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Study of Sustainable and Green Manufacturing and Its Influence on Socio,
Economic, and Environmental Prospects
Vaibhav.S. Arwade1
, Malarvelze M2
1-Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Soundarya Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore.
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Soundarya Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore.
Email: vaibhavsims@hotmail.com Tel No: +918147701879
We'll talk about green and sustainable manufacturing in this study. As is well known, in
today's fiercely competitive world, businesses are under increasing pressure to preserve the
environment. Going for sustainable manufacturing by using green manufacturing is extremely
important because we must consider our future generation while fulfilling the needs of today.
There are several factors that affect green manufacturing, including some we'll address in this
paper such material recycling, environmentally friendly design, customers, and rivals. Eco-
innovation, which has a significant impact on the environment (pollutant release, material use,
energy consumption, etc.), social (i.e. employment, community, and economics.
Keywords-Green manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing, eco innovation, environmental
Green manufacturing is part of sustainable manufacturing, integrating environmental
aspects into the production of goods, adopting environmentally friendly manufacturing
processes, conserving energy and natural resources, and reducing the negative impact
on the environment. Green manufacturing and eco-innovation are positively related to
the sustainability performance of companies, which are composed of environment,
economy and society. Green technology changes and short product lifecycles require
companies to do their best in green innovation to build a competitive edge. Figure 1
shows the impact of green and sustainable manufacturing combined with eco or green
innovation on a company`s sustainability performance. Eco-process innovation; green
management innovation; Environmentally friendly innovation of great importance for
the sustainable development of the manufacturing industry due to the increasing
pressure on the environment.


Fig. 1 Green manufacturing Framework
2. GREEN & Sustainable Manufacturing (GASM)
The word “Green” in green manufacturing means ecofriendly
manufacturing which must be done without affecting environment, living world and natural
resources. One should keep in mind while producing that pollutant release should be minimum.
The use of resources more than requirement is prohibited, because it is our moral responsibility
towards our future generation to give them which are their right. There are number of international
regulations to save environment such as Montreal Convention, Kyoto Protocol, Restriction of the
Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in EEE (RoHS), and Waste Electronics and Electrical
Equipment (WEEE), Bulent Sezen & Sibel Yıldız Cankaya. In India ISO published 1st EMS
(Environment Management System) in 1996, ISO14001.
2.1 Drivers of Green Manufacturing
After going through literature it is found that the center of attention of many researchers is on
general concept of green manufacturing only and not on the drivers of green manufacturing. Only
few number of researchers have showed their attention towards the drivers, barriers, and pressures
of EMS/GM. But drivers put fair impact on GM and various studies in the past have identified [4]
the number of drivers for green manufacturing. According to literature survey there are seventeen
drivers of green manufacturing. Current & Future Legislation (D1), Incentives (D2), Customer
demands (D3), Employee demands (D4), Cost Saving (D5), Environmental Conservation (D6),
Green Innovation (D7), Internal motivation (D8), Public pressure (D9), Competitiveness (D10),
Supply Chain requirement (D11), Company image (D12), Stakeholders (D13), Top management
commitment (D14), Market Trend (D15), Technology (D16), Organizational resources (D17).
These drivers have their own priority over green manufacturing [5]. The impact of drivers on GM
can be calculated by fuzzy approach [3] and giving them fuzzy number & according to this priority
or rank should be decided [5]. Impact of drivers of GM is shown in TABLE 2 ; the symbols which
are used in TABLE are: Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H) and Very High (VH).
Drivers Environmental Economical social
D3 H M L
D4 H H M
D5 H M L
D8 H M L
D10 H L L
D11 L H L
D12 VH L M
D13 H M H
D14 L H M


D15 M H H
D16 H M L
D17 H L L
Table 2: Drivers and their impact on environment, economy and society.
2.2 Barriers of Green Manufacturing
Barriers of green manufacturing is as importance as drivers. Barriers are the parameters
which hinders to implement green manufacturing in the industry. In study it is found that
there are 12 common barriers of GM and among them diffusion of GM has highest
importance due to lack of awareness/information' in language of insufficient information
about the existing technology choices and limited access to the information. The barriers are
Weak Legislation (B1), Low Enforcement (B1),
Uncertain Future Legislation (B2), Low Public Pressure (B3),
High Short-Term Costs (B4), Uncertain Benefits (B5),
Low Customer Demand (B6), Trade-Offs (B7), Low Top (B8),
Management Commitment (B9), Lack of Organizational Resources
Technological Risk (B11), Lack of Awareness/ Information
2.3 Green Supply Chain Management & Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is basically management implementation in the
manufacturing environment. And Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) is extension
or improved version of GSCM. In literatures it is given that there are 22 definitions of GSCM
& 12 definitions of SSCM . And these definitions are somewhat related with environment,
economic & society. By the analysis of the definitions it is noticed that SCM is focused on
managing flows of materials, services, and information and also on meeting stakeholder needs,
particularly those of customers. Management commitment, government initiatives, green
sourcing, green design, green operations, green packaging, reverse logistics, environmental
management system, green innovation & customer awareness are some basic drivers of GSCM
system Which is explain by Ali Diabat & Govindan Kannan, .
The key characteristics of SCM are


(1) flow focus, (2) coordination focus, (3) stakeholder focus, (4) relationship focus, (5) value
focus, (6) efficiency focus, and (7) performance focus.
Eco-innovations are innovation processes toward sustainable development of new product,
service which provide customer and business value but significantly decrease environmental
impact and able to attract the firms, politicians, unions, associations, guests, private
households, employees etc. According to Kemp and Pearson, “Eco-innovation is manufacture,
integration/ development of a product, manufacturing process, service/ management/ business
technique that's new to the organisation (developing or adopting it) and which results,
throughout its life cycle, in a reduction of environmental threat, pollution and other negative
impacts of resources use (including energy use) compared to relevant alternatives”. The drivers
of eco-innovation can be divided into two groups one is internal drivers( Organizational
capabilities, Technological capabilities, Corporate social responsibility) and other is external
motorists i.e. guests green demands, Competition pressures, Environmental regulations,( Wu-
gan Cai & Xiao- liang Zhou, and MingLang Tseng, Fei- hsin Huang, Anthony SF Chiu, gives
the idea of Performance drivers of green innovation & it has positive effect on eco-innovation
performance( Environmental applications, Reduction of energy & waste reduction ratio). Eco-
innovation can be classified in to four main categories; Eco product innovation, Eco-process
innovation, green managerial innovation and green technological innovation. Eco-product
invention is a strategic invention to get alternate new green product competitiveness and
understand client requirements and also evaluate specialized, profitable, environmental &
commercial feasibility of products. Eco process innovation can be understood in terms of the
position of knowledge and uncertainty associated with balancing benefits and risks in
improving existing processes and developing new processes. Green operation invention
demonstrates the ability of a company to prepare green systems and all green systems with
appropriate programs and resource allocations. Redefine functional and product processes to
insure internal edge that can contribute to the implementation of GSCM and redesign and
enhancement of products or services to gain new environmental norms or directives. thus,
companies must be suitable to assess and set up environmental management systems. Green
innovation is a modern technology that's highly effective in implementing Eco-innovation in
environmentally friendly and sustainable product. Environmentally friendly product design,
product life cycle assessment, waste management, and reduction of harmful pollutants to the
The green & sustainable manufacturing and its drivers affects very much to
the corporate sustainability performance which leaves impact on environment, economy and society.
The requirement of achieving higher economic success with least environmental impact has led to new
manufacturing standard of Green Manufacturing. Green Manufacturing means designing,


manufacturing, delivering, and disposing products that generate minimum negative effect on
environment and society and are economically feasible.
4.1 Environmental Impact
The organized study of green management system gives environmental
performance which explains company’s influences toward living and nonliving natural system,
along with ecosystems, land, air and water. The decreasing natural resources & growing energy
demand is slowing down the rate of growth in technically developed countries, for the time
being, the manufacturing sector of promising countries is attracting global attention because
of untapped potential for growth in terms of natural resources & human resources, in addition
to pretty less stringent environmental legislation. At the same time, the growth of
manufacturing sector brings in some challenges like quick depleting natural resources; soil,
water & air pollution and severe health hazards to the people. These challenges are going to
threat the sustainable development. There four basic keys which are linked for the
environmental performance material use; energy consumption; non-product output; pollutant
release. We can reduce the material used by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), re-design
product, reduce waste disposal and re-use of material. In place of conventional resources of
energy if firm switch to renewable energy source then lot of energy can be saved, product
output can be increased and pollutant release will automatically be reduced. Therefore, green
and sustainable manufacturing can be achieved and Eco-innovation can be easily implemented
by doing so.
4.2 Economic Impact
Economic performance can be explained with the help of profitability,
increase in market share, revenue growth, and increase in productivity. A sustainable approach
of manufacturing with green technology could lead to internal cost saving, open new markets
and find beneficial way of using waste. This can reduce the cost of energy consumption, reduce
the cost of waste treatment & discharge, and also avoids the case of environmental accidents.
Drivers of GASM also affects to the economy of products in various ways such as Employee
demands, customer demands, stakeholder & market trends. So the growth of manufacturing
sector is veritably important for the rising and developing husbandry to advance the quality of
life of their citizens.
4.3 Social Impact
It seems dismissive and presumptuous to ask for my help when you
knowingly undermined our relationship. Stating that you think I ’m okay after all this is very
manipulative and upsetting to me. How could I possibly be okay after what you did? You have no
idea what that feels like because you ’ve always been the one that hurts everyone else. This is
confusing me because you chose what you thought was more important and that’s fine, Gage. I
was not there to tell you what to do, but only to be there for you. Because you broke that


commitment, I parted myself from the act of being there for you. You do not get to have a
relationship and also be deceitful by wanting an ego boost from every single person you ’ve ever
been with. Hurting the only people in your life that want nothing but the stylish for you comes
with consequences. Social life of people can be improved by the implementation of green &
sustainable manufacturing; as wind & hydraulic energy is suitable to replace the petroleum energy,
which can reduce the pollutant release up to most extent. Social performance of green &
sustainable manufacturing can be explained through four key elements employment; community
relations; ethical sourcing and social impact of product. Employment could play major role to
improve living standard of citizen and it can be enhanced by implementing Eco innovation,
installing new product assembly, redesigning product using green technologies & by using new
disposal process. If employment in society is increased also other effects like community relations;
ethical sourcing will automatically be bettered. From the company’s point of view social impact
of product is very important parameter as final aim of companies is to gain profit as much as
possible. Thus, it's essential to make society aware of green product, process and its importance.
Product Life Cycle Assessment is a method to assess environmental
impacts related with all stages of a product's life from raw material to disposal (i.e., from raw
material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair &
maintenance, and disposal or recycling). It's also pronounced as life- cycle analysis or cradle- to-
grave analysis. The conventional manufacturing process can convert into Green & Sustainable
manufacturing by implementing green steps in conventional product life which is shown in figure
2, the selection of raw material in green manufacturing have great importance. The raw material
should be reusable, disposable, eco-friendly. In any manufacturing process an installation,
selection of raw material, transportation are fundamental steps but in green manufacturing and its
sustainability we should aware about its environmental impact on manufacturing system. As before
mentioned raw material must be ecofriendly, likewise while manufacturing we should take care of
client conditions, environmental issue, design objective, environmental performance.
Sustainability of product can be determined after the end of life (EOL). However, eco-friendly,
sustainable, if we can use the product part after its EOL then we can say its green product. In EOL
there are three main stages. These are reuse, disposal and maintenance. In reuse once product
reached to EOL one can use its necessary part in manufacturing of another product. Here we're
using the product part while going to manufacturing part. Therefore, it can save the raw material,
manufacturing cost and time, which beneficial to manufacturing organisation. Disposal and
maintenance are other criteria to decide sustainability. After EOL product should be easily
disposable and it have ability to easily maintain. Overall result of this is that one can save material
cost, manufacturing cost, time and this is ecofriendly, sustainable. Finally, one can say its green


Fig 3: Flow Chart of Product Life with Green & Sustainable manufacturing.
Few researchers have tried the implementation of green & sustainable
manufacturing in various villages and industries to get the benefit of renewable sources of
energy to enhancing living standard, for developing sustainable lot and in pipe manufacturing
industry case studies are discussed below. In order to improve living environment for the
villages in Tibetan areas of Yunnan, Junyan Dong and Hong Jin( 15), developed the design
strategy and analyze the current housing situations like Analysis in the view of function;
Analysis in the view of technique; and Analysis in the view of physical environment. Based
on analysis he decided the objectives of exploration as rustic armature; point selection; layout
of aero plane; fabrics & material used and he'd adopted Eco inheritance technologies to solve
the shortcoming of traditional building ability. The strategic improvement in housing is made
by enhancement in space of function with accounting environmental factor of cooling &
heating of house; Technical improvement of technologies can be introduced by using natural
wood, sawdust rather of synthetic and also minimize the use of chemical treatment of timber
to preserve them; Improvement in inner physical conditions can reached with the help of
ventilation, lighting, sound sequestration, resistance against unnoticeable light and fireplace &


it alignment with chimney stack should be proper to maintain thermal comfort inside the room;
and last one is Application of renewable energy, like solar energy should be used to toast up
water for shower, kitchen and in downtime to heat room. Biomass is another energy source
which can use waste material of ménage and produces energy, and natural water treatment
facility should also be adopted to improve the living environment of villages. Earlier in 2012,
Patel Beena & Patel Pankaj in Gujarat, India; developed sustainable lot of Claris life science
Ltd. (a pharmaceutical company) through green enterprise. And most important thing is that
he also focused on sun, green lot, and kitchen waste utilization in biogas plant. The main
objective of research is using energy (water, and other coffers) efficiently; Protecting
inhabitant health and perfecting hand productivity; Reducing waste, pollution & environmental
declination. He also tries to avoid the preface of chemicals into terrain or soil, and setup an
effluent treatment factory (ETP) to make water free from dangerous pollutant released in
terrain. In the lot they try to give natural lighting and ventilation through sky and wind coverts
are developed to give natural air-cooling system. According to him 70 of area of Claris
Lifesciences Ltd. lot is used for colony and meadows. The main focus of this study was biogas
plant, because it could utilize the domestic waste or wet waste which generate biogas and can
be used for heating or food preparation in kitchen, and the waste generated by biogas plant
could be used further as fertilizer for farming.
A study is made on the green factor in European manufacturing based
on Spanish Ceramic tile industry (SCTI) by D. Gabaldon-Estevan et. al. Ceramic tile industry
has major impact on environment & environmental regulations. All though this study is based
on SCTI but some parameters are also imported from italic ceramic tile industry. The input
parameters of Spanish Ceramic tile industry are raw material use, water consumption, energy
consumption and pressure from various organizations, which is shown in Figure 4. And its
output parameters are product, pollutant released, and waste. Initially in SCTI sociological &
ecological factor were considered mainly, but with growing pressure of legislation,
legitimation, and market; their focus also shifted towards environmental factors. In European
green manufacturing he has adopted manufacturing with minimum pollution, reuse of waste,
and proper disposal of waste.


Fig.3: Block diagram of development of SCTI with environmental issues
In this study it's concluded that Green Manufacturing is a concept which leads to reduction
in raw material cost, reduction in environmental pollutant, reduction in safety expenses,
improved company image and increase in product effectiveness. Some drivers leave very
high impact, like Legislation; environmental conservation; green invention on terrain,
impulses; company image on Economy and public image on social performance of
enterprises. Green and sustainable manufacturing will be achieved by perfecting Product
Life steps in favor of environment. Every step of material inflow must be ecological,
biodegradable or recyclable and ecofriendly which can be achieved by client mindfulness
and green design strategy. Biogas energy, solar energy & wind energy are the major
resources of unborn energy which are also the green sources of energy. In all of them biogas
is most important because it utilizes waste and convert it into useful energy and manure.
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  • 1. Study of Sustainable and Green Manufacturing and Its Influence on Socio, Economic, and Environmental Prospects Vaibhav.S. Arwade1 , Malarvelze M2 1-Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Soundarya Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore. 2- Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Soundarya Institute of Management and Science, Bangalore. Email: vaibhavsims@hotmail.com Tel No: +918147701879 Abstract- We'll talk about green and sustainable manufacturing in this study. As is well known, in today's fiercely competitive world, businesses are under increasing pressure to preserve the environment. Going for sustainable manufacturing by using green manufacturing is extremely important because we must consider our future generation while fulfilling the needs of today. There are several factors that affect green manufacturing, including some we'll address in this paper such material recycling, environmentally friendly design, customers, and rivals. Eco- innovation, which has a significant impact on the environment (pollutant release, material use, energy consumption, etc.), social (i.e. employment, community, and economics. Keywords-Green manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing, eco innovation, environmental impacts. 1. INTRODUCTION Green manufacturing is part of sustainable manufacturing, integrating environmental aspects into the production of goods, adopting environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, conserving energy and natural resources, and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Green manufacturing and eco-innovation are positively related to the sustainability performance of companies, which are composed of environment, economy and society. Green technology changes and short product lifecycles require companies to do their best in green innovation to build a competitive edge. Figure 1 shows the impact of green and sustainable manufacturing combined with eco or green innovation on a company`s sustainability performance. Eco-process innovation; green management innovation; Environmentally friendly innovation of great importance for the sustainable development of the manufacturing industry due to the increasing pressure on the environment.
  • 2. Fig. 1 Green manufacturing Framework 2. GREEN & Sustainable Manufacturing (GASM) The word “Green” in green manufacturing means ecofriendly manufacturing which must be done without affecting environment, living world and natural resources. One should keep in mind while producing that pollutant release should be minimum. The use of resources more than requirement is prohibited, because it is our moral responsibility towards our future generation to give them which are their right. There are number of international regulations to save environment such as Montreal Convention, Kyoto Protocol, Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in EEE (RoHS), and Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment (WEEE), Bulent Sezen & Sibel Yıldız Cankaya. In India ISO published 1st EMS (Environment Management System) in 1996, ISO14001. 2.1 Drivers of Green Manufacturing After going through literature it is found that the center of attention of many researchers is on general concept of green manufacturing only and not on the drivers of green manufacturing. Only few number of researchers have showed their attention towards the drivers, barriers, and pressures of EMS/GM. But drivers put fair impact on GM and various studies in the past have identified [4] the number of drivers for green manufacturing. According to literature survey there are seventeen drivers of green manufacturing. Current & Future Legislation (D1), Incentives (D2), Customer demands (D3), Employee demands (D4), Cost Saving (D5), Environmental Conservation (D6), Green Innovation (D7), Internal motivation (D8), Public pressure (D9), Competitiveness (D10), Supply Chain requirement (D11), Company image (D12), Stakeholders (D13), Top management commitment (D14), Market Trend (D15), Technology (D16), Organizational resources (D17). These drivers have their own priority over green manufacturing [5]. The impact of drivers on GM can be calculated by fuzzy approach [3] and giving them fuzzy number & according to this priority or rank should be decided [5]. Impact of drivers of GM is shown in TABLE 2 ; the symbols which are used in TABLE are: Very Low (VL), Low (L), Medium (M), High (H) and Very High (VH). Drivers Environmental Economical social D1 M VH H D2 VH H H D3 H M L D4 H H M D5 H M L D6 M VH H D7 M VH M D8 H M L D9 M VH VH D10 H L L D11 L H L D12 VH L M D13 H M H D14 L H M
  • 3. D15 M H H D16 H M L D17 H L L Table 2: Drivers and their impact on environment, economy and society. 2.2 Barriers of Green Manufacturing Barriers of green manufacturing is as importance as drivers. Barriers are the parameters which hinders to implement green manufacturing in the industry. In study it is found that there are 12 common barriers of GM and among them diffusion of GM has highest importance due to lack of awareness/information' in language of insufficient information about the existing technology choices and limited access to the information. The barriers are Weak Legislation (B1), Low Enforcement (B1), Uncertain Future Legislation (B2), Low Public Pressure (B3), High Short-Term Costs (B4), Uncertain Benefits (B5), Low Customer Demand (B6), Trade-Offs (B7), Low Top (B8), Management Commitment (B9), Lack of Organizational Resources (B10), Technological Risk (B11), Lack of Awareness/ Information (B12). 2.3 Green Supply Chain Management & Sustainable Supply Chain Management (GSCM & SSCM) Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is basically management implementation in the manufacturing environment. And Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) is extension or improved version of GSCM. In literatures it is given that there are 22 definitions of GSCM & 12 definitions of SSCM . And these definitions are somewhat related with environment, economic & society. By the analysis of the definitions it is noticed that SCM is focused on managing flows of materials, services, and information and also on meeting stakeholder needs, particularly those of customers. Management commitment, government initiatives, green sourcing, green design, green operations, green packaging, reverse logistics, environmental management system, green innovation & customer awareness are some basic drivers of GSCM system Which is explain by Ali Diabat & Govindan Kannan, . The key characteristics of SCM are
  • 4. (1) flow focus, (2) coordination focus, (3) stakeholder focus, (4) relationship focus, (5) value focus, (6) efficiency focus, and (7) performance focus. 3. ECO-INNOVATION Eco-innovations are innovation processes toward sustainable development of new product, service which provide customer and business value but significantly decrease environmental impact and able to attract the firms, politicians, unions, associations, guests, private households, employees etc. According to Kemp and Pearson, “Eco-innovation is manufacture, integration/ development of a product, manufacturing process, service/ management/ business technique that's new to the organisation (developing or adopting it) and which results, throughout its life cycle, in a reduction of environmental threat, pollution and other negative impacts of resources use (including energy use) compared to relevant alternatives”. The drivers of eco-innovation can be divided into two groups one is internal drivers( Organizational capabilities, Technological capabilities, Corporate social responsibility) and other is external motorists i.e. guests green demands, Competition pressures, Environmental regulations,( Wu- gan Cai & Xiao- liang Zhou, and MingLang Tseng, Fei- hsin Huang, Anthony SF Chiu, gives the idea of Performance drivers of green innovation & it has positive effect on eco-innovation performance( Environmental applications, Reduction of energy & waste reduction ratio). Eco- innovation can be classified in to four main categories; Eco product innovation, Eco-process innovation, green managerial innovation and green technological innovation. Eco-product invention is a strategic invention to get alternate new green product competitiveness and understand client requirements and also evaluate specialized, profitable, environmental & commercial feasibility of products. Eco process innovation can be understood in terms of the position of knowledge and uncertainty associated with balancing benefits and risks in improving existing processes and developing new processes. Green operation invention demonstrates the ability of a company to prepare green systems and all green systems with appropriate programs and resource allocations. Redefine functional and product processes to insure internal edge that can contribute to the implementation of GSCM and redesign and enhancement of products or services to gain new environmental norms or directives. thus, companies must be suitable to assess and set up environmental management systems. Green innovation is a modern technology that's highly effective in implementing Eco-innovation in environmentally friendly and sustainable product. Environmentally friendly product design, product life cycle assessment, waste management, and reduction of harmful pollutants to the environment. 4. IMPACT OF GREEN & SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING AND ECO- INNOVATION The green & sustainable manufacturing and its drivers affects very much to the corporate sustainability performance which leaves impact on environment, economy and society. The requirement of achieving higher economic success with least environmental impact has led to new manufacturing standard of Green Manufacturing. Green Manufacturing means designing,
  • 5. manufacturing, delivering, and disposing products that generate minimum negative effect on environment and society and are economically feasible. 4.1 Environmental Impact The organized study of green management system gives environmental performance which explains company’s influences toward living and nonliving natural system, along with ecosystems, land, air and water. The decreasing natural resources & growing energy demand is slowing down the rate of growth in technically developed countries, for the time being, the manufacturing sector of promising countries is attracting global attention because of untapped potential for growth in terms of natural resources & human resources, in addition to pretty less stringent environmental legislation. At the same time, the growth of manufacturing sector brings in some challenges like quick depleting natural resources; soil, water & air pollution and severe health hazards to the people. These challenges are going to threat the sustainable development. There four basic keys which are linked for the environmental performance material use; energy consumption; non-product output; pollutant release. We can reduce the material used by using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), re-design product, reduce waste disposal and re-use of material. In place of conventional resources of energy if firm switch to renewable energy source then lot of energy can be saved, product output can be increased and pollutant release will automatically be reduced. Therefore, green and sustainable manufacturing can be achieved and Eco-innovation can be easily implemented by doing so. 4.2 Economic Impact Economic performance can be explained with the help of profitability, increase in market share, revenue growth, and increase in productivity. A sustainable approach of manufacturing with green technology could lead to internal cost saving, open new markets and find beneficial way of using waste. This can reduce the cost of energy consumption, reduce the cost of waste treatment & discharge, and also avoids the case of environmental accidents. Drivers of GASM also affects to the economy of products in various ways such as Employee demands, customer demands, stakeholder & market trends. So the growth of manufacturing sector is veritably important for the rising and developing husbandry to advance the quality of life of their citizens. 4.3 Social Impact It seems dismissive and presumptuous to ask for my help when you knowingly undermined our relationship. Stating that you think I ’m okay after all this is very manipulative and upsetting to me. How could I possibly be okay after what you did? You have no idea what that feels like because you ’ve always been the one that hurts everyone else. This is confusing me because you chose what you thought was more important and that’s fine, Gage. I was not there to tell you what to do, but only to be there for you. Because you broke that
  • 6. commitment, I parted myself from the act of being there for you. You do not get to have a relationship and also be deceitful by wanting an ego boost from every single person you ’ve ever been with. Hurting the only people in your life that want nothing but the stylish for you comes with consequences. Social life of people can be improved by the implementation of green & sustainable manufacturing; as wind & hydraulic energy is suitable to replace the petroleum energy, which can reduce the pollutant release up to most extent. Social performance of green & sustainable manufacturing can be explained through four key elements employment; community relations; ethical sourcing and social impact of product. Employment could play major role to improve living standard of citizen and it can be enhanced by implementing Eco innovation, installing new product assembly, redesigning product using green technologies & by using new disposal process. If employment in society is increased also other effects like community relations; ethical sourcing will automatically be bettered. From the company’s point of view social impact of product is very important parameter as final aim of companies is to gain profit as much as possible. Thus, it's essential to make society aware of green product, process and its importance. 5. STEPS IN PRODUCT LIFE ASSESMENT AND ITS SUSTAINABILITY Product Life Cycle Assessment is a method to assess environmental impacts related with all stages of a product's life from raw material to disposal (i.e., from raw material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair & maintenance, and disposal or recycling). It's also pronounced as life- cycle analysis or cradle- to- grave analysis. The conventional manufacturing process can convert into Green & Sustainable manufacturing by implementing green steps in conventional product life which is shown in figure 2, the selection of raw material in green manufacturing have great importance. The raw material should be reusable, disposable, eco-friendly. In any manufacturing process an installation, selection of raw material, transportation are fundamental steps but in green manufacturing and its sustainability we should aware about its environmental impact on manufacturing system. As before mentioned raw material must be ecofriendly, likewise while manufacturing we should take care of client conditions, environmental issue, design objective, environmental performance. Sustainability of product can be determined after the end of life (EOL). However, eco-friendly, sustainable, if we can use the product part after its EOL then we can say its green product. In EOL there are three main stages. These are reuse, disposal and maintenance. In reuse once product reached to EOL one can use its necessary part in manufacturing of another product. Here we're using the product part while going to manufacturing part. Therefore, it can save the raw material, manufacturing cost and time, which beneficial to manufacturing organisation. Disposal and maintenance are other criteria to decide sustainability. After EOL product should be easily disposable and it have ability to easily maintain. Overall result of this is that one can save material cost, manufacturing cost, time and this is ecofriendly, sustainable. Finally, one can say its green product.
  • 7. Fig 3: Flow Chart of Product Life with Green & Sustainable manufacturing. 6. CASE STUDY ON GREEN & SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING Few researchers have tried the implementation of green & sustainable manufacturing in various villages and industries to get the benefit of renewable sources of energy to enhancing living standard, for developing sustainable lot and in pipe manufacturing industry case studies are discussed below. In order to improve living environment for the villages in Tibetan areas of Yunnan, Junyan Dong and Hong Jin( 15), developed the design strategy and analyze the current housing situations like Analysis in the view of function; Analysis in the view of technique; and Analysis in the view of physical environment. Based on analysis he decided the objectives of exploration as rustic armature; point selection; layout of aero plane; fabrics & material used and he'd adopted Eco inheritance technologies to solve the shortcoming of traditional building ability. The strategic improvement in housing is made by enhancement in space of function with accounting environmental factor of cooling & heating of house; Technical improvement of technologies can be introduced by using natural wood, sawdust rather of synthetic and also minimize the use of chemical treatment of timber to preserve them; Improvement in inner physical conditions can reached with the help of ventilation, lighting, sound sequestration, resistance against unnoticeable light and fireplace & INSTALLATION RAW MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION MANUFACTURING USE END OF LIFE MAINTENANCE CLIENT REQUIREMENT ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS DESIGN OBJECTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE ENVIROMENTAL ISSUE DISPOSAL RE USE
  • 8. it alignment with chimney stack should be proper to maintain thermal comfort inside the room; and last one is Application of renewable energy, like solar energy should be used to toast up water for shower, kitchen and in downtime to heat room. Biomass is another energy source which can use waste material of ménage and produces energy, and natural water treatment facility should also be adopted to improve the living environment of villages. Earlier in 2012, Patel Beena & Patel Pankaj in Gujarat, India; developed sustainable lot of Claris life science Ltd. (a pharmaceutical company) through green enterprise. And most important thing is that he also focused on sun, green lot, and kitchen waste utilization in biogas plant. The main objective of research is using energy (water, and other coffers) efficiently; Protecting inhabitant health and perfecting hand productivity; Reducing waste, pollution & environmental declination. He also tries to avoid the preface of chemicals into terrain or soil, and setup an effluent treatment factory (ETP) to make water free from dangerous pollutant released in terrain. In the lot they try to give natural lighting and ventilation through sky and wind coverts are developed to give natural air-cooling system. According to him 70 of area of Claris Lifesciences Ltd. lot is used for colony and meadows. The main focus of this study was biogas plant, because it could utilize the domestic waste or wet waste which generate biogas and can be used for heating or food preparation in kitchen, and the waste generated by biogas plant could be used further as fertilizer for farming. A study is made on the green factor in European manufacturing based on Spanish Ceramic tile industry (SCTI) by D. Gabaldon-Estevan et. al. Ceramic tile industry has major impact on environment & environmental regulations. All though this study is based on SCTI but some parameters are also imported from italic ceramic tile industry. The input parameters of Spanish Ceramic tile industry are raw material use, water consumption, energy consumption and pressure from various organizations, which is shown in Figure 4. And its output parameters are product, pollutant released, and waste. Initially in SCTI sociological & ecological factor were considered mainly, but with growing pressure of legislation, legitimation, and market; their focus also shifted towards environmental factors. In European green manufacturing he has adopted manufacturing with minimum pollution, reuse of waste, and proper disposal of waste.
  • 9. Fig.3: Block diagram of development of SCTI with environmental issues 7. CONCLUSION In this study it's concluded that Green Manufacturing is a concept which leads to reduction in raw material cost, reduction in environmental pollutant, reduction in safety expenses, improved company image and increase in product effectiveness. Some drivers leave very high impact, like Legislation; environmental conservation; green invention on terrain, impulses; company image on Economy and public image on social performance of enterprises. Green and sustainable manufacturing will be achieved by perfecting Product Life steps in favor of environment. Every step of material inflow must be ecological, biodegradable or recyclable and ecofriendly which can be achieved by client mindfulness and green design strategy. Biogas energy, solar energy & wind energy are the major resources of unborn energy which are also the green sources of energy. In all of them biogas is most important because it utilizes waste and convert it into useful energy and manure. REFERENCES 1. Remo A. P. Filleti and Diogo A. L. Silva, Eraldo J Silvaa, Aldo R. Ometto, Dynamic System for Life Cycle Inventory and Impact Assessment of Manufacturing Processes, Procedia CIRP, 15, 2014, pp.531 – 536. 2. Sezen Bulent and Sibel Yıldız Cankaya, Effects of green manufacturing and eco- innovation on sustainability performance, 9th International Strategic Management Conference, 2013, pp.154 – 163. 3. Govindan Kannan, Ali Diabat, K. Madan Shankar, Analyzing the drivers of green manufacturing with fuzzy approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, pp.1-12. 4. Niki Bey, Michael Z. Hauschild, Tim C. McAloone, Drivers and barriers for implementation of environmental strategies in manufacturing companies, CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology, 62, 2013, pp.43-46. 5. Varinder Kumar Mittal and Kuldip Singh Sangwan, Prioritizing Barriers to Green Manufacturing: Environmental, Social and Economic Perspectives, Procedia CIRP, 17, 2014, pp.559 – 564. 6. Varinder Kumar Mittal and Kuldip Singh Sangwan, Prioritizing Drivers for Green Manufacturing: Environmental, Social and Economic Perspectives, Procedia CIRP, 15, 2014, pp.135 – 140. 7. Payman Ahi and Cory Searcy, A comparative literature analysis of definitions for green and sustainable supply chain management, Journal of Cleaner Production, 52, 2013, pp.329-341.
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