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Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx


Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx


What is a creative strategy?
A creative strategy is an intentional and strategic approach that
we take in developing & implementing steps that will ensure and
support our long-term growth. Our creative strategy serves as a
call to action and provides the guiding principles for developing
content. Using this strategy we can solve problems, as well as
spark ideas that lead to our collective success. We will use data
to assess and improve progress. We should be answering the
questions: Are we doing the right things? AND Are we doing
those things right?


Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx


Figure out what platform(s) work best for
you & use them to your advantage.
 Don’t put too much effort into platforms that aren’t doing anything for
you. It’s a waste of time.
 If you're new to social media, it's best to start small. Focus on one or two
platforms and build out your content based on audience insights as you
1. If your target audience is Gen Y or Gen Z,
Instagram and TikTok will be the recommended
2. If your brand is more B2B, LinkedIn and YouTube
will both be great. But remember YouTube &
Facebook DO NOT like each other.


Use your analytics!
 Analytics never lie. This is the easiest way to see what
works and what doesn’t!
 Tracking keywords and trending topics on your social
media channels will help you stay ahead of the curve.
1. Instagram, Meta, TikTok and YouTube business
accounts all have their analytics built in – use these!
Do you know where to find them?
2. They help you monitor the latest trends to better
understand how to target your audience.


Set goals
 Have a goal set for each platform.
 That could be for 3 months, 6 months, a year. Make it
something challenging but realistic.
 That could be click throughs, engagement, new email
subscribers, new followers, etc.
 If you don’t meet those goals it’s time to adjust your
strategy and/or consider ditching the platform.


Take time to learn about social media
management tools that are available to you.
 These help you organize, manage and plan
 Planning ahead & scheduling will help you not get
behind on posting and lose your audience.
Tools to help schedule/plan content:
1. Meta Business Suite for Facebook & Instagram.
2. Hootsuite, Zoho Social, Later and HubSpot: allow you
to manage all of your social media platforms in one


Keep a close eye on your competition.
 Knowing what your competition is doing on
their social media platforms is a great way to
ensure that you're one step ahead.
 Get new content ideas from them! Especially
if you’re still growing.


Stay up to date!
 With trends changing rapidly you'll want to make sure that you can switch
up your social media strategy when you need!
Sign up for emails from research organizations:
Social Media Today and Marketing Dive
 These are great ways to get a quick rundown without spending a ton of
time. It’s their job to do this research & keep us up to date.


Stop participating in copycat trends &
create more original content.
 In 2022, hopping on trends was a key strategy for growing on TikTok and Instagram.
 This year solely using trending audio is on its way out.
 In order to stand out, it is predicted that creators and brands will incorporate more
original content into their overall strategy.
1. Video content used to be longer-form vlogs & very uniform conversations on niche
topics. It is quickly shifting towards casual, off-the-cuff storytelling.
2. The challenge now is to make your video stand out in a sea of copycats.


Keyword Search & Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) are key.
 Put effort into these things! They are crucial to your
web success.
 Google searches are becoming outdated, because
searching for a topic on the internet has transformed.
1. Nearly half of Gen Z is using TikTok & Instagram for
search instead.
2. Users are looking for a more exploratory experience
with curated takes & personal experiences. Think…
TikTok storytelling & honest reviews.
TIP: When building out or revamping your social strategy, make a list of keywords you’d like
your brand to rank for & be sure to regularly create social content around them.


The biggest social media trends to watch in 2023:
1. User Generated Content
 content & reviews from your consumers.
2. Micro-influencer marketing
 a person who has between 1,000 and 100,000 social media followers
and uses their social media presence to promote products relevant
to their interests or expertise.
3. Short-form video content
 Instagram Reels
 TikTok
Remember, the best way to get ahead & stay ahead of your
competition is to monitor trends closely. Trends will come & go,
so it's important to stay in the know.


Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx


This is your image.
 You want to display your brand in the best way possible.
 Having the right tools is important and using them correctly is crucial for success.


Hashtags and Emojis
DON’T overuse them.
 You don’t want the overuse to scare people
 They’re for your benefit.
 They don’t work if you’re not using them
correctly. What does this mean??
 Users click on a hashtag to explore similar
posts, so you want to be specific with your
 Do you know how to find emojis on a
keyboard or just on your phone? Pro Tip:
Windows Key & Period pulls up your menu!


Sharing Posts
DON’T share others posts.
 You want to create your own version of the post and
tag the original user (if needed).
 Sharing other’s post does nothing for you. Making
your own version does.
 Sharing content is often seen as an endorsement of
that content and of the person who posted it. Why
is this important??
 Be careful what you share — it could become part of
your brand.


 If your photo is bad, people will not even read your post.
 You want to be sure to choose photos that will draw an audience.
 Photos that convey feelings.
 How do I do this??
Photo credit is SO important.
Always give credit where it’s due. If you use someone else’s photo – give them credit.
This also encourages them to do it in the future.


Many people were
angry about this post
because this place
was seen as a
Hinesville landmark.
And also the person
posting has nothing
to do with the
preparation of the
land so they
unnecessarily got
people very angry at
the wrong person.
Staging a ground
breaking for better
quality photos
would’ve been much
This is great
content, and it
could’ve made an
even better impact
if it had a better
photo to go with it.
And the
caption….We are
proud to
announce. You
don’t have to talk
about yourself in
the 3rd person.


Post Length
Short, sweet & to the point.
 This is always the best route to take. Some posts do
need more words/explanation, so try to cut out the
extra & make it as short as possible.
 Using your accolades at the bottom of each post is
really not necessary & not something that people
are going to read. Most users will only read what is
in the immediate window, they’re not clicking “read
more.” This would be more appropriate at the
bottom of a press release.


Who’s reading all of that? Not me.


NO personal
 DO NOT share any personal
opinions, views etc. on your
business account.
 Use your platform to promote your
 People are not following your page
because they want to see your
personal opinions.
 Stick to your brand.


Fact Checking
DON’T: Share without researching first.
 Be sure to always fact check your information before posting.
 Always check the source of the information to confirm it’s credible.
 If you post a fact that could be misconstrued – offer an explanation.


He has no association with this
organization, so he should not be
posting as an “us.”


Be consistent
 Post regularly, but DON’T spam.
 Once a day, 7 days a week is the maximum
amount you’d want to post on Facebook.
 3-5 posts per week is a good median for
most people on Facebook.
 By posting consistently you create brand
awareness and recognition.
 Content. If you do something once, make
sure you keep doing it consistently,
especially if you’re an entity representing
multiple entities.


Respond to comments
 Being engaged is great for your page.
 If someone asks a question you want to
answer them as promptly as possible.
 If the comment isn’t something that needs a
response – like it or heart it.
 Your followers want to feel the relationship.
 Also know the rules for your entity. i.e. a
government entity CANNOT delete posts or


Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx


Don’t go back and
forth with people.
Give them a call.
Don’t air all of your
business out for
everyone to see.


Make sure your content
matches your brand
 For example – we wouldn’t post Chamber stuff on
the Explore Liberty page and vice versa.
 Explore Liberty is tourism and the goal is to attract
potential visitors.
 Chamber is more local and is there for members of
the community.
 If you sell jewelry, you don’t need to be posting
about men's footwear. It’s not the content that
your audience signed up for.
 And don’t share from a personal page as an
employee to a business page. You are not helping
your branded page at all. Download the Business
Manager app & learn how to use it.


Grammar, spelling & NO ALL CAPS
 Using all capital letters makes people feel like they’re being
 You don’t want to yell at a potential or consistent customer. Do
 SPELL CHECK (yes we’re yelling), because if someone messes up
a post on social media who knows what else they will mess up.
 Main point… don’t make yourself or your business look dumb.


Tag/Mention as many other
places that can help you get
exposure but don’t be annoying.
 Let others share YOUR post – not vice versa. When
you tag others and they share your post, it
increases your impressions.
 Increased impressions is what brings new
followers, more engagement, etc.


What TO DO…..but the reason
that this post did so well?
Because people started chiming
in with their favorite wings that
WEREN’T on this list.


Guess what’s wrong


Guess what’s wrong


Be mindful
 What you post is online forever, even if you delete it
someone has probably already taken a screenshot.


DON’T: Obsess about the numbers.
 It’s important to remember that brand awareness and growing your network is a long-
term effort.
 If your post only gets 10 likes, but 5000 people saw it you’re doing something right.
 While having lots of followers can be good, it’s quality over quantity.
If you have 1,000 Twitter followers and half of them are spam accounts, your tweets
are being delivered to an audience that doesn’t truly exist. So stress less about your
follower count and concentrate on providing engaging content for your audience.


Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx


Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx

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Feb 2023 - Social Media Trends and Etiquette Workshop.pptx

  • 3. What is a creative strategy? A creative strategy is an intentional and strategic approach that we take in developing & implementing steps that will ensure and support our long-term growth. Our creative strategy serves as a call to action and provides the guiding principles for developing content. Using this strategy we can solve problems, as well as spark ideas that lead to our collective success. We will use data to assess and improve progress. We should be answering the questions: Are we doing the right things? AND Are we doing those things right?
  • 5. Figure out what platform(s) work best for you & use them to your advantage.  Don’t put too much effort into platforms that aren’t doing anything for you. It’s a waste of time.  If you're new to social media, it's best to start small. Focus on one or two platforms and build out your content based on audience insights as you go. FOR EXAMPLE: 1. If your target audience is Gen Y or Gen Z, Instagram and TikTok will be the recommended platform. 2. If your brand is more B2B, LinkedIn and YouTube will both be great. But remember YouTube & Facebook DO NOT like each other.
  • 6. Use your analytics!  Analytics never lie. This is the easiest way to see what works and what doesn’t!  Tracking keywords and trending topics on your social media channels will help you stay ahead of the curve. 1. Instagram, Meta, TikTok and YouTube business accounts all have their analytics built in – use these! Do you know where to find them? 2. They help you monitor the latest trends to better understand how to target your audience.
  • 7. Set goals  Have a goal set for each platform.  That could be for 3 months, 6 months, a year. Make it something challenging but realistic.  That could be click throughs, engagement, new email subscribers, new followers, etc.  If you don’t meet those goals it’s time to adjust your strategy and/or consider ditching the platform.
  • 8. Take time to learn about social media management tools that are available to you.  These help you organize, manage and plan campaigns/content.  Planning ahead & scheduling will help you not get behind on posting and lose your audience. Tools to help schedule/plan content: 1. Meta Business Suite for Facebook & Instagram. 2. Hootsuite, Zoho Social, Later and HubSpot: allow you to manage all of your social media platforms in one place.
  • 9. Keep a close eye on your competition.  Knowing what your competition is doing on their social media platforms is a great way to ensure that you're one step ahead.  Get new content ideas from them! Especially if you’re still growing.
  • 10. Stay up to date!  With trends changing rapidly you'll want to make sure that you can switch up your social media strategy when you need! Sign up for emails from research organizations: Social Media Today and Marketing Dive  These are great ways to get a quick rundown without spending a ton of time. It’s their job to do this research & keep us up to date.
  • 11. Stop participating in copycat trends & create more original content.  In 2022, hopping on trends was a key strategy for growing on TikTok and Instagram.  This year solely using trending audio is on its way out.  In order to stand out, it is predicted that creators and brands will incorporate more original content into their overall strategy. FOR EXAMPLE: 1. Video content used to be longer-form vlogs & very uniform conversations on niche topics. It is quickly shifting towards casual, off-the-cuff storytelling. 2. The challenge now is to make your video stand out in a sea of copycats.
  • 12. Keyword Search & Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are key.  Put effort into these things! They are crucial to your web success.  Google searches are becoming outdated, because searching for a topic on the internet has transformed. 1. Nearly half of Gen Z is using TikTok & Instagram for search instead. 2. Users are looking for a more exploratory experience with curated takes & personal experiences. Think… TikTok storytelling & honest reviews. TIP: When building out or revamping your social strategy, make a list of keywords you’d like your brand to rank for & be sure to regularly create social content around them.
  • 13. The biggest social media trends to watch in 2023: 1. User Generated Content  content & reviews from your consumers. 2. Micro-influencer marketing  a person who has between 1,000 and 100,000 social media followers and uses their social media presence to promote products relevant to their interests or expertise. 3. Short-form video content  Instagram Reels  TikTok Remember, the best way to get ahead & stay ahead of your competition is to monitor trends closely. Trends will come & go, so it's important to stay in the know.
  • 15. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT? This is your image.  You want to display your brand in the best way possible.  Having the right tools is important and using them correctly is crucial for success.
  • 16. Hashtags and Emojis DON’T overuse them.  You don’t want the overuse to scare people away.  They’re for your benefit.  They don’t work if you’re not using them correctly. What does this mean??  Users click on a hashtag to explore similar posts, so you want to be specific with your choices.  Do you know how to find emojis on a keyboard or just on your phone? Pro Tip: Windows Key & Period pulls up your menu!
  • 17. Sharing Posts DON’T share others posts.  You want to create your own version of the post and tag the original user (if needed).  Sharing other’s post does nothing for you. Making your own version does.  Sharing content is often seen as an endorsement of that content and of the person who posted it. Why is this important??  Be careful what you share — it could become part of your brand.
  • 18. Only post GOOD, QUALITY PHOTOS!  If your photo is bad, people will not even read your post.  You want to be sure to choose photos that will draw an audience.  Photos that convey feelings.  How do I do this?? Photo credit is SO important. Always give credit where it’s due. If you use someone else’s photo – give them credit. This also encourages them to do it in the future.
  • 19. Many people were angry about this post because this place was seen as a Hinesville landmark. And also the person posting has nothing to do with the preparation of the land so they unnecessarily got people very angry at the wrong person. Staging a ground breaking for better quality photos would’ve been much better. This is great content, and it could’ve made an even better impact if it had a better photo to go with it. And the caption….We are proud to announce. You don’t have to talk about yourself in the 3rd person.
  • 20. Post Length Short, sweet & to the point.  This is always the best route to take. Some posts do need more words/explanation, so try to cut out the extra & make it as short as possible.  Using your accolades at the bottom of each post is really not necessary & not something that people are going to read. Most users will only read what is in the immediate window, they’re not clicking “read more.” This would be more appropriate at the bottom of a press release.
  • 21. Who’s reading all of that? Not me.
  • 22. NO personal content  DO NOT share any personal opinions, views etc. on your business account.  Use your platform to promote your business/organization.  People are not following your page because they want to see your personal opinions.  Stick to your brand.
  • 23. Fact Checking DON’T: Share without researching first.  Be sure to always fact check your information before posting.  Always check the source of the information to confirm it’s credible.  If you post a fact that could be misconstrued – offer an explanation.
  • 24. He has no association with this organization, so he should not be posting as an “us.”
  • 25. Be consistent  Post regularly, but DON’T spam.  Once a day, 7 days a week is the maximum amount you’d want to post on Facebook.  3-5 posts per week is a good median for most people on Facebook.  By posting consistently you create brand awareness and recognition.  Content. If you do something once, make sure you keep doing it consistently, especially if you’re an entity representing multiple entities.
  • 26. Respond to comments  Being engaged is great for your page.  If someone asks a question you want to answer them as promptly as possible.  If the comment isn’t something that needs a response – like it or heart it.  Your followers want to feel the relationship.  Also know the rules for your entity. i.e. a government entity CANNOT delete posts or comments.
  • 28. Don’t go back and forth with people. Give them a call. Don’t air all of your business out for everyone to see.
  • 29. Make sure your content matches your brand  For example – we wouldn’t post Chamber stuff on the Explore Liberty page and vice versa.  Explore Liberty is tourism and the goal is to attract potential visitors.  Chamber is more local and is there for members of the community.  If you sell jewelry, you don’t need to be posting about men's footwear. It’s not the content that your audience signed up for.  And don’t share from a personal page as an employee to a business page. You are not helping your branded page at all. Download the Business Manager app & learn how to use it.
  • 30. Grammar, spelling & NO ALL CAPS  Using all capital letters makes people feel like they’re being YELLED AT.  You don’t want to yell at a potential or consistent customer. Do you?  SPELL CHECK (yes we’re yelling), because if someone messes up a post on social media who knows what else they will mess up.  Main point… don’t make yourself or your business look dumb. THIS IS YOUR BRAND. PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING.
  • 31. Tag/Mention as many other places that can help you get exposure but don’t be annoying.  Let others share YOUR post – not vice versa. When you tag others and they share your post, it increases your impressions.  Increased impressions is what brings new followers, more engagement, etc.
  • 32. What TO DO…..but the reason that this post did so well? Because people started chiming in with their favorite wings that WEREN’T on this list.
  • 35. Be mindful  What you post is online forever, even if you delete it someone has probably already taken a screenshot.
  • 36. DON’T: Obsess about the numbers.  It’s important to remember that brand awareness and growing your network is a long- term effort.  If your post only gets 10 likes, but 5000 people saw it you’re doing something right.  While having lots of followers can be good, it’s quality over quantity. If you have 1,000 Twitter followers and half of them are spam accounts, your tweets are being delivered to an audience that doesn’t truly exist. So stress less about your follower count and concentrate on providing engaging content for your audience.