We've all heard about the Lean Startup, and now Lean UX. This is a intro into how I've been using these methods to speed up the UX process, and work better within product teams.
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41. “Rather than focus on artifacts,
we focus on prototypes and
validating those prototypes in
Discovery, with the added
benefit that the prototype serves
as the spec for Delivery.”
49. mobile
UX Designer
UX Designer
UX Designer
UX Designer UX Designer
50. New ways of working for designers
will, at first, be uncomfortable. For
many design managers, assigning their
staff to particular teams brings a new
challenge. No longer does the design
manager dole out specific work to
each person on the team. Instead,
the designer’s daily agenda is driven
by the prioritized backlog of the
scrum team.
53. MBWA
Management By Walking Around
54. (not new)
1. Drive: UX practitioners are part of the customer or product owner team
2. Research, model, and design up front - but only just enough
3. Chunk your design work
4. Use parallel track development to work ahead, and follow behind
5. Buy design time with complex engineering stories
6.Cultivate a user validation group for use for continuous user validation
7. Schedule continuous user research in a separate track from development
8. Leverage user time for multiple activities
9.Use RITE to iterate UI before development
10.Prototype in low fidelity
11.Treat prototype as specification
12.Become a design facilitator - 2008
71. “We gathered our designers, our product folks and
our engineers and took over a few conference rooms
and began to operate like a startup. Design was
done on whiteboards and coded in real time.
Usability tests were weekly so the pace was fast and
furious. But we were able to try dozens of
experiences across desktop, tablet and mobile in the
time that would have taken years at PayPal before.
Build/Test/Learn became our mantra.”
76. “You – everyone in fact – have all it takes to be a
brilliant designer, creator, or author. All that’s holding
you back is the lizard. It’s that little voice in the back of
your head, the “but” or the “what if” that speaks up at
the crucial moment and defeats the joy and insight you
brought to the project in the first place. It’s the lizard
that ruins your career, stunts your projects, and hinders
your organization.”
– Seth Godin (in The Truth About Shipping)
80. “The timing of long-
range plans is screwed
up too.
You have the most
information when you’re
doing something, not
before you’ve done it.
Yet when do you
write a plan? Usually it’s
before you’ve even
That’s the worst time to
make a big decision.”
82. Keep your team small. Smaller
than that. No team at all if you
can help it.
83. A throwback to their days with Jeff Bezos at
Amazon, projects are assigned to "two
pizza teams," groups of engineers small
enough for them to be fed on two large pies.
"We want the team to be flat and allow
everyone to communicate with each other,"
Rajaraman says.
89. “real artist ship” - steve jobs
90. - problem -
It’s going to cost too much to
try that out.
How do we know our customers will want this?
91. The Wizard Of Oz Techniques For
Social Prototyping – You don’t need to
build everything at first. You can be the
man behind the curtain. Krieger says him
and Systrom tested an early version of a
feature which would notify you when
friends joined the service. Instead of
building it out, they manually sent
people notifications “like a human bot”
saying ‘your friend has joined.’ It turned
- Mike Krieger, Instagram’s founder out not to be useful. “We wrote zero
lines of Python, so we had zero lines to
throw away.”
110. ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
Idea or discovery backlog
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
111. The Discovery track is all
about quickly generating
validated product backlog
items, and the Delivery track
is all about generating
releasable software.
- marty cagan
112. ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
ideas ideas ideas ideas id
122. ...it is collaborative – the product
manager, designer and lead
engineer are working together, side-
by-side, to create and validate
backlog items.
- marty cagan