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                  A Thesis

   Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the
       Louisiana State University and
     Agriculture and Mechanical College
         in partial fulfillment of the
       requirements for the degree of
      Master of Landscape Architecture


    The School of Landscape Architecture

              Elli George Georgiou
       B.S., University of New Orleans,1999
                   August 2002

       I would like to thank my graduate committee (Kevin Risk, Van Cox, and Charles Fryling

from the School of Landscape Architecture) for their time and guidance. I also extend thanks to

the Forestry Department of Cyprus for their interest they showed and for the information they

provided me. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my brother, and my friends for their love

and support.

Table of Contents


LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………...iii

LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………..vi


INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………….1
   I.1 Background of the Topic…………………………………………………………….1
   I.2 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………1
   I.3 Scope………………………………………………………………………………...3
   I.4 Objectives……………………………………………………………………………3
   I.5 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………3
   I.6 Timeliness of Research………………………………………………………………4

  1.1 Sustainability…………………………………………………………………………6
  1.2 Hydrological Cycle…………………………………………………………………..7
  1.3 Landscaping and Water Conservation in the United States (Xeriscape)……………12

CHAPTER 2. CYPRUS…………………………………………………………………….22
  2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………22
  2.2 Environmental Factors………………………………………………………………27
          2.2.1 Geology……………………………………………………………………27
          2.2.2 Climate ……………………………………………………………………29
          2.2.3 Flora of Cyprus……………………………………………………………30
          2.2.4 Bioclimatic Zones…………………………………………………………31
          2.2.5 Natural Vegetation and Plant Communities of Cyprus……………………33
  2.3 Hydrology in Cyprus………………………………………………………………...38

CHAPTER 3. GARDENS IN CYPRUS…………………………………………………….45
  3.1 Landscaping and Water Conservation in Cyprus…………………………………….45
  3.2 Garden Culture of Mediterranean and Cyprus ………………………………………52
  3.3 Gardening Trends in Cyprus Since 1960…………………………………………….56
  3.4 The Importance of Gardens in Cypriots’ lives……………………………………….66

WATER DEPARTMENT………………………………………………………………….71

CHAPTER 5. THE CASE STUDIES……………………………………………………….82
  5.1 Introduction of the Sites……………………………………………………………..82
  5.2 Inventory and Conceptual Diagrams of the Case Studies……………………………86

  6.1 Attitude of Cypriots Toward the Idea of Xeriscape………………………………….108
  6.2 Xeriscape Guidelines for Residential Gardens in Cyprus……………………………111














VITA ………………………………………………………………………………………..155

List of Tables
Table 1.1 – Comparison of water use in residential at Denver Colorado…………………..20

Table 2.1 – Annual precipitation…………………………………………………………...39

Table 2.2 – Monthly precipitation………………………………………………………….40

Table 2.3 – Relationship of groundwater and surface water in Cyprus……………………41

Table 6.1 – Plants adapted to Cyprus…………………………………………………….130

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 – Water cycle……………………………………………………………………..8

Figure 1.2 – Plant cycle………………………………………………………………………9

Figure 1.3 – Water competition………………………………………………………………10

Figure 1.4 – Hydro-illogical cycle……………………………………………………………11

Figure 1.5 – Water conservation in landscaping……………………………………………..16

Figure 1.6 – Photo of a colorful Xeriscape garden…………………………………………...18

Figure 1.7 – Photo of a Xeriscape garden with naturalistic look…………………………….19

Figure 2.1 – Mediterranean climates in the world……………………………………………22

Figure 2.2 – Map of Mediterranean…………………………………………………………..24

Figure 2.3 – Map of Cyprus…………………………………………………………………..25

Figure 2.4 – Photo of Tombs of the King……………………………………………………26

Figure 2.5 – Map of geology of Cyprus……………………………………………………...28

Figure 2.6 – Map of bioclimatic zones of Cyprus……………………………………………32

Figure 2.7 – Photo of Pine Forest…………………………………………………………….34

Figure 2.8 – Photo of Garigue on dry eroded soils…………………………………………..35

Figure 2.9 – Photo of Garigue on moderately eroded soils…………………………………..35

Figure 2.10 – Photo of rocky areas…………………………………………………………..36

Figure 2.11 – Photo of coastal areas………………………………………………………….36

Figure 2.12 – Photo of wetlands………………………………………………………………37

Figure 2.13 – Photo of cultivated areas………………………………………………………..38

Figure 2.14 – Water consumption in a household……………………………………………..44
Figure 3.1 – Using a water container………………………………………………………….48

Figure 3.2 – Washing a car…………………………………………………………………..48

Figure 3.3 - Water conservation at home…………………………………………………… 49

Figure 3.4 – Photo of botanical garden in Nicosia…………………………………………...51

Figure 3.5 – Photo of olive trees……………………………………………………………...58

Figure 3.6 – Photo of lemon trees…………………………………………………………….59

Figure 3.7 – Photo of gold gress trees………………………………………………………..60

Figure 3.8 – Photo of a lawn in Cyprus………………………………………………………60

Figure 3.9 – Photo of imported plants………………………………………………………..61

Figure 3.10 – Photo of dry gold gress trees………………………………………………….61

Figure 3.11 – Photo of water conservation garden…………………………………………..63

Figure 3.12 – Photo of water conservation garden…………………………………………..64

Figure 3.13 – Photo of water conservation garden…………………………………………..65

Figure 3.14 – Photo of pergolas with vines………………………………………………….67

Figure 3.15 – Photo of people that eating in an outdoor space………………………………68

Figure 3.16 – Photo of a garden that enhances the character of the place……………………69

Figure 4.1 – Planning and design……………………………………………………………72

Figure 4.2 – Base plan………………………………………………………………………..73

Figure 4.3 – Water-need zones………………………………………………………………73

Figure 4.4 – Soil analysis……………………………………………………………………74

Figure 4.5 – Use of lawn……………………………………………………………………75

Figure 4.6 – Plant selection…………………………………………………………………..75

Figure 4.7 – Efficient irrigation………………………………………………………………76

Figure 4.8 – Use of mulches………………………………………………………………….77

Figure 4.9 – Appropriate maintenance………………………………………………………..77

Figure 4.10 – Photo of Xeriscape garden before the construction……………………………78

Figure 4.11 – Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction……………………………..78

Figure 4.12 - Photo of Xeriscape garden before the construction…………………………..79

Figure 4.13 - Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction………………………………79

Figure 4.14 - Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction………………………………80

Figure 4.15- Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction………………………………80

Figure 4.16 – Photo of Xeriscape garden with cactus…………………………………………81

Figure 5.1 – Location map of the case studies………………………………………………….82

Figure 5.2 – Photo of the house on the beach…………………………………………………..83

Figure 5.3 – Base map with existing conditions of the house on the beach……………………84

Figure 5.4 – Base map with existing conditions of the house on mountain…………………….85

Figure 5.5 – Photo of the fruit garden………………………………………………..…………87

Figure 5.6 – Inventory base map with existing conditions of the house on the beach………….88

Figure 5.7 – Photo of the barbeque area……………………………………………………….89

Figure 5.8 – Photo of the area from the beach to the house……………………………………89

Figure 5.9 – Photo of the view from the house to the beach……………………………………90

Figure 5.10 – Photo of the view from the house to the open fields……………………………90

Figure 5.11 – Conceptual diagram of the house on the beach…………………………………93

Figure 5.12 – Inventory base map of the house on mountain………………………………….98

Figure 5.13 – Photo of the sea…………………………………………………………………98

Figure 5.14 – Photo of hilly landscape………………………………………………………..99

Figure 5.15 – Photo of Troodos mountain……………………………………………………100

Figure 5.16 – Photo of village Evrychou…………………………………………………….100

Figure 5.17 – Conceptual diagram of the house on mountain………………………………..102

Figure 6.1 – Wind direction…………………………………………………………………...115

Figure 6.2 – Regrade the landscape……………………………………………………………116

Figure 6.3 – Photo of terraces made of stones…….……………………………………………117

Figure 6.4 – Composition of soil……………………………………………………………….119

Figure 6.5 – Availability of food for soil……………………………………………………….120

Figure 6.6 – Map of the soil of Cyprus……………………………………………………. …..120

Figure 6.7 - Photo of impractical size of lawn…………………………………………………124

Figure 6.8 – Photo of a Greek style patio………………………………………………………125

Figure 6.9 – Sun path diagram 36 degrees latitude……………………………………………126

Figure 6.10 – Seasonal sun path diagram………………………………………………………127

Figure 6.11 – Conceptual diagram of a residential garden……………………………………128

Figure 6.12 – Drip irrigation…………………………………………………………………..132

Figure 6.13 – Sprinklers irrigation……………………………………………………………..133

Figure 6.14 – Wakki device…………………………………………………………………..134

Figure 6.15 – Photo of plant containers………………………………………………………136

       One of the major problems that my country, Cyprus, faces is water scarcity. In the last

five to ten years, the problem has become more serious because of a series of droughts that have

left the island with limited water. As a result, Cypriots keep their gardens to a minimum or they

abandon their gardens due to water shortage. This attitude of Cypriots toward their gardens was

the inspiration of this thesis topic. The idea of Xeriscape and the seven guidelines of Xeriscape

that were first introduced and organized by the Denver Water Department in Colorado are

directly related to water conservation and landscaping, which is the focus of this thesis. First, I

researched books, articles, and the Web on related topics with water conservation and

landscaping in the United States and in Cyprus. After that, I did interviews with professional and

non-professional Cypriots on related topics with water conservation in gardens. Based on this

research and interviews, I tested the Xeriscape guidelines, which originated with the Denver

Water Department, to see how they work in Cyprus. I used two sites of Cyprus as case studies to

evaluate these guidelines. According to this testing of guidelines on case studies, I adapted the

Xeriscape guidelines to Cyprus. The cultural environment of Cyprus, which is different than in

the United States, affects how I adapted the guidelines. Also, the natural differences in Cyprus

affect the application of the guidelines. In addition, graphic and other informative data are

included in my own guidelines to provide a more detail explanation of important terms related

with Xeriscape.


I.1 Background of the Topic

       This thesis will illustrate how Xeriscape guidelines can be adapted to residential gardens

in Cyprus, a Greek island situated in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. “Xeriscape” means water

conservation through creative landscape, which comes from the Greek word “xeros,” meaning

“dry” and from the word “scape” from the word “landscape.” This idea of Xeriscape originated

with the Denver Water Department. Xeriscape encourages the use of native plants, of drought-

tolerant plants, and other related principles, such as the use of mulches, efficient irrigation

systems, soil analysis, and maintenance.

       Cyprus has a mild climate, with long, dry summers and short, mild winters. Its water

supply is both inadequate and irregular, with an average annual rainfall of 500mm (20in), leaving

the island quite dry. A water shortage, one of the major problems of Cyprus, has become more

obvious in the last five years because of drought conditions. After discussing with my father the

water shortage in Cyprus, he told me, “Your thesis topic should deal with water conservation in

residential garden design because we Cypriots die for our gardens, but we do not know how to

deal with them.” My thesis will provide a source of information for citizens about residential

garden design that promotes water conservation measures.

I.2 Statement of the Problem

       The design of residential gardens in Cyprus is very interesting because gardens are part of

people’s everyday lives. Climatic conditions are conducive to cultivating gardens, and the island

setting provides an extremely safe environment, allowing people to sit outside until late at night

while eating and relaxing. Cypriots use outdoor spaces for their daily activities such as drinking

coffee in the morning and relaxing in the afternoon. They also use outdoor spaces to play with

their kids and to barbeque, usually on the weekends.

          Currently, most Cypriots are forced to keep their gardening to a minimum or do not

garden at all because of the drought of the last five years. Many have the perception that the

water shortage limits their options for having an attractive garden. Many Cypriots are

disappointed that their gardens are dying during these drought years. Furthermore they think that

it is impossible to have an attractive garden while at the same time conserving water. However, a

Xeriscape model shows how proper selection and use of plants that require minimal irrigation

can result in a suitable garden. This type of landscape can be attractive and interesting using

different colors, shapes, and textures of native and water-conserving plants. Despite popular

misconceptions, Xeriscape gardens are not just brown, with rocks and cactus.

          Even though the Ministry of Agriculture, private landscape designers, and horticulturists

are more familiar than most people in Cyprus with designed landscapes that conserve water

(Xeriscape), there are no organizations that focus exclusively on this idea. The Forestry

Department of the Ministry of Agriculture is the only governmental department that focuses on

the use of plants and water conservation issues. This department conducts educational campaigns

about the use of native plants of Cyprus. Although the public in Cyprus has become more

sensitive to the environment and to garden design during the last five years, they have limited

knowledge of water conservation in landscaping. Due to the drought, more people are asking

professionals how to maintain their gardens because sustainable garden design is more complex

than before. People must be familiar with the selection of plants that require less water, with

plants that are adapted to the environment, and also with the way to zone the plants to save


One of the phrases that came into widespread use in the last half of the 1980s is

“sustainability,” a term that is closely related to the principles of Xeriscape. The World

Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) defines sustainability as “ meeting our

needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Natural systems provide models for sustainability that create no waste. For example, a single tree

can provide the same cooling effect as a 10-room-sized air conditioner, running 24 hours a day

with no waste (Lyle 3). Xeriscape that promotes water conservation and native plants is an

essential part of sustainable development in Cyprus.

I.3 Scope

       Xeriscape guidelines adapted to residential gardens in Cyprus, focusing on two case

study sites. Conceptual designs and Xeriscape design recommendations are presented for two

residential gardens. The gardens that I use to investigate the guidelines are selected to represent

the main geographical areas of Cyprus: the mountains and the coastal plain. This will give people

an idea of the alternatives possible in garden designs. In addition, the guidelines adapted to

Cyprus will provide Cypriots the opportunity to design their own garden that conserves water.

I.4 Objectives

        • To test the Xeriscape guidelines developed by Denver Water Department in two case
            study sites in Cyprus.
        •   To adapt specific Xeriscape guidelines to residential gardens in Cyprus.

I.5 Methodology

       First, I reviewed the literature on related topics: humanity, nature, environment, the

hydrological cycle, Xeriscape, Mediterranean climate, Mediterranean Garden Society, Cyprus’s

climate, geology, bioclimatic zones, flora, native plant communities and hydrology. Due to the

lack of research on garden design in Cyprus, I interviewed 15 professionals and 10
nonprofessionals about water issues, environment, horticulture, agriculture, nurseries, and

landscape design. The nonprofessionals included a broad range of people of different ages,

professions, and interests. The information I was seeking from the interviews was very

important. It helped me to become more familiar with the topic, it gave me real numbers about

precipitation, temperature, water supply and demand that I could not find in books, and it gave

me information about the history of gardens in Cyprus, the role of gardens in Cypriots’ lives,

water conservation in residential garden design, and the attitudes of Cypriots toward Xeriscape.

       After I collected this important background information, I investigated how to adapt

Xeriscape guidelines for residential gardens in Cyprus. First, I became familiar with the

Xeriscape guidelines through research in books, articles, and on the Internet. Second, I tested the

original Denver guidelines by applying them to two sites in Cyprus. Based on the case study

information, and on my experience and knowledge of Xeriscape, I adapted the Xeriscape

guidelines to Cyprus. While testing the Xeriscape principles on the sites in Cyprus, I felt that

more detailed explanations and graphics was needed in order for the guidelines to be followed

more easily by the public. In addition, during my evaluation of the guidelines on these two sites,

I realized that geographical and cultural differences of Cyprus should be incorporated into the

guidelines for Cyprus.

I.6 Timeliness of Research

       This thesis is valuable because it organizes information on water conservation and

landscape design in Cyprus in a useful and systematic way. Other reasons are as follows:

designing garden sites that save water helps to reduce water consumption nationwide. Secondly,

sustainable gardens and water conservation can be more easily achieved through informed

landscape design. The third reason is that Xeriscape is an environmentally sound concern

because it conserves water and supports native plants. Fourth, landscaping and water

conservation in gardens help to enhance the character of the place. Lastly, the idea of water

conservation in residential garden design is economically suitable because it helps reduce water

utility costs.

Chapter 1. General Principles of Water Conservation
   The first area of importance to discuss is the relationship of humans with nature and the

environment. After dealing with people and nature, and explaining the effect of people on the

environment, we will talk about the concept of sustainability, which today is a very commonly

used term and is concerned with environmental soundness. The third area, related to the

hydrological cycle and the resultant flow of water, will explain the shortage of this important

natural resource. The next area concerns landscaping and water conservation in the United States

to introduce to Cypriots a similar situation in the United States.

1.1 Sustainability

       Humans are currently experiencing a period of time that is marked by increasing conflict

between human activities and environmental constraints. Acid rain, depletion of the ozone layer,

increased levels of carbon dioxide, and the depletion of rainforests are among the environmental

problems that are widely known to be attributed to human activities all over the world.

       This conflict of humans with the environment creates an unbalanced relationship between

nature and human beings. For a better survival of humans, for the human environment to become

sustainable, people have to change some of those patterns and should try to reestablish their

connections with nature. In the middle of 1980s, when the word “sustainability” came into

widespread use, people realized their struggle with the environment and nature. They realized

that they must turn to sustainable development. In sustainable development, the effort is to make

full use of basic landscape processes – even more complete use than nature herself makes.

According to the World Commission on Environment and Development, which defines

sustainability as “meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future

generations to meet their own needs” Lyle adds “Nature is the perfect model for sustainability; it

produces no waste. So, we must attempt to model our somewhat linear processes after the

efficient cyclical processes of nature.” (Lyle 3). Having nature as a model, we must reduce,

reuse, recycle, and properly manage materials in order to protect human health and the

environment. Human society must use resources like energy, water, land, and materials in a

sufficient way. It must try to eliminate waste, create a healthy environment, and support

conservation. When people focus on these environmental improvements, then they will move

toward the period of time that humans and nature will in a balance, which is necessary for our


       Xeriscape is one of the concepts that has nature as a model and is part of sustainability.

Xeriscape principles sustain resources and preserve the earth by supporting native plants and by

using landscape principles that conserve water. Plants adapted to the conditions of the local

environment can live on water and nutrients available there and will also support the region’s

character. Water conservation in landscaping is important and is part of people’s concern with

the environment. Before I introduce landscape design and water conservation, one should

consider the hydrological cycle, which will explain the shortage of this natural resource.

1.2 Hydrological Cycle

       Water is the most important and probably the most widely known substance on Earth. It

is a key component in determining the quality of our lives and makes up 50 to 90 percent of the

weight of living things. In addition, around 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water

in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and swamps. Water is a scarce resource that, unless there are

droughts and floods, most of us do not think about much (Robinette 11). The water cycle

(hydrological cycle) provides a model for understanding the global plumbing system.

Understanding the global system is essential to water conservation because in order to conserve

water, we should know how to keep the water cycle as close to its natural form as possible. Not

only should the water cycle be understood but also the meaning of condensation, precipitation,

and evaporation.

       The water cycle is the endless cycle that water travels through on our planet (like a never-

ending spiral). Landscape plants and all plants are an important component in that cycle because

they help to speed up and implement the process. In this cycle, water can be found as a liquid

(water), as a solid (snow, ice), and as a gas (water vapor). The change of a substance from a gas

to a liquid is called condensation. On the reverse side, the change of a substance from liquid to a

gas is called evaporation. Moreover, the water that falls to earth from the sky as rain, snow, sleet,

or hail is called precipitation and is a direct result of condensation (Robinette12). (fig. 1.1).

Figure 1.1 - Water Cycle. (Figure: Robinette12.)

In simple words, water is pulled out of plants, the soil, lakes, rivers, and oceans and is transferred

into a gas or into droplets. After that, water falls back to earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or

hail and when it arrives on earth, it goes back to rivers, lakes and oceans. Then the circle starts


         The role of plants is very important to the water cycle. Plants work like water pumps.

When moisture reaches the soil, the roots transfer the moisture (water) through the trunk and

stems into leaves and then into the air. A mature plant with many big leaves pumps out more

water than a small plant with fewer smaller leaves. The water that is pumped out from the leaves

to the air should be replaced by rainfall or irrigation. This is the reason why when there is a water

scarcity, we select plants that do not use a lot of water. They can survive even if a lot of water is

not available to be replaced back to the roots (Robinette 13.) (fig.1.2).

Figure 1.2 - Plant cycle. (Figure: Robinette 13.)

         Keeping the water cycle as natural as possible and trying not to disturb it with our

activities is very critical for our survival. The reality is that we have already broken that natural

cycle, and we have an unbalanced relationship with nature. For example, humans created this

unbalanced relationship by importing plants that do not naturally grow in the area. As a result,

these plants have needs different from those the nature provides them. In addition, water

consumption increased in the twentieth century due to water competition in different areas,

leaving people with limited water resources. (fig. 1.3).

Figure 1.3 - Water competition. (Figure: Robinette16.)

In Figure 1.3, we see how people are fighting for water to satisfy their different needs. In our

world today, water competition is one of the major concerns of society and puts limitations on

the landscape elements. It seems obvious that water use for landscaping and plants should be

restricted rather than water for drinking, cooking, and bathing (Robinette 16).

       This serious problem of water competition makes people more environmentally aware

than before, and it prompts them to start to conserve water. For example, in arid zones of the

United States, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean where water problems

are apparent, people are becoming more aware and are starting to conserve water in many ways,

such as using less water to wash dishes, taking showers instead of baths, doing only fully loaded

laundry, and watering plants with a container instead of with a water hose. Even though people

are more aware than before, usually they follow the “hydro-illogical cycle.” (fig. 1.4).

Figure 1.4 - Hydro-illogical Cycle. (Figure: Robinette 66.)

Figure 1.4 expresses perfectly people’s behavior concerning with water conservation (hydro-

illogical cycle). This cycle explains the illogical behavior of people: when there are drought

years, people conserve water but when the good years come, they easily forget those bad years

and start to consume or waste water in large quantities (Robinette 66).

1.3 Landscaping and Water Conservation in the United States (Xeriscape)

       In the next 25 years, close to one third of the world’s population will experience water

shortage (Deen 1). Based on International Institute research, the problem of water shortage

threatens global peace. The Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi has warned that the next Middle

Eastern war would be over dwindling water supplies. Also, Egypt has threatened to go to war to

protect its water supplies. In addition, the executive secretary of Beirut, Hazem El-Biblawi, has

said that water would replace oil as one of the major political and economic issue of the Middle

East in this century. Research on water scarcity has been studied on a country-by-country basis.

The Institute of International Water Management divides the countries into four categories. The

first category, which includes Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Israel, Jordan, Iran,

Iraq, Kuwait, Tunisia, Singapore, and South Africa, are the countries with the least water

available. By the year 2025, they will not have enough water to support agriculture, industry,

household use, and the environment. The second category is countries mostly from sub-Saharan

Africa that have sufficient water resources but which have to double their efforts to conserve

water in all possible ways. The other two categories, which are North America and Europe, will

have less pressure on water supplies, with a moderate need to increase water development efforts

(Deen 1).

       Before the early 1980s, Americans who were practicing landscape water conservation

were the exception rather than the rule. In the twentieth century, in most of the places in America

and in areas that are facing water scarcity, as in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, and

California, water conservation started to be part of people’s lives. Now water conservation in

landscaping is starting to be the rule rather than the exception. Dealing with this major threat of

water scarcity forces people to be more environmentally concerned. Water conservation is one of

the ways people are showing their concern for the environment. In the energy crisis of the 1970s,

gas-guzzling cars were replaced by fuel-efficient cars. Today, in the Southwestern states with

low precipitation and water competition, landscape designers and planners are forced to replace

the water-loving trees, shrubs, and annuals with Xeriscape plants (History of Xeriscape 1.)

•   The Origins of Xeriscape

       The Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (ALCC) and the Denver Water

Department started the idea of water-conserving gardens in Colorado in 1981. By mid-1981 a

team of professionals from green and blue (water) industries assembled to focus on water for

landscape purposes. The team included a local landscape architect, a horticulturist from Colorado

State University, a Fellow of ASLA, a horticulturist consultant, and a conservation manager from

Denver Water. They refer to the term “Xeriscape” as the whole idea of their program. The

introduction of the Xeriscape concept was specifically for popularizing landscape water

conservation and to positively involve and educate as many people as possible about the

importance of water to humans and other life forms. The mission of the team was to create

educational demonstration gardens to show the beauty possible through this concept and to

create a wide-reaching and on-going public involvement and education program. Nancy Leavitt,

an environmental planner for Denver Water, coined the word “Xeriscape” for the garden and the

educational program, which includes the seven water-saving principles of Xeriscape

(Department of Agriculture 1).

The seven water-saving principles of Xeriscape devised by the Denver Water Department


       1. Planning and Design

       2. Soil analysis

       3. Practical Turf Areas

       4. Appropriate Plant Selection

       5. Efficient Irrigation

       6. Use of Mulches

       7. Appropriate Maintenance

Landscape professionals say of Xeriscape that the application of its principles can reduce water

use in the landscape by up to 80%. The first Xeriscape garden was dedicated at Denver Water in

May of 1982, and in 1985 the growth of the concept was so significant that the National

Xeriscape Council, Inc., a non-profit organization, was forced to fill many requests for

information. In 1996, the non-profit organization Xeriscape Colorado Inc. celebrated the

existence of 32 Xeriscape gardens in Colorado. Positive media coverage spawned interest in

spreading the idea of Xeriscape in a number of states, such as California, Colorado, Texas,

Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, and New York and in other countries like Israel and Spain

(History of Xeriscape 3). During the last period of drought in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the

crisis of atmosphere created a great demand for Xeriscape information. As the founder of the

National Xeriscape Council mentioned, the Xeriscape movement grew on its own out of

necessity (Weber 30). Xeriscape`s concept has as a slogan, “ Keep it on tap for the future.” They

try to make the idea of Xeriscape attractive to people and easy to understand. Chris Call, a Water

Denver expert on Xeriscape guidelines, explained to me that guidelines were designed in a way

that people can easily follow them. She said that the guidelines couldn’t include scientific data

that the public cannot follow. For example, for testing their type of soil, they explained to the

public a simple way to test their soil. They ask them to get a soil and to form a ball. If the soil

can form a ball then it is clay. If the soil cannot, then it is sand. In addition, she explained to me

that it was their intent to make the guidelines very general so that they can be applied in any

location of the world. Figure 1.5, prepared by the Cooperative Extension Service of Colorado

State University show ways to save water in the landscape.

       Moreover, the term “Xeriscape” conjures up different perceptions. Gene Bussell an

ASLA planner, stated,“ I was uncomfortable at first with the term Xeriscape, which conjures up

images of desert conditions and cacti. Xeriscape principles break down the concept of water-

efficient landscape in a way that the public can easily understand” (Thompson 56). Xeriscape has

been a misunderstood concept and its results are contrary to some people’s conceptions. When I

introduced the idea of Xeriscape to people in Cyprus, their first response was “ Do you mean that

my garden would look like a desert?” Xeriscape designs can be very attractive, with abundant

color. Xeriscape can also be used on sites next to the ocean where there are problems of salt-

water intrusion into local water supplies. According to John Arend, senior land planner for Evans

Group, the ITT Admiral Corporation and the Evans Group designed an 80% Xeriscape at the

Hammock Dunes project using salt-tolerant plants for the ocean-front location (McLeister 83).

Another important effort of Xeriscape is the encouragement of naturalistic landscaping with

native plants (fig1.7). Using native plants supports the environment and helps with the

restoration of the sense of place. In the article “Letting the Desert be the Desert,” Steve Martino,

an ASLA member, said, “ First I started to beg and trick people into using native plants.” Today,

Figure 1.5 - Water conservation in landscaping. (Figure: Robinette 55.) (Fig. Con’d.)

people have discovered the savings in maintenance costs that can result from native plant use.

These days, homeowners are beginning to value gardens that stress the environment as little as

possible. Moreover, he talked about the importance of native plants by saying, “Why play

another region’s music when the song of one’s own region is so lovely?” (Fisher 81). Also,

Cypriots expressed their concerns about the use of native plants. However, when I showed them

Figure 1.6 - Colorful Xeriscape gardens. (Photo: Garden design May 1990.)
Figure 1.7 - Xeriscape garden with naturalistic look. (Photo: Garden design June 1991.)

photos of Xeriscape gardens, their attitudes were very positive. In another article “Xeriscape

offers attractive solution to water shortages,” it is mentioned that if inexpensive native plants are

used, the dollar figures are about the same as using more traditional landscaping. But if mature

desert trees are brought in (at $1000 a piece) the figure can go up substantially. The main idea

with Xeriscape is to enhance the density of the native plants and place a small zone of grass (20

to 30-ft portion on a one-acre lot). Les Leininger, assistant vice president in the services of

McMillin Co., says that this company spends 20% to 30% more money for more native plants so

people would not be scared by their sparse appearance. He said that this expenditure is

worthwhile because the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. Also, separate water meters on

the four models at Bonica Long Canyon showed the two Xeriscape yards produced 25% to 40%

savings in water, which represents a saving of $5 month per month (McLeister 84). Table 1.1

demonstrates how much water could be saved without major changes in lifestyle. This table

shows a comparison of water use among three Denver Water single-family residential accounts.

Table 1.1-Comparison of water use among three Denver Water single-family residential accounts

                                                          Table by Denver Water Department
The first account is based on data from Denver Water. The other two are hypothetical. For

comparison’s sake all accounts were assumed to be demographically identical, with 2.71 people

in the household and 4,000 sq ft of landscape. It also compares the landscape maintenance

(Denver Water Conservation Master Plan 8). In conclusion, the Xeriscape idea has been

popularized and useful in some of the states of America and in some countries of the world by

the support of all kinds of media. What we expect now is to have more attention to the idea of

Xeriscape in more countries and particularly on the part of the ones facing the critical issue of

water scarcity. Now, I will set the background for similar efforts in Cyprus by introducing the

geographical and cultural aspects that close related with water conservation and landscaping.

Chapter 2. Cyprus

2.1 Introduction

•   Mediterranean Climate

       Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea and therefore has a “Mediterranean” climate

with short, cool, wet winters and long, dry summers. Worldwide there are five climate areas

characterized as “Mediterranean”: the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, the South African

Cape, Southern and Western Australia, Central Chile, and much of California. (See the following

figure with Mediterranean climates.)

Figure 2.1 – “Mediterranean” climates in the world. (Figure: MGS web site.)

Temperatures may vary considerably. Some areas have hard frosts in winter, others barely any

frost at all; in some, summers are unbearably hot and dry, others mild and foggy. Plants native to

these areas are genetically programmed to withstand these specific conditions. One common

form of adaptation is a summer dormancy period, as the arid summers are the most difficult

season to survive.

In total, the five areas with Mediterranean climates comprise only about 2% of the earth’s

landmass. The largest of them is the Mediterranean itself, with about 60% of the world’s

“Mediterranean” climate, followed by Southern and Western Australia, which together equal

about 22%. The remaining three are: California (10%), Chile (5%), and South Africa (3%). It is

interesting to note that this last and smallest “Mediterranean” climate is itself the richest of the

six floristic kingdoms of the world, with a diversity of 1,300 species. The next closest is the

South American rainforest with 400 species (MGS 1). As a result, gardeners in these areas of the

world enjoy a diversity of native plants in addition to the beautiful and interesting plants of other

similar climates, which sometimes become naturalized. Working with the natural forces that

shape these unique regions of “Mediterranean” climates, one can create astonishing beauty while

requiring minimal maintenance through climate-appropriate plantings.

•   Facts about Cyprus

        Cyprus has a population of approximately 750,000 people and is the largest island in the

Mediterranean, after Sardinia and Sicily. It is located on the eastern edge of the sea, some 60 km

(37 miles) from Turkey to the north and 90 km (56 miles) from Syria to the east. (See the

following figures of Mediterranean and Cyprus.) The island is approximately 0.6 times the size

of Connecticut and has a total area of 9,250 sq km (3,571 sq miles), of which 3,355 sq km (1,295

sq miles) are in the Turkish Cypriot area. The population of the island is divided as follows:

85.1% of the population are Greek Cypriots, 11.7% Turkish Cypriots, and 3.2% foreigners

residing in Cyprus. The capital of the island is Nicosia (Lefkosia), with a population of 198,000.

Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, Famagusta, and Kyrenia are the major towns of Cyprus. Its

geographical position is largely responsible for the climate, which, to many visitors, seems to

divide the year into nine months of summer and three of spring. Standing at the crossroads, as it

were, of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the country has been viewed over the centuries as a

Figure 2.2 - Map of Mediterranean. (Figure: Cyprus Organization web site.)

strategically important stronghold by a long succession of conquerors. Cyprus, although a small

country, has a rich cultural heritage and a known history that dates back over 10,000 years. Some

believe that the name “Cyprus” is derived from the Latin word for cooper, “Cuprus.” The

island’s trade in copper once made it one of the busiest commercial centers in the Mediterranean.

The island of Cyprus is known internationally as an extremely popular holiday destination for

Figure 2.3 - Map of Cyprus. (Figure: Cyprus Organization web site.)

European and Middle Eastern countries, thanks to its excellent warm climate, wonderfully

hospitable people, first-rate accommodations, delicious cuisine, and its safe, friendly

environment (Kyriakou 6).

       What is special about Cyprus is its diverse natural and cultural environments. I have

never visited a place where the landscape changes so dramatically from a mountain to coastal

scenery in less than 15 miles distance. During the spring season, visitors to Cyprus can ski in the

mountains and on the same day swim at the beach. The diversity of cultures is special, too. In a

village, visitors can savor the traditional way of life. In urban areas, they can see how Cypriots

live a modern life while keeping their traditions. In addition, in tourist areas, people can

experience the influence of tourism on our small island.

•   History

       According to mythology, Cyprus is the birthplace of the goddess of love and beauty,

Aphrodite (Venus). The island is both an ancient land, with an eleven thousand year-old history

and civilization, as well as a young independent republic since 1960. (See the following

pictures.) Cypriots feel strongly about their history and unique culture, and they try hard to keep

them alive. The history of Cyprus plays an important role in people’s lives and behavior.

Figure 2.4 - Tombs of the King. (Photo: Kyriakou, 1987.)

2.2 Environmental Factors

2.2.1 Geology

       Cyprus is dividend into three geological zones: the Kyrenia range to the north

(Pendadaktylos), the Troodos massif to the south, and the Mesaoria plain separating the two. The

Troodos range is a region of high relief rising to 1,951 meters (6,401 feet) on Mount Olympus.

The forests, which cover the Troodos massif, combined with its steep slopes and precipices and

narrow valleys and crevices, help create beautiful scenery. The Troodos is covered with pines,

dwarf oaks, cypresses, and cedars. The Kyrenia range rises up to 1,024 meters (3,360 feet) at

Kyparissovouno. It is a picturesque area with hills, slopes, and valleys free of folding and other

tectonic features. This range is made of a succession of mostly allochthonous sedimentary

formations, ranging from Permian to Middle Miocene in age. The central plain, which is the

Mesaoria, has a low relief not exceeding 180 meters (591 feet) near Nicosia. This plain is

composed of flyschtype rocks carried by rivers from the Troodos and Kyrenia ranges. The

Mesaoria plain is formed of a succession of upper cretaceous to pleistocene sedimentary rocks.

Cyprus is almost surrounded by coastal valleys. In the north is the Kyrenia valley, with its

narrow dent elated coasts; in the west are the Paphos and Chrysochou valleys; in the east is the

Famagusta valley. The soil is alluvial and fertile, suitable for agriculture (PIO 11). (See the

following figure with the geology of Cyprus.) The geology of Cyprus explains why Cyprus is a

unique place with its diverse landscape. One of my favorite scenes is the drive from the village

Drousia to Polis. The experience is unique because the sea can be seen through the mountains.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for the rational

management and sustainable use of natural resources as well as being the coordinating ministry

for the protection of the island’s environment. Cyprus has endorsed the principles of sustanable

Figure 2.5 - Map of the geology of Cyprus. (Figure: Cyprus Organization web site.)

development, which are economic development, environmental stewardship, and equitable

opportunities. In this process, the country is guided by the principles adopted at the Rio

Conference and the European Union’s respective policies.

       The setting up of national parks and nature reserves is now receiving attention. There are

six national forest parks, two in the coastal area, three around Nicosia, and one at Troodos. Two

nature reserves are also located at Troodos. Worth mentioning also is the work initiated for the

preparation of the ecological chart of Cyprus. The basic objective of this effort is to survey,

study, and map all the basic characteristics and parameters of the natural, biological, and cultural

resources, to identify the pressures threatening them, and to put forward suggestions and

programs for the protection and enhancement of the ecological and cultural endowment of the

island (PIO 252). I believe that the introduction of the idea of Xeriscape in Cyprus will support

this objective of the government and can also support the principles of sustainable development.
Cyprus’ endorsement of the European Union will make sustainable development part of our


2.2.2 Climate

         Cyprus has an intense Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers from the middle of

May to the middle of September with an average temperature of 32 C (90 F), rainy and rather

changeable winters from the middle of November to the middle of March with an average

temperature of 16 C (61 F); and the intervening transitional seasons of autumn and spring.

Summer is a season of high temperatures with cloudless skies, but the sea breeze creates a

pleasant microclimate in the coastal areas. Summer temperatures are high in the lowlands, even

near the sea, and reach particularly uncomfortable readings in the Mesaoria. From ancient times

Cyprus was called the “Island of Sun” because the sun shines for 340 days a year. On the other

hand, winters are mild with some rain and snow in the Troodos Mountains (usually starting

before Christmas). The average rainfall from December to February is about 60% of the average

annual total precipitation for the island as a whole, which is 500 mm (20 inches). The higher

mountain areas are cooler and moister than the rest of the island. They receive the heaviest

annual rainfall, which may be as much as 1,000 mm (39 inches). Frost also occurs in the higher

districts, which are usually blanketed with snow during the first months of the year. The average

daytime temperature is around 16 C (61 F). This season brings some much-needed rain to this

land in which water shortage is a huge problem. In addition, relative humidity of the air is on

average between 60% and 80% in winter and between 40% and 60% in summer with even lower

values over island areas around midday. Sunshine is abundant during the whole year, particularly

from April to September, when the average duration of bright sunshine exceeds 11 hours per

day. Winds are generally light to moderate and variable in direction. Strong winds may occur

sometimes, but gales are infrequent over Cyprus and are mainly confined to exposed coastal

areas as well as areas at high elevations. The climate of Cyprus is considered one of the

healthiest in the world, and infectious diseases are practically unknown (Climate of Cyprus).

2.2.3 Flora of Cyprus

       With a total of 1,910 taxa (species, subspecies, and varieties), 139 of which are endemic,

Cyprus is an extremely interesting place for nature lovers and because of its diversity of flora, it

is a botanist’s paradise. The term “endemic plant” means all plant taxa which grow naturally in

Cyprus and nowhere else in the world. The endemic plants of Cyprus include 73 perennial herbs,

21 annual herbs, 19 sub shrubs, 14 shrubs, and only one tree, the Cyprus Cedar (Cedrus

brevifolia). Its isolation as an island has led to the evolution of many species with strong

endemic flowering elements. At the same time, being surrounded by big continents, it

incorporates botanological elements of the neighboring land masses, such as the Western

Mediterranean (France, Italy, Spain) and the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Israel, Syria and

Turkey). Cyprus is big enough to have a varied topography (mountains, inlands, and coastal

areas), which goes along with a varied climate. Its geographic position, its size, and these

variations in habitat result in a rich and diversified flora. Cyprus’s flora is as rich as that of other

Mediterranean countries but is much richer than that of countries of central and northern Europe

(Tsintides 10,15 ).

       Because the flora of Cyprus is diverse, important, and special, Cypriots must protect and

try not to impact it in a negative manner. Cyprus’s flora is a valuable heritage, and its

conservation is an imperative duty for all its citizens. The character of the island is marked not

only by the people and the buildings but also by the flora of the place; so we must try to keep

that special character rather than trying to change it. Cyprus is a small, beautiful island that

combines all the kinds of landscape, a feature that is uncommon in other places in the world or

on that scale. One of the most important attributes of a place is its character that has been

achieved by its history, its culture, and the people that live in that place. It is the special character

of a place that makes people love traveling from one place to another. What is the reason of

traveling from one place to another to see new places if all the places of the world are the same?

Cypriots should feel proud of this natural wealth, and also they should feel equally proud of the

measures taken to conserve this precious heritage.

2.2.4 Bioclimatic Zones

    The bioclimate of Cyprus is the classification of the island in zones based on its flora and its

climatic conditions. According to the research by Vaso Pandela, the island is divided in eight

bioclimatic zones:

    1. Semiarid Hot (Precipitation<400mm [15.8’’] and an average minimum temperature of the

        coldest month >6 C [43F]).

    2. Semiarid Mild (Precipitation<400mm [15.8’’] nd an average minimum temperature of the

        coldest month 3-6 C [43F]).

    3. Hot Arid (Precipitation 400-600mm [15.8-23.6’’] and an average minimum temperature

        of the coldest month >6 C [43F], altitude 0-300 meters [0- 984ft]).

    4. Mild Arid (Precipitation 400-600mm [15.8-23.6’’] and an average minimum temperature

        of the coldest month 3-6 C [37-43F], altitude 300-400 meters [984-1313ft]).

    5. Semi Wet Mild (Precipitation 600-900mm [23.6-35.4’’] and an average minimum

        temperature of the coldest month 3-6 C [37-43F], altitude 400-900 meters [1313-2953ft]).

6. Semi Wet Cool (Precipitation 600-900mm [23.6-35.4’’] and an average minimum

        temperature of the coldest month 0-3 C [32-37F], altitude 900-1150 meters [2953-


   7. Cool Wet (Precipitation>900mm [35.4’’] and an average minimum temperature of the

        coldest month 0-3 C [32-37F], altitude 1150-1500 meters [3775-4921ft]).

   8.   Cold Wet (Precipitation>900mm [35.4’’] and an average minimum temperature of the

        coldest month <0 C [32F], altitude>1500 meter [4921ft]).

(fig. 2.6 with the bioclimatic zones of Cyprus). This research on bioclimatic zones was done by

the Forestry Department of Cyprus with the collaboration of an important scientist, Vasos

Figure 2.6 – Map of bioclimatic zones of Cyprus and of the case studies. (Figure: Vaso Pandela.)

Pandelas. This map is an important contribution toward the natural wealth of Cyprus. According

to this map, Cypriots can specify the climatic conditions of their site, which will help them to

decide about the right plant selection. The right plant selection will help preserve the natural

vegetation of each area. (Ministry of Agriculture 14).

2.2.5 Natural Vegetation and Native Plant Communities of Cyprus

       The country’s diverse geomorphology has allowed the development of a wide variety of

vegetation. This includes forests of hardwood, evergreen, and broadleaved trees such as pinus

latepensis, cedar, cypressus and oak. According to Eratosthenes, a Greek botanist of the third

century B.C., most of Cyprus, even Meaoria, was heavily forested in antiquity, and considerable

remnants of those forests survive on the Troodos and Kyrenia ranges. Locally, at lower altitudes,

about 17% of the whole island is classified as woodland (PIO 13). Garigues and Maquis also

cover a considerable part of the island and in reality they are of anthropogenic origin. They result

from the destruction of forest followed by periodic burning and overgrazing, leading to soil

erosion and a subsequent reduction of ecosystem productivity. Where the soil is not seriously

eroded and other ecological factors are favorable (slope, aspect, moisture availability), the

succession order garigue>maqui>pine forest is followed, and eventually the forest is re-

established. But sometimes the soil is very eroded so that the garigue and maqui seem to be the

final vegetation community, although in most cases there is a very slow development of the

garigue to maqui and of maqui to pine forest (Tsintides 12).

       The natural habitats of Cyprus can be classified into six large groups: pine forests,

garigues and maquis, rocky areas, coastal areas, wetlands, and cultivated areas. Pine forests are

found throughout the entire altitudinal spectrum from sea level at Akamas and Episkopi to the

Troodos Mountains. The pine forest can be subdivided into two broad climatic zones: the Brutia

Pine zone (Pinus brutia Terone) and the Black Pine or Troodos Pine zone (Pinus nigra Arnold

spp. Pallasiana). The second zone, which is the gariques and marquis, covers the entire

altitudinal range of Cyprus. Garigues and Marquis is subdivided into the following three

categories: the Garigue on dry, eroded soils, the Garigue on moderately eroded soils, and the

Maquis with evergreen Sclerophyllos shrubs mixed with subshrubs, herbs, and isolated trees.

The third area, the rocky areas, comprises a variety of individual habitats with rocky outcrops at

low or high altitudes, on limestone shaded/moist sites or sunny/warm and dry slopes. The

vegetation on rocky sites is sparse, as is expected. Typical species are Sedum spp., Umbilicus

spp., Arabts spp., Ptilostemon chamaepeoce, and Gagea spp. The next area is the coastal areas,

which includes a narrow belt 50-150 meters (164-492 feet) in width along the coast. Typical

plants are: Limonium spp., Echium angustifolium, Medicago marina, Crithmum maritimum,

Centaurea aegialophia, and Verbascum sinuatum.

Figure 2.7 - Pine Forest. (Photo: Tsintides.)
Figure 2.8 - Garigue on dry eroded soils. (Photo: Tsindites)

Figure 2.9 - Garigue on moderately eroded soils. (Photo: Tsintides.)

Figure 2.10 - Rocky areas. (Photo: Tsintides.)

Figure 2.11 - Coastal area. (Photo: Tsintides.)
Other areas are the wetlands, which cover a smaller area than the other groups. They include

mainstream beds, salt lakes, and small marshy areas near water springs, water dams, and

artificial lakes. Representative species are: Platanus orientalis, Alnus orientalis, Laurus nobilis,

Nerium oleander, Rubus sanctus, Arundo donax and Mentha spp. (fig. 2.12).

Figure 2.12 - Wetlands. (Photo: Tsintides.)

The next area is the cultivated land and the other small areas. These areas include agricultural

land, edges of such land, and other disturbed land. It is estimated that this group of habitats hosts

Urtisa spp. Dioica and Oriopordom cyprium (Tsintides 10-15). (fig 2.13).
Figure 2.13 - Cultivated area. (Photo: Tsintides.)

It is essential to be knowledgeable about the natural vegetation of Cyprus and of its communities

while designing a garden in Cyprus. I believe that it is critical to design a garden that enhances

the special character of Cyprus that most visitors fall in love with. As a designer, my rule of

thumb is to consider the character and the flora of the area that surrounds the site before making

any decisions.

2.3 Hydrology in Cyprus

       Throughout its history, Cyprus has been confronted with the problem of water shortage.

However, in the last ten years, Cyprus has faced the problem of water shortage even more

dramatically not only because of increasing water competition in agriculture, industry, tourism,

and household use, but also because Cyprus has witnessed a series of years of drought. This

drought has created major problems for the supply of drinking water, as well as for the water

used for agriculture.

         During the twentieth century, climatic conditions have changed in Cyprus. The two major

variables that affect the climate are precipitation and temperature. The current trend of

decreasing precipitation and rising temperatures has contributed to making the last 20 years the

hottest of the twentieth century. The average annual precipitation in the first 30 years of the

twentieth century was 559 mm (2.2 inches) but in the last 30 years has decreased to 464 mm

(1.82 inches), creating an average decrease of 17% between the beginning of the century and

now. Furthermore, the average precipitation for the last ten years is 22% lower than the average

precipitation for the period from 1901 to 1930. The following figure shows the annual

precipitation between the years 1989 to 1998 (Apostolides 63).

Table 2.1 - Annual precipitation (Table by author.)

                                    Annual Precipitation


                Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
                                                Year               Annual Precipitation
                                                                   Expected Annual

This table shows that during the period of 1989 to 1998, the annual precipitation was low and

much lower than the expected annual precipitation except during the year of 1991, when the

precipitation went up to 630 mm (3 inches). The next table shows the average precipitation for

each month. As it shows, the period between June to September is very dry (Apostolides 64).

Table 2.2 – Monthly precipitation.

                                     Monthly Precipitation
























                                                                          Monthly Average

(Meteorological Service 1)

         The average annual temperature of Cyprus is increasing in the twentieth century.

Between 1976 and 1998, the average increase of temperature in cities was 0.035 C per year and

0.015 C per year in suburban areas. Research predicts that our climate will be hotter and dryer,

following the same climatic conditions that are happening in the Middle East and Eastern

Mediterranean (Apostolides 63-64).

         Unfortunately, because of the reduction in rainfall, the quantities of water available both

for drinking and irrigation have not been adequate. As a result, the government gives utmost

priority towards the optimum utilization of all the island’s water resources. Since the

groundwater is reliable, clean, and low in cost, water resources development in Cyprus initially

focused on groundwater, and until 1970 groundwater was the main source of water for both

drinking and irrigation. As a result, almost all aquifers were seriously depleted because of over

pumping. Seawater intrusion was subsequently observed in most of the coastal aquifers. (See the

following table with the relationship of groundwater and surface water.)

Table 2.3 - Relationship of groundwater and surface water in Cyprus. (By author.)

                                                                    Ground water
                                                                    Surface water

The Water Development of Cyprus identified the water shortage problem in time, and in

consultation with international organizations, prepared a long-term plan for solving the problem.

The first step involved the construction of a large number of dams. Dams were created to gather

rainwater and runoff water from the mountains to be used mainly for irrigation. By the time of

the independence of Cyprus in 1960, the island had 16 dams. The dams had a storage capacity of

6 million cubic meters (211.9 million cubic feet) by 1960. By the year 2000, the capacity of

dams reached 300 million cubic meters (10,594 million cubic feet). This was truly an impressive

achievement when compared to other countries of the same size and level of development as

Cyprus. Even though this investment in dams increased dramatically, the water capacity of the

dams has been reduced in the last ten years by 40% because of the low precipitation (Apostolides


       Other steps that were taken by the government were the construction of large projects like

the Khrysokhou irrigation project and the Southern conveyor project. Also, the government

turned its attention to other non-conventional sources, such as the use of recycled water for

irrigation, recharge, and amenity purposes, the desalinization of brackish water, the efficient use

of available water, including better pricing and conservation measures and the preservation of

water quality.

       Furthermore, in order to eliminate the dependency of the towns and tourist centers on

rainfall to satisfy the increasing water demand, the government has decided to proceed with the

construction of seawater desalination plants. By January 22, 2001, every household was expected

to have a continuous supply of good-quality drinking water on a 24-hour basis, and that the water

rationing measures would finally be terminated. This new way of increasing the water supply

would allow people to use water for the most important things, such as cooking, washing, taking

a bath, and sometimes watering their plants. Desalination of seawater was first introduced in

Cyprus on a large-scale basis in April 1997, with the operation of the Dhekelia plant. The plant

operates on a Built, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) basis, and the desalinated water is presently

sold to the government (PIO 212).

        Not only is water quantity a problem but water quality is also a problem in some areas of

Cyprus. Fertilizers, sewer systems, salt water, and boron reduce the quality of water and make

soil and water analysis a necessity before making any design decisions.

       While facing the problem of water shortage, it is very important to see some real numbers

about the water consumption in Cyprus so we can figure out where and how Cypriots can

conserve water. In Cyprus, according to a research that is done by the Water Development

Department, water consumption is divided into three main categories: agriculture (70%),

household and tourism (20%), and industry (10%). To consider water conservation in residential

gardens in Cyprus, it is important to know total water consumption as well as the average water

consumption at each household. The average water consumption in a house is as follows: 21 %

shower, 8% tap, 28% toilet, 13% kitchen, 7% laundry, 14% landscape, and 9% car wash. As can

be shown from the above information, water consumption of 14% for landscape is a high number

that explains why water conservation in gardens in Cyprus is important (World Water Day). (fig.

2.14). Climatic conditions and water resources are explained to inform people about the major

causes of water scarcity in Cyprus. An important part of the solution of the problem is diagnosis.

If Cypriots understand how serious water scarcity is, then it is easier to follow water

conservation measurements. The numbers on hydrology show that water scarcity is a big issue in

Cyprus. However, the interviews that I had with professional and non-professional Cypriots

expressed more dramatically that this problem has became a part of most people’s lives in

Cyprus. One promising solution is desalinated seawater. One of the articles in a Cypriot

magazine says that desalinated seawater can solve the problem of water shortage. This may be

true, but the use of desalinated seawater will not eliminate the need for other water-conservation

measures. Desalinating seawater costs a great deal of money, which the government may not be

able to afford. The government plans to increase the price of water, which has stayed at the same

levels for the last ten years. Water conservation not only reduces water bills but also supports our

environment and the character of places. Based on my observations, the government put great

effort in finding new ways to conserve water. People have become more aware than before, but

they can do more.

Figure 2.14 - Water consumption in a household. (Figure: Water Development department of

Chapter 3. Gardens in Cyprus

3.1 Landscaping and Water Conservation in Cyprus (Xeriscape)

       Cyprus is one of these countries with a critical water scarcity. The problem of water

shortage and drought was always there for the island, but in the last five to ten years it has

become more serious than ever before. In Cyprus there has always existed water conservation to

some degree, but due to the long period of drought, the participation of the public in water

conservation has risen dramatically.

       The departments of the government that are directly concerned with the problem of water

are the Water Development Department and the Water Board Department. These departments

have cooperated more and more for the last ten years to increase the awareness of the people of

water conservation by using multi-method approaches and by conducting an educational

campaign. One of the methods used during the worst years of drought from 1994 to 2000 was the

rotation system of water supply. Most households were supplied water two to three days a week

or even less. As a result, people used water for the most important needs, like drinking, cooking,

and for taking baths. The maintenance of gardens was one of the first things to be cut off when

managing a small amount of water in a household. Although Cypriots have a tendency to have

rich, plentiful gardens, the lack of water forced them to decrease or even totally abandon the

concept of a garden at their homes. These measures were strict, but they worked because they

helped improve the attitude of Cypriots towards conserving water. During the last two years, the

government has discontinued this rationing because they have solved part of the problem with

desalinated seawater.

       Another part of the educational campaign for water conservation is the incentives that are

offered by the government. The government offers $150 when people are digging a well and
$150 extra if people connect it with the toilet units. The Water Development Department and the

Water Board Department that developed it insist that this method of connecting the machine with

the toilets is saving 28% of the water that is consumed in each household. These days a lot of the

people have machines at home that help them to keep their landscape in good shape, but there are

not many people who connect this machine with the toilets. Maybe people are not aware of this

method or they are afraid of the installation in an existing house. Another method that is fully

successful is the encouragement of the public to use specially designed plastic bags that are

attached to the toilet units and help to conserve water. These bags are distributed free from the

Water Development Department and the Water Board Department and can be easily installed by

the public. These bags are saving a lot of the water that would be wasted by the toilet units.

Moreover, in the summer of 2001, free water containers were given to the public, who answered

a questionnaire associated with water conservation (Andreou 4).

       In addition to this campaign for water conservation, the government encourages the idea

of grey water (desalting of brackish water) by offering $350 per house and an additional 20% off

with the installation in the second house of the owner. The Water Development Department and

the Environmental Service, which are under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural

Resources and Environment, started the idea of the grey water in 1997. The application of grey

water for water conservation can save up to 35% of drinking water. It is easy to install and

maintain, and the quality of water that results is good enough to use for the landscape and for

toilets (Kambanellas 50). Even though the whole idea seems easy to follow and worthwhile to

do, for some reason, the public is not properly informed. The government, architects, and civil

engineers should make people more aware of such important information that can conserve the

limited water in our country.

In general, the Water Board Department and the Water Development Department supply

the public with new information about water conservation and about related information on

water shortage through leaflets that are included in water bills. Other actions that are taken to

support the water conservation campaign is the Worldwide Water Day by the United Nations,

which falls on March 22 every year. On this day the public is informed about the importance of

water, about the water shortage, and about guidelines for conserving water. Other campaigns

include organized professional conferences on water conservation and lectures to schools on how

to conserve water. Not only are lectures done at schools, but also informative leaflets are

distributed to students to get them involved from a young age in caring about water conservation.

It is also important to mention that the government has successfully provided irrigation systems

that are used for agriculture, and they are considered some of the best in the world. Also, low

interest loans are offered for agriculture.

        Not only were incentives given to help the water conservation campaign, but also some

rules were set about water consumption. For example, the Water Board Department established a

limitation for water consumption in each household. The maximum water consumption in a

household was set at 40 tons for the same price, but if a household exceeds that amount, it is

charged $1.5 per extra ton consumed. One of the future plans is to increase the price of water,

which has not been changed for the last ten years. Another rule that is set by the government is

that it is forbidden to use the water hose of drinking water to wash verandas or cars, or to water

the landscape (Andreou 5). (fig.3.1-3.2).

Figure 3.1 - Using a water container. (Figure: Water development department.)

Figure 3.2 - Washing the car. (Figure: Water Development department.)

       As a result, the public has become more cooperative in conserving water. At home,

Cypriots use less water to wash the dishes, they fully load their washers when doing laundry,

they use the groundwater for watering the landscape instead of drinking water, and some people-

- whether or not they intend to conserve water--use fewer water-loving plants, more native

plants, and an advanced irrigation system in their yards. On the other hand, there are always

people who do not conserve water. For instance, the old ladies who still wash their clothes by

hand (frequently and not fully loaded), because this is how they are used to doing it and nobody

can change their customs. Or some of the housekeepers that clean the veranda floor with the

water hose instead of the mop, and some of the young people who still take a bath instead of a

shower because they like to go against the rules of the house. One of the interviews with a young

woman in her late twenties explained why she does not care about water conservation and is still

taking a bath: “ The reason that I do not care to conserve water is that I was studying abroad

during the bad years of drought and I did not experience what other people did with the water

supply rotation of 2 to 3 days per week.” (fig. 3.3).

Figure 3.3 – Water conservation at home. (Figure: Water Development Department.) (Fig.
It can be concluded that the public of Cyprus has become more aware than before but

they can do more to conserve water. Cypriots need more incentives to change their attitudes and


       A lot of things are mentioned about water conservation in general in Cyprus but not a lot

is mentioned about gardens. In Cyprus, there are no organized groups that focus only on water

conservation in gardens, such as Xeriscape in the U.S. One of the departments of the government

that is focusing more on water conservation in gardens is the Department of Forestry, which it is

under the Ministry of Agriculture. This Department of Forestry puts a lot of effort into helping

the public to understand the importance of our native plants and the idea of creating a garden that

conserves water. The Forestry department supports its effort of water conservation by organized

lectures that are done for the public, professional landscapers, and nurseries. A recommended

plant list and guidelines are offered by this department to help the people be more familiar with

using the right plants at the right place. Not only do they provide the public with the list of

plants, but also they are selling to their nurseries most of the plants that are included in the list,

which are in a very low price range. Another goal mentioned at this department is that they plan

to prepare demonstration gardens in which they can show how to design gardens while

conserving water. The only kind of water conservation garden now it is the botanical garden in

Nicosia, which has mostly native plants and is currently under construction. (fig.3.4).

Figure 3.4 - Botanical garden in Nicosia. (Photo by author.)

In addition, educational campaigns for schools are organized by this department to help the

teachers pass along the message that water conservation and native plants are important. Free

native plants are offered to schools with the idea that students can learn about them at their

schools. In this way, they will become more aware of the native plants of Cyprus and become

more concerned with the problem of water shortage. Moreover, school gardens become

demonstration gardens for the public to show how creative gardens can be with the use of water

conservation plants and native plants of Cyprus.

       Another department that got involved with the awareness of kids about water

conservation is the Environmental Service. It published a story in which the hero explains how

his life is involved with conserving water. This department makes it clear that future generations

should be involved with the problem of water shortage from an early age. Educational campaigns

for water conservation convey their message through TV, radio, by distribution of leaflets and

posters, and by other means of communication. The public is familiar with the general campaign

on water conservation but is not very familiar with the educational campaign that is introduced

by the Forestry department regarding native plants.

       While gathering information on water conservation in gardens in Cyprus, I observed that

it took time and a lot of effort to put the information together. Interviews, articles, and my own

observations were the main sources to sort the information. Even though Cypriots are more

aware than before with water conservation, they are not familiar with water conservation in

gardens. When I visited the Forestry Department and we exchanged information on my thesis

topic and on their contribution to the flora of Cyprus, they were so excited that we had a

common goal to protect our natural heritage. I realize that there are Cypriots who put a lot of

effort in protecting the flora of Cyprus, but they are not organized so that their message can pass

through to the public.

3.2 Garden Culture of Mediterranean and Cyprus

       The typical Mediterranean garden conjures images of blue skies, sun-baked courtyards,

and long, lazy lunches under vine-covered pergolas. The key ingredients are light, warmth,

simplicity, and relaxation. It has a “laid back” image, which is an attractive style contrasted with

the pace of modern life. The predominant colors are white, earthy shades, and blue. The main

hard landscape materials are stone, concrete, and ceramics, which are earthy, durable materials.

Timber is also occasionally used for pergolas. Plants are hardy and drought tolerant, often with

silver-grey foliage typical of dry climates, such as lavender, olive, rosemary, and pencil pines

(Gardening News 1). In addition, containers are popular, with geraniums and roses in them. One

of my grandmother’s gardening practices was to put geranium containers in every single step of

her stairways. Typically, Mediterranean gardens do not have lawns; instead ground surfaces are

paved or covered with gravel. Walled gardens and courtyards are popular for relaxing and

entertaining. Pergolas or verandas provide overhead shade, a necessity for this climate. Grape

vine is one of the most common climbers for overhead that provides good shade and fruits.

However, a lot of people do not prefer it due of its high maintenance when it loses its leaves.

Also, simple water features often are used for their cooling effect. A lot of times people asked

me, “Do you live in these beautiful white houses on the beach, which are full of lavenders?”

This perception of people that associate Greek style with white houses and blue color show that

these special characteristics are important to be preserved.

       Homer, Solomon, Xenophon, Plato, and many other writers of antiquity were among the

first to leave us with references to Mediterranean gardens of their day.       Homer described

gardens, which included votive symbols, trees, and sacred wellsprings, as sacred places because

of the presence of the gods. Gardens were the places that gods gathered to have fun by dancing,

drinking wine, and relaxing. The idea of the garden as a place for relaxing and getting together

emerged first in Hellenistic Greece. Greek people keep strong this tradition of using the outdoor

space most of the time to eat and relax. In addition, gardens were described as very beautiful,

reflecting the harmony achieved between humanity and nature. Also, early descriptions show

that cypress, oaks, and carob are typical of the Mediterranean gardens. Fruit trees like citrus, as

well as grapes and thyme, were very common too. Homer wrote in the Odyssey: “And there

grow tall trees blossoming, pear-trees and pomegranates, and apple-trees with bright fruit, and

sweet figs and olives in their bloom…one part is being dried by the heat, a sunny plot on level

ground, while other grapes men are gathering. These were the splendid gifts of the gods in the

palace of Alcinous” (Sievenking 2). Homer’s description of the palace of Alcinous emphasized

the use of fruit and olive trees in a Mediterranean garden. Based on my observation, gardeners in

the Mediterranean region could not imagine their gardens without the existence of fruit trees.

Furthermore, Greeks were the first to learn the art of gardening. In addition, Romans used words

of Greek origin to describe the art of gardening as “topiaria,” which means pruning leaves and

bushes into artistic shapes. Another description of gardens that was given by Greek philosophers

such as Plato is the importance of shadiness that is essential to the Mediterranean climate. Plato

wrote, “There, there is both shade and a gentle breeze and grass to sit down upon… for this plane

tree is very wide-spreading and lofty, and the height and shadiness of this agnus castus are very

beautiful, it makes the spot as fragrant as possible” (Sievenking 3). In the Mediterranean region

gardens fit the surrounding place and nature and had the advantage of wind and sun.

        Philosophers’ descriptions show that Mediterranean gardens and those of Greece/Cyprus

are very similar to the gardens of the present time. Photos that I took in Cyprus conjure the

images that philosophers described like the use of olive and fruit trees. Mediterranean gardens

have a naturalistic look that imitates nature and gives a sense of place. In the book The

Mediterranean Gardener, the author Hugo Latymer gave a very nice description of the

Mediterranean landscape: “The only gardeners on a Mediterranean hillside for example are

sheep, the only fertilizer, their droppings, the only irrigation the rain. But we find many

marvelous plants: gnarled olive trees a thousand years old, deep green twisted carob trees, citrus,

bloom, rosemary and thyme”(Latymer 20). In another book Gardens Around the World the

author Elizabeth Schuler said about the Greek landscape, “Grace grows wild in this country. This

is the nature of the country to leave it grow naturally…Even the ruins of Mycenae have no

garden but the marjoram turns the wilderness into a sea of blossom, and the Verbascum thrives

around Agamemnon’s grave” (Schuler 125).

       Even though Greek and Cypriot gardens have a naturalistic look and use the native

plants, people have been using imported plants, too, that change the special character of our

landscape. It has been the trend of the twentieth century to use imported plants and make our

landscape look like Hawaii and Miami, because people have admiration for foreign things.

However, in the last years, Mediterranean people have become more concerned with their

cultural heritage and landscape and have started to realize that the use of traditional and native

plants is important. As a result, people are going back to their origins and back to nature. They

do what their ancestors did. They do not have to give plants extra water of the rain, or do they

have to use extra fertilizer, rather they let plants grow naturally. This idea of going back to nature

and the idea of Xeriscape do not rule out the possibility of achieving an attractive garden. When I

explained to my mother the idea of Xeriscape, she said to me, “This idea is going back to my

mother that she used only native plants, and they looked very attractive even without using

fertilizer.” People, who were sensitive to water conservation in a landscape and felt that human

society did not continue important landscape traditions that our ancestors did and kept a balance

with nature, decided to organize this idea of Xeriscape and to make the whole idea more easily

understood by the public.

•   Mediterranean Garden Society

       The Mediterranean Garden Society (MGS) is a non-profit association and that is

important to be aware of, which acts as a forum for anyone with a special interest in the plants

and gardens of Mediterranean climate regions. The MGS started with a small membership in

Greece in 1994. Although the roots of the society are firmly in the Mediterranean soil, the

members are happy to count among other member gardeners and plants people from areas such

as California, Australia, and South Africa that have similar climates to the Mediterranean region.

Up to now there are members in forty countries around the world. The central role of the MGS is

to facilitate the exchange of information and experiences. There are many aspects to

Mediterranean gardening, and unlike gardeners in temperate Europe and North America,

gardeners in the Mediterranean region do not have a strong tradition of horticultural techniques

to fall back on and most gardening literature is not applicable in the Mediterranean area, so they

focus more on their own hard-won experiences (MGS).

3.3 Gardening Trends in Cyprus Since 1960

       Before 1960, back to the time of Socrates, Cypriots were more concerned with their

cultural heritage and landscape. People appreciated nature and had a balance with it. The way

that Greek theaters were built explains how Greeks appreciated and had a balance with nature.

Structures fitted the landscape and the surrounding area rather than imposing them on nature. As

a result, ancient people appreciated natural vegetation and maintained this special character that

is called the Mediterranean landscape and gardens. After that, gardens in the Mediterranean and

Cyprus changed. People changed that special character and had a major effect on nature. They

imported plants that destroyed that special character of the area that our ancestors had conserved

and maintained for thousands of years. Even though people imported plants and imitated other

Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus
Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus

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Xeriscape Guidelines Adapted to Residential Gardens in Cyprus

  • 1. XERISCAPE GUIDELINES ADAPTED TO RESIDENTIAL GARDENS IN CYPRUS A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agriculture and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Landscape Architecture in The School of Landscape Architecture by Elli George Georgiou B.S., University of New Orleans,1999 August 2002
  • 2. Acknowledgments I would like to thank my graduate committee (Kevin Risk, Van Cox, and Charles Fryling from the School of Landscape Architecture) for their time and guidance. I also extend thanks to the Forestry Department of Cyprus for their interest they showed and for the information they provided me. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my brother, and my friends for their love and support. ii
  • 3. Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS………………………………………………………………….ii LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………...iii LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………..vi ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………………………..x INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………….1 I.1 Background of the Topic…………………………………………………………….1 I.2 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………1 I.3 Scope………………………………………………………………………………...3 I.4 Objectives……………………………………………………………………………3 I.5 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………3 I.6 Timeliness of Research………………………………………………………………4 CHAPTER 1. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF WATER CONSERVATION………………6 1.1 Sustainability…………………………………………………………………………6 1.2 Hydrological Cycle…………………………………………………………………..7 1.3 Landscaping and Water Conservation in the United States (Xeriscape)……………12 CHAPTER 2. CYPRUS…………………………………………………………………….22 2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………22 2.2 Environmental Factors………………………………………………………………27 2.2.1 Geology……………………………………………………………………27 2.2.2 Climate ……………………………………………………………………29 2.2.3 Flora of Cyprus……………………………………………………………30 2.2.4 Bioclimatic Zones…………………………………………………………31 2.2.5 Natural Vegetation and Plant Communities of Cyprus……………………33 2.3 Hydrology in Cyprus………………………………………………………………...38 CHAPTER 3. GARDENS IN CYPRUS…………………………………………………….45 3.1 Landscaping and Water Conservation in Cyprus…………………………………….45 3.2 Garden Culture of Mediterranean and Cyprus ………………………………………52 3.3 Gardening Trends in Cyprus Since 1960…………………………………………….56 3.4 The Importance of Gardens in Cypriots’ lives……………………………………….66 CHAPTER 4. XERISCAPE GUIDELINES DEVELOPED BY DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT………………………………………………………………….71 iii
  • 4. CHAPTER 5. THE CASE STUDIES……………………………………………………….82 5.1 Introduction of the Sites……………………………………………………………..82 5.2 Inventory and Conceptual Diagrams of the Case Studies……………………………86 CHAPTER 6. XERISCAPE GUIDELINES ADAPTED TO RESIDENTIAL GARDENS IN CYPRUS…………………………………………………108 6.1 Attitude of Cypriots Toward the Idea of Xeriscape………………………………….108 6.2 Xeriscape Guidelines for Residential Gardens in Cyprus……………………………111 CONCLUSION/IMPLICATIONS…………………………………………………………137 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………………..141 APPENDIX1 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL OF CASE STUDY#1………………..144 APPENDIX 2 SOIL SALTS IN SOIL SAMPLES OF CASE STUDY #1………………….145 APPENDIX 3 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS OF SOIL OF CASE STUDY #2…………….146 APPENDIX 4 SOIL SALTS IN SOIL SAMPLES OF CASE STUDY #2…….……………147 APPENDIX 5 WATER ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDY #1………………………………..148 APPENDIX 6 WATER ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDY #2……………………..…………149 APPENDIX 7 SALT TOLERANCES OF ORNAMENTALS………………………………..150 APPENDIX 8 PLANTS TOLERANT TO SALINITY/LIST#1……………………….……151 APPENDIX 9 PLANTS TOLERANT TO SALINITY/LIST#2………………………….…152 APPENDIX 10 PLANTS TOLERANT TO BORON/LIST#1……………………………….153 APPENDIX 11 PLANTS TOLERANT TO BORON/LIST#2……………………………….154 VITA ………………………………………………………………………………………..155 iv
  • 5. List of Tables Table 1.1 – Comparison of water use in residential at Denver Colorado…………………..20 Table 2.1 – Annual precipitation…………………………………………………………...39 Table 2.2 – Monthly precipitation………………………………………………………….40 Table 2.3 – Relationship of groundwater and surface water in Cyprus……………………41 Table 6.1 – Plants adapted to Cyprus…………………………………………………….130 v
  • 6. List of Figures Figure 1.1 – Water cycle……………………………………………………………………..8 Figure 1.2 – Plant cycle………………………………………………………………………9 Figure 1.3 – Water competition………………………………………………………………10 Figure 1.4 – Hydro-illogical cycle……………………………………………………………11 Figure 1.5 – Water conservation in landscaping……………………………………………..16 Figure 1.6 – Photo of a colorful Xeriscape garden…………………………………………...18 Figure 1.7 – Photo of a Xeriscape garden with naturalistic look…………………………….19 Figure 2.1 – Mediterranean climates in the world……………………………………………22 Figure 2.2 – Map of Mediterranean…………………………………………………………..24 Figure 2.3 – Map of Cyprus…………………………………………………………………..25 Figure 2.4 – Photo of Tombs of the King……………………………………………………26 Figure 2.5 – Map of geology of Cyprus……………………………………………………...28 Figure 2.6 – Map of bioclimatic zones of Cyprus……………………………………………32 Figure 2.7 – Photo of Pine Forest…………………………………………………………….34 Figure 2.8 – Photo of Garigue on dry eroded soils…………………………………………..35 Figure 2.9 – Photo of Garigue on moderately eroded soils…………………………………..35 Figure 2.10 – Photo of rocky areas…………………………………………………………..36 Figure 2.11 – Photo of coastal areas………………………………………………………….36 Figure 2.12 – Photo of wetlands………………………………………………………………37 Figure 2.13 – Photo of cultivated areas………………………………………………………..38 Figure 2.14 – Water consumption in a household……………………………………………..44 vi
  • 7. Figure 3.1 – Using a water container………………………………………………………….48 Figure 3.2 – Washing a car…………………………………………………………………..48 Figure 3.3 - Water conservation at home…………………………………………………… 49 Figure 3.4 – Photo of botanical garden in Nicosia…………………………………………...51 Figure 3.5 – Photo of olive trees……………………………………………………………...58 Figure 3.6 – Photo of lemon trees…………………………………………………………….59 Figure 3.7 – Photo of gold gress trees………………………………………………………..60 Figure 3.8 – Photo of a lawn in Cyprus………………………………………………………60 Figure 3.9 – Photo of imported plants………………………………………………………..61 Figure 3.10 – Photo of dry gold gress trees………………………………………………….61 Figure 3.11 – Photo of water conservation garden…………………………………………..63 Figure 3.12 – Photo of water conservation garden…………………………………………..64 Figure 3.13 – Photo of water conservation garden…………………………………………..65 Figure 3.14 – Photo of pergolas with vines………………………………………………….67 Figure 3.15 – Photo of people that eating in an outdoor space………………………………68 Figure 3.16 – Photo of a garden that enhances the character of the place……………………69 Figure 4.1 – Planning and design……………………………………………………………72 Figure 4.2 – Base plan………………………………………………………………………..73 Figure 4.3 – Water-need zones………………………………………………………………73 Figure 4.4 – Soil analysis……………………………………………………………………74 Figure 4.5 – Use of lawn……………………………………………………………………75 Figure 4.6 – Plant selection…………………………………………………………………..75 vii
  • 8. Figure 4.7 – Efficient irrigation………………………………………………………………76 Figure 4.8 – Use of mulches………………………………………………………………….77 Figure 4.9 – Appropriate maintenance………………………………………………………..77 Figure 4.10 – Photo of Xeriscape garden before the construction……………………………78 Figure 4.11 – Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction……………………………..78 Figure 4.12 - Photo of Xeriscape garden before the construction…………………………..79 Figure 4.13 - Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction………………………………79 Figure 4.14 - Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction………………………………80 Figure 4.15- Photo of Xeriscape garden after the construction………………………………80 Figure 4.16 – Photo of Xeriscape garden with cactus…………………………………………81 Figure 5.1 – Location map of the case studies………………………………………………….82 Figure 5.2 – Photo of the house on the beach…………………………………………………..83 Figure 5.3 – Base map with existing conditions of the house on the beach……………………84 Figure 5.4 – Base map with existing conditions of the house on mountain…………………….85 Figure 5.5 – Photo of the fruit garden………………………………………………..…………87 Figure 5.6 – Inventory base map with existing conditions of the house on the beach………….88 Figure 5.7 – Photo of the barbeque area……………………………………………………….89 Figure 5.8 – Photo of the area from the beach to the house……………………………………89 Figure 5.9 – Photo of the view from the house to the beach……………………………………90 Figure 5.10 – Photo of the view from the house to the open fields……………………………90 Figure 5.11 – Conceptual diagram of the house on the beach…………………………………93 Figure 5.12 – Inventory base map of the house on mountain………………………………….98 Figure 5.13 – Photo of the sea…………………………………………………………………98 viii
  • 9. Figure 5.14 – Photo of hilly landscape………………………………………………………..99 Figure 5.15 – Photo of Troodos mountain……………………………………………………100 Figure 5.16 – Photo of village Evrychou…………………………………………………….100 Figure 5.17 – Conceptual diagram of the house on mountain………………………………..102 Figure 6.1 – Wind direction…………………………………………………………………...115 Figure 6.2 – Regrade the landscape……………………………………………………………116 Figure 6.3 – Photo of terraces made of stones…….……………………………………………117 Figure 6.4 – Composition of soil……………………………………………………………….119 Figure 6.5 – Availability of food for soil……………………………………………………….120 Figure 6.6 – Map of the soil of Cyprus……………………………………………………. …..120 Figure 6.7 - Photo of impractical size of lawn…………………………………………………124 Figure 6.8 – Photo of a Greek style patio………………………………………………………125 Figure 6.9 – Sun path diagram 36 degrees latitude……………………………………………126 Figure 6.10 – Seasonal sun path diagram………………………………………………………127 Figure 6.11 – Conceptual diagram of a residential garden……………………………………128 Figure 6.12 – Drip irrigation…………………………………………………………………..132 Figure 6.13 – Sprinklers irrigation……………………………………………………………..133 Figure 6.14 – Wakki device…………………………………………………………………..134 Figure 6.15 – Photo of plant containers………………………………………………………136 ix
  • 10. Abstract One of the major problems that my country, Cyprus, faces is water scarcity. In the last five to ten years, the problem has become more serious because of a series of droughts that have left the island with limited water. As a result, Cypriots keep their gardens to a minimum or they abandon their gardens due to water shortage. This attitude of Cypriots toward their gardens was the inspiration of this thesis topic. The idea of Xeriscape and the seven guidelines of Xeriscape that were first introduced and organized by the Denver Water Department in Colorado are directly related to water conservation and landscaping, which is the focus of this thesis. First, I researched books, articles, and the Web on related topics with water conservation and landscaping in the United States and in Cyprus. After that, I did interviews with professional and non-professional Cypriots on related topics with water conservation in gardens. Based on this research and interviews, I tested the Xeriscape guidelines, which originated with the Denver Water Department, to see how they work in Cyprus. I used two sites of Cyprus as case studies to evaluate these guidelines. According to this testing of guidelines on case studies, I adapted the Xeriscape guidelines to Cyprus. The cultural environment of Cyprus, which is different than in the United States, affects how I adapted the guidelines. Also, the natural differences in Cyprus affect the application of the guidelines. In addition, graphic and other informative data are included in my own guidelines to provide a more detail explanation of important terms related with Xeriscape. x
  • 11. Introduction I.1 Background of the Topic This thesis will illustrate how Xeriscape guidelines can be adapted to residential gardens in Cyprus, a Greek island situated in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. “Xeriscape” means water conservation through creative landscape, which comes from the Greek word “xeros,” meaning “dry” and from the word “scape” from the word “landscape.” This idea of Xeriscape originated with the Denver Water Department. Xeriscape encourages the use of native plants, of drought- tolerant plants, and other related principles, such as the use of mulches, efficient irrigation systems, soil analysis, and maintenance. Cyprus has a mild climate, with long, dry summers and short, mild winters. Its water supply is both inadequate and irregular, with an average annual rainfall of 500mm (20in), leaving the island quite dry. A water shortage, one of the major problems of Cyprus, has become more obvious in the last five years because of drought conditions. After discussing with my father the water shortage in Cyprus, he told me, “Your thesis topic should deal with water conservation in residential garden design because we Cypriots die for our gardens, but we do not know how to deal with them.” My thesis will provide a source of information for citizens about residential garden design that promotes water conservation measures. I.2 Statement of the Problem The design of residential gardens in Cyprus is very interesting because gardens are part of people’s everyday lives. Climatic conditions are conducive to cultivating gardens, and the island setting provides an extremely safe environment, allowing people to sit outside until late at night while eating and relaxing. Cypriots use outdoor spaces for their daily activities such as drinking 1
  • 12. coffee in the morning and relaxing in the afternoon. They also use outdoor spaces to play with their kids and to barbeque, usually on the weekends. Currently, most Cypriots are forced to keep their gardening to a minimum or do not garden at all because of the drought of the last five years. Many have the perception that the water shortage limits their options for having an attractive garden. Many Cypriots are disappointed that their gardens are dying during these drought years. Furthermore they think that it is impossible to have an attractive garden while at the same time conserving water. However, a Xeriscape model shows how proper selection and use of plants that require minimal irrigation can result in a suitable garden. This type of landscape can be attractive and interesting using different colors, shapes, and textures of native and water-conserving plants. Despite popular misconceptions, Xeriscape gardens are not just brown, with rocks and cactus. Even though the Ministry of Agriculture, private landscape designers, and horticulturists are more familiar than most people in Cyprus with designed landscapes that conserve water (Xeriscape), there are no organizations that focus exclusively on this idea. The Forestry Department of the Ministry of Agriculture is the only governmental department that focuses on the use of plants and water conservation issues. This department conducts educational campaigns about the use of native plants of Cyprus. Although the public in Cyprus has become more sensitive to the environment and to garden design during the last five years, they have limited knowledge of water conservation in landscaping. Due to the drought, more people are asking professionals how to maintain their gardens because sustainable garden design is more complex than before. People must be familiar with the selection of plants that require less water, with plants that are adapted to the environment, and also with the way to zone the plants to save energy. 2
  • 13. One of the phrases that came into widespread use in the last half of the 1980s is “sustainability,” a term that is closely related to the principles of Xeriscape. The World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) defines sustainability as “ meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Natural systems provide models for sustainability that create no waste. For example, a single tree can provide the same cooling effect as a 10-room-sized air conditioner, running 24 hours a day with no waste (Lyle 3). Xeriscape that promotes water conservation and native plants is an essential part of sustainable development in Cyprus. I.3 Scope Xeriscape guidelines adapted to residential gardens in Cyprus, focusing on two case study sites. Conceptual designs and Xeriscape design recommendations are presented for two residential gardens. The gardens that I use to investigate the guidelines are selected to represent the main geographical areas of Cyprus: the mountains and the coastal plain. This will give people an idea of the alternatives possible in garden designs. In addition, the guidelines adapted to Cyprus will provide Cypriots the opportunity to design their own garden that conserves water. I.4 Objectives • To test the Xeriscape guidelines developed by Denver Water Department in two case study sites in Cyprus. • To adapt specific Xeriscape guidelines to residential gardens in Cyprus. I.5 Methodology First, I reviewed the literature on related topics: humanity, nature, environment, the hydrological cycle, Xeriscape, Mediterranean climate, Mediterranean Garden Society, Cyprus’s climate, geology, bioclimatic zones, flora, native plant communities and hydrology. Due to the lack of research on garden design in Cyprus, I interviewed 15 professionals and 10 3
  • 14. nonprofessionals about water issues, environment, horticulture, agriculture, nurseries, and landscape design. The nonprofessionals included a broad range of people of different ages, professions, and interests. The information I was seeking from the interviews was very important. It helped me to become more familiar with the topic, it gave me real numbers about precipitation, temperature, water supply and demand that I could not find in books, and it gave me information about the history of gardens in Cyprus, the role of gardens in Cypriots’ lives, water conservation in residential garden design, and the attitudes of Cypriots toward Xeriscape. After I collected this important background information, I investigated how to adapt Xeriscape guidelines for residential gardens in Cyprus. First, I became familiar with the Xeriscape guidelines through research in books, articles, and on the Internet. Second, I tested the original Denver guidelines by applying them to two sites in Cyprus. Based on the case study information, and on my experience and knowledge of Xeriscape, I adapted the Xeriscape guidelines to Cyprus. While testing the Xeriscape principles on the sites in Cyprus, I felt that more detailed explanations and graphics was needed in order for the guidelines to be followed more easily by the public. In addition, during my evaluation of the guidelines on these two sites, I realized that geographical and cultural differences of Cyprus should be incorporated into the guidelines for Cyprus. I.6 Timeliness of Research This thesis is valuable because it organizes information on water conservation and landscape design in Cyprus in a useful and systematic way. Other reasons are as follows: designing garden sites that save water helps to reduce water consumption nationwide. Secondly, sustainable gardens and water conservation can be more easily achieved through informed landscape design. The third reason is that Xeriscape is an environmentally sound concern 4
  • 15. because it conserves water and supports native plants. Fourth, landscaping and water conservation in gardens help to enhance the character of the place. Lastly, the idea of water conservation in residential garden design is economically suitable because it helps reduce water utility costs. 5
  • 16. Chapter 1. General Principles of Water Conservation The first area of importance to discuss is the relationship of humans with nature and the environment. After dealing with people and nature, and explaining the effect of people on the environment, we will talk about the concept of sustainability, which today is a very commonly used term and is concerned with environmental soundness. The third area, related to the hydrological cycle and the resultant flow of water, will explain the shortage of this important natural resource. The next area concerns landscaping and water conservation in the United States to introduce to Cypriots a similar situation in the United States. 1.1 Sustainability Humans are currently experiencing a period of time that is marked by increasing conflict between human activities and environmental constraints. Acid rain, depletion of the ozone layer, increased levels of carbon dioxide, and the depletion of rainforests are among the environmental problems that are widely known to be attributed to human activities all over the world. This conflict of humans with the environment creates an unbalanced relationship between nature and human beings. For a better survival of humans, for the human environment to become sustainable, people have to change some of those patterns and should try to reestablish their connections with nature. In the middle of 1980s, when the word “sustainability” came into widespread use, people realized their struggle with the environment and nature. They realized that they must turn to sustainable development. In sustainable development, the effort is to make full use of basic landscape processes – even more complete use than nature herself makes. According to the World Commission on Environment and Development, which defines sustainability as “meeting our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Lyle adds “Nature is the perfect model for sustainability; it 6
  • 17. produces no waste. So, we must attempt to model our somewhat linear processes after the efficient cyclical processes of nature.” (Lyle 3). Having nature as a model, we must reduce, reuse, recycle, and properly manage materials in order to protect human health and the environment. Human society must use resources like energy, water, land, and materials in a sufficient way. It must try to eliminate waste, create a healthy environment, and support conservation. When people focus on these environmental improvements, then they will move toward the period of time that humans and nature will in a balance, which is necessary for our survival. Xeriscape is one of the concepts that has nature as a model and is part of sustainability. Xeriscape principles sustain resources and preserve the earth by supporting native plants and by using landscape principles that conserve water. Plants adapted to the conditions of the local environment can live on water and nutrients available there and will also support the region’s character. Water conservation in landscaping is important and is part of people’s concern with the environment. Before I introduce landscape design and water conservation, one should consider the hydrological cycle, which will explain the shortage of this natural resource. 1.2 Hydrological Cycle Water is the most important and probably the most widely known substance on Earth. It is a key component in determining the quality of our lives and makes up 50 to 90 percent of the weight of living things. In addition, around 70 percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and swamps. Water is a scarce resource that, unless there are droughts and floods, most of us do not think about much (Robinette 11). The water cycle (hydrological cycle) provides a model for understanding the global plumbing system. Understanding the global system is essential to water conservation because in order to conserve 7
  • 18. water, we should know how to keep the water cycle as close to its natural form as possible. Not only should the water cycle be understood but also the meaning of condensation, precipitation, and evaporation. The water cycle is the endless cycle that water travels through on our planet (like a never- ending spiral). Landscape plants and all plants are an important component in that cycle because they help to speed up and implement the process. In this cycle, water can be found as a liquid (water), as a solid (snow, ice), and as a gas (water vapor). The change of a substance from a gas to a liquid is called condensation. On the reverse side, the change of a substance from liquid to a gas is called evaporation. Moreover, the water that falls to earth from the sky as rain, snow, sleet, or hail is called precipitation and is a direct result of condensation (Robinette12). (fig. 1.1). Figure 1.1 - Water Cycle. (Figure: Robinette12.) 8
  • 19. In simple words, water is pulled out of plants, the soil, lakes, rivers, and oceans and is transferred into a gas or into droplets. After that, water falls back to earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail and when it arrives on earth, it goes back to rivers, lakes and oceans. Then the circle starts again. The role of plants is very important to the water cycle. Plants work like water pumps. When moisture reaches the soil, the roots transfer the moisture (water) through the trunk and stems into leaves and then into the air. A mature plant with many big leaves pumps out more water than a small plant with fewer smaller leaves. The water that is pumped out from the leaves to the air should be replaced by rainfall or irrigation. This is the reason why when there is a water scarcity, we select plants that do not use a lot of water. They can survive even if a lot of water is not available to be replaced back to the roots (Robinette 13.) (fig.1.2). Figure 1.2 - Plant cycle. (Figure: Robinette 13.) Keeping the water cycle as natural as possible and trying not to disturb it with our activities is very critical for our survival. The reality is that we have already broken that natural 9
  • 20. cycle, and we have an unbalanced relationship with nature. For example, humans created this unbalanced relationship by importing plants that do not naturally grow in the area. As a result, these plants have needs different from those the nature provides them. In addition, water consumption increased in the twentieth century due to water competition in different areas, leaving people with limited water resources. (fig. 1.3). Figure 1.3 - Water competition. (Figure: Robinette16.) In Figure 1.3, we see how people are fighting for water to satisfy their different needs. In our world today, water competition is one of the major concerns of society and puts limitations on the landscape elements. It seems obvious that water use for landscaping and plants should be restricted rather than water for drinking, cooking, and bathing (Robinette 16). This serious problem of water competition makes people more environmentally aware than before, and it prompts them to start to conserve water. For example, in arid zones of the United States, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean where water problems 10
  • 21. are apparent, people are becoming more aware and are starting to conserve water in many ways, such as using less water to wash dishes, taking showers instead of baths, doing only fully loaded laundry, and watering plants with a container instead of with a water hose. Even though people are more aware than before, usually they follow the “hydro-illogical cycle.” (fig. 1.4). Figure 1.4 - Hydro-illogical Cycle. (Figure: Robinette 66.) 11
  • 22. Figure 1.4 expresses perfectly people’s behavior concerning with water conservation (hydro- illogical cycle). This cycle explains the illogical behavior of people: when there are drought years, people conserve water but when the good years come, they easily forget those bad years and start to consume or waste water in large quantities (Robinette 66). 1.3 Landscaping and Water Conservation in the United States (Xeriscape) In the next 25 years, close to one third of the world’s population will experience water shortage (Deen 1). Based on International Institute research, the problem of water shortage threatens global peace. The Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi has warned that the next Middle Eastern war would be over dwindling water supplies. Also, Egypt has threatened to go to war to protect its water supplies. In addition, the executive secretary of Beirut, Hazem El-Biblawi, has said that water would replace oil as one of the major political and economic issue of the Middle East in this century. Research on water scarcity has been studied on a country-by-country basis. The Institute of International Water Management divides the countries into four categories. The first category, which includes Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Israel, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Tunisia, Singapore, and South Africa, are the countries with the least water available. By the year 2025, they will not have enough water to support agriculture, industry, household use, and the environment. The second category is countries mostly from sub-Saharan Africa that have sufficient water resources but which have to double their efforts to conserve water in all possible ways. The other two categories, which are North America and Europe, will have less pressure on water supplies, with a moderate need to increase water development efforts (Deen 1). Before the early 1980s, Americans who were practicing landscape water conservation were the exception rather than the rule. In the twentieth century, in most of the places in America 12
  • 23. and in areas that are facing water scarcity, as in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, Colorado, and California, water conservation started to be part of people’s lives. Now water conservation in landscaping is starting to be the rule rather than the exception. Dealing with this major threat of water scarcity forces people to be more environmentally concerned. Water conservation is one of the ways people are showing their concern for the environment. In the energy crisis of the 1970s, gas-guzzling cars were replaced by fuel-efficient cars. Today, in the Southwestern states with low precipitation and water competition, landscape designers and planners are forced to replace the water-loving trees, shrubs, and annuals with Xeriscape plants (History of Xeriscape 1.) • The Origins of Xeriscape The Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (ALCC) and the Denver Water Department started the idea of water-conserving gardens in Colorado in 1981. By mid-1981 a team of professionals from green and blue (water) industries assembled to focus on water for landscape purposes. The team included a local landscape architect, a horticulturist from Colorado State University, a Fellow of ASLA, a horticulturist consultant, and a conservation manager from Denver Water. They refer to the term “Xeriscape” as the whole idea of their program. The introduction of the Xeriscape concept was specifically for popularizing landscape water conservation and to positively involve and educate as many people as possible about the importance of water to humans and other life forms. The mission of the team was to create educational demonstration gardens to show the beauty possible through this concept and to create a wide-reaching and on-going public involvement and education program. Nancy Leavitt, an environmental planner for Denver Water, coined the word “Xeriscape” for the garden and the educational program, which includes the seven water-saving principles of Xeriscape (Department of Agriculture 1). 13
  • 24. The seven water-saving principles of Xeriscape devised by the Denver Water Department are: 1. Planning and Design 2. Soil analysis 3. Practical Turf Areas 4. Appropriate Plant Selection 5. Efficient Irrigation 6. Use of Mulches 7. Appropriate Maintenance Landscape professionals say of Xeriscape that the application of its principles can reduce water use in the landscape by up to 80%. The first Xeriscape garden was dedicated at Denver Water in May of 1982, and in 1985 the growth of the concept was so significant that the National Xeriscape Council, Inc., a non-profit organization, was forced to fill many requests for information. In 1996, the non-profit organization Xeriscape Colorado Inc. celebrated the existence of 32 Xeriscape gardens in Colorado. Positive media coverage spawned interest in spreading the idea of Xeriscape in a number of states, such as California, Colorado, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, and New York and in other countries like Israel and Spain (History of Xeriscape 3). During the last period of drought in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the crisis of atmosphere created a great demand for Xeriscape information. As the founder of the National Xeriscape Council mentioned, the Xeriscape movement grew on its own out of necessity (Weber 30). Xeriscape`s concept has as a slogan, “ Keep it on tap for the future.” They try to make the idea of Xeriscape attractive to people and easy to understand. Chris Call, a Water Denver expert on Xeriscape guidelines, explained to me that guidelines were designed in a way 14
  • 25. that people can easily follow them. She said that the guidelines couldn’t include scientific data that the public cannot follow. For example, for testing their type of soil, they explained to the public a simple way to test their soil. They ask them to get a soil and to form a ball. If the soil can form a ball then it is clay. If the soil cannot, then it is sand. In addition, she explained to me that it was their intent to make the guidelines very general so that they can be applied in any location of the world. Figure 1.5, prepared by the Cooperative Extension Service of Colorado State University show ways to save water in the landscape. Moreover, the term “Xeriscape” conjures up different perceptions. Gene Bussell an ASLA planner, stated,“ I was uncomfortable at first with the term Xeriscape, which conjures up images of desert conditions and cacti. Xeriscape principles break down the concept of water- efficient landscape in a way that the public can easily understand” (Thompson 56). Xeriscape has been a misunderstood concept and its results are contrary to some people’s conceptions. When I introduced the idea of Xeriscape to people in Cyprus, their first response was “ Do you mean that my garden would look like a desert?” Xeriscape designs can be very attractive, with abundant color. Xeriscape can also be used on sites next to the ocean where there are problems of salt- water intrusion into local water supplies. According to John Arend, senior land planner for Evans Group, the ITT Admiral Corporation and the Evans Group designed an 80% Xeriscape at the Hammock Dunes project using salt-tolerant plants for the ocean-front location (McLeister 83). Another important effort of Xeriscape is the encouragement of naturalistic landscaping with native plants (fig1.7). Using native plants supports the environment and helps with the restoration of the sense of place. In the article “Letting the Desert be the Desert,” Steve Martino, an ASLA member, said, “ First I started to beg and trick people into using native plants.” Today, 15
  • 26. Figure 1.5 - Water conservation in landscaping. (Figure: Robinette 55.) (Fig. Con’d.) 16
  • 27. 17
  • 28. people have discovered the savings in maintenance costs that can result from native plant use. These days, homeowners are beginning to value gardens that stress the environment as little as possible. Moreover, he talked about the importance of native plants by saying, “Why play another region’s music when the song of one’s own region is so lovely?” (Fisher 81). Also, Cypriots expressed their concerns about the use of native plants. However, when I showed them Figure 1.6 - Colorful Xeriscape gardens. (Photo: Garden design May 1990.) 18
  • 29. Figure 1.7 - Xeriscape garden with naturalistic look. (Photo: Garden design June 1991.) photos of Xeriscape gardens, their attitudes were very positive. In another article “Xeriscape offers attractive solution to water shortages,” it is mentioned that if inexpensive native plants are used, the dollar figures are about the same as using more traditional landscaping. But if mature desert trees are brought in (at $1000 a piece) the figure can go up substantially. The main idea with Xeriscape is to enhance the density of the native plants and place a small zone of grass (20 to 30-ft portion on a one-acre lot). Les Leininger, assistant vice president in the services of McMillin Co., says that this company spends 20% to 30% more money for more native plants so people would not be scared by their sparse appearance. He said that this expenditure is worthwhile because the long-term benefits outweigh the costs. Also, separate water meters on 19
  • 30. the four models at Bonica Long Canyon showed the two Xeriscape yards produced 25% to 40% savings in water, which represents a saving of $5 month per month (McLeister 84). Table 1.1 demonstrates how much water could be saved without major changes in lifestyle. This table shows a comparison of water use among three Denver Water single-family residential accounts. Table 1.1-Comparison of water use among three Denver Water single-family residential accounts Table by Denver Water Department 20
  • 31. The first account is based on data from Denver Water. The other two are hypothetical. For comparison’s sake all accounts were assumed to be demographically identical, with 2.71 people in the household and 4,000 sq ft of landscape. It also compares the landscape maintenance (Denver Water Conservation Master Plan 8). In conclusion, the Xeriscape idea has been popularized and useful in some of the states of America and in some countries of the world by the support of all kinds of media. What we expect now is to have more attention to the idea of Xeriscape in more countries and particularly on the part of the ones facing the critical issue of water scarcity. Now, I will set the background for similar efforts in Cyprus by introducing the geographical and cultural aspects that close related with water conservation and landscaping. 21
  • 32. Chapter 2. Cyprus 2.1 Introduction • Mediterranean Climate Cyprus is located in the Mediterranean Sea and therefore has a “Mediterranean” climate with short, cool, wet winters and long, dry summers. Worldwide there are five climate areas characterized as “Mediterranean”: the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, the South African Cape, Southern and Western Australia, Central Chile, and much of California. (See the following figure with Mediterranean climates.) Figure 2.1 – “Mediterranean” climates in the world. (Figure: MGS web site.) Temperatures may vary considerably. Some areas have hard frosts in winter, others barely any frost at all; in some, summers are unbearably hot and dry, others mild and foggy. Plants native to these areas are genetically programmed to withstand these specific conditions. One common form of adaptation is a summer dormancy period, as the arid summers are the most difficult season to survive. 22
  • 33. In total, the five areas with Mediterranean climates comprise only about 2% of the earth’s landmass. The largest of them is the Mediterranean itself, with about 60% of the world’s “Mediterranean” climate, followed by Southern and Western Australia, which together equal about 22%. The remaining three are: California (10%), Chile (5%), and South Africa (3%). It is interesting to note that this last and smallest “Mediterranean” climate is itself the richest of the six floristic kingdoms of the world, with a diversity of 1,300 species. The next closest is the South American rainforest with 400 species (MGS 1). As a result, gardeners in these areas of the world enjoy a diversity of native plants in addition to the beautiful and interesting plants of other similar climates, which sometimes become naturalized. Working with the natural forces that shape these unique regions of “Mediterranean” climates, one can create astonishing beauty while requiring minimal maintenance through climate-appropriate plantings. • Facts about Cyprus Cyprus has a population of approximately 750,000 people and is the largest island in the Mediterranean, after Sardinia and Sicily. It is located on the eastern edge of the sea, some 60 km (37 miles) from Turkey to the north and 90 km (56 miles) from Syria to the east. (See the following figures of Mediterranean and Cyprus.) The island is approximately 0.6 times the size of Connecticut and has a total area of 9,250 sq km (3,571 sq miles), of which 3,355 sq km (1,295 sq miles) are in the Turkish Cypriot area. The population of the island is divided as follows: 85.1% of the population are Greek Cypriots, 11.7% Turkish Cypriots, and 3.2% foreigners residing in Cyprus. The capital of the island is Nicosia (Lefkosia), with a population of 198,000. Limassol, Larnaca, Paphos, Famagusta, and Kyrenia are the major towns of Cyprus. Its geographical position is largely responsible for the climate, which, to many visitors, seems to 23
  • 34. divide the year into nine months of summer and three of spring. Standing at the crossroads, as it were, of Europe, Asia, and Africa, the country has been viewed over the centuries as a Figure 2.2 - Map of Mediterranean. (Figure: Cyprus Organization web site.) strategically important stronghold by a long succession of conquerors. Cyprus, although a small country, has a rich cultural heritage and a known history that dates back over 10,000 years. Some believe that the name “Cyprus” is derived from the Latin word for cooper, “Cuprus.” The island’s trade in copper once made it one of the busiest commercial centers in the Mediterranean. The island of Cyprus is known internationally as an extremely popular holiday destination for 24
  • 35. Figure 2.3 - Map of Cyprus. (Figure: Cyprus Organization web site.) European and Middle Eastern countries, thanks to its excellent warm climate, wonderfully hospitable people, first-rate accommodations, delicious cuisine, and its safe, friendly environment (Kyriakou 6). What is special about Cyprus is its diverse natural and cultural environments. I have never visited a place where the landscape changes so dramatically from a mountain to coastal scenery in less than 15 miles distance. During the spring season, visitors to Cyprus can ski in the mountains and on the same day swim at the beach. The diversity of cultures is special, too. In a village, visitors can savor the traditional way of life. In urban areas, they can see how Cypriots 25
  • 36. live a modern life while keeping their traditions. In addition, in tourist areas, people can experience the influence of tourism on our small island. • History According to mythology, Cyprus is the birthplace of the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite (Venus). The island is both an ancient land, with an eleven thousand year-old history and civilization, as well as a young independent republic since 1960. (See the following pictures.) Cypriots feel strongly about their history and unique culture, and they try hard to keep them alive. The history of Cyprus plays an important role in people’s lives and behavior. Figure 2.4 - Tombs of the King. (Photo: Kyriakou, 1987.) 26
  • 37. 2.2 Environmental Factors 2.2.1 Geology Cyprus is dividend into three geological zones: the Kyrenia range to the north (Pendadaktylos), the Troodos massif to the south, and the Mesaoria plain separating the two. The Troodos range is a region of high relief rising to 1,951 meters (6,401 feet) on Mount Olympus. The forests, which cover the Troodos massif, combined with its steep slopes and precipices and narrow valleys and crevices, help create beautiful scenery. The Troodos is covered with pines, dwarf oaks, cypresses, and cedars. The Kyrenia range rises up to 1,024 meters (3,360 feet) at Kyparissovouno. It is a picturesque area with hills, slopes, and valleys free of folding and other tectonic features. This range is made of a succession of mostly allochthonous sedimentary formations, ranging from Permian to Middle Miocene in age. The central plain, which is the Mesaoria, has a low relief not exceeding 180 meters (591 feet) near Nicosia. This plain is composed of flyschtype rocks carried by rivers from the Troodos and Kyrenia ranges. The Mesaoria plain is formed of a succession of upper cretaceous to pleistocene sedimentary rocks. Cyprus is almost surrounded by coastal valleys. In the north is the Kyrenia valley, with its narrow dent elated coasts; in the west are the Paphos and Chrysochou valleys; in the east is the Famagusta valley. The soil is alluvial and fertile, suitable for agriculture (PIO 11). (See the following figure with the geology of Cyprus.) The geology of Cyprus explains why Cyprus is a unique place with its diverse landscape. One of my favorite scenes is the drive from the village Drousia to Polis. The experience is unique because the sea can be seen through the mountains. The Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for the rational management and sustainable use of natural resources as well as being the coordinating ministry for the protection of the island’s environment. Cyprus has endorsed the principles of sustanable 27
  • 38. Figure 2.5 - Map of the geology of Cyprus. (Figure: Cyprus Organization web site.) development, which are economic development, environmental stewardship, and equitable opportunities. In this process, the country is guided by the principles adopted at the Rio Conference and the European Union’s respective policies. The setting up of national parks and nature reserves is now receiving attention. There are six national forest parks, two in the coastal area, three around Nicosia, and one at Troodos. Two nature reserves are also located at Troodos. Worth mentioning also is the work initiated for the preparation of the ecological chart of Cyprus. The basic objective of this effort is to survey, study, and map all the basic characteristics and parameters of the natural, biological, and cultural resources, to identify the pressures threatening them, and to put forward suggestions and programs for the protection and enhancement of the ecological and cultural endowment of the island (PIO 252). I believe that the introduction of the idea of Xeriscape in Cyprus will support this objective of the government and can also support the principles of sustainable development. 28
  • 39. Cyprus’ endorsement of the European Union will make sustainable development part of our lives. 2.2.2 Climate Cyprus has an intense Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers from the middle of May to the middle of September with an average temperature of 32 C (90 F), rainy and rather changeable winters from the middle of November to the middle of March with an average temperature of 16 C (61 F); and the intervening transitional seasons of autumn and spring. Summer is a season of high temperatures with cloudless skies, but the sea breeze creates a pleasant microclimate in the coastal areas. Summer temperatures are high in the lowlands, even near the sea, and reach particularly uncomfortable readings in the Mesaoria. From ancient times Cyprus was called the “Island of Sun” because the sun shines for 340 days a year. On the other hand, winters are mild with some rain and snow in the Troodos Mountains (usually starting before Christmas). The average rainfall from December to February is about 60% of the average annual total precipitation for the island as a whole, which is 500 mm (20 inches). The higher mountain areas are cooler and moister than the rest of the island. They receive the heaviest annual rainfall, which may be as much as 1,000 mm (39 inches). Frost also occurs in the higher districts, which are usually blanketed with snow during the first months of the year. The average daytime temperature is around 16 C (61 F). This season brings some much-needed rain to this land in which water shortage is a huge problem. In addition, relative humidity of the air is on average between 60% and 80% in winter and between 40% and 60% in summer with even lower values over island areas around midday. Sunshine is abundant during the whole year, particularly from April to September, when the average duration of bright sunshine exceeds 11 hours per day. Winds are generally light to moderate and variable in direction. Strong winds may occur 29
  • 40. sometimes, but gales are infrequent over Cyprus and are mainly confined to exposed coastal areas as well as areas at high elevations. The climate of Cyprus is considered one of the healthiest in the world, and infectious diseases are practically unknown (Climate of Cyprus). 2.2.3 Flora of Cyprus With a total of 1,910 taxa (species, subspecies, and varieties), 139 of which are endemic, Cyprus is an extremely interesting place for nature lovers and because of its diversity of flora, it is a botanist’s paradise. The term “endemic plant” means all plant taxa which grow naturally in Cyprus and nowhere else in the world. The endemic plants of Cyprus include 73 perennial herbs, 21 annual herbs, 19 sub shrubs, 14 shrubs, and only one tree, the Cyprus Cedar (Cedrus brevifolia). Its isolation as an island has led to the evolution of many species with strong endemic flowering elements. At the same time, being surrounded by big continents, it incorporates botanological elements of the neighboring land masses, such as the Western Mediterranean (France, Italy, Spain) and the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Israel, Syria and Turkey). Cyprus is big enough to have a varied topography (mountains, inlands, and coastal areas), which goes along with a varied climate. Its geographic position, its size, and these variations in habitat result in a rich and diversified flora. Cyprus’s flora is as rich as that of other Mediterranean countries but is much richer than that of countries of central and northern Europe (Tsintides 10,15 ). Because the flora of Cyprus is diverse, important, and special, Cypriots must protect and try not to impact it in a negative manner. Cyprus’s flora is a valuable heritage, and its conservation is an imperative duty for all its citizens. The character of the island is marked not only by the people and the buildings but also by the flora of the place; so we must try to keep that special character rather than trying to change it. Cyprus is a small, beautiful island that 30
  • 41. combines all the kinds of landscape, a feature that is uncommon in other places in the world or on that scale. One of the most important attributes of a place is its character that has been achieved by its history, its culture, and the people that live in that place. It is the special character of a place that makes people love traveling from one place to another. What is the reason of traveling from one place to another to see new places if all the places of the world are the same? Cypriots should feel proud of this natural wealth, and also they should feel equally proud of the measures taken to conserve this precious heritage. 2.2.4 Bioclimatic Zones The bioclimate of Cyprus is the classification of the island in zones based on its flora and its climatic conditions. According to the research by Vaso Pandela, the island is divided in eight bioclimatic zones: 1. Semiarid Hot (Precipitation<400mm [15.8’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month >6 C [43F]). 2. Semiarid Mild (Precipitation<400mm [15.8’’] nd an average minimum temperature of the coldest month 3-6 C [43F]). 3. Hot Arid (Precipitation 400-600mm [15.8-23.6’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month >6 C [43F], altitude 0-300 meters [0- 984ft]). 4. Mild Arid (Precipitation 400-600mm [15.8-23.6’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month 3-6 C [37-43F], altitude 300-400 meters [984-1313ft]). 5. Semi Wet Mild (Precipitation 600-900mm [23.6-35.4’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month 3-6 C [37-43F], altitude 400-900 meters [1313-2953ft]). 31
  • 42. 6. Semi Wet Cool (Precipitation 600-900mm [23.6-35.4’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month 0-3 C [32-37F], altitude 900-1150 meters [2953- 3775ft]). 7. Cool Wet (Precipitation>900mm [35.4’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month 0-3 C [32-37F], altitude 1150-1500 meters [3775-4921ft]). 8. Cold Wet (Precipitation>900mm [35.4’’] and an average minimum temperature of the coldest month <0 C [32F], altitude>1500 meter [4921ft]). (fig. 2.6 with the bioclimatic zones of Cyprus). This research on bioclimatic zones was done by the Forestry Department of Cyprus with the collaboration of an important scientist, Vasos Figure 2.6 – Map of bioclimatic zones of Cyprus and of the case studies. (Figure: Vaso Pandela.) 32
  • 43. Pandelas. This map is an important contribution toward the natural wealth of Cyprus. According to this map, Cypriots can specify the climatic conditions of their site, which will help them to decide about the right plant selection. The right plant selection will help preserve the natural vegetation of each area. (Ministry of Agriculture 14). 2.2.5 Natural Vegetation and Native Plant Communities of Cyprus The country’s diverse geomorphology has allowed the development of a wide variety of vegetation. This includes forests of hardwood, evergreen, and broadleaved trees such as pinus latepensis, cedar, cypressus and oak. According to Eratosthenes, a Greek botanist of the third century B.C., most of Cyprus, even Meaoria, was heavily forested in antiquity, and considerable remnants of those forests survive on the Troodos and Kyrenia ranges. Locally, at lower altitudes, about 17% of the whole island is classified as woodland (PIO 13). Garigues and Maquis also cover a considerable part of the island and in reality they are of anthropogenic origin. They result from the destruction of forest followed by periodic burning and overgrazing, leading to soil erosion and a subsequent reduction of ecosystem productivity. Where the soil is not seriously eroded and other ecological factors are favorable (slope, aspect, moisture availability), the succession order garigue>maqui>pine forest is followed, and eventually the forest is re- established. But sometimes the soil is very eroded so that the garigue and maqui seem to be the final vegetation community, although in most cases there is a very slow development of the garigue to maqui and of maqui to pine forest (Tsintides 12). The natural habitats of Cyprus can be classified into six large groups: pine forests, garigues and maquis, rocky areas, coastal areas, wetlands, and cultivated areas. Pine forests are found throughout the entire altitudinal spectrum from sea level at Akamas and Episkopi to the Troodos Mountains. The pine forest can be subdivided into two broad climatic zones: the Brutia 33
  • 44. Pine zone (Pinus brutia Terone) and the Black Pine or Troodos Pine zone (Pinus nigra Arnold spp. Pallasiana). The second zone, which is the gariques and marquis, covers the entire altitudinal range of Cyprus. Garigues and Marquis is subdivided into the following three categories: the Garigue on dry, eroded soils, the Garigue on moderately eroded soils, and the Maquis with evergreen Sclerophyllos shrubs mixed with subshrubs, herbs, and isolated trees. The third area, the rocky areas, comprises a variety of individual habitats with rocky outcrops at low or high altitudes, on limestone shaded/moist sites or sunny/warm and dry slopes. The vegetation on rocky sites is sparse, as is expected. Typical species are Sedum spp., Umbilicus spp., Arabts spp., Ptilostemon chamaepeoce, and Gagea spp. The next area is the coastal areas, which includes a narrow belt 50-150 meters (164-492 feet) in width along the coast. Typical plants are: Limonium spp., Echium angustifolium, Medicago marina, Crithmum maritimum, Centaurea aegialophia, and Verbascum sinuatum. Figure 2.7 - Pine Forest. (Photo: Tsintides.) 34
  • 45. Figure 2.8 - Garigue on dry eroded soils. (Photo: Tsindites) Figure 2.9 - Garigue on moderately eroded soils. (Photo: Tsintides.) 35
  • 46. Figure 2.10 - Rocky areas. (Photo: Tsintides.) Figure 2.11 - Coastal area. (Photo: Tsintides.) 36
  • 47. Other areas are the wetlands, which cover a smaller area than the other groups. They include mainstream beds, salt lakes, and small marshy areas near water springs, water dams, and artificial lakes. Representative species are: Platanus orientalis, Alnus orientalis, Laurus nobilis, Nerium oleander, Rubus sanctus, Arundo donax and Mentha spp. (fig. 2.12). Figure 2.12 - Wetlands. (Photo: Tsintides.) The next area is the cultivated land and the other small areas. These areas include agricultural land, edges of such land, and other disturbed land. It is estimated that this group of habitats hosts Urtisa spp. Dioica and Oriopordom cyprium (Tsintides 10-15). (fig 2.13). 37
  • 48. Figure 2.13 - Cultivated area. (Photo: Tsintides.) It is essential to be knowledgeable about the natural vegetation of Cyprus and of its communities while designing a garden in Cyprus. I believe that it is critical to design a garden that enhances the special character of Cyprus that most visitors fall in love with. As a designer, my rule of thumb is to consider the character and the flora of the area that surrounds the site before making any decisions. 2.3 Hydrology in Cyprus Throughout its history, Cyprus has been confronted with the problem of water shortage. However, in the last ten years, Cyprus has faced the problem of water shortage even more dramatically not only because of increasing water competition in agriculture, industry, tourism, and household use, but also because Cyprus has witnessed a series of years of drought. This 38
  • 49. drought has created major problems for the supply of drinking water, as well as for the water used for agriculture. During the twentieth century, climatic conditions have changed in Cyprus. The two major variables that affect the climate are precipitation and temperature. The current trend of decreasing precipitation and rising temperatures has contributed to making the last 20 years the hottest of the twentieth century. The average annual precipitation in the first 30 years of the twentieth century was 559 mm (2.2 inches) but in the last 30 years has decreased to 464 mm (1.82 inches), creating an average decrease of 17% between the beginning of the century and now. Furthermore, the average precipitation for the last ten years is 22% lower than the average precipitation for the period from 1901 to 1930. The following figure shows the annual precipitation between the years 1989 to 1998 (Apostolides 63). Table 2.1 - Annual precipitation (Table by author.) Annual Precipitation 700 600 500 400 mm 300 200 100 0 Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Year Annual Precipitation Expected Annual 39
  • 50. This table shows that during the period of 1989 to 1998, the annual precipitation was low and much lower than the expected annual precipitation except during the year of 1991, when the precipitation went up to 630 mm (3 inches). The next table shows the average precipitation for each month. As it shows, the period between June to September is very dry (Apostolides 64). Table 2.2 – Monthly precipitation. Monthly Precipitation 120 100 80 mm 60 40 20 0 th y ne ly st ay ry r er ch r ril be be ar Ju gu on Ap ua ob M ar Ju nu en em Au M M br ct Ja pt O Fe ov Se N Month Monthly Average (Meteorological Service 1) The average annual temperature of Cyprus is increasing in the twentieth century. Between 1976 and 1998, the average increase of temperature in cities was 0.035 C per year and 0.015 C per year in suburban areas. Research predicts that our climate will be hotter and dryer, following the same climatic conditions that are happening in the Middle East and Eastern Mediterranean (Apostolides 63-64). Unfortunately, because of the reduction in rainfall, the quantities of water available both for drinking and irrigation have not been adequate. As a result, the government gives utmost priority towards the optimum utilization of all the island’s water resources. Since the 40
  • 51. groundwater is reliable, clean, and low in cost, water resources development in Cyprus initially focused on groundwater, and until 1970 groundwater was the main source of water for both drinking and irrigation. As a result, almost all aquifers were seriously depleted because of over pumping. Seawater intrusion was subsequently observed in most of the coastal aquifers. (See the following table with the relationship of groundwater and surface water.) Table 2.3 - Relationship of groundwater and surface water in Cyprus. (By author.) Ground water Surface water The Water Development of Cyprus identified the water shortage problem in time, and in consultation with international organizations, prepared a long-term plan for solving the problem. The first step involved the construction of a large number of dams. Dams were created to gather rainwater and runoff water from the mountains to be used mainly for irrigation. By the time of the independence of Cyprus in 1960, the island had 16 dams. The dams had a storage capacity of 6 million cubic meters (211.9 million cubic feet) by 1960. By the year 2000, the capacity of dams reached 300 million cubic meters (10,594 million cubic feet). This was truly an impressive achievement when compared to other countries of the same size and level of development as Cyprus. Even though this investment in dams increased dramatically, the water capacity of the 41
  • 52. dams has been reduced in the last ten years by 40% because of the low precipitation (Apostolides 11). Other steps that were taken by the government were the construction of large projects like the Khrysokhou irrigation project and the Southern conveyor project. Also, the government turned its attention to other non-conventional sources, such as the use of recycled water for irrigation, recharge, and amenity purposes, the desalinization of brackish water, the efficient use of available water, including better pricing and conservation measures and the preservation of water quality. Furthermore, in order to eliminate the dependency of the towns and tourist centers on rainfall to satisfy the increasing water demand, the government has decided to proceed with the construction of seawater desalination plants. By January 22, 2001, every household was expected to have a continuous supply of good-quality drinking water on a 24-hour basis, and that the water rationing measures would finally be terminated. This new way of increasing the water supply would allow people to use water for the most important things, such as cooking, washing, taking a bath, and sometimes watering their plants. Desalination of seawater was first introduced in Cyprus on a large-scale basis in April 1997, with the operation of the Dhekelia plant. The plant operates on a Built, Own, Operate, Transfer (BOOT) basis, and the desalinated water is presently sold to the government (PIO 212). Not only is water quantity a problem but water quality is also a problem in some areas of Cyprus. Fertilizers, sewer systems, salt water, and boron reduce the quality of water and make soil and water analysis a necessity before making any design decisions. While facing the problem of water shortage, it is very important to see some real numbers about the water consumption in Cyprus so we can figure out where and how Cypriots can 42
  • 53. conserve water. In Cyprus, according to a research that is done by the Water Development Department, water consumption is divided into three main categories: agriculture (70%), household and tourism (20%), and industry (10%). To consider water conservation in residential gardens in Cyprus, it is important to know total water consumption as well as the average water consumption at each household. The average water consumption in a house is as follows: 21 % shower, 8% tap, 28% toilet, 13% kitchen, 7% laundry, 14% landscape, and 9% car wash. As can be shown from the above information, water consumption of 14% for landscape is a high number that explains why water conservation in gardens in Cyprus is important (World Water Day). (fig. 2.14). Climatic conditions and water resources are explained to inform people about the major causes of water scarcity in Cyprus. An important part of the solution of the problem is diagnosis. If Cypriots understand how serious water scarcity is, then it is easier to follow water conservation measurements. The numbers on hydrology show that water scarcity is a big issue in Cyprus. However, the interviews that I had with professional and non-professional Cypriots expressed more dramatically that this problem has became a part of most people’s lives in Cyprus. One promising solution is desalinated seawater. One of the articles in a Cypriot magazine says that desalinated seawater can solve the problem of water shortage. This may be true, but the use of desalinated seawater will not eliminate the need for other water-conservation measures. Desalinating seawater costs a great deal of money, which the government may not be able to afford. The government plans to increase the price of water, which has stayed at the same levels for the last ten years. Water conservation not only reduces water bills but also supports our environment and the character of places. Based on my observations, the government put great effort in finding new ways to conserve water. People have become more aware than before, but they can do more. 43
  • 54. Figure 2.14 - Water consumption in a household. (Figure: Water Development department of Cyprus.) 44
  • 55. Chapter 3. Gardens in Cyprus 3.1 Landscaping and Water Conservation in Cyprus (Xeriscape) Cyprus is one of these countries with a critical water scarcity. The problem of water shortage and drought was always there for the island, but in the last five to ten years it has become more serious than ever before. In Cyprus there has always existed water conservation to some degree, but due to the long period of drought, the participation of the public in water conservation has risen dramatically. The departments of the government that are directly concerned with the problem of water are the Water Development Department and the Water Board Department. These departments have cooperated more and more for the last ten years to increase the awareness of the people of water conservation by using multi-method approaches and by conducting an educational campaign. One of the methods used during the worst years of drought from 1994 to 2000 was the rotation system of water supply. Most households were supplied water two to three days a week or even less. As a result, people used water for the most important needs, like drinking, cooking, and for taking baths. The maintenance of gardens was one of the first things to be cut off when managing a small amount of water in a household. Although Cypriots have a tendency to have rich, plentiful gardens, the lack of water forced them to decrease or even totally abandon the concept of a garden at their homes. These measures were strict, but they worked because they helped improve the attitude of Cypriots towards conserving water. During the last two years, the government has discontinued this rationing because they have solved part of the problem with desalinated seawater. Another part of the educational campaign for water conservation is the incentives that are offered by the government. The government offers $150 when people are digging a well and 45
  • 56. $150 extra if people connect it with the toilet units. The Water Development Department and the Water Board Department that developed it insist that this method of connecting the machine with the toilets is saving 28% of the water that is consumed in each household. These days a lot of the people have machines at home that help them to keep their landscape in good shape, but there are not many people who connect this machine with the toilets. Maybe people are not aware of this method or they are afraid of the installation in an existing house. Another method that is fully successful is the encouragement of the public to use specially designed plastic bags that are attached to the toilet units and help to conserve water. These bags are distributed free from the Water Development Department and the Water Board Department and can be easily installed by the public. These bags are saving a lot of the water that would be wasted by the toilet units. Moreover, in the summer of 2001, free water containers were given to the public, who answered a questionnaire associated with water conservation (Andreou 4). In addition to this campaign for water conservation, the government encourages the idea of grey water (desalting of brackish water) by offering $350 per house and an additional 20% off with the installation in the second house of the owner. The Water Development Department and the Environmental Service, which are under the control of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, started the idea of the grey water in 1997. The application of grey water for water conservation can save up to 35% of drinking water. It is easy to install and maintain, and the quality of water that results is good enough to use for the landscape and for toilets (Kambanellas 50). Even though the whole idea seems easy to follow and worthwhile to do, for some reason, the public is not properly informed. The government, architects, and civil engineers should make people more aware of such important information that can conserve the limited water in our country. 46
  • 57. In general, the Water Board Department and the Water Development Department supply the public with new information about water conservation and about related information on water shortage through leaflets that are included in water bills. Other actions that are taken to support the water conservation campaign is the Worldwide Water Day by the United Nations, which falls on March 22 every year. On this day the public is informed about the importance of water, about the water shortage, and about guidelines for conserving water. Other campaigns include organized professional conferences on water conservation and lectures to schools on how to conserve water. Not only are lectures done at schools, but also informative leaflets are distributed to students to get them involved from a young age in caring about water conservation. It is also important to mention that the government has successfully provided irrigation systems that are used for agriculture, and they are considered some of the best in the world. Also, low interest loans are offered for agriculture. Not only were incentives given to help the water conservation campaign, but also some rules were set about water consumption. For example, the Water Board Department established a limitation for water consumption in each household. The maximum water consumption in a household was set at 40 tons for the same price, but if a household exceeds that amount, it is charged $1.5 per extra ton consumed. One of the future plans is to increase the price of water, which has not been changed for the last ten years. Another rule that is set by the government is that it is forbidden to use the water hose of drinking water to wash verandas or cars, or to water the landscape (Andreou 5). (fig.3.1-3.2). 47
  • 58. Figure 3.1 - Using a water container. (Figure: Water development department.) Figure 3.2 - Washing the car. (Figure: Water Development department.) As a result, the public has become more cooperative in conserving water. At home, Cypriots use less water to wash the dishes, they fully load their washers when doing laundry, they use the groundwater for watering the landscape instead of drinking water, and some people- - whether or not they intend to conserve water--use fewer water-loving plants, more native plants, and an advanced irrigation system in their yards. On the other hand, there are always 48
  • 59. people who do not conserve water. For instance, the old ladies who still wash their clothes by hand (frequently and not fully loaded), because this is how they are used to doing it and nobody can change their customs. Or some of the housekeepers that clean the veranda floor with the water hose instead of the mop, and some of the young people who still take a bath instead of a shower because they like to go against the rules of the house. One of the interviews with a young woman in her late twenties explained why she does not care about water conservation and is still taking a bath: “ The reason that I do not care to conserve water is that I was studying abroad during the bad years of drought and I did not experience what other people did with the water supply rotation of 2 to 3 days per week.” (fig. 3.3). Figure 3.3 – Water conservation at home. (Figure: Water Development Department.) (Fig. Con’d.) 49
  • 60. It can be concluded that the public of Cyprus has become more aware than before but they can do more to conserve water. Cypriots need more incentives to change their attitudes and behavior. A lot of things are mentioned about water conservation in general in Cyprus but not a lot is mentioned about gardens. In Cyprus, there are no organized groups that focus only on water conservation in gardens, such as Xeriscape in the U.S. One of the departments of the government that is focusing more on water conservation in gardens is the Department of Forestry, which it is under the Ministry of Agriculture. This Department of Forestry puts a lot of effort into helping the public to understand the importance of our native plants and the idea of creating a garden that conserves water. The Forestry department supports its effort of water conservation by organized lectures that are done for the public, professional landscapers, and nurseries. A recommended plant list and guidelines are offered by this department to help the people be more familiar with 50
  • 61. using the right plants at the right place. Not only do they provide the public with the list of plants, but also they are selling to their nurseries most of the plants that are included in the list, which are in a very low price range. Another goal mentioned at this department is that they plan to prepare demonstration gardens in which they can show how to design gardens while conserving water. The only kind of water conservation garden now it is the botanical garden in Nicosia, which has mostly native plants and is currently under construction. (fig.3.4). Figure 3.4 - Botanical garden in Nicosia. (Photo by author.) In addition, educational campaigns for schools are organized by this department to help the teachers pass along the message that water conservation and native plants are important. Free native plants are offered to schools with the idea that students can learn about them at their schools. In this way, they will become more aware of the native plants of Cyprus and become more concerned with the problem of water shortage. Moreover, school gardens become 51
  • 62. demonstration gardens for the public to show how creative gardens can be with the use of water conservation plants and native plants of Cyprus. Another department that got involved with the awareness of kids about water conservation is the Environmental Service. It published a story in which the hero explains how his life is involved with conserving water. This department makes it clear that future generations should be involved with the problem of water shortage from an early age. Educational campaigns for water conservation convey their message through TV, radio, by distribution of leaflets and posters, and by other means of communication. The public is familiar with the general campaign on water conservation but is not very familiar with the educational campaign that is introduced by the Forestry department regarding native plants. While gathering information on water conservation in gardens in Cyprus, I observed that it took time and a lot of effort to put the information together. Interviews, articles, and my own observations were the main sources to sort the information. Even though Cypriots are more aware than before with water conservation, they are not familiar with water conservation in gardens. When I visited the Forestry Department and we exchanged information on my thesis topic and on their contribution to the flora of Cyprus, they were so excited that we had a common goal to protect our natural heritage. I realize that there are Cypriots who put a lot of effort in protecting the flora of Cyprus, but they are not organized so that their message can pass through to the public. 3.2 Garden Culture of Mediterranean and Cyprus The typical Mediterranean garden conjures images of blue skies, sun-baked courtyards, and long, lazy lunches under vine-covered pergolas. The key ingredients are light, warmth, simplicity, and relaxation. It has a “laid back” image, which is an attractive style contrasted with 52
  • 63. the pace of modern life. The predominant colors are white, earthy shades, and blue. The main hard landscape materials are stone, concrete, and ceramics, which are earthy, durable materials. Timber is also occasionally used for pergolas. Plants are hardy and drought tolerant, often with silver-grey foliage typical of dry climates, such as lavender, olive, rosemary, and pencil pines (Gardening News 1). In addition, containers are popular, with geraniums and roses in them. One of my grandmother’s gardening practices was to put geranium containers in every single step of her stairways. Typically, Mediterranean gardens do not have lawns; instead ground surfaces are paved or covered with gravel. Walled gardens and courtyards are popular for relaxing and entertaining. Pergolas or verandas provide overhead shade, a necessity for this climate. Grape vine is one of the most common climbers for overhead that provides good shade and fruits. However, a lot of people do not prefer it due of its high maintenance when it loses its leaves. Also, simple water features often are used for their cooling effect. A lot of times people asked me, “Do you live in these beautiful white houses on the beach, which are full of lavenders?” This perception of people that associate Greek style with white houses and blue color show that these special characteristics are important to be preserved. Homer, Solomon, Xenophon, Plato, and many other writers of antiquity were among the first to leave us with references to Mediterranean gardens of their day. Homer described gardens, which included votive symbols, trees, and sacred wellsprings, as sacred places because of the presence of the gods. Gardens were the places that gods gathered to have fun by dancing, drinking wine, and relaxing. The idea of the garden as a place for relaxing and getting together emerged first in Hellenistic Greece. Greek people keep strong this tradition of using the outdoor space most of the time to eat and relax. In addition, gardens were described as very beautiful, reflecting the harmony achieved between humanity and nature. Also, early descriptions show 53
  • 64. that cypress, oaks, and carob are typical of the Mediterranean gardens. Fruit trees like citrus, as well as grapes and thyme, were very common too. Homer wrote in the Odyssey: “And there grow tall trees blossoming, pear-trees and pomegranates, and apple-trees with bright fruit, and sweet figs and olives in their bloom…one part is being dried by the heat, a sunny plot on level ground, while other grapes men are gathering. These were the splendid gifts of the gods in the palace of Alcinous” (Sievenking 2). Homer’s description of the palace of Alcinous emphasized the use of fruit and olive trees in a Mediterranean garden. Based on my observation, gardeners in the Mediterranean region could not imagine their gardens without the existence of fruit trees. Furthermore, Greeks were the first to learn the art of gardening. In addition, Romans used words of Greek origin to describe the art of gardening as “topiaria,” which means pruning leaves and bushes into artistic shapes. Another description of gardens that was given by Greek philosophers such as Plato is the importance of shadiness that is essential to the Mediterranean climate. Plato wrote, “There, there is both shade and a gentle breeze and grass to sit down upon… for this plane tree is very wide-spreading and lofty, and the height and shadiness of this agnus castus are very beautiful, it makes the spot as fragrant as possible” (Sievenking 3). In the Mediterranean region gardens fit the surrounding place and nature and had the advantage of wind and sun. Philosophers’ descriptions show that Mediterranean gardens and those of Greece/Cyprus are very similar to the gardens of the present time. Photos that I took in Cyprus conjure the images that philosophers described like the use of olive and fruit trees. Mediterranean gardens have a naturalistic look that imitates nature and gives a sense of place. In the book The Mediterranean Gardener, the author Hugo Latymer gave a very nice description of the Mediterranean landscape: “The only gardeners on a Mediterranean hillside for example are sheep, the only fertilizer, their droppings, the only irrigation the rain. But we find many 54
  • 65. marvelous plants: gnarled olive trees a thousand years old, deep green twisted carob trees, citrus, bloom, rosemary and thyme”(Latymer 20). In another book Gardens Around the World the author Elizabeth Schuler said about the Greek landscape, “Grace grows wild in this country. This is the nature of the country to leave it grow naturally…Even the ruins of Mycenae have no garden but the marjoram turns the wilderness into a sea of blossom, and the Verbascum thrives around Agamemnon’s grave” (Schuler 125). Even though Greek and Cypriot gardens have a naturalistic look and use the native plants, people have been using imported plants, too, that change the special character of our landscape. It has been the trend of the twentieth century to use imported plants and make our landscape look like Hawaii and Miami, because people have admiration for foreign things. However, in the last years, Mediterranean people have become more concerned with their cultural heritage and landscape and have started to realize that the use of traditional and native plants is important. As a result, people are going back to their origins and back to nature. They do what their ancestors did. They do not have to give plants extra water of the rain, or do they have to use extra fertilizer, rather they let plants grow naturally. This idea of going back to nature and the idea of Xeriscape do not rule out the possibility of achieving an attractive garden. When I explained to my mother the idea of Xeriscape, she said to me, “This idea is going back to my mother that she used only native plants, and they looked very attractive even without using fertilizer.” People, who were sensitive to water conservation in a landscape and felt that human society did not continue important landscape traditions that our ancestors did and kept a balance with nature, decided to organize this idea of Xeriscape and to make the whole idea more easily understood by the public. 55
  • 66. Mediterranean Garden Society The Mediterranean Garden Society (MGS) is a non-profit association and that is important to be aware of, which acts as a forum for anyone with a special interest in the plants and gardens of Mediterranean climate regions. The MGS started with a small membership in Greece in 1994. Although the roots of the society are firmly in the Mediterranean soil, the members are happy to count among other member gardeners and plants people from areas such as California, Australia, and South Africa that have similar climates to the Mediterranean region. Up to now there are members in forty countries around the world. The central role of the MGS is to facilitate the exchange of information and experiences. There are many aspects to Mediterranean gardening, and unlike gardeners in temperate Europe and North America, gardeners in the Mediterranean region do not have a strong tradition of horticultural techniques to fall back on and most gardening literature is not applicable in the Mediterranean area, so they focus more on their own hard-won experiences (MGS). 3.3 Gardening Trends in Cyprus Since 1960 Before 1960, back to the time of Socrates, Cypriots were more concerned with their cultural heritage and landscape. People appreciated nature and had a balance with it. The way that Greek theaters were built explains how Greeks appreciated and had a balance with nature. Structures fitted the landscape and the surrounding area rather than imposing them on nature. As a result, ancient people appreciated natural vegetation and maintained this special character that is called the Mediterranean landscape and gardens. After that, gardens in the Mediterranean and Cyprus changed. People changed that special character and had a major effect on nature. They imported plants that destroyed that special character of the area that our ancestors had conserved and maintained for thousands of years. Even though people imported plants and imitated other 56