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“Visual Design”
“Pretty Graphics”
                    “Sexy interfaces”

 “Look & Feel”
Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
“Look &   Feel”

           f u n c t io n

             (Common Perception)
Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
f u n c t io n

           “Look &   Feel”
“Do users want applications that work, or
applications that can wrap themselves into
funny shapes? I'm sure it looks really whizzy in
demos, but come on, we're just trying to give
user applications to help them do their jobs.”
“...it doesn't matter how pretty your site is or
how many quot;bells and whistlesquot; you have.
While a high-quality site is important, the
majority of people today value usability more
than good looks or fanciness.”
“...it doesn't matter how pretty your site is or

how many quot;bells and whistlesquot; you have.
While a high-quality site is important, the
majority of people today value usability more
than good looks or fanciness.”
  ou c
 Usab        ign.
“Eye Candy is a Critical
Business Requirement”
 “Eye Candy is a Critical
 Business Requirement”
quot;the science of how things are
    known via the senses.quot;
 quot;the science of how things are
     known via the senses.quot;

     More than just visual design,
1.   anything that appeals to the senses.
 quot;the science of how things are
     known via the senses.quot;

     More than just visual design,
1.   anything that appeals to the senses.
     More about the psychological
2.   response to sensory stimulus,
     than the actual trigger.
“...consciously or unconsciously,
     the iPod materials reference a
     convention of ‘cleanliness’ that
     everybody interacts with every
     day – a bathroom.”

Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
Aesthetics and...

“the process of knowing”
Aesthetics and...

“the process of knowing”
Aesthetics and...

    “the process of knowing”

Affordance says an ‘objects sensory characteristics
     intuitively imply its functionality and use’
Guess what this screen is communicating...
Guess what this screen is communicating...
Guess what this screen is communicating...

   A Visual Language is a set of practices by which
   images can be used to communicate concepts
Guess what this screen is communicating...

   A Visual Language is a set of practices by which
   images can be used to communicate concepts

What does the ‘genie effect’ communicate?
Which of these windows of closer to you? Why?
Which of these windows of closer to you? Why?
Can you spot the problem?
Can you spot the problem?

Can you spot the problem?


    One of the Four Laws of Perception states
‘elements that are close to each other are related.’
“Dismissing visual design as just a
matter of making things pretty or ugly
cuts off your ability to communicate
with your customers...

Design is a means to communicate,
not mere styling.”

-Luke Wroblewski
Aesthetics and...

quot;the experience of feeling or emotionquot;
Aesthetics and...

quot;the experience of feeling or emotionquot;
“Emotion is one of the strongest differentiators
in user experience namely because it triggers
unconscious responses to a product, website,
environment or interface. Our feelings strongly
influence our perceptions and often frame
how we think about or refer to our experiences
at a later date.”

-Frank Spillers

Easy to Use

Easy to Use
Easy to Use

Easy to Use

Load time is five seconds.

Which of these pre-loaders makes this
   ‘seem’ like a faster load time?
Load time is five seconds.

Which of these pre-loaders makes this
   ‘seem’ like a faster load time?

       is in
       e of
  e Ey
th           er.
   e Be
Which will seem to take longer?

 (a) Waiting in a 20 minute line
 (b) Waiting in 5 different lines,
     each lasting about 5 minutes
Which will seem to take longer?

 (a) Waiting in a 20 minute line
 (b) Waiting in 5 different lines,
     each lasting about 5 minutes

                         es longer but that is
 “...something that tak
                              superior to something
 perceived to be efficient is
                   ut perceived differently.”
 that is shorter b

  -Don Norman

http://www.affectivedesign.org/   http://iasummit.org/2006/conferencedescrip.htm#88
see the smile?
Which window is friendlier?
Which window is friendlier? Why?
Why should we care about personality?
      People identify with (or avoid) certain personalities
      Trust is related to personality
      Perception and expectations are linked with personality
      Consumers ‘choose’ products that are an extension of
      We treat sufficiently advanced technology as people
      ...and so on
Why did Sony make their robot a puppy?
What’s the most frequently cited factor for
evaluating the credibility of a Web site?
What’s the most frequently cited factor for
evaluating the credibility of a Web site?
Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
Can you spot the differences?
Trust + Personality + Perception. . .

                             presented at CHI 2007,
  “According to research
                         ancy of identical search
  users judge the relev
                             arch engines based on
  results from different se
                                d Google coming out
      e brand, with Yahoo an
                               the study indicated
   on top… Participants in
                            Google and Yahoo were
   that the results from
                      ical results found through
    superior to ident
                           eneric search engine.”
    Windows Live or a g
Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement
Why did the more attractive (but otherwise
identical) ATM Machine perform better?
things work
“Product design that provides aesthetic appeal, pleasure and
satisfaction can greatly influence the success of a product.
Traditional cognitive approaches to product usability have tended to
underestimate or fragment emotion from an understanding of the
user experience. Affect, which is inexplicable linked to attitudes,
expectations and motivations, plays a significant role in the
cognition of product interaction, and therefore can be usefully
treated as a design aid. Emotion influences and mediates specific
aspects of interaction before, during and after the use of a product.
 These affective states regularly impact how a user manipulates and
 explores a user interface in order to support a desired cognitive
                                                                        Products That
from “Emotion as a Cognitive Artifact and the Design Implications for
are Perceived As Pleasurable”
to Davidson (2003), the perception that affect and
cognition are independent, separate information
processing systems is flawed. New breakthroughs
in neuroscience using functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging (fMRI) have validated the
assertions that cognition and emotion are a unified
process. Gray et. al (2002) found that emotion and
cognition ‘conjointly and equally contribute to the
 control of thought and behavior’.

             How I ‘think’
               cannot be
            separated from
              how I ‘feel’


Myth        reality
If you care about function,
    then you care about
    cognition and affect.

 And consequently, you
 care about aesthetics.
“Look &   Feel”

           f u n c t io n
“Look &   Feel”

       X    f u n c t io n
    ty is
deco            ion.
        is F
“Attractive things work better.”
Aesthetics and...
Business Value
   ROI. Easier Sales. Higher Margins.
 Brand Equity. Market Differentiation.
“Is it worth the investment?”
“Good [enough] is the enemy of great.”
              -Jim Collins
“Is it worth the investment?”

 It’s not an option.
“Why not?”

Product Maturity.
“When technology delivers basic needs,
user experience dominates.”

-Don Norman
“When technology delivers basic needs,
user experience dominates.”

-Don Norman

                                             Focused on
                                      (People, Activities, Context)

                                         Has personal significance

                                    Memorable experience worth sharing

                                           Convenient                        THIS IS THE “CHASM” THAT IS REALLY, REALLY
                                                                               HARD FOR ORGANIZATIONS TO CROSS
                                     Super easy to use, works like I think

                                       Can be used without difficulty

                                          Is available and accurate

                                    Functional (Useful)
                                           Works as programmed

                                             Focused on
                                           (Products, Features)
                                      OBJECTIVE / QUANTIFIABLE

           0% of the project
You know, 8
               20% of the time.        ...the remaining 20% takes
  completed in

             80 / 20
                                             80% of the time.

          This is commodity
                                    This is where you
“Cars have been around for ages - since Ford’s little black number.
They all pretty much do the same thing and look similar. Four
wheels, seats, they go from point A to B. Why do people buy one
over the other? One word. Design.

Aesthetics and Car Design have been fused for many years. It’s what
defines a car, it’s what gives a car it’s personality and importantly for
the manufacturers, it’s what gives the car it’s competitive edge in the
market place.”
from “Aesthetic-Usability Effect”, Mark Boulton

“Eye Candy is a Critical
Business Requirement”
“Eye Candy is a Critical
Business Requirement”
ME                MY PERSONAL SITE


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Eye Candy IS A Critical Business Requirement

  • 1. “Visual Design” “Pretty Graphics” “Sexy interfaces” “Eye-Candy “Look & Feel” “Skinning”
  • 3. “Look & Feel” f u n c t io n (Common Perception)
  • 5. f u n c t io n “Look & Feel”
  • 6. “Do users want applications that work, or applications that can wrap themselves into funny shapes? I'm sure it looks really whizzy in demos, but come on, we're just trying to give user applications to help them do their jobs.”
  • 7. “...it doesn't matter how pretty your site is or how many quot;bells and whistlesquot; you have. While a high-quality site is important, the majority of people today value usability more than good looks or fanciness.”
  • 8. “...it doesn't matter how pretty your site is or X how many quot;bells and whistlesquot; you have. While a high-quality site is important, the majority of people today value usability more than good looks or fanciness.” an’t ou c Y rate Sepa from ility Usab ign. Des sual Vi
  • 9. “Eye Candy is a Critical Business Requirement”
  • 10. hetics Aest “Eye Candy is a Critical Business Requirement”
  • 12. Aesthetics: quot;the science of how things are known via the senses.quot;
  • 13. Aesthetics: quot;the science of how things are known via the senses.quot; More than just visual design, 1. anything that appeals to the senses.
  • 14. Aesthetics: quot;the science of how things are known via the senses.quot; More than just visual design, 1. anything that appeals to the senses. More about the psychological 2. response to sensory stimulus, than the actual trigger.
  • 16. “...consciously or unconsciously, the iPod materials reference a convention of ‘cleanliness’ that everybody interacts with every day – a bathroom.” http://www.frogdesign.com/?p=13
  • 22. Aesthetics and... Cognition “the process of knowing” Affordance says an ‘objects sensory characteristics intuitively imply its functionality and use’
  • 23. Guess what this screen is communicating...
  • 24. Guess what this screen is communicating...
  • 25. Guess what this screen is communicating... A Visual Language is a set of practices by which images can be used to communicate concepts
  • 26. Guess what this screen is communicating... A Visual Language is a set of practices by which images can be used to communicate concepts better:
  • 28. What does the ‘genie effect’ communicate?
  • 29. Which of these windows of closer to you? Why?
  • 30. Which of these windows of closer to you? Why?
  • 31. Can you spot the problem?
  • 32. Can you spot the problem? OR
  • 33. Can you spot the problem? OR One of the Four Laws of Perception states ‘elements that are close to each other are related.’
  • 34. “Dismissing visual design as just a matter of making things pretty or ugly cuts off your ability to communicate with your customers... Design is a means to communicate, not mere styling.” -Luke Wroblewski
  • 35. Aesthetics and... Affect quot;the experience of feeling or emotionquot;
  • 36. Aesthetics and... Affect quot;the experience of feeling or emotionquot;
  • 37. “Emotion is one of the strongest differentiators in user experience namely because it triggers unconscious responses to a product, website, environment or interface. Our feelings strongly influence our perceptions and often frame how we think about or refer to our experiences at a later date.” -Frank Spillers http://experiencedynamics.blogs.com/site_search_usability/2004/08/design_and_emot.html
  • 39. Efficient + Easy to Use = Enjoyable ?
  • 43. Load time is five seconds. Which of these pre-loaders makes this ‘seem’ like a faster load time?
  • 44. Load time is five seconds. Which of these pre-loaders makes this ‘seem’ like a faster load time? is in peed S e of e Ey th er. hold e Be th
  • 45. Which will seem to take longer? (a) Waiting in a 20 minute line -or- (b) Waiting in 5 different lines, each lasting about 5 minutes
  • 46. Which will seem to take longer? (a) Waiting in a 20 minute line -or- (b) Waiting in 5 different lines, each lasting about 5 minutes es longer but that is “...something that tak superior to something perceived to be efficient is ut perceived differently.” that is shorter b -Don Norman
  • 47. Personality. http://www.affectivedesign.org/ http://iasummit.org/2006/conferencedescrip.htm#88
  • 49. Which window is friendlier?
  • 50. Which window is friendlier? Why?
  • 52. Why should we care about personality? People identify with (or avoid) certain personalities Trust is related to personality Perception and expectations are linked with personality Consumers ‘choose’ products that are an extension of themselves We treat sufficiently advanced technology as people ...and so on
  • 53. Why did Sony make their robot a puppy?
  • 55. What’s the most frequently cited factor for evaluating the credibility of a Web site?
  • 56. What’s the most frequently cited factor for evaluating the credibility of a Web site?
  • 61. Can you spot the differences?
  • 62. Trust + Personality + Perception. . . presented at CHI 2007, “According to research ancy of identical search users judge the relev arch engines based on results from different se d Google coming out e brand, with Yahoo an th the study indicated on top… Participants in Google and Yahoo were that the results from ical results found through superior to ident eneric search engine.” Windows Live or a g
  • 64. Why did the more attractive (but otherwise identical) ATM Machine perform better?
  • 66. “Product design that provides aesthetic appeal, pleasure and satisfaction can greatly influence the success of a product. Traditional cognitive approaches to product usability have tended to underestimate or fragment emotion from an understanding of the user experience. Affect, which is inexplicable linked to attitudes, expectations and motivations, plays a significant role in the cognition of product interaction, and therefore can be usefully treated as a design aid. Emotion influences and mediates specific aspects of interaction before, during and after the use of a product. These affective states regularly impact how a user manipulates and explores a user interface in order to support a desired cognitive state.” Products That from “Emotion as a Cognitive Artifact and the Design Implications for are Perceived As Pleasurable”
  • 67. to Davidson (2003), the perception that affect and cognition are independent, separate information processing systems is flawed. New breakthroughs in neuroscience using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) have validated the assertions that cognition and emotion are a unified process. Gray et. al (2002) found that emotion and cognition ‘conjointly and equally contribute to the control of thought and behavior’.
  • 68. Affect How I ‘think’ cannot be separated from how I ‘feel’ Cognition Myth reality
  • 69. If you care about function, then you care about cognition and affect. And consequently, you care about aesthetics.
  • 70. “Look & Feel” f u n c t io n
  • 71. “Look & Feel” X f u n c t io n Not ty is Pret ion! rat deco ion. unct is F etty Pr
  • 73. Aesthetics and... Business Value ROI. Easier Sales. Higher Margins. Brand Equity. Market Differentiation.
  • 74. “Is it worth the investment?”
  • 75. “Good [enough] is the enemy of great.” -Jim Collins
  • 76. “Is it worth the investment?” It’s not an option.
  • 78. “When technology delivers basic needs, user experience dominates.” -Don Norman
  • 79. “When technology delivers basic needs, user experience dominates.” -Don Norman
  • 80. SUBJECTIVE / QUALITATIVE Focused on Experiences (People, Activities, Context) Meaningful Has personal significance Pleasurable Memorable experience worth sharing Convenient THIS IS THE “CHASM” THAT IS REALLY, REALLY HARD FOR ORGANIZATIONS TO CROSS Super easy to use, works like I think Usable Can be used without difficulty Reliable Is available and accurate Functional (Useful) Works as programmed Focused on Tasks (Products, Features) OBJECTIVE / QUANTIFIABLE http://www.poetpainter.com/thoughts/article/presentation-notes-slides-for-creating-pleasurable-interfaces
  • 81. gets 0% of the project You know, 8 20% of the time. ...the remaining 20% takes completed in 80 / 20 80% of the time. This is commodity This is where you differentiate.
  • 82. “Cars have been around for ages - since Ford’s little black number. They all pretty much do the same thing and look similar. Four wheels, seats, they go from point A to B. Why do people buy one over the other? One word. Design. Aesthetics and Car Design have been fused for many years. It’s what defines a car, it’s what gives a car it’s personality and importantly for the manufacturers, it’s what gives the car it’s competitive edge in the market place.” from “Aesthetic-Usability Effect”, Mark Boulton http://www.markboulton.co.uk/journal/comments/aesthetic_usability_effect/
  • 83. “Eye Candy is a Critical Business Requirement”
  • 84. hetics Aest “Eye Candy is a Critical Business Requirement”