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Literature Review On Social Media
Social media in today s sociality has become our primary means of communicating. It has also
become the most inexpensive way to market and promote argues Chu Du (2017). More studies argue
that social media has simplified the way to connect to students, and offers the quickest way to for
universities and colleges to spread information to students (Chu Du, 2013). Che Du (2013) also argues
that social media is catching on within academic libraries around the globe. Their research showed
that 71.1% of academic libraries were already using social media to connect and engage with students
(Chu Du, 2013). While Stvilla Gibradze (2017) agrees, they also state how important it is for
librarians to stay updated with the latest trends of social media to connect with students. While
connecting with students is a very important in marketing events, it s just as important to ensure these
events are marketable to students, that spark interest. (Andrews, 2014).
In this research paper, I will further explore academic library events and the influence that social
media has on these events. Interest on this research started from Bodnar Mathews (2008) article on
relationships between school newspapers and their academic libraries. From the finding in their
research, they found that 25% of articles that mentioned the library were about library events and
displays (Bodnar Mathews, 2008). From this information, I further explore the 25% of library events,
and found a
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What Is A Important Lesson Essay
Lessons, They re many of them that we need to and can learn about in life even if they seem pointless.
Well I learned a very important lesson back when I was young I think it s still very important to this
day. I m in 4th grade and I was still young and didn t know a lot of things during that time and also
thought like most kids that school was miserable and just wanted to get through the whole day. It s
about time to go when our teacher announces that we are going to be learning about bicycle safety
tomorrow and if we have our own bicycle we can bring it. My head perked up and I was paying a little
attention to what she was saying and it sounded a little interesting to me but there was a problem with
this. I had my own bicycle but the only thing is I didn t know how to ride it well more like I didn t
know how to keep my self balanced. Since I didn t know how to keep myself balanced on a bike I
decided that I wouldn t bring a bicycle and just walk through the lesson but I had a heavy feeling in
my chest that urged me to learn ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At that time I was young so I thought anything was possible if I put effort into it and continued. We
were trying for about 1 hour and 30 minutes and my legs were like slosh from slamming my them
onto the ground to stop me from falling. Regardless since Johnson had a free day that day he decided
that we should continue. A couple of tries later I decided to just go down the slope one last time and
saying in my head I can do it I began to fall one way but then began to slope up and there I was
balanced instead of flopped over on the ground. I had a warm little tingle in my chest knowing that I
had accomplished something big for myself but still needed to do this while peddling. I continued to
practicing for a little bit longer to get myself adjusted to being balanced while pedaling at the same
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Research Paper On Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a complete and structured approach to organizational
management that seeks to make better the quality of products and services through ongoing
refinements in answer to continuous feedback. The importance and value of TQM was stressed by
European Foundation of Quality Management to reach total customer satisfaction. TQM necessities
may be defined separately for a organization or may be in adherence to established standards, such as
the International Organization for Standardization s ISO 9000 series. Total Quality Management can
define aims for the continuous improvement in all levels and functions of the organization. The
continuous improvement suggests that quality management system should be a circle.
TQM the process for managing quality must be a continuous way of life, a philosophy of perpetual
improvement in everything that companies do. TQM is an integrated organizational ... Show more
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When the competition was growing in service sector the demand for service quality was understood.
At this time a new question was emerged, if it is possible to apply the principles of TQM in service
industry. The literatures and viewpoints of different researchers made the latest moderations to TQM
concepts and made TQM adaptable for service sector also.(2) Today, customers have a wide choice of
service providers and they would choose only the best service providers in terms of quality, reliability,
and profitability and who are at par with international standards. Therefore, the quality of service
plays a dominant role and is a primary factor in ensuring the survival of the service provider in the
global market. The whole focus is now concentrated on providing services to customer beyond his
expectations. This concept is applicable to all service industries and has given birth to the concept of
TQM in service
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Greek Art and Architecture Essays
Essay #1
The Palace of Knossos, a Minoan mud brick and timber structure on a shallow stone foundation,
featuring a central courtyard, was constructed on an acropolis. It was a place for rulers to reside,
shrines for religious ceremonies to be worshipped, the industrial production of objects, and
administrative duties. Ample hallways, stairways, chambers, and light wells supplemented the
ambitiously built structure. There were plenty of columns to mark he four awe inspiring entrance
Four wings, oriented in a north south direction, surrounded the central courtyard. The east wing
featured the residential spaces, a workshop, and a shrine, while the west wing was complete ... Show
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Unlike the Minoan Palace of Knossos, the Citadel of Mycenae was heavily fortified and featured
many entrances. It s famous gate, The Lion Gate, is known for its keystone depicting two of the
animal. Though the columns appear Minoan in style, this is a Mycenaean innovation featuring the first
example of monumental sculpture in Greek art. This post and lintel limestone entrance is over 9 6 tall.
Also Mycenaean, the Beehive Tomb at the Treasury of Atreus, complete with corbelling, and post and
lintel entranceway, and a long walkway. The Treasury of Atreus is a well preserved tholos tomb with a
round, corbelled interior roof, cushioned capital columns, and a small chamber. This monument was
once highly decorated with paint and sculpture, though this can no longer be seen.
A mask, once thought to depict the face of Agamemnon, though now a disproved theory, was found at
the royal tombs of Mycenae. It is the likeness of a man and was used as a burial mask with a less
stylized beard and mustache.
Mycenae was full of war and turmoil. A vase, c.1300 100 bc, was dubbed The Warrior Vase for its
scene of women bidding farewell to the warrior men. Such a solemn feel seems to typify these times.
Other signs of unrest include dagger blades with gold and silver inlay on bronze,
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A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Anthony Burgess s A Clockwork Orange has been placed under much scrutiny by literary critics and
readers everywhere. Furthermore, this highly criticized novel contains a myriad of ways to engage
with the work, whether it is from the psychological or ethical perspective. Through College Literature
Journal s article O My Brothers , the unnamed author draws interesting connections between the main
character s development and how pseudo families and pseudo self plays a part on this said
development. The author of this article generates an association between Alex s pseudo families who
have not accomplished what families are expected to accomplish in one s life, and the way that Alex
behaves because of it. Interestingly enough, the author ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand the concept of a pseudo family provided is ...the dysfunctional interpersonal unit
that...offers only the illusion of genuine community (O My Brothers 22 23). The author is defining the
pseudo families that are affecting Alex heavily as Alex s ultra violent gang of droogs ... Deltoid...his
ineffectual parents and the sadistic practitioners of Ludovico s Technique (O My Brothers 23). So,
ultimately the term of family is being applied to the broad and diverse groups of relationships that
Alex has had throughout the course of the novel. This broad application results in the haziness of the
term family due to the fact that all of these relationships offer diverse expectations from the
individual; one would expect different things from their family, than from their friends. For instance,
Alex would expect treatment from his ineffectual parents to differ from his expected treatment from
his droogs . Furthermore, when someone undergoes a failing friendship the
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Jan Aart Scholte
Chapter 4 Explaining Globalization
Scholte briefly examines six differing theoretical approaches to explaining globalization what are
they? What is the central theme of each?
Liberalisms Liberalist position globalization is, at the most elementary level, a result of natural human
desires for economic welfare and political liberty. As such, increased transplanetary connectivity is
ultimately derived from human drives to maximize material well being (through markets) and to
exercise basic freedoms (as guaranteed by publicly accountable government). For liberalists
globalization is an outcome of people s strivings to escape poverty as well as to achieve civil and
political rights. On a liberalist account it is inherent in market ... Show more content on
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In these cases, transplanetary connectivity is said to have arisen because of the way that people have
mentally constructed the social world with symbols, language, interpretation, and so on. From
ideational perspectives, globalization has resulted from particular forms and dynamics of
consciousness. For methodological idealists, patterns of production and governance are second order
structures that derive from deeper cultural and socio psychological forces. Such accounts of
globalization have come especially from the fields of Anthropology, Humanities, Media Studies, and
Sociology, although idealist arguments have also influenced some researchers in Geography, Politics
and even Business Studies. One type of ideational explanation is constructivism, an approach that has
been popular particularly since the 1990s among International Studies scholars in North America and
Western Europe who wish to develop an alternative perspective to liberalism and political realism. As
the theory s name suggests, constructivism concentrates on the ways that social actors construct their
world: both within their own minds and through inter subjective communication with others.
Particularly, constructivists examine how inter subjective communication generates common
understandings of reality, shared norms for social behaviour, and notions of group identity and
solidarity. Conversation and
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Essay on Criticisms of Jane Eyre
Criticisms of Jane Eyre
The major criticisms of the novel in question to be the melodrama used by the author and the
wickedness of character shown in Jane and Mr. Rochester. While most critics admired the style of
writing and truth of character portrayal, they did not admire the improbability of circumstances or the
characters portrayed.
Elizabeth Rigby (later Lady Eastlake) was probably the harshest critic, calling Jane Eyre the
personification of an unregenerate and undisciplined spirit. Rigby strongly believed that, while Jane
was portrayed with a great degree of accuracy, she was herself a flawed person. By making a flawed
person interesting, Rigby alleged, the author was committing the greatest of wrongs. As to Jane s ...
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Indeed, other critics agreed with Rigby. In the Christian Remembrancer and the Living Age, an
anonymous critic said, Every page burns with moral Jacobinism. Unjust, unjust, is the burden of every
reflection upon the things and powers that be. All virtue is but well masked vice, all religious
profession and conduct is but the whitening of the sepulchre, all self denial is but deeper selfishness.
This critic believed that Jane was an inherently selfish and ungrateful person. In Graham s Magazine,
another anonymous reviewer suggested that Rochester s character was dangerous and immoral,
saying, No woman who had ever truly loved could have mistaken so completely the Rochester type, or
could have made her heroine love a man of proud, selfish, ungovernable appetites, which no sophistry
can lift out of lust. Thus, he intimated that any author who would contrive to have her heroine fall in
love with such a total rake would be immoral herself and unknowing of what true love is. He went one
step further to say, We accordingly think that if the innocent young ladies of our land lay a premium
on profligacy, by marrying dissolute rakes for the honor of reforming them, à la Jane Eyre, their
benevolence will be of questionable utility to the world. In this, he suggested that the depiction of Jane
and Rochester s relationship would cause young women of the time to emulate Jane s romantic
wickedness. In addition to questioning
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Jonathon Green How Do You Say Sex Summary
In his article, How Do You Say Sex?, Jonathon Green describes how we are using more slangs words
in our life than the original words. Now a day, we keep generating more slang words just to make the
original word looks fancier, shorter and stylish. In addition, a group or a community create a slang
word, so that word can only be used within a particular group. Once that slang word is being used by
other group now it is a time to generate a new slang to replace the old one. This is how the slang
language has been dominating the society. For instance, a word stupid has 1,000 slangs. Why? The
theory behind creating a new slang is to control others in that particular crowd, and the new slang
word will created as soon as it is known by other
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Revenue-Recognition Problems in the Communications...
9 107 025 REV: AUGUST 23, 2007 PAUL HEALY Revenue Recognition Problems in the
Communications Equipment Industry On November 21, 2000, Lucent Technologies announced that it
was revising its fourth quarter results as a result of revenue recognition problems discovered by its
auditors during the year end financial review. The revision lowered revenues by $125 million and
earnings per share by 2 cents from 18 cents. In response, Lucent s stock price fell by 16%, to $17.56.
One month later, on December 22, Lucent announced that after a more comprehensive review,
revenues for the fourth quarter would need to be adjusted downward by $679 million, to $8.7 billion,
and that earnings per share would be revised from the initially predicted 18 ... Show more content on
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In October, Richard McGinn, its chairman and CEO, was replaced by former CEO Henry Schacht.
Exhibit 2 shows key news events for Lucent during 2000. Lucent attributed the revenue revisions
affecting fiscal 2000 (its fiscal year ended on September 30) to a variety of factors. The initial $125
million adjustment was due to misleading documentation and incomplete communications between a
sales team and the financial organization with respect to offering a customer credits in connection with
a software license. 1 The company stated that the recorded sale did not meet its revenue recognition
rules. As a result, one employee was fired, and disciplinary action was taken against several others. In
subsequent revisions announced on December 22, Lucent took back $452 million in equipment that
had been sold to systems integrators and distributors but not been passed on to customers because of
their weakened financial condition. Lucent noted that in verbal agreements it had agreed to take back
the equipment, and it resolved to fulfill this commitment to preserve customer relationships. Also, the
company discovered that sales teams had verbally offered credits to customers for use at a later date to
help secure fourth quarter sales. It decided to reflect the credits as expenses in the fourth quarter,
reducing revenues by $74 million. Finally, revenue had been
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Protest Music In The Black Lives Matter Movement
Even in 2015 we still see how protest music is being used in the Black Lives Matter Movement. As
protests and anger against the police grew again like it did in the late 80 s and early 90 s F Tha Police
became the anthem for a new movement of civil rights protesters. In Ferguson, chants of hands up,
don t shoot turned to F Tha Police as the protests turned to riots. In Denver, protesters dumped red
paint over a police memorial and tagged the back of it f the police during a Black Lives Matter protest.
We still see how relevant the protest song is today even though it was released over 20 years ago. The
protest rap just like protest music in the 1960 s resonates with people. The listener has this stimulated
experience were they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A profound number of the college students I interviewed felt that Bob Dylan s 1960s The Times They
are a Changin and Tupac Shakur 1992 Keep Ya Head Up a reference to the L.A. riots, spoke more to
their reasoning. They talked about how these two songs relied on human logic to establish their
arguments and convince them of their meaningfulness through their lyrics. Appeals to reason are
derived from logic and adapted in such a way as to appeal to and have an effect on an audience
(Bailey, 2006). The songs, The Times They Are a Changin and Keep Ya head up both explores the
illogical nature of the traditional way of thinking at the time. Throughout the songs, both artist use
verbal opposition and argumentative statements to logically criticize the traditional way of thinking
about race and war. In various stanzas of Tupac song, he draws attention to various injustices and how
blind the nation is when it still comes to race. He says They got money or wars, but can t feed tha
poor, say their ain t no hope for the youth and the truth is. It can t no hope for tha future. We ain t
meant to survive cause it s a setup and even if you re fed up, ya got keep your head up (Shakur, 1992).
In the case of this song many of the students felt Tupac gave great reasoning with how we have money
for wars but not to feed the poor and how the government and society does in fact setup some races to
fail more than others. The students came to the revelation through the reasoning given how this still
holds true even in today s society, with police brutality and unlawful stops because of the color of a
person s
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Voter Registration Drive Case Study
An upcoming voter registration drive event held by the Supervisor of Election for Pinellas County in
central Florida is catching a lot of flack by Democrat groups and the head of the Democratic party of
Pinellas Country. Supervisor of Elections for Pinellas County, Deborah Clarke, is coming under fire
for holding nine voter registration drives at various Chic Fil A locations around Pinellas County. Susan
McGrath head of the Democratic party of Pinellas Country and also the leader of the Stonewall
Democrats sees this move by Clarke as a partisan move by Clarke. McGrath compared Clarke s voter
registration to Democratic Supervisor of Elections holding a voter registration drive at Planned
Parenthood. Highlighting the lack of transparency on
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Brain Waves Lab
Background Majority of animal s posses an organ that function as a center for coordination for
multiple activities that include, but are not limited too, intellect, sensation, and neural activity. The
brain is composed of billions of neurons that, which is a type of cells that has a main function to
transmit information from one cell to another. The information that is transferred helps perform
different actions, display different emotions, and think different thoughts. The process of transferring
different information is initiated by electrical activity and is present during the activities, and the
electrical actives can be known as brain waves. There are several different types of brain waves, which
appear at different frequencies or during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also the brain activity will be highest for the visual portion of the experiment when the image being
viewed has the most going on in it because it will require more work from the brain to realize what
eyes are looking at. Lastly, for the electrical stimuli portion the brain activity will be highest for the
trial that has the electrical stimuli being applied to the most sensitive spot, of the spots being tested,
because more pain receptors will be activated meaning more neurons in the brain will respond.
Setting up the Power lab and Lab tutor. The head electrodes are placed around the volunteer s head.
Then the cords are plugged into the Powerlab. Then on the lab tutor the Powerlab is ran for 20 seconds
to make sure that everything is plugged in right.
Audio The lab tutor was ran for 5 seconds before playing the audio and then recorded for another 25
seconds. The first run was done with hard rock for 25 seconds this is done three times. Then classical
music was played for 3 trials, for 25 seconds. Then EDM music is recorded for three trials, 25 seconds
each. The brain waves were observed and
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Women s Rights Of Women
Makenzie Holman
Research Brief
In the early 1900s, it was very uncommon for women to have access to contraceptives or health
education. Then one day, a doctor and a nurse tended to a women at home who was suffering from
having an abortion. Just like many women in the U.S. at this time, she was wanting to learn how to
prevent pregnancies so she did not have to have any more abortions. As the doctor and nurse left this
woman s house, the women begged the doctor to teach her how she could prevent her own
pregnancies. To the nurses disbelief the doctor would not give the woman one once of information.
This is the moment where health education would change forever. This moment released the
beginning of the fight to make contraceptives ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since violating the law was a crime that would lead to jail, Sanger fled to Europe to learn how other
countries dealt with pregnancy and contraceptives. Sanger noticed that it was unfair to lower income
families that they were uneducated about health education and always had to have abortions, where a
lot of the time women would die, compared to higher income families that had more access to this
education and they could prevent pregnancies. After many attempts of providing information to the
public and getting in trouble with the law, Sanger decided to have a new conservative approach to the
public. She was getting aggravated that laws were not being passed, so she created the National
Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control (NCFL). Birth control could be prescribed by
doctors at this time, but because of the Comstock laws many doctors did not like sharing this
information. This is why Sanger created the NCFL, so she could get more attention to legislators that
would then create an amendment that would allow doctors to share this crucial health information with
the public. After years and years of birth control propaganda and social reform, Sanger finally saw the
day where the Comstock law was dropped in the 1965 Supreme Court Case in Griswold v.
Connecticut. The court finally ruled that it was a constitutional right have a private use of
contraceptives. Sanger also provided the start of researching the
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Becoming A Climbing Culture Driven By Commercialism
Summiting Everest commands visions of grandeur and personal heroism for some, but to many
sherpas tasked with the greatest workload and the most to lose, Everest represents a hard,
economically necessitated risk. In a climbing culture driven by commercialism, sherpas are arguably
some of the most experienced and well adapted climbers on Mount Everest, yet have little to no say in
addressing the issues of safety or working conditions that are brought on by commercial motives.
Initiating transformational leadership can solve many of the symptomatic problems of
commercialization. By affording more influence to experienced sherpas, embracing the intellectual
stimulation of safety challenges, inspiring clients independence, and individually ... Show more
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237). A lack of clear communication and adherence to important plans caused (in some capacity) by
commercial motivation arguably led to the disaster in 1996. Involving sherpas more as a voice of
reason and greater expert support would provide better risk management to expeditions from the
beginning. Sherpas are are often more interested in staying safe than summiting as they work to
provide for their families year after year. As veteran climbers, know the risk Everest represents better
than any.
Utilizing the idealized influence of prominent sherpas can allow for greater support during expeditions
and give clients and other climbers experienced, safety conscious role models. Experienced,
charismatic sherpas like Lopsang and Ang Dorje who summit frequently and live at high altitudes
could provide key insight and a sense of security, if given more authority. If sherpas had a greater role
on expeditions, they might also feel inspired to take more initiative and increase the capabilities of
climbing groups in terms of communication and climbing potential. These contributions can be
enabled by providing opportunities for sherpas to train and take exams to become certified guides
themselves. The government or climbing companies could provide these certification opportunities,
but the Tibetan and Nepalese governments should certainly provide general educational opportunities
to sherpas as well.
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The Triton Fountain By Gian Lorenzo Bernini
The Triton Fountain was specially made for Pope Urban VIII Barberini by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The
fountain is placed at the center of the piazza; the fountain represents the God of Sea with
anthropomorphic body and huge fish tail, kneeling on an open shell supported by the tails of four
dolphins. The dolphins, leaning towards each of the four cardinal directions, open their mouths to
swallow the water of the surrounding pool, telling us that they drink up all the waters of the world.
The fins of the dolphins clutch the crown of Urban VIII, with papal tiara, keys of St. Peter, and
Barberini bees. The Triton as the subject of this fountain is a very interesting choice. According to
many historical sources, Pope Urban VIII was a very talented poet, and he was very well known for
his pursuits in this field. Triton was someone who achieved a sacred unity with nature and literature.
And as we can see from the monument, the Triton was an appropriate public monument to Pope Urban
s distinguished literary accomplishments. On the other hand, this explanation of the connection
between Triton and Pope Urban is not effective, and unquestionably does not give us full information.
American art historian John Beldon Scott has established that Urban was suspicious of pagan imagery
for fear it might lead the faithful astray. This suggests that the Triton Fountain may imply to something
more significant than just the simple literary symbol. Also, it is important to mention that at least three
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Gus germs and steel Essay
Gus germs and steel
1. Yali asks Diamond, Why is it that you white people developed sp much cargo and brought it to New
Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own.
2. Jared Diamond s thesis seems to be that external factors such as geography can affect the fate of
human societies. In other words, what separates the winners from the losers is geography.
Chapter 1
1. The Great Leap Forward is when human history developed about
50,000 years ago.
2. The giant moas in New Zealand and the giant lemurs in Madagascar were exterminated by humans.
3. 15,000 years ago the American West looked like Africa s Serengeti
Plains. It was filled with elephants, giraffes, zebras, and other
African animals. All of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Chapter 6
1. Food production was evolved rather then discovered because the first people who adopted food
production were not trying to farm because they had never seen how to farm.
2. The four factors that tipped the competitive advantage away from hunter gathering and toward
sedentary food production were: a.)There was a decline in the amount of animal resources. b) There
was an increased availability of domesticable plants. c) There was an increased development of
technologies for collecting, storing, and processing wild foods. d) There was a two way link between
the rise in food production and a rise on human population density, meaning that the food producing
societies grew.
Chapter 9
1. Domesticated animals are defined as an animal that has been selectively bred in captivity and has
been modified from its ancestors. According to Jared Diamond, Elephants have only been tamed
because they have not been changed from their ancestors.
2. In order to be domesticated, animals must posses a variety of characteristics. Failure in anyone of
the characteristics would mean that the animal cannot be domesticated. The characteristics are: A.)
Diet The animal s biomass should be around 10%. This means that carnivores would be practically
impossible to domesticate. B.) Growth
Rate The animals must grow fast. C.) Problems with captive breeding The animals must be willing to
share their space with others.
D.) Nasty
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Example Of Simplification In Narrative
However, not all simplification would bring such consquences but benefit the point of view of the
narrative. Sometimes, they enhance the recieveing, concerning and understanding by the audiences. In
narrative, especially for film, have many limitation about length and presentation. Therefore, although
they are trying to relate the real issue and feeling in reality, they can barely do that. As a result,
simplification is necessary for the creator to simpify their idea, in a form of story to tell their auidence.
Although their point of view might not be comphrensive and well round as their original idea, they
could transprit to the audience in a more effective way by the use of simplifcation. For instance, the
movie, Eye in the Sky (2015) uses lots of simplification upon its characters design for simpifying the
moral discussion. The whole movie is discussing should the government shoot a missile to a base of
terrorist which may cause a death of an innocent girl near by. If they do not shoot, there would be
many people be killed by the terrorist. If ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They might bring positive and negative consequences to the point suggested by the narrative, which
including the ignorance of other sides of view on a specific issues, or make the audiences think more
by themselves as they putting themselves in the stories. Moreover, simplification is a necessary
process of creating narrative as a refining from reality. The creators are going to take the most
important, meaningful and controversial part of their experiences and opinions, and take them as the
original ingredients to create their stories. And, narrative, especially for movie, is also a kind of
entertainment. Therefore, it is not supposed to be too difficult to understand for the majority. For
instead, they should be a degree of simplified for remaining the emotional excitement for the
audiences. So, simplification is not that bad as Tersman
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Differences Between Emily Dickinson And Bukowski
Bukowski was influenced by many writers before and around his time as he was published in the mid
to late nineties. Those who influenced him include Albert Camus, E. E. Cummings, John Fante, Henry
Miller, and some will argue Emily Dickinson. Both writers, Dickinson and Bukowski, touch upon
death, writing from their graves, and saving the world through the sincerity of one person. Dickinson s
poem If I can stop one heart from breaking mirrors one of Bukowski s most famous quotes You begin
saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. His
simple of idea that universal peace begins with one soul mimics the message in Dickinson s verse.
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain (Dickinson).
Words synonymous with each other not only shows the similarity in writing topics, but also in the
thought process for both writers. Both their moral compasses lead to the same conclusion, whether it
is a thought they act on or simply have. The similarities between these two go one further in their
darker poetry. Emily Dickinson famously writes many poems about death and dying as does Charles
Bukowski. Two poems of theirs are particularly similar. Bukowski s Alone with Everybody delivers a
similar message about death as Dickinson s Because I could not stop for death
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Iron Jawed Angels Essay
What Women Want, They Get Women used to be thought of as the stay at home mother by men. She
was supposed to take care of the children and take care of the home. Seeing a woman in the workforce
was desirable as long as she had an education. Women were seen working in factories or as teachers
but they had no say in the government. Thanks to a few women dedicated to making a difference,
women have become more independent and now have a say in the government if they choose too. The
movie Iron Jawed Angels depicts a group of women who wanted women to have a voice in politics.
First thing they had to do was get women the right to vote. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were the two
leaders of the NWP (National Woman s Party). The two women are an ... Show more content on
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They did not deserve to be in prison in the first place, and they knew that. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns
dedicated their lives to the NWP so much that they totally forgot about themselves. The two dedicated
everything to the NWP, almost too much. Lucy knew that she was missing out on certain things. One
thing Lucy felt that she was missing was a relationship. She missed the companionship and care of a
man. Lucy seemed very outgoing and for her not to have a man probably was very hard on her. Paul
pretended that she didn t care that she had not had a relationship in long time. Her whole life was
dedicated to women s rights, and the thought of having a relationship scared her. She felt that having a
relationship might distract her from what she was trying to do. Paul continuously dismisses Ben
Weissman s romantic advances, which show how dedicated she was to the NWP. The movie portrayed
how it takes love, commitment, perseverance, dedication and lots of time to fulfill a goal or dream.
Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and other suffragettes worked hard and dedicated their lives just so that
women today could vote. These women risked their lives, marriages, and children, and Inez
Milholland even died just so women could have a say in their government. If it weren t for them,
where would we be
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The Effects Of Static Frictional Force On The Motion Of...
8.0 Discussion
8.1 Analysis of Results
By analysing the data obtained from the experiment, two main trends were identified. Excluding
surface B (desk), the first trend observed showed that the amount of static frictional force resisting the
motion of the wooden block was substantially greater when the object was placed on a rough surface,
as opposed to when it was placed on a smooth surface.
This is understood through the numerical data compiled in Table 7.1, which indicates that surface A
(tiles) considered to be the smoothest surface in the experiment only had a friction coefficient value of
0.2401, whilst surface C (wood) considered to be the roughest surface indicated a much higher
coefficient value of 0.432. These results were found to correspond with almost all surfaces tested, with
surface D (carpet) found to have the second lowest coefficient value of 0.2477, and surface E
(bitumen), being found to have a much higher static friction coefficient value similar to that of wood
of 0.4233. This trend is further visualised in Graph 7.2, where the gradient line of Ff (rise) over Fn
(run) represents the coefficient of friction of each material the steeper the gradient, the higher the
coefficient value. Excluding surface B, the results gathered from the more rigid surfaces in the
experiment ( C E) are seen to form steeper gradients when plotted on the graph than the results
gathered by the smooth surfaces (B D), hence signifying that rougher materials
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Nissan Pathfinder Research Paper
If you might be needing an extraordinaire car that s amazing electric power in addition to seats several
individuals, subsequently you will appreciate what the 2016 Nissan Pathfinder provides. Your 2016
Nissan Pathfinder is really a interesting trip that s amazing extender excellent comfort. On Rick Burke
Nissan, you will get the chance to buy the 2016 Nissan Pathfinder a great amazing price tag. Jim
Burke Nissan is located at 1300 3rd Ave. N. in Birmingham, AL and serves the following cities:
Hoover, Tuscaloosa, and Talladega, AL. 2016 Nissan Pathfinder includes a starting up MSRP
regarding $29, 780. Your MPG ranking for the Pathfinder can be 20 town / 28 hwy. Your 2016 Nissan
Pathfinder offers a lot of characteristics having innovative technology supplied about many models.
Many of the characteristics you will adore include top track crossbars, the illuminated end clothing,
plus the inside emphasize lighting.
There are six models to select from: Azines, SV, SL, SL Tech, SL Quality, in addition to Platinum
eagle. You ve got a selection of outdoor hues to pick which includes arctic violet metal, outstanding
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Unit 4 Heat And Temperature
Unit 4: Heat and Temperature
Topic A: Illustrate and explain how human needs have led to technologies for obtaining and
controlling thermal energy and to increased use of energy resources.
Investigate and interpret examples of heat related technologies and energy used in the past (e.g.
domestic and industrial purposes)
Steam engines were the first engine type to see use in industrial purposes. A fire heats water which
turns to steam and the steam then has the ability to move things. They were first invented by Thomas
Newcomen in 1705, and James Watt (a Scottish inventor) made big improvements to steam engines in
1769. Steam engines powered all early cars, steamboats and factories.
Trace linkages between human needs and development of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Describe the effect of heat on the motion of particles, and explain changes of state using the particle
model of matter.
There are four basic components for thermal energy (heat): 1. All matter is made up of tiny particles
called atoms. These can only be seen with special microscopes. 2. The atoms are always moving they
all have kinetic energy. 3. The particles have space between them. Different states of matter have
different amounts of space. 4. Adding heat (energy) to matter makes the particles move more quickly.
Since faster moving things have more kinetic energy, adding heat increases the energy of the particle.
5. Cooling it down decreases the amount of kinetic energy and slows the movement down.
Distinguish between heat and temperature, and explain temperature using the concept of kinetic
energy and the particle model of matter.
Temperature: the average kinetic energy of individual atoms and molecules
Heat Energy: The collection of random molecules in action.
Compare heat transmission in different materials (e.g., conduction of heat in different solids,
absorption of radiant heat by different
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Argumentative Essay On Bhagavad Gita
In the Hinduism Hit The Bhagavad Gita , Buddha Weighs Questions of The Truth
Could killing but not being emotionally attached solve a conflict? In The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna
encourages Arjuna to kill and not be attached. He says, If you are killed, you win heaven; if you
triumph, you enjoy the earth; therefore, Arjuna, stand up and resolved to fight the battle. The path of
my own teachings has three important instructions: moral precepts, no killing; mental concentration,
breath control meditation; and wisdom, the knowledge of knowing there is no self. Instead of killing,
we need to be merciful and kind to others. No man who does not love himself could love others. Every
creature has a life so we need to appreciate and respect them instead of killing them.
For more than 100 pages, Krishna mainly talks about three types of yoga in The Bhagavad Gita: jnana
(knowledge) yoga, karma (action) yoga, and devotion yoga.
The soul can never be destroyed or changed. Krishna mentions that the soul and body mind are
different. The body dies and is reborn. The soul remains. I also believe in the universal soul (purusha).
My values, however, are slightly different. I realize that there are three types of suffering: dukkha
dukkha, viparinama dukkha, and samkhara dukkha. Dukkha dukkhua means obvious physical or
mental pain. Viparinama dukkha means losing something that is valuable to you. Suffering can also be
translated to satisfactoriness, instability, and uncertainty.
Arjuna, filled
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Key Beliefs Of Secular Individualism
A secularist is a worldview that rejects religious faith and anything spiritually related. They don t
believe that life s ultimate questions are answered spiritually. They believe human existence is
explained in terms of the material not spiritual. Humanism, individualism, materialism and science are
all forms and key beliefs of secularism. All these key beliefs and forms of secularism show what
secularists believe in. A key belief of a secularist worldview regarding life after death is secular
humanism which is a different form of secularism. Humanism is a worldview about the dignity of a
human person and when others views try to take that dignity away from the human person. Secular
humanism is the belief that God takes away the dignity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Materialism is about objects and things and the desire to have them. It s means believing in the reality
of things rather than spiritual or ethical values and realises the reality of the external world. All the
knowledge, characteristics and behaviour of people and the answers to life ultimate questions are due
to material not spiritual. It is due to the experience, observation and reasoning from the material. They
believe that relying on spiritual values is considered to be imaginary and unrealistic and isn t the truth.
Secular materialism believes in the difference between facts and values and only goes by the facts not
the spiritual values. The belief in the growing of success in an individual itself and having the wealth
and to keep on growing with success shows the materialism within secularism. Secular views in the
growing of success within an individual and each individual should keep on growing with their own
success and having this success is all you need. As the years has gone by there are more materialist
attitudes as more and more technology etc. has come out. Secularists believe in the facts, which is
what science is all about, facts. Secularists always need proof and need a scientific answer not a
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Analysis Of Epiphenomenal Qualia By Frank Jackson
In the paper Epiphenomenal Qualia, Frank Jackson presents the concept of Qualia and the knowledge
argument in order to prove physicalism false. Jackson s knowledge argument introduces a thought
experiment about a neuroscientist called Mary. His thought experiment is designed to refute
physicalism by showing that there is non physical knowledge in the world. However, there are many
flaws in Jackson s thought experiment that lead to its ultimate failure in proving that physicalism is
wrong, such as its appeal to a misleading intuition, the ambiguity of its premises, and the assumption
that it is possible to gain all physical knowledge of color from a colorless room. Jackson explains that
the goal of his paper is to refute physicalism by using an argument rather than relying merely on
intuitions. He makes a declaration that he is what people call a qualia freak. He describes qualia as the
raw feel or quality of experiences that we have. There is something that the hurtfulness of pains, the
itchiness of itches, pangs of jealousy... tasting a lemon, smelling a rose, hearing a loud noise or seeing
the sky feels like (127). There s a natural feeling or a sensation that all these conscious experiences
bring for the person experiencing them. Jackson claims that qualia cannot be explained by any kind of
physical information, since our knowledge of the structure of the brain, its physical states, and the
function of those states is not enough to tell us what the smell
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The Imf ( International Monetary Fund )
The IMF (International Monetary Fund), also known as the Fund, was conceived at a UN conference
in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, in July 1944. The 44 countries at that conference
sought to build a framework for economic cooperation to avoid a repetition of the competitive
devaluations that had contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s
(https://www.imf.org/external/about.htm). Currently, the organization is headquartered in Washington,
D. C. Originally, the IMF was designed to promote economic cooperation internationally and provide
short term loans to member countries for the benefit of trade.
During the 1980 s, many countries were experiencing a crisis of debt. During this time, The IMF has
taken on the role of bailing out countries with loans that have certain conditions attached. These loans
are usually referenced as Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs). In order for a country to get a loan,
the policies of the IMF must be followed. Therefore, monetary values can be dictated on education,
healthcare, and the environment.
In 2010, the country of Greece experienced one of the worst financial crises in modern history. During
this time, The IMF wanted to be involved with the financial support package that Greece (and other
countries in the Eurozone) would receive. That same year, French President Nikolas Sarkozy stated I
will never allow the IMF in Europe (http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special report/imf greece/).
Despite this remark,
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Medical Innovations In The Cleveland Clinic
Five of the ten medical innovations that the Cleveland Clinic, an academic medical research center
and hospital. The Clinic polled more than 100 top doctors in their prospective specialties, to select the
top new innovations they expected would impact the medical field within 2016. A committee breaks
down to the top ten most impressive and here are just four: MOBILE STROKE UNIT Seconds can
affect how many millions of brain cells can be salvaged during a stroke. The accessibility to
equipment in a timely manner can be the most impactful means to de escalating brain cell necrosis. A
new technology that will make increased mobility in ambulances will make treatment while still in
transit. The mobile stroke units with a broadband linked CT scanner,
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Summary Of One Night Two Proms
One night, Two Proms. In the town of Charleston, Mississippi they lived in the past of what we tried
to leave behind. The high schools in Charleston had 2 segregated Proms, so one for only whites and
the other for whites or african americans, but only african americans showed up. After some
arranging, the high school was able to finally have an integrated senior prom in 2008. This
documentary affected me in both a positive and negative way. During the documentary, I was in
disbelief that things like this still are happening around the world, let alone the United States. My faith
in how good and the equality humanity decreased immensely after watching this movie. I was aware
the there were still some racists on the planet but I always assumed
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Persuasive Speech On Elephants
Problem Cause Solution Outline
( page 142 143)
I. Attention Getter:Video clip
II. Listener Relevance: How many of you are aware of
III. Speaker Credibility Elephants have always been my favorite animal.Since a young age when i was
introuduce to the movie Dumbo i always found an intrest in Elephants. Growing up Elephants became
more than just a cute animal i seen on a movie , Elephants became a symbolf of respect , good luck ,
strength, and wisdom. (Show them my tattoo)
IV. Thesis Statement: My purpose today is to inform you on the illegal poaching on elephants and the
ivory trade.
V. Preview: My speech would consist on the illegal poaching , ivory trade and how we can help .
Transition: I would like to start off by given you guys an insight on how illegal poachincg BODY
I. First Key Point The Problem Illegal poaching A. According to the wildlife conservation society s
washington office director,Kelley Aylaward,endangered animals play a key role in the eco system
.Animals such as the elephants eat brush ,preventing the overgrowing and their excrement helping
fertilize the soil
According to research done by the conservation of biology poaching has decline the popullation of
elphants 1.3 million to 600,00 between the 1979 197
B. East Asia and Africa are the main countries been affected by illegal elephant poaching.
If Illegal poaching keeps killing Elpehants at the rate thats is going expeerts predict that within the
next decade elephants will be an extinct species .
10.000 elphants were killed this year according to (nrdc)
C. The illegal poaching of elephants have a great influence in local community . Such as the economy
affecting restaurants ,hotels,, rentals and othe attractions .Many situation it can lead to a tourist
boycott .
Which means when you travel to Africa or East Asia the probability to see or experience a ride with an
elephant would not happen . Transition: We learn about the illegal poaching which would bring me to
my next point the ivory trade . II. Second Key Point The Cause(s) Ivory trade According to
Virginia,Morel (Nov,2016) Ban was put to prohibit the dale of ivory from elephants killed after 1989
A. America and Asian countries such as
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Why Women Still Can t Have It All By Anne Marie Slaughter
Even today, in 2017, the issue of equality in the workplace is a very real and talked about problem.
Sheryl Sandberg talks about this issue in Lean In: What Would You Do If You Weren t Afraid. She
proposes the idea that the reason women do not receive results equal to their male counterparts is not
because of lack of opportunity, but because they are choosing to pursue different priorities than men.
In Why Women Still Can t Have It All, Anne Marie Slaughter discusses the idea that in today s
economic and social environment, it is not realistic for women to try to have it all. Similarly, Richard
Dorment writes about why it is not just women that can t have it all in his book, Why Men Still Can t
Have It All. There are always at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Critics of Sandberg say she blames women for the problem, but it is apparent that her enthusiasm for
women is misunderstood for criticism. Sandberg quotes and endorses Judith Rodin s statement that
My generation fought so hard to give all of you choices. We believe in choices (645). Slaughter and
Dorment s articles focus more on the cause and effect of this phenomenon, but their messages at the
root are the same. In recent history, the majority of the movement regarding the gender gap in the
workplace has been in response to the opportunity available to males versus female. Today however,
that debate topic has shifted to explain why opportunity does not grantee professional success and
what role society plays on that restriction. It was already said by Sandberg that a difference in biology
affects the choices individuals make, and that issue alone is independent from any social construct that
would usually affect choices. Slaughter outlines one of these societal flaws is in the unspoken rules or
norms of hiring and firing in Washington. She states, to admit to, much less act on, maternal longings
would have been fatal to their careers. Often a euphemism for being fired is saying that one is leaving
to focus on homemaking. It seems to be implied by the authors that often, merely having a family that
deserves time and
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Short Note On The Arms Essay
Start with your shoulders relaxed, gently tilt your head towards your shoulder.
Assist stretch with a gentle pull on the side of the head.
Stand up and extend your arms straight out by the sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor and
perpendicular (90 degree angle) to your torso. This will be your starting position.
Slowly start to make circles of about 1 foot in diameter with each outstretched arm. Breathe normally
as you perform the movement.
Continue the circular motion of the outstretched arms for about ten seconds. Then reverse the
movement, going the opposite direction.
Clasp your hands behind your back with your palms together, straighten arms and then rotate them so
your palms face downward.
Raise your arms up and hold until you feel a stretch in your biceps.
Bring right arm across your body and over your left shoulder, holding your elbow with your left hand,
until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Then repeat for your other arm.
Stand up straight.
Place both hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward and elbows out.
Then gently pull your elbows back aiming to touch them together.
Clasp fingers together with your thumbs pointing down, round your shoulders as you reach your hands
Get on your hands and knees, walk your hands in front of you. Lower your buttocks down to sit on
your heels. Let your arms drag along the floor as you sit back to stretch your entire spine. Once you
settle onto your heels, bring your hands next to your
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Family Of Family And Family Essay
Family! Family! Family! Family can be a wonderful thing. It can be healthy or unhealthy. It can be
functional or dysfunctional. Family means different things to different people. Some families are
loving and close. Some families are mean, hateful, and distant. There are different types of
relationships within a family unit. Relationships can be enmeshed, detached, or disengaged; these
types of relationships are unhealthy. The family system can be open and homeostatic; these kinds of
relationship are healthy. We are all born into different families with different situations. Sometimes
life can be hard, with all of its facets and difficulties, and ups and downs. Looking at the past of one s
life can be a happy event for some, but for others, it can be tormenting to have to reminisce about the
past. In this three generation of family of origin, the family structure was the focus. The research was
based on grandparents, parents, and the child who is the student. This paper examined the history of
the family of origin background. It sought out any common threads that might run through the history
of the family. This paper explored (a) communication and boundaries, (b) emotional triangles, (c)
parents, (d) siblings, (e) family stories, (f) expression of emotions, (g) separation, loss, and
abandonment, (h) family strengths, success, failure, and mistakes, (i) religion, race, ethnicity and
gender, (j) themes, (k) personal impact, and (l) present day impact within
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  • 6. A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess Anthony Burgess s A Clockwork Orange has been placed under much scrutiny by literary critics and readers everywhere. Furthermore, this highly criticized novel contains a myriad of ways to engage with the work, whether it is from the psychological or ethical perspective. Through College Literature Journal s article O My Brothers , the unnamed author draws interesting connections between the main character s development and how pseudo families and pseudo self plays a part on this said development. The author of this article generates an association between Alex s pseudo families who have not accomplished what families are expected to accomplish in one s life, and the way that Alex behaves because of it. Interestingly enough, the author ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand the concept of a pseudo family provided is ...the dysfunctional interpersonal unit that...offers only the illusion of genuine community (O My Brothers 22 23). The author is defining the pseudo families that are affecting Alex heavily as Alex s ultra violent gang of droogs ... Deltoid...his ineffectual parents and the sadistic practitioners of Ludovico s Technique (O My Brothers 23). So, ultimately the term of family is being applied to the broad and diverse groups of relationships that Alex has had throughout the course of the novel. This broad application results in the haziness of the term family due to the fact that all of these relationships offer diverse expectations from the individual; one would expect different things from their family, than from their friends. For instance, Alex would expect treatment from his ineffectual parents to differ from his expected treatment from his droogs . Furthermore, when someone undergoes a failing friendship the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Jan Aart Scholte Chapter 4 Explaining Globalization Scholte briefly examines six differing theoretical approaches to explaining globalization what are they? What is the central theme of each? Liberalisms Liberalist position globalization is, at the most elementary level, a result of natural human desires for economic welfare and political liberty. As such, increased transplanetary connectivity is ultimately derived from human drives to maximize material well being (through markets) and to exercise basic freedoms (as guaranteed by publicly accountable government). For liberalists globalization is an outcome of people s strivings to escape poverty as well as to achieve civil and political rights. On a liberalist account it is inherent in market ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In these cases, transplanetary connectivity is said to have arisen because of the way that people have mentally constructed the social world with symbols, language, interpretation, and so on. From ideational perspectives, globalization has resulted from particular forms and dynamics of consciousness. For methodological idealists, patterns of production and governance are second order structures that derive from deeper cultural and socio psychological forces. Such accounts of globalization have come especially from the fields of Anthropology, Humanities, Media Studies, and Sociology, although idealist arguments have also influenced some researchers in Geography, Politics and even Business Studies. One type of ideational explanation is constructivism, an approach that has been popular particularly since the 1990s among International Studies scholars in North America and Western Europe who wish to develop an alternative perspective to liberalism and political realism. As the theory s name suggests, constructivism concentrates on the ways that social actors construct their world: both within their own minds and through inter subjective communication with others. Particularly, constructivists examine how inter subjective communication generates common understandings of reality, shared norms for social behaviour, and notions of group identity and solidarity. Conversation and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Essay on Criticisms of Jane Eyre Criticisms of Jane Eyre The major criticisms of the novel in question to be the melodrama used by the author and the wickedness of character shown in Jane and Mr. Rochester. While most critics admired the style of writing and truth of character portrayal, they did not admire the improbability of circumstances or the characters portrayed. Elizabeth Rigby (later Lady Eastlake) was probably the harshest critic, calling Jane Eyre the personification of an unregenerate and undisciplined spirit. Rigby strongly believed that, while Jane was portrayed with a great degree of accuracy, she was herself a flawed person. By making a flawed person interesting, Rigby alleged, the author was committing the greatest of wrongs. As to Jane s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Indeed, other critics agreed with Rigby. In the Christian Remembrancer and the Living Age, an anonymous critic said, Every page burns with moral Jacobinism. Unjust, unjust, is the burden of every reflection upon the things and powers that be. All virtue is but well masked vice, all religious profession and conduct is but the whitening of the sepulchre, all self denial is but deeper selfishness. This critic believed that Jane was an inherently selfish and ungrateful person. In Graham s Magazine, another anonymous reviewer suggested that Rochester s character was dangerous and immoral, saying, No woman who had ever truly loved could have mistaken so completely the Rochester type, or could have made her heroine love a man of proud, selfish, ungovernable appetites, which no sophistry can lift out of lust. Thus, he intimated that any author who would contrive to have her heroine fall in love with such a total rake would be immoral herself and unknowing of what true love is. He went one step further to say, We accordingly think that if the innocent young ladies of our land lay a premium on profligacy, by marrying dissolute rakes for the honor of reforming them, à la Jane Eyre, their benevolence will be of questionable utility to the world. In this, he suggested that the depiction of Jane and Rochester s relationship would cause young women of the time to emulate Jane s romantic wickedness. In addition to questioning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Jonathon Green How Do You Say Sex Summary In his article, How Do You Say Sex?, Jonathon Green describes how we are using more slangs words in our life than the original words. Now a day, we keep generating more slang words just to make the original word looks fancier, shorter and stylish. In addition, a group or a community create a slang word, so that word can only be used within a particular group. Once that slang word is being used by other group now it is a time to generate a new slang to replace the old one. This is how the slang language has been dominating the society. For instance, a word stupid has 1,000 slangs. Why? The theory behind creating a new slang is to control others in that particular crowd, and the new slang word will created as soon as it is known by other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Revenue-Recognition Problems in the Communications... 9 107 025 REV: AUGUST 23, 2007 PAUL HEALY Revenue Recognition Problems in the Communications Equipment Industry On November 21, 2000, Lucent Technologies announced that it was revising its fourth quarter results as a result of revenue recognition problems discovered by its auditors during the year end financial review. The revision lowered revenues by $125 million and earnings per share by 2 cents from 18 cents. In response, Lucent s stock price fell by 16%, to $17.56. One month later, on December 22, Lucent announced that after a more comprehensive review, revenues for the fourth quarter would need to be adjusted downward by $679 million, to $8.7 billion, and that earnings per share would be revised from the initially predicted 18 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In October, Richard McGinn, its chairman and CEO, was replaced by former CEO Henry Schacht. Exhibit 2 shows key news events for Lucent during 2000. Lucent attributed the revenue revisions affecting fiscal 2000 (its fiscal year ended on September 30) to a variety of factors. The initial $125 million adjustment was due to misleading documentation and incomplete communications between a sales team and the financial organization with respect to offering a customer credits in connection with a software license. 1 The company stated that the recorded sale did not meet its revenue recognition rules. As a result, one employee was fired, and disciplinary action was taken against several others. In subsequent revisions announced on December 22, Lucent took back $452 million in equipment that had been sold to systems integrators and distributors but not been passed on to customers because of their weakened financial condition. Lucent noted that in verbal agreements it had agreed to take back the equipment, and it resolved to fulfill this commitment to preserve customer relationships. Also, the company discovered that sales teams had verbally offered credits to customers for use at a later date to help secure fourth quarter sales. It decided to reflect the credits as expenses in the fourth quarter, reducing revenues by $74 million. Finally, revenue had been ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Protest Music In The Black Lives Matter Movement Even in 2015 we still see how protest music is being used in the Black Lives Matter Movement. As protests and anger against the police grew again like it did in the late 80 s and early 90 s F Tha Police became the anthem for a new movement of civil rights protesters. In Ferguson, chants of hands up, don t shoot turned to F Tha Police as the protests turned to riots. In Denver, protesters dumped red paint over a police memorial and tagged the back of it f the police during a Black Lives Matter protest. We still see how relevant the protest song is today even though it was released over 20 years ago. The protest rap just like protest music in the 1960 s resonates with people. The listener has this stimulated experience were they ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A profound number of the college students I interviewed felt that Bob Dylan s 1960s The Times They are a Changin and Tupac Shakur 1992 Keep Ya Head Up a reference to the L.A. riots, spoke more to their reasoning. They talked about how these two songs relied on human logic to establish their arguments and convince them of their meaningfulness through their lyrics. Appeals to reason are derived from logic and adapted in such a way as to appeal to and have an effect on an audience (Bailey, 2006). The songs, The Times They Are a Changin and Keep Ya head up both explores the illogical nature of the traditional way of thinking at the time. Throughout the songs, both artist use verbal opposition and argumentative statements to logically criticize the traditional way of thinking about race and war. In various stanzas of Tupac song, he draws attention to various injustices and how blind the nation is when it still comes to race. He says They got money or wars, but can t feed tha poor, say their ain t no hope for the youth and the truth is. It can t no hope for tha future. We ain t meant to survive cause it s a setup and even if you re fed up, ya got keep your head up (Shakur, 1992). In the case of this song many of the students felt Tupac gave great reasoning with how we have money for wars but not to feed the poor and how the government and society does in fact setup some races to fail more than others. The students came to the revelation through the reasoning given how this still holds true even in today s society, with police brutality and unlawful stops because of the color of a person s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Voter Registration Drive Case Study An upcoming voter registration drive event held by the Supervisor of Election for Pinellas County in central Florida is catching a lot of flack by Democrat groups and the head of the Democratic party of Pinellas Country. Supervisor of Elections for Pinellas County, Deborah Clarke, is coming under fire for holding nine voter registration drives at various Chic Fil A locations around Pinellas County. Susan McGrath head of the Democratic party of Pinellas Country and also the leader of the Stonewall Democrats sees this move by Clarke as a partisan move by Clarke. McGrath compared Clarke s voter registration to Democratic Supervisor of Elections holding a voter registration drive at Planned Parenthood. Highlighting the lack of transparency on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Brain Waves Lab Background Majority of animal s posses an organ that function as a center for coordination for multiple activities that include, but are not limited too, intellect, sensation, and neural activity. The brain is composed of billions of neurons that, which is a type of cells that has a main function to transmit information from one cell to another. The information that is transferred helps perform different actions, display different emotions, and think different thoughts. The process of transferring different information is initiated by electrical activity and is present during the activities, and the electrical actives can be known as brain waves. There are several different types of brain waves, which appear at different frequencies or during ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Also the brain activity will be highest for the visual portion of the experiment when the image being viewed has the most going on in it because it will require more work from the brain to realize what eyes are looking at. Lastly, for the electrical stimuli portion the brain activity will be highest for the trial that has the electrical stimuli being applied to the most sensitive spot, of the spots being tested, because more pain receptors will be activated meaning more neurons in the brain will respond. Procedure Setting up the Power lab and Lab tutor. The head electrodes are placed around the volunteer s head. Then the cords are plugged into the Powerlab. Then on the lab tutor the Powerlab is ran for 20 seconds to make sure that everything is plugged in right. Audio The lab tutor was ran for 5 seconds before playing the audio and then recorded for another 25 seconds. The first run was done with hard rock for 25 seconds this is done three times. Then classical music was played for 3 trials, for 25 seconds. Then EDM music is recorded for three trials, 25 seconds each. The brain waves were observed and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Women s Rights Of Women Makenzie Holman Research Brief In the early 1900s, it was very uncommon for women to have access to contraceptives or health education. Then one day, a doctor and a nurse tended to a women at home who was suffering from having an abortion. Just like many women in the U.S. at this time, she was wanting to learn how to prevent pregnancies so she did not have to have any more abortions. As the doctor and nurse left this woman s house, the women begged the doctor to teach her how she could prevent her own pregnancies. To the nurses disbelief the doctor would not give the woman one once of information. This is the moment where health education would change forever. This moment released the beginning of the fight to make contraceptives ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since violating the law was a crime that would lead to jail, Sanger fled to Europe to learn how other countries dealt with pregnancy and contraceptives. Sanger noticed that it was unfair to lower income families that they were uneducated about health education and always had to have abortions, where a lot of the time women would die, compared to higher income families that had more access to this education and they could prevent pregnancies. After many attempts of providing information to the public and getting in trouble with the law, Sanger decided to have a new conservative approach to the public. She was getting aggravated that laws were not being passed, so she created the National Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth Control (NCFL). Birth control could be prescribed by doctors at this time, but because of the Comstock laws many doctors did not like sharing this information. This is why Sanger created the NCFL, so she could get more attention to legislators that would then create an amendment that would allow doctors to share this crucial health information with the public. After years and years of birth control propaganda and social reform, Sanger finally saw the day where the Comstock law was dropped in the 1965 Supreme Court Case in Griswold v. Connecticut. The court finally ruled that it was a constitutional right have a private use of contraceptives. Sanger also provided the start of researching the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Becoming A Climbing Culture Driven By Commercialism Summiting Everest commands visions of grandeur and personal heroism for some, but to many sherpas tasked with the greatest workload and the most to lose, Everest represents a hard, economically necessitated risk. In a climbing culture driven by commercialism, sherpas are arguably some of the most experienced and well adapted climbers on Mount Everest, yet have little to no say in addressing the issues of safety or working conditions that are brought on by commercial motives. Initiating transformational leadership can solve many of the symptomatic problems of commercialization. By affording more influence to experienced sherpas, embracing the intellectual stimulation of safety challenges, inspiring clients independence, and individually ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 237). A lack of clear communication and adherence to important plans caused (in some capacity) by commercial motivation arguably led to the disaster in 1996. Involving sherpas more as a voice of reason and greater expert support would provide better risk management to expeditions from the beginning. Sherpas are are often more interested in staying safe than summiting as they work to provide for their families year after year. As veteran climbers, know the risk Everest represents better than any. Utilizing the idealized influence of prominent sherpas can allow for greater support during expeditions and give clients and other climbers experienced, safety conscious role models. Experienced, charismatic sherpas like Lopsang and Ang Dorje who summit frequently and live at high altitudes could provide key insight and a sense of security, if given more authority. If sherpas had a greater role on expeditions, they might also feel inspired to take more initiative and increase the capabilities of climbing groups in terms of communication and climbing potential. These contributions can be enabled by providing opportunities for sherpas to train and take exams to become certified guides themselves. The government or climbing companies could provide these certification opportunities, but the Tibetan and Nepalese governments should certainly provide general educational opportunities to sherpas as well. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Triton Fountain By Gian Lorenzo Bernini The Triton Fountain was specially made for Pope Urban VIII Barberini by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The fountain is placed at the center of the piazza; the fountain represents the God of Sea with anthropomorphic body and huge fish tail, kneeling on an open shell supported by the tails of four dolphins. The dolphins, leaning towards each of the four cardinal directions, open their mouths to swallow the water of the surrounding pool, telling us that they drink up all the waters of the world. The fins of the dolphins clutch the crown of Urban VIII, with papal tiara, keys of St. Peter, and Barberini bees. The Triton as the subject of this fountain is a very interesting choice. According to many historical sources, Pope Urban VIII was a very talented poet, and he was very well known for his pursuits in this field. Triton was someone who achieved a sacred unity with nature and literature. And as we can see from the monument, the Triton was an appropriate public monument to Pope Urban s distinguished literary accomplishments. On the other hand, this explanation of the connection between Triton and Pope Urban is not effective, and unquestionably does not give us full information. American art historian John Beldon Scott has established that Urban was suspicious of pagan imagery for fear it might lead the faithful astray. This suggests that the Triton Fountain may imply to something more significant than just the simple literary symbol. Also, it is important to mention that at least three ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Gus germs and steel Essay Gus germs and steel 1. Yali asks Diamond, Why is it that you white people developed sp much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own. 2. Jared Diamond s thesis seems to be that external factors such as geography can affect the fate of human societies. In other words, what separates the winners from the losers is geography. Chapter 1 1. The Great Leap Forward is when human history developed about 50,000 years ago. 2. The giant moas in New Zealand and the giant lemurs in Madagascar were exterminated by humans. 3. 15,000 years ago the American West looked like Africa s Serengeti Plains. It was filled with elephants, giraffes, zebras, and other African animals. All of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Chapter 6 1. Food production was evolved rather then discovered because the first people who adopted food production were not trying to farm because they had never seen how to farm. 2. The four factors that tipped the competitive advantage away from hunter gathering and toward sedentary food production were: a.)There was a decline in the amount of animal resources. b) There was an increased availability of domesticable plants. c) There was an increased development of technologies for collecting, storing, and processing wild foods. d) There was a two way link between the rise in food production and a rise on human population density, meaning that the food producing societies grew. Chapter 9 1. Domesticated animals are defined as an animal that has been selectively bred in captivity and has been modified from its ancestors. According to Jared Diamond, Elephants have only been tamed because they have not been changed from their ancestors. 2. In order to be domesticated, animals must posses a variety of characteristics. Failure in anyone of the characteristics would mean that the animal cannot be domesticated. The characteristics are: A.) Diet The animal s biomass should be around 10%. This means that carnivores would be practically
  • 18. impossible to domesticate. B.) Growth Rate The animals must grow fast. C.) Problems with captive breeding The animals must be willing to share their space with others. D.) Nasty ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Example Of Simplification In Narrative However, not all simplification would bring such consquences but benefit the point of view of the narrative. Sometimes, they enhance the recieveing, concerning and understanding by the audiences. In narrative, especially for film, have many limitation about length and presentation. Therefore, although they are trying to relate the real issue and feeling in reality, they can barely do that. As a result, simplification is necessary for the creator to simpify their idea, in a form of story to tell their auidence. Although their point of view might not be comphrensive and well round as their original idea, they could transprit to the audience in a more effective way by the use of simplifcation. For instance, the movie, Eye in the Sky (2015) uses lots of simplification upon its characters design for simpifying the moral discussion. The whole movie is discussing should the government shoot a missile to a base of terrorist which may cause a death of an innocent girl near by. If they do not shoot, there would be many people be killed by the terrorist. If ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They might bring positive and negative consequences to the point suggested by the narrative, which including the ignorance of other sides of view on a specific issues, or make the audiences think more by themselves as they putting themselves in the stories. Moreover, simplification is a necessary process of creating narrative as a refining from reality. The creators are going to take the most important, meaningful and controversial part of their experiences and opinions, and take them as the original ingredients to create their stories. And, narrative, especially for movie, is also a kind of entertainment. Therefore, it is not supposed to be too difficult to understand for the majority. For instead, they should be a degree of simplified for remaining the emotional excitement for the audiences. So, simplification is not that bad as Tersman ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Differences Between Emily Dickinson And Bukowski Bukowski was influenced by many writers before and around his time as he was published in the mid to late nineties. Those who influenced him include Albert Camus, E. E. Cummings, John Fante, Henry Miller, and some will argue Emily Dickinson. Both writers, Dickinson and Bukowski, touch upon death, writing from their graves, and saving the world through the sincerity of one person. Dickinson s poem If I can stop one heart from breaking mirrors one of Bukowski s most famous quotes You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics. His simple of idea that universal peace begins with one soul mimics the message in Dickinson s verse. If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain (Dickinson). Words synonymous with each other not only shows the similarity in writing topics, but also in the thought process for both writers. Both their moral compasses lead to the same conclusion, whether it is a thought they act on or simply have. The similarities between these two go one further in their darker poetry. Emily Dickinson famously writes many poems about death and dying as does Charles Bukowski. Two poems of theirs are particularly similar. Bukowski s Alone with Everybody delivers a similar message about death as Dickinson s Because I could not stop for death ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Iron Jawed Angels Essay What Women Want, They Get Women used to be thought of as the stay at home mother by men. She was supposed to take care of the children and take care of the home. Seeing a woman in the workforce was desirable as long as she had an education. Women were seen working in factories or as teachers but they had no say in the government. Thanks to a few women dedicated to making a difference, women have become more independent and now have a say in the government if they choose too. The movie Iron Jawed Angels depicts a group of women who wanted women to have a voice in politics. First thing they had to do was get women the right to vote. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns were the two leaders of the NWP (National Woman s Party). The two women are an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They did not deserve to be in prison in the first place, and they knew that. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns dedicated their lives to the NWP so much that they totally forgot about themselves. The two dedicated everything to the NWP, almost too much. Lucy knew that she was missing out on certain things. One thing Lucy felt that she was missing was a relationship. She missed the companionship and care of a man. Lucy seemed very outgoing and for her not to have a man probably was very hard on her. Paul pretended that she didn t care that she had not had a relationship in long time. Her whole life was dedicated to women s rights, and the thought of having a relationship scared her. She felt that having a relationship might distract her from what she was trying to do. Paul continuously dismisses Ben Weissman s romantic advances, which show how dedicated she was to the NWP. The movie portrayed how it takes love, commitment, perseverance, dedication and lots of time to fulfill a goal or dream. Alice Paul, Lucy Burns and other suffragettes worked hard and dedicated their lives just so that women today could vote. These women risked their lives, marriages, and children, and Inez Milholland even died just so women could have a say in their government. If it weren t for them, where would we be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Effects Of Static Frictional Force On The Motion Of... 8.0 Discussion 8.1 Analysis of Results By analysing the data obtained from the experiment, two main trends were identified. Excluding surface B (desk), the first trend observed showed that the amount of static frictional force resisting the motion of the wooden block was substantially greater when the object was placed on a rough surface, as opposed to when it was placed on a smooth surface. This is understood through the numerical data compiled in Table 7.1, which indicates that surface A (tiles) considered to be the smoothest surface in the experiment only had a friction coefficient value of 0.2401, whilst surface C (wood) considered to be the roughest surface indicated a much higher coefficient value of 0.432. These results were found to correspond with almost all surfaces tested, with surface D (carpet) found to have the second lowest coefficient value of 0.2477, and surface E (bitumen), being found to have a much higher static friction coefficient value similar to that of wood of 0.4233. This trend is further visualised in Graph 7.2, where the gradient line of Ff (rise) over Fn (run) represents the coefficient of friction of each material the steeper the gradient, the higher the coefficient value. Excluding surface B, the results gathered from the more rigid surfaces in the experiment ( C E) are seen to form steeper gradients when plotted on the graph than the results gathered by the smooth surfaces (B D), hence signifying that rougher materials ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Nissan Pathfinder Research Paper If you might be needing an extraordinaire car that s amazing electric power in addition to seats several individuals, subsequently you will appreciate what the 2016 Nissan Pathfinder provides. Your 2016 Nissan Pathfinder is really a interesting trip that s amazing extender excellent comfort. On Rick Burke Nissan, you will get the chance to buy the 2016 Nissan Pathfinder a great amazing price tag. Jim Burke Nissan is located at 1300 3rd Ave. N. in Birmingham, AL and serves the following cities: Hoover, Tuscaloosa, and Talladega, AL. 2016 Nissan Pathfinder includes a starting up MSRP regarding $29, 780. Your MPG ranking for the Pathfinder can be 20 town / 28 hwy. Your 2016 Nissan Pathfinder offers a lot of characteristics having innovative technology supplied about many models. Many of the characteristics you will adore include top track crossbars, the illuminated end clothing, plus the inside emphasize lighting. Trim There are six models to select from: Azines, SV, SL, SL Tech, SL Quality, in addition to Platinum eagle. You ve got a selection of outdoor hues to pick which includes arctic violet metal, outstanding gold, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Unit 4 Heat And Temperature Unit 4: Heat and Temperature Topic A: Illustrate and explain how human needs have led to technologies for obtaining and controlling thermal energy and to increased use of energy resources. Investigate and interpret examples of heat related technologies and energy used in the past (e.g. domestic and industrial purposes) Steam engines were the first engine type to see use in industrial purposes. A fire heats water which turns to steam and the steam then has the ability to move things. They were first invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1705, and James Watt (a Scottish inventor) made big improvements to steam engines in 1769. Steam engines powered all early cars, steamboats and factories. Trace linkages between human needs and development of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Describe the effect of heat on the motion of particles, and explain changes of state using the particle model of matter. There are four basic components for thermal energy (heat): 1. All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. These can only be seen with special microscopes. 2. The atoms are always moving they all have kinetic energy. 3. The particles have space between them. Different states of matter have different amounts of space. 4. Adding heat (energy) to matter makes the particles move more quickly. Since faster moving things have more kinetic energy, adding heat increases the energy of the particle. 5. Cooling it down decreases the amount of kinetic energy and slows the movement down. Distinguish between heat and temperature, and explain temperature using the concept of kinetic energy and the particle model of matter. Temperature: the average kinetic energy of individual atoms and molecules Heat Energy: The collection of random molecules in action. Compare heat transmission in different materials (e.g., conduction of heat in different solids, absorption of radiant heat by different ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Argumentative Essay On Bhagavad Gita In the Hinduism Hit The Bhagavad Gita , Buddha Weighs Questions of The Truth Could killing but not being emotionally attached solve a conflict? In The Bhagavad Gita, Krishna encourages Arjuna to kill and not be attached. He says, If you are killed, you win heaven; if you triumph, you enjoy the earth; therefore, Arjuna, stand up and resolved to fight the battle. The path of my own teachings has three important instructions: moral precepts, no killing; mental concentration, breath control meditation; and wisdom, the knowledge of knowing there is no self. Instead of killing, we need to be merciful and kind to others. No man who does not love himself could love others. Every creature has a life so we need to appreciate and respect them instead of killing them. For more than 100 pages, Krishna mainly talks about three types of yoga in The Bhagavad Gita: jnana (knowledge) yoga, karma (action) yoga, and devotion yoga. The soul can never be destroyed or changed. Krishna mentions that the soul and body mind are different. The body dies and is reborn. The soul remains. I also believe in the universal soul (purusha). My values, however, are slightly different. I realize that there are three types of suffering: dukkha dukkha, viparinama dukkha, and samkhara dukkha. Dukkha dukkhua means obvious physical or mental pain. Viparinama dukkha means losing something that is valuable to you. Suffering can also be translated to satisfactoriness, instability, and uncertainty. Arjuna, filled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Key Beliefs Of Secular Individualism A secularist is a worldview that rejects religious faith and anything spiritually related. They don t believe that life s ultimate questions are answered spiritually. They believe human existence is explained in terms of the material not spiritual. Humanism, individualism, materialism and science are all forms and key beliefs of secularism. All these key beliefs and forms of secularism show what secularists believe in. A key belief of a secularist worldview regarding life after death is secular humanism which is a different form of secularism. Humanism is a worldview about the dignity of a human person and when others views try to take that dignity away from the human person. Secular humanism is the belief that God takes away the dignity ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Materialism is about objects and things and the desire to have them. It s means believing in the reality of things rather than spiritual or ethical values and realises the reality of the external world. All the knowledge, characteristics and behaviour of people and the answers to life ultimate questions are due to material not spiritual. It is due to the experience, observation and reasoning from the material. They believe that relying on spiritual values is considered to be imaginary and unrealistic and isn t the truth. Secular materialism believes in the difference between facts and values and only goes by the facts not the spiritual values. The belief in the growing of success in an individual itself and having the wealth and to keep on growing with success shows the materialism within secularism. Secular views in the growing of success within an individual and each individual should keep on growing with their own success and having this success is all you need. As the years has gone by there are more materialist attitudes as more and more technology etc. has come out. Secularists believe in the facts, which is what science is all about, facts. Secularists always need proof and need a scientific answer not a spiritual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Epiphenomenal Qualia By Frank Jackson In the paper Epiphenomenal Qualia, Frank Jackson presents the concept of Qualia and the knowledge argument in order to prove physicalism false. Jackson s knowledge argument introduces a thought experiment about a neuroscientist called Mary. His thought experiment is designed to refute physicalism by showing that there is non physical knowledge in the world. However, there are many flaws in Jackson s thought experiment that lead to its ultimate failure in proving that physicalism is wrong, such as its appeal to a misleading intuition, the ambiguity of its premises, and the assumption that it is possible to gain all physical knowledge of color from a colorless room. Jackson explains that the goal of his paper is to refute physicalism by using an argument rather than relying merely on intuitions. He makes a declaration that he is what people call a qualia freak. He describes qualia as the raw feel or quality of experiences that we have. There is something that the hurtfulness of pains, the itchiness of itches, pangs of jealousy... tasting a lemon, smelling a rose, hearing a loud noise or seeing the sky feels like (127). There s a natural feeling or a sensation that all these conscious experiences bring for the person experiencing them. Jackson claims that qualia cannot be explained by any kind of physical information, since our knowledge of the structure of the brain, its physical states, and the function of those states is not enough to tell us what the smell ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Imf ( International Monetary Fund ) The IMF (International Monetary Fund), also known as the Fund, was conceived at a UN conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, in July 1944. The 44 countries at that conference sought to build a framework for economic cooperation to avoid a repetition of the competitive devaluations that had contributed to the Great Depression of the 1930s (https://www.imf.org/external/about.htm). Currently, the organization is headquartered in Washington, D. C. Originally, the IMF was designed to promote economic cooperation internationally and provide short term loans to member countries for the benefit of trade. During the 1980 s, many countries were experiencing a crisis of debt. During this time, The IMF has taken on the role of bailing out countries with loans that have certain conditions attached. These loans are usually referenced as Structural Adjustment Policies (SAPs). In order for a country to get a loan, the policies of the IMF must be followed. Therefore, monetary values can be dictated on education, healthcare, and the environment. In 2010, the country of Greece experienced one of the worst financial crises in modern history. During this time, The IMF wanted to be involved with the financial support package that Greece (and other countries in the Eurozone) would receive. That same year, French President Nikolas Sarkozy stated I will never allow the IMF in Europe (http://www.reuters.com/investigates/special report/imf greece/). Despite this remark, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Medical Innovations In The Cleveland Clinic Five of the ten medical innovations that the Cleveland Clinic, an academic medical research center and hospital. The Clinic polled more than 100 top doctors in their prospective specialties, to select the top new innovations they expected would impact the medical field within 2016. A committee breaks down to the top ten most impressive and here are just four: MOBILE STROKE UNIT Seconds can affect how many millions of brain cells can be salvaged during a stroke. The accessibility to equipment in a timely manner can be the most impactful means to de escalating brain cell necrosis. A new technology that will make increased mobility in ambulances will make treatment while still in transit. The mobile stroke units with a broadband linked CT scanner, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Summary Of One Night Two Proms One night, Two Proms. In the town of Charleston, Mississippi they lived in the past of what we tried to leave behind. The high schools in Charleston had 2 segregated Proms, so one for only whites and the other for whites or african americans, but only african americans showed up. After some arranging, the high school was able to finally have an integrated senior prom in 2008. This documentary affected me in both a positive and negative way. During the documentary, I was in disbelief that things like this still are happening around the world, let alone the United States. My faith in how good and the equality humanity decreased immensely after watching this movie. I was aware the there were still some racists on the planet but I always assumed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Persuasive Speech On Elephants Problem Cause Solution Outline ( page 142 143) INTRODUCTION I. Attention Getter:Video clip II. Listener Relevance: How many of you are aware of III. Speaker Credibility Elephants have always been my favorite animal.Since a young age when i was introuduce to the movie Dumbo i always found an intrest in Elephants. Growing up Elephants became more than just a cute animal i seen on a movie , Elephants became a symbolf of respect , good luck , strength, and wisdom. (Show them my tattoo) IV. Thesis Statement: My purpose today is to inform you on the illegal poaching on elephants and the ivory trade. V. Preview: My speech would consist on the illegal poaching , ivory trade and how we can help . Transition: I would like to start off by given you guys an insight on how illegal poachincg BODY I. First Key Point The Problem Illegal poaching A. According to the wildlife conservation society s washington office director,Kelley Aylaward,endangered animals play a key role in the eco system .Animals such as the elephants eat brush ,preventing the overgrowing and their excrement helping fertilize the soil According to research done by the conservation of biology poaching has decline the popullation of elphants 1.3 million to 600,00 between the 1979 197 B. East Asia and Africa are the main countries been affected by illegal elephant poaching. If Illegal poaching keeps killing Elpehants at the rate thats is going expeerts predict that within the next decade elephants will be an extinct species . 10.000 elphants were killed this year according to (nrdc) C. The illegal poaching of elephants have a great influence in local community . Such as the economy affecting restaurants ,hotels,, rentals and othe attractions .Many situation it can lead to a tourist boycott . Which means when you travel to Africa or East Asia the probability to see or experience a ride with an elephant would not happen . Transition: We learn about the illegal poaching which would bring me to my next point the ivory trade . II. Second Key Point The Cause(s) Ivory trade According to Virginia,Morel (Nov,2016) Ban was put to prohibit the dale of ivory from elephants killed after 1989 A. America and Asian countries such as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Why Women Still Can t Have It All By Anne Marie Slaughter Even today, in 2017, the issue of equality in the workplace is a very real and talked about problem. Sheryl Sandberg talks about this issue in Lean In: What Would You Do If You Weren t Afraid. She proposes the idea that the reason women do not receive results equal to their male counterparts is not because of lack of opportunity, but because they are choosing to pursue different priorities than men. In Why Women Still Can t Have It All, Anne Marie Slaughter discusses the idea that in today s economic and social environment, it is not realistic for women to try to have it all. Similarly, Richard Dorment writes about why it is not just women that can t have it all in his book, Why Men Still Can t Have It All. There are always at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Critics of Sandberg say she blames women for the problem, but it is apparent that her enthusiasm for women is misunderstood for criticism. Sandberg quotes and endorses Judith Rodin s statement that My generation fought so hard to give all of you choices. We believe in choices (645). Slaughter and Dorment s articles focus more on the cause and effect of this phenomenon, but their messages at the root are the same. In recent history, the majority of the movement regarding the gender gap in the workplace has been in response to the opportunity available to males versus female. Today however, that debate topic has shifted to explain why opportunity does not grantee professional success and what role society plays on that restriction. It was already said by Sandberg that a difference in biology affects the choices individuals make, and that issue alone is independent from any social construct that would usually affect choices. Slaughter outlines one of these societal flaws is in the unspoken rules or norms of hiring and firing in Washington. She states, to admit to, much less act on, maternal longings would have been fatal to their careers. Often a euphemism for being fired is saying that one is leaving to focus on homemaking. It seems to be implied by the authors that often, merely having a family that deserves time and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Short Note On The Arms Essay Start with your shoulders relaxed, gently tilt your head towards your shoulder. Assist stretch with a gentle pull on the side of the head. Stand up and extend your arms straight out by the sides. The arms should be parallel to the floor and perpendicular (90 degree angle) to your torso. This will be your starting position. Slowly start to make circles of about 1 foot in diameter with each outstretched arm. Breathe normally as you perform the movement. Continue the circular motion of the outstretched arms for about ten seconds. Then reverse the movement, going the opposite direction. Clasp your hands behind your back with your palms together, straighten arms and then rotate them so your palms face downward. Raise your arms up and hold until you feel a stretch in your biceps. Bring right arm across your body and over your left shoulder, holding your elbow with your left hand, until you feel a stretch in your triceps. Then repeat for your other arm. Stand up straight. Place both hands on your lower back, fingers pointing downward and elbows out. Then gently pull your elbows back aiming to touch them together. Clasp fingers together with your thumbs pointing down, round your shoulders as you reach your hands forward Get on your hands and knees, walk your hands in front of you. Lower your buttocks down to sit on your heels. Let your arms drag along the floor as you sit back to stretch your entire spine. Once you settle onto your heels, bring your hands next to your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Family Of Family And Family Essay Family! Family! Family! Family can be a wonderful thing. It can be healthy or unhealthy. It can be functional or dysfunctional. Family means different things to different people. Some families are loving and close. Some families are mean, hateful, and distant. There are different types of relationships within a family unit. Relationships can be enmeshed, detached, or disengaged; these types of relationships are unhealthy. The family system can be open and homeostatic; these kinds of relationship are healthy. We are all born into different families with different situations. Sometimes life can be hard, with all of its facets and difficulties, and ups and downs. Looking at the past of one s life can be a happy event for some, but for others, it can be tormenting to have to reminisce about the past. In this three generation of family of origin, the family structure was the focus. The research was based on grandparents, parents, and the child who is the student. This paper examined the history of the family of origin background. It sought out any common threads that might run through the history of the family. This paper explored (a) communication and boundaries, (b) emotional triangles, (c) parents, (d) siblings, (e) family stories, (f) expression of emotions, (g) separation, loss, and abandonment, (h) family strengths, success, failure, and mistakes, (i) religion, race, ethnicity and gender, (j) themes, (k) personal impact, and (l) present day impact within ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...