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Department of Textile Engineering 
Assignment on: Fibrograph 
Course Code : TEX-2031 
Course Title : Textile Testing & Quality Control-1 
Submitted To: 
S.M. Masum Alam 
Department of Textile Engineering 
Submitted By: 
Name: Tahmidur Rahman 
ID: 2012200400014 
Batch: 21st 
Section: A 
Submission Date: 24/08/14
Page 2 
The fibrograph is an optical instrument employing photovoltaic 
cells for scanning samples of parallel fibres and tracing a type of 
length- frequency curve. The theory is developed for a sample of 
parallel fibres in which the fibres are positioned at random. The 
geometrical interpreta tion of the resulting curve, or fibrogram, 
indicates simple length and area measurements that give various 
average lengths and statistical quantities, such as standard 
deviation and coefficient of variation. Experimental fibrograms 
are compared with the equivalent data derived from absolute 
length measurements, using a projection method. The waviness 
and taper of the fibres, along with other minor factors, cause the 
fibrogram to be too short. When the length coördinates are 
increased 19%, the fibrogram is equivalent to the curve obtained 
from absolute measurements. The instrument makes possible the 
rapid measurement of fibre length and fibre-length uniformity of 
raw fibre samples.
Page 3 
This test method covers the measurement of the length and 
length uniformity of cotton fibers by use of the Fibrograph. 
The test method is applicable to fibers taken from raw or 
partially processed cotton or some types of cotton waste, but not 
to fibers from blends of cotton with other fibers or to fibers 
recovered from cotton yarns or fabrics. 
This test method covers procedures for all models of the Digital 
Fibrograph, hereafter referred to as Fibrograph. 
The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No 
other units of measurement are included in this standard. 
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety 
concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility 
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and 
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory 
limitat3. Terminology
Page 4 
Amount, n—cotton length testing with the Fibrograph, n—a 
measure of the thickness, or optical density, of the test beard, 
proportional to the number of fibers present at various distances 
from the comb(s). 
fibrogram, n—in cotton length testing with the Fibrograph, the 
curve representing the second cumulation of the length 
distribution of the fibers sensed by the length measuring 
instrument in scanning the fiber board. 
Span length (Fibrograph), n—the distance spanned by a 
specified percentage of the fibers in the test beard, taking the 
amount reading at the starting point of the scanning as 100 %. 
test beard, n—in length testing of cotton, the portion of the test 
specimen that has been combed and brushed into a “beard” 
which protrudes from the outside of the comb(s) or the clamp(s). 
Test specimen (Fibrograph), n—the cotton fibersplaced 
randomly on a Fibrograph comb(s) for fiber length 
measurements. Uniformity ratio, n—in cotton length testing 
with the Fibrograph, the ratio between two span lengths 
expressed as a percentage of the longer length. 
Discussion—various span lengths and measures of length 
uniformity may be calculated from the results of the measured 
points, but the 2.5 and 50 % span lengths and the
Page 5 
50/2.5 uniformity ratio are usually used. 
For definitions of other textile terms used in this method, refer to 
Terminology D 123. 
Summary of Test Method: 
Fibers are placed on comb(s) in such a way that they are caught 
at random points along their lengths to form a beard. 
The beard is scanned photo electrically from base to tip, the 
amount of light passing through the beard being used as a 
measure of the number of fibers that extend various distances 
from the comb(s). 
The Fibrograph shows the amount and the length readings from 
the Fibrogram being sensed on separate dials. 
The instrument can show percent, the distance spanned by 
predetermined percentages of the cotton fibers in the beard. 
Significance and Use: 
This test method is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing 
when the levels of the laboratories are controlled by the use of 
the same reference standard cotton samples because the current 
estimates of between-laboratory precision are acceptable under 
these conditions. In case of dispute, the statistical bias, if any, 
between the laboratories of the purchaser and the laboratory of
Page 6 
the seller should be determined with each comparison being 
based on testing randomized specimens from one sample of 
Fibrograph measurements provide a relatively fast method for 
determining the length and length uniformity of the fibers in a 
sample of cotton in a reproducible manner. 
Results of the Fibrograph length tests do not necessarily agree 
with those obtained by other methods for measuring lengths of 
cotton fibers because of the effect of fiber crimp and other 
Fibrograph tests are more objective than commercial staple 
length classifications and also provide additional information on 
fiber length uniformity of cotton fibers. The cotton quality 
information provided by these results is used in research studies 
and quality surveys, in checking commercial staple length 
classifications, in assembling bales of cotton into uniform lots, 
and for other purposes. 
Fibrograph measurements are based on the assumptions that a 
fiber is caught on the comb in proportion to its length as 
compared to total length of all fibers in the sample and that the 
point of catch for a fiber is at random along its length.
Page 7 
Fibrograph, 3 Digital models, with accessory equipment as 
shown in Fig. 1. 
Fibrosampler, for the preparation of test specimens (optional) as 
shown in Fig. 2.
Page 8 
Division into Lots—for acceptance testing purposes, the 
purchaser and the supplier shall agree on what material 
constitutes a lot. 
Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing, take at 
random the number of shipping containers directed in an
applicable material specification or other agreement between the 
purchaser and the supplier, such as an agreement to use Practice 
D 1441. 
Laboratory Sample—As a laboratory sample for acceptance 
testing, select and prepare a 30 to 225 g (1 to 8 oz) subsample 
from each of the shipping containers in the lot sample, 
proceeding as directed in Practice D 1441 using either the 
blended sample procedure or the subsample procedure as agreed 
between the purchaser and the supplier. 
Test Specimens—as directed in Section 10, prepare either two or 
four specimens from each subsample in the laboratory sample. 
For acceptance testing, test either two or four specimens from 
each subsample in the laboratory sample as agreed between the 
purchaser and the supplier. 
Preparation and Adjustment of 
Page 9 
Set up the Fibrograph and adjust it as directed in the 
manufacturer’s instructions for the model being used. 
Set up and adjust the Fibrosampler as directed in the 
manufacturer’s instructions. 
Before making Fibrograph length tests, allow the instrument to 
warm up until it is electronically stable, and then carefully check
it both electronically and mechanically by using the methods for 
specific items. 
Check the length and sensitivity controls according to the 
manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for the model 
being used. Compare the instrument measurement of the length 
of a card or similar item to its known length to check the 
correctness of the length indicator. 
Compare the instrument measurement of light passage through 
different varying numbers of cellophane sheets to check the 
linearity or optical calibration. 
Measure specimens of cotton fibers from a laboratory control 
sample with established length values. Each technician must 
measure separate specimens prepared from a laboratory control 
sample and obtain acceptable length results before performing 
similar measurements on specimens from unknown samples. 
When unacceptable results are obtained from the laboratory 
control sample, recheck the instrument adjustments and the 
testing techniques until acceptable results are obtained. 
Make additional length measurements of specimens taken from 
the laboratory control sample at least every 2 h during the day to 
maintain a continuing check on the level of results. 
Page 10
Page 11 
Before preparing the specimens, bring the laboratory sample 
from the prevailing atmosphere to moisture equilibrium for 
testing in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles. 
Exposure to moving air for a period of at least 4 h is usually 
required, and a longer conditioning period is essential for large 
samples and for moist samples. Preconditioning is not necessary. 
Preparation of Specimens: 
Hand Combing Method: 
Place a portion of the conditioned laboratory sample on a pair of 
Fibrograph combs. Distribute the fibers evenly across the width 
of the combs while placing the fibers randomly along their 
lengths on the teeth of the combs. Place sufficient cotton on the 
combs for each test specimen toproduce amount readings of 
1.200 to 1.600. 
Untangle and parallelize the beard of fibers protruding from the 
outer side of the teeth of the combs by holding one comb in each 
hand and gently combing the fibers from each comb with the 
teeth of the other comb. Transfer the fibers from one comb to 
the other and repeat the combing operation if desirable to obtain 
a uniform distribution of fibers on the combs.
Check to see if there is an approximately uniform distribution of 
fibers on each comb by holding the comb toward the light. 
When the distribution is not satisfactory, transfer fibers from the 
denser to the lighter areas of each comb. Do this by continuing 
the combing action as directed in 10.1.2 while slightly tilting the 
teeth of the comb with the lighter area to transfer fibers from the 
denser area until a fairly uniform distribution is obtained on each 
Fibrosampler Method (Fig. 2): 
Place the Fibrosampler comb in the combholder with the teeth 
uppermost. Place the laboratory sample in the cylinder and press 
it against the curved and perforated sample plate. Rotate the 
pivot arm for one complete counterclockwise revolution while 
maintaining evenly distributed pressure over the surface of the 
sample to load and comb the specimen of cotton fibers. Take the 
loaded comb from the Fibrosampler, turn the sample around to 
present a new surface to the perforated plate. If a second comb is 
required, repeat the load procedure described above. 
Clean the card clothing on the Fibrosampler periodically to 
maintain effective combing action. To do this, raise the release 
button to put the doffer in the cleaning position, rotate the doffer 
one-half revolution clockwise to clean the clothing sector, and 
return it counterclockwise one-half revolution to clean the 
Page 12
Page 13 
After the Fibrograph is in proper operating condition and the 
correct combing procedure has been established, insert the 
loaded comb(s) into the comb holder of the Fibrograph with the 
beard of fibers pointing downward. Brush the fibers with firm 
strokes of the Fibrograph brush to remove loose fibers, to 
straighten the other fibers without disturbing their distribution in 
the teeth of the comb(s), and thus complete preparation of the 
Lower the lens assembly and manipulate the controls of the 
instrument to scan the fibers in accordance with the 
manufacturer’s instructions for the model being used. 
Test either two or four specimens from each subsample in the 
laboratory sample, depending on the precision desired, and if 
possible have two technicians participate with each one testing 
one half the numbers of specimens. 
Read the span length values in inches or millimeters directly 
from the dials digital display of the Fibrograph for selected 
points in the length-frequency distribution for the desired span 
lengths (Fig. 3).
Page 14 
For the span lengths measured, average the results for all 
specimens in inches to two decimal places or in millimeters to 
one decimal place. 
Calculate the uniformity ratio by dividing the average of the 
shorter span lengths by the average of the longer span lengths. 
Multiply the ratio by 100 to convert it to a percentage and round 
it off to a whole number. 
State that the specimens were tested as directed in ASTM Test 
Method D 1447. State the method of preparing specimens used, 
such as hand combing or by the Fibrosampler, and the number 
of specimens tested for each subsample. 
Report the following information: 
Designation of the length and uniformity ratio values reported, 
such as 2.5 % span length, 50 % span length, and 50/2.5 ratio. 
The average length and uniformity ratio. The source of the 
cotton fibers taken for testing, such as raw cotton, card sliver, or 
Precision and Bias: 
Inter laboratory Test Data:—An inter laboratory test 
was carried out in 1969 in which two operators in each of three 
laboratories performed fiber length tests by Fibrograph 
measurement. Both operators tested two specimens from each of 
Page 15
five subsamples from each cotton to establish standard values 
for each of five different cottons. Each of the subsamples was 
coded with a different number and the results were decoded after 
the tests were completed. The operators performing these tests 
had better than average skill and extensive experience. The 
levels of the participating laboratories were controlled by the use 
of the same group of control cottons. The components of 
variance calculated from the results of these tests and expressed 
as standard deviations are listed in Table 1. 
Precision—for the components of variance above, the 
averages of observed values for both the four specimen and the 
two specimen tests should be considered significantly different 
at the 95 % probability level if the differences equal or exceed 
the critical differences in Table 2. 
Bias:—No justifiable statement on the accuracy of Test 
Method D 1447 for Fibrograph data can be made since the true 
value of the properties can be defined only in terms of 
observations made by a specific test method when controlled to 
a standard level by the use of calibration cottons. 
Page 16
Page 17 
Referenced Documents: 
ASTM Standards: D 123 Terminologies Relating to Textiles2 
D 1440 Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of 
Cotton Fibers (Array Method) 2 
D 1441 Practice for Sampling Cotton Fibers for Testing2 
D 1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles2 
D 3025 Practice for Standardizing Cotton Fiber Test Results by 
Use of Calibration Cotton Standards2 
Thank you.

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  • 1. Page 1 Department of Textile Engineering Assignment on: Fibrograph Course Code : TEX-2031 Course Title : Textile Testing & Quality Control-1 Submitted To: S.M. Masum Alam Lecturer Department of Textile Engineering SEU. Submitted By: Name: Tahmidur Rahman ID: 2012200400014 Batch: 21st Section: A Submission Date: 24/08/14
  • 2. Page 2 Fibrogram Introduction: The fibrograph is an optical instrument employing photovoltaic cells for scanning samples of parallel fibres and tracing a type of length- frequency curve. The theory is developed for a sample of parallel fibres in which the fibres are positioned at random. The geometrical interpreta tion of the resulting curve, or fibrogram, indicates simple length and area measurements that give various average lengths and statistical quantities, such as standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Experimental fibrograms are compared with the equivalent data derived from absolute length measurements, using a projection method. The waviness and taper of the fibres, along with other minor factors, cause the fibrogram to be too short. When the length coördinates are increased 19%, the fibrogram is equivalent to the curve obtained from absolute measurements. The instrument makes possible the rapid measurement of fibre length and fibre-length uniformity of raw fibre samples.
  • 3. Page 3 Scope: This test method covers the measurement of the length and length uniformity of cotton fibers by use of the Fibrograph. The test method is applicable to fibers taken from raw or partially processed cotton or some types of cotton waste, but not to fibers from blends of cotton with other fibers or to fibers recovered from cotton yarns or fabrics. This test method covers procedures for all models of the Digital Fibrograph, hereafter referred to as Fibrograph. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitat3. Terminology
  • 4. Page 4 Definitions: Amount, n—cotton length testing with the Fibrograph, n—a measure of the thickness, or optical density, of the test beard, proportional to the number of fibers present at various distances from the comb(s). fibrogram, n—in cotton length testing with the Fibrograph, the curve representing the second cumulation of the length distribution of the fibers sensed by the length measuring instrument in scanning the fiber board. Span length (Fibrograph), n—the distance spanned by a specified percentage of the fibers in the test beard, taking the amount reading at the starting point of the scanning as 100 %. test beard, n—in length testing of cotton, the portion of the test specimen that has been combed and brushed into a “beard” which protrudes from the outside of the comb(s) or the clamp(s). Test specimen (Fibrograph), n—the cotton fibersplaced randomly on a Fibrograph comb(s) for fiber length measurements. Uniformity ratio, n—in cotton length testing with the Fibrograph, the ratio between two span lengths expressed as a percentage of the longer length. Discussion—various span lengths and measures of length uniformity may be calculated from the results of the measured points, but the 2.5 and 50 % span lengths and the
  • 5. Page 5 50/2.5 uniformity ratio are usually used. For definitions of other textile terms used in this method, refer to Terminology D 123. Summary of Test Method: Fibers are placed on comb(s) in such a way that they are caught at random points along their lengths to form a beard. The beard is scanned photo electrically from base to tip, the amount of light passing through the beard being used as a measure of the number of fibers that extend various distances from the comb(s). The Fibrograph shows the amount and the length readings from the Fibrogram being sensed on separate dials. The instrument can show percent, the distance spanned by predetermined percentages of the cotton fibers in the beard. Significance and Use: This test method is considered satisfactory for acceptance testing when the levels of the laboratories are controlled by the use of the same reference standard cotton samples because the current estimates of between-laboratory precision are acceptable under these conditions. In case of dispute, the statistical bias, if any, between the laboratories of the purchaser and the laboratory of
  • 6. Page 6 the seller should be determined with each comparison being based on testing randomized specimens from one sample of material. Fibrograph measurements provide a relatively fast method for determining the length and length uniformity of the fibers in a sample of cotton in a reproducible manner. Results of the Fibrograph length tests do not necessarily agree with those obtained by other methods for measuring lengths of cotton fibers because of the effect of fiber crimp and other factors. Fibrograph tests are more objective than commercial staple length classifications and also provide additional information on fiber length uniformity of cotton fibers. The cotton quality information provided by these results is used in research studies and quality surveys, in checking commercial staple length classifications, in assembling bales of cotton into uniform lots, and for other purposes. Fibrograph measurements are based on the assumptions that a fiber is caught on the comb in proportion to its length as compared to total length of all fibers in the sample and that the point of catch for a fiber is at random along its length.
  • 7. Page 7 Apparatus: Fibrograph, 3 Digital models, with accessory equipment as shown in Fig. 1. Fibrosampler, for the preparation of test specimens (optional) as shown in Fig. 2.
  • 8. Page 8 Sampling: Division into Lots—for acceptance testing purposes, the purchaser and the supplier shall agree on what material constitutes a lot. Lot Sample—As a lot sample for acceptance testing, take at random the number of shipping containers directed in an
  • 9. applicable material specification or other agreement between the purchaser and the supplier, such as an agreement to use Practice D 1441. Laboratory Sample—As a laboratory sample for acceptance testing, select and prepare a 30 to 225 g (1 to 8 oz) subsample from each of the shipping containers in the lot sample, proceeding as directed in Practice D 1441 using either the blended sample procedure or the subsample procedure as agreed between the purchaser and the supplier. Test Specimens—as directed in Section 10, prepare either two or four specimens from each subsample in the laboratory sample. For acceptance testing, test either two or four specimens from each subsample in the laboratory sample as agreed between the purchaser and the supplier. Preparation and Adjustment of Apparatus: Page 9 Set up the Fibrograph and adjust it as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions for the model being used. Set up and adjust the Fibrosampler as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions. Before making Fibrograph length tests, allow the instrument to warm up until it is electronically stable, and then carefully check
  • 10. it both electronically and mechanically by using the methods for specific items. Check the length and sensitivity controls according to the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations for the model being used. Compare the instrument measurement of the length of a card or similar item to its known length to check the correctness of the length indicator. Compare the instrument measurement of light passage through different varying numbers of cellophane sheets to check the linearity or optical calibration. Measure specimens of cotton fibers from a laboratory control sample with established length values. Each technician must measure separate specimens prepared from a laboratory control sample and obtain acceptable length results before performing similar measurements on specimens from unknown samples. When unacceptable results are obtained from the laboratory control sample, recheck the instrument adjustments and the testing techniques until acceptable results are obtained. Make additional length measurements of specimens taken from the laboratory control sample at least every 2 h during the day to maintain a continuing check on the level of results. Page 10
  • 11. Page 11 Conditioning: Before preparing the specimens, bring the laboratory sample from the prevailing atmosphere to moisture equilibrium for testing in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles. Exposure to moving air for a period of at least 4 h is usually required, and a longer conditioning period is essential for large samples and for moist samples. Preconditioning is not necessary. Preparation of Specimens: Hand Combing Method: Place a portion of the conditioned laboratory sample on a pair of Fibrograph combs. Distribute the fibers evenly across the width of the combs while placing the fibers randomly along their lengths on the teeth of the combs. Place sufficient cotton on the combs for each test specimen toproduce amount readings of 1.200 to 1.600. Untangle and parallelize the beard of fibers protruding from the outer side of the teeth of the combs by holding one comb in each hand and gently combing the fibers from each comb with the teeth of the other comb. Transfer the fibers from one comb to the other and repeat the combing operation if desirable to obtain a uniform distribution of fibers on the combs.
  • 12. Check to see if there is an approximately uniform distribution of fibers on each comb by holding the comb toward the light. When the distribution is not satisfactory, transfer fibers from the denser to the lighter areas of each comb. Do this by continuing the combing action as directed in 10.1.2 while slightly tilting the teeth of the comb with the lighter area to transfer fibers from the denser area until a fairly uniform distribution is obtained on each comb. Fibrosampler Method (Fig. 2): Place the Fibrosampler comb in the combholder with the teeth uppermost. Place the laboratory sample in the cylinder and press it against the curved and perforated sample plate. Rotate the pivot arm for one complete counterclockwise revolution while maintaining evenly distributed pressure over the surface of the sample to load and comb the specimen of cotton fibers. Take the loaded comb from the Fibrosampler, turn the sample around to present a new surface to the perforated plate. If a second comb is required, repeat the load procedure described above. Clean the card clothing on the Fibrosampler periodically to maintain effective combing action. To do this, raise the release button to put the doffer in the cleaning position, rotate the doffer one-half revolution clockwise to clean the clothing sector, and return it counterclockwise one-half revolution to clean the doffer. Page 12
  • 13. Page 13 Procedure: After the Fibrograph is in proper operating condition and the correct combing procedure has been established, insert the loaded comb(s) into the comb holder of the Fibrograph with the beard of fibers pointing downward. Brush the fibers with firm strokes of the Fibrograph brush to remove loose fibers, to straighten the other fibers without disturbing their distribution in the teeth of the comb(s), and thus complete preparation of the specimen. Lower the lens assembly and manipulate the controls of the instrument to scan the fibers in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for the model being used. Test either two or four specimens from each subsample in the laboratory sample, depending on the precision desired, and if possible have two technicians participate with each one testing one half the numbers of specimens. Read the span length values in inches or millimeters directly from the dials digital display of the Fibrograph for selected points in the length-frequency distribution for the desired span lengths (Fig. 3).
  • 14. Page 14 Calculation: For the span lengths measured, average the results for all specimens in inches to two decimal places or in millimeters to one decimal place. Calculate the uniformity ratio by dividing the average of the shorter span lengths by the average of the longer span lengths. Multiply the ratio by 100 to convert it to a percentage and round it off to a whole number. Report: State that the specimens were tested as directed in ASTM Test Method D 1447. State the method of preparing specimens used, such as hand combing or by the Fibrosampler, and the number of specimens tested for each subsample. Report the following information: Designation of the length and uniformity ratio values reported, such as 2.5 % span length, 50 % span length, and 50/2.5 ratio. The average length and uniformity ratio. The source of the cotton fibers taken for testing, such as raw cotton, card sliver, or waste.
  • 15. Precision and Bias: Inter laboratory Test Data:—An inter laboratory test was carried out in 1969 in which two operators in each of three laboratories performed fiber length tests by Fibrograph measurement. Both operators tested two specimens from each of Page 15
  • 16. five subsamples from each cotton to establish standard values for each of five different cottons. Each of the subsamples was coded with a different number and the results were decoded after the tests were completed. The operators performing these tests had better than average skill and extensive experience. The levels of the participating laboratories were controlled by the use of the same group of control cottons. The components of variance calculated from the results of these tests and expressed as standard deviations are listed in Table 1. Precision—for the components of variance above, the averages of observed values for both the four specimen and the two specimen tests should be considered significantly different at the 95 % probability level if the differences equal or exceed the critical differences in Table 2. Bias:—No justifiable statement on the accuracy of Test Method D 1447 for Fibrograph data can be made since the true value of the properties can be defined only in terms of observations made by a specific test method when controlled to a standard level by the use of calibration cottons. Page 16
  • 17. Page 17 Referenced Documents: ASTM Standards: D 123 Terminologies Relating to Textiles2 D 1440 Test Method for Length and Length Distribution of Cotton Fibers (Array Method) 2 D 1441 Practice for Sampling Cotton Fibers for Testing2 D 1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing Textiles2 D 3025 Practice for Standardizing Cotton Fiber Test Results by Use of Calibration Cotton Standards2 Thank you.