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Filming shots 1,2,3: Establishing Shot from corridor
While filming we decided we had to keep the doors open at the end of the corridor to allow enough light through to the camera
and showing only the silhouette of Christina. This gave a good eerie effect as the camera could not capture the detail of her face or
clothing until she got closer to the camera. This allowed the audience to only view her outline as a figure.
It was difficult to get the right amount of light through to the camera as we wanted to keep the space dark and dim but with still
enough light to shoot the scene. Not only this but we had a problem with the cleaners coming in and out of the rooms and turning
on lights which caused a problem with the lighting coming from different areas. To overcome this problem we had to wait a bit
longer before filming until they were finished and also used chairs to hold the doors open at the end of the corridor to allow light to
come in from behind Christina.
We decided to remove the shot of her running into the bathroom because her costume began to fall apart, this scene was also
much longer than we had expected being over 40 seconds making our remaining project filming time of 2 minutes even more
For this scene we used props such as white face paint to make Christina appear pale and lifeless. This gave the scene more of an
eeriness as she approached towards the camera that we were revealed to her face. For this scene we used the tripod to keep the
camera still and in one place while we were filming, Throughout this we kept the shooting simple until she got closer to the camera
where we then had to zoom in closer.
Filming shots 8, 9: POV shot of group

The original plan to film in the toilets with David, Christina
and the nurse, However this was diverted as there was a
problem with the cleaners shutting down the toilets to
clean making us unable to film this shot.
Because of this we were only left to film the group through
the point of view of Christina as they come towards her.
The only problem we had was the issue of them getting
close enough to the camera without hitting the leg of the
stand making it move and keeping it steady as we filmed.
We shot an additional ending which was to be
                           considered which was in the school corridors with
02/03/12                   other characters walking down. This was not too
                           difficult as we collected some girls who happened
                           to be staying back after school hours to be in the
Cast (including extras):   film just to walk down the corridor but directed
Mario Tofaris              them to act as though they were also mentally ill to
Christina Pope             make it clearer of the location. This had to be shoot
Rene Kitoko                a few times as the cast had to keep in character for
Dele St Pierre
                           while and as it was at the end of the day it was
                           difficult for some people to keep focused during
Abiola Balogun
                           the shooting. This scene consisted of a zoom
Mary-Kate Ah-Foon          inwards from the crowded corridor to Christina
Michaela Stweart           who is still isolated in a corner due to her mental
Comfort Bother             state making it incapable for her to cope. As there
Andriana de Freitas
                           were many people involved in this scene it was
                           difficult to keep everything organised and put more
Rebecca O’Brien
                           pressure on us for time as it was the only moment
Dana Taliba                we had with many people to be present all at once.
Olamide Alli
Today we shot the toilet scene but had to move to a
           different building as there were complications with the
16/03/12   school to film with boys in the girls toilets even after
           school hours. Because of this we had to go to Trinity at
           Bowes which was a youth centre as well as a church. Here
           we were aloud to shoot with Mario in the girls toilets with
           permission before the youth sessions started however
           kept us limited on time to complete this scene within the
           end of the day. We put on the props for our character
           Mario such as the fake blood and the torn white shirt. We
           also had our nurse Maria to dress into a nurse outfit for
           this scene. This was one of the most difficult scene for us
           to shoot as there were many factors which we had to take
           into consideration to give a disorientated effect such as
           the camera angles and close ups to show the panic in the
           scene and the emotion displayed from the distress she
           was experiencing.
Afterwards, we shot the lift scene were our character
           Christina ran in a panic after the toilets scene. Here we had
           other extra characters involved such as Rene Kitoko, Dele
16/03/12   St. Pierre, Olamide Alli and Mario Tofaris. These characters
           were directed to walk into the lift as Christina ran in
           showing the contrasting difference of her behaviour to
           others. We shot this scene from a high angle in one corner
           of the lift presenting the shot to appear as though it were
           through a CCTV camera. Afterwards we would edit this
           scene to be in black and white in Adobe Aftereffects to
           give it a better effect. We tried to make as many different
           angles as we could so we filmed from outside the lift
           viewing it coming down and started off showing their legs
           and slowly revealing mario who was in the lift but was not
           shown on the CCTV filming. This made an even more
           dramatic ending as the lift was shown to descend in a slow
           motion in preparation for the reveal.
           Whilst shooting this we also had to keep making sure that
           Christina’s hospital gown kept staying together as it kept
           opening from the back in each scene. This would have
           effected the filming in terms of consistency of the
           characters image.

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Filming diary

  • 1. 24/02/12 Filming shots 1,2,3: Establishing Shot from corridor While filming we decided we had to keep the doors open at the end of the corridor to allow enough light through to the camera and showing only the silhouette of Christina. This gave a good eerie effect as the camera could not capture the detail of her face or clothing until she got closer to the camera. This allowed the audience to only view her outline as a figure. It was difficult to get the right amount of light through to the camera as we wanted to keep the space dark and dim but with still enough light to shoot the scene. Not only this but we had a problem with the cleaners coming in and out of the rooms and turning on lights which caused a problem with the lighting coming from different areas. To overcome this problem we had to wait a bit longer before filming until they were finished and also used chairs to hold the doors open at the end of the corridor to allow light to come in from behind Christina. We decided to remove the shot of her running into the bathroom because her costume began to fall apart, this scene was also much longer than we had expected being over 40 seconds making our remaining project filming time of 2 minutes even more limited. For this scene we used props such as white face paint to make Christina appear pale and lifeless. This gave the scene more of an eeriness as she approached towards the camera that we were revealed to her face. For this scene we used the tripod to keep the camera still and in one place while we were filming, Throughout this we kept the shooting simple until she got closer to the camera where we then had to zoom in closer.
  • 2. 28/02/12 Filming shots 8, 9: POV shot of group The original plan to film in the toilets with David, Christina and the nurse, However this was diverted as there was a problem with the cleaners shutting down the toilets to clean making us unable to film this shot. Because of this we were only left to film the group through the point of view of Christina as they come towards her. The only problem we had was the issue of them getting close enough to the camera without hitting the leg of the stand making it move and keeping it steady as we filmed.
  • 3. We shot an additional ending which was to be considered which was in the school corridors with 02/03/12 other characters walking down. This was not too difficult as we collected some girls who happened to be staying back after school hours to be in the Cast (including extras): film just to walk down the corridor but directed Mario Tofaris them to act as though they were also mentally ill to Christina Pope make it clearer of the location. This had to be shoot Rene Kitoko a few times as the cast had to keep in character for Dele St Pierre while and as it was at the end of the day it was difficult for some people to keep focused during Abiola Balogun the shooting. This scene consisted of a zoom Mary-Kate Ah-Foon inwards from the crowded corridor to Christina Michaela Stweart who is still isolated in a corner due to her mental Comfort Bother state making it incapable for her to cope. As there Andriana de Freitas were many people involved in this scene it was difficult to keep everything organised and put more Rebecca O’Brien pressure on us for time as it was the only moment Dana Taliba we had with many people to be present all at once. Olamide Alli
  • 4. Today we shot the toilet scene but had to move to a different building as there were complications with the 16/03/12 school to film with boys in the girls toilets even after school hours. Because of this we had to go to Trinity at Bowes which was a youth centre as well as a church. Here we were aloud to shoot with Mario in the girls toilets with permission before the youth sessions started however kept us limited on time to complete this scene within the end of the day. We put on the props for our character Mario such as the fake blood and the torn white shirt. We also had our nurse Maria to dress into a nurse outfit for this scene. This was one of the most difficult scene for us to shoot as there were many factors which we had to take into consideration to give a disorientated effect such as the camera angles and close ups to show the panic in the scene and the emotion displayed from the distress she was experiencing.
  • 5. Afterwards, we shot the lift scene were our character Christina ran in a panic after the toilets scene. Here we had other extra characters involved such as Rene Kitoko, Dele 16/03/12 St. Pierre, Olamide Alli and Mario Tofaris. These characters were directed to walk into the lift as Christina ran in showing the contrasting difference of her behaviour to others. We shot this scene from a high angle in one corner of the lift presenting the shot to appear as though it were through a CCTV camera. Afterwards we would edit this scene to be in black and white in Adobe Aftereffects to give it a better effect. We tried to make as many different angles as we could so we filmed from outside the lift viewing it coming down and started off showing their legs and slowly revealing mario who was in the lift but was not shown on the CCTV filming. This made an even more dramatic ending as the lift was shown to descend in a slow motion in preparation for the reveal. Whilst shooting this we also had to keep making sure that Christina’s hospital gown kept staying together as it kept opening from the back in each scene. This would have effected the filming in terms of consistency of the characters image.