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Free Printable Polar Bear Craftivity & Creative Writin Free Printable Polar Bear Craftivity & Creative Writin
Photoshop in Business and Society
Businesses have countless applications for the computer software known as Photoshop. The software
is such an integrated part of society that businesses and scholarly articles assume people have prior
knowledge of what it is and what it does. Photoshop is defined by Oxford as trademarked digital
image editing software to alter photographic images. It is an industry standard for digital graphics and
has many applications to various businesses and media. Lev Manovich wrote in Inside Photoshop that
to count up the number of options in Photoshop and then count all the options each option
subsequently contains, that the total number of options the software allows for would be in the
thousands. Professionals in media, education, research, and many businesses utilize the software.
However, there is controversy surrounding the use of Photoshop in advertisements that edited models
to unrealistic levels, because of the impact those images have on society. Nonetheless, Photoshop is
widely used and has revolutionized business and integrated into many industries not limited to media
or photography. Photoshop has a brief history since it has only been around for almost three decades.
At the end of the 1980s, it was beginning to be developed as a way of procrastination by Thomas
Knoll, a University of Michigan graduate student and doctoral candidate in computer vision. Knoll
was trying to write programming code to display gray scale computer images on a black and white
bitmap monitor as
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Howard Zinn Argumentative Analysis
Howard Zinn argues that the state has three main purposes. They are to settle upper class disputes
peacefully, control lower class rebellion, and adopt policies that would further the long range stability
of the system .(Zinn Online). In the case of putting down and controlling a lower class rebellion is
very prevalent in the Anti Renters rebellion. After the economic crisis of 1837 many tenants, who
were now unemployed, owed money to the land lords who owned massive amounts of land. Many of
the tenants came together out of fear of being evicted, and were against the monopolization of the
land. When these poor tenants began to rebel, the state had to use force to suppress them, The
governor sent three hundred troops in, declaring a state of rebellion existed, and soon almost a
hundred Anti Renters ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These laws were the perfect way for the state to make sure that the system is stable in the future. Just
recently on April 2nd, the Supreme Court of the United States turned down the overall cap on
monetary political donations. This is a classic case of the state adopting policies to ensure the stability
of the system. Coping the scheme of citizens united the Supreme Court in a 5 4 decision allows an
individual to donate as much money as they please to federal candidates in a two year election cycle.
Although federal law bans direct contributions to campaigners by corporations and business, super
pacs allow money to get to the politicians without direct contact. But this law still allows wealthy
individuals to support the candidates that will represent their needs and wants in the national
government. This creates an unfair system aimed at helping the elites because they will have more
money to donate therefore will have more of the campaigners attention. Justice Breyer realized the
importance of this decision being turned down and was recorded writing Where enough money calls
the tune, he wrote, the general public will not be heard. (New York Times).
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What Is A Tent Foot
What is a tent foot? What you need to know.
Have you ever struggled to understand what a tent footprint is? Or have you ever struggled to
understand why people need tent foots?
We ll I m here to answer that. I think that it is important to know what a tent foot is because it is such a
useful tool when camping, that it can save the underneath of your tent from damage while you are
So what is a tent footprint, really?
Think of a tent footprint like the foundation of the tent. What this tent foot does is it protects the
underneath of your tent from any wear and tear.
Normally, tent foot s come attached to the tent itself so you don t necessarily have to worry about
buying a new one. However, many tents are waterproof underneath. ... Show more content on
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Believe it or not, when you are doing the tossing and turning, you are causing abrasions on the ground
material of the tent.
Over time, the friction from those abrasions will tear the underneath of the tent apart.
Are there any other uses for the tent foot?
Tent footprints can be used as a form of insulation underneath your tent. When the tent foot is
underneath your tent, the tent foot will trap warm air underneath your tent to provide you warmth for
as long as possible.
The tent footprint also makes sure that packing up the tent is as easy as possible. Since the tent itself
will be on top of the tent footprint, the tent will stay dry underneath. That means that you don t have to
spend as much time cleaning the tent before packing up.
One other way that tent footprints can help, other than protecting the tent from damage, is by helping
you place your corners of the tent. When you buy your tent, the tent foot will nearly be the exact
dimension as the tent footprint.
As for the waterproofing; just because some tents are waterproof, doesn t mean that a tent footprint
cannot add an extra waterproofing layer underneath the tent. It is generally a good idea to have as
many extra layers of water
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I Learned My Values And Character Traits
Raised by a single mother in a small farming town south of Detroit called Monroe, I learned my
values and character traits vicariously through my mother, father and brother. My father was not in my
life while growing up due to his battle with alcoholism, but to me that illustrated addiction s ability to
ruin one s life. Raised solely by my mother, she demonstrated her mantra that anything is
accomplishable if you work hard and never give up. Becoming the first female Cub Master of the Year
for our Boy Scout Troop, teaching us to race dirt bikes and play every sport at the Catholic grade
school we attended were only some of my mother s accomplishments that helped shape my
perspective. While most of my family attended a Catholic High School, I chose to be part the pilot
class of a pre medicine focused middle college. Beginning to dual enroll as a sophomore in high
school, I was soon recommended to become a college level writing fellow. Over the next three years, I
expanded my skills to tutor over 10 courses, lead a supplemental instruction course, and tutor for
students taking the GED and ACT, while attending my courses and working as a deli server, bag boy,
and ice cream server. Through working to support myself, I discovered that I am most successful
when I am productively busy, which I apply to my jobs, school work, and research. Furthermore,
working towards my goal of learning as much as possible, I became an adept learner and spent my
time most efficiently. This allowed
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Social Relationships Within The Media Industry Essay
The way advertisers from the 1960s onwards responded to the causes of demassification of consumers
began when the media industry was restructuring itself into smaller independent operating entities.
The shift during this time formed large operating industry s into smaller lines of production meant that
advertisers would have to change their focus from a mass audience into smaller groups of well
targeted consumers. Leiss, Kline, Jhally, and Botterill refer to this process of identifying smaller target
markets as one of demassification (309). Fletcher suggests, over the past four decades, this has led to a
more diverse representation within advertising as different groups have been identified as disposable
income (129). Therefore, the process of demassification has uniquely caused social relationships
within the consumer culture during the 1960s onwards.
The 1960s marked a shift of consumer culture that became the process of demassifying , ... as social
relations rooted in class, family and work were challenged by the fashioning of individual lifestyles in
the expanded domain of consumer culture (Leiss et al. 295) Demassification during that particular
time was increasing ad costs, but it also made advertisers look at what they get for their media
expenditures. As Caffery suggested, demassification was building, so was the bill. When you combine
smaller audiences with higher costs, alarm systems start to ring (13). These transformations
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Technolgy and American Societies Today
Technology has taken an overwhelming presence within American societies today. Careers, education,
volunteering, advertising and now even fundraising can be done solely from one s computer. With this
relatively new trend, companies must take advantage of the time clients spend online to further their
own organizations. There are three simple techniques that companies should utilize and implement to
profit from the new technological era.
The process of affiliate marketing is extremely important for publicity and fundraising. This is when
an organization directs traffic from its own website to a different organization s website in order to
promote a product, good or service of that organization s with the promise of receiving a percentage of
the proceeds in return. Companies can profit significantly from this process if used correctly and
partnered with the right organizations. Many popular companies participate in affiliate marketing,
such as Amazon, local grocery stores, sporting goods stores, etc. It does not cost anything to establish
an affiliate marketing relationship with a company, but can have exponential rewards.
The concept of online donating and memberships is an excellent way companies can benefit from the
Web. Asking face to face for money can make both the asker and the potential giver uncomfortable,
and with the wrong atmosphere laid, it can cost an organization a substantial donation. The
opportunity to donate online provides clients with a private,
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4 Computron
Harvard Business School
9 597 063
Rev. November 14, 1997
Computron, Inc. (1996)
In July 1996, Thomas Zimmermann, manager of the European Sales Division of Computron, was
trying to decide what price to submit on his bid to sell a Computron 1000X digital computer to
Kšnig Cie., AG, GermanyÕs largest chemical company. If Zimmermann followed ComputronÕs
standard pricing policy of adding a 33 1 3 % markup to factory costs and then including transportation
costs and import duty, his bid would amount to $622,400; he feared, however that this would not be
low enough to win the contract for Computron.
Kšnig had invited four other computer manufacturers to submit bids for the contract. A reliable trade
source in ZimmermannÕs opinion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the 1995 1996 fiscal year, however, sales increased sharply, totaling $10,000,000 for the year. 1
ComputronÕs total worldwide sales that year were roughly $88,000,000. Of the European countries,
Germany constituted one of ComputronÕs most important markets, having contributed
$2,400,000, or 24%, of the European sales total in 1995 1996. England and Sweden were also
important, having contributed 22% and 18% respectively. The remaining 36% of sales was spread
throughout the rest of Europe.
Computron computers sold to European customers were manufactured and assembled in the
United States and shipped to Europe for installation. Because of their external manufacture these
computers were subject to an import duty, which varied from country to country. The German tariff on
computers of the type was 17´ % of the U.S. sales price.
Prompted primarily by a desire to reduce this import duty, Computron began constructing a plant in
Frankfurt. It would serve all 15 countries in the European Community and was scheduled to open
September 15, 1996. Initially it was to be used only for assembly of 1000X computers. This would
lower the German import duty to 15%. Ultimately the company planned to use the plant to fabricate
component parts as well. Computers completely manufactured in Germany would be entirely free
from import duty.
Company Pricing Policy
The new plant was to occupy 10,000 square feet and employ 20 to 30 people in the first year.
Its initial
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Nature And Nurture In In Cold Blood By Perry Smith
A debate on whether or not Perry Smith was more controlled by nature and nurture when committing
crimes is a hot topic. Most solemnly believe that this is what manipulated the actions that Perry took.
According to www.simplypsychology.org, Nature is what we think of as pre wiring and is influenced
by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. Nurture is generally taken as the influence of
external factors after conception e.g. the product of exposure, experience and learning on an
individual. Due to Perry Smith s exposure to abuse, the abandonment emotionally and physically from
his family, and influential behavior from Dick, it led him to making extreme actions such as
committing murder and other crimes. Capote, in In Cold Blood , helps portray Perry Smith the way
those in Holcomb view him while also frequently adding in his personal life throughout the novel,
such as him being abused while he was under the care of nuns and those running the shelter. In the
novel, Perry goes into detail as to how he was abused, he even said that he remembered it all. At the
Catholic orphanage he was abused for wetting the bed constantly, She woke me up. She had a
flashlight, and she hit me with it. Hit me and hit me. And when the flashlight broke, she went on
hitting me in the dark (p. 58) Then, after his mother died, Perry s father took him but left him in a
Salvation Army shelter where he was abused for not only bed wetting but for being half Indian as
well, There was
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Comparing Fear In 1984 And V For Vendetta
President John Adams once said that Fear is the foundation of most governments he felt that a
monarchy or an aristocracy was the best form of government because by having people fear you, you
are able to control the citizens minds by fear. The parties in both 1984 and V for Vendetta used this
concept of fear to instill their power over that greater population. The party have one person that was
consider the outsider or the enemy of the party that everyone hated, they both had a society in which
there was only 1 leader that made all of the decisions about everything and they limited the people s
ability to as they please and be one with themselves. By having only one central target of hate it
makes the majority of the people utterly scared ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They were only allowed to read the News that everyone else reads. This overtime with create a world
in which only one person s thought are the soul thought of the entire population. In 1984, the
government have so many rules and regulations that it would be easier to tell a person what they can
do. When Winston was living only in his hope had to keep a telescreen that would watch and record
every moment and sound he made. He also had to make sure that he was there for the regular activity
sessions on the T.V. and the Two Minutes of Hate that was mandatory for each and everyone person. If
WInston did not report on time to these Party evens then he would her a loud noise on his telescreen
that would flash until he come into frame and did a he was told. The people in V for Vendetta were
also held to strict standards. Evey s friend, Deitrich was found to having kept pictures of the opposite
sex as well as written down documents of old history had been written out of life if never found. The
military of the Party patrols the road and once it hit a certain there was absolutely no movement of any
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The Theory Of Human Caring
The Theory of Human Caring Jean Watson introduced the Theory of Human Caring in 1985 through
her book Nursing: Human Science and Human Care. Watson s goal was to present nursing as a distinct
entity, a profession, a discipline and science in its own right, separate from, but complementary to,
medicine (Watson, 1985). Her theory was never stagnate and evolved over time with the changes of
nursing. Watson s theory began with the Carative factors, which guides the fundamentals of nursing.
Carative factors are looked at as caring actions nurses can carry out day by day. Some of the factors
included instillation of faith and hope and development of a helping trusting human caring
relationship (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2015). Watson ... Show more content on
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Watson s theory put forth the idea that one has to go beyond owns own ego to reach a deeper spiritual
connection while comforting a patient which she defined as transpersonal. Transpersonal caring seeks
to connect with and embrace the spirit or soul of the other through the processes of caring and healing
and being in authentic relation; in the moment (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2015). A
Transpersonal caring relationship is the foundation of her work; the nurse s ability to focus on caring,
healing and wholeness rather than disease, illness and medicine. Watson (1989,1999) says that when
human caring is produced the nurse and patient come together to create a moment, this is known as the
caring occasion/caring moment. A caring moment involves an action and choice by the nurse and
patient to connect on a deeper spiritual level to promote healing. Now a few assumptions were then
made on Watsons Theory of Human Caring and/or Watsons Care Model as it relates to the science of
caring. To start, caring is central to nursing. Caring consists of the carative factors, and if nurses
follow these factors it will lead to patient satisfaction of certain human needs. A caring environment is
one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for
him or herself at any given stage (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2015). Her theory focuses
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Essay On Dog Desensitisation
Fears and phobias are reversed by using operant conditioning techniques such as desensitisation,
combined with positive re assosiation in order to help turn a negative association into a positive one
(positive rewards). Whilst helping a dog overcome a fear of something using desensitisation or
immersion therapy, a dog will always choose avoidance, but if the dog is allowed the option to choose
avoidance, the fear will never be overcome. So the only way a dog will overcome it s fear of bicycles
would be to face it and work towards a more positive assosiation. Positive rewards are useful in this
instance. A strong smelling food treat would be ideal, so that the dog is more keen on the reward it
Regarding a dogs fear of bicycles, desensitisation would be an ideal way to help a dog ... Show more
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Why is timing important when using treats as part of a behaviour modification program to help
overcome a fear or phobia?
When overcoming a fear or phobia with the use of treats, it is important to get the timing right. For
example, a dog that is rewarded whilst still in a fearful state would make matters worse. A reward
must be used to get the dog s attention and take it s mind off the source of the fear. It is important that
you do not unintentionally reward the wrong behaviour as this can confuse a dog and encourage
unwanted behaviour instead of the behaviour you want, whilst also prolonging the behaviour
modification process.
The key to rewarding behaviour is also reifnorcement, not bribery. Reinforcement is basically a
reward given for a job well done, whilst bribary would be showing a dog a treat before the wanted
behaviour, and only then giving them the reward. Bribery is best to be avoided as if you do not, you
could create a dog that will only follow your commands when bribed with food and this is not ideal.
So only show a dog the reward AFTER they have successfully completed a behavior, and not
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Trimester Screening
RUNNING HEAD: Noninvasive First Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21
Noninvasive First Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21 2
Evidence Based Practice
Noninvasive First Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21
University of Mary Courtney Goodnough, RN, BSN April 21, 2017
There are many different options for pregnant women regarding screening for trisomy 21. There are
two more common types of tests available, nuchal translucency ultrasound with biochemistry testing
in the first trimester, and cell free DNA testing starting at 10 weeks until delivery. With these options
come many questions about which one is more accurate in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The information found is supported by evidence and is the same we use in our practice. The problem
is that insurance companies will pay for standard screening with Nuchal Translucency, but they will
not pay for cell free DNA testing unless the standard screening comes back high risk, the patient is
advanced maternal age, or has a history of a previous birth affected by aneuploidy. Cell free DNA
testing includes X Y analysis, so the patient is able to find out the sex of the baby around 10 weeks.
This is becoming a popular request just to find out the gender. Insurance companies have now caught
on to this trend, and are refusing to pay for the X Y analysis of the cell free DNA test, which does
include specific abnormalities associated with X Y abnormalities. Medicaid will cover the standard
screening, but will not pay for cell free DNA testing. We have 3 patients at high risk and have done
prior authorizations through Medicaid, they still refuse to cover. One being a patient who tested high
risk for trisomy 21 on her standard screening, one who is advanced maternal age, and one who had a
previous pregnancy with a child with Down
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Futility In The Zookeeper s Wife
The sheer brutality of the Nazi regime prior to and during World War II not only created an aura of
futility for the millions of women caught directly in the line of sight, but also transformed the absolute
essence of coping with this futility through gendered experiences becoming radically altered. In The
Zookeeper s Wife, Antonina, as the wife of Jan Zabinski, the director of the Warsaw Zoo, shaped both
her domestic and professional undertakings around the mammals that intricately intertwined with her
life. Thus, following the German invasion of Poland and with all semblances of life flipped on its
head, she embraced the role of not only a mother for her children and the animals, but also as a
defender of those unable to escape the ruthless liquidation process of her fellow human beings.
However, the approach Antonina had as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With the Nazi regime s belief in eugenics and the superiority of an Aryan race, she countered those
notions with consultations from barbers and consequently bleaching her hair along with some of her
guest s, all while attempting to avoid raising suspicion. Additionally, to feed these guests, many trips
in small quantities had to be taken to stores, while laundry would be done indoors to avoid suspicion
from passing soldiers. However, the zookeeper s wife role would reverse during her discovery of Rys
plan to plant a bomb in a German weapons cache storehouse. Antonina felt wretched inside knowing
that as a mother she was removed and not cognizant of his reality that could have potentially taken his
life all as a result of her struggle to balance dual roles in a tumultuous period. Nonetheless, when the
Uprising began and Jan left to fight, she no longer took the backseat to Jan in regards to household
leadership and the mighty feelings of motherly responsibilities would be tested with her duty to
protect everyone in the
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Treatment of Religion and the Church in Pedro Paramo and...
Christianity has become, in over two millennia, the world s largest religion, spreading to almost every
corner of the world. Based on this fact, it does not come as much of a surprise that Juan Rulfo s 1955
Mexican novel, Pedro Paramo, and Robertson Davies 1970 Canadian one, Fifth Business, are both
largely affected by this pervasive religion. What is interesting, however, is that despite the vast
differences in culture and time, a comparison can be made of the authors treatment of Christianity and
the church in the books, which both come to similar conclusions.
The first major similarity in the books on this particular subject is that both Rulfo and Davies show
Christianity and the church as being flawed. Father Renteria, the local ... Show more content on
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Dempster as well as his family s and church s failure to understand his interests in saints and magic
that force him to realize one flaw of the Christian religion: its inability to capture the entire feeling of
One of the major faults that Rulfo portrays of the Church in Pedro Paramo, is that it fails in its main
responsibility of providing moral standards to the people of Comala. The novel illustrates characters
that have sinned more than any other, yet show little or no guilt. Rulfo s book contains a careful listing
of the cruelties that the Paramos inflicted on the people of Comala: Rumor has it that your brother was
murdered by [Miguel Paramo] and you believe that your niece Ana was raped by him. 6, Pedro
Paramo slaughtered so many folks after his father was murdered that he killed nearly everybody who
attended that wedding. 7 However, despite these crimes, neither Miguel nor Pedro seems to feel any
remorse for their actions. After listening to a number of women confess to having sinned for either
sleeping with Pedro Paramo, or bearing his children, Father Renteria says, I kept waiting for him to
come and confess something, but he never did. 8 Renteria also refuses to absolve Miguel at first,
saying, [he] died without forgiveness. 9
Similarly, in Fifth Business, the character
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The Titanic And The Titanic
The Titanic was one of a trio. Her sisters were the Olympic and the Gigantic. These ships were made
by the White Star Lines, all of their names ending with ic . The White Star Lines were known for
making the top of the line, most luxurious ship liners of their time. The point in making luxurious and
fast ship liners were to compete and beat the German ship liners. This ship race between Germany and
Britain went clear back to the 1860 s. As Britain kept getting out bested by Germany an American
trust builder named Junius Pierpont Morgan saw a chance to make money or a monopoly. Morgan
realized the rivalry and had already monopolized U.S railroads, and wanted to to take control over the
North Atlantic Shipping Lines. Morgan s first move in 1898 was when he bought the more ran down
Inman Line. The owner of the White Star Line, Thomas Ismay, foresaw a big rate war on the North
Atlantic and resisted Morgan until his death in 1899. After Ismay s death Morgan jumped at the
opportunity to get more control by purchasing a controlling interest from the German lines, Hamburg
Amerika and Norddeutscher Lloyd. Just a year later Morgan gained control of the Leyland Line, the
Dominion Line, and the Red Star Line. His next targets were the White Star Line, and the Cunard. For
competition Morgan cut fares until his lines were a third class passage to America for as little as two
euros, ($2.38). J. Bruce Ismay, the son of Thomas Ismay, resisted Morgan like his father.
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Modern Chinese International Relations And Its Effects On...
Modern Chinese International Relations and Its Effects on the Chinese Economy
In 2013, referencing the previous year, the U.S. Commerce Department released import and export
figures totaling 3.82 trillion USD, while China s customs administration released figures amounting to
3.87 trillion, making China the world s largest trading economy (Bloomberg News 2013). This news
signifies that China s trading policy and partners must be a major target of scrutiny with newfound
importance. In this paper, I will discuss the history of Chinese trade policy, what constitutes Chinese
trade policy, namely China s use of free trade agreements (FTAs) and treaties, who China s major
trading partners are and relations with each one, and how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Based upon Chinese trade history, one can extrapolate the China was averse to trade for a long period
due to past experiences of exploitation, but once it rediscovered the benefits of trade, it decided to
leverage its population base, geographic size, and resources to dominate trade. Furthermore, China
joined numerous international economic organizations including the World Bank, IMF, the GATT, the
Multi Fiber Agreement, etc. in the mid 1980s. By becoming more open to trade, China was more open
to foreign capital, allocating it the funds to grow as a trading entity. Thus, due to lack of choice and by
overcoming an aversion to foreigners, caused in no small part to a horrible history of opium addiction
and massacres, China was able to become a massive trading country.
Who s Who? After China joined the World Trade Organization, it realized it was unable to accomplish
its trade goals of recognition of a market economy status and preferential access to regional factors of
production using traditional multilateral routes, for these goals are not in spirit with multilateral
treaties and instead decided to achieve such goals with bilateral agreements (Mallon and Whalley
2004). Multilateral treaties, by nature often restrain member nations, guaranteeing that one nation does
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How Did The Dutch Empire Influence Latin America
The Dutch colonization of Latin America is nothing less than a phenomenon. Against all odds the
Dutch empire rose to colonial prominence in the latter sixteenth century and early seventeenth century
throughout much of Asia, South America and the Caribbean. Coming into their success from a vast
trading network the Dutch had to navigate the murky waters of the countries within the triangle
alliance, consisting of France, England and, Spain. Ultimately, these three countries with their
enormous militaries, naval fleets and, wealth were able to surpass the Dutch as the decades elapsed.
However, despite these great odds the influence the Dutch empire had on Latin America is immense.
One of the many odds the Dutch overcame was the massive protective legislation of the triangle
alliance countries as well as, for at least a short ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The seventy or so years before these laws were enacted (the British navigation acts were first enacted
in 1651) the Dutch began to build a monumental empire focused on sugar and slave trading. The
Dutch West Indies company was chartered in 1621 to give monopoly to the Dutch in the trade market
of the Caribbean, Brazil and, Africa, thus restricting the trade of more powerful countries. According
to Pieter C. Emmer, a Dutch historian at Leiden University in the Netherlands, one major reason the
Dutch were such successful traders and colonizers was because Dutch traders were known all over to
offer lower freight rates and a better array of trade goods at lower prices than any of their competitors ,
thus leading to a stronghold in the region by virtue of trade (Emmer 341). In addition to their powerful
trade markets and shipping capabilities some early victories in the sea led to even more
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A Brief Note On The Country Of Togo
In the country of Togo, the people who live there generally live more to the South and along the major
North South highway that connects the coast to the Sahel River (State department, 2005). They mainly
speak French, but the people in the South speak either Ewe or Mina (State Department, 2005). The
ones who speak the Ewe language, moved to Togo by crossing the Niger River valley during the 12th
and 14th centuries (State Department, 2005). In the 15th and 16th centuries, Togo was known as The
Slave Coast because over the next 200 years, European explorers traveled there in search for slaves
(State Department, 2005). I believe all of these problems can easily be fixed if the U.S. government
realized what the Togolese people have been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The babies that do survive, however will most likely be taken or given away from their parents/
relatives between the ages of five and fifteen and are forced to go into child trafficking and forced
labor (Fistula Hospital, 2005). Next, the U.S. government should help the children in Togo because
they are being put into child trafficking, they are afraid to go to school, and there are very few people
who are putting up a fight to help them. In Togo, there is an International Day of Missing Children on
Wednesday (5/25) and it is a time to focus attention on the widespread problem of child trafficking
(Togo s missing children, 2005). So far there are over 300,000 children who are missing in Togo due
to them being taken from their families or sometimes given away by them (Togo s missing children,
2005). Child trafficking is a worldwide human rights violation, but Togo has the greatest number of
missing children. The children, who are not taken from their families, are bullied and abused in
school. The teachers rape the girls and if they get pregnant then they are kicked out of school and
forced to go into prostitution. The boys are beaten by their teachers or other classmates and they are
also raped by their teachers. Projects funded by the Department of Labor s Bureau of International
Labor Affairs have helped about one million children worldwide by helping them get out of child
labor or other situations where they are being abused (United
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Genesis 24
A protagonist is the character that drives the action of the plot. In Genesis 24, the main character who
drives the plot of the story is Abraham s servant, who has been given the job to find a suitable wife for
Isaac. The entire story of Genesis 24 is revolved around the job of the servant and him being divinely
introduced to Rebekah, the wife Abraham said to find. Abraham provides specific instructions for his
servant in his task to find Isaac a wife; therefore, the action of the story moves from Abraham, which
most of this part of Genesis is about, to Abraham s servant. The servant finding Rebekah is a
fulfillment of God s promise to Abraham of many descendants given a couple chapters before in
Genesis. Additionally, the previous chapter ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If Rebekah were the main character of the story, the story would have told of her actions before the
servant notices her. The writer of the story made sure to frame Rebekah as a secondary character
because she is only found because of the directions given to the servant. As mentioned before,
Rebekah responded to the servant s request just as he was told the proper wife would. In addition,
Rebekah is part of the house of [the servant s] master s kin (Genesis 24:27). The servant is the one
who asked that Rebekah come right away even though her family objected the notion, which was part
of the servant s initial directions (Genesis 24:56). Rebekah is the embodiment of the woman Abraham
described to the servant. Being the embodiment means being the outcome of the story, not the
protagonist. Also, even when Rebekah has been chosen by the servant, the wedding of Rebekah and
Isaac does not take up a large part of the chapter. Genesis 24:67 proclaims that Then Isaac brought her
into his mother Sarah s tent... and she became his wife . This act of marriage seems to be an
afterthought because the servant followed the directions of Abraham, so Isaac knew she was divinely
meant to be his wife. The largest part of the chapter was still the servant trying to find the wife for
Isaac. If Rebekah were the protagonist, a stronger emphasis would have been placed on this act of
marriage between Rebekah and
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Analysis Of Judith Butler s Performance Acts And Gender...
Judith Butler s article on Performance Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and
Feminist Theory, denotes that gender identity represents a performative accomplishment induced by
social taboo and sanction (Butler 520). Even though Butler s theory on gender performativity has
played an influential role in cultural studies and feminist theory, certain areas of philosophy provide
significant insight into critical social theory. From the perspective of critical legal thinkers, Butler s
idea of performativity is linked with her views on gender and plays an important role in legality as
well as politics. Critical theory in gender performativity presents a social theory to critique and change
the society as opposed to the traditional theory. Similarly, critical theory has the objective to explore
beyond the surface of social life to unveil the assumptions that limit a proper understanding of how the
world functions. The concept of gender performativity instigated by Butler s book, Gender Trouble,
starts by reflecting on the female identity (Fagot 3). In other words, Butler criticizes the critical
approaches to feminism that influence the idea of identity politics and the notion of female identity.
Similarly, the various approaches seem to ignore the idea that all the various identities come from the
effects of repressive regimes and authority as well as the issues raised by the feminists. The concept of
gender performativity has a social and cultural obligation
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Voluntary Spirit Film Analysis
The Voluntary Spirit has impacted a variety of groups by bringing their families into war, endangering
their children, and losing their own lives. Soldiers would have to leave their family in order to protect
their family and themselves from Britain invading them. Also to obtain their rightful independence
from Britian. The soldiers would kill the wives and children just so the other side could come and
fight them and tell them their secrets. They wanted to fight one another, if they even went close to
their family. In the movie, benjamin s son, Gabriel was recruited to join the army to fight for
independence from Britain. The war continues to get closer and closer to Benjamin Martin house as
the war goes on.
Benjamin enrolled in the war after he saw Colonel William Tavington, one of the leaders from the
british army, shoot his son in front of his family. He decides to join the army again so to get revenge
for his son, Thomas. After, Benjamin sees that they re taking Gabriel away and Thomas is shot he
decides to enroll. He went to go get Gabriel after they set Benjamin and his family house on fire. He
told his boys to come along as they went to get Gabriel back and kill the British. Once, Gabriel is
killed by Tavington, Benjamin decides that he has to kill Colonel William Tavington for all the deaths
he is committing in Benjamin s family. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Black people were happy to work for the Martin family and did not want to go with the British.
Women had to take care of the kids. Benjamin had several kids and their aunt took care of all of them
when he went into the army. Women also protected their kids when soldiers came and tried to get the
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Symptoms Of Cystic Fibrosis
Overview: Cystic Fibrosis, or CF, is a genetic disease that affects children to young adults. It occurs
when a child has two defective copies of the gene that causes cystic fibrosis, one from each parent.
The disease primarily affects the digestive system and it also affects the respiratory system, mainly the
lungs bronchi and bronchioles. Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus and digestive
juices, as it changes the protein that regulates the movement of salt in and out of cells. Which leads to
people thick and sticky mucus and digestive juices, such as pancreatic juices. Whereas people who do
not have CF have thin and slippery mucus and digestive juices. The severity of the disease differs
from one person to the next, yet the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Symptoms of cystic fibrosis is persistent cough that are full of mucus, shortness of breath, weight loss
and infertility or decreased fertility in both men and women. Also, intestinal blockage can occur,
where a part of the intestines folds in on itself.
Two or more of the symptoms might indicate that you have cystic fibrosis and a doctor might conduct
a sweat test, which tests for how much salt is in your sweat. If the salt levels are high enough, it might
indicate cystic fibrosis. Other tests that can determine if you have cystic fibrosis is genetic testing and
newborn screening.
There is no cure for cystic fibrosis, but medication can be provided to help ease the symptoms that
accompany the disease. Things like antibiotics can treat and prevent lung infections. A person can also
take mucus thinning drugs that help to improve lung functions, by helping you cough out the mucus.
Furthermore, a person can also take in pancreatic enzymes that help to digest food in the small
intestines and stomach. If a person s intestine folds in on itself, then the person would have to have
surgery that removes the part of the intestine. If the blockages in the ducts in the lungs become
resistant to medication, or antibiotics, then the person might need to have a lung transplant. Cystic
fibrosis does not occur in the set of lungs that have been transplanted into
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Custom Rims Research
Custom rims are car tire accessories for cars or truck. It can add more appeal to your wheels. These
custom rims may be hard to find but if you are very eager to have one, we will give you tips on where
to go. These custom rims can give your vehicle a special look. It can also give a new personality to
your vehicle. Some people call the custom rim as a wheel rim.
Custom rims come in many types. There are spinning rims, chrome rims, racing rims, custom rims and
truck rims. There are several types of car rims or wheels you can pick from. You can try to look at the
spinning wheels, the truck rims, the customized rims, or even the black rims, along with the custom
car rims. You will find many car wheels with different designs as well as weight. ... Show more
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This kind is quite heavy and mainly because of its weight, it provides unnecessary weight for the car.
In the end, its your vehicle that loses out. This is far from what modern wheels are offering nowadays.
You ll totally love the wonderful style of the new car wheels. Consider the alloy wheels if you need
lightweight rims. This is primarily due to the light feature and improved mileage of this kind.
Light alloy casting wheel is another type of rim. Alloys are lighter than any other types of rim. This is
the best option for driving especially in mountains. This is also best in the city area where there is
traffic congestion. There are alloy wheels that are made to encourage cool airflow in the brakes to
avoid overheating.
The spinning rims may also be got while searching for the car wheels. Often your eyes will have some
good time while glimpsing at the spinning rims on the car. What will take your mind is the power of
the wheels to spin even when the vehicle isn t moving. If you really want to take pleasure from the
beauty of your car, this is the best option but you will have to risk the functioning of your vehicle as
well. In order to put a point across that you have the most impressive car, this is exactly what you need
to put on your wheels. Nonetheless, these rims are still really
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Benefits Of Pedicure Essay
5 Benefits of Pedicure
Pedicures help your feet look pretty, clean, and healthy. It keeps your nails trimmed, prevents calluses,
and keeps your feet smooth and silky. Pedicures also involves foot massages which help relieve the
stress and tension on your feet and legs.
Our feet are often overused and receives the most beating from our day to day work. Some people
often mistake this treatment as a luxury and indulgence. However, you must know that a getting a
pedicure provides numerous advantages for you and your health.
In this regard, we ll share with you some benefits of pedicure to keep your feet happy and gorgeous at
all times.
Why you should Get a Pedicure
1. Removes calluses on your feet
Calluses are caused by constant friction and pressure on certain areas of your feet. It can ... Show
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This leaves you with a healthier skin on your feet.
5. Improves your blood flow
Another health benefit of getting a pedicure is to improve your blood circulation. The lymph nodes in
your body helps clear the toxins through your blood flow. A leg and foot massage helps the lymph
nodes circulate better through our system. Drinking a glass of water after a massage helps flush out
toxins from our body.
Pedicures are for Everyone
Getting a foot treatment such a pedicure is not just solely for women. Both men and women can
significantly benefit from it. Based from the benefits of pedicure we mentioned above, it isn t done
purely for aesthetics. Instead, it actually provides a lot of health advantages.
A pedicure can help you maintain a set of health nails. Clipping your toenails and cleaning them can
prevent fungi and other forms of bacteria from developing on your toes. It also prevents you from
having ingrown nails which are often painful and unpleasant.
If you found this article helpful, please share this with your family and
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Summary Of Harm De Blij s Why Geography Matters
Harm de Blij s book, Why Geography Matters poses a central theme, which I have heard discussed
multiple times. Blij argues that the American public is the most geographically illiterate society in the
world. Blij blames this decline with the poorly formulated curricula in the American school systems,
which ultimately originates from Washington D.C. and the people that run this country. If I had never
seen this central theme in action in a classroom I would have been dumbfounded. In one short
paragraph Blij summarized how America s illiteracy began, which this then becomes the central theme
of his book that relates to the educational field. Blij writes that professional educators took control of
the system and combined the subjects of history, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As every day passes China grows stronger in every aspect and eventually they will be knocking on
America s doorstep in each of those categories. Economically, China is closing rapidly, but even the
sleeping giant as Napoleon Bonaparte called it, has its limits. To be blunt, China is resource hungry
and who knows what their country will do next. With the level of nationalism that their people have,
China could go in multiple directions. For example, let us look at both China attempting to exert
control over the South China Sea and also with the Senkaku Islands. Both of these areas are becoming
more and more hostile, which ultimately could lead to deadly military engagements. With that being
said, Blij also proposes an argument that I have been pondering for a while and that is a potential cold
war between the U.S.A. and China. On the outside it seems as if there is a potential collision course to
that conclusion. However, Blij does offer an interesting solution to this possibility and it is one that I
believe should be the strongest takeaway. Blij suggests that trade, scientific, cultural and educational
links and exchanges can be the solution to this issue. After all, China is responsible for many of the
essential aspects to our life. Therefore, the least we as Americans can do is learn the various
geographical aspects that encircle
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The And Particles Of Shell
Ecteinascidia venui was collected from the hull of ships during dry docking in the month of May
2013. Epibionts and particles of shell, coral fragments attached to the colony were carefully removed.
Identification up to the species level was carried out based on the key to identification of Indian
ascidians 45. A voucher specimen AS 2247 has been submitted in the ascidian collections of the
Museum of the Department of Zoology, A. P. C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Tuticorin 628002,
Tamilnadu, India Plate 1.
Systematic position
Ecteinascidia venui belongs to Phylum: Chordata, Subphylum: Urochordata, Class: Ascidiacea, Order:
Enterogona, Suborder: Phlebobranchia, Family: Perophoridae, Genus: Ecteinascidia, Species: venui.
Experimental animals
Swiss albino mice weighing 20 25 g were collected from Central Animal House, Dr. Raja Muthiah
Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu. The animals were fed with normal
mice chow and water ad libitum in air controlled room with constant 12 hours of dark light schedule,
room temperature (24±2 ºC) and 60 70 % humidity. The experimental work was done as per the rules
and regulations of Animal Ethical Committee, Government of India.
Cells for cytotoxic study
Dalton s Lymphoma ascites (DLA) cells were purchased from Adayar Cancer Institute, Chennai,
India. The cells were maintained as ascites tumors in Swiss albino mice.
Preparation of powder and extract
Colonies of Ecteinascidia venui were dried at 45° C, powdered,
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Looking For Sassure Meaning
The image provides a series of signs. There is a woman over a pedestal posing with the lingerie and a
man on a suit leaning on the pedestal. The first order of meaning is that the woman is posing for the
man, swanning carefree on her light and soft silk, exulting in her sexuality. Maybe this scene is
representing a strip show, where the woman, as an object, dances for the critical eyes of a fully dressed
man. The woman is wearing light blue silk lingerie. The colour is a paradigm. For Saussure a
paradigm is a type of code that is a set of signs from which the one to be used is chosen (John Fiske,
1982, Introduction to Communication Studies, 3rd edition, page 54). Thus the colour is a code,
specifically an arbitrary code and it connotes trust, loyalty and heaven and this makes us believe that
she is like an angel, she is a good girl, waiting for the orders of the man. The colour blue makes men
think that they have the heaven with them. Arbitrary or logical codes:
are codes where the agreement among the users is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The man is like a little boy who needs to be comforted by his mother. The fact that he is looking down
and she is looking to the camera highlights the power of the woman. The myth of the bourgeoisie idea,
about the masculinity and power of men, is under attack and being destroyed by the femininity.
Barthes saw myth as serving the ideological interests of the bourgeoisie (Barthes 1974, 206). There is
also a homoerotic meaning on the look of the man. Is common to relate the image of a well sculpted
and very good looking man with a homosexual, so the man is feminized. Ironically, Versace chooses
to change the bourgeoisie idea doing the opposite thing that it should be, and there is knowingness
about this between the brand and the
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Prenatal Testing Research Paper
Prenatal Testing and the Disability Community The dream of every expectant mother is to give birth
to a healthy baby when the nine months elapse. However, the culture of uncertainty among eager
mothers has engulfed their thoughts of the possibility of giving birth to children with disabilities. As a
result, they have turned to clinics for prenatal screening with a hope of getting a clean bill of health
from medical practitioners about their current situation. All these efforts are not in vain in their minds
as long as they are assured their babies will not have Down s syndrome or any other birth defect.
These frantic efforts pertain image of a society that dread disability. With the bold writings on the
societal wall, people with disabilities have legitimate worries about the way in which prenatal
screening is handled in our culture. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I will first explore what medical ethics entails, then evaluate whether prenatal screening is necessary
and whether it is discriminatory as claimed. Based on the benefits, success, statistical data, I will
defend the perspective of physically challenged individuals by highlighting numerous success records
of families with children affected from Down s syndrome as it is widely common. According to
Synder and Gauthier (2008), ethics can be defined as a moral principle that dictates human behavior
and classifying it as either good or bad based on the end result and the motive behind the cause of
action. There is a more compelling need to find out what motivated the emergence of prenatal
screening. Also, to find out how it has achieved its objectives. To begin with, there is a need to
understand activities surrounding prenatal
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Aluminum Cubes Lab Report
The lab was performed for the purpose of calculating the density of each type of object and
determining if calculating the volume, and therefore the density, of two cubes can be more effectively
done with a ruler (through the direct method) or by water displacement.
1 Scale
1 Rock
2 Corks
2 Aluminum Cubes
4 Paper clips
2 Marbles
1 50 mL graduated cylinder
1 25 mL graduated cylinder
1 Calculator
1 Ruler
1. Weigh and record the mass of each pair of objects (only use one rock when measuring the mass of
the rock and use all four paper clips when measuring the mass of the paper clips) on a scale. Place the
marbles gently to ensure they do not roll off the scale.
2. Measure the length, width, and height of both aluminum cubes to calculate and record the volume
in cm3 using the direct method. Add up the volumes of the cubes to find their collective volume.
3. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Determine the volumes of the objects, including the aluminum cubes, using the water displacement
method. Measure out 20 mL of water into the graduated cylinder (measure out 40 mL when measuring
the volume of the corks), place the objects (when measuring the volume of the rock only use one rock)
into the cylinder and measure the new volume in mL according to how much the water rose. When
measuring the volume of the corks, remember to use the marbles to keep the corks in place and then
subtract the volume of the marbles from the combined volume. Subtract 20 mL from the measured
amount. Subtract 40 mL when calculating the volume of the corks. Record
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Essay about Barbie as a Real Woman is Anatomically...
Millions of girls around the world are dressing their Barbie dolls in skimpy designer outfits and high
heel shoes, and slide her slender legs into a bright pink convertible next to her male counterpart, Ken.
These same girls will gaze into the mirror, staring at their thighs and hair, and attempt to balance
themselves in a pair of their mother s high heel shoes. They will wonder why they do not look like
Barbie. They will wonder today, just as I wondered years ago. As the years of make believe with the
American plastic icon of girlhood nostalgia passed, I discovered Barbie s hidden effects. Although
Barbie lent herself to fond memories of childhood, she also influenced my early ideal image of the
female body. As I began to realize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Over the years, the hair and outfit changed, but the body has remained the same, an ample chest, long
legs, and lean arms and neck. Her firm, plastic body did not compare with my short legs and chunky
arms. What do an anorexic woman and a Barbie doll have in common? They are the same size. If
Barbie was a real woman, out in the real world, she would not be standing, but actually be on all fours.
Her feet would be too small to hold up her abundant upper half. She would tower at 7 2 and weigh 101
pounds. This skyscraper of a woman would not be able to bear children and only have enough room
for a few inches of intestines. I, on the other hand, am blessed to have twenty five feet of intestines
and the room to hold them. Barbie is a girl s introduction to the ideal image of the female body. As she
matures, she picks up an issue of Glamour or Allure, Elle or Fitness, in an attempt to educate her on
how to fight off every bulge and run off the weight to keep her man. I know these women, these girls,
as I am and was one of them. If only Matell could create a doll after Sandro Botticelli s painting of the
ideal woman in his masterpiece, Birth of Venus. If she were the ideal image of the female body, it
would be much more realistic. If Venus were a real woman, she would be 5 4 and 140 pounds. Unlike
Barbie, she would have plenty of room for
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Analysis Of The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
They say that ignorance is bliss. That is somewhat true, as not understanding the atrocities in our
world would surely make a happier person. However, innocence can also lead to calamity. The Boy in
the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, is a coming of age story about Bruno, the son of a Nazi
Commandant under Adolf Hitler. Bruno was initially very ignorant of what was happening in the
world and was very immature about moving from Berlin. As the days went by, he got used to his new
home and his thoughts were maturing, as he started thinking with logic and rationale. Bruno finally
understands that he has to be a good person to everyone regardless what others might think. His
character has strongly developed. Despite Bruno being unaware of his situation and his father being a
Nazi, he matures from being childish and unsatisfied for moving to finally finding purpose in life by
being a good human being.
Bruno, initially, has ignorance about everything going on in his life. For example, his dissatisfaction
with leaving Berlin is demonstrated in many parts of the story. He is shown to the reader as being
innocent, immature, and unable to give things a chance. On many occasions, Bruno complains about
moving to Out With (Auschwitz). He continually complains before even giving himself a chance to
experience it. He was whining and being stubborn. To illustrate, in the novel, the author says, Nothing,
thought Bruno, not even the insects, would ever choose to stay at Out With.
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Genetic Discoveries And Intellectual Property Rights
Genetic Discoveries and Intellectual Property Rights
As technology has change, grown, and evolve so has the application of the Canadian Patent Act.
Which before was used to deal with inventions that could be shown with prototypes, the Act is now
being used to protect more abstract innovations, such genetic material.
Patents cover new inventions such as process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or any
new and useful improvement to an existing invention . Patents represent a contract between an
inventor and society. By granting 20 years market exclusivity, patents create the potential for inventors
to generate high monetary returns on their successful innovations and discoveries. In exchange, the
inventor provides a complete ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order for any discovery or new invention to be patentable, as stated by the Canadian Intellectual
Property office the invention/discovery must show novelty, utility, and ingenuity. Novelty: you must
be the original inventor or the person who discovered what you are trying to patent. Utility: a valid
patent cannot be obtained for something that does not work, or that has no useful function. Ingenuity:
To be patentable, your invention/discovery must be a development or an improvement of an existing
technology that would not have been obvious beforehand to a person of ordinary skill in the
technology involved.
Gene Patenting in Canada
Patents are necessary for technology to flourish. They provide an economic incentive to take the initial
costs of researching and developing of new inventions and discoveries, which later on benefit and
advance society. Without the protection of patents, as soon as a product enters the market, competitors
would be able to copy and manufacture and sell the product directly without having to take the initial
costs, that others have, which risks putting a stop to the creation and development of new discoveries
that continue to benefit society.
In Canada, gene patents are subject to the Canadian Patent Act. Which intends to stimulate the
creation and development of new technologies . A patent lasts 20 years and gives its holder the
exclusive right and liberty of making, manufacturing and using the invention and selling it to
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Informative Speech On Procrastination
I. Attention Getter: We all have been there when we wait until the last minute to write a paper or study
for an exam. We struggle to get these things done and this struggle is called procrastination. II. Relate
to Audience/ Thesis Statement: In this classroom, I am sure we all have procrastinated one time or
another when it came to doing something either school work or doing chorus. Some of us probably
procrastinate all the time and it is part of our life. III. Establish Credibility: I procrastinate all the time
when it comes to doing something, therefore, I know what it feels like to procrastinate. I can provide
some information on some of the reasons on why we procrastinate and how to combat it. IV. Preview:
Throughout this speech, I will discuss the concept of procrastination. First, I will discuss what
procrastination is, the science behind procrastination, and tips to combat procrastination. [Transition:
First of all, we all have the habit of procrastinating no matter how hard we try not to.] Body I. Main
point: Procrastination is done by everyone around us one time or another. II. Sub point: What exactly
is the definition of procrastination? 1. According to dictionary.com, the meaning of procrastination is
the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring
immediate attention . 2. Also, in other words, we can also say avoiding something that is less
pleasurable and a task that may require some hard work. 3. I am sure we
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Essay about Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon
In traditional hard boiled American detective fiction there are many themes that seem to transcend all
novels. One of those themes is the concept of power and the role in which it plays in the interaction
and development of characters. More specifically, the role of women within the novels can be
scrutinized to better understand the power they hold over the other characters, their own lives and the
direction of the story. Dashiell Hammett s The Maltese Falcon exemplifies the varying ways in which
female characters attempt to obtain and utilize power in hopes of influencing, manipulating and
The most prominent female character in the novel, Brigid O Shaughnessy, employs her sexuality,
secrecy and mysterious nature when trying ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I don t know where she met him. I mean I don t know where in New York. She s five years younger
than I only seventeen and we didn t have the same friends...I ve got to get her back before they come
home (Hammett, 5). From the beginning of the novel O Shaughnessy wants to acquire power so
begins constructing falsifications and weaving a very tangled web, however, she is unsuccessful in
upholding her lies. The inability of Brigid O Shaughnessy to attain and maintain power is symbolic of
the generalized role of women throughout the novel.
Similar to O Shaughnessy, the character Iva Archer also exemplifies the struggle of women to get
power in the masculine and testosterone driven world of hard boiled fiction. However, Archer is very
unsuccessful in her attempts because, since she is such a flat character, all her control must be derived
from her sexual nature. She was a blond woman of a few years more than thirty. Her facial prettiness
was perhaps five years past its best moment. Her body for all its sturdiness was finely molded and
exquisite (Hammett, 25). She is a very obviously attractive woman and is able to get some basics that
she desires; nevertheless, Archer s inability to use her sexuality effectively depletes her power later on
in the novel. I know I haven t. I haven t any rights at
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Sally Yeung Case Study
Long Range Planning, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 10 to 20, 1991 Printed in Great Britain
0024 6301/91 $3.00 + .OO Pergamon Press plc
Andrew Campbell
a Sense of Mission and Sally Yeung
Mission is still a relatively neglected area of management, and there is no clear agreement on what it
encompasses. The Ashridge Strategic Management Centre conducted a 2 year research project
designed to fill this gap. The research found that if mission is more clearly defined it can be managed
better, and developed a model of mission that includes four elements purpose, strategy, behaviour
standards and values. The project identified companies where, in addition to strong links between
these elements, employees also showedan emotional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is concerned with generating co operation among employees through shared values and standards of
bchaviour. IBM seems to subscribe to the cultural view of mission. The company describes its mission
in terms of a distinct business philosophy, which in turn produces strong cultural norms and values. In
his book, A Business and its Belief, Thomas J. Watson Jr described these beliefs, many of which were
established by his father, and insisted that they have been the central pillar of the company s success.
Watson asserted : The only sacred cow in an organization should be its basic philosophy of doing
business . For IBM, the basic philosophy, spirit and drive of the business lies in three concepts: respect
for the individual, dedication to service and a quest for superiority in all things. The importance
ofother factors which contribute to commercial success, such as technological and economic
resources, is transcended by how strongly the people in the organization believe in its basic precepts
and how faithfully they carry them out . Is it possible to reconcile these two different interpretations?
Are they conflicting theories or are they simply separate parts of the same picture? We believe these
theories can be synthesized into a comprehensive single description of mission. We also believe that
some of the confusion over mission exists because of a failure to appreciate that it is ,n
a Sense of
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Analysis Of Farewell To Manzanar And Night
Culminating Essay Oppression, defined as, unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power (merriam
webster.com) and prejudice, defined as, injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of
another in disregard of one s rights (merriam webster.com), both actions that have changed people.
Some people are changed for the worse and some are changed for the better, but some choose to share
their story. Two people named Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and Elie Wiesel did this, they shared their
story with the whole world. They both did this by writing autobiographical memoirs, Jeanne
Wakatsuki Houston wrote Farewell to Manzanar alongside her husband and Elie Wiesel wrote Night,
both sharing their experiences during well known events that have happened in the world today. Even
though the stories have taken place at different places and different times, the people involved in these
event experienced the same things. This does not mean that they were affected in the same way, they
were affected differently in their own ways. In both stories, Farewell to Manzanar and Night, both
Jeanne and Elie experienced abuse that affected them mentally and physically from guards or their
own people. This caused them to stop believing in their faith. In Farewell to Manzanar Jeanne met a
group of nuns and began to spend a lot of time with them. This led her to discover god, and became so
interested that she even considered getting baptized. Unfortunately, her father would not allow this
and never was baptized. This turned out to be good because her, faith in God and in the Catholic
church slipped several notches at that time (Wakatsuki Houston and Houston 118). This happened
because the conditions in the camp were significantly decreasing and no longer put her faith in god
and began to question Catholicism overall. Elie was also put in a similar situation when his own
people were being hung. Not only did he begin to question his faith, but others did too, Where is
merciful god, where is he? someone behind me asked. ... Behind me, I hear the same man asking: For
God s sake, where is God? and from within me, i heard a voice answer: Where He is? This is where
hanging here from this gallows... (Wiesel 64 65). From this point
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Bridges And Their Types Bridges Essay
Highway Bridges
Bridges are an essential part of the transport infrastructure.
General Information:
A bridge is a means by which a road, railway or other service is carried over an obstacle such as a
river, valley, and other road or railway line, either with no intermediate support or with only a limited
number of supports at convenient locations. Fig: Docklands Light Rail Bridge, London, England.
Basic features of bridges:
`The superstructure of a bridge is the part directly responsible for carrying the road or other service.
Its layout is determined largely by the disposition of the service to be carried. In most cases, there is a
deck structure that carries the loads from the individual wheels and distributes the loads to the
principal structural elements, such as beams spanning between the substructure supports.
Road bridges carry a number of traffic lanes, in one or two directions, and may also carry footways. At
the edge of the bridge, parapets are provided for the protection of vehicles and people.
Rail bridges typically carry two tracks, laid on ballast, although separate superstructures are often
provided for each track. They are narrow (about 2m wide) and are usually single span structures that
rarely span more than 40m.
The substructure of a bridge is responsible for supporting the superstructure and carrying the loads to
the ground through foundations. To support the superstructure, single span bridges
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The Foreign Exchange Reform in China and Hedging Currency...
1. Introduction
China, one of the large emerging markets, with the implementation of its reform and opening up
policy made in 1978. China has successfully transformed itself from an inflexible centrally planned
economy to an open and market oriented economy, and accomplished remarkable progress in trade
market. China has maintained high and stable growth rates for over two decades. Since China is
becoming an increasingly important member in the world s economic scene, the movements of the
foreign exchange rate could be an important issue for Chinese firms. On 19 of June 2010, China s
central bank declared that it will further implement the reform of foreign exchange and enhance the
flexibility of RMB exchange rate (Money for life ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It also introduced the agency system for increasing the initiative and autonomy to the trading
companies in the early 1980, and permitted them to assume independent accountability through the
contract responsibility system (CRS) since the late 1980s. However, Iwatsubo Karikomi (2006) states
that the past reform on China s exchange rate system did not seem to have significant effects. Figure 1
Exchange Rates of the RMB US dollar (1979 1994)
(Source from Zhang, 1997)
To summarize the whole process of the China s foreign exchange reform, it can be divided into 3 main
stages. In 1994 1996, that was the first stage of foreign exchange reform, which is called stable
development stage . China started to prepare for its regaining of membership in WTO and GATT by
reducing substantially tariffs and import licenses. In order to enlarge Chinese markets, China started to
implement socialism and market orient policy and reformed the foreign exchange system in 1994. It
launched a new exchange rate policy which based on the market s supply and demand, and managed
floating exchange rate regime. China adjusted the exchange rate from 1 USD= less than 6 RMB to 1
USD= 8.7 RMB (see figure 1). The competitive advantage of China s product kept increasing in the
international markets because of the depreciation of RMB, which can benefit the exportation and
attract foreign investments. In general, China s economy, foreign reserve account, capital, and
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The Viscosity Of Different Formulation At 10 % Water
The viscosity of different formulation at 10% water as follows, F1 (28±6.08 Cp), F2 (257±12.12 Cp),
F3 (181±23.26 Cp) and F4 (141±29.82). This might be to the semisolid characteristics of Cremophor
RH while T80 is liquid at room temperature [36]. It was stated that the introduction of Cremophor RH
surfactant into the interface film increases progressively a number of ethylene oxide units available for
bonding with the surrounding water molecules, providing a much higher extent of hydration as well as
droplet interactions compared to T20 [9].
4.10. Nasal ciliotoxicity study:
The mucosa of the nose is very important for its proper function as a barrier to foreign matters and
drug absorption. A nasal drug delivery system must undergo the evaluation of its irritation to the nasal
mucosa. In this study, histological study of the nasal mucosa was performed to claim the potential
toxic influences or the expected drug/excipient irritations.
The nasal mucosa treated with PBS (pH 6.8, ve control) exhibited intact ciliated respiratory epithelium
and normal goblet cells, appearance with no nasociliary damage (figure 5a). Conversely, the nasal
mucosa was extensively damaged with loss of nasal cilia and even the dipper tissue part destroyed
(figure 5b) upon use of +ve control isopropyl alcohol [37]. On the other hand, The nasal mucosa
treated with MEs (figure 5c 5f) showed no signs of mucosal cell damage, no signs of remarkable
destructive effects and no
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  • 13. The Theory Of Human Caring The Theory of Human Caring Jean Watson introduced the Theory of Human Caring in 1985 through her book Nursing: Human Science and Human Care. Watson s goal was to present nursing as a distinct entity, a profession, a discipline and science in its own right, separate from, but complementary to, medicine (Watson, 1985). Her theory was never stagnate and evolved over time with the changes of nursing. Watson s theory began with the Carative factors, which guides the fundamentals of nursing. Carative factors are looked at as caring actions nurses can carry out day by day. Some of the factors included instillation of faith and hope and development of a helping trusting human caring relationship (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2015). Watson ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Watson s theory put forth the idea that one has to go beyond owns own ego to reach a deeper spiritual connection while comforting a patient which she defined as transpersonal. Transpersonal caring seeks to connect with and embrace the spirit or soul of the other through the processes of caring and healing and being in authentic relation; in the moment (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2015). A Transpersonal caring relationship is the foundation of her work; the nurse s ability to focus on caring, healing and wholeness rather than disease, illness and medicine. Watson (1989,1999) says that when human caring is produced the nurse and patient come together to create a moment, this is known as the caring occasion/caring moment. A caring moment involves an action and choice by the nurse and patient to connect on a deeper spiritual level to promote healing. Now a few assumptions were then made on Watsons Theory of Human Caring and/or Watsons Care Model as it relates to the science of caring. To start, caring is central to nursing. Caring consists of the carative factors, and if nurses follow these factors it will lead to patient satisfaction of certain human needs. A caring environment is one that offers the development of potential while allowing the person to choose the best action for him or herself at any given stage (Watson Caring Science Institute, 2015). Her theory focuses ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Essay On Dog Desensitisation Fears and phobias are reversed by using operant conditioning techniques such as desensitisation, combined with positive re assosiation in order to help turn a negative association into a positive one (positive rewards). Whilst helping a dog overcome a fear of something using desensitisation or immersion therapy, a dog will always choose avoidance, but if the dog is allowed the option to choose avoidance, the fear will never be overcome. So the only way a dog will overcome it s fear of bicycles would be to face it and work towards a more positive assosiation. Positive rewards are useful in this instance. A strong smelling food treat would be ideal, so that the dog is more keen on the reward it receives. Regarding a dogs fear of bicycles, desensitisation would be an ideal way to help a dog ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why is timing important when using treats as part of a behaviour modification program to help overcome a fear or phobia? When overcoming a fear or phobia with the use of treats, it is important to get the timing right. For example, a dog that is rewarded whilst still in a fearful state would make matters worse. A reward must be used to get the dog s attention and take it s mind off the source of the fear. It is important that you do not unintentionally reward the wrong behaviour as this can confuse a dog and encourage unwanted behaviour instead of the behaviour you want, whilst also prolonging the behaviour modification process. The key to rewarding behaviour is also reifnorcement, not bribery. Reinforcement is basically a reward given for a job well done, whilst bribary would be showing a dog a treat before the wanted behaviour, and only then giving them the reward. Bribery is best to be avoided as if you do not, you could create a dog that will only follow your commands when bribed with food and this is not ideal. So only show a dog the reward AFTER they have successfully completed a behavior, and not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Trimester Screening RUNNING HEAD: Noninvasive First Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21 Noninvasive First Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21 2 Evidence Based Practice Noninvasive First Trimester Screening for Trisomy 21 University of Mary Courtney Goodnough, RN, BSN April 21, 2017 Introduction There are many different options for pregnant women regarding screening for trisomy 21. There are two more common types of tests available, nuchal translucency ultrasound with biochemistry testing in the first trimester, and cell free DNA testing starting at 10 weeks until delivery. With these options come many questions about which one is more accurate in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The information found is supported by evidence and is the same we use in our practice. The problem is that insurance companies will pay for standard screening with Nuchal Translucency, but they will not pay for cell free DNA testing unless the standard screening comes back high risk, the patient is advanced maternal age, or has a history of a previous birth affected by aneuploidy. Cell free DNA testing includes X Y analysis, so the patient is able to find out the sex of the baby around 10 weeks. This is becoming a popular request just to find out the gender. Insurance companies have now caught on to this trend, and are refusing to pay for the X Y analysis of the cell free DNA test, which does include specific abnormalities associated with X Y abnormalities. Medicaid will cover the standard screening, but will not pay for cell free DNA testing. We have 3 patients at high risk and have done prior authorizations through Medicaid, they still refuse to cover. One being a patient who tested high risk for trisomy 21 on her standard screening, one who is advanced maternal age, and one who had a previous pregnancy with a child with Down ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Futility In The Zookeeper s Wife The sheer brutality of the Nazi regime prior to and during World War II not only created an aura of futility for the millions of women caught directly in the line of sight, but also transformed the absolute essence of coping with this futility through gendered experiences becoming radically altered. In The Zookeeper s Wife, Antonina, as the wife of Jan Zabinski, the director of the Warsaw Zoo, shaped both her domestic and professional undertakings around the mammals that intricately intertwined with her life. Thus, following the German invasion of Poland and with all semblances of life flipped on its head, she embraced the role of not only a mother for her children and the animals, but also as a defender of those unable to escape the ruthless liquidation process of her fellow human beings. However, the approach Antonina had as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With the Nazi regime s belief in eugenics and the superiority of an Aryan race, she countered those notions with consultations from barbers and consequently bleaching her hair along with some of her guest s, all while attempting to avoid raising suspicion. Additionally, to feed these guests, many trips in small quantities had to be taken to stores, while laundry would be done indoors to avoid suspicion from passing soldiers. However, the zookeeper s wife role would reverse during her discovery of Rys plan to plant a bomb in a German weapons cache storehouse. Antonina felt wretched inside knowing that as a mother she was removed and not cognizant of his reality that could have potentially taken his life all as a result of her struggle to balance dual roles in a tumultuous period. Nonetheless, when the Uprising began and Jan left to fight, she no longer took the backseat to Jan in regards to household leadership and the mighty feelings of motherly responsibilities would be tested with her duty to protect everyone in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Treatment of Religion and the Church in Pedro Paramo and... Christianity has become, in over two millennia, the world s largest religion, spreading to almost every corner of the world. Based on this fact, it does not come as much of a surprise that Juan Rulfo s 1955 Mexican novel, Pedro Paramo, and Robertson Davies 1970 Canadian one, Fifth Business, are both largely affected by this pervasive religion. What is interesting, however, is that despite the vast differences in culture and time, a comparison can be made of the authors treatment of Christianity and the church in the books, which both come to similar conclusions. The first major similarity in the books on this particular subject is that both Rulfo and Davies show Christianity and the church as being flawed. Father Renteria, the local ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Dempster as well as his family s and church s failure to understand his interests in saints and magic that force him to realize one flaw of the Christian religion: its inability to capture the entire feeling of spirituality. One of the major faults that Rulfo portrays of the Church in Pedro Paramo, is that it fails in its main responsibility of providing moral standards to the people of Comala. The novel illustrates characters that have sinned more than any other, yet show little or no guilt. Rulfo s book contains a careful listing of the cruelties that the Paramos inflicted on the people of Comala: Rumor has it that your brother was murdered by [Miguel Paramo] and you believe that your niece Ana was raped by him. 6, Pedro Paramo slaughtered so many folks after his father was murdered that he killed nearly everybody who attended that wedding. 7 However, despite these crimes, neither Miguel nor Pedro seems to feel any remorse for their actions. After listening to a number of women confess to having sinned for either sleeping with Pedro Paramo, or bearing his children, Father Renteria says, I kept waiting for him to come and confess something, but he never did. 8 Renteria also refuses to absolve Miguel at first, saying, [he] died without forgiveness. 9 Similarly, in Fifth Business, the character ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Titanic And The Titanic The Titanic was one of a trio. Her sisters were the Olympic and the Gigantic. These ships were made by the White Star Lines, all of their names ending with ic . The White Star Lines were known for making the top of the line, most luxurious ship liners of their time. The point in making luxurious and fast ship liners were to compete and beat the German ship liners. This ship race between Germany and Britain went clear back to the 1860 s. As Britain kept getting out bested by Germany an American trust builder named Junius Pierpont Morgan saw a chance to make money or a monopoly. Morgan realized the rivalry and had already monopolized U.S railroads, and wanted to to take control over the North Atlantic Shipping Lines. Morgan s first move in 1898 was when he bought the more ran down Inman Line. The owner of the White Star Line, Thomas Ismay, foresaw a big rate war on the North Atlantic and resisted Morgan until his death in 1899. After Ismay s death Morgan jumped at the opportunity to get more control by purchasing a controlling interest from the German lines, Hamburg Amerika and Norddeutscher Lloyd. Just a year later Morgan gained control of the Leyland Line, the Dominion Line, and the Red Star Line. His next targets were the White Star Line, and the Cunard. For competition Morgan cut fares until his lines were a third class passage to America for as little as two euros, ($2.38). J. Bruce Ismay, the son of Thomas Ismay, resisted Morgan like his father. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Modern Chinese International Relations And Its Effects On... Modern Chinese International Relations and Its Effects on the Chinese Economy Introduction In 2013, referencing the previous year, the U.S. Commerce Department released import and export figures totaling 3.82 trillion USD, while China s customs administration released figures amounting to 3.87 trillion, making China the world s largest trading economy (Bloomberg News 2013). This news signifies that China s trading policy and partners must be a major target of scrutiny with newfound importance. In this paper, I will discuss the history of Chinese trade policy, what constitutes Chinese trade policy, namely China s use of free trade agreements (FTAs) and treaties, who China s major trading partners are and relations with each one, and how ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Based upon Chinese trade history, one can extrapolate the China was averse to trade for a long period due to past experiences of exploitation, but once it rediscovered the benefits of trade, it decided to leverage its population base, geographic size, and resources to dominate trade. Furthermore, China joined numerous international economic organizations including the World Bank, IMF, the GATT, the Multi Fiber Agreement, etc. in the mid 1980s. By becoming more open to trade, China was more open to foreign capital, allocating it the funds to grow as a trading entity. Thus, due to lack of choice and by overcoming an aversion to foreigners, caused in no small part to a horrible history of opium addiction and massacres, China was able to become a massive trading country. Who s Who? After China joined the World Trade Organization, it realized it was unable to accomplish its trade goals of recognition of a market economy status and preferential access to regional factors of production using traditional multilateral routes, for these goals are not in spirit with multilateral treaties and instead decided to achieve such goals with bilateral agreements (Mallon and Whalley 2004). Multilateral treaties, by nature often restrain member nations, guaranteeing that one nation does not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. How Did The Dutch Empire Influence Latin America The Dutch colonization of Latin America is nothing less than a phenomenon. Against all odds the Dutch empire rose to colonial prominence in the latter sixteenth century and early seventeenth century throughout much of Asia, South America and the Caribbean. Coming into their success from a vast trading network the Dutch had to navigate the murky waters of the countries within the triangle alliance, consisting of France, England and, Spain. Ultimately, these three countries with their enormous militaries, naval fleets and, wealth were able to surpass the Dutch as the decades elapsed. However, despite these great odds the influence the Dutch empire had on Latin America is immense. One of the many odds the Dutch overcame was the massive protective legislation of the triangle alliance countries as well as, for at least a short ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The seventy or so years before these laws were enacted (the British navigation acts were first enacted in 1651) the Dutch began to build a monumental empire focused on sugar and slave trading. The Dutch West Indies company was chartered in 1621 to give monopoly to the Dutch in the trade market of the Caribbean, Brazil and, Africa, thus restricting the trade of more powerful countries. According to Pieter C. Emmer, a Dutch historian at Leiden University in the Netherlands, one major reason the Dutch were such successful traders and colonizers was because Dutch traders were known all over to offer lower freight rates and a better array of trade goods at lower prices than any of their competitors , thus leading to a stronghold in the region by virtue of trade (Emmer 341). In addition to their powerful trade markets and shipping capabilities some early victories in the sea led to even more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. A Brief Note On The Country Of Togo In the country of Togo, the people who live there generally live more to the South and along the major North South highway that connects the coast to the Sahel River (State department, 2005). They mainly speak French, but the people in the South speak either Ewe or Mina (State Department, 2005). The ones who speak the Ewe language, moved to Togo by crossing the Niger River valley during the 12th and 14th centuries (State Department, 2005). In the 15th and 16th centuries, Togo was known as The Slave Coast because over the next 200 years, European explorers traveled there in search for slaves (State Department, 2005). I believe all of these problems can easily be fixed if the U.S. government realized what the Togolese people have been ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The babies that do survive, however will most likely be taken or given away from their parents/ relatives between the ages of five and fifteen and are forced to go into child trafficking and forced labor (Fistula Hospital, 2005). Next, the U.S. government should help the children in Togo because they are being put into child trafficking, they are afraid to go to school, and there are very few people who are putting up a fight to help them. In Togo, there is an International Day of Missing Children on Wednesday (5/25) and it is a time to focus attention on the widespread problem of child trafficking (Togo s missing children, 2005). So far there are over 300,000 children who are missing in Togo due to them being taken from their families or sometimes given away by them (Togo s missing children, 2005). Child trafficking is a worldwide human rights violation, but Togo has the greatest number of missing children. The children, who are not taken from their families, are bullied and abused in school. The teachers rape the girls and if they get pregnant then they are kicked out of school and forced to go into prostitution. The boys are beaten by their teachers or other classmates and they are also raped by their teachers. Projects funded by the Department of Labor s Bureau of International Labor Affairs have helped about one million children worldwide by helping them get out of child labor or other situations where they are being abused (United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Genesis 24 A protagonist is the character that drives the action of the plot. In Genesis 24, the main character who drives the plot of the story is Abraham s servant, who has been given the job to find a suitable wife for Isaac. The entire story of Genesis 24 is revolved around the job of the servant and him being divinely introduced to Rebekah, the wife Abraham said to find. Abraham provides specific instructions for his servant in his task to find Isaac a wife; therefore, the action of the story moves from Abraham, which most of this part of Genesis is about, to Abraham s servant. The servant finding Rebekah is a fulfillment of God s promise to Abraham of many descendants given a couple chapters before in Genesis. Additionally, the previous chapter ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If Rebekah were the main character of the story, the story would have told of her actions before the servant notices her. The writer of the story made sure to frame Rebekah as a secondary character because she is only found because of the directions given to the servant. As mentioned before, Rebekah responded to the servant s request just as he was told the proper wife would. In addition, Rebekah is part of the house of [the servant s] master s kin (Genesis 24:27). The servant is the one who asked that Rebekah come right away even though her family objected the notion, which was part of the servant s initial directions (Genesis 24:56). Rebekah is the embodiment of the woman Abraham described to the servant. Being the embodiment means being the outcome of the story, not the protagonist. Also, even when Rebekah has been chosen by the servant, the wedding of Rebekah and Isaac does not take up a large part of the chapter. Genesis 24:67 proclaims that Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah s tent... and she became his wife . This act of marriage seems to be an afterthought because the servant followed the directions of Abraham, so Isaac knew she was divinely meant to be his wife. The largest part of the chapter was still the servant trying to find the wife for Isaac. If Rebekah were the protagonist, a stronger emphasis would have been placed on this act of marriage between Rebekah and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Analysis Of Judith Butler s Performance Acts And Gender... Judith Butler s article on Performance Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, denotes that gender identity represents a performative accomplishment induced by social taboo and sanction (Butler 520). Even though Butler s theory on gender performativity has played an influential role in cultural studies and feminist theory, certain areas of philosophy provide significant insight into critical social theory. From the perspective of critical legal thinkers, Butler s idea of performativity is linked with her views on gender and plays an important role in legality as well as politics. Critical theory in gender performativity presents a social theory to critique and change the society as opposed to the traditional theory. Similarly, critical theory has the objective to explore beyond the surface of social life to unveil the assumptions that limit a proper understanding of how the world functions. The concept of gender performativity instigated by Butler s book, Gender Trouble, starts by reflecting on the female identity (Fagot 3). In other words, Butler criticizes the critical approaches to feminism that influence the idea of identity politics and the notion of female identity. Similarly, the various approaches seem to ignore the idea that all the various identities come from the effects of repressive regimes and authority as well as the issues raised by the feminists. The concept of gender performativity has a social and cultural obligation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Voluntary Spirit Film Analysis The Voluntary Spirit has impacted a variety of groups by bringing their families into war, endangering their children, and losing their own lives. Soldiers would have to leave their family in order to protect their family and themselves from Britain invading them. Also to obtain their rightful independence from Britian. The soldiers would kill the wives and children just so the other side could come and fight them and tell them their secrets. They wanted to fight one another, if they even went close to their family. In the movie, benjamin s son, Gabriel was recruited to join the army to fight for independence from Britain. The war continues to get closer and closer to Benjamin Martin house as the war goes on. Benjamin enrolled in the war after he saw Colonel William Tavington, one of the leaders from the british army, shoot his son in front of his family. He decides to join the army again so to get revenge for his son, Thomas. After, Benjamin sees that they re taking Gabriel away and Thomas is shot he decides to enroll. He went to go get Gabriel after they set Benjamin and his family house on fire. He told his boys to come along as they went to get Gabriel back and kill the British. Once, Gabriel is killed by Tavington, Benjamin decides that he has to kill Colonel William Tavington for all the deaths he is committing in Benjamin s family. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Black people were happy to work for the Martin family and did not want to go with the British. Women had to take care of the kids. Benjamin had several kids and their aunt took care of all of them when he went into the army. Women also protected their kids when soldiers came and tried to get the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Symptoms Of Cystic Fibrosis Overview: Cystic Fibrosis, or CF, is a genetic disease that affects children to young adults. It occurs when a child has two defective copies of the gene that causes cystic fibrosis, one from each parent. The disease primarily affects the digestive system and it also affects the respiratory system, mainly the lungs bronchi and bronchioles. Cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus and digestive juices, as it changes the protein that regulates the movement of salt in and out of cells. Which leads to people thick and sticky mucus and digestive juices, such as pancreatic juices. Whereas people who do not have CF have thin and slippery mucus and digestive juices. The severity of the disease differs from one person to the next, yet the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Symptoms of cystic fibrosis is persistent cough that are full of mucus, shortness of breath, weight loss and infertility or decreased fertility in both men and women. Also, intestinal blockage can occur, where a part of the intestines folds in on itself. Two or more of the symptoms might indicate that you have cystic fibrosis and a doctor might conduct a sweat test, which tests for how much salt is in your sweat. If the salt levels are high enough, it might indicate cystic fibrosis. Other tests that can determine if you have cystic fibrosis is genetic testing and newborn screening. There is no cure for cystic fibrosis, but medication can be provided to help ease the symptoms that accompany the disease. Things like antibiotics can treat and prevent lung infections. A person can also take mucus thinning drugs that help to improve lung functions, by helping you cough out the mucus. Furthermore, a person can also take in pancreatic enzymes that help to digest food in the small intestines and stomach. If a person s intestine folds in on itself, then the person would have to have surgery that removes the part of the intestine. If the blockages in the ducts in the lungs become resistant to medication, or antibiotics, then the person might need to have a lung transplant. Cystic fibrosis does not occur in the set of lungs that have been transplanted into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Custom Rims Research Custom rims are car tire accessories for cars or truck. It can add more appeal to your wheels. These custom rims may be hard to find but if you are very eager to have one, we will give you tips on where to go. These custom rims can give your vehicle a special look. It can also give a new personality to your vehicle. Some people call the custom rim as a wheel rim. Custom rims come in many types. There are spinning rims, chrome rims, racing rims, custom rims and truck rims. There are several types of car rims or wheels you can pick from. You can try to look at the spinning wheels, the truck rims, the customized rims, or even the black rims, along with the custom car rims. You will find many car wheels with different designs as well as weight. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This kind is quite heavy and mainly because of its weight, it provides unnecessary weight for the car. In the end, its your vehicle that loses out. This is far from what modern wheels are offering nowadays. You ll totally love the wonderful style of the new car wheels. Consider the alloy wheels if you need lightweight rims. This is primarily due to the light feature and improved mileage of this kind. Light alloy casting wheel is another type of rim. Alloys are lighter than any other types of rim. This is the best option for driving especially in mountains. This is also best in the city area where there is traffic congestion. There are alloy wheels that are made to encourage cool airflow in the brakes to avoid overheating. The spinning rims may also be got while searching for the car wheels. Often your eyes will have some good time while glimpsing at the spinning rims on the car. What will take your mind is the power of the wheels to spin even when the vehicle isn t moving. If you really want to take pleasure from the beauty of your car, this is the best option but you will have to risk the functioning of your vehicle as well. In order to put a point across that you have the most impressive car, this is exactly what you need to put on your wheels. Nonetheless, these rims are still really ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Benefits Of Pedicure Essay 5 Benefits of Pedicure Pedicures help your feet look pretty, clean, and healthy. It keeps your nails trimmed, prevents calluses, and keeps your feet smooth and silky. Pedicures also involves foot massages which help relieve the stress and tension on your feet and legs. Our feet are often overused and receives the most beating from our day to day work. Some people often mistake this treatment as a luxury and indulgence. However, you must know that a getting a pedicure provides numerous advantages for you and your health. In this regard, we ll share with you some benefits of pedicure to keep your feet happy and gorgeous at all times. Why you should Get a Pedicure 1. Removes calluses on your feet Calluses are caused by constant friction and pressure on certain areas of your feet. It can ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This leaves you with a healthier skin on your feet. 5. Improves your blood flow Another health benefit of getting a pedicure is to improve your blood circulation. The lymph nodes in your body helps clear the toxins through your blood flow. A leg and foot massage helps the lymph nodes circulate better through our system. Drinking a glass of water after a massage helps flush out toxins from our body. Pedicures are for Everyone Getting a foot treatment such a pedicure is not just solely for women. Both men and women can significantly benefit from it. Based from the benefits of pedicure we mentioned above, it isn t done purely for aesthetics. Instead, it actually provides a lot of health advantages. A pedicure can help you maintain a set of health nails. Clipping your toenails and cleaning them can prevent fungi and other forms of bacteria from developing on your toes. It also prevents you from having ingrown nails which are often painful and unpleasant. If you found this article helpful, please share this with your family and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Summary Of Harm De Blij s Why Geography Matters Harm de Blij s book, Why Geography Matters poses a central theme, which I have heard discussed multiple times. Blij argues that the American public is the most geographically illiterate society in the world. Blij blames this decline with the poorly formulated curricula in the American school systems, which ultimately originates from Washington D.C. and the people that run this country. If I had never seen this central theme in action in a classroom I would have been dumbfounded. In one short paragraph Blij summarized how America s illiteracy began, which this then becomes the central theme of his book that relates to the educational field. Blij writes that professional educators took control of the system and combined the subjects of history, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As every day passes China grows stronger in every aspect and eventually they will be knocking on America s doorstep in each of those categories. Economically, China is closing rapidly, but even the sleeping giant as Napoleon Bonaparte called it, has its limits. To be blunt, China is resource hungry and who knows what their country will do next. With the level of nationalism that their people have, China could go in multiple directions. For example, let us look at both China attempting to exert control over the South China Sea and also with the Senkaku Islands. Both of these areas are becoming more and more hostile, which ultimately could lead to deadly military engagements. With that being said, Blij also proposes an argument that I have been pondering for a while and that is a potential cold war between the U.S.A. and China. On the outside it seems as if there is a potential collision course to that conclusion. However, Blij does offer an interesting solution to this possibility and it is one that I believe should be the strongest takeaway. Blij suggests that trade, scientific, cultural and educational links and exchanges can be the solution to this issue. After all, China is responsible for many of the essential aspects to our life. Therefore, the least we as Americans can do is learn the various geographical aspects that encircle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The And Particles Of Shell Ecteinascidia venui was collected from the hull of ships during dry docking in the month of May 2013. Epibionts and particles of shell, coral fragments attached to the colony were carefully removed. Identification up to the species level was carried out based on the key to identification of Indian ascidians 45. A voucher specimen AS 2247 has been submitted in the ascidian collections of the Museum of the Department of Zoology, A. P. C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Tuticorin 628002, Tamilnadu, India Plate 1. Systematic position Ecteinascidia venui belongs to Phylum: Chordata, Subphylum: Urochordata, Class: Ascidiacea, Order: Enterogona, Suborder: Phlebobranchia, Family: Perophoridae, Genus: Ecteinascidia, Species: venui. Experimental animals Swiss albino mice weighing 20 25 g were collected from Central Animal House, Dr. Raja Muthiah Medical College, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu. The animals were fed with normal mice chow and water ad libitum in air controlled room with constant 12 hours of dark light schedule, room temperature (24±2 ºC) and 60 70 % humidity. The experimental work was done as per the rules and regulations of Animal Ethical Committee, Government of India. Cells for cytotoxic study Dalton s Lymphoma ascites (DLA) cells were purchased from Adayar Cancer Institute, Chennai, India. The cells were maintained as ascites tumors in Swiss albino mice. Preparation of powder and extract Colonies of Ecteinascidia venui were dried at 45° C, powdered, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Looking For Sassure Meaning The image provides a series of signs. There is a woman over a pedestal posing with the lingerie and a man on a suit leaning on the pedestal. The first order of meaning is that the woman is posing for the man, swanning carefree on her light and soft silk, exulting in her sexuality. Maybe this scene is representing a strip show, where the woman, as an object, dances for the critical eyes of a fully dressed man. The woman is wearing light blue silk lingerie. The colour is a paradigm. For Saussure a paradigm is a type of code that is a set of signs from which the one to be used is chosen (John Fiske, 1982, Introduction to Communication Studies, 3rd edition, page 54). Thus the colour is a code, specifically an arbitrary code and it connotes trust, loyalty and heaven and this makes us believe that she is like an angel, she is a good girl, waiting for the orders of the man. The colour blue makes men think that they have the heaven with them. Arbitrary or logical codes: are codes where the agreement among the users is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The man is like a little boy who needs to be comforted by his mother. The fact that he is looking down and she is looking to the camera highlights the power of the woman. The myth of the bourgeoisie idea, about the masculinity and power of men, is under attack and being destroyed by the femininity. Barthes saw myth as serving the ideological interests of the bourgeoisie (Barthes 1974, 206). There is also a homoerotic meaning on the look of the man. Is common to relate the image of a well sculpted and very good looking man with a homosexual, so the man is feminized. Ironically, Versace chooses to change the bourgeoisie idea doing the opposite thing that it should be, and there is knowingness about this between the brand and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Prenatal Testing Research Paper Prenatal Testing and the Disability Community The dream of every expectant mother is to give birth to a healthy baby when the nine months elapse. However, the culture of uncertainty among eager mothers has engulfed their thoughts of the possibility of giving birth to children with disabilities. As a result, they have turned to clinics for prenatal screening with a hope of getting a clean bill of health from medical practitioners about their current situation. All these efforts are not in vain in their minds as long as they are assured their babies will not have Down s syndrome or any other birth defect. These frantic efforts pertain image of a society that dread disability. With the bold writings on the societal wall, people with disabilities have legitimate worries about the way in which prenatal screening is handled in our culture. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I will first explore what medical ethics entails, then evaluate whether prenatal screening is necessary and whether it is discriminatory as claimed. Based on the benefits, success, statistical data, I will defend the perspective of physically challenged individuals by highlighting numerous success records of families with children affected from Down s syndrome as it is widely common. According to Synder and Gauthier (2008), ethics can be defined as a moral principle that dictates human behavior and classifying it as either good or bad based on the end result and the motive behind the cause of action. There is a more compelling need to find out what motivated the emergence of prenatal screening. Also, to find out how it has achieved its objectives. To begin with, there is a need to understand activities surrounding prenatal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Aluminum Cubes Lab Report Purpose: The lab was performed for the purpose of calculating the density of each type of object and determining if calculating the volume, and therefore the density, of two cubes can be more effectively done with a ruler (through the direct method) or by water displacement. Materials: 1 Scale 1 Rock 2 Corks 2 Aluminum Cubes 4 Paper clips 2 Marbles 1 50 mL graduated cylinder 1 25 mL graduated cylinder 1 Calculator 1 Ruler Procedure: 1. Weigh and record the mass of each pair of objects (only use one rock when measuring the mass of the rock and use all four paper clips when measuring the mass of the paper clips) on a scale. Place the marbles gently to ensure they do not roll off the scale. 2. Measure the length, width, and height of both aluminum cubes to calculate and record the volume in cm3 using the direct method. Add up the volumes of the cubes to find their collective volume. 3. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Determine the volumes of the objects, including the aluminum cubes, using the water displacement method. Measure out 20 mL of water into the graduated cylinder (measure out 40 mL when measuring the volume of the corks), place the objects (when measuring the volume of the rock only use one rock) into the cylinder and measure the new volume in mL according to how much the water rose. When measuring the volume of the corks, remember to use the marbles to keep the corks in place and then subtract the volume of the marbles from the combined volume. Subtract 20 mL from the measured amount. Subtract 40 mL when calculating the volume of the corks. Record ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Essay about Barbie as a Real Woman is Anatomically... Millions of girls around the world are dressing their Barbie dolls in skimpy designer outfits and high heel shoes, and slide her slender legs into a bright pink convertible next to her male counterpart, Ken. These same girls will gaze into the mirror, staring at their thighs and hair, and attempt to balance themselves in a pair of their mother s high heel shoes. They will wonder why they do not look like Barbie. They will wonder today, just as I wondered years ago. As the years of make believe with the American plastic icon of girlhood nostalgia passed, I discovered Barbie s hidden effects. Although Barbie lent herself to fond memories of childhood, she also influenced my early ideal image of the female body. As I began to realize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Over the years, the hair and outfit changed, but the body has remained the same, an ample chest, long legs, and lean arms and neck. Her firm, plastic body did not compare with my short legs and chunky arms. What do an anorexic woman and a Barbie doll have in common? They are the same size. If Barbie was a real woman, out in the real world, she would not be standing, but actually be on all fours. Her feet would be too small to hold up her abundant upper half. She would tower at 7 2 and weigh 101 pounds. This skyscraper of a woman would not be able to bear children and only have enough room for a few inches of intestines. I, on the other hand, am blessed to have twenty five feet of intestines and the room to hold them. Barbie is a girl s introduction to the ideal image of the female body. As she matures, she picks up an issue of Glamour or Allure, Elle or Fitness, in an attempt to educate her on how to fight off every bulge and run off the weight to keep her man. I know these women, these girls, as I am and was one of them. If only Matell could create a doll after Sandro Botticelli s painting of the ideal woman in his masterpiece, Birth of Venus. If she were the ideal image of the female body, it would be much more realistic. If Venus were a real woman, she would be 5 4 and 140 pounds. Unlike Barbie, she would have plenty of room for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Analysis Of The Boy In The Striped Pajamas They say that ignorance is bliss. That is somewhat true, as not understanding the atrocities in our world would surely make a happier person. However, innocence can also lead to calamity. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, is a coming of age story about Bruno, the son of a Nazi Commandant under Adolf Hitler. Bruno was initially very ignorant of what was happening in the world and was very immature about moving from Berlin. As the days went by, he got used to his new home and his thoughts were maturing, as he started thinking with logic and rationale. Bruno finally understands that he has to be a good person to everyone regardless what others might think. His character has strongly developed. Despite Bruno being unaware of his situation and his father being a Nazi, he matures from being childish and unsatisfied for moving to finally finding purpose in life by being a good human being. Bruno, initially, has ignorance about everything going on in his life. For example, his dissatisfaction with leaving Berlin is demonstrated in many parts of the story. He is shown to the reader as being innocent, immature, and unable to give things a chance. On many occasions, Bruno complains about moving to Out With (Auschwitz). He continually complains before even giving himself a chance to experience it. He was whining and being stubborn. To illustrate, in the novel, the author says, Nothing, thought Bruno, not even the insects, would ever choose to stay at Out With. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Genetic Discoveries And Intellectual Property Rights Genetic Discoveries and Intellectual Property Rights As technology has change, grown, and evolve so has the application of the Canadian Patent Act. Which before was used to deal with inventions that could be shown with prototypes, the Act is now being used to protect more abstract innovations, such genetic material. Patents cover new inventions such as process, machine, manufacture, composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement to an existing invention . Patents represent a contract between an inventor and society. By granting 20 years market exclusivity, patents create the potential for inventors to generate high monetary returns on their successful innovations and discoveries. In exchange, the inventor provides a complete ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order for any discovery or new invention to be patentable, as stated by the Canadian Intellectual Property office the invention/discovery must show novelty, utility, and ingenuity. Novelty: you must be the original inventor or the person who discovered what you are trying to patent. Utility: a valid patent cannot be obtained for something that does not work, or that has no useful function. Ingenuity: To be patentable, your invention/discovery must be a development or an improvement of an existing technology that would not have been obvious beforehand to a person of ordinary skill in the technology involved. Gene Patenting in Canada Patents are necessary for technology to flourish. They provide an economic incentive to take the initial costs of researching and developing of new inventions and discoveries, which later on benefit and advance society. Without the protection of patents, as soon as a product enters the market, competitors would be able to copy and manufacture and sell the product directly without having to take the initial costs, that others have, which risks putting a stop to the creation and development of new discoveries that continue to benefit society. In Canada, gene patents are subject to the Canadian Patent Act. Which intends to stimulate the creation and development of new technologies . A patent lasts 20 years and gives its holder the exclusive right and liberty of making, manufacturing and using the invention and selling it to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Informative Speech On Procrastination I. Attention Getter: We all have been there when we wait until the last minute to write a paper or study for an exam. We struggle to get these things done and this struggle is called procrastination. II. Relate to Audience/ Thesis Statement: In this classroom, I am sure we all have procrastinated one time or another when it came to doing something either school work or doing chorus. Some of us probably procrastinate all the time and it is part of our life. III. Establish Credibility: I procrastinate all the time when it comes to doing something, therefore, I know what it feels like to procrastinate. I can provide some information on some of the reasons on why we procrastinate and how to combat it. IV. Preview: Throughout this speech, I will discuss the concept of procrastination. First, I will discuss what procrastination is, the science behind procrastination, and tips to combat procrastination. [Transition: First of all, we all have the habit of procrastinating no matter how hard we try not to.] Body I. Main point: Procrastination is done by everyone around us one time or another. II. Sub point: What exactly is the definition of procrastination? 1. According to dictionary.com, the meaning of procrastination is the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention . 2. Also, in other words, we can also say avoiding something that is less pleasurable and a task that may require some hard work. 3. I am sure we ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay about Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon In traditional hard boiled American detective fiction there are many themes that seem to transcend all novels. One of those themes is the concept of power and the role in which it plays in the interaction and development of characters. More specifically, the role of women within the novels can be scrutinized to better understand the power they hold over the other characters, their own lives and the direction of the story. Dashiell Hammett s The Maltese Falcon exemplifies the varying ways in which female characters attempt to obtain and utilize power in hopes of influencing, manipulating and succeeding. The most prominent female character in the novel, Brigid O Shaughnessy, employs her sexuality, secrecy and mysterious nature when trying ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I don t know where she met him. I mean I don t know where in New York. She s five years younger than I only seventeen and we didn t have the same friends...I ve got to get her back before they come home (Hammett, 5). From the beginning of the novel O Shaughnessy wants to acquire power so begins constructing falsifications and weaving a very tangled web, however, she is unsuccessful in upholding her lies. The inability of Brigid O Shaughnessy to attain and maintain power is symbolic of the generalized role of women throughout the novel. Similar to O Shaughnessy, the character Iva Archer also exemplifies the struggle of women to get power in the masculine and testosterone driven world of hard boiled fiction. However, Archer is very unsuccessful in her attempts because, since she is such a flat character, all her control must be derived from her sexual nature. She was a blond woman of a few years more than thirty. Her facial prettiness was perhaps five years past its best moment. Her body for all its sturdiness was finely molded and exquisite (Hammett, 25). She is a very obviously attractive woman and is able to get some basics that she desires; nevertheless, Archer s inability to use her sexuality effectively depletes her power later on in the novel. I know I haven t. I haven t any rights at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Sally Yeung Case Study 10 Long Range Planning, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 10 to 20, 1991 Printed in Great Britain 0024 6301/91 $3.00 + .OO Pergamon Press plc Creating Andrew Campbell a Sense of Mission and Sally Yeung Mission is still a relatively neglected area of management, and there is no clear agreement on what it encompasses. The Ashridge Strategic Management Centre conducted a 2 year research project designed to fill this gap. The research found that if mission is more clearly defined it can be managed better, and developed a model of mission that includes four elements purpose, strategy, behaviour standards and values. The project identified companies where, in addition to strong links between these elements, employees also showedan emotional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is concerned with generating co operation among employees through shared values and standards of bchaviour. IBM seems to subscribe to the cultural view of mission. The company describes its mission in terms of a distinct business philosophy, which in turn produces strong cultural norms and values. In his book, A Business and its Belief, Thomas J. Watson Jr described these beliefs, many of which were established by his father, and insisted that they have been the central pillar of the company s success. Watson asserted : The only sacred cow in an organization should be its basic philosophy of doing business . For IBM, the basic philosophy, spirit and drive of the business lies in three concepts: respect for the individual, dedication to service and a quest for superiority in all things. The importance ofother factors which contribute to commercial success, such as technological and economic resources, is transcended by how strongly the people in the organization believe in its basic precepts and how faithfully they carry them out . Is it possible to reconcile these two different interpretations? Are they conflicting theories or are they simply separate parts of the same picture? We believe these theories can be synthesized into a comprehensive single description of mission. We also believe that some of the confusion over mission exists because of a failure to appreciate that it is ,n a Sense of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Analysis Of Farewell To Manzanar And Night Culminating Essay Oppression, defined as, unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power (merriam webster.com) and prejudice, defined as, injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one s rights (merriam webster.com), both actions that have changed people. Some people are changed for the worse and some are changed for the better, but some choose to share their story. Two people named Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and Elie Wiesel did this, they shared their story with the whole world. They both did this by writing autobiographical memoirs, Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston wrote Farewell to Manzanar alongside her husband and Elie Wiesel wrote Night, both sharing their experiences during well known events that have happened in the world today. Even though the stories have taken place at different places and different times, the people involved in these event experienced the same things. This does not mean that they were affected in the same way, they were affected differently in their own ways. In both stories, Farewell to Manzanar and Night, both Jeanne and Elie experienced abuse that affected them mentally and physically from guards or their own people. This caused them to stop believing in their faith. In Farewell to Manzanar Jeanne met a group of nuns and began to spend a lot of time with them. This led her to discover god, and became so interested that she even considered getting baptized. Unfortunately, her father would not allow this and never was baptized. This turned out to be good because her, faith in God and in the Catholic church slipped several notches at that time (Wakatsuki Houston and Houston 118). This happened because the conditions in the camp were significantly decreasing and no longer put her faith in god and began to question Catholicism overall. Elie was also put in a similar situation when his own people were being hung. Not only did he begin to question his faith, but others did too, Where is merciful god, where is he? someone behind me asked. ... Behind me, I hear the same man asking: For God s sake, where is God? and from within me, i heard a voice answer: Where He is? This is where hanging here from this gallows... (Wiesel 64 65). From this point ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Bridges And Their Types Bridges Essay BRIDGES AND THEIR TYPES Highway Bridges Bridges are an essential part of the transport infrastructure. General Information: A bridge is a means by which a road, railway or other service is carried over an obstacle such as a river, valley, and other road or railway line, either with no intermediate support or with only a limited number of supports at convenient locations. Fig: Docklands Light Rail Bridge, London, England. Basic features of bridges: Superstructure `The superstructure of a bridge is the part directly responsible for carrying the road or other service. Its layout is determined largely by the disposition of the service to be carried. In most cases, there is a deck structure that carries the loads from the individual wheels and distributes the loads to the principal structural elements, such as beams spanning between the substructure supports. Road bridges carry a number of traffic lanes, in one or two directions, and may also carry footways. At the edge of the bridge, parapets are provided for the protection of vehicles and people. Rail bridges typically carry two tracks, laid on ballast, although separate superstructures are often provided for each track. They are narrow (about 2m wide) and are usually single span structures that rarely span more than 40m. Substructure: The substructure of a bridge is responsible for supporting the superstructure and carrying the loads to the ground through foundations. To support the superstructure, single span bridges ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Foreign Exchange Reform in China and Hedging Currency... 1. Introduction China, one of the large emerging markets, with the implementation of its reform and opening up policy made in 1978. China has successfully transformed itself from an inflexible centrally planned economy to an open and market oriented economy, and accomplished remarkable progress in trade market. China has maintained high and stable growth rates for over two decades. Since China is becoming an increasingly important member in the world s economic scene, the movements of the foreign exchange rate could be an important issue for Chinese firms. On 19 of June 2010, China s central bank declared that it will further implement the reform of foreign exchange and enhance the flexibility of RMB exchange rate (Money for life ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It also introduced the agency system for increasing the initiative and autonomy to the trading companies in the early 1980, and permitted them to assume independent accountability through the contract responsibility system (CRS) since the late 1980s. However, Iwatsubo Karikomi (2006) states that the past reform on China s exchange rate system did not seem to have significant effects. Figure 1 Exchange Rates of the RMB US dollar (1979 1994) (Source from Zhang, 1997) To summarize the whole process of the China s foreign exchange reform, it can be divided into 3 main stages. In 1994 1996, that was the first stage of foreign exchange reform, which is called stable development stage . China started to prepare for its regaining of membership in WTO and GATT by reducing substantially tariffs and import licenses. In order to enlarge Chinese markets, China started to implement socialism and market orient policy and reformed the foreign exchange system in 1994. It launched a new exchange rate policy which based on the market s supply and demand, and managed floating exchange rate regime. China adjusted the exchange rate from 1 USD= less than 6 RMB to 1 USD= 8.7 RMB (see figure 1). The competitive advantage of China s product kept increasing in the international markets because of the depreciation of RMB, which can benefit the exportation and attract foreign investments. In general, China s economy, foreign reserve account, capital, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The Viscosity Of Different Formulation At 10 % Water The viscosity of different formulation at 10% water as follows, F1 (28±6.08 Cp), F2 (257±12.12 Cp), F3 (181±23.26 Cp) and F4 (141±29.82). This might be to the semisolid characteristics of Cremophor RH while T80 is liquid at room temperature [36]. It was stated that the introduction of Cremophor RH surfactant into the interface film increases progressively a number of ethylene oxide units available for bonding with the surrounding water molecules, providing a much higher extent of hydration as well as droplet interactions compared to T20 [9]. 4.10. Nasal ciliotoxicity study: The mucosa of the nose is very important for its proper function as a barrier to foreign matters and drug absorption. A nasal drug delivery system must undergo the evaluation of its irritation to the nasal mucosa. In this study, histological study of the nasal mucosa was performed to claim the potential toxic influences or the expected drug/excipient irritations. The nasal mucosa treated with PBS (pH 6.8, ve control) exhibited intact ciliated respiratory epithelium and normal goblet cells, appearance with no nasociliary damage (figure 5a). Conversely, the nasal mucosa was extensively damaged with loss of nasal cilia and even the dipper tissue part destroyed (figure 5b) upon use of +ve control isopropyl alcohol [37]. On the other hand, The nasal mucosa treated with MEs (figure 5c 5f) showed no signs of mucosal cell damage, no signs of remarkable destructive effects and no ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...