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Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Brainfood: SX35W
Bringing back our digital learnings from Austin
April 16, 2010


Fallon Brainfood - trends, ideas, opportunities and
thought leadership for our brands.

Brainfood is a quarterly all-agency food-for-thought.

Where we’ve been in 2 years:
Virtuality // Design For All // China Rising // The Social 10 // Mobile
10 // Overheard: Wiretapping the Social Web for Insights and
Strategies // and more

Missed previous Brainfoods?
Go to http://www.slideshare.net/akispicer/slideshows



Conference highlights with a focus on application

  SXSWi annual interactive conference in
  Austin, TX has become the epicenter
  of what's hot and breaking in digital

  A few of us at Fallon attended SXSW
  Conference and we want to share
  what we saw, what is breaking, what
  is trending, and what is likely to
  impact your brands and
  communications within the next
  year. SXSW meets SX35W.



                 Aki Spicer, Director of Digital Strategy
              Rocky Novak, Director of Digital Development
                 Marty Wetherall, Director of Innovation
                       Brian Olsen, Media Planner
                 Aaron Seymour-Anderson, Art Director


What to expect…insights you can use.

a series of short, lively, engaging, approachable presentations

We promise: no presentation longer than 5 minutes and
      5 slides, with a mimimum of "geek-speak”


“The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”
                                                  William Gibson
                                              Writer and Futurist




>Your Phone Knows Where You Are (So Let's Play Foursquare): A look at how
        location based services work and what they mean for marketers, Marty Wetherall

>Old Brands, New Tricks: Chevy & Pepsi made big statements @SXSWi, Rocky Novak

>Seductive Interactions: Motivating Web Action Thru Playful Behavior, Aki Spicer

>Future of Print: How print (and print ads) are getting tablet-ready, Rocky Novak

>Future of TV: TV and Your Computer Had Sex…here's what to expect next, Aki Spicer
>Transmedia 2010: Using multiple media to extend storyline, Brian Olsen

>Bank 2.0: How Banks Can Begin to Act Like Start-Ups, Aki Spicer


Your Phone Knows Where You Are
   (So Let’s Play Foursquare)


Your phone knows where you are

55% of text messages in the US ask "where are you?"
Family Locator and E911
    •    GPS
    •    Assisted GPS
    •    Triangulation
    •    Cell ID
    •    WiFi
Not Just Apps – Smartphone browsers can access location
Privacy: "People care more about protecting the location of their phones
    than their credit card info."


Future is rapidly approaching

Twitter and Facebook
GPS-indexed local search (Google: "The future of mobile is local")
Crowdsourced Traffic and Roadside Assistance
Mobile Gambling
Severe Weather Alerts
Financial Fraud Detection
Location Based Advertising
   "Technology exists for Starbucks to fire off a coupon to everyone in an
   area today…"
Physical Click Thru


Checking in

Location Based Social
   Networks invite users to
   "Check In"
Automatic notifications when
   a friend is nearby
Game Mechanics –
  Foursquare and Gowalla
  reward you for checking in


Brands already playing (on) Foursquare


Now What?

What can location do for you?
    •    Increased Targeting (SMS, Adagogo, iAds?)
    •    Modernization of Practices (uShip)
    •    Streamline UX (fewer clicks)
    •    Better Context
Consider Privacy
Leverage Foursquare and Gowalla for FREE!
   (or pay them for more options)

Happy #4sqday


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Old Brands, New Tricks
How Chevy and Pepsi made big statements @SXSW with simple ideas.


Transportation was at a premium, and Chevy
brought the rides (and got credit for it).

The first person to check-in on Gowalla got a free ride to SXSW.


Lesson from Chevy: Smart people will give you good
ideas for free food.

In a small session titled "the future of the connected car,"
conference attendees did what they were trained to do at a
conference: talk about stuff.

Sample ideas included…

• Resell the carbon credits from the car as you earn them.

• Foursquare meets eco driving – earn badges for green driving.

• Connect home audio and video libraries to car.

• Parking meters updated via phone while you're away.


Pepsi leaned into "Refresh" and added value to the
conference in every way possible.

Pepsico had stations around the conference, where attendees
could do everything from sip Mountain Dew to engage in Q&A with
industry heavyweights.


They also tracked the conference with a simple, but
useful interface called "Pepsi Zeitgeist."

Real-time data curation of check-ins,
tweets and updates helped steer
people through their day.


The Lesson: It's never too late to get cool.

                         Know the event.

                         Know the people.

                         Be Generous.

                         Be Genuine.

                         Get there first and make your
                         competitor's brand seem old-school by


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Seductive Interactions

Excerpted from presentations by Stephen Anderson “Seductive Interactions” and Andy Baio “Gaming the Crowd” at SXSW


MetaGaming: motivating web action thru playful

Turning work into play
…from Forced Narrative towards MetaGames
MetaGames take mundane tasks and add fun gaming factors
While good games are easy to learn and hard to master…
Good MetaGames are easy to learn and easy to master.


4 Considerations for Making Apps/Sites into

                           Points                                                    Awards
                         Metrics                                                     Achievement
                           Levels                                                    Collectibles
                                         Feedback                      Recognition

                                                  Goals                Community
                        Missions                                                     Competition
                    Challenges                                                       Collaboration
                           Quests                                                    Reciprocity

Excerpted from “Seductive Interactions” presentation by Stephen Anderson at SXSW


MetaGaming is a strategic approach for bridging the
 goals of users and business, fueling "Seductive

User Goals                                                     Biz Goals
Great time, fun.                                               Engagement, data.

                   Psychology               Usability
                   Increasing Motivation   Removing Friction


Mental Notes to consider for "getting to first base
with users" (increase usage and adoption)

    Sensory Experience                     Recognition Over Recall                             Delights
           Social Proof                                   Points                           Limited Duration/
              Novelty                                     Levels
           Sequencing                       Appropriate Challenges Public Display/Ranking
                                                                       Set Collection
           Challenges                              Mystery
        Feedback Loop                                     Gifting
            Curiousity                            Ownership Bias
        Visual Imagery                                    Status
    Pattern Recognition                          Playful Language
Excerpted from Stephen Anderson’s Mental Notes card series http://www.getmentalnotes.com


Examples that put seductive interaction and game
thinking into practice

iLike/Registration /"iLike Challenge"   Ford Fusion/Honda Insight
                                             Dashboard EcoScore
Linked In profile completion prompts
                                            Nike+ Dashboard
Hot Wheels "Mystery Car" Packaging
CPK "Don't Open It" Thank You Card Treadmill displays "Hamburger" burn
       MS Office Ribbon Hero
                                     Guardian UK MP Expense Tracker
Target "Use Your Redcard, Help Your
     Flickr Bug Tracker Badges
  Obama '08 Neighbor Rankings


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Future of Print


Digital media will not displace print, simply teach it
how to behave differently.

        From viewer ------------------------ to User.


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Lesson for Fallon: Design for your ads to be used.

Premium positions become less valuable – cover 4 doesn’t exist.

Print will be measured – consumers touch/ineteraction will help
prove quality of experience.

"Creative quality matters even more" when its expected.


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Future of TV

Excerpted from presentations by Razorfish at SXSW


Razorfish attempted to pay people to live w/o TV…

                           7 Days      5 Days       2 Days

 …2 Days - the most people would willingly go without TV (even for cash)
 TV is still vital part of our lives
 But TV is also changing


DNA of TV: 9 Immutable Genes

1.  Relaxation, zoning out, passivity
2.  Conversation
3.  Events, currency, what's happening now
4.  Social, excuse to be together
5.  Stimulation and education
6.  Vicarious Experience, escapism/fantasy
7.  Passion Points
8.  Participation
9.  Consumerism


Shift Happens - the internet influences expectations

1.  Relaxation, zoning out, passivity
2.  Conversation
3.  Events, currency, what's happening now
4.  Social, excuse to be together
5.  Stimulation and education
6.  Vicarious Experience, escapism/fantasy
7.  Passion Points
8.  Participation
9.  Consumerism


4 Future Scenarios for TV 2.0

                                                       Social Butterfly                        Culture
    #1 Fan                 Couch Potato                                                         Cat

Play Along TV puts you in the    Smarter TV, serves    Viewing Party TV puts content in     Remix and Add to TV gets
          game/event          mood and likes/history         context to social circle      you deeper into experience.
  Gloats and Notes Features (not times and alphabet)              “Most Popular”             Portable Devices enable
   Wii-like Gaming Features      “Suggested Views”            “Your Friends Liked…”            access to anywhere
   (Play EA Sports PGA and         “Top Trending”              Text Chat into shows            “Add Apps to Show”
compare your stroke against      Selection Features    Live feed of “hot sections/shows”     “Raw Video Backstage”
         the live event)      orient around your likes Deconstructed TV (ie Best Week            “Get this Look…”
“Rock Band Challenge” lands         “Just for You”        Ever, The Soup, InfoMania )              Polls Results
   you on the real TV show                                Evolves “People’s Channels”           Co-Creator Engine


Insights from the Future of TV

  TV and web will blend in content and interface
  Brands will play with people
  People will earn the right to be in the content
  Creativity exists in real-time - agile brand marketing
  It will be important to be liked
  Sponsors still vital
  :30 is a random number
  Will know who we're talking to – Data Rocks
  People will be channels
  Creativity will be portable
  We will not control the conversation


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Transmedia 2010


The Old Practice: Find something successful, and roll
it into other mediums.

                    Toy to Film

                    Film to Toy


Transmedia: Engaging consumers at multiple entry
points to extend the story.

NBC has found success in providing web-only content, that allows
fans to dig deeper into the storyline.

        The Office                                Heroes
        Webisodes                             Graphic Novels

                                             Over 160 chapters


Transmedia improves on this, by extending the
storyline across media, not just the messaging.

      If Transmedia is done right, each story can stand alone.

      Extra Content
+ Individual Profit Centers
 The Core of Transmedia


Extensions don't have to come exculsively from
content creators, but from advertisers as well.

This space is ripe for advertisers to play in.
           Repo Men                               Syfy’s Alice
Bringing the Union’s hunt to life      A rabbit hole of our own creation

       $10,000 cash prize


The door can also swing both ways.

Geico took an ad, and created a TV show…

                          Ad to Show

… which took them from a paid advertisement to a new profit center.


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Bank 2.0

Excerpted from presentations by Razorfish at SXSW


Banks have failed us.

140 Failures in 2009 (up from 25 in 2008, 11 5 years prior)
Stock Market Bust
Increasing Credit Rates

    •  Heavy regulation
    •    Not nimble
    •    Weak Communities
    •    Legacy (ie old) Systems
    •    Overly Optimistic Investment Projections


Shift Happened.

People no longer just consumers…
   •  Increased importance of savings
    •    Responsibility
    •    Autonomy

    •  Stock-Picking Communities
    •    Peer-2-Peer Lending/Microfinance
    •    Community-Based
    •    Credit Score Management
    •    Social Savings – Socializing Information


While banks are increasingly good at providing customers
with digital resources and connectivity – even best-in-
class examples are still very transactional with their ideas.


Start-Ups are teaching banks about the new era of
relationship building.

                 Free online (social) piggybank to save for a specific goal
                       •     $350MM in deposits

                 Free credit scores, education and tools
                       •     1MM registered users

                 Free spending analysis tools
                       •     Recently sold to Intuit for $170MM
                       •     Over 850,00 users in a matter of months
                       •     Only $175,000 start-up capital investment

                 Better rates. Together.
                       •     1MM registered users
                       •     $100MM in loans


Secrets to Bank 2.0 start-up success (that
traditional banks may learn from)

  Share communal knowledge that banks don't/won't provide
  Offer advocacy for the consumer
  Be approachable: human terms/no jargon
  Talk to customers in their language: embrace diverse touchpoints (Twitter,
   SMS, FBook, etc)
  Offer value (insights) on spending data, beyond reporting and account status
  Embrace beyond Gen X and Gen Y
  New features and products guided by dialogues w/customers
  Be reactive…place a few bets and stay nimble to user reactions
  Provide great experiences


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W


Fallon Brainfood: SX35W

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Fallon Brainfood: SX35W

  • 2. Brainfood: SX35W Bringing back our digital learnings from Austin April 16, 2010
  • 3. Fallon Brainfood - trends, ideas, opportunities and thought leadership for our brands. Brainfood is a quarterly all-agency food-for-thought. Where we’ve been in 2 years: Virtuality // Design For All // China Rising // The Social 10 // Mobile 10 // Overheard: Wiretapping the Social Web for Insights and Strategies // and more Missed previous Brainfoods? Go to http://www.slideshare.net/akispicer/slideshows 3
  • 4. Conference highlights with a focus on application SXSWi annual interactive conference in Austin, TX has become the epicenter of what's hot and breaking in digital technology. A few of us at Fallon attended SXSW Conference and we want to share what we saw, what is breaking, what is trending, and what is likely to impact your brands and communications within the next year. SXSW meets SX35W.
  • 5. Presenters… Aki Spicer, Director of Digital Strategy Rocky Novak, Director of Digital Development Marty Wetherall, Director of Innovation Brian Olsen, Media Planner Aaron Seymour-Anderson, Art Director
  • 6. What to expect…insights you can use. a series of short, lively, engaging, approachable presentations We promise: no presentation longer than 5 minutes and 5 slides, with a mimimum of "geek-speak”
  • 7. “The future is here. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.” William Gibson Writer and Futurist 7
  • 8. Agenda >Your Phone Knows Where You Are (So Let's Play Foursquare): A look at how location based services work and what they mean for marketers, Marty Wetherall >Old Brands, New Tricks: Chevy & Pepsi made big statements @SXSWi, Rocky Novak >Seductive Interactions: Motivating Web Action Thru Playful Behavior, Aki Spicer >Future of Print: How print (and print ads) are getting tablet-ready, Rocky Novak >Future of TV: TV and Your Computer Had Sex…here's what to expect next, Aki Spicer >Transmedia 2010: Using multiple media to extend storyline, Brian Olsen >Bank 2.0: How Banks Can Begin to Act Like Start-Ups, Aki Spicer
  • 9. Your Phone Knows Where You Are (So Let’s Play Foursquare)
  • 10. Your phone knows where you are 55% of text messages in the US ask "where are you?" Family Locator and E911 How? •  GPS •  Assisted GPS •  Triangulation •  Cell ID •  WiFi Not Just Apps – Smartphone browsers can access location Privacy: "People care more about protecting the location of their phones than their credit card info."
  • 11. Future is rapidly approaching Twitter and Facebook GPS-indexed local search (Google: "The future of mobile is local") Crowdsourced Traffic and Roadside Assistance Mobile Gambling Severe Weather Alerts Financial Fraud Detection Location Based Advertising "Technology exists for Starbucks to fire off a coupon to everyone in an area today…" Physical Click Thru
  • 12. Checking in Location Based Social Networks invite users to "Check In" Automatic notifications when a friend is nearby Game Mechanics – Foursquare and Gowalla reward you for checking in
  • 13. Brands already playing (on) Foursquare
  • 14. Now What? What can location do for you? •  Increased Targeting (SMS, Adagogo, iAds?) •  Modernization of Practices (uShip) •  Streamline UX (fewer clicks) •  Better Context Consider Privacy Leverage Foursquare and Gowalla for FREE! (or pay them for more options) Happy #4sqday
  • 16. Old Brands, New Tricks How Chevy and Pepsi made big statements @SXSW with simple ideas.
  • 17. Transportation was at a premium, and Chevy brought the rides (and got credit for it). The first person to check-in on Gowalla got a free ride to SXSW.
  • 18. Lesson from Chevy: Smart people will give you good ideas for free food. In a small session titled "the future of the connected car," conference attendees did what they were trained to do at a conference: talk about stuff. Sample ideas included… • Resell the carbon credits from the car as you earn them. • Foursquare meets eco driving – earn badges for green driving. • Connect home audio and video libraries to car. • Parking meters updated via phone while you're away.
  • 19. Pepsi leaned into "Refresh" and added value to the conference in every way possible. Pepsico had stations around the conference, where attendees could do everything from sip Mountain Dew to engage in Q&A with industry heavyweights.
  • 20. They also tracked the conference with a simple, but useful interface called "Pepsi Zeitgeist." Real-time data curation of check-ins, tweets and updates helped steer people through their day.
  • 21. The Lesson: It's never too late to get cool. Know the event. Know the people. Be Generous. Be Genuine. Get there first and make your competitor's brand seem old-school by comparison.
  • 23. Seductive Interactions Excerpted from presentations by Stephen Anderson “Seductive Interactions” and Andy Baio “Gaming the Crowd” at SXSW
  • 24. MetaGaming: motivating web action thru playful behaviour Turning work into play …from Forced Narrative towards MetaGames MetaGames take mundane tasks and add fun gaming factors While good games are easy to learn and hard to master… Good MetaGames are easy to learn and easy to master.
  • 25. 4 Considerations for Making Apps/Sites into MetaGames Points Awards Metrics Achievement Levels Collectibles Feedback Recognition Goals Community Missions Competition Challenges Collaboration Quests Reciprocity Excerpted from “Seductive Interactions” presentation by Stephen Anderson at SXSW
  • 26. MetaGaming is a strategic approach for bridging the goals of users and business, fueling "Seductive Interactions". User Goals Biz Goals Great time, fun. Engagement, data. Psychology Usability Increasing Motivation Removing Friction
  • 27. Mental Notes to consider for "getting to first base with users" (increase usage and adoption) Sensory Experience Recognition Over Recall Delights Social Proof Points Limited Duration/ Scarcity Novelty Levels Sequencing Appropriate Challenges Public Display/Ranking Set Collection Challenges Mystery Feedback Loop Gifting Curiousity Ownership Bias Visual Imagery Status Pattern Recognition Playful Language Excerpted from Stephen Anderson’s Mental Notes card series http://www.getmentalnotes.com
  • 28. Examples that put seductive interaction and game thinking into practice iLike/Registration /"iLike Challenge" Ford Fusion/Honda Insight Dashboard EcoScore Linked In profile completion prompts Nike+ Dashboard Hot Wheels "Mystery Car" Packaging CPK "Don't Open It" Thank You Card Treadmill displays "Hamburger" burn rate MS Office Ribbon Hero Guardian UK MP Expense Tracker Target "Use Your Redcard, Help Your Kickstarter.com School" Rypple Flickr Bug Tracker Badges Obama '08 Neighbor Rankings
  • 31. Digital media will not displace print, simply teach it how to behave differently. From viewer ------------------------ to User.
  • 34. Lesson for Fallon: Design for your ads to be used. Premium positions become less valuable – cover 4 doesn’t exist. Print will be measured – consumers touch/ineteraction will help prove quality of experience. "Creative quality matters even more" when its expected.
  • 36. Future of TV Excerpted from presentations by Razorfish at SXSW
  • 37. Razorfish attempted to pay people to live w/o TV… 7 Days 5 Days 2 Days …2 Days - the most people would willingly go without TV (even for cash) TV is still vital part of our lives But TV is also changing
  • 38. DNA of TV: 9 Immutable Genes 1.  Relaxation, zoning out, passivity 2.  Conversation 3.  Events, currency, what's happening now 4.  Social, excuse to be together 5.  Stimulation and education 6.  Vicarious Experience, escapism/fantasy 7.  Passion Points 8.  Participation 9.  Consumerism
  • 39. Shift Happens - the internet influences expectations 1.  Relaxation, zoning out, passivity 2.  Conversation 3.  Events, currency, what's happening now 4.  Social, excuse to be together 5.  Stimulation and education 6.  Vicarious Experience, escapism/fantasy 7.  Passion Points 8.  Participation 9.  Consumerism
  • 40. 4 Future Scenarios for TV 2.0 Social Butterfly Culture #1 Fan Couch Potato Cat Play Along TV puts you in the Smarter TV, serves Viewing Party TV puts content in Remix and Add to TV gets game/event mood and likes/history context to social circle you deeper into experience. Gloats and Notes Features (not times and alphabet) “Most Popular” Portable Devices enable Wii-like Gaming Features “Suggested Views” “Your Friends Liked…” access to anywhere (Play EA Sports PGA and “Top Trending” Text Chat into shows “Add Apps to Show” compare your stroke against Selection Features Live feed of “hot sections/shows” “Raw Video Backstage” the live event) orient around your likes Deconstructed TV (ie Best Week “Get this Look…” “Rock Band Challenge” lands “Just for You” Ever, The Soup, InfoMania ) Polls Results you on the real TV show Evolves “People’s Channels” Co-Creator Engine
  • 41. Insights from the Future of TV   TV and web will blend in content and interface   Brands will play with people   People will earn the right to be in the content   Creativity exists in real-time - agile brand marketing   It will be important to be liked   Sponsors still vital   :30 is a random number   Will know who we're talking to – Data Rocks   People will be channels   Creativity will be portable   We will not control the conversation
  • 44. The Old Practice: Find something successful, and roll it into other mediums. Toy to Film Film to Toy
  • 45. Transmedia: Engaging consumers at multiple entry points to extend the story. NBC has found success in providing web-only content, that allows fans to dig deeper into the storyline. The Office Heroes Webisodes Graphic Novels Over 160 chapters
  • 46. Transmedia improves on this, by extending the storyline across media, not just the messaging. If Transmedia is done right, each story can stand alone. Extra Content + Individual Profit Centers The Core of Transmedia
  • 47. Extensions don't have to come exculsively from content creators, but from advertisers as well. This space is ripe for advertisers to play in. Repo Men Syfy’s Alice Bringing the Union’s hunt to life A rabbit hole of our own creation $10,000 cash prize
  • 48. The door can also swing both ways. Geico took an ad, and created a TV show… Ad to Show … which took them from a paid advertisement to a new profit center.
  • 50. Bank 2.0 Excerpted from presentations by Razorfish at SXSW
  • 51. Banks have failed us. 140 Failures in 2009 (up from 25 in 2008, 11 5 years prior) Stock Market Bust Increasing Credit Rates Challenges •  Heavy regulation •  Not nimble •  Weak Communities •  Legacy (ie old) Systems •  Overly Optimistic Investment Projections
  • 52. Shift Happened. People no longer just consumers… •  Increased importance of savings •  Responsibility •  Autonomy Trends •  Stock-Picking Communities •  Peer-2-Peer Lending/Microfinance •  Community-Based •  Credit Score Management •  Social Savings – Socializing Information
  • 53. While banks are increasingly good at providing customers with digital resources and connectivity – even best-in- class examples are still very transactional with their ideas.
  • 54. Start-Ups are teaching banks about the new era of relationship building. Free online (social) piggybank to save for a specific goal •  $350MM in deposits Free credit scores, education and tools •  1MM registered users Free spending analysis tools •  Recently sold to Intuit for $170MM •  Over 850,00 users in a matter of months •  Only $175,000 start-up capital investment Better rates. Together. •  1MM registered users •  $100MM in loans
  • 55. Secrets to Bank 2.0 start-up success (that traditional banks may learn from)   Share communal knowledge that banks don't/won't provide   Offer advocacy for the consumer   Be approachable: human terms/no jargon   Talk to customers in their language: embrace diverse touchpoints (Twitter, SMS, FBook, etc)   Offer value (insights) on spending data, beyond reporting and account status   Embrace beyond Gen X and Gen Y   New features and products guided by dialogues w/customers   Be reactive…place a few bets and stay nimble to user reactions   Provide great experiences