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Free Printable Christmas Writing Paper - Printable Free Printable Christmas Writing Paper - Printable
Susan B Anthony Women s Rights Movement
For decades, the fight for women s rights has been a constant struggle in a male dominated American
society. During the early 1800s, women s traditional roles included providing for the household, such
as educating and raising their children. At this time, women were not given the right to own property
or vote, and they had very minimal economic independence. However, throughout the Gilded Age and
the Progressive Era, a time of business expansion and social reforms, the women s civil rights
movement had escalated due to the actions of many influential figures and reform groups. One of the
most substantial women of the time was Susan B.Anthony, who led the National Woman Suffrage
Association (often abbreviated as NWSA). The equal rights movement ... Show more content on
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Despite the social adversities, the law worked in favor of women during multiple important court
cases such as Roe v. Wade, which sought to ensure a woman s right to abortion. However, during the
rise of conservatism in the late 1900s, opposers such as Phyllis Schlafly attempted to halt the
movement with her STOP ERA campaign. Phyllis Schlafly, a conservative activist, was credited with
almost single handedly stopping the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment (Sullivan, Patricia.
Phyllis Schlafly, a Conservative Activist, Has Died at Age 92. The Washington Post, WP Company).
The Equal Rights Amendment was proposed by the National Women s Political Party in 1923 and was
intended to ensure equality of men and women and prohibit discrimination. Furthermore, the backlash
against feminism was prevalent through Susan Faludi s book, The Undeclared War Against American
Women, in 1991 that detailed the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment; the rise of the antiabortion
movement, (a medical procedure legalized in a historic 1973 Supreme Court ruling); increased
incidences of on the job sexual harassment and discrimination; and income disparity ( The Reagan
Years: 1980s: Advancement Backlash for Women s Movement. World War II Homefront Era: 1940s:
Women Replace Men in the Workforce | Picture This,
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Current And Projected Healthcare Applications Of 3d...
Three dimensional (3D) printing, also known as rapid prototyping (RP) and additive manufacturing
(AM), is a transformational technology that is anticipated to revolutionize the healthcare industry.
Current and projected healthcare applications of 3D printing include: customized prosthetics;
personalized surgical implants; drug delivery, pre operative and educational anatomical models; and
tissue and organ engineering. The implications of 3D printing are expected to be considerable and
include benefits such as: improved efficiency and reduced costs; personalized medicine; and increased
collaboration . The implementation of this technology does not come without significant challenges,
however. The healthcare industry is one of the most regulated in the Unites States, hype can contribute
to idealized expectations, biocompatible materials must be identified, and intellectual property may be
difficult to protect as a result of 3D printing. This article reviews current advances in 3D printing and
the current and projected healthcare applications that will improve quality and decrease costs.
Healthcare in the United States
According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, healthcare spending in the United State
grew 3.6 percent in 2013, totaling $2.9 trillion; and accounting for 17.4 percent of the nation s Gross
Domestic Product . In an effort to combat rising costs, broaden access to healthcare, and improve the
quality of care, several laws and
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Al Capone Research Papers
Alphonse Gabriel Capone was born on January 17, 1899 in Brooklyn, New York becoming the fourth
child of nine children. He was the son of Gabriel and Teresa Capone whom had emigrated from Italy
in 1983. When he was in the sixth grade he was expelled from school for hitting a teacher. A variety of
events as a teenager led up to his career as gangster such as joining a gang, arrested for multiple
charges, and suspicion of murder. Although he worked as a bartender and bouncer, he received the
nickname of Scarface, due to a knife wound. He married the daughter of a construction laborer, Mary
Coughlin on December 30, 1918. Capone began his career as a gangster s apprentice, joining his
mentor s gang and then being convicted for income tax evasion. Capone was an apprentice to the first
modern racketeer, Johnny Torrio. Johnny had an office in Capone s neighborhood, and in order to earn
money Al would run errands for him. In addition Johnny became Al s mentor and would show him
how to make a fortune using scheming and intelligence. Although Capone ... Show more content on
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Capone helped grow Torrio s business by allowing Torrio to use the place Capone became manager at
as a saloon, gambling hideout, brothel, and headquarters for his business. Due to the Prohibition
bootlegging became one of Torrio s crime of business. He would keep his competition low by gunning
other rival gangs down. Torrio received a nine month prison sentence for bootlegging. After Torrio
was released from prison he went to Europe thus leaving Capone. In addition Capone at the age of
twenty six, a main figure in a coalition of business people who worked a noteworthy bootlegging and
diversion syndicate in the country s second biggest city. He was most known for being the mastermind
of the St. Valentines Day Massacre. This was when Capone gunmen machine gunned a garage of
seven members of a rival gang. ( Alphonse
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ready to eat breakfast industry
Harvard Business School
9 795 191
Rev. February 14, 1997
The Ready to Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry in 1994
All is not well in the land of Tony the Tiger.
In early 1994, the ready to eat (RTE) breakfast cereal industry had reached a critical turning point in
its evolution. In an industry historically characterized by stability and above average profitability,
slowing demand growth and a surge in private label sales threatened to undermine the dominant
positions of the Big Three: Kellogg, General Mills, and Philip Morris. The 1993 year end statistics
showed that industry sales growth had slowed to under 2%, while private labels had topped
5% market share by sales and 9% by volume for the first ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Vitamin fortification, which first appeared during the second World War, presweetening, which gained
wide popularity in the 1950s, and the surge of interest in granola and natural cereals in the 1970s and
80s fueled this growth. By 1993, the
U.S. market consumed 2.82 billion pounds of cereal, grossing nearly $8 billion in sales for breakfast
cereal manufacturers.
The RTE cereal industry had historically been one of the most concentrated of all U.S. industries, and
firm market shares showed great persistence (see Exhibit 1). The largest cereal manufacturers were
extremely profitable, routinely posting ROAs for their cereal divisions in the 15 30% range. However,
the profitability of the industry attracted no significant entry, and the industry continued to become
more concentrated. As a result, in 1972 the Federal Trade Commission filed a major antitrust suit
against Kellogg, General Mills, and General Foods (then the maker of the Post line). The FTC argued
that the leading RTE cereal manufacturers had jointly monopolized the RTE cereal market. The FTC
case was based on the fact that the industry was concentrated and highly profitable, and not on
specific actions that the firms might have undertaken to achieve this. Nonetheless, it became clear that
the FTC believed that the firms had effectively raised
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Essay on United States Government and Federalism
Over the last two centuries the United States has grappled with the idea of federalism. While former
President James Madison had a very concrete understanding of that form of governance, In the
compound republic of America, the power surrendered by the people is first divided between two
distinct governments, and then portion allotted to each subdivided among distinct and separate
departments (Madison, 1788, p. 67), the United States has never had a conclusive division of power
between the state and the US Federal Governments. Instead of definitive spheres of governance as
Madison envisioned, over the years the US Federal Government has played an increasingly important
role in state matters. Beyond changes in the balance of power between ... Show more content on
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This case established the precedent that the United States Federal Government could dictate the
countries monetary policies. More importantly, during this period the supremacy of federal law over
state law was established with the Nullification Crisis of 1832. The ensuing conflict established the
precedent that the states did not have the right to judge the constitutionality of acts of Congress. It was
not until the American Civil War and the resulting defeat of the Confederate States of America that the
supremacy of the US Federal Government in legislative and economic matters was established.
Between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the election of President Franklin D.
Roosevelt, the United States entered a period of definitive dual federalism. During this period
fundamental governmental powers were shared between the federal and state governments, with the
states exercising the most important powers (Lowi Ginsberg Shepsle Ansolabehere, 2010, p. 73).
While the US Federal Government left a majority of the decision making up to the states, unlike
before the Civil War, the supremacy of the Federal Government was no longer in question. Although
the government did establish various national standards during this period, it did little to enforce
compliance on the state level. For example, little was done to enforce the implementation of the 15th
amendment at the state
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Principles of Finance
FINANCE 3110 (CRN 83872)
Principles of Finance
Fall 2014
Principles of Finance
FINANCE 3110 (CRN 83872) Fall 2014
School of Business, Middle Georgia State College
Tuesday, 5:30 PM 8:00 PM, PSC 248
Dr. Shawn Saeyeul Park
Middle Georgia State College
School of Business
Email: shawn.park@mga.edu
Office: PSC 364 (Phone: 478 471 2886)
Office Hours: M,W 10:00 11:30 AM; T,Th 10:00 11:15 AM; 1:30 2:45 PM
WRC: M,W 6:45 7:45 PM or by appointments
Course Website: D2L
This course is intended to introduce concepts that will enable students to understand and analyze the
financial environment within which managerial decision making takes place.
Topics to be addressed include markets and interest rates, risk ... Show more content on
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The MGSC Withdrawal Form, is available online or in the Office of the Registrar.
FINANCE 3110 (CRN 83872)
Principles of Finance
Fall 2014
This class calls for you to use common courtesy in all interactions with your peers and the instructor.
It requires students to listen to each other respectfully and without interruption. You should approach
the instructor in a professional manner, including in all of your email correspondence.
Any activity that disrupts classroom activities will result in the student(s) being asked to leave the
classroom. These disruptive activities include, but are not limited to,: using a cell phone, bringing
children to class, talking during lectures, using a laptop for anything other than taking notes for this
class, and making potentially offensive comments. In addition, students who come in late or leave
early disturb students and the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to deduct points at her/his
discretion from the course grade of any student who persistently participates in disruptive behavior. If
the problem becomes chronic, the student(s) will be assigned a grade of F in the course and face other
consequences determined by the institution s administration.
As a Middle Georgia State College student and as a student in this class, you are
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Comparing Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer
A reason why novels such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer by Mark Twain are considered some of the best pieces of American literature is because Twain
s writing style revolutionized literature. Twain, unlike many authors at the time, chose to write his
books in a more realistic perspective of American culture. Shying away from the romantic and
transcendentalist techniques is what allowed Twain to become an instant literary giant. Within Mark
Twain s works, he successfully captures and illustrates what American life was like in his lifetime.
This realistic approach allows people to see the grim and gritty reality of his time period. Today Twain
s novels can be perceived as a portal into nineteenth century life. Back then people were desensitized
to derogatory slurs and lingos of their time just as we are to our own today. Modern people attempt to
protect their children from the harshness and evils of reality, which in turn, leads to censorship. This
crusade against political correctness has turned on to The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This type of writing style conflicted with the more popular types that only glorified America without
addressing any negative issues. Back in Twain s time, people hated the fact he had chosen to create a
slave character who had dignity, so much in fact that his book was banned from stores. This parallels
the conflict over the same book one hundred years into the future, but now there is a different reason.
In The Adventures of HuckleBerry Finn the N word appears an excessive 219 times and has been
banned in some schools because the N word was not inclusive and made students uncomfortable
(Akkoc). The N word should not be be edited from the book because it would disconnect the reader
from the realistic point of view Twain strived to achieve. It also downplays how the minority group
was treated during the time
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Essay on Two Party System in Democracy
Does a two party system help or harm democracy?
A two party system is a form of party system where two major political parties dominate voting in
nearly all elections. As a result, all, or nearly all, elected offices end up being held by candidates
chosen by one of the two major parties. Under a two party system, one of the two parties typically
holds a majority in the legislature and is usually referred to as the majority party while the other is the
minority party. The United States of America is considered a two party system. The chances for third
party candidates winning election to any office are remote, although it s possible for groups within the
larger parties, or in opposition to one or both of them, to have an influence ... Show more content on
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A two party system is strong and influential although it allows lesser parties to exist and have an
influence. As a result a majority party will form the government and the minority party will form the
opposition, and coalitions of the lesser parties are possible. These systems can also be multi party
systems. The Two party sytem has advantages and disadvantages they consist of: Advantages,: It can
lead to political stability which leads, in turn, to economic growth, two party systems have been seen
as preferable to multi party systems because they are simple to govern, while multi party systems can
sometimes lead to parliament. The disadvantages: Two party systems have been criticized extreme
views, and putting a second opinion on debate within a nation, two party systems for fail to provide
enough options since only two choices are permitted on the ballot, the problem with having only two
parties is that the nation loses the ability for things to bubble up from the body politic and give voice
to things that aren t being voiced by the major parties. Multi party governments permit wider and
more diverse viewpoints in government, and encourage dominant parties to make deals with weaker
parties to form winning coalitions. I think having a two party system is ideal because neither major
party is strong enough to win without bringing up specific topics that they believe in or their ideology
of their party. The way the Republicans and Democrats present
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Rachel Carson
Born on May 27, 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania Rachel Carson was a writer, scientist, and
ecologist. Growing up in a rural town with her parents, she was given the opportunity to experience a
life long love of nature and the living world instilled in her by her mother. Rachel followed her mother
s passion first as a writer and later as a scholar of marine biology. It appeared that Rachel s mother and
her love for nature activated Rachel s concern for nature, as well. In 1918 Rachel received her first
prize for her story that was published in St. Nicholas Magazine at 11 years old. Rachel graduated from
Parnassus, Pa. High School with all honors and intended on majoring in English and becoming a
teacher. She went to college at Pennsylvania ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This book led to a nationwide prohibition on DDT for agricultural uses, and influenced an
environmental movement that prompted the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Silent spring was published September 27, 1962 and in 2006 it was named one of the 25 greatest
science books of history by the editors of Discover Magazine. The Sea Around Us, one of the books as
mentioned before, was nothing short of a biography of the sea. It became a global bestseller and made
Rachel a trusted influence of science in America. The Edge of the Sea, the other book mentioned,
brought Rachel s ideas and opinions on the ecosystems of the eastern coast from Maine to Florida.
Another book written by Carson was Under the Sea Wind. All three of these books were filled with
situations that happen and sometimes affect life in and near the sea. Rachel Carson helped practices
find discipline within the use of chemicals. Her books, ideas, and boldness radically changed the
modern mindset of those who misused chemicals. Rachel Carson stated in her book Silent Spring,
...we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect
soil, water, wildlife, and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to condone our lack of prudent
concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all
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Crohn s Disease is Inflammation in the Digestive System Essay
Crohn s disease is a life long condition effecting victims of any age. It is considered a form of an
inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive system. The cause of the disease
is unknown. The inflammation is due to the immune system attacking the healthy cells throughout the
body s gastrointestinal tract.
The exact causes of Crohn s disease remain unknown, but most believe that factors that contribute to
the disease may include genetics, immune system, environment, etc. The immune system does play an
important role in causing Crohn s disease. The immune system protects the body from infection and
other harmful substances. With this particular disease, the immune system will attack things like food,
bacteria, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are periods of time when one will not experience any symptoms, which is called remission.
There are many tests are used to diagnosis patients with Crohn s disease. Blood tests are usually
ordered, but cannot confirm Crohn s disease without further testing. Blood tests often show
inflammation in the body. Anemia is common among patients that have Crohn s disease. A
colonoscopy is required to help confirm if the Patient has Crohn s disease. Most patients will have
abnormalities in the intestinal lining if they have Crohn s disease. Some Tests that are commonly used
is an upper endoscopy (EGD), X ray of intestines, CT scan, and an MRI. Crohn s Disease is also
known to be genetic.
Currently there is no cure for Crohn s disease. Treatment results differ from patient to patient. The
goal of treatments is to reduce inflammation and provide some relief of the symptoms and may lead to
long term remission. Crohn s disease treatments usually involve drug therapy and in certain cases
surgery is an option.
Drugs that help treat Crohn s disease include anti inflammatory drugs, Immune system suppressors,
and antibiotics. Some immune system suppressors carry an added risk of developing cancer such as
If lifestyle changers and therapies and other treatments don t relive your signs and symptoms, surgery
may be an option. Surgery options include the surgeon removing the damaged portion of your
digestive tract and reconnect it, surgery is
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Historical Analysis Of The Zoot Suit, By Luiz Valdez
Zoot Suit was written by Luiz Valdez and published in 1978. The story is based on the Sleepy Lagoon
murder trials of the 1940s and follows protagonist Henry Reyna. This play deals with the intercultural
conflicts between Henry s generation and his parent s, as well as those between Mexican Americans
and white Americans. Mexican and American culture is effortlessly blended to show the transcultural
influences on Henry and his group of friends. In this historical analysis, I will not only be looking at
what historical events influenced this play and the author, but how this play uses those historical
influences to showcase the battle of cultural expression in 1940s Los Angeles. Los Angeles was
undergoing severe demographic changes in the early 1940 s. Mexican refugees were escaping the
Mexican Revolution, farmers were fleeing the Dust bowl, and American servicemen rushed to Los
Angeles because of World War II ( People Events ). The economy was booming from the war as
American production increased and the youth was appreciating jazz culture and began wearing zoot
suits, just like in the play. Because of the Sleepy Lagoon murders, the zoot suit was associated with
Mexican violence. Eventually, fights escalated between the rebelling Mexican American youth and
Marines because the racial tensions. This led to the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943 that left hundreds injured.
As stated by the citizens committee investigating the riots, racism was the central cause of the riots (
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The Protestant Ethic And Spirit Of Capitalism
Brayan Munante Spring 2017
Prof. Delia TERM PAPER
Sociology 101
The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber (1864 1920) considered seriously about the
emerging dilemmas from the socio cultural and political state of affairs in Germany and criticised
purely the historical materialistic concept of explanations. Within his book The Protestant Ethic and
the Spirit of Capitalism , Weber instead depicts a more conceivable and pragmatic explanation that the
materialization of capitalism owed much to the specific patterns of religious motivational explanations
in Calvinism between various industrialists at that period. As these people (Calvinists) believed that
god s knowledge and astuteness was immeasurable to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Additionally, Weber explains that the progress in administrative sphere can be directed only through a
guided reckoning, impartiality and competence. In the intellectual sphere, progress was thought to be
achieved by the aid of scientific methods, testing skills, experiential data collection because theories
that are imitative through scientific reasoning supersede to those that are previously attributed to
magical causes. However, this particular enlightenment ideology of motive and self realisation is
distinguishable with that of Marx s view of progress and is still qualified by Weber by the
rationalisation itself.
Compared to Marx perspective, the rationalisation and progress according to Weber involve the
positive features of effectiveness, manageability, uniformity, unavoidability and impartiality. These
positive aspects of rationalisation can result in enhanced capacity, the development of capacity and
power relations and thereby assists in attaining progress in each sphere depicted above. Unlike Marx,
rationalisation in economic perspective as witnessed in Western Capitalism was been considered by
Weber as the process of reasoning out unreasonable sentiments that hamper accrual and estimation of
profit, progress and sentiments like faith, thoughtfulness solidarity
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Managerial Functions Of Wane Industries
Managerial Functions
Managerial Functions Wane Industries is an international corporation that specializes in producing
personal computers, digital cameras, printers, and various peripheral devices.
Being an Information Technology Manager at Wane Industries I am responsible for implementing and
maintaining the organization s technology infrastructure.
Great working connections give us a few advantages: our work is more pleasant when we have great
associations with everyone around us. Additionally, individuals will probably oblige changes that we
need to actualize, and we re more inventive and imaginative (Wilkes).
There are a few qualities that make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The better and all the more successfully you speak with everyone around you, the wealthier your
connections will be. Every single great relationship rely on upon open, legit correspondence.
Sara has an excellent eye for detail and enjoys analyzing people and problems in depth hence I would
advice her to pursue bachelor of science degree in Human Resource Management.
Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to delineate formal structures detailed for the
organization of people inside an affiliation. The commitments of a human resource chief fall into three
significant domains: staffing, agent pay and points of interest, and portraying/arranging work.
Since Sara has an eye for detail and enjoys analyzing people and problems in details then she would
have the best attitude and passion in employee recruitment, compensation and benefits and even
employee welfare which are the major functions in the human resource department.
There is a department for Human Resource in every organization including Wane Industries.
(HR) is the organization office accused of discovering, screening, enrolling and preparing work
candidates, and in addition regulating representative advantage programs. As organizations revamp to
increase aggressive edge, HR assumes a key part in helping organizations manage a quick changing
condition and the more noteworthy interest for quality
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Intrusion Detection System Essay
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Software
An intrusion detection system (IDS) monitors network traffic, monitors for suspicious activity, and
alerts the system or network administrator. In some cases, the IDS may also respond to anomalous or
malicious traffic by taking action such as blocking the user or source IP address from accessing the
network. IDS come in a variety of flavours and approach the goal of detecting suspicious traffic in
different ways.
Network based (NIDS) and host based (HIDS) intrusion detection systems. There are IDS that detect
based on looking for specific signatures of known threats similar to the way antivirus software
typically detects and protects against malware and there are IDS that detect based on ... Show more
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This baseline will then identify what is the users normal behaviour gaining an idea of what bandwidth
is generally used, what protocols are used, what ports and devices generally connect to each other and
alert the administrator or user of an uncommon or anomalous port use, network traffic and software
downloads is detected. Significantly different than the baseline.
Passive IDS. Simply detects and alerts when suspicious or malicious traffic is detected an alert is
generated and sent to the administrator or user and it is up to them to take action to block the activity
or respond in some way. Identifying way not implicating any procedures after protection.
Reactive IDS, will not only detect suspicious or malicious traffic and alert the administrator but will
be proactive and take a pre assigned actions to respond to threats. Typically, this means blocking any
further network traffic from the source IP address or user.
VPN, virtual private network. an arrangement whereby a secure, apparently private network is
achieved using encryption over a public network, typically the Internet. 70% of browsec users had
selected to have their information diverted to an internet café in Amsterdam.
Overall There is a fine line between a firewall and an IDS. There is also a technology called IPS
Intrusion Prevention System. An IPS is essentially a firewall which combines network level and
application level filtering with a reactive IDS to proactively protect the network. It seems
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Essay about Sam Phillips, the Father of Rock and Roll
Rock and Roll has come a long way since 1952 when music business icon Sam Phillips created it.
Sam Phillips is considered the father of Rock and Roll. He went against the social normality of
segregated music, and produced music that he felt should be made. Even when faced with career
ending criticism, Phillips continued on making history. Not only is Sam Phillips responsible for the
being the origin of the seemingly everlasting Rock and Roll movement, he segregated music amidst
all kinds of cultural disruption with civil rights. Sam Phillips is considered a musical revolutionary
who, despite adversity, changed the world forever.
Samuel Cornelius Phillips was born in 1923 in Florence, Alabama to a family of tenant farmers (Sam
Phillips ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Elvis Presley was signed to Sun Records in 1954. This was monumental for Phillips s stand on racial
boundaries in music. Elvis drew national attention to Sun Records which, in part, sparked slight
popularity for other Sun artists such as Howlin Wolf, B.B. King, and Roscoe Gordon (Sun Records 1).
This point in time is known as the origin of Rock and Roll. Contrary to what Rock and Roll is now, it
was only popular within a certain demographic of people for a long time Furthermore, Sun Records
and Sam Phillips went under fire by local radio stations and parents everywhere. Phillips s creation,
Rock and Roll, caused an outrage. It was seen as provocative towards young people, which was its
most popular demographic. Music from artists such as Elvis, King, and Gordon were banned from
radio stations and televisions (Impact of Rock Roll on USA 5). Criticism from other well known
music moguls didn t stop Sam. Nevertheless, Phillips kept on putting out influential, black music.
Despite the hardening Civil Rights movement in the 1950 s, songs by African American artists slowly
became extremely popular. In 1958, the first black artist reached the top of the billboard hot 100. This
marked the climax of Phillip s goal to make popular music from an unpopular race. Sam Phillips s
persistence on creating popular black records and the equality protests go hand in hand. The exposure
of the protests and music gave new
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Compare And Contrast Oprah Winfrey And El Degeneres
Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres: Comparison
Television talk shows are popular nowadays they feature celebrities, politicians, and actors. Talk
shows depend on the style of the host and how he or she interacts with the audience. The happier the
audiences are the more money the television host will make. Two of the most successful television
hosts are Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres which are the most successful women who host
television talk shows. Oprah and Ellen originate from different race, Oprah is African American and
Ellen is white American. In addition, they differ in personality and activities conducted in the show.
However, they both are similar in the way they lived their life before becoming famous in television
talk shows. In contrast, they are entirely comparative as well.
Oprah and Ellen took different path and lived in a different style than each other. ... Show more
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Oprah has spent her childhood in an oppressive family in the wake of moving back with her mom. Be
that as it may, Ellen did not experience childhood in a difficult situation. Another distinction between
the two is the means by which they introduce themselves on their appears. Ellen is more perky and
excited. She hits the dance floor with the gathering of people and associated with them a great deal.
Oprah is more laid back. She impacts the audience with her words and is a highly rational individual.
Contrasting Oprah and Ellen is hard in light of the fact that they are both extraordinary individuals and
anchor people. They are exceptionally motivating fun ladies and help each other and their groups of
onlookers out much of the time. At last, regardless I trust that Oprah is the best anchor person,
however not by a wide margin. She is extremely compelling and is exceptionally practical. Oprah
helped such a large number of individuals in a wide range of ways. For this Oprah is esteemed the
most powerful person on
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Gullivers Travel
Gulliver s Travels Jonathan swift
This movie is a great movie for me because it shows that Gulliver is an educated man by his schooling
and apprenticeship, and have a good knowledge of the sea. Because of his attitude many of
Lilliputians love Gulliver, I thought from the start that I would hate this movie from the moment I
heard and watch this movie. I was wrong because Gulliver s have a good attitude and good humor.
From the time that I watch the movie, I was surprise because, I didn t expect that the Lilliputians are
very small people approximately six inches in height. . Gulliver is treated with compassion and
concern. In turn, he helps them solve some of their problems, especially their conflict with their
enemy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Author Biography:
Jonathan swift born on (30 November 1667 19 October 1745) was an Anglo Irish satirist, essayist,
political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St
Patrick s Cathedral, Dublin. He is remembered for works such as Gulliver s Travels, A Modest
Proposal, A Journal to Stella, Drapier s Letters, The Battle of the Books, An Argument Against
Abolishing Christianity, and A Tale of a Tub. Swift is probably the foremost prose satirist in the
English language, and is less well known for his poetry. Swift originally published all of his works
under pseudonyms such as Lemuel Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, M.B. Drapier or anonymously. He is
also known for being a master of two styles of satire: the Horatian and Juvenalian styles.
Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland. He was the second child and only son of Jonathan Swift
(1640 1667) and his wife Abigail Erick (or Herrick), of Frisby on the Wreaked His father, a native of
Goodrich, Herefordshire, accompanied his brothers to Ireland to seek their fortunes in law after their
Royalist father s estate was brought to ruin during the English Civil War. Swift s father died at Dublin
before he was born, and his mother returned to England. He was left in the care of his influential
uncle, Godwin, a close friend and confidante of Sir John Temple, whose son later employed
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Positivism Advantages
Positivism developed a particular scientific method and their method uses rationale thinking
(deduction and induction thinking), to try and establish the truth (Usher, 1996). Positivism assumes
that knowledge is gained from observation of the world out there, because it is absolute and
unchanging (Donald, Lazarus Lolwana, 2010, p. 79), for example 2 X 2 = 4 this sum will never
change. In the following essay I will discuss why positivism is attractive, who would benefit from
positivism, why positivists call human beings things , and what the educational implications are.
Positivism is commonly associated with Auguste Comte and shared the view that the only authentic
knowledge is scientific knowledge, and that such knowledge can only come ... Show more content on
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152): observation statements/ empirical knowledge and analytical statements/ logical knowledge, and
the principle of verifiability/ verification principle The meaning of a statement is the method of its
verification, a statement is meaningful if and only if it is in principle verifiable (empirically, directly
or indirectly, by observation) or is a tautology of mathematics or logic (Phillips, 1983). The respect for
scientific methods was seen that something was only meaningful if it could be verified and logical
positivists said verification had to be in terms of simple, direct and indubitable descriptions of sense
experience (Phillips, 2000, p.
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Reviving Opheli Saving The Selves Of Adolescent Girls
While reading Mary Pipher s, Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls and Dan
Kindlon and Michael Thompson s, Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, I got a better
understanding of the mindsets of teenagers in todays society. I learned that countless girls and boys
have the same inner battles and do not even realize it. The two songs I chose that best represent ideas
of woman and manhood are Unpretty, by TLC and Stan, by Eminem. I believe these songs support
many of the stereotypes portrayed in both of the class readings and hold strong messages that can
impact the views of girls and boys alike. They address many struggles that teenagers today may be
going through but afraid of speaking about openly.
In Reviving Ophelia, Pipher takes us into the minds of teenage girls and evaluates the ordinary
troubles they encounter. She explains how girls tend to let the opinions of others influence their
interests and appearance. They visualize how others perceive them and based on this, they form a self
perception. This perception can either be a positive or negative one. Generally if a girl establishes a
negative self perception, they have an urge to alter whom they are to gain approval. They crave
acceptance from others so much that they usually through great lengths to get it. The problem is that
many girls don t accept themselves for whom they are and Unpretty speaks to those girls in particular.
The song is by the popular 90 s R B group
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A Look Acting May Be A Test
Perspicacity take a look acting may be a test designed to live the capability of individuals to surmise
and reason than the captured data. During this field, cognizant or man of science is termed a man of
science. Psychologists get to grasp the role of noetic functions during a person and gregarious
comportment, whereas supplementally abstract into the physiological and biological processes that
figure psychological feature functions and comportments. Through a score of fifty would show that
individual would descry academic prosperity solely with special edifying strategies and longer spent
ascertaining, note that persons between fifty and seventy five IQ mundanely will get licenses to drive,
will prosper at seventy one of all jobs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The word insight originates from the Latin verb intellegere , which signifies to get it . Individuals say
that insight can be measured while most concurs that IQ tests can let us know the level of our
Misuse of the knowledge test are changing our eras around. At the point when IQ testing are utilized
on youngsters to arrange them into stereotyped classifications, which constrained them to their
flexibility to pick fields of study. Our era now think anything somebody let them know. These IQ test
are extremely unsafe specialists doesn t know whether our kin are getting more The victor s edge is
not in a skilled conception, a high IQ, or in ability. The champ s edge is all in the state of mind, not
fitness. Demeanor is the rule for achievement. (Denis Waitley.) Intelligence incorporates shrewdness
and brisk considering, as well as incorporate innovativeness, identity, character, and our aggregate
learning. The word insight originates from the Latin verb intellegere , which signifies to get it .
Individuals say that insight can be measured while most concurs that IQ tests can let us know the level
of our knowledge. intelligent or more ridiculous. The VIPs we have this season of period are
exceptionally inclination off of other individuals IQ s.
There is an inalienable inclination toward underscoring focalized, explanatory, and logical method of
thought. It may confine innovative youngsters in
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The Importance of Water in Living Organisms
Water has importance inside cells and externally. This may be because it has interesting chemical and
physical properties; it can be found naturally in all three of its states. However its molecules are
bonded together by hydrogen bonds, this raises its melting and boiling points, i.e. its boiling point
would be 120¢ªC rather than 100¢ªC. Also because it contains slightly negatively charged oxygen
atoms and slightly positively charged hydrogen atoms making it polar.
br Water has been called a universal solvent because of it polarity. This means it can easily ionise
substances, Many compounds, whether ionic, polar or covalent will dissolve in it, therefore more
reactions take place while in solution with water. Often in organisms ... Show more content on
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br Water can also be used for support. As plant cells have cell walls as well as cell membranes, when
the plant cell becomes full of water (due to osmosis) it will not burst but the cell wall exerts a force
equal to the osmotic force (the cell is turgid) and this is important in the support of leaves and also in
the stems of herbaceous plants. In animals like the earthworm support is often provided by the
pressure of the fluid inside them,
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Athenian Jury Structure
1. State the major differences between the Athenian system of juries and the jury structure and its
proceedings of present day the American judicial system. One of the major differences between the
Athenian system of juries and the modern American judicial system is in the size of the actual jury.
The Athenian jury structure is made up of a very large number of jurors. For example, during Socrates
trial there were about 500 jurors present. On the other hand, in the modern American judicial system,
the jury is only composed of twelve jurors. Another difference in the structure of the two systems is in
how the jurors reach a final verdict. In the Athenian system, only a simple majority is needed for a
final acquittal or guilty verdict. However, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Upon hearing the oracles answer, Socrates was confused and did not know the meaning of the Oracle s
answer. At that time, before Socrates understood the meaning of the oracle, he was aware that others
were wiser that him, he just didn t know that admitting it himself would prove that he was actually the
wisest. In order to try to understand the meaning, Socrates needed to search for proof of someone
wiser than him, until he finally figured out that admitting his own ignorance was the true meaning of
being the wisest (Navia
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Family System Theory Essay
Family System theory and the Jamie case study
Family systems theory represents the aspects of a particular family member. Jamie is a teenager; he
lives with his family who resembles many of the functions that a family needs to be safe and happy.
Jamie has been intrigued by the new reveal of drugs in his environment. At home Jamie shows no
evidence of abuse, but he can feel isolated and scared. In the Family Systems theory, they look at the
specific Macro view points, and what could have been the reason for what was a tragic ending in this
situation. Family System Theory looks at who Jamie was interacting with, what impact it has on other
family members and the different rules that were set in place by the parents.
The Family system theory looks at the Interaction that Jamie could have been apart in. When Jamie
was feeling isolated and felt like there were no rules set by his parents. Jamie could have possibly got
himself involved into a group of friends, who could have influenced him to smoke marijuana. When
Jamie felt like he belonged and felt protection by his friends, he distanced himself from his family.
Because the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Overt Rules are given and explained in detail to help others understand what the rule is, and why it s
in place. Covert Rules are not explained, but are expectations from the parents, that should already be
known without stating. In Jamie s household there were many Covert rules. Jamie was not aware of
the rules against smoking, as there were no verbal or written rules in effect. It was an expectation from
the parents that Jamie should have known not to smoke. Jamie s parents should have talked to Jamie
about the effects of smoking and why it is not allowed in the family when it was the appropriate time.
The proper parenting style according to the Family System Theory should incorporate overt rules,
Clear boundaries and to give positive
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Cultural Esthetics In The Tale Of Genji By Murasaki Shikibu
Japanese aesthetics have a big role in the cultural consciousness of Japan. In the book, The Tale of
Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, a boy named Genji is known to be gifted and undeniably handsome. Genji
was the son of the Emperor and his favorite concubine, a secondary wife of a lower rank, during the
Heian period. Shortly after Genji s mother gives birth to him, she passes away from being ill. The first
part of the novel talks mostly about Genji s romances, but throughout the rest of the novel it
exemplifies how easily he falls in love with women, including his father s new concubine. The use of
Japanese aesthetics of iyashi, mono no aware, and yûgen in the novel The Tale of Genji reflects the
aesthetic and cultural consciousness of Japan. Throughout the novel, the cultural aesthetic of iyashi is
reflected. Iyashi is a sense of comfort or a peaceful calm state of mind. After some time that the
emperor s concubine passed away he was thinking about how he was able to survive months without
her presence. Looking at the keepsakes Myōbu had brought back, he thought what a comfort it would
be if some wizard were to bring him, like that Chinese emperor, a comb from the world where his lost
love was dwelling (Shikibu 16). The emperor really wanted his boy back and it would be relieving if
someone would literally bring him back. Iyashi is being reflected because if someone actually brought
him his child he would feel calm by the fact that he can actually build a bond with him and
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Jewish Funeral Traditions Essay
Jewish Funeral Traditions
At a Jewish funeral a candle is placed by the deceased and they are never left alone. The reason the
body is not left alone is because the soul stays near the body after its separation and is aware of the
love and respect for its body.
Shomrim, those who stay with the deceased, are assigned to stay and say prayers over the body on a
24 hour basis so that the holy prayers comfort the soul.
The body is cleansed, washed thoroughly from head to toe (Taharah). The faces of the deceased are
not allowed to face down out of respect for the deceased. The body is then dried, everything is done
by the members of the Burial Society and they also dress the deceased in a ... Show more content on
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The funeral takes place in the cemetery grounds and stresses the merits of the deceased and a trust in
God s justice.
In the service it is affirmed that one day god will conquer death,
He maketh death to vanish in life external; and the lord God wipeth away tears from off all faces…
Isiah chapter 25 verse 8.
Everyone fulfils the mitzvah of taking the body to the grave and the body is buried in a single grave.
The deceased closest relatives help bury the body they shovel a few shovelfuls of mud into the grave
each. After the funeral in the hall, as a parting greeting to the mourners, people say May God comfort
you among those who mourn for Zion and for Jerusalem . This is also said by anyone who visits the
mourners in the week after the funeral. A popular greeting is 2I wish you a long life .
When the mourners go back to their house they sit Shiva, they sit on low stools and recite Kaddish for
seven days, it is called Shiva because Shiva means seven days.
Within the first year after the funeral a stone is put by the grave and every year on the anniversary of
the deceased death a candle is lit which is called the Yorzeit candle.
B) Explain how belief in afterlife may influence the life of a Jew
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Maturity In Stephen Crane s The Red Badge Of Courage
Throughout life, everyone goes through experiences that reconstruct them from immaturity to maturity
through circumstances and situations life throws at them. In the beginning of Stephen Crane s book
The Red Badge of Courage he shows us this transformation through the protagonist Henry Fleming s
story. From when he enlists in the army, he is faced with the question of whether or not he should flee
from a battle and struggles to face the issue. The Red Badge of Courage is a story of Henry s personal
struggles with conscience, fear and bravery. Henry, or The Youth as Crane calls him, goes through a
psychological transformation from a naive, cowardly individual to a mature, brave soldier. The
challenges he faces in war help mold him into his future self, a national hero.
The story begins with Henry dreaming of becoming a hero like the Greek gods and enlists in the army
thinking of it as an easy way of turning into a hero. From the first time the thought of enlisting in the
army lingered in Henry s head, his mother was against it knowing he was not fitt for warfare, but
Henry never took heave of his mother s advice. When leaving to the army, she said, ... Show more
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If so be a time comes when yeh have to be kilt of do a mean thing, why, Henry, don t think of anything
cept what s right, because there s many a woman has to bear up ginst sech things these times, and the
Lord ll take keer of us all. (Crane 10).
This quote explains that his mother was very concerned for him and advised him to never do shirking
as that is the worst possible thing a soldier can do. When Henry arrived at his regiment s camp he
started to doubt himself and questioned himself whether or not he would
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Descriptive Essay About Oxygen
Adopt an Element: Oxygen I look down at my periodic table that my chemistry teacher had just
handed out to me. It contained a variety of colors and elements. It s amazing how so many elements
exists, I wonder if I can be someone so amazing to discover a new element. I run my hand over the
newly copied, thin paper. I abruptly stop at the right side of the paper, where my pointer finger points
at the first element of column 16 and the sixth element of period 2. Its name is oxygen. What s so
special about oxygen? For some odd reason I feel a special pull towards the element, a feeling of
nostalgia and feeling of satisfaction and loyalty. Oxygen is a colourless, odourless gas, in which all
kinds of animals, plants, and bacteria use to respirate. That s all I know about it, or what I thought. My
eyes skim at the word. I lift my hand off of the table. I shake my head and the let the thought away, I
can t really be connected to this element, can I? I doze off for the rest of class, barely listening to a
word my teacher says. That night, I whip up my computer and go to google.com. My fingers agiley
type in the word, oxygen . However, I do not dare click the enter button nor the search button. What if
I really am connected to this gas? I gulp and take a deep breath before pressing enter. A range of
selections pop up, from a tv show to fitness centers. I skim through the sites, not long before clicking
on a site called rsc.org to read what oxygen really is. The first thing I
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Age Of The Earth Research Paper
The debate about the age of the Earth has persisted for centuries! Some scientists try to disprove
Christians and some Christians try to disprove scientific evidence. Nevertheless, there is a surprising
number of Christians and scientists who have worked together to give their opinion about the age of
the Earth by using both Biblical and scientific facts. The purpose of this essay is to succinctly describe
both Old Earth and Young Earth viewpoints. My opinion about the matter will follow, in which I will
provide Biblical evidence to support my claims. Young Earth Creationists (YEC) strongly believe that
the time frame presented in the Bible is to be taken literally. Therefore, the majority of YEC believe
that the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I support the idea that the Earth is truly 4.6 billion years old because I believe that the Bible uses the
word days when discussing creation because we can wrap our brain around God s time period. A
thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. Psalm
90:4 (NIV). This verse sums up exactly what I believe: that God s time scale is different than the time
scale we experience, therefore, a day to us could easily be a thousand years, or more to God. My next
premise is that when God created the Garden of Eden and all of the creatures of the Earth that the
Garden of Eden was a very sacred place. Therefore, I believe that very early humans, such as cavemen
were created outside of the garden because God was experimenting to see which specimen would be
perfect for ruling the Earth. Though this process of trial and error, God decided that he needed to
create a man who possessed similar qualities as He, because He is perfect. Then God said, Let us
make man in our image, in our likeness... Genesis 1:26 (NIV). Furthermore, I propose that it was the
Great Flood that caused the mass amount of dinosaurs to die. My theory is that once it began to rain,
massive landslides began occurring on the Earth s surface. It was these landslides that
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An Invisible Thread
Dear 9th grade students, For my 10th grade summer reading assignment, I chose to read An Invisible
Thread and it ended up being one of my favorite books. This book was an incredible combination of
brilliance, emotion, power, and reality that was simply breathtaking. It allows you to really experience
two completely different lifestyles through the incredibly astute words of Laura Schroff. As you read
this book, you start to imagine how the life of a complete stranger you pass on the street could
possibly change your own life if you only got to know them. When you first start to read this book,
you realize how much Laura has helped this young boy, Maurice, but as you continue to read, you
begin to realize how much he has also helped her.
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Chris Kyle Personality
Chris Kyle, the deadliest excellent shooter in U.S. military history, is born and raised in Texas. He
grows up hunting with his father, and develops a strong sense of duty to his country. In 1996 he signs
up for the U.S. military, and is recommended for the Navy SEALs, at the time a (compared to other
things) unknown branch trained to fight on land, in the sea, and in the air. Kyle makes it through
intense physical training, during which he s water boarded, forced to exercise for hours at a time
without rest, and starved of sleep. Shortly after completing his SEAL training, Kyle is placed/assigned
in Long Beach, California, with Team 3 of the Navy SEALs. There, he meets his future wife, Taya.
Taya is attracted to Kyle in part because he s unusually humble for a SEAL; at one point, he tells her, I
d lay down my life for my country. Kyle is placed/assigned in California during September 11, 2001;
he s horrified by al Qaeda s terrorist horrifying crimes, and wants to send out and use to the Middle
East as soon as possible. In the end, it takes almost two years for Kyle to send out and use. During this
time, Kyle continues to train carefully/strictly/in a high quality way for combat. He also marries Taya.
Shortly after their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He finds that he enjoys firing a gun, and feels badass in active combat. In spring 2003, Kyle and the
rest of Team 3 arrive in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the operation designed to free the
Iraqi people from the (a country ruled harshly by one person) of Saddam Hussein. In Iraq, Kyle s
duties include breaking into houses, securing oil fields, and fighting small groups of armed people
who are trying to take control. He develops a deep hatred for the armed people who are trying to take
control, many of whom are (must strictly follow religious laws) Muslims, who are trying to kill him
and his
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The Revolt of Boudicca Essay examples
The Revolt of Boudicca Boudicca was the Queen of the Iceni tribe and was married to the King of the
Iceni, Prasutagus. The Iceni were a tribe of Britons and their territory was in the east of England. No
one really knew what Boudicca looked like but Cassius Dio, a Roman historian, said that She was
huge and frightening to look at with a mass of ginger hair that hung to her knees. Her voice was as
harsh as her looks she dressed in a multi coloured tunic with a thick cloak fastened by a brooch flung
over it, and wore a heavy gold necklace. She shook a spear to terrify all who watched her (Boudicca
Against Rome by Ian Andrews p.23). Since 58 AD a rebellion was always looking likely because
Catus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
No one really knows how many tribes joined her but Tacitus a Roman historian says there were the
Iceni, Trinovantes and others (Boudicca Against Rome by Ian Andrews 23). Boudicca gathered
together an army of about 120,000 men (The Romans discover Britain 9.26). Catus Decianus was
unaware of all this even though it was happening right in front of him. When Suetonius, the new
governor of Britain, was attacking Mona, Boudicca thought it was a perfect opportunity to start the
rebellion because Suetonius was out of the way. In 61 AD the rebellion started at Camulodunum
(Colchester). This rebellion consisted of mainly attacking Roman settlements and attacking Britons
who were pro Roman. Also for no obvious reason, the statue of Victory at Camulodunum fell with its
back turned as if it was in retreat from the enemy (The Romans Discover Britain 9.27). This war gave
the Britons hope and fear to the veterans. There also other signs, for instance the women said that they
had heard strange wild groans coming from the senate house while the theatre echoed with shrills and
howls. (The Romans Discover Britain 9.27). Also The sea turned blood red, and as the tide went out
objects like corpses were left behind (Graham Tingay 9.78). The Roman
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Remember The Titans Analysis
In the film Remember the Titans directed by Boaz Yakin, the main characters of the Titans are
introduced as a group to us in a scene shot in the gymnasium. This scene is when the team first meets
the other prospective team members and develop their relationships with each other. Yakin uses this
scene to show tension and intimidation between the two separate teams, especially focusing in on the
two coaches (Boone and Yoast) while giving the audience an idea of where their relationship stands.
He uses four techniques to create this; blocking, sound effects, camera angles and dialogue to do this
Yakin uses a variety of minor techniques in this excerpt to provide the viewer with a greater
understanding of the greater technique theme (racism and discrimination) running throughout the film.
Firstly, Yakin has used the facial expressions of the players and coaches to give the audience the
impression of dislike and discomfort, this is shown especially at the very end of the excerpt, this is
when the two coaches meet eye to eye in a confrontation by their teams. The facial expressions create
an atmosphere of disapproval to the audience which aids the setup of the greater theme throughout the
film. Secondly the technique of blocking (where the director has chosen the actors to stand) is used to
give an impression of a standoff/confrontation. An example of this would be when the white team
strides in and places themselves standing opposite the black team. This is important regarding
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The Beatles Influence
The Beatles of the 1960s included four musicians that lived in the United Kingdom. Each member of
the band were so different that they were able to create a unique twist on pop music, all while being a
rock band. They took a lot of time to really make every track on their albums great. Through their
music, they became more popular, becoming the most successful band in the history of music with
having sold over one billion records to this day. The Beatles had a big influence on rock music and
they were the most successful act in the 20th century.
In the 1960s, The Beatles were formed in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom. Members of the band
included four talented musicians, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr.
Group members, George, Paul, and John, all played music together during their teenage years. As
teens, they were all influenced by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and Carl Perkins and they paid great
intentness to these artists. With having such a spirit, The Beatles were such great trendsetters during
their time in the music industry. The group popularized long hair, devil horns, and hallucinogenic
drugs, becoming extensive influencers on the public. In a short period of time, The Beatles were able
to capture the attention of many people through their music. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The group made a dramatic impact in the rock and roll music era. The Beatles made rock and roll
music more stylish and upbeat that it drew in a greater audience. Their music became powerful and
loving that it could also relate to their audience lives. Furthermore, their music had persuasive
messages that carried on to others that inspired everyone. Messages such as possibilities for world
peace and encouraging freedom for all. During the 10 years of The Beatles they had a lot of success
throughout their
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Pride In The Scarlet Ibis
Pride Overcomes Judgement James Hurst s The Scarlet Ibis is about the battle between love and pride
and reveals that pride alters people s perception of loved ones capabilities demonstrated by
symbolism. James Hurst s use of symbolism suggests that the Scarlet Ibis is a symbol of Doodle s life
and his journey to be able to walk, even though his disabilities challenge that. The narrator teaches
Doodle to walk out of this embarrassment towards him, all because he isn t like a normal six year old
kid. After he successfully teaches his brother, Doodle, to walk he lets his pride and embarrassment
alter his perception and pushed Doodle to his maximum capability. The narrator stated, Once I had
succeeded in teaching Doodle to walk, I began to believe in my own infallibility and I prepare a ...
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I would teach him to run, to swim, to climb trees and to fight (320). In this quotation the narrator
stated that his pride got in the way of his judgement. The narrator got carried away when he
successfully taught Doodle how to walk even with his disability. When the narrator stated that his own
infallibility got in the way of his judgement he meant that his pride had escalated to the point where
his acumen became impaired. The narrator lets his pride get in the way of his perception of his brother
s capabilities. As Doodle learns how to walk his brother wants to teach him how to be more like the
other six year old kids out of his embarrassment towards Doodle. That embarrassment lead to his own
pride overcoming his intuition. The narrator s distorted judgement causes him to want to teach Doodle
to run, to swim, to climb trees and to fight when his disability barely allows him to walk. Wake up,
Doodle. Wake up. It was a Saturday noon, just a few days before school was to start. I should have
already admitted defeat, but my pride wouldn t let me (321). The narrator is rushing to teach Doodle to
be more like a regular six year old, because
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Pathogenesis Essay
Pathogenesis It is known that cancer, in general, is a group of diseases that is characterized by the out
of control growth and spread of a group of abnormal cells, which can often times result in death. More
specifically, breast cancer is a hormonally dependent disease, which causes malignancy in the
epithelial cells of the ducts and/or lobules of the breast (Lippman, 2012). Therefore, women without
functioning ovaries, who never receive estrogen replacement therapy, do not develop breast cancer
(Lippman, 2012). Genomic profiling has furthered research and understanding of this complex disease
process by identifying further tumor subtypes and molecular alterations of the disease. (Stopeck,
2009). Based upon the specific gene ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They tend to be less responsive to chemotherapy (Lippman, 2012).
The second identified subtype is Luminal B. Luminal B tumor cells are epithelial in origin, have a
different gene expression pattern than that of Luminal A, and have a worse prognosis than Luminal A
(Lippman, 2012). The third subtype is known as normal breast like subtype, which express genes
similar to that of normal breast epithelium and appears somewhat nonmalignant, with a prognosis
similar to that of Luminal B (Lippman, 2012).
The fourth subtype is known as HER2 amplified, which means that these have an increase in the
HER2 gene found on chromosome 17q and often have overexpression of genes that are adjacent to the
HER2 (Lippman, 2012). Before recent research and studies, the prognosis of a patient with such
subtype was quite poor however, with the recent advances in therapy designed to directly target such,
the clinical outcome for these patients is improving dramatically (Lippman, 2012).
Lastly is the basal type. These are typically called the triple negative type in that they are estrogen
receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 negative tumors. They are characterized by
basal/myoepithelial cells and tend to be high grade, and express cytokeratins 5/6 and 17 as well as
vimentin, p63, CD10, and alpha smooth muscle actin, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)
(Lippman, 2012). Patients with BRCA mutations also fall within this molecular subtype.
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Creating a Social Program Essay
Creating a
Creating a Social Program
Axia College
HSM 240
It takes the collaboration of many different agencies and organizations to ensure that all U.S. citizens
enjoy healthy and fruitful lives. Through these planned, ongoing collaborative efforts, available
resources can be maximized to provide the greatest benefit and support for all of our communities.
Disaster programs are particularly important in bringing stability back to families and allowing the
affected communities to continue to thrive after the chaos of the initial trauma. The phrase it takes a
community to raise a child has been used to indicate that we all have to work together to raise
productive, healthy children. The same proves true for our country ... Show more content on
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The responders put themselves at risk by coming to the aid of others. Their commitment to the
situation is part of their reward. Our mission in this new organization is to provide services to assist
families who suffer the effects of natural disasters. These services will include medical services,
temporary shelter, water, food and counseling to all families in need. We will work with other
responding agencies to provide clean up and expect to remain on site until such time as the area
becomes self sustaining. We will bring in food kitchens and provide prepared meals both at these
stations and in a meals on wheels service. We will also provide potable water and emergency contact
services. Management of donations both at the collections and distribution levels will have to be a part
of the organizations services. This management includes supplies for medical care and clean up and
will involve securing a warehouse site in conjunction with other providers. Blood drives will have to
be arranged. Financial assistance for those left destitute will also be required. Shelter, baby supplies
and free day care are essential components of service provision so that parents can return to gainful
employment as soon as possible. With regards to organization budgeting, staff will be comprised of
both paid staff and volunteers. Both groups will require adequate and appropriate training. Funding for
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Critical Analysis Of The Night In Question By Tobias...
Gabe Barclay
Intro to Ethics 04
TA: Ashli Godfrey
September 26, 2016
The Dehumanizing and Immoral Alternatives to Utilitarianism
The Night in Question by Tobias Wolff and Should the Numbers Count by John Taurek are both
critical analyses that argue against the moral principles of utilitarianism. This theory is used to make
decisions by calculating the consequences of an action in terms of how much pain and pleasure it
causes the world. Wolff and Taurek both believe that this principle is too calculating, and does not take
into account the emotions of the decision maker. Both essays use examples that involve choosing
between killing one person you know and many people you don t know. Taurek uses the example of
having a pill that can save one person he knows, or five strangers. Wolff tells a narrative about a man
choosing between killing his only son, or a hundred people on a train. ... Show more content on
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He believes that emotions and personal relationships play a huge role in the decision making process,
and that choosing to kill your child, which is what a utilitarian would do, is a Bible school answer
(Wolff 79), meaning it is not a realistic choice. However, I tend to disagree as utilitarianism takes into
account the emotions of all, not just oneself. So, no matter how much pain killing your loved one will
cause you, it is nothing in comparison to the same pain the hundreds of other families of those who
died on the train will feel because you went to save your son. In fact, Wolff is actually promoting
selfishness. He is saying that you not morally wrong if you choose to side with your own emotions
over the same emotions felt by many more people. Wolff needs to widen his view and think about how
the consequences affect everyone, not just
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Flight Assay Lab Report
Procedure: Climbing Assay The experiment will entail working in pairs with two vials per fly strain,
per table, and with 2 vials per strain containing nothing. 1. The vial should be divided into 3 sections
labelled A, B, and C, with section A being the farthest from the ground, and section C being the closest
to the ground. Each section is 3 cms in height. 2. Approximately 10 flies should be transferred to a
plastic vial that contains nothing. The vial needs to be covered with a cotton stopper. 3. Ensure that all
the flies are in the bottom area of the vial. 4. The flies will distribute themselves within the 3
compartments during a 20 second time period. Identify the number of flies in each compartment. 5.
Merge the results with the results ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For each table, there will be 1 vial per strain. In addition, 2 graduated cylinders with 500 ml capacity
will be needed on each table. 2. Each of the cylinders needs to be covered on the inside with paraffin
wax that can be applied with forceps and cotton. 3. Transfer the flies of a vial into the cylinder using a
funnel. Ensure that during the transfer process, the funnel is kept in a vertical position so that the flies
do not come in contact with paraffin layered cylinder walls. 4. The ability of the flies to fly measure
their flying potential. The flies with good flying ability will hit the walls of the cylinder close to the
top, whereas the flies with lesser flying potential will hit the cylinder walls at lower levels or hit the
bottom. 5. Document the number of flies and the position of collision with the cylinder walls. The
cylinder can be divided into 3 areas for ease of measurement. Procedure: Extraction of Mitochondria
The experiment will entail the following: 1. 3 strains of female flies (wt, sdhB, and w501) will be used
for this experiment. For each Eppendorf tube (for a total of 3 tubes with 1 tube per strain) use 1000 µl
of Mitochondria Isolation Buffer (MIB), and around 20 whole female
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Critical Analysis Of Once More To The Lake And The Little...
This paper is a critical analysis of two stories, Once more to the lake and the The Little Store . The
stories are written by two different authors namely, E.B White and Welty respectively. The purpose of
this paper is to analyze and explain the stories and also compare them in order to enhance the value of
this paper. The comparison of both the stories will be in the form of analysis in which the similarities
and differences will be discussed. More importantly, the paper will be shedding light on the hidden
message that the authors give to the readers as an output of these stories and what lessons should a
reader must take away after reading these epic stories of the authors childhoods. Once more to the
Lake is an epic tale of a middle aged man who actually misses his childhood memories. The main
character of the story basically wants to travel back to his childhood so that he can spend his life freely
and without any such care and responsibilities. He does not seem fed up from his life but he misses his
childhood memories more than he owns his responsibilities. The most prominent of his childhood
memories is the lake that he used to visit with his father during his childhood. In the story he plans to
visit the lake again so as to make his childhood memories fresh again and the hidden wish was that he
could return to his childhood. However, that does not happen in the story because it is an impossible
thing to travel back to the childhood. When he visits the lake he
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Auto Industry in Canada
To fully understand why Canada is one the wealthiest nations in the world, we need to pay particular
attention to Canada s economic history. The economic history of our country has been marked by
many important events that have paved the way for a successful economic future. A brief economic
history of Canada would pay particular attention to important events such as the economic boom of
the 1920s, the dark times of the 1930s; the Second World War during the 1940s and to also not forget
the important trade agreements such as the auto pact and the NAFTA. Despite the above mentioned
important events, Canadian economy has also been greatly influenced by its own economic sectors.
Our economy has undergone through major changes during the past ... Show more content on
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The increase in employment contributed to an increase in the lifestyles of Canadians. Also government
revenues increased with the expansion of the automobile industry. They had to find a way to maintain
the roads therefore licensing and gas fees were introduced. The automakers did not only increase the
lifestyle of the people in the southern provinces but they had a big impact on the western provinces
also. Agriculture was one of the many industrial sectors that benefited from the automakers. With cars
being built it was now easier for the farmers to sell their products in the market. They now had a more
comfortable way to travel and this made their jobs easier. Also the introduction of the farm tractors
was a big help in the agriculture industry. The farm tractors increased crop quantities and livestock
volume. The tractor was a great invention as it was more efficient and less time consuming.
One of the negative impacts of the automobile industry in Canada is that of the regional economic
imbalances between the provinces. With the manufacturing being heavily concentrated in Ontario, the
other provinces of Canada do not get the same economic output as Ontario does. Ontario is considered
by far the wealthiest province. The province generates almost 50 percent of Canada s GDP which
translates into a staggering 675 billion dollars. Many
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Anna Chapman Research Paper
Anna Chapman is a Russian who also held a British citizenship as a result of her marriage to Alex
Chapman. She is the daughter of a former Soviet diplomat who was based in Nairobi, Kenya and is
one of the top officials in the Russian ministry of foreign affairs. According to reports, Anna s father
was once a top official at the KGB. Reports indicate that Anna Chapman studied at the Moscow
University and earned her degree in Masters in Economics and passed with a first class honors. Other
sources point that she got her degree at The People s Friendship University of Russia.
Anna Chapman moved to Britain after getting married to Alex Chapman in Moscow. She also got her
British citizenship as well as a passport as a result of the union with Mr. Chapman. In Britain, Anna
worked at a few companies, notably, Netjets and Barclays among a few others. However, she only
worked at these businesses for short periods of time as she moved from one company to ... Show more
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According to reports, the handler, by the name of Alexander Poteyev, was the one responsible for the
exposure of the spy ring (Lucas, 2012). In essence, while he gave instructions to Anna and her
colleagues, he provided information to the FBI at the same time. As a result, the FBI was able to keep
a close look at the activities and movements of the agents, including Chapman.
When the FBI was close to getting the case investigation done and have a warrant for the arrest of
Anna and her colleague, Alexander Poteyev fled Moscow. Primarily, this act raised suspicions within
the Russian inner circles. Later, the Russian government found him guilty of sabotaging their mission
in America, and he was court marshaled in absentia for high level treason and running away from duty
(Lucas, 2012). He was sentenced to twenty five years in
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Are Apple s So Popular
ESL0420Advanced Writing
Analysis Paper
Le Han leh@mtu.edu
Mar 5th, 2013
Why are Apple Products so Popular?
In today s world, Apple s products are highly sought after because they are very popular for everyone.
According to Yarow,editor of The Business Insider,said that the newest iPhone sold 5 million over
the opening weekend (Yarow, 2012). However, it is difficult to find the reason why Apple s products
are so superior compared with other electronic products in the market. Since Apple s products come
out in our life, it has facilitated our life and brought us huge benefits. For instance, people do not need
to bring their heavy laptops to go to work every day, because they already have the portable tablet PC
iPad. The ascent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
DigiTimes (2010) demonstrates that the first generation of iPad price was $499, at that time some
tablet PC manufacturers predicted iPad s price is about $1000 and these tablet PC manufacturers
originally planned their tablet prices 20% 30% lower than the iPad. The present the iPad price is only
$499, which compels the tablet PC manufacturer to re evaluate the price strategy. If tablet PC
manufacturers want their product appealing to consumers, they could only adjust the price lower than
the iPad. But the final result shows that it is failed, and now iPad is the fourth generation, but it still
people s first choice for PC tablets. If the iPhone and iPad s price were more expensive, maybe they
would not be so popular; I believe Apple Company is also aware of this
In short, my conclusion is that the cause of Apple s products being popular depends on its creative
design, unique innovation and the reasonable price. If there were no Apple s products, I believed the
development of electronic products would slow down at least ten years. Because the market has Apple
s products, our life is more convenient than before. The emergence of Apple s products makes
electronic product market have more competition. No matter what, the direct beneficiaries of the price
war is the consumer. The constantly price war will make commodity prices approached the cost.
Consumers can buy more high quality
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South Asia Continuities
In South Asia and Southeast Asia changes occurred due to the Indian Ocean trade network between
500 CE to 1450 CE economically, culturally, and politically. Some similarity the South Asia and the
Southeast Asia contained was a strong economy by specialization as trade became more prominent.
Once the Indian Ocean trade basin became more notable, culturally, religions Buddhism, and Islam, as
well as adapting to some of Indian political tradition became a gradual change. Some difference is
how the Southeastern Asia used their advantage with their dependency on maritime trade. As well as
establishing Hindu temples as a center of economic and social means in addition to developing a more
flexible caste system from India.
As trade increased in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The caste system was often used to maintain order and provided guidance for the citizen s role in
society. It also adapted to the newly arrived migrants like Turks, and Muslim merchants and
established codes for behavioral to others and those in the same class. However, as merchants and
manufacturers became influential in the economic state, powerful guilds grouped themselves by
working within the caste system, and established themselves as jatis ( sub castes ), specializing
themselves in different types of commerce like silk, cotton, spice trade production. Although,
Hinduism was embraced in southeastern area of Asia, ruling elites in Southeast Asia showed no
interest in the social class of
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The Rise Of Fascism During Nazi Germany And Germany
The first topic of the semester will explore the rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany and the methods by
which citizens of Germany and Austria were influenced to join in Nazi ideology and policies or to
resist them.
In this assessment, you need to research the influence of the different individuals and organisations
who either supported or resisted the Nazi Government. You will need to prepare a response to the
What was the impact of individuals/groups within Nazi Germany in supporting or challenging the
Nazi regime?
You may present your response how you wish; however there is a word length of 750 words.
Assessment Due Week 7 Term 1. If you are unable to meet this deadline, you need to request an
extension ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Specifically, identify the significance of their impact on Nazi society. Did they challenge broader
society, or was their impact restricted to subsets of society?
Explain how these social roles were reflected in both individuals and organisations. This will be
easiest by exploring their power structures and methods of operation.
COMMUNICATION Ensure you structure your presentation appropriately. Essays, Posters and
PowerPoints all need to include:
an introduction to the topic;
supporting evidence for your point of view;
a conclusion.
These should be coherent and relevant arguments.
Use subject specific language, by talking about the political structures of Nazi Germany, using
appropriate names and titles for individuals, and a formal register throughout your assessment piece.
Throughout your presentation, make sure you demonstrate your research through the maintenance of a
A Comprehensive and relevant explanation of how particular societies in selected periods and places
have been shaped by both internal and external forces. Perceptive application of hypotheses and/or
focusing questions to guide historical inquiry. Well informed and insightful understanding and
appreciation of the role of particular individuals and groups in history. Well structured and coherent
communication of well informed and
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tasers
Introduction Law enforcers around the world have tried to find a solution to subdue violent crimes,
without using unnecessary usage of lethal force. Violent crime has been with human existence from
the beginning of human history. According to the Bible, that Christians use, Cain killed Abel, which is
also known to be the first man slaughter in our history. Even after this incident, people in the globe
have faced all sorts of crimes and threats. Until recent history, only way to suppress violent criminal
by police or any sort of law enforcers were either by hands or by using lethal force. However, using
lethal force, which is mainly firearm, caused many injuries and even death of both criminal and the
police. For some countries, where usage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The major pros for taser gun is that, tasers are non lethal weapon that can effectively take down the
suspects without any violent consequences. However, if tasers are the best weapon for the law
enforcers, why every countries around the world isn t are using this effective weapon. Almost every
European nations forbids using tasers in any form. The major issue that taser has controversies with is
that it is using electricity on human body. Although taser is known to be safe non lethal weapon as the
Taser International argues, however there are few death of a person who was being tazed. Since taser
guns are using electricity, when the subjects are suffering from a heart disease, it might have a
negative impacts on the subject, worst case, causing death (Mun 2013). Since police officers do not
know whether the suspects of intention has a issue in their body, such situations like this is hard to be
avoided. Other cons of taser is over usage of taser on the suspects. As we already know, taser is non
lethal weapon, and due to this characteristic, sometimes law enforcers over uses taser. According to
this news article, this man in America was tazed 8 times before getting arrested for being not
cooperative to the police (SBS News 2014). If this suspect was suffering from a heart disease or other
illness, getting tazed 8 times can be crucial to his body condition. Although the situation is threat to
the officers, however
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The Depth of Diction in Richard Hayden’s Those Winter Sundays
When reading a poem it is important to understand that the chosen diction possesses more depth
beyond what is literally meant. Information hidden beneath metaphorical verses serves to not only
give insight into the writers thinking process, but also to communicate with readers. Richard Hayden
s, Those Winter Sundays, serves as a poetic narrative describing the actions taken by a father to ensure
his family s well being. Hayden s modern sonnet generates multiple concepts of love, sacrifice and
regret which assist the reader in understanding the limitless capacity of someone s devotion and the
recipients of this affection lack of gratitude. The title of any given work of literature is always
significant to the author s meaning and intent of the work. Hayden meticulously inserts an emotional
symbolism in the title of the poem which already opens the reader s eyes to the incoming
melodramatic nostalgic mood of the poem. Reading the title as a whole, one will assume that because
the words are in past tense form, the work will have a reminiscent feel to it. Nevertheless, when the
words are broken down and analyzed individually, more information about its meaning can be
derived. Firstly, the word those from the title serves a dual purpose. On one level, those illustrates
distance which will possibly allude to the speakers distance with his father during childhood.
Secondly, being that the word is pluralized, the use of those in the title also suggests something that is
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  • 8. Any activity that disrupts classroom activities will result in the student(s) being asked to leave the classroom. These disruptive activities include, but are not limited to,: using a cell phone, bringing children to class, talking during lectures, using a laptop for anything other than taking notes for this class, and making potentially offensive comments. In addition, students who come in late or leave early disturb students and the instructor. The instructor reserves the right to deduct points at her/his discretion from the course grade of any student who persistently participates in disruptive behavior. If the problem becomes chronic, the student(s) will be assigned a grade of F in the course and face other consequences determined by the institution s administration. POLICY ON ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT As a Middle Georgia State College student and as a student in this class, you are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Comparing Huckleberry Finn And The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer A reason why novels such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain are considered some of the best pieces of American literature is because Twain s writing style revolutionized literature. Twain, unlike many authors at the time, chose to write his books in a more realistic perspective of American culture. Shying away from the romantic and transcendentalist techniques is what allowed Twain to become an instant literary giant. Within Mark Twain s works, he successfully captures and illustrates what American life was like in his lifetime. This realistic approach allows people to see the grim and gritty reality of his time period. Today Twain s novels can be perceived as a portal into nineteenth century life. Back then people were desensitized to derogatory slurs and lingos of their time just as we are to our own today. Modern people attempt to protect their children from the harshness and evils of reality, which in turn, leads to censorship. This crusade against political correctness has turned on to The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This type of writing style conflicted with the more popular types that only glorified America without addressing any negative issues. Back in Twain s time, people hated the fact he had chosen to create a slave character who had dignity, so much in fact that his book was banned from stores. This parallels the conflict over the same book one hundred years into the future, but now there is a different reason. In The Adventures of HuckleBerry Finn the N word appears an excessive 219 times and has been banned in some schools because the N word was not inclusive and made students uncomfortable (Akkoc). The N word should not be be edited from the book because it would disconnect the reader from the realistic point of view Twain strived to achieve. It also downplays how the minority group was treated during the time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Essay on Two Party System in Democracy Does a two party system help or harm democracy? A two party system is a form of party system where two major political parties dominate voting in nearly all elections. As a result, all, or nearly all, elected offices end up being held by candidates chosen by one of the two major parties. Under a two party system, one of the two parties typically holds a majority in the legislature and is usually referred to as the majority party while the other is the minority party. The United States of America is considered a two party system. The chances for third party candidates winning election to any office are remote, although it s possible for groups within the larger parties, or in opposition to one or both of them, to have an influence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A two party system is strong and influential although it allows lesser parties to exist and have an influence. As a result a majority party will form the government and the minority party will form the opposition, and coalitions of the lesser parties are possible. These systems can also be multi party systems. The Two party sytem has advantages and disadvantages they consist of: Advantages,: It can lead to political stability which leads, in turn, to economic growth, two party systems have been seen as preferable to multi party systems because they are simple to govern, while multi party systems can sometimes lead to parliament. The disadvantages: Two party systems have been criticized extreme views, and putting a second opinion on debate within a nation, two party systems for fail to provide enough options since only two choices are permitted on the ballot, the problem with having only two parties is that the nation loses the ability for things to bubble up from the body politic and give voice to things that aren t being voiced by the major parties. Multi party governments permit wider and more diverse viewpoints in government, and encourage dominant parties to make deals with weaker parties to form winning coalitions. I think having a two party system is ideal because neither major party is strong enough to win without bringing up specific topics that they believe in or their ideology of their party. The way the Republicans and Democrats present ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Rachel Carson Born on May 27, 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania Rachel Carson was a writer, scientist, and ecologist. Growing up in a rural town with her parents, she was given the opportunity to experience a life long love of nature and the living world instilled in her by her mother. Rachel followed her mother s passion first as a writer and later as a scholar of marine biology. It appeared that Rachel s mother and her love for nature activated Rachel s concern for nature, as well. In 1918 Rachel received her first prize for her story that was published in St. Nicholas Magazine at 11 years old. Rachel graduated from Parnassus, Pa. High School with all honors and intended on majoring in English and becoming a teacher. She went to college at Pennsylvania ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This book led to a nationwide prohibition on DDT for agricultural uses, and influenced an environmental movement that prompted the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Silent spring was published September 27, 1962 and in 2006 it was named one of the 25 greatest science books of history by the editors of Discover Magazine. The Sea Around Us, one of the books as mentioned before, was nothing short of a biography of the sea. It became a global bestseller and made Rachel a trusted influence of science in America. The Edge of the Sea, the other book mentioned, brought Rachel s ideas and opinions on the ecosystems of the eastern coast from Maine to Florida. Another book written by Carson was Under the Sea Wind. All three of these books were filled with situations that happen and sometimes affect life in and near the sea. Rachel Carson helped practices find discipline within the use of chemicals. Her books, ideas, and boldness radically changed the modern mindset of those who misused chemicals. Rachel Carson stated in her book Silent Spring, ...we have allowed these chemicals to be used with little or no advance investigation of their effect soil, water, wildlife, and man himself. Future generations are unlikely to condone our lack of prudent concern for the integrity of the natural world that supports all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Crohn s Disease is Inflammation in the Digestive System Essay Crohn s disease is a life long condition effecting victims of any age. It is considered a form of an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in the digestive system. The cause of the disease is unknown. The inflammation is due to the immune system attacking the healthy cells throughout the body s gastrointestinal tract. The exact causes of Crohn s disease remain unknown, but most believe that factors that contribute to the disease may include genetics, immune system, environment, etc. The immune system does play an important role in causing Crohn s disease. The immune system protects the body from infection and other harmful substances. With this particular disease, the immune system will attack things like food, bacteria, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are periods of time when one will not experience any symptoms, which is called remission. There are many tests are used to diagnosis patients with Crohn s disease. Blood tests are usually ordered, but cannot confirm Crohn s disease without further testing. Blood tests often show inflammation in the body. Anemia is common among patients that have Crohn s disease. A colonoscopy is required to help confirm if the Patient has Crohn s disease. Most patients will have abnormalities in the intestinal lining if they have Crohn s disease. Some Tests that are commonly used is an upper endoscopy (EGD), X ray of intestines, CT scan, and an MRI. Crohn s Disease is also known to be genetic. Currently there is no cure for Crohn s disease. Treatment results differ from patient to patient. The goal of treatments is to reduce inflammation and provide some relief of the symptoms and may lead to long term remission. Crohn s disease treatments usually involve drug therapy and in certain cases surgery is an option. Drugs that help treat Crohn s disease include anti inflammatory drugs, Immune system suppressors, and antibiotics. Some immune system suppressors carry an added risk of developing cancer such as lymphoma. If lifestyle changers and therapies and other treatments don t relive your signs and symptoms, surgery may be an option. Surgery options include the surgeon removing the damaged portion of your digestive tract and reconnect it, surgery is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Historical Analysis Of The Zoot Suit, By Luiz Valdez Zoot Suit was written by Luiz Valdez and published in 1978. The story is based on the Sleepy Lagoon murder trials of the 1940s and follows protagonist Henry Reyna. This play deals with the intercultural conflicts between Henry s generation and his parent s, as well as those between Mexican Americans and white Americans. Mexican and American culture is effortlessly blended to show the transcultural influences on Henry and his group of friends. In this historical analysis, I will not only be looking at what historical events influenced this play and the author, but how this play uses those historical influences to showcase the battle of cultural expression in 1940s Los Angeles. Los Angeles was undergoing severe demographic changes in the early 1940 s. Mexican refugees were escaping the Mexican Revolution, farmers were fleeing the Dust bowl, and American servicemen rushed to Los Angeles because of World War II ( People Events ). The economy was booming from the war as American production increased and the youth was appreciating jazz culture and began wearing zoot suits, just like in the play. Because of the Sleepy Lagoon murders, the zoot suit was associated with Mexican violence. Eventually, fights escalated between the rebelling Mexican American youth and Marines because the racial tensions. This led to the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943 that left hundreds injured. As stated by the citizens committee investigating the riots, racism was the central cause of the riots ( People ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Protestant Ethic And Spirit Of Capitalism Brayan Munante Spring 2017 Prof. Delia TERM PAPER Sociology 101 The Protestant Ethic and Spirit of Capitalism Max Weber (1864 1920) considered seriously about the emerging dilemmas from the socio cultural and political state of affairs in Germany and criticised purely the historical materialistic concept of explanations. Within his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism , Weber instead depicts a more conceivable and pragmatic explanation that the materialization of capitalism owed much to the specific patterns of religious motivational explanations in Calvinism between various industrialists at that period. As these people (Calvinists) believed that god s knowledge and astuteness was immeasurable to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Additionally, Weber explains that the progress in administrative sphere can be directed only through a guided reckoning, impartiality and competence. In the intellectual sphere, progress was thought to be achieved by the aid of scientific methods, testing skills, experiential data collection because theories that are imitative through scientific reasoning supersede to those that are previously attributed to magical causes. However, this particular enlightenment ideology of motive and self realisation is distinguishable with that of Marx s view of progress and is still qualified by Weber by the rationalisation itself. Compared to Marx perspective, the rationalisation and progress according to Weber involve the positive features of effectiveness, manageability, uniformity, unavoidability and impartiality. These positive aspects of rationalisation can result in enhanced capacity, the development of capacity and power relations and thereby assists in attaining progress in each sphere depicted above. Unlike Marx, rationalisation in economic perspective as witnessed in Western Capitalism was been considered by Weber as the process of reasoning out unreasonable sentiments that hamper accrual and estimation of profit, progress and sentiments like faith, thoughtfulness solidarity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Managerial Functions Of Wane Industries Managerial Functions Name: Institution: Managerial Functions Wane Industries is an international corporation that specializes in producing personal computers, digital cameras, printers, and various peripheral devices. Being an Information Technology Manager at Wane Industries I am responsible for implementing and maintaining the organization s technology infrastructure. Great working connections give us a few advantages: our work is more pleasant when we have great associations with everyone around us. Additionally, individuals will probably oblige changes that we need to actualize, and we re more inventive and imaginative (Wilkes). There are a few qualities that make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The better and all the more successfully you speak with everyone around you, the wealthier your connections will be. Every single great relationship rely on upon open, legit correspondence. Sara has an excellent eye for detail and enjoys analyzing people and problems in depth hence I would advice her to pursue bachelor of science degree in Human Resource Management. Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to delineate formal structures detailed for the organization of people inside an affiliation. The commitments of a human resource chief fall into three significant domains: staffing, agent pay and points of interest, and portraying/arranging work. Since Sara has an eye for detail and enjoys analyzing people and problems in details then she would have the best attitude and passion in employee recruitment, compensation and benefits and even employee welfare which are the major functions in the human resource department. There is a department for Human Resource in every organization including Wane Industries. (HR) is the organization office accused of discovering, screening, enrolling and preparing work candidates, and in addition regulating representative advantage programs. As organizations revamp to increase aggressive edge, HR assumes a key part in helping organizations manage a quick changing condition and the more noteworthy interest for quality ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Intrusion Detection System Essay Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) Software An intrusion detection system (IDS) monitors network traffic, monitors for suspicious activity, and alerts the system or network administrator. In some cases, the IDS may also respond to anomalous or malicious traffic by taking action such as blocking the user or source IP address from accessing the network. IDS come in a variety of flavours and approach the goal of detecting suspicious traffic in different ways. Network based (NIDS) and host based (HIDS) intrusion detection systems. There are IDS that detect based on looking for specific signatures of known threats similar to the way antivirus software typically detects and protects against malware and there are IDS that detect based on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This baseline will then identify what is the users normal behaviour gaining an idea of what bandwidth is generally used, what protocols are used, what ports and devices generally connect to each other and alert the administrator or user of an uncommon or anomalous port use, network traffic and software downloads is detected. Significantly different than the baseline. Passive IDS. Simply detects and alerts when suspicious or malicious traffic is detected an alert is generated and sent to the administrator or user and it is up to them to take action to block the activity or respond in some way. Identifying way not implicating any procedures after protection. Reactive IDS, will not only detect suspicious or malicious traffic and alert the administrator but will be proactive and take a pre assigned actions to respond to threats. Typically, this means blocking any further network traffic from the source IP address or user. VPN, virtual private network. an arrangement whereby a secure, apparently private network is achieved using encryption over a public network, typically the Internet. 70% of browsec users had selected to have their information diverted to an internet café in Amsterdam. Overall There is a fine line between a firewall and an IDS. There is also a technology called IPS Intrusion Prevention System. An IPS is essentially a firewall which combines network level and application level filtering with a reactive IDS to proactively protect the network. It seems ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay about Sam Phillips, the Father of Rock and Roll Rock and Roll has come a long way since 1952 when music business icon Sam Phillips created it. Sam Phillips is considered the father of Rock and Roll. He went against the social normality of segregated music, and produced music that he felt should be made. Even when faced with career ending criticism, Phillips continued on making history. Not only is Sam Phillips responsible for the being the origin of the seemingly everlasting Rock and Roll movement, he segregated music amidst all kinds of cultural disruption with civil rights. Sam Phillips is considered a musical revolutionary who, despite adversity, changed the world forever. Samuel Cornelius Phillips was born in 1923 in Florence, Alabama to a family of tenant farmers (Sam Phillips ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Elvis Presley was signed to Sun Records in 1954. This was monumental for Phillips s stand on racial boundaries in music. Elvis drew national attention to Sun Records which, in part, sparked slight popularity for other Sun artists such as Howlin Wolf, B.B. King, and Roscoe Gordon (Sun Records 1). This point in time is known as the origin of Rock and Roll. Contrary to what Rock and Roll is now, it was only popular within a certain demographic of people for a long time Furthermore, Sun Records and Sam Phillips went under fire by local radio stations and parents everywhere. Phillips s creation, Rock and Roll, caused an outrage. It was seen as provocative towards young people, which was its most popular demographic. Music from artists such as Elvis, King, and Gordon were banned from radio stations and televisions (Impact of Rock Roll on USA 5). Criticism from other well known music moguls didn t stop Sam. Nevertheless, Phillips kept on putting out influential, black music. Despite the hardening Civil Rights movement in the 1950 s, songs by African American artists slowly became extremely popular. In 1958, the first black artist reached the top of the billboard hot 100. This marked the climax of Phillip s goal to make popular music from an unpopular race. Sam Phillips s persistence on creating popular black records and the equality protests go hand in hand. The exposure of the protests and music gave new ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Compare And Contrast Oprah Winfrey And El Degeneres Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres: Comparison Television talk shows are popular nowadays they feature celebrities, politicians, and actors. Talk shows depend on the style of the host and how he or she interacts with the audience. The happier the audiences are the more money the television host will make. Two of the most successful television hosts are Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres which are the most successful women who host television talk shows. Oprah and Ellen originate from different race, Oprah is African American and Ellen is white American. In addition, they differ in personality and activities conducted in the show. However, they both are similar in the way they lived their life before becoming famous in television talk shows. In contrast, they are entirely comparative as well. Oprah and Ellen took different path and lived in a different style than each other. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oprah has spent her childhood in an oppressive family in the wake of moving back with her mom. Be that as it may, Ellen did not experience childhood in a difficult situation. Another distinction between the two is the means by which they introduce themselves on their appears. Ellen is more perky and excited. She hits the dance floor with the gathering of people and associated with them a great deal. Oprah is more laid back. She impacts the audience with her words and is a highly rational individual. Contrasting Oprah and Ellen is hard in light of the fact that they are both extraordinary individuals and anchor people. They are exceptionally motivating fun ladies and help each other and their groups of onlookers out much of the time. At last, regardless I trust that Oprah is the best anchor person, however not by a wide margin. She is extremely compelling and is exceptionally practical. Oprah helped such a large number of individuals in a wide range of ways. For this Oprah is esteemed the most powerful person on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Gullivers Travel Gulliver s Travels Jonathan swift Reaction: This movie is a great movie for me because it shows that Gulliver is an educated man by his schooling and apprenticeship, and have a good knowledge of the sea. Because of his attitude many of Lilliputians love Gulliver, I thought from the start that I would hate this movie from the moment I heard and watch this movie. I was wrong because Gulliver s have a good attitude and good humor. From the time that I watch the movie, I was surprise because, I didn t expect that the Lilliputians are very small people approximately six inches in height. . Gulliver is treated with compassion and concern. In turn, he helps them solve some of their problems, especially their conflict with their enemy, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 4 Author Biography: Jonathan swift born on (30 November 1667 19 October 1745) was an Anglo Irish satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer (first for the Whigs, then for the Tories), poet and cleric who became Dean of St Patrick s Cathedral, Dublin. He is remembered for works such as Gulliver s Travels, A Modest Proposal, A Journal to Stella, Drapier s Letters, The Battle of the Books, An Argument Against Abolishing Christianity, and A Tale of a Tub. Swift is probably the foremost prose satirist in the English language, and is less well known for his poetry. Swift originally published all of his works under pseudonyms such as Lemuel Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, M.B. Drapier or anonymously. He is also known for being a master of two styles of satire: the Horatian and Juvenalian styles. Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, Ireland. He was the second child and only son of Jonathan Swift (1640 1667) and his wife Abigail Erick (or Herrick), of Frisby on the Wreaked His father, a native of Goodrich, Herefordshire, accompanied his brothers to Ireland to seek their fortunes in law after their Royalist father s estate was brought to ruin during the English Civil War. Swift s father died at Dublin before he was born, and his mother returned to England. He was left in the care of his influential uncle, Godwin, a close friend and confidante of Sir John Temple, whose son later employed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Positivism Advantages Positivism developed a particular scientific method and their method uses rationale thinking (deduction and induction thinking), to try and establish the truth (Usher, 1996). Positivism assumes that knowledge is gained from observation of the world out there, because it is absolute and unchanging (Donald, Lazarus Lolwana, 2010, p. 79), for example 2 X 2 = 4 this sum will never change. In the following essay I will discuss why positivism is attractive, who would benefit from positivism, why positivists call human beings things , and what the educational implications are. Positivism is commonly associated with Auguste Comte and shared the view that the only authentic knowledge is scientific knowledge, and that such knowledge can only come ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 152): observation statements/ empirical knowledge and analytical statements/ logical knowledge, and the principle of verifiability/ verification principle The meaning of a statement is the method of its verification, a statement is meaningful if and only if it is in principle verifiable (empirically, directly or indirectly, by observation) or is a tautology of mathematics or logic (Phillips, 1983). The respect for scientific methods was seen that something was only meaningful if it could be verified and logical positivists said verification had to be in terms of simple, direct and indubitable descriptions of sense experience (Phillips, 2000, p. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Reviving Opheli Saving The Selves Of Adolescent Girls While reading Mary Pipher s, Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls and Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson s, Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys, I got a better understanding of the mindsets of teenagers in todays society. I learned that countless girls and boys have the same inner battles and do not even realize it. The two songs I chose that best represent ideas of woman and manhood are Unpretty, by TLC and Stan, by Eminem. I believe these songs support many of the stereotypes portrayed in both of the class readings and hold strong messages that can impact the views of girls and boys alike. They address many struggles that teenagers today may be going through but afraid of speaking about openly. In Reviving Ophelia, Pipher takes us into the minds of teenage girls and evaluates the ordinary troubles they encounter. She explains how girls tend to let the opinions of others influence their interests and appearance. They visualize how others perceive them and based on this, they form a self perception. This perception can either be a positive or negative one. Generally if a girl establishes a negative self perception, they have an urge to alter whom they are to gain approval. They crave acceptance from others so much that they usually through great lengths to get it. The problem is that many girls don t accept themselves for whom they are and Unpretty speaks to those girls in particular. The song is by the popular 90 s R B group ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. A Look Acting May Be A Test Perspicacity take a look acting may be a test designed to live the capability of individuals to surmise and reason than the captured data. During this field, cognizant or man of science is termed a man of science. Psychologists get to grasp the role of noetic functions during a person and gregarious comportment, whereas supplementally abstract into the physiological and biological processes that figure psychological feature functions and comportments. Through a score of fifty would show that individual would descry academic prosperity solely with special edifying strategies and longer spent ascertaining, note that persons between fifty and seventy five IQ mundanely will get licenses to drive, will prosper at seventy one of all jobs. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The word insight originates from the Latin verb intellegere , which signifies to get it . Individuals say that insight can be measured while most concurs that IQ tests can let us know the level of our knowledge. Misuse of the knowledge test are changing our eras around. At the point when IQ testing are utilized on youngsters to arrange them into stereotyped classifications, which constrained them to their flexibility to pick fields of study. Our era now think anything somebody let them know. These IQ test are extremely unsafe specialists doesn t know whether our kin are getting more The victor s edge is not in a skilled conception, a high IQ, or in ability. The champ s edge is all in the state of mind, not fitness. Demeanor is the rule for achievement. (Denis Waitley.) Intelligence incorporates shrewdness and brisk considering, as well as incorporate innovativeness, identity, character, and our aggregate learning. The word insight originates from the Latin verb intellegere , which signifies to get it . Individuals say that insight can be measured while most concurs that IQ tests can let us know the level of our knowledge. intelligent or more ridiculous. The VIPs we have this season of period are exceptionally inclination off of other individuals IQ s. There is an inalienable inclination toward underscoring focalized, explanatory, and logical method of thought. It may confine innovative youngsters in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Importance of Water in Living Organisms Water has importance inside cells and externally. This may be because it has interesting chemical and physical properties; it can be found naturally in all three of its states. However its molecules are bonded together by hydrogen bonds, this raises its melting and boiling points, i.e. its boiling point would be 120¢ªC rather than 100¢ªC. Also because it contains slightly negatively charged oxygen atoms and slightly positively charged hydrogen atoms making it polar. br br Water has been called a universal solvent because of it polarity. This means it can easily ionise substances, Many compounds, whether ionic, polar or covalent will dissolve in it, therefore more reactions take place while in solution with water. Often in organisms ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... br br Water can also be used for support. As plant cells have cell walls as well as cell membranes, when the plant cell becomes full of water (due to osmosis) it will not burst but the cell wall exerts a force equal to the osmotic force (the cell is turgid) and this is important in the support of leaves and also in the stems of herbaceous plants. In animals like the earthworm support is often provided by the pressure of the fluid inside them, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Athenian Jury Structure 1. State the major differences between the Athenian system of juries and the jury structure and its proceedings of present day the American judicial system. One of the major differences between the Athenian system of juries and the modern American judicial system is in the size of the actual jury. The Athenian jury structure is made up of a very large number of jurors. For example, during Socrates trial there were about 500 jurors present. On the other hand, in the modern American judicial system, the jury is only composed of twelve jurors. Another difference in the structure of the two systems is in how the jurors reach a final verdict. In the Athenian system, only a simple majority is needed for a final acquittal or guilty verdict. However, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Upon hearing the oracles answer, Socrates was confused and did not know the meaning of the Oracle s answer. At that time, before Socrates understood the meaning of the oracle, he was aware that others were wiser that him, he just didn t know that admitting it himself would prove that he was actually the wisest. In order to try to understand the meaning, Socrates needed to search for proof of someone wiser than him, until he finally figured out that admitting his own ignorance was the true meaning of being the wisest (Navia ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Family System Theory Essay Family System theory and the Jamie case study Family systems theory represents the aspects of a particular family member. Jamie is a teenager; he lives with his family who resembles many of the functions that a family needs to be safe and happy. Jamie has been intrigued by the new reveal of drugs in his environment. At home Jamie shows no evidence of abuse, but he can feel isolated and scared. In the Family Systems theory, they look at the specific Macro view points, and what could have been the reason for what was a tragic ending in this situation. Family System Theory looks at who Jamie was interacting with, what impact it has on other family members and the different rules that were set in place by the parents. The Family system theory looks at the Interaction that Jamie could have been apart in. When Jamie was feeling isolated and felt like there were no rules set by his parents. Jamie could have possibly got himself involved into a group of friends, who could have influenced him to smoke marijuana. When Jamie felt like he belonged and felt protection by his friends, he distanced himself from his family. Because the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overt Rules are given and explained in detail to help others understand what the rule is, and why it s in place. Covert Rules are not explained, but are expectations from the parents, that should already be known without stating. In Jamie s household there were many Covert rules. Jamie was not aware of the rules against smoking, as there were no verbal or written rules in effect. It was an expectation from the parents that Jamie should have known not to smoke. Jamie s parents should have talked to Jamie about the effects of smoking and why it is not allowed in the family when it was the appropriate time. The proper parenting style according to the Family System Theory should incorporate overt rules, Clear boundaries and to give positive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Cultural Esthetics In The Tale Of Genji By Murasaki Shikibu Japanese aesthetics have a big role in the cultural consciousness of Japan. In the book, The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, a boy named Genji is known to be gifted and undeniably handsome. Genji was the son of the Emperor and his favorite concubine, a secondary wife of a lower rank, during the Heian period. Shortly after Genji s mother gives birth to him, she passes away from being ill. The first part of the novel talks mostly about Genji s romances, but throughout the rest of the novel it exemplifies how easily he falls in love with women, including his father s new concubine. The use of Japanese aesthetics of iyashi, mono no aware, and yûgen in the novel The Tale of Genji reflects the aesthetic and cultural consciousness of Japan. Throughout the novel, the cultural aesthetic of iyashi is reflected. Iyashi is a sense of comfort or a peaceful calm state of mind. After some time that the emperor s concubine passed away he was thinking about how he was able to survive months without her presence. Looking at the keepsakes Myōbu had brought back, he thought what a comfort it would be if some wizard were to bring him, like that Chinese emperor, a comb from the world where his lost love was dwelling (Shikibu 16). The emperor really wanted his boy back and it would be relieving if someone would literally bring him back. Iyashi is being reflected because if someone actually brought him his child he would feel calm by the fact that he can actually build a bond with him and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Jewish Funeral Traditions Essay Jewish Funeral Traditions At a Jewish funeral a candle is placed by the deceased and they are never left alone. The reason the body is not left alone is because the soul stays near the body after its separation and is aware of the love and respect for its body. Shomrim, those who stay with the deceased, are assigned to stay and say prayers over the body on a 24 hour basis so that the holy prayers comfort the soul. The body is cleansed, washed thoroughly from head to toe (Taharah). The faces of the deceased are not allowed to face down out of respect for the deceased. The body is then dried, everything is done by the members of the Burial Society and they also dress the deceased in a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The funeral takes place in the cemetery grounds and stresses the merits of the deceased and a trust in God s justice. In the service it is affirmed that one day god will conquer death, He maketh death to vanish in life external; and the lord God wipeth away tears from off all faces… Isiah chapter 25 verse 8. Everyone fulfils the mitzvah of taking the body to the grave and the body is buried in a single grave. The deceased closest relatives help bury the body they shovel a few shovelfuls of mud into the grave each. After the funeral in the hall, as a parting greeting to the mourners, people say May God comfort you among those who mourn for Zion and for Jerusalem . This is also said by anyone who visits the mourners in the week after the funeral. A popular greeting is 2I wish you a long life . When the mourners go back to their house they sit Shiva, they sit on low stools and recite Kaddish for seven days, it is called Shiva because Shiva means seven days. Within the first year after the funeral a stone is put by the grave and every year on the anniversary of the deceased death a candle is lit which is called the Yorzeit candle. B) Explain how belief in afterlife may influence the life of a Jew ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Maturity In Stephen Crane s The Red Badge Of Courage Throughout life, everyone goes through experiences that reconstruct them from immaturity to maturity through circumstances and situations life throws at them. In the beginning of Stephen Crane s book The Red Badge of Courage he shows us this transformation through the protagonist Henry Fleming s story. From when he enlists in the army, he is faced with the question of whether or not he should flee from a battle and struggles to face the issue. The Red Badge of Courage is a story of Henry s personal struggles with conscience, fear and bravery. Henry, or The Youth as Crane calls him, goes through a psychological transformation from a naive, cowardly individual to a mature, brave soldier. The challenges he faces in war help mold him into his future self, a national hero. The story begins with Henry dreaming of becoming a hero like the Greek gods and enlists in the army thinking of it as an easy way of turning into a hero. From the first time the thought of enlisting in the army lingered in Henry s head, his mother was against it knowing he was not fitt for warfare, but Henry never took heave of his mother s advice. When leaving to the army, she said, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If so be a time comes when yeh have to be kilt of do a mean thing, why, Henry, don t think of anything cept what s right, because there s many a woman has to bear up ginst sech things these times, and the Lord ll take keer of us all. (Crane 10). This quote explains that his mother was very concerned for him and advised him to never do shirking as that is the worst possible thing a soldier can do. When Henry arrived at his regiment s camp he started to doubt himself and questioned himself whether or not he would ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Descriptive Essay About Oxygen Adopt an Element: Oxygen I look down at my periodic table that my chemistry teacher had just handed out to me. It contained a variety of colors and elements. It s amazing how so many elements exists, I wonder if I can be someone so amazing to discover a new element. I run my hand over the newly copied, thin paper. I abruptly stop at the right side of the paper, where my pointer finger points at the first element of column 16 and the sixth element of period 2. Its name is oxygen. What s so special about oxygen? For some odd reason I feel a special pull towards the element, a feeling of nostalgia and feeling of satisfaction and loyalty. Oxygen is a colourless, odourless gas, in which all kinds of animals, plants, and bacteria use to respirate. That s all I know about it, or what I thought. My eyes skim at the word. I lift my hand off of the table. I shake my head and the let the thought away, I can t really be connected to this element, can I? I doze off for the rest of class, barely listening to a word my teacher says. That night, I whip up my computer and go to google.com. My fingers agiley type in the word, oxygen . However, I do not dare click the enter button nor the search button. What if I really am connected to this gas? I gulp and take a deep breath before pressing enter. A range of selections pop up, from a tv show to fitness centers. I skim through the sites, not long before clicking on a site called rsc.org to read what oxygen really is. The first thing I ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Age Of The Earth Research Paper The debate about the age of the Earth has persisted for centuries! Some scientists try to disprove Christians and some Christians try to disprove scientific evidence. Nevertheless, there is a surprising number of Christians and scientists who have worked together to give their opinion about the age of the Earth by using both Biblical and scientific facts. The purpose of this essay is to succinctly describe both Old Earth and Young Earth viewpoints. My opinion about the matter will follow, in which I will provide Biblical evidence to support my claims. Young Earth Creationists (YEC) strongly believe that the time frame presented in the Bible is to be taken literally. Therefore, the majority of YEC believe that the Earth is 6,000 to 10,000 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I support the idea that the Earth is truly 4.6 billion years old because I believe that the Bible uses the word days when discussing creation because we can wrap our brain around God s time period. A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4 (NIV). This verse sums up exactly what I believe: that God s time scale is different than the time scale we experience, therefore, a day to us could easily be a thousand years, or more to God. My next premise is that when God created the Garden of Eden and all of the creatures of the Earth that the Garden of Eden was a very sacred place. Therefore, I believe that very early humans, such as cavemen were created outside of the garden because God was experimenting to see which specimen would be perfect for ruling the Earth. Though this process of trial and error, God decided that he needed to create a man who possessed similar qualities as He, because He is perfect. Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness... Genesis 1:26 (NIV). Furthermore, I propose that it was the Great Flood that caused the mass amount of dinosaurs to die. My theory is that once it began to rain, massive landslides began occurring on the Earth s surface. It was these landslides that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. An Invisible Thread Dear 9th grade students, For my 10th grade summer reading assignment, I chose to read An Invisible Thread and it ended up being one of my favorite books. This book was an incredible combination of brilliance, emotion, power, and reality that was simply breathtaking. It allows you to really experience two completely different lifestyles through the incredibly astute words of Laura Schroff. As you read this book, you start to imagine how the life of a complete stranger you pass on the street could possibly change your own life if you only got to know them. When you first start to read this book, you realize how much Laura has helped this young boy, Maurice, but as you continue to read, you begin to realize how much he has also helped her. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Chris Kyle Personality Chris Kyle, the deadliest excellent shooter in U.S. military history, is born and raised in Texas. He grows up hunting with his father, and develops a strong sense of duty to his country. In 1996 he signs up for the U.S. military, and is recommended for the Navy SEALs, at the time a (compared to other things) unknown branch trained to fight on land, in the sea, and in the air. Kyle makes it through intense physical training, during which he s water boarded, forced to exercise for hours at a time without rest, and starved of sleep. Shortly after completing his SEAL training, Kyle is placed/assigned in Long Beach, California, with Team 3 of the Navy SEALs. There, he meets his future wife, Taya. Taya is attracted to Kyle in part because he s unusually humble for a SEAL; at one point, he tells her, I d lay down my life for my country. Kyle is placed/assigned in California during September 11, 2001; he s horrified by al Qaeda s terrorist horrifying crimes, and wants to send out and use to the Middle East as soon as possible. In the end, it takes almost two years for Kyle to send out and use. During this time, Kyle continues to train carefully/strictly/in a high quality way for combat. He also marries Taya. Shortly after their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He finds that he enjoys firing a gun, and feels badass in active combat. In spring 2003, Kyle and the rest of Team 3 arrive in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the operation designed to free the Iraqi people from the (a country ruled harshly by one person) of Saddam Hussein. In Iraq, Kyle s duties include breaking into houses, securing oil fields, and fighting small groups of armed people who are trying to take control. He develops a deep hatred for the armed people who are trying to take control, many of whom are (must strictly follow religious laws) Muslims, who are trying to kill him and his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Revolt of Boudicca Essay examples The Revolt of Boudicca Boudicca was the Queen of the Iceni tribe and was married to the King of the Iceni, Prasutagus. The Iceni were a tribe of Britons and their territory was in the east of England. No one really knew what Boudicca looked like but Cassius Dio, a Roman historian, said that She was huge and frightening to look at with a mass of ginger hair that hung to her knees. Her voice was as harsh as her looks she dressed in a multi coloured tunic with a thick cloak fastened by a brooch flung over it, and wore a heavy gold necklace. She shook a spear to terrify all who watched her (Boudicca Against Rome by Ian Andrews p.23). Since 58 AD a rebellion was always looking likely because Catus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... No one really knows how many tribes joined her but Tacitus a Roman historian says there were the Iceni, Trinovantes and others (Boudicca Against Rome by Ian Andrews 23). Boudicca gathered together an army of about 120,000 men (The Romans discover Britain 9.26). Catus Decianus was unaware of all this even though it was happening right in front of him. When Suetonius, the new governor of Britain, was attacking Mona, Boudicca thought it was a perfect opportunity to start the rebellion because Suetonius was out of the way. In 61 AD the rebellion started at Camulodunum (Colchester). This rebellion consisted of mainly attacking Roman settlements and attacking Britons who were pro Roman. Also for no obvious reason, the statue of Victory at Camulodunum fell with its back turned as if it was in retreat from the enemy (The Romans Discover Britain 9.27). This war gave the Britons hope and fear to the veterans. There also other signs, for instance the women said that they had heard strange wild groans coming from the senate house while the theatre echoed with shrills and howls. (The Romans Discover Britain 9.27). Also The sea turned blood red, and as the tide went out objects like corpses were left behind (Graham Tingay 9.78). The Roman ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Remember The Titans Analysis In the film Remember the Titans directed by Boaz Yakin, the main characters of the Titans are introduced as a group to us in a scene shot in the gymnasium. This scene is when the team first meets the other prospective team members and develop their relationships with each other. Yakin uses this scene to show tension and intimidation between the two separate teams, especially focusing in on the two coaches (Boone and Yoast) while giving the audience an idea of where their relationship stands. He uses four techniques to create this; blocking, sound effects, camera angles and dialogue to do this Yakin uses a variety of minor techniques in this excerpt to provide the viewer with a greater understanding of the greater technique theme (racism and discrimination) running throughout the film. Firstly, Yakin has used the facial expressions of the players and coaches to give the audience the impression of dislike and discomfort, this is shown especially at the very end of the excerpt, this is when the two coaches meet eye to eye in a confrontation by their teams. The facial expressions create an atmosphere of disapproval to the audience which aids the setup of the greater theme throughout the film. Secondly the technique of blocking (where the director has chosen the actors to stand) is used to give an impression of a standoff/confrontation. An example of this would be when the white team strides in and places themselves standing opposite the black team. This is important regarding ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. The Beatles Influence The Beatles of the 1960s included four musicians that lived in the United Kingdom. Each member of the band were so different that they were able to create a unique twist on pop music, all while being a rock band. They took a lot of time to really make every track on their albums great. Through their music, they became more popular, becoming the most successful band in the history of music with having sold over one billion records to this day. The Beatles had a big influence on rock music and they were the most successful act in the 20th century. In the 1960s, The Beatles were formed in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom. Members of the band included four talented musicians, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr. Group members, George, Paul, and John, all played music together during their teenage years. As teens, they were all influenced by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and Carl Perkins and they paid great intentness to these artists. With having such a spirit, The Beatles were such great trendsetters during their time in the music industry. The group popularized long hair, devil horns, and hallucinogenic drugs, becoming extensive influencers on the public. In a short period of time, The Beatles were able to capture the attention of many people through their music. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The group made a dramatic impact in the rock and roll music era. The Beatles made rock and roll music more stylish and upbeat that it drew in a greater audience. Their music became powerful and loving that it could also relate to their audience lives. Furthermore, their music had persuasive messages that carried on to others that inspired everyone. Messages such as possibilities for world peace and encouraging freedom for all. During the 10 years of The Beatles they had a lot of success throughout their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Pride In The Scarlet Ibis Pride Overcomes Judgement James Hurst s The Scarlet Ibis is about the battle between love and pride and reveals that pride alters people s perception of loved ones capabilities demonstrated by symbolism. James Hurst s use of symbolism suggests that the Scarlet Ibis is a symbol of Doodle s life and his journey to be able to walk, even though his disabilities challenge that. The narrator teaches Doodle to walk out of this embarrassment towards him, all because he isn t like a normal six year old kid. After he successfully teaches his brother, Doodle, to walk he lets his pride and embarrassment alter his perception and pushed Doodle to his maximum capability. The narrator stated, Once I had succeeded in teaching Doodle to walk, I began to believe in my own infallibility and I prepare a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I would teach him to run, to swim, to climb trees and to fight (320). In this quotation the narrator stated that his pride got in the way of his judgement. The narrator got carried away when he successfully taught Doodle how to walk even with his disability. When the narrator stated that his own infallibility got in the way of his judgement he meant that his pride had escalated to the point where his acumen became impaired. The narrator lets his pride get in the way of his perception of his brother s capabilities. As Doodle learns how to walk his brother wants to teach him how to be more like the other six year old kids out of his embarrassment towards Doodle. That embarrassment lead to his own pride overcoming his intuition. The narrator s distorted judgement causes him to want to teach Doodle to run, to swim, to climb trees and to fight when his disability barely allows him to walk. Wake up, Doodle. Wake up. It was a Saturday noon, just a few days before school was to start. I should have already admitted defeat, but my pride wouldn t let me (321). The narrator is rushing to teach Doodle to be more like a regular six year old, because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Pathogenesis Essay Pathogenesis It is known that cancer, in general, is a group of diseases that is characterized by the out of control growth and spread of a group of abnormal cells, which can often times result in death. More specifically, breast cancer is a hormonally dependent disease, which causes malignancy in the epithelial cells of the ducts and/or lobules of the breast (Lippman, 2012). Therefore, women without functioning ovaries, who never receive estrogen replacement therapy, do not develop breast cancer (Lippman, 2012). Genomic profiling has furthered research and understanding of this complex disease process by identifying further tumor subtypes and molecular alterations of the disease. (Stopeck, 2009). Based upon the specific gene ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They tend to be less responsive to chemotherapy (Lippman, 2012). The second identified subtype is Luminal B. Luminal B tumor cells are epithelial in origin, have a different gene expression pattern than that of Luminal A, and have a worse prognosis than Luminal A (Lippman, 2012). The third subtype is known as normal breast like subtype, which express genes similar to that of normal breast epithelium and appears somewhat nonmalignant, with a prognosis similar to that of Luminal B (Lippman, 2012). The fourth subtype is known as HER2 amplified, which means that these have an increase in the HER2 gene found on chromosome 17q and often have overexpression of genes that are adjacent to the HER2 (Lippman, 2012). Before recent research and studies, the prognosis of a patient with such subtype was quite poor however, with the recent advances in therapy designed to directly target such, the clinical outcome for these patients is improving dramatically (Lippman, 2012). Lastly is the basal type. These are typically called the triple negative type in that they are estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 negative tumors. They are characterized by basal/myoepithelial cells and tend to be high grade, and express cytokeratins 5/6 and 17 as well as vimentin, p63, CD10, and alpha smooth muscle actin, and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (Lippman, 2012). Patients with BRCA mutations also fall within this molecular subtype. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Creating a Social Program Essay Creating a Creating a Social Program Axia College HSM 240 It takes the collaboration of many different agencies and organizations to ensure that all U.S. citizens enjoy healthy and fruitful lives. Through these planned, ongoing collaborative efforts, available resources can be maximized to provide the greatest benefit and support for all of our communities. Disaster programs are particularly important in bringing stability back to families and allowing the affected communities to continue to thrive after the chaos of the initial trauma. The phrase it takes a community to raise a child has been used to indicate that we all have to work together to raise productive, healthy children. The same proves true for our country ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The responders put themselves at risk by coming to the aid of others. Their commitment to the situation is part of their reward. Our mission in this new organization is to provide services to assist families who suffer the effects of natural disasters. These services will include medical services, temporary shelter, water, food and counseling to all families in need. We will work with other responding agencies to provide clean up and expect to remain on site until such time as the area becomes self sustaining. We will bring in food kitchens and provide prepared meals both at these stations and in a meals on wheels service. We will also provide potable water and emergency contact services. Management of donations both at the collections and distribution levels will have to be a part of the organizations services. This management includes supplies for medical care and clean up and will involve securing a warehouse site in conjunction with other providers. Blood drives will have to be arranged. Financial assistance for those left destitute will also be required. Shelter, baby supplies and free day care are essential components of service provision so that parents can return to gainful employment as soon as possible. With regards to organization budgeting, staff will be comprised of both paid staff and volunteers. Both groups will require adequate and appropriate training. Funding for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Critical Analysis Of The Night In Question By Tobias... Gabe Barclay Intro to Ethics 04 TA: Ashli Godfrey September 26, 2016 The Dehumanizing and Immoral Alternatives to Utilitarianism The Night in Question by Tobias Wolff and Should the Numbers Count by John Taurek are both critical analyses that argue against the moral principles of utilitarianism. This theory is used to make decisions by calculating the consequences of an action in terms of how much pain and pleasure it causes the world. Wolff and Taurek both believe that this principle is too calculating, and does not take into account the emotions of the decision maker. Both essays use examples that involve choosing between killing one person you know and many people you don t know. Taurek uses the example of having a pill that can save one person he knows, or five strangers. Wolff tells a narrative about a man choosing between killing his only son, or a hundred people on a train. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He believes that emotions and personal relationships play a huge role in the decision making process, and that choosing to kill your child, which is what a utilitarian would do, is a Bible school answer (Wolff 79), meaning it is not a realistic choice. However, I tend to disagree as utilitarianism takes into account the emotions of all, not just oneself. So, no matter how much pain killing your loved one will cause you, it is nothing in comparison to the same pain the hundreds of other families of those who died on the train will feel because you went to save your son. In fact, Wolff is actually promoting selfishness. He is saying that you not morally wrong if you choose to side with your own emotions over the same emotions felt by many more people. Wolff needs to widen his view and think about how the consequences affect everyone, not just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Flight Assay Lab Report Procedure: Climbing Assay The experiment will entail working in pairs with two vials per fly strain, per table, and with 2 vials per strain containing nothing. 1. The vial should be divided into 3 sections labelled A, B, and C, with section A being the farthest from the ground, and section C being the closest to the ground. Each section is 3 cms in height. 2. Approximately 10 flies should be transferred to a plastic vial that contains nothing. The vial needs to be covered with a cotton stopper. 3. Ensure that all the flies are in the bottom area of the vial. 4. The flies will distribute themselves within the 3 compartments during a 20 second time period. Identify the number of flies in each compartment. 5. Merge the results with the results ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For each table, there will be 1 vial per strain. In addition, 2 graduated cylinders with 500 ml capacity will be needed on each table. 2. Each of the cylinders needs to be covered on the inside with paraffin wax that can be applied with forceps and cotton. 3. Transfer the flies of a vial into the cylinder using a funnel. Ensure that during the transfer process, the funnel is kept in a vertical position so that the flies do not come in contact with paraffin layered cylinder walls. 4. The ability of the flies to fly measure their flying potential. The flies with good flying ability will hit the walls of the cylinder close to the top, whereas the flies with lesser flying potential will hit the cylinder walls at lower levels or hit the bottom. 5. Document the number of flies and the position of collision with the cylinder walls. The cylinder can be divided into 3 areas for ease of measurement. Procedure: Extraction of Mitochondria The experiment will entail the following: 1. 3 strains of female flies (wt, sdhB, and w501) will be used for this experiment. For each Eppendorf tube (for a total of 3 tubes with 1 tube per strain) use 1000 µl of Mitochondria Isolation Buffer (MIB), and around 20 whole female ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Critical Analysis Of Once More To The Lake And The Little... This paper is a critical analysis of two stories, Once more to the lake and the The Little Store . The stories are written by two different authors namely, E.B White and Welty respectively. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain the stories and also compare them in order to enhance the value of this paper. The comparison of both the stories will be in the form of analysis in which the similarities and differences will be discussed. More importantly, the paper will be shedding light on the hidden message that the authors give to the readers as an output of these stories and what lessons should a reader must take away after reading these epic stories of the authors childhoods. Once more to the Lake is an epic tale of a middle aged man who actually misses his childhood memories. The main character of the story basically wants to travel back to his childhood so that he can spend his life freely and without any such care and responsibilities. He does not seem fed up from his life but he misses his childhood memories more than he owns his responsibilities. The most prominent of his childhood memories is the lake that he used to visit with his father during his childhood. In the story he plans to visit the lake again so as to make his childhood memories fresh again and the hidden wish was that he could return to his childhood. However, that does not happen in the story because it is an impossible thing to travel back to the childhood. When he visits the lake he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Auto Industry in Canada To fully understand why Canada is one the wealthiest nations in the world, we need to pay particular attention to Canada s economic history. The economic history of our country has been marked by many important events that have paved the way for a successful economic future. A brief economic history of Canada would pay particular attention to important events such as the economic boom of the 1920s, the dark times of the 1930s; the Second World War during the 1940s and to also not forget the important trade agreements such as the auto pact and the NAFTA. Despite the above mentioned important events, Canadian economy has also been greatly influenced by its own economic sectors. Our economy has undergone through major changes during the past ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The increase in employment contributed to an increase in the lifestyles of Canadians. Also government revenues increased with the expansion of the automobile industry. They had to find a way to maintain the roads therefore licensing and gas fees were introduced. The automakers did not only increase the lifestyle of the people in the southern provinces but they had a big impact on the western provinces also. Agriculture was one of the many industrial sectors that benefited from the automakers. With cars being built it was now easier for the farmers to sell their products in the market. They now had a more comfortable way to travel and this made their jobs easier. Also the introduction of the farm tractors was a big help in the agriculture industry. The farm tractors increased crop quantities and livestock volume. The tractor was a great invention as it was more efficient and less time consuming. One of the negative impacts of the automobile industry in Canada is that of the regional economic imbalances between the provinces. With the manufacturing being heavily concentrated in Ontario, the other provinces of Canada do not get the same economic output as Ontario does. Ontario is considered by far the wealthiest province. The province generates almost 50 percent of Canada s GDP which translates into a staggering 675 billion dollars. Many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Anna Chapman Research Paper Anna Chapman is a Russian who also held a British citizenship as a result of her marriage to Alex Chapman. She is the daughter of a former Soviet diplomat who was based in Nairobi, Kenya and is one of the top officials in the Russian ministry of foreign affairs. According to reports, Anna s father was once a top official at the KGB. Reports indicate that Anna Chapman studied at the Moscow University and earned her degree in Masters in Economics and passed with a first class honors. Other sources point that she got her degree at The People s Friendship University of Russia. Anna Chapman moved to Britain after getting married to Alex Chapman in Moscow. She also got her British citizenship as well as a passport as a result of the union with Mr. Chapman. In Britain, Anna worked at a few companies, notably, Netjets and Barclays among a few others. However, she only worked at these businesses for short periods of time as she moved from one company to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to reports, the handler, by the name of Alexander Poteyev, was the one responsible for the exposure of the spy ring (Lucas, 2012). In essence, while he gave instructions to Anna and her colleagues, he provided information to the FBI at the same time. As a result, the FBI was able to keep a close look at the activities and movements of the agents, including Chapman. When the FBI was close to getting the case investigation done and have a warrant for the arrest of Anna and her colleague, Alexander Poteyev fled Moscow. Primarily, this act raised suspicions within the Russian inner circles. Later, the Russian government found him guilty of sabotaging their mission in America, and he was court marshaled in absentia for high level treason and running away from duty (Lucas, 2012). He was sentenced to twenty five years in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Are Apple s So Popular ESL0420Advanced Writing Analysis Paper Le Han leh@mtu.edu Mar 5th, 2013 Why are Apple Products so Popular? In today s world, Apple s products are highly sought after because they are very popular for everyone. According to Yarow,editor of The Business Insider,said that the newest iPhone sold 5 million over the opening weekend (Yarow, 2012). However, it is difficult to find the reason why Apple s products are so superior compared with other electronic products in the market. Since Apple s products come out in our life, it has facilitated our life and brought us huge benefits. For instance, people do not need to bring their heavy laptops to go to work every day, because they already have the portable tablet PC iPad. The ascent ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DigiTimes (2010) demonstrates that the first generation of iPad price was $499, at that time some tablet PC manufacturers predicted iPad s price is about $1000 and these tablet PC manufacturers originally planned their tablet prices 20% 30% lower than the iPad. The present the iPad price is only $499, which compels the tablet PC manufacturer to re evaluate the price strategy. If tablet PC manufacturers want their product appealing to consumers, they could only adjust the price lower than the iPad. But the final result shows that it is failed, and now iPad is the fourth generation, but it still people s first choice for PC tablets. If the iPhone and iPad s price were more expensive, maybe they would not be so popular; I believe Apple Company is also aware of this In short, my conclusion is that the cause of Apple s products being popular depends on its creative design, unique innovation and the reasonable price. If there were no Apple s products, I believed the development of electronic products would slow down at least ten years. Because the market has Apple s products, our life is more convenient than before. The emergence of Apple s products makes electronic product market have more competition. No matter what, the direct beneficiaries of the price war is the consumer. The constantly price war will make commodity prices approached the cost. Consumers can buy more high quality ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. South Asia Continuities In South Asia and Southeast Asia changes occurred due to the Indian Ocean trade network between 500 CE to 1450 CE economically, culturally, and politically. Some similarity the South Asia and the Southeast Asia contained was a strong economy by specialization as trade became more prominent. Once the Indian Ocean trade basin became more notable, culturally, religions Buddhism, and Islam, as well as adapting to some of Indian political tradition became a gradual change. Some difference is how the Southeastern Asia used their advantage with their dependency on maritime trade. As well as establishing Hindu temples as a center of economic and social means in addition to developing a more flexible caste system from India. As trade increased in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The caste system was often used to maintain order and provided guidance for the citizen s role in society. It also adapted to the newly arrived migrants like Turks, and Muslim merchants and established codes for behavioral to others and those in the same class. However, as merchants and manufacturers became influential in the economic state, powerful guilds grouped themselves by working within the caste system, and established themselves as jatis ( sub castes ), specializing themselves in different types of commerce like silk, cotton, spice trade production. Although, Hinduism was embraced in southeastern area of Asia, ruling elites in Southeast Asia showed no interest in the social class of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Rise Of Fascism During Nazi Germany And Germany FOLIO YOUTH MOVEMENTS The first topic of the semester will explore the rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany and the methods by which citizens of Germany and Austria were influenced to join in Nazi ideology and policies or to resist them. In this assessment, you need to research the influence of the different individuals and organisations who either supported or resisted the Nazi Government. You will need to prepare a response to the question: What was the impact of individuals/groups within Nazi Germany in supporting or challenging the Nazi regime? You may present your response how you wish; however there is a word length of 750 words. Assessment Due Week 7 Term 1. If you are unable to meet this deadline, you need to request an extension ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Specifically, identify the significance of their impact on Nazi society. Did they challenge broader society, or was their impact restricted to subsets of society? Explain how these social roles were reflected in both individuals and organisations. This will be easiest by exploring their power structures and methods of operation. COMMUNICATION Ensure you structure your presentation appropriately. Essays, Posters and PowerPoints all need to include: an introduction to the topic; supporting evidence for your point of view; a conclusion. These should be coherent and relevant arguments. Use subject specific language, by talking about the political structures of Nazi Germany, using appropriate names and titles for individuals, and a formal register throughout your assessment piece. Throughout your presentation, make sure you demonstrate your research through the maintenance of a bibliography. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING INQUIRY AND ANALYSIS REFLECTION COMMUNICATION A Comprehensive and relevant explanation of how particular societies in selected periods and places have been shaped by both internal and external forces. Perceptive application of hypotheses and/or focusing questions to guide historical inquiry. Well informed and insightful understanding and appreciation of the role of particular individuals and groups in history. Well structured and coherent communication of well informed and
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  • 48. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tasers Introduction Law enforcers around the world have tried to find a solution to subdue violent crimes, without using unnecessary usage of lethal force. Violent crime has been with human existence from the beginning of human history. According to the Bible, that Christians use, Cain killed Abel, which is also known to be the first man slaughter in our history. Even after this incident, people in the globe have faced all sorts of crimes and threats. Until recent history, only way to suppress violent criminal by police or any sort of law enforcers were either by hands or by using lethal force. However, using lethal force, which is mainly firearm, caused many injuries and even death of both criminal and the police. For some countries, where usage ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The major pros for taser gun is that, tasers are non lethal weapon that can effectively take down the suspects without any violent consequences. However, if tasers are the best weapon for the law enforcers, why every countries around the world isn t are using this effective weapon. Almost every European nations forbids using tasers in any form. The major issue that taser has controversies with is that it is using electricity on human body. Although taser is known to be safe non lethal weapon as the Taser International argues, however there are few death of a person who was being tazed. Since taser guns are using electricity, when the subjects are suffering from a heart disease, it might have a negative impacts on the subject, worst case, causing death (Mun 2013). Since police officers do not know whether the suspects of intention has a issue in their body, such situations like this is hard to be avoided. Other cons of taser is over usage of taser on the suspects. As we already know, taser is non lethal weapon, and due to this characteristic, sometimes law enforcers over uses taser. According to this news article, this man in America was tazed 8 times before getting arrested for being not cooperative to the police (SBS News 2014). If this suspect was suffering from a heart disease or other illness, getting tazed 8 times can be crucial to his body condition. Although the situation is threat to the officers, however ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. The Depth of Diction in Richard Hayden’s Those Winter Sundays When reading a poem it is important to understand that the chosen diction possesses more depth beyond what is literally meant. Information hidden beneath metaphorical verses serves to not only give insight into the writers thinking process, but also to communicate with readers. Richard Hayden s, Those Winter Sundays, serves as a poetic narrative describing the actions taken by a father to ensure his family s well being. Hayden s modern sonnet generates multiple concepts of love, sacrifice and regret which assist the reader in understanding the limitless capacity of someone s devotion and the recipients of this affection lack of gratitude. The title of any given work of literature is always significant to the author s meaning and intent of the work. Hayden meticulously inserts an emotional symbolism in the title of the poem which already opens the reader s eyes to the incoming melodramatic nostalgic mood of the poem. Reading the title as a whole, one will assume that because the words are in past tense form, the work will have a reminiscent feel to it. Nevertheless, when the words are broken down and analyzed individually, more information about its meaning can be derived. Firstly, the word those from the title serves a dual purpose. On one level, those illustrates distance which will possibly allude to the speakers distance with his father during childhood. Secondly, being that the word is pluralized, the use of those in the title also suggests something that is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...