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Global insurance outlook
Page 2
Global insurance outlook
► Major themes for global insurance in 2015
► Asia-Pacific
► Canada life-annuity
► Canada property-casualty
► Europe
► Latin America
► US life-annuity
► US property-casualty
2015 Global insurance outlook
For additional information go to
Page 3
Major themes for global insurance in 2015
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 4
Common themes for the Asia-Pacific, Canada, Europe, Latin
America and US life-annuity and property-casualty markets:
► Pinpointing growth: Opportunities exist to improve
competitive standing by providing products to underserved
consumer markets, the expanding middle class and the
high-net-worth population.
► Technology: As the world returns to more stable
economic conditions, the global insurance industry is
investing in technology and digital platforms to build and
strengthen customer relationships across all product
classifications and geographies.
2015 Global insurance outlook
Major themes for global insurance in 2015
Page 5
Major themes for global insurance in 2015
► Customer focus: A common goal is to empower businesses
and consumers to better shop for insurance, making
products more transparent and easier to understand and
► Transformation: To attain the speed and agility demanded
by competitive pressures and customer preferences,
insurers look to simplify systems, processes and structures
and enhance operational efficiency, cost management and
enterprise data excellence strategies.
► Regulation and compliance: In today’s demanding
regulatory environment, insurers will increasingly need global
enterprise risk management capabilities and improved risk
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 6
Technology is accelerating mobile and web-based opportunities
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 7
► Growth prospects remain favorable for life and non-life
insurance products, with GDP projected to be 5.5%.
► The expanding middle class and high-net-worth population
present opportunities for insurers to increase sales of
personal and commercial lines and health insurance.
► Prospects for commercial lines remain strong, given the
region’s elevated catastrophe risk, the rise in infrastructure
and home building across much of Asia-Pacific, and a low
insurance penetration rate.
► Rising real estate and financial asset values are enabling
insurers to produce higher premium volume from the
increased protection levels.
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 8
► Insurers are challenged to invest in data analytics and
modeling capabilities, as well as internet and mobile
digital sales, distribution and customer service solutions,
given an increasingly technologically sophisticated
► Regulations addressing insurer solvency, capital and risk
management are moving to the front burner, as are
consumer protections in the areas of data privacy and
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 9
Canada life-annuity
Entering a new era
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 10
Canada life-annuity
► After several years of constrained growth of life-annuities,
opportunities exist to improve competitive standing by
providing products to underserved consumer markets.
► To boost sales revenue, life insurance and annuity
providers in Canada must streamline the transaction
process and make their products easier to understand and
compare, while streamlining the transaction process.
► A key challenge for insurers in 2015 is the need to
develop more robust mobile digital technologies, data
analytics and social media strategies to address growing
consumer expectations of more refined product sales and
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 11
Canada life-annuity
► To enhance the customer experience, life insurers must
consider the value of a digital platform to share
information with and among brokers and consumers.
► A key opportunity is to develop solutions absorbing the
longevity risks of pension plan de-risking actions, which
are driven by improvements in life expectancy and the low
interest rate environment.
► Regulatory pressures continue to intensify, putting the
onus on life insurers to improve compliance and control
functions and implement more robust governance
programs that address key business risks.
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 12
Canada property-casualty
Improving the level of consumer trust
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 13
Canada property-casualty
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Profit margins are challenged by continuing low interest
rates and GDP growth, a volatile investment climate and
expense increases from needed infrastructure
► A major competitive opportunity for insurers is to
strengthen their relationships with customers while
digitally empowering them to better shop for and compare
insurance products.
► A key challenge in 2015 is to improve the industry’s low
level of consumer trust by integrating distribution and
communication channels and providing more transparent
Page 14
Canada property-casualty
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Building an enterprise data excellence infrastructure via
more robust data analytics and predictive modeling will
help insurers pinpoint new growth opportunities, optimize
claims outcomes, reduce the incidence of claims fraud
and mitigate bottom-line risks.
► Improve customer connectivity by expanding distribution
and customer service, transforming operations, and
investing in technologies such as cloud computing, mobile
solutions and business collaboration software.
► Regulatory pressures include demands for insurers to
become more disciplined in their risk management, capital
planning and operational oversight.
Page 15
Product innovation ahead
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 16
2015 Global insurance outlook
► European insurers will continue to be challenged on both
sides of the balance sheet in 2015, as economic recovery
throughout the region is overshadowed by low business
investment rates, slower global growth and heightened
competition in many classes of business.
► Insurance companies have greater responsibility to
interact with the customer, provide a range of digital
communication channels, encourage loyalty and brand
awareness, and tailor products to individual needs.
► Insurers are scaling up their analytical capabilities to be in
a better position to use data in a more connected way.
Page 17
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Meaningful insights can be drawn at virtually every stage
of the insurance life cycle, from customer targeting to
product design and pricing, underwriting, claims and
► Regulatory initiatives will require greater transparency
regarding the information provided to customers, revisions
to relationships with distributors and greater governance
and oversight over new and existing products.
► Finance is under pressure to show it can be a better
business partner in planning, budgeting and forecasting,
adding more value while also responding to regulatory
requirements and tax challenges.
Page 18
Latin America
Expanding complexity in maturing and developing markets
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 19
Latin America
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Growth prospects are generally favorable, although
market demand for insurance products is evolving at
different rates, given disparate economic factors across
the region.
► Maturing markets increase demand for efficiency and
quality services, a demand that is met by pursuing
economies of scale and deploying robust technology
► As competition throughout Latin America intensifies,
insurers are leveraging data analytics and predictive
modeling techniques to improve their underwriting and
management of risks.
Page 20
Latin America
2015 Global insurance outlook
► A key challenge for many insurers in 2015 is the need to
modernize their operations and distribution models to
adapt to rising business and consumer expectations of
digital, mobile and internet interactions, particularly for
commercial lines of insurance where intermediaries retain
► Global regulatory standards for capital solvency and risk
management are on different timetables, putting the onus
on insurers to continually monitor and evaluate these
developments to exploit a competitive advantage.
Page 21
US life-annuity
Sales benefit from consumer confidence and personal wealth
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 22
US life-annuity
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Growth prospects are promising as the overall economy
improves, consumer wealth increases and interest rates
creep higher.
► Key challenges include growing competition, especially
from new capital entrants seeking to disrupt traditional
market positions with new models and market approaches
aligning with rising customer expectations.
► Insurers must expand their digital capabilities with new
internet, social media and mobile tools that empower
customers and distributors with self-service features, while
also making insurance products easier to understand,
compare and buy.
Page 23
US life-annuity
2015 Global insurance outlook
► A major opportunity to widen margins exists for insurers
that leverage big data and the cloud to transform back-
office systems and processes.
► Insurers can expect to build upon recent improvements in
annuity sales, as credit rates continue to increase and
customers return to simplified, tax-deferred products.
► There are opportunities to develop online advice and
transactional models to compete with online banking and
investment services.
► Providers continue to be challenged as they navigate the
complex capital solvency and risk management
regulations enacted in the aftermath of the financial crisis.
Page 24
US property-casualty
On its way to a second year in a row of strong performance
2015 Global insurance outlook
Page 25
US property-casualty
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Despite slow-to-rebound interest rates, US property-
casualty insurers expect strong performance, with
combined ratios returning to pre-financial crisis years.
► A key challenge includes low premium growth, which
continues to be inhibited by rising competition, an
overabundance of capital, and inexpensive reinsurance,
the latter a consequence of low insured catastrophe
losses the last two years.
► Soft pricing is constraining profit margins, compelling
insurers to focus on expense management and
operational efficiency, reducing costs through technology
upgrades, process optimization and selective offshoring.
Page 26
US property-casualty
2015 Global insurance outlook
► Market-leading performance is being driven by
investments in technology, distribution and risk
management systems.
► On the distribution front, insurers will optimize the channel
mix, adding distribution outlets and expanding aggregator
and direct-to-consumer models, while providing
consumers with enhanced product price transparency and
real-time support and service.
► To address evolving regulation and increased compliance,
insurers will need to invest in more skilled management
and data analytics resources in 2015.
Page 27
Shaun Crawford
Global Insurance Leader
+44 207 951 2172
David Hollander
Global Insurance Advisory Leader
& Americas Insurance Co-Lead
+1 215 448 5756
John Santosuosso
Global Insurance Assurance Leader
& Americas Insurance Co-Lead
+1 617 585 1867
Jonathan Zhao
Asia-Pacific Insurance Leader
+852 2846 9023
Andreas Freiling
EMEIA Insurance Leader
+49 6196 996 12587
Hugh von Bergen
Global Insurance Tax Leader
+65 6309 8819
Mike Davies
Global Insurance Actuarial Leader
+44 20 7951 0531
David Lambert
Global Insurance TAS Leader
+44 20 7951 9848
Marc-Andre Giguere
Canadian Financial Services
Insurance Leader
+1 416 943 3994
Duarte Carvalho
Latin America Insurance (Brazil)
+55 11 2573 3243
Gustavo Bohorquez
Latin America Insurance (Mexico)
+52 55 5283 1300
2015 Global insurance outlook
EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory
About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction
and advisory services. The insights and quality
services we deliver help build trust and confidence in
the capital markets and in economies the world over.
We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver
on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing,
we play a critical role in building a better working world
for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to
one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young
Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal
entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company
limited by guarantee, does not provide services to
clients. For more information about our organization,
please visit ey.com.
© 2015 EYGM Limited
All Rights Reserved.
This material has been prepared for general
informational purposes only and is not intended to be
relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional
advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific
BSC no. 1411-1356096
EYG no. ED0228
ED None

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EY 2015 Global insurance outlook

  • 2. Page 2 Global insurance outlook ► Major themes for global insurance in 2015 ► Asia-Pacific ► Canada life-annuity ► Canada property-casualty ► Europe ► Latin America ► US life-annuity ► US property-casualty 2015 Global insurance outlook For additional information go to ey.com/insurance/2015outlook
  • 3. Page 3 Major themes for global insurance in 2015 ► PHOTO 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 4. Page 4 Common themes for the Asia-Pacific, Canada, Europe, Latin America and US life-annuity and property-casualty markets: ► Pinpointing growth: Opportunities exist to improve competitive standing by providing products to underserved consumer markets, the expanding middle class and the high-net-worth population. ► Technology: As the world returns to more stable economic conditions, the global insurance industry is investing in technology and digital platforms to build and strengthen customer relationships across all product classifications and geographies. 2015 Global insurance outlook Major themes for global insurance in 2015
  • 5. Page 5 Major themes for global insurance in 2015 ► Customer focus: A common goal is to empower businesses and consumers to better shop for insurance, making products more transparent and easier to understand and compare. ► Transformation: To attain the speed and agility demanded by competitive pressures and customer preferences, insurers look to simplify systems, processes and structures and enhance operational efficiency, cost management and enterprise data excellence strategies. ► Regulation and compliance: In today’s demanding regulatory environment, insurers will increasingly need global enterprise risk management capabilities and improved risk analyses. 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 6. Page 6 Asia-Pacific Technology is accelerating mobile and web-based opportunities 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 7. Page 7 Asia-Pacific ► Growth prospects remain favorable for life and non-life insurance products, with GDP projected to be 5.5%. ► The expanding middle class and high-net-worth population present opportunities for insurers to increase sales of personal and commercial lines and health insurance. ► Prospects for commercial lines remain strong, given the region’s elevated catastrophe risk, the rise in infrastructure and home building across much of Asia-Pacific, and a low insurance penetration rate. ► Rising real estate and financial asset values are enabling insurers to produce higher premium volume from the increased protection levels. 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 8. Page 8 Asia-Pacific ► Insurers are challenged to invest in data analytics and modeling capabilities, as well as internet and mobile digital sales, distribution and customer service solutions, given an increasingly technologically sophisticated population. ► Regulations addressing insurer solvency, capital and risk management are moving to the front burner, as are consumer protections in the areas of data privacy and security. 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 9. Page 9 Canada life-annuity Entering a new era 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 10. Page 10 Canada life-annuity ► After several years of constrained growth of life-annuities, opportunities exist to improve competitive standing by providing products to underserved consumer markets. ► To boost sales revenue, life insurance and annuity providers in Canada must streamline the transaction process and make their products easier to understand and compare, while streamlining the transaction process. ► A key challenge for insurers in 2015 is the need to develop more robust mobile digital technologies, data analytics and social media strategies to address growing consumer expectations of more refined product sales and distribution. 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 11. Page 11 Canada life-annuity ► To enhance the customer experience, life insurers must consider the value of a digital platform to share information with and among brokers and consumers. ► A key opportunity is to develop solutions absorbing the longevity risks of pension plan de-risking actions, which are driven by improvements in life expectancy and the low interest rate environment. ► Regulatory pressures continue to intensify, putting the onus on life insurers to improve compliance and control functions and implement more robust governance programs that address key business risks. 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 12. Page 12 Canada property-casualty Improving the level of consumer trust ► PHOTO 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 13. Page 13 Canada property-casualty 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Profit margins are challenged by continuing low interest rates and GDP growth, a volatile investment climate and expense increases from needed infrastructure improvements. ► A major competitive opportunity for insurers is to strengthen their relationships with customers while digitally empowering them to better shop for and compare insurance products. ► A key challenge in 2015 is to improve the industry’s low level of consumer trust by integrating distribution and communication channels and providing more transparent information.
  • 14. Page 14 Canada property-casualty 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Building an enterprise data excellence infrastructure via more robust data analytics and predictive modeling will help insurers pinpoint new growth opportunities, optimize claims outcomes, reduce the incidence of claims fraud and mitigate bottom-line risks. ► Improve customer connectivity by expanding distribution and customer service, transforming operations, and investing in technologies such as cloud computing, mobile solutions and business collaboration software. ► Regulatory pressures include demands for insurers to become more disciplined in their risk management, capital planning and operational oversight.
  • 15. Page 15 Europe Product innovation ahead 2015 Global insurance outlook ► PHOTO
  • 16. Page 16 Europe 2015 Global insurance outlook ► European insurers will continue to be challenged on both sides of the balance sheet in 2015, as economic recovery throughout the region is overshadowed by low business investment rates, slower global growth and heightened competition in many classes of business. ► Insurance companies have greater responsibility to interact with the customer, provide a range of digital communication channels, encourage loyalty and brand awareness, and tailor products to individual needs. ► Insurers are scaling up their analytical capabilities to be in a better position to use data in a more connected way.
  • 17. Page 17 Europe 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Meaningful insights can be drawn at virtually every stage of the insurance life cycle, from customer targeting to product design and pricing, underwriting, claims and reporting. ► Regulatory initiatives will require greater transparency regarding the information provided to customers, revisions to relationships with distributors and greater governance and oversight over new and existing products. ► Finance is under pressure to show it can be a better business partner in planning, budgeting and forecasting, adding more value while also responding to regulatory requirements and tax challenges.
  • 18. Page 18 Latin America Expanding complexity in maturing and developing markets 2015 Global insurance outlook ► PHOTO
  • 19. Page 19 Latin America 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Growth prospects are generally favorable, although market demand for insurance products is evolving at different rates, given disparate economic factors across the region. ► Maturing markets increase demand for efficiency and quality services, a demand that is met by pursuing economies of scale and deploying robust technology infrastructures. ► As competition throughout Latin America intensifies, insurers are leveraging data analytics and predictive modeling techniques to improve their underwriting and management of risks.
  • 20. Page 20 Latin America 2015 Global insurance outlook ► A key challenge for many insurers in 2015 is the need to modernize their operations and distribution models to adapt to rising business and consumer expectations of digital, mobile and internet interactions, particularly for commercial lines of insurance where intermediaries retain control. ► Global regulatory standards for capital solvency and risk management are on different timetables, putting the onus on insurers to continually monitor and evaluate these developments to exploit a competitive advantage.
  • 21. Page 21 US life-annuity Sales benefit from consumer confidence and personal wealth 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 22. Page 22 US life-annuity 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Growth prospects are promising as the overall economy improves, consumer wealth increases and interest rates creep higher. ► Key challenges include growing competition, especially from new capital entrants seeking to disrupt traditional market positions with new models and market approaches aligning with rising customer expectations. ► Insurers must expand their digital capabilities with new internet, social media and mobile tools that empower customers and distributors with self-service features, while also making insurance products easier to understand, compare and buy.
  • 23. Page 23 US life-annuity 2015 Global insurance outlook ► A major opportunity to widen margins exists for insurers that leverage big data and the cloud to transform back- office systems and processes. ► Insurers can expect to build upon recent improvements in annuity sales, as credit rates continue to increase and customers return to simplified, tax-deferred products. ► There are opportunities to develop online advice and transactional models to compete with online banking and investment services. ► Providers continue to be challenged as they navigate the complex capital solvency and risk management regulations enacted in the aftermath of the financial crisis.
  • 24. Page 24 US property-casualty On its way to a second year in a row of strong performance 2015 Global insurance outlook ► PHOTO
  • 25. Page 25 US property-casualty 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Despite slow-to-rebound interest rates, US property- casualty insurers expect strong performance, with combined ratios returning to pre-financial crisis years. ► A key challenge includes low premium growth, which continues to be inhibited by rising competition, an overabundance of capital, and inexpensive reinsurance, the latter a consequence of low insured catastrophe losses the last two years. ► Soft pricing is constraining profit margins, compelling insurers to focus on expense management and operational efficiency, reducing costs through technology upgrades, process optimization and selective offshoring.
  • 26. Page 26 US property-casualty 2015 Global insurance outlook ► Market-leading performance is being driven by investments in technology, distribution and risk management systems. ► On the distribution front, insurers will optimize the channel mix, adding distribution outlets and expanding aggregator and direct-to-consumer models, while providing consumers with enhanced product price transparency and real-time support and service. ► To address evolving regulation and increased compliance, insurers will need to invest in more skilled management and data analytics resources in 2015.
  • 27. Page 27 Contacts Shaun Crawford Global Insurance Leader scrawford2@uk.ey.com +44 207 951 2172 David Hollander Global Insurance Advisory Leader & Americas Insurance Co-Lead david.hollander@ey.com +1 215 448 5756 John Santosuosso Global Insurance Assurance Leader & Americas Insurance Co-Lead john.santosuosso@ey.com +1 617 585 1867 Jonathan Zhao Asia-Pacific Insurance Leader jonathan.zhao@hk.ey.com +852 2846 9023 Andreas Freiling EMEIA Insurance Leader andreas.freiling@de.ey.com +49 6196 996 12587 Hugh von Bergen Global Insurance Tax Leader hugh.von.bergen@sg.ey.com +65 6309 8819 Mike Davies Global Insurance Actuarial Leader mdavies2@uk.ey.com +44 20 7951 0531 David Lambert Global Insurance TAS Leader dlambert@uk.ey.com +44 20 7951 9848 Marc-Andre Giguere Canadian Financial Services Insurance Leader marcandre.giguere@ca.ey.com +1 416 943 3994 Duarte Carvalho Latin America Insurance (Brazil) duarte.carvalho@br.ey.com +55 11 2573 3243 Gustavo Bohorquez Latin America Insurance (Mexico) gustavo.bohorque@mx.ey.com +52 55 5283 1300 2015 Global insurance outlook
  • 28. EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com. © 2015 EYGM Limited All Rights Reserved. This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. BSC no. 1411-1356096 EYG no. ED0228 ED None