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sean johnson @intentionally
Partner at Digital Intent and Founder Equity
Professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg school of Management
Startup Team in a box - Product, UI/UX, Development, Traction
Seed stage technology investors.
Find out here: www.sean-johnson.com/framework-thinking
sean johnson @intentionally
Drastically multiply your effectiveness

by managing actions, not projects.
sean johnson @intentionally
GTD is based on two premises:
1. Your brain is terrible at keeping track of everything.
Get things out of your head into a system, and review it
enough that your brain can relax and trust your system.
1. You can’t manage projects, only actions. Your brain
needs to know exactly what physical action you need to
do next in order to make progress.
Collect: Have as many inboxes as you need to
collect everything as soon as it occurs to you.
Get it out of your head.
Process: For each item in your inbox,
determine the next appropriate action.
Organize: Set up a proper system for trashing,
filing or tracking next actions.
Review: Create proper times for appropriately
reviewing your projects and next actions.
Do: Based on your time, energy and context,
make progress on your next actions.
To collect properly, you need as many inboxes as necessary to be sure
you capture everything. This can mean a paper notebook on your desk, a
physical inbox for mail, a phone for notes on the run, etc.
Set aside regular times for processing your inbox. For each item in your inbox,
use the following workflow, organizing them with the tools indicated.
Is it actionable? NO Throw it Away
File It For
Incubate It
someday lists, etc
anything with multiple steps
What is the next
Do It
anything you can do in 2min
Defer It Delegate It
keep a “waiting for” list
date-specific actions
Next Action Lists
to do as soon as you can
Once everything is processed and organized, make sure you review frequently.
Review your calendar and next action lists throughout the day, and do a
comprehensive review each week. An example weekly review plan is below:
Get Clear
• Collect loose papers and materials
• Get Inbox to zero
• Empty your head
Get Current
• Review Action Lists
• Review past and upcoming calendar
• Review Waiting For list
• Review Project (and larger outcome) lists
• Review any relevant checklists
Get Creative
• Review Someday/Maybe
• Be creative and courageous
The obvious purpose of all of this is to DO stuff. You’ll often be doing things in
response to specific calendar events, but the purpose of GTD is to make you
focused and productive the rest of the time. Use your next actions list and the
following filters to decide what to do at any given moment.
Your physical location and the tools you have at your
disposal determine your context. You can’t make phone
calls when you don’t have your phone, for example.
You can’t do a 2 hour task when you only have 15 minutes.
Some activities require intense focus and energy. You
should do these when your energy levels are at their peak,
and do less demanding tasks when you’re energy is lower.
What’s most important?
To Learn More, Read This:
Immerse yourself in the mind of your customer to make
smarter product and marketing decisions.
sean johnson @intentionally
It’s critical to always keep the needs of the customer
top of mind when making product or marketing
decisions. The Empathy Map is a collaborative tool
for fleshing out a customer’s psychographic profile.
What are they thinking and feeling about
their worries and aspirations?
What are they
hearing while
using our product,
from their friends
or boss?
What are they
experiencing as
pain or fear when
using our product?
What are they
seeing while using
our product in their
What are they
experiencing as
positive or gain
when using our
What are they saying & doing while using
our product in public or in private?
How to use the Empathy Map:
• Assemble your team, bringing any secondary or
primary research you’ve already compiled.
• For each section of the empathy map, have each team
member add a thought on a sticky note and place it on
the map.
• Discuss the collaborative sketch, and consolidate the
notes into a cohesive document.
Business plans are static and inflexible. Business is not.
The Lean Canvas helps you go from Plan A to a plan that works.
sean johnson @intentionally
Business plans change. It’s smart to plan for change
by turning your plan into hypotheses to be tested
and modified based on customer/market feedback.
The Lean Canvas helps you do this.
Who are the
customers you plan
on targeting?
Why are you 

different and worth
paying attention to?
What are the top 3
problems your
customers have?
How is the product
the solution
to those problems?
What can’t be easily
copied or bought?
How will you reach
your customers?
What are your costs going to be to deliver this solution?
How will you make money?
There are 9 aspects of the business model canvas. Your goal is to identify and
document your hypotheses for each box as succinctly as possible.
Once you’ve outlined your hypotheses, you identify which are the most risky. 

Ask yourself how confident your are with each hypothesis.
Secondary market
Landing pages
Tactical Paid
Customer problem
Customer solution
Beta versions
Market research
Tactical acquisition campaigns
Solution interviews
Pricing page tests
Competitive benchmarks
Create a test for each hypothesis. Some can be done in a few hours from your
computer, while others require “getting out of the building” and talking to customers.
Using the Lean Canvas:
• Turn your business plan into a series of hypotheses and plot
them on the canvas.
• Rank your hypotheses in order of most risky to least risky -
how confident are you about each of them?
• Develop a way to test each hypothesis, and implement.
• Revise the canvas based on the results of your experiments.
• Repeat.
To Learn More, Read This:
Build better products by understanding customer needs
and their relationship with your product’s attributes.
sean johnson @intentionally
One axis plots the degree to which you’ve implemented a feature. The other plots
how satisfied the customer would be with that feature if implemented well.
Must have features are those a user wouldn’t notice if implemented, but definitely
notice if missing. These must be in your product in order to be considered.
Performance features are those the customer really cares about. They definitely
notice the better you are at them. These are usually where you look for your USP.
Delighter features are those the customer wouldn’t notice if they’re missing, but
love when they see them. These create long-term customer loyalty.
Must Have Features:
A milk jug that doesn’t leak.
A car that starts.
Word processor that saves files.
Performance Features:
Simpler file sharing
Free photo storage
Faster Internet connection
Delighter Features
Free shipping
Bonus item in package
Amazing customer support
Keep in mind that needs change over time. A feature that used to be a delighter
eventually becomes a must have (free email, for example.)
Using the Kano Model:
• Address all must have features. But…
• Determine whether they're actually must haves. Customers aren’t
always sure what they need.
• Spend the majority of your time innovating on performance
features. That’s where you win the business.
• Look for ways to unexpectedly delight customers since those will
drive long-term loyalty and word of mouth.
Discover the key levers for driving growth in a business by
understanding the components of the customer relationship.
sean johnson @intentionally
The Customer Funnel is great for focusing
marketing activities on things that will influence
the 5 phases of the customer lifecycle.
Acquisition: driving people to 

your site from various channels.
Activation: getting them to sign 

up and have a great first experience.
Retention: getting them to come back.
Referral: getting them to tell their friends.
Revenue: engaging in some form of
revenue-generating activity.
Most companies focus their energy on the top and bottom of the funnel, 

and don’t spend as much time or energy manipulating the middle. But the middle is
where big gains can often be made much faster and for far less money.
There are various strategies and tactics 

you can use at each stage of the funnel…
And different metrics you need to pay attention to 

at each stage to monitor performance.
You can improve your funnel by working in sprints, identifying the metric you want
to improve, creating experiments, and measuring results.
How to Use The Customer Funnel:
• Identify what customer behavior matters for each stage of
your customer funnel.
• Get baseline data, and identify bottlenecks.
• Create some hypotheses for influencing the metric you want
to improve. Rank by level of effort, cost and potential impact.
• Implement the experiment and track the results.
• Repeat.
To Learn More, Watch This:
sean johnson @intentionally
How to create more persuasive products and experiences.
According to the Fogg Behavior Model, there are three elements necessary to create
behavior change: motivation, ability and the appropriate trigger.
Pleasure and Pain
Will doing this action bring me immediate
pleasure or avoid immediate pain?
Hope and Fear
Will this action lead to a positive future
outcome for me, or avoid an undesirable
future outcome?
Social Acceptance or Rejection
Will this action make me more accepted
in my community, or prevent me from
being rejected by them?
If you can sufficiently increase motivation, people are willing to do
even difficult things. 6 factors you can leverage to increase motivation:
Time: Can I do this quickly?
Money: Is this expensive or inexpensive?
Physical Effort: Is this physically difficult to do?
Brain Cycles: Does this require me to think really hard?
Social Deviance: Do I have to break standard societal norms to do this?
Routine: Does this require me to adopt a new routine?
Similarly, if you can increase ability by identifying the barriers
preventing someone from taking action, you dramatically increase the
likelihood of your desired result. The factors driving ability include:
For people with low motivation but high ability. This trigger includes a motivation-
based element to increase motivation and take action that moment.
For people with motivation but not ability, facilitators make the desired task easier
to do in that moment.
If motivation and ability are both sufficiently high, you simply need to provide the
proper signal to remind them to take the desired behavior at the appropriate time.
Finally, by deploying the appropriate trigger at the right time, to create
the catalyst that drives your desired behavior. There are three triggers
you can deploy, depending on the relationship the user has between
motivation and ability.
To Learn More, Read This:
A systematic framework for identifying and prioritizing 

conversion optimization opportunities.
sean johnson @intentionally
Conversion Optimization is about more than tactics
and tips. You can change the color of your button, but
without a higher level of thinking you’ll likely miss
larger opportunities to improve. The LIFT Model
helps you think about conversion more meaningfully.
Value Proposition: The promise you make
to customers. The most important factor.
Relevance: Is this what the visitor thought
they were going to see?
Clarity: Is it clear what action you want
them to take?
Urgency: Is there a reason they should take
action now?
Anxiety: Are you doing anything to give the
user pause about taking the next step?
Distraction: Are you doing anything to
divert the user’s attention from the action
you want them to take?
The LIFT Model lets you look at your pages from each lens, identifying ways to
remove conversion blockers and leverage conversion drivers more effectively.
How to use the LIFT Model:
• Identify a page you’d like to improve and evaluate it
using each of the factors in the LIFT Model.
• Create hypotheses for improving the page using 

your findings.
• Implement the experiment and track the results.
• Repeat.
To Learn More, Read This:
Leave them in the comments on SlideShare, 

or send them to me on Twitter at @intentionally
sean johnson @intentionally

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Framework Thinking - 7 Frameworks To Skyrocket Your Career

  • 2. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally Partner at Digital Intent and Founder Equity Professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg school of Management Startup Team in a box - Product, UI/UX, Development, Traction www.digintent.com Seed stage technology investors. www.founderequity.com
  • 3. WHY SHOULD YOU LEARN TO LEVERAGE FRAMEWORKS? Find out here: www.sean-johnson.com/framework-thinking FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 4. GTD Drastically multiply your effectiveness
 by managing actions, not projects. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 5. GTD is based on two premises: 1. Your brain is terrible at keeping track of everything. Get things out of your head into a system, and review it enough that your brain can relax and trust your system. 1. You can’t manage projects, only actions. Your brain needs to know exactly what physical action you need to do next in order to make progress.
  • 6. Collect: Have as many inboxes as you need to collect everything as soon as it occurs to you. Get it out of your head. ! Process: For each item in your inbox, determine the next appropriate action. ! Organize: Set up a proper system for trashing, filing or tracking next actions. ! Review: Create proper times for appropriately reviewing your projects and next actions. ! Do: Based on your time, energy and context, make progress on your next actions.
  • 7. To collect properly, you need as many inboxes as necessary to be sure you capture everything. This can mean a paper notebook on your desk, a physical inbox for mail, a phone for notes on the run, etc.
  • 8. Set aside regular times for processing your inbox. For each item in your inbox, use the following workflow, organizing them with the tools indicated. Is it actionable? NO Throw it Away File It For Reference Incubate It someday lists, etc YES Projects anything with multiple steps What is the next action? Do It anything you can do in 2min Defer It Delegate It keep a “waiting for” list Calendar date-specific actions Next Action Lists to do as soon as you can
  • 9. Once everything is processed and organized, make sure you review frequently. Review your calendar and next action lists throughout the day, and do a comprehensive review each week. An example weekly review plan is below: Get Clear • Collect loose papers and materials • Get Inbox to zero • Empty your head Get Current • Review Action Lists • Review past and upcoming calendar • Review Waiting For list • Review Project (and larger outcome) lists • Review any relevant checklists Get Creative • Review Someday/Maybe • Be creative and courageous
  • 10. The obvious purpose of all of this is to DO stuff. You’ll often be doing things in response to specific calendar events, but the purpose of GTD is to make you focused and productive the rest of the time. Use your next actions list and the following filters to decide what to do at any given moment. Context Your physical location and the tools you have at your disposal determine your context. You can’t make phone calls when you don’t have your phone, for example. Time You can’t do a 2 hour task when you only have 15 minutes. Energy Some activities require intense focus and energy. You should do these when your energy levels are at their peak, and do less demanding tasks when you’re energy is lower. Priority What’s most important?
  • 12. THE EMPATHY MAP Immerse yourself in the mind of your customer to make smarter product and marketing decisions. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 13. It’s critical to always keep the needs of the customer top of mind when making product or marketing decisions. The Empathy Map is a collaborative tool for fleshing out a customer’s psychographic profile.
  • 14. What are they thinking and feeling about their worries and aspirations? What are they hearing while using our product, from their friends or boss? What are they experiencing as pain or fear when using our product? What are they seeing while using our product in their environment? What are they experiencing as positive or gain when using our product? What are they saying & doing while using our product in public or in private?
  • 15. How to use the Empathy Map: • Assemble your team, bringing any secondary or primary research you’ve already compiled. • For each section of the empathy map, have each team member add a thought on a sticky note and place it on the map. • Discuss the collaborative sketch, and consolidate the notes into a cohesive document.
  • 16. THE LEAN CANVAS Business plans are static and inflexible. Business is not. The Lean Canvas helps you go from Plan A to a plan that works. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 17. Business plans change. It’s smart to plan for change by turning your plan into hypotheses to be tested and modified based on customer/market feedback. The Lean Canvas helps you do this.
  • 18. CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Who are the customers you plan on targeting? UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION Why are you 
 different and worth paying attention to? PROBLEM What are the top 3 problems your customers have? SOLUTION How is the product the solution to those problems? UNFAIR ADVANTAGE What can’t be easily copied or bought? KEY METRICS CHANNELS How will you reach your customers? COST STRUCTURE What are your costs going to be to deliver this solution? REVENUE STREAMS How will you make money? There are 9 aspects of the business model canvas. Your goal is to identify and document your hypotheses for each box as succinctly as possible.
 Ask yourself how confident your are with each hypothesis.
  • 20. CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Secondary market research. UNIQUE VALUE PROPOSITION Landing pages Tactical Paid Traffic Competitive research PROBLEM Customer problem interviews SOLUTION Customer solution interviews Prototypes Beta versions UNFAIR ADVANTAGE Market research Intuition CHANNELS Tactical acquisition campaigns Competitive research COST STRUCTURE Tactical acquisition campaigns REVENUE STREAMS Solution interviews Pricing page tests Competitive benchmarks KEY METRICS Competitive benchmarks Analytics Create a test for each hypothesis. Some can be done in a few hours from your computer, while others require “getting out of the building” and talking to customers.
  • 21. Using the Lean Canvas: • Turn your business plan into a series of hypotheses and plot them on the canvas. • Rank your hypotheses in order of most risky to least risky - how confident are you about each of them? • Develop a way to test each hypothesis, and implement. • Revise the canvas based on the results of your experiments. • Repeat.
  • 23. THE KANO MODEL Build better products by understanding customer needs and their relationship with your product’s attributes. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 24. SATISFIED DISSATISFIED NOT IMPLEMENTED FULLY IMPLEMENTED One axis plots the degree to which you’ve implemented a feature. The other plots how satisfied the customer would be with that feature if implemented well.
  • 25. SATISFIED DISSATISFIED NOT IMPLEMENTED FULLY IMPLEMENTED MUST HAVE FEATURES Must have features are those a user wouldn’t notice if implemented, but definitely notice if missing. These must be in your product in order to be considered.
  • 26. SATISFIED DISSATISFIED NOT IMPLEMENTED FULLY IMPLEMENTED MUST HAVE FEATURES PERFORMANCE FEATURES Performance features are those the customer really cares about. They definitely notice the better you are at them. These are usually where you look for your USP.
  • 27. SATISFIED DISSATISFIED NOT IMPLEMENTED FULLY IMPLEMENTED MUST HAVE FEATURES PERFORMANCE FEATURES DELIGHTER FEATURES Delighter features are those the customer wouldn’t notice if they’re missing, but love when they see them. These create long-term customer loyalty.
  • 28. Must Have Features: A milk jug that doesn’t leak. A car that starts. Word processor that saves files. Performance Features: Simpler file sharing Free photo storage Faster Internet connection Delighter Features Free shipping Bonus item in package Amazing customer support
  • 29. SATISFIED DISSATISFIED NOT IMPLEMENTED FULLY IMPLEMENTED Keep in mind that needs change over time. A feature that used to be a delighter eventually becomes a must have (free email, for example.)
  • 30. Using the Kano Model: • Address all must have features. But… • Determine whether they're actually must haves. Customers aren’t always sure what they need. • Spend the majority of your time innovating on performance features. That’s where you win the business. • Look for ways to unexpectedly delight customers since those will drive long-term loyalty and word of mouth.
  • 31. THE CUSTOMER FUNNEL Discover the key levers for driving growth in a business by understanding the components of the customer relationship. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 32. The Customer Funnel is great for focusing marketing activities on things that will influence the 5 phases of the customer lifecycle.
  • 33. Acquisition: driving people to 
 your site from various channels. ! Activation: getting them to sign 
 up and have a great first experience. ! Retention: getting them to come back. ! Referral: getting them to tell their friends. ! Revenue: engaging in some form of revenue-generating activity.
  • 34. Most companies focus their energy on the top and bottom of the funnel, 
 and don’t spend as much time or energy manipulating the middle. But the middle is where big gains can often be made much faster and for far less money.
  • 35. There are various strategies and tactics 
 you can use at each stage of the funnel…
  • 36. And different metrics you need to pay attention to 
 at each stage to monitor performance.
  • 37. You can improve your funnel by working in sprints, identifying the metric you want to improve, creating experiments, and measuring results.
  • 38. How to Use The Customer Funnel: • Identify what customer behavior matters for each stage of your customer funnel. • Get baseline data, and identify bottlenecks. • Create some hypotheses for influencing the metric you want to improve. Rank by level of effort, cost and potential impact. • Implement the experiment and track the results. • Repeat.
  • 40. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally THE FOGG BEHAVIOR MODEL How to create more persuasive products and experiences.
  • 41. HARD TO DO HIGH MOTIVATION According to the Fogg Behavior Model, there are three elements necessary to create behavior change: motivation, ability and the appropriate trigger. LOW MOTIVATION EASY TO DO ACTIVATION THRESHOLD TARGET BEHAVIOR TRIGGERS FAIL HERE TRIGGERS WORK HERE
  • 42. Pleasure and Pain Will doing this action bring me immediate pleasure or avoid immediate pain? ! Hope and Fear Will this action lead to a positive future outcome for me, or avoid an undesirable future outcome? ! Social Acceptance or Rejection Will this action make me more accepted in my community, or prevent me from being rejected by them? If you can sufficiently increase motivation, people are willing to do even difficult things. 6 factors you can leverage to increase motivation:
  • 43. Time: Can I do this quickly? Money: Is this expensive or inexpensive? Physical Effort: Is this physically difficult to do? Brain Cycles: Does this require me to think really hard? Social Deviance: Do I have to break standard societal norms to do this? Routine: Does this require me to adopt a new routine? Similarly, if you can increase ability by identifying the barriers preventing someone from taking action, you dramatically increase the likelihood of your desired result. The factors driving ability include:
  • 44. Sparks: For people with low motivation but high ability. This trigger includes a motivation- based element to increase motivation and take action that moment. ! Facilitators: For people with motivation but not ability, facilitators make the desired task easier to do in that moment. ! Signals: If motivation and ability are both sufficiently high, you simply need to provide the proper signal to remind them to take the desired behavior at the appropriate time. Finally, by deploying the appropriate trigger at the right time, to create the catalyst that drives your desired behavior. There are three triggers you can deploy, depending on the relationship the user has between motivation and ability.
  • 46. THE LIFT MODEL A systematic framework for identifying and prioritizing 
 conversion optimization opportunities. FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally
  • 47. Conversion Optimization is about more than tactics and tips. You can change the color of your button, but without a higher level of thinking you’ll likely miss larger opportunities to improve. The LIFT Model helps you think about conversion more meaningfully.
  • 48. Value Proposition: The promise you make to customers. The most important factor. ! CONVERSION DRIVERS Relevance: Is this what the visitor thought they were going to see? ! Clarity: Is it clear what action you want them to take? ! Urgency: Is there a reason they should take action now? ! CONVERSION INHIBITORS Anxiety: Are you doing anything to give the user pause about taking the next step? ! Distraction: Are you doing anything to divert the user’s attention from the action you want them to take?
  • 49. The LIFT Model lets you look at your pages from each lens, identifying ways to remove conversion blockers and leverage conversion drivers more effectively. 45.5% IMPROVEMENT
  • 50. How to use the LIFT Model: • Identify a page you’d like to improve and evaluate it using each of the factors in the LIFT Model. • Create hypotheses for improving the page using 
 your findings. • Implement the experiment and track the results. • Repeat.
  • 52. WHAT OTHER FRAMEWORKS SHOULD PEOPLE LEARN ABOUT? Leave them in the comments on SlideShare, 
 or send them to me on Twitter at @intentionally FRAMEWORK THINKING sean johnson @intentionally