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Using Facebook, Google+ and
emerging social platforms for
your business
What will we be covering?
• Facebook Pages, Groups and Apps
• Google Plus: Why should you care?
• Who are the new kids on the block?
• Best practice in audience engagement
• Business outcomes and how to stay
  focused on your goals
• Social media guidelines and policy
of UK
adults with
= 76%*
Proportion of
   UK adults
     who use
      = 51%*
Proportion of
people who
use their
handsets to
access the
= 34%*
*Ofcom http://media.ofcom.org.uk/facts/
In August 2011 & April 2012,
Fishburn Hedges asked 2,000
UK consumers about their
social media habits…
Aug 2011
19% of respondents had dealt with big
companies through social media

                                April 2012
                 This number rose to 36%
40% believed this led to improvements in
customer service
       68% believed it gave them a greater
                         customer “voice”
65% think social media is better than a
call centre
It’s not just the kids who are
  interacting with brands on social
                 44.6% of 25 – 34 year olds
                 37.5% of 35 – 44 year olds
               31.75% of 45 – 54 year olds
                   27.4% aged 55 and over

*Full Report http://www.fishburn-hedges.co.uk/images/ThesocialmediacustomerFULLREPORT.pdf
Facebook for businesses
The basics
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
User Perspective
• Facebook algorithms dictate the
• Interaction happens within the
• Limited tolerance for “Page Noise”
• Text vs picture, video & poll
• Influence of the Ticker
Who gives good FB?
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Plan with a goal in mind
•   Use facebook Insights to inform future posts
•   Use Google Insights for search terms
•   Is “Places” a tool you can use?
•   Photo & Video tagging
•   Optimum time for posting (to your audience)
•   Questions & prompts
•   Recommendations
Remember to integrate…
Focused engagement and project
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook for fundraising
JustGiving Stats
Facebook’s impact on
• 30% visits to JustGiving come from
• 27% of donations come from Facebook
• That’s a 130% increase year on year for
  FB donations
• The JustGiving app has seen a 44%
  increase in FB donations – largely thought
  to be down to not having to leave FB to
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
more examples & stats

Slideshare.net / jwaddingham
Useful Apps
For your page functionality
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
• Interactions levels need to be high to
  ensure maximum exposure in Newsfeed
• Use FB Insights to inform future content
• Prompt feedback, recommendations,
• Work with a clear goal in mind
• Customise your page
Content Sharing
Are you being talked about?
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook Apps
Are they for you?
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Advertise on Facebook
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Final recap
• Design with goals in mind
• Use data to be agile with your offering
• Personalise!
• Vary the type of media you share
• Maximise your community by asking for
• Decide on a SM Dashboard that works for
• Visit “Useful Websites” regularly to keep
  ahead (see next slide)
Google Plus
Beyond SEO
What’s the point to Google
• Google are very keen on social search but
  can’t access all the content from other
• SEO Impact
• Growth ->
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Where can brands go to stand
out? kids on the block
The new
March 2011 300,000 visits

                March 2012… 13 million!
18% of Instagram visits come from
Facebook, 9% from Google & 7%
from twitter
                    5 million pictures
                  uploaded every day

Instagram leapt into the top 10 for
social sites in March of this year (from
outside the top 1,000 in March 2011)
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
• Sharing on Instagram gives you content
  you can also share on other platforms
• Using tools like searchinstagram.com you
  can find out if others are talking about your
• 51% of UK mobile owners use
• Use #tags to run competitions or bring
  fans / customers together
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
2,702% Total unique visitor
increase since May 2011

                 By Jan 2012 had received 12 million
                  unique visits. By March it was 18.7
Almost 70% of Pinterest
usersare women
                    Strong representation
                        across age groups
                              17% 18 to 24
                              27% 25 to 34
                              22% 35 to 44
                                   18% 45 +
 Pinterest refers more web traffic
 than LinkedIn, Google+ and
 YouTube combined
• 55% of consumers share their purchases
  socially on networks like Facebook, Twitter
• 59% of Pinterest users have bought
  something they have seen on the site
  compared to only 33% of Facebook users
• US online consumers follow an average of
  9.3 brands on Pinterest compared to only
  6.9 on Facebook
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
• Tell a story with your pins
• Celebrate the iconic history of your
  organisation – create a time capsule
• Use it to create a resource for users
• Don’t just use Pinterest for marketing and
  SEO – Plan your work and create mood
• Use Pinterest to give your brand
• Don’t forget to post video
Open to the public as of NOW!
• Started off as a way to capture
  and play around with web pages
• Now Bo.lt takes the best of social sharing
  like Diigo& Delicious, the simple, image
  based interface of Pinterest and includes
  some sharing analytics and unique
  showcasing functionality
• VERY new, Bo.lt is still in the phase of
  developing it’s identity but already shows
  signs of promise
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
• Get a specific email for attendees
  to sent their event images in to
• Quickly and easily track clicks and likes
• Have private Bo.lt’s for research &
  competitor analysis
• Make social bookmarking more user
• Leave your mark on every page that you
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
12 Billion posts in
November 2011

                      20 Billion posts
                          March 2012
Just over 50 million
blogs to date
                     Hit 20 billion posts in
                 March 2012, up from 12
                billion in November 2011

 In Jan 2011 tumblr had 2billion
 page views per month. By
 September that number was
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Straight up blogging
Dogs 2 – Cats 0
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
But seriously…
Brands on tumblr.
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
• tumblr has built in sharing and tagging
  capabilities that give it a definite social
  sharing advantage over other blogging
• It’s limited in terms of customisation.
  However, it’s built for simplicity and visual
  appeal and so is great for branding
• tumblr is very much a visual platform but
  can be great for short snippets of text (see
• If you have a young target audience,
  tumblr is a great place for you to dip a toe
  in the blogging pond
• You can also use it to keep an eye on what
  similar brands are doing
• Use it as a way to generate new ideas and
  learn from what other brands are doing to
  engage their audiences
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Over 12million users

            StumbleUpon passed the 25billion
                       clicks in August 2011
More than 50% of US social media traffic to
websites comes from StumbleUpon

          2.2 million web pages are added to
                   StumbleUpon every month

The half life of a tweet is 2.8 hours,
FB update 3.2, StumbleUpon is 400!

      Average webpage view is 58 seconds,
                 the average SU view is 72
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
• Be careful to track bounce rates for your
  SU traffic, SU audience can be fickle
• Relevance is key so tag pages
  appropriately to maximise any traffic
• SU is free and easy to use and can drive
  real traffic so experiment!
Audience Engagement
• As with all platforms (old and new), make
  sure your audience is there
• If they are there – how are they willing to
  engage? Will they welcome you?
• With newer platforms there is less noise
  which means more opportunity to stand
  out (good or bad)
• Social platforms are about stories,
  conversations and sharing, are you there
  for the right reasons?
Klout Perks

     Enlisting influencers
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
A WorldVision lesson in
awarding perks to the right
Step 1: Identify your
Step 2: Engage
Step 3: Don’t talk – act!
Step 4: Watch the story spread
WorldVision + Sian =
• Access to an audience of over 300
  bloggers at Cybher 2012 to launch
• Evidence and real life stories shared in a
  lively, tangible and hugely impactful way
• Interviews with CNN as well as local radio
• Quality content for a network of bloggers
  to share
Staying faithful to your goals
• Set your organisational goals before
  deciding to use a new platform
• Know what you want success to look like
  (don’t be surprised if / when it looks
• Don’t be afraid to measure but pick your
  metrics carefully
• Don’t shy away from user generated
  content, it can surprise you
Keeping ahead of the curve
•   Find SM ambassadors amongst your staff
•   Bring naysayers on board to fix problems
•   Follow influential & well informed bloggers
•   Take part in appropriate twitter chats
•   Don’t just look at what your competitors are
    doing – keep an eye on case studies from an
    array of different organisations
Most importantly
• Don’t jump on every new (or old) platform,
  especially if you have limited time and
• Don’t write off new platforms, play around
  with them and assess how you might use
• Be open minded, sometimes it’s our
  clients that tell us how we should be
(when it all goes terribly wrong…)
3 choices!
Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms
Remember: Your social media
policy / code of conduct, should
not differ wildly from the normal
standards of behaviour and data
management you would expect
       from an employee.
Useful resources
•   Mashable.com
•   TheNextWeb.com
•   Technorati.com
•   Reddit.com
•   SocialMediaToday.com
•   FastCompany.com
•   BitRebels.com
Jennifer D Begg

More Related Content

Facebook, Google Plus and Emerging Social Platforms

  • 1. Using Facebook, Google+ and emerging social platforms for your business
  • 2. What will we be covering? • Facebook Pages, Groups and Apps • Google Plus: Why should you care? • Who are the new kids on the block? • Best practice in audience engagement • Business outcomes and how to stay focused on your goals • Social media guidelines and policy
  • 4. Proportion of UK adults who use social networking sites = 51%*
  • 5. Proportion of people who use their mobile handsets to access the internet = 34%* *Ofcom http://media.ofcom.org.uk/facts/
  • 6. In August 2011 & April 2012, Fishburn Hedges asked 2,000 UK consumers about their social media habits…
  • 7. Aug 2011 19% of respondents had dealt with big companies through social media April 2012 This number rose to 36% 40% believed this led to improvements in customer service 68% believed it gave them a greater customer “voice” 65% think social media is better than a call centre
  • 8. It’s not just the kids who are interacting with brands on social media… 44.6% of 25 – 34 year olds 37.5% of 35 – 44 year olds 31.75% of 45 – 54 year olds & 27.4% aged 55 and over *Full Report http://www.fishburn-hedges.co.uk/images/ThesocialmediacustomerFULLREPORT.pdf
  • 12. User Perspective • Facebook algorithms dictate the Newsfeed • Interaction happens within the Newsfeed • Limited tolerance for “Page Noise” • Text vs picture, video & poll • Influence of the Ticker
  • 20. Plan with a goal in mind • Use facebook Insights to inform future posts • Use Google Insights for search terms • Is “Places” a tool you can use? • Photo & Video tagging • Optimum time for posting (to your audience) • Questions & prompts • Recommendations
  • 22. Groups Focused engagement and project management
  • 26. Facebook’s impact on JustGiving • 30% visits to JustGiving come from Facebook • 27% of donations come from Facebook • That’s a 130% increase year on year for FB donations • The JustGiving app has seen a 44% increase in FB donations – largely thought to be down to not having to leave FB to donate
  • 28. more examples & stats Slideshare.net / jwaddingham
  • 29. Useful Apps For your page functionality
  • 37. Recap • Interactions levels need to be high to ensure maximum exposure in Newsfeed • Use FB Insights to inform future content choices • Prompt feedback, recommendations, actions • Work with a clear goal in mind • Customise your page
  • 38. Content Sharing Are you being talked about?
  • 56. Final recap • Design with goals in mind • Use data to be agile with your offering • Personalise! • Vary the type of media you share • Maximise your community by asking for feedback • Decide on a SM Dashboard that works for you • Visit “Useful Websites” regularly to keep ahead (see next slide)
  • 58. What’s the point to Google Plus? • Google are very keen on social search but can’t access all the content from other networks • SEO Impact • Growth ->
  • 64. Where can brands go to stand out? kids on the block The new
  • 65. March 2011 300,000 visits March 2012… 13 million!
  • 66. 18% of Instagram visits come from Facebook, 9% from Google & 7% from twitter 5 million pictures uploaded every day Instagram leapt into the top 10 for social sites in March of this year (from outside the top 1,000 in March 2011)
  • 69. • Sharing on Instagram gives you content you can also share on other platforms • Using tools like searchinstagram.com you can find out if others are talking about your brand • 51% of UK mobile owners use SmartPhones • Use #tags to run competitions or bring fans / customers together
  • 71. 2,702% Total unique visitor increase since May 2011 By Jan 2012 had received 12 million unique visits. By March it was 18.7
  • 72. Almost 70% of Pinterest usersare women Strong representation across age groups 17% 18 to 24 27% 25 to 34 22% 35 to 44 18% 45 + Pinterest refers more web traffic than LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube combined
  • 73. • 55% of consumers share their purchases socially on networks like Facebook, Twitter &Pinterest • 59% of Pinterest users have bought something they have seen on the site compared to only 33% of Facebook users • US online consumers follow an average of 9.3 brands on Pinterest compared to only 6.9 on Facebook
  • 78. • Tell a story with your pins • Celebrate the iconic history of your organisation – create a time capsule • Use it to create a resource for users • Don’t just use Pinterest for marketing and SEO – Plan your work and create mood boards • Use Pinterest to give your brand personality • Don’t forget to post video
  • 79. Open to the public as of NOW!
  • 80. • Started off as a way to capture and play around with web pages • Now Bo.lt takes the best of social sharing like Diigo& Delicious, the simple, image based interface of Pinterest and includes some sharing analytics and unique showcasing functionality • VERY new, Bo.lt is still in the phase of developing it’s identity but already shows signs of promise
  • 83. • Get a specific email for attendees to sent their event images in to • Quickly and easily track clicks and likes • Have private Bo.lt’s for research & competitor analysis • Make social bookmarking more user friendly • Leave your mark on every page that you share
  • 85. 12 Billion posts in November 2011 20 Billion posts March 2012
  • 86. Just over 50 million blogs to date Hit 20 billion posts in March 2012, up from 12 billion in November 2011 In Jan 2011 tumblr had 2billion page views per month. By September that number was 13billion.
  • 97. • tumblr has built in sharing and tagging capabilities that give it a definite social sharing advantage over other blogging platforms • It’s limited in terms of customisation. However, it’s built for simplicity and visual appeal and so is great for branding • tumblr is very much a visual platform but can be great for short snippets of text (see clientsfromhell.com)
  • 98. • If you have a young target audience, tumblr is a great place for you to dip a toe in the blogging pond • You can also use it to keep an eye on what similar brands are doing • Use it as a way to generate new ideas and learn from what other brands are doing to engage their audiences
  • 100. Over 12million users StumbleUpon passed the 25billion clicks in August 2011
  • 101. More than 50% of US social media traffic to websites comes from StumbleUpon 2.2 million web pages are added to StumbleUpon every month The half life of a tweet is 2.8 hours, FB update 3.2, StumbleUpon is 400! Average webpage view is 58 seconds, the average SU view is 72
  • 104. • Be careful to track bounce rates for your SU traffic, SU audience can be fickle • Relevance is key so tag pages appropriately to maximise any traffic engagement • SU is free and easy to use and can drive real traffic so experiment!
  • 105. Audience Engagement • As with all platforms (old and new), make sure your audience is there • If they are there – how are they willing to engage? Will they welcome you? • With newer platforms there is less noise which means more opportunity to stand out (good or bad) • Social platforms are about stories, conversations and sharing, are you there for the right reasons?
  • 106. Klout Perks Enlisting influencers
  • 110. #ShareNiger A WorldVision lesson in awarding perks to the right people
  • 111. Step 1: Identify your influencer
  • 113. Step 3: Don’t talk – act!
  • 114. Step 4: Watch the story spread
  • 115. WorldVision + Sian = • Access to an audience of over 300 bloggers at Cybher 2012 to launch #ShareNiger • Evidence and real life stories shared in a lively, tangible and hugely impactful way • Interviews with CNN as well as local radio • Quality content for a network of bloggers to share
  • 116. Staying faithful to your goals • Set your organisational goals before deciding to use a new platform • Know what you want success to look like (don’t be surprised if / when it looks different) • Don’t be afraid to measure but pick your metrics carefully • Don’t shy away from user generated content, it can surprise you
  • 117. Keeping ahead of the curve • Find SM ambassadors amongst your staff • Bring naysayers on board to fix problems • Follow influential & well informed bloggers • Take part in appropriate twitter chats • Don’t just look at what your competitors are doing – keep an eye on case studies from an array of different organisations
  • 118. Most importantly • Don’t jump on every new (or old) platform, especially if you have limited time and resources • Don’t write off new platforms, play around with them and assess how you might use them • Be open minded, sometimes it’s our clients that tell us how we should be communicating
  • 119. Troubleshooting (when it all goes terribly wrong…)
  • 123. Remember: Your social media policy / code of conduct, should not differ wildly from the normal standards of behaviour and data management you would expect from an employee.
  • 124. Useful resources • Mashable.com • TheNextWeb.com • Technorati.com • Reddit.com • SocialMediaToday.com • FastCompany.com • BitRebels.com