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San Jose Mine,

www.fortunasilver.com   September 2012
Regulatory Disclaimer
Certain statements in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements and as such are based on an
assumed set of economic conditions and courses of action. These include estimates of future production
levels, expectations regarding mine production costs, expected trends in mineral prices and statements that
describe Fortuna’s future plans, objectives or goals. There is a significant risk that actual results will vary,
perhaps materially, from results projected depending on such factors as changes in general economic
conditions and financial markets, changes in prices for silver and other metals, technological and operational
hazards in Fortuna’s mining and mine development activities, risks inherent in mineral exploration,
uncertainties inherent in the estimation of mineral reserves, mineral resources, and metal recoveries, the
timing and availability of financing, governmental and other approvals, political unrest or instability in
countries where Fortuna is active, labor relations and other risk factors.
Thomas I. Vehrs, Ph.D., Vice President of Exploration and Founding Registered Member of The Society for
Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME Registered Member Number 3323430RM) and Edgar Vilela,
Corporate Manager of Technical Services of Fortuna, are the Qualified Persons for Fortuna Silver Mines Inc.
as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Dr. Vehrs is responsible for ensuring that the geological and
scientific information contained in this presentation are an accurate summary of the original reports and
data provided to or developed by Fortuna Silver Mines. Mr. Vilela is responsible for ensuring that the
information on reserves, production and costs contained in this presentation are an accurate summary of
the original reports and data provided to or developed by Fortuna Silver Mines.

           To be valued by our workers, the community and our
shareholders as a leading silver mining company in Latin America

                                                         Caylloma Mine,

Core Assets
Operating and exploring in the Americas

 San Jose Mine, Mexico
 Caylloma Mine, Peru

 Exploring in Mexico and Peru; two
  largest silver producing countries in
  the world
 44,000 meter drill program for 2012

Company Snapshot
Strong balance sheet                       Share structure (as of July 30 ) th   Exchanges
   US$60.65 million in cash (Q2 2012)      Outstanding: 125.2 million
   US$20 million credit facility           Fully diluted: 131.0 million
   No long term debt
   No hedging

                                                                                 Frankfurt: F4S.F
     FVI.TO vs. Ag (Sept. 2011 – Sept. 2012)

Financial Snapshot
   Strong financial performance

                  Revenue US$ [´000s]                                      Operating Income US$ [´000s]

                                                154,122                                                 43,402
   51,428                                                            14,383

     2009           2010           2011           2012                 2009            2010     2011      2012
                                                FORECAST                                                FORECAST

2012 forecast: Ag = US$30/oz, Au = US$1,660/oz, Pb = US$2,300/t and Zn = US$2,000/t

Financial Snapshot
 Strong cash flow and sustainable growth

                 Cash Flow Per Share                            Earnings Per Share

0.12                                              0.12
0.10                                              0.10

0.08                                              0.08

0.06                                              0.06

0.04                                              0.04

0.02                                              0.02

  -                                                  -
       Q2 2012      Q1 2012   Q4 2011   Q3 2011            Q2 2012   Q1 2012   Q4 2011   Q3 2011

Financial Snapshot
Revenue by metal

           1%                       4%
          29%                      23%                                                            Copper
                                                             7%                                   Lead
                                                            64%                         65%
                                   49%                                                            Silver

         2009                      2010                     2011                         2012
 2012 forecast: Ag = US$30/oz, Au = US$1,660/oz, Pb = US$2,300/t and Zn = US$2,000/t

Key Milestones
   Foundations of a Leading Silver Mining Company
                                                                                                                                   of 1,500 tpd
                                                                                                                     Plant             plant
                                                                                                                  expansion to      expansion
                                                                                                  Shares begin    1,500 tpd at
                                                                                                   trading on       San Jose
                                                                                 Shares begin                                     Commissioning
                                                                                trading on TSX                                     of dore plant
                                                                Acquired 100%                                     Off-site dore
                                                                                                  Commenced           plant
                                                                  interest in     Reported
                                                 Shares begin                                      commercial     construction
                                                                   San Jose        positive
                                                   trading                                        production at    at San Jose
                                  Successful                                    pre-feasibility    San Jose, on
                                                   on BVL       Received EIS
                                  drilling at                                      study at        time and on
                Commenced                                       approval and      San Jose
                                   San Jose       Increased                                           budget
                production at                                    permits for
                                 significantly       silver
  Company       Caylloma on                                       San Jose         Started
                                  increased      production
 established     time and on                                                    construction
                                    Ag Eq           by 85%
                    budget                                        Increased      of San Jose
Shares trade                                                        silver          Mine
on the TSX.V    Acquired stake                                   production
                      in                                           by 96%         Increased
  Acquired         San Jose                                                          silver
Caylloma Mine                                                                    production
                                                                                    by 13%

 2005               ‘06            ‘07             ‘08             ‘09             ‘10               ‘11             ‘12           2013

Investment Highlights

   1   Emergence of a leading silver mining company in the Americas

   2   Proven mine developers and operators

   3   Strong cash flow and sustainable growth from existing mines

   4   Brownfields exploration upside

   5   Disciplined acquisition strategy

Emergence of a Leading Silver Mining Company
Sustainable mineral reserve and resource growth
                                                 Inferred Resources
                                                 Measured & Indicated Resources
                                   120.0         Proven & Probable Reserves
 Contained Metal - Ag Eq (Moz) *






                                              2005             2006             2007             2008          2009   2010   2011
                                           * Ag Eq calculated using Ag = US$25.14/oz and Au = US$1,391.63/oz

Emergence of a Leading Silver Mining Company
Increasing Exposure to Precious Metals
                                           Ag Production                                   4.9      4.9
       M oz

                 3.0                                        2.4
                 2.0                       1.6
                 1.0    0.44

                       2007     2008     2009     2010     2011     2012     2013        2014      2015
                                                                             Production forecast

                                           Au Production
              30,000                                                                               27,000
              20,000                                                17,400

              10,000                                       7,000
               5,000             2,100    2,300    2,500
                       2007     2008     2009     2010     2011     2012     2013        2014      2015
                                                                             Production forecast

                 2012 base metal revenue estimate = US$26M; Pb = US$2,300/t & Zn = US$2,000/t

Proven Mine Builders and Operators
     Senior Management

 Jorge A. Ganoza        Dr. Thomas I. Vehrs          Cesar Pera         Luis Dario Ganoza     Manuel Ruiz-Conejo       Robert Brown
    President,            Vice President,         Vice President,         Chief Financial       Vice President,        Vice President,
 CEO and Director          Exploration         Human & Organizational         Officer             Operations             Corporate
                                                   Development                                                         Development

Co-founder of           Over 35 years               Over 25 years         Over 15 years        Over 25 years         20 years experience in
Fortuna. Peruvian       experience managing         experience in         experience in the    experience in the     exploration, project
geological engineer.    exploration                 organizational        operations and       execution of multi-   development and
Identified and          programs in the             development           financial            million dollar        finance. Former CEO
negotiated purchase     Americas. Tom also          and change in         management of        mining projects and   of Calibre Mining
of Caylloma, built      serves as an                Latin American        public mining        the implementation    Corp. and senior
 the Fortuna team.      independent director        companies.            companies. Luis      of community          manager at Barrick
Jorge also serves as    for AQM Copper Inc.                               also serves as a     relations programs.   Gold in exploration
Chairman of the                                                           Director of Atico                          and business
Board of Atico Mining                                                     Mining                                     development.
Corporation, a TSX.V                                                      Corporation, a
listed company.                                                           TSX.V listed

Proven Mine Builders and Operators
Board of Directors

  Simon Ridgway
  Chairman of the Board       Robert R. Gilmore                     Mario Szotlender                 Tomas Guerrero

Co-founder of Fortuna.        30 years of experience working        Co-founder of Fortuna.           Geological engineer with
Vancouver-based mining        with resource companies and           Financier, businessman           over 30 years experience.
financier. Also founded       currently serves as Chairman of       and Director of Radius           Served as Director of
Focus Ventures, Radius        the Board for Eldorado Gold           Gold, Endeavour                  Explorations for the
Gold, Mar West Resources      Corporation and as a Director for     Silver, Magellan, Focus          Hochschild Group.
and Northland Resources.      Layne Christensen Company.            Ventures and Iron Creek.

Jorge A. Ganoza
President and CEO             Thomas Kelly                          Michael Iverson

Co-founder of Fortuna.        36 years of experience in mine        Chief Executive Officer of Fortuna
Peruvian geological           production, minerals industry         from 1998 to January 2005.
engineer. Identified and      consulting and corporate              President and Director of Niogold
negotiated purchase of        management in various Latin           Mining Corp. since 1998.
Caylloma, built the Fortuna   American countries; currently
team. Jorge also serves as    serves as CEO of Apurimac
Chairman of the Board of      Ferrum, a private company
Atico Mining Corporation, a   developing iron ore assets in Peru.
TSX.V listed company.

Caylloma Mine, Peru
           Commodities     Silver, gold, zinc, lead
             Operation     1,300 tpd underground mine
            Reserve Life   8 Years
               Location    Arequipa, Peru
             Ownership     100%
                           Intermediate sulfidation
           Deposit type
                           epithermal deposit
       2012E cash cost/t   US$85.00

                              Ag Production


k oz



                   2009      2010      2011          2012
                                              Production forecast

Caylloma Mine, Peru
Solid reserve and resource base

                                                                                                     Contained Metal
                                              Tonnes        Ag         Au        Pb          Zn
            Classification                     (000)       (g/t)      (g/t)      (%)        (%)        Ag       Au
                                                                                                      (Moz)    (koz)

Proven & Probable Reserves                      4,642      135        0.33       1.33      1.93       20.2     49.5

Measured & Indicated Resources                  2,258      123        0.30       0.85      1.28        8.9     21.8

Inferred Resources                              3,258      112        0.36       0.99      1.50       11.8     37.9

Notes to Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource tables prepared in accordance with NI 43 - 101:
 Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources are as defined by the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources
  and Mineral Reserves
 Mineral Resources are exclusive of Mineral Reserves
 Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability
 Caylloma Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves are estimated as of June 30, 2011 and reported as of
  December 31, 2011
 Refer to www.fortunasilver.com for full disclosure

San Jose Mine, Mexico
               Commodities         Silver, gold
                 Operation         1,050 tpd underground mine
                Reserve Life       9 Years
                                   Taviche Mining District,
                                   Oaxaca, Mexico
                 Ownership         100%
                                   High-grade, low sulphidation
               Deposit type
                                   epithermal vein deposit
        2012E cash cost/t          US$75.00

                    Ag Production                             Au Production
       3,000                                       25,000
       2,000                                       15,000
k oz



          -                                            -

                2011 2012 2013 2014                         2011 2012 2013 2014
                       Production forecast                       Production forecast

San Jose Mine, Mexico
Solid reserve and resource base

                                                                                     Contained Metal
                                                    Tonnes       Ag         Au
                   Classification                    (000)      (g/t)      (g/t)       Ag         Au
                                                                                      (Moz)      (koz)

      Probable Reserves                              3,600       204       1.59       23.6      183.7
      Indicated Resources                             376        243       2.12        2.9       25.6
      Inferred Resources                             3,072       223       1.80       22.0      178.1

     Notes to Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource tables prepared in accordance with NI 43 - 101:
      Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources are as defined by the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources
       and Mineral Reserves
      Mineral Resources are exclusive of Mineral Reserves
      Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability
      Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources reported as of December 31st, 2011
      Refer to www.fortunasilver.com for full disclosure

San Jose Mine, Mexico
Underground mine design
        North                                            South
                               Service Raise
                                                                L 1540

         Main Ramp

                                                      Auxiliary Branch

Auxiliary Ramp                                                  L 1400

                                                     Ventilation Raise
                                                                L 1360

                                                                L 1300

                                                      Main Levels
       Projected Ramp
                             Ore Pass
       Projected Level
                                                                L 1200
       Indicated Resources
       Inferred Resources
                                        Waste Pass
       Production block
                                                                L 1100

Exploration Pipeline

                                  San Jose Mine
                                  Caylloma Mine

                                                              DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS

                        Bateas           Don Luis      Tlacolula

                        San Pedro, San Carlos,         Animas NE/      DRILL TARGETS
                        El Toro, Apóstoles             Nancy

                Vilafro, Vilafr
                                          Cailloma 6         El Pochotle   EARLY STAGE
                o Sur

                              Over 87,000 hectares                            LAND

Exploration Snapshot
Brownfields Peru

 29,000 ha land package

 4 drill rigs in operation

 US$7.2M 2012 exploration

 Brownfields exploration
  program oriented at
  expanding resource base with
  priority given to silver-rich

Exploration Snapshot
Brownfields Peru
Animas/Nancy Vein System
  100% ownership
  High-grade polymetallic vein system with moderate Ag
       -    ANIM022012: 5.05 m avg. 106 g/t Ag, 6.90% Pb
            and 7.54 % Zn [Animas vein]
       -    NANS002012: 9.55 m avg. 91 g/t Ag, 5.30% Pb
            and 7.62 % Zn [Nancy vein]
  Generating updated resource model

Cerro Vilafro
  100% ownership
  Epithermal system with a NE-SW trending vein
   swarm, hosted by Cretaceous quartzites with potential to be
   a bulk-mineable, open-pit target:
       -   CH 503715: 0.40 m avg. 3.23 g/t Au and 827 g/t Ag
       -   CH 503708: 0.40 m avg. 2.14 g/t Au and 2,440 g/t Ag
  Drill testing planned for 3rd/4th quarter of 2012

Exploration Snapshot
San Jose land package, Mexico

 58,000 ha concession package
 Soil and stream sediment sampling
 2 drill rigs in operation
 US$5.8 M 2012 exploration budget
 Significant resource growth
  potential within trucking distance
  to processing plant

Exploration Snapshot
Brownfields Mexico
  Option to acquire 60% interest from Radius
  Large and untested low sulfidation epithermal vein system
  Two main veins identified, Tlacolula and Guila:
       - CH 136366: 6.30 m avg. 19.34 g/t Au and
         986 g/t Ag (open) [Guila Vein]
       - CH 135709: 9.60 m avg. 0.13 g/t Au and
         295 g/t Ag (open) [Tlacolula Vein]
  1,600 meter drill program in preparation stage

El Pochotle
  100% owned
  High-grade Ag – Au epithermal vein systems
  6,000 meter drill program planned for 3rd /4th quarter of 2012

Community Relations Program
Forging strategic partnerships
 Programs are based on respect for ethno-cultural diversity, open communication
  and effective interaction with all stakeholders
 We work with communities towards self-development of economically sustainable
  activities to improve their quality of life

Growth Strategy
Three-pronged approach to create shareholder value

      Maximize              Execute on production ramp-up at San Jose by 4Q 2013
production, profitabilit
                            Focus on operational efficiencies to reduce cash costs
  y and cash flow of
    current mines           Off-site Ag - Au concentrate leaching facility at San Jose

     Capitalize on          44,000 meter exploration program between Peru and Mexico
                            Two crews evaluating multiple Ag - Au anomalies at San Jose
    opportunities           Commanding land packages in Peru and Mexico

                            Post discovery, pre-development opportunities in the Americas
  Pursue selective
                            Silver contribution of >50% of revenue
 M&A opportunities
                            Below industry median for cash cost

 Proven operators and mine builders in the Americas
 Organic growth potential
 Consistent cash generation

                                                       Caylloma Mine

Management Head Office
Carlos Baca
T: +51.1.616.6060, ext. 0

Corporate Office
Holly Hendershot
T (Toronto): +1.647.725.0813
T (Vancouver): +1.604.484.4085

                            www.fortunasilver.com   September 2012

More Related Content

Fortuna Silver September Investor Presentation

  • 1. San Jose Mine, Mexico www.fortunasilver.com September 2012
  • 2. Regulatory Disclaimer Certain statements in this presentation constitute forward-looking statements and as such are based on an assumed set of economic conditions and courses of action. These include estimates of future production levels, expectations regarding mine production costs, expected trends in mineral prices and statements that describe Fortuna’s future plans, objectives or goals. There is a significant risk that actual results will vary, perhaps materially, from results projected depending on such factors as changes in general economic conditions and financial markets, changes in prices for silver and other metals, technological and operational hazards in Fortuna’s mining and mine development activities, risks inherent in mineral exploration, uncertainties inherent in the estimation of mineral reserves, mineral resources, and metal recoveries, the timing and availability of financing, governmental and other approvals, political unrest or instability in countries where Fortuna is active, labor relations and other risk factors. Thomas I. Vehrs, Ph.D., Vice President of Exploration and Founding Registered Member of The Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc. (SME Registered Member Number 3323430RM) and Edgar Vilela, Corporate Manager of Technical Services of Fortuna, are the Qualified Persons for Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Dr. Vehrs is responsible for ensuring that the geological and scientific information contained in this presentation are an accurate summary of the original reports and data provided to or developed by Fortuna Silver Mines. Mr. Vilela is responsible for ensuring that the information on reserves, production and costs contained in this presentation are an accurate summary of the original reports and data provided to or developed by Fortuna Silver Mines. 2
  • 3. Vision To be valued by our workers, the community and our shareholders as a leading silver mining company in Latin America Caylloma Mine, Peru 3
  • 4. Core Assets Operating and exploring in the Americas Production  San Jose Mine, Mexico  Caylloma Mine, Peru Exploration  Exploring in Mexico and Peru; two largest silver producing countries in the world  44,000 meter drill program for 2012 4
  • 5. Company Snapshot Strong balance sheet Share structure (as of July 30 ) th Exchanges  US$60.65 million in cash (Q2 2012)  Outstanding: 125.2 million  US$20 million credit facility  Fully diluted: 131.0 million  No long term debt  No hedging Frankfurt: F4S.F FVI.TO vs. Ag (Sept. 2011 – Sept. 2012) 5
  • 6. Financial Snapshot Strong financial performance Revenue US$ [´000s] Operating Income US$ [´000s] 154,122 43,402 38,065 110,004 27,728 74,056 51,428 14,383 2009 2010 2011 2012 2009 2010 2011 2012 FORECAST FORECAST 2012 forecast: Ag = US$30/oz, Au = US$1,660/oz, Pb = US$2,300/t and Zn = US$2,000/t 6
  • 7. Financial Snapshot Strong cash flow and sustainable growth Cash Flow Per Share Earnings Per Share 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 - - Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 Q2 2012 Q1 2012 Q4 2011 Q3 2011 (0.02) 7
  • 8. Financial Snapshot Revenue by metal 1% 4% 7% 15% 9% 29% 23% Copper 14% 19% 7% Lead 21% 23% Zinc 3% 4% Gold 64% 65% 49% Silver 44% 2009 2010 2011 2012 FORECAST 2012 forecast: Ag = US$30/oz, Au = US$1,660/oz, Pb = US$2,300/t and Zn = US$2,000/t 8
  • 9. Key Milestones Foundations of a Leading Silver Mining Company Commissioning of 1,500 tpd Plant plant expansion to expansion Shares begin 1,500 tpd at trading on San Jose Shares begin Commissioning NYSE trading on TSX of dore plant Acquired 100% Off-site dore Commenced plant interest in Reported Shares begin commercial construction San Jose positive trading production at at San Jose Successful pre-feasibility San Jose, on on BVL Received EIS drilling at study at time and on Commenced approval and San Jose San Jose Increased budget production at permits for significantly silver Company Caylloma on San Jose Started increased production established time and on construction Ag Eq by 85% budget Increased of San Jose resources Shares trade silver Mine on the TSX.V Acquired stake production in by 96% Increased Acquired San Jose silver Caylloma Mine production by 13% 2005 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 2013 9
  • 10. Investment Highlights 1 Emergence of a leading silver mining company in the Americas 2 Proven mine developers and operators 3 Strong cash flow and sustainable growth from existing mines 4 Brownfields exploration upside 5 Disciplined acquisition strategy 10
  • 11. Emergence of a Leading Silver Mining Company Sustainable mineral reserve and resource growth 140.0 Inferred Resources Measured & Indicated Resources 120.0 Proven & Probable Reserves Contained Metal - Ag Eq (Moz) * 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 * Ag Eq calculated using Ag = US$25.14/oz and Au = US$1,391.63/oz 11
  • 12. Emergence of a Leading Silver Mining Company Increasing Exposure to Precious Metals Ag Production 4.9 4.9 5.0 4.1 3.7 4.0 M oz 3.0 2.4 1.9 2.0 1.6 0.81 1.0 0.44 - 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Production forecast Au Production 30,000 27,000 26,000 25,000 21,100 20,000 17,400 oz 15,000 10,000 7,000 3,300 5,000 2,100 2,300 2,500 - 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Production forecast 2012 base metal revenue estimate = US$26M; Pb = US$2,300/t & Zn = US$2,000/t 12
  • 13. Proven Mine Builders and Operators Senior Management Jorge A. Ganoza Dr. Thomas I. Vehrs Cesar Pera Luis Dario Ganoza Manuel Ruiz-Conejo Robert Brown President, Vice President, Vice President, Chief Financial Vice President, Vice President, CEO and Director Exploration Human & Organizational Officer Operations Corporate Development Development Co-founder of Over 35 years Over 25 years Over 15 years Over 25 years 20 years experience in Fortuna. Peruvian experience managing experience in experience in the experience in the exploration, project geological engineer. exploration organizational operations and execution of multi- development and Identified and programs in the development financial million dollar finance. Former CEO negotiated purchase Americas. Tom also and change in management of mining projects and of Calibre Mining of Caylloma, built serves as an Latin American public mining the implementation Corp. and senior the Fortuna team. independent director companies. companies. Luis of community manager at Barrick Jorge also serves as for AQM Copper Inc. also serves as a relations programs. Gold in exploration Chairman of the Director of Atico and business Board of Atico Mining Mining development. Corporation, a TSX.V Corporation, a listed company. TSX.V listed company. 13
  • 14. Proven Mine Builders and Operators Board of Directors Simon Ridgway Chairman of the Board Robert R. Gilmore Mario Szotlender Tomas Guerrero Co-founder of Fortuna. 30 years of experience working Co-founder of Fortuna. Geological engineer with Vancouver-based mining with resource companies and Financier, businessman over 30 years experience. financier. Also founded currently serves as Chairman of and Director of Radius Served as Director of Focus Ventures, Radius the Board for Eldorado Gold Gold, Endeavour Explorations for the Gold, Mar West Resources Corporation and as a Director for Silver, Magellan, Focus Hochschild Group. and Northland Resources. Layne Christensen Company. Ventures and Iron Creek. Jorge A. Ganoza President and CEO Thomas Kelly Michael Iverson Co-founder of Fortuna. 36 years of experience in mine Chief Executive Officer of Fortuna Peruvian geological production, minerals industry from 1998 to January 2005. engineer. Identified and consulting and corporate President and Director of Niogold negotiated purchase of management in various Latin Mining Corp. since 1998. Caylloma, built the Fortuna American countries; currently team. Jorge also serves as serves as CEO of Apurimac Chairman of the Board of Ferrum, a private company Atico Mining Corporation, a developing iron ore assets in Peru. TSX.V listed company. 14
  • 15. Caylloma Mine, Peru Overview Commodities Silver, gold, zinc, lead Operation 1,300 tpd underground mine Reserve Life 8 Years Location Arequipa, Peru Ownership 100% Intermediate sulfidation Deposit type epithermal deposit 2012E cash cost/t US$85.00 Ag Production 2,000 1,900 1,800 k oz 1,700 1,600 1,500 2009 2010 2011 2012 Production forecast 15
  • 16. Caylloma Mine, Peru Solid reserve and resource base Contained Metal Tonnes Ag Au Pb Zn Classification (000) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) Ag Au (Moz) (koz) Proven & Probable Reserves 4,642 135 0.33 1.33 1.93 20.2 49.5 Measured & Indicated Resources 2,258 123 0.30 0.85 1.28 8.9 21.8 Inferred Resources 3,258 112 0.36 0.99 1.50 11.8 37.9 Notes to Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource tables prepared in accordance with NI 43 - 101:  Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources are as defined by the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves  Mineral Resources are exclusive of Mineral Reserves  Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability  Caylloma Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves are estimated as of June 30, 2011 and reported as of December 31, 2011  Refer to www.fortunasilver.com for full disclosure 16
  • 17. San Jose Mine, Mexico Overview Commodities Silver, gold Operation 1,050 tpd underground mine Reserve Life 9 Years Taviche Mining District, Location Oaxaca, Mexico Ownership 100% High-grade, low sulphidation Deposit type epithermal vein deposit 2012E cash cost/t US$75.00 Ag Production Au Production 3,000 25,000 20,000 2,000 15,000 k oz oz 10,000 1,000 5,000 - - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 Production forecast Production forecast 17
  • 18. San Jose Mine, Mexico Solid reserve and resource base Contained Metal Tonnes Ag Au Classification (000) (g/t) (g/t) Ag Au (Moz) (koz) Probable Reserves 3,600 204 1.59 23.6 183.7 Indicated Resources 376 243 2.12 2.9 25.6 Inferred Resources 3,072 223 1.80 22.0 178.1 Notes to Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource tables prepared in accordance with NI 43 - 101:  Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources are as defined by the CIM Definition Standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves  Mineral Resources are exclusive of Mineral Reserves  Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability  Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources reported as of December 31st, 2011  Refer to www.fortunasilver.com for full disclosure 18
  • 19. San Jose Mine, Mexico Underground mine design North South Service Raise L 1540 Main Ramp Auxiliary Branch Auxiliary Ramp L 1400 Ventilation Raise L 1360 L 1300 LEGEND Main Levels Projected Ramp Ore Pass Projected Level L 1200 Indicated Resources Inferred Resources Waste Pass Production block L 1100 19
  • 20. Exploration Pipeline San Jose Mine PRODUCTION Caylloma Mine DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Bateas Don Luis Tlacolula San Pedro, San Carlos, Animas NE/ DRILL TARGETS El Toro, Apóstoles Nancy Cerro Vilafro, Vilafr Cailloma 6 El Pochotle EARLY STAGE o Sur Over 87,000 hectares LAND PACKAGE 20
  • 21. Exploration Snapshot Brownfields Peru  29,000 ha land package  4 drill rigs in operation  US$7.2M 2012 exploration budget  Brownfields exploration program oriented at expanding resource base with priority given to silver-rich veins 21
  • 22. Exploration Snapshot Brownfields Peru Animas/Nancy Vein System  100% ownership  High-grade polymetallic vein system with moderate Ag values: - ANIM022012: 5.05 m avg. 106 g/t Ag, 6.90% Pb and 7.54 % Zn [Animas vein] - NANS002012: 9.55 m avg. 91 g/t Ag, 5.30% Pb and 7.62 % Zn [Nancy vein]  Generating updated resource model Cerro Vilafro  100% ownership  Epithermal system with a NE-SW trending vein swarm, hosted by Cretaceous quartzites with potential to be a bulk-mineable, open-pit target: - CH 503715: 0.40 m avg. 3.23 g/t Au and 827 g/t Ag - CH 503708: 0.40 m avg. 2.14 g/t Au and 2,440 g/t Ag  Drill testing planned for 3rd/4th quarter of 2012 22
  • 23. Exploration Snapshot San Jose land package, Mexico  58,000 ha concession package  Soil and stream sediment sampling  2 drill rigs in operation  US$5.8 M 2012 exploration budget  Significant resource growth potential within trucking distance to processing plant 23
  • 24. Exploration Snapshot Brownfields Mexico Tlacolula  Option to acquire 60% interest from Radius  Large and untested low sulfidation epithermal vein system  Two main veins identified, Tlacolula and Guila: - CH 136366: 6.30 m avg. 19.34 g/t Au and 986 g/t Ag (open) [Guila Vein] - CH 135709: 9.60 m avg. 0.13 g/t Au and 295 g/t Ag (open) [Tlacolula Vein]  1,600 meter drill program in preparation stage El Pochotle  100% owned  High-grade Ag – Au epithermal vein systems  6,000 meter drill program planned for 3rd /4th quarter of 2012 24
  • 25. Community Relations Program Forging strategic partnerships  Programs are based on respect for ethno-cultural diversity, open communication and effective interaction with all stakeholders  We work with communities towards self-development of economically sustainable activities to improve their quality of life 25
  • 26. Growth Strategy Three-pronged approach to create shareholder value Maximize  Execute on production ramp-up at San Jose by 4Q 2013 production, profitabilit  Focus on operational efficiencies to reduce cash costs y and cash flow of current mines  Off-site Ag - Au concentrate leaching facility at San Jose Capitalize on  44,000 meter exploration program between Peru and Mexico brownfields  Two crews evaluating multiple Ag - Au anomalies at San Jose exploration opportunities  Commanding land packages in Peru and Mexico  Post discovery, pre-development opportunities in the Americas Pursue selective  Silver contribution of >50% of revenue M&A opportunities  Below industry median for cash cost 26
  • 27.  Proven operators and mine builders in the Americas  Organic growth potential  Consistent cash generation Caylloma Mine Peru 27
  • 28. Management Head Office Carlos Baca T: +51.1.616.6060, ext. 0 Corporate Office Holly Hendershot T (Toronto): +1.647.725.0813 T (Vancouver): +1.604.484.4085 www.fortunasilver.com September 2012