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FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
­In recent years, services provided by financial technology
(FinTech) start-ups have gained prominence, and are
increasingly impacting consumers, financial institutions
and economies. Subsequently, ecosystems have
emerged around these FinTechs, consisting of multiple
interdependent and interconnected stakeholders.
A FinTech ecosystem is made up of consumers, financial
institutions, FinTech start-ups, investors, regulators and
educational institutions. The healthy development of such
an ecosystem will result in mutually beneficial cooperation
among stakeholders, and eventually, help financial services
be delivered at lower cost, higher speed and at better
quality to more consumers. The development is particularly
distinct in emerging markets where financial services
present unique opportunities and challenges.
In FinTech ecosystem playbook, the teams bring you a
panoramic view of a FinTech ecosystem in emerging
markets in ASEAN, Latin America, Central, Eastern and
Southeastern Europe & Central Asia (CESA), the Middle
East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.
The regulators and policymakers in these emerging
markets are actively seeking to develop attractive
FinTech ecosystems through a range of policies and other
interventions. This report highlights some leading practices
and provides a summary of what is going on at the regional
and country level.  
The report will not be ranking the hubs as the objective
is to help each hub learn from global peers and grow the
industry as a whole. Sharing these leading practices and
success stories with the global FinTech community, the
team believes will help us make a difference, together.
EY teams express our gratitude to FinTech associations and
ecosystem enablers, including Fintech Galaxy, FINNOVASIA
and FinTech Consortium (FTC).
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Fast facts
Objective of the study
Pillars of a FinTech ecosystem
Approach and coverage
FinTech hub trends
Cluster analysis
Key cluster takeaways
Latin America
The Middle East
FinTech investments
VC-backed total FinTech investment
in 9M18 driven by a record investment of
raised by Ant Financial in 2Q18 from
domestic and international investors
$ The deal volume in 9M18 stood at
1,164 deals.
North America accounted for
the maximum FinTech funding of
US$9.3bin 9M18
Asia accounted for approximately
of the global FinTech funding in 9M18,
excluding the Ant Financial deal
Europe accounted for approximately
of the global FinTech funding in 9M18
Scope of the study
Global FinTech landscape
Global regulatory network
unicorns are present in the
global FinTech industry, with
the most in North America
Global Financial
Network (GFIN)
was created by the
UK Financial Conduct
Authority, in August 2018
in collaboration with 11
financial regulators and
related institutions
26 hubs in emerging markets
across 6 clusters
Fast facts
Source: FinTech investment data:
Global FinTech Report Q3 2018, CB Insights
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Objective of the study
FinTechs are ventures that leverage
technology to develop new and
augment existing capabilities for the
discovery, distribution, operations and
servicing of financial products and
A FinTech ecosystem comprises
‘tech-savvy’ start-ups and scale-
ups, regulators, governments,
traditional institutions, investors,
and talent institutions. Each FinTech
ecosystem is constantly evolving, with
players continually interacting and
developing. Regulators are tasked
with the challenge of evolving with
the industry. They need to ensure
that competition and innovation are
not stifled while maintaining the
safety and soundness of the financial
The FinTech ecosystem playbook
captures the journey of 26 FinTech
hubs in the emerging markets —
their experiences and learnings in
the process of building a strong
financial services ecosystem. The
teams highlight the best industry
practices from these markets so that
participants learn from each other
This report will facilitate hubs to think global and act local.
Review of hub-level best practices that drive the
development of local FinTech ecosystems
Local drivers
Overview of key global FinTech trends that are
redefining the financial services landscape
Global trends
Study of six regional clusters, assessing their
macroeconomic environment and regional opportunities
Regional opportunities
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Pillars of a FinTech ecosystem
•	 Strong: Collaboration with incumbents; and presence of accelerators,
incubators, community enablers and co-working spaces (public or corporate)
•	 Scalable: Ease of access to local and international markets
•	 Sustainable: Government and industry support for sustainable development
Enabling environment
•	 Attract: Access to international talent, ease of mobility and visa policies
•	 Upskill: Development of talent pipeline — university courses, research and
development investment
•	 Retain: Policies and initiatives that would reduce ‘brain drain’ and provide
conducive environment to grow and flourish
Talent availability
Sustained demand
•	 Consumers: Digital readiness in terms of mobile and internet penetration,
smartphone penetration, banking penetration and ease of access to financial
•	 Corporations: Demand from enterprises, including small- and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) and institutions
•	 Financial institutions: Demand from financial institutions for FinTech offerings
•	 Risk capital: Access to angel funding, high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) and
government funds; ease of raising capital from alternative sources such as
initial coin offerings (ICOs)
•	 Growth capital: Access to VC and government funds, financial institutions and
tech companies
•	 Strategic capital: Funding from traditional institutions, tech firms, corporates
and private equity (PE) funds
Access to capital
•	 FinTech laws : Specific regulations and policies
•	 Overall regulatory environment: Ease of doing business, credit availability,
taxation policies, visa policies and presence of regulatory sandboxes
•	 Competition: Encouragement of competition through policies
Regulatory openness
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Approach and coverage
Africa ASEAN Latin America CESA Middle East
Hong Kong SAR,
South Africa Indonesia Lithuania China
South Korea
Thailand Czech Republic Saudi Arabia Japan
The six clusters and respective hubs are presented below:
The following four-step approach is undertaken to analyze the FinTech ecosystem of 26 hubs:
UAE constitutes two hubs — Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Identify the overall drivers,
trends and opportunities
at each of the six regional
Assess the FinTech
ecosystem of 26 hubs by
leveraging EY extensive
research capabilities, and
network of EY financial
services and FinTech
professionals across the
Understand the
macroeconomic and digital
factors driving FinTech
development at cluster
and hub level
Discuss the success stories
of 26 hubs by studying the
FinTech initiatives
Advancing technologies, rapidly expanding economies and changing
customer expectations are some of the factors driving demand for FinTech
products and services across countries. Broadly, the demand for FinTechs
can be categorized into:
FinTech hub trends
•	 Individuals: In established
hubs that enjoy high banking
penetration, demand is largely
driven by tech-savvy consumers
looking for a better experience
and a wider range of services.
In emerging markets where
financial inclusion is a challenge,
FinTechs are helping bridge
the exclusion gap. Rapid
urbanization, mobile and internet
penetration, and ease of use are
driving individual demand for
FinTech services. According to
World Bank’s The Global Findex
Report 2017, 69% of adults,
i.e., 3.8 billion people, have an
account with a bank or a mobile
money provider, which is an
increase from 62% in 2014 and
just 51% in 2011. The rise is
attributable to the increasing
use of mobile phones and the
internet. Between 2014 and
2017, the percentage of users
sending and receiving payments
digitally increased from 67% to
76% globally; and from 57% to
70% in the developing world.
•	 Corporations and SMEs:
SMEs present an attractive
opportunity for FinTechs. Limited
financial history, small ticket
loans and high servicing cost
resulted in this segment being
underserved by traditional
institutions. The digitization of
the lending process, including
the assessment of credit risk,
is providing SMEs with an
alternative way of funding.
Digital identity projects in hubs,
such as Singapore, India, China
and Estonia, are presenting new
opportunities for FinTechs to
service this unmet demand in an
efficient manner.
•	 Financial institutions: Banks
across continents are partnering
with and investing in FinTechs
across the bank value chain to
drive efficiencies, offer new
products and augment customer
experience, resulting in rising
demand for business-to-business
(B2B) solutions.
•	 Governments and regulators:
Regulators are leveraging
FinTechs’ capabilities to improve
their processes. For instance,
the Monetary Authority of
Singapore (MAS) has partnered
with FinTech firm Anquan for
blockchain-based Project Ubin.
Hub subsector specialization
Globally, successful hubs tend to have diversity in the ecosystem, with start-ups
spanning across multiple subsectors and growth stages.
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
At the same time, some FinTech hubs have identified subsectors where they have certain advantages, and have
managed to take leadership or are positioning themselves to become the dominant hub for those subsectors.
Some examples include:
Switzerland for
Switzerland, where regulators
displayed a clear and friendly stance
in favor of cryptocurrency from as
early as 2014, is home to the Crypto
Valley in the city of Zug.
Malaysia for
Islamic banking
With an estimated Muslim population
of 61.3%, and an enabling regulatory
environment, Malaysia has made
considerable advances in the Islamic
banking sector.
Stockholm for
Stockholm has established itself
as a payments giant by providing a
conducive environment for payment
FinTechs, and is the home of FinTech
unicorns Klarna and iZettle.
Increased access to government-backed funding:
•	 For FinTech entrepreneurs,
access to capital often depends
on a number of factors including
the stage of product maturity,
background of founders,
headquarter location of the
company and target customer
segment. To ease some of the
capital challenges, governments
globally are supporting start-ups
by giving access to risk and
growth capital. Some hubs have
dedicated funds or fund-of-funds
(FOF) to support FinTechs in
their growth phase:
•	 The Dubai International
Financial Centre (DIFC)
launched a US$100m
FinTech-focused fund in
November 2017 to accelerate
the development of the
FinTech sector by investing in
start-ups, from incubation to
growth stage.
•	 The Government of India
(GoI) introduced the Startup
India initiative in January
2016 that included a
US$1.5b FOF for start-ups.
•	 In June 2018, Bahrain
Development Bank (BDB)
announced that Al Waha
Fund of Funds, its VC FOF, to
support start-ups in Bahrain
and across the Middle East
and North Africa (MENA)
region, had raised US$100m.
•	 In 2017, Hong Kong
Government launched the
US$256m Innovation and
Technology Venture Fund
to invest in local technology
•	 In June 2015, Singapore’s
MAS committed S$225m
over a five-year period
for the Financial Sector
Technology and Innovation
scheme. In December 2017, it
announced the launch of the
S$27m Artificial Intelligence
and Data Analytics (AIDA)
Grant under the scheme.
•	 Policymakers are also taking
initiatives to improve access
to private capital:
•	 In July 2018, the Estonian
Government, through its
EstFund FOF, invested €60m
into VC funds to support
start-ups and SMEs. Private
investors will add €40m to
these VC funds. 
•	 This year’s FinTech Investor
Summit under the MAS-
sponsored Singapore
FinTech Festival 2018 has
two components — (a)
the FinTech Deal Day that
connects FinTechs with
potential investors and (b)
Meet ASEAN’s Talents
and Champions (MATCH)
that connects start-ups
and enterprises in ASEAN
across all sectors with
potential investors. The 380
participating investors who
enrolled for MATCH have
indicated intentions to invest
up to a total of US$6.2b in
ASEAN enterprises next
year, and an additional
US$6b earmarked over the
subsequent two years. More
than 17,000 matches were
generated between the 380
participating investors and
840 enterprise.
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 The most sought-after technical
talent include data scientists,
financial engineers, mobile
marketers and computer
•	 The Big Tech firms are giving
stiff competition to FinTechs
and financial institutions in their
efforts to attract strong tech
•	 Some countries, such as the
UK, France and the UAE, are
attempting to import technical
talent from other countries
by offering special visas. The
UK offers a visa route under
the UKRI Science, Research
and Academia scheme for
non-European Economic Area
(EEA) researchers and plans to
offer start-up visas for foreign
tech entrepreneurs. The UAE
introduced a 10-year residency
visa for investors and specialists.
Meanwhile, countries such as
Estonia and Lithuania have
Startup Visa programs.
•	 Nurturing domestic talent is
a sustainable solution to the
talent unavailability challenge
faced by FinTechs and financial
institutions. Hong Kong and
Singapore are moving toward
this direction by partnering
with schools to train students to
develop FinTech knowledge and
Attracting talent considered key by FinTechs:
Making the workforce future-ready through FinTech-focused talent initiatives:
•	 As competition for tech talent
intensifies globally, hubs are
developing FinTech-focused
specialized programs and
initiatives to develop the local
talent pool. Some initiatives
being taken by the hubs include:
•	 FinTech-specific courses
and programs including
government-led initiatives:
•	 Singapore offers FinTech-
specific courses under its
SkillsFuture program. The
National Trades Union
Congress, Singapore
Polytechnic (SP) and
the Singapore FinTech
Association (SFA) have
jointly created the FinTech
Talent Programme.
•	 The Hong Kong
Government has
launched two dedicated
publicly funded degrees
in FinTech, beginning
academic year 2017-18:
Bachelor of Engineering
Programme in Financial
Technology at The
Chinese University of
Hong Kong and Bachelor
of Science (Hons) in
Financial Technlogy at
Hong Kong Polytechnic
•	 In India, Bombay Stock
Exchange launched an
MBA program in FinTech
in association with the
University of Mumbai in
•	 Abu Dhabi Global Market
(ADGM) offers FinTech-
specific courses through
the ADGM Academy.
•	 FinTech talent incubator and
accelerator programs:
•	 The Hong Kong Monetary
Authority (HKMA) has
partnered with the Hong
Kong Applied Science
and Technology Research
Institute (ASTRI) for
the Fintech Career
Accelerator Scheme
(FCAS), which provides
internship in the FinTech
industry to undergraduate
and postgraduate
•	 Singapore has launched
the TechSkills Accelerator
(TeSA) FinTech Collective
to strengthen Singapore’s
infocomm and FinTech
talent pool.
•	 Online learning initiatives: In
October 2017, the University
of Hong Kong (HKU)
launched Asia’s first FinTech
Massive Open Online Course
FinTech ecosystem playbook
To increase competition and provide an enabling environment for FinTech firms, countries are pushing out
initiatives in varying degrees with regards to Open Banking. It allows FinTechs to leverage on banks’ data
to provide and extend their offerings to bank customers. The teams have highlighted a few of the different
approaches undertaken by regulators:
Facilitation of innovation through Open Banking
Regulatory trends
Change is constant in the FinTech space, with each idea being more revolutionary than the previous one. It is a
momentous task for regulators to provide regulatory oversight to protect consumers while being mindful of not
inhibiting innovation. Regulators have taken different approaches, but they have largely converged into a few
similar ways:
•	 Introduction of sandboxes:
FinTechs within a sandbox are
able to launch products and
services without necessary
licenses. However, the number
of consumers whom they
can serve would be limited to
contain any possible negative
effects. At the same time,
regulators would be able to have
constant consultations with
companies within the sandbox to
understand the subsector.
•	 Economic zones: Some
countries have created
special economic zones where
innovative firms can be set
up. These zones have varying
benefits; but the underlying
concept is the same — to provide
a location for the firms to
innovate and offer assistance
through regulations that are
specific to the zones. These
regulations may include lower
taxes, permission to operate
without necessary licenses
(or with special licenses) and
frequent consultations with
•	 Consultations with industry
players: Regulators have been
running consultations with
industry players to learn where
the industry is heading to, in
order to gain an understanding
of the industry and know how
they could support the industry
while protecting the consumers.
•	 Guiding principles and
frameworks rather than rules:
As the FinTech space is ever-
changing, some regulators have
implemented guiding principles
to make their stance clear,
instead of creating definite rules
that may inhibit innovation.
•	 FinTech laws or licenses: To
assist FinTechs within the local
environment without changing
much of the local regulations,
some countries have rolled out
FinTech-related laws or licenses
that allow FinTechs to operate
without the need to gain a
banking license.
•	 The UK pioneered Open
Banking, launching the initiative
in January 2018, that mandates
nine UK banks to open up
their data via a set of secure
application program interfaces
•	 Singapore’s MAS is encouraging
financial institutions to adopt
Open API as a key foundational
layer for innovation and
interoperability, although it is
not mandated.
•	 In July 2018, Hong Kong’s
HKMA launched the draft
Open API framework,
which set out timelines for
institutions to follow, and made
recommendations on specific
protocols and data formats.
The framework also laid out
expectations on how banks
should deploy Open API.
•	 In the EU, the revised Payment
Service Directive (PSD2)
requires banks to share
information of their customers’
accounts with third parties
with the authorization of the
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Collaboration among regulators
Regulations (continued)
A major concern for FinTechs when
exporting their services is the
differing local regulations.
Regulators are aware of this and
have taken steps to mitigate
this challenge. FinTech industry
associations and financial
regulators are entering into
partnerships globally to share
leading practices, experiences
and frameworks, and to help
FinTech firms expand in each
other’s market. Regulators in the
UK, Singapore and Australia have
entered into the most number of
bilateral agreements with other
The newest measure to improve
collaboration among regulators
is the Global Financial Innovation
Network (GFIN). Twelve financial
regulators launched the GFIN
in August 2018. The purpose is
to provide an efficient way for
innovative firms to interact with
regulators, helping them navigate
among hubs to scale new ideas. It
is also expected to create a new
framework for cooperation among
financial services regulators on
innovation-related topics.
Abu Dhabi Singapore, Australia
Canada Australia, UK, France
Mainland China UK, Australia, Hong Kong
France Canada, Singapore, Mauritius
Hong Kong UK, Dubai, Australia, Switzerland
Singapore UK, Dubai, South Korea, Australia
London US, Australia, Canada
United States UK, Singapore, Canada
Hubs Instances of bilateral agreements
Regulators are experimenting with new technologies such as DLT
Some governments are aware that distributed ledger technology (DLT) can improve processes. They are
experimenting with blockchain technology in areas such as payments (including wholesale payments, sovereign
currency, trade finance and interbank payments). Some examples of DLT being adopted by governments are:
•	 In July 2018, Hong Kong’s
HKMA, along with seven local
lenders, announced that it is
going to launch a blockchain-
based trade finance platform in
September 2018.
•	 The South African Reserve Bank
(SARB) conducted a successful
blockchain experiment for
wholesale payments using the
•	 Hubs, such as Singapore,
Canada and the US, are
experimenting with their own
digital currencies.
•	 Some small jurisdictions, such as
Malta, Gibraltar and Bermuda,
have taken a crypto-friendly
stance to attract crypto or
DLT firms to domicile in their
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Speeding innovation through public accelerator programs
Receiving support from traditional financial institutions
Offering FinTechs global platform through branding and positioning initiatives
•	 Incubators, accelerator
programs and innovations
labs or centers are important
levers to drive the FinTech
sector in an economy. Hubs
globally have recognized the
significance of these programs
aimed at developing start-ups by
providing mentoring, funding,
training, networking, and
marketing and public relation
•	 Dubai’s DIFC has launched
its FinTech Hive accelerator
program, which focuses on
FinTech opportunities in
the Middle East, Africa and
South Asia (MEASA) region’s
financial sector.
•	 ADGM in Abu Dhabi has
tied up with Plug and Play
to launch its accelerator in
October 2017.
•	 K-Startup Grand Challenge
is a government-supported
start-up accelerator program
in South Korea.
•	 Singapore’s MAS runs its
global accelerator program,
Global FinTech Hackcelerator,
focusing on start-ups across
the globe.
•	 It is imperative that government-
led initiatives are supported by
industry participants in order
to ensure a thriving FinTech
ecosystem. Financial institutions
globally are supporting
the sector through various
•	 Banks globally, such as Citi,
HSBC, Santander, BBVA,
United Overseas Bank
and Bank Mandiri, have
dedicated funds to invest in
FinTech ventures. It helps
banks to achieve a two-fold
objective: investing to enjoy
the benefits of rising FinTech
valuations, and leveraging
the FinTechs’ technological
advantage in order to
improve their own products
and processes.
•	 Banks are actively engaging
with FinTechs through
innovation labs, hackathons
and accelerator programs.
•	 Several hubs globally, through
FinTech events and programs,
are providing FinTechs with a
platform to connect, collaborate
and network with investors, tech
players, industry participants
and regulators. These
events encompass a series
of conferences, workshops,
awards and exhibitions as well
as networking, among other
•	 The Singapore FinTech Festival
(a week-long event) is organized
by MAS in partnership with
the Association of Banks in
Singapore and in collaboration
with SingEx Holdings. It includes
the Global FinTech Hackcelerator,
FinTech conference and
exhibition, the FinTech Investor
Summit and FinTech Awards.
•	 Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018,
hosted by Invest Hong Kong
(InvestHK), offers a window
into Hong Kong’s position as
Asia’s financial hub, and as an
entry point to People’s Republic
of China and the Greater Bay
Area. The third annual Hong
Kong FinTech Week, held from
29 October 2018 to 2 November
2018, is the first cross-border
FinTech event, expanding from
Hong Kong to Shenzhen.
Cluster analysis
Cluster: Key takeaways
Fast-growing economies
with large populations
make a unique playground
The kind of demand and supply that have
been driving the development of the
ecosystem so far
Notable players and trends that have emerged
in the local and regional ecosystem
Areas that present significant room for growth
in the near future
ASEAN is the connecting bridge between
China and India, making it a perfect place for
large local and global players to collaborate
and compete. Regulators are supporting
innovation, but at the same time, are cautious
in order to ensure that the financial system
is prepared to handle the stress of a global
financial crisis.
E-commerce, and social and mobility players
are expanding into the financial services field,
leveraging on their large user base.
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
The region has some of the fastest-growing
economies with the largest population bases,
and a strong historical and cultural heritage.
As these economies continue to grow, there
will be more demand for better quality
Several governments are considering FinTech
development as one of the pillars to increase
financial inclusion. The development of
FinTech has been driven by start-ups seeking
to serve segments previously inadequately
addressed by the financial system. Financial
inclusion will drive sustainable economic
Private corporations and international
investors are building ventures to complement
existing financial services providers.
Collaboration in the region is becoming more
frequent and the development of the FinTech
industry will allow the expansion in quantity
and quality of synergies among different
actors in the ecosystem.
Latin America
Opportunities in
underserved market
FinTech ecosystem playbook
At the turn of the century, these economies
opened up, and since then have become
an attractive investment destination due to
consumer spending growth, competitive wage
rates and skilled workforce. The region has
strong infrastructure and talent that are being
leveraged upon.
The region is developing home grown
companies and attracting international
companies to set up headquarters to service
the EU market.
By being part of the EU, countries have
access to a large unified market. The region is
placed strategically between Asia, the Middle
East and Europe, and can be a bridge for
companies expanding geographically in these
Leveraging strong
talent base
The Middle East
Government support and
capital driving FinTech growth
Capital has been one of the key strengths
of the region due to the presence of large
sovereign and private funds that have a long
history of global investments. Several states
view FinTech as a major alley to diversify their
economies from natural resources and have
specific initiatives to drive financial services.
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
The region has one of the largest
concentration of the unbanked and
underbanked population, which provides
an opportunity for leapfrogging several
generations of technology and infrastructure
to provide a cutting edge solution. For
example, the region has skipped landlines and
2G to go directly to 3G and 4G.
Several wallets backed by telecommunication
companies have become global case studies
of financial inclusion. Most of the innovation is
driven by telecom players, which is unique to
the region.
Large penetration of mobile money accounts
present opportunities to FinTechs to explore
expansion in other areas including alternative
lending, cross-border transfers, personal
finance and remittances. Collaboration with
local financial players can help FinTechs
navigate this market.
Leapfrog innovations
Some of the hubs have regulatory technology
(RegTech) as primary focus. Others have
positioned themselves as launchpads to
service the whole Middle East market.
The region offers unique opportunity to
FinTech products and services that are
focused on Islamic banking. FinTechs can also
help solve the challenge of fragmented access
to financial services in the region.
Mainland China and Hong Kong:
In Mainland China, confluence of factors,
including relaxed regulations, vast market of
unaddressed financial needs and the growth
in digital penetration, revolutionized financial
services and made FinTech ‘a way of life’.
Proximity to Mainland China and supportive
regulations are the key drivers for FinTech in
Hong Kong.
Mainland China has independent finance and
lifestyle (FinLife) ecosystems that started out
as e-commerce and chat platforms before
developing into full-scale financial services
providers going on to earn bank licenses.
For China-based companies, levering data and
tech to expand outside core areas as well as in
global markets is key to growth.
Government-led digital infrastructure, and
rapid urbanization and mobile penetration is
driving the development of FinTech sector,
particularly in payments.
Indian FinTech players are raising large
funding from foreign investors looking to
expand overseas. India is now home to two
FinTech unicorns.
Rise of independent FinLife
ecosystem platforms in Greater
China; and India bringing the best
from East and West.
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
In India, global investors, such as Chinese
internet finance players and American
e-commerce players, have set up greenfield
ventures as well as invested significantly in
local ventures, creating an interesting stage
for a FinTech ecosystem to be built. B2B
business models are gaining prominence given
the backdrop of government initiatives.
Key highlights
The International
Financial Corporation,
along with regional
established the ASEAN
Financial Innovation
Network (AFIN) in
2017 to facilitate
collaboration among
financial institutions
with the primary
objective of financial
The region has an
estimated population
of 646 million, with a
median age of 28.8
years. It has a 58%
internet penetration
rate with 390.8 million
mobile users. FinTech
investment was
US$366m in 2017.
ASEAN Fintech Network
(AFN) was launched
in November 2017 to
enable collaboration and
cooperation on FinTech
ecosystems among six
participating nations.
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
GDP: US$455.8b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.9%
GDP per capita: US$6,601
Population: 69 million
Inflation: 0.7%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$1.0t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 5.1%
GDP per capita: US$3,842
Population: 264.3 million
Inflation: 3.8%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.2%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$220.6b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.8%
GDP per capita: US$2,310
Population: 95.5 million
Inflation: 3.5%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 6.3%
Regulatory sandbox: No
GDP: US$313.5b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.7%
GDP per capita:US$2,982
Population:105 million
Inflation: 2.9%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 3.2%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$22.2b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.9%
GDP per capita: US$1,387
Population: 16 million
Inflation: 2.9%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 11.4%*
Regulatory sandbox: No
GDP: US$315.2b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 5.9%
GDP per capita: US$9,949
Population: 32 million
FDI inflow(% of GDP): 3%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$324.1b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.6%
GDP per capita:
5.6 million
Inflation: 0.6%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 19.6%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Digital readiness
Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user)
Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people)
117 148
Indonesia Malaysia Singapore
Thailand Vietnam Philippines
Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia
Singapore Thailand Vietnam Philippines
Financial parameters
Banking penetration (%) Debit card ownership (%)
7 92
60 27
31 74
Credit card ownership (%)
0.6 2.4 21.3
Made or received digital payments in the
past year (% age 15+ years of population)
16 35 70
62 23
1.	 ASEAN stats: EY ASEAN FinTech Census 2018 Report, February 2018
2.	 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population, inflation: Oxford
3.	 FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data
4.	 Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness
Report 2017–2018, World Economic Forum
5.	 Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank
* FDI inflow Cambodia - Considered 2016 figures instead
Internet users (%)
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Success stories
•	 MAS set up the Financial
Technology and Innovation Group
(FTIG) within its organizational
structure in 2015. The formation
of FTIG  is a commitment by MAS
toward the vision of a smart
financial center. In 2016, MAS
set up FinTech Office to serve as
a one-stop virtual entity for all
FinTech matters.
•	 Other initiatives of the Singapore
Government include the FinTech
Regulatory Sandbox, RegTech
initiatives and the introduction
of blockchain for interbank
payments. In 2015, MAS
announced that it would commit
S$225m over the following five
years for FinTech projects. MAS
has also issued guidance on ICOs
and plans to issue guidelines for
the use of artificial intelligence (AI)
in the industry.
•	 The annual Singapore FinTech
Festival sees the participation
of thousands of start-ups and
investors. Over 30,000 people
from 109 countries representing
more than 5,000 companies took
part in the festival in 2017.
•	 The Intellectual Property Office
of Singapore launched the
FinTech Fast Track initiative,
which provides expedited patent
application-to-grant process for
FinTech inventions.
•	 Singapore FinTech Association
(SFA) is a cross-industry initiative
that has over 300 members.
•	 Malaysia was the first country
in ASEAN to introduce a
regulatory framework for equity
crowdfunding (ECF) and peer-
to-peer (P2P) financing. Bank
Negara Malaysia (BNM) has
established cross-functional
Financial Technology Enabler
Group (FTEG) within the bank.
FTEG is responsible for formulating
and enhancing regulatory
policies to facilitate the adoption
of technological innovations in
the Malaysian financial services
industry. BNM also launched
an Open API working group in
September 2018.
•	 Malaysia aspires to become an
Islamic FinTech hub, as evidenced
by strong support from regulators.
•	 BNM released guidelines on
e-KYC in 2017. The guidelines
set out minimum requirements
and standards that an approved
remittance service provider must
observe in implementing e-KYC.
•	 FinTech growth in Indonesia is in
digital payments, underpinned
by huge e-commerce boom in
the country. Of late, the country
witnessed an active payments
M&A market, with regional players
trying to expand their presence.
•	 Indonesia’s financial services
authority, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan
(OJK), formed the FinTech
Advisory Forum in 2017 to ensure
constructive coordination among
agencies, ministries, FinTech start-
ups and other relevant parties.
FinTech distribution in ASEAN
Payment and mobile wallets
Financial comparison
Retail investment
Financial lending
Financial and business tools
Account software
UOB State of FinTech in ASEAN
(Published: November 2017)
Success stories
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has
launched a sandbox, and formed
forums to promote sharing,
discussions and consultations with
academicians, incumbents and
•	 Major Thai banks have set up their
corporate venture arms to invest
in FinTechs.
•	 In June 2018, the Securities
and Exchange Commission of
Thailand announced a regulatory
framework for ICOs and ICO
portals. The framework became
effective in July 2018. 
•	 In January 2017, the Vietnamese
Government signed a policy
decision aimed to significantly
reduce cash transactions and
improve electronic payment
methods by 2020. Under the plan,
total cash transactions would
be less than 10% of total market
•	 The Fintech Steering Committee
was established by the State Bank
of Vietnam (SBV), the country’s
central bank in March 2017. Its aim
is to advise the government on
FinTech ecosystem development,
which includes helping the
government in the development of
a regulatory framework, to ensure
growth in the industry and support
FinTech innovation.
•	 In May 2018, SBV, Asian
Development Bank (ADB), the
Australian Government and
Mekong Business Initiative
launched the FinTech Challenge
Vietnam event, seeking solutions
from start-ups to address some
challenges of financial inclusion
in Vietnam. The event saw the
participation of 141 FinTech
companies, 45 of which were
•	 In December 2015, the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) launched
the National Retail Payment
System (NRPS), which aims to
enable any user with a bank or
electronic money account to do
electronic fund transfer (EFT) from
one account to another account
in any participating financial
•	 As of April 2018, the BSP is
also piloting RegTech solutions
to strengthen its risk-based
regulatory and supervisory
activities. The BSP had partnered
with the RegTech for Regulators
Accelerator (R2A), a project that
provides technical assistance
for financial sector regulators
to develop and test digital
supervision tools and techniques.
•	 As of July 2017, the National
Bank of Cambodia (NBC) was
developing a national financial
inclusion strategy, with the private
sector playing a pivotal role, to
bank significant number of adult
Cambodians and provide formal
financial services.
Success stories
ASEAN FinTech Network
(AFN) was launched
in November 2017 to
enable collaboration and
cooperation on FinTech
ecosystem between six
participating nations
According to World
Bank’s Global Findex
Database 2017,
the mobile internet
penetration in Latin
America and Caribbean
region is 55%, which
is 15% more than
the developing world
The region has an
estimated population of
553 million with 80% of
people living in urban
There are about 1,034
FinTech start-ups in
Latin America, of
which 41% service
underserved or
excluded customers and
the SME market.
Latin America
Key highlights
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
GDP: US$1.2t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 2.3%
GDP per capita: US$8,935
Population: 129.4 million
Inflation: 6.0%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.8%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$2.1t | 2017
Real GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.0%
GDP per capita:US$9,810
Population:209.5 million
Inflation: 3.5%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 3.4%
Regulatory sandbox: No
Digital readiness
Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user)
66.2 24.9
Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people)
113.0 88.5
Internet users (%)
Success stories
Financial parameters
Debit card ownership (%)
59 25
Credit card ownership (%)
27 10
Banking penetration (%)
Made or received digital payments in the past year
(% age 15+ years of population)
1.	 Finnovista
2.	 Wearesocial Digital in 2018 report
3.	 Urbanisation in Latin America, BBVA
Research, July 2017
4.	 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per
capita, population and inflation: Oxford
5.	 FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World
Bank Open Data
6.	 Internet users and internet bandwidth: The
Global Competitiveness Report 2017–
2018, World Economic Forum
7.	 Financial Parameters: The Global Findex
Database, World Bank
•	 In April 2018, the Central Bank
of Brazil issued a regulation that
grants autonomy to electronic
lending platforms to carry
out loan transactions directly
between borrowers and lenders
by introducing two new categories
of financial institutions — P2P
companies and direct credit
•	 Banks in Brazil have been
connecting with FinTechs through
funding and incubation.
•	 The Securities and Exchange
Commission of Brazil runs its
FinTech Hub, which aims to
analyze the development and
application of FinTech in capital
•	 Mexico Financial Technology
Institutions Law became effective
in March 2018. It provides
regulatory certainty on issues
including crowdfunding, payment
methods and cryptocurrencies.
Mexico became one of the few
countries globally to regulate the
•	 A regulatory sandbox was
introduced to allow companies to
obtain a temporary authorization
for a maximum of two years.
58 32
Brazil Mexico
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech landscape in Latin America — 2017­­­­­­‑18
Source: FinTech ecosystem in Latin America, Finnovista
Payments & remittances
Enterprise financial management
Personal financial management
Wealth management
Key highlights1
ASEAN FinTech Network
(AFN) was launched
in November 2017 to
enable collaboration and
cooperation on FinTech
ecosystem between six
participating nations
Key highlights
The region has a higher
mobile penetration rate,
with countries having
mobile penetration
rates above the global
average of 112%.
The region has an
estimated population of
406 million with nearly
74% internet penetration
rate in 2017.
Economies in Central
and Eastern Europe
witnessed a buoyant
economic growth last
year, driven by a rise
in consumer demand
and investment, which
eventually lowered the
unemployment rates in
the region.
Czech Republic
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
GDP: US$26.0b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.9%
GDP per capita:US$19,744
Population:1.3 million
Inflation: 3.7%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 3.3%
Regulatory sandbox: No
Czech Republic
GDP: US$217.2b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.5%
GDP per capita: US$20,504.5
Population: 10.6 million
Inflation: 2.4%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 4.3%
Regulatory sandbox: No
GDP: US$47.3b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.9%
GDP per capita: US$16,992
Population: 2.8 million
Inflation: 3.7%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.3%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$1.6t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.5%
GDP per capita:US$10,951
Population: 144 million
Inflation: 3.7%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.8%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Digital readiness
Internet users (%) Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user)
Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people)
145.4 150.9
119.0 157.9
Estonia Lithuania
Czech Republic Russia
Financial parameters
Banking penetration (%)
Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population)
Debit card ownership (%)
75% 57%
Credit card ownership (%)
29% 16%
97% 78% 80% 71%
Estonia Lithuania
Czech Republic Russia
1.	 Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January
2.	 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per
capita, population and inflation: Oxford
3.	 FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World
Bank Open Data
4.	 Internet users and internet bandwidth: The
Global Competitiveness Report 2017–
2018, World Economic Forum
5.	 Financial Parameters: The Global Findex
Database, World Bank
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 Estonia has a strong reputation
for being a digital economy. The
country boasts of much-lauded
e-residency program that includes
the e-identity program and
e-Estonia state portal:
•	 Under the program, the
Government issues a
digital identity that allows
entrepreneurs to set up and
run a location independent
business. Businesses can
quickly set up their presence in
the country (in 15 minutes).
•	 E-residents can start a
company online, access
banking and online payment
service providers (PSPs),
manage company remotely.
•	 Estonia launched the
e-Residency program in 2015,
and its e-residents have since
grown to approximately 40,000
people from 150 countries as
of June 2018.
•	 Estonia has developed one of
the most liberal tax systems with
a 0% corporate income tax on
companies without dividends.
•	 In 2015, the Estonian government
established ‘Startup Estonia’ to
strengthen the Estonian startup
ecosystem, carry out training
programs for startups, educate
local investors whilst attract
foreign investors, and eliminate
regulative issues and barriers.
•	 The country has a Start-up Visa
program that enables non- EU
residents to work for Estonia’s
•	 Lithuania positions itself as the
entry point for FinTech companies
to the EU. The country has taken
measures to create a conducive
environment for the development
of its FinTech industry. A fast
digital payment or e-money
license (in about 3 to 4 months),
easy licensing for P2P lending
platforms and crowdfunding laws
are some of the key initiatives by
the Government.
•	 In July 2018, the Bank of Lithuania
introduced a procedure that allows
companies to apply remotely and
online for FinTech licenses.
•	 Lithuania offers a specialized
banking license that allows to
establish a bank with a registered
capital of only €1m.
•	 In January 2018, the Bank of
Lithuania announced that it will be
launching a blockchain sandbox
platform for domestic and foreign
companies. The platform, called
LBChain, will allow FinTechs to
develop and test out blockchain-
based solutions.
Success storiesSuccess stories
•	 For FinTechs, special support
and advice systems are provided
for their first year of operations.
Non-banking institutions are
given access to CENTROlink, the
payment system operated by the
Central Bank of Lithuania, and
thus can execute payments in the
EU’s Single Euro Payment Area. 
•	 Government agency Czech ICT
Alliance set up the Prague Startup
Centre in 2016 to help early-stage
start-ups connect with investors
and partners. Services include an
incubation program for university
students and early-stage start-
ups, offices in Prague downtown,
various trainings and workshops
for start-ups, and networking
•	 In January 2017, Czech Republic
starting January 1, 2017,
introduced the law against money
laundering. The law prepared
by the Ministry of Finance of the
Czech Republic requires virtual
currency exchanges to determine
the identity of customers.
•	 In April 2016, The Central
Bank of the Russian Federation
created a dedicated department
— Department Of Financial
Technologies, Projects and
Process Organization — to monitor,
analyze and evaluate the scope of
the emerging FinTech sector.
•	 In early 2018, the central bank
published a document setting
guidelines for the development of
financial technologies from 2018
to 2020.
•	 In April 2018, the central bank
introduced a regulatory sandbox
to serve as a platform for modeling
the processes of the use and
application of innovative financial
•	 The government-funded Internet
Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF)
has $100M (6bn RUB) under its
management as of August 2018.
•	 From 2013 to August 2018, IIDF
had closed 370 deals with values
ranging from $20k to $5.5M
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Key highlights
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
economies in the region are
undertaking reforms to promote
growth in the non-oil sector
and investing in infrastructure
development to push economic
growth in the region.
The region has an estimated
population of 253 million in 2018
with overall internet penetration
of 65% in 2017. The region has
mobile penetration rate of 128% .
However, internet penetration rate is
fragmented across the region.
The Middle East
GDP: US$36.7b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y):
GDP per capita:
1.4 million
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.5%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
Saudi Arabia UAE
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
GDP: US$851.3b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 7.3%
GDP per capita: US$10,527
Population: 80.8 million
Inflation: 11.1%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.3%
Regulatory sandbox: No
Saudi Arabia
US$686.7b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): -0.9%
GDP per capita: US$20,926
Population: 32.8 million
Inflation: -0.9%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.2%*
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
(capital markets)
GDP: US$382.6b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 0.8%
GDP per capita:US$40,622
Population:9.4 million
Inflation: 2.0%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.5%*
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
(Dubai and Abu Dhabi)
FinTech ecosystem playbook
1.	 Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite,
January 2018
2.	 Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
GDP per capita, population and
inflation: Oxford Economics
3.	 FDI inflow and Mobile
Subscriptions: World Bank Open
4.	 Internet users and internet
bandwidth: The Global
Competitiveness Report 2017–
2018, World Economic Forum
5.	 Financial Parameters: The Global
Findex Database, World Bank
Note: * 2017 FDI inflow figures not available. Considered 2016 figures instead.
Financial parameters
Bahrain Saudi Arabia
Turkey UAE
Banking penetration (%) Debit card ownership (%)
63 83
Credit card ownership (%)
30 16
Made or received digital payments in the past year
(% age 15+ years of population)
77 61 64 84
Digital readiness
Internet users (%)
Bahrain Saudi Arabia
Turkey UAE
Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people)
158.4 122.1
Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user)
68.1 133.7
112.8 78.2
United Arab
•	 Established in 2004, DIFC is a
major financial hub in the MEASA
region. It has an independent
regulator and judicial system, and
a global financial exchange. The
financial district has 2,003 active
registered companies operating
with a combined workforce of
•	 DIFC established FinTech Hive,
an accelerator that aims to bring
financial and technology firms
together. It offers licensing
solutions for FinTechs and
supportive regulation through
its Innovation Testing Licence. It
also offers dedicated commercial
license, specifically developed for
FinTech, RegTech and InsurTech
firms to operate within the center.
•	 DIFC launched a US$100m
FinTech-focused fund to accelerate
the development in financial
technology by investing in start-
ups, from incubation to growth
•	 It launched The Academy, an
executive education center, in
2017. Formed in partnership
with leading business schools,
The Academy provides access to
financial services courses.
•	 In August 2017, the Dubai
Financial Services Authority
(DFSA), launched its regulatory
framework for loan- and
investment-based crowdfunding
Abu Dhabi
•	 ADGM was founded in 2013.
It comprises three independent
authorities: ADGM Courts, the
Financial Services Regulatory
Authority and the Registration
•	 ADGM has introduced several
initiatives and programs to support
the country’s FinTech ecosystem.
It has a regulatory sandbox
program and is part of GFIN.
•	 In October 2017, ADGM launched
the FinTech Innovation Centre, a
co-working space for FinTechs,
and entered into partnership with
Plug and Play, a global accelerator
program to support financial
•	 In September 2018, ADGM
launched a regulatory framework
for private financing platforms
that enable enterprises to seek
financing from private and
institutional investors to launch
and grow their businesses.
•	 FinTech-specific courses were
launched by ADGM Academy
in May 2018. The academy is
partnering with educational
institutions for a range of
programs on banking and finance,
personal and professional
development, entrepreneurship,
and national development.
Success storiesSuccess stories
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 Bahrain FinTech Bay was launched
in November 2017 with the
collaboration of Bahrain Economic
Development Board (EDB)
and FTC.
•	 In Bahrain, FinTech development
is inspiring Islamic finance
institutions to adopt digital.
In December 2017, Al Baraka
Banking Group, Kuwait Finance
House and Bahrain Development
Bank (BDB) launched the first
global Islamic FinTech consortium,
ALGO Bahrain. The consortium,
which aims to increase the
adoption in FinTech in Islamic
banking, plans to launch 15
banking platforms by 2022.
•	 The Central Bank of Bahrain has
a dedicated FinTech & Innovation
Unit that aims to create a
supportive regulatory environment
to encourage investment in
FinTech. Developments include
a dedicated license category for
conventional and Shari’a-compliant
crowdfunding and a regulatory
•	 In June 2018, BDB’s Al Waha
Fund of Funds closed its US$100m
fundraising round. The fund will
support start-ups in Bahrain and
across MENA region.
Saudi Arabia
•	 As part of Saudi Vision 2030, the
Saudi Arabia Government has
launched the Financial Sector
Development program. Under
the program, the Saudi Arabian
Monetary Authority (SAMA) shall
establish a central payment unit to
regulate the payments industry.
It also plans to develop financial
services payment laws and
regulations together with creating
new licenses for innovative
nonbanking players. Additionally,
SAMA has laid out framework
for cybersecurity compliance. In
May 2018, SAMA launched the
FintechSaudi initiative to support
the FinTech development.
•	 Capital Market Authority (CMA)
laid out the regulatory framework
for the innovation of FinTech in
capital market within Saudi Arabia.
FinTechs also require a permit that
would enable them to first test
their offerings in the FinTech Lab.
In July 2018, CMA approved the
first two licenses for FinTechs.
•	 In July 2018, the Turkish
Government set up FinTech Task
Force with the aim to improve the
FinTech ecosystem in the country
Consisting of executives from the
Central Bank of the Republic of
Turkey, the Banking Regulation
and Supervision Agency, the
Undersecretariat of Treasury,
the Capital Markets Board
Turkey, and the Savings Deposit
Insurance Fund, the task force is
setting a national vision and goal,
determining a strategy and a road
map for the industry.
•	 In December 2017, Turkey
amended its Capital Markets Act to
make crowdfunding that offers a
return on investment (e.g., through
shares) available in the country.
•	 The Interbank Card Center, BKM,
has also been playing an active
role in supporting FinTech in
Turkey. In 2016, BKM introduced
Turkey’s Payment Method (Troy),
an electronic card payment
system, in line with its vision of
creating a cashless society by
Key highlights
According to the World Bank,
in sub-Saharan Africa, 21% of the
adult population have a mobile money
account, which is the highest in any
region in the world. While mobile
money has been centered in East
Africa, it has expanded to West Africa
and beyond.
The region has an estimated
population of about a billion in 2018
with 34% internet penetration rate
and 82% mobile penetration rate.
Global FinTech hub playbook 2018
South Africa
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
South Africa
GDP: US$349.3b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.3%
GDP per capita: US$6,150.6
Population: 56.8 million
Inflation: 5.3%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.4%
Regulatory sandbox: No
GDP: US$74.9b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.9%
GDP per capita: US$1,506.7
Population: 49.7 million
Inflation: 8.0%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.9%
Regulatory sandbox: No
GDP:US$355.5b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 0.8%
GDP per capita:US$1,860
Population:191.2 million
Inflation: 16.5%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.9%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
Digital readiness
Internet users (%)
Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people)
86.1 75.9 162.0
Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user)
69 11.3 263
Kenya Nigeria South Africa
Financial parame
Debit card ownership (%)
38 3432
Credit card ownership (%)
6 3 9
Banking penetration (%)
Financial parameters
1.	 Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January 2018
2.	 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and inflation: Oxford Economics
3.	 FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data
4.	 Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018, World
Economic Forum
5.	 Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank
Made or received digital payments in the past year
(% age 15+ years of population)
79 30 60
Kenya Nigeria South Africa
•	 The Payments System Vision 2020
of the Central Bank of Nigeria
(CBN) identifies ways to increase
the resilience of the payments
system infrastructure. The sector
is using innovations, such as
Unstructured Supplementary
Service Data service (USSD), for
•	 In March 2018, CBN, along with
Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement
System, introduced a regulatory
sandbox with the aim to facilitate
digital innovation by FinTech
•	 M-Pesa is a key driver behind
success of mobile banking in
Kenya, which has helped alleviate
financial exclusion. According to
the Global Findex Database 2017,
73% of adults in Kenya have a
mobile money account.
•	 The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK)
is the financial regulatory body
in the country and is receptive of
the FinTech innovations, which
is evident from the measures
it has taken. In 2007, the CBK
took the pivotal step of allowing
mobile operator, Safaricom, to
launch M-Pesa when there was no
regulatory framework set up.  
South Africa
•	 In February 2018, SARB
established a FinTech program
that aims to strategically assess
the emergence of FinTech
and consider its regulatory
implications. It has three primary
objectives: evaluating private
cryptocurrencies, investigating
innovation facilitators (sandboxes,
incubators and accelerators)
and launching a DLT experiment
(Project Khoka).
•	 In June 2018, SARB released a
report on the Project Khoka, a PoC
designed to simulate a real-world
trial of a DLT-based wholesale
payment system.
Success storiesSuccess stories
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech landscape in sub-Saharan Africa
Breakup of total FinTech funding
for 2016-17: US$100m
Distribution of FinTechs
Source: Finnovating for Africa: Exploring the African
Fintech Startup Ecosystem Report 2017, Disrupt Africa
South Africa Nigeria
Kenya Rest of Africa
South Korea
GDP: US$1.5t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y):
GDP per capita:
51.0 million
FDI inflow (% of GDP):
Regulatory sandbox:
Most of the hubs are encouraging
digital payment initiatives and working
toward financial inclusion.
The region has an estimated
population of about 3.6 billion in
2018. Asia-Pacific has about 2 billion
internet users, which is about 51%
of the total world internet users.
The region has a 48% internet
penetration rate, and 102% mobile
penetration rate.
Key highlights
Hong Kong
South KoreaChina
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Hong Kong
GDP: US$341.4b | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.8%
GDP per capita: US$46,307.6
Population: 7.4 million
Inflation: 1.5%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 35.8%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
GDP: US$4.9t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.7%
GDP per capita: US$38,255
Population: 127.4 million
Inflation: 0.5%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.4%
Regulatory sandbox: Yes
(FinTech Proof of Concept
GDP: US$2.5t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.2%
GDP per capita: US$1,870
Population: 1.3 billion
Inflation: 3.3%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.5%
Regulatory sandbox: No
Mainland China
GDP: US$12.3t | 2017
GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.9%
GDP per capita:US$8,697
Population:1.4 billion
Inflation: 1.5%
FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.4%
Regulatory sandbox: No
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Digital readiness
Internet users (%) Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user)
Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people)
83.0 54.3
14.7 4906.0 16.0
104.6 249.0 87.3
India Japan South Korea
Mainland China Hong Kong
Financial parameters
Banking penetration (%) Credit card ownership (%)
3 68
Debit card ownership (%)
67 83
1.	 Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January 2018
2.	 Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and
inflation: Oxford Economics
3.	 FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data
4.	 Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness
Report 2017–2018, World Economic Forum
5.	 Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank
Made or received digital payments in the
past year (% age 15+ years of population)
95 92
68 85 29
Hong Kong India Japan South KoreaMainland China
FinTech ecosystem playbook
Hong Kong
•	 Hong Kong has taken a number of
steps to strengthen FinTech sector.
In March 2016, HKMA established
the FinTech Facilitation Office
(FFO) to support the development
of the ecosystem.
•	 The HKMA has launched seven
smart banking initiatives, which
include the following:
•	 Faster Payment System (FPS):
Launched in September 2018,
the new system operates on
a round-the-clock basis, and
connects banks and stored-
value facility (SVF) operators
on the same platform.
•	 Open API: In July 2018, Open
API Framework for the Hong
Kong’s banking sector was
•	 Enhanced Fintech Supervisory
Sandbox (FSS) 2.0: As of the
end of July 2018, 33 new
technology products have been
tested in the FSS. Separately,
banks have collaborated with
tech firms in 18 trial cases.
•	 Virtual banking: In September
2017, the HKMA announced its
intention to encourage virtual
banking in Hong Kong.
•	 Closer cross-border
collaboration: The latest
initiatives include the
development of a DLT
platform to digitalize banks’
trade finance processes in
Hong Kong with potential
connectivity with Singapore’s
trade platform.
•	 Research and talent
development: HKMA has
collaborated with the Hong
Kong Applied Science and
Technology Research Institute,
Science Park and Cyberport
in a number of research and
education initiatives.
•	 Banking Made Easy Initiative —
Aim is to minimize regulatory
frictions in customers’ digital
experience, including remote
onboarding, online finance and
online wealth management
•	 The Hong Kong government’s
2018 budget has pledged
HK$500m to the development of
financial services over the next
five years, including FinTech.
•	 In 2017, the Government launched
US$256m (HK$2b) Innovation
and Technology Venture Fund to
coinvest with private VC in local
tech-based start-ups.
•	 With specific focus to expand
FinTech-based talent in Hong
Kong, HKMA partnered with
ASTRI to launch FCAS, providing
internship to undergraduates
and postgraduate students in the
FinTech industry. HKMA also runs
a talent accelerator program.
Success storiesSuccess stories
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 The Hong Kong FinTech Week is
a cross border event (from 29
October to 2 November 2018)
took place in the Hong Kong
and Shenzhen. Over 8,000
participants attended the event.
•	 The Government, through its
Digital India initiative, has taken
a number of steps to drive digital
penetration in the country. The
following initiatives have resulted
in increase in banking penetration
rate to 80% in 2017 from mere
35% in 2011:
•	 Aadhaar, the largest biometric
program in the world, had
generated over 1.2 billion
digital identities. As of 15
September 2018, over 23
billion authentications and 6.2
billion e-KYC have been done
using Aadhaar (UIDAI stats).
•	 Jan Dhan Yojna, one of the
largest financial inclusion
programs in the world, was
launched by the Government
in 2015, has over 327
million beneficiaries as of 19
September 2018.
•	 United Payments Interface
(UPI), an instant real-time
payment system through bank
account, was launched in 2016.
In August 2018, UPI crossed
an important milestone of 300
million transactions in a month.
•	 In August 2016, the
Government launched Bharat
BillPay (BBP), an interoperable
payment platform, which allows
users to make bill payments
across multiple channels and
payment modes, and provides
instant receipts through SMS.
•	 In March 2017, the Government
launched Bharat QR, a common
interoperable quick response
(QR) code.
•	 In Japan, projects are being
undertaken to develop platforms
using contactless technology, QR
codes, blockchain technology and
digital currencies. In April 2018,
the Ministry of Economy, Trade
and Industry set a target to have
40% of all transactions to be done
cashless by 2025, up from 18.4%
in 2015.
•	 The Financial Services Agency
the Japanese financial regulator,
established FinTech Support
Desk in 2015 to support FinTechs
with the specific interpretation
of banking laws for them or the
applicability of regulations to
FinTech business prior to launch.
•	 As of March 2018, 16 crypto-
exchanges were registered under
FSA and another 16 were still
being examined for registration.
•	 In September 2017, FSA
announced the establishment
of the PoC Hub, a regulatory
•	 Mainland China is home to large
FinTech companies in payments,
P2P lending, InsurTech, which
have disrupted the way financial
services are consumed.
•	 In January 2017, Asia FinTech
Fund of Funds worth US$1.4b was
founded by state-owned capital
and private funds to nurture start-
ups in the FinTech industry.
•	 In April 2018, the XiongAn Global
Blockchain Innovation Fund was
launched with US$1.6b to invest
in Chinese blockchain start-ups. In
July 2018, China Merchants Group
partnered with London-based
investment firm Centricus to
launch a US$15b technology fund
called New Era Technology Fund.
South Korea
•	 Tech giants in the country have
pioneered FinTech adoption by
providing payment solutions as
well as setting up digital-only
banks that have acquired millions
of users so far.
•	 In 2016, the FSC launched a
Fintech Open Platform. The
Open API system within Fintech
Open Platform that provides
program commands needed when
programming FinTech services
with banking functions.
•	 The regulatory environment
regarding cryptocurrency is
moving toward more transparency.
Starting January 2018,
cryptocurrency traders in South
Korea will not be allowed to make
deposits into their virtual currency
exchange wallets unless the names
on their bank accounts match the
account names in cryptocurrency
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 Singapore
•	 “MAS sets up new FinTech;
Innovation Group,” Monetary
Authority of Singapore website,
group.aspx, accessed on 15
October 2018.
•	 “Singapore’s FinTech Journey
— Where We Are, What Is Next”
- Speech by Mr Ravi Menon,
Managing Director, Monetary
Authority of Singapore, at
Singapore FinTech Festival
- FinTech Conference on 16
November 2016,” Monetary
Authority of Singapore website,
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 “Singapore Fintech: Top
Influencers,” finews.asia, 23
July 2018.
•	 “FinTech Fast Track
(FTFT),” Singapore FinTech
Association website, https://
fast-track/, accessed on 15
October 2018.
•	 “Home,” Singapore FinTech
Association website, https://
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 Malaysia
•	 “List of Registered Market
Operators”, Securities
Commission Malaysia website,
list_rmo/, accessed on 18
September 2018
•	 “Equity Crowdfunding”,
Securities Commission
Malaysia website, https://www.
crowdfunding/, accessed on 18
September 2018
•	 “Implementation Guidance on
e-KYC by MSB Industry”, Bank
Negara Malaysia, http://www.
bnm.gov.my, accessed on 18
September 2018
•	 Indonesia
website, https://www.ojk.go.id/
Advisory-Forum, accessed on
18 September 2018
•	 Thailand
•	 “SEC releases crypto details ”,
Bangkok Post website, https://
accessed on 18 September
•	 “The state of ICO regulation
in Thailand”, Bangkok
Post website, https://www.
accessed on 18 September
•	 Vietnam
•	 “Non-cash payment
performance gained significant
improvement,” State Bank of
Vietnam website, https://www.
en/home/sbv/news, accessed 5
January 2017.
•	 “SBV establishes Steering
Committee on Fintech”, State
Bank of Vietnam website,
sbv/news/news, accessed on
18 September 2018
•	 First-ever Fintech Challenge
Vietnam launched,” Vietnam
Economic Times, http://
accessed 5 January 2017.
•	 Philippines
•	 “BSP and Industry Launches
the National Retail Payment
System”, Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas website, http://www.
asp?id=3948, accessed on 18
September 2018
•	 “Thrive Not Just Survive”,
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
website, http://www.bsp.gov.
asp?id=606, accessed on 18
September 2018
•	 Cambodia
•	 “Fintech could be ‘game
changer’,” The Phnom Penh
Post, 28 July 2017
Latin America
•	 Brazil
•	 “Brazil’s Central Bank
authorizes peer-to-peer
lending P2p lending”, Reuters,
FinTech ecosystem playbook
idUSL1N1S32Y6, accessed on
18 September 2018
•	 CVM creates a FinTech
Hub, CVM, http://www.
html, accessed on 18
September 2018
•	 Mexico
•	 “Mexico Passes New Fintech
Law as Sector Surges,”
Mexico Business Blog
website, bdp-americas.com/
sector-surges/, accessed on 27
September 2018.
•	 Estonia:
•	 “e-residency,” e-Estonia
website, https://e-estonia.
residency/, accessed on 15
October 2018
•	 “e-identity,” e-Estonia website,
category/e-identity/, accessed
on 15 October 2018
•	 “e-governance,” e-Estonia
website, https://e-estonia.com/
e-services-portal/, accessed on
15 October 2018
L’Atelier BNP Paribas website,
internet, accessed on 15
October 2018
•	 “e-Estonia: What is all the
fuss about?,” ZDNet website,
about/, accessed on 15 October
•	 “About,” Startup Estonia
website, https://startupestonia.
ee/about, accessed on 27
September 2018
•	 Lithuania:
•	 “Key Sectors — FinTech,” Go
Vilnius website, http://www.
fintech/, accessed on 15
October 2018
•	 “Bank of Lithuania introduces
remote Fintech licensing”,
Invest Lithuania website,
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 “The Bank of Lithuania to
launch blockchain sandbox
platform-service” Invest
Lithuania website, https://
platform-service/, accessed 27
September 2018.
•	 Czech Republic:
•	 “Home,” Prague Startup
Centre website, http://
accessed on 15 October 2018.
Immigration Law Includes
New EU Intra-Company
Transfer Card,” Newland Chase
website, https//newlandchase.
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 “Czech Republic Introduces
Law Regulating (Restricting)
Bitcoin,” CNN, 31 January
•	 Russia:
•	 “Russia’s c-bank launches
regulatory sandbox”, Finance
feeds website, https://financefeeds.
regulatory-sandbox/, accessed on
20 September 2018
•	 “Russian Central Bank Sets
Guidelines for Fintech
Development, Aims at Competition
and Accessibility — IBS
Intelligence,” IBS Intelligence
website, accessed on 27
September 2018.
•	 “Home,” IIDF website, https://www.
iidf.ru/, accessed on 27 September
The Middle East
•	 UAE
•	 Dubai:
•	 “Home”, Dubai International
Financial Center website,
accessed on 30 August
•	 “Home,” FinTech Hive
website, https://fintechhive.
difc.ae/, accessed on 15
October 2018.
•	 “DFSA launches
Crowdfunding Framework,”
Dubai Financial Services
Authority website, https://
accessed on 27 September
•	 Abu Dhabi:
•	 “Home”, Abu Dhabi Global
Market website, https://
www.adgm.com/, accessed
on 20 September 2018.
•	 “Home,” ADGM Academy
website, https://www.
accessed on 27 September
•	 “Home,” Emirates Digital
Wallet website, http://www.
edw.ae/, accessed on 15
October 2018.
•	 Bahrain
•	 “Home”, Bahrain FinTech
Bay website, https://www.
accessed on 10 September
•	 “Bahrain launches a new
Research and Development
FinTech firm!,” Startup Bahrain
website, http://startupbahrain.
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 “Worlds First Fintech
Consortium of Islamic Banks
Announced By Bahrain,”
Albaraka website, https://
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 “BDB closes $100m VC fund,”
Arab News, http://www.
corporate-news, 26 June 2018.
•	 Saudi Arabia:
•	 “Home”, Capital Market
Authority website, https://cma.
accessed on 27 September
•	 “Home”, Saudi Arabian
Monetary Authority website,
accessed on 27 September
•	 “Financial Sector Development
Program”, Saudi Vision 2030
website, http://vision2030.
gov.sa/en/FSDP, accessed 15
October 2018.
•	 Turkey:
•	 “Home”, FinTech Istanbul
website, http://fintech.istanbul/
en/, accessed on 15 October
•	 “Turkey Launches its First
Fintech Task Force,” The
FinTech Times, 23 July 2018.
•	 “EUROPE: The New Age
Of Turkey’s Payments,”
PYMNTS website, https://
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 South Africa:
•	 “Media statement,” South
African Reserve Bank (SARB),
13 February 2018
•	 “The South African Reserve
Bank releases the Project
Khokha report,” South African
Reserve Bank (SARB), 20 June
•	 Nigeria:
•	 “Payments System Vision
2020,” Central Bank of Nigeria,
September 2013.
•	 “Financial Inclusion Newsletter,”
Central Bank of Nigeria, March
•	 Kenya:
•	 “The Rise of Mobile Mobile
and Mobile Savings in Kenya,”
World Bank Group, 2011.
•	 “Home,” Central Bank of
Kenya website, https://www.
centralbank.go.ke/, accessed
on 15 October 2018.
•	 “News & Publications,” Capital
Markets Authority website,
accessed on 15 October 2018.
•	 Hong Kong
•	 “A New Era of Smart Banking”,
HKMA website, https://
shtml, accessed on 15
September 2018
•	 “About us,” Hong Kong
Monetary Authority website,
accessed on 15 October 2018
•	 “Hong Kong Pushes Fintech
Innovation,” FinTechnews.hk,
published 7 March 2018
•	 “Innovation and Technology
Venture Fund opens for
application by venture capital
funds,” GovHK website,
accessed on 15 October 2018
•	 “HKMA launches Fintech Career
Accelerator Scheme 2.0 with its
strategic partners,” Hong Kong
Monetary Authority website,
shtml, accessed on 15 October
•	 “Events Page,“ FinTechHK
website, http://www.hongkong-
fintech.hk/en/events/, accessed
on 15 September 2018
•	 India
•	 “Aadhaar Dashboard”, Aadhaar
website, https://uidai.gov.in/
aadhaar_dashboard/, accessed
on 15 September 2018	
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
•	 “Jan Dhan Yojna”, Pradhan
Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana
website, https://www.pmjdy.
gov.in/account, accessed on 20
September 2018
•	 “Home,” United Payments
Interface website, http://
accessed on 15 September
•	 “About Us,” Bharat BillPay
website, https://www.
accessed on 15 October 2018
•	 “Bharat QR Code,” Ministry
of electronics & Information
Technology website, http://
accessed on 15 October 2018
•	 Japan:
•	 “Banks Rush to Turn Japan
Cashless before Legal
Change Attracts Tech Giants.”
The Japan Times website,
accessed on 27 September
•	 “Industry ministry report
urges Japan to shed custom
of cash dependence”, The
Japan Times website, https://
accessed on 27 September
•	 FinTech Support Desk, Financial
Services Agency, https://
accessed on 27 September
•	 “Establishment of FinTech Proof
of Concept Hub”, Financial
Services Agency, https://
accessed on 27 September
•	 Mainland China
•	 “China launches mega
$1.44b Asia FinTech M&A
Fund of Funds”, Deal Street
Asia Website, https://www.
fintech-mas-61848/, accessed
on 15 September 2018
•	 “Hangzhou Sets Up $1.6B
Government-backed Blockchain
Fund To Invest In Start-ups”,
China Money Network, https://
invest-in-start-ups, accessed on
15 September 2018
•	 South Korea
•	 “Asia: Regulating digital-only
banks in South Korea”, Rfi
Group website, https://www.
accessed on 16 October 2018
•	 “Korea Financial Authority
Strengthen Ties With Singapore
as Fintechs Eye Global
Expansion,” Fintech News
website, http://fintechnews.
global-expansion/, accessed in
27 September 2018.
•	 “S. Korea opens special fintech
platform,” Yonhap News
Agency website, http://english.
accessed on 27 September
•	 “South Korea to Ban
Cryptocurrency Traders from
Using Anonymous Bank...”
Reuters website, Thomson
Reuters, 23 Jan. 2018,
idUSKBN1FC069, accessed on
27 September 2018.
Jan Bellens
EY Global Banking & Capital Markets Deputy Sector
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EY Global FinTech Leader
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EY Global Emerging Markets FinTech Leader
Global contacts
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Regional contacts
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
FinTech ecosystem playbook
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EY FinTech Ecosystem Playbook

  • 2. FinTech ecosystem playbook 2 Foreword ­In recent years, services provided by financial technology (FinTech) start-ups have gained prominence, and are increasingly impacting consumers, financial institutions and economies. Subsequently, ecosystems have emerged around these FinTechs, consisting of multiple interdependent and interconnected stakeholders. A FinTech ecosystem is made up of consumers, financial institutions, FinTech start-ups, investors, regulators and educational institutions. The healthy development of such an ecosystem will result in mutually beneficial cooperation among stakeholders, and eventually, help financial services be delivered at lower cost, higher speed and at better quality to more consumers. The development is particularly distinct in emerging markets where financial services present unique opportunities and challenges. In FinTech ecosystem playbook, the teams bring you a panoramic view of a FinTech ecosystem in emerging markets in ASEAN, Latin America, Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe & Central Asia (CESA), the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific. The regulators and policymakers in these emerging markets are actively seeking to develop attractive FinTech ecosystems through a range of policies and other interventions. This report highlights some leading practices and provides a summary of what is going on at the regional and country level.  The report will not be ranking the hubs as the objective is to help each hub learn from global peers and grow the industry as a whole. Sharing these leading practices and success stories with the global FinTech community, the team believes will help us make a difference, together. EY teams express our gratitude to FinTech associations and ecosystem enablers, including Fintech Galaxy, FINNOVASIA and FinTech Consortium (FTC).
  • 3. FinTech ecosystem playbook 3 14 20 26 30 35 40 44 Contents Fast facts Objective of the study Pillars of a FinTech ecosystem Approach and coverage FinTech hub trends Cluster analysis 04 05 06 07 08 14 Key cluster takeaways ASEAN Latin America CESA The Middle East Africa Asia-Pacific 14 20 26 30 35 40 44
  • 4. FinTech investments VC-backed total FinTech investment reached US$32.6b8b in 9M18 driven by a record investment of US$14b raised by Ant Financial in 2Q18 from domestic and international investors $ The deal volume in 9M18 stood at 1,164 deals. North America accounted for the maximum FinTech funding of approximately US$9.3bin 9M18 Asia accounted for approximately US$6.1b of the global FinTech funding in 9M18, excluding the Ant Financial deal Europe accounted for approximately US$2.7b of the global FinTech funding in 9M18 34 Scope of the study Global FinTech landscape Global regulatory network unicorns are present in the global FinTech industry, with the most in North America Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) was created by the UK Financial Conduct Authority, in August 2018 in collaboration with 11 financial regulators and related institutions 26 hubs in emerging markets across 6 clusters Fast facts Source: FinTech investment data: Global FinTech Report Q3 2018, CB Insights FinTech ecosystem playbook 4
  • 5. Objective of the study FinTechs are ventures that leverage technology to develop new and augment existing capabilities for the discovery, distribution, operations and servicing of financial products and services. A FinTech ecosystem comprises ‘tech-savvy’ start-ups and scale- ups, regulators, governments, traditional institutions, investors, and talent institutions. Each FinTech ecosystem is constantly evolving, with players continually interacting and developing. Regulators are tasked with the challenge of evolving with the industry. They need to ensure that competition and innovation are not stifled while maintaining the safety and soundness of the financial system. The FinTech ecosystem playbook captures the journey of 26 FinTech hubs in the emerging markets — their experiences and learnings in the process of building a strong financial services ecosystem. The teams highlight the best industry practices from these markets so that participants learn from each other This report will facilitate hubs to think global and act local. Review of hub-level best practices that drive the development of local FinTech ecosystems Local drivers Overview of key global FinTech trends that are redefining the financial services landscape Global trends Study of six regional clusters, assessing their macroeconomic environment and regional opportunities Regional opportunities FinTech ecosystem playbook 5
  • 6. FinTech ecosystem playbook 6 Pillars of a FinTech ecosystem • Strong: Collaboration with incumbents; and presence of accelerators, incubators, community enablers and co-working spaces (public or corporate) • Scalable: Ease of access to local and international markets • Sustainable: Government and industry support for sustainable development Enabling environment • Attract: Access to international talent, ease of mobility and visa policies • Upskill: Development of talent pipeline — university courses, research and development investment • Retain: Policies and initiatives that would reduce ‘brain drain’ and provide conducive environment to grow and flourish Talent availability Sustained demand • Consumers: Digital readiness in terms of mobile and internet penetration, smartphone penetration, banking penetration and ease of access to financial services • Corporations: Demand from enterprises, including small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and institutions • Financial institutions: Demand from financial institutions for FinTech offerings • Risk capital: Access to angel funding, high-net-worth individuals (HNIs) and government funds; ease of raising capital from alternative sources such as initial coin offerings (ICOs) • Growth capital: Access to VC and government funds, financial institutions and tech companies • Strategic capital: Funding from traditional institutions, tech firms, corporates and private equity (PE) funds Access to capital • FinTech laws : Specific regulations and policies • Overall regulatory environment: Ease of doing business, credit availability, taxation policies, visa policies and presence of regulatory sandboxes • Competition: Encouragement of competition through policies Regulatory openness
  • 7. FinTech ecosystem playbook Approach and coverage Africa ASEAN Latin America CESA Middle East Nigeria Kenya Singapore Philippines Malaysia Brazil Mexico Estonia Russia UAE Turkey Bahrain Hong Kong SAR, China South Africa Indonesia Lithuania China South Korea India Vietnam Cambodia Thailand Czech Republic Saudi Arabia Japan Asia-Pacific The six clusters and respective hubs are presented below: The following four-step approach is undertaken to analyze the FinTech ecosystem of 26 hubs: 7 UAE constitutes two hubs — Dubai and Abu Dhabi Identify the overall drivers, trends and opportunities at each of the six regional clusters Assess the FinTech ecosystem of 26 hubs by leveraging EY extensive research capabilities, and network of EY financial services and FinTech professionals across the globe Understand the macroeconomic and digital factors driving FinTech development at cluster and hub level Discuss the success stories of 26 hubs by studying the FinTech initiatives
  • 8. Advancing technologies, rapidly expanding economies and changing customer expectations are some of the factors driving demand for FinTech products and services across countries. Broadly, the demand for FinTechs can be categorized into: FinTech hub trends Demand • Individuals: In established hubs that enjoy high banking penetration, demand is largely driven by tech-savvy consumers looking for a better experience and a wider range of services. In emerging markets where financial inclusion is a challenge, FinTechs are helping bridge the exclusion gap. Rapid urbanization, mobile and internet penetration, and ease of use are driving individual demand for FinTech services. According to World Bank’s The Global Findex Report 2017, 69% of adults, i.e., 3.8 billion people, have an account with a bank or a mobile money provider, which is an increase from 62% in 2014 and just 51% in 2011. The rise is attributable to the increasing use of mobile phones and the internet. Between 2014 and 2017, the percentage of users sending and receiving payments digitally increased from 67% to 76% globally; and from 57% to 70% in the developing world. • Corporations and SMEs: SMEs present an attractive opportunity for FinTechs. Limited financial history, small ticket loans and high servicing cost resulted in this segment being underserved by traditional institutions. The digitization of the lending process, including the assessment of credit risk, is providing SMEs with an alternative way of funding. Digital identity projects in hubs, such as Singapore, India, China and Estonia, are presenting new opportunities for FinTechs to service this unmet demand in an efficient manner. • Financial institutions: Banks across continents are partnering with and investing in FinTechs across the bank value chain to drive efficiencies, offer new products and augment customer experience, resulting in rising demand for business-to-business (B2B) solutions. • Governments and regulators: Regulators are leveraging FinTechs’ capabilities to improve their processes. For instance, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has partnered with FinTech firm Anquan for blockchain-based Project Ubin. Hub subsector specialization Globally, successful hubs tend to have diversity in the ecosystem, with start-ups spanning across multiple subsectors and growth stages. FinTech ecosystem playbook 8
  • 9. FinTech ecosystem playbook 9 At the same time, some FinTech hubs have identified subsectors where they have certain advantages, and have managed to take leadership or are positioning themselves to become the dominant hub for those subsectors. Some examples include: Switzerland for cryptocurrency Switzerland, where regulators displayed a clear and friendly stance in favor of cryptocurrency from as early as 2014, is home to the Crypto Valley in the city of Zug. Malaysia for Islamic banking With an estimated Muslim population of 61.3%, and an enabling regulatory environment, Malaysia has made considerable advances in the Islamic banking sector. Stockholm for payments Stockholm has established itself as a payments giant by providing a conducive environment for payment FinTechs, and is the home of FinTech unicorns Klarna and iZettle. Increased access to government-backed funding: Capital • For FinTech entrepreneurs, access to capital often depends on a number of factors including the stage of product maturity, background of founders, headquarter location of the company and target customer segment. To ease some of the capital challenges, governments globally are supporting start-ups by giving access to risk and growth capital. Some hubs have dedicated funds or fund-of-funds (FOF) to support FinTechs in their growth phase: • The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) launched a US$100m FinTech-focused fund in November 2017 to accelerate the development of the FinTech sector by investing in start-ups, from incubation to growth stage. • The Government of India (GoI) introduced the Startup India initiative in January 2016 that included a US$1.5b FOF for start-ups. • In June 2018, Bahrain Development Bank (BDB) announced that Al Waha Fund of Funds, its VC FOF, to support start-ups in Bahrain and across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, had raised US$100m. • In 2017, Hong Kong Government launched the US$256m Innovation and Technology Venture Fund to invest in local technology start-ups. • In June 2015, Singapore’s MAS committed S$225m over a five-year period for the Financial Sector Technology and Innovation scheme. In December 2017, it announced the launch of the S$27m Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA) Grant under the scheme. • Policymakers are also taking initiatives to improve access to private capital: • In July 2018, the Estonian Government, through its EstFund FOF, invested €60m into VC funds to support start-ups and SMEs. Private investors will add €40m to these VC funds.  • This year’s FinTech Investor Summit under the MAS- sponsored Singapore FinTech Festival 2018 has two components — (a) the FinTech Deal Day that connects FinTechs with potential investors and (b) Meet ASEAN’s Talents and Champions (MATCH) that connects start-ups and enterprises in ASEAN across all sectors with potential investors. The 380 participating investors who enrolled for MATCH have indicated intentions to invest up to a total of US$6.2b in ASEAN enterprises next year, and an additional US$6b earmarked over the subsequent two years. More than 17,000 matches were generated between the 380 participating investors and 840 enterprise.
  • 10. FinTech ecosystem playbook 10 Talent • The most sought-after technical talent include data scientists, financial engineers, mobile marketers and computer programmers. • The Big Tech firms are giving stiff competition to FinTechs and financial institutions in their efforts to attract strong tech talent. • Some countries, such as the UK, France and the UAE, are attempting to import technical talent from other countries by offering special visas. The UK offers a visa route under the UKRI Science, Research and Academia scheme for non-European Economic Area (EEA) researchers and plans to offer start-up visas for foreign tech entrepreneurs. The UAE introduced a 10-year residency visa for investors and specialists. Meanwhile, countries such as Estonia and Lithuania have Startup Visa programs. • Nurturing domestic talent is a sustainable solution to the talent unavailability challenge faced by FinTechs and financial institutions. Hong Kong and Singapore are moving toward this direction by partnering with schools to train students to develop FinTech knowledge and capabilities. Attracting talent considered key by FinTechs: Making the workforce future-ready through FinTech-focused talent initiatives: • As competition for tech talent intensifies globally, hubs are developing FinTech-focused specialized programs and initiatives to develop the local talent pool. Some initiatives being taken by the hubs include: • FinTech-specific courses and programs including government-led initiatives: • Singapore offers FinTech- specific courses under its SkillsFuture program. The National Trades Union Congress, Singapore Polytechnic (SP) and the Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) have jointly created the FinTech Talent Programme. • The Hong Kong Government has launched two dedicated publicly funded degrees in FinTech, beginning academic year 2017-18: Bachelor of Engineering Programme in Financial Technology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Financial Technlogy at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. • In India, Bombay Stock Exchange launched an MBA program in FinTech in association with the University of Mumbai in 2017. • Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) offers FinTech- specific courses through the ADGM Academy. • FinTech talent incubator and accelerator programs: • The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has partnered with the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI) for the Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme (FCAS), which provides internship in the FinTech industry to undergraduate and postgraduate students. • Singapore has launched the TechSkills Accelerator (TeSA) FinTech Collective to strengthen Singapore’s infocomm and FinTech talent pool. • Online learning initiatives: In October 2017, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) launched Asia’s first FinTech Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
  • 11. FinTech ecosystem playbook 11 Regulations To increase competition and provide an enabling environment for FinTech firms, countries are pushing out initiatives in varying degrees with regards to Open Banking. It allows FinTechs to leverage on banks’ data to provide and extend their offerings to bank customers. The teams have highlighted a few of the different approaches undertaken by regulators: Facilitation of innovation through Open Banking Regulatory trends Change is constant in the FinTech space, with each idea being more revolutionary than the previous one. It is a momentous task for regulators to provide regulatory oversight to protect consumers while being mindful of not inhibiting innovation. Regulators have taken different approaches, but they have largely converged into a few similar ways: • Introduction of sandboxes: FinTechs within a sandbox are able to launch products and services without necessary licenses. However, the number of consumers whom they can serve would be limited to contain any possible negative effects. At the same time, regulators would be able to have constant consultations with companies within the sandbox to understand the subsector. • Economic zones: Some countries have created special economic zones where innovative firms can be set up. These zones have varying benefits; but the underlying concept is the same — to provide a location for the firms to innovate and offer assistance through regulations that are specific to the zones. These regulations may include lower taxes, permission to operate without necessary licenses (or with special licenses) and frequent consultations with regulators. • Consultations with industry players: Regulators have been running consultations with industry players to learn where the industry is heading to, in order to gain an understanding of the industry and know how they could support the industry while protecting the consumers. • Guiding principles and frameworks rather than rules: As the FinTech space is ever- changing, some regulators have implemented guiding principles to make their stance clear, instead of creating definite rules that may inhibit innovation. • FinTech laws or licenses: To assist FinTechs within the local environment without changing much of the local regulations, some countries have rolled out FinTech-related laws or licenses that allow FinTechs to operate without the need to gain a banking license. • The UK pioneered Open Banking, launching the initiative in January 2018, that mandates nine UK banks to open up their data via a set of secure application program interfaces (APIs). • Singapore’s MAS is encouraging financial institutions to adopt Open API as a key foundational layer for innovation and interoperability, although it is not mandated. • In July 2018, Hong Kong’s HKMA launched the draft Open API framework, which set out timelines for institutions to follow, and made recommendations on specific protocols and data formats. The framework also laid out expectations on how banks should deploy Open API. • In the EU, the revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2) requires banks to share information of their customers’ accounts with third parties with the authorization of the customers.
  • 12. FinTech ecosystem playbook 12 Collaboration among regulators Regulations (continued) A major concern for FinTechs when exporting their services is the differing local regulations. Regulators are aware of this and have taken steps to mitigate this challenge. FinTech industry associations and financial regulators are entering into partnerships globally to share leading practices, experiences and frameworks, and to help FinTech firms expand in each other’s market. Regulators in the UK, Singapore and Australia have entered into the most number of bilateral agreements with other regulators. The newest measure to improve collaboration among regulators is the Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN). Twelve financial regulators launched the GFIN in August 2018. The purpose is to provide an efficient way for innovative firms to interact with regulators, helping them navigate among hubs to scale new ideas. It is also expected to create a new framework for cooperation among financial services regulators on innovation-related topics. Abu Dhabi Singapore, Australia Canada Australia, UK, France Mainland China UK, Australia, Hong Kong France Canada, Singapore, Mauritius Hong Kong UK, Dubai, Australia, Switzerland Singapore UK, Dubai, South Korea, Australia London US, Australia, Canada United States UK, Singapore, Canada Hubs Instances of bilateral agreements Regulators are experimenting with new technologies such as DLT Some governments are aware that distributed ledger technology (DLT) can improve processes. They are experimenting with blockchain technology in areas such as payments (including wholesale payments, sovereign currency, trade finance and interbank payments). Some examples of DLT being adopted by governments are: • In July 2018, Hong Kong’s HKMA, along with seven local lenders, announced that it is going to launch a blockchain- based trade finance platform in September 2018. • The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) conducted a successful blockchain experiment for wholesale payments using the technology. • Hubs, such as Singapore, Canada and the US, are experimenting with their own digital currencies. • Some small jurisdictions, such as Malta, Gibraltar and Bermuda, have taken a crypto-friendly stance to attract crypto or DLT firms to domicile in their jurisdictions.
  • 13. FinTech ecosystem playbook 13 Speeding innovation through public accelerator programs Receiving support from traditional financial institutions Offering FinTechs global platform through branding and positioning initiatives Environment • Incubators, accelerator programs and innovations labs or centers are important levers to drive the FinTech sector in an economy. Hubs globally have recognized the significance of these programs aimed at developing start-ups by providing mentoring, funding, training, networking, and marketing and public relation opportunities: • Dubai’s DIFC has launched its FinTech Hive accelerator program, which focuses on FinTech opportunities in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region’s financial sector. • ADGM in Abu Dhabi has tied up with Plug and Play to launch its accelerator in October 2017. • K-Startup Grand Challenge is a government-supported start-up accelerator program in South Korea. • Singapore’s MAS runs its global accelerator program, Global FinTech Hackcelerator, focusing on start-ups across the globe. • It is imperative that government- led initiatives are supported by industry participants in order to ensure a thriving FinTech ecosystem. Financial institutions globally are supporting the sector through various initiatives: • Banks globally, such as Citi, HSBC, Santander, BBVA, United Overseas Bank and Bank Mandiri, have dedicated funds to invest in FinTech ventures. It helps banks to achieve a two-fold objective: investing to enjoy the benefits of rising FinTech valuations, and leveraging the FinTechs’ technological advantage in order to improve their own products and processes. • Banks are actively engaging with FinTechs through innovation labs, hackathons and accelerator programs. • Several hubs globally, through FinTech events and programs, are providing FinTechs with a platform to connect, collaborate and network with investors, tech players, industry participants and regulators. These events encompass a series of conferences, workshops, awards and exhibitions as well as networking, among other activities: • The Singapore FinTech Festival (a week-long event) is organized by MAS in partnership with the Association of Banks in Singapore and in collaboration with SingEx Holdings. It includes the Global FinTech Hackcelerator, FinTech conference and exhibition, the FinTech Investor Summit and FinTech Awards. • Hong Kong FinTech Week 2018, hosted by Invest Hong Kong (InvestHK), offers a window into Hong Kong’s position as Asia’s financial hub, and as an entry point to People’s Republic of China and the Greater Bay Area. The third annual Hong Kong FinTech Week, held from 29 October 2018 to 2 November 2018, is the first cross-border FinTech event, expanding from Hong Kong to Shenzhen.
  • 14. Cluster analysis Cluster: Key takeaways ASEAN Fast-growing economies with large populations make a unique playground Drivers The kind of demand and supply that have been driving the development of the ecosystem so far Spotlight Notable players and trends that have emerged in the local and regional ecosystem Opportunity Areas that present significant room for growth in the near future Drivers ASEAN is the connecting bridge between China and India, making it a perfect place for large local and global players to collaborate and compete. Regulators are supporting innovation, but at the same time, are cautious in order to ensure that the financial system is prepared to handle the stress of a global financial crisis. Spotlight E-commerce, and social and mobility players are expanding into the financial services field, leveraging on their large user base. FinTech ecosystem playbook 14
  • 15. FinTech ecosystem playbook 15 Opportunity The region has some of the fastest-growing economies with the largest population bases, and a strong historical and cultural heritage. As these economies continue to grow, there will be more demand for better quality services. Drivers Several governments are considering FinTech development as one of the pillars to increase financial inclusion. The development of FinTech has been driven by start-ups seeking to serve segments previously inadequately addressed by the financial system. Financial inclusion will drive sustainable economic development. Spotlight Private corporations and international investors are building ventures to complement existing financial services providers. Opportunity Collaboration in the region is becoming more frequent and the development of the FinTech industry will allow the expansion in quantity and quality of synergies among different actors in the ecosystem. Latin America Opportunities in underserved market
  • 16. FinTech ecosystem playbook Drivers At the turn of the century, these economies opened up, and since then have become an attractive investment destination due to consumer spending growth, competitive wage rates and skilled workforce. The region has strong infrastructure and talent that are being leveraged upon. Spotlight The region is developing home grown companies and attracting international companies to set up headquarters to service the EU market. Opportunity By being part of the EU, countries have access to a large unified market. The region is placed strategically between Asia, the Middle East and Europe, and can be a bridge for companies expanding geographically in these areas. CESA Leveraging strong talent base The Middle East Government support and capital driving FinTech growth Drivers Capital has been one of the key strengths of the region due to the presence of large sovereign and private funds that have a long history of global investments. Several states view FinTech as a major alley to diversify their economies from natural resources and have specific initiatives to drive financial services. 16 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 17. FinTech ecosystem playbook 17 Drivers The region has one of the largest concentration of the unbanked and underbanked population, which provides an opportunity for leapfrogging several generations of technology and infrastructure to provide a cutting edge solution. For example, the region has skipped landlines and 2G to go directly to 3G and 4G. Spotlight Several wallets backed by telecommunication companies have become global case studies of financial inclusion. Most of the innovation is driven by telecom players, which is unique to the region. Opportunity Large penetration of mobile money accounts present opportunities to FinTechs to explore expansion in other areas including alternative lending, cross-border transfers, personal finance and remittances. Collaboration with local financial players can help FinTechs navigate this market. Africa Leapfrog innovations Spotlight Some of the hubs have regulatory technology (RegTech) as primary focus. Others have positioned themselves as launchpads to service the whole Middle East market. Opportunity The region offers unique opportunity to FinTech products and services that are focused on Islamic banking. FinTechs can also help solve the challenge of fragmented access to financial services in the region.
  • 18. Mainland China and Hong Kong: Drivers In Mainland China, confluence of factors, including relaxed regulations, vast market of unaddressed financial needs and the growth in digital penetration, revolutionized financial services and made FinTech ‘a way of life’. Proximity to Mainland China and supportive regulations are the key drivers for FinTech in Hong Kong. Spotlight Mainland China has independent finance and lifestyle (FinLife) ecosystems that started out as e-commerce and chat platforms before developing into full-scale financial services providers going on to earn bank licenses. Opportunity For China-based companies, levering data and tech to expand outside core areas as well as in global markets is key to growth. India: Drivers Government-led digital infrastructure, and rapid urbanization and mobile penetration is driving the development of FinTech sector, particularly in payments. Spotlight Indian FinTech players are raising large funding from foreign investors looking to expand overseas. India is now home to two FinTech unicorns. Asia Rise of independent FinLife ecosystem platforms in Greater China; and India bringing the best from East and West. 18 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 19. FinTech ecosystem playbook 19 Opportunity In India, global investors, such as Chinese internet finance players and American e-commerce players, have set up greenfield ventures as well as invested significantly in local ventures, creating an interesting stage for a FinTech ecosystem to be built. B2B business models are gaining prominence given the backdrop of government initiatives.
  • 20. ASEAN Key highlights The International Financial Corporation, along with regional stakeholders, established the ASEAN Financial Innovation Network (AFIN) in 2017 to facilitate collaboration among financial institutions with the primary objective of financial inclusion. The region has an estimated population of 646 million, with a median age of 28.8 years. It has a 58% internet penetration rate with 390.8 million mobile users. FinTech investment was US$366m in 2017. ASEAN Fintech Network (AFN) was launched in November 2017 to enable collaboration and cooperation on FinTech ecosystems among six participating nations. Malaysia Thailand Indonesia Philippines Singapore Cambodia Vietnam FinTech ecosystem playbook 20
  • 21. FinTech ecosystem playbook 21 Thailand GDP: US$455.8b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.9% GDP per capita: US$6,601 Population: 69 million Inflation: 0.7% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Indonesia GDP: US$1.0t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 5.1% GDP per capita: US$3,842 Population: 264.3 million Inflation: 3.8% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.2% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Vietnam GDP: US$220.6b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.8% GDP per capita: US$2,310 Population: 95.5 million Inflation: 3.5% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 6.3% Regulatory sandbox: No Philippines GDP: US$313.5b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.7% GDP per capita:US$2,982 Population:105 million Inflation: 2.9% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 3.2% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Cambodia GDP: US$22.2b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.9% GDP per capita: US$1,387 Population: 16 million Inflation: 2.9% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 11.4%* Regulatory sandbox: No Malaysia GDP: US$315.2b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 5.9% GDP per capita: US$9,949 Population: 32 million Inflation:3.8% FDI inflow(% of GDP): 3% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Singapore GDP: US$324.1b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.6% GDP per capita: US$57,749 Population: 5.6 million Inflation: 0.6% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 19.6% Regulatory sandbox: Yes
  • 22. FinTech ecosystem playbook 22 Digital readiness Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user) 982.923.6 49.2 24.9 91.3 42.6 43.4 Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people) 110 134 126 174 176 117 148 Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Thailand Vietnam Philippines Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Thailand Vietnam Philippines Financial parameters Banking penetration (%) Debit card ownership (%) 7 92 60 27 31 74 21 Credit card ownership (%) 0.6 2.4 21.3 48.9 Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population) 16 35 70 25 90 62 23 Sources: 1. ASEAN stats: EY ASEAN FinTech Census 2018 Report, February 2018 2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and population, inflation: Oxford Economics 3. FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data 4. Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018, World Economic Forum 5. Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank * FDI inflow Cambodia - Considered 2016 figures instead 46.5% 55.5% 47.5% 81.0% 78.8% 25.4% 25.6% Internet users (%) 68.9% 30.8% 81.6% 97.9% 85.3% 48.9% 21.7%
  • 23. FinTech ecosystem playbook 23 Success stories Singapore • MAS set up the Financial Technology and Innovation Group (FTIG) within its organizational structure in 2015. The formation of FTIG  is a commitment by MAS toward the vision of a smart financial center. In 2016, MAS set up FinTech Office to serve as a one-stop virtual entity for all FinTech matters. • Other initiatives of the Singapore Government include the FinTech Regulatory Sandbox, RegTech initiatives and the introduction of blockchain for interbank payments. In 2015, MAS announced that it would commit S$225m over the following five years for FinTech projects. MAS has also issued guidance on ICOs and plans to issue guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry. • The annual Singapore FinTech Festival sees the participation of thousands of start-ups and investors. Over 30,000 people from 109 countries representing more than 5,000 companies took part in the festival in 2017. • The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore launched the FinTech Fast Track initiative, which provides expedited patent application-to-grant process for FinTech inventions. • Singapore FinTech Association (SFA) is a cross-industry initiative that has over 300 members. Malaysia • Malaysia was the first country in ASEAN to introduce a regulatory framework for equity crowdfunding (ECF) and peer- to-peer (P2P) financing. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has established cross-functional Financial Technology Enabler Group (FTEG) within the bank. FTEG is responsible for formulating and enhancing regulatory policies to facilitate the adoption of technological innovations in the Malaysian financial services industry. BNM also launched an Open API working group in September 2018. • Malaysia aspires to become an Islamic FinTech hub, as evidenced by strong support from regulators. • BNM released guidelines on e-KYC in 2017. The guidelines set out minimum requirements and standards that an approved remittance service provider must observe in implementing e-KYC.
  • 24. Indonesia • FinTech growth in Indonesia is in digital payments, underpinned by huge e-commerce boom in the country. Of late, the country witnessed an active payments M&A market, with regional players trying to expand their presence. • Indonesia’s financial services authority, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK), formed the FinTech Advisory Forum in 2017 to ensure constructive coordination among agencies, ministries, FinTech start- ups and other relevant parties. FinTech distribution in ASEAN 15% 43% 6% 4% 5% 8% 8% 11% Payment and mobile wallets Financial comparison Retail investment Blockchain Financial lending Financial and business tools Account software Others Source: UOB State of FinTech in ASEAN (Published: November 2017) 24 Success stories FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 25. FinTech ecosystem playbook 25 Thailand • The Bank of Thailand (BOT) has launched a sandbox, and formed forums to promote sharing, discussions and consultations with academicians, incumbents and regulators. • Major Thai banks have set up their corporate venture arms to invest in FinTechs. • In June 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand announced a regulatory framework for ICOs and ICO portals. The framework became effective in July 2018.  Vietnam • In January 2017, the Vietnamese Government signed a policy decision aimed to significantly reduce cash transactions and improve electronic payment methods by 2020. Under the plan, total cash transactions would be less than 10% of total market transactions. • The Fintech Steering Committee was established by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), the country’s central bank in March 2017. Its aim is to advise the government on FinTech ecosystem development, which includes helping the government in the development of a regulatory framework, to ensure growth in the industry and support FinTech innovation. • In May 2018, SBV, Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Australian Government and Mekong Business Initiative launched the FinTech Challenge Vietnam event, seeking solutions from start-ups to address some challenges of financial inclusion in Vietnam. The event saw the participation of 141 FinTech companies, 45 of which were Vietnamese. Philippines • In December 2015, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) launched the National Retail Payment System (NRPS), which aims to enable any user with a bank or electronic money account to do electronic fund transfer (EFT) from one account to another account in any participating financial institution. • As of April 2018, the BSP is also piloting RegTech solutions to strengthen its risk-based regulatory and supervisory activities. The BSP had partnered with the RegTech for Regulators Accelerator (R2A), a project that provides technical assistance for financial sector regulators to develop and test digital supervision tools and techniques. Cambodia • As of July 2017, the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) was developing a national financial inclusion strategy, with the private sector playing a pivotal role, to bank significant number of adult Cambodians and provide formal financial services. Success stories
  • 26. ASEAN FinTech Network (AFN) was launched in November 2017 to enable collaboration and cooperation on FinTech ecosystem between six participating nations According to World Bank’s Global Findex Database 2017, the mobile internet penetration in Latin America and Caribbean region is 55%, which is 15% more than the developing world average. The region has an estimated population of 553 million with 80% of people living in urban areas. There are about 1,034 FinTech start-ups in Latin America, of which 41% service underserved or excluded customers and the SME market. Latin America Mexico Brazil Key highlights 26 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 27. FinTech ecosystem playbook 27 Mexico GDP: US$1.2t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 2.3% GDP per capita: US$8,935 Population: 129.4 million Inflation: 6.0% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.8% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Brazil GDP: US$2.1t | 2017 Real GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.0% GDP per capita:US$9,810 Population:209.5 million Inflation: 3.5% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 3.4% Regulatory sandbox: No Digital readiness Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user) 66.2 24.9 Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people) 113.0 88.5 Brazil Mexico Internet users (%) 59.5 59.7
  • 28. 28 Success stories Financial parameters Debit card ownership (%) 59 25 Credit card ownership (%) 27 10 Banking penetration (%) 36.9 70.0 Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population) Sources: 1. Finnovista 2. Wearesocial Digital in 2018 report 3. Urbanisation in Latin America, BBVA Research, July 2017 4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and inflation: Oxford Economics 5. FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data 6. Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017– 2018, World Economic Forum 7. Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank Brazil • In April 2018, the Central Bank of Brazil issued a regulation that grants autonomy to electronic lending platforms to carry out loan transactions directly between borrowers and lenders by introducing two new categories of financial institutions — P2P companies and direct credit companies. • Banks in Brazil have been connecting with FinTechs through funding and incubation. • The Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil runs its FinTech Hub, which aims to analyze the development and application of FinTech in capital markets. Mexico • Mexico Financial Technology Institutions Law became effective in March 2018. It provides regulatory certainty on issues including crowdfunding, payment methods and cryptocurrencies. Mexico became one of the few countries globally to regulate the sector. • A regulatory sandbox was introduced to allow companies to obtain a temporary authorization for a maximum of two years. 58 32 Brazil Mexico FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 29. FinTech ecosystem playbook 29 FinTech landscape in Latin America — 2017­­­­­­‑18 Source: FinTech ecosystem in Latin America, Finnovista Mexico Brazil Colombia Argentina Chile Peru Ecuador Uruguay Other 26% 17% 16% 8% 9% 6% 5% 13% Lending Payments & remittances Enterprise financial management Crowdfunding Personal financial management Insurance Wealth management Others 35% 3%1%3% 5% 7% 12% 23% 11%
  • 30. Key highlights1 ASEAN FinTech Network (AFN) was launched in November 2017 to enable collaboration and cooperation on FinTech ecosystem between six participating nations Key highlights The region has a higher mobile penetration rate, with countries having mobile penetration rates above the global average of 112%. The region has an estimated population of 406 million with nearly 74% internet penetration rate in 2017. Economies in Central and Eastern Europe witnessed a buoyant economic growth last year, driven by a rise in consumer demand and investment, which eventually lowered the unemployment rates in the region. CESA Czech Republic Russia Estonia Lithuania 30 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 31. FinTech ecosystem playbook 31 Estonia GDP: US$26.0b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.9% GDP per capita:US$19,744 Population:1.3 million Inflation: 3.7% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 3.3% Regulatory sandbox: No Czech Republic GDP: US$217.2b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.5% GDP per capita: US$20,504.5 Population: 10.6 million Inflation: 2.4% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 4.3% Regulatory sandbox: No Lithuania GDP: US$47.3b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.9% GDP per capita: US$16,992 Population: 2.8 million Inflation: 3.7% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.3% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Russia GDP: US$1.6t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.5% GDP per capita:US$10,951 Population: 144 million Inflation: 3.7% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.8% Regulatory sandbox: Yes
  • 32. FinTech ecosystem playbook 32 Digital readiness Internet users (%) Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user) Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people) 180.7 210.8 51.9 198.6 145.4 150.9 119.0 157.9 Estonia Lithuania Czech Republic Russia 76.4% 76.5% 74.4% 87.2% Financial parameters Banking penetration (%) Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population) Debit card ownership (%) 92% 75% 57% 56% Credit card ownership (%) 29% 16% 20%25% 76% 81% 83% 98% 97% 78% 80% 71% Estonia Lithuania Czech Republic Russia Sources: 1. Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January 2018 2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and inflation: Oxford Economics 3. FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data 4. Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017– 2018, World Economic Forum 5. Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank
  • 33. 33 FinTech ecosystem playbook Estonia • Estonia has a strong reputation for being a digital economy. The country boasts of much-lauded e-residency program that includes the e-identity program and e-Estonia state portal: • Under the program, the Government issues a digital identity that allows entrepreneurs to set up and run a location independent business. Businesses can quickly set up their presence in the country (in 15 minutes). • E-residents can start a company online, access banking and online payment service providers (PSPs), manage company remotely. • Estonia launched the e-Residency program in 2015, and its e-residents have since grown to approximately 40,000 people from 150 countries as of June 2018. • Estonia has developed one of the most liberal tax systems with a 0% corporate income tax on companies without dividends. • In 2015, the Estonian government established ‘Startup Estonia’ to strengthen the Estonian startup ecosystem, carry out training programs for startups, educate local investors whilst attract foreign investors, and eliminate regulative issues and barriers. • The country has a Start-up Visa program that enables non- EU residents to work for Estonia’s start-ups. Lithuania • Lithuania positions itself as the entry point for FinTech companies to the EU. The country has taken measures to create a conducive environment for the development of its FinTech industry. A fast digital payment or e-money license (in about 3 to 4 months), easy licensing for P2P lending platforms and crowdfunding laws are some of the key initiatives by the Government. • In July 2018, the Bank of Lithuania introduced a procedure that allows companies to apply remotely and online for FinTech licenses. • Lithuania offers a specialized banking license that allows to establish a bank with a registered capital of only €1m. • In January 2018, the Bank of Lithuania announced that it will be launching a blockchain sandbox platform for domestic and foreign companies. The platform, called LBChain, will allow FinTechs to develop and test out blockchain- based solutions. Success storiesSuccess stories
  • 34. • For FinTechs, special support and advice systems are provided for their first year of operations. Non-banking institutions are given access to CENTROlink, the payment system operated by the Central Bank of Lithuania, and thus can execute payments in the EU’s Single Euro Payment Area.  Czech Republic • Government agency Czech ICT Alliance set up the Prague Startup Centre in 2016 to help early-stage start-ups connect with investors and partners. Services include an incubation program for university students and early-stage start- ups, offices in Prague downtown, various trainings and workshops for start-ups, and networking events. • In January 2017, Czech Republic starting January 1, 2017, introduced the law against money laundering. The law prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic requires virtual currency exchanges to determine the identity of customers. Russia • In April 2016, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation created a dedicated department — Department Of Financial Technologies, Projects and Process Organization — to monitor, analyze and evaluate the scope of the emerging FinTech sector. • In early 2018, the central bank published a document setting guidelines for the development of financial technologies from 2018 to 2020. • In April 2018, the central bank introduced a regulatory sandbox to serve as a platform for modeling the processes of the use and application of innovative financial services. • The government-funded Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) has $100M (6bn RUB) under its management as of August 2018. • From 2013 to August 2018, IIDF had closed 370 deals with values ranging from $20k to $5.5M 34 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 35. Key highlights Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies in the region are undertaking reforms to promote growth in the non-oil sector and investing in infrastructure development to push economic growth in the region. The region has an estimated population of 253 million in 2018 with overall internet penetration of 65% in 2017. The region has mobile penetration rate of 128% . However, internet penetration rate is fragmented across the region. The Middle East Bahrain GDP: US$36.7b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.0% GDP per capita: US$26,820 Population: 1.4 million Inflation:1.4% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.5% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Bahrain Saudi Arabia UAE Turkey 35 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 36. FinTech ecosystem playbook 36 Turkey GDP: US$851.3b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 7.3% GDP per capita: US$10,527 Population: 80.8 million Inflation: 11.1% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.3% Regulatory sandbox: No Saudi Arabia GDP:(1) US$686.7b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): -0.9% GDP per capita: US$20,926 Population: 32.8 million Inflation: -0.9% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.2%* Regulatory sandbox: Yes (capital markets) UAE GDP: US$382.6b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 0.8% GDP per capita:US$40,622 Population:9.4 million Inflation: 2.0% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 2.5%* Regulatory sandbox: Yes (Dubai and Abu Dhabi)
  • 37. FinTech ecosystem playbook 37 Sources: 1. Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January 2018 2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and inflation: Oxford Economics 3. FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data 4. Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017– 2018, World Economic Forum 5. Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank Note: * 2017 FDI inflow figures not available. Considered 2016 figures instead. Financial parameters Bahrain Saudi Arabia Turkey UAE Banking penetration (%) Debit card ownership (%) 80 63 83 67 Credit card ownership (%) 30 16 4542 Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population) 77 61 64 84 88.2% 68.6% 71.7% 98.6% Digital readiness Internet users (%) Bahrain Saudi Arabia Turkey UAE 90.6% 58.3% 73.8% 98.0% Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people) 158.4 122.1 210.996.4 Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user) 68.1 133.7 112.8 78.2
  • 38. United Arab Emirates Dubai • Established in 2004, DIFC is a major financial hub in the MEASA region. It has an independent regulator and judicial system, and a global financial exchange. The financial district has 2,003 active registered companies operating with a combined workforce of 22,768. • DIFC established FinTech Hive, an accelerator that aims to bring financial and technology firms together. It offers licensing solutions for FinTechs and supportive regulation through its Innovation Testing Licence. It also offers dedicated commercial license, specifically developed for FinTech, RegTech and InsurTech firms to operate within the center. • DIFC launched a US$100m FinTech-focused fund to accelerate the development in financial technology by investing in start- ups, from incubation to growth stage. • It launched The Academy, an executive education center, in 2017. Formed in partnership with leading business schools, The Academy provides access to financial services courses. • In August 2017, the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), launched its regulatory framework for loan- and investment-based crowdfunding platforms. Abu Dhabi • ADGM was founded in 2013. It comprises three independent authorities: ADGM Courts, the Financial Services Regulatory Authority and the Registration Authority. • ADGM has introduced several initiatives and programs to support the country’s FinTech ecosystem. It has a regulatory sandbox program and is part of GFIN. • In October 2017, ADGM launched the FinTech Innovation Centre, a co-working space for FinTechs, and entered into partnership with Plug and Play, a global accelerator program to support financial innovation. • In September 2018, ADGM launched a regulatory framework for private financing platforms that enable enterprises to seek financing from private and institutional investors to launch and grow their businesses. • FinTech-specific courses were launched by ADGM Academy in May 2018. The academy is partnering with educational institutions for a range of programs on banking and finance, personal and professional development, entrepreneurship, and national development. Success storiesSuccess stories 38 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 39. FinTech ecosystem playbook 39 Bahrain • Bahrain FinTech Bay was launched in November 2017 with the collaboration of Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) and FTC. • In Bahrain, FinTech development is inspiring Islamic finance institutions to adopt digital. In December 2017, Al Baraka Banking Group, Kuwait Finance House and Bahrain Development Bank (BDB) launched the first global Islamic FinTech consortium, ALGO Bahrain. The consortium, which aims to increase the adoption in FinTech in Islamic banking, plans to launch 15 banking platforms by 2022. • The Central Bank of Bahrain has a dedicated FinTech & Innovation Unit that aims to create a supportive regulatory environment to encourage investment in FinTech. Developments include a dedicated license category for conventional and Shari’a-compliant crowdfunding and a regulatory sandbox. • In June 2018, BDB’s Al Waha Fund of Funds closed its US$100m fundraising round. The fund will support start-ups in Bahrain and across MENA region. Saudi Arabia • As part of Saudi Vision 2030, the Saudi Arabia Government has launched the Financial Sector Development program. Under the program, the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) shall establish a central payment unit to regulate the payments industry. It also plans to develop financial services payment laws and regulations together with creating new licenses for innovative nonbanking players. Additionally, SAMA has laid out framework for cybersecurity compliance. In May 2018, SAMA launched the FintechSaudi initiative to support the FinTech development. • Capital Market Authority (CMA) laid out the regulatory framework for the innovation of FinTech in capital market within Saudi Arabia. FinTechs also require a permit that would enable them to first test their offerings in the FinTech Lab. In July 2018, CMA approved the first two licenses for FinTechs. Turkey • In July 2018, the Turkish Government set up FinTech Task Force with the aim to improve the FinTech ecosystem in the country Consisting of executives from the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, the Undersecretariat of Treasury, the Capital Markets Board Turkey, and the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund, the task force is setting a national vision and goal, determining a strategy and a road map for the industry. • In December 2017, Turkey amended its Capital Markets Act to make crowdfunding that offers a return on investment (e.g., through shares) available in the country. • The Interbank Card Center, BKM, has also been playing an active role in supporting FinTech in Turkey. In 2016, BKM introduced Turkey’s Payment Method (Troy), an electronic card payment system, in line with its vision of creating a cashless society by 2023.
  • 40. Key highlights According to the World Bank, in sub-Saharan Africa, 21% of the adult population have a mobile money account, which is the highest in any region in the world. While mobile money has been centered in East Africa, it has expanded to West Africa and beyond. The region has an estimated population of about a billion in 2018 with 34% internet penetration rate and 82% mobile penetration rate. Global FinTech hub playbook 2018 South Africa KenyaNigeria Africa 40 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 41. FinTech ecosystem playbook 41 South Africa GDP: US$349.3b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.3% GDP per capita: US$6,150.6 Population: 56.8 million Inflation: 5.3% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.4% Regulatory sandbox: No Kenya GDP: US$74.9b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 4.9% GDP per capita: US$1,506.7 Population: 49.7 million Inflation: 8.0% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.9% Regulatory sandbox: No Nigeria GDP:US$355.5b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 0.8% GDP per capita:US$1,860 Population:191.2 million Inflation: 16.5% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.9% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Digital readiness Internet users (%) Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people) 86.1 75.9 162.0 Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user) 69 11.3 263 54.0% 25.7% 26.0% Kenya Nigeria South Africa Financial parame Debit card ownership (%) 38 3432 Credit card ownership (%) 6 3 9 Banking penetration (%) 69.2% 39.6% 81.6% Financial parameters
  • 42. Sources: 1. Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January 2018 2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and inflation: Oxford Economics 3. FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data 4. Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018, World Economic Forum 5. Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population) 79 30 60 Kenya Nigeria South Africa Nigeria • The Payments System Vision 2020 of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) identifies ways to increase the resilience of the payments system infrastructure. The sector is using innovations, such as Unstructured Supplementary Service Data service (USSD), for payments. • In March 2018, CBN, along with Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System, introduced a regulatory sandbox with the aim to facilitate digital innovation by FinTech companies. Kenya • M-Pesa is a key driver behind success of mobile banking in Kenya, which has helped alleviate financial exclusion. According to the Global Findex Database 2017, 73% of adults in Kenya have a mobile money account. • The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) is the financial regulatory body in the country and is receptive of the FinTech innovations, which is evident from the measures it has taken. In 2007, the CBK took the pivotal step of allowing mobile operator, Safaricom, to launch M-Pesa when there was no regulatory framework set up. South Africa • In February 2018, SARB established a FinTech program that aims to strategically assess the emergence of FinTech and consider its regulatory implications. It has three primary objectives: evaluating private cryptocurrencies, investigating innovation facilitators (sandboxes, incubators and accelerators) and launching a DLT experiment (Project Khoka). • In June 2018, SARB released a report on the Project Khoka, a PoC designed to simulate a real-world trial of a DLT-based wholesale payment system. Success storiesSuccess stories 42 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 43. FinTech ecosystem playbook 43 FinTech landscape in sub-Saharan Africa Breakup of total FinTech funding for 2016-17: US$100m Distribution of FinTechs 34% 34% 32% 94 74 56 76 Source: Finnovating for Africa: Exploring the African Fintech Startup Ecosystem Report 2017, Disrupt Africa South Africa Nigeria Kenya Rest of Africa
  • 44. South Korea GDP: US$1.5t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.1% GDP per capita: US$30,008 Population: 51.0 million Inflation:1.9% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.1% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Most of the hubs are encouraging digital payment initiatives and working toward financial inclusion. The region has an estimated population of about 3.6 billion in 2018. Asia-Pacific has about 2 billion internet users, which is about 51% of the total world internet users. The region has a 48% internet penetration rate, and 102% mobile penetration rate. Key highlights Asia-Pacific 44 Hong Kong India Japan South KoreaChina FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 45. FinTech ecosystem playbook 45 Hong Kong GDP: US$341.4b | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 3.8% GDP per capita: US$46,307.6 Population: 7.4 million Inflation: 1.5% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 35.8% Regulatory sandbox: Yes Japan GDP: US$4.9t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 1.7% GDP per capita: US$38,255 Population: 127.4 million Inflation: 0.5% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 0.4% Regulatory sandbox: Yes (FinTech Proof of Concept Hub) India GDP: US$2.5t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.2% GDP per capita: US$1,870 Population: 1.3 billion Inflation: 3.3% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.5% Regulatory sandbox: No Mainland China GDP: US$12.3t | 2017 GDP growth (y-o-y): 6.9% GDP per capita:US$8,697 Population:1.4 billion Inflation: 1.5% FDI inflow (% of GDP): 1.4% Regulatory sandbox: No
  • 46. FinTech ecosystem playbook 46 Digital readiness Internet users (%) Internet bandwidth (kb/s/user) Mobile subscriptions (per 100 people) 83.0 54.3 14.7 4906.0 16.0 104.6 249.0 87.3 124.9133.5 India Japan South Korea Mainland China Hong Kong 92.7% 92.0% 29.5% 87.3% 53.2% Financial parameters Banking penetration (%) Credit card ownership (%) 21 3 68 64 65 Debit card ownership (%) 67 83 75 8733 Sources: 1. Digital in 2018 report, Hootsuite, January 2018 2. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GDP per capita, population and inflation: Oxford Economics 3. FDI inflow and Mobile Subscriptions: World Bank Open Data 4. Internet users and internet bandwidth: The Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018, World Economic Forum 5. Financial Parameters: The Global Findex Database, World Bank Made or received digital payments in the past year (% age 15+ years of population) 95 92 68 85 29 94.8% 98.2% 79.9% 95.3% 80.2% Hong Kong India Japan South KoreaMainland China
  • 47. FinTech ecosystem playbook 47 Hong Kong • Hong Kong has taken a number of steps to strengthen FinTech sector. In March 2016, HKMA established the FinTech Facilitation Office (FFO) to support the development of the ecosystem. • The HKMA has launched seven smart banking initiatives, which include the following: • Faster Payment System (FPS): Launched in September 2018, the new system operates on a round-the-clock basis, and connects banks and stored- value facility (SVF) operators on the same platform. • Open API: In July 2018, Open API Framework for the Hong Kong’s banking sector was released. • Enhanced Fintech Supervisory Sandbox (FSS) 2.0: As of the end of July 2018, 33 new technology products have been tested in the FSS. Separately, banks have collaborated with tech firms in 18 trial cases. • Virtual banking: In September 2017, the HKMA announced its intention to encourage virtual banking in Hong Kong. • Closer cross-border collaboration: The latest initiatives include the development of a DLT platform to digitalize banks’ trade finance processes in Hong Kong with potential connectivity with Singapore’s trade platform. • Research and talent development: HKMA has collaborated with the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, Science Park and Cyberport in a number of research and education initiatives. • Banking Made Easy Initiative — Aim is to minimize regulatory frictions in customers’ digital experience, including remote onboarding, online finance and online wealth management • The Hong Kong government’s 2018 budget has pledged HK$500m to the development of financial services over the next five years, including FinTech. • In 2017, the Government launched US$256m (HK$2b) Innovation and Technology Venture Fund to coinvest with private VC in local tech-based start-ups. • With specific focus to expand FinTech-based talent in Hong Kong, HKMA partnered with ASTRI to launch FCAS, providing internship to undergraduates and postgraduate students in the FinTech industry. HKMA also runs a talent accelerator program. Success storiesSuccess stories
  • 48. FinTech ecosystem playbook 48 • The Hong Kong FinTech Week is a cross border event (from 29 October to 2 November 2018) took place in the Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Over 8,000 participants attended the event. India • The Government, through its Digital India initiative, has taken a number of steps to drive digital penetration in the country. The following initiatives have resulted in increase in banking penetration rate to 80% in 2017 from mere 35% in 2011: • Aadhaar, the largest biometric program in the world, had generated over 1.2 billion digital identities. As of 15 September 2018, over 23 billion authentications and 6.2 billion e-KYC have been done using Aadhaar (UIDAI stats). • Jan Dhan Yojna, one of the largest financial inclusion programs in the world, was launched by the Government in 2015, has over 327 million beneficiaries as of 19 September 2018. • United Payments Interface (UPI), an instant real-time payment system through bank account, was launched in 2016. In August 2018, UPI crossed an important milestone of 300 million transactions in a month. • In August 2016, the Government launched Bharat BillPay (BBP), an interoperable payment platform, which allows users to make bill payments across multiple channels and payment modes, and provides instant receipts through SMS. • In March 2017, the Government launched Bharat QR, a common interoperable quick response (QR) code. Japan • In Japan, projects are being undertaken to develop platforms using contactless technology, QR codes, blockchain technology and digital currencies. In April 2018, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry set a target to have 40% of all transactions to be done cashless by 2025, up from 18.4% in 2015. • The Financial Services Agency the Japanese financial regulator, established FinTech Support Desk in 2015 to support FinTechs with the specific interpretation of banking laws for them or the applicability of regulations to FinTech business prior to launch. • As of March 2018, 16 crypto- exchanges were registered under FSA and another 16 were still being examined for registration. • In September 2017, FSA announced the establishment of the PoC Hub, a regulatory sandbox. Mainland China • Mainland China is home to large FinTech companies in payments, P2P lending, InsurTech, which have disrupted the way financial services are consumed. • In January 2017, Asia FinTech Fund of Funds worth US$1.4b was founded by state-owned capital and private funds to nurture start- ups in the FinTech industry. • In April 2018, the XiongAn Global Blockchain Innovation Fund was launched with US$1.6b to invest in Chinese blockchain start-ups. In July 2018, China Merchants Group partnered with London-based investment firm Centricus to launch a US$15b technology fund called New Era Technology Fund. South Korea • Tech giants in the country have pioneered FinTech adoption by providing payment solutions as well as setting up digital-only banks that have acquired millions of users so far. • In 2016, the FSC launched a Fintech Open Platform. The Open API system within Fintech Open Platform that provides program commands needed when programming FinTech services with banking functions. • The regulatory environment regarding cryptocurrency is moving toward more transparency. Starting January 2018, cryptocurrency traders in South Korea will not be allowed to make deposits into their virtual currency exchange wallets unless the names on their bank accounts match the account names in cryptocurrency exchanges.
  • 49. 49 FinTech ecosystem playbook Appendix ASEAN • Singapore • “MAS sets up new FinTech; Innovation Group,” Monetary Authority of Singapore website, http://www.mas.gov.sg/ news-and-publications/media- releases/2015/mas-sets-up- new-fintech-and-innovation- group.aspx, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “Singapore’s FinTech Journey — Where We Are, What Is Next” - Speech by Mr Ravi Menon, Managing Director, Monetary Authority of Singapore, at Singapore FinTech Festival - FinTech Conference on 16 November 2016,” Monetary Authority of Singapore website, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “Singapore Fintech: Top Influencers,” finews.asia, 23 July 2018. • “FinTech Fast Track (FTFT),” Singapore FinTech Association website, https:// singaporefintech.org/fintech- fast-track/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “Home,” Singapore FinTech Association website, https:// singaporefintech.org/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • Malaysia • “List of Registered Market Operators”, Securities Commission Malaysia website, https://www.sc.com.my/digital/ list_rmo/, accessed on 18 September 2018 • “Equity Crowdfunding”, Securities Commission Malaysia website, https://www. sc.com.my/digital/equity- crowdfunding/, accessed on 18 September 2018 • “Implementation Guidance on e-KYC by MSB Industry”, Bank Negara Malaysia, http://www. bnm.gov.my, accessed on 18 September 2018 • Indonesia • “OJK SETS UP FINTECH ADVISORY FORUM”, OJK website, https://www.ojk.go.id/ en/berita-dan-kegiatan/siaran- pers/Documents/Pages/Press- Release-OJK-Sets-Up-Fintech- Advisory-Forum, accessed on 18 September 2018 • Thailand • “SEC releases crypto details ”, Bangkok Post website, https:// www.bangkokpost.com/ business/news/1481525/ sec-releases-crypto-details, accessed on 18 September 2018 • “The state of ICO regulation in Thailand”, Bangkok Post website, https://www. bangkokpost.com/business/ news/1510938/the-state- of-ico-regulation-in-Thailand, accessed on 18 September 2018 • Vietnam • “Non-cash payment performance gained significant improvement,” State Bank of Vietnam website, https://www. sbv.gov.vn/webcenter/portal/ en/home/sbv/news, accessed 5 January 2017. • “SBV establishes Steering Committee on Fintech”, State Bank of Vietnam website, https://www.sbv.gov.vn/ webcenter/portal/en/home/ sbv/news/news, accessed on 18 September 2018 • First-ever Fintech Challenge Vietnam launched,” Vietnam Economic Times, http:// vneconomictimes.com/article/ business/first-ever-fintech- challenge-vietnam-launched, accessed 5 January 2017. • Philippines • “BSP and Industry Launches the National Retail Payment System”, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas website, http://www. bsp.gov.ph/publications/media. asp?id=3948, accessed on 18 September 2018 • “Thrive Not Just Survive”, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas website, http://www.bsp.gov. ph/publications/speeches. asp?id=606, accessed on 18 September 2018 • Cambodia • “Fintech could be ‘game changer’,” The Phnom Penh Post, 28 July 2017 Latin America • Brazil • “Brazil’s Central Bank authorizes peer-to-peer lending P2p lending”, Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/
  • 50. FinTech ecosystem playbook 50 article/brazil-credit-fintechs/ brazils-central-bank-authorizes- peer-to-peer-lending- idUSL1N1S32Y6, accessed on 18 September 2018 • CVM creates a FinTech Hub, CVM, http://www. cvm.gov.br/noticias/ arquivos/2016/20160613-1-1. html, accessed on 18 September 2018 • Mexico • “Mexico Passes New Fintech Law as Sector Surges,” Mexico Business Blog website, bdp-americas.com/ blog/2018/04/18/mexico- passes-new-fintech-law-as- sector-surges/, accessed on 27 September 2018. CESA • Estonia: • “e-residency,” e-Estonia website, https://e-estonia. com/solutions/e-identity/e- residency/, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “e-identity,” e-Estonia website, https://e-estonia.com/ category/e-identity/, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “e-governance,” e-Estonia website, https://e-estonia.com/ solutions/e-governance/state- e-services-portal/, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “ESTONIA: “IT TAKES 15 MINUTES TO SET UP A COMPANY ON THE INTERNET”,” L’Atelier BNP Paribas website, https://atelier.bnpparibas/en/ smart-city/article/estonia-it- takes-15-minutes-set-company- internet, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “e-Estonia: What is all the fuss about?,” ZDNet website, https://www.zdnet.com/article/ e-estonia-what-is-all-the-fuss- about/, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “About,” Startup Estonia website, https://startupestonia. ee/about, accessed on 27 September 2018 • Lithuania: • “Key Sectors — FinTech,” Go Vilnius website, http://www. govilnius.lt/business/key- business-sectors-vilnius/ fintech/, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “Bank of Lithuania introduces remote Fintech licensing”, Invest Lithuania website, https://investlithuania.com/ news/lithuania-introduces- remote-fintech-licensing- making-the-prime-destination- for-fintech-even-better/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “The Bank of Lithuania to launch blockchain sandbox platform-service” Invest Lithuania website, https:// investlithuania.com/news/ the-bank-of-lithuania-to- launch-blockchain-sandbox- platform-service/, accessed 27 September 2018. • Czech Republic: • “Home,” Prague Startup Centre website, http:// en.praguestartupcentre.cz/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “CZECH REPUBLIC: Major New Immigration Law Includes New EU Intra-Company Transfer Card,” Newland Chase website, https//newlandchase. com/immigration-insights/ latest-news/czech-republic- major-new-immigration- law-includes-new-eu-intra- company-transfer-card/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “Czech Republic Introduces Law Regulating (Restricting) Bitcoin,” CNN, 31 January 2017. • Russia: • “Russia’s c-bank launches regulatory sandbox”, Finance feeds website, https://financefeeds. com/russias-c-bank-launches- regulatory-sandbox/, accessed on 20 September 2018 • “Russian Central Bank Sets Guidelines for Fintech Development, Aims at Competition and Accessibility — IBS Intelligence,” IBS Intelligence website, accessed on 27 September 2018. • “Home,” IIDF website, https://www. iidf.ru/, accessed on 27 September 2018 The Middle East • UAE • Dubai: • “Home”, Dubai International Financial Center website, https://www.difc.ae/, accessed on 30 August 2018 • “Home,” FinTech Hive website, https://fintechhive. difc.ae/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “DFSA launches Crowdfunding Framework,” Dubai Financial Services Authority website, https:// www.dfsa.ae/MediaRelease/ News/DFSA-launches- Crowdfunding-Framework, accessed on 27 September 2018. • Abu Dhabi: • “Home”, Abu Dhabi Global Market website, https:// www.adgm.com/, accessed
  • 51. 51 on 20 September 2018. • “Home,” ADGM Academy website, https://www. adgmacademy.com/, accessed on 27 September 2018 • “Home,” Emirates Digital Wallet website, http://www. edw.ae/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • Bahrain • “Home”, Bahrain FinTech Bay website, https://www. bahrainfintechbay.com/, accessed on 10 September 2018. • “Bahrain launches a new Research and Development FinTech firm!,” Startup Bahrain website, http://startupbahrain. com/newsfeatures/bahrain- launches-new-research- development-fintech-firm/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “Worlds First Fintech Consortium of Islamic Banks Announced By Bahrain,” Albaraka website, https:// www.albaraka.com/default. asp?action=article&id=644, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “BDB closes $100m VC fund,” Arab News, http://www. arabnews.com/node/1328086/ corporate-news, 26 June 2018. • Saudi Arabia: • “Home”, Capital Market Authority website, https://cma. org.sa/en/Pages/default.aspx, accessed on 27 September 2018. • “Home”, Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority website, http://www.sama.gov.sa/ en-US/Pages/default.aspx, accessed on 27 September 2018. • “Financial Sector Development Program”, Saudi Vision 2030 website, http://vision2030. gov.sa/en/FSDP, accessed 15 October 2018. • Turkey: • “Home”, FinTech Istanbul website, http://fintech.istanbul/ en/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “Turkey Launches its First Fintech Task Force,” The FinTech Times, 23 July 2018. • “EUROPE: The New Age Of Turkey’s Payments,” PYMNTS website, https:// www.pymnts.com/news/ payment-methods/2015/the- new-age-of-turkeys-payments/, accessed on 15 October 2018. Africa • South Africa: • “Media statement,” South African Reserve Bank (SARB), 13 February 2018 • “The South African Reserve Bank releases the Project Khokha report,” South African Reserve Bank (SARB), 20 June 2018. • Nigeria: • “Payments System Vision 2020,” Central Bank of Nigeria, September 2013. • “Financial Inclusion Newsletter,” Central Bank of Nigeria, March 2018. • Kenya: • “The Rise of Mobile Mobile and Mobile Savings in Kenya,” World Bank Group, 2011. • “Home,” Central Bank of Kenya website, https://www. centralbank.go.ke/, accessed on 15 October 2018. • “News & Publications,” Capital Markets Authority website, accessed on 15 October 2018. Asia-Pacific • Hong Kong • “A New Era of Smart Banking”, HKMA website, https:// www.hkma.gov.hk/eng/ key-information/press- releases/2017/20170929-3. shtml, accessed on 15 September 2018 • “About us,” Hong Kong Monetary Authority website, https://ffo.hkma.gov.hk/about, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “Hong Kong Pushes Fintech Innovation,” FinTechnews.hk, published 7 March 2018 • “Innovation and Technology Venture Fund opens for application by venture capital funds,” GovHK website, https://www.info.gov.hk/ gia/general/201709/15/ P2017091400760.htm, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “HKMA launches Fintech Career Accelerator Scheme 2.0 with its strategic partners,” Hong Kong Monetary Authority website, https://www.hkma.gov.hk/ eng/key-information/press- releases/2018/20180131-8. shtml, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “Events Page,“ FinTechHK website, http://www.hongkong- fintech.hk/en/events/, accessed on 15 September 2018 • India • “Aadhaar Dashboard”, Aadhaar website, https://uidai.gov.in/ aadhaar_dashboard/, accessed on 15 September 2018 FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 52. FinTech ecosystem playbook 52 • “Jan Dhan Yojna”, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana website, https://www.pmjdy. gov.in/account, accessed on 20 September 2018 • “Home,” United Payments Interface website, http:// cashlessindia.gov.in/upi.html, accessed on 15 September 2018 • “About Us,” Bharat BillPay website, https://www. bharatbillpay.com/aboutus.php, accessed on 15 October 2018 • “Bharat QR Code,” Ministry of electronics & Information Technology website, http:// meity.gov.in/bharat-qr-code, accessed on 15 October 2018 • Japan: • “Banks Rush to Turn Japan Cashless before Legal Change Attracts Tech Giants.” The Japan Times website, www.japantimes.co.jp/ news/2018/04/05/business/ banks-rush-turn-japan- cashless-legal-change-attracts- tech-giants/#.Wwz1zkiFOUk, accessed on 27 September 2018. • “Industry ministry report urges Japan to shed custom of cash dependence”, The Japan Times website, https:// www.japantimes.co.jp/ news/2018/04/11/business/ industry-ministry-report-urges- japan-shed-custom-cash- dependence/#.W6yn5mgzaM8, accessed on 27 September 2018 • FinTech Support Desk, Financial Services Agency, https:// www.fsa.go.jp/news/27/ sonota/20151214-2.html, accessed on 27 September 2018 • “Establishment of FinTech Proof of Concept Hub”, Financial Services Agency, https:// www.fsa.go.jp/en/newsletter/ weekly2017/262.html, accessed on 27 September 2018 • Mainland China • “China launches mega $1.44b Asia FinTech M&A Fund of Funds”, Deal Street Asia Website, https://www. dealstreetasia.com/stories/ china-launches-1-44-bn-asia- fintech-fund-of-funds-for-asian- fintech-mas-61848/, accessed on 15 September 2018 • “Hangzhou Sets Up $1.6B Government-backed Blockchain Fund To Invest In Start-ups”, China Money Network, https:// www.chinamoneynetwork. com/2018/04/10/hangzhou- sets-up-1-6b-government- backed-blockchain-fund-to- invest-in-start-ups, accessed on 15 September 2018 • South Korea • “Asia: Regulating digital-only banks in South Korea”, Rfi Group website, https://www. rfigroup.com/global-retail- banker/news/asia-regulating- digital-only-banks-south-korea, accessed on 16 October 2018 • “Korea Financial Authority Strengthen Ties With Singapore as Fintechs Eye Global Expansion,” Fintech News website, http://fintechnews. sg/3300/fintech/korea- financial-authority-strengthen- ties-singapore-fintechs-eye- global-expansion/, accessed in 27 September 2018. • “S. Korea opens special fintech platform,” Yonhap News Agency website, http://english. yonhapnews.co.kr/news/20 16/08/30/0200000000A EN20160830006000320.html, accessed on 27 September 2018. • “South Korea to Ban Cryptocurrency Traders from Using Anonymous Bank...” Reuters website, Thomson Reuters, 23 Jan. 2018, www.reuters.com/article/ us-southkorea-bitcoin/south- korea-to-ban-cryptocurrency- traders-from-using- anonymous-bank-accounts- idUSKBN1FC069, accessed on 27 September 2018.
  • 53. 53 Contacts Jan Bellens EY Global Banking & Capital Markets Deputy Sector Leader jan.bellens@sg.ey.com Imran Gulamhuseinwala EY Global FinTech Leader igulamhuseinwala@uk.ey.com Charlie Alexander EY Global Transaction Advisory Services Leader — Banking Capital Markets Sector cpalexander@uk.ey.com Varun Mittal EY Global Emerging Markets FinTech Leader varun.mittal@sg.ey.com Global contacts Matt Hatch EY Americas FinTech and Financial Services Growth Markets Leader matthew.hatch@ey.com Spyros Zachariadis EY Central, Eastern, Southern Europe FinTech spyros.zachariadis@gr.ey.com Rana Sanyoura EY Middle East & North Africa FinTech Leader rana.sanyoura@lb.ey.com Rachael Low Program Leader, EY Asia-Pacific Financial Services Brand, Marketing & Communications rachael.low@sg.ey.com James Lloyd EY Asia-Pacific FinTech & Payments Leader james.lloyd@hk.ey.com Rocio Velazco-Rotem Latin America FinTech rocio.velazcorotem@ey.com Mahesh Makhija Digital and Emerging Technology Leader, India mahesh.makhija@in.ey.com Ankita Srivastava FinTech Analyst, EY Knowledge ankita.srivastava@in.ey.com Regional contacts FinTech ecosystem playbook
  • 56. EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients, and for our communities. EY refers to the global organisation, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organisation, please visit ey.com. The views of third parties set out in this publication are not necessarily the views of the global EY organisation or its member firms. Moreover, they should be seen in the context of the time they were made. EY is a leader in serving the financial services industry We understand the importance of asking great questions. It’s how you innovate, transform and achieve a better working world. One that benefits our clients, our people and our communities. Finance fuels our lives. No other sector can touch so many people or shape so many futures. That’s why globally we employ 26,000 people who focus on financial services and nothing else. Our connected financial services teams are dedicated to providing assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services to the banking and capital markets, insurance, and wealth and asset management sectors. It’s our global connectivity and local knowledge that ensures we deliver the insights and quality services to help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. By connecting people with the right mix of knowledge and insight, we are able to ask great questions. The better the question. The better the answer. The better the world works. © 2018 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. EYG no. 04870-185Gbl ED None In line with EY’s commitment to minimise its impact on the environment, this document has been printed on paper with a high recycled content. This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. Read our points of view while on the go via the EY Insights mobile app. See www.eyinsights.com.