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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Your first lab link can be found at Case Files.
1.In the first case, what did forensic entomologists discover about the body using information from
flies? How did they determine this? The forensic entomologist estimated approximated that the
specimens associated with the body were in their fourth stage of development. It was said that the
victim had died about 28 days before her body was discovered from the flies. They concluded this
by calculating the development rate of the flies.
2.What is forensic palynology?
Forensic palynology is the science study of analyzing pollen and spores to help solve cases.
3.In the second case, how was the murderer linked to the crime?
Dr. Milne analyzed pollen samples from the two species of trees at each ... Show more content on
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What did the forensic scientist find on the ladder in the third case? What was the importance of what
he found?
Forensic scientists examined the ladder parts Koehler noted their was a set of square holes in one
rail that did not match the ladder's construction. He also discovered damages left by tools including
a hand saw, a chisel, and a hand plane, and the distinctive marks of a machine planer with a flawed
blade. They could have accused an innocent person, but Hauptmann insisted he was innocent. He
proclaimed proudly that he was a carpenter and if he had made the ladder, it certainly wouldn't have
broken. Nonetheless, he was convicted and sentenced to death.
Your second lab link can be found at Interview with Lee Goff.
1.How did Goff become a forensic entomologist?
Goff was studying to become a marine biologist, and accepted a job in the newspaper for the wrong
job it was for an entomology job.
2.Why does Goff think it is important to obtain evidence before the body is moved?
Goff believes, "If the body is moved before collections are made, you can lose significant evidence.
The insects will leave the body or move to a different part of the body." Some of the evidence is lost
and cannot be used to prove someone guilty or
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Stable Fly Experiment
1a. The purpose of this experiment was to study the relationship of the distribution of stable flies to
certain environments and to understand how and why it affects their survival. A stable fly or
(Stomoxys Calcitrans) is a fly that sucks the blood of domestic animals and humans. Natural
enemies of the stable fly include beetles and mites which devour eggs and larvae, small parasitic
wasps known as (Spalangia) are predators to the stable fly, attacking fly pupae. A. The flies in the
rural boxes were devoured by its predator (Spalangia), these small wasps, lay eggs into immature fly
pupae after hatching, the wasp larvae feeds on the developing fly, killing it. This study suggests that
stable flies are vulnerable out in the rural pastures rather than inside the feed lots where ... Show
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In a experimental design to test the effects of invasive fish species and their trophic impact on the
environment. They compared two invasive fishes, the Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus testing
on the native fish crucian carp. The experiments were conducted in pond enclosures, using all
species in "allopatric" and "sympatric" treatments, where the number of fish per treatment is kept
constant. The results showed that there were significant alterations in their trophic position between
allopatry and sympatry, driving this was intra–specific and overall imposed that not only that
invasive species affected the growth of the native fish but also impacted the whole trophic ecology
of the ecosystem. 3. Roof Rats if left unchecked would reach a population of 11,743 on June 3rd. In
a real scenario however, this would not be the case, roof rats would reach its carrying capacity and
decrease in population due to the lack of resources available to sustain such a high population, and
be more vulnerable to sickness and hunger. 4a. Shannon Weiners diversity index is 1.52, most of
these animals are rodents such as the desert pocket mouse, merriami kangaroo rat, and white
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Entomology: Relatives Insects
Entomology: The Study of Insects and their Relatives
Insects and their terrestrial relatives belong to the phylum called Arthropoda and have inhabited the
earth for an extensive time. Paleontologists show that the earliest fossils, most primitive forms of
arthropods date back to the Devonian Period over 350 million years ago (Henning 1981). By the
Age of Dinosaurs, 300 million years ago, insects were abundant in number and diversity. Like the
dinosaurs, some pre–historic forms of insects were enormous: the dragonfly Meganeuropsis had a
wing span of 35 inches, and the giant Mesozoic relatives of the scorpions, the eurypterids, measured
over 6 feet in length (Borror and others 1992).
The origins and evolution of insects and related ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Grasshoppers are mostly eaten in the Oriental countries. The "guasanos de Maguey" larvae of the
giant skippers collected from the fleshy leaves of maguey plants eaten in Mexico (Borror and others
1992). In the United States few people eat insects, knowingly. Those eaten are usually sold at
gourmet shops. In Western society insect as a food source is ostracized however some including,
honey, which is regurgitated by bees, and relatives of insects, such as lobsters, grayfish, shrimp, and
crabs, are considered delicacies. Our society has considered eating bugs, "strictly for the birds." In
fact, presence of bugs in our food source is considered contamination and unsanitary. Although
some bugs are highly lethal, not all should be cause for alarm when found on your plate– consider
them as a source of extra protein and essential lipids (Gorham 1976).
For centuries insects or their products have played a role in therapy. For instance, the jaws of soldier
ants have been as sutures for skin wounds, bee venom has been used as treatment for arthritis, and
cantharidin product from blister beetles has been used in the treatment of certain urogenital
conditions. Since the Roman Empire, it has been known that soldiers with maggot–infested wounds
had better outcomes in their wounds than those with un–infested wounds. In fact, the role of blow
fly larvae in treating wounds and
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Biography of Dr. Erin Watson Essay examples
Sarita Tamang
Professor A. P. Hoover
English 101, Section 92/ red
14th October 2009. Dr. Erin Watson is a woman who wants to be best in whatever she does. She is a
determined person, always working to achieve what she wants. She's a person who moved to
Louisiana from Seattle just for her graduate studies. There is nothing that can stop her. "I never
wanted to be a lab technician in the crime lab, I wanted to be the expert" she says, but has worked
with many state and federal agencies like the FBI. She sternly says, "Forensic science is a science,
not the drama on Television. . . many students have the misconception that a forensic scientist does
only the things shown on the TV . . .but it is rather different and complex." ... Show more content on
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Then, as advised by her anthropology advisor, she conducted two quarters of independent research
on a new field of science– forensic entomology. After graduation she applied to graduate programs
for forensic anthropology and forensic entomology and was accepted to both. However, she selected
to go to graduate school at LSU in the Department of Entomology. Dr. Watson has a Ph.D. in
entomology and is a graduate faculty member in the Biological Sciences department. She is not
limited to teaching. She conducts researches on forensic entomology, does private homicide
consulting, and teaches collection methods to law enforcement agencies. Even though she has
worked with several agencies, she never liked to be a lab technician. She conducts researches
focused on forensic entomology, carrion ecology and the use of insects in determining the post
mortem intervals (PMI) of homicides and poached wildlife. She has always enjoyed combining
anatomy to study the skeletal remains and the decomposition of insects associated with the decaying
remains. "Nature will not lie . . . people may try to hide the truth, alter a crime scene or corpse
condition, but the biology and ecology of insects attracted to carrion will continue to provide
evidence", she says speaking about her research. She particularly likes the natural aspects of insects
to determine postmortem intervals, which may be the only method remaining to estimate the PMI
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
ENTM 105 Essay
Entomology 105 Assignment #2 ! 1. What was Redi's prediction about spontaneous generation and
his experiment? ! – Redi's prediction about spontaneous generation and his experiment was that flies
or maggots cannot be produced nor originated from the meat in the situation where rotting meat is in
a sealed flask. ! 2. What insect did Redi use to test his prediction in his experiment? ! – To test his
prediction in his experiment, Redi manipulated flies by preparing jars of meat that each is in
different environment. ! 3. Was this insect a good choice? Explain your reasoning. ! – The insect that
Redi used, flies, was the best choice that he could make because his main goal of this experiment
was to discover the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What did it show or not show? ! – The use of a scientific control groups is important because it can
segregate the effect of independent variable on the experiment by conducting the experiment similar,
but without the variable one is testing for. In this experiment the importance of the control was to
compare the different results between the jars of meat that were unsealed and the jars of meat that
were sealed (with lids & gauge). It showed that there was significant difference between the two
situations that ultimately made Redi to conclude his experiment. Entomology 105 ! 8. What were
the results of Redi's experiment? What happened in the experiment and what was concluded? ! –
The results of Redi's experiment were that the jars of meat that were sealed with lids seemed to have
no flies, maggots nor eggs entered in the jars, but the jars of meat that were unsealed appeared to
have flies entered into the jars, hatched eggs on the meat and produced maggots that grew up to
become adult flies. Lastly, for the jars of meat that were sealed with gauze, few maggots were seen
in the meat because the flies hatched eggs on the gauze and those eggs were dropped down to the
meat. Therefore, Redi concluded that non–living objects cannot give birth to living organisms,
disproving the theory of spontaneous generation. ! 9. For years after Redi's experiment many still
believed in
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
5 Stages Of Decomposition Research Paper
On December 11, 2008 skeletal remains of a young child were found by an utility worker. By the
time the worker had discovered the remains it had went through 5 stages of decomposition. The 1st
stage starts when the person dies (Csanyi). The 1st stage consists of enzymes in dead body cells start
breaking down tissues which is known as autolysis. While this is going on bacteria in the digestive
track start to eat the intestines. The 1st stage is called the fresh stage which can last for 1–2 days,
unless of course the body is in a hot and humid area (Csanyi). Also at this stage chemical released
start to attract flies. The 2nd stage that the body went through is called the putrefaction or the
bloated stage (Csanyi). As the internal bacteria form the intestines start to enter the rest of the body,
it causes the body to fill with gasses and as this happens the body begins to swell. The smell that
comes from this stage is what attracts egg laying insects most of which are blow flies (Csanyi). The
3rd stage of decomposition that the body went through while at the dump site is what is known as
the purging or decay stage (Csanyi). During this stage of the process fluids form inside the body
start too come out of the body through the nose or mouth or through breaks in the abdominal wall
and through any soft tissue as the decomposition progresses (Csanyi). Larval ... Show more content
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Once all the people have been talked to a sing in log should be made so a record can be kept of
everyone who was or has been at the scene. When the crime scene sign in log has been set up and
filled out, check to make sure that the scene is properly closed
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
The Effect Of Team Assisted Individualization ( Tai ) And...
The Effect of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) and Snowball Throwing Cooperative Learning
Model on Fourth Semester Biology Students' Entomology Learning Outcomes at FKIP Mulawarman
Sonja V. T. Lumowa *, Masitah
Biology Education Department, FKIP Mulawarman. Samarinda. Indonesia
* Corresponding Author: sonja.lumowa@yahoo.com
Abstract .– The learning process can occur because of the interaction between the individuals and
the learning environment autonomously or intentionally designed. T. A. I. is essentially a
cooperative learning model that divides learners heterogeneously, while snowball throwing models
is a cooperative learning type which is designed like a throwing ball game. This method aims to
provoke creativity in creating the problem as well as testing the mastery of material submitted by the
group leader. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Team Assisted Individualization
(TAI) and Snowball Throwing Cooperative Learning Model on fourth semester Biology students'
entomology learning outcomes at FKIP Mulawarman University in Academic Year 2015/2016. The
sample of this study is taken by purposive sampling. The number of 62 students who are from class
A and C, where class A is chosen as an experimental class and class C is chosen as the control class.
By using statistical tests show that sig (2–tailed) of 0.043 < 0.05 so that it can be seen that there are
significant the effect of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) and snowball
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Bodies Decompose Of Forensic Entomology
Forensic entomology is the study of insects for medico–legal purposes. There are many ways insects
can be used to help solve a crime, but the primary purpose of forensic entomology is estimating time
since death.Once a person dies his or her body starts to decompose. The decomposition of a dead
body starts with the action of microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria, followed by the action of a
series of insects (arthropods). Bodies decompose slowly or fast depending on weather conditions, if
they have been buried or are exposed to the elements, if there is presence of insects or if they have a
substance in their bodies that prevents their fast decomposition such as body size and weight,
clothing,The dead body goes through constant changes
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Science Olympiad Personal Statement
As an academically oriented individual, I participate in several academic competitions. I am actively
involved in many of my school's academic extracurriculars such as: Science Olympiad, Model
United Nations, Envirothon, and Classics Club. My participation in Science Olympiad began during
my sophomore year. My older brother, the club leader that year, recommended that I join Science
Olympiad because of my interest in the natural sciences. Initially, I was skeptical as I viewed the
people in the club as "nerds" and "geeks." I did not want to be associated with those sort of people,
so I initially shrugged the club off. Later, I decided to join the club and to see what, if anything, I
could potentially offer to it. After the first club meeting early in the year, I was enthralled. ... Show
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Each and every event that I have participated in has taught me something different. In Anatomy and
Physiology, I was able to focus on one of my true passions, human biology. I learned more about the
processes in the human body–ranging from the Krebs Cycle to the Integumentary System. In
Entomology I learned about one hundred bugs and butterflies. The work for this event was pure
memorization so it helped me sharpen my memory skills as well as help me face my small fear of
some bugs. In Experimental Design I learned how to design, conduct, and report the findings of an
experiment conducted in an actual university laboratory. Experimental Design helped me hone my
skills of utilizing the scientific method and put those skills to use in a laboratory scenario. Over the
next two years, I continued to participate and succeed in Science Olympiad. Our team won
regionals, state and qualified for nationals my sophomore year. During my junior year, the team
moved past regionals and unfortunately did not qualify for the national
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Yellow Light Lab Report
People want to avoid insects being attracted to lights at parties, so some people take to buying
yellow insect repellent bulbs. A yellow bulb as an insect repellent bulb is strange because insects are
capable of seeing the color yellow and some insects are even attracted to yellow. What consumers
need to know is if yellow light bulbs repel insect. This lab's objective was to determine if nocturnal
insects are repelled by yellow lights and how that repulsion compares to red, soft white, or a black
light. The most important materials needed in this experiment were a lamp, a variety of light bulbs,
and fly paper. The results show that insects are more attracted to soft white light and black light than
the insects are to red or yellow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Insects may not be as active during overcast conditions. Only two beetles were captured during the
duration of this experiment because local beetles may not have been within range of the light source
and it is still too early in the spring for an excess of beetles. This study needs to be improved by
extending the number of nights each light is utilized and by testing the different light colors at
different seasons of the year.
Adriana, D. A. and L. Chittka. 2001. The evolution of color vision in insects. Annu. Rev. Entomol.
Capinera, J 2010. Insects and Wildlife: Arthropods and their relationships with wild vertebrate
animals, pp. 55. Wiley Blackwell, Gainesville, Fl.
Foster, S and Harris, M. 1997. Behavioral manipulation methods for insect pest– management.
Annu. Rev. Entomol. 42:123–46.
Mallis, A. 2011. Handbook of Pest Control: the behavior, life history, and control of household
pests, 10th ed., pp. 990. Mallis Handbook LLC, University Park, Pa.
Purcell and Whitfield 2014. Daly and Doyen's Introduction to: Insect biology and diversity, 3rd ed.,
pp. 137, 142–143. Oxford University Press, New York,
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Entomology Procedures
Summarizing a Forensic Journal article: Forensic Entomology Procedures
The field of Forensic Entomology is essentially a type of scientific study of utilizing insects and
arthropods for a criminal investigation. These small creatures are very useful to forensic
professionals, because they are naturally attracted to decomposing bodies. The bugs might even lay
eggs in the corpse. By examining the insects and their maturing larval stages, modern forensic
experts can assess the postmortem indications, and detect any changes in the dead body, leading to
evidence of the likely cause of death. Forensic entomologists are very often called upon to assist
cops in crime scene investigations. Because of this, police and investigators should be mindful of
the many potential benefits that this field of forensic entomology has to offer them. It can be used as
an accessory to standard methods of forensic crime scene investigation.
Forensic entomology is a relatively new field, and the usage of insects and other arthropods in
criminal investigation is still in its infancy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first is called the necrophagous species, which are simply carrion eaters. Secondly, there are
some kinds of predator insects, which feed off the carrion eating species. The third group is called
the 'schizophagous' species, which will begin by feeding on the dead body, but soon after, as they
grow larger and larger, they will strangely shift to becoming become predators and then they'll feed
on the carrion eaters. The fourth group is the omnivores, which feed both on the carrion eaters and
arthropods, such as ants, beetles and wasps. The fifth and final group consists of species such as
spiders, which utilize the dead carcass as part of their overall environment. The first two groups, the
necrophagous carrion eaters and the pure predators, are more useful and important in the field of
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Forensics : Arthropods And Legal Investigations
Forensic Entomology: Arthropods and Legal Investigations.
Kimberley S. Ndlovu
Missouri Valley College
Forensic entomology is an important part of forensic science. Forensic Entomology: Arthropods and
Legal Investigations.
Forensic science is the past, present and future of justice systems around the world. It has made the
jobs of those in the justice system less challenging and made the lives of criminals less bearable.
One of the many disciplines of forensic science is forensic entomology which is the study and use of
arthropods to help in legal investigations. Forensic entomology has been around since the medieval
times and it has grown from then to sub disciplines of forensic entomology with the medicolegal sub
discipline being the most employed in criminal cases. The science behind forensic entomology is the
integration of other areas of science, which are the decomposition timeline of bodies, the life cycle
of insects and the types of insects that will invade that body and the knowledge of how to collect
and rear them will help estimate the time between death and discovery, called the Post Mortem
Interval, and with the help of other disciplinarians of forensic science, all the information gathered
could be used by an expert witness to testify in a trial and help to reach a verdict.
With the growing interest and recognition of forensic entomology nowadays, the discovery of this
form of forensics can be credited to a number of scientists
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Functional Response Of Lace Wing
Functional Response of lace wing to Aphid in control laboratory environment Muhammad Jawwad
Adil, Muhammad Hasan Anis Teacher Sir. Amjad Sultan Abstract The experiment showed that the
introduction of the different densities of the aphid had not a big change in the types, all 3 of the
replications had the same kind of stable results and the average consumption rate were around 27.33
aphids per day being consumed by the C. carnea. Keywords Consumption rate, lace wing, funtional
response, biological control Introduction Biological control, the use of living organisms to control
pest populations(Eilenberg, Hajek et al. 2001), dates from ancient times. However, 100 years have
passed since Albert Koebele intentionally introduced the Australian(Howarth 1991) vedalia lady
beetle via New Zealand (6, 86) into California orange groves in 1889, where spectacularly
cobtrolled the cottony–cushion scale. This milestone marks the start of modern classical biological
control–the importation and release of an organism outside its natural range has also included
certain other introductions that enhance beneficial(Howarth 1991) organisms, e.g. pollinators(Scott,
French et al. 1979), scavengers (Scott, French et al. 1979), and competitors (Wilson, Karl et al.
1998)(11, 82).(Howarth 1991) The family Chrysoperla includes spp. that are considered important
natural enemy(Tian, Kang et al. 1992). Lace wing larvae and the adults of certain species are
polyphagous predators and feed on several
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Entomology Case Study
Ameenah Rab
Amy Sydoruk
Forensic Science
November 19, 2017
Unit Five: Text Questions
Review Questions
1. What is the typical order in which insects begin to arrive on human remains?
Ans. The typical order that insects begin to arrive on human remains blowflies, beetles, maggots,
wasps, ants, and spiders.
2. Describe the case that was one of the first recorded times of forensic entomology being used in a
criminal case. What role did forensic entomology play in the case?
Ans. In the year 1850, a repairman found a mummified remains of a newborn baby behind a
fireplace in France. The couple that was living in the apartment right that moment was under
suspicion but Dr. Marcel Bergeret noted that the hot, dry air around the fireplace had probably ...
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What are some of the challenges in determining the time of death using insects?
Ans. Some of the challenges in determining the time of death using insects would be keeping the
body in a cold environment which would completely stop decomposition. Another challenge would
be burning the body in a flammable liquid that would damage the body.
2. Why is entomology an important area of forensic science? How can this area help criminal
Ans. Entomology is an important area in forensic science because it can prove the time and place of
an incident and can also help in catching the killer.
3. What is the process of collecting insect samples? What challenges are there in collecting samples
of insects from human remains?
Ans. First of all, forensic entomologists get the temperature of the body, and then look for the
presence of maggot mass. They also count in the weather outside the body. The body getting enough
sunlight or none at all makes it a big challenge for them. It can affect the time of when insects
usually tend to appear in the body.
4. Why is the study of insects and their life cycles important for forensic entomologists? How is this
information helpful to criminal
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Case Study Of Forensic Entomology By Benecke And Lessig
Case study related to Forensic Entomology
A study on child neglect and forensic entomology was done by Benecke and Lessig. On 10th July
2000, in a city in Central Germany, a child was found dead in the apartment of a 20–year–old
woman during an enforced eviction due to a lack of payments of rent. There are signs of greenish
discoloration, and skin slippage on the corpse. The child's mother was a heroin user, and worked as a
street prostitute. The father had been arrested for theft 5 months before. According to the testimony,
the mother lived at her uncle's house in the past 2 weeks and she forgot when she had last seen her
child. She told him that her child was living together with the grandmother. She even asked him how
long can a human survive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After a few minutes, these larvae were fixed in 70% ethanol and shipped to the forensic
entomologist. From the genital area, third instar larvae of Muscina stabulans (false stable fly) and
Fannia canicularis (little house fly) were identified. From the face, maggots of Caliphora vomitoria
(bluebottle) were identified. No Lucilia or Phaenicia (greenbottle) individuals were found.
Both M. stabulans and F. canicularis adults can frequently be found in local apartments in which
they are attracted to rotten organic matter. From second instar onwards, M. stabulans larvae prey on
other larvae. F. canicularis showed a delay of initial colonization of 3–10 days post–mortem and it is
strongly attracted to both urine and feces. M. stabulans is strongly attracted to human faeces but
lesser to corpses. The conditions were compared with those reported by Nuorteva as only few
observations on the development of M. stabulans were available. Conditions were found to be quite
similar for an estimation of a post–mortem interval of between 7–21 days, most likely around 14
days that is on 27th June 2000. This quite conservative estimate was because of the fact that it was
uncertain whether a fly population may already found inside of the flat a few months before.
Therefore, it is important that the forensic entomologist is at the crime scene to determine such
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Misconduct
Forensic Misconduct: Dr. Pamela A. Fish Kirstin L. Daniels Professor Ian Rodway George Mason
University Forensic Misconduct: Pamela A Fish Forensic science is defined as the practice of
utilizing scientific methodologies to clarify judicial inquiries. The field of forensic science contains
a broad range of disciplines and has become a vital aspect of criminal investigations. Some forensic
disciplines are laboratory–based; while others are based on an analyst's interpretation of observable
patterns (Kourtsounis, 2009). According to the Innocence project's website; in greater than fifty
percent of wrongful convictions, the use of invalidated or improper forensic techniques played a role
in cases; which were later ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although he was in jail, five more crimes with the same distinctive patterns occurred. Though
another man name Dennis McGruder had been arrested and charged with those crimes the
prosecution still moved forward with Willis' case (Warden). The only piece of physical evidence in
this case was a scrap of toilet paper; which, contained traces of semen on it. (In 1992, after two
separate jury trials Willis was convicted based on identification of eyewitness identifications, as well
as the rape victims. He was sentenced to one hundred years in prison. The prosecution in this case
failed to disclose to the defense attorneys that they had received a report; which, stated that one of
the rape suspects had type A blood. This was exculpatory evidence as Willis had type B blood. Dr.
Fish's hand written lab notes concluded that the secretor of the semen had type A blood; however in
her official report and later her testimony, she falsely testified that she was unable to complete the
test because the biological sample was too small to test. In 1997, under a new law granting him the
right to seek DNA testing, Willis filed a petition. Prosecutors claimed that the biological evidence
had been lost, but was later found. The DNA sample was tested and found to exclude Willis as the
donor. After eight years of incarceration, another man Dennis McGruder confessed to the crimes
after being linked via DNA. Willis (Fisher, 2014) was released from custody
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Entomology
Forensic entomology is using insect biology to determine specific aspects of a crime. It can be used
to determine time of death, whether or not a body has been moved, and also if the victim had been
intoxicated with any substances. Insects are also prime examples of Locard's principle when solving
a crime. The history of forensic entomology dates back to as early as the thirteenth century, and is
still been developed today. There have been many cases involving forensic entomology to help solve
the crime as evidence, usually about eighty–five percent of all reported species in decomposition are
insects.() It has come to be an enormous aspect in forensic science use as evidence. The first aspect
that insects are useful in solving a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The third type includes omnivorous insects also including specific types of ants, wasps, and some
beetles. They feed on the other insects as well as the body. Wasps will eat other adult flies, and also
feed on the fluids from the body. By eating the adult flies it can disrupt decaying for up to a day. The
last species are hunting spiders. They make webs in and around the body to catch insects. The body
provides an ideal habitat for the spiders to catch their prey. Although these are the insects that use
the body as a source of food they are not the only insects that gain food from the body. There are
also soil–dwellers that obtain food from the fluids from the body that seep into the ground. They are
usually mites, springtails, roundworms, and nematodes. The fluids that seep into the soil usually stay
there for several years after the death.
By determining what insects are on the body, and what stage of development they are in can help
determine postmortem intervals, especially in the cases of flies. There are a few factors that do play
into delaying or speeding up the decaying process with insects. A few aspects that will delay insect
activity are burying a body which also delays decomposition, covering the corpse especially tightly,
being in the water, cold weather, and the height of the body from the ground, for example in a
hanging. Only insects that can fly can reach the body, so it delays activity, but insects do feed off of
the "Drip Zone"
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Uf Entomology Club Research Paper
Dallin Ashby, a graduated UF entomology master's student, normally spits crickets with his 11–
year–old son Myles Ashby when they participate in BugFest. But this year, his 8–year–old daughter,
Eliza Ashby, said she was going to try too. Her older sister, Rose Ashby, was in disbelief that her
sister would participate in cricket spitting. "You're really gonna spit a cricket?" said Ashby's 10–
year–old daughter, Rose Ashby. "Yahhh!" Eliza said. Eliza did in fact participate in the cricket
spitting. She went through several rounds to try to beat Myles, but she didn't. Her father said there is
always next year. BugFest is a free, annual event hosted by the University of Florida Entomology
Club to promote entomology and nematology. The event ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Baldwin said BugFest works as a connection to other resources, too. Kids who come to the festival
may be interested in Bug Camp, a summer camp for middle and high school students. Some kids
who started coming to Bug Camp five years ago are starting college at UF next year, she said. The
event benefits current UF students as well. Baldwin said entomology is a found major, people rarely
pick it before they come to college. BugFest is a way to gain visibility for the program and explain
what entomologists do and their importance. It started with its target audience being high school
students and students from UF and Santa Fe College. "Entomology impacts everybody, from
preserving the food that we eat, to the clothes that we wear, to human health to animal health," she
said. It is important to use the opportunity of BugFest to explain that. The event used to be on a
Thursday night, but so many people would come it was moved to Saturday, two years ago. It was
created by Carl Garfield, a former UF professor, a year before his retirement, in either 2010 or 2011,
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
The Thrips And Seasonal Abundance Of The Marigold Thrips
African Entomology Vol. 23, No. 2, 2015Survey of thrips and Seasonal abundance of the marigold
Neohydatothrips samayunkur (Kudô), a new species in Egypt associated with the African marigold,
Tagetes erecta L.
A.S. Abdel Wahab*, M.A.K. El–Sheikh & S. Elnagar
Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University,
Giza, Egypt
Four different thrips species; marigold thrips, Neohydatothrips samayunkur; western flower thrips,
Frankliniella occidentalis; tomato thrips, Frankliniella schultzei and onion thrips, Thrips tabaci were
recorded on marigold plants in the field. Tagetes erecta L. was grown on the experimental farm,
Giza governorate, Egypt. The survey was carried out during mid–April to late
July and from early September to late December 2013. Weekly samples were randomly selected and
examined for the presence of the different thrips species. Identification of thrips species was based
on morphological characters. Neohydatothrips samayunkur recorded the highest average numbers in
both periods of the survey, from mid–April to late July and from early September to late December
2013 (189.5 and 143.6 individuals/plant, respectively), while the lowest number was recorded for T.
tabaci (4.6 and 5.9 individuals/plant). This is the first report of N. samayunkur in Egypt. Description
of the recorded species is given as well as their seasonal abundance on marigold plants.
Key words: thrips, Neohydatothrips samayunkur, Egypt, marigold,
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Calliphoridae Research Paper
Another reason why we have to be educated or well informed about this insect in specific is because
they can regulate plenty of diseases or infections. Grown–ups may be vectors of pathogens of
sicknesses, for example, loose bowels. Flies, most regularly Calliphoridae, have often been
connected with illness transmission in people and creatures, and also myiasis. Studies and research
have connected Calliphora and Lucilia to vectors of causal operators of bacterial diseases. These
hatchlings, regularly seen on decomposing bodies, feast upon remains while the grown–ups can be
necrophagous or vegetative. Amid the procedure of rot, microorganisms (e.g. Mycobacterium) may
be discharged through the body. Flies land at the scene and lay their eggs. The hatchlings start eating
and separating the body, at the same time ingesting these creatures which is the initial step of one
transmission route. The bacterium which causes paratuberculosis in dairy cattle, pigs and winged
creatures (M. a. avium) has been confined and recuperated from these flies through a few distinctive
experiments. Since we already know how harmful the calliphoridae could be, we need to be really
cautious with the environment we are around. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Restorative maggots perform debridement by specifically eating just dead and infected tissue.
Lucilia sericata, with the scientific name of Phaenicia sericata, is the favored species utilized as a
part of larva therapy. Myiasis by non–restorative larvae is not generally helpful. Nevertheless the
likelihood of presenting organisms, a few types of hatchlings eat sound tissue also, for example,
screwworms. MDT can be utilized to treat weight ulcers, diabetic foot wounds, venous stasis ulcers,
and postsurgical
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
FFA Scholarship Essay
Being diagnosed with cancer has impacted my outlook on life in many different ways. At first I saw
cancer as a burden on my life and only the negative attributes stood out on how it was going to
change my life and the way I saw people around me, but now after being two years cancer free, I
have gone to realize the positive aspects cancer has had on my life.
After being free for only a couple of months, I had an urge to do something more daring than I had
before cancer. So shortly after coming off of treatment I joined the Granbury rodeo team as a chute
dogger. Chute dogging is a rodeo event related to steer wrestling where the steer used weighs
between 400 and 500 lbs. However, the competitor starts the event in a chute with the steer as
opposed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Before cancer, I hardly spoke in public to people. I was the guy in the back of the crowd talking to
only the people I knew for I long time. Now, after cancer, I am the first to raise my hand in front of
an audience that I barely know or don't know at all, if they need a volunteer. I have served on the
FFA officer team, where I have to say part of parliamentary procedures in front of an audience
consisting of parents and teachers and even special higher up guests. I have competed in many
different FFA career development events and leadership development competitions in the FFA many
of which you have to get up in front of a group of judges and perform a skit or explain how
something is done. In the leadership development events, you have to wait in rooms full of different
people from all over across the state of Texas with nothing to do except to talk amongst the people
there. At one entomology competition for example, I met the Texas Tech entomology professor.
Since, I hope to study entomology at Texas Tech; this helped in getting to know the person who
more than likely will be my professor in the future. We talked about how the class works and what
the cool and exciting things there are in the
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Identification Of A New Species
JJournal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2015; 3( 5): 01–06
P–ISSN: 2349–6800
E–ISSN: 2320–7078
JEZS 2015; 3(5): 01–06
© 2015 JEZS
Received: 05–07–2015
Accepted: 06–08–2015
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Department of Economic
Entomology and Pesticides,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Department of Economic
Entomology and Pesticides,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
Identification of a new species, Marigold thrips
"Neohydatothrips samayunkur Kudô" (Thysanoptera:
Thripidae) on marigold in Egypt
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Neohydatothrips samayunkur, a thrips species infest African marigold, is recorded from Egypt for
the first time. A detailed description is given of how to identify this thrips species. Tagetes erecta L.
were grown in the experimental farm at Giza governorate, Egypt. The Sampling was carried out
during mid
April to late July and from early September to late December, (2013& 2014). A weekly sample
randomly selected and examined for the presence of thrips. Identification was based on the
morphological characters. N. samayunkur adult body is bicolor, dark brown with abdominal
segments 3–6 yellowish with brown antecostal ridge. Antenna 8 segments, Legs; Mid– and hind
tarsi: 2–segmented, The hind leg tibiae is brown medially and otherwise yellow. Fore wings
alternating bands of dark and light. Second larval instars are pale yellow to orange in color, antenna
and all tibias are gray. Mesonotum
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Journal Of Entomology And Zoology Studies
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2015; 3( 5): 01–06
P–ISSN: 2349–6800
E–ISSN: 2320–7078
JEZS 2015; 3(5): 01–06
© 2015 JEZS
Received: 05–07–2015
Accepted: 06–08–2015
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Department of Economic
Entomology and Pesticides,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Department of Economic
Entomology and Pesticides,
Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo
University, Giza, Egypt
Identification of a new species, Marigold thrips
"Neohydatothrips samayunkur Kudô" (Thysanoptera:
Thripidae) on marigold in Egypt
A. S. Abd El–Wahab
Neohydatothrips samayunkur, a thrips species infest African marigold, is recorded from Egypt for
the first time. A detailed description is given of how to identify this thrips species. Tagetes erecta L.
were grown in the experimental farm at Giza governorate, Egypt. The Sampling was carried out
during mid
April to late July and from early September to late December, (2013& 2014). A weekly sample
randomly selected and examined for the presence of thrips. Identification was based on the
morphological characters. N. samayunkur adult body is bicolor, dark brown with abdominal
segments 3–6 yellowish with brown antecostal ridge. Antenna 8 segments, Legs; Mid– and hind
tarsi: 2–segmented, The hind leg tibiae is brown medially and otherwise yellow. Fore wings
alternating bands of dark and light. Second larval instars are pale yellow to orange in color, antenna
and all tibias are gray. Mesonotum with
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Case Study Casey Anthony
The Casey Anthony Case revolves around a child named Caylee Anthony who was allegedly killed
by her mother Casey Anthony. As the trial progressed it is shown that although Casey presented
multiple lies she was still proven not guilty. Despite Casey Anthony's Parents statements, or the
graphic opening statements made by both the prosecution and defense: defense won this trial. They
proved the prosecution's evidence to be circumstantial when it came to the conviction of Casey
Anthony. With the help of forensic entomology, forensic scientists were able to find the remains of
Caylee Anthony, and fill one of the many holes protruding into this case. By using forensic
entomology and knowledge about the lifespan of insects, forensic scientists were able to figure out
just how long Caylee has been deceased after her disappearance.
On June 16th, 2008, Caylee Anthony– daughter of Casey Anthony – was the final day she was seen
alive(1). One month later on July 17th, 2008, Cindy Anthony– mother of Casey Anthony– calls 911
to report Caylee Anthony being missing for one month – 31 days. Cindy Anthony also states that
Casey Anthony needed to be arrested for the theft of her car– on June 30th– and her money. Cindy
Anthony says that Casey Anthony had been looking for Caylee Anthony for the past month, ... Show
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Each insect has some sort of lifespan, each part in that life span shows a significant appearance
change. The age of these insects progresses as intervals of time pass on. By using the known age and
time interval, a forensic scientist will be able to find out when a person may have died. This will not
show exactly how that person died, however it does show how long that person has been dead.
Using this forensic scientists can apply this knowledge to murder cases in order to help provide
clarity and maybe even a verdict in the case at
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Advantages Of Electric Fly Killers
How effective are electric fly killers in killing flying insects?
Nowadays, there are always flying insects that are wandering around in a certain place and people
seem to be having a very hard time catching them and killing them at the same time. These flies are
a nuisance to every person because nobody would want to have flies in the house. People would find
these flying insects flying around mostly in their homes, however, they cannot seem to find the
source of this problem. This has occurred every year and yet, people could not find the source of
these problems. Some factors that could be affecting this problem is the change in weather of every
month or season, things that are dirty that may attract flies, etc. The magnitude of this problem may
increase if a solution is not implemented to solve this problem as soon as possible.
There are different kinds of applications or solutions to this issue, ... Show more content on
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The first one is that obviously, electric fly killers eliminate lots of flying insects right away, and it
greatly reduces the insect population around the area. There might be piles and piles of insects
within a few days, and while eventually there will be lesser insects, there is no denying that electric
fly killers play a huge impact on solving this issue. The second benefit is that similarly, electric fly
killers allow people to eliminate flying insects with few chemicals and not much personal
involvement. There is no health risk when it does not come to handling the electric fly killers, nor
there any risk of disturbing or a nest or facing an insect that people fear. Electric fly killers are out of
the way and it has limited personal involvement, so people would not need to involve in anything
when it comes to using electric fly killers. For many people, this is enough to make these devices a
popular choice for people that think of flies as a nuisance to
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Case Study: Southeast Texas Forensic Science
I was once told that every entomologist has some sort of origin story – a distinctive moment when it
became clear that they had a connection to insects. My story starts when I was eight, and I had just
arrived home after school to find a red wasp perched right on the door handle to my house. I was so
terrified of it that I went all the way around the back of the house and through the back door to avoid
it. To my growing horror, I discovered that said wasp had decided to make a home in the left corner
of our front entrance, and now I would have to wait for the bus cowering in fear of my new
housemate. While this doesn't sound exactly like a traditional "how I discovered I love insects" story
and may in fact sound like quite the opposite, this is exactly the moment when an interest in
entomology sparked. With ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are few people who can say that the moment they realized they were going down the right
path in life was when they were using a plastic spoon to collect maggots out of a cadaver's groin,
and I am one of them. If I had to spend all day looking through a microscope at maggot spiracles or
dig through a bucket full of carrion beetles and liquefied rotten chicken, I would be perfectly content
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
An Explanation Of The English Dictionary Essay
Love– "A feeling or disposition of deep affection or fondness for someone, typically arising from a
recognition of attractive qualities, from natural affinity, or from sympathy and manifesting itself in
concern for the..." (Oxford English Dictionary).
Entomology– Cognate with Old Frisian luve, love Old Saxon luba love.
Borne– "Carried, sustained, endured, etc. Used attrib. chiefly in such constructions as 'patiently
borne injuries', 'the breeze–borne note'..." (Oxford English Dictionary).
Entomology– French
In– "That is in; that lies, remains, lives, is situated, or is used in or within; internal..." (Oxford
English Dictionary).
Entomology– N/A
Of– "Indicating the thing, place, or direction from which something goes, comes, or is driven or
moved..." (Oxford English Dictionary)
Entomology– Old English
Late– "Delay; lateness, tardiness..." (Oxford English Dictionary).
Entomology– Germanic
Fled– "In senses of the vb..." (Oxford English Dictionary).
Etymology– past participle of FLEE U.
From– "Denoting departure or moving away: a point of departure or place whence motion takes
place..." (Oxford English Dictionary).
His– "Of him; which belongs or relates to him..." (Oxford English Dictionary).
Etymology– the genitive personal pronoun form corresponding from the nominative form
Native– "inherent, innate; belonging to or connected with something by nature..." (Oxford English
Etymology– Middle French
Place– "An open space in a town, a public square, a marketplace..."
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Dipteran Research Paper
INTRODUCTION Across the globe, there are many regions that are solely dedicated to produce
different types of crops and other produce in order to support the needs and demands of society.
Many of these areas are concerned with ways to maximize their crop production, and often many
insects, particularly true flies (order Diptera), potentially affect these crops during the growing and
harvesting seasons. Dipterans have vastly important roles throughout ecosystems across the world,
mainly having the duty of pollinating as well as serving a crucial part of the food chain, allowing
many insects and animals a source of food, without having to resort to the ingestion of plants. Many
authors have discussed and examined the potential roles that dipterans ... Show more content on
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The pitfall traps were positioned on a rocky hill with hard soil and periodic patches of Artemisia
tridentate (Great Basin sagebrush). Throughout the course of the study, the average temperature was
11 ºC, with an average daily maximum temperature of 18 ºC and an average daily minimum
temperature of 3 ºC. The control pitfall trap was filled with approximately 0.4 L of soapy water with
a ratio of 3:1 water to soap; the experimental pitfall trap was filled with approximately 0.2 L of
soapy water, and 0.2 L of non–alcoholic wine. The pitfall traps were filled with water every other
day so that the volume was consistently at 0.4 L. The insects caught in the pitfall traps were
harvested once a week and the traps were refilled with the starting volume of solutions. The
harvested insects were stored in separate vials depending on whether they were retrieved from the
soapy water or the non–alcoholic pitfall traps. The storage vials were filled with a 70% ethanol
solution to preserve the specimens. The dipterans collected from the two pitfalls were compared
using a Chi–squared analysis to determine whether the non–alcoholic wine was a significant
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
The Evolution Of Plague Bacteria
A 20–million–year–old flea, preserved in amber, is potentially holding an ancestral strain of the
Black Death, one of the world's deadliest pandemics in human history. The infamous plague claimed
the lives of 75–200 million people before peaking in Europe during the mid–14th century.
According to researchers in a new study, now published in the Journal of Medical Entomology, the
bacteria is believed to be an ancient strain of Yersinia pestis, a bacillus that was carried by fleas on
rats. The bacteria were discovered on the proboscis of the old flea, as well as in the flea's rectum.
"Aside from physical characteristics of the fossil bacteria that are similar to plague bacteria, their
location in the rectum of the flea is known to occur in modern plague bacteria," said George Poinar,
one of the researchers, in a news release. "And in this fossil, the presence of similar bacteria in a
dried droplet on the proboscis of the flea is consistent with the method of transmission of plague
bacteria by modern fleas." ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although scientists are not 100 percent certain of the relationship between the bacteria and Yersinia
pestis, a close examination of the find suggests that they are indeed related. The bacteria on the flea
has features that match the modern forms of the bubonic plague bacteria, which can be characterized
by their unique
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
The Role Of Forensic Science And Criminal Investigations
Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations Author's Name Author's Institution
Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations
Forensic science involves the use of science to solve criminal and civil crimes but mostly lies on the
side of criminal investigations. It makes it possible to identify the criminals based on the DNA
traces they leave behind. It involves analyses of blood, DNA and other evidences and later on uses
the findings as evidence in the court of law. It helps in solving the various crimes in the world and
this has been the greatest contributor to the growth of the sector. Cases that were previously
considered impossible due to lack of evidenced tracing to the victim can now be solved using
forensic science evidences. The essay aims at analyzing the different aspects of forensic science that
are used in the process of solving criminal activities. It will also look at the different cases that
forensic science was used to solve crimes in a court of law.
Forensic science borrows from a number of sciences which include: physics, Biology and chemistry.
It therefore involves examination of a wide spectrum as compared to any other method of
investigation. Due to the wide spectrum of investigation and evidence analysis the method offers; it
ensures that the results are accurate and can be used in the court of law to make a decision. The
method establishes the existence of a crime, the connection between the crimes and the
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
How Do Mothballs Or Ammonia Help In Spelling Squirrels
Do mothballs or ammonia help in repelling squirrels? Moth balls and ammonia are one of the most
common repellents that people use to get rid of nasty squirrels, but, unfortunately, they are not very
useful. There are several ways how to use these repellents and hope for the best results, although it
usually won't fix your problem with the rodents. Ammonia drives the squirrels mad because of their
developed sense of smell and can scared them away for some time. Also, it reminds them to the
urine of the predators and natural enemies. All you have to do is to wet some rags with ammonia and
put them in the area in which squirrels are living in. You have to do that in a proper manner and very
safely and at the same time effective. Make sure that
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
What Factors Can Be Considered When Conducting Forensic...
What important factors need to be considered when conducting forensic science?
What is a crime scene? What is forensic science and how is it conducted? What factors can impact
evidence and what procedures have to be taken to stop this from happening? What factors have to be
taken into account when conducting forensic science and why? How will not doing this impact a
court verdict? In my assignment I hope to answer these questions.
A crime scene is not necessarily the location of a crime, it can be where the planning took place,
where the body is found and where the evidence is found. The crime scene can be as small as a bite
mark or as large as a geographical location. There are two types of crime scene; primary and
secondary. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First of all, the crime scene has to be cordoned off from the public, this consists of two types of
cordoning; inner and outer. Inner cordoning is where the main forensic examination takes place
whereas the outer cordoning is used to prevent the public from entering. Cordoning is important as it
keeps the public out of the crime scene, so that evidence cannot get tampered with or contaminated,
tents are also put over crime scenes which are outside to avoid people and press looking in on the
crime scene and protect evidence from the weather elements and animals which may accidently
tamper with evidence. Without cordoning the forensic officers wouldn't have any privacy from the
public which could interfere and contaminate evidence. Once the crime scene is cordoned off, a
common approach path is established, whereby 'stepping stones' are placed to prevent cross
contamination. This is important to establish a common approach path because without one
evidence could become contaminated or destroyed for example if a forensic officer accidently stood
on a footprint or a patch of blood, therefore spreading the blood around the crime scene, making it
harder for a hypothesis to be established.
The forensic investigators wear protective clothing and shoe covers to prevent cross contamination,
they also have their own DNA on the data base to eliminate their DNA from the suspects if it did get
on the crime scene. The national data base was established in 1995, which
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Essay
The field of forensic anthropology centers on the analysis of human remains; a key component of
such an analysis is the knowledge of how much time has passed between the death of an individual
and the discovery of the associated remains. This period is termed the postmortem interval and is
useful in regards to providing an identification of remains, as awareness of the time of death can be
instrumental in determining the specifics of a crime. Determination or estimation of the postmortem
interval (PMI) is possible due to certain consistencies in the process of decomposition of organisms
as well as both biotic and abiotic factors associated with decaying remains. Over time, new methods
have been added to the repertoire of forensic anthropology, ... Show more content on
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Following the cessation of cardiac and respiratory functions in humans, cell death commences
leading to the complete death of the individual. The chemical processes that result from the massive
death of cells, such as release of enzymes and digestive fluids, act to begin the decay of the cadaver.
Of important note, normal bacteria associated with the human digestive system are no longer held in
check by the human immune system and the physical separations between the digestive tract and the
other organs. Thus, bacterial action is a critical decay component, and the significance of such
action will be investigated shortly. In traditional forensic taphonomic nomenclature, the cadaver
progresses from the "fresh" stage upon death to the "bloat" stage at the beginning of microbial
action (Finley et al. 2015). Upon the onset of insect activity, "active decay" begins until most
consumable matter is removed, leading to the "advanced decay" stage; "dry" decay follows when
only bone and keratinous tissue remains (Finley et al. 2015). Based upon environmental conditions
such as temperature and moisture availability, the time interval for each of these stages and thus the
overall decay process from fleshed body to skeleton may vary significantly. Thus, a standard
taphonomic analysis of remains may not provide a very accurate indication of PMI; however, other
methods used in conjunction can greatly increase accuracy in PMI
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
The Murder Of The Murdered Or Suicide Victims
Over the years I have been consistently watching the TV show 'Bones'. In this TV show the main
protagonist is a forensic anthropologist..... Most of the TV shows I have watched over the years have
always had a forensic scientist, or forensic anthropologist. It has always been fascinating how the
forensic analysts could deduce the exact time when a person was murdered to the correct hour and
most times to the correct minute. In each of these TV shows there were three main ways on how the
protagonists determined the time of death of the murdered or suicide victims. The three ways were
rigor mortis, algor mortis, and entomology. Using these methods they had conclusive results on how
the person was murdered and when the person was murdered.
Forensic science is the application of science to criminal and civil laws. Forensic scientists collect,
preserve, and analyses scientific evidence during the course of an investigation. It is used in multiple
scenarios regarding criminal cases, but in the following investigation it will be used to determine the
time of death of people. There are three major methods of determining the time of death of the
deceased: Forensic Entomology, Algor Mortis, and Rigor Mortis.
Forensic entomology is used when forensic entomologists study the bugs found on the deceased to
estimate the time of death. Algor mortis is the change in body temperature following death. This is
generally a steady decline until matching the
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
All The Light We Cannot See By Anthony Doerr
In the excerpt of the book "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr, the author uses the
literary element of imagery in order to strengthen the main idea that blind people view the world in a
different and unique way. This view is one that people with sight cannot understand nor picture.
Doerr implements this element when describing how a blind person views the world. When
describing how they view color and objects it sets an image in the readers mind to give them the
ability to relate and to better understand the blind character. By understanding a sliver of how a
blind person views the world the readers form a vision of their own. The Author uses imagery when
describing how the character identifies certain objects and distinguishes one object from another. At
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Entomology smells like mothballs and oil..." (line 4). This makes the readers picture what Biology
and Entomology is for her and uses certain words to give us the ability to really imagine what she is
imagining. Doerr also applies this to the characters ability to see color. Whether it's actually a color
or not the character seems to have her own version of color. Doerr describes her version of color by
saying, "Color– that's another thing people don't expect. In her imagination, in her dreams,
everything has color. the museum buildings are beige, chestnut, hazel..." (line 18). Although a blind
person wouldn't know what color is, the character seems
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Animal Welfare Act 1986: A Case Study
Methodology Under the Animal Welfare Act 1986, it should be noted that all animals were not
harmed unethically during the assessment. Collection methods The equipment for the collection
comprises of entomology nets, plastic jars, entomology pins, microscopic slides, glass vials, a slab
of polystyrene, a 'shadow box' for display, forceps, demineralised water, and methylated spirits
(70%). The equipment used was purchased or borrowed from the laboratory in Basil–Hetzel
Building at University of South Australia City East campus. The locations visited mainly comprised
of northern and western suburbs, except for an eastern suburb. Most arthropods were terrestrial
(with a few marine), and the other phylum were marine. Specimens were collected from habitats
such as domestic (household), wetlands, ocean, and grasslands. ... Show more content on
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All specimens were frozen immediately after collection to prevent rigor mortis. The Echinoderms
were cleaned to remove living or dead matter attached to the body by using water. They were then
placed in methylated spirits (70%) for 48 hours, completely submerged. Each arm was weighed
down to prevent them from curling up (particularly on Southern sand star). After the 48 hours, it was
dried in direct sunlight for dry preservation. The Molluscs were first placed in a jar of water from
their natural habitat (if applicable), as I had concerns they would dissolve immediately, if I had
skipped this step. After a few days, they were transferred into separate plastic jars of methylated
spirits (70%), where most lost their colouring. The Nematode was placed on a microscopic slide
under a dissection microscope. The Annelids were washed in water first, then placed in methylated
spirits (70%), however, the aquatic worm had shrunk anyway. They were displayed in glass vials
filled with methylated
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Crime Scene Investigation Essay
At a crime scene, insects can provide important pieces of information to criminal investigators,
including estimating the post–mortem interval (PMI) and determining where the crime took place.
This is only possible, however, if the local insect fauna is known, thereby facilitating the need for
local insect population surveys at both the morphological and gene levels. Although flies (order
Diptera) are one of the first and most prevalent necrophagic insect species found associated with a
corpse, beetles (order Coleoptera) are also a forensically relevant insect that can play a significant
role in crime scene investigations.
In this study, the objective was to survey the Coleoptera population in Lyon County, Kansas during
the early spring. Insects were collected using light traps during the evening hours and DNA was
isolated from each collected specimen followed by amplification of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI)
gene. The cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene is known to be as a standard barcode gene. (CBOL,
2010) This barcode gene is a 648 base pair mostly found in all animals including flies, ... Show
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DNA Isolation was done using ZR Tissue & Insect DNA Miniprep™ kit (Zymo Reseach, Irvine,
CA). The instruction manual provided by Zymo Research, titled as ZR Tissue and Insect DNA Mini
Prep ™, Catalog No. D6016 was used in order to perform the DNA isolation. (Zymo, 1913) ZR
Tissue and Insect DNA Mini Prep ™, Catalog No. D6016, provides a detailed procedure including
what materials to use, centrifugation timing, extraction, and in between others. (Zymo, 1913) This
can be found in room 44 and on the Zymo Research website. Afterward DNA extraction, the
concentration and purity of each DNA sample was measured in a Implen Nano–photometer, Serial
No: 6293. The specimens needed to have a concentration equal or bigger than 4 ng/μl in order to be
used in to the next
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Three Representative Organisms
Three representative organisms: Arthropods Coleoptera (beetle) The Coleoptera (beetle) is
characterized by "hardened front wings (elytra)" that "meet in a straight line down the center of the
back" ("Coleoptera," General Entomology, 2012). The complete development cycle of beetles
consists of the conventional egg, larva, pupa, and adult progression. The class is "divided into four
suborders. The most common are Aedephaga and Polyphaga. In the case of Aedephaga, "the first
abdominal sternum is divided by the hind coxae" and in the case of Polyphaga "the first abdominal
sternum is undivided" ("Coleoptera," General Entomology, 2012). Beetles come in a wide variety of
types. "Coleoptera is the largest order in the animal kingdom. It includes 40% of all insects and
nearly 30% of all animal species" ("Bug Bytes," General Entomology, 2012). Beetles can exist as
"predators, parasites or commensals" in terms of the way in which they survive and sustain
themselves ("Bug Bytes," General Entomology, 2012). Lepidoptera (Arctiidae) The class of
Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) is the second largest order in the insect world. Nearly all
organisms begin the form of larvae called caterpillars (Meyer 2009). After undergoing a pupae
stage, the adults emerge with "distinctive...large wings (relative to body size) which are covered
with minute overlapping scales" (Meyer 2009). The front wings are large and triangular–shaped
while the hind wings are smaller and fan–shaped (Meyer
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Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
Forensic Anthropology Case Study
The Science Of Entomology
Entomology is an area of forensics that studies insects. The science is mainly applied to murders,
since insects are often the first at the crime scene (Discovery Network, 2015). The bugs can be used
to analyze a body, especially to determine when and where the murder occurred (Environmental
Science, 2017). Entomologists are able to do so by analyzing the age and species of a bug
(Discovery Network, 2015). While this does not always provide necessary evidence, it often gives
police a lead in a case (Discovery Network, 2015). Ultimately, entomology is a science that works
due to biology, can serve as strong evidence, and has multiple requirements in order to go into the
field. In order to be an entomologist, one must meet multiple requirements. ... Show more content on
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Entomologists are people who have worked very hard to meet all the requirements for the job
(Study, 2017). They have gone through years of college, and developed the right aptitude as well
(Study, 2017). The insects the entomologists study give multiple clues with their actions (Crime
Museum, 2017). By simply living out their life, the bugs can provide entomologists with the time a
murder occurred (Crime Museum, 2017). This can then be used to put together a report against
someone, and from there, hopefully accuse the correct person (Discovery Network, 2015).
Crime Museum. (2017). Forensic Entomology. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from
http://www.crimemuseum.org/crime–library/forensic–entomology/ Environmental Science. (2017).
What is an Entomologist? Retrieved March 21, 2017, from
http://www.environmentalscience.org/career/entomologist FBI. (2016, August 03). FBI Laboratory
Positions. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from https://www.fbi.gov/services/laboratory/laboratory–
positions Study. (2017). Become an Entomologist: Education and Career Roadmap. Retrieved
March 21,
2017, from
http://study.com/articles/Become_an_Entomologist_Education_and_Career_Roadmap.html Study.
(2017). Forensic Entomologist: Job Description, Duties and Requirements. Retrieved
March 20, 2017, from
http://study.com/articles/Forensic_Entomologist_Job_Description_Duties_and_Requirem ents.html
(2015, February 03). Retrieved March 20, 2017, from
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  • 29. Bodies Decompose Of Forensic Entomology Forensic entomology is the study of insects for medico–legal purposes. There are many ways insects can be used to help solve a crime, but the primary purpose of forensic entomology is estimating time since death.Once a person dies his or her body starts to decompose. The decomposition of a dead body starts with the action of microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria, followed by the action of a series of insects (arthropods). Bodies decompose slowly or fast depending on weather conditions, if they have been buried or are exposed to the elements, if there is presence of insects or if they have a substance in their bodies that prevents their fast decomposition such as body size and weight, clothing,The dead body goes through constant changes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
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  • 37. Yellow Light Lab Report Abstract: People want to avoid insects being attracted to lights at parties, so some people take to buying yellow insect repellent bulbs. A yellow bulb as an insect repellent bulb is strange because insects are capable of seeing the color yellow and some insects are even attracted to yellow. What consumers need to know is if yellow light bulbs repel insect. This lab's objective was to determine if nocturnal insects are repelled by yellow lights and how that repulsion compares to red, soft white, or a black light. The most important materials needed in this experiment were a lamp, a variety of light bulbs, and fly paper. The results show that insects are more attracted to soft white light and black light than the insects are to red or yellow ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Insects may not be as active during overcast conditions. Only two beetles were captured during the duration of this experiment because local beetles may not have been within range of the light source and it is still too early in the spring for an excess of beetles. This study needs to be improved by extending the number of nights each light is utilized and by testing the different light colors at different seasons of the year. References: Adriana, D. A. and L. Chittka. 2001. The evolution of color vision in insects. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 46:471–510. Capinera, J 2010. Insects and Wildlife: Arthropods and their relationships with wild vertebrate animals, pp. 55. Wiley Blackwell, Gainesville, Fl. Foster, S and Harris, M. 1997. Behavioral manipulation methods for insect pest– management. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 42:123–46. Mallis, A. 2011. Handbook of Pest Control: the behavior, life history, and control of household pests, 10th ed., pp. 990. Mallis Handbook LLC, University Park, Pa. Purcell and Whitfield 2014. Daly and Doyen's Introduction to: Insect biology and diversity, 3rd ed., pp. 137, 142–143. Oxford University Press, New York, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Forensic Entomology Procedures Summarizing a Forensic Journal article: Forensic Entomology Procedures The field of Forensic Entomology is essentially a type of scientific study of utilizing insects and arthropods for a criminal investigation. These small creatures are very useful to forensic professionals, because they are naturally attracted to decomposing bodies. The bugs might even lay eggs in the corpse. By examining the insects and their maturing larval stages, modern forensic experts can assess the postmortem indications, and detect any changes in the dead body, leading to evidence of the likely cause of death. Forensic entomologists are very often called upon to assist cops in crime scene investigations. Because of this, police and investigators should be mindful of the many potential benefits that this field of forensic entomology has to offer them. It can be used as an accessory to standard methods of forensic crime scene investigation. Forensic entomology is a relatively new field, and the usage of insects and other arthropods in criminal investigation is still in its infancy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first is called the necrophagous species, which are simply carrion eaters. Secondly, there are some kinds of predator insects, which feed off the carrion eating species. The third group is called the 'schizophagous' species, which will begin by feeding on the dead body, but soon after, as they grow larger and larger, they will strangely shift to becoming become predators and then they'll feed on the carrion eaters. The fourth group is the omnivores, which feed both on the carrion eaters and arthropods, such as ants, beetles and wasps. The fifth and final group consists of species such as spiders, which utilize the dead carcass as part of their overall environment. The first two groups, the necrophagous carrion eaters and the pure predators, are more useful and important in the field of forensic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Forensic Forensics : Arthropods And Legal Investigations Forensic Entomology: Arthropods and Legal Investigations. Kimberley S. Ndlovu Missouri Valley College Abstract Forensic entomology is an important part of forensic science. Forensic Entomology: Arthropods and Legal Investigations. Forensic science is the past, present and future of justice systems around the world. It has made the jobs of those in the justice system less challenging and made the lives of criminals less bearable. One of the many disciplines of forensic science is forensic entomology which is the study and use of arthropods to help in legal investigations. Forensic entomology has been around since the medieval times and it has grown from then to sub disciplines of forensic entomology with the medicolegal sub discipline being the most employed in criminal cases. The science behind forensic entomology is the integration of other areas of science, which are the decomposition timeline of bodies, the life cycle of insects and the types of insects that will invade that body and the knowledge of how to collect and rear them will help estimate the time between death and discovery, called the Post Mortem Interval, and with the help of other disciplinarians of forensic science, all the information gathered could be used by an expert witness to testify in a trial and help to reach a verdict. With the growing interest and recognition of forensic entomology nowadays, the discovery of this form of forensics can be credited to a number of scientists ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Functional Response Of Lace Wing Functional Response of lace wing to Aphid in control laboratory environment Muhammad Jawwad Adil, Muhammad Hasan Anis Teacher Sir. Amjad Sultan Abstract The experiment showed that the introduction of the different densities of the aphid had not a big change in the types, all 3 of the replications had the same kind of stable results and the average consumption rate were around 27.33 aphids per day being consumed by the C. carnea. Keywords Consumption rate, lace wing, funtional response, biological control Introduction Biological control, the use of living organisms to control pest populations(Eilenberg, Hajek et al. 2001), dates from ancient times. However, 100 years have passed since Albert Koebele intentionally introduced the Australian(Howarth 1991) vedalia lady beetle via New Zealand (6, 86) into California orange groves in 1889, where spectacularly cobtrolled the cottony–cushion scale. This milestone marks the start of modern classical biological control–the importation and release of an organism outside its natural range has also included certain other introductions that enhance beneficial(Howarth 1991) organisms, e.g. pollinators(Scott, French et al. 1979), scavengers (Scott, French et al. 1979), and competitors (Wilson, Karl et al. 1998)(11, 82).(Howarth 1991) The family Chrysoperla includes spp. that are considered important natural enemy(Tian, Kang et al. 1992). Lace wing larvae and the adults of certain species are polyphagous predators and feed on several ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Forensic Entomology Case Study Ameenah Rab Amy Sydoruk Forensic Science November 19, 2017 Unit Five: Text Questions Review Questions 1. What is the typical order in which insects begin to arrive on human remains? Ans. The typical order that insects begin to arrive on human remains blowflies, beetles, maggots, wasps, ants, and spiders. 2. Describe the case that was one of the first recorded times of forensic entomology being used in a criminal case. What role did forensic entomology play in the case? Ans. In the year 1850, a repairman found a mummified remains of a newborn baby behind a fireplace in France. The couple that was living in the apartment right that moment was under suspicion but Dr. Marcel Bergeret noted that the hot, dry air around the fireplace had probably ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What are some of the challenges in determining the time of death using insects? Ans. Some of the challenges in determining the time of death using insects would be keeping the body in a cold environment which would completely stop decomposition. Another challenge would be burning the body in a flammable liquid that would damage the body. 2. Why is entomology an important area of forensic science? How can this area help criminal investigations? Ans. Entomology is an important area in forensic science because it can prove the time and place of an incident and can also help in catching the killer. 3. What is the process of collecting insect samples? What challenges are there in collecting samples of insects from human remains? Ans. First of all, forensic entomologists get the temperature of the body, and then look for the presence of maggot mass. They also count in the weather outside the body. The body getting enough sunlight or none at all makes it a big challenge for them. It can affect the time of when insects usually tend to appear in the body. 4. Why is the study of insects and their life cycles important for forensic entomologists? How is this information helpful to criminal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Case Study Of Forensic Entomology By Benecke And Lessig Case study related to Forensic Entomology A study on child neglect and forensic entomology was done by Benecke and Lessig. On 10th July 2000, in a city in Central Germany, a child was found dead in the apartment of a 20–year–old woman during an enforced eviction due to a lack of payments of rent. There are signs of greenish discoloration, and skin slippage on the corpse. The child's mother was a heroin user, and worked as a street prostitute. The father had been arrested for theft 5 months before. According to the testimony, the mother lived at her uncle's house in the past 2 weeks and she forgot when she had last seen her child. She told him that her child was living together with the grandmother. She even asked him how long can a human survive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After a few minutes, these larvae were fixed in 70% ethanol and shipped to the forensic entomologist. From the genital area, third instar larvae of Muscina stabulans (false stable fly) and Fannia canicularis (little house fly) were identified. From the face, maggots of Caliphora vomitoria (bluebottle) were identified. No Lucilia or Phaenicia (greenbottle) individuals were found. Both M. stabulans and F. canicularis adults can frequently be found in local apartments in which they are attracted to rotten organic matter. From second instar onwards, M. stabulans larvae prey on other larvae. F. canicularis showed a delay of initial colonization of 3–10 days post–mortem and it is strongly attracted to both urine and feces. M. stabulans is strongly attracted to human faeces but lesser to corpses. The conditions were compared with those reported by Nuorteva as only few observations on the development of M. stabulans were available. Conditions were found to be quite similar for an estimation of a post–mortem interval of between 7–21 days, most likely around 14 days that is on 27th June 2000. This quite conservative estimate was because of the fact that it was uncertain whether a fly population may already found inside of the flat a few months before. Therefore, it is important that the forensic entomologist is at the crime scene to determine such ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Forensic Misconduct Forensic Misconduct: Dr. Pamela A. Fish Kirstin L. Daniels Professor Ian Rodway George Mason University Forensic Misconduct: Pamela A Fish Forensic science is defined as the practice of utilizing scientific methodologies to clarify judicial inquiries. The field of forensic science contains a broad range of disciplines and has become a vital aspect of criminal investigations. Some forensic disciplines are laboratory–based; while others are based on an analyst's interpretation of observable patterns (Kourtsounis, 2009). According to the Innocence project's website; in greater than fifty percent of wrongful convictions, the use of invalidated or improper forensic techniques played a role in cases; which were later ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although he was in jail, five more crimes with the same distinctive patterns occurred. Though another man name Dennis McGruder had been arrested and charged with those crimes the prosecution still moved forward with Willis' case (Warden). The only piece of physical evidence in this case was a scrap of toilet paper; which, contained traces of semen on it. (In 1992, after two separate jury trials Willis was convicted based on identification of eyewitness identifications, as well as the rape victims. He was sentenced to one hundred years in prison. The prosecution in this case failed to disclose to the defense attorneys that they had received a report; which, stated that one of the rape suspects had type A blood. This was exculpatory evidence as Willis had type B blood. Dr. Fish's hand written lab notes concluded that the secretor of the semen had type A blood; however in her official report and later her testimony, she falsely testified that she was unable to complete the test because the biological sample was too small to test. In 1997, under a new law granting him the right to seek DNA testing, Willis filed a petition. Prosecutors claimed that the biological evidence had been lost, but was later found. The DNA sample was tested and found to exclude Willis as the donor. After eight years of incarceration, another man Dennis McGruder confessed to the crimes after being linked via DNA. Willis (Fisher, 2014) was released from custody ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. Forensic Entomology Forensic entomology is using insect biology to determine specific aspects of a crime. It can be used to determine time of death, whether or not a body has been moved, and also if the victim had been intoxicated with any substances. Insects are also prime examples of Locard's principle when solving a crime. The history of forensic entomology dates back to as early as the thirteenth century, and is still been developed today. There have been many cases involving forensic entomology to help solve the crime as evidence, usually about eighty–five percent of all reported species in decomposition are insects.() It has come to be an enormous aspect in forensic science use as evidence. The first aspect that insects are useful in solving a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The third type includes omnivorous insects also including specific types of ants, wasps, and some beetles. They feed on the other insects as well as the body. Wasps will eat other adult flies, and also feed on the fluids from the body. By eating the adult flies it can disrupt decaying for up to a day. The last species are hunting spiders. They make webs in and around the body to catch insects. The body provides an ideal habitat for the spiders to catch their prey. Although these are the insects that use the body as a source of food they are not the only insects that gain food from the body. There are also soil–dwellers that obtain food from the fluids from the body that seep into the ground. They are usually mites, springtails, roundworms, and nematodes. The fluids that seep into the soil usually stay there for several years after the death. By determining what insects are on the body, and what stage of development they are in can help determine postmortem intervals, especially in the cases of flies. There are a few factors that do play into delaying or speeding up the decaying process with insects. A few aspects that will delay insect activity are burying a body which also delays decomposition, covering the corpse especially tightly, being in the water, cold weather, and the height of the body from the ground, for example in a hanging. Only insects that can fly can reach the body, so it delays activity, but insects do feed off of the "Drip Zone" ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Uf Entomology Club Research Paper Dallin Ashby, a graduated UF entomology master's student, normally spits crickets with his 11– year–old son Myles Ashby when they participate in BugFest. But this year, his 8–year–old daughter, Eliza Ashby, said she was going to try too. Her older sister, Rose Ashby, was in disbelief that her sister would participate in cricket spitting. "You're really gonna spit a cricket?" said Ashby's 10– year–old daughter, Rose Ashby. "Yahhh!" Eliza said. Eliza did in fact participate in the cricket spitting. She went through several rounds to try to beat Myles, but she didn't. Her father said there is always next year. BugFest is a free, annual event hosted by the University of Florida Entomology Club to promote entomology and nematology. The event ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Baldwin said BugFest works as a connection to other resources, too. Kids who come to the festival may be interested in Bug Camp, a summer camp for middle and high school students. Some kids who started coming to Bug Camp five years ago are starting college at UF next year, she said. The event benefits current UF students as well. Baldwin said entomology is a found major, people rarely pick it before they come to college. BugFest is a way to gain visibility for the program and explain what entomologists do and their importance. It started with its target audience being high school students and students from UF and Santa Fe College. "Entomology impacts everybody, from preserving the food that we eat, to the clothes that we wear, to human health to animal health," she said. It is important to use the opportunity of BugFest to explain that. The event used to be on a Thursday night, but so many people would come it was moved to Saturday, two years ago. It was created by Carl Garfield, a former UF professor, a year before his retirement, in either 2010 or 2011, Baldwin ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. The Thrips And Seasonal Abundance Of The Marigold Thrips African Entomology Vol. 23, No. 2, 2015Survey of thrips and Seasonal abundance of the marigold thrips Neohydatothrips samayunkur (Kudô), a new species in Egypt associated with the African marigold, Tagetes erecta L. A.S. Abdel Wahab*, M.A.K. El–Sheikh & S. Elnagar Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Four different thrips species; marigold thrips, Neohydatothrips samayunkur; western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis; tomato thrips, Frankliniella schultzei and onion thrips, Thrips tabaci were recorded on marigold plants in the field. Tagetes erecta L. was grown on the experimental farm, Giza governorate, Egypt. The survey was carried out during mid–April to late July and from early September to late December 2013. Weekly samples were randomly selected and examined for the presence of the different thrips species. Identification of thrips species was based on morphological characters. Neohydatothrips samayunkur recorded the highest average numbers in both periods of the survey, from mid–April to late July and from early September to late December 2013 (189.5 and 143.6 individuals/plant, respectively), while the lowest number was recorded for T. tabaci (4.6 and 5.9 individuals/plant). This is the first report of N. samayunkur in Egypt. Description of the recorded species is given as well as their seasonal abundance on marigold plants. Key words: thrips, Neohydatothrips samayunkur, Egypt, marigold, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. Calliphoridae Research Paper Another reason why we have to be educated or well informed about this insect in specific is because they can regulate plenty of diseases or infections. Grown–ups may be vectors of pathogens of sicknesses, for example, loose bowels. Flies, most regularly Calliphoridae, have often been connected with illness transmission in people and creatures, and also myiasis. Studies and research have connected Calliphora and Lucilia to vectors of causal operators of bacterial diseases. These hatchlings, regularly seen on decomposing bodies, feast upon remains while the grown–ups can be necrophagous or vegetative. Amid the procedure of rot, microorganisms (e.g. Mycobacterium) may be discharged through the body. Flies land at the scene and lay their eggs. The hatchlings start eating and separating the body, at the same time ingesting these creatures which is the initial step of one transmission route. The bacterium which causes paratuberculosis in dairy cattle, pigs and winged creatures (M. a. avium) has been confined and recuperated from these flies through a few distinctive experiments. Since we already know how harmful the calliphoridae could be, we need to be really cautious with the environment we are around. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Restorative maggots perform debridement by specifically eating just dead and infected tissue. Lucilia sericata, with the scientific name of Phaenicia sericata, is the favored species utilized as a part of larva therapy. Myiasis by non–restorative larvae is not generally helpful. Nevertheless the likelihood of presenting organisms, a few types of hatchlings eat sound tissue also, for example, screwworms. MDT can be utilized to treat weight ulcers, diabetic foot wounds, venous stasis ulcers, and postsurgical ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 81. FFA Scholarship Essay Being diagnosed with cancer has impacted my outlook on life in many different ways. At first I saw cancer as a burden on my life and only the negative attributes stood out on how it was going to change my life and the way I saw people around me, but now after being two years cancer free, I have gone to realize the positive aspects cancer has had on my life. After being free for only a couple of months, I had an urge to do something more daring than I had before cancer. So shortly after coming off of treatment I joined the Granbury rodeo team as a chute dogger. Chute dogging is a rodeo event related to steer wrestling where the steer used weighs between 400 and 500 lbs. However, the competitor starts the event in a chute with the steer as opposed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Before cancer, I hardly spoke in public to people. I was the guy in the back of the crowd talking to only the people I knew for I long time. Now, after cancer, I am the first to raise my hand in front of an audience that I barely know or don't know at all, if they need a volunteer. I have served on the FFA officer team, where I have to say part of parliamentary procedures in front of an audience consisting of parents and teachers and even special higher up guests. I have competed in many different FFA career development events and leadership development competitions in the FFA many of which you have to get up in front of a group of judges and perform a skit or explain how something is done. In the leadership development events, you have to wait in rooms full of different people from all over across the state of Texas with nothing to do except to talk amongst the people there. At one entomology competition for example, I met the Texas Tech entomology professor. Since, I hope to study entomology at Texas Tech; this helped in getting to know the person who more than likely will be my professor in the future. We talked about how the class works and what the cool and exciting things there are in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 85. Identification Of A New Species JJournal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2015; 3( 5): 01–06 P–ISSN: 2349–6800 E–ISSN: 2320–7078 JEZS 2015; 3(5): 01–06 © 2015 JEZS Received: 05–07–2015 Accepted: 06–08–2015 A. S. Abd El–Wahab Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Correspondence: A. S. Abd El–Wahab Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Identification of a new species, Marigold thrips "Neohydatothrips samayunkur Kudô" (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on marigold in Egypt A. S. Abd El–Wahab Abstract Neohydatothrips samayunkur, a thrips species infest African marigold, is recorded from Egypt for the first time. A detailed description is given of how to identify this thrips species. Tagetes erecta L. were grown in the experimental farm at Giza governorate, Egypt. The Sampling was carried out during mid April to late July and from early September to late December, (2013& 2014). A weekly sample randomly selected and examined for the presence of thrips. Identification was based on the morphological characters. N. samayunkur adult body is bicolor, dark brown with abdominal segments 3–6 yellowish with brown antecostal ridge. Antenna 8 segments, Legs; Mid– and hind tarsi: 2–segmented, The hind leg tibiae is brown medially and otherwise yellow. Fore wings alternating bands of dark and light. Second larval instars are pale yellow to orange in color, antenna and all tibias are gray. Mesonotum
  • 86. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 90. Journal Of Entomology And Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2015; 3( 5): 01–06 P–ISSN: 2349–6800 E–ISSN: 2320–7078 JEZS 2015; 3(5): 01–06 © 2015 JEZS Received: 05–07–2015 Accepted: 06–08–2015 A. S. Abd El–Wahab Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Correspondence: A. S. Abd El–Wahab Department of Economic Entomology and Pesticides, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Identification of a new species, Marigold thrips "Neohydatothrips samayunkur Kudô" (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on marigold in Egypt A. S. Abd El–Wahab Abstract Neohydatothrips samayunkur, a thrips species infest African marigold, is recorded from Egypt for the first time. A detailed description is given of how to identify this thrips species. Tagetes erecta L. were grown in the experimental farm at Giza governorate, Egypt. The Sampling was carried out during mid April to late July and from early September to late December, (2013& 2014). A weekly sample randomly selected and examined for the presence of thrips. Identification was based on the morphological characters. N. samayunkur adult body is bicolor, dark brown with abdominal segments 3–6 yellowish with brown antecostal ridge. Antenna 8 segments, Legs; Mid– and hind tarsi: 2–segmented, The hind leg tibiae is brown medially and otherwise yellow. Fore wings alternating bands of dark and light. Second larval instars are pale yellow to orange in color, antenna and all tibias are gray. Mesonotum with
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  • 95. Case Study Casey Anthony The Casey Anthony Case revolves around a child named Caylee Anthony who was allegedly killed by her mother Casey Anthony. As the trial progressed it is shown that although Casey presented multiple lies she was still proven not guilty. Despite Casey Anthony's Parents statements, or the graphic opening statements made by both the prosecution and defense: defense won this trial. They proved the prosecution's evidence to be circumstantial when it came to the conviction of Casey Anthony. With the help of forensic entomology, forensic scientists were able to find the remains of Caylee Anthony, and fill one of the many holes protruding into this case. By using forensic entomology and knowledge about the lifespan of insects, forensic scientists were able to figure out just how long Caylee has been deceased after her disappearance. On June 16th, 2008, Caylee Anthony– daughter of Casey Anthony – was the final day she was seen alive(1). One month later on July 17th, 2008, Cindy Anthony– mother of Casey Anthony– calls 911 to report Caylee Anthony being missing for one month – 31 days. Cindy Anthony also states that Casey Anthony needed to be arrested for the theft of her car– on June 30th– and her money. Cindy Anthony says that Casey Anthony had been looking for Caylee Anthony for the past month, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Each insect has some sort of lifespan, each part in that life span shows a significant appearance change. The age of these insects progresses as intervals of time pass on. By using the known age and time interval, a forensic scientist will be able to find out when a person may have died. This will not show exactly how that person died, however it does show how long that person has been dead. Using this forensic scientists can apply this knowledge to murder cases in order to help provide clarity and maybe even a verdict in the case at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 99. Advantages Of Electric Fly Killers How effective are electric fly killers in killing flying insects? Nowadays, there are always flying insects that are wandering around in a certain place and people seem to be having a very hard time catching them and killing them at the same time. These flies are a nuisance to every person because nobody would want to have flies in the house. People would find these flying insects flying around mostly in their homes, however, they cannot seem to find the source of this problem. This has occurred every year and yet, people could not find the source of these problems. Some factors that could be affecting this problem is the change in weather of every month or season, things that are dirty that may attract flies, etc. The magnitude of this problem may increase if a solution is not implemented to solve this problem as soon as possible. Application/Solution There are different kinds of applications or solutions to this issue, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first one is that obviously, electric fly killers eliminate lots of flying insects right away, and it greatly reduces the insect population around the area. There might be piles and piles of insects within a few days, and while eventually there will be lesser insects, there is no denying that electric fly killers play a huge impact on solving this issue. The second benefit is that similarly, electric fly killers allow people to eliminate flying insects with few chemicals and not much personal involvement. There is no health risk when it does not come to handling the electric fly killers, nor there any risk of disturbing or a nest or facing an insect that people fear. Electric fly killers are out of the way and it has limited personal involvement, so people would not need to involve in anything when it comes to using electric fly killers. For many people, this is enough to make these devices a popular choice for people that think of flies as a nuisance to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 103. Case Study: Southeast Texas Forensic Science I was once told that every entomologist has some sort of origin story – a distinctive moment when it became clear that they had a connection to insects. My story starts when I was eight, and I had just arrived home after school to find a red wasp perched right on the door handle to my house. I was so terrified of it that I went all the way around the back of the house and through the back door to avoid it. To my growing horror, I discovered that said wasp had decided to make a home in the left corner of our front entrance, and now I would have to wait for the bus cowering in fear of my new housemate. While this doesn't sound exactly like a traditional "how I discovered I love insects" story and may in fact sound like quite the opposite, this is exactly the moment when an interest in entomology sparked. With ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are few people who can say that the moment they realized they were going down the right path in life was when they were using a plastic spoon to collect maggots out of a cadaver's groin, and I am one of them. If I had to spend all day looking through a microscope at maggot spiracles or dig through a bucket full of carrion beetles and liquefied rotten chicken, I would be perfectly content with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 107. An Explanation Of The English Dictionary Essay Love– "A feeling or disposition of deep affection or fondness for someone, typically arising from a recognition of attractive qualities, from natural affinity, or from sympathy and manifesting itself in concern for the..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Entomology– Cognate with Old Frisian luve, love Old Saxon luba love. Borne– "Carried, sustained, endured, etc. Used attrib. chiefly in such constructions as 'patiently borne injuries', 'the breeze–borne note'..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Entomology– French In– "That is in; that lies, remains, lives, is situated, or is used in or within; internal..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Entomology– N/A Greece– Of– "Indicating the thing, place, or direction from which something goes, comes, or is driven or moved..." (Oxford English Dictionary) Entomology– Old English Late– "Delay; lateness, tardiness..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Entomology– Germanic Fled– "In senses of the vb..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Etymology– past participle of FLEE U. From– "Denoting departure or moving away: a point of departure or place whence motion takes place..." (Oxford English Dictionary). His– "Of him; which belongs or relates to him..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Etymology– the genitive personal pronoun form corresponding from the nominative form Native– "inherent, innate; belonging to or connected with something by nature..." (Oxford English Dictionary). Etymology– Middle French Place– "An open space in a town, a public square, a marketplace..." ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 111. Dipteran Research Paper INTRODUCTION Across the globe, there are many regions that are solely dedicated to produce different types of crops and other produce in order to support the needs and demands of society. Many of these areas are concerned with ways to maximize their crop production, and often many insects, particularly true flies (order Diptera), potentially affect these crops during the growing and harvesting seasons. Dipterans have vastly important roles throughout ecosystems across the world, mainly having the duty of pollinating as well as serving a crucial part of the food chain, allowing many insects and animals a source of food, without having to resort to the ingestion of plants. Many authors have discussed and examined the potential roles that dipterans ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The pitfall traps were positioned on a rocky hill with hard soil and periodic patches of Artemisia tridentate (Great Basin sagebrush). Throughout the course of the study, the average temperature was 11 ºC, with an average daily maximum temperature of 18 ºC and an average daily minimum temperature of 3 ºC. The control pitfall trap was filled with approximately 0.4 L of soapy water with a ratio of 3:1 water to soap; the experimental pitfall trap was filled with approximately 0.2 L of soapy water, and 0.2 L of non–alcoholic wine. The pitfall traps were filled with water every other day so that the volume was consistently at 0.4 L. The insects caught in the pitfall traps were harvested once a week and the traps were refilled with the starting volume of solutions. The harvested insects were stored in separate vials depending on whether they were retrieved from the soapy water or the non–alcoholic pitfall traps. The storage vials were filled with a 70% ethanol solution to preserve the specimens. The dipterans collected from the two pitfalls were compared using a Chi–squared analysis to determine whether the non–alcoholic wine was a significant dipteran ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 115. The Evolution Of Plague Bacteria A 20–million–year–old flea, preserved in amber, is potentially holding an ancestral strain of the Black Death, one of the world's deadliest pandemics in human history. The infamous plague claimed the lives of 75–200 million people before peaking in Europe during the mid–14th century. According to researchers in a new study, now published in the Journal of Medical Entomology, the bacteria is believed to be an ancient strain of Yersinia pestis, a bacillus that was carried by fleas on rats. The bacteria were discovered on the proboscis of the old flea, as well as in the flea's rectum. "Aside from physical characteristics of the fossil bacteria that are similar to plague bacteria, their location in the rectum of the flea is known to occur in modern plague bacteria," said George Poinar, one of the researchers, in a news release. "And in this fossil, the presence of similar bacteria in a dried droplet on the proboscis of the flea is consistent with the method of transmission of plague bacteria by modern fleas." ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although scientists are not 100 percent certain of the relationship between the bacteria and Yersinia pestis, a close examination of the find suggests that they are indeed related. The bacteria on the flea has features that match the modern forms of the bubonic plague bacteria, which can be characterized by their unique ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 119. The Role Of Forensic Science And Criminal Investigations Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations Author's Name Author's Institution Role of Forensic Science in Criminal Investigations Forensic science involves the use of science to solve criminal and civil crimes but mostly lies on the side of criminal investigations. It makes it possible to identify the criminals based on the DNA traces they leave behind. It involves analyses of blood, DNA and other evidences and later on uses the findings as evidence in the court of law. It helps in solving the various crimes in the world and this has been the greatest contributor to the growth of the sector. Cases that were previously considered impossible due to lack of evidenced tracing to the victim can now be solved using forensic science evidences. The essay aims at analyzing the different aspects of forensic science that are used in the process of solving criminal activities. It will also look at the different cases that forensic science was used to solve crimes in a court of law. Forensic science borrows from a number of sciences which include: physics, Biology and chemistry. It therefore involves examination of a wide spectrum as compared to any other method of investigation. Due to the wide spectrum of investigation and evidence analysis the method offers; it ensures that the results are accurate and can be used in the court of law to make a decision. The method establishes the existence of a crime, the connection between the crimes and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 123. How Do Mothballs Or Ammonia Help In Spelling Squirrels Do mothballs or ammonia help in repelling squirrels? Moth balls and ammonia are one of the most common repellents that people use to get rid of nasty squirrels, but, unfortunately, they are not very useful. There are several ways how to use these repellents and hope for the best results, although it usually won't fix your problem with the rodents. Ammonia drives the squirrels mad because of their developed sense of smell and can scared them away for some time. Also, it reminds them to the urine of the predators and natural enemies. All you have to do is to wet some rags with ammonia and put them in the area in which squirrels are living in. You have to do that in a proper manner and very safely and at the same time effective. Make sure that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 127. What Factors Can Be Considered When Conducting Forensic... What important factors need to be considered when conducting forensic science? What is a crime scene? What is forensic science and how is it conducted? What factors can impact evidence and what procedures have to be taken to stop this from happening? What factors have to be taken into account when conducting forensic science and why? How will not doing this impact a court verdict? In my assignment I hope to answer these questions. A crime scene is not necessarily the location of a crime, it can be where the planning took place, where the body is found and where the evidence is found. The crime scene can be as small as a bite mark or as large as a geographical location. There are two types of crime scene; primary and secondary. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First of all, the crime scene has to be cordoned off from the public, this consists of two types of cordoning; inner and outer. Inner cordoning is where the main forensic examination takes place whereas the outer cordoning is used to prevent the public from entering. Cordoning is important as it keeps the public out of the crime scene, so that evidence cannot get tampered with or contaminated, tents are also put over crime scenes which are outside to avoid people and press looking in on the crime scene and protect evidence from the weather elements and animals which may accidently tamper with evidence. Without cordoning the forensic officers wouldn't have any privacy from the public which could interfere and contaminate evidence. Once the crime scene is cordoned off, a common approach path is established, whereby 'stepping stones' are placed to prevent cross contamination. This is important to establish a common approach path because without one evidence could become contaminated or destroyed for example if a forensic officer accidently stood on a footprint or a patch of blood, therefore spreading the blood around the crime scene, making it harder for a hypothesis to be established. The forensic investigators wear protective clothing and shoe covers to prevent cross contamination, they also have their own DNA on the data base to eliminate their DNA from the suspects if it did get on the crime scene. The national data base was established in 1995, which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 131. Forensic Anthropology Essay The field of forensic anthropology centers on the analysis of human remains; a key component of such an analysis is the knowledge of how much time has passed between the death of an individual and the discovery of the associated remains. This period is termed the postmortem interval and is useful in regards to providing an identification of remains, as awareness of the time of death can be instrumental in determining the specifics of a crime. Determination or estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is possible due to certain consistencies in the process of decomposition of organisms as well as both biotic and abiotic factors associated with decaying remains. Over time, new methods have been added to the repertoire of forensic anthropology, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Following the cessation of cardiac and respiratory functions in humans, cell death commences leading to the complete death of the individual. The chemical processes that result from the massive death of cells, such as release of enzymes and digestive fluids, act to begin the decay of the cadaver. Of important note, normal bacteria associated with the human digestive system are no longer held in check by the human immune system and the physical separations between the digestive tract and the other organs. Thus, bacterial action is a critical decay component, and the significance of such action will be investigated shortly. In traditional forensic taphonomic nomenclature, the cadaver progresses from the "fresh" stage upon death to the "bloat" stage at the beginning of microbial action (Finley et al. 2015). Upon the onset of insect activity, "active decay" begins until most consumable matter is removed, leading to the "advanced decay" stage; "dry" decay follows when only bone and keratinous tissue remains (Finley et al. 2015). Based upon environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture availability, the time interval for each of these stages and thus the overall decay process from fleshed body to skeleton may vary significantly. Thus, a standard taphonomic analysis of remains may not provide a very accurate indication of PMI; however, other methods used in conjunction can greatly increase accuracy in PMI ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 135. The Murder Of The Murdered Or Suicide Victims Rationale: Over the years I have been consistently watching the TV show 'Bones'. In this TV show the main protagonist is a forensic anthropologist..... Most of the TV shows I have watched over the years have always had a forensic scientist, or forensic anthropologist. It has always been fascinating how the forensic analysts could deduce the exact time when a person was murdered to the correct hour and most times to the correct minute. In each of these TV shows there were three main ways on how the protagonists determined the time of death of the murdered or suicide victims. The three ways were rigor mortis, algor mortis, and entomology. Using these methods they had conclusive results on how the person was murdered and when the person was murdered. Introduction: Forensic science is the application of science to criminal and civil laws. Forensic scientists collect, preserve, and analyses scientific evidence during the course of an investigation. It is used in multiple scenarios regarding criminal cases, but in the following investigation it will be used to determine the time of death of people. There are three major methods of determining the time of death of the deceased: Forensic Entomology, Algor Mortis, and Rigor Mortis. Forensic entomology is used when forensic entomologists study the bugs found on the deceased to estimate the time of death. Algor mortis is the change in body temperature following death. This is generally a steady decline until matching the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 139. All The Light We Cannot See By Anthony Doerr In the excerpt of the book "All the Light We Cannot See" by Anthony Doerr, the author uses the literary element of imagery in order to strengthen the main idea that blind people view the world in a different and unique way. This view is one that people with sight cannot understand nor picture. Doerr implements this element when describing how a blind person views the world. When describing how they view color and objects it sets an image in the readers mind to give them the ability to relate and to better understand the blind character. By understanding a sliver of how a blind person views the world the readers form a vision of their own. The Author uses imagery when describing how the character identifies certain objects and distinguishes one object from another. At the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Entomology smells like mothballs and oil..." (line 4). This makes the readers picture what Biology and Entomology is for her and uses certain words to give us the ability to really imagine what she is imagining. Doerr also applies this to the characters ability to see color. Whether it's actually a color or not the character seems to have her own version of color. Doerr describes her version of color by saying, "Color– that's another thing people don't expect. In her imagination, in her dreams, everything has color. the museum buildings are beige, chestnut, hazel..." (line 18). Although a blind person wouldn't know what color is, the character seems ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 143. Animal Welfare Act 1986: A Case Study Methodology Under the Animal Welfare Act 1986, it should be noted that all animals were not harmed unethically during the assessment. Collection methods The equipment for the collection comprises of entomology nets, plastic jars, entomology pins, microscopic slides, glass vials, a slab of polystyrene, a 'shadow box' for display, forceps, demineralised water, and methylated spirits (70%). The equipment used was purchased or borrowed from the laboratory in Basil–Hetzel Building at University of South Australia City East campus. The locations visited mainly comprised of northern and western suburbs, except for an eastern suburb. Most arthropods were terrestrial (with a few marine), and the other phylum were marine. Specimens were collected from habitats such as domestic (household), wetlands, ocean, and grasslands. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All specimens were frozen immediately after collection to prevent rigor mortis. The Echinoderms were cleaned to remove living or dead matter attached to the body by using water. They were then placed in methylated spirits (70%) for 48 hours, completely submerged. Each arm was weighed down to prevent them from curling up (particularly on Southern sand star). After the 48 hours, it was dried in direct sunlight for dry preservation. The Molluscs were first placed in a jar of water from their natural habitat (if applicable), as I had concerns they would dissolve immediately, if I had skipped this step. After a few days, they were transferred into separate plastic jars of methylated spirits (70%), where most lost their colouring. The Nematode was placed on a microscopic slide under a dissection microscope. The Annelids were washed in water first, then placed in methylated spirits (70%), however, the aquatic worm had shrunk anyway. They were displayed in glass vials filled with methylated ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 147. Crime Scene Investigation Essay At a crime scene, insects can provide important pieces of information to criminal investigators, including estimating the post–mortem interval (PMI) and determining where the crime took place. This is only possible, however, if the local insect fauna is known, thereby facilitating the need for local insect population surveys at both the morphological and gene levels. Although flies (order Diptera) are one of the first and most prevalent necrophagic insect species found associated with a corpse, beetles (order Coleoptera) are also a forensically relevant insect that can play a significant role in crime scene investigations. In this study, the objective was to survey the Coleoptera population in Lyon County, Kansas during the early spring. Insects were collected using light traps during the evening hours and DNA was isolated from each collected specimen followed by amplification of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. The cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene is known to be as a standard barcode gene. (CBOL, 2010) This barcode gene is a 648 base pair mostly found in all animals including flies, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DNA Isolation was done using ZR Tissue & Insect DNA Miniprep™ kit (Zymo Reseach, Irvine, CA). The instruction manual provided by Zymo Research, titled as ZR Tissue and Insect DNA Mini Prep ™, Catalog No. D6016 was used in order to perform the DNA isolation. (Zymo, 1913) ZR Tissue and Insect DNA Mini Prep ™, Catalog No. D6016, provides a detailed procedure including what materials to use, centrifugation timing, extraction, and in between others. (Zymo, 1913) This can be found in room 44 and on the Zymo Research website. Afterward DNA extraction, the concentration and purity of each DNA sample was measured in a Implen Nano–photometer, Serial No: 6293. The specimens needed to have a concentration equal or bigger than 4 ng/μl in order to be used in to the next ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 151. Three Representative Organisms Three representative organisms: Arthropods Coleoptera (beetle) The Coleoptera (beetle) is characterized by "hardened front wings (elytra)" that "meet in a straight line down the center of the back" ("Coleoptera," General Entomology, 2012). The complete development cycle of beetles consists of the conventional egg, larva, pupa, and adult progression. The class is "divided into four suborders. The most common are Aedephaga and Polyphaga. In the case of Aedephaga, "the first abdominal sternum is divided by the hind coxae" and in the case of Polyphaga "the first abdominal sternum is undivided" ("Coleoptera," General Entomology, 2012). Beetles come in a wide variety of types. "Coleoptera is the largest order in the animal kingdom. It includes 40% of all insects and nearly 30% of all animal species" ("Bug Bytes," General Entomology, 2012). Beetles can exist as "predators, parasites or commensals" in terms of the way in which they survive and sustain themselves ("Bug Bytes," General Entomology, 2012). Lepidoptera (Arctiidae) The class of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) is the second largest order in the insect world. Nearly all organisms begin the form of larvae called caterpillars (Meyer 2009). After undergoing a pupae stage, the adults emerge with "distinctive...large wings (relative to body size) which are covered with minute overlapping scales" (Meyer 2009). The front wings are large and triangular–shaped while the hind wings are smaller and fan–shaped (Meyer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 155. The Science Of Entomology Entomology is an area of forensics that studies insects. The science is mainly applied to murders, since insects are often the first at the crime scene (Discovery Network, 2015). The bugs can be used to analyze a body, especially to determine when and where the murder occurred (Environmental Science, 2017). Entomologists are able to do so by analyzing the age and species of a bug (Discovery Network, 2015). While this does not always provide necessary evidence, it often gives police a lead in a case (Discovery Network, 2015). Ultimately, entomology is a science that works due to biology, can serve as strong evidence, and has multiple requirements in order to go into the field. In order to be an entomologist, one must meet multiple requirements. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Entomologists are people who have worked very hard to meet all the requirements for the job (Study, 2017). They have gone through years of college, and developed the right aptitude as well (Study, 2017). The insects the entomologists study give multiple clues with their actions (Crime Museum, 2017). By simply living out their life, the bugs can provide entomologists with the time a murder occurred (Crime Museum, 2017). This can then be used to put together a report against someone, and from there, hopefully accuse the correct person (Discovery Network, 2015). References Crime Museum. (2017). Forensic Entomology. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from http://www.crimemuseum.org/crime–library/forensic–entomology/ Environmental Science. (2017). What is an Entomologist? Retrieved March 21, 2017, from http://www.environmentalscience.org/career/entomologist FBI. (2016, August 03). FBI Laboratory Positions. Retrieved March 22, 2017, from https://www.fbi.gov/services/laboratory/laboratory– positions Study. (2017). Become an Entomologist: Education and Career Roadmap. Retrieved March 21, 2017, from http://study.com/articles/Become_an_Entomologist_Education_and_Career_Roadmap.html Study. (2017). Forensic Entomologist: Job Description, Duties and Requirements. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from http://study.com/articles/Forensic_Entomologist_Job_Description_Duties_and_Requirem ents.html (2015, February 03). Retrieved March 20, 2017, from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...