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Dr. Gopal Thapa
Tribhuvan University
Kathmandu, Nepal
email: thapazee@gmail.com


Feasibility Analysis
• Feasibility analysis is the process of
determining whether a business idea is viable.


Benefits of Feasibility Analysis
A feasibility analysis helps you …………
•To assess the merit of your business idea,
•Determine whether there is a market for your idea,
•Whether the idea is financially viable,
•and ultimately, whether or not it is worth investing
your time and money into the venture,
•Overall demand for new products, services, or
•Characteristics of likely customers (such as
demographics and buying behavior)
• Characteristics of likely competitors


When To Conduct a Feasibility Analysis
Timing of Feasibility Analysis
◦ The proper time to conduct a feasibility analysis is early in thinking through the
prospects for a new business.
◦ The thought is to screen ideas before a lot of resources are spent on them


It is estimated that only one in fifty business ideas are
actually commercially viable. Therefore a business
feasibility study is an effective way to safeguard
against wastage of further investment
The research and information uncovered in the
feasibility study will support the business planning
stage and reduce the research time. Hence the cost of
the business plan will also be reduced


Components of a Feasibility Analysis
Product/Service Feasibility
Organizational Feasibility
Industry/Target Market
Financial Feasibility


Feasibility Analysis
Role of feasibility analysis in developing business ideas.


Outline for a Comprehensive Feasibility


Product/Service Feasibility Analysis
Components of product/service
feasibility analysis


1.1- Product/Service Desirability
• Does it make sense? Is it something consumers will get excited
• Does it take advantage of an environmental trend, solve a
problem, or take advantage of a gap in the marketplace?
• Is this a good time to introduce the product or service to the
• Are there any fatal flaws in the product or service’s basic design
or concept?
First, ask the following questions to determine the basic
appeal of the product or service.


Second, Develop/Administer a Concept
◦ A concept statement should be developed.
◦ A concept statement is a one page description of a business, that is distributed to
people who are asked to provide feedback on the potential of the business idea.
◦ The feedback will hopefully provide the entrepreneur
◦A sense of the viability or the product or service idea.
◦Suggestions for how the idea can be strengthened or “twisted” before
proceeding further.


Primary Research Techniques
Customer survey and questionnaires
Focus group discussions


Product/Service Demand
Product/Service Demand
◦ Through primary and secondary research
◦ Step 1: Administer a Buying Intentions Survey, focus group etc
◦ Step 2: Conduct library, Internet research, used local data etc


Feasibility analysis


Feasibility analysis


Gumshoe Research
• A gumshoe is a detective or an investigator that
scrounges around for information or clues
wherever they can be found.
• Be a gumshoe. Ask people what they think about
your product or service idea. If your idea is to sell
educational toys, spend a week volunteering at a
day care center and watch how children interact
with toys.


Feasibility analysis


2.0 Industry/Target Market Feasibility Analysis
Industry/Target Market
Feasibility Analysis
• Is an assessment of the overall
appeal of the industry and the
target market for the proposed
• An industry is a group of firms
producing a similar product or
• A firm’s target market is the
limited portion of the industry it
plans to go after.


Industry/Target Market Feasibility
Components of industry/target market
feasibility analysis
Industry Attractiveness
Target Market


2.1. Assessing Industry Attractiveness
porter five forces model


2.2. Target Market Attractiveness
Target Market Attractiveness
◦ The challenge in identifying an attractive target market is to find a market that’s
large enough for the proposed business but is yet small enough to avoid attracting
larger competitors.
◦ Assessing the attractiveness of a target market is tougher than an entire industry.


3.0. Organizational Feasibility Analysis
Organizational Feasibility
• Is conducted to determine
whether a proposed business has
sufficient management expertise,
organizational competence, and
resources to successfully launch
a business.
• Focuses on non-financial resources.


Organizational Feasibility Analysis
Components of organizational
feasibility analysis
Management Prowess Resource Sufficiency


3.1. Management Prowess
Management Prowess
◦ A firm should candidly evaluate the prowess, or ability, of its management team to
satisfy itself that management has the requisite passion and expertise to launch the
◦ Two of the most important factors in this area are:
◦The passion that the solo entrepreneur or the founding team has for the
business idea.
◦The extent to which sole entrepreneur or the founding team understands
the markets in which the firm will participate.


3.2. Resource Sufficiency
Resource Sufficiency
◦ An assessment of whether an entrepreneur has sufficient non financial resources to
launch the proposed business.


Resource Sufficiency
Examples of nonfinancial resources that may be critical
to the successful launch of a new business
• Availability of factory/ lab space for business.
• Local and state government support of the business.
• Quality of the labor pool available.
• Closeness to key suppliers and customers.
• Willingness of high quality employees to join the firm.
•Proximity to similar firms for the purpose of sharing knowledge.
• Possibility of obtaining intellectual property protection in key areas.


4.0. Financial Feasibility Analysis
Financial Feasibility
• Is the final component of a
comprehensive feasibility analysis.
• A preliminary financial assessment
is sufficient.


Financial Feasibility Analysis
Components of financial
feasibility analysis
Total Start-Up Cash
Financial Performance of
Similar Businesses
Overall Financial
Attractiveness of the
Proposed Venture


4.1. Total Start-Up Cash Needed
Total Start-Up Cash Needed
◦ The first issues refers to the the total cash needed to prepare the business to
make its first sale.
◦ An actual budget should be prepared that lists all the anticipated capital
purchases and operating expenses needed to generate the first $1 in revenues.
◦ The point of this exercise is to determine if the proposed venture is realistic
given the total start-up cash needed.


4.2. Financial Performance of Similar
Financial Performance of Similar Businesses
◦ Estimate the proposed start-up’s financial performance by comparing it to similar,
already established businesses.
◦ There are several ways to doing this, all of which involve a little ethical detective
◦First, there are many reports available, some for free and some that require
a fee, offering detailed industry trend analysis and reports on thousands of
individual firms.
◦Second, simple observational research may be needed. For example, the
owners of New Venture Fitness Drinks could estimate their sales by
tracking the number of people who patronize similar restaurants and
estimating the average amount each customer spends.


4.3. Overall Financial Attractiveness of the
Proposed Venture
Overall Financial Attractiveness of the Proposed
◦ A number of other financial factors are associated with promising business
◦ In the feasibility analysis stage, the extent to which a business opportunity is
positive relative to each factor is based on an estimate rather than actual
◦ The table on the next slide lists the factors that pertain to the overall
attractiveness of the financial feasibility of the business idea.


Overall Financial Attractiveness of the
Proposed Venture
Financial Factors Associated With Promising Business
• Steady and rapid growth in sales during the first 5 to 7 years in a clearly
defined market niche.
• High percentage of recurring revenue—meaning that once a firm wins a
client, the client will provide recurring sources of revenue.
• Ability to forecast income and expenses with a reasonable degree of
• Internally generated funds to finance and sustain growth.
• Availability of an exit opportunity for investors to convert equity to cash.

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Feasibility analysis

  • 1. 3-1 FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS Dr. Gopal Thapa Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal email: thapazee@gmail.com
  • 2. Feasibility Analysis 3-2 • Feasibility analysis is the process of determining whether a business idea is viable.
  • 3. Benefits of Feasibility Analysis 3-3 A feasibility analysis helps you ………… •To assess the merit of your business idea, •Determine whether there is a market for your idea, •Whether the idea is financially viable, •and ultimately, whether or not it is worth investing your time and money into the venture, •Overall demand for new products, services, or ideas •Characteristics of likely customers (such as demographics and buying behavior) • Characteristics of likely competitors
  • 4. When To Conduct a Feasibility Analysis Timing of Feasibility Analysis ◦ The proper time to conduct a feasibility analysis is early in thinking through the prospects for a new business. ◦ The thought is to screen ideas before a lot of resources are spent on them 3-4
  • 5. Conti…. 3-5 It is estimated that only one in fifty business ideas are actually commercially viable. Therefore a business feasibility study is an effective way to safeguard against wastage of further investment The research and information uncovered in the feasibility study will support the business planning stage and reduce the research time. Hence the cost of the business plan will also be reduced
  • 6. Components of a Feasibility Analysis 3-6 Product/Service Feasibility Organizational Feasibility Industry/Target Market Feasibility Financial Feasibility
  • 7. Feasibility Analysis 3-7 Role of feasibility analysis in developing business ideas.
  • 8. Outline for a Comprehensive Feasibility Analysis 3-8
  • 9. Product/Service Feasibility Analysis 3-9 Components of product/service feasibility analysis Product/Service Desirability Product/Service Demand
  • 10. 1.1- Product/Service Desirability 15-10 • Does it make sense? Is it something consumers will get excited about? • Does it take advantage of an environmental trend, solve a problem, or take advantage of a gap in the marketplace? • Is this a good time to introduce the product or service to the market? • Are there any fatal flaws in the product or service’s basic design or concept? First, ask the following questions to determine the basic appeal of the product or service.
  • 11. Second, Develop/Administer a Concept Test ◦ A concept statement should be developed. ◦ A concept statement is a one page description of a business, that is distributed to people who are asked to provide feedback on the potential of the business idea. ◦ The feedback will hopefully provide the entrepreneur ◦A sense of the viability or the product or service idea. ◦Suggestions for how the idea can be strengthened or “twisted” before proceeding further. 3-11
  • 12. Primary Research Techniques Customer survey and questionnaires Focus group discussions 3-12
  • 13. Product/Service Demand Product/Service Demand ◦ Through primary and secondary research ◦ Step 1: Administer a Buying Intentions Survey, focus group etc ◦ Step 2: Conduct library, Internet research, used local data etc 3-13
  • 16. 3-16 Gumshoe Research Explanation • A gumshoe is a detective or an investigator that scrounges around for information or clues wherever they can be found. • Be a gumshoe. Ask people what they think about your product or service idea. If your idea is to sell educational toys, spend a week volunteering at a day care center and watch how children interact with toys.
  • 18. 2.0 Industry/Target Market Feasibility Analysis 3-18 Industry/Target Market Feasibility Analysis Purpose • Is an assessment of the overall appeal of the industry and the target market for the proposed business. • An industry is a group of firms producing a similar product or service. • A firm’s target market is the limited portion of the industry it plans to go after.
  • 19. Industry/Target Market Feasibility Analysis 3-19 Components of industry/target market feasibility analysis Industry Attractiveness Target Market Attractiveness
  • 20. 2.1. Assessing Industry Attractiveness porter five forces model
  • 21. 2.2. Target Market Attractiveness Target Market Attractiveness ◦ The challenge in identifying an attractive target market is to find a market that’s large enough for the proposed business but is yet small enough to avoid attracting larger competitors. ◦ Assessing the attractiveness of a target market is tougher than an entire industry. 3-21
  • 22. 3.0. Organizational Feasibility Analysis 3-22 Organizational Feasibility Analysis Purpose • Is conducted to determine whether a proposed business has sufficient management expertise, organizational competence, and resources to successfully launch a business. • Focuses on non-financial resources.
  • 23. Organizational Feasibility Analysis 3-23 Components of organizational feasibility analysis Management Prowess Resource Sufficiency
  • 24. 3.1. Management Prowess Management Prowess ◦ A firm should candidly evaluate the prowess, or ability, of its management team to satisfy itself that management has the requisite passion and expertise to launch the venture. ◦ Two of the most important factors in this area are: ◦The passion that the solo entrepreneur or the founding team has for the business idea. ◦The extent to which sole entrepreneur or the founding team understands the markets in which the firm will participate. 3-24
  • 25. 3.2. Resource Sufficiency Resource Sufficiency ◦ An assessment of whether an entrepreneur has sufficient non financial resources to launch the proposed business. 3-25
  • 26. Resource Sufficiency 3-26 Examples of nonfinancial resources that may be critical to the successful launch of a new business • Availability of factory/ lab space for business. • Local and state government support of the business. • Quality of the labor pool available. • Closeness to key suppliers and customers. • Willingness of high quality employees to join the firm. •Proximity to similar firms for the purpose of sharing knowledge. • Possibility of obtaining intellectual property protection in key areas.
  • 27. 4.0. Financial Feasibility Analysis 3-27 Financial Feasibility Analysis Purpose • Is the final component of a comprehensive feasibility analysis. • A preliminary financial assessment is sufficient.
  • 28. Financial Feasibility Analysis 3-28 Components of financial feasibility analysis Total Start-Up Cash Needed Financial Performance of Similar Businesses Overall Financial Attractiveness of the Proposed Venture
  • 29. 4.1. Total Start-Up Cash Needed Total Start-Up Cash Needed ◦ The first issues refers to the the total cash needed to prepare the business to make its first sale. ◦ An actual budget should be prepared that lists all the anticipated capital purchases and operating expenses needed to generate the first $1 in revenues. ◦ The point of this exercise is to determine if the proposed venture is realistic given the total start-up cash needed. 3-29
  • 30. 4.2. Financial Performance of Similar Businesses Financial Performance of Similar Businesses ◦ Estimate the proposed start-up’s financial performance by comparing it to similar, already established businesses. ◦ There are several ways to doing this, all of which involve a little ethical detective work. ◦First, there are many reports available, some for free and some that require a fee, offering detailed industry trend analysis and reports on thousands of individual firms. ◦Second, simple observational research may be needed. For example, the owners of New Venture Fitness Drinks could estimate their sales by tracking the number of people who patronize similar restaurants and estimating the average amount each customer spends. 3-30
  • 31. 4.3. Overall Financial Attractiveness of the Proposed Venture Overall Financial Attractiveness of the Proposed Investment ◦ A number of other financial factors are associated with promising business startups. ◦ In the feasibility analysis stage, the extent to which a business opportunity is positive relative to each factor is based on an estimate rather than actual performance. ◦ The table on the next slide lists the factors that pertain to the overall attractiveness of the financial feasibility of the business idea. 3-31
  • 32. Overall Financial Attractiveness of the Proposed Venture 3-32 Financial Factors Associated With Promising Business Opportunities • Steady and rapid growth in sales during the first 5 to 7 years in a clearly defined market niche. • High percentage of recurring revenue—meaning that once a firm wins a client, the client will provide recurring sources of revenue. • Ability to forecast income and expenses with a reasonable degree of certainty. • Internally generated funds to finance and sustain growth. • Availability of an exit opportunity for investors to convert equity to cash.