolution.
Stalinand Robespierre used their revolutions, however, through terror Stalin remained true to his
revolution but Robespierre betrayed his.
Stalin had an ingenious plan to help his country s economy get back on track. He called this plan
the Five Year Plan which consisted of four parts. First was a plan to increase industrial output in
five years because Russia was far behind the Great Powers of Europe. Second ... Show more content
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This resulted in extreme patriotism and nationalism amongst the French people.
With every great leader there are great supporters as well as great enemies. This was especially
true with Stalin and Robespierre. The French aristocracy was a major block for Robespierre
because the opposed his love and giving freedom of the lower classes. Robespierre set out a reign
of terror directed to those who may oppose the revolutionary government. He became obsessed
with his power to control those who could be put to death for opposing him and he executed those
who were close to him in power. Eventually he was shut out and executed for betraying the
Stalin similarly executed the minority groups that opposed him. His reign of terror was similar to
Robespierre except that Stalin had several key strengths. A few important ones are that he was
street smart and connected well with the common people. Another was that he was a great public
speaker and could appeal to the masses and majority through his voice. Finally he was
manipulative and shrewd, he was able to convince others he was the right leader and he was clever
enough to appeal to the correct people.
Robespierre used total war effort to help further the French Revolution but gave into terror and
power to meet his downfall as one of the greatest leaders in the French Revolution. Stalin developed
a smart
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The Eye Motif In The Tell Tale Heart And The Raven By...
On January 19, 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts. In spite of
experiencing several tragedies throughout his life, Poe had a successful career by writing short
anecdotes. Most of Edgar Allan Poe s stories have been known for having recurring literary
devices such as motifs.The motifs of the eye and heart are found in the story The Tell Tale Heart
and The Pit and the Pendulum. However, in the Tell Tale Heart and the Raven, the motif that is
commonly used is the unnamed narrator. The reason for Poe using these motifs remains unknown
at first glance but, once analyzing these motifs, one can identify their purpose. To begin, the eye
motif is used in The Tell Tale Heart. The old man in the story, has cataract on his left
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The plot of the story revolves around the motif of the eye and it also gives justification for the
narrator to kill the old man. Similarly, in The Pit and the Pendulum, the eye motif is utilized as
the driving force of the plot and affects the reader. The narrator of the story is captured by an
inquisitorial group and is tortured. In the story, I (the narrator) had scarcely stepped away from
the bed of horror when the hellish machine stopped. I saw it being pulled up through the ceiling
by some invisible force (Poe 145). Once the narrator narrowly escapes from the brutal slaying,
immediately, the pendulum stops moving. Starting and stopping the pendulum was done by
inquisitors who serve as eyes for the cult leader. Again, the plot action of this story is dependent on
the eye motif. When the narrator escapes from the binding, new problems arise for the narrator
because the people who were watching him (the eyes) immediately executed their next backup
plan. According to the text, after the pendulum stopped, I (The narrator) shrank from the glowing
metal to the center of the cell. I thought of the fiery destruction that was near (Poe 156). The
narrator needs to escape from the constant back up methods of torture implemented by the
tormentors. Back to back tortures caused by the inquisitors drive the story forward. In addition, this
constant escape also affects the reader as well. The eye (inquisitors) is the reason for deploying
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Jersey Boys Film Analysis
In 2014, the movie Jersey Boys was released in the United States. Jersey Boys was based off of the
Tony Award winning jukebox musical, also called Jersey Boys. The movie was produced by
Clint Eastwood. Jersey Boys is a musical biography and tribute based off of the musical group,
The Four Seasons. The group began performing in 1960. The tribute focused on all the the lives
of the members of The Four Seasons. Bob Gaudio was the keyboard player and tenor vocalist for
the group. Tommy DeVito was the lead guitar player and baritone vocalist for the group. Nick
Massi was the lead electric bass player and bass vocalist for the group. The main focus of the movie
was placed on the life of American vocalist, Frankie Valli. Frankie Valli
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The Battle of Bunker Hill Essay
The Battle of Bunker Hill The battle of Bunker s Hill was one of the most important battles during
the Revolutionary War. On June 17, 1775, the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. Fought during the
Siege of Boston, it lent considerable encouragement to the revolutionary cause. This battle made
both sides realize that this was not going to be a matter decided on by one quick and decisive
battle. The battle of Bunker Hillwas not just an unplanned, random attack on British soldiers
preformed by a few crazed colonists. The battle was the result of struggle and hostility between
Great Britain and the colonies for many years. The feelings of angst were due to the simple fact of
the taxes the British were placing on them combined with the... Show more content on
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These were not the only incidents that caused unrest to exist between the Colonies and the British.
There had been incidents between British soldiers and colonists for some time, due mainly to the
Quartering Act. These incidents finally erupted into the Boston Massacre, an event that resulted in
colonists deaths and more distrust. These feelings of discontent and the growing fear of an uprising
would lead the British to proceed to Lexington and Concord and destroy colonial military supplies.
This left the colonists with the feeling of hatred and total malice towards the British. Neither side
trusted the other, and had concerns that the opposition would launch an attack upon them. When
the British planned to occupy Dorchester Heights on the Boston Peninsula, the colonists became
alarmed at the build up of British troops off the coast. The colonists decided that action had to be
taken; they had to stop the threatening British movement in this territory to protect them from an
It was because of this as well as the many small skirmishes through the years, which would lead the
colonies into a confrontation with the British. The Battle of Bunker Hill started when the colonists
learned about the British plan to occupy Dorchester Heights. The colonists were unnerved by this
news. They, the Colonists
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Epilogue To Ava s Diary
Monsters under my bed Ava walked hand and hand with her mother towards her bedroom. Her
upper lip trembling in fright as they approached the young girl s door. Her palms became cold and
clammy in her mothers as they entered the purple room. The increased rate of Ava s heart could be
heard by her mother, the faint lub dub, lub dub of her heart was growing increasing louder as they
got closer to the room.
Mommy! Please please please let me sleep with you tonight. Ava cried, tears streaming down her
Avie, how many times have I told you, there are no scary monsters under your bed! The mom said.
She hoisted her young daughter in the twin bed, which was covered in teddy bears of all shapes
and sizes and cozy warm blankets. Ava s mom... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ava s mom rushed to the bed and whipped the covers off the bed including her stuffed animals.
Ava s mom looked everywhere until she realized, the scratch marks coming from underneath
Ava s bed. She slammed her knees to the floor and swung her face underneath the bed and saw
the most shocking scene she ever encountered. Fur was all over the floor, scratches as well and
carvings were made underneath the bed. The mom slid underneath the bed as her eyes filled
with tears of sadness. She knew what was carved under the bed was a message for her. Her hands
flew over her mouth as she sobbed for forgiveness from her little girl. As she read out loud from
what she read that was carved under the
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The Norm Of Conformity
According to an article by Saul McLeod in Simple Psychology, conformity is a type of social
influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group (McLeod What ).
It is not an uncommon experience in life to encounter yourself or others yielding to group pressure.
Sometimes the situation is as simple as the celebration of some random basketball team making it
through to the next playoff game, not actually caring who shot that winning basket, but joining in
the excitement because it would be considered the norm within that social group. So for years now
scientists of all specialties have been asking the question, why is it that people conform, and where
will they draw the line? To explain, in 1955 Deutsch, M
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Morgan Geyser And Anissa Weier
Morgan Geyser, 12, and Anissa Weier, 13 two Wisconsin girls are accused for intentionally
trying to kill classmate Payton Leutner so a fictional online character called Slender Man would
not harm them, or their families. Anissa Weier introduced Morgan Geyser to Slender Man in
Dec. 2013. During the next few months, the two planned to kill Payton Leutner to become
slender mans proxies. The two agreed to stab the victim on May 30, at Geyser s 12th birthday, at
a sleepover at her house. But changed their plans. Geyser and Weier decided change their strategy
and to attack their friend the next day, by forcing to play the game hide and seek in a woods
nearby. Geyser and Weier then began their assault of the victim Payton Leutner, taking took turns
stabbing her multiple times with a knife and left her for dead. The two girls were tolled... Show
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The two girls knew the result of their conduct when the two planned to kill Payton Leutner to
become slender mans proxies . It became their conscious objective or desire to engage in the first
degree intentional homicide of the victim, they wanted the victim to die. This article is an example
pertaining to the topic mens rea, because it explains, the intent element of offense with proof the
mens rea concur with the criminal act. The two clearly had the conscious desire to cause the result
of the victim, they took months to plan to kill Payton Leutner. This clearly means the two girls will
charged with first degree intentional homicide. They will be not will charged recklessness mens
rea, the knowing of the act could would cause the result, nor be will charged with criminal
negligence the person ought to have aware the conduct cause the negligence. So the girls be
charged with the intentional mens rea, because it became their conscious objective or desire to
commit the
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De Beauvoir s “Woman as Other”
Woman as Other
De Beauvoir s Woman as Other lays out an elaborate argument on gender inequality; using the term
other to establish woman s alternate, lesser important role throughout her work, the author dissects
and examines from its origin the female s secondary position in society in contrast to man. Indeed,
from the beginning of recorded history, the duality of man, by definition, positions woman at the
opposing end of the spectrum in relation to her male counterpart. Even by today s modern and
accepting standards, the female suffers under the brand of being the sub standard half of the
duality equation; compared to her male opponent, women are paid lower wages, have fewer and
limited expression of rights, achieve lower ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Consequently, this has potential implications for the investment on the next generation; if parents
view daughters as less likely to earn market wages or take paid work, they may be less inclined
to invest in their education, which is woman s fastest route out of poverty. Also, in a job market
dominated by men who monopolize the most important positions, the male faction generally
retains the opportunities for success, for advancement or for higher wages. In fact, a recent class
action lawsuit filed on behalf of 1.6 million women employed by Wal Mart stores alleges the
retailer s sexual discrimination has led to women losing out on pay, promotions and other advances;
women are paid less than men in every department of the store. According to the study named in the
lawsuit, two thirds of Wal Mart s employees are female and less than one third of its managers are
female Until recently, social development, by design has guaranteed women limited growth in the
employment ranks by the standard curriculum path recommended for the female gender; typical
high school and junior colleges required home economics and other domestic related courses to be
completed by female students. Thus, the woman high school or junior college graduate enters the
world without adequate training to compete in the business world beyond basic trade or blue collar
worker positions. Finally, a
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Annie Oakley Research Paper
Annie Oakley: Littler Sure Shot My mother...was perfectly horrified when I began shooting and
tried to keep me in school, but I would run away and go quail shooting in the woods or trim my
dresses with wreaths of wildflowers. Annie Oakley, a woman not only known for being a Wild
West Star, but for being an inspiring sharpshooter and hero to many women in her day, as in ours.
She performed in hundreds of different shows all around and would become one of the first ladies
in her time to really make an astounding name for herself. Unparalleled shooting tricks and the
ability to shoot nearly any target thrown her way are only a few of the things that support her
remembrance. Although she came from a humble life of poverty and hardship, this... Show more
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She was born about five miles east of North Star in a small cabin. She was the sixth born of all
nine children and her parents were Quakers of English decent. Annie s father, who fought in the
War of 1812 was caught in a deathly blizzard which resulted in his death from pneumonia at 66
years old. After her father passed away, Annie s life, as well as her families life changed
dramatically. The absence of her father being there caused the family to go into a harsh poverty
state and risked to lose everything. When Annie turned 10, she was sent to work on a farm by the
name of Darke Country Infirmary, where she was treated very poorly and cruel. After a short time
of working for this new family that she called the wolves Annie ran away and was reunited with her
mother and remaining family. Soon after returning home, she went to work at a local grocery store
shooting game to help the income of her family. Although she had experience with huntingsince she
was around eight years old, her skill never became recognized until she got older. Her
marksmanship was able to pay off the remaining mortgage on her mother s house and others began
appreciating her. Soon everyone would know her name and recognize her outstanding
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Compare And Contrast Essay On Xbox Vs Ps4
Benton Smith
Ashley Rivers
English 101 020
16 September 2014
Xbox vs. PlayStation The Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 are the most popular gaming systems
in today s market. Sony and Microsoft try everything to meet the needs of the consumer and get
people to buy their product. In doing so they design them to meet today s society while also
staying fairly similar with the previous models. Since the hardware is very similar, the accessories
and add ons play a huge role in determining if the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 is superior. The Xbox
one is a sleek and very nice looking console designed to impress the buyer with its shiny gloss
black finish and touch screen buttons to make it easier to operate. The Xbox One controller was
completely redesigned ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are much more reactive and have a lot better processors. The consoles are well equipped
with great storage and can hold plenty of content. The PlayStation is known to have a more
comfortable controller with a smaller and skinnier design to better fit the player and make it a
more enjoyable experience. Sony improved the thumb sticks so that they don t touch while
playing, the triggers have an inward curve unlike the previous outward curve on the PS3, and
the thumb sticks have a concave surface for more comfort (www.ign.com). The play station has
wireless rechargeable controllers and is compatible with hdmi for more vivid picture and
shapes. They are both excellent gaming consoles but are so complex that they have many
differences. The biggest advantage of a PlayStation is that it can play Blu ray movies, it has a
500GB hard drive, and it is $400, which is $100 cheaper than the Xbox (Best Buy). The Xbox
one also has the features of Blu ray and a 500GB hard drive, however it cannot connect to a
mobile device while playing a game unlike the PlayStation (www.ign.com). Consumers rated the
PlayStation 4.7 out of 5 stars and the Xbox received a 4.6 which is very close considering the
PlayStation was released a week before the
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Tropical Rainforest Case Study
Reading #1: 1)Rainforests get swallowed by farms in Brazil Description The photographs
compare the same rainforest at different times. One is taken in 1975, the photo appears to be
mostly green. The other taken in 2008 is very different with lots of cleared out light areas where
trees once stood. When compared the photos look as though they could be taken in two different
places because the area has changed so much. Opinion The difference is amazing, the difference
in greenery i imagine means a growth in the population which is why more area is being cleared
out for farmland. The change is not necessarily bad for the environment in term of plant growth,
because the people are after all planting new crops and improving the soil. Although it is bad for
the former habitats for many animals have lost their homes by clearing the trees and small shrubs
in the forest. 2) Cancun expands at stunning rate Description The two pictures compare the city of
Cancun, Mexico at two points in time. The photo on the right which is taken in 1979 shows an
area of green land with several grey settlements and man made building on it. The photo on the
left taken in 2009 shows the same spot but instead of several small plots, one large grey
development. Which has expanded in all directions all the way to the borders of the photograph in
some directions.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Which we can assume is an area that is dry and does not have much greenery. The second after
photo shows the same plot of land but it now is much greener with darker brown spots which can
show that the soil there has gotten wet and darker. Opinion This photo shows an improvement of
a dried up wetland getting wet again, the soil got richer and darker which is most likely why so
many more plants can grow now. This area appeared to have restored itself back into a lush wetland
that can support a thriving
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Analysis Of Child s Responses And Mathematical Thinking
Section A: Analysis of Child s Responses and Mathematical Thinking
Simpler Counting Tasks/More or Less/Conservation In the simpler counting section, Kerget was
able to count the correct number of teddies one by one by saying the corresponding number words
out. This shows that Kerget could divide objects with the same attribute into one collection and is
able to count small collections using the one to one correspondence counting knowledge. Lovin,
Karp, Bay Williams and Van de Walle (2013) maintain that children develop the concept of one to
one correspondence when they count objects by paring one number word with exactly one object.
When he finished counting the four yellow teddies, he turned to the green ones, starting from
number one instead of number five. He successfully identified which collections had more teddies.
This further indicates that Kerget understands the idea of collection and has the beginning
knowledge of the concepts of more and less . Children s understanding of the meanings and
relationships of more , less , and same is the fundamental attribute to their number sense
development (Lovin, Karp, Bay Williams, Van de Walle, 2013). Kerget used the one to one
correspondence knowledge to put out five teddies and stopped when he said: five, there are five
teddies. He understands that the last number word he said is the total number of the objects he has
been counted. This tells me he understands the concept of cardinality. Lovin, Karp,
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Theme Of Racism In Huck Finn
The notorious Mark Twain once said Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the
only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. Having lived at a time where racism and
slavery were debatably at their peak, Twain undeniably experienced the cruelty of which humanity
is capable. Twain s mindset during the aforementioned quotation was evident in his masterwork
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Especially in recent years, his work is often criticized and even
censored for its supposedly racist ideologies. Mainly having to do with the book insisting on
referring to the deuteragonist, Jim, and other slaves as niggers . Be that as it may, the deeper you
dive into the publication; you would come to find that Twain instead satirizes the concepts of
racism and slaveryand even comes across as having an anti slavery perspective. Ironically, one of
the best examples of Twain s masterful satire is demonstrated in one of the novel s most off
putting moments. The first time the reader is introduced to Jim, they are given a very unfavorable
description of the character. Jim is described as illiterate, almost childlike and unintelligent.
However, the reader must understand that this description of Jim is supplied from Huck s point of
view. Although Huck himself is presented to the reader as not being inherently racist, he was
raised by incredibly racist individuals who implanted their beliefs and hate into Huck. As distasteful
as this description is, it is
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Literary Analysis Of A Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee...
Tennessee Williams was an American writer known for short stories and poems in the mid 1950
s. His more famous writing was A Streetcar Named Desire. His writings influenced many other
writers such as August Strindberg and Hart Crane. His writings A Streetcar Named Desire and The
Glass Menagerie was adopted to films and A Streetcar Named Desireearned him his first Pulitzer
prize. In A Streetcar Named Desire there is many elements that build the plot and story line. The
story is about a girl who is drove crazy by his sister s husband and eventually sent to the mental
hospital. The main plot is towards the end of the story when Blanche Duboisis blackmailed by her
sister s husband and raped by him. Everything takes its toll on her until she begins drinking heavily
and is thought to have gone crazy and placed in a mental hospital. In this story, many things play
affect in the contrast of the writing such as Blanche arriving at her sister s house, seeing her sister s
husbands attitude, the poker game, Blanche getting raped. These events make Blanche an easy
victim. In Tennessee Williams, a street car named desire, the start of kindness turns to tragedy and
The darkness all begins when Blanche arrives at Stella s apartment after her family home was
lost. Stanley initially doesn t trust Blanche and thinks she swindled Stella out of her share of the
family home to pay off her own debts. The two are sisters and immediately Blanche begins to
criticize their apartment because of coming from a high class place. This immediately bothers
Stanley and he becomes agitated with Blanche since they have taken her in and let her stay in
their home. This adds issue between the characters right away because of both of their
backgrounds. Blanche come from money and Tennessee Williams quotes Her appearance is
incongruous to the setting. She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace
and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at a summer tea or
cocktail party in the garden district. This is all build the plot showing contrast in difference in the
two characters right away, the darkness begins to come upon Blanche.
Tension begins to rise when Blanche sees Stanley s
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The Long Standing Effects On Children
There are about three hundred million children that are subjected to violence, exploitation and
abuse in orphanages (Kovacs Np.) Orphanages are supposed to be a haven for children to escape
previous problems, but instead these institutions are homes of nightmares for children. For
example, many children placed in orphanages are there to escape the abuse of families and loved
ones, only to experience more abuse at the hands of the orphanagecaregivers. In the United States,
at least one third of children admitted to infant orphanages younger than 12 months of age died,
primarily of gastrointestinal and respiratory illness, often complicated by malnutrition
(Humphreyes 625 634). This is not a problem in America, there are thousands of cases like this in
countries such as China, Russia, Romania, and Africa, these countries are prohibiting children their
happiness. Children have all the odds against them. They are being abused and neglected. Many of
them do not even get adopted. Furthermore, there have been studies that show the long standing
effects of orphans in institutions after adoption. These institutions prevent child growth and
development, most are inadequate for raising children, many children develop mental illnesses, and
they do not give children the education they need to survive. For one thing, these institutions
prevent child growth as well as development. Children adopted from China were smaller physically
and were behind peers in development. They did not
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Bit Stream Controllers For Wireless Power Transfer System
Bit Stream Controllers for Wireless Power Transfer System
Nathan Pyle
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering,
The University of Auckland,
New Zealand
Email: npyl999@aucklanduni.ac.nz
Abstract This paper presents the original findings of an approach to adopting the bit stream signal
to control a system. It contains the initial design process and simulations of a bit stream based PID
controller to control and stabilize the output of a proposed Capacitive Power Transfer system in the
discrete time domain. Processing The simulated results use MATLAB s Simulink and illustrate the
potential performance of the controller. Compared against simulations of a similar nature in
continuous time, the bit stream implemented system yields near identical results.
HIS document is a template for Microsoft Word versions 6.0 or later. If you are reading a paper or
PDF version of this document, please download the electronic file,
TRANS JOUR.DOC, from the IEEE Web site at http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors
/transjnl/index.html so you can use it to prepare your manuscript. If you would prefer to use
LATEX, download IEEE s LATEX style and sample files from the same Web page. Use these
LATEX files for formatting, but please follow the instructions in TRANS JOUR.DOC or TRANS
If your paper is intended for a conference, please contact your conference editor concerning
acceptable word processor formats for your particular conference.
Bit Stream
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Analysis Of Aladdin By John Musker And Ron Clements
Recently, over the Winter, I brought my girlfriend to watch the Broadway Musical Aladdin. It
was a very spectacular Broadway musical. I have been to many Broadway plays like Matilda
and Wicked, but Aladdin, in my opinion was my favorite one. The Broadway musical is based
off the 1992 Disney film Aladdin, which was directed by John Musker and Ron Clements. Since
the musical was produced in 2014, I got to see the original cast, which was pretty astounding. The
music and acting was very well played by the actors during the play. Besides the singing in the
musical, there was an orchestraplaying their instruments underneath the stage, so all you can see is
the conductor telling the orchestra what to do. The subject of the musical was to entertain the
people watching and to tell the story of the Disney movie in a musical way. The purpose of the
musical is to show how Princess Jasmineis being forced who to marry by her father and she wants
to be the person who decides that. In the play, three characters were added which were not in the
original movie, Aladdins friends. Their names are Babkak, Omar, and Kassim. I found it to be
creative that the play creators added them. They called themselves Four guys with one Arabian
dream. Also in the movie, the villain, Jafar has an evil sidekick which is a parrot, but in the play,
Jafar s sidekick is a human. Another change was in the movie Aladdin also a sidekick as well.
Aladdin s sidekick is a monkey named Abu and in the play
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Six Characteristics Of Religion
1)Define religion in terms of its six characteristics sacred, myth, ritual, community, morality, and
religious leaders and explain the possible relations among them.
Religion can be defined with six characteristics: Sacred, myth, ritual, community, morality, and
religious leaders. The first concept of religion is sacred, which is the idea that religion binds
individuals and communities together. Myth is not the conventional definition we think of rather a
much deeper concept. Myth is derived from the Greek word of mythos and is defined as a story
that ties and binds humans into a powerful story about their destiny and origins. These stories,
however, have profound truths behind life and should not be confused with fake stories. ... Show
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Their role is critical in terms of explaining and in some cases performing these rituals to members
of their community. Historically, rank and file members could not read these sacred texts and
therefore relied on a religious expert/leader to interpret and explain the context of these texts.
2)What are the problems in knowing and understanding the religions that existed before the
development of written language? Oral recitation isn t necessarily the best method to preserve
religious text since errors may arise and alter the original meaning of a certain concept or idea.
Although individuals with these stories and traditions may be able to preserve them through oral
recitation, the generations after them may not be as effective. Furthermore, the interpretation could
be different without having written text as one word could derail the original intent of a story and
/or tradition. Nevertheless, these stories (myths) and traditions could be preserved through song
and dance. Additionally, oral language changes as a result of the inclusion of other more complex
languages. As a result, it becomes incredibly difficult to expand one s religion as other languages
are created. Therefore, the comprehension of religions lacks cultural development without written
language since it was only exclusively known to a small group of people.
3)What is the
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The Eyes Were Watching God
At its first development and publishment, African American literature and works were originally
dedicated to the expression of their plight from slaves, to a second class, and eventually first
class citizens. However, many authors have been able to drift away from that cause and began
to express the importance of identity for individuals and how trials and experiences through life
can add to or detract from someone s personal character and define them as the best that they can
become. Author s of these works had usually conveyed a theme of being able to adopt a new
identity through the experiences that a character is able to face through their life. A well written
example of this would by in the story of Their Eyes Were Watching God, as the main character,
Janie, finds new loves in her life and with each new relationship is able to adopt an identity or add
onto her persona, as she adjusts to her new roles, such as becoming a mother, a wife, and an
independent woman. As she is married to her first husband, Logan, she works with him on the
farm performing daily duties, such as milking the cows (Morrison 73) or tilling the land (79).
However she didn t lovehim as a person, but she was promised by both Logan and her
grandmother then she would grow to love him (65), so as it was the role at the time to be the
faithful wife beside her husband. She eventually loses her sense of individuality as she begins to
venture less and less from the farm and begins to spend more
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  • 7. Dimethyl Methyl Polysiloxanes Column one was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm 5% diphenyl and 95% dimethyl polysiloxane (RtxВ® 5). Column two was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d coated with 0.5 Ојm midpolarity phase consisting of 50% phenyl and 50% dimethyl polysiloxane (RxiВ® 17sil). Column three was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coating with 0.5 Ојm film of 100% trifluoropropyl methyl polysiloxane (RtxВ® 200). The separation was performed using the same temperature program on all these stationary phases. The temperature program used for separation was consisted of an initial temperature hold at 80 В°C for 1.0 min, ramped up to 300 В°C at a rate of 30 В°C/min, held at 300 В°C for 0.5 min then ramped to 340В°C at a rate of 5.0 В°C/min and held at 340 В°C for 5.0 min with a total run 21 min. (TP1). Column four was a 30m x 0.25mm i.d, capillary coated with 0.5 Ојm film of midpolarity phase consisting of 35% phenyl and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is an extensive overlap and co elution of the JWH 018 and 5 (1 naphthoyl) 1 pentylindole (compound 4) on Rtx 200. The separation is completely resolved with full baseline resolution on Rtx 5 and Rtx 17Sil. However, the last four peaks showed slightly tailing but this tailing does not affect the quality of the separation. On the other hand, the run time was increased on the Rxi 35Sil column to allow for the complete elution of sample components. It takes more than thirty minute to get a complete separation with slow upward baseline shift. Otherwise, the separation was excellent with slightly tailing in the last four compounds but this tailing does not affect the quality of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Thomas Edison And The Western Society And Mankind When looking back at the people in history the one name that always seems to stand out is Thomas Alva Edison. In this essay I will talk about Thomas Edison and his great contributions to the Western Society and mankind. Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio, son to Samuel Ogden Edison, Jr and Nancy Matthews Elliott (Frost). Edison s mother taught him the three R s because he only had three months of formal education. Eventually, Edison began to favor in independent self instruction because of his poor hearing. Edison in his younger years took to reading books to learn about the arts, the histories, and the sciences (Beals). At a very young age Edison became an adult (Beals). He had talked his parents into letting him sell newspapers, snacks, and candy at the railroad; he had also started a separate business on selling fruits and vegetables. When learning about Edison in his childhood, one can understand he was not the average kid growing up. He had a different approach to life in which he craved for knowledge and obtained a hard work ethic in his young years. In his mid teens he saved the son of the railroad stationmaster from a box cart and the grateful father taught Edison how to master Morse code and the telegraph. This allowed him to get a job as a telegraph operator (Beals). This opened the way for Edison s experimenting with technology and how to further enhance it. After working as a telegraph operator he created his first invention, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay About Peace In Cologeria Given the tumultuous political environment in Colombia during this period, it may come as a surprise that a third round of peace talks commenced in 1998. The FARC, having reached its peak during this time, was waging an all out insurgency against the state. The push for peace came at the behest of the citizenry rather than the state. In a strong display of unity, 10 million Colombians voted to for the Mandate of Peace in October of 1997 in a popular vote. Thus the governmentunder the Pastrana administration initiated peace negotiations amidst a brutal warwith the FARC. President Pastrana took office under the promise of implementing two initiatives: the first was to negotiate with the guerrillas and paramilitaries in an effort to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the public hearings, 25,000 delegates participated in presenting various proposals for peace. This process was also unique in that various international actors, including European, Latin American, and Canadian governments as well as representatives from the United Nations, participated either directly or indirectly. U.S. support for the negotiations was weakened, however, by the fact that the FARC had recently abducted and killed three American activists. This had the effect of weakening the overall peace process. Nonetheless, the third peace process had begun. The agenda for negotiation in May of 1999 included a variety of different topics, focusing on 12 main issues and 48 sub issues. These issues included: human rights, agrarian policy (the distribution of lands bought with drug money and the substitution of illicit crops), natural resources, the revision of the economic and social development model, reform of the Justice system and the state, accords on International Humanitarian Law (IHL), the redefinition of the peace time role of the armed forces, and international agreements and the democratic mechanisms legitimizing these. Efforts were made on behalf of both parties to build confidence. Among these efforts was the initiation of ceasefires during Christmas and the New Year in 1999/2000. It is important to note that, though each side was continuing in the peace process, there was no overarching ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. St. Jude Children s Research Hospital St. Jude Children s Research Hospital, Inc. Norma J. Roberson Non Profit Research Paper Instructor: Dr. Nathan Heller Author Note Contents Executive Summary4 Introduction5 Hospital Background5 Marketing Management7 Marketing and Information Technology8 Data Analysis9 IT Implementation11 Conclusion15 References17 Executive Summary Since 1962 St. Jude Children s Research Hospital has been the second largest hospital to help children that suffer from catastrophic pediatric diseases such as cancer and AIDS. I will be discussing how developing and launching new offerings caused this organization to move forward with a program called Cure4Kids. You will see how an idea was generated and tested to use IT to transfer medical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jude Children Research Hospital has been building online learning through a program called Cure4Kids. This is an International Outreach Program that helps countries with limited resources develop treatment centers to treat children with catastrophic disease such as AIDS and pediatric cancer (Cure4Kids St. Jude Children s Research Hospital). This is a network that delivers medical education to doctors and nurses to provide tools for communications and collaborations among individuals on pediatric cancer and AIDS. The website for Cure4Kids is (www.cure4kids.org) and it contains lectures, seminars, video streaming, and power points with audio that is accessible to health care professional, nurse s, and doctors free of charge. These lectures are also available in multiple languages so they are truly hitting their target market by providing information to many countries. With this website in place there are online conferencing tools used for delivering live lectures with images, power point slides, and collaborative white boarding. There is also audio conferencing for group discussions by just using the Internet and a computer with speakers and microphone (Cure4Kids St. Jude Children s Research Hospital). The results from this development are that it has grown to over 500 users in the first six months of operation with 75% of these users coming from international countries. Spanish is the main language being used even though 89% of the users can read and speak English but
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  • 12. Getting Rid Of The Criminals getting rid of the criminals. But, he can also be seen as a villain due to his cold blooded behavior in eliminating criminals. The Punisher s biggest belief is that the law is unreliable and criminals cannot be changed. But, is the Punisher a hero or villain? Like Batman, the Punisher is a vigilante. He chose to take the law into his own hands and the loss of his family is his driving force that makes him unstoppable and stubborn. It is also forgotten that his special operation training contributes to instinct to take lives (Norkey). But in our world and the character s world, both Batman and the Punisher are looked up to by many despite their gray areas. Many can relate to his crushing loss or mentality, whether or not they consider him a hero or villain. The Punisher is not held down by this sense of goodness and mercy which is why it is easy for him to permanently eliminate criminals (Norkey). He can be seen as a hero because he left the good people in his city to live lives with less fear of criminals coming back to hurt them. The way he takes out criminals is a significant grey area in who is character is (which usually involves a gun) because he finds pleasure or ease in spilling the blood of these criminals. Whether he is a necessary evil or not he has still helped to eliminate some of the worst threats in society. Those in which he saves in his world find peace and new found happiness when the Punisher renews their sense of safety. The difficulty in deciding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Ice Cream Cone Persuasive Analysis Not all pleasures are created equal. So in the case of how to spend a billion dollars of government money, a new school for one thousand children is the more moral choice . Buying one million ice cream cones for one million children may bring them the most pleasure in that moment, but for the long term it raises the least amount of happinessand pleasure. In the long run a schoolwill bring more pleasure and happiness. By providing a place for children to learn and grow they will have more opportunities as an adult, and be better equipped to deal with everyday life. Raising their chances at happiness and accomplishment, which defines some pleasures. The ice cream cone may bring more immediate joy, surely the children will find more pleasure ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And for each of us they are different. But we all have two kinds, two categories. The simple pleasures, like bubblegum for the brain. It doesn t engage you, not really, but it occupies you. And the need for deeper pleasures, one that engages more of your facets. People need to be challenged so they can grow and feel whole. Many higher pleasures engage you in a deeper academic aspects, they make you think and wonder they leave you different then you were when you began. Hence why learning would be much more beneficial then trying for diabetes. While ice cream makes you feel good, releases endorphins and makes you happy, education makes you feel good in a completely different way. Self esteem, confidence, assurance , belonging these are emotions that are probably rarely found while eating ice cream. However, in education you find your interests, your niche. And when you can engage, be in flow, and get lost in your own world, to feel completely safe and secure, this is a pleasure much deeper than simply feeling good . While you can describe them both the same way you feeling good only one is rooted much deeper. One connects with your soul, the other is merely physical. But that brings us to a different argument entirely. Who s to say what pleasure means more to someone? And what pleasures are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Virtual Schooling Is A Viable Entity For Educating Students Virtual Schooling is a viable entity for educating students ranging from kindergarten to graduate school. The benefits of virtual schooling are continuously being realized as additional avenues for educating students. Additionally, having virtual schooling as a choice, rather than a requirement for all classes, enables educational institutions to maintain and, in some cases, increase their retention and graduation rates. Recent trends in school reporting data supporting the benefits of virtual schooling prove that educating students through distance learning can provide significant benefits, including to those students that learn in a traditional setting. In Michigan, online learning is increasing at an incredible rate. In 2015, over... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Today, online learning is used in the K 12 setting to provide courses the local school is unable to offer, to benefit student scheduling, and to help learners with specific needs, including accelerated learners as well as those who don t thrive in traditional classes. As virtual schooling increases and access to technology grows, the areas of need that it addresses continue to expand.. There are several key steps that must be addressed in order for successful virtual schooling to take place: Be realistic about technology. Outdated computer labs are not going to support virtual schooling. Technology has to be up to date in order to support the online learner, including computers and internet service. Programs will not be able to run on computers with outdated browsers. Even if you have to bring in two to four updated computers, that will at least give you a start. Prepare the students. Offer an orientation on online learning skills. Virtual schooling requires a different type of skill set than traditional classrooms. This includes comfort with the needed technology as well as soft skills such as time management, independence, and self motivation. Students who lack or have never been introduced to this skill set will not be successful in an online learning platform. Provide opportunities for collaboration. Just because students are learning online doesn t mean they have to miss out on class discussion and collaboration with peers. Courses must be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Meursault s Dichotomy In the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, Meursault, the protagonist narrator, is an absurdist, detached and deathly honest man who refuses to lie about himself to save his life. He is an independent man, one who will not accept God, or any of society s formulas for happiness. In developing this character, Camus needed to sustain the distant tone used to develop the plot and Meursault s character. However, further development of this character required more than just the distant tone. Camus developed Meursault through the use and creation of minor characters with roles important to no aspect of the plot and who serve no purpose other than the development of Meursault s character. In his novelThe Stranger, Camus uses the roles of minor... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Camus creation of the boss portrays the archetype of a typical, run of the mill man in Meursault s world. Several encounters with his boss reveal a strict dichotomy and harsh disconnect between the mentality of Meursault and the concerns of the outside world. In the early stages of the novel, Meursault rants to the reader about the hand washing experience at his workplace. He explains that before leaving for lunch each day at midday, he takes care and makes certain to wash his hands; he enjoys performing this action and even looks forward to doing so everyday. In light of the importance of this ritual to Meursault, he explains that the experience in the evenings is regrettably not of similar quality. In stark contrast to the delightful experience of washing his hands at midday, he describes the experience in the evening as being less pleasant, as the roller towel, after being used by so many people, is usually sopping wet by the time Meursault gets to use it. Meursault is so bothered by this circumstance that he even brings it to his employer s notice. Although his boss agrees that this saga is regrettable, he explains to Meursault that to his mind, it is really but a minor detail (Camus 25). This encounter reveals that outsiders deem Meursault s motivations mere, minor, and unworthy. Camus inclusion of this tale also shows the reader that Meursault is not the paradigm male that existed in the setting; although Meursault supports his argument very well, others don t care enough to change it. For others, the fact that one towel has to last the whole day (25) is a mere detail unworthy of change; however, to Meursault, this is the one detail he takes issue and initiative with. With this story, Camus reveals a stark disconnect between Meursault and the outside world. Further, in another episode with his boss, Camus again develops this dichotomy and shows how ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Mr Darcy Irony At the beginning of the novel, Elizabeth is unaware of Mr. Darcy s affection for her because of his hostile manner. Mr. Darcy comes off as rude and prideful to Lizzy when she overhears Mr. Darcy refer to her as tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me (Austen 13) to Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth is thinking Mr. Darcy was merely insulting her looks, and creates a premature opinion about his character. This is an example of dramatic irony because Austen hints to readers Darcy s feeling towards Lizzy, and it is recognizable that Darcy is just trying to deny and cover up his interest towards her. The irony can give readers a feeling of excitement because they posses knowledge that the protagonist and other characters do not. The irony also adds ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Kootney Bicycle Case Case Study: Kootenay Bicycle Company Prepared for: Cam Shackelton Feb 13, 2007 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Kootenay Bicycles (Kootenay) build custom frame or bike in a large metropolitan area in western Canada since 2002. Although sales have been steadily increasing since inception, it has not been successfully translated to profits. Signs of operational inefficiencies, lack of financing and limited expandability limits its growth. This report analyzes Kootenay s current strategic alternatives, with a diagnosis of the company at all levels to formulate the best strategic direction the company should undertake. As a result, the following strategic options were considered and Kootenay is recommended to: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... External Environment Multiple alternatives have surfaced for Kootenay including facility expansion, financing and channel distribution. These opportunities can assist Kootenay to address the growing demand in Canada and North American for high quality customized frame bicycle market. Externally, Kootenay must compete with the low cost mass manufacturer, custom bike makers at all levels and unexpected demands in the market. Financial Analysis As shown in Exhibit, profitability has been a concern to Kootenay gross margins are below industry average of 28 50% for its complete bike products (EntrГ©e; 0.83%, Dlux; 7.76%, and Ultra; 6.73%) where materials have represented a high percentage of the costs (58 74%). Selling frame alone has shown stronger profitability (23.33%) but overall returns needs to be improved (ROA/ROE are 14%/ 22%). Activity ratio has shown the benefit of order to make or no overstocking of selling products (inventory turnover is 13.07 days) but Kootenay has an extended collection period (18.96 days). Its shortage of cash ($780) discourages any short tem obligations. As for its coverage ratios, a large part of the equity is financed through owner s investment. Also, the allocation of 100% salary to direct labour cost has masked any labour that should be regarded as manufacturing overhead. Mission Statement Owners Preference Currently, Kootenay does not have a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Research Review Of New Horizons Research Paper A Trip to Pluto Synopsis: New Horizons is the first probe to get within 8000 miles of Pluto. We currently think our best shot at finding extraterrestrial life is Mars or Europa, but if New Horizon were to send us signs of life from Pluto, it would drastically change goals for the future of space exploration. A manned mission to Pluto might go from a distant dream to a top priority, but the challenges of such a journey are immense. The spacecraft must be able to travel to the outer reaches of the solar system safely and swiftly and life support must be able to keep the crew alive and well, both in transit and once they reach the planet. My story follows a manned mission to Pluto with a crew of 4 astronauts, and covers the technology needed to overcome the technical challenges of reaching the distant, icy dwarf planet. The topic I m focusing on for the purposes of this paper is propulsion and orbital mechanics, specifically, gravity assists, fusion engines and propulsive landers. One of the biggest problems with travelling to Pluto is simply summed up by the fact that it is very, very far away. Pluto has a highly elliptical orbit, so at different points in time it s closer and then further away from us (and the sun). In terms of distance from the sun, it s about 29.7 AU at the closest part of its orbit (the perihelion) and 49.3 AU at the furthest part (aphelion), leading to an average of 39.5 AU. [1] We only recently managed to get a spacecraft within flyby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Labor Relations Paper A union is an organization of workers who join together in order to have a voice in improving their jobs and the quality of work within the organization. In many occasions, unions help employees of an organization negotiate pay, benefits, flexible hours and other work conditions that may arise. Unions have a role because some degree of conflict is inevitable between workers and management (Noe, 2003). In this paper, I will be discussing the impact of unions and labor relations within an organization. Labor Unions Labor unions represent workers interests and the collective bargaining process provides a way to manage the conflict (Noe,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A union steward is actually an employee of the organization that is elected by the union members to represent them and investigate complaints and help them file grievances if an employee feels that his/her union contract was violated in any way. Union stewards will fight to avoid disciplinary action for the employee s behavior. Union officials and union stewards are voted in by the union members. One disadvantage of being part of a union is that the employee must pay to be represented by the union. Different unions have different pay rates. At Kaiser Permanente employees need to contribute 2% percent of his/her annual pay to the union. Union fees are usually withdrawn from the employee s paycheck on a bi weekly basis. Labor Relations Labor relations purpose is to minimize costly employee and organization conflicts and try to always find a win win solution to issues that arise. Labor relations strategies, negotiating contracts and administering contracts are the three levels of decision that are involved within labor relations. Kaiser Permanente is an organization that is successful in dealing with labor relations. In today s challenging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Slave Narratives Slave Narratives generally took the form of an autobiography in which the writer described his life from bondage to freedom. It discussed how slaves were captured and treated during the time of slavery. American slaves had to write those autobiographies in order to show to the readers that slaves are human and they are able to write their experiences in an reliable way. (Blight, 2004, para.1).Due to several reasons, this genre was considered as unique and important as well. It gave the contemporary readers the chance to explore one of the worst epochs in the United States and also to learn from the faults of the old generations. Like any literary genre, Slave narratives has its leaders, its head writers who contributed a lot in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Colin Powell Speech In Colin Powell s speech at the Colgate University, he states that the role of a leader is to put people, real human beings in the best possible environment to achieve the purpose of the organization that you are a part of. (2009). Essentially, what this means is, that the role and responsibility of a leader is to take care of the people that they are in charge of. Furthermore, the role of a leader is creating a positive work environment that employees want to go to work to. The way a person that is serving as a leader can see to it that the needs of the organization are met by having a since of purpose (2009), and that everyone in the organization know and understands the purpose. Colin Powell furthermore goes on to state that taking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Homeschooling Disadvantages George Bernard Shaw, an influential Irish writer, once said, My schooling not only failed to teach me what it professed to be teaching but prevented me from being educated to an extent which infuriates me when I think of all I might have learned at home by myself. Many parents have latched onto Shaw s beliefs and have made the audacious decision to home educate. Currently, there are approximately 1,642,027 homeschooled children in the U.S.A. alone. Home educating is an alternative to mainstream public schooling, and it is performed within the home through curriculums, co ops, or online educationsystems. Homeschoolingis advantageous because homeschooled children are proven to perform better academically, they can avoid inimical mainstream schoolsituations, and parents can specialize curriculum in the best interest of their child individually. First and foremost, when a student has a positive environment to be surrounded in, they are able to perform better academically. To start, when children are homeschooled, they continuously have access to highly encouraging parents who push them to do their best. In an article by Johnna Burns, Meehan and Stephenson stated that kids tend to achieve greatly as homeschoolers because the parents are highly encouraging. They also accomplish more socially and academically because adults typically view their children as advanced in comparison to other kids, causing children to live up to that expectation (7). Because parents see their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Twelve Angry Men Character Analysis The way one person treats another is often a direct reflection of how they view themselves. People with poor self images are often quick to judge, demean, belittle, and rebuke others for their mistakes, shortcomings and flaws, simply out of spite or to protect their own reputation. This is true even in the 1957 MGM film Twelve Angry Men, where eleven of the twelve jurors attempt to convict a young man not based off of sound evidence, but off of personal prejudiceand self righteousness alone. It was the leadership of the eighth juror, however, that convinced the other jurors to set aside their personal biases to acquit the young man accused of killing his father. In the film, the eighth juror, Mr. Davis, analyzes the self images of the other eleven jurors and displays the core values of humility, patience and mercy in order to lead the group to the consensus that the accused is not guilty. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines humility as the quality or state of being humble and freedom from pride or arrogance . Humility, simply put, is the opposite of prejudice. In the film, many of the jurors enter the room with preconceived notions, falsified beliefs and irrational ideas about the accused. Others enter the room unsure of their vote and to protect their pride, immediately side with the jurors who believe the young man is guilty. Examples of this include how several of the jurors stereotype the accused on the basis of race and how the third juror in particular forms a bias against the young man simply because of his age and the fact that the young man reminds him of his son. Mr. Davis, however, takes another stance. In the book The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing and Take Command of Your Life, Dr. Bernard Roth states that true mindfulness is seeing without judging (Roth 205). Mr. Davis perfectly models this quote as he approaches the issue with sympathy towards the young man in regard to his upbringing. On an analytical level, the screenplay convincingly moves the audience to side with Mr. Davis through the use of honest dialogue that allows viewers to put their trust in what Mr. Davis says. The validity of Mr. Davis claims also stems from the profile of his character crafted by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Fred Deluca Research Paper Fred Deluca Fred Deluca was a business entrepreneur who co founded the restaurant chain called Subway. He was born in in Brooklyn, New York on October 3, 1947. He wanted to go to college to study medicine. He was encouraged by family friend Dr. Peter Buck to make money for college. His business started in 1965 when he borrowed money to start a business so he could pay for college. He didn t succeed at first but he kept trying and was worth 3.5 billion dollars. He died from leukemia in September, 2015. Fred Deluca was born in 1947 to Carmela and Salvatore Deluca in Brooklyn. When He was ten he and his parents moved to Amsterdam,New York where they became friends with Dr. Peter Buck. Then he moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut where he started ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Essay on Motion for Summary Judgment MOT, NOT, BRIEF Corey Lightner, Attorney at Law Bar No. 85 455 Miami, Florida 33176 305 456 7890 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT INANDFOR ВВВMIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA WILMA MAPLES, Plaintiff,CIVIL DIVISION vs. CASE: 13 2014 159753 DEPT. NO: XVII DOCKET NO: WE CARE FOR YOU HOSPITAL AND REHABILITATION CENTER, 1 5 DOES, 1 5 ROES, MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT, NOTICE, AND BRIEF Defendants. ___________________________/ MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT COME NOW, PLAINTIFF, by and through her attorney of record, Corey Lightner, Esq.. of YOUNG S LAW FIRM, and hereby files their Motion for Summary Judgment. The rule governing this matter is Rule 1.510(c) of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Plaintiff held onto the safety bar located just outside of the shower with her left hand, reached backwards with the right arm to grasp the right armrest of the wheelchair, which had been left in the same spot as when she entered the shower, and began to feel the wheelchair roll backwards away from her. With one hand still on the safety bar and the other on the armrest of the wheelchair, Plaintiff was unable to upright herself and instead, began to fall towards the floor. Plaintiff lost grip of the safety bar and fell on the floor at which time, Plaintiff suffered immediate pain in her back and lower bottom. Plaintiff, screaming in pain, was unable to get up and because of Plaintiff s location on the floor, the nurse call button was out of reach. Plaintiff was eventually found by medical staff on the floor of the bathroom approximately 8:33am. See Defendant s Response to Plaintiff s Request for Admissions No. 15. After several X rays, it was determined that Plaintiff suffered a fractured vertebrae of the L4 vertebrae. See Defendant s Response to Plaintiff s Request for Admissions No. 17, Exhibit No. 5, Plaintiff s Medical Chart/Notes dated February 11, 2014 and Exhibit 8, Plaintiff s back X ray dated February 11, 2014. As a direct and proximate result of Plaintiff s fall from the unsecured wheelchair, Plaintiff s
  • 26. suffered severe pain and injury to her spine. As a direct and proximate result of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Hospitality Industry Leader Running Head: Hospitality Industry Leader Hospitality Industry Leader Richard B Hope Nassau Community College Introduction: The Hotel General Manager is someone who works in a hotel. He or she works as a head of the department to coordinate and monitor the progress of business strategies in a large hotel. In medium hotels, the General Manager is responsible for day to day running of the hotel, including carrying out reception duties. A Hotel General Manager is also the person who handles the everyday function and management of the hotel. He or she is responsible for the day to day management of a hotel and its staff and has commercial accountability for planning, organizing and directing all hotel ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These, along with the growing importance of the sustainability agenda will define success in the near future. 8. What are the major functional areas in a lodging setting? Hotels are generally divided into three major functional areas. They are the Rooms Division, Food and Beverage Department and Staff Support Departments. Rooms Division Includes Front Desk, Reservations, Uniform Services (Security, etc.), and Housekeeping Food and Beverage department Includes Restaurants, Bars, Banquets and Room Service Staff and support departments Includes Accounting, Engineering, Marketing, Human Resources, and Contracted areas 9. Discuss career options for working in the hospitality industry. As a vast, dynamic and growing industry, hospitality provides tremendous opportunity for ambitious students who enjoy working with people. The hospitality and tourism industry operates in a highly competitive environment. Hospitality Industry represents a broad range of career opportunities in industries that include: hotels and resorts restaurants and commercial food service airlines, cruises and other transportation environmentally sustainable and cultural tourism development 10. Discuss the economics of the hotel business. The hotel business is cyclical. It is also highly capital intensive, with, depending on the economy, varying sources and levels of capital flowing into the industry. One factor that is typically considered in analyzing the financial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Male Dominance In The Color Purple Research Paper Male Dominance in The Color Purple In the 1900s, the father figure in the average family played a humongous part on the way people went about their daily lives. Women had few rights and the males were considered the most important role in a female s life. Often the power held by males were taken advantage of. The Color Purple is a book based in 1900s and it describes how an average black female went in that time period. It also exhibits many hardships caused by dominant male roles.The main character Celie goes through many ups and downs as does her step son Harpo, and Harpo s wife Sophia. In The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the violent actions committed by dominant male roles affect others emotions and reactions through the characters Celie, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The novel introduces the troubles of the main character Celie immediately. He never had a kine word to say to me...then he push his thing inside my pussy...I cry (Walker 1). In the very beginning of the book, Celie is raped by someone who she refers to as Pa. Then, it says that she gets beat. He beat me today cause I winked at a boy...I didn t wink...I don t even look at mens...I look at women, tho, cause I m not scared of them (Walker 5). Through Celie s words, Walker shows one of the first effects in a female s life when a dominant man abuses his power. Celie s traumatic experiences with men effects her; she is so used to being abused by men that it causes her to be scared of them. The second effect the traumatic experience caused Celie is numbness. When Celie gets beaten or raped she describes it as making herself a tree or doing his business and not feeling anything at all (Walker 23). And, according to the Joyful Heart Foundation, one of the common emotional effects of rape is numbness and fear (Joyful Heart Foundation). So, when Celie is beaten, instead of defending herself, she does not do anything unlike other characters in the novel. Celie tends to act submissive and accept everything that comes to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Categories Of Deviance What is deviance? Deviance is the perpetual nature of behavior that strays from the societal norms based on psychological, social and sociological aspect of a human being. Deviant behavior is known to contribute an aspect of criminal behavior and actions. Based on the written literature of Max Weber, there are three different types of regularities in sociology; charismatic, traditional and legal rational. Each of these types of regularities capture the contemporary aspect of society. It is believed that deviant behavior makes a vital contribution to the fabric of society because it allows different forms of society to work together and conceive a consensus. There are many different examples of regularities, such as; people tend to marry within their own class, people who are 18 and over can vote and only people with licenses can drive.the consequences of not conforming to different types of regularities differ from imprisonment to legal fines. The difference between customary norms and obligatory norms are the severity of social backlash and federal consequences. Customary norms are generally things like, tipping waiters above 15% or wearing seatbelts when driving; whereas, obligatory norms follow the example of obeying the law. The two different types of legitimate orders are based upon who they come from, one example would be from a police officer and another example would be from a parent. The first has a legal obligation and the second has a social hierarchy. Becker and Erikson both conceive deviance as a collective social process whereas people of different societal norms and classes create their own boundaries based on these communities. The community of African Americans have subsequently been categorized as a deviant group of people by society. Their behavior in society is collectively misunderstood as deviant behavior whether they are committing actual crimes or just selling lemonade on the sidewalk. This group responds to being a labelled as a deviant group in a negative way, african americans have created movements that stand to remove the embellished stereotypes they are labeled with. Black people have been categorized as a deviant group of people since they were captured and sold on to slave ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Noncommissioned Officer Essay Good Morning, Officers, Non Commissioned Officers, distinguished guest and family members; Welcome... to the graduation ceremony of the Basic Leader Course, Class 001 16. It is an honor to address you on this special occasion, share the satisfaction of completing a step in your careers as Soldiers, and the beginning of your careers as Non Commissioned Officers...LEADERS!!!. Basic Leader Course is the first step in the Noncommissioned Officer Education System and represent a Soldier s first return to formal schooling after Advance Individual Training (AIT). The NCOES has undergone tremendous transformations in support of the Army s goals to develop agile leaders and afford NCOs an opportunity to acquire skills, and knowledge needed to perform more complex... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For some.... it was a challenging experience. For others, it was a great learning experience, but....for ALL.... there were moments of tolerance....respect, and understanding of the diversity of characters and personalities that comprise this group. This diversity is what makes us respected as Soldiers and valued as LEADERS. Leadership has nothing to do with the position or title. You can demonstrate leadership with your interpersonal relationships. You must be able fulfill promises, listen, be honest in everything you do, foster respect and achieve lasting relationships of trust by being loyal and trustworthy. Always act with passion, optimism and motivation while you value your Soldiers. Take care of them; demonstrate your leadership by providing correct example and mentorship. To the new leaders, remember, knowledge is power..... Never permit that negative comments stop your performance; use those comments as tools to improve and always strive to be a better human being, a better Soldier, but most of all.... a true LEADER. Pride yourself by demonstrating your excellence and hard ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Hospital Birth Defects Birth Defects Associated With Out Of Hospital Births At a point in history, Homebirths and Midwives were prevalent when delivering. However; the use of these two methods plateaued as many people were concerned with the health of the infants and the mothers. The ultimate goal of delivery is the safety and protection of both the mother and the child. For a time, and still to this day, women turned to hospitals to ensure that safety. However, as a new wave of feminism has empowered mothers to take control of the natural birthing process, more and more women are reverting back to the home birth method. Though homebirth goes smoothly for most mothers, there is always the potential for complications that many mothers are not prepared to handle. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, the best choice should be the one that achieves the ultimate goal of the safe delivery. The statistics hold the records and can be paramount for a mother who wants to make the decision. The figures indicate that birth at home is risky when compared to birth in the hospital mostly where there are a delivery complications, and emergency services are needed. According to the Federal birth registers, out of a thousand babies born at home, 3.9 would likely to have birth defects mostly associated with delivery emergency and complications. On the other hand, the same statistics claim that for the hospital based deliveries, only 1.8 of one thousand babies faced birth related defects (Mathews, Curtin through Friday, 2015). The statists also point out that there is a high risk of deficiency when the baby is born at home than when born in the hospital environment. The defects as result of childbirth related complication are high in midwives attended birth than those delivery process carried out in hospital when there is an emergency. Statisticians document 7 defects per one thousand deliveries that have associated birth complications with deliveries attended by midwives. According to the statistics done in the years 2016 by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the home delivery has gained favors than hospital delivery in the recent time. This implies that as more birth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Baptism and the Holy Spirit Baptism and the Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts Water Baptism vs Baptized with the Spirit and Power The book of Acts begins with Jesus parting words to His apostles before His ascension to the right hand of God the Father. In His opening statement Jesus promises the Holy Spirit, and He does this by distinguishing the coming of the Spirit from the baptism of John. For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now. (Acts 1:5) John had testified the same of his baptism, I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. (Matthew 3:11, also in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the following two consideration indicate that the unique baptism of the Holy Spirit which accompanied the apostle s ministry is not normative for the Lord s church. в—Џ First, not everyone who was baptized (with water) later received the baptism of the Spirit. In fact, of the (at least) nine occurrences of water baptism in the book of Acts, two are followed by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and one is preceded by the Holy Spirit precedes baptism by water (Acts 10). Pentecost is a unique instance where three thousand are baptized with water after the Apostles were baptized by the Holy Spirit. So we see that already in the book of Acts that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not the normal and regular form of baptism. On the other hand, every convert to the Holy Church in Acts is baptized with water. This is why the church has taught that the baptism of water in the name of the Holy Trinity is a sacrament which works faith and gives the forgiveness of all sin, while the unique baptism of the Holy Spirit is not a sacrament, but a sign of the unique office of Jesus (ascended to the right hand of God) and of the apostles (sent by Jesus to teach His Word). в—Џ Second, as just mentioned, the signs that accompanied Jesus ministry also accompany the apostolic preaching, showing that their word was pure. (See Acts 2:22; Hebrews 2:4) St Peter preached in his first sermon, Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Barbaric Nature Of The Atomic Bomb January 31, 1943, Germany finally surrendered to the Soviet Union. A major victory for the Allies, but WWII is not over yet. The battle with Japan is about to reach its end, the Manhattan project was a top secret US government project that produced the atomic bomb. President truman determined the atomic bombs could be used against Japan to lower the cost and US casualties for the war. And with Japanese unhappy response to the Allies Postdam Declaration they sealed their fate. The air raids for WWII formally targeted only military bases and factories, the brutality of the war stretched to the home fronts the air raids targeted major towns and cities to cripple their opponents. This strategy for the atomic bombs were to force Japan to surrender,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... WWII had taken the Allies four long years to defeat Germany, while the US faced Japan for two years. Ever country was running low on resources and exhausted from the back to back battles, the defeat of Japan needed to happen and fast. The allies devised a plan to make bombs for air raids that lowered the destructive power and increased the accuracy and efficiency, as to allow planes to carry more and hit all their targets. They also used means of psychological warfare to defeat Japan quicker and to show other countries how powerful they are, It was agreed that psychological factors in the target selection were of great importance. Two aspects of this are (1) obtaining the greatest psychological effect against Japan and (2) making the initial use sufficiently spectacular for the importance of the weapon to be internationally recognized when publicity on it is released. (Target Committee,Los Alamos, May 10 11, 1945) The decision also helped shorten the war, and for all countries that is the ultimate goal. To gain victory as fast as possible to limit the lives lost and resources used in the war. Another concurrent argument supporting the use of the bomb is that it achieved its primary objective of shortening the war. The bombs were dropped on August 6 and 9. The next day, the Japanese requested a halting of the war. On August 14 Emperor Hirohito announced to the Japanese people that they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Joseph Stalin vs. Maximilien Robespierre Essays Robespierre is known as possibly the greatest leader of the French Revolution. Stalin is known as one of Russia s greatest leaders. There are many differences and similarities in each of their reigns as leaders. Both used economic plans and total war effort as a campaign to further there revolution. Stalinand Robespierre used their revolutions, however, through terror Stalin remained true to his revolution but Robespierre betrayed his. Stalin had an ingenious plan to help his country s economy get back on track. He called this plan the Five Year Plan which consisted of four parts. First was a plan to increase industrial output in five years because Russia was far behind the Great Powers of Europe. Second ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This resulted in extreme patriotism and nationalism amongst the French people. With every great leader there are great supporters as well as great enemies. This was especially true with Stalin and Robespierre. The French aristocracy was a major block for Robespierre because the opposed his love and giving freedom of the lower classes. Robespierre set out a reign of terror directed to those who may oppose the revolutionary government. He became obsessed with his power to control those who could be put to death for opposing him and he executed those who were close to him in power. Eventually he was shut out and executed for betraying the revolution. Stalin similarly executed the minority groups that opposed him. His reign of terror was similar to Robespierre except that Stalin had several key strengths. A few important ones are that he was street smart and connected well with the common people. Another was that he was a great public speaker and could appeal to the masses and majority through his voice. Finally he was manipulative and shrewd, he was able to convince others he was the right leader and he was clever enough to appeal to the correct people. Robespierre used total war effort to help further the French Revolution but gave into terror and power to meet his downfall as one of the greatest leaders in the French Revolution. Stalin developed a smart ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Eye Motif In The Tell Tale Heart And The Raven By... On January 19, 1809, Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts. In spite of experiencing several tragedies throughout his life, Poe had a successful career by writing short anecdotes. Most of Edgar Allan Poe s stories have been known for having recurring literary devices such as motifs.The motifs of the eye and heart are found in the story The Tell Tale Heart and The Pit and the Pendulum. However, in the Tell Tale Heart and the Raven, the motif that is commonly used is the unnamed narrator. The reason for Poe using these motifs remains unknown at first glance but, once analyzing these motifs, one can identify their purpose. To begin, the eye motif is used in The Tell Tale Heart. The old man in the story, has cataract on his left ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The plot of the story revolves around the motif of the eye and it also gives justification for the narrator to kill the old man. Similarly, in The Pit and the Pendulum, the eye motif is utilized as the driving force of the plot and affects the reader. The narrator of the story is captured by an inquisitorial group and is tortured. In the story, I (the narrator) had scarcely stepped away from the bed of horror when the hellish machine stopped. I saw it being pulled up through the ceiling by some invisible force (Poe 145). Once the narrator narrowly escapes from the brutal slaying, immediately, the pendulum stops moving. Starting and stopping the pendulum was done by inquisitors who serve as eyes for the cult leader. Again, the plot action of this story is dependent on the eye motif. When the narrator escapes from the binding, new problems arise for the narrator because the people who were watching him (the eyes) immediately executed their next backup plan. According to the text, after the pendulum stopped, I (The narrator) shrank from the glowing metal to the center of the cell. I thought of the fiery destruction that was near (Poe 156). The narrator needs to escape from the constant back up methods of torture implemented by the tormentors. Back to back tortures caused by the inquisitors drive the story forward. In addition, this constant escape also affects the reader as well. The eye (inquisitors) is the reason for deploying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Jersey Boys Film Analysis In 2014, the movie Jersey Boys was released in the United States. Jersey Boys was based off of the Tony Award winning jukebox musical, also called Jersey Boys. The movie was produced by Clint Eastwood. Jersey Boys is a musical biography and tribute based off of the musical group, The Four Seasons. The group began performing in 1960. The tribute focused on all the the lives of the members of The Four Seasons. Bob Gaudio was the keyboard player and tenor vocalist for the group. Tommy DeVito was the lead guitar player and baritone vocalist for the group. Nick Massi was the lead electric bass player and bass vocalist for the group. The main focus of the movie was placed on the life of American vocalist, Frankie Valli. Frankie Valli ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Battle of Bunker Hill Essay The Battle of Bunker Hill The battle of Bunker s Hill was one of the most important battles during the Revolutionary War. On June 17, 1775, the Battle of Bunker Hill took place. Fought during the Siege of Boston, it lent considerable encouragement to the revolutionary cause. This battle made both sides realize that this was not going to be a matter decided on by one quick and decisive battle. The battle of Bunker Hillwas not just an unplanned, random attack on British soldiers preformed by a few crazed colonists. The battle was the result of struggle and hostility between Great Britain and the colonies for many years. The feelings of angst were due to the simple fact of the taxes the British were placing on them combined with the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These were not the only incidents that caused unrest to exist between the Colonies and the British. There had been incidents between British soldiers and colonists for some time, due mainly to the Quartering Act. These incidents finally erupted into the Boston Massacre, an event that resulted in colonists deaths and more distrust. These feelings of discontent and the growing fear of an uprising would lead the British to proceed to Lexington and Concord and destroy colonial military supplies. This left the colonists with the feeling of hatred and total malice towards the British. Neither side trusted the other, and had concerns that the opposition would launch an attack upon them. When the British planned to occupy Dorchester Heights on the Boston Peninsula, the colonists became alarmed at the build up of British troops off the coast. The colonists decided that action had to be taken; they had to stop the threatening British movement in this territory to protect them from an attack. It was because of this as well as the many small skirmishes through the years, which would lead the colonies into a confrontation with the British. The Battle of Bunker Hill started when the colonists learned about the British plan to occupy Dorchester Heights. The colonists were unnerved by this news. They, the Colonists ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Epilogue To Ava s Diary Monsters under my bed Ava walked hand and hand with her mother towards her bedroom. Her upper lip trembling in fright as they approached the young girl s door. Her palms became cold and clammy in her mothers as they entered the purple room. The increased rate of Ava s heart could be heard by her mother, the faint lub dub, lub dub of her heart was growing increasing louder as they got closer to the room. Mommy! Please please please let me sleep with you tonight. Ava cried, tears streaming down her face. Avie, how many times have I told you, there are no scary monsters under your bed! The mom said. She hoisted her young daughter in the twin bed, which was covered in teddy bears of all shapes and sizes and cozy warm blankets. Ava s mom... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ava s mom rushed to the bed and whipped the covers off the bed including her stuffed animals. Ava s mom looked everywhere until she realized, the scratch marks coming from underneath Ava s bed. She slammed her knees to the floor and swung her face underneath the bed and saw the most shocking scene she ever encountered. Fur was all over the floor, scratches as well and carvings were made underneath the bed. The mom slid underneath the bed as her eyes filled with tears of sadness. She knew what was carved under the bed was a message for her. Her hands flew over her mouth as she sobbed for forgiveness from her little girl. As she read out loud from what she read that was carved under the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Norm Of Conformity According to an article by Saul McLeod in Simple Psychology, conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group (McLeod What ). It is not an uncommon experience in life to encounter yourself or others yielding to group pressure. Sometimes the situation is as simple as the celebration of some random basketball team making it through to the next playoff game, not actually caring who shot that winning basket, but joining in the excitement because it would be considered the norm within that social group. So for years now scientists of all specialties have been asking the question, why is it that people conform, and where will they draw the line? To explain, in 1955 Deutsch, M ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Morgan Geyser And Anissa Weier Morgan Geyser, 12, and Anissa Weier, 13 two Wisconsin girls are accused for intentionally trying to kill classmate Payton Leutner so a fictional online character called Slender Man would not harm them, or their families. Anissa Weier introduced Morgan Geyser to Slender Man in Dec. 2013. During the next few months, the two planned to kill Payton Leutner to become slender mans proxies. The two agreed to stab the victim on May 30, at Geyser s 12th birthday, at a sleepover at her house. But changed their plans. Geyser and Weier decided change their strategy and to attack their friend the next day, by forcing to play the game hide and seek in a woods nearby. Geyser and Weier then began their assault of the victim Payton Leutner, taking took turns stabbing her multiple times with a knife and left her for dead. The two girls were tolled... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The two girls knew the result of their conduct when the two planned to kill Payton Leutner to become slender mans proxies . It became their conscious objective or desire to engage in the first degree intentional homicide of the victim, they wanted the victim to die. This article is an example pertaining to the topic mens rea, because it explains, the intent element of offense with proof the mens rea concur with the criminal act. The two clearly had the conscious desire to cause the result of the victim, they took months to plan to kill Payton Leutner. This clearly means the two girls will charged with first degree intentional homicide. They will be not will charged recklessness mens rea, the knowing of the act could would cause the result, nor be will charged with criminal negligence the person ought to have aware the conduct cause the negligence. So the girls be charged with the intentional mens rea, because it became their conscious objective or desire to commit the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. De Beauvoir s “Woman as Other” Woman as Other De Beauvoir s Woman as Other lays out an elaborate argument on gender inequality; using the term other to establish woman s alternate, lesser important role throughout her work, the author dissects and examines from its origin the female s secondary position in society in contrast to man. Indeed, from the beginning of recorded history, the duality of man, by definition, positions woman at the opposing end of the spectrum in relation to her male counterpart. Even by today s modern and accepting standards, the female suffers under the brand of being the sub standard half of the duality equation; compared to her male opponent, women are paid lower wages, have fewer and limited expression of rights, achieve lower ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Consequently, this has potential implications for the investment on the next generation; if parents view daughters as less likely to earn market wages or take paid work, they may be less inclined to invest in their education, which is woman s fastest route out of poverty. Also, in a job market dominated by men who monopolize the most important positions, the male faction generally retains the opportunities for success, for advancement or for higher wages. In fact, a recent class action lawsuit filed on behalf of 1.6 million women employed by Wal Mart stores alleges the retailer s sexual discrimination has led to women losing out on pay, promotions and other advances; women are paid less than men in every department of the store. According to the study named in the lawsuit, two thirds of Wal Mart s employees are female and less than one third of its managers are female Until recently, social development, by design has guaranteed women limited growth in the employment ranks by the standard curriculum path recommended for the female gender; typical high school and junior colleges required home economics and other domestic related courses to be completed by female students. Thus, the woman high school or junior college graduate enters the world without adequate training to compete in the business world beyond basic trade or blue collar worker positions. Finally, a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Annie Oakley Research Paper Annie Oakley: Littler Sure Shot My mother...was perfectly horrified when I began shooting and tried to keep me in school, but I would run away and go quail shooting in the woods or trim my dresses with wreaths of wildflowers. Annie Oakley, a woman not only known for being a Wild West Star, but for being an inspiring sharpshooter and hero to many women in her day, as in ours. She performed in hundreds of different shows all around and would become one of the first ladies in her time to really make an astounding name for herself. Unparalleled shooting tricks and the ability to shoot nearly any target thrown her way are only a few of the things that support her remembrance. Although she came from a humble life of poverty and hardship, this... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was born about five miles east of North Star in a small cabin. She was the sixth born of all nine children and her parents were Quakers of English decent. Annie s father, who fought in the War of 1812 was caught in a deathly blizzard which resulted in his death from pneumonia at 66 years old. After her father passed away, Annie s life, as well as her families life changed dramatically. The absence of her father being there caused the family to go into a harsh poverty state and risked to lose everything. When Annie turned 10, she was sent to work on a farm by the name of Darke Country Infirmary, where she was treated very poorly and cruel. After a short time of working for this new family that she called the wolves Annie ran away and was reunited with her mother and remaining family. Soon after returning home, she went to work at a local grocery store shooting game to help the income of her family. Although she had experience with huntingsince she was around eight years old, her skill never became recognized until she got older. Her marksmanship was able to pay off the remaining mortgage on her mother s house and others began appreciating her. Soon everyone would know her name and recognize her outstanding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Compare And Contrast Essay On Xbox Vs Ps4 Benton Smith Ashley Rivers English 101 020 16 September 2014 Xbox vs. PlayStation The Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 are the most popular gaming systems in today s market. Sony and Microsoft try everything to meet the needs of the consumer and get people to buy their product. In doing so they design them to meet today s society while also staying fairly similar with the previous models. Since the hardware is very similar, the accessories and add ons play a huge role in determining if the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 is superior. The Xbox one is a sleek and very nice looking console designed to impress the buyer with its shiny gloss black finish and touch screen buttons to make it easier to operate. The Xbox One controller was completely redesigned ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are much more reactive and have a lot better processors. The consoles are well equipped with great storage and can hold plenty of content. The PlayStation is known to have a more comfortable controller with a smaller and skinnier design to better fit the player and make it a more enjoyable experience. Sony improved the thumb sticks so that they don t touch while playing, the triggers have an inward curve unlike the previous outward curve on the PS3, and the thumb sticks have a concave surface for more comfort (www.ign.com). The play station has wireless rechargeable controllers and is compatible with hdmi for more vivid picture and shapes. They are both excellent gaming consoles but are so complex that they have many differences. The biggest advantage of a PlayStation is that it can play Blu ray movies, it has a 500GB hard drive, and it is $400, which is $100 cheaper than the Xbox (Best Buy). The Xbox one also has the features of Blu ray and a 500GB hard drive, however it cannot connect to a mobile device while playing a game unlike the PlayStation (www.ign.com). Consumers rated the PlayStation 4.7 out of 5 stars and the Xbox received a 4.6 which is very close considering the PlayStation was released a week before the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Tropical Rainforest Case Study Reading #1: 1)Rainforests get swallowed by farms in Brazil Description The photographs compare the same rainforest at different times. One is taken in 1975, the photo appears to be mostly green. The other taken in 2008 is very different with lots of cleared out light areas where trees once stood. When compared the photos look as though they could be taken in two different places because the area has changed so much. Opinion The difference is amazing, the difference in greenery i imagine means a growth in the population which is why more area is being cleared out for farmland. The change is not necessarily bad for the environment in term of plant growth, because the people are after all planting new crops and improving the soil. Although it is bad for the former habitats for many animals have lost their homes by clearing the trees and small shrubs in the forest. 2) Cancun expands at stunning rate Description The two pictures compare the city of Cancun, Mexico at two points in time. The photo on the right which is taken in 1979 shows an area of green land with several grey settlements and man made building on it. The photo on the left taken in 2009 shows the same spot but instead of several small plots, one large grey development. Which has expanded in all directions all the way to the borders of the photograph in some directions.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Which we can assume is an area that is dry and does not have much greenery. The second after photo shows the same plot of land but it now is much greener with darker brown spots which can show that the soil there has gotten wet and darker. Opinion This photo shows an improvement of a dried up wetland getting wet again, the soil got richer and darker which is most likely why so many more plants can grow now. This area appeared to have restored itself back into a lush wetland that can support a thriving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Analysis Of Child s Responses And Mathematical Thinking Section A: Analysis of Child s Responses and Mathematical Thinking Simpler Counting Tasks/More or Less/Conservation In the simpler counting section, Kerget was able to count the correct number of teddies one by one by saying the corresponding number words out. This shows that Kerget could divide objects with the same attribute into one collection and is able to count small collections using the one to one correspondence counting knowledge. Lovin, Karp, Bay Williams and Van de Walle (2013) maintain that children develop the concept of one to one correspondence when they count objects by paring one number word with exactly one object. When he finished counting the four yellow teddies, he turned to the green ones, starting from number one instead of number five. He successfully identified which collections had more teddies. This further indicates that Kerget understands the idea of collection and has the beginning knowledge of the concepts of more and less . Children s understanding of the meanings and relationships of more , less , and same is the fundamental attribute to their number sense development (Lovin, Karp, Bay Williams, Van de Walle, 2013). Kerget used the one to one correspondence knowledge to put out five teddies and stopped when he said: five, there are five teddies. He understands that the last number word he said is the total number of the objects he has been counted. This tells me he understands the concept of cardinality. Lovin, Karp, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Theme Of Racism In Huck Finn The notorious Mark Twain once said Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it. Having lived at a time where racism and slavery were debatably at their peak, Twain undeniably experienced the cruelty of which humanity is capable. Twain s mindset during the aforementioned quotation was evident in his masterwork Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Especially in recent years, his work is often criticized and even censored for its supposedly racist ideologies. Mainly having to do with the book insisting on referring to the deuteragonist, Jim, and other slaves as niggers . Be that as it may, the deeper you dive into the publication; you would come to find that Twain instead satirizes the concepts of racism and slaveryand even comes across as having an anti slavery perspective. Ironically, one of the best examples of Twain s masterful satire is demonstrated in one of the novel s most off putting moments. The first time the reader is introduced to Jim, they are given a very unfavorable description of the character. Jim is described as illiterate, almost childlike and unintelligent. However, the reader must understand that this description of Jim is supplied from Huck s point of view. Although Huck himself is presented to the reader as not being inherently racist, he was raised by incredibly racist individuals who implanted their beliefs and hate into Huck. As distasteful as this description is, it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Literary Analysis Of A Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee... Tennessee Williams was an American writer known for short stories and poems in the mid 1950 s. His more famous writing was A Streetcar Named Desire. His writings influenced many other writers such as August Strindberg and Hart Crane. His writings A Streetcar Named Desire and The Glass Menagerie was adopted to films and A Streetcar Named Desireearned him his first Pulitzer prize. In A Streetcar Named Desire there is many elements that build the plot and story line. The story is about a girl who is drove crazy by his sister s husband and eventually sent to the mental hospital. The main plot is towards the end of the story when Blanche Duboisis blackmailed by her sister s husband and raped by him. Everything takes its toll on her until she begins drinking heavily and is thought to have gone crazy and placed in a mental hospital. In this story, many things play affect in the contrast of the writing such as Blanche arriving at her sister s house, seeing her sister s husbands attitude, the poker game, Blanche getting raped. These events make Blanche an easy victim. In Tennessee Williams, a street car named desire, the start of kindness turns to tragedy and pain. The darkness all begins when Blanche arrives at Stella s apartment after her family home was lost. Stanley initially doesn t trust Blanche and thinks she swindled Stella out of her share of the family home to pay off her own debts. The two are sisters and immediately Blanche begins to criticize their apartment because of coming from a high class place. This immediately bothers Stanley and he becomes agitated with Blanche since they have taken her in and let her stay in their home. This adds issue between the characters right away because of both of their backgrounds. Blanche come from money and Tennessee Williams quotes Her appearance is incongruous to the setting. She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party in the garden district. This is all build the plot showing contrast in difference in the two characters right away, the darkness begins to come upon Blanche. Tension begins to rise when Blanche sees Stanley s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Long Standing Effects On Children There are about three hundred million children that are subjected to violence, exploitation and abuse in orphanages (Kovacs Np.) Orphanages are supposed to be a haven for children to escape previous problems, but instead these institutions are homes of nightmares for children. For example, many children placed in orphanages are there to escape the abuse of families and loved ones, only to experience more abuse at the hands of the orphanagecaregivers. In the United States, at least one third of children admitted to infant orphanages younger than 12 months of age died, primarily of gastrointestinal and respiratory illness, often complicated by malnutrition (Humphreyes 625 634). This is not a problem in America, there are thousands of cases like this in countries such as China, Russia, Romania, and Africa, these countries are prohibiting children their happiness. Children have all the odds against them. They are being abused and neglected. Many of them do not even get adopted. Furthermore, there have been studies that show the long standing effects of orphans in institutions after adoption. These institutions prevent child growth and development, most are inadequate for raising children, many children develop mental illnesses, and they do not give children the education they need to survive. For one thing, these institutions prevent child growth as well as development. Children adopted from China were smaller physically and were behind peers in development. They did not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Bit Stream Controllers For Wireless Power Transfer System пЂ Bit Stream Controllers for Wireless Power Transfer System Nathan Pyle Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Email: npyl999@aucklanduni.ac.nz Abstract This paper presents the original findings of an approach to adopting the bit stream signal to control a system. It contains the initial design process and simulations of a bit stream based PID controller to control and stabilize the output of a proposed Capacitive Power Transfer system in the discrete time domain. Processing The simulated results use MATLAB s Simulink and illustrate the potential performance of the controller. Compared against simulations of a similar nature in continuous time, the bit stream implemented system yields near identical results. INTRODUCTION T HIS document is a template for Microsoft Word versions 6.0 or later. If you are reading a paper or PDF version of this document, please download the electronic file, TRANS JOUR.DOC, from the IEEE Web site at http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors /transjnl/index.html so you can use it to prepare your manuscript. If you would prefer to use LATEX, download IEEE s LATEX style and sample files from the same Web page. Use these LATEX files for formatting, but please follow the instructions in TRANS JOUR.DOC or TRANS JOUR.PDF. If your paper is intended for a conference, please contact your conference editor concerning acceptable word processor formats for your particular conference. Bit Stream ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Analysis Of Aladdin By John Musker And Ron Clements Recently, over the Winter, I brought my girlfriend to watch the Broadway Musical Aladdin. It was a very spectacular Broadway musical. I have been to many Broadway plays like Matilda and Wicked, but Aladdin, in my opinion was my favorite one. The Broadway musical is based off the 1992 Disney film Aladdin, which was directed by John Musker and Ron Clements. Since the musical was produced in 2014, I got to see the original cast, which was pretty astounding. The music and acting was very well played by the actors during the play. Besides the singing in the musical, there was an orchestraplaying their instruments underneath the stage, so all you can see is the conductor telling the orchestra what to do. The subject of the musical was to entertain the people watching and to tell the story of the Disney movie in a musical way. The purpose of the musical is to show how Princess Jasmineis being forced who to marry by her father and she wants to be the person who decides that. In the play, three characters were added which were not in the original movie, Aladdins friends. Their names are Babkak, Omar, and Kassim. I found it to be creative that the play creators added them. They called themselves Four guys with one Arabian dream. Also in the movie, the villain, Jafar has an evil sidekick which is a parrot, but in the play, Jafar s sidekick is a human. Another change was in the movie Aladdin also a sidekick as well. Aladdin s sidekick is a monkey named Abu and in the play ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Six Characteristics Of Religion 1)Define religion in terms of its six characteristics sacred, myth, ritual, community, morality, and religious leaders and explain the possible relations among them. Religion can be defined with six characteristics: Sacred, myth, ritual, community, morality, and religious leaders. The first concept of religion is sacred, which is the idea that religion binds individuals and communities together. Myth is not the conventional definition we think of rather a much deeper concept. Myth is derived from the Greek word of mythos and is defined as a story that ties and binds humans into a powerful story about their destiny and origins. These stories, however, have profound truths behind life and should not be confused with fake stories. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their role is critical in terms of explaining and in some cases performing these rituals to members of their community. Historically, rank and file members could not read these sacred texts and therefore relied on a religious expert/leader to interpret and explain the context of these texts. 2)What are the problems in knowing and understanding the religions that existed before the development of written language? Oral recitation isn t necessarily the best method to preserve religious text since errors may arise and alter the original meaning of a certain concept or idea. Although individuals with these stories and traditions may be able to preserve them through oral recitation, the generations after them may not be as effective. Furthermore, the interpretation could be different without having written text as one word could derail the original intent of a story and /or tradition. Nevertheless, these stories (myths) and traditions could be preserved through song and dance. Additionally, oral language changes as a result of the inclusion of other more complex languages. As a result, it becomes incredibly difficult to expand one s religion as other languages are created. Therefore, the comprehension of religions lacks cultural development without written language since it was only exclusively known to a small group of people. 3)What is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Eyes Were Watching God At its first development and publishment, African American literature and works were originally dedicated to the expression of their plight from slaves, to a second class, and eventually first class citizens. However, many authors have been able to drift away from that cause and began to express the importance of identity for individuals and how trials and experiences through life can add to or detract from someone s personal character and define them as the best that they can become. Author s of these works had usually conveyed a theme of being able to adopt a new identity through the experiences that a character is able to face through their life. A well written example of this would by in the story of Their Eyes Were Watching God, as the main character, Janie, finds new loves in her life and with each new relationship is able to adopt an identity or add onto her persona, as she adjusts to her new roles, such as becoming a mother, a wife, and an independent woman. As she is married to her first husband, Logan, she works with him on the farm performing daily duties, such as milking the cows (Morrison 73) or tilling the land (79). However she didn t lovehim as a person, but she was promised by both Logan and her grandmother then she would grow to love him (65), so as it was the role at the time to be the faithful wife beside her husband. She eventually loses her sense of individuality as she begins to venture less and less from the farm and begins to spend more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...