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XML-Extensible Markup Language
• Extensible Markup Language
• Designed to describe data and focus on what data is.
• Used to structure store and send information.
• Easy to understand and is self describing.
• XML is derived from Standard Generalized Markup
Language (SGML)
• Documents have tags giving extra information about
sections of the document
– E.g. <title> XML </title> <slide> Introduction …</slide>
• Extensible, unlike HTML
– Users can add new tags, and separately specify how the
tag should be handled for display
Types of XML databases
There are two major types of XML databases:
• XML-enabled: These map all XML to a
traditional database, accepting XML as input
and rendering XML as output.
• Native XML (NXD): The internal model
depends on XML and uses XML documents as
the fundamental unit of storage.
XML document rules
• A “well formed” XML doc has to have correct
XML syntax and they are :
– Must start with a n XML declaration to indicate
the version of XML being used as well as other
relevant attributes.
– Must have a root element.
– Must have a closing tag.
– XML tags are case sensitive.
– XML elements must be properly nested.
– XML attribute values must be quoted.
<?xml version = "1.0"?>
Structure of XML Data
<library xmlns:mevlana=“http://mevlana.edu.tr”>
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
<!-- comments -->
Start tag
End tag
• Hierarchical Data Model (Tree Structure).
• Basic object in XML is XML document.
• 2 main structuring concepts are used to
construct an XML doc
– Elements : start tag and end tag.
– Attributes : additional info to describe elements.
• In the tree representation
– Internal node : complex elements.
– Leaf node : simple elements.
Types of XML documents
• Data-centric XML doc
– Many small data items that follow a specific structure
and hence may be extracted from a structured DB.
– Formatted as XML doc inoder to exchange or display
over web.
• Doc-centric XML doc
– Large amounts of text ie.book
– Few or no structured data elements in these doc.
• Hybrid XML doc
– Doc may contain structured or unstructured data.
XML vs. Relational Database
XML Database
• XML data is hierarchical
• XML data is self-describing
• XML data has inherent
• An XML database contains
Relational Database
• relational data is
represented in a model of
logical relationships
• relational data is not self-
• Relational data does not
have inherent ordering
• A relational database
contains tables
XML vs. Relational Database
XML Representation
XML Document Schema
• Database schemas constrain what information
can be stored, and the data types of stored
• XML documents are not required to have an
associated schema
• Schemas are very important for XML data
• Two mechanisms for specifying XML schema
–Document Type Definition (DTD)
–XML Schema Definition (XSD)
Document Type Definition
• DTD constraints structure of XML data
– What elements can occur
– What attributes can/must an element have
– What subelements can/must occur inside each
element, and how many times.
• Limitations
– Data types in DTD are not general
– DTD has its own special syntax and thus require
special processors.
Document Type Definition
XML Schema Definition
• XML Schema is a more sophisticated schema
language which addresses the drawbacks of
DTDs. Supports Different data types.
• XML Schema is itself specified in XML syntax,
unlike DTDs
• XML Schema is integrated with namespaces
• XML Schema is significantly more complicated
than DTDs
Querying XML Data
• There are several languages used to access
XML data from XML Documents, some are:
– XPath
– Xquery (most popular)
• XQuery is a general purpose query language for XML data
• XQuery is built on XPath expressions
• XQuery is derived from the quilt query language, which itself
borrows from SQL
• XQuery is supported by all database engines (IBM, Oracle,
Microsoft, etc.)
• XQuery uses FLOWR (for, let, where, order by , result)
– for  SQL from
– where  SQL where
– order by  SQL order by
– result  SQL select
– let allows temporary variables
Benefits of XML
• XML doc is text based
– Takes less space can be transmitted efficiently
• One XML doc can be displayed differently on
different media.
• XML doc parts can be reused.
• Easy to understand.
Drawbacks of XML
• Case sensitive in nature
• XML syntax are redundant or large to binary
representation of the same data.
• Users must predefine their own tags
• Linking between XML docs requires xlink
which is complex compared to hyperlinks.
XML-Extensible Markup Language

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XML-Extensible Markup Language

  • 2. XML • Extensible Markup Language • Designed to describe data and focus on what data is. • Used to structure store and send information. • Easy to understand and is self describing. • XML is derived from Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) • Documents have tags giving extra information about sections of the document – E.g. <title> XML </title> <slide> Introduction …</slide> • Extensible, unlike HTML – Users can add new tags, and separately specify how the tag should be handled for display
  • 3. Types of XML databases There are two major types of XML databases: • XML-enabled: These map all XML to a traditional database, accepting XML as input and rendering XML as output. • Native XML (NXD): The internal model depends on XML and uses XML documents as the fundamental unit of storage.
  • 4. XML document rules • A “well formed” XML doc has to have correct XML syntax and they are : – Must start with a n XML declaration to indicate the version of XML being used as well as other relevant attributes. – Must have a root element. – Must have a closing tag. – XML tags are case sensitive. – XML elements must be properly nested. – XML attribute values must be quoted.
  • 5. <?xml version = "1.0"?> Structure of XML Data <library xmlns:mevlana=“http://mevlana.edu.tr”> <book id="bk101"> <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author> <title>XML Developer's Guide</title> <genre>Computer</genre> <price>44.95</price> <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date> </book> </library> <!-- comments --> 5 Start tag End tag Element Attribute Namespace Comments tag XML Document Node
  • 6. • Hierarchical Data Model (Tree Structure). • Basic object in XML is XML document. • 2 main structuring concepts are used to construct an XML doc – Elements : start tag and end tag. – Attributes : additional info to describe elements. • In the tree representation – Internal node : complex elements. – Leaf node : simple elements.
  • 7. Types of XML documents • Data-centric XML doc – Many small data items that follow a specific structure and hence may be extracted from a structured DB. – Formatted as XML doc inoder to exchange or display over web. • Doc-centric XML doc – Large amounts of text ie.book – Few or no structured data elements in these doc. • Hybrid XML doc – Doc may contain structured or unstructured data.
  • 8. XML vs. Relational Database XML Database • XML data is hierarchical • XML data is self-describing • XML data has inherent ordering • An XML database contains collections Relational Database • relational data is represented in a model of logical relationships • relational data is not self- describing • Relational data does not have inherent ordering • A relational database contains tables
  • 11. XML Document Schema • Database schemas constrain what information can be stored, and the data types of stored values • XML documents are not required to have an associated schema • Schemas are very important for XML data exchange • Two mechanisms for specifying XML schema –Document Type Definition (DTD) –XML Schema Definition (XSD)
  • 12. Document Type Definition • DTD constraints structure of XML data – What elements can occur – What attributes can/must an element have – What subelements can/must occur inside each element, and how many times. • Limitations – Data types in DTD are not general – DTD has its own special syntax and thus require special processors.
  • 14. XML Schema Definition • XML Schema is a more sophisticated schema language which addresses the drawbacks of DTDs. Supports Different data types. • XML Schema is itself specified in XML syntax, unlike DTDs • XML Schema is integrated with namespaces • XML Schema is significantly more complicated than DTDs
  • 15. Querying XML Data • There are several languages used to access XML data from XML Documents, some are: – XPath – Xquery (most popular)
  • 16. XPath
  • 17. XQuery • XQuery is a general purpose query language for XML data • XQuery is built on XPath expressions • XQuery is derived from the quilt query language, which itself borrows from SQL • XQuery is supported by all database engines (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, etc.) • XQuery uses FLOWR (for, let, where, order by , result) – for  SQL from – where  SQL where – order by  SQL order by – result  SQL select – let allows temporary variables
  • 19. Benefits of XML • XML doc is text based – Takes less space can be transmitted efficiently • One XML doc can be displayed differently on different media. • XML doc parts can be reused. • Easy to understand.
  • 20. Drawbacks of XML • Case sensitive in nature • XML syntax are redundant or large to binary representation of the same data. • Users must predefine their own tags • Linking between XML docs requires xlink which is complex compared to hyperlinks.