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Five Steps To a Great Design Thesis 2.0

 1 2 3 4 5
 discover    strategize
             strategize   develop
                          develop   document
                                    document               share

                                          Michael Eckersley, PhD
The master’s thesis is a product of research, analysis, and creative synthesis. It’s purpose is
to document your research on a subject of some relevance to your field, and to communicate
those insights, understandings, and original ideas that resulted from your study. Your MA in
Design thesis at KU may take the form of a traditional scholarly paper, or a well documented
design project. As the culmination of your master’s study, the thesis should should be
substantial. It should matter both to you and to your chosen field of study.

You can think of your thesis, itself, as a design problem. Take the lead of Professor Vijay
Kumar in his characterization of integrative or “design thinking”:

• Start from the point of people’s needs and experiences.
• Think in relation to the system, not just the product or experience.
• Use a disciplined process to study the context of what’s going on, identifying patterns and
   frameworks, generating ideas, modeling solutions, validating the solution by prototyping,

This is your study. You will have the support of a faculty thesis committee to help. Enjoy this
unique opportunity of doing something meaningful and original.

                                                                             – Michael Eckersley
                                                                                September 2012

                                                                             Thesis research

           Research & Discover
                                                                     Bill Lucas on “Looking with
           Explore a problem or opportunity of                         care” http://vimeo.com/
           relevance to you or the industry you
           desire to work in. Look for insights
           and ideas in the needs, wants, and
           aspirations of people.

           Tips:                                                    “Design Research: Methods &
                                                                       Perspectives”, Laurel
           • Explore subjects you have some familiarity with, or
             can gain familiarity with.
           • Identify issues or problems relevant to your field.
           • Consider your topic in the context of what kind of
             work you want to do in the future.
           • You can start your exploration anytime; you
             needn’t wait to take ADS 890 or ADS 861                   “A Designer's Research
                                                                    Manual: Succeed in Design by
                                                                    Knowing Your Clients and What
                                                                     They Really Need”, O'Grady
research    strategize     develop     document        share

                                                                   Thesis research

           Examine promising subjects and frame
           each in a manner you can effectively                                       Jeremy Alexis on Problem Framing

           address. Your selected subject should
           be drafted into a good, tight proposal,
           and submitted to your committee for
           feedback & approval.                                                               Thesis Proposal Outline

           Tip: What makes for a great thesis subject?                                  QNuqxMTA5OGEyZDMtN2U5Yi00YmI3LWE2MmMtZG

           Score your ideas using the questions below:                                      Sample thesis proposals:
             1.Is the topic, or my approach to it, original? (1 low --- 5 high)                     Ricarda Miller
             2.Is it practically doable? (1 low --- 5 high)                         QNuqxMzJiYzdkYTMtOTExYy00MGM3LTk4MjAtYT
             3.Does it create new value? (1 low --- 5 high)
             4.Could the outcome make a difference for people? (1 low --- 5 high)                Georgette Sullivan
             5.Does it pertain and contribute to my field? (1 low --- 5 high)         QNuqxNjIzNDg4Y2QtMzgzMC00N2MxLWJjZjAt
             6.Could it help advance my career? (1 low --- 5 high)
             7.Am I passionate about it? (1 low --- 5 high)
                                                                                                     Brian Smith
research    strategize           develop             document               share

                                                                                    Thesis research

           Your proposal green-lighted? Great,                          Ideo techniques...
           now do the thing you proposed!                             ideo-method-card-app/

           Research, analyze, problem-solve,
           create. Test your ideas and validate
           your design. Can prototype elicit
                                                                      Strategy approaches...
           good feedback from your target                             www.brainsbehaviora
           audience? Can you iterate it and
           improve it?
           • There are lots of research methods and techniques
             available for you to develop your insights and
             ideas.                                                      Think prototype...

           • Visually represent your insights and design ideas    http://www.youtube.com/watch?
             with models, maps, storyboards, scenarios, etc.

research    strategize    develop      document       share

                                                                 Thesis research

4          Document
           Produce the actual thesis documents
           describing your discoveries, insights,
           ideas, or assertions clearly and
                                                                         searchable database of
                                                                           graduate theses &

           • You’ll need to prepare a presentation of your thesis, so
             start constructing a deck.
           • Outline, draft, iterate, and improve your docs. Get
             feedback; use your committee.                                 Graduate School thesis
           • If you’re doing a thesis project, your presentation                guidelines
             deck you will need to draft a short document to                  http://www.graduate.ku.edu/-
             accompany your deck. See Grad School guidelines                  downloads/ETD/ETD%20Thesis
           • Review Purdue’s APA formatting resource: http://

research   strategize       develop       document         share

                                                                        Thesis research
5          Report & Share
           Now share the results of your work
           by presenting your thesis to your

           committee. Disseminating and
           sharing your work is key to the
           purpose of graduate school.

           • Schedule your thesis presentation with your
             committee. Notify Grad Program Director of your
           • Apply for graduation. Check with Grad School for
             deadlines, etc.
           • Publish a professional article or give a talk at a
             professional conference.

research    strategize     develop      document         share

                                                                  Thesis research
Sample MA Design Management Theses 2008-12






                                                                                       Thesis research
Sample MA Interaction Design Theses 2008-11


      !       https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum-­‐QNuqxSnNLRGlyVVlTdzI3UTdsWEVuUEpFUQ

          !   http://prezi.com/4qakgfo-­‐ycib/thesis-­‐presentation/?auth_key=43241d76434cf74c13695ab57e35ad7dfd0cf47c


                                                                                                Thesis research

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Five Steps To a Great Master’s Design Thesis 2.0

  • 1. Five Steps To a Great Design Thesis 2.0 1 2 3 4 5 research discover strategize strategize develop develop document document share Michael Eckersley, PhD
  • 2. Intro The master’s thesis is a product of research, analysis, and creative synthesis. It’s purpose is to document your research on a subject of some relevance to your field, and to communicate those insights, understandings, and original ideas that resulted from your study. Your MA in Design thesis at KU may take the form of a traditional scholarly paper, or a well documented design project. As the culmination of your master’s study, the thesis should should be substantial. It should matter both to you and to your chosen field of study. You can think of your thesis, itself, as a design problem. Take the lead of Professor Vijay Kumar in his characterization of integrative or “design thinking”: • Start from the point of people’s needs and experiences. • Think in relation to the system, not just the product or experience. • Use a disciplined process to study the context of what’s going on, identifying patterns and frameworks, generating ideas, modeling solutions, validating the solution by prototyping, testing. This is your study. You will have the support of a faculty thesis committee to help. Enjoy this unique opportunity of doing something meaningful and original. – Michael Eckersley Professor September 2012 Thesis research
  • 3. 1 sources Research & Discover Bill Lucas on “Looking with Explore a problem or opportunity of care” http://vimeo.com/ 12917849 relevance to you or the industry you desire to work in. Look for insights and ideas in the needs, wants, and aspirations of people. Tips: “Design Research: Methods & Perspectives”, Laurel • Explore subjects you have some familiarity with, or can gain familiarity with. • Identify issues or problems relevant to your field. • Consider your topic in the context of what kind of work you want to do in the future. • You can start your exploration anytime; you needn’t wait to take ADS 890 or ADS 861 “A Designer's Research Manual: Succeed in Design by Knowing Your Clients and What They Really Need”, O'Grady research strategize develop document share Thesis research
  • 4. 2 sources Strategize Examine promising subjects and frame each in a manner you can effectively Jeremy Alexis on Problem Framing www.vimeo.com/21770257 address. Your selected subject should be drafted into a good, tight proposal, and submitted to your committee for feedback & approval. Thesis Proposal Outline https://docs.google.com/viewer? a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B36lum- Tip: What makes for a great thesis subject? QNuqxMTA5OGEyZDMtN2U5Yi00YmI3LWE2MmMtZG IxNTAwNDIyZjE3&hl=en_US Score your ideas using the questions below: Sample thesis proposals: 1.Is the topic, or my approach to it, original? (1 low --- 5 high) Ricarda Miller https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum- 2.Is it practically doable? (1 low --- 5 high) QNuqxMzJiYzdkYTMtOTExYy00MGM3LTk4MjAtYT E5NGI1YThmMjRj 3.Does it create new value? (1 low --- 5 high) 4.Could the outcome make a difference for people? (1 low --- 5 high) Georgette Sullivan https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum- 5.Does it pertain and contribute to my field? (1 low --- 5 high) QNuqxNjIzNDg4Y2QtMzgzMC00N2MxLWJjZjAt MzkyNmU5NDNhMmMz 6.Could it help advance my career? (1 low --- 5 high) 7.Am I passionate about it? (1 low --- 5 high) Brian Smith https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum- QNuqxdldtYS1XdkJVWHc research strategize develop document share Thesis research
  • 5. 3 sources Develop Your proposal green-lighted? Great, Ideo techniques... http://www.ideo.com/work/ now do the thing you proposed! ideo-method-card-app/ Research, analyze, problem-solve, create. Test your ideas and validate your design. Can prototype elicit Strategy approaches... good feedback from your target www.brainsbehaviora nddesign.com/ audience? Can you iterate it and improve it? Tips: • There are lots of research methods and techniques available for you to develop your insights and ideas. Think prototype... • Visually represent your insights and design ideas http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_5FGeSQ7DBU&feature=related with models, maps, storyboards, scenarios, etc. research strategize develop document share Thesis research
  • 6. sources 4 Document Produce the actual thesis documents describing your discoveries, insights, ideas, or assertions clearly and searchable database of graduate theses & dissertations http://www2.lib.ku.edu:2048/login?url=http:// search.proquest.com/pqdtft?accountid=14556 succinctly. Tips: • You’ll need to prepare a presentation of your thesis, so start constructing a deck. • Outline, draft, iterate, and improve your docs. Get feedback; use your committee. Graduate School thesis • If you’re doing a thesis project, your presentation guidelines deck you will need to draft a short document to http://www.graduate.ku.edu/- accompany your deck. See Grad School guidelines downloads/ETD/ETD%20Thesis %20Guidelines_10.22.10.pdf below* • Review Purdue’s APA formatting resource: http:// owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ research strategize develop document share Thesis research
  • 7. 5 Report & Share Now share the results of your work by presenting your thesis to your www.graduate.ku.edu/04-02_etd.shtml committee. Disseminating and sharing your work is key to the purpose of graduate school. Tips: • Schedule your thesis presentation with your committee. Notify Grad Program Director of your intent • Apply for graduation. Check with Grad School for deadlines, etc. • Publish a professional article or give a talk at a professional conference. research strategize develop document share Thesis research
  • 8. Sample MA Design Management Theses 2008-12 “Squirrel:  A  Community-­Directed  Approach  To  Investing”,  by  Brian  Smith https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum-­‐QNuqxcjNvUXBjU2hUanF0R2ppbDNKMW55dw ! “Reducing  Wrong  Way  Driving  Events”  by  Chris  Simon https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum-­‐ QNuqxZjJhMGIzZjUtMTU4YS00YTk2LTg2NGUtNjc0MDk4NzIxMzBh “Creative  Operations  Management  System”,  by  Ryan  Hembree https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum-­‐QNuqxaTdrZ29jNUNUVE9qUm5kYkRheHA0dw ! “Using  Design  to  Facilitate  Personal  Engagement  in  a  Church   Community:  A  Service  Design  Approach”,  by  Randall  Blair https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum-­‐QNuqxd0hjMFpRUVlUZHliMHVSbHpmZDNjUQ ! “Punto.  Design  Training  Center  for  Small-­Sized  Business  Owners   and  Entrepreneurs  in  the  Central  American  Region”,  by  Maria  Jose   Misalem ! https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B36lum-­‐QNuqxZ3dFZnp5Q3hSNE9qNzZTd3lqRkFLUQ http://prezi.com/r8sl14y-­‐sb5h/majos-­‐thesis-­‐project-­‐punto/ Thesis research
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