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A Summer Training Report on
“Recruitment and Selection Process”
Submitted in the partial fulfillment of
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
(Session 2014-16)
Submitted to: Submitted by:
Name: Name: Md.Samim
Signature: Roll No:
Class: MBA 3rd
Brij Mohan Institute of Management &
Khalikpur, Yakubpur, Distt. Jhajjar, Near Farukhnagar, Gurgaon –
(Affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak)
The purpose of Summer Training is not merely doing a project, but to have a firsthand
insight and exposure to the Organization. It is not only help in enhancing the
academic Knowledge nut also to let us know how to put the academic knowledge into
a practical application in the working environment.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Founder and Co-Founder Mr.Aseem sir and
Manish sir who had been enough, to grant me an Opportunity to learn through our
Project, in one of the leading Executive search (Recruitment Firm).
It gives me a feeling of pride and satisfaction that Dr.Sridhar Pnda the Director of
Brij Mohan Institute of Management & Technology (BIMT), Gurgaon Haryana
which Is Affiliated from Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU) Rohtak. Has
coordinated to get me training in Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd Plot No.225
Udhyog Vihar Phase-4 Gurgaon. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to all
those with whom I had the Opportunity to work and whose thoughts and insight has
helped me in furthering my knowledge and understanding of the Training practice
followed Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd.
My sincere gratitude goes to Mrs. Ishita Chakorborty (Human Resources Manager
at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd).And Mr. Deepak Lalchandani the Placement
Officer and full time faculty at Brij Mohan Institute of Management & Technology
Gurgaon. Without Deepak Sir and Ishita Mam Guidance, Encouragement and
Inspiration, the successfully completion of this project would never had been possible
in such a Great manner.
Brij Mohan Institute of Management &
Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Affiliated to Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU),
Yakubpur, Distt. Jhajjar, Near Farrukhnagar (Gurgaon),
Ph. 0124-4057653, 322500, 09717098915, 09927025045
Fax: 011-66173969
E-mail: info@bimt.edu.in Website: www.bimt.edu.in
Ref. No. BIMT/2015 Date: ______
I, ___________________ Roll No. _________ Class MBA 3rd
TECHNOLOGY, KHALIKPUR Distt. JHAJJAR hereby declare that
the Project entitled
Is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other
Institute for the award of any other degree. The interim report was
presented to the Supervisor on ______________ and the pre-submission
presentation was made on ______________ the feasible suggestions have
been duly incorpated in consultation with the Supervisor.
Signature of the Faculty Signature of the Candidate
Forwarded by
Director/Principal of the Institute
I had started my Summer Training Program at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd. This
is a Recruitment firm in Udyog Vihar Phase-4, Gurgaon, and Haryana. I have done
my Internship there for the two months. And got the Topic for my Project Report. The
Topic was given by the head of the Company person and as per my Mentors also. His
name is Ishita Chakroborty who really gives me great Confidence to do the work at
She gives me relevant Company information for preparing my Project as well. She
tells me so many things that how I can pitch the JD to the Candidate so that I can
easily convince to them for the Interview regarding the Current job profile.
Here I want to discuss briefly about the Recruitment and Selection Process which I
have done earlier at the Skope.
 Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated
Organizational vacancies. It makes it possible to acquire the number and types
of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the Organization.
 In simple terms, it is an attempt to draw attention of applicants in the market,
get interested applicants, and generate a pool of prospective employees so that
management can select the right person for the right job.
 The recruitment process is one of the most critical aspects of running a
successful business .Because every organization’s performance is largely
dependent on the quality of its workers.
 The question comes into the mind that why I have chosen my topic as
“Recruitment and Selection Process”. Because as a HR and Marketing
professional in M.B.A this topic is covers all those aspects which really help
me for using my theoretical knowledge in Practical aspects.
 Being as an HR Executive it was really great challenges to recruit a person for
the job.
1 CHAPTER 01 7-8
2 CHAPTER 02 10-42
3 CHAPTER 03 44-52
4 CHAPTER 04 53-61
5 CHAPTER 05 62-69
SKOPE Business Ventures Pvt. Ltd. – Recruitment & Retention Services, was
founded in 2010 and since then it has been successfully partnering Recruitment with
number of organizations. Skope specialize in Bulk Hiring Model for Sales and
Operations team and head hunting middle senior positions. Our model is more
focused on Recruitment Partner hence creating Speed & Scalability at better price
creating WIN-WIN!! Technology backed solutions through our Recruitment portal –
MY’HIRE 361 (Real-time Recruitment Tracker). It covers the entire life cycle of
hiring for any particular position with details of data used and MIS on input – output
tracking. Skope core team comprises of professionals with over 50 years of
experienced amongst themselves their combined experience covers all functional
disciplines in divorce business such as insurance, informational
technology,FMCG,Media and Management Consultants. This company having the
potential employee who are working as a team as well as an individual for the
Company and offering the job Opportunity to the job seeker not for the single session.
Working in the whole year. And recruiting the qualitative and skillful candidate for
their clients and generating the high range of the revenue for the Skope.So here in this
Company I have choose my Topic as recruitment Process in Skope to know about the
broud area of the recruiting the people that as a HR Person or HR Manager how we
can recruit the people in an effective way for the organization. So that the
Organization will run for the longer time within the Compatitative era.
I had start my Management Training with Skope Business Ventures Private Limited
as HR executive or you can say as a Talent acquisition and I have got the topic
Recruitment and Selection Process in Skope as a Project Topic. I have work with
Skope for the 60 days which carries two months. Within this period I have got the
broader knowledge in HR field as well as Marketing. Because my work was related to
both field where I have really implement my HR and Marketing knowledge in a
working environment.
Here in skope I was work as an Individual as well as in a group also and learn the lots
of things. Here I have got the broader knowledge of recruitment process and how as a
HR and Marketing person act in the working Environment.
We can discuss a little bit of the Recruitment Process here which I have done in the
Recruitment forms the first in the process, which continues with selection and ceases
with the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function,
the first being the manpower planning, Recruitment makes it possible to acquit the
number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the
organization.” Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or
anticipated organizational vacancies”. Recruitment has been regarded as the most
important function of personnel administration, because unless the right type of
people is hired, even the best plans, organization charts and control systems would not
do much good.
“Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting
that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient
working force”. “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for
employment and stimulating them to apply for job in the organizations recruitment is
the activity that links the employers and the job seekers”.
 Determine the present and future requirements
 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost
 Reduce the probability of employee turn over
 Increase the success rate of the selection process
 Increase organizational and individual’s effectiveness
 Attract highly qualified and competent people
 Ensure that the selected candidates stay longer with the company
 Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit
 Help the firm create more culturally diverse work-force
 Failure to generate qualified applicants
 There is no match between cost and benefit
 Extra cost on training and supervision
 Increases the entry level pay scales
 Planning
 Strategy development
 Searching
 Screening
 Evaluation and control
 To attract people with multi-dimensional skills and experiences that suit the
present and future organizational strategies so as to obtain a pool of suitable
candidates for vacant posts.
 To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company
 To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.
 To develop organizational culture that attracts competent people to the
 To use a fair process.
 To ensure that all recruitment activities contribute to company goals.
 To search for talent globally and not just within the company.
 To conduct recruitment activities in an efficient and cost effective manner.
In the working place is essential to a company’s long term success. By hiring
correctly, an organization adds the talent it needs and can enjoy the benefits in
increased productivity and morale. However this process is not simple and if the
careful process of selection is not followed: you can be mired with poorly skilled,
unmotivated and un-loyal labor force which can impact future profits as well as other
Employee behavior. Recruitment, Quite often this word stands alone when some
gaming companies develop a human resources management strategy. An organization
cannot develop a recruitment strategy without simultaneously for mulcting an
Employee retention plan. Simply stated, it is one thing to attract workers, but quite
another to retain them.
All organizations whether small or large, do engage in recruiting activity, though not
to the same extent. This differs with
1) The size of the organization.
2) The employment conditions in the community where the organization is
3) Working conditions, salary and benefit packages offered by the organization.
4) The rate of growth of the organization.
5) Future expansion program of the organization. And
6) Cultural and legal issues.
7) Organization’s ability to find and retain good performing people.
 Employees from within the organization are hired to fill a job vacancy.
 It is normally used for higher level jobs.
The internal factors are:
1 Company’s pay packages
2 Quality of work life
3 Organization culture
4 Career planning and growth
5 Company’s size
6 Company’s products/services
7 Geographical spread of the company’s operations
8 Company’s growth rate
9 Role of trade unions
10 Cost of recruitment
11 Company’s name and fame.
The external factors are:-
1 Socio-economic factors
2 Supply and demand factors
3 Employment rate.
4 Labor market conditions.
5 Political, legal and governmental factors like reservations for SC/ST/BC and sons of
6 Information systems like employment exchanges /Tele-recruitment like internet.
 Benefits of new skills, new talents and new experiences to organization
 Compliance with reservation policy is easy
 Scope for resentment, jealousies and heartburn are avoided.
 Better morale and motivation associated with internal recruiting is denied to
 It is costly
 Chances of creeping in false positive and fake negative errors.
 Adjustment of new employees to the organizational culture takes longer time.
 Salaries for Recruiters
 Management & professional time spent on preparing job description, job
specification Advertisements, liaison etc.
 Cost of advertisement
 Cost of producing supporting literature.
 Recruitment overheads & administrative expenses.
 Cost of overtime & outsourcing.
 Traditional philosophy – to get as many people to apply for a job as possible
 Waiting in queues. Job dissatisfaction & employee turnover
 Emphasis is on matching the needs of the organization to the needs of the
 Minimize employee turnover & enhance satisfaction.
 Provides complete job related information to the applicants so that they can
make right decision before taking up jobs
 Lower rate of employee turnover.
 High level of job satisfaction & performance.
 Beneficial for organizations hiring at the entry level.
 To determine applicants preference for work match the characteristics of the
 Greater the compatibility of applicants preferences & characteristics of the job
greater the probability of employee effectiveness & longer the tenure
 400 item instrument.
 Measures job factor related to performance, satisfaction turnover and
The various sources of external recruitment are:
1. Advertising.
2. Employment agencies
3. Employee referrals
4. Schools, colleges and professional institutions
5. Labor unions
6. Casual applicants.
7. Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters
8. Indoctrination seminars for college professors
9. Unconsolidated applications
10. Nepotism
11. Leasing
12. Voluntary organizations
13. Computer data banks.
A recruitment policy is concerned with quantity and qualifications of manpower. A
well-considered and pre-planned recruitment policy, based in corporate goals, study
of environment and the corporate needs may avoid hasty of ill-considered decisions
and may go a long way to man the organization with the tight type of personnel.
The most commonly adopted practice in an organization is to centralize the
recruitment and selection function.
A “recruitment policy” in its broadest sense involves a commitment by the employer
to such general principles as:-
1 To find and employ the best qualified persons for each job.
2 To retain the best and most promising to those hired.
3 To offer promising opportunities for the life-time working careers.
4 To provide programs and facilitates for personal growth on the job.
The following factors should be taken into considerations in formulating recruitment
They are
1. Government policies
2. Personnel policies of other competing organization
3. Organization personnel policies
4. Recruitment sources
5. Recruitment need
6. Recruitment costs
7. Selection criteria and preferences etc.
Recruitment can be broadly categorized under three heads. Namely, Direct method,
indirect method and Third party Recruitment method.
One of the widely used direct methods is that of sending of recruiters to colleges and
technical schools. Most college recruiting is done in co-operation with the placement
office of a college.
The placement office usually provides help in attraction students, arranging
interviews, furnishing space, and providing student resumes. For managerial
professional, and sales professional, campus recruiting is an extensive operation.
Persons reading for MBA or other technical diplomas are picked up in this manner.
Many companies have found employees contact with the public a very effective
method. Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars,
setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the desired centers.
Indirect method usually involves advertising in newspapers, on the radio, in trade and
professional journals, technical magazines and broachers. Advertising in newspapers
and magazines, is the most frequently used methods, when qualified or experienced
personnel are not available from other sources. Senior posts are largely filled by such
methods when they cannot be filled by promotion from within. Advertising is very
useful for recruiting blue-collars and hourly workers as well as scientific,
professional, and technical employees. Local newspapers can be a good source of
blue-collar workers, clerical employees, and lower level administrative employees.
These include the use of commercial of private employment agencies, placement
offices of schools colleges and professional associations, recruiting firms,
management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college for college
professors and friends and relatives.
They are the brokers who bring employers and employees together. The specialization
of these agencies enhances their capacities to interpret the needs of their client, toseek
Out particular. Types of persons, and to develop proficiency in recognizing the talent
of specialized personnel.
Also known as labor exchanges, they are the main agencies of public employment.
They provide a clearing housing for jobs and job information. These agencies provide
a wide range of services counseling, assistance in getting jobs information about labor
market, labor and wage rates.
They maintain complete information records about employed executives. These firms
are looked up on as ‘headhunters’, ‘raiders’ and pirates by organizations which loose
personnel through their efforts. However, these same organizations may employ
“executive search firms” to help them find executive talent. These consulting firms
recommend persons of high caliber for managerial, marketing and production
engineer’s posts.
Also provide manual and skilled workers in sufficient numbers.
A number of modern recruitment sources and techniques are being used by the
corporate in addition to traditional sources and techniques. These sources and
techniques include walk-in and consult–in, head-hunting, body-shopping, business
alliances, and tele-recruitment.
The technological revolution in telecommunication helped the organization to use
internet as a source of recruitment. Organization advertises the job vacancies through
the World Wide Web (WWW) internet. The job seekers send their applications
through email or internet. Alternatively, job seekers place their CV’S in the world
Wide web/internet, which can be drawn by the perspective employers depending upon
their requirements.
 When demand for product peaks
 Additional income for employee
 It results in Fatigue, increased accidents & more absenteeism
 Need to pay double wages.
 Often called Staff outsourcing
 Useful to small & medium sized firms
 Low labor costs
 Easy access to experienced labor
 Flexibility in future
 DISADVANTAGE- Do not knows the work culture of the firm.
 The reference of the person should be checked before making a final decision.
 Check through a personal visit or a phone call directly to the applicant’s
 Former supervision, if possible.
 Verify that the information given to you is correct.
 Consider, with judgment, any negative comments you hear and what is not
 Checking references can bring to light significant information which may save
you money and future inconvenience.
Recruitment Strategies:
Findings Overview Organizations were asked what strategies they use to recruit both
managerial/professional and non-management candidates. For recruiting
managerial/professional candidates, the Internet is the most popular advertising
Medium, used by 76 percent of the organizations surveyed. Organizations regularly
utilize internal resources (e.g., internal job postings and employee referrals) when
recruiting both internal and external candidates. Different kinds of agencies are used
to recruit for positions at different levels. — Temporary and government agencies are
used mainly to recruit non-management candidates. — Employment agencies,
colleges, and professional organizations are used more often to recruit
managerial/professional candidates.
Organizational Offerings
The quality of an organization’s offerings affects its ability to attract job candidates.
Organizations believe they offer candidates a strong company reputation (69 percent)
and high-quality benefits packages (65 percent) and learning opportunities (55
percent). Many organizations do not offer stock options (37 percent) or child care
Best Practices
Organizations with the most effective recruiting strategies were 15 to 19 percent more
likely to offer candidates high-quality options such as:
• Potential for advancement.
• Company reputation.
• Stocks.
• Benefits package.
• Corporate culture.
• Salary scale.
Organizations offering candidates and employees a positive culture (e.g., innovative,
diverse, potential to advance) and learning environment have more satisfied
employees and more successful at retaining them.
“Selection is the process of examining the applicants with regard to their suitability
for the given job or jobs, and choosing the best candidate and rejecting the others.”
Good recruitment practices are only one key to generating a pool of top job
candidates. Equally important is having a strong basis from which to recruit. If an
organization’s policies and practices are unattractive to candidates, the organization’s
ability to generate good candidates will be limited regardless of the specific
recruitment practices they employee.
But what policies and practice do “good” applicants find attractive? Unfortunately,
there is no easy answer to this question because not all “good” applicants are alike,
and research shows that organization’s policies and the individual’s characteristics.
Financial considerations, supply and demand, and other variables impact the
recruitment process.
Looking for a qualified person for the IT department is likely to require a broader and
possibly more expensive search. Recruitment indicate that there is an increase in the
use of the internet and interactive employment websites, such as searching web
databases, placing online ads at various career sites, purchasing candidate information
from resume services, sending recruitment materials, to targeted individuals, and
placing ads in newspapers can all yield positive results.
Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided in two
classes-those application of these tools. Qualified applicants go on to the next hurdle,
while the unqualified are eliminated”. Thus, an effective selection Program is a non-
random process because those selected have been chosen on the bases of the
assumption that they are more likely to be “better” employees than those who have
been rejected.
The organizations can make use of more than one source for carrying out the
recruitment procedure. Once the recruiting sources are identified, suitable candidates
are called for the selection process.
It is the process of differentiation between applicants in order to identify (and hire)
those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. Selection of personnel to man the
organization is a crucial, complex and continuing function. The ability of an
organization to attain its goals effectively and to develop in a dynamic environment
largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection program. If right personnel is
selected the remaining functions of personnel management becomes easier, the
employee contribution and commitment will be at an optimum level and employee-
employer relations will be congenial. In an opposite situation where the right person is
not selected, the remaining functions of personnel management, employee relations
will not be effective. If the right person is selected, he becomes a valuable asset to the
organization. In case of faulty selection, the employee will become a liability to the
Who are to be offered employment and those who are not. The process might be
called rejection, since more candidates may be turned away than hired. For this
reason, selection is frequently described as a negative process, in contrast with the
positive program of recruitment.
A fair set of screening criteria
The criteria must be in line with the job content and appointment as well as advertised
requirements Applicants should be clear on the criteria that apply The criteria should
apply to all applicants in a consistent manner Any waivers should be fully motivated
and approved Declarations should be made of whether any candidate is related to or
friends of an official in the component where the vacancy exists The various activities
of the screening process should be documented and put on record
 Education and Experience Evaluation
 Letters Of Recommendation
 Elf-Assessment.
 Aptitude Andeneral Trait Test
 Performance Test for Specific Jobs
 Performance Test for Specific Jobs.
A scientific selection procedure completes in 10 basic steps which are as follows:
1. Application Form.
2. Written Examination.
3. Preliminary Interview.
4. Group Discussion.
5. Tests.
6. Final Interview.
7. Medical Examination.
8. Reference Checks.
9. Line Manager’s Decision, and
10. Employment.
Testing represents an additional tool in the kit of the employment office. It
supplements direct personal contracts in interviews of various types with a wide range
of tests. All operate on the general theory that human behavior can best be forecast by
Sampling it. The test creates a situation in which the applicant reacts; reactions are
regarded as useful samples of his behavior in the work he is applying.
Formal testing programs have becomes increasingly common in modern selection. A
major reason is their convenience. Another is their relatively low cost. Perhaps
unfortunately, test results appeal to many managers because they provide quantitative
measures of something. They ate, for this reason, more easily compared. They seem
to bring the personalities of applicants down to a common denominator. Another
reason for the growing use of tests is the fact that they have been and are the subject
of extensive research.
A simple classification of the tests used in selection would distinguish five principal
types, including achievement, aptitude, interest, personality, and combination tests.
Achievement Tests: sample and measure the applicant’s accomplishments and
developed abilities. They are performance tests; they ask the applicant’s
Accomplishments and developed abilities. They are performances tests; they ask the
applicant to demonstrate certain knowledge skills.
Measures an applicant’s capacity, his potential. Their simples form is the intelligence
test, which is intended to measure the ability to learn, to remember, and to reason.
Use selected questions or items to identify patterns of interests-areas in which the
individual shoes special concern, fascination and involvement.
Probe for the dominant qualities of the personality as a whole the combination of
aptitudes, interests, and usual mood and temperament. Whole the combination of
aptitudes, interests, and usual mood and temperament.
1. Tests should be taken in addition to other selection techniques as entire can
only provide information about a part of total behavior of a candidate.
2. Test information should be taken into consideration to find out candidate’s
weakness rather than strength.
3. Tests are helpful in pocking a most likely successful group from a larger group
rather than successful individuals.
4. A test should be tested in one’s own organization as “a valid test in one that
5. Tests can be held only in case of failure of other selection devices in providing
6. Test administrators should not heavily depend upon test score in making
decision regarding selection of a candidate.
Relationship between tests score and job success is not always linear. Hence,
decision-makers should use the test score judiciously.
• Mainly four different types
• True positive
• True negative
• False positive error:
Results in cost for training, transfer or terminating the service of employee.
Costs of replacing an employee with a fresh one-hiring, training, and replacement.
• False negative error:
Costs associated difficult to estimate.
Supply and demand in labor market
Unemployment rate
Legal and political considerations
Company’s image
Company’s policy
Cost of hiring
1. Job analysis
2. Reliability
3. Validity
• Perception
• Fairness
• Validity
• Reliability
• Pressure
 This is a short interview and is used to eliminate unqualified candidates.
 Generally, there is no paper work at this stage.
 If the applicant looks like he can qualify for existing job openings, he or she is
given the application blank to complete.
 Application blank is used to get information from prospective applicant to
help management to make a proper selection.
 It quickly collects the basic data about a candidate.
 It is also useful to store information for future use.
 An application forms consists of
 Biographical data
 Educational achievements
 Salary and work experience
 Personal items
 Names and addresses of previous employers, references, etc.
 References are used in most selection processes.
 During the selection process it is believed that former employers, friends and
professional personnel give reliable evaluation of applicant.
 Reference checks are generally made by mail or telephone and sometimes
 1. Informal interview
 2.Formal interview
 3. Planned interview
 4. Patterned interview
5. Non-directive interview
6. Depth interview
7. Stress interview
8. Group interview
9. Panel interview
(a)Informal interview
(b)Unstructured interview
(a)Background information interview
(b) Job and probing interview
(c) Stress interview
(d)Group discussion interview
(e) Formal and Structured interview
(f)Panel interview
(g)Depth interview
After the candidates are examined by the experts including the line managers of the
organization in the core areas of the job, the head of the department/ section
concerned interviews the candidates once again, mostly through informal discussion.
The interviewer examines the interest of the candidate in the job, organization,
reaction/adaptability to the working conditions, career planning, promotional
opportunities, work adjustment and allotment etc. the personnel Manager also
interviews the candidates with a view to find His reaction/acceptance regarding
salary, allowances, benefits, promotions, opportunities etc. The head of the
department and the personnel manager exchange the views and then they jointly
inform their decision to the chairman of the interview board, which finally makes the
decision about the candidate’s performance and their ranks in the interview.
Interview is not a single step. It is a process consisting of several steps. The major
steps are grouped into four categories.
 Before starting the interview, the important areas for asking questions should
be worked out.
 The candidate’s application form should be examined to find his/her skills,
incidents and experiences which are related to important areas for asking
 The interviewer should make the candidate relaxed by starting with questions
that are not directly related with the job.
 After the candidate is relaxed, the interviewer should ask the questions related
to the job.
 Now the interviewer should make a tentative decision about the candidate.
The are two methods of evaluating an application form, viz., clinical and method and
weighted method.
1. Clinical method
2. Weighted method
3. Biographical inventories
The organization has to conduct written examination for the qualified candidates after
they are screened on the basis of the application blanks so as to measure the
candidate’s ability in arithmetical calculations, the know the candidates attitude
towards the job’ to measure The candidates’ to know the candidates aptitude,
reasoning, knowledge in various disciplines, in various disciplines, general knowledge
and English language.
The preliminary interview is to solicit necessary information from the prospective
applicants and to assess the applicant’s suitability to the job.
The technique of group is used in order to secure further information regarding the
suitability of the candidate for the job. Group discussion is a method where groups of
The successful applicants are brought around a conference table and are asked to
discuss either a case study of a subject matter.
 Keep a list of all applicants considered for final selection.
 Identify fair selection criteria for the final selection phase.
 Ensure that the criteria are in line with the advertised requirements as well as
the job content.
 Ensure that each selection committee member is provided with all the relevant
information pertaining to each short-listed applicant.
 Ensure that the interviews are conducted in a fair and effective manner and
that each candidate is weighed comprehensively against the requirements as
 Ensure that a comprehensive motivation is compiled in respect of all the
applicants interviewed.
 Ensure that all applicants are informed about the outcome of the final selection
 Ensure that all relevant information is put on record.
1. Phone call and further clarification
2. Letter of intent
3. Completing employment forms
4. Protocols may be available for interested individuals
5. Number of candidates
6. Names, surnames and addresses of 5 top candidates
7. Recruitment and selection criteria
8. Justification of the decision.
Human Resources Management is concerned with human beings, who are the
energetic elements of management. The success of any organization or an enterprise
will depend upon the ability, strength and motivation of person’s working in it.
The Human Resources Management refers to the systematic approach to the problems
in any organization. It is concerned with recruitment, training and Development of
personnel. Human resource is the most important asset of an organization. It ensures
sufficient supply, proper quantity and as well as effective utilization of human
In order to meet human resources needs, and organization will have to plan in
advance about the requirement and the sources, etc. The organization may also have
to undertake recruiting selecting and training processes. Human Resources
Management includes the inventory of present manpower in the organization. In cases
sufficient number of persons is not available in the organization then external sources
are also identified for employing them. Human Resources
Management lays emphasis on better working condition and also ensures the
employment of proper work force. A part of Human Resources Management is
assigned to personnel who perform some of the staffing function. The staffing process
is a flow of events, which result in a continuous managing organizational position at,
all levels from the top management to the operatives’ level. This process includes
manpower-planning, authorization for planning; developing sources of applicant
evaluation of applications employment decision (selection) offers (placement)
induction and orientation, transfers, demotions, promotions and separations.
Manpower’s planning is a process of analyzing the present and future vacancies as a
result of retirement, discharges, transfer, promotion, absence or other reasons.
Recruitment is concerned with the process of attracting qualified and components
personnel for different jobs. This includes the identification of existing sources of the
labor market, the development of new sources and the need for attracting large
number potential applications so that good selections may be possible.
SKOPE – Recruitment & Retention Services, was founded in 2010 and since then it
has been successfully partnering Recruitment with number of organizations. We
specialize in Bulk Hiring Model for Sales and Operations team and head hunting
middle senior positions. Our model is more focused on Recruitment Partner hence
creating Speed & Scalability at better price creating WIN-WIN !! Technology backed
solutions through our Recruitment portal – MY’HIRE 361 (Real-time Recruitment
Tracker). It covers the entire life cycle of hiring for any particular position with
details of data used and MIS on input – output tracking.
 Some of the bulk positions we have worked on:
•Sales Executive for Life Insurance and Health Insurance companies
•Operations executive for Insurance and Hospitality companies
•Executive profiles for a Publishing organization
•Team leader collections for a consumer loan company
 Some of the other profiles closed in last couple of months:
1. Regional Head Sales North & South – with a leading Hospitality Organization
2. Sr. Manager Collections – with a couple of organizations
3. Zonal Marketing manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization
4. PR Manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization
5. Chief Manager Risk – with a leading Life Insurance Organization
6. Regional Relationship Manager – with a leading Life Insurance Organization
7. Ad Sales – with a Leading Radio Station
8. Head Underwriting – with a leading General insurance Organization
9. Head of MICE – with an International Telecom Player
10. Head Trade Sales – with a Assistance Service Company.
 Some of the bulk positions we have worked on:
 Business Analyst
 CRM – SFDC, Siebel, Apttus, Service Maximo
 QA – Manual and Automation
 QA – Test and QA Leader
 Business Analytics
 Core Technologies - .NET, Java etc.
 ERPs - SAP, Oracle eBus
 Domain SME – Manufacturing, Oil and Gas etc.
 IT Infrastructure
 Some of the other profiles closed in last couple of months:
 Domain Consultant – Oil and Gas
 C#/.Net, Php Developers
 SQL Server and Oracle DBA
 Project Manager/Delivery Manager.
Aseem Gupta is a passionate entrepreneur with 16 Years of corporate experience
in sales & Marketing. He is an electrical engineer with MBA in marketing and has
worked with companies like BILT & MAX New York Life Insurance before starting
this venture in 2009. His experience is with agency, banc-assurance & direct sales
profile BSFI, Holiday & education Industry.
Aseem Hanspal is a mechanical engineer with MBA in Marketing and an
experience of 20 Years before starting his entrepreneurial journey. He has been in the
field of sales & marketing with the organization of repute like Larser & Turbro and
Max New York Life Insurance. He works on sales & Strategic position and his
recruitment expertise with BSFI & engineering sector for middle management to
senior position.
Manish Gupta is an IT professional with more than 23 years of experience. He has
worked for organizations like TCS, HCL, Birla soft, Dalmia. He has performed multi-
faceted roles in Delivery, business and process consulting, strategic business reviews
and training:
ITS Infrastructure Management, Mobility Solutions, ERP, SCM, CRM and BI/DW
Delivery Management for manufacturing and strategic customers including projects
Strong Domain knowledge in Manufacturing, Retail and Healthcare.
Consultant by profession & entrepreneur by choice is what Karan Sukhija wants to be
known as. With 8years of total experience & 6 years as recruitment experience Karan
understands the quality of people have a significant impact on successes & timely
completion of the project? Karan is very thorough is selection of quality. Candidate
for his client & in turn has built a solid relationship with candidates & clients. A great
people person and mentor and will always bring a fresh prospective on the table.
Sahil Aggarwal is a telecommunication engineer with 2 years of experience. He is
a young and passionate face of SKOPE. He is currently heading the IT piece for us.
He has been organizations like Reliance communication & TCS. His experience is in
recruitment and auditing. He loves talking to people & building long term
Ishita has an experience of 3.5 years; she has worked in HR operations &
recruitments mainly for banking, automobile and manufacturing industry. She started
her career with “Avani Riverside Mall”, Kolkata wherein she was looking after the
entire HR activities of the mall, vendor management, administration and customer
relationship. Her last assignment was with recruitment firm at Chennai, wherein she
was looking after hiring for various industries. Successfully managing a team. And as
a Professional and personally she is a very good recruiter and Mentor as well.
Because for doing the Training program at Skope she help me a lot. She gives me a
great confidence to face the real world in the Recruitment and selection Process.
Whenever I need any discussion regarding the candidate or pitching to the candidate
she come before me and tell me that how I can convince a candidate for the Interview
and all that things. Her guidance and recommendation gave me great help to complete
my Project at a given time from the Institute.
Social Hiring:
InsuranceInsurance Information
Technology MediaMedia
FinanceFinance E-CommerceE-Commerce Real Estate
BankingBanking IPCIPC ConsultingConsulting
•The Company is exclusively focusing on Social Media hiring as this platform has
tremendous potential on the given date.
•The Company is customizing the use of these social tools to maximize our
productivity in terms of recruitment.
India Hiring is an online platform to seek references to fulfill the hiring needs of the
industry in a quick & targeted manner. In the process we will also reward the referrer
for a long term relationship & community building.
• Creating a pool of referrers across all industries.
• Developing a platform to share jobs & seek references.
• This will also help in searching candidates beyond the use of conventional
recruiting tools.
• Referees can earn exciting reward points on each referral.
• This platform will help the recruiter to get to the most relevant candidate in a
fast & cost effective manner.
• Referee will not only get the goodwill & satisfaction but exciting rewards as
Mission & Vision of the Company
 The organization mission is to touch the horizon where the capabilities may
successfully meet with the requirements of the Company clients, that too with
ultimate transparency and cost-effectiveness.
 Skope is always trying its best to recruit the best candidate for their Clint’s
Company, in time to time providing the skillful candidate according to the
requirement of the clients Company to fulfill all those aspects which is require
by the Company.
 The Company Mission is to providing/Recruiting the quality candidate for the
 For recruiting the matching candidate according to the Job Description of the
clients Company all employee of the Skope following the right kind of the
Script and with the passionate scheduling the Interview and making line up for
the Joining of the Clint Company.
 The Company mission is also to make employee happy within the Company
premise so that they can easily done their job with a jolly mud.
 We are exclusively focusing on Social Media hiring as this platform has
tremendous potential on the given date. We are customizing the use of these
social tools to maximize our productivity in terms of recruitment.
 Skope Recruitment & Retention Services was founded in 2010 and since then
it has been successfully partnering Recruitment with number of organizations.
So this Organization having the Vision to become the number one
Organization in Recruitment and retention area.
 The Company Mission is to also open a new branch in Gurgaon region also.
The founder of this Company is very enthusiastic and passionate to increase
the employee.so that more and more recruitment will be done at a single time.
The Company focused is also to do the tie up with the more and more Company in the
Future. So that the company generate the higher profitability in terms of money. And
it’s also shows the Company potential in the future time.
Director (Non-it) Director (it)
Manager Manager
ManagerArea Manager
The Company having so many clients, for whom the Skope recruiting a quality person
for fulfilling the vacant position. This Company not only recruiting the Candidate but
taking care of the candidate retention as well.
So here I want to brief discuss about the Client Company of this Organization. Let’s
discuss some major clients of the Organization.
Club Mahindra is a Client Organization of the Skope, for this organization time-to-
time Skope try to fulfill the vacant place. This Organization known as to providing the
Holiday package to the HNI Customer with an affordable price in the different
location in the Country like:-Goa, Nenital, Simla and so many other beautiful places.
Max Life Insurance Company is a leading Insurance Company in India, Which is
providing the general Insurance to the Customer. The Insurance plane of this
Company is attractive and simple that’s why this Company is Different to the other
Insurance providing Company.
We all know that in Media the big FM or 92.7 BIG FM is popular.so for this Skope is
also recruiting a good Candidate who really fulfills the all desire part of the
Happy Keys is a India’s Property leading Company, Which is actively working in
Gurgao,Noida,New Delhi,Gaziabad.and this Company is also want to expand their
Indiamart is a very famous Retail Company in India. Indiamart is a Competing the
Big Bazaar, Vishal megamart in their product and services.
Magicbricks.com is a No 1 Property Portals in India, which is actively participated in
dealing the site or the Space for those people who want to sale or purchase the
property without any delay.
Matrix is an International Cellular Company. Which is working in India to providing
the cellular services in India.
• Some of the bulk positions we have worked on:
• Sales Executive for Life Insurance and Health Insurance companies
• Operations executive for Insurance and Hospitality companies
• Executive profiles for a Publishing organization
• Team leader collections for a consumer loan company.
 Some of the other profiles closed in last couple of months:
1. Regional Head Sales North & South – with a leading Hospitality Organization
2. Sr. Manager Collections – with a couple of organizations
3. Zonal Marketing manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization
4. PR Manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization
5. Chief Manager Risk – with a leading Life Insurance Organization
6. Regional Relationship Manager – with a leading Life Insurance Organization
Recruitment plan
Post Joining
Offer Screening &
Being a Management Trainee at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd.I has faced so
many Challenges there. Because doing Recruitment and Selection process are not
easy. So that at Training time I have faced some kind of the problem.
Let me discuss here some of the challenges, which I have faced earlier at Skope
Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd.
 Some time I have faced the problem while I was pitching to Candidate about
the Job Description of the Client Company.
 At first time in Skope I have called the Placement Officer of the different
Colleges for the Campus Placement, they given me the positive response. But
at the end the Placement Officer any good feedback in terms of Campus
 In a day I had done something 25-35 call to the Candidate but at the end I
didn’t scheduled any Interview.
 It was the bit difficult to Schedule the Interview at list 5 Candidate at a first
time at my Internship.
 The challenges were also to call the stranger person who really I don’t know
personally.Beacause they having different set of mind.
 The challenges were also about the checking the Communication skills and
work attitude of the Candidate. Checking whether they are comfortable for the
current requirement or not.
 The most significant finding of the study on Recruitment strategy prevailing in
the organization is very effective. The employees are quite satisfied with the
current recruitment methods.
 The study shows that 76% of the employees who have put in long year of
service have recruited via open competition. This shows the transparency of
the recruiting policies of the company.
 92% of the employees have been working in the organization for a long period
which signifies the job security and satisfaction offered by the company to its
 Our study shows that 44% of the employees have joined this organization
aiming for career growth, good pay scales, and more benefits which the
company offers. Thus the statistics shows that the company has a positive
outlook towards the career growth of its employees in addition to the other
existing benefits.
 The company’s approach to its recruitment policy shows that the right person
is very essential for the right job, as nearly 88% of the employees felt that they
were offered jobs according to their qualification and experience. Thus setting
a relationship between qualification and job offered.
 The study shows that 72% of the employees were of the opinion that the
recruitment policy of the company is decentralized with each department
recruiting its own employees as per their requirement from the time to time.
 The company gives utmost importance to its manpower requirements by
identifying it well in advance taking into consideration the contingencies like
retirement, budgetary plans, and attrition rate. The planning of the manpower
requirement is being done in the light of the business plans of the company.
 The company has been trying to infuse new blood in the organization by
appointing fresh graduates and technologists, to set a competitive so as to face
the competitive world.
 The outcome of the study illustrates that Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd. has
a good recruitment policy where the employees are recruited by each
department as per the requirement from time to time. But there is still a scope
for improvement of its recruitment policy.
 The following are some of the suggestion which enables the company to
enhance its recruitment methodology.
 The company should focus its attention more on campus interviews to attract
young potential employees who have the zeal to achieve goal for themselves
and the company.
 The company can take up short-term projects with new technologies and fixed
deadlines to bring out competitiveness and cutting edge approach by the
employees. This enables the company to recruit the brightest and the best
manpower for the jobs.
 The company needs to further focus on talent auditions and job fairs.
 Incentives and contest for employee referrals and the use of web based
resources such as job boards and job distribution services would go a long way
in enhancing the recruitment process.
 H.R Department should be more practical and efficient so that the recruitment
and selection become more effective.
 Stress should be given on proper maintenance of database of application for
future recruitment in the organization.
 The company should follow new traits / trends in the recruitment process.
 The stress should be given on knowledge and the experience should be the
major criteria for selection of employees.
 More stress should be given to recruit qualification & skills percentage for
scrutinizing the application of prospective candidates
 The organization cannot develop a recruitment strategy without
simultaneously formulating an employee retention plan. It is one thing to
attract workers, but quite another to retain them.
 Company should also focus on the employee happiness, so that they can easily
achieve their target in terms of recruiting more and more qualitative
 Here is one other suggestion for the Organization that Skope should focus on
making more and more Client Company. So that within end of every month
they can easily recruit a huge number of the Candidate.
The following are the conclusions:
The source of recruitment in the organization is totally based in both the factors i.e.
internal and external.
 The recruitment of the prospective candidate for a particular post is based in
experience, age, qualification and percentage in the academic year.
 The selection process is totally based on skills, communication and technical
 The formal interview is conducted by the HRD.
 After selection the employees are inducted for 1-5 days or more than 15 days.
 www.skopeconsultants.com
 www.indiahiring.org
 in.linkedin.com/in/skopebusinessventures
 www.facebook.com/skopebusinessventures

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Final Project Report on Recruitment & Selection

  • 1. 1 A Summer Training Report on “Recruitment and Selection Process” Submitted in the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) (Session 2014-16) Submitted to: Submitted by: Name: Name: Md.Samim Signature: Roll No: Class: MBA 3rd Sem Brij Mohan Institute of Management & Technology Khalikpur, Yakubpur, Distt. Jhajjar, Near Farukhnagar, Gurgaon – 124103 (Affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak)
  • 2. 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The purpose of Summer Training is not merely doing a project, but to have a firsthand insight and exposure to the Organization. It is not only help in enhancing the academic Knowledge nut also to let us know how to put the academic knowledge into a practical application in the working environment. I wish to express my sincere thanks to Founder and Co-Founder Mr.Aseem sir and Manish sir who had been enough, to grant me an Opportunity to learn through our Project, in one of the leading Executive search (Recruitment Firm). It gives me a feeling of pride and satisfaction that Dr.Sridhar Pnda the Director of Brij Mohan Institute of Management & Technology (BIMT), Gurgaon Haryana which Is Affiliated from Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU) Rohtak. Has coordinated to get me training in Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd Plot No.225 Udhyog Vihar Phase-4 Gurgaon. I wish to express my appreciation and thanks to all those with whom I had the Opportunity to work and whose thoughts and insight has helped me in furthering my knowledge and understanding of the Training practice followed Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd. My sincere gratitude goes to Mrs. Ishita Chakorborty (Human Resources Manager at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd).And Mr. Deepak Lalchandani the Placement Officer and full time faculty at Brij Mohan Institute of Management & Technology Gurgaon. Without Deepak Sir and Ishita Mam Guidance, Encouragement and Inspiration, the successfully completion of this project would never had been possible in such a Great manner.
  • 3. 3 Brij Mohan Institute of Management & Technology Approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Affiliated to Maharishi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak Yakubpur, Distt. Jhajjar, Near Farrukhnagar (Gurgaon), Haryana Ph. 0124-4057653, 322500, 09717098915, 09927025045 Fax: 011-66173969 E-mail: info@bimt.edu.in Website: www.bimt.edu.in Ref. No. BIMT/2015 Date: ______ DECLARATION I, ___________________ Roll No. _________ Class MBA 3rd Semester of the BRIJ MOHAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT & TECHNOLOGY, KHALIKPUR Distt. JHAJJAR hereby declare that the Project entitled “__________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________” Is an original work and the same has not been submitted to any other Institute for the award of any other degree. The interim report was presented to the Supervisor on ______________ and the pre-submission presentation was made on ______________ the feasible suggestions have been duly incorpated in consultation with the Supervisor. Countersigned Signature of the Faculty Signature of the Candidate Forwarded by Director/Principal of the Institute
  • 4. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I had started my Summer Training Program at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd. This is a Recruitment firm in Udyog Vihar Phase-4, Gurgaon, and Haryana. I have done my Internship there for the two months. And got the Topic for my Project Report. The Topic was given by the head of the Company person and as per my Mentors also. His name is Ishita Chakroborty who really gives me great Confidence to do the work at Skope. She gives me relevant Company information for preparing my Project as well. She tells me so many things that how I can pitch the JD to the Candidate so that I can easily convince to them for the Interview regarding the Current job profile. Here I want to discuss briefly about the Recruitment and Selection Process which I have done earlier at the Skope.  Recruiting is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated Organizational vacancies. It makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the Organization.  In simple terms, it is an attempt to draw attention of applicants in the market, get interested applicants, and generate a pool of prospective employees so that management can select the right person for the right job.  The recruitment process is one of the most critical aspects of running a successful business .Because every organization’s performance is largely dependent on the quality of its workers.  The question comes into the mind that why I have chosen my topic as “Recruitment and Selection Process”. Because as a HR and Marketing professional in M.B.A this topic is covers all those aspects which really help me for using my theoretical knowledge in Practical aspects.
  • 7. 7 INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY SKOPE Business Ventures Pvt. Ltd. – Recruitment & Retention Services, was founded in 2010 and since then it has been successfully partnering Recruitment with number of organizations. Skope specialize in Bulk Hiring Model for Sales and Operations team and head hunting middle senior positions. Our model is more focused on Recruitment Partner hence creating Speed & Scalability at better price creating WIN-WIN!! Technology backed solutions through our Recruitment portal – MY’HIRE 361 (Real-time Recruitment Tracker). It covers the entire life cycle of hiring for any particular position with details of data used and MIS on input – output tracking. Skope core team comprises of professionals with over 50 years of experienced amongst themselves their combined experience covers all functional disciplines in divorce business such as insurance, informational
  • 8. 8 technology,FMCG,Media and Management Consultants. This company having the potential employee who are working as a team as well as an individual for the Company and offering the job Opportunity to the job seeker not for the single session. Working in the whole year. And recruiting the qualitative and skillful candidate for their clients and generating the high range of the revenue for the Skope.So here in this Company I have choose my Topic as recruitment Process in Skope to know about the broud area of the recruiting the people that as a HR Person or HR Manager how we can recruit the people in an effective way for the organization. So that the Organization will run for the longer time within the Compatitative era.
  • 10. 10 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY I had start my Management Training with Skope Business Ventures Private Limited as HR executive or you can say as a Talent acquisition and I have got the topic Recruitment and Selection Process in Skope as a Project Topic. I have work with Skope for the 60 days which carries two months. Within this period I have got the broader knowledge in HR field as well as Marketing. Because my work was related to both field where I have really implement my HR and Marketing knowledge in a working environment. Here in skope I was work as an Individual as well as in a group also and learn the lots of things. Here I have got the broader knowledge of recruitment process and how as a HR and Marketing person act in the working Environment. We can discuss a little bit of the Recruitment Process here which I have done in the Skope.
  • 11. 11 RECRUITMENT INTRODUCTION: Recruitment forms the first in the process, which continues with selection and ceases with the placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function, the first being the manpower planning, Recruitment makes it possible to acquit the
  • 12. 12 number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization.” Recruitment is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organizational vacancies”. Recruitment has been regarded as the most important function of personnel administration, because unless the right type of people is hired, even the best plans, organization charts and control systems would not do much good. DEFINITION: “Recruitment is a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force”. “Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for job in the organizations recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers”. PURPOSES AND IMPORTANCE:  Determine the present and future requirements  Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost  Reduce the probability of employee turn over  Increase the success rate of the selection process  Increase organizational and individual’s effectiveness EFFECTS: POSITIVE RECRUITMENT PROCESS:  Attract highly qualified and competent people
  • 13. 13  Ensure that the selected candidates stay longer with the company  Make sure that there is match between cost and benefit  Help the firm create more culturally diverse work-force NEGATIVE RECRUITMENT PROCESS:  Failure to generate qualified applicants  There is no match between cost and benefit  Extra cost on training and supervision  Increases the entry level pay scales RECRUITMENT zRECRUITMENT RECRUITMENT PROCESS:  Planning  Strategy development EXTERNA FACTORS SUPPLY AND DEMANDS UNEMPLOYME NT LABOUR MARKET POLITICAL- SOCIAL INTERNAL FACTORS RECRUITMENT POLICY HRP SIZE OF THE FIRM COST GROWTH AND EXPANSION
  • 14. 14  Searching  Screening  Evaluation and control OBJECTIVES OF RECRUITMENT:  To attract people with multi-dimensional skills and experiences that suit the present and future organizational strategies so as to obtain a pool of suitable candidates for vacant posts.  To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company  To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.  To develop organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company.  To use a fair process.  To ensure that all recruitment activities contribute to company goals.  To search for talent globally and not just within the company.  To conduct recruitment activities in an efficient and cost effective manner. EMPLOYEE RECRUITMENT: In the working place is essential to a company’s long term success. By hiring correctly, an organization adds the talent it needs and can enjoy the benefits in increased productivity and morale. However this process is not simple and if the careful process of selection is not followed: you can be mired with poorly skilled, unmotivated and un-loyal labor force which can impact future profits as well as other Employee behavior. Recruitment, Quite often this word stands alone when some gaming companies develop a human resources management strategy. An organization cannot develop a recruitment strategy without simultaneously for mulcting an Employee retention plan. Simply stated, it is one thing to attract workers, but quite another to retain them.
  • 15. 15 FACTORS EFFECTING RECRUITMENT: All organizations whether small or large, do engage in recruiting activity, though not to the same extent. This differs with 1) The size of the organization. 2) The employment conditions in the community where the organization is located. 3) Working conditions, salary and benefit packages offered by the organization. 4) The rate of growth of the organization. 5) Future expansion program of the organization. And 6) Cultural and legal issues. 7) Organization’s ability to find and retain good performing people. FACTORS AND SOURCES: INTERNAL FACTORS:  Employees from within the organization are hired to fill a job vacancy.
  • 16. 16  It is normally used for higher level jobs. The internal factors are: 1 Company’s pay packages 2 Quality of work life 3 Organization culture 4 Career planning and growth 5 Company’s size 6 Company’s products/services 7 Geographical spread of the company’s operations 8 Company’s growth rate 9 Role of trade unions 10 Cost of recruitment 11 Company’s name and fame. EXTERNAL FACTORES: The external factors are:-
  • 17. 17 1 Socio-economic factors 2 Supply and demand factors 3 Employment rate. 4 Labor market conditions. 5 Political, legal and governmental factors like reservations for SC/ST/BC and sons of soil. 6 Information systems like employment exchanges /Tele-recruitment like internet. ADVANTAGES:  Benefits of new skills, new talents and new experiences to organization  Compliance with reservation policy is easy  Scope for resentment, jealousies and heartburn are avoided. DISADVANTAGES:  Better morale and motivation associated with internal recruiting is denied to the
  • 18. 18 Organization  It is costly  Chances of creeping in false positive and fake negative errors.  Adjustment of new employees to the organizational culture takes longer time. EVALUATION & CONTROL:  Salaries for Recruiters  Management & professional time spent on preparing job description, job specification Advertisements, liaison etc.  Cost of advertisement  Cost of producing supporting literature.  Recruitment overheads & administrative expenses.  Cost of overtime & outsourcing. PHILOSOPHIES OF RECRUITING:  Traditional philosophy – to get as many people to apply for a job as possible
  • 19. 19  Waiting in queues. Job dissatisfaction & employee turnover  Emphasis is on matching the needs of the organization to the needs of the applicants.  Minimize employee turnover & enhance satisfaction.  REALISTIC JOB PREVIEWS:  Provides complete job related information to the applicants so that they can make right decision before taking up jobs  Lower rate of employee turnover.  High level of job satisfaction & performance.  Beneficial for organizations hiring at the entry level. JOB COMPATIBILITY QUESTIONNAIRE:
  • 20. 20  To determine applicants preference for work match the characteristics of the job  Greater the compatibility of applicants preferences & characteristics of the job greater the probability of employee effectiveness & longer the tenure  400 item instrument.  Measures job factor related to performance, satisfaction turnover and absenteeism. SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT: The various sources of external recruitment are: 1. Advertising. 2. Employment agencies 3. Employee referrals 4. Schools, colleges and professional institutions 5. Labor unions 6. Casual applicants. 7. Professional organizations or recruiting firms or executive recruiters
  • 21. 21 8. Indoctrination seminars for college professors 9. Unconsolidated applications 10. Nepotism 11. Leasing 12. Voluntary organizations 13. Computer data banks. RECRUITMENT POLICIES: A recruitment policy is concerned with quantity and qualifications of manpower. A well-considered and pre-planned recruitment policy, based in corporate goals, study of environment and the corporate needs may avoid hasty of ill-considered decisions and may go a long way to man the organization with the tight type of personnel. The most commonly adopted practice in an organization is to centralize the recruitment and selection function. A “recruitment policy” in its broadest sense involves a commitment by the employer to such general principles as:- 1 To find and employ the best qualified persons for each job. 2 To retain the best and most promising to those hired. 3 To offer promising opportunities for the life-time working careers.
  • 22. 22 4 To provide programs and facilitates for personal growth on the job. The following factors should be taken into considerations in formulating recruitment policy. They are 1. Government policies 2. Personnel policies of other competing organization 3. Organization personnel policies 4. Recruitment sources 5. Recruitment need 6. Recruitment costs 7. Selection criteria and preferences etc. METHODS OF RECRUITMENT
  • 23. 23 Recruitment can be broadly categorized under three heads. Namely, Direct method, indirect method and Third party Recruitment method. DIRECT METHOD:- One of the widely used direct methods is that of sending of recruiters to colleges and technical schools. Most college recruiting is done in co-operation with the placement office of a college. The placement office usually provides help in attraction students, arranging interviews, furnishing space, and providing student resumes. For managerial professional, and sales professional, campus recruiting is an extensive operation. Persons reading for MBA or other technical diplomas are picked up in this manner. Many companies have found employees contact with the public a very effective method. Other direct methods include sending recruiters to conventions and seminars, setting up exhibits at fairs, and using mobile offices to go to the desired centers. Indirect method usually involves advertising in newspapers, on the radio, in trade and professional journals, technical magazines and broachers. Advertising in newspapers and magazines, is the most frequently used methods, when qualified or experienced personnel are not available from other sources. Senior posts are largely filled by such methods when they cannot be filled by promotion from within. Advertising is very useful for recruiting blue-collars and hourly workers as well as scientific, professional, and technical employees. Local newspapers can be a good source of blue-collar workers, clerical employees, and lower level administrative employees. THIRD PARTY METHOD:-
  • 24. 24 These include the use of commercial of private employment agencies, placement offices of schools colleges and professional associations, recruiting firms, management consulting firms, indoctrination seminars for college for college professors and friends and relatives. PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: They are the brokers who bring employers and employees together. The specialization of these agencies enhances their capacities to interpret the needs of their client, toseek Out particular. Types of persons, and to develop proficiency in recognizing the talent of specialized personnel. STATE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES: Also known as labor exchanges, they are the main agencies of public employment. They provide a clearing housing for jobs and job information. These agencies provide a wide range of services counseling, assistance in getting jobs information about labor market, labor and wage rates. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION OR RECRUITMENT FIRMS: They maintain complete information records about employed executives. These firms are looked up on as ‘headhunters’, ‘raiders’ and pirates by organizations which loose personnel through their efforts. However, these same organizations may employ “executive search firms” to help them find executive talent. These consulting firms recommend persons of high caliber for managerial, marketing and production engineer’s posts. TRADE UNIONS:
  • 25. 25 Also provide manual and skilled workers in sufficient numbers. MODERN SOURCES AND TECHNIQUES OF RECURITMENT A number of modern recruitment sources and techniques are being used by the corporate in addition to traditional sources and techniques. These sources and techniques include walk-in and consult–in, head-hunting, body-shopping, business alliances, and tele-recruitment. 1. WALK-IN: 2. CONSULT-IN: 3. HEAD-HUNTING: 4. BODY-SHOPPING: 5. BUSINESS ALLIANCES: TELE-RECRUITMENT: The technological revolution in telecommunication helped the organization to use internet as a source of recruitment. Organization advertises the job vacancies through the World Wide Web (WWW) internet. The job seekers send their applications through email or internet. Alternatively, job seekers place their CV’S in the world Wide web/internet, which can be drawn by the perspective employers depending upon their requirements. ALTERNATIVES TO RECRUITMENT:
  • 26. 26 OVERTIME:  When demand for product peaks  Additional income for employee  It results in Fatigue, increased accidents & more absenteeism  Need to pay double wages.  EMPLOYEE LEASING  Often called Staff outsourcing  Useful to small & medium sized firms  TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT  Low labor costs  Easy access to experienced labor  Flexibility in future  DISADVANTAGE- Do not knows the work culture of the firm.
  • 27. 27  REFERENCE CHECK:  The reference of the person should be checked before making a final decision.  Check through a personal visit or a phone call directly to the applicant’s immediate.  Former supervision, if possible.  Verify that the information given to you is correct.  Consider, with judgment, any negative comments you hear and what is not said.  Checking references can bring to light significant information which may save you money and future inconvenience. Recruitment Strategies: Findings Overview Organizations were asked what strategies they use to recruit both managerial/professional and non-management candidates. For recruiting managerial/professional candidates, the Internet is the most popular advertising Medium, used by 76 percent of the organizations surveyed. Organizations regularly utilize internal resources (e.g., internal job postings and employee referrals) when recruiting both internal and external candidates. Different kinds of agencies are used to recruit for positions at different levels. — Temporary and government agencies are used mainly to recruit non-management candidates. — Employment agencies, colleges, and professional organizations are used more often to recruit managerial/professional candidates.
  • 28. 28 Organizational Offerings The quality of an organization’s offerings affects its ability to attract job candidates. Organizations believe they offer candidates a strong company reputation (69 percent) and high-quality benefits packages (65 percent) and learning opportunities (55 percent). Many organizations do not offer stock options (37 percent) or child care options. Best Practices Organizations with the most effective recruiting strategies were 15 to 19 percent more likely to offer candidates high-quality options such as: • Potential for advancement. • Company reputation. • Stocks. • Benefits package. • Corporate culture. • Salary scale. Organizations offering candidates and employees a positive culture (e.g., innovative, diverse, potential to advance) and learning environment have more satisfied employees and more successful at retaining them. SELECTION PROCESS “Selection is the process of examining the applicants with regard to their suitability for the given job or jobs, and choosing the best candidate and rejecting the others.”
  • 29. 29 Good recruitment practices are only one key to generating a pool of top job candidates. Equally important is having a strong basis from which to recruit. If an organization’s policies and practices are unattractive to candidates, the organization’s ability to generate good candidates will be limited regardless of the specific recruitment practices they employee. But what policies and practice do “good” applicants find attractive? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question because not all “good” applicants are alike, and research shows that organization’s policies and the individual’s characteristics. Financial considerations, supply and demand, and other variables impact the recruitment process. Looking for a qualified person for the IT department is likely to require a broader and possibly more expensive search. Recruitment indicate that there is an increase in the use of the internet and interactive employment websites, such as searching web databases, placing online ads at various career sites, purchasing candidate information from resume services, sending recruitment materials, to targeted individuals, and placing ads in newspapers can all yield positive results. Selection is the process in which candidates for employment are divided in two classes-those application of these tools. Qualified applicants go on to the next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated”. Thus, an effective selection Program is a non- random process because those selected have been chosen on the bases of the assumption that they are more likely to be “better” employees than those who have been rejected.
  • 30. 30 SELECTION PROCESS: The organizations can make use of more than one source for carrying out the recruitment procedure. Once the recruiting sources are identified, suitable candidates are called for the selection process. SIGNIFICANCE OF SELECTION PROCESS:
  • 31. 31 Definition: It is the process of differentiation between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. Selection of personnel to man the organization is a crucial, complex and continuing function. The ability of an organization to attain its goals effectively and to develop in a dynamic environment largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection program. If right personnel is selected the remaining functions of personnel management becomes easier, the employee contribution and commitment will be at an optimum level and employee- employer relations will be congenial. In an opposite situation where the right person is not selected, the remaining functions of personnel management, employee relations will not be effective. If the right person is selected, he becomes a valuable asset to the organization. In case of faulty selection, the employee will become a liability to the organization. Who are to be offered employment and those who are not. The process might be called rejection, since more candidates may be turned away than hired. For this reason, selection is frequently described as a negative process, in contrast with the positive program of recruitment. PRINCIPLES OF THE SCREENING: A fair set of screening criteria The criteria must be in line with the job content and appointment as well as advertised requirements Applicants should be clear on the criteria that apply The criteria should apply to all applicants in a consistent manner Any waivers should be fully motivated and approved Declarations should be made of whether any candidate is related to or friends of an official in the component where the vacancy exists The various activities of the screening process should be documented and put on record
  • 32. 32 INITIAL REVIEWING AND TESTING:  Education and Experience Evaluation  Letters Of Recommendation  Elf-Assessment.  Aptitude Andeneral Trait Test  Performance Test for Specific Jobs  Performance Test for Specific Jobs. STEPS INVOLVED IN SELECTION PROCESS: A scientific selection procedure completes in 10 basic steps which are as follows: 1. Application Form. 2. Written Examination. 3. Preliminary Interview. 4. Group Discussion. 5. Tests. 6. Final Interview. 7. Medical Examination. 8. Reference Checks. 9. Line Manager’s Decision, and 10. Employment. TESTING IN SELECTION:
  • 33. 33 Testing represents an additional tool in the kit of the employment office. It supplements direct personal contracts in interviews of various types with a wide range of tests. All operate on the general theory that human behavior can best be forecast by Sampling it. The test creates a situation in which the applicant reacts; reactions are regarded as useful samples of his behavior in the work he is applying. Formal testing programs have becomes increasingly common in modern selection. A major reason is their convenience. Another is their relatively low cost. Perhaps unfortunately, test results appeal to many managers because they provide quantitative measures of something. They ate, for this reason, more easily compared. They seem to bring the personalities of applicants down to a common denominator. Another reason for the growing use of tests is the fact that they have been and are the subject of extensive research. TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT TESTS: A simple classification of the tests used in selection would distinguish five principal types, including achievement, aptitude, interest, personality, and combination tests. Achievement Tests: sample and measure the applicant’s accomplishments and developed abilities. They are performance tests; they ask the applicant’s Accomplishments and developed abilities. They are performances tests; they ask the applicant to demonstrate certain knowledge skills. APTITUDE TESTS: Measures an applicant’s capacity, his potential. Their simples form is the intelligence test, which is intended to measure the ability to learn, to remember, and to reason. INTEREST TESTS:
  • 34. 34 Use selected questions or items to identify patterns of interests-areas in which the individual shoes special concern, fascination and involvement. PERSONALITY TESTS: Probe for the dominant qualities of the personality as a whole the combination of aptitudes, interests, and usual mood and temperament. Whole the combination of aptitudes, interests, and usual mood and temperament. GUIDES TO TESTING: 1. Tests should be taken in addition to other selection techniques as entire can only provide information about a part of total behavior of a candidate. 2. Test information should be taken into consideration to find out candidate’s weakness rather than strength. 3. Tests are helpful in pocking a most likely successful group from a larger group rather than successful individuals. 4. A test should be tested in one’s own organization as “a valid test in one that measures. 5. Tests can be held only in case of failure of other selection devices in providing satisfactory. 6. Test administrators should not heavily depend upon test score in making decision regarding selection of a candidate.
  • 35. 35 Relationship between tests score and job success is not always linear. Hence, decision-makers should use the test score judiciously. OUTCOMES OF SELECTION DECISION: • Mainly four different types • True positive • True negative • False positive error: Results in cost for training, transfer or terminating the service of employee. Costs of replacing an employee with a fresh one-hiring, training, and replacement. • False negative error: Costs associated difficult to estimate. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS • EXTERNAL Supply and demand in labor market Unemployment rate Legal and political considerations Company’s image • INTERNAL Company’s policy Cost of hiring
  • 36. 36 CONCEPTS OF TESTING: 1. Job analysis 2. Reliability 3. Validity BARRIERS FOR EFFECTIVE SELECTION: • Perception • Fairness • Validity • Reliability • Pressure SELECTION TECHNIQUES: PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW  This is a short interview and is used to eliminate unqualified candidates.  Generally, there is no paper work at this stage.  If the applicant looks like he can qualify for existing job openings, he or she is given the application blank to complete.
  • 37. 37 APPLICATION BLANK:  Application blank is used to get information from prospective applicant to help management to make a proper selection.  It quickly collects the basic data about a candidate.  It is also useful to store information for future use.  An application forms consists of  Biographical data  Educational achievements  Salary and work experience  Personal items  Names and addresses of previous employers, references, etc.
  • 38. 38 CHECK OF REFERENCES:  References are used in most selection processes.  During the selection process it is believed that former employers, friends and professional personnel give reliable evaluation of applicant.  Reference checks are generally made by mail or telephone and sometimes personally.  TYPES OF INTERVIEWS:  1. Informal interview .  2.Formal interview  3. Planned interview  4. Patterned interview 5. Non-directive interview 6. Depth interview 7. Stress interview 8. Group interview 9. Panel interview
  • 39. 39 1. PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW (a)Informal interview (b)Unstructured interview 2. CORE INTERVIEW (a)Background information interview (b) Job and probing interview (c) Stress interview (d)Group discussion interview (e) Formal and Structured interview (f)Panel interview (g)Depth interview 3. DECISION-MAKING INTERVIEW After the candidates are examined by the experts including the line managers of the organization in the core areas of the job, the head of the department/ section concerned interviews the candidates once again, mostly through informal discussion. The interviewer examines the interest of the candidate in the job, organization, reaction/adaptability to the working conditions, career planning, promotional opportunities, work adjustment and allotment etc. the personnel Manager also interviews the candidates with a view to find His reaction/acceptance regarding salary, allowances, benefits, promotions, opportunities etc. The head of the department and the personnel manager exchange the views and then they jointly
  • 40. 40 inform their decision to the chairman of the interview board, which finally makes the decision about the candidate’s performance and their ranks in the interview. INTERVIEW PROCESS: Interview is not a single step. It is a process consisting of several steps. The major steps are grouped into four categories.  Before starting the interview, the important areas for asking questions should be worked out.  The candidate’s application form should be examined to find his/her skills, incidents and experiences which are related to important areas for asking questions.  The interviewer should make the candidate relaxed by starting with questions that are not directly related with the job.  After the candidate is relaxed, the interviewer should ask the questions related to the job.  Now the interviewer should make a tentative decision about the candidate. EVALUATION OF APPLICATION FORMS:
  • 41. 41 The are two methods of evaluating an application form, viz., clinical and method and weighted method. 1. Clinical method 2. Weighted method 3. Biographical inventories WRITTEN EXAMINATION: The organization has to conduct written examination for the qualified candidates after they are screened on the basis of the application blanks so as to measure the candidate’s ability in arithmetical calculations, the know the candidates attitude towards the job’ to measure The candidates’ to know the candidates aptitude, reasoning, knowledge in various disciplines, in various disciplines, general knowledge and English language. PRELIMINARY INTERVIEW: The preliminary interview is to solicit necessary information from the prospective applicants and to assess the applicant’s suitability to the job. GROUP DISCUSSION: The technique of group is used in order to secure further information regarding the suitability of the candidate for the job. Group discussion is a method where groups of The successful applicants are brought around a conference table and are asked to discuss either a case study of a subject matter. FINAL SELECTION:  Keep a list of all applicants considered for final selection.
  • 42. 42  Identify fair selection criteria for the final selection phase.  Ensure that the criteria are in line with the advertised requirements as well as the job content.  Ensure that each selection committee member is provided with all the relevant information pertaining to each short-listed applicant.  Ensure that the interviews are conducted in a fair and effective manner and that each candidate is weighed comprehensively against the requirements as advertised.  Ensure that a comprehensive motivation is compiled in respect of all the applicants interviewed.  Ensure that all applicants are informed about the outcome of the final selection phase.  Ensure that all relevant information is put on record.
  • 43. 43 CLOSING SELECTION: 1. Phone call and further clarification 2. Letter of intent 3. Completing employment forms 4. Protocols may be available for interested individuals 5. Number of candidates 6. Names, surnames and addresses of 5 top candidates 7. Recruitment and selection criteria 8. Justification of the decision.
  • 44. 44 IMPORTANCE OF RECRUITMENT & SELECTION PROCESS: Human Resources Management is concerned with human beings, who are the energetic elements of management. The success of any organization or an enterprise will depend upon the ability, strength and motivation of person’s working in it. The Human Resources Management refers to the systematic approach to the problems in any organization. It is concerned with recruitment, training and Development of personnel. Human resource is the most important asset of an organization. It ensures sufficient supply, proper quantity and as well as effective utilization of human resources. In order to meet human resources needs, and organization will have to plan in advance about the requirement and the sources, etc. The organization may also have to undertake recruiting selecting and training processes. Human Resources Management includes the inventory of present manpower in the organization. In cases sufficient number of persons is not available in the organization then external sources are also identified for employing them. Human Resources Management lays emphasis on better working condition and also ensures the employment of proper work force. A part of Human Resources Management is assigned to personnel who perform some of the staffing function. The staffing process is a flow of events, which result in a continuous managing organizational position at, all levels from the top management to the operatives’ level. This process includes manpower-planning, authorization for planning; developing sources of applicant
  • 45. 45 evaluation of applications employment decision (selection) offers (placement) induction and orientation, transfers, demotions, promotions and separations. Manpower’s planning is a process of analyzing the present and future vacancies as a result of retirement, discharges, transfer, promotion, absence or other reasons. Recruitment is concerned with the process of attracting qualified and components personnel for different jobs. This includes the identification of existing sources of the labor market, the development of new sources and the need for attracting large number potential applications so that good selections may be possible.
  • 47. 47 COMPANY PROFILE SKOPE – Recruitment & Retention Services, was founded in 2010 and since then it has been successfully partnering Recruitment with number of organizations. We specialize in Bulk Hiring Model for Sales and Operations team and head hunting middle senior positions. Our model is more focused on Recruitment Partner hence creating Speed & Scalability at better price creating WIN-WIN !! Technology backed solutions through our Recruitment portal – MY’HIRE 361 (Real-time Recruitment Tracker). It covers the entire life cycle of hiring for any particular position with details of data used and MIS on input – output tracking.
  • 48. 48
  • 49. 49 KEY POSITION OF THE COMPANY  Some of the bulk positions we have worked on: •Sales Executive for Life Insurance and Health Insurance companies •Operations executive for Insurance and Hospitality companies •Executive profiles for a Publishing organization •Team leader collections for a consumer loan company  Some of the other profiles closed in last couple of months: 1. Regional Head Sales North & South – with a leading Hospitality Organization 2. Sr. Manager Collections – with a couple of organizations 3. Zonal Marketing manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization 4. PR Manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization 5. Chief Manager Risk – with a leading Life Insurance Organization 6. Regional Relationship Manager – with a leading Life Insurance Organization
  • 50. 50 7. Ad Sales – with a Leading Radio Station 8. Head Underwriting – with a leading General insurance Organization 9. Head of MICE – with an International Telecom Player 10. Head Trade Sales – with a Assistance Service Company. KEY IT POSITION OF THE COMPANY  Some of the bulk positions we have worked on:  Business Analyst  CRM – SFDC, Siebel, Apttus, Service Maximo  QA – Manual and Automation  QA – Test and QA Leader  Business Analytics  Core Technologies - .NET, Java etc.  ERPs - SAP, Oracle eBus  Domain SME – Manufacturing, Oil and Gas etc.  IT Infrastructure  Some of the other profiles closed in last couple of months:  Domain Consultant – Oil and Gas  C#/.Net, Php Developers
  • 51. 51  SQL Server and Oracle DBA  Project Manager/Delivery Manager. THE TEAM OF THE COMPANY Aseem Gupta is a passionate entrepreneur with 16 Years of corporate experience in sales & Marketing. He is an electrical engineer with MBA in marketing and has worked with companies like BILT & MAX New York Life Insurance before starting this venture in 2009. His experience is with agency, banc-assurance & direct sales profile BSFI, Holiday & education Industry. Aseem Hanspal is a mechanical engineer with MBA in Marketing and an experience of 20 Years before starting his entrepreneurial journey. He has been in the field of sales & marketing with the organization of repute like Larser & Turbro and Max New York Life Insurance. He works on sales & Strategic position and his recruitment expertise with BSFI & engineering sector for middle management to senior position.
  • 52. 52 Manish Gupta is an IT professional with more than 23 years of experience. He has worked for organizations like TCS, HCL, Birla soft, Dalmia. He has performed multi- faceted roles in Delivery, business and process consulting, strategic business reviews and training: ITS Infrastructure Management, Mobility Solutions, ERP, SCM, CRM and BI/DW Delivery Management for manufacturing and strategic customers including projects Strong Domain knowledge in Manufacturing, Retail and Healthcare. Consultant by profession & entrepreneur by choice is what Karan Sukhija wants to be known as. With 8years of total experience & 6 years as recruitment experience Karan understands the quality of people have a significant impact on successes & timely completion of the project? Karan is very thorough is selection of quality. Candidate for his client & in turn has built a solid relationship with candidates & clients. A great people person and mentor and will always bring a fresh prospective on the table. Sahil Aggarwal is a telecommunication engineer with 2 years of experience. He is a young and passionate face of SKOPE. He is currently heading the IT piece for us. He has been organizations like Reliance communication & TCS. His experience is in recruitment and auditing. He loves talking to people & building long term relationships.
  • 53. 53 Ishita has an experience of 3.5 years; she has worked in HR operations & recruitments mainly for banking, automobile and manufacturing industry. She started her career with “Avani Riverside Mall”, Kolkata wherein she was looking after the entire HR activities of the mall, vendor management, administration and customer relationship. Her last assignment was with recruitment firm at Chennai, wherein she was looking after hiring for various industries. Successfully managing a team. And as a Professional and personally she is a very good recruiter and Mentor as well. Because for doing the Training program at Skope she help me a lot. She gives me a great confidence to face the real world in the Recruitment and selection Process. Whenever I need any discussion regarding the candidate or pitching to the candidate she come before me and tell me that how I can convince a candidate for the Interview and all that things. Her guidance and recommendation gave me great help to complete my Project at a given time from the Institute. INDUSTRY FOCUS Social Hiring: InsuranceInsurance Information Technology Information Technology MediaMedia FinanceFinance E-CommerceE-Commerce Real Estate BankingBanking IPCIPC ConsultingConsulting
  • 54. 54 •The Company is exclusively focusing on Social Media hiring as this platform has tremendous potential on the given date. •The Company is customizing the use of these social tools to maximize our productivity in terms of recruitment. India Hiring is an online platform to seek references to fulfill the hiring needs of the industry in a quick & targeted manner. In the process we will also reward the referrer for a long term relationship & community building. CONCEPT • Creating a pool of referrers across all industries. • Developing a platform to share jobs & seek references. • This will also help in searching candidates beyond the use of conventional recruiting tools. • Referees can earn exciting reward points on each referral. • This platform will help the recruiter to get to the most relevant candidate in a fast & cost effective manner. • Referee will not only get the goodwill & satisfaction but exciting rewards as well. KEY SERVICES OF THE COMPANY
  • 55. 55
  • 56. 56 CHAPTER-04 Mission & Vision of the Company MISSION:  The organization mission is to touch the horizon where the capabilities may successfully meet with the requirements of the Company clients, that too with ultimate transparency and cost-effectiveness.  Skope is always trying its best to recruit the best candidate for their Clint’s Company, in time to time providing the skillful candidate according to the requirement of the clients Company to fulfill all those aspects which is require by the Company.
  • 57. 57  The Company Mission is to providing/Recruiting the quality candidate for the organization.  For recruiting the matching candidate according to the Job Description of the clients Company all employee of the Skope following the right kind of the Script and with the passionate scheduling the Interview and making line up for the Joining of the Clint Company.  The Company mission is also to make employee happy within the Company premise so that they can easily done their job with a jolly mud.  We are exclusively focusing on Social Media hiring as this platform has tremendous potential on the given date. We are customizing the use of these social tools to maximize our productivity in terms of recruitment. VISION:  Skope Recruitment & Retention Services was founded in 2010 and since then it has been successfully partnering Recruitment with number of organizations. So this Organization having the Vision to become the number one Organization in Recruitment and retention area.
  • 58. 58  The Company Mission is to also open a new branch in Gurgaon region also. The founder of this Company is very enthusiastic and passionate to increase the employee.so that more and more recruitment will be done at a single time. The Company focused is also to do the tie up with the more and more Company in the Future. So that the company generate the higher profitability in terms of money. And it’s also shows the Company potential in the future time. ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE Director (Non-it) Director (it) Manager Manager District Manager District Manager District Manager District ManagerArea Manager Area Manager Area Manager Area Manager Management Trainee Management Trainee Management Trainee Management Trainee
  • 59. 59 The Company having so many clients, for whom the Skope recruiting a quality person for fulfilling the vacant position. This Company not only recruiting the Candidate but taking care of the candidate retention as well. So here I want to brief discuss about the Client Company of this Organization. Let’s discuss some major clients of the Organization. CLIENT’S OF THE COMPANY
  • 60. 60 Club Mahindra is a Client Organization of the Skope, for this organization time-to- time Skope try to fulfill the vacant place. This Organization known as to providing the Holiday package to the HNI Customer with an affordable price in the different location in the Country like:-Goa, Nenital, Simla and so many other beautiful places. Max Life Insurance Company is a leading Insurance Company in India, Which is providing the general Insurance to the Customer. The Insurance plane of this Company is attractive and simple that’s why this Company is Different to the other Insurance providing Company. We all know that in Media the big FM or 92.7 BIG FM is popular.so for this Skope is also recruiting a good Candidate who really fulfills the all desire part of the Organization. Happy Keys is a India’s Property leading Company, Which is actively working in Gurgao,Noida,New Delhi,Gaziabad.and this Company is also want to expand their business.
  • 61. 61 Indiamart is a very famous Retail Company in India. Indiamart is a Competing the Big Bazaar, Vishal megamart in their product and services. Magicbricks.com is a No 1 Property Portals in India, which is actively participated in dealing the site or the Space for those people who want to sale or purchase the property without any delay.
  • 62. 62 Matrix is an International Cellular Company. Which is working in India to providing the cellular services in India. MAJOR POSITIONS FOR THE SKOPE: • Some of the bulk positions we have worked on: • Sales Executive for Life Insurance and Health Insurance companies • Operations executive for Insurance and Hospitality companies • Executive profiles for a Publishing organization • Team leader collections for a consumer loan company.  Some of the other profiles closed in last couple of months: 1. Regional Head Sales North & South – with a leading Hospitality Organization 2. Sr. Manager Collections – with a couple of organizations 3. Zonal Marketing manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization 4. PR Manager – with a leading Hospitality Organization 5. Chief Manager Risk – with a leading Life Insurance Organization 6. Regional Relationship Manager – with a leading Life Insurance Organization
  • 63. 63 OUR PROCESS Recruitment plan Client Understanding Analysis Sourcing Post Joining Feedback Candidate Joined Offer Screening & Shortlisting Interview
  • 64. 64
  • 65. 65 CHAPTER-05 CHALLENGES Being a Management Trainee at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd.I has faced so many Challenges there. Because doing Recruitment and Selection process are not easy. So that at Training time I have faced some kind of the problem. Let me discuss here some of the challenges, which I have faced earlier at Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd.
  • 66. 66  Some time I have faced the problem while I was pitching to Candidate about the Job Description of the Client Company.  At first time in Skope I have called the Placement Officer of the different Colleges for the Campus Placement, they given me the positive response. But at the end the Placement Officer any good feedback in terms of Campus Placement.  In a day I had done something 25-35 call to the Candidate but at the end I didn’t scheduled any Interview.  It was the bit difficult to Schedule the Interview at list 5 Candidate at a first time at my Internship.  The challenges were also to call the stranger person who really I don’t know personally.Beacause they having different set of mind.  The challenges were also about the checking the Communication skills and work attitude of the Candidate. Checking whether they are comfortable for the current requirement or not. FINDINGS AND OBSERVATION
  • 67. 67  The most significant finding of the study on Recruitment strategy prevailing in the organization is very effective. The employees are quite satisfied with the current recruitment methods.  The study shows that 76% of the employees who have put in long year of service have recruited via open competition. This shows the transparency of the recruiting policies of the company.  92% of the employees have been working in the organization for a long period which signifies the job security and satisfaction offered by the company to its employees.  Our study shows that 44% of the employees have joined this organization aiming for career growth, good pay scales, and more benefits which the company offers. Thus the statistics shows that the company has a positive outlook towards the career growth of its employees in addition to the other existing benefits.  The company’s approach to its recruitment policy shows that the right person is very essential for the right job, as nearly 88% of the employees felt that they were offered jobs according to their qualification and experience. Thus setting a relationship between qualification and job offered.  The study shows that 72% of the employees were of the opinion that the recruitment policy of the company is decentralized with each department recruiting its own employees as per their requirement from the time to time.
  • 68. 68  The company gives utmost importance to its manpower requirements by identifying it well in advance taking into consideration the contingencies like retirement, budgetary plans, and attrition rate. The planning of the manpower requirement is being done in the light of the business plans of the company.  The company has been trying to infuse new blood in the organization by appointing fresh graduates and technologists, to set a competitive so as to face the competitive world.
  • 69. 69 RECOMMENDATIONS AND SAGGESTION  The outcome of the study illustrates that Skope Business Ventures Pvt.Ltd. has a good recruitment policy where the employees are recruited by each department as per the requirement from time to time. But there is still a scope for improvement of its recruitment policy.  The following are some of the suggestion which enables the company to enhance its recruitment methodology.  The company should focus its attention more on campus interviews to attract young potential employees who have the zeal to achieve goal for themselves and the company.  The company can take up short-term projects with new technologies and fixed deadlines to bring out competitiveness and cutting edge approach by the employees. This enables the company to recruit the brightest and the best manpower for the jobs.  The company needs to further focus on talent auditions and job fairs.
  • 70. 70  Incentives and contest for employee referrals and the use of web based resources such as job boards and job distribution services would go a long way in enhancing the recruitment process.  H.R Department should be more practical and efficient so that the recruitment and selection become more effective.  Stress should be given on proper maintenance of database of application for future recruitment in the organization.  The company should follow new traits / trends in the recruitment process.  The stress should be given on knowledge and the experience should be the major criteria for selection of employees.  More stress should be given to recruit qualification & skills percentage for scrutinizing the application of prospective candidates  The organization cannot develop a recruitment strategy without simultaneously formulating an employee retention plan. It is one thing to attract workers, but quite another to retain them.  Company should also focus on the employee happiness, so that they can easily achieve their target in terms of recruiting more and more qualitative candidates.
  • 71. 71  Here is one other suggestion for the Organization that Skope should focus on making more and more Client Company. So that within end of every month they can easily recruit a huge number of the Candidate. . CONCLUSION The following are the conclusions: The source of recruitment in the organization is totally based in both the factors i.e. internal and external.  The recruitment of the prospective candidate for a particular post is based in experience, age, qualification and percentage in the academic year.  The selection process is totally based on skills, communication and technical qualities.  The formal interview is conducted by the HRD.  After selection the employees are inducted for 1-5 days or more than 15 days.
  • 72. 72 BIBLIOGRAPHY  HUMAN RESOURCE AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. (K.ASWATHAPPA)  HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. (PEARSON EDITION 9TH EDITION)  www.skopeconsultants.com  www.indiahiring.org  in.linkedin.com/in/skopebusinessventures  www.facebook.com/skopebusinessventures
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